Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1709: How a 5x5 Routine Can Cause Injuries & Pain, What to Do If You Have Low Testosterone, Ways to Break Through a Plateau & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: December 18, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The best tool, generally speaking, for resistance training is free weights. (3:15) The #1 reason... Mind Pump works with NCI. (18:05) How Justin’s new garage gym has been PRx’ed out! (22:16) Why the sudden increase in millennials writing wills? (29:27) How Justin got pulled back into Tiger King. (37:54) What market industry is the top polluter in the world? (42:01) Sal breaks his silence on questions he has been receiving regarding his physique. (49:21) #ListenerLive question #1 – Is it normal to start feeling moderate pain as you progress through a program and intensity? (1:07:52) #ListenerLive question #2 – Are there any easy hacks to get my squat to progress? (1:23:11) #ListenerLive question #3 – What can I do to improve my low testosterone levels? (1:31:23) #ListenerLive question #4 – How do I combat the feeling of not doing enough in the gym as a former high-level athlete? (1:43:44) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com December Promotion: MAPS HIIT and MAPS SPLIT 50% off! **Promo code “DECEMBER50” at checkout** Mind Pump #1542: How Bodybuilders Ruined Weight Lifting For Everyone NCI Certifications x Mind Pump Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Landmine University More millennials have been writing wills in case they die unexpectedly and cite the COVID-19 pandemic as the reason: At least 27% of 18-34 year olds had a will in 2021, compared to 18% in 2019 Watch Tiger King | Netflix Official Site The environmental price of fast fashion Guess the fake startup + Founders of Jenni.AI, Wearloom, Track, Llama Life + How to hire Gen Z | E1343 This Week In Startups All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg Cafe X | Robotic Coffee Bars Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum MP Hormones Mind Pump #1607: How To Optimize Your Hormones With Dr. Rand McClain Visit Path Water for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout for the discount** How Phasing Your Workouts Leads to Consistent Plateau Free Workouts – Mind Pump Blog MAPS Fitness Prime MAPS Fitness Performance Mind Pump #1377: From Couch To Deep Squat In 90 Days MAPS Fitness Anabolic MAPS Powerlift Why You Need to Mix Rep Ranges After Periods of Training – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1610: Testosterone… The Hormone That Divides Men & Women With Carole Hooven Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Landmine University (@landmineuniversity)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? Today's episode is live questions. So people actually called in, asked us questions, and we coached them on air. By the way, if you want to be on one of these episodes, email your question to live at
Starting point is 00:00:28 minepumpmedia.com. Now we opened the episode with an intro portion. So that was the first 62 minutes of this episode. This is where we talk about current events, scientific studies, and we mentioned our sponsors after that we got to the questions. So here's what went down in today's minepump podcast. We opened up, talking about free weights versus machines. Then we talked about NCI coaches and NCI certifications for online coaches.
Starting point is 00:00:51 By the way, if you're thinking about becoming an online coach or you are one now and you want to become more successful, you got to go check these guys out through the best. Head over to NCImindpump.com forward slash claim. And here's what's happening. Right now they're doing 50% off. They're new NCI 2.0 rates. They also have 0% down with low monthly payments and they have a $10,000 money back guarantee.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Really crazy. Go check them out. Then Justin talked about his new home gym with PRX. PRX makes the best home gym equipment. It's commercial grade stuff That is designed to fold into the wall so that you have a low profile You can park your car on the garage take the car out fold out the the rack and now you can work out Anyway, go check them out and get a discount head over to PRX performance dot com forward slash mine pump and
Starting point is 00:01:40 On that page you'll get 5% off all of their products Then we talked about state planning. The Tiger King, there's another one that came out. The fashion industry being the second largest polluter on the planet, a huge reveal from me, which led us to talking about our mine pump hormones forum, which is free on mine pump, and the company that we work with that does hormone therapy to stoss one replacement therapy and hormone testing, you can go check that out at mphormones.com.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Then we got to the question, so the first one was from Andrew from New York. Here we talk about how a five by five routine can cause injuries and pain. Then we talked to Zinib from Berlin, and we talked about an easy hack to get your squat to progress. So great, great one there. Then we talked to Zinib from Berlin, and we talk about an easy hack to get your squat to progress. So great, great one there.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Then we talked to Elliott from California, and we talk about how sometimes guys, in your 20s, you can have low testosterone. What can you do about that? And then the final question was Mac from Indiana, and we talk about how some high-level athletes may not be seeing results and what is at fault. Also, all month long, two programs are 50% off,
Starting point is 00:02:48 two workout programs, and they're very effective ones. The first one is Maps Hit. This is high-intensity interval training done right. And then we also have Maps Split. This is an advanced bodybuilder split style routine. Again, both 50% off. If you're interested or you want to learn more, head over to mapsfitin fitnessproducts.com.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Just make sure you use the code December 50. That's December 50 with no space for that 50% off discount. All right, check this out. The best tool, generally speaking for resistance training or strength training, is free weights. Generally speaking again, it's better than machines, it's better than bands, better than cables, better than body weight. All right guys, let's talk about this. How's that comedian say it?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Here's your sign. Here's your sign. Remember that one? Blue collar comedy guys. I don't know that. That's, yeah, you don't know that one? Yeah, that's when you say something obvious. I think that's pretty obvious.
Starting point is 00:03:41 It's, you know, it's not. It's controversial. Really? In our space, I've seen people debate this before. I think we should talk about why we say. These machine people are typically here. Yeah, cable, machine people. And by the way, I said generally, because definitely
Starting point is 00:03:56 there are situations in cases where machines and cables are superior, but overall, when you're looking at, and when you have to consider the overall, right, the whole picture, function, performance, strength, muscle building, versatility, versatility, free weights are just, they're remarkably effective. And even when you compare them towards machines that are almost identical in terms of the movement pattern,
Starting point is 00:04:21 like a hack squat is similar to a barbell squat, but a barbell squat is just so much more effective at all those other things that I- Well, and do you think that is mainly because of just the instability that it causes because when you're doing dumbbells or free barbell, like you have to balance the weight versus something being on a track?
Starting point is 00:04:41 Yeah, you know, I would say so, but you know what the problem with that is, is that, you know, when I was training people but you know what the problem with that is, is that, you know, when I was training people in the early 2000s, or you guys were two, the instability, you know, crowd went crazy, right? It was like standing on wobble discs and physiopausal dynodisks. And so there's definitely a diminishing returns with that kind of stuff. And we haven't really been able to identify specifically why this anecdote is so common.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Like if you talk to top coaches, trainers, if you like just took a survey of 100 of really really good coaches and trainers, a majority of them would agree. Now some of them would disagree, but a majority of them would agree. Studies can show that there's evidence to kind of support what we're talking about. Like a barbell squat tends to translate more on the field than like a leg press, for example. Muscle building, I don't know if there's really any studies that show what we're talking about, but there's a lot of anecdote and it's hard to explain why. My theory is that obviously our bodies evolved in the real world in nature. And so our bodies evolved lifting
Starting point is 00:05:48 free things. So I think it mimics or at least it sets in motion adaptation processes that evolved lifting things that were more similar to free weights than to machines and So my theory is that it's a lot more difficult so the learning curve is longer so the gains and or potential gains that you could get from it just to extend it. So I think if we were to graph this and let's say you had like a free motion machine or let's just or whatever your hammer strength favorite machine for like chest, right? And then you had like a dumbbell press. I think at the beginning they would look pretty close.
Starting point is 00:06:25 And then I think that you would get adapted to the machine relatively quicker. And then you would see kind of this plateau where the free weights would kind of continue. I would have this last range of motion to consider in terms of having to stabilize and control. Right. And so I honestly look at it as a if we're looking at like a signal Perspective of how many muscles we need to incorporate for different tasks in each movement each exercise so in terms of like me doing say an overhead press on a track like I can extend and press This weight overhead, but at the same, it's not putting as much demand
Starting point is 00:07:07 laterally, rotationally, and also stabilizing completely on the way down as well, which is the eccentric portion. I think there's more demand too with the free weights with gravitational force. Yeah, I'm, so okay, so I'm gonna get to that because I love what you said and I got some thoughts around that.
Starting point is 00:07:24 But here's something that a lot of people don't realize that's obvious. I remember learning this When I went to go buy and open my own gym and you talked to machine manufacturers and you know hammer strength and all that stuff and Nautilus and all these little Cybex most machines are designed around some a male who's about five ten five nine five ten Then they have adjustable seats and arms to kind of accommodate people outside of that. But what happens when you work out with a machine is that you have to follow the machine's path and track
Starting point is 00:07:55 and range of motion essentially. Free weights follow your body. So if I'm doing an overhead press with someone who's with a kid who's four foot 10 or a man that's, you know, six foot eight, the free weights will follow them. They're not following the machine. And how many times have you guys had a client that was outside of the average, you go into the machine and it just doesn't work very well for their body, right?
Starting point is 00:08:19 So there's that. And then what you said, Justin, here's what's interesting about the central nervous system because that's what, right because that's what sends the signal for the muscles to work, right? We've used the amplifier versus the speaker process. Yeah, when you activate the central nervous system, when you activate more of it, then it fires harder and more effectively in specific ways.
Starting point is 00:08:39 So, for example, if I want to press one dumbbell overhead, but maintain a relaxed body, I'm only gonna be able to press so much weight. If I tense up my entire body, I can use, typically it can lift 10% or more. Power lifters know this. When power lifters bench press, they talk about using leg drive.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Like what the hell do legs have to do with the bench press? You're just putting your legs on the ground, not lifting the bar, but they notice a long time ago when they activate their lower body, they could press more weight. And free weights tends to encourage that because of that. Like if I'm doing standing overhead press, I have to tense my whole body just to support myself in balance.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And so I'm able to probably fire more muscle fibers as a result. Like you could probably intensify your machine workouts by intentionally bracing really hard and trying to add more muscle tension to contribute. However, free weights are just more, they just place that demand naturally on your body in order to be able to even maintain the certain posture and control of your body.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Yeah, and again, I say generally, because I know there's gonna be cases where someone's like, oh, I got better results using a machine or this leg exercise. But when I try to- One example of when that would happen is when someone's form and technique is so bad on an exercise, then having a machine where it helps you with that could accelerate their their
Starting point is 00:10:05 results. And you can push harder for that. Right, right. So there are cases where that will make sense. But I again, I go back to I think we're the real benefits kick in. It's the learning curve. I think it's that if you were to look head to head with the point you guys are making with the machine in freeways, I think it would be like a little bit better at first.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Like if you zero zero, no one you've never done anything, you're just starting someone that brand new and they, but ones doing machine exercise, the other ones doing freeway exercise. Yeah, it's compare a hack squad to a barbell squad. Right, right. So, and I think initially the, the gains and results would be pretty close. I still think freeways would be a little bit better, but it would be pretty close. I think it's where it really kicks in is over time. Yeah, because if you put a new client
Starting point is 00:10:49 on a hack squat machine, in a relatively short period of time in comparison to the barbell squat, they'll be able to push with maximal force. Yeah. With a barbell squat, they can take a while. They can get here, two years.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Yeah. They can be doing that movement for years before they can even really truly maximize it because it's so challenging. Yeah, that doesn't mean you're not getting results the whole time. Right. But yeah, I agree with you 100%. I mean, of all the people that I trained,
Starting point is 00:11:15 I never saw, well, I don't want to say never. Of course, there's always exceptions. But again, generally speaking, nothing came close and I didn't care what exercise it was. You know, even if it was a cable curl versus a dumbbell curl as silly as it sounds, very simple basic exercise. By the way, I had a kid, this is my own anecdote. I was, I had a dislocated my knee as a kid and long story short, I finally decided I'm just gonna go work out
Starting point is 00:11:40 so I can rehab it and then I was training my legs really hard. I was doing the leg press, the hack squat, the leg extension, leg curl. I was doing different varieties of leg presses and hack squats in the Smith machine. And I developed my legs built, they definitely built. And I was pushing weight, and I was pretty strong, I was 16 year old kid, pretty strong.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Then I met those power lifters, and they're like, dude, just barbell squat. And I swear to God, I barbell squat it, and I gained 10 pounds that summer. And I'd never seen my lower body respond the way it did with all those other exercises. That was my own personal experience. Well, it was interesting because I remember talking
Starting point is 00:12:16 to one of my clients who was always focused on Smith Machine bench press, and just was like discussing like, what's the difference? Why? Because they tried like a regular barbell bench press and could only do half the weight. And they were just like mystified by that. And I was a new trainer and I had a hard time kind of describing all that. But like just all those little nuanced variables of, you know, the ability for the barbell to kind of travel away from you, behind you, tilt, all these types of things that don't seem like a lot,
Starting point is 00:12:52 but when you add weight to it and you keep stacking that, that's a lot more for your body to account for. By the way, if you ever see me, and I rarely ever work out in commercial gyms, usually it's a hotel gym if I'm traveling, I will use lots of machines and cables, mainly because I never do. So I work out, I'd say probably 90% of my workouts revolve around free weights.
Starting point is 00:13:11 So the novelty effect is great with machines and cables. So if you see me in a commercial gym, you'll probably see me doing, or a lot of things that I don't normally do, and there's value there. There's also value in certain cases of rehab. There's certain exercises that just don't work well with free weights. If I'm doing a cable shop, obviously, I can't gravity, it doesn't work sideways.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Try set press down. There's certain exercises that are more suited for cables and machines. Cables, by the way, are my favorite machine. They're the most versatile form of machine. What I said earlier about free weights mirroring the body and or the body having to, you know, follow the track of the machine.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Yeah, it moves with you, really. At least with cables, right? You can really adjust that for the individual. I mean, when I had my wellness studio, I had a cage, I had a squat rack, I had dumbbells, I had bands, and I had cables. And that was it. I didn't have a single machine in there, and I trained everybody that bands, and I had cables. And that was it. I didn't have a single machine in there, and I trained everybody that way, and it worked
Starting point is 00:14:09 out that way. And it's still to this day. And if you see me working out, that's pretty much what I'll be using. Now, there are some studies that actually counter the point that we're trying to make right now. And people tend to jump on this, especially if you're a big machine or cable person. And that's the short periods where they track people for like six weeks and they're talking about muscle activation.
Starting point is 00:14:32 So you'll make this case sometimes that, oh, well, haxquat fires to quads way more than muscles are more active. Right, yeah, with the entire time. Right. And so they'll take that on this, and they'll study the two groups and compare them and make the case that, hey, if you want to develop your quads, this machine is actually superior. And so that's why I think there is a lot of debate
Starting point is 00:14:55 around this conversation, even though I think, initially we teased you in saying that this is obvious, but you're right, there's some contention around it or some debate, I think that's one of the reasons why there's debate is because you see these muscle activation studies that show that these muscles are firing way more on this machine, but that doesn't tell the whole story.
Starting point is 00:15:14 No, the huge limitation with studies on this, like our experience is based off of training people for long periods of time. So like you'll hear us talk about the value of, you know, 15 to 20 rep range, or the value of one to five rep range. Well, when they do studies on rep ranges, it for eight weeks, you know, eight to 10 or eight to 12
Starting point is 00:15:37 builds more muscle than both of those rep ranges. However, what they don't consider in their short studies is over time, your body tends to get used to a particular rep range and switching will get your body to move again and all of them build muscle. So although one might be a little better in the short term, all of them still build muscle, they'll have value. And so I'm talking about, I trained people for years,
Starting point is 00:16:00 I know you guys did too. And so that's what this is based off. This is not like I trained 15 people for three months and I found in three months that machines were as effective as free weights. It's like no, I trained people for, I had clients who were me for 10 years and when you start training people for long, you know, extended period times or you work out yourself for long extended periods of time, that's when these things start to reveal themselves and you start to see, oh, I can see now the value in this way of training because although this one was great for the first six months, I started to develop some joint pain or I started lose mobility or really stop working after a short period of time, whereas this other method, you know, give me these long term benefits. And then we can't dismiss the functional aspect, right? How well does the strength
Starting point is 00:16:48 that you build in the gym translate into the real world? We need that's very, I think a lot of people are just interested in changing how they look, dismiss that. But I'm going to tell you right now, if your function is good, the odds that you'll look good for longer periods of time are higher. So you can't dismiss that. Now, you don't have to become the super functional athlete, but don't dismiss the functional aspect because losing function will eventually take away
Starting point is 00:17:15 from the aesthetics that you're trying to build. It'll definitely take away from your physique. And I look, I tell you what, you can see this sometimes in gyms, these old, you know, X-body builders that really never learned how to train that way. And you can tell, they're so limited with their exercises, I used to squat. I used to, and I can't do any more because it hurts my back. And they're very limited and you can tell that their bodies start to suffer as a result of it.
Starting point is 00:17:39 So, you know, keep that in mind, that includes mobility, right? Keep that in mind because if that goes down, then your repertoire of effective exercises become smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and what you could do to get your body to feel good and look good, become smaller and smaller and smaller, and then your appearance in your aesthetics start to suffer as a result. This application of advice and training is so important. And by the way, this is one of the reasons why one of the only certifications we work with is NCI.
Starting point is 00:18:08 It's not because they communicate the best nutrition information. But do you have great nutrition? Talk all about the application. It's about the application. I've seen other courses and they're really great for education. So they're gonna make you really smart. But if you can't apply it, it means nothing as a trainer.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I don't care how much you know if you can't coach someone or train someone. It's not gonna get them closer to their desired results. It's not gonna help. That's the entire point of either there. I think we lose sight of that all the time. Yeah, how often do you guys read comments on like YouTube and our reviews and stuff like that, of people that say that they've learned more from the show than they have from any of their certification they have have because we speak more to the application
Starting point is 00:18:48 of the science and we actually talk about the science itself because you have to factor in behavioral stuff. If you're not factoring that in, you're crazy because it's one of the biggest pieces to their success. It's not the biggest piece. And ironically, certifications leave that out. They do. They don't teach. here's two things that certifications leave out that NCI tackled, which is why I think they're growing so fast. They leave out application,
Starting point is 00:19:12 like I've done certifications, I know you guys have to. They rarely ever talk about, like they'll tell you, here's the science, but then they won't tell you, but here's what actually happens and here's how to fix your client. And here's an example of a client
Starting point is 00:19:23 that has all these conditions and here's how to fix your client. And here's an example of a client that has all these conditions. And here's how I would appropriately kind of take them through and get them, you know, on a better path. Yeah, they don't do that. They just leave that out. Here's the science and then figure it out. Yeah, and then they also leave out the, here's how you become a successful trainer.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Nobody teaches you that. Like you go get certified, none of them teach you, because here's the deal. If you're a not successful trainer, if you don't know how to build your clientele, you don't know how to organize it, manage it, you don't know how to charge the successful trainer If you don't know how to build your clientele you don't have to organize it manage it You don't know how to charge the right rates. You don't know how to you're gonna fit You're not gonna succeed then you can't train people you can't help anybody and certification courses spend zero time on this
Starting point is 00:19:54 There's no time spent on this at all which is crazy because Aren't these sort of occasions trying to prepare you to be successful and actually make a career out of this long term And you have to be able to make money. Oh, I tell you what, look, we all manage trainers. What percentage of your time was spent teaching your trainers, biomechanics and science, and what percentage of your time was spent teaching trainers application and how to build their business? Yeah, 80, 20. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:20 It was mostly application and how to build your business. So NCI, they focus a lot of time on application and building your business, which is why people are succeeding and they're getting clients better results. And I hope other certifications take note and start to follow suit because otherwise what happens, I forgot, when we were up there in Arizona, didn't they tell us what the trainer dropout rate was? I think the attrition rate was like 80%. Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I mean, I would agree with that though. I mean, that was probably what my turnover looked like when I was managing gyms. Yeah, it was a huge... Did they cover that? No, I don't know. Oh, I don't know. I'm covering that. Like a huge...
Starting point is 00:20:59 Not even less for independent trainers, let's say, leave like a corporate setting where you know, basically Fed clients. Right, right. Yeah, I wouldn't imagine how... Huge dropout. Yeah. Absolutely huge dropout. What other industries are like that? like a corporate setting where you basically Fed clients. Right, right. I don't even imagine how much. Huge dropout. Absolutely huge dropout. What other industries are like that?
Starting point is 00:21:08 What other industries have like really high turnover? What else is got you in that kind of hairstyles or bartenders or, I mean, I know for a fact when I worked in the restaurant industry. Yeah, hairstyles, you're right. I know that one's up there too. I'm trying to think what other, what other business. I bet you're real estate agents.
Starting point is 00:21:24 I bet you that's gonna huge. Yeah, cause you go get your license and everything and then you're ready to make big money and they're like, oh crap, this is hard. I know a few people who got their real estate license and nothing, I don't know, I'm guessing. Same with life insurance agents. Really?
Starting point is 00:21:37 Absolutely. I turn over there too. Yeah, a lot of people say, oh, I can make money life insurance that do the exam, the whole nine yards and then they quit. Yeah, I bet you would just sales in general then right? Yeah, especially highly commissioned one of the lie a lot on the sale right? Sales is probably I would imagine there were jobs where people thought oh my god, it's gonna be easy money or
Starting point is 00:21:58 Jobs where people were like oh, this sounds like fun, you know like I love this like I'm gonna open a restaurant I love cooking and Like, yeah. I'm going to open a restaurant. I love cooking. And then, you know, the restaurant. That's always been the problem I fill in our industry because it always sounds like an awesome idea to live in the gym and help people out. And that's just my entire, you know, goals. It's just helping. Oh, speaking of gyms, I want you to tell everybody what happened with your PRX.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Then they sent you to have weights. Oh, yeah. Did I have weights? Well, yeah, they did. I got 25s to 55s. I think they know that. We're just giving the 25s. Let's be honest, it's more needy.
Starting point is 00:22:33 How's TZM like? Well, I guess it keeps stacking 25s on the bar. You know, no big deal. No, they handled it and they're shipping me the 55s and everything, but like, yeah, I finally got everything set up on the center block wall. This time was a center block wall, which I was a little bit like and there's shipping me the 55s and everything, but yeah, I finally got everything set up on the center block wall. This time was a center block wall,
Starting point is 00:22:47 which I was a little bit like nervous about because I hadn't done it before. I had done it on studs before, and then I did it in here. Wait, so how do you do it? You have to first pre-drill in them. You pre-drill and then you get a real specific type of anchor bolt to basically has, like,
Starting point is 00:23:02 I don't wanna describe that. Like a thread in there. It's like a thread and then it like, it sinks it in real tight. So it's a pretty secure anchored in. Bro, that's got a situation. So solid is hell. Oh, wow, really?
Starting point is 00:23:14 Super solid. I would actually hear you think. Better way better than in here. And that's why I'm always like, you know, don't rip those weights off super fast. Cause it's because of the, walls are like like aluminum studs that are hollow. And so there's just not a lot of security there to begin with because these are you know,
Starting point is 00:23:33 for retail stores like they don't put a lot of effort in the materials. But Justin could run through this wall easily. Yeah. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. He could run through most walls. Yeah. I'm so excited because I finally have a pull-up bar.
Starting point is 00:23:46 My other one didn't have a pull-up bar on it. So did you get the bigger one? Is it the same one as this one out here? You same one is out here. I love this one. Just orange. You know, and it looks cool. And I got two wait trees, you know, hanging out.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Everything's on the wall. I have the dip bars. I have, I actually have this cool land mine attachment. They have now that you can put on the wall. And so I'm starting to do a lot of this land mine university stuff. Wait, wait, wait, they have a land mine attachment that goes in the wall.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Yeah, so you bolt it to the wall, so I just like shove it into the wall and then go to town. Oh, why don't I have to like, set it up or put it on the rack or nothing. Is it positioned for, could you do a T-bar row on it up or put it on the rack or nothing. Is it positioned for, could you do a T-bar row on it too, or is it too high? Of course.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Yeah, really. I need to find an attachment for, I was actually thinking about that. Yeah, I love to do T-bar rows again. Yeah, I know what I use for, so I do a T-bar at home. I just take the barbell, I do old school, I just put it in the corner of the wall.
Starting point is 00:24:40 But I get the V-bar and just put it around the bar. You know, so like the pull down V-bar. Oh, right, right, right. Yeah, so I just put it around it. Or I get the bar and just put around the bar. You know, so like the pull down V bar. Oh, right, right, right. Yeah, so I just put around or I get the rope and I put around if I want to get a greater range of motion. But the attachments probably, yeah. Yeah, I was going back and forth with the bench because they actually now have one of those fold down
Starting point is 00:24:58 once from the wall. Like we have, we have in here, it's at first, it was just, I have the full down. We're baited testing it. I have the full down at my house. You do? Oh, for the incline? Not the incline one just I have the full that I'm testing it. I have the full that at my house. You do? Oh, for the incline?
Starting point is 00:25:07 Not the incline one. I don't have that one yet. I have the flat one. Yeah, so I had the flat one previous to that. Oh, okay, you got that one. And so this one I actually got the free standing one that's got incline just because I didn't have a whole lot of wall space left with everything I bought.
Starting point is 00:25:21 So yeah, but yeah, so it's, you know, it's all set up, man. It's it's ready to go. So I know you obviously could probably pay it and fully probably did, but did you consider financing it? Because I know they have such a cool financing deal. Yeah, I did. I did. I did finance. Oh, you did. Okay. Not this one. Oh, okay. This one I just went for it.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Oh, really? But both of you guys finance it. Yeah. Yeah. I know you're like the opposite of that stuff. I hate fine. But you know what? that's not smart money if especially with inflation or anything It's actually pretty smart to lock in low interest rates right now. That's kind of what I was thinking Yeah, it's super it's super cheap. I mean, I looked at it like gym membership, right? It's like I would be like I'm I now have made this transition. I'm no longer working out in gyms I'm gonna move into training at home And so what would my gym memberships closely,
Starting point is 00:26:05 I mean, I think it's less than what my gym memberships combined would be. So it's like, and I don't, so I never felt like it's good to be, although I think I'm still paying for some gym memberships. So that's- Are you still? I think I got it.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I got it with the builder. You just ain't rid of all of them yet. You just love the industry so much. I do, and that's how I'm gonna look at it. Like I'm just trying to help out, you know? I don't want to support them. Yeah, support them. Yeah, no matter what the gym industry for me is like,
Starting point is 00:26:29 that's my people, man. So whenever I hear about a gym, like going under or gym, I don't know why, it always makes me sad. Yeah, well, you know what always happens to me is like, because I've been in these phases where I decide either I'm gonna switch to another gym or I'm gonna cancel that one, is I, like, I would go down, this is what would happen to me. Oh, you know what? I've talked about in the show, reminding me, I'm gonna cancel my gym is I like I would go down this is what would happen to me Oh, you know what I've talked about in the show reminding me I'm gonna cancel my gym and then I'll Said I'll be like you know I really want to go down and use you know club sports sauna and I'm like damn
Starting point is 00:26:53 And I just canceled then I go down and I have to resign and do the whole thing over just cuz I'm in a Time to be canceled. Oh dude. I've done that so many times so many times with gyms Both are the golds the club, and the 24-hour fitness. I have canceled in three signed back up, at least on each one of those, at least three to four times on each one. Wow. Now, do you have the 24-hour fitness,
Starting point is 00:27:17 those original $49 a year after you've pre-paid? No, I have a... Or was it the family and friends? Yeah, no, I don't even have a really good deal. I'm actually paying like normal, which is ironic because we worked there and I could have got like a smoking deal. So I just, I just show you, when I, I had that deal a long time ago,
Starting point is 00:27:32 but I've canceled it and resigned up so many times that I'm just whatever the normal, I pay like $60 something a month because I have all club super sport access for 24. And then I pay a hundred and I want to say 20 or 50 for the club sport which is like the spa one that we do and then I pay another 20 something hundred bucks a year and then another 34 or 39 dollars for the all the golds one. So someone needs to make a meme with Adam like just like holding money and it's on fire.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I mean if you find value in it, I mean, that's the thing. Well, what all that happened is I'll go down and I'll use one of them, or I'll want to use it, and I'll make a set of a bitch, you know. I got in that trap for a while because of the old man, gyms that you want, like just the sauna, and some of the nice amenities, but you don't really get it, because I don't know, I still look for that kind of stuff, like it's relaxing to me, I still look for that kind of stuff. It's relaxing to me.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I like being around that. But at the same time, I've gotten used to the home gym for all the meat and potatoes. Yeah, how funny is that, right? As I've gotten older, when I was a kid, I gave a shit about the locker room or steam and so on. I'm like, whatever. Now I go in, do you guys have?
Starting point is 00:28:41 Yeah. I go look in the locker room like, look, you can lip just oil in there. That's a clean shower. I think I like that. Well, I know what it happened. I've caught myself doing this as we got older. It's like, I'll go, like, I gotta go to the gym today
Starting point is 00:28:53 and I'll go do, I'm not really feeling it today. So I go do like two or three things and then I'm in the sauna for the next hour. Yeah. Oh yeah, I do. If they're a racquet ball, I'd be like, oh, I'm into that dude. I'm a full man.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Yeah, and then I found myself, I haven't done it a while, obviously because they had shut it down and I said, forget it in a cancel. But I found myself like, I'm a racquetball, I'd be like, oh, I'm into that dude. I'm a full man, right? And then I found myself, I haven't done it a while, obviously, because they had shut it down and I said, forget it in a cancel. But I found myself like, am I that old guy in the locker room that walks around naked? Because I'd go in the sauna and then, you know, I'm hot, I don't really care anymore, I'm just gonna walk over there and then there's like,
Starting point is 00:29:19 other people in the locker, I'm like, I'm that dude now, I've been covered by self-hugs. Would you? Put it up on the bench, just say. Let's give a speed of speed. I need to air out. I need to air out. I need to air out. I need to air out. I'm that dude now cover myself up. You put up on the bench just Speaking of the area around I have a random question for you guys. Do you guys have you guys written wills? So I have a trust yeah, I had a trust But not which basically is you know, what did you leave me similar? No nothing
Starting point is 00:29:40 I was just reading I was reading this article and actually like from ages 18 to 36 some young age, there's been like a 18% increase of people writing their wills at that age, just a younger demographic of people that are now writing wills at a much younger age than before. I just thought that was interesting because you know I'm 40 and I haven't written a will. So I was just I was curious if you guys were doing it. And then also if you had any sort of speculation on why. Well, especially if you're not married. I don't want to state to do anything.
Starting point is 00:30:09 That's a dream gun. Especially if you're not married. So let's say you're not married and you're, you know, you have your girlfriend and whatever you have kids and you die, she doesn't necessarily get your stuff. And if your child is under 18, I believe it goes to a state arbitrator if I'm not mistaken. And then it goes to a state arbitrator, if I'm not mistaken,
Starting point is 00:30:25 and then it goes to the state and it's a pain in the ass. So that's what I'm going to get it. But if you have a spouse that automatically goes to them, unless you don't want it to, or if you have like children from previous marriages, then it's probably good to have it well because then they can start to fight over what's going on. Or if you're old and you have all these kids. So I have an aunt that's worked in the banking industry forever and she's told me, she goes, you would not believe what money does to families. Like the patriarch and matriarch pass away
Starting point is 00:30:58 and all their kids, they have five kids, take each other to court and just are vicious with each other and whatever. And I can't even, it's like terrible. People are always, people are always surprised at that, but I'm not. I mean, almost every family has the one brother or the one sister, right? Who'd like, you got like five brother siblings and then like, there's one or two that just don't have their shit together.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Yeah. And what they see is that opera and their entitled piranhas. Well, they just wait and they don't have any money and they haven't maybe made, done very well for themselves and then I'll say, mom and dad, leave a house that's worth a million dollars. That's a quarter million dollars or say whatever in their name and they're like, and then maybe the other siblings are established,
Starting point is 00:31:35 have their own houses and they'd rather keep the house. You don't deserve it or whatever, yeah. Yeah, yeah, don't be. So I have a friend, I have a friend whose family, so this happened to somebody they knew, right? Where the parents died, they were older. And one of the kids was their full-time caretaker and had a job, but also took care of them for like the last, I don't know, four years of their life.
Starting point is 00:31:58 So, you know, the last three or four years of your life as you get older, they can be rough, right? You need someone to help you get up. Go to the bathroom, bathe, feed them, do all of this stuff. So this, their child, their daughter did all this for like four years. The parents told the kids verbally, hey listen, so and so has been taking care of us for the last four years.
Starting point is 00:32:19 I would like them to have this much more when we pass away verbally. They died because there was no contract, they went to court and fought over it, and I'm like, what a bunch of pieces of garbage. You know? And then there was one kid who never visited, never called the parents and give a crap,
Starting point is 00:32:36 all of a sudden they come out of the woodworks. Oh, I deserve a full quarter of all that. That's why stuff like that happens. Yeah, but why do you think there's an, I mean, 18% increase in that is like a lot. That's a big percentage, you know? You can close to a quarter of all of a sudden. That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I don't know what's going on. What would all of a sudden come to that? Especially when we're, what's good? Perhaps it's the coronavirus. All the fear. People are feeling like, maybe I'm, you know, mortal at this point. That's a good point. It's just more fear, right?
Starting point is 00:33:04 More fear under the thing. And it might comment on Will's, I mean, I'm not an know, mortal at this point. That's a good point. There's more fear, right? More fear on living. And it might comment on wills. I mean, I'm not an expert on this, but a living trust is gonna be a better option than a will. Right. Because a will, I believe, actually goes through probate, as well, which involves the state.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And that's exactly what you don't want involved. Yeah. And usually you write that up after your trust anyway. Yeah, so there's, so what's the point of even having a will then if you have a trust. Well, that will be part of the trust. Yeah. Exactly. It's all kind of incorporated. Mm-hmm. Isn't that great? How cool would you do that? And they go through like, yeah, if you have kids like who's going to take care of them and you have to like, you know, delineate that. Otherwise, yeah, the the state gets involved and they have to like figure it out. So you have to like,
Starting point is 00:33:44 yeah, you have to talk about all the morbid things and get that all covered. I'd say just stay close, you know, be good to your kids and have a good relationship with them. So I don't have to deal with all this. Yeah, I still don't think it would matter. I really don't. I mean, we've talked about this because Katrina's mom has two houses and, you know, she's getting older, right? And they have four kids.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And one of the houses, she just finished the back yard, like the house, this is the house where we all come to and every holiday, and she's built it in just as great for holding and hosting everybody. She's even did a little memorial thing in the concrete in the back for Troy and you know, the ideas that this house stays in the family and we don't sell it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:30 But you have, you know, two of her siblings that are just not as established as the other two are and so two of them would be like, yeah, it's not a big deal. They have their own houses, they have their own investments to make the money. Yeah, but then the other two, I don't know where they'll be in 10 or 20 years from now, and like if they really, really need the money and some might move out of state,
Starting point is 00:34:53 and then it's like, let's say they move to another state far away. It's like, why would I have this house just sitting there that I never come back and use and visit? And so even though they're all very tight and good, like that will create a interesting conversation. Like, well, that's, yeah, I mean, that's what you have to all outline, but actually the house that we bought, that they went, that was sort of the circumstance, was there was like one or two people, the one you just got right now.
Starting point is 00:35:17 And they all wanted to keep it in the family, but there was like one or two that voted no, like we need, you know, we need the money or we need to sell and see, then they all went through this. And I think that's why it took extra long because they had to kind of like work all that out and then they ended up put it on the market
Starting point is 00:35:33 and then we ended up, you know, taking the opportunity. Right, so I mean, even if you have good, like you're in good standings with your siblings, I could see that. I mean, I could even, I could understand even if I, like let's say, I was the person who moved far away and we never used that house. It's like, well, what is the point of it staying there
Starting point is 00:35:50 if I'll never go back there and ever use it? I'm getting no and just because my siblings want to use it and that's it. You're right. You know what it reminds me of? You're like, how many movie plots have been like this where there's like a, like a someone dies a roach but then they all have to go watch a video
Starting point is 00:36:03 and this person like, if you're watching this video, why I died and I'll give you $10 million, but first, you know, there's like some- Like every murder mystery. That's always about somebody like, you know, cash in life, and sure, but that's how it is. I'll give you $2 million, I want to give you the estate money, but you have to get your biology, you have to answer the $17 personal questions about me. Would it get you to the second stage? It's like the old guy like, who is it? me. Would it get you to the second stage? It's like the old guy, like, was it, what was for Anacole Smith or something like that where you get like the new, like, super hot, like young wife of like the old guy? She married that nine-year-old guy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:34 And everybody in the family just like, oh, and everything was like, a lot of to her. They're not the family. That happened in my family, so my dad, but my dad, my dad, my stepdad, right, remarried. And he remarried to a lady who I wanna say is like, and I don't wanna get this wrong in his insults. Like 15 years, maybe 20 years older him. Like, so, and- That's a decent guy.
Starting point is 00:36:54 And she, yeah, right, and he's older, right? So that she's definitely quite a bit older than he is. And she has like three kids and she's really wealthy. Like she's set, and like they like hate him. And like he hasn't done anything, I'm saying. He's like a real nice guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I've got my stuff, dad did, he's like super nice guy.
Starting point is 00:37:13 But they like just hate him. Because he's, here's this young guy who's marrying, I mean, it's just, you don't see it as, it's not as common as the reverse of that, but he's definitely being treated that way from her kids because she's worth all this money. And here comes, and my stepdad doesn't really bring a lot of true table at all financially.
Starting point is 00:37:33 So they look at it like, oh, who's this dude who's sliding in at this point in her life and who doesn't have anything really financially is now what can be entitled to all her stuff? You know what though the bottom line is, it's like, it's that person's money. So it's up to them to decide. Well that's her big bad decisions.
Starting point is 00:37:49 That's right. That's her attitude. Fuck them. It's my money. You know what I'm saying? I could give it all leads into like I got pulled back into Tiger King just because. I mean, this is all that kind of like drama and like, you know, the white trash sort of like illegal zoo world or whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Like it was just I was like I gave up on it because it was all just like a recap the first. That's why I didn't even watch it. You told me that. Yeah, and so I guess like around the fourth or fifth episode, I think there's only like five or six episodes. Like it gets into like other stuff that like you're like, oh my god, it like took total like left turn.
Starting point is 00:38:24 So there was more parties involved. So like, so you know how Joe exotic actually got into prison. Do you remember if you remember like they did he plotted against carol basketball to kill right? And basically like the guy that he was working with saying that right from Vegas, you know, the guy that came into helping out as a benefactor turns out he's a toll slime ball wherever. So I guess, so they basically like planted him with the idea and then he like proposes it to like his other worker and then like they they set him up with the FBI. So it goes further and they have like recordings with the FBI basically like this guy from from Vegas like recorded the FBI conversation that he had saying that he could get his employee
Starting point is 00:39:14 to basically set up Joe to is that entrapment? Yes. Yes. And so anyway, they all go through these affidavits and they come back and like acknowledge that. But then his employee, and I'm sorry for not remembering all their names, and this is confusing.
Starting point is 00:39:31 But the employee that basically was hated Joe the whole time and was setting him up, comes out and feels guilty about this whole thing. And he's like, well, basically, in spoiler, we were setting Joe up, like we were gonna kill Joe. And like, here's how we're gonna do it. And it was like exactly how they basically outlined how they wanted to kill Carol Baskin,
Starting point is 00:39:55 but it was really originally Joe. It's so he like, he like, announces this whole thing in court and like, so there's this whole like, retrial now, or they're gonna see if they're gonna let Joe off with a lesser sentence, and then they just leave it at that. And there's like, there's a couple other part three. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:16 So now it's all about the- They all deserve each other. It's dude, it's just like, yeah, it's- What's the time? What's the- It's like Jerry Springer, dude. What's his sentence? Do you remember how long his sentence was?
Starting point is 00:40:25 It was like for eight years or something, something like that. But so he's served two. And then so yeah, it's, I guess it was interesting enough to have like plot twists and there's more of them, but it's really, you know, just more Jerry Springer. More the same, right? Like more of the same of these characters, just behaving super badly.
Starting point is 00:40:45 And this one guy was, oh my God. No, 22 years, he was, he was, he was, oh 22, oh, it was way off. Yeah. It was what a weird, that whole thing was so weird to me. How he was able to lure people in and then they'd stick around. Yeah. And like because he had tigers, I guess money and drugs, I guess that's all you need. The whole drugs. I guess that's all you need.
Starting point is 00:41:05 The whole thing. Yeah, that's how that weird. Yeah. I got tigers with a little money. He's the only one that could be where he lured in for a lot less. I mean, that guy from Vegas, he would just do what he did. He got tigers too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:16 And his wife would like lure in, like, like, they would, they called it like code 69 and they would look for like a hot girl that would come to the zoo and then his wife would go approach her and pull her back to pet the tigers and then they'd all do like a weird like orgy. Wow. Like what world is this? I liked my favorite where Joe's like boyfriends
Starting point is 00:41:38 and husbands. They're like, I'm not gay. I'm not even gay man, but $20.20. Hey, what are you doing? Maths to hell.20. Hey, really? What do you get, dude? Math's a hell of a drug. Yeah, that's the real thing, right? Oh, dude. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:51 The ultimate bamboozle. What a commercial for meth though, huh? No, he's not. He's a cares man. It's so awesome. It'll make you do shit. You don't even want to do. I like it.
Starting point is 00:41:59 You know? Wow. So this is a total terrible transition out of this. But I was reading this other article on like, like the top polluters in the world. You know what industry pulls the second highest industry when it comes to polluting the earthest? In guess.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Now is this, by the way, are they not putting in the militaries of the world? Is that count? Is all of this or is that, are they market industries? Yeah, market industries. Okay, because I know the militaries pollute by far. And what is the, what goes, what's on bre I know the military's pollute by far and what and what is the
Starting point is 00:42:25 what goes what what's on Brella underneath the military oh man all the jets and planes and oh yeah rockets and this was just like this is like market industries industry I don't know which one you know I take a guess you guys have a guess about what would be I saw the notes so I know you did I didn't know you saw it yeah but, but I had no idea. The fashion industry. What? Yeah. It's close. Just the amount of clothes that we buy and then just throw away and in the back.
Starting point is 00:42:50 And the factories. Yeah, so there's this huge movement on, and it was popular when we were kids, like to go to second hand stores and stuff. So I was listening to that other podcast that I like right now this week in startups, and he was interviewing one of these founders this new company called Wairlum. and I thought it was actually really brilliant.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Especially after I heard all these statistics, I wanted to know that they were like a top polluter, and then there's obviously a movement for people to go green and reduce their carbon footprint. And so second hand stores are becoming more and more popular again. And basically what their app does is aggregate all of the different ones into one single location. So if you're somebody who's looking for used Jordans, instead of you having to go to eBay and to the Goodwill
Starting point is 00:43:33 and all these different locations and places where you would try to store fronts for those. Yeah, like instead of going, no, no, no, no, it's a centralized app. So it's basically, think about like the Amazon for second hand stuff. Or like eBay or something like that. Yeah, well the eBay's in there, right?
Starting point is 00:43:48 So they aggregate all of that. So you can just go to one place and shop for second hand clothes. Oh wow. And I just thought that was brilliant with the one knowing that I didn't know that it was like a top polluter like that. And then that second hand stores is already
Starting point is 00:44:03 like a popular thing. Like there's a lot of high end, it does high end too, right is already a popular thing. There's a lot of high end too, right? So you can get, there's a lot of people that buy Louis Vuitton purses, second and third time handed down. You know what I see? I can see that a lot. The whole shoe thing to me, I'm just like, unless you're like some weirdo with a shoe sniffing fetish, why would you buy some else's shoes?
Starting point is 00:44:23 You're like, you're talking atoms listening to us right now. Well, there's a lot of people that are not the same, man. Well, there's a lot of people that would buy the shoes on wearing right now, right? So I could actually wear these for the next year or two and I could sell them. Season them a little bit.
Starting point is 00:44:36 I mean, you might get a guy just, well, what you, I mean, you get less money for them the more worn they are, right? So the idea is depends on what article is loving. We are. And what kind of people you're selling, but typically you want, you want, you want, just as shown in my mind, go to the cell for millions. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:55 No. Well, I mean, I've always thought the second hand thing was always weird to me. Like, I've never been a big secondhand guy, but I remember when we were kids, that was a popular thing for people to wear secondhand clothes. I do know hats, still tiny. It was just weird. When my friend had been done with his hat, we'd like switch hats and then we'd trade.
Starting point is 00:45:12 And it was like a trading thing. That's how you get likes. I was just gonna say, you know, it's funny you say that because you're probably more likely to catch some shit that way than when fucking socks. She was you. Yeah, definitely. And smell is bad.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Yeah, we share combs and toothbrushes and go to rent. You sure you're underwear. You swap't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't.
Starting point is 00:45:32 You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't.
Starting point is 00:45:40 You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. You can't. know that podcast in such a short time is now one of the top podcasts. Yeah, like he's been announcing the last couple of shows. They did a really good job. They're really good. They're really smart and they're really entertaining.
Starting point is 00:45:49 And you're looking at, like, you're going to get inside information on investments in very applicable ways. Yeah. I haven't found anywhere else. Yeah, no, I love it. So I, the, the host Jason Calcana, I think is how you say his name. He is also a host of another, so before all in, he had this week in startup.
Starting point is 00:46:09 So he was podcasting before the all-in podcast. And he's also got an investment fund. And what he does is he basically brings on the companies that he's investing in and his group is investing in. And he does these short little interviews. So it's kind of cool. It's interesting to me right now, because obviously we're getting an angel investing,
Starting point is 00:46:26 but it's also interesting because I like to hear these cool pitches on new companies that are like starting up like that. Cafe X1, like you heard about that one, right? I did. Yeah, I don't think I talked about it on the show, but I was telling you off air, like it's the robotic like coffee makers or coffee machines where basically it picks up your phone when it's your phone is 90 seconds away. So as you're driving to it, it knows what your order is, gets it ready.
Starting point is 00:46:49 You'll get your coffee in way less time and it's like two bucks and it's all automated. Well, like the two most high, the highest expenses for Starbucks is real estate and employees. Yeah. So the coffee and all that stuff is very, the overhead on that's very, very low. So that's not the, the, the highest thing is, very low. So that's not the highest thing is, so if you can eliminate the real estate piece and the person doing it, you could reduce the cup of coffee in half.
Starting point is 00:47:11 So it's half the price for the cup of coffee, faster as good. Like, I mean, that's gonna be amazing. Yeah, I think that's brilliant. Just eliminates the like, that the cool part of like, for sure, well, just like your technical order that you want everybody to hear.
Starting point is 00:47:28 So Sal, Sal brought up that, but that was his point, right? He goes, oh, I wonder if it'll, you know, his initial reaction to it was, I wonder if it, if it will do that good because a lot of people go to the coffee shop for the experience. They pull their laptops out and there's definitely that's a new thing in culture in the last decade or two, right? That's become popular to do that but that is not that part annoys me well actually saying that sarcastically you know like you're behind somebody in Starbucks and they have like the two Sugar pumps in this
Starting point is 00:47:54 So neurotic half foam to oh I thought you were alluding to the the people that want to congregate in the place Oh, yeah, and actually because that well this is a big part of it too. Because you will lose that. But I mean, I think that's such a small percentage of people that buy coffee every day. There's only so many people hanging out. Now, there's a market for faster tastes good. So, you still got to be good. Yeah, that market is 80 plus percent in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Yeah. Because 80% of the people are not hanging out at Starbucks. Most of them are going down there. They're buying. We already addicts. We just want convenience. Yeah, yeah. Speed. I want my drugs faster. And they're buying. We already add X, we just want convenience. Yeah, yeah, it's just being, I want my drugs faster.
Starting point is 00:48:26 And they're saying like two bucks. So the cups that would be four or five bucks talking about it being $2 or so, it being faster. And then imagine them being in like, like if you're in a downtown area, like kind of where we're in here, like they would be in, you know, almost every corner in somebody's office building or whatever.
Starting point is 00:48:40 So just like how they have like red box or whatever for DVDs, you'd have these coffee machines that you would go into the I think there's a market for it. Oh, I think there's a massive market in that same robot can wash your dishes and then Sappening now you're not a control. I can't wait till that happens That's a huge that's a huge step though. You know what he's gonna be like that First robot does you know heart surgery and he's like not doing dishes. That's gonna be Adam the whole time. Meanwhile, China was taking people to space that were just random people, just so you guys can.
Starting point is 00:49:10 China? I believe everything China said. Yes, just say it right now. Everything's saying. I don't think China said it. I think we reported on it, but that's happening so. I believe us just a little bit more. That we say.
Starting point is 00:49:20 All right, so I wanna talk about something on the show now. I think it's appropriate. So I'm getting a lot of comments from people about whether or not I'm on TRT and, you know, because I'm looking different these days. So I want to talk a little bit about my process and kind of what's happening. So I know you guys know. You guys know intervention. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:39 I'm going to just say that for a second. No, this, okay. So, so I want to tell the audience because I feel like it's important, this is something that we've been talking about for a while, and it's also just, I just feel like it's appropriate because of all the questions that I've been getting. So, I don't know about maybe 10 months ago or so.
Starting point is 00:49:59 That's been that long? Maybe, maybe eight months. You only spend 10 months. Yeah, maybe less. I don't know the exact. Six to eight, maybe six to eight months. Okay only spend 10 months. Yeah, maybe less. I don't know the exact six to eight. Maybe six to eight months. Yeah. Okay, so it feels like a while.
Starting point is 00:50:08 There were, we've been talking a lot to different hormone therapy clinics and stuff. Well, ever since I got into it. Yes. And the main reason was because of atoms, you know, because of what you did, right? Yeah. You were on anabolic for a while when you competed, went off, tried to get your normal, your testosterone up to normal levels. You did that for like two years.
Starting point is 00:50:27 And so we're like, this would be a good partnership. A lot of people ask questions about this. So anyway, there was this local clinic. It's not the one we're working with now, and I'll get into that. But they offered free blood testing to everybody. So I know at the time you were like, I'm gonna go get tested.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Hey, you know, Sal, we should go, you know, if you want it's free or whatever. And at the time you were like I'm gonna go get tested. Hey, you know, Sal, we should go, you know, if you want it's free or whatever. And at the time, I thought, no, waste of time, I don't need to get my hormones checked, my libido's fine. Well, especially since what less than a year ago, we had that at home test and you were like through the roots. It would know, it was more than that, it was like two years ago.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Oh, it was that one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and I wanna get into that too, because that's a little annoying. But anyway, I, one of and I want to get into that too because that's a little annoying, but anyway, I One of the number one I guess effects of low testosterone is libido drop and if it's below a certain amount They'll say it's almost like everybody will have this really poor libido and issues with that, right? And my libido was fine, so I thought that's kind of a waste of time whatever anyway, change my mind. I'm like all right I'll go get tested. And I went and got tested with Adam,
Starting point is 00:51:28 and I got my results back. So this was, again, like eight months ago or so. And my levels, and this is 100% true, came back, not just low, they came back lower than, and a general practitioner would have recommended that I take testosterone. Well, you were lower than me. I was lower than you were.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Yeah. So, you know, if you're watching a list and you're supposed to... You can do mind-boggling for all of us here. You know, and how, yeah, dialed you've been. Well, so this is... So, now, now, and I'm going to go into why I didn't talk about this right out the gates, but first of all, it's very depressing for me because I, and anybody will tell you, it knows me super consistent with my training,
Starting point is 00:52:07 my diet, my sleep, my supplements, it's a passion of mine, I'm maybe even neurotic about it. So everything's perfect and dialed in. My number came back at 260, which basically means if I increase my testosterone by 50%, which isn't gonna happen because I was already doing everything,
Starting point is 00:52:23 red light, I was doing everything, that it would still be low. So I remember I called Jessica, and I was super depressed about it. I'm like, this is bullshit. And then everything kind of started to make sense. I'm like, you know, for the last few years, I have not felt like myself at all.
Starting point is 00:52:37 I've been feeling low drive, I've needed more sleep, my body does not respond, my gut health has gotten kind of worse, you know, on and off. Again, the libido part didn't make any sense to me. Well, my libido's okay, but then I compared it to how it used to be. And I just naturally have a very high libido. So I'm like, I guess it is kind of low compared to what it was before. So I talked to the doctor back and forth. And the reason why I think mine came back low was in my 20s. This is back in the early 2000s.
Starting point is 00:53:07 I've talked about this on the show. There were outright steroids, but they were over the counter and they marketed them as pro hormones. They went under the brands like Superdrawal, Methyl-1 testosterone, Halladrol, and these are all active oral steroids that were they they weren't banned because the legislation of the time was written specifically for known and approved anabolic steroids in testosterone.
Starting point is 00:53:32 So they were able to sell them over the counter. So I was buying them and I was taking them, you know, on and off and I think that's probably what caused me once I hit 40 to really have this dip or, you know, like I said, last few years have this low testosterone. So anyway, I thought I said, okay, I'm going to really have this dip, or like I said, last few years have this low testosterone. So anyway, I thought I said, okay, I'm gonna try it. I don't wanna tell anybody, my family doesn't know. So this is one of the reasons why I haven't talked about it on the show.
Starting point is 00:53:54 The only people that knew was Jessica, my close, close family, didn't tell my parents don't know, my kids don't know, didn't wanna tell anybody, and I wanted to see what the difference was. And so we started working with regenerative sport and medicine. The doctors there are extremely knowledgeable. I was not impressed at all with the previous people.
Starting point is 00:54:16 When I feel like I know more than the person is prescribing me medications, then I don't feel confident. I've had this with cannabis. We've had people we as a it very similar to that experience. Yes, we had a person on the show a long time ago. Actually, we didn't even air the episode who was a cannabis expert and Adam and I were both like, we know more than you do. We can't air this episode. So anyway, this other place I was not impressed with, neither was Adam. We talked to generative sport and medicine and they were obviously, they know their shit.
Starting point is 00:54:45 And I asked them, I said, why was my libido kind of normal? And he said, well, he goes, there's a lot of things affect libido, not just testosterone. He goes, but what about these things? He's like, are you, you know, do you gain body fat really easily?
Starting point is 00:54:57 I'm like, yeah, naturally, ectomorph shredded. All of a sudden, it's like store more body fat, more pain, super tired. And I asked him about gut health and he said there could be an effect with store more body fat, more pain, super tired, and I asked them about gut health and he said there could be an effect with gut health as well, especially as low as I was. So I don't wanna tell anybody, I wanted to go on and I wanted to wait
Starting point is 00:55:15 and to go from, and remember, keep in mind, before I talk about my experience with this, I want everybody to know, I was dialed going into this. So it wasn't, I didn't, I wasn't like shitty exercise, poor diet, whatever. I was, everything was dialed always, low testosterone. So then I got my testosterone up to the upper normal limits
Starting point is 00:55:38 and it's, to say it's life changing is an understatement for me. It was like my quality of life completely changed. And the difference in physical difference for me is about, and I tested this, it's about 13 to 14 pounds of lean body mass and about five to seven pounds of body fat. So I dropped, doing the same stuff, training, eating,
Starting point is 00:56:03 all that stuff, the only difference now is I'm eating more because my lean body mass has gone up. I, 13 pound lean body mass and I dropped about 5 to 7 pounds of body fat. So... How long did it take for you to kind of feel that difference in the workouts and then, you know... Probably pretty good work going on. Yeah, in terms of your bi-responding. So, and I didn't know, and this is what made me really pissed off. What made me really upset was A, it was a kick to the groin because I had everything set
Starting point is 00:56:28 up. So, to see my levels come back so low, and then to talk to the doctor, and they told me literally, your levels are below 300, which is outside the range, and that means you'll have negative health effects as a result of it. So you have increased risk of heart disease and Alzheimer's, all of that stuff. So you guys know, that's a big deal for me. So I was like, shit, okay. And then the thing that, I forgot the direction I was gonna go with that.
Starting point is 00:56:52 But anyway, oh, here's what really pissed me off. We did those at home tests. And I had a cup, I had a fever. You were a helicopter. You were a helicopter. One of them was really high. What was the norm? You were like, beyond as I was super low on those.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Yeah, yeah. So what the hell, right? Like, why would it say that? And I'm wondering if it's user error, I'm doing it at home, how, you know, and that, look, you talk to the hormone doctors, they'll tell you, don't, like, those, like, you have to do blood tests. So I think that this is kind of proving.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Well, the worst part about that more than anything else was that because you were normal and high on both the Testings that you did that you just it didn't even you didn't why I know the hell is going on like why do I feel so It was useful to me because I was so low. It's what triggered. Okay, I need to go get my blood work done now like this Test is saying that I'm really low so I could see where some people found value and things like that if it showed you were really low But man how shitty is that for somebody who gets tested as normal or high and so then they don't go and further investigate what potentially could be right.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Yeah, all the signs, if this is hindsight, all the signs were there minus the libido part and that's the part that I kept fooling myself, but man, my energy, my drive, I just didn't feel like myself, I had to really tune everything in with supple, everything perfect just to make myself kind of feel like, okay, so that, that, okay, so that's very interesting. As far as how I felt, I must be very sensitive
Starting point is 00:58:12 to testosterone, or I just had been low for so long, because within the first, I'd say three or four weeks, the first thing I noticed was my libido went ridiculous, so it was like, and then I'm like, oh yeah, this is what I, it's what you kept coming after me, it was just like, just then I'm like, oh, yeah, this is what I just hope you keep coming after me. Yeah, it's like just and you're looking. Well, I want to add some stuff to this conversation. One, I think it's really funny that it's so taboo
Starting point is 00:58:34 to talk about or it's a big deal. I mean, I've, I've been on the train of telling people what's up since the beginning. Yeah. I also was that way with marijuana well before anybody was. Yeah. And I, and I see it, it's a good comparison because I see the same trajectory happening with hormone therapy as I did with cannabis. And this is part of the reason why we partnered with them business-wise. I think five, 10 years from now, it's gonna be very,
Starting point is 00:59:00 just as I, we see people are talking about cannabis all time, you see the clinics all over the place because it's not so taboo anymore. I think you're gonna see the same thing with hormone therapy as we get older, 40 and beyond. To me, Joe Rogan's really good about it. He talks openly about his therapy and just, and I was just listening to him talk about it again
Starting point is 00:59:20 about like, he's like, of course I would. I'm in my 40s. And my 50s now. Yeah, well, yeah, when he started, I think he was in his 40s, you know, he's like, of course I would. I'm in my 40s. And my 50s now. Yeah, well, yeah, when he started, I think he was in his 40s, you know, and my levels are lower than me. And if I can take a therapy and have a doctor manage my blood work every month to two months and check up
Starting point is 00:59:36 and keep all my levels optimal and it's affordable for me, like why the fuck would I have this? It's a quality of lysing. And testosterone levels are dropping, regardless. This is the thing, they're going down across the board and it's less things you could do to raise your levels. But there's something else that's going on. This has been well documented.
Starting point is 00:59:54 And then, you know, like my history and my 20s, I think definitely played a big role in, you know. Well, I'm not finished telling you what I want to, what I want to interrupt here is because I'm talking about the business side of this and where, where we're going with this and why I really wanted us to partner with someone because I do think that this is the future and you're going to see more and more people that are going to look for this. And I think it's important that instead of you going out and doing the mistake that I made
Starting point is 01:00:17 which is trying to become your own doctor and giving it to yourself and buying on the black market to save a couple bucks and trying to find the the cheaper sources out there. Yeah, 100%. You know, I that's why we want to and one of the things too I love the way we have structured this so some of the audience we've only mentioned it once The audience may not know this but we have a private forum that is a mine mine pump hormones and both doctor Todd and. Ran come on there twice a month and do a live Q&A. And we had the first one just a couple weeks ago and it was incredible. Dr. Ran was on there for like two hours. Oh, he must have answered
Starting point is 01:00:57 a hundred questions. The thread was going like crazy. Just tremendous value that you show me where you can get this. All right, and this is something free that we are doing for our audience that you guys can join in there. And then you have Dr. Todd in there every day. So if you have questions that you write in there, and he's interacting, just the value of that to educate people on potentially whether they need it
Starting point is 01:01:21 or not for themselves and or, and what they're not doing is just telling people, oh, go take testosterone. It's like, let's look at all these potential markers. What are some of the things that we can do to do it naturally first? No, it's not about haphazardly putting, it doesn't work that way. No.
Starting point is 01:01:35 It's all medical. It doesn't work that way. I do want to address the whole, like, you know, it's like this miracle thing that you're gonna do and voila, you're gonna get all these incredible effects or whatever. For me personally, I was dialed in with everything forever since I was a child and the only difference was I went from just obviously, from testosterone that was super low to now in the upper normal range.
Starting point is 01:01:58 And so that was kind of the missing piece for me, but I had always been consistent. What I don't want people to think is that they're gonna go and it's gonna solve other problems. They're not gonna need to work out. They're not gonna need to eat right. That's not true. That's not the case at all. It's all makes a big difference. You gotta do all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:02:13 So you're not gonna do it in them all. Our message doesn't change. It's been the same one. Even when we work with supplement companies, it doesn't mean that we would recommend people take supplements over whole foods. You know, the all-natural way is going to be the better approach always. And that's why it was actually three years
Starting point is 01:02:29 that I was off of testosterone because for three years, I tried to do it as best I could myself. And so I wanted to let me exhaust every resource that I have naturally to see if I can bring this up to a healthy level. And it just got to a place where, and I was similar, I was in the 200s,
Starting point is 01:02:45 and the best I could get it up to was about 400 and something, which was better than what I was, but still didn't feel great. I had lost that motivation to come and drive to go to the gym, I had noticed by that, I actually was affected libido-wise, so I noticed a huge difference in my libido. And after all that time of working on it,
Starting point is 01:03:02 I just couldn't get it back up any higher than that, and I didn't feel good. And so I was like, okay, all right, well, I'm 40 years old. I don't have a problem with doing this now. And so I'm for that. And I'm 100% for educating other people on it because more often, I didn't realize how much I would get DMs around this.
Starting point is 01:03:21 When I started talking about the testosterone thing, I get so many messages. And I don't feel comfortable telling people, this is not my expertise. Like, yeah, I have experience. Tell me your own personal. Yeah, and then that's all, but that doesn't help people out that much, either, because it's so individualized. So questions, because it's been so stigmatized, and also, like there's just people that have, you know, their own ideas of what, what that entails, and it's totally not accurate information. It's not easily accessible, whereas now, the education piece is everything to be able to bring
Starting point is 01:03:54 that clarity so you know if it's a right option. Yeah, well that's the, that was even for me, the stigma. I mean, even I felt crushed when I got my test results back and I talked to the doctors, I'm like, this is ridiculous, I'm doing everything. I felt that stigma, like, why don't I'm a fitness guy, my health guy, like how could this be possible?
Starting point is 01:04:12 And of course, I guess it could make sense if you add all the other stuff up, but still. And yeah, you're right, it's stigmatized. If you're doing things in your healthy and there are, if it's your thyroid, there's no stigma, right? Oh, my thyroid is low and then you give me thyroid. Oh, I'm much better insulin. Obviously.
Starting point is 01:04:30 This is a hormone, by the way, to understand that. Yeah, insulin, there's no stigma, right? Estrogen, progesterone, no stigma. Testosterone, because if you take ridiculous amounts of it, you have this performance enhancing drug, it's been stigmatized. Hormone therapy's not that, by the way.
Starting point is 01:04:43 They're not gonna give you bodybuilder, they don't work that way. They will take your levels and bring them up to the, when you start to feel good, which is typically in the upper normal range or whatever, and it's different from person to person. And that's pretty much it. And I'll tell you what, and I've told you guys this,
Starting point is 01:05:00 and this is the truth, the physical effects, cool, that's great, it's fun. I don't care about that. As much as I care about boy, do I feel different? I felt way more energy, way less irritable, tired. My drive came back, I felt like my old self again, which is kind of the best words that I can use to describe. And again, because we're always,
Starting point is 01:05:25 as transparent as possible to our audience, you know, and we've talked about this for a while, I told you guys, and so the audience knows, I told you know, the guys, I don't wanna say anything yet, I wanna hold off, my family doesn't know yet, let me wait, and I don't know how I feel about it, whatever, and I'm private about certain things, but I wanna be very transparent,
Starting point is 01:05:40 so that's been my experience, and that's kind of what's going on. And if you're doing things and you can't figure out what that was going on and you work with your doctor, like Western medicine is not the solution for everything, but for some things, it definitely makes a huge difference. So. Doug, when is the next talk? When is Dr. Todd talking on the forum? Yeah, that's I believe Monday the 20th. Oh, this Monday coming up. Uh-huh 5 p.m. Pacific
Starting point is 01:06:05 So yeah, so at 5 p.m. Pacific standard time inside the forum you guys can ask mind pump forums You can mind pump forum you can join and then it's also on replay right so we leave it up there So if you can't know the form does it mind pump hormones? I believe no mind pump hormones My pump is a Facebook group. Yeah, So you just go to the Facebook request access and we'll let you know. And now the previous Q&A that Dr. Rand did is still there. You can watch the replay. The whole thing. So all two hours of it.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Yes. You can watch it. And look, here's I get so many DMs. It's hard to answer them all, but if you have any questions, you know, and you want to ask me like my personal, you know, experience or whatever, you can DM me. I'll try to get to them. But that's it. And so the audience knows too,
Starting point is 01:06:45 like this is how we, those that have been around for a very long time. This is how we started our original forum. So I don't know how long it'll stay free. We'll do it for free as long as we can, but obviously the bigger it gets, the more things that we add, the more services, we have to pay other people to manage it, take care of it.
Starting point is 01:07:02 So eventually it may get to a place where we have to charge for access to it because we're paying others to manage it and run it. But for now, you got free access to it. So I would take advantage of it if you're listening right now and you're not in there, you should be in there. Hey real quick, I hope you're enjoying the podcast. Look, go check out one of our partners, Pathwater.
Starting point is 01:07:20 So they make water that comes in these aluminum can bottles that are fully recyclable, but here's the best part. I can, when I'm done with it, I can reuse this bottle as many times as I want. And the water costs about the same as their competitors, a way better for the environment, better for you, the reusable. We love them, that's why we're working with them. Go check them out, get a discount. So head over to drinkpath.com, use the code, mind pumping it 10% off your purchase. All right, here comes the rest of the show. Our first caller is Andrew from New York.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Hey, what's up, Andrew? How come help you? Hey guys, thanks for taking my call today. You got it, man. Yeah. I got my question for you as regarding intensity. Before I ask, I'll give you a little background. So I've been living consistently for about 20 years,
Starting point is 01:08:09 but also did quite a bit of running over those years. For the past three years, I've stopped running altogether to focus on building muscle. And since focusing on building muscle, I've been running a number of different programs. And what I'm finding is, I'll start each program with moderate intensity and week one. And then I'll be increasing intensity throughout the program. And by around week four,
Starting point is 01:08:31 I feel like I'm making good progress, but start to feel some pain in my joints. And the pain isn't so bad that I couldn't continue with the program, but what I usually do is just hop to the next program to be safe. But what I'm feeling is I could be building some more muscle if I continued beyond week four of the program. At the time I submitted the question I was on week four of a modified five by five type program making some really good progress and again starting to feel some pain in my shoulders and hips. My question for you guys is, is it normal to start feeling a little bit of moderate pain as you progress throughout a program and build intensity? Or if not, I'd be interested in your recommendation on how to fix this problem.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Yeah. Good question. Yeah. So I would use icy hot and bend gags. Too big. No, you know, here's a deal. This is actually pretty common. Very common. Well, you know, here's a deal. This is actually pretty common. This is the one, I love five by five routines, right?
Starting point is 01:09:29 And obviously that looks very similar to our first phase of maps in a ball, but there's a reason why we phase you out of that after four weeks. So that's what the fly I think in running a five by five type of routine consistently. Because some people will make the case It's a great routine just to continue on and you build a lot of muscle a lot of strength
Starting point is 01:09:49 But this is exactly what I would see happen with clients is if I kept them in this five by five type of a phase For longer than about four or five weeks This is the most common feedback that I would get from my clients is they would start to feel you know some and feedback that I would get from my clients is they would start to feel you know, some achiness in their knees and their elbows and sometimes their hips and we would phase them into another and this is part of why we write the maps programs like this where we don't keep you in that phase much longer than three to four weeks. Andrew, one of the reasons why this happens isn't necessarily because a five by five program isn't effective or somehow flawed
Starting point is 01:10:30 in terms of building muscle and strength. It's really effective at building muscle and strength, but here's what happens, right? You do the same movements over and over again. So you're limited on your movements. Now, here's the plus side of that. The skill of strength improves tremendously. Right. So you're doing a lot of squatting, a lot of deadlift, a lot of pressing, you're practicing
Starting point is 01:10:50 them often and you're going to get really strong at them and because you get really strong at them, you build a lot of muscle. But then the weak links start to show themselves a little bit and you need to strengthen and work on the supporting structures in order to support this newfound strength and muscle. And so if your technique is off, let's say your technique is off by such a small degree that even a relatively experienced trainer won't necessarily see any issues with your form, even though it looks okay, because it's off just a little bit, and you're adding 10 pounds, 15 pounds a lift, and you're doing the same motion repetitively,
Starting point is 01:11:31 it starts to add up and you start to feel the pain and the joints and the areas where the stability may be lacking a little bit. So this is one reason why mobility work is so important. Now I will caution you, don't do mobility work, and then stop just because you feel better. When you're feeling the pain, that's already now you're kind of a little too late.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Now you're a little bit behind the eight ball, and you have to lay off on the intensity, scale down the volume, delode week, do mobility. Now I feel better, now I can jump back on. It's gotta be a part of your regular routine. Otherwise, you're gonna keep doing this, two steps forward, two steps back,
Starting point is 01:12:07 types of a situation. So, you got, and I know mobility, when we do mobility work and correctional work, well, I'm not adding a lot of weight to the bar. I don't seem to be building a lot of muscle. But if you really look at it long term, you end up with more strength and more muscle because you don't run into these problems
Starting point is 01:12:24 that you're running into. So if you're doing, let's say, a four-day, a week, five-by-five type of routine, I would do a concentrated mobility work at least twice a week and then on the other days priming before your workouts proper priming. Yeah, that was the direction I was going to go as well. However, I was going to ask you to, like, if you were to kind of transition to a different program, what that looked like, because one thing, too too that I would consider is just moving in different planes and directions. So that's really what you're trying to accomplish while doing these mobility moves is still reinforcing, you know, that basically being able to keep everything
Starting point is 01:13:01 stable around the joints and those secondary muscles to get strengthened up, to be able to contribute and maintain the joints positioning as you're increasing the amount of force production. Because as you're going through five by five, as you realize, you get a lot stronger and you get a lot stronger in that direction. But now any little micro angle that pulls you out, whether it's sort of rotationally,
Starting point is 01:13:26 or whether it's side to side, your body's gonna compensate and overcompensate, and then this is where a lot of injuries result. You guys gotta remember that we have this rapidly growing audience, especially on the YouTube channel of flux of new people that are listening every single day, and this is a perfect opportunity to talk about why we wrote the programs the way we did and in the order that we did.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Like a common question is, you know, why not a map Santa Bolog for ever or why not why not maps aesthetic right after a map Santa Bolog. Like we wrote them in this order for a reason for this exact reason right here. So you have somebody who is running a five by five type routine, which is very similar to like a maps, antiballic type of philosophy, right? The big lifts, you're mostly in the sagittal plane. Right. Incredible foundational program to build muscle and strength in your metabolism. That's why antiballic is the first one. But when we talked about what the second program would be, this is the reason why. It's because yes, that program is incredible
Starting point is 01:14:27 for doing all those things, but then the limiting factor is exactly what we're addressing right now, which that is why maps performance is what we thought was the most ideal follow-up program to maps and I've always been just gonna keep hitting walls. One more thing, Andrew, is that muscles
Starting point is 01:14:43 get stronger faster than ligaments and tendons and connective tissue do. Okay, so if you add 30 pounds to a lift, the connective tissue and the ligaments and all the supporting structures, don't gain that same strength at the same speed or time. It takes a little bit longer to build that type of strength. So if you're seeing these rapid strength gains
Starting point is 01:15:09 and you're not focusing on good technique, form, mobility, lateral movements, stability, and allowing these connective tissues kind of catch up a little bit, you'll start to run into a lot of these problems. I love strength with my workouts. I absolutely love it. I run into the exact same problem you're talking about everything I would run into this often where okay Here we go squats getting near my all-time best now. I'm starting to feel my hip or wow my deadlift's doing a real
Starting point is 01:15:36 Wait, oh there goes my SI joint and starting to feel it again And so unless you want to keep doing this back and forth type of thing you got to make Mobility and you know a priority and you got to train in other planes. So I would recommend Andrew and I don't know what you're doing now but if you don't have maps performance that would be the program I would do 100% and you're not going to lose gains by the way. You're going to get more gains because now you're reinforcing a lot of those weak areas. Just give the man the program. Does that make sense, Andrew? Do you have maps or formats? I do. I picked up the RGB bundle and I did run performance earlier
Starting point is 01:16:08 this year. I loved it. Is that something I should come back to? Yeah, I would do it after every two or three months, like heavy strength muscle building cycle. And then come right back to your, yeah, your strength cycle. Well, I mean, if he's got the RGB, then what's beautiful
Starting point is 01:16:23 is I would, I would run it in that order. So it was designed to go red, green, black. So go and-, if he's got the RGB, then what's beautiful is I would run it in that order. So it was designed to go red, green, black, so go and- Red, green, just over and over again. Yeah, I keep running over it. And if you still, and if you, if you're getting tremendous value from performance in the mobility days,
Starting point is 01:16:35 this is where we, this is also why we have the show and why we have the forum is to help people modify. So if this is like a consistent problem with you, there is nothing that says you can't, when you get into anabolic or aesthetic Take take things from the mobility days and build those into the program Yeah, swap out the you have the trigger sessions of the focus session for mobility days right?
Starting point is 01:16:53 And that that a lot of times that's what clients will find is they got so much value from performance in the mobility days That they're like Adam is there anything wrong with me putting that in my trigger days or my focus days on those other programs and say absolutely not. That's why we teach it this way so people can modify it for their lifestyle. So I would recommend that you build those mobility days into the other programs even though we didn't do it for you. Now, Andrew, you said your number one goal is to build right now. Are you at all interested in cutting at any point? I have actually never gone on a cut.
Starting point is 01:17:25 I've considered myself a hard gainer. So I'm always trying to be in a surplus. I would like to continue to build at this point. Okay, and here's why I asked that. Okay, I was guessing that that's what you were gonna say. So, and there's a psychological piece here that we need to talk about, right? So I'm like you, I'm a hard-gainer, my whole life.
Starting point is 01:17:45 And if I could, I would probably want to be in a bulk-ish most of the time, just psychologically speaking. But I think that there's real value in going in a very, very mild cut when you're training in a program that is more like Maths' performance or something mobility-focused. Not necessarily because the mild cut, or maybe even maintenance, is great for those goals, but rather, when I know that my calories are slightly low,
Starting point is 01:18:12 I'm less concerned about the fact that I'm not lifting as much on the bar. Does that make sense? That definitely makes sense. Not only that, but also, if you're getting these signals from your body that are telling you that you're achy like this, one of the quick ways that actually a lot of times will help clients is just putting them in a calorie deficit
Starting point is 01:18:29 for a week or two, because inflammation goes on. Yeah, inflammation will go down right away, right? If you're in a surplus all the time and you're lifting heavy all the time, that's very, very common. And just simply actually aside from programming, let's say we stayed in the same program, a lot of times I'll take a client who's maybe loving
Starting point is 01:18:44 the program and the results from it and say, hey, let's actually just do a little mini cut for a week or two. Let's drop your calories below maintenance and keep following the program. Who cares if the weight goes down it strength wise. I'm a little bit, I'm not worried about that, but talk to me about how your aches and pains feel. And sometimes that alone will actually start to eliminate the pain. Yeah. And when you go back to your bulk, you'll be really responsive. In fact, here's, I'm gonna be more specific. When you do mass performance, I want you to eat at maintenance
Starting point is 01:19:11 or slightly below maintenance or slightly above maintenance, kind of hover around there. Get out of the bulk and go maintenance slightly below, and then every once in a while go slightly above. That way you're out of your head, you're not worrying about the weight too much. Inflammation is gonna come down when you're done with mass performance, everything feels good.
Starting point is 01:19:26 The lateral movement feels good, rotation movement feels good, mobility, you know, feels good. Then you go into like maps aesthetic, throw the bolt on, watch how great your body responds. That sounds like a good plan. Do you mind if I have one follow-up question? Yeah, sure. Do you mind if I have one follow-up question? Yeah, sure. So I actually did decide to continue on with the five-by-five after I submitted the question and strained my pack pretty bad.
Starting point is 01:19:51 So I'll be rehabbing for the next few weeks. Once I get back into lifting, would you have any recommendations for how I might modify performance with the strength in my chest again? I'm sure I'll have some weakness there. Yeah, I would just listen to your body. So follow the program and go much lighter with the exercises that you need to
Starting point is 01:20:10 and just focus on range of motion and just listen to your body. That would be the best advice that I could give. You said it's a strain, right? Not like a tear. Yeah, I'm not torn from the tendon, just a strain. Yeah, and I tell you look, what we're saying is obviously true, right?
Starting point is 01:20:24 If you don't really incorporate, you know, different planes of movement and mobility, you're going to make gains and you're going to lose gains because of what just happened. You're going to keep doing this back and forth, and that sucks. It's a pain in the ass. It's much better. It's almost like the, you know, the tortoise versus the hair fable, right? The tortoise wins the race because they're consistent and the hair loses because they go real fast and they stop and kind of lose their pull.
Starting point is 01:20:49 I might pull some of the barbell stuff out and replace it with dumbbells. Yeah, that's a good idea. Yeah, pull the barbell pressing stuff out and just replace it with dumbbells. That'll help you out. Hey, thanks guys, I really appreciate the advice there. No problem, man, thanks for calling in. Yep, thank you guys. And thanks guys, I really appreciate the advice there. No problem man, thanks for calling in.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Yep, thank you guys. Thanks. Yeah, that's a, boy that's a real comment. I mean, that's me. Well, this is why I wanted you guys to, like, you got to remember that right? There's, right now there's probably 10,000 people that have never heard us talk about our program or whatever. We have no interest in getting somebody great results in a short period of time and then forgetting about them.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Our interest is great results all the time. We want lifelong, keep thinking ahead. Yes, like I don't, like it's okay great. You got great results in two months and then you hurt yourself. That's not what I'm looking for. I want people to feel good and move through different planes and continue to progress forever.
Starting point is 01:21:45 And really with minimal plateaus or injuries or none would be ideal. Well, you have to know too, like performance is one of our programs that is grossly underrated because if you're somebody who's focused on mainly strength and the way you look, you tend to go like, ah, I like anabolic or aesthetic or these other things. And you and you skipped that program. But there is a very specific reason why we made it the second program is because exactly this is because there's a large portion of our clientele that would be pursuing these goals.
Starting point is 01:22:19 And they would neglect that type of programming. And we know that's what should be inserted right there from a majority of people. That's what it is. It highlights what's neglected in your current program. And most people that are in the gym, just won't come up with a lot of these type of movements in their routine because it really goes outside of that perspective. Yeah, and I'll tell you, I'll be honest with you.
Starting point is 01:22:42 If I had to pick, and this is not true, this is, uh, you know, general, right? But if I had to pick one maps program, you gotta run over, that would, that would benefit. Yeah. The majority of the people watching and listening regardless of their goal, cutting, bulking, looking good, uh, and I'm talking long term, it'd be maps performing. Yeah. And if you had to stay in one forever, that's it. If you had to stay in one of our programs forever, you are probably the safest running that one the longest. What the most consistent long-term, yes, totally. Our next caller is Zeneb from Germany. Zeneb, how can we help you? Hi guys, how are you all doing? Good, we're great. How are you? I'm doing very well. Thank you. First of all, thank you so much for this amazing podcast. Listening to you guys is literally the highlight of my day.
Starting point is 01:23:27 So thank you so much for having me today. To give you some context, 21, and I just got back to weight lifting three months ago. And I've been consistently following a BPL split because I'm still excited to go back to training and hitting the gym five or six times a week. And I made significant progress in just three months when it comes to muscle gain. Maybe I don't know because I have genetic potential or muscle memory from previous training,
Starting point is 01:23:55 but lately I haven't been able to progress with my squats. So I increased the weights for my accessory movements, but my squats are stalled. The only explanation that I could come up with is that my upper body is not as developed and strong as it should be to handle the weight anymore for my squats. So my question is how do you deal with stalls on compound movements when accessory movements are progressing or also let you guys have any advice on correcting trans and balances between the upper and lower body. Can I ask you where your nutrition is right now and where it's been? Okay.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Currently eating intuitively, I have saliac disease and I have so many allergies, so my diet is pretty restricted. My protein is high. My carbs are a bit low because I don't tolerate grains and stuff so I don't have that in my diet. So it's pretty much just whole foods and meats, organ meats, and some vegetables that I can tolerate, some fruits. That's it, yeah. Yeah, have you just for the gut stuff? Have you gotten tested for SIBO, by the way? No. I would recommend that you find yourself a good gastro doctor and ask them for a SIBO test,
Starting point is 01:25:21 a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. It's common with people who have kind of intolerances to grains. It's very treatable and it can make a huge difference. I'm somebody that has done this and it makes a big difference for me. But let's talk about the question, right? You're talking about squats. There could be so many reasons why your squats
Starting point is 01:25:39 are not progressing. So I'm gonna ask you a few more questions, just get a little bit more information. What are the rep ranges that you're training in? So I'm going to ask you a few more questions, just get a little bit more information. What are the rep ranges that you're training in? How often are you squatting? And are you, what other auxiliary lower body movements are you doing? So my rep ranges are between six to eight, five sets, five working sets.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Yeah, I think I'm like, I'm trying to focus on my form. So like, I don't want to compromise the form. So once like, I feel like it's like, I don't have a good form. I just like, stop immediately. And I'm squatting twice, twice a week. And with some variations, squat variations all the third day sometimes.
Starting point is 01:26:24 Are you doing split stance exercises? Like lunges and Bulgarian. What about hip thrust? Yeah, I have thrust. Okay, so it could be that you might need to change your program. Yeah, how long have you been running that? Yeah. Six to eight reps, how long?
Starting point is 01:26:38 Three months, no. Oh, there you go. I would change that. I would definitely change that rep range. You might need to go through a few weeks of a Higher rep range. I would love to see her do anabolic and start in phase three. Yeah, that could be that could be really good Have you followed any of the maps programs? No, okay, we'll send you maps and a ballic And you might want to start in phase three and then go backwards phase three two and one
Starting point is 01:27:04 And you might want to start in phase three and then go backwards, phase three, two and one, do the three foundational workouts a week and then do the trigger sessions on the off days. But it's typical that your body will stall in a lift after about eight to 12 weeks is usually when you start to see if plateaus are going to happen, they'll start to happen around there. Changing the rep ranges is a really easy way to get things moving again. If we got you to focus on 15 to 20 reps, you're going to have to go way lighter. It's going to be really exhausting.
Starting point is 01:27:33 But after about four weeks of doing that, you're going to feel like you're getting good stamina and strength. Then you can go back to the lower rep ranges. Then within a couple weeks, you'll probably start to see the weight move back up. Now as you stall, did you notice any real sticking points in the left that were obvious, or is this more just, you know, you got fatigued during your sets?
Starting point is 01:27:55 I just get so fatigued, yeah. Okay, yes, so that advice would apply. Yeah, I'll go even further, like I would love to see you run, maps in a block, which will send that over to you in the order of sales said. So start in phase three, go to two, then go to one. Then I would love to see you follow that up with Maps performance, run it in the orders design, and then follow that up with Maps Power Lift.
Starting point is 01:28:17 If we're talking about getting yourself a badass squat, I'm hearing what you're telling me right now where you're kind of stuck in a plateau and how you've been training That order of programs Watch where your squad is at in three months. She's a college student Why don't we give her all three of those? So that's maps at a ball like performance and power lift You're gonna be set actually so the advice we're giving you you don't have to remember it just follow the programs The way that we're explaining and you should see your body really start to progress the way that we're explaining, and you should see your body really start to progress pretty consistently. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Right out the gates, we're going to switch you to a total different rep range by going to anabolic phase three first, two, and then one. So that'll be good for you right away. And then we'll address some mobility unilateral work and performance, which is going to, and you know, initially, maybe you won't see the squat go way up right there. You may, but you may just hover around just taking care of the body like you need to. And then when you go into maps, power, like that, then you're going to start to hit PRs.
Starting point is 01:29:12 You'll just make sure you keep us informed when you hit that, you know, 400 pounds squat. That's right. What are you squatting right now, by the way? Fingers crossed for that. Thank you so much, guys. No problem. Zany, real quick, what are you squatting right now just for out of curiosity? 50 kilograms. Okay, so like 120 pounds. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:30 That's excellent. How much do you weigh? Around 145. That's really good for. Yeah, that's really good for six to eight reps. So yeah, I think we'll be able to be able to be able to get your squat 30, 30, 40 pounds higher within that period of time. So let's see what happens. I hope so. Yeah, fingers crossed. Yeah, excellent.
Starting point is 01:29:50 All right, cool. Let us know what happens, okay? Okay, thank you so much guys. Have a great day. You too. All right. Thank you. So I love the international colors. Yeah, similar to the kind of the last color, you know, is stuck in that, you know,
Starting point is 01:30:01 five by five or low rep range for an extended period of time. You know, when you're so hung up on being strong, this is the, I think this is the Achilles heel to chasing strength. We always talk about how? Totally. Why you should. 100% is good for people that have body image issues and stuff like that, but this is the Achilles heel to chasing strength is you get so hung up on adding weight to the bar and it gets exciting when you do that right you keep getting stronger and stronger That you stick in that routine too long and then the last thing you want to do is go like oh, I've been crushing five by five Oh, and I got you 15 reps and I got to cut my weight down by 50% Yeah, you know, this is by the way this is the Achilles heel of any
Starting point is 01:30:38 Program that works you do something that works really well for three months. You are stubborn to move out of it. Oh, yeah, you don't want to leave. No. Because it's working. Yeah. And then it doesn't work. It's panic. So, yeah, you just got to stay ahead of you.
Starting point is 01:30:51 Yeah, I used to stay in a plateau for like four weeks before I'd finally get to my thick skull. That would be cool. I would be longer than that. It would be longer than that. I would stay in the same program and training modality way too long. Really? Yeah, and that's why I think we're so adamant about talking to that because I think, you know,
Starting point is 01:31:08 here we are trainers, we have the knowledge, the information, yet even we're guilty of doing this. So you know most people are. You get, you get a little bit of momentum and seeing results, you like it, you enjoy it, and then you just stay in that phase of that routine just way too long. All right, our next caller is Elliott from California.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Elliott, what's up, man? How can we help you? Well, I've got a question about testosterone levels. It's kind of a lengthy one. So if I start rambling, feel free to cut me off. But I recently got blood work done. My test levels came back at 320 and anagreens per deciliter. For reference, I'm 25.
Starting point is 01:31:42 I train regularly. I eat fairly clean, and I get about seven and a half to eight and a half hours to sleep. My general practitioner says I should focus less on the numbers, more on the symptoms. This is difficult for me, though, because that's more qualitative than quantitative. That being said, a couple symptoms are lower libido than years of recent past. Body fat and strength are both going up gradually. To me, this is kind of a paradox. I get incredibly tired early in the day,
Starting point is 01:32:10 usually I'm asleep by 8.30. But again, it's hard for me to tell if these are true symptoms, though, due to not having an accurate way to measure over time. And then on the quantitative side of things, I've looked at a few studies, but not many stratified data by age, which kind of sucks. I found one study that took a convenient sample of 10,000 men, and from that, I fall
Starting point is 01:32:29 around in the bottom desial, being someone who likes to optimize things as much as I do, hearing that I'm in that bottom desial at this age sucks. If you were in my shoes, is there anything you would do to get your test levels up, or do you think being on the lower end of normal is adequate? And thanks again. Yeah, and also good question. What a nice way to present that question. Yeah, thank you for all that information.
Starting point is 01:32:50 First off, I do want to be clear, none of us are hormone experts or doctorate. Right. So we're going to talk from the fitness and how I am. I'm just hormonal sometimes. Yeah. So things that can typically affect testosterone, not enough fat consumption, calories too low, lack of sleep, stress, there can be environmental factors. Testosterone levels have been declining generally in men
Starting point is 01:33:12 for a while now. I mean, I tested very low about six months ago myself, but I'm not 25. So, so again, speaking just from my experience, at your age, first off, what I would do, if you're looking for advice on hormones is I would go to a specialist, right? So your general practitioner has very minimal knowledge
Starting point is 01:33:32 when it comes to hormones, especially testosterone. testosterone has been demonized for so long that doctors are just, they tend to stay away from it. That being said though, his GP gave, I think, pretty good advice to him, which is don't focus so much on the number and focus on the symptoms, which is the same thing that Dr. Ran would say to him too. They do, but here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:33:50 320 is your right above what's considered the bottom part of the range. Right. So the GP may not recommend testosterone therapy because of that. But also because you're age. So there may be other things you can do to jump start your testosterone, both behaviorally and maybe, you know, medicinally, there may be things that you can use to kind of jump start them. I, if I were you, I would, and I wish I did this earlier, I would go and speak to an expert in this particular space.
Starting point is 01:34:21 We work with regenerative sport and medicine, they're really good. I think the website is nphormones.com. So you can go on there, set up an appointment and talk to them and see what's going on. Elliot, are you in our forum yet? I'm not in the forum now. It's free, at least for now, it's free. And it's unbelievably bad.
Starting point is 01:34:39 In fact, Dr. Ran spoke for the first time. So what we set up with them, this is what this is for our audience audience because this is becoming such a popular question We set up a free private forum for people to have questions around hormones twice a month Dr. Ran or Dr. Todd get on there and do live Q&As we keep them record on there So you could actually go on there right now and watch the last one He went for two hours answering questions and very, very details. And the more information you can provide him,
Starting point is 01:35:06 like that question was so good. If you gave him, like that exact question, he would be able to give even better advice than what we could give you. And I'm with Sal, I recommend that you go talk to somebody like that who is an expert in that field and can answer all your questions and potential concerns. So go take advantage of that.
Starting point is 01:35:24 And if you guys are listening to the podcast right now and you have similar questions around this, this is why we created this forum as so you guys could get this free information. Yeah, and it's much more complicated too than, and this is what I've just learned in the last few months. It's more complicated than just the total testosterone. Free testosterone's more important.
Starting point is 01:35:43 And then there's Androgen Receptor density. You could have one guy with a number of testosterone that's lower than another guy, but he feels so much better because he has more Androgen receptors that are available for that testosterone. So that's why they say focus on the symptoms. Let's talk about the stuff that we now can advise you on. Okay, so let's talk about your workouts for a second. Let's start there. What do your workouts look like? How many days a week are you lifting?
Starting point is 01:36:08 How many days a week are you doing cardio? What does that look like? Right, so lifting four to six days a week and a modified push pole legs routine and cardio. I know you guys are going to yell at me for this one, but only a couple of times a month and that just be either a star master or walking it in and find for about 30 minutes. You said a couple of times a month, and that just be either a stair master or walking it in and flying for about 30 minutes. You said a couple of times a month? Yeah, not a lot. That's fine, I don't care about that.
Starting point is 01:36:32 So, okay, so let's have you lift full body three days a week. Let's go there, okay, that's. Yeah, give me an aballuch. Yeah, I'm gonna give you a map, send a aballuch, follow that program. Three day a week, two to three day a week full body workout workout in my experience with the clients that I have worked on who have monitored their hormone levels. Typically is the most effective at getting testosterone levels to move up. Now, here's some good news. In my experience, I've worked with clients
Starting point is 01:36:59 who've had low testosterone or low-ish testosterone. And through lifestyle, we've been able to get it to improve by a good 30 to 50%. So that's a pretty big jump. Yeah, that's huge. From where you're at now. So that's something you could do. And then you could also try things that are a little bit more fringe, like red light therapy. There's definitely science that supports that.
Starting point is 01:37:21 If you're not getting a sunlight, especially, that's something to consider. I don't know if you got your vitamin D levels tested, if that's low, then you're just taking D3 and zinc to try to supplement that as is. Okay, good. Supplementally, herbs that can help, Oshwaganda has been shown to raise testosterone and men with low testosterone, it's a bit temporary though, it's not this like long-term permanent effect.
Starting point is 01:37:42 But for workouts, I would start there. I would go away from the four, six days a week, go three days a week, full body, that at the very least, even if your testosterone levels don't go up, it'll work better with what you're working with. So, you'll see probably better gains anyway. And then talk to a hormone expert. It's like, if I had really, really, if I needed knee surgery, I wouldn't go to my general practitioner for that. I would go to a specific surgeon
Starting point is 01:38:09 that focuses on the knees. So don't rely on your general practitioner what comes to hormone advice. Again, especially testosterone. So demonized, they're so afraid of even learning about how to utilize testosterone with people that need it, that the information you're getting at is not gonna be very good.
Starting point is 01:38:25 But in terms of our wheelhouse, if you're checking all the boxes of, you know, lift in weights and getting adequate rest, getting adequate sleep, you're getting sunlight, your nutrition's dialed in, you know, those are the things that you can manage and see, you know, where that leads you, you're still struggling, definitely go seek,
Starting point is 01:38:41 you know, a specialist at that point. Yeah, but we're gonna give you maps and a ball, like for free. And get in that form, Elliot. What will do appreciate that guys? One final question on apart from the three days of lifting. Is there cardio strategy that you would recommend most or program? I mean, if you're looking for lots of endurance and stamina, yeah, you probably want to do it a few days a week.
Starting point is 01:39:01 If that's not really that important for you, I would just monitor your just daily activity. So how active are you at work? Sedentary, sit in front of the four screens all day. If you, if you, if you, if you, if you, it's probably helps. Yeah, if you went on a walk for 15 minutes after breakfast, lunch and dinner, you that would be enough.
Starting point is 01:39:17 That would be good enough. Okay, okay. Good to know. Thanks for all the input. No problem, man. Thanks for calling. All right, take care. You know, I don't want to get on a soapbox here, but it is what you're going to. Yeah, I am.
Starting point is 01:39:29 I'm just kidding. Grants. Yeah. You see, I did that right now. I don't want to do this, but I'm going to hold. The this hormone issue in men is starting to get to a really interesting play. Bro, it blew me away when I first started talking about on the show, the amount of DMs that I was getting from 20 year olds. And these weren't just kids that are like looking to take steroids. These are kids that, that, that, Whitten got their blood, were done, was concerned about how low they are. And I, I, I, I did not see this when we were in gyms. When we were training in gyms, it was, this was not a common question. This has become one of the number one questions I'm having with people in my DMs right now. And I would
Starting point is 01:40:09 have never seen that coming. This is not our opinion, by the way. This is well documented. We've documented this now since the 1970s, this gradual and consistent decline. So it's much more common. So what does this mean for you? Accelerated. What does this mean for you if you're watching or listening? If you have symptoms of low testosterone out of nowhere and it's not going away and you're doing all the good, the right stuff, then you might want to talk to a specialist and at least get tested and see what's going on. Now here's the other side of that. If you're listening and you feel great and you have no symptoms, I think it's still a
Starting point is 01:40:44 good idea to get tested so you have a baseline. Because let's say you're feeling good, everything's great, you get tested, your test comes back, it's, you know, let's say 700 nanograms per desolator and you're like, okay, awesome. And then let's say 10 years later, you feel like total garbage can't figure it out, you'll get tested, it comes back at 350, you know, oh, that's really low for me. I tested before at 700, so it's a good, I wish I got those baselines when I was a month. I told you that Katrina's mom made all her kids do that.
Starting point is 01:41:13 I thought it was like one of the smartest things. So smart. Yeah, she said, when you guys, and they tell them, like do it when you feel great. Don't go, don't go wait to go get tested. Yeah, you don't know what the, go get tested. Yeah, go get tested.
Starting point is 01:41:23 If you are a person who's like, oh, I'm fine, I'm optimal. Okay, if you're fine in your optimal, go get your blood work done so you have a baseline to refer back to because in 10 years from now, when inevitable happens and you're not perfect, you can now give that to your therapist and say, listen, this is where I felt amazing, this is where my levels were, where am I at now
Starting point is 01:41:43 and how can we get me to there? Yeah, and the part to me that was really revealing when you really learn and dive into this is, again, the stigma around testosterone. Like if your thyroid is borderline and you have all the symptoms of low thyroid, doctors are typically okay with giving you a little thyroid. If you're obviously if insulin's down,
Starting point is 01:42:00 they're gonna give you insulin or estrogen or progesterone, they tend to be pretty open to that. But testosterone's been so demonized, which is interesting because it's one of the safest hormones that you could administer. It's so demonized, they're so afraid. So even if you're like 1.1 above the lowest, you know, measure on that scale, they're really reluctant to talk about it. That's because nobody goes and takes 10x to thyroid medication. That's why. That's exactly. If people were taking 10x thyroid medication. You mean it like as a performance enhancer?
Starting point is 01:42:27 Oh yeah, that's a hundred potential for abuse. Yeah, exactly. The potential for abuse is extremely high when it comes to 10x. But you know what, even along those lines, if you took 10x of any hormone. That's what my point would kill yourself. That's my point.
Starting point is 01:42:39 My point is, if you were, you know, it gets demonized, but the irony of that is something like thyroid medication, which is readily prescribed all the time, if someone went out and did 4x that, and so that all the fear around testosterone is the 4x10x. That's right. If your doctor gives you your testosterone and you says, hey, take 200 milligrams a week and you go take a thousand, you know, you now fall in a different category, but if you stick to what he tells you, it's just as safe as a thigh.
Starting point is 01:43:06 Yeah, but it's it's hard to hear this from young men because that's a really tough situation. But there are other alternatives. I have had clients in their 20s like this and they didn't want to go on testosterone. And so what they did is they went on other medications to kind of jump start testosterone along with some lifestyle changes and they actually had some pretty good. Well, I don't think if you're in your 20s, I don't think your first or even second or even third option should be testosterone. You should try and look at all the other things that are affecting it first. Otherwise, you're just masking the root cause of why you have that.
Starting point is 01:43:38 You could be financially producing at that point. I mean, that's something that should be a little bit alarming. Right. Our next caller is Mac from Indiana. Mac, what's happening? Hey guys, how you doing? Good. So I had some, I was looking for some advice on how to combat the feeling of not doing enough in the gym. Okay. So some context. I just started Maps Estetic and, or not just started getting through phase two here. And on these focus sessions, days on my smaller muscle groups like triceps and traps, I feel like I'm just not doing enough during my time in the gym. So tell me, tell me, Matt, a little bit about your athletic background that I know you have. Yeah, so I was a D1 swimmer in college just recently graduated in May. So I'm very much
Starting point is 01:44:30 accustomed to the 20 hours of, 20 hours a week of working out. It's like six days a week, two hours of practice. Yeah, I've trained a couple highly competitive swimmers. I had, when I first started training one years ago, I had no idea the amount of frequency and volume of training at that level. It was twice a day, right? You did like twice a day for hours. I see you in the morning. Yeah, I mean, it'd be, yeah, it'd be a double probably
Starting point is 01:44:57 twice, maybe three times a week. I mean, just a lot of volume. Yeah, okay, so let's unpack this for a second. OK. What do you mean when you say that you feel like you're not doing enough for, let's say you feel unsatisfied? What do you mean by that exactly? If I'm doing triceps, it just feels only doing three exercises of three sets just isn't enough, I guess. I just don't feel
Starting point is 01:45:29 like I've done anything. What does enough feel like to you? A little bit sore, maybe not like too sore, but I guess just satisfied with like, I feel like I've done a good work and I've put the work in. I know. But like with, but what does that feel like? So this is important that we know it's sour fishing for right now. Well, I'm not even fishing. I just want to know what you mean because you're fishing. Yeah, because I want to know what it feels like to you. And maybe you don't even, maybe you haven't even put words to this, but this is really important to break down, because there's an upper limit to how much exercise your body can tolerate,
Starting point is 01:46:13 and then there's the best amount that's gonna get you the best results. And they're not the same. So there's a volume and intensity and a frequency that's gonna give you the best results. And then up above and beyond that is what you can tolerate and you get diminishing returns, but you can tolerate it, you can get away with it.
Starting point is 01:46:31 And so I need to know what feeling you're looking for because if it's, you know, and this is important because if you feel like, you know, I just, I feel like I can do more. Well, that just means that you're used to training your upper limit of tolerance, not optimal, not optimum for results. Nothing necessarily wrong with that if you're willing to trade results in progress for that feeling.
Starting point is 01:46:55 Well, also keep in mind too, when you're a competitive swimmer, you're trying to get great at this sport, right? Like you're not trying to build the most muscle or burn the most body fat. So if you're approaching weight training with that same idea, well, yeah, we could totally scale up the volume of how much exercise you're doing. If you just want to get better at exercising, but I'm assuming that you have goals like I want to build some muscle, I want to be stronger, I want to lose body fat. Like if you have goals like that, it's, uh, there's a much more scientific approach to how you do that and what's optimal for your body to see the most amount of results versus how much can I actually do in a workout
Starting point is 01:47:31 that I'll actually be able to tolerate like South St. Those are different things and when I train highly competitive people, it's really hard for them to make that switch because that's how they have approached training for their sport for so many years and probably had success if you made it to D1. So you've learned to do that and push yourself to that level. But when you're actually training to build muscle or to build strength or to lose body fat, it's a total different approach than just how much can I do? Now, where's your intensity gauge through these sets?
Starting point is 01:48:02 Are you placing more demand on the load and after you're done, you feel unsatisfied. Like it feels hard on your way through, but you just feel unsatisfied because you don't have that sore feeling after you get through your sets. Yeah, I'm putting more emphasis on the total reps. So I'm trying to hit that 20 rep range on the on these focus sessions.
Starting point is 01:48:27 You know, you know what, Mac, start to interrupt. Okay, so here's one of the challenges. I'm going to, I'm going to go through this because this might be something that you're thinking. If not, definitely people watching in the same position as you are, are thinking this. You competed at a very high level and you trained it with an extreme volume. And so the argument tends to come back and say, well, if it doesn't work, then why was I training so much in competing at such a high level? Well, here's why.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Okay, here's why, swimmers and divers and gymnasts in particular, trained so much. Now, you don't see football players doing that kind of volume of training. It's different. But you see highly skilled sports do incredible amounts of volume and frequency.
Starting point is 01:49:08 And here's why. Let me ask you a question, Mac. You're obviously know how to swim very well. How much of a difference does perfect technique make in your speed when you're swimming? I did everything. That's everything, right? You can have somebody who's less perfect, but way more powerful, and they'll get creamed by the guy next to him who's got the most perfect technique with their swim, right?
Starting point is 01:49:31 This is true for diving and gymnastics as well. Now that volume and frequency and training, the reason why they're training you to the point that you can maximally tolerate is because what they're really looking for is perfection and technique and execution and the more you practice The better your execution gets even if you sacrifice a little bit of strength and recovery and stamina That's worth it because it's all about skill and technique now when you're working out Adam said something great You want to be the best at working out? Well, then just go ahead and do as much as you could possibly tolerate
Starting point is 01:50:01 But if you're looking for strength aesthetics mobility as much as you could possibly tolerate. But if you're looking for strength, aesthetics, mobility, muscle building, fat loss, you're gonna have to change your mentality. It is not the same mental state as the D1 competitive swimmer that you were before. Now, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try and help you here because it's hard to get out of that.
Starting point is 01:50:18 So here's some advice. When you're in there doing your focus sessions, do your focus session, when you're done with it, do something else. You don't have to leave the gym. Why not do more mobility work or technique work or skill work or stretching or other types of activity that can help facilitate recovery,
Starting point is 01:50:38 can improve maybe your skill or work on mobility. But what I don't want you to do is keep lifting weights because it's just gonna take away. Again, unless you don't care about the results as much, then I'd say go and push yourself until you hit that limit. But if you really care about results, don't do more, but you can do other things that can help out. And to be honest, Mac, I don't know if you started here,
Starting point is 01:50:59 but already, like what we've learned about you already, and if you were an actual client, I would actually make your ass do maps and a ball, which would really fucking drive you crazy. This is where I would've gone. Yeah, more of the one to five rep range to really shake it up, because this is a completely different pursuit,
Starting point is 01:51:17 and you have to kind of, I mean, this is a very challenging mental task in front of you is to really kind of shift that attention into what builds you the most strength and not necessarily what you're used to in terms of the feel of this physical activity. Yeah, and you know what's funny, the irony Mac, is that map's aesthetic is one of our higher volume
Starting point is 01:51:37 probably. Yeah, that's why I picked it on that. Oh yeah. I know, I heard that. And it's like nothing for you. So it's like you got to do something different. Yeah, I know that's why you picked. Are you in our private forum?
Starting point is 01:51:49 No, I'm not. Okay, you're going to need coaching. This is not the, okay, the hardest people I ever trained were people like you. So, and it's hard because you have that mentality. It's there. It was really effective for you. It's going to be really hard to get out of that.
Starting point is 01:52:02 So I'm going to bring you in our private forum. Give us updates, tag us and give us updates so that we can keep talking sense into you. It's gonna be really hard to get out of that. So I'm gonna bring you in our private form. Give us updates, tag us and give us updates so that we can keep talking sense into you. Because you're gonna keep veering into the slain. It's just gonna keep happening. I promise you. Yeah, I would love to see you. Absolutely. Absolutely. I would love to see you. Why don't we give them maps in a bulk too? Because I'd actually like to see him do maps in a ball. Like as much as it'll drive him crazy. And the thing that I, if you were my client, I might be too much of a jump. That's a right, Delph. And if you were a client of mine
Starting point is 01:52:25 and I was talking to you every day, I would actually be making menacing. I'd want you to do long rest periods. And we would just like, I'd make you sit down and you'd be chocking up and we'd be talking about the squad. And we, oh yeah, that looked really good last time. Now next time and like really analyzing your movements and technique.
Starting point is 01:52:40 It's so antsy. Yeah. And making you sit and rest for those full three minutes. If you fire, you and hire the CrossFit. I'm gonna throw it in the corner. But I would, I would make you do that. And then, and let's just focus on getting stronger and stronger and giving yourself these long adequate rest.
Starting point is 01:52:57 And I know it would drive you crazy, but I know it's what's best for you and that if I could get you to commit for a couple months of trusting me, I think that once you saw the strength gains and the muscle that would start to come on your body, I think that I could get you bought in. But it's breaking that those old behaviors that made you such a great swimmer. It's, you don't want to be just great at working out. I think you want to probably build muscle or get stronger. Those things are probably where you're, I'm assuming, right? I mean, I guess we should clarify that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:27 Okay. Yeah. Mac, what, when you were competitive, were you more of a sprinter medium distance or more distance? No, I was the distance kid. You were the distance kid. Okay.
Starting point is 01:53:37 Now, nonetheless, I'm going to say this, if you got to D1 for any sport, you've got better genetics than 99% of anybody watching this. If you do everything right with what we're saying, you're going to get amazing results. So if your results are lackluster, you're probably overdoing it. That's what I'm going to guess. You're probably overdoing it.
Starting point is 01:53:56 And I would say what I would get my competitive athletes do is to just, let's channel that crazy discipline that you have and attention to detail to other things like the diet. Like let's get like really crazy about really tracking the food and paying attention to how your body and strength is changing and like shift that and mobility, like get really good at mobility moves,
Starting point is 01:54:18 maybe take something from like our maps performance program and like practice mobility moves and get really good at that. Find other areas that you can get hyper focused on and take that competitive mind of yours and channel it where it's going to benefit you. Channeling that into more volume and intensity and training is only going to hinder you
Starting point is 01:54:40 so that you've got to shift away from and find something else to focus it on. Yeah, we look forward to seeing you in the forum, Mack. Gotcha. Right on, man. Awesome. Thanks for calling in. Yeah, I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:54:51 Yep. And another life, Adam, was a D1 swimmer. Remember that time we went to the pool and you did really well against it. You know, I'm telling the truth now. There are obviously general categories of clients that we've worked with. The most challenging were these, especially when they were only like five to 10 years out, highly competitive college athletes.
Starting point is 01:55:12 For sure, because they're successful. It was so hard to get them to pull back. It was easier to get the couch potato to start moving than it was to get that person to pull back because they have another gear. They're very comfortable in that gear. It brought them success, and I like to explain the whole thing about skill and technique
Starting point is 01:55:30 because certain sports, the goal is to push you to your absolute limits because it's about practicing this, like you look at a diver, they're gonna practice as much as their bodies can handle because every little, you know, if you're off just a little bit, you're not gonna be as good.
Starting point is 01:55:44 It's not about getting a stronger, you know, in particular. They're refining their sharpening, you know, that's definitely part of the process, practicing these moves and really getting really good at it. And so that's the difference, right, is to be really good at all these exercises. But like if you want to make a substantial change, you have to really do something different than you've been doing the whole time. Yeah, totally. Look, if you like a Pump, you'll love Mind Pump Free.com. Head over there and check out all of our free guides. We have guides that can help you with all of your fitness goals.
Starting point is 01:56:12 You can also find the three of us on Instagram. So Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. I'm at Mind Pump Salon. Adam is at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance, and maps
Starting point is 01:56:37 aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review
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