Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1716: When to Change up Exercises for Maximum Gains, the Advantages of Unilateral Over Bilateral Movements, When Taking Vitamins Is a Waste of Money & More

Episode Date: December 29, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how often to switch up exercises for max gains, if unilateral movements are more beneficial than bilateral movement..., whether vitamin supplementation is necessary if you eat a balanced diet, and good qualities (or red flags) to look for in a nutritionist. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Most workout programs suck because they lack these two components. (4:22) How you can make money on ANYTHING these days. (12:43) Yet another reason why the guys are happy to be working with Regenerative & Sports Medicine. (18:52) How the Metaverse is already crossing a fine line. (29:28) Welcome to the ‘Shadow Banned’ Club, Adam! (32:55) The Great “no shoes on kids” Debate. (44:24) The proper order of the Caldera regimen. (49:00) Pandemic effects may have lowered baby IQs, a study says. (53:18) #Quah question #1 – How often should I switch up my lifting exercises for max gains? (1:00:08) #Quah question #2 – Are unilateral movements more beneficial than bilateral movements? (1:06:38) #Quah question #3 – Is vitamin supplementation necessary if you eat a balanced diet? (1:12:27) #Quah question #4 – What are good qualities (or red flags) to look for in a nutritionist? (1:16:49) Related Links/Products Mentioned EXCLUSIVE LAUNCH PROMOTION! (EXPIRES TUESDAY 12/28): MAPS Resistance $20 OFF **Promo Code – “RESIST20” at checkout** December Promotion: MAPS HIIT and MAPS SPLIT 50% off! **Promo code “DECEMBER50” at checkout** The Hip Airplane - Squat University Squat University – YouTube '90 Day Fiancé' Stephanie Matto Claims She Makes $100k By Selling Farts in Jar MP Hormones Mind Pump #1607: How To Optimize Your Hormones With Dr. Rand McClain Metaverse: First reported case of sexual harassment in Horizon Worlds Mind Pump IGTV Wine Weed Wife All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout for the discount** The Genius Life 207: 5 Holiday Hacks to Prevent Fat Gain | Sal di Stefano Children born during pandemic have lower IQs, US study finds Mind Pump #1630: Ten Ways To Break Through A Plateau Mind Pump TV - YouTube Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Squat University (@squat_university)  Instagram Layne Norton, PhD (@biolayne)  Instagram Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere)  Instagram Mike Boyle (@bodybyboyle)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, alright? In today's episode, we answered four fitness and health questions that were asked by our audience. But we opened the episode with the 56 minute intro, where we talk about current events.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Scientific studies, fitness and health, and we mentioned some of our sponsors. So here's what went down in today's podcast. We opened up talking about why most workout programs suck. Then we talked about the new fart commerce business that's opening up now in social media. We talked about the reason why Adam was so moody, had to do with some of his hormones.
Starting point is 00:00:49 By the way, when you listen to that part of the episode, if you're interested in talking to some of the best doctors that we found about hormone therapy, head over to mphormones.com. Then we talk about the metaverse and sexual harassment actually happening in the metaverse. Adam talked about how he got shadow bound. Welcome to the club from Instagram. I talked about how I got in a debate with my Nonna, which I shouldn't have done. I think I heard her feelings. I'm sorry,
Starting point is 00:01:15 Nonna. And then we talked about the proper order to use Caldera products for perfect skin. If you watch the podcast on YouTube and you notice our skin has gradually gotten better as we've aged, this is one of the reasons why. And Caldera, by the way, is having a 30% off sale which is ending at the end of December. Great, great products, natural, super effective for great looking skin. If you're interested, head over to calderalab.com
Starting point is 00:01:43 that's C-A-L-D-E-R-A-L-A-B.com. Forward slash mine pump. Use the code mine pump for 30% off until the end of December. And then we brought up how there's a study showing that there's a huge IQ drop with babies born during the pandemic. Then we got to the questions. Here's the first one. How often should I switch up my lifting exercises
Starting point is 00:02:03 for maximum results? The next question are unilateral movements more beneficial than bilateral movements? The third question is vitamin supplementation necessary if you eat a balanced diet and the fourth question. What are some good qualities to look for in a nutritionist? Also, these are the final hours for the launch sale of our new Maps workout program called Maps Resistance. This is the perfect program to introduce yourself or loved ones into resistance training or strength training.
Starting point is 00:02:34 So if you know someone or if you are just getting started on your fitness journey, wanna learn how to get resistance training to work for you, Maps Resistance is a great program, by the way, right now with this launch, here's what you get for you. Maps resistance is a great program, by the way, right now with this launch, here's what you get when you get maps resistance. Not only do you get the program, which includes three workout programs,
Starting point is 00:02:52 one with body weight and bands, one with dumbbells, and one with barbells and dumbbells, but you also get the following bonuses. The Intuitive Nutrition Guide, which will help you with your diet, you get one year of free access to our private forum so you can get support as you embark on your fitness journey.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And we send you two eBooks written by Jason Phillips. The first one is Macros Explained. And the second one is Macros Applied. All of those things together, including the program, would cost over $300. But here's what you get right now with the launch. And again, these are the final hours. It will be ending soon after we drop this episode.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Everything for $77. One time payment, lifetime access to all that stuff. So if you're interested, head over to mapsresistance.com and then use the code resist 20. That's resist 20 with no space for that massive, massive discount. T-shirt time and It's T-shirt time. Oh Shit, though. You know it's my favorite time of the week
Starting point is 00:03:54 We have three winners this week. We have two for Apple podcasts one for Facebook We have the cheese burglar and Push on farm on for Apple podcasts. And we have Haseus Daniel Hernandez Flores for Facebook. All three of you are winners. Send a name I just read to iTunes at MindPumpMedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address. And we'll get that shirt right out to you. Most programs suck because they lack these few things. Training left the right and rotation, let's go.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's really good. Is that compelling enough? You know, to make it more, to be more, I guess, trainer with it, I guess that has to do with just the planes of movement, right? Like, a lot of programs are all like moving in this direction. Everything's in back. And that's about it.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yeah. Typically what you see in most commercial gym settings. Yeah, and they laugh. What's your theory on that? Why? Yeah, like why do wire trainer of trainers writing more programs like that? That's a good question. I have a theory.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I think it has to do with that. The most, and this is true, right? The most effective, generally most effective muscle building exercises are like squats, rows, presses, overhead presses, and those all are in the same plane. They don't involve in your rotation or lateral movement. And although they are effective at very effective at building muscle, the lack of lateral stability strength and the lack of rotational strength and stability eventually reduces the amount of muscle and strength you can gain even from those exercises.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Yeah, I mean, you do build substantial muscle from those compound lifts, and so it's hard to stray away from that, or like really see the value in rotation in some of these other types of exercises, because you're not going to see like this crazy muscle gain necessarily, other than it really complements and gives you longevity in your training. So I think it's even simpler of an answer than that. I think it's hard. Well, that's it. More challenging to program, you mean?
Starting point is 00:05:52 No, not even that. Just, they're difficult exercises. A lot of, when you move in different planes that you're not used to moving in, they're challenging. Challenging stability, form, and technique. You can use a lot of weight on them. They tend to get your heart rate going a lot of times. So I think that they're hard. So do you guys have any, I have an example, right?
Starting point is 00:06:12 I think you do too, just in fact, I think you want to have a similar story where our lateral stability came back to haunt us. Actually very similar. Yeah. So like dead lifts, right? Dead lifts move in the same plane as the bench and the roof. And I could get really strong in dead lifts at one point I was able to pull 600 pounds, which
Starting point is 00:06:30 is okay. It's not bad for someone my size. But I injured my QL at least twice because when you'd lift the bar off the ground, if it wasn't perfectly balanced, if one side came up fast on the other, even by a little bit, my lack of lateral stability with that much weight caused me to injure myself. Boom, I can't deadlift now for a month or two. I have to do correctional exercise and of course you lose gains as a result of that, you know?
Starting point is 00:06:58 Yeah, I had the same issue and it was everything was going great and then somebody said something across the gym. I lost my complete attention and I turned to the left and shift the weight just a fraction of an inch and I was done. I heard my, well, I just felt my cue all immediately talk to me. Oh, yeah. And it's, you know, those weak links, although they aren't the most, the most responsible for the big gains, when
Starting point is 00:07:28 those weak links are so weak that they can't support your gains anymore, now that's it you plateau. So if you talk to anybody who's relatively advanced, this may not happen when your beginner may not happen even as intermediate, although it's more common. But once you start to get advanced, ask somebody who's at that level. What's the number one thing that prevents you from making gains now? They'll tell you injury and pain. It's always that those are all the top things.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Well, plus I see a lot of that sort of stereotype of the muscle bound guy that just doesn't really move well. There's really stiff and rigid. I see that a lot when you look at their program and you see them just constantly in that sagittal plane, everything is very much controlled to where you take them outside of that. It's like they can't even really wipe their ass. Yeah, what do you do? Do you guys have any favorite rotational and lateral exercises that you'd like to work through. Rotational stuff, we mentioned this on a recent podcast. So for me, that was the big one.
Starting point is 00:08:28 So I didn't really do a lot of rotational movements for my shoulders and didn't really realize how much that would carry over into like my bench and any sort of, any upper body exercise for that matter, overhead press, rowing all that when I had good rotational strength in my shoulders. So doing the clubs and the May swings were huge for me big time. And that was why I think I liked it so much was I started to see a carryover into the bench
Starting point is 00:08:55 and movements like that. I just felt more strong, I felt stronger and more stable going right into the lift where in the past I'd have to do all these kind of perfectly in the groove. I had to get right in the past, I'd have to do all these kind of like... Perfectly in the groove. Yeah, I'd have to get right in the groove. I'd do all these warm-up sets. I had all these kind of priming movements
Starting point is 00:09:10 that I would try and do to get myself in the optimal position to actually be able to get after a bench, where when I started incorporating more of the clubs and mace just into the routine, I could get right into it. And I felt in this great position to bench right away. So that was a big one for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:28 What for me was, so I always incorporated some form of rotation mainly because it was all aesthetic because I liked having developed obliques. So I would do, so that wasn't a huge issue, although it still was because it wasn't really proportional. But you know what I noticed a huge difference was when I started to prime with like lateral two-walking, like such a silly movement. And all of a sudden, I could squat so much better and stronger and then it was too obvious. I'm like, okay, I need to do lateral stuff. So I started doing practicing Cossack squats where I step out, which I had been terrible
Starting point is 00:10:04 still to this day, but better than I was. And then lateral sled drags. Which is a great huge difference in my squats. Yeah. Well, addressing sort of that QL issue, I started to get back into windmills and, you know, bent presses and things like that. So really trying to address the issue and get strong with that, especially thoracic rotation with my upper back was a consideration. I didn't really have much rotation there. So that really helped a lot.
Starting point is 00:10:31 It like, keep me nice and sturdy, going back into dead lifts and some of those. You know what, I would love to see you try because I haven't seen you do it yet. And I, I mean, yeah, I stole this from the squat university guys was the assisted McGill Plains. Oh. Those, the,
Starting point is 00:10:47 I did that once. Did you, I did that once. I tell you what, that, so my, I am my range of motion on that's terrible. Yeah, absolutely terrible. Yeah, no, I think it, well, the fact that you're assisted, like I just doing,
Starting point is 00:10:57 I mean, obviously doing McGill Plains would be great, but those are challenging for a lot of people, so being able to hold the bar and assist, you could really, So you know what I noticed when I did it? only did it once after you talked about it a while ago Yeah, and I actually tried it the next day and what I noticed and this is a hallmark of poor connection is Even with my arms getting me into position. I felt disconnected once I went past a certain point That's crazy, which you know again you trained pet people better did you trade yourself? I should have been doing that ever since,
Starting point is 00:11:26 but I just didn't do it, which just kind of dumbed. That's in the rotation now for me on a regular basis, and I had never done that before, but it wasn't something I was doing on a regular, but now I'm like all about it. This is why we, I mean, when we came out with our programs, Map's Interballic was the first one, very sagittal plane focus, very like build muscle mass, speed up the metabolism,
Starting point is 00:11:48 strength, that's why performance followed. If you look at Maps performance, it's all about working in multiple planes. That's why it's such a complimentary program to follow post, and that's why staying in one program, no matter how well written it is, eventually you'll start to get weaknesses because it's, first of all, what makes a program effective is also
Starting point is 00:12:10 what creates its weakness, right? So you have a very effective program for a specific target goal. That means that there's other things that you're not focused on because if you focus on everything at once, you don't get a lot of any of them, you get a little bit of everything. So any great programs always going gonna have weaknesses because of that. That's why it's so good to go from focus to another focus because then you get become more rounded, you avoid injury, you're ultimately in long term you build more muscle, get better results, all that stuff. Yeah, keep going, man. That's the point.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Alright, so I wanted to bring up something interesting, because I know we have, we've been talking more at them about the business side of the stuff that we do and the potential opportunities. Bro, I didn't even know this. Look, literally, directly across from you, there's a million dollar potential that we have been missing completely. Wait a minute. What?
Starting point is 00:13:02 Complete it. Like, this machine here? Yeah, absolutely. So, I read this article. This article. I read this article. I'm like, dude, this is such a minute. What? Completely. Like this machine. Yeah, absolutely. So I read this article. I read this article. I'm like, dude, this is such a fault. I know where he's going with this. I read it. I'm glad you're using me as an example, but please tell the audience. What are you going with? All right. So describe over here. So reality star. I see that I read this like, dude, we can crush this. Reality star Stephanie Mateo. So she was on TLC's 90 day fiance, ready for this.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Okay. She's selling her farts in a jar. She's waiting, hold on a second. $500 a pop. Shut your face. Wait, nobody's really buying that. Hold on a second, hold on a second. How big are these jars? Hold on a second. Hold on a second. How big are these jars?
Starting point is 00:13:45 Hold on a second. I know, right. You know what I mean? I like what you're hiding. You're the shipping cost already, right? Try to keep that down. Yeah. I'm like, I can produce more volume.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Same price. Same price. I'm gonna beat that bargat you. You get a gallon bottle. No, listen to this. I'm like, whole cellar over here. So, trip off this, dude. She's selling Farts in a jar for $500 a pop in a month $100,000.
Starting point is 00:14:07 No way. Yes, dude. Come on. That's what it, that's what she went. Where's this demand? Like, who are these guys? It's got to be $1000. $1000, she may in a month selling her Farts in a jar.
Starting point is 00:14:18 In a jar. Okay, she gorgeous. Like, how can I say? I know, right. Doug pull her up so I can see how. So Stephanie, Mato, M-A, she's got to be like on another level. I mean, she gorgeous. Like how can I say? I know, right. Doug pull her up so I can see how. So Stephanie, Mato, M-A, she's got to be like on another level. I mean, she's pretty enough.
Starting point is 00:14:30 She's smell your fart pretty. She's pretty enough. You know what it is, dude? That's like a category now. And so when you're like dimes, everyone knows a dime, then there's like smell your fart. Hot. God.
Starting point is 00:14:39 That's like the next level. Just then hit the nail head. He's like, that must be a bunch of guys. It is a bunch. There's no way women are buying. Of course it's a bunch of dudes. Yeah. That's why I next level. Just and hit the middle of the head. He's like, that must be a bunch of guys. It is a bunch. There's no way women are buying. Of course it's a bunch of dudes. That's why I haven't really, is she a hot like Instagrammer
Starting point is 00:14:50 that does like the booty picks and everything? Nope, well, she's a reality. Okay, yeah, she's like weird. Is that her? Is that her right there? That is her. I mean, I would smell her parts. She's for $500?
Starting point is 00:14:59 Okay. No, I wouldn't pay 500 bucks. How much did you pay the smaller parts? I wouldn't pay anything. I wouldn't say that. That's the only way. It depends what she ate, dude. I pay 500 bucks. How much did you pay the smaller parts? I wouldn't pay anything It depends what she ate So what do you somebody has to say Real right what do you predict it smells like Justin? Oh, what do you think like that? I feel like a maple syrup waffles No, dude, she looks like a maple syrup waffle far.
Starting point is 00:15:25 It's like a sweet, come on, bro. You guys are crazy. There's no sweet, farts don't smell sweet. No, when you're that cute, you definitely start. You just smell. This is what I'm saying. So I would like to see,
Starting point is 00:15:36 here's what I like to see. How many of these fart purchasers are returning customers? Like what's her, where can you buy my farts? I'm gonna go back to that dog. Could you, where can you buy my farts? I wanna her? Where can you buy my share? I'm gonna go back to that dog. Can you, where can you buy my farts? I want to see where can you buy my farts? www.unfiltero.com and then heard I'm saving that's her name.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Where can you sell yours? Oh, you get, it's like a community, Justin. Then you can become a creator. Wow. Just the, just a fart, Jarn community. So, so talk about like what a rip off though. Let's be honest. This is a ripoff.
Starting point is 00:16:05 More science. How fresh does that stay in a jar, shouldn't have brought that up for you. I want to be a video dude, because who knows where the source came from. Yeah, how long can that actually a good question? I wonder if the jar comes with, I want to be authenticating.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Cause $500, a lot of money dude, for that. Exactly. I know, imagine she's got like some, like a little, little boy, a little teenage boy that's assisting her and he's just over there farting all day. She's 400 proud guys. How these dudes over here fantasizing their getting their cards.
Starting point is 00:16:26 He's just some of their teenage boys' farts. Hey, hold up. Hold up. Can you sue after that? Can I invite find out like it was someone who asked for it? My expectation, you're one of the smartest. You're one of the smartest business guys I know. Immediately what I think is there's a scaling problem with this business.
Starting point is 00:16:42 I know. If she's selling farts, she can only fart someone else. Well, that's the answer. So she's going to have a one problem with this business. I know. Right. If she's selling parts, she can only fart some parts. Well, that's the answer. So she's going to have a one. That's right. That's the end. I mean, it is scale, but you're going to be a little shady. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:16:52 You got to get some, you know, teenage boys working underneath you on high-protein just that are just ripping them all day for you. Yeah. And you just pay a minimum wage. So just a serious question though, here. Oh, some crazy serious questions. There's a serious question. Because as a kid, powerful stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:04 When I was a kid, my best friend's older brother used to pin us down and he would fart in a cup and he'd throw in our face. And that absolutely, that absolutely hat works. Big time. Yeah, but that's sad. Look at it as a joke, too, right? You know, you could buy that and be like, oh, it's a nice gift for Flutter. And you open it and it's, so my question where I'm getting out of this is face.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Can you, can, does it stay in there? Like does it, it's got me, with a beam shield or whatever. No, no, or would it leak out? I would think it would leak out somehow. I don't think it's gonna stay. Would it smell, would it go away after a while? Of course.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Yeah, I don't only would hold for so long, right? You're not gonna keep it in there that long? Well, how, what do you mean? Why, why not? I mean, come on, science guy. What's, what happens here? What does it, is it, it's like, I mean, would you call us, you're right, I have no idea. Yeah, like what, I mean, come on, science guy. What's what happens here? What does it, is it, it's like, I mean, what do you call us? You're right, I have no idea. Yeah, like, what, I mean, what just uses, I mean, I, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:51 my, my dog has farted in the house before where it is lingered for like 15 minutes. So, and that's open air. So if it was trapped, I would think that would be, yeah, a pack of a, I wouldn't, you ball, I might kill somebody. So I'm thinking that she would have to either A, it's novelty, funny. Oh, her bare butt was on this, I'll buy it. Or she does something to it so that it does, because what if, I wonder if these guys open it and it smells like nothing? Are they sad? Are they like, oh man.
Starting point is 00:18:17 It's like the invisible art guys sold for like a million dollars. So is this a sign? Yes, is this a sign of the economic bubble? Yes, this is definitely. Somebody made $100,000 a month selling the product. You can make money on anything. You guys. Hey, in the future, when the economic crash,
Starting point is 00:18:31 watch this, economic crash is coming, right? Yeah. Just, just worst in 08, and then people are gonna look back and be like, oh, the signs were all there. Yeah, dude, you have to think. You have to think. This is a tipping point, right? How did people not know this was gonna happen?
Starting point is 00:18:45 There was something selling their farts, it made $100,000. Pretty fun. Anyway, it's the same thing as NFTs. Let's get into some science. So this is kind of cool, right? So Adam and I had a discussion this morning. And you ever get information,
Starting point is 00:18:59 and then you look back and you go, oh, that makes sense. This is for I was right. And there's a that makes sense. This is for I was right. It explains everything. This makes a lot of sense. So I noticed for a little while there, Adam was a little edgy. Oh, I thought we were talking about something else.
Starting point is 00:19:14 No, I thought you were going to talk about the IQ thing. No, we'll get there too. Adam was a little bit edgy for a little while there, but it's like, all right, whatever. Listen, listen, listen, listen. We like to sing, listen, no, I haven't told these guys. I was starting to tell Sal. This is this is crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:30 No, this is actually really interesting. So Friday, I had had my call with Dr. Todd, right? So, you know, they they they're generous. Yeah, they follow after you've been doing as long as we have, I think it's every three months. So yeah, they do regular checkups, blood, work, all that. Yeah, when you first get started, you do regular and then then you start to extend it, I think, three months. So we had my three month checkup, and he goes over my blood panels.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Well, anyways, we're talking business first, and we're just going back and forth, and he was asking how I was feeling. I said, oh, man, I actually feel really good, energy, libido, all that stuff's good. I said, but I have noticed some weird stuff with my joints. I'm like, I took like a week off of lifting, and normally when I do that,
Starting point is 00:20:08 any sort of inflammation or achiness that I'm dealing with, it completely gets rid of it. And then when I come back, it normally takes a while before I'd notice it again. And I said, so I did that, and I might die, and I'm lower calorie right now, which also helps with that. And I said, I was doing real lightweight when I came back.
Starting point is 00:20:26 And right away, both my elbows were on fire. They just bothering me like crazy. And I felt it the next two days after that workout. And it wasn't even lifting heavy. I said, so that's the only thing I have. And I was actually asking him questions about, because before when I was doing my own hormone therapy, I was taking things like EQ, which is like a veterinary drug and stuff. But I was doing my own, you know, hormone therapy. I was taking things like EQ, which is like a, you know, veterinary drug and stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:47 But I was telling as a chemical. I was telling him that, you know, was there anything to that? Because when I used to take that, my joints felt amazing. He said, well, absolutely. He goes, but what you're experiencing is exactly what I want to talk to you about. So I said, what do you mean? He goes, oh, your estrogen is in the floor. And he goes and number one, number one, and number two side effects
Starting point is 00:21:07 is the achy joints and then irritability. That was a big thing. Hey. This was two hours after Sal and I had just got into it. Oh, man. Yeah, good afternoon, but I got that big ass hard. You start laughing right away. I go, what?
Starting point is 00:21:21 Send him that right. I go. It was literally two hours. It was Friday when we got into it, right? And we got into it. It was a pretty heated one, right? And I did. I have my call. And he's like, I'm in text to a lovely, I love to be hugged after that. We're gonna be alright. We're gonna be alright. They get into these tips. It's gonna be fine. I suck dug into that one. That time I was a lit dug out of it. Doug, fucking say something. You got my back. Doug my back dog fucking speak up done I can see your face right now
Starting point is 00:21:50 I don't want in you know what though I mean the truth truth be told it's why I love you guys so much it doesn't matter it first of all everybody goes through stuff so who knows right I could tell something was off with you my it's not like it was a major thing I don't know know what was going on. It's fine, I've gone through stuff, everybody has. But what I love about us is we don't take shit personal. So it may get heated, but it's left, it's done. We get back to work. It's not like I leave and I'm like, oh my god, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:22:15 I think to myself, and actually I reached out to Adam and I told him I appreciate that we can do that. And then get right back to work. And I also didn't want to say, hey man, I noticed your little office and kind of invalidating it. And I also didn't want to say, hey man, I noticed you're a little off it's kind of invalidating. It's like telling you, asking your teachers in our period, which is like,
Starting point is 00:22:29 never work. And back by everything. And back by everything. I have some science behind this. But, though, this is a great topic because a lot of, this is why we chose to work. Well, yeah, let me explain.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Let me finish explaining what, so we obviously, so we find out, okay, so I am very sensitive to a guy of Comastiaastia right because I've had it in the past and if You as soon as I take start taking testosterone one the first things I notice is I get the sensitivity and it starts to come back So one of the things that they they have me on is the arymedex or what's the and astrosol? I think it's a chemical. Yeah, whatever right so they they have basically an estrogen blocker, right? So I would it does is it prevents the Prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, right? So it reduces estrogen, right?
Starting point is 00:23:12 So I take that 24 hours. I take one milligram of that 24 hours after I take my testosterone Sometimes I'll take another one 48 hours if I still feel a little sensitive, but that's the most I take. And I guess I'm just ultra sensitive to it that it works really well, but it works so well that it completely slams my estrogen down. And I didn't know that. And I was telling him like there's times where all sometimes I will take too because I feel like I'm sensitive
Starting point is 00:23:37 or something and I always get paranoid about that. So I take another one right away. It goes, yeah, the problem with that is your body responds and your estrogen drops all the way down and then you're going to feel the symptoms that you're feeling, which was like. This is what the term testy comes from. I don't know. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:23:53 I don't think the testy today. Because it's your estrogen that's really causing it. Yeah, what dicks now? Anytime Adam says something, you know, we're going to be like, is your, uh, some of you gave some estrogen. Yeah. I was actually, I was actually really happy and excited. This is one of my explains. One of my favorite parts about, I mean, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I would be like, is there something that gave you some estrogen? Yeah. I was actually really happy and excited. This is one of my favorite parts about,
Starting point is 00:24:09 I mean, in the past, I've done all this stuff on my own, and I don't know, you know, and I honestly, I would have attributed the A.K. joints and stuff to something to do with lifting and diet, which was right away what I did myself, right away I adjusted that, thinking that that was the issue and then some mobility stuff I was doing too. Well, that's a that's a testament to you being a health person, right? You're going to look at lifestyle choices first.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Right. So right away, I went that direction and it still wasn't helping. It was bothering me a little bit. I couldn't get to the bottom of it. So I've I felt so relieved when I expressed that to him and he goes, it completely makes sense because you're asking for adjusting this for you. So the first thing is that to lay like he wants me to take two weeks off of the the remadex or whatever, right? So I'm off of that for two weeks. Another potential thing that we can do is a NANDERLON, which is like
Starting point is 00:24:54 DECA. So I guess that also helps with the joint stuff. Yeah. Yeah. So with that. So it also helps with the the estrogen being converted. It converts a little bit more to estrogen. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:04 I forget he explained me the mechanism on how it works. I didn't completely. So they work with testosterone, and they work with the two prescribed anabolic, anavar, and nandralone, depending on the individual and what they're looking for. Of course, you have to have all the blood work, which is, which I like because they're not afraid, right?
Starting point is 00:25:22 They're such a stigma around even testosterone. Yeah. That, like that one, the first one of the first places we talked to way back, they're not afraid, right? There's such a stigma around even testosterone. Yeah. That one, one of the first places we talked to way back, they were so afraid to go above 100 milligrams for, you know, oh no, and then they move you up 10 milligrams which is ridiculous, especially if your symptoms are still there. No, this is interesting because people need to realize this.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Testosterone is essential for women and estrogen is essential for men. Now lower doses, different amounts, but it's essential. If your estrogen is in the floor as a man, you'll feel like shit depressed, you can get anxiety, irritability, your libido can get crushed, your lipid levels can go all over the place and you won't build as much muscle. In fact, with animal cattle, when they inject cattle with hormones to bulk them up and which are all testosterone derivatives, they will also give them estrogen because they won't gain as much muscle
Starting point is 00:26:13 if it's just the testosterone derivative. Any balance of it. You have to balance it. And this is why it's so important that you work with a clinic that knows their shit because with the testing, you gotta make sure you're in the right balance and people are so different.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Cause if you're not, then you can run into problems, you know? And to be honest, I actually, so I flaked on them like two weeks before cause that's when I was supposed to have my appointment. And I'm like, I'm fine. Like I don't need to do a follow up. I've been good, we got to, I think I have my levels down
Starting point is 00:26:42 and I figured out my dose that I think is pretty perfect for me. But I wasn't even connecting the joint stuff. And I actually wasn't even thinking about the air ability thing. I mean, I'm sure Katrina and you can testify to that. We have a separate texture. Yeah. That wasn't really on the radar until he said like those are the one and two. And I'm like, well, I did just get into a cell two hours ago. Oh, maybe that's a little off. But that makes me, I was happy.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Like, that was nice to have somebody that, that's, you know, tell me what's going on. You know what's funny is, so after I told the audience that I, you know, been doing TRT and the whole story behind all that, I, the response has been so overwhelmingly positive in the sense that there's a lot of men and women who've been messaging me saying, you know what, your story convinced me just to get messed up looked at
Starting point is 00:27:35 because like you, I eat right, I exercise, I do all the stuff and I just can't figure out the hell's wrong with how I feel. And because of what you said, I went ahead and got, which is good because what'll happen is you'll get tested and they'll say, no, everything looks good, or they'll say, oh, here's what's going on, and then you'll have some options or some answers,
Starting point is 00:27:55 because I can only imagine, well, I mean, I mean, that's like, that's the coolest part about all this whole thing is forget the testosterone that I will or will not do, or that it's like just, that was something I had been troubleshooting for like the last month by myself not thinking it had anything to do with my hormones. I completely thought I had something to do with man am I not getting enough rotation like we're talking about rotation. So am I not doing enough rotational stuff and I was doing like mobility stuff. I was and I thought man am I maybe it's all the dessert and
Starting point is 00:28:21 candy that since Halloween I've been letting in my diet. Okay, so I cut all that out, went low calorie. I was like, what the fuck? Why is this still bothering me? And it just, it didn't even dawn on me that that could have been the issue. There's nothing more frustrating than dialing things in and you still can't figure out what the hell is going on. I feel like you're losing your mind.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Especially when you're one of us. I feel like that's it. Well, dude, I feel like it's extra frustrating for me. You don't understand, okay. And I told the story and I don't really, really go into like too much of the emotional aspect of us, I feel like that's it. Well, dude, I feel like it's extra frustrating for me. You don't understand, okay, and I told the story, and I don't really, really go into like too much of the emotional aspect of it, but it literally felt like someone lifted the frickin' curtain.
Starting point is 00:28:52 And then, hindsight's 20, what do they always say, right, hindsight's 20, 20. You look back and you go, oh, now everything makes sense. For like three years, and my wife is very supportive, and she must have heard me say this a thousand times, I'd go up to her and I'd say, I just don't feel like myself. It's so weird. It's just not, and she'd be like, you look great.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And this and that, but yeah, but it's just something's off. And I don't know what the hell is wrong. And this and that. And so it's just one of those things. Find the right place. And if you're interested in going to where we recommend, it's mphormones.com, which is the place you want to go. Yeah, it's still in up these days. Yeah. So, all right. So, Adam, you had something
Starting point is 00:29:29 you wanted to bring up. I do. I have on the topics of interesting is, so already the first sexual harassment case, I believe, has been filed for the metaverse. So explain this. I saw you say you brought this up a little bit. I shouldn't laugh, right? Because it's a bit of a cum. Sex or harassment is not a funny thing, but this is a little comical to the virtual avatar got sexually harassed. That's exactly what went down. So they just, I forgot they got groped. Or something like that. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:56 But I mean, it's like you, I think one of you brought, I heard one of you say the whole grand theft auto thing. It's like, yeah, I mean, look at the, how graphic that is. You can go around and you can, there's, well, just look at that as an example of human behavior now in the virtual world. Like what makes you think people are gonna act appropriately just given everything that they can do in this virtual world?
Starting point is 00:30:17 Like they're gonna have all these like utopian behaviors. So this is why I wanted to bring this up because it's actually kind of an interesting conversation because I expect or predict that this is going to be crazy bad. Like this, I mean, because because I don't know, now there's not any laws in place to stop somebody from doing it. So what is going to stop somebody? And you, I mean, just think of just dumb teenage boys. Like, yes, you always have to factor that. Or did're doing it for a day. No, here's the thing. There's always going to be those people. And now they can get away with it because there's no laws
Starting point is 00:30:49 that stop them doing that. And then in addition, that you have funny teenagers who like there's no laws against me doing it. So I'm gonna fuck real. I'm gonna fuck with people all the time. How are they going to handle this? Yeah. Okay, so I'll add a control.
Starting point is 00:31:00 I'm gonna be able to handle trolls. You know, like on all the social media platforms, how are they going to handle people's behaviors being, you know, this avatar going around groping people and talking shit? Yeah, so I think there's going to be, first off, we have to draw a clear line. There's, when you're, when you're abusing or targeting minors, there's a line there. I definitely think legislation already exists. I think the legislation you get tougher on that. Like if my 12 year old daughter is on Roblox
Starting point is 00:31:27 and some freak, you know, pervert guy takes his avatar and like, you know, simulates humping her avatar, she's seeing that happen. That's different. So I think that's a, there's a line there. But let's say you're an adult. Yeah, but let's talk about that line though. How do you police that?
Starting point is 00:31:41 Yeah. You police it by saying no saying nothing sexual, nothing violent, no harassing, no curse words. No, it's still gonna happen. Right, so I think that that's where that line has to draw. Now adults, here's what I think with adult, and now here's what's interesting by the way, people in the metaverse, they murder each other all the time.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Nobody gives a shit. So I could walk up to you and throw you off a cliff. Ha, ha, ha. But now if I touch your fake butt, you're gonna assume me. Isn't that kind of interesting with human behavior? Like what's considered okay and not okay? That's what I'm saying. It's gonna be this weird, it's like gray area on how they,
Starting point is 00:32:15 how do you navigate this? And how do I mean, the platforms are gonna have to, they're gonna have to see that, oh, people are dropping off. See, I think it's gonna be so overwhelming, they won't be able to. Or they're gonna be,
Starting point is 00:32:23 imagine the predicament Twitter and Instagram and Facebook are in right now with trying to police what they think is right and was wrong. And they have like, like, it's never, it's never balanced. Yeah, it's never balanced. It's, it's, and they're all, and they predict all these meetings, corporate meetings you're gonna have in boardrooms and everything. And like, they think it's gonna be so like professional. And it's like, dude, I don't see that at all.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I don't see that at all. There's no way. I'm trying to think right now. You're gonna have to create AI to manage this because otherwise the amount of person now. Yeah, but look how fucked up AI. You see that? You guys know that I'm shadow band and block for three months.
Starting point is 00:32:59 What? Like, why? What kind of club, dude? Yeah, but what was the, so the only thing I could think of, because everyone was dead, been DMing me since this weekend saying that I couldn't, I couldn't find your name.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I thought you were gonna catch up to my phone. Yeah, I can even watch some videos. So you can still find, okay, so if you go on the main MindPunt Media IG, there's a little where the icons are, there's like a post story, and then there's a little play button. You can go to that play button,
Starting point is 00:33:23 it's saved in there. So you can go back and go. It's on the MindPunt page. Yeah, You can go to that play button and it's saved in there. So you can go back and go- It's on the line pump, hey. Yeah, you can go, you can go watch it. But I was trying to do it on my story. And I think because I announced it as weed, wine, wife, talk, or whatever, and because weed was in the talk,
Starting point is 00:33:38 that I think that's the only thing that makes sense to me, because I don't have any controversial shit that I'm posting on my story like Sal is. Yeah. So there's no reason why I would have been blocked for that. The only thing I could think of is because I was promoting smoking weed. Yeah. Wow. That's that's exactly what the fuck. Yeah. There's so many people that do wayward stuff on there. Now here's what's annoying about it all. It looked. Instagram is a private organization. They could do it. Here's what they put themselves in hot water is that they are not, they don't seem to be fair with how they apply it. For example, you could say on there,
Starting point is 00:34:08 and people have, white man or racist, that's totally fine. Death to Israel, totally fine. Weed, wine, and wife, aren't your shadow band. Very straight, and so just a noise. Well, it's also a annoying two that there's no, like I'm guessing that's what it is. I don't even know for sure.
Starting point is 00:34:25 What if everybody that's connected to me now is getting shadowbed? Yeah, sorry guys. I'm next. Well, I wonder if there is some sort part of the algorithm though, because you've been shadowbound and then people that are closely associated with you. I don't know, like that are, I'm sure there's some sort of.
Starting point is 00:34:40 So there's a theory that's going around that they will, that the algorithm looks at the pages that you follow, even if you don't do anything. And then when you follow certain pages, you're under a different level of scrutiny. So if you follow, let's say controversial meme pages, there's a ton of them, or you follow certain political opinion pages,
Starting point is 00:35:00 which it's obvious some political opinions are heavily scrutinized while others aren't. It's so biased. That's crazy. It puts you in a category and then you're you know and then they watch you more. But here's the thing. Nobody knows and I think that the only way that the social media companies are going to get out of this is if they make it super super transparent. If they say specifically, here's the things and that's it. So what happened as a result with the whole fact check with Facebook, I had to admit that it's just a pinion
Starting point is 00:35:33 in court. Yeah. That's also what does that mean in terms of their fact checking people and like how, you know, they screwed. All of them screwed. Right. The second they started editing their stuff, there's gonna be people who are gonna say,
Starting point is 00:35:47 it's not fair. When you edit stuff, you are no longer protected the same way phone companies are, right? So phone companies are protected under law, where let's say I call Justin through the phone and him and I plan a bank robbery, AT&T is not liable for that because they're not editing,
Starting point is 00:36:03 they're not like acting like a newspaper magazine, they're just a service. Social media actively edits, which now is gonna open them up for legislation and lawsuit. And so the era of this open market free, whatever social media it's over, there's no way. There's no way. Why are we still haven't seen what the final layout
Starting point is 00:36:26 will look like of social media, which I think it's gonna look like just like the news cycle where you have super left and right. Yeah, so I think we're just, it's only a matter of time before the, you know, the red Facebook or the red Twitter. So far it's all left. Yeah, there's like, then the ones like a parlor that kind of came out got squashed.
Starting point is 00:36:47 And then this whole thing with Trump trying to create one. Now, you know, in the defense though of these guys, right? So I was, I heard the guys on the all-in podcast, one of them knows Jack Dorsey, he's the Twitter guy really well. And he says he's like a major like libertarian, like free market type of guy. Yeah, free speech guy. And that
Starting point is 00:37:05 was not his intent. And maybe that speaks to why he's maybe that's why he's that. That wasn't the intent of any of the guys that's of any of those. It's so big. And so that's what they say. They say they're all these guys. You know, everyone's, you know, and that's why I want to defend them a little bit right now is we're, you know, railing on them as if they're all left. They're really not. I mean, from people that know these people say, they're not left wing people. It's just that it's getting to this place where they're being held accountable from that side. Just the editing has all been completely.
Starting point is 00:37:33 They would rather be motivated. I mean, think about it. It made sense. That was the goal. The goal, literally, was to make that, first of all, the internet. It decentralized everything. Yes. And the internet's a perfect example of open anarchy like it itself organized itself.
Starting point is 00:37:48 But in all these original people that are the innovators, Jack Dorsey and what's his name from Facebook and all these, they were the innovators. They were the first ones and they were all pro that way. The problem is you have now 30,000 employees. So now they have a say, who knows what they stand, then you have political pressure, which is massive now.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Trying to be in good graces with the government. Yeah, and then you're like, then you wanna keep your crowd happy. So let's say the crowd that goes on. So this is what I think where you're going right now is, so I had a niece that used to work for Facebook, and I think every Friday's Zuckerberg does like this big thing where everybody,
Starting point is 00:38:21 and the employees have a major voice. And I imagine, I don't know what, maybe Doug could look at, what's the average age of an employee at Facebook? Plus, where's Facebook? I'm guessing it's younger. And where's the headquarters? Yeah, over here.
Starting point is 00:38:33 It's in, it's in, like, no. Now, when you got a majority of your employees putting pressure on you to say this or do that or police this, and then you're getting outside pressures. I mean, I just suck, dude. It's, I mean.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Yeah, I'm not saying that they're evil. I know nobody wants to apologize for billionaires, but I mean, I, I, it would suck if this was like my bait. Like, imagine this. Look, a median employee of Facebook's 28. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so we know. And there's Silicon Valley deal with that.
Starting point is 00:38:58 I look, here's a deal. I don't think they're evil, but what I think is, and of course, this is hindsight, they, they opened a door and now they're screwed. And the door was, okay, we're going to step in and start editing stuff. Well, now you're screwed. Now there's no, now that's slippery slope, you're going down it.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I mean, you're not a utility any longer. I agree, but I feel bad for him, dude. I mean, I've thought about this before with our own business. Like, imagine one day gets to a place where we want to step away, right? It continues to grow. It's this beautiful thing that we built. We're so proud of it, but we want to step away, right? It continues to grow. It's this beautiful thing that we built. We're so proud of it, but we're also getting older, right? At a point where we want to retire, we want to travel, we want to do whatever, right?
Starting point is 00:39:30 And you say, and we don't want to just burn the bridge, burn it down. It's like, let's keep it going. So let's step other people in, let's get a board, let's do these things. And then you start having the outside influence of people deciding what the content looks like. Or let's say, we do like a Joe Rogan move where we still are the face of it, but then we sell the advertising. And then they start telling us what we should say for the brands.
Starting point is 00:39:51 I mean, you cannot say weight loss because it's not inclusive. Yeah, and yeah, what I saw too, with the night, again, I always brings back the Star Wars somehow, but like, how do you connect this? He cuts, dude,
Starting point is 00:40:02 he's, everything connects the Star Wars. It does. You guys, I'm telling you, he's always the connects to Star Wars. It does. You guys, I'm telling you. He's got a good point again. Yeah, no, because it just got away. Like after he sold it to Disney, like they had all these other people involved
Starting point is 00:40:12 who have different narratives and different things they want to inject into the storyline and create something that has like hits all these sort of points and is socially relevant and all that. And it started to compete with the actual storyline in the cannons. Yeah, so here's, okay, here's a deal. And this is gonna be true for anybody or any company
Starting point is 00:40:35 who values this open market of ideas. When you value open market ideas, that you're going to open the door for bad ideas and rude people and controversial stuff, because that's what happens when you have an open market of ideas. Here's how you would regulate that. The responsibility is not on the person
Starting point is 00:40:54 holding the platform, because the people putting out the opinions are the public and the consumer. The responsibility is on the consumer to control what they can and can't see. So what they should have done is they should have said, we're not going to ban anything except for things that are legal because that's under the law and maybe pornography because this is a non pornography site.
Starting point is 00:41:12 But besides that, you as a consumer, you have the power. You don't like something? Then you click on this feature that bands shit or block stuff that looks like that. It's on you, not us. Here's a problem. People are weak. People are so weak, they get on these social media platforms. They don't like that. It's on you, not us. Here's a problem. People are weak. People are so weak, they get on the social media platform, they don't like something. I'm complaining
Starting point is 00:41:30 to Facebook. You clicked on it, you winp, like you block it yourself. So that's the other thing that I'm not sure about is there's a very good chance because I remember I did a back on April 20th, like I don't know, two or three years ago, I did a marijuana post, you know, one of three I've done in five years, whenever. And I got a bunch of heat from people that I'm promoting smoking or one of like that. And I'm like, you know what could have happened is
Starting point is 00:41:55 maybe it's not the algorithm from Instagram. Maybe I had a fucking couple of people that complain. Yeah, that complain. Who the hell follows you at this point, Adam? Who doesn't know that? It doesn't matter, dude. Like you still, you know how it is. Like even as well of a job as I think we don't have. But you're so funny that you're getting rid of all the fucking
Starting point is 00:42:11 claims to be Instagram. Yeah, Instagram, just random person. Right, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's something in the algorithm that, hey, if five or more people complain about the same thing. Well, that for sure is there. Right. Remember Lane, what happened to Lane?
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yeah. He had a bunch of, because he's aggressive when he goes after like fake diet people and diet pills and stuff like that, but he's really aggressive about it. And I guess a group of people organized got together and all said, let's all complain at the same time to get him banned. Yeah. And he did. And he had to go through Instagram and luckily he knew someone there and they were able to reverse it, but he almost lost his business. Right. So I don't know. It could have been easily my own, someone in my own following that actually got all offending because I was gonna have some wine and smokes and weed.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Oh God. That wouldn't be surprised. Like I said, I've had people message me before. Just don't watch, just leave. That's all you gotta do. No, I gotta do, no, it'll be the acronym if I do it again. We'll see what's actually right. You know what we should say?
Starting point is 00:43:04 Come, you know, we're grape juice and trees. With my wife tonight. You know what I mean? Let's come up with an ultimate. That's not a bad idea. Yeah, they actually, I think that, I think I'm actually, this is a good time to announce to you guys that I'm going to be stepping down and Katrina is going to take my spot
Starting point is 00:43:18 on the podcast. Apparently she's in more demand than I am. Oh, people want to hear from her, talk to her or so. It might be better for her to work here. I think it would be a stay home dad, actually I've always wanted to say. Shut your face. I might follow suit event, right?
Starting point is 00:43:32 That's good. Shut your face. Place my side now, stay home dads. Yeah. Hell no. I should tell our podcast. I don't wanna do that. It's funny this weekend I was with,
Starting point is 00:43:40 hanging out with Jessica and she's, when I'm off on the weekend, she's so like, sit down, I'll do that, I'll do this. No, no, you don't do anything. And I said, honey, you know, hanging out with Jessica and she's, when I'm off on the weekend, she's so like, sit down, I'll do that, I'll do this. No, no, you don't do anything. And I said, honey, and she, this was like that. I guess I said the best thing in the world to her, but I said to her, I said, honey, I'm not working today. It's a weekend, but that doesn't mean that I'm off.
Starting point is 00:43:57 We're still running the household. And I said, when is your day off? And she looked at me like, and then we had sex. So it worked really well. No, I know all joking aside, that job is hard as shit because you don't have, like, you don't have off days, right? Like, I'm not off and I can just do whatever I want.
Starting point is 00:44:13 So I said, hey, I'm off work, but I don't mean I'm off. I still, you know, I'm part of the family. Man, you are really trans-coarse of points, right? No, aren't you? It's true that it's true. You wanted to see that publicly to get more points? No, hey, I gotta tell you something, Adam, it's a letter.
Starting point is 00:44:26 At mean voice. So you know how you always talk about your family, having issues with the fact that you don't put shoes on your son. Yeah. Okay, so we went to my parent house. I've been waiting for this, by the way. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Quietly waiting for when this moment happens for you. So we went to my parent's house because my sister, who's a photographer, and she does a great job, by the way, she was, she wanted to take pictures of my parents and all the grandkids, right? So my parents have, let's see, six, seven grandkids right now, early 60s, so they already have a lot of grandkids. And then she also invited my great-grandparents
Starting point is 00:44:57 to take pictures. So she took these incredible pictures, so we're all there, right? So first Jessica shows up, because I had to go pick up my older kids, and I get there and my grandma looks at me and she goes, you know, if you put shoes on your son, she's telling me it's a silly and my grandma is 80, she's in her mid 80s. You know, if you put shoes on your son, he'll walk much earlier and Jessica gives me a look and I'm like, oh,
Starting point is 00:45:18 she's already said something to Jessica. So I'm like, no, I said, no, not. I said, you know, if you put the shoes on, then the muscles of the foot don't get developed and the nerve and the feet, and it was this debate when my grandma about shoes, it's like, we used to put leather shoes with hard soles in our kit, and they were walking at 10 months old. You know, he should be walking, like, oh man, what am I doing?
Starting point is 00:45:37 I'm gonna go back up fourth of my grandma. I can't get away with that one. Dude, I didn't realize how much shit I was gonna get up with that. I just didn't think that anyone shit I was gonna get up with that. I just didn't think that anyone really paid attention to that. And boy, did I struggle with that. So many people, actually, I would say I had more issues with the shoes than I did with the sugar.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Once I kind of laid the law with like the don't give myself, give my kids sugar, like I think a lot of people kind of get that, you know, a little bit more. The no-shoes thing was like people did not understand them. They just thought I was being a bad father by letting my son walk on rock because I let him rock and asphalt and like, like just getting...
Starting point is 00:46:11 So long as not dangerous. Yeah, no, I'm not in glass or things that they're gonna cut him up. But I have to be a bad person. But no, even like that, like, rocky, kind of fire pits. Yeah, uncomfortable asphalt or like, little like, well, the only way, way like 30 pounds is not gonna hurt them.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Yeah, and trust me, they'll tell you if it bothers them. And he adapted to it really, but boy, they would, everyone would freak out when they'd see that and be like, dude, relax. I think that what I finally kind of made a point because she's like, I raised four kids, I raised all the grandkids, I know what I'm talking about. Right, and so I said, I said, imagine if you put gloves on your baby from right away, how would
Starting point is 00:46:48 their hands change and how they move? And then she kind of got it a little bit. And then I said, you know, no, no. And I said, since you've been using a walker, because she's older and her, you know, health is now starting to climb. That a boy. As a shaker from a walker. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:47:03 stop. I didn't do that. I know I'm going to get this bitch. I'm going to shave her through a walker. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,. I said, I said to her, I said, that's why for so long, we tried to keep you walking without it because then your body starts to adapt. She totally understood. You know what? You have arthritis. It's hard for you to ever get out of your seat.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Yeah. Yeah. You started using that walker. Hey, you don't tell me what to do, Gravel. I have a chest afterwards. Oh, walk out the room. Drop. You know that reminds me of the talk about
Starting point is 00:47:49 Jamen and stuff like that and the barefoot conversation. I feel like a dick now. I feel so much better. We literally just pulled that out. I feel so. That was you that was all I could have ever do that. Sorry. No, no, no, we're talking about hurt feelings and stuff.
Starting point is 00:48:02 So I, every time we talk about this, actually, the the subject I always get people that DM me the fucking Vivo shoes What do they call their foot? Yeah, the barefoot shoes. Yeah, the barefoot shoes They're always trying to get me to wear them or get me. Oh, you should have max wear them And I think I've talked about this one enough time saying how ugly they are there like the ugliest things ever Yeah, well, that is exactly what I said. I'm not trying to get laid in those things. It's, this isn't about convincing me that I don't think that they have a functional purpose. Like, if you're into those shoes, by all means, like if, and you're getting sex, I'm more
Starting point is 00:48:35 power to you if you have the ability to do both, but I am not a fan of way those shoes look. And I, if the shoes stay on when we bang. Well, I'm a shoe, I'm a shoe guy, so I'm like, I'm into those things. So I'm not gonna just, I'm not that functional. Like I'll just take my shoes off and walk around barefoot for a while and train barefoot and get it. I don't need to wear ugly ass fucking finger shoes. Hey, speaking of looking good, so you did that video
Starting point is 00:48:59 or whatever that story with your wife. So Jessica and I get on there and we start watching. By the way, you guys are adorable. So great stories and she's talking about how she met you and all that stuff. And Jessica's like, Adam's skin looks really good. I'm like, I'm like, I know. Even through the video.
Starting point is 00:49:13 I know and I was telling her. And so she's using Caldera to now. Oh, you got her on it. Yes. And she, by the way, we ran out. So don't take whatever bottle they say. I actually haven't got Katrina to use again. So you know it's great about it, too.
Starting point is 00:49:24 This is where Courtney loves with smells Cuz I used to wear like you know some aftershave or whatever but that always like gets her head to turn Cuz she like this one or the other cream now on okay, that's funny cuz Katrina doesn't like this one She likes to smell it. Oh that reminds me Doug. I knew I had a follow-up commercial for Caldera We mentioned came on the order the order was up. Did you see that? Yes? Oh, that reminds me, Doug, I knew I had a follow-up commercial for Caldera. We mentioned, and the order, the order was rough. Did you see that? Yes, we messed up.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Yeah, so that first. It's that first. You do the cream first, and that, or this first. And then you do the moisture. Yeah, and so somebody likes school. Because the oil is what protects. What's that called? Esthetician?
Starting point is 00:50:01 Yes. Is that right? Yes. Like an esthetician got on there and like totally. I got the same DMs. We totally listen. We're fitness experts. I know.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I love over here. And we do something. This is why I appreciate you. Like I'm talking minimally with this subject. I appreciate when they have a good approach about it. Like I don't like when someone gets on there and talk shit. Like when I'm wrong about something. But if you like, hey, just to let you know, like you said this order, this is actually
Starting point is 00:50:23 the, and I guess it has something to do with the way how much it opens your pores up, and you don't wanna, I don't know. No, you wanna, you wanna get the oil to protect, because otherwise bacteria can go through the openings and the pores, and then that causes, that can cause acne and inflammation. So the oil is protective, then the moisturizer is the final thing. Yeah, that should go.
Starting point is 00:50:41 This, then the moisture, moisture. Yeah, I hope we got it right this time, I don't want more DMs. Yeah, you know that reminds me of you guys. What you said about the shoes earlier, reminding me of something I had I was on a look of yours podcast again the other day we talked about holidays and had a void getting weight and all stuff and I focused a lot on quality of life versus the like count your macros count your calories type of deal.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Yeah, great response. But you know, it made me think of, there's really two categories of things you could do for your health or through your health. But they also help each other. So let me be more clear. You can either do things that will give you more time in terms of longevity, or you could do things that will give you a better time in terms of the amount
Starting point is 00:51:24 of time that you're already here, right? So there's, there's quality of life now, and then there's also longevity. And oftentimes they help each other. In other words, if you improve your quality of life with certain things, oftentimes that will also improve your longevity. So like having better relationships with the people around you, enjoying the occasional glass of wine with your wife, that's a better time and that's also probably an increased longevity and improved longevity as studies will show.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Of course now you could also go on the extreme. I can do drugs all day long to try and make today a better time, but now I'm severely reducing my longevity and eventually get a worse time. I could also do things to really impact my longevity like severely restrict my calories, right? Low calories have been shown in animal studies to improve or increase someone's longevity, but it's so low calorie that you're gonna feel tired,
Starting point is 00:52:17 you're not gonna have as much strength, libido's gonna drop, so then your quality goes down. So it's important to consider both. So the shoes reminding me that Adam because yeah, you can wear barefoot shoes, which would give you more functional ability in your feet, but you're having a worse time now because it's just that. I told I think I have to like explain every sponsored by them anyway. I did the men miss this cool though. It doesn't have those little like toe. I mean, I'm just I'm a shoe guy.
Starting point is 00:52:45 So I'm like, I'm into the way shoes look over them being functional. Just it is what it is. You know what I'm saying? And I openly admit that. So it's not like a, and so when guys try and convince me that I should wear these shoes, like you're just stop, like wasting your time in my DMs. I'm not going to wear those shoes. Norm, I put them on my son either.
Starting point is 00:53:04 I don't want them to get beat up at school. So that's simple. Like, getting beat up. And it's all, by the way, if he's running around barefoot 90% of the time, and the only time he puts on some sneakers, that's not a big deal, right? That's what we do.
Starting point is 00:53:15 We're like 90-10 with the baby. All right, because you brought this up, I have to say it, because people are gonna be like, close the loop. You mentioned the point, IQ point dropped. Oh, yeah, yeah. So I'm gonna say this real quick, right? So they just did a study or they did a study relatively recently
Starting point is 00:53:27 that showed that babies born during the pandemic are registering with about a 22 point lower IQ. That's a lot, right? That's devastating. That's a lot, lot. That's devastating. It's a massive point drop. So they're showing is that these babies are developing slower, speaking less. They're basically missing milestones and they're equating it to the
Starting point is 00:53:50 spout. The testing about 20 point drop and IQ. That means if you have a decent IQ at 100, you're at 80, which now you're getting to borderline not doing so well. It's the age range. These are babies born during the pandemic. And they think it has to do with the fact that the babies were isolated. So, so much of young children's brain development and IQ is related to being around other kids, being around other people.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Reading social development. Reading faces. Well, at least we slowed the curve, right, though. Yeah, God damn you. You know what, I'm gonna use an example before it, because otherwise I'll go on a rant. I'm gonna go use an example. I have to get up, dude.
Starting point is 00:54:22 I can get an infection on my finger, and I could cut my finger off, which means the infection's gone, but at what cost? Okay, the treatment cannot be worse than the disease, and what these policies are doing, is they're all they're counting are COVID deaths. That's it, they're infections and deaths. They don't consider anything else.
Starting point is 00:54:40 What are we seeing now? By the way, go back on our podcast. We said this exact thing. So if you think I'm full of shit, yeah, I'll prove you wrong. We said this exactly. You were gonna see unintended consequences. What have we seen? Suicide.
Starting point is 00:54:51 It's going through the roof. Overdoses on drugs through the roof. Alcohol, through. Alcohol use through the roof. Obesity, the speed at which obesity is growing has doubled. You also, we also haven't seen yet the devastating economic impacts because the wealthy did fine.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Everybody below that are doing so well. A lot of small businesses have been disappointed. Small business. And that causes deaths, that causes diseases. So the treatment, yes, we have less COVID deaths and less infections, but we have more deaths overall, more pain overall with these policies because we only consider one damn metric.
Starting point is 00:55:24 So let's think about that for a second because they're going to try and do it again. And you want to keep putting your kid in school where they're looking at faces with masks. That part of the brain is very important. It's not getting developed. And those are crucial years. For example, isolating yourself. There's lots of problems. All the stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:40 We have to consider all the causes. So I believe not everybody. Most people are I'm bored with that message now. I really until they get scared again. Not around here. That's my opinion. I know I even think around here is is is even I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:55:54 I think some of the like I believe that, but I have not. I think if they if they try with um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, well, I think with, because you know that right now, it's like quadrupling in speed right now. It's supposed to be, it's spread super fast, but so far the report so that's less,
Starting point is 00:56:13 the death and hospital rate is flat or down. And yet it's spreading at four acts or something like that. So there is some fear around like the California, New York area is still trying to shut back down. My prediction is if they, if Newsom pulls some shit like that, I think you're gonna see, I think you're gonna see protests. The same way you see over and-
Starting point is 00:56:34 I think there's definitely should- Hope so. Some fatigue over the stuff. I think so. However, I think that when people get scared, that they start to act in funny ways. And I think what you're gonna see is two different America's you're gonna see Blue States and you can see red States. We went to Arizona. How different is it in Arizona than it's California? It's a different world. It's crazy the whole rest of
Starting point is 00:56:56 You know America how like there's stadium full of people right next to each other and like everybody's fine But we can't recognize that because we're in this state where everybody's like scared shitless and just can't get over. I just feel like it's been so long now that if that's like your thought process, you just get so entrenched in that thought process that you can't get out of it now.
Starting point is 00:57:19 You're stuck in a loop. Listen, without sounding insensitive, it's here. It's not going away, it's endemic. We have to accept it. We cannot keep doing what we did before because we've, listen, not only did all those other unintended consequences happen, we literally printed 90% of every dollar ever created over that period. Don't even go there.
Starting point is 00:57:38 That's a whole other country. We don't, we haven't even seen the consequences of that. But here, look, here's what's going to happen. They're going to beat the fear drum. Yeah. Because this is what gets people to agree to. It's common. So I don't, so I don't disagree with that. And we obviously being in California, we'll, we'll see California,
Starting point is 00:57:51 New York will lead the way in, in being morons. Okay. But I, I predict this time, if they do that, if they even do, which they could very well be, I think that you're going to see protests like we have never seen you. I hope, I hope not here at least, right? I hope people are going to be like, listen, I get it. I'm going to take my own like, I'm going to do it myself, but what you guys are, these, these laws are just causing lots of problems. Look, I'm going to tell you right now, I'm going to read one thing for you. Still yet, no conversations about treatment, just the vaccine. Yeah, and I'm going to read one thing to you that's going to highlight the fear drum, it's already started, the beating of the drum, right? This is from the WhiteHouse.gov website. So this is the official White House website.
Starting point is 00:58:30 We are intent on not letting Omicron disrupt work in school for the vaccinated. You've done the right thing, and we will get through this. For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm. What a fucked up state. Wow, dude.
Starting point is 00:58:47 That's just like, that's some fear, like, scare the fuck out of people. And that's from the White House, which is kind of crazy. So expect the fear, the fear gets people to do what the politicians want and make no mistake. If you want to look back at the bills that we spent with all the money, dig through them
Starting point is 00:59:03 and you will see a good 90% of that money went to special interests and stuff and friends. So this is kind of what happens. I have faith in my people. Yeah, we're not gonna let, we're not gonna stand for this bullshit. I hope so. Hey look, I hope you're enjoying this episode real quick.
Starting point is 00:59:19 At the beginning of the episode, you heard us talking about testosterone replacement therapy, hormone replacement therapy for men and for women. If you're trying to find a good place, the only place that we work with is mphormones.com. They are regenerative, sport, health, and sport medicine. They're the best. They're the best in the industry. They're not afraid to prescribe testosterone to men and women in appropriate doses to give
Starting point is 00:59:42 them the best results. If you want to improve the quality of your life, I've had a great experience. I've now been using TRT. I talked about this on the show an episode or two ago. The improvement in the quality of life for me was tremendous. And this is what we hear from a lot of people who supplement with testosterone to get their levels up in the high normal range. So if you're interested again, it's mphormones.com. All right, enjoy the rest of the show.
Starting point is 01:00:07 First question is from Nick Hibino. How often should I switch up my lifting exercise for Max Games? Oh, it's actually a really good question because there's like a bell curve with this, right? So if you switch to soon, then what happens is you lose the ability to get good and an exercise and really reap its benefits. And there's a different learning curve for each exercise like barbell curls. You start to master them very quickly, a barbell squat, much longer. And through that mastery process, once you get to a point where you can really push weight and have good stability, then you really see a lot of gains.
Starting point is 01:00:41 And that can take a while, so you'll wanna stick to that exercise for a while. But, if you do an exercise too long without switching things up, risk of injury goes up, plateaus can start to happen. So it's kinda different from exercise to exercise and program to program. So it's a hard one to answer. Well, do you guys have some general,
Starting point is 01:01:02 because that's a great point, right? So what you'll see when I'm doing my own programming right if I'm not following something specifically I I will keep things like the you know Barbell back squat or standard, you know barbell overhead press and deadlift in my routine for sometimes months right before I phase it out or transition and normally what I do is I just months before I phase it out or transition something. And normally what I do is I just interrupt it with some like, you know, multi-planar lunges or cost of squats or Bulgarian's but squats,
Starting point is 01:01:33 and then I'll be right back at it just to make sure that I'm kind of addressing everything. But I'll keep a movement like that in my programming for months with just like I said, a little bit of intermittent. Now, if I was just doing, you know, easy curl bicep curls, shit, I ain't doing that more than maybe four workouts in a row.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Yeah. Four workouts in a row and I'm out of it. I'm already transitioning into something different. Yeah, I think those higher skill ones, like they're always gonna make it in the rotation. The only thing that's gonna change a lot is either the tempo, the intensity, the rep count, like, you know, those variables that you can adjust,
Starting point is 01:02:10 but still get some of those same benefits but now you're getting a new stimulus that your body's reacting to. So I still like to keep them around, but yes, I do incorporate other exercises to kind of fill the needs, especially if I'm just training a lot to the beginning of this podcast, talking about just training in one direction too much.
Starting point is 01:02:30 I want to make sure I'm considering a lot of other variables that will benefit my body. That's a great point, very, very good point because the complex exercises, the gross motor movements ones, are the ones that you can keep in for a long time. Just because there's so much you can gain from them, there's so much that's involved. You could squat for a whole year and get phenomenal gains out of a squat so long as you do auxiliary movements and some other exercises to address and balances. But then simple exercises, you adapt very quickly and you benefit more from variety, right? So one rule of thumb, or I don't even say a rule of thumb, but one thing to consider is with the complex,
Starting point is 01:03:11 really valuable exercises, you can just modify the exercise itself, and now you've got a little bit of variety. For example, I may do traditional barbell squats for a while, and then notice I'm starting to plateau and say, okay, rather than not doing back squats, what I'll do now is I'll do a pause squat or a box squat or I'll change the tempo. Or a wide stance.
Starting point is 01:03:32 The narrow stance. Or heels elevated. Like there's a lot of stuff that you can play within those movements. I will say this though, if I'm training a client and we have been doing a lot of those movements consistently and we let's say we're in a hard plateau, I may interrupt the program and completely change all the exercises just to try and break a plateau because I find that, if they've been training consistently with me, we've been doing some of these movements and I've maybe I've manipulated some other things in the routine and I'm not, I'm not breaking through the plateau fast enough,
Starting point is 01:04:03 then I may introduce a whole bunch of new movements completely, that way I know I'm going breaking through the plateau fast enough, then I may introduce a whole bunch of new movements completely. That way I know I'm gonna get that. Let's give the audience some takeaways, okay? So let's be more specific. What are some of your favorite, I guess, interrupt or movements or exercises for some of the biggest compilations?
Starting point is 01:04:19 I just named mine, right? Bulgarian split squats or multi-planar lunges or classic squats. I agree with you. You might write Bulgarian split squats or multi plane multi plane or lunges or classic squats. Yeah, I agree with you. I like the single like the unilateral stuff for barbell squats. Front squats sometimes too.
Starting point is 01:04:34 I'll do front squats instead of back squats. For deadlifts, sometimes I'll do trap bar or sumo instead of conventional or a high pull, much more complex, but I notice a high pull has some good carry over from a deadlift, bench press, that's as easy as going in-climb in my opinion, or using dumbbells in my opinion. And then overhead press, I'll go from barbell
Starting point is 01:04:56 to behind the neck barbell to dumbbell press or to an Arnold press, or even, like I saw you doing today, bottoms up press. Yeah bottoms up press Yeah, I like to do stuff like that to really address like stability issues if I feel like I'm plateauing or coming close to it I like to challenge instability. I like to challenge You know rotational movements and always constantly looking at that especially pressing because your your shoulder is so complex in its abilities to move. And so to be able to take it through full range of motion
Starting point is 01:05:28 and then challenge it along those ranges of motion is very crucial for me. You know squatting, you could just place the bar in a different loading position. I like, you know, zircher squats for that, which you know are great. It totally challenges you in a different way. And so you just gotta think, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:43 other instances that you'll get, you know, good benefit from it as well, but that a different way. And so you just gotta think, you know, other instances that you'll get, you know, good benefit from it as well, but that totally different stimulus. And that interruption looks like, what do you guys say, two to four weeks now? You have that, you're doing that new movement and replace of it and then you bring it back. Yeah, I'll do exactly three weeks.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Yeah, exactly like that. So like four. Although I did do, you know, lateral four, about three months, but my, my circumstance was different. I was noticing Well, yeah, there's exceptions to the room where you I was getting pain, you know, and it was going away And I and then I noticed a huge here's a here's a good thing to keep in mind when you change to a new movement That's especially from like a bilateral to unilateral and you notice a huge discrepancy between the two sides Probably sticking there a little longer. Yeah, no, I agree with that.
Starting point is 01:06:25 And I wanna add the single leg deadlift to your alternatives for deadlifting. That's one of my favorite when I'm gonna stop barbell deadlifting for a while, is they go into the single leg deadlift with dumbbells for a while before I go back. Next question is from Ava Fit, are unilateral movements more beneficial than bilateral movements?
Starting point is 01:06:43 Oh, nice follow up question. I know, right? No, they're just different and they have their own value. So bilateral movements allow, bilateral means two legs, two arms, unilateral means one arm, one leg at a time. Bilateral movements allow you to push more weight, generate more central nervous system force.
Starting point is 01:07:01 You're gonna get, you're to build bigger gains and strength. Unilateral is great for stability. It's good for creating balance, preventing imbalances that can develop from bilateral. Stay in one for too long and you start to see problems. Unilateral stuff, you're just acting to build as much strength, power, and muscle if you only stay there. And then bilateral, you start to develop imbalance. So I'm going to go out on a little bit, actually, challenge that a little bit saying that I do think
Starting point is 01:07:26 that unilateral movements do have more benefits for something specific like just health and longevity. There's no doubt bilateral movements, so both feet, both arms are going to build the most amount of muscle, which in turn, could also burn the most body fat. So aesthetic goals, you've got to have both in there and I think that bilateral you cannot neglect.
Starting point is 01:07:50 But if someone was just, I just want to feel good, move well, be healthy, longevity goal. There's a lot of value to you, you know, a lot of, if you were to only do you know, a lot of training and there's a lot of coaches and trainers that, that, live by that philosophy. You know what the downside of that is, is that you can get a strong? Well, no, not that, not just that, but when I train, like when you train the average person that's de-conditioned, unilateral is a step above bilateral on a lot of exercise. Like I'm going to take someone's de-conditioned, maybe they're like 60. I'm not doing very many unilateral exercise because they lack, they even lack the stability
Starting point is 01:08:23 to do bilateral well. So to jump them to unilateral, especially for lower body exercise, maybe unless I'm not doing very many unilateral exercise because they even lack the stability to do bilateral well, so to jump them to unilateral, especially for lower body exercise, maybe unless I'm on a machine, it's gonna be really hard. So, I would go unilateral, but I used to have to start with bilateral, especially with older clients.
Starting point is 01:08:36 It's an interesting argument because I've heard this from strength coaches on both ends of the spectrum. Like a Mike Boyle will claim it's more beneficial for athletes to train and unilateral work specifically because it's a longevity aspect to it, but you get strong and stable and in a position that is more translatable towards what you're doing either on the ice or on the field or you're just more, you're more apt to be in a split stance or, you know, out wide or rotating and being able to drive and get explosive forces and
Starting point is 01:09:13 be able to stabilize in those forces is at the, is it almost at a higher priority in his argument? Well, and to his argument, and he makes a great case on this. I mean, most sports require some sort of running and running is unilateral. Right. So it makes sense that, and I can get behind that. Yeah, but again, then now to, and this is where I'm kind of like in the middle of this, because then in the other side,
Starting point is 01:09:38 it's like all about building that base strength and support, right? So you can generate more force, you can be strong and stable in that force, but the caveat there is that if you get into those split stance and those different types of positions, you may not be able to be as familiar with that, which means you can't generate the force in those positions.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Here's why I'm gonna debate him, because I respect him, right? He's a good trainer, here's why I'm gonna debate. What have we seen with the studies on athletes? When they're young, they're better off doing a wide range of sports. And then when they get older, it's better to be more specific. Now, we used to think, if you take a little kid and you want them to be a great soccer player, just have them play soccer, just specialize the whole time.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Studies now show that the kid who plays soccer, basketball, football, and gymnastics will be better at soccer later on than the kid that just did soccer because they built a wider range. They can problem solve with their body a lot more effective. Yes. So it's like, again, you could be good in one direction so far, but then again, there's repetitive stress
Starting point is 01:10:36 injuries as well. There's, you get good at it, but at the same time, you don't have the ability to problem solve outside of that contact. Yes. So if I'm training a younger athlete, I'm gonna go bilateral, general strength and power, and then move unilateral.
Starting point is 01:10:50 As they get older, and this is how he's to train athletes anyway. When I would train an older athlete, it was much more, my training was much more specific. Now, if I'm training a 15 year old, like I'm not doing super specific football resistance training if you play football, I'm just gonna get you stronger. Generally, if I'm training a super specific football resistance training. If you play football, I'm just going to get you stronger. Generally, if I'm training a college football player, like at this point, you're in college,
Starting point is 01:11:10 you're doing good. You've got this strength. Now we got to work on the more specific application. Yeah. I think building a base of foundational base of strength and support is, is at the utmost importance to then venture out into, you know, these unilateral positions, which will benefit the whole. Yes. Well, I would just say why wouldn't you incorporate both? They would.
Starting point is 01:11:31 A hundred percent. There's no reason to. It's such a silly debate to me. Well, because that's fitness for you, right? This is, I mean, it's probably questions like this. It's always a camp, which is better. One or the other. I hear this from these coaches say this is better, this coach, this is better, the truth
Starting point is 01:11:42 is if the program that beats both of those is one that incorporates both. That's why we exist. Yeah, I think if, for the average person listening and watching right now, they both have tremendous value. And if you don't incorporate both, you're gonna miss out on something and that it means you're not gonna reach your full potential.
Starting point is 01:11:59 So it's not a witch's better, it's a witch's better for this specific person with this specific goal and what they've been doing for the last, you know, for the most. You get the appropriate tool and apply it. Yeah, because it depends on the person. I'll see a person's results and their workouts, what they've been doing and who they are,
Starting point is 01:12:14 and I'll say, unilateral for you. And then I'll look at someone else and say, bilateral for you. So, they're all tools. You're building a house. You gotta use a hammer and a screwdriver and you gotta use a saw. You gotta use everything. a hammer and a screwdriver and you've got to use a saw, you've got to use everything. All right, next question is from Zelen Kastiat.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Is vitamin supplementation necessary if you eat a balanced diet? You know what this reminds me of, one of the best sales pitches I ever was taught when it came to selling supplements. The multivitamin? Yes, yes. And it was great because it totally sounded like it made sense. So what they used to teach us back in the day when I was managing gyms and all of stuff, is they, and they were trying to get us to sell more vitamins as they'd say, you could have the perfect
Starting point is 01:12:54 diet, but because you're eating low calorie to lose weight, there's only so many nutrients you can get with that. So, but you still have micro-nutrient requirements, which are higher. This is why everybody should be on a multivitamin. And it made so much sense to me. Like, yeah, 15-hour calories necessary, but you need 2,500 calories with their nutrients. It made so, here's why that's not necessarily true. So a multivitamin is like a nuke. It's like everything, right?
Starting point is 01:13:22 When it comes to nutrients, if you really want benefits, it's gotta be specific to you because if I take a multivitamin that's got everything, maybe my zinc is optimal, and now I'm going high in zinc, and now which affects my copper and other things in my body, or maybe my vitamin D is low,
Starting point is 01:13:37 and my multivitamin doesn't have enough vitamin D to support that for me. So if you really wanna know what's ideal for you, I don't care what your diet is, get your nutrient levels tested, and then supplement specifically for your body. That would be a my- No, I think that's the answer,
Starting point is 01:13:51 because what is a balanced diet even mean? What is that mean to somebody? Does it mean you're just, you have an even amount of protein carbs and fats? You could do that and still be missing some serious nutrients. If you're not diversifying with color in your diet, if you're what types of meat where you're getting
Starting point is 01:14:07 all of your protein from. So even having a balanced diet, you could easily miss out on some micro nutrients that you don't realize. The best answer is exactly what you said. And instead of just throwing the whole kitchen sink, which is like a whole diet. I'm not even deficient in that.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Yeah, find out what you need to take on a regular basis because you lack in that. And then of course, and I've shared this before, right? Like with the Omega-3s, for example, my kind of like personal goal is I try to get three servings or so a week of like fish. And if I don't, then I have my Omega-3s there to supplement it.
Starting point is 01:14:39 So I think once you kind of figure out where your levels are, where you lack or you don't lack, and then you are aware of what your normal diet looks like and your tendencies, and then what foods produce those nutrients, then you can go, oh wow, this week I haven't had X, Y, and Z, and those are rich in X, Y, and Z nutrients, so I'm going to supplement that. Or hey, this week I was great. I hit all those things, so lay off and save the supplements. Yeah, it's even gets more complex sometimes because you could be, your lifestyle
Starting point is 01:15:08 could cause you or your body to, you know, be deficient in certain nutrients based off of let's say stress or lack of sleep or your body doesn't, maybe your body doesn't synthesize cholesterol and to vitamin D very well. So you supplement with vitamin D, but you don't see the numbers go up very much so you need to take more of the average person. Or you need to absorb it. But you're properly. Yeah, that's another one.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Right, because you're swallowing it too. It's like a lot of times to like having, was it fat soluble? Like having like that added in to be able to shut all those nutrients is a whole part of the process as well. People don't consider that. Yeah, and then one last thing, like vitamins and minerals are not innocuous, okay.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Some of them, yes, are water soluble, so whatever your body isn't used, you get rid of, you know, relatively good, but some of them get stored, minerals and fat soluble vitamins. So you can cause problems and trouble for yourself. I don't, okay, so you guys remember in the 90s, how would there was this huge push
Starting point is 01:16:05 to have women take calcium, right? Because of osteoporosis on the rise. And they said, oh, you know, bones need calcium. So let's supplement, let's make everybody supplement with calcium. And of course, that's an issue that's stupid because if you don't have the signal to build bone, you can take all the calcium you want, not gonna do anything, plus you need vitamin D and other stuff. So anyway, they did this general like calcium. It's a bit, you know, take this for bone. And then you had all these people developing calcium deposits and their arteries and there's issues
Starting point is 01:16:31 with taking too much calcium because it was just this broad brush stroke when if you don't know what you need, you don't just take everything. So that's, and by the way, if you have a deficiency and you take a vitamin or mineral to fill it, and it works, life changing. So I do wanna say that as well.
Starting point is 01:16:46 It can make a tremendous difference. Next question is from Lean Queen. What are some good qualities or red flags to look for in a nutritionist? Have you guys ever worked with a client who worked with a nutritionist? That was just terrible. Or you saw what they did.
Starting point is 01:17:01 And you're like, wow, I can't. She's cold, like food pyramid. Oh, I actually have pretty good experiences with nutrition. So I haven't had to. I'm trying to think of a bad one. I had one. One. Most of them are pretty good. Most of them, I think come from a behavioral point. I think that's a good. Those are the good ones. That's how you know you have a good one, right? When they're, when they're, they're looking at addressing the behaviors around your eating versus just breaking down.
Starting point is 01:17:25 I guess someone just breaks down what your body needs, macro and calorie wise, and then they prescribe a diet just based off of that. That's a red flag that they're probably not that good versus having a conversation around your eating patterns, the things you like, you don't like, and digging into why you eat these foods or why you gravitate to these certain things or why you tend to binge on the, like someone who's trying to talk to you about that versus just breaking down nutritionally
Starting point is 01:17:51 what your body needs. I think that's your sign here with a good one. I'm 100% agree with you. I, and there are a lot different now than they were 20 years ago. 20 years ago, they didn't talk about food intolerances. It was just allergies or no allergies, so someone had intolerance to gluten. It was like, you know, it wasn't something they even considered.
Starting point is 01:18:12 It was less about the behavior and more about the, you know, look at your calories and eat these foods and here's your meal plan type of deal. But now I'm seeing a lot more of the behavior stuff, so I think they're pretty good. Somebody's an actual nutritionist is probably generally going to be better than the average fitness and health influencer that's going to recommend nutrition. So that's that want to make that point because I don't want people to be like, oh, I heard, you know, some nutrition is starting good. So I'm going to go with this Instagram influencer. You're more likely to have the. This is still flat. Yeah. You're going to get really bad information. So here's the things to consider. Red flags are do you do not like working with them? Because if that that
Starting point is 01:18:54 makes a big difference, do they not consider your behaviors and how to work with behaviors not just, you know, calories, macros and that kind of stuff. And do they not consider things like food intolerances, digestion, you know, how your stool is, your heartros and that kind of stuff. And do they not consider things like food intolerances, digestion, how your stool is, your heartburn, that kind of stuff. Those will be some of the red flags I've got. Yeah, they're not working into your lifestyle either. So trying to present you with items and things that are just not even something you would even go out and buy.
Starting point is 01:19:19 I've had good nutritionists where they actually go shopping with them and they try and make it so it's not too far away from what they would normally eat with their families. And it's just a bit tighter, it's a bit like more whole foods based. It's a little more of healthier options for them to pick and keep incorporating. So I just like when they work with the person's behavior versus just trying to give them a plan and then being super rigid about it. Yeah. Look, if you like our information, head over to mindpumpfree.com and check out all of our fitness and health guides. They can help you with almost any fitness or health goal. You can also find all
Starting point is 01:19:53 of us on Instagram, except for those of us who are a little shadow band, but you can try. Justin is at Mindpump Justin. I'm at Mindpump Sal. Adam is at Mindpump Atom and for those of you that can find us on Instagram, there are ways, so be smart, so if you can find us and follow us. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically
Starting point is 01:20:34 transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now, plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love
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