Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1721: How to Know If You Are Gaining Muscle Instead of Fat, Ways to Improve Vascularity, Deep Squats Vs. 90 Degree Squats & More

Episode Date: January 5, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about whether it is always best to do ass to grass squats or mix it up, social media tips for personal trainers wanting t...o demonstrate their process, ways to make your veins pop, and good metrics to know if your gaining muscle and not excessive fat. Mind Pump Fit Tip: STOP trying to burn more calories to lose weight; it’s a losing strategy. (4:32) McDonald’s new weight loss idea. (8:10) What is Tesla not doing?! (11:11) Is sneezing a male privilege? (17:02) The guys recap their holiday break and Adam’s problem with running out of gas. (21:49) Glutathione, the master antioxidant. (33:40) If there are hoof prints in the sand, think horse not zebra. (43:08) Organifi’s Pure is getting rave reviews from the guy's friends and family! (49:45) Why Sal’s metabolism has been roaring as of late. (51:10) #Quah question #1 - Is it best to do ass to grass squats or mix it up? (57:29) #Quah question #2 – What are some social media tips for personal trainers wanting to demonstrate their process to their followers as Adam did? (1:03:45) #Quah question #3 – Is there anything you can do or take to make your veins pop like Sal? (1:13:38) #Quah question #4 – What's a good metric to know if I’m gaining muscle and not excess fat? (1:17:31) Related Links/Products Mentioned January Promotion (#1): NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS SPECIAL BUNDLE OFFERS January Promotion (#2): MAPS Anabolic 50% off **Code “JANUARY50” at checkout** We Burn as Many Calories as Hunter-Gatherers, So What Makes Us Fat? The exercise bikes in McDonald’s China are real — but they are not for working out Fact check: Stationary bikes at McDonald's locations in China are part of green-friendly initiative Tesla Can End Up Being The 'iPhone' Of The EV Industry And It's 'Show Me Year' For Ford, Rivian, Lucid: Gene Munster Visconti's Ristorante - Folsom Italian Restaurant Visit LivON Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Endogenous Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients Quercetin: New Hype for COVID-19? Jury finds Ghislaine Maxwell guilty on charges tied to Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking ring Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MINDPUMP” at checkout** MP Hormones Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1535: Should You Squat Below Parallel? Why Social Media is so Important for Personal Trainers – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1675: Eight Ways To Get The BEST Muscle Pump Visit Drink LMNT for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness)  Instagram Mark Bell (@marksmellybell)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? Today's episode we answered some fitness and health questions that were asked by our audience, but the way we opened the episode is with an intro portion. Where we talk about current events,
Starting point is 00:00:27 we bring up scientific studies and we talk about our sponsors. So here's what went down in today's episode. We opened up by talking about how it's a waste of time to try to burn calories to lose weight. That's a losing strategy. That led us to talking about McDonald's, who now offers stationary bikes,
Starting point is 00:00:42 why do we eat your big Macs? Then we talked about the new Tesla phone. I talked about how my wife says, sneezing is a male privilege. We talked about what we did over the holiday. Adam again has more gas issues. No, not personal gas issues, but rather, rather, ring out of gas in his car.
Starting point is 00:00:59 We talked about glutathione. This is the master antioxidant. And studies are showing that glutathione levels in your body can predict whether or not you might have severe symptoms to the virus that's going around right now. The best glutathione you can get is liposomal. This is how it gets into your system. And we work with a company called Livon Labs
Starting point is 00:01:18 that produces and makes liposomal glutathione. So it's absorbable, actually works. Now they have lots of products and supplements, so you can go check them out. Head over to liveonlabs.com, that's liven. L-A-B-S.com forward slash mine pump. And if you get any live on product, you'll get a sample pack of all six of their products
Starting point is 00:01:39 for free. Then we talked about Jislane Maxwell. What's gonna happen to her? Then we talked about another company we love working with Organify. In particular, they have a supplement called Pure, which is great for cognitive function. Go check this company out. Lots and lots of plant-based supplements, including protein powders, very effective, very
Starting point is 00:01:57 clean, all organic, head over to organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com forward slash mine pump and use the code mine pump for 20% off. and then I talked about how my metabolism is so revved up since I've started TRT. By the way, we work with a company that we approve of that does hormone testing and helps men and women with hormone therapy. If you're interested, head over to mphormones.com. So mphormones.com and they'll help you out.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Then we got to the questions. Here's the first one that we answered. Is it better to do a full butt to the ground squat or is it better to do some partial squats? Next question, what are some social media tips for personal trainers? The third question, this person wants to know if there's anything they can do to make their veins pop out more.
Starting point is 00:02:49 And the final question, this person wants to know what a good metric is to know if they're gaining muscle and not body fat. Also, all month long, it's January, right? So everybody's trying to get in shape, which is why we're offering three bundles for three different types of people. So we have a beginner workout bundle.
Starting point is 00:03:05 So we've put together programs that are perfect for the beginner. That one is called the new to weight lifting bundle. Then we have an intermediate bundle. This is for those of you that have been working out for about a year. Want to take it to the next level. That is called the body transformation bundle. And then we have the advanced bundle for those of you who've been working out for a while
Starting point is 00:03:23 and really want to ramp things up. That's the new year extreme bundle. So each bundle includes nine months of exercise programming. All mapped out for you, exercise demos, everything. So this will help you get the new year started out right. And these bundles are discounted heavily, biggest discounts on these bundles we've ever offered. So if you're interested, head over to mapsgenuary.com.
Starting point is 00:03:49 By the way, we have one more thing going on. If you just want to get our flagship program, maps and a ball, you can use the coupon code January 50 for 50% off. T-shirt time! And it's T-shirt time! Oh shit, dog, you know it's my favorite time of the week. We have two winners this week. We have one for Apple podcast, the other for Facebook.
Starting point is 00:04:14 The Apple podcast winner is Zach NYC 13. And for Facebook, we have Evan Tanaka, both of you are winners. So the name I just read to iTunes at mind.media.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address, and we'll get that shirt right out to you. Stop trying to burn more calories to lose weight. It's a losing strategy. No pun intended.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Stop it. Yeah, I said it boys. So, so that's it. You know, um, to elaborate a little bit, it's the trying to burn calories manually to create a calorie deficit, right? So in order to lose weight, you have to burn more calories and take in. And so people take that burn more calories side.
Starting point is 00:04:57 And they say, well, I'm just gonna move a lot more to burn more calories, but it's a losing strategy because, there's two reasons. One, it's really hard to burn calories, really easy to eat them. Right? So like how many calories is like in a coke? What is that?
Starting point is 00:05:11 200 something, 300? That's about right. 180. 180 calories in a can. Yeah. That's like, that's been a while, so that's a good 30 to 40 minutes of vigorous cardiovascular activity. So it's like a lot of work and eating those calories is super,
Starting point is 00:05:25 or drinking them super easy. Was that close to? 150 calories, 140 eggs. So yeah, very good. The second reason is the manual, the trying to burn calories manually by moving more, your body really adapts to that really well. We see that in studies where people try to lose weight
Starting point is 00:05:43 with, if that's their attempt without diet, it just doesn't happen. You know who loves to push this message the most, I feel like tech companies because it's so mathematical the way they think about fitness especially, it drives me crazy. And because they have those numbers, they have the stats of like, there's this many calories and this type of food. And if you just burn this amount of calories, you know, everything's gonna be solved
Starting point is 00:06:09 and you can lose weight. And they're not considering all the human behaviors that go along with it. Well, what's the adaptation time for cardio? Isn't it like two weeks or less? That's pretty, it's pretty fast. I think the certification said. Right, in comparison to resistance training,
Starting point is 00:06:22 which I believe that, I think the estimation was somewhere between six and eight weeks or somewhere around there. And I think that the said. Right, in comparison to resistance training, which I believe that I think the estimation was somewhere between six and eight weeks or somewhere around there. And I think that the cardio was like two. In other words, it takes your body a lot longer to adapt to modalities like weight training, which that in itself are gonna give you benefits for burning calories.
Starting point is 00:06:38 And then when you do something like cardio, you, and I know it's not accurate, but I used to explain to a client that, okay, so pretend you get on this machine and run for an hour, and let's pretend it's accurate, and it burned, you know, 300 calories. Well, the next time you get on it, it burns 280. And then with the same amount of effort, same amount of effort, and same amount of time, and now it's burning 280, then 250, then 200. Well, I know that doesn't translate to that.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Yeah, it gets more efficient at what it does, and so they don't factor that in. It's like, if you keep throwing the same type of stress at the body, the body wants to get better at it, so it doesn't have to burn that many calories. Yeah, and more, even more importantly, forget that you become efficient while doing the activity, which is true, you get better at it.
Starting point is 00:07:21 The real issue is how the body adapts overall. You end up getting this kind of like your metabolism adjusts your activity levels adjust your appetite adjusts to balance the things out. The best study we have on this are done on modern hunter gathers. This is a study I've quoted many times that there's others that were they actually went and studied modern hunter gathers who move a lot way more than most Westerners, way more. And they found that they burned roughly the same amount of calories.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Now the difference with something like resistance training is resistance training, forget the calories burned, it teaches your body to burn more calories on its own. So faster metabolism is different than what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is I got to get up and move to burn these calories. The faster metabolism is your body's just burning more calories on its own, which is a much more effective strategy. Well, since we're talking about manually burning calories, what do you guys think about McDonald's's new move
Starting point is 00:08:14 with the recumbent bikes and the restaurants? Have you guys seen this? So what is that? Do you have to ride it? No, you don't have to do anything. They're replacing some of the seating. I believe a China did it first, and I thought I saw it coming to Chicago.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I know for sure it's in China. And they're like, where it would be a table setting. So it's instead of it, so it being a table where you would eat, and then it's just got pedals, and you're pedaling while you eat. This is like a beta-tested idea. They're like really trying to roll this out.
Starting point is 00:08:44 So I don't know how many total, maybe to roll this out while the locations. I don't know how many total, maybe Doug can find out how many total, I know it started in China. I believe I read too that Chicago was adopting it. Someone over there I think. And I don't know if this is like let's test and see or this is gonna be something they're gonna be permanently doing.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Well, I have two opinions on it. One is, I do wanna be clear. There it is right there. Oh yeah, I saw that. There's a meme going around with I do want to be clear. There it is right there. Oh, yeah, I saw that. There's a mean going around with this. Oh, really? Yeah, which I've seen this. It sounds ridiculous to me.
Starting point is 00:09:10 So I have two kind of opinions on it. One is, I know earlier I said, trying to burn manual calories to lose weight, it's a losing strategy, no pun intended. That doesn't mean there aren't health benefits though. So you're still going to get health benefits from being more active. So if you sit on a reccoment bike while you eat your fast food,
Starting point is 00:09:28 you are going to get better health benefits from that. If you use it, you'll get a better insulin response. Your body's going to uptake the sugars and the calories a little bit better. You're not going to get be as inflamed, maybe from the inflammatory effects of the food. Now, my other, the other opinion I have is that I think this is is gonna be a total bust
Starting point is 00:09:47 because nobody cares. Nobody's going to McDonald's for that. Yeah, it's like a novelty. Like you might at first see people doing it because they'll check this out. But then have you ever wanted to ride and move while you need anything? I mean, it's a really, it's an interesting idea.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Like I actually do think that it's all positive. I don't see anything negative about it, right? I don't see it being anything, there anything wrong or bad with it. Unfortunately, to your point, I don't think I see anyone sticking with it. And I don't see anyone going like, hey, let's go to McDonald's and have a burger and ride a bike.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Like, I don't see that happening. And like you said, I think people will sit on it, try it out. Oh, this is kind of fun. And I actually think it would be great because I think it'll take, we talk about this on the time, right? When you're eating, we have this tendency
Starting point is 00:10:33 to be chewing on one bite but already getting ready to stuff our face with the other. You're thinking about the food that's not even in your mouth. Right, so you're constantly doing that. Whereas if you're kind of pedaling, I think maybe you're not so distracted. Maybe you're more present because you're having too much.
Starting point is 00:10:46 So tired. I need more McFlurry. I don't know. I think it's novelty. I think people are going to be like, this looks kind of cool. And then that's it. It's a weird strategy. They're from McDonald's.
Starting point is 00:10:56 What's up, Doug? I feel like they're bulletproofing themselves, like protecting themselves from more criticism. Well, one thing it does do is charge your phone. So that may be a reason people do it. Oh, I see. Really? Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Speaking of phone, did you guys see the Tesla phone? No. No, I haven't. Bro! So we've pulled up, pulled up. What is Tesla not doing? Because I still hear that they're coming out the robot, you know, they're coming out with like all kinds of new,
Starting point is 00:11:23 crazy things. If anybody's gonna disrupt that market or Apple's stranglehold on the culture, or on phones, it's Tesla. I can't, you know, it's Musk. Elon Musk. Okay, think about it this way. Steve Jobs, right, he's passed away,
Starting point is 00:11:36 but his legacy lives on and he's got a cult-like follower, at least Apple does, right? The only other person that could see that could challenge that is someone. Elon Musk, he's got the same celebrity. So this is interesting. So do you think that, okay, because you know, Apple is trying to make an electric car
Starting point is 00:11:51 and enroll that in all, right? So it's like, they're kind of towing their foot in his, you know, waters, and versus now he's trying to make a phone. I've always said, which one do you think is gonna be more successful? I always have said that like, this is how billion is gonna be more successful? I always have said that, this is how billionaires just fuck with each other.
Starting point is 00:12:07 All right, you know, fucking get in my space. I'm gonna get into your space just to fuck with each other. What are the stuff? Dude, it has like four cameras on it. You can video and shoot at the same time. It takes up the entire surface of the phone. So there's no edge like an iPhone or the Google phone have. Like so it's got, it's completely all screen. It can be charged solar. Now that is cool. How cool is that? So the
Starting point is 00:12:31 back of it is like a solar panel. So like lay it on your dashboard, let the sun charge your phone. You never will leave your phone on the sun. It makes perfect sense. I know. So it looks it looks cool. Yeah, maybe it was a heating issue. Uh, you know, why they haven't rolled that out. Yeah, you know, okay So again, if you look at and I have family members that are in like super into tech my son is like a big He loves this kind of stuff and he's always talking crap about apple. Oh god The other phones are so much better and so much the better they have the better cameras and Apple phones camera came out and you know the Google ones use those way before and he's right that if you hear people talk about these phones Apple isn't the best in that sense but what
Starting point is 00:13:16 Apple has is like this cult like following it's like an accessory I have an app well I think they have the best UI out of any yeah but yeah it, but yeah, that's just got a good UI. But I think Tesla could, because it's Elon Musk, I think it's going to cause them most. So yeah, okay, there's more to that, though, with Apple. So the other part of Apple, the UI, I think, is one of the main reasons, and it's got that cool factor. But they have also, because they've built this kind of cult
Starting point is 00:13:40 following a network of all these, all the tools like speak to each other. Like there's not a lot of stuff that there's, all the tools like speak to each other. Like there's not a lot of stuff that there's as many things like as Apple has, like is your speakers and your series and all those things that are all speaking to each other. And everything connects, everything comes in the same
Starting point is 00:13:56 as all in house. Yeah, so it's like they're all, it's all uniform whereas the other stuff you might have, you might love a Google phone, but then you have another Alexa or something else. You know what I'm saying? So I feel like Apple did such a good job of allowing all their tech to speak to each other and recognize each other right away.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Like I like that part of it. Yeah, and I mean the software for Tesla is pretty crazy. Like the updates they can throw out to their vehicles and everything and like shoot that out. Like, so I think that they have the software capability that Apple does is just the experience. I think they'll probably, you know, they compete for employees all the time, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. So I, all these companies do. So I'm not, I can't say too much because
Starting point is 00:14:40 I don't want to be being troubled, But I trained people that worked at high levels at both Apple. So my niece, that's what she does, and she worked for Facebook, Google, and she's just now moved over to, what was the, I told you guys the other day, the largest company that's not public yet, it's slipping my mind right now.
Starting point is 00:14:57 But she's a head recruiter or a big recruiter for them. And that's, they're always like cherry picking each other as it's employees. So what these guys would tell me, my clients, and this was years ago. So you're talking like seven years ago, okay, executives at Apple, executives at Tesla training both, and they would tell me that they would, there was like a rivalry where they would specifically go after people in each other's company. So I had a client who, and again, I can't say too much, but it was very high up in Apple, like very high up, gets recruited by Tesla.
Starting point is 00:15:29 And then Apple went back and tried to recruit. And then Apple ended up recruiting someone else from Tesla. And it's like this war. So it's like this, kind of this rivalry that maybe people aren't super aware of. And it's a great way. It's been there the whole time. Yes, it's been definitely like sort of under wraps.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Dude, this is such a like a fun rivalry to think about. It's too bad Steve Jobs isn't here because could you imagine if we had Jobs in Musk. Dude. Like those are the two biggest powerhouse celebrities. Well, and they and they both like you said have created kind of this cult like. Total. I mean, look at the cult following and Tesla. I mean, Tesla did you see they rolled out that whistle?
Starting point is 00:16:04 Tim Cook isn't getting that kind of thing. People are all buying a whistle, you know, it's just like a plain ass whistle there. But you know, be buying it because it's Tesla. I keep eating my words with Tesla stock because I, if you look at the fundamentals, the price of the stock, this is coming from like from an investment perspective makes no sense. However, you have someone like Elon Musk and what people think he's capable of and the guy is entertaining and he's got that celebrity factor
Starting point is 00:16:28 and he gets in Twitter battles with politicians and whatever. And so people are betting on him. They're 100% betting on him. And something like this makes me go, oh, I just didn't, I didn't see this coming. I mean, I was, everything he's doing with SpaceX and the car, like it just,
Starting point is 00:16:43 I mean, you're only giving up on something. Yeah, I just did not see the phone coming and then not only that, but the first one he's doing with SpaceX and the car like it just the mirror link. Yeah, I just did not see the phone coming and and then not only that, but the first one he's rolling out looks sick. It doesn't look like, oh, this is version one and it'll get better. I promise in the future, it looks sick right out the gate. So it's going to be interesting to see how much of a share they take away from I can't wait to see. Yeah. Speaking of sick.
Starting point is 00:17:02 So I got that cold or whatever that you had. So over the week or whatever, the holiday. And so it made me sneeze, right? So I'm sneezing. And every time I sneeze, Jessica could be anywhere in the house and she'll jump out of her chair, whatever. The dad sneeze, you guys have heard of the dad sneeze. So I saw this meme.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I think I scared Courtney this weekend, actually. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Courtney's, ah, yeah. So jumped up. So I saw this, so there was this meme that was going around. I thought it was hilarious. And it said something like, do men practice yelling when they sneeze, when they're boys, or does it just happen as soon as it becomes bad, right?
Starting point is 00:17:39 And so, it's being shared like crazy. It's this thing that people say, when I was a kid, I remember my grandfather, now he's 90, right? But when I was a kid, it sounded like he yelled. So you'd hear him across the room, like that real loud. And me and my cousin would be like, oh, what the hell? And of course, then you become, you get older.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And then now this is how I sneeze. My dad sneezes this way. Super loud. So I was talking to Jessica about it. And I'm like, yeah, I'm like, I think it's obviously a guy thing. It's just modeled something. There's something about us, man, that whatever she's like, it's a it's sneezing male privilege. I said, what? I'm sneezing male privilege. She says, because you guys just don't think you need to hold it in. Just let it out like you roar. And then so we had this debate and it was,
Starting point is 00:18:23 you know, half joking, half whatever. And so I said, honey, have you ever heard me sneeze in a restaurant? And then she had to think about it. I'm like, yeah, that's how you know it's not fake. Because if I'm in a restaurant, I'll bury my face, try to hold it, but it still comes out. I just end up gritting my teeth through the whole thing. What is it?
Starting point is 00:18:39 What is it that caused us to do that? Because I, of course, I think we're just bigger. I don't really do. Because there's also like, I was tripping on that too because like, there's been some girls I've met who will sneeze and I'll be like, a million sneezes like in my life where it went from like probably the kids' knees or normal sneezes and then also I have this loud ass man's knees.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Like I don't even remember when that switch was and I can't. So we were, again, we were having this debate and it was, we're having a good time with it and she's like, and so she likes to use the evolutionary arguments with me to joke around. So it does her right back in the aisle. Yeah, and she goes, I don't believe it's just men. I think you guys just don't feel a self-conscious about letting it out. I'm like, no, I'm like, I can't control it.
Starting point is 00:19:34 And she goes, how would this be evolutionary advantageous? You're out hunting and you sneeze and you scare away the frickin' evocusels. I'm like, you're right. Well, I don't know. I mean, I feel like Yawning's kind of similar too, because maybe it's just that I'm getting older. I make like a lot of more old man noises,
Starting point is 00:19:49 you know, when I get up from sleeping, I'm like, oh, and I'm just like really loud about everything. But yeah, it was funny, because we were up in Truckee for New Year's Eve and the whole thing about like trying to stay up late for midnight. So it's just like one of those things, dude, really? Do we still have to do this?
Starting point is 00:20:10 Like, who came up? And I sound like such an old man. Like, dude, sack it up. You're in this for the long haul. It's funny because Courtney's the same. We're just kind of just end up not really going out and party and or anything, but we try and party and pretend to have a good time.
Starting point is 00:20:28 And so she starts getting loader chair and is kind of getting tired. I could tell, and I'm like, if you yawn, you're gonna have to take a shot. And so it was this deal that we made. And I'm like, every time I catch her yawn, she had to go take a shot. And I had the kids watching her for me.
Starting point is 00:20:45 You know what I'm like, did mommy yawn? It's like, we got her. Tell me get your mom drunk. We're like a charred. It did work like a charred. She ended up taking a few shots. I saw her coming the kitchen at the double shot. It's way more fun after that.
Starting point is 00:20:57 You know what sucks about yawns is there's a social contagious aspect of it. So just saying the word yawn makes people more likely to yawn. So it's like, right now everybody's gonna yawn really early. Listening. Yeah, we're all trying nothing. It's one of those things. Yeah, they think it's because you're trying, you're signaling to the people around you that you're tired. So it's like this social, you know, whatever. Yeah. But it's funny because you
Starting point is 00:21:18 said that to her probably made her yawn more. As a probably huh. Yeah, you ever do this when someone yawns, you ever mess with your buddies They yawn you stick your fingers in the mouth I Know you can't so you know you're y'all in your mind. I would do that to mess with people I put my hand over their mouth. No, you can't bite down If you try to bite but the y'all has to finish first
Starting point is 00:21:45 That's nice stuff. That's why it's so funny. Yeah, I love doing all that. So what did you end up, so since you didn't come up with us, what did you end up doing for New Year's? Okay, so what happened, so people don't know, right? So we all plan on going up there, all of us together with our families.
Starting point is 00:21:58 And it was, you know, we're trying to do this every year. And it was, it was record snow, right? Record record. Back to back record storms. Epic snow. So ridiculous. The roads on the way up got shut down. Tons and tons of snow. I couldn't stay as long as you guys, because my older kids had to be back with their mom. So I only had to begin with a few days. They closed the road. So I already lost the day. So my cousin says, why don't you come stay at our house,
Starting point is 00:22:27 visit with us, they're up in Sacramento, so that's like a nice stopping point. It's about an only an hour and a half away from where we would wanna go. So we went up, stayed with my cousin and waited. They were closed again another day. And I was like, it's just not worth it. First, to go up there because I only be there for a day or two.
Starting point is 00:22:42 And then the conditions were already so bad that it would have taken me hours in the car with the baby and the whole deal. I'm like, oh, this is totally sucks. So we stayed up there, hung out my cousin and his kids, which is great, got to visit with them. Got to eat at my uncle's restaurant, which I haven't done a long time.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Oh, really? Yeah, you guys have heard me talk about my uncle. So my uncle has a restaurant, shout out, Visconti's restaurant in Folsom. This is my, my grandfather's brother. Yeah. The whole family works there. Are we gonna kick back for this? We're not.
Starting point is 00:23:11 No sponsorship, but family, right? But if you go up there and you have food there, I guarantee my cousins or something, someone that knows me work there. So if you say, hey, I know Sal or whatever, they'll know who I am. But anyway, we went there, had a great meal. Nice big Italian dinner, it was a good time.
Starting point is 00:23:27 You would get a kick out of what happened to us on the way up, because I don't know what it is with me and gas. You did not. So yes, I'm glad you're bringing this stuff to this. I'll speak Courtney like, how the hell did this happen? You got a problem. You got a list of this, bro. OK, so first of all, we flew all the way there until the last, I don't
Starting point is 00:23:46 know, the cold fact. Yeah, 40 miles away from our house. And then then the next four hours, I think it took us to get the rest of the way. So I mean, I have the distance to empty gauge, obviously, on my truck. And then I have ways happen. And so we are 100 at one point where I'm looking at the gas. And before we head 100 at one point where I'm looking at the gas and before we head up the hill and I'm like, oh, we've got 140 miles left of gas and we only have 120 miles to go. We're cool.
Starting point is 00:24:14 So I got 20 miles extra. 20 is extra. 20 is extra. 20 extra miles, right? 20 extra miles. I feel like that's cutting it. Anyway, continue. So I got 20 extra miles.
Starting point is 00:24:23 I don't get that. Yeah, I got 20 extra miles. So, but get it. All right, go ahead. Yeah, I got 20 extra miles. So, but then we sit in like parking lot traffic, right? And so I'm watching the idling of my truck just kind of slowly eat. And then it's going like, you know, from 120 to 140. And it's like, yeah, 115. It's like, it's getting lower and lower.
Starting point is 00:24:42 And then now it's even. And it's like, oh shit, now we're just gonna, we're gonna barely make it there. And I'm like, okay, I need to stop and get gas. And so we're climbing the hill and we're now up in like elevation where there's snow already. And like the next I took a train on like, well, we'll pull over on the next day. I'm also mind you, I have a kid that's two and a half. So I'm also trying to time, you know, keeping him happy. And like, you know, I'm saying, like trying to time it with either changing a diaper or feeding time. And so, you know, whatever. So, okay, we have to get gas. And so we go to the next exit and there's a CHP that's blocking you
Starting point is 00:25:15 from getting off off and so much shit. Okay, we got to wait the next exit. And every time we have to wait an exit, it's like a 30, 45 minutes before the next exit because we're in like bumper to bumper traffic. And so I'm just like watching my gas, go down slowly but surely, just burning away. And every time I, and then I get to the next exit, guess what happens? CHP blocking it off again. And I'm like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:25:36 So keep, go pass that one. Another 30 minutes go by it. Now I'm certain to get low gas. Like it's now getting to a point where I think I'm at 20 miles total or 25 miles total till I'm empty. So I'm like, okay, I have to get off the next exit. So I go to the next exit, CHP blocking. But at this point, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:25:52 Do you know why they were doing that? I pull over. So I go, I go talk to them. I pull over, I jump out, I go run over to CHP and I go, hey, I have literally like 10 miles. I think I lied to them when I had like 15 or 20. But I'm like, I have like 10 miles left of of gas and this is like one of the only gas stations for the next 20 something miles.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I have to get gas here. He goes, you couldn't get gas here if you wanted. He goes, all the power is out everywhere. Oh. So I'm like, well, what am I supposed to do? He goes, I don't know what to tell you. I'm like, and I have, I said, you have any gas. I'll pay you a hundred bucks for a five gallon tank.
Starting point is 00:26:21 I said, what, he's, I don't have, I can't help you. And I'm like, you gotta let me, you gotta let me off. And he's like, even if I let you off, there's nothing that you can get off this exit. And I'm like, what am I supposed to do? I said, is it that way as we go further up? He goes, yeah, more likely, most of those are all out. So I had to, he let me get off just so I could turn back around
Starting point is 00:26:39 and I had to head all the way back down. So we had just been in parking lot traffic for like the last two hours. And I had to go back. And while I was moving forward, I was like, yeah, I'm going back. I had to go back track. And when I finally could get off on an exit,
Starting point is 00:26:53 the first exit could get off is in Kohlfax. I get out there and the whole town is blacked out. Now I'm freaking out. I'm like on five miles left of gas and I just pulled over to get gas. And it's blacked out. No, no, so I barely make it all the way back down. So I'm like 45 minutes back down the mountain of the 2.5 hour sitting in traffic
Starting point is 00:27:14 to start all over and go back and got gas filled up and then got back. So just so that people who made it. Just so that people don't think this is a freak accident. Right. So I'll tell us not like random. I'll tell you how, like this is not something that he does all the time. So, and I don't understand this.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I don't get it because technology these days, I didn't understand the 50s and 40s when he was like, yeah, like my old 56 truck, like I had issues with it, but it's because it didn't work. Okay, so we were, I don't, where were we going? Spartan race. Okay, we were going, we were driving. All of us, Adam's driving and literally,
Starting point is 00:27:47 this is like modern times, runs at a gas. Yeah. On the freeway. We were just so confused. We just like stood outside like, wait, what happened? We had to pull over and throw a football around while we waited for the gas. Cause we ran at a gas.
Starting point is 00:28:04 So here's the question I have, because I've noticed, I don't know if you guys have noticed this, there's two kinds of people, literally, two kinds of people in the world. There's the people that see that their tank is like getting past the half, and they're like, I gotta get gas. And then there's people like you that only get gas
Starting point is 00:28:19 when that shit is like, to the very end. So what is it, like, why, you know what it is? Is because, do you just get in gas? No, no, I don't mind getting gas. But I'm always trying to time it with what I'm doing. Oh, do I need to go pee or do I want to drink or am I hungry? Like just to pull over to get gas,
Starting point is 00:28:36 I feel like it's a waste of time. It's like such a waste of time to just pull over for gas. It's like, I need to be doing something else also. I need to be having a bathroom or eating or with the stop and grab something. So I'm always trying to time it with stuff like that. Or I'm always trying to time it with an exit that you just pull off and you go to the gas
Starting point is 00:28:51 and you get right back on. Because I'm so like the time guy. Like I have my ways app. I'm trying to beat the time the whole time. So I draw you racing. Myself. I'm competitive with myself and everything I do. I just want to be there.
Starting point is 00:29:04 I know you. I'm like, I'm going to get there. I just wanted to say it's there. I know you. I am like I'm gonna get there and do all he thought about because I was thinking we're gonna be stuck in traffic forever. And so I had like flashlights. I had like extra food. I had all this shit. I thought we're gonna camp out. So we went and we stopped and we got like filled up again, you know, and then I got in the traffic. I've seen those videos making fun of dads where it's like, you know, the morning of our to get on a plane at 11 am or something like that. And it's 6 am, dads up with the suitcases lined up with this coffee, all right guys, get ready, that's you. You know what, let's go guys, let's go.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Let's go, I definitely like that for sure. I'm also the guy, you know, the other meme that's going, that was going viral this break also was the Christmas one with dads in the trash bags. Oh, I love that. I'm totally that guy too. Let's see if someone starts out. Yeah, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Hey, with the trash bag out, with like, okay, should I'm gonna continue? Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. That's hilarious. So I'm opposite. I get gas. I almost never go down below a quarter. So as soon as it gets to a quarter,
Starting point is 00:29:57 I get, you know, down to a quarter. I'm the same. Yeah, I think because we have the, because of technology and we now have it to where you can measure it down to the mile I think that causes me to push it more. I didn't run out of gas when I was a kid when we didn't have those gauges And it was just like the light that comes on and you weren't sure if you had eight miles 12 miles Like I was good about getting gas back there. I never ran a gas as a kid
Starting point is 00:30:17 But once that came out. It's kind of like the navigation thing like I used to be great with directions But I've come dependent on it and so miles. Yeah miles. Yeah, so I'm like, I'm fine. I still got seven more miles. I'm cool, you know, I'll get a gas station sooner or later. So you push the limits. Was that the only time you ever ran out of gas with us? In your whole life? No.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Well, we've done a tw- I ran out of gas twice with you guys. Yeah, wait, wait, hold on. Yeah, there was another time. Yeah, there was another time. With us? Yeah, there was tw- Remember, you gave me a ship
Starting point is 00:30:43 because it was the second time, you were like, oh my god. Yeah, there was another time. You did? Yeah, there was, I. Remember cause you gave me a ship because it was the second time. You were like, oh my god. Yeah, there was another time. You did. Yeah, there was, I can't remember where we were out there. We were traveling. Was it in Austin? No. Yeah, it might have been a rental car.
Starting point is 00:30:51 I don't remember what it was. I mean, it was a rental car, yeah. Yeah, a rental car. It was a very, yeah, I pushed the limit. You did. Yeah. And I never used to do that.
Starting point is 00:30:59 It's just because of the tech now. And again, and I am that guy who does not, like, when I'm ready to go to go like I want to make a trip Like we drove back on Sunday or Saturday night and we left after dinner so it was a late drive, right? So it's a four and a half hour drive home with no traffic and we left it seven or something like that I don't remember when we left dinner so somewhere on seven o'clock So it's gonna be late for us to get in and I I mean, I had to pee the last hour and a half,
Starting point is 00:31:25 and I like would not pull over. It's like, we're gonna make it, you know, I'm gonna make it all the way there. Wow. Yeah, one time I had to pee, hella bad, and I played that game, and then there was nowhere to pull over. It had peed yourself.
Starting point is 00:31:35 No, I didn't, but I almost did as a grown man. You ever almost pee yourself as a grown man? Yeah. The time we're in the limo, I remember, like going up to San Francisco, I forget what it was for but like You know we were going up. I think it's for like your girlfriend at the time like Natalie something was doing something up there. Oh Like laundry Playboy laundry
Starting point is 00:32:04 Guys I'm just going to get on your A-P. Yeah, um, anyways. Oh, just guys, we just got to work. We just got to work. Wait a second, dude, I want to talk about this. I just started drinking. And I was drinking a lot and I seriously felt like my bladder was going to explode. And I didn't have any control because I wasn't driving. And so I'm just like trying to kind of bring it up. Hey, anybody else needs a pee?
Starting point is 00:32:19 Hey, guys, uh, anybody else like need a pullover? And I'm like, I got a pullover. And then he finally found some like back alley thing pulled over. Yeah, that's when you, you pee, and you actually make sound as you pee like, mhhhh. Oh yeah. It's like, it's like razor blades. How long did you and Courtney get to go with that?
Starting point is 00:32:36 That's an SDV, Justin. Sorry to break you to you. You and Courtney were together when we went to, went on that, was it? Or was that before Courtney? It's not, uh, yes. We're in trouble, but I just got got I didn't do I was good boy Do you remember who that it was you remember the three the three girls that live with half that were really famous? Oh, you know who they are right the blonde yeah the three the three blondes and I can't I can't think of their name
Starting point is 00:32:59 I know right no, but you know what I'm talking about right I can't think of their names right now Doug you know This one yes that is one yeah Kendra I think Brittany and another one I think are the three. You know what's funny? You can just pick those are those names would make sense. Yeah. I don't even know, but I would be out of Brittany. Definitely. Definitely. It was her. It was her. Holly. Right? Yeah. Holly isn't it. Holly, Brittany and Kendra is all right. All of a sudden Adam's got a picture memory. Now he always says he doesn't know. I know I No, I totally just was like looking at me the limo. And I'm like, what limo trip do we go to San Francisco with Natalie?
Starting point is 00:33:30 And I'm like, oh, should I forgot all about that party? Yeah, I remember that's crazy. I threw it. We both threw each other in the bus in that way. I'm sorry, I'm not. This is before mine pumps. Yeah, I don't even know what's going on. All right, so here's something that got my,
Starting point is 00:33:42 I don't know, this isn't personally, it's my cat cold smile a little bit. Yeah, it makes me smile. So we're in the middle of a new wave of illness and it's exploding everywhere. Nobody cares, nobody cares. I'm out, I'm going out and places are more crowded than never.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And I think it's because two things, I think is this new strain, we're getting lots of data showing it's mild, new variant. But also, I think people are just over the, just, they're just over it. And if they're wearing a mask, it's like down here. And I'm like, what do you like? Why? People are, why are we even doing this? People seem to, and you guys saw that the, that the, the White House statement, did you guys see that? That this cannot be solved at a federal level. You know what that means, right? That means midterms are coming.
Starting point is 00:34:27 We see the polls, we're gonna get crushed. People are over it. So we gotta leave it up to the states, type of deal to decide what to do. And I wanna say this, I feel very, I know shit's kinda crazy or whatever, but we've got it, boy, our forefathers are founders, right?
Starting point is 00:34:43 Not perfect people, they're flawed like everybody else. But boy, the way they designed things was brilliant because the state system and the court system, the vision of power was essential. Slow down a lot of these, what I would consider big overreactions that you still see now, you're up into the places. And it's not happening here as much
Starting point is 00:35:01 and people can just, you know, so to me, it's, I'm glad that people are, are like, I'm just gonna do what I think. Is Australia still in like full lockdown? Hard. Still. A lot of places. I know, I saw Canada.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Can you message us from people like, I can't work out again. Canada is crazy too. Yeah, there's other, like countries in Europe, they're still like super aggressively locking down. Yeah, so two studies that came out, well, we're interesting. One, one is confirming what other studies are showing.
Starting point is 00:35:26 I'll get to that in a second. Another one showed that quercetin. So a lot of the wellness people have been saying for a long time, take quercetin with zinc to help with respiratory illness. So they've been recommending this. Well, the study came out showing that that quercetin probably has some benefits for people who have COVID. They show that.
Starting point is 00:35:45 So what I recommend it everybody, we don't have it here, but I recommend it everybody. I mean, I definitely took some to glutathione and to my parents actually got sick with the vid. And so I went over to hand that off and it really did help with the recovery. So glutathione's the other one. So glutathione, I'll read this particular study,
Starting point is 00:36:08 but glutathione, they're showing in a lot of these studies. Here's one, endogenous deficiency of glutathione as the most likely cause of serious manifestations and death in COVID-19 patients. So NAC raises glutathione levels. They've, that was shown to be beneficial. And then glutathione, one of the problems raises glutathione levels. That was shown to be beneficial. And then glutathione, one of the problems with glutathione, is when you take it orally, it gets that destroyed and not absorbed.
Starting point is 00:36:32 But now they have liposomal glutathione. So, live on is one of our sponsors. They have liposomal glutathione, which means it's encapsulated in a liposom, which is a fat, which allows it to bypass this destructive process in the digestive system to get to the cells that need to use it, and there are studies that show that liposomal glutathione does effectively raise glutathione levels. So this is probably an effect, a supplement that you'd want to have around and take during, you know, to just prevent serious illness.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Now, do you know how that compares to like, when they, because they use it like the nebulizer too, right? Don't they? Isn't that? So I don't know of any studies with that, but lots of anecdote. One of my good friends back when the Delta strain was the prevalent one, which was that, the Delta comparison to Omnicrom Delta seems to be.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Delta was more aggressive. Yeah, like way more severe symptoms, but less transmissible Omnicrom, Omnicrom seems to be super transmissible. It's like spreading like crazy. This is the most people I've ever known at one time have it. So I probably have 15 family and friends that have it. Dude, I'm gonna say, look, I'm not an expert. All over. I want to preface this by saying I'm not an expert, whatever, it's just based off of the data that I've read and from the epidemiologists and virologists. And they have said a long time that the evolution of
Starting point is 00:37:49 virus is typically follows this path where eventually it becomes less deadly because it's not beneficial to a virus to kill its hosts because then it can't spread where it's going to live. Yeah. In fact, did you guys ever play that video game? What was it called? Pandemic, I think it was called where you can create a virus and see how fast it spreads in the world. You need a video game. It's an old game, dude. It's an old knackle little kid.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah, it was like 10 years old, maybe, maybe less. Bill Gates made that. Yeah, somebody by Microsoft. But anyway, in this game, it was pretty cool. It was a simulator and you would create a virus or a bacteria with specific properties Well when you first get on there and the goal is to infect the whole world and kill as many people's possible That's the goal of a game. Hey listen before this all happened. It was perfectly fun Now it would be like you would want to make this game
Starting point is 00:38:39 But anyway, yeah, you're a list when a lot of people do when they play this game and it's a simulator And it was really cool You would initially want to make the most deadly virus possible Oh, I'm gonna make the best virus I'm gonna win so you'd make this super deadly virus But it would kill people so fast and governments would react so quickly it wouldn't spread it wouldn't spread Yeah, so you had to balance you had to make something that was super transmissible and whatever in order to get this So it was pretty cool. Anyway, this is what happens with viruses. So they predicted, many of them predicted that this virus
Starting point is 00:39:10 would eventually become far less deadly, but way more transmissible. And then I read an article about, there's a current cold virus, common cold virus. So I'm not sure if it's a rhino virus or another coronavirus that today causes the common cold has been around for a long time, but I believe in the 1800s, it caused a pandemic in Russia, killing many people.
Starting point is 00:39:33 So it mutated to become the common cold, but when it first became a thing, it killed lots of people as well. Well, wasn't that one of the theories from the very beginning, which is that this was going to turn into like a common cold that we have every year or that ever. That's why I too weren't we going to probably going to see a flu shot all the time. Yeah. I mean, every year that's what I don't know. I don't know, but, but it's maybe too soon to say, but this could potentially, I was reading this, there was this, this, this thing is a veerologist was writing this. And he said, this could be the beginning of the end. Basically,
Starting point is 00:40:04 it's so transmissible, so many people are gonna get it, and then they're also gonna get lots of immunity, and it looks like the variance now are becoming or moving this direction. I mean, maybe a little too early to tell. It's too cross my fingers. Yeah, but I mean, this could be kind of,
Starting point is 00:40:17 because I know too, I know lots of people with this. This is the most at one time that I've seen, and all but one, it's been like super mild. Dude, have you seen the reversals that the government, I'm gonna pull some of these up. Well, you know what, so tell me if this is true or not, because I'm not diving into this stuff very much anymore.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I'm like so over it. But I did see something, and I don't know if it's bullshit or not, that they're finding that it's being transmitted more through people that have the vaccine than people that have the vaccine. So we have to be careful. Yeah, I know we have to. No, because it's only transmitted more through people that have the vaccine than people that have the vaccine. We have to be careful. Yeah, I know we have to.
Starting point is 00:40:48 No, because it's only been a bunch of people but hurt over that. No, no, this is super early data coming out of other countries. And in early data, it still hasn't been peer reviewed, but the early data showing like four times higher, eight times higher if you were vaccinated. Now here's the problem with that. That's two to four percent.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Yeah, we don't know if that's because vaccinated people feel like they're fine. Yeah, so they're out more and stuff, unless I don't know. Yeah, but that's what's out. Which I'm sure that can play a role, but eight times is quite a bit, right? I mean, that's so, that's not like it.
Starting point is 00:41:17 It is. It would be weird, right? Yeah. But so check this out. Here's the, here are the reversals. It says here, like, and these are the ones that are listed. So now they're saying cloth masks totally waste the time. There was actually CNN now has had an expert on there saying, yeah, cloth masks basically are actually putting
Starting point is 00:41:33 this on. Yeah, they're saying like you need to use the N95. You can do anything, but the cloth ones total waste of time. They're off the course of vaccinating that can spread and get it. The death rate now seems to be total comparable to the flu. Natural immunity is actually very effective. We have to take into account societal needs. So now we're seeing this reversal. What do you mean by the death rate comparable to the flu? When you're looking at the total total of what's going on, the death rate is moving lower
Starting point is 00:42:02 and lower and it's looking more comparable to what you would get, the death rate is moving lower and lower, and it's looking more comparable to what you would get from the flu. Well, the criticism out there is the early treatment, that wasn't being promoted early enough. Yeah, there's some weird thoughts about that, why that wasn't promoted enough, or why there wasn't movement there a lot to provide that. That's one of the theories why the death rate is going down is because now people are getting
Starting point is 00:42:28 told the reason why, like in the beginning, why we had like high numbers of people getting like severe symptoms. Yeah, the, the, the, the monoclonal antibodies are really effective. The, the, the drugs that we can use to treat, yeah, a really damn effective. Is that the one that we're, that was banned in Florida? Wasn't banned in Florida, but it looked like the access to the shorted it. Yeah, somehow weird. I don't know why it doesn't make any damn sense.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Why that would have happened. Anyway, there's so many shenanigans that are going to come to surface. I'm just holding back until all this is completely confirmed, but there's lots of, you know, people behind the scenes, like in CDC and all these major organizations that there's some fuckery. Speaking of that, what's going on with just Lane Maxwell or whatever? Did she got nailed up five and five out of six accounts? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:14 So, you know what's, you know what's crazy? What does that mean? So, I don't know, I don't know what the sentence is going to be, but I looked, I was on a forum and people were talking about the case or whatever and I was like, isn't it weird that none of the details were made to the public? I'm like, that's fishy, right? And then someone went on there who's got a background on this and said, actually, one of the reasons why like a lot of the public did or the public didn't see a lot of these details is maybe this is leading to other investigations. So they don't want to compromise.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Of course, you won't throw all the details out. Yeah, so maybe the details, and they kept them private because now it's spurring deeper, because remember all the rumors? Lots of rumors of like really powerful people who were connected. Well, that was my concern. It was like, yeah, okay, she serves time,
Starting point is 00:44:01 but like does that case get completely like shut down now and they move on or are they going to keep pursuing all the other people involved? Who knows, right? What is it saying, Doug, is it saying what happens next? Up to 15 years in prison. 15? No, 65 years. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:44:17 That's a nice choice. That's a nice choice. That would be, yeah. Even the 55 is better. Yeah. Well, dude, all the people that could potentially be connected to this, you were talking about one of the biggest upheavals that I could imagine. Yeah, we're old-wide people.
Starting point is 00:44:33 I get why there was no coverage inside there to compromise, but it's kind of crazy that there's just not a lot of TV coverage about it, like talking about it. I feel like that's such a big deal. And that, like you're right that it could, but this is such a, it's been a weird few years. Like UFO shit's coming out. That's crazy too, nobody cares.
Starting point is 00:44:53 I mean, I'm serious. People would have freaked out. Who is it? Didn't that Air Force? Oh yeah, we definitely, you know, see things and admitting stuff. Yeah, I've found that to me. Like it just seems like, like, just, you just, I don't know how to say it,
Starting point is 00:45:07 but not like, like, Syops, but it's like, it's a way to like, mislead people from other like, events and things going on. You know, like, I look at it as a way to kind of like, steer public, you know, like them like being interested in something away from, you know, a really important thing we all share.
Starting point is 00:45:25 So I can go there for sure, but there's this saying that if there's hoof prints in the sand, think horse, not zebra, right? So in other words, always think the most off. What, you know, so if we go with the most obvious thing, I think it's that people are more hyped and afraid about things that can affect them personally. So of course, COVID, right?
Starting point is 00:45:45 That's the big thing. Oh, I'm scared about that. And then, you know, like when September 11th happened, oh my God, we're gonna get attacked and we're gonna get killed or whatever. So that's what I think. And I think that humans are so social, we're such social creatures that you have individual,
Starting point is 00:46:01 mental, for lack of a better term illness. So it's not really illness, but maybe distortions and how you view certain things. But there's also group distortions that can amplify. And I think we're gonna look back, this is my prediction, and it's being recorded, so I hope I can play this back one day. I think we're gonna look back and say greatest overreaction
Starting point is 00:46:21 in all of history. Mass hysteria. And we caused more problems than we solved with the way that we reacted. Not just threatening that it wasn't a penthouse. I don't think so, because at least in my family and friends that are like divided on this still, they're still divided on it.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Even with all the new stuff coming out and saying max or useless and I mean, it's still, I don't think that. The sudden doctorate is really a thing. Yeah, I think everyone's been drinking their own Kool-Aid for so long, both sides that I think it'll, I don't think we're gonna look back at it. I think it could take a while, but I think we're gonna look back and be like,
Starting point is 00:46:54 holy cow, we created this much debt that causes this problem. I feel like you already see the turn in that, though. With the Biden administration and everybody else, like they're starting to totally sing a different tune. So I think if more leaders start singing a different tune, it's gonna make you look back at it and be like, wait a minute. Listen, all those signs.
Starting point is 00:47:12 That's the midterms that are already there, dude. I don't know. I don't, at least I don't see that in my circle of people that are on one side and the other, like both sides feel like that. I feel like everyone dubbed their heels in already. Totally. Everyone already dubbed their heels in all.
Starting point is 00:47:25 So you don't wanna, yeah, I know. It's, again, everybody makes their own personal decisions and so like, you know, again, nobody wants to be like, wow, I was totally wrong. Yeah, but hold on. Okay, I don't think it's gonna happen five years from now. I'm talking about decades from now, a decade or two decades from now.
Starting point is 00:47:41 So the best example, I think. The reason why I'm saying that is this. There's the people that, let's say, that have gotten all three shots right now, and we're seeing that the death rate's going, that a lot of people think it's because of us overreacting that has damped, damped. Well, that's all what I'm referring to.
Starting point is 00:47:56 I'm not referring to that. I don't think, who knows about that. We'll put it overreacting, I used to say too. Lockdowns, mandates. Yeah, but I think a lot of people believe that that has aided us in slowing down every time. So here's why I think that why decades from now we're gonna look back.
Starting point is 00:48:12 We're gonna look back, we're gonna see, oh my God, suicide rates went up so much, depression it went up so much. We already see all this already. We do, but we're too close to it. So we're too close to it. So this is the best example I've needed. You need to like, shit on it is what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:48:23 No, so I'll give you my example. So the best example I could give is September 11th. September 11th happened scared the shit out of everybody in America. And we literally invaded a country that had nothing to do with September 11th. We invaded Iraq and if September 11th didn't happen, no way they would have had public support now.
Starting point is 00:48:38 No weapons of mass destruction. Now at the time, you had lots of people being like, no, we need to go. And we know there was public support for it. Now, today, there's hardly a politician that will say, oh yeah, that was a good thing that we did. Now, it's, that was, you know, how many years ago, right? It was 18 years ago or 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:48:56 So I think decades from now, we're gonna look back and be like, oh man, we did a lot of damage to people and to kids, into schools, and education, and to, you know to obesity doubled its speed. And, you know, just over those two big countries, though, that'll keep writing this because of like somewhere like Australia where they have such full control over this lockdown
Starting point is 00:49:18 and this power grab. You know, they really want to, gonna want to reverse that, give a new information. I don't, I think it's gonna, it's gonna take political pressure. We have midterms coming up. Yeah. This is why, always remember, right before an election, politicians sound exactly the way you want them to.
Starting point is 00:49:35 And they say a lot of the great stuff that you wanna hear, and then of course once they're in and they're like, all right, we're cool, then they go back to doing, you know, kind of what they want. So, I don't know. Anyway, I wanted to tell you guys, so you guys know I'm a big supplement pusher, especially with the products that we use, right?
Starting point is 00:49:49 So I was giving people pure family members over the holiday. And... And Chris, rave, people rave, raving. Do you know that's what, so I actually did that. So I have a couple nephews that are in their 20s and they're like big into lifting and stuff. And I actually think it's totally cheesy
Starting point is 00:50:06 that Katrina does is she goes, don't, they love it. I'm like, that feels so cheap for us to give like our sponsor stuff. And like she literally, I don't know if you guys notice but she came in here and like rated everything. Like she got to, we had all this like people gifted us duffel bags and like all these different, so she for Christmas like boxed up like a duffel bag with like all these different, so she for Christmas, like boxed up,
Starting point is 00:50:25 like a Duffle bag with like all the different supplements that we have. Oh, sure, they love it. Oh, they did. I mean, I'm guilty of doing that with stocking stuffers because stocking stuffers are kind of like, you're very last. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:50:36 So I feel that's just that this was a present. Like you opened it up, like all of our supplements and stuff. But I mean, I mean, in her defense, and the way she defended herself in this, she's like, listen, that's like $200 and something, $300 worth of supplements right there. They like it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:52 And so I'm like, all right, fair. Are they giving you feedback on pure, because my family loves it. Yeah, they do. They love it. Yeah. Everybody I've introduced it to really likes it. So it's, I think it's, well, that,
Starting point is 00:51:01 that and green juice, green juice isn't my favorite. Like, I like the way I feel from it, it's just, I use it the most. Those are the two I've identified that I use the most consistently. Speaking of lifting though, so another interesting, so, and I'm thinking of this because I know
Starting point is 00:51:14 that we're gonna air this episode and then that day after I believe, maybe Doug can correct me on the mind pump, on the, was it mind pump hormones forum, or is it MP hormones? No, it's mind pump hormones and actually it's gonna be tomorrow. Tomorrow. Okay, so mind pump hormones forum on the, was it mind pump hormones, or is it MP hormones? No, it's mind pump hormones and actually it's gonna be tomorrow. Tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Okay, so mind pump hormones forum on Facebook, which is open to everybody so far, although we may be closing it soon because it's getting flooded with lots of people. One of the doctors from regenerative sport and medicine is gonna get on there, answer questions at 5 p.m. Pacific, just live. So you can ask them whatever question
Starting point is 00:51:43 about anything related to hormones. They to hormone crush it on there. They crush it. And so I've been going on the forum and asking them questions. And I'll tag them, Todd or Dr. Rand or whatever. And one of the things that I noticed, which is wild, and I've been talking to you about this atom, and because I think you had the best feedback, is about five months in, my metabolism is so fast that I cannot eat enough,
Starting point is 00:52:09 which I haven't experienced since I was probably my early 20s. Literally, I think my metabolic rate increased by a thousand calories, which is insane. I'm just eating, eating, eating, and I can't seem to. I missed that. That was one of my favorite things about being so consistent back in competing days was I built up that metabolism to where
Starting point is 00:52:27 it's like, it was, I mean, it's a double-edged sword, right? Because if I didn't keep up the calories and eating like that, then I would start to lose weight. And some of that weight would be muscle. So I, of course, was trying to hang on to all that muscle. That's what happened to me. But the positive side is like, you know, I eat a thousand calorie dessert, ain't no thing.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Like my metabolism is roaring so much that it would be. That would be my problem would be like, I'd be drawn back to cookies and everything else because it's like, whatever, I just need calories. Well, I had to, right? So, you know, then you have to search the hyperpellable food. Yeah, I mean, yeah, when I was pushing over 5,000 calories,
Starting point is 00:53:01 at least I don't know too many people that can honestly eat 5, 5000 clean calories every single day. That's okay to put that in perspective. That's five 1000 calorie meals. Yeah. So that's five big ass meals. And five, like you do that in chicken thighs and rice, you know how much that is?
Starting point is 00:53:19 Like a thousand calories at that? That's like your grocery bills, probably hilarious. Yeah, no, it was crazy. So I would have to throw in like desserts, you know, and think peanut butter and the oils and butters and things I would need that in order to boost the calories up because I just couldn't get to 5,000. I'll push 4,000 calories and I'll,
Starting point is 00:53:37 I know this scale won't really move much at all. I, this week, in this week, because we were, you know, hanging out with people and I'm not as conscious about feeding myself, my calories probably got down to 3,000 or less and I lost like 3 pounds. I asked Dr. Todd because I've gained roughly probably about 13 pounds of lean body mass. I'm like, okay, I know the more muscle burns more calories, but there's also a calorie burning effect for my think testosterone
Starting point is 00:54:06 on its own. So I think it's both because it doesn't, it's such a big difference, dude. It's like over a thousand calories more that I'm burning all the time, which is really wild. And so I went on there and asked everybody about it. I said, everybody hates you right now. Well, I remember I said never like talking about it because I would just get the dirtiest looks when I tell you.
Starting point is 00:54:24 No, I'm glad you said that. Yeah, I can eat whatever I want. No, no, I'm not. I'm not just saying that all the day, Billy, right? Yeah, I don't want to give people expectations that are not realistic. So I think what I, I'll say this, I think this is more fair. My tendency is to have a faster metabolism anyway. And when I was a kid, I was, I had such a fast metabolism.
Starting point is 00:54:43 It was comical, like comical. I could eat like 7,000 calories and just nothing. So I think what it did is it kind of brought me more back to, you know, how I was, so I don't think if you're like a, if you gain body fat super easy, you'll get a fast metabolism, but you're not gonna,
Starting point is 00:54:58 I don't, you're not gonna end up in this. I agree with you. I'm in, but I have a tendency to go in that direction anyway. That was experience I had too. Okay. I ended up having, I mean, as a young kid, I had this roaring metabolism as it was.
Starting point is 00:55:07 And then it felt like when I was taking test to off-steroen back when I was competing, like I had got back to those days of like... Well, studies on TRT show that men who are on TRT, so they obviously bring you from low levels to high normal levels within range or whatever. They don't, not working out or anything, will lose body fat and gain muscle.
Starting point is 00:55:27 So the hormone itself directs your body to do that, even without additional exercise or anything else. Well, I think that's, this is the reason why so many, you know, steroid guys are terrible with their advice because they're like, they're not the same. By default, they just build muscle, right? I mean, as long as they lift some weights and they can get away with eating a lot,
Starting point is 00:55:45 they can eat kind of like an asshole and still put on good lean mass and not put on a lot of body fat. And so a lot of their advice comes from their experience and what they're doing. And it's just like, that doesn't work for everybody where you can eat like that. I remember we were talking, it was a Pekolsky, Ben Pekolsky.
Starting point is 00:56:02 That was an eye-opening moment because I said to him, I said, man, pro bodybuilders must have the best digestive systems in the world to be able to eat as many calories as they have to to get as big as they do. And he goes, no, he goes, the best bodybuilders have genetics to where they don't have to eat a ton to gain muscle.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I'm like, oh, that makes perfect sense, because like, who can eat 10, 12,000 calories a day every single day? You know, you wouldn't be able to. I mean, that's why I think 5,000 a day is crazy. Yeah, there's no way for me. There's no way. It would, my gut would, I would get so many gut issues trying to force feed my, it just wouldn't make sense. Hey, real quick, you got to check out Ned. They make hemp oil products, high CBD hemp oil products, but a full spectrum, right? So the full spectrum cannabinoids, all the beneficial cannabinoids you find in hemp
Starting point is 00:56:50 are in the products. And they're really the only ones I've ever tried that I actually feel. I've tried lots of CBD products, and I noticed nothing, like I take them, and I'm like, is it really CBD in this? Is there really something going on? Not true with net.
Starting point is 00:57:03 I take this, and I I notice I have less inflammation, I feel calm, I feel good, I feel really good on their products and they have much more than just that, but you got to check them out. They're really really cool. We love working with this company. Head over to hello Ned dot com forward slash mine pump and use the code mine pump for 15% off. So you get a discount just because you used our code. All right, here comes the rest of the show. First question is from Luke Nichols fitness. Is it best to do astagrass every time for squats or is it better to mix it up a little bit for someone trying to get stronger and put on more of muscle? All right, so when they say
Starting point is 00:57:41 astagrass, they're referring to some really full squat, right? All the way down. Is that better? Okay, first off, the fullest range of motion that you have complete control and stability of is the best general, best form of squats for yourself. And this is true for any exercise. So, but the caveat is, control and stability. Do not go beyond a range of
Starting point is 00:58:06 motion that you fully own or control because the risk of injury goes up real high and then the risk versus reward doesn't make any sense. So let's just imagine that you could go all the way down and you have beautiful technique and full control, full stability and that's how you can squat. Is there still value to doing shorter reps or partial reps or shorter range of motion? There are, but really for specific reasons, like if you're training at a part of the range of motion where maybe you have a sticking point.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Yeah, sticking point are athletic reasons, really, for performance where you want to generate the most force. So you see this with basketball players a lot, like, you know, going all the way down and ask the grass squad doesn't really make that much sense. And I can be generating a lot of power like that as they're playing. So trying to mimic a little bit more. So it translates better to what they're actually producing on the court. Makes sense. But in general, I think that shooting for a deep range of motion is a good goal to have. But, you know, working your way there and maintaining that stability and control is everything.
Starting point is 00:59:12 It's crucial. It's funny. This is only a question for squats. Yeah. Think about that for sure. Nobody asks you that in any other exercise. Curls. You never heard anybody say that.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Even deadlifts. Shoulder presses. No one, no one's asking asking should I not go full range of motion sometimes bench just to touch the chest you know I get that question sometimes but yeah no you're right it's about you know why because squats are the are challenging yeah most people have issues with mobility control and stability doing a full squat that's and this is why the reason why I think this question comes up a lot is because I think that, can I avoid it?
Starting point is 00:59:47 And I think you inherently know the answer if you're asking this. Like I think that if you're squatting astergrass and you're form sucks going astergrass, you probably shouldn't be squatting astergrass. You should work on your mobility to get to that place and you should squat down to the depth that allows you to squat down to with perfect form.
Starting point is 01:00:04 So hopefully that's getting down to astergrass but more than likely it's not and you have to the depth that allows you to squat down to with perfect form. So hopefully that's getting down to Ascress, but more than likely, it's not. And you have to work towards that. So whatever range of motion you can do with perfect form is what you should do. And I don't squat, ask the grass. I lack the control, the stability, and the ability to do so. So I squat parallel or slightly below parallel. That's just what my body allows. And I'm not willing yet to take the time
Starting point is 01:00:27 to really work on continue. But I still work on it and try and get a little lower. Now, here's the question. People are like, well, what about aesthetics? You can still build muscle. I was like, yeah, you can. You can still build muscle and get great aesthetics. But the question here is more about comparing the two.
Starting point is 01:00:44 And the truth be told, if I could squat full all the way down with the same control stability that I have going, let's say, parallel or below, then I would do the full one because you're going to build more muscle, you're going to get a greater range of motion in strength or greater application of strength. You have better functionality and maintains joint health a lot better. The issue really becomes about if you don't own that range of motion, and that's true for any exercise.
Starting point is 01:01:10 I just think, like, it's in a hypothetical situation where you have, like, a really low seat, for instance, and, you know, all you've been training is like the certain degree that you've been sticking with in terms of, like, squat depths, where all of your strength, control, and everything is focused on just that degree of angle.
Starting point is 01:01:30 And now you go below that, what tends to happen? You get all this instability, your body loses its sense of control. And this is where it becomes a problem. And this is where something like you find situations, you find like situations where you're in pain and, you know, an injury might occur. So it's just in terms of thinking of overall function among javenry, I think it's something to consider. Yeah, no, it makes it's 100% around that. It's about what's best overall, not just what's best for specific application, specific
Starting point is 01:02:02 applications are specific, but it's true for any exercise. They've done lots of studies on this. Full range of motion, all things being equal are better than shorter ranges of motion. That's for every exercise. Every exercise. We only get this ass on squast. And I think it's because there's something inside
Starting point is 01:02:18 these people that are doing this, that are telling them like, maybe I shouldn't do this all the time because they're form sucks. And I see people doing that because we talk about the benefits of- So they force themselves, they won't use that. Yeah, so they force themselves to go all the way down.
Starting point is 01:02:30 It's like, if you're squatting, and just because you can, it doesn't mean you're doing it with good form. So if you can get down to ask your ass, but then your chest is all the way forward, your shoulders are rolling forward, like your back's rounded, you know, like if your form looks you know, like,
Starting point is 01:02:45 if your form looks bad in that position, then you don't have good control there. You know what, Adam, I like to say good control and it's like full control and stability over form because a trained coach or trainer can see it in form. The average person can't see it in form. They'll see two squats. No, you're right.
Starting point is 01:03:06 And they'll say, oh, it looks like a good squat, unless it's obvious, right? They'll say, oh, that looks like a good squat. It should feel to you like you own every single inch of that movement. Like you could pause at any moment and hold it and be stable. Because what happens to a lot of people when they force a deep squat
Starting point is 01:03:22 who lack the control and stability, is they'll go down and then pass a certain point, they kind of like, go down and come up, right? They lose stability and then come back up and like, oh, I can do a full squat. It's like at the bottom there, you lost control and stability. They can't dig their way out. Yeah, and as soon as you push the weight or you're off a little bit, that's going to cause an injury. So that's the issue. It's not the deep squat. It's the fact that you can't do it with good control and stability. Right. Next question is from Marie in motion. What are some social media tips for personal trainers wanting to demonstrate their process to their followers as Adam did?
Starting point is 01:03:55 What are they referring to here? I think they're referring to my transformation the whole journey. So documenting, maybe that's what they mean by process, like trying to show it in an authentic way or. Oh yeah. Yeah, I think that, although, so I talk about this when I get on podcast with other trainers and one of the questions I've been asked
Starting point is 01:04:18 is if you had to start all over again, my pump doesn't exist and you turn on your Instagram and you were to start building your online presence. What would you do, or would you do anything different, or what would it look like? And I say, yeah, it would look a lot different than what I did. You know, what I originally did,
Starting point is 01:04:33 I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. I was thinking pictures of my cars, my shoes, anything to get eyeballs on me. And that was like, I was just trying to get attention because I didn't know what to do yet. Looking back and now what I've learned of building a presence on social media, I would have actually done it completely different. And as a trainer, what I would do
Starting point is 01:04:50 is I would cater to my people in person. So the clients that I'm training, even if that's one or two people, that's it. It doesn't matter. Like, or if I've got 20 clients. However many clients you have, the content I'm going to put on any Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube is all going to cater to my in-person clients. And what I mean by that is I trained Suzy at eight o'clock this morning. Suzy was complaining of knee pain. So we foam rolled her IT, we did some hip mobility stuff, and we got to the bottom of it and had something to do with her instability and her hips, and us working on the mobility alleviated some of the pain, right? And so I would create a post that speaks to that exact thing, right?
Starting point is 01:05:33 So one, now my client Suzy has a reference. Oh, that was that thing that Adam taught me that I'm supposed to do with my knees. That's what people can relate to. That's right. And then other people that may also be experiencing the same thing can get used from it and maybe see benefit. And now I look like I know what I'm talking to those, those people that need that specific help.
Starting point is 01:05:52 And now I'm attracting the perfect client for me. And so I would continue to make posts that are related to what I'm already currently going through. And then and what I'm learning. So if maybe a client says something that I'm not familiar with, it has some sort of condition that I've never trained before, and I go, I'm not sure let me find out for you.
Starting point is 01:06:10 I go home, I start, you know, Google searching and looking up and trying to research what is going on, and how can I help this person? And I probably learn something, whatever it is that I learn, I then make that into a post or a YouTube video or something to, again, compliment them and then grow.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Something you did though, I wanna give you a little bit of credit because, I know, obviously, when we all started, we kind of just threw things up and you were the first one really to do that. But something you did do that I thought was very different and very brilliant in the sense that it would stick today just like I did back then was, you were very, you were not always trying to be super flattering in whatever in your post.
Starting point is 01:06:48 In other words, you would post these progress pictures of yourself. You wouldn't get a pump, you weren't posing, you weren't trying to have the best lighting, you used your bathroom mirror, flat, you took the picture, you were very honest about your diet, what you're doing. You were so honest to the point where, when you got close to competition, I think it was like the three weeks or something or the two weeks before.
Starting point is 01:07:10 You said, now I'm entering into, because I'm going to tell you guys what I'm doing. I'm going to be very honest, but this is the unhealthy stage. Nothing that I'm doing now is healthy. Up into this point, I've done everything in a healthy way, but in order to look stage-ready, there's things that I have to do that are unhealthy, and you were very honest about what you did, how you, you know, modified your water and your sodium stuff that you would never recommend to the average person. That I think was really cool. And I would, it would, at least for me, because this is before, this, we started mind pump, but we weren't
Starting point is 01:07:40 super, we didn't know each other super well. I remember seeing that kind of stuff and going, I would follow him because I know he's honest. genuine. Yeah, he's not bullshitting. Well, that I think that's the hard part about the whole thing. He's because all you see is like a disingenuous post of people trying to lift themselves up and their best self. And then also like, you know, when they're having a bad day,
Starting point is 01:08:01 they'll cry and they'll take a picture of them crying. Oh my god, what is that? It just drives me crazy because it's just like, have you ever thought to take a picture of your face? Never, never. Nobody ever would. That's a real person, right? And so that's all you see, those like these,
Starting point is 01:08:16 well, I have to capture this because my followers think, you know, they think in this with these weird, this weird distorted reality of like, what I need to portray, just portray, like you said, there's things that you can notice in your clients that you're training that people can learn from and find value from or yourself, that you've been able to understand more in depth
Starting point is 01:08:38 or something that you can relay that has value to people. That's what you need to do. Stop with this whole glorifying, how you look or projecting yourself in some weird, inauthentic way. Yeah, be authentic. And I think what you guys are referring to, what you see now, because when I did that, by the way,
Starting point is 01:08:57 I wasn't aware of anybody else. That's what made me do that, right? So when I looked at all the other people that were showing before and afters, and I was like, right away, this this guy I can tell he's pumped up. I can tell he's got some professional light on him I can tell he's shooting with a great camera and I'm like that doesn't really give us an idea of what his body's really changing or doing And so my idea when I did that it was original then it's not so original now and now everybody's figured this out that Oh wow, be more real and be more
Starting point is 01:09:28 To the point where people are trying to manufacture authenticity, right? And that's what you see with the oh, let me get picture of my popular Yeah, let me take a picture my period stain and show people I'm human too, and I have my period Or oh, I'm crying and I'm sad. Let me get my phone and record that now. This is me being authentic and vulnerable It's like no, it's not like this is you trying to manufacture Authenticity if it's, it'll just be real. Be yourself. Be real. Be vulnerable.
Starting point is 01:09:48 And what vulnerable looks like, I think, from a trainer's perspective, is not knowing. And being comfortable with that. And being okay with this and presenting yourself like that. This is something I just learned. Like, that's how, when I coach trainers that are up and coming that are new, that are nervous. Like, I don't know very much.
Starting point is 01:10:04 That's okay. Like, present that. I always give that even. Yeah, I always give that are up and coming that are new, that are nervous, like, I don't know very much, I'm still, that's okay, like, present that. I always give that even. Yeah, I always give that analogy of the weight stretching right here. When you go to a restaurant and a weightress comes over and she says, today's my first day, so bear with me. I'm still learning the menu.
Starting point is 01:10:18 What ends up happening, you're incredibly patient. And in fact, what you end up doing is you look at, like, oh man, she did a good job in that considering it's her first day. You like, give her the benefit of the doubt, because it's our first person now versus her pretending like she knows everything or she's been doing this forever. And then she fucks up on your order and she fucks up on this. And then you're pissed because she portrayed that she'd been doing this forever when really it's her first day. Same thing goes as a personal trainer. If you're still learning all this stuff, it's okay for you to be
Starting point is 01:10:44 transparent and say like, man, some great information that I just learned and credit the person you probably learned from and teach it and share it with your audience, you'd be surprised how well that will do. It's so bad that I remember, I'm not gonna say too much, I don't wanna give away,
Starting point is 01:10:58 I don't wanna try and crap on this person, but I remember this as a popular social media fitness influencer and we were in this place and around them in a gym with them, whatever, and they worked out. And I watched their workout while I'm working out and checking it out and like, okay, that's cool. They do that whatever. Then they posted their workout and the volume that they posted in the post was twice as high as what they did in the actual workout and the weights that they said that they did were not the same at all. Like, what are you doing? You're not helping anybody by doing that Wice is high is what they did in the actual workout and the weights that they said that they did,
Starting point is 01:11:25 we're not the same at all. Like what are you doing? You're not helping anybody by doing that and what's funny is that the mentality is, this is gonna build my business. Actually it's not because people start to get on to it and they don't believe you anymore. But if they think you're authentic and real honest,
Starting point is 01:11:42 then if you try to sell something, they're gonna be like, oh, I believe this person, they're not full of crap, you know? So it's funny because we think being fake is more effective. It's actually not, not only that, but I can't think of a worse hell to be in than actually be successful being fake. Could you imagine all these people loving you
Starting point is 01:11:59 and adoring you for who you're not? That would be a terrible thing. You get a bit of a hidey ridden people I've met. You get a bit of a false signal with the whole likes and comments game. And the way the algorithm is it works, right? The algorithm, it gives you higher ranked on like explore page when you get more likes,
Starting point is 01:12:19 more comments and more traction on there. And so people tend to do things that's gonna give them more attention and it tries to, doesn't necessarily mean they're gonna give them more business. And I learned that the hard way, like through the process of turning this all on, like that's, when I first did,
Starting point is 01:12:32 I didn't know nothing of what I was doing. And I was like, I was just watching what other people are doing, like, okay, cool stuff. I see people doing cool shit. And I'm cool, like, okay, here's my cool cars, my cool shoes, it's like getting likes and little hearts and like, okay, I'm on the right track. I'm planning, Mojus.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Yeah, so I've got, you know, I'm getting, I'm starting to get thousands of people paying attention to me, but I'm not seeing the conversion to dollars in business because they're there for my cool shoes or my car, or because I look good with my shirt off. Like they weren't there because I could help them, and I'm in the business of helping people.
Starting point is 01:13:06 And so you gotta be careful not to fall in the trap of trying to feed the algorithm to get attention, but it has, it's not what you do for people. If you have a service that you're trying to provide, then that's where I would post along those lines. And I learned that the hard way over years of trying to figure this whole thing out. And so if I were to go back and do it again, I would not post nearly those lines. And I learned that the hard way over years of trying to figure this whole thing out. And so if I were to go back and do it again,
Starting point is 01:13:26 I would not post nearly as much. I would post it when I learned something. I want to go ahead. What did you have two million followers launched the t-shirt line? Yeah, I think like $100. I like a great example. Next question is from Shavez Edwin 1500.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Is there anything you can do or take to make your veins pump like cells? Yeah, of course you like this question. Yeah, that's a great question. Who's your other one? This is awesome. I'll send you some. Let me send you some.
Starting point is 01:13:53 You're the supplements you need to take. You ready? No. Let's get it. The key is to do bicep curls in the bathroom. That's the L-a-time. I got no bathroom right now. No, you know what?
Starting point is 01:14:04 It's funny that this question actually comes up a lot. We've been asked this question. No, of course. I use to actually, this is a very common question. I used to get asked a lot as a trainer. Normally, if you're somebody who's not very vascular, you really want to be, right? Especially a guy, right?
Starting point is 01:14:17 Guys love being vascular. Seems like guys, yeah, more so. Yeah, more, there's some girls that I think that they get to, yeah, yeah, for sure. But I mean, mostly guys that are. I mean, vascular girls. Yeah, yeah, for sure, but I mean, mostly guys that are I mean, to vascular girls. It's very vascular. But most of it, first of all, like many things,
Starting point is 01:14:30 a lot of it is genetics. So either genetically, you're like, even at a higher body fat percentage, I'm still like, I consider myself at a higher body fat percentage right now, but I still have, you know, vascularity right now. Same here. And then when I get really lean,
Starting point is 01:14:43 so that's the other thing is how lean you are, right? That's the big one. I just have my forehead. Yeah, that's the big one is getting lean. Yeah, I would say genetics one, lean two, right? Because even someone, I've seen people that are shredded and they don't have very many veins that are popping. No, I get, I mean, I get them on my arms and my shoulders. I can get them on my quads.
Starting point is 01:14:59 And then the leaner I get, they pop out. So it's, leanness makes a big difference. That's a huge one. And then, you know, are you big difference. That's a huge one. And then, you know, are you well hydrated? That's another big one. Like I noticed if I drink a lot of water, especially if I drink now that we work with element and I use their electrolyte powder, whatever, that made a big difference in my vascularity. It made a big difference in my pumps and the gym as well. Is that the sodium? Is that what? Yep, yep, yep. It's a better electrolyte balance.
Starting point is 01:15:26 I needed more sodium, because that was a process for me. It's an enhancement for me, for sure. Big time. Uh, supplements, can they improve vascularity? I mean, I guess technically you could take, you know, things that boost nitric oxide. They'll say things like argonine or citrulline,
Starting point is 01:15:40 pick noginol, that'll boost your nitric oxide. That's not a supplement you hear too many people talk about. Your pharmaceuticals might do it. PDE5 inhibitors like myagrasisalus, although it'd be a weird reason to take those. Like I just want to get more vainy. But isn't that all just like a temporary effect, right? It really gets getting lean in the genetics.
Starting point is 01:16:01 If that's all there's a thing. That's what I've said. Those are the two big ones, either you're, and even someone, so someone who doesn't have, doesn't have a lot of masculinity, if they get really lean, you'll have some masculinity.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Most people get like somewhat vascular when they get really lean. And then if you're somebody who is, tends to be a little vascular, right, and you get lean, you'll get really vascular. So those are the, to me, those are the main things that are gonna make the difference.
Starting point is 01:16:23 All the supplements to your point, Justin, Justin is some people get really crazy looking weird Not like cool looking vascularity or some bodybuilders like Paul Dillett from the 90s like worms invaded their body Yeah, he had really crazy looking veins. I'll say that's who mark Bells. Oh Yeah, and then there's there's a bodybuilder now Walker I think his name I think he just won the Arnold Classic. He's got these crazy looking veins in his lower body. So, GeneX, does definitely play a big role. But anybody, you get lean and you'll see them more.
Starting point is 01:16:53 So, there's really no hate to tell you. I mean, I wish there was a supplement that really made a big difference with this, but. I know, nurses love guys with like crazy vascular. Dude, when I get my blood, I get my blood, it's a comment I get every single time. Oh, cool. This is crazy.
Starting point is 01:17:09 You actually had one tell me that, try to make a dark joke, which I appreciate, sound like dark joke. She's like, oh, you would work real well with heroin or something like that. Oh my god. What a terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible joke. I started thinking, you're making a great heroin joke. You know, I was thinking the same. I think I cheated that.
Starting point is 01:17:27 What do you say that? Next question is from everyone's nerve, what's a good metric to know I'm gaining muscle and not excessive fat? Body fat tests. Consistent body fat tests is the best metric that I can, that will tell you that. It would take consistent.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Yeah. You gotta do them the same time. You know, one week apart. Same method. Same feeding beforehand and after, you know, make sure everything's as equal as possible. The body fat tests of choice would be underwater weighing is probably the most accurate or consistent.
Starting point is 01:18:01 The calipers would be the next one with some, with the same person testing you by the way because people have a little bit of variance high-test. It's bod pods are pretty. And the electric impedance is probably the worst. Those are most accurate but strength and waste like you recommend a lot of things. There you go. I was just gonna say a lot of people like well how do I do I do. Yeah I do. I do. I do. I do. I do. Body fat every single week. It's gonna be so hard. If your strength is consistently going up and your waist size is going down or
Starting point is 01:18:25 staying the same, you're probably getting muscle and not body fat, I would say. That's probably the cheapest, easiest way to consistently check on. So not everybody has access to a skin full calipers or a body fat test machine or what are with that. And so even though that is the best, that is the gold standard, that is what I used to use when I was tracking and really diving deep into all this stuff. But I mean, you could easily just check your waist. And if your strength is going up and your waist is staying the same or shrinking, like you're putting your, you're in a pretty good position. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Years ago, I did back in the day, I used to these really aggressive
Starting point is 01:19:02 bulks. This was my 20s, and I'd go hard, and I would eat everything, and I get my body weight up. Like right now, I weigh about two, oh six, maybe. And I get my body weight up to like two 30, two 35. And it wasn't lean. I will never show a picture, by the way, of these so. Maybe if you guys ever have them, you guys should turn. I think you could, I think you could Google search it.
Starting point is 01:19:22 But I look like a meatball, but anyway. My muscle in my library. But anyway, I remember I didn't track my body fat or muscle, but I was getting stronger, relatively consistently, but I didn't measure my waist. Now, here's the challenge with that. Strength can also go up because you get better at exercise, you change your training.
Starting point is 01:19:39 And fat actually, in some lifts, improves your leverage. If my waist grows because of body fat, I can often squat more as a result for whatever reason. So when I finally did do the body fat test at the end, I found that I gained 30 pounds on the scale but like seven pounds of lean body mass. So it turned out to be a fat bulk much more than that. I remember how discouraging that was when I,
Starting point is 01:20:02 because I did that for years, that was like the method. Get crazy bulk and then try and get lean afterwards. And I remember the first time I did the dunk tank where I did a huge bulk. Just like that, I was up to 3240 and then cut all the way back down to like 205 or whatever, all the game like one pound of muscle. Like so discouraging.
Starting point is 01:20:21 Put your body to the whole thing. Get any muscle takes such a longer period of time, I think you're gonna realize. Oh my God. And then, and so easily goes away when you're living in a caloric deficit and doing cardio and doing everything you can to burn. And that was part of when I learned that whole lesson
Starting point is 01:20:34 even with cardio and stuff was like, man, you go so hard, you gain 20 pounds, 25 pounds on the scale, all in the pursuit of building muscle. And then you go cut back down and I end up with one more pound of muscle than when I started with six months before with all that hard grinding and dieting.
Starting point is 01:20:51 I mean, that's crazy where you could have just gradually done it and easily accomplished the same thing. Yeah, so waste is good. For women, you can go waste in hips. Only problem with hips is your butt will grow. So that can change that. For men, waste is actually quite reliable. If you measure your weight, you know who taught me this, by the way?
Starting point is 01:21:09 Doug. Doug as a client came to me and when we started working together, and I used to do circumference measurements on clients all the time, but Doug's like, oh yeah, I measure my waist, I don't know if it was every day or every week, and as long as it stays around the same, then I know everything's going good. I'm like, Oh, absolutely. If you look at the studies on this, you can actually, they can, I mean, it's not going to be nearly as accurate as body fat tests, but of all the other metrics that you can do that are easy and cheap for men, especially waist measurement will predict
Starting point is 01:21:39 the fashion. Yeah, age, right? Yeah, no, I like that. I like, I like pictures too. I know, I know they're much more subjective to do. You're so objective. That's why it's good for you, Totally. Yeah, no, I like that. I like pictures too. I know, I know they're much more subjective to do. You're so objective. That's why it's good for you though. Yeah, you're going to be honest with me. Right. And I would take, so I would, my clients, I used to actually make them take photos every Friday. And then what I would do is I would show them like, you know, wait like four weeks so they
Starting point is 01:21:59 could see, I could see it week over week if we're making progress off of photos. But then I would point out areas, like see this area right here? Is here you were holding more body fat? Look how you're leaning out here. Like, because they'd be like, I don't feel like it. I don't feel like I'm changing it all. Sure you are. Look back at this picture right here, four weeks ago.
Starting point is 01:22:13 Look at this week's photos. Look at that. And then I would point out the differences between the two. And then they would, oh, okay, I see it. I had a, so I used to, I did that for a short period. I actually had a female client that was so stressed out about whether or not she was gaining it, whatever. So we did the same thing and she was so upset
Starting point is 01:22:29 because her genes were getting tighter and tighter. So I pulled up her pictures and I showed her the difference between the two and I said, and it was a side shot of her and I drew on it and I said, here's your butt here, here's your butt here. And she's like, oh my God, my butt's like two inches higher. So that's why your jeans are tighter. You built some butt.
Starting point is 01:22:47 So that can be effective. You just have to be objective. The problem with pictures is people are so often distorted with how they view themselves, that it's hard for them to make that, especially weak by weak, it's really hard to tell. Look, if you like our information, you will love mindpumpfree.com.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Head over there and check out our free guides. It can help you with almost any fitness goal. You can also find all of us on Instagram. So Justin is at MindPump Justin. Adam and I have been shadow bands. So you have to type in our full name and kind of have a tough time finding this. But we are there.
Starting point is 01:23:16 So I'm found at MindPumpSal and Adam is found at MindPumpAdle. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically
Starting point is 01:23:46 transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes
Starting point is 01:24:17 and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump. and family. We thank you for your support and until next time this is Mindbunk.

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