Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 174: Prison workouts, Olympic lifts, hiring a trainer & MORE

Episode Date: October 29, 2015

Q & A once again! Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions (@mindpump on Instagram) about feeling the contraction of the quads after surgery, sparking up a relationship, hiring a trainer, Olympic... lifts and prison style workouts. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Did you go shopping recently? I did. You have a bunch of new clothes I've noticed. I noticed these things, bro. Yeah, I noticed Sal has been wearing black socks on a regular basis now.
Starting point is 00:00:24 I said, you have nice new shoes. Yeah, you even feel noticed I noticed how I've been wearing black socks on a regular basis. Now I say you have nice new shoes. Yeah, you mean you feel self conscious, you asshole. I got black socks. Don't think it happens. We mentioned things about each other in the next time. It's like it, you know, we improved immediately. Yeah, I know it is. We do.
Starting point is 00:00:39 It's very impactful. It will be amazing if we actually hung out every day. Dude, like that's, you know, you know, we need to do, we need to get the fuck out of here. We do. We do. Doug's been talking about that for a while. We need to hang out.
Starting point is 00:00:50 We need to retreat. We don't even, it doesn't have to be crazy. Just a spy. But I don't care where it is. It just needs to be a way. Yeah, because somebody who has like a VRBO house or something like that. Because people don't realize how little time
Starting point is 00:01:03 we actually spend together. Yeah. Because we're so busy doing other shit. And we need to do a spend more time together. Well, it usually involves like headphones and a microphone. Yeah. Yeah. You know, like get away for like a weekend or something like that. Then we can work. We can like plan how we're going to grow mine.
Starting point is 00:01:18 How are we going to take over the world? You know what I'm saying? Two or three, two or three days in a, in a days in a house somewhere that's not crazy, you know, like by Tahoe or somewhere like that where we can just literally pull out the computers, pull some cotton, literally rip some cotton. I bet we could probably rip one or two books out in a day or two if we actually had two full days, right? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:01:39 We all do it individually, you know, but it's like, totally. Yeah. If we were like in a corner, I'm like, hey, let's get this done. Boom. If that's all we had to do, if we get a house and all we had to do, we had all do it individually, you know, but it's like totally. Yeah, if we were like in a corner and like, Hey, let's get this done. Boom. It's done. If that's all we had to do, if we get a house and all we had to do was sit there and put out content, yeah, Justin and Doug could totally do that while man. Yeah, because it's a guy who's be eating something. Yeah, guys, we're being at Adam in the background. Throw shit out. I got this idea. I got this idea. I'm being at him in the background throw shit out. I got this idea. I got this idea I had a bottle curl so that one yeah, yeah, that's a great idea show us when you guys are done with it We're trying to analyze that and put that into actual English with like punctuation and grammar and shit
Starting point is 00:02:15 You know that you know that useless stuff people have you know maybe just an induction That's where I go Okay, I should Maybe just to the where the iron is like it's my least favorite thing I do is right, but you know, I do it. I got out of necessity. Is it really? Is it really? Yeah, you know, I don't really get a lot of enjoyment out of it all. Unless you're writing. Unless you're writing a screenplay. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I write a screenplay about mind-pom. Yeah, I should, but put it in the form of a program we could sell. That's all you do, bro.
Starting point is 00:02:48 It's just like that. I don't know. You know what I want to, these are two, you know what, we're on air right now. We have the power of this radio station. We may as well utilize it. So I put out in the universe. Yeah, I'm going to put this out in the universe right here. These are two things that I'm looking for, or we are looking for right now.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Gold teeth. No. Okay. You know what, one, we haven't talked about this long time. I'm in search are we are looking for right now gold teeth? No, okay, you know what it won? We haven't talked about this long time. I'm in search of a blogger Once I want to blog for mind pump. I want to find somebody out there that is a passionate fan. I sort of got Thys had blonde at first. Oh, it would be they could be We're waiting that they want to be that's fine. It doesn't matter. Doesn doesn't matter. I'm looking for someone who wants to block once a week. They blog about the three to four episodes
Starting point is 00:03:28 that we released that week and that's it. Just a way for us to reach out. Because right now we don't do anything on the internet. We really don't. I mean, we have our basic website bullshit, blah, blah, blah, blah. But this is completely grown to where it's at organically. Which is crazy when you think about that.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah, because we haven't really done a lot. We haven't done a shit. Well, Doug's done some stuff. We don't see, look at your hurtin' his feelings and shit. He's dead. Oh, God. Yeah. Doug does a lot.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I didn't say, Doug, we have not- When you say collectively. Collectively. Yeah, because if you add all of our efforts up, then Doug's is divided into four, it looks like less. So, yes. It hasn't been much. I look so unproductive.
Starting point is 00:04:06 It's not enough. So that's the one. No, it's your good point. A blogger. Blogger would be excellent. Yes, we were in search of a blogger. And then it'd be a double whammy if that blogger had a house, too, that we could stay at for two days, too.
Starting point is 00:04:20 I mean, two birds won't stone. Well, yeah, we just need a place to stay for a couple of days and it cannot be our own house as it cannot be the studio. We need to get out of our element. We need to go somewhere where we can 100% focus on ripping content and I promise that we will produce another book. And we'll clean up afterwards. Oh yeah, to it. Yeah, we're good about that. Should we should we go into the What's you and I was today? You know Put the Q&A up I do
Starting point is 00:04:51 At the last second. Yeah, we get better at that everybody We were here just yesterday Yeah, guys realize that he did put up the Q&A dude and we got a lot of good questions Yeah, they're ready to go good Question our pump heads are ready on call What you know what who your shoes could attract so many bumblebees. I'm just looking at the colors on that First of all it's breast cancer wear it wild. See again. Make me feel like shit. Okay again Press cancer awareness month is the reason why I have hot pink they come with the shoes like that. That's not the style.
Starting point is 00:05:25 No, it is Miami vices get the Miami vice. Yeah, yeah, socks with it. Yeah, because I know you don't buy them for the Dan breast cancer awareness. Dan something. So those that know anything about shoes I'm wearing the Miami vice LeBron James, which are a rare pair of shoes. And he never lays them.
Starting point is 00:05:43 He always really snarky when he talks about it You know why he's trying to insult me about No, no insulting your shoes. I'm just saying the bright listen there's like 500 million, but you don't tie your You don't tie your shoelaces ever. I never tie my shoelaces. Is that is that a style unless I'm going to race somebody? Okay, so if you're gonna go for a race going to race somebody. Okay. So if you're going to go for a race, I'm going to race somebody. Are you fast on the ground?
Starting point is 00:06:07 Are you fast on ground? I'm actually pretty fast. Are you faster than Justin fast? Oh yeah, definitely. Definitely could be. He's got longer legs. You've raised at him? I already mentioned like on this podcast, I'm unfast I am.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I'm unfast. I mean, yeah, so I get to be able to be very explosive. Yeah, you know what. You know what? He's like, you know what? He bets hella fast. Doug. Yeah. He's a retarded chimp.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I can see his legs moving really fast. He's fast. He's fast and he doesn't necessarily mean he'd win this. He's a cross-baked genitor. He uses his arms and his legs when he runs. Literally. He takes it. I imagine like things catching on fire.
Starting point is 00:06:44 I think I'm the least fast probably. Well, you're the least athletic but but I bet you I could jump Probably no, yes, we already talked about bro. I got some hops dude. I know what for for guys Sorry, I know you know what the fuck you have at the gym you work at Justin Yeah, something that measure I sure we're gonna go. I don't gym you work at Justin. Do you have something that measures it? We're gonna go there. I don't, but I'll bring mine. Have you read yours? I mean, I know you know how to train this way,
Starting point is 00:07:12 but do you have you ever even train like plyometrics? Have you even trained it? Bro, you have no idea how explosive I am. Have you ever trained plyometrics? Bro, listen, have you ever jumped on a jump box before? Bro, I've jumped on a house one time. I jumped in a house. You can see the Barbie house, your daughter's house. It was a big one though. I jumped box before I jumped on a house One time I jumped in a house You used a
Starting point is 00:07:25 Barbie house You got a $1 It was a big one though It was super big It was like Triple story I came out to my shins I fucking jumped on it
Starting point is 00:07:33 If we do If we do a jumping combination We are gonna shoot a video for it for the mind bump listeners I can jump so fucking right bro You need to stop I'm a high jumper You need to stop right now You need to stop I'm a high jumper. You need to stop right now I'm gonna stop. I don't even think it's possible to jump in soccer shoes. I don't need his possible
Starting point is 00:07:50 Yeah, that jump I'm definitely getting issues. Yeah, all right boys. You ready for your question. Let's get now that we've talked about jumping Dennis Newber first question. That's our boy. Yeah, he's had four knee surgeries Yeah, he's had four knee surgeries. Damn. And he's wanting to learn the best way to start to feel the contraction in his quad joints. Right. So Dennis, I believe trains quite a bit in MMA and that's how he's got that that's why he's injured his knee.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Oh, is that Dennis? I know this. From the forearm, right? Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, he works out at our gym. Huh? He works out in our gym. Does he?
Starting point is 00:08:22 Yeah. He works out over at the way. Dennis, give Dennis a little little love right here. So the way Dennis and his wife Jess. Yeah, okay, all right, and they have a bulldog. Oh, Recognize them. Yeah, they have an awesome bulldog. She can she actually compete. She does bikini. He's actually he's an MMA fighter. Right, right, right. He's been rehabbing himself and he this was like almost been six, seven months, maybe longer, uh, overheard me talking to somebody, uh, about some of the issues asking a question, and I was breaking something down and he, uh, overheard me mention, uh, podcast, and he actually already listened to podcasts. Oh, were you the one that introduced him to mine? Come on, mine pump.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Oh, fantastic. He's just saying mine. Yeah. I didn't, you know what, bro, I didn't, I messed up on a lot of people's names. I did it. Say, my cut. You totally did. You totally did.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Doug, replay that. I know Doug. Yeah. Yeah. You give me shit about me. I messed up on cell your core the other day and I messed up on something else. Well, at least I don't get mine pumped wrong. You will.
Starting point is 00:09:20 You're gonna say something like my punch. I know I should just cut like four letters. I should. My, my, my, what's going on here? To be on my memory and I come. So, so you told him about mine pump. Yeah, it's like, yeah, I mentioned to, and he was actually one of my, one of my favorite stories because, uh, you know, anytime I send people on the podcast, I'd love to run into them afterwards and get the, the first reaction
Starting point is 00:09:41 that gets me to happen to me again today. Somebody who just started listening and they came up to me like, oh my God, right? So he comes up to me and he was actually listening to the gym. And I was like in the middle of a set. He comes up and he showed me his screen. He's listening to my pump. And he's like, dude, I love this podcast.
Starting point is 00:09:55 He's in the Tom Hommie's room. No, he's a good guy. Very cool. But I read his whole question because you shortened it a little bit there. Doug, but his whole question was he's having trouble feeling his quad Contract like that after four surgeries, right? So here's here's a little technique that I've used In clients with this particular Similar situation because what happens up happening? Yeah, what you add the muscle atrophies quite a bit
Starting point is 00:10:18 But more than that you lose You lose a central nervous system connection to it quite a bit Yeah, I know I just don't want to fire and it feels that way. Like when you try to fire, like I can't flex it. Almost like it's a sleep. It's a shitty feeling. I've had it before with injuries. So one of the things that I like, there's two things you could do.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Number one, you can spend maybe a hundred bucks if you want. You can get a stem machine, Amazon will sell them. And so stem is the electronic stem. You put the pads on, makes the muscle flex. Put that on your quad for about five to ten minutes. Then do your leg exercises. So that's one way to do it. If you don't want to use a Stim machine, then what I suggest you do is hard, very, very slow, hard isolation movement for the quad. So like use the leg extension machine, put like no weight on it. Or if that's too difficult, use a resistance band, slowly raise the leg up, squeeze the leg as hard
Starting point is 00:11:08 as you can, lower it real slowly. Do a bunch of reps there and make it burn and then go into your compound movement, kind of like a super set, and that'll help you feel the quadricep fire. And as far as on a daily basis, you could do like trigger sessions for your quadriple bands, yeah, every single day. Yeah, every single lesson for that. Well, what's your thoughts on stabilization stuff too with that? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Because, I mean, like you say, isometrics, I mean, really getting that concentrating on the contraction and holding and sustaining the contraction and building that, you know, reconnection near muscularily. You know, that's something that, I mean, you could do that too with stretches, too, you know, like specific stretches and getting into that specific position where it, you know, you can feel the tension get reestablished there. So, but yeah. I don't really take someone like that, and I think everything that everyone's saying is right on 100%. And then I'll even go further to all of your exercises like now you have a standing overhead press, you do your cable
Starting point is 00:12:08 flies, you do bicep curls, you do all these other movements, right? They're like auxiliary movements. I'll put that person in a split stance with a slight bend in their knee and put the weight on that the bad knee, which you're trying to work on that firing. So basically you're standing like a lunge position. Yeah, you're almost in like a lunge position. Basically, you're almost balancing on that one leg. You're balancing on that one leg, the back foot just barely on your toe. And all you're doing is you're forcing yourself to have to stabilize on that. And you're getting that habit of all your exercise, you're doing that, you're using the weaker side and just
Starting point is 00:12:39 re getting that reconnect. Because that's what it is. It's more neurological than it is. And because it's neurological, frequency is very important. Yes. Don't more lightweight like you mentioned. Do it every day with weight. Yeah, it's really about the mechanics. So getting in proper position. So it's a feel thing.
Starting point is 00:12:54 So if you feel that it's connecting, it's firing. Like on even on a small level that you can increase over time of continuing that process. So Dennis, if you see me in the gym, I remind me, if you tap on my shoulder, I'll remind me, and I'll show you what I'm talking about, where I would do all the rest of my exercises, always all my auxiliary exercises in that split stance,
Starting point is 00:13:15 that'll help that for sure. Cool. All right, Andrea Mom is asking how to spark up a relationship that needs a little bit of a... Yeah, yeah. She's a little bored. Get a little zest in there. Bored in the relationship.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Mm. Do you know this person? I do. I went to high school with her. You do. I do. I went to high school with her. I don't know her very well. It was a long time ago, and we didn't really know each other well back then,
Starting point is 00:13:39 but I do know who she is. So, a couple of things you could do. You could take drugs together, that's one way. I'm just kidding. Yeah. You could. That was a J-Naked Twister with. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Well, I would read books, sex books together. If you're talking about that kind of spark, have discussions about what you like, what your fantasies are, what you're, you know, what you've never told anybody, that kind of stuff. Because when you connect with someone in a way that you haven't in the past, then that will always create a spark, in my opinion. Yeah, definitely plan something where you guys
Starting point is 00:14:15 are doing something that's not, it's out of the ordinary, right? So like I had mentioned before about taking music lessons or doing something that's like outside of something you guys would normally like you'd share a new experience you know and you both learn something like some people like to dance and you know and go do something but it's you know something maybe that has physical contact obviously that's gonna be awesome. Start wrestling.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Wrestling would be great you know little Griko Roman Greeko-Roman wrestling, you know, take that up. Throw some all over each other. You could wear those crazy little unitards. You know, just get weird. That's politically incorrect. What, unitard? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:59 All right, here comes Adam. Adam waited till last, because he's got it. Because I am the wizard, that's why. Because he's gonna start talking about specific loop paint each other's toes give you tingly feelings at the tip of your peepee well here's the thing I know I'm not I'm not the married one so I'm not the married one so I and it might sound like I might I had the best advice on the relationship but I've been in a five year relationship with my girl and I think we're pretty good about this and I've been in a lot of relationships before that and
Starting point is 00:15:27 The first thing that I would actually address Before even tried to get super creative like some of the creative great ideas these guys are giving and the most common thing that I've seen in Relationships not only the ones I've been in but the ones that I've dealt with with clients and stuff is What tends to happen to people when they get in a relationship is they stop doing the same things they were doing when they got the person and sometimes that could be as simple as the man opening the door for the woman or coming up and coming up or exactly that's where I'm getting come up and come up and give you a kiss on the neck from behind or like Justin That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. That was it. that was it. That was we're going to cuddle and watch a movie. You had matching cute sweats and your your tatas and then
Starting point is 00:16:25 every month later she's taking a shit with the door. And oh my god. And all of a sudden we get to we get we get comfortable together. And all of a sudden now it's always a ponytail, no makeup and baggy boy sweats and it's I find that hot. Well, that's because you're weird. Yeah. So I think the left field.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Yeah, we're trying. Okay, this is why I give nice and wide finish this one last year. Yeah, so yeah, this is not a science at all. So this is where this is one where maybe we don't listen. Throw some glasses on there and you're done. No, yeah, it's I think it's very important that you. Oh my god, you've been reading all day. You keep things so hot.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Keep things hot. Keep things sexy. Isn't it? And it's I mean, we were visual creatures. And if you, if you don't, if you get so comfortable, and I know that part of being in a relationship is being able to be comfortable, but if you're looking for that spark, you know, first and foremost, look back at yourself. You know, what are you doing? Are you taking care of yourself the same way you took care of yourself?
Starting point is 00:17:23 When he first, are you eating bananas the same way you used to? I mean, hey, you say that, be in funny, but in real, think of all the little things that, as a female or male, you used to do. And, you know, you know what, this is 100% based on human behavior. What you're saying is very true
Starting point is 00:17:47 because some of the best sex anybody will ever have is almost, or break up sex, or almost break up sex, right? Because you feel like you almost lost that person, and all of a sudden you realize, oh shit, I gotta step my game back up. And that's why people get comfortable. They're comfortable because they think they're the person that's like,
Starting point is 00:18:03 what are you also mentioning is basically based off of that flirty feeling, right? Like if you're not getting any flirty vibes again from your partner and, or maybe it's you, maybe you're so distracted with whatever it is work and kids and your daily routine and all this kind of stuff and you don't make efforts to, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:26 be lighthearted around that person anymore. Everything's so serious, you know, that's why I joke so much, like, because it keeps things, it just keeps the vibe better, like if you're always serious all the time, oh God, that's boring, like, you know, you live a little bit, Get a sense of humor. This is something, I mean, I have no problem talking about this because this is something
Starting point is 00:18:49 that, I mean, this is why I love my girl. I mean, we've been together for five years and we definitely have a relationship where we communicate this shit. I mean, this, even though we're not married, most certainly can you get into a funk of feeling that way. Anybody, anybody can. And I'm not somebody who will not come straight out and say, you know, right, tour the, hey, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:11 well, you don't really do this or you haven't done that and or vice versa, I'm not doing, I'm not pulling my weight. And one of the things I, I remember I made a promise to or. Yeah, cause you haven't done your toes in a while. Well, hey, I made a promise a long time ago that I would take care of myself and. Well, hey, I made a promise a long time ago that I would take care of myself.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And I said, hey, you know what, like if I stop caring and loving myself and take care of myself, that way I can't ever get mad at you for leaving me for that reason. So I find it very important that you do that. And I take the time and it sounds weird. And you give me shit four or not. But even when I'm laying around the house and hanging out, like I take the time to put things together
Starting point is 00:19:47 that match or look good together. Like it's, to me, I think I'm already walking in the closet to grab something to put something on. How much more effort does it really take to actually coordinate it a little bit? Or to put something on that's a little more flattering than something that's just super comfortable. It's like I can find something that's comfortable
Starting point is 00:20:02 and that looks good at the same time. Like those little things, people get into relationships and they sort of throw that out the window. I think it's important to point out this too. It's not even necessarily how you look. It's the fact that the person put the effort, that's hot. That's really the part that really feels good.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Yes, it does. Knowing that they're putting the effort. It's both. It's both. We're visual creatures, bro. I mean, and knowing that they're putting the effort. It's both. It's both. We're visual creatures, bro. I mean, we are. You're your wife walks down the stairs and she's wearing booty shorts and her tits are hanging out.
Starting point is 00:20:31 You don't go like, oh, she thought about me. I'm like, come on, guys, kids. You don't go like, oh, that's nice. She thought about it. No, you go like, do it. Mommy's on the prowl. Yeah, mom looks good. Well, it's different when you have kids.
Starting point is 00:20:42 It is different when you have kids, because when you have kids and your wife does that, it's go time. Well, it's different when you have kids. It is different when you have kids, because when you have kids, and your wife does that, it's go time. It's not a flirt, like you know, oh, it's the real. We're opportunists. Yeah. And, you know, when we see blood in water, sometimes, and Justin kind of touched on it a little bit too, with the, the, the,
Starting point is 00:21:01 or the Salves, one of you said that about the break up thing. And the, yeah, when you, when you, when nature thing is, sometimes, and I tease my girl about that is, hey, maybe we just, you need to go hang out with your girlfriends for a weekend, go take two or three days off and you go hang out, I'm going to hang out with my boys. And then it's very important for both sides. Oh, yeah. You gotta maintain relationships with your friends, especially your guy friends and her girlfriend's, you know, it's a different type of, you know, relationship that you're gonna
Starting point is 00:21:30 get and fulfill it because I'm not gonna be providing that, you know, for my wife and be, you know, to be honest, I don't watch any fucking girly movies ever. Ever. Why do you say to be honest? That's so easy to believe. Well, I'm not shocked. I'm just saying. Like, I, I, I, I, that doesn't, that doesn't know, that never use lotion before.
Starting point is 00:21:50 I just can't, I've tried. Like I feel like, you know, this might be brought up at some point, you know, like, it's my biggest flaw. I can just can't, I can't do it. I can't sit through that. Well, yeah, the thing too is, you know, you talk about going and hanging out with their friends is, so one of the most attractive qualities that I Well, the thing too is, you know, you talk about going and hanging out with their friends is so one of the most attractive qualities
Starting point is 00:22:07 that I find in my girl too, is that she's extremely independent. And I've been in many relationships where I got rid of a girl because when I first met her, she was extremely independent that all of a sudden, everything we did revolved around my life. And being a selfish guy or not, I don't want that. I want a woman who has her own independence, has her own life. And being a selfish guy or not, I don't want that. I want a woman who has
Starting point is 00:22:26 her own independence, has her own life. And if I'm busy working for the weekend, that she has something she can do or she can go hang out with her friends. And sometimes we get relationships they tend to, you know, and it's natural. It's naturally happens sometimes because you love each other, you want to spend time together. But then you begin to suffocate each other. And then everything is about each other when there's an importance of independence, too. There's a very important factor that comes into play with having your own life, and then together,
Starting point is 00:22:52 you guys have your life together also. So maybe check yourself and ask yourself, how often do you go hang out with your girlfriends or get away? Nothing will spark up that relationship, too. Just abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. You know, go, go spend a little bit of time away from each other and see if that draws you guys closer too.
Starting point is 00:23:09 So sex is the fire. Yes, remember that. Dude, it's so hard for me to get Dr. Phil with YouTube. Yeah. I apologize. You can, you can inbox me and I can give you some more good advice but these guys are killing me right now. Let's all just have more sacks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:25 It right now in this room. It helps. It's moving along, Doug. All right, Doug. Yeah, Justin just summed it all up there. That's it. I tried. Yeah, next is from Odd Rock and Egg.
Starting point is 00:23:36 And he's asking about hiring a trainer. Do you ask him to put you through a workout? And if so, what are you looking for? That's the one thing I've never done when hiring a trainer, and I never would tele-trainer to take me through a workout. Yeah, I was looking through that question, I'm like, I've never done that.
Starting point is 00:23:54 No, I have never, but how often do that's what everyone does? That's the thing, right? Give a free session, and you try and they try and... Sell them on the hard. How awesome workout. No, but he's talking about when you're hiring a trainer, is now, here's how I enter. I think he means hiring.
Starting point is 00:24:10 You know what I said, you're thinking of a management. Oh, he's thinking of going through a workout and a training and evaluating them. Yes, I get it. So you'll never get that free. I thought he was asking about I'm managing a gym and I'm an a higher trainer. I thought I thought he was asking about like I'm I'm managing a gym and I'm gonna hire a trainer No, I think he means because some managers do that
Starting point is 00:24:28 Yeah, I think he's talking about for himself Yeah, that's what that's what I think if you're gonna work with the trainer Yes, have them take you through a workout, but what you used to know well What I was gonna say is what you're looking for in that workout. Oh, so you training never look Yeah, I don't know you don't have to do that not to not to sell training. No, I could sell training enough Well, that's what I mean, that's not an indicator if you're a good trainer. I honestly think that it, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:48 well, the things I was gonna tell him to look for aren't necessarily what are in the workout. Yeah. Is he listening to what your goals are? Is he doing a proper assessment? That's the more like knowledgeable stuff. And then do you like the person? Are they training you appropriately?
Starting point is 00:25:01 Are they just hammering the shadow? If you train with someone for a free session, they beat the crap at you. That's a wonderful indicator that they're not a good trainer. Can you stalk them first? You know what I mean? Like go into that gym, like work out for while like assess, like look around. Like, you know, I feel like it's a better indicator to see them how they interact with the people on the trainers. I mean, they're clients. Excellent point. Yeah, and then you could just see like, okay, I like that interaction. I like how he explains that to them.
Starting point is 00:25:28 You know, I like how energetic and the vibe. Well, I'll tell you right now, when I look around at, there's so where I work out, there's probably 15, 20 trainers that train there. And there's maybe two, I would even consider training with, or hiring, I should say, just because they're not even,
Starting point is 00:25:47 most of them aren't even attentive to their clients. Most of them are on their fucking cell phone texting or doing something else or bullshiting or carrying a coffee around and talking to members or flirting with a girl or seriously, if you watch one, you'll know right away. Yeah, watch a trainer for a little while and you can just see the way they they can dump themselves.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I mean, here's my thing. When I used to teach trainers, I just say, listen, as soon as you walked that door, you're on sale and you are working. So you, and that's how it is. Most people are watching. They say the average person watches a trainer for three months before they consider purchasing. So it's, that's actually a common thing is to kind of stock your trainer a little bit before you do.
Starting point is 00:26:32 And then like, you know, Sal said too, I mean, I'm not really worried about any half-wit can give you a hard workout. I don't want to see how you work me out. I'm interested in what you have to say to me and what kind of questions you ask me. Yeah, if they just take you through a workout without even asking you a single question about your history without doing an assessment, do you have injuries, what are your goals? That's bad. Like you should never take a client just take him through a workout without. It'd be like taking your car to a mechanic,
Starting point is 00:26:54 and the mechanic doesn't even hear what you have to say about your car. Yeah, like how the fuck are you gonna fix it? And it tells you, oh yeah, it's better. Unless the whole workout is an assessment. You know what I mean? Right, I've done that, but that's totally different. Like it.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Well, that actually would probably be a very good sign of the main good trainers that that's exactly what they do. Yeah. The workout is not a workout. It's more like they're watching how you move and they're taking notes, you know, like exactly. I mean, that would be a great sign if he's a good trainer or she.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Mm-hmm. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Next question. Fit Ferias asks about tips for bodybuilders looking to learn Olympic lifts. That's kind of my word. I'm going to answer that since I know so much about it. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Justin, why don't you go in. Yeah, so I mean, I was trying to look up as far as there was like more to that question. So she's talking about more of like how to transition from bodybuilding. Yeah, she said she was having a tough time. Exactly. So I mean, the difference being, and I forget the words that she said, but it was basically, I mean, going from more of a power type movements, right? So how is that so much more different than lifting with bodybuilding? Yeah, she says going from controlled movements
Starting point is 00:28:09 to explosive movements is harder than I expected. Control the movements, okay, so that's interesting. Yeah, because I was wondering if it was just like going from machines to compound lifts, but there's definitely a process that, if you think about power, you think about unleashing all this heavy weight and moving it quickly when actually the opposite is true. You're trying to establish this neuromuscular recruitment at a very accelerated pace. So the best way to do that is to start with no weight and to start with, say a stick or say just the bar itself
Starting point is 00:28:50 or the mechanics of it. It's about the mechanics and how efficient you are improving on those mechanics. Now if you don't have the mechanics down and you're trying to accelerate that, that's where the disasters happen. So, you have to start with lightweight. A lot of times that I've found, sometimes though, when you actually add weight and you're trying to move it, the momentum of it will carry you and you'll be able to actually fall into position sometimes and let's say catch the bar in a position.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Is it safe to say, is it safe to say Justin that you would practice with, let's say, a broomstick. Right. And once you feel your form is good, then stick to the broomstick and then practice speed with form before moving up and way. Yeah. So perfect form, then perfect speed. Perfect form.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Perfect speed. And then start adding weight. I mean, yeah, it's kind of that progression. Okay. And just work on getting more explosive as far as like driving your feet down and perfecting that process. So if you're not getting the response,
Starting point is 00:29:58 you have to keep working on that. So. And as far as, I mean, I don't have any experience with Olympic lifts, but I do have experience with explosive based exercises that are similar only because when I used to do competing jiu-jitsu, I'll throw them in my routine. And it's about moving the weight as fast as you can. It's not about moving as much weight as you can, right?
Starting point is 00:30:21 If that makes any sense. Yeah, so that, I mean, like, like, if I'm doing a dead lift in my form, and then I'm like, trying to move as much weight as possible, but with power, I'm just trying to move it fast for each time, that's certainly not really. I'm ripping it off the ground as quickly as possible. Right. Yeah, it's a totally different mentality, and it's a different recruitment pattern. So, yeah, it all starts, and like I said, a lot of it is very mental.
Starting point is 00:30:44 And so just getting yourself into the right position allows you to then clear your mind and allow the process to happen. So a lot of times you have to be in the right position to be able to activate properly. And so that's why the mechanics I stress is the number one thing to stress the beginning. And you know, that process will happen because these are complicated lifts. I mean, I'm not going to lie. Like, I can't just sit here and break down a power clean. It's going to take me a couple of podcasts to really do it.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Just it's probably the, I mean, the Olympic lifting is the most technical lift. Very technical. And it takes way more technical. Okay. Here's, here's my advice. So you do you go through all that process, but now you have to spend, you know, a couple days a week just specifically on that lift for like just practicing and practicing that lift.
Starting point is 00:31:37 And so you're not even trying to get a workout. You're not trying to get a workout. You're trying to master the mechanics of that. Right. That's an important thing to say because I think people think practice when they're doing this and they're thinking workout. I'm gonna do another Olympic workout.
Starting point is 00:31:51 No, but just in the saying is, you're not even give a shit if you sweat or get a good workout. All you're doing is for one hour. It's like you're trying to learn how to dance. Yeah, I guess sport. It's a whole new thing. Olympic lifting, you have to totally detract or take yourself out of being in a gym setting.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Now I'm learning something completely new. This is a new way of moving the weight and moving my body. It's like it's own little sport. I have to learn how to properly move in order to get this weight to do what I wanted to do and then also get underneath it properly. So it's something that like, okay, so me going through years and years of football in sports and having like a good strength and conditioning coach that established this with me when I was young, it's harder than come back and articulate that whole process because it happened
Starting point is 00:32:47 over such a long period of time. And I think that's why it takes me a while to kind of gather the process of that, like mentally, like how do I describe this to this person to give him what they want to know as far as tips or concerns? Well, what I got from what you said was just practice with really lightweight and perfect your form
Starting point is 00:33:06 before you're trying to get faster and then add weight. Yeah, that's, I can simplify it. That's what I would do. But it's much more complicated and exact. Well, I have, I think the one tip or contribution I have to that since I don't have any experience with really with Olympic lifting. My concern would be this, if'd be in a bodybuilder
Starting point is 00:33:28 and some bodybuilders, I don't know if this is if I'm speaking to you and this hits home or not, but some of some of them train without taking the body through full range of motion. And if you've been doing that for years, shortening and shortening and shortening muscles, and you try to go to a Olympic lift, a power movement where you're a dynamic full range of motion type of exercise. You better be careful because you are probably going to have to spend some time getting into some real good stretching before you can actually perform that.
Starting point is 00:34:01 It's a great point. Yeah. Like muscling it. Like you have to, you have to like eliminate your, your mentality of trying to lift it like you're, you're pulling and it's a, it's a different mentality because I'm ripping this thing and my body is moving to, into the position, into the position. I'm not, I'm not pulling it like,
Starting point is 00:34:21 I'm not ripping it like I'm trying to, to string. It's not like you're deadlifting it and then reverse curling it. You don't see my elbows bent at all, right? Cause that's gonna take away from the entire process of it. So there's all these little things, like you can't use, like, I'm not using my biceps,
Starting point is 00:34:39 you know, I'm not, like, I'm using my whole body at what wants to produce this like boom explosion and then that just happened You know reminds me of have you ever seen a body builder throw a punch You ever seen that like big dudes throw punches who don't know how to punch like they must It's like they're doing this muscling like oh, you know, and it doesn't generate lots of power We know it speed has more to do without anything you see a boxer throw a punch and it's the way at Olympic lifter lifts. It's like this. And that's what I meant by that is like throwing it
Starting point is 00:35:08 with their hit more than anything. We had a guest on here not too long ago who's talking about, you know, how they don't, they don't go down past 90 degrees. They don't do this. If you've been training that way for a long time, where like you sit on a bench press and you drop and you catch it. Definitely going to tear something. Yeah, you catch at 90 degrees and you've been doing that
Starting point is 00:35:24 for months or years for bodybuilding. And then all of a sudden, you go to do, you know, a bench press for Olympic lifting, you gotta come all the way down to your chest. And you're trying to do that with a heavy weight in a powerful manner. That's how you rip some shit out, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:41 so maybe even before, I mean, that's why also going back to the broomstick theory, like Justin, not only that, but, you know, so maybe even before, I mean, that's why also going back to the broomstick theory like Justin, not only that, but, you know, you probably wanna get into some really good stretching because it's gonna take you a while before your muscles are used to going through that full range of motion because you've spent so much years short. Bro, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:35:58 Me or you could not do an overhead squat, I guarantee it. Oh, I know. There's no way. No, I know that. My shoulders would not let you go. I know that's why. Just with no weight, that's just the freaking bar. That's why I knew I had, that's a little bit of information I can give you. I know I've, you know, messing around with stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:36:13 I would know better than ever. Put it crazy, just like I know that I can't do an overhead squat with, you know, like that. So, absolutely. You most certainly, be careful of that. That's the one thing I'd be worried about. Yeah. Take your time. I mean, it's definitely a cool transition because, you know, I've heard that it totally changes your physique, right? Going from that type of training and going
Starting point is 00:36:36 into it, you know, it might, you might benefit both, right? I think you're well. So, oh yeah. Yeah. Okay, one more question, guys. This is from Drupal 70 or it might be Drupal 70. I think you will. So yeah. Yeah. Okay, one more question guys. This is from Drupes 70 or might be Drupes 70. I'm not sure. This guy had a fairly long question. It had been in a number of accidents. And ironically you wrote one word. I wrote one word. Well, I remember he really paragraph does like signaling. No, I remember with this. Well, yeah, he's been in accidents, put on some weight.
Starting point is 00:37:05 He's wanting to get back into shape. He's an iron worker, works long hours, and he's trying to stay on track, yet he has a very irregular schedule. So he's asking about signaling, prison workouts and that type of thing. Okay, so signaling is a type of workout where rather than doing one hard workout a day, you're doing several lighter workouts. Oh, so they got trigger sessions. It's like trigger sessions.
Starting point is 00:37:31 And so part of my inspiration for trigger sessions also came from the way people work out in prisons. Because in prison, some of these guys are so bored that they'll do push-ups in the morning, push-ups in the afternoon, push-ups in the evening,, pull ups all day long, they never really go to failure, they just kind of practice the movement over and over again. And these guys a lot of times come out looking very muscular. And so that's the theory behind signaling, but it's very similar, it's how we use trigger sessions.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I thought about going to jail for my first show, just for that reason. Just to do that. Yeah, I thought you know what I got. He would be super popular. I was a guy eight months to this showtime, I could go to jail for some time. I'll popular with Adam being jailed. Oh my God, I mean, he what I got you would be super popular. I got eight months to the showtime. I could go to jail for Adam being jail. Oh my god. I mean, he's very clean and everything
Starting point is 00:38:10 With his toes. So, uh, you know, signaling, you know, small workouts throughout the day. It's great But will it replace that heavy more intense kind of barbell movements at the gym? No, no If you combine the two, which is kind of how we put maps together, then you've got something that works phenomenal. So if you're not familiar with the math program, you can check it out at myimpumprator.com. But other than that, I would say, you know, your best bet, if you have limited time, two or three days a week in the gym, full body, barbell movements. What if he's listening to us in prison, though?
Starting point is 00:38:42 No, I think he's out of prison. He says he's an iron worker So I assume he has a job. Yeah, that'd be cool if he was listening to us in prison They wouldn't tell me that was so awesome. Did you I'm you can do you can do you can listen to that in prison? The prison these days again. What kinds of cool shit? They cable TV bro. Yeah, I'm sure they can forget listening That'd be awesome. Sure you listen to mine, but we should go into the prison That sounds like a job for the producer. You get all those guys even more, but... I don't know if we should send Doug.
Starting point is 00:39:07 No, don't send me. It's a tough time. I'm not ranked for that. Or no, you are. Exactly, my point. Yes, you are. Hey, I heard they call you the spinner. Hey.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Where's spinner? Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. Yes, you are. Hey, I heard they call you the spinner. Hey! Hey! Where's spinner? Spinner. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. Until next time, this is MindPomp.

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