Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1785: Why Most Women Fail at Developing Their Butt

Episode Date: April 4, 2022

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin cover 5 reasons why women (& men) fail to develop their butt and what to do about it. The evolution of desirable body parts to build. (2:20) How our butt separates ...us from other primates. (4:01) Why your glute strength is a reflection of your fitness. (6:10) Why Lots of Women Fail at Building Their Butt. (7:14) #1 – Not lifting heavy. (8:10) #2 – Doing the wrong movements or exercises. (15:31) #3 – Not feeding body enough. (21:02) #4 – Lacking the connection to glutes. (27:25) Great priming movements before your train your glutes. (34:07) #5 – Bad workout programming. (36:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Promotion: Butt Builder Bundle 50% off! **Promo Code “BUTT50” at checkout** Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1647: Ten Female Fitness Lies Top 3 Misconceptions About Women's Fitness – Mind Pump Blog 3 Best Secrets - How To Make Your Butt Grow (AVOID MISTAKES!) | MIND PUMP Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Why Can’t I Feel the Right Muscles Working? - Mind Pump Blog MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Activate Your Glutes with Tube Walking – Mind Pump TV Build Your Hamstrings- How to Properly do Good Mornings – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Bret Contreras PhD (@bretcontreras1)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we talk about why lots of women fail at building their butt. So the common reasons why women don't see results when they're trying to train their glutes. Now, in this episode, we talk about exercises and reps
Starting point is 00:00:32 and talk about connecting to your glutes and we talk about exercise programming. If you just wanna have a workout that you can follow, if it sounds complicated and you wanna allate out for you, we have something called the butt builderle. This is Maps aesthetic and Maps Enabolic combined. So they're both very effective workout programs and they've been tweaked to be more But Building focused. Okay. Now that bundle we're putting 50% off with this episode. So you can actually get this whole workout program
Starting point is 00:01:00 and plan, which by the way will last you like six months. It's six months of exercise programming. You can get it all 50% off. So all you got to do is go to buttbundle.com. So that's beautyt bundle.com and then use the code butt50 beautyt 50 for 50% off. By the way, this comes with something called the butt mod. The butt mod is something you use later. So later on after you follow the programs
Starting point is 00:01:25 and you're seven months into this, and you wanna follow other workouts, you wanna make up your own workout, you can use the butt mod for just the butt part of your workout, for just the butt training. So what we done is set you up long term for great success. Now this episode was brought to you by one of our sponsors, Zbiotics.
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Starting point is 00:02:40 I wanna make my butt smaller. And then all of a sudden, I think it was like, 2000 to 2001. And all of a sudden Yeah, I think it was like 2000 to the arms. I think they don't like sculpt real sculpted tone arms I think that was when Michelle Obama was real popular or G.I. Jane even before that. Oh, right exactly do pull-ups Yeah, or Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 that did that a little bit. Okay, but it was like no I want to get my butt smaller and then all of a sudden it was like people were hiring me and they're like J load it. I want to build my butt smaller. And then all of a sudden it was like, people were hiring me and they're like, J-Lo, dude. I want to build my butt.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I was like, oh cool. Jennifer Lopez completely changed that. Did the narrowed down to her? 100%. I had 100%. I was her music video. Like, after that it became a thing. That and Vita Guerrera.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Vita Guerrera. There's a famous, that's a, there's a, there's a, there's a, there's a famous, that's a, that's a, that's a old fitness. There is a figure there is a famous magazine picture of her getting out of the pool and her and it's her butt and that thing went viral. I remember that. Yeah, and my buddies worked with her and I remember she was
Starting point is 00:03:37 like one of the her and then Jala were like two of the, she was like a big. So that was back when the, the black pioneers, what moving it from what Salisay, like two of the first. She was like a big, so that was back when the, the black pioneers. What, moving it from what Salisay, because there was, I do remember, so we've been doing this long enough that I do remember people like,
Starting point is 00:03:51 I want a smaller butt. Yeah, like girls actually ask for that at one time, which sounds crazy right now. If you're under the age of 30, that sounds ridiculous. Yeah, that sounds ridiculous to you. And now the truth is, obviously the butt is,
Starting point is 00:04:03 they're glutes, they're muscles, and they're super important muscles. They're part of a lumbel pelvic hip complex. They stabilize the body. In terms of primates, one of the muscle groups that separates us from other primates is our ass. These are glutes. If you look at chimps and orangutans and gorillas
Starting point is 00:04:22 as big and strong as they are, they have really small glutes because they don't walk upright. They don't run very quickly. So it's like these really, it's these characteristic muscles that humans have. They give you stability and strength. And in terms of athletics, and Justin, you're the hardcore athlete. I've got a funny story around that.
Starting point is 00:04:41 You can tell me you can, you can almost always tell if an athlete's got explosive power. I've always said this. Yeah, I've always said this, especially like one of the guys on our team had just enormous glutes. He was the best player by far. Most explosive would, honestly, was the guy responsible for all of the records broken in our school. And I attribute all to his glitz. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Well, this is so accurate. And I remember in my 20s as a trainer when I started to figure this all out. And we used to play like pick up basketball games. And like I would intentionally not pick the, you know, when you're lining up, you're getting ready to play. And you're like, okay, I got him. I would never take the dude with like the biggest glutes because I didn't want to get dunked on dude.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I didn't want to get fucking dude. And it was always that guy, you know what I'm saying? It was always the guy that just had to build legs and glutes that would be just that much faster and more explosive than everybody. And it was always that dude. If there was someone that was gonna like to turn around or everybody line up.
Starting point is 00:05:43 No, you probably could always say. It's always like, like you're saying, there's always like somebody who has like, you know, abnormally large glutes, thighs and legs like that, that just stood out, especially it's basketball. Like everybody's pretty lean. You really see like a, like a lineman-sized guy playing basketball. So the dude would be lean, but then he would be just built in his glutes and his legs, and you knew that dude was able to throw down or would be just so much faster. Here's why this is an important,
Starting point is 00:06:11 it sounds like we're joking around or whatever, but here's what's interesting, right? When you look at studies on what men and women find attractive, even women say this about men, that they like to have, that they like well-developed glutes. Now why is that? It's a sign of health, it's a sign of power, to power, performance, functionality.
Starting point is 00:06:29 So unlike other body parts that we, we try to change with injections or whatever, although they do have glute implants now, which is interesting. It really is just a reflection of your fitness and your health. So I encourage people to build this. That's also why that's become a popular thing now
Starting point is 00:06:47 to do the surgeries because it is, we're drawn to that already. And so people, if not everybody wants to do the work for it, so they artificially do it. Well, this is why I was behind the movement because it's like actually a place you're by, you can build and develop. Totally.
Starting point is 00:07:03 It's not like, you know, when boobs, boobs, say you can say it. Yeah, but how do I say it? How do I say you can't grow a boobs? Yeah, no, it's because it's not muscle, right? Yeah. Now, now, here's the thing. I've trained lots of people, I've been doing this for over 20 years. I've always succeeded at building a woman's glutes if that was her goal.
Starting point is 00:07:25 I've always succeeded with it. Now, that didn't mean there weren't challenges and struggles, but it's not a hard... It's not. It's not a muscle that applies. It's not like calves, not like stubborn calves or like a tiny little muscle that's hard to get to fire. It's a big muscle and if you feed it and train it correctly,
Starting point is 00:07:41 it grows. It will. Almost every single, I mean, every time I've ever done it with someone, so I'm sure someone listening or watching right now is like, I mean, every time I've ever done it with someone. So I'm sure someone listening or watching right now is like, what do you mean? I've been doing this for so long, it's not working for me and why is it working for me?
Starting point is 00:07:51 This isn't happening. So what we did is we listed out the main, and these are very common, what we're about to go through are very common reasons as to why in particular women often will say, hey, I can't build my butt, I'm trying, and it's just not happening. Now, the very first one that comes to mind for me,
Starting point is 00:08:12 and I really think that this is getting better today than it was back when we're talking about. We first started, I know what you're gonna say. Oh, this was always the problem. Lifting heavy. I mean, it was also the, so by the way, it was also the secret just to just build a body on a female because they were so apprehensive to lift heavy weight
Starting point is 00:08:33 because still back, you know, 20 years ago, lifting heavy weight equal big, you know, get big and muscular, and no girl came in and said, hey, I want to get all big and muscular looking back then. Nobody was saying that. So they just assumed that to build their butt, they would do these other, all these, high right, lightweight type of exercises,
Starting point is 00:08:54 and get the butt to burn, you know, and get that feeling, but not lift like heavy to build it. No, one of the worst myths, really damaging myths to women in fitness is this idea, and the fitness industry partially to blame, is this idea that if you work out like, quote unquote, like a man, you're going to look like a man. In other words, if you lift heavy, you're going to build these huge muscular arms and shoulders and back, you're not going to look feminine. This is a terrible, terrible myth because that simply does not happen. Now I know someone listening is thinking, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:09:32 I've seen in Instagram and I've seen on magazines like women that like, they're bigger than you, Sal, like what are you talking about? Okay, we have to be very clear here that there is a spectrum. There's a spectrum of genetic ability to build muscle. On one end of the spectrum, you have physical disabilities, like people who have real medical issues and their bodies just don't repair and build muscle. And those are rare, by the way, those are extremely rare. Think right now, how many people you know or you've met in a real life that have those
Starting point is 00:10:02 types of genetic issues, right? Very rare. On the other end of the spectrum, as rare or possibly even more rare, are people that just build muscle like so fast and so easy. Super, it's more rare than people who are naturally seven feet tall. The problem is we look at magazines and we look at social media and we're led to believe that that is so common, that, oh my gosh, if I just, you know, if Mrs. Johnson goes and does eight heavy reps of squats she's gonna wake up tomorrow
Starting point is 00:10:30 and look like you know Miss Olympia doesn't happen it just does not happen you can train like a body builder you could eat like a body builder you could do all set for years and years and years and 99.9% of people watching this are just gonna look the way that they've always want to look which is good sculpted have some shape none of them just gonna look the way that they've always wanna look, which is good. Skolped did have some shape. None of them are gonna look like that Miss Olympia. I also think that part of the reason too is, I mean, just imagine for a second, female client of yours hires you or comes in
Starting point is 00:10:56 and then starts working on the gym and her body fat percentage is higher than she wants and she also wants to build a butt, right? That's a very common, right? I'm not as lean as I would like and I would like to build a butt and they listen to advice to go lift heavy and they go do that and temporarily when they're in the gym, they air up the fluid. You have blood, the blood, they get this pump and their legs feel big and tight and they feel their pants out. So I do think some of this is psychological too.
Starting point is 00:11:25 And reinforces that fear. That's right. You already have that fear going into it, then you're trying, okay, I listen to those mind pump guys, I'm gonna go and go do it. And then you get your first like real pump, your first leg ass pump you've ever had because you're training the right way.
Starting point is 00:11:38 And also you go, oh hell no. You know, your legs are all filled out, the pants are all tight and you're thinking, that's one workout I did. Not only that, but to add to that, women's pants and jeans are not designed for athletic female, women that have some hamstring, some glue, a little bit of quad, forget like massive, just some muscle. That's both sex. And so that's true for both, you're right, but especially for women. And so what happens when you lift, when you start working out and you do start to build the butt a little bit,
Starting point is 00:12:07 the first thing it does is it lifts. You'll notice your butt gets a little higher. Now your jeans, which were designed for flat butt or no butt, start to feel tight. Oh my gosh, I'm getting too big. And I've had women come to me and say, okay, Sal, I know I lost 4% body fat. I know I'm leaner.
Starting point is 00:12:23 My jeans are fitting. And I used to tell them I said, what about the waist of your I'm leaner, my genes aren't fitting. And I used to tell them, I used to say, what about the waste of your genes? Oh yeah, that's way looser. Okay, don't worry about it. You're building and lifting your butt, your pants are not designed to... They're designed for people who don't have any muscle. The truth is, building muscle is such a slow, arduous, hard process, simply because building muscle requires more energy to be consumed to survive.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Your bodies, our bodies evolved with scarcity, so they don't want to become, you know, calorie burning machines, they want to become more efficient, so it's a hard, long, slow process. And so if your goal is to build your butt, what you want to do is you want to train in the most effective way possible, which will still make it happen slowly, but it'll happen faster than if you avoid those effective techniques. If you're fearful and say, I can't train heavy, I'm scared to get big. Now it's not not just going to take a long time, it's never going to happen. So you want to train in the most effective muscle building way possible, which is the lift heavy. You want to train with a high intensity, you want to keep your
Starting point is 00:13:25 reps, you can go as low as two or three reps as high as 15 reps, but once you start to get much higher than, especially when you get above 30 reps with lightweight, the muscle building just slows way down. You're just not as effective. It does take a little bit of time to learn proper technique, and I think the, some of the reservations, is it reservation? I think it is. Yeah, yeah. Reservations that a lot of women have had is that it's just barbell training in general.
Starting point is 00:13:52 You know, it takes proper technique, it takes the educational process and like going through that, but it's so worth it. It wants you to establish good form and good technique. That's something that, you know, will, you can build this foundational muscle that you wouldn't have had otherwise. Dude, I'm going to tell you, when we, tell me if I'm wrong, when we first became trainers, once you started to figure this out, it was
Starting point is 00:14:16 easier to give women results than it is. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, because all of them did that. None of them trained heavy. And all you had to do was have them trained. That's right. And that's part of the, part of the reason that this is so important is because it speaks to the point that we always make on the show, which is the importance of novelty. So the reason why this works so well and why this is so important to listen to
Starting point is 00:14:38 and then to go apply this if you're this person, right? Is because most women were not lifting heavy. They weren't lifting heavy at all and just simply doing that is gonna get the body to respond. Not to mention that is gonna be the best way for you to build the glutes and bone muscle, but that's even more so when you never do that. So now, if someone's listening right now
Starting point is 00:15:01 and they train really heavy on a regular basis and you're a woman and you try to build, you're gonna get less from this advice because that simple reason. But that's not most female clients. Most female clients have avoided that, you know, three reps or five rep range. Just look at the programs that are out there. Majority are booty band driven or high reps or yeah, it all kind of stand.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I think from like sort of that jazz or size generation, where there was a lot of at-home, multiple reps type, probably. Well, that's the next point that is that wrong exercises or wrong movements. I mean, it's just you're doing these exercises that I think that you feel and they burn. And so that again, playing to the psychology of it,
Starting point is 00:15:44 it's like they feel you're burning, you don't get a massive pump from it, you don't build a. And so that again, playing to the psychology of it, it's like, they feel you're burning. You don't get a massive pump from it. You don't build a lot of muscle from it. So you don't feel the legs expanding. You don't feel me that, but you feel this burning sensation. So you think, oh, I must be building that muscle. And so you continue to do those type of exercises. Well, burn and burn fat, right? They sound the same. Yes. If I burn, if the muscle burns, I must be burning fat. And that's not what's happening at all. They're not connected whatsoever. Burning body fat comes from a calorie deficit. It doesn't come from doing lots of reps and feeling a burn in a particular muscle. If, if lifting heavy, if telling women that lifting heavy would
Starting point is 00:16:18 make them look like guys, so they need to stay away from lifting heavy, if that's the worst myth, the second worst myth is that there's exercises that men do and there's exercises that women do. That is so wrong. There are effective exercises and there's less effective exercises. That's it. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman.
Starting point is 00:16:35 If a barbell squat, which happens to be one of the most effective lower body exercises, that's effective for a man, it's effective for women as well. It's effective for both of them for their goals. There is no female, barbell, dumbbell, machine extras. Now they market them that way. So you'll have machines that are marketed to women
Starting point is 00:16:54 like hip abduction, hip abduction, adduction, you know, a donkey kickback machines. Like all these machines that you can tell, in fact, if you look at the machines themselves, here's what's funny, when I noticed this, you go to the gym and they didn't do this back in the day, but now a machine will have a little picture of either, like an illustration of a person doing the exercise,
Starting point is 00:17:14 so you can see, oh, that's how you do it. Go to the Abduction Adduction Machine, it's a female model. Go to the Donkey Kickback, it's a female model. Go to the Bench Press machine, dude. Go to the Real Machine, dude. So they know, and this is what they're marketing to, and it just feeds into this terrible myth.
Starting point is 00:17:31 And so what happens is women for a long time have done the least effective exercises, which is silly. It's like, if I'm telling you to dig a 10-foot hole, and I say, you can pick a shovel, a backhoe, or a spoon, who the hell's gonna pick a spoon? Definitely, nobody. And most people are gonna pick a shovel, are backhoe, or a spoon. Who the hell's gonna pick a spoon? Definitely, nobody. And most people aren't gonna pick a shovel. I'm gonna go with the backhoe.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I really think though it has a lot to do with what they feel, right? Like, okay, let's take two examples. And we both know exactly what is gonna be way more beneficial for building the glutes. But take the same client, and you do three sets and three like facets where they're 30- rest periods and she does frog pumps Yeah, just three 20 reps. Yeah 20 reps of frog pumps for three sets 30 second rest between there What do you know is happening? Ass is on fire? Right take that same person, okay?
Starting point is 00:18:20 And instead we're going to do three sets of five by, you know, five by five type of squats, right? So that'd be five sets, three sets of five reps of heavy 185 pound barbell backsquats. Which one is gonna develop her ass way more? And which one, if you asked her, not knowing like, not telling her anything, saying where did you feel your butt more? What do you think worked your butt more?
Starting point is 00:18:43 What do you think you're gonna get told? Yeah, the opposite of what's most effective. Well, you feel your butt more? What do you think worked your butt more? What do you think you're gonna get told? Yeah, the opposite of what's most effective. Well, you feel it more, right? And that to me, that's the real hurdle here is that it's really tough when there's already this myth out there that you've heard for so long. So you already have a bias? That's right, you already have a bias going in,
Starting point is 00:18:59 but oh, I'm open-minded. I heard these guys on Mind Pump saying this. So I'm gonna go do these squats for three to five sets, you know, five reps, and after they do them, they're kinda like, I don't even know if I really felt it in my butt. It was hard. It's hard to convince, because-
Starting point is 00:19:14 Hell yes, especially because the difficulty of it, you know, there's a couple hurdles involved, but what they don't realize is these compound lifts stimulate the body and creates such a loud signal for you to recruit even more muscles to be to contribute to this and so it tells a body. Oh my god. There's much more demand This is much more taxing situation. We need to build to be able to make our way through this crazy environment Yeah, there's no comparison. Look you go back to my digging a whole analogy, which one are you gonna feel more digging a hole
Starting point is 00:19:49 with a spoon or using a backhoe, right? At the end of it, hey, which one made you work harder? Right, a spoon. But I'm gonna look at the hole and be like, dude, you went down a quarter of an inch, the guy over there with the backhoe who said he didn't feel anything, it was super easy. He did the 10 feet.
Starting point is 00:20:03 So stop basing it so much on how you feel. And I'm not saying ignore your body, but look at the results. But the best exercise is by far that are the most effective in the context of building the butt. Barbell squats, hip thrust, dead lifts, and variations of those.
Starting point is 00:20:18 So you can go split stance type squats, which are lunges, or Bulgarian squats, right? All the variations of barbell squats, all the variations of deadlifts from stiff legate to single, or Bulgarian squats, right? All the variations of barbell squats, all the variations of deadlifts from stiff legate to single legate to sumo, right? Good morning, real meaning. Those exercises right there, only those will build your butt to a great degree.
Starting point is 00:20:36 You can do one million other exercises that promise to do that, and none of the combinations of the other exercises will even compare. I'll tell you what, you do barbell squats and hip thrust by themselves. that promise of do that, and none of the combinations of the other exercises we even compare. I'll tell you what, you do barbell squats and hip thrust by themselves. You can do 10 other exercises in your workout
Starting point is 00:20:51 and you'll build more muscle in your butt and get better results and get it rounder and more shapely with those two that I just said. That's the difference between effective exercises that we're talking about and what's there and how's that effective. There's another massive hurdle or elephant in the room here I think is, so go back to that original client
Starting point is 00:21:07 that I said that comes in, because this has got to be like one of the most common things, is come in and a female client tell me, Adam, I want to shrink my waist or I want to lose some fat, but I also want to build my butt. So this presents a challenge, not only for the client, but even for the trainer.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Okay, well, what do I do here? Because I know that in order to build a challenge, not only for the client, but even for the trainer. Okay, well, what do I do here? Because I know that in order to build a muscle, we need to be in a caloric surplus. You have to give an extra fuel. That's right. And that's to build any muscle. Well, there'd be the butt, the biceps, the shoulders, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:21:37 If you are going to build, anabolic defeated. That's right, we need to feed it. It needs to be in a surplus in order to add tissue. So if that's what we're going to do, we have to be in a calorie surplus. But then I also know if my goal is to lose body fat and be catapult, the opposite is true. I've got to be in a calorie reduction, right? Or in a calorie burn, right? So if you get a client that says that as a trainer, you have to make this decision, okay,
Starting point is 00:22:03 which way do I go first or how do I communicate this to my client on what we should be doing? There's two ways to do this. One is, let me make the client happy. So I'm just gonna have them burn calories and get them to lose in initial five pounds because that's what people associate with success. The second way to do it is the experienced trainer,
Starting point is 00:22:19 which says, building muscle is gonna get your body to burn more calories naturally. Let's do that first. The fat loss is gonna be easier If we start with the building, okay, but besides all that even women who just want to build even women who are like You know, I'd be okay with staying the same body fat, but I want to build my muscle Oftentimes are afraid to eat enough to make that happen because they've been hammered by Society and advertising and you advertising and just culture in general
Starting point is 00:22:48 that they shouldn't gain any weight. They can't eat too much. It's scary. Look, I understand this from the opposite perspective. As a kid, I was skinny and I was afraid of being too skinny. So I was always trying to eat more, which actually prevented me from ever really getting super lean until I got much older because
Starting point is 00:23:04 if I lost two pounds on the scale, messed on my head, oh, better start eating every other hour. So on the opposite end, I understand that, but you have to eat enough to build muscle. It ain't going to happen. You could have the best workout. You could be on all the steroids you want, even. You don't feed your body enough. You're not going to build any muscle.
Starting point is 00:23:22 This is a big one. Most women, when they start working out and you ask them, have you ever going to build any muscle. And this is a big one. And most women, when they start working out and you ask them, have you ever tried to purposely gain? No, it's always on accident, right? No, no, no, I don't try to. That was the feedback. I mean, we had one episode just geared towards a shooting bulk. Yes. And it was like mind blowing. Yeah. A lot of them. And because nobody's talking about that, and it is so true. It's like, why would you go into a building type of programming and you're not feeding yourself adequate amount of nutrients?
Starting point is 00:23:50 Like, how are you gonna pull this off? You need to have the materials in order to build the desired outcome. I would never, by the way, a client that comes in, and in that situation, I don't care if she's 35, 40% body fat. Way, way high body fat percentage and says exactly what I said. I want to lose fat and I want to build a butt. I would never put her in a cut to start.
Starting point is 00:24:10 No. Ever. Right, which is building helps. Which by the way though, that's a really hard thing for a young trainer to try and communicate. It's logical hurdle. Right, you got someone walks in. There's the, we know we need to lose body fat.
Starting point is 00:24:22 They know they need to lose but they admit it. They don't like what we're there at. They don't like how they feel and they're like, hey, I need to lose a need to lose body fat. They know they need to lose but they admit it. They don't like what were They're at they don't like how they feel and they're like hey, I need to lose a significant amount of body fat Please help me, but I also want to build a butt We're going into calorie surplus and I think that is just So hard to communicate that to somebody who thinks that oh my god I'm already overeating look at me. I need to drop down who thinks that, oh my god, I'm already overeating. Look at me. I need to drop down, but then also has this goal of building a butt. But you as an experienced trainer, you know that like your point, Sal, if I, if I get her to focus on increasing her core can take and building
Starting point is 00:24:55 muscle, even if it's for a short period, just for a couple months, that we focus in that direction, if I can add three to five or maybe get lucky and add seven pounds of muscle on her body in that period of time, her metabolism is gonna be so much faster that when we decide to cut and go the opposite direction and reduce calories, she's gonna drop weight even faster than if I would have said, okay, let's first cut down and then we'll try and build the butt length.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Yeah, and it took me a little while to figure that out as a trainer because I just was failing. You know, to get the initial 10 pound weight loss. Well, you lost your point you made earlier. You fall prey to giving them what they want. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, you fall prey to like,
Starting point is 00:25:36 well, I do know if I restrictor calories and I make a buttburn, I can make a lose 10 pounds. That's right. She'll lose 10 pounds. She'll feel her butt burning, so she'll associate, oh, we must be training my butt like I asked. And so I think a lot of trainers fall into this
Starting point is 00:25:48 trap of giving the client what they want versus giving them what they need or what they should do for their ultimate goal. Think of it this way, right? The when you work out, you're sending the signal that says, let's build. So imagine it this way, right? You're trying to build, imagine you're a project manager and you're trying to build a building. Okay. So imagine it this way, right? You're trying to build, imagine you're a project manager, and you're trying to build a building, okay? So that represents your body. And so what you do is you send the plans over, with no material.
Starting point is 00:26:13 You send all the plans and you got the workers, and everything's perfect. Here's the plans, you got the work, and they're all ready to go. All right, we know what we need to do, and then have no bricks. Shit, who forgot the wood? No wood. They have no, you know, who forgot the wood? No wood.
Starting point is 00:26:25 They have no concrete. They have nothing to work with. We have half the supplies, right? Yeah, yeah. They're just gonna sit there. They're just gonna sit there with the plans. Nothing's gonna happen. Or make it even worse, you start to starve the workers.
Starting point is 00:26:40 And now the workers are like, in order to survive, we gotta start taking bricks off of other stuff. We're going to start eating the bricks. Yeah, and so, so you can't, it's building it without eating or feeding your body enough is impossible. So, you got it, so oftentimes, again, this is, and this is third for a reason, this is the third reason. When we would come to me, and sometimes it's, this was pretty rare.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Usually it was, they were not lifting heavy enough or doing the right exercises. But oftentimes I'd look at, sometimes I'd get a client, I'd look at their work and be like, okay, squatting and deadlifting, that looks good. Okay, you're lifting heavy enough, this looks pretty good. Let's look at your diet and I look at their diet. I'm like, okay, you're eating colors. Yeah, this isn't going to happen.
Starting point is 00:27:19 We got to, and I would just have them eat more. And then voila, magically they would end up building more of a butt. Okay. So this next one is more common today than ever because, and look, there's definitely been some progress in the fitness space. Women, nobody lifted heavy before, nobody did barbell, not just women, men didn't even do barbell squats or deadlifts before, let alone women, eating enough, that's still an issue, but less so today than it was before.
Starting point is 00:27:45 You see some female fitness influencers now promoting eating more protein and bumping up calories. But here's the one now that I see it's a little bit more common, which is that they lack connection to their glutes in the sense that when they do those really effective exercises, rather than the barbell squat hitting the glutes, it hits more quads, rather than a lunge doing what it's supposed to do with the butt, again, it's building the quads more. This is where, okay? You're ready for this? We're going to go back a little
Starting point is 00:28:14 bit on what we said earlier, but I'll explain why. This is where all those exercises that we made fun of earlier in this episode, the frogs, the purses. That's what those are for. Those exercises teach your body to connect to your glutes, so that when you do your squats, your deadlifts, your hip thrust, now you can target those, the muscles that you're trying to work. So that's the value, and I want to be clear, there's definitely way more effective muscle building exercises than other, but all exercises have value if you use properly. Those exercises that are sold to women
Starting point is 00:28:47 are terrible muscle builders, but many of them are great at getting you to connect to your butt. So how does this work? You would do your frog pumpers at the beginning of your workout to feel the glutes, to feel a little bit of the muscle working, to get a little bit of pump. Not fatiguing it.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Not fatiguing the hell of it, but rather just to feel it, then you go do your squats, now you've got feel it. Then you go do your squats. Now you've got better technique. Now you're making them glute squats, not just squad squats. This is the hardest one, I think, for us to help people via podcasting, right? The other one, I think is like we can communicate. Yeah, the other three is like very straightforward. Eat eat more calories. Do the right exercises. Lift heavy, like if you weren't doing those things, you take that advice, you can definitely see difference.
Starting point is 00:29:27 This is the one that I get where I, where having a coach or a trainer or somebody who is, you know, experienced to be able to help you with the mechanics because this is the, and this is, I feel like the first half of my career, the front three things that we talked about were like all the conversation. Now, be like your point, Sal, people are squatting and deadlifting now, they're doing the right movements. I mean, Brett Contreras is famous on social media,
Starting point is 00:29:55 so you know to do these type of movements to build a button. So the communication is out there now, but there still are people that are challenged with us. They're like, hey, I'm doing all these things you're saying. I'm eating in a surplus, I'm lifting heavy, I'm doing the right exercises, but my quads are just getting big. My legs are just getting big and it's not my butt building.
Starting point is 00:30:16 And this is just the area where it's like, okay, and it's common in both men and women, is we're not able to get the glutes to fire properly and then to your point. So that's where you use an exercise like a frog pump. And instead of saying comparing the frog pumps to the barbell squats and saying, okay, which is better or I'm gonna either take this path
Starting point is 00:30:37 of that path that this is where you marry these or they both have value. It's okay, I'm gonna take my client who has a really hard time getting their glutes to fire. We're gonna do a one set of those frog pumps for 15 to 20 reps just to get that burn going. And then we're gonna move over to the barbell squats and then have them do the exercise.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Yeah, that mind muscle connection is so important to establish in the beginning. And again, this is where it's real helpful to have a coach and have those eyes to kind of see your mechanics. So, too, a big point with the back loaded squat is depth and full range of motion. So if we're not really breaking parallel, you know, we're not asking quite enough out of the clues to contribute. And so there's just things like that that even though maybe you have a way like you, you woke them up and you got the recruitment process started with these pumps or these,
Starting point is 00:31:29 you know, lateral tube walking or whatever it was. Um, and you bring that into the compound lift, you still have to have the proper mechanics and get enough depth to really gain the benefit. Well, that's part two of these exercises to help you connect, which is they improve your connection and mobility, they improve your functional flexibility. So like, let's say you do have issues with going below 90 degrees on a barbell squat. And we know this for a fact that squats
Starting point is 00:31:58 going all the way down, proper squats going all the way down, will activate the glutes way more than a parallel squat or squat that's above parallel. So what if, and I'm gonna use, I'm gonna illustrate an example, this isn't everybody, but some people, they can't go all the way down because they lack ankle mobility. Okay, so in this case, I'm gonna do,
Starting point is 00:32:16 yeah, I'm gonna do an ankle mobility exercise like a combat stretch. Before I do the squats, get to the point where my ankle mobility is now a little better. Now I can break parallel and activate my glutes a little bit more, right? What if I combine that? Oh, it's my ankle mobility plus I don't feel my glutes anyway. Let me do my combat stretch. Let me do my frog pumpers or let me do my lateral two walking or let me do my body weight, single leg hip thrust. Get those glutes to fire, get my ankles out of the way.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Boom, now that barbell squat, that's so effective. I'm getting the real benefit of those barbell squats. I'm getting the maximum benefit. This is also an example, though, too, where you would use things like squat, squat shoes or elevated heels to do a squat, because someone has a specific goal like this, and you know that working on ankle mobility is going to take time, and I I can ride away get to start and get the glutes to fire. So this is a great example work because we're all we're all we're not we're not promoting tools like that that often but here then is an example client who let's say that's their specific goals like I said earlier about losing body fat building the glutes and then let's say that
Starting point is 00:33:22 the one of the first big hurdles we see is that, oh, they can't break 90 degrees because they limit ankle mobility. So obviously we're doing combat stretch, we're working on that. But what I know is that one session of combat stretch is not going to get my client into the proper depth to get the glutes firing right away. So I'm going to do combat stretch, but then I'm also going to allow them to do like heels elevated with their squat. Maybe like a five pound plate. Yeah, and that's it. But with the ultimate goal of, I'm gonna get this ankle mobility there to where she no longer needs these squats shoes
Starting point is 00:33:52 or no longer needs to elevate the heels. But temporarily, why we're doing these barbell squats and we're not getting past 90, even with us priming in that session with their combat stretch, this is where I'm going to allow something like that or I'm gonna use a tool like that. Now we gave examples earlier of the best
Starting point is 00:34:09 most effective exercises, as Adam said earlier, that was much more straightforward. I'm gonna give some good priming examples. What we're talking about right now is priming. So when you do a movement before your most effective movement to help you do the effective movement, basically your priming your body, that's the terminology. So I'm going to give some general good priming movements. Now, the problem with what I'm about to do is that it's much more individualized
Starting point is 00:34:32 than what we said earlier. Squats, deadlifts, hip thrusts, they build best butts in everybody. Okay. So long as they can do them, they build the best butts in everybody. What I'm about to talk about are generally good priming movements before you train exercises for your butt. The only problem again is that it's very individual. Okay, so this may or may not work for you, but I'm gonna pick the most common ones. I already mentioned combat stretch. That typically helps a lot of people
Starting point is 00:34:57 with better depth in a lot of these butt building exercises. 90, 90 with external internal rotation. That tends to help with hip connection and hip mobility, which sometimes gets in the way, or even core stability can help with some people. And then you have your body weight, hip thrust, or your frog pumpers, or your lateral toolbox to wake the glutes up. So I just gave you a bunch of exercises. You can pick two of them, do them before you do your butt workout and see if you notice any real good. What would you guys say is the most common ones that you would use to prime or that you
Starting point is 00:35:32 found most effective when you're teaching somebody like this? Obviously, those are the ones that, for me, it was like those would be the most effective, usually. But man, sometimes it's so different from person to person. I've had clients that I had to to prime their adductors, which is not common, it's usually adductors, but I've had clients that I've had to prime their adductors. Yeah, that's really where he squeezed like a basketball
Starting point is 00:35:55 or something like that before. Yeah, so that's what I mean, it's so individual, right? You take that person, if I took that person, I have to do two blocks, it would've made a worse. I mean, in my opinion, two blocks are one of the main ones are leg swings or anything to get them to, to promote opening up their hips as they drop into the hole. I think one of the most common things you say, and this has been in women, uh, is that you just lateral stability. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:15 I mean, we just, we just lacked that. And because we lacked that, what ends up happening is, is naturally, as you drop down to a squat, the knees collapse in for leverage. They collapse in. And really you're shutting off the glute meat, right? Your butt has three parts, right? And that's one of the muscles that give you that kind of heart shape or allow you to see the butt from the front is that muscle.
Starting point is 00:36:34 That's what keeps the knees from collapsing inward. So priming that muscle to be firing when you go into a squat, I would say is one of the most common that I think I used with almost every one of my clients before we get into squat a squat, I would say is one of the most common that I think I use with almost every one of my clients before we get into squat. Yeah, I would agree. I would agree. Now, this last part, this is where it gets a little complicated.
Starting point is 00:36:52 And this is that there's a lot of bad workout programming. Okay, so what does that mean? Workout programming is encompasses all the components of a workout, which include how many sets of the exercises you do, how many reps you do, the tempo, so like how fast you do the reps, the order of the exercises in the workout, how each day communicates to each day during the week. I did this workout today.
Starting point is 00:37:20 How does that affect tomorrow's workout that I'm supposed to do? Right. As well, does it phase, does it change? I do this for three weeks or four weeks, then I change to something else. All these factors all work together to make it work out very effective or make it work out totally ineffective. I mean, you could actually have everything be identical in two workouts and just have the
Starting point is 00:37:43 exercise order be totally off or have the volume be totally different, like one factor, it'll make the whole workout not effective. Yeah, one thing I always see in a lot of these types of programming that's glaring for me right away is the lack of recovery emphasis and strength focus and rest periods. Jazz exercise. Yeah, everything is just go, go, go, go, go, go, go. You know, as many reps as possible, get the burn. Even if you are doing compound lifts, it's just, you know, the tendency, a lot of times is to just, I need to be doing something right now.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Instead of, you know, adequately applying that rest period so your body can get the right signal. I think that's the move with this point to him is to actually share what poor programming looks like opposed to trying to explain what good programming looks like. I think trying to explain good programming to the audience right now is a lot more complicated and individualized because of all the nuances, but I think communicating what to look out for as bad programming is an easier way to say it to your point.
Starting point is 00:38:47 I think the most common things I see are tons of supersets, a lot of these circuits, no rest, a lot of these burn type of exercises. You're missing movements like good mornings, you're missing movements like dead lifts, you're missing movements like the barbell backsquat, like hip thrust, you're missing a lot of those and you're instead you're doing a lot of these, you know, jump boxes or kickbacks or dog peeves. If you see any type of jumping or explosive movement in your workout and it is not a specific sports plyometric workout, in other words, it worked out that was written for basketball players, football play, really written by good coach garbage
Starting point is 00:39:25 throwaway and me John plunges you see a lot of that bullshit in these types of Pro this is why I think that you see you don't see a A lot of women going for lifting heavy because it's They're thinking too much about what's next, you know what's out in so till to keep loading weight Doesn't make any sense because they're not gonna be adequately recovered. They're just so taxed No, you know, it's funny about this is back in the day, you know before I you know We had created programs and stuff like this when I would have a family member ask me like what do I do? What do I follow? Do I follow the shape magazine workout or what I don't say look all those workout programs are garbage
Starting point is 00:40:04 I said if you want to follow a program that's actually gonna give you good results the shape magazine workout or whatever. I don't say look. All those workout programs are garbage. I said, if you want to follow a program that's actually to give you good results, some of the best programmed workouts out there are like power lifting. So I'll tell my female family members, do Westside barbell power lifting program. And they'd be like, what do you mean? I don't want to be a power lift.
Starting point is 00:40:20 I say, look, it's way more effective than anything else. You're going to find. And mainly because strength focused, competitive type focused programs have to be good because otherwise people don't do them. They go and they go to a meet, either they're strong or they're not. They outperform what they did last time where they don't. Otherwise it's all this kind of subjective, you know, kind of mumbo jumbo garbage. I will say this, which is, I find interesting, and I've communicated, I communicate this
Starting point is 00:40:42 as a trainer oftentimes. People are so willing to spend so much money on ineffective things like supplements and diet pills and powders. I used to tell people this all the time, potential clients, it's a look. You buy two workouts with me for 200 bucks. You're gonna get way more value out of two hours with me than the $200 worth of diet pills that you bought that last year, a couple months. I guarantee it. At the very least, I can teach you
Starting point is 00:41:09 proper biomechanics and I can write down a very basic workout. It's gonna give you way better results. So I like to tell people this, if you invest in anything, invest in a good workout program. Because at the very least, it was written well, the programming is the, of all the stuff that we talked about,
Starting point is 00:41:27 this is the most complex, because we could literally do, we could do 50 episodes on exercise programming. And what'll end up happening is we'll be speaking to other high level trainers, because it can get quite complicated. In fact, we had a question the other day about working out and the guys was, I don't remember who it was,
Starting point is 00:41:43 we were talking to and they were saying how they weren't feeling very good and then they told us their exercise order and all of us were like, oh yeah, don't do your, those exercises in that order, it's gonna make your back hurt. And he's like, that sure enough what happened, my back hurt my hamstring,
Starting point is 00:41:55 I got a Charlie horse or whatever. So the workout programming part is the most complex. If you are gonna invest in anything, this is gonna be where you're gonna get by far the most bang for your buck. Is a good workout plan that you could just follow? Because all that complexity is ironed out for you. Now, the other thing you can do is we've laid out workouts and stuff on our YouTube channel, on our podcast. It's all free. So you can piece stuff together. But if you want to make it real easy, we did put together
Starting point is 00:42:24 a bundle called the the butt builder bundle, which comes with maps, anabolic, maps aesthetic, and we designed them in a way to target the glutes. So what you'll see in maps, anabolic or trigger sessions, those are going to be glute focused. What you'll see in maps aesthetic are focus sessions. Those are going to be glute focused. That bundle is 50% off.
Starting point is 00:42:41 And then what we also did is we threw in what we called the butt mod butt builder mod That you're gonna use later. So what you're gonna do is you're gonna follow the butt builder bundle programs Afterwards to continue your workouts anytime you want to work out your butt and you follow any other program You can take the mod and just inject it replace your current butt exercises with what we put in the box So basically what we're doing is we're setting you up a long term for great butt gains, right? For great results in your glutes. Now, if you want to do the 50% off, here's what you got to do. You got to go to buttbundle.com.
Starting point is 00:43:15 So buttbundle.com. And then the code for 50% off is butt50, B-U-T-T-5-0 for the 50% off discount. Look, if you like our information, head over to mindpumpfreed.com and check out our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any fitness goal. You can also find us all on social media. So Justin is on Instagram at Mind Pump Justin. Adam is on Instagram at Mind Pump Adam
Starting point is 00:43:36 and you can find me on Twitter at Mind Pump Cell. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having
Starting point is 00:44:14 Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mindbump.

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