Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1786: What to Do When Weight Loss Stalls, How to Train & Diet to Look Your Best for a Special Event, Exercises for Hand & Wrist Health & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: April 6, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Food quality matters most in this order: Fats, proteins, and then carbohydrates. (4:17) How the ...guys are switching up their Butcher Boxes. (15:09) Getting intense with Justin Andrews. (18:35) The NFL is aiming to disrupt the streaming wars. (22:00) Mind Pump’s special talents. (26:19) How Ned’s Mello has dramatically helped Adam’s magnesium deficiency. (30:52) Mind Pump Debates: Is sexual orientation malleable through culture and environment? Or is it genetic? (36:13) Disney is in a pickle over its CEO's latest comments. (41:13) Why Adam is a new fan of Chris Distefano. (48:44) The guys rate Britney Spears’ latest workout. (55:05) #ListenerLive question #1 - What are some of the best exercises to strengthen hands and wrists? (58:32) #ListenerLive question #2 - Any tips or strategies going into “peak week”? (1:07:15) #ListenerLive question #3 - Advice on breaking through a plateau? (1:20:52) #ListenerLive question #4 - How would you structure a fitness routine for troubled middle school kids? (1:31:05) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Priming Kit – Mind Pump Store April Promotion: Get MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Prime and Prime Pro all for $99.99! Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! NFL considers creating a streaming service of its own – The Athletic Joseph Pujol, World Famous Farter Mind Pump #1780: Why Blood Tests Are Overrated With Dr. Stephen Cabral Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! LGBT Identification in U.S. Ticks Up to 7.1% New Study Finds Genetics Influence LGBTQ Sexuality, But Still No 'Gay Gene' Former Disney CEO Iger On Opposing Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' Bill: It's Not 'Political' Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MINDPUMP” at checkout** MAPS O.C.R. MAPS Fitness Anabolic Mind Pump #1630: Ten Ways To Break Through A Plateau How to Undulate Your Calories for Faster Weight Loss & an Improved Metabolism – Mind Pump TV MAPS Fitness Performance MAPS Strong HANDGRIP DYNAMOMETER – Mind Pump Store Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral)  Instagram Chris Distefano (@chrisdcomedy)  Instagram Britney Spears (@britneyspears)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we had callers call in, ask us questions about fitness and health, and we got to coach them on air. By the way, if you want to be on an episode like this live, email your question to live at minepumpmedia.com.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Now we open the episode with an intro portion. That's what we're talking about, current events and scientific studies. After that is when we got to the questions. By the way, real quick, for those you interested in using tools to help loosen up your body and prime your body, we have a priming kit, includes a foam roller, a lacrosse ball, two glute bands, normally $80, right now it's on sale, 60 bucks, you can find it and other stuff at mindpumpstore.com.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Okay, so we opened the episode by talking about quality of food and how it matters most for fats, then for proteins, and then for carbohydrates. Then we talked about butcher box, a company that we work with that delivers grass fed meats to your door, including filet, mignon, ribeye, and tritip and other stuff. It's really good stuff. Go check them out. It's good prices. Right now, if you sign up, you get free ground beef for life. Go to mindpumppartners.com, click on butcher box, get two pounds of free grass fed, grass finished ground beef in every order for the life of your membership.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Then we talked about how the NFL is coming up with their own streaming service. Then we talk about some special talents that we have, just in Juggles Balls pretty well. Then we talked about Adam and his magnesium deficiency and how he's using Ned Mellow to supplement that. Ned makes a full spectrum hemp oil products, but they also have a product called Mellow
Starting point is 00:01:53 that has different forms of magnesium and GABA to help with relaxation and sleep. And right now they have a bundle called the Dreamset. That includes their hemp oil sleep blend and mellow magnesium. So you get the hemp oil that's high in CBN and CBD also includes botanicals that help you sleep. And then the mellow product that I just talked about, go check them out. Go to mindpumppartners.com, click on Ned, use the code Mind Pump and get 15% off this dream set bundle. Then we talked about the new poll that shows that the LGBTQ community
Starting point is 00:02:30 has doubled in size from this generation or this newest generation to the last one. Then we talked about Disney. Are they making smart political moves right now or should they just shut their mouth? Then we talked about a comedian Chris Dastephanel, he's hilarious, no relation. And then we watched a new celebrity workout by Britney Spears, and it's just as bad as you think it is. Then we got to the questions. The first question was from Andrew from Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:02:55 He wanna know what the best exercises were to strengthen his hands and wrists. Then we talked to Braxton from Kentucky. He is a competitor and wanted some advice on peak week. Then we talked to Eric, excuse me, we talked to Josh from California. His body suddenly stopped losing weight once I know how to break through that plateau. And then finally, we talked to Eric from Pennsylvania, wanted some advice on a fitness routine for middle school kids. He's a PE teacher. Also all month long, we have put together a brand
Starting point is 00:03:25 new workout bundle. It includes maps prime, maps prime pro and maps anywhere. Okay, so three programs would normally retail you for $361. But right now you get them all in this bundle for $99.99. $99.99. If you're interested, head over to mapsaparl.com. Teacher time. And it's t-shirt time. Oh, shit. You know it's my favorite time of the week. It's mine too. We have two winners. One for Apple podcasts, one for Facebook. The Apple podcast winner is Kev Motivation. And for Facebook, we have Julian Galanti. Both of you are winners and the name I just read to iTunes at mine.media.com, include your shirt size and your shipping
Starting point is 00:04:13 address and we'll get that shirt right out to you. All right, so food quality matters most in this order. Fats, proteins and then carbohydrates. Oh, I can't wait to hear this one. Yeah, so food quality, right? We hear a lot about that. How do you, the types of proteins? Fats carbs, then protein, or essentials first. Fats, proteins, and then carbs.
Starting point is 00:04:35 So we hear a lot about quality, right? Make sure your food is well sourced and what types of carbs you eat, you know, matter, what types of proteins, what types of fats. But there definitely is a hierarchy of difference. And we see this in studies, right? We see in studies that if you eat a low calorie diet that a lot of the negative effects of the types of foods
Starting point is 00:04:57 you eat getting negated, simply because you're in a calorie deficit, the biggest impact is on carbohydrates. Lots of sugar, not a lot of sugar, starches, slow burning carbs, faster burning carbs. It doesn't make that huge of a difference when the calories are low. Because ultimately carbohydrates,
Starting point is 00:05:16 whether they're long chain, short chain, get turned into glucose by the body. And insulin sensitivity tends to be much better when your calories are low. So that doesn't change a whole lot. Now, if the calories are high, then it starts to make a big difference. Fats make a difference regardless, because fats vary greatly in their fatty acid profile that, even if you have a low calorie diet, eating like a lot of trans fats, for example, can cause lots of problems,
Starting point is 00:05:47 because your body takes those fatty acids, and then it literally uses them to build or to store things in your body. And then the same thing with proteins, although not quite as important, still important, especially if you're not eating a ton of protein, then it makes a big difference. Is it animal protein? That's the most optimal. And then second, of protein, then it makes a big difference. Is it animal protein?
Starting point is 00:06:05 That's the most optimal. And then second, of course, would be your problem. Now, how is the liver nutrients probably the best? Yeah, and they can, they're inflammatory, even in low calories, if they're at a balance, or if you eat lots of trans fats, for example. Is that true? So that was my question was, okay,
Starting point is 00:06:22 so if we were in a calorie deficit, does it really make that difference? If it's unsaturated, saturated, or trans-fast? Yeah, so it does. It does make somewhat of a difference. Now, low calorie helps a lot. But because the fats literally are what are stored in your body and become a part of your body, it does make a big difference. For example, they show that lots of vegetable oils and seed oils, even in low calorie diets,
Starting point is 00:06:47 you see more inflammation, you see more things like skin cancers and issues where nervous system issues and stuff like that. Things that fats are very important for. Proteins also, right? Proteins are made up of amino acids. So some proteins have a better amino acid profile than others. Carbohydrates, look, if your calories aren't too high, sugars or starches or glycemic index, high low carbohydrates, it all gets turned into glucose.
Starting point is 00:07:17 At that point, it's more of an individual variance. Sugar makes me feel this way. Starches make me feel that way, affects my digestion, but really doesn't make as big of a difference as it does with fats. I've always liked using carbohydrates as the flexibility macronutrients. Yeah, so that way, if my energy, I can kind of taper the amount based off of how I feel, performance wise or energy or whatever it is in terms of like the overall fuel of, of, you know, my energy for the day. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Behaviorally speaking, though, I would make the case that carbohydrates are the harder one to control one of the three of those. So the priority of, or prioritizing the, the better choices of carbohydrates, I think, would, would push it up into a higher, the higher arki of, of hierarchy of what is best or what should I focus on most, right? Like I know we make the case all the time about protein and making sure you're getting that.
Starting point is 00:08:10 I think that's good advice. But now would you say that's first though? Like when you're talking to a client, are you saying first change your carbs, you're saying first hit your protein? Always I'm gonna say hit your protein. So, but that would put protein over fat though and you said fat first. No, because you know why? I'm curious about that because we've said So but that would put protein over fat though and use it fat for.
Starting point is 00:08:25 No, because you know why? I'm curious about that because we've said that a few times. You know why? If you think about that, if you think about that in natural sources, whole natural sources, proteins almost always come. He's paired with fat. Yes. Sure.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Very rarely are people eating that. Well, and that's also why I normally focus on protein because naturally they're just going to get the fat. Yes. So that just kind of cuts. So I, but that's why I feel, and so from a behavioral and from a coaching standpoint, I'm gonna, I would potentially put protein first, fat second
Starting point is 00:08:51 because I think fat is just gonna come naturally in that conversation and say, hey, if I tell you just to go after your protein and focus on that and not even be really picky, like just go get good, whole natural source of it, and you know, hey, have some red meat every once in a while. I don't care if you have a tri-tip, or not even enjoy a little bit of sausage and things like that.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I don't care that so much as you get your protein in take, it'll take care of itself on the fat side. Don't go outside of that and go look for it other places where you're gonna get trans fat. So, I would put protein as number one, fat as second. But then the thing I don't like about making carbs carbs kind of like, oh, they're not that big of a deal, is that when you think behaviors with your clients, that's what gets abused probably more than all three.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Yeah, I'm glad you said that pinch with that a lot of time. Yeah, and I'm glad you said that because I don't want confused people like, oh, it doesn't matter, right? Right. No, no, that's not what I mean. I mean, just an order of importance. But when you look at snack foods, processed foods, foods that come in boxes and wrappers, they tend to be carbohydrate-based, right?
Starting point is 00:09:51 They tend to have... Most of it would be the carbohydrate-heavy. Yeah, they tend to be made with corn or wheat or rice, right? Because it's cheap, it's easy, it's got a long shelf life. And then what they'll do is they'll add things to make it more palatable. So cutting out heavily processed foods, usually means you're also cutting out a lot of carbohydrates at your diets.
Starting point is 00:10:12 There's not a lot of, there's more now than ever, right? Heavy processed fat and protein containing foods, but that's because the popularity of low carb diets, but it's not even close. Like you go down the aisles of the grocery store, it's like carb heavy, carb, So what you're saying makes perfect sense. But when it comes to quality, in other words, we know this, hierarchy.
Starting point is 00:10:33 All right, calories first, macro second, then quality kind of third. When you get to that quality point, when your macros are good, your calories are pretty good, I would say, look at the meat quality. That's where it makes the biggest difference first, right? You know, grass fed meats, a little bit better, fatty acid profile.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Make sure you have some fish in there for those Omega 3s. If you are adding fats, nuts tend to be really good. Olive oil is always really good to add. And then when you get to your carbohydrates, I always tell my clients this, like, eat your carbs at the end of your meal. You tend to eat less of them anyway. It's not essential.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And if you stick to whole natural sources of carbohydrates, are there bad sources of carbs? Not really, right? If it's whole natural, it's typically, what would you have? White rice, fruit, potato. It's usually okay, right? Usually people aren't eating a bowl of honey,
Starting point is 00:11:22 which even then is still. I think in that context, it's fair to say that. I think if you preface it with, we were talking about calories and macros and then quality, and then now that we're talking about quality, then you could put that, because then the other two things are taking care of. So if you assume the other things are taking care of first,
Starting point is 00:11:37 and then we're having that conversation and you're breaking it down that way, then I could see going at that angle. If I have a client where I'm just starting off, though, I'm gonna be very careful about how I communicate their carbohydrate intake, because I know see going at that angle. If I have a client where I'm just starting off though, I'm going to be very careful about how I communicate their carbohydrate intake because I know how easily that's abused, behaviorally speaking. So that's the only way place where I think it's really hard
Starting point is 00:11:53 to, in terms of fat, to find quality sources of fat for your average person. Like, you look at oils, you look at butter, you look at avocados, you look at options for that. So I think it is a bit of a priority to quality wise to really nail that down. If you eat quality meats, then you're, if you eat quality meats,
Starting point is 00:12:18 quality dairy, and you're good. If you wanna add fats, let's say you wanna add a cooking oil, right? Olive oil is phenomenal. Well, maybe you wanna add a different kind of cooking oil for baking or something like butter, coconut oil. These are all kind of natural sources of oil that don't require ridiculous amounts of processing.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Then you're doing okay. But if you start with those quality meats, you're okay. And then as far as a hierarchy of things, I've had a lot of success just telling clients, hey, let's avoid heavily processed foods. And then the other stuff tends to fall in order with people, not gonna get shredded doing that, at some point you have to really start to figure things out.
Starting point is 00:12:59 But it tends to take care of itself when I tell people just to do that. I mean, I almost feel that way about fat. So, I mean, we just just ordered, like we did our, I finally switched up by the way, my butcher box, right? Oh, you went on there? Yeah, I never switched the box. Super easy, right?
Starting point is 00:13:12 Yeah, yeah. And I, I, I, I, I, I changed out the chicken right now for the, uh, fillets and the rib eyes. But, you know, here's a perfect example. Like, so, you know, Katrina always cooks with olive oil. We use butter. I mean, we use butter on vegetables or I'll even put butter on my steak and we'll do grass fed butter, but I'm not really tracking or paying attention to
Starting point is 00:13:32 fat ever. I just don't go outside and see if you're not trying to eat it. Yeah, I feel like if you, if you get your protein intake from whole sources and you don't try and avoid fat, the fat follows. Yeah, the fat just kind of, and don't try and add it into the diet, don't go looking for it. Agreed. It's really that simple. Like, it'll find its way. Now, work and get challenging.
Starting point is 00:13:53 If you're working with someone as like a vegan who doesn't eat any meats. And now that we need to get some healthy fats, now I'm recommending things like almonds and avocado. And you're starting to do things like that. Totally. Because that person is not gonna get those healthy natural fats through,
Starting point is 00:14:08 but a normal client who doesn't have any restrictions like that and I'm teaching them about diet, I'm like, let's focus on protein. Let's make sure it's whole foods. I'm not really worried about fats gonna happen. And then I'm trying to titrate their carbohydrate choices. Like, I like that with the carbs too, because they're just not essential.
Starting point is 00:14:25 We can go all the way down to zero, where you're gonna be okay, or we can go high depending on performance goals. You brought up a good point with vegans. This is one of the reasons why eating a vegan diet. It can be healthy, but it requires much more planning and much more knowledge. With a vegan diet, you have to seek out quality protein and you have to seek out
Starting point is 00:14:46 variety of foods that complement each other to get all the nutrients that you need and you have to seek out healthy fats because you could very easily be in a fat deficiency or a protein deficiency or a micronutrient deficiency, a B vitamin or an iron, for example, in a vegan diet if you're not paying attention to what's included in the whole diet. But anyway, so you guys went filet and ribeye? Yeah, that's what we added. I've tried them both from butcher.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I have, I have. I mean, filet. I like the filet. The filet is good. I mean, filet is a leaner meat, so it tastes better that way. The rib eyes aren't up to par as like your fatty rib eye, just being straightforward.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Like it's just, I mean, you always have to remind somebody who's eating grass fed that you're making a healthier choice than eating your normal, you know, rib eye steak that you get at a, you know, it's less fatty. Yeah. It's not going to be less fat. We less. Yeah. Their, their rib eyes are closer to like a sirloin or something like that.
Starting point is 00:15:40 It's not, they're just not as fatty as they are. And now because the filet is leaner, I love it. Yeah. I love it. Cause it already kind of tastes like that. It's not, they're just not as fatty as they are. And because the filet is leaner, I love it. Yeah, I love it. Because it already kind of tastes like that. So I agree. Now, what I am going to do different this time, which I haven't done is I'm going to try and sous vide it. So I haven't sous vide their meat.
Starting point is 00:15:54 I'm going to try and sous vide it first. You see it afterwards? And then see it afterwards. So we'll see, we'll see how that goes. And then maybe I'll do one where I sous vide and then do like a trigger. So I'll mess around with it. We do a lot of their try tipsips, a lot of the tritips. And my son is a fanatic for trit,
Starting point is 00:16:10 literally yesterday I cooked up a couple of the tritips. What I do is I sear them in a cast iron. First I do the whole like salt, all the oil, I put seasoning, sear it, put it in the oven, took it out and my son already smells it. Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. All right, calm down, let me get it right. So I cut them. And I cut like three slices like this.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Remember, my son is 16, is 16 months. Big three big slices. Like there's no way this kid can eat all that. Fricking me sure enough. I'm giving it to him. I'm like, and I stopped at one point. I'm like, enough. That's it. We're done. Starts crying. Ah, oh my God, kid. All right, here you go. Here's some more.
Starting point is 00:16:46 I had one of the coolest moments I've had as a father, like so far with Max, just the other night. So last weekend was the weekend that I had. So Katrina left last week on Thursday. I had him all the way from Thursday to Sunday. And Saturday night was my last night with him, right? Cause I know she'd be back on Sunday. And so when I went to bed, I was like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:17:07 If he tosses in church, sometimes he'll get up and then he has to tell him to go back to bed. Sometimes we have to walk him back to bed and he goes back to bed. Sometimes he'll do that. And he and I told myself, if he does, I'm gonna let him get up and he can come sleep with me last night and him and I.
Starting point is 00:17:20 He doesn't cuddle with me. He cuddles with his mom. If he's with it, if Katrina's in the bed, I don't get no love. Like he wants to be all snuggled up to his mom So I'm like yeah, so my god, you know, I get one one night. I'll get to actually cuddle with them So I let him do that right? Well, I just so happen to be up. I haven't been watching our show in a while even since we've done the lights
Starting point is 00:17:37 And I'm like I want to watch a one of our quads just see how the flow is what it looks like and so I'm watching it in bed and He wakes up and I'm like oh oh shit, so I'm like, well, I said I want it. So I bring him in. I'm like, you know what, I'm just gonna see what he does. So I just, I let him lay there with me while I'm on my phone watching. And he just like rested his head on my chest
Starting point is 00:17:58 and watched the show. And so he watches YouTube and I use his iPads stuff like that, but he's never watched MindPump before. And he's like, daddy. He's like, yeah. Yeah, he's pointing on the, yeah, he has daddy, he pop his head up, then he lay back down, but he ended up falling asleep on my chest while I was,
Starting point is 00:18:13 oh, that's so great. Critiquing and watching the show. I was like, oh, that was a really good idea. And then he slept with me all night. And it's not really the same. That was a cool day. When Jessica was pregnant with Aralia, she used to listen to, she would listen to MindPump
Starting point is 00:18:23 and she would put it on speaker. Yeah. And I don't know if that did anything or whatever, but when the intro comes on, the show comes on, he's like so interested in like the show or whatever. That's correct. Yeah, I know. Have your kids. It's pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:18:36 It's like, I told you about, you know, kind of lifting with the high school kids and whatnot. I kind of like was hesitant about bringing something. I didn't have access to the video. I'll probably try and find it, but apparently I was like trying to get more involved and trying to pump them up and just kinda show them, you know, some sample times. Like yeah, I did like, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:58 So I was doing over at press and I was just, you know, it was just like 2.25, it was nothing crazy. And these kids' minds just explode. That's the most I've ever done, okay. Stop making me feel bad. Yeah, but it was just kind of a funny thing, because I didn't know I was getting videotaped, and I'm just like, you know, getting after it, and then going down, like kind of high five,
Starting point is 00:19:19 and I guess one of the kids like filmed it, and then filmed the reaction of all the kids, and then put it on like Snapchat or Yeah, Tiktok or something. It's like viral right now. Yeah, the the freaking the crazy coach, you know, getting after it. So I was like, I gotta fight. Hold on a second. I got it. I wish I was there.
Starting point is 00:19:37 So okay, how strong was the strongest kid? Uh, it for overhead press. Yeah. So we got up to, it was like, I wanna see like 155, it wasn't. Oh my God, that's pretty strong. Pretty good, for high school kid. Yeah, that was the strongest kid. It was a massive drop off there. Yeah, I don't wanna talk about it.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yeah, that's really good science. Is he a lineman? Well, was he? Yeah, yeah. So he's doing that and you're like, I'm gonna jump in and make it happen. Yeah, just like, I bet there's potential here. Here's a thing're like, I'm gonna jump in and make it happen. Yeah, just like, I bet there's potential here.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Here's a thing, like I just, and it's a generational, whatever it is, like they just haven't had clear examples of what it takes to kind of like, you gotta get into mental space where you're like, I'm here to, you know, really try harder to stack weights and like, this is my goal is to keep moving it up. Not just come in and do the reps
Starting point is 00:20:26 and I did what I have to do today. It's like, no, let's get intense. I don't know how to like manufacture that. You know what I'm saying? So I started doing it because my coach did that. I didn't realize that. So we started thinking about it. I'm like, my head coach would just kind of jump in
Starting point is 00:20:41 and do a set of bench. And his veins are popping out of his neck and he's like doing more than any of us even seen and it was like It's go crazy man. I'm like did it work when you did that where they're super jazz Yeah, the least kids are talking about the next day and stuff, but it was it was cool It was like a total ego Phil because I walk in any other gym everybody's just like yeah, whatever whatever I won't even post on Instagram Like there's plenty of people. Well, you know what it's cool about it is you're not like a, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:09 you're not a young coach who's 20 or 30 who show it off to the teenage kids. Like you're an old guy now, bro. I know. So it's great. And oh, yeah, an old guy being able to still throw that weight up is very cool. Can I tell you? You know, say, you guys cool. You guys cool of your 25, bro.
Starting point is 00:21:22 It's so true. So I showed my you good. You, hey, you guys know this is as cool if you're 25 bro. That's so true. So I should have my ego. You guys know this as much as I do. For when you're a young man, the most impressive dude in the world is the old school man. Yeah. The young school. And you now fall in that category.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Yeah. You're not the douchey 25 year old guy who's showing off the teenagers. You're actually the old guy who say, hey, I guess I've got it bro. So. I love that. Yeah, to me that's totally different.
Starting point is 00:21:43 You're allowed to flex to me. I feel like you're allowed to do that because you've earned the right, you're old enough now when everybody else is declined by this age. I still got it in me to do that. So, if you were 25, I did list. If you were 25, I would be punking you right now. I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I'm gonna show up and do some polls. I'm gonna pull you in. I'm gonna pay myself. Speaking of football, did you see, maybe Doug had pulled us up because I didn't even get a chance to read deep in the article. It came up in my feet and I was like, holy the what the NFL is talking about doing what are you doing time about starting their own streaming service Their own you know how much that will disrupt like Kate they have contracts with direct TV like cable services channels like
Starting point is 00:22:21 There's so many other Companies and channels that make tons of money. ESPN, OSPN, Fox, Direct TV, they all have massive. They would do their own and you would pay for it. Just think about it. Yeah, just imagine what it would look like. Yeah, Direct to the source.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Oh my God. It would be better for the consumer and you would probably wait. We're planning an NFL plus mobile streaming service. Wow. So, okay, I mean, that's the future, bro. Everything for mobile streaming service. Wow. So, okay. I mean, that's the future, for everything for years, I paid for direct TV just so I could get the NFL ticket.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And I'm not the only person to, all my friends were the same way. Like we hated direct TV, but I would pay the stupid monthly fee and then pay the extra $800 a year so I could get all the games. So, I mean, think about that. And many people were like me that were paying for direct TV just so they could get all the games. So I mean, think about that. And many people were like me that were paying for
Starting point is 00:23:07 direct TV just so they could have the, because they had the rights to the NFL ticket. And I believe that is up this year. And that's why this conversation is happening is, if they take all of those rights back and then do a streaming service, holy shit. That's gonna disrepresent. Do you guys remember the discussion?
Starting point is 00:23:22 This is for fans that don't live in that area anymore. That's always been a hard thing. Totally. Totally. Totally. Do you guys remember the discussion? This is for fans that don't live in that area anymore. That's always been a hard thing. Totally. Get your team. Totally. Do you guys remember the discussion we had maybe five or six years ago on the show where we predicted what would happen with all these streaming services? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:35 And I think it's gonna be all a card. We actually had a big debate. I think Adam, he thought they were all gonna consolidate into one. I did. I thought there would be a company that would eventually, I think that'll happen. I think first what you see though is this splintering off and all these small streaming services and then eventually they start to consolidate under big, you know, I do believe that's still going to happen. I really do. I do think that you're going to see I think right now. Yeah, I think right now everybody has seen it and then there will be, you know, your big monsters probably Amazon Google one of these types of companies will go,
Starting point is 00:24:03 okay, I want to I want to buy all these streaming services and then we're going to put it under one umbrella. I do think that's what it is. I think eventually that, because I think about how valuable you will be to a consumer, to go, like right now, if I want to watch something on HBO, got to go to HBO, got to go to Hulu, got to Netflix, how great would it be if you just like search and it goes to the one that you want to watch and you watch it? So I think at some point it'll end up doing that. Yeah, you already see some of them bundling together and partnering up.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Like it's starting to already kind of happen, but there's still a lot of these ones that have to break off and do their own thing, but great for the consumer. Totally. Yeah. Dude, I gotta tell you guys the hilarious story that happened this morning.
Starting point is 00:24:39 So I worked out super early this morning. I was at the gym at like 5.30, because I had to be here at 8.00 AM because I was gonna get interviewed on a podcast. So I'm over there, I'm working out, do my thing. I had time, oh, let me do the steam room, let me do my thing, whatever. Get in the car and I'm driving and then hell of traffic.
Starting point is 00:25:00 And I'm like, shit, I better not be late, right? So I start, you know, don't do this at home, kids, doing the weaving thing. And I start driving like a little bit of an asshole to get here on time. Well, behind me, there's a, what is it, a dodge charger or whatever? Yeah. Pacing me. And I mean, it's, it's going. And it's, and at this point, I'm like, oh, this is kind of fun. Anyway, this is the CHP or this, no, that wasn't. Thank God. They, they, yeah. I know.
Starting point is 00:25:27 So at some point, this car gets, starts getting really aggressive, goes around me and starts going in front. So now I start going and they're cutting me off. And I'm like, this mother, right? So I pull up next to this car. I want to see who's in there. Old lady. Old lady.
Starting point is 00:25:41 No, here's the best part. Because she, and I mean, like, she's 70, dude. And she was driving aggressively now at this little lady from Pasadena at this point I see it's an old lady. I'm not mad anymore. I'm impressed right so I smile at her and she flips me off at the Pish they stop here like you I was like I like salty old lady smiling at her like oh hell yeah, you know, she's just fucking I like salty, old lady. I like smiling at her like, oh hell yeah. She just fucking, urr, that took her.
Starting point is 00:26:05 That's okay. You probably cut her off, you didn't even know that. And she was probably riding her ass after her. She was trying to catch up to you. Yeah, you probably cut her off and then she was pissed off the whole time. Whenever I still like her, a bad ass lady. Yeah. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:26:17 She's got places to be, dude. Anyway, so, do you guys have any special talents that nobody knows about? I read an article today, made me think about this. Well, no. Katrina, when I actually asked this question the other day, I literally just, I'm not can juggle,
Starting point is 00:26:29 sometimes people don't know that, which is kind of about you. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know when I picked that up, but I can get up to like four balls, you know? Wow. So it's pretty good. Too many a chance.
Starting point is 00:26:41 I'm a multi-ball handler. What about you? Do you have any specials? Okay, so someone asked me this question the other day, I'm a multi-ball Handler what about you? Okay, so someone asked me this question the other day. I'm looking for right now because I just I was like You know, I don't think I have any special talents At least not that I think of and I was talking to Katrina. I was texting her back on fourth. I say Honey, do I have any special talents and she said laugh out loud and she sent a bunch of stuff over and I was I didn't think they were that talented But I thought it was pretty funny. I'm trying to find in my phone right now, okay? Well, I'll remind you why you're why you're telling me why you're looking for it and I didn't think they were that talented, but I thought it was pretty funny. I'm trying to find out my phone right now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:05 I'll remind you why you're why you're telling me. You're why you're looking for it. I was just reading, I was on Facebook. This article pops up. Yeah. I can burp on command. Have you guys ever heard of a guy by the name of Joseph Pujole?
Starting point is 00:27:19 Joseph Pujole. I don't think I've heard of it. He was quite famous in 19th century France because he could suck water up his anus. What? And then sprayed out. He was a performer. Can you do that?
Starting point is 00:27:32 He was a performer at the Mulan Rouge. And his name was Le Petomane, the Fartomaniac. Yeah. I wouldn't believe you if I didn't see it firsthand. Like I think I told you about my brother's hidden talent and ability, which we never really talk about because I don't want to embarrass him all the time, but like, we talk about.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Yeah, I'm gonna talk about in front of a million people. It's fine. Yeah, he's an adult now. So he could just suck it up. So his whole thing, he would lay on down on the ground and he'd lift his legs up So he had like this perfect arch with his asses this button the air, right? And then you would literally hear it you'd hear the air just
Starting point is 00:28:16 And then he would just blast You brothers and I was like we would die laughing right The worst part was, and I believe I told us a long time ago on the podcast, but we had this decorative trumpet that my parents had on a coffee table like this. And so I'll just retell it again, but it was there, and we had somebody over and they're just kind of talking, they grab it, and then they're just kind of talking they grab it and then we're you know
Starting point is 00:28:46 They're just kind of being silly and start playing it and everything and I saw him playing I was like We don't start dying laughing because I know where that's been you got you got pink eye afterwards. Yeah, exactly Yeah, yeah, I found So I this is something so when Katrina was gone this this came up. And I said, do I have any worthless talent you can think of? She sends back to me. I have a long list left. I thought, yeah, I said liar, name one.
Starting point is 00:29:13 She goes, your brain is a calculator. What are you talking about? When someone is calculating something you respond before they get a calculator. You have a beautiful writing. All letters are the same size, useless. You make a bed like you were in the army with tucked corners.
Starting point is 00:29:24 It's beautiful, but who cares? As she goes, I can go on. So those are her exact. You have a very nice writing. Yeah, I did think it's all right. I don't think it's that. It looks like a girl's writing. I think she has terrible writing.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I'm not the... Yeah, she says all the letters. That's got to be the most opposite thing about you and I. And that's what, obviously, what you're saying, I can turn it as the hand-wrestth handwriting. Does she really? That is bad as mine. It's up there. No way. Yeah, she that's what opposite I could you know, I have the hand right hand right. Does she really not as bad as my It's up there. No way. Yeah, she'll take notes and a lot of times I'll look over
Starting point is 00:29:50 I'm like you can't even read I know you can't even read your own shit like how do you do that? I don't know you like you're the key but I would I would cross cursive with just regular What do you call the regular writing is just anyways, anyways, but I would, it would merge them together. Printing. I mean, it's not a cool talent like, you know, to blow a trumpet with your ass. I think that's a real talent.
Starting point is 00:30:11 That's a real talent. Writing with cute letters, tucking a bed in and fucking, you know, and I can't like, shoot a bone arrow with my toes or anything. I've seen people do that. My handwriting was so, I used to get hammered by it by my teachers. It was actually a point of stress.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Really, it was a stressful issue for me in elementary school and finally my fifth grade teacher said Just write in all upper caps and from then on that's how I wrote all upper caps and the this is actually legible The yes, the lower case ones are just smaller upper case letters and from that day That's how I've always written but you guys have seen my handwriting. It's try writing a cursive Z. It's a true story. I really snog it. I forget about it. I have the absolute worst anyway.
Starting point is 00:30:51 So Adam, I wanted to ask you, we did the episode with Dr. Stephen Cabral. He tested our minerals. I'm so excited about this. He found one of the things that was most remarkable, besides the fact that we all had mercury, which is a little alarming, but the no STDs. No, I don't think they tested that. Oh, good, good. But the one thing that was really cool was because you always talk about using Neds mellow and feeling it right away. And you, if you listen to the show for
Starting point is 00:31:18 longer than six months, you know, Adam always says, you can feel it. Maybe I probably have a magnesium deficiency. It showed up in your hair time. Well, it was wild that I'm still low even after consistently doing that. So which just makes me go like, wow, if I'm still low, I feel the impact of when I take that at night time. Where would you have before? Yeah, what was my levels like before?
Starting point is 00:31:39 So he's got me now, so he told me that I should take it twice a day. And he recommended not in the morning. So he said, go afternoon time and and then and I just started this. So I'm on like day two or three. Right. Notice. I mean, so far so good.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Like I feel great. I mean, I already, like I said, when I take that, when I take the net at night, it is like game changer for me. Yeah. I mean, what is it? 60% of the population is deficient in magnesium. So there's 40% of people that hear me talk about that and they're like, oh, whatever, I tried it, it's worthless.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Okay, well yeah, 40% the other's 60% I guarantee it will make that kind of an impact. So it already does make a huge impact. So the last couple nights, it's been good. Now, because I think I was probably getting some better than none before, it was already helping my sleep tremendously. So I'm not sure how much more I'm gonna feel by doubling it,
Starting point is 00:32:28 but I'm gonna double it no matter what because I'm still low. I mean, he's telling me to do that, but I really can't wait to get everything else all balanced out because I had several things that were at a balance and I haven't done the stool and the blood test with him. Gonna do all of that. You're doing all that?
Starting point is 00:32:42 I'm doing everything. I have them ordering it for all of us. So I want us all to do that. I hate that man. You literally have to poop and stuff. Yeah, I know, I'm not excited about it. Let's just email it. I don't know, you don't do that.
Starting point is 00:32:53 But you mail it and you have to, you know what they tell you to do before you mail it? You put it in the fridge. So literally, somebody could open your fridge. There's a paper bag. What's in here? The part that, like everything,
Starting point is 00:33:04 what was really interesting to me was as he went through each one of us, obviously I'm paying attention mostly to what the stuff he was pointing out with me. It's almost every time he would talk about, oh, if this level is deficient right here, here's some of the potential side effects. Like one of the potential side effects is all skin stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:21 That's my thing, right? My psoriasis is like my, my, my, my, my nemesis. It's my thing that I'm My psoriasis is like my, my, my nymphosis. It's my thing that I'm always working on trying to get better and utilizing everything I can and always trying to make my diet better. So I'm really excited to try and get all those levels balanced out since every single level that was off for me, one of the side effects is skin issues. So I'm hoping that if I can get all that balanced out, do the other two tests with them that
Starting point is 00:33:44 maybe I can actually see some That would be so great some real dramatic and it's good timing right now because ever since covid my psoriasis has been the worst of my life I wonder so I two my two theories I would have on that one is how to affect your immune system. There's been some Research to suggest that the that covid triggers autoimmune issues and people kind of makes it worse. And the second thing would be, I wonder if it depleted some of those nutrients in you more than normal and replacing those nutrients like you are now. How much, maybe that'll make you sure. So weird, dude. I wanted to ask you about that because like, was there anything about
Starting point is 00:34:20 a joint pain and like eight, Cause like my back was just a problem for the last few months. And this was after I had the Omicron and recovered from it. It didn't last very long, but what lasted was my back pain, dude. I had it like for like a couple of months. People would say that as well.
Starting point is 00:34:40 So weird. Yeah, kind of this long lasting inflammatory response. So I don't know. It's interesting. I know in my, well, by the way, in NED in the mellow, there's a form of magnesium called magnesium 3 and 8 that even if you don't need magnesium, it crosses the blood brain barrier and it's been shown to improve cognition and cognitive performance. So whether you're low or not, even the magnesium 3 and 8, you'll notice some, you should notice
Starting point is 00:35:04 some benefit. For me, what was interesting was how my copper and zinc were off. I need more copper. One of the side effects of low copper is losing pigmentation in your hair. Now, we both share that one in copper. We do, now here's a deal. Over the last like five years, it's accelerated.
Starting point is 00:35:21 And now I'm even getting some white arm hairs and chest hairs. I'm like, dude, I know. I'm like, the hell so I'm I'm starting to supplement with the what he recommended with the copper Yeah, so but I'm it'll take longer to show up right cuz my hair has to grow up So how cool would that be if my hair gets started? Yeah, we're all I mean I haven't been this excited to do so I mean the there's it's quite the regimen that we have coming right So I'm really excited to stick with it. We're doing the heavy metal detox stuff too. Was it Clorella, Broken Cell Clorella, and...
Starting point is 00:35:50 So long tro, so long tro. And I've just, I've heard so many incredible things about Crabral. Everyone that's worked with him that I've sent that way is just like, it's come back with like life changing story. So, and you know, I've, I've, I've had to do it myself. I haven't, I haven't been able to solve my psoriasis thing by myself.
Starting point is 00:36:08 And so it's time that I get somebody like him to actually try and dive into it with me and see what happens. Yeah, I wanted to bring something up. You brought up on the show, I don't know, a few episodes back over. There was a, there was a, a gallop, I think it was a gallop poll.
Starting point is 00:36:20 It was a poll on the percentage of people that identify as... Oh yeah, the youngest group right now has jumped into the 20% time. And the next group after that is like a less than half of that or something. Okay, so it was a survey of 12,416 US adults conducted between January and December of 2021. So it's Americans who self-identified as LGBTQ in 2021 by generation. So the traditional
Starting point is 00:36:48 list, these are people born before 1946, 0.8%. So almost nobody. Baby boomers who are born between 1946 and 1964, 2.6% Gen X, which is us, that's 1965 to 1984.2%. Millennials who are born between 1981, 1996, 10.5% and then Z between 97 and 2003, 20.8%. Yeah, more than double, right? So this brought up this debate and actually was on Twitter and I posted something about this and it was a great discussion
Starting point is 00:37:22 as to whether or not sexual orientation is malleable through a culture environment, that kind of stuff, or if it's entirely genetic. This would suggest that there's some malleability there. So I posted this and I got lots of comments and then someone posted a study. I did not know that they actually did a big study on this where they looked for genetic
Starting point is 00:37:46 markers for people who identify as being a part of that community. And they found in this large study that they could account for about 34% of, you know, whether or not your gay or bisexual lesbian through genetics, which means that leaves a large percentage due to your environment, right? So I think like everything behavioral from humans, it's a mix of both. But it did stir up a lot of controversy because what that brought up was some people said, well, first of all, if there's a genetic influence, then what's the morality of people saying, well, then let
Starting point is 00:38:27 me genetically modify my kids so they are or they aren't. And then other people came on and said, well, they should have never done this study because now they're going to blame culture on this or whatever. So it started this huge, which is silly because I think it's just good information. Really interesting, though, right? Really, really interesting stuff. Also, yeah, I'd like to see too, in terms of children, and how, you know, how malleable they are,
Starting point is 00:38:51 and what kind of information they're exposed to, like definitions, and things like that. Like, what that looks like in terms of that contributing and being like a factor, like how high of a factor is that versus, you know, like just because of information has changed so much over the years and promotion of lifestyles, it's definitely shifted quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Yeah, somebody said on the discussion that was on there that, well, it's because people are afraid. Yeah, that's a weak argument. I do, so I think that's a weak argument for the doubling or so. You can attribute some of that 100%. I agree. Yeah, 100%. I don't think it's a weak argument. I do. So I think that's a weak argument for the doubling or so. You can attribute some of that 100%. I agree. Yeah, I don't think it's all of it.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Yeah, and definitely if you're comparing 1960 to now for sure, I believe that, but I don't buy the generation jump of doubling like that's no way. I don't agree that. I think that it plays a role, but I don't think it plays the absolute. I don't think it's all of it. I think it's silly to think that it's not malleable when you consider the complexity of sexual behavior among humans, because if you really look at it,
Starting point is 00:39:52 break it down, 90 something percent of the sexual stuff you do is not to procreate. It has nothing to do with procreation. So definitely sexist to procreate, but the majority of the sexual stuff that humans do is not to pro, and it's very complex, and people can find lots of things as turn-ons or turn-offs or whatever, and it's very different.
Starting point is 00:40:13 So I think it is very, absolutely very malignant. What's that cartoon, big head, or what's the one where they, they're all going through big mouth. Big mouth, it's just to me, it's just like, it's so confusing when you're in that through big mouth. Big mouth. It's just to me, it's just like, it's so confusing. When you're in that period of life, it's so impressionable and you get imprinted, it's certain parts of your life. So it's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:34 To me, it's a lot of it is what you experience kind of developing and going through that. Yeah. And there's studies that show that trauma sometimes plays a role. Right. Environmental factors like chemicals, there's some evidence to suggest that that may also be a role. I mean, I think it's so, it would be so naive to think
Starting point is 00:40:52 that it's not a nature nurture thing. Yeah, it's both. It has to be, just like everything else is, like to assume that like something is own, this is just nature, that's it, that's just how it is. Or to think,
Starting point is 00:41:02 or to think it's just nurture, there's no way that there's not a biological difference in all of us. There's like anything else, there's nuance all over the place. Yeah, okay, so since you brought up that controversy, I have to ask you guys, and what is your opinion on what's happening with Disney right now? Have you seen what the CEO came out?
Starting point is 00:41:18 I think they pull an article up with the CEO comes out at believe. I think they made the stupidest business decision ever. They're gonna lose a lot of money. Stupid. And not because I agree or disagree with them, I don't care about that. I think if you're a big company and unless you're perfect, do not poke that kind of a fight
Starting point is 00:41:36 because the fight that they're poking in particular, it had to do with the bill in Florida, which literally states that administrators, teachers between preschool and third grade cannot discuss or teach sexual orientation or gender theory or that stuff. Yeah, I'm down with that. Which, hey, majority of people when they're pulled and they understand the actual bill, they agree with that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:01 But anyway, that's not the point. The point is, Disney came out and opposed the bill and took a stance. Here's why it's a stupid business decision because Disney is not perfect at all. And so now what people are pointing out is, well, you guys have, you guys do lots of business in China and they're imprisoning the weavers and they're putting them in these camps and they're sterilizing them and they have all this oppressive policies. So how could you, you're not consistent. And I think that's a big lesson companies gonna learn
Starting point is 00:42:29 that they wanna come out and say something because they think it's cool. Shut your mouth because you're not perfect because you're gonna get picked apart and now Disney's getting picked apart. That's what's happening right now. They don't, they look like... We watch it as anyone watching their stock
Starting point is 00:42:41 and what's happening because this just happened, right? So the executive came out and, now, Jagger, you're reading the article because I thought I heard that they came out to oppose the Florida thing. And then she went further to say that going forward, that was a different, that was a conversation. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:42:57 One executive, I think, yeah. I think it was the main executive, no. So she had like a pansexual child in the, she said 50% of the content content the target was to produce 50% of the content for the LGBTQ crowd, some along those lines, which, yeah, 50% of its regular characters by the end of the year, by the end of the year. Okay, like if that's, if that's, that's a business decision, the market will tell you
Starting point is 00:43:21 if that's a thing. Yeah, we'll see, yeah, with the responses, as a consumer, you could say, I don't like it or I like it. That's your choice. Yeah, market will tell you if that's the idea. Well, that's the thing. Yeah, we'll see, yeah, with the responses. Because as a consumer, you could say, I don't like it or I like it. That's your choice. That's the thing, yeah. You're a business and that's your decision, but I honestly don't, we'll see how to place out. I don't think it's gonna play out well.
Starting point is 00:43:34 I don't think it's gonna play out well because, well, it depends how they present it. Because if it seems like they're over sexualizing certain situations to push that, I don't care if it's, I could be straight, it doesn't matter. If it's my, if I have a four year old five year old watching it, I don't, I don't certainly think this is a little stock isn't doing so well. We want to, yeah, but what, what stock is doing well right now? Yeah, yeah, but that's a six month,
Starting point is 00:43:57 does looking at a six month run right now. Yeah, I know, but I mean, yeah, there's a year. Yeah, I mean, go five year on a downward trend. Not enough. Everything was crushing in the last year. Let's go five year trend. Let's see what that looks like. Well, five year trend, they're going to be, yeah, it's still, they're almost back down to where they were. Five years ago. Yeah, well, this is the pickle you get in those accompanying
Starting point is 00:44:14 and try to get an agenda and try and like move forward with trying to shape culture instead of just doing what you do well, which is, you know, make movies and content that, you know, well, in neutral, in-defit, in Disney's defense, we are in a weird fucking time that you're damned if you do, you're damned if you do. You're right. You're right. You're right.
Starting point is 00:44:40 And so, you know, I- People demand, we want to know your stance. I'm so glad that the four of us don't give a fuck. That's right. And I'll burn this motherfucker down before I let somebody tell me what I have to say or do, but we're also, we don't run. We didn't inherit a $40 billion business that you're responsible for whatever Disney's worth.
Starting point is 00:45:00 I know they're in the billions of dollars. And so, imagine that, imagine that we're the executives of a $40 billion or whatever it is, maybe dunking fact check me since I just keep throwing that number out, business. And now we are hit, because, you know, and if you take a percentage, say you've brought up the generation coming up, 20% identify as part of the community, you got 20% is a loud number of people.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Yeah. Especially when that people dominate the social media. Yeah, yeah. So if you looked at who is on the TikTok platform, who's on Instagram, and so if you're a disproportionate, right? Absolutely. And if 20% of that generation is identifying in that category,
Starting point is 00:45:38 and they are 80% of TikTok and 80% of Twitter and 80% of... Well, even if it was just 10% of your employee force, you know, if you have 20,000 employees and 2,000 people... That's right. Protest. That's right. You know, you could definitely... So, imagine the feel of that as a company going like,
Starting point is 00:45:56 God, this is... I still think you're right. I agree with you, but I still think... You're better. You think long-term, though. You're better if you don't, because you'll weather the storm. Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Because now what they've done is they've opened themselves up to severe criticism all over the place. Here's some more inconsistencies, okay? During the pandemic, right? So they're super like, eh, Florida is evil, Florida is bad, right? During the pandemic, Disney World was open two weeks after the pandemic started and crushing and people were working there and still making money and employed. California Disney was shut down for what, a year and a half.
Starting point is 00:46:26 People add a work, add a business. So that looks kind of hypocritical, right? The way that they do business with China seems extremely hypocritical. Remember the NBA did the same thing. The NBA made this big like we're against depression, blah, blah, blah. You can't even say the word China in anything any negative sense in the NBA
Starting point is 00:46:46 or they'll block it, right? Because China's such a big consumer of their. So you just open your, unless you're perfect, you need to be quiet, in my opinion, as a corporation, because you're just gonna get destroyed. They look really bad now. They're gonna get picked apart by all this imperfect shit that they do,
Starting point is 00:47:01 because they're... Yeah, but how do you remain quiet to when you get put in the position like what I'm saying like so I get so I get not coming out so I get your point of like okay, I'm we're not gonna come out and say anything about uh um you know the what's his name in Florida a dissentist or a dissentist or whatever right I get like okay you're you're you're you know stepping in your own shit by doing that to your point okay so don't say anything there but what do you do when 2,000 of your employees
Starting point is 00:47:26 are revolting because they don't feel like they're underserved in your cartoons? I would do, first off, I think it's the way you start, you start the culture and you literally say, we are a non-political company and we will never make political statements and that's the way it is. And if you're hired, that's what you understand.
Starting point is 00:47:43 And if they do that, you say, sorry, it's our policy. We don't take any stances whatsoever. So you can choose to work here or not. I think you might feel a little pain initially, but you're gonna feel way more pain later on. Now all of a sudden, Disney was never a political company. They are now a political company. I mean, everything is.
Starting point is 00:48:00 I mean, yeah, yeah, you say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna yeah, I was gonna say, I'm never gonna have like content out there that's devoid of agendas and politics. I know. It's so exhaustive. I know, isn't it ridiculous?
Starting point is 00:48:10 No, it's impossible. I always get so excited when I see a movie and it's just a movie. Yeah. It's like, oh, cool. It's a story that made its way to completion and then the end. Yeah, but the truth is about, you say that
Starting point is 00:48:22 because it resonates with you or you enjoy it, but then somebody else is going like, oh my God, that is so right wing fucking movie. It's like you can't win right now. No, no matter what, no matter what, somebody on the other side is going to, even if it's not political, somebody is going to make it political. That's the, that's kind of like, Oh, by the way, speaking of political and more controversial stuff. Who is your comedian? You introduced me to Justin that Chris. Oh, Chris the staffer though. Yes. No relation. He's so funny. Yes. He is really good. And I have, I just started, I just started following him and he came out and he, he's done a couple things on
Starting point is 00:48:59 of course, the Will Smith and Chris Rock thing, right? Because everybody's talking about that. And his, he went on this rant and he he goes, this is the greatest example of white privilege I've ever seen. What? What? He says, we'll smith this white privilege. The fact that he's handsome, yeah. The fact that a man could walk up and slap another man of the face and then sit down and then receive a reward 15 minutes later
Starting point is 00:49:19 and be celebrated and honored like that. That is the greatest example of white privilege ever seen. What? I don't understand. I don't understand how that's white privilege. Exactly. That's easy. It's the greatest example of white privilege ever seen. What? I don't understand. I don't understand how that's white privilege. Exactly. That's, he's being funny. He's just being sarcastic.
Starting point is 00:49:30 It's, of course, it's not white privilege. He's black, you know what I'm saying? So did you hear it? Did you hear that string of wild tweets? Oh, it was so good. I fucking fell on the chair. You know Chris Rock is doing a comedy tour right now? He's crushing.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Standing ovation. I love it. And the price of his tickets, like tripled. Like a champion, dude. He price of his tickets like tripled. Good for him. Good for him. He definitely has handled it like that. Now did you guys see the picture that was circulating on the internet
Starting point is 00:49:52 that seemed to show a close up of Chris Rock's face, the part where he was about to get slapped? And it looked like he was wearing like a pad on his face. Like, that's not true. So they actually figured that, oh, this is either a bad Photoshop or whatever. But it was a conspiracy theory was crazy. You know what, and again, I started out with that
Starting point is 00:50:10 in our first conversation about it. I'm just like, I start checking myself after that episode of my, I gotta take in some less conspiratorial content. Yeah, I should probably back off a little bit. Like, because your brain just kind of goes into that mud. If it's so shocking, because it was so out of the ordinary.
Starting point is 00:50:30 If you play, don't sign up. Side of the way. Backwards when the slap first hits, all the way till he gets his wigs. I would be like, what's the agenda here? Because everything's an agenda. Like, what is the agenda here? Why would they be like that?
Starting point is 00:50:40 Chris Rock supposedly is not pressing charges. And if the Oscars don't do anything as far as repercussions for what he did, I still stand by that they, they, they, there's something behind all this hard headed. Well, I mean, if they don't, I've conceded finally, but yeah, I'm not. I'm not. If they, if those things happen, now, if the Oscars come out and say, can't, can't have it, or that even if do something as simple as, hey, next year you can't come. Yeah. Like, they have to do something, right?
Starting point is 00:51:08 Yeah. I mean, could you, if that were? Everybody's wading from a do-sought that it's crazy. They have to. Or they're in on it. Or they're getting so much benefit from it. I don't know how you can do this with this. It's this come up with this conspiracy theory
Starting point is 00:51:22 and then believe it so hardly, when anything that Justin and I talk about, you're always like, oh, good. Because you guys are talking about fucking aliens and buttholes and weird shit, dude. I'm talking about this. I'm talking about aliens and buttholes.
Starting point is 00:51:34 What I'm talking about is actually very logical, very logical. You are a media company which puts out bullshit all the time and it is known for lying, is known for doing deceitful shit. You have a community that is extremely tight of people like that. Your ratings have been dying for the last 10 years. You're getting your ass kicked by social media.
Starting point is 00:51:53 It is not far fetched to say, let's stay. But everybody is doing drama to get attention. We want you to destroy your career. Is it destroying his career? It's's going to it's not good. It's good. Okay. Well, you show me one metric that shows that this is not even beneficial to him.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I don't know. We'll see how it plays out. I think it's the same. And I'll concede to that. We'll see. I'll concede because you're right. If we'll miss the biggest loser so far, he is the biggest loser so far. But in a situation like that, I mean, Jay, they're going to get divorced. He is the biggest loser so far. But in a situation like that.
Starting point is 00:52:25 And you and Jay are gonna get divorced over that. Somebody always has to take a hit in a situation like that. I think he's gonna be like, Damn it, I look stupid and my wife abuses me and that's why I'm here. But I remember you saying like, where's it, like there was, there's lots of people promoting what he did. Yes, they're out there.
Starting point is 00:52:39 And I was watching a couple interviews of somebody on there like, I can't believe Chris Rock would say. And like, he's a comedian. I can't even believe that the reaction of a simple joke. You know what I mean? Like, give me a break. Yeah, Joe Rogan did talk about it. I loved his take on it.
Starting point is 00:52:56 And then I thought to myself, like, could you imagine someone went up to try to slap Joe Rogan, just get spin kicked right to the solar plexus? He would be thinking, like he knew no ramifications were gonna happen. Yes. Well, and I'm still surprised that Chris Rock didn't respond.
Starting point is 00:53:13 I know. I don't know how you don't hit a guy back if he gets slapped. And even if you don't, you don't, he was so, do you throw a punch just by it? Like how did he not even shove him or how did he not even get in a defensive like fighting stance like have you ever been slapped or If you're a comedian or if you're a comedian and you get slapped like that your best weapon is your mouth How do you not fucking double and triple down if that like you come and embarrass me on TV and I'm a professional comedian
Starting point is 00:53:38 I am going to rip your family apart now like if I if you got me right physically and I can't get you and you embarrass me like that and my, my craft is my mouthpiece. Like I'm going to crucify you when you go sit down. Like I'm going to and let and by that time if he were to get up again, I would I if it's not staged, you got to think he's going to get tackles. Yeah. So I don't know. I will, I will see how everything plays out. But if you know, it was a part of me that's like maybe he just, he felt bad, like delivering it. Maybe he didn't know, like the certain, but it's like, at that point, I mean. Of course he knew, that's why he threw the joke.
Starting point is 00:54:11 I know, but that's the, Alopecia wrote, come on. It's fucking, it's not cancer. No, I mean, come on, it's, it's, it's, it's, and even cancer is not off limits for comedians, bro. No, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, nothing is off limits.
Starting point is 00:54:22 You can go, cancer, you can say, age, you could do race, you could, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no feel like if you get slapped, you're like, I feel like Wilson needs to get embarrassed even though. He's already embarrassed. Well, I mean, look what's happening to now, like if he is definitely, what I will say is this, whether it's hurting his career or not, he's the butt of everybody. He's the butt of all jokes for the next at least two or three years,
Starting point is 00:54:59 you know what I'm saying? So he's for sure gonna be that guy. It would have been cool if he did more like a cool move instead of a slap. Speaking of celebrity, he's dude, I can't wait to show you guys this. It's a workout that just- Just liberty. Go ahead and pull this up, Doug.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Yeah, somebody sent it to me and was like, can you guys analyze this and tell me exactly like give it a rating, you know, this workout. And you'll see- It's pretty, it's pretty, it's pretty spiritual. Oh my god, you're gonna do what you're gonna do. You're gonna put her on blast right now. That's our girl. What is she doing? What is she doing?
Starting point is 00:55:26 What is she doing? Like I just wanna see if we can, like the relevance of this. Man, you're wealthy, get a good trainer. You know, do you know that she was, she doesn't look bad though, she hit the hook. What are you doing, dude? I call this the meth head mobility. meth head mobility. Beth had a beard.
Starting point is 00:55:45 That's what I was gonna go. Well, you remember she first came out back in the days when people were asking her about how she stays fit. She did something that she used to do, something like 8,000 sit-ups a day or something crazy like that. That was like her, her regimen. I'm sure that was real.
Starting point is 00:55:57 I, I, I, it's just like so weird. I mean, I don't know. I guess, I mean, it's a terrible, she's not doing it. Things are kind of sped up and whatnot, but you know what this is silly. You know, this makes makes me think of this is what happens when you're a girl a young girl And you get so idolized for being sexy and attractive and then you start to age and then you don't know what else to do I don't know this is a girl thing. I just think this is stupid people It tends not to happen to man as much as what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:56:25 She got so idolized for being so hot, so cute, so whatever. Now she's getting in her 40s and she's still trying to ride that. And like, you see Madonna, Madonna still tries to do it. I mean, to me, we see examples with this with, with the identify so strong celebrities that end up doing crazy amounts of plastic surgery and steroids like crazy into their 70s and 80s Like hanging on that's true. So hard. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:56:48 I just don't try to hang out with the 20 year old girls of it. That's worse like some of those male like lead actors that get the the face totally back Bro, there was this totally there was this guy that used to work out at one of the gyms And I'm not gonna say which one because I people know who he is, I know you guys have seen him. And he had so much work done. He had jet black hair, obviously, dyed, and his face didn't move. And he walked around. I was like, holy shit, bro.
Starting point is 00:57:16 There's a lot of money. Just age. You know, it's okay. That's one of the lessons you learn through aging, I think, is acceptance. You have to accept that it's an effort. Yeah, but you have to assume that those people, most of them, they were probably in the limelight at one point.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Of course, you know, almost always. Like you identified so strongly, that it's like child actors when they go through puberty and all of a sudden they're not popular anymore, because their voice cracks or whatever, it's sad, so sad. Yeah. Hey, real quick, one of the sponsors that we work with, one of our favorites, we've been with for a very long time
Starting point is 00:57:47 and that's for a reason, organify has quality supplements, most of them plant-based, all organic. One of my favorite products from organifies their green juice. So there's a lot of value in getting a lot of variety of plant foods, okay? This may be not so true when it comes to proteins, coming from animal proteins, but when it comes to proteins coming from animal proteins,
Starting point is 00:58:05 but when it comes to plants, a lot of variety can provide some pretty good health benefits, and the green juice does that, right? So it's got lots of green super foods, tastes really good, and makes you feel energized, helps with digestion. It's a great product. They have many other products like a plant-based protein. They have a red juice for energy, a gold juice for relaxation. Go check them out. Head over to mindpumppartners.com. Click on Organify, use the code MindPump for 20% off. Here comes the rest of the show. First caller is Andrew from Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Andrew what's happening? How can we help you? Hey guys, how's it going? Good. All right. First of all, thanks so much for having me on. I've been listening to you guys for about a year and a half or so. Love all the programs that everyone, antibiotics, strong and power lift.
Starting point is 00:58:50 I can't thank you guys enough for everything that you give us. So, really appreciative of that. So, my question is based around my hand and feet health, actually. So, I'm a percussionist and music teacher from Nashville, Tennessee. For years, I've always kind of joked that if my hand were to fall off or something like that, I'd be out of a job big time. So after years of playing, I've been playing since I've been in second grade and throughout school I played in jazz band and the thing in jazz band is you're always playing so loud. I remember
Starting point is 00:59:24 some some rehearsals and performances that come out my hands were like shaking just from the repeated hitting of a hard surface. So my question to you guys is what can I do daily for my hands and my feet to ensure healthy hands and healthy feet? Is there anything I can do daily? We have the perfect program for you, and you don't have it yet, so we'll send it over. No, this is great. So by the way, if you lose a hand, you're not totally out. Was it Rick Allen?
Starting point is 00:59:53 Wasn't he a user? He was a drummer, right, for Deaf Leopard? Yeah. Was that the guy? He had one hand? He did, one arm. Yeah, one arm. Deaf Leopard's drum robot.
Starting point is 01:00:00 I understand that. One arm, you know, I was it. So I actually trained a drummer a long time ago, and it was, there was only two times I ever had someone tell me, I needed to train me so I don't get a pump when I'm doing my, which was weird to me, everybody wants a pump, but obviously if you get a forearm pump
Starting point is 01:00:16 while you're drumming, it's a performance inhibitor. Yeah, you're totally screwed. Apps prime pro, man. Yeah, prime pro's got some good wrist and finger mobility movement. That's also for foot and ankle. And foot and ankle. And just practice those daily and that'll help quite a bit.
Starting point is 01:00:32 It'll make a big difference in terms of maintaining the health and stability. Don't overdo them, okay? So I wanna say this because, let me see, let me ask you this, how often are you playing your instrument drums? Just about every day. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:48 So I would start slowly with the mobility work. I would do five to 10 minutes every single day, see how that feels. If that feels good, then you can add another session to the day. But start with one a day, five to 10. And you're not trying to go crazy with it because what'll happen, what can happen
Starting point is 01:01:04 is if you get sore from the mobility work and then you go play the drums, your risk of injury goes up. So start real slow, but that prime pro has got some great. Real light intensity. Because then eventually, once you create these rituals and habits of just doing this continuously, you could get into something like with the rice bucket drills where you're kind of moving sand, moving rice around and getting a lot of that articulation out of your fingers, your wrists, just to build even more strength with a little bit of resistance.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Have you ever seen that before, by the way, that the rice bucket exercises? We've talked about it maybe a couple times. We have it in maps, OCR. Yeah, so what you do is you get a bucket, like you can like a paint bucket, fill it with rice, dry rice, and then you stick your hand in there, and then you open your fingers, close your hand,
Starting point is 01:01:54 you pinch grip, you grab like a good handful, and make a fist and grip it really tight, or you push the rice out with your fingers, playing your fingers out. So there's really cool drills like that. Yeah, that will help to kind of reinforce and strengthen around the fingers and the wrists. I would put most of my energy
Starting point is 01:02:13 though towards Prime Pro, the mobility world. Totally. I mean, that's because you're getting a lot of exercise with the drumming and stuff like that. The big thing would be just to keep it healthy, right? Range and work those in ranges of motion. And that's what you're doing in Prime Pro. So, Sal said it right, I would just do that.
Starting point is 01:02:32 And try and time it like right before you go to play the drums. I mean, that could be your kind of ritual. Yeah, you're warm up before you start. You do your wrist cars and you do your ankle stuff. And then that's what gets you going. And that's right in Prime Pro, there's a, we broke down every major joint in the body and then just go to it and then you'll see there's a, you know, handful of movements for
Starting point is 01:02:52 each joint and just start practicing a couple of those before you get playing. Andrew, do you get any tightness up in the shoulder and neck area? I do. I do. So that's common, obviously with drummers as well. And if your neck and tight, excuse me, if your neck and shoulders start to get tight, you could run to an issue with a nerves that run down the hands, start to lose a little bit of their ability to conduct, obviously, to fire muscles.
Starting point is 01:03:21 And your hands can actually fatigue. In fact, I've actually gotten people who have what they thought was carpal tunnel to get better from loosening up their shoulder and their upper back. So in Prime Pro, there's also shoulder and scapular mobility stuff. Do that too. I think that'll benefit you too as a drummer because you know better than I do, but being able to maintain good positioning in the upper and the next shoulder area, it makes a big difference in terms of your performance as well. Sure, sure. Is there anything that you guys would say,
Starting point is 01:03:51 like, hey, watch out for this, maybe don't overdo it? I do a lot of like, farmers carrying and last year I was doing like, I would, I like to challenge myself and go on like a mile walk with like 45-pound plates, obviously stopping every now and again, but is there anything you would say like, hey, watch out for this?
Starting point is 01:04:09 Yeah, just don't overdo anything. I mean, that's fine so long as it's appropriate. So always consider this, that whatever you're doing in your workout, you're still gonna play the drums throughout the week. So if it's gonna hamper your ability to play the drums, then you may have an issue. And scale to that, right?
Starting point is 01:04:27 So that's the, I think the major mistake would be to not really do that, and then also you go for a mile. Like I would say, hey, let's start with 100 yards, and then 200 yards, and then work your way up. If you do that, it's probably not gonna hinder your playing so much or your workouts. But if all said one day, you just get a hair in your ass and you're like, I'm gonna go for a mile walk and you've never done that.
Starting point is 01:04:48 And then you're fucked up for four days afterwards. Well, that's why you overreached. And so nothing wrong with challenging yourself. Just remember, the goal is always to do as little as possible to the rest of the most amount of change. I haven't heard that saying in a long time. I don't know, like two weeks. I do like it though.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Oh, hair in your ass. I don't think so, but yeah. I've heard that saying in a long time, like two weeks. I do like it though. Oh, the hair and your ass, what they say with. Yeah, from a postural perspective though, like doing that to reinforce those shoulders to be pinned back and down, that would be the last thing I would consider is our wall press, just because you're seated so much and you're in this kind of protected shoulder position,
Starting point is 01:05:22 you're banging the drums, to get that core activation to keep stabilizing the spine, so you avoid lower back pain. Andrew, who's your favorite drummer of all time? Man, I had a feeling this question would come up. So I started playing because I loved Neil Perth. Yeah, that's my favorite, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:05:40 That's the guy. You got my guy. Good deal, yeah. Preston Peace. I actually showed his videos to my kids the other day, and just my son was like, Yeah, he's the guy. He was my guy. Good deal, yeah. Preston Peace. I actually showed his videos to my kids the other day, and just my son was like, yeah, he's a champion. How on the hell is he moving that way? I have no idea, pretty crazy.
Starting point is 01:05:52 All right, well cool, Andrew, I think that'll definitely help you out, and if you don't have prime pro, we'll send that to you, okay? Thank you guys so much. I really appreciate it. You got it, man. Keep banging them skins. You know, it's funny, is that what you say for the drone?
Starting point is 01:06:04 That's what you do say. Banging the skins? Yeah, it's not just, yeah. I've never heard that. I'm creepy saying. I'm not being sexually suggestive. Not at all. Banging the skins. You and him in the hair and the ass. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 01:06:16 You know, it's this, so it was so unique when I would get clients that would tell me something that was like the opposite of anything I experienced. I had a drummer once, he's like, listen, he's like, my forums get really tight when I play and I can't play very well. I'm like, oh, you get a pump. And he's like, yeah, I want to not do that anymore.
Starting point is 01:06:33 I'm like, oh, I love that. What the hell am I going to do? That's so opposite. I was the same way. I'm like, what is this? I don't stop this. I had a motocross racer say the same thing. I don't want to get a forum pump.
Starting point is 01:06:44 So how do I train that? I'm like, oh shit, everything I ever't want to get a forearm pump. So how do I train that? I'm like, oh shit, everything I ever learned was how to get a pump. How do we train from that? But no, it's a good question. I like getting these people who do different things because one of the beauties of exercise, especially strength training,
Starting point is 01:06:59 is just how individualizable it is. Oh, it's so different. You can make it so individualizable from person to person based on what they want to accomplish. What a great example. Like such a different way of approaching strength training for him than we would for maybe someone else. Next question is from Braxton from Kentucky.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Braxton, what's happening? How can we help you? Hey guys, thanks so much for having me on. If all the great info you guys put out, sorry, I'm in my car, I'm on my break at work, so hopefully I'm coming through, okay. Yeah, we got you. Great, so I've got a two part question.
Starting point is 01:07:32 I am 10 days away from my first physique competition. It's not the first time I've prep, but it's the first time that I've competed. I'm coaching myself, so I was wondering if you had any tips or strategies for peaking, because I don't really know what the best strategy to deploy is there. And then the more important question is, after this show, what do you think the best style or best type of program for me to follow in order to most efficiently put on as much lean masses I can after
Starting point is 01:08:02 this show? as much lean masses I can after the show. Oh, just as the expert on breeding. I'm the peak master. Go ahead, go ahead. It's obviously, it's gonna be you Adam, so help him out. Yeah, well, so here's the thing that I'm concerned about. Are you all, you're training into, are you eating intuitively too, or are you actually tracking? No, so I have a very hard degree of control with my nutrition.
Starting point is 01:08:23 So yeah, I have been training intuitively for a while, but like I weigh everything that I eat, measure everything out with on a scale. I don't even use cups for anything. I weigh everything by the gram. Okay, so I mean, the strategy to peaking is really the carb loading part of getting ready for the show.
Starting point is 01:08:41 So it really depends on kind of where you're at carb wise on a regular basis. So do you know like how many grams of carbs that you're consuming on a daily basis right now? For the majority of the prep it was around 200 grams at two weeks out of lowered it down to 100. And then I was planning on bringing it below 40 for like the last week. The only thing I've really noticed is I've noticed some like digestion issues since I brought my carbs down lower. I don't know if that's normal,
Starting point is 01:09:11 but like the foods themselves haven't changed much, but it seems like I'm having more digestion. You probably lost the fiber, right? So there's most of fiber you're gonna get is coming through carbohydrates. You reduce that much and then all of a sudden you get, you have issues with digestion or your constipation. So that's really normal.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Okay. That makes sense, yeah. Yeah, you see a lot of guys will take supplement fiber around that time, especially if they have an issue with that. So that might, you know what, always solved it for me, was like a, you know, two cups of blueberries or, you know, some spinach, big old spinach type of salad, things like that would always get me spinach type of salad, things like that
Starting point is 01:09:45 would always get me going if I had an issue like that. Carbs are kind of low, that's a, that's a, how's, what's your size or how much you weigh like? So I'm waking up around 181, 182, I'm six feet tall. With the skin, nine-side skin fold, it's measuring, the nine-side measures me like 4.8. I'm just like that's not right So I would you more conservatively estimate somewhere 27 and 8% body fat So leading up to peak week I am trying to get my carbon take is
Starting point is 01:10:16 Relatively as high as I can based off of where I need I don't want to put on body fat But you know get to a place where I'm pushing you know from my size I was pushing you know 400 450 the place where I'm pushing, you know, from my size, I was pushing, you know, 400, 450 grams of carbs. And I was also pushing about two to two and a half gallons of water leading up to peak week. And then in peak week, I cut down, like you did, very, very low carb for like that week, leading up.
Starting point is 01:10:38 And then two to three days going into the show, I begin to refill my body with carbohydrates. And then that beginning of the week, I start to taper my water down from my two and a half gallons to where I go all the way down. And each day it's a little less down to two, then one and a half, one, to where I'm doing about a half a gallon, which is different than some competitors.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Some competitors cut water completely. I think that's ridiculous. Your half of your muscle is water. So you'll get a very flat look if you have no water in your system. And I think I always think it's such a silly strategy for guys that do that. So but I do want, I do want to have my water and take high. I do want to bring it down a little bit. And then the amount of carbs and water is what we're loading the two to three days leading
Starting point is 01:11:24 into showtime. And honestly, this is such an individualized science. I mean, I still claim to this day that, you know, of the six shows I did in my time of competing, I never brought the best version of me. And that's because I was always trying to figure out what was the perfect amount of carbohydrates with the perfect amount of water for that day for the show to bring the best looking physique. And so part of it is a little bit of trial and error of, okay, if I 200 is ways considered a high day of carbs, I've been running real low 50.
Starting point is 01:11:57 I'm going to use this by the way, we're just going to make some numbers up to give you an idea right? So you're running 200 grams, you cut all the way down to 50 for the leading week up or whatever. And then we start to refill, start to feed more carbohydrates. So it goes to like, from 50 up to like, 150 on the first day, leading up, and then 200 on the next day, and then maybe the day of the show, I'm gonna push like 300 to 350.
Starting point is 01:12:18 So higher than you normally would, and then I'm also gonna have, and do the reverse with the water, the water's coming down as I'm loading up with carbohydrates, if that makes sense. And I remember you saying that there was a carbohydrate source that you found that did that the best. So, okay, now that's, we're getting you more detail, right?
Starting point is 01:12:36 So I played with, I'll take all of it. Right, so what type of carbohydrates made a difference on, on Show Day? Like I noticed like if I did something like that was low glycemic like sweet potatoes It wouldn't it's it's so slow Slow digesting that my body would not like load up and fill fill out really quick And so all day long even though I was eating the same amount of carbohydrates as I would on let's say another show where I did rice
Starting point is 01:13:02 It would never like completely fill my muscle bellies out whereas Whereas if I loaded with white rice, the white rice would actually fill me out. So different carbohydrates will even fill the muscle bellies out differently, right? This is such a different game than when we talk to somebody who's like just trying to lose weight or muscle. There's a lot more specific. Yeah. So I'm glad that you said these things too, because I was thinking of going in a different direction as far as like zero carbs and then load up as much as I can with like sugary simple carbs the day before with control,
Starting point is 01:13:37 like control in the calories, not just going nuts. And then also like you said, just completely cutting water, like I was planning on going like two gallons a day for like five days and then like maybe just one bottle the day before. And that's just what I had heard and what I've been reading about. But I like the idea of tapering down better.
Starting point is 01:13:53 That's safe for them. Yeah, and not only that and then back to your idea of what. So another mistake I see guys, is exactly what you said is to like also load these different, I like to stick with the carbohydrates that I've been doing my whole prep with because I know how it's manipulating my body. I mean, when you start to get, and you know this as you get really, really lean, you can tell like how different meals affect your body differently.
Starting point is 01:14:14 And so, yeah, I, and when I started to learn like, oh, okay, another example, I, when I put an avocado in that meal with rice and chicken, it made an impact on how much my muscle belly is filled up versus if I had no avocado in that meal. So there's like little things like that that you can start to tweak, but if you go so different than what you've been doing prep, it's really hard to get a read on what's the difference. Yeah, that makes sense because then it's like an unpredictable variable that you have. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:14:45 So I've had a rice in at least two of my meals a day every day for the past like 10 weeks. And I know exactly like you said, like if I had a big meal with rice tonight before, I feel as full as a house the next morning, like when I'm working out. Exactly. And that and so I would stick with I loved white It's so easy to control, easy to measure. It feels so good on the digestion for me. Like so I would use right rice. It's just white rice.
Starting point is 01:15:11 It's just a matter of how much based off of, how you and play with that, you know what I'm saying? And before I always tell guys, before they go angrioles, before they go into peak week, we should have kind of practice peak week. So have a day where you run. That makes a lot of sense. Yeah, three or four really low
Starting point is 01:15:25 carb like you're doing like say 50 grams of carbs for like three or four days in a row. And then do two to three days of kind of loading the body back and find out what how long does it take to get loaded all the way back up. And I've made mistakes in the past thinking that one day was enough for my body to get reloaded back with carbohydrates. And what I found was two days after the show was my best look. And what that told me was, oh wow, I didn't give myself enough carbohydrates and calories to refill all the way out.
Starting point is 01:15:53 So you want to kind of play with those variables before we get in that peak week. So you know, have at least a good idea of, and I love this stuff, but it's difficult. You just said make so much sense to me because I'm thinking about a night, about four weeks ago, when I had been like really consistent, and I had a really bad craving and I totally caved, and I got this like full order of cinnamon pull-up parts from Papa John's,
Starting point is 01:16:15 and just crushed him. But what's funny is that not the next day, but the day after is when I felt like I looked my best. Like was that a normal day of eating after that, and then the day after that is when I felt like I looked my best. Like, was that a normal day of eating after that? And then the day after that is when I was like, wow, I can really tell. And you probably just needed that amount of carbohydrates to fill completely out. So, yeah, these are the things we play with. You know what, let's do this.
Starting point is 01:16:36 Let's get you in our private form. Are you in there now or no? I'm not. Okay, so Doug's gonna, I'm gonna have Doug give you access to that. Thank you. We actually have several competitors in there, even though it's not a heavy competitor conversation there If you start the conversation up there's actually quite a few people that actually have taken themselves through prep There's even a few people that I've prepped
Starting point is 01:16:55 In shows in there and it's a great community share with them what you're experiencing what you did What you what you're trying to figure out and it's a great community to do that with thank you That sounds like an awesome resource because I don't have anybody in my life around me that does this stuff experiencing what you did, what you're trying to figure out, and it's a great community to do that with. Thank you. That sounds like an awesome resource, because I don't have anybody in my life around me that does this stuff, so it's nice to have people to talk to. Absolutely. And then if you ever want to ask me specifically,
Starting point is 01:17:13 just tag me in there. Now, Braxton, you asked about what workout you should do afterwards. I love maps and a ball. Maps and a ball at most, not a lot of volume, strength focused. You're going to be refeeding yourself. I feel like it'll give your body the ability to recover from all the crazy training you've been doing, plus in combination with how you'll be feeding yourself, your strength should go through the roof with that program.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Yeah, I'll definitely, I'll absolutely trust you guys if that's what you suggest. My only concern was with the three workouts because I do go to the gym, I do really enjoy going to six days, but at the same time, I've go to the gym. I do really enjoy going to six days, but at the same time, I've been training intuitively for the past two and a half years and haven't really made improvements. So I really want to just try a program and stick in and adhere to a program.
Starting point is 01:17:56 I'm gonna see if that'll help you prepare. Do you, Matt, send a ball, do three trigger sessions on your off days, okay? So you're still doing something. And then if you want to go to the gym, you can do mobility, a little cardio, there's nothing wrong with that. But I would go for three trigger sessions on your off days, okay? So you're still doing something. And then if you wanna go to the gym, you can do mobility, a little cardio. There's nothing wrong with that. But I would go for three trigger sessions
Starting point is 01:18:08 on all the other days. So you're gonna be doing something seven days a week. And then three foundational workouts a week. That is gonna give your body the ability to recover from your training, plus feeding yourself more calories. You should gain some serious strength. All right, we'll send that, let'll send maps and watch them as well.
Starting point is 01:18:26 We'll send that to you right now. Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. I do have one final quick question. The, I keep seeing Mesa amplifiers in the background. Who's the guitar player? Yeah, that's me. That's Justin.
Starting point is 01:18:39 Yeah. Justin right on, man. Right on. I just got an EVH 5150 the other day. And I'm just gonna put on those. This is a fun those are fun to yeah love that that tone that comes out there Good deal. Thanks for calling in Braceton. Hey, thank you guys so much. I appreciate it. We won. Yeah, keep it metal I guess someone come with both you guys We've all left out
Starting point is 01:19:00 Rocks You know the whole like like anchovies? The whole peak, like ready for, like for a show. Yeah. It's such a weird, like in precise science, it's so strange, because you're literally trying, because your, your, your, people don't realize this, right? Your body is constantly regulating water and fluids
Starting point is 01:19:22 and electrolytes. So to try to manipulate it to time it for a day or a couple hours, that is really hard. Well, the hardest thing I have about communicating is it really is, it doesn't align with our training philosophy. Oh yeah, no, it's not like a fitness health friend. It's fringe, yeah. Yeah, so I always want to say that before I start to explain to people,
Starting point is 01:19:44 because I don't want people to think like, this is how I recommend people train, or if someone's listening, they're like, oh, I want to be ripped looking like a bodybuilder. And so I should take that advice and do it. It's like, no. You won't notice this unless you're hella shredded anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:55 And we're not doing what's healthiest for us at all. I mean, at that point, it is purely trying. You mean not drinking water? Yeah. We're purely trying to manipulate water, carbs, sodium, calories to achieve a look that's gonna look great on stage and photos. It is not sustainable.
Starting point is 01:20:15 It's not what you should try and look like all the time. It's very short-lived for the moment. And it's very, very individualized. So giving him that advice, I just used a bunch of generic numbers to give him an idea of what that would look like, but I have no idea. Like everybody's body responds differently to like how fast their body breaks down the carbohydrates
Starting point is 01:20:35 in a glucose, you have no idea if he's slow, fast in the middle and where he was doing before. So all those things matter. But it's also what I liked. I mean, I thought that because it was difficult, because it was fun to kind of tweak with it and everything like that, I really enjoyed that process. Next caller is Josh from California.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Josh, what's happening? How can we help you? Hey guys, things should take in my call. I really appreciate it. So, quick question, I guess too long didn't read for my question is, I'm in 33 years old. I'll turn to 33 this year, 5.11 about 200 pounds. I've been in the Marine Corps for about 14 years and they recently did a body composition
Starting point is 01:21:14 study. They did the Dexoscan, they did an impedance, they did a body scan. They were seeing the Dexos is like the gold standard for body fat percentage accuracy. And I mentioned it at about 24% on that. And I was looking to try to get down to 15% just personally. In addition to that, back in like December timeframe, I took a metabolic test. I was like, I don't know, it's called Medi-Chuck, you breathe into this tube for like 10 minute synodid estimates which your metabolic grade is,
Starting point is 01:21:50 and mine said it was just slightly about average. And this was after listening to you guys kind of deciding to copy needed to do a bulk to maybe increase by the metabolism, so I'm not sure if I brought it up, or if it stayed the same, if it went down, I honestly don't know at that point. But I've been running maps for a performance, I'm in phase three right now. I've been eating at about 1800 calories
Starting point is 01:22:16 with 180 grams of protein. I think it was in my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my I talked to a nutritionist and she was like, everything looks good, but just recommend that I try to bump it up to about 2200 through adding vegetables and fruit and also add cardio on top of what I'm already doing. So I was just trying to see, just by the time I listened to you guys, I wasn't so sure about how that sound data just wanted to get just make some listening to you guys. I wasn't so sure about how that sound date. I just want to get your input. It's like on it. Okay. So this is your the calories you're eating now.
Starting point is 01:22:50 Are they getting you? Are they have is it making you lose weight? Are you noticing the scale move or you're getting leaner? So I guess I got leaner from when I did the meta check. I was a little over. I was probably about two and nine when I did it. And I'm down a hovering around 200, but I can't seem to break back down.
Starting point is 01:23:09 And my problem that I have with that is for the mother Marine Corps, my height and age, I have to be either no more than 197 pounds, and my body fat can't be taped at no more than 19%. So, yeah. I'm above those, of those right now. You have pretty reasonable goals I I would end the cut for a short period of time maybe do like a one week many bulk many bulk or maintenance So maybe your maintenance is 2500 or 2600 calories That's what I would aim for for about a week and then go back down to the cut because your metabolism's adapted a little bit.
Starting point is 01:23:45 So, and what you'll notice in that week is you probably won't gain any weight. You might gain a little bit of water, you'll notice more strength and performance. And then when you go back to your cut, you should kickstart things again. What we don't wanna do is just keep cutting calories every time you hit a plateau
Starting point is 01:23:59 because you're already at 2200 calories, you're down to 200 pounds. We could end up in a situation where you're down to like, you know, 1716 higher calories for a guy your size is really low. So I would go, I would go increase the calories for a week or two, then start cutting again. And that's just the more effective strategy. Anyway, right? So if you're trying to get leaner overall, the ratio would be something like four to one, like for every four weeks of a cut, I would do a week of maintenance or a slight bulk and then go back to the cut. It tends to preserve more muscle and prevent that metabolic adaptation where your metabolism slows down.
Starting point is 01:24:35 How long, how many weeks have you been on the calorie reduction? How many weeks has it been consistently that you've been following that? Um, so I have a listen to you guys for while, and I've heard you about the underliving calories when you've talked about it. So consistently, I've probably been in it for like four or five weeks. There are some maybe days on the little bit higher like overall than the average 18-minute calories a day. The United States probably been four or five weeks.
Starting point is 01:25:03 Oh, well, that's good. That's a good, that's a good sign. There's a good timing for you to do exactly what salsa, because you're, you're probably exactly what he said is a right around. This is a reason why, by the way, we phase our programs in three to four weeks, like that is the body tends to start to adapt to whatever we're kind of doing to it around that. And we're trying to always be ahead of one step ahead. So that's probably all you need is like a, a slight mini ball. Keep in mind, uh, if you, the mini ball,
Starting point is 01:25:28 you know, make good choices, eat a little bit more calories, don't give it, don't, you know, don't just eat whatever you want because we tell you to go on a ball, eat just a little bit of surplus, make good choices. And if you got good programming,
Starting point is 01:25:39 that those couple together, you could technically get leaner and add calories. I don't think people realize it. If you build, if you add, let's say we, we endurance phase, right? If we, if we increase two to 300 calories into your diet and you put on two pounds on the scale, but both pounds are muscle, you, you will get leaner body fat percentage wise. So, um, so that's not a problem. So don't be afraid to throw that little mini bulk in there and then, then you can go back down to cutting again. And I don't know if you made this clear.
Starting point is 01:26:07 I know the nutrition said maybe do car. Are you doing zero cardio right now? What's your cardio regimen look like? Yeah, so I want to actually got me into like whether walking in the treadmill or a same step right now, re-look at my phone, or what I'm doing that.
Starting point is 01:26:19 So, for example, yes, today I didn't think I had the time to do all of the not the fundamental base for example, yes, you may, I didn't think I had the time to do all of the, not the fundamental base for performance, but the stretching and whatnot. Oh, the mobility days. Yeah, the mobility days. Sorry. I had done the treadmill and the stairway stuff for like 40 minutes to be able to just knock that out.
Starting point is 01:26:40 I was going to try to combine this here, but I didn't have access to the other way area at that time. So I'm not doing, sometimes I'll combine mobility plus cardio, or just do other stuff like whether it's playing with my kids, or I don't know how much calories it actually is going to burn, sometimes I've been drumming and whatnot. But yeah, I'm not doing zero cardio. I I am at least if not doing the mobility sessions, walking on the treadmill, but I typically don't walk in the treadmill door.
Starting point is 01:27:08 This might have had a foundational base. Yeah, the bump in calories for short per time should help with what you're doing. I think you hit a normal plateau that happens usually four to six weeks when somebody cuts the calories. And it sounds like you cut about five to 600 below maintenance based on the weight loss and you know that you've discussed. Yeah, I just grab so I would bump the calories up to maintenance or slightly above for about
Starting point is 01:27:30 a week and then go back to a four week cut. Four to one ratio seems to work best for most people when it comes to weight loss. Okay, now it's performance support that you guys would recommend right now or is it something like? Oh yeah, I have to say, want to build muscle. No, no, no, performance is fine and when you're done with that you can would recommend right now or is it something like this? I have to say, want to build muscle. No, no, performance is fine. And when you're done with that, you can go map systemic. But performance is absolutely fine.
Starting point is 01:27:49 Yeah. OK, because I much of your wonder that was like hit, performance, and I think it was priming strong or something. Strong? Strong would be great too. Oh, yeah, strong would be a great fall. When you're done with mass performance, go right into strong. Well, it's great about those two.
Starting point is 01:28:03 There's a lot of unique exercises that a lot of people don't do on a database. So the novelty of that's going to be great with you increasing your calories. So I mean, hopefully that those additional calories get partitioned over to building muscle and you'll be fine. You also still have room to to actually, and you know, we get, like we get labeled as like the anti cardio guys. But you know, if we're, if I'm trying to get you down to a certain
Starting point is 01:28:24 body fat percentage and we're trying to get it in certain time, time know, if we're, if I'm trying to get you down to a certain body fat percentage and we're trying to get it in certain time frame, I would love to, I would do a bulk like Sal was saying. And then when you go back to reducing calories, you may also introduce three days of, you know, 30 minutes of, you know, list cardio in there and just be consistent about it. Parot with the mobility days like you're saying.
Starting point is 01:28:40 So do a half hour of stair master or incline walking with your mobility and be consistent about that while also going back on a calorie and I bet that'll help break you through that plateau. Okay, and then so if I get down to that, would you guys recommend just kind of like weight insulate a while or like going into to try to gain muscle? If my body type stays down at 15%, like I'll have a good to spare as far as my high weight requirement. When you get to your goal, right, when we get to the place you want to be a body president,
Starting point is 01:29:11 then it's kind of like, okay, where from here now, that is a perfect time, I think, to transition into a new program, like strong. And then, and really, since you're at the place, you need to be body fat percentage and weight-wise, just focus on getting strong, focus on kicking ass in the program and being strong and being fed, not trying so much to cut or bulk. You know, maybe that when you're at the place where you wanna be body fat and weight wise, I would love to see you switch to a new program
Starting point is 01:29:37 so you have a novel program, and then also try and transition into a place of more intuitive eating where we just make good choices. You eat when you're hungry and kind of see where you're landing calorie wise and maybe check back in with yourself every other week or whatever to make sure that you're not way under or over estimating what you're eating. But that would be a great time in my opinion to start to transition you into trying to get towards a more intuitive way of eating.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Okay, cool. Sounds good. So, so strong. Is it a lot different from anabolic or is that very different? Very different. Very different. I haven't looked into the program yet. Oh yeah, you'll love it. Yeah, you'll love it. Okay cool guys, I appreciate your help. It's like I'm pointing the right direction. So, favorite day workout. Awesome Josh. Thanks for calling in. I think guys, I appreciate it. No problem.
Starting point is 01:30:26 Yeah, that's the very common plateau right around that time, right, four to six weeks, if a deficit isn't massive, just get out of it. It's funny, they did a study on that and they had groups of, they had two groups comparing them. One group had what they called diet breaks, which is what we're kind of talking about. And the other group just went consistent with the deficit.
Starting point is 01:30:43 The diet breaks group, lost more fat and preserved more muscle. Yeah. Even though the calories were all controlled, which was interesting, right? Yeah, there's a lot of value to undulating, you know, your diet like that and really giving yourself kind of a new stimulus so your body can respond, especially inevitably when you hit those plate toes. Our next caller is Eric from Pennsylvania. Eric, what's happening? How can we help you? How you doing, guys? Thanks for having me on.
Starting point is 01:31:10 I love your content of the show. So I'm a middle school health and physical head teacher, as well as a high school wrestling coach. In my middle school, we've had the same students getting in trouble all year long, after school detention, suspensionsensions, don't really seem to work much, especially at this point. So I came up with an idea and my principal is really supportive. So many of them thrive in phys ed when they're active, which is not really a shocker.
Starting point is 01:31:38 So if a student gets in trouble and they're assigned a regular after schooled attention, my idea was to give them another option, which would be to go through a workout with me during the last period of the day, which is basically like a study hall. Oh yeah. So basically it would get them out of sitting in a room after school when they're in a really bad mindset.
Starting point is 01:32:01 And during the workout, I would talk to them about their behavior, but if they didn't take it serious there was any attitude then they would also serve the detention and then if my idea was then if they could make it maybe about a week after that maybe I bring them down to the gym and they can pick an activity like shooting basketball or something so my question is how would you structure the workouts? I want them to experience some discomfort, but I also want to don't want them to develop a really unhealthy relationship with exercise.
Starting point is 01:32:31 And also the parents will give consent because I got to cover myself, you know, they claim I put them through something really grueling, you know, it could go down a bad road. I love this. I love it. So I remember, didn't you DM me about this earlier? I was. Yeah, Josh, and I sent you a DM.
Starting point is 01:32:49 I figured you coached in high school kids. You could maybe relate a little bit. Oh, totally relate to this. And I love that they're behind you with this approach. I think that it's a really cool idea. And it's something that like you said, you want to make it fun. You want to make it fun you want to make it inviting and have a good experience out of it right so that you can kind of build
Starting point is 01:33:10 and foster a good relationship. Thank you for saying that because you know Eric we don't want it to be punishment. No I think the mentality could very easily and I get this right you're like I'm gonna they're here because instead of detention so I'm gonna beat them up a little bit that only works when the kid wants to be there. Like you got a kid, like you're a wrestling coach, you got a kid who wants to wrestle. You can push them in that way, and it makes them stronger and motivates them.
Starting point is 01:33:34 If it's already a punishment, there are like I have to show up. Yeah. I think the strategy should not be to punish them, but rather make it in like something that they enjoy. Like all right, we're gonna lift weights. What muscles do you guys want to build? Let's do bench press. Let's do deadlift That's I would do overhead press. That's that's why I would I'd actually only focus on one or two lifts You make the whole teach him the entire technique. Yeah, the whole hour would be all around and it will happen
Starting point is 01:33:58 They'll love it and they want to come and then you can take it away. Hey listen you you act up You're not I'm not training you right and exercise has got so you know this Eric, you're a PE teacher. Fitness has got so many, so many lessons to learn within it. Like they're going to learn that they're going to try something today, then they're going to see you the next time and they can do another rep. Guess what? You're not the same person. What do you mean? You did one more. It's not the same body. Your body's different today. Oh my God, that's pretty crazy, right? Or I'm sore. Well, that's good. Here's what happened, your muscles.
Starting point is 01:34:28 Let's get you stronger. Let's have fun. Here's the, we're gonna work the beach muscles right now. You know, you have a good time with them. They're gonna show up and be like, man, I love working out with, you know, coach Eric. I love lifting weights. Like, this is really cool.
Starting point is 01:34:39 And it gives them structure and purpose. And then you have something that can take away as well. Because I think if you treat it like a pun, which they're already going in there to be punished, and if it's on top of it, a punishment anyway, as soon as it's over, it's over, they're done. They're never talking about it. Yeah, and I think too, like a few things
Starting point is 01:34:56 that you can actually test out and not make it like, like so for instance, the hand dynamometer for grip tests, I've used with the kids and they just, they get really into it. Because they want to beat the numbers. You know, and it's like just something that intuitively, they grab it and they see it. And then you kind of give them a chart and show
Starting point is 01:35:14 kind of where the averages lie and what not and where they're at. And it's really interesting because they get insight. Like, oh, wow, I thought I would be stronger than that. Or, you know, you do a pull up, they that can only do one in the struggling through the whole time. Just like simple, very simple things that you can kind of challenge them. Be like, I can show you how to get maybe two more the next time we come in here.
Starting point is 01:35:35 Well, think of this, like squatting, delving, patience, technique, strength, discipline, acceptance, control, improvement. These are all the things that you can get from that type of a movement. Those are all teaching lessons for a kid who's being disciplined for in there. So, I mean, if you're really gangster,
Starting point is 01:35:54 you have the ability to like know what kids why they're in there and what that kid needs to work on being more patient. That kid needs to be more working on discipline. That kid, whatever their thing is, you can speak to them through the training. And I think that would be incredibly valuable. Is it give lessons through?
Starting point is 01:36:11 It's the focus of the issue, right? Like, you can make a challenge of them having to hold the position for, you know, long amount of time. It's difficult. And just, those are talking points between sets. Between sets, I'm talking about why it is so important to staying control of yourself and have discipline and your body is reacting in a way naturally and you have to mentally fight against the focus.
Starting point is 01:36:32 It's very much so like your reaction that you wanted to do in class the other day and speak out loud, it's like being able to know that's a natural thing for you to do, but what's right, what's right, to do, you know what I'm saying? I would find ways to take the lessons in coaching and teaching these complex movements into those lessons that I'm trying to teach them about behavior and why they ended up in this
Starting point is 01:36:54 place. Eric, the most success I had training kids who were brought to me by their parents. So this is the closest I can get to what you're talking about. So these are kids who, you know, I'm a dad of like, you gotta go work out with a trainer for whatever reason. So they kinda don't wanna be there. Is I made it enjoyable, but I also had structure, and I also let them know that I wasn't,
Starting point is 01:37:17 like I'm not gonna get pushed around and there's gonna be some discipline here. So it was a balancing act. It wasn't like show up, joke around, ha ha ha, and you leave. It was like, it's a good time, but now it's time to get to work. And then it's a good time,
Starting point is 01:37:30 and now it's time to get to work. And I would talk to them in language that was like, if it was a kid, a guy coming in, once I got a felt him out, and I knew like kind of what their motivations were, they would show up and maybe like, you wanna get, let's get those delts big, you know. You wanna get Jack for the beach?
Starting point is 01:37:44 I talked him that way and they would laugh. We'd have a lot of fun. Once they'd developed that good relationship with it, man, it was like they would do anything. I had this one kid I trained. He didn't wanna work out, mom signed them up. He started losing weight, got this real, him and I developed this great relationship.
Starting point is 01:37:59 And then his grades got better. Do you know why? Cause his mom threatened to take away his training. Hey, you don't get those test grades up. I'm gonna have you stop working out with Sal. And he's like, oh shit, I better get back to back to standing. Well, I imagine these kids are gonna be motivated to train with him and that we'll have a good experience.
Starting point is 01:38:14 Because I mean, at least, I mean, my turner div is detention. Exactly. I served plenty of time and detention. And if the teacher that you're a ward for, didn't you know what to do? What? And if my teacher, I walked into detention,
Starting point is 01:38:26 let's say after school, to this time, and teacher goes, hey, you can either sit with your head down on the desk for an hour, like you normally do, or read and study, or you can come over the gym with me, and I'm a teacher at squat, that's a no brainer. Like, and I'm excited to go over there, because at least I don't have to sit at my damn desk, we were silent inside of detention.
Starting point is 01:38:45 I get to exercise and then you're teaching me life lessons while we're squatting. I mean, hell yes. I love that and I think, and I think that's instead of over complicating what the workout looks like, it's really more about the teaching lesson, which I think is your desired outcome. I mean, that's really what sounds like. I would focus on basic exercises. You're going to do like two or three per session, and that's it, squat.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Today we're gonna do squat and overhead press, next to that bench press in deadlift. We're gonna do rows and pull ups. Like two or three exercises, they practice them, they do them, they get good at them. And then what I want you to do, Eric, is I want you to track how many reps and what they're lifting. And don't necessarily let them out.
Starting point is 01:39:25 No, but write it down. That way the next time they come in and they do one more rep, make a big deal about it. Like, holy shit. You know, you do. Hopefully they don't keep coming. Oh, well, I mean, I'm assuming they're, I'm assuming they're, this is more than one time they're going to see you. Well, it's tricky because it'll be one, we have six, six days, or even six days cycle
Starting point is 01:39:43 at school. So it's on date two or six days or even six days cycle at school. So it's on day two of our six days cycle. And by the time they get down to me, it'll be about 35 minutes. So picking one or two exercises is a good idea. But what it can't be is they get in trouble and they're like, I don't care because I'm gonna get to go lift with co-chair.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Well, that's because, okay, so the part, the move, the move, to make this to where they is the lecturing a little bit, right? So that's right. It can't be just working out and having fun, you know. Yeah. And you can also recruit some wrestlers out of this. To me, to me, to me, it's, it's, it's, it's teach the movement.
Starting point is 01:40:19 Everyone kind of, and then, and then the, the, the lecture, the lesson comes between for a minute or two, and then back to the movement. I know you're thinking that too, Eric. This could be a great way to recruit some wrestlers. It's misdirected energy. You know, and I love, and here's the thing. We're always looking for the misfits around campus, and we're trying to pull them into football and sports and in contact sports and, you know, difficult training because it's such
Starting point is 01:40:46 a great outlet to express that, that energy, that they obviously need. Dude, in my opinion, wrestling is the best for that. It's the most brutal fucking training and humbling. You get your ass kicked for two years, basically. No, but you can't do shit for two years So you really learn a lot of lessons I'll tell you what I wrestled at Penn State and Looking back listening to your podcast. I'm 41 now, but The amount of overtraining I've done in my life is
Starting point is 01:41:17 Oh, especially rest You mean both dude wrestling is brutal and it's almost like the guys who make it are the ones who can take the most punishment, you know? It's really crazy. I really like what you're doing, though, man. I'm excited. I'd love to hear back from you if you circle back and give us feedback on how it's going. And maybe as you start to apply it,
Starting point is 01:41:36 maybe together we can figure out some ways to tweak it. Because I really think this is a really good idea and a good movement. I wish more people were thinking about the rehabilitation program. I love it. Listen, if I write, if I write out maps to tension, I just want like 33% all right.
Starting point is 01:41:52 Yeah. I love it. I will post that on social media if you do that. Yeah, that would be great. All right. Thanks Eric. Thanks for coming. Thanks a lot guys.
Starting point is 01:42:00 I will, I wish people knew more people understood the rehabilitative value of sports or exercise. It's life changing for kids. Well, I think most parents that have their academics, I think most parents that have their kids in sports understand this. They know the parents that don't. Yes, maybe they were ever athletes themselves
Starting point is 01:42:21 and so they don't recognize how valuable. It gives them structure and direction and purpose and there's growth. You know how many times I train, working with others, you know, the probability of everything. Yeah, they think that, you know, they need to be on ADD medication, you know,
Starting point is 01:42:37 and it's like, no, they just need an outlet. You know, you need, they need to go express themselves physically and it's, it pains me every time they cut a program that's, you know, they used to go express themselves physically. And it pains me every time they cut a program that's, you know, they used to have where kids were able to go, you know, hard and figure out all those difficult things. I mean sports.
Starting point is 01:42:53 I totally feel like I could sit down in an hours time or so and list off all the metaphors around squatting and deadlifting into life lessons. Come on, come on. That 95% of the kid troubled kids that are gonna come in there would learn from it. It's like the Henry Rollins book. And then to me, that would be all he did.
Starting point is 01:43:13 It's like, I don't care if every time he taught just squat and deadlift, the real lesson is what he's teaching in between. That's the real value of that, is that okay? Instead of these kids sitting at desk, I'm gonna make them go into the gym. But what they don't realize is they're gonna indirectly get lectured from me about life from the iron I wish when kids got in trouble juveniles instead of sending them to do juvenile you know like to
Starting point is 01:43:36 You know either jail or prison or or detention or whatever they said here's your option You can join the wrestling team just don't't get kicked off or you gotta go play football or you gotta go to martial arts. Here's a jujitsu school or you gotta go to the foites. That would transform kids, totally transform. Right, and then punishing the shed of them making them, and then just become angry, resentful, and there's no, nothing they get from.
Starting point is 01:43:57 And then throw them into society and have us deal with them. Yeah, no thanks. Exactly. Look, if you like our information, head over to mindpumpfreed.com and check out our our guides We have guides that can help you with almost any fitness goal You can also find all of us on social media. So Justin is on Instagram at mind pump Justin Adam is on Instagram at mind pump Adam and you can only find me on Twitter at mind pump sale Thank you for listening to mind pump
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