Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1788: Exercises to Build a Thicker Neck, the Muscle Building Benefits of Training to Failure, the Truth About Building Muscle on a Keto Diet & More

Episode Date: April 8, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about exercises that build a thicker neck, the advantages to sometimes going to failure, the best way to keep the butt fr...om shooting up on the deadlift, and building muscles on a keto diet. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The MOST important factor when it comes to your exercises is form and technique. Without it, your workouts are FAR less effective and WAY MORE dangerous. (2:38) Orangetheory’s new clever marketing experiment. (9:01) Where does Mind Pump stand on plastic surgery? (13:20) Justin’s “cursed” art piece. (19:56) Elon Musk is a gangster! (24:10) Adam recommends Undercover Billionaire on Discovery+. (31:05) A bold idea to stall the climate crisis by building better trees. (42:07) New flavor alert from Magic Spoon! (48:40) The guys on Logan Paul’s debut at WWE’s WrestleMania. (50:43) How Sal has been using Organifi’s red and green juice while cutting calories. (57:00) #Quah question #1 - What are some exercises that can build a thicker neck? (1:00:46) #Quah question #2 - Are there advantages to sometimes going to failure? (1:07:44) #Quah question #3 - What’s the best way to keep your butt from shooting up on deadlifts? (1:12:38) #Quah question #4 - Thoughts on bodybuilding and building muscle on a keto diet? (1:16:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned April Promotion: Get MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Prime and Prime Pro all for $99.99! Stop Working Out And Start Practicing – Mind Pump Blog Orangetheory Brings Steve Aoki on as Chief Music Officer Madonna raises eyebrows with "unsettling" TikTok video Elon Musk Buys 9.2% Twitter Shares in Passive Stake; TWTR Stock Rises - Bloomberg Undercover Billionaire | Discovery House passes bill to decriminalize marijuana HumanProgress A Bold Idea to Stall the Climate Crisis—by Building Better Trees Could 7 billion people live in a Texas-sized city? - ZDNet Visit Magic Spoon for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Logan Paul Breaks Down WWE In-Ring Debut at WrestleMania, Knows He's Good at This Logan Paul walked to ring at WWE WrestleMania with $5M Pokémon card Six Major Automakers Agree to End Gas Car Sales Globally by 2040 Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MINDPUMP” at checkout** Visit LivON Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! 3 Tips for Better Muscle Growth – Mind Pump Blog 4 Cues To Improve Your Deadlift With Eugene Teo – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Steve Aoki (@steveaoki)  Instagram Grant Cardone (@grantcardone)  Instagram Tony Robbins (@tonyrobbins)  Instagram Logan Paul (@loganpaul)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right in today's episode. It is a quack, a Q&A, so we answered four health and fitness questions. On the back half of the show. The front half though is an intro portion.
Starting point is 00:00:26 We'll talk about current events. Scientific studies that we mentioned are sponsors. Here's what went down in today's show. We opened up, I talked about the most important exercise factor. Then we talked about orange theory. Now working with Steve Aoki. Then we talked about plastic surgery. Talked about Justin's art piece that may be haunted,
Starting point is 00:00:46 talked about how Elon Musk bought a big portion of Twitter in Sainte. Adam brought up a show called Undercover Billionaire. I talked about genetically modified trees that can capture more carbon. Then we talk about our sponsor, Magic Spoon, New Flavor, Honeynet. So remember, this is cereal that is almost zero sugar. It's grain free and it's high in protein, really high in protein, way protein. And it tastes like the cereal you grew up eating as a kid.
Starting point is 00:01:14 You gotta go try them out. Everybody loves this stuff. Go to mindpumppartners.com, click on Magic spoon, use the code Mind Pump for five dollars off. Then we talked about Logan Paul moving to the WWE. And then I brought up Organifies Green Juice and Red Juice. I love mixing them together. Great energy. My joints feel less stiff. By the way, the Red Juice, good replacement for caffeine. If you're trying to get off caffeine, go try them out. Organifies one of our longest
Starting point is 00:01:42 running companies that works with us. Go to MindPumpPartners.com. Click on Organify Use the Code MindPump for 20% off. Then we got to the question. The first one, this person want to know some exercises to build a thicker neck. The next question, this person want to know if there were advantages to training to failure sometimes. The third question, this person wants to know the best way to prevent the butt from lifting during a deadlift and then the fourth question, wanted this person want to know if building muscle was okay on a ketogenic diet. Also, all month long, we're running a huge promotion.
Starting point is 00:02:19 You can get maps prime, maps prime pro and maps anywhere. So three programs, which normally would retail for $361, get all three of them for $99.99. Okay, huge promotion, huge sale. If you're interested, head over to mapsaperal.com. The most important factor, by far, when it comes to your exercises is form and technique. Without it, you work out so far less effective and way more dangerous.
Starting point is 00:02:47 So focus on your form and technique above all. That's a strong statement to say most important. Yeah. Well, think about it, right? Think about all the exercises that someone can do and think about someone doing them terribly. It's your reps, your sets, your intensity, doesn't matter at that point because it's way less effective and you've made them so much more dangerous. And this really came to me because I'm working out
Starting point is 00:03:10 in a commercial gym these days. I haven't worked out in a commercial gym for a long time. You must be seeing a lot of wild form out there. I do, I see a lot of, and I'm watching people go hard or go easy, but the technique in the form is so bad. I'm like, I know you're doing squats, but you're not doing squats. What you're doing is you're gonna hurt yourself
Starting point is 00:03:28 at some point, or I see you doing rows, but you're making your posture worse with the way that you're doing them, type of deal. So, and as trainers and coaches, I would say, I mean, there's a lot of things that we coach and train on, but I would say that's probably the thing you really focus on the most from, I guess, a mechanistic standpoint. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:46 To argue this quite a bit, just mainly for what are you building upon? Like what, what's going to carry you further into, you know, years down the road? And I'm not going to have to go back and undo everything that I was working towards because my form was so off and I was building all these bad patterns that I was gonna carry with me. So is it really worth losing weight and doing things immediately right now without really paying attention to the form technique?
Starting point is 00:04:16 I would have to say that you can make a definite case that it's... Oh, I think it's high up there. I think it's 100% correct. At least for compound lifts and, and, and, and complex movements, hard to make that case, I think for machine, bicep curls, machines, things like that that are single joint movements, that there's not a lot
Starting point is 00:04:37 of risk involved. It does, it does make them less effective though. Oh, it does, it does make them more risky. Is my point. Maybe not super risky, but it's just more risky than they need to be, even though they're very safe extra-sounding. No, no, no does make them more risky, is my point. Maybe not super risky, but it's just more risky than they need to be, even though they're very safe extra-sounding. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I mean, the statement is most important, right? The factor, I don't know if that would be the most important factor for those types of movements. I definitely see that with a barbell complex movement for sure, because there's so much risk involved and to your point, Justin, you're laying this foundation. And if you bad patterns, if you create those, then everything else going forward is going to be terrible.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I would say that, you know, obviously compound lifts require more attention to form a technique. But man, have you guys seen a barbell curl done with terrible technique or a lateral, you know, done with terrible technique? Oh, yeah, the arching back in, oh man, it's ugly. Yeah, it's not even the same exercise. You know, what makes exercise is good at what they're designed to do is the form of technique. So I don't care what exercise you pick,
Starting point is 00:05:34 it could be an abduction machine, right, which has a little bit of value mainly maybe for correcting and balances. If you do it wrong, there's the value, it's gone now, right? All exercises are like that. Like we talk a lot about squats, they're so effective for the lower body. Do them wrong, are you really doing the squats anymore?
Starting point is 00:05:50 Are you really deriving any value? And then a lot of these lifts, it's to your point Adam, especially the compound lifts, they'll get a bad rap because people do them wrong. And so I'm sure you guys have seen this, where you'll do a deadlift and someone will come up there. You shouldn't do that. Yeah, I hurt my back doing dead lifts
Starting point is 00:06:06 or I hurt my knees doing what's going on. We make the argument sometimes for exercises, like the Jefferson curl, for instance, but there's certain people that have proper form technique and strength in that range of motion to pull it off. But that's everything. It's the technique, it's the strength, it's the control that really determines
Starting point is 00:06:27 whether or not it's a valuable exercise for you. Yeah, it's just like, if you lack, of course there's obviously I'm being very black and white. Of course there's a spectrum here. Your form can be off a little bit. That's gonna be different than if it's off a lot. But if you're doing a workout and your form is off on every exercise that you're doing, and you're not is off on every exercise that you're doing,
Starting point is 00:06:45 and you're not really focusing on the technique, and you continue to work out, you might not get hurt for a year or two years or three, then you start to get these overuse kind of injuries. And then you can't do those movements anymore. And that becomes a big problem. And then if you're one of those really consistent, disciplined people who's like,
Starting point is 00:07:03 no matter what I'm working out, no matter what, then you run into this, which I used to see all the time in the gym, which was the guy or girl who's been working out for 10 years and I can't bench anymore. Yeah, I don't do overhead presses anymore. It's like, they remove all these really effective exercises because they've developed these overuse injuries, which come from, you know, poor technique and form. So, and that's, especially with strength training, it's like, technique and form. So, and that's especially with strength training. It's like technique and form is what makes those exercise
Starting point is 00:07:29 so valuable. And so like, even with low intensity, if you just practice the exercise and practice technique, you'll get great results versus, you know, terrible techniques. I just wanna make that point, you know? Yeah, no, I think that people, we've been trying to make this case for a long time, right? That go into the gym to practice
Starting point is 00:07:44 versus always going in there to work out or exercise. I think that we're trying to shift people's mindset. I think for the longest time, health and fitness people are always pushing the motivation part of workouts, you know, to go crush it and beast mode and you're gauging your workouts based off of how much you sweat or how tired you are or how sore you are the next day and trying to get people away from that conversation and more into the form and technique. That's the factor everybody thinks is the most important, is intensity. In fact, they people readily trade intensity for technique because they think it's the intensity that's the most valuable thing.
Starting point is 00:08:26 So they go off, there was a class I was watching the other morning, again at the gym, and I want to keep talking about it because they're good people there, okay? I don't want to say anything negative. They're actually better than most gyms, but there was a class of strengths training class going on, and one of the reasons we've talked about why we don't like classes so much is it's it's in almost impossible to be really specific and watch technique when you've got 30 people. But you're watching the people in the form is going out the window because they're all chasing intensity.
Starting point is 00:08:50 And they're trading it happily because people have no idea that the intensity is not nearly as valuable as the former technique. So again, I'm watching them, I'm just like, oh my gosh. Speaking of classes, did you guys see OTF that rolled out the Steve Aoki thing? What's that?
Starting point is 00:09:06 So they have higher, his executive title is chief a music officer. So he's like a famous DJ, right? That spins a lot and like, you know what I'm saying? I mean, I'm just trying, like, I don't think everybody knows. He did the comic book with Tom Willey. Most people should have, has to know who Steve Aoki is. He's one of the most famous, for sure, one of the most famous.
Starting point is 00:09:28 So they hired him. I believe that's the right title. Maybe Doug can fact check me. I think it's CMO and I think it stands for Chief Music Officer or something. And I believe that, which is, I think this is really clever and super smart, very smart. I don't think it's going to improve the workouts by any mean, but I think that I love that they're doubling and tripling down on the experience aspect of the business, although as a trainer, I would like to critique and say, oh, better workouts. But at the end of the day, it's a business, that's what
Starting point is 00:09:58 they're trying to do, a scale this thing. And I think that, you know, playing right into that and like, check this out, our music is custom-ly made. Oh, that's good. My Stevie Otis, smart, I think that's pretty cool, right? Is that what it says, Doug? Was that right? Yeah, Chief Music Officer. Well, do you guys remember... See, what he got paid if he can?
Starting point is 00:10:16 Do you guys remember, it might have been crunch at one point, but there was a gym chain that was famous for the classes and they were always packed, but it was because of stuff like this, like there'd be like live, like reggae or there'd be a DJ spinning in the class or there'd be like some kind of different. Cycling classes were notorious for that,
Starting point is 00:10:36 yeah, having like crazy music, going at the same time. Super intense. I mean, as a selling point, people love it. I think this is a really smart move because if people go in there and listen to music that's special to OTF, I'll be right. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:10:48 You know, laser light shooting. Well, I wonder too if they're gonna get him. You know, and I would have this. So early on, I worked at one of the first ones on the West Coast, right? Florida was really big first. I doubt we were the first ones to do this. We definitely were the first ones in the West Coast,
Starting point is 00:11:03 and in our area that did this, I'm sure somebody in the East Coast did this, but we used to have a live DJ come in. So I think it was on every other Friday or something like that. I bet those will pack those classes. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, people just, it just brings a different energy in there. You know what I'm saying? So it's exciting. The classes are all about energy. Yeah. Yeah. And you feel like you're in a nightclub and I mean, and you actually feel the speakers because the DJ comes in with all their stuff. I used to have DJs come into the gym when we would do closeouts. And I would get some complaints, the older members didn't like it because it was loud as
Starting point is 00:11:31 shit, but I would always sell more memberships. All people don't like music in general. They're just loud. Now. To be loud. Exactly. It's very process food-esque though to me. I'm saying it's like focusing on the crunch, the smell,
Starting point is 00:11:45 and the taste of the workout. First of all, the exaction. Yeah, versus the effectiveness of the workout, what we're gonna do, but so again, I'm committing them on the business side, less of a fan on the programming than that side of it, because I still think that they have a share. Sure, their sign ups will increase.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Oh yeah, no. Because that's a big selling point. It's funny because I always had this idea of like having like a crazy dungeon kind of gym that I had live metal. Oh like a live dude. Can you imagine a crazy I'd be hitting peers all day. Oh I hurt myself in an instant. That would be dangerous. That would be a deal. That's working. Awesome. Yeah no I have to literally tailor my music based off of what I'm trying to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:27 If I'm like calories low and I'm trying to get leaner and I'm not gonna be strong and I gotta go get a pump, it's like I'm not putting metal on cause the work on the change right away. Yeah, you definitely have to do the right setting. Yeah. I wonder if you'll actually show up and drop in. I don't know if that's part of his contract or what
Starting point is 00:12:44 but it'd be really cool to see if he like will tour around and drop into the places. Well, didn't Madonna do that with her hard candy, Jim's? So remember hard candy? I forgot. Yeah, she was part of that. She still knows. I don't know if she didn't that didn't he didn't she partner with master off? I want to say so. I know that Apple was was running some of them. In fact, I got invited
Starting point is 00:13:04 to the hard candy one in Rome. I guess it's across the street from the Colosseum. But these gyms were like that. Life classes and Dan, you know, and she would actually show up, I don't know if they're doing this anymore, this is when they first started. She would show up just as publicity things, right? Yeah, I would.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Yeah. Speaking of which, did you see her TikTok? Oh my God. Everybody's talking about it. She showed me just really. She does not look the same, dude. Why is everyone talking about it? Because it doesn't look like her anymore.
Starting point is 00:13:25 She's had so much work on her face. Yeah. Definitely. She's gotten so far to where it's like unrecognizable. It's bad. When you're a celebrity like that, I feel bad because is there a name for that? Well, you were we were we talked about this all the time about how these celebrities that become famous and they're famous for the way they look and stuff. So it's really common with actors and actresses. And is there, is that a syndrome or is there a term for that where like an addiction to plastic surgery in general? It's just a term for that.
Starting point is 00:13:55 It's just when you're, when you're loved and valued for your image, aging has got to be the worst possible thing that can happen here. Cause you're not going to look the same. Yeah. You're getting older. You want to stay relevant. So I mean, I feel for people like that because I can't imagine what that would feel like.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Now, where are you guys at? Like what? I mean, obviously our wives all take care of themselves. They're fit and in good shape. But at one point, there'll be 65, 70 years old also. Um, what if, and if the wives came up to you and wanted to get stuff done, where do you stand on that? Like, how would you have that conversation?
Starting point is 00:14:26 God, I mean, look, it would depend. Yeah, I think it depends. And I think it would depend on what? What it is. Like what the procedure is. So there's how big? Are there certain? No.
Starting point is 00:14:38 No. It's mostly. You know what? Approved. Approved. You've proved it. It's got to, it's money. We're talking. You know what? It's what causes someone to want to go far. That's the real thing like if you're if you're feeling really bad about yourself and
Starting point is 00:14:51 insecure and It's like anything right it can turn into this thing where you're trying to fix yourself all the time Yeah, at some point you have to accept That entropy happens right you have to accept that you age and you know, that's the deal I get like hormone therapy if you age and that's the deal. I get hormone therapy, if it's monitor, that's fine, keep inside of her. I mean, a bit of Botox.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I think it's the wrinkle stuff that you know, is like, I've talked to Courtney a bit. It's just that kind of stuff, like kind of comes in, I don't have a problem. So I'm on a small side to this, right? Because I've seen the abuse of it. I've seen someone go down like they start with something very basic like Botox
Starting point is 00:15:29 and then it just escalates, right? But then I've also seen conditions where you have someone who's, and I have family, right? That's they've done this. And they're north of 60 years old. And after I saw the surgery one, it was so subtle that most people wouldn't know, I know because I see her all the time. But I also noticed how it impacted her life
Starting point is 00:15:52 afterwards. Like she was going out more and she seemed to be happier. And so you have to ask yourself, okay, well, I know it's superficial. I know like for that don't do it and aren't fans of it, there's that initial like, oh, why would you do that and be kind of judgy about it? But then there's the other side where I've seen someone do that before and it kind of turn around their life positively. So it's kind of,
Starting point is 00:16:19 I feel like there's ways of like the subtle ones, I think too, where it's like it's, you know it's not an addiction to it. Like I think there's a difference when you see somebody that has had like everything, you know, versus like just some subtle things to just kind of slow down the aging process. Yeah, but let's be honest,
Starting point is 00:16:35 but what's considered, you know, excessive changes all the time. That's right. Okay, if we went back a hundred years, so we go back to the early 1900s, 1920s, breast and plants would have been weird, right? People were like, what the hell? Coloring your hair 150 years ago would have been weird, right?
Starting point is 00:16:56 I was so bad we're bringing this up, because I was in Bakersfield, dude. There was like poster boards everywhere for like butt lifts and boob jobs and like I was like Wow, I didn't know this was such a plastic surgery place to go, you know like a bankers field You know really holding down Yeah, yeah, and I saw like in a couple of the Coffee shops or it's like lady that visibly had you know regular legs and then just this this you just slapped his butt on there. Wow it was just totally
Starting point is 00:17:27 off. Well how far is that from what's the what's the town south that's like yeah yeah it's really kind of not very hills no the the famous porn city what what oh San Fernando Valley yes I know I know I know just just so quick on that one. It's a little detour. No, how far is San Fernando Valley from Bigger's Fill area? It's not too far, is it? Probably too close. Oh, so maybe that's what there is. Yeah, that's my theory is that Bigger's Fill is one of the kind of cheaper places to
Starting point is 00:17:56 live from the San Fernando and LA area, so I'm wondering if like, that's why you see so much of that. That's smart. It's like, you work and do your plastic surgery, you live and you do your plastic surgery, you make your field and you commute over to San Fernando. And so far, because there's some big houses we drove by, but then there's just like all these like,
Starting point is 00:18:11 oil rigs and barbed wire, and like, look, like people selling crack. What is it, Doug? It's like 91 miles. Okay, so it's somewhat close. It's like people who started selling shovels with the gold rush. Oh, it was a huge man here, guys.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Let's open up a shovel store. Yeah. Well, I've seen that more now than I ever have, too. Like, when just when we were younger, obviously, breast implants was already becoming popular, but I didn't know anybody who had button plants. I've seen more of those in the last, like, 10 years. That's a hard one to do.
Starting point is 00:18:40 That's a really hard one to do because it's a muscle. Maybe to the average person they can't tell, I'm a trainer. I mean, you have to have built hamstrings to make that work. Otherwise, it's like nothing and then butt. All of a sudden, you can only tell if I'm a trainer. You can only tell if I'm a boobs O too, right? Not always. Plus boobs, but you know that boobs aren't muscle.
Starting point is 00:18:58 So I think I'm maybe a little biased because I'm a trainer. No, I'm coming on your point. Your point is that you could tell the difference. I'm like, well, you do it. How often do you see fake boobs? I think it'd be more specific. I think because I'm a trainer. No, I'm coming on your point. Your point is that you could tell the difference. I'm like, well, how often do you see fake boobs? I think it'd be more specific. I think I'm a trainer. If anything that has to do with a muscle,
Starting point is 00:19:11 because I know you could build it, maybe it, because I build muscle for, later on that's what I do for living. Well, no, I get it. If someone has huge glutes, what comes with huge glutes is hamstrings, developed hamstrings, because you're working that backside
Starting point is 00:19:24 and just it complements it. It's going to, you're in it without it. If you build a really big strong butt, the hamstrings are gonna come up with it. That's just part of it. So when you see like those like absolutely no definition in hamstrings at all, which tells me they haven't done a single squat in their lives.
Starting point is 00:19:41 And then diaper butt. And then this huge butt. And yeah, no, I get to be your own. Yeah, it's your part of Matt. But it'd be like getting bicep in plants but having no triceps, you know what I mean? Like just this big bicep in the front. Everybody would know.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Sure, so I'm gonna use all the trainers with that. So what else did you do down there? You guys were, we were there for the kids, Jim Nasty, and so we kind of made a weekend out of it because we messed up. It was nice to go to the up. It was a scenic. It was scenic. We even went to the sites.
Starting point is 00:20:08 I loved your picture. You took it. That was right outside. It's really offended. You know what was great was you did that. And then I even saw somebody who lived there was just like, yeah, I wanted to defend it, but I couldn't think of any way to do that. I'm like, you guys like produced corn, the band.
Starting point is 00:20:22 So that's something. I did that. Yeah. I think he made a big deal. that's something. Oh, did they? Yeah, they came out of Biggest Village. That's legit. They're good, man. But yeah, that was like right outside my hotel, dude. It was gnarly, just to say the least. Well, not a whole lot of great things
Starting point is 00:20:35 going on with a five star hotel's there. Yeah, not a whole lot. I mean, we drove back and tried to make a trip out of it, went to like San Luis Obispo. And so we're on this hunt to like find a lot of items for the house. And there was this really cool furniture store. And we bought this like mirror, and then we bought this other piece that was like a nine foot piece of wood
Starting point is 00:20:56 that somebody had carved these two like bowls in it. And apparently it was like some tribe in India and it was part of their like warding off evil spirits or whatever. And it's like kind of their thing. They had this whole backstory behind it is like 300 years old. And I was like, oh, do this thing.
Starting point is 00:21:16 It's cool. You know, we're all stoked on it. We shove it in the car with us like right between all of us and we're driving all the way home like three hours with this big old fucking wood like like smashing into us the whole way home We get home and there's a maiden China tight. Yeah No, no way, it's worse. No, that would be the worst thing ever No, this was expensive too is like it was like a total conversation'm like, oh, cool, because we got all these blank walls
Starting point is 00:21:45 and stuff in my house. Like, lame. So I bring it inside and I put it against the wall. I wanted it to be near the door. I'm like, this looks cool here. And so I didn't think anything of it. And we're just kind of walking around. And then right before I'm going to bed, Courtney's like,
Starting point is 00:22:01 you know, the boys kind of came up to me and they're like, you know, we're scared. We're scared of this item that you brought in the house. And I was like, what? You scared, what do you mean? So I just, I turned the lights on and go over, that was just like messing with my head. I'm like, why are they scared of this?
Starting point is 00:22:19 I'm looking at it and it's like, it's these two, so it's bulls, but they'd look like just demons. Like when you start looking at it without all the distraction of things in a different setting and it's just by itself, it was like you're walking past it and it's just like, this old ancient evil fucking relic
Starting point is 00:22:37 I just put in my house. Had you brought it into your ghost house? Into my ghost house, it's already tried to set itself on fire and flood itself. What are you trying to do? I don't know It's attracting. I don't know. I was like, why did I breathe in my house? And I put it outside my house for the night and I'm like now I have to fucking sell it No, dude. I can't have it in my house
Starting point is 00:22:55 I didn't realize like I was like how do I not see this? What is it? Yes, I drove all the way that like bang I don't know you know, I sent a Doug a picture of it. If you guys want to check it out, let me see what it looks like. Dude, I mean, it's super cool, but it was like, dude, this thing is, how much you pay for this? It's got a little bit of evil vibes to it, dude. I drew it in there, I drew it in there.
Starting point is 00:23:15 You break a thousand on this, you didn't spend a thousand dollars on it. Oh, yeah, that's for sure I did, dude. Oh, we're gonna use old, bro. We're talking about this thing. It's 300 years old, yeah. Dude, I, this thing? Let's see. Yeah. No, no, not that good. Oh, that's cool. No, Yeah. See it. I this thing. Let's see. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:26 No, no, not that. Oh, that's cool. Oh, no, no, no, no, that is. No, I texted to you. Oh, yeah. Okay. Oh, I see. Here we are. Yeah. No, it's a plank. So you have a your house is haunted. We've already established 300 years old. And you brought in some where else and you brought in some cursed sculptures. Yes. Yes. So you're trying to cross the ring. I watch too many shows where like somebody brings in this old piano that like demons come out and they fuck with you.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Or, hey, remember the Brady bunch when they brought back the lava rock? Oh yeah, they're all white. Yeah, it's probably fine, but it's just it got in my head that the kids were scared of it. You know, I think that's it really like served necessarily. Kids see spirits, bro.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Are you having technical difficulties over there? Of course, of course. Of course. Well course well you know we can see it later hey you know before you as he's trying to work on that we have to talk about one of the most gangster moves ever that someone did Elon Musk what do you do gang you can't believe you don't know you hear this no oh my god I thought for sure no wonder you weren't talking about it. No, no, okay. So remember how Elon did that pull about if he were to start his own social media?
Starting point is 00:24:30 Yeah, okay. You know what he did? He did something? No, no. He did something that's so gangster, it's amazing. He bought 9.2% of Twitter. He is the largest shareholder now of Twitter, the largest.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Just for reference, Jack Dorsey, who founded it, owns 2%. So Elon Musk now is a majority shareholder. He now owns more shares than any single person of Twitter. He has now serious influence and power. And by the way, by the way, he bought that many shares, I don't know how many billions of dollars or whatever he bought. He's just a shit ton of shares.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Immediately, Twitter exploded. He's already made $750 million as of right now. If you go on and look at the caught, the whatever, he's already made $750 million off of his investment. Oh, wow. Now where is shareholders excited about him coming in? They can't say shit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:21 They can't say anything. I'm gonna say, because this is, so now he's shaking it up. Let's talk about this, right? Because he, one thing that he tweeted that got a lot of controversy was he said, do you think that the algorithm that Twitter operates off of should be open source?
Starting point is 00:25:37 Because there's all this controversy, right? Are they censoring? These people, why isn't it fair with these people over there? You kick this guy off, you don't kick that guy off. We have the, you know, the people, you know, running the country of Iran, who obviously support, they're still on there, but, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:52 our ex-president is off there and whatever, it's all this controversy. He said, we need an algorithm that's open, so people know what's going on. I'm very interested to see what kind of influence he has. Wow. Now, did this come, had to go on crazy. The press has got to be all over. That's what he was talking about it. I mean, did he come out and say his intentions?
Starting point is 00:26:13 Yeah, I didn't say anything. No, not yet. That was just the big, great. I think it's pretty clear was in what his intentions are based off of how he's, you know, what he's always said. I got to look at the shares right now. Well, of course, you're going to see from the conservative side, people are like, yeah, bring truck back on. You know, I don't know how much power you have at 9% still. You're not a, you're, you're not the CEO. Yeah, and you don't even have majority, right?
Starting point is 00:26:36 So you have, you're the largest holder. So you do, you can manipulate stock, right? So you could be a dick and sell off when they're already crashing and then that would hurt them really bad. So you do have some power. I'm sure it comes with a board seat with that much money. I think one of the biggest simple things that I can think of is they can't kick him off or censor him
Starting point is 00:26:58 because there's always been a little bit of the threat because he pushes it a little bit. Why? Because he owns, what if he retaliates? Cool, I'll dump all the stock. Boom. You guys all tank, you know, it's very interesting. And I'm not sure what the shareholder meetings would look like. Obviously, he's not the, he doesn't own a majority in the sense that he has that, that kind of power. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:16 But a single person owning that many shares would mean, I don't know how many other shareholders would have to come together to overwrite him is my point. He owns so much because it doesn't sound like it's not the shareholder. It would just be the board. The board would have to. I don't know how many other shareholders would have to come together to override him is my point. He owns so much. It doesn't sound like. It would just be the board. The board would have to, I don't know how many people are on the board. And even if he has a seat on the board, he would have a majority vote. He would have to have a majority of vote to really impact any real structural trains. He's definitely in the meetings now. To the company. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. He's on the board, maybe. Yeah. Is what I's what I'm saying. He's on the board maybe. Yeah. Is what I would assume that he is.
Starting point is 00:27:46 But it's like just a foot that he got in, right? Like I don't know exactly where that's gonna go. Bottom line is interesting as shit. Like it's interesting that he's made a play like that. You know, you wonder what he's, what he's actually doing. And that's after he tweeted, you know, I'm thinking about starting my own, basically essentially starting my own social media platform.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I mean, that's wild. if you could go about it. Yeah, that just came out. I didn't even see this. This just happened. Wow. I mean, Twitter, I mean, exploded. They're share price exploded right afterwards. And again, if you see how much he invested
Starting point is 00:28:16 after he bought it, the rising stock, he's already made $750. I just love all the moves. Hey, love or hate him. You have to at least appreciate watching him. Dude, he's, I mean, you gotta appreciate that. You know why I like the guy. I don't know him. So I don't know if he's a good guy, bad guy or whatever. He's gangsters hell though, because he puts his money where his mouth is all the time. Exactly. They talk crap about it, not paying taxes. He pays more
Starting point is 00:28:35 taxes than anybody. Then he donates billions of dollars in charity. Now, how are you going to talk to it? Part of it. Okay. So, you know, we. So once we're dulled down here, there's the bowl smelling his farts, right? What was this year's picture? Oh yeah, now you can see it. Yeah. That's my computer did not like this thing. Oh, see? See, it's definitely got some evil spirits or something.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Yeah, but like your first glance, it looks cool because it's just like bowls, but I don't know what it was. Like in the certain lighting in my house, in my self, without doing the trucky studio. Yeah, like it's it's it's cool It's like a totem kind of poll looking at first. I want to I want to like see what it was really stoked on it And then it was like I'm not about to put that somewhere if it means something exactly I don't have a whole lot of like Protective type of symbolism in my house yet, So it's like, I don't know if I'm gonna add this up
Starting point is 00:29:26 and be done with it. Yeah, there you go. Well, I'm just gonna get a priest in it to do a little thing. You know, back to you guys smelling as far as is, you know, Elon is one of the better CEOs out there, especially when we talk about the billionaire CEOs, as far as talking to the press
Starting point is 00:29:47 and doing a good job of promoting himself. You have to remember that as you guys talk about how of his brand. Yeah, he's not afraid to say that when he's smoking. He does interviews, he tweets, he does all this stuff all the time. Like he's also brilliant in the way of self-promoting. Totally.
Starting point is 00:30:05 So part of our allure to him and stuff like that is he does that better than many, there might be somebody who's a badass billionaire or a hundred millionaire that you like even more, but you don't know it because he's not self-promoting. Oh, sure. But you know what, it's not even so much that for me, because remember how much criticism
Starting point is 00:30:22 he got for smoking a joint on Rogan? Remember Tesla shares, crack, they went down like, like 4%, 5% something like that. Yeah. It's not even that, I don't really care about that that much. He's kind of weird when he talks, he's obviously very smart dude. I think he's even said on Silent Live
Starting point is 00:30:34 that he's, what is he, a high-functioning autistic. So he's not like super smooth when he communicates. Yeah. He just puts his money, where his mouth is. That's it. He talks shit about Twitter. He's all action. Yeah, what does he do? Billions of dollars. That's it. He talks shit about Twitter. He's all action. Yeah, what does he do?
Starting point is 00:30:46 Billions of dollars. You're now on 9.2%, you know, percent. Like that's putting your money where your mouth is. That's the part that I, because I don't know if I would do that, but that with that many billions of dollars. Like that's a big risk. The opposite could have happened.
Starting point is 00:30:57 He could have bought it, and people could have sold their shit, and he could have lost. Yeah, well, he's not the money. No doubt, he's playing 3D chess for sure. But you know what, speaking of billionaires, oh my god, this is actually just an endug, you guys will appreciate it
Starting point is 00:31:08 because I know how much you guys like billions. And what a shit show that's become, right? It's terrible season. So unfortunate, there's not a lot of, so we had that conversation. This was on Friday, the three of us were talking and we're all disappointed in the trajectory of billions and stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:21 So I was on a hunt for like, because I made that comment, like what are their billionaires shows? Oh, there's not like other cool billionaires shows that I can watch other than succession and stuff. Yeah. So I was on a hunt for like, because I made that comment, like, what are their billionaire shows? Well, there's not like other cool billionaire shows that I can watch other than succession and that. Like, what else is there? Yeah. So you know what show I found
Starting point is 00:31:32 that I'm like going down the rabbit hole right now? Undercover billionaire. Grant Cardone was on him. Is this like undercover boss? Is it the same? Yeah, because I've seen undercover boss. So it's a reality show like that, but the premise is nothing like that. So undercover's a reality show like that, but the premise
Starting point is 00:31:45 is nothing like that. So undercover boss, they, oh, you texted us about this. So this thing, okay. So, and now I like Grant Cardone even more. I kind of like the guy before, but I didn't know him very well after watching him do this. And I guarantee you once you guys watch it, you'll have some more feelings. I'm not all the way through. I haven't seen the finish of it, but it's got me sucked in. So check this out So the premise of the show I went right to so by the way I went to disclaimer I went right to season two because I really the way I got hooked in was I was curious about Grant Cardone's episode. I wanted to see his episode his episode is in season two So I started at season two
Starting point is 00:32:20 The show is about three three other billionaires Grant Cardone being one of them, so two other ones. And they tell them, they strip them of all their money, their name, that they change their appearance, they get a cell phone with no contacts in it, and a hundred dollars in their pocket, they drop them in a random city that they don't tell them about in like literally bum fuck Egypt type of towns in the middle, everywhere in the country,
Starting point is 00:32:44 the three different places. And then they have 90 days to build a million dollar business. Oh wow. Fucking cool. No, are they, I mean, just more alert. Do they actually do it? So I know they do because I looked ahead, but I haven't seen it unfold and happen.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Supposedly grant builds a 5.5 million dollar business. That's the real companies that like, yes. And the hundred bucks. So the best part of the show already. I bought some cocaine. That's a good job. Immediately I'm going to drugs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:12 They can't, they cannot use their likeness. So even when they're having conversation with these people, they have to pretend they're somebody else. They can use anything that they have. Yeah, they have no leverage. Zero leverage at all and no power with money. They have a hundred100 to their name. That's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:33:26 And they give them this beat up truck. So they each have like a beat up vehicle that's worth maybe two grand and $100 to their name. And they got to pay for food in a place to live and stay. So they all got to get jobs right out the get. They got to find a place to live for super cheaps and say, it is cool. That sounds so hard.
Starting point is 00:33:44 And what it is, it seems crazy. It seems crazy hard. And the thing that I'm most impressed with is all three of these CEOs are like totally different people, but you start to see some characteristics that I wish the show actually elaborated or highlighted a little bit. Like commonalities.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Yes, that people need to understand. Like you got these billionaires, and I know a lot of times like billionaires that get this you know, pretentious and their ass. Oh, these guys are fucking the first to get there. But that's right. And you watched the way they interact with strangers and people and the way they build relationships and how every every bit of communication, they're always thinking two, three steps ahead on relationships and building those first. The money will come. They all say kind of the same thing.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Like, I have no idea what I'm gonna build. I have no idea the opportunities. And they all kind of have the same similar strategy of my goal is because they have no idea where they're going. It's like, when I get into this town, is to go find the movers and shakers. Who are the most powerful people in town town and they all end up getting connected Wow to people and the way they get connected is really really cool. Oh, it's very interesting
Starting point is 00:34:52 I did I had no idea about the show and I thought it was such a cool premise, right? Yeah, I mean to build to build I mean to build any It's really good. Any business sounds impossible is I mean it sounds impossible. Yes Here's a hundred bucks. Go make a million dollars and 90 days Well, any business that sounds impossible. Yeah, I mean, it sounds impossible. Yes. Here's a hundred bucks, it's gonna make a million dollars and 90 days. Yeah. You know, it's cool about that is if it's real, which it sounds like it is,
Starting point is 00:35:12 I think you watch that, you can realize, there's a lot you can control. You know, there definitely is. I mean, I've worked with some very successful people as clients and you do find these, you find that some pretty interesting commonalities. One of them is they're typically very good with people.
Starting point is 00:35:26 You know, one of my favorite parts without like ruining the show, this is just a small part in what made me like Grant Cardone so much because I know very little about this guy, is part of his strategy is to get to a place where he can make two, he set a goal, two to $3,000 in the first week and a half, so he can pay for his family to be there because he
Starting point is 00:35:45 knows if he's got a grind like this for 90 days, that he needs his family. He's never been more than like four days without his kids. And so he's so determined to hustle up three to five grand so he can then pay for them to come out and stay and be near him so he can finish. So none of them went to town about $100 worth of scratch or tickets? No, but yeah. And everybody found a way to end the stuff that some of these CEOs are doing, like this one girl, like she find like $100 will not even get you a night at a motel.
Starting point is 00:36:15 No. Like so she found like this like shit hole in and ends up making a deal for one night. And then she ends up, I mean the place is disgusting, finds out the guy who's managing it needs like all this help and decides to like scrub bathrooms, clean kitchen and just remodel the place on her free time to get trade for staying in the end. So they all use ways like that to leverage, like there, and the jobs that they're willing to do
Starting point is 00:36:42 to make a couple of bucks, like nobody's like complaining that they're getting minimum wage, no one's, they're just, they're and the jobs that they're willing to do to make a couple of bucks like nobody's like complaining that they're getting minimum wage no one's they're just they're doing everything they can right now to just establish a really and that's where I'm at in the show like so I haven't seen it's called billionaire undercover undercover billionaire yeah it's a discovery plus show I'm watching that yeah that's right we brought up Elon's smoking weed. Is it true that at the federal level, they're passing the house voted to decriminalize marijuana? But I think it still has to go through the Senate or the Senate might have shot it down already.
Starting point is 00:37:15 At this point does anybody care? I know, yeah. I know, that's ridiculous. Yeah, it's been out. By the way, that's not legalization. I have cousins who are like texting. Woo, it's gonna be legal. Now it's not the same, that's not legalization. I have cousins who are like texting. Woo, it's gonna be legal. Now, it's not the same dude.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Yeah, yeah. It just means it's decriminalized. That doesn't mean it's gonna be legalized. But yeah, they need to decriminalize it, or at least not treat it the way that they treat it, which is pretty good. I mean, it really is not gonna impact anybody at our level who's just a consumer right now,
Starting point is 00:37:40 because right now almost any state you're in, you can go crazy. Yeah, it goes decriminalization, and then if it goes legalization federally, then what you'll see is these established cannabis companies in states where it's legal like California versus Washington. What's the delivery? Oh, then they'll start to go grocery stores,
Starting point is 00:37:57 or safeways, and I mean, that'll be interesting to see. So that's what I'm most curious to see what happens is like, are we going to see in the next few years, you know, you'll be a national brand. Just like you see alcohol and cigarettes at a grocery store, will you now see a section that's dedicated to cannabis products and you'll just have to be used? I think so.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Where I think they'll screw up. Where I think they'll screw up is they'll tax the shit out of it, which will keep the black market vibrant. You know what I mean? That's what I think that's the for sure natural progression anyways, like they're going to make sure they squeeze every dime they can. And then I think over time, you got to think that they would loosen up on it. There's a dumb straddle.
Starting point is 00:38:37 There's still moonshineers that exist, right? Yeah. And there will always be somewhat of a black mark. It's mostly novelty though, yeah. But right now, to Salis Point, which is true, they're taxing it so heavily that if you have a connection to a farmer right now, like you have a relationship with growers, I don't go to cannabis clubs, dude. The cannabis clubs are so overpriced
Starting point is 00:38:58 and it's be grade marijuana that's in there. Because the guys can still get killer prices on the black market. So most of these guys that have been due to end girls, whatever, that have been doing this forever are not taking it into cannabis clubs because they can sell it on the black market for a higher price.
Starting point is 00:39:14 And consumers will pay it because they're getting a better quality product. Here's what I think. I think if it goes national, if it becomes legal federally, companies like Marlboro, or companies that own Marlboro, I forgot what the name of it was,
Starting point is 00:39:27 an outtree or something like that. Philip Morris. No, it's not anymore. They think they change the name, but they will crush because they have everything set up already. Yeah. Everything already set up. Get all the fields and everything.
Starting point is 00:39:38 And they'll just boom, jump in and just, in fact, if I'm not mistaken, they were already positioning themselves to be ready for something like that to happen, because it will happen. So I always wonder, like, if that's not mistaken, they were already positioning themselves to be ready for something like that to happen. Because it will happen. So I always wonder, like, if that's how it's gonna happen, because imagine when like alcohol, and I wish I remember the history on alcohol better,
Starting point is 00:39:53 like obviously it wasn't around at the time, but like what companies were already doing it illegally, and then that transition into going legal, versus other companies that were doing something completely different, but just had a lot of power decide to get into it because that's the one thing that Cape Philip Morris has been doing cigarettes for a long time. Well, growing tobacco and farming tobacco is not the same as farming marijuana. No, but aren't there a lot of
Starting point is 00:40:16 there is no real. There's more commonalities with a tomato plant than there are with a a tobacco plant. So if someone grows tomatoes and they have a massive tomato farm, and then they want to make the switch over to marijuana, they have a better chance of hitting it out the park and dominating. I'll call my dad. But no, you're telling tomato. You have to factor in, there's got to be a growth curve on,
Starting point is 00:40:36 no, I mean, Philip Morris has the money to go out and buy the best growers and then eventually attract all that. So I do believe that at one point, they'll eventually dominate, but do you really think that they'll come out the gates right away and be able to mass produce a better, cheaper version of what's out there? I read some articles on this a while ago.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I'm trying to find what company owns them. I guess they're manufactured, I guess you're right, Philip Morstel. But I was reading an article and I can't find it about how they were positioning themselves and what it looked like. And they were saying that they, but I was reading an article and I can't find it about how they were positioning themselves on what it looked like, and they were saying that they, but you're right, I actually don't know as much as I don't know a whole bunch in terms of what that looked like.
Starting point is 00:41:13 I think they have the distribution channels, I think that makes a big difference. Yeah, and I definitely think, I definitely think they're going to go make millions upon billions of dollars doing it. Will that eliminate black market completely or other producers? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:28 I think there's gonna be a market for connoisseur cannabis still and until, and I don't know if Philip Morris will even try and be that. Maybe they'll just look at the bigger pie and go like, listen, we just wanna get 80% of everybody, the main, the people that are all thinking about trying it or they dabble in a bit. It's like the high volume, high heavily processed version.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Yeah, exactly. And then there's gonna be the people that have some very particular, they want to work. I mean, I have grown, they want the highest, whatever. You have your bud light, right? And then you have your other expensive I.P.H.
Starting point is 00:41:56 It's a lot of down version. Yeah, so that, so I, I think it's gonna look like that. I think we're gonna have some big players like that, but they're gonna have a lot of these smaller IPA, like locally type of grown type of stuff. lot of these smaller IPA, like locally type of grown type of stuff. Speaking of plants, I read, by the way, I just want everybody to know this, humanprogress.org is a phenomenal site.
Starting point is 00:42:12 If you want to read really interesting current stuff on science and, you know, new studies and stuff like that. So they came out, so check this out, right? On humans, I read this article about trees being genetically modified to capture more carbon from the air. Really, really crazy stuff. So they have a, they are able to genetically modify through using genes that you find in algae.
Starting point is 00:42:40 They'll put them in trees, and the trees will grow 50% faster and capture far more carbon. That's crazy. Far more carbon actually. The environmental things. To clean the environment. Now instead of just talking about it, throw money in the air. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Now, when I was thinking, I'm trying to figure out where I actually posted it somewhere, but I'm trying to find the article. One thing that I found that was very interesting is I'm like, okay, how's this going to work? Where are they going to plant them? Like, how's this all going to happen interesting is I'm like, okay, how's this gonna work? Where are they gonna plant them? Like, how's this all gonna happen? What they would do, and oh, by the way, they were also genetically modifying these trees to not produce pollen because of the fear of
Starting point is 00:43:15 contaminating the other trees everywhere else. So you'll own these trees, they'll plant them only if you plant them while they be there. So I thought that was pretty fascinating. But then they'll let, and they're very resilient. They're gonna take less water, like all the stuff that they're into. How long is their lifespan is that?
Starting point is 00:43:28 They just grow super fast. So you could just produce, wait, and they live a long time, like a normal tree. So I was reading about like what this business model will look like, and apparently what they're talking about was going to private landowners who would allow them to grow these trees, then you get what are called carbon credits
Starting point is 00:43:44 from the government because it's capturing so much carbon. And then they would share the profits with the land owner. So you own a bunch of land, this company comes on, grows all these trees, government gives them money and you share it with them. It's actually actionable steps in that direction. And so just taxing it. Was it Bill Gates who bought a bunch of land?
Starting point is 00:44:04 He did. And he's just sitting on it right now. He did. He bought all kinds. That's interesting because I was watching some show and it was one of those, oh, you know what it was? Like, what do you call those places that are like a homestead?
Starting point is 00:44:18 You've heard of homestead? Yeah. So there was like these guys that go in and they help these people improve their homestead and they do all this kind of renovations and stuff. But Vermont was where they were at. And I didn't realize it like, I guess over the years, like 80% of Vermont is all like forest now. Like since there's not that highly populated, like there's so many trees that grew in that
Starting point is 00:44:44 state alone. It's like, it's so much of an effective of population, whether or not we have like this dense forest in places like that. Now, do they have things to show like the quality of air and stuff of like a way better? Yeah, of course, right. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:44:59 It's just like, it's kind of one of those interesting things. Like if we left everything else would just flourish, you know? Wow, that's what I was, what I was, you know, about these trees, my big concern was, what if it, what if it's so sturdy and so fast growing that it takes over? They're just like, oh, I know, it's just, yeah, pervading. But they were talking, again, they were talking about how to prevent, you know, stuff like that from happening. So I think this is brilliant. It's absolutely brilliant. You're growing a tree. Yeah. It's capturing more carbon. They don't die. They don't, they don't produce as many like falling leaves and shit which ends up releasing more carbon. It's a trading company. No.
Starting point is 00:45:35 That's the thing. So we have that. And we're like algae makes a huge, it converts a carbon, doesn't it? And it filters it out for oxygen. So it's like, there's simple solutions to all these things. And there's also like, I mean, didn't they develop some kind of bacteria that eats oil in the ocean for oil spills and things like that? This just doesn't get like promoted in this. Innovation is how we're- Innovation.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Is that, was it at Tony, were you talking to Robbins who said that about how he, like, for every, like, like, he's done the math on flying his jet or doing and those things like what it would it, what it, planted that many trees to basically negate. Top set of mouth. Yeah, to offset his footprint. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:15 I think that was, I thought that was pretty cool. The current tech nuclear power is pretty remarkable. They can actually use the waste from old nuclear power plants as fuel and they produce a tremendously small amount of waste compared to the amount of power that they produce. Isn't it funny how we're just in and data with we're just such bad organisms? No, we're doing so much bad stuff. There's this movement. I don't know if it's an actual movement, but I've seen posts about it about people who are trying to tell other people not to have kids to save the earth. Like, who's going to enjoy the earth if it's known actual movement, but I've seen posts about it about people who are trying to tell other people not to have kids to save the earth.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Like, who's going to enjoy the earth? There's no one here. Also, it's also based on a lot of false information. For example, the whole like we're running out of space. Did you guys know that we could take the entire population of earth, the whole population of earth, put them in Texas and we would have population density in New York City. We don't have a population problem. That's true.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Yes, that's true. That can't be right. That's 100% true. Ian, you could take the entire population of the world, put it in, put it in all the way into Texas. I don't realize how big Texas is. And it would be, it would have the population density of New York City. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Yeah. That's a crazy step. Yeah. That is a crazy step. We also have more oil available to us today than we did in the 70s or even 60s. Why? Because the new technologies have reached that oil. So they actually scientists thought we were going to reach what was called peak oil in the 1980s, meaning the amount of oil we're going to produce, the cost was going to offset the energy and all whatever. But because
Starting point is 00:47:41 of modern technology like fracking, they're able to access more oil. So this is all, not saying it's perfect, but when you go on that website, it breaks things down and you can start to see like, oh I love that website, yeah, it's like what is actually happening and what kind of advances innovations are out there? Plus it's a good news site.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Every other site's a bad news. Everything's bad news, man. Dude, I am still tripping out on the whole world to fit in Texas. That's wild. Do you think like China and India alone, like that'd be impossible right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:09 And then to think that it would just be as populated as New York City is. That is crazy. Well, the vast majority of the population in most countries is concentrated into very small areas. America is a very generally, we have big metropolitan areas,
Starting point is 00:48:24 but generally speaking, we have very metropolitan areas, but generally speaking, we have very, like, the very wide. Yeah, there's so much space. There's no way in wide open land. Well, that, and that completely highlights how crazed is. I would have never guessed it's even closer. I know. I know. I had a great trivia question. I know. I should have kept it that way. Anyway, speaking of good news, Magi Spoon has a new flavor. Yeah, I like it. Doug was munching on it. What is it?
Starting point is 00:48:47 Honeynut? Yeah. Honeynut. What does it taste like? I don't know if it tastes like any other cereal I've had, but it definitely has a honey flavor. Have you ever had, you've obviously had honey nut Cheerios? It's been so many years.
Starting point is 00:48:59 I have the honeycomb. Honeycomb. It looks like honeycomb, so it kind of reminds me of that. Okay, that's what I thought it would be like. I was, oh Doug, put the box in the frame. I want people to see. There you are. And the reason why I want people to see
Starting point is 00:49:09 is because Magic Spoon, whoever designs the box, they're like psychedelic, they're on mushrooms, something like that. There's always like somebody riding something weird. Yeah, like, yeah, there's a explorer riding a bee. Yeah. I've actually never asked them why. I appreciate that though.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Why that? Why do they make me like that? Because think about all those like Saturday, Sunday morning. Yeah. Yeah, those type of sugar cereals, they always have these wild psychedelic two can and leprechauns. Yeah. Unicorn, where the fuck?
Starting point is 00:49:43 Hey Doug, read off the macros again on that for me. What is it? What's the serving size and what are the macros on? Yes, one cup, 140 calories, No, it's a chocolate. Seven grams, total fat, 14 grams, carbs of which one is a one gram of sugar and 13 grams of protein.
Starting point is 00:50:01 For a cup of cereal, For cup of cereal, 13 grams of protein. I see you eat it dry a lot. Is that how you normally do it? No. So today I didn't bring a lunch. I completely forgot to bring a bunch while I just didn't take the time to make it. So this is my go-to, you know, if I can't get food easily. So rather than go to a restaurant and get something I don't end up eating too much of.
Starting point is 00:50:25 When I was a kid I thought I discovered a secret when I ate dry cereal for the first time watching TV. I was like, this is a snack too. I don't need milk for this and I just sit there with my hand in the box. I love dry cereal. Yeah, my mom would be like, I like it with milk too much. Throw some milk in there. Anyway. Did you guys see this weekend was the WWE with WrestleMania, right?
Starting point is 00:50:47 I thought I heard it. And did you say you watched it with your boy? Was that the first time you watched WrestleMania with him? No. I watched it before. I saw, is that the one with Ronda Rousey came out too and lifted Triple H in the air? I didn't watch that part.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Okay. So she's strong as shit to do that by the way. That's a big dude. And she literally low in Paul made an appearance. Was he impressive? Yes. Oh wow. Look at his clip, Doug. If you go to his Instagram, he did a little 15, 20 second clip of his match and for sure practiced for a while to get to the get to yeah, he looked great. He's winning me over. I don't know the guys. So he's probably I don't know if he's a dick or what.
Starting point is 00:51:25 I like him. I like him, man. He's doing whatever they're not getting their hands. That's why I like that. That's what I'm saying. Bro, he is his new drink or whatever, with the prime or whatever it is. He got, he partnered up with WWE.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Is it an energy drink? Wow. I don't, it's like a, I think it's like a low-cal or no-cal type of drink, like hydration drink. So I think it's like a, like a gatorade, but like no-cal, I think, right? Is that right? Okay, thank you.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Yeah, I'm just guessing right now. Oh, there he is right there. Oh, with the WWE Suplex. Wow, that's pretty good. Who's he fighting there? He did a stereo. He got off the ropes. He did so, he did.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Now, wasn't he a wrestler in high school? Yeah. Yeah, so he's, so he knows how to grapple, but it doesn't matter, I mean, this is, yeah, I can tell that these are WWE moves. To the obviously practice them. Yeah. There's, there's some pictures of him jumping in the, jumping over the dude's head. Oh, look at that. And doing the splits. He jumped off the ropes. Like, and he acts. Yeah. He knows that act. Wow. Good for him. Like a natural fit for him. Yeah, dude. This, this guy's not going away. He's not going away. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:52:25 No, and he's only, he just turned like 27. Did he really? Yeah, he's 27 years old, man. Oh, man. I mean, I don't know what his, him and his brother's net worth are up to, but boy, you know, before 30 years old, these guys are in, in route to be, you know, billionaire. He's not going away.
Starting point is 00:52:40 No, he's already made a lot of smart decisions at this point. At first, I thought it was like one of those flash in the pan, you know, social media, whatever, but no. You see his Pokemon card that he has? You know the worth on that thing? No, how much? So it's a 5.5 million.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Shut your face. Yeah, for a card? For a Pokemon card. No way. So it's like the rarest Pokemon card that exists, there's only like 34 in the world and there's only one 10 meant or mint 10. I don't know that order, I suppose to say that in, right?
Starting point is 00:53:08 The perfect card with no, it's completely like no indentions, no scuff centered, perfect, whatever that's what a perfect 10. How much did he buy it for? He paid five million for it. No, he didn't. Yes. Wow.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Yeah, he paid 5.4 million. I think it's what he paid for. I have no idea what it's supposedly is for. Can you imagine writing a check for $5 million for Pokemon? Pokemon of all cards. Yeah, it's like, come on. Yeah, it made it in the Gittysworld record.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I think it's like one of the most expensive cards ever even purchased. I just, what a crazy one. Did he get burned on another one that was inauthenticated or like it was on a box? He bought a bunch of other boxes. I heard that was, I heard that was fake. Says that, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Staying on this true stage before I was open to the word. That's what I heard too, that it was staged. Just to hype it up. Yeah, I think that was, I think that was all part of his thing to hype this up was the show that he got screwed by like, and I think he paid for that. By the way, I think it was like $2 million or something
Starting point is 00:53:59 like that. Oh, you know what I forgot to tell you guys? Did you guys hear about what the auto makers that agreed to end gas car sales? Yeah, GM did it. And so Ford GM Mercedes Benz and some others. That's why I was so hard up on the Cadillac. Yeah, because it'll be the last.
Starting point is 00:54:17 It'll be the last gas powered supercharged V8 engine that the GM GM makes. So here's all of them. It's Ford GM Mercedes Volvo Jaguar Volvo, Jaguar, Land Rover, and then a Chinese automaker. They're gonna eliminate gas car sales globally by 2040. So I know it's better for the earth. And I know that they may say I know, right? So let's look at the data.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Just, so I sent you guys, did you guys watch that video? I sent of the the electric truck that smoked the Raptor and the, uh, well, dude, that's the thing. I mean, the torque and the fast. They're so fast. Testless are ridiculous. And she's wrong. I mean, the, the, the second clip, they pulled a boat. They pulled a boat and beat a Ford Raptor. That is crazy. You don't need to wait to build a Ford light. Power. It's electric. It's electric. It's combustion. It takes a bit. Yeah, no, this is instantaneous. Yeah, right now. Yeah, I mean you guys have been in a Tesla fast. Have you guys been in the plot? Yeah, you've done that. You're stuck to your seat. You're stuck. Yeah, but it doesn't have the same sound. You know, like, you know, the feel.
Starting point is 00:55:25 We're all the guys, bro. Our kids are gonna grow up like the smell and the sound and the rumbling, dude. It's just like, you know, like, how do you say about that? Exactly. Yeah. Like, weee. You know, like, at cool, but it's not, it's not fucking something with balls. Our kids, our kids are gonna, and their kids are gonna make fun of us. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh with how our monsters would smoke them, but it's flipped completely. Like now you have these like little electric cars.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Here comes Grandpa Justin. He's showing more polar bears and his fucking truck. God damn it. Get in there, little priest. Yeah. No, I'll leave the fuck you. They're fast, dude. It's because we grew up with cars being a particular,
Starting point is 00:56:19 you know how long it can't tell you something? It took me so long to accept driving a sports car that's not stick shift. I hated that. I'm like, why would you buy a sports car not stick shift? I love it. Now I accept it now because you can't find any other stick shift. No, no one can drive them.
Starting point is 00:56:34 It's the best car theft insurance, right? Like if you get a manual transmission. It's totally true. Yeah, that's a little. That's my sister's boyfriend's a police officer and he goes, okay, do you guys, if you have a stick, you can leave the car open. Nothing to take your car. That's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. That's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:56:46 Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. That's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, I'm trying to work through this aging process when I work out, be smart with my exercise and my nutrition, whatever. You guys know I've dropped my calories
Starting point is 00:57:10 because I just over 210 for me just isn't comfortable. You're awesome. I was pushing my gut health was good, so I was pushing my weight and I was excited about that. But then my sleep was crap and I was snoring and was pissing off my wife and just didn't feel comfortable So I cut calories and I've been doing a few things with supplements to kind of offset some of that stuff and you guys know I've been mixing the
Starting point is 00:57:32 Organified green juice with the red juice. So I used to call that the Christmas blend, right? And I mix that been drinking that pretty regularly and I do notice a difference in my Joints when I drink it on a regular basis and I drink it during my workout So I have it during my workout. So I have it during my workout because the red juices got some stuff that'll give you a little bit of energy. It's not really stimulant, but I do notice my joints are a little bit better
Starting point is 00:57:54 when I take it. Now I haven't taken into this consistency. I actually felt really the other day, you accidentally stole my water bottle and foot your shit in my water bottle. No, I did. But I actually did enjoy the drink. It was actually kind of a good mix you did.
Starting point is 00:58:05 You did the, I think the red juice, the element tea. Is that what else is that it? It's a good little mix. What flavors did you do to make it taste like that? That was it. No, what's the real tea? Oh, watermelon element element. Oh, so it's watermelon, watermelon,
Starting point is 00:58:16 and then the red juice. Yeah. It ended up being. It was so mad. I accidentally got his cup. You know what I mean? Not like, bro, it was our nice aluminum bottle, your bottle's like mine.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Only have stickers on mine, so you know it's mine. I know, so you know why. But I don't put any, I don't do any fruity, sweet taste in anything in those because I want it to be fresh for the water. And I'm so paranoid about it tasting off. Like it's why I will never do shit.
Starting point is 00:58:43 But then you drink it and then that later on. Later on, the drink was good. Bains are busting out. What's the amount? I actually always, I really do enjoy the, the red juice. It gives me a, a really, it's not a stimulant like, like a pre workout. It's got, it's got adaptogens in it.
Starting point is 00:58:58 So it's different kind of energy. Yeah, it is different. It's, and if you were to compare it to that, you just, you're not going to feel the same thing. No, that's what I feel like. You feel like combined with caffeine. You know, when I find myself using it is when I, when I need a little bit of pick me up, but then I'm doing it later in the afternoon work, because I do not want to use great idea afternoon. If I'm working out at two, three, or four o'clock in the afternoon,
Starting point is 00:59:19 there is no way I'm doing like a legion pre workout or any other pre-or strong, too strong, and I'm not going to sleep all that night But I can do the red juice. Yes, I can do the red juice It'll give me a little bit of an energy. I'll feel good afterwards and then I still can come down for sleeping So I combine it with caffeine But if I'm going off caffeine I take it by itself and it takes the edge off because you know what it's like going off caffeine It's a terrible so like I'm like all right Do I go cold turkey or I slowly go and I have right now?
Starting point is 00:59:43 I'm having to try to cut it back because my milligrams are getting too high and the red juice takes the edge off. Otherwise, you know how it is, it's like a week of just, you just feel like dog shit. Hey real quick, you gotta head over to MindPumpPartners.com. Check out live on labs. They make nutrients with very, very effective delivery methods. Okay, they use liposomal technology.
Starting point is 01:00:04 One of my favorite products is their glutathione. Normally, if you take glutathione, you just don't absorb much of it. But with their liposomal technology, it's proven to increase glutathione levels in your liver and in your body. That's the master antioxidant. They have many other products.
Starting point is 01:00:19 They have a vitamin C product, a B complex, and much more in fact right now. If you get the B complex and the vitamin C product, a B complex, and much more in fact right now, if you get the B complex and the vitamin C and you bundle them together, they'll send you free, like the free liposomal glutathione. Go check them out. Again, click on Mind Pump Partners, click on Live On Labs, and then use the code. Actually, there is no code.
Starting point is 01:00:41 They already give you a discount. Isn't that cool? Go check that out. All right, here comes the rest of the show. First question is from class A Fit Viking Shit. Oh, I guess, I guess this is SHT at the end. What are some exercises that can build a thicker neck? A neck, you know why I picked this question?
Starting point is 01:00:59 Dic neck, because there were literally three people ask the same question. And this question always pops up every time we post on our Instagram, like, you know, how to get a bigger neck. And we never really talk about it. So, and I'm sure there's not a lot of people interested in building a thicker neck. However, in some sports, a strong neck is extremely important. Football is probably the most common one.
Starting point is 01:01:19 If you're a grappler, it's very important. And then, if you build a lot of muscle, I've seen this before with dudes, where they build like big chest back and shoulder and head this little skinny neck, it looks really weird. So I think there's an aesthetic component too that goes with it a little bit. But building the neck is actually rather simple.
Starting point is 01:01:35 It actually responds tremendously fast to resistance training, like really fast. Like if you strengthen your neck, you'll notice the muscle gain pretty quick on there. Some of the most basic exercises are literally you lay on a bench with your head kind of hanging off the bench and you do chin to chest. That's one. You lay on your side, ear to shoulder is another one and then you lay on your stomach and then
Starting point is 01:01:58 you go in the opposite direction. And a very basic exercise. I think you should address the upper. I think there is a misconception to building the neck, though, because I think there is direct building the neck, and then there is muscles that support the neck that people would categorize as a thicker neck or building a neck trap.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Yes. Bigger makes your neck look like that. Yeah, I think, and I think that's what most people that want to build, unless you're those sports, right? Because you're right. Wrestling and football, and that's very sports-specific. You're unless you're those sports right because you're right. Wrestling and football and that's very sport specific. You're a good one. That's a good point.
Starting point is 01:02:29 There's more than that even. There's a handful of sports where having a very strong neck makes sense. But that's not somebody who wants to look like a thicker necker or the people that I think that are like trying to look like they have a thicker neck. That's more traps I would would say, that trap development that is going to give you that aesthetically looking thick neck. Yeah, I mean, when they say neck, I think neck because, I mean, it was on our Instagram and people will typically say traps, but yeah, the average person, when someone has big traps,
Starting point is 01:03:00 the average person goes, they have a big neck, but it's just the traps. And that's, I mean, that's, you know, farmer carries, and shrugs, and cleans. That's a big part of the support system, though. Yeah. I mean, in terms of what we did in football, I mean, we did a lot of isometrics for neck, which I feel like is probably the safest approach, because I don't know, I get a little weary
Starting point is 01:03:20 when people start trying to train their neck with weights, because they can go over and do it it and it can be real problematic. I'm glad you said that do not add resistance until you're already really good and really strong. And you don't need resistance. Look, I tell you what, you take the average person, have them hang their head off a bench and do chin to chest, 20 reps in their own fire. They can't do anything.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Yeah, and I mean, we would be in quadruped and one person would be kind of, you know, placing their hand in a position where they push against it and they resist it, you know, up, down and like basically, you know, the, the main movements that you're going to be responsible to your neck. And then one product that's out there now that I do, I think has some promise in this direction was the halo. If you guys have seen that, it's around your head. And it actually clips on to a rubber band,
Starting point is 01:04:08 and then you can go through a lot of the neck rotations and things with resistance that's good resistance. So there's a way to do it. We used to just use a hand towel. Yep, you used a hand towel like this, and then holding it against, guys driving this way, hold it down this way, guys lifting up, hold down. That's a metrics are great for now.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Yeah, and then it's just, you're doing isometrics on it. That's what we used to. I just really think that someone who asks this, I think are looking for the way it looks. And you can get a strong neck by doing all these things we're talking about, but nothing is gonna make the neck area look thicker than building traps.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Like building your traps up is gonna give you a... That will do it, but let me tell you, you get a thick neck. You ever look at pictures of Mike Tyson when he was a kid. He did so many neck exercises. So he was a boxer that understood. He really did. He really did.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Yeah, they understood, if I have a strong neck, I'm harder to knock out. Cause I'm gonna get less snap, right? To my head when somebody hits me. And there's pictures when he's 18 and his neck is like this. It's bigger than his face. I used to do in grappling, we used to do thing like neck bridges
Starting point is 01:05:07 and all the old school wrestling exercises. But again, I caution people to use resistance because like this, it's part of your spine. So the spine goes all the way up. And if you train end range of motion and the end range of motion for you is what your spine can handle, you're gonna cause problems. It should be what the muscles can necessarily handle,
Starting point is 01:05:29 not necessarily with the segments of the joints of the neck, don't let you go any further, and some people will do that with resistance, and then you can get some issues. This kind of goes into some of the old timey lists. I pay attention to a lot of these guys that they get back to what an old strongman used to do.
Starting point is 01:05:48 So there's some with chains and a bit that you basically fight on to and you do deadlifts with your neck and your mouth. Yeah, that's old school strongman. It's crazy, but it makes sense. I mean, in terms of like also really strengthening your jaw and your neck all at the same time, it's like, you know, there's a connection there, right? There's a synergistic action there where in fact, when you're doing neck exercises, you want to close your jaw and you want to press your tongue to the roof of your mouth and there's muscles that get activated that help.
Starting point is 01:06:18 It's all connected there. Yeah. It's interesting. Like, if you get to that level of, of a specification, not just like your major muscle groups, like you get to the nuances, it all helps and contributes. Now, I imagine you guys would never do this unless it was very specific, right? It has to be a client.
Starting point is 01:06:35 I only ever did neck specific exercises with wrestlers, jujitsu guys, football players, I never did them with anybody. Unless there was like a specific, I got a physical therapist to tell me, do this exercise with them for their neck. Otherwise, we're okay for the most part. But I mean, football alone, where a helmet, people don't realize that you put a football helmet on
Starting point is 01:06:57 and wear it for three hours. And then just wear it. Just wear it for three hours. Take it off your neck sores, hell the next day. If you're not used to caring. I actually, even the few athletes that I did train, I didn't even mess with exercises like that. It wasn't on the hierarchy of things I needed to do with them,
Starting point is 01:07:11 it wasn't even up there like, okay, we need to definitely work on your neck. It was like, there's so many other things that I need to work on with them. It's like that, we never even cross that. I don't think I trained that with any clients. I did it with my buddies that were in the football and helping them out,
Starting point is 01:07:24 but I never trained a client. Yeah, if you're just trying to get a bigger neck to look better or whatever, no resistance. Just hang off the edge of the bench, do it like that. It's all you need. And in my experience again, the neck responds very quickly. It seems to have muscles that hypertrophy very quickly in relation to other areas.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Next question is from Dam, look at her fat ass for 20. What is going on? I didn't pick that for the name, by the way. That's the question. Oh, no. Suspect right now. Yeah, for sure. For 20 it ends with like a 13 year old kid that wrote that. Are there advantages to sometimes, but not often going to technical or even muscular failure?
Starting point is 01:08:06 Yeah, there is. I rarely recommend it though because people have a tough time with failing and their form not going to crap. Also, it's a question because it's wordy little. In other words, are there advantages to going to failure, technical failure sometimes? Oh, okay. Very rarely. Yeah, and I would say there are ways to program it in. In fact, I've been experimenting quite a bit, and it's too early for me to comment
Starting point is 01:08:34 on what I'm finding with programming with this. But, train to failure, first off, you gotta make sure your form's perfect always. It's a higher risk because as you fail, your form wants to go down immediately, but it is a very fast way to gain strength and muscle. And now I hate saying that because some people now watch this way, cool, I'm gonna go do that.
Starting point is 01:08:56 You're gonna overtrain real fast because if fries a shit at your body more than anything else, I mean, I could do 15 sets for a body part or I could do two sets to failure and the fatigue you get from real failure is on a whole Another level, but it does. There are some if you program it right there are some interesting Effects including muscle building and strength gaining because it's more high risk I mean these are usually techniques we save for advanced lifters. I don't really even, I mean,
Starting point is 01:09:29 I don't even think about it otherwise, unless I have athletes that specifically want to test out for something, or I want to test them out on something very specifically just to see how well the programming is going, because they're going to be testing their body to the limits as they perform. But otherwise, for me, it, there's just so much more value
Starting point is 01:09:52 in not going to failure and continually progressing that why would I interrupt that process? It's because we still measure the success of the workout by the soreness. And it is a great way to get really fucking sore. And so I think that's, I mean, as a young kid success of the workout by the soreness. And it is a great way to get really fucking sore. And so I think that's, I mean, as a young kid and an early trainer, I used to train a failure
Starting point is 01:10:10 all the time. Yeah, same here. And now, I can't even tell you the last time I did a set or an exercise to failure. And I know you're programming it right now and playing with it, but if you were, you have to be very specific with it and you have to be very judicious with it.
Starting point is 01:10:24 And I'm finding that there's a specific way to do it where it'll work because very quickly does a friar body, very quickly. I just, I answered a question on my live questions or what about that the other day about this and just said, you could literally build the most amazing physique and never once trained a failure. True. You could build the most amazing physique and never once trained to fail true you could build the most amazing physique and never once agree to failure It's just for most people and that's including advanced people so even if you're advanced I think it's it's a good it's a good Principle to try and train by because it it most people overuse it
Starting point is 01:11:00 It's like it's like having a crazy amount of horsepower in a vehicle and you know taking and throttling it down in the corner It's like you you you you are better off going into that corner slow and taking it And yes because you have an extra hundred horsepower you could be using to get you through that you step on it And you're more likely to spin out so you're better off taking it slow and coming out the other way Yeah, no, I've been experimenting with some programming myself. I've had Doug experiment with some of it. Andrew, Doug, you notice the same thing. Very fast, strength, muscle gains, but there's limitations.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Oh, very much so. Yeah, you have to be very careful with it. Definitely. And that's the thing. Like, first off, going to failure, you have to, there's more skill involved. It's not just the technique. Yes, the form of technique need to be perfect. So you need to know how to fail with perfect
Starting point is 01:11:47 technique, which is a totally different mindset. You also, number two, it failures a lot further than you think, especially with compound lifts. You're like, oh, I don't know if I could do another one. Oh, shit, I can't, I don't know if I could do it. I need to do another one. Failures usually like three or four reps further, sometimes on some of these lifts. But also, here's a big one. You need to know how to dump the weight or the bar or how to do it safely. And a lot of people do not know how to do that. I've seen people get pinned under bars
Starting point is 01:12:13 because they never practiced what happens if I can't get up with this one. Oh, I forgot about that until I was testing out some mice because I'm like, okay, we're gonna spend time just showing you how to dump the bars. Yes. How to be able to get out of a hairy situation, because people just don't, they don't get educated on, on, you know, how to fail properly, which is a huge part of it if you're gonna
Starting point is 01:12:35 test yourself for the limit. Next question is from Rich Ahabibi. What's the best way to keep your butt from shooting up on deadlifts? You know, one of the best, now this is a training issue and you can train your body in a way to strengthen that bottom position. But one of the best cues I ever gave someone to help them with this was rather than lifting the bar,
Starting point is 01:12:58 I told someone to imagine that they're pushing their feet through the floor. Yeah. And that's how driving your feet. That helped a lot. Because I think when you're just trying to lift, the butt comes up and then versus pushing the feet through and it keeps you more grounded. And that cue has worked pretty well for me with clients. So I think the problem is you got to get the hamstrings tight.
Starting point is 01:13:17 So when you get somebody who their butt lifts up like that, they're loose. They're still loose and they're trying to pick the bar up to kind of your point and the hips just naturally rise right up. But if you, so I like to get somebody and have them slide their hips back until they feel their hamstrings super, super tight and then they're leaning over to grab the bar. And then they're actually thinking about you say driving the floor, I think about I'm thrusting my hips forward and it's like a lever. But if you're, if you haven't got that hamstring, hamstring really tight. So the hips are sitting back here. And if they are at all, if they're
Starting point is 01:13:49 if this is loose, then and then you go to lift the bar up, then you have this kind of like ask goes up first, then the then it gets tight. And then you pull up versus I load them by sliding them back. Hamstring gets really tight. Then you grab the arms, make sure the arms really tight. And then all I'm thinking about is those hips coming forward, not trying to lift the bar up. I think the people squatting, that squat down to grab the bar in the deadlift position, that's where you get in this position. And I also think, take the slack off the bar helps with that. So rather than what that means is like, if you're down for the deadlift, you're pulling on it enough to where you feel the bar
Starting point is 01:14:26 is giving you a little tightness, then you get in position. So there's already some tension there. Rather than having zero tension then go right into it. You're already lifting without anything coming off the ground yet. Yes. Yeah, that's kind of how I've been trying to help Q
Starting point is 01:14:38 and what I've noticed is the ones where I'll see the butt kind of travel up a bit, you know, unnaturally like they're trying to rip with their upper body. Yeah, trying to rip it. Yeah, and so just to really focus on the legs driving everything up and like smashing those feet. Yeah, well, you want to do, you get down, you get in your position, you take the slack off the bar, activate your lats.
Starting point is 01:15:04 In other words, you're tightening, you're pulling the shoulder down, activating the lats, a little bit of slack, and then think, push my legs through the floor, that usually does it. Now, if you get stuck and your hips still rise, go lighter. Go lighter and don't allow your butt to lift until the bar starts to come off the floor.
Starting point is 01:15:20 And so you might have to slow the rep down, you might have to go much lighter to get that, because it's a bad habit to break. Some people deadlift like that so often that they don't feel comfortable unless their butt comes up. Yeah. I try to get them to look facing out to first before we go. Right.
Starting point is 01:15:34 This is a lot of times looking down and then not noticing that their butts are already coming up. Yeah. This is kind of hard to articulate this on a podcast because there's so many moving parts here. Yeah. The secret is to be locked and stiff everywhere. Yeah. Yeah. If you're loose at all is when you're going to see movement like this and the muscle that I think that needs to be tight in the situation is the hamstrings. You need to be so you need to be sat back and your hips need to be up high enough already that you can feel tension on the hips. You should feel kind of a stretch on your hamstrings and into the glute already before you're even pulling up
Starting point is 01:16:10 and then your point take the slack out of the bar so your arms are stiff and rigid. And then at that point, everything is stiff and rigid and then all you're thinking about is thrusting the hips forward and that'll pull that bar up. If you're loose in the hips at all, then the natural thing is to go up. Yeah, I had a client once where this was just an issue
Starting point is 01:16:26 and we would go lighter and then anytime we go heavier, it would start happening. So I switched them to trap bar dead lifts. And trap bar is, it's easier to stay low with the butt. The weight is, you know, you're holding the handles next to your legs rather than the front. Favourite squat position a little bit better. Yes, and then we practiced, we got good with the trap bar.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Then we went to the straight bar, and then we fixed the issues. That's another thing you can try to do. Next question is from Landy Deon. Thoughts on body building and building muscle on a keto diet. It's possible, but not desirable. Not a fan. Very, very hard to do.
Starting point is 01:17:01 I've tried, I've eaten, I've gone on an off keto diet a lot, haven't done really a strict one a long time. It's really hard to eat enough calories to bulk on keto. It's like, so satiating and I get so, like, oh, I end up eating tons of like avocados and, you know, like just lots of fat to try to get those calories up there. And I've done it and studies will show that you can build muscle doing it, but it's just
Starting point is 01:17:29 it's hard to digest all of that and it's very, very satient. It's real tough. Listen, building muscle is already really hard. Yeah, trying to do it to fit in a very specific diet. I don't care if it's keto or vegan or paleo. Yeah, paleo, it doesn't matter. Like, giving yourself even more restrictions to do something that is already difficult
Starting point is 01:17:49 is just not a fan. That's my thoughts on it. And then go and it's not just keto. I remember when we were... It's so limited. I remember when we were messing with that atom. And back then you were... I was all bodybuilder at that time.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Yeah, and I remember you eating, you were like, dude, I have to eat like, how many grams of fat? You're like, I have to eat like 200 or 300 grams of fat just to do this. Yeah, I was eating, I was like, this can't be good. All I'm eating butter and avocado all day long and macadamia nuts just so I could get to my calorie and take in order to bulk.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Because at that time, my maintenance calories were like around 4,045, and to bulk, I need to be a 5,000. And when I have this very limited menu to choose from, I found myself just like eating chunks of butter or eating just avocado after avocado or things of that. I'm like, this is not ideal. Like wow, and by the way, I didn't do that
Starting point is 01:18:40 like intentionally, I'm gonna try and bulk on a keto. We were all just in our middle of our training careers where everybody was at and we were talking about keto. You just experimented. And we were experimenting with keto. And that was my critique. I'd come back to the guys and be like, man, for leaning out, I think this diet's not bad
Starting point is 01:18:56 because again, it's a restrictive diet. So you're restricting down to only a few things you can have. And so for someone who's trying to cut, not a bad strategy to use this diet, but for someone who's trying to bulk and build muscle, I mean, to limit your menu is only gonna make it that much more difficult. Plus ketosis reduces anaerobic power.
Starting point is 01:19:14 This is a fact, okay? So, study show this. You're not gonna be as strong with heavy lifts. Now, you can still have lots of stamina, low end stamina. There's studies that show that people on ketogenic diets are fine. In fact, they might even be great at just long distance, low intensity type activity.
Starting point is 01:19:34 But when it comes to strength or power, there's a clear drop off when you are in ketosis. And if you're trying to build muscle, you kind of want that, right? You want that strength, you want that pump, right? It's also hard to get a pump on ketosis. So I don't think it's a great bulking diet at all. Now, who's it good for?
Starting point is 01:19:52 It would be good for the person who has the eketo for whatever medical reason or whatever. Fat adapted aerobic athletes. Yeah, I've seen that work for them, but it takes a long time to get fat adapted and really be able to shuttle and use that as fuel. So it's, again, it's, it's a difficult one to do anything performance wise or gaining muscle wise. It's very difficult.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Totally. Look, if you like our information, head over to mindpumpafree.com and check out our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any fitness or health goal. You can also find all of us on social media. So, Justin is on Instagram at Mind Pump Justin. You can find Adam on Instagram at Mind Pump Adam and you can find me on Twitter at Mind Pump Sal. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance, and maps aesthetic.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sour, animal, and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes
Starting point is 01:21:28 and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump.

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