Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1789: What to Do When Your Workout Progress Stalls, Ways to Determine if a Body Part Split Is Right for You, How to Work Out During Ramadan & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: April 9, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The most successful people set the stage for what is important. (3:18) Having kid’s over for a... slumber party is fun, right? (13:53) The guys predict how Elon Musk will shake up Twitter. (29:39) Dr. Becky Campbell’s massive transformation! (35:57) Comparing intramuscular vs. subcutaneous testosterone injections. (36:50) Exercise and its effects on depression. (41:00) We never do nothing! (43:56) Mind Pump Investments: Is a recession or correction on the horizon? (46:42) Who wears the Vuori ‘meta pants’ better? (56:08) #ListenerLive question #1 - How do I wean myself off HIIT training to get to a more balanced way of working out and heal my metabolism? (59:00) #ListenerLive question #2 - What program would you recommend for someone coming off a training layoff and someone with severe gut issues? (1:15:01) #ListenerLive question #3 - What are some ways to determine if a body part split is right for me? (1:22:20) #ListenerLive question #4 - What would be the best time to train during Ramadan? (1:30:52) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com April Promotion: Get MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Prime and Prime Pro all for $99.99! Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Preschool, Child Care & Daycare | Montessori Unlimited Watch Inside Out | Full movie | Disney+ Elon Musk to join Twitter’s board of directors, teases ‘significant improvements’ Exclusive: YouTube's plans for podcasting Comparison of Outcomes for Hypogonadal Men Treated with Intramuscular Testosterone Cypionate versus Subcutaneous Testosterone Enanthate - PubMed MP Hormones Mind Pump Hormones Facebook Private Forum Exercise may reduce depression symptoms, boost effects of therapy Energy expenditure and activity among Hadza hunter-gatherers All-In Podcast - YouTube Great Resignation continues, as 44% of workers seek a new job Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MINDPUMP10” at checkout** The Key to Fitness Success is Self-Love – Mind Pump Blog Workout Because You Love Yourself Not Because You Hate Yourself – Mind Pump Blog MAPS Fitness Anabolic MAPS Starter MAPS Strong Intuitive Nutrition Guide | MAPS Fitness Products MAPS Aesthetic MAPS Split MAPS Fitness Performance Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson)  Instagram Paul Chek (@paul.chek)  Instagram Elon Musk (@elonmusk)  Twitter Dr. Becky Campbell (@drbeckycampbell)  Instagram Robert Oberst (@robertoberst)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right today's episode was a live Q&A episode. So people actually called in,
Starting point is 00:00:22 asked us questions about their fitness and health. We got to coach them on air. It's really cool. By the way, if you ever want to be on an episode like this, email your question to live at mindpumpmedia.com. Now, we open the episode with an intro portion. This is where we talk about current events. We bring up scientific studies. We talk about our sponsors. Today's intro was 56 minutes long. After that, we got to the live questions. Here's what went down in today's show. We opened up by talking about how to set the stage for what is important and why that's such a big deal. That led us to talking about one of our sponsors,
Starting point is 00:00:53 Felix Gray, which makes the best blue light blocking glasses you'll find anywhere. They actually look good, they're stylish, they're clear, so they don't change the color of everything around you, and they're very effective. Other clear blue light blocking glasses do not have their patented technology. You're actually not blocking much of the blue light
Starting point is 00:01:09 that damages your eyes with other products. Felix Gray's patented technology is the only one. So if you're interested in improving your sleep and your health, go to Felix Gray. Go check them out. Head over to mindpumppartners.com and click on Felix Gray glasses. Then Justin talked about his son's slumber party.
Starting point is 00:01:28 We talked about Elon Musk. We brought up one of our good friends, the functional medicine doctor, Dr. Becky Campbell. We talked about TRT injections, sub-Q versus intramuscular, new study shows one is better than the other. We talked about exercise and its effects on depression. Justin talked about people renting one of his properties
Starting point is 00:01:48 going peepee in the bed and not telling anyone, what the hell? And then we talked about Viori, one of our other sponsors, they make Etheliziaware that's comfortable, looks good, lasts a long time. This company's exploding. If you like to be comfortable, if you like to look good,
Starting point is 00:02:03 if you like Ethelizia wear, go check them out. They're the best. Head over to mindpumppartners.com, click on Viori and get 20% off just because you went through our code. Then we got to the questions. The first one was from Shannon from Texas. She's working out six days a week
Starting point is 00:02:18 and not getting any results, wants to know what to do next. The next question was Angie from Washington. She got severe gut issues, lots of inflammation, wants to know how to work out under those conditions. The next question was from Andrea from Wisconsin, wants to know if she should switch her train to a body part split.
Starting point is 00:02:37 And the final question was Assad from Texas, wants to know how to work out during the Holy Week of, or Holy time of Ramadan. Also, all months long, we're running a promotion, a huge promotion actually. We've taken three very popular maps, workout programs, maps prime, maps prime pro and maps anywhere. Normally if you got all three, we'd cost you $361, but check this out. Right now, get all three of them for $99.99. That's it. $99.99
Starting point is 00:03:09 gives you access to all three four life. If you'd like to take advantage, head over to mapsaperal.com. The most successful people set the stage for what is important. What does that mean? They prep for what is important. So you're gonna do your workout, set yourself up for your workout. You want to have good sleep? Have a sleep routine. You want to have a good time with your family? Pause, think about what you want to do with your family. Set the stage. Take those things seriously. Be proactive, not reactive. Thanks, Justin. What about the sex tip? I thought you're gonna add to that.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah, you're gonna prepare that too. I'll just go through the bumper sticker version of what you just said. No, you know why this is a big deal? It's like, sleep is a big one, right? People talk about how tough it is for them to, you know, have quality sleep. And a lot of these people are health and fitness people that will ask us this question. And I'll say, okay, well, what do you do
Starting point is 00:03:59 to get ready for your workout? Oh, I, you know, I go over it in my head and I have my pre-workout 30 minutes before and I do my mobility and then I have great work. I'm like, you don't just jump in your workout randomly and they say, well, no, I don't do that because I have workout with suck. We can't do that with sleep either, right? You can't just go from bright lights and hanging out to your head hits the pillow and then have good sleep. Thanks, Justin. We're not even two minutes in, Doug. All of it.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I mean, we just lost 10,000 listeners. Oh, goodbye. No, but you know, all joking aside, set the stage, right? Who was it that we were listening to that talked about this with your family? Like you come home from work and you're in work mode and stress. It's Jordan Peterson. Don't mode and stress. Jordan Peterson. Don't just walk in. Jordan Peterson, I was actually one of the more impactful things
Starting point is 00:04:49 that he's ever said, although he said a ton of things that have been impactful in my life. That was one of the biggest things he ever said. He was an interview with Joe Rogan. And he talked about like when you're getting ready for like a vacation or a trip, like you do all this like research, the best hotel, you read all the reviews, a restaurant, you put, I mean, we spend weeks on week's on weeks, preparing for this one week
Starting point is 00:05:12 of your life that you're going to take off this year, yet you come home every day and see your significant other for the first 15 minutes, right? You walk in the door from work and that same 15 minutes happens every single day of your life. And you immediately, the time is so much more than the vision. Yeah, you never really think about, what prepare for those 15 minutes and think, like, hey, when I see my spouse,
Starting point is 00:05:38 I wanna make sure that I have disconnected from my work. I'm completely present and that recognize that maybe she or he had a really rough day and that I wanna set the tone for that so the rest of our day and night is good. Which one's gonna improve your life the most? Right, it's those opportunities that you have every day that will add up so much more substantially
Starting point is 00:06:01 than to try and plan out some grandiose thing in the future. So why is it do you think that we neglect this? Like why? We take it for granted. It's like we think things are just going to happen. Now some stuff we don't, right? Like people who are really into working out, they don't take the workouts for granted. Like you talk to somebody's really consistent, they have a protocol and a procedure and they
Starting point is 00:06:21 plan for it. They don't just like, oh crap, go work out. It's much more, it's like they're setting the stage, right? I used to coach clients with this with nutrition. Like one of the first steps to helping you become more aware of how you eat and your connection to food and your relationship to food is to pause, I'm hungry, I'm gonna eat pause, think about how you feel, maybe even write down how you feel before you
Starting point is 00:06:46 Are you doing as you're you're bringing awareness to yourself into the situation and it helps you make better decisions later on You're actually setting yourself up. This is look I I remember thinking this when we all had dinner with Paul check We all were hanging out with Paul checks good friend of ours I consider him the godfather of the wellness industry. I mean, this guy was saying stuff about wellness that now everybody says he was saying it, you know, 30 years ago, but I remember all sitting down and we put the food, was put in front of us,
Starting point is 00:07:12 beautiful meal, and he put his head down for like 30 seconds came up and then he started eating. I thought, oh, that's interesting. I don't know, he was religious. And I said, Paul, are you religious? It looked like you were praying. And he goes, no, no, I'm not really praying. He goes, I'm just asking my body,
Starting point is 00:07:26 is this gonna nourish you? I'm asking, you know, my soul is this what you want? How are you gonna feel from this? And then I eat. And I thought, I wonder if one of the reasons why every culture has some kind of a ritual, usually around revolving around prayer before meals. If that's why, if it brings that awareness,
Starting point is 00:07:44 before you eat, You're creating space. It's a very similar exercise that you brought up the other day that I do this for the first time on air, but we've talked off air, where when I have this impulse to buy something, that I put it in the shopping cart, and I don't say I can't have it. If I want it, if I want it really bad,
Starting point is 00:08:02 I can have it. I just make myself wait through the night and the next day if can't have it. If I want it, if I want it really bad, I can have it. I just make myself wait through the night and the next day if I still want it. All in all, I'm doing is creating that space so I can really ask myself, do I really need that? Am I buying this for myself? Or is it really for others? Or it's like, do I need it now?
Starting point is 00:08:17 Is it gonna still be like? And what ends up happening is nine times out of 10, I just, I don't do it. And it's nice because I don't feel like I'm having to restrict or I can't do this. I have to discipline myself so hard. It's like, I'm telling myself I can have it if I want to. I'm just saying, hey, let's create a little bit of space there
Starting point is 00:08:34 so I can process, you know, how much do I really want this? And what are my real intentions behind that? I think that there's tremendous value in that. Yeah, and back to like setting yourself up for the ritual of, you know, before workouts and like getting in that mental space, it just creates a better intent going in. So you know what the focus specifically is, you can be more effective in your workouts. It makes so much more of a difference instead of just like relying on momentum. I think so many people try to get there.
Starting point is 00:09:07 And that's the biggest thing is to just show up and to get there. Now the next step is what intent are you bringing into this and where are you gonna accomplish? So my theory on why people don't do this is, I think they just don't know that they don't know. I think it's just a lack of everybody. For example, the George Peterson thing for me was just like, that was such an aha moment when I heard that. It was it's just a lack of everybody. For example, the George Parker thing for me
Starting point is 00:09:25 was just like, that was such an aha moment when I heard that. It was just because I never thought of it. That's what I mean. We take it for granted, not because you're trying to. Obviously you're a good man, you're a good partner and a good father. They don't know. Yeah, you just take it for granted.
Starting point is 00:09:38 You don't realize how impactful that getting ready for that workout, getting ready before you go to bed, can be, and how much return you can actually get it. And I think, you know, us being able to articulate that for the audience so they know that, well, it's, you're not wasting your time. Spitting that extra 10 to 15 minutes to prep before that workout or to prep before you go to bed gives you so much more in return, you just got to put the practice in and be consistent with it for a little bit to actually soak that.
Starting point is 00:10:05 So think about the things in your life that are truly important, right? So okay, exercise is important, diets are important, you know, getting good sleep is important. My family is important, like the time I spend with my kids, the time I may spend with my partners. And so all you're doing is you're like, okay, I'm going to take the kids to the park. So then you, 10 minutes before set the intention, prepare yourself, set yourself, let's say, okay, here's what's gonna happen,
Starting point is 00:10:28 I'm gonna try and be present, what is that gonna look like? I'm gonna take my phone, and I'm gonna put it in the scroller so that I don't, I'm not, you know, I don't have an impulse to look at it, right? Or I'm gonna make sure I let people know, I'm not gonna respond to texts or whatever, right?
Starting point is 00:10:42 That's just one small thing, but when you set yourself up, you're far more likely to be successful at the very least, you're aware of your intent. At the very least, you make yourself aware of like, okay, this is important, this is what I'm going to do. And it makes a huge difference. And you can try this with one thing, like just do it with sleep. 30 minutes before and hour before, be like, okay, I'm going to bed at, you know, 10 o'clock or whatever the time is for you.
Starting point is 00:11:04 And say, okay, so it's nine. I want to have a good night of sleep. How can I make sure that'll happen over the next hour? Okay, I'm going to put my Felix Ray blue locker glasses on, right? So reduce the amount of blue light that's coming in. I'm going to dim the lights, right? So like, Jessica and I have salt lamps
Starting point is 00:11:20 so that we put on instead of light. So it's much lower, it's not as bright, it's this kind of amber glow. Doesn't affect you as much. I'm not gonna eat, right? I don't wanna eat an hour before because my digestive system also has a circadian rhythm. So my body's gonna think,
Starting point is 00:11:34 oh, it's not time to go to sleep. So I'm not gonna eat anything. If you wake up in the middle of the night to go pee, maybe I won't drink any water. Maybe I'm a little amped. What can I do that's relaxing? I'll have some Camel Milk tea. I'll listen to an audio book.
Starting point is 00:11:46 That's maybe, you know, fiction, that's fun. Whatever it is for you, set yourself up. Way more successful. You have way more success when you do that rather than just expecting success to happen. You know, 10 to 15 years ago, I would scoff at a lot of that stuff. Totally.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I know. And I think why I would is because if you, if you is because if you take it out and you look at the studies that should like doing salt lamps every single night before you go to bed, like show me the study that shows that it burns more body fat, it builds more muscle or improves your life that much more. But the way I look at it now is that these are all things that they're it's not a real, it's not a major life changing thing that I have to do to improve little bits of my life,
Starting point is 00:12:31 the quality of it, and the quality of my sleep, the quality of my, it's like, there's such subtle changes. Like I'm not asking someone to go off the deep end on the woo-woo side and don't ever do anything that's not organic and it's like, no, it's not like that. It's like, hey, is it really that big of a deal to change some light bulbs to a different color? Is it really that big of a deal to do candle light?
Starting point is 00:12:51 A huge of a step. It's not, it's not like this huge, and it doesn't, by making those changes, it doesn't really impact my life negatively at all. And it's only a positive return. So even if it is a one one st-thousandth return on me building muscle or burning body fat or how I would look at it before, it's such an easy thing to add into my life to make it better. Why wouldn't I?
Starting point is 00:13:13 Yeah. If putting blue light, if putting Felix Ray glasses on, which, you know, I like them because they don't change the color of everything because some people like, I don't want to wear orange or red. What, fine, Put those on, they're clear. Let's say they improve your sleep quality by 3%. Okay. You go to bed every night. You improve your sleep quality by 3% over the next 10 years. Compounding.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Profound impact on your health. Profound. And that's, it's cumulative. So no, you're not gonna, and some people notice this huge difference right away, but really it's about the small. The smallest severity of your exposure. Yes. And it's about the small severity of your exposure. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:46 And it's also these small things that add up every single day. Like one workout's not going to make you fit, right? Well, a thousand workouts will make you fit. It's funny we're talking about this because I've become super techative of that ritual and that process now because you feel the difference and you know exactly what you're in for the next day, if like all those chips don't line up for you. And so like last night I had all these kids over because Ethan had a delayed birthday party
Starting point is 00:14:14 and like so they have spring break this week and so there's a bunch of kids available to hang out and so we took them to a movie and it was like what about the 12 year old? And this dude, yeah, a bunch of 11, 12 year old dude. Yeah, bunch of 11 12 year old kids. Oh my God. And you know, I don't know if any other parents out there has tried to like a bunch of boys, you know, this age has tried to collectively organize them and get them all to kind of, you know, hang out, behave in a public setting. It's it's quite stressful. So it was like, I mean, we're trying to buy all these different food items that they
Starting point is 00:14:49 had very specific needs for. And because we're like, do we feed them or do we just, you know, just feed them whatever is at the movie theater. And so we decided to feed them whatever and we're getting them nachos and this and that and the other. And so we're making like 20 trips, you know, then the kids are spilling it everywhere. Oh, I spilled it. This one kid like was eating a Skittles in like one of his teeth like fell out
Starting point is 00:15:11 and he's like bleeding. You're bleeding. I'm just like, I'll on your watch. What's happening? And they took all this energy, you know, back to the house and the thing is we, you know, we barely ever like have the kids,
Starting point is 00:15:23 they don't have that much access to sugar. And so it's like, you know, this is one of those times you're like whatever dude. This is shock it up party You know, and so they come back they get Pazuki this they're running around like you know crazy in my house all night They all crash out at some point. No They would crash out then one would get up and mess with the others and you'd hear Giggle in and this and that. So I had to check myself a bunch because I get really bare energy where somebody's waking me up and I'm really tired.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I was tired and I kept hearing, and I'm like, ugh, she's like, they're having fun. Courtney checked me, they're having fun. Calm down, I'm like, okay, I'm fine, I'm fine. I'll just let them be, and I would give them warnings. Bro, when you're in that moment, do you reflect and go like, oh my God, I'm my dad right now. I'm still acting like my dad.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I get it, because I would get, and he would use the big size and the low voice and like try and scare everyone. So we were like legitimately scared to like wake him up. And I'm like, was kind of dabbling with that a lot. I'm like, you know, it's, I don't know. I wanted them all to have a good time and there's some kids that hadn't hung out before
Starting point is 00:16:33 and I didn't wanna leave that impression. Yeah, you don't wanna be that dad. Yeah, I didn't wanna be that dad. And so I tried to have fun with it and it was cool. I saw them the next morning. They all had a great time, but they were just like zombies.
Starting point is 00:16:45 You know what I struggle with like that is the temperature, dude. I'm such a fucking hilarious about that. I'm so funny. I fucking stomp and pow, like I can feel like the room change like by a degree. I swear to God, I'm that sensitive to temperature. And Katrina is cold. Like so I'm always leaving the door open
Starting point is 00:17:05 to let the air come in. And she'll think I'm asleep because we've been quiet laying there for whatever hell over long. And I'll hear her get up, she'll walk over and close the door. And then, I touch it.
Starting point is 00:17:18 And I try and I try not to, okay, I'm gonna lay there, then I can't sleep because then also I start to get hot. Yeah, get up, stop out, go the other room. That's a bad thing to do. That's a bad thing to do., then I can't sleep because then also when I start to get hot, get up, stop out, go the other room. That's a dad thing, so be it. That's such a dad thing.
Starting point is 00:17:28 And I think back, I'm like, oh my God, I'm like, fucking dad was like this dude. You're like, you know, he's the frustration as well. I used to think that he had some sort of an alarm that used to buzz him when us kids used to get up the middle night. Now my family used to do it because of like saving money, right? So in the summertime, our house would be so hot
Starting point is 00:17:43 they wouldn't run the AC, we'd keep it like 75 in the house and then the opposite is true in the winter. And I swear as kids in the middle of the night, we'd get out there and we'd go change the temperature so we'd get a little bit of heat in there and then you'd hear my step-dack, boom, boom, boom, boom, going out there. Who touched the floor?
Starting point is 00:17:56 Who touched the floor? When I was a kid, if a jacket solved your problem, then that's what you did in the house. Literally, like, oh, you're cold, put a jacket on. Mittens. And I remember I was like, we're in the house. What am I gonna wear? I think he has a park before.
Starting point is 00:18:09 What's the difference? Just put on a jacket outside. You used a blanket, I don't know if I'm gonna buy those rules now. It's hilarious. It's your kid at the point yet, just in where he's like, you know, when kids get like close to teenage years, where they're kind of, you're not cool anymore, or you start to see that little bit.
Starting point is 00:18:24 So it's sort of borderline with that because what's interesting is like I caught a couple of their conversations and just driving or kind of in the background. I was just listening and he brought up. He's like, yeah, my dad's famous. You said it. I'm like, I turned over. I'm just like, what are you talking about? You know, like old non-chill Island, like, don't be doing it.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Yeah, it's so non-chill Island. And my dad's kind of famous. Like, he's like, trying to build a case for me with his friend. Like, please don't do that. Please don't tell them that, you know, like, just be cool, dude. Like, I'm trying to like coach him on, you know, not be known. My dad is like, I'll drop my daughter off at school or whatever. And like as we're pulling up, it's like turn the radio down, turn it down.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Like I have to mute it because God forbid I open the door and anybody hears whatever music I'm playing. It's on my, oh my god. You're in. Yeah. It's a lot of bad. Please. It doesn't matter what it is.
Starting point is 00:19:19 It doesn't matter what it is. Hey, you're coming up on. So you guys are you going to put a really a synonym on a story school? I thought you're coming up on. So you guys, are you gonna put a really a cent of Montessori school? I thought I heard Jessica say that. Are you guys doing this? Maybe. Oh, not for sure.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Not yet, but soon. Yeah, soon, right? Is that coming? Because we did it too. So I know you're how far it took. No, I think we might wait a little longer. Oh, you're thinking about what we do. Yeah, maybe two or three, but we like their approach.
Starting point is 00:19:43 We definitely like their approach. You know what we did? We bought a bunch of toys and stuff that were Montessori. maybe two or three, but we like their approach. We definitely like their approach. You know what we did? We bought a bunch of toys and stuff that were monosort. So after you started talking about monosort, I had heard a lot of good things about them from other clients and friends. So I did a little bit of research.
Starting point is 00:19:56 It was a teacher and a researcher for special needs. Yeah, and just brilliant approaches. And one of the things that she talked about, because I didn't go deep, super deep, but one thing really struck me is that they, she talked about giving your child the ability to do things for themselves. So like, for example, in their room,
Starting point is 00:20:16 if you look at a kid's room, like bookshelves it way up here, like little kids are short. Why would a bookshelf be up here? They're always gonna have to ask for mom or dad to grab the book. So she recommends you put the bookshelves real low. You make everything they're height, so that they can, or the things that are appropriate,
Starting point is 00:20:30 I should say, so they can do things for themselves, or at least they can do them with you, so they can learn how to do it. So they have, there's like this stool that was as Montessori inspired, where I can stand my son in it, and it's protected, so it's kind of like caged off, if you will, he can stand in it and he's now at counter height.
Starting point is 00:20:50 So when we eat, he'll stand there sometimes when we're snacking and he's standing there with us, while we're at, or for all hanging out, he'll wanna go up, we'll put him up there and then he likes to be kind of a part of it. And it's pretty cool, or he'll go over his bookshelf or his toys are all low and she also talked about like not having like a Bizzillion toys out but rather having a few well organized ones. Yeah, and it was it's really smart stuff
Starting point is 00:21:13 I know and we could you know actually saw the first time like how much that's paid off that we did things like that now So we had the house cleaner had brought our kid over like a couple weeks ago And the girl was like maybe a of years older and she's like, oh my God, I didn't realize how well we had trained Max about playing with one toy. So his thing is like, it was like a, this, and this started before even Montessori School, I would, it would tell her like, one of my biggest pet peeps is like, I don't want to be the, the couple that assumes we have a kids, we just ride off like taking, taking care of the house.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Like, oh, I just fuck it. We got kids, let it happen and just let toys be everywhere. I'm like, I really want to teach him at a young age. And I said, you know, it'll take a lot of working effort from you and I. And we're going to have to do it for a while. But once we do it enough, he'll be trained that way. And so he has, he will play with a toy when he's done with that toy. And we have to remind him still sometimes he's not 100% perfect. But if we remind him, he will.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Like if he goes in his closet, you'll get another one before he puts that one. Max, are we done with the puzzles? That's good. Let's put your puzzle away and he'll put the puzzle away. She said, I didn't realize how well we did on that until I had somebody else in my room. She goes, I walked away for like a minute,
Starting point is 00:22:16 she goes literally his entire closet was out in the living room everywhere. And like a bomb with him. That's what I'm talking about. It definitely pays off if you stick with it. And I mean, he's done really well with that. Right now I'm struggling with, so we, the original Montessori school that we tried to get in.
Starting point is 00:22:34 There was like a crazy, you know, year and a half, two year wait list. So we finally came up on that and Katrina's like, I'm going to switch them to the school that we originally really wanted. Do you care? And I'm like, no, it's your call. I mean, you're the one who kind of drops him off. I said, I mean, if you feel like he's learning well and doing well in this one, it's about the same price.
Starting point is 00:22:51 It's not much of a difference. It's actually a little bit further even drive for her. I said, it's up to you. And she's like, well, I really want to go. And I said, well, the one thing I'm worried about is, again, you, because you drop him off is, you know, changing the environment like a new place. So, and she today was his first day. So she, she called me and she goes, Oh my God, today it was so hard. She goes, but didn't know when to go. Yeah. And he's like banging on the
Starting point is 00:23:13 door to come out. Oh, dude, I can't do it. I can't do it. There's no, I'm just straight up. Like I don't, I, I would totally cave. I'm so bad. There's certain things I'm a hard ass on and there's other things I'm a softy on and like my boy crying for me, a bang and a door like I have to leave him. You know what I'm saying? I told you guys, I was, you know, I'm playing with blocks.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I remember taking him down to the steakhouse center, where you know, the play school, where they did a lot of the similar things and like would help, like, then learn how to build and do all these cool things. And I'm like sitting there building with him and I'm like, and the teacher's like, you're gonna have to go.
Starting point is 00:23:46 And I was like, I just quickly just bounced. While he was still building and then he's looking around and I hear him start crying. Oh, that's the worst. That in the shot, right? The two things, right?
Starting point is 00:23:57 Those are the two times. Those are the two, like so far as a dad have been the hardest moments for me have been. Well, how do you not cry? I cried both times. I might, it's the look you get when they were like, the first two shots. Did you make you cry?
Starting point is 00:24:08 Yeah, the first two shots were so basic, it nothing happened, but about the third shot when he was starting to like become more aware and your whole, he looks like. Did you look at your, why? Yeah, why did you let him do that? That's the thing that's like a slow cry.
Starting point is 00:24:21 It's like, oh my God. Because you feel like your job above anything else is to protect your kid. And that's what happened to me is I got to drop my kid off at school for the first time, and we had worked up to it. You're gonna be brave. It's gonna be fun.
Starting point is 00:24:33 I'm gonna be brave. I'm gonna be brave. And then he's playing, but he's staying super close to me. I won't let go of my hand. And then the teacher's same thing. You gotta go. So I'm like, okay, buddy, I gotta go now.
Starting point is 00:24:42 And he hugs me. And then I have to peel him off and he's holding onto my shirt and he's looking at me with terror. No, no, and I'm devastated. Like I just betrayed my kid. And then the same thing with the shot. He got a shot and he looked at me and he went, but, blah.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And then he started crying like, oh, go. I just, those are the two hardest. Those are the two hardest so far. I haven't had anything yet that I feel like has just been crippling or heartbreaking for me. Those two things I've like, man, that's just, that's about as tough as it's been for me. Right now we're messing with time out a little bit,
Starting point is 00:25:13 but I tell you, my, Oh, you guys are doing that already, huh? We are because he gets frustrated. Yeah. He'll grab, and he's a strong little kid. He's got his mom's genetic. He'll grab your face and squeeze the shit out of it. And it's like, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Part of it's my fault because he would do it to me and it didn't bother me so I'd let him do it, but then he did Jessica and her and I'm like, you know what, he can't be doing this. So we'll put him in time out, but he's a little shit about it. I'll be like, you're going in time out. He'll walk over to the time out and grab his timer
Starting point is 00:25:41 and put it up there and wait. Like, okay, put me in time out. I'm like, yeah, I, that's like every dude. I know, I tried and he just was like, bring it on. Yeah, that was amazing. Do you remember how old you, so we haven't done any of that yet? So we, but we really haven't,
Starting point is 00:25:53 I've told you guys before, I'm like, I'm lucky, and I know probably people fucking hate me saying that, they probably, you might be a crazy teenager. Right, you know, like, I know the second one will probably be a nightmare because it's, yeah, you just don't know personally. But right now we haven't had like, I told? I know the second one will probably be a nightmare because of that. Yes, thing, yeah, you just don't know personally. But right now we haven't had like, I told you guys, the little angel care.
Starting point is 00:26:08 The tantrum thing is like almost comical. Yes, cute, right? Yeah. This is it. You know, even he has his new thing too right now. He was doing it last night on the bath with me and it was time to get out of the bath. He's like, all right, Max, time to get out of the bath.
Starting point is 00:26:19 We gotta read your books. He's like, no, he's just telling me, he's, no, he's, no, and I'm like, okay, pull the drain. Then he goes and puts the train right there. Said, no, he's just telling me, he's, no, he's, no. And I'm like, okay, pull the drain, then he goes and puts the tray in my head, said, no, Max, we're getting out. So, and after I tell him a second time, he doesn't do it. And then he goes, and then he goes,
Starting point is 00:26:31 and then he goes, and then he goes, and I just started laughing, dude. For all this, I even a real cry. I'm like, you're gonna do it. Get some real water, we're just going to hard work, you're gonna get me to cry hard, and now I'm gonna give my attention. That's just funny to me, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:44 That's hilarious. Oh, my daughter, man, she used to throw tantrums. I swore to God, if you could hook funny to me, dude. That's hilarious. Oh, my daughter, man. She used to throw tantrums. I swore to God, if you could hook up cables to her, she'd power a city. Did you mind the energy she would put off? Oh, my God. What are they, Matt?
Starting point is 00:26:53 Oh, I told you, you know, the other thing we had a hard time with. I don't know how to share it on the podcast. I think I did tell it, you guys, though, is there was a small transition we had there of, so Katrina, when she'd go shopping. And I didn't experience this till later because she normally was shopping with them daytime as he had a hard time with when he would get something in the cart when we go up to scan it.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Oh, he don't want to give to the cart. Yeah, he thought they were taking it from him. And so he, ah, he was, well, there's a give it back to him and he'd be fine. But we went through that phase for like a couple of months. Once he got to the age where Katrina and I could talk to him
Starting point is 00:27:24 and say, no, no, they're gonna scan it. They're gonna go back to you than he understood. But during that little phase of not being able to understand, I mean, I really feel like a lot of that frustration that a kid gets, aside, let's assume that they are growing up in a healthy, good house, their parents aren't fighting. A lot of it's just the frustration of not being able to communicate, right?
Starting point is 00:27:44 It's also there, they have emotions that they are new and they don't know how to deal with it. Yeah, reconcile with it. Yeah, so it's just this, you know, what was that cartoon? It was so good and it showed like when it kick rose up. What was it called? Wasn't that a Pixar movie?
Starting point is 00:27:59 It was Pixar. Yeah, with all the different emotions. It was so good, you know, because the girl grows up and they're talking talk about that was one of the only movies. I've seen like a real deep cry out of like my kids and they watched it. They like they understood. They were like, which one do you guys talk about?
Starting point is 00:28:14 So it's this girl and she their family moves and she's a little kid and she only has like three emotions, like a little kid will. Yeah. But then she starts to grow up and all of a sudden emotions get real complex and it displays the emotions inside out. Inside out.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Oh, yeah, that's what the big white blow up dolls. So there's like, inside this head. What is that one? What is that one? What is that one? What's the one I'm thinking about? I know what you're talking about. That's the one I can't think of.
Starting point is 00:28:39 What's the real one? The real one, the name is Baymax. I forget where to go. Yeah, he's like a big white one, right? Yeah. Inside out is, yeah, like, show me a picture of you up there. Inside, if you haven't seen it, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:28:49 That's why I'm here. Yeah, okay. It's smart guy. What are you doing over there? My life's purpose, right? Oh, they're porn searching while we're trying to do a porn. Yeah, you got like this guy that represents anger and when you're sadness.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Oh, I've never seen that one. Are you having? No. Oh, it's actually pretty good. It's really smart. It's a really smart movie yet to Kids understand emotions Not eight. No, yes
Starting point is 00:29:11 Talking about it. I know you're talking about it. Yeah, it's the kid in japan. He's in Japan. He built a hero. Oh It's called hero or hero There's a number in there boy Big hero six big hero six. There's a number in there boy. We are You're right. Go pro Which old guys will figure it out Like snow white Cinderella big hero six Hey speaking of smart Elon Musk, huh, so we talked about that already. He's now on the board
Starting point is 00:29:45 They put him on the board dude.. That can't wait. I can't. He's the largest. Well, he's already you see all the tweets. He's doing all the polls that he's doing, right? Where he's asked people, oh, should you be able to edit and then like 80% of people are saying other Twitter, like executives are now doing polls for the first time. Hey, what do you guys think about this? Everyone's like, that's weird. Did you see the CEO? Did you see the CEO? Did you see the CEO? Did we have a say in this now? You want to know what the consumers actually want?
Starting point is 00:30:09 Did you see that the CEO was like, we're very happy to have him on the board blow a blow. I'm like, oh, he's your boss now. That's why. I was telling you guys off air, man. I really hope they make a movie about this whole situation. So crazy. To be a fly on the wall and hear the boardroom
Starting point is 00:30:26 before and after like what that all went, what that was, what's going on right now? Like how many people are just flipping out right now? Like wanting the panic from the employees. Yes. The same people that were like, it's a private company they can do what they want, which is true. I stand behind that, then I'll stand behind it.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Now I stand behind it with Instagram, it kicked me off. So I'm 100%. But those same people now are like, this is a threat to free speech. And we need to hear what you're in. We need to have government oversight. We need to have government oversight. Neon was being involved being a threat
Starting point is 00:30:57 is like an oxymoron. Like that's not, he wants it to be free free. Yes, that's what I'm saying. It's like the complete opposite. Any predictions on what you think he's, any changes he's gonna do, anything. I think the one thing he might try to do, which would be unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Bring Alex Jones back. No. Please, Elon. He's so entertaining. Yeah, he's the best. I think I'm hoping he makes the algorithm open source. So people know that way there's no controversy of are they censoring this or they censoring that?
Starting point is 00:31:28 What's the deal? It's all open. We see what it is. So it's all out there. I mean, I think all of the platform. I think Google should be that way. I think Apple iTunes should be that way. The podcast, I mean, the other day we saw that article
Starting point is 00:31:40 for the first time, right? Like that was all new to us. We didn't, I mean, this whole time, we were driving reviews, reviews, had nothing to do with our ranking on the podcast. No, no, it doesn't. So I wish that all these platforms share its guarantee. Yeah, it'd be great. Because then what ends up happening is a few people
Starting point is 00:31:57 that have inside information that do know it, have a huge competitive edge compared to everybody else. And it's not necessarily the best content creators that are winning at this. And I said this before, they are private companies, they should be able to do whatever they want, but you have to be consistent because you're just asking for trouble when you're not.
Starting point is 00:32:15 When you're not consistent, when you're kicking this person off, but not this person over here, and they're doing the same thing, or maybe this guy's even worse, or you gotta be careful. How you feel about their content, their anger is justified when you don't make that clear why you're just like removing them.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Dude, I don't know why you wouldn't structure it just like the telephone company. Like why wouldn't you structure it like that where you just are completely hands off and it's just like we provide a service to allow people to communicate, we do not get involved in the communication. If you did that, then what would happen
Starting point is 00:32:46 is it would lose a lot of people. Think of the garbage and shit and smut that would appear on Twitter if that were to happen. Like the internet is so many people and it's anonymous. See, I don't feel like there would be a way to to segment it, right, to where it's like, okay, if you have- How do you put warnings or like-
Starting point is 00:33:06 Or that type of stuff. Okay, the people, the, if you're doing things like that, like let's just say prostitution, illegal stuff, it's just hateful, like really seriously, hateful attacking type shit, right? I mean, again, that happens on phone calls all the time. You're right, you know what I'm saying? So that happens on phone.
Starting point is 00:33:24 So now because the, I guess the public can see other people can see it, but at the end of the day, it's, I would treat the same way that I would. So I heard of this other social media company that was trying to be competitive and tried to be more like open source or whatever in more of a democracy. They were actually trying to make it so the community itself would would be the jury so in terms of like somebody's offenses like they would present uh... the cases of their tweets or whatever it was
Starting point is 00:33:53 you know their content and they have a good and they would have the community itself uh... vote whether or not to keep the only problem with that is that that's the opposite of free speech right of like so i always says is right? Free speech that was put in place to protect unpopular speech. Yeah. Sure. So if it would vote out all the unpopular speech, then that would be the definition of- But then what if you get terrorists beheading people and videos? I think you need to have clear standards and-
Starting point is 00:34:18 Right. And it has to be consistent. And you have to make it as public as possible. Otherwise you open yourself up for the kind of scrutiny that then invites government regulation. Because at, look, social media was attacked. When Trump won, they said they didn't do a good job of censoring disinformation and hackers,
Starting point is 00:34:39 and that's why then they get attacked because they are censoring the right now. So both sides are going after social media, and they open themselves up because they're so secretive and they're inconsistent. And they'll destroy their own business. You don't remind me of. It reminds me in some way of the supplement industry. It's like the supplement industry is largely unregulated.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I mean, you can't poison someone and stuff like that or have banned substances, but it's largely unregulated and what supplement companies often do is shoot themselves in the foot by selling products that don't have what they say they do or have something else in the bottle or breaking rules or whatever and do it in or committing fraud.
Starting point is 00:35:20 You do that enough times, like how many investigations have you seen where they go test 10 supplement companies, nine of them don't even have what they say they do. You do that enough times, like how many investigations have you seen where they go test 10 supplement companies, nine of them don't even have what they say they do. You do that enough times, you'll get public support behind regulation. Now we're not gonna have a supplement industry. We'll have a regulated industry,
Starting point is 00:35:34 and now vitamin C costs 50 bucks, and you don't have crating and more. Now it's prescription or whatever. See what I'm saying? So that's what you gotta be careful for because social media's invited that, right? But anyway, I'm happy that someone like Elon is now has a say because he seems to be
Starting point is 00:35:48 a consistent free speech guy. You know how important that aspect is? Yes, it is with the point. Do you guys see our friend Dr. Becky Campbell? Did you see I reposted her a little before and after? She used to be like hardcore like cardio. Cardio. She was a little trained to know what's great.
Starting point is 00:36:07 She's built a lot of muscle really sped up her metabolism, way more energy. You'd say it, she built a great butt. She did and she, a lot of this, we had conversations with her when we met and her and I talk a lot as friends and she's helped Jessica quite a bit. Love her by the way, she's a great functional medicine practitioner.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Courtney loves her recipes. She's the most fun. If you don't follow her, you need to. She's one of the best and they have a great podcast, too. But anyways, I talked her about strength training and she said, you know, you're right. She understands the body as well. She's like, I'm gonna give it a shot.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Blown away, she's blown away by how it felt. And that's cool. When you experience something like that, I think you become better at communicating it, right? So she's like this huge advocate now for strength training because now she's experienced it herself. Speaking of which, did you guys see, I don't think you guys saw this.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Have you seen the studies coming out, comparing intramuscular, so this is for people on hormone therapy, intramuscular injections, which is traditionally how things like testosterone are given versus sub-Q, where you just inject it almost like insulin just under the fat. Doesn't go quite as deep. No, so there's two.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Intramuscular, big, three inch, 23 inch gauge needle or whatever, in the muscle. Sub-Q is a tiny insulin needle. You pinch the fat, goes in the fat, and you put it in there. And the argument always was, these need to be intramuscular. But a lot of people were saying, sub-Q could work just fine. You should do sub-Q. And everybody's like, no, all the studies have done intramuscular.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Well, they did a study on sub-Q versus intramuscular. You know what they said? What? Sub-Q, same dose. So I don't remember what the dose was per week, but it was the same amount. The sub-Q was more frequent though, because you can't, you know, a full, yeah, you can do a full CC under your, like your nose. You have a big old bubble. Yeah, so what they would do is do like a quarter CC, four times or half a CC, half a CC or whatever. Split it up. Split it up. 14% higher testosterone
Starting point is 00:38:02 with the sub-q, 41% lower hematocrit. So that's one of the issues with raising testosterone and taking hormone therapy. And man, is it can raise hematocrit to potentially later on dangerous levels in some men. So men have to give blood in order to balance that out. It lowered some of those negatives. Lower estrogen too. Now I would lower estrogen conversion. Okay. Yeah. some of those negatives that lower estrogen too. Now I would lower estrogen conversion. Okay, yeah, but both though I would theorize
Starting point is 00:38:26 because you are giving the body smaller doses over time versus a big hard dose. No, you can look at, for sure that's why the estrogen goes like that. You can look at the comparison. So they've done studies on long acting testosterone like sipping eight or whatever. And they've had studies where people take several doses,
Starting point is 00:38:43 small doses versus one dose, really no difference. The differences, the peaks aren't as high, right? But it's no difference on everything else. The sub-Q was the one that showed the difference. 14% higher to testosterone and lower conversion to estrogen. And I think it's because it's absorbed a little bit better. So are you taking a sub-Q now? I have not tried it yet.
Starting point is 00:39:03 I'm scared to, it's oil. Yeah, I feel like that'll be weird. I feel like it's gonna have a really hard time going through and stuff. I'll take you like 10 minutes to push it through. It's already takes forever in the 23 gauge or whatever. I can't imagine how long it's gonna take in that. I don't know, I'm gonna talk to,
Starting point is 00:39:17 something it'll be a lot of work. I'm gonna talk to Dr. Todd and see what, he recommends. That would be an interesting question for them. Yeah. Plus, less painful, less painful. Yeah. Less damage. You know, this is a question I asked them a while ago. By the way, if you have any questions about hormone and hormone therapy,
Starting point is 00:39:33 you can go to mphormones.com or we have that hormone forum on Facebook, which is mind pump hormones. I think it's called. I asked them about repeated intramuscular injections. And I said, what about scar tissue over time? Because if I do this for the rest of my life, am I gonna get an early scar tissue? And he's like, well, you gotta rotate sides and do this and that, but nonetheless, it's still a risk.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Sub-Q, you wouldn't have that risk. You wouldn't have the risk of developing scar tissue. Interesting, right? Yeah, no, really interesting. But I can't imagine pushing it through that small of a needle like how how hard that's going to be. Yeah, some people were saying you warm it up under, you know, in the in the syringe under hot water. What a what a what a I mean, I'm always trying to make it as easy as possible and as little I like I want to inject as little times as I have to. Sure. So I mean, to get 14 more percent, but then I got a heated under a fire,
Starting point is 00:40:25 like heroin, like, I got a fire. It's this fucking drip it to myself over fucking. That's the spoon. It's got a spoon. It's like, don't mind me, just take my. They feel better. Oh, okay. We already have we already have people doing it. Yeah. Okay. So I'm gonna talk to again, I'll talk to Dr. Todd over there. I'll try almost anything once and ask him.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Oh, that's it. That's almost speaking of studies. Very interesting study. We've talked about the long term anti-depressant effects of exercise. So studies will show that exercise will have very similar effects to antidepressants in terms of treating moderate to low levels of depression anxiety, the most common forms, and it's almost identical. Now over time, you actually start to see that exercise probably does better because obviously there's no down regulation of receptors. You get other benefits of exercise which didn't lead to better quality of life
Starting point is 00:41:33 that probably contribute to that. Nonetheless, this was a study on short term depression and anxiety effects. And they found that a good workout had acute effects on depression anxiety that lasted several hours afterwards. So as a short-term treatment, which I know we've all done. So the cortisol spike?
Starting point is 00:41:54 No, I think it's- What's your thoughts on that? Like, something to do more with dopamine and, you know, some of those chemicals. You know, I noticed this with trigger sessions from App Centipole. Like, it's low intensity, it's not really, and I would just do. Some of those chemicals. You know, I noticed this with the trigger sessions for maps and a ball. Like, it's low intensity. It's not really, and I would just do like 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:42:08 And I noticed I'd have this kind of uplifted feeling that would last for like an hour. You know, that's the most common thing I actually get is feedback and what I use as a selling point more. Like, I know initially like when you, when you kind of did the homework on it and designed it, like it was really around to accelerate building muscle, right? That's kind of the way we pitch it. But actually what I find works best is that
Starting point is 00:42:30 as an energy boost. Oh, it's like a mood elevator. It is. And I think that I think people can get, like, they're better at getting, because the building muscle part takes so much time. But if you can sell them on the immediate result that you get from it, which is watch, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:44 I bet if you're on the couch, you're filming with Argett, get up, do some band stuff for literally like five to ten minutes. And watch how amazing you actually do. You know that start contrast between when you've been sitting in a position for so long, and you're sort of forming into this like, you know, really hunched over position, how awful that feels. Yeah. And like how it actually then affects your mood and then the tightness as a result of that and it's sort of this like spiraling effect. The inside of you influences the outside of you
Starting point is 00:43:13 but the outside of you also influences the inside of you. So what I mean by that is you feel sad or anxious on the inside so your body starts to act sad and anxious. But on the other end of the spectrum, if I move my body in a way that would tell the inside of me that, I'm not as sad as I think I feel. Like, let me move. Let me stretch.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Let me get some sunlight. Let me give someone a hug, right? Something like that. That the inside of me gets that signal and says, oh, we're not feeling as bad, or we shouldn't feel this bad, or we actually feel a little better. It's like those studies on posture. Yes, I've always tripped out on those.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah, those power poses is like really that open posture is just so much more beneficial. Yeah, so along these lines, also some more interesting stuff, I was reading about the activity habits of modern hunter ggatherers. And you guys know that study, I always talk about the Hodza tribe in Northern Tanzania and how they found that they really didn't burn more calories
Starting point is 00:44:11 than the average person because the body adapts to activity and all that stuff. But I was also, I was digging a little deeper and studies on hunter-gatherers, which is how we evolved, shows that they spend a significant amount of time doing nothing. Now, I don't mean they're hanging out,
Starting point is 00:44:31 but they're literally nothing, just sitting there and just pondering or hanging out. And then I thought to myself, we never do nothing, never. Like when you're sitting quietly, on your back in the day, Yeah, that's the thing. I think we've just found ways to just flood our normal times. Like you're standing in line. You're sitting there going to the bathroom even like there's just you bring in a phone and a screen with you. I mean, it's just interrupting.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Have you guys ever paid attention to like how weird you feel when you forget those few times in a million times like like in a line Or going to the bathroom like how oh my god. Yeah, like there's been I do actually I've actually pulled an asshole move like this We're literally I like I'm getting ready with the restroom I have to really go to the restroom and because I realize I don't have my phone like I go find it Like back to the restroom and go that I'm like whoa and I don't I do it subconsciously It's not like I'm like actually like oh, I need to it subconsciously. It's not like I'm like acting like, oh, I need to have my phone.
Starting point is 00:45:26 It's just like, it's become second. I can't just sit here. Yeah, because that's not productive. And with that productive in your own phone either, with the few times that I do, it's like, wow, that's wild. That is something that is just radically changed in our lives
Starting point is 00:45:39 that we have just now adopted and are used to. Radically, so right now, so ever since we had the episode with Dr. Cabral and he talked about, how we had Mercury and he's like, oh, you know, sauna is good for that and other stuff. So what I did is I got myself a membership over at Club Sport, right?
Starting point is 00:45:55 And they have a sauna in a steam room. And I can't take my phone and the sauna, it'll stop working, it's not gonna work. And it's definitely not the steam build. So I go in there for 25 minutes maybe, okay? So I'm saying, 25 is nothing. And the first couple of times I didn't have my phone, I remember I was just sitting there and I'm like, do I just go to sleep? Like do I take a nap? Like what do I do? But
Starting point is 00:46:15 now, after I've been doing it for about a week consistently, I value sitting there and doing nothing. And it's really nice. It's really, isn't it almost like you need that time to kind of make sense of what you've been experiencing. Like you can sort of like put pieces together and hold on to ponder. We don't ponder enough anymore. No.
Starting point is 00:46:36 It's the circling back to how we started this conversation, the creating space. Yeah. You're creating space for that for sure. You know, I wanted to talk to you guys about because of everything that's going on in the economy right now with like inflation and real estate and, you know, for the audience, like we've openly shared about like the stuff that we do with properties and we've put a pretty good halt for a couple of months now. I don't think we've made, right?
Starting point is 00:46:57 We haven't made any major investments in the last couple of months because I think for the first time, we're probably all in a variance on that the correction is around the corner. Like, what do you think is going to happen? Yeah, they're talking about the, what's it called, bond yield curve is inverted right now. And I believe, and I heard this on the all in podcast. And they said that when it's this way, and I think it has to stay this way nine days in a row, but if it does, two thirds
Starting point is 00:47:23 of the time, it accurately predicts a recession within that year. 93% of the time, it predicts a recession within two years. Now, and now there's that, and there's all these other factors. So we're probably looking at a recession of some sort coming up in the next year or two. That's what it looks like. I think so.
Starting point is 00:47:43 I think October, I think we're gonna see. That's my prediction is that, and if we don't see the recession in October, we'll see the beginning of the correction. So I think, and I don't think we're gonna, I don't think we're gonna feel anything like O8. I don't think it's gonna be like that. I don't think we're gonna see that big of a flood of properties at the market
Starting point is 00:48:01 or that many people for clothes. Like, I don't see it happening. I definitely see a correction though. I think it's inevitable. You know what the challenge I have with that, because I agree with that, then this is what I think. Every other recession, we've always had the ability to increase the money supply, to loosen up the money supply, lower interest rates, and that's always been our remedy to kind
Starting point is 00:48:22 of, you know, what do they say, stimulate the economy? We're stuck're stuck we can't do that we've already printed it out so much money 10 trillion dollars interest rates are higher than they were before that button too many times yeah like an inflation is part of the problem yeah but I actually believe that that's what they will okay so we know that Fed came out that looks like they're going to move know, 25 to 50 basis points every quarter. So that's what the prediction is. Now, if we start to go into a tailspin and I think that we start to really start to plummet, I actually think they'll go back on that. I mean, how many times have the Fed said they're going to do something and then they don't do it?
Starting point is 00:48:56 Yeah, but what about inflation? Still, to tamp it down a little bit and to slow it down, what they'll do is they'll ease it again. So we're going to creep up to, I don't even know where the rates are now, say it's around 4%. I think it is around 5. By the end of the year, we're looking at 4.5 to 5%. We're just still a decent interest rate, but it's not rock bottom.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And I think if all of a sudden it starts getting a little out of control, like you're saying might happen, I think they'll just go, okay, drop it back down here. They do that, it'll stimulate the economy again, and more investors will go back in and buy it. It's a weird situation to be in because almost every other time when this has happened, there's been a job shortage,
Starting point is 00:49:30 but we actually have, I think 10 million open jobs, like the companies are trying to hire and people don't want to work. So it's a really weird, it's a weird predicament. Very strange time. So I don't know, I don't know what's, I don't know what's got. Well, and where are we at? Because you follow the politics more, where are we at with actually printing more again? I thought I heard another stimulus was coming.
Starting point is 00:49:51 That's the thing. It's like the, it's the button that they like to push. And, and the public is not aware of the, the damaging effects of inflation until it gets to the point where everybody's really screwed. And I don't think people are confused by what causes inflation. So, and they're already trying to blame it on the situation with, you know, Russia and Ukraine. Well, you're telling me about the Russian currency. What's happening with that? He tied his, the rubble to gold, and only allowed certain countries to purchase tied his, the rubble to gold and only allowed certain countries
Starting point is 00:50:25 to purchase their oil with the rubble and the rubble recovered immediately. Went right back to where it was before, all the sanctions. I don't know where it's at today, but that was like a crazy. So that's crazy. Doug over here is like, you know, Mr. Silver and Gold, right?
Starting point is 00:50:38 So he's always trying to push me to buy and buy and silver and gold. That is what would happen if the dollar started, because the prediction is, but the gold pressurees the people that are going to tie you back to the goal. Yeah. If it were to go crazy, right? And collapse or be something that was, that we've, you know, unprecedented happen, that that's a way to hedge, you know, but it's speaking of like hedging, I think you win in the last couple of years as far as the best investment. I don't know if you told this guy yet already,
Starting point is 00:51:05 but Palm Desert is crushing it, dude. Yeah, and the thing was, like we got into it because my sister-in-law was already there and we looked at this place and it just made a lot of sense because it was interesting because there's a certain market that comes from Canada and from the cold places like for the desert climate. And so they plan out, they're very like planned out.
Starting point is 00:51:30 And they though, so like our whole year next year is even already booked up. Wow. It has a waiting list for the small condo. But yeah, I mean, yeah, our profits have been, have been great. That's awesome. I used to live in Palm Desert. It's really, yeah, it's an interesting town. It's interesting because it's in the winter,
Starting point is 00:51:49 it's like so many people, so much stuff's happening. And the summer half of the people are gone. It's really weird. Now, Chair Justin and me, because obviously we're also, all of us are getting ready to move into some more short term. And you have now the most experience in it.
Starting point is 00:52:01 What has it been like with tenants and stuff like that? It's been really interesting. Oh really? Yeah. So there's a few things and it's helped us to tighten up a lot of, basically like expectations and like add certain things of kind of getting ahead of a lot of amenities and amenities and amenities and just like, because you get an older clientele, a lot of times you have to really walk people through things.
Starting point is 00:52:27 There's a lot of questions. Yes, so hard. All those things, I swear I got things you would never even think of, like they'll call or text or like email. And it's like, so we had to start putting barriers there and like adding more information that was readily available or just fixing things
Starting point is 00:52:42 preemptively before they got there. But I mean, there's some unexpected things like, for instance, I had the notes even we had a situation where the cleaners got there and the tenants had peed the bed. What? I'm not even joking. Thankfully, we have like a cover over the mattress, but like, who does that? That's either a bad time or a good time. Yeah, I was going to say, like, either this sort of thing or it's like, but like, who does that? That's either a bad time or a good time. It's only two little months.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Yeah, I was gonna say, like either this is her thing or it's like, you know, whoopsie poopsy, it just happened and, but if you think that happens, don't you just like yourself go put it into the laundry and so people don't have to clean up. Did you guys ever grow up? Did you guys ever have a friend that was like the drunk pier? Did you have that?
Starting point is 00:53:24 No. I've had two, and that crazy crazy two friends that were drunk peers. Oh, actually, I did. And one time I was in the bed with him was a fucking. Oh, I do. Pete in bed. Yeah, yeah. There was three of us. We were we're we're partying. Oh, it was a party. It's like, whoa. It was this way. He said, throw parties at my cousin's house and he said, how fun is this? We said throw parties in a in a double-wide trailer that were like, you know, 100, 200 people deep. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Yeah. But I mean, not obviously you could have fed a hundred two hundred. He was a property. It had like two, three acres. It was fenced. And so that's, we could do it because it was fenced in or had a gate entrance. And so we could keep the cops from coming in. And it was big enough so we could be loud and shit and you could have kegs and be messy
Starting point is 00:54:02 and stuff. But anyways, it was always like a fight for the couch that there's only a few places to like sleep and, you know, a member spin in the night one night. And it's, I think there was three or four of us, like lined up on the bed and I woke up fucking drenched. I thought it was sweat originally. I thought I was like, man, it was so hot and sweaty. And then I then I feel, yeah, it's filled the side of the bed and see how soaked it is. We had a spare just. Oh, I spilled aside the bed and see all soaked it. You had a spare just Forget some I never
Starting point is 00:54:30 We were not friends after that That's it. That's it. That's the end of our friendship I was another friend like this that I was in when I was in my 20s I just moved to the Bay area. It was a trainer. I worked with so I won't sell them out You usually do though. Usually say the day that we put out, maybe I will. I'm also probably named so quick. So we were, we went, we went, I took him back to a house party. My buddy Justin, you guys know him. We went to his place and he had never even met this guy before.
Starting point is 00:54:58 We threw this huge house party and he spent the night in his bedroom and the next morning, like he didn't even, it was fucked up. So he didn't even say nothing. It was like after everybody had left and we're like cleaning house and then we checked the bed and the beds got this massive. Oh my God. Like they're not gonna find it.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Yeah, you're 20 something year old, you're gonna pick them up. And you don't say anything. Yeah, how do you not? That's the part that doesn't, I don't, doesn't register to me. I had a buddy, I went to Vegas. Maybe they won't know. No, I went to Vegas with my buddy. To put something on top of it.
Starting point is 00:55:25 In the middle of the night, I hear water running and hitting the floor. And I'm like, what? It's like, oh, no, is there a leak or something? Turn the light on and he's like drunk half asleep and he just pees. He's peeing in the corner. On the floor. That's the only time I've seen it. I had that happen, too.
Starting point is 00:55:40 We were in high school and that happened. And I'm sleeping on the couch, literally just like this. There's a coffee table right here. and I imagine a couch laying there and I woke up to pee splashing on my face Oh, and my boy was sleepwalking on the table and he's peeing on the table thought it was the bathroom And I remember getting up screaming yelling and it didn't even like I had to go over and shake him to like wake him up You had to shake him afterwards Yeah, I finished putting Go back to bed. You know what?
Starting point is 00:56:06 I didn't even think about how we talked about him. Anyway, Adam, I want to tell you because I brought these up and you were asking about it. These are the meta pants from your fun. Oh, so they're not, okay, so what's
Starting point is 00:56:15 their meta? What's the new, who wears them? Yeah, look at you. Come on. Oh, you both are. Don't do the glue. It's actually good. I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Okay, so these are, so I'm wearing stretch. I'm actually wearing the feet. It looks nice. I'm wearing right now. I can't do glutes. Okay, so these are, so I'm wearing stretching. I'm actually wearing the feet. I'm wearing right now the meta joggers. Okay, so the joggers are different because they're tapered. Of course. These look like slacks. They're called meta-what then. They're meta-pants.
Starting point is 00:56:34 They're just meta-pants. Yeah. I think so. Pretty sure. Is that right, Doug? Okay. But they look like slacks. They look nice.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Yeah. So you can work out, and if you want to work out in these though, but if I go out to dinner or whatever, put a nice shirt on, they look great, you know, and they're comfortable Yeah, no interesting stretchy. Look at this. I mean they fit Justin for God's sake. No, I really like the great one Just them out now those are ones you've always wanted. Did you just start wearing those two? Oh, I started wearing them Yeah a couple months ago like two months ago I just re-ordered it yet. I still I'm waiting for the I think it's the eco the eco or echo I still I'm waiting for the I think it's the eco eco or echo
Starting point is 00:57:09 Wine that they have they have the vast and they got this what's the one. It's like vital. It's like It's basically Like sweatshirt material kind of like so the sweatpants. Yes. Yes. Yes, so it's short season you guys I ordered someone's no I were the same ones as you did I saw I saw your list I'm ready and Kitchen is like oh look at these shorts that Justin got. You should get those. I love shorts, man. I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:57:28 They look like they're like a thick sweat material. I haven't seen anything like that. So obviously they're comfortable stuff like that. But they have a whole section of nicer looking like polo, butt down, flattles. Like, love it. I love it. So I've been scooping up about that.
Starting point is 00:57:44 I mean, that's my favorite thing is you can dress that up or down. Like you really can. I could throw a poll, even when these joggers, I could throw a polo on it. So are you guys here? Where are we at now? Like percentage wise of your wardrobe.
Starting point is 00:57:54 I feel like I'm up to like almost half, you know? Like this is a story. That's all I wear. Yeah, no, I would say real close to that, if not more. Skating up there. Yeah. Hey, I hope you're enjoying the show. Check this out. Look, if not more. Getting up there. Yeah. Hey, I hope you're enjoying the show. Check this out.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Look, if you eat a lot of protein, if you eat a diet to bulk, or if you're just trying to get lean, sometimes your diet can make you feel bloated. You can get digestive issues. You want to fix that. Try digestive enzymes. But not just any digestive enzymes.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Go to a company that works with fitness professionals by optimizers. It's the only digestive enzyme company that works with fitness professionals by optimizers. It's the only digestive enzyme company that we work with. It made a huge difference on my digestion. And what it does is it allows my body to assimilate more of these nutrients. That means more protein is going to my muscle and getting more energy from my carbohydrates. I don't feel bogged down or bloated. Very inexpensive, very effective.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Okay. So if you want to see if it can affect your digestive issues in a positive way, which it likely will, go to mindpumppartners.com and click on buy optimizers and then use the code Mind Pump 10 for a massive discount. Here comes the rest of the show. Our first caller is Shannon from Texas. Hey Shannon, how can we help you? Hi guys, I just want to say thanks for taking my call and the guidance and help you guys give to others. We appreciate it. My question, a little background on me, I'm 34.
Starting point is 00:59:20 I'm a nurse, so I work, a shift work 12 hours, three days a week. I work shift work 12 hours three days peak I work out regularly but I'm the cardio hit cortisol junk you guys talk about from time to time I do hit like six days a week and then I'll add on a little extra running and some strength training on top of it. Yes, and then before, usually before my work shifts, I'll wake up at like 3.45 in the morning. I'll go work out, then I'll go to work, and then on my days off, it's a little more chill. But during COVID lockdown, I was living in LA LA and I got really into running and
Starting point is 01:00:07 used working out and kind of like nutrition controlled to kind of let my stress out. So I got into some unhealthy patterns and I've pretty much crushed my metabolism. And now I'm to the point where I ran a full marathon in December and ever since then, I feel like I've fallen into this really bad trap of appetite cravings all over the place. My emotions are all over the place. It's well, I have cravings. I'm living on caffeine.
Starting point is 01:00:48 I've gone to the point where I feel like I work out too much and I eat pretty healthy, but I feel so unhealthy. And I know I'm in a bad place, but like where do I even begin to wean off this hit cardio thing to get into a more balanced way of working out and feeling like I'm getting in better shape and losing some body fat and just feeling better overall. Shannon, first off, I want to say, I want to tell you how much I appreciate you being very honest. Yeah, great self-awareness. That's the first step, by the way. You know, that's the first step, by the way.
Starting point is 01:01:25 You know, that's the hardest step. The hardest step is to say, this is an issue. I have an issue here and I think I need to address it. I don't know how, but I know I have an issue. Now, I'm gonna be very honest with you and I think you already realize this, that's what it sounds like. I've been working out for a long time.
Starting point is 01:01:42 If I did what you were doing, it would destroy me. If I don't know anybody that could do what you're doing in terms of your shift work, waking up a 345, six days a week a hit, plus running, plus resistance, I don't know anybody that could be able to do that for any length of period of time without completely destroying themselves. So, do you, how frank do you want me to be with this, with my advice? Go for it. Okay. So you, you, you have an addiction to exercise
Starting point is 01:02:12 and it's coming from something else. Okay, so exercise like anything can be abused and you're, you've developed an abusive relationship with it. So there's something that you're distracting yourself from or something you're running from. And you don't have to tell me what that is, but when you, the reason why this is important is because as we scale this back, which is what we're going to have to do, we're going to have to really scale this back, whatever it is that is driving you to run away from it or distract yourself is not
Starting point is 01:02:39 going to be gone. In fact, it's going to be, it's going to surface itself even more and you need to be prepared for that. Okay? So consider that. Number two, I know you said your goal is, you know, better fitness and a lot of stuff. We got to put that on the side burner for now. What we need to look at is health, better health. Now, what does that mean? You feel healthy you feel good you feel happy You've got good sleep you feel balanced you don't feel the way that you do now you feel very balanced That's what we got to aim for first before we could ever think about Performance or body fat goals those will follow if we if we go after being healthy if we go after being healthy. If we go after the strength and the fat loss and the mirror, you're not going to leave this hamster wheel of destruction.
Starting point is 01:03:32 And I'm going to not to scare you, but this is going to be, this is going to be again, some honesty. However bad you feel now, it's going to get much worse if you don't jump off this hamster wheel. It's going to get much, much worse worse and a lot of damage can happen. So the first step one is you really got it back off, really back off. I would take what you're doing now and I would cut it down to two days a week of strength training.
Starting point is 01:03:59 And all the other activity would be walking. That's the first thing I would do. I would have you do prioritize your sleep and you need to have a strategy to deal with whatever it is that's driving you to abuse exercise the way that you are. Now one way to do it, which is, you know, I guess the most organized way would be to work with a professional a therapist once a week. And what that's going to do is help you reveal yourself to yourself and just kinda stay on track. You can do that.
Starting point is 01:04:29 The other thing would be to adopt some type of a practice, maybe a spiritual practice, meditation's practice, something that's gonna help you deal with the feelings and emotions that are gonna come up when you give up your favorite drug, which at the moment is exercise. Shana sometimes,
Starting point is 01:04:44 Sal says pretty much everything that needs to be said. I mean, I honestly don't have much to contribute other than, are you aware of what the thing is? You know, it's normally relationship work, something like that, are you aware of the thing that you're currently running from right now? Yeah, and I've started seeing someone
Starting point is 01:05:05 to work through the mental piece of this. So that has been helpful. I think a lot of it has been work stress, especially over the last couple of years. Sure, sure. Yeah. Like, I would say being a nurse, what kind of nurse are you?
Starting point is 01:05:20 What kind of nurse are you? What do you work with? Right now I'm working with neuro patients, but like when COVID first hit, I was working in ICU. Oh yeah. Travel contract, I was in California, it took a travel contract and now I'm out in Texas. So, well, kind of like crazy and so it's like,
Starting point is 01:05:48 I've been working out as like my stress relief, but it seems to be adding more stress. Do you know where, do you know where your calories are currently right now? By chance. Um, I don't track every day. I would say when I do track, it could be anywhere from, this is really bad, like 1200 to 15, 16, 100. Yeah. So look, you've done, and I want to commend you, you've done an amazing job taking care of other people. It's time to take care of yourself. You're not going to be able, I'm going to guess something here that you're very driven to care for other people. You can't do that
Starting point is 01:06:25 effectively though if you're broken. Right. So you've already sacrificed your health and I appreciate the sacrifice you've made. I know I'm sure you've helped a lot of people. Now you need to take care of you and that means really paying attention to what's going on. So I'm glad you're working with someone. That's a very, that's a, that's the biggest step. That's going to be the biggest step. Yeah, yeah. And now you've got to focus on health and take your eyes off aesthetics, take your eyes off of anything that could drive you in the opposite direction. Your body's going to start to change, you're going to start to feel different. Don't freak out over it. Your body's going to be healing. Here's the good news, Shannon.
Starting point is 01:07:04 At the end of this, you're gonna be so much better than you ever were before. Stronger, fitter, faster, but you're gonna mentally be much better. So the other end of this is gonna be really amazing, okay? You just gotta go through the tough part. So let's give up that drug. Let's be a little more prescriptive,
Starting point is 01:07:20 like what this looks like as far as programming. So my thought is, maps at a ballic because she is at a place where she's doing so much training to try and cut her all the way to three days that we can say stay there will be tough. So what I would encourage is that when you get that urge that you gotta go do something is to go for a walk.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Yeah. Just to go for a walk or an easy hike, not a hard, crazy intense hike, but you can go hike, go hike out, outdoors, get outdoors, and it's fine. Do it for an hour. Do it two hours is even fine. Just don't do something super intense. It's not a workout. Yeah. Yeah. And be with yourself and have, or with company and have a good time or what I thought that, but follow maps and a ball activity, how it's laid out. Do the trigger sessions on the off days.
Starting point is 01:08:05 If you have that urge to go do more, go for a nice walk, and that's kind of where I would start you. I wouldn't mess with your calories at all, because you're already low enough, that, and I know that I can't really increase you quite yet, because we're about to pull back on all your calorie burn. So I'd want to start you there, exercise-wise, and just really focus on getting strong when we're in the gym.
Starting point is 01:08:28 And when we want to move more, we go for a nice walk. Yeah, is that the biggest sort of reserve you have in terms of being able to scale out of all of this, working out that you're doing? Is just not having something to do, is that what you're afraid of the most? Yeah, because on days when I do, like give myself a break, I don't work out.
Starting point is 01:08:51 I feel so sluggish and like, terrible. So like I've thought about just going down to like three days a week, but I know then the other four days a week, I'm just gonna feel like crap. Yeah, now that's, I'm such a good question, Justin. So, you don't have to do nothing, although I think nothing is great, but you can do something, just do something appropriate. Like, Yen Yoga would be amazing for you.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Sure, Shannon. Yen Yoga is a restorative, it's slow, you're sitting there, you're not like beating the crap out of yourself. Not power yoga, not hot yoga, just yin yoga. Literally, if you want to sign up for something, find yin yoga, you could do meditation. You could, you can enlist the help of a friend and say, hey, you know, I'd like to go for walks at this time of the day, but make it about the relationship with your friend, not the workout itself.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Like you can do stuff. Just don't work out all the time, but you can definitely do things. So if you thrive off of schedule and that, that's okay. Just do things that are more appropriate. Eventually though, you're going to want to do some nothing though. There's a lot of value in doing nothing as well. And part of that is dealing, because here's what happens with bad feelings, you don't deal with them, they don't go away.
Starting point is 01:10:08 They actually, they get louder and they turn into other things that you finally start to listen. So, but I tell you what, the fact that you called a show like ours and told us on air, that is a huge step. Yeah, that's the hardest step, that's it. Everything else is work, but what you just did was tremendous.
Starting point is 01:10:28 So I want you to pat yourself on the back. And what I want you to do, Shannon, is take care of yourself like you do your patients. As much as you care about your patients, I want you to start to do that for yourself. So every time you start to feel that feeling of, I gotta do more, I gotta beat myself up. Okay, hold on a second.
Starting point is 01:10:42 If I was taking care of myself in the ICU or in the hospital, what would I do? What would I say to myself? What kind of advice would I give myself? What kind of things would I tell myself? And then listen to your own advice because you probably have pretty good advice. Can we get her in the forum too?
Starting point is 01:10:56 Yeah, good idea. Let's get you in the forum so that we can stay in touch. I definitely want you to reach out to us in the forum. Just tag one or all of us, so we can kind of keep an eye on you over the course. Cause this is a slow process. This is not a, turn the lights, which honor off type of deal.
Starting point is 01:11:13 So as you're going through it, hopefully we can be there to help support you through it. Yeah, and consider any type of an addictive behavior. There's always a withdrawal when you come out of it. So expect it. Don't be surprised by it. I'm be like, oh my god, just like, okay, this is going to suck. Let's do this.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Like expect that there's going to be some challenges there as you go through. But the other end of it is going to be amazing. I promise you, I've worked with people like you and very common. Oh, and the other end of it is like, oh, it's another level. It's another, it's a whole another level So there's a there's a good ending good ending to the story. You just got a and you are you're you're working with someone You called us you told us so I think I think you have a very good chance of succeeding Okay, thank you guys so much. I really appreciate it. No problem. We're gonna send anabolic and then free access to the forum, okay?
Starting point is 01:12:03 Okay, awesome. Thank you. No problem. Man, that is You know, I know what that feels like to be so exercise and be afraid to come. This is super common very common and it's it's also too Why we get a little bit of flack for being so hard on the orange theories and the cross fits. And this is why. They're the cocaine dealer. This is the, they are. I mean, if you want to look at it, like, it's true. They would they attract, they attract the exercise at it.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Very similar. Yeah, totally. And that's, and I just want the audience to understand that that's, that's the place that we're coming from when we talk about those things. It's not that I don't think that CrossFit is awesome. It's not that I don't think that there's people that do thrive and do well in formats like Orange Theory and F-45. There is a person for that. I just think there's a lot of the wrong people are attracted to that and it tends to attract those specific people that shouldn't do that. And this is really common. Half my clients
Starting point is 01:13:03 I'd say battle with someone like this. Yeah, yeah. Always talking somebody really common. I would have my clients say, that'll be someone that's always talking somebody down from. This is the majority of my clients that towards the end of my career is because people get so driven and you do get that feeling of, you know, it provides you with that like de-stressing temporarily. And so it's like it becomes part of your ritual. And then, you know, it's just before you know it, you're doing so much. How did I get you? We've also oversimplified losing weight and getting in shape. We've oversimplified it to just, you know what, you just need to move more and eat less. Oh, it's stopped working. Do more. You're less. It's like going, you know, and beat the motivation thing. We just double, triple down on the hype and motivation and
Starting point is 01:13:43 oversimplify how challenging this can be. Yeah, no, you're right. 100%. And this is a great example of how, because you said stress relief, like real stress relief is improving your health, improving your body's ability and your mind's ability to handle stress and to deal with it. What's actually happening here is it probably started from actual stress relief and then it turned into stress avoidance, which means that the
Starting point is 01:14:10 stress is not going away. The problems aren't going away. So it's compiling. And then this becomes a stress. So she's actually added stress on top of stress because she's valuing avoidance and that only lasts so long. You know, it's out. We didn't get a chance to address like supplements, but here's a case where you, you might recommend what are some things? Oxorgonda. Yeah, just Oxorgonda or is there anything else that you would use?
Starting point is 01:14:33 I would go. Yeah, I would go. Oxorgonda and then Rhodiola in place of caffeine. I'm glad you asked that. I hope you're listening Shannon. Oxorgonda would probably be beneficial for you to help your body handle its cortisol more efficiently, and then rodeola in place of some of your caffeine. That'll give you some energy.
Starting point is 01:14:52 It's more of an adaptogen. It's not as strong, nearly as strong as caffeine, but it'll help take the edge off because going off caffeine can be or dropping caffeine can feel real nasty. Our next caller is Angie from Washington. Hey Angie, how can we help you? Hi. Our next caller is Angie from Washington. Hey Angie, how come help you? Hi, I have to admit my 21-year-old son was pretty disappointed. I wasn't going to be talking to Robert Oversht. Oh man, he is awesome. Yeah, he's pretty cool. Yeah. Wait, I didn't know I was going to be live. Sorry, I'm not used to this.
Starting point is 01:15:24 No worries. Oh, it's recorded. Yeah, don't know. Think of it. It's like it's like a few million people. Yeah. Yeah. That's a big deal. Everybody that we're old people, they'll be good. Well, I Must have a friend say that I did purchase the starter program Because I wasn't sure which one to start with but I had read some things and I saw the podcast on a Drainable Fatigue and so that's why I was looking at the programs and trying to decide which one was going to be the best
Starting point is 01:15:56 one for me. Okay that probably is tell us a little bit more about your goals and what's your training history and what have you been getting up to now? I have probably been weight training on and off for about 24 years. But now I'm 46 and life is changing for me. I have a lot of digestive issues that I'm working on to heal. I just want to keep the muscle mass that I do have because I know that you lose your muscle mass as you get older. Okay. Angie, you said on and off for over two decades, but have you been leading up to now where you consistent with strength training or resistance training for a year or did
Starting point is 01:16:41 you, are you starting now from a layoff? I'm starting now from a layoff. Okay. I did a program for about six, seven months, but after that I felt completely wiped out and drained that I quit and I just couldn't continue. Yeah, I'm AppStarter. You made the right choice. I would start with AppStarter.
Starting point is 01:17:00 And you said you're working on your digestive issues. Are you working with a professional on that or just on your own? I'm working with a professional or a map. Okay. Yeah, you're great. Map starter would be perfect for you. Let's drop her in the forum too. Yeah, we're going to let you in our private forum for free Angie. And then if you have questions, you can ask it in the forum as a lot of trainers in there and other fitness people. And you can also tag us if you want us to answer your question. And we'll get to it when we can. But you can also tag us if you want us to answer your question. And we'll get to it when we can. But you're on the right track.
Starting point is 01:17:29 As the digestive situation works itself out, you'll find your body's ability to adapt, to exercise will improve. And what you're noticing right now is just your, everything is too much stress for your body. Digestive issues can cause that. You mentioned adrenal fatigue. They don't call it that anymore,
Starting point is 01:17:47 although the symptoms remain the same. They'll refer to it now as HPA axis dysfunction, so hypothalamus pituitary and adrenals. And it's basically the relationship between these, the hormones and chemicals that are produced by those things. And they're out of balance, making you feel really bad.
Starting point is 01:18:03 You just feel like you have no energy, lots of fatigue, you have hot and cold intolerances, and I don't need to tell you, you already know these things. So as you solve those issues, your tolerance for exercise and your ability to work out will improve, but map starters right now, based off of what you told me, I think is a perfect place to go.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Honestly, yeah, I think too. A lot of people listening will revert back to when they thought of when they're in shape. It's like sort of the first thing that leads them in terms of how they decide to go forward with their training. And so just to commend you on that, to think in that regard, there is the optimal dose right now for you. And so this is something too you can address in the instability, you can really kind of build yourself back up and see great progress, but it might be a bit less intense or the focus might be a little different than what you might have
Starting point is 01:18:55 proceeded that. Angie, is your son's a Robert Overs fan, huh? Yeah, he's watched a lot of the videos of the strongest man and those competitions and stuff online is pretty funny I showed him that program. He's like, are you gonna do that program long? And I'm gonna give it to you for free so you can give it to your son. Okay map strong It's a program we designed with Robert Obersd so tell him tell him the guys that
Starting point is 01:19:22 That that Robert Obersd worked with and was very excited to work with. We created the program with him and now we're gonna give it to you so he can have it. He picked me up and threw me in a pool so that was pretty cool. Yeah, yeah, and we couldn't stop him if we tried. Yeah, I was like a little baby. Make sure you stay in touch with this Angie in the forum. Okay, so let us know as you go through the process, we're in there throughout the day and stuff like that
Starting point is 01:19:47 and keep us posted in the Facebook forum. So Doug will give you access to that. Yeah. And I think you're in a good place. You're normally, I would give nutrition advice, but because you're working with some with gut issues, I'm not gonna advise you any better. Definitely not any better than the expert
Starting point is 01:20:01 you're working with. So I would definitely follow their advice, heal your gut, and then from there, you're gonna feel so much better. Yeah, I do like the intuitive eating because, you know, so many programs say eat this, eat that, don't eat this, don't eat that, and I'm like, I can't eat any of that stuff. So I have to go on my own intuitive eating from my body
Starting point is 01:20:23 and figure out what's best for me. Yeah. And whatever you're working with, I'm sure they'll figure out what the cause is, whether it be SIBO. Yeah. It's, I've got SIBO, I've got SIBO, I've got LIKI VE. Oh man. Angie, we know all kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Those are all fixable. Those are all fixable. Okay. When you fix those, it's gonna be so different for you. Like, everything's gonna change. That's a big deal, so prioritize that above everything else. Well, I'll have to say that for the last several months, I have not felt like exercising, weight training and that.
Starting point is 01:20:57 So, it was just the farthest thing from my mind. But on Sunday, I was like, hmm, I'm feeling pretty good. I think I can start this. And so I did start the starter program on Monday and Tuesday. And I can tell you that I'm feeling lots better. And I don't feel drained. Awesome. Yeah. Beautiful. Like I'm moving, making some progress. So very good. You're a smart woman. Yep. Stay on that, stay on that course. Thank you. Thank you, Angie. All right. Yeah, that's cool. Her son likes Robert O'Reilly. No, I'm glad she led with that.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Say, well, sorry, we're not. Who's on the phone? Anyway, I'll ask you guys a question. Is Haftar there? But yeah, it's Haftar. Oh, man, it goes out the list. No, you know what? This is a good segue into gut health.
Starting point is 01:21:45 When your gut is, I mean, SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, she's got Candida, probably fungal overgrowth. So this stuff going on with her gut, when your gut is off, everything's screwed. Everything, it messes up your hormones. Fighting everything from the inside. Oh, I know, my gut was off.
Starting point is 01:22:02 I would lose 10 pounds of lean body mass. My hormones would be off. I feel irritable and terrible. It was just, my gut was off. I would lose 10 pounds of lean body mass. My hormones would be off. I feel irritable and terrible. It was just, it's not good. And that wasn't as bad as what she's saying. So if you have gut issues, you can do everything else and it's not gonna work. You gotta solve the gut issues
Starting point is 01:22:17 before you do anything else. Our next caller is Andrea from Wisconsin. Andrea, how can we help you? Hey guys, this is awesome. Thank you so much for having me on here. Thanks for coming on. Yeah, so I'll just hop into it. I've run a couple of your programs,
Starting point is 01:22:32 and I'm finishing up running aesthetics for the second time. I've gotten some good results, and I'm having a lot of fun with your programs, and next I'd like to try out split. I've done split routines in the past, but it's been a little while, so I just kind of like to switch it up a little bit. I'm feeling like I'm also able to stay really consistent lately. All of that said, I do have a couple of things
Starting point is 01:22:55 that are holding me back from pulling the trigger on split, so I'm hoping that you'd be able to answer these a couple of questions. So my first one is I heard that split is set up as a push pull legs program. I think that's right. So I'm really liked upper and lower splits in the past because I get more frequency, particularly with my lower body since that's an area I'd really like to develop. So hitting legs just twice a week in this program seems a little bit light. You guys always talk about how important frequency is,
Starting point is 01:23:25 but I'm sure that there is a good reason why you designed this program this way. So our push pull legs routine much more effective than upper and lower splits. Yeah, good question. The answer is yes and no. So it depends. Yeah, so studies show that the optimal frequency
Starting point is 01:23:42 for training body parts is anywhere between two to four days a week. So it's a pretty big range, right? Like, okay, which one is which? Well, volume matters probably most in that. So if you do 20 sets for legs over two workouts or 20 sets for legs over four workouts, well, which one's gonna work better for me? Probably the one that's more novel, I would say for your body.
Starting point is 01:24:04 The one that allows you to do the exercises more novel, I would say for your body, the one that allows you to do the exercises that are going to be most valuable for your body at that moment. But I do want to divert, just kind of take a left here and ask you some more questions. So what made you start with aesthetic and do that twice? And why do you want to go to split? And then how does your body feel? Are you noticing any joint issues and your pain's aches? Like, let's talk about that first, because there may be a better program for you. Okay, sure, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:30 So I started with this thing because I just, that was kind of most aligned with my goals. I ran it twice just because I really enjoyed it the first time around and just wanted to run it again. Maybe make a few modifications based on how I felt the first time. I'm feeling really good on it, not really having too much joint pain or anything, and feeling good energy, and getting a lot of progress as terms of how much weight I'm able to lift, so feeling really good about it so far. So, strength gains were pretty consistent?
Starting point is 01:25:04 Yeah. Awesome. And then what did you do before aesthetic? Obviously, you weren't a beginner going into it because it's a high volume program. What were you doing to that? Yeah, I'm pretty sure. So, I did run anabolic once and then prior to that, I was just kind of making up my own routines, which probably wasn't the most effective, but I have been listening to you guys for years, so I was kind of basing that off of what I've learned from you guys. I know where I know where Sal is trying to push you right now. He I think he wants you to go to performance. And I think that we would probably all agree that you're probably due for that,
Starting point is 01:25:38 you know, doing anabolic and doing aesthetic, both very very sagittal plain focused, right? Exactly. That's like three months of anabolic plus six months of it. So it's like nine months, right? Yeah, so your body is probably due for, and what's great is that a lot of the movements in there are so unique that it's gonna be novel to your body. And so you're going to see great response. So many people, I think, if they think they're not like training
Starting point is 01:26:02 for a sport or like they care for like vertical or speed, and I think they just kind of discount that program and assume it's not for them, but we really wrote that program with the intentions of most clients, most all clients going, antibiotic performance and then aesthetic, pretty much regardless of your goal,
Starting point is 01:26:20 unless you had a very, very specific goal, would I maybe avoid that? Just because it's so important that we do move the body and these different planes and work on rotational strength and we do unilateral work, and all that stuff is in performance. So, I'm pretty sure that's where you were going. Yeah, I mean, if you think of it, too,
Starting point is 01:26:38 by going in the frontal plane and rotating, you're gonna build and develop muscles that will also complement your aesthetic goals. And I think that a lot of times, people don't really consider that. Especially once their body starts to change in that direction, and it's providing you a totally new stimulus,
Starting point is 01:26:58 which will also benefit you towards your goals. And what are your goals? What are your specific goals with training? benefit you towards your goals. Yes. What are your goals, what are your specific goals with training? So aesthetics and just getting stronger and feeling stronger. I've been pretty weak most of my life. So being able to feel like I can do things is a really good thing.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Yeah. Okay. So here's a deal. So you did anabolic aesthetic twice. If you go to performance and then you go to split, you'll get better results. Yes. You'll be, you'll, you look, I'll be honest, but you'll be okay going to split. Um, I don't, I don't think you're necessarily going to hurt yourself, but you're going to
Starting point is 01:27:31 be avoiding working different planes. And you've already, that, that'll put, that'll bring you a year out from avoiding lots of rotational frontal plane work and, and, and the mobility work that comes with it. So your chances of overuse injuries and just your body getting stale goes up quite a bit. If you go performance to split, you'll body will fly. For sure. And that will make split more novel
Starting point is 01:27:55 than what it will be right now. It's gonna be so much more effective. So if we can give you performance, I wanna send that over to you for sure. Well, Andrea, how much do you trust us? You've been listening to us for a while. You trust on a scale of one to 10. How much you trust our vice?
Starting point is 01:28:07 A 10, you guys are pretty good. Okay, so you're okay, because you said something very nice. We're gonna give you performance and split. But I highly, highly, highly recommend you go performance and then go split. So do performance, follow the whole program, then go to split. I promise you'll be so happy with the results if you do it that way. Yes
Starting point is 01:28:27 Okay, thank you. I really appreciate that no problem. My second part of the question was I Have the no BS 6 pack program as well and I was running it with other programs Incorporating into you know focus days and career session days and that seemed to really make a lot more sense to me on how to mold those two together. How would you incorporate that sort of ad focus on performance and split? That's the same thing, mobility days. Yeah, so take the ad work out of performance, the foundational workout.
Starting point is 01:28:59 So don't do the ad work on the foundational days, but then do the no BS six pack workouts on your mobility days. Okay. So you'll start your workout with mobility and then go into your six pack abs workout and then the next days your foundation workout. Does that make sense? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:29:15 All right. Beautiful. Thank you for calling in. Yeah, thank you guys. Awesome. Yeah, I wish people understood that about because they think, and I know what happens, they think I'm going to sacrifice the stomach. It's partly our fault. Yeah. Yeah, I wish people understood that. Because I think, and I know what happens, I think, I'm going to sacrifice the stomachs.
Starting point is 01:29:26 It's partly our fault. I mean, it's partly our fault. It's, you know, we've been hearing it from our marketing team since fucking day one, right? So it's, we wrote these programs thinking like trainers, not like frickin marketers. Yeah. And so it's, you know, people assume, they see it and they go,
Starting point is 01:29:43 I don't identify as a athlete. I'm not trying to train for performance. I care about the way I look. So they just discount that program completely. And the truth is, if you didn't listen to us more than, you know, three, four years ago, you probably haven't heard us that many times. Say that we wrote it with the intentions
Starting point is 01:30:01 of maps and a ball like maps performance and then maps is steady. Pretty much for everyone. I mean, that's like with the intentions of maps and a ball, like maps for forms and then maps is steady, pretty much for everyone. I mean, that's like the ultimate fat burning muscle building program. If we just packaged it as one program, you know, and then you had to just do the whole thing all the way through. Yes. I think that would be sort of the one.
Starting point is 01:30:17 It's the one program I would feel comfortable with someone doing forever. That's the thing too, right? Not that it would be ideal. Ideally, you'd go through all of them, right? But if you had to pick just one to do for the rest of your life, it would be a mass performance. Just because it hits all the functions of the joint. And it keeps you functional and able-bodied.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Yeah, told you, if you do an aesthetic or bodybuilding style workout, maps program, and then you want to know what to do next, performance. Go, Matt, I don't care if your goal is aesthetic, I don't care if your goal's athletic, it doesn't matter. Go perform, and then go to another body building style maps program. Watch what happens to your body.
Starting point is 01:30:50 You'll be blown away. Our next caller is Assad from Texas. Assad what's happening, how can we help you? Hey guys, how you all doing? First off, thank you for taking my call, and I really appreciate all the work you got that I've been doing. You got it. I recently just started listening to you guys, and I really appreciate all the work you guys have been doing.
Starting point is 01:31:05 I recently just started listening to you guys and I just got hooked. So during work, I just listened to the podcast all the time. So I really appreciate the content you guys are putting out. Before I started, just a little bit about me. I've been training since I was 14 years old. I'm 27 now. I've done football, collegiate cheerleading, bodybuilding, I did men's physique. And recently this past week, the month of Ramanja started.
Starting point is 01:31:30 And basically what we do in that time is we fast from sunrise before sunrise all the way to sunset. So no food, no water, until then. So I wanted to ask, what would be the best time to train? By the way, also like our, our, our, our, like, we're completely tired because we're praying at night as well. So like usually I'm getting, like right now I'm working out, I'm going to the gym around 11 o'clock, 11.30. I get done around one. I come home in my sleep, I wake back up at 5 a.m. and then I eat and then there's no
Starting point is 01:32:08 food or water for the rest of the day until around 8 o'clock and over here in Dallas. We actually answer this question every year. Every year. And the answer is almost always exactly the same. And you know, so we'll get into it with you. And you. And we talk a little bit on the podcast if you've been listening for a while about spiritual health and the importance of that too. I think that's part of the sphere. And what always ends up happening is someone just like you who's in pretty good shape
Starting point is 01:32:36 and they're so concerned, they're gonna potentially lose gains during this time. And what is the truth is, that's not your focus right now. You're doing a spiritual practice right now and most your energy and thought should be focused on that. And even if you were, right, even if we were to take all of training off and I'm not saying that's what you necessarily need to do
Starting point is 01:32:55 or should do, but even if you were to take it off completely, the amount of steps back that you're gonna take is gonna be so minimal. And as soon as you get back, you'll probably feel even better and take more steps forward really, really quick. And so instead of stressing about what does the workout exactly look like or how many times a day or how intense should it look like, it's like, this is the time to foot like whatever
Starting point is 01:33:20 it is that because you give up something right now. Is that correct? That's what happens during Ramadan. Yeah. I mean, it's a big sacrifice. So yeah, so whatever it is you're giving up at the idea of the spiritual practice is that you, I think, are detaching from things is to be thinking working inward, right?
Starting point is 01:33:36 And so I love this, and I think you should fully embrace that and not let working out and training stress you out that much. That doesn't necessarily mean you can't, or you shouldn't, it just don't allow it to get in the way of your spiritual practice. That is what's most important over this next 30 days, or however many days it is.
Starting point is 01:33:55 I'll tell you what, I said. If we were to, I don't even know if these studies exist, but I would bet money that if they did, this is the result. If you compare groups of people in one group, practice what you're talking about and really took it seriously, and the other group just worked out all the time,
Starting point is 01:34:10 I bet you year after year, the group that really placed focus on a spiritual practice would be healthier, leaner, and stronger. So this contributes to health in many different ways and spiritual health is a big, big part of it. And I'm assuming it's important to you, that's why you're doing it. Otherwise, you wouldn't not eat food or drink water while the sun was up, right?
Starting point is 01:34:29 Now, one thing that you said that's important is that you go to sleep at 1 a.m. and wake up at 5 a.m. just so you can fit your workout in. I don't think that's a good idea. I think you're sacrificing your sleep and your health and training it for exercise. Not really a good trade. Sleep is more important. If you lack a sleep, we'll kill you. Lack of exercise is not going to kill you.
Starting point is 01:34:50 It takes a long time to kill you when it comes to exercise. So I would not trade the two. And one more thought on this is your workouts should complement and improve the quality of your current, of your life in its current state. So the way you should choose your workouts is how is it going to make me feel better right now and right now is different than it's going to be when Ramadan is over. So think about it that way.
Starting point is 01:35:17 When can I work out and be active and what should my workouts look like so that they make me feel better, not so that I'm grinding my body. So that may mean you workout very lightly before you eat or after you start the fast. I'm not sure, you're gonna have to answer that for yourself. I don't think trading slanted last year. Okay, and how did that work? It was good.
Starting point is 01:35:42 So what I do this year is like right now, I sleep like after I fast, I say it for a little bit and I sleep to like one o'clock in the in the afternoon. Oh, so you do wake up. Okay. Yeah, so I'm making sure like I'm getting sleep in like I'm making sure that I'm prioritizing my sleep. I'm making sure like my spirituality is is that's like number one thing. So I really appreciate that. So that's my number one focus. I guess for me is like right now I'm doing like maps performance during the night time, but I'm not doing it like to a top notch like intensity. I'm not raising the weights. I'm not trying to lift heavy or anything like last year. Actually two years ago, sorry, during COVID, I, you know, had the blessing to go to a gym still, and but it was during the middle of the day, and it was
Starting point is 01:36:31 a gym that was, that had no AC, no heater in it. So when I was squatting, like at the last, you know, 29th, 28th day, I hurt my back squatting, and just because I was trying to just, you know, go heavy on legs, and I learned my lesson two years ago. So now I don't go heavy. I'm right now I'm just focusing on like getting a good pump in, getting with volume in, not trying to do anything crazy, and I'm making sure that I'm getting my sleep in as well. Bro, you're on the right track.
Starting point is 01:36:57 Yeah, you're doing it the right way. I mean, the only advice I was gonna give was more towards the less damaging side. So that's why, you know, if you're familiar with our other program maps in a ball, it has trigger sessions in between. And we chose rubber bands for a reason because they're a little bit less damaging, but they still stimulate the muscle enough. So you have that muscle preservation effect to it.
Starting point is 01:37:17 But what you're doing in terms of just focusing on the movement and, you know, getting that type of exercise in through performance, I think is great. You're on the right track. So you're doing bifasic sleeping essentially. So you sleep once at night, you wake up, and then you go to sleep again. Yes, sir. How many total hours of sleep are you getting?
Starting point is 01:37:35 I'm probably getting around eight to 10, honestly. Oh, good. Like I'm making sure I'm getting my sleep in now. Good, because studies will show, or at least they lean in this direction, that if you do bhasex sleeping, which is you sleep twice in a day versus once, that you need a larger total amount of hours.
Starting point is 01:37:55 So if you can get away with, you know, if you do well on eight hours of sleep at night, and you go biphasex sleeping, you might need more like nine and a half, or something like that. Does that make sense? It sounds like you're doing a great job, bro. I think the message that I just wanted to make sure you're clear with is that,
Starting point is 01:38:10 you know, this is a time, this is a time, like we really ever would I recommend someone, oh, don't worry about your working out, but you are really focusing right now on another aspect of health that I believe is extremely important. And so, you know, as long as that stays as your number one priority, and this stuff complement like the working out part, should complement that, it shouldn't be like another stressor for you. And are you familiar with the study that we shared?
Starting point is 01:38:34 Like we've shared it a few times in the podcast this last year where they did the two groups of people. There was one group that took a week off every single month of training, no training whatsoever, and then another group that trained every single day for the three months. Did you hear us talk about that? I haven't, but I can research it for sure.
Starting point is 01:38:52 Yeah, so it was really a blue my mind. I wouldn't even have thought that it would just happen, but the group that actually took a week off every third week, completely, no training whatsoever, actually outperformed, saw better results in the group that trained every single day for those three months. You mean every single week?
Starting point is 01:39:09 Yeah, yeah. Every single week, for those three months. So the point of me bringing that up is that a lot of the fear that we're gonna lose all the muscle or our gains, we did it. Most of that's in our head, and you'd be surprised how little you're going to step back, even if you reduce the volume of your
Starting point is 01:39:25 training dramatically. And in fact, when you come back and you get after it again, you're going to feel so much more rejuvenate. And then most importantly, you gave yourself that mental space to really work on the spirituality. So totally 100%. Now, appreciate that. I love this because we do. We get this every year. Every year, we get it. And it's almost always The same type of person right somebody who's been training for quite some time very consistent lent people Yeah, yeah, we haven't got a lot of those questions. Well, that's because lent you choose Nobody's gonna get it's also shorter right lent is only like two weeks and isn't Ramadan 28 or 30
Starting point is 01:40:01 So I think so I don't know for sure I do know that we get this every year and it's a very similar question as far as like, you know, they're always concerned about potentially losing their gains and I just, you know, this is such a great opportunity. I mean, I think this, regardless of your religion or spirituality or your beliefs, I think there's tremendous value. You massive.
Starting point is 01:40:21 And taking 30 days of your life to work, to solely focus on working inward. And that's one of the most valuable things about a practice like this. And so instead of worrying about the other things, I think the idea of that, right, like it is to completely kind of detach and let go of all those things so you can 100%
Starting point is 01:40:43 work inward. So honestly, if it was me, I would, I would let go of training almost completely, maybe some mobility, go good stuff, and not even worry about training on. And if I were to, it would be very, very minimal and light and practicing the movement. Just to kind of charge you up, the energy or something like that. Yeah, honestly, the biggest priority is just like getting that kind of spiritual focus and that time with yourself. Yeah, I had this conversation with Jessica this morning about sacrifice. And people confuse sacrifice, they give it the wrong definition.
Starting point is 01:41:19 They think sacrificing means that you give up something you like for something that you hate. Sacrifice a good thing, it means you give up something you like for something that you hate. Sacrifice is a good thing. It means you give up something for something better. So I'm not exercising, but this is why and it's better and it's better. This is more valuable for this time being. So it's a worthwhile sacrifice and all of it, like we're saying, improves your health. All of it does.
Starting point is 01:41:43 Spiritual practice is definitely improve your health and All of it does. Spiritual practices definitely improve your health and they contribute to your relationship with exercise and food and family in a very, very big way. Look, if you like our information, head over to mindpumpfree.com and check out our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal. You can also find us on social media.
Starting point is 01:42:00 So Justin is on Instagram at my pump. Justin, Adam is on Instagram at my pump. Adam and you can find me on Twitter at my pump.cell. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs.
Starting point is 01:42:36 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 01:43:07 We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump!

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