Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1795: Cultivating a Wellness Mindset With Darin Olien

Episode Date: April 18, 2022

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin speak with Darin Olien, best selling author, and co-host of Down to Earth With Zac Efron. How Darin & Zac Effron revamped and launched a Netflix series  (2:46) Fin...ding integrity while only scratching the surface on such deep topics (8:45) How they chose their filming locations (12:08) The unique balance in Iceland (13:42) The location that he was most excited to take Zack (16:38) Darin loses his home to the fires (19:49) The sageing ceremony 23:42 Where his passion to teach others comes from (28:51) What has the new success brought him (32:09) Why is it alluring to be a victim (35:00)  It’s the struggle that shapes you (39:40) Your intimate language,  listening to yourself and his latest aha moment (43:42) Most common superfood  and the ones not so known (49:17) The invisible killers (57:20) Eating real whole foods vs engineered foods (1:08:57) Healing waters of France and water frequency (1:14:17) Practical decisions about water (1:29:27)   Related Links/Products Mentioned Down To Earth Netflix Documentary Darin Olien Show  SuperLife: The 5 Simple Fixes That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome Seed Probiotic 20% off Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com NEW PROGRAM LAUNCH SPECIAL PROMOTION: Get MAPS Symmetry + 2 free eBooks for $97!! **Promo code “SYM50” at checkout** April Promotion: Get MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Prime and Prime Pro all for $99.99!   Featured Guest/People Mentioned Darin Olien (@darinolien) Instagram Zac Efron (@zacefron) Instagram 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right in today's episode. We talk about cultivating a wellness mindset with Darren Olin. He was the host of the show Down to Earth with Zach Efron on Netflix,
Starting point is 00:00:29 also an author, a New York Times bestseller, Super Life to Five Forces that will make you healthy, fit, and eternally awesome. This guy is really cool. We really love talking to the sky. We talk all about wellness and mindset and what makes people truly healthy. And this guy's got some messages,
Starting point is 00:00:44 I think everybody should listen to. Now you can find them on Instagram at Darren Olihan that's D-A-R-I-N-O-L-I-E-N on Facebook at Darren Olihan official and then Twitter at Darren Olihan and there's website you guessed it DarrenOlihan.com now this episode is brought to you by one of our sponsors Seed. Seed's the best probiotic company you'll find anywhere. They really put science to the test, right? So most probiotics you take them, it gets destroyed by your gut. You get a little bit of benefit, but not much.
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Starting point is 00:02:42 All right, here comes the show. Dan, I really want the audience that may not know who you are yet, but that's probably not true, but I mean, for the few that may not, exactly how the show came to be, because it's such a great story on how that all unfolded. I know you and Rich are good friends and how that started from the podcast and came to be and then we'll take you over to the fire later on because I know there's some cool stories around that too. Oh yeah, so I was on Rich Roles podcast. I think it was maybe the second time and Rich contacted me after it aired and he said, hey, you know, I have this mutual friend of Zach Efron's Olympic swimmer and Connor Dwyer. And he said, hey, Zach heard the podcast and wanted to reach out to you.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Something about it was touched him. So I said, sure, you guys probably been around, you know, celebrities and whatever ask for certain hacks all the time and blah, blah, blah, blah. And I kind of didn't think much of it. I just kind of like another celebrity wanting a fast shortcut somewhere. So but then months later, Zach kind of called text in me and kind of just really had a very open, vulnerable text and just go, hey, I'd love to meet up. So we had a few hour long lunch and very sweet kid obviously into health and nutrition
Starting point is 00:04:22 and exercise and everything else. And so there's a lot of touch points. And then at the very end of that first conversation, he said, you know, we're talking about everything, about what I'm doing, what he's doing. And then I said, hey, you know, I have this show idea of kind of working on on the side. Superfood hunting, but I want to do it more
Starting point is 00:04:47 because I've seen a lot in the environmental space. I see a lot what's not working, water, power, food shelter, like the world sideways. And he was like, wow, that sounds like an amazing idea. And we just kind of like cool, we'll stay in touch. And you know, over the course of the next few weeks, we, we, you know, stayed in touch and developed some sort of friendship. And then he kind of he shoots me a message and he says, Hey, you know, I have this kind of deal at Netflix that, but it's this old show that I show that we have an aired. I don't want to do it. It's not that interesting. So I asked my producers, could I bring you in and let's just revamp the show. And so that's crazy. That was pulled off. I can't
Starting point is 00:05:37 believe you'd have crazy. Yeah, that it got switched that, that like just like that by a phone call from him. Yeah, so it mean, obviously, the they're protective of him, right? So they're like, who is this dude? Yeah, but he's like, bouging for me. And you know, you're going through their attorneys and business managers and producers. And like, I'm having all these, you know, meetings
Starting point is 00:06:01 with all these people. And like, the cool thing about what I've been able to do in my life is I'm pretty integrated. I care about what I do. I I I'm I've kind of put my heart and soul and everything so I'm not. I don't at the end of the day. I don't need to do a show. I wasn't looking to do a show to do a show for a show. Sake. I just want to do it to kind of move the needle. show's sake, I just want to do it to kind of move the needle in the world. And so, you know, people eventually saw that I was aligned and integrated. And so, yeah, man, we've revamped the show. I put my ideas down and the cool thing is the show was basically paid for. We had a bunch of good sponsors and integrations, so it was no sweat off of anyone, but it was really just a better show that ultimately turned out to be.
Starting point is 00:06:53 What was the original concept if you don't mind me asking? You know, from, again, it was before my time, but it was something to the effect of Zach was going to be in maybe one or two episodes, but it was really other celebrities going around in cultural significance. Maybe it was related to them and their lineage, and then they would have, you know, they'd go to Puerto Rico and I don't know, JLo going to Puerto Rico and having a meal and blah, something like that. Even though JLo was not involved with it, I'm just using an example, but it was kind of like that.
Starting point is 00:07:33 It was a little flat. It was about food and travel and blah, blah, blah. And so they kept a little bit of that theme with the food and travel. Clearly, it was already a part of it and then we just kind of amped it up and looked at the environment and I was able to bring Zach out into the Amazon and some around a bit and expose him to certain things that was health of people and health of the planet and so yeah we you know wasn't, I almost quit too.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Like, it was a point where we were filming the first week, and we were in Puerto Rico. That was the, it was a little out of order in terms of how it actually then the first episode aired, but it was, I tell the story all the time. I was like, again, I'm not compromising myself, right? And I was at a point where I was like, man, this is like, this is intense. You know, you're with a A-list, celebrity, even those that can I have this relationship. It's just like a lot of intensity. And then you you're like there's conservatism that's starting to pop in like, they don't want to push that far into subjects.
Starting point is 00:08:50 And I was like, what? Like, come on. And so I was getting a little upset and I finally kind of turned the camera on myself in the hotel and I kind of authentically just let it rip and then sent it to the producers just because I needed to kind of get something off my chest. And they created a great kind of open on this dialogue where we just kind of listen. They were like, listen, here's our point of view. Here's your point of view.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Let's figure this out. And it wasn't what I realized. It wasn't a lack of, it wasn't a lack of, I wasn't compromising integrity, it was just not going as deep down to certain, into certain subject matters. And then I was like, okay, if this is just a tip that we can start to kind of get into, I'll be okay with that. So the conversation, right? At least start conversation.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Healthy ten-foot payment. Yeah. As you guys know, if you're hitting someone that doesn't know anything about, in your case, health and nutrition, what are you going to do? Start blasting them with, take these adaptogens and do this. No, just eat better, drink well, sleep well, and move your body a little bit. Let's start there. And so, so yeah, man, that healthy tension turned out to be kind of a lightning in the bottle, actually, because I learned a lot. I'm like, if I would have gone with my intensity, it would have canceled
Starting point is 00:10:26 out, you know, I think north of, you know, there's 75 million people saw it. And it would have just spoken, you know, how it's easy to kind of create something that only your little group totally understands. Instead of it reached over the aisle, it educated people. Obviously it's hopeful to have Zach. And we were able to, the astonishing thing is, you know, as you guys know, when you're in your little silo
Starting point is 00:11:01 and you're working your ass off for your lifetime, you lose a little connection of like a regular person, silo and you work in your ass off for your lifetime You lose a little connection of like a regular person Doesn't understand about water. They don't understand what's really going on in the environment Nor do they want to beat the drum of some you know the extreme people that are judging them in the process so Anyway, it it obviously it turned out to be great and we have, you know, season two is done and that's going to be coming out the summer. So, you know, we're rolling. Awesome. I'd say that's one of the hardest juggling acts of people in the health space is how do I present great information but also digestible and not blow people out the water. Otherwise, you're just talking to your peers. Totally.
Starting point is 00:11:48 And then it's like, okay, it's like, you know, it's just a circle jerk of just totally the same. Okay, you stroke your ego because your colleague likes it, but did it move the needle? Probably not at all. Right. Right. How big of a role did you play in picking the locations for where you guys went? Originally, um, the, the subject matter is, is, it was my, my kind of sketch of like everything. And instead of Sardin, I was wanting to go to Okinawa for the Blue Zone episode. But it would turn out to be filming.
Starting point is 00:12:29 It was just radically more difficult. So we obviously went to Sardinia and I had a relationship with Dr. Longo and he was Italian, so he was gonna be there anyway. And so yeah, it just ebbs and flows. Dr. Longo and he was Italian, so he was going to be there anyway. So, yeah, just ebbs and flows. And then we didn't even know until two weeks ahead of time, we were going to Iceland because we were actually going to Northern California, some friend of mine, friends of mine doing
Starting point is 00:12:59 some alternative, experimenting, clean energy tech. And that was slated in the show and then all of a sudden they were like they weren't far enough along. There was nothing to film. So we switched the corner and all of a sudden two weeks were in Iceland. So yeah, it started off but then as you guys know, So yeah, it started off with, but then, you know, as you guys know, anything with the team Just becomes now the contribution of the entire organism. So originally, you know I sketched a bunch of these ideas down and this is what I wanted to do and and then it evolved And then even something better. What do you think of Iceland? One of my best friends He's well traveled and he always tells me about Iceland, one of the most beautiful and unique places. So what do you think of it?
Starting point is 00:13:50 Man, different planet, you know. It's so unique. The geothermal activity, obviously, you can you can utilize that, their power independent, just the vastness of the land and the small population, I just love that. So you can like, take one turn and you're not seeing another person. I mean, the biggest downside is, I wasn't there long enough. I had a day off where I just contacted a
Starting point is 00:14:28 herbal company and I got ahold of the owner and I ended up foraging and running around with the owner for like half a day just to kind of get my you know hand sturdy and look around a little bit, but that place, you know, it's, again, it's just like, it's such a unique area and it just puts you in awe. And I think we captured a really good part of that in the show because it's just, you know, you feel like you transported away and just seeing what they're doing, what they have, and what they're utilizing is something that is a great example if we would all just kind of invest into alternative sources of power and energy. And it's like there's a sovereignty there too. There's a there's a you know
Starting point is 00:15:29 When you're you're kind of like a small community essentially you you tend to Have an island mentality where you're like hey, we got to take care of ourselves here So you really get that sense and then you have this everywhere you go. It's basically a small town vibe, which is very heartwarming. Well, isn't like everybody there almost like connected to like a handful of families, right? That goes back. Is that connected? Yeah, that has to be wild, right? Yeah, it's it's you know, you look or it's just a It's, you know, you look or eat, it's just a certain look of the person. The weird thing is, when I was there, like, I didn't realize, I'm, you know, both sides of my family are in Norwegian, and I grew up in Minnesota, and there's a huge population
Starting point is 00:16:18 or in Norwegians. And so when I was in Iceland, it felt kind of, aside from them speaking, it felt very like, it was a similar look and I was like, God, this is tripping me out. I know I'm in Iceland, but I feel like I'm in Minnesota. So yeah, so it's true. It looked like you enjoyed seeing some of the reactions that Zach would have in some of the different locations
Starting point is 00:16:42 and things that you would have him do. What was the one, was there a location that you got to see kind of the best reaction or the best change in either him or yourself or even the people you came with? Well, I have such a love for the Amazon and I was really happy and stoked to bring Zach into that world.
Starting point is 00:17:07 You know, it's not easy, you know, you see it on film, but it's, but you know, you're on the rivers, your boat breaks down, your, are we going to get through this area? One of our boats got stuck. And then it's like, hey, we really want to get to either the Kamu Kamu or we want to check out Unidigado or we want to check out another herb and there's no kind of easy way to get there. So there's a couple of those places I could see Zach's head and there's this one moment where I Think it was going after into the gato at one point. I don't even know if I made the show But we were walking through you know up to our knees and and sometimes waste and water and Tarek or my buddy Zach was got we got a walk through all this stuff and Go yeah, yeah in order for us to get, but you can, you know, you could sit in the boat.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And of course, he was game. And then at one point, the tarot just like, just said, matter of fact, he goes, hey, if don't worry, if the leeches get you, we can get them off. And then you could see Zach's face. We thought it was a joke, but then he realized it absolutely wasn't a joke.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Because you know, I've been in these situations. I've brought people that are at desks in the middle of the Amazon for supply chain management, understanding, et cetera. And I've had people where you're not paying attention and you can get hurt really fast. I had that girl that was with me, who was on a boat on the Amazon River
Starting point is 00:18:53 and she was just talking, talking, talking. And it realized like a branch out of the water, just randomly. I ducked, she didn't see it, wasn't really a hitter right in the nose, broke her jaw and broke her nose. Holy shit. Yeah, she had to be- had to be taken away.
Starting point is 00:19:11 I mean, she was a trooper, but you know, that- that kind of stuff, you know, and I felt a little bad because it's like, you know, in retrospect, I would have prepared people and had a little briefing and just go listen. It's wild out there. Yeah, it's anything can happen and we're far away. So, and so we had a lot of those things in, in, in down to earth too, but obviously it was a little more controlled and not so, again, more conservative than we recently,
Starting point is 00:19:46 then maybe I wanted to take them in. Well, it's interesting you're bringing the Amazon, could this is actually where you found out about your house, right? Is that not when that happened? Yeah, man. Yeah, so yeah, it's through that. Yeah, it's wild.
Starting point is 00:19:59 So, you know, my property is on 50 acres here. There's a thousand oak trees. There was an old kind of hunter's lodge. It was a really cool house, 1933 house. One of the oldest structures in Malibu. And it's been around. So history tells me it's probably going to be OK. But I knew the fire started.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And I'm listening, obviously I'm in Peru and then all of a sudden, you know, I'm trying to sit to, you know, okay, there's an evacuation, but then I'm like, we're filming. So we jump on the boat, we leave this town called the Kitos and we're gone. So no cell reception, a few days go by and we do our thing. And I'm just kind of like hoping that it's all good. And when I got back, as soon as we kind of pulled into the dock, I turned on my phone and then there was like hundreds of messages and a picture from my neighbor and then the shock, the blood drains out of my face.
Starting point is 00:21:17 And that's just the shock. You just just like what? And so I called my neighbor right away and he was just like I'm sorry. It's all he said and I was like what do you mean like. Is everything he's like I'm sorry and he just kept saying I'm sorry. Like I was like fuck and I can't process it at that time. So um so yeah I had a suitcase and thank God my dog was not there. And luckily, because we were going back and forth
Starting point is 00:21:50 from LA to back, and this chance we went back. So I drove my car to the airport because we're gonna be gone for a couple of weeks and I just felt like I wanted to drive it and leave it there. Luckily I had a car and that didn't, my truck got just blown up and motorcycles gone and house gone and barns gone and every blade of grass. There wasn't a blade of grass, there wasn't a
Starting point is 00:22:15 leaf, there wasn't a bug, there wasn't a bird, everything as far as you could see was gone. And of course, I really sat in when I finally got back. So yeah, it was bloody intense. That's for sure. So it was the hour of the show. What a way to end the show. Right. Guys, I sacrificed my, for the greater good of a freaking TV show, well really the mission underneath it is really what the show is about. So, but again, listen, I can say now with 100% truth, I wouldn't take it back. The things I'm doing now,
Starting point is 00:23:02 and the trajectory that it fueled me with, the stress response that I've now adapted to as a result and the opportunity, the insight, the coming together of people and things and power, water, food, technologies, and things like that that I'm doing on the property. That is more than just me, it's for a greater kind of good. If you look at it from the show to losing the house, to what I'm doing now, it's all kind of the same organism. You were in the process of, I believe, like a sage meditation thing when this was happening. Do you believe that was like symbolic for you or there was there's something or a deeper meaning in that whole thing? I mean, talk about how crazy that had to been.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Oh man. Like that was, I mean, on the conscious level, I didn't know, right? I didn't know that while I was being, I mean, we didn't do Iowaska at that time. I had done Iowaska 21 years ago, but we were at the Iowaska Center, so, and definitely nothing you want to do on camera. I'm convinced that I can not do that. But we did the ceremonies anyway, right? Some staging ceremonies, cleansing ceremonies, and it was powerful because this was like, this was the last episode. And this was us finishing this three, three and a half month journey. And so I'm in this state where they're, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:39 I'm in. Like I'm kind of in this meditative state. They're cleansing me and it was intense. Like, but I was like completely chilled, relaxed. And then we looked at the timing of me while I was having that happen, it almost lined up exactly when my house would have been actually burning. That's crazy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:25:02 And so I'm being smoked, as you see in the show, I'm literally being smoked like from from the ground all the way up. I'm being smoked while this whole place is in smoke. Were there any intentions during the meditation that you think could be connected like like intend to like to leave certain things behind, move forward, anything weird like that? I wasn't consciously aware of that. I know that the filming was so intense, so it was kind of, my purpose of doing the show was always infinitely bigger than a show. So my being was dedicated to what we are looking at
Starting point is 00:25:51 and dedicated to. So carrying that kind of weight was good and I realized my position in that for as a producer as well, like I holding a certain moral compass to the subject matter, to kind of living this way and bringing in the act and the whole group of people that don't necessarily live this way, but also deeply got touched and cared and learned along the way. So as I was getting smoked out, I realized there was such an intensity that I was holding for a long time for the show that it was finally able to kind of release that. So again, on a conscious level, I wasn't aware that my hopus is burning, but it was perfect. You know, it was absolutely perfect on a soul level. I would imagine that it was absolutely aligned and a letting go and a setting up. If there's no time, we
Starting point is 00:27:00 don't look at time, and we look at what we're here to do, perfect. Absolutely, freaking perfect. Like, I'm ready to freaking go. I am infinitely so excited about life and about what we can do in this world and about solutions that we can create from systems that absolutely fail us every day as an individual, as a collective, as a country, that's my dedication, that's my legacy, that's where I'm moving from.
Starting point is 00:27:37 The nutrition side, really now in retrospect, has always been, and in my physiology days, and learning about the fascination as you guys know, the fascination of this incredible freaking body, we have this whole world is like, listen, at the end of the day, I just want a strong body, and I want other people that have a strong body, so they can kick ass in life. They can live their life and not drag around a chemistry set that doesn't work, right? So for me kind of that next step now is like okay cool
Starting point is 00:28:11 I continue to take care of the body and help other people do that and now let's go because This this a lot this is it man like let's let's give it everything we got, and let's give sovereignty back to people, and let's highlight people that are phenomenal at doing incredible things. So, yeah, I mean, that's a little bit of a tangent, but that is part of the gift of the loss.
Starting point is 00:28:50 is part of the gift of the loss that is absolutely not a loss. Is there a defining moment where this sort of sparked all this passion and this drive to educate people and get people aware of a lot of what you bring up on the show, a lot of the sustainability, a lot of the superfoods and items and things that people are just not quite as aware of as you are so educated on. I mean, I think, you know, as you guys know, I think, you know, it's like, you know, it's bread crumbs along the way, right? And I'm very aware that, you know, it's weird to say, but I actually can even feel in this moment, I was born three and a half pounds in 1970
Starting point is 00:29:37 and had a 50-50 chance of dying and almost died. And my father spoke of that time before he passed away and he saw my life. Every time adversity would come, I would go in and figure out a way around it. And he started it by seeing me fight for my life. So I'm going to say it started as far back as I'm aware of. And then I just, these things happen. I can't sit and be, I don't know where it comes from, to be honest. I don't know where, you know, we all get the crap be it out of us in life. You can't get around that. But what are you going to do with it? I just can't sit in a, I'm a victim place for very long. Even though this world, it's a in a weird way promotes it. And I just, you know, the, the, the, when I lost everything, everything, except suitcase, like one of my cars and my dog, um, sounds like a country song. Exactly. You just need a beer and a drink. Totally. It just is such a deep soulful fuel that it seems to strip away for me the superficial
Starting point is 00:31:35 shit. I find this really interesting because you're at a place in your life also where I'm assuming with all the attention and fame that you're getting now place in your life also where I'm assuming with all the attention and fame that you're getting now that your your life is being filled with an abundance of things both maybe spiritually and materialistically and that you've had this previous experience. Is that reframing and reshaping how you receive this stuff and what you what you spend time thinking about? I mean, are you different now because of that? Well, I think that, you know, having gone through life and working really hard and coming
Starting point is 00:32:16 from, you know, kind of a blue collar mentality and not having this happen when I was 12 and insecure or 15 or 20. You can see how that can mess people up for sure. You don't know yourself. I started this whole thing. I started super food hunting because I was like, holy shit, how do people not know about this and they need to consume it? Because it's going to help you. Period. So it's very simple. It's like, okay, cool. Totally naive. You're a farmer in the middle of nowhere. I'm going to try to sell this stuff because because at the core, I know I struggled and I want and I know I feel great, or that I know how to feel great so that I can, again, live a better life. And so that is in my kind of, that is the muscle that I have worked for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:33:20 So for me, success of the show, great. Next, great. It's on the path. Like awesome. Attention, cool. Guess what I do? Turn down 99% of the shit that gets done on me. Because I'm like, I don't care if it's not moving the needle. Now, products that I fucking love, I'm gonna support them.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Like minerals and water, BLK, the Fend products, you know, stuff like that, a company that I have brookas, like we're planting trees, we're supporting 2,000 people, like things like like that footprint, this company that's creating alternatives to single-use plastic, the biggest in the world, working with cargill, McDonald's, Pepsi, turning off the faucet of plastics. That's it. Yes, all of these things that are moving and I can, from what I, my vantage point, what I think, you know, food forest abundance, working on with these guys, scaling the ability
Starting point is 00:34:29 for people to grow food. Like, that's what I am trying to use. And again, putting water, power, food shelter at the forefront of people having their own sovereignty back, turning off this dependence on things that clearly is not as secure as we once thought they were. Totally. 100% on board with you. You're talking about being empowered. And you mentioned earlier about it seems like it's being promoted. The opposite is being promoted to feel more like a victim. Why do seems like it's being promoted,
Starting point is 00:35:05 the opposite is being promoted to feel more like a victim. Why do you think it's so alluring for people to be a victim rather than empowered? Because on paper, it doesn't make any sense on paper. I think anybody would look at it and say, well, of course, I don't wanna feel like a victim. I wanna be empowered, but it doesn't seem that way. It seems like it's obviously more alluring to be a victim.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Why do you think that is? The only guess I could make, because obviously an individual has their own set of circumstances. And we all, I think, listen, have I been a victim in my life? Fuck yeah, of course. Like we all have. And then all of a sudden you're like,
Starting point is 00:35:41 will it shake out of it? Or are you going through challenges? And you haven't quite had the insight. So I don't want to minimize the fact that we're all human and we all take punches and we all feel bad about ourselves. I certainly have. My point is that through the resiliency and relenting pursuit that we can overcome.
Starting point is 00:36:06 So again, that's why I go back to take care of yourself, move your body, breathe through your nose, sleep well, drink good water, like all of that stuff. Now, the seduction of being a victim is it's hard,, freaking work, turning around and viewing yourself and looking at yourself and taking 100% responsibility to how you act and react in your life. Now, that, I don't see enough of that. So it's not to say that you get out of jail and you don't have things happen to you at all. You're going to. I'm
Starting point is 00:37:00 going to over and over and over and over again. But I have shifted my perspective and saying, it is not happening to me at all, ever. Even though I can't even see it sometimes or understand why, it's happening for me. And so my feeble tiny little brain and my body and my being needs time to process. In that process, with the fundamental understanding that it's happening for me, deep in there, I know that it will exercise itself into an evolution of awareness and understanding that will set me up to be infinitely greater than I was before. And the more I do that, the more when I get hit with challenges. And I have that operating system that I've been training and I let come up going okay. The sucks.
Starting point is 00:38:07 I'm pissed off. I'm sad. I can't believe they did that to me. They stole. They lied. They cheated. That's all them. They did that. I have a piece of that. Maybe I wasn't willing to acknowledge that they were lying and I stayed in it and blah, blah, blah and I set it up, whatever. But knowing that how I react and what I now do with the information is 100% on me. I do not and will never take that idea that someone else is fault. You know, you know, it's interesting about what you're saying is that studies on fulfillment and happiness clearly show that part of that formula is challenge, that you can't really feel happiness unless there's like a serious challenge associated with it or connected to it.
Starting point is 00:39:06 It's like, you know, we're in fitness and we get, we've gotten this question asked before, like, you know, what do you think, what do you think it'll be like when science finally invents fitness in a pill? I could take a pill and I'd get all the results of fitness. It's not going to be the same. You'll get the physical benefits, but you're going to get, that's only a piece, a small piece of all the benefits because it's the struggle that you get. And I'm assuming you, I mean, all the stuff that you do, talk about the journey because there's obviously amazing destinations you've reached and goals you've reached, but what do they mean without that struggle that got you there?
Starting point is 00:39:38 Dude, 100%. Like, you know, a good workout. You can easily quit. But then when your buddy pushes you and you do a drop set and you want to throw up, Like, you know, a good workout. You can easily quit. But then when your body pushes you and you do a drop set and you wanna throw up, like you're like at the end of the day and even the next day, you feel the soreness, you're like, go on, go on, damn, you sore, yeah, I'm sore.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Like, you actually then appreciate it because you know that you could quit. And so the same thing, it's like, I don't know all the reasons, but this happened. And I lost everything. I got, you know, a guy stole a bunch of money from me and a bad business to whatever the thing is, the extraction of the learning is one of the biggest underutilized superpowers there is because again, the seduction is not owning it, not turning around and looking at it and not, you know, because we don't want the world to know that we messed up. And so we like, oh, keep it and we justify and we're defensive and all
Starting point is 00:40:53 of this stuff. It's like one of the biggest things, hey, man, sorry, I messed up. And that takes away all the power, all the defensiveness, and creates the openness, you know, going to an intimate relationship and see that mirror every fricking day. And so, you know, again, I think the self monitoring and the willingness to see where you're not seeing something, the willingness to grow, the willingness to look at your stuff and clearly, when people say, God, this thing happened to me again.
Starting point is 00:41:52 And again, and again, or a relationship. The same thing happening, you're like, uh, it's you, dude. Like, you know, we're frequency generators. We're magnetic. Like, there's no secret, man. Like 70 trillion cells are all little batteries and frequency generators.
Starting point is 00:42:11 And like, and you're putting out vibes, and you're not getting it, then you're just gonna cycle this crazy shit back around. And for me, it's like, okay, one of the great things people can do is ask questions. Right? Okay. What am I not seeing in this scenario that if I were to see it, would change this reality and this outcome to garner and gain perspective that I'm clearly not getting. Those types of invoking questions create an openness of you and this amazing universe
Starting point is 00:42:56 and your consciousness to open back up. And one of the greatest things of who the hell am I? Because I guarantee you, we all think we know who we are. And then life smacks us around like, oh shit. Is that who I am? So I love to go back into the questions and just kind of drop to my knees, go, whoa, I am not understanding something right now. And I'm getting the crap beat out of me. So please Make it clear to me. What the hell is going on so that I may understand it and correct it. So I have a very
Starting point is 00:43:39 I try to work on the intimate language inside myself every day and try to listen to myself because there's no person closer to you than you. And I think people don't listen. And they don't listen and they listen to other people too much and they don't listen through that lens of their intuition, their instinct. And that I think is something that is such a powerful thing that will guide you in your life.
Starting point is 00:44:23 And the moment you blow that off, you know when something blows up in your face going, you know, I knew it and I blew it off. What was the, what has been the last big self-awareness aha moment you've had? Well, I guess I can say this publicly. Absolutely. Don't hold back.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Don't you hold back on me right now? Well, I think the surrender right for me right now is such a... Maybe you guys can relate. I've always been someone that charges. I get clear, I get focused, and then I fucking go for it. And sometimes I grab on, and then I want to get there. So my company, this Baruchus company, and I have to send you guys some of these nuts, by the way. We've been struggling internally a lot. The man is going to get into it and partners and everything else, and I love this company because I love what it's doing.
Starting point is 00:45:39 It's planting trees in an area of the world that's being destroyed faster than any landmass in the world We're helping support lives of people Forging and getting these nuts and we're providing one of the most nutrient dense nuts in the world This is not an ad by the way. I'm just saying it means a lot to me having gone through the super rude world for the last 20 years. I had to get to a point where I couldn't work with some of my partners. And they were taking advantage of things and all of a sudden you're like, the very thing I found it, I The very thing I found it, I add to which I did, I let go of. I quit. No one knows that.
Starting point is 00:46:31 No one's ever, I've never said anything publicly about this at all. I quit. I let go. I said, I'm done. Take my name, my likeness off of the product. Because I can't work like this. I don't know what you guys are going to do and I don't trust you. And I was gutted.
Starting point is 00:46:54 I was at a grocery store and I saw the product. This was like a day or two later. I started crying in the grocery store. Because I also know for me, every superfood is connected to the people I've met, two later, I started crying in the grocery store. Because I also know for me, every superfood is connected to the people I've met, the areas that I met, the ethos, the culture. I know what it's doing to them, I know what it's doing to the body, I know for me that's I can never really speak that. You can market that a little
Starting point is 00:47:22 bit, but you don't really do, it's in my body. It's like I've been there So when I'm looking at that package going I may not ever be able to eat these again and those people don't have a job and then About a week later I get a call from a friend of mine who's a father-in-law of One of my best friends. He says, I just sold a bakery business for God-awful amount of money. But I made money, but I want to do something great. And I've known you now for a decade, and I know what you're doing, and I want to hook on to that
Starting point is 00:48:05 And I told him I said well, I just let go of this thing. We can start something new Or I didn't was expecting anything or I mean certain amount of money I'm not gonna say publicly, but certain amount of money we can try to buy all these guys now because I think they would do that There he goes. Let's do it. Oh shit. Wow,, so we're in the process of that right now, dude. Wow. That's exciting. Good deal. So, so it looks good. I mean, again, anything can happen. So, so the biggest thing for me was surrender. It was like, I tried for nine months to do this. And that before I got to the point where I had to let go. And I completely let go. And so I always struggle with that. I have a vision. I feel I know what it is. And then
Starting point is 00:48:56 I grab on to it. And sometimes I miss letting go and trusting the process. And so I constantly go back power versus force kind of thing, right? Oh, that's a tough lesson. It's a real tough lesson. Speaking of super foods, what is one of the best common super foods? Someone can find it at the grocery store
Starting point is 00:49:23 and what would make it a superfood. And then I'd like you to talk about one of your... Yeah, and can you define it too, I think, you know, in terms of the term superfoods. Yeah, that's actually me. And then I'd like you to give us an exotic one. Maybe one we haven't necessarily heard about or one that maybe isn't so common and talk about those benefits.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Yeah, I mean, while superfoods are, I mean, I, over the years, I even define it differently because now the water down, understanding of a superfood. So, so on the one hand, I would say every, every following nature planting, growing soil, growing food in that scenario, following nature is a superfood. Let's just say that. It's not an exotic superfood, but let's say the super in all food come from the soil. The microbial biodiversity of the soil. We all know factory farming, monocropping destroys that.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Topsoil is all of that stuff. If you don't have soil that's diverse and it's microbial and mineral rich and you have a weak plant, you may see it as the same, but it's, you can't deliver what isn't there. You have photosynthesis for sure, right? But you do have poor adaptation of minerals and compounds and things like that. So, superfood starts with soil. And so, I love wild food because earth assorted it out. Right? So wild food is great. You're pulling something out of the Amazon. Unudigato, just cats claw, incredible immune modulator.
Starting point is 00:51:17 It's a vine. I've drank the water from the vine of Unudigato. When you're taking that, you can feel it, and it's from that already balanced Amazon. Now, cut to monocroped romaine lettuce, right? Mostly white, very little compounds. That is not a superfood. Now, but if you grow, if I grow it right here and I build my soil up, that remains let us, because infinitely more nutrients, micronutrients, compounds, you name it. So, I would adjust my superfood in the way how it's grown, the soil that it's from, how it's processed, when are you eating it? Because we know within hours nutrient deprivation is already starting. Certainly antioxidants, vitamin C levels, you know, so now we're starting to talk about eat closer to home, grow your own food if you can.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Now, that's a whole, we can talk about for days about all that stuff, but I would say that originally, when I got into super food hunting, I was looking for extraordinary. I was looking for compounds, and mostly, I fell in love with the Adaptogenic Family. So that Adaptogenic Family,
Starting point is 00:52:49 and I'll just kind of stick here because obviously you can go a lot more intense. But Adaptogens are these class of herbs and botanicals that are essentially, they have adapted to their own environment. So therefore, the cool thing is they've allowed themselves, their compounds have allowed us to deal with stress. And the adaptogens really is, it's in a few categories, and they really come by way of, so before I go down that, give examples.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Jinsing, fantastic. Shazandra, Chaga, many of the neurotropics, Rodeola, Maka, is kind of a secondary adaption because it doesn't have all of the qualities of adaption. So these kind of things, and plus, as you guys know, adapting to stress is super important. And now we're hit with stressors from the indoor air quality to EMFs, to our regular stressors, just in metabolism. But adaptogens are, there's about three or four qualities that make them an adaptogen. That is, they produce non-specific defense responses to stress. So they're systemic. They're not like a caffeine molecule that is going down one path and you're going to be stimulated. They're not specific. So they're modular, right?
Starting point is 00:54:36 They're also helping your body normalize influences of stress. So they're working in that of stress. So they're working in that, they're helping to almost re-regulate and up-regulate, down-regulate things like the endocrine system, things like the nervous system, things like the immune system, the digestive, and the cardiovascular function. And very importantly, they're non-toxic, right? So those classes of superfoods or super herbs are really, and I'm kind of hanging out in there with those just because they're so important for people to include in their daily kind of use right now because of the stress, um, child gum mushrooms. Like we've all seen the elixirs and, you know, four-sigmatic mushrooms and all these guys. And now I've kind of created ways for
Starting point is 00:55:31 us to consume these on a, on a regular basis. So, um, these are kind of the areas that I, I would focus on and, and, and you can take these long term. And they're not again stimulatory. They're used and you allow your body to modulate over time. So Chaga mushroom is one of my favorite hell I name my dog after. Chaga. So I first learned about Chaga years of God.
Starting point is 00:56:01 It's gotta be at least now maybe 12 years ago. I had a family member battle cancer, and it was criminal, so there was nothing Western medicine can do. And I scoured the internet and read the anti-cancer effects of the Chaga mushroom, and it was just incredible. Some of the literature that's out there. What I find most fascinating about adapted gins is, because you explained it really well,
Starting point is 00:56:31 it's why adapted gins can dampen a autoimmune issues, but also boost an immune system that's two weeks, so I could do both depending on the person that takes it. Exactly. And the cool thing is, as you guys are well aware, this junction that we have, the HPV kind of access, right? So we have like the hypothalamus, pituitaria, adrenal.
Starting point is 00:56:56 So that right there is kind of regulating our response to stress, right? So, and the adaptogens work in that area to help, help to regulate that because if that goes haywire or it's being overly stimulated through all kinds of chemicals these days, there's a whole another rabbit hole. I'm working on a book right now in the invisible killers, personal care, clothing, indoor air, indoor fire retardants, EMF, it's like holy shit. Darry, you know it's really weird. I just literally, last week, I was going through my social media feed in this article pops
Starting point is 00:57:42 up about the omnis, about their low cancer rates, extremely low cancer rates, which makes me wonder how many of our cancers are caused by just the technology and plastics and chemicals that were surrounded by. Dude, believe me man, it is horrifying. Well, we all just had Dr. Cabral in here,
Starting point is 00:58:11 just five days ago, did a hair sample test on us weeks before, and he read it on air, and he said, what was so abnormal is all four of us had high levels of mercury, which is rare to find in four people on the same test of that. And it's the air quality inside this studio. We have poor circulation and we have all this heavy equipment in here.
Starting point is 00:58:32 And all of us had high levels of mercury. So of course, we, yeah, I'm on a, I'm on a, a clorella, uh, cilantro, sauna, protocol now to detox my body from no idea. We had no idea. Yeah, that's and again, that's that's the danger like guys are healthy dudes, right? And it's like the the environments, the invisible environments that we're creating that we're sucking in all the time. And that, you know, think of the flip. We live 97% of our life outdoors. We slept indoors, we got the hell outside. Now it's the opposite.
Starting point is 00:59:10 So how are we the glues, the formaldehyde, the phallate, the endocrine disruptors, the paints, the colognes, the perfumes, the stabilizers, the flow agents, all of this stuff. Plus, like you said, even the flow of ventilation has such a massive amount of, not to mention molds and everything else, has such a massive amount of influence on us. Plus, what is in there that's flowing through you on a daily basis, I've been having incredible talks with Dr. David Edwards, who created the Fend product, right?
Starting point is 00:59:51 I think Jennifer, by the way, Jennifer Cohen says hi. Good for the motion. Yeah, she's been helping me out and a lot of business stuff. I love her. But Dr. David Edwards, we're talking about air quality, right? And so he's got that fend product where you suck in just by hydrating the upper larynx and esophagus. That is the first organ in our body to dehydrate. So it shuts down our ability to receive oxygen and by hydrating it, just by breathing in, salts opens the air quality up. So there's so much nuance that we have to unpack
Starting point is 01:00:36 where we've gotten all these things wrong. So I am absolutely dedicated right now. I don't want to write a book on this, but I know I have to because it is a silent killer that's getting us in so many levels. I've been reading stuff on EMFs that weirdly, you can't really Google search unless you know specifically what you're looking for. Call it weird, call it a super algorithm. I don't know why, but if you do EMF research, they say that's fine, right?
Starting point is 01:01:13 Nothing's wrong. These levels are fine. By the way, the FCC regulation on EMFs is from the 1960s. They have an update at that. So you think our technology has advanced a little bit since then. And the research that I've been looking at with EMS is dating back all the way to the AM and FM radio
Starting point is 01:01:37 was affecting mammals and migratory patterns of birds. It killed the red sparrow. Like we knew shit was going on way back then, not to mention more what microwaves, not to mention 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G. It is utterly and infinitely scary. The truth is they don't know and no one has done studies on this. Very few. And the ones that have, they're deep buried away. So there's so much going on, we're a biological being, sensing energy all the time, regulating to the human resonance, the human resonance of the earth, regulating to the energy coming from the photons of the sun,
Starting point is 01:02:25 regulating with our own people, we're always conducting frequencies. And then when you, so that's like 50% of the equation, or natural biological frequencies that we're always adapting to in our environment, the other 50% is what we created. So we created all these non-biologically assimilated frequencies that are EMS. And these are having catastrophic effects on us. And we are just experimenting in a direction that is, I even saw, I probably shouldn't even say some of this stuff, but because I'm in the book on it, but I even saw which didn't even see coming,
Starting point is 01:03:09 had no idea about melanoma connected to EMF's had nothing to do with the sun. Like I was like, what? Do you think that this is, because if you look at like the span, because I go back on fourth, like, is it nefarious or are we just trying to figure things out and we're not as smart as we think we are? It's like, you know, you look at food, for example, the most pressing issue we had to figure
Starting point is 01:03:37 out at one point was we need to get more food. And it's like, we ignored everything else. Just get food. Don't worry about it. We got to feed people. They're starving. And now world beasts, because we ignored a lot of Just get food, don't worry about it. We got to feed people, they're starving, and now we're obese because we ignored a lot of things. Same thing with activity, we got to make life as sedative as possible because people are hurting,
Starting point is 01:03:54 my back hurts, your knees hurt, this guy's 15, he can barely move because of hard labor. And now we're like so sedative, we're getting sick. Do you think that we're going to start figuring this out now because we've already solved those pressing initial issues like starvation, I gotta need a house and we need technology, but now we're at the end of that and we're like,
Starting point is 01:04:15 okay, wait a minute, some of the ways that we've done this have created some kind of unintended consequences. Yeah, I mean, I mean, the irony is we haven't solved so especially food. So there's people starving today and we have enough food. The reality is we have enough food on the planet to feed everybody. Yes, transportation right now. Up to 10 to 10 people right now today. Right. And then we have in cities we have a food scarcity and food deserts. And you
Starting point is 01:04:43 could say, uh, uh, buddy of mine, John Lewis created a documentary film, we're trying to get distribution for it, called, they're trying to kill us, right? And they go into the science around, why are there, why in, in certain cities, certain areas, you can't even find a whole food, you can't find it. There's no grocery store,'s 7-elevens and there's alcohol that you can buy. What the hell's going on? Why are there systems like this? So I mean, there's there's so many different rabbit holes to go down to try to answer this I I think did any of this start off nefarious?
Starting point is 01:05:21 Probably not. I think it started off innocently. I Think monocrapping start of the the hip. Listen, the aboriginals were creating food for 60,000 years and people just now are waking up to that reality. They're growing food, right? So we thought it was 10,000 years ago. Well, it was five, six times that. So, and we did it without, you know, as we need food, we were able to create it. So, we have divorced nature. So, anytime, I'll answer this way. If you divorce nature in any way,
Starting point is 01:05:58 you're gonna have unseen consequences and maybe some of our plans. I think that the largest fatal convenience is profits and power over health. I think that I don't know why, but every personal care item I look at, every device, every regulatory thing, the EPA is not an agency that's protecting us. The FDA is not an agency that's protecting us. The FCC is not an agency that's protecting us. That's the delusion.
Starting point is 01:06:42 It's not. Clearly, it is not. Just look. It's obvious. So it's like, there is no regulatory body that you get to just sit back, relax in your recliner and say, Hey, if I can buy it, it's safe. You have to be your own regulatory body. You have to. Exactly. So that's why I'm regulatory body. You have to. Exactly. So that's why I'm doing this. And really the genesis of writing this book,
Starting point is 01:07:09 that I'm just like, I had to hire professional scientists to back everything up and just like, my dad suffered from this disorder, chemical sensitivity in the 90s. He couldn't walk into a room that had someone with the odorant or regular shampoo or it would send his neurology out and he would get all blank and he couldn't focus. So I learned early on just to hang out with my dad, I couldn't wear normal stuff. And then the more I detoxed from that, the more I realized it was affecting me. But I didn't wear normal stuff and then the more I detox from that the more I realized it was affecting me but I didn't know that and so
Starting point is 01:07:51 Yeah, I wish That this wasn't the case I Wish and hope that companies Knowingly I hope they don't put things in knowingly, I hope they don't put things in knowingly. But what I really hope is that I don't know why that we're just putting things out there and saying, well, we don't know. And now I have so many reports saying, we don't know if it's safe, but they're still putting it in the public.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Yeah, I feel like healthy people make healthy choices, and then that drives the market in a better direction. Unhealthy people make unhealthy choices. You look at the food industry and the number one, most of the research and development goes on just making something as palatable as possible and using whatever ingredient or chemical they can do. And that's because a lot of consumers, that's all they care about. So it's like, we gotta start getting healthy before anything. If we start doing that, I think the rest will fall out. At least that's my opinion.
Starting point is 01:08:55 I'd like your opinion on, you know, there's a lot of people or companies that will create a product, you know, here in Silicon Valley, we're here in Northern California, and there was this product that came out that promised to replace food. It was a powder, you drink it, and the idea was, you don't gotta get up from your desk, you know, God forbid you get up from your desk and you know, stop coding, just drink this,
Starting point is 01:09:19 and it's got everything your body needs, it's perfect nutrition. And, you know, to those of us in the health space, we realize how arrogant that is because we still don't even know all the stuff that's in food. But talk about the difference between eating a real food in its natural state versus eating something that,
Starting point is 01:09:35 you know, scientists or engineers have put stuff in there saying this is what your body needs. Yeah, I mean, obviously being, you know, in the supplement industry for a long time, it's not about replacing, it's about filling in the gaps, I think. I think there's a space for sure, there has to be, and is, for the proper use of, like, what we're just talking about, adaptogens, why the hell we, why do I think we need to consume adaptogens?
Starting point is 01:10:12 Because we're living unnaturally under a huge amount of stress and we just started talking about all of the unseen things that people aren't even thinking about that are stressing the hell out of them. But you cannot replace nature, just like you alluded to. The arrogance that we have to take this, do that and you're good. That's ridiculous. That's why it's like the core, even when I wrote my book, Superlifes, they were like,
Starting point is 01:10:42 hey, what kind of superfoods you want to talk about? I said, I don't. I want to talk about some foundational things that really aren't going to change. You know, move your body. Be happy. Have a good attitude. Eat a bunch of plants.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Sleep well. Let's talk about water. Like, don't drink toxic water, because unfortunately it's not necessarily clean. So it's all of these things, you cannot replace that. You have to start again following your instincts, following nature, and then, and only then. Like I'm sure you guys get this all the time.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Everyone wants to cut a corner. Oh yeah. Right? It's like, I just, yeah, but it's like, no, like I'm ever back in the day. What was it? The early 2000s, maybe when I was kept hearing all these people doing, you know, HGH for longevity and testosterone. I'm like like and I'm looking at their life going What are you doing? Right, it's like if you just do a few of these things You're to stosh your own is gonna go up. Here's some data to show that right if you just There's Chaggot. I got
Starting point is 01:12:08 He's like yep, that's right. He's like, take me for, I need a move, take me for a run. So it's things like that. So I love to kind of go back to, we cannot, when you look at an apple that has 300 compounds in it, and we don't even know. We just found out recently that anthocyanins and bluees were actually a prebiotic supporting the microbiome. We just heard that. Yeah, it's like, what? Like, so again, like the arrogance, like, you even talk about the olfactory system, which we divorced a long time ago, but also were manipulated. All factory for food selection is infinitely the best medicinal, need selection device for the body, period. As long as you're not manipulating the food and then trying to,
Starting point is 01:13:01 if it's a raw whole food and you smell it, you know instinctually whether your body wants it or not. So it's like all of these things that we've just kind of blew away and blew off. We just got to go back to again. We just go keep going back and that's why I love culture, indigenous people and all that stuff. What did they do? What did they do? What did the Ayurvedic stuff. What did they do? What did they do?
Starting point is 01:13:25 What did the Irovedic tradition? What did they do for 20,000 years? What did the Aboriginals do for 60? Like, what were they doing? It's the longest... These are the longest studies that we know about. I mean, we have double blind placebo controlled studies for 60 days. Like, why don't we look at what people did for 30,000 years?
Starting point is 01:13:44 Like, I feel like that would give us better answer. And a study just came out in fact, I know all the biohackers were promoting the benefits of metformin, it's so great, and great for insulin, this and that. Study just came out showing that they connected it to changes in sperm that could increase genetic issues in offspring.
Starting point is 01:14:03 That just came out, I think, was like two days ago. It's like, yeah, we don't know all this stuff. It's not possible. We don't have enough time, but we know how we evolved. So, you know, that makes sense. I mean, that makes the most sense. Absolutely. You brought up water, which I really wanted to talk
Starting point is 01:14:19 about your experience at lords, at the springs there in France. It's very strange, right? Like all the healing properties can't be explained or can it. Like what did you learn over there? Well, that was one where did I want to go quote unquote, no pun intended, deeper into that subject because I mean, that could be a whole docu-series on water. I mean, that could be a whole docu-series on water. I mean, that this is a lot, there's a lot to unpack with water. So we'll start with it.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Start, yeah, because I'm actually embarrassed to admit that I actually didn't even know that spring existed. So I did, I, I, the three of us, I didn't know anything really about it. And so I mean, start with like just explaining that place first, because I was so fascinated by that whole thing. Well, the quick story is that hundreds and hundreds of years ago, Saint Bernardette received the apparition of an angel, and said, go to this, go to this place, this spring will heal you, essentially. So she did. And this
Starting point is 01:15:28 spring, which still runs to this day, had reported healing qualities back then. And it still goes on. So thousands and millions of people go there every year. And so that's a really quick version of the story and lures of how it happened. So now there's actually a medical board and a medical director, which we feature in down to earth, that his job is to scientifically prove if he can from every angle possible to his own, what he has available to him, can he explain a spontaneous remission
Starting point is 01:16:18 of someone having something heal? If they can explain it, it's not a miracle. Right? It's like, oh, well, you, you know, you ate blueberries too or whatever it was, but or you took this drug, you know, you took your cancer meth. So hundreds and hundreds of years, hundreds of miracles that they scientific board could not explain. So therefore it goes to the parish and they look at, like you're talking about stacks of research. Wasn't this, wasn't this, wasn't this,
Starting point is 01:16:53 wasn't this, we can't explain it. They were, they either drank the water or they were doused in the water or they're plunked in the water. Whatever it was, they were had a in the water, or they were plunked in the water, whatever it was, they were had a condition and it healed as a direct result of just the water. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Yeah. Right? So we were looking, even on the series, this was all real time. We didn't look at this ahead of time, cool thing about down to earth, is we know where we're going. But we Zach and I don't talk to the people before unless we know them ahead of time. But this was all like.
Starting point is 01:17:37 Cameras following us around. This is what's going on. They're showing us cancer. Here's the before. Here's the x-ray, here's the happen. This was one of the last miracles. I'm looking at it going, what? Like you're staring at it. You're going, it's changed. It's different. The person now doesn't have cancer.
Starting point is 01:17:58 So that aside, fascinating, whatever, it continues, right? And so you just, you can't get your head around it. So now, what's going on with the water? And all you can do is point at a few things. Number one, we can talk for days on water coming out of your tap. Yes, it still has BPAs, still has pesticides, herbicides, coronation, chromium six for God's sakes,
Starting point is 01:18:35 and Flint, Michigan, like whatever the toxic, and it's also chromium sixes everywhere, and it's carcinogen and everything else. And, yeah, it's convenient to turn on the tap and look at the water and think it's clean and drink it. Sure, there's a convenience there for sure, but the truth is there's stuff going on in that. So that aside, the pollution that still exists in water that we need to filter, there's
Starting point is 01:19:00 qualities in water that dare I say are closer to quantum physics than anything else. It's an organism that we can at least touch and taste and see that acts closer to quantum mechanics and chemistry and biology than anything else. And there's great work. If you haven't, if you want, Dr. Gerald Pollock is a great guest to have on. He actually came from muscle physiology.
Starting point is 01:19:39 That's where his first work, understanding the physiology of how muscles actually contracted, and then he realized there's some stuff going on in the water activity, which got him into understanding the fourth phase of water. The fourth phase of water very quickly is called the exclusion zone. When water comes up, and this is a snippet of some miraculousness of water, certainly not the end all be all, because we don't know. But what Dr. Pollock found out in his research that has now backed up by tons of other researchers that research water and other things.
Starting point is 01:20:25 And that is this exclusion zone. When water comes up against the hydrophilic surface, call it the cell membrane, right? But it comes up against that surface. What happens, the protons and electrons separate. And that exclusion zone is a desalinated, I don't know, however, a millimeter, less, whatever that is, whatever that is, they're never that spacious. There is nothing there.
Starting point is 01:20:58 It excludes everything else out. In that process of just coming up against that hydrophilic surface, in that exchange of the protons and electrons, instantly creates energy. So let me say that again. When water alone comes up against a hydrophilic surface, IESL of that which we have 70 trillion plus or minus. It creates energy.
Starting point is 01:21:36 That defies the laws of physics. That's literally energy at a nowhere. Yeah. Yes. This is why I bathe every night. Just saying. Just saying. I'm saying so good. I'm saying. Yeah, yes, well, this is why I bathe every night Just saying so good These guys make fun of my bubble bass all the fucking time, bro, but I he's making energy Are you familiar with the bubbles with the research by it was a Japanese researcher?
Starting point is 01:22:00 Emoto. Yeah, yeah, are you familiar with that? Of course. Yeah. So, um, so Dr. Emoto's work, I mean, people can read the messages in water. And he started taking frozen slides of organized structure of water when it was influenced by either frequencies, words on the written bottles, whatever. And he started taking these taking these pictures, right? The organizing, listen, to bring this back down to Earth a little bit, if you take a tin sheet and put electrodes on it and hit frequencies and you put sand on it. You can go Google this right now or you have done it in your eighth grade biology class and
Starting point is 01:22:55 you hit a frequency for 28 hertz. It organizes the sand within seconds. And you see the geometry. The organizing principle of the universe is staring you in the face. Okay? Three, six, nine. The organizing principle of the universe is in frequencies, in numbers, in mathematics. Mathematics is what he was showing. So whatever the words, whatever the frequencies, whatever are examples of frequencies going all the way back to that's what we are, which is why EMFs fuck us up. The organizing principle of our base biology is frequencies magnetism, you name it, and you're seeing it, again, going back to the celestial quantum mechanical water,
Starting point is 01:24:07 You're seeing it represented in what Dr. Moto was doing. And come to find out later, I ran into Dr. Lee Lorenzton, who's still living today, who is still a researcher, who still we were talking about and looking at the ability for the, he's looking at certain structures of water and how it's structuring and what it can do to new tassutacles. So funny I brought up Oonu de Gato, what I was telling you in the Amazon, he was doing specific work with Unitigato using structured organized water and he could deliver the information from the Unitigato using very little if not any of the physical matter, but had it organized in the water to be
Starting point is 01:25:03 able to be delivered in the body and then the body actually receiving physiological response as a result. Wow. Did I, did that just blow your mind while processing? So, so, so listen, Dr. Lee Lorenzen, I have, I met him in 2018 at the Bulgarian water conference where I, where I met Dr. Pollock and where I met Luke Montier who discovered the HIV molecule or discovered the HIV virus. He's 80 something years old and all of his research went into water because they realized that this entity, we know nothing about it.
Starting point is 01:25:54 And yet, I sat there for four days with the most scientifically advanced people I've ever met in my life, bar none. I could barely receive 2% of the information. Barely. And I walk away every time these guys are delivering their research to their colleagues, so it's really advanced. Every conclusion is, they're seeing how water goes up a tree, they're seeing how water goes up a tree.
Starting point is 01:26:25 They're seeing how water goes up in the body because the heart doesn't have enough energy to pump blood. Because it doesn't add up physically. They're seeing all this stuff. They're seeing how water is contributing to it. They're acknowledging the exclusion zone, energy pump that's being created. But they still, at the end of the day of all of their science, they still don't know how it's doing it. No clue. No idea.
Starting point is 01:26:55 But they're seeing that it is doing it. Yeah, I mean, just to further open up, you know, bolster kind of what you're saying. I mean, every major spiritual or religious practice, water is a very, very important part of the practice. So, we've identified for a long time that water's special, not just because we need it to live or it's needed for life, but above and beyond that.
Starting point is 01:27:22 So, getting on that front, like blue water, blue bottle, it's got love on the outside. Even if this isn't, even if they can't scientifically prove it, which I've met too many people that can. So that aside, even if they can't prove it, why wouldn't you? Right. Right? And then you add like freaking BLK drops and you add the, because there's energy, but then there's also elements, electrolytes, that are the building block of conductive activity
Starting point is 01:28:00 of cells in the body and biology and chemistry. So, when you take all of that plus the energetic influences, there's so much we can do and there's so much influence. So imagine buying a water bottle, a bottle from, you know, in the airport, the hell you get it, what kind of information are you getting from that crap? Right? Not to mention the endocrine disruptors, the thalates, the BPAs, the plastics, all that shit that we've already talked about. So if you can imagine, if you look at this, if I'm an alien, I'm coming down and going, what the hell are you guys doing?
Starting point is 01:28:40 Seriously. You guys have a magical celestial being entity as water. You're shitting on it. You're consuming crappy energy all day long. You're surrounding your food and water with chemicals. You're polluting your air with chemicals. You're polluting your environment with electromagnetic, you're polluting your environment with electromagnetic fields. The hell you doing? Is it your plan? Because the only conclusion that alien can make
Starting point is 01:29:15 is that your plan to destroy yourself. Just a question. Along the lines of water, you're communicating this to a family member or a friend of yours that has nowhere near the passion that you have towards these things, but can make some very simple, you know, practical decisions with their water choice when they're in situations like the airport or just going to the grocery store and looking at the 400 fucking bottles that say all kinds of random shit, how do you communicate that to them? I would say don't buy water bottles at all. If you're in the airport, buy like, you know, Fiji or a spring water if you can. And then I bring this bottle with me. I dump it immediately out of it.
Starting point is 01:30:09 Even though I know I'm a drink at five minutes, for me, it's like a placebo, right? Yeah. What you can do really easy, again, we have a lot of chemicals and contaminants and information coming out of the tap. Now, is that a great convenience? because there's a billion people in the world that are not don't have water on demand.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Sure. Right? So let's celebrate that. But now you need to do another step. What is that step? Reverse osmosis. Strip it. Get all that junk out because you're getting a lot of junk you don't need.
Starting point is 01:30:41 Reverse osmosis or distillation. So that lowers the total dissolved solids, the TDS. You don't want those types of TDS. You want high amounts of minerals, electrolytes. So you need to strip it and then build it back up again. So, reverse osmosis distillation, you can get one of those devices for one, 200 bucks. You don't have to buy another bottle of water again, essentially, right? And then add your electrolytes into it. You don't want to drink distillation or reverse osmosis on its own. No. Stupid. It's vacant. It doesn't have the electrolytes. Your body is going to dump more electrolytes in order to stabilize that, which you just took in. So please don't cut off the message here because everyone says, will you just said drink
Starting point is 01:31:28 distillation or no, I didn't. Right. So RO distillation add, again, not to plug, but this is what I add, full of minerals, ancient plant minerals. I add drops of that in my water or a pinch of Himalayan crystal salt. Get the electrolytes in the glass of water, half a teaspoon per gallon. Get the electrolytes back into it. And if you can, put it in glass bottles.
Starting point is 01:31:56 You know, again, the rabbit hole is you could you could vortate, you could structure, you could get the energy back in, you could get the exclusion zone. You know, you can literally take a glass bottle and put it out in the sun. I'm going to let the photons activate the water again. Easy, right? Super easy. Or you can add lemon. You can add cucumber in. So that's actually going gonna diffuse electrolytes in it
Starting point is 01:32:26 and also help structure the water. So there's so many different things and literally it costs you 200 bucks and you don't have to worry about changing those filters for a year. Love that. I like to add protein powder to mine. This is kidding.
Starting point is 01:32:42 Now this has been a great conversation, Darren. You're really, really interesting to talk to, real fun to talk to. Yeah, we gotta come back where your book is, when you get ready to launch the book, we'll have you back. Please come back on the show. But your passion is genuine and authentic
Starting point is 01:32:55 and it's appreciated, it's contagious. Well, thank you guys. I've been stoked, Jennifer speaks so highly of you guys and I just really appreciate the, because it's like the care that you guys have, it invokes, it allows me to step into that. So it's a shared connection. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:33:17 I'm very grateful. Definitely a line. Next time we're down there, we'll try and link up. I go down there probably maybe a couple of times a year and I'll say hi to Jan and train hook up with you a little. Oh yeah, yeah. We gotta do some thumping, we'll get you out here in the, in the great 50, I've got some good stones
Starting point is 01:33:33 we can throw around, I gotta swap back outside. Oh okay. Nice. Good deal. Have you been introduced to or linked up a good friend of ours, Paul Check? Are you, are you familiar with Paul? I've met Paul a couple of times. We haven't had a proper sit down yet, but so many of my friends
Starting point is 01:33:51 said, you know, I should talk to him. For sure. And layered, I worked out with layered for 15 years, layered Hamilton. And like, you know, actually back in Colorado in my Boulder days outside of school. I was using Paul Check Methods, exploding, doing medicine, ball outside stuff, you know. So I love Paul, he's a legend. Yeah, you talked about structured water. We went to visit him and he had this like pyramid of crystals and stone and there's a bottle of like a glass
Starting point is 01:34:23 sitting on the sun. Yeah, and he was explaining, this is way this was ago. I might spend at least five years ago. Yeah, what is that? Yeah, Paul, you know, listen again, you guys probably know I'm better at me, but he seems to have this these parts of himself That are very integrated because he has this this deep deep understanding of the spirit and of these other things, but also this very grounded scientific knowledge. It's pretty cool. It's all good information.
Starting point is 01:34:52 So, excellent. Thank you again so much for coming on the show, Dan. Yeah, great time, man. Thank you. Appreciate it, guys. Appreciate it. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at
Starting point is 01:35:11 mindpumpmedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps for performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump
Starting point is 01:35:58 to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mindbump.

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