Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 182: Banned exercises, burned bridges, training duration & MORE

Episode Date: November 11, 2015

This week Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about banning worthless exercises, becoming a personal trainer over 40, the bridges Mind Pump has burned and whether or not there is a benefit t...o training over an hour. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We had some review winners, right? We had a contest every week. We do a contest every week. Real quick, the contest is for the new listener. Sure. Leave a review and you get a shirt. No, not everybody is a shirt. We're giving out one shirt out every week.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Okay, so one shirt out a week, the best review. Go to iTunes and leave us a review. Okay. The chances are good in your favor. They are because this is a weekly contest. So every week. Every week we're gonna run this contest. It runs from Monday to Monday.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Now we record on Mondays, that's why we do that. This last week we made a call for this. We got 12 new reviews in a week which is fantastic. That's beautiful. So out of those 12 reviews, we promised one t-shirt. But I really want to encourage everyone to do these reviews. So out of those 12 reviews, we promised one t-shirt. But I really want to encourage everyone to do these. Are you being merciful again? Merciful?
Starting point is 00:00:51 Yeah. I think the word, I think the word, Magnanimous. Magnanimous? Yeah, I think that's the word. That's the name Justin gave his left testicle, by the way. Oh yeah. It's the bigger one.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Yeah, it's the other one. He's called it Maggie for short. Oh. Maggie? Can you. Maggie. Maggie. Maggie. Maggie. Go to sleep, Maggie. All right. So I have chosen with your help three winners for this week. Three shirts are going out and that was only a promise of one to begin with. All right. Magnanimous. So who wins? Remember that? Mishka, two thirteen. You win, Mishka. Sounds like Mishka, Muska, Mickey Mouse. Oh my god. Bologna five six nine. Bologna five six nine. And this last one is two three two DM two three CD exclamation point three.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Someone's kid. Someone's kid left the reviewer. Hey, that's good. You know, with that in mind. Mine pumps for kids. Wow. This is like a robot. If you've already left a review and you say, how I can't relieve another one, well, you can hijack your kids account.
Starting point is 00:01:55 You can hijack your friends account and you can leave a review. That's right. And you can claim it for yourself if you win. Yeah. In your robots. Steal devices and leave reviews. Now in order for us to send a t-shirt,
Starting point is 00:02:08 we need to know who you are, what your size is, and what your address is. Please contact us on Instagram and mine pump, send us a private message with that information. Bo-ya. And for the rest of you, leave us a good rating and review, and you may win a t-shirt as well. Yeah, I start everything from you
Starting point is 00:02:26 Zero today and Everyone that comes in afterwards will qualify Magnanimous. Oh, yeah indeed gargantuan. Keep a gangster If you want to pump your body and expand your mind There's only one place to go Might, might, pop with your hosts Salda Stefano Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews one place to go. Mind up, mind up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. What are we?
Starting point is 00:02:51 We are R&F! No, no, no, no. With some MPP, because you know me. Mind pump. Pussy. Can we get that jam going? Do you guys smell this? I'm baby. You guys smell the take over happening
Starting point is 00:03:08 Do you smell it you know what it smells like to me? It's crackling. It smells like Victorious well, I want to let I want our listeners. I shared with you guys already But I always feel like I like we're all family. Okay, so like bacon. Yeah, we're all family. What did I tell you? What did I tell you guys about no family? Just tell us about everything. What did I tell you guys about November? That you weren't gonna shave your balls? No, that's not what I fucking said. What did I say to you? That you was going to be.
Starting point is 00:03:33 You said it's sour. You said November, Thanksgiving kind of rains a little bit. You were giving me some facts about the month of November. No, dude. I told these guys that every single, it doesn't matter what business I was doing for a lot, every year, November, which the reason why there's a big deal,
Starting point is 00:03:50 I know, you know, Sal, I said, I'm not trying to jinx it, right? No, we're not, no, brother, it doesn't matter, bro, it's happening. God, I love it when Adam gets all science. It's happening, dude. It's like the energy in the fall. This is not a correlation,
Starting point is 00:04:02 sure, this is fucking science, right? And this is exactly what happens. Every November in any business that I'm doing, we kill it, which why that's a big deal is because most of, most all business. Business enough month, exactly. In the fitness industry. That's not enough month.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Yes, it is. Not the fitness industry. In comparison. Yes, I'm saying. In the fitness industry, yeah. Yeah, in the fitness industry, it's one of the things. Oh, yeah, and I feel like someone products. Because if we sold ready for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Right, and if we sold Turkey, is we one of them. Oh yeah, and after you're like someone prodigy, because if we sold ready for Christmas, right, and if we sold turkeys, we'd be fucking boobing. Right now. Do you? Hey, so listen. Oh yeah. Hey, shreds, shreds, shreds, list it reached out to me. Oh, that's the one I saw.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Shreds, shreds. Shreddy shreds. So I think you guys, I made a list of things I like about shreds. You did? Yeah. And then you go. All right, all right, all right, start, go. Let me read it about shreds. You did? Yeah. And then you. Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Let me read it, ready? Okay, go. Yeah. All right. That's the camera. Yeah. Hey, so I got on to, not somebody tagged us. That was the longest we've ever been silent.
Starting point is 00:04:57 I was very in our lives. This is a rock. You're probably gonna have to edit that out, Doug. No, don't edit that like that. I like to. Hey, can we take before you continue? I just thought of this. We need to do a Thanksgiving picture for the fans,
Starting point is 00:05:08 but I wanna dress Doug up as a turkey. I like displayed right here on our coffee table. Whatever you do, don't baste me. Yes. But he's got a nice like, apple in his mouth. He's completely fine with being stuffed. Just don't baste him. Apparently.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Hey, what are you doing over there there just basting just stuff and Doug Over here stuff and Doug stuff room so listen so So what happened with the with the shreds? Well, what's been going on a gravy pipe? What's been going on? Dude just always gonna take a left-row Exactly All these good to fucks and great Exactly That's better than when you said me a hawk Sounds good, but the gravy pipe. It's you know it rains sometimes bro. Let me tell you something This is what I want you to do next time you're about to have sex just
Starting point is 00:05:59 Yo, y'all's gravy pipe is coming ready for the gravy pipe and then guarantee you won't get no pussy. I tell you what, I'm gonna use that one. I'm gonna use that one tonight. See if it works. Oh, baby, the gravy pipe is coming. You know what though? Yeah, I don't know. It won't work for me.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Yeah, I know. It's only just you know. You're getting laid no matter what. So listen, what's been awesome is ever since we formulated the MPP. Yeah. Everybody's been getting on tagging like, and just so you guys know, we beginning to act so much now since we asked for it, that we can't quite keep up
Starting point is 00:06:35 with everybody, so please don't get offended if we, no, no, just keep doing it. No, we just, we watch it though, we still see it. No, no, no, of course, it just, but I mean, I literally, the Instagram feed only lets me see like the last, what is it? Like a hundred likes or 50, whatever it's going on your page. So if I just posted a picture and you tagged me on the 10 people
Starting point is 00:06:51 tag me on stuff, I might lose somebody. So just want to put that out there that if you are, we are trying to get to everybody and make sure we fight the good fight with you. So this is what happened today. So I forgot who it was just because it, like I said, it got passed. Somebody tagged me on a shreds post. All of us. And the post referred to the fat burner and this and that and how it helps you get lean in tone.
Starting point is 00:07:14 And I and I said on there, what is the what is tone even mean? And obviously the dumbass that's running the page doesn't know who mine pump is yet because normally all the other shreds, fucks that knows who we are. Yeah, we get blocked right away. but this dumbass It's reds fucks. Yeah, so this dumbass invited me to a chat so he could actually let me in on how this works So we're gonna go ahead and give you guys a little lie. We're gonna chat with shreds right now We'll see how long this lasts right now. Well, okay, so I'm on there right now Okay, get in there sit in my little message. I'm on there right now. First of all, it says, hello, today we are offering
Starting point is 00:07:47 a free gift with all purchases and rest shipping. Chat with us now to find the plan that fits you the best. So, all right, I have a few questions about your fat burners and we'll wait till they respond and see what's going on. Oh shit, here we go. Already, hey there, what's up? Ooh, that's man. What should I ask them? Let's have a guy That's some of the difference between their the male and the naked. All right. What is the difference between the fat burners for male and female?
Starting point is 00:08:13 Is there a difference? All right, let's see what happens So did we got tagged on a couple of other things too while we wait for this these people to respond yeah We got tagged on a crossfit post Dude, did you guys see that shit? You know, someone pull that up for me. Someone pull that up. Okay, so let me, Kate, I need you guys to understand something right now.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yeah, pull it before you. I am so blessed right now to have my eyesight because I almost pulled my eyeballs out of my face and threw them in the garbage. That's how irritated I got with this stuff. I, yeah, so pissed off. You know, you know, one of the irritates us because, and I did it too, I think you guys all we I don't just I didn't
Starting point is 00:08:47 just comment once I got felt the need like comment like three times. Yeah, like this is like I did like a short one first that was like a ball. I said bold and stupid. Okay. Let me. So they basically have this like chart, right? And it's a credential comparison. So apparently they have a crossfit certified level three. It's so awesome because it's level three. Anyway, so it has CPR AED, so there's part of the chart has the top part, which it tells you what kind of other accreditations
Starting point is 00:09:22 and certifications. Basically what you need in order to get their certification, right? Well, or like in comparison, it compares them. So it has ACSM, it has NSCA, which is the CSCS, which you have to have a degree in some kind of exercise related field. Just to get that to be honest. And so anyway, so they they're basically going down the list here. They have if you have to have CPR AED like all
Starting point is 00:09:51 of them across the board says yes, right? If you have to have exercise related degree required, it says no, no, no, no, no, no, all the way across the board, except that's wrong because CSCS does. And then the next one's, there's one wrong thing. Continue. Yeah, there's one wrong thing, okay. Keep the next thing. Okay, exercise related classroom education required. And so all of them say no,
Starting point is 00:10:21 and there's a asterisk to the no over the Cs Cs and then it says yes for Crossfit. Okay. I'm just going to keep going and wrap these off quickly here. In person, practical hours required. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, asterisk under Cs Cs again, no, and then Crossfit, yes. So basically it requires practical hours to maintain. No, no, no, no, no, yes. Third party accredited. all of them say yes.
Starting point is 00:10:46 So anyway, so they're trying to make it look like they require so much stuff in order to get this amazing certification, right? And that's brilliant marketing. Yeah, yeah, garbage. Well, here's the part that's that fucking pissed. Now the level three is, the level three is to be fair Better is you have level one first two second right because at that point
Starting point is 00:11:13 Well, you're required to be like An instructor and you have to like be in a classroom setting and be able to teach and all that So they're trying to up there, you know, other two weekend course requirements. So have either of you seen the level one certification for CrossFit? Yeah. I've had two very close friends of mine I have. I've actually sat through and looked at all the questions.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Okay. Yeah, it's a fucking joke. Well, it is a joke. And it doesn't compare to any level one. Okay, so I haven't seen the level three, but I can tell you right now, level one doesn't even compare to any of those certifications, not even close.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Well, it's all based on movements they do in CrossFit. It has, you know, no other relevance. Well, well, bro, here's the bottom fucking line. You go in for level one as a Joe Shmoop the streets, and you spend, I don't know, how many thousands of dollars to get your shirt over a weekend, and you leave being able to tell people, or teach people how to do Olympic lifts. Which is what are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:12:09 No Olympic coach, nobody who teaches Olympic lifting, a real Olympic coach or Olympic lifting coach will ever say it's okay to have someone who doesn't know how to Olympic lift, be able to teach other people to do it over a weekend. Are you kidding me? That'd be like me who's never played football before. Be a football coach. Yeah. Overall, after a weekend course.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I sit on there. That's what my comment was that you, I don't think any of those certifications make you credible enough to be teaching Olympic lifts, much less Olympic lifts at a fucking exhausted rate at super fast. What? To fatigue, yeah. I mean, that's stupid in itself. And then it's even more stupid to think that anybody, any certification that isn't specified It's a lot of the costed rate at super fast. Yeah, that's stupid in itself.
Starting point is 00:12:45 And then it's even more stupid to think that anybody, any certification that isn't specified in Olympic lifting has any business teaching somebody, always and teaching somebody. Well, I mean, that's just, well, think about it this way. That's a huge point that you guys are making with the Olympic lifts.
Starting point is 00:13:00 The other, I mean, and I can't verify this, so I'm not gonna say it like on record that, yeah, like I don't think that they had third party accreditation because, you know, for everything that I've seen CrossFit do, it's all in-house. All their journals, all their articles, all these things are written by people that are 100% about CrossFit. They get no objective third party to come in and review. Review the program, I mean, you know, because they don't want to expose numbers of people that have been injured. They don't want to expose,
Starting point is 00:13:30 you know, all these, uh, these attacks and other things that people like challenge them on, which this is something that I have a really big problem with and what the biggest problem I have with is because if you're going to be gonna be, you know, claim to be the gold standard for certification body, like it should be accredited through all of them interact with each other, right? Like CSCS interacts with, you know, NASM, and vice for ACSM, and they all promote each other. None of them promote CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:14:01 For a reason, right? There's no way, why would they? It'd be stupid. If they did, I would 100% just throw my shit away. Let me tell you why it's brilliant. Number one, it ensures consistency in terms of the brand in each of their boxes. So if I get a franchise, if I get a McDonald's franchise, I'm going
Starting point is 00:14:26 to go to a training course. So my McDonald's looks like the next McDonald's, right? But number two, this is a huge way that they make money. Their shirts are a large, huge revenue source for them. So in order to have their brand labeled the Cross Your Gym, which may potentially get you more clients, and when the trend is big, it will get you some people, because people will recognize it as CrossFit. But before you can do that, you have to pay us for an arbitrary certification
Starting point is 00:14:57 that we're gonna do over a weekend. And it costs, what is a cert cost? It's like $1,500. Yeah, it's up to $1,000. Which is, it's almost double. It's about double what a regular shirt will cost you, I think, or close to double, right? Yeah, well it is, now I'm supposed to try it.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Yeah, I worked it's way up to almost 700. I mean, I got it back when it was $3.99 back in a day. Right, so 700 versus $1,500. Yeah. And then on top of it, you're teaching, you're following this methodology, which only, let me tell you something about CrossFit. I would only personally trust the best
Starting point is 00:15:30 strength and conditioning coach to train me CrossFit style. I would only trust the best guy. I wouldn't trust anybody in this room to do it. I wouldn't trust me to do it. You know what I'm saying? And I'm better than most trainers. So yeah, it's pretty horrible. They're responding now on the on the shred.
Starting point is 00:15:48 So I've been going back and forth a little bit with them. So I said, what's the difference between me and my female fat burner? They said the dosage amount for each ingredient is different. So nothing, nothing is different between the men and women formula. The difference is there's probably lower doses in the women's.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Which is probably like iron or something is more or less. I don't know, but that's marketing 101 for you right there. Ladies and gentlemen, if you buy a female fat burner, then you got you got closed. Let me see. Then I asked, I said, so the ingredients are the same, but just different doses. Yes. So it's been confirmed. Ask the fellas a male or female. Just get a little personal now. I said, no, I said, I'm male, but at my girlfriends into lifting two.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I'm trying to get them to talk about the supplements. So I said, I have tried hydroxyca and liked it. I'm just trying to, I want them to bite. Yeah, that's fine. Is your fat burner different? Is it better? Here's the response. This is the best response I've ever read in my entire life.
Starting point is 00:16:45 I love it, here. All our supplements are made from the purest extracts. Okay. That absorb, hold on a second, that absorb, not faster. Okay. He was very specific. Ooh. 80% faster.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Whoa! Wow! How the fuck did they figure that out? That's a great claim. Yeah, yeah. So their extracts absorb 80% faster. Did you respond yet? Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:10 So they says we have patented ingredients. It's magic berries. So they have patented ingredients, no you don't. Formulated for men and women to get the maximum results. They have seen amazing results with them and they are confident that I will get results. If I give it my all. I love all these marketing terms. I will get results if I give it my all. So heavy respond to that. Yeah, I said, how does it help burn fat? I am
Starting point is 00:17:35 very interested. Here's the response. There are three things to help to get you the results you're looking for. Proper diet, consistent training and the right supplements With the combination of all three you will get the results you were looking for So what should I say next but but like but say like really really how does it burn will fast ask more please Ask more details of what someone say you know I've been burned before on poor supplements Yeah, and you know, I just want to make sure what is it in the fat burner that's going to assist me in burning fat? I'm pretty excited about the 80% more absorbable nutrients though.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Make sure you throw this. Yeah. Well, so I said, I said, how does the fat burner work? I have been ripped off before, but I trust you guys. Can you, I got to say that to make him like you know what I mean like he's gonna fucking lay Yeah, sure Yeah, can you give can you give me?
Starting point is 00:18:30 And then can you please somewhere in there ask like what it takes to become a representative like a sponsor for them? Oh, yeah, you need to ask you need ask I tell me your interest I want to talk to so you've a let me sure you let him know he's doing such a great job that you're curious if there's a You know what I'm gonna do dude next when they want to be an ambassador is what I'm trying to say when they respond what I'm gonna do is I feel like you know I feel like I feel like we are Wait way too nice right now. Yeah, no no besides that. Oh, he's typing right now. I feel like we're like like Avengers like we're Avenging for people right now. I'm kind of we're kind of being dicks but at the same time I feel like our Exposing the process.
Starting point is 00:19:05 That's all. Yeah. So I said, We like the Michael Moore's. Can you give me a breakdown? Except in shape. Except in, not a fuck. And I hate that, hypocrite.
Starting point is 00:19:18 He says, bad rap. I say, can you give me a breakdown? Yeah, sure, but what exactly are you asking about the fat burner? How does it burn fat? I don't understand that. What is the science? Now we're gonna lose them. Like, no.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Now we're gonna lose them. Maybe he's talking to me not in the road terms. Did you already type that? Oh, here's a response. It has a combination of ingredients that are specifically designed to help you reduce fat and give you clean energy for workout, and then, what is clean energy?
Starting point is 00:19:51 Well, you're getting dirty energy before? Because sometimes you're energized with fossil fuels. You need to get the fucking solar power, clean energy. You want to be green with your energy. So I think we should just fucking. That gives you explosive. I think we should say something. Just tell me to fuck off.
Starting point is 00:20:04 No, no, no, let's let's slowly fuck with it. Now don't fuck with it right away. Make him. I want to hear some science. I just said that. What is the science? I just said that. What is the science? You responded that. Yeah. I'm going to I should I ask him something like that we know as bullshit. Why? Yeah, yeah. Let's set him up. Like, oh, I know, I know. How much? How much does it increase thermogenesis?
Starting point is 00:20:25 How much does it increase thermogenesis? Ooh, that's stupid. And then I should say something like the last fat burner I took said and my metabolism 15% or something like that. Oh no, no, no, he just sent me a link. What the fuck is that? Oh, Clink that click this link to view the ingredient. He doesn't know the fuck is talking about. He's actually just gonna push you off to like, Dude, don't stop, bro. We're not done fucking with this. It's like a list. He's He's not even from this country. It's beyond all right. So before as we wait for this, we should probably answer some other questions from
Starting point is 00:21:03 The Q and A portion. It's so fresh of mine You can't even get real like honest like information. Do we got good questions, Doug? We do from as always from the pump head force The MPP yeah, we got Cassidy H626 If you had the power to ban one exercise from the gym forever, what would that be? And then the second part of the question is, if you see somebody actually doing that exercise, what's the punishment that you're going to give?
Starting point is 00:21:39 Man, great question. This is a tough one. There's so many that I would like that. I'd say how you narrow it down. I don't know. Maybe I would say, it depends on what kind of gym it is, too. I would think, because I haven't been
Starting point is 00:21:58 in a commercial gym in forever. If I see, okay, a keeping pull up. Yeah. Can we please ban that? Can't. Can we please ban that exercise? Yeah. I don't like people swinging on the bar at the gym. And they're not gymnasts.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Yeah. Yeah, if you're gymnasts and you're transitioning into an actual gymnast move. Yeah. I think the punishment should be, if you do keeping pull-ups, your punishment should be, you should become a gymnast. Yeah. Go do some gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:22:24 That's all you're allowed to do now. Yeah. What's another good exercise? I don't know what I did. Um, the sloppy burpee. Oh, where they just completely slurpy stomach and lose all form and function and they just fatigue their way through the rest like this weird ugly hot mess. Hmm. I hate that.
Starting point is 00:22:44 You know what's funny? There's this guy that works out at the goals that I go sometimes. Oh God, maybe second. Yeah. And so this guy, you just reminded me of him. So I'm, everybody's lifting, working out, whatever. This guy does a bunch of body weight exercises on the floor
Starting point is 00:23:00 and then leaves. So he comes to the gym and does shit on the floor and then doesn't touch a piece of equipment, doesn't touch a dumbbell, doesn't touch a barbell, and then leaves. Every time I see him, you're like, you could probably do this in your living room. Isn't that weird?
Starting point is 00:23:15 Like why are you here? Well maybe he sees the energy of the gym. He looks a little gangster. I'm wondering if he just got out of prison and it's like, that's his workout. It's like his thing. Yeah, because he just forwards. He did that kind. What are you? What are you doing over there? Well, we're going over here. So
Starting point is 00:23:31 He asked me oh the shreds guy. Yeah, yeah, I'm going to still on it Yeah, cuz that was being way too easy and nice to them. Let me get a hold of this fucker for a second here He asked me if I already follow a routine. do you do cardio? I said, I, well, he said routine. I said, I do. I don't do cardio. Well, you should definitely start. That is essential to getting results. Lean shredded. Lean shredded. And then he said lean and shredded. Yeah. And I said, I was told I should focus on lifting weights. He says, I'm not saying not to do those. And I said, do I need to do cardio to burn fat? And he says, those are key to do. But throwing in some cardio is
Starting point is 00:24:10 much more effective. So cardio is more effective. Cardio, so cardio weights, more of effective in combination with your fat burn, then lifting weights. Didn't they get, weren't they listed as one of those supplements that got busted by the FDA for having a, like a band? It was the best type ingredient. Not, it was through a GNC, I think. Was it? They had a bunch of lists of, yeah. Those, I mean, you can Google it.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Like, let's say, you guys look it up. Yeah. I saw it. It's pretty, pretty scary stuff. Um, Adam, yeah, give us an exercise you'd want to ban from the gym. Yeah. Like my least favorite. Yeah. Just ban. Just like totally. You know, that's, I, I want to get rid of the ab doctors and ad doctors, because I think they're so silly. Uh, however, however, we've discussed, who's using're so silly. However, however we've discussed. I'm not who's using it.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Yeah, however we've discussed that could be a very sexy machine. And I, and when she says ban, by the way, Cassie, I love when you, she happens to have some of the best questions. Oh, where's, you know, it's hard for us not to pick your questions. Sometimes we try not to and we're like, yeah, they're too fun. It's good. They're too fun. It's too good.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Yeah, and when she says ban, I think to myself, like, okay, I would ban an exercise because I'm afraid of some idiot using it wrong. Like what exercise, what piece of equipment do I see in the gym? Probably abuse the most. Probably not the ab doctors and ab doctors, could you just sit in there although people have found a way to do some really stupid shit
Starting point is 00:25:44 on the crew. You can hit the interpex with it if you kind of squeeze it together with your own. Yeah, well, my gym has this crazy contraption for abs that I would probably ban from there just because it's the way it's designed. Oh, you know what? No, I take it back. Here's the one. The trunk rotation one.
Starting point is 00:26:03 The one that you strap in and you twist left to right. Everybody does that one. Yes, everybody loves to do that because they think it's the new one they put in there, where you put your knees on it and twist your lower body. No, I used it. You did. Yeah, for fun. Oh, I used it for fun.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Yeah, but they should probably ban it. One more question, let's do more questions. Yes. Got another one here for you from Jason Tensmith. He is 41 and just got NASM certified and he's asking if it's possible to be too late in the game and in the personal training game. No, man. Definitely not. That's the beauty of this industry and we were talking about this. It's It's so open for you know, it doesn't matter how old you are like It's so open for, you know, it doesn't matter how old you are, like health is something that anybody could just get into and be, you know, passionate about.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And if anything, there's always gonna be a demographic that's gonna, you know, respond to you and, you know, your energy in the way that, you know, where you're at as far as, you know, your status and everything, like people will always be able to benefit from other people that are trying to better themselves. So, when it comes to fitness, the fit older crowd
Starting point is 00:27:12 gets way more respect than the fit younger crowd. So, if you're the 41 year old trainer, your fit, you're gonna be automatically because you're a little older and you're not old, but you're a little older, and you're not old, but you're a little older than, say, the 27 year old trainers. Automatically people are going to gravitate towards you, and actually want to hire you. You actually will have a bit of an advantage in the beginning. You'll have a little bit of an advantage versus somebody who's young and is a trainer. Also consider that most of the greatest percentage of people who are hiring personal trainers,
Starting point is 00:27:44 or at least those with expendable income, of people who are hiring personal trainers, or at least those with expendable income, are people who are not in their 20s. You're looking at people in their mid 30s and up. Most of your clients will be 45 in up. So you're actually gonna be younger than most of your clients. And especially if you're in shape, you know, man.
Starting point is 00:28:01 That's a powerful combo. It is. I'm thinking about myself. Like I would have a tougher time hiring a 20 year old trainer than I would have. A 60 year old trainer. You know, I'm talking 60, which is 20 years older than this guy. So it's a great, it's a great industry.
Starting point is 00:28:16 In the mentality too, it's different. Like you, we've all talked about what kind of trainer we were when we were younger, you know, and how hyped up we were about intensity and, you know, getting people results, and that was all that mattered and then all that, you know. You get so much more respect being in your 40s, actually. I mean, I know, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:28:34 It's, I don't know how frustrated I was when I was in my early 20s of clients that would tell you, like, well, you don't understand. Yeah, you're not old enough to really, wait till you get my age and you feel this and you go through that. And there's a part that there's some truth to that, you know, and it was frustrating as a trainer because of course, you know, I had the education and I felt like, oh, I should no be able to tell these people. And it would frustrate me then. But I get it to a point now because there are there are certain things now that I feel like I focus on because I feel
Starting point is 00:29:02 it. I've gone through it. Those aches, those pains, that feeling of frustration like that. I get it now. And now I've been forced to have to address things like that. So I definitely have a different attitude. And I think being that age, I think you'll be more of a champion. I would also say the flip to that like be cautious. So like I've seen older trainers get into it
Starting point is 00:29:20 and have high expectations about how it's going to go business-wise. And you have to be realistic going in that it's a grind. Starting anything new, you have to put 100% in there. And you can't just because you might come in with, you know, top of your game and some other career field or whatever, that's not always going to translate into this. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Very humble coming in, very observant. You know, listen to people younger than you doing it, that I've been doing it longer than you. You just have to be really open to experiencing it from the very bottom and then working your way out. Yeah, because sometimes they'll get started and they'll say, they'll look at the per hour. Like, oh, I'm going to make $20, $25 an hour in this gym
Starting point is 00:30:05 or I can make 50, 60, whatever on my own. I wanna be a personal trainer. You're in for, in this, you know, if you're working for yourself, give it a year of working your ass off before you're making good money. If you're in a gym, give it at least a few months, but you got a hustle.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Yeah. It's definitely that sales aspect that we've talked about before that's you're right That's a great point because that's the only thing I've ever seen and again I'm stereotyping but with some of the older trainers that I've had I mean it's it's a consideration because I mean Even me to now jump into a new career You know, I would have a bit of arrogance going in just like oh dude, I you know, I was top my game in this right, you know So it's just it's a humbling experience if you decide to do it. Mm-hmm. All right.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Another question or do you have something to add? Adam from your right? Yeah, is he responding? Oh, yeah. No, I've been going for a while in here. Let's get an update before our next question. Yeah. Okay. Where did I leave you guys? The cardio, right? Yeah, you got to do cardio. Kid lean shredded. Um. And then what did I say after that? I'm gonna say, this is, so that I said, so cardio is more effective than lifting weights for fat burning. No, the combination of both is much more effective
Starting point is 00:31:14 than weight alone. I love these answers, they're so fucking great. Definitely a salesperson on their side. I mean, you want, God, it keeps scrolling me down. He then he says, I mean, you want to get lean too, right? So tie me down to a like. I said, should I take anything else? He said, yes, I want to be shredded.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I want to compete one day. Are you shredded? And he says, huh? He says, no, I can't say I'm completely shredded. But I am doing my best to get there. I said, how do I get this job? I'm studying to be a trainer too. How do I get a job like you? studying to be a trainer too. How do I
Starting point is 00:31:45 get a job like you? I want to be part of the shreds army. You know what's happening right now? He's like, fuck, this guy's not going to buy anything. You know what? This just shows you how, how brilliant you are, bro. Okay. Because literally the next post is like, this one is a cut and paste. We appreciate your interest in joining our team. Please visit the shreds.com careers for positions that are open. We will reach out to you if there, if we are interest. Thank you for your time. And he was going to shut me down right there. So then I had to go, do you guys have training programs? This is no, just the ones you see for the programs. What we, we do have, you know, he's irritated now. Oh, yeah, I'm going to fuck with him. I just keep
Starting point is 00:32:23 going on. We're not going to stop this all night here. So no just the one you you see for the programs What we do have this app you can look into any information regarding the shreds app please go to shreds app doc Now you try to get the app now. Oh, you're in your info. Thanks. He's keeping he's trying to send you He's fuck off. Yeah, because you just asked a you asked a fuck you question. Don't worry. I'm going to get him right back. Is that, is that where I buy the supplements to? Is that where I bring him right back? Do you have a promo code? Watch the wizard word, brother. This is a way going anywhere. Send your talking to me all night. All right. Let's go to the next question. All right. Fit Chris 86 is asking after starting the mind pump show, 86 is asking after starting the mind pump show
Starting point is 00:33:10 Have you burned a few bridges and maybe cause rubbed rubbed a few of your peers the wrong way Yeah, exactly Probably my friend way my friends that do CrossFit. Yeah, they got they get a little irritated with me Although we've had some good discussions and they know me well, so we have a different opinion. I'm right. Well put, well put. Yeah, similar situation with me, but yeah, I think who cares? Like at this point, you know, like we're trying to just create something that's different and we create something that different, you put yourself out there completely
Starting point is 00:33:47 against normal ways of thinking. So I think that, you know, us to kind of cut through that is refreshing to me more than anything. Well, let's be honest, do any of us ever not have a big mouth anyway, even before the show? No, I don't say. No, that's actually kind of a cool question.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And it makes me want to go ask some people some stuff because I Chris I've met Chris before and Chris works out in the same facility that that Sal and I lift that so and I'm pretty sure Chris knows That a lot of my buddies are a lot of the people that we talk shit about on here. So And it's not like we directly target them, which is this is the part where I don't think we've burned bridges. And I don't even think I've offended them because first of all, none of them have came up to me and been like, hey, dude, that was a dick move for you to say that shit. I knew you're talking about me. Because I don't do that. I don't call out guys that I know that are my peers that are in there doing weight belt squats on the fucking squat on the Smith machine and are doing
Starting point is 00:34:46 you know silly freaking exercises wasting their time. We talk about it, we back the science that with it, we don't call their amount by name. So you know, to be honest with you, I actually think a part of them probably kind of influenced. Yeah, well, I do, I do. I feel like they get influenced because I see them around the gym and the Smith machine starting to collect a little bit of dust lately. And I see weight belts coming off when they go over to cable machines these days. So, you know, I mean, they're just afraid that me or you get to see them, which I have. Now I have had somebody come up to me in the gym before. So someone did run into me who was a mind pump fan and he caught me and he goes, he goes, fuck, bro, every time I see you in the gym, I'm like constantly turning over, looking around to see
Starting point is 00:35:27 if you're looking at me and seeing what I'm doing because I don't want you to talk about me on mind pump. And you know what, we just did. Yeah, we did it anyways. You know, one thing I was thinking about, because we've told a lot of stories from 24 of fitness, do you think we burned a bridge? Do they totally hire all of us back? You know, that's, we're producers.
Starting point is 00:35:46 That's, I was just gonna say, it doesn't matter. Yeah, that's just thing. No, yeah, we didn't deliberately burn any bridges that we never made a connection with anyway, actually. Like anybody we're calling out, we're not connected to, you know, in a certain sense. Like, if we're doing it, like, in our peers, it's more than a fun, kind of jabbing, jokyy way. Like any of the rest of the big organizations we go after, it's
Starting point is 00:36:09 deliberate. You know, it's because we're trying to shift public awareness and educate. So that's right. And keep people from doing stupid shit. That's it. All right. Megan Moraga asks about a post that she saw that says, you only need to train a maximum of 45 minutes and anything over an hour will not help you build more muscle. The only the back half is stupid. Yeah. The first half is somewhat true. Yeah, you can get away with the 45 minute workout if it's efficient and effective, but
Starting point is 00:36:40 we're training longer than an hour being bad for building muscle. No. I mean, fuck, Olympic lifters will spend hours in the gym practicing and perfecting. I think it all depends on your intensity. Yeah. In the rest periods, I mean, that you don't only have so much time
Starting point is 00:36:57 if you're applying proper rest periods. Yeah, I just worked out with you guys on Friday. We were working out for about an hour and a half. Oh, yeah, I don't have two hours. Yeah. I think that's, okay, there is some sort of something we should touch on though. Let's take an example of maybe like a crossfit type
Starting point is 00:37:12 of intensity workout or like one of those circuitering facilities where you're at a very high intensity. Right. At that point, you start bringing the numbers way down. Yeah, at that point, yeah, you're probably looking at 45, 60 minutes is about the max you want to be pushing the body. The thing is, I just hate using numbers, like a specific number because it depends on
Starting point is 00:37:36 the individual. Very exactly. It's a very individualized experience. Yeah, to, anytime you hear someone throw out a specific number, like 45 minutes or like we just said earlier, it absorbs 80% better. Like, I wanna see the science that shows the specifics because 45 minutes, well, even then I still don't even believe it.
Starting point is 00:37:55 I'll tell you why, because it's not a big enough test group. That's right. Ever. You're trying to tell me that works for the entire population? No. Yeah, it's bullshit. No. I mean,'s bullshit. No.
Starting point is 00:38:05 I mean, I guess I have a seven-year-old client that doesn't hour and a half of swimming every night on top of an hour awaits. People just want to know. Yeah, they want that to be the case. They want that to be like something that they could say, well, I heard that 45 minutes is the only amount of time that's effective, well, sorry, but it doesn't work for everybody.
Starting point is 00:38:24 No, it's never going to. Sometimes it takes me 45 minutes just to finish my first exercise, which is, will be squats. Yeah. So you know, sometimes I'm in the cage for 35 to 45 minutes. Tee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee- out together. So we all had to work out on Friday. And by the way, thanks assholes for not telling me that the fucking turf is you finally told me. On the video, we're like talking trash. We were like, we were talking about you guys talking about he was going crazy for like who do the last time I broke and I told him so why don't we feel everybody in first and we were
Starting point is 00:39:01 trying. So for this was that this was after we did. Yeah, we we were trying? So this was after we did a challenge. We looked at the title of story. So we started off, we did Deadlifts, and which was that fucking fun, dude. We did back and forth, we did about seven sets of Deadlifts with about 500 pounds at single set. So we're just doing one rap, rest, one rap, rest, just lots of volume of the single set. So we were all pretty, we were good.
Starting point is 00:39:21 We weren't, I wouldn't say fatigue, but definitely posture and chain was worked. Justin was doing power cleans And which is crack me up. You went for like a like 20 pound over your PR You guys are there Here's the problem. You could have totally broke your PR. I know, but you fucking went hard you and hammered all the way Yeah, you didn't go like five or ten pounds
Starting point is 00:39:45 I'll down would have been a great PR. I know he's like fucking I'm going Twenty-poly blue the best was when I asked the hype the best was when I asked him to I'm like dude Are you feeling like a PR today? He's like no not really I just figured you guys were here I just need proof of like you're awesome, bro I guess for me like if I'm gonna PR like it's just you can kind of I feel like you're awesome, bro. It's just so great. I guess for me, like if I'm gonna PR, like it's just, you can kinda, I feel like you can kinda tell when you start getting
Starting point is 00:40:09 into it with the most sense. Oh, absolutely, yeah. You know it's when it's PR day. You're like, yeah. No, here's a feeling. Here's a feeling, there's a level of competitiveness that we all have, but when it comes to like the weights, I think me and Justin are in different,
Starting point is 00:40:23 like me and him, I could tell. If I just worked out at them, me and him, the workout would be less competitive than if me and you just then worked out. Because we both have, we both start to get amped, and we both are like, just keep adding weight. That's like when I get really pissed if I don't hit it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:41 So after that, then these guys, Justin's lucky enough to work in a gym that has a, you know, like a track, basically, turf track, where you could pull a sled. So we wanted to do, I don't know what's that exercise called, like a squat row. Yeah, it's the squat row with the sled. So you're pulling the sled across the, yeah, cross, dragging it across the turf. on the sled, yeah, cross, dragging it across the turf. Yeah, and so we stacked it away to the very top, cause Adam only wanted to put three plates, and I'm like, no, throw another one on there. It don't laugh, dude, it's true.
Starting point is 00:41:12 I'm like, fuck, and put another one there. So we put another one on there, and we fucking went back and forth, but going one direction is easier than coming back, cause the turf, you go against the grain. It's sad as to know this, man. I didn't know this, you fuckers. You got fuckers.
Starting point is 00:41:25 You got suckers. Yeah. So we loaded up and we're going back and forth. And then we're like. And we were pulling my tubby ass. Yeah, and then we're like, let's, let's, let's sit on it and then pull it. So Adam pulls the smallest guy.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Me. And I fucking pull horse ass. I pulled just this. Some junk. Dude, but I pulled Adam. Oh my god. He was, he was heavy as fuck. But you were going with the ass. I pulled justice. Some junk. Dude, but I pulled that. On the bottom, he was heavy as fuck. But you were going with the grade. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:49 See that might have helped like a fraction. I don't know because I'll never know. You'll never know. No, because then I'm watching the video. We took a video. That's why I didn't want to tell you because that's gonna be your go-to. No, it's like the pounds per body weight, right?
Starting point is 00:42:01 You like that? No, we're watching. I'm watching the video. I have my headphones on, so I can't hear them because I'm pulling this thing. I got fucking loud music on. And I hear Justin going, should we tell him? And Adam was like, no, no, no, don't tell him, don't tell him.
Starting point is 00:42:13 And then he heard Adam go, see, I knew this shit would gas him out because I started breathing hard towards the end. I'm like, we wanna fuck this time. And shit, I'm trying to do this. I just, you're a dick Adam. It was fun. Adam, I want you to pay attention to me right now. I need you to do this. Good. It was fun. Adam, I want you to pay attention to me right now.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I need you to stop texting. He's loving this shreds guy. I love fucking it. Give us some more. Yeah, let's go on the latest. OK, OK. Wait, I'll get back up here. I'm going from there with this fucking.
Starting point is 00:42:37 If you get naked pictures from them, just bro, I'll give you a, I'll buy you a crown that you can wear. I will call you King. OK, so remember he tried to get rid of me, right? He was ready to. So I had a real and backhand. So I said, do you guys have training programs too?
Starting point is 00:42:48 And he says, no, just the ones you see for the programs. But we have this app, you can look into any information regarding the Shreds app. Please go to this and enter your info. Thanks. And then that's where I said, is that where I buy this subs? Should I order anything with the fat burners?
Starting point is 00:43:03 And he says, he reels them back here. or should I order anything with the fat burners? And he says, he reels them back here for the burners. Okay, so you do want to gain lean muscle as well. So you need to see this motherfucker. And then I said, yes, of course, right? Laugh out loud. He says, take a look at the alpha male stack.
Starting point is 00:43:18 It's our most popular and effective, God, this is gonna be short. Effective stack for men. It will increase strength, lean muscle mass and energy as well. Break down that stubborn abdominal fat. It's very simple. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:43:28 It's very simple to take an incredibly effective. I love it, targets. Check it out and let me know what you think. I can also take the time to add a free shaker cup once the order is complete. I just need to know what the name on the order will be. I said, you know what he's doing? Oh, they trained him on how to close.
Starting point is 00:43:47 They had no, he's definitely a salesperson. That's why I'm having fun right now, because now it's just a little battle here. So can I take, and then I said, can I take, can I take that with the fat burner too? It won't be counterproductive to do both. Should I take more protein then? He says, not at all, no way.
Starting point is 00:44:02 How much, and then I said, how much protein do I have? He more protein. I said, how much protein, I was surprised by this way. How much, and then I said, how much protein, more protein, I said, how much protein, I was surprised by this answer. How much protein do I need? I'm 200 pounds and my girlfriend is 145. He says, I would shoot for 200 grams at least. What's your girlfriend's goals? At least 200 grams of protein for you.
Starting point is 00:44:16 I said, she wants to be shredded too. I'm buying the subs for her too, for her birthday this weekend. He says, have her do about 120 grams, or even at least a hundred. I said, she's pretty hot already, but I wanted to look more like Paige Hathaway. He says, okay, no problem.
Starting point is 00:44:33 For the alpha female. For the alpha female. Then he started to put in all the shreds links, shreds links. If you want to try our protein, use this link. ours is awesome to have for overall recovery and building lean mass. You got to be an awe of the the marketing
Starting point is 00:44:49 and sales magic team because what they've done is they've taken this kid whoever's person is and they've taken him through and taught him scripts and had a close. And he probably gets paid commission off of what he sells and maybe get some free supplements. Real it in brilliant. I feel really good in name with you. How long have you been doing this?
Starting point is 00:45:10 What's your PayPal? Yeah. Uh, comfortable with the answer. All right. I'll read it. Like, like, what do you look like? Bro, I will talk to him until I get home tonight.
Starting point is 00:45:23 I will just keep stringing him along. You know, he should start adding more to stats. Yeah, so he thinks he can get like a- Can you make up a fake supplement? Well, I'll be on the actual audio, and I'll be like, yeah, welcome to Alpha male. 500. You know, you know, you know, you-
Starting point is 00:45:40 I don't get, I would wanna get gains. Yeah, you give a, you know what, that your voice is a natural vasodilator. I just, I feel things expand. When I hear, it's like that. It's a rising. Hey Adam, I want to hear your sex phone sex. Are you balls tingling?
Starting point is 00:45:57 Balls. It's hard to do a sexy voice, that's chosen to Justin's sexy voice. Step into my office, where I stroke your long. Whoa. You go. What's long?
Starting point is 00:46:09 All right. We should end it there. Leave us a good rating and review. Find us on iTunes. We love it. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show, and to get valuable free resources from Sal,
Starting point is 00:46:23 Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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