Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1833: How to Improve Recovery Capacity, the Ideal Protein Intake for Fat Loss, Double Overhand Vs. Mixed Grip Deadlifts & More

Episode Date: June 10, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: The BEST metric tha...t will tell you if you are on the right track with your training or diet is STRENGTH! (2:36) Another study that highlights how POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE resistance training is. (13:35) Justin throws a party, Sal’s strong grip, an update on Maximus, and Adam’s visit to the sperm bank. (26:29) Shout out to Dr. Becky Campbell! (47:59) When your child rebels against you. (50:42) Butcher Box has pre-marinated meats! (54:17) Loading up on protein, without the bloat, with Paleo Valley’s bone broth protein powder. (55:14) #Quah question #1 - What are some of your favorite ways to increase recovery capacity? (57:46) #Quah question #2 - How much protein is necessary for a fat loss phase for women? (1:03:05) #Quah question #3 - Egg whites vs. whole eggs? (1:06:17) #Quah question #4 - What are the pros & cons of double overhand vs. mixed grip for deadlifting? (1:10:12) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Visit Paleo Valley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP15 at checkout for 15% discount** June Promotion: Shredded Summer Bundle or MAPS HIIT 50% off! **Promo code JUNE50 at checkout** Mind Pump #1057: How To Get Stronger For Fat Loss & Muscle Building The Best Way to Increase Your Strength in the Gym – Mind Pump Blog 3 seconds of weight lifting a day could be enough to build strength if it's intense, small study finds Mind Pump #672: Dave Asprey Hospitalized Man Regrets Injecting Himself With Semen To “Cure” His Bad Back The 4‑Phase Histamine Reset Plan: Getting to the Root of Migraines, Eczema, Vertigo, Allergies and More – Dr. Becky Campbell Visit LivON Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! How to Prevent Injury and Pain Through Mobility Training – Mind Pump Blog The Myth of Optimal Protein Intake – Mind Pump Blog Cholesterol For Muscle Gains – Mind Pump Blog Whole eggs better for muscle building and repair than egg whites HOOK Grip vs MIXED Grip?? Which Will INCREASE Your Deadlift More?? (Jordan Shallow ) Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dave Asprey (@dave.asprey)  Instagram Dr. Becky Campbell (@drbeckycampbell)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered listeners' questions after a 53-minute introductory conversation, where we talked about current events, fitness, our lives, and studies.
Starting point is 00:00:27 So it was a lot of fun. By the way, if you ever want to ask us a question, go on Instagram under mine pump every Sunday, we post the meme that says, Quad, that's where you can post your question. Also we have show notes with timestamps if you want to fast forward to your favorite part of this episode. Now this episode is brought to you by our sponsor butcher box. Butcher box delivers high quality grass fed meats right to your door. So no middleman, good quality.
Starting point is 00:00:54 It's frozen, it tastes great. It's healthy. It's got great fatty acid profiles because it's grass fed. We just talked about some of their pre-marinated meats. They have a wide selection. And right now if you sign up, you can get rib eyes, drumsticks, and burgers for free in your first order. So if you're interested, go to butcherbox.com forward slash mind pump and you can get that
Starting point is 00:01:15 grilling bundle for free. This episode is also brought to you by another sponsor, Paleo Valley. They make some of the best Paleo-inspired supplements you'll find anywhere. One of my favorites is their bone broth protein. It's extremely, it minimally processed. It's just bone broth protein. No flavor, no nothing. Really easy on my gut. They also make grass-fed meat sticks that you could take on the go if you want a high protein, no carbohydrate snack. And they have much more. You got to go check them out. Go to paleovali.com, forward slash mind pump, and then use the code Mind Pump 15 for 15% off your first order.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Also, all month long, we're running a sale on a workout bundle and a workout program. So here's the bundle. It's called the Shredded Summer Bundle. It includes maps aesthetic, maps hit, maps prime, and the intuitive nutrition guide. So all that put together in a bundle, by the way, bundles are already discounted. We took an additional 50% off, so it's a huge discount.
Starting point is 00:02:12 We also have a program, an individual program on sale. It's maps hit, hit stands for high-intensity interval training, short intense workouts, very effective for fat loss and a short period of time. Again, that program is also 50% off. So if you're interested, go to mapsfitinistproducts.com and then use the code June 50. So as June 50, no space for that discount. The best metric that'll tell you if you're on the right track with your training and diet is strength.
Starting point is 00:02:41 It's really hard to have a bad diet, bad training program, and have your strength increase. Ooh. Yeah. I like this one because it's not obviously perfect. No, because when you're brand new, you could see strength gains, even with a crappy diet.
Starting point is 00:02:54 You somewhat, right? Yes, definitely. Yeah, no, if you are big gains. Yeah, if you are eating terrible, and don't even have a great training program, but you've never or haven't worked out in a very long time, almost anything. Yeah, you're gonna see.
Starting point is 00:03:08 That's why it's not perfect. That's one reason why it's not perfect, but ultimately if you had to pick one metric, like if I had a client and I saw consistent strength gains, like it's hard to get stronger and be unhealthy, right? It's hard to get stronger and have terrible sleep and terrible exercise programming. Well, and also you're not gonna have perpetual strength.
Starting point is 00:03:25 It's not this linear thing that's always gonna be progressing. So you have to kind of look at other variables to bring in to focus on too, but it's definitely the least, so it's the most objective and the least objective. Yes, and it usually means, usually, not always, but usually that you're doing most things right. Like, I mean, I'll give you guys a scenario. Everything has to right. I mean, I'll give you guys a scenario.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Everything has to stack up. Yeah, I'll give you guys a scenario. You got a client, a trinnellus weight. You're putting them on a calorie deficit and their strength is going up in the gym. You're like, we are doing great. Or they're trying to do correctional exercise and their strength goes up.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Or they come to hire you for pain management and their strength goes up. You name it to hire you for pain management and the strength goes up. Like, you name it. If you see strength gains going up, it's one of the best signs you could possibly see. Like, when I would see that, and when I would, because I would track their workouts
Starting point is 00:04:13 and it's okay, you did three more reps or you added 10 pounds and your form got better, I knew that for the most part, we're probably on track. We're doing pretty damn good. And I like it. I like measuring strength. Like anytime somebody asks me a question
Starting point is 00:04:27 about their exercise programming, dies one of the first questions I ask is why are you getting stronger? How does your strength feel? That being said, the only anomaly is really the person that I can think of is the person that I was talking about, right? The brand new person who's lifting,
Starting point is 00:04:43 how long would you say that lasts for somebody, right? Like you have a shitty diet, you're not really, you don't have the best training program, you're following some generic thing you found online or some gimmicky weight loss program, whatever that you found. How long do you think you get away with seeing gains and results from that before that really sprang? That's why.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Yeah. Boy, depending on how bad the diet and the training program is, I'd say between one to six months, I'd say after six months, it'd be pretty rare. Yeah, I'd say even sooner than that. Yeah, so I mean, it would be really hard, right? And I'd say one month is little is one month,
Starting point is 00:05:14 because it's really bad programming, then you'll start to, you'll see the strength go up a little bit and then you even start to come down. Like if they're just constantly doing too much, and eating too little type of deal. Yeah, I'd say like one to three months. I'm trying to recall like clients where I've got them.
Starting point is 00:05:28 And typically that's when we would get them as after they had already done their own thing, right? Like, so that was common. Like I get somebody who was like, I was doing this and that. It was working so good for me and then this happened and now I'm not seeing any results. Therefore I'm here and then I get them
Starting point is 00:05:40 and they've already crashed dieted like crazy. Yeah, they've already been training seven days a week, high intensity. Yeah, I'll give you guys an example like why this came to me. I was hanging out with my family this weekend and they've already crashed dieted like crazy and they've already been training seven days a week, high intensity circuit. I'll give you guys an example like why this came to me. I was hanging out with my family this weekend and my sister, who there's four of us siblings, okay?
Starting point is 00:05:53 And she has probably some of the best muscle billion genetics out of all of us, but she never really likes to train too much or whatever, she's done other things, but whatever, she started training and she started training properly. She's hired a trainer and I know this trainer, so I know she's done other things, but whatever. She started training and she started training properly. She's hired a trainer and I know this trainer, so I know she's doing the right thing. And I hadn't seen her for, like, I've been seeing her here and there because she'll come
Starting point is 00:06:13 in here to work out, but I hadn't seen her dress the normal clothes for like maybe two months. And I saw her and I'm like, oh man, I could tell right away, right? And I told her, I said, I could tell you've been training properly, like how much weight of your loss she goes, actually the scale hasn't changed at all. I said, well, are you stronger? And she goes, yeah, I'm way stronger.
Starting point is 00:06:33 I'm like, you built muscle and burn body fat for sure because the, and in Jessica's same thing, said the same thing, she goes, you look smaller, but you probably built muscle and burn body fat. And it was a strength, she's like, oh, I'm way stronger on all my left. I'm like, if you're getting stronger, you're doing a lot of things. Everything's moving the right direction.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Now, how important do you think the mindset is that the client needs to have in this direction? Meaning, so on a recent, like, back half-quar, when we're answering live questions, I brought up what just happened the other night with Katrina and I. And one of the things I had noticed is she had been training very consistently since January.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Right. And she was asking me on, you know, okay, we got Cabo around the corner. How do I accelerate my results, getting ready for that? And of course her initial, you know, should I start cutting calories? Should I start the cardio? Should I start these things?
Starting point is 00:07:20 And I have intermittently seen her training. I haven't been, obviously, I haven't been with her every training session but I've been kind of watching what she's doing. And I know when she's really getting after it, and I know when she's kind of going through the motions and training, and I see the weight she's moving
Starting point is 00:07:33 when she's squatting and deadlifting, and I've been with her and she's lifted way more weight before, and she looks great. She's had a great progress, but one of the things I said to keep the progress going, or kick it back up, is to really focus on strength. And she's like, I'm following, I think she was following Anna Balok right now. I'm following Anna Balok, so it's a strength-based program.
Starting point is 00:07:52 I mean, that's what I'm doing. I said, yeah, but you're kind of choosing the weights that you know you can do and kind of going through the motion, which is great. That combined with you eating well has been over the course of this. That's a great long-term approach. Yeah, if you've been progressing slowly, but you now you're asking me, hey, I got three, three weeks, I really want to accelerate that. And your first initial thing is, hey, let's cut calories, let's move more.
Starting point is 00:08:14 And I go, I wouldn't do that. Yeah, actually what I would do is like, let's get after the intensity and the mindset inside there. And like, you know, when I left more. Yeah, when was the last time you got back up to your old deadlift numbers and your old squadding numbers? Like, why don't you start progressing that way and pick up the intensity. And she and like, you know, when we're gonna lift more. Yeah, what was the last time you got back up to your old deadlift numbers and your old squatting numbers? Like, why don't you start progressing that way and pick up the intensity and she's like, well, you're right. I really, I haven't pushed that. I like that for a few different reasons. One, when you build strength and build muscle,
Starting point is 00:08:35 there's a lot of side effects that are favorable from that, right? You want to get leaner? Well, you build more muscle or you move in that direction. Your body learns a bit more calories, makes it easy. Two, you're, it means you're doing things right. You're probably feeding yourself appropriately. It's objective, weight loss and how you look in the mirror, very subjective.
Starting point is 00:08:53 How many times have you had a client? I've trained people for a long period of time. I know you guys have two and they would complain about how bad they looked. Oh my God, I don't like the way I look. And then like 10 years later, they see a picture of themselves from 10 years prior, like wow, I look so good. And I like 10 years later, they see a picture of themselves from 10 years prior, like wow, I look so good.
Starting point is 00:09:06 And I always remind them, you know how bad you thought you looked 10 years ago? It's so subjective. But the number on the bar or the dumbbell, that's objective. Well, that's why I always loved the both strength. It's like you can take away that focus, that obsessive focus, that initially brought them there,
Starting point is 00:09:20 right, like to, you know, change their body, but also to like hormonally, like it, everything's in such better balance when, you know, change their body, but also to like, hormonally, like it, everything's in such better balance when, you know, your strength is moving forward and you're doing everything correctly because you're getting adequate, you know, recovery as well. That has to be a part of the piece of the formula for everything to succeed. Well, to build muscle and to build strength, your body has to organize its hormones in a way to do so.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And so a balanced, youthful hormone profile does that in unbalanced, unhealthy hormone profile. Good luck trying to get stronger as a man with really low testosterone and high cortisol. Good luck trying to get stronger as a female where your estrogen or progesterone are off and your cortisol is really high. And you also have low testosterone.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Testosterone's important to women as well. It's really hard, right? So if you see strength training in the upward direction, and again, it's not perfect. Like if you've been working out for years and years, like I've been working out for, you know, three decades almost, I'm not gonna see crazy strength gains anymore at this point.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I think I've hit my peak and, you know, now I'm kind of maintaining, but especially in the first five years, like it's gotta be one of the best metrics you could possibly. And even now, still, I see my strength waiver, but when I see it move up on the uptrend, I know I'm kinda doing things right. Well, it's also a great way to,
Starting point is 00:10:34 and again, it's not perfect, but it's also a great way to ensure that you hang on to as much muscle as you, you're going into it. Like, right, we're going to go in summer. So I know a lot of questions around getting lean. And most people want to get lean friendsy to cut down, but they also want to keep and maintain all the work that they put in either over winter or the last few months. Like, and that was like one of the things I challenged her when she was kind of arguing a little bit.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Like, why it will have three weeks? Why wouldn't I start cutting calories and pick up cardio? It's the last bit right now. I was like, well, do you want to keep all the muscle that you've worked hard for since January? Well, one of the ways to ensure that is for us to still stay strength focused right now, let's just pick up your intensity in the gym. You know, it's funny about that too, speaking more specifically about Katrina. She's always very lean. Yeah. She walks around in the teens, which is lean for a woman. When you're already lean, if you want to look better, oftentimes getting leaner doesn't do it, gaining muscle does. Definition. Yeah. Yeah. You built like a game. If you're already lean, if you want to look better, oftentimes getting leaner doesn't do it, gaining muscle does.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Definition. Yeah, you build like, if you're a guy, for example, and you're 8% and 9% body fat, you probably would look better gaining three or four pounds of muscle than you would going down to 7% or 6% body fat, right? And I know she knows this because she's seen her run her body and then she's seen her
Starting point is 00:11:43 squatting deadlifting body. Yeah. And it's night and day difference as far as what it looks like. And so that's how I, that was all I needed to say to convince her to focus that way was, you know, do you want to keep on this muscle that you've, we've worked hard for? And she knows that she doesn't want to lose that because she knows that's what has given her that shape that she likes and desires. And so one of the ways that we can ensure that as we are getting closer this time for her is that, you know, let's, let's stay strength focused right now and really
Starting point is 00:12:09 push the intensity that way. Instead of doing what a lot of people want to do, which is the cut calories and intensity as far as movement and cardio goes, because that sends an opposite signal to the body. And what's more likely to happen is that she's sure she might lose a little bit more fat or lose weight on the scale but the likelihood that she's going to keep all muscle is not very high. That's probably gonna pair some of that down. That's right. Yeah, speaking of which, I was just talking about my sister and everything and I see her working out and I know my brother, what happens to him when he works out.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Man, I just, I was really hard realizing I had the worst in everything. I had the family. I don't know all my siblings. I think I got the same weight. I'm the one that I trained the most obsessed about. Yeah, I got the same way. I'm the one that I trained the most. I was obsessed about it. Yeah, I think we're both like that. I was trying to grow. I was like doing everything I could to hang into like, strength. Oh, you're trying to talk?
Starting point is 00:12:53 Yeah, bro. That's 6'7. I brought a 6'3. I was like, this sucks. Yeah, no, I'm like, my short. My sister has long muscle bellies like her calves and she's got quads and hands and I look at her triceps and then I'm down here and I'm looking at her and I'm like man you just start working out
Starting point is 00:13:08 with the hell dude you know and then my brother you guys know my brother he'll come in here and lift more weight than most guys and I'm like geez man I gotta work so hard you know to do this I got the worst you know it's all but Justin's right though that's also what made you probably go down the rabbit hole dude of like having to try and figure everything out right yeah so you're you're great. Yeah, that was me.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I was like, at least I'm gonna be stronger than both of them. Yeah. Yeah, we don't like it. Put you in your place, dude, you're doing that spotty. That's hilarious. Dude, did you guys, so what did you guys think of that study I sent you guys that showed that,
Starting point is 00:13:39 and it just highlights just how powerful strength training and resistance training is. The study that showed that three seconds. Oh, yeah, it's fascinating. Three how powerful strength training and resistance training is. The study that showed that three seconds. Oh yeah, it's fascinating. Three seconds of strength training was enough to cause measurable strength gains in individuals. What'd you guys think about that?
Starting point is 00:13:53 It's almost hilarious. It's like, wow, that little bit is gonna move that much. Yeah, so what they did in the study, and it's, I mean, look, if you had told me you were gonna do the study, and then you had asked me, what do I think the results would be? I would have gotten pretty close. I think you guys would have too. Now, by the way, this is not how you should always work out. I don't think this would work forever at all. However, it highlights the power of strength training and just how effective it is at getting your body to adapt in
Starting point is 00:14:23 positive ways. So in the study, they took individuals and they had them do different types of muscle contractions, high intensity for three seconds. I saw mainly bicep curls. That's what they used. That's what they used. So they took some people and they did an isometric hold for three seconds and maximal intensity. They did some with concentric focus. Yeah, concentric, right, which is three seconds and maximal intensity. They did some with eccentric focus. Yeah, concentric, right, which is curling up.
Starting point is 00:14:47 High intensity. And then the other one was eccentric, okay. All of them saw strength gains that were measurable. The eccentric one, 10%. Yeah. Three second, it was one rep of eccentric loading a day and they got 10% increase in strength just from doing it. Now, what I don't remember in the study, did they manipulate the weight and the tempo based
Starting point is 00:15:09 on what, what, what if they were doing a concentric eccentric or a maximizing intensity though? It was maximal. So it wasn't like, yeah. So what's important to note for the audience then is that you can do four times the amount of load on the eccentric motion that you can on a concentration. That's true. You can lift way more. Keep that into consideration that they probably in the study used 25 pound del bales for the
Starting point is 00:15:33 concentric. Someone crawled it out 25 and they probably used a hundred pounds to resist on the way down. That's why you saw. Ecentric causes the most muscle damage is the most responsible for muscle growth, but it's also the one that takes the longest to recover from. Yeah, but that's part of the reason why, is because you can load it,
Starting point is 00:15:50 and it's also where you are normally time and attention is longer. Yeah, now the theory is, the theory is with the sliding film and theory. I don't know if they've changed this, but the way I learned it was muscle fibers run next to each other, and they hook to each other to contract.
Starting point is 00:16:04 And when you're lengtheningening those hooks have to break off and that causes muscle damage. So it's a more damaging concern. Nonetheless, the point is name any other form of exercise where you do three seconds and pack full. And you see a 10% increase. Like a stretch. Now did they repeat every single day?
Starting point is 00:16:22 They did this daily. Daily. So that also plays a fact. Yeah, and this really highlights just again, how powerful strength range, one of the reasons why I think it's such a valuable form of exercise is that the average person can do two days a week, 45 minutes of strength training done properly. I mean, they're not going to get it body, but they're not going to get ripped or anything like that from it, but most people want to be fit and healthy.
Starting point is 00:16:43 And two days a week, 45 minutes for most people, you could do that for the rest of your life and reap incredible benefits. Did the study disclose what type of people, like as far as beginners, novice, advanced, or do I believe that they were, I'm gonna assume there were beginners, I should pull it up.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Yeah, it'd be interesting to see, because I actually think that, I've told you guys this before in the podcast, multiple times, and I feel like I continue to see this as I age, that these principles are, seems to be compounding as I get older. So, as I get older and I've had more decades under my belt of lifting consistently, I feel that I have to do less work to build or maintain muscle.
Starting point is 00:17:26 You have a high muscle intelligence. Right. That's what it sticks around. It really does. I mean, there's a strength. That's why I'm asking this because I'm wondering if this is a newbies, I would wonder like, would I get better, even better benefits? Because the intensity and the strength.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Yes. Because I, think about that. That's not a bad point. No, okay. When you were a 17 year old kid first starting to lift and let's say you're in the study, you're brand new. You, in your head, trying to remember about what you were bicep curling back then.
Starting point is 00:17:54 And what would be, or even just the force in the intensity. Yes, and the ability for you to control it to be able to focus on. Now you go in this study and the same rules apply for you, but with the low that you can handle on it, I would make the case that you could probably outperform the people that are probably using this study.
Starting point is 00:18:10 It causes more damage and stuff. Right. Now, in comparison to more appropriate traditional strength training, obviously it's not going to. Okay, so they were young sedentary individuals. But is that the same one? Because what I read, what I read Doug was. Andrew saying it is.
Starting point is 00:18:22 It is. Okay, because I'm looking at print. I was a study in Japan and it was 39 college students. So none of them worked out, but they were young men. Yeah, young sedentary individuals were assigned. So, and I feel like that this, I don't know how, I mean, I don't think this would continue. But again, I can't find me a form of exercise
Starting point is 00:18:40 in the even 10% of the time. Of course, it wouldn't continue, but it just, I get, it does. It highlights how powerful, just a little bit of strength training. It also highlights the studies and the training modalities, like the, what's it called, the ART or the... Oh, they're super intense. Yeah, where they pull from to try and make the case.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Very good point. ARX. Yes, very, very careful. Do not extrapolate from this. What you need to do is one max out eccentric loaded exercise for everybody to go. Five days a week. Yeah, they're going to use this study hard. That's exactly what they do.
Starting point is 00:19:15 And it's not this exact one. Maybe that they used to prove that, but that's exactly the type of stuff that they'll pluck from and be like, oh, this is all I need to do now is do this. The biohack. Yes. Well, in fact, I remember we interviewed Dave Asper years ago, that's what he said. He said he does 10 minutes all out once a day. Yeah, he's probably read a few studies like this,
Starting point is 00:19:33 because it is really impactful, like you don't have to do a whole lot, but at the same time, again, some of those benefits tend to, to take. What I would love to see those, the point that I was trying to make with, you know, young, salvers as older, Sal versus older Sal is like, how much would that work for you at 17 versus how much
Starting point is 00:19:51 would that work? It'd be interesting to say, let's pretend you completely cut out all the volume, all the sets. How much would I keep? Yeah, how much would you be, where are you at right now? And that's all you did.
Starting point is 00:20:03 How much would you be able to keep? I would think you would be able to keep more than the newbie that would be able to make the gains. Does that make sense? I'm trying to explain. It does, yeah. You should be able to. I feel like I could keep a majority of my gains now,
Starting point is 00:20:17 not progress, but maintain a lot of them with like two full body workouts away. Well, it's sort of, I'm trying to think ahead of comparison, but it's like general play, G-P-P, like it's for kids, right? Like in terms of like how you get exposed to like a multitude of different types of stimulus, like at first.
Starting point is 00:20:35 So it's like more play focused, and then you start kind of refining it. And so you're getting like, you know, you know, more team sports focused, like you get more into weightlifting, now you get really, you know, specified., more team sports, but focused, like get more into weightlifting, now you get really, you know, specified. That's not a bad point. If you teach, if you teach a kid how to ride a bike and they ride a bike for six months
Starting point is 00:20:52 and then don't ride it for six years, they're going to get back on the bike and I remember much. But if you've been riding it for years and you stop for six months. There's a lot of benefits that are unforeseen, right? Like in terms of like the predictiveness of like, so if you get into another sport where you've had exposure to a lot of different types of movements in another sport, that will play itself into, you know, once you start going in that like specific direction,
Starting point is 00:21:15 it compares into somebody that was just taking with one sport, right? They get really good at those patterns and those sequences of what they're experiencing, but the unforeseen variables are not, they're terrible. Well, yeah, I mean, obviously in this study, they're using something so basic and simple like a bicep crawl. Not tons of skill and ball. Right. I didn't know exactly where you're going.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Right, but the squat, right? And this is something that I noticed. It took me many, many years to get to a 225 squat. I mean, lots of years of consistent training, just get that. I could fall off the wagon for months right now, okay, of inconsistently training, and still get under the barbell and easily do 225. I mean, my muscles may be shaking,
Starting point is 00:21:55 and I'll get really sore from it, so, but I mean, I could control that weight and feel, and then my legs respond right to that. Whereas, I could have been training, there was years in my career of lifting of training three, five days a week with legs in there and not be able to do that weight. Where now I cannot train for months,
Starting point is 00:22:13 get under the bar, do a set or two with 225, and instantly my legs respond to that. It is weird how muscle hangs around in a particular way. I have family members that were, you know, used to be male carriers and they retired, you know, decades and they still have these really muscular looking calves and they just gone, huh?
Starting point is 00:22:33 Sorry. Or, you know, so it is very interesting, right? It's like, obviously nothing's permanent, but it is of all the adaptations that you get from exercise. It's the one that tends to stick around the longest and then the side effects of it are so beneficial to all the things that people are after. But again, I can't think of anything else you can do for three seconds in a day and see a 10% increase. That's a big deal. That's a measurable improvement. Like, what else can you do for three seconds? Like run as hard as
Starting point is 00:23:00 you can for three seconds. You're not gonna see a 10% increase in stamina after three seconds. I mean, when I read some of that, it just made like, and you're in a perfect place because you're You're not gonna see a 10% increase in stamina. After three seconds? I mean, when I read some of that, it just made, like, and you're in a perfect place because you're in such great shape right now. It would be so fun. Obviously, you would wanna do this because you're not trying to lose all your muscle
Starting point is 00:23:13 that you've gained, but it would be really fun to see if, like, you know, just pick to hand for like a squat, the dead live hit, like a couple of movements and you only do, you know, a couple minutes of it a day, just had a, you know a maximal intensity like that, how much could you hang on for how long could you hang on to the physique to show? I bet you because it's novel,
Starting point is 00:23:31 I might even gain it from you. I know, that's what's kind of. It's different, yeah. I'd be interesting. It'd be interesting to see how much that you can hang on to by doing that. I'm telling you, I'm so blown away by that right now at my age, I really.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Yeah, like how hard would it have been for you to maintain the amount of muscle and strength you have now in your 20s? Yeah, it was five to seven days a week. I wasn't even that big. You had to push. It took me until I was almost 30 before I saw, it was like, I think it was 27.
Starting point is 00:23:59 I should say, it was 27 I think when I finally got over 200 pounds. Like me, Shareded on stage at 3% is 203. You know, it would be hard for you to get below 200 pounds now if you try. Oh, I don't think I could do it. I mean, I said, when I got, so when I showed up to nationals, some of the most probably the best shredded physique that I had brought, it was sub 3%. I dunked at 3% two weeks out and continued to die.
Starting point is 00:24:23 So I was sub 3% on that stage. I was 203. So there's no way I could get that. That's a lot of hassle. Not without intentionally losing a bunch of muscle also. That's very interesting. And that was something that I worked my whole first 10 years of lifting to try and reach.
Starting point is 00:24:39 And then now it just it maintains like that. So I mean, it's cool. And I didn't think about that. That's not something that, and I like talking about the show because I like to motivate the younger generation. That should be, I wish someone would have like, really told me that. That works.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yeah. That's something that what I know now, that would have been very motivating for me to like, stay on it like that. Oh, I know, I tell you this right now, 100% as I get older, I guarantee my training is gonna eventually morph and evolve to, I'll be staying active every day, but I'll probably be lifting twice a week.
Starting point is 00:25:11 And it'll be full body into my 60s, 70s and beyond. And I know I'll maintain good movement and strength from as long as they stay active on the other days. Of course, it's value in being active every day. So I don't wanna mislead anybody and say, oh, you just work out twice a week and then the rest of the day you go you know, I hope that's not how this is being interpreted, right? It's not to, you know, tell people, oh, you know, it's great
Starting point is 00:25:30 is when you get 40, you know, barely work out. I mean, I just think it's a really encouraging thing because sometimes when you're, you know, I know there's got to be 20 year olds that are listening to this right now, it can be discouraging. You're working your ass off sometimes when you're really young, trying all these things and pushing really hard and barely seeing the body change, barely seeing strength go up and it seems like, oh my God, why do I do all this just to be a little bit stronger?
Starting point is 00:25:53 Or the irony is, the irony is, on average, I'll ask you guys, on average, when all the people you guys trained for as long as you trained them, all of us had clients towards the end of our career and we got good without would stay with us for 10 plus years. How many times a week would you train most of your clients? Yeah, probably two, two times.
Starting point is 00:26:11 At the most, right? Did you have any clients, no clients, that I trained more than that? Well, yeah, I had like a few, but honestly, the ones that would hire me for more, we just do mobility or do like active recovery days. Exactly. And I would just take them through that,
Starting point is 00:26:25 but it wasn't like we're training intensively. Exactly. Anyway, I want to ask you guys about your weekends, I know you guys both did different things and had a lot of stuff. You had a party? Yeah, so we threw a party for main laws. It was 50 years of their anniversary together.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Wow. That's a long time. Yeah, it's a lot of time. 50 years. Yeah, that's a work, man. Yes, so that was like a staple thing that we wanted to celebrate. So it was like, because it kind of got thrown in our direction
Starting point is 00:26:51 in terms of like, let's see who can like throw the party and where and we tried like vineyards and all this stuff. I'm like, no, let's just, you know, throw it in our place and break it in. I haven't actually thrown a big party in our place yet. So it was like, well, here we go. You know, let's get it already. Man, that's a lot of work, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:09 That was like, just for my ass. This is why we're weed whacking everything. Wee whacking. I bought like, I had one of those like, battery powered blowers and it was like, dude, this is not gonna cut it, like died like, like a fraction of the way through. So I went and bought like gas powered ones.
Starting point is 00:27:23 You know that they're gonna banish? Including the environment with everything I can. Yeah. Yeah. It's a charcoal. Because it gets it done, you know. I thought they already did ban all that. I have an electric one in it, sucks dude.
Starting point is 00:27:34 It's terrible. The battery dies. Tesla needs to make one. They don't even last, they don't even last that long. The battery dies so fast. I think that they can get like one usage out of it and then you got to charge it again.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Yeah, I think that they're making those illegal right because of I thought they already were I thought one of you guys making everything illegal Yeah, hey, how much does it suck being the host of like a party like that big is brutal Yeah, you're probably still cleaning up I'm still and I mean I did pretty much all of it the next day too cuz Courtney had like a hair appointment and then I can't believe yeah Don't do anything. I'll just come back and I'm like, let's look at a hat.
Starting point is 00:28:07 I can't see you're in look at his mess. You know, like it was driving me crazy. She's taking out. She's right. She's wrote a game. She knows what I was like. Yeah, what she's doing with that. So, but it's fine, dude.
Starting point is 00:28:17 It was cool. Everybody had a good time. We got the same band. Like I went to one of Adam and Katrina's part a year there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That same band, you hired her to. of Adam and Katrina's part a year there too. Yeah, yeah, that same band, you hired them. Oh, they're fun. For our place and they threw down, they did a good job.
Starting point is 00:28:30 So everybody had a good time. I've got plenty of beer left and I'm like shoving it off to my brother in law. Did you sing with the band, to be honest? Yeah. We had a little bit of a session where we're all chopping it up about like you know instruments Hey, what's it gigs? Yeah, what's the what's the banling go like when you go over to come talk to
Starting point is 00:28:50 Let's see if I know I'm seven. I'm talking about that. What they're doing the recording studio and like you know launch in an EP and that's gonna turn into an album. Is that the new electric dual pedal right there? Yeah, I see you a real sweet humbuckers on that That Gibson bro. What you must be in a band too. Yeah, like I do have real sweet humbuckers on that Gibson, bro. What, you must be in a band too. Yeah, like I do have to throw a little bit of that in there. And of course you can. So they know that like at least I'm privy to, they get to be on their game, right?
Starting point is 00:29:14 They can't be cheating stuff, right? Exactly. I'm painting it. And you ever get pissed off? You need a backup singer. You ever get people like that when they meet you and they're like, so what do you do? And like, oh, I have this fitness pod, whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Oh, yeah, I used to lift, you know, high school. What do you, what do you bench like, 405? No, I know you get that right now. When you're the, when you're as buff as you are right now and you'd like everybody can see it through your shirt. Some idea, they can't help but make comments, you know what I'm saying? Or you either get to, how awkward are the handshakes, right? Yeah, because the guy that sees you here, big guy, they'll go, like, they'll go, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Like they'll use their whole body. I use you either get uncomfortable compliments or people explaining to you why they're not working out or why they're eating the white dough. I used to be a water polo. Like I was, oh man, you should've seen me. Don't do the hards. I'm gonna tell you guys, I'm gonna say that,
Starting point is 00:30:00 hope everybody whoever shakes my hand watches, don't do the excessively hard squeeze on my hand because I will crush your hand. If you do that, I have a really strong grip. That's my invitation to break the hand. Yeah, that person that does it needs a lesson. Yeah, I usually give him the no thumb or like, you know, if they start, like real hard,
Starting point is 00:30:18 sometimes I just go real limp and just, oh, like make him feel powerful. Did I ever tell you guys when I did that to my sister's boyfriend? I was a really over, I was a super overprotective brother, like, like, like, like, my sister, the sister under me, so it's me and I have a sister. I mean, that's how it should be. Well, I was, I was excessive.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Like, my poor sister, she was gorgeous, right? My sister's beautiful, smart. She thought she was unattractive in high school because no boys would talk to her. Because they were terrified. She's scared to pull. That's where they go when she graduated, she literally said that, like, yeah, on a track to even high school because no boys were talked to her. They were terrified. He was scared to pull. That's where it got him. When she graduated, she literally said that.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Yeah, guys that weren't really attracted to me. And nobody really talked to me. And I'm like, I got some to tell you. But she had a boyfriend once. And he came in and I saw him walking up and he goes to shake my hand. Oh, yeah, he went to his wife and I guess went. And my sister was looking at me like, oh, nice to meet you buddy.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Anyway, how about you, how about yours? I've had a pretty crazy weird last four or five days, man. I went everything from like good stuff, bad stuff, great stuff, sperm, bakes, surgeries, going to the spank bank. Yeah, that was my first time. First give us an update on your boy. He did the surgery. Yeah, that wasakes, surgeries, go to the spank bank. Yeah, that was my first time. First give us an update on your boy.
Starting point is 00:31:27 He did the surgery. Yeah, that was actually came second, but I'll give you the update on that first, if you wanna hear that. So he did do this. So yeah, I had the sperm bank on Thursday, Friday was the, it's not a really a sperm bank either, it's something else. Yeah, really call it.
Starting point is 00:31:39 I don't even know what you call it. Scientific name, I'll tell you how fucking awkward it was. It's called the public bathroom. Yeah, the sperm factory. Yeah, I don't it was. It's called the public bathroom. Yeah. It's fun factory. It's a, yeah. I don't think I have a hand with a public bathroom. It's called Doug's house.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Truck stop. Doug's like, why are you got these math in my house again? I'll be bad, Doug. No, so, okay. So his surgery, I'll tell you that. Because I know I have had a lot of people that want to update on how Max is doing. He's doing it incredible.
Starting point is 00:32:02 So he had, and his ad-noit, is that how you say it? Ad noise? Ad noise removed. And he had, uh, tubes put in his ear. And, and the doctor actually said that, oh my God, so you guys, it's so good that you guys did this. She, it was some of the largest ad noise he'd ever seen before because it was, and, and what happened? So this is my understanding of why this is so bad and why it was such an issue for him, is that it gets inflamed. And then it, so this is my understanding of why this is so bad and why it was such an issue for him, is that it gets inflamed and then it traps bacteria. And so you just become really susceptible to getting sick.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Which explains why we haven't had 14 days in a row of him not being sick whatsoever. Then adding the fact that based off of his anatomy of his ear, that water gets trapped behind his ear drums. So basically for the last two and a half years, he's been under water listening to us, which explains his slow speech. Like he has not been able to, even though he's, like, we, we, we had him through speech therapy.
Starting point is 00:32:59 He's talking the way he hears it. Yes. It's like, I can communicate with him because I totally understand what he's wanted, what he wants because I'm with him every day and I can tell he understands everything. And even when we had them in speech therapy the speech therapist said, you know, I'm pretty much done here. I can tell he's he's learning he's just going to be one of those kids who talks later is what her explanation was to it. And it wasn't until we saw the the the specialist that was like, oh no, he's he's underwater. He's been listening to you guys muffled and they're like, just watch, you'll see a difference
Starting point is 00:33:27 immediately. And it's wild. Like we're on day three or no? Day three or four? Day three or four right now since the surgery. Now of course, the day after the day of and after he's kind of like, you know, still from the anesthesia. Yeah, anesthesia trying to wear off and that was,
Starting point is 00:33:44 that was a, that was hard, right? Katrina cried, like it was, it was pretty emotional. Yeah, anesthesia trying to wear off, and that was, that was it. That was hard, right? Katrina cried, it was pretty emotional. Because it's disordering. If you've ever come in anesthesia, it's disordering. So I can't really imagine for a kid. Yeah, going in was fine. He took the laughing gas and he was having fun
Starting point is 00:33:56 and he totally waved goodbye to Katrina, which was funny because she came out, she was crying. One, we still got these stupid COVID rules. Oh bro, don't get me started, right? Oh, Joe, don't get me started. Oh, just don't get me started. Don't get me started. I actually mouthed off inside there because I was so irritated because you know, my wife comes out crying because she just saw my son get taken away to go fucking.
Starting point is 00:34:14 The only one person. Yeah. And then like in this massive, empty freaking waiting room, you know, I'm consoling her to find out is it okay? Is he okay? What's going on? She's crying. Excuse me, sir. Excuse me. Only one only one only one parent in here. Oh my gosh. You're really just in. Yeah, that's all I felt right. So anyways, she, you know, she was crying because just because they took them, but she's like, I was like, is it okay? Is he okay? She was like, no, he was fine. I'm just emotional because they took them whatever. So they take him. I got to wait outside till all this is all done. And then when he comes out, he is. He's just
Starting point is 00:34:49 so disoriented that we had to stay out in the parking lot for like an hour. That's normal. Because he was just like, he and he's not like this. Like I, I don't know if I've told you guys I, he loves the car. He's never in three years now, cried to get in the car seat. He loves to go for a car ride. Like that's why one of his favorite things to do and trying to get him in the car seat, he was just flipping out. He wanted to be held, probably.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Yeah, he just, he wanted to be held. He didn't want to sit down. He just wanted mom to hold him. And he couldn't even want me. He wanted, he just wanted her and just to hold him and just, and so we had to do that for like an hour. And Katrina was like looking at me like we got to go. And I'm like, no, you guys had already told me, don't even come to work. You do just don't worry about it
Starting point is 00:35:27 So I told her I said listen, I'm not gonna go into work. Just we'll sit out here I said we'll just sit in the parking lot until he calms down. So he calmed down We took him home and of course all day he was in and out sleeping and so you can't really tell anything then But he woke up the next day very next morning like Just bright-eyed bushy-tailed, happy, playing, talking, and right away, what we saw him doing already was talking to himself more, so he could probably hear himself more clear, so he'd be babbling and talking
Starting point is 00:35:56 when he's playing and stuff with his toys. That's so awesome. And then, then all of a sudden, when we were talking to him, he was like trying to repeat everything we said, like way more than usual. Like normally I have to like try and get him to say something like triangle square and I'm coaching him where I was just talking to him and then he would try
Starting point is 00:36:13 and say what I was saying. So he was already trying to, now it's still not super sharp, but in those three days that have gone by, it's gotten sharper and sharper and sharper each day. Which is crazy. Well I gotta apologize, I must have messaged you I can't handle that One of the kids is I'm like texting him every five seconds
Starting point is 00:36:30 You were devil you were devil you like consoling from afar Sounds emotional and scared enough for all of us that's when it comes to the kids man I know I can't handle no, I appreciate that I appreciate checking up on everybody too Like as far as the audience like I mean I got I got so many DMs and messages I tell you what was one of the coolest things that I got and I and then I'll say up on it. And everybody too, like as far as the audience, like I mean, I got so many DMs and messages, I tell you what was one of the coolest things that I got, and I'll say it on the show, because I probably didn't get a chance to answer everybody. But I got, when I first talked about on the show,
Starting point is 00:36:55 what was really nice, and I share with Katrina, by the way, this is one of the things that really made her feel better going into the surgery, was I must have got, I don't know, 50 plus DMs. Oh, that's one. Other parents who've done the process. Who have done it? And we're just like, oh my God, it's amazing at them.
Starting point is 00:37:13 It's so worth it. When Western medicine does things, right? It was, right? Oh man, so that was really, really cool to experience that and to get that type of response from everybody. I shared with Katrina and they made her feel so much better That we were that so many people had such great success and was such an easy surgery. I'm so glad that Yeah, that was my
Starting point is 00:37:33 That part and then I so now we're going through this Yeah, for thank you Justin Fertility expert like so Katrina went sorry because we gave kind of like this cutoff date that if we don't get pregnant by a time Max turns three, that we're gonna shut down the factory. It's just partially that's our agreement that we just decided. And she's gonna be 42.
Starting point is 00:37:57 That's already starting to get a pretty good age gap. If I have two kids, I want them to be more like siblings and not more like parent sibling relationship, which I think tends to happen after you get beyond four or five years. Yeah, I agree. Correct me if I'm wrong. I think that's just kind of what happens, tends to.
Starting point is 00:38:13 So that's we've just agreed on that, right? So we're getting closer to that crunch time. And so Katrina says, you know, I just want to explore like, I know we haven't been really trying for very long, but let's just go see what a fertility expert. So I'm like, she's been doing all this and I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, agreeing to whatever. we haven't been really trying for very long, but let's just go see what a fertility expert. So I'm like, she's been doing all this, and I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, agreeing to whatever,
Starting point is 00:38:28 I'm not really paying attention to be honest with you. So I'm just like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure, I'll do whatever. I'll be there. Be in a typical husband, right? To get a typical husband, right? Hey, in 30 minutes, what's happening? Wait, what's happening?
Starting point is 00:38:37 In 30 minutes, you gotta go take off and go. Hey, what are you guys gonna do to me? Literally, that says this goes, yeah, I'm just agreeing to shit, like the typical fucking husband who's pretending to listen, who's not really listening, like, yeah, honey, whatever I support you, whatever, whatever, we'll do it. Tell me when. Yeah, so that she tells me just last week, she goes,
Starting point is 00:38:51 um, tomorrow you're going to the clinic, um, to do the sperm thing. And I'm like, what? Sperm thing, what clinic? Me, why am I going? Thought you were doing all this stuff, right? She's like, no, you have to go down there, get a sample.
Starting point is 00:39:02 I said, we just had sex like yesterday. You want me to go and they want me to fill something up? I just said, yeah, let me drive. You got into like a fight, like over it. She's like, I told the doctor how much sex we have. I told her that we have sex like every other day and she's like, well, you should wait five days and then I asked her, is it?
Starting point is 00:39:18 That's a lot of pressure. They're like filling up to the same thing. Bro, that's exactly how I said it. That's exactly what I said. I got mad, I'm like, I have to give them a certain amount. And she's like, well, no, it's okay. Because if you don't, you just have to do it again. I'm like, I don't want to have to do this multiple times.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Right then and there, or you come back. You need to come back again. I was gonna say that's a lot of pressure. Yes. And then look at the cup, yeah, go back in the reader. And then go Katrina, I said, the likelihood that I'm gonna have to come back
Starting point is 00:39:42 because we had sex yesterday is pretty high. At least give me another day or two in between and we can't have sex So she's like okay, so she pushed it out two more days So at least I had like a three-day break It's a little bit of a build of hold on so how does this work you go in oh, bro? So this is always I've always thought it's a worse experience ever Well, I was gonna say because I refuse to do it again everybody knows You're jerking off.
Starting point is 00:40:05 That's what's weird about it. You show up, they give you a cup and you're like, hey, thank you. It's awkward, the nurses, I contact with everybody in there. The nurses are awkward, the procedures weird. So can you walk in? It's the procedure. It's the process, the process, that's procedure,
Starting point is 00:40:20 the bolt. What do I do with my hands? No, actually I haven't done it like this before. This is not, even when I do it at home, it doesn't look like this at all. Nothing like this at all. So I walk into this place, right? Which is, and they're all COVID it out, they was like, I wear a mask too, okay?
Starting point is 00:40:37 So I'm a masked up and I already ruins my mask. I did to be too. I would never do this with a mask. I would never do this. On my on. I would never do this. On my own face? Yeah, yeah. With gloves. So I walked in.
Starting point is 00:40:50 I walked in. Bro, it's an awful experience. It really was. So I walk in. I check in and you're right. Everybody knows what you're there for. So it's just this weird feeling of like, okay, I'm going to check in. I'm going to sign some paperwork and then I'm gonna check in, I'm gonna sign some paperwork,
Starting point is 00:41:05 and then I'm gonna go, I'm supposed to masturbate in three minutes. Okay, like, yeah, how old school, like did you have like a TV and like, like, the age test, this is what I'm saying. Listen Linda, I check in, it's only a few minutes, and then a nurse escorts me back into this back room, and you walk in this room, and it's disgusting. I mean, because it's set up to do just that.
Starting point is 00:41:27 They're set up. I mean, so there's a leather spinning bed. There's a leather chair, music play. There's a leather chair with an ottoman and it's got one of those big. Wow, you can do like a late pot version. And then it has a big dog pee pad on it. You know that you can throw away
Starting point is 00:41:44 because people's naked asses are probably sitting on this thing, right? And then you have a TV in front of you with your wide selection of DVD collection. It has like the dim lighting. But here's the weird part. Immediately you're thinking of all the dudes that were in there before you.
Starting point is 00:41:57 100% is all I'm thinking about. It's like literally, there was 15 dudes right before me today. I'm thinking about. That works for some people. Yeah, and I'm like like you know, you're like You know and of course they have like Please now now you're competitive where you're like, hey, what's the most? You mean the most anybody's or pop out. I'm already feeling insecure with the jar You know saying like my wife will again me three days like if I wouldn't know this is gonna be like
Starting point is 00:42:19 That would be like a great work. Is that what you tell them for a month? You know say like a mug. we're not having anything like this. I'm gonna float this thing up, you know? But, so she surprised me, you know, hey, tomorrow, you're gonna go to this. Now we got good health insurance with my plan. Oh my. But the nurse could help you.
Starting point is 00:42:35 So, no, okay. They had this weird process where, and it's like, you have this sheet on the wall, okay? So this whole thing is awkward. And I had to read all these rules. There's an order. I have to wash my hands, dry them, no lubrication. You have to fill this paperwork out.
Starting point is 00:42:52 It's a nice paint, right? Then you have to, yes, you have to, you have to, you have to, you have to, you sit here, throw this away, then wash hands again, then stand, there's a red X on the ground. And it's in the corner. So I have to like, so you're aiming for?
Starting point is 00:43:04 No, no, no, no, this is after. So I have to stand in the corner on this red X on the ground and it's in the corner. So I have to like, so you're aiming for? No, no, no, no, this is after. So I have to stand in the corner on this red X and I push, I unlock the door and push the light in and I have to wait for the nurse to come in to let her know that I'm done. It's just this, it's all, wait a minute. Something, what happened before that they decided to add that? I don't know what's the been of dude in there like,
Starting point is 00:43:23 you know, I'm done. That's exactly what I'm talking about. That's what I think happens has to be to add that. I don't know what's the been of dude in there like, you know, I'm done. That's exactly what I think happens. Has to be something like that. That's just sweat. You hold the cup for me. But I mean, every bit about it was awkward and weird and just, I'm gonna talk about the mental games
Starting point is 00:43:37 because you're not, I mean, it's hard to be in the mood like that, you know what I mean? And I'm not like that at all. I'm not, like I know some guys can like just turn it on and just like that's, I'm not one of those dudes dude. I don't have like this like, they have like affirming like words coming through the speakers like, you're such a great guy. You work so hard. You're so good looking. Yeah. All the tapes are like, you know, like nursing hospitals. It's weird. It was, it was very, and then, but you hit
Starting point is 00:44:01 the, you don't have to go back. Well, and then I, I mean, I don't know what you guys, but I mean, I've never tried to aim to aim into a little plastic cup, not that. He and a plastic cup. He and a plastic cup. He and a plastic cup, not such a big deal. Shooting that in a plastic cup is unpredictable. It is very unpredictable and not very,
Starting point is 00:44:21 not, not, not opaque or clear. A little bit of both. Oh, so you can see what's going on. That's weird. Yeah. Oh, you, not opaque or clear. A little bit of both. You can see what's going on. That's weird. Yeah. Oh, you mean the jars, yeah. No, it's like a clear, clear, like,
Starting point is 00:44:31 you're, you're a little, the same thing you pee in. It's the same thing. Those same little cups that you pee in. You're mad at me. I bet you, I get it, because obviously they do this all the time. Look, it's a medical thing. I get it. We're all being, you know, kids about it,
Starting point is 00:44:43 but somebody at some point is dropping on those jars on the floor. You know what I mean? For sure. all being, you know, we're all being, you know, kids about it, but somebody at some point is dropping one of those jars on the floor, you know what I mean? For sure. Somebody, could you imagine that? Ruined the sample. The guys like, oh God, I finally, oh no! Shit, I got to go. It was, let's just say it was very difficult for me
Starting point is 00:44:54 to keep everything clean and not make it best. And I was like, really trying not to do that. Okay, and so then the million dollar question is, you vetted this doctor that's then, you know, tried this, oh yeah, and watched it, and that's it. I watched the documentary, that's right and everyone fly it. Oh yeah. I want to document that's my number one concern this whole process like I want to make sure I talk to Katrina like how do we know that it's mine that
Starting point is 00:45:11 they're going to use like are they going to for sure do that so right what we're doing okay we're not doing in vitro we're doing some I I don't know the name you have to ask her oh it's you uh I I you know no I can't remember the name so they basically flush her and then they they clean mine. Yeah, they put it in as close they can't they be injected in toward essentially. Yeah, but we're not doing any they're not in vitro. She's ovulating and then they do.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Yes, yeah, yeah. So that's what this whole thing, but yes, she was just telling me today. She's just like, I said, did you hear anything back? I mean, am I good? My way was was, did I hit the mark? She's like, well, if we don't, you just go back. I just, no, I'm not. You better find out if I could do homework because I ain't fucking going in there again.
Starting point is 00:45:49 I'm a home service. There's no way. You could not get me to do that again. I'm sorry. There's, it was that awkward and weird for me that I don't, I wouldn't want to. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:59 It is kind of weird. I get it. Like, again, that's a private thing. You're just like, you're walking in. Everybody knows. Yeah. What's going on? Hi. I'm that's a private thing. You're like you're walking in everybody knows Yeah, what's going on? Hi, I'm here for the trial. They don't try and make you feel comfortable or be lighthearted about thing It's all like oh militant You know sterile. Yeah, dude like tell me some jokes or something so I get my mind off of what I'm doing like anything
Starting point is 00:46:19 But off of like just wow. Yeah, well you just reminded me of a weird article I read the other day So there was a man in Ireland. I got to read this to you guys because this is the craziest. I don't know, guys do some weird shit sometimes. That's all I can say. So this dude was hospitalized, right for this. I'm going to read you the title of this. Hospital man, hospitalized man, regrets injecting himself
Starting point is 00:46:42 with semen to cure his bad back. So apparently this guy thought that if himself with semen to cure his bad back. So apparently this guy thought that if he injected semen into his back, it would cure his back pain. Wow, we're going to get this and weird biohacking. I have no idea, but it didn't work. So that's all. I mean, we have people rolling on their backs and but whole tanning right now. Yeah, that's not me. It's not that far from me. That's not that far from me. It's not that far from me.
Starting point is 00:47:09 You know what's dumb about that is that this is the part of the social media fitness industry that it's so ridiculous to me. There was a point where, here's a thing. A lot of people in the fitness space, they try to find reasons to take pictures of themselves, semi-naked, and it was a great excuse for people to show themselves laying out in the sun
Starting point is 00:47:30 with their legs open pointing towards us. I saw a lot of people in fitness influencers. Never only first started the podcast. There was like the first couple of years, it was like that movement of like everybody taking naked. Oh, butt shots. Yeah, butt shots all naked. Remember that was like a trend for like a year
Starting point is 00:47:44 and two years. One of our friends did it. Yes. What are you doing? What is this? I need a reason, you know. Oh, thanks. You know, and there you go. No.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Anyway, I'm gonna take, I'm gonna, I'm gonna move this to healthier real quick. Okay. I want to give a shout out to a lot of us. Wait, we were talking about health. It's this kind of healthy press. Yeah. I want to talk, I want to give a shout out to our friend Dr. Becky Campbell, because she's helped me and Jessica out with a rail.
Starting point is 00:48:04 So check this out, right? So Arrelia's has been getting these kind of like, are you guys familiar with a low histamine diet? Have you, you guys have talked about it? Yeah, of course, no. No, I've had a lot of those. No, no, no, no, things like that. Protocol.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Yeah, okay, so he's been getting kind of the smiled rash. We're trying to figure out what's going on. So as we're doing this testing, Dr. Becky Campbell suggested that we do a low histamine diet, and it totally, it's totally working. Now that's not the solution, that's just temporary, why we figure out what is actually going on, but I can't believe
Starting point is 00:48:35 the difference in my son's skin. Literally within three or four days, we saw a dramatic improvement, and so we're avoiding any high histamine food, so like no sardines, because that's canned fish if he eats meat. It's got to be fresh We're avoiding things like avocado which is histamine citrus fruits which are histamine releasing and there's a whole list She has a book what that she wrote about all this and she's again. She's been helping us but yeah, man What a remarkable difference he's had in his skin, you know the speed of that
Starting point is 00:49:02 I don't remember when I told you guys that we were Exploring cutting out out the gluten from Max. Katrina said she noticed it right away. Wow. So I think that's what it was. Was he was eating that, that raisin bread toast like every single day for a long time. And I don't know if that was the root cause of what was going on or that was just making
Starting point is 00:49:20 it worse. Like it was just inflaming him or making it more difficult to burn. I know there's a lot of conflicting information about gluten. I think gluten is one of those things, my strong opinion is, it's one of those things that if you could tolerate it, well, it's not a problem. But if you have an issue with food,
Starting point is 00:49:37 it tends to be gluten tends to be one of those things. It's a highly reactive, right? It's a highly reactive, right? Yeah, it's a protein found in plants and it's a highly reactive one for a lot of people. So if you have like autoimmune issues, one of the first things you want to cut out is gluten. But I don't think gluten's bad like dairy. Dairy is a highly reactive food for a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:49:55 But for some people, it's perfectly fine and extremely healthy. I wouldn't put gluten in the same category necessarily in terms of healthiness, but I noticed a difference with myself, with my kids, eliminating gluten, and obviously they have my genetics, so they probably are somewhat reactive to certain foods. Yeah, I mean, any kind of gut issues, I mean, it's the gluten made a massive difference for me,
Starting point is 00:50:15 and then also like, courties on the histamine, kind of protocol Dr. Becky Kamil, as was a game changer, because she was like Hashimoto's, was a little dealing with that. Did it work for her? So yeah, totally has been. Styroid is remarkable.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Yes, thyroid often thyroid issues, people are reactive to gluten. So if you have hyper thyroid, hypothyroid, too much or too little, oftentimes eliminating gluten makes a pretty big impact. So I had this speaking to our kids and stuff. I had one of those moments where Ethan, so my oldest, decides to rebel a bit, right? And so I'm like, oh great, like it begins. But this is actually one of those where I'm like allowing it and tolerating because I'm like,
Starting point is 00:50:59 if he's gonna rebel at anything, at least it's this. So we lost him to a different Bay Area team instead of the A's. So he's like, he just bought himself a Giants hat like right in front of me, like deliberately. Wow. Rebelly, I'm like, what the hell is this? Oh wow. We're A's family.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Yeah, that's interesting. Yeah, and he just was like, ha ha ha. Like in my face about it, dude. Oh, that's funny. That's the age right, 12. Okay, buddy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He ha ha ha, like in my face about it. Oh, that's buddy. That's the age right? Okay, buddy. Yeah, he's about one's he turned 13. Yeah, so not so, uh, March, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Yeah. Now, I imagine this must mean he's at the age now, because it's about that age. I remember for me too, where him and his buddies are probably starting to talk sports. And are they actually watching or getting into it? Like, is he starting to watch? Yeah, his friends are big giants fans and all that. And I'm like, that's inevitable. But like I've been in here, I take a little bit of like it,
Starting point is 00:51:49 it stings a little because I had all these plans of taking them to Ace Games this summer. My brother is we're huge Ace fans and like he's already indoctrinated his boy and is totally into it. I'm like, oh, this is great because I remember that growing up. And then it's like, and now he's just already. So yeah, but you know what would be great though because the battle of the Bay happens every year. Yeah, that now becomes a traditional game that you guys go to. Now those two things you can do
Starting point is 00:52:11 is off the top of my head. If you push back against him, he'll always be a Giants fan because it's something he does with his dad or if you act like no big deal. Yeah, comes the A's game. You can wear a Giants hat and you just let him chill and he might go back to. Oh yeah, no, I mean, I definitely sarcastically, like, shun him. I'd be torn on what I'd want because I get where you're coming from, like the rebellious side because there's a part of you that would probably empower and want the,
Starting point is 00:52:40 like, I'm my own individual and I'm gonna like who I want, like just because you like that part I do but then there's a part of course as a dad. Oh, I was like oh, it's like a missed opportunity for me You know, but at the same time I remember even personally there was like that age like it totally was around like 13 or that where My brother and my dad both love the Lakers and all that and I was like full on Celtics Yeah, you know or you know Michael Jordan and the Bulls, like just to be antagonist.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Yeah, yeah. Oh man. So you got a love, I mean, he's got you and you. Yeah, so I get it. You know, but it's like, I rebelled by wearing excessively baggy jeans and I remember my dad's, Oh yeah, dude, I came home.
Starting point is 00:53:19 I came home. Those are the best. Oh dude, I came home and my dad's like, are you gonna wear pants that fit you? And I said, and I replied the wrong way to my dad. I said, you can't tell me what I'm gonna wear. And he goes, I'll rip those pants off you right now. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, dad.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I went and changed. Cause you would, you would've run out of the outfit. Have you seen those trends? Andrew has to definitely throw this clip in there. There's a viral TikTok trend that's going right now. Where guys, have you seen this yet, Andrew? Yeah. Where dudes walk up behind other guys and they grab the back two pockets
Starting point is 00:53:47 and they're bouncing by the loose thread in. And they just riff from the back pockets and just riff the jeans off. Now do they precut them ahead of time? Because that's like, I mean, that's tough. Yeah, it's hard to do. We'll click, pull someone down.
Starting point is 00:53:59 This guy wears jeans all the time. We'll practice on it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I mean, Doug does. No, I mean, we'll get you. You don't want, you don't want Doug. They're too expensive. You don't want Doug to go on. I can't do it. Doug has a line. You don't want to cross that line with this. No, you don't want to bear us, Doug.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Okay, I've seen it at the line ever since. Speaking of Doug, Doug, did you know that butcher box now has these ribs that are already pre-cooked and marinated yet? I do not know that. So I just bought those. So you just warm up in the oven and then you're done? Yeah, it's all you need to do. How are they?
Starting point is 00:54:29 Well, I haven't had them yet. So I cooked last night. I have a cook them tonight. So I'll give the feedback on how. They're getting more and more of those products where they're already pre-done. Yeah, wasn't it, I got the burnt ends. Yeah, the burnt ends are already, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Yeah, those are good. I have those. So I did those last week. I did the pork, pulled pork was really good. So I recommend it on the burnt, and I want to hear you guys is opinion on it. So the burnt ends I did in the oven, what I didn't do, the first time I did it twice, the first time what I didn't do,
Starting point is 00:54:53 it was add anything or do it. The second time I actually put barbecue sauce on it, because recooking already cooked burnt ends, kind of dried the metal a little bit. Yeah, it helps to kind of keep them moist. That's right. So recommendation if you buy that, that's what I would do, is I would lather them up with your favorite barbecue sauce, and then then re-cook them again, because then it'll soak
Starting point is 00:55:12 up the juice. Speaking of protein, so you guys know how I've been kind of trying to cut calories, and I'm going to be doing some videos for my pump. I can't reveal too much of what's going on, but I've been trying to keep my protein. I've only had fans. Yeah, that's it right there. I've been trying to keep my protein. I'm not only fans. Yeah, that's it right there. I've been trying to keep my protein up, and it's really hard to do calorie wise because obviously protein often comes with fat calories, right?
Starting point is 00:55:32 And it's not very palatable. We dry chicken breast or whatever. So I've been doing the bone broth protein from Paleo Valley, but a lot. Like I've been doing over 100 grams a day of the bone broth protein. Oh my god. So, okay, do you double up on a survey or do you actually make four sheets a day of the bone broth protein. Oh my God. So, okay, do you double up on a serving or do you actually make four sheets a day? I can do 60 to 70 grams at once.
Starting point is 00:55:49 No effect on my gut at all. Is it make it chalky and thick? No, not bad. Okay. You put that in your shake, your protein. Water. Just mix it up and I pound it. And it does not have some water with your shake, huh?
Starting point is 00:56:01 Listen, it's like all powdered. Nothing, listen, I can't do that with protein powders usually. But with the bone broth, does not bother my gut at all. It's literally, is that what I cut? Is that cut neutral kind of? Is that because I can't help thin it is? It is because it's bone broth, protein, and it's super unprocessed.
Starting point is 00:56:16 It's literally, there's nothing in it. If you look at the bag and look at ingredients, bone broth protein, there's no flavor, no color, no nothing. So, I mean, I can load up on it, and I can't do that with any other protein, because it tends to bother me. I haven't even played with that one. You use that consistent one.
Starting point is 00:56:30 I always see you scooping that in the back. I didn't know you just eat all the beef sticks. So, yeah, I'm happy with those. I know, they have, I mean, they knocked it out the park with that. By the way, we had those turkey, I never got a turkey one. Oh, you guys crushed, you guys crushed all the turkey ones. I think you got to get faster.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I think they're, I'm gonna keep eating those. They're as good as the beef ones, or maybe even better. They're really good. They really are though. Really? I just wanted to joke. They're really good.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Wow. Super tasty. Hey real quick, you gotta check out one of our sponsors. Live on Lab. So they make supplements with liposomal delivery technology. What is that? That means when you take the supplement, the liposomal technology encapsulates it in a liposome, okay, and it gets to the target tissues of your body.
Starting point is 00:57:09 What does that mean? That means you don't pee it out. It's absorbed where you want it to get absorbed. And right now you can get lipogluidothione for free when you bundle B-complex with vitamin C. The liposomal glutathione, one of my favorite supplements, actually works really well for my health, my immunity, and I notice better recovery. But anyway, their supplements are some of the best. This is pharmaceutical grade technology. You gotta go check them out. Go to liveonlabs.com.
Starting point is 00:57:35 That's L-I-V-O-N-L-A-B-S.com. Forward slash M-P for that hookup. All right, here comes the rest of the show. First question is from Freeman Axtel. What are some of your favorite ways to increase recovery capacity? Oh, that's a really good question. The number one way that I notice
Starting point is 00:57:57 an improvement in my recovery is if I have better, more consistent quality sleep. I don't notice anything impact my recovery quite is good. Aside from obviously, it's one of the biggest factors for recovery and general. I would, so. Now consider my diet isn't, go doesn't go from bad to good and that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:58:15 I mean, we all eat pretty relatively good. So what I would challenge as far as more impactful, I mobility, man. Doing like a recovery. Yeah. Doing after, after. Doing like a recovery. Yeah. Doing after a really hard training session, doing a really good mobility session to follow that, either the same day or the day after,
Starting point is 00:58:36 facilitates recovery. I noticed a big difference from that. Yeah, more so than all the other hacks. I play with everything, right? We do the coal plunge, we've got the sauna stuff. Like, you know, those things, those things are all cool hacks. And if you got the money to spend on stuff like that, I think they all work.
Starting point is 00:58:51 And I think they're all cool. But mobility, rest, and feeding yourself has to be the three. It is, I used to rely a lot on food when I was younger. I would just eat more. And I would fool myself by doing that because you get a short-term strength increase by bumping your calories, but it wouldn't last very long.
Starting point is 00:59:12 And then I start putting on body fat. But sleep still to this day, if I'm like, ooh, I feel a little over-trained. If I'll go and I'll be like, okay, tonight, you know, two hours before bed, I'm gonna turn off all the electronics, I'm gonna make sure the room is set up nice. I'm gonna make sure I don't eat anything a few hours before bed, I'm gonna turn off all the electronics, I'm gonna make sure the room is set up nice, I'm gonna make sure I don't eat anything
Starting point is 00:59:25 a few hours before bed, stay calm, you know, do some nice, you know, stretching beforehand, and I get good sleep and I always wake up the next day, notice, and the same thing if I'm starting to get sick, if I'm starting to get sick, a good night of sleep makes a huge difference. I really have not done anything else that makes that big of an improvement.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Now you mentioned a bunch of these hacks, right? Like cold plunge and sauna. I think that can help. I, it doesn't come close though. It doesn't come close though. Yeah, I know. Like, I think that's what they're kind of trying to get out of us. And like, there's things like, even with the Juve light,
Starting point is 00:59:56 like the red light therapy, like, I like to use that every now and then for like, when I'm doing my mobility practices, or I'm just doing light movement, I do it in front of the Juve. If I've had really hard intensive training sessions where I know I'm going to be sore, but it's like what's moving the needle more? Is it that or is it me just like getting that kind of recovery movement? But it doesn't hurt, you know, it's like to add all these things in the mix if you can. Listen, if you're hitting those three, then those things are awesome in my opinion. If you are hitting adequate protein intake, you are resting, you're doing active recovery
Starting point is 01:00:29 through mobility days, then adding the infrared sauna or the chewed flight or cold plunge stuff, I think is awesome. I think it's, that's a great throw of massage in there. Right, yeah, or deep tissue massage. Those things are, I think, are going to complement on the accelerate, help. Those things are phenomenal, but I wouldn't replace those things. No, sleep's the biggest living. And I, you know, it's one of the things that I think that
Starting point is 01:00:57 we take a lot of pride on since we've started this show. Like, we started this show long before there was obviously sponsors and stuff. And, you know, we obviously get paid to talk about products like this, right? We have partners in these products that we think are awesome. But I don't think we'll ever change our messaging around the natural holistic way for you to approach recovery and building muscle. Which is they don't replace it. They don't. You get bad sleep.
Starting point is 01:01:21 It's not the big rocks. Exactly. But if you are taking care of the big rocks and you have the financial means to invest in some of these things, I think they're awesome. Now, one thing that we need to say too is if you're playing this game
Starting point is 01:01:35 where you're like, how can I increase my recovery capacity? I, in some circumstances, I get it. Let's say you're in the military or you're playing a sport and you have to train at a particular intensity and they're requiring you to do certain amount of practices. This makes sense. But for people who work out on their own, oftentimes when they're like, how can I increase my workout capacity?
Starting point is 01:01:55 That's that really indicating. You're working out too much or too hard, right? That's oftentimes the problem. It's like, okay, let's back off on the training. Now, if you're barely working out and like, why am I not recovering? I look at sleep. I look at diet. I look that kind of stuff. But I've had a lot of people tell me that like, hey, how can I increase my workout capacity? And we talk about, you know, their sleep and their diet and then I go, well, let me look at your workout. Oh, you're working out six days a week. Yeah. You know, you're doing 20 sets per body part. That's the problem. Not the fact that you're... It's really stress management. I mean, if there's a multitude of factors of stress that's in your lifestyle at the moment, like you got to kind of take inventory of that.
Starting point is 01:02:31 And if a meditation is something that you can incorporate, if there's ways of getting yourself into that parasympathetic state more effectively, then those are good tools to include. Yeah, and one of the most important things to understand with exercise is that the right dose will get you the fastest, less than that and more than that will not get you there any faster. And the right dose depends on the context of your life, your fitness level, your health, all those different things, meaning the right dose can change.
Starting point is 01:03:00 So aim for the right dose, not the most that you could get away with. Next question is from Kylie Johnson. How much protein is necessary in a fat loss phase for women? Okay, the word is necessary here. So what's necessary would be essential protein intake, meaning you got to eat at least enough protein to meet your essential amino acid requirement, because below that, and you get sick, you literally need a certain amount of amino acids, okay?
Starting point is 01:03:29 But besides that, okay, let's talk about what's optimal because necessary and optimal are two different things. For most women or most people, optimal is anywhere between about half your body weight to your body weight and grams of protein. So if you weigh 120 pounds, it's anywhere between 60 to 120 grams, if you weigh 120 pounds, it's anywhere between 60 to 120 grams. If you're 150 pounds, so on,
Starting point is 01:03:47 probably more towards the higher end is what I found to be most successful. Well, they did, and they didn't they do a study on that for like if you were hitting like your, you know, just your base amount that your body needs versus going above that like one and a half times or whatever the amount of atrophy that happened. Didn't they do a study?
Starting point is 01:04:07 Oh, it's better off. I mean, you eat almost the gram of protein per pound of body weight. Of course, this has to be reasonable. If you're really obese, use your lean body mass. But if you do that, you're more likely to lose body fat, less likely to lose muscle. You have more satiety.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Meaning your appetite is controlled better. Insulin tends to be controlled a little better, blood sugar control better. That's part of the insulin. And it just, it tends to work better. As is true for everybody, some people get constipated with too much protein or it doesn't work with their digestion,
Starting point is 01:04:37 but generally speaking, higher protein as a percentage of your calories, just works better, especially for fat loss. It's so important. You have to understand that when you're in a cut, you're reducing your calories, and if you're also not hitting your protein intake, right? Or have not optimizing it.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Yeah, or optimizing it. It's one of the fastest ways for you to lose muscle also. Yep. So, and that's not normally somebody's goal. Normally when somebody wants to lose fat, they don't want to lose muscle. Yeah, they don't want to lose muscle also. So, and that's not normally somebody's goal. Normally, when somebody wants to lose fat or lose muscle. Yeah, they don't want to lose muscle. You definitely, I mean, you're going to slow your metabolism down. That's what makes the shape that you probably worked for.
Starting point is 01:05:14 You know, they've done so. You know, they've done so. You know, they've done so. Yeah, I isn't it like how much carbohydrates is necessary for a phase for fat. Yeah, well, it's hard for me focusing on that. Well, carbohydrates aren't necessary at all. Right. Not saying it wouldn't be great to eat on, I think, for better performance, but they're
Starting point is 01:05:27 just not a necessary macronutrient. Fats and proteins are essential. I mean, you have to consume them. But they've even done studies on sedentary individuals and people who have had to recover from an injury, higher protein intake, all of the things being controlled, results in less muscle loss, in less strength loss. Like if you're sedentary completely, let's say you get injured, you're bedridden,
Starting point is 01:05:52 you're gonna lose some muscle, a higher protein intake, you lose less muscle. So it's a very valuable macronutrient when you're talking about fat loss and muscle maintenance when it comes to weight loss. So high protein for most people works. Now, FitFX or digestion negatively. You get constipated, you don't feel good,
Starting point is 01:06:10 listen to your body, ignore what I'm saying. But probably eight or nine out of 10 people watching this, you're better off with a higher protein intake. Next question is from Cammy Cake 21, egg whites versus whole eggs. Oh man, whole eggs. Yeah, all of the eggs. Okay, so there's one benefit to egg whites.
Starting point is 01:06:26 It's lower calorie. That's about it, right? All the other benefits go to whole eggs. This was, I even went through a kick at doing this for a little bit. It was so popular in the bodybuilding space. Nobody ate whole eggs. And you know what's funny?
Starting point is 01:06:38 It was like, I remember doing it and actually just kind of doing it because everybody was doing it and not really like paying attention to what the difference was. And then I remember like actually tracking and looking at it and go, well, that's weird. Okay, yeah, I lose calories, but I also lose half the protein.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Yeah. So it's like, and that's one of the hardest things for you to get when you're especially when you're cutting is enough protein. It's the fat because so, because egg whites is pure protein. It's like a protein shade, right? I know, but you still lose, there's like seven grams in an egg and three of it is in the, uh, three of it's in the yolk and four of it's in the white. Yeah. So you lose almost half the protein in the
Starting point is 01:07:11 egg by cutting out the yolks. Yeah. Yeah. And from what we know about dietary cholesterol now, and that you know, yeah, there's a precursor to testosterone. So to, to, to, to, to, to do that, all to save, uh, 30 calories, I mean, I'm better off, instead of doing a full cup of rice to do three quarters of a cup of rice, or instead of throwing two tablespoons of butter throughout the day, I use one tablespoon of butter. I mean, there's also the yolk is the multivitamin of nature. The egg white has protein. There's very little other nutrients. The yolk is packed full of nutrients, and they've done studies.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Here's the best part. Now they have studies comparing egg whites to egg yolks, excuse me, egg whites to whole eggs. When all of the things are controlled, protein intake and everything, whole eggs results in more muscle gain, results in better protein synthesis. So the whole egg is actually more anabolic than the egg whites.
Starting point is 01:08:06 And what's funny is that the bodybuilding, musclebuilding community pre-1980s, because in the 80s it was all about low fat. That was what was being preached to everybody. Before that, nobody ate egg whites. It was all companies that just focused on egg white, still getting rid of the yolks completely and pouring just the egg white. Dude, they used to promote eating tons of whole eggs as this anabolic muscle building, you know, kind of formula.
Starting point is 01:08:34 And it is, I do it, and I notice a big difference. The only thing that I liked, so there's various companies that do like the pump, and I went on this kick for a while when I was competing. What I liked about it was I could add it to anything that's like flavorless. So you can literally make a shake with it. That's right, wait.
Starting point is 01:08:50 I would take a shake that was already like a 35, 40 gram shake of protein and then I would pump like four pumps with another 10, 15 grams of egg whites because it would be flavorous and it kind of frosted up. So it actually kind of tastes good in a shake, or I would squirt it into my oatmeal. Because you wouldn't taste it. It would mix right in with the oatmeal, no problem, and you wouldn't get any taste.
Starting point is 01:09:10 So that way, I bet you will never catch me make eggs and not do the whole egg. They only cook egg whites. The only person I could see this having any value is controlling their calories and their macros to such a point that all they want is 30 grams of protein and no other calories. And they wanna do it from a food.
Starting point is 01:09:28 But even then, I would do what I said. I know. I'm just saying if they did everything else and they're like, you just cut it somewhere else. Like to your point earlier, the best part of the egg is the middle. You know, I only feed my 19 month old son, egg yolks.
Starting point is 01:09:45 He doesn't even have the whites. Cause whites, if you have an intolerance to eggs, it's usually to the white, not to the egg yolk. Cause the white has antibodies, it protects the yolk. So now this isn't true for everybody, but if you have an intolerance to eggs, try egg yolks oftentimes, it's not a problem. And so, and my son has a little bit of intolerance to egg whites,
Starting point is 01:10:04 but not the yolks. So every day for breakfast, the kid has literally three scrambled egg yolks every single morning. Next question is from Chicken Nuggies Pop. What are the pros and cons of double overhand versus mixed grip for deadlifting? Okay, so the only pros with a mixed grip, so mixed grip is where one hand is pronated, one hand is supinated. The only pros to that is you can lift more weight. Because, because you can hold onto more weight.
Starting point is 01:10:33 My grip is stronger when one hand is facing one way and the other way because the barbell doesn't roll out of your hand. It has to go through the surface. Usually that's limiting factor once you get up and weight. Yes, so that's the benefit. What's the detriment? It's imbalanced. One hand supinated, one hand pronated.
Starting point is 01:10:50 I learned this firsthand. I did lift, I love dead lifting, and I did not want to use wrist wraps, and I wasn't disciplined enough to always alternate which hand was forward, which hand was back. Eventually I found one favorite, which was this, and I was strongest that way. So that's how I always did my, my heaviest sets,
Starting point is 01:11:04 and I developed an imbalance, and you could see it in my back. And now it's been, I don't know, five years of me doing double overhand hook grip, which I can't lift quite as much with that, but I can't almost say that. Almost, it's I tried for a minute, I couldn't stick with it. It's hard. I can't believe you actually caught up to doing that.
Starting point is 01:11:22 I remember I still remember when we started the podcast, you were just starting the hook grip, and I remember trying to do it with you, and I'm like, this fucking. I got about 20 pounds off. I'm about 20 pounds off. It's all hell, though. Yeah, but this is balanced.
Starting point is 01:11:36 So if you're gonna use an alternate grip, you gotta make sure you alternate between sets. The other con is this supinated arm right here. It's not common, but people can tear their bicep in this position here because you might want to pull with your arm, and then you can see some injuries. But if you're a power lifter, obviously, you can't wear wrist wraps, I'd say do it. If you lift on your own, I would say, I don't know, try practicing a hook grip or alternate, but a hook grip is, I mean, so if you were to
Starting point is 01:12:02 choose one or the other, because I remember I had this, this dilemma after the fact of like realizing the imbalance that was coming from the double, the, I mean, the, um, alternate, the mixed grip, uh, straps or mix grip. Alternating mixed grip or always the same always the same. Oh, straps straps. Yeah, because you do develop an imbalance. You do. Now you're, you're not going to get a strong grip, obviously,
Starting point is 01:12:25 and you're not connecting the bar the same. But like I said, I had a distinct... So that's what I started doing when you went to hook grip, I couldn't stick to hook grip. What I would do is I would double overhand until I got to a weight where my grip started to become an eliminate factor. And then if I was trying to get up to PR-type numbers,
Starting point is 01:12:43 I would wrap up. I don't know how Olympic... Because I do a hook grip, but I don't do mixed. I can't do it like a weight lifter. Weight lifters will put their first two fingers over the thumb. That hurt. I can only do one finger, but Olympic lifters can lift massive amounts of weight with the hook grip. And you go as, you know, Lane, Lane pulls that way and he pulls about about 600 and something pounds that way. But I just can't, I can't do it and it's not, I guess, I don't know. I think it's obviously more balanced but it's not ideal. It still doesn't feel great. I tried it, it's hard. It's really something. I mean, I wish someone would
Starting point is 01:13:16 have introduced it to me very early on and so I just got used to it when I was doing like really lightweight but it was so frustrating for me to try and do it because I was so weak, it was the discrepancy, it was huge. The way I, but it was so frustrating for me to try and do it because I was so weak. It was the discrepancy. It was huge. The way I would train it was a mixed grip, but I would try to pay attention and have my client, okay, right hand forward, and then the next set, okay, left that hand forward, and just make it equal in terms of volume for both. I think that you're okay. There's no, you guys, I didn't hear, did you say any cons for a double overhand? There's no, there's no cons. You just can't hold
Starting point is 01:13:43 as much weight. Yeah, well, you get to a certain point where that's the first thing you're gonna fail. Right, that's basically it. But from a muscle balance, like unless you're a powerlifter competing or you're really, really diligent about alternating which hand is forward, which hand is back, I would say go double overhand,
Starting point is 01:13:59 see if you could practice your hook grip. That would probably be better. Look, if you like our show, head over to mindpumpfree.com and downloads our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal. You can also find all of us on social media.
Starting point is 01:14:11 So Justin is on Instagram at MindPump Justin, Adam is on Instagram at MindPump Adam and you can find me on Twitter at MindPumpSouth. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance. Check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:14:31 The RGB Superbundle includes MAPSANabolic, MAPS Performance, and MAPS Esthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources
Starting point is 01:15:06 at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support. And until next time, this is MindPump. Until next time, this is Mindbomb.

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