Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 190: Cravings, Zercher & front squats, eating before bed & MORE

Episode Date: November 25, 2015

Question time again! Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about cravings & deficiencies, Zercher squats, arm placement for front squats, mental v. physical failure, eating before bed & fat ga...in, reflexes and the actor they would choose to play them in their biographical film. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're back. All right, we have our weekly review winners. Our winners. Every week we have a new review contest and we give out one shirt, but oftentimes it's more for the best reviews. This last week, 12 reviews, 12 brand new reviews. Man, that's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:00:19 I mean, that's awesome. It is awesome, it really is. Our fans rule. They do, they do. The posse. And as always, it's very difficult to choose. And if you haven't been chosen, do better next time.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Yeah. No, I was actually gonna say, we really appreciate your reviews. Of course. Yeah. But not as much as the ones we're about to talk about. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:00:43 So we know. They're all important. We had 12 reviews. I'm going to give out four shirts four in the We made a money done we are giving shirts. I felt like you're kind of Valley girl with it for shirts For sure. Yeah, yeah, like am I yeah? Yeah? No, actually a couple people have not claimed their shirts So I'm gonna just give them away Yeah, if you don't listen to the show and don't know you do They will be give your shirt away
Starting point is 00:01:12 I got this email and man you gotta do right exactly So let me announce them that's right. Yes, steemen 22 Steemen see B.M. Reynolds. To God. To the US. Not your mama 7401 and Wolfgang Schulters. Yeah, all four of you have one. A shirt.
Starting point is 00:01:41 A shirt. How do they claim the shirt? Shirts McGurts. Okay, send an email to mindpirts, McGurray. Okay. Send an email to mindpumpradiogmail.com. Please only shirt winners send the message. Also give me your size, your address, and your iTunes name as well as your real name. And you get your free t-shirt.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Yes. And maybe some lingerie. Everybody else? Start your reviews for this coming week. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, mind, up, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews.
Starting point is 00:02:22 You're now listening to South Stefano. Followed by Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews have mercy. And the producer, Doug. Why did you guys make that awkward to me? Where did the cut that cut that? Yeah, it took too long to start over. I didn't, you know, Justin said, and Justin Andrews. So I thought it was all over at that point. No, and then you guys look at me. You can go and
Starting point is 00:02:48 Bro, hold on a second. We have an intervention with you. What do you have to talk with you? Okay. What do you do? What do you mean and you thought that he was done? You're the fucking producer You're the man. Oh, you're the guy. I don't ever think that again. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Dolly noted. Okay. That's he's just trying to feed our egos Oh, he knows that he's doing yeah, I'm on to Okay, good. That's he's just trying to feed our egos. He knows who he's doing. Yeah, I'm on to him now. I know who the real stars are here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:10 The stars in my eyes. Hey, what is today? Today is a quah. Quah, quah, quah, quah. Oh, quah, quah, quah, quah. National quah day. Yeah. You know what, this is what I want to listen to.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I want the listeners to do this. At some point in your day, Yeah, you know what? This is what I want to listen to for you. I want the listeners to do this at some point in your day We want you to yell that really fucking loud. So record it and just post it on Instagram And tag us. Yeah, it could be like a martial arts move Possibly it could be anything. Yeah, it could be anything just sneak up behind your grandma. Yeah, make her shit herself. Whatever Has probably don't do that. And then tag us on Instagram. We want to see it. Pretty soon here, Doug.
Starting point is 00:03:50 We're going to start doing a disclaimer before we start this show, I think. I know, mine pump takes no responsibility for deaths, no actions of quaw. Quaw. So let's do the Q&A. Quaw reign. Produce, Sir Doug.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Yes, because the question for fuck's sake.A. Prowaring. Produced Sir Doug. Yes. Yes, go ahead. Yes, go ahead. So question for fuck's sake. Okay. I do have the first question for you. I do have the first question for you. All right, Emily Hamm has a question. Are cravings indicative of deficiencies?
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yes, next question. No. Quick lightning round. But you're, ah, yes. They are either your deficient in calories or your deficient in a nutrient. And in fact, you can have a craving due to a deficient in the nutrient.
Starting point is 00:04:32 You know what our science is, we have a wrong here. I'm okay, hold on for a second. Hold on for a second. It reminds me of, you know how pregnant ladies, they eat like clay and like, you know, parts of mud because the body's telling him to. Cravings can be indicative of deficiencies, absolutely. So, Sal is right. They can be, but there's actually more studies out that actually prove that
Starting point is 00:04:54 over 70% of it actually is more psychological than anything else. It's a trial. So, a very small percentage is normally because you're in a deficiency. So for example, and I'm willing to guess, even though I don't know this for sure, but this is just anecdotal, I would say, with my clients, anybody who has the craving type thing, it is, it's my clients that are I'm cutting, you know, those ones that have those cravings, that's why it's due because of the deficiency. But if you're not in a caloric deficit, probably on a regular basis,
Starting point is 00:05:28 you're probably the other person who has more of the psychological side of it. So, you know what's a good point? Because if I'm bored and I'm at home and I'm not really doing anything, all of a sudden have cravings to eat shit. Oh yeah. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:05:40 Or if I'm watching a movie, have you ever watched a movie and had a craving for popcorn? It's like it's embedded in your psyche. So, but there can be cravings due to deficiencies, like magnesium. Oh, absolutely. And chocolate, it's like a association, right? So, some of those things, like you have memories
Starting point is 00:05:54 that are good and then you project your association with that, you know, particular thing. My wife will crave, especially when she's on her cycle, she'll crave like red meat. She wants a great solitary confinement. That's what I'm trying to do. He's on that.
Starting point is 00:06:15 But yeah, she'll crave. She's, I'll crave steak. She'll crave red meat. Well, so, so, and I teach Katrina this because we're constantly, we are living in deficits. A lot of times we're going on many cuts and many bulk all the time. So it is common for us that the craving is related to some sort of deficiency. So I normally teach her to assess her diet, you know, have you been getting a lot of your good fats, avocado, your nuts, have you been eating steak, have you been eating a lot of
Starting point is 00:06:42 these good fats more than likely if we're living living if we're eating super cleanly on calories, you might be you might be missing. You might be missing those fats. And so I'll tell her to ramp it up. In fact, I just told a client that the day of a cato to her diet or choose a amount of walnuts or almonds or something else. So anyways, it most certainly can't be that. But I'm just saying that a majority of the time it's more psychological. And the studies that I was reading were actually talking about just and that's through our entire lives of either whether we've been rewarding ourselves or being rewarded by somebody and that connection to food. So like, you know, everyone says like everyone loves cake. Well, some people don't love cake, right?
Starting point is 00:07:21 And I love the diamond. We call those people assholes. Well, here's what's crazy. This is the nerdy psychological part. I love to get into is that, you know, the studies will show that a lot of those things have to do with people have bad experience, maybe. You know, with the cake.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Yeah, with a birthday. Probably involve the clowns. A birthday or cake or a clown or something like that. And then they have to be on their side. Where most people relate cake to an event or party exciting happy and most people are cake lovers to a point right. So what you're saying is if we don't want our kids to eat shit when they grow up we should just give them bad experiences with these foods. We should make it taste like dog shit. Now I'm gonna give my kids some cake and be like you're gonna fucking eat all
Starting point is 00:07:59 that cake. Yeah. I don't care how many times you throw up and then that's it. They won't want to. Well do I need to keep referring back to my dog shit brownie? No, where do you think that kid is solid? Where do you think that strategy came from? Where do you think the old strategy, like what parents, parents who, when they were probably in the 60s and 70s, just to tell their kids they had to make them smoke the whole pack of cigarettes that they wanted to cigarette? Like, okay, you're going to sit down, we're going to smoke this whole pack of cigarettes,
Starting point is 00:08:21 we're going to have a cigar and inhale it. Like, what do you do? That's such an old tactic. I love it. It is though, right? What do you smoke this like a Stogie in the smoke? The whole Cuban like really? He's a member like these cartoons, these kids are in green and then puking.
Starting point is 00:08:39 That's so fucked up. You know what? Parents were fucking bad asses back in the day. They were like assholes. Hey, don't get me wrong. There's more part of us that kind of, I kind of like, that's kind of not a bad strategy. What do you think about it?
Starting point is 00:08:51 Because now that kid's gonna relate. No, you want to smoke a cigarette? Well, fuck, you're gonna smoke all the shit getting nicotine poisoning and lung cancer. Like teach you all to smoke a cigarette. Don't you dare smoke my cigarettes again? Which is of course why we can't do that now. But I find that hilarious. And but I mean that a lot of the food has to do with that.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Yeah, you know, you love going to the movies and what do you eat? You eat popcorn, you snack on Canada, you slurp, surproud of slurpee. So every time I'm out. You're saying it slips some anchovies in there. So yeah, you know, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:09:19 What's wrong with anchovies? I'm just I fucking delicious. Oh god, you're an anchovy lover. Anchovy, what? In popcorn? No, that's what I'm saying fucking delicious. Oh god, you're an anchovy lover. Anchovy, what? In popcorn? No, that's what I'm saying. Maybe. It's a furry meat, bro.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Me, you eat it's furry when it goes down your throat. It's salty. It's salty and delicious. You eat it with some hard cheese and some wine, bro. So is Dick. Okay, I'm not eating that. That is a very good point, bro. It's hairy. So so I've It's very so I've been told so I've been told
Starting point is 00:09:51 Well now you ruined that show is for your mother. Yes, you see what I did there. Oh, it's you went I was in junk food great job, bro. It's like it's like dick. All right next question War J asks about your thoughts on zurcher squats. Mm. Awesome. Good old zurcher. So old, it seems like it's an old school method, but yeah, it's, any guesses on who invented the zurcher squat?
Starting point is 00:10:16 Somebody named zurcher? Very good. Yeah. Yeah, I win. Yeah, no, I actually love to do those with athletes that like especially like baseball players like golf You know people that have a lot of dexterity use a lot of wrist movement stuff like that like I don't want to put it Their wrists in a compromised position. So I'll do a zircher squat instead of a you know a front-low squat So zircher squat for the listeners that's where you hold the bar and the crook of your elbow
Starting point is 00:10:47 and front your body and you hold it tight to your body and you do a squat. It's kind of like a combination between a deadlift and a front squat, that's what I found. I find the zurchar squat to be, it's painful in the arms, so you gotta get used to it. But I find it beneficial to my deadlift. If I throw those in sometimes instead of a deadlift,
Starting point is 00:11:06 it's a total different load to adjust to. And you definitely feel like different parts, like my core just lighting on fire and certain portions of the lift that I wouldn't necessarily feel and another type of a lift. So it's totally a different stimulus to adapt to for sure. Yeah, I can't say that it
Starting point is 00:11:25 looks bad. I can't say that I've used it a lot or that I've had clients do the only time I had a client do it and I had a couple guys I had this. So I've had a FedEx and UPS guys that I've trained before and because they're picking up and carrying these loads and boxes and stuff like that is just training them. It's a good technique. Yeah, and so, and just teaching you to take a heavy load like that off the ground and up, like that that position is very similar to that. So, and I'm in fact, I remember the reason why that even came with the very first time, where bike was what my FedEx guy had injured himself picking up a really heavy box and, you know, probably poor technique and form. And so, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:02 Zurcher Squats is a great way to train somebody like that. But other than that, you know, I feel like it is such a the middle or a cross between so many other movements. Like if you front squat and back squat and deadlift, I feel like you're gonna get out of that. Well, it's because it's another variation of a barbell movement.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Here's the thing, if you go back in time and you look at all the exercises that people did with barbells and dumbbells, you'll find a lot of exercises that nobody does anymore because they fell out of favor. But many of these exercises are superior to machines. And so if you're looking at variety to your workout, look to these exercises first before you look at using a machine. So like a zurcher squat or a barbell hack squat, somebody asked me about the other day, they you know and you use all these movements just by nature of being free weight and having to support them and because they're different Then your current free weight exercises are gonna give you a list at some type of adaptation and they're better than machines typically
Starting point is 00:12:56 Machines are good for certain things, but if you want to you know if you're if you're injury-free You don't have to avoid certain exercises. You're feeling strong, you want to add some variety. I love some of these weird lifts like the Zurcher Squad or like a side press or the Turkish get up and all these different types of movements that lifters did back in the day. Oh yeah, no, I agree, I agree for sure. But I don't think, what do you talk about that?
Starting point is 00:13:23 That's how you have to talk about it in my opinion. Unless you have somebody who you're specific trying to train at that, because I don't think, what do you talk about that? That's how you have to talk about it in my opinion, unless you have somebody who you're specific trying to train at that, because I don't think it doesn't trump any of your big main movements that we talk about. It's a nice addition. It is, it's a nice addition. Do I, you know, what I'd have to be in that mood
Starting point is 00:13:37 to where I really wanna go do something different like that? I do search your squats maybe three times a year. Right, maybe. I'd probably do them the most, but it reminds me too. Oh, you're so fucking awesome, aren't you? I mean, because I'm just gonna be up here while you guys are over here, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:55 It reminds me of the Yoke bar as well. So I'll do that every now and then, just because I want a different feel. And this is where instead of doing a silly stupid ass made up thing with the leg press machine, do something like that. And not do a side bendy, kicky thingy that I just made up in person on trips.
Starting point is 00:14:17 If you really want to develop your gluteous medias. You know what, I really would love. I would fucking love, and I don't know where I could do this around here I would love to train with the frickin big the strong man balls We're all sick of the day before that list balls at list balls. Yeah, stupid. What do you mean? That's stupid? That's stupid. No hold on a second. We're gonna talk about this. That's that let's talk about no You know why it's it's it's it's real world strength
Starting point is 00:14:40 I mean if you're gonna talk about that and logs and shit, now you're talking about my Celtic heritage. Yeah. Yeah. Flipping logs and shit. No, let me tell you why. It's not because you're lifting a big rock. There's a difference between flat back lifting and rounded back lifting. And I'm not talking about rounded lower back. I'm talking about rounded upper back. When you're grabbing that ball, you have to spread the scapula and you have a rounded back. And that type of lifting is a different
Starting point is 00:15:04 than the flat back that we tend to have with the deadlet. So if you're a grappler or if you're picking up heavy objects and shit, you want to strengthen that position. That kind of strength will give you really good lifting strength. Okay. You know what I'm saying? Okay, even though none of us are fucking wrestling anymore or doing any of that, I think that is a very good point.
Starting point is 00:15:19 We're wrestling after the soda show. I would have no desire to pick up one of those fucking hundred two hundred pound at How fun would that be Justin? Yeah, I've done that. What are my friends? Yeah, he you don't think that'll be fun to that You don't think that'll be fun at them Just to show you that I probably could do it better than you that's about it That's about the only thing that would motivate me to do it. That's about it. That's good Yeah, I would do it one time and then I'd be like the ball lifter No, no, and I'm sure some is let's you'll be like oh no
Starting point is 00:15:47 So just right there are great. No, they are that there's there's great I'm sure it was both and I'm and I have never even thought of it like that until you just said that which I think that's an Excellent point and if you're somebody who isn't to like power movements or yes, right down there So so when's this one? which are right. Yes. Right that down there. So, so, so when is this one? Yeah. Oh, did that. Whoa, whoa, bro. Yeah. I get it. Tally marks her stack. Yeah. They've already tally's way too much on your side. Or is it is, bro? Yeah. She's biased. Hey, listen, don't make fun of me no more. Well, the fuck, when I see a text coming in today, for you texting for Justin to fix your fuck. I'm sorry, bro. Okay, I'm talking about cutting steak for somebody. I think he put on his own credit card.
Starting point is 00:16:27 It's to fix your shit. He's my baby boy. He's my baby boy. He's my baby boy. Oh, I got this morning, I will go. We'll all cut steak for each other one day. You know, this morning I woke up and I had all these messages. I give him panked.
Starting point is 00:16:38 I was like, what the fuck, my website's down. I click on it and it gives me this air and I'm like, fuck, I don't know what to do. So he said to message. It's, it's like, it's an investment. This is horrible! Help me, it's so much fun today, it has helped me! I was like, all right bro, yeah, I got this. Should be okay. All right, we're fine though.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Yeah, this next question is related to that last question from this one's from Raging Weezy Gaines. He's asking about arm placement for front squats. The two traditional places you put your arms are either fingertips under the bar with your elbows pointing up real high like an Olympic lifter. We train it or the traditional bodybuilding style, which is the style I use where you cross your arms over the bar. In both cases, like a genie, like I'm doing a genie. Exactly. You know, in both situations, you got to keep your elbows high.
Starting point is 00:17:35 This is the key. Keeping your elbows high makes all the difference in the world. If you let your elbows drop, the bar will come down your arms and your fuck. You might as well do a searcher at that point. Right. And, you know, where you place the bar, try and place it in front of your delts. And I don't mean in front of your delts away from your body, but in front of your delts, close to your neck. Not everybody can do this. A lot of people will
Starting point is 00:17:55 do that and their neck gets in the way. So it has to sit right on their delts. And that makes it a little more difficult. You know, yeah, not a lot of people have the flexibility I think too, to even pull off like some of those positions, especially with the wrists So yeah, I can't yeah, there's the the method to you get towels and you can kind of wrap it over the bar And then you can grab and like gradually you can you know gain some range of motion to get to that point Let's explain that so what you do is you get two towels you wrap it around the bar right and you grab the the the towels With each hand with your elbows pointing up. So it's like I have my hands around the bar. Right. And you grab the towels with each hand with your elbows pointing up.
Starting point is 00:18:25 So it's like I have my hands under the bar, but I'm further away. You can keep your elbows up. Right. So you're able to still pull with your hands so you can pull. Now Adam, you've hated the front squat. Yeah, and it's because of that. Because of all these reasons we're talking about. It's just an uncomfortable squat for me.
Starting point is 00:18:41 It just really is. Yeah, because when we go to the gym, we want to be comfortable. That's it. That's it. The wearer machines. I mean, of like the recliner of fitness. I read my pillow with a gym. It's a leg press. Of all our traditional movements,
Starting point is 00:18:57 front squatting is probably up there with like, well, I know I do it a lot more than the zurchers for sure, but front squats are one of those things that I do. And I'm like, when I go into it, I get excited and amped up to back squat, to deadlift, to do those movements, because it's one of those movements where it's just, I feel like in Justin's ride, I mean, working on flexibility with my wrist and getting comfortable with that, but it doesn't matter either, either or position for me is not comfortable. It's not as comfortable as resting the bar on my back.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I feel like I could rest the bar on my back and completely balance it on my back. Without my hands. And without my hands and do a squat where I don't, I couldn't do that with a front squat at all. So it's just not as well. The interesting part to it is I honestly feel it has more crossover to real life, you know, with the front loaded positioning. Because I mean, how often do you have things resting on your back that's loaded? Never, never, never. Unless you get your kid or somebody, you know, on your shoulders.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Unless we're doing backpacks. Unless we're doing piggyback rides. I keep it to do something. Yeah. No, you're like a train ride. You're right. A front squad. A front squad definitely translate more into what we do, for sure. And the benefit of a front squad is you're, because the bar is front loaded, it keeps you more upright, you're gonna get more quads. You're gonna get some upper back activation.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Try, I would think way more central nervous system. I think you, I feel like that's having a fire like crazy. It's firing, but because of back squat, you can go heavier. That's good. You're also, I mean, cause I can, I can max out on a back squat easier than I can. Yeah, you can't, yeah. It's hard to max out.
Starting point is 00:20:25 It's more difficult, yeah, to get a lot of weight on that front loaded squat. Well, Justin, you've got a fucking great front squat because you do so many probably since the week. It's a good looking. It's a very, very good looking front squat. It takes me a long ass time to warm up in the front squats. Yeah. I just did them today and I go bar, quarter-inch side, 45-unit, and I work all the way up
Starting point is 00:20:46 to 270 and up, but I go like, takes my 10 sets just to get up there. Yeah, so. All right. Our next question is from Penny Weight Craft Brewing, your thoughts on mental versus physical failure. Oh, I'm like, I have a question. Is it a fatigue, mental and physical physical work at working out
Starting point is 00:21:06 related? Well, I think this is, you know, sometimes people quit because they just don't have the mental. Oh, right. You know, what's interesting, they I just I was just reading about this. I think I talked to you guys about this. We talked about this briefly because this was another related podcast I had listened to the guy the ice man, I believe, his name. He was talking about this, about how the body is so much more capable than we give it credit for.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And one of his techniques was through breathing. And so he did a lot of inhaling and the capacity for him to fill up with oxygen is a lot more than people utilize. And so, you know, that had crossover with all these different aspects, you know, from that. But it's just very interesting because I mean, the overall theme is that basically there's these untapped abilities we have, but our brain has these sort of governing things that tell us, hey, you know, let's be cautious or let's use minimal force of this or whatever, right? Well, there's two things.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I mean, one, yes, one, you take a beginner and they go to lift something that they, with all their strength, their bodies only gonna allow, you know, I'm actually gonna throw a number out there, 50% of their maximal strength to be applied because the governor, there's governors there to protect the muscles from tears and the joints from strains and stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:23 If you train on a regular basis, you can access more of that strength. Elite lifters can access up to 90% they've tested. There's that, but then there's another aspect here, and I was just reading about this the other day, where they did studies, where they took athletes, and they had them do mental exercises, so challenges, mental challenges, very difficult, exhausting, mental challenges before going out and doing a workout. And what they found is they had reduced performance in their workout. Of course.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Because that was number one, so the mind definitely affected the workouts. And then number two, they've done lots of studies where they've had people go to complete exhaustion, where they collapse. Then they'll test their muscles and they find like this, there's still this, the stores of glycogen, there's still this muscle, muscle energy that's there. And this is a substantial amount. So it was the, the mind that shut down, it wasn't the body that shut down. Well, I mean, I've bonked before and I know what that feels like. So it's a, when you, and if you've never pushed your, yeah, where you literally have like, you can't move, like,
Starting point is 00:23:23 it's the craziest thing ever, Like if you've ever pushed yourself, it's like, you threw a routine like that or a workout where you're like, I remember I'm doing some stupid exercise that this was back when way before, anyone even knew what CrossFit was and some of my trainers was back in your days when you were with me. And challenging ourselves with some crazy row burpee, fucking nutty, you know, competition thing. And I remember pushing my body so
Starting point is 00:23:50 hard and so fast, like the competitive side of me. And then my, the system just shut down. Like, and mentally, I was like, telling my body to get, I couldn't even get down on the ground. Like it was just, it just stopped. It was the craziest thing. You know, and I feel like, and even then you sure you could test me and see that I still had glycogen in there Wasn't that long of a workout or whatever so In this and this is also anecdotal with her clients But I mean almost every single client that I ever trained that couldn't Finish a workout or do this that it was always it was never a physical thing there
Starting point is 00:24:19 I I you can tell when you tapped out you could tell when someone's doing squats or doing something and you could see their muscle Give out when someone goes to actual failure when it fails or stops me. That's you guys this question because you guys have been trainers for a long time But like I have I can always tell how many reps my client has. Oh, yeah Are you guys the same way? Oh, absolutely like I can literally say five more reps And I'll know that that fifth rep I never write it down I mean, that's one of the reasons. Yeah, it's true. Yeah, seriously though, like every workout is like that. You can gauge it based off of what you see,
Starting point is 00:24:50 you know, in the attempts and like, oh yeah. It's, and a lot of times. And a lot of times, like the side show guys, like predict someone's buy-away. Raps, yeah. And I can't tell you how many times I'll say five more and I'll be like, I can't do five more. I'm like, yes, you can.
Starting point is 00:25:01 And my mind, I know they could do seven. Yeah. But I only have them do five because I usually don't take people to failure. Yeah. It's pretty interesting. Or I've had them at weight, and they're like, yes, you can. And my mind, I know they could do seven, but I only have them do five because I usually don't take people to failure. It's pretty interesting, or I've had them add weight, and they're like, I can't lift 10 more pounds. I'm like, yes, you can. I know I can see how your body's working. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:25:14 You can totally tell. We can totally see that they're tempo, if everything is starting to like- Composure, like how is something- Yeah, yeah. ... any deviation, certain kick-and-a-with that. If they're controlled, good form still, and completing X amount of reps, it's like, good form still and completing X amount of reps,
Starting point is 00:25:25 it's like, oh, I can add X amount of weight, no problem. Well, what do they always say about these super advanced, like like Navy SEAL training or these high level training courses? Always mental. They say that, everybody that enters, they're super cool. Yeah, it's not the physical aspect, it's the mental aspect.
Starting point is 00:25:40 So really, if you're at high level, and this is actually quite true, if you're at high, high level competitor athlete or just Jim Rat, that's at a high level where you've been working out for years and years and years, and you fine tune your body, you know your diet, you will probably make more gains. Once you've analyzed your work on everything, you'll probably make some significant gains by working on your mind, but working on the mental component of either A, knowing when to stop, when to push. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I don't know where I heard this, but it reminds me you're talking about the Navy SEALs. Basically, what's I talking about? Oh, where, I totally forgot. Yes, it's been so long since I've not forgot like that in a long time. I just had a total of my soul. Well, I wanted to piggyback off of what he was doing.
Starting point is 00:26:26 It'll come back to you. It'll come back to you here. Oh, man. You made a comment right there that I'm so glad you did because I was going to interrupt you and say, this is also the problem that I have with the fitness industry right now, is that most people know that it's mental. We're on to this science. We're on to, we understand that our bodies have these crazy physical capabilities if we
Starting point is 00:26:44 could just push them to those limits. And so people have now taken those studies and that science that supports that. And now we've taken it to that extreme, that it's be smooth, everything, it's, oh, go balls of wall, train to you, throw up. If you're not, you're leaving that, you're, you know, the harder you push, the more results you're going to get, that's the mentality that we, that is promoted now. And it's also anything, it's the cooler mentality. It's the harder one That's what people want, you know, and it's it's unfortunate because You have to have that balance you have to know that and that's the key when do you break yourself off?
Starting point is 00:27:14 When do you let off the throttle? Well, there is a time when and there's a time not to and it honestly most people have it backwards Mm-hmm. You know when I've used I remember it now. I'll go for it No, I just remember like the I remember like these Navy SEAL instructors saying that like as they saw people go through the program, the ones that had the highest success were more like your farm kind of like middle of the country guys that were like just always used to hard work. And had this like mental discipline that was discipline that was nothing would stop in their way versus your high performance athletes or somebody that was a football player,
Starting point is 00:27:53 somebody coming in like this badass athletic physique that was ridiculous. Those guys just didn't have it. In a person. And a lot of it has to do and you can definitely train yourself to be able to increase your mental capacity when it comes to fatigue.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Like for me, for example, when it comes to max lift, like moving a heavy weight for one or two reps, I'm very mentally strong. You put me under a weight that I need to grind, and my mind will be strong enough to lift that weight, or at least to my muscles capacity to lift that weight. Now, if you put me in a stretch, if you tell me to stretch and hold this stretch, Sal, and get real deep in
Starting point is 00:28:35 the stretch, I want to fucking quit, right? I'm done. I don't want to hold this stretch. I can't handle the pain. It's different. Because I haven't trained my mind in that aspect. Same thing with high rep squats or something like that. Like I'll get under a bar that I know I could squat for 50 reps and after rep 15 I like a racket. I don't want to be in the bar. I don't like this pain. That's how I am with hot plates. What are you doing? I'm just like, ah! Because they're pretty analogy. I haven't trained my hand and deal with it. You guys take super hot showers. I Think you're pretty hot. Yeah, I don't I don't like super super hot showers. I definitely don't like lukewarm showers No, my wife puts the shit on lava. Yeah, and I'll get in there and I get
Starting point is 00:29:17 scorches me burned it. Yeah burned it right off. Yeah, I like you're pretty hot. Mm-hmm Kev Reynolds 26 does eating before bed really cause fat game? Nope. Eating excess calories before bed will. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Yeah, the studies that show that people who eat before bed are fatter don't account for the fact that that typically tends to be an extra meal.
Starting point is 00:29:43 So people who eat at 10 o'clock in the only meal, right? Yeah, they probably, yeah. They talk about seven, you know, six, seven meals. Oh, yeah, the cinnamon toast crunch in there. Yeah, it's all right. Okay, could you announce his fours? Yeah, it's all sugar, yeah. Now to be fair, there is this whole, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:59 calories get utilized differently. And there are some differences, but it's so small, that it's really inconsequential. It's not something you should really put into your program. It's not going to make a difference in other words. Well, let's do this real quick, because I know Kevin is someone who's
Starting point is 00:30:16 one of our, I think he's a form guy too, so he's one on the smarter end of our listeners for sure. Uh-huh. At least like Jabba, you know, hey, it's so much true. Yeah. Well, so, uh, here's the science. Uh, I could, I could give you something that supports both sides and argues out.
Starting point is 00:30:34 For example, like, I, you know, there's been times where I tell people to, you know, not eat, you know, late at night because what I want you to do is have your last meal at five or six. And then I know that when you go to bed, your glycogen levels are going to be completely depleted, and then all night long your bodies have to tap into fat. So then that's one way of explaining the science on how the body works and how it's a little bit different. But then there's also the flip I can say to somebody else, you train really hard at your whatever you, whatever your training programs are doing the day, and I actually want you
Starting point is 00:31:03 to get a bulk of your calories. We're gonna save the 1500 of your calories late at night, 10 o'clock at night, all the way till the end of the night. I could talk about how the best time for you actually to recover and repair is at rest and when you sleep at night. So what a great time to feed the body, all these great nutrients and all this food that your body's gonna be utilizing all night
Starting point is 00:31:21 while you're resting and recovering. So you can pitch it either way. Well, I'll tell you why I enjoy eating most of my, because most of my calories, I'd say probably 80% of my calories, 78% are in my, in a meal that comes close to bedtime. So like eight o'clock at night, seven o'clock at night. Let me tell you why that works for me
Starting point is 00:31:40 because if I wait, it's a mental thing. I know I can hold out until that one big meal, eat it, and then boom, I go to bed. Like I'm not gonna eat anymore. If I make that big-ass meal lunchtime, I guarantee you by the time eight o'clock around the rules around, I'll be hungry again. I'll end up eating more calories.
Starting point is 00:31:56 For me, it's productivity. So I found that myself, like if I eat a big meal, like I'm so not as productive afterwards. Yeah, more energy when you don't. Way more energy. So I want to kind of save that throughout my day. And then really, you know, get the fats, all those things like later on, because I know I'm going to be just sitting there relaxing.
Starting point is 00:32:18 I'm going to say what? I actually, I don't know if there's something I'm different than you guys, or maybe I just do this more than you guys. I really, I actually enjoy always doing something kind of different. Like, I mean, just two days ago, I was running the bulletproof the way he runs his fast. You know, then I'll run a fast way.
Starting point is 00:32:38 You did a vegan day with you. I did a vegan day with you. I had a GF by the way. So you ate no, you ate basically all vegetables. Yeah. Okay. How did you feel? I feel good. You know, I let's inflammation right? Well, definitely. The big things I noticed was the inflammation coming down. The water retention. I totally noticed that like I have the puffy face. I didn't notice my jawline come out a lot. Um, and literally just in that from that day. So and the inflammation were the two big ones.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Um, and I was fine energy. So and the inflammation with the two big ones. And I was fine energy. So I didn't have any like dip and energy or anything like that. When I remember when Justin was eating the steak and you and I were eating that, drinking that shitty pee drink. Yeah, they were so funny for my life. I was, I do, I do remember thinking like, God, I wish I was biting into that steak instead of doing
Starting point is 00:33:21 what I'm doing. I ate it real slow. We just made out with Justin so we could taste it. Yes. But I really, and I don't know how much science supports this or not, because I do believe, I do believe there will be enough science that supports this because we're just now starting to get in the importance of underlating your food and stuff and there is more and more studies coming out this.
Starting point is 00:33:42 I also believe there is something to be said about changing all that up. Like if you're somebody who is someone like me, bodybuilder guy who for weeks on and in sometimes they're eating six meals a day. Well, I say that but at the same time too, because I'm like that, I'll also be somebody who also now I'm eating twice a day. You know, the last this last month, there's so many benefits of doing that because and I can feel it. I can feel, I can feel my body trying to figure out what are you doing? We're used to getting our meals every two three hours. Boom, now you're only giving me two or three.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Or let's say I've been eating two or three for a little while and I go like, now I'm gonna do a throw a fast in there or now I'm gonna do one huge meal or now I'm gonna do four meals, moderate meals. And I'm always fucking around with stuff like that and I always can feel my body changing. I think that's the reflects a lot of your training style to begin with. I mean, let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Right. You should your whole approach should be that way. You should always change the pace, change the tempo of your workouts, change how you eat. Always eat healthy, but under like calories, protein, fats, carbohydrates. On the vegan day, your protein was way down. In the following day, you probably had a high protein day. And then you can get a good gauge as to how you feel in those situations, especially as far as when you go
Starting point is 00:34:52 to lift heavier weights or when you're on more of a low activity day or moderate day, whatever. Maybe then you can sort of start pairing these things as far as what you've already experienced by experimenting. That's, and that is the point to take away from this. And I feel like that is the way like Kevin, like to get into it, get into it because you are somebody who follows us and I know is on the forum. Like I am so huge on playing with all those things and seeing what works for you and never
Starting point is 00:35:20 getting stuck in one way, you know. And a lot of our questions are always geared at that. People want an answer. People want, like, is this better than this or this and that? And a lot of times we give, you know. They're very detailed. Like I'm always like, yeah. Trying to bring it back to like the core things, but it's, I know you don't want to hear
Starting point is 00:35:36 that a lot of times, but it really is. It's most of the time. That's what the things, you know, that you need to focus. You know, a long time ago, my dad had a good friend who was a bodybuilder. I'll never forget. Muscular, back then he was huge. I don't know how big he actually was,
Starting point is 00:35:50 but you know when you're a kid and you see someone muscle, they look so big. And I went up to him like, and I'm like 13 years old and I'm like, how do I build muscle? And I'll never forget, this is what he told me. He said, work out your whole body three days a week and eat lots of good healthy food. And you know what's funny?
Starting point is 00:36:06 I didn't take his fucking advice because I was like, oh, bullshit. That's not the, I know what's known. That's not Rodney Coleman's doing now. Exactly, and now I'm like looking back if I had just taken his advice, it's so funny. Because it wasn't no secret. There was no, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:36:20 He didn't tell me the fucking tip, the secret supplement, the, you know, he just said, no, no, you know, a lot of healthy food and lift train your whole body three days a week. Well, I always find, and I don't know if you guys smart man, smart, right? How long have you guys been doing this for? But I've been doing it for a little while now, a couple of years now, but they're not that long where, you know, when I write a program for someone, it's so basic, you know, it's
Starting point is 00:36:42 so basic. It's like your core main movements, you know, those's so basic. It's like your core main movements. They almost feel patronized for paying you. Exactly. And they're like, you want me to just squat? It's part of the reason why I rest. I make a minimum, you cannot sign up with me for less than three months because I feel like I need to show them
Starting point is 00:36:59 before they like just go like, this motherfucker, he really just gave me these five basic movements that everybody knows about. And then, you know what I'm saying? And then this is how I'm eating right now. And wait, I have to track my food and he's gonna tell me what I should do. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:13 I can't tell you how many times people have hired me. And then they just succumb and just say, fine, I'll trust you. And then three, four months later, they're like, oh, yeah, that happens like every time. You're a god. Yeah. What?
Starting point is 00:37:24 Oh, here it comes. It happens all every time. You're a god. Yeah. What? You're a god. That happens all the time. That's what I said. And they call me the ego. That's me stick. I got ducks. Who are they? Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:37:34 It's the best thing. Who are they? All right. Well, that was part of our workout routine. Yeah. Cutting steak. Yeah. I got a lot of experience.
Starting point is 00:37:43 All right. A Wolfgang Shultis asks how to make his reflexes faster. What muscle is that, Justin? Oh. You mean like, where are you reflexes that? Where are you reflexes that? This is what you do, you gotta study, you gotta study the cat, you gotta look at the cat like reflexes.
Starting point is 00:38:00 You gotta move your cheekes. Like a cat. You should have a rocky, you should have a friend through a wrench is that you. Yeah. Because if you could dodge a wrench, you could dodge a ball. So you talk about agility. I mean, for the most part, like,
Starting point is 00:38:16 I mean, a lot of this is the central nervous system. This is a lot of, you know, training the body to respond the way you want it to. So, you know, it's just, it's tapping into that. It's tapping into that neural recruitment pattern. So, in an explosive manner. Very much an explosive manner, yeah, because, you need, it comes with repetition too.
Starting point is 00:38:37 It's something that, if it's a specific movement, you know, you're gonna practice, it's just like dribbling a basketball. If I'm dribbling a basketball at a certain point, I have to get to a point where my body is just gonna automatically get into that rhythm of it and it's just gonna be an automatic response that I've done it so many times repetitively
Starting point is 00:38:58 that my body will remember this movement and it will do it, you know, to efficiency. Well, there's a component of reflexes that's genetic and that's just how fast your body responds to stimulus. Okay. Yeah. And most humans are almost identical. There's some that are a little faster, some a little slower, but we're pretty close to each other. Now when it comes to reflexes and sports, there's a lot you could do with just training, just knowing how to move a particular way, which will make you move faster.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Well, that would be a better question. I don't know who's asking this question, but maybe they are an athlete in their fashion. A basketball player. Well, it's drills. I mean, let's be honest. Like, let's just be like, there's cone drills. There's, you know, drills you do with a ball that bounces in an awkward fashion.
Starting point is 00:39:40 So instead of having a predictable movement, you have to respond to an unpredictable movement. Okay, that's a great way to build, you know, a faster reflex. But I mean really it's establishing that power, that recruitment pattern at a really high level. So that way, you know, what you're doing in the gym as far as like power movements will transition, you know, will carry over to these real sport specific movements that you're gonna try to adapt to in practice. So in practice is where you work on your skills. This is a high skill related question.
Starting point is 00:40:16 So whatever it is you're specifically trying to do, you have to master that by doing that movement a thousand times. So over and over and over. So I think what we would say is frequency would be the number one thing that trumps. The number one factor. So whatever it is you're trying to have quick reflexes for,
Starting point is 00:40:32 whether it be catching a ball or throwing a ball, really great or swing it, you know, whatever this react or karate, whatever it is that you want to feel this cat-like reflexes, you want to, whatever that movement is or that pattern you need to repeat it as do this much as you possibly can. But being strong in powerful helps. Yeah, strong. That's why the gym, it does.
Starting point is 00:40:52 It matters. It makes you strong. It gives you more power, but when it comes to reflexes, that's a skill. Like if I throw a football and it hits the ground and starts to bounce, a professional football player is going to better predict where the ball is going to go just through years of training and knowing how football bounces versus some guy who's never seen a football bounce. If you ever looked at a football bounce, it doesn't bounce back through in a baseball to baby. Right. So. I don't do that. I hate to say it, but it's going to hit the baby face. So it's just practice.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Practice practice practice. One more question, guys. Mayvon is asking about if they were to make a movie about you. What would the title be and who would play you? Oh, wow. It's awesome. I have no idea. Look, what would the movie be? Let the narcissism game begin.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Yeah, no. In life. Adam would play me in a movie. Yeah. It's stupid. That's a really hard one. That's a hard one. Well, let's start with this.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Well, the actor that would play you. I think if we can narrow it to that first, we can figure out the genre. Can I pick on this question for a second? I mean, didn't you listen to our fucking psychologist come in here and got a hold of us? Like, we don't have that kind of narcissism that would make us one of those narcissists people like a little bit like if I was gonna make a movie about me.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Brad Pitt all day. I have never ever in my life thought about that and I bet the two that are sitting next to me. Well neither either. How about this? If someone were to make a movie that you were to star in, what kind of movie would you want it to be? Not that it's about your life, but what kind of movie would really make you go,
Starting point is 00:42:26 fuck yeah, that's the movie I wanna be in. You know what I'm saying? Like a top gun. So obviously you wanna be the top gun. Yeah, there's yours. So you wanna be a goose. Are you a goose? Maverick, man.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Oh come on. So you'd wanna be a jet pilot. That was the first that came to my mind. When I thought of a cool movie, I like that though, that I wanted to be a jet pilot pilot. That was the first that came to my mind. When you thought of it, when I thought of a cool movie, that I wanted to be someone in, like definitely being maverick would be pretty cool. It's pretty bad. Justin's already got obviously,
Starting point is 00:42:52 I know Justin's got something to add. He's the go-to, right? Yeah, I think, you know, but I'm gonna go off the radar and say Indiana Jones. There was in Ford, Hansel Loathe. Yeah, you do the relationship. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. All right. So you, so you, so Solo. Yeah, you're the relationship. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:43:06 All right. So you want to, you would want to be in a movie like a, like, that's what I mean, action adventure, you know, so I'll die, bro. It doesn't matter. I die heroically. See, I would want to be in a movie where I'm some kind of like revolutionary, like the matrix, like a meal or I'm some leading some kind of, you know.
Starting point is 00:43:26 I like that too. Like sci-fi, yeah. We're not even sci-fi, just I'm leading some kind of revolution that we're, I'm going against the, you know, some powerful whatever and we gotta fight it and I gotta get over it. Okay, so like the Hunger Games. Okay, so I'm gonna die of that.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Okay, okay, I'm finding it deeper. So I would try and relate this to my, that sounds horrible. Like Twilight. Yeah. If I were trying to think of a movie that I would relate to my life, I would thinking deeper so if I were to try and relate this to my That sounds horrible. Like Twilight. Yeah. If I were to try to think of a movie that I would relate to my life, I would think like that that kind of tells my story or something like that with through a movie.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I think something like a Rudy. Like overcoming, overcoming odds and like your work ethic and your that type of person like I think that that type of a movie wouldn't come with you. You disappointed me, South. I thought you say you're all I'm sure I feel like you guys are racist all the time I loved Rocky though why am I race this is just cuz you like it tell me you're not I'm excited about the new one about what
Starting point is 00:44:16 about what no what no it's gonna be good I'll watch it because I have to but let me tell you why I'm not excited about it because I tell you no no I don't care about that. Oh man, that's a lie. No, but I can just say that in a tie-up boxer. Everybody knows we don't box anymore. You know what, you know what it is? It's because the first Rocky and the second Rocky
Starting point is 00:44:35 were good, were good movies. They weren't, it wasn't a boxing movie, it was a love story, and it was a powerful one. And then it turned into kind of a parody of itself, right? The Russian was great, that was fun. Could you back up and just do that one more time? Show me that passion excitement to tell me that Rocky is a fucking love story do that one more time for me It is a love story Rocky one is a love story. It's true. That's what made it a such a great movie. Yes It's trying to tell me that Russian
Starting point is 00:45:02 What was that Rocky for? Yeah. Dude. Oh, that's me for? No, that's my favorite. No, that's awesome. That's an awesome movie, but it's awesome in like a cult, you know, classic kind of way. It's not awesome like in a movie great, like a movie that's a transcendent. I love that you were trying to take a movie. That is the only reason why it is great was because it has this epic storyline,
Starting point is 00:45:26 comeback story. Yes, but it's a love story. Yeah, but you know what? You sound so terrible right now, right? No, I don't. Because one, two, through five, through six are terrible acting. Yeah. Is not a solid plot. What a, what a terrible acting. That's what to listen to. Rock. What, which one's terrible acting? All of them. No, no, no, no, no, no. He won an Academy Award in the first one. That's a popularity contest. No, I'll tell you if you acted excellent.
Starting point is 00:45:51 He did a great job in Rocky one. Are you kidding me right now? I'll fight you over here. An ever-struction. I kill you. You made me right now. So that's just alone was a great actor and only two movies.
Starting point is 00:46:04 The first Rocky, the second one he did good, but the first one he did it fucking Academy Award winning You made me right now like that. So that's just alone was a great actor and only two movies. The first Rocky, the second one he did good, but the first one he did a fucking Academy Award winning program. And Rambo 5. Classic. No. And first blood. First blood, yes.
Starting point is 00:46:15 He did a good job acting. He says 40 words combined in all those movies you just said. You know what dude? It's about it. I need to listen. I need you. I need to take back what you say I want you to take it back because you're about to flood get a flood of pistols
Starting point is 00:46:34 There's people listening right now that are with me. I love Rocky. No, I want you to say this one He didn't want you to say this with me. He was an excellent actor I want you to say these words and then we can move on I'm okay I refuse to say that Sylvester stillone is a good actor in any movie he played in any movie he played in. Just those two salt on your blood. No, while saying that, I have all the respect in the world from I think he is a badass. I own all five of the Rockies. I love Rocky.
Starting point is 00:47:03 But I'm sorry, to listen to you try and talk about what a great film Rocky one is He's kind of Daniel D Lewis ask From the first one You should be No, not at all the first one was great and at the end of it And at the end of it, I plan to invest her Stallone into last little hekins right now. Go. You know what?
Starting point is 00:47:32 I want you. I'm gonna look up right now. I want you to look at this. If I look up the original Rocky, you know how they'll explain it, they will say a love story. The original Rocky. I'm not debating that. Are you debating that?
Starting point is 00:47:44 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:47:53 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,anks. Yeah, listen, at the end of it, they don't even, they don't even really announce that he lost the fight. He's just looking for Adrian, bro. At the end. Remember that? Uh-huh. They're talking about they're giving the scores. He doesn't care. Hey, I love your passion. You should be slapped right now. You should be slapped right now for not being, you know, it's funny. Is everything else that's motherfucker knows how to look at objectively, but as soon as we start talking about a rocky awesome Objectivity just goes right out the window and you can't look at this side
Starting point is 00:48:29 Like you're really calling you to love story and arguing that it's one of the best like are you serious right now? One of the greatest cinematic We're gonna are wrestling of our time. Don't start shipping doors to cinematic because it is cinematic I think it's a great film but do not put in the category with a great story or plot or great acting. Oh my god. It's great. No. All right. All right. We'll just yeah, yeah, we'll move on. You literally have no idea. Make sure you guys stop by angry. You've made me please. Please when you guys listen to this, you guys get a chance. Make sure you guys do a drive-by slap a virtual slap to sell on his Instagram and let them know that you're about to see with that fan both side. I think this is a split decision right here. No, I don't think so because if those are really truly listening and then aren't pig-headed like Salas in this situation, are they here that I'm saying? I am a... What's the last time you saw Rocky one?
Starting point is 00:49:18 The first one. Not even a year ago, bro. I watch... I love Rocky. You can't tell me Rocky one doesn't get you emotional. It doesn't move you. It gets me. And it's got it's got a great music to it. And it's got great pump you up. Seems we're fighting and punching the fucking is life. It's the start. I'm a training montage. How many times?
Starting point is 00:49:38 Remember that genre? Yes. Training montage. Everybody. That was classic everybody in this room has ran up of flight of stairs and thrown the victory hands up And what does that come from? I ate like five raw eggs like every morning I'm like okay, so that's in the night. I died. How many Academy Awards did Roxanne? I'm a nela doesn't even matter you know that's a popularity contest No, because you know that's political. You know that's a bunch of bullshit,
Starting point is 00:50:07 just like everything else we call out on this radio show. Now listen, you're going to start supporting Academy Awards, like they have some sort of validity. They have some, we got to use the fuck out of this studio. Get out of this studio, it's time to go home. They've got some. It's time to go home, Doug. All right, don't forget to subscribe,
Starting point is 00:50:22 review, and rate, mind pump. And please make sure to leave a message for Adam informing him how I'll stupid you. Don't forget to subscribe, review, and rate a Mind Pump. And please make sure to leave a message for Adam informing him how I stupid you. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Until next time, this is MindPump.

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