Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1928: The Best Way to Get Lean & Muscular Arms, the Truth About Sauna Workouts, Menstrual Cycle Training Pros & Cons & More

Episode Date: October 21, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Here’s a trick to get FAST/QUICK muscle gains. Pick an exercise you suck at, practice it, and ...get good at it! (3:09) Sal is reaping the benefits from short/frequent workouts. (11:44) CONTEXT MATTERS! (13:11) How much can the top trainers charge per session? (20:12) Who is winning the bet between Adam and Sal? (21:39) Sal details his recent trip to LA. Meeting Mike O’Hearn and his experience at Lewis Howes podcast studio. (26:03) Get ATTENTION, get an AUDIENCE. (33:10) Is chivalry dead? (36:45) Get your meatballs and turkeys from Butcher Box! (38:00) Quantum mechanics is weird. (41:19) There is a reason why ALL business inquiries go through Adam. (45:35) Justin’s Halloween spooktacular! (48:46) How kindness can change a life and it comes from a gym. (53:18) #Quah question #1 – What are the best ways for a female to get lean/muscular arms without looking too bulky while trying to build muscle overall? Especially for women with broad shoulders. (55:42) #Quah question #2 - What are your thoughts about workouts in a sauna? I see a lot of these places opening up. (1:03:39) #Quah question #3 - What are your thoughts on the women’s “cycle training”? (1:08:25) #Quah question #4 - When will you bring your wives in as guests? (1:12:46) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Special Promotion Launch MAPS 15 Minutes! Build an Amazing Body in Only 15 Minutes a Day (includes BONUS: Advanced workout ~20 minutes/day) + (Includes two eBooks ($74 value) The Power of Sleep & the Occlusion Training Guide) **Promo Code: 15SPECIAL for $20 OFF! October Promotion: MAPS Symmetry or MAPS Strong HALF OFF! **Promo code OCTOBER50 at checkout** Stop Working Out And Start Practicing – Mind Pump Blog Arnold Schwarzenegger Does Personal Training Session for $150k For School Charity SpaceX books another ride for a millionaire around the moon Samsung’s Dishwashing Robot What is quantum entanglement?   Double Slit Experiment: How It Works and What It Proves   Mind Pump #1922: Fatphobia & Other Lies That Are Keeping You Fat, Unhealthy & Sick Visit Drink LMNT for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Toned is a Made-Up Word – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1647: Ten Female Fitness Lies Stanford researchers’ cooling glove ‘better than steroids’ Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram Layne Norton, Ph.D. (@biolayne) Instagram Eugene Teo (@coacheugeneteo) Instagram Mike O'Hearn (@mikeohearn) Instagram Lewis Howes (@lewishowes) Instagram Alex Hormozi (@hormozi) Instagram Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram Jordan Peterson (@jordan.b.peterson) Instagram Dr. Rhonda Patrick (@foundmyfitness) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered listeners' questions, but this was after a 51 minute introductory conversation where we discuss fitness or lives, current events, studies, and much more. By the way, you could check the show notes for timestamps
Starting point is 00:00:31 if you wanna fast forward to your favorite part. Also, if you wanna ask a question that we may pick to answer on an episode like this one, go to Instagram at MindPumpMedia and every Sunday we post the quamim, QUAH, underneath that, post your question. If we like your question, then we'll answer on an episode like this one. Now, this episode is brought to you by some sponsors.
Starting point is 00:00:51 The first one is Butcherbox. This is a company that delivers grass-fed meats and wild caught fish to your door for incredible prices. It eliminates many, many middlemen. It's a great company. We work with them for a long time. If you like to eat healthy, if you like to eat healthy meat, and you want to save money, go check out butcher box.
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Starting point is 00:02:16 also a bonus advanced version is in there. For those of you that have been working out for a while, there's a barbell, dumbbell, compound lift version in there. That's about 20 to 25 minutes. So work out every day for a little bit and get better results than if you worked out less frequently, but for longer. It's phenomenal, excellent program.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And because it's a brand new launch, it's $20 off. So it's gonna be $97 at retail, but right now you can get it for $77. Plus you get the bonus advanced version. Plus you get two free e-books. The first one is the power of sleep, and the second one is the occlusion training guide. So if you're interested, go to maps15minutes.com,
Starting point is 00:02:54 use the code 15Special for the $20 off, plus the two free e-books, and also it comes with the 30-day money back guarantee, so you can sign up, use it for a full month, if it doesn't blow your mind, return it for a full refund. All right, here comes the show. Here's a trick to get fast, strength, and muscle gains. Pick an exercise you suck at, practice it, and get good at it.
Starting point is 00:03:17 You'll get those newbie gains again, like you did when you first started working out. I want to. I love this advice. Yeah, this is like some of my favorite advice to give because I think that, I don't care how long you've been lifting for, I think everybody is guilty of gravitating towards
Starting point is 00:03:34 the exercises that you love doing. I mean, we all do. I know you guys are all guilty of it. I'm guilty of it. You get in a routine. You have a few exercises you love to do. They're always in the rotation. And by the way, some of them should be, right? Like I do think there's some movements that are such high skill
Starting point is 00:03:51 and such high return that they should be in your routine most of the time. But then there's another, I don't know, half or more than half of exercises that we choose from that I think we still get stuck in a handful, the same ones all the time, and just simply changing the exercise up will stimulate a new response to the body that you're not used to. Yeah, immediately, anytime anybody mentions Front Squad, I'm like, ah, okay, now I got a program that in for at least a month or so because it's just one of those, I just conveniently kind of push aside
Starting point is 00:04:28 because it's really challenging. It's a hard one. That's why. Super hard one. It's that and like pull ups. Like I'm always like I find myself just conveniently avoiding it and not including my like regular practice of working out. But yeah, that's more what it is, I think.
Starting point is 00:04:45 It's more that there's exercises that we tend to avoid because we suck at them. Yeah. They're hard, we don't do them well. Maybe we're not as strong at them, so we tend to avoid doing them because I don't want anybody to see that I'm not using as much weight or whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And the interesting thing is if you pick those exercises, do the one that you suck at and say to yourself, okay, for the next 60 days, my goal is to get really good at pull-ups, for example. Let's say you suck up pull-ups. I'm gonna get really good at pull-ups, or maybe it's dips, or maybe it's push-ups, or maybe it's a windmill or anything, right?
Starting point is 00:05:15 I'm gonna get really good at this exercise I suck at. And through that process, you tap into those newbie gains that you got when you first started working out, where you got stronger every single workout. And it's because you probably suck at the exercise because you probably don't have the what the CNS doesn't you know work with it properly don't have the right skill for it so that that process of learning it man gives you those quick games what what are what are some just a name some of his right pull-ups front squats what are some what are some of yours I know we all know like there's movements that like you hear hear and you're like, ah, I've done that a lot.
Starting point is 00:05:46 I need to do that. That's such a valuable exercise. Why haven't I done that? Oh, oh, oh, oh. What are yours? He hit front squats, that's mine. Really? I used to be like, you're pretty good about that.
Starting point is 00:05:54 No, I don't really. Not, you know, when I do them, I can get really strong at them. And then I don't do them for a long, last time. Because I feel like when I, because obviously we see, I don't, we don't see every workout that we each do, but I see most of what you guys do And I feel like you're probably the best with doing front squats. Oh, I haven't done them in a long time.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Really? Yeah, you know, I just saw, you know on Facebook, I showed you like memories or whatever. I just saw one from 10 years ago and I did a front squat with three of the things. Yeah, but that's been that long. I've seen you do front squats. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no So okay, friends, watch what else. What else? What else? Bulgarians? Are you pretty consistent? Yeah, no, that's a good one. That's a good one that I tend to do.
Starting point is 00:06:29 That's all my list. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bulgarians are one that I avoided forever. Then I went on to kick, getting really good at it. Oh, you know what? Huge gains from them. And then I still have to remind myself to return. You know what I don't do a lot of at all?
Starting point is 00:06:41 Han Cleans or a hypo. I did them the other day, and I could feel them in my traps, in my upper back. I'm like, oh man, I could get really, because what happens when you start with an exercise you suck at, you can't go very heavy, but then you practice it and the strength gains
Starting point is 00:06:55 go up really, really quick. So I know I can get strong. Yeah, but that's a unique one. Like, when you think of like, like you mean common one? Yeah, no, or just like, what we would consider, say top 20 exercise. Like it should be in the rotation.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Right, exactly. Like I agree, like front squat has to be up there in the top 20 to 25 right up there. Yeah. So front squat has to be there. Bulgarian I would say has to be up there. Pull up, that you said pull up, you don't do it like, pull up, it would be up there.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Like ones that are missing from like the core, like really what are you, what are you probably neglect or missing from the core, like really, what are you, what are you probably neglect or have to remind yourself? Like, oh, I need to do more of those. Bulgarians would be mine for sure. I'm, I'm, I tend to move away from that. I, front squats maybe. I would, I would say that's, I'm up there with that.
Starting point is 00:07:38 It's just so hard. Yeah, well, that's the one, that's one of the ones that hurt me last, because I went heavy. I was feeling good. Yeah, and, and my, my core, you know, it was my, ones that hurt me last, because I went heavy. I was feeling good. Yeah, and my core, you know, it was my obliques, or I felt like I pulled a rib, remember when I was telling you about that?
Starting point is 00:07:51 So it was my serratus, right? That was like, oh, core. That was good. I would throw that in there. I mean, mainly like crunch and like sit-ups, but yeah, because I do like more rotational stuff, just because I want to be intentional with that, but I do less abs specific work.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I'm with you on that. Sal's the best at that. I always catch you doing your ball crunches and doing your... Oh, you know windmills. I haven't done those in a while. And I remember when I first tried doing them with you guys I couldn't do one with no weight. Remember? You guys remember that? I was like, my body's not... Why doesn't it want to move like this? I was like, do this. And Justin was really good at it. I was like, what the hell is going on? And then I went on a kick at practicing them move like this. And Justin was really good at it. I was like, what the hell is going on? And then I went on a kick at practicing them and doing them. And I got really good at, my dead list felt really stable
Starting point is 00:08:29 from it. I haven't done them in so long. That's why I got into them. Because I kept hurting my QL. And it was definitely one of those things I had to like, I had to be intentional about it. So that way, I built some strength to build you there. And it was always, I mean, you guys,
Starting point is 00:08:44 you've been talking about the sled a lot. That's caught me back, back into it. Have you done them now? Yeah, you know, and I just, it's, again, it's one of those ones I know, and you just, you talking about it, you go, oh, you know what? It's been a while since it's been in my routine. So, you know what, there's a difference, though,
Starting point is 00:08:56 between throwing exercises in here and there. I do pretty good at like throwing stuff in. What I'm talking about is picking one of these that I throw in, I mean, like, I'm going to do it consistently. No, I get good at it. Yes. I agree. Big difference. That's What I'm talking about is picking one of these that I throw in, I mean like I'm gonna do it consistently. No, I get good at it. Yes. I agree. Big difference.
Starting point is 00:09:10 That's what I'm talking about too. I haven't, I haven't, you intermittently throwing a bulk area squad in one time. It's not the same as like, I think going right back to what you're doing. No, it's like, okay. Oh, I got one. Single leg deadlifts.
Starting point is 00:09:19 That one. That's one that I have, I haven't ever really said, let's see if I can get really strong at this exercise because I tend to go to my bilateral. Remember when I went on that kick? I actually, it wasn't that long ago, I tried to get it realized like,
Starting point is 00:09:31 oh shit, I need to go back to doing that. You got to a point where you were using 100 pound dumbbells. And I was doing it from the kneeling barefoot position. I was cleaning it up to your chest. I would snap, remember I have it in my Instagram, I would snap up off my knees into a single pistol position. And then I would hinge over and deadlift the dumbbells up
Starting point is 00:09:52 with 100 pound dumbbells. And I got to a place where I could do that pretty easy. And so I do the other day, I was all over the place. I was like, oh boy, I need to see my... You know what, just thinking back now, I did do this with one exercise in particular. You guys remember when I went on a kick with hip thrust? Yes, and I was like, let's see Yes, I remember.
Starting point is 00:10:10 It's a wink. You guys remember the results, right? You guys were all, no wonder you're so... You were so nice to me back when I was doing that. No, I went on a kick because I was like, okay, I'm gonna do... I'll do games after a podcast. I'll just broke your hand on that, too. I'm like, I'm gonna do these for a little while,
Starting point is 00:10:25 see how strong I can get, and then see what the carryover is. And so I did, I did, hit thrusts once or twice a week for a while, I got up to like, I don't remember how much I have 600 pounds or something ridiculous, and man, I got strong and deadlifts, I could feel it in my squats,
Starting point is 00:10:39 and I haven't done them in a while, so maybe I'll pick that. But it's fun, it's fun because you pick an exercise that you really don't do often, and then just make it a goal for like maybe I'll pick that. But it's fun, it's fun because you pick an exercise that you really don't do often, and then just make it a goal for like the next month or two. I'm gonna get really strong at this lift, and I'll keep doing my other stuff, but this is the focus.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Right now, you know what it is for me? Dips. Right now, my goal, today I just did, what did I strap around, 100 pounds? I did 100 pounds around my waist and I was doing doubles with dips. Because I've been doing them regularly and building my strength up.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Yeah, so. But it's a hack, it really is a hack. No, it's a huge check. And for people that have been lifting for a long time, it's just a great way to break up the monotony of doing the same stuff all the time. It's like, you know what, it's like, I'm gonna just pick an exercise
Starting point is 00:11:22 that I know I suck at that I know I'm not very good, but I know has a lot of value and I'm just going to insert it into a routine. And what I like about that too is I don't care if you're following when a mouse program or following somebody else's program, you can easily do this and just pull out something that's not in there that you know that you haven't done in a long time, insert it in the muscle group or whatever and just make it a goal that you're going to progress it and get good at it. Speaking of workouts, so, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:46 we all of us have been experimenting with this like, you know, maps 15 types, type programming, or methodology, right? Now, we're all more advanced, so our workouts are more like 20 to 25 minutes. Sometimes they'll take me 30 minutes just cause I'll do longer rest periods, but usually what the workouts look like is like,
Starting point is 00:12:03 one compound lift and one or two single joint lifts or two compound lifts or something like that. And every day, right, I'm doing it every day. Today, I'm like, let me just test out, because typically the intensity on this is moderate high. I'm not maxing out, because I'm doing it so frequently, right? But today, I'm like, let me test out the strength.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Let's see, let's see how this is working, because I can feel good. I feel like my joints are good. I'm feeling strong and I went in there and I ripped 515 off the floor like nothing. It felt smooth. It felt smooth. I pulled it up like it was, like it was nothing. I felt, I probably could go 55560, I think. And that's from training with this kind of short daily, you know, I think it easily from the way it came up, it looked like you could have easily
Starting point is 00:12:45 done that. It would be interesting to see where, when was the last time you really tested your daily? That, I mean, that's the, I haven't gone over 500 pounds in a long time just because I, it's, you know, at some point, it's like, could should I keep doing that? But, you know, the young man, he goes, the lives inside me.
Starting point is 00:12:58 So, but I, I did it and I felt really good. And, hey, Kudur, some of you gonna pat myself on the back, I didn't go heavier, because it did come up fast. And in my head I was like, hmm, that's another, there is some restraint there. Yeah, we're all right. You know, speaking of intensity, you just reminded me of something that I wanted
Starting point is 00:13:14 to bring up on the show because it bothers me, it annoys me. You know what I don't like? Like somebody tagged me in a Jordan shallow video where Jordan was, it looked like he was coaching other coaches and he was basically coaching about intensity. And it was a Jordan shallow video where Jordan was, it looked like he was coaching other coaches. And he was basically coaching about intensity. And it was a great little video of him making the point
Starting point is 00:13:30 of how just most people don't even know what failure is. Most people don't even get close to that. And he was encouraging his people to, like when you're on a hack squad or a machine, leg press, he's like, you push to that place. He's like a hax quad or a machine leg press, he's like, you know, you push to that place. He's like, get to that place. So how low of risk you have on a machine like that and a client doesn't even know how
Starting point is 00:13:52 to get change to failure. But what? So anyways, my point in bringing that up is that what I get so annoyed about is that, and it's always, it's always another trainer coach. And I always feel like what I don't feel like, it's always another trainer or coach. And I always feel like what, I don't feel like, it's always people to have listened to us for a long time and have heard us communicate this. I feel like a hundred times.
Starting point is 00:14:10 And it's like they're always trying to pick a fight between us and like a friend of ours. Like it's always Lane, it's always shallow. It's always, who's another one of our friends? I've had people in my family. It's always Eugene, it's always, it's always like one of our friends that I think are incredible communicators are unbelievably brilliant and talented at what they do. And there's certain things that we communicate
Starting point is 00:14:33 differently. And we just don't exactly see 100% eye to eye. And I don't necessarily think that they're right or wrong or we're right or wrong. It's just, it's, it's really, it's the context that matters. That's it. I bet you're very much the context. And I know he's because I, you know, and I can't help it because I want to address it because it's just like, I hate when people try and drive a wedge between us and somebody who we have a lot of respect for. And it's like, listen, I get what he's saying
Starting point is 00:14:55 and why he's saying it. And, you know, if I'm training, let's say you, for example, I know this is like a fit, like trainer person, like, absolutely. Do I, could I get some extra value in a getting you on a leg press or a haxquat and pushing you to failure? Sure, I might get some benefit from that and sure I would potentially do that with you. But my client Amir, who is an engineer, who is 47 years old and is
Starting point is 00:15:19 never really way trained in his life and so that, would I, how much benefit would I get out of taking them to failure? Even if I got some benefit, which he's making a point that you could get some benefit from that, how much benefit would I get out of taking them to failure? Even if I got some benefit, which he's making a point that you could get some benefit from that, I think that the risk of throwing his form off and increasing doms is not worth what I'm going to get from it. And I know this person knows that. I'm the guy who says the goal is always to do as little as possible to elicit the most of change.
Starting point is 00:15:43 So what the fuck do you think I'm gonna say to something like that, you know, but it's like he makes sense and what he's saying and I don't I don't necessarily disagree, but I feel like everybody wants controversy and like this and it's like the stuff you guys want to argue and fight over is so dumb. Well the context matters a lot because if you put us all in the same context and you ask us the same question you're gonna get very very similar if not the same answers. This is what ends up happening. You ask good trainers and coaches who've worked with a lot of people, a question, you make it general, you might get some differing
Starting point is 00:16:12 in answers, right? But if you ask us a specific question, here's client A, here's what they're doing, here's their history, what should you do? I bet you'll get the same answer. That's why I gave him the example, like, okay, am I talking about you? Or am I talking about a mere?
Starting point is 00:16:26 And if you give me a very, you build me an avatar and say, this client has this much experience, they have this is their goal, this is this and this. And I can give you a very specific type of protocol or argument for why I would train a specific way. But if you send me a post or a quote or so, a statement that somebody makes it in a general context Who especially someone who I respect and I think is really smart and you what you want me to like talk shit
Starting point is 00:16:51 So then you can screenshot it and send it over to him or like oh Adam thinks you're wrong. It's like get out of here with that You know, let me get baited into that. It's like you're pulling a 30-second clip that I don't even know the whole conversation Right that he potentially is having know the whole conversation. Right. That he potentially is having with all these coaches. There's lots of studies that complete him an audience. You know, like, it's so, you got to put all those factors into play and such an individual thing to begin with. We're trying to obviously kind of distill a lot of like what we've learned into digestible
Starting point is 00:17:20 form for just your average type person, but also we're, we get after it. I think that what Erick's you the most is that people don't realize, we still get after it. We still push intensity and we'll push the boundaries, but in terms of actual advice and coaching, when we coach clients, like there's a lot of factors that lead up to that that we have to discuss first.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Yeah, and most people don't program failure properly. Bottom line. And I also think that- It's a button that they hit on. I also think that we've been doing this. Yeah, and most people don't program failure properly. Bottom line. Well, and I also think that- It's a button that they hit a lot. I also think that we've been doing this between the three of us long enough to know that I think we try and communicate to the majority most of the time.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Right. Not the minority. And so when I- I actually could care less about communicating in comparison to the super advanced genetically gifted fitness. How much coaching do they need? You know what I communicate to them? How to communicate better to their clients if they have clients?
Starting point is 00:18:12 That's what I'm talking to. To the 1% of the 1%, it's an echo chamber. You guys can all talk to each other about the latest study on the newest technique that's an increase in muscle growth by 0.2% versus something like that. Okay, that's fine, that's great. But none of that applies to 99.9%. Yeah, none of that applies if you can't even get your people to be consistent.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Yeah. It's like, and that's what, and that's the part I think that frustrates me. It's like you guys are trying to create arguments and division between people in the fitness base over things that don't even really matter that much. It's like it's not even it's not even a real valid argument. It's like you you're wanting to argue over something that is really speaking to a very very small portion of people when in reality
Starting point is 00:18:57 we're all and I do like especially someone who I know like Jordan and the lanes and like we're all trying to help people. I mean, that's the ultimate goal and educate and stuff like that. And so trying to find where somebody, oh, they say this, this way. And you say that they're so who's wrong? Who's right here? It's like, well, you know what happens? We end up getting in the same room and then we'll agree. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:19:16 That's why because yeah, no, I know. That's why I wanted to point that out because it happens between those people a lot because they're certain things that we just, we have different maybe training philosophies, maybe we communicate different, maybe. That's mainly what it is. And there's also, I mean, I've heard Shao talk about us
Starting point is 00:19:32 before really well, it's like, he knows that we know our demographic, we know who, we're trying to reach the masses. I'm not interested in helping just the elite or the coaches and the trainers that are like super consistent. I'm not interested in helping just the elite or the coaches and the trainers that are super consistent. I wanna help everybody out. Now, I believe that we can communicate a message that helps both really advance people,
Starting point is 00:19:55 because I like to think that we fall in that category. I like to think we fall in a category of pretty advanced people. And so we share our journey, our process, the things that we've learned over all these years. In addition to trying to communicate a message that helps the majority, that helps your mom, that helps your aunt, that helps your sister in law, that stuff like that. Speaking of trainers and coaches, how much do you guys think the top trainers in the world can charge per session? In the world? Yeah, per session? Yeah. A thousand an hour? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:24 So Arnold's fortunate. I'd be like the most right. Who's obviously a celebrity. Somebody that doesn't count. That shit. Arnold and I didn't count. So he, he did a fundraiser. And the way he raised money for this particular fundraiser was he charged for a personal training session from him. And you got people to buy it. You want to guess how much he was able to afford? Well, if it's a fundraiser, come on. You get to guess how much it was? For a fine race, come on. You get some money. And it's only $50,000. Yeah, no, wait, more than $150,000. Yeah, as I say, $150,000. $150,000.
Starting point is 00:20:49 And he said, for $150,000, I'll take you through a workout for a full hour, you hang out. And he had a bunch of people sign up. And I don't remember who the... See, now that, okay, that's something cool. And that is something that, so I... I mean, you get to hang out with Arnold. I get a message.
Starting point is 00:21:02 That's really what it is. I've got messages before, like, you know, do you guys still coach or would you train me? Or, oh, I would pay whatever. And I'm like, mean, you get to hang out with Arnold. I get mess with you. That's really what it is. I've got messages before, like to, oh, do you guys still coach or would you train me or oh, I would pay whatever and I'm like, no, you wouldn't because the amount of money I would charge you to charge it an hour, I wouldn't even feel good. I'd be insulting. Yeah, it would be insulting to do that.
Starting point is 00:21:14 So I wouldn't do that. But I would do that. If we were trying to drive money to like a cool charity, I would charge a ridiculous amount of money and then I would train so far. I would pay that. For that specific. I would pay that to me to hang out with Arnold. Not now, but like if I was like a bazillionaire, I would pay a hundred for the money and then I would train so I would pay that for that specific I would pay that to meet to hang out with Arnold not now
Starting point is 00:21:26 But like if I was like a bazillionaire I would pay a hundred for the grand hangout Arnold if you're a bazillionaire Of course, we could it's all relative. Well, it's just really like like if I had the money a hot dog It's like that if you're a bazillionaire 100% just gonna ride around the moon on SpaceX. You see that well who did what? Yes, so SpaceX just like got some billionaire paid for a ride to fly a moon. What? Like a commercial ride like for what?
Starting point is 00:21:51 That's the same. I can't wait. It's all a camera. Dude, you got to be recorded. You guys are so funny, dude. Okay, so I'm, so you doubled down so hard on this. Wait a second, you're talking about bringing it up so you had some fodder.
Starting point is 00:22:04 A non-astronaut, a person. That's not how you sold it. bringing it up so you have a Non-astronaut a Person that's not how you sold it that is exactly how I sold it. I said with commercial flights the average person is gonna go up there I said you mean billion no, no, no, I mean it's gonna make me oh my god We can think we got to record it. Okay, so what so is that? Do I have to wait till somebody on welfare goes around the Before you guys? I want to become like a ball on the lake. Okay, so if already billionaires are able to pay for it, at what point do I weigh after?
Starting point is 00:22:31 You guys are sending me robots that can't even fucking pick up the same level. And spray a fucking hose all over the wall. Oh, look at it. It's almost here out of it. But it's still a robot. I'll tell you what, right? No, this was the bet.
Starting point is 00:22:41 The bet was that average people are going to get a good way. So I know when I win or when I potentially lose this, what does that mean an average person? Since a billionaire doesn't classify as an average person, so do I have to have a special income that gets to fly? Like tell me. So I know.
Starting point is 00:23:01 So here's the bet. You're gonna see robots washing dishes on mass before you see people just taking trips to the moon. So what does that look like? I mean, not like one billionaire, maybe like a like a first class flight to Europe, something like that, which is expensive. First class flight, 10 grand, 15 grand. So is that okay? Okay, no, that's fair. Yeah, that's where that's the argument I'm making. I do absolutely think that that's what I would have. The way he didn't land on the moon, he went around the moon. Yeah, there was no moon landing.
Starting point is 00:23:33 No, no, no. He went around the moon. It was a big difference. No, that's not what I said. I was talking about what was already been said as being worked on is that they're talking about a trip that is nonstop that goes around the moon and comes back. Okay. So you wanna make it an around the moon trip? Yeah, that's a thing. Because that's what they're building and designing. That's what they were doing.
Starting point is 00:23:51 They were talking about years ago when I brought it up. This is the dumbest baby. Well, what's gonna be dumb is the new ones of it when you guys are high-club. Like, okay, there is no robots, not in billionaire's houses or anything, doing dishes right now. But yet yet there's billionaires going around already the moon So who is really closer to this argument? Technically my dishwasher is the dishes that I know what you want you want a robot that's like hi Adam
Starting point is 00:24:14 I will wash more today Put it in that's it your dishwasher does not get your dishes out of the sink and then wash the dishes It's a dumbest thing ever. Let's spell it out. A robot that does your dishes. Okay, hold on. So that doesn't be spelled out. Is that simple? No, no, hold on.
Starting point is 00:24:30 It takes the dish, that's dirty. And then puts it in the dish wash. And after it's cleaned, can we have to take it out? Well, that's going to be the problem, by the way. Okay, so that's their hurdle right now. That's a huge hurdle, is it? Is that details? That a dumb robot cannot figure out if the dish is clean
Starting point is 00:24:44 or not clean already. We have things that does this, you know, that complicated. It's got to be smart enough to clean the dish. But we need the delicate ones. Like you got to do the pants. Here's the thing though. What are you going to happen for sex robots or robots that wash your dishes? Sex robots.
Starting point is 00:24:59 That's a blade. I mean, everybody knows that porn is like the first breakthrough of everything. There's all the money's there. That's true way. I mean, everybody knows that porn is like the first breakthrough of everything. There's all the money's there. That's true. That's true. I mean, I'm, that ain't, I ain't gonna argue that for sure. 100%.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Bill Gates invests two billion dollars in hand job robots. Oh, yeah. Can you watch my dishes know that I'm not gonna, we don't care about this. Tell the audience, stop sending me dumb robots stuff. People send me these dumb robots stuff all the time. That's hilarious. They send me a robot, like a hose blasting a fucking bathroom.
Starting point is 00:25:30 They're like, oh, it's almost here. I'm like, OK, that's really cool. You're gonna see those, you put a hose in those sprinklers, they go, yeah, yeah. We've had those for like 50 years, dude. That's about what your big ass, clunky robot does right now for cleaning. It's exactly what it big ass, clunky robot does right now for cleaning. That's exactly what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:25:47 We'll see about that. You know, this is all a record when the robot uprising happens. They're gonna play this at your trial. Adam's gonna be in jail forever. I mean, you guys feel pretty confident about it, but there's already humans doing what I said. There's no robots doing what you guys said.
Starting point is 00:26:02 We'll see about that. Speaking of trips, I went to LA yesterday, and I'm a great trip. I gotta tell you guys something about that trip. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Before the thing that I've been dying to ask you and I waited to ask you until your live-on-air because I wanna hear you say it.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Okay. You got to meet Michael Hurn. Yes. Okay. And you said something over text that I wanna hear you explain yourself because okay, I, and I've never met Mike in person, right? But you said you 100% believe he's natural.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I do now after meeting. I do. Wow. I do. Come on. So I've heard him build a bean. I've heard him talk. I've heard him say how he's naturalist and that.
Starting point is 00:26:43 I also know enough now where I've met professional athletes. I've met people in this category of people where, by the way, when you meet someone that's seven foot tall, which is rare, nobody says they take steroids or whatever because we don't have drugs that can do that. And yet here we have people that are so tall that it's, you never see them in real life. You never see someone that's seven foot tall in real life unless you go to NBA game, right? That's how rare some genetics are
Starting point is 00:27:10 when it comes to muscle building athletic performance. And I've met some professional athletes where do you look at them? Steroids are not. And you just realize like, there's a completely different class of humans. So that's, I'm gonna paint the context. Now when I met Mike, he's definitely a muscular guy, but when you meet him in person, he doesn't have that, that, that look where
Starting point is 00:27:30 you like. Oh my God, that doesn't look real. What he looks like is a very built, super genetically gifted individual. He's a tall guy, he's definitely muscular. And when you see him on, on Instagram and pictures, he's ripped and he's posing and he's pumped and that makes you look so much bigger But if he stood next to a roided out pro bodybuilder, you would clearly see the difference Now I'm not saying he doesn't look impressive. He looks very impressive But I believe him. I also hung out with him a little bit and Mike is a very authentic Individual I know he has a character that he plays and he communicates, he's an actor and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:07 But I met him, I met his wife, I met his staff, super nice down to earth, real authentic people. So I have no reason to believe, and I also don't give a shit to be honest with you. No, I know you care. This is why I was so curious about this conversation because I actually, I believe your opinion more than I believe all the trolls on the internet
Starting point is 00:28:25 because something that you said that is so true. It is amazing what a pump, lighting, oil, lean, lean, a shit, can make you look like for a picture versus how you're, what you look like when you just walk around. And he was also, he was an animal when he was 16, 17, 17. That's the other thing that makes it believable because he was he was already a freak at 16 years old yeah so the fact that he looked already like a unless he's been doing steroids since he was 12 no he's he
Starting point is 00:28:57 potentially could have that one percent of one percent type of genetics that just responds so well he's got incredible genetics and then his work ethic and consistency is insane. This guy's been working out consistently since he was a kid and I don't know how old is he now in his 50s. He's been doing it nonstop since then. Super consistent with his diet, super consistent with his training.
Starting point is 00:29:20 So I have no, huh? Gemini duck eggs. No, I didn't. No, no, no. No, you know how nice they are though? That's his any duck eggs? No, I didn't. No, no duck eggs. You know how nice they are though? That's this thing. That's this, that's this.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Yeah, yeah, that's like that. Super, super rich yolks. You never ate a duck egg? I mean, what's the one that's like kind of black and it's like a little bit rotten. It's like a delicacy. Oh, is that one they've been pleased with one of those things? No, you didn't.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Yeah, dude. That's when they let us develop a little bit. Yeah, it's like a little bit grown like a little bird Yeah, the bird like the chicken is not illegal. No, it's like a Filipino isn't it? A Filipino dish. I know the Vietnamese Vietnamese. That's a yeah, disgusting It's like a it's like a portion of Chinese ones too called century eggs Yeah, it's sometimes called thousand year old eggs. Smell black. Are you eight years old? Is that the worst?
Starting point is 00:30:09 Yeah, well, yeah, I yacked it up. I didn't eat. Oh, happy. Well, anyway, so I go to his house. Super, super nice guy, super nice staff. His wife is, by the way, hilarious. She's no filter. Very real, great people.
Starting point is 00:30:23 And had a great conversation with him. Hung out a little bit afterwards. This is how nice they are. So I, great people, and had a great conversation with him, hung out a little bit afterwards. This is how nice they are, it's how great they are, right? So after we're done, and it's business, right? So I'm here to do the podcast, whatever, after we're done, I'm like, hey, is there anywhere to eat? That's kind of healthy, close by, because I gotta get on another podcast or whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:39 And this wife's like, oh, I can make you some turkey and some rice and some vegetables if you want. I'm like, no, no, no, you don't have to do that. No, no, let me make it for you. I'm like, no, I had kind of convinced them that no, I got, I can make you some turkey and some rice and some vegetables if you want. I'm like, no, no, no, no, you don't have to do that. No, no, let me make it for you. I'm like, no, I kind of convinced them that no, I got to take off. Like what nice people to invite me to kind of have a home-cooked meal type of deal.
Starting point is 00:30:53 So cool. So you really liked them then. Really liked them. Really liked them. Yeah, super down to earth. And then I met with Lewis Halles. I was on his show. His show's exploded since the late Wing Hadam on our show, which was a how long ago was it that we had him on? like four five years ago years? Yeah, it's been a long time Was it before here? No, I don't think so we were here, right? We're probably about four years ago
Starting point is 00:31:12 About four years ago. Oh, yeah, so we got a full production team and everything and him and I talked a lot about You know media and where it's going. He's got a full on media company. So so when we went last time We went and we recorded it out of his apartment. Yeah, no, he's got like a studio now. Oh, yeah full on media company. So when we went last time, we went and we recorded it out of his apartment. Yeah, no, he's got like a studio now. Oh, wow. Yeah, full on studio and a staff. Different sets are just one set, what's it look like? All I saw was there was like one area
Starting point is 00:31:33 it looked like in office where he had his editor and producer. And then there was a room you walked into that was the where they recorded. So it's like a set that was set up. And it was in a building in LA. So I think this building is like office-based. I mean, we've done lots of these on the level of impressiveness to use far as like the studio itself and everything. Like is it one of the best ones you've seen? Well, Tom Billews got like a huge like a movie setup. Well, so he's got a bill you has his in a
Starting point is 00:31:58 multi-million dollar mansion. Yeah. So his is the most like impressive. But you know, Lewis has got such good quality. like if you watch his Videos and stuff on on YouTube It's so professionally done actually talked to his producer about it because they use lava liars So they don't use mics right they use lava liars like wow you guys do the solo in lava liars and he goes Yeah, we want it to look like a show show and His producer I think it's his producer one of his editors goes. Yeah, it's a lot of editing It's a lot of work to make the sound sound the way that it of editing, it's a lot of work to make the sound the way that it does. Would the sound be harder to make the sound good
Starting point is 00:32:27 on level ears than? Oh, absolutely. Oh, really? The mic quality here is much better. Yeah. So I was listening to one of Lewis's interviews a while back and what has to happen too because of the cross talk that comes from picking up
Starting point is 00:32:40 the other person's voice on your mic. I bet they have to cut every time that the guy's not speaking just so that that audio comes off the track. I mean, the guy told a sad he did, there's a lot of editing. Yeah, I can tell that they did a lot of editing. He's got a full on media company and they're doing video, audio, written content,
Starting point is 00:32:59 they're working on. And his goal is similar ours, except he's more in the inspiration, motivation, kind of life style type of stuff, whereas we're making fitness. Did you guys watch that Alex or Mozy clip that I sent you? No. Oh, that was with Lewis, right?
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yeah. And no, no, no, no, it wasn't that one. Not the one, that was a single clip where he's talking about. Oh, yeah, I saw the other one, yeah. Oh, oil and energy in the past and now we're at, you guys are fucking terrible. Why don't you tell us. Well, if I send you a clip, okay, I rarely ever send clips like watch and I say watch this.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Like it's a, it's a, just it was a really powerful video. I'll have Andrew share the clip for the audience because I tell you what, that guy's putting out so much, so much. Is that where you said he's gonna be? No, no, no, no. On the top dudes. Oh yeah, that's where I said that.
Starting point is 00:33:42 That's the one, I said yeah, he's just because of the, that is just because I think he's putting out Such incredible. He's a he's very very effective community. Oh my god. He's a good communicator Yeah, that's really really really good communicator. What was the gist of it? What was he saying? He was talking about in the reason why I bring the sub because you're talking about media and him having media companies is That we we have shifted on like on the most powerful companies. He's talked about back, say 30, 40 years ago, it was power. So you have your gas, your electricity,
Starting point is 00:34:13 so your PG&E, your exons, these were the hottest companies, the most powerful companies in the world. And we've now shifted that over to Facebook, Google, you know, these companies that all that have your attention and he goes, the new commodity is attention. And so that has become so unbelievably powerful and valuable that if that is just your main focus and he did this whole like little pyramid thing, you'll see see on the video, or talking about like if you can get a couple of these pieces, you're gonna have a successful company.
Starting point is 00:34:49 And one of those is just that ability to garner that amount of attention. And so people are always so focused on, oh, a product and my invention or what are we gonna sell? And how much are we gonna price it at? How are we gonna convert? And like, it's like, dude, if you just do a good job, get attention, get an audience. Yeah, getting attention, getting an audience. Well, I mean, Kim Kardashian, if you just do a good job of getting a,
Starting point is 00:35:05 yeah, getting attention, getting an audience. Well, I mean, Kim Kardashian, doesn't she have a number one makeup company now? That's what he uses examples like that. And she beat Lori Al and Mabeline, his girlfriend around for 100 years. Yes, and he talks about Mr. Beast, you know, he claims that, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:18 he'll be a hundred billionaire in our lifetime. Like, that guy is getting is getting so much attention. And once he, and what he what he's just now starting to venture out into chocolate burgers, like it's unlimited to what he can potentially do now because he is garnering that much attention. It's just insane. And there's right by the way,
Starting point is 00:35:37 and in that video he talked about the restaurant, I think you've talked about on the show the other day, it was 12,000 people showed up to a launch of a restaurant. That's great. In person, 12,000 bro. You know what 12,000 people showed up to a launch of a restaurant. That's a great in person. 12,000, bro. You know what 12,000 people looks like? That's like the shark arena. Yeah, or a arena.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Just all standing and waiting. Could you imagine like launching a launching a restaurant and then having that? That's how you'd be like, I mean, the best restaurant of all time, like just, you know. Instantly. All products are gonna have to be content producers
Starting point is 00:36:07 in the future or attached to content producers. That's just how it's gonna be from now on. Oh yeah. Because it's about the content because advertising has changed. It's changed quite a bit. It's not like you just, I was watching regular TV
Starting point is 00:36:18 because when I went down to LA, obviously I stayed in a hotel room and you know what, you have there's regular TV. And it's no wonder they're dying. You're a watch, have you, once the last time you watch regular TV every five seconds there's 15 commercials. So just talk to him about that because he's been on like your L.ins, your doctor, Ozes maybe, but I've seen him on a few of those like mainstream TV shows.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Well, I mean, he's trying to go full on become a media company himself. Be that content producer because once you do that, like you said, Adam, yeah, then the sky's a limit. You know limit you know something else happened while I was going down there that was just infuriating and I made some comments on the plane that got people uncomfortable I'm sure what I'm sitting so I'm sitting probably seven rows back from the front so I'm like seven rows back and I sit down and I put my headphones on and I'm chillin Anyways, young lady walks in and she's just, she's petite and she's trying to put her luggage in the overhead compartment, right?
Starting point is 00:37:11 And she's literally, first off, she's surrounded by men. There's at least six men sitting around her and she's trying to put it in and she's struggling and pushing and this poor girl can't get it in. And I'm looking at these guys who are like Five rows in front of me and they're all just like The And this poor girl's I should put it down. She can finally I stand up and I go over there I was like six guys around here can't help you how embarrassing I stuff it in all the guys like oh I could tell I made them uncomfortable. What the hell is going on with men?
Starting point is 00:37:41 What a bunch of lazy Pussies man, you see a young lady need some help? Stand up and fucking help her. That was wrong with you guys, man. It's a meanie son of a- Yeah, she'll worry his dad, dude. It's so bad. You ever see that?
Starting point is 00:37:52 There's somebody trying to open a door and they need help and people are just standing around, whoo, and noise a shit. That's how it's weird how it is like that right now. It's really, really annoying. Anyway, I want to hear about your meatballs, Adam, because I heard you have amazing- I was gonna transition during Justin's
Starting point is 00:38:06 Poisonous egg or whatever is or is dying bird egg? That'll be a terrible butcher box commercial. Yeah Attaches together. Yeah, that was hazing so Adams and meet the balls so butcher box has first time I've had tried this Katrina tried it or did she goes? Hey, I want to do this Meatballs for dinner. Meatballs, we never do meatballs. She's like, yeah, no butcher box has it. I'm like, okay, whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Like, I think 13 minutes and nothing done, like, they're already like seasoned up and everything. Oh, okay. Straight in the air fryer, 13 minutes. Bomb. Absolutely bomb. Are you guys not done? The meatballs are done.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I have not yet. Get the meatballs. I can't wait to like try. So now that I got them, I'm gonna gonna get the meatballs. I can't wait to like try. So now that I got them, I'm gonna do anything on them. Nothing. Just straight by themselves, they were fired.
Starting point is 00:38:49 They were like big. Yeah, they're like, just like big ones. Yeah, like a big big. Yeah, no, they're big. Yeah, no, they're big to bowl. Courtney does like a big meatball spaghetti recipe. I've had it before.
Starting point is 00:38:59 So now I can't wait to go and try it in like spaghetti or try it in like, What do you point at me? This is all your approval. Now I can't wait to go and try it in like spaghetti or try it in like you know you pointed me All your approval Tell you representation Yeah, I'm representing it. It was really good I you know I we I'm like the one out of all of us who probably doesn't rotate is butcher box You know box that often and Katrina and I actually was telling her the last time we were talking like you know
Starting point is 00:39:23 I really need to go through all their stuff because it's terrible. I don't have any good butcher box commercials. So that was really the intent was to do it. So I had something to talk about. I mean, it was that good. And it was how good. So, you know, you know, and pumped.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Oh, that's exciting. I'm gonna do that. If you ever wanna get like, be a little hedonistic with your food, get meatballs like that, right? Put some sauce on them. I can bring you guys some tomato sauce if you want and get some nice French bread. Put sauce, meatballs and sauce on them. I can bring you guys some tomato sauce if you want and get some nice French bread.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Put sauce, meatballs, and a nice sandwich. Oh, it's good. How bad do you not want to go, I want to go to our boys restaurant after meeting Mike and you know, I know, I do want to try that. Which one? The meatballs shop.
Starting point is 00:39:59 The meatballs shop. Well, that's literally, I don't know. We've been making excuse to go out there anyways. We've been talking about going that way for a long time. Well, all the way over there for some meatballs. Hey, why not? That sounds like a day.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I mean, the restaurant blew up. I mean, it crushed it. So aren't they giving away free turkeys too? Yes. Close to Thanksgiving. Yeah, they're giving away a free turkey in every box for first time orders. Can I take a free 10 to 14 pound turkey. Oh, that'll be as supplies last
Starting point is 00:40:27 it. Right? That's not that they're not they didn't mention that. But I suppose that's true. Let me look at the main dog. I tell you what when it comes to turkey, because turkey's almost always sell out. Isn't that they always always sell out for Thanksgiving? Yeah, it's like you get a buy them like earlier every year. It seems like I I'll tell you what though, ever since eating a deep fried turkey, I don't like turkey any other way. It's tough to go back, right? I can't eat turkey anywhere. I mean, the smoked turkeys, I think, are, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:52 that's good. That's a good move too. It's not bad, but a nice deep, didn't you deep fry one once? Yeah, yeah. I deep fry for us. That's the best, man. Our Catriona's family, they want one of each, that's what we do. Cause I deep fry, and then her brother normally cooks in the oven,
Starting point is 00:41:03 so we know that. I'm scared to deep fry it. I'll those stupid videos of people sitting everything on fire. I'm not a idiots. I'm an idiot sometimes. Well, yeah, I know. It's where you get people that like are good at what they do to help. You're brilliant idiot, but I appreciate you. Yeah. So you get help. Speaking of of of of brilliant idiots, I've been reading about quantum mechanics lately. Oh, bro, did you know, I'm not gonna get into the weed transition. Mainly because I can't explain it,
Starting point is 00:41:29 but are you guys familiar with quantum entanglement? You know what that means? I guess it knows, okay. Quantum entanglement is when this is freaking weird, Adam. They take two particles, right? Two particles, light particles, and they create it at the same time. They separate them. They separate them particles, right, two particles, light particles, and they create it at the same time. They separate them, they separate them by vast distances, and what you do to one happens to the
Starting point is 00:41:51 other one instantly. Yeah, and they're how far apart? As far as you put them, you can put one on the other end of the universe. Yeah. And what you spend one, it affects the spin of the other one instantly. So this has been a weird observation in quantum physics for a long time. And they just did more studies to confirm that this legit, yes, this is legit, it's happening, and we don't know what the hell's going on. So it poses two questions. Either the particles are communicating with each other infinitely fast or space is a complete illusion. Yeah. There is no space. Everything's touching. Yeah. We're touching right now. It makes me uncomfortable. We're all just touching. How weird is that? It's just so weird. I can't even,
Starting point is 00:42:40 like, that this is something we need to just smoke a joint and like talk about. No, I was reading about this trip and you guys don't MRI machines use smoke a joint and like talk about. No, I was reading about this trip. And you guys don't MRI machines use quantum mechanics. You guys know that? No, I didn't know that. Yes, MRI machines change the particle, they affect the way that your particle is rotate, I think, in a particular way, and then it uses it to create an image.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Now, do they spend in the same direction, or this particular opposite direction, right? So this might be a dumb question, but what constitutes quantum physics? Like, what constitutes us? The very, very small. Oh, oh, oh. Like, so you just said that we, that there's, there's quantum physics used in the MRI machine.
Starting point is 00:43:14 So what constitutes that? When you're dealing with the very, very, very, very small, that's when the normal physics, which would be called Newtonian physics, right? So the physics we know of like, like magnified by some whatever. Yeah, so like an object in motion will continue in motion, let's act it upon by, you know, whatever. So like the physics we experience every day,
Starting point is 00:43:35 like I push this microphone, I lift the ball, I throw a ball, whatever, when you go down to the very small, forget it all, it's all weird shit at that point. In fact, they're also now- Is that because things that small are, is almost weightless? No, it's as if, okay, it's gonna get real weird now.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Right, that's right. I know you're so much like that. Please can we pass a joint? Be that flexible. It gets even weirder, okay? So there's a famous experiment called the double slit experiment, which I think I've explained to you before.
Starting point is 00:44:03 I think I've heard you talk a lot about it. Okay, we've tried to explain this. Yeah, well, they maybe we'll put up a little video, Andrew. I could send you that, that kind of breaks it down, but they've also now proven that nothing is basically real. In other words, nothing is where it's at, the observer, unless it's observed, otherwise it's everywhere at the same time.
Starting point is 00:44:24 So I know I just confuse a shadow. So that's like the, but it's all it's confusing. Otherwise, it's everywhere at the same time. So I know I just confuse a shadow. So it's like the, but it's all confusing. Isn't that like the old tree thing? If a tree falls in woods and no one hears it, then it doesn't happen. Right. And quantum mechanics would say there is no tree or it's a potential of things. It's really weird shit, man. I know.
Starting point is 00:44:39 He is. This guy's explaining. I'd Yeah, I tripped out on that kind of stuff. It's like, like, almost if you could create a visual of what you perceive in terms of what's right in front of you. And so it's like a limited amount of what you perceive. And you see a bunch of people with just that limited
Starting point is 00:44:58 of what you perceive and everything else in between is just darkness. Well, it's particles act. It's like a potential. They call it a, they's particles act, it's like a potential. They call it a, they call it a, it's always in potential until it's observed and then acts in a specific way. Yeah. Otherwise, it's almost gives energy and I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I have no know, like it's something. But you know what it makes me think of? It makes me feel like we're in a big video game. Like a big cosmic video game. That is how video games work. It is. Because the video game, when you're walking through the force pixelated and then it becomes you become aware shit appears, but otherwise it's just inside the video game as a potential
Starting point is 00:45:32 That's it's way I look at it. Anyways. This is all gonna be part of my Weekend adventure then I'm gonna what do you do have to trip out on that? I got nobody at the house. So I got it all to myself. Where's wife going? We're why bank kids going? They're going to Palm Desert. So you're gonna be thinking about science you play? No, I'm gonna be, I was gonna be like buying some music gear, dude, I'm getting all like serious about it again.
Starting point is 00:45:55 I started writing songs again. Oh really? So yeah, I'm like, do you write love songs? No. Okay. Yeah, they're not. I'm not gonna ask you. I was talking to John Dilloni yesterday about you, and it started actually actually about I don't think I told you I told these guys that the he paid for our tickets to go to the Malcolm Gladwell Dave Ramsey Jordan Petersen summit. Oh,
Starting point is 00:46:18 well, there's more people that I'm missing too that are great. Oh, bro Deloney's such a great, great, great, like $20,000. Take it. What? Yeah. Yeah. So we're going as it's getting slowly. And then one of the things he's trying to do right now is he really, he's like so blown away by maps. He's been following it. And he's like, and he's been, you guys got the package today. He's like, we've been super grateful. He's trying to get, it approved for Sal to actually speak on that stage. That's so nerve-racking, right? Do you understand how, do you understand? That's so rad to speak. Hey, bro, to speak at the same stage.
Starting point is 00:46:50 It's so cool that talk about, you're so good for you. It might not happen. Yeah, it might not happen. It's just the fact that it's a possibility, somebody like Jordan Peterson, who you absolutely love, to think that we, and we've been back and forth with his team like again, they're communicating with us about another and that the top of the what
Starting point is 00:47:10 we might end up meeting as you speaking on stage with him before we ever get him on the show. I just think that's what the hell am I gonna talk about after those guys going to talk about what do you ever lost for words? Well, I mean, what do I say? No, I mean, I have a lot to say. You got 30 minutes, bro, get your ass a lot to say. I mean, you got 30 minutes broke, get your ass off the six. You know what I'm saying? It's like, it's like, hey, you're gonna do a standup comedy show
Starting point is 00:47:31 right after Dave Chappelle, you know what I mean? But, but anyway, okay, so back to why I brought it up to Justin. So, you know, I was just in the play. I was, I was telling him. No way, dude. Well, no, he was bringing up like us going up there. And I said, nah, I said, um, Sal is one of those and speaks up there and I said, nah, I said I said
Starting point is 00:47:47 Sal is one of those and speaks for us. I said I used to do it with them I'm trying to remove myself. I go around shake hands kiss babies and talk business Babies and kids hands. Yeah, and I said Sal goes up and talks right because well maybe Maybe you come and you could do like push-ups on the side and just get plays guitar on the stage I was like don't you dare tell Justin. I said because if anything breaks up mind pump, it'll be just as desired to go back and create a bandage. That has nothing to do with breaking. It's enhancing, right?
Starting point is 00:48:12 I'm like, I'm always in the same place. It's just like, where do you mean doing more live events? You say that and then I'll send you to get a bunch of people that love it and you're like, oh, fuck. You know what, my own band. Whatever, dude. Some people might love it.
Starting point is 00:48:23 There's a reason why all business inquiries go through Adam filter's out all the people interested in signing you on a record. I'm like no, we're trying to keep you It's really just for it's the right offer cups. Yeah, I'm like sure all manager Be exactly My manager 25%'ll all be beneficial. Yeah, so, but yeah, I mean, between that, and I'm also like preparing for this big, like, shindig we're throwing for Halloween,
Starting point is 00:48:52 which, okay, most people are going to, all the cool kids who are in the podcast, like how deep are you into this now? How much money you spend so far? I see you buying all kinds of shit right now. Couple grand, couple. Yeah, that's a good amount of money. Not like in the crazy crazy, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I haven't hit the 10 mark. It's too bad. I want to, it's too bad. We're so close to Jessica giving birth. I was like, I'm a little worried of going anywhere far around that time, you know what I mean? Yeah, I'm a little worried if it was there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Oh, you're kind of cool. It might be cool though. We're all ruined. We're ruined your parties. Yeah. Hey everybody, we're having a baby in of cool. It might be cool though. We're all ruined in your parties. Yeah. Hey, everybody, we're having a baby in the back of. No, be awesome.
Starting point is 00:49:28 Are you guys, are you doing DJ or do you know bar? What's the set up? I have two DJs. Two? I know it's kind of excessive, but yeah, one for outside and then one inside is just pure karaoke. So, you know that was just for my own self interest. So I could just be on that, you know, be on that all night.
Starting point is 00:49:49 And I have like just more decorations and stuff like, dude, the thing is my other house was a lot easier to decorate. This one's like, where do I go from? Because the outside, there's a lot that like potentially I'm like, I would love this like huge Scary like skeleton here like something crazy that you like drive up to. Yeah, it's like I got to you know slow my roll and And paste it out. So maybe next year. I'll start like adding one big thing at a time. Yeah, yeah Well, like I'm starting to get into him like, ooh, this could be fun, dude All you need are everybody dress up in costumes and alcohol. Did you I didn't say what did you say bartender or no? Oh, yes. So no, no bartender. We're gonna have plenty of drinks without like a
Starting point is 00:50:30 cake and like drinks already lined up. Oh, you better contact Z-biotics because we always run out real fast, Justin. I get a whole bunch. I would love that. Yeah. So I'm gonna I was actually about to send us some please for the party. I was about to order like a case because it's like, I did that last time and I threw a party and it was they're gone like completely got. They even went into the pantry and like found all my person's dash of Z-Batics and like just go. I do the hundred packs now just and then just
Starting point is 00:50:59 slowly chip away at that. Yeah, it's like over the course of a year, especially with Katrina's family, Katrina's family has enough parties and drinks enough that we go through. Don't you guys feel like Z-Botics would crush it if they worked with bars and just save them in bars?
Starting point is 00:51:12 I've said that since they were. I don't know why they're not. I've never asked him why they haven't been able to work that out. Cause I feel like once you use it, that's it, you never want to drink with me. I don't know any, well, you know, you've been in the bar industry,
Starting point is 00:51:23 what's it like to get, like let's say somebody wants to get an alcohol drink. Is it hard to break? Yes, it's hard to break through barriers, right? Yeah, because they also have deals with other providers and it's in conflict a lot. Like they have like certain contracts and things because we, every now and then we get like, Bayley's would come in and then they'd have some like special Shot that they'd want us to promote and nobody really liked it
Starting point is 00:51:48 And so we ended up just drinking all of it as bartenders because just to get rid of it First and it is like you know like a free drink It's still a thing so I remember in my 20s that you go to a club on here down here And there's all there would almost always be like like two or three girls dressed in bikinis and with that, and they'd be like, you know, passing out Sriracha, or they would be doing like a, you know, Budwizers, new... Like promoting. Yeah, and they would be promoting it in the bar, but it would be like its own little
Starting point is 00:52:14 thing. Stan alone, is that happen still? And how does that work out? You know, if that's like a deal, they make... Mother and sweats, and no, shut up. Just, yeah. Justin hasn't been to a bar as long as we have. Yeah, no, yeah, that still happens.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Like those stuff cocktail waitresses and things like promoting some sort of experience. I don't try to get you to get some for your party. No, these were always like, these were like girls that didn't work for the bar. They represent the company. Yeah, so how does that deal, what I'm asking is like, how does that work out?
Starting point is 00:52:40 Like does the bar make money or kick back over to the, or does it's like, Srirach pay a bar and go like, hey, we're gonna give you 10 grand, lettering. Some promotional, yeah, they pay for promotional opportunities like that to come in the bar. Okay, so that's what, the reason why I'm asking is I would think that would be the move.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Is Zbiotic would come in and say, hey, I'm gonna pay, we're gonna pay you 10, 20 grand. Let us set up a little thing and then sell, sell the little Zbiotics inside there. And maybe that's just a, I don't know where their budget is. You know, they're kind of... Yeah, that's old school, but effective.
Starting point is 00:53:08 You know, that's like foot traffic kind of stuff. Cause I really feel that's gonna be the best way to move it is people just need to try it. You have to. Once you try it, that's it. You're done deal. I gotta read you guys a comment that we got on whenever our YouTube videos, it was so good.
Starting point is 00:53:21 I wanna pull it, I wanna bring it up here. What show? So it was the episode where we talked about, what was the title of that episode, Doug? It was like, why, how fat phobia and other myths are keeping you fat, sick and unhealthy? That's it, yeah. And it was one of those, I thought,
Starting point is 00:53:38 we all thought might be a little controversy, I know Doug's butt was pucker the whole time while we were doing the podcast, because we're going off on how politics is infiltrated fitness. By the way, I just posted in our story, which is going to be gone by Thomas air this airs, but there's this girl who made this TikTok talking about how flat stomachs, the reason why flat stomachs are popular is because of sexism, racism and Christianity. Apparently. It's getting crazy. It's getting so wild to me, I can't believe what's going on. So anyway, that whole episode was about some of the ridiculous lies
Starting point is 00:54:09 and myths you're being told and how a lot of it's propaganda and it's keeping you fat, sick, and unhealthy. But anyway, we talked about how there was a myth around how working out in gyms is for privileged people. And we talked about how, no, that's not the case at all. And how we've all had homeless people people sign up pay 20 bucks a month Be able to use the gyms and we've even given free memberships to people right because they want to work out so bad that they said Hey, I'll take out your trash. I'll do whatever and we've all done that right check out this this this comment
Starting point is 00:54:35 This guy says man I got choked up when you guys mentioned homeless people using gyms a shower I was homeless at 18 for a while and I use the gym too. The manager, manager caught on because I had my double bag with all my clothes in it. He would give me protein shakes and bars, which was more than I could ever ask for, forever grateful. Amazing how a kindness can change a life
Starting point is 00:54:54 and it came from a gym. Just highlights the gym culture that. So cool. This is why I get so mad. That needs to get proper. Why I get so mad with this bullshit propaganda that tries to demonize one of the best cultures that exists in the world when it comes to inclusivity,
Starting point is 00:55:09 acceptance, empowerment, just positivity. It's a gym culture. It's a melting pot of positivity. It's one of the best cultures in the world. So I just want to read that because it was so touching. Yeah, that was great. Hey real quick, go check out this company, Elemente.
Starting point is 00:55:23 They make electrolyte powder drinks that taste amazing and have the right amount of sodium for increased performance, recovery, and better muscle pumps when you lift out, lift weights plus no artificial sweeteners. And right now, Elemente is offering all of our listeners a free sample pack with any order. So you get eight single serving packets for free
Starting point is 00:55:43 with any Elemente order. Go check them out. Go do drink L-M-N-T dot com forward slash mind pump. All right, here comes the rest of the show. First question is from Jessica Welch 06. What are the best ways for a female to get lean and muscular arms without looking too bulky while trying to build muscle overall, especially for women with broad shoulders. All right, so I'm gonna say something that's just true. And I know some women who are listening to this and be like, that's not true for me. Yeah, that's probably true for you.
Starting point is 00:56:13 99.9% of women who say, my arms get too bulky, just need to get leaner. That's just a fact. Most women are not gonna build arms that get huge and muscular. It just doesn't happen. What happens is, women tend to store more body fat in their arms than men do, especially in the back of their arms. So anytime I've gotten a female client, it was like, no, you don't understand. I get really bulky arms. What it was is that their body fat percentage was a little too high. And when we got them leaner, they were very happy with the way
Starting point is 00:56:46 that the muscles of the arms look. Well, thank you for man-spreading that for us. So, you know, you're gonna leave me on the side of the knee. Oh, that's it. The next one. No, no, you're right. Here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:57:02 When I would get clients like this, the most challenging part was just to get them comfortable with the fact that you actually may see the circumference in your arms go up and you don't want that. And that, by the way, this is where the lean tone marketing... Long muscle. Yeah, long muscle abilities. These marketing gimmicks came from because if you told a woman that she's going to build her arms when she's like, no, I don't want to build them.
Starting point is 00:57:30 I want them to be firm. Well, that's what you have to do. If you want tight, firm, lean, tone arms, you've got to build muscle. And build, if you first focus on building muscle before you do what you're saying, Sal, which is get really lean, then the inevitable is going to happen. The circumference of the arms are probably going to get bigger. And but that's okay because if we build muscle on your arms or anywhere on your body, you're going to speed your metabolism up, which is going to help you lose body fat and
Starting point is 00:58:01 get leaner. So I would have to just get my female clients that wanted to obtain this look, that hey listen, you got to trust the process with me that right now, we're gonna increase calories, we're gonna build muscle, you might feel your pants fill out a little bit, you might feel your arms fill out in your shirts a little bit, but trust the process, if that happens
Starting point is 00:58:21 then I know you're building muscle because we're eating good and I have you a little bit of surplus, but we're going to speed this metabolism up. And then when I cut you down, and we lean out, those arms are going to get sculpt just like you want, and they're going to look like that, but you've got to trust the process. Lean type, sharp, defined muscle. Okay. It's just different words. That's all, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:43 All it is is a complete marketing thing with that, but it's just the same process applies. And it seems like it's different because, yes, a bit different chemistry, but in terms of the actual training and the methods and using nutrition, being in a deficit where we can reduce body fat, like all that applies. Yeah, I mean, look, again, nine at a 10 times women who think their arms are too big, it's just their body fat percentage is a little too high.
Starting point is 00:59:12 It's very, very rare. Well, find a woman that builds actually big, massive. Here's what's tough, though. Here's what's tough, though, is their body fat percentage is high and their calorie intake is low. And so it puts a trainer or a coach in this weird period. I mean, Katrina is literally helping a good girl from hers,
Starting point is 00:59:29 and I won't put her name out there, put her on blast, because I think she listens. But she's been helping her out, and she was eating 900 calories. And she's like, I want, and she's like, I just want, and this is actually someone where she's like, I want to define arms and maybe lose 10 or 15 pounds, but she's like, I want, and she's like, I just want, and this is actually someone where she's like, I just want to define arms and maybe lose 10 or 15 pounds.
Starting point is 00:59:46 But she's eating 900 calories. And she does the typical cardio circuit class to lose weight and so, and then she basically, stars herself to lose that 10 or 15 and then it always comes back or is she building in that? Right, so Katrina's been helping her for the last seven weeks now. And she's like, you just gotta trust me. I just's had her, Katrina's been helping her for the last seven weeks now. And she's like, you just kind of trust me. I just listen to what I mean, just give me,
Starting point is 01:00:08 give me literally a couple months of teaching you what to do and trust the process. And, and she said it's been this grueling process because, you know, of course, she's increased her calories. So she's not seeing like her weight go down her weight is state exactly the same. But she's changing. And her, she's looking at, and she's up to 2400 calories. That's phenomenal. From somebody who was eating 900 calories, she's eating 2400. She's probably built muscle and muscle and muscle. She absolutely had to.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Because her, her scale hasn't changed. So her, her body is changing and, and Katrina is trying to remind her like, listen, we're, we're, we're still, we still want to keep going this direction. But she totally could at this place cut her five six hundred calories It's to show her and that would show more definition of arms lean her stomach out a little bit drop a little bit away on the scale But you just have to trust that process you have to trust the process of getting to this place But it's hard when you're in that predicament when you're in this I'm only eating a Thousand calories a day or what about that and I want to weight, and I also want my arms to be muscular and defined.
Starting point is 01:01:07 It's like, you want your cake and eat it too, and the reality is we need to go through this building process first and then we'll sculpt. I'll tell you what, I'll list the body parts that, and I'm talking about the general average person, or even more so, like 99% of everybody, the body parts that tend to develop fastest in women, where they can actually build muscle to the point where I've had a few clients where we had to scale back because
Starting point is 01:01:30 they were developing too much muscle in a particular area. And this is calves, calves number one. My wife is one of these people. My wife has her calves. I will never get calves as muscular as my wife's, okay? Caves number one. Second would be legs and it's usually quads. Sometimes women can develop really big quads. Still not super common, but it's...
Starting point is 01:01:48 It's traps before women. Traps is pretty rare, but it has happened. It sticks out, because they don't want big traps at all. But it goes, calves, legs, usually quads. Then it goes, maybe shoulders. And everything else is really slow developing. So what you end up with is kind of the sculpt muscular looking because you're lean physique, not big.
Starting point is 01:02:09 You don't get big arms, it's so rare. So what does this mean in terms of training? Train to build. Train to build your arms and then when you're at a point where your calories are where you can go down in calories and you're not gonna go down too low, but you can cut, then you start to cut, you get lean and then you'll get the look that you're looking for. What you don't want to do is avoid training your arms because you're afraid they're going
Starting point is 01:02:31 to get too big. And what you're doing is you're you're you're missing out on that metabolism boosting potential. And if you get lean without building some muscle in your arms, which is again, it's minor, but without building some, you don't get that same quote unquote tone sculpt look, right? So I would not avoid training your arms for fear that they're going to be. You just got to trust the process.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Listen, if you're, if you're in a reverse diet, your calories aren't increased, which more, more than likely your carbs are up, which means you're going to hold a little bit of water, which means you potentially could see some weight go up on the scale, which means your arms could feel, look and feel fuller than what they were before you were doing all these things. But that is all part of the process. You've got to build the muscle first. You know, you got to build that metabolism first and then we get to a place where we carve
Starting point is 01:03:14 and we chip away. But you've got to trust that process. You got to, and it's a mental hurdle that you have to get over. 100% and if you don't do it, then you're going to be forever stuck in this trap of every time you start to build a little bit of muscle, you have to get over. 100% and if you don't do it, then you're gonna be forever stuck in this trap of every time you start to build a little bit of muscle, you have freak out because your arms go up a quarter of an inch.
Starting point is 01:03:30 So now you need 900 calories a day. Yeah, then you go right back and you're in the same trap. You have to get past this. Next question is from MPF Academy. What are your thoughts about workouts in a sauna? I see a lot of these places opening up. That's a thing. Yeah, are you starting to see these? Yes, stupid. I've seen a sauna. I see a lot of these places opening up. That's a thing. Yeah, are you starting to see these?
Starting point is 01:03:45 Yeah, it's stupid. I've seen a sauna as well. They were built so you could have weights in there and like do work out stuff. Yeah, okay. So, so stupid. Let's start with why they're popping up and why they're popular because it's hard.
Starting point is 01:04:00 So, by the way, this is a very... Very big room, yo, guys. This is a very easy way. Now, there are some benefits, and I'll get to that and just- I would disagree with that. Well, not that one. No, no, there are benefits, but it's not- Yeah, but that's why it's getting popular is because, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:14 the Rhonda Patrick's and people out there that are talking about the benefits of sauna, and so you get what this is- This is what's the story in a moment. Yes, let's put it together. It's like, oh, sauna has lots of benefits. We know what training does. Let's put them together. Actually, I disagree oh, sauna has lots of benefits. We know what training does. Let's put them together Actually, I actually I disagree and here's why I don't think I don't think they're getting I don't think they're getting popular with the average person
Starting point is 01:04:32 Because a ronda Patrick. I think ronda Patrick speaks to sauna's benefits I think that people are really into fitness understand the benefits of sauna so they use sauna's the way that you're supposed to use them I think they become popular because in easy way you guys guys know this, if we wanted to create a FAD and you fitness FAD, what we do is we take something old, we add something to it and make it harder, that's all. So take exercise, decade, that just this last, listen. How much do you want to bet on?
Starting point is 01:04:59 Sunlight saw us, clear lie, these companies didn't even exist a decade ago. Like infrared saw us are huge. You're right, so there's more commercial appeal infrared saws are huge. Yeah, right. So there's more commercial appeal. There's more awareness. Yes, exactly. So you, that's right.
Starting point is 01:05:09 But why is a popular workout in them? It's hard. You want, look, I'm going to say this right now. Right. And it's on record. What's going to happen at some point is you're going to have super cold rooms that you work out in.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Mark my words. Mark my words. They're going to go the opposite direction at some point. You're going to go into a room that's refrigerated and it's freezing and you're gonna do a workout in there. I just work out outside in the elements. I feel very, very stupid. So it's just, it's hard.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Now what are the benefits? Well, here's the benefit. Is it muscle building? Is it fat burning? Is it all out? No, it's none of those things. The benefit is it'll increase to improve your heat tolerance.
Starting point is 01:05:41 So what happens when you train in heat, is you get better at tolerating training and heat. Is there value to this? Well, yeah, there's some value. If you work outside, if you're a ruffer in the summer, if you're a wrestler, or you train in judo and jiu-jitsu, where you wear a big ass gie, and you gotta fight someone,
Starting point is 01:05:59 like then there's some potential benefit. This is strength training is so difficult on its own. There's no reason to try and make it more difficult. I'm serious. It is already difficult enough and comes with so many great benefits being able to train at high intensity level. There's no reason to add anything to it to make it more. There's no reason to put a mask on and breathe through a straw.
Starting point is 01:06:19 I was going there. There's no reason there's no reason to ski in a sauna or have some reason to score a goal. Or punch your abs while you're doing sit-ups. There's no reason to do any of that bullshit have some reason to score goal or punch your abs while you're doing sit-ups There's no reason to do any of that bullshit. It's already got enough benefits to it I think it is just we got this hot thing right now like saunas are popular and there is lots of benefits to it And we're trying to combine now what you'll notice when you train in a sauna is your range of motion and your flexibility improve So this is what I could see
Starting point is 01:06:43 Stretching in a sauna some potential benefits. Well, that's like bechrom yoga. I'm more pro that than I would be strength training in it. But you know what the real benefit is with bechrom yoga and stuff like that is that when you're in extreme heat, it makes you as present as possible. You're not thinking about anything else, but how hard this is. And I'm here and'm going through that. I've never been more present in the 4.5 on my back doing a barbell back squat bro. Oh yeah, try 4.5 in a son. You know what? Yes, good point. I wouldn't be able to do that. It'd be so hot and tolerable. I'd have to drop down to 3.15. I just get one of the stem machines and just put it right, you know,
Starting point is 01:07:21 that's the new thing right now. You see that right now, right? Make everybody's, that's the new popular wave right now is the hook and everybody up to Easton machines while they do barbell facts. Yeah, you've seen the new suits that they're trying to promote with that too. Like it's gonna maximize your workout because like you're getting basically shocked as you're doing these exercises.
Starting point is 01:07:41 So you know, there's always gonna be something out there like to your point of just making it ridiculously harder, like, it's going to have some appeal. The last time, over the last, I don't know, there's only been a couple times over the last 20 years, where I've actually been like, wow, this is really wild. One was at the Clujian training, Clujian training is weird, and it actually does some stuff. So, Clujian training is kind of weird and interesting. And the other one was that one study where they had people wear those cold gloves.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Oh yeah. And then when they were covering rate was insane. They went maxed out on so many reps and immediately the performance. That was still fascinating to me. That those two things are really weird. But this kind of stuff, this is just fad stuff. Next question is from Amber Don Gomez 12.
Starting point is 01:08:26 What are your thoughts on the women's cycle training? Yeah, okay, so this is when there's workouts and stuff being created around this where they'll say, oh, when you're ovulating or your, your loodial phase, you train this way, ovulation, you train this way, you know, this is how you train when during these hormone cycles, because women have a roughly, what is it, 28 day or 30 day cycle of hormones. Now they're trying to map their body's stress through this process. Is that like sort of the angle they're playing with that? It's like you're supposedly stronger and have more energy when you're ovulating, for example. And at these times, you're gonna be more tired and more stiff, and so you change the workouts accordingly.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Now, here's, I get it. If it helps you, it works for you. Well, I get it, I get the theory. I'm sure there's individual variance. There you go. How everybody who responds. That's why it doesn't matter, because you can be ovulating and your workout could be like,
Starting point is 01:09:20 here's why I don't like this, I'll tell you why. Because a woman's gonna buy a program that says, during this phase of your cycle, you should be training this way. And maybe she had bad sleep last night, or she got a fight with her boyfriend, or she had a bad, you know, she ate poorly the day before.
Starting point is 01:09:34 She can ignore the signs of her body because of this stupid workout that says, this is when you train really hard. And they're like, oh, it's based on my cycle, therefore, the reality is, none of it matters. How do you feel right now? Do you feel good? Do you have energy?
Starting point is 01:09:48 Who cares where you are in your cycle? That should, that overrides anything else. That's what determines your intensity, your volume, and the kind of workout you do. That is more important than anything else. This reminds me of just, you know, how much we want to simplify everything. Yeah. We just want that so bad.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Just like the blood type diet, like, well, I was exactly what I was thinking about was the blood type diet. It's like how awesome would that be if we could literally pinpoint it to that and then these foods were just completely perfect for you and it worked out that way. And the thing is, there may be a general amount of data that shows women respond well to this type of mapping in terms of managing their stress and their workouts to go with their cycle. But it breaks down.
Starting point is 01:10:36 That's how these break it down. That's how these things get left. Perfectly. Just like the blood type. It gets legs because it does end up lining up for somebody. There's going to be a percentage of people that following this really works well for them 80% of the time. It's like, oh my God. Like if I train this way, it seems to match my energy levels, but to your
Starting point is 01:10:56 point, Salah, so true. It's like, I don't care if it's the perfect time cycle wise for you to be training intensely. If you got shit sleep tonight before or you got terrible news you lost your job the day before you go into that workout I guarantee you will feel way can I tell you why this works for 80% of people it's not because they're training a quarter cycle it's because the workouts are phased yeah that's all it is the workouts are phased that's the bottom line they're doing different stuff at different times of the month
Starting point is 01:11:25 Has nothing to do with their cycle In fact, I'll tell you what like the truth be told four years ago I thought about perhaps developing a program with it around this why Very easy to market I can market the shit out of this and I could sell Women this all day long But the problem was when I broke down the science yeah And when I broke down the science and went into it, this doesn't work.
Starting point is 01:11:47 This makes no sense. It's always down to the individual. I mean, we phase our programs. What do we always say? Listen to your body. Because here's a deal. Yes, your hormones go through cycles. But the complexity and the context of your life
Starting point is 01:11:58 changes on a day-to-day basis. You know, how you feel, your sleep, who you talk to, your diet, emotional state, all that stuff changes regardless. I would make the case that what we know about HRT training would be more valuable information than this. You know why? Because it's individualized.
Starting point is 01:12:16 That's what I mean. Because you're measuring your own heart rate. I think the same woman that has got good maybe results from running a program like this would see just as much value if not more value from an HRT program where you basically are measuring your heart rate variability every single morning and seeing where you're at. And it's if it's a green day, you get after it. If it's a yellow day, you take it easy. If it's a red day, you take it off.
Starting point is 01:12:39 And following that, I bet you'd see just as good of a result. Better. Better. Better. Next question is from Rue's rooftop training. When will you bring your wives in as guests? I didn't know why. I did Katrina's.
Starting point is 01:12:53 I had the story. Yeah, I had the day in the life. And because I was with her yesterday all day, I did like ask her questions. Maybe I'll do that next time. Yeah, I have everybody really enjoyed that. We're not, we're not gonna bring our wives in as, yes, stop asking this question. That's why I put up there. It's not gonna bring our wives in, is yeah, stop asking this question.
Starting point is 01:13:05 That's why I put it up there. It's not gonna happen. You wanna squash it? Can we bury this one? Yeah. Yeah, but first of all, they don't have any desire to be on the podcast. I also, you know what's funny?
Starting point is 01:13:15 I actually, I have zero desire. I actually find it a little insulting too. Why? Well, because I take a little pride in like our craft now. Like they're just all singing to be good. Yeah, I know. That's, I'm dead serious bro. Fuck you, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:13:26 Like this is what I've been doing for like, we've been doing this for eight years. Or maybe that's why we should do it. Now see what happens. I don't want to make my wife look bad. You say, I don't either. Listen, you know why, you know what? Listen, you know how many people you guys we've had,
Starting point is 01:13:39 how many, the audience doesn't know this because they don't get to see all this stuff, but we've had people that do this shit for a living, and you should see how fucking nervous and scared they are and like shaky and fumble their words around and like, oh, we gotta clip this or I don't wanna do this. Like, it is, when you get the lights are on,
Starting point is 01:13:56 you're talking in this and you start thinking about, oh my God, tens of thousands, maybe millions of people might hear this. And you're on camera now. Yeah, that's just, they just don't have any desire. And also, the whole podcast would be about us, which I feel kind of insulting,
Starting point is 01:14:10 like, hey, honey, can you come on a podcast, which I know you don't wanna do, and it makes you nervous, and we're gonna put you on camera. And then they're gonna ask you questions about me. You know, I'm like, I don't wanna waste my wife's time with that kind of stuff. Plus, our wives, if they do,
Starting point is 01:14:24 and we'll end up happening, I know this, is the law probably have a few drinks, loosen up a little bit. She talks shit. And then they're gonna talk. That's why everybody wants it, that's why everybody wants it. Everybody wants to hear all the shit talking. I just think that, I mean, again, you think,
Starting point is 01:14:36 I think that it's, you, you're, you people are underestimating how nerve-wracking it is to sit in these chairs. I don't, it's, it go, and if you underestimate, goacking it is to sit in these chairs. I don't know. And if you underestimate, go back and listen episode three of us. And we went into this willingly to do it and practicing it and trying,
Starting point is 01:14:54 talking about a subject that all of us are very well versed and have a lot of experience and love talking about. So imagine having three wives who don't want to talk about, they're not really into it. They've never done anything like this. And then you're gonna ask them questions about us. We're not interested in you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Tell me about Justin Courtney. Well, you should have seen her radio. So again, you don't get to see this because I did like, I post like, you know, ask Katrina anything. And then I was sitting there with lunch and I'd ask her, you just see how hard it was to get her to with all the time, not being recorded, her trying to answer these questions.
Starting point is 01:15:29 I'm like, honey, you can't say it that way. It doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't, I got to coach her on how to do that. You're saying she said, I'm like, really? She said, I talked shit with, she said, no, not even, she wasn't even doing that. It was just like, she didn't know how to, she didn't know how to answer her like half of it. I'm like, you're overthinking it.
Starting point is 01:15:44 First, our wives are bad asses at what they do. And that's just the bottom line. They're asking me to come on here. It's like, I know that they would say yes because they're so, we have the most supportive wives in the world, like super supportive. And they would do it if we really asked them to, but they don't want to.
Starting point is 01:16:01 The move is for you guys to do. And I think that when I did the wine and weed and wife thing, that was cool. And that was like a chill, you know, we'd be going together. If we did like a all of us together, not on a podcast, maybe one that's like private. Yes. We have a private audience. I don't want to lose something. Yeah, and then we're all just hanging out.
Starting point is 01:16:20 And it's not a part of us. That's the move. That's why I was thinking more of the live event. Come to a live event, you know, a lot of times our wives will be there and just, you know, introduce yourself. I think that's the best way to do it other than just try to get them to come on here and try and create a little podcast. I really think it would bomb. I think it would bomb.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Really? Yes. I 100% think it would bomb. I do not think the audience would get what they think they want from it, which would be this funny, talk shit about Justin, talk shit about Adam, talk shit about Sal, have some good, like, theoretically it sounds like it would be a, it would, but Tony right now they would get in these chairs. Well, I know that I don't want it.
Starting point is 01:16:58 I mean, times of, I don't know. Yes. Exactly. My wife's like, no, it's not. And imagine, imagine being put in these chairs and you don't want to, we willingly sat in these chairs and did this shit and decided to go through the growing pains of figuring it out. Like, it's not gonna pan out the way.
Starting point is 01:17:12 I remember I brought it up so Jessica a while ago and she's like, no, please don't make me do that. She's like, I'll do it if you need me to. But please don't make me get on that, you know, do that like, all right. Yeah, Katrina was the same way. She's like, no, I'm good. She's like, I'm gonna try to say that. No to thank you for a good time look if you like mine pump head
Starting point is 01:17:28 over to mine pump free dot com and check out our guides we have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal you can also find all of us on social media so just as on instagram at mine pump justin you can find add them on instagram at mine pump at them and you can find me on twitter at mine pump sell thank you for listening to mine pump your goal is to build and shape your body dramatically improve your health you can find me on Twitter at MindPumpSell. and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs.
Starting point is 01:18:12 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 01:18:43 We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump. by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump!

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