Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1936: Bringing Up Lagging Body Parts Through Better Muscle Connection, How to Train More Explosively, the Reality of Building Muscle in Only 15 Minutes a Day & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: November 2, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: There are SO many protein powders to choose from how do you know which one is the best? Here is ...the most important factor, digestibility! (2:52) Adam’s court-side experience at the Warriors game. (11:12) Do men’s brains change when they become fathers? (22:22) Men with curved penises have a greater risk of cancer, study finds. (28:52) Ned’s Mello is in a class of their own. (32:20) The age you peak at everything, according to science. (36:23) The gaslighting of inflation. (42:40) Need a laugh? (48:18) #ListenerLive question #1 - How might you guys approach working a muscle-building routine with a climbing routine? (53:29) #ListenerLive question #2 - How do I get out of this bodybuilding super slow mentality in my head and move my body quickly like these powerlifters? (1:03:26) #ListenerLive question #3 - What does it mean to create tension within a muscle? (1:14:38) #ListenerLive question #4 - How often (and on which days) would you incorporate occlusion training into the new advanced 15-min MAPS program? Would you do any trigger sessions (like during MAPS Anabolic) while on the advanced 15-min MAPS program? (1:19:41) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com MIND PUMP LIVE Q&A W/ MAX LUGAVERE Visit Paleo Valley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP15 at checkout for 15% discount** Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! November Promotion: MAPS OCR or MAPS Cardio HALF OFF! **Promo code NOVEMBER50 at checkout** First-time fathers show longitudinal gray matter cortical volume reductions: evidence from two international samples Curved penis may increase cancer risk - Medical News Today Here's the age you peak at everything, according to science JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon says US, world headed for recession in 2023 WATCH: French TV Show Invites People With Unusual Laughs and Netizens Had a Laugh Riot Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1115: The Amazing Adventures Of Tommy Caldwell, Star Of Netflix’s The Dawn Wall Bottoms Up Kettlebell Press Tutorial for SVKO Wild Card Event MAPS Fitness Performance   Super Slow Mind Pump #1765: Bodybuilding Vs. Powerlifting With Ben Pollack MAPS Fitness Anabolic Ben Pakulski Teaches Tension Training, Muscle Intelligence, Mindful Gym Intent Mind Pump #1925: How To Build A Great Physique In 15 Minutes A Day MAPS Symmetry Occlusion Training Guide   Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Be A Man️ (@bostonbeaman) Instagram Tommy Caldwell (@tommycaldwell) Instagram Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right in today's episode. We answered live colors questions, but this was after a 46 minute introductory conversation, where we talked about scientific studies, current events, our lives, fitness, so much more. By the way, if you want to fast forward your favorite part, check the show notes, click
Starting point is 00:00:32 on the TimesPamps, and then boom, you're there. By the way, if you want to be on an episode like this one, email your question to live at mindpumpmedia.com. Oh, also, we got a live event coming up. We haven't done these in years. This will get to meet us live, ask questions. We have a lot of fun. And it's here at Mind Pump Studios.
Starting point is 00:00:49 If this, if we have tickets available still when this episode airs, you'll find them at mindpumpalive.com. I can't promise those still be available. They're selling pretty quick. But if they are, go to mindpumpalive.com. Now, this episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Paleo Valley.
Starting point is 00:01:06 They have crushed it with their new bone broth protein that is chocolate flavored. It tastes like chocolate donuts. I am not exaggerating. I swear to God, it's the best tasting protein powder I've ever had in my entire life. It's also the easiest protein powder I've ever digested ever. It's like drinking water. Go check this company out. They have a lot of other products.
Starting point is 00:01:23 They're all Paleo-inspired. Go to paleo-valley.com-forg slash mine pump. Then you just go to mine pump 15 for 15% off your first order. This episode is also brought to you by Ned, makers of full spectrum hemp oil extract. They have a brain blend, okay? This is with CBD, CBG, other cannabinoids, and other compounds that improve cognitive performance.
Starting point is 00:01:45 You get this euphoric, like uplifted effect when you take it creative. I like to do it before we podcast. Check this company out. Go check out the brain blend. By the way, I'm one of the people that helped formulate that. Go to helloned.com. That's H-E-L-O-N-E-D.com forward slash mind pump. Use a good mind pump for 15% off.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Also, it's November, which means we have a new sale. Maps OCR, 50% off, maps cardio, 50% off. Check them out at mapsfitinusproducts.com just use the code November 50 for the discount. All right, here comes the show. T-shirt time. And this T-shirt time. Aw shit, you know it's my favorite time of the week.
Starting point is 00:02:27 We have four winners this week, two for Apple podcasts, two for Facebook, the Apple podcast winners are CT86808 and black diamond official. And for Facebook, we have Jordan Keller and Drew Miller. All four of you are winners. Send the name I just read to iTunes at MindPumpMedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address, and we'll get that shirt right out to you. There's so many protein powders to choose from. How do you know which one's the best? Here's the most important factor, digestibility.
Starting point is 00:03:01 How easily can you digest the protein? It's more important than the essential amino acids or the branch amino acids that are found in the protein. How much you can digest or how well you digest the protein by far will tell you the most about whether or not you should pick that protein or not. Okay, so we work with at least three companies that come off the top of my head that all have protein powders. Now personally since you have the tummy issues, what in your order best to worst and why? It's okay, she'll say worse, they're all good.
Starting point is 00:03:32 We wouldn't work with them, they weren't good. So let's start with that. You mean for me personally? Yeah, you personally, if you go, my number one go to of the protein powders, is this one, my number two, and number three, is that right? Well, okay, I'll tell you what, hands down by far the easiest protein for me to digest is the paleovali
Starting point is 00:03:49 bone broth protein. You might say that. Has anyone else used it yet? Try it in the US? No, I still haven't tried it. Oh, what do you think? I love it. First of all, first of all, this is not bullshit.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Okay, 100%. Their chocolate is this is one, I dare you to test this out. I'm not making the shit. If you sell it too hard, no, no, I'm telling you, it's the best tasting chocolate. Under-promise. No, it's really good. Exactly, it's really good.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Bro, like that. I mean, like you, I mix it with some macadamia milk and shake it up. I mean, it's like drinking chocolate milk. They put a little bit of salt in it, dude. It's like chocolate, It tastes like chocolate donuts. Oh yeah, exactly. That's the word that came to my mind when I ate it.
Starting point is 00:04:28 It's better than weight. It's better than any protein I've ever had in my life. Well, all right. Okay. I'm telling you anyway. Anyway, we're the way guys are here. No, no, no, no, no. Here's a deal.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I can handle it. Here's a deal. You guys know me taste I could care less because I'll just take a supplement for the hell of it. You'll surprise me. Well, that's why we don't really trust your opinion But the fact that Doug is I His true signing face does cosine that means I had to have it. Did you try Andrew?
Starting point is 00:04:52 Okay, no, unflaver does unflaver to take you chocolate donut. I swear to God I had Kyle try it. He's one of our editors and Kyle was like you're right, bro. I'm saying that for the show right, bro. I'm saying that for the show. I'm not. And I think this is just not. Yeah. Okay. So anyway, so, okay, so forget taste. I know people are all about taste fine. This tastes amazing. They have one that's unflavored.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I like that one too, but just because I like it to be basic and plain. Yeah. Super neutral. But here's a deal. This is why this is such an important thing to understand. So it's definitely true that gram per gram, there are some proteins that are better than other proteins. And it's largely due to the essential amino acid and branch chain amino acid content, particular losing.
Starting point is 00:05:34 All right, so essential amino acids are... So proteins are made up of amino acids. That's the breakup. Essential amino acids are amino acids that your body, or the human body cannot mate, you must consume these amino acids are amino acids that your body or the human body cannot make you must consume These amino acids it from food or from let's say a protein powder something like that So that is a most important part of proteins because otherwise you could synthesize your own Proteins or your own amino acids
Starting point is 00:05:59 Among those essential amino acids are the branching amino acids Losing isolucine and valine and of those leucine seems to trigger muscle growth the most. So they'll rank protein powders, they'll rank foods, and the leucine content will often tell you, this is a better or worse protein for building muscle. This is all true, okay, all true. But here's the, this is the rub with all of that. If you can digest another protein exceptionally well, well then 70 grams of bone broth protein
Starting point is 00:06:29 is going to be better than 40 grams of whey protein. So although the whey protein for example, not to knock whey protein, but I know a way a lot of people have digestive issues because it's dairy. And dairy is one of the common, most common, I guess, intolerances, even allergens that are out there. Way is very high in branch human oacids, very high in essential immunosensitons, and bone broth or collagen not so much, but if you can digest, like me,
Starting point is 00:06:54 I could digest bone broth protein like water. Like literally I could pound a 100 gram shake, which I do, and nothing. It affects my digestion like I drink water. So I'm gonna reap the benefits of it because the protein content's so high. So this is something to consider because I know people, one of the comments that people will have
Starting point is 00:07:14 when they go on a high protein diet or take a lot of protein powders is what? My farting, your stool, yeah. So those are all signs that you're not assimilating the protein very well, meaning you could have the best protein powder in the world on paper, but if it's causing digestive issues, you're not assimilating all of it properly and you're probably causing maybe some inflammation, which can cause cortisol spikes and cause all kinds of things that are not conducive.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Is this lower of grams of protein per serving or is it pretty high? No, it's still, it's very similar, right? So like one scoop is like, I think 20, some grams. Yeah, it's like 15 or something like that. Okay. Grams of protein. Collagen or bone broth, which is high in collagen,
Starting point is 00:07:56 is high in like other amino acids that are good for connective tissue skin. So, okay, would be really, have you seen any studies, which would be really neat to see, is somebody who does have a dairy intolerance like you who takes in, say, you know, 40 grams of way and then 40 grams of bone broth and then what ends up happening afterwards? Is there anything out there?
Starting point is 00:08:19 I mean, obviously it makes kind of common sense, right? If you are farting and shitting yourself when you do anything that's dairy related, it doesn't even have to be severe. It could just be gas. Like people accept protein powder gas like it's supposed to happen. It's like par for the course. I can't help but remember the time
Starting point is 00:08:35 when we were with our boy Craig, dude, it's just like rush the room. Like hey, he's a really smart guy, dude. I'm just like, hey, that's not fucking normal, bro. Like paint is not supposed to peel off a wall when you fucking fart in a tire box. Yes. No, and people have no idea that your digestion plays such a huge role in your ability to build
Starting point is 00:08:55 muscle burn body fat and just your health. You know, you can't, if you can't look, a rock is full of minerals, but it's useless if you swallow a rock, because you can't assimilate. So, and I'm using an extreme example, but if you're it's useless if you swallow a rock, because you can't assimilate. Right. So, and I'm using an extreme example, but if you're protein powder, if you have a protein powder where you're like, oh, I could do one serving, but if I do more than one serving, I start to get gas or I start to field digestive issues, I would encourage you to seek something else out.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Now, here's the beauty of bone broth protein or what it's high in, which is collagen. This is actually a protein that's encouraged for people with gut issues. If you look at gut health protocols, people have digestive issues. One of the foods that they recommend is bone broth or collagen because they are high in the amino acids that help repair and build the gut. Not to mention collagen, again, which is very high in bone broth protein, is one of the most satiating proteins you can have.
Starting point is 00:09:49 So if you're dieting, this kind of protein will keep you full longer. Now, this is a known fact. The way is the least satiety producing. So, way might be good for someone who's trying to bulk and trying to stuff calories, and they're having a tough time. Whereas collagen or bone broth may be great for the opposite.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Now, and the reason why I'm saying this is I know in the past I've talked about the superiority of egg protein and animal protein and way and all of stuff, which is all true. But again, the fact that I can take so much bone broth, I can literally take 30 grams with every meal. The fire hose. And notice, notice no, no negatives whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:10:29 And instead what I get are the positives of having a super high protein diet. So it's an important thing to consider. And I know that people have digestive issues, or I should say digestive issues, the protein powder is so common that we think it's normal. I did, I thought it was, everybody's like, oh, I got those protein parts
Starting point is 00:10:44 because I'm taking protein powder or whatever. So that's that. But I am gonna have you try the chocolate. I have one now. And I know you'll be honest. Now that Doug's co-signed. I mean, yeah. It'll blow your, when you, yeah,
Starting point is 00:10:55 I don't mind, bro. I don't, I don't, I don't. Moves in supplement recommendations. I just don't take that from you. Well, supplement recommendation. You mean taste. Yes. That's what I mean, but I'm gonna say,
Starting point is 00:11:03 because you're like, it's amazing. And then I take some like, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, bo Reckon you mean taste yes, okay, I was gonna say cuz you're like it's amazing in the night. I'm like I don't care if this makes me live like Superman. I don't want to take this shit speaking of Superman You're like famous what yeah, bro. This is creepy. No, not did you see the video? I saw the little eye in the sky they found you Adam was a game, huh Adam and Katrina went to a warriors game That's the best watching right yes, that's and you. Adam was in the game. Adam and Katrina went to a Warriors game. That's a basketball team, right? Yes, that's it. And they're watching the game. I was just kidding. I know it's their basketball. But they're watching the game. And somebody who
Starting point is 00:11:32 this is a mind pump was up like weighing the like in the stands. Yeah. And zoomed in on Adam and then posted it on Instagram. Can I say though? I did. So I ran in. in I ran it that's so weird finding Waldo I ran into the couple and And they said hi and I do appreciate this because I get it is weird for me when people stare or act weird, you know But if you come up and you say like the guy walked right up and said out of him like as we were getting right to pass Yeah And then immediately led with my wife and our huge fans of the show. So then I know right away,
Starting point is 00:12:07 because there's sometimes where I've had people like come up and they just start talking to me. And then what I'm at, what? You have to go through your head. I'm doing this, like, am I supposed to know this person? Or like, have we not trained them? Yes. So I'm like, I'm like, rack in my brain,
Starting point is 00:12:19 like, and they don't tell me anything like their fan of the show or some of that, until maybe we've been standing there for a few minutes. And it's always such an awkward exchange when that's case. Because then I feel guilty like I'm supposed to know who the person is. So I do appreciate when people say hi like that. And then but I, you know, it's weird for me. It's way too weird for me.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Yeah, no, I got a little upset. Katrina, because she got drunk at the game because because the seats had unlimited drinks for us, right? So she wanna get her money's worth. So that's it. So Justin, now you know people know you. See you at the end. You've seen a good time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:56 People are watching, babe. She's introduced, she introduces me like that. I'm like, don't do that. Wait, how does she introduce you? She introduces me as like mind-pump and who, like that. Instead of just does she do that? She just, like, she introduces me as who, like, mind pump and who, like that instead of just saying this is Adam. This is my pump, Adam. Yeah, like she, like she starts talking to people like that
Starting point is 00:13:10 and I'm like, honey, you're so embarrassing. Please don't do that. And then I'm like, have like, person's like, you're famous and I'm like, no, no, no, like, no, I'm not. And then everybody turns around, you know, everyone's turned around, they're all on their phone and shit, I'm like, this is embarrassing as fast. That's not a bad drunk story.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Oh, no, no, it wasn't worse than that. He's just proud of you. I saved her though, you know? Yeah, we actually had someone land in our lap, so that was pretty funny. A player? Yeah, Moses Moody come up for a lay. I saw it coming too, because he was driving hard of the lane.
Starting point is 00:13:41 We were literally right underneath the hoop, so I had a feeling that it might happen. And someone swiped the ball from him and it went off his knees. The ball went flying. And she had a drink. They got, I like, I hit it. And then, but I slapped it instead of catching it because he was following right behind. And then I caught him before he landed in her leg. You catch the ball? No, I slapped the ball down though. So like he was going up her layup. You can keep the ball, is it? No, he just asked you. Is that like baseball? Hey, why don't you, I can't keep my ball. Mine, that would have been funny though, if I tried.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I feel like that should be the rules. It's the ball. Like at that point, you're that close. Like you kind of always have to have your head on a swivel, right? Yeah, you look away. Like you could get like a sh**. Oh, I've seen that. I've seen people get jacked because they're talking.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Yeah. And their courts, I like that and player or a ball. I've seen ball. And there's a plan and you caught him like he sat in your lap. Like you caught him. So I know I caught his like his chest. So he was still he was I caught him before he fell. You caught him before I told him I told him it's doing good.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yeah. I could get back. Get back out there. Did they win after? We did. We did win. Although, why do you say we? Because I'm, he's winning.
Starting point is 00:14:51 He's winning. He's winning. He's winning. You didn't do anything. Oh, look at his face. He's so bad. You know it's funny. People do, I've been called out for that before.
Starting point is 00:15:02 And I actually try not to say we, it's a habit to bad habit of say we like that's how much I've never missed I listen I was saying that I watch every I watch every game every post game interview Like I feel like I'm a I'm a part of the team. You know, I don't get anything when they win Don't get anything when I win. I'm gonna just say that shit anything when they win, I don't get anything when I win. I'm gonna just start saying that shit. You know what, I can say we, I can say we, I only take that with the warriors. I don't feel as much as I'm a fan of like other teams,
Starting point is 00:15:33 I'm not as big of a fan, so I don't say we, I have so much buy, buy. Is that like a sports fan thing to say we? Sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, cause you identify with the team. You really committed to your team. I'm gonna watch MMA and be like, yeah, we can, yeah, yeah, yeah, because you you identify with it. You're like committed to your team. They're success. I'm gonna watch MMA and be like, yeah, we can I mean, I I gamble on them all the time. So I feel like you know, and they something come through and I win. Did you win on this one? No, listen to how this one down
Starting point is 00:15:55 How funny is this right? So we won the game. Where's win? But this the spread spread was higher, but I teased it which means I bet with another game spread, the spread was higher, but I teased it, which means I bet with another game earlier in the day, which allows me to manipulate the points by six points. So I had warriors minus five. So that what that means is that the warriors need to win by six or more. Otherwise, you don't win. Yeah, otherwise, I don't win. So we were, we were up by 20 most of the game, the fourth quarter, they come all the way
Starting point is 00:16:21 back and they get it within four points at one point. And it's like a minute, a minute and a half left. And I'm like, Oh my God, you kidding me? I've had this locked all game. Then we go on like a little small run and we pull away again to like 12 points. I'm like, under a minute, like 12 points, I like no big deal. Then they hit a, then they hit a bucket again. I'm like, Oh, it's right. Still like 30 something seconds. I'm fine. The end of the game, what normally happens when when it's almost impossible time wise and and point difference. Most guys just let the clock go. It's like 23 seconds. Yeah, you're you're you know, six plus points away from us. There's, you know, there's no such thing as a six point play. So only 20 seconds left. So
Starting point is 00:17:00 they'll normally dribble it out. So I'm fucking rookie is in on the other team for the Kings. Runs down, pulls up, no one's playing defense. They're just standing there because they know the clock's gonna go out in three seconds. Thruh hooks up a three and it hits and it lands on my spread. So fucking, $1,000 I didn't win right there. Literally, like that was like, I write, now I didn't lose because it landed right on the spread. So if it hits minus five, it hits five, I push. So I don't, it means you get in your mind.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Yeah, but I mean, I had a thousand writing on it. That was, like already, it was already celebrating. So that we, the buzzer goes and everybody celebrate, oh, I did, everybody could have turned around to look at me all weird and like, you know, yeah, throw your bigger. Ah, wow. Wow. So, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:45 So, those seats come with unlimited alcohol. They do. Wow. And food. So, they have a, they have good food? Yeah, real good food. So, they have somebody running it, or they have like a club that goes. Yeah, they have a club.
Starting point is 00:17:55 So, at that level, you actually have access to all these little private clubs that they have, and it's funny because there's like, there's like levels to it. So, you have like the court side seats, and then you have like a one through five, which is right behind there. And then there's three like there's JP Morgan Chase like there like private area, then they have like another like private area. And each one the perks are better. So like if you're in like the the lower level, like good seats, you can get like, uh, sodas for free and beer on tap for free and pizza. You know, chicken nuggets and fries and stuff like that, which is cool. It's a cool little, cool lounge area.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And then the next one up, you get alcohol, so you can get beer and hard alcohol for free and then has a little bit better buffet. And then the top tier is like, like, halig good food. Halig good food, unlimited drink. Happy ending is at the end of the game. Not quite that. I mean, it gets everything else.
Starting point is 00:18:46 I have no idea. So yeah, Katrina was like up and she made friends with the girl that we were sitting next to. We had the co-founder of Airbnb in front of us. And so she was like talking to him and she's like, I'm gonna try and get him on the show. I'm like, what? No.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Like, no. It's got liquid courage, you know? She's like, what? That wouldn't be the, we're networking. Then she probably talked shit to you. Yeah. Oh, you don't want to get so, you know. She's talking shit to me and he's loud.
Starting point is 00:19:11 He's like right there. I'm like, oh my God. That's a mirror right there for you. It's your wife is you, bro. That shit. She is, dude. She's too much for us. No, I tell you what, she is.
Starting point is 00:19:20 That was one of the things that, I mean, made me fall for her when we first got together was I used to love to do like networking with her. And that used to be like in my late 20s, a day shake and bake. Well, I just, I, having a partner for me, that was like a must. I like some guys don't care about this,
Starting point is 00:19:39 but I always wanted a girl that I could take to a party or go out to an event like this. And I could completely like bail on her and leave her. And she would hold her own. Yeah, she would hold, and I'd walk over and find her and she'd be like five people will be standing around and she'll be running the, running the group. And she's like that for sure.
Starting point is 00:19:58 So I like to leave my girls at party. I know that sounds weird to say that, but that's like it, she we'll tell you like one of the first times we ever hung out that's a poop I just intentionally bail and then let her kind of do her thing. She did the same to me you know I had to go to parties or I don't know anybody and you're just like no I give I give Jessica very very explicit instructions I say you need to be stuck to me everywhere I go anywhere Anywhere I go, you stay right next to me. And you just ask questions.
Starting point is 00:20:27 No, that's not what happens. That's not what happens. Now, when you're that close, when you're on the floor, at a professional basketball game, because these are huge, crazy, ridiculous athletes, because I've seen, I saw a 90 mile an hour fastball once up close, which is very different than when you watch
Starting point is 00:20:45 it on TV. Oh, blew your hair off. I've also seen a college level D1 athlete football player run who he was like 200 pounds. When you see it that close, it really changes your perspective. What does it look? I think it's even, so I've been to all sports, like, or most sports, I should say, hockey, football, basketball, baseball, and at that type of experience, really close.
Starting point is 00:21:08 And I think basketball is the craziest because of how huge they are. I mean, football guys are big too. Like a football player is really big. But one, when you're sitting on, even the best seats in the house for football still, you're not like on the grass with me. I mean, they can't land in your lap. They can't land in football. Right think that can't happen in football, right? There's a and they're not quite and that the basketball. I mean, you have you you watch a basketball game and the smallest guy on the court
Starting point is 00:21:37 is normally an inch or two taller than me. Yeah. So that is and then they move like they're tiny and agile So it's like this weird to see this human that's like seven foot tall. Yeah, that moves like Facing fast and the footwork and yeah, it's it's it's incredible to watch I know we're training. I both are huge basketball fans So we have this extra appreciation for the game like we see the game within the game And so I get out on that stuff And it's really cool to have a partner who sees that stuff like she can see a play develop like I can and we're already like elbowing each other Like knowing what's gonna happen. That's awesome and to see it that that close is always really that's awesome I would just be enjoying the drinks
Starting point is 00:22:20 Talking to your baby guy, dude speaking of partners and stuff, I feel like babies come in soon. I feel like very soon. She's doing the crazy cleaning. She's doing the like sending me super nice messages. Followed by a crazy one. No, all super nice. This is new. No, no, no, all super nice.
Starting point is 00:22:40 And the super cleaning and organizing. And I'm like, oh, this is coming soon, man. I'm excited, bro. Did you, I read a crazy study. They did a study in Spain on men who had babies that were seven to nine months old. And they had, they took these same men, scanned their brains before they became fathers
Starting point is 00:23:00 and then scanned their brains at seven and nine months or seven or nine months after they had a baby. And they found, and they use control, so they use control groups, they found changes in the brains of the men. Like lower IQ. No. Lower testosterone, lower IQ. No.
Starting point is 00:23:18 No, look, I'll bring up to you. So it was, it suggests, the study suggests that more higher order cognitive processing is involved in fatherhood. So the cortical regions, I could test that. I think so. So cortical regions that are, that where they saw changes are involved in social cognition, goal oriented attention, and empathy, empathy. So whilecortical regions control an ancient reward motivation circuit. So they're all key parts of the brain for optimal parenting. So how cool is that? So the brain is plastic. It literally changes as plastic. It becomes more plastic when you first became a become a father. Can you all remember what like was the most significant change in yourself that kind of happened like immediately.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Obviously, as you progress into fatherhood, lots change, a lot of stuff changes. I don't think you remember something in you that just was so different that you're like, well, every year, everything, yeah. I mean, and I just say that like tongue and cheek, but it's real, like I, you just are so much, you just recognize like so many more dangers
Starting point is 00:24:27 and so many more potential things that you're on the peripheral, always looking out now instead of thinking about your day-to-day thing or whatever, I can just handle myself pretty easily at that point. But now I have to consider the fact that I have to look out for this little human being. It's like, oh, that just struck me as, yeah, what about you? It's weird that, God, it's like everything changed. I think the biggest thing was how much more important this creature is, right, this human, this baby is, than anything else, and there's no words to describe it,
Starting point is 00:25:05 like that. Like, everything else doesn't matter now. All of a sudden, everything matters in relationship to your kid. Like, oh, my job, well, that matters for this. Oh, those hobbies have, that may matter for this. Like, all of a sudden, it's like, nothing's more important. And then you don't, and it's a weird feeling because it's so, so powerful. I don't know. And that provides, you know, sort of, mechanism, and overdrive. It can become dysfunctional, right?
Starting point is 00:25:32 Because you'll just overwork yourself. Totally did that with my first kid for sure. Yeah. Doug, you remember yours? Yeah, for me it was sleep. Seriously, I know what I mean to say is, I used to be able to sleep through anything. Uh-uh.
Starting point is 00:25:44 And then as soon as Brianna was born, you're like, high alert. High alert. And from that point forward, anytime there's like a noise or something, I'm up. I'm interesting. Yeah, so it's totally different. What's interesting about you, Adam? There's two things that come to mind for me that were really different.
Starting point is 00:26:01 One, money, my relationship with money was really interesting how it shifted so radically, really quick. And I would say I've always been good with money, but I've always had also had this like, oh, I can always make it, I'll always have it versus like really Nelson being like planning and thinking like 10 years ahead, where would I want to be able to do this?
Starting point is 00:26:24 And that's a big one. Yeah, like I used to not be that way. And then the other one, like, you know the, the WWJD, what would Jesus do there? I have this like, what would my son think if he saw me say that or do that? Like I never thought, you said this attitude of like, I'm nobody's fucking role model.
Starting point is 00:26:43 That's your bad if you think you should look at it. We have you saying that on the podcast. I did say that. Many times. Yeah, so it was my attitude forever. Was like, I just, you know, now you are. Yeah, so now, now I do think differently, because it's my son, right?
Starting point is 00:26:57 If I'm like, it's your bad if you follow me, if you're somebody else. If you're kids, I warned you. I warned you. I'm not your kids dad. Yeah, yeah, right. But now that I have a son, I warned you. I warned you. I'm not your kids dad. Yeah, yeah, right. But now that I have a son, I actually do process that a lot.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Like, you know, there's times when I'm contemplating something, you know, whether I should or shouldn't do it. And one of the things that, without even trying, I go, oh, my boy think of his dad, if he heard that or saw that or knew that, like, and that of many times or knew that and that many times? Here's something that's weird is I can make myself emotional at any given moment if I just think about my kids
Starting point is 00:27:34 and I think about something bad happening or something, I'm getting married or not having your own kids. I can literally do that any minute at what, if I wanted to, to the point where I block it out Don't get emotional you know what for your next one along those like a long assigned Sal is I actually that those creep in Weird like that I get like I'll have these weird like over the top like Like sad I don't even want to repeat them I don't want to put that energy out there and say it, but like I will, like, with that thought come in. And then you just ruin your day.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yeah, just why would I even think something so terrible would happen like that? And it does hit me to the core. Like that's something that's something that's like a driver's scenario. Bro, and they get a driver's license. My oldest is drives. And I don't remember where he was going,
Starting point is 00:28:17 but I call, oh, he was here. He was here doing work and they were having a meeting. And so he didn't answer his phone. So I called him, he didn't answer. Okay. I wait like five minutes, immediately that the scary thoughts start, what if he, you know, he just started driving and what if the, hmm, then I call over here to see if somebody's with them.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Nothing. I look on his phone, find my phone, I see where it's at and like, well, what if you got a car accident right in front of work? And I'm like freaking out until he calls me back. That was all in a 10 minute period period like that would have never happened before You know I mean it's it's a Sweet stuff. All right some more cool science. Did you guys know that they can they can predict cancer risk by the shape of your penis?
Starting point is 00:29:03 Wait a minute. It's like some horse goat bullshitting. No. That's like, I do like a real thirsty scientist. I just read an article. I just read an article. Now, before everybody freaks out. I can predict. Before everybody freaks out,
Starting point is 00:29:19 there's something called, I think it's called pu- Let me think. By the way. What are the shapes? By the way, what are the shapes? By the way, this is a study. They were all mushroom-esque. No, no. Very German helmet.
Starting point is 00:29:31 You're in another shape. You see the line? You see the shape of an aware. No, having to do with if it's curved or whatever. So one and a half million men, this is a study of one and a half million men find a link between penis shape and cancer. So they found that people with a curved penis had a significantly higher chance of developing
Starting point is 00:29:50 several types of cancer. So now hold on. Everybody strikes. Paul. What? Two. It curves. You lost the curve.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Yeah. It's a test curve. Oh, you got gonna have to, bro. That's it. That's it. Two, three. I can't know. Three. You have three.
Starting point is 00:30:10 You have three. No, it says, okay, so first off, it's not a normal curve. So obviously there's normal curvature to some people's penises, but this says that people with penal fibrosis, I don't know, you guys, did you guys know this is a thing? Penal fibrosis called I don't know, you guys, did you guys know this is a thing? Penal fibrosis called pearoni's disease. So this is when some of the erectile tissue of the penis. Good, I'll have them or something. Huh?
Starting point is 00:30:31 Okay, sorry, can I do it? Okay, I want to jump to the tissue. It's where some of the erectile, so you guys know that, I don't know if you guys know this, actually, it's extremely important that you get erections while you sleep. And this happens when you're first born, this happens to babies, happens until,
Starting point is 00:30:45 hopefully until the day you die. Because the tissue of the penis has to expand and contract and stay healthy, because it's like a sponge, right? Yeah. So there's a disease called paronies disease, where, and this can happen through injury, or it could happen through poor health,
Starting point is 00:31:02 where some of the tissue becomes hardened so it no longer can expand and contract. And that's what they think the problem is. So people who start to develop this, they'll start, their shape of their penis will start to change and will curve in one direction or another because some of the tissue becomes, I guess, I guess. So there's some of those that didn't have a curved penis to start with. Correct. Got a curved penis to start with correct got a curve
Starting point is 00:31:25 Yeah, except for some like well that's not a clean in but no, but it has to do I know but it literally is it has to do with that And there's actual pictures here that we could we could post for the great. Yeah for the for the you two are they are they yours and Towers They cut no they're like they're like, they're like, not real pictures of the like, so drawing. But yeah, I read the title. I'm like, who's studying this? How the hell did they do this?
Starting point is 00:31:51 So I'm wondering. But yeah, so apparently, which is kind of cool, the health of the erectile, of your erectile tissue is closely connected to your overall health, which is kind of cool. Yeah, there you go. Well, like hormones and balance. The more you know.
Starting point is 00:32:07 The more you know. All right, I'm gonna bring some more cool stuff for you. Not that I talked about wings, which I was gonna transition to my wife's sleeping, but I'm gonna go. Whoa, wow. I wanna hear that first. I'm gonna hear that first.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Because I can have curbs at night. I can have curved dicks, my wife, and she was examining me the other day. No, what happened with you? No, so I've been taking a lot of the mellow out of the back, and nobody's fighting me on that right now, but it's not for me actually. Courtney has been taking all of mine,
Starting point is 00:32:37 because I've been looking for at the house. I'm pretty sure she's been doing it every night, it's addicted to it, but it's been getting really good sleep I mean I I really think that I mean the study is I think 60% is what I read yeah 60% of people are deficient. So you have more than half I really think it's one of those supplements and I this is a This is a type of review you don't know by the way some people are gonna reviews I mean like oh, I really didn't know something then I it's literally either that or oh my god Yeah, that's literally the what I you guys I don't know if you guys you guys probably don't check because I'm the, oh, I really didn't notice anything. It's literally either that or, oh my God. That's literally what I get. You guys, I don't know if you guys,
Starting point is 00:33:07 you guys probably don't check, because I'm the one that does this, but there's different forms of magnesium in mellow. Yeah. Each version, or sorry, each form gets absorbed by different tissues in the body. So some are better for the brain, other are better for the central nervous system,
Starting point is 00:33:21 others are better for muscle tissue. So they include, I wanna say three or four types of magnesium. So that's why some people are like, because I had messages from people who used another type of magnesium. They're kinda like diuretics, you mean elaxative? Elaxative, I mean. Yeah, there's some are not absorbed well at all.
Starting point is 00:33:40 And then you could just take a ton of it and just poop yourself. But no, these types that they include are the ones that are... Do you know that something I've actually noticed before was I've taken other brands of magnesium and that does make me have to go poop pretty quick afterwards. That does not happen with mellow at all. Yeah, at all.
Starting point is 00:33:56 That's never happened where I've taken it. No, it's not the laxative version. These are the forms of magnesium that are assimilated well by the body. They also throw a little gab in there, which helps. Yeah, I think that one helps. And thinning, that's already. That's right. There's also theinine in the genes.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Yeah, so magnesium, glycinate, aquaman magnesium, magnesium lactate, gluconate, then there's also gabba and theinine in there and there's some trace minerals. So sodium bar carbonate, but that's just to give it the make it fizz. So those are all things, try it out. What I like about mellow,
Starting point is 00:34:30 so Ned has their hemp sleep blend, which is a hammer. Like you take that, you're going nine nights. Oh yeah, that's the one I take on, if I'm on the road. Yeah, I mean, it's a hotel boom. Yeah, that's a hammer. Mellow is daily, you can use use that daily and it's not gonna like
Starting point is 00:34:45 Did it when they when they had the lemon flavor was that just like a like a one-off thing? Or is that like consistently stock because and I know they're gonna listen so I'm asking the boy if you're listening this commercial I like to lavender one but I'm with you on the Lollipop I haven't tried it playing. I don't like I like both plain and lavender But I haven't had the lemon one the oh still there my or or lemon. Yeah, please, can you guys hook it up with everything else? Can you guys send me that one so I could try it out and talk about it? I haven't had that one yet, and I love it.
Starting point is 00:35:10 I take it every single night. So, and the only reason why you can get a hold of it, is because I've already, like, you already still have, no, I have like, I have like 12 boxes stocked up at my house. That's a lot, yeah. Every night, I thought I was good. And I seriously was like putting my travel thing together and was like totally depleted, and then I finally found out. I would, like every night I thought I was good. I seriously was like putting my travel thing together
Starting point is 00:35:25 and was like totally depleted. And then I finally found out. I would like every night. I would say of all the partnerships and supplements that we have, I've been the most consistent with that than probably anything else. Because it was so impactful for me. I just didn't, and I didn't anticipate that.
Starting point is 00:35:41 I didn't think that it was gonna be a big deal. I'm so glad we ended up. You were lack magnesium. Remember when you did the test? Yeah, well, I mean, obviously, looking back now, it makes total sense, but I didn't realize how much I would feel it. Like, I've like a lot of times come on. Let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Bro, having a mineral deficiency is a big deal. If somebody has a mineral deficiency and they replenish that mineral, it's life changing. Because you get symptoms, the deficiencies symptoms can seem like chronic disease, can seem like anxiety, can seem like insomnia, pain, all kinds of weirdo that it's so long, it's like normal. Yeah, you don't know any different.
Starting point is 00:36:17 So basically, now you're getting what you're supposed to and now your body can operate the way it's supposed to. Yeah, what was it? It was life changing for me. So I found a super cool chart that I wanna share with you guys. The title of this chart is the age you peak at everything, according to science. I guess, let then we guess.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Okay, so the first one is, what age do you think we peak at learning a new language? Oh, that's six or seven. Seven. Oh, seven right on the dot. One for me. So science says that's the best. What about brain processing power?
Starting point is 00:37:01 So the power of your brain actually process, right? To go through the calculation. your brain actually process, right? To analyze. Yeah, so brain just pure brain processing power. Is this just for men or men and women? I believe this is both. Okay, so I'm gonna say 29. I say later actually, let's say like 40. So it's 18. Now, now here's a deal. What you guys are saying kind of makes sense, but you guys are thinking of things like achievements
Starting point is 00:37:30 and stuff like this is pure. I'm thinking of acquiring data points. How many of these are there? There's a whole bunch. So I'm gonna go through them because this is why I stick forever. No, this is kind of fun. 22 is the peak of remembering names.
Starting point is 00:37:41 The peak of female attractiveness to men. Oh, yeah, these are fun. Female, so like the hot, like what age are women that generally consider the most attractive to men? Oh, to men. One, two, three. One, two, three. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:56 23. On the dot. Yeah. That was pretty good. Come on, dude. Come on, we know what's the peak for muscle strength? For guys, this is for every 25. 25. Get. Come on, let's go. What's the peak for muscle strength? For guys? This is for every 25. 25.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Get. Come on, let's go. Where's the cheating? No, I'm not, she's just keep going. I didn't know all this. I've got a photograph of him. Because he's crazy, he used to work at a carnival. Yeah, that's this guy.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Come on, what's the peak? Some of these are boring, some of this keeps on. The peak performance for running a marathon. Ooh, that actually is gonna be later. It's gonna be... 32, that's a good guess actually. I like that. I'm gonna go with just, I'm gonna go even later, 38.
Starting point is 00:38:35 28. Oh, 28. Okay. The age that you can remember the most faces, 32. Okay. Now here's some cool ones. What's the peak for making a Nobel Prize winning discovery? Oh, 60. 40. 40. Oh, 40. Justin gets one on the books. The peak age for men with salary.
Starting point is 00:38:56 So the general age a man will earn the most he's ever gonna earn. 48. Right on the top. Oh, wow. Right on the dot. Wow. So now I'm gonna skip some because these are pretty cool. The peak age for understanding people's emotions. So, on men or women's side. It's for both. It's general. It's 51. Oh, wow. Yeah, emotional intelligence is way behind, huh?
Starting point is 00:39:20 You know what it's cool about? Wow, that's right. It's cool about men, but. What's cool about this is there's a lot of them after our age So it's kind of cool look So much you're pretty much peaked out bro. Yeah, pretty much I'm pretty much Yeah, you're pretty much He's ever
Starting point is 00:39:35 No, there's a lot he's Let's do some ones for life satisfaction 69 Okay, so I tell extent I tell I tell this story about that Listen, I tell this story to people that like like talk about like trying to oh this is the best time like eras I'll never forget I was writing this bootcamp class that I had for years And it was a pretty big side it was pretty I see like 20 something people and on the day that I brought this up and I have
Starting point is 00:40:01 literally from age 18 to like 65 maybe even a little bit older in there of of people and I was that I brought this up. And I have literally from age 18 to like 65, maybe even a little bit older in there of people. And I was curious to them that when do you think was your best years of your life, if you know that you're looking back? And every single person said right now, yeah. They said, and they all had reasons the even the oldest one of why life is better at that age.
Starting point is 00:40:27 And so it just continues to give the things that you trade off for youth say looks and agility and those things like that you gain wisdom and security and confidence. Here's two of them that are fascinating to me. That tell us a lot about certain things that we tend to struggle through as we, especially for people who are interested in health and fitness. The peak age where you are happy with your body is 74. Wow. That takes that long. You know why? That's not the shit. No, it's not that I don't give a shit. It's acceptance. I mean, that's a long time for you to go to finally accept. No, I'm sure there's a number. Remember, acceptance. I mean, I'll give you a long time for you to go to finally accept. I'm sure there's a number. This is average, right? So some people are younger older. But I love this
Starting point is 00:41:10 because this tells you right now that if you're just so unhappy with your body, it has less to do with the way your body looks and more to do with how you care about yourself. And that's why when people are 70 fucking four, they hit that peak. Because it's- They always refer back to those pictures and you're like, oh my God, I was so great looking back. Has nothing to do with that? In that time period, you're just like, oh, he's-
Starting point is 00:41:33 That's right. It also explains the old guy with no towel walking in the locker room, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Just talking super confident. Talking to this put up. Yeah. That's how it happens.
Starting point is 00:41:42 You're like, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, just beer belly hanging out and everything. So here's another one. Yes, Kish, game. Yeah. Yeah. Here's. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Just blow. Yeah. No carol. No carol. Here's Carl put it away. Here's the last one I think is pretty cool. The peak for psychological wellbeing 82. When you're dead.
Starting point is 00:42:06 No, obviously they're alive. I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. You know what, this is so cool because, again, it's like 82, you're old, you're less mobile, you're less, there's all kinds of stuff people would say, oh, I don't want to be my 80s, I don't want, but that's the peak of psychological,
Starting point is 00:42:22 which tells you what, it has less to do with the shit you have and how mobile in the body, what you can do, all that stuff, how attractive all that stuff has more to do with your wisdom and how you accept life. How cool is that? Isn't that cool stuff? It's a mindset for sure.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I like that, I like that stuff, it's really cool. Anyway, so Adam, I wanna hear about Pepsi because you've written that up there for a while. Actually, we brought it up. I brought it up on the last conversation that I had with Chris Nagibi about inflation. So right now, what is inflation at eight points, something? And one of the biggest arguments about inflation right now is the way that they measure it today and how that's changed over years. It's changed. I was really unaware of this action until recently. You didn't know that?
Starting point is 00:43:07 Yeah, I really didn't understand. Didn't they first change the 70s? Did they first change the 70s? It's actually, I think, been changed a couple times. And since then. Yeah, so it's been changed a couple times. And it's kind of interesting how they leave out certain things. Like gas.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Yeah, that really impact everybody's life, which is kind of silly, right? And so there's a big argument that's going around that the core inflation, that the score that we're getting right now, is grossly under what it truly is. It's the better indicator. And a better indicator is things that we are using day to day, like gas, or in this case, why I brought this up is Pepsi, like Pepsi is widely drank by most Americans and they have to move their prices based off with one on the market.
Starting point is 00:43:51 And they showed a 17% increase year over year on what they're charging for that. So, and that when I talk to people right now that are really impacted right now by what's going on in the economy as far as inflation and stuff. Everyone's just talking about their grocery bill. That's what I hear gas, gas and grocery bill.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Those are the two that people go like, and are those factored in or they're not in the new definition? The groceries, I believe some of them are, not everything, right? That's right. So how can they do that? Because this is what they do.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Well, it's just like, remember what they did this year too, about saying that we're not in a recession. Well, I mean, I shouldn't used to be. I understand lying is perfect. Negative. But like it GDP quarters in a row. And then now they're like magically this year, that no longer is.
Starting point is 00:44:34 It's literally, it's literally insanity. It's gaslighting. So what they literally do is they say, Oh, shit, inflation. They did this in the 70s. First, oh shit, inflation is really bad. Let's change the way we count inflation, so that the numbers less. And let's take these things out.
Starting point is 00:44:50 And so the reasoning was, well, gas can be manipulated by this, that, and the other. But here's the bottom line. What use is the inflation number if it doesn't apply to the average person? I don't give a shit what number you come up with if it's for shit that I'm not gonna buy it, don't care about, or if the stuff that I buy is way more, what does that say up there does? Yeah, it does not include that.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Yeah, it says core inflation is a change in the cost of goods and services, but it does not include those from the food and energy sectors. And they cite volatility as a reason. Which by the way, he just factors gas and your groceries are like the three most impactful things. Yeah, you know, so much for shit. Nobody's complaining about like how expensive tennis shoes are. Or, you know, stuff like that. Streaming services, right?
Starting point is 00:45:35 Maybe Doug, you can look up how they change. How was inflation calculated before, or maybe in the 1970s? Cause it's changed. I'll it to some of this stuff with Chris So we'll definitely this will be great man. Yeah, we'll talk about this stuff. He loves to talk about this too That's incredible. Yeah, I think it was 19. Oh inflation rates calculated by changing the consumer price index the CPA 1980 Oh, it doesn't tell you what they were counting. Yeah, I think we have to do a little research That's all right. We'll leave that up to the our tune in when I do my live thing with Chris because it's going
Starting point is 00:46:06 to be we'll get into stuff like this for sure. Yeah. Yeah. It's I don't know. I think the consensus is out too. I think who was it? Was it it was JP Morgan? What's his name? The Jamie Diamond came out and said that first, like they have just now changed the probability of a recession to in next year, 100%. So it's no longer like a 80%, it's been like 75%, 50%, it's gonna happen. Now obviously, there's a huge argument that we're in the recession already.
Starting point is 00:46:35 But that's actually scarier to me that they claim that we're not in a recession and they say it's 100% certain. Yeah, so what the hell is that gonna look like? Right. Doesn't that, it's not weird, doesn That's what that was I can look like. Right. Doesn't that weird, doesn't seem like this to you that they wait until it becomes so obvious
Starting point is 00:46:49 that they have to say something, you know what I mean? Well, this one feels like that. Well, they kind of have to, right? Because this one, the talking points were, it was a transitory. That was a talking point for the last year was that, this is not gonna stick around This is transitory. So they were they were going to string along the transitory talking point for as long as they could until they can no longer say it's transitory
Starting point is 00:47:14 You know, it's I don't know. Samia seems parallel of like how these big mega companies always have to have show profit year after year after year. And now in like the politics, you cannot have any, like anything bad happen. Like those are spinning and you can't own up to anything that's not going well. And like, be honest. Oh, it's, I mean, that is like the definition of politics, right? Well, yeah, but it's like, there used to be like, oh, we're going to have, there would be some real conversations like that would come out. Sometimes like you guys might want to, you know, prepare for what's coming and like at least give us like a heads up
Starting point is 00:47:49 of like in beyond like, it's pure and utter bullshit. Listen, if the last few years hasn't woken you to the insanity of it all, then nothing's gonna do it. That's the bottom one. That's why I hated it. Because the last few years was just lie after lie, after lie and blow and smoke and pissing on your back and telling you its rain.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Every freaking other day. So this is all part for the course. And they just brave about it. Much more brave than they were before. If you guys wanna be uplifted, at least from this. So there's this hilarious show that I thought it was like, what are the best ideas I've ever seen for somebody to, and it's just like a talk show normally,
Starting point is 00:48:27 but they brought on these guests that had really unique laughs. And so like, oh, I saw a clip of this. Oh my God, I was dying because I saw the clip. Yeah, go viral. Yeah, so some French TV show, but like, so they kind of placed them all together. Somebody said something that got one of them laughing. And it was like, you know, like something really weird.
Starting point is 00:48:48 And then that set off another one who started laughing. And then it was like this snowball effect. So they're all doing these really crazy ass laughs, which makes it like everybody just laughs like for, I don't know, like 20 minutes. I think above their names or some of that would, it said like, you know, hyena, you know, the hyena laughers.
Starting point is 00:49:07 They all had like a type. And so if you can totally visualize the laugh, and then you hear them all laughing, it was pretty, I saw that. This is how weird humans are. They're like, yawning is contagious, crying is contagious. There's been like documented events where there's called like mass where people have mass psychosis
Starting point is 00:49:28 or they'll pass out. Have you heard of these? Where there'll be a bunch of people, all of a sudden they come down with like this mysterious illness, they all pass out, but there nobody got sick. It was literally a psychological phenomena because you're reading other people. Well, I know this is controversial to say this,
Starting point is 00:49:42 but isn't this happening right now? I heard this and I know maybe somebody can fact check me, but aren't aren't we seeing like packs of girls that are transgender now that are there? Oh, there's been there was someone that talked about that. Is that true? Do you know that's true or not? The percentage increase in young girls. I know that's off the charts. Like hundreds of percent. And I hundreds of what I heard was most alarming about it was that it's happening in like packs of teenage groups. That's what the five girls all said decide that they want. All friends. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:09 There was an author that wrote about that. I haven't read enough to about that to comment, but there's an author that is apparently providing data and studies on that saying. I mean, if it's true, it highlights the point you're making, right? We're it's it's contained. Look look laughing is this way old sitcoms had a laugh track. It would have fake laughter in the back. Yeah, even it is cheesy. It does add to it. Bro try watching full house from the 90s without a laugh track. It's weird way. It's hella weird.
Starting point is 00:50:34 It's so funny. My youngest. So I was watching I was on Instagram. And I went on. What's that guy's pay be a man? The be a man page. Yeah. Anyway, there was one in be a man. Oh, brother was one of the worries were it's the stupidest thing. But it's like real What's that guy's, be a man, the be a man page? Yeah. There was one in Be a Man. Oh, bro, that was one of Larry's word. It's the stupidest thing, but it's like real stuff. This one reminded my dad, reminding me of my dad. It said, follow Sleep while watching TV.
Starting point is 00:50:53 And then when someone changes the channel, wake up and yell at them or something like that. Oh my God, it's such a dad thing. You know, your dad's sleeping like, you're asleep, let's go. Oh, it's on the channel, yeah. And it reminds me of Salva. If he's sleeping on the plane, I go to the video
Starting point is 00:51:04 and he pops up right away, gets hell of a bad. And even if you're like 10 rows away, and you're just like, I have a 30, I have a 30. All of a sudden he pops up. Don't record me. So who's doing that? I'll get you back.
Starting point is 00:51:14 I have a spider sense. Yeah. So it sounds like too. Yeah. But anyway, we were looking at this guy's Instagram and my oldest and I were just cracking up. And the railiest was sitting in my laugh. And he was laughing with, you and my oldest and I were just cracking up and the railiest was sitting in my laugh and he was laughing with,
Starting point is 00:51:27 you didn't even know I were laughing. Suggestica recorded him just laughing with us. He's like, haha, haha. I'm like, he didn't know why we're laughing, dude. What are you doing, you ready? He's ahead of his time, dude. Oh, it's the best, it's the best. Anyway, yeah, I wish him luck.
Starting point is 00:51:41 I feel like the baby's coming soon. All right, dude. That's that. Plus, my wife is looking. Did this happen to you guys when your wives were pregnant? That like dudes check them out. When they're pregnant? Yeah. I feel like guys are like looking at my wife more than ever.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I mean, I mean, she looks amazing. She looks amazing. All right, at that point. You're what? I'm into the pregnant thing. I mean, yeah, I was attracted. I think like our sex went up when we were pregnant. Yeah, I was attracted. I think our sex went up when we, when she got pregnant.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Yeah, I don't know what it was. Yeah, opposite. Yeah. I think most people are the opposite. It wasn't that way, friend. And I went to the next, what I don't know, to be honest with you, maybe if it happens again,
Starting point is 00:52:17 I'll be more aware of it if it was like, like I was, like it was something physical or was it something more like she's carrying my son. I think that's what it was. Yeah, it's maybe a little bit. But I don't know. I see dudes looking at her and whatever and she does look, my wife does look incredible. Especially being she's ready to go at any minute, but no, I'm definitely probably just like you and there. Yeah, yeah, no, it's just kind of weird, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:40 you feel different about that now. I'm pretty confident, but normally I'm like, what the fuck, bro? Yeah, she's not a pregnant. you know the fuck out of here. Eyes up here. A lot of people don't know this, but when you drink alcohol, you create a byproduct called acetaldehyde. And this is the primary culprit behind rough mornings after drinking.
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Starting point is 00:53:16 Go to zbiotics.com, that's zbiotis.com, forward slash mine pump, use the code mine pump 22 for 10% off your first order. All right, here comes the rest of the show. Our first color is Isaac from Arizona. Isaac, what's happening, man? How can I help you? Hey, how's it going? Good. Got I found a slot that worked. I had to turn down the slot last week because I was at a town for a conference, but lucky we never give anybody a second chance. Yeah, first second chance. Yeah, in my email, I think I must have been caffeinated that day. I included a lot of background.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I don't know if I need to include all of that or just kind of go into my probably more immediate question. Go ahead and go to your question and we'll ask your questions if we think we need more. Yeah, okay. Yeah, so I have gotten into client, okay, just a little bit of background. I had been running for the last few years, and then about a year and a half ago, I had an ankle, chronic ankle pain, that would have entered me from running. So I started climbing, was doing that, and then this last summer, I ankle pain, that prevent me from running. So I started climbing. I was doing that and then this last summer I got a surgery on my ankle. It was a bones
Starting point is 00:54:32 burr. And so I was out of the climbing jump for a few months and during that time was going kind of crazy at home and I realized I could still manage to lift some weight. So I started nerding out on resistance training. I found you guys, lots of other resources, and I've been learning a lot and enjoying that. But now that my ankle's better, I'm again and I'm back in school full time. So I actually really identified with another guest
Starting point is 00:55:01 he guys had on recently, who was talking, I think he was an athlete, but definitely like overturning himself, and I'm gonna fight with another guest you guys had on recently who was talking, I think he was an athlete, but definitely like overturning himself and I'm definitely realized I've been overworking myself I've just been sore and tired, pretty constantly. And yeah, this week I actually just decided, took my shoulder a little bit last week, climbing and I just decided to take a break.
Starting point is 00:55:22 I know I'd be talking to you guys and I'm just looking for I've actually never heard a climber on your podcast. So just trying to optimize My climbing routine which is very specific pretty exhausting and like works very specific muscle groups, but I'd like to Include weight training to kind of stay more well around it. We didn't we didn't just have a climber We had the climber on our ship. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:55:46 Yeah. I haven't listened to all everything. I've just been listening to last couple of months. I had to pull the episode up for you. I can't remember what number it was. What was the name? Tommy called me. Tommy called me.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Oh, OK. Yeah. Yeah. Those are great ones. You know, how many days of week are you climbing? And for how long? I've been bouldering twice a week early morning before classes and then on the weekend I do a road climbing which are definitely work. I feel like the road climbing is much more like
Starting point is 00:56:13 full body people compare boltering to like powerlifting or something. It's intense and short. Right and so your goals to get better at climbing and prevent injury, right? Yeah, I would like to get better at climbing and prevent injury, but I'm not also trying to be a world-class climber. I want to like a lot of the time I'll end up bouldering and then like wanting to exercise all the muscles, you know, like the upper body stuff, like treat that as an upper body day and then try to, you know, work, the muscles that don't get worked from bouldering, but I think I've been overdoing it. One day, maybe two days of lifting.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Maybe one day a week. Yeah. I would go one day at one, two tops. One day a week, you pick, do a couple compound lifts and then do like some mobility stuff. That's it. And the mobility stuff is going to be focused on shoulder,, and core stability, because you need both. And you know, this is a lot of technical aspects to climbing, so it's not just strength.
Starting point is 00:57:11 And now from a muscle standpoint, you probably don't wanna build huge legs either. You'll notice the top climbers in the world don't have really big legs. They just have really good leg mobility. Body mass doesn't really aid in your pursuits. No, and you'll want good mobility in your lower body because you know you'll have to reach up with your foot and place yourself in a weird position.
Starting point is 00:57:30 So I would go maybe two or three compound lifts. I like, okay, so I've trained some climbers and I would have them do rowing because of all the pull up type motions that they would do. So you're still strengthening the back, but you're also strengthening it from an angle that maybe helps balance out, the kind of pull down or pull up type movement. Shoulder mobility work. So working on scapular mobility,
Starting point is 00:57:53 working on external, internal rotation of the humorous, and that kind of stability because that's where you'll see some of the injuries. And then wrist mobility is gonna be really good because of the amount, the dickstirty that required in the hands, fingers, and then if you're gonna overtrain anywhere, it's gonna be your hands.
Starting point is 00:58:08 And you'll be able to pain in your elbows. And so that would probably be something I would focus on as well. But one day a week, no more. This is actually where I think kettlebells would fit nicely in a bit more unconventional type of tools mainly for the different controls and the different forces, like say you're doing
Starting point is 00:58:24 a bottoms up kettlebell press, and just to establish a little more stability within your strength, in combination with that. So they just bowed well for a lot of rotational movements and a lot of movements outside of the scope of cables and dumbbells and barbells, for instance, so I mean, that's something I would include in terms of your strength training regimen, but definitely once a week is probably sufficient
Starting point is 00:58:52 in terms of just overall strength training. I think the most prescriptive thing that we have that I would give you is math performance and I would have you do one of the foundational days a week out of there. And then if you had a good week of rest or maybe you didn't do as much climbing, you felt really good, I would add in one of the mobility days from the mobility program. I think that would benefit you the most of everything that we have. I'd say that would probably be the best program as far as do you have any of our maps,
Starting point is 00:59:20 programs, by the way? No, I only know from listening to you guys. I haven't really explored on the website and stuff. So this is interesting. I guess I was trying to take the approach of like doing a little bit more often, but climbing is not a little bit. So it makes sense, maybe cutting down to climbing two days a week and just do a real strength training day. I mean, look, if you want to get better at rock climbing Then I wouldn't go down to two days a week of rock climbing. I would just do less strength training Yeah, if you want to if you want to balance the two and I want to build I'm interested in the balance at this point Maybe maybe maybe I'll get to the point where I really want to go in so in the rock
Starting point is 00:59:58 But at this point I just want to stay so it's about so two and two that's it so two and two two two days So now go two days of the performance program program I'm talking about in two days of climbing. And that's a that's a nice regimen right there. And by the way, two days of full body, good programming, you're going to build some strength. You're going to build some great muscle and you know, you're still doing your passion. Now, pay attention to all the pulling movements in the workouts. I would go like moderate intensity up most because you're just doing so much pulling,
Starting point is 01:00:28 so much grip and pull stuff that'll be the place that you'll hurt yourself if you overdo it for you. That'll be the most likely. That makes a lot of sense. We'll send that over to you. Episode 1,115. Tommy called well. Yep, you'll like him.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Yeah. You got it, man. I wish I had more time. I'd wanna talk to you about quantum mechanics. Tommy Caldwell. Yep. You'll like him. Yeah. Yeah. I wish I had more time. I'd want to talk to you about quantum mechanics. I'm glad I myself a little bit. Listen, I say school less, please. We already did talk about it in some alternate universe.
Starting point is 01:00:56 It already happened, man. Yeah. As the cat dead or alive, we don't know. Thanks for calling in, man. All right, take care. That's a quantum joke. Dead or alive, we don't know. Thanks for calling in, man. All right, take care. That's a quantum joke. Shirting your skin.
Starting point is 01:01:09 We all got that, I guess. I know. I feel like such a tickle. So the protons, rock climbing is very interesting. It's actually, so I trained somebody who, one guy, it was only one guy, but I remember him, because he walks in and talks to me about fitness and I couldn't help but notice,
Starting point is 01:01:29 like how his body was built. He had this crazy looking form. He had this crazy looking form. Yeah, just real lean physique. Yeah, and his hands looked all like gnarly. Muscular fingers. Yeah, and I'm like, like, as soon as he comes in he's asking me, I'll work out some like,
Starting point is 01:01:42 what do you do now? And he goes, oh, I'm a rock climber. Okay, that makes a lot of sense. There was a lot of that, the gym I was goes, oh, I'm a rock climber. Okay, that makes a lot of sense. There was a lot of that. The gym, I was at, you guys can't even visit me. Yeah, there's a lot of guys. Neal and all those guys. Neal, they're just so strong and body weight ratio wise.
Starting point is 01:01:55 And the could do like one finger pull up, some things like that. So, you know, there's crazy ways you can develop strength with rock climbing. So that's already super demanding. So, I mean, it's really just about reinforcing your other muscles to help contribute. You know, this falls in line with what I think is the most popular question that we get
Starting point is 01:02:13 on this show is this. How do I have every how do I balance it all? Right. I have this sport and they all kind of start off with the same thing like they have this passion for this sport. But then simultaneously, they also want to build muscle and look a certain way and it's just like, you know, something, you just have to understand that something you've got to give. When you are, when you're playing a sport, nobody in any, in any professional sport really gives a shit of what they look like if it doesn't, if it's not improving their performance, all about performance first. So you, you just have to understand that there's a little bit of, of give and take. If you're have to understand that there's a little bit of give and take. If you're going to put more energy and effort towards the way you look, you'll
Starting point is 01:02:48 probably sacrifice a little bit of the sport. If you're going to put all that into the sport, well, you're going to sacrifice a little bit of the physique. But I think that- But at the end of the day, like, you know, the beauty as a finding something you're passionate about is you're probably going to be consistent. Right. You know, you'll be consistently active. So, you know, the whole cake you need it to, I mean, that really applies. Well, and to that point, if you eat really well,
Starting point is 01:03:12 and you have something like a sport like that you do, and you're strength training one day a week, you'd be surprised how good of a physique that you can actually have. You're going to go compete on a bodybuilding show, but you definitely will look like someone who lifts weights and looks really good. Totally.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Our next caller is Robert from Maryland. Robert, what's happening? How can we help you? What's up, guys? I'm just going to say it's truly an honor to meet everyone and be on the show. I've been listening to you all my way to work every day at 4 a.m. since about February this year. Your podcast has really helped me get my mind right before starting my shift and you guys give me fun topics
Starting point is 01:03:47 to talk about with my clients and also use your ways to explain more complex issues. So huge thank you to each and every one of you for all that you do. Thank you, thank you. A little background on me. So I've been a personal trainer for about seven years now but started working, you know, a pretty successful
Starting point is 01:04:04 full-time schedule starting about seven years now, but started working a pretty successful full-time schedule starting about four years ago. I recently made the transition from a super slow time under tension protocol, which is like a 10 second positive, 10 second negative, ArferJone style gym, where we can only do super slow training on machines with our clients. I think a sal mentioned a scenario to do the Sal training,
Starting point is 01:04:25 you know, maybe 10, 20 episodes ago. But I transitioned to a new studio back in February where I'm not limited as a practitioner. It can switch up the workouts to create new stimulus and get fast results with my clients. While working at the previous studio, it was engraving in our heads to also train ourselves the same with the super slow engraving in our heads to also train ourselves the same,
Starting point is 01:04:45 the super slow as a way is our clients, which definitely makes the workout super intense, gives us an incredible pump. However, due to the lack of variety and the training, I wasn't able to get great results after the first year. So I switched up my training back to my old bro split, which was the classic chest tries, backbys, and sometimes legs. But once I started at the new position, I saw I was getting a much better results
Starting point is 01:05:13 doing to just doing a different workout, different stimulus. Then I found Mind Pump and the podcast and started actually bought aesthetic. And I got to say, you know, I'm pretty pleased with my results. Definitely been gained some awesome gains, so I appreciate that. But anyways, we recently hosted a deadlifting charity at my new studio, and we have the Navy powerlifting team, and they came and crushed. And I watched these dudes pick up, I think,
Starting point is 01:05:41 at the highest was like, 675 pounds, while being able, you you know around my body weight 180 pounds Well, the pick the weight Lightning fast up with fantastic form So my question is how do I get out of this bodybuilding super slow mentality in my head that's been engraved in my head and move my body quickly like these powerlifters I know on the podcast, you've talked about bodybuilding versus power lift
Starting point is 01:06:08 or mentality, but how can I better make that switch? When I deadlift, it's hard to explode in the concentric no matter how light I make it. Good question. First off, where is this Arthur Jones jam? I don't even know there was one that existed. So, the owner, I believe, trained under, a guy who studied under R for Jones, and made this is a small
Starting point is 01:06:32 business. So there is, I'm sorry, no, no, go ahead, go ahead. I'm pretty sure the work, the places you were talking about on air was a place called the perfect workout, which is a little bit different, which is a little bit different, but which is kind of like the same thing. Have you heard of that? I've actually, there used to be called a super slow zone.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Super slow zone is the name of the one that I'm referring to. So there was one called that, and I actually had a client. Yeah, yep, yep. I had a client that worked over there, and it was exactly this. It was the 10 second protocol. I don't know if it's, I don't think it exists anymore,
Starting point is 01:07:09 but it was there for a couple of years. So Arthur Jones was pivotal in the bodybuilding world. He's one of the inventors of novelist equipment, his famous Colorado experiment with Casey Vieter. And you know, he, Mike Menser, you know, Dornian Yates, like these were guys that were influenced by him. The problem is what often happens in our spaces is people, and Arthur Jones was a scientist, right?
Starting point is 01:07:34 They'll find something that works and that's the button they hit all the time. And they ignore the fact that the body responds well to different stimulus to novelty and that there's value in lots of different training styles. Now powerlifting isn't necessarily a fast lifting sport. It's still a slow grind.
Starting point is 01:07:55 They're not trying to lift it slow. It's just heavy. If you want to train explosively, you need to do more athletic training. Or Olympic lifting. Yeah, Olympic lifting would be the strength training style. I would say, but the problem with that is it's super technical. So you just gonna take your while to learn how to do the lifts.
Starting point is 01:08:10 But the program I think you should follow that will help you as math performance. I think math performance will get you out of that body building, mentality better than Math's power lift would. I would go and Math's performance for a full cycle. There's an explosive Phase in there as well, and that's gonna really teach you to move your body differently It's gonna get you out of that mentality and it's it's it's far enough from the bodybuilding space towards based off performance where I think you know within a few weeks
Starting point is 01:08:37 You'll be fully ingrained in a completely different, you know style of training and what that feels like. Oh interesting You would go that way. That's not where I would go. Because I feel like we mess with tempos and that, which he already does with the long, the long, slow eccentric. But it's explosive up. It's not 10 seconds down. Yeah, I mean, that part's gonna be phase one.
Starting point is 01:08:58 I mean, I think, and he's also a guy that's going from that to more of a broad split, I would go anabolic. I just think anabolic is the... The problem with anabolic with this is that, because Robert, because you feel like you're stuck in this like time under tension, feel the muscle bodybuilding style of training, you can do strength training,
Starting point is 01:09:23 like powerlifting style training, but because the loads are so high, you're not messing with speed as much, which I think with maps performance, we take you there eventually. And then you are. You're much more movement focused. Yes. And you are working on your speed.
Starting point is 01:09:39 And you're trying to go with that, just mainly from like reinforcing body's ability and awareness to be a little bit more stable in all different directions and move efficiently and effectively. There are phases in it where we do just focus on the acceleration, which is speed power. You do use weights, but very light weights. And we're just working on our control of the movement and really just the explosive concentric. So I do think that that probably would apply well. And it does prep you up to that point. So to Adam's point of like the phase one is probably somewhat
Starting point is 01:10:19 similar in terms of like the eccentric is, we're messing with the tempo. So you are coming down slow, but you do have to focus on the acceleration out of the hole in terms of the squat. So that might be a bit familiar, but the whole rest of the program is gonna be pretty unfamiliar if you've been focused on bodybuilding for a while. Yeah, I definitely see the value.
Starting point is 01:10:41 I mean, the ideal prescription person, there's not often that we don't all agree on something with programming. I would go anabolic performance, then power lift in that order. For, I, to reap the benefits you guys are talking about with that, but I think switching him to a very traditional full body, strength training routine from where he's at, he's going to see the greatest strength gains from that. Then you take him over to performance where he's movement focused and he gets the benefit of your time out and then goes into power lift and gets the really start to express all that he's built in the previous six months.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Yeah, I could see that. That could be okay. It's just to get out of that headspace that you're in the fastest performance of my opinion is going to. I don't think you need to go through an anabolic to do that. So that to me is all the mental discipline that to me that doesn't matter. You could follow any of the programs and that's still going to be a challenge if you if you do that, right?
Starting point is 01:11:32 So I think that you just you got to get away from and then the episode you referred to is the episode to listen to we went into great depth of comparing the mindset of a power that it's such a different feel you have to train it. You know what I mean? Like I've taken bodybuilder types and had them try to do like a kettlebell swing and it looks like an upright row versus curl. And then I've taken athletes and put them on like bodybuilding style workouts and they just, it's like they're playing a sport while they're doing each lift.
Starting point is 01:12:02 And it's, you know, for what you're trying to train for, both of those are wrong. So, maps performance is just, it's so athletic-minded, it's gonna get you completely out of that body building mindset, that control, the time under tension, like, with performance, time under tension is there so that you can control and get in the right position for an explosive positive, not because you're trying to feel it more in your quads
Starting point is 01:12:26 or your glutes or whatever. So, but I'll tell you what, you know, Adam's right, we don't often disagree. I don't necessarily think, you know, like one answer is super wrong. I think either way is gonna be okay. So why don't we send you both programs, you lucky guy. Very, very rarely does that ever happen.
Starting point is 01:12:42 I'll send you that. Oh man, thank you. I'm gonna give this performance. Split you guys in half. Yeah. Oh, wow. Thanks, guys. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:49 You got it, man. Thanks for calling in, Robert. I appreciate it. Thank you. No problem. Yeah. It's a, it's, I mean, how many times have you guys seen that, right?
Starting point is 01:12:56 We're like, you got one person you're trained in a particular way, and they're trying to do an exercise. That's like, yeah, it's like, oh, I could tell. If you don't, I mean, he referenced the right episode to listen to. Yeah. That was the whole, the main point of that episode that we did. And you know, you could go either way, right? Like, so if you guys did performance first, then go to
Starting point is 01:13:14 Annabelle, and Powerlift, or Flip the Two, then you'd be okay. No matter what, he's got to learn to think differently going into the way regardless of the program. But I think those two programs getting him ready to then go into power, because I've ultimately, the ultimate goals get good at his deadlift or squat and stuff like that that he's watching these guys do,
Starting point is 01:13:36 like those are gonna be. Yeah, and if acceleration really is the issue, like it's just so unfamiliar, this is what I love about bands. Oh yeah, yeah. But I mean, I didn't wanna advise that because it's an advanced technique to then apply. So to go through the program first and work on those skills and develop those.
Starting point is 01:13:52 But then, you know, the icing on the cake is to really kind of add those bands to let those barbell movements. It really helps. And people don't realize this like moving a weight fast first off requires a good level of skill and control. But moving a lightweight fast activates your fast switch muscle fibers like moving at heavy weight. So I can deadlift, let's say I can deadlift 550 pounds,
Starting point is 01:14:13 that's my max rep, right, or that's a heavy one rep for me. I'm activating a lot of muscle fibers. I could put 315 on the bar and just through sheer trying to move it as fast as possible, getting the right position and exploding up, I'll activate my muscle fibers in a very similar way. Or I could take that weight and move hell a slow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:30 So they all got tremendous value, but it's such a different feel. It feels so different to go from one to the other to the other. Yeah. Our next caller is Cam from Massachusetts. Cam, what's happening? How can we help you? Hey, so my question is, what does it mean to create tension within a muscle?
Starting point is 01:14:48 And I asked that because I saw Adam post a video while back of Ben Pukowski saying create tension in the muscle first and then lift the weight. But I was just acting, I was wondering what that actually means and how you do that and how you make sure the tension and control is in the target muscle rather than like just moving the weight around. Yeah, cool question. That's good. Well, we could practice right now, Cam. Yeah, so contract.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Do me a favor. Take your right arm and extend it out. Kind of like this. Yeah. Can you see me? Okay. Can you flex your bicep without curling your arm? Can you make your bicep like you're going to try and flex?
Starting point is 01:15:20 Yeah. Okay, that's tension in your bicep. So when you get into a lift, create the tension or try to, this is not easy on some muscles. So it's hard for like the lats, the rhomboids, which is a chest for the chest. But try to flex that muscle and then go into the exercise and try to connect to that muscle.
Starting point is 01:15:38 One of the easiest ways for me to teach this is actually on the negative portion of an exercise. So let's say like Sal mentioned, the chest is one of those harder ones. Not everybody can be get ready to do a bench press and then flex the chest. Now maybe you can, if you can, that's fine. But a lot of times I'll do is on the way down, is I would be telling a client I'd be spotting the bar and being like, okay, fielding your chest, resisting your chest, resisting your chest,
Starting point is 01:16:03 okay, keep that tension there and then go back up. So on the way down or on the negative of an exercise, really think about resisting with that muscle, that'll help keep that tension when you go back the other direction. Does that make sense? Yep. Yeah. And, you know, slowing the reps down, holding a squeeze, like all these things will help. And as you become more experienced, your ability to connect to muscles will just get better, to the point where, I could connect to pretty much any muscle in my body, you know, sitting here if I wanted to. And that's just through years and years of practice.
Starting point is 01:16:36 So I'll give it some time. And this is just as important when you learn how to brace and be able to support your spine, especially when you're loading your squat substantially, to be able to support your spine, especially when you're loading your squat substantially, to be able to brace first and make sure you maintain that tension there in your core, even as you drop down, but still be able to go through the movements.
Starting point is 01:16:54 So that way, you know, you're not resting on your joints. You're actually like keeping those muscles in the back. Such a good point. Just one of the biggest things that helped my deadlift and squat strength go up was learning to really create that tension in my core before I came out of the hole on a squat. Yeah, learning to really create all that inner tension like that, to create a rigid spine. Also, I saw my weight go dramatically go up, so that is performance enhancement too.
Starting point is 01:17:22 So there's multiple benefits to it. Are you following any of our programs, Cam? I'm not at the moment. Okay. So I'm going to send you Maps Prime Pro just because it's there's mobility mobility movements in there, but throughout the mobility movements, you have to connect to different portions of your of different ranges of motion. So watch the videos carefully. See what we're teaching in them. And that'll help you learn how to connect with different muscles in actually, in a really, really good way. In fact, a lot of people think,
Starting point is 01:17:50 oh, it just improves mobility. No, no, you are improving connection to different muscles. So I'm gonna send you Maps Prime Pro. And then after that, if you wanna follow a workout program, they have symmetry. Oh, symmetry even. Yeah, well symmetry starts with that.
Starting point is 01:18:01 No, you're getting symmetry. I like symmetry first and then nano ball. Yeah, yeah. So I'll send you over Maps Prime Pro for free. Yeah, well symmetry starts with no you're getting a bit more. Yeah, I like symmetry first and then at a ball. Yeah, so I'll send you over mass-prime for up and free. Awesome. Thank you. You got it, man. Thanks for calling in. All right. Thank you. Appreciate it. No problem. Yeah, this is a this is a tough one when you first get started, especially for like like back muscles and chest and like people just don't know how to feel. So, no, well, they, well, I think to you, you observe somebody doing an exercise, but you don't really understand how to feel your way through it and then properly kind of support, you know, certain areas of your body and joints as you're doing these movements,
Starting point is 01:18:38 that takes some time to really understand like how to feel your way through it. This is all, all resistance training really is, is is flexion of the muscles with some sort of resistance. I mean, that's all resistance training is. So then the beginning of that is flexion of the muscle, learning how to flex the muscle is so paramount to the success that you'll have from lifting the weights. You know, this is another thing when you talk about like Ben Polkowski and Bodybuilders,
Starting point is 01:19:04 and I think we've talked about on the show before The the value of the the flexing and the posing that they do in which he sets. I mean obviously they are It looks like it's a much of anity and yeah, but no, there's value. There's tremendous value in learning and like you said to him that I mean I could sit here in this chair and you could call upon a muscle and I could activate it right now. And so getting to a place where you can do that has tremendous value because then when you go into an exercise, you can do any exercise. It could be the first time you did it, but if you know what muscle it's for,
Starting point is 01:19:34 you know how to think about that before you even go into the movement. You'll see how much better you perform it and you'll see how much better the results are from it. Our next caller is Bruce from Texas. Bruce, what's happening? How can we help you? Hey guys, how you doing?
Starting point is 01:19:47 Good. I appreciate your time and everything that you all do. I wrote a response on to. I just sent my question two days ago. So I got here real fast, a props to your team and all that. Had a question about your new 15 minute maps program and specifically my question was, you know, I'm just coming off doing anabolic which had the trigger sessions and then I did aesthetic where, you know, during that time I incorporated some of the occlusion training and I was just wondering
Starting point is 01:20:21 if with the 15 minute program, even though you're lifting every day, if you guys would recommend incorporating any of those as well during the 15 minute program, I felt like there was, I could feel the benefit of those doing the others. And so, but at the same time, as you guys kind of wisely pointed out of the build up to this new program, if there's going to be that tendency to want to add stuff on because you feel like you can do more after just 15 minutes And I don't want to trip into over training So I was just wondering if you guys had any advice on that good question Yeah, and I actually I like where you're thinking with the trigger sessions
Starting point is 01:21:01 That is something that I would allow a client to add on days Let's say when you can grab the bands and throw an extra two or three times of the, because trigger sessions are more designed to facilitate recovery than they are. So do moderate stress. So do moderate stress. Yeah, very, very, very low to moderate. So I wouldn't recommend you going and doing, like, say, focus sessions like from aesthetic where they're more weight-bearing and you're more likely to do more damage than you are by just getting a little
Starting point is 01:21:29 pump with the band. So yeah, I mean, I would totally green light it for you if you want to. And the risk of overtraining is the lowest with maps 15 versus other programs. So you could, and I know I'm going to kick myself for saying this. Now people watching this, you're like, Oh, I added the green to it. I know. But you could add, you could do like one or two days a week of, you know, a five minute occlusion,
Starting point is 01:21:50 because one set of occlusion is like five minutes. So you can pick like a body part, you really wanna focus on and throw that in once or twice a week, and you'll probably be okay. Before, before 15, you said you did anabolic, right? Yeah, yeah, so I'm kind of your typical skinny guy, I don't know what's the hundred dollar word, hectomorph. Yeah, hard to say. And so I got your skinny guy bundle. And so I did anabolic, and then it went into aesthetic. And so I was just
Starting point is 01:22:16 finishing up aesthetic when this came out. That was perfect timing. So I thought I'd try it out. Yeah, no, just throw that, I would throw that occlusion. You could throw it once or twice a week, trigger sessions, kind of whenever you feel like, because they're more recuperative than anything. And then I think you would do really, do you have a map symmetry? No, I know. I like map symmetry and map strong for you.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Yeah, absolutely. But let me send you symmetry. I think that'll be a great program for you to follow. That'd be great, I appreciate it. Yeah, no problem. By the way, I feel like you're about to represent me in like some kind of like, you're in the lead.
Starting point is 01:22:50 So I'm like, I'm a little... I know your guy mentioned that. I'm at work and so I'm just hopping on this for work, but I am a lawyer, so you... I'm good to know. I'm going to do that quickly. But so, on a last kind of follow-up is, I noticed on your call you had with that dad
Starting point is 01:23:08 that just had a baby on your most recent one, and you guys were talking about the 15-minute program, kind of more in terms of maintenance of, you know, for where he was at just trying to get something any today. And I just wanted to make sure that, you know, but followed properly, you know, through the whole three phases of the program that you guys would consider the 50 minute maps program, you know, the same that you would, Frannevolik and the others that it is, you know, it's a, it's a muscle building program as well, not just maintenance. Yeah. Or would you consider it more maintenance? All the? All programs that we design are designed to improve muscle strength endurance, right?
Starting point is 01:23:48 Depends on the which program which is gonna be more focused on. The difference between you and that dad was he just had a baby and he's got no sleep and he's like burnt out. So for him, that'll help keep what he's got. Anything more than that, he's gonna burn himself out. Plus we do have two different blueprints in there
Starting point is 01:24:06 So like in terms of like you sticking with the more advanced one that is barbell less I would suggest that because you've already been through Totally so yeah, that should pair nice. Is that the one you're following? Are you doing the advanced version or the yes? Yeah, you're good Yeah, you do that with what you're trying to do with the trigger sessions and inclusion I think you're gonna see great results from fact. In fact, I'd love to hear your results after you. Yeah, and then following up with Symmetry's gonna be a bit phenomenal.
Starting point is 01:24:28 And then after that, strong, I think would be an excellent follow-up. I love that order. Perfect. Awesome. That's great guys. I appreciate it. You got it. Thanks for calling in Bruce. Okay. Thanks guys.
Starting point is 01:24:39 No problem. He did say he was a lawyer, right? Yeah, totally. Is that funny? You could tell by looking at the office and everything in the family. He's got the chair. He's got the lawyer chair. Yeah, totally. Is that funny? You can tell by looking at the office and everything. Oh, he's got the chair, he's got the lawyer chair. He's about to give me some bad news.
Starting point is 01:24:49 He's got two options. Well, either way, we're losing money. I can't wait to actually hear, you know, because the program just got released, so it'll be a couple of months when all the reviews really, I mean, we hit people that are doing their love it already, but it's like, I really like to hear it after it's been three months that everyone's had it and start to hear the different success stories from it. So I think we're going to get to, we're already starting to doing their love it already. But it's like, I really like to hear it after it's been three months that everyone's had it and start to hear the different success stories from it. So I think we're gonna get a two-tap,
Starting point is 01:25:08 we're already starting to see by the way, we're starting to get messages and people are loving it. But I think we're gonna get two types of people. One, the person who's had trouble being consistent, which I'm already seeing, whether or saying my God. Those are original avatars, right? And then I'm so glad we added the advanced version that was kind of modeled after Adam's version.
Starting point is 01:25:25 Yeah, and then the second ones that I think people were gonna comment and be like, yeah, I was advanced and I didn't realize how Over-trained I was and I started doing this and I'm really responding well. I feel really really great. Yeah, that's I think what we're gonna get those are the ones I'm most interested. Yeah, that was that that surprised me. Hold right. It's not that often that I think we get surprised with like programming or exercise stuff like. For me to get surprised, I'm really curious to see how many other people might have been in a similar boat. Totally. Look, if you like Mind Pump, head over to Mind Pump Free.com and check out our guides. We have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal.
Starting point is 01:25:57 You can also find all of us on social media. So Justin is on Instagram at Mind Pump. Justin, Adam is on Instagram at Mind Pump. Adam, you can find me on Twitter and Mind Pump. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically
Starting point is 01:26:31 transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbumble is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindP Pump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 01:27:05 We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump!

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