Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1939: Burning Fat & Building Muscle at the Same Time, How to Lift Weights as a Boxer, Maintaining Muscle Mass When Training for Endurance & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: November 5, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The BEST form of exercise to directly combat the aging process is strength training! (2:13) Fyre... Fest’s Billy McFarland is out of prison and back at it! (9:00) Alec Baldwin is tone-deaf. (11:46) Selective outrage and Kanye West. (13:15) An example of when you don’t think things out. (25:34) Food hacks with Butcher Box. (32:17) The food industry is a brutal business. (33:21) Gas-powered all day! (39:03) NYC employees were reinstated for not getting vaccinated. (40:50) Is Jake Paul the future of boxing? (45:03) Technology is cool. (46:52) PRx’s new feature and Mind Pump’s ideal gym. (49:47) The potential anti-cancer effects of creatine. (54:20) #ListenerLive question #1 - How do you lose fat without losing weight? (57:51) #ListenerLive question #2 - If I keep lifting light instead of lifting to my max every workout, does this help in the long term in preventing those knots I had? (1:13:07) #ListenerLive question #3 - How do you guys recommend incorporating running with your weightlifting programs? (1:25:07) #ListenerLive question #4 - What is the best way to lift weights as a boxer? (1:33:13) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com MIND PUMP LIVE Q&A W/ MAX LUGAVERE Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! November Promotion: MAPS OCR or MAPS Cardio HALF OFF! **Promo code NOVEMBER50 at checkout** Dr. Andy Galpin Post on Strength Training Association of Grip Strength With Risk of All-Cause Mortality, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Cancer in Community-Dwelling Populations: A Meta-analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies Billy McFarland, Fresh Out Of Prison After The Fyre Fest Fiasco, May Be Trying To Launch Another Festival For Some Reason ALEC BALDWIN GETS DRAGGED FOR TONE-DEAF POST ABOUT SHOOTING A WOMAN A YEAR AGO Billionaire No More: Kanye West’s Antisemitism Obliterates His Net Worth As Adidas Cuts Ties Mississippi daycare workers fired after screaming at children in Halloween mask LUNA Mexican Kitchen VISCONTI’S RISTORANTE Biden Infrastructure Bill Mandates Vehicle Kill Switches By 2026 Court Orders New York City To Reinstate Unvaccinated Employees Dyson is developing robots that do household chores Exploratory studies of the potential anti-cancer effects of creatine Visit LivON Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! MAPS Strong MAPS Powerlift Mind Pump #1932: Lifting Heavy Vs. Lifting Light MAPS Symmetry MAPS Prime Webinar Mind Pump #1925: How To Build A Great Physique In 15 Minutes A Day MAPS 15 Minutes   MAPS Fitness Performance   Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Andy Galpin (@drandygalpin) Instagram Jake Paul (@jakepaul) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered live-colored questions, but this was after our introductory portion, today's portion was 54 minutes long. This is where we talk about fitness studies, our lives, current events, and much more. By the way, you can check the show notes for timestamps if you want to fast forward to
Starting point is 00:00:33 your favorite parts. Also, if you want to be on an episode like this one, email a question to live at mimepumpmedia.com. By the way, we have a live event coming up in December. Here in San Jose at Mind Pump headquarters, we may still have tickets available. So if you're interested, go to Mind Pump Live.com. Now, this episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is butcher box. They bring high quality grass fed meat to your door, wild caught fish, also to your door, and much more saves money.
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Starting point is 00:01:19 link. This episode is also brought to you by PRX Performance. They make commercial quality gym equipment for your home, and it's also designed with space in mind. In other words, they have equipment that takes up minimal space. That's as good or better than the stuff you see at the gym. For example, they have a squat rack
Starting point is 00:01:35 that folds into the wall, literally comes off the wall like six inches. Then when you take it off the wall, comes out and now you got yourself a full on squat rack or whole studios outfitted with their equipment. It's great stuff. Go check them out. Go to PRXPerformance.com forward slash mind pumping. You'll get 5% off your purchase. We also have a 50% off sale this month on two workout programs. The first one is Maps OCR. The second one is Maps Cardio, both 50% off. If you're interested, go check them out, go to mapsfitinusproducts.com and then use the
Starting point is 00:02:08 code November 50 for the 50% off discount. All right, here comes the show. It's becoming clear that the best form of exercise to directly combat the aging process and all of the potential dangers that come from aging is strength training. It's better than all other forms of exercise as you get older. Here's your fitness tip, follow and listen to mine. I know.
Starting point is 00:02:30 You know why? You love when these studies just keep coming. I love it, don't you? So keep some comments. So at first I want to be clear, okay. All forms of exercise, all forms of activity, tivity, so long as they're done appropriately or applied appropriately,
Starting point is 00:02:42 will benefit you as you get older. So I'm not saying. I'm not saying. Yeah, I know I'm almost. I was like, you're just a good guy. I know, he didn't say you get older. So I'm not saying. I'm not saying. I'm not saying. I'm not saying. I'm not saying. I'm not saying. I'm not saying. I'm not saying.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I know. He didn't say that. I know. He didn't say that. I was just saying something. I know. He did. They all improve your health.
Starting point is 00:02:58 They'll all make the aging process feel better. They're all going to help fight and combat some of the things that happen along the aging process. That being said, if you compare them head to head, it's becoming very, very clear that the most protective form of exercise for the aging process is strength training. And Dr. Andy Gauppin just posted some studies and data to show that so that the fast twitch muscle fiber loss that happens as you get older. So these are the muscle fibers that are responsible for strength.
Starting point is 00:03:21 As you get older, you start to notice more sarcopenia, right, the loss of muscle. And it's these fast-twitch muscle fibers that really decline. Cardiovascular exercises and prevent that. So they show that people, as they get older, doing lots of cardio, and again, cardio has some health benefits, it's good for the heart, and it's active, which is better than not being active.
Starting point is 00:03:40 It didn't do much to anything to combat muscle and strength loss. And that's a big deal because as you get older, if you look at the issues that plague people as they get older, you really can look at them in one short category. It's like insulin resistance, cognitive decline, loss of mobility, and then the challenges that come with loss of mobility, which is falls. People fall down, they break a bone, hurt themselves,
Starting point is 00:04:04 and then things tend to decline very quickly from there. Strength training is an incredible remedy for all those things. For insulin resistance, it's phenomenal, because muscle is very insulin-sensitive. For cognitive decline, when it comes to improvements in cognitive performance, strength training out performs, other forms of exercise and data is showing this. And then mobility. People fall as they get older, because they weaker. This is why people fall. It's weakness. It's not necessarily just you lose your balance.
Starting point is 00:04:31 That can happen as well from your equilibrium and your issues with the inner ear, but most of it's weakness. I know it has protective qualities too for your viral organs and whatnot, but also it doesn't have like an immune boosting effect as well in comparison to cardiovascular training? All of it boosts your immune system,
Starting point is 00:04:47 but strength training is very anti-cancer in comparison. It's actually the most anti-cancer form of exercise and the number one risk factor for cancer is age. As you get older, I think one third of us will have, we'll die from cancer. It must be, I mean, I guess correlated somewhat to if you're not able to move, right? And like, you don't have the strength to get up out of your chair, like, you start this rapid decline in health, and we see this with older people all the time. And so that's why I think is we get,
Starting point is 00:05:19 we age more. It's even a higher priority for people to really consider. I think that's really the takeaway too. I think sometimes we get labeled as these anti cardio guys. It's not the case at all, but there is. We're gonna do the most bang for your buck guys. That's right. They're 100% is a better one than the other. And we continue to see this that strength training is better than cardio and almost all aspects
Starting point is 00:05:44 other than maybe the endurance. Yeah, and stamina, right In almost all aspects other than maybe... In endurance. Yeah, in stamina training. I mean, other than that, like what most people come to the gym for, strength training is the best bet. And so if you are going to prioritize an exercise regime, I am going to pick strength training as the foundation.
Starting point is 00:06:01 And then, yeah, that would be great if you went and did, you know, 20 minutes of cardio every day or, you know, went for a nice long run occasionally. I think there's lots of movement. I love that. But to me, that's like the icing on the cake. You build everything you're not negotiable as I'm going to strength train. And then, hey, if I got some time to go out for the hike, can go for a run and do these
Starting point is 00:06:20 things, then heck yes. I want to see you do that. Yes. Don't, what I don't want to see is what I saw. I feel like in the, in the 90s and for sure 80s, I wanna see you do that. But what I don't wanna see is what I saw, I feel like in the 90s and for sure 80s, I don't remember that in my days, so young, but I know that it was popular all the way from the 70s, is this the best form of exercise is running.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Actually, it was the only form. Almost nothing else was recommended. And strength training was definitely not recommended. So here's a deal, we have to work with reality. So in a perfect world, if I could have people exercises, they get older, what would their routine look like? Well, it would have a foundation of strength training. There'd be a cardiovascular component, there'd be a mobility component, there'd be some meditation or spiritual practices, their diet would look perfect,
Starting point is 00:06:59 like they'd have good relationships with people around them. I can make this list that's almost completely endless, but the reality is when it comes to exercise specifically, that's our expertise, right? When it comes to exercise, people will do one. They're not going to do two, three, four different forms of exercise. They'll do one in terms of consistency. And if that's you, which is most people, especially who's get older, pick the one that's going to give you the most bang for your buck. Two hours of strength training will protect you against the effects of aging more than two hours of any other form of exercise
Starting point is 00:07:29 by far. Now other forms of exercise also have protective benefits. So two hours of anything done appropriately is better than two hours of nothing. But if you're going to pick something and so my 100% my opinion is, and the next 10 years, the medical establishment is going to make strain training, the primary form of exercise that I recommend to people as they get older. That's what I think. I think they're gonna literally come out and say,
Starting point is 00:07:52 it looks that way. It totally looks, and we know this that a simple grip test, which it's not the grip that's important. It's just a proxy for overall body strength, but a simple grip test will predict all cause mortality better than almost any of the single metric, which is crazy. You could do blood markers, a proxy for overall body strength, but a simple grip test will predict all-cause mortality better than almost any other single metric, which is crazy. You could do blood markers, you could do all kinds of stuff, just your grip strength. If it's really bad, they can predict
Starting point is 00:08:13 your all-cause mortality better, which to me is pretty insane. So it's like, yeah. And I'll tell you, when I train clients, one of the reasons why I love training people in advanced age was the effects were so much more profound in them than in my younger populations. It was life-changing profound. It was like I'm dependent on people helping me to I'm independent. It was I can't go up my stairs without you know my chair that pulls me up there to I can walk up the now, or I don't have to move out of my house, or I don't need a full-time nurse, or, you know, my blood sugar is so much more controlled, I went off my medication.
Starting point is 00:08:53 I saw profound health effects with one to two days a week of strain training. That's it. That's all I did with people in the stage group. Do you guys see who's out of prison? Totally left-turned for you. Okay, so, did you see? Did No, y'all well, I yeah Infamous probably right what so
Starting point is 00:09:10 Billy Nick Farlin remember who that is wait. He went to prison. Yeah, big time Wait, was he the guy that did the he did the music with the fire festival? Oh that guy. Yes Pull him up. Yeah, pull him up and he's I was thinking that one guy What's that guy's name McFarlane. Yeah, also what was you jail We're right. Yeah, I just got out of jail. No, this is the guy who did the whole fire festival scan and the crazy I think he's not even out for a day or two and it's already posting on social media and is talking about Probably was planning some of the best.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Like I bet you. Okay, so I've got something in the works. Oh my God. Look it. He's got something in the works. He's going to announce in November. He's already he's already alluding to it. So he has investors. Okay, so I totally think what you just said, Justin is exactly what happened. I think he went back over and looked at where he went wrong and like, okay, how could I have protected him? How could I have done exactly this thing and made all that money and not got sued? And I've heard everybody.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Yeah, well, no, I don't think he cares if he screws people or anything. I think he just cares if he gets, I just think he cares if he gets held accountable for screwing people. So I bet you, you're right. He cares if he got caught. I bet he, you are right. He's gonna get caught. I bet he sat down.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Who does it him for trying again? I mean, shame on anybody investing in his ideas. Yeah, yes, so I can't wait to see who puts money behind this. How crazy? If you put money behind this though, you would have to think that the investors this time would be like, I want complete transparency. I don't know what's happening and where and what's going on.
Starting point is 00:10:47 And I want, I want to be able to bail halfway through if something like you have to imagine that's what investors would ask for. And he's going to say, let me prove it to you that this time, it's going to be good. Because I imagine the way he says, he has name recognition. He partnered with Ja Rule.
Starting point is 00:10:58 That was like one of his main guys. Yeah. He's one of Ja Rule. Because he's still around his E-line. But you see that you follow, I follow Fittyset for randomly, right? So I was. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You still around the ZL. Yeah. But you see that you follow, I follow 50 set for randomly, right? So I do all and mainly because he posts like wacky shit all the time. And he just named because of one of his favorite things is he just, he throws jabs at J.O.T. They've had beef forever.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Really? Yeah. So he like throws like 50 cent would beat their shit. Like like, like, I think last year, I think it was last year of the year before when J.O. was doing like this like to Oregon and he like showed this picture of like a stadium and there's like one person sitting in he's like jaw real concert Yeah, he just throws like like who yeah, yeah, just jobs Hey, can we have names like that? Like I don't want to be selling more in just an hour
Starting point is 00:11:38 We need some like a job will come up. It's me as this like come up with it for you Yeah, that's the rules I want to make a climb, Joe. Yo, speed of like crazy stuff like that too, is that you guys also see, so I think it was just a couple of days ago, I know this will air off on a few days, so it would probably be last week. Alex Baldwin posted the picture.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Oh my god, I'm talking about failed, dude. What? What is he taking? The girl he killed. Yeah. On the day of, yeah, it was a year from the date. Like, like, oh, when he shot, so the one-year-old feels bad or whatever.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Yeah, like, yeah, but the caption was this, like, maybe Doug could find the caption of Baldwin Post. But here's the thing, like, that such a tragedy, like, for him, it just seems so, like, I don't know what the word is, like, not callous, but like, it's just one of those, it's self-serving. Like, narcissistic, narcissistic. Yeah, the fact that you would even post that on there.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I mean, okay, if you're really sorry, then maybe a personal letter to the family. Now does it to the public? Yeah, like who posted a massive donation, like, you know, to something. Yeah, I'll add that right there. It's your family. What's the caption say?
Starting point is 00:12:42 One year ago today. That's it. That's it. That's all it says. With the the caption say? One year ago today. That's it. That's it. That's all it says. With the picture of the girl he shot. Oh, that's weird. That's fucking way weird. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:12:51 What an idiot, dude. Just did. Yeah, I'm a turd. You know, that's I feel like, come on, I mean, that's like, that is a pretty stupid move. It's pretty unlike not self-aware. I feel, you know what though?
Starting point is 00:13:03 Here's a deal. I feel like if you meet celebrities like this in person, I think they're all gonna, like the universe revolves around them. I think all one more like that. It's gotta be the weirdest experience. Oh, I mean, I don't think all, but I think that, obviously I see this.
Starting point is 00:13:18 That's over one. That's an over-joization comedy. Maybe one percent. Oh shit. My bad. My bad. That's an over-joization for this. It's starting hot. Oh, I My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad.
Starting point is 00:13:26 My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad.
Starting point is 00:13:34 My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad.
Starting point is 00:13:42 My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. My bad. We haven't edited it in seven years. Why'd you start? I'm gonna save that one time, remember? I, here's a deal. I, okay. Here's what really annoys a shit. So I tried it when shit like this happens. I tried it took a bigger look, like a 40,000 foot view,
Starting point is 00:13:54 because number one, I don't know Kanye. I really don't care about Kanye. Yeah, I don't know personally. It really has no effect on me. So when stuff like this happens, what I do is I try to pause, and I try to take a bigger view. Okay, like what's going on here?
Starting point is 00:14:08 And you know what's annoying to me? Is the selective outrage that people have? Here's what I mean by that. He made some comments that were super generalized, you know, bigoted, right? The juice, the expensive, the juice that, right? And I get that, I get that.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Like I'm against generalizing based off of immutable characteristics, okay? But here's a selective outrage. You know how many people say white people this and white people? How is that male friend in the systemic racism argument that you have all of these powerful white men and power that are oppressing so many things?
Starting point is 00:14:42 How is that any different? That's what I'm saying. But that is completely acceptable to talk about that. It's insane to me. And to not only talk about that, but to make that a major talking point about what's wrong with this country.
Starting point is 00:14:54 And so having him come out and say something to that, which again, I'm with you, I don't agree with it. I don't think it's right. But at the same time too, how is everyone so pissed at that? But then, but we don't get pissed about that because people are mad at what they're told to be mad at. Yeah. It's ridiculous to me. Like you can be mad at both if you're going to be mad at all. You can say, you know, be mad at all of it. Yeah. Well, be consistent as all. Thank you. Like if you're against bigotry, then be against bigotry. If you're
Starting point is 00:15:21 against generalizing based off of, you know, discriminating based off of immutable characteristics, then be consistent. But so many of these same celebrities that are hammering Kanye, I've said so many times, white Christian men or men or white people this, white people that, it's like, listen, it's all wrong. All that generalization is wrong and don't defend it. I hate it when people try to defend it.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Well, the way the, shut up, it's bullshit. So I'm not agreeing with Kanye, but the outrage is all manufactured. Most people, I mean, I also think it's stupid when we put all these celebrities on pedestals. So like he's, you know what he's a genius at? Rapping, that's it. Rapping and all making some cool clothes.
Starting point is 00:16:00 I agree. I mean, fashion and wrapping is what the guy is known for. So why would you take his, his agree. I mean, fashion and wrapping is what the guy is known for. So why would you take his political point of views, his economic point of view, social point of views? Why would you give him that much weight in that area? 100%. He's totally, though, he's definitely pushing, he's getting into that manic space. I don't know if you guys ever dealt with somebody who goes, you're the closest manic person I know. Yeah, so I, so thank you. I don't get manic, but I can definitely get
Starting point is 00:16:28 hypomanic, which is just under it. So I don't go crazy, but I can get those states of like whatever. Anyway, I had a friend who would go from depressed to manic. And in the manic, it all associated with bipolar. Yes. Okay. Because I've had, yeah, a few clients or bipolar. I had a guy who worked for me as bipolar. So had an idea of I've had a few clients or bipolar. I had a guy who worked for me as bipolar. So, had I dated a bipolar chick? I've told you the story about that. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:50 So I definitely am. Did you ever see the manic state? Yeah. Like, full mania? Well, I mean, I get, so I don't know how you're defining the difference between somebody who is bipolar versus someone who's manic. Oh, so manic is, so bipolar is the two extremes.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Yeah. So depressed. Yeah. And then manic. So, and mania is hyper two extremes. Yep. So depressed. Yep. And then man, super. Okay. So and mania is hyper energy, crazy ideas. It can get to the point where you literally are crazy. Like you're literally crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Like I'm viewing out anything. Yeah, like I, you know, like I wrote on an napkin and invention for limitless energy. And it's going to change the world. Like literally crazy. It could go real crazy, right? Right. You can have hypomania, which I've had before,
Starting point is 00:17:25 which is under that, where I just got lots of energy, lots of creative energy. I talk a lot, you know, I get excited, that kind of stuff, but I've never gone, at least to my knowledge, I should ask my wife, have ever been crazy. But, but he's obviously, and a lot of creative people get in this, because when you start to go into mania, you get a lot of creativity, a lot of energy,
Starting point is 00:17:43 and he's obviously getting into that state. You know what's funny to me, those two, is that everybody who has such a problem with it is you're only helping him by posting crazy about it and making sure, it's so crazy, like if you're so outraged, like honestly the thing would be, is it stop buying any of this shit,
Starting point is 00:18:03 stop listening to his music, take him out of your mouth Don't talk about him move on from that guy You spreading it and what's happening right now with the banks pulling him out a deed is just dropped him Dude his and I know that the article the headline was oh, he's no longer a billionaire Now he's only worth 400 million because that a deed is still is 1.2 billion. Okay. Well, yeah Watch when he launches his own freaking his own thing that's not connected to Adidas or Nike and see how they're happening. I don't think they're thinking to them.
Starting point is 00:18:30 So I don't think Adidas is like, we want a cripple Kanye. I think they're thinking we need to distance ourselves. I think all these people are only doing it to virtue signal. It is literally, we want to look good and we need to, everyone is getting outraged at this guy. So we need to make sure we stand on the right side of the fence here because we don't want to get black. Yeah, yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:18:49 100% with the thing about their pocketbooks, like they always do, right? Like this may hurt sale. So let's get away. I get that. But it's a selective outrage part. That's just, and I say selective because there's no consistency with a lot of people. It's like they're mad and then it happens over here and, oh, they're cool. That's, that's not the same.
Starting point is 00:19:03 It's the same. So he lost his Adidas contract, which I guess then puts him out of the billionaire spot, right? Like, it dropped his thing. That's not the same. Yeah, because it was an hour, you think. Well, so 400 million is what they project now. Net worth stuff is so funny because,
Starting point is 00:19:19 I mean, when I was younger, I used to think like that was my, like, I want to get to a certain net worth. But the way that people calculate that, I mean, think like that was my, like, I want to get to a certain net worth. But the way that people calculate that, I mean, we are off-air, remember? You know how many poor millionaires we have in San Jose? Because they bought their houses decades ago. They don't make a lot of money, and all their values in their house,
Starting point is 00:19:35 they can't sell their house, they don't want to. Yeah, I mean, that's one way to talk about it. It's another way to talk about it where it's totally insane to me too, is just the, like, you'll take a, if you have a business, right? You take the EBITDA and a business, right, you take the EBITDA and you multiply it by, you know, three or five X some nine 10X depending on the type of business. And then that gets calculated into your net worth, but it's not like you
Starting point is 00:19:54 can take any of that money and go and buy. It's not real money yet. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it tells real, if you sell the company and then you get what they, they claim it's worth three, five, whatever X, then okay, now you technically have that, but I mean, now where I'm at in my cash flow is more important to me. How much cash flow can I build? How much passive income can I build?
Starting point is 00:20:13 Well, that's more like applicable to real life. Yeah, and it's constantly coming in. It's not something that I'm on paper. I'm worth X amount of dollars. It's I've built this machinery, right? Okay, so is there any moving conspiracy with this? So because I actually heard that it was like, somebody was talking about a way for him to get out of contracts.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Oh, so okay, that's the part. I mean, obviously I'm not buying into these. I just curious what's out there right now. I love them. Yeah, like the obvious is not. Well, I like conspiracies like this, because this is now in the stuff that I like to like. You're just as bad as we are,
Starting point is 00:20:47 but I hate it when you make fun of it. Yeah, you just come from a different angle. So these are the ones that pop up. Culture angles. Yes. Okay, well, when you're talking about marketing and advertising and business, like, the old saying of no pub is, you know, bad pub is not,
Starting point is 00:21:01 bad pub is good pub and, you know, no pub is bad pub. Yeah, no pub, right. bad pub is good pub and you know. All pub is bad pub. Yeah, no pub. Right, so getting publicity good or bad is always good in the business of making money. It's better than no. So it's part of me sometimes thinks when I see something like this come out
Starting point is 00:21:16 and then him double and triple down and so on like that, is he's been in the marketing game for a long time now, especially trying to promote yourself in the rap I mean talk about that's got to be like one of the hardest hustles is coming up from the street Hustle in your rap making it all away. So this guy knows how to hustle So to just assume that he's this crazy guy who's bipolar who says off the wall shit with no strategy at all. I don't know I can get but I also don't say that this there's me and I'm going like full on, I'm conspiracy mode, but I wouldn't put it past someone
Starting point is 00:21:49 to say some Catholic. Never seen a Twitter streams like his tweets, and he goes off. And here's a deal, people like people who are a little crazy. They do. We like them. And do you think someone like that who's come up from the bottom like that doesn't know that?
Starting point is 00:22:03 Who had to hustle to get his songs picked up? And like, do you think he like that who's come up from the bottom like that doesn't know that? Who had to hustle to get his songs picked up? And like do you think? I think he thinks that he's obviously got a high level of narcissism you have to in order to do that kind of stuff. And I think he thinks I'm gonna, no matter what, I'm gonna succeed and I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do. And then if you push him, he's gonna push back, because that's what he does, he pushes back harder.
Starting point is 00:22:22 I don't necessarily think he's sitting there making this plan and he's like, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna gonna what was that tweet? I'm gonna go death calm three on the Jews I think he sees what you saw which is basically Here's this okay a major talking point in the last few years has been a really or almost like five I'd say the systemic racism Conversation has been a huge one and, very few people want to oppose it. And everybody wants to jump on it and say, yes, yes, and agree with all of it. And then what he said, when you unpack both of those,
Starting point is 00:22:53 is the same thing. They're both wrong, they're not fair. But I think he knows that. It's the same thing that he just did with the white lives matter shirt. You think that was just like a, you don't think he thought about what he was doing? No, that was more cactus.
Starting point is 00:23:07 I think that was a publicity. So that was calculated and it goes against the normal narrative. So does what he's doing right now, goes against the normal narrative. And well, no, that's not just against the narrative. That's just, he just made statements that were not, I mean, they were just, they were obviously, generalizing the same.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Yeah, well, you can make that case for the white lives matter. That's a, that's a like, right in your face. No, no, that's not the same thing. So wearing a white lives matter is a pose. I'm not saying it's the same thing, but I mean, as far as it being in the face of basically what. Well, I guess from that standpoint, what's accepted in the mainstream right now.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Yeah, I guess from that standpoint, but he put his foot in his mouth. This one, this one, he's not going to get supported by anybody on the on the political spectrum or less not publicly because it's just doesn't sound good. It's not right how we said it. But look, Kanye makes money off of being Kanye. Is this going to crush him? I don't I don't know. I doubt it. I wouldn't bet against him. Of course not. I think he's gonna he's he's he's figured out how to make money doing crazy shit for a long time, but for me again
Starting point is 00:24:07 The big picture is a selective outrage people are so mad. It's this these same people will say the same exact types of statements But just insert white people in there and somehow that's okay And in fact I've heard people debate and why that's okay. Why that's justified. It's like no, dude That's the same freaking thing. Yeah, so it's insane to me. I mean that's what I why that's justified. No, dude, that's the same freaking thing. So it's insane to me. I mean, that's what I think we all agree on that. And I personally, I think that right or wrong, that's his way of trying to get that conversation going. And I do think that he thinks he's so brilliant
Starting point is 00:24:39 that this is a clever way to do it. And again, I don't support what he says, but I think to just, oh, he's crazy and manic and he just says off the wall, shit, I'm just like, okay, well, I don't know, I think this guy, this guy's like one of the things he's good with is his words. So to think that before he goes into an interview
Starting point is 00:25:00 where he knows probably what his PR knows what he's gonna get asked and talked about that he didn't sit down and think about what what what what areas is he can intentionally push. Oh, I think he thought about it. I just don't think he thought about it like a logical person. What I think he thought about it in Kanye. Yeah. You know, which is but it also like we know of us know the guy and whatever. Yeah. It's just it's funny. It didn't come out right. Yeah. It's the latest thing.
Starting point is 00:25:26 So that's whatever. And when he said it was wrong, so yeah, big deal. But everybody that's pissed off about it, like are you still mad? One of the people is the same thing with other people. That's the part that I just... So speaking of being mad, I want to know if you guys would be mad about this. Mrs. Sippy teacher is, I don't know what, I know she's getting sued for doing this, but did you guys see this?
Starting point is 00:25:45 It was, I go to New York Post, Mississippi teacher, scares, I saw the video, that talk about wanting to piss me off and like get me out of my seat. What? Dude, these people are psycho. These teachers like put on a scream mask and scare the shit out of these toddlers.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Like what? Like deliberately. Yeah. Yeah. And maybe you guys see the video. So they tried to make, oh, they were like terrifying. No, no, they were like, yeah, exactly. Why?
Starting point is 00:26:16 Because she tried to claim that I don't know. She was trying to motivate them to like clean up or pick up their clothes. That's a terrible way. Well, now they're facing felony charges. Look at it. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, that's not cool. No, I know, it's hard to watch. I don't, no, that's not cool.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Can you believe that? To motivate them to clean? Yeah, that, I mean, that was the defense, right? I don't know how, obviously I doubt that held up very well. Like people were like, It's like, I'm gonna go in there with an unloaded gun. You'd be like, hey, you better do what I say. And that was that loaded into a garbage.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Just kidding, you're not real. It was a joke. Uh-huh. Wow, that's terrible. It's right. So she's get, they're obviously going to get in trouble for this. You know, they're getting sued by the parents. I don't know what the school saw that I saw that they're they may be facing felony charges for this. Wow. I can't read what I'd say. Are you can you see a dog? And like, they're laughing. Can you imagine? They'll never be good? Yeah, and they're laughing. The teachers are laughing about it. Wow. That's, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:27:09 If I saw that and that was my kid, I know that's where that kind of comes out. I mean, that's why I brought up to you guys because I can treat it, told me and then I looked at it. I don't know. And then I felt the same way too. I'm just like, dude, have you guys stoop? You know, what's funny?
Starting point is 00:27:25 This is what happens when you like teachers who don't have kids. Fucking teachers. That's what that is, right? There's some teacher who doesn't have kids. I don't know, dude. It doesn't realize that much, because trauma times are just here. Have you guys, okay, so I don't know if you've done this,
Starting point is 00:27:37 yeah, Adam, because your boy's still kind of young, but maybe Justin, have you ever done something where you didn't really think it out with your boys? Oh, and you pushed the limit a little bit. And it just terrified them. And you're like, oh, yeah. Yeah. So this was roller coasters, right?
Starting point is 00:27:51 And I'm like, I'm want to kind of push and nudge to go for it. And like, let's, you know, worry about the ramifications of it later, right? Like, let's just like, let's see what you're capable of handling. And so, ever it was probably like, let's see what you're capable of handling. And so, ever it was probably like, I want to say, four or five, whatever the lowest-age possible that you can go on a space mountain. And of course, ironically, that time it was near Halloween. So it had this whole new setup. So it was like this projected ghost that was the most terrifying like ghost that could possibly have like flying after you and go like, right, like they turned all the lights off extra. So it was like really dark. And even before I got in on there, I asked
Starting point is 00:28:36 the person that was working. I'm like, is this going to be appropriate? Is he going to be okay? And he's, oh yeah, it's going be fine. Yeah, so he was like shaking, you gripping my hand like the hearts I've ever felt him grip my hand. And then we get off and he just had his head down and he was like shaking. Oh my God! What a hell was like.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Oh my God. Oh no! Dude, it took, it's taken me like, like, you know, the little ride where you just like go around in a circle. You traumatize them. Yeah, I had to start with that all over again. It's like I had to start there and then slowly build back up to the big dip. That's the word.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Hey, it's the worst like 17. And he's just not picking himself when it goes dark. Bro, dude, I feel so terrible. It's the worst feeling. I did that to my son. I don't remember, holy was seven. And there was this anime that came out and I'm like, oh, this will be kind of cool. And there's this fucking scary like scene where these like big giants like eat people and vitamin half
Starting point is 00:29:29 Which I didn't anticipate and my son was watching and it was cool up into that point because they're doing like Confluent shit and then that comes out and he buries his head He just buries his head into my armpit and I immediately is like, oh, I fucked up. I turned it off Yeah, and he would not watch anything like that for years. Until this day, he's like, I'm out of time, you made that terrible decision. Yeah, he's still remembered. He did that to me.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Oh, I don't know if I can remember. Katrina is, she's quick to get to me. I'm always, I'm like, Justin, I'm always trying to push the limits a little bit and she's always like, don't you do that with him, man, I'm like, okay, relax. It's, you know what, it's always dad's because there's like a movie or something,
Starting point is 00:30:04 we can't wait to share with our kids. Oh, yeah. And we end up making, oh yeah, I'm okay relax. It's you know, it's always dad's because there's like a movie or something. We can't wait to share with our kids. Oh, yeah, we end up making. Oh, yeah. No, you're old enough to watch the lens. I'm like, that's fine. Yeah. Have you seen crazy sexual stuff? Do you remember showing your kids,
Starting point is 00:30:13 grandma's for the first time? Grandma's is terrible. Yeah, I was scared of as a kid. Bro, you know, that was terrible. So you know what I have an a hard time with right now is that so max is like infactuated with Halloween zombies and skeletons and like he just look and so when he gets home from school right now he won't he doesn't want to go in the house he wants to go walk the neighborhood and go walk like all the scariest houses
Starting point is 00:30:34 and so he loves this stuff. That's cool. I was like that. Oh he wants and that's all he wants to watch so if he's watching his iPad he wants to watch all the Halloween special stuff so super new but then we're having nightmares dude so. So it's like, oh yeah. So he's, you can't come to that. They're so young that you can't communicate them like, son, maybe we should stop looking at zombies and all this stuff. So you know what it is? I was like that.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I was like that for a long time. He likes the thrill. So he pushes and I was the same way. I would watch movies that were scary and I loved them because they were scary and then I couldn't sleep and I'd have nightmares but it didn't stop me. So I was the same way. I would watch movies that were scary and I loved them because they were scary and then I couldn't sleep and I'd have nightmares but it didn't stop me. So I was the same way.
Starting point is 00:31:09 It was a thrill of it. We had that, so we tried to have them watch it like in the middle of the day, thinking that like, yeah, maybe we could just show it to them then and then they're not gonna still remember it. Nice, still nightmares. Yeah, we went through a whole phase of like, night terror.
Starting point is 00:31:23 I had, it was bad. My little cousin, this one was the worst. I'll never forget. He was, I don't remember how old he was. He was a little kid, maybe seven or something. And do you guys remember that that internet video that went on a long time ago where you're looking, you have to go through this maze with the cursor. And then if you touch the walls, a scary ass face pops up and it screams how loud. Do you guys remember this? It was like a prank. Yeah. So you send it to your friends and you go,
Starting point is 00:31:45 hey, try this maze and they try and everybody fails and then it goes, ah! It was like a snake game or a... Yeah, and people remember that. So I did this with him on my lap, not knowing what would happen. You know, and I knew it was gonna be scary but I know it was gonna be that scary.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Well anyway, when the monster came out and screamed, he, he's, he's, he did that for like 30 seconds. And I felt so bad, did I held him? And I'm like, wow, what have I done? That one got a lot of people. It did. It did. It was a great prank.
Starting point is 00:32:17 I got a hack for you guys, a food hack. I'm not a big, you know, you guys, I'm not like dog or whatever, I don't make great stuff. But I did figure this out. You guys want, so I like using ground beef. It's convenient, it's easy, great source of protein. If it's grass-fed, nice fatty acid profile, so like butcher box has the grass-fed ground
Starting point is 00:32:35 beef. I mix, so I'll take a pound of ground beef and I'll mix a quarter pound of pork sausage, the ground pork sausage with it, so I'll make beef patties, but the sausage adds like the best flavor. Makes it so good. Mixing sausage in ground meat, huh? Yeah, so it's ground sausage. So we use that in the,
Starting point is 00:32:54 so the dish that everybody asks about that I out by post, and I don't think I've posted the recipe, so I was a Katrina makes it. That quinoa pasta dish that looks like lasagna. That's how we would do ground beef, and then she does a little bit of the sausage in in there to give it that flavor and it's bomb It makes it like it's a nice combination with the beef in the sausage. It gives it such a good Well, especially the butcher-bought beef because it's so lean. It's so it's so lean and so that sausage gives that kind of the
Starting point is 00:33:19 Juicy fat inside of it. Yeah, speaking of food man I was so yesterday I go over to Luna, but the one in the prune yard. So they have one over here, the one that we always go to. Yeah. Then there's one of the prune yard, the big one. And the owner was there.
Starting point is 00:33:31 I haven't seen her in a while, so we're talking. And we're having good conversation. And Jessica's like, which location are you at more and whatever, she's like, oh, I spend more of my time here. She goes, I have 160 employees to manage. I'm like, what? How many employees you have at this restaurant? 160.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Just at the location. In the prunyard. At the prunyard. Wow. That's a lot. Bro, and I have an uncle, so my grandfather's brother, my grandfather just passed away. His brother has a restaurant in Folsom,
Starting point is 00:34:01 called Visconti's Restaurant. It's been there forever. And I, you saw I'm somewhat familiar with the restaurant business. But when I heard that number, like if you're not passionate, like really passionate about owning a restaurant, that's got, like you can't do it.
Starting point is 00:34:13 No way to feed right there. There's no way. That's got to be the worst business. Oh yeah. No, it's a brutal business. I mean, when I, I basically made like minimum wage and then like tips and all that, but I mean still, like to be able to manage everybody's schedules
Starting point is 00:34:28 and like have, you know, to consider like all those employees, that's a lot of fun. And the margins are not huge, there's a slim front before you open. Yeah, continuously have inventory, like way thought out otherwise you're short. Yeah, and then especially on the busy nights, you get to the screw.
Starting point is 00:34:44 It's crazy. It's crazy Slow when she said that. Oh my god. I've managed you know 60 employees 160 holy shit. I sure wish we get some free guacamole though Fucking free advertising We eat there every single day We've every single day talk all time about it. We bring people in single day, every single day talk all time about it. We bring people in there. It's delicious. I'm fucking guacamole maybe for free everyone. She's just bad business in my opinion. It's obviously good business.
Starting point is 00:35:13 You can do it. It's amazing food. I just I just had this stuff when people don't do that. I just just recognize me. That's not not not at all. Don't get do that. I just recognize me. That's the one. No, it's not. No, no, no, no, don't get that twisted. This is way before. No, I mean, my book is not that. It's just like what you would do as a business owner. Yes, like it's different.
Starting point is 00:35:31 One of my favorite, so I used to go to this coffee shop for years, okay? Long, long ago. And, you know, every single morning I ate there and I got a big meal and stuff like that. And, you know, what they would do, just not asking nothing, just every once in a while, be like, I don't know, every seventh or eighth meal there,
Starting point is 00:35:49 they would give me like a pie for dessert for free. Or, hey, today's on us, don't worry about it. Like, they would do stuff like that. I mean, you know, that did it locked me in. It means I would even, and then it's been more. And that's old school. You know, my uncles like that. So if you go to, I don't know if he still does it,
Starting point is 00:36:03 but I know his sons and grandchildren, and you know, my uncle's like that. So if you go to, I don't know if he still does it, but I know his sons and grand children and, you know, nieces all run it. When you go there, one of the reasons why he's been named, that restaurant's been named as the best of time food and false them for so many years, is he walked around. And he walked around, has wine with people to stand with people that they don't know. There's an Italian restaurant here called Source with an F.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Have you been to it? It's like that. The owner comes around and Katrina's mom knows him really well and like every night he's in there and he walks over and talks to all the cheese for tellers. Is it for tellers? Maybe. I think it might be for tellers. That's the old school way, you know, when you when you want a restaurant. It makes a big difference. Why is that the old school way? It should be the way. It's just like good business. I feel like. I mean, that's just because the old school way is others might there's there's this restaurant. It's Monkel's restaurant. Oh, they the old school way is, there's this restaurant,
Starting point is 00:36:45 it's Monkel's restaurant. Oh, they have a commercial, or is that the website? That's my cousin, that's so funny. So that's my cousin, Frank. You know what's funny about that guy? So I worked with my dad as a kid and Frank worked for my dad.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Frank was his helper. Rosa, when you do website, you know that? Yeah, I know, I know. They're great. The food is legit, bro. You want real legit Italian, Sicilian food. So, okay, so that, obviously they have a very, bro. You want real like legit a tie-ins to so you know, okay So that obviously they have a very successful restaurant. Do they do very well like fine? Yeah, yeah, they do a support the whole family the whole family
Starting point is 00:37:12 It's all family owned and operate, but yeah, my cousin Frank. I remember so he was like a He was the guy's gonna I don't know if you'll get mad at me saying this he was like the stereotypical Guido, right? So like GoT, Iroxy, yeah, Iroxy. He always had the fast that I would ever dated, you know, the Dallion, he'd wear the gold chains. And you know, he'd make those jokes and kind of whatever. And so I was young. I was probably like, I was like 14 or 13
Starting point is 00:37:41 and I'd show up to help. And he was my dad's helper. And he had to be in his late teens early 20s. So to me, he was like the coolest guy of the world and it was just funny, the story, I mean, the dirty jokes that guy used to tell me. Frank, they're very inappropriate. A young kid to hear.
Starting point is 00:37:54 I'm gonna see him soon for this. For the funeral. That was, I think, one of the coolest parts, if you were a kid that you worked in construction or like a job. They treated like an old man. Yeah, that was one of the things I used to like about working with. You'd got to hear all the dirty stuff that were for. Yeah, that was one of the things I used to like about working
Starting point is 00:38:05 my time. You got to hear all the dirty stuff that were broken. You want to know one of the skills you learn working working construction. This is a skill that had a heat of burrito up on the desk. No, but that's also a skill for burritos bro. I live by that for a while. No, here's a skill right here. Jessica's always like, you don't you can go to the bathroom anywhere. A porta potty restaurant bar bar, you're not grossed out, I'm like, honey, I used to go construction with my dad.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Like you have to figure it out when you go to these places and there's a porta-potty shared by 30 construction guys and that's where a hole or where you're wiping your butt with the sawdust covered toilet paper on the hand. Yeah, because this is the blood cell over the place. It's like, God damn it, I'm going to go like my ass. Yeah, cuz this is the blue solo in the place this like Invention waiting to happen for construction sites Why it's a commercial waiting to happen
Starting point is 00:39:04 All right, I got I got conspiracy there for you. Adam. Oh, I give one. All right. Okay. A good one. You'll for me. Yo, you'll, it's for Adam, because Adam, you'll love it.
Starting point is 00:39:12 You'll love it. You'll love it. Well, you might not like it. You'll be pissed off about it. But Adam, here's the stuff he goes. He's going to come and tell us why it's not a conspiracy. And the latest infrastructure bill, this is what they do with these big bills, right? They pass these huge bills and they're like,
Starting point is 00:39:25 it's to whatever, fight climate change or to help poor kids or something, right? That sounds like everybody's support. And they're huge bills and they say, we have to pass this, we have to pass this, we have five days and nobody reads it because it's so big. Yeah, yeah. And what they do is they weigh in.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Months later we all start reading what we signed up for. Yes, yes, yes. So what do we sign up for? In the infrastructure bill, which is just a recent one. Yes, okay. In there is a government kill switch for all vehicles. So new vehicles, it'll be implemented in like five years or so. So all new vehicles in about five years or so that'll be built will be required
Starting point is 00:40:00 to implement a kill switch in the vehicle, Meaning the government can hit a button and turn, and that's it, your car worked in the car. I do believe we were concerned about this. We were. About the electric cars. They would never do that. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:40:16 I remember saying that, I don't know. I do. Every once in a while, I'm wrong. Every once in a while. Every once in a while. Very, very rare. Okay. But God, Dan, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:40:24 I tell you what though. Yeah gas powered all day. That's right my cars. I'm gonna let them just sit in there and go up and value, bro. That's for sure. You better believe there's gonna be people that will not want that shit. That's crazy to me. Yeah. And you know, the way they're selling it is like, of course, if you had a if you're a cop chase, right? If you're cop chase in the snack, because I could totally see a bunch robbers having a new Prius or a new freaking whatever uh, whatever, they're not going to have like some old gas car like you really think they're going to be running around electric vehicles. Well, you guys want to bring up, you know, like controversial stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Like look at what we just got in terms of a, uh, reversal recently in New York. Oh, I saw they have to reinstate all the employees. Okay, so how does that, how you really, truly implement something like that? Like, you could question. Back pay. Yeah, the back pay. Was it like 40,000? They have to pay them the money that they could have made
Starting point is 00:41:12 and they have to reinstate them because they took it to court, fought it and won. This is a big deal. Yeah, very big deal. Yes. I mean, I love it. I know. So do I.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Why do you describe what it is? So what do you mean? Well, the audience doesn't know He's talking about oh no, it was they they were fired because they why were they fired for not getting vaccinated Sorry, yeah So it was the mandate to get vaccinated. Thank you. Don't get vaccinated sir about that Yeah, if you don't get vaccinated you're fired and they took them to court and they won and so they got reinstated Plus they have to get paid back pay So and I think you're gonna see more of this stuff. I really do.
Starting point is 00:41:47 To that, I mean Kate, from the business perspective, how fucked are you from something like that? Because you've moved on, you've hired someone else, you're paying somebody else now. Yeah, for that those positions or you are firing away the government's fuck because private companies who are mandated by their government to do it, if they get sued, they could pass. Okay, so that's what I'm, yeah, I was just falling in. So say a massive company did that. I maybe we can look this up. What was the biggest COVID layoff?
Starting point is 00:42:13 Like who, what company laid off the most people for not getting vaccinated? One, I like to see that. The biggest were government entities. Okay. It was like military. Well, I think it's a lot of things. So say I come in, right? So like law enforcement or something like that or whatever.
Starting point is 00:42:26 So then does that do they turn around and then ensue the government? But okay, so they're gonna come, because if they, the vast majority of them are government, you know, whatever, not companies, but government entities. So the vast majority of people who got fired
Starting point is 00:42:42 worked for the government. So then what ends up happening? Does that mean that they get sued? Okay, they win the court case and then the government just pedals that money through the... Correct. And by the way, the government just means we all get fucked exactly. The government doesn't have money.
Starting point is 00:42:56 We have money. They take it from us. I mean, it's a principle. That's what I'm trying to get at here. So I mean, I guess I'm for it, but not really because it's eventually gonna screw all of us again, right? So we we print a bunch of crazy money that fox us then we fire these people for for not be
Starting point is 00:43:10 That's a that book so they want to turn around and it was wrong is everything to me. Yeah, that's that's where I find it a big deal It's like you know it win against Constitution like this everybody knew that they were just bypassing that because of some emergency authorization and you know just completely disregarded our rights. I wonder how many how many private companies did that? I did have a friend of mine who worked for a real estate brokerage come a large one and she had said that they were making it mandatory. And the way they were doing it in like different ways like this where they'd have these like contests
Starting point is 00:43:48 for you to win money and you couldn't even, you couldn't enter in it unless you were vaccinated. They did shit like that to try and first motivate them and then eventually turn it into like laying people off of that. That's crazy. Well, I mean, look, the data, we're now far out enough, and we have data now that's showing that they, that these COVID vaccines were some of the least effective vaccines that are in the market.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Okay, that's just the fact. This is just a data. This is the current data. This is what came out. They're just not, they're not that effective. They have some effectiveness, but they're not that effective. And then the side effects, the data is showing, if we were to use the standards that we've always used the vaccines, they would have never passed trials. In other words, no, yes, massive amounts of people aren't dying, it isn't like whatever,
Starting point is 00:44:32 but the amount of side effects they would have halted if it were any other vaccine. So they just like to pull the Johnson and Johnson. Yeah, so it's, that's the data, the data showing that. And people know this, I mean, less and less people are like, moving in this direction because they're like, well, it's, doesn't work very well. And I felt like shit last time I had to take a day off
Starting point is 00:44:51 of work, like those kind of side effects would prevent something from passing, regulate, passing trials. But, you know, of course, this was pushed through because of, you know, emergency use or whatever. Yeah, crazy stuff. So this, this episode airs after this event happens, but I don't know if you guys,
Starting point is 00:45:08 this Saturday is the Jake Paul fight. Who's he fighting? He's the Anderson Silva. Oh, yeah. All right, let's make a prediction because then it'll happen. This will air and then we'll be the look brilliant or stupid.
Starting point is 00:45:20 So Jake Paul wins. You think he's gonna beat Anderson Silva? I do, I really do. Anderson's a good striker though. He is a good striker, and I don't know what their weight is difference. I think Jake's got him on size. Does he have reach?
Starting point is 00:45:34 The Anderson probably. Anderson's out of his prime. He is. He is, but. And I also heard, okay, and maybe fact checked me on this one, that he's been knocked out twice by his sparring partners in this training camp
Starting point is 00:45:45 Andersen so yes Which cannot be a good sign if you're see if you're sparring partners are K.O. and you you know what sad with fighters Is that some of these guys with the greatest chins of all time? They'll get knocked out really bad once and then that's it afterwards. They get knocked out really easily afterwards Yeah, so I hope that's not the case Maybe fact check me Anderson, but yeah, yeah, I. Easy, easy, easy times. So, well, I hope that's not the case. Maybe you fact check me there. I'm very interested in, but yeah. Yeah, I would like, I mean, I think this is how Jake
Starting point is 00:46:10 is making all this money, is I think probably 80% of the people are rooting against him. I think that he's done a brilliant job of being the heel and is literally taking what, speaking of things I was wrong about, something I was very right about, was the future of boxing and what was going to look like. And I mean, and no more people are talking about this fight
Starting point is 00:46:30 than like the last big boxing match that we just had a couple of weeks ago. Like nobody was talking about that. Everybody's talking about this. And it's just like, yeah, what did it say that, Doug? Well, it says he misspoke. So he's kind of retracting what he said. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Also, he said originally he did say it, but now he's kind of retracting what he said. Oh wow. Oh so he said originally. He did say it but now he's kind of retracting weird. I don't even have said that. Adam's just feeling so good about whatever being right or whatever. Did you see, I sent this to the group. So then I'll tell you what I'm about. No. Something that I'm going to give you another opportunity here. So Dyson put out a video, Doug, I shared it to the group,
Starting point is 00:47:06 showing these prototype robots that do household chores. Oh, more movement. More movement happening. Stop, the audience doesn't even want to hear this. No, no, no, no, I'm just giving you opportunity to back out. No, I'm all in already. All right, I'm all in on this bet for sure.
Starting point is 00:47:23 All right, all right, all right. I'm going to push anymore. That was your All right, all right, all right. I'm gonna push anymore. That was your last opportunity. Yeah. Before I buy one. We can speculate though on the company that will do it first. I mean, I think that's an interesting conversation on who is most likely to have like the autonomous cars
Starting point is 00:47:36 or the robots inside the house. What is Dyson convertible? Dyson would make sense in terms of like engineering in the cleaning space. Yeah. I mean, it's Tesla though, who's claiming to have the, going to have the first prototype though, right? Yeah, but they show, they always, I don't know, it just seems like they'll make a stance and claim it and then it's like a couple, you know, 10 years later, like they'll actually come out. Did you see Elon, what he said about the
Starting point is 00:48:03 Cybertruck that if it goes in water, like it's like like a boat and it could try, I can drive in water. Was that a feature the whole time? I guess he made some maybe duck and look at that. It's still making a little modification. That's so cool. That's your head. That is cool. A video of it going through the water.
Starting point is 00:48:20 What's up for how ugly it is? It looks awesome. I love it. I'm more sold on the Rivian after I seen that video of it, pull next to the Raptor and the so-so-fasc. Then they just have a huge recall. Was it Rivian that had a huge recall? Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:36 I don't know. Maybe we got a double check after we see this video. Let me see. Well, it's not a video. Okay. Is it amphibious? Well, according to him, it will be waterproof enough to serve briefly as a boat.
Starting point is 00:48:49 We're gonna be able to get briefly. What does that mean? It will not survive a 40-day 49 flood, but so I can cross river. So if you briefly drive over a puddle, you'll be okay. No, it says it'll be able to cross rivers and lakes. He gets to be careful with shit like this, because you know there's gonna be some dude that's gonna buy this and then just be a flood. Oh, I'm it will be across rivers and lakes. He gets to be careful with shit like this because you know there's going to be some dude that's going to buy this and
Starting point is 00:49:06 then just be a flood. Oh, I'm going to I'm going to drive through this right now. Oh, did you see some of those Florida videos of like the Lamborghinis and cars that people did you know? Did you see the hurricane videos where there were literal sharks in people's neighborhoods? No. Oh, this was after the hurricane. It flooded and there was shark swimming through the streets Yeah, dude You would you would shoot your neighborhood you in your little inflatable your flutterable My shark in front of your house
Starting point is 00:49:35 That's crazy So is there recall on the Rivian or my yes, it looks like there is oh What was it what was it for? Let me see if I can. I think it was something bad. Why are you doing that? I just, so I know we have a PRX commercial today. Justin, did you get the stuff ordered for Utah yet?
Starting point is 00:49:51 I know. Yeah, that's a lot. So I tried to get as many of the items that we had in our trucky places as I could. So that way we have like the wait trees. We have the pull out with the pull up bar on it. Okay. They actually have a new feature which we pull-up bar on it. They actually have a new feature which we're playing around with in the studio.
Starting point is 00:50:08 The pulley. The pulley system. It attaches to the actual rack. It has a little pulley. Then at the top, you can attach your handles and grips and all that. It has another pulley that runs through. Yes, so you can use an upper pulley. I'm so glad they made that because last year when I got mine in the garage,
Starting point is 00:50:28 we actually bought one of those. Well, Katrina and I found one and then we actually made it ourselves and put it on. The pulley? Yeah. So we have it. And it looks identical to theirs. Oh, okay. Yeah, it's pretty much the same thing. I imagine they have there's probably a little bit better quality because I think Katrina just found our somewhere on Amazon or whatever. So, but theirs looks like it's if you have a home gym and you have a rack, adjustable rack, adjustable bench, barbell dumbbells,
Starting point is 00:50:52 and you have an ability to do, it's like some cable exercises, you have everything. Yeah, that was like the last possible thing. Like you could add and, I mean, even have the fold out bench that can incline. So it's like, it can be folded away nicely and everything, but you still get an incline option, which I thought was a good improvement as well.
Starting point is 00:51:11 You know, I was explaining this to somebody who was asking me about the whole tonal, and so they came by here and they saw that we had that up like it's the wall. And they're like, oh, I think that's so, I'm like, do you know what? For the amount of money that you spend for that, and I was pointed right over to the PRX rag.
Starting point is 00:51:26 So that's, you get that, almost that entire setup right there. I said, you can also make payments on it like you are with a gym membership. So you barely feel it every single month. You don't need the subscription. Yeah, and then once it's paid off, you'll never have to, I mean, that'll last you forever.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Forever. And you have what will really move the needle inside the gym. And that's my biggest thing with those cables is they're they're cool for upper body. They're I like them. It's a cool machine. Yeah, cool machine for upper, but lower body trash. No, absolutely. When I look, I worked out for the better part of the last 15 years on just a rack, adjustable bench, dumbbells, barbells, and a cable. That's how I've worked out the 90% of the time. You don't need anything else.
Starting point is 00:52:08 I trained all my clients. I had a whole, you know, trainers in there and wellness experts training clients, that's all we had. That's all we used. We had cables and that. I'm actually surprised that there hasn't been a gym that has made that popular. We're instead of having like this gym,
Starting point is 00:52:22 because let's say most gyms, I would say, what would you say, 50% of it's filled up with a bunch of machines? What if you had 25, 30 squat racks? And 20, it's a crossfit gym. That's a big crossfit gym. Yeah, well, kind of like that, right? A massive but a commercial size.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Or like a college weight room. Yes, that's a good platform. You know what the problem is, is that the perceived complexity of looking at a barbell and a rack and going, what do I do? People know what they're doing. I mean, I feel like I feel like I mean, come on, people do that even with machines. Machines actually look more complex. You're welcome to do it. Sometimes I have to go like, what the hell is this for? So that's, at least there's a picture. I mean, that's
Starting point is 00:53:03 the conversation now, but maybe I mean, I could see that. Look how much gyms have evolved since we've been in them. They've definitely changed the way they look. And there was a time when squat racks were absolutely dusty and nobody used them. Now there's lines for them. I wouldn't be surprised if we actually start to, the conversation,
Starting point is 00:53:21 wait, room for diamond anybody. I think in terms of a layout of a cool box and maximum efficiency of space, I would totally go the foldable rack route. Think about how much space you could open it up for class settings, bring it back in, and have a lot of different station options that way, and be able to keep a lot of clutter out of the way of the members. Yeah, a superior gym for me would be mostly free weights
Starting point is 00:53:49 with some bodybuilding kind of machines that I have an nostalgia for. That's it. But are you often see the opposite? Well, you see a lot of, and the big box gyms is tremendous investment in tons of cardio equipment. Yeah. Cardio equipment and machines. Yeah. You see so much of that.
Starting point is 00:54:04 And imagine, again, having a gym where you had, you know, that many platforms and squat racks and bench press like, boy, that would be my ideal gym would literally be just racks alongside the walls and then the middle is all grass for me to do all my sled work and everything else. Yeah, did you guys, oh, you guys, of course you didn't see this because this was mine.
Starting point is 00:54:23 You know, Crateen potentially as anti-cancer properties? Yes. One more thing, of course you didn't see this because this was mine. You know, creating potentially as anti-cancer properties? Yes. One more thing. God, I couldn't sell this freaking. I wish I invented crazy. Is it not, okay, so the ultimate bonus product. We've been saying this forever. You in particular have been saying this forever.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Is there a multivitamin that has it yet? Because that has to be the first thing. It's starting to make its way into the one space. You think it'll make its way into cereal? Maybe, it definitely, it definitely to me, it's definitely gonna make it into a multivitamin. If it's becoming that like that many health benefits to it, that I at least three grams, right?
Starting point is 00:54:56 I see like a three gram thing of in a daily multivitamin, you'll see, or maybe even half that, just some, right? I think that's gonna be a selling point for a multivitamin, if it's not already. Do you see any Doug? I'm looking for them. I don't see any yet. Why haven't we made that? Yeah, you're missing out on probably I think the public I think you you can very strongly and easily make the case to the public to take Crating you would just have to counter the myth that it makes you this huge buffed whatever just like strength trainer It's the same argument or conversation, but yeah It's I mean it's it creating increases ATP in the cells ATP is the primary source of energy for your cells
Starting point is 00:55:34 So your anti-cancer cells your brain cells your heart your everything has more of this energy They're gonna operate better and you get better mitochondrial health So it's like this longevity supplements, it's health supplement. Yes, you also get stronger. Yes, you also recover better. Yes, it probably helps your bones. Now, does that, is that still true in a cancerous state?
Starting point is 00:55:54 So you know how like we know that testosterone is incredibly healthy for you, but in a cancerous state, then it can be... Depends on the cancer. I don't know. So they didn't do it. Okay, so I have to be clear. than it can be. Depends on the cancer. I don't know. So, they didn't do it. Okay, so I have to be clear.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Because it wasn't people who had cancer to cratein. It was, what's the effects of cratein on the cells that fight cancer? It strengthens them and improves them. So that's why they said cratein could have some anti-cancer properties. But. Yes. But that's a good question, because when you're in a cancer state, almost anything can change, right? Like carbohydrates can feed cancer, so can fats, proteins can
Starting point is 00:56:31 feed it like m-tore, which is good, but in the cancer state can fuel cancer cells. So I don't know, that's a very good question. But I, but according to what I read, it strengthens the cells that go out and kill cancer cells. So it helps improve their health. What's that say there Doug? Up there. I don't know. That's a different screen. Oh, shopping online. So Now what I see is there's a lot of conversation about taking multivitamins and Creatine at the same time, but I don't see any combined But we just give the idea where someone is Like I said, someone's gonna make a whole hundred dollars.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Let's go. Hey, you gotta go check out this company, Livon Labs. They make nutrients and supplements that have pharmaceutical grade technology delivery systems. So they use liposomal technology to bring these nutrients to the target tissue. So oftentimes what happens is you take a multivitamin or a supplement is you just get expensive urine, not with live-on labs. This stuff gets to where you want it to
Starting point is 00:57:31 because again they use pharmaceutical grade technology. Go check them out right now. You can get liposomal glutathione for free when you bundle it with the B-complex and vitamin C. That's only for mind-pump listeners. You You're gonna live on labs.com forward slash MP. That's L-I-V-O-N-L-A-B-S. .com forward slash MP for that hookup. Our first color is Chris from Nebraska. What's up Chris, how can we help you? Hey, good morning guys.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Thanks again for everything you guys do. I've been listening to you guys for about four years now. So I'll just hop right into it. So the question I have is how to how to lose fat without losing weight. So a little background about me. I'm 36 years old, 5 foot 10 and 235 pounds. I'm currently doing Math Santa Ballac. I'm in week two of phase one. And really focusing on my strength. For the longest time, I did more bodybuilding with cardio, so I do lifting in cardio probably four to six times a week. And then got to the point where I was doing either crossfit
Starting point is 00:58:36 or then preparing for like a triathlon. COVID hit, and I got more into powerlifting. And while I really enjoyed the increase in strength, I noticed I put on some fats. So I started doing cardio again. I recently deployed, I'm in the national guard, I recently deployed to East Africa. And while I was there, I was doing a lot of powerlifting,
Starting point is 00:58:59 still putting on weight but felt good, and was able to keep the fat off with cardio. So now I'm back rolling back into a normal 9-5 job, trying to still at about 2.35, still lifting strong, but I've noticed I put on some fat. I have a 43 inch waist and I really understand the the the waist height kind of um waist height ratio for health and so I'd like to get down to about 18% body fat or somewhere around there. I'm just be able to maintain it for the long terms. Okay and now in the question that you wrote to us, Chris, you said that you'd like to stay at the same weight, but bring your waist down from 43 to 36.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Is that correct? Correct, yeah. Okay, and you said you want to get down to 18% body fat? Do you know what body fat percentage right now? My body fat percentage is about 24, 25%. Okay, that's what I would have guessed with that wayside. So I'm gonna do some math for you just so we could get more specific with the, or more detailed, I guess, with the goal. So right now you're sitting at 235 pounds
Starting point is 01:00:14 at 25% body fat. That means your lean body mass is 176 pounds. Okay, so at the moment you have a lean body mass, which includes bone, water, muscle, organs, so everything that's not fat at 176 pounds. If you weighed 235 pounds at 18% body fat, then your lean body mass would be 192 pounds. Okay, so what you're asking basically is to gain 16 to 17 pounds of muscle while simultaneously losing 16 to 17 pounds of muscle while simultaneously losing 16 to 17 pounds of body fat.
Starting point is 01:00:46 So that's specifically what the question is that you're asking. Does that sound like a reasonable question when I pose it that way to you? That does sound a little aggressive. Yeah. Well, it's just a little unrealistic since you're trying to cut.
Starting point is 01:01:04 I think I would worry less about, uh, exact, I mean, I would focus on one thing. Like, either I want to, let's focus on building some muscle right now. And then that's the focus or, hey, let's focus on getting your waist down, right? So, and, and the inevitable is probably going to happen if we're going to go from a 43 down to a 36, we're going to lose some weight. The goal is to lose mostly fat, but the reality is we'll probably go from a 43 down to a 36, we're gonna lose some weight. The goal is to lose mostly fat, but the reality is we'll probably even lose a little bit of muscle on the way,
Starting point is 01:01:30 but trying to simultaneously build muscle while also shrinking your waist down to 36, I think that was the point of sal, posing the question like that is like, okay, that's kind of crazy, right? To add 17 pounds of muscle while you're also shrinking your waist. Yeah, that wouldn't even happen with a beginner. And you've been working out for a while, right?
Starting point is 01:01:51 Yeah, I've been working out since I was 14, so about 22 years. Okay, so the odds that you're, I guess the odds that you'll be able to even gain 17 pounds of muscle at this point is actually quite low. You've been working out for a long time. You're 36 years old, so you're probably at the peak of the amount of muscle and strength
Starting point is 01:02:13 that you're gonna potentially, or that you could potentially gain. Not saying that there's no more potential, but an additional 17 pounds of lean body mass, a tremendous amount of muscle mass to gain. So I would focus at this point, and it's okay, you can always focus on building, you can focus on cutting,
Starting point is 01:02:29 but you gotta give yourself some reasonable goals, otherwise you're gonna set yourself up for failure or a disappointment, or just go to aggressively in one direction or another. I would focus on getting lean at this point. At 24, 25% body fat, the health risks associated with body fat are present now. So once you, as long as you're below like 18, 17%, you know, you can be very healthy and fit at 18% or 12% for example. It's not going to make
Starting point is 01:02:57 that big of a difference. But once you pass like 20% for a man, you start to see kind of health risks associated with body fat percentage, regardless of your fitness level. So if you've been training for a while, you've been working out for a while, and like you said, you kind of bulk to this point, you feel really strong. I'd focus on cutting, and I'd make it slow. I'd make it a slow process and try to preserve muscle, but what will happen is you're probably going to lose about 20 pounds, and you might lose a little bit of lean body mass while doing that. But you'll look more jacked. Oh yeah, 215 at your height. I would say between 205 to 215 at your height
Starting point is 01:03:32 would be look incredible. At 510 you'd have a really good amount of muscle mobility, good strength, all that stuff. And then from there you could play the mini bulk mini cut game where you get a little stronger, get a little leaner, get a little stronger, a little leaner. But yeah, typically when someone bulks or at least when a male client would bulk, I wouldn't allow them to go higher than about 18, 19%. Just because then you start, it depends. Now, if they're power lifters and they're in an unlimited weight class and we're just looking at max strength, we don't care about other factors, then that's different, but in terms of the health risks and stuff like that, I would say, I would go to the cut.
Starting point is 01:04:09 I go to the cut right now. I wouldn't let yourself get up too high. Chris, have you counted calories? Do you know about how many calories you're eating a day right now? Yeah, so right now I average about 2,600 calories. I usually hit protein pretty easy. I know that's hard for some people. And then my fats are usually around 80 grams,
Starting point is 01:04:29 and then my carbs are between 150 to 230. What's your activity level? That's kind of low for a guy your size. Are you pretty sedentary or do you have a job where you move a lot? What's your day look like? No, so my job is pretty sedentary. I do take one to three, 15 minute walks a day,
Starting point is 01:04:49 just one to maintain my sanity. But two to also get that to get a little extra cardio win. And then like I said, map Santa Bolic Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and then I do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai on Mondays and Wednesdays. Do you do you happen to track steps at all? Do you have any idea like what your daily step? Because you're your perfect person who wants to lean out but maintain as much muscle your size like I love to give like our I love to give step goals as a way to increase the caloric deficit because you're already at 2600 if you would have told me
Starting point is 01:05:26 You're eating 36 3800 calories and I'd say oh, let's cut our calories a little bit Keep our activity going strength training maps at a bulk's perfect and you're gonna lean out nice and slow But you're already down to 2600. I wouldn't want to quite Cut your calories that much more right now because I think a guy. Oh, I would actually, I would actually do it through movement throughout my day. So you're kind of on the right track already, but I would be more specific about it. Like I'd get myself a Fitbit or an Apple Watch or something to track my steps
Starting point is 01:05:56 and start to give my step incremental step goals. And you can do that through these 15 minute walks or a one long hour walk. I don't care how you get it, just we would set a goal of, okay, I'd track you for a week, see that you're averaging, let's say, 6,000 steps a day. And I say, okay Chris, our goal next week
Starting point is 01:06:13 is to get eight to 10,000 steps a day consistently. And let's do that for the next two weeks and see how your body responds. And then after that, I go, okay, let's get us up to 10 to 12,000 steps. And I would incrementally move you up through steps. And if, till you get to a point where you're like, man Adam, I actually have to get on a piece of cardio
Starting point is 01:06:31 and do it for an hour just to get our steps, that's kind of how I would move you up. Because you're already at 2,600 calories, it would be a total different story if you told me your calorie intake is much higher than that. Well, let's get deeper into that, Chris. How often do you track your calories? And how consistently do you track them?
Starting point is 01:06:48 I track them daily to the point where I'm even like, so like anyone else, I like my beer. So I'll even track the beer and the drinks like that. And sometimes it's a guesstimate because the calories on beer might always not be exact. But it's pretty close. And so when I see that, I'm like, okay, so I've had, I know I'm gonna have four drinks tonight.
Starting point is 01:07:12 This is where my macros and calories need to be for the rest of the day. Got it. You know what's interesting, Chris? I don't necessarily have data to support this, but I've had clients who just simply cut the alcohol out and even replace those calories with protein and get leaner.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Alcohol has got this really interesting negative effect on muscle and we'll just body composition in general. It tends to, in my experience, promote fat storage and muscle loss. So just putting it out there, I know people enjoy the drinks and whatever. But if you have an aggressive goal,
Starting point is 01:07:50 especially if you're coming in trying to maximize both of these pathways, that's definitely the turn. I was going to interject and say the same thing. I've noticed that my clients, so something to consider really kind of cutting down on. It's weird. I've had literally, I've had clients cut out 200 calories
Starting point is 01:08:06 worth of alcohol, replace it with 200 calories worth of quality food and get leaner. I've seen that consistently. Even if you just did it for 30 days just to see how your body responds, because that'll probably be enough time for you to like, you know, be enlightened by it or show that it doesn't really make a big difference for you.
Starting point is 01:08:21 I think that's great. I was, every time I'm surprised. I'm like, this doesn't make sense. The calories are equated for, but obviously the metabolism is much more, and the body is much more complicated than we realize. So just putting it out there, because that alone might put you in the right direction. Yeah, and it's the direction I'm trying to go. I mean, like I said, I like my beer, and so instead of drinking as many nights,
Starting point is 01:08:42 I'm down to about two or three nights a week. So cutting a little more probably would not hurt. Okay, and then the last thing is, I know we typically tell people to get their calories up to a certain point before they cut, but what's really interesting is there's an individual variance in how sensitive someone's body is to cutting calories, to adding calories.
Starting point is 01:09:00 So like on one end of the spectrum, we could have a woman who's eating as many calories as you are and She'll be like, okay, I'm in a good position Then she'll cut her calories and her body still doesn't respond super great And there's a lot of theories is to why that could potentially happen We don't have to necessarily get into that and then I'll have other clients will cut two three hundred calories And they're starting to see fat loss. So I know your calories are 2,600 You could try bringing them down to 2,300 which isn't a big cut
Starting point is 01:09:24 Just see what happens. Be consistent with it for a few weeks and see what ends up happening, because you may be more sensitive to the calorie cut than you may think. In other words, you might not need to cut so low. Okay. All right. But I think the moral of this is, this moving one direction and try to set your goals to be much more realistic
Starting point is 01:09:45 because the initial goal that you gave us, I mean, it's just not going to happen. I got you. Okay. All right. All right. Well, thanks for calling in Chris. You know, you're following maps in a ballac right now, right? I am. Yep. Do you have any other, any of our other programs? Yeah. So I actually, while I was on deployment, I did maps performance and a little bit of maps aesthetic aesthetic. And then I did a little bit of maps Aesthetic when I got back to the states. So I'm gonna send you Give it a strong. I was just gonna say I'm gonna send you map strong and then okay Math power lift would be good follow up to that, but I'll send you map strong for free
Starting point is 01:10:18 Awesome. Hey, thanks guys. I really appreciate it. You got it. Thanks for calling me Chris Take care. So I don't, I don't like cutting his calories because of how big he is, dude. He's a, and big in like, he's muscular. You know, we didn't ask him how we felt eating 2600 cut. You know, sometimes people are like, oh, I feel full and satisfied. I should have. I just assumed eating only 20 and a quit. I assumed actually that was low for him. I assumed 2600 is him trying to eat clean and good because that's low for that size. But we should ask them.
Starting point is 01:10:52 What was he? 176 pounds of muscle. 176 pounds of muscle. Yeah, yeah. That's a good amount of muscle on you and to be only eating that. And he also said, I hear that correctly, he was rolling to Jitsu twice a week too. Jitsu and Wai-Tai plus and plus and plus and plus and plus. Yeah, I mean, we need to ask him how he fell.
Starting point is 01:11:10 I should ask that because I know people who eat less and they're like, I feel good. This is what I want, you know. But not everybody, most people. Drinking three to four drinks, three to four days a week is a lot. That is. That's a lot of empty, so the thing too about alcohol
Starting point is 01:11:24 is alcohol is empty calories. Even I try to explain this to clients that like them, like I'd rather see you eat a fucking cheeseburger or God damn corn dog, because even that terrible food is got- It's gotta be the worst thing I've ever seen. It doesn't give you any- Body composition.
Starting point is 01:11:39 I've never seen somebody, actually I've always seen somebody's body composition improve when eliminate alcohol. I've never seen- Alcohol actually, I've always seen somebody's body composition improve when eliminating alcohol. I've never seen that. Alcohol and candy are like the worst. There's very, very little nutritional value you're getting from any of that. And so it's just a waste of calories.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Information and everything else. And then when you're trying to go the opposite direction, it's just, you know, if you're gaining and you're bulking like that to me, okay, then we can have a little enjoyment every once in a while, because we're on the game, but on the cut, it's just like, it's just one of those things, like you're coming in with an aggressive goal,
Starting point is 01:12:12 and you want your cake and eat it too. Like you got it really tightened up from every single angle possible to even get close to that Goldilocks zone of being able to burn fat and like maintain your muscle mass. That's a really difficult goal of trajectory that you're setting. Well, and I do want people to do what I did,
Starting point is 01:12:29 which is when you got your body fat percentage, figure out your lean body mass, then you know. Felt your job for that. But then you know, like, oh, my goal actually sounds crazy. Because when I positioned it like that, okay, so you want to gain 17 pounds of muscle and lose 17 pounds of body fat, like both are very hard to do on their own.
Starting point is 01:12:45 One of them's actually almost impossible for somebody who's not working on muscle. There's no room for flexibility. Yeah. And then you throw in the other element that is calories with that low. Imagine if he said, if he answered, oh, I eat 4,200 calories a day.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Like now, now we're talking like we could seriously lead out, maintain a good amount of muscle mass, but you're that low of calories too. Like, yeah, you can't really go down from there. Yeah. Our next color is Emily from Ontario. Hi, Emily. How can we help you?
Starting point is 01:13:11 Hi, guys. Thank you so much for having me. So I recently had a deep tissue massage done and the therapist immediately that my shoulder symmetry was off. He said it was impressive, not in a good way. And he couldn't believe the number of knots I had in my back and my shoulders. So he said I needed to slow down my workouts.
Starting point is 01:13:33 And because he could tell I was lifting too heavy, I was intencing my core enough, and he could tell my breath work needed improvement. So for the past few weeks, I've been lowering my weights, increasing my reps, and trying to focus on my posture, and just getting that full rep motion that we all know and love. So, my question is, if I keep this up, instead of lifting to my max at every workout,
Starting point is 01:13:57 does this help in the long term of preventing those knots I had, or at the very least minimizing them? I do want to go back to lifting heavy. I really did love that Yeah, let's let's first talk about a massage therapist. Did you leave with a Crystals? Yes, it's kind of like taking a dental advice from your mechanic. I don't know if I would do that or bodywork So I've worked with bodywork specialists So my wife does for a living and taught the school. It's not half the time they annoy the shed I mean not because they don't know what they're doing in their field.
Starting point is 01:14:26 They often, they obviously know what they're doing in their field. But I've had this happen so many times. I've had this happen with chiropractors too, where my client comes back. My chiropractor said, I should stop lifting weights or my massage therapist said, and I'm like, listen, I'm gonna tell, what if I told you
Starting point is 01:14:40 stop seeing your stupid chiropractor? Because, you know, because I can adjust you here at the gym. It's, they don't know what they're talking about when it comes to exercise. Now let's address the second part. You said you like, you work out to your max all the time. Let's probably inappropriate. Okay, so, you know, a broken clock has the right time twice a day. He might have been right in terms of you working out too hard too often.
Starting point is 01:15:02 If you have asymmetry in your shoulders, you're working out too hard too often. If you have asymmetry in your shoulders, it's more likely do to bad connection to your muscles, bad form technique. So I would focus more on proper technique, proper form, making lightweight feel heavier, not necessarily going heavier. So getting better technique, better form, better connection.
Starting point is 01:15:21 But I need more information. So I also want to know too, are you following any of our programs? Because right away, prime and symmetry come to mind. Right. So what are you following of ours? I'm not pleased on yelling at me. I'm not following any yet.
Starting point is 01:15:34 I wasn't sure which one to start with. Symmetry sounded like a good start. My problem is my ego. When I go to the gym, I want to go hard and to take a couple step back and say, focus on balance. Don't focus on a sweat is pretty hard for me. I'm not going to lie. Yeah. Well, I mean, do you want better results or just want to get sore? It better results. I want to do this for the rest of my life. So my goal is long term
Starting point is 01:16:01 with the gym for sure. You're going to love mapsimetry, Emily. I mean, it's literally it's going to balance your body out. And it's probably going to develop the best physique you've ever had. Just based off of what I'm hearing. So I'm going to send you map symmetry. And then a good follow up to that would be map centabolic. But symmetry is probably where you need to go. But if you're feeling tight, you're feeling, you know, because muscle knots, all right.
Starting point is 01:16:21 So what are muscle knots? There's a lot of theories just to what that is. But it's probably your body trying to protect itself. So muscles are slightly flexed to try to limit ranges of motion because your body doesn't necessarily feel safer, stable outside of a particular range of motion. So the form of instability may have occurred, which then that's why symmetry I think will be,
Starting point is 01:16:41 so revealing is to be able to kind of see where that root kind of stems from. Have you watched the free webinar that Justin did on Maps Prime? No, not yet. Okay. It was available. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to have you.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Doug, what's the, what's the website for that? Maps Prime webinar dot com. Maps Prime webinar dot com. Yeah. MapsPrimeWebinar.com. Webinar.com. Webinar.com. MapsprimeWebinar.com. Yeah, MapsPrimeWebinar.com.
Starting point is 01:17:04 It's a, and what I want you to do is go through that. Justin takes you through the three tests that we have in MapsPrime. I think focusing on the zone one test is going to be really, they're all going to be beneficial to you, but zone one primarily, focusing on that portion of the webinar before you go into symmetry, the combination of the webinar before you go into symmetry, the combination of the two of those, and then I agree with Sal, I would run anabolic, and then even performance after that,
Starting point is 01:17:30 that would be kind of the order of operation as far as programs for you. And that'll give you, let's see, nine months, that'll be nine months of workout programming if you went in that order. Map symmetry, map centabolic, maps performance. And I think you'd be blown away by the results that you'll get following them in that order. But we'll send you symmetry because that's the one that you need to start with right now.
Starting point is 01:17:50 And follow it to a T, okay? Trust the programming, follow it to a T, watch the videos, and watch what happens to your body. I think you'll be more than surprised. Okay, so does that mean that I can continue to lift heavy? I don't need to drop my weights so low. I can continue whatever. In the program, you'll see that there's phases where you're focused on heavy and then there's phases where you're not. So follow the program. So you're going to see in phase one of like maps and a ball, well, you're going to do symmetry first,
Starting point is 01:18:19 which is isometrics first and you won't get to the heavy lifting until the end of the program. So, but so follow it the way it's laid out. So you will get your opportunity. Absolutely challenging for you for sure. That's right. It's going to be challenging at the beginning, but trust the process. Also trust that in the program you'll get to lift heavy, but we want to lay a solid foundation for you first before you start to do that. And that's something even your massage therapist would agree with. And consider this Emily, heavy is relative. So like I could make a 200, I could make 200 pounds on a squat feel just as heavy as three pounds with my technique,
Starting point is 01:18:52 my tempo and my form. So it's not necessarily about the weight that's on the bar or on the dumbbell. It's just about how heavy you can make it feel. And so if you're looking to balance your body out and you're noticing imbalances and instability, then what you probably should do is focus on using lighter weight, but then making it feel heavier through control, stability, and tempo. Does that make sense? Absolutely. I recall your last episode about the 15 minute workouts, how effective they are. So I do recall you mentioning that. So my follow up question to that though, so since I've been dropping the weights, my body weight has been dropping and I'm pretty
Starting point is 01:19:32 concerned that it's muscle and I know you guys can't tell without a full assessment. But is that something to expect when I lift lighter is that you are going to lose some muscle along the way? No, no, no. Unless you've done something dramatically different with your calories and your protein intake, it's most likely, if anything, you're actually leaning out and building muscle because the novelty. See, the problem with always lifting heavy and training one way all the time is the body gets very adapted to that and transitioning over to lighter weight, even though may you feel like maybe I'm not as strong because I'm lifting lighter weight, it's novel to the body in which we'll stimulate more muscle growth. So it's extremely beneficial for you to do that. More recovered. So I think that's what people miss a lot of
Starting point is 01:20:13 the times is that whole process it takes for your body to rebuild itself. So do allow it to adequately recover a lot of times is what's necessary for you to push through to the next phase. How much weight have you lost, Emily? I have lost 55 pounds as of last year. Wait a minute. You said, hold on a second. You said you went lighter and you lost some weight. Is it the 55 pounds you're talking about or is it more recent, like, a little bit of weight? So during the lockdowns, I lost 55 pounds just with diet alone. And then I started to go to the gym where I've sort of maintained where I'm at. And so I've always teetered between like 161 to 164, but since I started lifting lighter, I'm now like 156, 159.
Starting point is 01:20:56 So, probably body fat or water or both. And I'd be surprised if your diet hadn't changed during that process as well. Because typically going, changing your rep range, changing the focus, like Adam said, tends to cause stimulate muscle growth. And you're not going to lose, if you're still lifting, let me put it this way, studies show that way less volume and intensity is required to keep muscle than it is to build it. That's right. So you could train your ass off, gain 10 pounds of muscle, then go at 50% of everything, 50% of intensity, 50% of volume, 50% of frequency, and you won't lose any muscle. You won't build any, but you won't lose any. So you're not, I wouldn't worry about the, you losing tons of muscle right
Starting point is 01:21:34 now. If anything, your diet probably changed and you might be, you're dropping some water or some body fat. I'm really excited too. I mean, hopefully you trust us. If you haven't ran any of our programs and you allow us to guide you for the next nine months, I think we'll blow you away. I really do. I think that if you just trust the process, trust our programming, getting a conversation with you kind of get an idea where you're at,
Starting point is 01:21:57 what you need, the order of those programs that we just laid out for you is literally perfect. Like, I promise you, if you trust that process and you just follow it to a T one time through, it'll change your life. I swear to God. I'll trust you guys. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 01:22:12 And I just want to thank you not just for the information, but your humble beginnings and your personal stories. It means a lot to beginners to know like, we started where you were. Awesome. Thanks Emily. Thanks for pulling in. Yeah. Uh, in the order of annoyance from people telling my clients to stop lifting weights. Number one is, number one is doctors. I've had doctor, I've had clients come up. So my doctor said lower back. Yeah. It's like, uh, and then bodywork
Starting point is 01:22:39 specialist chiropractor. Well, doctors are the worst, the doctors are the worst because they have the authority. That's what I mean. Counter a muscle. Yeah, it's so hard. It's like, you know, good luck trying to convince somebody who you barely know that their doctors are wrong in your right. So that's a losing battle. Right. But the chiro's and the massage servers. I mean, I'm glad you pointed out the your the broken clock point is that it's not necessarily that he's completely wrong. It's just terrible advice just to just to make a blanket statement like that to a client and make them think, oh, it's the lifting, you're lifting too much and it's too heavy. That's the problem. No, if you were lifting with proper mechanics,
Starting point is 01:23:14 you can lift as heavy as you possibly want. You're just going to build muscles and be great for your body. So that general advice to the average person makes them think that, oh, shit, lifting heavy does this to my body. Therefore, I shouldn't do that, which that's awful. And her following doing the Isometric Incymetry, her doing MAPS Prime, I really wanted her to go to performance, but I do think the order we, because someone based off of what she, what's going on with her, she's a perfect example
Starting point is 01:23:42 of someone who I would take all overhead pressing and change to Z press because when someone gets all those knots from what they have you know what it is is because they're pressing in like one side is like you know cheating or getting favored on or it's off right it's not asymmetry that's right there's some asymmetry it's not tracking properly and the Z this is what makes the Z press so awesome is and equalizer and I would I would tell her go go ahead, go heavy. Go heavy as you want.
Starting point is 01:24:06 The only rule I have is you got a press bugger head, you got to stabilize it for a second, and then come back down and then go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Go for it. Chiropractor. So I had a bodywork specialist that worked in my studio. She went to this chiropractor.
Starting point is 01:24:25 He told her, you need to stop lifting weights and I was like, oh, so annoying. So I went and talked to him, invited him to my studio and I trained him. After I trained him for a few weeks, totally changed his mind. He was a massive advocate. And then he ended up referring to that. That's how Doug came up on.
Starting point is 01:24:42 That's how you got that chiro? Oh, I didn't know that he was a, I know the story about that Cairo, but I didn't know that he was, he told originally telling your client, he told, yeah, he told her, he said,
Starting point is 01:24:52 don't look way too worn on him. I've never heard you tell that. Yeah, so I'm like, you know what, he's in the area. I'm gonna go, I'm just gonna talk to him. And I brought him in. I said, let me train you.
Starting point is 01:24:59 And I blew his mind. He worked out, I mean, I blew his mind. He felt incredible. And that was it. And then he referred people and Doug was one of the people he referred. That's great. I didn't know, he felt incredible. And that was it, and then he referred people and Doug was one of the people he referred. That's great. I didn't know that part.
Starting point is 01:25:07 Our next color is Priscilla from Georgia. Hey, Priscilla, how can we help you? Hey, thanks for taking my call. We're the future years of work. My car calls in regards to incorporating cardio in a weightlifting program. Just to give you some background info, I'm a United States Marine 24 years old, about 55. And so the Marine Corps has two fitness tests with your beer and the one that's in January to June. It's the physical fitness test and consists of Planck's pull-ups and
Starting point is 01:25:40 a 3 mile run. I'm like pretty, I'm fine with the strength portion, so the pull-ups and plank and plank with, but I kind of struggle with the 3 mile in terms of trying to get the maximum points. And I'm trying to figure out a way to incorporate my cardio routine with my lifting routine so that I can run a 21 minute 3 mile. I'm currently at around a 24 minute, 30 second, but I know that like listening to your own spot guys is kind of hard to balance everything, while I was wondering, would you suggest as to how to incorporate cardio into the weight
Starting point is 01:26:16 of the team program? All right, so I'm gonna give you some general advice and then I'll get a little bit more specific, but you're saying you're okay with the strength. You can pass the strength test. You'll keep strength easier than it takes you to build it in the first place. So what does your workout look like now?
Starting point is 01:26:31 What's your breakdown in terms of strength training and running? I actually was working using anabolic or in the process of I think the third phase, but then I had to stop because of other training. So right now I'm just kind of like doing hit workouts for like the 15-20 minutes I have that I have. And it's so using an app like I was basically
Starting point is 01:26:51 just doing like yours routine besides that. Before that, it was just like regular like random things in the gym, like the machines and stuff. So I can max out. You're not doing any running at all right now? Actually, today we started a hundred mile competition for the month of November.
Starting point is 01:27:11 So I just ran six miles. But besides that, I wasn't anticipating having to do that. I just think I met in general after this challenge is over. OK. So before that, you weren't running this part of your workout. I was in a problem twice a week. OK was like, probably one of those twice a week. Okay. I was like, three miles each.
Starting point is 01:27:28 Okay, so one more question though, because she did say she went for, she was doing anabolic and then you went down to kind of this hit thing because of other stuff. Is that other stuff still happening? Or can we potentially, because what I'm thinking in my head, like, maps anabolic with, you know,
Starting point is 01:27:42 running, you know, three times a week would be like this, this perfect protocol in my head. Because with, you know, running, you know, three times a week would be like this, this perfect protocol on my head. Because I think, I think you're going to call, and it would literally be a three mile run three times a week on your, on your off days of, of weightlifting. And I think that would be perfect. But if, if, if, and a ball is too much right now, then we could also do like a maps 15 with that same protocol I just said. So what's your schedule like? So my training now, it's about to end this week. And that's when I can go back to my,
Starting point is 01:28:10 oh, that's when I was planning to go back to Annabalik. But I think it was more the time, the timing part of it. My training took more time than I thought it would and it kind of, with everything else involved, I couldn't commit to Annabalik. The time being, but after this week, I should be done with the training. All right, we'll be good.
Starting point is 01:28:26 Well, generally speaking, if you ran two or three days a week, I don't think you should do three miles each time. I'm gonna disagree a little bit. I think you should do a short run, a run where you're doing three miles and then one where you're doing a little bit longer. So they're different intensities. The shorter one is fast.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Obviously, the one that's three miles, you're... Oh, I'm okay with that. You're cruising. Just to mix it up, okay? So you want to have something that looks more like a sprint, something that looks like what you're trying to do and then something that's just, obviously, the one that's three miles. Oh, I'm okay with that. Just to mix it up, okay? Yeah. So you want to have something that looks more like a sprint, something that looks like what you're trying to do, and then something that's just a long, literally like one, two, and three.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Something like that, like one, two, three. Try and get a fast one mile, one time a week, then do a moderate two, and then your three, I like that. Yeah, and then lift, but to be more specific, I'm going to send you Maps Cardio, because I think that's going to lay it all out perfect for you. Okay. Maps Cardio literally I think that's going to lay it all out perfect for you. Okay. Maps Cardio literally incorporates cardio with your workouts and it's endurance focused.
Starting point is 01:29:10 You shouldn't lose any strength on it if anything. You might gain a little strength. Okay. But I think it'll target it. Sorry. I was really appreciate that. So I know you guys said that you can't really do both into the cardio like strength. You could lose your strength or you lose some cardio.
Starting point is 01:29:24 So I didn't know of me running as much as I can while doing anabolic, if it be too much for my body, and that would be like detrimental to the workout. Well, running as much as you can would be. So yeah, running as much as you can would be. That's why there's a fine line between that. I think that's why we created Maps cardio as a give like the optimal amount of weight training to coincide with, you know with somebody who wants to increase cardio. And there's another part to this.
Starting point is 01:29:47 It supports your cardio efforts as opposed to having the strength be the priority. So you're just kind of shifting your focus of adaptation a bit. Yeah, and there's another part to this too. The strength portion of the test that you're doing is pull ups, a plank, and push ups, right? No push ups, just a plank, just a plank and the pull-ups.
Starting point is 01:30:05 Okay, so planks and pull-ups are also quite dependent on body weight. So you can lose strength in your max squat. You may lose strength in your max deadlift and your bench press. But oftentimes gaining some endurance, maybe losing a few pounds, even if it's a few pounds of muscle. Your strength and weight ratio goes up. So when I lose weight, my pull-ups tend to go up, even if it's a few pounds of muscle. You're strength away ratio goes up. So when I lose weight, my pull ups tend to go up, even if my total strength goes down.
Starting point is 01:30:29 So I don't think you'll suffer on the pull ups and the plank following a program like Maps Cardio. What I think is gonna happen is your pull ups and plank will be the same or a little better, and your endurance is just gonna dramatically go up. And then after that, I'd like to see you do something like map symmetry. I would like to see you kind of balance things out
Starting point is 01:30:45 with a unilateral type training. Yeah, but maps cardio, it's all there for you. Yeah, literally it'll be laid out for you. Follow it as it's planned. And you'll be all set. I'd also look at potentially maps 15 for the times when you have to cut back instead of going to a hit style all the time for your short workouts.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Maps 15 is a great alternative to still strength training, but keeping it a short workout to. But I agree with Sal, cardio, then symmetry in that order would be ideal. And I think Doug will send you over cardio. I really appreciate that guys and all the suggestions too. But like everyone all says, you guys are pretty awesome content. I just found you guys a few months ago and I feel like I've learned so, so much from you guys. So I appreciate the time again, and I hope you guys enjoy your rest of your year.
Starting point is 01:31:32 Happy early holidays. Yeah. And I really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for what you do, too. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:31:38 Of course. Yeah, so that was actually a good question, right? Yeah. Yeah. It was quite a balanced question. And again, her strength goals involved pull-ups in a plank. And I remember when this first happened to me, I went on a cut and my pull-ups went up and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:31:52 oh, wow, I built muscle while I lost weight. And I'm like, wait a minute, I lost weight. That's how you do that. That's how you do that. That's how you do that. It's just great and you're still working on maintaining your muscle mass and strength while you're trying to pursue cardio.
Starting point is 01:32:06 It's just, yeah, it's just this shift now. That's the high priority for her. I also like your recommendation of a shorter, I think I actually recommended that to somebody who had almost a similar question in the past, I think. So I do like that idea of doing like a sprint and then doing, I think the person was a longer run than this because three miles isn't very long. I mean, that's a pretty, that's under, under 30 minute run for somebody, but, the idea of doing like a fast, one, you know, mile time, see how fast you can get that,
Starting point is 01:32:32 and then something in the middle, and then the her, you know, one day a week, just challenged to see what her three mile looked like. You do that for a few weeks, I bet you'll see an increase. There was a period of time where I trained, it was a significant percentage of my clients that were either triathletes or marathon runners, because once you train one, yeah, they start recommending and referring.
Starting point is 01:32:48 And the most success I had with some of these endurance athletes was when they never trained the distance that was their competition. No joke. I train a marathon runner and she never ran the marathon until the marathon came. Well, it's almost it's like peaking for powerlifting. Yes, same concept. You rarely ever see a powerlifter Max out on his way to a powerlifting. You know, you want to save that for for peak day, right? Yep. Yep. All right, so we're gonna make the introduction here our next color is J.R. from Arizona J.R.
Starting point is 01:33:18 What's happening, man? How can I help you? Hey guys, thanks for having me on you got it a Hey guys, thanks for having me on. You got it. A little bit of background. I recently turned 40. I'm five foot six, about 140 pounds, around 10, 11% body fat. I've been lifting pretty regularly since college, so 19, 20 years or so.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Over the past couple of years, I've picked up boxing. That's been a lot of fun. I recently started MAP Santa Ballack with the goal of putting out more muscle. And I've continued the box two to three days a week just on the off days. I get quite a bit of a shoulder and bicep and quad pump during those boxing sessions just from the high volume of punching and then body weight squats from bobbing and those types of things. So my question is, could that be counted
Starting point is 01:34:06 as one of my trigger sessions? Because I know you guys talk about just trying to get a pump and I do get that, or should I continue to do those as well? And then just as a follow up, is there a program you'd recommend given those goals of boxing and putting on muscle? Yeah, let's do the address the trigger session question first. It's yes and no.
Starting point is 01:34:27 So what do I mean by that? It doesn't, it's not a replacement for trigger sessions. In other words, it doesn't do what a trigger session does. However, I don't think you should throw extra trigger sessions on top of it because it is more work, more damage, requires more recovery. So you could do another trigger, maybe one trigger session on those days, but it's not really doing the same thing as a trigger shit, but that's okay, right? Because you like
Starting point is 01:34:50 boxing, you want to learn the technique, the skill of it, and there's many other benefits from boxing, aside from whatever muscle building effect you may get from like a trigger session. Honestly, when you do, if you were to do any trigger session type work, I would actually do stuff to counter the boxing, right? So I would do things like ProM Cobra. I would do some stuff like band pull apart. Pull apart, stuff, band pull apart, mobility stuff. More mobility type stuff, yeah. So, you know, as far as programming is concerned,
Starting point is 01:35:17 man, maps performance is gonna be great for what you're trying to do. Just because it's really focused on movement, it's focused on multi-planar movement, it's focused on rotation and all the stuff that's explosive power. So I mean, it's all that kind of stuff that like aides and bodes well with, you know, athletic performance.
Starting point is 01:35:35 So I mean, in terms of combining the two, that's really as close as we're going to get with our programs. I also want to know a little more about the goal though, because you're in good shape, sounds like, you look like you're pretty fit, you're boxing, you're lifting, like, do you want it? Are you trying to change your body composition?
Starting point is 01:35:53 Are you trying to build shrink, or you just want to be a good at boxing? Stay strong. I mean, what are a little more specifics to the goal? Yeah, I'd like to build a little bit, maybe 5 to 10 pounds at the very most, but generally my ultimate goal is just to have good energy, be healthy, right? I don't like, I'm not competing in any bodybuilding competitions or anything like that. I would like to get a little bit bigger, but that would be kind of a secondary goal of mine outside of just having more energy and being healthy.
Starting point is 01:36:20 At 10 to 11% body fat with a good strength training program, which maps performance is also phenomenal for that. It's going to come from your diet. Yeah. If you ate in a calorie surplus and pushed the food intake, you'll see the gains in muscle start to happen. So that's where that's going to come from. I would bump your calories five to six hundred and keep your protein intake high. And you should notice more strength and more muscle just from doing that, because it sounds like you're working out right,
Starting point is 01:36:47 you're doing anything kind of good. And because you're so lean, you know, you can go up a percent or two, not a big deal, but you'll get some good muscle and strength gains that come along with that. I'd also like to see the follow up to maps performance. I would like to see symmetry after that. I think that would be a good follow up program,
Starting point is 01:37:03 just the utilateral work that's in there, the isometrics that are in there, since he's doing a sport, I think that will be a good follow up program. Just a utilateral work that's in there, the isometrics that are in there, since he's doing a sport, I think that will help keep him balanced. So I would add that in there too. I think for mobility, if you're interested in more specifics around mobility, Prime Pro will have lots of different
Starting point is 01:37:17 movements you could do to really work on connecting to different ranges of motion and improving your mobility. But I think the program that you should follow while doing this is mass performance. And you could use the mobility sessions in there in combination with your boxing. I think they're actually quite synergistic. And really the way it's laid out, I think it's going to be perfect for what you're trying to do. And back to what Sal was saying about the nutrition.
Starting point is 01:37:39 If you're not seeing gains and you're not building muscle, it's most likely just not enough calories because you're probably pretty active. I mean, if you're training that much and you're boxing, I don't know how difficult it is for you to hit a calorie surplus or not, but if you do notice that you're not building muscle, it's most likely because you're just not able to get your calorie and take up high enough. Yeah, I've put on about five pounds and starting maps in a ball, but I do have to force feed myself a lot. It's critical for me to gain weight, doing the activity and just high metabolism. But I have put on some weight. Oh, well, that's actually really good. Five pounds. Yeah. You're doing great, dude. Honestly, you really are. That's the hard
Starting point is 01:38:20 part about doing like a sport, like boxing or basketball or anything like that. That's high intensity. It's just it's hard to build while training and then and then doing that's just a lot a lot of calorie burn. You know. Yeah. Well, thanks for calling in. We'll send you a mass performance here. I appreciate it. Thank you so much. You got him. Yeah, that was pretty pretty black and white. I think pretty simple. Well, I think he was already and I think he's just wanting to get confirmation that he's doing the right thing and he's okay. And then about the trigger sessions, I thought that was a fair question. If somebody is doing something already in addition to the way training program, I'm not really
Starting point is 01:38:54 going to add much in there unless it's corrective stuff, right? That's why I brought up the band Pull Aparts, the Prom Cobra, maybe some hip mobility stuff. You still got to count as work, because obviously, let's put the stress on the body, but to compliment it would be the way to do it. And just once, I think is a good recommendation as opposed to multiple times a day. Yeah, boxers do really well with shoulder mobility
Starting point is 01:39:17 and rotational movements. They're working on lumbar and, you know, just rotation in general, but that's a shoulder mobility, and it really improves their ability to do what they do in the ring when you focus on those things. And as far as building strength and muscle is concerned, you know, for anybody listening who's, you know, a boxer and worried about the added muscle and strength
Starting point is 01:39:38 and what that'll do to their boxing, so long as you practice the skill of boxing, alongside the gaining muscle, then you'll be able to, you'll be okay. If you stop boxing and of boxing alongside the gaining muscle, then you'll be able to, you'll be okay. If you stop boxing and then gain a bunch of muscle, what will happen when you go back to boxing is you'll find yourself feeling awkward because you have a new body. It just doesn't move like you used to before.
Starting point is 01:39:55 So you have to do both at the same time if you want to have your skill match your new body size. So what do you guys like as far as the order than like performance, symmetry, and then would you circle him back to anabolic or performance or where would you move from there? You know, I think I think that's a fair that's a fair way to do it. Um, he could go strong. Yes. Just say they're in a bulk or maybe strong. Yeah. You want to change a pace. The only reason why I because I thought strong to the only reason why I don't like strong with him boxing is that I would I would cut out the work sessions and that be just as boxing then. Right. Because that's a lot. The work sessions are intense. They are there. And would cut out the work sessions and that be just as boxing then right because that's a lot the work sessions are intense
Starting point is 01:40:26 They are there and so to do the work sessions on strong and then also boxing I think it's too much that would actually be closer to a work session, you know, then right then the triggers So that would actually make sense. Yeah, totally look if you like mine pump head over to mine pump free calm and check out our guides We have guides that can help you with almost any health or fitness goal. You can also find all of us on social media. So Justin is on Instagram at my pump Justin. Adam is on Instagram at my pump Adam and you can find me on Twitter at my pump sal.
Starting point is 01:40:53 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs.
Starting point is 01:41:23 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sound, and an adjustment as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. you

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