Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1945: How to Formulate a Supplement That Works With Shanais Pelka

Episode Date: November 14, 2022

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin speak with Shanais Pelka on Sal's collaboration with Organifi in developing a new supplement. Sal’s dream come true! (2:03) Shanais’s background in the space an...d how ashwagandha saved her life. (4:09) Her journey to Organifi. (9:39) Highlighting some important ingredients in Peak Power formulation and how they were sourced. Guayusa. (13:15) Bacopa. (17:34) Lions Mane. (20:50) Green tea. (23:15) Coffeeberry Neurofactor. (23:46) The importance of being glyphosate residue free. (24:32) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Organifi Peak Power for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** Visit Paleo Valley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP15 at checkout for 15% discount** November Promotion: MAPS OCR or MAPS Cardio HALF OFF! **Promo code NOVEMBER50 at checkout** Arsenic, Lead Found in Popular Protein Supplements Guayusa, the ritual and sacred plant of Amazonia   The cognitive-enhancing effects of Bacopa monnieri: a systematic review of randomized, controlled human clinical trials Increase Focus & Cognitive Function With Coffeeberry Neurofactor Organifi's Commitment to Our Planet Glyphosate Residue Free - Certified Products - The Detox Project Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, hop, mite, hop, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. What's up everybody? You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? This is an exciting episode because I got to work with, or GANIFI, to create a brand new product that's called Peak Power. This is like a pre-workout or pre-creative process
Starting point is 00:00:31 or pre-work type of supplement. So it's got some stimulant properties, it's invigorating, it's got some neutropic properties. And I formulated it with somebody from Organify who's actually quite brilliant, her name is Shani Pelka. In fact, today's episode we interview her. So you can hear her story, how she went from medical school to working in the supplement industry,
Starting point is 00:00:52 like why she made that change. And then we went down and talked about the different ingredients and peak power and why we put them in there and how they're sourced. So if you like supplements, if you like pre workouts or things that give you energy, or why there's certain compounds and pre-workout formulas, for example, you're going to love this episode. And again, organify is the company we worked with.
Starting point is 00:01:13 You can find this product, by the way, at organify.com. That's ORGANIFI.COM forward slash peak or go to organify.com forward slash mind pump to get this new product that they all just launched. This episode is also brought to you by one of our sponsors Paleo Valley. They make Paleo inspired supplements to improve your health and performance. Go check them out. It's PaleoValley.com forward slash mind pump and you can use the code mind pump 15 for 15% off your first order. One more thing we have a sale going on this month. Maps OCR, that's an obstacle course racing program is 50% off, and Maps Cardio,
Starting point is 00:01:51 this is an endurance-based workout program, is also 50% off. You can find both of them at mapsfitinusproducts.com. Just use the code November 50 for the 50% off discount. All right, here comes the show. Finally, finally, finally. So we can finally talk about this. I am so pumped.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Yeah, we've been alluding to it for what? Maybe three, four more months? I don't know, it's been quite a while. It's been a while. One of my, as you guys know, one of my passions is supplements. I love supplements, I love formulations. We know.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I use the word passion instead of addiction. But anyway, it's a lot of fun. Organify, and we have someone here, we're going to ask some questions because this was really fun for me. But Organify approached us and said, hey, we'd like to do like a product with you guys. Do you guys have any ideas? And you guys, I mean, I was like, oh yeah, I have a lot of ideas. I jumped out of my chair. Super excited for a couple of reasons one, because I've always wanted to do that. And also, I don't have to source the product and buy all the stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:49 So it's really great to do the fun part. And then two, organifies, we just respect the hell out. It's like the super integrity with this company. And as I've complained about before on the podcast, the supplement industry can be really tough because there's a lot of just bad integrity companies out there and stuff like that. Organizations not one of them, they're incredible. So I said yes, I got some ideas.
Starting point is 00:03:11 And one of the main ideas I had was I wanted to come up with something and I'm gonna loosely, you could loosely put in this category but so much more than that, right? I know the pre-workout category supplements is super popular. And I like some of the value that pre-workouts provide, like focus, energy, performance. I don't like how pre-workouts are typically designed.
Starting point is 00:03:32 They're like super stimulant heavy. They're not very healthy. They'll hammer your cortisol through the roof. They're just not great for you. So I'm like, I want to come up with something that gives people energy, improves creative thought, improves productivity, that also handles all the negative stuff that we get from peer workouts and why, you know, it's, I'm not a fan of lots of peer workouts. So what I do is I got on the phone with Organify and they introduce me to Chennai who does and
Starting point is 00:04:03 works with formulations and stuff. So we have should I hear, now before we get into why you and I decided to put, you know, the ingredients that we put into this product, it's called peak power, by the way, peak power is what's going to be called. What's your background? So how do you know what you know? Because when I talked to you, I was like, oh, one of my biggest pet peeves is when I talk to people who are experts and supplements.
Starting point is 00:04:22 And I know more and they do. Not the case with you, you're like amazing. So tell us a little bit about your background and what you do with Organify. Thank you so much. First of all, it's great to be here. I am the head of R&D for Organify. So I create all the formulas.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I help with claims, education, marketing as well, and sourcing. And I have been formulating supplements for about 20 years now. I am super passionate as well. I got into this industry because in my early 20s, I planned to go to med school. So I was studying pre-med really passionate
Starting point is 00:05:02 about medicine in general. And I thought that that was the way that I could help people. And then, you know, my life took some changes. I ended up having children at a really young age. So when I was still in undergrad, I had my first. And I didn't want to leave to go to med school. And I really struggled for many years until I happened upon holistic nutrition. I started working on my
Starting point is 00:05:26 masters in nutrition and herbology and around the same time I actually got really sick from a pharmaceutical. I took Zythermax, which is an antibiotic that people take all the time, and I came down with what's called idiopathic thrombocytopenia perpera, known as ITP. It sounds like it sucks. It sucks, yeah. Is that blood clotting issue? Yeah, so I took my first dose and I was at a roller skating party with my kids. Didn't fall or anything, woke up with bruises all over my body.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And I thought, wow, maybe I'm low and iron or low and vitamin K, you know, took my second dose, woke up in the morning and had blood coming out of my tongue and out of my nose. And that's when I had to go to the hospital, I ended up on a cancer ward. They were checking me for leukemia and you know, everything that could cause this turns out I had zero platelets when normally you need to be at least over 150,000, preferably around 250,000. And I would have died if I would have fallen.
Starting point is 00:06:29 And so that was the scariest moment of my life. And the hematologist said, we don't know exactly how to cure this. And the only way that we can possibly cure it is by taking your spleen out. It's like, okay, well, I have no platelets right now. I have a bleeding problem and you want to take my spleen out. And do surgery. Yeah, I mean, that's crazy. Yeah, and do surgery.
Starting point is 00:06:49 And then he informed me that I'd be on antibiotics for the rest of my life because I'd have no spleen. I was just diving into herbs at that point. I didn't really understand how to keep myself healthy with herbs. So I left the hospital. I declined treatment left the hospital, I declined treatment, left the hospital, got on a whole bunch of Chinese and Ayurvedic herbs and within two weeks my platelets went from zero to a hundred thousand.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Then I added more to my regimen and my platelets went to 275,000 and that was just that acknowledgement that we have everything on this planet that we need to heal ourselves. It's just about maybe taking the time and figuring it out and our bodies are innate healing machines. So we can get ourselves back in balance. And throughout that time period, I did suffer from adrenal fatigue. I actually wasn't making enough cortisol.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Most people make too much chronically because we're so stressed out. But I wasn't making enough cortisol. Most people make too much chronically because we're so stressed out. But I wasn't making enough and it was, you know, a key reminder to me that cortisol is necessary for life because I didn't even have the energy to walk up the stairs at the age of 27. And so I started having panic attacks and coming down with pneumonia. And that's when I realized, okay, I have to heal my body. Like I have to go with the root cause of what's going on. And my adrenal glands were not balanced. And so I created my first formula, which was an adaptogen formula. And I always say to this day, Ashwagandha saved my life.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Wow. That's remarkable. So you took all your creative passion, because I've worked with people in pre-med and doctors. And one thing that they all had in common was they were just so driven to learn about their specialty. And so you took your creative drive and just shifted it to, let me look at our Vedic medicine, Chinese medicine, plants, herbs,
Starting point is 00:08:40 things that we could do naturally to help our body seal versus where we were going, which was the Western medicine approach. Yeah, definitely. And I realized at that time that everything was meant to, everything was meant to be as it was. Because if I had just gone the traditional med school route, I probably wouldn't have known how to heal myself. Or maybe I wouldn't have even been open-minded enough to delve into that herbal regimen that I took to heal myself. Well, now I can see why you work with organifi,
Starting point is 00:09:07 because that's really there, I mean, that's like part of their core, really, is I remember years ago, when we first started working with organifi, there was this report they came out on heavy metals in plant proteins, and some organic proteins were super high in it, many of the big brands.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Yeah, and organifi, and right away we saw this report and we're like, oh shit, okay, let's talk to Organifi see what's going on. And they were like on top of it, like right away, we're testing right now, we'll let you know when they came out of course, cleaning everything. And that was like a moment where like, okay, this company's got a tremendous integrity. Okay, so let's talk about this particular product.
Starting point is 00:09:40 So I get introduced to you, I'm like, I want to create something. Wait, before you get into that, I actually want to know, how did you get to organify? How did that relationship happen? Oh gosh. You know, how long ago was it now? Yeah, I've been with organify for three and a half years now. And I never thought I would, I owned my own company and I've always been really entrepreneur, like I've had that entrepreneur spirit,
Starting point is 00:10:00 spirit. And I, you know, I don't know, it was, I had just merged with another company. I owned a nutrition bar company. The whole thing went under four months later after we did the merge. And I needed to just get away for a little while. So I was in Costa Rica with my kids, healing a little bit. And I was on the plane with with one of my daughters. We were going back to California for the Expo West, natural products Expo, my favorite event. I was like, I'm going to look for a job. If I find the most perfect job, then we'll leave Costa Rica and come back to California and Organifi popped up.
Starting point is 00:10:35 I was like, there couldn't be any more perfect alignment from an integrity standpoint. Did you know who they were beforehand? I did. And then just loosely, I actually had never tried any of our Gennifer Gennifice products. But I did that, that I did do a deep dive and, you know, as far as quality standards go and, and the right kind of mushrooms, the right kind of adaptogens. And I was so thankful that I found our Gennifer.
Starting point is 00:11:02 So somebody with your background, were you able pretty quickly to piece that together? Like how quickly can you look at a supplement company and go like, oh, they're using low grade this or ship product that or their pixie dust and like, can you see that like instantly? Generally speaking, sometimes labels can be a little deceiving, which is why I'm skeptical of certain brands that I don't know a lot about.
Starting point is 00:11:23 But yeah, I could definitely tell and I could tell immediately from the mushrooms that organify sourced, because most people use mushrooms that are grown on grain, and they don't even get to form a fruiting body, and so they are mostly alpha-glucans, and not beta-glucans. And beta-glucans is what you actually need from the mushrooms.
Starting point is 00:11:46 It's the active constituents that actually make a difference with like immunomodulation and cognitive and adaptogenic properties. And so I knew right off the bat that they were using the best quality mushrooms grown on wood, grown exactly outside the way that they're supposed to be grown. And that is usually a key indicator that a brand is doing things right. Yeah, a lot of people don't know that. Mushrooms basically are like,
Starting point is 00:12:11 they absorb whatever they grow on. I mean, it's so important. I know all plants kind of do that, but mushrooms really are like sponges, right? They are what they eat, just like we are. Their DNA is very similar to us, because they're not plants. So we're like fungus.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Yeah. Yeah. And they don't make their own food. Right. Yeah. You know, if you're going to grow mushrooms on something that's low quality, then the mushrooms are going to be low quality as well. And it's not even about, it's, it is about that. But when you think about, I've seen some of the mushroom plants in the U.S. where there's
Starting point is 00:12:42 just a big plastic bag with a big ball of grain in it and then the mushrooms are inoculated and it becomes kind of like a tempeh product and it never the mushrooms never form a fruiting body and the fruiting body is the mushroom itself. So here you have this like tempeh looking product and then they take the whole thing and they dry it and they grind it. So you're obviously they don't remove the starch. That's why a lot of the mushrooms, you're getting alpha glukins and not the beta glukins, so you might as well just be eating starch.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Wow. This is interesting. Okay, so let me ask you about one of the ingredients and the product we put together because I did, I mentioned that I did want some caffeine in it. I want a ton of caffeine, but I want it some caffeine because caffeine in the right doses and in the right context has got some pretty cool benefits. And you wanted, and I hope I'm saying right, Goya Goyaosa, did I say that right? Goyaosa.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Goyaosa. You want a Goyaosa. That's where you wanted to source the caffeine from. Why not your regular caffeine, synthetic caffeine like you find in so many of the products. Why from there? That's a great question. Honestly, I fell in love with Guayusa probably 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Guayusa comes from Ecuador, from the Amazonian region. It has a rich history since really, you know, around the year 500, with the tribal people there would use it as part of ritual, and they would also use it for hunting. So, it's called Night Watchmen because it gives you what's called still-focused energy.
Starting point is 00:14:13 So, people would consume these tribal people, the Kichwa tribe would consume Guayusa, and they would be able to stay awake all night, yet stay focused and non-gitory. And so, guayusa is a really special ingredient that, you know, I love to have guayusa in teas. And this isn't even more special guayusa extract because it standardize to 20% caffeine. What does that mean? So it means that if you take 100 milligrams of guayusa, then you're going to get 20 milligrams of caffeine. So a higher percent of it? Yeah, so you know exactly how much caffeine is in it.
Starting point is 00:14:52 And what's really special about guayusa is that it contains these really amazing antioxidants known as polyphenols and chlorogenic acid is one of them. And this product has a beneficial effect on your neurotransmitters, that effect focus and motivation and energy, yet without the bad that can come from consuming too much caffeine like the jittery, the increased cortisol response, the increased epinephrine and adrenaline that gives you the jittery feeling and then the crash after. So what's the theory on why you don't get the jittery feeling? What's in it that's countering that?
Starting point is 00:15:29 Like I know we like a common thing that we like to do is take regular caffeine and then they think theanine with it to kind of counter some of those effects. Is it naturally found in that? Is that what we're okay? It's the theanine and the chlorogenic acid. Oh okay. And it's all one organic compound. So when she explained this to me,
Starting point is 00:15:46 I was like, oh, this is great. It's way better than having. So it's not like adding extra ingredients. Yeah. This is a holistic ingredient. Yeah, so it would be like getting all the individual ingredients to an apple and being like, here, take all this. This is what an apple is.
Starting point is 00:16:02 And it's versus eating an apple, which we all know. Yeah. And it's natural form and the way that things tend to, the way that we evolve, consuming things, and the way that things evolve, they tend to be balanced more naturally in nature. Like white willow bark versus aspirin, for example, is a good example. Like white willow bark, that's where they got aspirin from, but white willow bark comes with a lot of other compounds in it that make it less likely to overdose and more likely to have other beneficial effects. 100%. I mean, nature has so much intelligence and we haven't even begun to understand.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And I love that white willabark explanation or example because it's the same with burberine. You know, you can take Oregon grapefruit and it it has a small amount of burberry in it, but there's so many other active constituents that we haven't even begun to understand. That is part of that plant. That's why I still prefer to take an Oregon grapefruit to get the whole thing rather than just the burberrying by itself. Yeah, so what Western medicine does well
Starting point is 00:16:59 is also its weakness is it's very good at diving really, really deep and specific areas, right? And so what they tend to do is like, oh, this plant has this effect. Let's do a study. Oh, the study shows it does have an effect. What is it in the plant that's doing it? And then let's take that, let's synthesize it
Starting point is 00:17:17 and concentrate it, not realizing that there's often this kind of synergistic effect with all the compounds being together. And we often screw up by trying to take one thing out and not considering that there may be a balancing effect with other things. And this is something I've talked about on the show before. There was another ingredient you wanted in there that I didn't mention, but you brought up and you made a great case for, which was Bacopa.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Why I'd Bacopa to this? I love Bacopa. Well, the way I see this, this is a focused energy product. And becopa has been used, becopa leaf has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic Medicine for memory, concentration, mood, and focus. And so I felt like this would be a perfect pairing with the guayusa and the other neutropic and greedy insiders in this product. Yeah, but Copa's got, I mean, for people who want to see
Starting point is 00:18:08 clinical trials, it's got like data, like real real world data showing that it does help with that. Well, sorry, Sal, but I just know that someone's thinking this because I'm looking at the list of all the things that are in here and everything's so far sounding really cool. How do you get some, like, okay, like what we're talking about right now, how do you get the right dosage
Starting point is 00:18:28 for the biggest bang for your buck for a product like this when you have that many things in it? So are we getting enough of that product in there to get the benefits from it? And is there a higher dose better? Is it like, how are we, was that formulated by you guys? Oh yeah, no, she's like, she, in fact, I don't remember specifically what it was better? Is it like, how, how, or was that formulated by you guys? Oh, yeah. No, she's like,
Starting point is 00:18:45 she, in fact, I don't remember specifically what it was, but she's like, if we can't put an efficacious dose, then it's a waste of time. That's efficacious was the word I was looking for. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:18:55 That's what I feel like you see sometimes in supplements there, like because they have some support of our claim white. So great. And it's like, oh, let's sprinkle a little bit that in there. And then we'll tell everybody how amazing this is. Are, is the dosage of all these things we're talking about?
Starting point is 00:19:06 I'll answer. I see. We have this conversation. Yeah, it's called fairy dusting. And that's one of my biggest pet peeves when somebody has like 70 ingredients. And you're like, oh, good. I know I'm not getting enough of any of these ingredients.
Starting point is 00:19:16 So that's why I focused on really these, you know, a handful of key ingredients. And I didn't throw 20 ingredients in, because I could have thrown 20 ingredients in. This is a standardized Bacopa, so it's stronger than just a powder. So, it's 20% standardized for the active constituent that has been studied for cognition, which is the backo sides. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:43 So, it's 20%. And so, you still have the other active constituents within this Bacopa powder, but then you also have a standardization for what we know really helps with focus. So there is enough ingredient in this to really make you feel a difference. But I also formulated this
Starting point is 00:19:59 so that you could take double the dose. I know that we mentioned, some people are going to want to take double the dose. Some people might want to take this three times a day and this is totally fine. Yeah, so that was a big deal for me. So I want it because I know with like, I know we wanted to be able to, if I want a little more caffeine, I want to be able to go to and not feel like I'm overdoing it. Correct.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Right. Because what a lot of these products do is they, there's a huge individual variance when it comes to compounds that are quote unquote, nitropics or stimulant. And the individual variance is huge. Like with one person, it's too much with another person they don't necessarily notice anything. So I wanted it dosed so that that you could add more and it would be great or you could do a small dose and get a great effect. My goal with this was to, I wanted to make it so that I would just take a small dose and
Starting point is 00:20:44 that overdue the stimulant. So I didn't want so that I would just take a small dose and not overdo the stimulants. So I didn't want like 300 milligrams of caffeine in a single dose type of deal. So another compound I wanted in there, and I'm so glad we were able to source this and find a good, you know, source of this was lion's mane. I've used lion's mane before. I love its effects, especially it's chumilit of effects. I noticed when I take it for weeks and weeks and weeks, I just seem to be able to recall words better, I have better fluency. It just, I feel sharper. Can we talk about lion's mane a little bit?
Starting point is 00:21:12 And it also has some adaptogenic properties, right? Yeah, yeah. I love that you brought up lion's mane. Again, this is one of our best sources for lion's mane, so it is grown on wood. It does get time to form a fruiting body, so you've got all of the active constituents that you get from the fruiting body. This is also a concentrated extract. And what's great about lion's mane is it, you mentioned that it is stronger over time.
Starting point is 00:21:40 So it does fall into the adaptogen category to where you might not tell a difference from the first time you use it, but as you use it daily, it balances. It creates this homey of stasis in the body. And then you feel more and more benefits from it. So it will, you know, definitely helps with digestion. It helps with immune function. Lions main is really known for focus and cognition and just being with immune function. Lions main is really known for focus and cognition and just being really neuroprotective. Yeah, now here's why, something I like about this. One of the drawbacks or negatives
Starting point is 00:22:12 with the whole like energy, pre-workout, energy, whatever you wanna call it, market, is that because the way they formulate them, these are compounds that get worse over time as you use them on a daily basis. Either A, you build up a tolerance. So it's like, I got one scoop, I need two scoops, I need three scoops, side effects tend to ramp up.
Starting point is 00:22:32 And it just, it goes from like, I had a great workout where I feel great too, I feel like shit, or I ignore the way I feel. And my hormones are off or whatever, which we used to see in the fat burning space back in the day. Lines main balances that out a little bit because Lines main gets better over time.
Starting point is 00:22:47 So I'm saying, so it's like you take this under, four or five days a week, you'll get the longer term effects of the Lines main. So you don't get that, you know, like, oh crap, this makes me feel like crap now for using it, three or four days in a row. Definitely, yeah, I like to think of our adaptogens and adaptogens are really my favorite class
Starting point is 00:23:04 of herbs and mushrooms, but I like to think of them adaptogens and adaptogens are really my favorite class of herbs and mushrooms, but I like to think of them as like the thermostat that keeps the body temperature exactly where it's supposed to be within the body and it keeps the body within homeostasis. I love that. Okay, so let's talk about, okay, green tea's in there. Green tea, we know it's health benefits.
Starting point is 00:23:20 You didn't use the green tea for the caffeine, right? You used it for something else. No, there is, the caffeine is coming from a combination of the guayusa and the green tea for the caffeine, right? You used it for something else. No, there is, the caffeine is coming from a combination of the gwa you said and the green tea. Okay, but there were other things in the green tea that you said. This is why I want this in the... You know, really great polyphenols that we know about in green tea. This whole product is loaded with antioxidants. Okay. Is there any other compound in it?
Starting point is 00:23:41 Because there's a few other ingredients, but I want to talk about the most important ones. Was there any others that you think we should mention? Yeah, so we have a clinical dose of coffee bearing known as neurofactor, which has been clinically proven to support healthy BDNF levels, which is a key neuroprotein that protects the brain and helps with healthy cognition and focus. And that has a really wonderful ingredient story as well. It's grown on these family farms in India. And they're actually using the leftover pulp
Starting point is 00:24:09 to power their farm. This company is doing great things. They're supplying water to people who need it. They're supplying books and desks and computers and bathrooms to schools for children. So in addition to, we, or again, if I, we always want to not only source the best efficacious ingredients, but also ingredients where the farmers are actually doing good for the community.
Starting point is 00:24:31 That's cool. Now, one more thing, I do want to add this, because this was really cool to me. So, it was, and you brought this up, you said we want to make sure that we let people know that this is glyphosate residue free. Now, I was not aware, I wasn't fully aware that organic products could also have glyphosate residues in them, because organic would mean you wouldn't use necessarily glyphosates. And yet, that can definitely happen. So can you explain that?
Starting point is 00:24:59 Like, first let's talk about glyphosates and then how is it that we can find glyphosate residues in organic products sometimes? Yeah, it's really upsetting because normally you think that you're safe from getting any of these herbicides in your products. I think there is cross contamination from neighboring farms and then also from rain water because glyphosate is water soluble, so it comes down in rain. But also what some farmers are doing now is they're using it as a desiccating agent. So post-production, and they want their crops to dry faster.
Starting point is 00:25:27 They do this a lot with like peas and oats and different grains, but it happens with all ingredients and they're spraying it with glyphosate so it dries it faster. And that's how certified organic products, especially when ingredients are coming from certain countries like China, will be contaminated with glyphosate. And that's why I am, we at Organify and myself as well, we're all so passionate about this glyphosate residue-free certification. Also, something that we were talking about earlier is that glyphosate is used as an herbicide, but it also was never patented as an herbicide. It was patented as an antibiotic.
Starting point is 00:26:03 This is crazy. Now, I know it had antimicrobial effects. I did not know as patented as an herbicide. It was patented as an antibiotic. This is crazy. Now, I know it had antimicrobial effects. I did not know it was patented as an antibiotic. Yeah. So basically, when we're consuming food that is contaminated with glyphosate, we are killing our microbiome, which is so essential for our hormone balance, our digestion, our overall energy, health, mental focus, and immunity.
Starting point is 00:26:24 So if it was pat patent as an antibody, how are we originally using this then? So what was created for what intent? And how long did we use it like that? Can I speculate real quick? Because I know you know the answer to this, but I feel like this is almost like the Viagra story where they're like, we got a drug that lowers blood pressure
Starting point is 00:26:39 and then they do the test and like, we're getting erections. That's what we're gonna sell it for. Was it like that? It's an antibiotic. Oh wow, it kills weeds really easily. Let's use that instead. Yeah, what they found is that it actually inhibits the chica mate pathway within different microbes and plants.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And they were like, oh, well, humans don't have the chica mate pathway, but they didn't realize how humans have more micro, like more cells that are not human than human cells. So our microbiome is extremely valuable to our overall health. So basically, this way, they can spray this on, so also it's usually sprayed on GMO crops. So within a genetically modified crop, they might be genetically modified to be glyphosate resistant.
Starting point is 00:27:28 So roundup resistance. Roundup is the same. That's the brand name. Yeah, it's the brand name. So then you can grow this plant with all these weeds around it and you can spray the heck out of the plant and the weeds and only the weeds die, but not the plant.
Starting point is 00:27:42 But it definitely causes a disease stay within the soil and within the plants and the plant might live, but it is very weak and the plant no longer has a strong immune system and then you just have to keep spraying more and more. So when you eat this residue, now the amounts are tiny with residue, but you're basically eating super low doses of antibiotics all the time when you're consuming that. I like talking about this too because one of the things that I know that Sal talks a lot about is the glyphosates, because people tend to give GMO products a bad name, and GMO in general isn't necessarily bad.
Starting point is 00:28:14 It's more so the glyphosates that are found on these plants that are worse. That's what we know. That's the part that we know that is bad. The plant itself, there's arguments about the plant itself, but we know glyphosates are disrupting the bacteria and the soil and in our bodies. They're like, oh, but it's not doses that are high enough to, well, look, you eat every day, you get exposed to these
Starting point is 00:28:37 residues every day. Would you take a small dose of antibiotics that isn't considered efficacious dose, but take it every single day, of course not. So that's the big issue. Yeah, definitely. And, you know, not only to think about like the health of our bodies, but also to think of just the health of our soil and our environment in general, if we stopped spraying glyphosate today, it would take 50 years for it to get out of our our environment, because it's water soluble. So you can't just sequester it with fat. It's just there. It gets up in our clouds and our rainwater and it's easy to have contamination all over the place, even if you eat organic, but I don't want to be a doomsday day.
Starting point is 00:29:16 You know, I mean, we do what we can and that's why it's really important that we support farmers that are not using glyphosate, whether in the growing process or the spraying process, and people vote with their dollars. So the more important this is to people, I see glyphosate phasing out, and I feel good about this because people are finally starting to understand the importance. How many, how many supplement companies
Starting point is 00:29:42 actually have that certification? You know, it's a lot now. I think like a few years ago when we first started, it wasn't, there weren't very many. I want to say around 2000. I might be wrong. I don't quote me, but the, the organization is called the detox project. And you can go on their website and you can look up all the brands that go above and beyond with this certification.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Now, can we, do we have tools to measure how much of this is in our soil and in atmosphere right now? Are we going up or down? Do we have that ability? I know Dr. Bush talks about this stuff. Yeah, I'm just gonna talk a lot. I mean, we can test it. I think there are definitely home test kits.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I tested my spring water on the farm for glyphosate, because that was my one non-negotiable. I was like, I am not going to buy this farm if I glyphosate on my property. And there wasn't thinkin' this. You can definitely get a test kit to test your own levels. I think it's only around $100. So you can definitely test water. I don't know. I'm sure there's a soil test, but I just don't know specifically of one.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yeah. And there was a study where they actually took a family and had them eat, like organic and whatever, and they measured them before and after to see if they'd lower the amounts of things like pesticides and glyphosate. And they did. So just by changing your lifestyle, you can impact how much of this you're exposed to. But I like this because it's another step. So yes, certified organic, also glyphosate, residue free, tested third party. So we know for sure, like this is legit.
Starting point is 00:31:09 And we always have to, we have to test our recorders. So it's not like you can just get the certification once and then kind of bait and switch the ingredients. You know, you always have to test. So we always know. Yeah. Well, I, I, I like the, I love this product. I feel very, like calm and focused on it and the good kind of energy, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:29 not the jittery, you know, anxiety, dry energy or irritable, I also get the irritable crash afterwards. It seems to be this real smooth kind of feel good product. So I'm excited about this because this is actually the first one that Sal has ever had the opportunity to truly formulate. Like we have co-signed for a few products for some of our partners in the past that we really like
Starting point is 00:31:50 But he wasn't part of the actual process of developing it and I know this has been like a lifelong dream of his so it's so cool So happy to be able to make this dream Just in case one day Justin will rock out on a stage in front of People like that Sal's got one of the Formulating my own my supplement like he got to do this So I'm really excited to see how the audience receives it and what everybody thinks about it. Yeah, it was fun to do So yeah, thanks for coming on tonight. Yeah, thanks for having me. Awesome Thank you for listening to my pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body
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