Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1947: Improving Health & Addressing Disease the Natural Way With Dr. Stephen Cabral

Episode Date: November 17, 2022

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin speak to Dr. Stephen Cabral about the pros and cons of functional medicine. What is functional medicine, and what are the differences between functional medicine vs.... traditional western medicine doctors? (3:37) Why the explosion of functional medicine doctors and how the traditional western medical system is broken. (10:40) Building the “super” doctor. (18:19) The pros and cons. (20:16) The ‘silver bullet’ mentality. (25:41) The process behind his certification courses and why his goal is to get people to take back control of their health. (28:51) His favorite ‘biohacking’ tool. (32:41) Putting a health coach in every home. Breaking down his L1 certification course and the benefits and value for personal trainers and coaches. (37:56) Breaking down his L2 certification course and how coaches can learn to analyze functional medicine labs in detail in addition to recommending corresponding protocols. (53:56) The enormous value of these certifications for trainers and coaches. (1:04:50) Related Links/Products Mentioned For Mind Pump Listeners, visit Integrative Health Practitioner Certification Courses for $100 off IHP L1 and $250 off L2. **Code MINDPUMP at checkout** November Promotion: MAPS OCR or MAPS Cardio HALF OFF! **Promo code NOVEMBER50 at checkout** The Rain Barrel Effect: How a 6,000 Year Old Answer Holds the Secret to Finally Getting Well, Losing Weight & Feeling Alive Again! – Book by Stephen Cabral Oura Ring: Accurate Health Information Accessible to Everyone Home - Hanu Health, Inc. For Mind Pump Listeners, get The Minerals & Metals At-Home Lab Test for 50% off! Mind Pump #1780: Why Blood Tests Are Overrated With Dr. Stephen Cabral Mind Pump #1910: How To Uncover Hidden Hormone Imbalances With Dr. Stephen Cabral Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Website Podcast Dr. Jay T. Wiles (@drjaywiles) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, pop, mite, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. All right, back by popular demand, we had Dr. Stephen Cabrull on the show. He's one of the best functional medicine practitioners that we know of. Remember, functional medicine practitioners
Starting point is 00:00:28 get to the root cause of your health issues. In fact, in today's episode, we talk about why you should see a functional medicine doctor. What it's all about, like what's the difference between functional medicine and traditional Western medicine, the pros and cons, what their background looks like, and why trainers and coaches could gain lots of value
Starting point is 00:00:47 from getting certifications in this area. In fact, Dr. Cabral's team offers an integrative health practitioner certification course. So if you work in the health and fitness industry, if you are working with people trying to improve their health, this is one of the most valuable certifications you could possibly get. It actually will help you get to people's root cause issues,
Starting point is 00:01:09 really help them solve why they have sleep issues, libido issues, why they have skin rashes and all kinds of different things that can be quite hard and mysterious to figure out. Well, with this certification, you're looking at aerovetic medicine, bioregulatory medicine by a regulatory medicine Traditional Chinese medicine and herbalism Eastern philosophy traditional naturopathy Ortho molecular medicine and then of course functional medicine so all of those practices combined
Starting point is 00:01:36 You learn in level one of the certification and how to work with those to help your clients out or to help people out. Now, level two, this is really cool. You actually will be able to analyze functional medicine labs. So you'll be able to order labs for your clients, like real labs, things that test things like hormones and whether or not they have heavy metals in their system, nutrient deficiencies, much more. You'll be able to order labs, analyze them,
Starting point is 00:02:02 and work through the labs to help your clients. One of the most valuable certifications I've ever heard of. And if you go to ihp.coach-mp, so one more time, it's ihp.coach-mp, you can get $100 off level one, and $250 off level two, This is only for mind pump listeners. They don't normally offer this. So once again, you get that discount. You have to use the code MindPump to get the $100 off of the $250 off.
Starting point is 00:02:34 So one more time, it's ihp.coach. Forward slash MP to get these certifications and use the code MindPump to get the $100 off or the $250 off. Now, we also are running a sale this month on two workout programs. The first one is Maps OCR, that's the obstacle course racing, 50% off.
Starting point is 00:02:53 The second one is Maps Cardio, this is an endurance training program. That's also 50% off. So both half off, if you're interested, go to mapsfitinistproducts.com and use the code November 50 for the discount. All right, here comes the show. Dr. Cabral, it's always great to have you on the show.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Always great to be here. Some of your episodes are some of the most commented shared episodes of ours, bring such great information. Today I think we wanna focus on just what you do as a functional medicine practitioner, when someone should see a functional medicine doctor, what that looks like,
Starting point is 00:03:27 how we have a lot of coaches and trainers who listen to the show, how they can maybe utilize some of the skills and testing that you guys utilize or how they can work with people like you to bring the clients more value. But let's start with functional medicine. What is it,
Starting point is 00:03:41 and what's different about it versus traditional medicine? Yeah, absolutely. So I call the basis between sick care and healthcare. So a lot of people call what they use for their insurance healthcare. So you go to your PCP, you go to your doctor, and when you go there, you probably get,
Starting point is 00:03:57 well, once a year, you get your wellness visit, your health visit, which might be an hour, you go through all of your different blood work, but typically it's only blood work, and we've talked about in this show that blood work is not enough. It's great to diagnose a disease state and you absolutely should run your blood work at least once a year, but it stops there. There's no education on nutrition, exercise, sleep, or any of those things that actually lead to a healthy body.
Starting point is 00:04:19 So what they're waiting for is something to go wrong on your body. For you to be able to be diagnosed with a disease where a blood marker is off, and that is when conventional medicine shines, if you choose to look at that way, where they give you a pharmaceutical for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, auto immune, etc. So that's how that works. And then there is no goal at the end of that. It's just to make sure that the pharmaceuticals are working until you need the next one.
Starting point is 00:04:45 And I'm not trying to have a bleak outlook on conventional medicine because it's the absolute best in the world when it comes to acute-base medical. If something serious happens, you want to make sure that your blood pressure or your accident or emergency room that you're taking care of. But then there's this other half of it, which is called natural health. And they don't do what functional, they don't do what medical doctors are doing, right? So with natural health, what are you looking at?
Starting point is 00:05:12 Well, ideally you're looking at someone's vitamin levels, mineral levels, omega-3s, you're looking at their gut function, you're looking at their hormones. And again, you can do that with functional medicine, which we'll talk about in a moment, but that's more natural health. So just to preempt things, I believe everyone should have their medical doctor, 100%. I just believe everyone should also have a natural health practitioner. We'll call that a
Starting point is 00:05:32 natural pathocdoctor or a functional medicine doctor or functional medicine practitioner, whatever it may be, that provides the health care, not just the sick care. Do you think we're going to blend this in the future? I believe that that is. Do you think they're competing? Well, there's a certain ego to all medicine. So there's like this hierarchy, right? So we have medical doctors and then below that, maybe, or you might even say it's surgeons, right? They look down upon medical doctors and that was specialists.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And specialists look down upon a PCP, because they're not specialized, right? And then a PCP looks down upon a naturopathic doctor or chiropractor. And then they look down upon maybe an acupuncturist who looks down upon a nutritionist who looks down upon a personal trainer who then looks down upon a,
Starting point is 00:06:13 I don't know, curves gym fitness technique. It's just like, wait, wait down at the bottom. It's just all that it is. And it's just this ego, whereas everyone is doing their own job. They're all amazing. We need them all. And what I try to do is create a network.
Starting point is 00:06:27 And the network is basically every person, every human should have a network of all these different people to go to because nobody does anybody else's job. So I think that there will be a certain blending only because health insurance is now pushing it. And health insurance is, tells conventional medicine what to do. So health insurance actually now knows if we keep people healthier, it costs us less money. Like 60 to 70% less money they found.
Starting point is 00:06:53 So now they're trying to bring wellness coaching into medical-based practices. Because here's a crazy statistic, I don't know if you knew this, but your medical doctor, again, you guys go to functional medicine, so it's different when you talk about that, but a PCP, your primary care physician, your medical doctor that you typically see, has 3,000 to 5,000 patients, unless they're a concierge doctor,
Starting point is 00:07:13 right? They're being on the pocket. So that's what they were trying to do in their practice by health insurance. That's how it makes the numbers work. But that means you're getting a 15-minute visit. It's in and out, half the time is being done to type in the electronic medical records. And again, your PCB is not doing anything wrong. They're just following the system. So the only way that your PCP can give you better quality of care is if the system changes. While health insurance is saying, we need to keep it healthier, but PCPs still need to be doing the number of hours they're doing.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Okay, so we bring in then health coaches and health coaches can then do all the follow-up for the nutrition whether it's for registration or themselves, the exercise, the sleep, all those things, that's actually gonna get results for health. I believe that that's the future, and we're starting to see it now. So who's gonna disrupt it then?
Starting point is 00:07:55 Do you think it's gonna be the insurance companies? Is that who's- I believe so, yes. They'll make so much money. It costs a lot of money. It's pretty cent of money. Yeah, I think it's a pretty fair assessment of the traditional kind of Western medicine model.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Do you think it's fair to say that the reason why, because skeptics or people with a really negative outlook would say, oh, they just wanna prescribe drugs, it's all about prescription drugs, it's all about symptomatic care, and I get where that comes from, but I do agree with you when it comes to acute issues, like you wanna see a Western medicine doctor
Starting point is 00:08:23 if you're dying right now, or if something really dire is happening. But do you think it's fair to say that what drives a lot of this is like any industry is where the revenue comes in, okay? So like in our industry, in the fitness industry, a lot of the information that people tend to get online tends to push them in the direction of taking the next supplement. Well, why? Well, supplements are one of the biggest money markers makers, I should say them in the direction of taking the next supplement. Well, why? Well, supplements are one of the biggest money markers
Starting point is 00:08:45 makers, I should say, in the fitness space. So it makes sense that the content's going to kind of move in that direction with Western medicine biggest money makers with pharmaceuticals. So it makes sense to me that when you have a symptom, they're going to prescribe a pharmaceutical rather than looking, you know, maybe at the root cause. Would you say that that's kind of fair? I think it's absolutely fair, but however I would say it's not just because
Starting point is 00:09:07 it's a money maker. Supplements work, pharmaceutical drugs work. Right, so like they're giving you something that actually does work. So if you have high cholesterol and your PCP wants to lower, they put you in a statin. It goes down. It goes down, it gets works.
Starting point is 00:09:19 But we didn't assess why it was high in the first place. If it's an actually an issue, and we didn't look at how it interacts with other things in the body. Same with supplement. I have no problem with supplements, but if you're doing that, and we talked about this in the last show,
Starting point is 00:09:32 if you're doing that to not improve your sleep or to calm your overall stress or remove whatever it might be from your body that needs to be removed, so just toxicities, then that's a problem. So my issue isn't necessarily with pharmaceutical drugs because they should be used in acute-based instances to save your life, so good.
Starting point is 00:09:50 But I always say like, well, what's the game plan? So is the game plan to use this pharmaceutical drug to mask your symptoms for the rest of your life? Some people, it's yes, because that's what they want. They don't want it to the work, right? I think a lot of people listen to your show, they're willing to do the work. They just want to know exactly what they're supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Same with supplements. Okay, so you're low on testosterone. Okay, we're using adrenal suit, we're using daily testosterone support, using magnesium, we're using whatever we need to. Good. So is that the plan though for the rest of your life too? Or are we looking to shore up your levels,
Starting point is 00:10:19 work on your sleep, three days, a week of weight training, or whatever you're supposed to be doing based on your program, getting nutrition work should be doing intermittent fasting, but not overdoing it. That should be the goal as well. So what I'm saying is that both of them money makers, they both work, I believe that in a lot of instances, they're both overused, no overprescribed.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I would 100% agree. Okay, so do you think, because I've been in the space for a long time, and years ago, I mean, when I first became an entrepreneur, or at least, I don't want to say first, but the second time I became an entrepreneur, I was 24, I opened up a studio, it was a wellness studio, and I was just a trainer at that point. I really know much about wellness.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I knew proteins, fats, carbs, calories, you know, and exercise. But I knew enough that there's probably a lot of value in different aspects of health. Like I knew chiropractors had some value and you acupuncturists had some value. And back then functional medicine, so you're talking 20 years ago, functional medicine was hard to find. Very hard to find. In fact, I had heard about it through other health practitioners in my studio. But since then, it's a seems to have. In fact, I had heard about it through other health practitioners in my studio, but since then, it seems to have exploded. Now, I don't think it's as big as it needs to be, but it seems to have exploded. Do you think this is a market response? In other words, people are getting the point where they're like, okay, my traditional care, health is not working.
Starting point is 00:11:40 So, let's look at some of this other stuff. Do you think that it's that market response that's making it grow so much? 100% and so if we kind of go back now over 25 years, I got sick at 17 years old, my immune system just shut down. We didn't know why. Went to over two dozen specialists around Boston. Harvard trained brilliant doctors. They looked at my blood work, they could see the white blood cells were off,
Starting point is 00:12:02 but they didn't know why. Took me two years to actually get a diagnosis of Addison's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, myelogen, cephalomyelitis, and a bunch of other things. Okay, the only way that I actually got well was through functional medicine. So a functional medicine doctor to actually answer your question is someone that kind of bridges the gap between, let's just say like, overall good healthy nutrition lifestyle and conventional medicine. There's someone with some advanced knowledge that they've studied that's able to then look at both sides, be unbiased and say, hey, everything can work.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Who's this right for and when? And so when I found, because this was now 25 years ago, and you're right, they didn't believe in increased intestine, they didn't believe in leaky gut, they didn't believe in all these different mystery-based pains, they didn't believe in adrenal-based issues. So the problem was that even when you, you saw it out, a natural health practitioner is just seemed like woo-woo, right? Because they're talking about all these things that, in the fit, it's the best example of the fitness industry. We already knew metabolic conditioning workouts worked 30 years ago. We already knew that low carb, you know, worked for weight loss, especially in the beginning
Starting point is 00:13:11 years ago. Like, we already knew these things. Finally, it makes this way to text books and research and then, oh, okay, these things are actually work. So it's no different. The explosion forward is because of the online world. Because the way that I got into natural health practitioner was word of mouth.
Starting point is 00:13:28 And so I had the yellow pages back in the late 90s, no online, not met from Massachusetts, and I had word of mouth, that's it. So you wouldn't even know to look in the yellow pages if you even knew what a folks from medicine doctor was and what would it be under. So now with online, well, I mean, every day you just go on a chat feed and you'll be able to see
Starting point is 00:13:47 hundreds of people making recommendations. Well, since you've been doing this for so long, I would imagine that there's a bit of a self-selection bias with your patients in the sense that you're not the first person they came to see. You're the fifth or sixth or tenth person that, so are you ever the first person? So they're coming, that's good.
Starting point is 00:14:01 So you're probably never the first person. That's almost netto-less. That's my question because I'm assuming that vast majority of people come see you So they're coming. That's because you're probably never the first person. Almost never last resort. That's my question because I'm assuming that vast majority of people come to you when they're like, they've exhausted all traditional methods. They're fed up, it's been five years, I can't figure this out, it's ruining my life.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Fine, I'm gonna go see this, you know, let me seek out this last option or whatever. Are you starting to see more people now that are coming to you sooner? Not waiting until it's like this is my last resort? So I got my start is 18 years old, became a certified nutritionist, became a certified personal trainer.
Starting point is 00:14:33 At 17 I was just working gym floors, you know, cleaned up sweat off machines, those types of things. And that was my start to the industry. I started just collecting certifications because you had to get CU's anyway, CEC's, so I just got new certification, new certification, new certification, got my strength conditioning, specialist CSS. All these things are great.
Starting point is 00:14:49 And then I said, okay, I'm still working in my overall health, finally met my mentor, and met a lot of great practitioners, but typically people meet one person that they connect with. I connected with this person. They taught me what I needed to do to get well. I got well, I said, okay, I want to study this. I went back, got my degree in natu-pathy.
Starting point is 00:15:07 So, my doctor of natu-pathy, which is interesting too, because you're also told that you're supposed to take the ego out of it, meaning like, you take from aortic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, you take at-home lab testing, you don't even care. Like, who's right? So people are like, hey, do you use home-y-opathy?
Starting point is 00:15:23 I'm like, well, not really. I mean, I don't use that very much in my practice, but I'm not against it. Like I'm not taught to look, I don't, well, everybody's kind of taught to judge which is good and bad. I have a bias against conventional medicine. I know that, I say that up front,
Starting point is 00:15:35 because conventional medicine put me where I am back when I was 17. I was put on antibiotics at 14 years old, through 17 years old. I was on three years. Oh, my gosh. Because they give antibiotics for acne, because it can be bacteria that's causing your acne. I was put on antibiotics at 14 years old, through 17 years old. I was on three years for antibiotics. Because they gave antibiotics for acne, because it can be bacteria that's causing your acne.
Starting point is 00:15:49 So imagine swallowing 3,000 capsules of antibiotics. How that would destroy your gut, right? But the dermatologist, why would he ever think about your gut when he's doing it for acne, right? And when his child growing up, our pediatrician gave us, we literally had z-packs. Remember z-packs? Yeah. I had z-packs in myacks. Remember Z-Packs? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:05 I had Z-Packs in my closet. Is it for my son? Yeah, exactly right. So, my mom, PCP was tired of us coming in for like a common cold he would give them out. My mom had four kids under six years old. And so, we're all like 12 to 18 months apart. So, she had enough to think about.
Starting point is 00:16:21 So, anytime we get sick, here's your Z-Packs. I would take a Z-Pack three, four, five times a year. Either worst allergies in the world, cause obviously I'd got health issues. None of this was ever connected. So, you know, when I speak negatively against conventional medicine, it's not against medical doctors.
Starting point is 00:16:36 It's not against your PCP. It's against the system that's taught when they go to school. So when I went to school, okay, I've really learned physiology, kinesiology, toxicology, et cetera, the first couple of years. Then medical doctors go on to learn about pharmacology, and they say, when this comes up in a test, you give this.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And again, I have no particular issue with that in acute-based circumstances. In naturopathy, we say, okay, after that, what are we gonna learn? Well, we're gonna learn healthy lifestyle, we're gonna learn about herbs, we're gonna learn about vitamins, we're gonna learn about all these different things.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And then after you graduate, a medical doctor, or an acupuncturist, nurse, a doctor from naturopathy, et cetera, can go and then study functional medicine, which then they use specific lab testing. So it's actually post-doctoral work that you do, that gives you that extra little ability to do that. So it's not any, like anyone could be a functional medicine doctor. The one thing I would be a little bit weary of saying is that a functional medicine doctor only does, you know, one thing like, you know, the most prevalent is like bioidentical hormones. Because then, and I know that you've talked about your experiences on the show, they took a weekend course. They don't have the knowledge base that you want for your
Starting point is 00:17:45 own health. And now you know the difference because you've gone to someone else, Dr. Rand, I believe that you said before, who's fantastic. And he can give you the right dosage for you based on your own body and then tweak it as needed. And so what I don't like is what's called green medicine. This nice and is for your depression, right? Vitamin B3. This is for your low estrogen.
Starting point is 00:18:06 We just do this. So I'm hoping that we get to an industry that starts to incorporate everything from the benefits of exercise, the benefits of nutrition, the benefits of sleep, the benefits of supplements, the benefits of even pharmacologically. If you were to build the super doctor, what education and path would you take them through? It's interesting because the best practitioners or doctors I know are not typically medical doctors. And I'm not saying that with any unbiased because I call these that are brilliant medical doctors,
Starting point is 00:18:39 brilliant, but what happens is it's the lens that shapes you that allows you to even look into and have the passion for the feel that you're in. So when most people graduate, they never read another book. They read one book a year. Like let's be honest, your most doctors or most, just pick any industry.
Starting point is 00:18:58 I'm just gonna pick on medical doctors for today, because again, it's the industry. They have no real use to read any more books, because it would not have any bearing whatsoever today because again, it's the industry. They have no real use to read any more books because it would not have any bearing whatsoever on their ability to read the lab, make an assessment, and then make a pharmacological intervention, give your pharmaceutical. Now, that's why I love the field of health and fitness. There's always new information. There's always different takes. There's always little nuggets. and not just for personal training and nutrition,
Starting point is 00:19:25 but myself, again, working as a doctor from Natchpatty, I like to read as many books as I can. Maybe the information isn't new, but it's presented in a different way, and it gives me a different lens to view it, and then be able to then, you know, queue my client, wellness client in a little different way, because maybe the way I'm saying it, they don't get it, right?
Starting point is 00:19:44 So you need to tell them three, four different ways, to how to perform a Romanian deadlift, right? Hey, keep the weight in your heels, push your hips back, slightly bend the knees, fill the stretch in your hips, like sometimes the same queue does not work for every individual. So that's what I go back to. So if I'm building the perfect person,
Starting point is 00:20:00 it's someone that is passionate about the field of health, it's not a job, it's someone that loves to learn because everything can be taught and that there's no potential to their growth. If you show me that individual, oh, the dude is giving the books, giving the study, giving the ways to go, the internships, and they'll learn it. You've also studied non-traditional forms of medicine, like aerovetic medicine and even Chinese medicine. What are some strengths and weaknesses of those? So, and the only reason, so I studied those because my mentor, Dr. Pete, actually had a deep background in aerovetic medicine, and although I had looked into it in my like 25s,
Starting point is 00:20:36 26s, early 20s, mid 20s, it was one of the ways in which I got well. And the difficult thing about aerovetic medicine is that we wanna break it down to a quiz, which docha are you, peta, vata, kafa, and it's the world's oldest form of medicine. It's based out of India. It's based out of India, Carolina India. And it's so in-depth. And so the brilliant thing about it is,
Starting point is 00:20:59 it's all just about bio-individuality. And it's trying to teach it in a way 6,000 years ago about how they spoke and were translated in it. So there's so much brilliance in it. But here's the thing. I didn't get well for 10 years. I went through every program, every protocol, every supplement, and I would get better for a little while and then relapse. And I'm like, you know, I'm just never going to get well. And it was a really bad state. So like, training and nutrition was my savior because I was able to at least feel like I was getting
Starting point is 00:21:29 an outcome from the work I put in. I mean, I could get myself in shape. And that to me was like, tremendous. And it helped me not relapse quite as much, but on the inside, I still was getting like bronchitis in the winter, I was still getting pneumonia. I was still relapseing my immune system where it wasn't needed to be.
Starting point is 00:21:44 I had, I feel like a zombie, flu-like symptoms, all sorts of different things. But, so I said, I've tried everything. Yes, I'm gonna try to follow in the footsteps of my mentor, but I'm actually gonna go study overseas. I'm gonna actually see what actually works in these clinics. So I interned in clinics in about six clinics or all over India.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Oh wow. Sri Lanka, China and a traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Old Beijing. And I was in Europe and the Netherlands studying functional medicine as well. And then all over the US. Wow. Now anything surprising, like did you go in with certain expectations to come out? I did. I went in with expectations that every single one of them was going to work amazingly well.
Starting point is 00:22:27 And what I realized was not everyone was ready for the particular treatments that were there. It worked for the right people who would get benefit from that treatment. So I'll say it in a different way. There is every modality in the world works that I know of. That's TCM, traditional Chinese medicine, aerovatic medicine. Let's include acupuncture or things like that in it. If you needed that treatment, then it helped you. Which is why people are so radical and passionate about that. Right. Because it works wildly well for like a third of the people. Yeah. And then, no, I don't want to say this about diarrhea,
Starting point is 00:23:06 because diarrhea is so in depth, it's like, okay, well, we did punch or karma. We did like certain treatments. But diarrhea, it is also a philosophy of life and balance about your body. So it's always gonna work when you look at the deeper philosophy. But like, acupuncture's not gonna work for everybody.
Starting point is 00:23:19 So I'm gonna help you get rid of Candida. It's not gonna help you get rid of parasites. Not to that degree. Now, it can be phenomenal for inflammation, pain relief, sleep, anxiety, anything to do with the nervous system. It can be fantastic. And it's a hard work, but I started, did not work
Starting point is 00:23:33 for these people with these particular issues. So what I learned was this, because I went into a skeptics mindset, because I basically said, I'm gonna do the practice, like TCM, Arveda, bioregulatory medicine in the Netherlands, like all these different types of medicine, I call them the seven forms of natural health,
Starting point is 00:23:49 of integrative health. And what I realized was, everything works at the right time for the right person. So we can't be a practitioner that only has one tool in the toolbox, is to say, right? Like it's not gonna work. We were joking around earlier just about, when Kettlebells first came out,
Starting point is 00:24:07 it was Kettlebell-olding workouts. As if like dumbbells stop being effective, bands, barbells, like your own body, like I get it. They're also need all of a sudden. That's all you have. And so it's difficult because, well, there are other things that do work. And so I wanna be able to just draw upon the wisdom from every different form of medicine.
Starting point is 00:24:23 And that includes conventional medical as well. So if I need to refer out, I refer out. And I'm okay with that. It's so funny because you speak about medicine the same way I think we speak about strength training. There's so many different modalities and I always feel like, and it's the same path, right? There's a third of the people that will go try CrossFit
Starting point is 00:24:43 or will go try Yoga or will go try Powerlifting or or go try bodybuilding and it will change their life. And then they become these evangelists for that modality and the truth is they all work. I mean, and the, I think the best practitioner is somebody who's versed in a, in a little bit or a lot of all of it so that you can apply it to each individual. Well, the more, then the reason why that's so important is because, okay, it's gonna work phenomenally well. This includes nutrition plans as well, right? So carnivore diet, keto diet, phenomenally well for a third.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Yeah. For a third, I didn't feel anything, right? You can see the people's reviews. For a third, I felt worse. Yeah. So what does that mean? Well, it means that as a practitioner, you're gonna about help about a third of the people
Starting point is 00:25:25 with your particular program. Now, for the people you don't help, what do you do? Well, you either better be able to refer out, take your ego out of it, because it's what's best for the individual, or hey, this didn't work. I know why, let's move on to this. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Are you seeing, because you've been doing this for a while, and culture shifts, and popular culture shifts quite a bit, in the sense that, you know, I mean, when we were kids, if somebody was trying to eat healthy, quote unquote, they were eating low fat, and then it was low carb. And then, you know, now we're seeing this push, both, you know, even politically for people to go plant-based or vegan, for example, are you starting to see things pop up more commonly because of that, where you get the average
Starting point is 00:26:09 person who says, yeah, I saw this documentary called What the Health, I'm just gonna, you know, vegan from now on and then they don't feel good or whatever and they come to you, are you starting to see more trends or different trends? Well, whatever the trend is, we see it. And it's, it'll never change because people want what's new and exciting and they always hold out hope that this is the thing. And so when you have this silver bullet mentality,
Starting point is 00:26:34 you're always going to believe that it's, oh, I'm just one more diet away. I'm just one more exercise plan away. Instead of looking at the holistic picture that it's not just diet, it's not just exercise, it's sleep, it's stress, it's toxins, it's all of these particular things. So just to answer your question from earlier as well, one of the things we used to find is that people did consider us the last stop and you said, okay, I'm going to try one more thing, I'm going to go to Dr. Keral, I'm going to go to his team, whatever it may be. But over the last few years, I've actually been pleasantly surprised by this, is that a lot of people are doing preventative based health.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And even though sometimes I make fun of the biohacking community, just obviously tongue-in-cheek, just because of some of the things that are so outrageous that people are doing, it's actually spawned a lot of good discussions and a lot of good media in terms of using infrared sauna, running your labs, doing cold plunge. Like sometimes it's taken to excess, but it's brought way more awareness. And sometimes people's first entry into anything. Like I used to say it back in the day,
Starting point is 00:27:33 it curves, you know, curves fitness. I used to make fun of it like joke around, but then I realized like, that's not intimidating. They know the eight exercises, they're gonna do the machines. And then it gets them to take the next step, which might be like planet fitness. And then after that, they hire a personal trainer.
Starting point is 00:27:48 And so it's like, it's this stepping stone. So if people's first entry into natural health is doing a sauna or doing even a supplement, I'm good with that. So are you saying that part of your protocol for your, anybody that has got issues is butthole-sunting? Is that what you're saying?
Starting point is 00:28:03 I've actually, I've actually seen that. I just, I thought it was amazing that that's a thing. But there's an as a thing for everyone. I'm sure we evolved and I have the butthole as opposed to the sun. It's back there and we shared it for a reason. Imagine if that was the cure. That was the thing.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I think people just want to show the butthole-sum. Instagram. No, the thing with curves, which was interesting, because I saw that come up, explode, become the number one chain, and then crash. But one thing I saw them do very well, is they, Jim's back then, were trading members, like fighting for the same members.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Curves penetrated the market that nobody was touching. Just ruptured it completely. So there was something there you could definitely take from. And I think that's kind of what you're talking about with these different methods and how functional medicine kind of looks at all these different things. So with all these different methods that you, and I didn't realize that you had that extensive experience
Starting point is 00:28:56 with all those different modalities, which I think is so incredible, I know that you offer a certification for our trainers and coaches or people that are aspiring to be one. How did you take from all those to build this? What did that, what did that process look? I'm so curious to of putting that together with that look like. Well, that's what it was and it was never intended. So when I was a personal trainer and nutritionist and a strength edition specialist, it was me trying to teach others what I loved to do, and that was helping me.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And so then I found something else that also really worked. And that was, we'll call it natural apathy, or basically natural health. And I wanted to share that with other people too. And then I started running at home lab tests, and I'm like, oh, this really works now, because what I knew before was all of the lifestyle
Starting point is 00:29:42 and nutrition and even supplementation. But now I can tell you, not if you might need it, but yes, you definitely do need it, or you're using too much of it. And so that to me was like, I love the science behind it. I love the data, I love the numbers, I love the detective work. And so all I ever try to do is up level my education
Starting point is 00:30:01 and learn more. And I was always questioning things but I was also very skeptical. So the skepticism also led me not to do certain things. And I think that was good too. So I'm trying to teach people what works the best, what doesn't work, and include everything. So we include bioregulatory medicine, which is basically the original form of functional medicine over in Europe, mainly Germany and Switzerland.
Starting point is 00:30:25 It's amazing, it's still practiced to this day. I included aeruvatic medicine, herbalism or traditional Chinese medicine as well, in the Eastern based philosophy. And a lot of people, like when I wrote my book too, the rainbow effect, one thing I try to share with people is that we have a lot of science behind the nutrition, the exercise, the stress reduction, the talks removal of all those things, but a lot of science behind the nutrition, the exercise, the stress reduction, the
Starting point is 00:30:45 talks removal of all those things, but a lot of times what's bothering people are emotional based traumas and mental blocks that they're not able to get past. They're the victim of a disease. And any time you see yourself as the victim of something you lose control. So what I try to do is as much as I can and being as sensitive as I can to help people take back control of their health. Because we always have the statistic 168 hours, right? 168 hours, the number of hours a week you have with you. Let's say that you guys are the best personal trainers, the best coaches, the best whatever in the world. No matter what, nobody's seeing you for more than
Starting point is 00:31:19 two hours a week, maybe three, right? So at the end of the day, I need to be able to instill in someone what to do and how to do it, not just take this one thing or do that. You know, it's funny. They have studies that show that they'll put groups of people in the same situation, but one group feels like they have some autonomy and they have better immune systems, better blood marker, just because they feel like they're more in control. Then you read the accounts of POWs and people who've been a really terrible situation. They say one of the ways to survive
Starting point is 00:31:48 is to control what you can and to give yourself that sense of autonomy and they didn't very structured small ways for what they could, but just that alone. So I think the biohacking community, like you said, I agree with you, a lot of stuff that you silly, but one thing that they did do
Starting point is 00:32:03 is they got a lot of people to start to look at how they can empower themselves. Right? Like, okay, what can I do? Where do things I can change? Let me do some more reading. And that's the big problem, I think, in a Western health, traditional Western health is we've taken the power away from people.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Where you just go, do what someone tells you, and don't ask any of the questions or whatever, and I think that's terrible. I think you need to understand that first off as good as your doctor is, you are the one that ultimately suffers from the negative consequences of poor health or you're the one that benefits ultimately from great health. It's your responsibility. You have to take it under your control. So this is a bit of an odd question, but because we went the biohacking direction, you're just somebody who I'd be super curious to hear how you answer this.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Do you have a favorite biohacking tool that we've seen invented or that we've seen get popular in the last decade that you think has the most application or has been the most beneficial for your average person? Is there anything that pops out to you? Well, I mean, it's the one that people are willing to use the most that's less and at least invasive. And I know, and I know that part of, but I'm gonna stop you or interrupt you
Starting point is 00:33:12 right before you go, because I know that you're gonna have the perfect answer of that, the individual and all that, but I'm more curious to your opinion, unlike what you like or what you think is the coolest. So in my opinion, there is nothing better than the orro ring right now. And the reason is, is that if I want to wear a watch, I want to wear a watch. So that cancels out the whoop and it cancels out the fit bit. Although you can weigh the whoop on your forearm, you can now wear it on your ankle.
Starting point is 00:33:40 So I like that. You can put it in different, less conspicuous places. So I'm not against that. I've used the biostrap, which I like, that you can put it in different less conspicuous places or not against that I've used the biostrap which I like no problem at all or worn on the wrist The winner though Will not be the ordering in the long run. It's most likely going to be a patch some type of wearable patch They can put anywhere because also We think so why do I like the ordering and again? I'm not a sponsor. I don't get sponsored by them, I don't get anything.
Starting point is 00:34:06 They might tell me I sweatshirt in the mail, great job. And I'm like, I don't even know. But the reason is, is that it gives you quantifiable data on what you're doing, are you getting better or worse? Like the signals aren't even perfect. The HRV is incorrect. It's lower than it should be, but it's your baseline every day. And now it is getting better.
Starting point is 00:34:24 So it's actually looking at cycle mapping for women is looking at your oxygen now, which again, it's not perfect, but it's your baseline every day. And now it is getting better. So it's actually looking at cycle mapping for women is looking at your oxygen now, which again, it's not perfect, but it's getting better. Look at your deep sleep, it looks at your REM sleep. They're using their own algorithms. It's not perfect, but it gives you your baseline. So people need also, in the way to health, you need to have wins along the way.
Starting point is 00:34:40 So if you're not feeling better yet, but you're improving your HRV by three points, five points, and you go from a, you know, a 25 to a 28, you're doing something correct. If your REM sleep starts to go from under an hour to now over an hour, you're on your path to wellness. So, before you ever lost the weight as a prostraining client or got healthy as a health client, you can start to see those numbers move in the right positive direction. So, that's the reason why I like it. I also like that you can put it on airplane mode
Starting point is 00:35:06 So you don't need to have these devices sending signals to you and your phone all day long And I think that in the future when we live in literally a scanning based, you know, biometric EMF soup, I think that that's probably going to matter. It gives you your you can see your trends Right. Why do you know me? I'm like that's that's totally an answer I would give. I think when these types of tools, when they came out, it was game changer for me. And I'm one of the people that defend, and I defend all of them for the for the simple point that you made, which is it gives me a baseline. I don't give a shit. If you want to make the argument that it's night, this one's 97% more accurate. This one's 67. It it's like to me. It's that if it's consistent with the data. It's reading me. Boy, I mean other otherwise
Starting point is 00:35:51 I'm guessing and so at least now I have a really good educated guess on whether I should increase calories focus more on sleep or not So well, it seems like yeah, this whole approach and everything It's it's really like it's an aggregation of as much data as possible, right? So it would make sense that like having sensors and including some data from lifestyle would be very important to be able to then sort of dear detective work of which sort of method would apply best for these individuals. Is that something that you're kind of going through that as through the certification? You kind of teach them through that? Yeah, so even if we look at it, a lot of what we do is at home lab testing. So it's phenomenal,
Starting point is 00:36:31 but how often you're running out of home lab testing, too, right? I mean, at the most, probably once a quarter. And so when you look at it, what do you have? Well, you have biometric data on a daily basis. And it will get better when it's real time. So there's nothing you can do about these numbers in real time except like your steps, right? But eventually they'll be what's called haptic feedback. So there's a company, Hanyu Health, Dr. J. Wiles, this is a great guy, Dr. Patrick McQin, and a few other people.
Starting point is 00:36:57 And what they're looking at is heart rate variability. So your heart rate variability signal gets weaker, the further the strap, like know, the polar chest straps. Okay, it's gonna be best on that. You go to the forearm, pretty good. You go to wrist, okay, better. You go to your hand, it's a weaker signal. But again, it just matters like what are your trends?
Starting point is 00:37:15 But they're gonna find, and they're in the infancy of it, but it's there. I mean, it's there. It's just gonna get better and better. They just need a way to let you know at the time when you're under stress and your HIV is plummeting. So on our last show, we talked about cortisol. Well, it'll tell you when your heart rate
Starting point is 00:37:33 variability drops a couple different standard deviations, you'll get actually a buzz. You'll get something either your phone or right on your chest that will tell you like and I have done this before because I I've done the original database models, breathe, relax, and I'll catch you in real time. So I believe the future of biometrics is that. We're not there yet, but it's getting close. Interesting. Okay, so with the WWE Buzzie all day,
Starting point is 00:37:58 it's gonna move away from add-on. Okay, so the integrative health practitioner certification. I have some questions about that. So what are, you mentioned you can do labs with that or you can read labs. So that's one of the things that you could do. So if a coach or trainer's listening right now and they got this certification,
Starting point is 00:38:16 one of the things that they'll come out of that with is that they can, for lack of a better term, prescribe labs, here I think you should do this lab, I think you should do that lab, I think you should do that lab, hair test, blood saliva, whatever. Then when they get the results, they can read them and then advise based off them. Is that what they, okay.
Starting point is 00:38:32 So basically our goal is two things. One, if you have health issues, teach you how to heal yourself, and then we say heal others. Because when you find something that works, you want to shut it for the rooftops. So that's what we want to do. And that's level one, that's what we want to do.
Starting point is 00:38:45 And that's level one, that's the diet, exercise, stress reduction, toxin removal, rest and sleep protocols. You're getting protocols for all of these. Not supplements, you're actually getting protocols of what to do. Emotional based stress, scientifically based supplement protocols, and then success mindset. Basically, the art of coaching, you know, like how to motivate a client to do what they need to do for themselves and for others. Level two is where they now know all the protocols that they can implement when they find something
Starting point is 00:39:11 on these at-home labs that have gone wrong. So if testosterone is low, if estrogen is high, if there's candida overgrowth, bacterial overgrowth, if there's heavy metals, okay, you learn how to read the labs, we teach you how to read them so that you can actually then use this information to help clients get to that next level. So we call, you know, putting the health coach in every home, that's our goal. So a lot of people in our programs are nurses, personal trainers, acupuncturists, car practice, it's people who are already kind of in the in between helping clients with health and fitness. We actually have a lot of estheticians in the program too,
Starting point is 00:39:46 because they're seeing skin-based issues, and they're treating the outside when it's most likely gut issues, or hormonal issues. So now we can help the esthetician take their practice the next level, because in my opinion, most natural health practitioners, and I'm putting that in fitness and wellness
Starting point is 00:40:02 and car practice, they're all just, they're passionate, they're looking to help their clients get the best results possible. So there's two things you can do. You can refer out if you have the knowledge of who to refer out to, which I think is great, and I don't sell it. I used to do that. Or you can start to take on some of these responsibilities yourself. And by responsibilities, I mean, be the go to person that your clients want and need
Starting point is 00:40:23 and help them actually introduce them now to food sensitivities. That's an easy one to get started with. Or just hormonal health. Or you know, you're vitamin levels. People should know their levels, or omega-3 levels, because then you can be like,
Starting point is 00:40:35 hey, you weren't eating any wild salmon. Now you are, and you've improved your inflammation levels. Like we can actually quantify these results. So I found it does two things. One, obviously your clients are gonna get results, but it's gonna bring in, then for your career wise,
Starting point is 00:40:51 a whole new avenue of people you would never have reached, because not everybody wants a process of training, but they may want a health coach. And so you're getting lots of referrals for that. But the other thing too, is it keeps your knowledge and interest in the industry just continuing? I wish.
Starting point is 00:41:06 So I used to, I would have killed for this point. So I teach trainers and coaches all the time. When I talk to them all the time, I teach them to be mavens. I say find practitioners that you can refer to, that you can work to. And the ones I always recommend are functional medicine, acupuncture, bodywork specialists, and then any else you think that may help, but find those people, but it's so hard to do,
Starting point is 00:41:30 right? You got to find the right person. Will they work with you? Then you got to communicate with them with their clients. I wish I had something like this. I would have loved to be able to order labs because you can't do that as just a regular person. So I wish I could order ordered labs and then be,
Starting point is 00:41:45 read them and then based off of those, combine them with my fitness knowledge and be able to say, okay, John, I know now why this strength training program is not working for you as good as it normally is it should. I can see here your stress hormones are too high. So let's do this first. I used to do that with a functional medicine practitioner.
Starting point is 00:42:04 I would talk to them, we'd go back and forth and put together a protocol. And it was so successful, it worked so well. But man, I wish I had. You know, you know what's the I actually was I went on a rant last night because I actually was talking to all these trainers and coaches about not utilizing all of our free resources that we have. And there's this weird scarcity mindset. And I feel it's big in our space. Just these trainers and coaches a lot of times are fearful that, oh, if I send them over to Dr. Cabral and they have to get this supplement to the other thing, they're no longer going to buy from me and that's going to hurt my business. Oh, no. It's opposite. It is the opposite. That's why
Starting point is 00:42:41 when I was like yelling at them on the phone last night, because I was so frustrated. I'm like, this is what made me really successful, because I was the youngest trainer. I was the least educated, the least experienced, but then I had the most success because I was not afraid to farm out. I was not afraid to be like, oh, I'm not sure, but I know a guy or I know a girl.
Starting point is 00:43:01 And I never lost business because of that. They stay with you longer. They do. And they refer you out to more people, and then you become that person. It's weird though in our space we get like this sometimes. Well, and I totally agree with you. And you need to actually see it for yourself, but what happens is this, if you are the go-to person
Starting point is 00:43:19 for this person's health, you're invaluable. Yep. So you know the meal delivery company. You know the right supplements. You know the chiropractor. You know the kinesaeologists. You know the functional range condition specialist. You know the acupuncturists.
Starting point is 00:43:33 If you know all these people, of course, this client is never going to leave. That's what I became. You know what I'd be with. Yeah, that's the main one. That's right. And so the main thing is from a book, right? There's different, like the different, like connectors
Starting point is 00:43:45 and different people, right? Yeah, that's a good analogy right there. Remember that. So that's what you want to be. So even if you don't want to become an integrative health practitioner, although I'm telling you right now, you need to be able to learn how to read your own labs
Starting point is 00:43:57 for yourself, your family. Like if you have kids one day, like you just need to have at least a knowledge base. So when this comes back, you can say, is this really true? Yes or not? Yes or no? And if the answer is no,
Starting point is 00:44:09 you don't have to have even all the answers. But you at least know what is right and what is wrong and what to look at. So it takes you to that next level. The other thing is too, and I would love to get all of your opinion on this. I've just seen that they shut down gyms. They shut down personal training studios.
Starting point is 00:44:24 They shut down wellness studios. they shut down personal training studios, they shut down wellness studios, they shut down estheticians, you want to have some virtual aspect of your practice in my opinion. I just agree. It's completely moving on, director. So, if it's going virtual and you can work with anyone anywhere,
Starting point is 00:44:38 be the go-to person no longer in your community because the camera practice can't be with them, either if this happens again. So what about now, if you can order the labs, give nutrition, give, again, you're not giving registered addition plans, you're giving, and I do have to make a disclaimer, we're not prescribing any medical advice, we're not teaching you to practice medicine, we're teaching you to practice health coaching, you become a certified health coach through the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute.
Starting point is 00:45:02 And you can actually become board certified because our certification holds up. We have the highest level of certifications. So you actually can get board certified as a holistic health coach, which has a lot of weight. So then you can start to work with again, these doctors, you have the... Okay, that's a great point.
Starting point is 00:45:17 So to be clear, you can, because there's a lot of online coaches that listen to our show, and they help people through exercise nutrition online. It's just, you know, you don't have to charge as much. You can do, you know, you can help more people. You can reach a larger audience, right? It's easy to scale and a lot of people like that.
Starting point is 00:45:34 They like helping people that way. So with this, you can literally same thing, order the lab for them. Even if I'm in California, they're in Florida. I could order the labs. They can get, they can do the tests, send it in themselves. I get the results. I could look at them with the person over the phone or over the internet and say, okay, this is low, this is high, let's try supplementing with this, let's try
Starting point is 00:45:53 this particular thing in your diet, let's try more or less exercise, whatever. Absolutely, exactly right. So then you can start to use a lot of those modalities, which is the sauna, sleep, food, higher carb, lower carb. If you have, especially again, we've chat about this before, okay, you have a woman in your practice, she's 37 years old, she has two kids, she's not getting the sleep that she should, you put her on a low carb diet, it seems to be working,
Starting point is 00:46:17 and six weeks later she plat tots. Okay, what do you do? Do you go lower carb? Do you go lower calories? Do you exercise or more? Like what's the plan to keep losing weight? Let's look at our home runs. That's what we need to do, right?
Starting point is 00:46:27 So now you have the ability to do that and you can actually show, here's why you plateaued. Okay, now we know what's going on. We could do cycle low carb and then we have to back move back into some refeeding meals or something like that. That's best for your body. Okay, intermittent fasting is great, but 14 hours seems to be the sweet spot from you from 6 at night date in the morning,
Starting point is 00:46:46 not fasting until noon. And you're able to show all of these things now, the things that you know that you've been taught and actually prove them out. So, personal trainers are some of the people that have the most success because it's a natural add-on, like it's a bolt-on to your practice
Starting point is 00:46:59 because you're learning, one of the hardest parts is actually to learn how to create an exercise program. That's not easy to do. So if you get that, and you've been doing nutrition probably with your personal training, so you get a little bit of that. Okay, now what's the next thing? I would have gotten better so much faster because, you know, I got good at what I did, and
Starting point is 00:47:16 we talk about this all time. So three of us did this for the same amount of time. I got good at what I did through trial and error. Asking questions that didn't work this does, and then eventually after 15 years of training, hundreds of thousands of people by proxy, I start to see this works, that doesn't work, whatever, to have data and to have labs
Starting point is 00:47:37 and to try something like, what I would do now with all of this is I would take a client and say, we're gonna do these tests to start because we're just getting started. I want to see where we're at now. Then we're going to start this program based on what I think is going to be best for you based off those tests, based off your fitness history, your lifestyle, that kind of stuff. Then three months later, we're going to run these tests again and see, and I'm going to
Starting point is 00:47:56 see if I can connect the changes in your labs with what we've noticed subjectively. You're sleeping better, you feel better, you're stronger. Wow, I can see this thing in your lab, got much better, I can see this is working. Or maybe I can see not why it's been a little bit more struggle for you, or why you've been plateauing a little bit. So, I mean, I think this is, I would take it as valuable.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yeah, I mean, the thing is, it's the specificity of it, because like you said, you had to learn over years of how to ask the right questions to even get to that lifestyle, like really like a good visual picture of that, to be able to kind of find those specific screws you could just tighten a bit. That's going to move the needle the furthest. And so to be able to have like the labs really identify that a lot earlier would be massive
Starting point is 00:48:43 for personal training. I would take it even a step further. I would build it into my pricing. Oh, 100%. It would be a part of the whole thing. I would build it into my price. Most people sell training by either the sessions or monthly services or whatever,
Starting point is 00:48:55 or by the package of what you train for this long with me. And I would actually just do exactly, you say like part of my assessment. Yeah. These labs, it comes with this total price. And imagine how you can build it. Yeah. And you can paint the picture.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Here's what it looks like. You know, this is what we're going to start with three months later. This is a new build plan. Yeah. Yeah. And you got yourself now a nine-month-or-year plan that you could present to someone and really provide
Starting point is 00:49:18 tremendous value. What exa- with labs specifically, are you able to look at and read through this certification? So, and I just want to get to your point, our most successful, our most successful coaches in the program. I'm actually a lot of personal trainers that are developing packages like that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:34 So your typical package, oh, it's four weeks, it's 12 weeks. Okay, no, now it's six months. Yes. And it includes certain nutritional supplements, certain, you know, I don't know if it's meal delivery, whatever you wanna do in the labs. And the reason is that, I don't have to sell nutritional supplements, I don't sell nutritional supplements.
Starting point is 00:49:53 If I run an omega-3 inflammation test with you, and a standard American is an 18 to one. Well, let's say you know the standard American. Most people in our practice are doing a pretty good job in the nutrition, so they're a 10 to one. I'm not selling you nutritional supplements. You can either take an omega-3 supplement or you can eat wild fish three to four times a week. Your choice. But the lab is telling you you have higher levels of inflammation. Again, I'm just showing
Starting point is 00:50:19 you what it is. You decide what you want to do. So it makes the whole process of helping someone make the right decision. It's just there's no feeling or emotion to it. It is what it is. And we're gonna help you get to that point, the fastest way possible. The other thing is this, you're no longer a commodity. When everybody went online, and everybody is a personal trainer, how are you different?
Starting point is 00:50:42 You know, you're using this fitness app, you're using it, okay, good. So is the next guy. So is the next girl. So it's like, well, what are you different? You're using this fitness app, you're using it, okay, good. So is the next guy. So is the next girl. So it's like, well, what are you doing? Oh, well, I actually customized your nutrition plan based on your food sensitivities. Oh, that's a step up.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Oh, I actually customized your days of workout based on your cortisol levels and your testosterone or whatever it might be. And so like, this is taking it to that next level. I believe I've always wanted to take personalization in the fitness industry to this next level. I believe that there's a lot of personal trainers, not all of them, but a lot of personal trainers
Starting point is 00:51:13 are ready to separate themselves at that next level. That's what I try to do in my wellness too. I just didn't do it myself. It's the thing all three of us had in common. We didn't know each other. We're all doing, had success in different directions, but and we all did it in different ways, like how we packaged things,
Starting point is 00:51:26 but it was the taking the service to another level. Like everyone's always trying to compete in price and so on and so forth. It's like, we all knew to better go the opposite direction. It's like, no, you bring a whole other level of value to that level of value. The success you had on my clients went, it exploded because they could see me, they could see this other person, this other person, we could communicate, work together and
Starting point is 00:51:49 measure the results, the success, work with the client, and the success was phenomenal. I just can't imagine how powerful, because I can see myself sitting, I've had thousands of conversations of sitting down with a client and we're assessing the diet and I'm telling you what I think they should or shouldn't do or adjusting things I just can't believe how powerful it would be if I had labs sitting right next to me going What you could do is we could you know, I'd like you to eat fish three times a week But if you don't then I want you to take this well, I want you to you know, that just would be to give you an example Like you know, I'll give you an example of the feeling out process versus what you're talking about. We did feeling out and asking questions.
Starting point is 00:52:25 And if I had a client whose B vitamins were low and I, or let's say their iron was low, but I thought maybe it was a B vitamin. So I said, here eat some more red meat and they got better. I think it was the B. It was the iron. I don't know because I can't test. So I'm giving them suggestions and they're helping, but I don't know specifically what part
Starting point is 00:52:44 of what I recommended help because foods come with many nutrients, you know, exercise. There's lots of different impacts it has on the body. So was it the fact that I incorporated more compound lifts? Was it the fact that the rest period's got different? Was it? And so it's very, very, it takes years and years and years to develop the sensitivity to be able to figure this out without this kind of Imagine helping people break plate toes that can't figure out why we're not losing weight
Starting point is 00:53:10 I'm doing this. I'm doing that. It's like in you're trying to guess as a coach and a trainer all the time Or you're thinking either they're lying to me or me this and then we get a test back and go like oh my god They're hormone levels are all over the place like let's address that now we know and I mean talk about taking the The frustration off the client who feels like they're trying so hard but have no idea all over the place, like let's address that. Now we know, and I mean, talk about taking the frustration off the client who feels like they're trying so hard, but have no idea they're all out of it. I had a client that we could not figure out why she was fatigued, we could not figure it out.
Starting point is 00:53:36 And we did some improvements through exercise, sleep, nutrition, and it was just so frustrating. Couldn't figure it out. Anyway, finally I got her to work with a functional medicine practitioner. She had high levels of, I forgot which heavy metal it was just so frustrating. Couldn't figure it out. Anyway, finally I got her to work with a functional medicine practitioner. She had high levels of, I forgot which heavy metal it was, but it was so high. So she had to go detox that way and she felt better. I would have never known.
Starting point is 00:53:54 I would have never known had she not done that testing. What are the tests that people can work with through the integrative health practitioner certification? Yeah, so what we do in level two, we take people through what's called the big five plus the bacteria and parasite stool test. So we are doing what's called the kidney to metabolic vitamins test, also called the organic acids test. That looks at 75 biomarkers
Starting point is 00:54:16 and it's just a small sample of urine. So I think that's one of the ones we may even do. But it looks at all your vitamin levels, look at that mitochondria health for energy. It's gonna look at detox factors. Those B vitamins we were just talking about, it's going to look at candida overgrowth, potentially clostridia overgrowth, which is a nasty bacteria. There's stomach that you can get, and so much more, overall metabolism.
Starting point is 00:54:35 So that's an amazing lab. We look at 190 food sensitivities, but to healthy foods, like eggs. Are you sensitive to eggs, yes or no? Because if you are, and you can't lose that last five pounds and you're eating eggs every day, well, there's a reason for your inflammation and water retention. Like you're just inflamed from eating eggs. So it's a common food sensitivity. Okay, so we're testing 190 foods there. Then we're doing the minerals and metals test, which we did on an episode. It goes through all of your minerals. So now you don't just have your vitamins,
Starting point is 00:54:59 but you have your zinc and your copper and your selenium and your chromium and your magnesium. So we'll look at all those and it also looks at heavy metals. So your client, the mercury, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, lead, we look at those. And then we're looking at your omega-6 to omega-3 levels plus we're looking at your arachidonic acid to EPA. So there are people that can eat
Starting point is 00:55:21 all the red meat in the world they want and they don't build up arachidonic acid. Some people do. 26% of the population. I think we were chatting about that. It was either today or last show. But a third of the population does not do well with the high fat diet. Can I pause for a second?
Starting point is 00:55:35 So racquet donor acid is a fatty acid found in a lot of it in red meat. They marketed that as a muscle building supplement a while ago because they found that supplementing it with some people built more muscle. I bought into it, I was a kid, I took it, and my joints felt like crap. So it can be very pro-inflammatory in the wrong person, right? It increases prostaglanin series two, and which is one of the most inflammatory processes in your body. Yeah, that's true. It's awful. So if you can't
Starting point is 00:56:02 clear it, you wake up, puffy and swollen, joint pain, like it's miserable. So we can test for that. And then EPA is basically like DHA. They're both high level omega-3s, but EPA can actually balance a recordonic acid really well, but it can become DHA. So it's a really nice omega-3, but it even gives you your omega-3 index. And if you're above what's called 9% saturation omega-3, you have a 90% risk reduction rate
Starting point is 00:56:29 for dying from a heart attack. Even if you have high levels of cholesterol, high levels of whatever, so it's an amazing marker. Because heart disease isn't just about cholesterol, right? And for some people, it has totally negligible, but it is about your arteries being constricted and inflammation can do that. So it isn't like a quarter of people get heart attacks, something like that, or 20 seconds, substantial
Starting point is 00:56:48 minority have fine blood lipids, like their cholesterol numbers look fine at the heart attacks. Literally 50-50. Oh, is it? Okay, so more than that. 50% of high, 50% of low. So there's much other factors. That's why you need to run homeostistine, high-sensitive CRP, run your magus, and you'll have a much better profile. I mean, now you can break down lipid profile, but yeah, and that's why again, these lab tests are not diagnostic medical lab tests. They look at the underlying root cause health issues.
Starting point is 00:57:14 The, it looks at the hormones such as cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, thyroid that we did in the last episode. So again, these are very powerful labs in the bacteria and paracetus stool test. Well,, these are very powerful labs in the Bacterium Parasite Stral Test. Well, if a client has bloated all the time for meeting just normal food, like they won't eat meat anymore,
Starting point is 00:57:31 they won't eat fish, not because that's a choice for spiritual-based reasons or other, they just can't digest it. Okay, well, why can't you digest it? We can figure that out. And so we run these labs to look at that. So again, I consider them invaluable for yourself as an individual, but also be able to add
Starting point is 00:57:46 these to the practice. You know what's interesting, Dr. Cabral, is if, and I know this, I had got issues for a long time. So I did lots of reading, lots of research and bacterial overgrowth issues in the, you can treat them with pharmaceuticals, but they did a study not that long ago where they actually compared herbal micro anti-icrobials just as effective, just as effective at treating SIBO and individuals. In other words, you don't have to go get a prescription.
Starting point is 00:58:13 You can do this with natural products you can buy over the counter and the studies, they actually did really good studies that show it's just as effective. Are there things like that for parasites as well or do you have to go to the pharmaceutical route for parasites? No, so we always say that if it can be diagnosed as a medical disease, the wellness client, because they're not patients, because you're not doing practicing medicine, right? You can share it with your PCP.
Starting point is 00:58:34 So they have the patient or the wellness client has the option. I'm doing an anti-parasitic, or they have the option of the herbal based protocols, which are worked work amazingly well. So just to kind of back that up a little bit, not only do the herbal's work just as well, there's not a chance of relapse. Yeah. Because when you use, I won't name the specific drug,
Starting point is 00:58:56 but when you use the drug for SIBO, the relapse is so high, two, three, six months later. Because what it's not doing, it's not a protocol. So we do protocols protocols not supplements or not drugs. So if your doctor is giving you the drug, which is an antibiotic, which probably got you C-bone the first place, but we won't talk about that. And they're not giving you Sacrameis Bollardi to prevent the yeast overgrowth. And then they're not giving you a specific probiotic to help repopulate your gut. You just can hand it back where you were. You knew everything.
Starting point is 00:59:24 You knew everything with this, I did that. I got better and then two months later it came back. Well, you go into a garden with a flame throw and you burn everything out, right? It eventually grows back. You didn't teach it how to grow back properly. So you get the weeds, you get everything else. You need to repopulate in a very specific way.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Yeah, very interesting. So you could do that with even with parasites. I had no idea Yeah, very interesting. So, wow, so you could do that with even with parasites. I did not, I had no idea. Yeah, in parasites are actually easier to work with than candida overgrowth or bacterial overgrowth because parasites are their own living thing working or inside of the ecosystem. So, you're using what would be considered, almost like, again, go back to the garden. The garden's fine, maybe it's fine. Let's say that, you're just the parasites.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Okay. Unlikely that it's fine if you're say that, you're just a parasite. Okay, unlikely that it's fine if you're a parasite, but you're going in what would be a natural pesticide. And so you're going in with specific things like cloves and black walnut hulls, and the things that are literally scientific proven to get rid of it, plus what's called a biofilm disruptor that people are starting to catch out on
Starting point is 01:00:21 so you can actually get to these. And you can eradicate those without having to even change the diet. Now, for Candida Overgrowth and SIBO, you have to change the diet. So biofilm, that's where the bacteria almost develop like an almost impermeable wall that prevents any medicine or antimicrobials from actually getting to the bacteria to killing them. So it's like, you have to break down that biofilm
Starting point is 01:00:45 so that you can get in there and kill them, otherwise it's doing nothing. Did I say that? Absolutely. It's basically like a roof over the house that can protect the inhabitants inside of the house. And so you use enzymes, all natural, again, these are all natural, all natural enzymes,
Starting point is 01:00:57 protelectic enzymes and others as well, to break down that fiber layer, it's like a gel, and then you can actually access then the parasites or bacteria or whatever. Wow, wow, that's pretty cool. So how common, I'm pretty sure bacterial overgrowth very common. How common are parasites though?
Starting point is 01:01:16 People tend to think, so I remember learning about this, my sucks again, I've had gut issues on and off forever. I remember thinking parasites, that's like a third world issue, like we live in clean, first world countries.. I remember thinking parasites, that's like a third world issue. Like we live in clean, first world countries. And I remember what the statistic was, but it's like an alarming amount of people in first world countries have parasites.
Starting point is 01:01:33 It's like, what's the number? 25%. So one out of every four people probably has a parasite. That's right, doesn't even know it. And if you go to South America, unfortunately, it's almost one and two. It's at least 35% they found, and it is because typically, you're drinking unclean water. So the unclean water and animal, you know, what the bathroom and the water, and you're drinking
Starting point is 01:01:55 that now, and you're going to get parasites from that. But in the US, people don't know it, you can get parasites from a salabar, because they can be on produce. Undercooked meat, undercooked fish. Sushi. If you ate sushi, you most likely have a parasite. Yes. Unless you had strong, strong stomach acid
Starting point is 01:02:11 in order to be able to kill that parasite. Because, I mean, I eat wild salmon. I know how to look for it. And when I get my frozen wild salmon, because it should be frozen for at least three days, deep freeze, then then it should be cooked all the way through for the fish. I can see the parasites. And so we trust you.
Starting point is 01:02:29 We trust you can see them. If you, so if you get salmon fillets, I'm telling you right now, they are, so the most if you eat swordfish, that's why only a hammer is. You certainly have parasites. If you eat swordfish undercooked, they, swordfish is a absolutely disgusted fish. If you were to cut open the swordfish, you would see hundreds, potentially thousands of parasites. It's unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:02:49 And so when you look at salmon, you'll see, and we teach the parasites, like what they actually look like, but they're little tiny squiggly worms. And you can actually see the grown ones. Now most parasites start off microscopic. That's the issue. You don't necessarily see them, because you wouldn't purposely eat a little worm.
Starting point is 01:03:05 But they grow inside of you, because they're parasitic, they literally leach off of you. Just like a tick is a parasite, well it's a parasite on the inside. You can also get internal parasites. One of the most common ones you find here, what they call ropeworm, tapeworm, pinworms. Okay, wow that sucks.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Let's hookworm the one in the south that like, just... It's another one, yeah. They used to get like a bit. Wow, that's effective. You're brain. That's terrible. Now, when you when you're doing a parasite test, they just looking at stool and looking at eggs and okay. So that's that's and I'm glad you brought that up. The reason we use a lot of different lab tests is because every lab test is best at what it does. So we would never use a urine based test to find parasites. No. And that when we wouldn't
Starting point is 01:03:44 use urine to even find out your hormone markers, because it just shows what's been used, not necessarily the best way to look at it. Not bad, but not the best way. So if you're looking at, hey, what's in your intestines, let's do a stool test. And then if we're looking at what escaped from the gut wall, let's do a urine test. If we're looking at what's being excreted from the body, let's do a hair test. And if we want to know the best levels of hormones that are unbound, we're doing at what's being excreted from the body, let's do a hair test. And if we wanna know best levels of hormones that are unbound, we're doing a saliva test.
Starting point is 01:04:08 So we have a little bit of everything for each person in order to be able to say, hey, this is what you can do. The nice thing is, the thing that prevents people from running functional medicine tests is they have to have a needle put in their arm to droplet. Nobody likes that.
Starting point is 01:04:22 I don't know anybody who likes that. I will do it quite often. I don't like it. Plus you have to go to a lab and do a whole thing. That's right. Or you spend $150 for full bottom is to come to draw blood. Nobody likes that. I don't know anybody who likes that. I will do it quite often. I don't like it. Plus, you have to go to a lab and do a whole thing. That's right. Or you spend $150 for full-bottomist to come to your house and all those different things if, you know, if it's reliable enough. So these labs allow you to reach all of your clients or additional people or family members. And it's just a little finger poke, which would be the blood spot, same as you would do for your blood sugar. Morning urine sample, saliva sample, stool sample, or a couple of snips of hair. And then that's it.
Starting point is 01:04:50 So we've covered level one, level two coaching, is that as far as it goes? That's what people are initially able to join with. I will say that almost 70% now people sign up for level one and level two combination, because they want the access to be able to run these labs, which makes sense to me. Yeah. Especially if you're going to build it in, like I said, I think that's the way to go if I go coach. If you think about it too, like just to move back to that point, if you do that as a coach
Starting point is 01:05:16 or an ac puncturer or anyone doing this, you're at the top. Yes. Like where is someone else going to go? I'm not out of the blue that does that. My sales brain was already going like I have this I would I would guarantee money back. What would I know when I get a client who's broken has an exercise out of shape got all these issues. When I introduce strength training, improve their diet, sleep. If I had access to labs like this, I would guarantee you that when you after you spend six months with me,
Starting point is 01:05:46 you will feel the best you've felt. Maybe you're holding, so I'd have some sort of a guarantee money back after that. And I would just charge you to super premium price. The success was I feel so confident to give it all back. Yeah, success rate would go through the roof. And then the value you could provide, see the thing is too, with a lot of coaches and trainers,
Starting point is 01:06:02 is they're afraid to charge X amount of dollars or more money because they're not sure of their own value. Like you do something like this, like this is extremely valuable to the person. And I used to do this through multiple practitioners, like I said, a studio, and I'd have them in my studio. If I could have done so this myself, I would have, this would have been amazing.
Starting point is 01:06:20 So very cool. And the thing is too, like, let's say you go through the certification, you're like, you know what? I don't necessarily feel comfortable running these labs. We have people who say that, and that's amazing. So very cool. And the thing is too, like, let's say you go through the certification, you're like, you know what, I don't necessarily feel comfortable running these labs. We have people who say that, and that's okay, because you might, you get lifetime access right now. You can continue study, continue to learn. Most people are able to just literally take it and run with it, and they learn with their clients, like all of us do.
Starting point is 01:06:37 It's totally fine. But you can actually have one of our equal life health coaches on my team, read the lab for the client, give the program and the personal trainer who's going through IHP, then takes it and implements it with their client. Really, because we talked about this before. Meaning like, we're not here to take anybody's clients. That's not what we do.
Starting point is 01:06:59 We don't even use our private practice. We literally read labs for people in 27 countries around the world. And we're right now about 20,000 appointments a year. We've done well over 300,000 appointments. We have so much data. So what we do is we actually just teach to our IHPs, this is what works, this is what works,
Starting point is 01:07:18 this is what works. Oh, we found something that tweaked us even a little bit better. Here's the update for that. So we're always giving updates as well. Wow, wow, that's awesome. So we're always giving updates as well. Wow. Wow. So it's a lot. So people can enter it whatever level they feel comfortable. Because let's face it, when you start anything new,
Starting point is 01:07:30 you have the imposter syndrome. Right? So there's a lot of people who won't get started because they're like, who am I to run, or who am I to run, who am I to run, a food sensitivity test? OK, well, once you do it, you are that person and you can learn from doing it. But in the beginning, if you don't feel comfortable,
Starting point is 01:07:44 you dip your toe in, you get the knowledge, the more you learn about it, you are that person and you can learn from doing it. But in the beginning, if you don't feel comfortable, you dip your toe in, you get the knowledge, the more you learn about it, the more professional you feel, and then inside of our IHP community, we just call them study buddies. And so you match up with someone to practice these labs together and the education. And so you basically are just doing role-playing, which gets you comfortable. How long does it typically take someone to get go through and get the level one level two certification? Typically 12 weeks for level one, 12 weeks for level two. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Six months. Sput six months. You can get started working right away as an IHP, put the IHP after your name, after the level one, which people can do. Well, I think it's one of the most valuable courses I've ever heard of. I wish, I mean, so much cool stuff.
Starting point is 01:08:24 I wish I could build an online coaching business. I mean, I would have had this right. I just want to of. I wish, I mean, so much cool stuff. Make sure you want to build an online coaching business. I mean, I would like to see what we got a backup plan. Absolutely. Yeah, no, so very cool. We really appreciate the offer this to people and I know we're doing something for our audience with this. So really appreciate you coming back on the show. Yeah, my pleasure. Always great. Chatting with the three of you. Thank you. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 01:08:47 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com.
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