Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1964: How to Know When it is Time to Change Your Training, Exercise Programming Tips for Trainers, How to Adjust Your Training for the Different Seasons of Your Life & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: December 10, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: When you buy supplements, this is the ONE factor you should pay attention to. Does the company ...provide third-party testing? (2:05) The guy's reaction to the Liver King’s lie. (11:17) Kanye has lost his mind. (27:48) Selective outrage. (30:20) Pay attention. (33:33) Could Apple buy Disney? Is A.I. taking over? (35:03) The Twitter theater is awesome! (41:34) The science behind liposomal technology. (43:58) Are we moving towards a homogeneous society? (46:36) The BIGGEST lie told to men. (51:22) Caldera’s HUGE advertising push. (1:05:54) Shout out to Arthur Brooks! (1:08:21) #ListenerLive question #1 - Any advice on how to mitigate the potential for injury, and excessive joint strain with a higher volume/compound heavy program like MAPS Strong? (1:09:55) #ListenerLive question #2 - For the average person who wants to build muscle, what are some tips for building exercise programming for my clients? (1:20:06) #ListenerLive question #3 - What is the best way to determine what your fitness goals should be at every stage of life? (1:33:28) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit LivON Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP at checkout** December Promotion: At-Home Holiday Bundle (MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Suspension, MAPS PRIME, and The No BS 6-Pack Formula all for the low price of $99.99!) Arsenic, Lead Found in Popular Protein Supplements Mind Pump #1755: Insider Secrets Of The Supplement Industry With Mike Matthews Mind Pump #1945: How To Formulate A Supplement That Works With Shanais Pelka Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** Evidence-based Analysis on Supplements & Nutrition | Examine 'Liver King' ripped after leaked email claims $11K a month steroid use The Liver King Lie – More Plates More Dates Mind Pump #553: Elliott Hulse Talks Fitness With Mind Pump David Schultz Slaps Reporter (1988) News - Is Wrestling Fake Kanye West praises Hitler while wearing hood during Alex Jones interview Balenciaga addresses controversial ad campaign - nypost.com Apple limited a crucial AirDrop function in China just weeks before protests Dropping Like Coin Prices: 3 Crypto Billionaires Have Died in the Last Month Watch Ghislaine Maxwell: Filthy Rich | Netflix Official Site Could Apple Really Buy Disney? | The Motley Fool 'Scary' ChatGPT could render Google obsolete in two years All-In Podcast E106: SBF's media strategy, FTX culpability, ChatGPT, SaaS slowdown & more What You Should Know Before Using the Lensa AI App Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of samples collected globally in the 20th and 21st centuries  Wellness + Wisdom Podcast - Sal Di Stefano On Fatherhood: How Society Glorifies Staying Single By Shaming Mothers Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1142: Nine Signs You Are Overtraining MAPS Strong   MAPS Symmetry Prime Bundle MAPS Starter   MAPS Prime Webinar Mind Pump #1827: The 3 Best Rep Ranges To Build Muscle & Burn Fat Mind Pump x NCI Mind Pump #1942: Lose Fat, Perform Better & Live Forever With Jason Phillips MAPS 15 Minutes Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Liver King (@liverking) Instagram Vigorous Steve (@vigoroussteve) Instagram Derek (@moreplatesmoredates) Instagram Elliott Hulse (@elliotthulse) Instagram   Jon Call (@jujimufu) Instagram Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Joe De Sena (@realjoedesena) Instagram Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered live caller's questions. But this was after a 65 minute introductory conversation. We talk about fitness,
Starting point is 00:00:25 current events, our live studies, and much more. By the way, you can check the show notes for time stamps if you want to fast forward to your favorite part. Also, you want to be on an episode like this one live, email your question to live at minepumpmedia.com. This episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Live On Labs. They make supplements and nutrients
Starting point is 00:00:44 that utilize pharmaceutical grade delivery technology, like pulsomal technology. This stuff gets to the target tissues. So you don't just get expensive P. It's vitamins and minerals you take that your body uses. Go check this company out. It's live on labs. That's livonlabs.com forward slash mine pump.
Starting point is 00:01:03 And right now you get a free sample pack of all six supplements with any purchase. This episode was also brought to you by Caldera Lab. They make skincare products that are natural, that reduce inflammation, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. If you're wondering why we all look so amazing on camera, it's Caldera Labs. That's true story. Go check this company out. Go to calderalab.com, the C-A-L-D-E-R-A lab.com, forward slash mine pump. Use the code mine pump for 20% off your first order of the good serum. Also, we got a sale going on right now.
Starting point is 00:01:34 We have a at home holiday bundle. These are all programs that could be done at home with minimal workout equipment. Check this out. Maps anywhere, map suspension, map prime, and the no BS six pack formula normally would retail for $338. We'll check this out. Get all of them in the at home holiday bundle for $99.99. That's it. One payment and you get all those programs. Huge, huge promotion. Go check it out. Go to mapsdyssember.com. All right,
Starting point is 00:02:04 here comes the show. All right, check this out. When you buy supplements, one thing is more important than all the other things. One factor, you should pay attention to the most. Does this supplement company provide third party testing? Is it regulated through a third party company? If you don't have that, the odds are,
Starting point is 00:02:25 it's like a 50-50 chance, the supplement doesn't have what it says it has in it or it may have heavy metals or toxicities or other crap. By the way, this isn't just me saying this, study after study on supplements, shows this, improves this, supplement companies cannot be trusted unless they provide testing.
Starting point is 00:02:44 You think it's the most important? It is. Because if you look at the data, whenever they do studies on supplements, I'll mention two of them. There was one done a long time ago on protein powders and heavy metal toxicity. And it was like seven out of 10 of them had potentially toxic levels of heavy metals in their product.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Then there was another study where they took, I think it was 10 or 12 bottles, random bottles of supplements at, I think it was Walmart or somewhere, and it was like nine of them either didn't have what they said they had in them, didn't have as much as what they said, or had other undisclosed random spike demeanages in there. Ingredients. And it's like every single time that you a study like this, it's not like, first of all, a 10% would be terrible. Imagine any other market where 10% of the products you're gonna get are lying to you.
Starting point is 00:03:33 It's like, it's always like 50% or more. So it's like, it's rampant. So regardless of all the other things you need to look for in supplements, and I'm not saying, there are other factors that are important. But this has got to be one of the most important for sure, because the odds that you're getting something that's got stuff that's bad for you, doesn't have what it says. And it's basically, the odds you get ripped off are pretty damn high.
Starting point is 00:03:55 So look for that third party testing. Which you say is a rule of thumb that it is dangerous then to buy the cheapest supplement. You know, because of the third party testing, like there's no way. I would be more skeptical for sure. Yeah. There's no way if you were doing third party testing that you would be able to out compete
Starting point is 00:04:16 to people that are not. Yeah, because you take a product like protein, creatine, some of these basic branching amino acids, whatever, and you are shopping on Amazon, and you find the cheapest one, the likelihood that their third party tested, I would say, is probably not likely, right? Yeah, there's this false perception that the supplement companies have kind of created. And it's partially driven by consumers. And that is that product A is exactly like product B
Starting point is 00:04:46 and the only difference is the price. So it's like, it's not like buying electronics. Like if I get an iPhone at this place or an iPhone at that place, they're identical. It's the same model, same everything. Then I'm just gonna look at the price because what's the difference, right? And supplement companies promote this by saying like,
Starting point is 00:05:02 we also are way protein or our pre workout also has the same ingredients or we also sell this medicinal mushroom mix or cretin or whatever. But look how much cheaper our product is. Look at the servings, look at the price per serving. So why don't you just go with us. That's quite false because you're right. Getting this testing, like if a company wants to have
Starting point is 00:05:29 their party testing that says, that certifies that it is indeed free from synthetic pesticides. So it says organic, but here's the testing that shows that for sure is organic. Here's the testing that shows that it's glyphosate residue free, which is a whole nother level of testing. Or here's the testing that says that it's glyphosate residue-free, which is a whole nother level of testing. Or here's the testing that says that our products are free from impurities or heavy metals,
Starting point is 00:05:50 which seem to be pretty prevalent. That costs money to do that kind of stuff to test these batches. So, it's probably going to, it definitely will make your product more expensive. Now, would you say in terms of like a quick cross reference of these companies like examine.com, is that like your best bet in terms of like being able to see whether or not they did the testing and you verify? No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I think so. No, examine.com is a great website, by the way, if you haven't, if people watching haven't been there, but examine.com looks at examined studies based off of ingredients, but it doesn't say this supplement company, but the supplement company itself should provide this. Oh, they will. If they're third party tested, they're doing any of the other tests,
Starting point is 00:06:29 they'll usually market it on the way way. Yeah, because it's a small upside. Yeah, and if not, you can contact them, send them email and say, who tests, you know, what regulatory agency, what private agency regulates your product? I mean, isn't that part of the reason why organifies on the higher end as far as, because they're doing multiple like third party tests, right? So you have the regular third party tested to fact check.
Starting point is 00:06:52 That's organic, then it's glyphosate residue free, then they test for heavy metals and that kind of stuff. So yeah, I mean, that's gonna make something more expensive because by the way, I'm not advocating for government regulation. I think that's, you know, because sometimes people think that the alternative means perfect. No, listen, this is the best way to do it. If you're a consumer and you don't care and you're willing to take the chance and, you
Starting point is 00:07:15 know, to save $5 on a product that that's in there in a, in a super risky, unregulated market like supplements, then biomains go for it, or you're willing to spend the extra five bucks to make sure that you're getting a great product. Do you know how many markets speak? Do you know, there was another study where they took libido enhancing pills or whatever quote unquote boner pills, right?
Starting point is 00:07:37 Help you with your erection. And on the bottles, they'll be like, oh, this has these herbs in it, and then they tested them. Do you know how many of them has had viagra in it? Like medications had actual pharmaceutical medications in the pills. And people didn't even know about it. Someone may be thinking, well, that whatever,
Starting point is 00:07:54 who cares about that? No, no, no. Those medications could, they could have interactions with other things that you're taking, other medications, it could cause problems. Like, you wanna know what you're taking says that, you know cause problems. Like you wanna know what you're taking says that, you know, has what it says that it has.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Especially if it's something you take on a daily basis, like we'll talk about heavy metals. If you take a, you know, one or two scoops of protein powder, you know, five days a week, let's say. And it's got higher levels of mercury or lead in it than it's supposed to. You might not notice for a little while, but then all of a sudden, after a year or two
Starting point is 00:08:27 of supplementing with it, you're getting anxious or you feel like shit and you don't know what's going on, you go to the doctor and a doctor isn't gonna write out the gates to a heavy metal test on you. They just typically don't do that. So now you're gonna the doctor, you're like, I'm anxious, I don't feel good, they're like, okay, let's put you on an anti-exhidim medication, let's put you on an anti-anxiety medication,
Starting point is 00:08:45 or let's put you on an antidepressant. And you kind of feel better because you're treating a symptom and you're still taking this protein and you're still building up this toxic level. Well, wasn't there a pre workout that got busted or popped for the speed being in there for the last? Yeah, there was some interesting parts. There's a few things to say.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I know it's funny about that, is there some people who are like, ooh, I want it more because of course. Of course, yeah. But I mean, I'm telling you, when you look at the whole supplement market, there's a lot of factors that consider, there's a lot of supplements out there that do nothing, even if they have what they say they have,
Starting point is 00:09:15 it's like a waste of time. But every single time, I remember the first time I saw this, I was shocked. I'm like, oh my God, that's terrible. And then another study came out. Another study came out. Another study came out. I don't remember time I saw this, I was shocked. I'm like, oh my God, that's terrible. And then another study came out. Another study came out. Another study came out. And then I remember what company it was.
Starting point is 00:09:27 It got busted for amino acid spiking because they said that there was 30 grams of protein per scoop, but it was actually 15 or something like that. Now knowing which more and more, I'm like, oh my God, this is super rampant. Knowing what you know about supplements today, do you think that if you had all that same knowledge and wisdom, if you went back to your,
Starting point is 00:09:46 you know, 15, 16 year old, so do you think you would have not spent the money on supplement? Totally. You would. I would have been more careful, and I would have spent it on stuff that was more efficacious. I, you know, as a kid, I just fell for every single promise, every single, you know, ad that I read, and the more it looked like it could like pack muscle on. I might have bought so much crap. Oh, I thought multivitamins did a lot for you
Starting point is 00:10:09 because the whole cold get. Yeah. Take your vitamins. That's how you got so massive. Yeah. It's obvious. You know what? You bring up a really good point.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Yeah. And that is that, and we just, you know, it's funny. It's like power association. Yeah, like if you talk to somebody and you say, hey, if a super rip looking or a beautiful looking person who is obviously either genetically gifted, like crazy genetically gifted or on tons of performance enhancing drugs or whatever,
Starting point is 00:10:37 if that person is telling you to take this because that's the way that's why they look the way they do, like take our vitamin C supplement and then you'll get 21 in charge, I was like me. Everybody's gonna be like, yeah, that's full of crap. And they do. Like take our vitamin C supplement and then you'll get 21 in charge, I was like, me, everybody's gonna be like, yeah, that's full of crap. And yet, it's with cell products. You consistently sells products.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Not at all. I tell people all the time, don't base your judgment because the person selling it to you looks super crazy, shredded or jacked. Like that's not really a good way to judge. The crazy part about it, that's, I think that's interesting
Starting point is 00:11:04 about human psychology is the fact that you could still know all that and yet still get rationally, logically, like your brain like processes it, like, there's no way, but also dude looks impressive. Well look what, look what I think, I mean, I predict is going to happen with the liver king. You have somebody who, you know, blatantly, I was shocked when
Starting point is 00:11:25 that came out. Let me tell you. That of us were by the way. The reason why we didn't talk about it very much is because it's just like, come on. You know, but the part, see, the now the part that I think is so interesting or in that, that I do think is fascinating to talk about is that he's on him. He blatantly lied tons of times. And I still think that he is going to massively benefit financially. Still going forward. Now, do you think he's going to, oh, so you think it's not going to hurt him at all? Oh, no, I absolutely will, but if you were to go about case, so his trajectory is going to not be like, in 2009, and these are, these are just made up numbers. I don't know, I don't have his exact
Starting point is 00:12:02 PNLs and no, but I know that he has touted that he makes over a hundred million dollars a year and something. Although I will say this, do you think he might have been lying about how many millions of dollars he was making? I definitely think he's lying when he says that his new persona and character has minimally to not affected his business at all. That's full of shit. Because he said that, you know, the right. But what if his numbers are correct? What do you believe about him and what he said? Yeah, you're right. You're making up the numbers because $100 million.
Starting point is 00:12:30 You're right. Well, that's a revel, irrelevant to my point. Sure. So that's just a stupid question. Yeah, that's irrelevant to my point that I'm making. So let's say it doesn't matter if it's 50, 110, it doesn't matter what it is. My point is that he increased his percentage of revenue
Starting point is 00:12:44 by so much by becoming this character. Okay, so for sure. So I'm going to say, I'm going to say he 300, you know, 300% increase in revenues by becoming the liver king. So even let's say he had lots of success even before, then he becomes this character who goes around lying and does all this, he's gimmicks to get all this attention. And I'm going to say his product is now selling 300% plus more. I don't care what he says, I'm sure it is, more since he's created this character. And I absolutely think he'll take a hit,
Starting point is 00:13:15 but the hit's gonna look like 30%. You take 30% from it. So you're saying overall. So overall. It was in terms of the revenue, it was positive. Not to mention something about us, we love redemption stories. And so he'll take an initial 30% hit of people that will feel, you know, lied to and cheated, mad, and they'll stomp their feet and then
Starting point is 00:13:40 they'll buy from somebody else that they get sold to. And then they'll never get those customers again. But then there's a percentage of people, one, who won't give a fuck. And then two, there's a percentage of people that, and I see it if you actually look at his apology on YouTube that say, I like him even more now. They like him more now.
Starting point is 00:13:57 So, and I think he knew the entire time. I think he went into it when you read the emails that the correspondence back and forth of the guy that he was inquired about. By the way, you know that the guy is not too authentic about any of the redemptive side of it though. That's the thing. I just look at it as a reflection of where we are a society.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Well, I mean, I agree, Justin, there's, there's the same thing. But I agree that every Marvel story and made up thing we watch on television yet we all line up, you know, to sit down and watch all this. Did you see that the person, the coach or whatever that email came from came out? Instead it was me. No, I know that I saw. So I got sucked. I cannot believe that I watched an hour of this, but I was I was so intrigued by the story from what's Derek's last name from more plates more dates.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yeah, whatever his last name is. John's turn or something like that? No, it's not Derek John's gonna make a little less. I think you're just a common name. He Smith puts out really good content. And he did like a one hour video on like he broke down every email, but he had it all blank. He had the, he protected the name of the actual coach. So you're saying the coach
Starting point is 00:15:05 I got him out. Oh, I didn't know that so first of all what makes me laugh is he find it for me? Doug I didn't know that so what's funny about this is this space Why does everybody have a weird name? So we had liver king and the coach that he wrote to his name is vigorous Steve I swear to God, Doug look up vigorous Steve link it like Joey shoul and the other Devices See man, we need names. We fucked up. We don't know why do we have nicknames super Yeah, we're so late. Yeah, the wonder were not as popular. I'll be sports ball. Sal We we we we're the Adam. Yeah, and then KC Cool names, huh? Did you that's because we're making fun of the whole thing? Did you find this guy? Doug?
Starting point is 00:15:45 Yeah, I'm seeing he has like a YouTube channel. He does. He's actually a really smart guy talks about I imagine the answering drugs. Did you, okay, so did you know? I think it's really funny because, you know, more plates, more dates, Derek, right? It was, has been following this whole thing
Starting point is 00:16:00 and he's been reporting on liver king since the beginning of him and likes, because everyone wanted to know because he talks so much. God, I hate the gossip side of fitness. I really do. It's so painful to talk about. It really is like a who gives a fuck kind of a thing, but there's, I mean, he's making money hand over fists and so you kind of have to acknowledge it.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Well, the only reason why, I mean, because we didn't talk about it before. The only reason why I talk about it now is because we have enough people that I actually want to hear our opinion on. Yeah. I think it's true. Like, we are not the type to jump on the bandwagon of like, you know, this title is not. Who's NADdy or not, you know? No, let me take another thing.
Starting point is 00:16:33 I mean, I hesitated to even bring it up, you know, for as long as I did because what also annoys me is, and we have friends in the space that do this is that as he's going viral and trending, everybody is making videos. friends in the space that do this is that as he's going viral and trending everybody is making videos. It's the freaking on-the-a-blood side of fitness. Yeah, so annoying. It helps nobody.
Starting point is 00:16:51 So I don't like that. So I mean, this is the guy right here. That's vigorous Steve right there. Yeah, so he's... And the guy, I mean, the guy is really smart. I've seen some of his stuff. And vigorous. Really, really smart dude.
Starting point is 00:17:02 I don't know what they call him vigorous Steve. That's gonna make me up. Interesting, I just... But, Really, really smart dinner. Why the call of Vigorus Steve? It's gonna be up. Interesting, I just. But, yeah, I hate this. So, I mean, I guess we could tell people, like when liver king was making his rounds, all in every podcast before it's all came out, like we had opportunities to go after him and get him in our show.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yeah, they reached out. We said no. We're like, yeah, no. It's so dumb. It's just the side show. I hate the side of fitness. I hate the caricatures. I hate the side of fitness. I hate the caricatures. I hate the gossip side of fitness.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Now that being said, this helps no one. It's garbage. And I want the consumers. I'm trying to get consumers to stop judging a product because they have someone that looks a particular way saying, this is great because that's almost never the case. It's almost never the case that that's actually what's happening. Leverking obviously doesn't look the way he does because he takes desiccated liver tablets
Starting point is 00:17:49 or whatever else. I mean, but it's been the formula since the beginning of time. I mean, when you look at every, you look at all the biggest, most popular bodybuilding magazines and most of the pro bodybuilders make a majority, they're money pedaling supplements that many of them don't even take. You know, you go through a muscle fitness magazine
Starting point is 00:18:12 and I guarantee you'll see at least a handful of branch chain amino acids with paired with Mr. Olympia. Yeah, I think it just reminds us it's never gonna go away. Yeah, and especially especially with the waste trainers and the pills, the diet pills, and all these things that they're just always gonna resurface and it's like a cyclical thing.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Somebody else will like pedal it in a new way and pretend that this is all the result of some magical. What is it about us that wants? Well, let me ask you guys this. So, because this, I'll tell you what the most powerful, I guess, selling, or the most powerful tactic that I encounter by far is a personal anecdote. If Justin comes to me and says,
Starting point is 00:18:58 hey, I took, you know, bull testicle extract and bro, I got so strong on it and I know that that is garbage. I'm going to be very, very compelled to try it because it was just because I know Justin. So that's super powerful. The social amenities. Yeah, especially if you know the person, then there's the anecdote online. That's obviously very powerful. There's a reason why mine pump has almost never, I don't even think we've ever done before and
Starting point is 00:19:23 after pictures of we got a lot of before and after people lots of people who follow our programs and have transformed their bodies, but we know that it what kind of I guess what it perpetuates and what pushes and also feeds into the part of the space that we hate part of it, which is the you know hey look at this guy that's this is why you should buy this product, but it's very effective, it sells, like crazy. So now I'll tell you what, when I was a kid, I quickly moved from the buff guys telling me to take this to, and they still would sell me this way because it wasn't a real scientific study,
Starting point is 00:19:58 but there were ads where they pretended to be scientific. This is how this protein breaks down and then I would get sold on something like that. But yeah, I wish people would just, I wish consumers would change a little bit because then this would, a liver king wouldn't exist if everybody saw him for what he was,
Starting point is 00:20:13 which is just, He interesting part is that he knew. I don't know what his exact numbers were, but he was successful before all this. I mean, he already had multiple companies that were, Yeah, I don't know to what level. I mean, obviously he claims that it was making a lot more. But I mean, he had enough to afford a huge ranch
Starting point is 00:20:30 and a lifestyle where he could come and go as he wants. I mean, it's got a nice place. So he wasn't broke by any means. I mean, talk about the level of greed that you have to have to have already created that kind of success, probably doing it the right way. Imagine being his kids, you know what I mean? They go, oh, there's dad.
Starting point is 00:20:45 He's pooping in the backyard again. He said he would do that. You ever hear him talk about that? And then he would wipe. Worrying a lion's mane around his head and no shirt all the time picking me up from school. You imagine that. That would drive you to school dad.
Starting point is 00:20:59 You imagine if he was your neighbor, like, oh, God. There he is a kid. So, it's so great. You know, when we did the live event and people were talking to me about our business and the things that, you know, that we all do, you know, like each one of us outside of the podcast, what we like and what we don't like. And I tell you, still to this day,
Starting point is 00:21:19 my least favorite thing to do is to talk to the camera, whether it be through Instagram stories or through YouTube. Pretend like I'm talking to millions of people when I'm only talking to a single video kids standing across from me. And the part that I find so difficult is if you've done this enough, you quickly realize that the more animated, the more you project and act more unnatural you act yeah the more it's it's
Starting point is 00:21:50 Received on the other side on the other side and and and plays better when you're like when you overly it does It really does remember you and it sucks because it's so inauthentic and does. Remember you. And it sucks because it's so inauthentic. And you, you know, being your authentic self in front of the camera like that, it just is not entertaining. And it doesn't get eyeballs. And it does. And so it's always been that way. I've had so much resistance doing that because of that. And so because I know that firsthand, when I see any of these characters that are viral, that have millions of followers because of this persona, I instantly know that like either one, this person can't be like this.
Starting point is 00:22:33 They're not like that all the time. And if they are, they're stuck in that character, i.e., like Elliott holds some people like that that we've met, that couldn't turn it off, right? It couldn't be normal. It's like, dude, you're not recording a YouTube video. We interviewed him and then we were done with the podcast and he kept talking about it. You know, this is why I do what I'm like. So I actually, so I invite now,
Starting point is 00:22:54 we turned down originally, Liverpool King, but I actually reached out to him just recently and invited him on because I want to fucking see if he does that. And if he does that, I'm gonna call his shit out on the podcast because that's what annoys me. It's like, I'd have more respect if you act normal and you tell me, like, yeah, this is a complete character.
Starting point is 00:23:14 I created this person. Like when he puts on the like, lines man, then it becomes a character, but it takes it off. He's like, what's up guys? How you doing? Right. You know, my name is John Smith, or whatever his name is, you know, I would have way more respect.
Starting point is 00:23:24 I'd have way more respect if we could have a real conversation and you admit that like, yeah, this is a persona, this is a character. Yes, I'm acting on this. No, I'm not like this. Even if there are some truths, right? I'm sure the guy does. You know what's funny about this is that I think, you know, who proved that you can do that? WW back he's called WWF and now it's WWW wrestlers. Back in the 80s, there was everybody speculated that wrestling was quote unquote fake in the sense that it was scripted, right? Everybody speculated. And then it came out that it was indeed scripted.
Starting point is 00:24:00 In fact, God, what was his name? There was a reporter, I can't remember his name off the top of my head right now, but he actually went backstage. Jimmy Hart? No, it was a putt. You remember him? No, he was. I do.
Starting point is 00:24:14 John Stossel. Doug, maybe you can look this up on YouTube. John Stossel gets slapped by Pro-Ressler. He went backstage. This was in the 90s, early 90s. This one, he was like a reporter. And he goes up to, I don't remember who it was, it was big restaurants, big, like a real reporter. He's a real reporter. He goes, hey, you know, people are saying, resting fake, it's fake, it's totally fake and then the restaurant looked at him and he goes, is this fake and he fucking smacks him hard, knocks him on the ground. And John Stoss was like, oh, and apparently he got he suffered like permanent year damage
Starting point is 00:24:55 But anyway, my point is it came out that it was scripted it stopped being kind of an open secret and they didn't lose sales They're tickets still crushed. They still by the way, it's scripted But they're still hitting each other still jumping off shit and landing. Yeah, yeah. So my point is, like, like, like, like, like, Juju Mufu came on our podcast. We just lean more into the entertainment side of it. Yeah, remember Juju Mufu sports. Juju Mufu came on our podcast. He was like a normal dude. That's what we liked to us. Yeah, we liked him because he's like this engineer.
Starting point is 00:25:14 He was a engineer, engineer, engineer, a version of that. Nerd-y dude who is like totally normal. And then he puts on this character when he gets on his genuinely excited to do these crazy feats, right? He's like, you know, he gets like pumped up about like, you know, setting it up and like shooting it and trying like to push himself to do all these like crazy, like superhuman
Starting point is 00:25:40 things. Who's that restaurant at that time? Ted DiViasi? No, no, no, a million dollar, man. No, no, no, Doug, you couldn't find it on YouTube. I'm looking for it. That is, oh, the wrestler's name, it's, is it Ted? No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:25:55 It's bigger than Ted. Not a million dollar, man. Dr. D David Schultz, let's, yeah. Is that right? Okay, well, here, did you get it? I mean, okay, so along these lines, those sound like, so okay, so like, what do you think of somebody like the rock?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Right, yeah. Oh, that he changes his name to the rock? Well, no, just, no, just, okay. So he's loved by so many people that I mean, I believe he has a chance to run for president at one point, but I also believe that that dude is in character still. Oh, for sure. Of course. For sure. He, for sure. Of course.
Starting point is 00:26:25 For sure. He acts like it. He totally acts like it. And so, like we just think about it. But I mean, I mean, that's the millions of people that are in love with him as a person that we would probably vote him into presidency. And we will.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah, but hold on. Let me tell you why that's not a good comparison because, what do you mean? Acting to politics, the same shit. Yeah, yeah. All politicians are acting, you know what I mean?? Oh, yeah, yeah, all politicians are acting You know I mean yeah, no, that's like that's it's David Schultz. So David Schultz I don't remember who that guy was he was a big what was his name in that that guy right now watch this I remember this
Starting point is 00:26:57 I remember this you remember That's something He doesn't get watch. Does this look fake? Cachow on the ground again. He runs away. He runs away. He runs away. He runs away.
Starting point is 00:27:11 How long was he was sued for that? A lot. A lot. I guess he'd suffered from permanent, like, because I remember being those. Every reporter had the best mustache back then. You know what I'm saying? We had somebody at our event that had a hell of good
Starting point is 00:27:23 stash like that. You see them? I mentioned that I commented they did. We had somebody at our event that had a hell of good stash like that, you see them? Oh yeah. I mentioned I commented on it. If you're mustache covers your lip, like you should get a prize. That's what I think. You have a capacity.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I could do that. Yeah, you got a good mustache genetics. That's it. And I don't. My mustache naturally separates them in a little Luigi or Hitler. It's like opposite. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Yeah. Wait, minute. Yeah. Wait, I can't do that. He said Luigi. He said Luigi. I racist. He said, I racist. He said, I racist. He said, I racist.
Starting point is 00:27:54 I speak you to Hitler. I, I, I, I Lord Kanye, I tried to defend you for a while there. I just, he's lost his mind. Oh, man. Do you remember what I said? I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,. Do you remember what I said, Rocker? Do you remember what I said about him being in a, in a, in a manic state? It's, he's clearly manic. Oh, I can't, I can't, I can't. Well, okay, so I know it's a conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 00:28:11 And this is not defending him. This is not defending him, but maybe he's not manic. Maybe he is not manic. Well, so the other, the other theory is that he is just saying outland is shit to try and get attention. Like, I mean, that intentionally saying outland is shit because it's what's going viral. Well, you give celebrities so much credit
Starting point is 00:28:28 every time they do something stupid, you're always like, they're doing it to get famous or make more money. I don't think they're crazy. I don't think it's giving them credit. I think they're so narcissistic. They know how to play the game better than anybody. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:28:40 That's not a bad point. Yeah, I don't think it's, I don't think it's kidding. It does fall into that category of narcissistic. Oh my God, you're insane. Does it become self, I don't think it's, I don't think it's, I don't think it's, he does fall in that category. Huh? He is a bit narcissistic. Oh my God. You know what I'm saying? Does he call himself, like, yeah, Jesus? You know, see if I can guess. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I mean, I really believe, I mean, you want to talk about people that have been smelling their farts the most, like nobody does that more than celebrities do. And if you're really good and you're at the top, you know how to play the game. Yeah, well, he was diagnosed with some mental disorders before that was disclosed and he does exhibit. He made Alex Jones look nervous, dude.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Oh, that was, that was hilarious. How do you make Alex Jones come back and be like, like, like, condemned basically everything he got on his show. Well, he was on the show. I say some crazy conspiracy. He shit, but nothing like that. This is ridiculous. So let me ask you guys this.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Let's create a conspiracy theory right now, right? So Kanye already a little off before, I'm not talking about right now, now he went full. He went all the way on the deep end, but always a little off, right? But maybe he was saying some shit that was a little bit like it was kind of like urking, you know, the people, the puppeteers,
Starting point is 00:29:49 people pulling the strings. And someone like that, it's not hard to push him over the edge a little bit, right? It's not hard to like, when he goes to pick up his medications, he's given the wrong medication, or send them, keep massing of them. Subliminal messages, or just press him
Starting point is 00:30:02 because you know he's gonna break, you know what I'm saying? So what if that's what's going on? Just well I mean look the last thing I dropped about the video games like it look how easy it is for them to just put Those subliminal messaging and and things within what you're watching totally now What if what if he what if he's just trying to get his much crazy attention? So he can bring light to some other crazy shit like what's going on with blincy auger What if you like to bring light to some other crazy shit. Like, what's going on with Blincyaga? What if he had to bring light to that, it came out. Yeah, it didn't come out if it wasn't for him.
Starting point is 00:30:30 What do you mean, the ads? You can tell about everything else he said. Bro, that nobody was, nobody was barking and talking about that until he came out first and the whole Blincyaga, him and Adidas and all that stuff came out. Wait, what's that? And then, those crazy ads, nobody was looking at me. Nobody was talking about that.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Nobody. That sucks. It all came out after his falling out with Blenciaga and then that came out Dude, I think it's that shit's been going on forever behind the scenes with them You don't think that was like we think it was art made up fucking just last week Like that had been going on behind the scenes. I'm baffled by like the The type of selective outrage. Yes in terms of Yes, what we get upset about. Bro, why aren't we not more upset about like kids
Starting point is 00:31:09 like being like portrayed in certain ways that in front of petafide? Yes, you got like you'll have somebody who will tweet something and say something about climate change and everybody's gonna cancel them. Then you got this like obscene bullshit with kids, which by the way, I need to say this real quick, who the fuck are these kids parents?
Starting point is 00:31:27 Who are these kids parents? What kind of disgusting parents? The same that like bust them into, to hang out with Michael Jackson. Like how depressing disgusting and shitty of a parent are you? That's different I think. To have your kid take a picture of a parent.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Yeah, that's different. I mean, that's bad too, but I mean, you watched that doc, did you not watch the doc or do you, did you get a lot of it? Yeah, I did watch it. I did watch it and I too, but I mean, you watched that doc. Did you not watch the doc or did you, did you get a lot of it? I did watch it. Like some parents got really, they got rude. You know what I'm saying? Like you, you got,
Starting point is 00:31:51 Yeah, they're star chasers and they wanted to put up their kid. But like at the end of the day, you knew what he was about, dude, and you're letting them hang out, like by themselves. Yeah. That's a bad pair. I mean, this is even worse though. That is, what I think is crazy back to your,
Starting point is 00:32:04 you know, selective outrage is that how many people are giving Kim Kardashian a pass. She's making two million plus a year off of Blancy Ovid. She when this all came out was silent for like four or five days. Dude, just cut your ties and then comes out and puts this like total piece, you know, PC type of like tweet in response to it, trying to like dance both sides, and then she keeps her fucking partnership. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:32:29 And how are people, like how are you don't have enough money? Right. She's already, she's ridiculously rich. It's like you, like one of us passing on one of our smallest sponsors, because we found out something about it that's paying us for can dirt money.
Starting point is 00:32:41 And you, and then we'd still stick with them. Yeah. Like what the fuck? No, I don't know. Makes no sense. Then well, it does if you think that there's other connections and shit that it can lead to. Well, speaking of connections and this kind of brings me into another like interesting kind of conspiracy flow. So there was a guy that was a crypto magazine that you get.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Where is this magazine? You know, people send me a mail. I got they they know I'm a lot. You know what Justin? Before you say that, I want to comment something on the selective outrage. Did you guys know that Apple in China, because there's a bunch of protests going on in China, like a lot, Apple disabled their air drop
Starting point is 00:33:13 and disabled ways of sharing in China to prevent citizens from communicating about the protests in China. It's awful, man. You know that they were told by the Chinese government to do that. Apple. Yeah, nobody gives a shit.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Bro, I had Apple news to talk about, and you transition just okay. I want to hear what he's gonna Go back to the pink paw and then we'll go Waiting cuz I wanted to talk about we had such a smooth thing going on Yeah, so this guy is a crypto billionaire, right? Apparently like puts out a tweet that like you know C.I. Missod whatever like they're on to me and You know like I may not make it through the night like, you know, CIA, Mossad, whatever, like they're on to me and, you know, like I may not make it through the night. I forget the tweet.
Starting point is 00:33:48 It was like something along those lines and then basically they find him, quote unquote, drowned. And cause he was trying to expose like in Puerto Rico and like all this like child trafficking and stuff. And so he's dead. And like he literally like was tweeting about it beforehand to kind of announce to people like, hey, pay attention.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Like I won't kill myself. Yeah, and I'm not gonna kill, like that kind of thing. And then he drowns conveniently. And he just drowns, yeah. How was that, I don't even see how that's a conspiracy theory? I mean, if someone said to tweet right, that I'm not going to kill myself,
Starting point is 00:34:19 and what I do, and they do, it's because they're scared to death and then they get killed like, how much more, and those are the ones I pay attention to, right? It's like, it's not, it's because they're scared to death and then they get killed like how much more At those are the ones I pay attention to right? It's like it's it's not it's it's kind of like well This is this is just like I'm I'm I'm paying attention and I'm watching how things are transpiring did either one of you guys Actually it watched the just lane series on Netflix. No. Oh, yeah, what I know It's crazy guys. I know you told me about I haven't seen really it's on Netflix It's already past conspiracy now.
Starting point is 00:34:46 It's like people know. We're into the shit that no. We're in the underground stuff. Yeah, yeah, no, I see that. No, it's worth watch. I'm only like halfway through it, but it was, it's interesting to see what she came from and then how she got into, got into all that and everything
Starting point is 00:34:59 with that, but I want, we can talk about it after you guys. Watch it, but Apple. Here's some Apple rumors. Yes. Um, they have potential, like you heard of the shakeup at Disney, right, with Iger and, and uh, yes, so the CEO came back. Yes. And he is one of the ones that is most likely to potentially sell
Starting point is 00:35:22 Disney. The, the rumor is that Apple may be the one buying Disney. Imagine the power of the two of them. I mean, they would, if you combine their forces, they now would have a third of like the streaming power when you can. That's true. And by the way, this is moving in the direction
Starting point is 00:35:43 of what I said for the longest time that eventually there'll be like monopolies that will have all the streaming services. We won't have all this all a card. It's not gonna last. And this is the speculation is that just like what happened in the phone business, right? At one point we had like 10 different types of cell phone, cell phone companies, AT&T, the single,
Starting point is 00:36:01 all these different ones that we had. There's like three now. So the same thing's gonna happen in streaming. Like I said at the beginning, is we can have all this all a cart right now, and then now the big monsters are gonna team up so they can have control of that many people. So I'm confused with the whole Disney thing
Starting point is 00:36:17 because it's always back and forth, like oh, they're hurting because of like, the last numbers of this movie flop or their parks aren't really like back up to what they're running. And then I'll hear like completely opposite information like, oh, they're crushing it. And they're strung. Disney just, okay, Disney got hurt. Like they had rough, some rough times.
Starting point is 00:36:35 But they were, I mean, Disney to me is still up there with Apple as far as strong like good business models, good companies. Like, it's funny. We have these tech companies that aren't even profitable, that we value at billions of dollars as I'm talking about how amazing they are. And they're not even like cash rich. And then you have companies like Apple
Starting point is 00:36:52 that are extremely cash rich, but Disney's cash rich. I mean, they are literally collecting tickets in their parlor, selling merchandise. They have, I mean, they are... So a couple of things about that. First is that it wouldn't be a monopoly, a real monopoly. No, it's not exactly a monopoly. You're just is that it wouldn't be a monopoly, a real monopoly.
Starting point is 00:37:05 No, it's not exactly a monopoly. You're just saying that there's gonna be bigger companies. Sure, but remember, this is unlimited bandwidth because we're talking about internet. So unlike other spaces that are heavily regulated where there's high barriers to enter into the market, that's where you see much more of these massive companies
Starting point is 00:37:26 gobbling up smaller ones. Listen, my argument isn't about, I'm not like trying to tell everybody worry about a monopoly. My point is that that's what I saw very beginning. It would go that way. That eventually a couple smart big companies would get together and be like, listen together,
Starting point is 00:37:40 we can dominate this. And that's what you're gonna see. Yeah, sure. You'll see some combinations. You're gonna continue to see lots of, look, I'll tell you what, one of the biggest mistakes people make with markets, especially ones that are open, is they say,
Starting point is 00:37:50 oh, this company is never going anywhere. There's no way that they could possibly get beat, and we always see this every single time that that actually is not true. For example, there's that new AI bot that people are talking about right now, the startup company, they're saying you can't even tell that it's an AI bought that's talking to you and they're saying this will overtake Google Google
Starting point is 00:38:12 Nobody would ever dare to say that. Yeah, but I see okay I don't they say it's gonna take over Google but Google is also leading in that in that technology and in that space And they have some of the best of the best when it comes to engineers. So, they're saying, I don't know, I mean, some of the smartest people in the space are saying it. You know, I have a cousin who works for you, I have a cousin who works for you.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Well, I think, okay, so I think the people that are saying that, I'll all in discuss that on the last, all in podcast. And what they're saying is not so much that it's gonna take over the company, Google, it's how we search through Google is what it looks like. That's what I mean, but Google could still own it. So Google could create that technology and they're already the leaders in search with YouTube and Google that they're most likely to be the ones to take advantage of that technology. Not another company that's going to surpass. I mean, we'll see because that's what we said with social media. At one point Facebook was so big and so strong.
Starting point is 00:39:02 And then they, you know, and then TikTok came and then, you know, other other social was so big and so strong, and then TikTok came, and then other social media companies came. So I think it's gonna be very interesting. I think if we see a lot of regulation where we make the barriers into the market, really really high, that's when you're gonna see these companies stick around forever.
Starting point is 00:39:20 But it's such a big bandwidth. It's really interesting. It's almost impossible to predict how companies stick around because we can't predict innovation. It's really interesting. It's no it's it's almost impossible to predict how a company to stick around because we can't predict innovation Like it's hard for me like we can't sit here and think What's the next crazy invention or innovative thing that's gonna happen? I mean if we could then we would be the ones we're seeing like more more AI kind of coming in and
Starting point is 00:39:39 Creating things with art and with music and now with search engines and things. It's interesting to see where we're gonna be in a couple years. You see that, what is it, Jenna? I think it's the app or whatever that everyone's doing right now. What is that? And I think you said something off-air
Starting point is 00:39:55 that I totally agree with is like, I'm so hesitant to just jump on the bandwagon of stuff like this with people are so funny, how quick they do. After that face one, that was, that was, I just feel like they're gonna take all my pictures and all my shit off my phone just like that old like age you app. Yeah the one from like Russia. Aren't we funny creatures? How easily we are manipulated to give that information to just so I can look cool on Instagram. Yeah, I'm just fucking hilarious to me right. It is funny. It's so easy.
Starting point is 00:40:20 None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they're free. It's a very true quote. I think that rings Today, oh that Voltaire, I don't know if they be looked at up. Who's well who's Voltaire? Doug's gonna have a look there. Yeah, I just remember the quote Adam don't push me. Oh I mean, I mean who is it that said that dog? Let's see Vungoth. Okay. So the Viohon Vufgang Vungoth.
Starting point is 00:40:49 There you go. You know what's interesting about the Apple thing with Disney? Steve Jobs started was with Apple. Then he left and then he started Pixar. Pixar got bought by Disney. Now Disney's looking to go with Apple. So the speculation is that that's part of the speculation is that he's always had he's always had an infinity for for Disney and yeah, affinity with with Disney and a relationship
Starting point is 00:41:12 with them beyond. And if he was still around that he would be likely to sign with them. You think it's funny? No, no, you said you're just. Oh, you said infinity said it beyond. Oh, I told you. What did it beyond. Oh, I told you. What did you do? Sorry, that's you.
Starting point is 00:41:28 That's interesting. So that was, that's the speculation that it's over. Yeah, yeah. So that's a, that's a huge possibility. You also hear the news on Amazon doing, so there was all this stuff about, you know, I, I love, I love watching what's going on with Elon and Twitter right now. It's so, oh my God. It's so great. It's, did you see the post that Mike did the other day and all the
Starting point is 00:41:47 hate he got? Definitely. I'm like Matthews. No. Yeah, he did a post about it. And I'm on Mike's side on this. Like I am, I am just loving watching this. And I mean, I don't know Elon, but as, as a serial entrepreneur,
Starting point is 00:42:02 I like him. Like, side his who I I don't know enough. These objections, you've just seen I did a good video on it too, just on the overall. What it takes to actually run a business. I think people just like are completely unaware. You know, and for him to be kind of have these harsh standards and get people all to have buy-in.
Starting point is 00:42:21 That's a huge thing. He's objectively the greatest entrepreneur of the modern time. Okay, so that's can I can say that right. I can say that. Yeah. You're not saying he's a great guy. Yeah. Right. And I think it's so funny how defensive people get it. Like you say some like they're like, Oh, you're just dick riding him. Oh, you're just like every other bro that thinks he's just like, No, it's like it's like, you have you not seen what the dude is built? Yeah. You're not saying you're letting a baby sit your kids. You're just saying he's a crazy guy in my wife. That's for damn sure. So I hang out with my wife, that's for sure.
Starting point is 00:42:51 He's got baby fever, dude. What's that? Him and the Canon are gonna be there. So they're gonna gink as cuck. Anyways, anyways, I totally got a sidetracked with that. Sorry. There was all this stuff that came out just last week or the week before about everybody dropping their advertising on Twitter, and we deal.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Guess what, they're all coming back. Amazon just announced that they're back to advertising with Twitter, and that they're gonna spend over 100 million dollars. Money talks, man. Oh my goodness. I tell you man, I'm happy I got back. I went on Twitter, I forgot,
Starting point is 00:43:19 booted it off Instagram. I feel like it was like serendipitous, because that's the place to be. I'm telling you, go through there right now. It's world cool kids. It's a good time. So is the is the $8 blue-check thing official yet? I have no idea. I have zero idea. Yeah, I don't know if it's a I know that they said they were going to do it. Do you know if it's a thing, Doug? I don't know. I'm so terrible. This is why we hire young people to work with. Andrew, exactly. I'm way too old for this. Andrew's still talking. Oh, you're already getting too old and worthless. Okay, we're gonna have to get a year in.
Starting point is 00:43:45 We need to get a year in. I'm on to tech. We're gonna need a younger you, buddy. To push you. Doug's like, $8. I used to be able to buy a house for $1. Why don't you do one of our commercials? Why Doug's doing that?
Starting point is 00:43:57 Well, actually, I did want to bring up one of our sponsors. We're supposed to talk about live-on. And I wanted to talk about lipo-somal technology. So I wrote down some notes because live-on wanted to talk about liposomal technology. So I wrote down some notes, because live on supplements use liposomal technology. This is a pharmaceutical technology used in very few supplements,
Starting point is 00:44:12 but it's also used in pharmaceuticals. So there are tiny vesicles that are made out of the same material as your body's cell membrane. So when you place supplements inside the liposomes, they can be used to safely deliver the medication to specific areas of the body to treat, they can be used to safely deliver the medication to specific areas of the body to treat whatever disease. So basically protects the whatever is in there from your digestive system and it delivers more of the compound to those selective. You know, okay, so that's that used to be a thing that you would talk trash about certain supplements is you take these supplements and the stomach acid alone
Starting point is 00:44:45 would eat up most of it before you even got to the areas it's supposed to. So that was a common thing that like you would people would talk trash about. Well, think about it this way. When I eat a fruit or a vegetable or meat, the nutrients that are found in those things are in the food which contains the fibers,
Starting point is 00:45:03 the fats, the proteins. And so we evolved to extract nutrients from food. Right. So when I just take a multivitamin or a supplement and it doesn't come in something similar or in a way that can survive through my digestive tract or get it to the right place, it just gets destroyed or I just pee it out. This is why supplementing sometimes a certain nutrients you have to supplement such higher doses
Starting point is 00:45:30 to get your blood levels up higher versus getting them from food, for example. So, liposomal technology kind of does that, right? And again, this is pharmaceutical technology and live on labs uses it in all of their products. So. Do you know how much more though, like it protects to getting those areas,
Starting point is 00:45:48 like it percentage wise? No, I didn't pull up any studies on it, but I do know that it's more expensive, obviously, to use it to take this. Why not everybody does? Pharmaceutical companies will use it specifically because it's super effective. So it's like a proven technology.
Starting point is 00:45:59 It's not some like hype or whatever. Well, I love about their company. They just spend all their money on like the form and function of it. Like they're all about the- No money left. No money left on for labor. Yeah, no, no, it does. I mean, that's why I've always been okay with saying that is I feel like that's the truth.
Starting point is 00:46:15 I really think they said that their goal was not we want to compete with the best and best tasting, whatever. It's like, yeah, what is going to be the best at delivering these nutrients? Dude, I got to study for you guys. That's kind of crazy. Doug, did you find something that you want to... Yeah, so it doesn't look like they went through with a dollar check mark.
Starting point is 00:46:31 That's not. Yeah, they now sit and then they kind of roll back. Okay, so I was just feeling... All right, so check this out, dude. This is, this is, this is, this is, this, this just came out last month and this was out of Israel's big study. And it's data from 53 countries shows that men in the regions that they that they tested are experiencing a significant decline in total
Starting point is 00:46:55 sperm counts and sperm concentrations. So this is getting really bad. So the they looked at New York, Denmark, Brazil, Spain, Israel, and the USA, and they did a meta analysis. And you're talking about, so overall, we're seeing a significant worldwide, this is a quote, right? Declined in sperm counts over over 50% in the last 46 years. And this decline has accelerated in recent years. Half. so 46 years ago, which everybody's like, that's a long time ago, that's not the long ago, that's not even, that's a generation. They had 50% more sperm than they do now.
Starting point is 00:47:34 So if that happens again and again, we're done. Like we're not gonna be, we're gonna be infertile. We won't be able to do it. There's tiny taints out there. This is messed up. Dude, this is literally, the scientists, this is a quote you're ready for this, our finding serve is a canary in a coal mine.
Starting point is 00:47:52 We have a serious problem on our hands that if not mitigated, could threaten humankind's survival. We urgently call for global action to promote healthier environments for all species and reduce exposures and behaviors that threaten our reproductive health. So this is wild. This isn't so. Do you believe we're moving towards a homogenous society? Do you think we're really pushing in that direction? I mean, that's what that's what it's looking like, dude. And how dangerous do you think like the like what we what we're dealing with with
Starting point is 00:48:20 these certain states that are allowing kids to change their gender at such a young age, you think this is making this, well, I mean, it's part of it, right? I mean, how can we not go there? I feel like, I think that's a different, I think that's my speculation on that might be a little different. I think that identity crisis,
Starting point is 00:48:36 I don't think those are connected. With low sperm count? I mean, it's a good question. I don't know, maybe. I will say that kids have always had identity crisis. We all went through it. Every kid goes through it when you're an adolescent and teen. I think that the options now for making yourself
Starting point is 00:48:53 feel more comfortable or have changed. So, whereas before you might be like, well, I'm an identifies a skater or I'm a tomboy or I like music. Now it's like, well, I'm this, I'm that. And very socially influenced for sure. Yeah, so there seems to be something going along with that. But this whole fertility thing is interesting,
Starting point is 00:49:11 because it keeps going down this route. It may mean in the relatively near future, that the only way people are going to reproduce is by going through a fertility test. Well, let me ask you this, and how much do you think that's connected to low testosterone with people's directly- Oh, it's directly-
Starting point is 00:49:24 Grip strength and masculinity. How much do you think that's connected to low testosterone? Oh, it's people's. Steregalinary. Steregalinary. Steregalinary. Steregalinary. Steregalinary. And masculinity. And so, I guess that's where I'm trying to make that connection there is like this push against masculinity.
Starting point is 00:49:34 And we're moving in this direction of like, oh, you know, maybe you're not a boy, maybe you're a girl, maybe, and I feel like that narrative has become more popular today than it was just a decade ago. And are there any correlations between the two, or do you think they're completely? Well, I think it's all, I mean, there's a cultural thing that's happening, but it's hard to separate from what might be happening,
Starting point is 00:49:56 I guess physiologically. I do know that mental illness has exploded among kids, anxiety and depression, has completely exploded since the pandemic. In fact, I was talking to a friend of mine that's a psychiatrist. And I asked them specifically, have you seen this rise in kids? And he said, oh, he goes, it was kind of steadily climbing, but after the pandemic, he's
Starting point is 00:50:22 like, it's insane. He has rampant. Yeah, he says because a lot of, you know, when you're a kid, you're, you're, you're, you're in your head a lot anyway. You don't feel like you fit in. It's challenging. Everybody knows that. Everybody's just challenging.
Starting point is 00:50:34 But these kids were shut down at home. They were isolated by, and they isolated themselves a lot now, nowadays as well. And so it's more internal. It's even more internal and just blows up whatever bad feelings you have. And so he's like, yeah, it's just more internal and just blows up whatever bad feelings you have. And so he's like, yeah, it's just, plus they're not active. So we know this exercise, diet, strongly contributes
Starting point is 00:50:51 to feelings of well-being and mental health. That all went to shit. And then in combination with that isolation, I mean, this is crazy. But the fertility thing is literally a humankind ending event. That's what people need to realize. This is not just like, oh my God, this sucks. This is literally, if it dropped 56% and 46 years,
Starting point is 00:51:12 we are looking at potentially transforming mankind for the negative in a very short future, where, and this, look, okay, so you know that clip, when I was on, what's Josh Transpodcast, it's Wellness or Wisdom? Wellness and Wisdom. Wellness and Wisdom. There's that clip of, of me saying the biggest lie.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Yeah, the biggest lie told the man, basically, it's that. You got some hate for that, huh? I got a lot of positive, more than hate, but there's some people that don't like it, because they don't want to, they want to believe the lie, lie, right? That getting married sucks, that devoting yourself to one person sucks, that having kids is terrible, that it's way better if you don't be free, go do what you want, bang chicks, buy cars, make money, consume, consume, consume.
Starting point is 00:51:56 That's a big lie. And it's interesting. I wonder how much of that is connected to this drop in fertility and this drop. In other words, they're trying to sell us on it because it's going to be the future anyway. Where moving forward, the only people are going to have kids, the people are going to afford crazy fertility treatment and freezing their sperm and doing all that stuff. That could be our kids' generation,
Starting point is 00:52:16 by the way. That's how fast it's going down. That's wild to me. That's the only time you'll have kids. You know, I try and remember what, because it wasn't that long ago that I was on the other side of that conversation. And I do remember when people would press the kids talk to me, I do remember feeling defensive. And I do remember saying things like, oh, this misery loves company, that's what that is. You know, I used to be like that. If kids are so wonderful, so great,
Starting point is 00:52:47 why do you feel the need that you have to get me to join your team and why can you just enjoy your kids and be that one? I used to love my life. And I used to do that to you. But by the way, if you were a shitty person, I would not tell you to have good. Yeah, well, I'm pretty good.
Starting point is 00:53:01 You're a good guy, you make a great dad. That's why I used to tell you all the time. But I don't say that to shitty people. What I'm trying to do right now is my best to recall those feelings that I had and to try and unpack what's going through some of these people's heads when they comment on something like that.
Starting point is 00:53:18 And I do, I remember feeling a little defensive when people tried to tell me how much better my life would be like you don't know who I am You don't know how great my life is already let what makes you think and I also Would connect it to you know There's a lot of people that have kids and their life gets worse That's a fact man. There's people that it gets harder and they are shitty dads and they you know They don't see their kid. And now they just have another human
Starting point is 00:53:46 they brought in this world that hates them and resents them because they're not present. Would their life be better without kids? That's the question I always have. Because people like using those examples of really shitty people who are really shitty with their kids. I think they're probably shitty-ass people to begin with. And I don't think it would have been better.
Starting point is 00:54:02 And I'm also, yes, of course, you could pick, there's lots of people that, you know, if you look at them, you go, man, you should not be a parent. By the way, just getting someone pregnant, that's not what I'm talking about. When I say being a dad or being a mom, I mean, you actively care for,
Starting point is 00:54:15 and you're trying to raise this kid. Now that you just got someone pregnant, any moron could do that. That's not what I talk about when I talk about this. But look, this is a fact, okay? If you're lucky enough to live a long life, if you're healthy and you can live to your 80 or 90 You better have something that you love more than yourself or your screw and that's it So fine, you don't want to have kids. What do you have in your life that you truly love more than yourself and people are like my career?
Starting point is 00:54:39 Bullshit, you know, it's so hard to tell somebody. It's so hard to tell somebody that that doesn't because I we talked about this just the other day at the live event. I was talking to somebody about um, what was most uh, surprising to me when I had my son was that was the first time in my, in my life in 40 years or damn, or 39, whatever it was, uh, that I had realized, oh shit, I have never loved anything more than myself. But if you would have asked me before that, oh, I love Katrina more than me. I love my mom more than me.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Oh, I love my siblings more than me. Like, I would say that, but until you actually feel what that feels like, I don't think you realize it because I didn't realize it. And I would have had an answer for someone who says like, you know, I love my career. You know, like, you know, no, I don't. And yeah, it's true. And it's like, there are people that, and I do, I do want to prepare. There are people that do that don't have kids that do truly love something more themselves. They're typically volunteers. They typically are really so like they're they're they're a monk or they go volunteer to for this cause that they just
Starting point is 00:55:48 deeply believe in Or they're deeply religious like that's where you tend to find it But most people who say oh, you know, no, I love these other things They're not that and the other thing I say is what the hell else are you gonna do with the rest of your life like for reals You're gonna live a long time and you're going to not you're gonna do it the rest of your life, like for reals. You're gonna live a long time and you're going to not potentially develop
Starting point is 00:56:06 the deepest relationships you could possibly develop. Like I have great relationship with you guys, great relationship with my wife. When you get to have a child and you can from birth to till whenever and then they're their children, that's a relationship that you'll never, that is the deepest potential relationship
Starting point is 00:56:23 you could ever have in your entire life and you'll never experience that. the deepest potential relationship you could ever have in your entire life and you'll never experience that. And that's a sad thing. So it's a huge lie. Now, here's the truth. It's harder, cost more money, it's more stressful. That's true. But most things that are good are harder,
Starting point is 00:56:37 more stressful, and cost more money. Most things. Well, not to mention, it's the only way I'm aware of for you to potentially live on beyond your death. I mean, like, it's an extent your kids are an extension of you and what you pour into them to make them a better version of yourself is the closest thing that I could think of that allows you to live beyond your death. Yeah. I mean, because a part of you,
Starting point is 00:57:07 I mean, and Jesus, anybody who's had a kid is, it's wild when you see yourself in them, with things that just are ingrained, they, it's in their DNA, they didn't, you didn't teach it even. Like, there's times where I catch moments where, like, my son will do something that, like, I haven't even taught him that,
Starting point is 00:57:24 but that's me, you know, or that's Katrina Like it's that's so wild when you think about that like that is definitely a part of you is in this thing that is going to live on I do get I do get the tremendous responsibility on why people maybe they're not honest with themselves Maybe some people are honest with themselves and they don't want to take on Such a tremendous responsibility. That was me, that was definitely. I get it, that was me, I didn't want that. It's a big deal.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Yeah, and I think we should think of parenting like that. I think we should think of children like that. I think you should think of it as not like a, it's not like getting a dog, it's not like picking up a hobby. It's literally you're going to impact somebody like that. I think it's so important that you think about that. That's why I probably overcompensated in that area. I overthought it because of my past that I was like,
Starting point is 00:58:17 I'm not this, I'm not that, I need to have, so I probably overcompensated, I'm sure. But I mean, I feel like better that than the other way, better that than to think it's gonna be easy, no big deal and you just have them to have them and then you're not present, you're not around, you don't do shit. Like, to me, that's worse.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Yeah, the decision to have a kid doesn't end. You know, it's not like you didn't, oh, I'm here. Yeah, I did it. Oh no. There's a lot of work and a lot of growth. And growth only happens when you're uncomfortable. And I mean, I don't know of anything
Starting point is 00:58:43 that'll make you more uncomfortable than having that reflection back at you for the next, however many decades. Yeah, I definitely think that, you know, that our culture in general could do a better job of, I guess, portraying parenthood and, you know, the value of it. And I think that that's something that's been lost in a lot of content and a lot of things we see on TV. And you know, just because it is hard and it is challenging and it is a big responsibility. But just like you said, much like anything else, they sell it terribly. Media sells
Starting point is 00:59:19 it is a shitty thing. It's interesting. They do because I mean, in our lifetime, we've seen that switch. Yeah. It wasn't like that when you were when we were kids or definitely not our parents like growing up like fatherhood was like It's not a pride you know associated with it. What do you think what's the tipping point like when did you think Hollywood Controlled with that much you think Hollywood made the decision. I think yes I'm gonna make play boys. You see married with children, you see like all these dumbass, dumbass, that's what I'm saying. So obviously they 100% play a role. So what I'm asking is,
Starting point is 00:59:50 did they, are they the ones that made that switch? Like who decided that being a dad was no longer going to be cool anymore? Or something that is like? If you're trying to sell products, like honorable. You're trying to sell products. You know that the best people to sell to are not
Starting point is 01:00:07 People who are really concerned about raising little kids They make different. Is that the thought? Oh my god, is that the thought? 100% you you want that you want to have more money to spend because they don't have children that that's part of it So that's why we want to go out part of it. You make you make different decisions. You're less selfish You're you're way harder to manipulate. Like let me ask you guys this. How much harder are you to manipulate? Oh yeah. With scared. Well, no, even them, even the money thing you said, I think it's I think it's really how much it changed you. It's interesting how I spend money today. Yes. Just because I had a kid like and it was like I had this formal conversation
Starting point is 01:00:40 with myself. I'm gonna now do this. I'm like I just naturally just started to do it. It's wild. So that's an interesting. You're spending habits do change for sure. You're spending habits change. You're it's harder to manipulate you It's harder to make you feel Like super shitty to do certain thing. So even before so was it even before though Hollywood? Maybe it's just advertising in general. It started to like think of like the Marble Man. Yeah. You know, like what would do on the dude on the renegade guy that's just out there, you know, he's all about himself.
Starting point is 01:01:11 I wish I dug you're the one that has the most insight because of all the years, like what would you say, what would you say was the turning point? Like do you remember, like you watched probably the Andy Griffiths show when you were a kid, no? You know, I didn't watch TV when I was a kid. Oh, you did. I didn't have a TV.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Okay, you're obviously familiar with the rocks. I am familiar with it. No, what TV he is doing. I do. Yes. Is that magical box? The picture box. I mean, so the light show.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Honestly, I couldn't give you a time or a situation. Because I mean, I'm always worth that. Would you guys agree that the Andy Griffith show, the leap to beaver? Yeah, they're all a very fan-lead fatherhood family is for sure. Yeah, and dad was then when it went when in that timeline maybe it was in the 80s. Yep, I would agree. I would think is you know, uh, a more serious like you said, married with children. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Uh, the bum-ling dad. Um, yep. Yeah, 100%. And it's, uh, it's, uh, I feel like we just jumped decades though. Well, it Well, I'm trying to get closer to the likes the shift Like the bigger the market became for consumers the more that it became obvious look for for every ancient You know wisdom or old tradition or old stress a sculpture a Persons a lot of a person's value was placed on the how many kids you have.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Are you, do you take care of your family? Like, what are you doing going out all night? Aren't you supposed to be home taking care of your family? Aren't you supposed to be loyal to these people? Like, that's how it used to be now. It's like, and then women are lied terribly too. They're told it's oppressive, which is unbelievably a massive lie.
Starting point is 01:02:44 I would say even, so 60s and 70s, a little bit more self-indulgence, more psychedelics, more like free love and like less like, you know, tie me down to traditional family, nuclear family, you know, type of mentality. I guess it's sort of to kind of spawn off from there, I would say. Yeah, I would say the Marxism played a big role
Starting point is 01:03:06 because there's economic Marxism and they got their asses kicked, obviously, in the Cold War, so they moved the culture. And the message was that the state should own children, having children's oppressive, that your parents are the state, and that's who you should live in. So I do think it's gonna come back though.
Starting point is 01:03:26 I do believe it's gonna be cool again. I do believe in, and I think, definitely on the extreme other end of that right now. And I don't know if it's gonna be a little worse still before guys, we're pretty dumb as humans. It takes us a while. It takes us a couple of slaps in the face to like get everybody to wake up.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Tell me you guys don't see this massive trend in men getting vasectomies at like 20, 30 years old. What a, I mean, I can't believe how deep. That's funny you brought that up. That is true. It's, I've like, more of my experience. Yeah, I've never experienced that. Before they're even like locked into a relationship
Starting point is 01:03:57 or anything, it's like, they're just like, you know, taking care of that. So it's like, it allows for this like freedom of self discovery or whatever, you know, however you want to brand it, but it's like, it allows for this freedom of self discovery, whatever, however you want to brand it, but it's interesting to me. Yeah, no, that's 100%. Can you look that up though?
Starting point is 01:04:12 It's crazy. I'm curious about that. The increase in vasectomies is it like, if we can see the stats on that, because you're right, Justin, I, in just the last decade, I'd say, I know way more people that are doing that before the age of 30 than I ever did.
Starting point is 01:04:27 In my mind, you know, I'm older and I have older friends, so that's maybe that plays more of a role. I'm sure there's some sort of a bias there. But that would be interesting to see if there's a rise in that. Yeah, actually between 20 and 2021, there's been close to a 20% increase in the number of childless men under 30 requesting vasectomies.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Wow. You know, but there's a lot of things that feed into this. Bro, 20% in one year increase. Yeah. Yeah, between 2020 and 2021. So, that's crazy. So there's a lot of things feeding to this. One of these is that humans are a parasite or a virus.
Starting point is 01:04:59 I see all these people are like humans should disappear so the earth can flourish. Wow. What are you saying? So you think that's a little bit even related to the climate stuff. Everything. Everything, it's like, it disappear so the earth can flourish. Wow, what are you saying? So you think that's a little bit even related to the climate stuff. Everything, everything, it's like, it's so bad. How many people have you heard say this?
Starting point is 01:05:10 Why would I have kids when we're just polluting this earth and destroying it? Or why do I have kids in this terrible place? Well, here's why, so you could raise good people. Like, you wanna fix things, raise good people that are gonna innovate, work hard. Also, you should be on a kid. Yeah, here's another reason.
Starting point is 01:05:24 You should say maybe, here's another reason. Maybe, let's hear it. I don't understand. Keep going. Yeah, so after the row versus Wade, there was a staggering increase of over a 150% for the search term. Where can I get a vasectomy? Well, okay.
Starting point is 01:05:38 So, I mean, so I think that's another cause for that. Maybe. Interesting. Interesting. Yeah, very interesting. Well, I mean, you can wear condom. Yeah. There's measures. Yeah, you know, because Vestectomy to protect you from STDs.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Isn't that interesting? Yeah. People don't think too much sometime. We have Caldera as another commodity. Oh, dude, did I tell you guys? I saw a random dude, probably in his 50s, using it at the gym. He actually pulled that out of his bag and was putting it in. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:06:04 Yeah, and I'm like, hey, how do you like him? And he's like, oh, I really like it. This and that. I'm like, you know, like, where'd you hear about it? And I was hoping he would say, like, you recognize me? You know, the journey man, actually, I know. No, no, no, no. But he was, it's, I'm now, I've now seen it.
Starting point is 01:06:18 That's the second time now. I've seen it out. And they're obviously, they're making a huge push, advertising wise right now because I've had a handful, people and I've brought it up, I think before, that are like friends from Katrina's like old work or like a friend of a friend who doesn't know me that well or what that and then but they've seen us on the commercial
Starting point is 01:06:38 and like, oh my God, I'm famous, I saw them on the street like because of their, their, their, their, them and Viori, their two commercials, they've been, they've been pushing those so hard that I've had a, like a small wave of people that have come in that we're just unaware of what we even did that are now, like, seeing us on the commercials. Yeah, no, I've seen it a few times now. It's good stuff. I think they're blowing up. I dug, are you, are you consistently using the eye stuff?
Starting point is 01:07:01 Every day. You are now. Okay. So what is your root? Okay, because you're, you're using like me, you're using, I'm not, that's the only one I'm not consistently using. So I, I use the, I think it's clean slate is what I use in the shower to wash your face with. Yes. Then I use the, what's the cream called? Uh, boy.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Uh, yeah, right there. It's called. The base layer. Yeah. Base layer. Uh-huh. And then the serum. Yeah. When do you use the eyelid stuff? So I use the good, which is the oil at night.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Okay. And the day I do the clean slate and the shower, and I use the cream, and then I do the eye stuff after that. You don't have the serum on right now? No, I don't. Wow. You look beautiful. Yeah, you look like you're glowing.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Well, thank you. Hey, Doug, I sent you lighting in here. Real quick, just to end this off, I just have to show this picture. Yeah, you look like you're glowing. Well, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for lighting it here. Real quick, just to end this off, I just have to show this picture. I think Justin will crack up at it. Can you pull up this picture I sent to the group text? This is a picture post snowball fight, Princeton versus a Princeton freshman versus sophomore snowball fight in 1893.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Okay, so look at this guy's faces. Scroll down more. Does word snowballs. Oh, hey, with rock. We're talking about how much no times of change. Like, that's snowballs. Spurps. Swim around there, dude. Put it on legit snowballs.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Hey, we can't hang up either before one of you guys are recommended. Yes, Arthur Brooks. I got to mention Arthur Brooks. I know we've talked about him before. I love him. He's got to be. Does he tweet more or Instagram more?
Starting point is 01:08:31 Where you call him the most. I know both, but I went on his Instagram and here's a wonderful quote that he said. Arthur Brooks is a professor. Is that what his Instagram handle is? He writes for the author. Yeah, so Arthur C. Brooks is his Instagram. Check out this quote. It's very nice.
Starting point is 01:08:46 The secret to happiness isn't falling in love, it's staying in love, which depends on what psychologist call compassionate love, love based, less on passion at highs and lows, and more unstable affection, mutual understanding and commitment. And again, he's an expert on happiness. So great page.
Starting point is 01:09:02 If you want to feel good, he's one of the few social media pages that you can go to and feel better after coming off the camera. Absolutely. Hey, what's up? You got to check out one of our longest running sponsors or GANIFI, they make organic performance enhancing
Starting point is 01:09:18 body enhancing supplements. I actually helped design their latest product called Peak Power. If you like pre-workout supplements, but you want one that's natural, that's not gonna make you feel overly stimulated, something that's gonna give you smooth, consistent energy that lasts, no crash.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Peak power, give it a try, it'll blow away the pre-workout that you're currently used to. They also have other products, but that's the one I'm recommending right now. Go check them out, go to organifi.com, that's ORGANIFI.com forward slash MindPump, and then use the code MindPump for 20% off. All right, here's the rest of the show.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Our first caller is Steven from Pennsylvania. Steven, what's happening, man? How can we help you? Hi guys, hi. Yeah, it's awesome to be on. Thank you for having me. I was at you guys, I have a vent in Ohio a few years ago. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's awesome to be on. Thank you for having me. I was at you guys. I have a vent in Ohio a few years ago. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Yeah, I only got to meet some of his lines that's so long, but it's really cool to be on with all of you guys. Well, these tens have the shorter lines. We got to get to work with him. We got to get to work with him. Sorry about that. Sorry about that.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Sorry about that. Yeah, I'll hop in some 27 years old. I've been conventionally way training for about 12 years now without really taking any time off The most time I've ever taken off is about for about 12 days for my wedding just recently. I'm a trainer I checked my calories and food accurately and two systemly both to about 13 to 15 percent body fat Do about 8 percent body fat and have a lot of experiences training nutrition in general. 6 foot 2, I'm actually about 205 pounds right now
Starting point is 01:10:52 with a total of 102 pounds of skeleton muscle mass currently plus or minus 11 percent body fat. Since I'm bulking at the moment, I've gone through mass, mass, andabolic, aesthetic split, parallel performance. I just recently started maps strong. So about two months in, a little less than that. And I've noticed my body's getting pretty beat up,
Starting point is 01:11:15 like more than usual. Lower back seems to be more sore than usual, assuming that's because of the amount of hip hinging. But I've also noticed some excessive joint pain in my shoulders and elbows. I was wondering if you guys have any advice on how to mitigate I've also noticed some excessive joint pain in my shoulders and elbows. I was wondering if you guys have any advice on how to mitigate the potential for injury and excessive joint strain with a higher volume program with heavier compound lifts like
Starting point is 01:11:34 MAP strong and where do you think I would benefit most living forward? Yeah, I know it's common. Probably pulling back on the work sessions a little bit, yeah. That's it. I mean, anytime you're doing a workout and you're starting to notice the signs that you're not recovering fully and you start to get joint pain and you feel like you're overworked,
Starting point is 01:11:52 the first thing I would do is reduce the intensity and the second thing I would do is reduce the volume. Or you could do both at the same time. You could take the volume and intensity down to significantly, so I would cut the volume down by like a third, cut the intensity down by a good third, and then do that for a little while until you start feeling really good. When we create the programs, we create them for kind of a general avatar, but you got to listen to your body. And there's lots of circumstances that can change in a life
Starting point is 01:12:21 that can make a program more or less suitable. So I'm not saying this is you, but perhaps sleep is different than it was before. Maybe there's more stress in your life, diet, maybe not as good, or just it's just too much, you know, volume and intensity, um, cumulative, uh, for your body. And the answer is not to eat more, push harder, work through it. The answer is just gale back, bring it back, and give yourself a good three, four weeks of that until you're feeling really, really good. And what will happen in that scale back period is actually you'll actually find yourself
Starting point is 01:12:53 building muscle getting stronger. And the reason why I'm saying that is a lot of times people think scaling back means reducing their potential for results. Studies are quite clear on this that the delaud weeks or the taking time off when somebody's training really hard is when they typically see the most gains. So it's exciting on both avenues. You feel better and you'll start to see progress simultaneously.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Yeah, there's no like one answer for this because there is a lot of different things you do. You mentioned low back and then attributing that probably to a lot of the hip hip. There is definitely a lot of post-tier your chain work in strong super aware of that. And so, I mean, one way it would be to take a lot of those compound lifts and scale back one set, another way it would be like if there is a simple one exercise that you find way more taxing than others, maybe it replaced that with something.
Starting point is 01:13:42 This is where I would use maybe machines or maybe like an isometric type of exercise or a different movement altogether to replace one of those movements that you feel like attacking another option would be to look at the work sessions because I know in strong the work sessions are probably they're harder than the foundation. Yeah, they're the most intense, you know,
Starting point is 01:14:01 off quote unquote off foundational days that I think we have in any of our programs. And so that's probably where I would look is I'd probably be like, I'd really pull back. Maybe I would completely eliminate the way they're programmed and actually end sub-in, like a prime pro type of, or like a more like. Trigger sessions instead of work,
Starting point is 01:14:19 sex triggers, or. Yeah, because I agree. I think it's probably the most demanding program we have in terms of like in combination on those frequency builder days, like we up the intensity in terms of, you know, those work sessions are pretty exhausting, pretty demanding, and then on top of that, all that emphasis on posterior chain on, you know, the foundational day. So I would investigate in that and like maybe replace it with some trigger session or some mobility focus. Yeah, Stephen literally cut the volume, cut the intensity, cut the volume and give yourself about
Starting point is 01:14:49 three weeks of that and see how you feel. And I'll bet you that you'll feel stronger and actually put on a little bit of muscle through that process. Okay, you guys have any advice or recommendations for replacing deadlifts because I have deadlifts today. And my lower back is definitely pretty shot. I take a lot of pride in my form. How well I take my technique is, but I don't know why, but I think it is just the pin-jing and the posterior chain work. But I don't know if I should just cut them out completely and like, like, to like the second movement.
Starting point is 01:15:26 I don't know if you guys, like I've had a hard time finding a direct replacement for them. Well, how about, how about a single leg? I was just going to say, how about do some single leg right now? I would do single leg toe touches without resistance in fact. Okay. Or like a hard light dumbbell type of work with that, I think. I mean, depends. If your back's really feeling it, that's what I do.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Yeah. If my back's really feeling it with dead lifts, I'll do single leg toe touches and go slow and balanced and I won't use any resistance other than my body and that usually does a trick for me. Do you have map symmetry, by the way? I do not. That would be the program I would follow next.
Starting point is 01:15:58 And then do you have prime pro or prime? I have those, yeah. Okay, good. I would do prime pros kind of mobility work. If you do cut out in the work session, you can make it like a 45 minute mobility session with stuff from prime pro, but symmetry would be where I go next for sure. Okay, cool. All right, man. Awesome. I do have a follow up real quick. Some of my wife who introduced me, you guys already believed she used to go, she is a catabot coach. And I know you guys got this question,
Starting point is 01:16:25 I think a few weeks ago, I think I remember, but she is really hoping you guys could put together like an unconventional training program. That a lot of questions for that, yeah. Yeah, it could be cool. She has a lot of like catabell training and essentially does for a living. So I think that would be really cool
Starting point is 01:16:42 if you guys could put something like that. I mean, I love strong. It's a lot of fun. I've done performance That was a lot of fun too. So it's just not what I'm used to Yeah, that's we get people asking about that and we did mention like an old-timey Old-timey Yeah, which which I would I mean we might be able to combine the two. We just do one or the other So I think at this point too, I mean, there's other, like we're getting into more niche categories
Starting point is 01:17:07 because we've kind of hit with broad strokes. Most of what's out there. So I think, you know, it may make sense in the future to really kind of dive into cool stuff like that. So we'll see. Yeah. Room. Thanks for the feedback.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Awesome. Thank you guys so much. I appreciate it. Thank you, Adam. All right, guys. Yeah, this message goes out to the fitness fanatics. I wanna be clear with that because the average person struggles with consistency probably isn't gonna benefit from this, but you know, and I'm a fitness fanatic, right?
Starting point is 01:17:33 And recently I hit a lifetime PR on my deadlift and I'm hitting some PRs and overhead presses and stuff. And the biggest thing that I did to contribute, because I did a few things, but the biggest contributing factor was literally doing less than I thought that I should. In other words, I'll scale back volume, but I scaled it back to a point where I said, okay, this is where I think it should be. I'm going to go even further back and my body just responded.
Starting point is 01:17:59 The reason why I'm communicating that is, we think we're self-aware. When you're a fitness fanatic, you love the pain, you love the workout so much. You think you're aware of the appropriate intensity and volume, but you're probably not so assume that you're not and take it back even further from that. And that's again, that's to the fitness fanatics. Yeah, I was gonna say that's definitely the message for the ones that have been the most consistent lifetime lifters. The ones that are in the gym all the time need to hear that because it's just been ingrained in their head because it gets so much momentum and seen so much results just by showing up and putting the work in and then adding more work. Now they may be at a point where just pulling back is going to have a substantial result.
Starting point is 01:18:39 I like this question a lot because the strong, when we wrote strong, you have to keep in mind that yes, we were writing for the general strong, when we wrote strong, you have to keep in mind that yes, we are writing for the general population, but we also wrote it hoping to help anybody who was getting ready for a strong competition that they would benefit. And I remember talking to Robert Overson and the importance of building that gas tank and that resiliency. And so, if you were gonna compete, it would be more important to kind of, you know, push through for mental fortitude purposes
Starting point is 01:19:10 in something like this. Versus the general pop who's just trying to get the biggest bang for their buck from the programming, it makes way more sense to scale out or even potentially eliminate some of those work sessions because of what their, with how their body's talking to them. You're not a full-time strong athlete. So you're utilizing some of the tools from there.
Starting point is 01:19:28 To me, that's a perfect example of somebody's like, listen, this is where you're not quite taking it to their extreme level, where you scale back a little bit on that. And I think that's the important takeaway. And the mental shift is this, that if you're doing a program, even a well-written program, you're following the maps program, well-written, you know, very thoughtful, right? If the program is making you feel beat up or your joints are hurting or you feel over-trained,
Starting point is 01:19:53 there's nothing wrong with you. So it's not wrong with your body because I know some people are like, well, they wrote this program, so I'm just going to keep pushing through it. No, there's nothing wrong with you. There's something wrong with the program. Modify it. Modify it so that it starts working for you. Don't be afraid to do so.
Starting point is 01:20:07 Our next caller is Angela from New York. Hi Angela, how can we help you? Hi, thank you guys so much for having me on. I'm a huge fan, so I really appreciate your time. I'm just going to read my question. So I'm a relatively new trainer and I'm confused about programming. So Nazum says to start with a phase on stabilization. So, a lot of uterine, luteilateral exercises,
Starting point is 01:20:29 ball exercises, and then I look at anabolic, and I've also done aesthetic, and the pre-phase, which also addresses muscle imbalances, has all traditional exercises just with lower steps. Also, Nazum typically starts with hypertrophy, not strength, which I've noticed is different with both of those programs as well. So my question is, where do I start just an average person who wants to build muscle? And then I was also wondering, is this something that I would learn from the Mind Pump NCI group? And then if so, how do I join that?
Starting point is 01:21:01 Okay, great question. So first off, we're way better than an ASM, not just two. No, so I'm big. No, no, here's a deal. I want to be real clear here. Okay, we write programs for the general population. We have to design it for an avatar. None of our programs will ever compare
Starting point is 01:21:17 to what a good trainer can do for an individual client. Okay, so NASM is trying to teach you how to create programs for the typical Deconditioned client. So what they're telling you is actually correct. Now, Maps and a Bolic, Maps aesthetic was not, we're not designed for the Deconditioned beginner. Okay, they were designed for somebody who's got some experience with strength training, can do those exercises with relatively easy control. And Maps at a bulk doesn't start with a strength phase.
Starting point is 01:21:48 It starts with pre-phase, which is higher repetitions, then you move to phase one. But if you were to start our programs as a complete, like a deconditioned client, you would start with something like starter, you would incorporate things from Maps Prime and Maps Prime Prime. In fact, as a trainer, Angela, I'm going to ask you this question with at risk of
Starting point is 01:22:08 Adam losing his shit. Do you have prime and prime pro? No, I don't. I'm sorry. And I just missed it on the sale too. I swear I'm brand new, but yeah, I know it's easy. Well, I'm going to send you prime because I think that's going to be the most one of the most valuable things you could get.
Starting point is 01:22:24 I think you should also look into prime pro. Both of those are super, super valuable with our clients when you work with them. But our programs are, I mean, they're written with a particular person in mind. And I mean, we did create some for the total beginner. But I mean, look, a personal trainer who's good is going to be able to test someone individually look at them, watch them as they train, modify on the fly, like that's the best. If I were to kind of construct using our programming, and if I was like a trainer, and I'm addressing somebody that's just coming in
Starting point is 01:22:54 for the first time, prime is definitely where I start to be able to assess where to kind of navigate with that client, first and foremost. And so that could lead me back into prime pro, which is there's some some serious dysfunction and some serious imbalances that we need to investigate and dive into and reinforce with strength and stability or maybe we're going for and they've never lifted weights
Starting point is 01:23:19 before so that we get into starter. So we work on that instability, but we're also starting to add some load, or if they're not ready for load, maybe we go into starter, so we work on that instability, but we're also starting to add some load. Or if they're not ready for load, maybe we go into maps anywhere, because we don't use any load. We're using body weight. We're using a lot of corrective exercises
Starting point is 01:23:33 within that program to really build that kind of foundation. And then from there, maybe we get through that, and we get into map symmetry, because now I'm addressing both sides of the body and I'm trying to make sure that we're not neglecting any kind of dysfunction and strength in that capacity. We do have these sort of precursors going into your maps and a ball like in your archon of foundational staple type of of workout programs, but I think too we don't really
Starting point is 01:24:09 address that because a lot of times like People that are drawn to our podcasts are somewhat familiar with the gym or somewhat have a handle on working out But in terms of like coaches that follow us like that would be sort of my perspective totally I'm glad that you went that way. This is the exact same direction I was gonna, and this is a reminder for me that we need to create a trainer bundle that would include, I think, all the,
Starting point is 01:24:35 like the sequence, right? Yeah, not only the sequence, but the programs I think that would most benefit, like the client from beginning to at least like the first year of training. What that would look like is prime, prime pro, starter, resistance when you're there. Yeah, anywhere's in there.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Right, and to Justin's point, the very first one, so when you first meet a client, you do an assessment. I'm assuming if you have an ASM, you probably do the basic squat assessment and you look at their imbalances and address any aches or pains. So our maps prime is even more thorough assessment. So we have the squat in there, we have the windmill in there, and then we have a wall test in there.
Starting point is 01:25:14 So we actually have three tests and each and we break the body up in three quadrants. And in each one of those, you have, okay, if they break down, they fail this test, these are the exercises they need to do to fix it. And we teach you that in that. So it's an incredible tool for a trainer. And based off how dysfunctional their movement is,
Starting point is 01:25:33 would really dictate what program of ours I would take them, Justin's point. They, let's say they're super decondition, advanced age, can't handle any sort of load. So then I'm gonna probably use something like anywhere or our suspension program where it's just body weight type of movement that I feel very safe with. Okay, let's pretend they're a little more advanced.
Starting point is 01:25:53 Like they actually have a decent squat, but they're still, this is brand new. Well, maybe I can go right into anabolic. Or maybe I see a lot of discrepancy from left to right. Like everything on their left side's messed up. They have shoulder rolls forward on one side. They have an asymmetrical shift in their squat, and I see a lot of imbalances from left to right.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Oh, I might go to symmetry. I'm gonna start them on symmetry for the first program because we address isometrics and unilateral movements all in symmetry. That's what that program is designed around. So really, no matter what the client, who the client is or what level they're at, we have created a program for them. So there is something for that person and you decide that as a coach and as a trainer,
Starting point is 01:26:34 based off of going through like prime and assessing them. So another thing I want to give you, so Sal already sent you prime, and I also want to give you free access to our form because we have a lot of other coaches and trainers in there and this will be a great resource for you as your coaching clients, like say you take them through prime and you're like, hey, I noticed this in this, what would you guys suggest? I point this person in what direction,
Starting point is 01:26:56 you're gonna get answers. And they'll help you modify it in Taylor and a little more specifically to the individual, so that always helps. Yeah, because you're new, I would suggest using our programs as a skeleton, as scaffolding, and then through the programs modify the exercises to meet the clients needs. But the most valuable ones for you are prime,
Starting point is 01:27:16 prime pro, and starter. Those will be the three that I would say are the absolute most valuable that are probably going to apply the most to your beginner clients. But again, we're going to send you prime and we'll give you access to the forum so you can ask questions for other more experienced trainers. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. So then two questions. So why do they start?
Starting point is 01:27:35 So again, with like the NASM, they say, okay, start an 8 to 12 hypertrophy, pre-arranged, but then when you're looking at like, anabolic after the pre-phase, or even I think what I haven't done I said it in a while, but I think that one starts with lower rep range as well. Yeah. Like is there any rhyme or reason? I do absolutely. So do you work out a lot right? Okay, before you found mine pump and maps and a ball looking all that stuff what rep ranges that you normally work in? Okay, that makes sense. I guess yeah, so I'm gonna start I'm, I'm going to start you off in the one that's going to give you the most bang for your buck. And I'm going to blow your mind and then you're going to love maps.
Starting point is 01:28:10 And that's why I started the original maps in a ball, like with a low rep phase. Um, so, but if I'm working with the everyday average person, I mean, I'm going to individualize it to the, to the person, but I know we know that the average person listening to us who works out somewhat probably never trains in those low-reparations. Let's sort of power this. Which by the way, okay, so, and let me give you two examples of how I could take Maps and a bulk and completely utilize it
Starting point is 01:28:34 for two different people and different. So, let's say I assess you and we're talking, oh, how do you normally train? You're like, oh, I love to train in the high-reparage. I love supersets or circuit training. I'm like, oh, perfect. I'm gonna run you through maps and a ball phase one first and so forth.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Let's say you're the opposite. Maybe I get you and you're like, man, I love strength and I always tend to lift really heavy and I don't like supersets. I'll flip and a ball at con you. That's right. I'll run in phase three. I'll start you in phase three, then go to, then go one.
Starting point is 01:29:04 So, and you as a coach have this ability to kind of modify that and just to piggyback off of what Sal said, what was so brilliant about him doing that. I remember when I first looked at Annabelle, when he sent it over to me was, I knew that that was a majority of my female. First of all, 60 to 70% of my clientele was female, 60 to 70% of the people that I was helping did not, you know, train heavy. They like, they tend to train in the more hypertrophy, lightweight lots of reps. And so the idea of getting that client to start in a strength phase, it always blew their mind because they, you know, it was so
Starting point is 01:29:40 novel to their body. So that's why I love that he did that. But that doesn't mean that I would not flip it on its head for somebody who told me that, oh, I always drank tea. Well, if you always drank tea, I know by putting you in phase three, you're gonna see more results right out the gates because of that. And that's where the coaching part on your part,
Starting point is 01:29:57 you take our program a lot of parts. It's the reason why most people love phase one, the most of maps in a ballad. It's because the one that they do the least, that's just most people. And then would you cater that, you know, obviously with an individual program, everything would be specific to the client,
Starting point is 01:30:12 but if they're starting, for example, on a fat loss phase and they're in, you know, a cut, would that impact how you're gonna do their leverage? No, no, no. Oh, look at resistance training through the lens of building muscle and building strength. That's it. Cutting, bulking, that's a diet thing.
Starting point is 01:30:29 And the goal with strength training or resistance training is always to try to build muscle. At the very least, what will happen in a cut is you'll preserve the most muscle with the right strength training program. So don't look at your strength training program and say, which one's going to burn the most fat? No, no, no, it's always about building muscle. It's the diet that takes care of the fat loss. Okay. Great. Thank you. No problem. Thanks for calling in.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Oh, last question. Sorry. How do I join? Because I Google it, but I didn't see anything. Do you still have the mentorship program? I think. Oh, with NCI. Let's ask that. Yeah. For a second. Doug maybe Doug can find the link for us. Is it is it NCI mine pop or? Mine pump NCI or NCI MindPump. Give us a second.
Starting point is 01:31:09 Well, I think we have links for both of them and one of them sends to one and one's, there's two different things that they're sending to. Yeah, it might be MindPump NCI. Let me check. Yeah, let's double check it. So we can get it here on the podcast because we'll send you the link also through email
Starting point is 01:31:24 when you get your free Maps Prime program. You know, it looks like both of those work. They do, and they'll send you the link also through email when you get your free Maps Prime program. You know, it looks like both of those work. They do. And they both send you the same place. No, they don't. There are two different places. One of them is like the our coaching that we do every Wednesday.
Starting point is 01:31:35 And then the other one is like getting involved in like their programs and all their stuff. So which one's the coaching because that's what she's interested in? It's strange because they're both going to the same page right now. NCIMINEPUM.com. All right. Let's go there. And that's where you's interested in. It's strange because they're both going to the same page right now. NCI-MinePump.com. All right, let's go there and that's where you can get yourself signed up. So we'll see you, I guess, maybe next week because we do this once a week. We get on there and we talk to trainers. Yep.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Okay, awesome. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. No problem. Thanks Angela. Thank you. I love new trainer questions. It's a good question, right?
Starting point is 01:32:03 It's a good reminder. You're going through NSM. you're going through, excuse me, NASM, you're looking at our programs and because you're not quite familiar with what's going on, you're like, this is conflicting. We really do. We really need to make a trainer bundle.
Starting point is 01:32:15 I agree. We really need to make a bundle of what we would consider like most valuable for track. Yeah, the core like five programs and then how we would utilize them to get most all clients started on the train process. I just then how we would utilize them to get most all clients started in the train process. I just think that we get this too much.
Starting point is 01:32:29 Yeah, I totally agree with you. But yeah, I'm glad you asked those questions because people might actually think that the phases in some of our programs are because it's progressing you from like level. It's not, so the reason why the call phases and at levels is because it's not like you're advancing to the next level, it's just the different phase. And one phase is not more valuable than the other because it does more reps for less reps.
Starting point is 01:32:55 It's more valuable than the other because it's the one that your body needs at the moment. So you can definitely flip the phases depending on where you start. Just most people are not power lifters when they first buy one of our programs. Most people work out in that super sets, higher rep type training.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Yeah, and we did try and address a lot of the new lifters coming in and with these other programs, we don't highlight probably enough. So I'm glad that we can get somebody to have us highlight them a bit more and bring them to the service because they're very valuable for trainers, coaches, and also a very beginner.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Our next caller is Aaron from Missouri. Aaron, what's happening, man? How can we help you? Hey, guys. Thanks for having me on. You got a wife and I. We've been listening to you guys since like 2021 in the middle of the pandemic. I've actually gone back and listened to, I'm pretty sure almost every episode and then listen to you guys currently.
Starting point is 01:33:46 But my question I want to give you first and then give you a little bit of background is what is the best way to determine what my fitness goals should be at every stage of my life. So at first my wife and I started listening to you, we were in the middle of the pandemic, you know, gain weight like probably most everybody during the pandemic. And we really wanted to get back into shape. So we found your podcast started cutting our calories back and we were actually going through the maps in a ball like YouTube free videos. And I just want to say the side notes, anybody that's out there listening wondering if that program's worth buying. It totally is. The YouTube videos are great, but the program is just much better. And so I was about 175 pounds for a 5-8-guy, about 20% body fat. And in two months, doing that, I lost and got down to about 150 and dropped to 15% body fat.
Starting point is 01:34:36 My goal then was to hit 12%. But I kind of plateaued for a while. I was even about 1,600 calories. And I really think I used the tools you guys gave me and abused them a little bit, just to get me down that fast. So after the plateau, I fell off from working out for a little bit, and then I was about 145 pounds,
Starting point is 01:34:58 but lost most of my muscle. Someone pretty close to me said, you know, I look pretty skinny, but I didn't look healthy. So I started working out again. I bought anabolic. I bought aesthetic. I started running those programs. I've done that twice now, back to back, and I'm about to finish up aesthetic for the
Starting point is 01:35:13 second time. I'm eating about 2600 calories now, and I feel pretty good, but I just am still discouraged at my body fat percentage. And I'm wondering if my goal should be strength or body fat percentage. And I'm about to be a father in March. And as you guys have said so often things change working out when you become a new father. So how do I determine what my goal should be? And how do I have a healthy relationship with those goals in the future? Oh boy, good question. And congratulations on the new arrival coming soon.
Starting point is 01:35:44 Thank you. All right, so you're looking to do this forever, right? You want to have a lifelong exercise pursuit or fitness relationship. Okay, so here's an easy way to determine what your goal should be. Look at your life and list your priorities and then use fitness as a tool to improve the quality
Starting point is 01:36:05 of those things or improve your ability to do those things. So let's say I'm gonna make a list for you, maybe your list is different, but let's just say towards the top of your priorities is being a good father, being a good provider, being a good partner. Okay, how can I use my workouts and my fitness to amplify those or strengthen me in a way to make me better at those things? And then that's it and that's pretty much it. Now within that,
Starting point is 01:36:30 you could say, you know, for the last six weeks, I've been training in this particular way. It seems to be stale. I'm noticing some aches and pains. So now I'm going to scale back and try this other form of training. Or I trained for strength in these three lifts. Now let me try training in these other three lifts, but always keeping in mind what the number one priority is in your life form. And the reason why I'm saying this to you, because there's nothing wrong with fitness goals, but if you want a really solid, lifelong relationship with exercise, use it like the ultimate swiss army knife.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Like you pull it out and you go, I'm losing sleep right now, because I got a new baby, how can I use exercise to help me deal with this? Or, you know, my business is, I got some stressful stuff happening, my business, how can I use exercise to help us? Or man, everything's going easy in my life right now,
Starting point is 01:37:19 everything's going great, how can I use exercise and make it feel even better? And when you do that, it becomes this incredible lifelong relationship. And that's the way exercise should be used when you're looking at it from the lens of forever. There's no wrong answer necessarily to this and it really depends on what you want to do.
Starting point is 01:37:39 But I know that, okay, so let's take the whole getting ready for fatherhood thing right now. So you tend to have like two really common body types. You have the body type one that is probably like, Sal and I, where we, if we stop training or the same kind of volume, like it seems like muscle falls off of us as quickly as anything else. So it's like it takes so much work to build all this muscle. And then as soon as I fall off consistency or fall off diet, muscle falls off
Starting point is 01:38:05 my body. Then you have other people when they fall off the wagon of training, they don't really lose as much muscle, but body fat comes on really quick. Depending on which one of those avatars you identify more with, might be different on how I strategically prepare myself for fatherhood. So if I'm somebody who loses muscle really easy, like I do, like my goal going into fatherhood was, I'm gonna pack on as much muscles I can, getting ready for being a father, because I know I'm probably not gonna get
Starting point is 01:38:33 as much of the volume of training as I normally do. And so that was like my strategy. If you were the opposite, I would go to the body fat person, like you were kind of alluding to earlier, like I'd try and get as lean as possible, heading into fatherhood because I know I'm probably not gonna be moving as much And I'll probably eat excess calories here and there and I and I know I put on weight pretty quick So depending on you I would like probably Stereoty strategically approach
Starting point is 01:38:59 Fatherhood may be differently based off of that and then back to What Sal was saying about really trying to optimize your life, like if you also told me that you're achy and slow, like, you know, I might go a more performance mobility route. So, you know, it's hard to, you know, determine exactly what I would tell you without knowing more detail about you, but you probably know better than anybody. Yeah, you know, I thought about this quite a bit. And I know, well, have you listened to the latest one
Starting point is 01:39:30 we did with Jason Phillips? I thought I saw something in your question that you've written. But there was basically like broken down into three different pursuits. So you had like your longevity focus optimizing your health. You had like your performance, very specific goals of like getting strength or you know, whatever that was, performance wise, and then also to just more of a aesthetic goal overall in terms of like body composition or you know like enhancing and developing
Starting point is 01:39:58 certain muscles to you know gain a certain shape and size. And this is just something that is, there's no wrong answer in terms of like which area or should you focus on exclusively, but it's just something to always acknowledge. Like where have you been putting most of your effort? Like where is that lie? Like where are the deficits right now? And like what environment are you stepping into?
Starting point is 01:40:21 So obviously going into fatherhood's gonna look a lot different than what habits and where your focus was and your mindset was previous to that. And so I think that this is just always something that should be top of mind because there is a different protocol. There's a different way to train your body to produce a desired result in that direction. But and this is what we're always kind of constantly thinking about this in terms of what we can create to fill needs for people in a lot
Starting point is 01:40:51 of those different directions. But, it's just a constant kind of revolving assessment of yourself, a self-assessment, to realize like we're in different seasons all the time in life. And, you know, your work schedule changes, you may move and that just creates this entirely different environment. So I just think that's kind of the fun dynamic part
Starting point is 01:41:15 about a fitness and health driven pursuits is that there's just always something that's kind of just naturally falls off that we can address and we can improve our body overall. Aaron, you said in there, how do I fight the urge to switch so quickly, I guess from one goal to another, one program to another, when you decide to train or work for something or work towards something, then the mind game begins where you learn to enjoy the process
Starting point is 01:41:42 of what you're going through. Because once the novelty wakes up, wears off, which takes a few weeks, then if you haven't learned to enjoy that process, then you're going to want to switch to something else, to switch to something more novel. What happens? You end up spending your tires in the dirt because you don't allow your body the ability to adapt and get really good at whatever you were training for. So when you're in something, then the goal is, okay, now I got to really wrap my mind around
Starting point is 01:42:10 enjoying this process. So if it's mobility, what you don't want to do is think about your maximal strength. Oh, how much am I losing on my deadlift and my squat? Like, okay, no, no, I got to enjoy the mobility process. And I got to become this mobility person while I'm doing that. So that's the game that will prevent you from switching from the every shiny object, right, chasing every shiny object, because that can definitely become a problem. But I'll tell you what, the most valuable program for you becoming a new father, I'm
Starting point is 01:42:37 gonna tell you right now is Maps 15. Oh yeah. Maps 15, do you have that program? I don't. I just bought performance and strong because I didn't know what I needed to do after a study during your sale, so I don't have 15 yet. Okay, so map 15 is going to be a game changer as a father because there's definitely going to be moments where you're not going to be able to find an hour to work out, but you'll
Starting point is 01:43:00 probably be able to find 15 to 20 minutes to do something. So it's a game changer. We've got great reviews from people in terms of results and consistency. So I'm gonna send that to you. And then I also think map suspension would be valuable for you because that's another program you could do without having to go to the gym. And then when you go back to the gym,
Starting point is 01:43:18 I like map symmetry for a lot of people. But I definitely think maps of teen is gonna be extremely valuable. There's so much muscle right now as you can. Yeah. So I'm going to send that over to you. Okay. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 01:43:29 I think what you guys were talking about, especially with the triangle, I definitely find myself falling more in the what my body looks like composition. And then when I get into that, I'm training for that. Well, then I see the weight come off, especially during the aesthetic. You start seeing the weight come off in those super sets where I'm at now. And I just get discouraged. And I want to be strong, but I also want to look good. And that's where my back and forth kind of comes from.
Starting point is 01:43:55 So I think that's really helpful for me. Thank you. No problem. Staying in it and you can't have everything. Yeah. That's just a life lesson. Yeah. OK.
Starting point is 01:44:03 All right, man. Thank you guys so much. Thanks for calling in. Congratulations again. Yeah, I mean when I when I figured out To use my workouts and my nutrition to help make me better up the things that I value They became more valuable themselves like just see an example with diet when I go down to sometimes I go down to LA And I'll do these like podcast tours right when I'm doing like three or four podcasts When I go down to, sometimes I go down to LA and I'll do these podcast tours, when I'm doing three or four podcasts, and I really wanna be sharp. I really wanna be sharp.
Starting point is 01:44:30 I wanna have good verbal fluency. I wanna do a good job. I typically, this is when I utilize fasting and ketogenic diet, which are both not the best diets for me when it comes to strength and for performance. When I know that I'm going into a period of time where I'm not gonna be working out, well this is when I train really hard
Starting point is 01:44:46 leaving up to it because then those become recovery weeks, you know? So what I did the last two weeks I took off when when Dahlia was born, as I worked out real hard leading up to it. And then the two weeks that were off, well now it's natural that I'm kind of relaxing and hanging out with the baby.
Starting point is 01:45:00 So and when I didn't do that, I believe in not my workouts and my diet were not as valuable. Now they're far more valuable because of it. Yeah, well that's why we just can't get married to these modalities. It's got to be open because there is a better tool for the job and whatever season of life that you're in. It's always better to kind of visit something that like best applies. Yeah, I think this is figuring this out is necessary if you're going to make health and fitness a lifelong pursuit. Yes.
Starting point is 01:45:28 Personally, I think this has been one of the greatest hacks for me is learning that, like, to let go of these, specific modalities and not identifying with a type of lifter or person that trains and being open-minded to all these different tools and resources that we have at our disposal and pursuing these different goals and sticking with it, even though it's not up my alley,
Starting point is 01:45:54 if I was the aesthetic physique guy, becoming the mobile gum be dude was like, definitely a mind-fuck going through that process, but then trusting that process, I gotta let go, I gotta let go of, I'm not doing this training modality right now with to pursue a bodybuilding physique. So I gotta let go of that fact of, oh, I feel small or, oh, I feel like I'm losing muscle. Oh, I'm not, who cares? The pursuit right now is, you know, how hyper-mobile can I get and how flexible and how much pain can I eliminate
Starting point is 01:46:24 and like, I want to go down that rabbit hole. And the interesting part is when you trust that process you stick with it and then you go back and you revisit the thing maybe you're more passionate about and you love. You're better at it. You're better. Yeah, it ends up serving you.
Starting point is 01:46:36 So it's so worth it. That's the irony, right? Yeah, you know it's funny is that everybody under the age of 35 has no idea who Gumby is. I heard you say that. Gumby. Gumby was you say that. Gumby. Gumby with a good time. Look at me.
Starting point is 01:46:49 Do right away. Yeah, Doug, Doug, remember the, the, the, the, the, the, the, Gumby and Pokey. Yeah. Look, if you like Mind Pump, uh, head over to MindPumpFree.com and check out our guides. We have free guides that can help you with so many different fitness goals.
Starting point is 01:47:01 Again, they cost nothing MindPumpFree.com. You can also find all of us on social media. So Justin is on Instagram at Mind Pump Justin, Adam is on Instagram at my pump bottom, and you can find me on Twitter at Mind Pump Sal. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 01:47:19 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sour, animal, and Justin as your own personal trainers,
Starting point is 01:47:51 but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. you

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