Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1971: What You Can Do to Get Faster Results in the Gym, Ways to Break Through a Squat Plateau, How to Train for Endurance & Strength & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: December 21, 2022

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: One of the most underrated factors when it comes to workout programming is rest periods! (2:59) ...Silly movie titles. (10:19) It works until it doesn’t work. (14:15) What the guys watch vs. their wives. (17:00) Elon Musk, love him or hate him. (21:36) The social media cesspool. (26:28) “Real” vegans. (34:25) Health is NOT about being rigid with everything. (35:55) Justin is ALWAYS the life of the party. (41:26) Mind Pump’s predictions for Chat GPT. (45:58) The importance and value of having a high-protein breakfast. (52:27) #ListenerLive question #1 - Is there any value in getting a deep tissue massage, or some other form of therapeutic massage before jumping into my next MAPS program? (54:31) #ListenerLive question #2 - I feel like I can be making faster progress in the gym. What programming and tips would you recommend? (1:02:00) #ListenerLive question #3 - What are some ways to break through a squat plateau? (1:12:53) #ListenerLive question #4 - When running, why do my legs give out faster than my cardiovascular system? (1:27:54) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Kreatures of Habit: Meal One for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MP25 at checkout** Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! December Promotion: At-Home Holiday Bundle (MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Suspension, MAPS PRIME, and The No BS 6-Pack Formula all for the low price of $99.99!) Mind Pump #1612: Everything You Need To Know About Sets, Reps & Rest Periods Cocaine Bear (2023) - IMDb Watch Lady Chatterley's Lover | Netflix Official Site Watch Sebastian Maniscalco: Is It Me? | Netflix Official Site Watch Stutz | Netflix Official Site Elon Musk gets booed by the crowd at Dave Chappelle's San Francisco show (Part 1 of 4) All-In Podcast E107: The Twitter Files Parts 1-2: shadow banning, story suppression, interference & more The Health Benefits of Strong Relationships - Harvard Health Chat GPT Visit MASSZYMES by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** MAPS Symmetry MAPS Fitness Anabolic Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Mind Pump #1830: Five Steps To Determine Your Ideal Caloric Intake COSSACK SQUAT - Increase Mobility & Leg Strength (TRY THIS SQUAT) Dunphy Squat- Improve Your Squat with this Secret Exercise How To Box Squat The RIGHT Way (SQUAT HEAVIER!!) Mind Pump #1845: How To Do Cardio & Not Lose Muscle MAPS Cardio   MAPS Strong Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Elon Musk (@elonmusk) Twitter Liver King (@liverking) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Might, pop, might, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered live, callers, questions, but this was after a 46 minute introductory conversation where we talked about fitness, current events, our families, studies, and much more.
Starting point is 00:00:29 By the way, you could check the show notes for timestamps if you want to fast forward to your favorite part. Also, you want to be on an episode like this one, email your question to live at mindpumpmedia.com. That's episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is creatures of a habit. They make a high protein plant based oatmeal that you eat in the morning. It tastes great.
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Starting point is 00:01:05 So it's creaturesofhabit.com forward slash mind pump, use the code mp25 for 25% off. This episode is also brought to you by Zbiotics. This is a genetically modified probiotic drink designed to break down some of the harmful byproducts of alcohol consumption. In other words, you drink Zbiotics, then you go drink alcohol with your friends, hang out, whatever, and you don't get the nasty buildup of acetaldehyde in your blood like you normally would, and acetaldehyde can wreak havoc in your system
Starting point is 00:01:35 when you don't break it down very well in the gut. Anyway, go check them out. Go to zbiotics.com, the ZB-I-O-T-I-C-S.com forward slash Mind Pump, use the code Mind Pump 2ump22 for 10% off your first order. Also, we got a sale going on this month. It's the at home holiday bundle. This bundle includes workout programs that are great for home use. So they require little to no equipment.
Starting point is 00:01:58 The first workout program is Maps anywhere. Then there's Maps suspension, then there's Maps prime, and then there's the no BS6 pack formula. All of them together would normally retail for over $330, but right now you can get all of them in this bundle for $99.99 and 99 cents if you're interested just go to maps December comm alright here comes a show It's t-shirt time. And it's T-shirt time. We digging out my food down week. That's right there, Adam.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Boy, we've got a new Adam here today. His voice didn't correct us that. So we got four winners this week, two for Apple Podcasts, two for Facebook, the Apple Podcast winners are no dad, bod Tyler and Coloss and for Facebook, we have Josh work and Jessica Davis. All four of you are winners and the name I just read to iTunes at mind pump media.com include your shirt size and your shipping address. And we'll get that shirt right out to you.
Starting point is 00:02:59 All right, let's talk about one of the most underrated factors when it comes to workout programming, rest periods. In fact, what makes lifting weights strength training versus just cardio is the rest period. If you did a bunch of exercises with no rest period, even if it was bench press, deadlift squats, overhead presses, but you didn't have rest periods, it's no longer cardio, no longer strength training. It's the rest periods that make the strength training build muscle just like the weights part What's what's your guess on the percentage of people working out in your commercial gyms that don't Utilize this. Oh, 60% yeah, I mean it's high. I say it's well. It's less than that. I don't know man
Starting point is 00:03:40 I think I haven't been in a while though, so I don't know. I think it's way higher I mean back in the day it was I haven't been in a while though, so I don't know. I think it's way higher. I mean, back in the day, it was, you go right now to a commercial gym. Yeah, and I would say believe it or not, the people strength training there, do pretty good rest periods. Like actually take rest. Yeah, but that's not what I mean.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I mean, and you could always tell somebody who is actually paying attention to this, because they either got a stopwatch or they're looking up at the clock. Everybody else finds a rest period that they like and they feel comfortable, including ourselves. Oh, they never modify. Our guilty of this is you find a rest period
Starting point is 00:04:15 that works for your way of training, whether that be for strength, or hypertrophy, or circuit, whatever it is. And then that becomes your kind of set rest period. And you take the same amount of time in the gym, you get about the same amount of exercises done, your rest periods look exactly the same. And they've been exactly the same for months and potentially years. I would say 90 plus percent of the, because this was used to be one of my favorite ways to change it up for somebody who's, who I would get that would hire me that had been training consistently
Starting point is 00:04:46 for a long time. I agree with you. I would say majority people don't know how to manipulate res periods, 100%. But they do take, a lot of people do take a res period, but it's either they take no res period or in between sets, they're on their phone. You used to be newspapers.
Starting point is 00:05:00 I just remember people being on the newspaper in between sets. This is a peck deck. You know, he's like some old guy reading up on world events. Oh, yeah. Between sets. This is a peck deck. It's always like some old guy reading up on world events. It's like, what are you doing? No, but you, so generally speaking for strength training, your rest period should be between 30 seconds on the, on the low end,
Starting point is 00:05:15 two as long as like four minutes on the high end. And that's the range. And then you can, you can play within those ranges to give your body novel stimulus. But you know, it's funny, you're mentioning people who don't do that. It's so funny. So yesterday I went to the movies of my kids and believe me, there's a point to this.
Starting point is 00:05:32 So we go to the movies, there's this kid working in the desk. He's friends with my son, he goes to school with him. So he's like, hey, what's up buddy? Hey, what's going on? Whatever they talk for a second, we go to the movie. And then I asked my son, I said, is he a wrestler? And he goes, how did you know?
Starting point is 00:05:45 That's why I could tell by his posture and the way he's holding himself. He didn't have cauliflower here, but I said I could tell by the way, standing in my son goes, can you tell often, like what kind of sport or something? I said not always this, but sometimes it's obvious, and it just made me think of this conversation.
Starting point is 00:06:00 There's this woman who works out and I'll paint the picture for you, okay? She's got probably she's got some like kind of stubborn body fat You could tell it's stubborn because she works her ass off So I'd say maybe 15 pounds or so that's kind of stuck to her body. She's Works out very very vigorously dark circles under the eyes She does an exercise to an exercise to an exercise to jump in Jack's or treadmill and I see her in there when I work out all the time and she's got that look on her face. You know that look where you could tell they're
Starting point is 00:06:33 drained but stimulated. I mean how often did you guys see this in gyms with people where all they would have to do is slow their work it down take rest periods get stronger and they would get the fat would come off and they wouldn't look like they're just running off of caffeine and stimulants. They would look like they're healthy. And I could tell I watched I saw her walk in and I'm like, I know she's going to work out and sure enough, that's what she does with her workouts. Well, for the point you're trying to make, I think the same case or argument can be made about the other side too, the power lifter guy who goes in there and puts chalk on his hands for five minutes before he gets in and does the next set and
Starting point is 00:07:11 he's been lifting that way forever. A great advice to add to this tip would be if you're in a plateau, here's a great way to bust your plateau. Don't change anything yet. Grab a stopwatch. Do your normal flow of your workout and just pay attention to what you've naturally kind of gravitated towards as far as rest periods and then go to the other end of the spectrum. So if you're the lady you're giving an example of and she's like, oh my god, I'd never rest longer than 15 to 30 seconds. She's like, super, then the next time you train
Starting point is 00:07:46 or the next training block, let's say for the next month, train with rest periods that are three minutes long and try and challenge yourself by adding more weight to the bar every set. If you're the opposite, you're the powerlifter guy or the young kid who likes to rest forever in between or text for three minutes in between,
Starting point is 00:08:04 go the opposite direction and go short 30second rest periods for the next four weeks. Those two people that are in plateaus that do that will see a huge difference just from doing it. It's going to interrupt the patterns. I think we just are all false susceptible to that. It's just one of those things. You don't even recognize it. It's the same thing with like even tempo too.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Like we'll recognize in the gym. Somebody that is actually is being really intentional about a negative portion of the rap or like holding it and being super controlled and dialed in. That's always impressive to me because it takes that added bit of intuitive focus where they're like, you know, intentional focus I should say where they're actually like, you know, taking that on because otherwise, we're just gonna do what feels like you always do because it's just, I'm gonna gravitate towards what I wanna do and what I feel like doing,
Starting point is 00:08:55 which is not always best for you. Now the stopwatch is important because you guessing, you're changing your dress period? No, no, no, no, almost never works now. And you like diet stuff when you think you, yeah, no, no, almost never works now. And you just like diet stuff when you think you, yeah, no, track for a little bit first. And it's a very different workout in the sense that it's a different focus,
Starting point is 00:09:12 it's a different intent. The weight that you select is gonna be very different. Like if I'm resting three minutes versus 30 seconds, the weight on the bar is way different. Like it's like 50% lighter or less. In fact, my goal when I'm doing short rest periods is to go as light as I can and still make it feel like I'm going heavy.
Starting point is 00:09:31 When I'm resting long, now I'm trying to challenge myself with the weight that I'm lifting. So, what am I saying here? The challenge with this is the mental piece. Because we all have a tendency to train in a particular way. And when you change rest periods for some reason is the hardest thing for people to stick to when they make a change. Exercise is I could get people to change.
Starting point is 00:09:50 You know, rep ranges can be challenging too, but rest periods are really hard. Like you take the person who hates resting in between sets, the person is like, what do I do now? You know, in between sets. You take that person, have them rest three minutes, it's torture, or you take the person
Starting point is 00:10:03 to rest three minutes and you make them do 30 seconds, it's torture. So you gotta have that stopwatch, otherwise, it's not gonna happen. It's gotta be a momentum thing, right? Like for people that don't like resting, it's just like, I have to just like stay busy and just keep doing something. Otherwise, I feel like I'm not working.
Starting point is 00:10:18 It's crazy. Anyway, speaking to movies, I went to the movie yesterday. Oh, you did? Yeah, I went to the movies yesterday. I sent you guys a picture of the craziest. You didn't really go see that movie, did you? No. Oh, I was like, did you really,
Starting point is 00:10:29 but you had to say you have no worst taste of movies. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, going on. Okay, so here's a, okay, it's like Sharknado. It's gonna be in the same classroom. I thought it was a joke. No, it's real. So we went, I went and watched Black Panther, the second Black Panther. Actually pretty good. It was actually pretty good.
Starting point is 00:10:52 It was, it was all right. It was all right. I'm gonna check that out. Almost three hours long. It was, it was pretty good. It was, I wouldn't say it's bad. I wouldn't say it's great. It was all right.
Starting point is 00:11:00 But I'm walking through and have the posters of different movies. And my daughter goes, what? and I look up in the movie There's a big poster and there's a movie coming out called cocaine bear Now this is not about a drug dealer whose nickname is I bet it's like an it's probably like a town called cocaine or something It's not like it's not like it's a Well, hold on a second. I'm gonna get worse. It's gonna be a worse I look at the I looked at the poster and I'm like and it's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer?
Starting point is 00:11:25 I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer?
Starting point is 00:11:33 I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer?
Starting point is 00:11:41 I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like, what's the trailer? I'm like this has to be like something that's weird or whatever. Maybe it's comedy. No, no, it's a bear That really happened that there's I guess drug dealers lost like a bunch of kilos of cocaine in the woods I guess it fell out of a plane. I don't know Way and the bear got into the cocaine and in the movie the cocaine's the bear's crazy Like there's clips on the trailer where the bear's like chasing cars. I got a fast this bear's crazy What and it's a grizzly bear. Terrified.
Starting point is 00:12:08 What's the name of the guy? What's the name of the, oh, that was money, not cocaine that fell on the plane. What was the name of that, the famous person that would ever got caught? Oh, God. It was like initials. It's like initials. Yeah, DB Cooper. Yes, DB Cooper.
Starting point is 00:12:21 That was, that was money, not cocaine. So I looked it up. Okay. There really was a grizzly bear that ate a bunch of cocaine. What like, I like, what is that dude or the bear? Like, well, he ended up running a bunch of, he wrote a bunch of business plans. He got all this, he got all his people next four winters. So he stopped up. They were killed a bunch of hookers. He stopped up. He killed a bunch of hookers.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Yeah. Yeah. I got what the hell's there, Ian? That's what I told my kids and I were laughing, you know, and my son, my son's like, he's like, oh shit, look at that bear. Oh, he wants to start a business with me. All of a sudden, what's going on? You're going to lose your mind.
Starting point is 00:13:00 That bear's on cocaine. It was, it's, now he lives in my house. Would you take your two-oldest? Yeah, you would. Yeah, so, so along those lines, so I took the two-old, cause I never really hang out just with the two of them. So Jessica stayed behind with the two babies, right? And so I'm off with the two older ones.
Starting point is 00:13:15 And it was along movies, almost three hour movie, were out for a while, then I drove to some other neighborhoods cause I was looking at, you know, potentially moving or whatever. So it was like half of the day, right? So I come home and I saw the most attractive thing ever.
Starting point is 00:13:29 And I think you guys can relate. You know, I know Adam, we've talked about this before. I come home and my wife is, she's got the baby, right? So she's kind of, she's outside. She's nursing the baby with one hand like this, holding an umbrella with the other one. While my two-year-old has got rain boots on and is like stomping around, getting wet.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I'm looking at him, like, that is the hottest mom of all time. So she, and so I walk up to her. I walk up to her and I whisper in her ear, I'm like, oh, you're gonna get it later, whatever's there. What? She's like, I haven't showered. I'm on a shape, because I just had a baby. What's wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:14:02 I'm like, I've never seen you so attractive in my life. You're like handling all these kids and doing all this stuff, you know? Yeah, I get it though. Yeah, there's just those moments. You're like, yeah, that's my girl. Totally, yeah. 100%. Well, I was gonna tell him out in this morning that
Starting point is 00:14:18 like I had the most epic sex the other night. And really, like, it's not my other move other move right the one I told you guys about the tool about our tools yeah oh we're fixing stuff and that's exactly he told me had incredible sex and I'm like oh would you fix it the house it's like no bro I got I got another one no it's definitely so I do tell throughout the book and decided to kind of concede so there was, so I can't stand like these old stuffy English movies and TV shows and, you know, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:14:51 That's like very like proper, proper, and they drink tea and they talk about stupid stuff. So she had one of these noodles on. That definitely describes every English movie. It's every single one I've seen. It's like the Royal Tannin, whatever. Whoever, I don't give a shit, you know, whatever. Just dialogue, no time.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Yeah, just dialogue. And so that was on TV, and I just got them put in the, she likes it. She loves it, yeah. And you never watch it. Because I'm just like, and she always says, like, oh, we're always watching the action bang, bang, shoot stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:24 And I'm like, that's not true. It's usually comedy and it's like, you says, like, oh, we're always watching the action bang bang shoot stuff. And I'm like, that's not true. It's usually comedy and it's like, you know, shows, it's sci-fi, whatever. Anyways, it was on, I get out and she's watching it. And she's like, you know, can I have a few more minutes watching my show? And then I see like a little bit of like, you know, making out whatever and it got like kind of steamy.
Starting point is 00:15:42 And I'm like, okay, yeah, leave that on. That's, yeah, let's check this out. I'm like, okay, yeah, leave that on. Let's check this out. I'm gonna let you watch this. This is great. And it turns out, it was straight up, like old English porn or something. Oh, yeah, it was like, it's a show, Netflix.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I'm like, what is this rated? It was interesting. It was like somebody's lover or something. Anyways, it was like a straight up roller. Do you remember the name of the movie? I don't care. Yeah, I don't even care what the name of it was. He didn't make it all the way through.
Starting point is 00:16:11 He said, but we're watching every season now. It was so epic. And like, yeah, anyway, so apparently that really, you know, so you put on a Kravak. Gets tingly, he's gone for her and things. And some like, well, I've been missing out this whole time. I guess that's why I like, you know, because I used to make fun of my dad all the time
Starting point is 00:16:29 for watching those stupid shows. And I get it. I get it pops, you know, you know, teach us. Do you guys hear about that? I think I told you guys, I met a talk about on the show about that guy that hired. He paid somebody to mug his girlfriend and so he could save his girlfriend so he could like show up beat the guy out.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Oh yeah, yeah, dude. It totally worked. It's like it doesn't work. If you try to get mugged for reals one time, my boyfriend's going to kick. I don't know, honey, we're going to leave this time. I don't want to. We should probably walk away. You know, I watched last night, I think I heard you say something to dug about.
Starting point is 00:17:02 I didn't even know it was out. Was what's his face stand up? Subashions. Oh, I watched half of it. It was really good. It was really good. I only watched half. Oh, you only got half way.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Have you watched it yet? No. Oh, you? Yeah, I did. Oh, it was good. He's gotten really good. And he did a good job of touching some third rail top. I mean, I love to see this kind of,
Starting point is 00:17:25 the pendulum swinging back in the comedy sphere, right? I feel like these comedians have like, are finally like, okay, enough is enough. We're becoming so overly sensitive, stand up comedians, they're trying to cancel comedians and stuff like that, like the Dave Chappelle. So every one of them I feel like I've watched recently, make sure to like touch the third rails a little bit.
Starting point is 00:17:44 And he did it. And I thought he did a really good job of it he talks about his family and his dad I crack up because I think of you guys Yeah, cuz he's a you know, he's a time. Yeah, yeah, and he goes and he's talking about the time It's like I can tell I could just see the way you move that you're not from you're not American He talks about his dad he goes Those are not American moves and he's like, you know, mimicking his dad I'm laughing because I like playing. Katrina was cracking up, she's like, oh my God, this is gonna be you, I could tell this is gonna be you
Starting point is 00:18:09 when you're older, so that. He's an older dad, right? And so he does this whole thing of life. Oh, he talks about, can you just get to school and stuff like that? And the whole time, she's like, oh my God, this is so good. No, I like the part, just get laughed a little too hard at this part.
Starting point is 00:18:23 You know, you ever watch your wife laugh a little too hard? And you're like, wait a minute. He's like, yeah, he's like, he's like, I'm 49 years old. I got a five year old and a three year old. He goes, so I play a lot of times laying down on the ground because I just lay down on the ground. And Jessica's like, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. And I'm like, wait a minute. That's how I play with the kids.
Starting point is 00:18:39 He's here. Hey, just jump on me, kids. Oh, I have to, dude, I found it. It's Lady Shantreley's lover. I'm sorry. Hey, just jump on me, kids. I have to, dude, I found it's Lady Shantrele's lover. There you go. For a while. Wow. You dudes out there.
Starting point is 00:18:51 We'll never watch that normally. I highly see that. She's into that stuff, huh? Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I didn't, it's the thing. It's like, I think I've suppressed it so much for her that she doesn't admit that she likes it.
Starting point is 00:19:04 You know, it's almost like, so I can't watch Stand Up Comedy anymore either, because she's like, no, like, because I think I've overdone it. He's that kind of thing. Yeah, yeah. So I have to like, again, we're talking to the fitness tip. You gotta interrupt the patterns.
Starting point is 00:19:17 So, you know, so what are, okay, so what's everybody's show, or types of stuff that the wives watch, that you don't watch, and then that that you watch and she doesn't watch. So Jessica doesn't watch a lot of TV, but if there is one show she'll watch that I just will like, oh god, it's a she's like watching the Kardashians. Oh, she watches it. She watches it. What? She does. No way. I didn't know we had anybody in our circle that watch. She's like she calls it a trash TV or what. But then she's also like, you know, but they're great business people.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I'm like, okay, whatever. So she likes the Kardashians. She'll watch all the seasons of that or whatever. And then for me, I can never put anything sci-fi on, ever, nothing. Sometimes I'll try and trick her. Like, oh, this is a really good drama. And I'll put it on and there'll be like,
Starting point is 00:20:01 a hint of futuristic anything. Oh, sci-fi, turn it off. Like, oh, it has to be a real settle. Yeah, I like the good story. We gotta watch this. Yeah, see, that's funny. That's the one that we're all the wives are somewhere on. Because that's Katrina and I actually watch almost all the same TV.
Starting point is 00:20:15 We're into all that most of the same stuff, except for that. That's the one, that and I can't get her to watch as many, I would watch more documentaries. I like documentaries. Yeah, so do I. So like, if I can't find anything on TV, I feel like I can always find a good documentary that get her to watch as many, I would watch more documentaries, I like documentaries. Yeah, so do I. So like if I can't find anything on TV, I feel like I can always find a good documentary that I'll want to watch and I'll default to that.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Well, she'll be like, ah, she don't want to watch it. Have you guys seen, I talked about it at once, but have you guys seen Stutz yet? Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. What did I think of that? Oh Katrina, love just good. Katrina actually, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Katrina paused it and did a bunch of processing watching it. So do we, we pause and we talk about it. Yeah. Yeah. What a brilliant therapist in such an endearing man and the way he communicates, so good. Yeah. It's phenomenal. A lot of people are talking about it right now.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Yeah, it's good. It's a good show. Yeah. I mean, it's different, right? It's like you, you, you can't go into it thinking you're going to watch like a good show or a good movie. It's, it was brilliantly done and unique, right? I don't think you've ever seen it.
Starting point is 00:21:06 And you take away a lot from it. Yeah, you definitely, I like the, I mean, the part where he talked about how taking care of your physical health will take care of 85%. This is his words, 85% of people's anxiety and depressive issues. Because you know, many times I get young men who are just feeling like crap,
Starting point is 00:21:21 I get them to exercise and eat right and then fix their problems. Yeah. I mean, we've seen this, but to hear it from, you know, really, really well respected therapist, say that. That's validating, for sure. Yeah, exactly. Totally validating.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Yeah. Yeah, anyway, cocaine bear, cocaine bear. So, all right, so, you mentioned Chappelle, which made me think of Elon. Oh, yeah, did you, okay. So tell me about what, what's this thing here? So, well, first of all,
Starting point is 00:21:44 Chappelle and Chris Rock were together, I wish we would have went to that. Well, that was here in San Jose. I don't know why we slept on that. That was a bad one. That's like, that's your wheelhouse, I don't know. I guess you should have been one of those. I think Justin watches way more stand.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I didn't get notified. Yeah, you watch way more stand up than I do. So. Yeah, but you're all about the cool stuff happening around us. Oh, that's a cool thing. Okay, that's what that was. I'll take it for the team one, that one. They were here and I guess Elon,
Starting point is 00:22:09 Chappelle introduced him. So yeah, I introduced the audience that the richest man in the world here in Senhai, and he came up on stage and supposedly he got booed. Well, according to all the articles that are floating around all over the place. Now, according to Musk and people that were there told me that it was like 90, 10, 90 cheers, 10% booze, and then you're getting the complete opposite being reported on the
Starting point is 00:22:34 way. And conveniently, there's no videos of this like that were that were taken. So and supposedly that the rumor in the media is that people did share it on Twitter and Twitter removed the videos of him booing. That's what the... He owns Twitter. He should put it back up. No.
Starting point is 00:22:52 So the articles are saying that he removed that he got booed like crazy and the reason why we can't see any videos of it is because he removed all of it. Well, then it should be on Facebook. I know. It should be on these platforms. It's hilarious. The effort to target him right now is so bad. It's so bad.
Starting point is 00:23:09 It's crazier than I think I've ever seen. The minute that the news came out that he was getting it, they just, I mean, they even pulled up stuff, I've never seen articles about him buying multiple private jets and just, and then all his kids stuff came, how many kids he has got, anything that that they can attach to like making him look like a puke is hitting the news.
Starting point is 00:23:30 It's crazy. I mean, who's sticking their neck out more than him these days? Can someone please, like he needs 24 hours to do? It's like, like, like talk about the biggest hornets nest of all time. He just has a stick and just like, bam, bro, the Twitter files that are coming out right now show clear, clear cooperation
Starting point is 00:23:49 between political parties, government and social media. Clear, clear. You see one of his latest tweets where he said, my pronouns are prosecute Fauci. Fauci, yeah. That one. That one was like, wow. Bro, somebody, I feel real bad. I'm worried about him as well, I should say. I'm worried about the guy because that machine, whatever that machine is, has taken out people
Starting point is 00:24:11 in the past in terms of taking out their credibility. They're obviously attacking him from all angles. Are you current on all end right now? Just, I think so. Did you do Fridays? What was it about? So they talked about all this. Oh no, I guess not. Oh yeah, yeah. They talked about all this. They talked about all this. now? Just I think so. Did you do Fridays?
Starting point is 00:24:25 What was it about? So they talked about all this. Oh, no, I guess not. Oh, yeah, yeah, they talked, they talked all. And then also what he's going to do as far as and and Chamath was talking about how he thinks that this is actually should almost become law for all social media and that he's going to be completely transparent with why you're if you're shadow band, why you're shadow band,
Starting point is 00:24:46 that you can petition it, that there's gonna be complete transparency around what is happening with the algorithm. So everybody knows and it's like, you know what's crazy is like that should be adopted by everyone in the standard from the very beginning. Can I say some, he's already, I don't know, again, I wanna say this
Starting point is 00:25:04 because people are stupid about this, that I don't know the man, so I don't know if he's a good guy, I don't know if he's a good father, I don't know, again, I want to say this because people are stupid about this. I don't know the man, so I don't know if he's a good guy, I don't know if he's a good father, I don't know if he's a good friend, any other stuff. But objectively, he's the greatest entrepreneur in modern times. The guy created a space company. And by the way, please.
Starting point is 00:25:18 And before that was NASA, and it became successful and profitable. He created a car company, one of the most, like nobody creates a new car company. Not only did he do that, he got rid of the cartel between the dealerships and the cars and who sells them or whatever. He did it direct, he'd broke all the rules, made it a profitable company, PayPal,
Starting point is 00:25:37 made that massively profitable, with other solar, boring, solar, like, let's go on. Okay, so here he goes, he takes over Twitter, which is of all the social media companies was the shittiest one at the time, right? It was just crappy.
Starting point is 00:25:48 And we know this, we see the numbers and whatever. Now it's a propaganda mission. Now it's starting to grow. It could you imagine if he turns Twitter into the social media company? He's going to. He's going to. That's insane.
Starting point is 00:26:00 He's going to. That'll be crazy. Why wouldn't he? Look at his track record. Almost everything else that he's touched. You got to think, and part of why I think he even did it is because he looks at the other stuff he's done. Like you said, he built something to rival NASA.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Come on. Like the fucking social media company. He's like, come on, I could do this. Yeah, well, we'll see. I'll take this out of the shitter. I'll see, but it seems like Twitter existed simply to be this kind of loudspeaker for, I guess, special interest.
Starting point is 00:26:29 So I don't think it's that nefarious. I don't think that. Have you read the Twitter? So I don't believe that. I don't buy that. What I think. I mean, it's all there. Yeah, but here, there's a better explanation, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:26:40 They've already done the polls on it. Like 90% of Twitter is liberal. That worked there. And these are the people that are making the controls. And they do, social media has, at this time, in our lifetime, right? This has only been around for 15 years. It's very new, this idea of like this, like what do we do with this type of content? And I think what they've done is they used the policies that were in place and they geared it favorable to their views.
Starting point is 00:27:07 I don't think it was like this master. That's why I was in the pharion. Yeah, well, it's because I don't think they thought about it like that. I don't think it was like, oh, we're gonna do this too. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, it was thought up. Did you see the correspondence between with the Hunter Biden laptop, then going back and forth,
Starting point is 00:27:22 them saying, oh, I don't think we can do this, but let's do it anyway, type of deal, or kicking Trump off of Twitter. Like they knew, and they talked about it in the correspondence. So people, like, was it Michelle Obama was actually telling Twitter, you should take. Okay, so let's put it in, since we're in this world. I don't think there's like one per se. Yeah, let's put this into perspective. Let's put it in our world.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Now obviously we're not as big as Twitter, but imagine that we were. The amount of hate and comments and negative stuff we were, I mean, you already said it the other day, you said it not that long ago where you're like, you know what, we're getting this place now where I think I'm just gonna start to delete stuff that is just negative or evil or vicious
Starting point is 00:28:02 that people are posting on there. Okay. That you and we all would have an internal conversation about that if we were to move in that direction. Yeah, I'm not. And we all have our own political views and thoughts about how we view the world. And so you are seeing a conversation internally that's happening about. You're explaining why, but that's doesn't matter. Here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:28:23 I'm not, what I'm saying, I'm not defending it, by any means. You're just explaining why. Yeah, I just think that it's, that's not real contradictions. That's not, that would have happened across the board from anybody saying anything hateful,
Starting point is 00:28:36 which was happening completely. Listen, in a different direction. Listen, we have very, very specific protections for free speech, but the protections for free speech are the government. In other words, if I want to tell you to shut up because you're on my podcast, I could do that. It's a private podcast, right? If I have the guess that's on and we do this interview, you don't like it. I don't have to air it, right? But the government is barred from
Starting point is 00:28:59 censoring speech. They are barred from censoring the media. So what they've done and what the Twitter with these files that come out are showing is that they used, they censored by proxy. They, they, they, The CDC, the CDC sent stuff and influence these people. So I, and so my, my, my, my, my defense is Twitter in that situation. You've got a government entity that is telling you,
Starting point is 00:29:25 hey, this is dangerous information. What do you do? Again, put it back on us. Like CDC or someone's coming down on us, we have our own private company that we're building and running. And oh, by the way, our political views happen to align with them also. So it's pretty easy for us to go like, okay, yeah, we're going to shout out. That should be illegal. It should be illegal that the government tells me. I don't disagree with that. I don't disagree with that. That is government though. That's not Twitter. So I don't blame Twitter as a private entity for that situation. No, what I blame. What I blame is the lies for sure. They lied about it for a long time. No, we're not doing that. That's not what we're doing today though, you know, Twitter would come out and say we don't
Starting point is 00:30:08 We don't shadow band Twitter is not a person company Twitter the whoever the spokesperson's name, but they would come out and say no, we're not shadow banding. No, we don't do that. I know, but they're okay. So the Okay, Jack Dorsey came out and said all those things right so there's also a very good possibility that some of the things that were happening, the people that were pulling the levers, that Jack Dorsey was unaware of that. Okay, so if one of our employees misrepresents us, who's fault is it? It is ours. So that's my point.
Starting point is 00:30:36 My point is, is that it is nefarious in that sense, and I'm glad it's getting revealed, and it goes way worse than that, because the other, look, all the people, everybody who suspected that big tech is geared in a particular direction, is censoring something,
Starting point is 00:30:53 like for example, there were legit, like pedophile tweets that went out. You know what they would do? Delete the tweet, leave the poster alone. They didn't shadow ban them, they didn't kick them off.
Starting point is 00:31:03 You had people going out saying, hey, I'm not gonna get vaccinated because this doesn't have a lot of studies behind it. Not only they get rid of the tweet, they banned the person. This is crazy to me. Well, I can't, that's a whole other discussion. I can't get behind or even comprehend what the fuck is going on with the whole child shit. The stuff that we're seeing right now on the pedophile side and with the elites, with the Hollywood, with these social media companies, I can't even wrap my brain around it because I don't, I have yet to know anybody who isn't disgusted by the blincy august stuff and
Starting point is 00:31:37 disgusted with the stuff that's coming out like that. So who the fuck is approving oral action? I feel though this stuff. Yeah, who is like, who has got that much power and that much control that these types of companies, these types of people are being shielded for seconds. It consists in season contradictions that whatever their motives are are relevant to me.
Starting point is 00:31:57 You can't have just one-sided, if this is a platform for everybody to speak and speak their mind and have their cause and all that, it has to be across the board. You cannot just like completely scrub it into one direction, you don't have anything for you. Well, that's why I think this is such a beautiful solve what he's about to do.
Starting point is 00:32:18 And I think that this is one of those cool things. You know, this is another example of great free market stuff is that, yes, these are all private companies that can choose to do what they want. But when he's when he sets the tone as that we are going to show you the algorithm. Anyhow, compete the other. Yeah. And by the way, that's he's always going to be keen as, as, you know, creators that utilize a lot of these platforms. One of the most frustrating parts, I mean, before we started this podcast today, we were banging
Starting point is 00:32:43 our heads going like, what the fuck is going on with YouTube right now? You know, why are we not, why are we not growing? Also, we've halted it. We've slowed way down out of, out of nowhere. You know, it sucks. It's like we have, we have no clue. We're guessing constantly throwing spaghetti on the wall, trying to figure out the algorithm. Like how nice would it be to be a data for us. Here's what you need to do. Yeah. Boop, boop, boop, boop, and then the, the best man wins. It's the, you know? I'll tell you right now what it is. It's Larry.
Starting point is 00:33:07 It's the fucking evil fitness cartel trying to see all of this. I'm telling you. It's a beach buddy. Yeah. Oh, man. We finally woke up each body. It's the same where should the only ones that got billions of dollars is the only one that got to Alex Jr.
Starting point is 00:33:21 The only ones that can slow us down. It's the same where shoulding fitness cartel look. We're trying to do the good stuff here. Share us. Make sure you share us so we can defeat the evil fitness cartel. I was helpless beat. What if the Lord was beat the pedophile?
Starting point is 00:33:35 Yeah. Hey, what if the leader of the fitness, the evil fitness cartel look like? Yeah, I don't know. He's like, the liver king, that son of a bitch. I knew it. He's a job of the nut. He's a fat dude.
Starting point is 00:33:46 No, we can't get people to. Man, I would really like to see his numbers right now. The amount of publicity that guy is getting. Actually, if you go on his Instagram, you look at the comments, like 80% of them are crap, are bad, negative. That people are calling them the light, not the liver king, the lying king, like lie.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Oh, yeah, that's good. I mean, I'd be, I'm less interested in what the dewebes on Twitter and Instagram say. I'm more interested in it, look, website traffic. That's what I'd like to see. Because I, I mean, you guys know that. I mean, how many times have we posted or done something and then the, you know, the mob of like people
Starting point is 00:34:21 that you ruffle there? I mean, how many times when we do it, if we say anything about vegans, this guaranteed we got 20 comments coming real quick. Actually, you know what's funny? So we have a postpartum doula that works with us. And she's vegan and she's like, just for, look, I don't wanna offend some people,
Starting point is 00:34:42 but she's a real vegan. What I mean by that is, what I mean by that is studies will show that if somebody tries to go, if someone tries to go vegan to lose weight or because they think it'll improve their health, their consistency with it or their ability to stick to it is as good as anybody trying to follow any diet. So someone tries to follow keto, anybody who tries to follow carnivore or whatever,
Starting point is 00:35:04 it's super high-fail rate. Now, the ones that stick to it, they're misled. They're misled to believe that that's a better way of eating. It just doesn't work, right? But the ones that stick to it are the ones that really have these ethical issues that really believe animals shouldn't be harmed.
Starting point is 00:35:19 So I asked her about this and she said, yeah, she goes, I've been like this since I was, I think since she was 10, since you were 10, she goes, yeah, once I kind of realized what I was doing, she's like, I couldn't do it anymore. And so we started talking and she's telling me about how she organizes her food, how she supplements, how she feeds her kids, because her kids are not that way. And I told her, I said, well, you've met a few people. Good for her, she feeds her kid normal and then she eats that way.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Well, yeah, and I said, well, why don't you, she goes, because I know how much she goes, it's hard enough getting your kids to get all their nutrition, let alone taking out entire category of nutritious foods. So we have this great conversation around it. Anyway, back to Twitter, I got to tell you guys I got this. So we're supposed to mention Z-bottles. So this goes right into it. So somebody on there, every time somebody gets annoyed with me on Twitter, they'll make a, like it's like, please come up with better insults.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Like, oh, you're on steroids or, oh, you know, whatever. Or, oh, you guys, whatever dude. Anyway, this guy goes on there and he goes, yeah, you're talking about health, but you guys talk about drinking alcohol. And I thought you were a fitness podcast. I'm like, dude, do you listen to my show? And why?
Starting point is 00:36:26 It's never somebody who does. No, so you're not pure, tanical enough. Yeah, so you know, health isn't just about, in fact, health is not being rigid and perfect with everything. Health also was about enjoying the moment, connecting with people. And there are benefits to enjoying the taste of something or how something may make you feel like alcohol.
Starting point is 00:36:47 So can alcohol be healthy? Yes, it can be healthy with bonding. There can be some psychological health. Of course, it can be abused and it can be unhealthy. So I did this whole reply to whatever. Now, along those lines, in here's a Z-Biotics part, you can do things that mitigate the physiological damage that alcohol can potentially produce, or just a shitty day after feeling and they're, boom, they're
Starting point is 00:37:09 insert z-biotics. That'll help with that big time. So that's so funny, you can't like that. I know, I know. It's funny. Everyone wants to get these fitness zealots. Yeah. Who think being orthorexic is what health is all about, being like super rigid and I'm
Starting point is 00:37:22 like, no, man, there was at what, there was at one famous study, we've talked about many times where they show that. Oh my gosh, ships. Yeah, having poor relationships in your life was as bad for your health as smoke and 10 cigarettes a day. It was more than that. Or PAC, how much is it? Yeah, it was like, no, it was like 50 cigarettes. It was a crazy number.
Starting point is 00:37:35 I think it was a PAC, I don't think it was 50. But nonetheless, fact check me, that's a lot. It was a lot. Nonetheless, that's unhealthy. And so think about all the fitness fanatics that we've known in our life who don't go to parties, don't hang out with friends because they don't want to miss leg day. They got it. Oh, can't go out and eat because I have to have my perfect food.
Starting point is 00:37:53 So it's like they're trading one for the other. Well, listen, what ends up happening to a lot of them are just young, right? They're young and they came up in this last 15 years, right? In the fitness space. And so we were around pre-social media. So we had, we had the opportunity to kind of see this before it came when it was coming. And I think you have some of these kids that were born into it. And in fact, when we were out in Utah, the property, I was talking to somebody and, you know, either beep his
Starting point is 00:38:20 name out or not uses name, actually, not way to be easier. It big social media person, right? Millions of followers and I was talking to him on the phone and he's a little bit younger than we are, almost by 10 years. And you could tell he's exhausted. It very, very successful, done really well, well loved. Everybody likes him, stuff like that. And but like just at a point in his life where he's like,
Starting point is 00:38:43 dude, I'm like, I'm so tired of like having to create this content every single day. And like he's built this following that expects him to be talking to his stories every single day, seven days a week. And he's been consistent with that forever. Sure, he takes these little day or a couple of day breaks at best. But forever. Sure, he takes these little day or a couple of day breaks at best, but have that pressure of like putting out your self like that on the internet every single day to be subjected to these people that are going to bark at you and talk shit. I'm just like, so-and-help. Yes, it's a recipe for failure, right?
Starting point is 00:39:16 Oh, absolutely. And even if you have great financial success in the short term with it. The long term effects of getting sucked into that is, you can't imagine what that would be like. I mean, and I think that if you don't know any better because you grew up with that, you don't know kind of life without it. And I just think that a lot of these characters that build themselves up on these platforms, it's gonna be interesting to see
Starting point is 00:39:45 what happens to a lot of them in 10, 15 years. Well, the worst, what's bad about it is on the outside, a kid may watch this and think that that's great. That's what I want. Wow, look at that person. I wanna be just like that, not realizing the personal hell. A kid might, isn't that like the number one thing now
Starting point is 00:40:00 in like junior highs and so on that? You ask them what they wanna do and they say YouTube stars. Yes. I know. I know. I mean, that's a little, you know, like junior highs and so that's what they want to do. And they say YouTube stars. Yes. I know. I know. I mean, that's a little, you know, you know, you know, it's unhealthy is placing so much value on those fake relationships that were your likes in the comments and your fans
Starting point is 00:40:15 and, you know, you know, followers or whatever. Like those aren't real relationships. They may appreciate what you do. They may find some value what you're doing. So there's some value there, but it's not a lot of value. It's not like the relationship you have with the kids or your best friends or your spouse Without really matters so when they give you a negative comment or you're always trying to get the approval It's like what are you doing? It's like you're you're drinking seawater to quench your thirst I made sure to represent the fun side of mine pump this weekend. Oh wait real quick 15, 15 cigarettes a day to the Adam's house, closer than you.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Yeah. That's a lot, huh? Is that what I don't know what's in a pack? Do you know what's in a pack? No idea. Andrew, we've been a couple of years since I've known. Don't knock on you, don't know. Nobody knows.
Starting point is 00:40:54 You know, it also says like poor marriages. You never spoke to a single cigarette in your life. Ever. Not a single cigarette? Wow. Wow. I didn't know that. Yeah, I've never been a fan, but I've definitely tried 20 cigarettes in a pack. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:06 Oh, that's a pack. I thought it was more. Okay. I remember the first time I tried a cigarette. I was in Italy. I was 12 and my my my family members will throw their little like cigarettes off the balcony over there So, you know, because they were done with it and I had to look up nobody's looking and pick it up and they were like a few drags left on it Oh, yeah, I'm sick. Can my. You're crazy with smoking cigarettes. I know. Anyway, you wanna see it? Yeah, oh, well, I was representing us this weekend. I went to a party, this holiday party, Christmas party. My friend through and I had met him
Starting point is 00:41:35 by one of Courtney's friends. It was like, I'll phone out with him maybe like a couple times but I don't really know them specifically. So I was like, a little bit unsure of like, if it was gonna be super fun, like what to do. It's a Christmas party where you have like the ugly sweaters and all that and some like, okay, I gotta figure out something that's kind of like
Starting point is 00:41:55 a conversation piece. So I decided to go with like the Uncle Eddie theme. That's where you were. Yeah. So I saw it and I'm like, You know what that was? You know what I do right, you know, that was. I knew right. No, no, no, no. I was pointed. No, I knew it was national
Starting point is 00:42:10 ampunes. Yeah, I knew that. But I, and I only briefly looked at it. And I couldn't piece together the character. It was, it was serious right now, Clark. Yeah. Yeah. And so, yeah, so I was so good. Dude, so I waited. I had the shoes and everything. Probably fit really much. Maybe why it was so... Did it look bad? Yes, because it was done. Yeah, it wasn't like hokey enough. Yeah, but it was funny,
Starting point is 00:42:31 because I went all these different websites to piece it together. I was just saying, everything would fit me perfect. Dude, what you spelled out for? That's probably like 50 bucks. And was it like, No way, I swear.
Starting point is 00:42:39 I swear. The shoes too? Like 10 bucks. No way. The cheapest stuff you could do. Wow. The pants were like scrub pants, you know, like somebody'd wear to really like a nurse or like, Well, you did so good. I'm so impressed right now.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Yeah, it was like super thrifty. Anyway, so I get there like it was, it was raining and so everybody's inside their plane like beer pong. It was like reminding me of like college. I haven't played in like forever, but there was this like riding a bike. He's like riding a bike. He's like, oh, damn, I'm naturally just good at this. I can drink.
Starting point is 00:43:10 And we had this white elemental champion. Just pull out the belt. Yeah, so we did the white elephant gift thing and we kind of wrapped ours. ours was pretty neutral. It was like a game, a meme game of like the office or something stupid, but there's some people that brought some heat. I love to bring, I like to be the guy who brings like the most like inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Dude, it's quite open. They don't know who it is. Yes. And there was a good 15 or 20 people or so and we're all kind of gathered around and at this point we're all kind of feeling it. We've been drinking a bit. And I was talking to this guy who's hilarious. He just like, he was just cracking me up all night.
Starting point is 00:43:51 He gets like the first choice. He goes out and he picks this box and he opens it up and is looking at it and is kind of like trying to figure out what, and he's just like, pocket pussy. No, yes. And he's like so excited about it. Everybody's just like pocket pussy. Yeah. And he's like so excited about it. Everybody's just like dying.
Starting point is 00:44:07 And like, right, and to the point where like he's figuring out everybody's laughing all this stuff. And he's like, because you can steal other people's gifts in him and he's like, he's like, well, and he just steps out the door. I'll see you guys later. Goes into card trials. No, he's like, he's like, I'm out of here.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Wait, you actually left. I was laughing so hard for like an hour because he literally just like like that was the ultimate comedy move. Right? Like you get the high of it and then you just like yeah, that's the George. Never saw him again. He's like wow, he committed to that. He's like, yeah, he committed.
Starting point is 00:44:43 He left like props. Wow. Somebody get put a sex toy. Oh, I told you that's I was a fine or a dinner or it's the best ever because then you get somebody who gets it. They're like, they don't want it. And then it ends up being this thing where it's like,
Starting point is 00:44:56 you can get it to move twice to where I get stuck on somebody. Just as long as it's not a regift. Dude, dude, it was my hair. I got a picture of him before he left too, just to make sure to see. Wow, so good party then, huh? It was fun though. Yeah, I made a picture of him before he left, too, just to make sure to see. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:07 So good party then, huh? It was fun. No, yeah, we had a good time. And then the costume had to have been a hit, I mean, have a good time. Yeah, it was fun. And it was good. Actually, I didn't know how it was going to go down, but everybody there that got it, got it, and we're throwing me quotes, like half the time.
Starting point is 00:45:21 So it was like, I wasn't just an awkward guy. Like, hey, I don't know you, but, my name is just, they're like, you know, shitter four. Yeah. They're just cutting up with quotes and throwing at me on that. What a great movie.
Starting point is 00:45:32 I love those national ampun movies. What's that scene where he's driving? I don't think it was the first one. The first one. What are you guys driving? And then the Ferrari with, who was that national ampun's vacation? Was that Christie Brinkley?
Starting point is 00:45:41 Was it Christie Brinkley? Was she pulled up next to him? I'm gonna do that. I knew that one. I knew that one. Yeah. Cause why pulls it next to him? It's why I do that. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one.
Starting point is 00:45:47 I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one.
Starting point is 00:45:55 I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one.
Starting point is 00:46:03 I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. I knew that one. show the other day chat GPT. Yes. So I've watched some things about it. I've now tried to get on it four or five times. It's crashed. Too many people. What the fuck? Bro, it's, I think more people visited it that site in three days than all the social media.
Starting point is 00:46:21 I kind of feel like this is a hustle. Kind of feel like, you know, they say their board ape. No, dude, they put all this hype out around it and then everybody's like, dude, trying to get on it and everybody's like, damn, it's so good. You can't see it. Yeah, truth, social. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Oh, God, bro. Yes, dude. Yeah, it's your social duty. Yes, dude, I'm kind of, my cousin. Smellin' bullshit. My cousin who's in tech and he's helped, you know, grow some companies and he's in that whole space or whatever.
Starting point is 00:46:51 He says that the technology behind it, he's like, Sal, this is gonna be like the internet. Like literally, it's gonna be that disrupting where when it really comes out and they really put it together, he goes, we can't even imagine the innovations and the things that it's going to. Okay, so I'm completely oblivious. So this is like a, so imagine, imagine the most sophisticated Google without you having to basically type it in. Like you literally just speak it.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Okay. And literally, like, to this point, Justin, like, you did your, you did your post, like your picture, write me a caption for this post. And it will? Yes. Or you create me a movie about Justin, Adam, and Sal from Mind Pump, that's an action, whatever, like give it parameters, and it'll script out. And you can do it, you can do it like this.
Starting point is 00:47:37 You could say write me a caption. You're gonna be so relevant. You could be like, write me a caption in 1800s English, or write me a caption, I do that for my wife. In a like a Quentin Tarantino film, and they'll do it in a way to where you, it's like it matches what you're asking.
Starting point is 00:47:54 And also you could take like a copy, paste, an equation, and it'll, well, so do your homework for you. Okay, so now this is what brings me the conversation. I want to learn anything. So I get people are already supposedly using it and do it all and it's supposed to be amazing. But you're definitely, you're plagiarizing. AI is creating.
Starting point is 00:48:21 It's not you who's doing it. And so this whole idea of like letting them write your captions, but they're not disclosing, it's not you. You can write people's papers for them. Well, if yes, that's what I'm saying. So let me ask you guys this. So how do you work around that? Well, so I was gonna say this.
Starting point is 00:48:35 It's indecisurable, like come on. Well, it's getting to be able to see, right, and it's getting that good. People can't tell. So it's gonna, first thing it's gonna eliminate or replace is customer service, gone. Oh yeah. You'll get on and you don't even know you're talking for sure
Starting point is 00:48:48 that would be the first copy writers are the next where you're going to want copy for emails, for sales, copy for whatever. And it'll do it and it'll sound like your company. This is how incredible this, but here's my question. Forget the plagiarizing and stuff like that. When it gets so good that we don't need to know anything, we just need to have this assistant.
Starting point is 00:49:08 What's the use of learning anything? Like we're just gonna walk around and be like, idiocracy man, telling you guys, we're closer. Like seriously, think about that. Well okay, so what's the value? Okay, so the challenge, or the thing that someone like you would normally say in this situation is that we'll just progress and we'll solve other problems as a society.
Starting point is 00:49:25 So the things like the calculator, they thought the same thing when the calculator came around like, oh my god, we're never going to do math again. We're going to forget how to do math. They'll be like, no, sped up the process. Right. It's up for interstellar travel. And then it allows us to go solve bigger and harder problems. And so the argument to that would be, okay, yeah, it's going to solve a lot of mundane
Starting point is 00:49:44 stuff that doesn't cause us to stop and think about something for an hour of our time. the argument to that would be, okay, yeah, it's going to solve a lot of mundane stuff that doesn't cause us to stop and think about something for an hour of our time. Now we have that hour we can dedicate towards progressing humanity. That would be the argument that it's not good. Well, I don't know about the progressing humanity part. I used to say that about the internet and then it happened. And then it seems like people got dumber. So I used to be, I used to be that kid.
Starting point is 00:50:04 I used to be like, oh, it's going to solve. Like now we're going to have all the information, access to all the information. Like humanity's going to progress so fast. And then they have like flat earth society and like we were so dependent on it now just for any kind of information, recall, you don't have any memory recalls in terms of like, I don't know, it's going to be weird, man.
Starting point is 00:50:24 But my cousin literally said it'll be as revolutionary as the internet to the point where we can't even begin to imagine the innovations and the ways that this is gonna change. People are saying, speed every industry up. People are saying it's gonna replace Google. Or how Google is now,
Starting point is 00:50:40 because like Adam made the point, maybe Google will buy it. Yeah, I imagine Google would buy, if this thing gets enough traction that point maybe Google will buy it. Yeah, I imagine Google would buy. If this thing gets enough traction, that Google either one would buy it or reverse engineer the technology and build it within their own ecosystem. Right. So that's, I think that's why I didn't get so excited
Starting point is 00:50:56 about it around the games, because I'm just like, okay, what I understand about the app world and the tech world as far as how you can reverse engineer stuff. Like once you get to a certain level of power, like the Amazon, like the Facebook, like the Google, like, I mean, when you see these up and coming companies,
Starting point is 00:51:10 like, oh, cool story, bro, but they'll either one buy it. If they can't buy it, they'll reverse engineer it and they'll build it themselves, you know? So it's like, I don't know if it, the technology, I 100% believe it's like the future. I think it's one of the, the, the most
Starting point is 00:51:28 valuable things that we've seen AI produced so far. We've got all this stuff that we keep talking about like what how AI is gonna shake up everything It'll be so different to me. This is the first thing that it goes like, okay, like this is good This has a lot of application for a lot of different things and this could definitely You know, you know when you're on Google and you ask your basic questions like This has a lot of application for a lot of different things and this could definitely just stroke a lot of issues. You know when you want to go on Google and you ask your basic questions like, you know, how many cups of water in a gallon or whatever? And rather than showing you websites, it just gives you the answer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Now, more complicated stuff it gives you the websites to read yourself. This is basically going to be that, the answer. So you ask it whatever, and it'll give you the answer, rather than having you go through. Rather than having to thumb through and decipher yourself. And it'll give you the answer rather than having you have to have into thumb through and decipher. I actually think I rarely ever does Google give me the answer. It's just for basic stuff. Huh? For basic stuff it does.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Real basic. Yeah. Almost always when I search like what I think would be basic, it's not. Correct. Yeah, it still sends me to a website that I got to go. I which I mean like you said that alone is having the the answer read to you right away, like that's a big deal. All right, so we're supposed to talk about creatures of habit. Adam, you were saying you've been getting some comments
Starting point is 00:52:31 from people about how much I like it? Yeah, no, I think it's one of the things we've talked about on the show recently is the importance of getting protein early in your diet, or early in the day, or just stay ahead. And just most breakfast foods are so carb heavy And there's not a lot and a lot of people who think they're having a protein breakfast or having like two eggs Yeah, and a piece of you know toast and something else and it's like, you know
Starting point is 00:52:55 What are you getting like 12 grams of protein and having a high protein breakfast stabilizes your blood sugar and insulin throughout the day Reduc it results in less calories throughout the day They show actually and this is old bodybuilding wisdom, by the way, that's been proven by a lot of studies. Having a high protein breakfast makes the rest of the day typically healthier and better. Yeah, yeah. Which is really interesting.
Starting point is 00:53:14 No, it's become a staple for me. I love it. I mean, I see you, I don't think it's you guys. Somebody is eating at a weight price here. I eat them all the time. Yeah, because we have one thing. It's super easy to eat. And I'm bringing some of my own personal one here
Starting point is 00:53:25 and you guys are still going through it, what? It's super easy to digest. So people don't know, it's basically, it's oatmeal that also has 30 grams of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, probiotics, and digestive acids. And they don't use way, so you can digest it. Yes, so I can have it, because it's not dairy.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Check this out. You're not what you eat, you're what you digest. We lose digestive enzymes as we age. And if you don't have enough of these enzymes, you might only be absorbing 40% of the protein you're eating as total waste. Mass enzymes breaks down the protein we eat into usable amino acids and boosts your absorption
Starting point is 00:54:00 of nutrients. So what does this mean? Faster muscle recovery, more energy, less inflammation, a healthier gut, and better digestion. Massimes is for anyone who wants optimal digestion and to get rid of uncomfortable bloating and gas once for all. Also on the website, they actually have a video
Starting point is 00:54:15 of massimes breaking down a piece of steak. Super cool, check it out. Anyway, go to masszimes.com, that's M-A-S-S-S-Z-Y-M-E-S.com forward slash mine pump. Then use code mine pump 10 for 10% off any order. All right, here comes the rest of the show. Our first color is Pierre from Ontario. Pierre, what's happening? How can we help you? Hey guys, I'm doing good. How about you? Good. Good. I just want to start with the thanking you guys and also actually praising
Starting point is 00:54:46 Especially for your prime and prime pro programs. Hey, awesome I've been using those and I'm actually a I've been a part-time professional wrestler for the last 20 years and The last since I've gotten these programs last year I've now used them to prime before my matches and I find I'm not as sore or stiff afterwards. What's your name, by the way, in the wrestling circuit? Castor McFear. Yeah, I'm a Hollywood actor. I get try to get my opponent to follow a script that I give him. And of course, it never goes according to plan and I get mad and I think, yeah, things just never go by the script. So
Starting point is 00:55:27 that's one more more character work than what of Laudie's young guys do with flipping around and all that. All right, so what's your question? Uh, so I'm currently almost done Maps Power Lift, which has been uh, the first time I've done a powerLifting program. I'm on the last week, actually, right now. And it's really good. So I've just been wondering, would there be any value of getting maybe a therapeutic massage or some other kind of massage, either after I'm done the program before transitioning into another program, or if there's even any value of doing that before I go and test some new PRs on my big lifts, if I were to do that. From end as benefit. Yeah. Like real correctional massage, it's got applications but like really
Starting point is 00:56:18 good correctional therapeutic massage. It's first off good therapist know the body quite well and they can feel when they need to work on, you know, muscle more and maybe avoid other areas. But it improves range of motion. It helps with stiffness and tightness. It helps with muscle connection, blood flow. I mean, I think a really good massage therapist is invaluable. In fact, it would be like one of my top five people that I would refer my clients to.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Similar, it's recovery. Yeah, it's super valuable. Well, very similar to the benefits that you're feeling from MAPS Prime. I mean, the priming, the way you felt that translate into your wrestling and training, I think you would see similar benefits to getting a massage therapy. In fact,
Starting point is 00:57:05 part of Prim and Prim Pro became necessary for me that I had to start doing it every workout because before that, my wife who's a massage therapist used to massage me every day. And so I could get away with not priming as much because how much the massage would help me to prepare my body before and after workouts. And so once I got rid of that, it became mandatory. I did the priming and primed pro. So absolutely, it's got huge benefits of doing it. All right. Is it so doing it between, is it like between programs a good idea? Or is there more frequency would be ideal? I mean, what's an ideal? The drawback is the cost, would be ideal? What's an ideal? The drawback is the cost, I think, because it's expensive, but I mean, in like a perfect
Starting point is 00:57:50 world, I mean, a daily correction massage. Yeah, so frequency is very important. So I would say whatever works with your schedule, put it in as often as works with your schedule and with your budget, too, right? Yeah, if you can, if you can, if you have the luxury or if you married a therapist like I did and you get one every day, that's amazing. But that's not very realistic for most people because that's pretty expensive to do that. So, yeah, I'm with that.
Starting point is 00:58:14 You say go wrong with that. Yeah, as much as you can, I would incorporate that. I mean, what I do is, if you can afford to have it on a weekly basis, see how much that improves your wrestling and your lifting on, and if it is, then maybe it becomes something that becomes a problem. I know people that like that has,
Starting point is 00:58:30 they've introduced it into their life, and then now it's like paying electricity. You budget around it. Yeah, exactly. It's like paying an electricity bill or anything else that you don't even think twice about you just do because it made that much of an impact on their life.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Yeah, well, especially if you're wrestling still at all, it's just to be able to preserve as much joint function as possible. This is really going to help aid in that direction. Okay. My regular job does give me benefits where we do get some reimbursement for some massages. So I'd have to look into how much I'm allowed per year to do that. So I might look into that. Plus my wife's cousin is a massage therapist. So there you go. Good deal. Oh yeah. Excellent. Okay. All right. Quick follow up. So that what would be the best program for me to do
Starting point is 00:59:19 next after power lift? Symmetry. Yeah. I go map symmetry. I remember said. And then math performance would be great after that. I think it would be, those would be probably two most valuable programs for someone like you. Yeah, send them symmetry, Doug. Oh, thank you. You got it, man. We hooked you up.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Yeah, oh, you guys are awesome. Like you guys, I've got my wife doing maps and ballad right now. I've had her do that in performance and aesthetic and I've done I've done the RGB bundle well sorry I'm trying blank I did anabolic performance aesthetic then I did maps hit did anabolic again then now power lift so like your programs are really good deal man all. All right, man. Excellent. Thanks for calling out. Thanks for supporting us. Thanks, guys. You got up the
Starting point is 01:00:09 great work. I'm here. Yeah, that's weird. That's like the third. We have a lot of wrestlers. Pro wrestlers. I think it's more than that. There is more than that. Yeah, I think it's like the third calling who's a wrestler. We've had more. I've had lots of that. I wonder what they pretty cool. I wonder what the pay is because I obviously we know the famous pro wrestlers are millionaires, but you know, there's so like there's always pro wrestling circuits. Like I wonder what they're pretty cool. I wonder what the pay is, because obviously we know the famous pro wrestlers are millionaires, but, you know, there's so much, like, there's all these pro wrestling circuits. Like, I wonder what the pay is. Oh, I think it's really hard to break through.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Oh, I think it's probably terrible, bro. It's gotta be right. Yeah, I think it's probably really hard. Similar to like MMA fighting, I would imagine. I mean, like the top, like the five percent make it time. Yeah, I mean, hence why he's got another like normal job too, right? So I'm sure that's his dream and passion
Starting point is 01:00:46 and that's what he's working towards, but then you gotta still have a normal job that by pays more. Yeah, I tell you what, with the massage therapy, if I had to pick one person that I partnered with, that would give me the most broad ranging benefits to my clients. Boy, massage therapist, a really good one would be up there.
Starting point is 01:01:06 It might be the person I would pick because almost every client I've ever trained benefited from working with on. Whereas every client didn't necessarily benefit from acupuncture, what necessarily benefit from chiropractic work or other modalities. The massage, I had one in my studio and it was like, all my clients worked with them
Starting point is 01:01:24 and I saw benefits on every single one regardless of the goal was gain lose Mobility, you know, whatever energy. It just had profound effects. I got a little fun fact is you know the Abraham Lincoln was an awesome wrestler Catch wrestler. Yeah, of course I knew that of course you know the story about you. Yeah, okay. Oh, yeah He was a badass the champion There was a story history. He's going in in the wrestling hall thing catch wrestling hall thing. Have you heard about this? You know the story where he there was a I guess these thugs or whatever that were on a riverboat And he threw all three of them off the boat Famous story
Starting point is 01:01:58 Really cool. Our next caller is test from North Carolina. Hey, Tess, how can we help you? Hey guys, how you doing today, how can we help you? Hey guys, how you doing today? Good, how are you? Good, I'm so excited. I'm like fan grilling, honestly. Awesome. It's funny because I said in my email that I'm a triplet
Starting point is 01:02:17 and I have two little sisters and their twins. And I was like texting them to the group chat. I was like, oh my god, you guys, I get to be on Mind Pump. So we're all really excited. Yeah, my sister Olivia actually introduced me to you guys a few years ago. And it's become something that we've been able to bond
Starting point is 01:02:36 over and like last week cry because you guys are just so funny. So thank you for that. Awesome, thank you. Yeah, I'll go ahead and get it. Oh yeah, you guys are awesome. And you're so humble still. Like, you you. Oh yeah, you guys are awesome. And you're so humble still. Like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:02:48 You guys are awesome. So basically, Adam's the humblest. Go ahead. The most humble. Yeah. Yeah. Adam, you're actually my sister's favorite. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:57 You want to tell you that? I like her. I'll tell her next time she will get her on here. But the rest of the four other sisters probably like Justin. That's be honest. Well, one of them is Justin and then what I'm just Adam. So, nobody really likes that. So Sal, you've been my favorite, so everyone has to.
Starting point is 01:03:14 No problem. All right, so basically, about two years ago, I was having like a bunch of health problems. Like I was overweight, I felt having like a bunch of health problems. Like I was overweight, I felt like crap, it looks like crap. I like, I lost my mom. So that was hard. And then I ended up having to get like a colonoscopy because my blood levels had come back with like some inflammation and housing. I was having a bunch of other problems. They wanted to make sure I didn't have like Crohn's disease or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Thankfully, it came back normal. I just had like inflammation. So basically, I was like, all right, I got to get my get my get my shit together decided to go ahead and lose some weight. So in December, I found a personal trainer and then within like three to four months, he put me on a deficit, lost 35 pounds. When I started off, I literally had no idea what I was doing. So that was like terrifying. And since then, I kind of like branched out on my own.
Starting point is 01:04:12 I've been able to lose a little bit more weight since then. But now I've kind of jumped from like program to program. And I feel like I'm at a crossroads right now in terms of like, is it my training that I didn't focus on, or is it my calories? Because I've been in a deficit for such a long time. I don't know if I've damaged my body or what, because I know that you guys have said,
Starting point is 01:04:37 your body adapts to the change that you make to it. So basically right now, I'm eating like 800 to 2000 calories a day. I go to the gym five times a week, so I't sure like what should be focused on focusing on order to get stronger and like do have somewhere a body recap as well Now you say you want to you want to you want to improve your progress where specifically like what are the specific goals that you're looking to Progress and how's your physical performance strength stamina that kind of stuff? into progressing. How's your physical performance, strength, stamina, that kind of stuff? Yes, so I've made a lot of string progress, but I feel like I could be making more. I feel like when I'm lifting a lot, I'm kind of at the same weights, like time and time again, and sometimes even going up like five pounds is too hard. And my stamina, like overall,
Starting point is 01:05:22 like I'm much healthier than when I was even like six months ago But I feel like I've kind of hit a plateau with a lot of the weights that I'm doing like I don't feel like I'm getting stronger than I have been if that makes sense. I would love to see a mini bulk in a change of training So what what are you following one of our maps programs right now? No, I wasn't sure which one you guys would recommend to do. Oh hell yeah. Let's go maps in a bowl. Okay, well let me ask a little more questions though.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Like right now when you go to the gym, let's say in the last week or so, like what is your training kind of look like? Are you low rest periods? Do you like keep you break kind of a sweat or do you lift heavier weight? Low reps? Like what is your training kind of look like right now? Or what do you take? So right now, yes, so right now my split is like three, I have like three lower body days
Starting point is 01:06:09 and then two is like I have like a push and pull day. Usually I take like wrong, long rest periods. So I'll do like two to three minutes between sets. If I'm doing lower reps and higher weights, I'll rest a little bit longer, but I'm not like going back to back to back, like I'm giving myself some time to rest. Okay, I like animal. Maps animal. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:28 I think you need to change your programming up. Yep. Also, be careful of getting in the trap of, I feel like I could be improving faster. Okay. Careful with that trap, because if you're improving, you're doing good. And I've seen more people make mistakes by saying,
Starting point is 01:06:43 oh, I'm improving, but I could improve faster. They're over, they just, they just, they overdo it or they change up their training when they shouldn't have or they, you know, their diet changes weren't appropriate. So as long as you're progressing in some way, shape or form, more stability, better control, more energy, more strength, better connection to the muscle.
Starting point is 01:07:05 As long as you're improving, you're improving. And be careful with the like, because here's what people tend to do, oh, I could be making faster progress. They almost never scale the workouts down. They almost always add more. They just throw more on top of what they're doing. And that's usually the wrong thing to do
Starting point is 01:07:21 when you're already improving. I think Mapsetabolic's gonna take your body and your strength to another level. That combined with a 250 to 300 calorie increase is what I would do. That's it. I think that would be perfect. So bump your calories a couple hundred and then switch to anabolic and stay there for a little bit.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Especially that contrast. If you've just been doing splits the whole time to do total body workouts. I've found a lot of my clients like immediately the body response. Totally. I'm excited for you. 100% do you train to failure? Or you make sure you stop a couple reps before that? Yeah, I don't really like to train to failure
Starting point is 01:07:56 because I feel like, I mean, I'm open to it, but I feel like I get frustrated. Like, I'm like really failing. So I think that I think it just depends on the day like where my mind's at as well. But I think I've kind of been scared to like take that next jump into like really going like heavy or going like all full body.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Cause I think like I can be my own worst critic and I can like get the best of myself. So that's hard to get past, but I think, you know, I kind of want to like get out of that comfort zone that I've been in. Sorry, I was getting a call. Get out of that comfort zone that I've been in and kind of take things the next step and go from there to see what I'm capable of. Yeah, I don't think going to failure is a good idea. I think just stopping it. Yeah, stop
Starting point is 01:08:42 a couple reps short of it. I think maps on a ball is gonna blow you away. After that, I think maps symmetry would be a good program to follow up. Don't be afraid of this, though, either. Okay, so this, because this is really common with my few more clients, this is something I have to constantly remind Katrina when it comes to like pushing strength and trying to use
Starting point is 01:08:57 her own, okay, we're gonna increase your calories. So that's gonna help right away. We're gonna switch you to a full body routine instead of a split. That's gonna help. When you get into a phase, like the first phase of anabolic where it calls for like five reps, always stop two reps short of failure, but also don't be afraid to push the weight to where maybe you can only get three or four out.
Starting point is 01:09:19 So you don't always have to get to five just because the program says five or put a weight on the bar that you know for sure you could get seven. So start to try and push yourself weight wise like put weight on the bar that you maybe haven't done and and pay attention to how your body is moving through the reps. And if you notice like, oh, wow, I'm almost at failure. Okay, that's okay. You can stop at three reps. It's okay to do three reps, even though the program's not calling for three reps. That was something I always had to to remind Katrina when we're in that because we're focused on building strength right now and I want her to learn to push the weight and go harder. She would always choose a weight that she knew she could get five.
Starting point is 01:09:54 And I'd be like, I know you got more than that. Put another 10 pounds on there. You got this. Like, and if you feel like you can't get five, stop it for. Stop it for three. But try and challenge your strength in that phase, especially since we're putting you in a calorie surplus that'll hopefully add some muscle.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Okay, so the surplus, should I go off like the 18 to 2000, like where I'm at now? Yes, yes. Yep, 200 to 250 above that. Okay, and then in terms of my protein, I'm at like 140, is that good to stay around or should I? Obviously that'll increase a little bit too, right?
Starting point is 01:10:28 What's your body weight? I'm 159 right now. You can keep it at 140. Yeah. If it goes up to a little bit, any big deal you do. No, it's not. Yeah. So if you increase calories and you do it through some protein,
Starting point is 01:10:41 then you go to 150 or 160, that ain't a problem. As long as you feel good, right? So as long as you are digesting the protein, okay, and feel good, then yeah, don't worry if you go up another 10 or 20 grams, not a big deal. Okay, gotcha. And you said the bulk for how long? Oh, God, I would put you on a bulk for at least
Starting point is 01:10:56 like four to six weeks before we interrupt it with a little bit of a cut. So run that calorie intake like we're saying for a good four to six weeks and just see how you're responding Hopefully you feel good. Hopefully don't see a a a rapid increase of body fat Hopefully you feel strength go up and then maybe interrupt it with a short one-week cut and then go back to the bulk again. Here you go Okay, gotcha. All right awesome. Cool. Thank you, Tess All right. Thank you guys. I really appreciate you. All right, thanks for calling in.
Starting point is 01:11:26 That's actually the trap I fall into the most often. It is where I feel good and I progress, and then I add more. I think that is the most common for me, at least, that's the most common trap. I think that's probably almost everybody. I think that, Well, I know a lot of people will stop progressing
Starting point is 01:11:41 and add more. I'm pretty good when I stop progressing it, figuring out, oh, I gotta back off. But when I'm flying, that's when I throw a bunch of shit on top of what I'm doing. I almost always screw it up. Well, I think that we just, we all are guilty of this of like,
Starting point is 01:11:54 it's just such a slow process. And I think you hit it perfect by, just asking her like, like if you're progressing, it's by the way, especially as you get deeper into this journey. If I'm progressing, I am winning. I don't care if it's hell incremental, it's tiny.
Starting point is 01:12:10 It's like, because it's very easy to either one plateau or go the other direction. So if I'm moving in the right direction, I ain't really fucking with much at all. Like that, we're doing things right if I'm moving in the right direction. It's when I plateau or go the opposite direction, I really need a course correct.
Starting point is 01:12:26 So I think that's the mistake you're right that people make is they're like, yeah, I've only added a few pounds on the bar or I've only leaned out a little bit. And it's like, dude, you're doing good. Stay the course. Yeah, I've noticed the people who like you guys the most tend to have trouble progressing.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Yeah, they're so happy. Happy not progressive. Happy being awesome. That's crazy. Our next caller is Laura from Washington. Hey Laura, how can we help you? Hi guys, thank you for taking my question. And also thank you for the podcast I found y'all about a year ago.
Starting point is 01:13:04 And we blew the door open for me in so many ways. and also thank you for the podcast. I found y'all about a year ago. And we blew the door open for me in so many ways. The only problem has been. I find it really hard to listen to any other health or fitness podcast. You guys are so entertaining. That was the plan just so you know, well, you did a good job. So thank you. Thank you. So my first question is not in a judgment way. Truly, I got to week three of phase one of anabolic.
Starting point is 01:13:35 And I realized I hadn't done a row in three weeks. And I was just really curious, why are there no rows programmed in the strength phase of anabolic? Hmm. Uh, well, there's lots of rows in the rest of the program. Although in phase one, are there really no rows dog? Maybe you can pull that up because I'm not sure about that. But nonetheless, uh, their dead lifts are really, really heavy. So you're going to get a lot of mid back stimulation. And the focus of phase one is building a lot of strength in in three core lifts, right? Or four, right? Your bench press, your overhead press, your squat, and your deadlift.
Starting point is 01:14:08 As you move into phase two and phase three, then the routine gets a little bit more nuanced. You're looking at more hypertrophy, you know, pumps connection to the rest of the body. But that phase one, like we're trying to just get you really, really strong at these fundamental movements, deadlift, squat, overhead press, bench press. Those are the most important aspects of that phase one. Now, you wouldn't do phase one forever because it's incomplete if you just did it that way. It's only three weeks long for a reason. And that's because you move into other phases with other exercises that really complete the training philosophy, I guess, of the training program.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Barbo Rose come in, I think, face two. Is that where it comes in, Doug? Yeah, it looks like it. So there are weighted pull-ups, for example, in phase one. Yeah, everything in phase one is geared towards making you as strong as possible in those core lifts. That's really the main thing. Then you move into phase two, phase three,
Starting point is 01:15:01 and then you really get into training, you know, the body, breaking it down a little bit more hypertrophy bodybuilding, you know, and then later on, it's more strength stamina. But that first phase is like, we want to get you really strong at these, you know, kind of four main lifts. Have you, Laura, have you heard me talk about my experience of like switching over to just like focusing on deadlifting and letting go of like all the other movements for back like rows and and stuff like that and then my experience of coming back to it. Have you heard me share that before on the podcast? I don't know that I have
Starting point is 01:15:35 So and this was really this was a really interesting phase of my training didn't happen until way later I actually didn't happen until the three of us all got together And I went on this kick which I'm sure you have heard me talk about, where I was trying to catch Sal and his deadlift. And at this point in my life, I had never really like deadlifted consistently or set a goal of, I want to get really strong with the deadlift. And so this required me deadlifting three times a week. And I really stopped doing a lot of my other backer sizes. I had to let go of pull-ups, I'd let go of rows, I'd let go a lot of dumbbell movements.
Starting point is 01:16:08 And just everything I did was centered around getting good at the deadlift and complimenting that whether it be deficit deads or doing off of blocks or doing mobility work to work on everything. And the part that was so crazy was after a year of training like that, I remember going back to seated rows that I had been doing my whole life training.
Starting point is 01:16:27 And I was stronger at seated rows than I'd ever been in my entire life, just from getting really strong at the deadlift. And I share that story on the podcast a lot to explain to people and put emphasis on how powerful it is to focus on getting really strong at your deadlift and how much carryover it has to all these other movements. And I know, obviously, this is hindsight looking back why when South, the South created
Starting point is 01:16:54 Maps and a Bulk without us, he obviously understood this even before I did. And when he programmed that, like that was the thought process as he knows, like if I can get these people to get really strong in their deadlift These other movements that we traditionally do in the gym are gonna they're gonna be stronger and so hopefully you see that from Yeah, and to be very clear if if you did that forever Then yeah, you probably be missing on some balance right you start to develop some imbalances So there's tons of value in doing other movements as well But the deadlift especially for a three- period, which is phase one, has got so much carryover to all these
Starting point is 01:17:31 other lifts. There's so much value to it. Now, you'll notice there's pull-ups in phase one. And that's because of all the muscles of the back, the one area where you probably would want to do more direct work when you're just deadlifting is something that targets the lats. Now you're still activating the lats with the deadlift and you'll still see some muscularity there, but you know, a pull up or a pull down is gonna be more direct there. So that's why phase one kind of looks that way.
Starting point is 01:17:55 But again, phase two, phase three, now you're incorporating a lift and it becomes much more complete. Yeah, okay, that answers my question. Thank you. And I did, I hit my first, this is the first time I've ever, I've done performance and aesthetics. And then I ran out of ball. And I, I, for the first time hit a PR in my deadlift, but it's the first time I've really focused on truly,
Starting point is 01:18:19 mentally just going for the one or two lifts rather than I still always struggle to like not want to at least do four. So I did notice a huge strength gain in my dead list which brings me to my second question and I'll try to make it quick because I know I waste there was a time delay with getting me on here. So I've done some research on it, and I kind of already found a few answers, but I'm really struggling with increasing my squat strength. And I really think it has to do with possibly my CNS or me feeling safe,
Starting point is 01:19:00 but the squat is one that I really want to get to that place where I feel comfortable just doing one or two reps. I just mentally hit this block where I put the weight on and I can feel my form start to break down. But then when I lower the weight, I can do six. If that makes sense. So I'm struggling to find them. So my next question was, I was looking, I didn't know if possibly incorporating more trap bar dead lifts at a deficit, because I think my, it's at the very bottom. So either I need to do more pause squat. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. Yeah, I think that would be great. And two, like tension squats, I guess, is how I would coin these.
Starting point is 01:19:47 But, you know, priming with this with the Dumpy squat, which is where you kind of push up with the, yeah, with a stick in order to kind of direct a lot of that muscular tension to feel like, you know, you're more supported and you're getting a louder signal out of your CNS. I think really like slowing down, you know, you're more supported and you're getting a louder signal out of your CNS. I think really like slowing down, you know, maybe not, maybe taking some of the weight off and because obviously, you know, you're more comfortable with that right now and that's like something that you got to kind of work through.
Starting point is 01:20:17 But to be able to stay a little bit longer at the bottom of that squat and really reinforce that by squeezing and intentionally, bottom of that squat and really reinforce that by squeezing and intentionally taking that time to squeeze as much tension out of the muscles as you possibly can. And then going through reps and cycles of that, I think is gonna be really helpful. So I have two things I like. And I actually do like your trap bar deadlift idea. I mean, I think that there's,
Starting point is 01:20:42 especially when it's like a psychological thing of just like getting comfortable with putting that much weight and then coming out of the hole of the bottom. So getting strong, because you probably feel safer loading the trap bar even more. So I do, I do like that idea. I also like this. If you have this ability, if you have a, a squat rack where you can put safety bars up, I would put them at right where my, the bottom of my squat is and actually load the bar even heavier than what you've ever done and actually take the bar down as slow as you can and
Starting point is 01:21:11 then set it down and then get out from anything. This is going to take a little bit of effort. It would be ideal if you were with another person who could help you re-wrap and do it. But what that will do, you talk about it being, you know, you might be on the right track of this being a CNS thing of you just learning to control that much weight and get over the psychological hurdle of, oh my god, this is scary. So you load that and you know the safety bars are at the bottom are going to catch you there. So your goal is to just slowly go down into the hole as slow as you can and then let it set on the safety bar then climb out underneath it, strip the weights off, set it up again, give yourself some rest, do it again. And get yourself comfortable. I remember this exact feeling of when I really first started squatting, I was lifting with these guys that were power lifters, and at that point in my life, squatting 135 was actually really heavy. So I'm like 17, 18 years old at this time, and these guys put 225 on there.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Like it was so beyond. And I was like scared to death. I'm like, I don't want to do this. I can't even get close to this. Why am I doing this? He's like, I just want you to feel the weight. And I remember after doing that, how quickly my strength went up because they were right.
Starting point is 01:22:16 Like it was this, my body then got comfortable with just stabilizing that much weight. So then when I actually went to 185, which was less than what they put on my back All of a sudden it didn't feel so scary anymore because I had I had stretched myself that way now I had the support of them squatting holding me, but if I had to do it on my own I would do it the way I just told you Yeah, I like that. I mean to these are a little bit more advanced moves But if you did add an access to rubber bands as well to put for an assistance. So that way too, you
Starting point is 01:22:46 get that sort of elastic energy help on the weight at the very bottom. Obviously, it increases the help as you go lower, but at least that way you could stack up to Adam's point of like being able to feel heavier weight at the top. It really will help to kind of get your body acclimated to that. What's going to give you the most bang for your buck right now, honestly, is the Paws squats, staying tight, box squats, sit on a box, pause on the box, tighten up and then stand back up. You know, the heavy negatives that Adam said is good too,
Starting point is 01:23:18 that'll make you really sore though, and that's, it can be a bit scary for somebody. But you just wanna do something right now, that's not gonna take a lot of skill. Paws with the weight do something right now, that's not going to take a lot of skill. Pause with the weight that you can handle and hold that at the bottom for five seconds. That by itself, that alone will help you out. Thank you, I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:23:36 I've listened recently and I know there was a little back and forth. There was a few ladies arguing about how they didn't feel like there was enough legs in some of these programs. And to be honest with you, I was finding myself not on purpose, but getting to that point where I was like, man, I don't feel like I hit my legs, but I truly believe, especially in the strength, it's because I never pushed myself to that level and I was really struggling. So, I'm, six and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:24:07 man, I know I can do more mentally, I think because I didn't feel like I was succeeding, I was like, I still got to do something else for my life because I didn't, you know, I wouldn't that successful at it. So, I think that's absolutely great advice. I will take all of it and I will continue to put the hard work in and I appreciate you guys having fun today. Yeah, Lord, Lord, real quick, when you notice the
Starting point is 01:24:28 strength gains in maps and a ball, I'm going to make a guess that your deadlift and squat made bigger gains in your overhead press and your bench press, probably significantly. Yes, absolutely. I am recovering a little bit from an AC joint. I didn't realize for so many years I was doing bench press, not totally. Anyways, long story short. So yes, my deadlift and my squats absolutely went off. Yeah, and here's the irony. People who say that they're, oh, it's, they feel like it's more upper body. You look at the strength gains in making the squat in the deadlift, blows away the gains that
Starting point is 01:25:00 they made in some of those other lifts. So it is a, it is a hip dominant program. And so when people that it's a yeah, they don't understand that there's biceps triceps delts You know traps chest and the legs that quads handscaps, you know, and then some glute stuff So it's just less muscles bigger gross motor movements and it's a very very equal program when it comes to training the body But anyway, thanks Thank you. Thank you, Laura. I think I gained almost two pounds of muscle in the last month and a half. So I went on away. And this is after weightlifting for seven years. So I would go shop.
Starting point is 01:25:37 That's awesome. More. Thanks, Laura. Thank you. So thank you guys very much. You got it. To them. So glad she said that right now. Yeah, because that's why I asked so glad she said that right now. Yeah. Because that's why I asked that, because we get that sometimes and it was especially
Starting point is 01:25:47 for women to say. And she hit on the head exactly the the the women that have made those comments is if you were to push yourself on those squat days and on those deadlifts, I promise you your body will definitely adapt. Will definitely grow. You do not need technically any more exercises in the routine. It's that you haven't been able to push yourself
Starting point is 01:26:12 on those exercises. Well, she's got the right mentality too. It's like knowing that it's a little bit of uncertainty there for her as she wants to load, has to put the working now to train the body to get in that mindset to, has to put the working now to train the body to get in that mindset to be able to support the joints and have her feel like this is going to be a good lift for her.
Starting point is 01:26:32 Listen, it was just like the last caller. And I was given the advice that Katrina's been lifting for over 10, 15 years, and I still have to remind her this. It's just, my female clients are always in a lean on the safer side and they're gonna control the way, which there's lots of benefits to that, right? Their form, mechanics, they tend to be better, but then the downfall is to get them
Starting point is 01:26:56 to really push the limits of stretching themselves with weight and then giving them that freedom of like, just because the program calls for five, it doesn't mean that you can't load the bar up. And then when you're at rep three, go, oh shit, I might not get the five, so you stop at three, there's nothing wrong with that. But that's how I have to talk to Katrina all the time,
Starting point is 01:27:13 is like, listen, I want you to load the bar as if you don't have to get to five. Don't think that you have to get to five. Load the bar with more weight than you're ever used to. And then if you don't think you can get to five, then stop at three or four, nothing wrong with that. weight than you're ever used to. And then if you don't think you can get to five and stop it three or four, not the wrong with that. I do blame the workouts for women, you know, that you see online where there's like,
Starting point is 01:27:30 you have 50 different leg exercises. Yes, jump lunges and side lunges. You can have 40 of them or the stupid silly don't list. Yeah, worthless exercises. Like that's the problem. Like, oh, this is way less legs than I mean. And that's what it is. Don't watch what happened.
Starting point is 01:27:43 You're right. And they're used to that. The legs burn. My legs legs than I'm supposed to. And that's what it is. I'll watch what happens. You're right. And they're used to that. The legs burn. My legs burn when I do this, or they get this pumped, because all you do is pump and fluid into them and stuff like that. And so they think that it's a better leg workout. It's like, no, it's not how it works.
Starting point is 01:27:55 Our next caller is Lila from California. Lila, how can we help you? Hi, it's crazy to be here, you guys. Thank you so much for having me. You got it. Thanks for listening. I've been listening to you guys since I was 16. I'm 20 now and It was right when I started college. I'm about to graduate on Friday actually. So you guys have been with me in my little air pods working out for years. Congratulations.
Starting point is 01:28:19 Thank you. Okay, so a little bit about my background. Since I started listening to you guys, I've been training hypertrophy for pretty consistently for those four years. I never really focused on my physique, just the mental benefits of it and just how much fun it was. And so I totally worked that into routine and honestly I can't imagine living without it. Because I never really focused on physique or any kind of nutrition, I never made that much progress and I stayed pretty lean those four years. But I just had fun with it. And so the past few months, I've gained some weight and I feel so much better in my body,
Starting point is 01:29:02 but I still didn't really make that much progress with my lips and the weights that I've been using or grow that much muscle. And so then I went on a run and then two days later decided to sign up for a half marathon just because why not. And I'm kind of hardcore. And so I did this trail run, this epic trail run up north in Marin and it came down across the Golden Gate Bridge. And since then, I've been running a lot. And I've noticed that my legs have like grown so much more than they ever have in the hypertrophy. And I'm just wondering your take on that. And then I also noticed on my long runs, I can do about 15 miles now. My legs give out faster than my cardio endurance and like I can have a conversation at like
Starting point is 01:29:51 mile 11, but my legs give out more and because I have the strength background, I know it isn't necessarily because my legs aren't strong. So I'm just wondering your take on this. Wow. Okay. So hold on a second. Are you an athlete? Do you play any sports or is this just all working out on your own type of stuff? I I grew up Like playing soccer and softball, but mostly just working out. Okay. Are you parents athletes? No Yeah, cuz okay, so people who build leg muscles doing long distance running
Starting point is 01:30:20 Have really really in my experience have really crazy muscle building genetics. Where are you getting the muscle in your legs, mostly? Is it mostly in your calves and quads? Or in all over? Quads and calves, yeah. Okay, so quads and calves is typically... I've trained women like this. Well, they'll come to me and all they do is long distance running.
Starting point is 01:30:37 And they got these big ball calves and then quads, but they tend to have issues with their hamstrings and glutes. And that's where we tend to see the imbalance. You probably have some really crazy muscle building genetics, and I'm assuming with your weight training, your programming might not have been super great. So we'd wanna look at that,
Starting point is 01:30:53 but let me ask you right now, what are your goals right now? Are you trying to get better at the marathon running? Or do you wanna just build muscle and strength, or what are your ultimate goals here? So for a while, it's been just kind of building muscle and strength, but I'm about to like graduate college and I have a job that I'm probably going to be spending like 70, 80 hours a week working, pretty sedentary. So I'm kind of trying to like adjust my goals based on just thing overall fit and you know,
Starting point is 01:31:24 keep my metabolism going and still having fun with training. Okay, well, would you find most fun right now then? Let's talk about that. Oh, like running and biking. Okay, maps card. Yeah, wait. Yeah, I'm gonna send you maps cardio.
Starting point is 01:31:36 This is a, their strength training is involved, but it's a stamina endurance-based workout program and it leaves room for activities that you enjoy doing, things like running, biking. it sounds to me like you like just to be active and it also sounds to me that you like to be active outside. I know you live in San Francisco, so you have a lot of access to outdoor trails and great places to run and the weather's typically pretty pleasant. I think Maps Cardio would be the absolute perfect program for you, so I'm going to send
Starting point is 01:32:03 that over to you because I think that'll be something that you enjoy. But because I look your soccer background, you're probably a really fast printer. The fact that you build muscle on your legs when you do a lot of running. Like I can that tells me that you got some muscle building genetics there that you haven't really tapped into, which is kind of cool. Yeah, very cool. Yeah, that's so interesting just because I spent so much time weight training and you know, I got up her body, I got lean but I never like grew muscle size. Well, a lot of that's gonna depend on diet,
Starting point is 01:32:31 but also programming. Yeah, programming. And you might, I've worked with people like this and they do well with frequent stimulation, frequent stimulation, frequent. And so quads and calves is where, if you get any hypertrophy from running, that's where you'll get it. Now, calves is where, if you get any hypertrophy from running, that's where you'll get it.
Starting point is 01:32:46 Now, a lot of people won't get any hypertrophy from running. Maybe a little bit if they're sedative and they start running. But most people, if they go from lifting the running, they'll lose. But some people who've got this, this, these type of genetics, that frequent stimulation, just frequent. So, you know, I think of like a full body,
Starting point is 01:33:03 three day week routine, strength training. I think trigger sessions. I think, you know, I think of like a full body three day week routine strength training I think trigger sessions. I think you know double split bodybuilding routines where the intensity is modified Maybe something that you respond really well to also keep also keep in mind, okay? You you weren't running this much before you were you were already somebody who Were relatively lean already you start running like crazy You could have also leaned out. And when you lean out, it looks like you build muscle.
Starting point is 01:33:29 I mean, I'll never forget the first time that I got really shredded and I lost like 20 pounds and everybody was like, dude, you're jacked. You put it on like all this muscle and it's like, no, I didn't. I actually just, all I did was lean out and I got rid of body fat. Now you see my muscle definition. And so it looks like I built these legs, I built these shoulders. So keep that in mind too.
Starting point is 01:33:49 So you, it sounds right. There are anomalies of people that do run and they actually do see some quad and cap. But then you also weren't running like that before and now you're running a ton. You easily could have leaned out and now you're seeing the definition in your quads and your calves like you've never seen before.
Starting point is 01:34:06 And so it looks like, oh shit, I built all this muscle in a reality, the muscle was there, you just revealed it. Yeah. That's, go ahead, Leva. Sorry, no, I was gonna say that's interesting because the scale weight has definitely gone up and my pants have gotten tighter. Oh, well, well, you know, it's funny.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Yo, okay, my wife is like this. So when I met my wife, she did some strength training, but it was like cardio with weights. But she had a history of distance running and her calves and quads were jacked. Just calves and quads were, and my wife has got, she's got bodybuilder genetics much more than I do.
Starting point is 01:34:38 And frequent stimulation is what makes her grow. So if she just did a lot of anything on a daily basis, that muscle tends to grow. So, she just did a lot of anything on a daily basis, that muscle tends to grow. So like I said, it's not common, but I think Maps Cardio, I think after Maps Cardio, if you really wanna have fun with the bodybuilding style of training, I'd say go for Maps aesthetic
Starting point is 01:34:56 and see what happens. I have seen this with some athletes I've trained as well, as it's sort of phenomenon with that. But in my experience, I've seen that whatever it was that they trained for a lot when they're younger, you know, that was something that it was almost like a muscle memory effect to it. Yeah, good point. To where like they started to stimulate the muscle in that regard. And then they saw those type of, the muscles just responded because it was something that,
Starting point is 01:35:23 you know, it hadn't been put to use for in a long time. So I don't know if that, you know, plays a factor in what you're going through, but I have seen that phenomenon. Yeah, so I mean, you know, if I were to guess that, you know, what kind of strength training would make you build? It would probably be 15 to 20 reps. It would probably be some incorporation of supersets. Do strong, and it would probably be some incorporation of supersets. Do strong. And it would be a pro row. It's so posterior chain heavy and she's already not like, you'd ham dominant and like I think that would be a awesome.
Starting point is 01:35:52 But I think for fun and you enjoy it and you feel healthy, you look healthy from looking at you, I think you would enjoy maps cardio because it's going to give you all. Yeah, cardio right now. And then I would like to be strong. So I have's gonna give you all the time. Yeah, Cardio right now, and then I would like strong. So I have a question, because you mentioned getting ready to go, when you start working, these 70 hour work weeks,
Starting point is 01:36:12 are you maintaining the running, or is that gonna go? I hope so. I hope so on weekends and getting up at like, I don't know, six in the morning. Maps Cardio is gonna be perfect. Yeah, she's young too. She's having the other responsibilities. Besides, I mean seriously, when you're young, 80 hours a week, you still got plenty of
Starting point is 01:36:28 time to do other shit. Yeah, Maps cardio is perfect for you right now. I think it's a great reason. Yeah. What field are you gonna be working at, Akira? I'll say. I'm gonna be going to private equity, so finance. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:37 There you go. Very cool. Yeah, I love hearing you guys talk about investments. Excellent. Excellent. You just became cooler. Thanks for following the show, Lyle. I love hearing about the fact that you followed us since you guys talk about investments. Yeah, excellent. Excellent. We just became cooler. Thanks for following the show, Lyle. I love hearing about the fact that you followed us
Starting point is 01:36:48 since you were 16 till now. Yeah, very cool. Seriously. Yeah, that's awesome. Thank you. No, thank you guys so much. You got it. Yeah, take care.
Starting point is 01:36:56 You got it. Yeah, it's super rare, but I've definitely run into people where they build doing shit that's not supposed to make you build. And she definitely did it. She said that her pants got tighter and the scale went up. Now the other factor here is diet jumping rope. Yes. I've seen that with athletes and their cash explode in their quads. But the other part and by the way, if any muscles will grow from high, high, high reps, lots, lots of frequent stimuli, it's calves and quads. They tend to be the body parts that tend to do that.
Starting point is 01:37:25 But they do. Nonetheless, here's the other factors, diet. And sometimes what happens when people start to really burn a lot of calories or activities or appetite goes with the roof and they don't notice necessarily that they've eaten 600 more calories a day. So that's the other factor too. Like she could have been a strength training
Starting point is 01:37:39 but could have been under eating and then finally fed herself. And then all that like back pressure of muscle, you know, muscles wanting to build now finally gets to, you know, come to for a week. I think that's actually a really good point, so I'll be especially when you talk about a little hundred pound female like this because there's a good chance she wasn't even getting adequate protein to build good muscle. Now she's eating a good amount of calories and probably hitting protein intake and then just the stimulus alone and maybe it's Justin's point.
Starting point is 01:38:06 This is an air she was a soccer player before. The muscles went, oh, that's what we've been looking for. I heard her this. Yeah, Federer stimulated and she grew, so that's very much so possibly. Look, if you like, buy and pump. Head over to mindpumpfree.com and check out our guides. We have guides that can help you
Starting point is 01:38:20 with almost any health or fitness goal. You can also find all of us on social media. So Justin is on Instagram at my pump. Justin, Adam is on Instagram at my pump. Adam, and you can only find me on Twitter at my pump. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 01:38:37 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal, Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee and you can get it now
Starting point is 01:39:18 plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump.

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