Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 200: How to train as you age

Episode Date: December 11, 2015

Episode 200! Thank you everyone for listening to and sharing Mind Pump! In this episode Sal, Adam and Justin discuss how to train as you age. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more ab...out Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, pop, mite, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Do you guys enjoy driving in Northern California when it rains? That's a funny question. Just Northern California? Well, bro, just like 17. Bro, bro, people in California, it's like when it rains,
Starting point is 00:00:28 they perceive it to be fire coming out of the sky and lighting shit up or like lava or something because that's how they drive. Or they go balls to the wall and every turn and then they just crash. They drive so bad when it rains. It's stupid. It makes me so angry. There was traffic on the way up here
Starting point is 00:00:46 There's not supposed to be traffic on the way up here. Why was there traffic on the way up here? I don't know because it's fucking wet. It's it. It isn't even rain that hard. It's like it's like pissing down a little bit It's nothing like hardcore. It's like a little sprinkle a little spritz. That's why I hold my mouth You know what happens after the first reign though? The first reign we get all the oil and all the stuff that's on there. All the services, right? That's when I say it's really dangerous after like your first few rains. Yeah. Because all the oils and the slippery fucking shit that's all stuck to the
Starting point is 00:01:19 asphalt gets kind of washed up a little bit, right? I like when the road's slippery, excess car gizz. I don't know that's true. It is true, I just thought. It is true. It's made them shoot up. Yeah, you get little oil slicks. It's kind of like you know you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:01:34 You know it's funny. I don't know if it's true, but because I said it's true after he said it, it's so believable now. You know what I mean? You just got the sal bump. Yeah, like you made it pretty believable? No. I made it really believable.
Starting point is 00:01:47 It's official now. Now it's believable. It's official. I gave you my hat. All right. Yeah. Adam. Yo.
Starting point is 00:01:55 You're a dime piece today, bro. Oh, wow. Thank you. Oh, what? It's good. He's got the guns blazing. Herving. He's got the little calves poking out.
Starting point is 00:02:04 I just want to point out that you say stuff like that because I match, bro. Huh? Because I match it. No, I mean, you're in a attractive young man, but I would rather have sex with Justin. I believe that. I don't understand that.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Because, please, Adam's delicate. Like I feel like he wouldn't be able to take the full wrath. You know what I mean? Like if I went out on a chain, you have to go a little gentle for- But I feel like- I feel like Justin. Justin could take a lay the hammer.
Starting point is 00:02:34 I'm not sure if that's a compliment, but I'm gonna go ahead and take it like it's one. Yeah. You're gonna take it that you take it. He will take it. You just got confirmation. Yeah, the fact that you would not pick me to shove your penis in, I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure
Starting point is 00:02:45 that's a compliment somewhere somewhere. Who's saying I'm being the receiver? You don't feel rejected? I think he's looking at his. Yeah, I just don't feel like being your catcher. Yeah, I told you, like I said, like I said, you'd be the wrong person. Yeah, no matter.
Starting point is 00:02:57 But you look great. You look great right now. You're listening. I'm just saying, like, hey, you look handsome and then we don't have these like, in your windows afterwards It's alright, bro When you're as a go total when you're as manly as we are you have to do that. Yeah, otherwise everybody's just like that's true
Starting point is 00:03:13 I know we came in here and we're just like you know went with our full testosterone I think you can't explode you can do it. No, she would she would catch fire. We got a gate up a little bit. Can I can I read you guys my favorite? My favorite My favorite inbox pick up line that I got just recently you did. Yeah, this man or woman. It's I guess I guess it was a fair question I Chuckled that first bet that way to say that's a And it's a young girl and she and she says to me, she inbox with DMs me. I won't put her name out there.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Of age. Of age. Yeah, you said young girl. Don't you start? I don't know. Children do not be sending her. I don't know if she's how young she is. She says, how much do I have to deadlift for you
Starting point is 00:03:55 to be my date for senior prom? She said that to me too. She sent it to me too. Not for me to go to the prom. Wow, you guys are not special. No, listen to how fucked up this is. So you got one asking for you to take her to prom. Wow, you guys are not special. No, listen to how fucked up this is. So you got one asking for you to take her to prom. Yeah, she set one to me saying tell Adam
Starting point is 00:04:10 how much you're going to deadlift to go to the prom. She really? Listen, bitch. Yeah, okay, he's playing you guys. I can take him to DM yet. So maybe that's for me. No, she's married. That's why I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:04:22 I'm sure that's why. I'm sure that's why God you know Adam can you get you know get him a good word from you how fun would it be to go to a prom? I you know what I said my response back to you help you know how arrested we get I know I know I know But you know what though I I think I just want to see him dance with all his high schoolers No, we would get arrested because we would get, we would like party hard, like we could hammer it. Oh, dude, I, and everybody would be like,
Starting point is 00:04:48 what the fuck are these adult guys doing? I actually went as far as to ask where she was at because I, I said laugh out loud. I said that has to be the, the most awesome way I've ever been invited to a prom is like that. So I was like, where do you live? You know, because I actually,
Starting point is 00:05:00 I called to put it, I'm like, you know, if she was local, I'm gonna actually go do that. I'm that guy. guy make a great episode Adam goes to prom Adam right when that be fun. Did you go to your prom? Can you can you do that? Yeah, of course Can you do that you wear a cumber button? I don't know how I dressed he puts the cum in your You know, I was really uh, that's it. I was out there. I was all just like this radio show like I was always against the grain You know, so even the way I dressed and things I did everything opposite What's your pants on your hands? Yeah, we are sure remember I remember what I oh, you know
Starting point is 00:05:31 I do remember now that you said that I wore silver pants. They're like like sparkly made out of Made out of Sterling silver no Thousand dollar pants No, see your pants broke kids there. They're like no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, yeah, it's just recently. It's so weird that the wizard has the least of experience, but he wizard at all. He's a real quick. He throws it. You know what it reminds me a lot of Justin, Luke Skywalker.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Remember how you got like the force at a late age became the fucking world champion? That was you, bro. Okay. You didn't have sex till you were like 32. Boom. He was living with his aunt and uncle for a half. Boom, the force is strong in this one.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Justin, did you go to your prom? Yeah, I did. You did? Yeah. I got asked when I was a freshman actually by a senior and I was too chicken shit. What? What was his name? Steve.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Uh, Stevie Ann? No. Um, yeah, no, I didn't go. I kind of wish, uh, I just, I don't know. I was intimidated. Yeah, a little bit, a little bit. Like I just didn't know. I was like, I don't, yeah, I don't really I was intimidated. Yeah, a little bit a little bit like I just didn't know I was like I don't yeah, I don't really want to go. Oh my god. I'm I'm I got an intimidation story like But anyway, don't switch gears cuz I kind of like to go to yeah, I did go to my junior senior prom
Starting point is 00:06:56 It was like stupid because it was just with my girlfriend, so so that's right I wasn't even trying if you're listening right now. He said it was stupid to go with you I want to know that's what I want to know. I want to know, who did you go with all four? Did you go to the dancers every year? No. You did? No, I didn't like.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I get that, you were a nerd. I get that makes sense. No, I wasn't listening. In school, I wasn't a nerd. If you're listening right now, and you went to school, you can comment on the Mind Pump Instagram page if I was a nerd or not.
Starting point is 00:07:22 I don't think I was, but maybe I was, you know what's funny? When somebody's like, oh yeah, I hear the tone, but I didn't think I was. That would be fucked up, right? I wasn't, I hung out with everybody, I was just whatever, I just didn't care about going to dances, but I did go to my wife's senior prom. Hey, wait, wait, let's back up.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Cause we were dating. Let's back up for a second. Go ahead. Really smart, reading the psychopilot, didn't play sports, didn't go in any dances Now you probably weren't nerd keep going. No, keep going. Exactly. Yeah, so you go and listen bro I'm telling you that doesn't make you a nerd like off set you're right No, I was just adding everything up for the listeners in case they didn't know all those other random facts
Starting point is 00:07:57 That's what made you and let me explain something. That's what made you a nerd in like the 80s That was that was in high school in the 90 Oh 90s. That's when it started changing. Now this is making sense. That's why I still wear flannels. Yeah. Okay. Continue on. So no, I went to the prom with my wife.
Starting point is 00:08:12 We were dating at the time. She was my girlfriend. Wow. And I went to hers because she was a senior. I was a junior. I liked the older ones. And that's it. I didn't go to mine because I could give a shit.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Actually, it was pretty unmemorable my senior year it. I didn't go to mine because I could give a shit. Actually, it was pretty unmemorable my senior year because I just didn't care. Yeah. You know what I mean? I wonder if Doug went to a senior pro. Did they have problems back then when you were? I don't know. I'm losing my memory. Did you go to see it? It was like back to the future. Yeah, was it was it was it about you does was that it a barn? No, they actually had problems actually you know, I was see I was actually allowed to go to any dance dances when I grew up You weren't allowed to go to the dances you grew up in that street of a home I grew up in a very strict home. What you know, it's funny when Doug was a kid Moses was a danger comes I'm stupid. No, I want to hear more about this about Back up this because I grew up in a very conservative
Starting point is 00:09:06 strict home, but I would tell you it was a lot of good of dances. Yeah, no, dances were out of the question. So were you a virgin like me all through my school? Yeah, I was. Oh, look at that. Really? Yeah, the virgins are on that side of them.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Yeah, exactly. Yeah, wow. Yeah, yeah. We are better looking though. Huh? We are better looking, the two of us as a team, as a team for sure. Yeah, if you guys combined, it is, if this was a competition, you guys might looking though. Huh? We are better looking the two of us. Yeah, as a team, as a team for sure. Yeah, if you guys combined, it is. If this was a competition, you guys might win that.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, you'd be. Wow, I didn't know that. Sorry, I bring your sore-down notes a lot. No dances for you. At least you'd bang me, apparently. Yeah. I have a fun fact for you.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I went with the fun fact. Yeah, I did. For my dances, my- It's better be fun and it better be a fact. Yeah. I went with the big girl. I want you. Yeah. I went with the big girl. Yeah, I went with the like the the fact. I hope she's not listening.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Oh, I know. Well, she probably knows. She actually is now. What was the fact? I did. I did. I went with the fact cross. But you like them like that a little bit.
Starting point is 00:09:58 No, it was nothing like that whatsoever. Yeah, but you do. You like a little bit of heaviness, don't you? What do you mean by that? Huh? Could you be a little more specific with that? Like a little bit more. It was like a friend thing. This is gonna pass that, okay? Okay. Yeah. Well, I'm gonna save you, Adam. Like, like, I was, I was a jock and I was, I think, I think, although, like, sell maybe I was the same way too, maybe I wasn't the cool kid. I just thought I was a cool kid. I thought I was a cool kid
Starting point is 00:10:27 And my buddies we all had everyone had dates and everything going on and One of the girls that is which she was also a cheerleader and she all her friend all her cheerleader friends were going with all my buddies and stuff like that And I could have a you guys have a big like orgy. No, oh, damn it. I'm sorry. I school bro. I'm sorry. Where are we? Oh my god. I gotta stop. Are you gonna start blocking your comments? Yeah, seriously. I'm holding my Instagram. We're gonna look at a deep friend you Get out of here. Get to sign up under a new account. Talk on the Mike. No, I just, that was the type of kid that I was too. I was not, I later on, I ended up dating the next year to that. I ended up dating the Superhot Chicken School for sure. She was awesome. But before that, to me, I would rather
Starting point is 00:11:19 do. And that's where the wizard came to be. Is this the girl that was the wizard or do Is this the wizard or the word you said? You know what? Dude, no, I'm trying to explain something here. What happened? You know, he's on point with the door. Dude, because you showed that and all the girls noticed that, bro. And they love that shit and they eat it up.
Starting point is 00:11:38 I highly recommend doing that if you're a guy. Did he, the hottest girl? No, before that. No, no, no, no. Just showing out how, you know, sensitive and good guy you are, and comfortable you are with doing it. Dude, yeah, props.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Bro, if you're not, it's six, hold on a second. If you're not six, three, and good looking, you're just gonna be the friend zone. So, let's back up for a second here, Sal, since we're talking about my sophomore year, which I was five, six, my sophomore year. Both my front teeth were cooking and turned in.
Starting point is 00:12:06 I didn't have a car. I walked to school. I was broke as fuck. Adorable. Yeah. So wait a minute. I was five six when you were sophomore. Yeah, I was five three when I was a freshman. I was a point guard. Are you shit me? No. I didn't sprout. I was a late five three. Yeah. Whoa. That was a five three. Well, when did you get tall? Not till I got my my last spurt was out of high school in college.
Starting point is 00:12:25 My junior year I sprouted up almost to six foot and then my junior year into my senior year I hit six foot and then I got a college. He really was a late bloomer. I was. And my sophomore year, I was not. I was, I was, I was, I was talking about this all the time with, with kids and so this is kind of a cool, I don't know if this is where this fucking episode is going or not, but, uh, let's go. Yeah, right. Being, you know, I was tease made
Starting point is 00:12:49 fun of goofy looking poor, all the things you don't want to be if you're a kid in high school, you know, so, but that didn't stop me from being the popular kid in school. It didn't stop me either from dating the hottest chicken school. And it's not like I had that goal in mind. I was just a real person and I was comfortable with myself and none of that stuff ever, none of that stuff affect me. And like Justin said, you know, one of my soft more year, I chose to go with that girl because of that. Cause I felt like I was a good dude
Starting point is 00:13:16 and she wanted to be with all her friends and then we could all still be together. And I was comfortable with that. It was okay, I didn't need to be with some random hot shake or without, I didn't have a girlfriend at the time, so I'd rather bring a girl that has friends with all my friends. And even if it means that I'm going with the least best looking or the heaviest girl or whatever the fuck it was,
Starting point is 00:13:33 it doesn't matter to me, you know, like at that point. And Justin's right, because the following year to that was the year that I ended up getting with my girlfriend who I ended up being with for four years after that, who was my high school sweetheart and was the hottest chicken in school for sure. So it does, you know, and I think you have to be genuine about it though,
Starting point is 00:13:50 because it's not like I went out with like, you know, you have to know that you do that purposefully and you're calculated, come on. Yeah, yeah, that guy's a douche too. So, but yeah, no, absolutely. But I was not this six foot three buff fucking kid in high school, bro. I was the wind blue and I fucking blew away, bro.
Starting point is 00:14:07 I was a skinny rail crooked ass teeth. Now, did you guys ever have you guys ever had a situation when you were younger where just girls will come on to you, but you were intimidated by them. So you didn't do anything because I got really punch because I, okay, I got a story, dude. I was in God, I might have been eighth grade. I think I was in eighth grade or going into freshman years like that summer.
Starting point is 00:14:30 There were these two girls that I was friends with, and they were both hot. And we used to do the three-way talking, when you get on the phone back in the day, for you kids who don't know what that is. It's like a three-way kiss. Right, no. Back then, we had landlines
Starting point is 00:14:44 and you could call two people at the same time and everybody's on the phone So we talked on the phone and these girls were talked like dirty and I look back on my Jesus Christ I couldn't believe it some of the shit they were saying they and they brought they invited me down to They wanted me to meet them at the school. This was a summer it was summertime They wanted me to meet them at the school because they both wanted to make out with me. Yeah I fuck yeah, I, I'm so scared Of course you look back and you're like yeah Yeah, if I had a if I had a delorean if I only had a delorean
Starting point is 00:15:20 I go back well, you know what I. I think I want to talk about this. I've had somebody ask me, I don't know if I'm gonna go down that road, Sal. I like that. You like that? We're gonna take a left right here. No, I think this is good. This is good too,
Starting point is 00:15:37 because we have Doug in here too, and you could probably put it into your seats. Oh, you want to be the old thing? Yeah, I've got a couple old guys that came up to me and they're asking me like, you know, you guys, mind pump guys, talk a lot about, you know, all the stuff that you guys do.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Now, well, what about like, you know, a podcast episode that's geared towards the elderly, you know, like Doug and stuff is like, what is, what, what's, what's your, what's your, what's your somebody, you better watch yourself. Oh, what should somebody do? And, and I'll ask, What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job?
Starting point is 00:16:07 What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job?
Starting point is 00:16:15 What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job?
Starting point is 00:16:23 What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? What's your job? we can give them? Well, centrum silver. Yeah. I think definitely if you do squats, you want to put your walker to the side. You don't want to do squats with your walker, for instance, to limit your range. No, the handrails on the toilet. Here's a thing, as you age,
Starting point is 00:16:38 the principles of proper exercise and nutrition are that much more important than they were when you were younger. Right. So before I get into that, let me explain something about exercise. If you're a fit 20 year old, you're not that much, you're not that far separated from your peers. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:59 A fit 20 year old versus a regular 20 year old. There's a difference, but it's not a huge difference. Yeah. Now, you get a fit 50 year old versus a regular 50 year old.old, there's a difference, but it's not a huge difference. Now, you get a 50-year-old versus a regular 50-year-old, and it's light years apart. You go up to 60, 70, 80, and now they're not even the same. There's a lot of decisions that were made in those years leading up to that. Yeah, it's a difference between, I'm totally independent, and I could do whatever I want to, I live in a nursing home and people take care of me.
Starting point is 00:17:23 That's how drastic it gets. So that chasm, that gap between you and your peers, grows if you maintain a good level of health and fitness. And I'm starting to see it now. Look, I'm only 36 years old. And I can see it with people that I grew up with who don't eat right and don't really exercise and they might smoke cigarettes here and there. When we were in our 20s, I mean, yeah, I was definitely more fit than them,
Starting point is 00:17:47 but it wasn't that big of a difference. Now they're like, fuck, I look at them and they look a good 10, 15 years older than me. Oh yeah. And they can't get boners. They look like shit. They got fucking pop bellies. And I'm not even, I'm totally serious.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Like these guys will tell me this stuff. Like, oh, I can't have it. Oh, that's what a drug company is. They love that damn. Yeah, and that's, a drug company is. It'll love that dimension. Yeah, and that's, I'm still young, like 36 is still young. So that gap between you and your peers becomes so, so that importance of exercise and fit and nutrition is even greater when you're older.
Starting point is 00:18:17 And then doing them right is that much greater because when you're young, you get away with a lot of shit. Oh, yeah. You get a bound from all kinds of damage you put to your body. Oh bro, I would be, I mean, from the food you can eat to poor exercise forum to lack of warming up. So one of the biggest pieces of advice I can give anybody who's exercising who's, you know, over, I'd say, over 45.
Starting point is 00:18:41 And that's not old, but over 45 I think is when you start to really see a big difference, is really be smart, be smarter, and luckily most people in that age group are smarter about their training. Now in terms of exercise, I'll say this right now, nothing, nothing, no form of exercise comes close to the age-defying effects of resistance training. Nothing, cardio, yoga, I don't give a shit what it is, you know, calisthenics, any, all
Starting point is 00:19:15 those things, you can put them all together, combine them, none of them will come close to the age reversing effects of traditional proper resistance training because none of those affect the hormone levels like weight training does. the age reversing effects of traditional proper resistance training, because none of those affect the hormone levels like weight training does. None of them affect that you want to cellular level, and none of them make your body pro-tissue animal. Let's talk about that, because I mean, that's like the biggest thing that deteriorates, right?
Starting point is 00:19:38 I mean, your hormone levels go down significantly, and know, especially if you're not lifting weights, you're extracting all these things that one of the main, you know, proponents on keeping those levels at a normal rate, you know, is lifting heavy weights. So if you're not doing that, I mean, you're doing yourself a disservice. It's, it, I'll tell you something, and eating, you know, properly. You take, if you take a male who eats right and lifts weights, and that's the focus of his workout, and does everything properly, and you test this testosterone level,
Starting point is 00:20:09 and he's 65 years old, he will have higher testosterone than the average 35 year old American male. Oh yeah, okay. This is very, very true. Your body will stay in that, will maintain those youthful levels of hormones for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Now we got, of course, age does affect hormones, but activity and diet do as well. And it becomes this kind of negative feedback loop where I don't exercise, I'm inactive, hormone levels drop, I feel shitty, I stop exercise, I do less activity, they go even lower. But I mean, I got a client who's,
Starting point is 00:20:44 I got one guy who's 52 who got his testosterone levels, check this out. So, you know, depending on the lab you go to, the range of testosterone is anywhere between, I believe. 0 and 1200. Well, no, that's 200. Well, zero is too low, but for normal is 200 to 800.
Starting point is 00:21:00 No, 400. So, 400. Yeah, 400 to 1200. 400 to 1200. And some I've seen go 200 to 800. So that's kind of the range. This guy's 52 years old. Okay, lifts weights exercises eats right? It's been doing it for a long time. Got his testosterone level check. He was almost at 900. That's crazy. So depending on the lab or the lab that you go to He would he might even be accused of being on
Starting point is 00:21:21 Annabelle steroids, but he's natural? And this is a natural 52 year old man. And then I have another client who's turning 70 in a few months. So he's 69 right now. Got his testosterone level checked, almost 700, right? Well, this is something too. Why you're tired of this? I always, and he my clients that are 45 plus, that's the first thing I recommend they do get the hormones. Yeah, it's, because if you are somebody who is, you know, maybe you're just now getting started and you fucked up your shit up for 20 years, you know, there's a good thing, there's a good chance your testosterone levels
Starting point is 00:21:53 can be in the dump and then. Well, I would say have them, could I've had clients act that before and I've done, and this is, I've had 50% success with this in my personal experience, where they'll come to me and then they'll tell me that they got their testosterone levels checked
Starting point is 00:22:07 and it measured, you know, at 100 or 120 or 200. And what I'll tell them to do is train with me and follow my advice for six months and then get tested again. And half the people I've done, I've actually done this almost probably about a dozen people, but half the time, I can get their testosterone levels naturally,
Starting point is 00:22:22 to go back. Naturally well within, because if you look at their lifestyle, like they sleep shitty, they eat crappy, they're not active, they're at their desk all day long, a couple of them drank a lot of alcohol, which is known to lower testosterone. And so when we reversed all that, they went back up. Some of them, it went up, but not significantly. And a lot of them, of the ones that didn't go up, a lot of them just weren't doing everything. You know what I mean? They were still kind of eating shitty and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:22:48 So I wonder what that effect has on people. But that's a great thing to do, is monitor those hormone levels. Yeah, I mean, I think it's a great indicator too. I mean, it answers a lot of questions for us trainers. Like, let's say we are designing a program for me, and you're going along, and you're kind of scratching your head. Like, man, this guy should be building some muscle by now or this or that it could be
Starting point is 00:23:06 that you know we have a long road ahead of us it goes back to you like we talked about metabolic damage with somebody it could take six months to a year to fix whatever damage you've done same thing you go for a male or female whatever it doesn't matter that is older in the 45 years old plus that have done damage to their body for a long time as far as poor eating maybe not exercising enough and then their hormone levels start to decline. So I always recommend that for sure first and foremost. Well sometimes taking those hormones externally gives them that boost that they may need because a lot of these people feel really bad.
Starting point is 00:23:39 They feel horrible. We have no motivation knowing that. That's what comes with that right? No testosterone. They say some of the effects is the depression, depression the no energy levels you know have a hard time building muscle burning fat all these things I mean testosterone plays such a huge role in in you know arc success. There's also insulin gets regulated with resistance training like no other form of exercise growth hormone levels become more youthful it even even checks, you know, estrogen and other hormones and women. So,
Starting point is 00:24:07 I would say number one, first and foremost, if you're in that age group, that resistance training should be the kind of cornerstone of your routine. I don't care if you work out two days a week or four or six days a week, resistance training should be the, that should be where you focus your energy, where you should focus your program design, where you should look at your performance, rather than, you know, because I know a lot of runners and, you know, hardcore cardio people, once they get to 50 and 60
Starting point is 00:24:35 and they're not lifting weights, they don't look too good. I don't feel too good. Oh, weather is. It's oxidative stress. Yeah, we've talked about that somewhat, you know, these people that are doing that heavy amounts of cardiovascular, it really does like
Starting point is 00:24:48 whether your body and your skin and just the overall look of you, like looks like it's aged quite a bit, almost like a smoker almost, it looks pretty similar. They've done studies on ultra runners, people who run very, very long, long distances and do it for a long period of time, know over years and years and years and they'll they'll they have Heart damage. They'll examine some of their hearts You know and they've got damage like somebody who's you know 15 years 20 years older than them
Starting point is 00:25:17 Well, it's just extreme. It's just extreme. We've talked about this before It's anything extreme is is about even healthy stuff I'm saying like you would think, running an exercising healthy, well, doing it to an extreme level is not ideal. And ultra marathon runners, I mean, shit, sometimes they run for 24 hours consistently, which is just ridiculous. How about this?
Starting point is 00:25:33 So one of the guys that was asking this, because I've been asked multiple times for this topic, is actually somebody who I know has been weight training. I trained him back in his 30s, and he's now in his 50s, and he's been consistent, trains really hard, trying to do the math right there. Yeah, well, yeah. 30s, he's been his 50s. Yeah, I trained, was 20 years old.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Okay. He was one of my first clients. No, in his 20s, and now he's in his 50s, doesn't mean it necessarily has to be 30 years. Okay. He was in his 30s, he could have been about 37 years old, and now he's like in his 50s. So what, so, so, so you haven't seen him this whole time?
Starting point is 00:26:08 No, he's, he lives down south. But I talked to him on a regular basis. He's really strong. He's actually got a good physique. I posted him a long time ago on Instagram. So he's been doing it this whole time. Yeah. One, he's had, I can't remember his, I know he had surgery on his back a long time ago. So he's, he's actually stayed had surgery on his back a long time ago, so he's actually stayed away from squats for a really long time, and I always keep trying to tell him to get back into it, just, you know, get, figure out why he can't get down in this squat position, if correctively stretch, figure out his imbalances to do that, because we all know that if you keep
Starting point is 00:26:39 yourself in that neutral spinal line, when he comes down and do a proper squat, you should be able to. I have something to recognize with like clients that I've had that are, you know, 50, 60, 70 years. They get into a routine and like they do that to death. Like that's the exact thing. It's the same thing. And whether it's racquetball or whether it's, you know, doing like the stair climber or, you know, that is their answer. And it has done damage. Like, by the time they come to me, like, blown ACLs, you know, blunt, like their elbow isn't the same, their shoulders isn't the same, you know, all that same stressful move, repetitive movement, I want to say, okay, just the repetitiveness of it and putting the same exact stress on the body and the joints constantly all the time, you're going to end
Starting point is 00:27:34 up, you know, immobile in some sense of it and you're going to have to do a lot of rehabilitative work to get back to just normal movement and just be wary of that and be open to experiencing new things and new ways of doing things. And I think that's as an overall, even with like mental stimulation, you know, like all these brain games and all these things have come about to, you know, prevent dimension and all these kinds of things. It's just, I want to challenge your body. Did you know that they just, they've confirmed it now that people who exercise regularly,
Starting point is 00:28:11 especially resistance strain, have more gray matter. Actually, it actually maintains gray matter in your brain as you age. So, it's good for your brain big time as well. But as far as what you were saying, that's absolutely correct because people have been doing it for a long time. The repetitive motion can cause issues. But the other thing that I noticed too is people in that age category between,
Starting point is 00:28:35 I'd say, 45 to maybe 50 something or 60, they tend to have more stress in their life. They have a job, they probably have kids, they don't have the luxury of being able to sleep in whenever they want, and you know, that's the worry about bills, maybe they just got divorced. So that stress accumulates in the body, and it's that much more important at that point than to pay attention to your workouts,
Starting point is 00:29:01 and to make sure you listen to your body with your workouts, and to not go in there thinking you're gonna train with a super high intensity all the time. If you had a stressful day and you didn't sleep very good the night before and you're going to the gym, then I recommend you have an easy workout. It'll benefit you far more than a super hard intense one will.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I see people in their 40s over train like crazy. Well, I think that's a great one to touch on see people in their 40s over train like crazy. Well, I think that's a great one to touch on because the guy we're talking about right now or that I'm referring to this whole topic is about, when we train back to the days, we used to hit it hard and train hard. And I know he's maintained that mentality of crushing. You know, I remember I was this my early 20s
Starting point is 00:29:43 when I would told you before, I don't think I was that great of a trainer You know if I was training him now, I would definitely scale back a lot of his time Especially since he is definitely a very successful businessman He's got a lot of things on his plate. He's got a family. So guys got a high stress level already as it is You know, it's probably hard for him to shut it down when it comes to the gym and actually pull way back, you know, and do a workout that in his mind he probably thinks is really easy and is not very productive, but in fact it's probably very productive and ideal for him. The other thing that, and maybe you guys can piggyback off of this, is I have, I've now,
Starting point is 00:30:22 whenever I get a client that's older and they come to me and they're like, hey Adam, you know, this hurts or that's bothering me, this or that, nine times out of 10 now, it's related to nutrition with inflammatory foods and stuff like that. And I guess I really didn't start thinking that way. At first, before I used to like,
Starting point is 00:30:42 start thinking of balances and muscle related and stretching and always go in that direction, where now I'll normally say, well, tell me what you've eaten the last few days. What have you been consuming and listened to what they have to eat? That's just because I've noticed it in my own body. Now, I have the same issues. I all said in my elbows hurt or my knees achy. First thing I think of is, what did I eat the last few days?
Starting point is 00:31:04 Because if you're eating a lot of processed foods or foods high in sugar, I mean, or any sort of alcohol if you're a big wine drinker or things like that, people don't realize that stuff. That those are very high inflammatory foods and then you're also weight training pretty hard, which is also inflammatory.
Starting point is 00:31:20 The combination of two of those ends up being pretty fucking anxious. In my personal experience, I have found that people in the age group that we're talking about respond better to relatively, okay, that's an important word that's bold now, relatively lower carbohydrate diet, because they don't have the super activity levels of, say, a young 20-something-year-old, you know, athlete that I may be training.
Starting point is 00:31:45 And so if you bring their carbs down a little bit, their sugars, their grains a little bit, I have most of the time seeing clients have reductions in inflammation. Most of the time, I've seen people come to me and say, wow, you know, eating this way, I don't have as much inflammation as when I was eating more pastas and breads and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:32:03 So that's just some anecdotal feedback from my experience. Most of my clients are in the age group we're talking about. I'm very rarely trained anybody. I do. I wanted to talk about this because I feel like this is probably mostly in your wheelhouse the most out of us. Although, I mean, I'm sure Justin, I have also trained probably thousands by now too.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Most of my clients, no, they're all 50 know 50 60 70s. Yeah, that's my Demographic as well. Well, they have expendable income to hire trainers too So let's not forget if if you're listening and you're in that age group You can probably afford to hire a trainer and you should that that would make a huge difference Well, they all have pain issues right that I'm combating and trying to apply you know Rehabilitation techniques too and also just getting circulation and movement and all these things reestablished. And, you know, just doing little things goes a long way. And, you know, getting stronger, getting stronger is such a great combatant to, you know, a lot of these arthritises
Starting point is 00:33:05 and all these things that get in the way of that. So, I, the advice I've given people, clients that, let's say I'll stop working with, or I don't see as much at anymore, I'll tell them, go to the gym and just pick three, three to four resistance training exercises. That's it. Just go there, do three or four of them,
Starting point is 00:33:28 make sure that the important exercises, the ones that matter like a squad and overhead press and a barbell row and a lunge or a core exercise, and just do those and do them really good. And then next time you go pick three or four other really important exercises. That way they're in there for 30, 40 minutes. It's effective.
Starting point is 00:33:49 They're not wasting their time worrying about all these different machines and cable exercises and also the bullshit that's not gonna do a whole lot for them. And they get a lot of bang for the bug, especially if they're really busy people. And the results that they've gotten as a result of that are huge. You know, and you think about it,
Starting point is 00:34:04 if they're going into three, three, four good exercises, doing four sets each, and you know, that's a good 35 to 45 minute workout, they do it right? Well, let's keep it real. Why don't you, it's Christmas is around the corner, why don't you buy a maps for Christmas? There you go.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Little recap though, because I think Justin said something, I thought was extremely important. I didn't go in that much detail to it, but he said something about, you know, that generation, right, and it didn't go in that much detail to it, but he said something about, that generation is stuck in their ways of doing the repetitive stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:31 The periodizing your workouts, we cannot stress that enough of changing that up, which is the way maps was designed. And that's why, I threw that shameless plug back there because, I mean, that's why we designed that because it doesn't matter if you're 75 years old and just starting in the jam or you're a seasoned veteran, you still should design your program that way. How you build off of that?
Starting point is 00:34:51 Okay, well, we can talk about that later, but it's somebody who's in the jam. If you're not, if that's not your foundation, no matter how old you are, then you're missing it. You're missing the boat big time because you should be pureizing the workout. And changing it. And you know what? Now that I think about it, Justin, you are so 100% accurate. I'm thinking about all the old people,
Starting point is 00:35:08 older people in the gym, who I see every time I go to workout, and I swear to God, I could write out the workouts right now because I see the same exact shit every single time. Even if it is like they're lifting weights, which it's the same machine. It's the same exact machine.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Yeah, it's whatever they're still good at and they remember, you know, and it's, yeah, it's whatever they're still good at and they they remember, you know, and it's, yeah, it's tough because I immediately think of my dad because like, I mentioned, you know, the stair climber like he's got like, you think I got cast dude, that guy has ridiculous calves, but he's just been doing the stair master for a year after year. He always in the morning, he goes, you know, to the spa fitness place, he does his cardio thing, he does a little bit of stretching, goes in the sauna and he thinks that that's like his workout.
Starting point is 00:35:51 And dude, no. And then he eats all his processed food. So anyway, it's one thing, you know, but he's got big calves. Highly, he's got big calves. We got to read that. He's a big dude. But, you know, it's, and it's finally now, it's like he's kind of reaching out, okay, well, how should I do it?
Starting point is 00:36:06 And, it's like, oh my God, where do I begin? But, you know, like, they need to, which is also a hard thing to have to say, hey, you need to have an open mind. And this is what you wanna do. You know, like, they don't, a lot of times, it's hard to break through that. Oh, it's so important to collect a check first
Starting point is 00:36:24 before you go to this top right. Exactly. Just sign them up for three months and then you break down the news. Yeah, that's a bad news for you. You're gonna have to do a lot of different. Yeah, sorry to break this. It's gonna have to change.
Starting point is 00:36:37 That's the that's the trainer tip out of this episode. Yeah, collect the money first, then you can explain to them. Then be honest, yeah, the about the, what about warm up? There you go. Warm up is very important. Especially as you get, as you start to get a little bit older, I need to fucking warm up.
Starting point is 00:36:53 And before when I was younger, man, I didn't, what the hell was a warm up? I could literally get into the bar with my max. I think we all can attest to that one. So because just in the last four years for me, that's been, every time I do it too, in the back of my head, I chuckle because I'm like, wow, this is like the first signs of like,
Starting point is 00:37:12 you have to do this. I have to do this. Foam rolling would be a big thing. Forever. They should learn that, right? Foam rolling. For anybody who's listening, who's wanting to work out, or whatever's that age group, learn how to foam roll.
Starting point is 00:37:24 It's actually pretty easy to learn. The foam roll with dynamics flexibility. Those two things, dynamic stretching. Take your 10, 15 minutes of preparation. Yeah, get the muscle nice and elastic, so you gotta get blood flow. You gotta get your core temperature up a bit. Because if you don't, you're likely to tear something.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I mean, it's cold tissue is a lot more likely to get torn. And not only that, because tear is number one, the number two, and it's the same reason, I cannot squat unless I seriously warm up for 28. You're not gonna get the same range of motion. No way. My knees are like ache to death for the first three to four sets, if I don't.
Starting point is 00:38:06 I mean, it literally feels like someone's sticking knives in my knees. If I do not go and foam roll and do my dynamic flexibility before I start my squats and do what happened and that why I want it to point that out is because I know if I feel that at 34 years old, somebody who's 45 or 55 years old, who gets under a squat rack, the size of your squatting, then all of a sudden it feels his knees just like their knives in it or his low back. I'm sure he stops and goes, okay, I can't do squats. They're not forming exactly my head back. That's a wild f**k. It's like no, dude. No, it's not your back. It's not your knees. It's
Starting point is 00:38:42 a, you're not going to take the time to actually stretch all that shit out and warm it up before you go. You can't just correct them balances and that's such an excellent point. I'll tell you something. Your goal should be if you can't squat and you can't deadlift and you can't press overhead because of, you know, aches and pains in your joints. And I'm not talking, by the way, we're not talking about an acute injury. There's a difference. If you're injured, then yes, don't do it.
Starting point is 00:39:03 But if it's just aches and the joints hurt and things are stiff and you're like, I can't do it, your goal should be being able to do those things without pain. So do whatever you need to do to get to the point to where you can do full squats. For example, I'm going to use you as an example, Adam, because you said your knees hurt while you squat. Now, I don't know this to be the case, but let's just say that you have some knee damage. Let's just say maybe you have some congermalacia, your patella's kind of frayed underneath the kneecap. You're still doing the right thing
Starting point is 00:39:34 because you're warming up, you're getting to the bar, then it doesn't hurt, and maintaining that full range of motion, that strength and that full range of motion is allowing your muscles to stay strong, because if you stop, if you're like, fuck it, my knees hurt, I have congermalation, I have all these, you know, this degenerative issues.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Then what have you started to atrophy, muscle start to weaken, and that need problem becomes worse. It becomes worse. It becomes worse. So if you're, if you're more of those people that can't do those exercises because it hurts, then do what you need to do to be able to do those exercises properly. Your goal should be, actually,
Starting point is 00:40:06 when I need to have my train someone, I don't care who they are. Any time I train someone, my goal is to be able to get them to do a proper muscle and balance free barbell squat. Now, do I get there always, not always, I have an 86 year old client who will probably never do a barbell squat with me, but we can do standing squats now, and I've worked it to that point.
Starting point is 00:40:26 So your goal should always be to get to that point, and if you can get there, which you likely will be able to, then you could do the most, the most, you know, bad ass exercises that exist. The ones that really make the biggest impact on everything from hormones to muscle, the fat loss to everything,
Starting point is 00:40:40 longevity, the whole thing. So, and I think, and a matter of fact, I think there's even tests now that they show like if you can't get up Up the ground or if you can't squat they can like predict whether or not you're gonna live or die in the next 15 years Way better than any other person. Yeah. Oh really. Yeah. I've seen that too. That's fascinating Yeah, we know we were made to squat dude We were made we were I mean our bodies are made to squat
Starting point is 00:41:02 You think you think humans when they took a shit in frickin' when we were cavemen, you think we sat on a rock and shit on ourselves? No. We squat it and took a dump. You know what I'm saying? Well, and we were made for it. And even that, like, and I always find that funny
Starting point is 00:41:16 when someone tells me they can't squat in my dude, I know at least once or twice a day you fucking sit down on a toilet. You know, I know you sit down on a toilet. You get there somehow. You gotta get up. Yeah're going to get up. Yeah. And you got to get up.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Let's see. I'm one of those toilets that I give up. Got like rises up for you. Yeah. Which means we got a lot of work ahead of us. You're shitting like that. Well, don't bad for you. Don't forget to subscribe, rate, review.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Make sure you guys leave us a five star rating. We love everybody that's been doing that. You guys have been helping us upstate in the top 50, so I appreciate that. Yeah, keep it up, man. Keep it up, man. Try MPP. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:41:51 For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mind pumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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