Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2032: Can You Reverse Aging & Live Longer? All About Longevity Peptides Jay Campbell

Episode Date: March 16, 2023

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin speak with peptide researcher and author Jay Campbell. How he became the ultimate biohacker of his health. (1:53) The science of peptides. (7:21) What is a bio...regulator? (11:42) Are there side effects from peptides? (14:17) The “ShamWow” peptide. (17:01) Growth hormone releasing peptides 101. (21:00) Why peptides need to be cycled. (24:38) Be a smart consumer. (34:45) MOTS-c, the amazing mitochondria stimulator. (38:00) What is the prime reason we lose hair? (40:38) Epitalon: The "Life Extension" Peptide. (49:03) The FDA does NOT want peptides to become mainstream. (51:35) Protect yourself with immune-boosting peptides. (53:03) Heal and rebuild your body with peptides. (57:14) Mainstream consciousness. (58:48) PSA for the listener curious about peptides. (1:07:30) The hierarchy of peptides. (1:09:05) Tesofensine: The ultimate brain stimulant. (1:12:00) Related Links/Products Mentioned Get yourself tested and transcend your health goals! Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! March Promotion: “Time-crunch Bundle” (MAPS 15 Minutes, MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Prime + Eat for Performance eBook ALL for only $99.99!! Optimize your Health with Therapeutic Peptides: Extend your Life by Becoming More Muscular, Leaner, Smarter, Injury-Free, and Younger - Book by Jay Campbell Testosterone: A Man's Guide- Second Edition – Book by Nelson Vergel Mind Pump #2017: The Best Peptides For Fat Loss With Dr. William Seeds Khavinson peptides The Complete List Of Amazing Therapeutic Peptides You Need For Optimized Living The Little-Known Russian Wonder Compound & The Fringe Future Of Anti-Aging Medicine Best Peptide Stacks for Muscle Growth & Fat Loss MOTS-c Dosage Calculator and Guide | What Researchers Must Know How To Stop Hair Loss and Regrow Your Natural Hair Forever: Disproving the DHT Inhibition Theory Tailor Made Compounding — Home Epitalon: The "Life Extension" Peptide | Jay Campbell LL-37: The Antimicrobial Peptide | Jay Campbell Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP): The "Whole Body Health" Peptide GHK-Cu | Reviews, Dosage, & Clinical Trials - Peptides The Top 10 Mistakes People Make When Starting Peptides Tesofensine: The All-In-One Fat Loss Drug | Jay Campbell Mind Pump Free Resources       Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Featured Guest/People Mentioned Jay Campbell (@jaycampbell333) Instagram Website Nelson Vergel (@vergeln) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness) Instagram Ian Smith (@iansmithfitness) Instagram Kris Gethin (@krisgethin) Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump Right. Today's episode, a lot of fun. We had peptide expert, Jay Campbell on the show. This guy's great, actually his information online
Starting point is 00:00:26 on peptides is some of the best that I've read. And in today's episode, we talked about peptides for improved longevity, rejuvenating peptides. It make you feel good as if you're aging backwards. It's actually pretty cool stuff. By the way, if you wanna see if peptides are right for you, work with a doctor. Go to mphormounds.com and find out more information.
Starting point is 00:00:48 You can talk to an expert and see if you can benefit from the use of this pretty amazing technologies. J Campbell, by the way, you can find them online jcambo.com on Instagram. It's J Campbell 3333. He's got a great book on peptides called Optimize Your Health with Therapeutic Peptides. Now, this episode is brought to you by a sponsor, Viori. Viori makes at leisure wear that is comfortable
Starting point is 00:01:12 that you can work out in that lasts a long time and looks amazing. Go check them out. Go to vioriclothing.com. That's v-u-o-r-i clothing.com, forward slash, mind pump, and on that link, you'll get 20% off. We're also running a special on some workout programs. We put a bunch of them together in what we're calling the time crunch bundle.
Starting point is 00:01:32 So in this bundle, you have maps, 15 minutes, maps anywhere, maps prime, and then the ebook for performance, we put them all together and discounted them over $200. So for only $99.99, you get all of that in one bundle. If you're interested, just go to mapsmarch.com. All right, here comes the show. Jay, thanks for coming on the show. So we just kind of started getting into the space of peptides, which has been fascinating.
Starting point is 00:02:02 For someone like me, I'm a big supplement guy. And I'd say over the last maybe a year, I've really started kind of diving into this whole world of peptides. Had no idea that it was so comprehensive, really didn't understand. Its impact was hearing a lot of things about peptides, started diving in. And when I would go online and look up articles and read, you know, about different compounds,
Starting point is 00:02:28 your stuff kept popping up and I would share your stuff the most and I would read your stuff the most because it's really good. I really like the way you write. You seem like you really know what you're talking about. So that's why I have you on the show is I wanted to talk about some of that stuff. But for an audience who may not know who you are, maybe give a little background and kind of what got you into the space and why you do what you do. Well, first off, let me just say I appreciate you guys. I'm honored, privileged, humbled to be here, really grateful.
Starting point is 00:02:53 It's an honor, really. So thank you guys for having me. So my claim to fame, if there is one on the internet, as I wrote, the number one selling book ever according to Amazon on hormone optimization or testosterone therapy, right? So you guys are familiar with those books. This first one was called the Defended of TRT Manual,
Starting point is 00:03:10 and then the last one or the most recent one was the TOT Bible in 2018. But I've been kind of like, I'm just turned 52, literally on Friday, so I've kind of an OG biohacker, and then I've been in this space, like behind the scenes, using peptides, using hormones. If you guys can believe this, I've been using peptides since 2004.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Wow. Yeah. So did you find that? Yeah. So long story, but very interesting. There was a company called Southern Research Chemical Company, which was in, it was actually, nobody knew where it was at the time,
Starting point is 00:03:41 but I found out later in Dallas, Texas, and they were literally selling peptides out of the back of a compound pharmacy. Okay, but it was a research chemical company. And I first, you know, just through like underground and you guys were all part of this too, you know, like the underground bro body building boards like animal like fitness.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I mean, there's so many of them. I won't name so many of them right because they're still kind of anonymous. But, you know, just through bros and stuff like that, you know, I found out about it and I started using Ippamorellen. I was like one of the first people, or at least from that company to use it. And it was just profound in it and in the effects that it gave my body from a fat loss, body composition change, also deep sleep and stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:21 So through that and then just, and then just my experience, with my story on hormones and what happened to me, I got kicked in the testicles when I was 29 years old playing basketball. And I went home and eight, six, eight weeks later, I started feeling horrible and I went to a just a general PPO and HMO doctor and the guy referred me to an endocrinologist and it turned out that the guy was a
Starting point is 00:04:43 world renowned endocrinologist by the name of Dr. Raymond Scroggs, and he said, hey man, he took my test, and I had the levels of a geriatric from a testosterone standpoint. He says, hey, I can put you on therapeutic testosterone and get your right as rain here, and you know, six, eight, 10 weeks, whatever. But you know, go home and talk to your wife about it. So I did. And you know, she was like, you're smart guy. Why not?
Starting point is 00:05:03 So I went on therapeutic testosterone and to make a very long story short, eight weeks later when he wanted to take me off I was like, I don't wanna come off of this. I feel absolutely so. What year was his health on? How far back? So I literally had just turned 30.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Okay, I did not have kids yet. I was two years ago. Yeah, it was a long time ago. I've been on therapeutic testosterone for 22 years but it was so transformative for me that I became been on therapeutic testosterone for 22 years, but it was so transformative for me that I became like this research advocate of it. Started reading as much as I could, reached out to people that had written books like Nelson Vergo,
Starting point is 00:05:34 who wrote the first real book on testosterone that people read, which was called testosterone, it's a man's guide, and shout out to Nelson if he still listens to this podcast, because as I always say, stepping on the shoulders of giants, but he helped mentor me to write my books and stuff like that. But anyway, I was a real student of, let's just call this the biohacking space.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I read prolifically everything I get my hands on, from Bulgarian and Russian research to whatever was out there. Obviously, the underground forums, this is way before Reddit. I always think of anabolic fitness, and I think there was another one, miscellaneous fitness wage. You guys remember these guys?
Starting point is 00:06:11 I remember these guys. Yeah. So there was, as much information I could get, but then I really just became, like I said, the ultimate biohacker, and then I was very meticulous, and I tabulated like how I would do it. I used every forum at the time of therapeutic testosterone from transdermal to obviously injectable to subcutaneous shots. And now all the way up until today, like I don't even use
Starting point is 00:06:32 injectable anymore, I use transgroidal. So I put the cream on the base of my scrotum. Right. So it's like I've used every, you know, delivery system. And I've worked with a lot of different doctors. And thankfully I've been blessed to meet amazing people such as you guys, such as you guys, who've also connected me to other thought leaders and stuff in this space. So between the hormones and then using peptides, like I said, which I really started to get into heavily in the late 2000s up until this day, I've been able to just hop-knob with doctor seeds and other amazing people that are in that space. And so I was obviously able to write this book that just was publishedob with Dr. Seeds and other amazing people
Starting point is 00:07:05 that are in that space. And so I was obviously able to write this book that just was published about a month, actually about five weeks ago now, which is optimize your health with therapy, peptides. Yeah, yeah, no, and like I said, I really like your content. It's quite balanced.
Starting point is 00:07:17 So I'm learning a lot from reading some of the stuff you've written. So peptides we learned, because we had Dr. Seeds on the show, not that long ago, and I asked him, what's the difference between peptides and drugs? And he said, well, peptides are based off of signaling chemicals and compounds that your body already has, which is very different than drug. So that was really, that kind of blew me away, right? Because I thought, well, why do we keep referring them to them as peptides if they have drug-like actions in the body?
Starting point is 00:07:45 So that's a big difference. And the way he explained it is he said that because these signaling molecules already exist in the body, your body knows what to do with them. Exactly. It doesn't have these down regulating effects. It doesn't have these downstream effects that we don't quite understand.
Starting point is 00:07:59 We can't understand because your body already uses these things. So it's a very different category of medicine. It seems to be blowing up a lot now. It seems to be like, so when you first started using versus now, how big of a difference do you see in just questions and people using them? And is it looked like it's the next frontier for medicine? It's an awesome question.
Starting point is 00:08:21 So let's talk a little bit about the science without blowing anybody away. So, everything that Dr. Sears said is true. So, the difference between peptides and drugs or synthetic agents that big farmer produces is that peptides literally address the fundamental root cause. Right? So, they are fundamentally addressing the regenerative effect that peptide can produce in the body.
Starting point is 00:08:43 As I was telling you guys off before we went live, there's now also coming out of Russia, the bio-regulators. People are finding out about what bio-regulators are. And they're actually tissue specific. And they're oral. So you can actually take an oral bio-regulator that's designed to work on the prostate, and it's somehow, and we don't even actually know,
Starting point is 00:09:00 like there's a great Russian researcher, Dr. Kavinson, that's written the book on bio-regulators. And by the way, the Russians have patented heavily bio-regulators coming into the states, but they're actually available. We can talk at some point in the show about them and how to get them if you want. But somehow they avoid first pass in the liver and also in the digestive system, and they specifically target the tissue that the biooregular is designed. So they have them for the heart, they have them for the kidneys, they have them for the intestines, they have them for the testes. Again, the prostate, I mean, it's unreal how amazing these things are.
Starting point is 00:09:34 But you know, with peptides back to your original question, they are addressing the fundamental root cause. So you can use a peptide to actually target an illness, a disease, an injury, you know, some sort of specificity and it can heal it versus again, big ph illness, a disease, an injury, some sort of specificity, and it can heal it versus, again, big pharma, which is obviously making for the most part drugs that treat symptoms, and are never really ultimately addressing the fundamental root cause. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Every time Russia came up, why are they so, why are they at the forefront of this kind of research? Because every time I read about them, it's been using Russia for a long time. Study human studies in Russia, and I keep coming up. Because obviously the aliens in Russia are a little bit more advanced. No, truthfully, it's funny that you guys say that because I can go back to testosterone the same thing. When I first started researching testosterone, and I couldn't find anything, all I would
Starting point is 00:10:22 be led back to was Bulgarian and Russian research. Which you couldn't re-rush it, you ain't getting the information, right? Like this is obviously back in the late 90s and the early 2000s. That's a good question. I mean, the Russians have been using peptides since the 40s, okay? Yes. And it was around that long. Well, so that's the thing is like, if you look, and again, it's in my book, in the very
Starting point is 00:10:43 beginning, we can default to the book. There's a little bit about history about peptides, but the United States knew about peptides in the 30s, right? Like they were just, you know, again, if we want to put our tinfoil hats on, you know, the Rockefeller Foundation which owned medicine and took over allopathic medicine, you know, they were like, no, we want to use petroleum-based medical products because that's how we make money. Whereas again, the peptides, there's no way to patent them
Starting point is 00:11:07 because there's so many of them, and they're also based on organic and our biological systems. So you can't make money, right? So it's like, oh, we're going away from those, but the Russians were looking at things differently that they were looking at like, well, how do we treat illness and disease
Starting point is 00:11:21 in a way that can actually solve it? You know, versus like in the United States, you gotta make money, man, the core photography, that's how it works here. So I mean, very truthfully, I mean, they've known about them, and the Russians obviously just played it out, but like I said, man,
Starting point is 00:11:34 and I don't want to go skirt over peptides, but bio-regulators, and why I read about bio-regulators and more and more, I'm blown away by it. Yeah, so bio-regulator, explain that. What does that mean exactly? So a bio-regulator, explain that. What does that mean exactly? So a bio-regulator is basically an advanced form of, I mean, essentially it's like the peptides,
Starting point is 00:11:52 which are again, are organically molecules. I like to call them fractionated proteins, but they work in tissue-specific sensitivity, right? So like when you take them and they're orally bio-available, which is insane. If you read the Cavinson Protocol book again from Dr. Cavinson, who's like the the premier Russian bioregulator bio-regulator expert, they don't really understand how they actually work in the human body. That's why
Starting point is 00:12:16 I go back to the aliens car, right? Like we don't kind of understand how these work, but they are orally bioavailable. And when you look at the research, again, there are 40 years of research with them, I mean, they do unreal things. Like for example, all of us, like over the age of 40 guys, we should be on their prostate by a regulator, right? Because it literally goes to strengthening the prostate as we age, because as you guys know,
Starting point is 00:12:38 as we age the prostate increases in size, and it constricts the urethra and all the other tissues and tubials down there. So it lowers our urine volume, right? So if you use this actual bioregulator, prostate-specific medication, it will strengthen the prostate. So you won't have the BPH issues that 95% of guys do as the age, right?
Starting point is 00:13:00 And then you extrapolate that with like the heart, you extrapolate that with the kidneys, you extrapolate that with like every organ, you extrapolate that with the kidneys, you extrapolate that with like every organ system they have by a regulator. So it's pretty profound to see like what is actually out there with these things like my website, you guys are talking about my writing and my, that's like the new frontier for us from a copywriting standpoint is to really get deep into the bio regulators and start talking about them because for the first time maybe an ever. And I want to say like it's in the last three to six months, you can now get them in
Starting point is 00:13:27 the United States. They're selling them on Amazon. What? Yes. It's unreal stuff. And these things are very profound, very, very powerful medications. Now, do you say it actually bypasses the liver kidneys and the viscose straight? It has this exact, it has this insane, no one truly understands,
Starting point is 00:13:47 but it is able to be tissue specific and it does get through the first pass in the liver, it does get through the microbiome impermanent ability issues that a lot of medications have because they get destroyed in the stomach acid. Yeah, so it's not like other medications that they survive passing through the liver acid. Yeah. So it's not like other medications that they survive passing through the liver and actually cause
Starting point is 00:14:07 elevated liver enzymes. Right. Oh, no, totally. There's no side effects at least understood from what we understand right now with the bioregulators. Again, they're amazing. What about peptide with that? So one of the things that concerned me
Starting point is 00:14:20 when we first were introduced to peptides one, I didn't know they had been around that long. So I thought it was like kind of the front end of this. And I'm like, well, what happens in 20 years, do you know how, so this has been around forever. Are there any side effects or adverse things that we've seen from peptides? Yeah, so I mean, to give Tim Ferris some credit,
Starting point is 00:14:40 he always says the difference between a pill and a poison is the dosage, right? So the reality is like anything, if you take too much of something, there's always a risk-reward benefit. Sometimes, especially in our world, with bros, they like to take the more effect. You can always have side effects and, quote unquote, symptomology from what you're taking. For the most part, peptides are pretty well tolerated. Like, I don't give you a good example, like,
Starting point is 00:15:08 obviously right now, and you guys know this, and I absolutely affiliate for one of them. The research chemical companies are everywhere, man. They're like a diamond dozen now. They pop up on the corner. You see them on Facebook, advertising this and that. Like, if they were truly dangerous, meaning peptides, you would have a lot of people
Starting point is 00:15:23 that would have problems. And again, in me being in the space as long as I have, the worst I've seen is somebody taking an entire bottle of something because again, we can talk about that. Reconstituting and understanding the difference between micrograms and milligrams and all this stuff becomes so confusing. That could be a big deal.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Take 10 micrograms, 10 milligrams. You can't imagine the amount of messages I get from people that get confused about it because obviously they want to use them but then they're like, oh, I bought all this stuff and now I have to reconstitute, what do I do? But I mean, the side effects, I mean, again, in a worst case scenario is again,
Starting point is 00:15:58 someone overdoses and then they get, you know, a red, you know, flushing sensation or they get like an itching or, you know, like a cellulitis from like injecting subcutaneous lead or something, but I've never really seen anybody who got truthfully sick. Now there are peptides, you know, that, like melanotant 2, some of the other peptides that can cause nausea.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Again, if you take too much of them, or if you have a, like a genetic, you know, sensitivity or proclivity, some people have polymorphisms that may show that they're predictive like if they inject this type of thing, they may get a reaction to it, but they're very well tolerated. Yeah, and that's just gonna exist.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Are there certain, right away I would think, like, you know, Tessa Morlin or these ones that bump HGH, I would think those would be the ones that people would try and push the boundaries with, like how close can I get to this thing producing as much human growth hormone as possible? Is that what, are there common ones that people mess with like that and overdose? Yeah, no, I mean, absolutely. I mean, again, the whole, you know, bro, more is better thing.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I mean, we should probably spend some time talking about the growth hormone related peptides. So like, again, and for the listening audience, everything is in my book. And if you don't want to pay by my book, that's cool too, because as you guys know, it's all for free on the website. It's on jcambl.com. But Tessamorell is a very interesting peptide. So let me take a step back just so again for the listening audience. So there's probably now between eight and 14, I think FDA approved peptides.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Okay, so again, well studied, well used. One of the biggest, most well known that you guys probably talked about with seeds is TA1, which is thymus and alpha1. Okay. Which I know we're gonna talk about longevity and stuff like that at some point in this podcast, but TA1 is literally like a sham wild peptide.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Like that's shit. That peptide. That peptide. Yeah. So that peptide, that peptide. So that peptide and G and C are the sham-wow peptides and that they have so many uses, they're so utilitarian, you can use them in like so many different capacities, but it's, you know, obviously TA1 is FDA approved.
Starting point is 00:18:01 So every doctor that is out there that prescribes peptides or knows anything about peptides is prescribing that for his patients or their patients because I mean, look, you can take TA1 just before you get on an airplane because it enhances immunity so much, right? Like it literally within an hour will provide an immune effect or stimulate immunity to your body. So, you know, from a, you know, quote unquote bio-weapon to, you know, airborne viruses and all these other things. you know, quote unquote, bio weapon to, you know, airborne viruses and all these other things. I mean, like, that's kind of provide, you know, massive immunity stimulation, like, right before you take it. So, but to say, test them around.
Starting point is 00:18:33 So, test them around is also a FDA approved peptide under the name Agrifta. And just so you guys know, if you're listening audience, it was actually made for guys who were suffering from HIV, who are HIV positive, who get what is known as a condition called lipodistrophy. And lipodistrophy is like a really hard visceral fat in the center of adiposity. And when you have lipodistrophy, the visceral fat is so hard,
Starting point is 00:19:00 it's very difficult to get rid of. Like they can't even have liposuction, so they developed this drug. I'm pretty sure fact check me, it was either merc or lily. And when you inject it into that lipodistrophy fat or that lipodistory fat, it literally like emulsifies it. And just, it's like a hot knife through butter.
Starting point is 00:19:17 So for bros, right, you got a belly fat, you inject it right into the belly fat. It's pretty effective in getting rid of the fat right in the midsection. So I started using Tessamorella myself in 2018 from Taylor made compound pharmacy, which is at one point where all the doctors and everybody in the peptide space
Starting point is 00:19:36 were getting their peptides from. And I was blown away, guys. I mean, in four weeks, I'm pretty lean guy, but just the little tiny bit of belly fat I had around my midsection was gone in four weeks. I mean, it was gone. So it radically gets rid of belly fat. The problem with the Gryfta now is it's hard to find it.
Starting point is 00:19:53 You know, there's only a couple of the research chemical companies that sell it because it is an FDA approved peptide. It's technically not able to be sold by a research chemical company. I mean, we can talk about that if you guys want to get into that, too. That's a whole weird whole thing, you know, how the FDA looks at those companies versus compound pharmacies.
Starting point is 00:20:11 But the next thing that's important about is it's outrageously expensive. It's more expensive than growth hormone. So if you're going to like be comparing it to like a really high quality growth hormone, pound for pound, you know, is it worth or is it as effective as growth hormone? I don't think it is. And I also know that it's not as it as effective as growth hormone? I don't think it is. And I also know that it's more expensive, right? It's more accessible though, right? So that's probably the, I mean,
Starting point is 00:20:31 it depends. Not by someone like you who probably has this head connection. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no, no, no, but I mean, that's a good point and a good question because it really depends. I mean, like if you're connected to somebody in the HIV world, it's very accessible,
Starting point is 00:20:41 but it's $4,200 a month for a script for it. And it's only, in the way they want you to dose, it's like one milligram at night, like for guys like us to lose belly fat or to rip through visceral body fat, the dosage is one milligram AM, one milligram PM. But to talk about the other growth hormone inducing peptides.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Because it's IPA Maryland, there's CGACs. So if I'm a Maryland, I beat them more on the table. Yeah. So if a Maryland was the first, as I said, so on you guys, that's how I got my experience to start in peptides way back in the early days of 2000. And that is a very interesting peptide because it's the only growth hormone. It's a GNRH peptide. And again, all of this is defined in the book without going to esoteric and your graduate and boring people.
Starting point is 00:21:26 It is the only peptide that will not disturb the body's endogenous production. And it also doesn't have the ability, like most peptides do, to increase prolactin and cortisol, which as you guys know, cortisol, you know, you know, one more of that. And prolactin obviously causes all sorts of like glandular issues.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Sometimes it can actually induce gyno in men, but that was the one that I was using. I actually used that with my wife, you know, back when we heard I met in 2012, I've been together for 10 years, but like she was a female fitness competitor at the time, and I got her on Upper Rowan, and like six months, her body changed so much.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Like so much so that her family was like oh my god this guy's got her on these drugs and what is happening to her and stuff like that. But I actually have a you know we have a picture of like what she went from to what she looks like in the book back in 2012 when I first started using Ippermerelin and you know that was when people were like what is this but it's a very profound peptide. That's my favorite peptide for anybody looking to use or introduce increase in growth hormone without doing anything to their body's natural production of it. But you guys were right.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I butamorin, which is called in the research chemical space, MK677, don't like that one, even though it does have nice effects and increasing growth hormone because it does increase prolactate, it does increase cortisol and it is this disturbing side effect of increasing appetite. Big time, so that's so I just want you to get off here. No, no, so this one I view every five minutes. Okay, so it's a grueling mimic, right? Grueling takes it so easy.
Starting point is 00:23:02 So here's what I noticed with the growth hormone releasing, because I've now, I've tried the CJC, I think it was a 12, 9, 5, with an ipamarellin combo. I did the Tessamarellin, ipamarellin combo, and then I've done the Ibutamorin. The other ones seem to give me kind of a leaning out effect,
Starting point is 00:23:21 kind of a rejuvenating effect. Sure. Ibutamorin is like a mass builder. Part of it's because it makes me eat a lot. But I make you wake up in the middle of the night. No, not that bad. But I'll literally, I actually feel like I slept hard on it. I do sleep hard on it.
Starting point is 00:23:35 That's what I felt. But I get crazy pumps in the gym. Like I get a bulker. So people who take growth hormone releasing peptides, typically want to get lean. Right, exactly. I butamorin, I don't, there's no way I could die it on I butamorin. So people who take growth hormone releasing peptides typically want to get lean right exactly I'm beauty moron I don't there's no way I could die it on a beauty moron. There's no way. It's like it's a bulca
Starting point is 00:23:50 It's it's a hundred percent So I've only used it twice and when I was using it and by the way That's also been around a long time the research chemical companies have been selling that one since like 2009 2010 It was like right after Ipumarellen, but I've used the compound pharmacies, and we could talk about research chemical quality versus compound and stuff like that. If you guys want to, there's not much of a difference, even though the hype is very real and that there is. When I used it, it's same thing, like I literally,
Starting point is 00:24:17 I have a pretty crazy appetite as it is, and I was like, I can't, this is insane, but I would literally wake up in the middle of the night and be like, I'm not as rating is insane, but I would literally wake up in the middle of the night and be like, I can't eat it. I mean, I was rating my refrigerator, but the other problem about that medication, and again, this is like very understood in the clinical literature,
Starting point is 00:24:33 is that it eventually stops working. All right. Like it's, so let's talk about that. So this is why peptides need to be cycled, is that the body, again, being a very effective homeostatic mechanism or regulating, you know, a group of biological systems eventually just gets to a point when it's using peptides where it's like, okay, this isn't going to work anymore. And we build up antibodies to that.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And then once the antibodies are built up, and again, this is really going to come down to all of us as end users, because we're all biochemical unique, as you guys know, and different. We're all end of one. You have to know when it's not working anymore. And so you have a lot of bros that aren't really truly intuitive and intune to them. And they're like using these things for like 14, 16, 18 weeks. And it's like it's stop working at like six weeks or seven weeks or eight weeks. So you really have to know when you're using peptides like am I still seeing an effect? And so I just tell people, like when I consult with them or work with them
Starting point is 00:25:27 and stuff like that, I was like, look man, just to make it clear and safe. And again, there's no templatized cookie cutter approaches. Don't use peptides for longer than eight weeks because the likelihood that you have antibody build up information at that point is pretty high. And so you're just not gonna see the same results. So you should, you know, six to eight weeks
Starting point is 00:25:45 and then take the same amount of time off if you're going to do them again. Interesting, I haven't heard anyone say that yet. Yeah, I know. Oh, well, let me blow your mind even further. And again, nobody talks about this and this is why people love me when I do this because I go after doctors.
Starting point is 00:26:00 You also have to realize like if you're a certain age, right? And you don't have any natural IGF-1 production left, how is a peptide even going to work, right? Because how do they work? They're stimulating your natural IGF-1 production. Again, the growth hormone releases, right? So like if you're 55 years old and you don't have any idea what your IGF-1 levels are, first get tested, right?
Starting point is 00:26:21 They're very cheap. You can get a test anywhere for 30 to 40 bucks. And then look, know what you're working with. You don't have any, you know, you can't use Ippamarallan or Tessamarallan, like somebody who's 40 years old has high IGF1 levels, you know, I'm saying, because like it's not going to work anyway. So that's when I tell people like, you really have to understand like when does growth hormone come into the play versus peptides? And you know, I'm happy to go deep on growth hormone because I've written a very, you know, 10,000 word article on growth hormone.
Starting point is 00:26:49 I know all the research I've looked into it. I personally use growth hormone now. And I use a very surgically precise low dose and I take off the weekends. So I use genotropin in a 36 IU pen, Monday through Friday, one IU. And I've obviously, yeah, just one IU, that's it. And look, here's the problem with growth hormone.
Starting point is 00:27:08 And this is where all the research is indicative of this. And this is where people get lost. And again, doctors will dispute me, probably seeds. I know him and I will go back and forth on this. But all the research in growth hormone is in comorbid people. So older, elderly sick people. And in children that have dwarfism.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Right? And they're taking exactly, and in children that have dwarfism, right? And they're taking, exactly, and they're taking massive amounts of growth hormone and they don't have the side effects. Now, the side effects that they do have are acromology, right? Which is the, in size, increase in size of bones. But for the kids that are dwarfs, you know, them they'll take like enlarged, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:40 bone structures or whatever to be taller. And by the way, growth hormone normally works in like 80% of those people, right? So they end up becoming, quote unquote, normal size, right? But when you look at people like us, right, aging men and women who are literally looking to live longer and stronger, there is no research anywhere that doesn't show positive benefits
Starting point is 00:27:59 of using growth hormone. The problem is, and again, it's the more is better deal is that we see body builders and we see performance enhanced people taking 10 and 15 and 20 IUsers of this stuff a day, and then they're combining it with insulin, they're combining it with antibiotic agents, testosterone, blah, blah, blah, all these other things, that's when you see side effect profile. That's when you see injury, that's when you see potential disease states, you know, you hear these people screaming about how growth hormone
Starting point is 00:28:26 can exacerbate metastatic tumor formation. And it can increase the risk that you get cancer, maybe, right? But that's also if you're not using it in a surgically precise dose. So I'm all about using peptides, I'm all about using growth hormone. But again, it's always about the dosage. What dosage makes sense?
Starting point is 00:28:44 Who are you as far as your age? Are you really truly looking at your IGF-1 levels? Do you understand like whether a peptide's going to work versus growth hormone? And I'll tell people this, this is very true. The average 60 year old person who doesn't have high IGF-1 levels or any IGF-1 levels, it's not going to get the same effect using peptides
Starting point is 00:29:03 that they would use growth hormone. Now, what's interesting is that taking HCH is the opposite than what the peptide is because that is something that you want to take for an extended period time to get the benefits of it, right? Correct. So if you were taking something like Tessa Morlin, you're saying you run that for like eight weeks, cycle off of it, you're taking something like HCH, that's something that you just always take.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Exactly. You're smart guy. You want to make sure, though. And again, for me, discretion is always a better part of valor. You definitely want to make sure that you're giving your body some time off, right? So at the end of the day, you're going to hear doctors say, oh, if you get on growth hormone, you're going to become dependent on it. I've tested myself since I started using growth hormone,
Starting point is 00:29:45 which was two years ago, by the way, IGF, every other marker, and on or off, it's the same. So I am not disturbing my body's natural production by taking one IU and taking Saturday and Sunday off, but here's the thing. And this is also where people get confused. And I'm sure you're gonna have people when they hear this podcast,
Starting point is 00:30:06 in the comment section saying stuff, the bros are gonna say this, and I love the bros. I love shout outs to all my bodybuilder buddies. Okay. The difference between using genotropin, which is Pfizer growth hormone, or Nordotropin, which is Nordic growth hormone, and bro growth hormone.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Like Chinese growth hormone. You guys, it's literally like, it's not even apples and oranges. I mean, it's not even Mars and Venus. I mean, the differentiation is so, just, it's just gigantic. It's a gulf, right? You don't even know what you're getting
Starting point is 00:30:34 when you're using generic growth hormone coming from China. I've experienced it. We don't have to get into 191 and 192, you know, amino acids, hequins, and all that stuff. But at the end of the day, if you're using a pharmaceutical grade growth hormone in a very surgically precise dose, and you're, amino acids, sequences, and all that stuff. But at the end of the day, if you're using a pharmaceutical grade growth hormone in a very surgically precise dose,
Starting point is 00:30:47 and you're doing it right, and by the way, doing it right, is taking it in the morning. Doing it wrong is taking it at night. Because then you'll disturb your own person. Yes, and you disturb your circadian rhythm. That's why all the bros they take it at night, because they're so geared out on everything else,
Starting point is 00:31:04 it does allow them to sleep so geared out on everything else. It does allow them to sleep better, but then what else happens to happen? They got to take naps during the day, right? Constantly, I got to take a nap, bro, because they're disturbing. Because I'm growing. But that's true, too. But they are disturbing the shakating rhythm. But if you're taking growth hormone, again, for life extension purposes to live longer,
Starting point is 00:31:23 stronger, leaner, all the things you guys talked about, better sleep, better skin quality. By the way, it also enhances libido, right? There's a well-being effect. It does dopamine signaling. So, if you're taking this low dosage of it, I, and then again, this is just the Jay Campbell personal opinion, take the weekends off. Now, a lot of people, again, a lot of clinicians who do understand growth hormone and there aren't enough of them, we'll say, oh, you don't need to do that.
Starting point is 00:31:46 You know, I have a certain age, you don't have any natural production of IGF1 levels, so just do it seven days a week, just take a surgically precise dose. Again, I like the discretion as a better form of hour, take time off, right? Just allow your body to have two days a week off of it. So I just use Monday through Friday and the morning. Yeah, interesting you were talking about taking one IU. I read an article about Ibeautomorne in particular where they were showing blood work and they were
Starting point is 00:32:08 saying it was equivalent to three to four IU's of growth. It probably is and that's probably the reason. Yeah, well that's and that's also the reason why that shit sucks because it's causing. Yeah, it's causing Ibeautomorne of all the peptides like in the research and clinical research, it shows the greatest variational release of prolactant and cortisol. So it's whacking you. So yeah, so.
Starting point is 00:32:30 So when, so. I mean, you feel it. I mean, I'll absolutely. But so when is I view it more and good? It's great for hardgainers. It's definitely good for skinny, you know, really thin guys that just put on rape. It's not you.
Starting point is 00:32:42 I mean, you know, I'm so, I mean, you know, I did apply to that guy. But I mean, like little, you guys know, it's not you. I mean, you know I'm so identified as a guy. You guys know, you guys know this because you guys are in training game for a long time. Like, when people say I'm a hardgainer, they can't eat a lot, right? Yeah. And it's usually because they have digestive tract issues, right? So like, people like that, it's great for them because they will be hungrier.
Starting point is 00:33:00 They will be able to eat more and be able to train at a higher intensity with more food. But other than that, I would never use it because of the exact same things. It's just causing spikes. Yeah, that's what, so what I noticed is a high appetite. I got water retention because you put it on. All water retention is insane. But crazy pump, you don't even mind me, so my experience using, you know, things that were quote, I mean, I guess black market, gray market.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Early 2000s, this was the designer steroid era, right? It's when they were all over the counter. It was clear. Yeah, like, you know It's when they were all over the counter. It was clear. Yeah, like, you know, super draw, methylone, yeah, I remember that shit. Yeah, methylone, one test. Your liver would fall out after a week.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Yeah, well, I had, I was, I was, I was just at the supplement store. I'm like, this worked as take it. The irony of that, you would have been better off taking real steroids. I would have been better off buying D-Ball and the black marker, something like that. But, but yeah, I was, because it was over the counter,
Starting point is 00:33:44 so that's what I bought. It reminds me of stuff like that. Like I take it and I feel it, so but I'm like, this is not to get lean. There's no way I could get lean on this because I just get too hungry. I'm interested in, because you said you were using a blend of Ipa and Tessa.
Starting point is 00:33:57 So for everybody listening, Ipa and Tessa is by far the, you know, that's the Rolls Royce Platinum Deluxe package of getting strong and building muscle with peptides. Those two peptides massively increase intercellular water retention, which as you know is going to allow you to stretch your muscles, get better pump, be stronger, have much better glycogen. It also enhances the enzyme. Ipan tested together, there's research that shows shows it increases glycogen synthase or whatever that enzyme is that allows for better glycogen restoration.
Starting point is 00:34:30 So I did it one time in my life and you guys, it's the same thing as you. I was so strong, but I literally was looking down at my stomach and I'm like holding like two inches of water in my belly button and I'm like, ah, you know, I don't like this. Yeah, it's interesting. It is interesting.
Starting point is 00:34:45 All right, so I wanna move into longevity pet shop. This is where I'm really getting fascinated because I just turned 44 and I just started using a peptide that you could loosely place. So we're working with a company and I told them, I'm like, make me your guinea pig, send me what you think I would be cool to try because then I could talk about it on the show.
Starting point is 00:35:04 So they sent me something called motsey And it's I guess you could loosely put it in the longevity category although Other people would put it like the fat loss category whatever I say loosely because of the what I've read on it so far is they found that People who live a long time have more motsey in their system than people who don't anyway. I just started it and It has to be my favorite peptide so far. Like lots of energy, I feel very clear, headed, my workout performance seems pretty surreal
Starting point is 00:35:33 in terms of stamina. So let's go with the longevity. Start with Motsie, just for selflessly, I'm fascinated by it, and what the hell it's doing in my body. I've read some of your stuff, but I'd love to talk to you about that. Well, let me ask you first,
Starting point is 00:35:44 like what is your dosing protocol with it? 10 milligrams, it was started three days a week, and then once a week afterwards. Okay, so you're getting like a 10 milligram bio and in fact, the whole thing. That's right. Wow, that's a big dose. Yeah, no, I mean, I mean, look, I mean,
Starting point is 00:35:58 I mean, look, well, so it's interesting, and it's perfect. No, no, no, no, it's a perfect way to talk about this, because I think the biggest confusion principle for people that do peptides is how much bacterial static water do I put in the vial? If the vial isn't coming with bacterial static water and we can even talk about that, right?
Starting point is 00:36:14 Because the difference between research chemical companies and compounding pharmacies and compounding pharmacy is licensed to sell you a drug that you can use right away. Right. Versus research chemical company isn't. There's a couple steps, right?. Versus a research chemical company isn't. There's a couple steps, right? Exactly. And the research chemical company is like indemnifying themselves that you're using it on
Starting point is 00:36:31 your laboratory animal and this is not for human use, right? But we all know that, I mean, let's be honest. We all know that people are using them on themselves. They are their own laboratory animal. And the differentiation is that the research chemical company is not, quote unquote, making their products in a sterile compound pharmacy, you know, string quality control. Right. But the truth is, is you know, I know the business is very well, obviously, and a lot of the research chemical companies are using very similar quality control that the compound pharmacies are. Okay. And then you got to
Starting point is 00:37:04 even go deeper, right? Like, where are they getting their raw materials? Where are they getting their active ingredients? And the best ones are getting them from the same place. And I happen to know that whole business and industry also too. So it's like, you got to be, just use, how do I say this the best way? Say, be a smart consumer. Make sure that if you're buying your peptides
Starting point is 00:37:25 from a research chemical company that is, gets good reviews and that you know where they're getting their stuff from. Because I'll be honest with you guys, they're definitely our research chemical companies making it like that on top of that every night. Right, in their kitchen, okay, or their basement, or their bathroom, whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:37:40 And a lot of them are completely unregulated and you ask that question, like, what are the risks? Well, I mean, in something like that, there's contamination risks. Now, again, peptides are very, very well tolerated and you have never seen anybody at least that I know of who's died from a peptide injection.
Starting point is 00:37:55 That's not safe. Couldn't happen. But just be very cautious on that. But back to Montse, and that was a nice little rabbit hole. Montse is an amazing mitochondrial stimulator. So if we do a quick deep dive on what are the mitochondria, you guys all know from 10th grade biology that are the powerhouses of the cells, right?
Starting point is 00:38:16 Like the mitochondria of the cells or what enhances or increases energy. So Mont-C stimulates the mitochondrial to optimize in the cells. So the less optimized a person is mitochondrally, the more, a fact, technically or theoretically, MOTC will work. Now, the fact that you told me, you're now the second person Ben Polkowski be in the other one, and we all know Ben is an monster. I mean, he isn't anymore, but he's still, man.
Starting point is 00:38:42 He's got more muscle than most of us. He's still a monster. But I mean, I just said, I just called him two days ago, and I'm looking at him like, Ben, you started looking like me, bro. I'm stupid. No, but I mean, you know what it is. I mean, when you're not a pro bodybuilder anymore,
Starting point is 00:38:56 you're not going to look like a mutant anymore, right? But I love Ben, man. Ben's the most amazing human on the planet. But the truth is, is that... He got good results from it as well, right? Amazing. So both of you guys are telling me that, so like, because I was only the assumption,
Starting point is 00:39:09 and this is just more learning even for me, which is obviously a never ending process of life of learning, right? What is it like the more you learn, the less you know. But the truth is, is like, I used to think, based on my experience in what I was seeing with people, that the less conditioned a person were,
Starting point is 00:39:27 was the better results from MOTC, which makes sense, because again, they don't have their mitochondrial optimus. So the heavier, moral beast, more inflamed, more insulin resistant one is, the less they have mitochondrial stimulation. So all of a sudden, you inject MOTC and it's like an accelerant. They're like, whoa, and I've seen heavy people go on that,
Starting point is 00:39:44 and they're like, this is the most amazing. You know, they like change. They're like, oh my God, I feel like you now, man. Like I wanna work out twice today. So that's weird. So I mean, again, I think it's another interesting pattern that we're so all biochemically unique. Because as I told you guys, like when I use MOTC,
Starting point is 00:40:02 I don't get that effect at all. Like I don't feel anything. I mean, actually the only thing that I felt the very very first time, and by the sea, I don't get that effect. Well, at all. Like I don't feel anything. I mean, actually the only thing that I felt the very very first time, by the way, I did the same thing you did, I didn't do it all at once, so I took five and five. Okay. But it was in the same day. I was laying there staring at the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Yeah. It was in bad like what's going on. Yeah. But I did not feel like better energy to train and stuff like that. So again, we're all unique. But again, in the research, it's an amazing peptide. I mean, for heavy people, this is a peptide that will change the game. Like, absolutely, if you are obese or you are heavy and you're listening to this podcast
Starting point is 00:40:35 and you need to lose weight, this is a peptide that must be in your protocol without question. Jay, can you explain to me how that is different than say something like infrared light. So like how do those how do those differentiate and is it would there be value in taking mods combo with the infrared. A hundred percent there would be value again depending on the person. So I mean the infrared stimulation is just not as profound as the motzi right because the motzi is being injected right into the cell. So you're literally hitting the cells or hitting the mitochondria's like at the place that they're origin versus the red light is more of an external weaker stimuli. But in combination, they're amazing without question. I mean, like I actually, it just made me think of something because like, and
Starting point is 00:41:18 we can talk about this too, like I'm really big into that, uh, into hair loss and hair regrowth, you know, and there's profound stuff coming. Like I actually work with a company that's making a hair regrowth product right now that's topical that will literally be the most amazing thing in the history world. It's gonna regrow people's hair. Like transplants are probably about five years gonna be gone.
Starting point is 00:41:37 That's how I've profound some of these peptide regrowth products on. Did you hear back at them? Yeah, me too. I mean, me too. Yeah, you have follicles, so you can absolutely regrow. I always tell people, like, if you don't have active follicles on your scalp, then no peptides going to work.
Starting point is 00:41:50 But if you have active follicles, then it'll regrow. And very important too for the listening audience, and, you know, we wrote this article, like, I can't believe it's almost three years ago now, and the New York Times picked it up. But we now know what causes hair loss, right? What do you guys think? What caused off? Well, what I've always read was just, was now know what causes hair loss, right? What do you guys think? What caused all of that? Well, what I've always read was just DHT receptors, right?
Starting point is 00:42:09 So an endogenic LPC. Okay. Nope. What do you think is? That's what I want you guys to guess, because no, it's an interesting thing. I mean, you just genetic factors for the most part, right? There's part of that. That's part of it.
Starting point is 00:42:20 So all those things play a role, but the primary reason that we lose hair is due to blood flow restriction to the scale. So we now know that even if you guys, you guys are all right, partying. I should hang upside down every night that would help me. I literally would, but here's the thing. Here's the thing. So, yes, there is a predisposition to balding, which is what you said, andrygenic alopecia. Yes, people have a genetic predisposition to thinning, but if we control for blood flow
Starting point is 00:42:52 restriction, which peptides can do, red light can do, these new bioregulators are probably going to be able to do, then we can actually slow down, even if we're genetically predisposed to lose our hair completely, right? So these topical peptide formulations with very powerful angiogenic cofactors like GHKC, who cop are peptide, which we'll talk about as we go deeper, can absolutely regrow hair to the scalp. It's actually pretty profound.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Like I said, I'm kind of geek into that research right now, but what's coming, and it's not long, is products that will regrow your hair completely. Wow. Okay. That's huge. But DHT inhibition, just so we can talk about that for one second. Yeah, because right now people will take things like finasteride to test for eyes. So this is, again, I'm going to blow minds here and I'm going to get, you know, flush
Starting point is 00:43:37 back from people, but DHT inhibition, the only thing that DHT inhibition actually does from a hair loss stoppage standpoint is it attaches to the receptors in the scalp, which prevents further diminutriation. So as you guys know, and you guys have heard of this from any person who's ever used DHT inhibitor, whether it was medical, which is finasteride, proscar, or over the countermen oxido, as soon as you stop, your hair falls out. Because now it's not attached to the receptor. And it's toxin to the actual follicular receptors in the scalp, right?
Starting point is 00:44:10 So we've done research and, again, written articles and again, this is scary stuff, but like guys who are on long-term DHT inhibitors, those are cell toxins. So you are shortening your lifespan using DHT inhibitors. Now, nobody wants to talk about this because again, there's no real tests to really prove it. Other than, I'm sure you guys are familiar now
Starting point is 00:44:30 with the biological age tests. So if you go to a true diagnostic or a glycine age, or I know there's a couple other ones out there now and you get those tests done, you can actually look at your telomere factors and we're going to get in deeper as we go down further into this with telomerase expression extension, which is what Fymolin and Ipethelon do. You know that you're shortening your lifespan by using a DHT inhibitor because it literally
Starting point is 00:44:54 is shortening the telomerase factor. Well, they show that, huh? Oh, yeah. Well, they do, but nobody's looking for it. So like if somebody says to me, Jay Campbell can't prove that, I can. I just got to go to those tests and I gotta pull them out and I gotta start looking at those transcription factors.
Starting point is 00:45:09 But the smart guys that run those companies, the Ryan's Miss of the World, he can say, yes, you're right. But it hasn't really got out into the forefront. Now, the other thing is, as you guys know, this is there are plenty of people who use DHD inhibitors like finasteride and have no side effects.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Versus other guys who take it for one week and are sexually dysfunctional forever, right? Yeah. Dude, post finasteride syndrome, PFS, I've had two friends in my life have killed themselves from P.A. Oh, that's terrible. Yeah, it's horrible, but it's very well known,
Starting point is 00:45:38 in the clinical literature that some people who take DHT inhibitors literally have just permanent sexual dysfunction. Is that because it just kills those receptors and that's it? Now the DHC can never... Probably nobody really knows the answer. I mean like all the research on it, nobody knows.
Starting point is 00:45:51 It's just one of those drugs. And again, I think because it's a cell toxin, that the DHD inhibitor just does a lot of negative things downstream in the human body, right? Like they give DHD inhibitors to women too. Did you guys know that? I didn't know that. I just found this out in the last couple of years. Women take they give DHT adheres to women too. Did you guys know that? I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:46:05 I just found this out in the last couple of years. Women take DHT adheres to stop hair loss. It's just, it's a horrible thing. If you're listening to this and you're using these things, don't cold turkey them, especially if you've been not, because I get this question a lot, if you've been on them for a long time, because again, all your hair will fall out.
Starting point is 00:46:20 We can, I can give you guys some options or whatever, but make sure you start using an angiogenic effector, you know, topical solution. There's many now coming into the market. Ian Mitchell has one now, you know, my company, which we sold last year, Cerecostum, we have a product called OxanoGrow, it's completely out of stock, but the one that I told you guys about, if we want to talk about, we can, it's coming, it's going to be like, the bees knees when it comes to regrowth. But you want to make sure that you put on an angiogenic, you know, enhance or first before
Starting point is 00:46:52 you kill a DHT inhibitor so that it does prevent. It increases the health of the scalp and the follicle so that when you stop the DHT inhibitor it will be mineralized. It doesn't fall out. Now, salt, palm, metal, that's an herb that has been somewhat shown to reduce DHT, but that's different, right? That has a different mechanism. It's totally, but so here's the thing is like,
Starting point is 00:47:10 as I always say it like this, to get a little spiritual, we never want to block anything that God created, right? Like anything that's like a DHT inhibitor system, just like you guys know of the AI's, right? You never want to use an aromatase inhibitor because when you block estrogen, you're creating downstream issues, right? So it's like, we now know that like with using therapeutic testosterone, you never ever inhibit testosterone. I mean, an estradiol production,
Starting point is 00:47:33 which creates estrogen because you want the estrogen to fall to your genetic level, right? So like, when a guy goes on therapeutic testosterone, you never ever inhibit the estrogen because the estrogen is what confers the protection to the biological systems. Bone mineral, brain health, cardiovascular health, that's what estrogen does, right? So it's like, I always tell people like, if you're going to use therapeutic testosterone, you have to allow your estrogen to go wherever it's going to go. There's no such thing either, by the way, as high estrogen symptoms. People that think high estrogen symptoms, which are quantified as high estrogen symptoms, are actually inflammatory responses to too high a body fat and insulin resistance.
Starting point is 00:48:10 So when you hear a doctor say, oh, I gave this guy an AI to inhibit his estrogen because he has high E2 symptoms. He doesn't have high estrogen symptoms. He has high symptoms due to inflammation. Interesting. Well, I know low estrogen and men can feel like low testosterone. Exactly. Well, that's what happens when you give a guy an AI when they're on therapeutic testosterone.
Starting point is 00:48:30 You push their estrogen signal so low that you cause all sorts of horrible downstream effects, which destroys bone mineral density. I mean, I know I just rabbit hole by bringing that up, but it's very similar. DHT inhibition and aromatase inhibition are wrong because you allow those pathways to just be naturally expressed. So it's like even in testosterone, I mean in hair, you don't ever want to inhibit D.H.T. Because D.H.T. isn't really the ultimate causation or causal agent of hair loss.
Starting point is 00:48:58 It's like putting a bandaid on it. Exactly. Okay. Exactly. Another big farm of play. Exactly. Alright, so let's get back into longevity. So we talked about Motsi.
Starting point is 00:49:06 You mentioned a couple others. For sure. Remember the ones you named epithelon. Epithelon epithelon and thymal. Yeah, so let's talk about one of those. Let's talk about the first one epithelon. How does that work in the body? What are the results like?
Starting point is 00:49:18 What is it? Yeah, so epithelon is a profound peptide that, so I'll just put it this way right now. As soon as you turn 45 and depending on again, you know how much you're taking care of yourself, you can probably even move down to 40. You should be doing two, at a minimum one, but two cycles of epitolon and thymoline a year. So what they do is, so epitolon actually works on the telomerase, express pathway. So telomerase is essentially the enzyme
Starting point is 00:49:45 that allows your telemeters to lengthen or to shorten. So as we age, the shorter our telemeters get, the less productive they are, and actually enhancing Toulama rays production, the faster we age. So epithelon actually goes to work by enhancing that enzyme of Toulama rays and improving it. So as we age, our telemeters are not shortening.
Starting point is 00:50:08 They're actually lengthening and they're staying active and they're staying mobile and agile and everything else. So your biological age can actually lower? Exactly. Exactly. So essentially, like if we wanted to get into alchemy and we went really weird right now and stuff like that, like the philosopher Stone had a way to literally extend or keep telomerase like you were 15
Starting point is 00:50:28 years old forever. So these alchemists that figured out how to create the philosopher's stone were able to actually turn off telomerase expression so that it just kept you at a 15-year-old late. So you live for a thousand years, the Methuselagene. Okay. Interesting. What does it feel like when you take it then? You feel nothing. So essentially, no, I mean, you don't.
Starting point is 00:50:47 So I mean, like that's the thing is like, you know, it's a good question because a lot of people like they want to feel something, they won't experience something, but you don't feel anything. It's just a, you know, subcontinuous injection. Now, thymolin, you want to take it the same time. And by the way, you can take these both in isolation, but we've found now that you want to use them together because they both do very synergistic things. But thymolin enhances the thymus gland,
Starting point is 00:51:07 and the thymus gland is the immunodod, immunomodulator effect of the body, right? So the stronger your thymus gland, the more immune you are. As you age. Now what's interesting about that one, is I heard from somebody in the space that during the whole COVID pandemic, that they were trying to kind of crack down on
Starting point is 00:51:25 Thymalan and related peptides because they because people were finding it. People were finding it so effective. I wonder what. Yeah, so it's still available. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, but well, okay, so that's a good question and we have to get into this. So, ah, man, hopefully I don't get your sponsors in trouble. I mean, the truth is, is this. The FDA does not want peptides to become mainstream, right?
Starting point is 00:51:52 Because if it did, what happens to a big farm? Right, it replaces a ton of drugs. Exactly. That's as simple as you could possibly say it. I don't have to go any deeper conspiratorial or anything. I don't have to put my tinfoil hat on. That's 100% true. It eliminates a
Starting point is 00:52:05 gigantic trillion dollar profit center. Because again, remember what we talked about in the beginning. Peptides and bioregulators address the fundamental root cause. Remember what Chris Rock said. The money is not in healing. It's in the medicine. Right? So they're not going to allow healing to occur. So like the good news is, is like you're listening audience, all of us, people like us, we can use peptides and bioregulators to heal. We don't even have to go to modern medicine. I'm telling you, we probably, I'll probably come back, we'll do a whole show on bioregulators and we can talk about how like it eliminates the need to go to doctors as you age, because you're literally using
Starting point is 00:52:43 something that's working the organ system that you don't need to even get tested anymore. Why would you want to get your colon looked at with a diagnostic tool that is like horrible and does so many bad things to the body when you can actually use a bio-regulator to strengthen your colon as you get older, right? Same thing with your testy, same thing with your prostate, so all these male health things, same thing with women's health. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:53:03 So with the thymolin, would that be effective if let's say you are about your feeling, oh, I'm getting sick and you had some stored on hand and you took it, would it work like that or is this something you would just want to take? It would, but again, and this is why peptides are so amazing, there's better, right? So there's LL37 and there's VIP vasointestinal peptide and those are like and remember I said thymus and alpha one So like so let's let's look at him as like healing How do we do this like so we have longevity or life extension and then we have healing and then we have bio weapon protection Oh, right. No seriously like so bio weapon protection is thymus and alpha one which is again is just conveying
Starting point is 00:53:44 full-body immunity protection is thymus and alpha one, which is again is just conveying full body immunity. LL37 is antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-pathogenic. So I mean like you inject LL37, nothing gonna harm you. Unreal stuff. And then VIP is the one peptide that they use and still are using with like elderly COVID patients because it enhances oxygenation to the blood supply. Which as you guys know, if you remember back in 2020 during the beginning of the S-A-M I'm sorry, SCAM, DEMIC. See how I didn't say it? You guys have been added that if you have to. It's all the mainstream now. The news is all coming out. People like, oh I don't have to say. It's just we the article that came out. We haven't found out they will.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Well they just came out they're like, oh it looks read the article that came out of the found out they will whether they just came out They're like oh looks like this might have come out of a lab and I'm like oh my god Are the Lancet the Lancet said yesterday the Lancet to yesterday that they now admit that natural immunity is best Yeah, yeah Convenient right. Yeah, this is you feel you know is later Yeah, no, but so so all 37 is profound like if you have any kind of infection so like like you know You guys have heard this but when people get sick with whatever COVID is or was You know they were taking Ivermectin and they were taking
Starting point is 00:54:55 Levequin and all these things like if you had LL37 you wouldn't need any of those You just inject yourself twice a day for three days and you'd be sick. I mean, that's how powerful it is And then again, that's how powerful it is. And then again, that's the most profound, you know, antimicrobial, anti-pepithgenic and antifungal peptide that we know. But VIP to get back to that, VIP was the peptide that you would and still do, you would inject if you were comorbid
Starting point is 00:55:17 or you had advanced stage COVID because now you can't get oxygen. Okay. Because remember, at the very beginning, when we didn't know what was going on, there were intubating people, because they thought it was literally causing some sort of airway issue. But now we realize that it was oxygenation in the heme,
Starting point is 00:55:31 and then the red blood cells. And that was when it was starving, what COVID was causing it. So if you had VIP, you would just inject VIP, and literally you can't get COVID, because it literally increases the oxygenation in the blood so much. So sadly, again, because docs are, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:46 for the most part, when it comes to peptides clueless and not taught anything, and it's not their fault. They're not taught this in medical. It's the same way with hormone optimization, right? They're not taught about hormones. Why would they want to know about hormones? And there's no pills to prescribe. But like, that's what they give people now.
Starting point is 00:56:00 In very advanced, like, convolescent centers or homes where like they have you know Elderly with money they inject them with VIP and VIP literally will keep them from going into like a you know a Covid intubation you know loop. Yeah, so it's it's profound stuff, but so Life extension would be thymalin and epipital on twice a year in Two cycles and there's you know again my book has all of these things laid out. And that's the cool part about my book is like, people can just literally read it.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Not have to, I mean, not have to read the whole book, but if they want to use a peptide, just scroll right to it like in the index, the count table of contents, what's the dosage? You know, I mean, or they can skip to it obviously and the book can just read the summary or whatever, but five million in epipital long should be twice a year, if you're 40 to 45 and up forever, that's going to definitely guarantee you live longer. Again,
Starting point is 00:56:50 assuming you're not a giant, morbidly obese, dumpster fire of a human being, it's going to definitely, it's definitely going to extend your life again through telomerase expression. VIP LL-37 and thymus novel, which I call TA1, would be your, you know, keep myself immune and impervious. And then we didn't talk about healing. I know you guys know about healing, but you know, BPC-157. That one always comes up. BPC-157, TB-500. So BPC-157, again, is body protective compound. That is the improved angiogenesis, which again is to increase red blood cell formation to strengthen and rebuild the tissue. TB 500 is the massive inflammation suppressor. So together, they work wonders. We haven't talked about, we should, for just a second, is GHKCU copper peptide. So again, another
Starting point is 00:57:42 shamwile peptide. That peptide can be used for everything, hair regrowth, that's the number one peptide for hair regrowth. Okay, 3% grade of GHKCU simulates the copper antigens into the scalp and also again, into the red blood cells and increases red blood cell formation. But GHKCU, too, topically, like wound,
Starting point is 00:58:03 if you have a strong enough GHKCU formulation, and any of us took a knife and we just, what like that, if you put that on there in five days, it would be completely sealed. Literally, five days. Now you're talking about copper too, we found out that that affects the color of your hair as well too.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Yeah, so GHKCU, and I know this from my company, from our products, in raw material form, copper peptide at a 3% greater, higher is purple. It's a crystalline purple. So when you put it on, like as a skin formulation, it's like a royal blue or a light blue.
Starting point is 00:58:39 And then eventually, for the first 15, 10 to 15 minutes before it completely absorbs, your skin is kind of like a blue glow, and then the body just absorbs it. So, what do you think is gonna happen then, because there's a couple peptides now that are making mainstream news.
Starting point is 00:58:53 Some of the gluteide is one. Inter zapatite. Yeah, and these are what they call GLP1. GLP1 agonist. Yeah, but they're becoming patented, they're being. Yes, so do you think that's the direction, then, that they're gonna go go because I don't know if they They can't stop it the genius out of the box right right the genius definitely out of the bottle you probably I mean
Starting point is 00:59:11 Somebody that you guys know who Doesn't want me to mention this name on the show Told me about a month ago that he doesn't see peptides going away now So let me take a step back So 10 years ago like all of us like fringe whatever we were in the peptide space were always looking over our shoulders, sneaking around because peptides don't tell anybody about them, right? And now, here we are. Research chemical companies are blowing up.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Peptides are blowing up. Like you said, it's literally mainstream consciousness. There's two reasons for mainstream consciousness with peptides right now. And I literally just, it's funny you mentioned that because that was a huge article that was just in, I think it was the New York Times about Terzapita. It's the number one weight loss drug of all time. Yeah, they're running out of stock.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Yeah, they can't keep it in stock. So this is two reasons for mainstream consciousness. And the gene is out of the bottle on both. But number one, 70% of adults over the age of 40 in the West row peace by the VMI. Huge market. 70%. Huge market. And then number two, the people who, quote unquote, been harmed by whatever you want to call what has happened
Starting point is 01:00:11 to them in the last three years are looking for alternative forms of healing and therapy, right? So peptides represent that. Let's pause there for a second. So just to add to that, the public trust in establishment, in the establishment medical community has fallen to all time lows. So if you look at the polls and people,
Starting point is 01:00:31 and you ask people, do you trust, do you trust the federal government medical advisors, do you trust doctors, do you trust pharmaceutical companies? This is all post pandemic. It has fallen to all time lows. So you're saying that now we don't trust them combined with these, you know, GLP1 agonists that are actually showing weight loss. And the fact that there's so many obese, so those two things combined now is what it may
Starting point is 01:00:57 protect this market? 100%. I mean, literally, like I said, the person that I just talked to is a very high level person in this market. And he told me he gave him a way to heat. Oops. Yeah. That it's not, they're not going away.
Starting point is 01:01:11 But to what you guys just said, the FDA, big formal will attempt to patent as many of them as they can. But see, here's a problem to that. Like with like Terzapiti, like the compound pharmacies have already, you know, broke that chain because all you have to do is add B6 or, you know, some mineral or, you know, L. C. D'A'L, C. D'A'L, C. D'A'L, or whatever to the formulation.
Starting point is 01:01:31 And now it's not a patent anymore, right? And that's what's happening with Terzapatide. And that's what, not with St. Maggletide, but that's what's happening with Terzapatide. Now, I've used both, I wanna give you guys my experience with both of them. I'm actually writing, my next book is in process. It's gonna be called 30 Days to Shreds. And it's literally, you guys, I'll I wanna give you guys my experience with both of them. I'm actually writing. My next book is in process. It's gonna be called 30 Days to Shreds.
Starting point is 01:01:47 And it's literally, you guys, I'll send it to you guys. You guys are gonna love it, but it's going to be like, how do I get the leanest, most fat loss, theoretically and physically possible in 30 days, regardless of my fitness level or my training level. And this is using all these different peptides and mats, right? So this is something that four years ago, I could not have written this book because these agents were not available.
Starting point is 01:02:08 But if you use these agents and these clinically precise dosages, here's the research, here's the studies. And by the way, I have 10 guys that have been like my guinea pig trial. You can't even believe it. I got guys in their 60s. I mean, you can literally lose with tersapotide and, you know, we didn't talk about test offencing. We should talk about testofencing, but all these other peptides that are out there now,
Starting point is 01:02:28 more body fat in 30 days and at any point in time in human history, at least in this version of human history, right, pre-Atlantis. So it's like, you know, what's coming is, you know, back to your original question is, they can't control it. The genie is out of the bottle. They're just going to try to monetize it.
Starting point is 01:02:45 So how do we monetize it by, you know, patting it? It's always patting it, right? It's the lawyers, right? It's how come, how can we get paid and how can we, you know, the way they pat and things then. Well, I mean, probably, and that's probably what will happen. And the other thing is like, and this is where I wanted to talk a little bit about,
Starting point is 01:03:01 you know, with the research chemical company thing is like, the research chemical companies, which, you know, all along, and I know a lot of the owners and stuff in that business, like, have always been the ones that are kind of like the most worried, the ones looking over their shoulder, right? Because again, they're selling stuff that says not for human consumption. You know, you must, you must, you tell me, if you buy this, you read it by this, you're using it on your laboratory animal. And all these other disclosures, right?
Starting point is 01:03:24 Which again, legally protects them, it legally indemnifies them. It also legally indemnifies me as the affiliate salesperson or anybody that promotes them. But it's always been this kind of like, kind of under the rub where the medical side of things says, oh my God, those are guys brewing shit up in their basement.
Starting point is 01:03:41 You know what I mean? Like, why would you use that? But as you guys know, as big pharma, slash FDA, is cut back or cut down or is cracked down on the peptide companies, the research chemical companies have moved to the forefront now. That's where everybody's getting them. Most doctors are sending their patients there,
Starting point is 01:03:57 which is nuts, but it's true, right? Because they know, again, there's very little harm, they're very well tolerated, and again, they have profound healing fat loss muscle building immunity enhancing all these different things so it's kind of an interesting place where we find ourselves right now But I I absolutely agree with what you said We are in a place now where big pharma has to figure out how they're gonna profit off because they're not going away
Starting point is 01:04:22 And with bioregulators now about to also come into the forefront in the next year to two years in the United States, I mean, you guys, I'm not joking. They actually make peptides look like child's play. That's crazy. Right? So we really are in the forefront of what I would call a golden age or a new earth in healing. I won't call it medicine anymore
Starting point is 01:04:41 because I, you're right, I don't know what even medicine is anymore. I mean, nobody trusts their doctor, you know what I mean? But they do trust smart people, like you guys, like me, like people that are out there talking about these things and are obviously living social proof of their use, right? So like that's kind of why this is like so blown up in just mainstream consciousness.
Starting point is 01:04:58 I'm serious, like when I put this book out, I didn't really wanna put this book out because I put a peptide's course out two years ago and it's done really, really well. But my inner circle team was like, no, dude, you got to put the book out because people want to read a book about this stuff. And I'm like, but it's just old. I'm just bored of this.
Starting point is 01:05:14 The people that know about peptides already know about peptides, but the book has completely blown up in the last two months. You see the increase in physicians kind of coming into the space. It's insane. I have so many, that's like, oh my, that's who buys the course now, is docs. Yeah. They're like, we can't get this information anywhere. You know what it means?
Starting point is 01:05:33 So it's like, it's just, it's really weird though, because like if you, you know, you guys talk to seeds, you know, seeds was very instrumental in building the peptide society and there were a couple of other regulating bodies in clinical space and they all got blown up when COVID came. They all just went out, you know, through attrition or because, you know, you know, everything shifted as far as in medicine and stuff like that. But like all those places
Starting point is 01:05:54 are gone now. Taylor made, which was the biggest compounder that was providing all the peptides to them too, also got in trouble by the FDA, which is another story, not worthy of this podcast probably. But like, I just, at all went away, it disappeared. I mean, I literally went to seeds as peptide conference in 2018 in August, and there was like 1,600 doctors from the United States that were there. It was huge.
Starting point is 01:06:15 My business partner and I were both there, and two years later, the whole thing was disbanded, right? Now, obviously, COVID, you know, and the whole thing that happened in 2020, you know, played a part in a role in it, but now here we are back. And I think what's the way we're going to be. I think that's the way we're going to be. I think that's the way we're going to be. I think that's the way we're going to be. I think that's the way we're going to be. I think that's the way we're going to be.
Starting point is 01:06:32 I think that's the way we're going to be. I think that's the way we're going to be. I think that's the way we're going to be. I think that's the way we're going to be. I think that's the way we're going to be. I think that's the way we're going to be. I think that's the way we're going. And so I think the psychological aspect is, how can I heal and how can I become proactive?
Starting point is 01:06:49 How can I take ownership of that? Now I do wanna say that I still very strongly view these as supplemental to lifestyle change, diet, exercise. 100% and I'm also reading articles that more people are interested in things like exercise and diet than ever before, probably as a result of the stuff that we just talked about.
Starting point is 01:07:11 In fact, I just read an article that Big Box Gems now are starting to shrink there, and I was gonna bring this up on another podcast. They're shrinking their cardio areas and expanding their strength training areas. Because they're finding it. I read that. How old are that? Yeah, because they're finding it. I heard that. How hard it is.
Starting point is 01:07:25 How hard it is. Yeah, because they're finding that that's the new, that's where people are going and we all know that strength. That's how it should be. The benefits of strength training for the average person just outweigh. Well, I'm glad you brought that up and I want to talk about that and I'm very, very outspoken about this and I say this in the very beginning of the book and you know, I have a really awesome, if you guys don't mind me giving out, there's a link.
Starting point is 01:07:43 It's free landing pages. The 10 mistakes most people make when they start therapeutic peptides. It's just, if you guys can edit it or whatever, but just the peptides course.com forward slash 10 mistakes, I highly recommend anyone go there. That's number one. They're not magic bullets.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Nothing is going to give you anything if you don't have your lifestyle done. If you're not living insulin controlled, right? If you're not training with weights, right? If you're not, you know, training with weights, doing cardiovascular, hopefully a combination, you know, you're getting six to eight hours of deep sleep every night. I mean, all that stuff is always the most important thing.
Starting point is 01:08:13 None of these things are gonna do anything for anybody who's not first doing that. And it's important for the listening audience, and I know you guys have pretty advanced listening audience, but it's important for listening audience to know that like, look, if you're not taking care of yourself, peptides are not gonna do jack shit for you. I mean, it's literally that simple.
Starting point is 01:08:29 I mean, sure, the healing peptides can help you heal faster, right? But you're not gonna get like a growth hormone inducing peptide, or a mot C, or even any of the life extending like a pitalon or thymolin. And we didn't even talk about pinion lawn, the one that increases the size of your pinion glue who opens that.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Right. Yeah, I mean, that's a bio regulator and that's like a game changer. Oh, well. Yeah, I mean, I probably should have got a whole lot more. We're gonna have to do a whole lot more episode of the Interest on BioRagulars.
Starting point is 01:08:59 I can't remember. In this conversation, this will be one of the least two digested episodes that we're gonna do. You know, for sure. I can't help but, you know, after hanging out with Dr. Seeds, now hanging out with you, and what I hear is like, I want to take all of these. So do you do this in your book, Jade, you lay out like,
Starting point is 01:09:18 because you've mentioned already, oh, you should take this for two times out of the year, like, like what is like, if all of them are so beneficial, I can't imagine taking all of them at once to be very unrealistic to be injecting that much stuff all the time, is there like what you would call like an ideal kind of, you know?
Starting point is 01:09:35 First of all, I gotta give you a damn one, that's the best question that he's ever had. I'm gonna destroy my microphone. So that is critically important. So yes, you can combine. And by the way, like big influencers, this is what they ask me. Chris, Chris Gathen is a really good friend of mine.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Yeah, and he's always asking me, he's like, you know, Jay, I love your stuff, but why aren't you talking to me about stacking? And I'm like, Chris, because like stacking is something that you think about, the rest of them don't, but he was right to give him credit. Shout out to you, man. If you listen to this, the thing is, is that we have to focus
Starting point is 01:10:09 as the end user on like what is most important to us, right? So if we're hurt, are we going to be doing healing and fat loss at the same time? Absolutely not. We're going to be focused on healing, and then we're going to think about that after, right? So it's like, it comes down to the end user. Or their thing, or their times where you can do, you know, And then we're going to think about that after, right? So it's like, it comes down to the end user.
Starting point is 01:10:25 Are there things, are there times where you can do a fat loss stack and a healing stack together? Probably not. Can you do a healing stack and a life extension stack together? That makes sense, right. Can you do a muscle gain with a healing stack at the same time? Absolutely, right?
Starting point is 01:10:42 Because you need higher carbohydrates, more water, more food, you know, rebuild and stuff like that, soft tissue, injuries and stuff. Yes. So there are definitely times where you can do like one stack for one specific thing combined with, you know, maybe an ancillary thing like healing and muscle gain or something like that.
Starting point is 01:10:57 But for the most part, people should focus on, and again, it's an amazing question. And yes, it is covered in the book, but people should focus on one specific thing that is their primary directive at that moment, right? So for aging people though, twice a year, for sure at Pitilon and Pinilon, I mean, Thymalint for life extension,
Starting point is 01:11:18 for to extend the telemeters, right? So that's without question, you're gonna do that twice a year. If you're, you know, somebody, again, most people, not probably you're listening audience, but most people in America have a weight prop or half a obesity issue or insulin resistance. So, you know, they're going to probably be on fat loss peptides, you know, half the year. You know what I'm saying? You know, to constantly be dealing with the battle of the bulge or whatever.
Starting point is 01:11:40 So, it really just comes down to like what your specific priority is Focusing on that priority and then moving from one to the other But there are times when you can do a combination that just sounds like you're working with the way the body adapts It would be like trying to gain maximum endurance and maximum strength at the same time And you didn't end up getting a little of almost nothing because they kind of don't work together very well Yeah, 100% I did I know I mentioned it I'll just real quick before we end like Tess O'Fenstein is a, it's not technically a peptide, you know, it's like we're getting into that conversation where we're talking about small molecules, but they're classified in the peptide realm.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Well, Tess O'Fenstein is a, man, I don't know how to even print, I mean, I'm on it right now. I mean, it's supposed amazing oral peptide that you could take, but it enhances brain derived nitropic factor. Oh, sure. Like, through the roof. So you're like like so fired up, focused, in flow state. Like if you're writing or you guys are producing content, you guys wanna be on that.
Starting point is 01:12:31 It's amazing. It's a capsule one a day. You can take, is that similar to diex? Cause that's what I started doing. Oh dude, this blows diex. Really? Dude, there is nothing in the nitro,
Starting point is 01:12:42 we didn't even talk about the nitro, in fact, so if you guys want, we can. That's a whole other video didn't even talk about the new truck, we packed that stuff. If you guys want, we can. That's a whole lot of stuff. Yeah, let's say we have to be back. Cause we might just have to do a seagull. Yeah, I mean, I don't fly out until 7 a.m. All right, so we might have to break and just
Starting point is 01:12:55 run in and then come back and do a whole lot of the stuff. Yeah, no, I'm happy to. So Tessa is a five, I always screw this up. It's 0.5, so it's like 50 micrograms or 25 micrograms. I take 50. Some people, it's so like stimulating that they can take only half that dose. So the smarter research chemical companies out there now are making half of those doses. But again, it's a BDNF stimulator. It massively, you know, with increasing BDNF enhances well-being. And then you guys not kidding you. Like the longer you take it, and then you guys not kidding you.
Starting point is 01:13:25 Like, the longer you take it, it becomes a metabolic uncoupler. Oh. So it shreds you too. Oh, wow. Yeah. So it's like unreal. Now, I've had people, I've never had a single person who's taking it like, complaining of it, but they, there are people that are very sensitive to it, and they're like, dude,
Starting point is 01:13:40 it's the most amazing thing I've ever taken in my life, and I literally can't sleep at night. Sure. Now, those were the people that were taking 50. And so now that a lot of the research chemical companies have half the dose, none of those people have problems in there. I got a little bit of that from dihex and CMax where I couldn't sleep. So how much do you take of dihex?
Starting point is 01:13:57 Because I've taken 80 milligrams of dihex and I literally don't even need to. It's gotta be, I think it's 30 milligrams if I'm not mistaken. I think 30 milligrams is. See, I'm having an experience. You've actually, I've been telling you guys that since we've been taking care of. I don't't even. It's gotta be, I think it's 30 milligrams, if I'm not mistaken, I think 30 milligrams. See, I'm having an experience using, I've been telling you guys that since we've been to using a lot of, I don't feel like
Starting point is 01:14:09 you're actually. Well, so, and I've talked about this before, and again, I don't wanna waste this if we need to edit this into another episode, but I compare all Neutropic peptides to Mdaphanil, right? So it's like, So that's your gold standard? Exactly, okay.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Mdaphanil is the gold standard, and for me, I don't need a lot. I've written three books using Md Medaphine at 50 milligrams, right? Like I used to take 100 milligrams and then you get the headaches and you don't hydrate enough and blah, blah, blah, blah, and whatever. But like when I use, when I'm really deep in writing, I would use Medaphine and none of the Neutropic Peptides until this. And by the way, Tessa Fancy is not considered a Neutropic Peptide.
Starting point is 01:14:41 It's considered a fat loss agent, right? But because the BDNF is so high, everyone who uses it is like, man, oh my God. Wow. Cool. Now, I do want to just add this and then we're done. I used it for eight months and this is in the clinical literature on it. It doesn't have any receptor attenuation and you can cold turkey it. Oh, wow. So like, I was like, this is so unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:15:04 I'm going to go off this and I'm going to like crave it. And I went off of a cold turkey it. Oh wow. So like I was like, this is so unbelievable. I'm gonna go off this and I'm gonna like crave it. And I went off of a cold turkey and nothing. My wife is also going off of a cold turkey and nothing. And again, I've talked to hundreds of people who have gone off of cold turkey and nothing. It is a revolutionary medication. Interesting. Jay, this has been a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Yeah. I've got a lot more questions. And then I had you on the show. No, no, we're gonna have to throw this back for sure. Thank you. Awesome. Thank you. Awesome. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 01:15:31 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes MAPSANABOLIC, MAPSTERFORMENT and MAPSISTBALE, MAPS Performance and MAPS aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbumble is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:16:16 If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump!

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