Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2066: Signs That You Are Abusing Exercise, the Best Way to Workout to Pass the Police Academy, Diet & Training Considerations if You Have Lost Your Period & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: May 3, 2023

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: If you want to lose more body fat, build more muscle, and improve your health, EAT more protein...! (2:22) Recapping the guy's Park City trip. (8:07) The feeling you get when you come home to happy kids. (13:57) Adam is NOT an airport person. (17:19) Using A.I. to produce the outcomes you want. (23:17) A.I.’s impact on the health & fitness industry. (28:52) The importance of having a ‘family’ password. (32:49) A great hack to get your kids to stop watching TV. (38:51) The incredible individual variance of different peptides. (39:33) Creating a partnership. Welcoming Mind Pump’s latest sponsor, State & Liberty. (43:44) A prime example of mainstream news media’s bias against Elon Musk. (46:44) Will self-driving cars take off? (50:26) Shout out to ‘Die with Zero’ by Bill Perkins. (56:39) #ListenerLive question #1 - How do I turn the switch off my poor relationship with exercise? (58:07) #ListenerLive question #2 - How can I incorporate long-distance cardio without sacrificing my muscle gains? (1:15:11) #ListenerLive question #3 - What should I do off-season when I'm not in MAPS OCR? (1:21:49) #ListenerLive question #4 – Should I train less? Eat more? Or a little of both? Before discovering your show, I hadn’t had my period for about a year. (1:34:54) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Mind Pump gives away free bloodwork to four lucky people a month! TRANSCEND your goals! Visit State & Liberty for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code PUMP10 at checkout for 10% off** May Promotion: MAPS Prime or MAPS Prime Pro or the Prime Bundle 50% off! **Code MAY50 at checkout** Exploring the impact of a low carbohydrate breakfast on ad libitum dietary patterns in adults with type 2 diabetes Mind Pump Rentals – Utah Property Salt Lake Airport China's Efforts to Lead the Way in AI Start in Its Classrooms Apple developing AI-based health coaching service ‘Quartz’ ‘Mom, these bad men have me’: She believes scammers cloned her daughter’s voice in a fake kidnapping AI Voice Cloning Is on the Rise. Here's What to Know | Time Mind Pump #2032: Can You Reverse Aging & Live Longer? All About Longevity Peptides Jay Campbell All-In Podcast - E125: SpaceX launch, Fox News settlement, "Zombie-corn" exodus to AI, late-stage implosion Cruise expanding 24/7 robotaxi service in SF Die With Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life – Book by Bill Perkins Visit NutriSense for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP at checkout** MAPS 15 Minutes Mind Pump #1487: The Best Way For First Responders To Stay In Shape Mind Pump #1105: How To Train For An Obstacle Course Race For a limited time only, Mind Pump listeners get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump MAPS Fitness Performance Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jay Campbell (@jaycampbell333) Instagram Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness health and entertainment podcast ever. This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered live caller's questions. But this was after a 49 minute introductory conversation, where we talk about fitness,
Starting point is 00:00:25 current events, our lives, studies, and much more. By the way, you could check the show notes for timestamps if you want to skip around to your favorite parts. You can also be on an episode like this one. You just got to email your question to live at mypumpmedia.com. This episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is mphormones.com. So we work with a team that'll test to hormones and help you optimize your testosterone or thyroid to help you raise growth hormone with peptides. By the way, they work with lots of different kinds of peptides. It's a great company, they're doctors,
Starting point is 00:00:58 and these are prescriptions, so you're not getting crap. Go check it out, go to MPHormones.com. This episode is also brought to you by state and liberty. This is clothing built for built man. You like to wear suits. You want to look nice, button down a shirt, slacks, but you can't fit a lot of stuff off the rack because you work out. You got to develop quads, shoulders, small waist. Go to state and liberty. Their stuff will look amazing on you off the rack. It's incredible. Go to mpstatenaliberty.com, then use the code, mine pump, excuse me, code pump 10, the code
Starting point is 00:01:31 is pump 10, that'll get you 10% off. Also, this month we have a special Maps Prime, Maps Prime Pro, and the Prime Bundle, which includes both of them, all 50% off. If you're interested, go to mapsfitinusproducts.com and then use the code May50 for the 50% off discount. Yeah! Teacher time! And it's teacher time.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Ah! Shit, Doug, you know it's my favorite time of the week. We have three winners this week, three for, sorry, two for Apple Podcast, one for Facebook, the Apple Podcast winners are C.Dubbs45 and Layla, one, two, three, sorry, two for Apple podcasts, one for Facebook, the Apple podcast winners are Cdubs45 and Layla, one, two, three, four, five. And for Facebook, we have Rick Coaster. All three of you are winners,
Starting point is 00:02:13 and the name I just read to iTunes at minepumpmedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address, and we'll get that shirt right out to you. All right, here's a simple step that you can do if you want to lose more body fat, build more muscle or just improve your health. One step, ready for this? Eat more protein. Eating more protein has been strongly connected to losing more body fat, getting better health
Starting point is 00:02:40 and building more muscle. It's a simple step you can take that'll help you pretty much regardless of where your goal is. And this is true for most people. This one is interesting because early on we started the podcast. I was the guy that kept saying that protein isn't the magic macro nutrient. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:57 It turns out it might be. This time he's keep coming out. It's funny how we, you know, we had conversations about it at the beginning. And I think it's because we came directly from the gym space. Yes. Where you just see like the unnecessary version of that. But your average person, I mean, for the most part, really under consumed protein.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Oh, the studies on it with fat loss show that when people simply try to hit more protein, they end up eating less and lose more body fat. And this is a great strategy because it's not a takeaway. It's more like a just try eating more of this, right? So psychologically, it works. It also works physiologically because it suppresses your appetite. Then for muscle building, that's been well established. Everybody knows that.
Starting point is 00:03:35 And then there's this new weight loss study that came out. Max, look of your shared it recently where they had groups of people who's weight, same calories, but one group had a higher protein version of the low calories, the other group had a lower protein version of those calories. The higher protein version had better health markers. So the argument used to be that most of the health marker
Starting point is 00:03:56 improvements with weight loss were just from the fat loss. So you eat less calories and lose body fat. So as long as you're hitting your macronutrient minimums or whatever, it doesn't really make a big difference. Just love thermodynamic. Not true. They're showing that a higher protein, same calorie version of a diet is actually better, not just for fat loss, but for health markers as well. Things like insulin sensitivity,
Starting point is 00:04:18 glucose, another blood marker. So eating more protein across the board is good. Now, I will say this one little thing I'll add here. Don't try to do this through protein powders. That's the worst way to do this. In fact, I think there's maybe some benefit to doing that. But if it comes from whole foods, that's where you're gonna reap all these benefits. That was the go to in the gym.
Starting point is 00:04:38 And I think that's what led us to kind of question it a bit, you know, the beginning. But yeah, from whole food sources, obviously that's where we want to steer, buddy. Yeah, I know, I challenged this from the very beginning when we talked about, I remember this was one of the first things that we actually disagreed with on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:52 If you go all the way back to the early episodes, we'll go back more. Now, not that I don't necessarily agree with Sal's argument, like I think the point he was making back then was true too, was that there is this massive push, just to sell supplements and protein powders and that the fitness community, like they overtook it, they're taking four scoops of protein at a time and like everywhere they go, they got bars and shakes. And so I totally understood the angle he was coming from.
Starting point is 00:05:16 But I just remember that general message, not being a great one for the majority because most people that I coached and trained, they suffered from this. They didn't get enough protein. And it doesn't, it not only benefits, it benefits both building muscle and fat loss significantly. It's like one of the few things that does a lot of it. Right, so if you're somebody who over consumes, you know, bad calcium, say bad,
Starting point is 00:05:39 over consumes any calories, right? You're overeating and you're putting on body fat, focusing on a higher protein diet helps satiate you and keep you from eating more calories, obviously huge benefit and will help with fat loss. Then, in addition to that, it's essential to building muscle. So you cannot build muscle without any protein. You gotta have protein in your diet.
Starting point is 00:05:59 And we know that there's benefits as you start to go up towards the one-to-one ratio. And so the more of it you tend to consume, the greater the benefits are towards building muscle. So you have a single macro that is benefited the people that are trying to lose body fat and benefit the people that are trying to build muscle. And I just, I think it's a message
Starting point is 00:06:19 that needs to continue to be pushed because still this day, if I tell somebody, just eat the way you eat, let me see your diet and I look at it. One of the first things I see as a glaring obvious direction is to add protein. Even if they're getting the essential amount, they're still room for me to tell them to eat more.
Starting point is 00:06:38 And when I tell them to eat more, they tend to eat less of the other. So yeah, essential protein for most people would be like 40, you know, anywhere 20, like they 30 to 60 grams approaching a day on average. But what we're talking about is studies will show about 0.6 to 0.8 grams for pound of body weight. That's kind of complicated.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Just simplify it, eat your weight in protein and grams of protein or eat your target weight in grams of protein. I say target weight for people who want to lose a lot of body fat. And or somebody who wants to build a lot, right? So if you're somebody who wants to get to 220 pounds in your only way. Yeah. Yeah. A two, aim for 220 grams of protein. Right. Right. If you want to lose 30 pounds, aim for that
Starting point is 00:07:13 target body weight, but it's going to be high protein regardless. And that has profound fat loss, muscle building, and health promoting benefits. And this message needs to be communicated more often now because of the interesting demonization of animal sources of food. It's been somewhat politicized. And look, you can do this through plant sources. It's really hard though. It's you're probably gonna wanna get
Starting point is 00:07:39 a lot of this protein from animal sources. It's really hard to eat 30 or 40 or 50 grams of protein from plant sources without also having a tremendous volume eat 30 or 40 or 50 grams of protein from plant sources without also having a tremendous volume of other things and just total amount of food and maybe digestive issues. Animal sources tend to be best, but it's, look, the data is very clear on this and it's a lot of data. It's not a little bit of data. It's a lot of data that supports this. So it's one easy step that you could take, whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or just improve your health, just hit those protein targets.
Starting point is 00:08:06 That's a big one. Anyway, so we got home yesterday from Utah, which, it's time for you guys to go. We packed it all in, man, that little short trip that we took, and we did a lot. We did a lot. A lot.
Starting point is 00:08:21 By the way, we have a place up for people, don't know, we have a place up in the who don't know. We have a place up in Parks City, Utah, and we designed it to be like this great place where you could go if you like skiing or hiking or mountain biking or outdoor stuff, but then in the house we put a gym and red light therapy and sauna and steam room and cold dip and all the stuff that you know fitness minded people. So that's what we're up there doing. We're putting more stuff like that in there and plus also doing some creative stuff behind the scenes that fitness minded people. So that's where we're up there doing, we're putting more stuff like that in there, and plus also doing some creative stuff behind the scenes
Starting point is 00:08:48 that we can't talk too much about. We don't wanna ruin the surprise. By the way, we all built the sauna ourselves. What are we in an hour? We, I don't want anybody to inspect it. We fall apart. Hey, the funniest. You were overconfident.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Well, the case, Adam's like 30 minutes will finish this. So it came with two days. There's a YouTube video on it, right? Okay, well, first of all, we had somebody hire to do it. We already know better, right? So like, okay, first of all, we already know better, typically. And so we had someone hire to do it.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Now, the idea was, because we had Eli with us, we have our, you know, video auger for a photo guy. I wanna get some photos of the house with the lap. This is pretty much the last piece. We have some little things here and there, but this is pretty much the big last piece that's photos of the house with the lap. This is pretty much the last piece. We have some little things here and there, but this is pretty much the big last piece that's coming into the house.
Starting point is 00:09:28 And so we wanted it finished before we left. And so the guy who was scheduled to come do it, ended up postponing till that following Saturday, and we're all like, piss, like dude, we've got to get this done. It's like, okay, we do have a house full of, you know, five dudes. We should be able to put this, you know, Lincoln log type of Jacuzzi,
Starting point is 00:09:44 or I mean mean sauna together. And so Jerry sins over a YouTube video of them assembling this thing and when I watch it, I'm like, oh my god Not a tool is required and it's and going together like butter and in 12 minutes in 43 seconds They put the whole thing together from the box to that right away. There was a bunch of cuts So I already knew that was bullshit. Yeah, that was time length and signature length, and that was at least an hour,
Starting point is 00:10:10 that they can diss down to like 12 minutes. Well, my favorite part is, you're the most Justin is by far the most handy between the three of us. Adam and I are pretty bad. I just still try, that's so bad. But Justin's the most handy, but nonetheless, we're putting this together
Starting point is 00:10:25 and what makes me laugh is, and this is something that I have to learn over and over again. Anytime I put together one of my kids, toys, we're at the build of bed, or a piece of furniture, I always have to relearn this every time. If the piece doesn't fit, something's wrong. I don't have to force it.
Starting point is 00:10:40 But what do we end up doing? Pieces aren't fitting Justin's down there. Oh, shove it, I pull it down. I miss the whole game. You've been being controlled over and over. Yeah, but what do we end up doing pieces aren't bitten just in down there? Oh I miss the whole In half way We were squeezing shit like why is this fitting this is strange at the bed like after like a certain point We had built some of it and then we looked at it and then I looked down and I said oh shit I think we did some backwards on the base. We'd take it all apart again Our biggest strengths are weakness.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Like, we do things and we do it efficiently, but we go. Like, we don't slow down and like, you know, take our time, pay attention to all those little details. That's just not our MO. And so it's getting played out how it was gonna play out because I've learned this from construction. It's like, if you don't get that
Starting point is 00:11:32 base, that foundation, like completely square and perfect, everything else is gonna be fucked by, let's say, a 16th. Then now up higher, you get like an 8th, now higher, it's an inch and it just keeps getting away from you. So pretty much, that was the case. What a great point, Justin, like the things that have served us as successful entrepreneurs, ready, aim, shoot, hard, just go, you know, get yourself back up. Do you know what we need to do? Yeah, I forget to say those things have served us really well in business. Well, because in business is no instructions.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Well, and in business, you're expected to fail multiple times before success. So you're the game of some instructions. So the theory is, the way the theory is we operate in this place of like, just go, we're gonna fail, we'll figure it out, we'll figure it out, we'll figure it out. But with something like that, it's like, no, if you actually just get a creative. It's supposed to be iterative. Yeah, that's supposed to be iterative.
Starting point is 00:12:15 No. Just it's like, we don't think it's not iterative. You have a plan. You can't talk about really a new hole or shaving a piece off of the saw. I don't know if we should do that for you. I know, well, you know, I'm a problem solver. It's not gonna be good. But, and then we're all done, finished finally.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Oh my God, so, so elated, right? And then we look over, there's like a bag of like little things that, like wedges and stuff. Yeah. Oh, that would have been helpful. Yeah, for the roof. Yeah. Oh, well, it's all put together and it's great.
Starting point is 00:12:43 It's solid and it's beautiful. Solid. It's so if you visit our favorite love, if you go to visit our play, what's the site for the place? By the way, is it mind pump park city mind put if you go visit the place and you stay there. Just know that we put our own. Let's sweat and tears into putting some of that stuff together. So yeah, I mean, I really hope that so we've actually've actually talked a little bit about the show.
Starting point is 00:13:05 We haven't really pushed it hard on the show because we wanted to wait till this last piece. The place is ready to rock as far as having all the cool amenities that we had planned to be there. And what I hope happens from this process is, like any business, is that we will reiterate some of the things as far as making it better. I really want to disrupt this space
Starting point is 00:13:27 and do something different than what most people are. So I hope our listeners, I will actually a lot of listeners that are already booked for the rest of the year that go and give us feedback. I hope that it becomes a place that people that like this show that will go there and they come back year after year. And every time they do, we've enhanced it.
Starting point is 00:13:44 We've made it better. we've added things to it, or made the experience better for that person. And so I'm super excited. I've been waiting for this day when we have everything all in there and actually can kind of promote it and talk about it, so I can't wait to hear all the feedback. Dude, I came home, and this has gotta be the best thing. I know you guys also have the same thing,
Starting point is 00:14:01 especially we'd have little kids, for a father who works and comes home or goes on a business trip. The most amazing feeling ever, this is like the best thing in the world, I swear to God, it's probably top three, is when I come home and I'm driving home, yeah, and I'm on the phone with my wife on the hand,
Starting point is 00:14:19 I'm on my way home right now. Oh, okay, you know, the, the, I really just wants to wait by the door. I roll up and he literally runs out to the car and I pick them up and she's got the baby and the baby's smiling. It's like the greatest feeling of the world. This is the best.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Oh, it's so amazing. It's always the best. Yeah. Until you have teenagers, you come out. Well, I was just gonna say, I was like, I got, which was crazy. They still got that a little bit, you know, how to eat it. Like, you, you know, he definitely was like,
Starting point is 00:14:43 God, but it was, like like I know that's gonna go away because he does have that too cool kind of thing, but you know, every run jumps on me and hug. Oh, that's the greatest dude. I saw the video you posted. Yeah, I actually posted, I mean, I had day in the life, right? With a terrible day to have day in the life, the day we were flying, traveling, I'm exhausted.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Like, I don't know if you guys saw it, I had to get on the thing and be like, sorry, I said, I fell asleep for three hours in the middle of the day. Like it's just like, you know, we did this, we did this three hours later. Did you do the punch ball? I should have done the sponge ball thing, but yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:15:12 So, but when I did go pick Max up, Katrina did film it, right? So we went to his school and to pick him up. And obviously it's, he ran to you so cute. Oh, yeah, I do it. And then on top of that, like, he's different that day. Like, and we were prepared for it. So part of like me taking a nap, like I actually told Katrina, I was like, I need to lay down because I know Max is just
Starting point is 00:15:32 going to want to be with me the rest of the night. And I won't, and I'll be exhausted. And I don't want to be the dad who's just like grumpy because like having slept. And so I'm like, go home, let me power an app. So I have a little bit of energy. That way when I see him and he, I'm all excited and we can play and we can do stuff because he is.
Starting point is 00:15:47 He's like, he's like full on, wanna be and do everything with me. And we took him after a period of school, so he's all excited. Then we took him one of the grocery store. Oh my God, the cutest thing ever. I wish I would have caught more footage of this. I recorded a little bit of it, but then the rest time I was just experiencing it, which was great.
Starting point is 00:16:05 He wanted to, he wanted to help so much that I got him one of those little, the baskets, you know? And the damn baskets, every almost as big as he is, you know? And so he's like carrying it, somewhat dragging it on the grocery floor. And he did not want to let it go. And so he started getting stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And then Katrina went off and did her own thing, and then Max and I would go get some things. And he wanted me to put it in there. And so it's getting stuff and then Katrina went off and did her own thing and then Max and I would go get some things and he wanted me to put it in there And so it's getting heavier and heavier and he's like Drag it like yeah, you barely do it. I'm like hey buddy. They said let me help you. No, no I got I have muscles and he's like flexing and saying you can do it. I must have got stopped by at least I don't know eight or nine people That way. Oh my god. He's so cute so cute. And he was just talking all loud.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Like, he was talking as if it was his him and I in the grocery store and not paying any attention to anybody else. And I was so bad, I'm so sorry, because he's like dragging his thing, cutting people off, like walking over right where someone is looking for stuff. And everybody, you know, was really nice because I think, which is great.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Like I wasn't dealing with any like 20 year olds or teenagers, everybody were like, which is great. I haven't deal with any 20 year olds or teenagers. Everybody were probably parents themselves. And so everybody was super cool with it. And we're like, what could you get out of the way with that? All of them were just like, oh my God, he's so cute or interacting with him and talking to him. It was a good time. Oh man, such a good time.
Starting point is 00:17:19 You know what else is really fun to watch is, and at some point, not everyone's gonna be able to experience this, but if you have the opportunity to go to an airport with Adam, it is. It's a good time. It is. I always fun. Adam is not an airport person. What did I do this time?
Starting point is 00:17:38 You just irritated. But then we go to the airport in Salt Lake City. And this airport is giant. I hate that airport. It's a one-of It's literally the country. You'll get in, you'll go in, land in one place, and you get out of the gate, and it's a 30 minute walk or 20,
Starting point is 00:17:53 like that's what I'm talking about with, with those moving sidewalks and everything. Yeah. It is far, so you're like, oh, I got plenty of time. You know, we get some weird murals for us to look at. Yeah, like that's something like crazy apocalyptic. Like I'm interested in that. But we go through the security and Justin and I,
Starting point is 00:18:08 yeah, you and I were kind of there first or whatever and we're like, where's Adam? Like I swear he's watching, he's gonna walk up, he's gonna be so mad. Sure enough, we see you walking far away. You're so pissed off. Cause it was a disgay. He's definitely has a type of a green walk.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah, I mean, I get now. This is our point. I've flown out of that place so many times now that I just, I get irritated being there. I mean, when we got, when we landed, remember we landed. So we're, I mean, you know, when you're coming in on the plane, you know, and it gets, you know, down to a certain level, you can already pick up the cell phone tower.
Starting point is 00:18:36 So you're like already texting and stuff, right? So you guys are all like, where are you guys at? And I'm like, I was still coming down from, you know, and I was like, oh, I'm landing now. And then like, I don't know, about five minutes later, Doug's like, oh, I'm not far behind. I'm coming down from, you know, and I was like, oh, I'm landing now. And then like, I don't know, about five minutes later, Doug's like, oh, I'm not far behind. I'm coming down now too. So I landed, I don't know, maybe 10 minutes before Doug
Starting point is 00:18:53 or so give or take. And then still took another. But your date was like on the, oh, bro. And then the plant, you think a bus from the middle of nowhere to get to the actual airport to then walk for another 30 minutes? It's a worse airport.
Starting point is 00:19:07 You know it's bad when... Well, LAX is the worst airport. I disagree. LAX in general, because it's so packed and busy, it's like San Francisco, I hate that. It's all under construction. But the way the airport is designed is the worst there. It's just a stupid design.
Starting point is 00:19:23 It's literally, instead of like a spoke, like I think most airports are where it's the hub, and then you have all the ABCs, it's like a spoke. There's is like, A, A, A, A,
Starting point is 00:19:36 A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A,
Starting point is 00:19:42 A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, like when I got my boarding pass on the way home, I don't know if I told you guys this or not, but I, she's like, where are you going to? And I go, uh, San Jose, California like that. She prints it off and then she goes, oh, you're, you're B1. It's gonna feel like you're walking to California, by the way.
Starting point is 00:19:55 That's what she said to me when I walked away. I'm like, that's when you know it's bad when they, then they say shit like that to you. It's like, oh, you're gonna feel like you walked to California. Oh, bro, it's, it is. It's a high key, but you get your steps and everything. But it's good. You need to know this because if you think you got time to get your like, oh, you're gonna feel like you walked the California. Oh, bro. It's, it is. It's a high key. But you get your steps and everything. But it's good. You need to know this because if you think you got time to get your gate, you don't. You got a plan for it. Yeah. So that, Doug, let me see that. Is that,
Starting point is 00:20:11 is that what it looks like right there? Yeah. So you have Concourse A, which is just one long, long strip. And then you have an underground thing that takes you to Concourse B, which is another long strip. So it doesn't look, it doesn't look like a shape. Yeah, because it's, it's shrunk down a 1000 stuff. So. It doesn't look like it's shaped like this. Yeah, because it's shrunk down 1,000 times. So what you don't know, is it difference between Concours A and just to B, it's like four miles. It's like the satellite. When did you tell?
Starting point is 00:20:36 It's awful, man. Wow. But I thought I was pretty calm this time. I was like, what's he talking about? You were, you were more calm than me. Yeah, we were fine. Everybody left at a reasonable time, you know what I'm saying? I was like, what's he talking about? I feel like I was like, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey good mood. Oh, hey. Maybe you're right. Justin's good, dude. Maybe you're right.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Maybe I need to try figuring out how to stress those down a little bit. Oh, man, you're in good. Increased at the beginning. You're almost killing them. I don't know. Well, they were behind the car, and there was like a suburban, the trunk was open.
Starting point is 00:21:18 By the way, if you try to reverse with the trunk, but the camera, you can't see, and the car beeps. But then the last time it starts backing up. Oh, well, that's weird. That's weird. The car almost killed him. Almost killed him. No, everybody survived and we're good.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Yeah, we're good. Nobody died. I mean, I was eggs. I'm still tired. Like, I didn't realize. We put a lot of energy into, I mean, whenever we're doing something creative, and we haven't done this in a while together,
Starting point is 00:21:43 but when we do, it's a lot of energy. It really requires a lot of energy and thinking and just, you know, putting it out there and we do a lot of work. We're selling a bunch of bitches, dude. There's dudes out there digging ditches in like 120. Oh, man. Like it's such hard work. We have to sit in our air condition. Not in our air condition.
Starting point is 00:22:00 That's true. That's true. But it is, you know, honestly though, to defend it, it's different, right? Cause I've done, I did manual labor growing up and I've had some grueling crazy days of like laborious work, right, especially working the dairy and doing crazy shit out there.
Starting point is 00:22:18 And this is different. It's the, the, the, and I never experienced this when I was younger where I did something that takes So much mental capacity, right and so much out of your thinking like I don't I literally after I leave from a trip Like that with us. I just I don't want to talk or think about you know It's weird about it. I call my brain as mush for the most you know It's weird about it is that your body isn't tired right in fact your body needs to move Because we haven't been doing it and that and that but your mind is fatigue
Starting point is 00:22:44 Which by the way makes for shitty sleep. It's a shitty feeling. It's a shit, you can't sleep very well because the body's not exhausted enough that it needs to settle down, but your brain is exhausted. So then you even have this problem with kind of falling asleep, I found. Like that's part of why.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I'll feel like that sometimes being here too long with the lights and just sitting here doing podcasts after podcasts. I'll leave, and I can tell my body needs to move, but I'm mentally fatigued and doesn't feel good. It's like getting me out. I wish we ever opened another one in studios or whatever build one.
Starting point is 00:23:12 I want to center for the sky lights and hear what's in there. I want to work on KING and HARD. Did you guys, I know I brought it up on the drive home and we talked a little bit about it, but I wanted to talk more about it. And I wanted to know if anybody actually researched it more, look more into it, but I saw a post the other day about the AI that China is doing with children in school right now.
Starting point is 00:23:35 And there are these AI headbands at the kids where headbands all day, they have chips in their clothes. So they're monitoring heart rate, temperature, movement, brain waves, focus, like eye tracking, and all that. And the headband will light up and let the instructor know if the student is engaged or not engaged and they'll connect it to other biomarkers.
Starting point is 00:24:01 And they're literally creating, using AI to find ways of manipulating or controlling these kids to produce the outcomes that they want. Yeah. Really crazy. Really crazy. And they're rating them based on how well they're paying attention and staying focused. And it's scary because it's going to set a new precedent.
Starting point is 00:24:21 If let's say that's successful, right? And people think that this is a good thing that parents are gonna be like, yeah, well, I have to to keep up. So that's what I was saying on the car ride, right? You guys went south, like, oh, that is crazy. That's gonna backfire, it's gonna be all this bad shit afterwards. I'm like, well, I don't know, first of all, it was voluntary, tons of parents already volunteer their kids to do this.
Starting point is 00:24:41 It was voluntary in the first place. If the outcome is to your point, which I think will, as I think kids will learn faster and be smarter and all these things that they're looking for will happen, what makes you think that it's not gonna be adopted by even more people and not be pushed? Well, if the AI is...
Starting point is 00:24:58 Ultimate Tiger mom software. So here's a deal, if the AI is really intelligent. Are you looking at it, Doug? No, I'm checking something else here. You're on a board hub again. Way to go. Just let us work over here, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:11 So, if the AI is really good and intelligent, what I think it's going to start to figure out, because initially you think, oh, they're going to try and control these kids, they're just going to try and force them to do more, but if the AI is smart enough, it's going to see that that's not working. And it's going to start to realize these kids, they're just gonna try and force them to do more. But if the AI is smart enough, it's gonna see that that's not working. And it's gonna start to realize that creative time alone, play, music, contributes to better
Starting point is 00:25:33 learning and better innovation creativity. We haven't been able to quantify this, but I think AI may be able to. Like, we've made a huge mistake where where if you look at schools now, we thought we knew what was important and we took out stuff that we thought wasn't important. So kids are not active, kids aren't playing music, they're not learning other languages. We're making them sit down and focus and try and learn a particular way. And what's happened is reduce of innovation, you're getting kids were feeling disenfranchised and entrepreneurs and innovators tend to be different. Creative thinkers tend to be different.
Starting point is 00:26:05 And so we may be crushing a lot of people with that approach. I'm wondering if AI will pick up on that. If it's intelligent enough to see, oh, you know what, these children's brains actually work better when we do this that way. I wonder, it kind of reminds me of when we like revisited the work week, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:20 for to see productivity and like how they experimented with like reducing that substantially and then found like better output, but then also to like it took a little bit away from the amount of volume of things that could accomplish. And so it's like kind of that that dance of like how much can you do effectively at once versus stay focused on like very few things. And I'm wondering if, even with that technology like monitoring these kids, like how much can we bombard them with
Starting point is 00:26:50 before they like fry out? And that's my concern is these kids are like sort of the beta testers of this whole thing. And they may crank it up to a level where it's they're gonna be psychologically damaged. So here's the bad side of it that I could see in the good side. The bad side of it for me, I don't think necessarily they're gonna hammer be psychologically damaged. So here's the bad side of it that I could see in the good side, the bad side of it for me.
Starting point is 00:27:05 I don't think necessarily they're going to hammer these kids to fry them because the AI would show, it's not productive. Productivity is coming down. Yeah, so that's at the part necessarily. The part that I'm more worried about is the data that they're going to get on humans and the way that they're going to figure out
Starting point is 00:27:20 how to control people. Yeah, and how that may be used in the future. So that's the only negative thing I actually I really see is the, now the power to condition in young minds. Cause they'll know exactly how much time, exactly how much you have to do. They'll know which ones rebelling or being distracted
Starting point is 00:27:36 or does one of them, which ones are following suit. Like, yeah, no, that's, I mean, there's obviously that part of it that I think has got, but I mean, I think is gonna get it, end up getting adopted. I think it's gonna get praised. Yeah, so think of it as I think has got, but I mean, I think it's going to get it end up getting adopted. I think it's going to get praised. So think of it as a feature like this, right? In the past, totalitarian regimes and control was very forceful, but imagine using AI and
Starting point is 00:27:57 AI figures out how to get the outcome without you feeling like you're oppressed or being forced by simply manipulating you with the right imagery, music, stimulation, whatever, neural chemicals. So the whole time, you're like, I'm not being this is what I want to do or actually feel this way. And this is cool. So that's where I think it could be really interesting. And then people in control of that will have lots of crazy power.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And for people who think that won't go in that direction, if I thought they did, and I don't have bad intentions. So we'll see. Well, I mean, marketing companies, and I mean, there's been a lot of that. What do they call that? Like, when you have like images, imagery, and like commercials, and things that are like,
Starting point is 00:28:36 you know, subconscious, subliminal messaging, right? Like, and things like that, where we've been experimenting with the human psychology for so long now. And now to have like AI and all that on top of what we've already learned from just human psychology behavior is going to be crazy. What do you guys think about the new Apple courts?
Starting point is 00:28:54 Have you guys seen that? No. Doug, exit out of your back door banets and look up Apple courts for us, please. If you hate to pull, hope to hate to pull you away from which you go to another. Yeah, he was robbing that guy. You know what's funny about that? I 100% would bet my it's a real title.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I guarantee. Actually, that's right. I think I heard it a long time ago or seen it a long time ago. I'm sure that's a real thing. It's called Apple courts. It's, I think the courts is the code name for it. It's AI coaching that Apple is working think the courts is the code name for it. It's AI coaching that Apple is working on and going to roll out soon, which is going to use all the data
Starting point is 00:29:31 that they've been collecting with all the heart coaching. Yes. Oh, yes. All right. Well, here's just everything about it. Until it figures out the psychological piece, it's not going to do shit. Of course, it's just going to give a lot of information. So I think it'll probably be utilized by human coaches who understand how to build connection and that kind of stuff. At some point, though, AI will learn that too. I mean, isn't it kind of, isn't this the normal evolution of all things really like this? Like the new technology, new, new better ways come in
Starting point is 00:30:01 and then the cream rises to the top still. So it eliminates the majority or replaces the majority which forces the competition to elevate their level or get out competed by this new thing. And then that cream rises and then a new technology again and then it just keeps. So I mean, that's kind of how I feel. But I mean, I think that this is going to really make our space very competitive for somebody that isn't at the top as far as their knowledge, their abilities. Like, if you're kind of just the, I put out a cookie cutter diet,
Starting point is 00:30:34 a cookie cutter workout program, I give people basically cookie cutter Google tag at your time. Yeah, this is gonna, If you're not the kind of trainer or coach that we talk about where you connect with people, you know, to guide them, not just tell them what to do. If you're not the kind of trainer or coach that we talk about where you connect with people, you know how to guide them, not just tell them what to do. If you're not that trainer and you know one that gives them workouts and meal plans and tells them what to do, just does that, you're done.
Starting point is 00:30:52 These will crush you and they're going to be free or almost free. Now, after the kind of coach that connects with people, knows how to guide people, help them develop relationships with exercising nutrition that will be with them for the rest of our life. You're safe until AI is indistinguishable but from humans, but that gives you some time. So those coaches are gonna be fine. And they'll be able to use this stuff to maximize what they do. Like if you're a good trainer coach,
Starting point is 00:31:14 you'll be able to use something like this a really kick ass. When you see, K, we just had a great little thing that we just had side note with chat GBT stuff and the things that we're working on with this business behind the scenes. You already see the power of it to be able to give you a great answer to some of that. Imagine that integrated with this. You got to think that Apple is working on that already. I mean, will this coach not be that? I mean, this coach could be pretty good.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Yeah. If it's using like, I mean, let's be it'll tell you what to do, but you have to want to do it. That's the part that the... That's the part that's the challenge. I mean, of course, but that's the same challenge always. I know, I'm saying so. But I mean, it could easily dominate the market. It could easily be 80% of the support for most people. I mean, that would receive, and it's better than
Starting point is 00:32:03 what they were currently getting elsewhere, you know? Yeah, I could see this being used by health companies, medical companies. If they do a good job, this should be able to tailor medications and treatments and other ways of augmenting your treatment. It should be, because it'll be so individualized. And right now, that's like a big missing piece with the medical system is that individualization So this this may be like quite transformative. What do you think does? I? I'm thinking of other things right now You're still thinking of your
Starting point is 00:32:37 You had that look like he actually had something on his mind I obviously did not what we were talking about He knows thinking he's like Adam's Adam may be close out that Obviously did not what we were talking about. You know, it's thinking he's like Adam's name. Adam may be close out that fucking. Is it that song? Yeah. Hey, so, hey, speaking of, hey, speaking of AI, this is fucked up.
Starting point is 00:32:52 This is terrible. I saw this on Instagram. Yeah, let's talk about this. And until people catch on, this is going to get a lot of people. So they have AI, you know, bots or whatever online that can mimic any voice that's online. So you can show it a sample. It'll mimic it perfectly. So here's what these, here's what some seriously disgusting people have done. They've taken voices off of people online and then called their family members with that voice and fooled them into thinking that person was dying or in, you know, major danger. Like there was show this mom, she was crying
Starting point is 00:33:26 because she thought her daughter was kidnapped and the daughter was like, Mom, I need help, do you hear your own kid's voice on the phone? Say, Mom, I need help, please give me some money, whatever, and terrible, it's terrible. And this is like so scary. Yeah, and you said you know somebody. So it was so funny, because you sent this over to us,
Starting point is 00:33:43 I hadn't heard this yet. You sent it to all of us, like beware so you know and so and I told you guys like okay I have this idea like I'll come up with a family password. Yeah, right? So now that our fan anybody in our family will only know this password So if you ever get some like crazy alarming For me just so oh my god, that's crazy. What's the password? And if I can't give it to you then yeah, it's not me Yeah, it's popcorn real hard So I know I'm telling Katrina this and she's, oh my God, that's crazy. What's the password? And if I can't give it to you, then that's not me, right? Yeah, it's popcorn. Real hard.
Starting point is 00:34:06 So I'm telling Katrina this and she's like, oh my God, she goes, why you were gone? My mom called me and said, you need to watch out for this. I know somebody and she tells her the story of some girl who was taking advantage or mom that was taking advantage of saying her daughter was kidnapped. Oh my God. And say that, now luckily the mom called the daughter right away and the daughter was like, what are you
Starting point is 00:34:28 talking about? I'm doing like she was like busy or what that, but the fact that it would fool the mother of, you know, the child. I can't imagine. Can you imagine being on the phone and hearing your kids voice say that? Yeah. Even if it's for five seconds. Well, and by the way, those are extreme things that really wake people up. The, Once you get some scammers that are a little smarter or more sophisticated, it won't be that crazy. Oh yeah, I hate those set of trips. Yeah, it'll be easy. It'll just be like, hey, mom, I'm over this.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I'm going to, okay, and then they'll come back and go, oh my god, I forgot the pin number. Yeah, I forgot the pin number of this. And then it'll be, it'll get you real good. So, you know, that's obviously somebody who calls and says their kids for ransom or does something crazy like okay That might hit that point for any information that could be damning through the phone They should probably have a password. No, that's where I so I gave it Katrina already
Starting point is 00:35:13 We came up with one I said when we have your next family meeting we all get together We'll share in person with all of them that hey going forward family when we are to discussing Bank account stuff money stuff Helping each other anything that we're giving personal information over the phone, we should just have a family password that you just asked them real quick, oh, before you give me that, what was the family password?
Starting point is 00:35:33 And just because it's especially my family who's connected to me because to your point, we have so much recorded content that you can use everything that we have out there and piece together almost any conversation easily. Maybe not so much for Katrina, but definitely with my voice, they could easily get somebody in my family. We've come a long way since the scam of the Nigerian prince.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Look at where we are now, like the mimicking or serious family. Seriously. Oh, I didn't even think of that. Hey, honey, what's your social security number again? Oh, I forgot. It's going to be, yeah, when you told me like I was thinking like oh my god life threatening sales at Pro. This is gonna be like I got stuck on the life threatening stuff because I was imagining my kid. No, of course. I know I know where your brain goes right away where mine goes like, Oh, you know what they're gonna know they're gonna do simple stuff. Just think you know a criminal.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I know. Yeah, well, how you was, and the way you set a trap like that is not by asking for the clothes right away. You do a simple call is, hey, mom, I'm heading down to the bank, I'm gonna swing by them and go do this. And then you do like the more sophisticated question that the mom has already just talked to you and are denominos to get into the real vlog.
Starting point is 00:36:41 I mean, that's, so I mean, for anyone listening, I think that's you. That was your family. Yeah, do that with your family. Have a password anytime you talk about it. By the way, they probably don't even need to go, if they really want to target you, they can have you answer the phone, get your voice sample.
Starting point is 00:36:54 And then, you know, I mean, so you might not even need to be online. That's already happening. That's already happening. Yeah, so I'm looking, reading interesting stuff about this and all kinds of CEOs, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been scammed and stuff, but a big strategy is, they'll call you with a no-no number or a scam number.
Starting point is 00:37:10 They'll wait for you to speak and then the record your voice and they'll need like a few seconds. Wow. And then they have it and then they'll now know who you are, your number and then they'll target someone your family. I'm gonna start making fake voices. There's so many problems. I'm gonna start talking to the phone.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Yeah. What's with this? What's up, honey? No. Just start talking to me or another phone. It's a fun. Yeah. What's up, honey? No. Just start talking weird on the phone. Oh, that part of it. No, I mean, that's the move. The move is a password and I just,
Starting point is 00:37:32 how weird is that? That's going to be a thing in the future. 100% is going to be a thing. It will be a thing. Because these guys are right now making money doing this. But they're not in a cup in a few months, everyone's going to figure this out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Or a year or whatever. And sooner or later, that's the way to stop it is to, you know, you just, but, I mean, you gotta discipline yourself. It'll be interesting on the phone. Yeah, the guy, like, pretends to be you and just like gets a job somewhere like over the phone and like creates an entire identity as you,
Starting point is 00:37:56 operating as you, and then, you know, you don't see it until you're doing your taxes or whatever later. I don't know, there's just so many ways, like somebody could use your voice and likeness in so many directions. Well, and how inconvenient that's gonna be, obviously we're sharing the stuff about our family
Starting point is 00:38:11 because it's the people closest that we care about. But Jesus, I have phone calls with so many business people where I'm exchanging personal information or talking about bank accounts. So it's like, the future is I'm gonna have to do that with everybody who I connect that way with. With any sensitive information? Yeah, imagine a new person off air,
Starting point is 00:38:29 we were just talking about real estate deal going on right now. Imagine if I call Debbie and I have to be like, Hey Debbie, what's the password before I give you our information about the business and some of that? And she has to. Then she relays it to me, then I can proceed and give it to her. Otherwise, what if I'm giving it to some random person?
Starting point is 00:38:45 Like, that's good thing they don't have enough clips of our voices. You know? I'm glad. We're not that public. Our last and everything. Do you speak in a hacks? I watched this is, you know, something short, but it was hilarious. This dad, there was this page on Instagram with like dads or whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:00 And this dad's like, I got this great hack when you want to get your kid to stop watching TV. He goes, when they're, he goes, when they're not paid attention, I got this great hack when you wanna get your kid to stop watching TV. When they're not paying attention, I switch the language to Spanish. And then when my kid goes, I can't understand, Daddy, he's like, it's cause you're too tired.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna do that when I get home. I'm gonna do that when I get home. I'm gonna do that when I get home. I'm gonna do that when I get home. I'm gonna do that when I get home. I'm gonna do that when I get home. I'm gonna do that when I get home.
Starting point is 00:39:24 I'm gonna do that when I get home. I'm gonna do that when I get home. I'm gonna do that when I get home. I'm gonna do I'm gonna do that. I'm gonna do that when I get home. I put on a spare. It's a big entire. Let's see if my kid notices. No, I'm not supposed to do all of this. I thought that was all. That is hilarious. Anyway, I want to talk about,
Starting point is 00:39:34 so one of the peptides I've been using, people have been asking me, because I've been mentioning, I've been taking these peptides and testing them out. And I am now have done this particular peptide for a while and I can say hands down. One of the most effective compounds I've ever used. MOTC, I've talked about this on the podcast before.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I'm just starting that. Well, it is. Oh, you started? Yes. Did you start it already? And Doug too, right? I did it. Doug didn't let us start.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I had a reaction. So I had to stop. Oh, see, what if it's gonna be like me? On your skin. So sometimes you get a reaction like So I had to stop. Oh, so you're wondering if it's gonna be like me. On your skin. So sometimes you get a reaction like on your skin or something. Yeah, so then that depends some peptides can do that with you. That was my test, test,
Starting point is 00:40:11 test, moral in that. Yeah, he tried that. I had a rash. Oh, interesting. Like like localized reaction. Oh, interesting. Yeah, I'm thinking, okay, I haven't had anything yet. But did you try the MOTC yet?
Starting point is 00:40:20 I just today. Yeah. Just this morning. Okay, so it's pretty remarkable. So the muscles produce it when they exercise and it tells your mitochondria to update more glucose. It also lowers myostatin. So if you look at, so build muscle, burn body fat, more stamina, animal studies when they
Starting point is 00:40:37 give it to mice have dramatically more stamina. And then they also had mice where they fed them a very high calorie diet and the mice wouldn't gain body fat So pretty wild. Yeah, and so I told you guys I love it because it gives me very good Clean amazing energy. Yeah, I also feel like I just stay leaner easier. I'm looking forward to that Is it do you feel it's like like a compounding thing where like it takes a little bit of time to be in your system? Or do you is it like I take it and then that day I should notice. So I know, so the first day I kind of felt a little bit more energized.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Then, so the way that the dosing schedule was, it was three days a week for the first, I think, four weeks. And then once a week afterwards, as I believe, the first day I kind of felt a little bit of energy, I thought, but it was kind of subtle by Wednesday and then again by Friday, I was like, oh my god, I got way more. To the point where I was like, am I gonna have trouble sleeping? But I still slept okay. And then I just felt great the whole time. Just really good.
Starting point is 00:41:32 By the end of the first week, I could really tell. You did it this morning or? It was morning, yeah. Okay, so just starting to feel things. Yeah, really interesting. But again, for people, peptides go through a doctor and a pharmacy. I'm hearing horror stories of people. There was one person who commented who was on a peptide, didn't see any changes in their blood markers, and people were like, where did you get your peptide
Starting point is 00:41:57 friend? He's like, oh, research chemical company, they're like, you probably got nothing, or who knows what you got. So he had to throw it away. I wonder how much that what a difference this makes like each person like I mean I feel like Doug and I are kind of similar when they were especially with like the cognitive stuff like I mean You you were raving about C Max and I think di hexa and like I ran C Max for sure. Yeah, I ran both those Didn't really feel much and then we just had a week where we are gone And I didn't have any of them with it with me and I didn't feel like I We just had a week where we are gone and I didn't have any of them with me and I didn't feel like I was there isn't interesting individual variance. You know, that's what Jay was telling us, Jay Campbell was telling us to do the same thing.
Starting point is 00:42:32 He says that some people with the Montsee can tell a big difference other people not necessarily. Yeah. I notice a huge difference. The CMax, I notice a pretty big difference. I can tell when I go off. Yeah. I'm not as sharp. Yeah. So far the BPC 157 a pretty big difference. I can tell when I go off. Yeah, I'm not as sharp. Yeah, so far the BPC 157 is a big difference.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Yeah, I noticed that for sure when I did that one a lot, Thahexa kind of not really see, nothing bad from those and it's hard, right? Because I typically before I talk about any sort of supplement or peptide or anything that I'm taking, I like to try it, not try it for a while, like I like to have a couple, because and I really feel like the coming off of it,
Starting point is 00:43:10 not using it for a while, comparing and contrasting to me, is the best way for me to decide if something is really working for me or stuff. You know what, along that line, so I tried Tessel Fenson, which I was very sensitive to, actually had to stop taking it. Lots of people love it.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Say it's the greatest, amazing. I feel great, lots of energy, good mood. I'm sharp. I was very sensitive to it. I actually stopped taking it because it made me feel like just not good to amped, like uncomfortably so. I had to go off of it. So, that's the thing, is that you might have some bio-individuality with this guy.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Anyway, speaking about people we work with or mention, your suits looks, okay, you have how many suits from St. Liberty? St. Liberty? I think nine. Did you get one from the nine? No, I haven't, yeah. I gotta go get fitted.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Yeah, and like, Adam's always shown up to the live events, like up staging us now. And they're like, oh man, I guess we get all that suits from now. So, you know, the backstory on them, oh man, I guess we got to... I have that shoes from now. So the back story on them, this is, they've been one of my favorite, like creating a partnership, right? Like we always talk about on the show how we don't just take a partnership,
Starting point is 00:44:17 that we meet the CEOs, and we do this kind of courting process. I mean, we've been technically courting them for over a year now. I remember when I first came across their stuff. So one of their, one of their people that worked for them is a huge fan of the show and reached out one time to me and said, hey, I'd love to, and they sent over some shirts to us.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Yeah, shirts are sat here for probably, I don't know, how many months, I think it was Doug who first opened it up and made a comment about like, oh my God, I really liked this. Then I tried it, I'm like, oh my God, I really liked this. Then I tried it and I'm like, oh my God, I really liked this. Then I finally got something from them, fell in love with all their button up shirts, their polo shirts, all their stuff is amazing. And then got in contact, got a chance to hit it off with the founder of Founders and X and HL player, athletic fit dude. Just couldn't find. Well, so that's the thing that's different because you could literally, if you're fit,
Starting point is 00:45:08 so if you work out, you know this, if you're a guy, buying suits is a pain in that. Especially on the neck. Yeah, you just, they're not built for guys with wide shoulders, small waist, bigger arms. You always have to, it just never fits right. You'll never get a suit off the rack. I could get a suit off the rack with them
Starting point is 00:45:24 because they're designed for athletic bills. And it fits like it was tailored. It hugs it. So that's the same thing with their shirts on their pants. I really do. So well, I don't know if you guys know that. I just got back last month from Austin when I went out there for my nephew's wedding.
Starting point is 00:45:37 And you know, he's a bit of a last minute guy and was calling me because he knew that we were connected to them and said, hey, I wanted to order a suit for them for the wedding. I'm like, isn't your wedding like in two weeks, bro? I'm like, so the last minute you get a suit for your wedding, bro. So I'm almost too like an dude. They actually were able to ship him a suit that he was able to wear off the rack. Wow.
Starting point is 00:46:00 And it looked amazing. They're incredible. The team over there is awesome. We're finally working with them. And it was a great relationship for us as far as the building process to get there. Because I love this part when I meet another company that's like this too, where they're like,
Starting point is 00:46:15 listen, when we first started talking, it was literally just kind of hookin' each other up and helpin' each other. And it's like, listen, I mean, in one day, maybe we'll do a formal business deal and we'll make money off of it, but for now, I love your product. I like what you guys are about.
Starting point is 00:46:29 Like I really like the founder. And so for like almost a year, we were just kind of plugging each other, helping stuff out. And like now it's like a formal business partnership that we have with them. And so launching this or kicking this off, formally for me is really cool
Starting point is 00:46:42 because it's been like a year in the making. Dude, you said launching, you just reminded me. So you wanna talk about, are kicking this off formally for me is really cool because it's been like a year in the making. Dude, you said launch and you just reminded me. So you want to talk about, I can't think of a better example of how biased and crazy and fake the media is than the way that they covered the space X launch. Crazy. So I did not know this. I read, probably like you guys, articles that said space SpaceX X launch, goes up in flames or rocket explodes.
Starting point is 00:47:07 That's the titles, right? Of these articles. Like, oh man, they kind of had a failure, that kind of sucks or whatever. The odds that they would get the rocket off the ramp or off the base or whatever was like 50-50. Like the goal was just to get it to launch. That would have been a huge success.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Not only did it launch, but it went up a significant distance, and then it did explode like they expected, but it was a massive success. But the media covers it as this terrible, like horrible failure. It's so wild. And so I listened to a podcast where they were discussing what they've been able to accomplish. They've been able to take the cost of flying a couple tons up to space, take that price down by like 50 times, like lower it by a factor of 50, which means that the cost of delivering goods travel, they're like you could travel to Tokyo only three hours. Wow. With what they're doing. Look at the judge's pulling all these articles up that are talking about it. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:48:06 SpaceX Starship blew up after launch. It also caused catastrophic damage on the ground. By all measures, this was a massive success for SpaceX to you. You hear them talking about like, oh, I got it. I read articles all the time. It was like, Mashable, tech crunch, all these like tech magazines, like we'll find any and every opportunity to just throw shade and just dig and even you know Especially Twitter and all that kind of stuff but like this just again is another weird example of that So I mean it was all in that south's talking about and I had the same experience because it happened right I think where we're in Utah right happened when we're Utah and I saw the articles next day come out and I, you know, guilty. I saw the headlines, didn't read deeper, dive into it and just assume like, oh man, that sucks for Elon. Like those huge failure. Then I'm watching all in podcast
Starting point is 00:48:53 this morning. They have the guys in there that are, you know, one of them is a major investor and other guys, one of the guys engineers, I think in the company. And they're like damn near in tears because they're so emotionally excited to have it and say like this will become one of the most monumental days in history in pursuit of like space travel because of the technology that we proved already and what we're gonna be able to build on. And then they actually explain the process
Starting point is 00:49:18 of when you launch a rocket that is completely new technology, the learning curve of that. It is going to blow up. You have a one goal, which is like, can we get it off the platform? Yes. And then you get data each time. Yeah. And this is how you iterate.
Starting point is 00:49:31 So you're able to quantify that. So they exceeded, they exceeded, like their stock exploded. Yeah. Everybody exploded because investors know like, oh, this is a huge success. Yeah. The media covered it. Like it was this terrible thing. It's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:44 The like the media bias against Elon Musk is really interesting and strange. Like for people who don't think that there's a bias, like just look at the media, it's really strange. He used to be like the media darling because he was like pro-green energy. It was really the interesting. And like Twitter and all that became an interest to his.
Starting point is 00:50:00 The everybody turned on him. It's so crazy. I'm mad at myself for not going with my gut and betting more on that guy because I even have allowed the media to like probably, you know, persuade me to not like continue to double and triple down on him because what where Teslas you are. I mean, think of you invested in Tesla just three, four years ago, like, yeah, where you'd be at SpaceX, same thing, Twitter probably. Well, let's look at it.
Starting point is 00:50:27 You mentioned that in San Francisco that they just passed those automatic cars, the automated taxis. Automated taxis. Doug, maybe you can find in San Francisco, there's a company that just got approval. Okay, so how's that gonna happen? With the integration with, I asked you guys before, like, how long were like horse and buggy's
Starting point is 00:50:44 on the road at the same time? They're driving next to a car or taxi that doesn't have anybody in it. Like this is gonna be really weird. Literally pick you up and drive around, all automated, all self-driving. And it's gonna be happening in the city alongside. Like now or is that like the first
Starting point is 00:50:59 of a first approval process now? No, no, no, no, no, no. If I'm not mistaken, maybe Doug could see, nah, that's not, look up in news articles around this mistaken. Maybe Doug could see. No, that's not, look at the news articles around this dog. If you go to the top, you can click. Well, that's it. So there are there news. Oh, there, there, there. In PR, in PR, drivers, drivers, 2022 article there. Okay. Yeah. Well, maybe click on news, but it's pretty wild. According to this article, I read like this is happening. It's happening very soon. That's gonna be really weird.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Yeah. Yeah, it's a whole new dimension to, you know, what we have out there to access. Like I mean, Uber was a huge thing, right? And then now it's like, well, what if we don't need drivers? We just, that was in the BBC in 2022. So I heard that they already have data on this.
Starting point is 00:51:43 So I heard someone talking, I think I sent the article, Justin was the only one that commented on it about Tesla stock still gonna be worth 10X more in the next five years. And one of the reasons why is because they're leading the way on these driverless cars. And I guess they already have data on the likelihood
Starting point is 00:52:00 of a crash in half a million miles, the human versus this, etc. And it's like, it's way different. To miles, the human versus this sculpture. And it's like, it's way different. Dwarfs it. Of course. Like the human error like eliminates so much. Yeah. And if that's true and they build off of that, like it's going to happen a lot sooner than
Starting point is 00:52:17 I anticipated because it was like a major difference. It was like, it was something like, I believe it. Driving around and just seeing traffic and how it starts in like my frustration. It's human error. Yeah, it's human error. Yeah, you know, people don't realize just how much it's going to change society. Like, first of all, the car itself. God, I love driving. The car itself is going to change. I like the drive. I'm so kind of driving. The thing about it this way, like, when you get in a car, it's driver-centric, right? You have a driver, your passenger. you'll never be like that again.
Starting point is 00:52:45 It's not going to look like that. I already thought about it right now when we were talking about this and we're driving from Utah, I thought the way it's going to be designed is you two would have been turned around and we'd all be facing like in a, like, you'll get a meeting car or a car, yeah, or a music car or whatever you want. It's not going to look anything like in the cars. It be cares about that. I mean, too, they're probably not going to want to give you access to a
Starting point is 00:53:05 wheel, you know, because then that'd be a liability for the car. Yeah, what is that? Uh, I mean, I'm trying to think of another example of it where we've seen something like just go away like the horse and carriage on the car automobile. I mean, were there a bunch of people that are like, wait, I like to sit on the wagon and hold the reins. I'm going to miss that. Like, is that always that? Like, am I, am I that guy right now? Where I'm like, man, I love. Just really missed a smell. Yeah, no, seriously. Was it like that?
Starting point is 00:53:31 I have a deep connection with my horse. I actually like to drive, hence why I'm into cars and so I actually enjoy driving. You're gonna be people that like horses now. You're gonna have a stable car. Yeah, I got to be the person who has a question. I'm gonna cross through and tie for us. My property will have like a stable car. Yes. Yeah, I got to be a bit. That's my question. That I've lost.
Starting point is 00:53:46 My property will have like its own little if you laugh. When it will drive around my car. Yeah, we drive around my property. That's it. We're gonna drive my car. Wee! Remember guys, remember.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Wee! That will suck, dude. That's gonna suck. Or, you know, to your point though, maybe there will be just like you would with the horse go somewhere back country right there. There will be designated roads where self driving cars are rally tracks. Yeah. Well, I mean, it's going to make shipping super inexpensive.
Starting point is 00:54:14 It's going to take away the fatalities and driving. Drunk driving isn't going to probably exist anymore, right? Yeah. You'll be able to get out of car. Oh, yeah. They'll probably be bars. They're probably going to be cars. You have to be 21 or older, and you can get in there and drive around the city
Starting point is 00:54:28 while drinking. That's gonna be so funny. That's cool. You have to be a hair knee. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Uh huh. If I found a recent article here,
Starting point is 00:54:37 they've completed thousands of journeys in San Francisco taking people to work to school and to and from dates. They have also proven to be a glitchy nuisance, gnarling traffic, a creeping into hazardous terrains such as construction zones and down power lines. So they have a lot of glitches and things right now. You wanna know what's funny?
Starting point is 00:54:56 I bet you. So here's what's interesting about this, right? I bet you, I'm guessing, I don't know this. But if you look at the percentage of their cars that did that with the amount of miles they drove, probably less accidents and less mistakes than the humans would. But because it's one company, one of their cars took down a power line, you know?
Starting point is 00:55:12 Well, that's the fact that the staff that this executive gave, I don't remember who in relation to the company who they were with, but they were rattling off all of stuff that I just didn't know. Yeah. And, you know, I assume one of the hardest hurdles was gonna be that, yeah, that they could prove that this automated vehicle would be a better driver than a human being
Starting point is 00:55:31 that would have instinct to react, but they basically are proving that. They're showing that this automated car drives X amount of millions of miles before it has its first hiccup where it does some of that, where a human has it. Wait, I wonder how many times it repeats the same mistake or they, you know, go back to reiterate, they make sure they reinforce the code.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Learns from it. And then it's going forward never repeats the same thing. You know, in the past, you mentioned how people reacted to cars. Did you know that they thought that if a person went faster than six to miles an hour, I think it was that they would die? So they go, believe it. They're like, you can't go that fast. Your body can't even go.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Your skeleton just blows. There was 88 miles an hour. That's where they backed the future they gave. You cannot go over 88 miles an hour or you'll go back in time. Yeah. There probably was like a belief in that. There were a lot of things. No, it's just where it got. Somebody made like a fast train or a car and people were like freaking out.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Yeah, imagine that if you had something like that, where you know, at that time, I feel like that one. The fastest, like what's the fastest animal on the planet at that time was like a cheater, some like that, I've got to go like, imagine if you ever traveled 70, that would be your head would explode. Remember you had shout outs? So a shout out today. Obviously, when we started this, the idea was to
Starting point is 00:56:45 shout out more than just people. We shout out people on Instagram a lot, but I also wanted to shout out like articles that we read or a book. I hadn't been reading that much and so I hadn't much to share around that. But I have been lately in our flights. I did. And Mike Matthews, so shout out to Mike who shared this over to me the other day. And it was it's, the book is called, uh, Die Was Zero and the author is Bill Perkins and it's just, I think it's a really good read. Um, it's just, it's a, it's a different thought process around saving money and spending money. Uh, I have a lot of respect for Mike. Almost every book he's ever referenced to me. I've thoroughly enjoyed and so of course I gave this one a shot. I'm almost done with
Starting point is 00:57:23 it and it's been a great read so check that book out. Hey, check this out. Continue a glucose monitors can be used to monitor your glucose and then attach those to things that cravings how you feel, the foods you eat to help you eat a diet that is great for fat loss. Now here's the challenge. How do you put all that together to help yourself get to the point where you just eat healthy and you feel great? Well, work with NutriSense. This is a company that uses CGMs with certified nutrition experts to help you lose body fat,
Starting point is 00:57:52 feel better, improve your health, and get better glucose measurements. In other words, improve your insulin sensitivity. Go check them out. Go to nutriscense.io-mindpump-usico-mind mine pump and get $30 off. All right, back to the show. Our first caller is Patrick from Texas. Patrick, what's happening? How can we help you, man? Hey, first of all, my, well, my question is, I don't know how to turn the switch off. Real quick, my background, 42 years old, 5'6", 150-ish pounds of area lot. I am with you a color. Hybrid athlete, I run a lot, cycle a lot, and I live a lot of weight.
Starting point is 00:58:35 So, I have a lot of passions. H40, 2020, when hell broke loose, I was diagnosed with cancer. I, I went six months to the chemo therapy and thanks to you guys, I still, you kept me going and I still worked out. I did a lot of band work out that y'all recommended because the gyms are closed. And so got through chemo November 2020 and started lifting weights again, got a home gym and everything and I instantly started training for my marathon. So I have the passion of lifting weights and running a lot. So I know when I need to rest but I go in the gym and I start lifting to go easy and next thing I know I'm wanting, I'm jamming, slitting
Starting point is 00:59:25 out super loud and I'm waking up my neighbors and I don't know how to switch off. You're talking wrong people. Yeah, I know and that's what I'm, I like y'all as a mindset of like go easy for the most, for the best results and see. Yeah. I kind of have that, I want to go hard on everything. go easy for the most, for the best results and seek. I kind of have bad, I want to go hard on everything. Yeah, this is obviously not a results driven relationship you have with exercise.
Starting point is 00:59:55 So let me add, by the way, congratulations on beating cancer. I'm glad to hear that you got through that, especially during that weird time, you're probably not able to be around a lot of people, so that's a good job. That's still worked. Okay, well, good. I tell you, you got to figure out what you're running from when you're working out like that. That's the only way you're going to be able to turn that switch off.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Otherwise, this is your drug and you're using your drug to, I don't know, run from something, medicate yourself, numb yourself, distract yourself. So go ahead. Here's my thing. I did back from my 20s and early 30s. I did party a lot, I drank a lot. And around 35, I found fitness.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I've always worked out and went out, but I found fitness and I've always worked out on one not, but I found fitness, and I just quit drinking. And then I kind of went moderate. I cycle a lot and lived a way, but once I got through with chemotherapy, that's when I started going hard. Like I jumped from chemo to training for the marathon,
Starting point is 01:01:02 and like I said, lived in weights, and I just didn't know how to turn it off before a cancer I did. Now I can't. And I think it's kind of, I think some of it is trying to prove to myself that I can still do stuff at my age and after what I've been through. But I just, I can't figure out how to turn it off. Yeah, man. Look, stop listening to slipknot first of all as much as we all love that they switched over to Sal's in you playlist. No, you're
Starting point is 01:01:33 It's scary, man. Well, you went through a scary. Yeah, yeah, and and it's not that long ago No, you're probably still have some at home base is fitness for you too So that's tough because it's definitely somewhere you wanna steer yourself back to. And I get like how you're really passionate about like trying to make sure that that's a big part of your everyday lifestyle. So I have something for you because there are other modes of health and fitness
Starting point is 01:02:00 that you can kind of like, for example, shifting your mind to like like a mobility challenge, right? So like you see these all over the internet, I did one a long time ago where I hopped up from my knees and did a pistol squat and picked up some dumbbells or whatever, right? Maybe because you have that kind of obsessive personality,
Starting point is 01:02:21 maybe do something that's a little more recuperative for your body instead of something that's hammering it so much. Allow yourself to be obsessive about it to where you're thinking about it, you're working on it, you're doing so with that, but it be more recuperative for the body than something that it's so stressful as running and, you know, PRing and hitting, you know, training to failure with the weights all the time and become like this super mobility guy. I mean, and that's tough. I know to make that transition, but that's that served me really well to, you know, use
Starting point is 01:02:51 my competitive, you know, kind of athletic mindset with something like that that I know I'm not going to do damage to myself. So that would be a suggestion is to, you know, kind of go deep on something like that or like Justin's really good with like the unconventional stuff. Like I don't know if you've ever got into kettlebells and mace bells and I have that in my garage. Okay, so yeah, like I mean like I you could totally try and become like a master at that and really master those movements. Look Patrick, actually like what you're doing now is better than drinking alcohol, but you know, here's the thing. What Adam is telling you to do, it's like you're an alcoholic and you love tequila.
Starting point is 01:03:25 And he's like, hey, switch to beer because it's way less bad for you. You could drink the same volume, get less out, but it's still alcohol, right? You still have to figure out, look, what's going on with your relationship to exercise? And I'm going to, I'm going to, yes, it's not so much the PRs and the performance, but more the pain and the drive and the getting that work. Yeah, okay. So now look, here's a deal. The data shows quite clearly that exercise itself is an effective form of therapy, okay.
Starting point is 01:03:58 But like all therapies, like all modes of or methods of therapy, you can get only so much out of a particular type, and then you gotta try something else. You went through something really scary, and before that, you had some issues with substances, which tells me you probably were dealing with stuff beforehand as well. Are you seeing somebody that can, are you seeing a therapist or a count?
Starting point is 01:04:26 Okay, that's the first, that's what 100% where I'd send you to go. 100% go see somebody who's an expert working with trauma, find yourself a trauma therapist, change nothing. Keep doing your workout, go beat yourself up, that's fine, but go see a trauma therapist and that should address the root and then you should notice that you may, at some point, you'll start to address the workouts themselves. Because I could give you suggestions with workouts, but it's your drug right now.
Starting point is 01:04:56 And here's a deal. Here's a deal. A lot of people don't realize this, but self-medicating is a-medicating. So if I take away your workout, like, you, you, it's probably what's keeping you going right now. As damaging as it may be. Yeah. So I don't want to take it away from you without something there that's going to address what's going on as a fallback. Um, and I know as a man therapy could be hard and sit down and you probably go getter.
Starting point is 01:05:23 So I don't want to ask this person, advice or tell him whatever I can go do this. So it's going to be hard, but find a specifically, find a trauma therapist, somebody who deals with PTSD or trauma, and go start working with them. It's going to be a long process, but I don't see any other way out of this other than like whitenuckling it, you know, through it, which is what you're already doing. It's a psychological kind of sticking point right at that point. So I think that's that's pretty sound advice. And it's a hard one because like you said, like it's more of an ego thing for a lot of guys to like admit that, you know, I need to talk my way through this and really like dive into that deeply and so this is something I've even had to go through this myself. And so it's just, I'd look at it more as like, I'm improving myself on, you know, in multiple dimensions.
Starting point is 01:06:12 So this is just another dimension that I'm addressing that obviously it's been filtering its way into, you know, your physical pursuits and things. So this would be something that would be very helpful. Here's why I said don't change your workouts because if you go to a therapist knowing that it's going to make you work out less and right now you're like, I don't want to do that. You're not going to want to see a therapist because you're not ready to touch that.
Starting point is 01:06:37 That's true. Okay. So don't touch anything. Go talk to somebody. Just start there. Sorry. Go ahead. I am starting my neck I am a distance runner after right after I think I did my marathon exactly a
Starting point is 01:06:50 year after a mission did I did a troll race last year now I'm doing the Tuesday marathon again so I remember when I and I was still in recovery but like when I was training for 2022 marathon I was still lifting weights and I did feel a huge burn out I'm running 50 60 miles a week and then going to the gym afterwards. Yeah, so I'm in lifting weights to me It's a passion. So even if my focus is running, I'm still going to lift weights Sure, so then that's not the shastic choice. Do just do one day a week two days a week Yeah, look I can tell you what to do, but you're not going to do it. I look, yes, once a week, but you're going to abuse it.
Starting point is 01:07:30 I'm just going to tell you, I know this. I know this Patrick because I've worked a lot of people like you. So I think you know what to do. But you're probably going to, you know, you might do it for a little while. Oh, they told me to do this on on mine pump. And then you're going to, it's's gonna creep back into overdoing it. So I'm gonna stick to what I said. Go see somebody and change nothing.
Starting point is 01:07:49 I don't care, go beat yourself up, but go talk to somebody that's a trauma specialist, and that should help you deal with this if you're ready to deal with it. Now, if you're not ready to deal with it, I get it. In that case, I would say, try to mitigate what you're doing with as much focus on recovery as beating yourself up, like sleep and nutrition and massage and ice bath and that kind of
Starting point is 01:08:13 stuff. And yeah, strength training once a week would probably be ideal for you, moderate intensity. But like I said, I don't think you're going to do what I tell you. I mean, now you're circling back to what I said. And that's the reason why I said it. I mean, I just, I'm trying to get you to go from, you know, binge drinking to kilo to just having some beers. It's an actionable thing.
Starting point is 01:08:36 You have some beers right now. Well, but the truth is, none of that addresses the root cause until you work on the things that led to the abusing substance, what has led to the abuse of even fitness. And so that has to happen at one point, whether you find someone to confide in, have that conversation, or you learn to have that conversation yourself, or you hire somebody to do that.
Starting point is 01:08:59 That has to happen, or else it'll just resurface in other places. Now look, I'm gonna say this, because I think this might help you. You probably identify, and rightly so, I would say that you are this person, but you probably identify with being a fighter, a survivor, like you ain't gonna stop me,
Starting point is 01:09:18 nothing will stop me, I'm gonna keep going until I die type of thing. So, okay, look at what I said, because I know right now I'm talking, I can tell that you're like, no, no, not gonna do that. I'm gonna keep doing what I do. Look at it and say, okay, this thing that Sal's telling me to go talk to somebody, I really don't wanna do it.
Starting point is 01:09:37 This is harder than my workouts. This is way harder than my workouts. I'm a survivor, I'm a fighter, I'm going to do the thing that's harder. So if you identify with being a fighter, then you got to go do the harder thing and the harder thing is not your workouts. That's easy for you. The harder thing is what I said. Also recognize that by doing this, you're building a new level of resiliency. So someone like you also likes that ability that you could, I mean, by the We're we're all talking to ourselves right now Yeah, so there's there's there's a there's a part of you that we all identify greatly with so this is
Starting point is 01:10:11 And that's just it is like you're not giving anything up You're not like what you're going to do and it was kind of I think what Justin said is like you're you're just gonna add A new tool to your tool belt and you're going to be even better and more resilient because you now know how to See these things and these behaviors that maybe you didn't see before and it doesn't mean like you're gonna cut out Your hardcore training is just you're gonna have a better balance and understanding of what drives you Emotivates you and know when to throttle down and when to navigate better But you can literally do this you can find somebody and you can sit down with them and you can say this literally. You can say look, here's a deal. I'm not going to change my workouts.
Starting point is 01:10:51 I'm not going to change my lifestyle. I love doing the stuff, but I know I need to talk to somebody. That's it. Just start right there and just start there and see what happens. That's it. Yeah. And maybe turn it down the slipknot. Yeah, yeah. Maybe switch to Anya for a little bit. Do some Jimmy E. World for bringing out a little bit. Hey, look, do you have Maps Prime Pro? I want to give you something that might prevent you from hurting yourself if you can use it. Do you have that?
Starting point is 01:11:15 No, I do not. I did when I was going through Kimo, I did. The one I have is the at home one, Maps Anywhere. Okay. I'm going to send you prime pro because there's mobility stuff in there if you really want to get crazy with recovery that I'll help you. My wife is a yoga instructor so I do need to take advantage of her class of this. Oh yeah that's great. You gotta hang out with her more. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:36 I just send you prime pro and then I want you actually to look at maps 15 as a potential thing to compliment your lifestyle. I was actually going to get not 15 a while back when I started training, look into that. But to have a gym here at work, that I can go down on my lunch break and use, because I'm gonna run in the mornings and lift in the afternoons. But so I was gonna, I was thinking about that.
Starting point is 01:12:00 But yeah. Patrick, how long have you been married? We, 2019, I should have second guessed that. But yeah Patrick how long you been married? We 2019 I'm here. I should have second guest that Actually, I started coughing my symptom of lymphoma on our first anniversary trip. Wow. Oh my god Wow, wow, so you've been I got diagnosed three months later on my 40th birthday and you made it through it together, man Yeah, she She was on my side. She's pretty bad.
Starting point is 01:12:28 She sounds like an amazing woman. Would she agree with my advice, Patrick? Yes, because she hears me grunting into the garage. Hey, man, listen, listen to your wife. She loves you. Obviously, she loves you. The right sometimes, dude. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:12:42 By the way, when I was in Bostonast, going to chemo, I went back and listened to all yours, old stuff. 2015. I love it. I appreciate it. You really do like us. The rails. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I appreciate it. I appreciate there and just listen to all the old stuff. So, Hey, man, I appreciate you calling in. I'm glad to hear that you made it through. Hey, circle back with us. I really like to hear where you're at in about three to six months, too. Okay, circle back with us. Let us know how things are going. I'll be running a lot. You'll hate me.
Starting point is 01:13:11 That's all right. Thanks, man. Thank you. Thank you. All right, brother. He ain't ready to deal with what he's saying. I mean, at least he says it, but he's not ready to deal with it. Yeah. Um, I get it. I get it, bro. Like the place you really don't wanna look is always a place you need to look.
Starting point is 01:13:28 That's a heart, like you said. That really is the hardest thing you can do. Like if you're into like, you know, being uncomfortable, doing the thing that's gonna move the needle the most, like that, that's one of them, like for man especially, he's just like, oh hell no, everything else. Our only hope is that the wife listens to this.
Starting point is 01:13:46 I was just going to say that and I'm like, but he's not going to literally. I hope I hope he does. Okay, Patrick, she should be able to listen to this, let her listen to this because she will be, I think, our ally. She'll be our ally because if even if he ignores it, continues to do what he's doing, it will and it doesn't hurt him injury-wise when it'll bleed into the relationship. And then she'll remember this conversation
Starting point is 01:14:09 and go, remember those three really smart guys that we're trying to tell you what to do. I think it's time you listen to them if you still wanna have a wife around. So that's, so make sure you keep her in the loop and share this with her too. Okay, I think she'll be an hour. But I mean, that's rough, bro.
Starting point is 01:14:22 What he made it through, like, yeah. He might not be ready to face that shit. Well, that's why another couple years. So that's the direction I was going, right? So that's why I like, I just don't think he's gonna listen anything. I think we're gonna tell him. So I don't necessarily believe that.
Starting point is 01:14:33 I think, so I've had success with people like this. I think I definitely trained a lot of people like this and it is. With one conversation, though, you can't be. Well, that's why I try to switch him to beer and you wanted to be like, no, go. Hey, buddy, you've never done therapy in your life before. It's not even beer, it's not alcohol. Yeah, I just, you know, I'm just trying to get him to transition in a better, more
Starting point is 01:14:52 recuperative instead of punishing yourself type of direction by using that kind of competitiveness that he has. I just have had more success that way. And then I'm, of course, you guys know, as you know, coaches, you're moving moving, yeah, exactly. As I'm coaching him through the process, because I'm seeing him, I'm also doing therapy along the way. So hopefully he goes and hire somebody. Our next caller is Kyle from Guam. Kyle, what's happening, man? How can we help you? Hey, how's it going, guys? Just wanted to say, first of all, been a huge fan of you guys for the past years. Listen to you guys practically all the time. The question I have for you gentlemen today is how can I incorporate long-distance cardio without sacrificing my muscle gains.
Starting point is 01:15:41 So I have a pretty high metabolism. I've struggled to gain weight over the past years. Right now I sit at 220 and I have to consume like 3K calories daily to maintain this weight. If I don't, then I'll drop up. And recently I got picked up for the police department. And there's a long distance running. And I wanted to see if you guys had any input on how I can incorporate that in my current workouts without necessarily, I guess, having to run. Kyle, this is the police academy that you're in right now. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 01:16:26 How long is that for? Nine months. Okay, and they make you run every day, right? Yes, sir. Is it just two miles? It's gone up to seven, so there's no no telling. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Okay, so a couple things. Scale back your strength training training because a lot of times people make the mistake of thinking That they lift more when they do more of the stuff to try and preserve the muscle, but that's actually the opposite of what you need to do. So if you're running Five days is a five days a week money if you Friday? Yes, it all right. I would lift twice a week full body. That'll do better at preserving muscle mass. Increase your calories or a map 15. Map 15 would be another good program. That would be another way to do it just 15 minutes a day. You're going to lose some muscle, but when you're done with the police academy, it'll come right back. So that's the other thing. I mean, you might lose some in order
Starting point is 01:17:22 to go through the the academy training. It'll come right back when you're done though. Have some liquid calories before you go to. And post, right? So right before you run, get some liquid calories in, right afterwards, get some liquid calories in. So you're not depleted either. So that'll help.
Starting point is 01:17:37 But you know, nine months of doing this, you know, seven miles is a little high. Two miles is not a big deal. Two, three miles. You're out. And it's under 30 minutes Two miles is not a big deal. Two, three miles, you're out, that's under 30 minutes. That's not that big of a deal, especially if you take the advice, sourcing and not make the mistake of trying to lift more weights because you're afraid you're gonna lose muscle.
Starting point is 01:17:56 If you follow like a Math 15 or scale back a little bit, you stay fed before and after. You know, you might just get more shredded. I don't know how lean you are right now, but you know, you could potentially hang on to most of that muscle and just lean out nicely. But if you do seven miles and you do more of those and you do two miles, it's inevitable
Starting point is 01:18:15 you're gonna lose some muscle along the way. But it should come right back if you take really good care of your law and you stay consistent with the training while you do it and stay fed. Yeah, I like the maps 15 angle, just enough dose of stimulus for your muscles to respond and keep that anabolic signal alive
Starting point is 01:18:33 but like you're really focused primarily on your aerobic training at this point because you're preparing yourself for this. Rubber bands are really good for adding and providing that kind of stimulus with not a lot of damage. So to consider that in terms of incorporating that as well for your strength training, I think would go far. Do you have a massive team, Kyle? No, sir, I don't.
Starting point is 01:18:56 All right. We'll send that to you. And I think I think that is going to be the best program for you. But remember, it's only nine months. It's a police academy. Yeah. And after you're done, and I don't know why police departments do this, it's like nine months and then, I don't know why they do this. Like, when, in ever, are you going to be chasing down a subject, you know, a suspect for seven miles? Doesn't work that way. It's usually a sprint. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:19 So I really just out to police departments. I don't know why it's an easy way to get someone more fit. It doesn't require much programming, but like they to focus more on sprinting, mobility, hit style training. You get to. Of course, they do that because most chases are not, you might run a couple miles max. You may do no seven mile foot race to catch somebody. It's almost never for that. That's almost never going to happen. I almost never gonna happen. So, you know. I tell you every run a mile, you run the first 100 yard dash, and if he's separating himself from you,
Starting point is 01:19:49 you're probably ain't getting him. Yeah, I'm jumping over fences. Yeah, so, but that's it. I mean, you know, it's nine months after that'll come right back. I wouldn't worry too much about it. And in the meantime, don't overcompensate by doing more weight training.
Starting point is 01:20:01 Yeah, that'll make you lose muscle. That's the biggest mistake you can make that I think I probably would have made at your age is thinking that, oh shit, I'm gonna be doing all weight training. That'll make you lose muscle. That's the biggest mistake you can make that I think I probably would have made at your age is thinking that, oh shit, I'm gonna be doing all this running. I should also lift more. I mean, this was my, obviously I wasn't running. I was playing basketball and that's what I did was lift more and just all I did was get leaner and smaller
Starting point is 01:20:20 of a similar metabolism. The first thing that I did was scale back three days of my lifting and I added 10 pounds of muscle. So don't make the mistake of thinking more weight training is gonna help you retain more muscle. Okay, got it, thanks, thanks. You got it, man. All right, man, look, look, look, good luck, you did it.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Yep. I appreciate it. You got it. All right, Kyle. Yeah, sometimes I look at the, I've trained a few people through police academies. And I mean, I know what they're trying to do. They're basically trying to wean out.
Starting point is 01:20:49 People that won't be able to perform at all. Although it doesn't, they don't seem to keep it up because then later you see veterans and you're like, you don't even run no to them. You can't even run 10 feet. How did this happen? But the training needs to be more specific, you know, because it's more going to be like sprints than it is going
Starting point is 01:21:06 to be these long. Totally. Oh, right. Which is like I said, it's 100, after 100 yard dash, you're either staying close to your suspect or he's gone. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? And if he's already got, he's already got a huge lead on you and he's darting in and
Starting point is 01:21:20 out of places and hop and fences, you ain't going to run seven miles looking for him. Yeah, I think like you said, it's the thought process is like, you know, less programming, we have to like implement also. It's gonna get them to lose weight. It's difficult. So like, yeah, but in terms of it, being more specific and applicable, like if they did more those like short, like fast twitch
Starting point is 01:21:39 kind of like training would be a lot better. That's good for people who officers watching now, who are at a academy and kind of now it's up to them to maintain the kind of fitness that would be a lot better. That's good for people who officers watching now who are at Academy and kind of now it's up to them to maintain the kind of fitness that they need. Absolutely. Our next caller is Sarah from California. Sarah, what's happening? How can we help you?
Starting point is 01:21:55 Oh wow, I was all calm going into this, but now I see you guys. This is actually kind of I'm starstruck a little bit. Just a tad. But thank you, honestly, seriously. Thank you for what you do. Because my pump plate, a huge hand in digging me out of a grape, out of depression, alcoholism back in 2019.
Starting point is 01:22:15 So I'm going to my best life now. Amazing. Hell yeah. Definitely do it way more than ever dreamed of. So now I have the first world problem of wondering how to optimize this let. All right, go ahead. So what should I do offseason when I'm not running maps of CR? Okay, do you compete in OCR events? I mean, yes and no. Sometimes I do age group, but sometimes I do the
Starting point is 01:22:41 open waves. Right now I'm definitely not age group ready, because my line of work is a little maybe too high stress to really make me kick so much ass anymore. Like if I train anymore, it takes away from my job performance. Okay, what do you do? I'm a driving coach. Like a, like get your license driving coach or like a sports
Starting point is 01:23:06 performance like driving like I'm driving coach are you? One of these. Oh wow. Really? Yeah. No way. Yeah. Bad ass. So how do we sign up? How do we see? You're gonna take us around in a Porsche? That sounds freaking awesome. Well, it's better to talk offline about that. Oh, yeah. We'll email you later on. Okay, got you. Okay, got you. Well, okay, so if you're not doing a race
Starting point is 01:23:33 and you wanna just maintain that level of kind of like mobility, I mean, maps of CR. And fitness, I mean, maps of CR, maps of cardio, maps of performance, those are all great programs. Can you really cycle through those? Yeah, maybe throwing maps symmetry here and there for that level of fitness. And then when you're in season,
Starting point is 01:23:52 maps OCR seems to be much more specific. But the symmetry in there for sure. Yeah, the issues, the challenges are gonna be things like mobility, joint health, and not over training. Those would be the three main factors that I would focus on. So I would save the real hard training for getting ready for a race.
Starting point is 01:24:10 But in between, I think more recuperative. Like what feels good, what makes my joints feel good, what gives me good, healthy energy, and then when you have a race, then you can scale it up to maximize performance. I guess I would ask more too on if you have any specific goals too, because it doesn't sound like you're so hardcore
Starting point is 01:24:27 about OCR, all you care about is winning trophies. You sound like you like it, you love it, you do it as a fun thing to train for. Do you have other goals, either aesthetic or performance related that you care about right now? Well, I mean, it would be nice to get under 18% body fat, but I find that cutting Like on the food part. I get grouchy. I know that it's not gonna work. I like eating and it would be nice
Starting point is 01:24:54 To get my squat to 200 pounds Deadlift. I'm already at the goals that I want to be I'm already doing like 225 on my dead list, but squat I would love 200. I also rock climb, I dirt bike, all right, I'm just getting into that. So those are some of the other things that I like to like just maintain. And plus I'm dealing with a recent Hashimoto's diagnosis and element T, by the way, has actually been a health for that. Yeah. Awesome. That's excellent. has actually been helpful to that. So. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:25:25 That's excellent. So those are the notes that I have. Do you tend to over train? Yes. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good thing. There's a connection there with the Hashimoto's or autoimmune issues and too much stress, too much working out.
Starting point is 01:25:42 So with your workouts, I would really focus on, because it sounds like you really enjoy the outdoor stuff, the fun stuff, like the rock climbing, the dirt bike, like that's the stuff you really enjoy the most, right? I just love being outdoors, and I know that going 10-10s all the time is not good. I've learned to dial it down, but I know I could probably still dial it down a little bit more. Like with Maps OCR even, it's a five day a week workout program, but I don't do the five days, because I know four is much healthier for me.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Five, I just, I can't do that without an effective job performance. That's good. How many days a week do you do these other activities? Like all this outdoor stuff? performance. How many days a week do you do these other activities like these like all the this outdoor stuff? So the the skill day for maps OCR I don't do that because on like two days out of the week on top of the other OCR days I'll throw in maybe 15 minutes of like rock climbing like that's it because the gym I go to has a really good workout space
Starting point is 01:26:51 But it's a rock climbing gym perfect like that's cool cool, and then the the bike stuff I just got into it so that's not even that that's not really happening right now All right in a perfect world because you look I want you to focus on what you enjoy you look fit already your lean So yeah, so okay, so in a perfect world, how many days a week, forget working out, okay? How many days a week would your rock climb, focus on the biking and other fun stuff like that? Like what would that look like if you were just doing, like if you were just being active for fun? It was, be active for fun.
Starting point is 01:27:18 I would work out six days a week. It's like, honestly, but I know that that's not that's not doable Perfect world if I had a million mounts of energy Yeah, now forget the workout I mean the like that like going out and rock climbing and be active forget the work out rock climbing dirt bike Yeah, like how often would you want to do that stuff? I would love to do that like every single week, like at least one of those things every single week climb and ride.
Starting point is 01:27:49 I would place almost entirely your focus with workouts, like gym stuff on mobility, maintaining stability and recovery. And then I would just add days of the stuff that you enjoy. I can tell you have so much enjoyment at a doing those things. And that's a nice balance, by the way. Rock climbing, biking, OCR, you're getting a lot of functional work in there. I don't see you developing in balances because you do one thing all the time. And then one day a week you get your traditional strength training just to keep yourself strong.
Starting point is 01:28:22 And I'd focus a lot on the other days on just mobility. And what that's going to do, it's going to give you the energy and strength and performance to be able to do all the fun stuff even more often. And you'll probably find that your body will respond as a result. Because I can imagine I'm in a guest that you're probably always teetering on the line of overdoing it. I'm so close always, but I had to real myself back constantly. I'm so close always, but I had to real miss out that constantly. But I've gotten definitely a lot better with that over like over the years. And I mean, ever since I started listening to you guys, um, 2019, I would really get after it. And then there would be times that I'd hurt myself, obviously, but I figure out, okay, don't push so hard, dial it down a little bit.
Starting point is 01:29:03 So I like maps performance and you decide based off of what your activity stress at the work looks like on whether you train it one day a week or three days a week. And then the other other days are mobility days. So it dresses the mobility stuff south talking about. I think maps performance is definitely more of your wheelhouse of what you like and it will support the things you do outside of the gym. And then you just have to learn to, you know, tell yourself, like, hey, this has been a great rest, not a lot of stress at work.
Starting point is 01:29:35 I didn't get, you know, a dirt bike session in. I didn't get out there. So I'm going to train three days this week of my lip of my maps performance. Let's fast forward the next week, the next week. Oh, I got dirt bike riding in. Oh, in addition to that, it was been a stressful week at work. Oh, maybe I scale all the way back to one day. And so, Teder, between the one to three days
Starting point is 01:29:52 of foundational training, based off of what you're the rest of your load looks like outside of the gym, and then incorporate the mobility days every other day, which is something you could do in your living room. You could do it anywhere, and that's really going to support your joints and support all the things. Beautiful advice. So in other words, there's three foundational workouts and maps for
Starting point is 01:30:10 formats. Treat those three days as just the hard workout days. So if you do none of the rock climbing, none of the biking, none of the hard stuff, you can do all three foundational workouts. But if you do two days of the heart of the other stuff, then you're only going to do one foundational workout. If you do three days of the heart stuff, then you do no foundational workouts. But the mobility sessions, you could do those every other day. Because I'll be at home and I don't have to. Yep.
Starting point is 01:30:32 No head over to the gym or anything. And you'll see your performance improve by doing that. Yep. Oh, I so need that because I'm so bad with everything else. Okay. Doug's gonna send that over to you right now. If you don't have that already. Do you not have mass performance?
Starting point is 01:30:46 I'm one of those nut jobs who kind of bought almost every program. How? We actually call those people smart people, a hero. I can't call you. You call those the smart people. You know, we're gonna do that, Sarah.
Starting point is 01:30:58 If you're not in our forum, we'll put you in our forum because I'd love to just hear from you. Yeah. And in your forum, dude. Oh, I'm not gonna question. Keep the sense of the day, then. What can we sell you, Sarah, while you're on the phone?
Starting point is 01:31:08 So, do you want anything? I think the only program that I don't have is probably Maps 15. Oh, that's a great one for you. Oh, that would be great for you. Yeah, that's a great one for you. We'll shoot that over to you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:21 That's the one that I, when I think about it, because I have a hard time with reducing, like 15 minutes was so hard for over to you. Yeah. That's the one that I, when I think about it, like because I have a hard time with reducing, like 15 minutes was so hard for me to even bind. I know. But you guys preach it. I know it, but getting my brain to set it. No, we're gonna send that to you. And by the way, there's a 20 minute like advanced version
Starting point is 01:31:38 in there too that would fit you just fine too. So we're gonna send that over to you. I think that one, that's a great one to compliment. Yeah. Look, you love this stuff so much. The idea with strength training for someone like you is how do I use it so I could do more of that other stuff and feel good.
Starting point is 01:31:54 That's what you want, that's the idea, okay? Don't look at your workouts as the fun stuff because you would much rather, sounds like go rock climbing, dirt bike, that's way more exhilarating and fun for you. So look at the strength training and mobility is a way to support that stuff. So you can do that stuff as much as you want.
Starting point is 01:32:10 That's the idea, right? That's the idea that I'm trying to sell to you. Okay, I will do my best to get this brain and accept all that. You will. You will. You're doing great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Okay. And then email us, let us know how you could drive a Porsche. Yeah, yeah. Let's talk about that. Well, our social media rules are pretty strict. So, you know, my bad. Okay. My whole world, we're already off the road.
Starting point is 01:32:32 So, yeah. All right, good. All right, thanks so much. Thank you. Thank you so much. Yeah, I mean, you know, it's funny. It's like when people love doing an outdoor activity, it's like, you do more of that.
Starting point is 01:32:43 Use a strength for any any keep yourself from getting hurt and just do that, man. Yeah, I get, okay, this is a second question we've had today going through these live callers that we had the guy that was the MMA guy, right? And I think it's, we get listeners that have listened to a lot of our episodes and they've probably heard us kind of harp on these people
Starting point is 01:33:02 that have these like major aesthetic goals and then they also love combining everything together. Right. But if you notice these two people we had today, she wasn't like, oh, I want to scope my butt and I wish I had abs. Like she didn't even say any of that stuff. She was like, she's all perfect. I love doing this. Right. I love doing this thing. I'm passionate about a more performance driven. And so that that there's different advice. But when I hear someone go like, I want to look this certain way, and oh, by the way, I wanna run marathons and do all those exports, like,
Starting point is 01:33:28 well, that's really conflicting, you know? It's funny, I can totally relate. Like I weave in and out of this lot in terms of like being a part of an activity or something else that's like outside of just lifting weights all the time, but I always come back to lifting weights because I love it too.
Starting point is 01:33:42 But it is nice to just step out and physical activity, physical activity. I mean, if you're out there and you're doing it and you love and enjoy these other types of activities you can incorporate, like, have at it. It's just a matter of like complimenting it. I mean, honestly, in what's going on with our society now, and we're becoming more and more disconnected
Starting point is 01:34:03 from people disconnected from nature, I'm more pro that than I ever was. Yeah, right. You know what I'm saying? I think more people need more activities like that in their life that we're so quick now to get on our phones or be in front of the computer, social interaction. The gym used to be a social environment,
Starting point is 01:34:19 and now everybody wears headphones and they came in isolated environment. But look, I've said this before, I'll say it again. Nothing is more modifiable than strength training. So you can only modify rock climbing so much. You can only modify cycling and swimming and running so much. But strength training, you could tweak it,
Starting point is 01:34:36 change it, modify it to make all the other stuff better. You just have to do it the right way. You can't train like a bodybuilder to make yourself better at rock climbing. You get a train with weights, like a rock climber would to get better at rock climbing, for example. So use strength training as this amazing tool to allow you to enjoy all these other things that you like to do. Our next caller is Akshania from the Philippines. Akshania, how can we help you? Hi, good morning everyone. Hi, good morning. How are you doing? Thanks for having me on.
Starting point is 01:35:05 So excited to be here. Thank you. All right. All right. So before I continue, I just would like to take the opportunity as well to say my thanks. I am actually one of your success stories from your episode of Why Women Should Ball. You know, I've heard and read a lot of positive information surrounding it in the past, but I never really paid attention to
Starting point is 01:35:29 it and never even tried because for me before scale is the king, but it all changed when I discovered your show. So I just want to say thank you for changing the fitness message to all the women not there and for all that you do in the fitness phase. So yeah, the fitness world definitely needs more people like you. So thank you guys so much. Thank you so thank you. Very compliment. I'm just going to read my question this way.
Starting point is 01:35:59 I will not lose my train of thoughts. Before I discovered your show, I was not having my period for more than a year already. I was under eating and overtraining, which damaged my hormones. Now, after consistently listening to your show, I realized I was doing everything wrong from training, to nutrition, to recovery. I did anabolic two-time, twice already already to focus on building muscle. My first run, I did the three foundational days and quit doing cardio. Now shortly after I finished my first run, there was a live caller with the same case.
Starting point is 01:36:34 So, which advice was take a deal out or a week off and do nothing, but walking is fine. And then run on the ballic after that. So I took all your advice from that episode, and in just two weeks I swear, I got my period back. It's like, I'm amazed. So thank you for that. Now, I'm running performance. I'm currently a week, sorry, phase two of performance. Unfortunately, I last made period again last month,
Starting point is 01:37:08 so I'm not really sure if it's because I switched back to three times a week of training or, oh, by the way, I'm also, I also started the program with a 500-calorie cut from my previous calorie from after I run my second antibiotic. So yeah, my question is, should I eat more or train less or do a little bit of poll? Okay, so you- Because I'm not having my grade again. No, that's okay, great question.
Starting point is 01:37:37 First off, how do you feel otherwise? How's your energy and sleep and libido and all that stuff. Yeah, with my sleep, I didn't notice any change in my sleep, I still sleep very well. My libido is, yeah, that's a problem. Okay. Did you notice a change in libido or has it just been like this consistent? Yeah, there was a change, the significant change in when. OK. Yeah, Cal. And then when did you, when did you get your period back? How long has it been since you got it back?
Starting point is 01:38:15 So I had it for like two months. And then after I finished an abolic, I went, but I started for four months. And then after my first week of, sorry, face one of performance, yeah, I didn't, I missed my career the game. OK, and then I'm assuming you've already ruled out that you're not pregnant, right?
Starting point is 01:38:39 No, no. OK, OK, sorry, I had to ask that because. So she didn't read, she didn't say it, but I'm looking up at it there, too. She worked her way up from 1,300 had to ask that because. That's okay. So she didn't read, she didn't say it, but I'm looking up at it there too. She worked her way up from 1300 to 2100 calories. Does that mean you were, and then from 2100, did you drop back down 500? Yes, when I started the performance.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Well, there's a couple of things though. There's a couple of things to look at here, because I know where you're gonna go Adam, and I agree with you, but there's more to the story. So you just got your period back a couple months. When you get your period back after not having it for a while, it can sometimes fluctuate. So you can get it consistently for a few months,
Starting point is 01:39:17 it goes away, then it comes back. So sometimes it takes a little while for it to become super regular. So you only had it for two months, then you lost it. But here's the second part and I know where you're going out of it. You're you're going to mention that the calorie cut and the increase in activity. Whatever you were doing that got your period back, I would have done that for long. Yeah, I would have stuck to that for a while before trying to change anything. It was it was a bit too quick of a change. You know, you got your period back for two months and then you
Starting point is 01:39:44 changed your diet, change your exercise. I would go back to what you were doing before. And then if you get your period back, I'd wait at least five to six months of consistent period before trying to change anything else because it takes a little bit for everything to normalize. That's what I figured it was too early for me to cut my calories. But what about the performance? I don't see any options for it. Am I missing something? Is there an option to do the performance? Because I really love the program, by the way. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:14 Is there an option to do it for this? Twice a week? I mean, you could do that. You just, you know, yeah, we don't find it. I do. In anabolic, you know, South created it with that, in there, but with performance, you can still do that. You can just drop one foundational day off of that.
Starting point is 01:40:32 I really do think more than anything, though, it's the calorie restriction. I think 500 calories for anybody, even in a healthy state for a female, is a big chunk of calories, especially when you think about you are only at 2100, that's 25% almost of your calories. That's a dramatic drop. I think you easily could have just kept your calories
Starting point is 01:40:50 around the same or maybe 100 calories down and just kept going and you probably would have been okay. But what you were doing was working so nice, I would want to keep doing that. Yeah, your body just started to regulate itself. And so what you want to do in that situation is stay, keep everything the same. Or, I mean, I would even had you start to reverse diet even more.
Starting point is 01:41:15 Yeah, no, keep bumping. So keep going that direction, keep adding calories and getting stronger. Yeah, but give yourself more time, right? So you get your period back and then I'll be like, okay, I want to see if I can maintain this for six months consistently. And then evaluate if you want to make any changes because you literally just got it back. So you change everything too quickly.
Starting point is 01:41:33 And a good goal. So this is kind of, and if I had somebody I was training like you and we, let's say we did exactly what you did, phanoma, right? We got up to 2100 periods back, you're feeling a lot better and stuff. And as your coach, I'd be like, hey, let's keep going now. And you're like, well, Adam, I kind of want to lean out a little bit. I see like, trust the process.
Starting point is 01:41:51 Let me, now that I know that your body loves being around this 2100 calories and straight training, let's get you up to like 24, 2500. And then I'll pull you back down to 21, 2200. And now it's a cut. And now it's a cut, but it's still more calories than you ever ate before. And we already know that your body starts to thank you
Starting point is 01:42:09 when you're in that calorie. So you at 2100 calories, you were starting to see positive things happening with your hormones, with things going on with your libido, with your strength, muscle, all that stuff is happening for you. So that's a place I would like to keep you, but I also recognize that clients have goals and maybe they wanna lean out a little bit
Starting point is 01:42:26 and lose body fat, I recognize that. So I would have, I would have said, okay, let's keep building the metabolism, let's get you to a higher calorie count. So that when I cut you, we're cutting at this where you're at currently right now. Ashina, how long did you lose your period for again? It's more than a year.
Starting point is 01:42:42 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. And then just by following your, I literally just follow the advice to get to that color in just two weeks. It worked like magic for me. Well, that's great. And then that means your body's pretty healthy. But because you lost it for a year and it just came back, you got to kind of keep it consistent for a while
Starting point is 01:43:06 before you decide to add more stress by cutting or doing more workouts. You got to give yourself a little bit more time. I bet you're going to respond very quickly if you bump your calories, scale back the workouts. You'll probably respond really quickly again. And then, like we're saying, kind of start, keep reverse dieting.
Starting point is 01:43:21 Like give yourself some time to really build that muscle, build that metabolism, stay on track. I know it's exciting because you're like, I feel good now I wanna go in the other direction. Yeah. But stay there for a little while. Exactly. Yeah, because you're still kind of eat,
Starting point is 01:43:33 your iffy, your body still is 100% sure that it wants to, you know, remain that way, right? So, give yourself a little bit more time. The only struggle that I had was that the reason why I stopped eating more food is because I feel it's too, the 2100 is really, I feel like too much for me already. So I decided to just stop there. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:43:56 200,100 calories for me is just too much for me to eat. Do you mean like it was hard for you to eat it? Or you just think it's just too much for me? Okay, much Okay, wait look go back go back to just start increasing your calories Maybe go up to 1900 scale back on your workout see if that works, but stay there stay there for a little while Also keep in mind when you transition from a program like anabolic now into performance That is a new stimulus that is a new stress and so even without messing with calories many times people's bodies We'll start to lean out and change just from switching a program.
Starting point is 01:44:28 That's one of the nice things about doing something so like anabolic and performance are very different. And so even without manipulating calories, many times with it. So that's why I said, if you were to cut or reduce calories, I definitely wouldn't get on 500, maybe 100. And so thousands of advice of, go back up to like 1900 or whatever, if 2100 is a
Starting point is 01:44:48 lot of food, but I do think a good goal is to try and increase those calories if you can. Hopefully the new stimulus also creates more of an appetite for you. Yeah. Right. You're not, you're not intermittent fasting or anything like that. Are you? No, I'm not. Okay, good. Okay, good. You're doing good. Stay the course. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 01:45:11 Just go back to what you were doing before and just try to stay consistent before changing anything. Are you in our private forum? Right. Facebook? No. Okay, I'm going to have Doug send you that. So you have access so we can keep an eye on you. That way you can just message us.
Starting point is 01:45:24 Tag one of us or all of us. can we can keep an eye on you. That way you can just message us tag tag one of us or all of us and We can keep an eye on you All right. Thank you guys for saying it. You got it. Thanks for calling in. You have a good one We're sure bye bye. I the reason why you know what so I actually had a client like this right where she you know I trained she was an athlete hardcore lost her period for a while a lot of female athletes experience this and athlete, hardcore, lost her period for a while. A lot of female athletes experienced this. And then she hired me and we got our period back.
Starting point is 01:45:48 And it was like six months she was having a period and then it went away again. She's like, what happened? I'm not overtraining, whatever. And I'm like, are you noticing this symptom, that symptom? And I don't forget what it was. It was something like, yeah, my gums are a little swollen.
Starting point is 01:46:00 I'm like, your pregnant. She was like, what? She went, literally, my studio was next to, uh, grocery store. She was, she's like, oh shit, she stopped the session, got a pregnancy test, came back, called her husband, we're having a baby. Oh, wow. Yeah, it was pretty awesome. That's pretty awesome. That's pretty cool coming from somebody who, what, just six months before that, wasn't having their period. Yeah, but you look, if you're a woman and you lose your parents, because your body doesn't feel safe supporting another human.
Starting point is 01:46:26 It's a really, really strong sign that you're doing too much eating too little or there's a nutrient deficiency or there's too much stress. So it's like a really loud signal. And when you get it back, you gotta give your body some time to reactimate because it'll go back in the opposite direction real quick if you don't maintain it for at least a little while.
Starting point is 01:46:46 Yeah, you gotta be able to sit that knee standard and allow your body to really get to that cementing it in place. Yeah, and people have to keep in mind like when we talk about because we say the number three to 500 as a kind of a standard like reduced calories. Yeah, but if your calories are so low. That's right, it's relative to the size of the person, the amount of calories they're already consuming
Starting point is 01:47:07 that we recommend something like that. So you take someone who's got only eating 2,000, 2,100 calories and you cut them 500 calories, 25% of their intake. You're eating 4,000 calories, nothing. Yeah, exactly. That's a huge difference right there. And then also keeping in mind that again, that this is another stress, a new stimulus. And so throwing both of those at the body that just started to get its
Starting point is 01:47:30 period back is, you know, of course it started to revolt, you know, it probably felt like, oh shit, we're going back to old ways. Totally. Yeah, totally. Look, if you like Mind Pump, head over to Mind Pump Free.com and check out all of our fitness guides. We have guides that can help you with exercise, fat loss, muscle building mobility. I mean, so many different goals. Again, it's mind pump free.com. You can also find all of us on Instagram. So Justin is on Instagram at Mind Pump Justin.
Starting point is 01:47:52 I'm on Instagram at Mind Pump to Stefano and Adam is on Instagram at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal,
Starting point is 01:48:27 animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, animal, money back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. This is Mindbomb.

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