Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2105: How to Become a Muscle Mommy

Episode Date: June 26, 2023

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin cover five steps to becoming a "muscle mommy." The origins of this term and beginnings of this trend. (1:34) The two components of what makes this movement so em...powering. (9:20) Defining Muscle Mommy. (11:24) Five Steps to Becoming a Muscle Mommy. #1 - Lift heavy weights. (12:19) #2- Go on a bulk (Put Why Women Should Bulk). (23:39) #3 - Throw away the scale. (27:26) #4 - Avoid “workouts for girls.” (33:44) #5 - Prioritize strength (0.5 bench, 1 squat, 1.25 dead). (36:15) The ultimate Muscle Mommy programming package. (38:41) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Sleep Breakthrough by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP10 at checkout** Special Promotion: MAPS Anabolic / MAPS Strong / MAPS Powerlift 50% Off **Code MM50 at checkout** Mind Pump #1647: Ten Female Fitness Lies Mind Pump #1565: Why Women Should Bulk How Much Protein You REALLY Need to Build Muscle & Maximize Health – Mind Pump TV Why The Scale Is Not Always The Best Way To Measure Progress – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1057: How To Get Stronger For Fat Loss & Muscle Building Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Oh man, in this episode, we give you the five steps to becoming a muscle mommy. We actually just learned this term the other day, and we figured out what it was. And we know how to get you there And we know how to get you there. We know how to get you there. So we know you're gonna love this episode.
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Starting point is 00:01:06 You want to be a muscle mom, you got to build some muscle. So here's what we did. We took the best workout programs we have for people who want to achieve this. And we made them 50% off for this episode only. Okay, so maps endabolic, maps strong, and maps power lift. 50% off limited time. You want to become a muscle momy.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Those are the programs. Here's what you do. Go to mapsfitinistproducts.com, off limited time, you wanna become a muscle mommy, those are the programs. Here's what you do. Go to mapsfitinistproducts.com, click on the one you want and then use the code MM50 and get 50% off. All right, here comes a show. Ladies, in today's episode, we're gonna talk about how you can become a muscle mommy. That's right, strong, muscular, fit and healthy.
Starting point is 00:01:43 That's what we're talking about in today's episode. I just learned that this term even existed. It's the other day. It's making its rounds. I mean, you just learned a day, it came from a caller, and then like what, instantly we heard somebody else ask a question related to it within the same day. Yeah, so this is I guess,
Starting point is 00:01:59 this is what it's like to be middle-aged. Yeah, is that? Like, we're a little behind. Terminology, you find out about it later. You know? Well, here's what I think is really neat about this is that I think this is an example of what the changing of the tide or the shift, total in the culture of I think more and more women are understanding the value of having muscle and lifting weights. I think for the previous decades, it was all about being lean and tone and skinny. That was kind of...
Starting point is 00:02:32 The muscle was something to want because it makes it bulky or bad. It makes you look manly. I think that that is changing so much that you have terms like muscle mommy that are floating around now that are becoming popular, that you have women saying, hey, I do want muscle. I want to be muscular. I want to have great strong arms and built legs and glutes. I think that's becoming more and more popular. It is. I want to say that the beginning of this trend, because I mean, we trained people for a long time. I started training people over two and a half decades ago. And I've been preaching this, I know you guys did as well,
Starting point is 00:03:08 I've been preaching this for a long time. And it was always an uphill battle. Yeah. But once the female clients started to see the results and feel it, then they were sold, right? So it didn't take me long. Would typically take me 16 to 90 days, and then I'd have a disciple.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And they were like, okay, I see we're talking about like my metabolism's faster I look way better. I feel way better. It's just way easier than what I used to do and I used to just try to sweat every calorie Off and I had these super low calories. Now I'm eating more and I'm leaner and Etc. But I remember I want to say that this trend started when CrossFit, female CrossFit athletes started to gain some traction on social media. I think so too. Because they were like strong and fit.
Starting point is 00:03:54 And this is before CrossFit got extreme. And a lot of women looked at those women and said, wait a minute, like, that looks great. I want to look like that. What are they doing? And then these women are like, well, we're deadlifting. We're squatting. We're benching. we're overhead pressing, we're cleaning. Like, like, we're doing these bodybuilder weightlifting, powerlifting movements. That's how we got these physiques. And a lot of women were like, this is interesting. Yeah, it's empowering. You see that? And they're strong and doing explosive movements and are very athletic.
Starting point is 00:04:25 So there's definitely, there was an appeal in that direction besides just a physique, which I know was selling it a lot. Now, if you guys were to go back and recall those, because obviously communicating this today bit easier because of the popularity of terms like this that are coming around.
Starting point is 00:04:43 But if you were to go back 15, 20 years ago when we were communicating this to your average female client, is there an order of operation or is there certain things you try and drill home first like when you think about communicating this information? Yeah, as a trainer, you guys know this. One of your jobs is to sell and be very effective at selling the ideas that you're trying to get your client to partake in. Because if you can't sell them, you don't have buy-in, they don't do it, and then forget it. So there were two celebrities that I would use
Starting point is 00:05:14 because back in those days, you know, we're talking about the 90s, early 2000s, we didn't have a lot of female representation for like strength training. It was bodybuilders, and nobody wants to look like a bodybuilder. Like these are women that do look like dudes in terms of muscularity. So I'm like, I'm not gonna use them as examples,
Starting point is 00:05:30 but there was Sarah Connor from Terminator 2. I've used that one, yeah. Yeah, where she was doing the pull-ups and a lot of women were like, wow, I wanna look like that, right? G-I-G-A-G-N. G-I-J-N was the other one. I did more.
Starting point is 00:05:40 We're Demi Moore and she looks really fit. And when we're like, well, I wanna look like the arms. Yeah, that happened. So I use those examples and I'd say when we're like, I wanna look like the Zahms. Yes, that happened. So I use those examples and I'd say, well, they lifted weights to look like that. And then I would sell it by talking about metabolism boosting and fat loss. And I'd say, look, you could try burning the calories off,
Starting point is 00:05:59 an hour of cardio's, and it burned like 300 calories. I could get your body to burn 300 calories a day on a zone, extra just by trying to build a little muscle. No problem. So imagine doing cardio every day, but you're not how much easier that's gonna be. So that's how I would sell it. And then I would say, look, we are trying to build muscle.
Starting point is 00:06:17 You're not gonna wake up tomorrow with all kinds of muscle all over your body. So if we ever get to the point where you're like, that's enough, sell, you tell me, and then we'll change your workout routine. And that would sell them to try. And then they get the results and they feel it and they'd be like, oh, this is great.
Starting point is 00:06:31 This is keep going. Yeah, did you guys use similar strategies? Yeah, I think also I think sharing on what it does metapalky to them to add muscle, right? Because I don't care if you're male or female, everybody likes the idea of being able to have a glass of wine or a little bit of dessert or have the Friday night dates and not feel like the food or alcohol sticks right to you.
Starting point is 00:06:54 So I used to love to use that and explain like the value of, man, if we really go on this muscle building journey and we actually add five to eight pounds of muscle on your frame, one, it's add five to eight pounds of muscle on your frame. One, it's not going to look like that sounds. Like five to eight pounds of muscle distributed over your entire body is going to be very, very small amount that you'll even be able to tell a difference as far as like looking muscular. And what that will do for you metabolically. And what that will do as far as your freedom with nutrition. I said, man, that in itself is so rewarding.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Because I think a lot of both men and women can identify with that or relate to that feeling of, man, I just, that one day I ate that and I woke up and fell. Of course, stuck to me. If your calorie burning is tied to you having to move, the second you stop all that movement, it's gone. So you go on vacation, you you stop all that movement, it's gone. So you go on vacation, you stop doing all that cardio, it's gone. And now you're eating more calories, you're gonna gain more body fat.
Starting point is 00:07:51 If the calorie burning is not stuck to your movement, but rather the amount of metabolically active tissue that you have, and your body's burning it on. So now you go on vacation. Okay, you're not doing some of your workouts, but the workouts don't burn many calories anyway. You've already got a fast metabolism. It takes a long time for you to lose muscle if you stop working out. So you go on vacation, enjoy yourself, you come back,
Starting point is 00:08:12 oftentimes you feel great because you needed the rest and you're shocked at the fact that you didn't gain any body fat. I also read something years ago, maybe Doug can look up and see what the number is today or not, but I remember being totally surprised by this topic. I think it was like the average woman gains weight on like 1700 calories, it was like a really low memory.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I don't remember exactly, I know it was under 2000, so it was a low number. And so that's why I like, just imagine that. Like you barely eat 1700, 2000 calories, you put on body fat. Well, I mean, that was a commonality with most of my female clients, is just they were always running a deficit. It was just like, it was never a fed situation.
Starting point is 00:08:56 So just to shift that a bit and then also focus more on strength training was such a drastic shift of what they've ever done. So it was like, it didn't take long to kind of convince if they stuck with it. Again, you have to like sell it a lot and you got to kind of paint the picture for them to adhere to it, but it's like, man, almost immediately within a few weeks, they would see changes of their body. Yeah. And there's a couple of things to consider.
Starting point is 00:09:20 One is muscles very dense. So it takes up roughly a little less than this, but roughly about a quarter of less space as an equal amount of body fat. So 10 pounds of muscle versus 10 pounds of body fat. If you were to lose 10 pounds of body fat and gain 10 pounds of muscle, you'd be smaller. You would lose close to about a quarter of the size. Okay, so you've lost the inches, but you weigh the same.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Like that's pretty amazing. And then you mentioned something, you mentioned it was empowering. There's two factors here, or two components of what make this so empowering. The first one is, women oftentimes because of how they've been conditioned, because of the way that fitness has been communicated
Starting point is 00:10:02 the wrong way, they're constantly trying to eat as little as they can. It's always a thing. It's always a thing. Oh my God, I ate too much. Oh my God, I ate less. And I should feel hungry all the time. It's this thing that they have to go through
Starting point is 00:10:14 and they have to deal with, right? Well, how empowering is it that you can eat when you're hungry and not gain body fat because your metabolism's fast? Yep. So there's that. Then there's also this. How many times did you have a female client
Starting point is 00:10:26 who never strength trained, watch their strength go up, and then come to you and tell you, I feel independent and empowered. Like this cause, yeah. I had a female client, I'll never forget she was an executive at a tech company, never lifted weights.
Starting point is 00:10:39 All she ever did was group X classes in yoga. I convinced her to do strength training. She came back from a business trip. She's a travel China all the time. She was petite. She was tiny. She's like five-one. And she comes back from her trip and she's like, Sal, she goes, this doesn't sound like a big deal to you, but to me, this is a big deal. She's like, I travel all the time. For the first time, and I don't know how long, I put my bag in the overhead compartment of the plane. She goes, I travel alone for business. I always have to ask a guy to help me on the plane,
Starting point is 00:11:11 a random person. She's like, I don't have to ask anybody anymore. Do you understand how great that feels, how empowered I feel? Well, that sort of feels like when you get strong. Yeah. And that's a strength training provides. You're just more able.
Starting point is 00:11:24 So let's define this term muscle mommy. We went on social media. We looked it up. Okay. What do people saying? What does this mean? Basically, it's a woman that's not afraid of building muscle and strength. Someone who loves the bench press deadlift squat and overhead press those that those lifts by the way, we're specifically listed when I looked us up. Like women who like to bench squat deadlift and that's awesome. I definitely have seen it a lot in women's powerlifting movement as well.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Yes. These are women that are strong fit and here's my favorite part, healthy. So what does that mean? They're definitely lean, but they're not like emaciated or so lean that they lost their period or the hormones are off or they look terrible.
Starting point is 00:12:02 These women are fit, strong, healthy, and lean. And this is what they're talking about when they say muscle mommy. So that's pretty awesome. This is an awesome movement. Now I hope it doesn't get distorted and crazy like many fitness movements do, but as of right now, we're totally support of this.
Starting point is 00:12:19 So the first go-to move for me was, and still is to this day, is to introduce lifting heavy. That's it. For a year, for decades, women have been marketed to that, you know, lightweight lots of reps, circuit training, curves, bullshit, heart rate, body pump classes, turbo kickboxing. I mean, this has been the cornerstone of how to attract women into the health and fitness space. And it's a bunch of bullshit, first of all,
Starting point is 00:12:53 and one of the best things that you can do to start to shape and sculpt their body and or speed metabolism up, burn body fat. All the things is to get them to start lifting heavy. And what I love that is that it almost always is so novel. is him up, burn body fat, all the things is to get them to start lifting heavy and what I love that is that it almost always is so novel to that client that their body, before I even manipulate anything else, automatically just responding just from lifting heavy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Now, this has its origins, the light weight, the pink purple dumbbells of circuit training, the equipment that's marketed to women, that tones, but doesn't build type of deal. That has its roots in the marketing of the gym industry. So the gym industry, when it first started, there were gymnasiums, so these were people that, like a lot of them were gymnasts. Then it evolved and became kind of these bodybuilder type havens. And at the time, the only known bodybuilders
Starting point is 00:13:46 with people like Arnold Schwarzenegger, it was like a bunch of guys, women didn't go to gyms when they were first kind of emerging. They just didn't go, why am I gonna go there? I don't wanna look like Arnold, I don't wanna look like these big sweaty dudes, that's not for me. So gyms, in order to become successful businesses,
Starting point is 00:14:03 realize we gotta like, we need to attract the other sex. We have to attract the largest consumer base. Most products, by the way, the consumer base that's the largest is our women. Women are known as the consumers. If you want to build a successful business, you want to be able to attract them. So, James are like, okay, how are we gonna do this? We've been talking about how lifting weights
Starting point is 00:14:27 makes you look big, vany, and scary. I know you can still lift weights, you just do it this way. Don't lift anything heavier than two pounds, do 5,000 reps, make it burn. Don't rest in between, that's what makes it big and bulky. You want to sweat, burn. Oh, you feel the burn in your muscle? That's because you're burning body fat.
Starting point is 00:14:44 That's not why muscles burn by the way. It's almost so effective in not building big bulk. And also you build no muscle. Yes. So that's how effective that is. You build zero. I've talked about this before. It's my, my, the very first gym I worked in was an old 24-hour
Starting point is 00:14:57 notalyst. This is, and then, you know, they, they had switched to 25 fitness. But it was an old club. I think it first opened, I want to say 1983. They had a women's only area. Back in those days, that was one way that Jim's attracted. They still got this, you know that? I know.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I just signed up with the new golds. And they have it. Oh yeah, the new golds over in Gilroy has a woman's only room. I was so surprised. That of a gold gym. I was so surprised to see that. Yeah. Well, I mean, there's some market demand.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Back in those days, it was a huge market demand. No way a woman would work out next to a bunch of dudes. There was none. All the chicks were out in there. Where everybody else was. I wonder if it's an old golds. I mean, no, because it's brand new. It's like completely weird.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I mean, they might have converted like a different, like grocery store, so we, and then they just left it like that. And maybe they bought an old gym And then just yeah, maybe someone thought that was a good idea But it was blown away to see that and it's a trip you guys get a chance to go there because it's a nice It's actually a nice golds gym, but that room I've only seen a couple times one or two people in there It's like a total waste of space and then all the chicks are over in the then they actually have a dedicated Which is really cool like a dedicated legroom,
Starting point is 00:16:05 which is by the way, twice the size is the woman's little fitness room, is this huge legroom that has got all the leg press, squats, hamstring stuff, that has four squat racks and platforms. Awesome. And all the girls are in there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Because they know now. That's what's the thing. Yeah. Boy, that has changed a lot. Oh, it has, that's why it's interesting to see. So I used to work out at this 24 hour nonod list as a kid in the mid 90s. And then when I got a job there as a personal trainer, I finally worked there. And back in those days, 24-hour Nod lists for fitness was open 24 hours, except for Friday Saturdays and Sundays. It
Starting point is 00:16:38 would close. So it was like midnight on Friday, 10 on Saturday, and eight on Sunday, I believe. And so I was there closing the gym one day, and I was like, oh, I wonder what the women's, I can never walk in the women's only workout area. Well, what do I, what that looks like? And I walked in, and I remember as a trainer, I was like, okay, there's dumbbells in here, the differences, these are coded in whatever
Starting point is 00:16:58 that polyurethane vinyl purple materials, purple and pink. The machines were identical to the machines that were on the general area. The difference was the upholstery was pink or purple. So they were like, here's your female equipment. We changed the color for you, how come to sending, right? And now you can work on this. And I remember being like, this is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Now, of course, they're, you know, since remodeled and got rid of that. But that's, you know, how they marketed. And so for a long time, the myth was promoted that, and then of course you have female bodybuilders who are genetic freaks. They make, they're like, they 0.001% of women can even build muscle like that,
Starting point is 00:17:33 and then they're on top of that. They're on male hormones. So women look at that, and that's evidence. Oh, that's what'll happen to me if I, so women were scared. The truth is this, you want to get the benefits of strength training, the sculpt, the firmness, the fast metabolism, the hormone benefits, the shape.
Starting point is 00:17:52 You gotta lift heavy weights. You gotta work out like the bodybuilder's you. You gotta work out like the power lifters do. You gotta lift heavy, lifting heavy, your body tries to adapt to the stress. The reason why your body changes with exercises, what it's doing is it's trying to get better at what you're asking it to do. And the way that your body tries to adapt to the stress. The reason why your body changes with exercises, what it's doing is it's trying to get better at what you're asking it to do.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And the way that your body gets better at lifting heavy weights is by building more muscle. So if you want to see visible change, you have to embrace heavy lifting. Now, I do wanna say this, heavy is relative. I think sometimes people think heavy, like I'm gonna hurt myself. No, no, no, no, that means you're lifting
Starting point is 00:18:23 too heavy for yourself. Heavy's relative. Heavy basically means work out with a weight that is difficult for you to perform between five till let's say 15 reps. More than that, now it's not really heavy anymore. So five to 15 within that range, and it's challenging with good technique and good form,
Starting point is 00:18:40 that's heavy weight. That's what you guys approach that. Because, you know, if you get somebody that has just done nothing, but let's say like 15, 20 reps and they're always doing, you know, the high rep, like low amount of weight, it's a bit of a learning curve there to be able to now pick a weight and pick something that's gonna,
Starting point is 00:18:59 let's say you keep them around five reps and we go for low reps and it's very much like, it's going to take a while for them to understand like that's a completely different intention going into that type of lifting, because you know, a lot of times they'll pick like similar, maybe a five pound heavier type of load. And really it's a lot of coaching these happen. Yeah, great, great point.
Starting point is 00:19:23 And you just took me back to these moments of doing this. And I'll tell you what I used to do. So and because you're right, Justin, what you tell, uh, they do seven pounds. You go, let's let's let's let's have you. Yeah. I'll go to the 10 or nine. Yeah. 10 or 12.
Starting point is 00:19:37 They barely go up a little bit. So I actually, I, I'm telling them to add weight until they can't do five. I'm going to, I want you to keep putting weight on it until you struggle to get four. So five. I want you to keep putting weight on it. Because you've got to tell it. Until you struggle to get four. So I want you to feel. For good form. Yeah, yeah, of course. And that's what we've defined failure before.
Starting point is 00:19:52 So if you listen to the show long enough, failure is not you falling or collapsing or dropping the bar. It's the inability for you to complete the rep with perfect form. So as soon as there's any sort of breakdown in form and technique, you probably could squeeze out one or two or three more reps, you know, with battle. You don't. You stop there. But I'm encouraging my female client to keep adding weight until she finds a way that
Starting point is 00:20:18 she's struggling to get to five. Yes. And now you know what it feels like to really try and push a heavy, a heavy low. That's exactly what I said. Otherwise, you're right. If you have them choose a way that, okay, they were, they were always working out the 15 to 20 reps, they kind of know like, oh, this is what my shoulder press is, oh, this is what my, whatever is.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Okay. Now my, my coach or trainer is telling me to do five reps. He go, oh, they add like five pounds to it or whatever. When in reality, many times, they can do like double the weight that they were doing for 15 minutes. You just brought me back. I had a family member like that. I wasn't training her, so I had to kind of coach her like just verbally.
Starting point is 00:20:53 And I said, no, no, lift heavy, you gotta lift heavy. And she comes back and I'm like, how is the workout? She say, I was good, you know, I definitely went heavy. I'm like, so what did you do? She goes, well, normally, I do the five pound dumbbells for curls. I grab the seven pound dumbbells and say. I grab the seven pound dumbbells. I say, yeah, no. You just went from doing 30 reps to 28 reps. We need to go a little heavier. So I tell, I'll advise people, if you're not used
Starting point is 00:21:14 to this, do a set, add weight. Do a set, add weight. Do a set, add weight. You can do it incrementally. You could add five pounds at a time. But until you get to the point where like Adam says, it's a struggle to get like five reps. Well, and then I would also remind them that These numbers that we use this five 10 15 rep or their arbitrary numbers like there's nothing wrong If you chose a weight that you could only get three up. That's okay Like and so if I've got somebody who I'm trying to teach to lift heavy Ideally, we're trying to find a weight
Starting point is 00:21:45 that you struggle to get right to five. That's like a perfect guess. But the reality is, and this is both men and women, you know, still to this day, I have this challenge. And I'm, there's many times where I'm going into a set, I know it's a heavy lifting day, my goal is to get five out, but I only get three. I mean, it's a worthless set,
Starting point is 00:22:01 but it's a great set, especially when the focus and the goal is to go heavy. So just because we say five by five or that we had the goal is to hit five reps, you, if you did it, if you picked away and you're like on Reptune, you realize, oh shit, this was a little more than I thought, I'm not gonna be able to get five,
Starting point is 00:22:16 that's okay, stop at three or four. Nothing wrong with that. But now your mindset is in the area or the arena that I want it to be in, which is really struggling to get those five reps out And that's what lifting heavy feels like. Well, here's another sort of a silly thing that I remember Going through that whole process picking weight. We're doing the same thing that you guys are kind of bringing up But there's a moment where it was like
Starting point is 00:22:40 My client she stopped and she was like I just feel like I'm making all these grimaces. And you know, like, things are coming out like grunts. I'm like, yes, that is part of it. And that's why, you know, it's, honestly, it's kind of a deterrent, but then what you understand that, to be able to brace and to keep your body tight,
Starting point is 00:23:02 like to be able to breathe through that, like that all has to kind of work out where, you know, sometimes you might make a noise and this totally okay. You're gonna make faces. Yeah, you're gonna make it to be faces. By the way, you're not, you're also probably not going hard enough for an exact answer.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, by the way, this doesn't count if you don't rest in between sets. I gotta make sure I say that. So if you're lifting heavy, that means you do a set and you rest for like two minutes. Yeah. And then you do another set. If you do a bunch of exercises in a row, even if they're heavy heavy, that means you do a set and you rest for like two minutes. And then you do another set.
Starting point is 00:23:25 If you do a bunch of exercises in a row, even if they're heavy with no rest, you've now turned your strengths training into cardio. So it's a set rest for two minutes or three minutes and then repeat it. That's how you build muscle. That's how you get what we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:23:39 All right, the next point is the most challenging one for a lot of women who have never done this. You have to eat in a calorie surplus. You have to go on a bulk. I know I say the word bulk and everyone's like, I don't want to look bulky. Now look, here's a deal. We can send the signal to build muscle all day long
Starting point is 00:23:58 with heavy lifting. You can do it perfectly. If there's nothing to build the muscle with, it ain't going to happen. Okay, so you can there's nothing to build the muscle with, it ain't gonna happen, okay? So you can send the plans to build the house and they can be perfect, and then you can have the workers ready to go and you can give them no bricks, no wood, no nails,
Starting point is 00:24:14 no tools, and you're gonna have no house. So in order to build muscle, in order to make this work, you have to eat a little bit more than is required to keep your body where it's at now. So that means you have to eat a little bit more than is required to keep your body where it's at now. So that means you have to eat a little bit more and part of this is you have to eat a high protein diet. If you don't do those two things, building muscle is going to be almost impossible, if not impossible. This is the biggest challenge of all the tips around this episode and is almost always the reason why a client
Starting point is 00:24:45 is following this protocol of lifting heavy because okay, I'm gonna trust this process, or I believe the guys that told me, or I believe the client, or the coach that told me to do this. And so they lift the heavy weight, but then they don't see the results that we're talking about from it.
Starting point is 00:24:59 It's almost always because of this. Yes. Because they're not getting enough protein, or they're not eating a calories or plus, but most often both. They're not eating enough calories for what they're burning and what they're doing. In addition to that, they're also not hitting enough protein intake on a consistent basis day in and day out. And it is.
Starting point is 00:25:18 It's difficult to overcome that hurdle because there is a little bit of this awkward phase of when you first start this, which is the initial increase of calories and protein with the lifting heavy does cause this. Oh, my pants are fitting a little bit tighter. And then that's where the mind fuck comes. And that's where the bailout can we come to. It's just like, okay, I was trusting the process with the coach all the way up into that point. As soon as my pants got tight to fit or my shirt filled, didn't feel right. Yeah, freak out and go the other direction. And you've got to trust the process. You've got to understand that you've increased calories. A lot of times, both carbs came with that sodium came with that water, probably up a little bit. So you're going to be retaining
Starting point is 00:26:00 a little bit of water, which by the way comes right out of you within 72 hours. So it's not a big deal. We can go the other direction really easy. And right now, this is part of that process of starting to build that muscle and build that metabolism. You've got to be okay with getting through that mental hurdle. Also, you know, 70% of a muscle, if you look at a muscle, 70% of it is fluid. It is 70% of it is non muscle fiber fluid and structures in the muscle. If you increase
Starting point is 00:26:27 your calories so that you're eating a little bit more calories in your burning so now you have enough, you have something left to build with and you're trying to build muscle, your muscles are like sponges and they will absorb and hold a little bit more fluid. This is not the same as bloat. I want to be clear. Bloat is water outside the muscle. It's water that makes you look smooth and puffy. Water inside a muscle makes the muscle look more full. More defined. More round, more defined, more toned, right?
Starting point is 00:26:55 More firm. That's what happens. So you might put your pants on, and this is another thing working against women. Women's clothing is not designed for women with muscle at all. So now you put your jeans on and your thighs feel tighter because why your quads built a little bit and they lifted. Your jeans feel tighter up near the butt area,
Starting point is 00:27:12 why your butt just lifted and got a little bit rounder. So it's not the waist by the way, pay attention to the waist, you'll notice that that hasn't changed, right? Your shirt all of a sudden might feel tighter and the shoulders, why your posture just got better. Muscles are a little fuller. Don't worry, you're not,
Starting point is 00:27:23 this is a big broad shoulder person. So it's a very, very good point. Yeah, and this is why, and the next point we get into that we tend to tell clients that we are doing this with is to throw away the scale. And this is where I, too, I tell them to be objective. So take a picture of yourself and your bikini front side back. Check it right now. The end of the month, check it again, the next month, check it again, and be honest with yourself the way you look. Don't go off of a scale thing. Don't freak out. If you've noticed your pants or your shirt, you're sculpting. You're changing your body. So you're not going to fit in those same skinny jeans when you had no muscle on your body anymore. So don't use that as a unit of measure of success in your
Starting point is 00:28:02 progress. Be honest with yourself and take a look or use somebody else who is not going to be judging you the same way and ask a boyfriend, a husband, a girlfriend and be like, hey, do you think I'm making improvements here? Like guarantee they're gonna tell you, yes, you look better. Yeah, real quick with the bulk, high protein is about a gram of protein per pound
Starting point is 00:28:23 of body weight. So when I say high protein, that's what I'm talking about. Not that you added an egg to breakfast or you put cheese on your sandwich now. So it's a decent amount of protein. It's pretty hard to hit, but the scale tip is huge because the scale just tells you total mass. It doesn't tell you what it's made up of.
Starting point is 00:28:41 I mean, you could cut your leg off and then you've lost weight. Is that good? Are you happy that you lost 15 pounds? No, you lost your leg, right? Muscle looks very different than body fat. A 130-pound, 30% body fat female who, let's say, is 5'4", looks very different
Starting point is 00:29:02 than a 5'4, 130-pound female at 19% body fat. They would weigh the same exact on the scale, but if you looked at them, they did not, they don't look the same at all. In fact, most people who have no idea about fitness and muscle would look at the lean woman and guess that she weighs probably a hundred pounds. I used to do this to sell gym memberships. I've told a story at least a hundred times the podcast, and I tell it again just in case someone hasn't heard it, but I used to do this to sell gym memberships. I've told a story at least a hundred times of the podcast, and to tell it again, just in case someone hasn't heard it, but I used to have a female trainer that used to work for me,
Starting point is 00:29:31 and I used to use her to sell memberships, you know who she is, Homerra. And she was this really fit, sculpted, strong trainer. And she was tiny. She was, I think like five two, but she weighed a lot more than she looked because she was tiny. She was like five two but she weighed a lot more than she looked because she had muscle and I would have you know these women that would come and get a tour of the gym and I'd show them the weights and I
Starting point is 00:29:52 taught you the spiel and they'd be like no no no no I don't want to get big I don't want to whatever and then I'd do this challenge to them and it was it was kind of a sneaky way of getting them to buy a membership and I'd say look I tell you what I'm gonna bring in one of my female trainers if you could guess within seven pounds I think it was or ten pounds of her body, I'll tell you what, I'm gonna bring in one of my female trainers. If you could guess within seven pounds, I think it was, or 10 pounds of her body weight, I'll give you a free membership for a month. But if you can't, then I want you to take what I'm saying,
Starting point is 00:30:12 I want you to consider what I'm saying, seriously. And she would walk five foot two, lean as hell, and they'd be like, uh, 90 pounds, 100 pounds. Like, stand on the scale, 130 pounds, and they would blow them away. They'd be like, what's wrong with the scale? I'd say, go ahead, stand on the scale, test it out, and would blow them away. They'd be like, what's wrong with the scale? I'd say, go ahead, stand on the scale, test it out. And they'd test it out and be like,
Starting point is 00:30:28 and I'd say, muscle is dense. It doesn't take up a lot of space. It looks lean, it looks sculpted. And then I would love that my favorite part would I'd ask the trainer, what should we eat in a regular, you know, on a daily basis. And it would blow the personal away by the amount of food that this little girl would eat.
Starting point is 00:30:43 And I'd be like, she got a fast metabolism. That's what can happen. So the scale lies. Now it tells you something, but it doesn't tell you everything. And so you have if you're if you're if you're triggered by weight, you're triggered by gaining weight, you're always on a diet, you're always trying to lose weight, you're scared to lift weights, you don't want to get bigger, take the scale, throw it away or put it in the closet, promise yourself, I will not weigh myself for an entire 30 days and I'm gonna trust the process and then watch what happened. Yeah, I mean, ideally you focus just purely on strength
Starting point is 00:31:12 and improving in the gym, however, you know, some people are still gonna wanna have some tangible metrics around that. And so this is where like, if you wanna be simplistic with this and I actually like Doug does this a lot where he does his circumference measurement just around the waist or something very simple like that where you don't want to gain any size, right? You don't want to see an increase there. The waist is a good place.
Starting point is 00:31:36 But everywhere else too, I mean if you want to see trends and see how your training is affecting your muscle growth and or you want to see how your body is changing and mor growth and, or, you know, like you want to see like how your body's sort of changing and morphing I do like circumference measurements for that. So, comforts measure the body fat test? I actually think if I, I mean, if I was to be training clients today still and were to start like my business all over again I don't think I'd probably use the scale at all. No, when I think about like... I stopped using the back half of my career really, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:02 It's such a terrible way to, I know this episode is geared towards women in general But even for men it's just not a good measure of Progress because it can be very deceiving on If you're moving in the right direction not you just because you want to lose fat on your body Seeing the scale going down is not necessarily a good thing, you know, and seeing it go up is not necessarily a bad thing. Right. You know, so it has a lot to do with what your body composition and what is changing. To illustrate that point, Adam, I'm going to make a point that's going to trip people out, but it's 100% true.
Starting point is 00:32:35 If you are listening to this right now and you lost no body fat, but you gain 10 pounds of muscle. So literally, all you did was gain 10 pounds of lean body mass, no body fat loss whatsoever. You will have now become leaner as a percentage of body fat. Your body fat percentage, which is what matters, went down. Why? Because it is now a smaller percentage of your total body weight. And it'll look that way too.
Starting point is 00:33:00 So what do I mean by that? Okay. A 200 pound man with 20 pounds of body fat is 10% body fat, a 100 pound man with 20 pounds of body fat. Same amount of body fat is 20% body fat. So it's a smaller person, same number of body fat, bigger person, same number of body fat, smaller percentage. So if you just gain muscle, you get leaner.
Starting point is 00:33:19 And this is why, you know, you guys had this too, female clients would come to you after you put them on a calorie surplus, have them lift weights, 60 days later, they come to you and they go, my coworkers are asking me how much weight I've lost. People think I lost 10 pounds. I tell them I gained two pounds,
Starting point is 00:33:36 or I lost no weight on the scale. Why is everybody think I lost weight? And it's this right here. You look leaner because you are leaner. You're just not lighter. All right, the next one is You know, you're probably looking okay. You're listening to us talk. All right. What's a good workout? Here's a good rule of thumb
Starting point is 00:33:53 Avoid workouts that are marketed or geared towards women or girls Workouts geared for women workouts that are like burn this and sculpt that and power button whatever for women workouts that are like burn this and sculpt that and power button whatever garbage. They're almost all garbage, not all of them, but almost all of them are garbage. Almost all of them take strength training and water it down to such a point where they become completely useless. So if you buy a workout and it's wrapped in pink or whatever and it says it's for girls or for women, it's usually crap.
Starting point is 00:34:23 It's usually a crappy workout. I mean, this is, I think unpacking that. So people understand this is marketing in general. It doesn't even, we don't even have to be talking about workouts for women. We can be talking about anything is, marketing is geared towards our insecurities to poke at the things that were uneducated,
Starting point is 00:34:44 uninformed about, that were uneducated, uninformed about, that were insecure about, and to provide a quick, fast, easy, cheap solution. That's what we're all attracted to. So you have to be aware of that's what, if it hits you in your Instagram feed or your Facebook feed or gets email marketed to you or whatever jumps out in some 15-second promo video that this is what's going to do that whatever magic we're going to design for women.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Yes, the course isn't sweat butter. Exactly. They are totally marketing to our insecurities. You have to understand that. Almost anything worth working for, fighting for, is hard. It takes time. It takes effort. It's not easy, it's
Starting point is 00:35:25 not going to happen overnight or in 30 days. And this is the best approach to do that, which is strength training, slowly building muscle, that's all that stuff takes time. I used to tell, so I had this one woman I trained, whose daughter was in college and wanted to work out, saw her mom's results, which came to visit. And she said, my daughter is looking for good workouts like online and whatever. Like do you have any recommendations? I said, tell her that the most hardcore for men workouts are better, are gonna give her the best results.
Starting point is 00:35:56 So I said, tell her to find powerlifting workouts or tell her to find strength workouts for like for male bodybuilders. She's like, what? She's gonna look like a guy. I said, no, no, no, it's just those are well written the ones that are written for women is all about marketing And they do a lot of what we talked about the you know 70 reps lightweight Exercises that are effective. You know that aren't effective that kind of stuff all right last
Starting point is 00:36:17 This is a extremely important factor with your workouts which is Prioritized strength if you're getting stronger You're moving in the right direction hands down bottom line with your workouts, which is prioritize strength. If you're getting stronger, you're moving in the right direction, hands down bottom line. If you're lifting more weight for the same reps, or you're doing more reps with the same weight, you're moving in the right direction.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Prioritize strength. In fact, if you want to look like a muscle mommy, stop trying to look like a muscle mommy and just try to get stronger and you'll look like a muscle mommy. So this is to me the best metric to use, right? Like, and I like the one around the waist, not a bad one, even though even then because that can fluctuate up and down with water retention, their period, things like that. I don't know, even a huge fan of even that. I would rather go, let's measure and make sure we're getting stronger.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Let's check that picture every month, and that's it. And just trust the process. And are you being it? are you able to eat more? Because another one they tend to notice, right? If you put a lot of effort, I have a tight stuff, maybe eating more. Yes, yes. If you put a lot of effort in getting stronger and you are getting stronger,
Starting point is 00:37:15 you'll start to see like your appetite increase and your ability to eat more calories in what you were before. So focusing on getting stronger to me is the single best metric that we can focus on when we're trying to do that. Now, people always ask for what is considered strong, what is a good typical metric in terms of strength.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Now, it's very individual. So I'm gonna give a general answer. This does not apply to everybody. Okay, so if you can't hit this, doesn't mean you're not doing great. If you're getting stronger, you're getting stronger. It's awesome. And you might surpass, a lot of women will surpass these numbers that I'm gonna say.
Starting point is 00:37:50 But here's some general metrics that the average woman, I would say, who's in relatively decent health, no major injuries, who's working out consistently and following a good workout, can aim for. Half of your body weight on a bench press. So whatever you weigh, if you weigh 140 pounds, 70 pounds on the bench press, okay? So half your body weight in the bench press,
Starting point is 00:38:12 you wanna be able to squat your body weight, so whatever you weigh, can you do a full, one rep squat of that? And then can you do about one and a quarter times your weight in the deadlift? So if you weigh a hundred pounds, 125 pound deadlift, those are good general metrics that I would say most women in good health, all things being equal, could probably aim for and attain. And if you hit those numbers, you're doing damn good. You're doing pretty damn good. Now I I can think of, off the top of my head,
Starting point is 00:38:45 three programs that I find myself recommending to a female client that wants to do this. What I would like us to do is, and that would be anabolic, power lift, and strong, or would be my go to three. Now, depending on who I'm talking to, would dictate that, and this is my penalty to hear what you guys think.
Starting point is 00:39:06 So if I have someone that's relatively new to lifting, and this is like the first like real structured program to them, and building a 1000 building strength, I'm gonna go to the Anabalc route. That's like the go to first thing. If you're somebody who's been consistently lifting, been lifting for a relatively good amount of time, you've just never focused purely on strength.
Starting point is 00:39:29 I would love to do something like power lift. If you're somebody who has been lifting a lot for a very long time and you're relatively strong and maybe you've been already kind of bent squat and deadlifted you some of those movements, but have never done a strength based program. I like strong because of all the unconventional things that are in there. It's going to be challenging.
Starting point is 00:39:48 It can throw a curve ball at the advanced lifter. It's kind of how I would. 100% agree. Now, I will say this, if you're relatively healthy, no joint issues, and you can do basic strength training exercises with decent technique, with lightweight or whatever, you're not going to go wrong with any of these programs. Really not. Maps end up all like map strong or maps power lift. You can't go wrong. But what Adam said is much more specific and I agree 100%. So what we're going to do is this. Because we're talking about building muscle, we're doing the muscle mommy thing. You mentioned those three programs. All of them right now for
Starting point is 00:40:22 this episode 50% off. Half off, the normal price. So if you're interested in doing any of those, and they come with everything, exercises, sets, reps, exercise demos, just follow them as they're laid out. If you're interested, you go to mapsfitinistproducts.com and then use the code on any of those programs for half off, mm50. So mm50 will give you half off,
Starting point is 00:40:42 maps endabolic or maps strong or mass power lift or you can go back and get all three, 50% off with that coat. It's muscle mommy madness. So look, you can find all of us on Instagram. Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. I'm at Mind Pump to Stefano and Adam is at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:41:00 If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having
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