Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 211: Fitness Success Secrets for 2016

Episode Date: December 31, 2015

2015 is winding down and 2016 will be the year that millions resolve to "get into shape" and then fail. Sal, Adam & Justin break down what it takes to successfully achieve your fitness goals in this c...oming year. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to Mind Pump. We have a special guest, me and Adam are in the stupid hair. And in the studio with a guest that's interrupting right now. I'm so pumped to have this guy in here right now. Justin Swole. Yeah, you're lucky. You're lucky to have me. So, ladies and gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:00:15 So, questions, guys. Ladies and gentlemen. So, love this guy. So, Justin Swole, what is the number one most important thing when it comes to what was that again? What is the number one? Sorry most important thing when it comes to what was that again? What's the number one most important thing when it comes to in terms of building muscle burning body fat? Well, of course, it's about being in the gym all the time. Okay, lift in the weights. Yeah, I got it. But if you take this certain stack, you're gonna get some fucking gates.
Starting point is 00:00:46 That's weird Adam. I don't know. I've never... Yeah. What about like a workout that's phased, that focuses on different types of muscle adaptation, patented trigger session, like the MAP Santa Ballac Programming? Listen, listen, you gotta do it easier than that. You just gotta push some weight and inspire some lives and take some fat burners. What about like for abs? What about for like a six pack? What would you do? Well, obviously you would sign up for 599 and to my site and then we would really
Starting point is 00:01:17 get into the details of it that would already be written down in like a PDF and you'd be hooked up. So I'm going talk to Adam real quick, Justin Swole, I just just go ahead and put your hands over your ears. Hey listen, this guy is not the fuck he's talking about. No, I know, you know what? Listeners, if you wanna build good abs, no BS6 pack formula. Hey, ask him what the fasting guy was.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I wanna hear what he thinks about. Yeah, oh, okay, Justin Swole, just take your head and hands off your ears now. Hey, what, what are you guys talking about? Have you ever heard of fasting? What, like I'm going faster because I'm so swole. Uh, Zawaiumi fast. No, no, fasting is a technique that's actually been utilized now.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Actually, there's a right way to do it. A wrong way to do it. You don't eat. You don't eat. You don't eat, right? That's your advice, college kid. You don't eat. Oh, I like that. Well, we have intermittent fasting survive about it. That's your advice, college kid. You don't eat, oh, I like that.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Well, we have intermittent fasting survival. That's real good. And we have a nutritious survival guide. And you know, I do, I eat, I eat, like burgers and pizza and donuts and I get gains. Doug, can you cut off his bike please? So we have all this stuff available on, it's a bundle, on sale ends January 1st.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Go to mindpumpradio.com, click on the yellow bell. Listen, if you want to do that, you can be small. Or you can go to www.jsuoles.com and do yourself a solid. Bob! If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, please only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I'm not a holiday guy, dude. Really? No. You know what, the things that I like about the holiday are things that I, like I wanna schedule, better of fact, what we should do, we should do this. We're gonna make a mind pump holiday. Let's, oh, we're gonna we should do this. We're gonna make a mind pump holiday. Oh, we're gonna make up a holiday?
Starting point is 00:03:06 We're gonna make up what we're gonna do is to collectively to get ready. We already have each holiday. So like, okay, if you're Easter guy and you're like, I don't really like Easter except for the jelly beans, okay, okay, jelly beans, but that's inside. So we're gonna take all the best things of each holiday.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Chris McQuanz, a Halloweenica. Yes. And we're gonna miss our own holiday where we own it, because I don't like, there's, for every holiday, there's something I love, but there's also something that drives me crazy. There has to be a fitness twist to it though.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Absolutely. That's why it's like instead of Santa Claus showing up, it's like, I don't know. Dead lifts. So, someones dead lifts. Someone shows up and brings you a fitness gift or a fitness tip. Well, I like it.
Starting point is 00:03:59 He leaves a tip under your pillow. You wake up in the morning. Ooh, I sat on a tip. Oh my God, it's the morning. You look under your pillow. You look oh shit Your your grip on a bench press should be one and a half times your shoulder with oh my god. Thank you for the tap You know, whatever your name is well What I do I think what I can't stand about the class because Christmas seems like it would be one of the best and it is like I love
Starting point is 00:04:21 Christmas I hate it really yeah, I like I like the way I love the weather. I love cold weather. Nope. Don't like that. I like Christmas when I was a kid. Yeah. Yeah, this would different now. This Christmas, I was so grouchy to get up to. My girl was like trying to wake me up at seven o'clock. And it's only because we still have like a nine year old nephew or eight year old nephew that's getting up to still open presents. Otherwise, we'd fucking sleep in. You know, to me, it's like, it's a holiday. I wanna sleep the fuck in. Dude, I need to do it.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Okay, write that down. That's part of our holiday. It's like that even when I was a kid. Don't wake me up. Really? You didn't get a burly to go look at their present. My brother always tried to get me down. I'm like, dude, don't still be there.
Starting point is 00:04:57 I'm like, what a weird kid you were. I know. I was. As a kid, I like to get up early. But it was quick that I didn't want to do. Dude,. As a kid, I like to get up early, but it was quick that I didn't want to do. Dude, let me tell you, I hate going to any retail store right around Christmas.
Starting point is 00:05:11 It makes me want to rip my hair out of my head. Well, how about this one? I can't stand it. And I don't like people on Christmas because people are not more joyful than more asshole-ish. Everywhere you go, people are in a rush, they're in a hurry.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Oh, I spent on my paycheck on prayer. How about this is the right now Yeah, this may be this year for sure this year maybe the last five years There is more movies out right now that I want to see that I've wanted to see in the world There's at least five six good movies really can I can only think of two. Oh really? I watch Star Wars already Well, you I'm not talking about ones you all the one those that's out right now so that counts better coming up No, that are out. No, you're talking about movies that are coming up. Is that what you say up or out right now? Okay, this time right now we got the big short the big short
Starting point is 00:05:50 Star Wars you say the big short dead shirt daddy's home daddy's home concussion What else was that did I just you want to see that yeah my brother was like I can see concussion Why Yeah, my brother was like, gosh, you're gonna see you can cut shit and I was just like, why is it like, just gonna feel like shit? He's gonna get all paranoid. Well, it's a Will Smith movie. And just like, like Muhammad Ali,
Starting point is 00:06:12 I knew that would be kind of a, you know, when he did the whole hurricane one, he did such a great thing. You know what? Those are movies I went a lot. Yeah, those are forgot about them. Yeah, those are great movies. I saw Daddy's home.
Starting point is 00:06:21 That was hilarious. You saw it? Yeah, I saw Big Short. That was phenomenal. That's my favorite. Still haven't seen Star Wars. I've been, so I watch a movie home that was hilarious. You saw it? Yeah, I saw a big short that was phenomenal. That's my favorite. Still haven't seen Star Wars. I've been, so I watch a movie like that strategically. It's got, it's what, $250 billion or what are the
Starting point is 00:06:32 fluck it's at or a million or what. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Yeah, that's not the Jesus cremation. That would be amazing. Yeah, yeah. Everyone in the world watched it in five times. Yeah, yeah. Well, it's up to, it's up to.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I'm totally intrigued. It's up to I think a billion. I've seen it twice. Have you seen it twice? Yeah, I'm going for a third, but yeah, I'm not gonna give up any spoilers. I'm just gonna give you my opinion on the movie Not gonna accept it. So let's move on. It was disappointing. You know, okay, so that's a ball That's it. I told myself you had too high expectations. No, man. I'm hard to please when I come over here. From the guy who has not seen it yet, I've had probably 80% people tell me they loved it.
Starting point is 00:07:11 10% of it. It's an 80-20 rule for sure. Yeah, and the only, the thing that I have to say that everybody who didn't like it, no one was like, it was a bad movie. Oh, it was lame. Oh, I walked out. Oh, I fell asleep.
Starting point is 00:07:21 It was either I predictable or it's like, there's a couple things that you wish that he wouldn't have added that he did, but like, if you, anyway, we can't even talk about it. I know spoilers. We're moving on. How dare you? You know, speed of movies, here's a transition.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Okay, you're gonna watch it, and then we're gonna do a whole thing on it. Okay, bro, the part where Princess Layla said, I know, right? Luke's got one for me. And then it was like pornographic Listen here so I pissed these people off I pissed the people off at the theater So we come in right the people well the people that worked there, okay?
Starting point is 00:07:58 Well and and some other everybody. Yeah, I pissed all the people off You know everybody was grumbling behind me Beginning of the story is nothing's weird about it Nobody wants to sit behind you you tend to piss people off well, okay, so let's let me let me let me preface this right first of all I hate to go to the movies on holidays and Opening night of anything because I don't like one. I don't like sitting next to somebody Two I don't like hearing everybody fucking chew their popcorn and when the full the theaters full It's like surround sound I'm gonna drive yeah, I don't mind like like one like out there. You can kind of hear it
Starting point is 00:08:32 Keep digging for those yeah When he's when ever when everybody's doing it is just to me It's just to say no. What about the dude that's eating a fucking hot dog with everything on it just swaps that smell So so because of this but then of course it's holidays. It's the best time to go see movies. We all have a day or two off of work and it's cold outside. So getting all bundled up to go watch movies. It's cold outside.
Starting point is 00:08:56 So I still agree to do this. But here's the thing when I tell my girl, okay, we're going to a movie one. We're not seeing like Star Wars right now because everybody there fucking mother want to see that. We're going to see another one that we want not seeing like Star Wars right now because everybody there fucking mother want to see that. We're gonna see another one that we want to see. And we'll wait for Star Wars. So we go to see Big Daddy or Daddy's home, not Big Daddy's home, which was a whole area. It's a great movie.
Starting point is 00:09:13 But I get there like 30, 45 minutes early because I want to pick my seats. Now there's two things that are very important when I choose my seats. One, I like to be one seat away from the aisle because I get up and pee like a little girl, bro, every five minutes. So I had to get up a bunch during the movie, during the movie. It is, it's very annoying. And I don't, you have to deposit. So I have
Starting point is 00:09:37 to do this. And I don't like to scoop by a ton of people, like scooting by one person is annoying as it is. So I, and then I'm also, get a remember, I'm a six foot three fucking 230 pound guy. I don't fit in those little seats very comfortably. So I got somebody right on my side. If it's not my girl and I can't drape myself all over her, then I'm annoyed all movie long, trying to be all comfortable with my arm tucked in and shit to the half my seat. So I like to, is that why you had your armor on me at the movies? Yes, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:01 And that's why I sit one seat over from the very out because most people come in pairs with the likelihood of one person being there is very little. So I'm not, I'm gonna be lucky to have. Oh, I see what you're doing. So one person on my right is not- You're like to asshole that parks in two parking spaces. Why do you say that? Are you the guy who's dividing it all up?
Starting point is 00:10:19 So okay, so this is perfect because this is leading to where my story and I'm curious to your eyes' opinion on this. So the theater is about 75% full. Nobody is in the first four rows that everybody hates, okay? So it's not even close to that full, okay? So that's important that you understand that, okay? It's not even four rows.
Starting point is 00:10:36 And, you know, the top part is getting pretty full. There's a seat to the left of my girl, there's a seat to the right of me. So her and I don't have anybody on our left to her right and This lady comes up and she's actually in a wheelchair and she's getting pushed by her husband And she has one of the people that worked there and they come over here and they're asking is there anybody sitting there? I go oh no no no and at first I have like my soda and water and everything's all set up on that seat So nobody takes it anyways, right? And she's like of course, but you're already in a chair. Well
Starting point is 00:11:02 So she asked she went too far. She asked the, you know, the, the, you know, they just died in theater. The theater manager asked if there's anybody sitting there and I say, I grabbed my stuff, I'm like, no, no, no, no, absolutely. You can sit there if you want to. But then I go, but I want you to know, I get up literally like every 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:11:18 So you're gonna be, and I'm looking at her like, this is probably gonna be, she looks like she can't move very, very well. So that's gonna, and she's like, oh, thanks for telling me. She's like, so do I. Honey, let's go to the other side. and she's like, oh, thanks for telling me. She's like, so do I. Honey, let's go to the other side. It's like, oh, cool, say, right?
Starting point is 00:11:28 Fucking five minutes later. Now the previews of Star, this movie started already. This girl comes up and she's probably in her like, I don't know, late 20s, early 30s, her and her girlfriend. And she leans over and she whispers, she goes, uh, excuse me, sir. Is there somebody sitting on the other side of you? I'm like, no, no one's sitting there. She's like, um, could you guys scoot in so we could sit right here?
Starting point is 00:11:44 You go, no. You said like that to her just like that no and she goes excuse me and I go no and she goes no you won't move I said no I won't move and she look she like does like this look all crazy at me like she's like she's getting really pissed the people behind me start grumbling like I'm an asshole or like that and I'm like listen I get up like a lot through the movie and I don't want to have to step by you. I got here 30 minutes early so I could sit where I'm comfortable, I sit.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Probably next time you should get here a little sooner than before the movie starts. And she was like, I'll pass then she's like, come on, karma will get him. I said that as she stomped away. And then the people behind me are all grumbling. And then my poor girl, She's probably in barrisons We're friends. He's like, of course that asshole so hot. No that motherfucker. I was it was it was dark
Starting point is 00:12:32 Ain't nobody saw what I look like and it didn't matter that bitch. I like his silhouette was sexy My opinion yeah, yeah, I would I personally would have moved over you would have I figured you would just what about you Yeah, wow on the asshole. What about you Doug tell me you're an asshole with me No, I'm not fuck Adam you're all alone A bunch of pushovers, dude. No, we're just nice. What is the okay? You know what though? That is so annoying to me It's karma that someone that someone shows up annoying to me. It's karma. That someone that someone shows up. You're particular about that thing. We wouldn't have been
Starting point is 00:13:06 particular about it the way that you would have. Yeah. And that's a bad example. So it's already even if I even if I I didn't I wasn't particular though, I still on on a principle. I would say no because I find it annoying that it's fucking Christmas Eve and you don't think you should get to the movie's fucking 15 minutes before it starts So you can get a for sure seat and then you're not only going to come over and ask somebody while the fucking previews Are already starting going to move but there's fucking 50 seats in front of me that nobody's sitting on so you're gonna
Starting point is 00:13:37 Inconvenience me because you're fucking lazy ass can't get to the theater on time no bro. No Yeah, I mean I can see your point I can see your point. just I would have been like sure you can have you such a nice guy. I would have been like I would have like sure 20 something your old young ladies this is why next to me. It's why I want it Would you like some popcorn? Yeah in my popcorn? This is why I really likes you so I'm into my popcorn. No, it's uh Yeah, I know I appeal to only a small person Some people right now are like fuck yeah, they're listening to radio right now. They're like, tell them how to I think a lot of people like what you're saying,
Starting point is 00:14:11 because a lot of us think that. But then when he push comes the shove, it's sure I'll move over. You know, the great, and I wasn't, you know, I'm saying this passionately right now because inside I was inferior because I tell my girl at a time, you know what, and tell her, we sit here because you know, someone's going to come over here, but I already know what's gonna happen to us. But when I say it, I'm not like, no. Like I'm a brat or a dick.
Starting point is 00:14:30 You know what I say, no, you know, like, no. I'm not gonna move, you know. No, no. I just tell her on you. No. You sound more like a dick that way. No. One time I was, when I was a kid, I had busted my knees
Starting point is 00:14:40 so I had this long brace that I couldn't bend my knee, my leg, so my leg was all straight. So I sat on the end because my leg straight, I can't put it where the seat is, right? So I'm sitting there and these people are trying to get by me and this fucking guy is looking down at my leg, like move your leg kid and I'm like, I point to him like I can't.
Starting point is 00:14:58 He fucking kicks my leg and tries to be an asshole. So I pull up my pants, I pull up my pants and I show him my, my, my Glock, and I show him my, my Glock. Now I show him my, my brace, and I'm like, fuck you, my legs broken. He's like, oh, oh, that's the only time I've got my pants on here. Yeah, I don't, you know, it only, it just irritates me.
Starting point is 00:15:15 It's not like I get that pissed or be deal, but it's, it's pretty funny though, when I, it's not the first time I've told somebody, no, and I've learned too to not make a big deal, but I just say no. No, I won't. No, I, you know what I think't. You know what I think happens? I think when you have children,
Starting point is 00:15:27 maybe Justin can back me up on this. When you have kids, your perception of things that you want to waste energy on getting irritated, changes because otherwise I would be irritated all day. Let me give you an example. We went to Tahoe over the week, right, but right before Christmas. And we're driving up, and what is it? How long is it supposed to take you to get to Tahoe over the week, right? But right before Christmas. Yeah, and we're driving up and what is it?
Starting point is 00:15:45 How long is this supposed to take you to get to Tahoe? Four hours, right? Yeah. 10 hours. Ugh! 10 hours. Ugh! Stuck on 50.
Starting point is 00:15:56 We were probably on 50. No, or what? There was an avalanche or something. And you're caught up on all your mind puppets. Bro, we're stuck on 50s for that alone for four hours, probably. I got two kids in the back. It's coming down. Snow. People, the car is not moving, dude. Yeah. You have to really quickly realize that you can't kill everybody in the car. It's your family. You know what I'm saying? So you learn to calm yourself. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:16:20 Because you want to, your kids are screaming. They've already seen the movie three times on the iPad. Your wife's acting crazy. You just want to you just want to drive off the cliff, but you don't. But you tell me to get together. Why is it every time we get together after we haven't seen each other for like a week or two, you find a way to make me feel like I definitely don't want to be married and have kids again. I was, you know, I almost proposed over the fucking holidays here and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yeah, I think of you fuckers We are just we're sorry. Oh, I Just just not so I don't want to have to keep it beautiful. It's all What did you do Justin? You do anything over the yeah, you watch Star Wars Sometimes I watched twice You take your boy and you're not yeah, that was that was gonna be my third time. Wait, wait, wait You've got twice already you haven't done your kid two different groups of people Have my my hard-corded nerd buddies and then I went with my brother and my mom and my dad so
Starting point is 00:17:21 Yeah, so I did that and then um I actually actually had a pretty good time. I uh, I got my son some nerf guns and then, uh, and then, uh, my brothers, my brothers daughter, too, we took him out in the forest and we all had this like crazy, like nerf gun fight. That's fun. And shot each other and stuff. And, uh And nobody got seriously injured, but, you know, they are, there's one point where they were like, trying to run away and then they smashed heads. Kids always get hurt. Dude, always get hurt, always.
Starting point is 00:17:53 And it was just like, one of those freak things and then my son had this huge black eye and I had to explain that. But it was totally worth it and it was fun. Yeah, we had a snowball fight and my, my son was up a little higher on the ledge. Through his snowball, I'm down making a snowman, and it hit me in the head, and a little kid snowball. So I look up at him, and I know him, I know what's going to happen. I'm like, he's about to get blasted.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Because these are important lessons you teach as your children. So it hits me, right? And he laughs, ha ha ha. He bends down to get another one. And I got like this massive, you know when the snow was kind of, it's not ice, it's not ice. But it's a little harder than snow, and it's like a big block. And I just,
Starting point is 00:18:37 juu juu juu juu juu juu. And I'm like, boo! All over his face and a shirt. And yeah, and he's like, that's not fair. And like started to cry a little bit. I'm like, son, I'm like, you don't pick a snowball fight with someone that can crush you. You don't poke the bear.
Starting point is 00:18:53 And he's trying not to cry because he doesn't want, you know what I mean? It doesn't look like he's being a poor sport. I've laughed so hard. And then I gave him a hug and everything was awkward. But yeah. But I just shot my son in the face. Yeah, I didn't hurt him and I felt bad. But it was a good lesson.
Starting point is 00:19:12 We all did it out but it was good. It was a good lesson. Oh my goodness. So okay, how bad, tell me damage control for you guys, nutrition wise, weight training wise, how bad would I? I didn't miss a workout. I ate, I worked out pretty well. I had some serious amount of cookies up, be honest. No, I tried to do some cookies.
Starting point is 00:19:33 I drank a lot. I drank a lot of wine. There was like a three day period there where I got smashed every day, because we were hanging out in my cousin and his wife and we were just, you know, they love wine. So like like, oh try this, try that so we're just getting destroyed. Three days in a row. But that's it, food was good. I had gifts of like whiskey. My clients gave me like this awesome blue label scotch and, you know, like I got like whiskey
Starting point is 00:19:59 from like three different people and I'm like, damn. And it's gone already. Yeah, I'm in a drinkable thing. Yeah, I was pretty, I had one day of, I went to see my aunt and uncle. We did lobster steak and wine. So we polished off a few bottles of nice wine there. So I did some pretty good damage. But at least I had some, like a good cut of filet and I had a nice, nice lobster. So it wasn't like I was, and. But at least I had some good cut of filet and I had a nice lobster.
Starting point is 00:20:26 So it wasn't like I was, and I don't think I had dessert that night actually. That's not bad. Yeah, but we definitely, I mean, we put a couple bottles of wine down. So I did. But you also went into Christmas having lost a lot of weight.
Starting point is 00:20:37 So that's what was so scary for me was, I just came off for that two weeks where I did not touch a weight. I was throwing up violently and stuff like that completely sick. So I was down and out for 14 days. My first day back in the gym was 16 days after that, lost to 17 pounds. And I just kind of got, and even then, like it wasn't until probably about two, three days ago, did my stomach start to finally feel normal again.
Starting point is 00:21:04 That is the worst case of herpes I've ever heard of. Yeah, I did. Literally, I think it was like all my STDs flared up at the same time, pretty like this. All five of them. Huge, crazy, fire. I was pushing everything, so everything, my body was like,
Starting point is 00:21:15 oh, I'm getting rid of everything, I'm dying. That's how I felt, you know, itself. But I did manage to get to the gym a couple times and I had to say, I think I gotta give kudos to my girl because I was not feeling like it after being sick like that depressed from losing all the way. Then going in the holidays, I kind of had to like fuck it out of to I got a show coming up. I'll figure it out later and she's like, no, you're gonna be you're gonna be mad if you didn't you know you're gonna be glad if we go to the gym you feel so much better and I'm like grumbling right Subtitles you better work out because I think you're hot when you work out Yeah, you're not getting any unless you get sexy. Yeah, so she if it wasn't for her She I look good right now. I'm looking at you right now. I try I wake up and it happens, you know, yeah, I know well
Starting point is 00:22:01 No, no, I mean we all we all know that we've been doing this for a long time too. We know there's certain shirts that help us out when we're not feeling so good. So I'm on that side. You put a, you put a dunk shirt on. I'm, yeah, I mean, I'm over in the large section of my, my closet that makes me look a little more muscular. So, yeah, I'm on that face right now. I haven't worked my right side of the closet. I've got to be fit to where that clothes.
Starting point is 00:22:24 So right now I'm on the far left. Yeah, see, I had a cold which went away and now I think I'm getting a sinus infection and I also scheduled myself a visit. Do you guys think it physicals every year? Dude, really my wife was like, scheduled me when I was like pissed. Cause I just did it.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Did you do it? No, yeah. You have a nurse for a wife. Dude, I know, but it's just like, I hate doing that. She's checking your balls for free. I just say she doesn't want to check your balls, huh? Yeah. She's like, don't take them a nurse for a wife. Dude, I know, but it's just like, you know, I hate you. She's checking balls for free. I just say she doesn't want to check your balls, huh? Yeah, she's like, don't take them salty things to somebody else.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I'm not touching those things. I grew up. No, I had a physical, I actually scheduled it today. They did my blood work already. Everything came back great. Then I went and did the physical, and it's this older woman. And it's just always, I don't know, man. I feel bad for the girl.
Starting point is 00:23:01 You got a girl. I did. No, I feel bad for girls because they got to get, you know, they got to get spread eagle all the time with the OBGYN. You know, you're laying back and they're checking your nuts and everything, it's kind of weird. I don't know, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:13 Wait, what? You're sitting up with your legs in the stirrup. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this isn't sound very normal. What doctor did you see? That's not normal, where did you go? That's not normal? That's not normal, man.
Starting point is 00:23:22 She put the thing in my butt, that's not normal. My doctor just makes me take my pants off to where I make it. But your mom and I just walk on my tippy toes across the room and back, that's all I do. No, I laid back on the examining table. I wasn't having to have him a legs up on the street. He said, would you lay back? I'm gonna have you arch your back, Salgo,
Starting point is 00:23:38 and arch your back, close your eyes real quick for me. So, take a seat. It's always a little weird to have a stranger to play with your dick. You know what I mean? Yeah. Sober. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Cold hands. Good boy. Good boy. Like, Doc, don't you think you should have gloves on? No, no, no, no. No, no, no. I trust you. So speaking of holidays, we have a big fitness holiday coming up.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Oh, bro. A big fitness holiday. Let it begin. New years. What are they called? What do they call them? New years resolutionists or the crowd? There's a name for them.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I don't know. I think I just made one up. We can warriors, what we call them. Yeah, exactly. People don't know this. That don't work in the fitness industry. But let me tell you, your last ditch effort people. Gems will, their sales will bump up by 50% some of these big clubs.
Starting point is 00:24:26 That's a big ass jump in one month, man. 50% jump. It gets crazy. Yeah, and that's not really all it is is the memberships that go way up. Nuts. No, you also have the serious people that like, you know, all of a sudden get fired up. But you also get all the members who've been paying all year that don't come to the gym. All of a sudden on New Year's the side, I'm gonna start going to the gym again.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Oh yeah, so it's just like too many. But see, the thing is about January, the first week isn't really that busy. No, no, it takes two weeks for the lazy people to get in. Then the second week kicks in and the third week and it's like most of your sales happen the last half. I used to always trip out at the beginning of January because I'd be like, okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I get, I gear up my staff. Okay, January one. It's gonna be crazy. Get ready, it's gonna be crazy. And like literally January one, two and like, okay, all right. I get I gear up my staff. Okay, January one. It'd be crazy. Get ready. It's gonna be crazy. And like literally January one, two and three, it's like crickets in the gym still. Everybody's like 60% of goal. Everybody's still hung over from all the drinking and imparting.
Starting point is 00:25:15 They do the night before. And then like, oh, fuck, that's right. You remember when we cheers that champagne? We said that we were gonna get the best shape of our life. Fuck, it's January 12th. We still haven't been down to the gym yet. Okay. We're going tomorrow. Okay. We're going tomorrow I'll meet you there and then people start rolling Yeah, so from like the 10th to like the 16th is like here. They all come
Starting point is 00:25:33 It's just it gets it gets so crazy the gym gets so fucking packed. I remember days in January where you're walking around prime time prime times anywhere. It's like between four and eight nine p.m Right? You're walking around mid prime time six o'clock at night seven o'clock is anywhere, it's like between four and eight, nine PM, right? You're walking around mid prime time, six o'clock at night, seven o'clock at night, and it's like a night club. It would be like a fucking night club. Like you're moving sideways to squeeze through
Starting point is 00:25:55 certain areas of the gym. It would get crazy. I couldn't, I don't, you see lines of five to six people like behind each other, like waiting for treadmills. Crazy, it was like, that is one of my, you're shooting me. Great point right there. That is one of my biggest pepies when I see that. six people like behind each other like waiting for treadmills. Oh crazy. It was like, You shooting me?
Starting point is 00:26:06 Great point right there. That is one of my biggest pepies when I see that. Go walk around in a circle. Foracks, buddy. Walk around the gym. Yeah, right. First, the first what they do is they circle the parking lot. Oh, they fight for the parking service.
Starting point is 00:26:21 For 20 minutes trying to find the closest one, right? They fucking circle for 20 minutes. Then they get into the gym to just see that all the park is for 20 minutes trying to find the closest one right they fucking circle for 20 minutes Then they get into the gym to just see that all the cardio is taking and then they go stand behind a treadmill for another 30 minutes Before they get on the treadmill to do their 20 minutes of cardio and then go home. I like when I see them I seriously just want to die laughing. It's the funniest shit ever It's like you really also they can go in and powder their balls Oh, no dry well, and say they made it to the gym right? That's it. That is the funniest thing money is shit. Every time you really can go in and powder their balls and then a low dry. Well, and say they made it to the gym, right? That is the funniest thing.
Starting point is 00:26:48 That's how you point out a newbie for sure right there. It's like, you just came into the gym just to stand behind somebody else. I can't remember what the statistics were for how many of those people stick. You know what I mean? Like stick around because you lose a lot of often 10% because the gym slows the fuck down by March, April. It's back to normal Yeah, you know, yeah, I well, it's it's well. It's like two months three months. Yeah, I know that I know the average the average person only hangs Hangs around for a couple months
Starting point is 00:27:16 They continue to pay us though for oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, six to eight months. I think yeah Yeah, yeah, the average is seven months. They continue to pay after they stop And I think the average is two to three months that people are coming and I think it's the ones that pay. Yeah, the average is seven months. They continue to pay after they stop. And I think the average is two to three months that people are just coming. And I think it's like 60 to 75%. I wanna say the newcomers actually drop back off. So you guys can just hang in there right around May time we should be good.
Starting point is 00:27:36 But for those of you that work in the gym, January and even February, those are the months to really bust your ass and make money. Yeah, make money. That's when you go in and you work in six, seven days a week, bail the bell, because that's when you're gonna get a lot of your sales.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And it makes up for November, December, which suck ass in the gym. November, December, you don't make that much money in gyms. But then January, February, you kinda make up for it. But I think we should give some advice to listeners right now who may be thinking, hey, I'm gonna get real serious, come January. Maybe we should give some advice to listeners right now who may be thinking, hey, I'm going to get real serious come January. Maybe we should give them some advice so that they're not like those people that. Well, here's the first thing. Don't worry, you
Starting point is 00:28:13 know, park the farthest away. Be that person. Look for the furthest spot away. In fact, you'd be neat because you're going to find a spot really quick because it's the furthest one away. You can go right to the weights. Exactly. You can go in and find some weights. And you know it's neat, because all the machines, nobody will be in all the treadmills. That's where the line of people will be. But there's always a pair of dumbbells
Starting point is 00:28:33 or a barbell somewhere. Well, the first piece of advice I could give anybody is have a plan. Like have a plan, know what your goal is and how you're gonna achieve it and make it realistic. Realistic goals, like the smaller the better in the beginning, right?
Starting point is 00:28:46 The smaller the better. And if you're gonna invest in a membership, you're better off getting the cheap, you know, not full access membership and invest the rest on personal training than you are getting the bells and whistles membership that you do. Plus you have to test everything.
Starting point is 00:29:00 And, you know, see how often you actually make it because I think that, I mean, that's the most overlooked thing, is really just like how often you're actually gonna physically go and focusing on that specifically, just getting there is like a huge accomplishment. Well, I tell people when they first start, especially people who haven't worked out a long time or have never worked out, commit to two days a week.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Just start with that and see how long you can stay consistent. Yeah, see how long you can stay. And then you're naturally gonna wanna work out more if you end up being consistent at two days a week for a while. That's good advice. Yeah, that's good advice. This would be a great shameless plug right here. You probably should purchase maps.
Starting point is 00:29:40 I was just gonna say, that's a great plan. It's a lot less than personal training. Well, and you have. And you have. And you have. And you have. And we've, and we may have one. And we've, and we've decided, you know, you've decided two to three times,
Starting point is 00:29:52 which is, it's what how maps is designed, is designed around that, is that you only need to be in the gym two to three times a week to accomplish that. The other thing, I just gave a kid a tip the other day. I saw him, he's actually, he's a competitor. I see him in there. He's an amateur competitor, um, pretty serious about working out.
Starting point is 00:30:08 It comes up, ask me questions every once in a while. And I'd been watching some of the stuff. He's lately, uh, this has been another pet peeve of mine. Um, and I guess we could attribute this to, uh, the shreds team, uh, getting everybody to do all the sidewood. I said, I sent you guys a picture. You guys see that picture? I think the sideways there was literally three chess machines like camera strength the machines on a row and all these kids
Starting point is 00:30:30 I don't know they're between 17 and 25 years old or so that all of them turned sideways You know and each one of the guys like show them like no right here squeeze here touch right right here feel that like do this like I'm like all these for all those people that wonder why we talk shit that's why no there you go so they have power well and here's the thing so you know what I had seen my buddy doing this one time so I felt the need to and I am not when I'm in the gym and we've talked about this before if I if someone is doing something stupid I am not the guy someone's I know someone's listening right now like oh you're a trainer why don't you go there and help them well no fuck you I'm there for my workout I'm not there to fucking train people so I'm not going around giving out everything. Yeah, unfortunately
Starting point is 00:31:11 I don't we're just gonna make fun of them. I'm not gonna help no no no what well here's the deal here's the deal Oops if it's if somebody and I've said this before if somebody seeking help were there yes If somebody comes and asks me a question I will take my headphones off I will take the time to answer a question, politely, 100%. And if it's a buddy of mine, and we have an opportunity, we're talking, and I have an opportunity to give him some good advice,
Starting point is 00:31:33 I will do that. But I will not go interrupt somebody's workout, just because they're doing something, because you're the thing, I do stupid shit too. When I'm bored, I do stupid shit all the time. So I'm not one to sit there and judge somebody else. I'm just saying I see it a all the time. So I'm not one to sit there and judge somebody else. I'm just saying I see it a lot and more than often than not, I see most of their workouts consisting of this.
Starting point is 00:31:50 So this back to the story, this kid, I've noticed him doing a lot of these movements and everything. He said, Hey, man, here's a small tip that I promise will change your physique big time. If you just make this a point, every single day that you lift, one of these lifts are always in there. Either one, you are always deadlifting with a barbell, either two, you're always
Starting point is 00:32:10 doing a bench press with a barbell or you're squatting with a barbell or you're doing a standing overhead press. If one of those four core movements is not the first thing that you do in every single workout, then you're doing something wrong. Make that one thing. That's a great tip. Yeah. It is.. Make that one thing. That's a great tip. It is. That's actually a fantastic thing. It's a simple thing. It's the biggest bang for your buck type movements.
Starting point is 00:32:31 It's probably the most neglected movements that I see in the gym. And if you just made sure that that, you made sure that every day, I don't care, do your boy bodybuilding splits, that's fine, do your stuff. But make sure that one of those four core movements is in every single one of your workouts.
Starting point is 00:32:47 If you can't do it because of restrictions, then go seek some help. Good point. Seek some help and train towards that goal. Train towards that ability to be able to do it. See, I get a little self-conscious now, or not self-conscious, but a little paranoid now if someone asked me for help at the gym because of what happened a while ago with me when I was working out with a friend of mine,
Starting point is 00:33:10 I would work out with him once a week and then I'd work out with Doug one or two days a week. Well, I show up to the gym and there's a letter for me. I told you guys about this. I, there's a fucking letter, so I open the letter and it's like you've been, you've been seeing personal training people and I'm like, oh, and I wasn't, I'm working out with people. So I ended up talking to the owner or whatever, because I call him like this is ridiculous,
Starting point is 00:33:36 I'm not training, I'm, I am a trainer, I train other places, I don't train here, and so he, he actually came in and talked to me, which was very nice of them, but I'm basically not allowed to Work out with anyone ever at goals. So I can never work out with anyone. That's literally said So if I go or work out with you Adam, he said I can't work out anyone and number two I shouldn't help anybody in the gym. So this is great. So I'm gonna recognize me Hey, Sal. Hey, I have your program. Can you should know, fuck you. That's silly.
Starting point is 00:34:07 That is really silly. And I think it was the other trainers. I think there were some other trainers there. I know that it's the other trainers, because this is the same vibe that I get when I go to other gyms. And I'm even there with my wife, or one of my buddies.
Starting point is 00:34:20 And of course, usually as it turns out, I tend to lead the workouts. Well, you're the train. You are a trainer. I can't help it. You know, it is what it is. And you're sure as hell not to let your wife lead your fucking. You know, honey, what do you want to do next?
Starting point is 00:34:35 No offense, Courtney. I know you couldn't squat. She can squat and do something. Just like my girl, honey, I know you can lead a workout, but let's be honest. I'm leading the workout. No, she wants me to lead. Trust me. But yeah, see, it's a, you know, trainers, they'll start, you just watch them, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:52 the energy shifts, they watch you, and then they, over in the corner, they're whispering and snickering and it's just like, dude, what the fuck? Like really, if you're that worried about me coming in and taking your clients, did you guys ever feel threatened by anybody like that? Never did. Never did. Please, as a matter of fact, when I was a general manager, if I saw somebody who I thought for sure was trying to train people and I liked what they were doing, trying to get my job.
Starting point is 00:35:19 I would hire them. I'd be like, you're working for me and you're making us money. And if he was shitty, you'd use him as an example. It's a great thing. Exactly. You see the dumb dick over there doing those movements. Exactly. Don't do that.
Starting point is 00:35:30 That's exactly right. That's how you heard somebody. Ridiculous. And then we go approach the client afterward and say, Hey, man, would you actually like to see personal training done right? Do. Come on, buy. Next week for free.
Starting point is 00:35:39 I remember doing that like some trainer that came in and then we spotted him out and he was doing some nonsense. And then talking to his client. And then I think that client actually came in and then we spotted him out and he was doing some nonsense and then talking to his client. And then I think that client actually came back and trained. Oh yeah, I used to teach all of you in all my trainers. Yeah. Don't get all that. There's an effective approach. Yeah, I get all busy about it.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Just see that as an opportunity. It always. Yeah. If it's a shitty trainer, don't worry. You can probably get that client. Go train right next. Train your client. Competition's competition, man.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Train your client right next to that trainer. Let it let that list the client listening on what you're doing with your client and see what happens. And if like Sal said, if they're that good of a trainer. I'm gonna go higher. I'm gonna go higher. I'm gonna hire that gangster.
Starting point is 00:36:14 You know what I'm saying? Look at that gangster over there trained in somebody in my gym like a fucking little hiding in the court, but he's doing a good job. I like him. He's that good of a closer. Guess what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go talk to him. Maybe like, hey bro, I know you a closer. Guess what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go talk to him.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Maybe like, hey, bro, I know you're training people in here. Don't worry. I'm not gonna kick you out, but you need to work for me. Or I will kick you out. It's good. Or if you're a trainer and you aspire to be like that trainer, go talk to him. Find out how he got to be so awesome.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yeah, so nonetheless, I can't work out with anybody at the gym. Well, back to giving good tips. Okay, so we talked about the four compound movements that I Staped those one of those movements should be in every single workout. It's not all of them What about nutrition? How about a good simple? Now this is the biggest mistake I see people do nutritionally is you just came off a Christmas You just came off a new year and it's extreme. Exactly. You went one extreme of this caloric surplus and alcohol and garbage food and not moving sitting on your ass watching fucking movies.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Now all of a sudden, it's gold time. I'm off to lose these 30 pounds or whatever your goal is. And they go, they clean it. Now they're having chicken salads three times a day, and they're running on the treadmill like nuts, and they're going, that's the complete. That's a recipe for failure. It is a recipe for failure. That's a marathon, not a sprint.
Starting point is 00:37:30 So this is most simple analogy, everybody. It holds so much truth. So true. So the best thing, honestly, when you go from just that, just stop that all that stuff, you know, if you were eating desserts, and it's just a natural transition. So don't even worry about getting really crazy
Starting point is 00:37:47 about your diet, just start to balance your foods out. Make good choices, start taking water. Yeah, drink water, incorporate foods that are balanced, get balanced foods that are there, which is exactly another shameless plug, got the nutrition survival guide is designed. Exactly. It's to show you balanced nutrition.
Starting point is 00:38:02 We don't say, you need, this is your meal plan, eat these foods. It's very nutrient dense foods. Yeah, we't say you need, this is your meal plan, eat these foods. It's very nutrient dense foods. Let's focus on that and let's keep it simple. That's possible. Yeah, I usually tell people, don't even worry about, like go ahead and continue eating,
Starting point is 00:38:15 like you normally will. You're eating. And just be consistent with your two days a week in the gym. First, you know what usually happens to, some people still drop off, but a lot of people don't. They're consistent two days a week, and then they want to make changes to the nutrition.
Starting point is 00:38:29 It doesn't become, it becomes easy. Like, oh wow, I've been working out now for a couple of months, pretty consistently. I think I'm gonna enhance this experience further. Right, and it kinda happens naturally. I guess that's the biggest tip. It just start really slow and make a commitment you know you can keep, that's it.
Starting point is 00:38:45 And then stick with that. Yeah, understand that. Like Justin said, to piggyback off that again, it's a marathon and you need to approach it that way. It is not as if you sprint, you just like in a marathon, as a sprinter, you may come out a half mile ahead of the marathon runner
Starting point is 00:39:01 and be so far ahead of everybody the first few weeks, but don't trip because the person who's actually pacing themselves is gonna come blowing by you here in about five miles. It's a lifetime commitment. You gotta understand that. Fitness is not a, you know, fitness and health is not a short-term commitment.
Starting point is 00:39:16 It's something you do forever. Well, on each stage kind of promotes, you know, the next experience, right? So each, there's like pivotal moments where like, maybe weight loss is one of the things that's like a focal point for you. And like, you know, you'd gradually get there by changing things in your diet,
Starting point is 00:39:34 by moving more frequently little things that lead to that. Now, okay, great, I wanna kinda get stronger. Now I'm gonna focus on getting stronger. Now, you know, my physique is gonna. Now I'm gonna focus on getting stronger. Now, you know, my Fizzik is gonna change. I'm gonna get more muscular. It's just like you get to look forward to many things But it has to be done. Don't slow. You don't want to fucking do it all at once. Exactly. It's you got to you got to be very paced with it very slow with it Reward yourself by going through, you know these stages and Achieve like reasonable goals. Well, here's the other thing. Keep achieving them.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Exactly. And I used to tell people this all the time. And I've found through the years, I mean, I've been at this now professionally for 18, over 18 years. And I have consistently seen this be successful for people. And that's this. When you make your commitment to one or two days a week, let's say you, let's say, okay, you know for sure you can commit to two days a week. Monday and
Starting point is 00:40:29 Thursday, for example, I'm gonna work out Monday and Thursday. Never, never substitute one of those workouts for another day. Stick to that fucking workout on that day, don't miss it for shit because I promise you'll be more consistent than if you do, oh you know I'm not gonna go tonight, but I'll go tomorrow instead. You start that habit up. You're not doing it anymore Even if it's a small even if it's once a week make it a rock in your schedule like you'll like you'll never miss it I work out on Monday's great advice. It's gonna happen great advice because it'd be hard headed about it Because it's you're much more likely to be successful if you do that everything else moves around it right that you know That's such good advice and it's I used to do this when I first,
Starting point is 00:41:06 what's to down somebody with an assessment. It's the first time I met with them and I'm going through their whole part queue and asking them questions and find it out. And when I get to the commitment part, you know, you ask somebody, hey, I've committed our YouTube, your fitness goals that we just talked about,
Starting point is 00:41:18 you know, one being you're not committed at all, 10 being you're extremely committed, you'll do whatever it takes. And of course, everybody in January is 10, you know? And I always like to, after I say this, you know, let's really, let's talk about what 10 looks like, you know, are you somebody who's, you know, because I think about, if you ask me like, how consistent I am with brushing my teeth, that's a 10 to me, you know, that's a 10, you know, but there's a lot of other things that I'm committed to doing or I like doing,
Starting point is 00:41:41 or I try to do a lot, but I wouldn't say I'm a 10 as far as my commitment level. I mean, might be like a seven or eight. And you're going to be honest with yourself that way, you're trying to make this like a routine and a habit like that because it is that important to you because it's important to take care of your teeth the same way as about taking care of your body, then it will become that way. It needs to be a habit, it needs to be a ritual, it needs to be set every single morning. You probably have a pretty similar time that you get up and you brush your teeth and every single night before you go to bed, you probably brush it on the same time.
Starting point is 00:42:07 I know the workout is short as you brushing your teeth, but it's as important when it comes to taking care of yourself. So you gotta kinda look at that way that, if I'm gonna make this and you start off slow, you start off with your set two. Even if it's once a week, you know what I mean? Think about it this way.
Starting point is 00:42:22 That always on that day at that time. Right, think about it this way. If you haven't worked out for a long time or never been consistent, once a week, you know, I mean, think about it this way. That always on that day at that time. Right, think about it this way. If you haven't worked out for a long time, or never been consistent, once a week is an improvement. It's a great improvement over what you've been doing. And just stick with once a week. There's nothing wrong with that. That's, you're doing good.
Starting point is 00:42:38 You're doing something really good by doing that. And here's the thing, you gotta learn to love it. Because if you always, if you never learn the love fitness, I promise you gotta learn to love it. Because if you never learn to love fitness, I promise you will not stick with it. When you, if you start to love it, you'll stick with it, it won't be hard to stick to it. And the only way you can love fitness is if you learn to love fitness.
Starting point is 00:42:55 And there's no way in hell, you're gonna learn to love it the first six months. Or the first year even. It takes, look, it's like learning to play the piano. If I went to go learn to play the piano right now, I would probably hate it until I could make music. Once I could make music, once I could actually play a song, then I'd be like, oh shit, I think I enjoy this. But that learning process kind of sucks. And working out, it's kind of like that too. So if you commit to once a week and you just make it consistent once, you'll
Starting point is 00:43:19 learn to love it. And then what will end up happening is you'll end up going more often rather than fighting yourself to go However many days you committed to that's does something I've just I've just witnessed For as long as I've been in fitness. No, I agree. I it's probably the most common mistake We see is somebody coming in gung ho and over the other thing you can do is to save your fucking money on your supplements Don't go out there Beginning of the year. There's gonna be all kinds of great deal No, I don't need to buy something out.
Starting point is 00:43:45 All the fat burners, you know, there's gonna be all these weight loss challenges and cool things going on the gym. Like, I mean, that is all marketing. Don't buy anything. Don't even buy a protein powder. We do all that shit. Just stay consistent with your workout first. Then step two, you start looking at nutrition.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Then step three, you start, you know, things naturally moving in the order of- You start slowly ramping up your consistency, adding days and then once you've slowly worked your way up to where you're going three to five days a week inside the gym, which is more than enough to change your physique in any manner that you want to achieve, any fitness goal that you need. Once you go to that point, once you've dialed your nutrition in, then maybe we can look into what kind of supplements can I add to this already well oiled machine that's running so well, you know, before I go out and spend 150 years.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Yeah, you just got to stick with the big things that promote the most change, you know, and that's been moving more, more frequently, and just eating better step by step. Well, just I always try to explain this to people too, that our bodies are these adaptation machines, man. And there's a part of things where adaptation is a positive thing, because your body is having to adapt to new movements and change and grow, but there's also a side of it that makes it more challenging, because the more the body adapts to a new thing, the more things I got to add to that to keep showing more, showing adaptation more and more ways.
Starting point is 00:45:04 So you want to do, you want to do just enough to elicit change in the body and then a little bit more to elicit change again, then a little bit more to elicit change. If you do all of it right out the gates, you might see an initial surge that is a lot faster than the average person who's starting slow. But then now the body becomes adapted to that and you missed out on all the little plateau breakers that you would have had. Had you just started out the gates a lot more minimal and adding a little bit of time.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Think of it like your body's a big piece of marble or a big rock and you wanna chisel it down to look the way you want to. You can't just go at it with a backhoe and just smash it because you'll have nothing. You start to take it off piece by piece and you start to use small tools to define things. And that's kind of how exercise is.
Starting point is 00:45:49 You can't go at it all at once. It just doesn't work. And even for those people that I've seen it work for, they don't stick to it. You know, you either gonna get hurt or you're gonna burn out and you're not gonna get the results that you want. And then, or at the least, at the absolute least,
Starting point is 00:46:04 let's say you're one of those freaks where your body just responds to all that shit all at once, you'll hate it. You're gonna end up not liking it. Well, it's gonna suck. The biggest loser. And you have to hammer yourself all the time. The biggest loser is a perfect example of this.
Starting point is 00:46:18 The biggest loser that everybody watches, of course, during this time, is I'm sure that there's another season getting ready to fire up and start. These people that go off for a six month camp camp and they're training four days or four times in a day, you know, four hours a day and shit and they have a little refrigerator that the trainer is monitoring what they're eating and so like that. I mean these people lose a hundred pounds in six months and so that. But guess what? 85% of them gain it all. They're in a bubble. Yeah, people don't realize that though. Is completely, you know, accounted for.
Starting point is 00:46:47 And then they have to send them back home. What about the challenges? I was just thinking right now, there might be some people listening who have never been members of a gym. And you know, it might even be intimidated to walk in and see a salesperson or whatever try to present you, you know, packages and programs
Starting point is 00:47:04 and this and that. Here's my advice to you. Every gym will give you a free pass. Every single gym at least should give you a free pass, but most of them will. I would say start with that. Go in and I don't care what they say the sale is. The sale is going to end whatever. There's such a dick right now. I know every gym owner right now, that's probably one of our fans and listeners like fucking sound. This guy is a piece of shit right now. Well, no, listen, I like it. I like it.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Swimming their pool. Yeah. But that's not true because I used to love free passes. I used to love people that come in and with free passes because then it was my opportunity to show them more. And I got more opportunities to meet this person. But anyhow, everyone will give you a guest pass take that guest pass and use the fuck out of it Then you decide I think I want to sign up you're probably better off enrolling in the smallest
Starting point is 00:47:56 You know least expensive program. Well, you're probably getting a good idea after that first month Yeah, your activity if you're coming I mean if you're going three to five times, you might use a different one, but if you're like, oh, and once or twice, you probably don't need to. Just start with a small one because you can always upgrade it. And if you have money that's burning a hole in your pocket,
Starting point is 00:48:12 invest it in a trainer. That's the best investment you can make in a gym. It's to get a cheap membership and spend some money with a personal trainer. And there's a couple of ways you could do it. You could hire a trainer to train you, because the trainers are gonna tell you they're gonna wanna train you two or three days a week, bullshit. If you're just getting started, you could train hire a trainer to train you, because the trainers are going to tell you they're going to want to train you two or three days a week.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Bullshit. If you're just getting started, you could train with a trainer once a week to get going, just to see what it's all about. You know, just to build your commitment up. And you could tell the trainer, I just want to work out once a week for now. I want to do that for a month or two. Well, we have the warm people too that we're sitting,
Starting point is 00:48:39 that's great advice. Buy or beware though, too. You know, do your homework on your too. You know, where do your homework on your trainer? You know, do your homework and because there's a very good chance you get a trainer and you think because they're working for this big company and you hire them and you're paying them $50 to $100 now or they're gonna give you great advice
Starting point is 00:48:56 until you're, there's a good chance too that they can be very young and not a lot of experience and not very educated, but you know, they're good at what they do and so they're good at selling you on that they, what they're telling you is the way it's supposed to be. All else fell as you just stay with, listen to Mind Pump, I promise it if it's shit's not lining up with what we're saying, it's probably a good idea to move on and find the trainer that is. Here's something you can do when you're talking to a trainer, tell them when they say what are your goals, this is what you should say. I want to feel better and I want to move better. I haven't worked out in a while. I don't want to get hammered in my workout. I want to be slowly progressed and I want to correct muscle imbalances. If the trainer looks at you with a retarded look on his face, not the person you want to wear. If the trainer smiles and says, oh shit,
Starting point is 00:49:36 I'm glad you, that's excellent what you just said. You've probably got yourself a good trainer. And if you can't walk the day after your first session, not a good trainer. If they don't assess you to begin with, then don't do it again. Oh, I can't believe it. I mean, let's be honest, if they don't listen to Mind Pump. Yeah. There you go.
Starting point is 00:49:53 He's even simple, all that other complex. Do you listen to Mind Pump? No. Yeah. Do you know anybody who does here? Yeah. Ask her out. Ask her out until you find the trainer that does.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Sure. We might have to have like some kind of like display of like awesome trainers. One day I like my mind pump approved. I do, I one day. Wouldn't that be awesome? I do want to go that way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:13 I mean, the other thing you do, because I know a lot of good trainers, you know, it's just, it's hard to find them though. I like it. It is, I think, you know, I think people can kind of trust themselves a little bit when they're meeting someone, you kind of know you get a bit of a vibe. I think people can kind of trust themselves a little bit when they're meeting someone. You kind of know, you get a bit of a vibe.
Starting point is 00:50:27 I think people get intimidated and they just go with someone and they're afraid to say, no, I don't want to work with you. You know, I think that happens sometimes, you know what I'm saying? Because I don't know a lot about certain things when I go buy things, but when the sales guy selling me a car or whatever, I don't know, shit about cars. I kind of, I can tell, like, okay, this guy's kind of an asshole. Yeah, I can tell he's kind of, you know, shoot about cars. I kinda, I can tell, okay, this guy's kind of an asshole. Yeah, I can tell he's kinda, you know, sh- Shicty.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Well, you say that because you know that because we've been doing that for a very long time. The average person doesn't, bro. The average person is like, the same average person who goes in and get his oil change or get some done and lets the guy at freaking, jiffy loop tell you you need to change your filter again and your windshield wipers and your blinker lights and you're just every filter.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Just to let you know, uh, it looks your computer says that your air filter. Training fluid. Yeah, we need to recycle your training fluid and change the flux capacitor. And your left uh, blinker is out. You want us to take care of all that right now, then like you or me goes like, uh, oh, yeah, every car hose is in a serpentine belt., oh yeah. Does every car have a flex capacitor? Just mine. Just you.
Starting point is 00:51:30 I got that to you. Traveling time. I got that changed last week while I was watching sports. So we're not. Psych. Well, that being said, don't forget to rate, review, subscribe, and leave us a five-star review and say something nice about Justin actually.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Justin, like hook me up. Talk about his glutes. Be careful out there. Yeah. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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