Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 212: The Big Ego Episode

Episode Date: January 1, 2016

The fitness industry is filled with people with massive egos. Sal, Adam & Justin ring in the new year with the goal of keeping their own ego and this ego driven industry in check. This is the last epi...sode of 2015. Thank you for your support! Please have a safe NYE and a healthy and prosperous 2016! Oh, and while you are at it please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright guys, I've had some bad news here. Oh, no, that's is that today? What today's the final day? No, bro. So today Today's today's the last day of the Bundle the bundle sale Oh, bro. It's 300. This has been this is one year, bro It's done after today. If you don't get it now, you'll never get this again. Oh, we promised a year right? It's been a year My dog died. What? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:29 I just had to say something sad because of the music in the background, but I am sad. The bundle is ending. It's includes the MAP's end-of-allet program. Yeah, I know. The No BS 6 pack formula. Oh, God, that was so good.
Starting point is 00:00:40 The Nutrition Survival Guide. Probably my favorite. The Intermittent Fasting Survival Guide. Also excellent traveling. Access to the forum for life. Right there. mindpumpradio.com. Click on the yellow button or Justin's not gonna stop singing. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind there's only one place to go Might might up with your hosts Salta Stefano Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews. I want to give a shout out to An awesome clothing company based at a San Jose blown gear
Starting point is 00:01:22 They just sent us a bunch of, yeah. A bunch of, you are blown out right now. And dude, look at me bro. I'm worrying right now. I'm blown to the gear. And let's be honest. Let's be truthful now.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Okay. Just when you thought I couldn't get more handsome, what happened today? Listen, you're got some tidy little, you know, awesome, you like that? Especially when it sits pretty, go like this.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Adam, Adam, very sexy. I'm sexy. Adam, you're very picky. You like that? Especially when it sits pretty, go like this. Adam, Adam, very sexy. I'm sexy. Adam, you're very picky. You're a very picky person. You're always the one to tell me I look shitty. But today, well, I have to say this, bro. And my first thought is something's going on with style.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I don't know what. I haven't figured it out. Something's going on. Yeah, because we haven't seen each other for like a week or so now. And I am just not seen him. And he came in looking all swag down. He's got those muscles are all. Oh, he's got that defined glutes are there. I'm saying he's got the fit. He's got the fitting tapered. So he's wearing joggers on right now. He's got, he's got the black sneakers that match with black low cut socks. He's very defined. And he's got the black sneakers that match with black low cut socks. Very defined. And he's got the three-quarter sleeve baseball shirt.
Starting point is 00:02:27 I think he took a page out of your playboy. I think you do look a little like a little like me, just a little like a little like a like almost like we called each other today because I got my joggers on with my low black cut socks. Sarah was I'm I'm within a couple points you on the sex meter, which is. That's like close. I know they sent us a skill one to do, like a six maybe.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Yeah. Yeah. I got, we got sent a bunch of stuff and some like, oh, this is cool. And a lot of it was a large size, which is, you know, too small for you. And Justin, it's big, but so I took it, put it on. And I'm gonna say, I'm not just kissing anybody's eye. Look, we don't work for anybody or anything, but I'm gonna be honest.
Starting point is 00:03:08 These sweats are comfortable as shit. They're comfortable. You look like it. Well, truth be told, this is the only reason why we have this relationship is we actually, this is where we get our shirts from. They have the same company as they use for the material. Yeah, that's why if,
Starting point is 00:03:23 It's very, very comfortable. That's why we went with it because we like it. And cozy, you know what I mean? I feel slinky in it. Sanky. You know what I mean? I want to like, jyrate inside of them. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:03:35 I went too far again. Yeah, you did too far again. Too far. You're wearing sweats, dude. Remember. I got to change the sear slinky. I got to change the subject because I need to say this I did not I'm a mean to say this and I've not said this and it just popped them out. I need to fucking say this
Starting point is 00:03:51 There's a lot especially in this industry. There's a lot of people with big massive egos people who are You know they look a certain way the act of certain way, but they, but they're just, they're douchebags for reels on the inside. A lot of these people look really good. Adam, if you look at him, very fit, good looking guy, tall, but he did something, he initiated something over the holiday season that was for me incredibly humbling to watch. And he wasn't gonna fucking mention shit.
Starting point is 00:04:30 That's why I'm bringing it up right now because he wasn't gonna say anything. Yeah, I didn't know you were going here. As much shit as he talks on the show, the reality is the guys, I mean, you got a big heart, dude. Yeah, big heart, he's a big, big, big, big, all emotional.
Starting point is 00:04:41 He's a big, all emotional. Yeah, he's got a big heart. And I want to hear about how this went because I wasn't able to make it. I was at a town. So I wasn't able to make it. But we, through Adam's initiation, adopted a family for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:04:59 And this is when you take a family who is, you know, you know, for whatever reason they're falling on hard times, they can't afford to get certain things for the holiday season. And so you adopt them and they give you a list, and then you can pick what you want at a list to get them. And a lot of the stuff on there is like, school supplies, clothes, decorations, blankets, blankets.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Like, yeah, they, they, they, they, like it's not like bullshit, like these are stuff they need. Yeah. And, and, you know, I's not like bullshit, like these are stuff they need. And, you know, Adam did most of the work on this. He took it and ran with it. And I wasn't there, so I want to hear about this. I wasn't there when you delivered all the stuff. So first of all, what did, what did,
Starting point is 00:05:38 I say we get because it, because, but in reality you went and did most of the work. Well, it was my pump, my pump funded it. Right, but what did you get? What did you go get for them? And how did you what what how did that go? So this is I'm this is I think my seventh year that I started that I did this and One of the years in there. I didn't because the the school that I get this from One or two years. I might have been two years actually that they didn't do it
Starting point is 00:06:03 Didn't have the program. And it's the only, this, literally this school I go to, so it's a teacher friend of mine, Lisa, a little shout out for her. She's been a client, a longtime client, lover to death, she's awesome, and she put me in contact with it. They do it through Pioneer High School.
Starting point is 00:06:18 And every year I've called down there and you know, said, hey, can you, can you, can you have any families for me to adopt for Christmas? And it's always some random family that I get you know, and you never know that I just get an email and the email has all their it's really nice. It's actually a full profile on everybody. So I know if they have parents, because a lot of times there it's a single mother or you know, last year I had a grandmother who had a boy and a girl who her both the parents had died. And she was really in an unfortunate situation. So she was obviously very well off at all.
Starting point is 00:06:51 So in most her like that, there's some sort of story about this was actually a couple of things. The first year that I'd never been in the house. They, I went there four different times to drop off. We had so much food That we delivered okay, so which wasn't on the list. Yeah, so well when I first get there I always get a tree first you know I make contact and
Starting point is 00:07:14 You know find out what they need and normal I haven't had a year yet where I haven't had to get a Christmas tree and lights everything So they normally don't even have you know the funds to get a Christmas tree or a stand or so I had to get the whole setup to start off anyways. So that's normally the first contact which is just like this year did the same thing. Well when I dropped the tree off you know I was asking if they needed any food this or that and you know any help of course you know and everyone's out there always very humble and you know in this family I feel like this was the first family I've ever felt like was very embarrassed about it almost. I guess you would say. They were very humble and very thankful.
Starting point is 00:07:50 But most of the other years, I've got to experience actually going in the house and kind of sitting down with them and the kids watching me put the tree up and this not. I actually literally just delivered to the doorstep every single time. And I never want to intrude or, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:02 oh, let me come in and, you know, you could tell that they didn't want to. And I get it, you know what I'm saying? I mean, part of what made me start this was, I've been on the receiving end as a kid before, you know, so I know it's like to have people help you out like that. And yeah, as a kid, you love getting toys and it's everything like that,
Starting point is 00:08:17 but you know, at one point at a certain age, you start to kind of feel like, this is weird, this is different, you know, like, and it doesn't feel right, and it feels weird, and it's uncomfortable, and you're not sure the feelings you're going through in the process. So I get it, so I don't press it, but you could tell this is probably one of the most ran-down homes and everything, but just by looking at the outside that I'd ever been to before. So, but what I did, and I had an opportunity to do, because I got it late. I, Orange Theory, the last two weeks,
Starting point is 00:08:47 I just made announcements in my class and hey guys, I've got this family that I've adopted, or mine pump is adopted, and we are, you know, trying to get as much food as we can for them. So anything you guys can drop off, you know, can't food this, that literally bro, like, I don't know, probably between all the loads I took, I don't know, four or five thousand dollars worth of groceries.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Wow. Oh yeah, grocery, they won't need to get food for the next six months. So and on top of that, I had over 150 and target cards, over three hundred dollars and safeway cards. I mean, and we dropped this all off on them. So they got all that food, they got the gift cards, and then the presents were Katrina and I went shopping for, I always like to get the main stuff first
Starting point is 00:09:31 for the parents to help them out. So all the clothes, we got them full outfit. I got everybody nice pair of new Nike's and sneakers. And then once you got all the need stuff, then we kind of spoiled the kids, whatever, and in this case, there was only one. So we got a ton of, you know, everything I could possibly think of that, you know, a 10-year-old girl would want. And then on top of that, people from Orange Theory and that knew that I was doing
Starting point is 00:09:53 it was dropping off gifts and stuff. So it was, hey, shout out to Orange Theory members, man. Thanks for that. Yeah, they totally pulled through and helped out a lot, a lot, a lot. So that was a, and I made sure to thank everybody afterwards in my classes that I knew that did, but it was pretty neat to see them all. And in a short period of time like that, I was a little nervous that I was gonna have to end up doing all of it all on my own and everything like that,
Starting point is 00:10:15 but everybody contributed helped out. Doug came down with me on the last day and came here to see them. So he got a chance to meet them also, but the same thing, he didn't get to go in, we didn't get to go in, you know, so that would have been, I would have liked to have gone also, but the same thing, he didn't get to go in, we didn't get to go in, so I would have liked to have gone in.
Starting point is 00:10:27 But, you know what, like I said, you know. You just want to respect them. Yeah, I do, I want to respect that, and it's not about that, you know, it's not about the reaction, it's not about that process for it, it's the whole idea of, you know, to do that for them, you know, so.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Well, that's rare, it's very rare to find people, you know, like you, who, you know, go out and do that kind of stuff. Especially, I mean, I hate the stereotype, but just in the fitness industry in general. The fitness industry is so packed full of people who just give a shit about what they look like. Don't really care about helping other people. And they have these kinds of these fragile egos. I can't really deal with much. And then you got guy like you who did that. So very humbling, very, very nice to see. Well, I really feel I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:11:07 I'll tell you I'll tell you that much. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Why don't I don't even like to talk about it, to be honest with you, just because I know you weren't going to bring it up. I fucking knew it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Yeah. No, I just because it's a I'll tell you what, this is the first time I've ever seen you uncomfortable on my own. Well, because I don't like talking about it because to me, it takes a way because then I feel like then you have the other spectrum right and I love what you it, because to me, it takes a way, because then I feel like, then you have the other spectrum, right? And I love what you brought up, that it is a sad thing. And then the other side is the people that do it, just for PR reasons, or for us to do it.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Oh, right, right, right. You know what I'm saying? Oh, that's classic, classic PR. Yeah, yeah. And I even had a hard time, like I took a picture of me, taking off to go dig the first delivery. And part of that was just because I was excited at my Santa hat I'm head and out there,
Starting point is 00:11:42 and then I thought about afterwards, and I'm like, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I don't wanna make this about me. Yeah, exactly, it's not about me. You know what I'm saying? And so that was head on out there and then I thought about afterwards and I'm like, fuck, I don't want to make this about me. Yeah, exactly. It's not about me. You know what I'm saying? And so that was the last I had even said anything about it. And I really didn't say what I was doing.
Starting point is 00:11:50 So no one, I probably, majority of people that follow me had no fucking clue was going on. But even that, like I was like, ah, fuck, you know, I don't want this. I don't want to need, does I, I'm so you have to show, keep the intentions pure. Yeah, exactly. And that's why I'm glad, Sal brought it up though. You know what I mean? Yeah, so it is. It's different to talk about it. And I wish I wish you would see more of it. You know, I wish more people that that was capable would, but you guys know too, see,
Starting point is 00:12:11 I this is where I'm more like you and I know I T Sal way back when we did the whole, if we wanted a million one the the lotto and all the shit that I would, but there's, you know, most certainly, there's things like that. And I wouldn't even mention that. Those are things just that I would like, I would do things for others. I've always done things for others because I feel like I've been blessed in life. And although I know I've worked hard for it to get there, it doesn't mean that I don't feel like
Starting point is 00:12:33 there's been a lot of blessings in my life along the way. So I always feel the need to try and give back in any manner that we can. But you guys are, I feel you guys are exactly the same way and I feel like that's one of the things that connects all of us. I mean, even the whole like being in the bodybuilding world and the men's physique shit and going to the professional level, that you guys knew me before that
Starting point is 00:12:53 and you knew there was never been about that shit. So a lot of people that are attached to me from social media or the radio show, maybe I have this image of me as that guy, but that's really, I didn't wake up one day and go like, man, I want to compete one day. I mean, I was in the training industry for over 10 years saying I would never compete.
Starting point is 00:13:10 The fact that they opened up a men's physique division was like, okay, I'll consider it. And then when I saw the direction of business, how it was going to this virtual world, I thought, okay, this is, I need to show people, they need to see that I can do this and see, and then they'll listen to me and then I can, then I can, because it's hard, you know, they need to see that I can do this and see, and then they'll listen to me and then I can, you know, then I can, because it's hard. You've otherwise, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:13:27 So, you guys always knew that's a... Well, you know, they show that when people, later on in life, talk about, you know, important things in their life, they don't talk about, you know, objects, they don't talk about things that they purchased, they talk about objects. They don't talk about things that they purchase. They talk about experiences. And they'll recommend, for example, if you have $5,000 to spend, rather than spending $5,000 on a new wardrobe or whatever, to go on a trip and have an experience,
Starting point is 00:13:59 or do like what you just did. Like these experiences, they're not selfish, however, you're still getting more out of it than you are. It enriches you and the people involved with it. Totally. I used to volunteer at a school and I would teach the kids about fitness.
Starting point is 00:14:16 It was free and I'd be there for almost all day and it's exhausting if you've ever stood in front of a whole cloud, 35, 12-year-old kids to talk about stuff that they don't really give a shit about. But you make it fun, you have a good time, and at the end of that, it just feels so, like you said, enriched. It feels very, very rewarding to meet these kids and do that kind of stuff. That brings you back to purpose. Yeah, I think we need more of that in our industry.
Starting point is 00:14:46 But sure, this is kind of a good transition to talk about. I don't think we've ever talked about ego too much. And the role that it plays in big role by the way in the fitness industry. It is. It is various forms. Oh, and I find that's why I find it's important to kind of talk about.
Starting point is 00:15:03 It's in our wheelhouse, even though it's not completely fitness related. There's a lot of it that is and there's a lot of stuff that's ego driven. And a lot of times some of the freaking baddest, most awesome people that we've met and we've got chances to either interview or we've hung out with or friends of ours or connected to us somewhere or another in the fitness industry. You know, everybody always seems to have like this. And this, I feel this has been true since I was a fitness manager working for 24
Starting point is 00:15:32 and developing trainers and stuff and paying attention to all their egos and how everyone's different and stuff. And I feel like it's just a broader spectrum when you look at the whole thing, but it's still the same. There's still, you still see, and I'll still stand true by this,
Starting point is 00:15:46 which is once again, what makes you guys unique, is you know, when you meet these trainers or these fitness people, and they've got, you know, there's a couple, there's a handful of things that make a great fitness, inspiration or fitness trainer or whatever. They possess maybe one or two things, and some of them are just amazing at one or two things
Starting point is 00:16:04 like that, but they typically end up So having an off really off balance somewhere else whether it be personality whether it be anger issues whether it be their their insecurities whether you know, but a lot of that is ego-driven and You know, I'm always fascinated to I that's why I love people too I love learning that about somebody. I love meeting somebody and Seeing the good in them and seeing what they're great at and learning what they do very well
Starting point is 00:16:28 and then learning all about their complete. They're full entirely. It's undeveloped in maturity, go, is what it is. And it makes sense, right? We're in an industry that revolves and based around insecurities. Most people- Disco insecurities.
Starting point is 00:16:44 That's right. In particular. Right, so most people start working out because there's an insecurity that they have about themselves physically. Most people that work in fitness had an extreme insecurity about something physical and made it become part of their passion and their obsession. I started out working out in a similar way. Now, the problem is if you get stuck there, if you never go beyond that, I, shit,
Starting point is 00:17:11 I mean, when I first started, I was extremely insecure about certain parts of my body or whatever physical I want to work out, cause I was skinny. And I did things that were unhealthy to attain a goal that was unattainable. I mean, I could have done anything, right? I could have gone on tons of steroids and growth hormone and whatever,
Starting point is 00:17:29 and you still won't ever, you know, attain that happiness that you're looking for because it's a deep rooted in security that has nothing to do with, the reality has nothing to do with the way you look at something that's inside you. And the way it manifests is it manifests, you know, in different ways. And a lot of times the way it manifests is you get these big muscular dudes who are bitches.
Starting point is 00:17:51 And I don't mean that in a derogatory sex term. I mean in terms of these big old looking strong dudes and you say the wrong thing and you hurt their feelings and they're really pissed off and they're gonna be assholes to everybody. Or, you know, they're in reality massive cowards, you know, they want to look like these big tough guys. But in reality, they're big. Big shell, they've created. Big shell. And, you know, and I can speak more from the male perspective just because, you know, I'm a guy. Right. But, you know, you see this in both men and women
Starting point is 00:18:22 in our industry and it's, it's horrible. Some of the, now the best trainers, you see this in both men and women in our industry and it's horrible. Some of the best trainers, the best people in fitness that you'll ever find are self-confident. But themselves, they've taken that ego and they've developed it to the point now where they understand the importance of health, for example. And they can recognize various elements of fitness and what collectively is relevant and what is not and they don't get stuck into like certain dogmatic ways of looking at Experiencing fitness and teaching it because that's another form of ego that I see you know very very prevalent in Education as far as well. I have you know this much education and I've heard from these specific gurus,
Starting point is 00:19:06 and if you're not doing it in their way, I know some, they're just the leadest about it. And we'll scoff in as far as certain techniques that may be valid, but may be old school. Like old techniques that are like, well, that's ancient. You know, this is what I heard from this certain person. And you know, it just becomes dangerous.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Like then you become sort of, you know, just boxed into that way of thinking from, well, that goes narrowed out. That goes to what you're saying with ego is that, I feel like that's the ego of you having that feeling that need to have to fit in or to be a part of something. There's a side of people that do want to be in a box. We act like we do, everyone says, oh, think outside the box, be outside the box, you don't want to be the norm, but really so many people do though inside. And they don't realize that. Very few people want to
Starting point is 00:19:58 step outside and be outside their comfort zone and to be challenged and to think that way. Well, it's hard to kind of bring that up without, you know, inherently thinking that maybe there's a contradiction there with, you know, but from what, you know, what I interpret mind-pump really is the filter of ideas, right? And it's the seeking of furthering our knowledge. And it's not necessarily a dogma.
Starting point is 00:20:23 It's not a way that, you know, this is the right way, like, you know, intel proven wrong or whatever the latest science is, you know, this is what we're going to gravitate towards. But, you know, I pride our our ability to look forward as far as other people studying elements of what we already know. And then finding new, you know, things that occur for us. It's so, you know, you're talking about egos with trainers. You know, you'll see a trainer who will, because what happens is they'll take their ego issues
Starting point is 00:20:54 and they'll project it onto their client. So, you know, you get a client, someone wants to, oh, I want to feel better, I want to get in shape. And then this trainer who's got body image issues is like, we're going to make you shredded. You're going to do all this extreme shit because I'm going to make you shredded. That's what's going to make you happy. That's not true. Okay. Yeah. You don't know about it for you just because right. You got super shredded and got that right.
Starting point is 00:21:13 And that was the best feeling for you. Or, you know, I'm Mr. Kettlebell trainer. I'm Mr. Whatever trainer. And that's the be all end all. And I'm going to make you an expert at this one thing because that's what's gonna make you happy. And they're projecting their own ego and insecurities onto the client. I had a lady hire me, wonderful lady, lover to death, she's a professor and she was teaching class and one of the students, she was talking about how she needs to exercise
Starting point is 00:21:38 because she was diagnosed with osteophenia, which is before you get osteoporosis. And so the doctor says you should probably try weight training. She's never done it before. Older woman. So student in the back knew me, raised his hands, oh, you need to call my friend's house. So she, up until that point, had gone to four other trainers.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Okay. One of them, she would talk about her problem. I have osteopenia. I need to get stronger this and that. He ends the conversation with, okay, no problem. We'll have you in the bikini by summertime. She's like, okay, you obviously didn't hear a god damn thing that I said. Next person's like, we're gonna make you so lean and so toned.
Starting point is 00:22:12 You're gonna be able to see your shoulder muscles. And she's talking about osteopenia, okay? Yeah. Like, that's ego. Shut the fuck up, trainer. Right. Ridiculous ego. So she comes to me and, you know, I've been doing this for a long time now.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I understand now, you know, how to do this effectively. And also, I've checked my ego, I check it every single day. And so I talked about the problem. I've talked about, okay, here's the solution to that problem. Here's what we're gonna do. And I'm talking about how she looks. I don't talk about how she's gonna be keeny. She didn't care about any of that.
Starting point is 00:22:41 And she hired me and we ended up, you know, we've been working together now for 10 years. But that's just an example of, um, of how that ego can kind of permeate. And, and, you know, we got it, someone on our forum, a young lady on our forum who just enrolled in the, in the bundle, the maps program. She, I forgot what trainer it was, because I would love to call them out right now. They're like a famous Instagram celebrity. She paid for their program. Okay. She weighs a hundred. I don't quite remember, but I think she're like a famous Instagram celebrity. She paid for their program, okay? She weighs a hundred, I don't quite remember, but I think she's like 115 pounds.
Starting point is 00:23:09 He put her on 240 grams of protein under 50 grams of carbs and low fat. And was having her workout like crazy. And she's like it almost ruined my body, it ruined my health to follow this guy's thing. And you know why she stopped. I mean, the poor girl, you know, you have so much faith in this fitness, so and so that you'll just get like, you just try and muscle through it, right? The reason why she stopped, first of all, she felt like shit, health
Starting point is 00:23:37 was going down. Then she looked, then her friend purchased the program. They compared notes and guess what? Carbon copy. Exact same program for both of us. So fresh. Exact so common by the way. Yes. Very very common. Yes and you got to protect yourself, you know, if you're listening right now and you're, you're not super versed
Starting point is 00:23:55 in the fitness industry and in fitness in general, I'm going to tell you something. This is, it sounds simple, but it's actually this, this right here will save you. A lot of money and it'll save your health. something feels horrible like if you like literally feel like your health is not good and this is not good And my you know, I'm following this program, but I feel horrible. Don't do it intuition listen to it Fucking listen your body like don't do it. Yeah, I've had people come up to me with these some of these diets That's some of these you know these ego-driven trainers will give them, and they'll come up to me and be like,
Starting point is 00:24:25 yeah, I'm doing this with I have it, I have diarrhea all the time. Well then don't eat that way, why are you still doing it? Yeah, you know? The writing's on the toilet wall. Yeah, so you got, so I mean, it's just one of those things
Starting point is 00:24:39 I think in fitness because of its origins tend to be in securities, you have to evolve your inside as much as you evolve your outside because you will eventually get the goal maybe you might get to the goal of looking the way you want, but you're not going to be happy. Well, here's the take into the next level too, is understanding your own, right, and really grasping your own ego and your own struggles and your own things that, because there's things that can feed into that and fuel that.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I catch myself all the time with stuff like that. For example, like, you know, we've spoken out a lot against squeams and these people that are in the shreds and we're giving everybody shit that's doing stuff like that. But at the same time too, you know, I enjoy that, I enjoy controversy,
Starting point is 00:25:23 I enjoy pointing out things like that. But I also got to be careful because I can easily feed into that and they take control or take too much direction of what I really don't care about because it really doesn't matter. And the reason why I bring this up is because I've noticed a lot of people tagging me on all these posts and people that and wanting me to join in on like, oh my God, let's call this person out of the train. Yeah, exactly who's photoshopping their ass. It's like, you know, I really don't fucking care. It's not the issue. Yeah. And mine pump, like Justin said, I'm piggybacking off of what you said is that's not what I saw a mine pump. That's not one any of us see mine pump is. It's about helping people see everything, but we're not here to go and just punk the fuck everybody.
Starting point is 00:26:01 And we're gonna have some fun with shit. We're gonna make fun of some people. We're gonna tease it out. Like,, but also at the same time too, I'm not on a mission of like looking at every single person's Instagram and calling them out on their their their propaganda. We're here to educate you so you don't get fooled by that. That's it.
Starting point is 00:26:17 That's where we're here to and we're gonna have a little fun with it. We're gonna empower. We're gonna tease silly companies like shreds and their athletes and so that we're gonna have fun with that. But we're not, I don't wanna be malicious and I'm not trying to. Well, I think when you have some big company like that,
Starting point is 00:26:30 you have to call them out because they're doing a lot of people to service a lot of them. Well, they're also serving it on a T for us because they almost represent what we're talking about. Like is there a perfect example? And they're one of probably, at least hundreds to thousands of companies. There's a lot of other ones that we can pick on.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Yeah, we just utilize them because they're a huge Instagram company right now and everyone sees them and they're all over and a lot of people have seen their growth. So it's an easy one to point out. But they're all over and that's the idea of mine pump is just making people aware. I don't have time in order I give it shit. I'm not gonna get on Arvins page and Joey Swole page and Devon physics page every day and and Freakin try and talk against their stuff
Starting point is 00:27:12 No, I feel like I'm kind of over it anyway. Yeah, I've heard we had to say about it Yeah, and I guess that we're gonna we'll always have fun with some of that But I want people to know that that you know, we'll never that's that's never the mission of mine pump and everything like that It's never to and I gotta be careful really there. I never, that's never the mission of mind, pomp and everything like that is never to, and I gotta be careful. It's not really there, I mean, it's not really their fault. Yeah, no, it's not. I mean, that's what you're trying to say. Yeah, it's the individuals fault buying their shit.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Yep. And so what we're trying to do is create a whole other sort of influence, okay. We need to create influence that counters their influence and they have a big influence. So it may look like a battle because of that. And it may look negative, but all we're doing is trying to create a different movement and counter to that. Yeah, that just happens to be the opposite.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Yeah, exactly. I'm not trying to like, you know, destroy and murder their, you know, entire business like maliciously and all this kind of stuff. We're just trying to create awareness that this is not what we wanna see in the fitness industry. And this encircling back to talking about, this is me checking my ego,
Starting point is 00:28:13 because this is a situation where, you know, the inside of me, it gets, once I get fed and go like, oh yeah, let me get on this page, punk the fuck out of this person and break them down. So even then I go like, wait, who's that doing any service to? Like really, what am I doing by doing that? All I'm doing is making myself feel better
Starting point is 00:28:29 about how smart I am and how stupid you are. You know what I'm saying? That's what I'm doing, which is also why I always type stuff about how annoyed I get when people like to do grammar checks. You know, if you're a fucking grammar Nazi and you're listening to this, you're annoying. People don't like that. And honestly, all that is there is to feed your ego
Starting point is 00:28:46 to point out that you know fucking, you know better than the person who's riding that. Well, dude, and for you, you know how, you know how when someone's losing a debate online when they start trying to correct grammar. Oh, yeah. Then you know they're losing. It's like, it's the equivalent of your debating someone
Starting point is 00:29:02 and instead of them coming back at you, they like make a face and copy you. Like, yeah, exactly. I fucked your mom. It's the equivalent of that. Yeah, you know. But I think, yeah, I mean. That felt too far.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Yeah, I think it did go too far. You always go too far. No, that's a pretty example too, because all of this is a redirect. It's a redirect on some of this. Nothing to do with what we're debating and we're talking about intelligently. And because I didn't spell check
Starting point is 00:29:29 before I sent it over to you, or you know, you fire back and you know, it's like, okay, what did you just accomplish right there? Cause you understood what the fuck I was saying to you. It's empty, dude. It's so fun. Arguing to me is so empty. Unless it's intelligently driven to promote
Starting point is 00:29:46 like a different type of awareness and create some kind of like understanding. You know, what the fuck are you doing arguing? Like me and my wife had this, the silliest argument last night and we were just sitting there and like, we just started laughing. We were like, okay, I'm arguing my side
Starting point is 00:30:02 because this is how I felt, you know, you delivered this to me and like, you know, you're trying to be funny, but that was like me You know like this and that and it's just like what are you talking about? You know, it's like wait a minute and we're both trying to prove our points in our sides like this is a stupid thing ever We start laughing and then like move on. Well, that's just great when you when you have an intelligent partner like that It could treat lip funny you brought that up because her and I got into one last night and the same, like, same exact way, same tone, like maybe like, I don't know, two minutes of going back and forth before we both kind of looked at each other and like, this is getting nowhere right
Starting point is 00:30:33 now. If both sat down, we ate and then like talked about what we just talked about, like intelligently, you know, by the way, that's rare in a relationship. Just 34 years of my life. It's never met one that could do that. By the way, if you want to be able to argue effectively, learn sales because it's no different. Like if you're arguing with someone
Starting point is 00:30:53 and they bring something up and you're trying to defend it, well, you were mean when you said so and so. Oh, no, I got one better way. You know, instead of arguing with that point, concede your right at what? You're done. Now we're talking about the real deal. Now we're gonna talk about the real deal. We're talking about the real issues.
Starting point is 00:31:07 You wanna be taking on the next level and you get good at sales and you learn about psychology. So you get a little, you get influenced on both of them and then you're a fucking wizard. Well, that's like, then you pick up on everything. You can see the way their body language is, the way they're talking, the way they're acting, before they even say anything like that.
Starting point is 00:31:23 You already know what's coming and you know what you have to do. And that's, that's for getting on the next level of quick thinking. Well, to bring it back to, you know, to bring it back to fitness, I had this conversation the other day with my brother and a friend of his. And we were talking about plastic surgery compared or versus fitness. And fitness, when you do it right, a lot more changes than just your body. A lot of stuff has to change on the inside.
Starting point is 00:31:47 The work that goes into it, the commitment that goes into it, the challenge, the failure, the successes. And that's why fitness, if it's done right, and not done a shortcut, why, you know, wise or short term wise, is such a life changer for people. And a lot of these fitness people didn't experience that. They didn't experience that kind of stuff. They got that quickly. Either they got that quickly
Starting point is 00:32:13 because they always look that way because they're these freaks of nature or because they are freaks in nature plus they're on lots of substances. But getting there on your own, doing it the right way, doing it the healthy way, a lot more than just your body changes. You develop a much more mature developed ego,
Starting point is 00:32:32 you develop, you get those insecurities, don't become less insecurities as you develop. I am far less insecure now than I was, you know, 15 years ago, far, far less. Look, if I get sick now, let's say. 15 years ago, you didn't even know it was an insecurity. Oh dude, right? 15 years ago.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Let me give you an example. If I got the stomach flu right now, like you just did, right? And I lost 10, 15 pounds, it would suck, but it would be okay. It would be horrifying for me 15 years ago. A horrifying devastating thing, like, oh my God, I can't handle.
Starting point is 00:33:06 So great you brought that, you know that's the reason why I just did that post right after that happened to me. Right, you just posted a picture, you're so... I was great that you posted. Cause I'm like, you know what, like this is another thing too, that like I've always like kind of kept these
Starting point is 00:33:17 like weekly to biodecai. Sometimes I'll let two weeks go by or so, but because I got sick for two weeks, I actually had three weeks before I'd put a photo of my progress or what's going on with my nutrition, what's going on. I kind of feel like that's one of the things I like to keep up on my Instagram
Starting point is 00:33:29 so people can kind of follow along when I'm doing. And so I had done that and I'm like, I felt so, I feel insecure. But that a lot of that going back to the ego is like, I know better than that. And a lot of times I like, if you're gonna grow, you have to challenge that. And the part of that's even a growth for me to do that
Starting point is 00:33:45 because I don't like doing that. But I know that there's no way I could have done that 10 years ago where now it's like, I don't give a fuck. I'm confident and I care. I care more about the message that I'm trying to send to people in the fitness world that, like it's okay to show people that this should happen. This happens all the fucking time.
Starting point is 00:34:01 You know, I get sick for two weeks, I'm down or vacation or whatever, so like that. Like these competitors that are professional athletes or whatever, and they post all these like videos of themselves just pumped and vained out and crazy all the time. Like, dude, I got a whole library of that stuff of selfies I've taken too, but I don't want to post some all the time like there.
Starting point is 00:34:20 You just send those to me. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I mean, you've got to be, well, you've got to challenge it. Yeah, it's promoting their superhero untouchableness, right? Once again, try this. This is a very big ego-driven thing that I see. And this is another reason why, if you guys ask me, like these names and the fitness industry and all that,
Starting point is 00:34:40 I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but I really don't hold them in high regard. Like I don't look up to you. Yes, we know you're hard to impress, bro. I'm just saying, I'm not like, I don't look at them as a hero. I think it took years with him before I finally impressed. I do not, you're not my hero, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:57 You know, like I'm just, you know, I get it. I get the hard work of it, but it's just hard work out of like anything else. Like I feel the same way now, unfortunately, with athletics because of going through the whole process of it and realizing that the last that's a mistake. Yeah, exactly. That's the thing. The curtain has been, you know, open and like, I see what's behind it all.
Starting point is 00:35:18 I mean, of course, there's certain things like with art and with people that do like, you know, our savants or people that, and that's the kind of stuff that I gravitate towards now. Like I'm so interested in that because it's, it, for me, it's unattainable or it's, for me, it has a mistake about it still. Um, and, you know, I get it, I get where people get drawn into that because, you know, if you're starting out and you see this awesome God like physique from that somebody's promoting
Starting point is 00:35:44 all the time and never shows you flaws, uh godlike physique from that somebody's promoting all the time and never shows you flaws, you know, that's like holy shit. Like wow. The holy grail. This guy's got everything, you know. So I used to have a young lady that worked with me that used to tell me, you know, it was about 10 years ago. And it didn't strike me back then until much later
Starting point is 00:36:03 but she used to say to me, Sal, you worked out too much. You need to do more working in. She used to say that to me, don't work out, work in. That's heavy. And I'd be like, shut up and I go work out. But, but, you know what?
Starting point is 00:36:17 It struck me a few years later. And, and you know what? It makes, it's like that's 100% what it is. If you want true. I'm so gonna steal 100% what it is you want if you want true I'm so gonna steal that one if you want if you want I'll give a little seed You know what I'll give her credit. She's listening her name was Laura. She used to say that to me But it's it's very true if you wanted if you want to find true fitness
Starting point is 00:36:43 Happiness you know bliss with your physique with with your body, with how you feel. What you're about to say right now is not just, it's everything, bro. Well, I'm just saying, I'm just saying. It work in life and relationships. But we have a lot of people listening right now who are just like, they wanna look a certain way. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:59 I'ma tell you something, you will never be happy with it until you do the working in part. Until you're happy. I used to tell people this all the time. They'd come to me and they'd say, I want to lose 30 pounds and I'd say why? And then they'd say because of this and I'd say why? And ultimately they'd say because it'll make me happy. And I'd say you will not lose 30 pounds until it become happy first.
Starting point is 00:37:15 You can't, you're not gonna lose 30 pounds and become happy. You're gonna become happy and then lose 30 pounds. And that's the way the salt works. That's how all of this shit works out. And it took me a long fucking time to figure that out for myself. But the minute I figured that out for myself and I applied it towards the people I worked with,
Starting point is 00:37:31 my clients, the more successful I became at training people, the more success they could found. And it made me an expert bullshit sniffer, expert. Like when you understand that and you're on social media, it's like, and I hate to say this man, I'd say statistically, if I were to add it all up, probably 99.8% of most of the stuff you see on there is bullshit. Oh, yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:37:57 I mean, it sucks. The first thing you're doing, it's very, very true. Well, we're moving into a market now where social media is the new television and those are commercials in a sense, you know what I'm saying? That's what you're, we're constantly being fed to our brain in a sense, right? That's these feeds of Instagram and Facebook
Starting point is 00:38:13 that were just these flashes that are brain and getting constantly all day long. It's just, they're advertisement in one way or another, what whether it be stimulating sexually, mentally, or something to socially, something to socially, something to do in that manner, like it's being advertised to you and your brain is being stimulated and you're fine and engaging in it. So that's all we're all watching as a commercial. And some people are just on authentic about it, which is very rare. And then there's
Starting point is 00:38:37 some people that understand the weakness of the mind and the ego. They feed into the ego. How about that? I mean, that's what you see right now. That's why this is such a great topic is, you know, a lot of all mean, that's what you see right now. That's why this is such a great topic is You know a lot of all the shit that's out there is internally driven by like shame on us for buying into that You know because we are we're just letting our ego be fed and we're not thinking about it You know I'm saying we're not trying to be looking the outside looking in on yourself. I said I love that working in You know working working working before you work out. I'm so gonna bite that Well think about think about how consistent someone will be
Starting point is 00:39:05 with exercise once they've figured that out of the stuff. Oh yeah, no. It's like a, it's a little more than it's also the goal. Like, would you call it when you have that sort of depression after you achieve a goal or like, you know, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I cannot remember the name, totally escaped. But anyway, yeah, so, so you go,
Starting point is 00:39:21 like when this whole pinnacle, you're pinnacle of it, right? It's almost like, what's left? What's left? It's almost like retiring in a sense. Like you have this sense of purpose, you know, you wake up every day, you're trying to accomplish this thing.
Starting point is 00:39:35 So now once, yeah, you lose your 10, 20 pounds, you know, like what's left, autopilot? You know, like that's what you're wrapping everything around was this one thing, and you never really truly found that happiness before that. And this is why when you do it right, when you lose 30 pounds or whatever the right way, you do learn to become happy before the 30 pounds come off. If you do it the right way, now if you do it the wrong way and you go, you know, liquid diet or do a bunch of crazy shit, you'll lose the 30 pounds, but the likelihood of the 30 pounds
Starting point is 00:40:06 staying off is much smaller. The likelihood of you actually being happy with yourself is much smaller. The likelihood of you feeling better is actually much smaller. This is why people who get gastric bypass, they go undergo extensive psychological testing, extensive, you know, questionnaires, and and then even then a huge percentage of them lose weight because they have to they cut your stomach out right so they have to they end up losing a hundred pounds a hundred fifty pounds and
Starting point is 00:40:35 A large percentage of them become Alcoholics or addicted to drugs or go into depression because the underlying there was something they didn't deal with it didn't get Fist all you did was take away their drug, but you didn't get fix what was going on underneath. They didn't become happy before they lost. This reminds me of kind of what I'm going through and what I went through, I guess you could say, with the whole competing thing. And the reason why it's so fresh to me right now is that I get, it's the number one thing I get asked to. And when I run into somebody in person,
Starting point is 00:41:09 and they said, the first thing everybody wants to ask me is, what's your next show? What are you competing in? What are you doing? What are you gonna do now? What are you gonna do now? And my answer normally is, I don't know, I'm not sure. I might do like a show every year to stay relevant or like that,
Starting point is 00:41:22 but honestly, I've reached what I had set out for, you know, like so. And really the professional thing was in the back of my mind. It wasn't even the goal. It was like the ultimate. It was the pinnacle. It was like, if I actually went all the way, it was like, okay, I'm going to show everybody I can take myself from fat to fit, then from fit to guy who's never competed before to competing. That was it. And the pro thing was like the like ultimate like, oh, if I could actually take this all the way through, this would be the shit Right, well then it happened and we and I went through the whole process and it was and during the process It was fucking fun
Starting point is 00:41:52 It was extremely exciting and and the the momentum that came behind it and everything that was growing around it business wise Everything at the same time was applied and I remember Katrina having conversations with me all time saying like You know are you gonna is this it going to be with the guy who's into competing for the rest of his life and everything like until he no longer can do it anymore? Now, I mean, you're a pro now at what you do. Is this what we're going to do? Like, is get after shows every year and she's like asking me seriously. And I said, no, honey, I told you from the very beginning what this was all about.
Starting point is 00:42:19 You know, it was all about building a business and creating that credibility for myself first. Once we're there, honestly, like, it doesn't really matter to me anymore. I'm not fed that way. That's not what matters to me. She's like, are you sure? Because she could tell I was enjoying it. But the thing when I went out and I set out to it, I always knew that.
Starting point is 00:42:38 I always knew that as exciting as that's going to be, it just became exciting. But it wasn't about that. That's not what was feeding me internally what was making me happy and it's tripping people out that I don't care Afterwards if I go back on stage ever again in the rest of my life It's there's like to me it was never ever like that, you know And I never let it fuel that so it's really easy for me and like now and then I just come off the losing all this 17 pounds off of getting sick can be down and instead of being devastated by it, it's like, oh, this is a perfect time to transition to my new program.
Starting point is 00:43:07 You know, I'm gonna start training myself differently right now, I'm gonna set different goals for myself, and I'm gonna focus on a whole different direction, instead of focusing all in this guy who cared about competing, like, I don't really care about competing anymore. Perfect opportunity. I mean, that all kind of just ties back into our growth.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Topic, you know, when we were talking about that, it's just like, you start talking about ego and that's how I identify like somebody, I wanna be around is somebody that has that sort of energy that they wanna grow. Like they're still seeking growth in their life and whatever it is, like if I can sense that about them, you know, you're somebody interesting to me and I want to you know hang out with you
Starting point is 00:43:47 Like that's those are the people I want to stround myself with Because to be honest like once you think you figured it all out I mean that's ego from there on you know like I I'm such an expert. I'm such an authority here Really are you no that's when you not learn from somebody else? That's what you die right there. Yeah, that's when you and that's what you do. Can you not learn from somebody else? That's what you die right there. That's when you internally, that's when you die to me. Once you stop growing, once you stop learning, once you think that you're the man,
Starting point is 00:44:12 once you think that you're that badass and once you start thinking, it's okay to be badass, but you always keep yourself in check. Well, you stop working. Once you think you're the best and you know everything and that's it on the man, you stop. And that's not what fitness is.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Fitness is always working, but it's not work. You change the definition of that. You enjoy it. It's totally enjoy it. It's fun. And with that, please leave us a five star rating and review and don't forget to subscribe to Mind Pump. Rate and review.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Boo! Thank you for listening to MindPump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump. you

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