Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2137: The Best Suspension Training Workout Plan for Beginners

Episode Date: August 10, 2023

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin cover the best way to start training with a suspension trainer. A body and a suspension trainer and you can rival your friends with muscle and strength gains! (1:4...2) Who is this type of exercise tool for and what is it best used for? (2:57) Tips, How to Use Them, and The Best Exercises per Body Part for Beginners. (8:41) Chest: The push-up or fly. (9:52) Back: Supine rows. (13:34) Shoulders: W’s. (17:17) Biceps: Body curls. (20:04) Triceps: Body skull crushers. (21:27) Legs: Assisted lunge or side lunge (24:00) Hamstrings: Leg curls. (27:01) Core: Suspension plank. (28:42) Putting a workout together for beginners. (30:12) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Promotion: MAPS Suspension 50% off! **Code BEGIN50 at checkout** Mind Pump Listeners can take advantage of this 50% OFF offer from Equi.Life and get their own at-home glyphosate toxicity test kit here today! Suspension Training Series - 3 Favorite Chest Exercises Suspension Training Series - 3 Favorite Back Exercises Suspension Training Series - 3 Favorite Shoulder Exercises Suspension Training Series - 4 Favorite Arm Exercises Suspension Training Series - 4 Favorite Leg Exercises Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump right in today's episode. We give you the best suspension training workout plan. If you are a beginner, by the way, if you're intermediate or advanced, don't worry. We talk to you as well.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Now, because this episode talks all about suspension trainers, we're putting our program that's based on suspension training on sale, 50% off. So this is called MAPS suspension. It's a full body workout with suspension trainers phased. It's got reps, sets, video demos, a whole deal, half off because of this episode. If you're interested, you go to maps suspension.com. There's two S's in there. So it's M-A-P-S-S-U-S-P-E-N-S-I-O-N.com. And then use the code begin 50 for
Starting point is 00:00:59 the half off. Now, this episode is brought to you by one of our sponsors. Dr. Stephen Cabral has a kit, a test, that will test you for glyphosate toxicity in your body. What are glyphosates? These are the herbicides that are sprayed all over GMOs. They have some pretty nasty effects on the biome, on some people in their body. Some people have nasty reactions to this. Glyphosates are everywhere, the hard to get away from,
Starting point is 00:01:24 but you can see if you have too high of levels with this kit and Dr. Steven Cabral is offering our listeners 50% off. So if you're interested, go to stevencabral.com. That's STEPHEMCABRAL.com forward slash glyphosate. All right, here comes the show. Believe it or not, body weight training rivals free weights when it comes to muscle and strength. However, you want to use this one tool, a suspension trainer.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Your body and a suspension trainer, and you can rival your friends with muscle and strength gains who use free weights. It's that darn effective. One of my favorite tools. Yeah, that people can use in the gym. You could almost make the case. And I know there's definitely people that are hardcore into body weight training and suspension trainers that would probably definitely make the case
Starting point is 00:02:15 that it's better in a lot of ways. I think for longevity, you're probably right. Yes. Obviously, if you're competing in a bodybuilding show or a powerlifting show, suspension trainers are not going to be your go-to tools for a pair of sent to free weights, right, and barbells. But for longevity, overall, joint health, range of motion, strength, it's like natural limiters there, right?
Starting point is 00:02:38 In order to be able to pull out of these moves off, you have to get a lot of that stability and a lot of that control element where it really takes an account, your joints strength and health, which I think that we can kind of bypass it a lot with weights and move beyond our natural limits. Well, there's two types of people that need to hear this message. One is the person that either doesn't have access to a gym, doesn't want to go to a gym, has a limited space, and so they're like, okay, how can I get the best strength building, muscle building, metabolism boosting, effects without too much equipment, without too much space without going to the gym. The second person, and this is also very important,
Starting point is 00:03:19 is the person that has access to all these different tools, free weights, machines, bodyweight, bands, person that has access to all these different tools, free weights, machines, body weight, bands, in which case there's a benefit to using all of those things. And suspension trainers have unique benefits present that you don't find in those other tools. So if you primarily work out in the gym with free weights and machines, you're missing out by not using a suspension trainer. The other one's obvious, right? I don't have a gym.
Starting point is 00:03:44 What's the best tool? And I'll say this, just for that, it's the best non-freeway, non-machine tool you could use for just pure strength and muscle. I can't think of a better tool. So the only way you can really intensify a lot of these body weight exercises effectively, right? Otherwise, you have to get way too creative and unnatural. And assist you in ones that are really, really challenging that you couldn't do, right? Otherwise, you have to get way too creative and unnatural.
Starting point is 00:04:05 And assist you in ones that are really, really challenging that you couldn't do, right? So for everything from a beginner to someone who's super advanced, you can utilize this tool for, we don't actually talk about this a lot. Maybe it's because for social media reasons, it's not sexy, you know? Like, there's no like suspension trader PRs going around viral,
Starting point is 00:04:26 you know what I'm saying, or check out this cool. I gained 10 pounds, and I'm having a deal. Yeah, because I was thinking about, you know what, shame on me for not probably sharing this more, and I don't know where I used to, so I see your workouts a lot, so I don't know if you are as much,
Starting point is 00:04:38 I don't or you just did, but I use my suspension trainer weekly. Yeah, a week does not go, like, maybe a workout goes by, or maybe that day I didn't use it, but I use, mine trainer weekly. A week does not go, maybe a workout goes by or maybe that day I didn't use it, but mine is in my garage. It is always, I don't detach it because I use it literally every single week I use it.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Well, there's similar benefits that I receive from doing the suspension training devices as doing mobility drills. It's for me, it's really like. I can add just enough tension and be able to regulate that based off of where I am in terms of the anchor and my foot position and so I can I can get like a nice moderate kind of intensity while really kind of feeling my way through these movements which really I feel the benefit around my joints.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Look, there's here's what's unique to suspension trainers. You kind of mentioned to Adam, it's the only tool that exists for strength training that is both appropriate for beginners and for intermediate and for super advanced without having to add anything. Now free weights are appropriate for everybody as well, but you have to add weight or take weight off. The same suspension trainer,
Starting point is 00:05:44 the same one can be used by a complete deconditioned beginner, and also the super advanced strength athlete. Some of them might be wondering, well how, angles, you change the angles, you change the leverage, this is the beauty of a suspension trainer, and this is why it's one of the top tools
Starting point is 00:06:01 that someone can use, and it's in an expensive tool, and it doesn't take up a lot of, in fact, you have a doorway, you have a gym with a suspension trainer, and you could build a phenomenally impressive physique, and it doesn't matter what body part you're training either. That's the other thing about certain tools,
Starting point is 00:06:15 it work great for some body parts, not so much for others. You can train your entire body with a suspension trainer with like a wide degree of intensity. Do you know that the new one comes with the door one too? The one that we have now that we saw, our old one didn't have that. I don't know if you know that. No, we have an anchor piece that you can wedge in the door.
Starting point is 00:06:33 That was in the door. Did you know that? I didn't know that. Yeah, so I so recently. I ordered it, but my brother, my brother was at my house. It was just like a couple of weeks ago. And he came, he came by and was talking about, and he doesn't have a lot of means, right? So he's like really wanting to get back in his training.
Starting point is 00:06:47 I said, dude, why don't you use the suspension trainer? He's like, oh yeah, I said, I have a program. I'll set you all up. I said, in fact, you know what? So you do, so you make sure you do it. Just take mine. I said, I have another one in the studio. I have the original one that we originally had.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And I got the new one out. I pulled it all out. I'm like, oh, this is cool. It actually comes with an accessory to wedge in the door, too. Oh, perfect. So it not only has the anchor to a tree to pull up bar, but then also the door wedge. And a given example of what you were talking about,
Starting point is 00:07:14 how you could take the most decondition beginner to all the way to super advanced, I think of like the push up, right? I remember having clients so decondition that I would have them go to a wall. Yeah, a wall push up and they would and they would they would just push their body weight away from the wall. Imagine that they're standing up. They just kind of let their body wave on it and that was challenging.
Starting point is 00:07:36 So you can do that exact same movement but even better because with the with the suspension trainer, you'll actually take it all the way deep. They're not in your face on the whole. Yeah, right here where you can go all the way deep so you get a full range of motion, but standing up. And then as you move your feet back, it gets harder, harder, harder to where you eventually go to the place where the suspension trainer's
Starting point is 00:07:54 hanging straight down and you do a reverse pushup on there where it's all unstable on both sides. And that's in your feet up on some super difficult. Super challenging. It's again, by the way, this tool has existed for a long time, maybe not in the commercial way that we have them now, but Olympic rings is what it was based off of.
Starting point is 00:08:13 And those have been used in, well, for training for a long time, but in the Olympics, I believe the first time that it was used was in men's gymnastics. I want to say 1900, I looked it up earlier, and it was a way to display upper body strength. And still is today, to this day, it's one of the greatest displays of upper body strength.
Starting point is 00:08:30 It's very impressive for you to see a gymnast do you like an iron cross or position up in the rings. So that's kind of the origin of them, but there's such valuable tools and what we're gonna go over today are just some tips how to use them and then best exercises. What are the best exercises per body part for beginners, although I will say this, everything that we're going to list, if you change the angle, it goes from a beginner exercise to a super advanced exercise. So I think we should go through
Starting point is 00:09:02 the body parts and kind of talk about some of our favorites. These are just our favorites, but I mean, there's so many exercises that you can... And as a trainer, like another reason why I love this tool is, I remember one of the more challenging things was understanding how to progress and progress exercises. And even when you have things like free weights and a huge gym with all these great tools, when you're first learning how to do this, that sometimes times, oh, this person can't do a squat.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Like, what do I go do? Like, and like trying to figure out what is the ideal regression to that exercise when they can't do it or, oh my god, that was way too easy for them. How do I progress this? Is it just add weight? Is that all I do?
Starting point is 00:09:42 Just add weight all time? This tool is so easy to figure that piece out for the average person. It's almost intuitive. It's very intuitive. That's why I love about it. Yeah. All right, so let's start with chest.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Obviously, the push-up is gotta be there. The unique thing about a suspension trainer push-up is the potential, and I say potential, because you wanna train in an appropriate range of motion, a range of motion that you own, that you have control over, okay, because the potential for the range of motion, the pushup with the suspension trainer is rivaled by almost no other exercise. Like I can't think of another pushup or press variation, maybe dumbbells,
Starting point is 00:10:19 but boy, the range of motion you can get, you can get so deep with the pushup. So if you're advanced, you could put your feet up, create yourself in a horizontal position and challenge the depth and studies show that the stretch position builds the most muscle. And if you challenge range of motion, it's a novel stimulus. Now, somebody's a beginner, what you said at them, you have them stand almost straight up or slightly slanted and do their push upup. And always work with what you can control with a suspension trainer, because the stability is a big component.
Starting point is 00:10:49 You'll find if you're too shaky or whatever, you might need to make a little bit of a... And that little bit of instability, so you get a little bit of a shift left to right that you have to account for, which actually helps even to further engage the core. And so it's something that you just can't deny. So this is like, this is a great tool for trainers and coaches as well.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Like when we're teaching pushups and just regular pushups on the ground, you always wanna have that good form. You wanna have that, those hips locked in place, you wanna have that, you know, stomach that core drawn in and everything kind of braced and controlled. Cause you see a lot of sloppy pushups
Starting point is 00:11:21 where people will have arches in their back and, you know, and they'll kind of work their way through it. But this is this is a great one to really stress the important things that need to be stressed, which is good form and being able to maintain and brace, you know, in a nice firm back position. That was one of the best things that the, you know, stability ball and functional quote unquote training movement that happened in like the late 90s early 2000s, what came of that? I stole a lot of things from that and still to this day I've kept that like there's a video one of the viral YouTube videos I did where you see me doing a split stance
Starting point is 00:11:57 for a bison crow and said this is the only way you should do bison crows and of course coddle kinds of controversy and so with that. But what I figured out and what the suspension trainer provides for all movements is that instability. And what I found was coaching a client while they're doing a new exercise they've never done to, you know, draw in their TVA, you know, but yet breathe normally and also do this exercise that you're not very familiar with is a lot for them to think in a lot of times there's all this breakdown. Put them in an unstable environment and naturally the body organizes itself and the core activates
Starting point is 00:12:30 to stabilize the spine. It was like a really cool clever way to get my client to train the core and learn to activate it through these movements while not having to really focus on it so much. That's what I loved about instability type of training and the suspension trainer provides that for all movements. Now, a couple of keys with this is one, as you go down the pushup, you come up on your toes. So your feet aren't gonna stay flat.
Starting point is 00:12:53 I've seen people have challenges with that because lack of ankle mobility. You don't need to have crazy ankle mobility because you're on your toes. And two is bracing the core. You don't want an over arch in the low back. So what I like to tell people to do is get into position and then want to break at the hips.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Yeah, arch the back and then tuck the tailbone and then go somewhere in the middle and brace the core. And that's probably the right position. You want to be nice and flat as you go down. You don't want to have this butt sticking out. Dude, there's so many progressions to this. It's so great.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Like, I mean, you guys even mentioned, like anchor pushups is something like a unique feature that the suspension trainer provides where you can actually have one pressing and one flying at the same time. One of my favorite exercises, so you get the benefit of both. Love that.
Starting point is 00:13:35 All right, for the back, supine rows, this is actually one of my favorite back exercises period. So much better than a supine row on a barbell or a Smith machine. The range of motion again with the handles is incredible. The key here is to make sure that your feet aren't going to slide. So make sure you have good traction or something that you put your feet up against. But man, really squeeze the shoulder blades down a back and pull your chest up as you pull back. Don't just pull the handlebars back.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Yeah, I love to use this also for priming. We always talk about the benefits of rowing for the upper back. And again, you can progress this so far. I've progressed this before where you go all the way to where your feet are up on the wall. Yes. And so you're actually suspended in air and then rowing your entire... That's gnarly.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Well, I especially love this because of that isometric extension, which is something that's like people don't realize how beneficial that is in terms of like if you have any kind of pain or anything hip flex or wise or lower back wise and to be able to address that. Just while naturally doing a row, you have to maintain that type of a rigidity there in your back by lifting those hips up and squeezing the glutes and keeping it nice and tight and it's gonna help actually alleviate pain that you may experience later.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Oh, pulling your body up encourages good form versus rowing a barbell when you're bent over, which makes it really hard for people to understand how to pull their shoulder blades back. When you have someone pull their body up appropriately, they naturally kind of want to stick their chest out. So it's really easy to teach a good form. In advanced version, by the way, if you've ever tried a one arm row, a supine row with
Starting point is 00:15:18 the handles, you want to talk about core stability. It sounds like if you imagine it, you're like, I can do that, try it. Yeah. I get twist your body and you want to be about core stability. It sounds like if you imagine it, like I could do that, try it. I get twist your body and you want to be weird at the bottom. So you want to use an appropriate angle and really activate the obliques as you're getting that back. You know how many extra, you're just making me think of like because my brain's going like crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:39 This is obviously an orange theory when I worked there. They're primary thing they use was a suspension trainer. So I already had a bunch of exercises I use and then I got introduced to so many more when I was there, which was really cool. And the amount of variations that you can do to these exercises, like you bring up the, you know, keeping yourself, like I would put my hand
Starting point is 00:15:57 on my hip and I would do a single row and a fixed position. But then I do ones where I open completely up and train and rotate with it. And I know Justin loves that stuff, right? Rotational stuff that involved into the row and stuff. Like there's a lot of really cool, you know, functional twists that you can make to. And I know it's a buzzword to say it like that. But like for example, we lack that good rotational strength.
Starting point is 00:16:20 And so training it to be able to do anti-rotation from the way you're talking about, then incorporating rotation in there. This is why these are the reasons why you can make a case for it being one of the, if not the best tool for longevity for ability. I love it. I love to just the off topic a little bit, but it's a straight arm pullover. I think you would call it a straight arm pulldown. I think they call them supermanzons. It is your core and your in your laps are gonna get blitz. That is a super advanced exercise. Really, really challenging one.
Starting point is 00:16:52 In fact, I remember the first time I tried it, almost hurt myself because I underestimated it. Well, and you can do that on your knees. And for their outs. Yes, for, so I can take somebody. It's a great example of an extremely difficult for even an advanced lifter to do that for pullovers, all the way down to your knees and scoot it out.
Starting point is 00:17:12 And now it becomes really easy for someone who's extremely deconditioned. So another reason why I love that. Now shoulders, here is a unique exercise for shoulders that you can't really do with almost any other tool. I mean, you can do a band that gets incapable. It's a dance maybe. But I love the way that it feels
Starting point is 00:17:30 with the suspension trainer, because it gives you the right amount of resistance at the hardest part, and then the least amount of resistance at the part where you should have kind of least amount. So in other words, the strength curve or resistance curve with the suspension trainer seems to match up really well with the exercise. And these are called W's.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I was introduced to these by one of you guys. And it's got to be one of my top three shoulder building, shoulder stabilizing, like healthy for my shoulder type exercise. Yeah, just everything. Just that external rotation. And it's so beneficial to, if you're pressing all the time, which, you know, typically you are, if you're in the gym, you have any kind of regular programming,
Starting point is 00:18:09 you're gonna be pressing a lot. So to be able to kind of strengthen the rotators, and to be able to get that external rotation, and keep that a part of the mix, it's gonna benefit all the rest of your lifts of any kind of pressing or stabilizing the shoulder. So the W's is something that, and not a week goes by, I don't do W's.
Starting point is 00:18:25 That's how beneficial it is. That's what I was gonna say. It's not a week goes. It's at the top of exercises period. Not a week goes by, I do not do W's. Okay, let me ask you this. Almost no exercise. I can get a pump with W's, like,
Starting point is 00:18:37 like, my shoulders will inflate with W's, like, not almost nothing else. I love to start almost all my shoulder workouts with W's. It's such a, or anytime I'm gonna do bench press, I love to prime all that. You just have to face pulls. And so this is like a very close second. There's also a cool way to do it.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I don't know if you've ever done it before and I don't know if they, if they, if some of these names are different, right? For these exercises is, and you get like in a pike position and you actually shoulder press. So your hips are up in the air and you're, like you're diving down.
Starting point is 00:19:06 And range of motion again. So just a cool way to do a shoulder press, again, because of the stability component, I think of the reasons why I love the Z-press so much for clients, it gets similar types of benefits of you can take it through full range of motion, they have to stabilize the shoulder at the top when you press out such a great move on there.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Here, I mean, look, just for fun, like if you're an advanced lifter and you get a suspension trainer, look at it and play with it. You, there's almost an infinite number of exercises. Yeah. You can do with it. Like, you could do a simulated lateral
Starting point is 00:19:40 on a suspension trainer and make it so that the hardest part is the stretch. When do you do a lateral where the hardest part is the stretch. When do you do a lateral where the hardest part is a stretch? Almost never. There's an old-school exercise we lay on your side and try and kind of mimic it. But try doing that on a suspension trainer. You'll actually get some crazy activation of the dealt that you don't. It's hard to mirror. You can get so creative with the suspension trainer that can add value to almost,
Starting point is 00:20:01 like I said, anybody's workout is what you'll find. The next body part is biceps. Now, here's, this is interesting. This is one of my favorite, like, strength exercises for the biceps is done with the suspension trainer. It's a body curl. You're putting your elbows forward,
Starting point is 00:20:16 you're curling your body weight up. Man, I can get my biceps. And be careful with this. You can overdo it. I've done it. You can really overdo the exercise. I think that's why, though, is because there's not a lot of traditional machines or exercises done in the freeway
Starting point is 00:20:31 room that simulate that position for the elbow position for the bicep. Yeah, there's that one machine that you see every once a while that pops up, which it feels most like that, in my opinion, I've talked about before doing using a lap pull down bar and curling behind my head, kind of like that. But that in my opinion. I've talked about before doing using a lap pull down bar and curling behind my head, kind of like that. But that's really it.
Starting point is 00:20:49 That's, and they're kind of like that. It's a different feel doing your body weight and you get an incredible squeeze at the top. It's also one of my favorite exercises. Yeah, I go, I start pronated and then as I curl, I supinate and then I pronate full extension. And it's like, it's insane. It's a heavy exercise.
Starting point is 00:21:04 And even and you can go sideways and do one arm, lean into it and get crazy with that. But yeah, it's surprising actually, because you wouldn't think biceps would be, you'd be able to get a good exercise out of this. The heaviest bicep exercises I've ever done with a suspension trainer. I mean, hands down.
Starting point is 00:21:19 It's tension all the way through. It's nasty tension. You gotta be careful again. But again, if you're a beginner, you're gonna stand almost straight up and just focus on the squeeze. Triceps, body weight, skull crushers, and this one will, like, again, this has to be at the, near the top of mass builders for the triceps.
Starting point is 00:21:38 This one, you can get a real nice stretch at the bottom to come up, get a hard squeeze. You know what I mentioned, the instability. That's what I was gonna say. A fight. The thing about triceps, that's interesting, is a lot of people get caught in the shortening the rep. At the end, you see this with a lot of people. That full squeeze really makes a big difference
Starting point is 00:21:56 with a suspension trainer that emphasizes it. Like you get that squeeze and you feel the instability, your triceps are gonna be on fire. This is the second most used exercise. I use the suspension trainer. I love this and I actually made up, but I can't take credit for it. I'm sure somebody else has done this. Let's both the Adam Press.
Starting point is 00:22:12 But I combine like an overhead extension with the skull crusher because of the stretch that it puts in it. So if you can imagine, I position, I think I do the same thing. I imagine, so you imagine yourself, this would be like your traditional skull crusher with your body weight. I actually let it I do the same thing I am at yeah, so you imagine yourself this would be like your traditional school crusher with your body weight. I actually let it roll.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Yes, so it gets a full stretch and then I bring it forward so people don't know but that's my head activation. Yeah, so that's why it's like you get to combine two amazing exercises for the triceps in one rolling movement. What a great example of a beginner to intermediate so or to advance. So a beginner could make themselves almost stand up straight and just focus on this extension. If you're super advanced, what Adam just said, I can't, that hits the long head of the tricep, like nothing else, because the long head also extends the elbow,
Starting point is 00:22:57 but it also is involved in bringing the humorous down towards the body because of its attachment, its capula. So you're doing a tricep movement that you, I can't think of it, I mean, how can you mimic that? With that. The closest thing to that, like people with free women.
Starting point is 00:23:11 No, you see people, it's not the same, but like people do with the school, I think you see people do this before, where they take a school crusher bar. It's almost like they're doing a pullover. And they'll do a camber bar, and a pullover, and then a push. That's a lot of lab exercise.
Starting point is 00:23:22 That's a lot of lab activation. I don't feel as much tension on the track with the body weight. It's a hitch in between. Yeah, this is no hitch. It's just, exactly. It's all smooth. Yeah, it's all one smooth movement.
Starting point is 00:23:32 And it just, it does. I can feel the full stretch on the tricep and then that full extension. I get some of the nastiest tricep pumps from that. And I mean, at my house, I have all the dumbbell, barbell stuff I need to do in a camper bar for school crushers. I will normally do that instead. That's how much I love that movement.
Starting point is 00:23:52 If you're quote, quote, advanced and you've never done that exercise before, be careful, it will make you sore. I mean, I get a bad view. It'll make you massive pump from that. All right, let's talk about legs. Now, here's what I like about suspension training for the lower body.
Starting point is 00:24:06 It's one of the few tools where I can get into positions that I couldn't normally do either with just body weight and definitely not with weights. Like for me, for example, a Cossack squat or a side lunge, really challenging. I just, I don't have great lateral mobility. My hips are kind of interesting with how they move
Starting point is 00:24:25 in that way. But with the suspension trainer, I have the ability to assist myself on the way down and help pull myself up. And I can get deeper and focus more on mobility and range of motion with the suspension trainer with something like a side lunge than I can with almost anything else.
Starting point is 00:24:41 I love the suspension trainer for working on ranges of motion for the lower body that you couldn't otherwise perform. That's my fantastic. I think that's a great way to sell it, for sure, because that's true. If it had a limiting factor is the amount of like nothing beats a loaded barbell back squat or a deadlift for building mass on the legs. But one of the probably most common things that are neglected for lower body is lateral strength and stability. And again, back to my original point, if I were to make the case for this thing, I'd say it's one of the best tools, if not the best tool for strength and mobility and longevity.
Starting point is 00:25:21 And that is the reason. I too, I think you're more common than not that people have a hard time with caustic squats for that exact same reason. And so they just discard them. They're like, oh, I can't do them. So don't do them at all. Try doing them with a spits trainer. You'll be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:25:34 So for the beginner, I like assisted lunges, assisted side lunges, assisted squats. Now let's get to advance, because you mentioned a heavy barbell squat. Now I'm not going to say that there's an exercise that'll compete head-to-head with a barbell squat. A body-way pistol squat will get up there But as I was gonna say you do a body-way pistol squat or you do a Lying leg curl with one leg in the suspension trainer. Those are nasty. Yeah, dude
Starting point is 00:25:58 I don't know very many strong people. I can do straps Oh, man that one you're gonna get your hip bridge like and and then curl, like, it's gonna light those hands on fire. And then too, you face away from the suspension trainer, you put one foot in and get a nice Bulgarian. So amazing. That's a little bit unstable. And just that little bit of instability, like adds a whole nother dimension
Starting point is 00:26:20 to the amount of activity your muscles. You know why I like that? So the back leg, you are getting a full range of motion in the hip flexor of the back leg, while you're strength, you feel the most amazing stretch. Yes. While you're working on the quad, hamstring, and ankle mobility on the front leg.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Now why is that important? If you play sports, you want that. You want great extension of that back leg. You want hip flexors that don't get in your way. While you are expressing power and speed, this has to be one of the best exercises for athletics when it comes to, you know, getting stronger in the gym and having it translate to the field is exactly that exercise that Bulgarian split stance squat. Now women, there's a million or one but exercises by the way guys to those you're interested in developing Glutes like Justin there's all kinds of but exercises you could do
Starting point is 00:27:10 With this suspension trainer even the ones that are isolating with the lateral leg exercises and stuff like that But you can do you know straight bridges and glutes squee. I mean at the top and This is how I would progress my clients with hip thrust way before ice skaters, curtsy squats. You could do with that, a little bit of plios with the control. Because a lot of people can't do that, right? So I don't, it's ice skaters, curtsy squats are not things that I would teach the average person, but with the support of a suspension trainer, I can take somebody who is relatively
Starting point is 00:27:43 new. Get all over the place. Yeah, that have,, I can teach that movement because they have all the assistance from the straps, which those are great exercises. Typically, it would be something that I would only show to an advanced person, but I could take someone who's pretty deconditioned and just slow down an ice skater or slow down that curtsy squat and use the support from that. Totally. Hamstrings, I said leg curls, that curtsy squat and use the support from that. Totally. Hamstrings, I said leg curls,
Starting point is 00:28:06 that's an advanced exercise, that's a tough one. But for the beginner, you could do single leg kind of toe touch type exercises with support from the suspension trainer. In fact, this is one way I would progress a client, I would start them holding on to something solid, and then it would have them hold on exactly. It would have them hold on to one of the handles,
Starting point is 00:28:23 and it's a phenomenal exercise for the hamstrings for beginner and you can progress it simply by going lower and lower and lower and then by letting go of the handles and then if you really want to get crazy to the leg curls where your feet or your heels or in the handles, that's a advanced, gnarly, hamstrings. Excellent exercise.
Starting point is 00:28:40 One of the hardest hamstring exercises you'll ever do and then for core. I mean, first off, I know this sounds gimmicky, but almost every exercise you do for your upper body is gonna activate your core. It is, that's why I made that point earlier. This is why I think it's one of the best trainer hacks
Starting point is 00:28:57 when you're trying to teach a client to activate core, you'll find that anytime you do any of these unstable exercises, right, because the straps are unstable, that it forces people, even subconsciously. They don't even have to think a lot of times, like, oh, tighten, brace my core, what they automatically organize themselves that way, just to get themselves from not wobbling all over the place.
Starting point is 00:29:19 So all of them are so great for core. Yeah, so knee tucks or dailies. You know, you got pikes. I like to call them body saws. That's like your old, you know, advanced move where you're in a plank and basically you can push back towards the anchor and come back forward. So it's a lot like the Superman, but let's just say the plank. I'll say this right now for building the core and for getting like brick abs and obliques that look like slabs
Starting point is 00:29:46 of granite, the suspension trainer is nothing better. I can't think of a better tool to train the core because of the advanced applications. It'll light them up like you've never known. Oh, there's nothing like it. I can't think of other exercises that come close. I mean, you can do dragon flags and stuff like that on a bench, but you have a suspension trainer. You want to develop crazy ass hikes, the supermans and the rotational stuff you can do, you can hit every bit that you need to. And you'll get, yeah, you gotta, you blast your core.
Starting point is 00:30:10 And you'll get a core that's developed in Creme. Okay, so let's talk about, we just gave you exercises for every body part. How would you do this in a routine? Well, you would follow this, what we just gave you, you would do about three sets per exercise, and you would do this workout two to three days a week, preferably with a day at least off in between. People ask about reps.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Now, there's a misconception that you can't do low reps, so suspension trainer is not true, but go really slow. You can pick an angle that's so challenging that you can really only do like one good rep. You can do that. You just do it slow and controlled where it takes you a good seven seconds to go down, seven seconds to come up. And you do the single with a suspension change. So you can go low reps with it. Nonetheless, most people should aim for about eight to 12 reps
Starting point is 00:30:55 and follow the routine about three sets. And I think you're you're going to be there. Now, if you want more, if you want more exercises, you want more programming, you want more demonstrations, you want a full workout that you could progress through that phase and everything We have a program called Maps Suspension, and because we're doing this episode, that program is half off. It's gonna be 50% off So you get the full maps suspension program. I do believe when you enroll a map suspension You get a code for a discount on the suspension trainers that Is that true Doug? I believe that's automatically sent to us while supplies last. So it's half off. If you're interested You go to maps suspension.com. There's two S's in there. So MAPS and then SUS P E N S I O N calm and then use the coupon code begin 50 that'll give you the 50% off and again if you enroll
Starting point is 00:31:42 You'll get a code for half off a suspension trainer and then you're all set. Look you can find all of us on social media. Justin is on Instagram at Mind Pump Justin. I'm on Instagram at Mind Pump to Stefano and Adam is on Instagram at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically
Starting point is 00:32:21 transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sound and an adjustment as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. Come on.

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