Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 214: One Year Anniversary Episode

Episode Date: January 6, 2016

January 5th marks the one year anniversary of Mind Pump! A lot has happened over the last 365 days and 213 episodes. In this episode Sal, Adam, Justin & Doug reminisce about the past year and reveal i...nteresting facts about the show and it's launch. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Adam's being rude again on his phone phone with other people that are more important than us You know bro, I don't like when I talk to you, but you're not looking into my eyes This you know what it is right now. This is Doug's time right now. Well, it is my time Fringing on Doug time. I'm sorry. Yeah. It's really it. We're in fringing on our listeners time. Oh, sure Yeah, you gotta make us feel like take Take that beak that majestic eagle beak and pierce your way in. Yeah, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:00:29 No, it's time to give some t-shirts away. Oh, all right. We still have shirts to give away. We know we do. We have a few left. In fact, some people are gonna be getting tank tops now because we're running out of shirts. That's a rant of the sleeve, though.
Starting point is 00:00:41 So we ran out of shirts. That's now what happened. Here's what happened. Doug, when we got all the new t-shirts in, Doug tried them on, and then he would take it. Like, he always has he flexes. He's busting blue and the fucking sleeves off the thing. So you get to wear the shirts that used to be t-shirts
Starting point is 00:00:54 that Doug blew the sleeves off with his arms and other tank tops. Yeah, you know how much work it is that cut off all those sleeves? Yeah. You blew him off with the gun. It doesn't sound very believable, right? With your eagle guns, your right pipe. All right, all right, all right. All right, get very believable. With your eagle guns, your feet are tight. All right, all right, all right.
Starting point is 00:01:07 All right, get on with it. Swings, get on with it. Yeah, we have had a few reviews this week, five in total, we need more. So for you people who want t-shirts and want to support us, next week, please put up your reviews and we'll give out some more shirts or people. We'll read them and be loving them.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Doug, the disappointment in your voice is, I know. I'm easily disappointed. All right, so the two winners this week, we have court, O'Connor, and we have Wonder Qua. You like that. So please send me your iTunes name to mindp radio at gmail.com as well as your size Congratulations winners. You did a good job. We love you. You guys are winners. If you want to pump your body and
Starting point is 00:01:57 expand your mind Please only one place to go Might, might, might, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Fellas today. Today everybody today. Today. Special day. It is a special.
Starting point is 00:02:13 And, and, and I can see that Adam is wearing his white socks in celebration. I knew you were going to come into the, I literally was putting him on. He's bringing it to our level. And I'm taking through my, my, my, uh to our level, and I'm taking through my sock drawer and I'm like, son of a bitch, all the darks are dirty. And all I have are whites today.
Starting point is 00:02:31 And I'm like, you know what, today we record. I know Sal, I'm gonna know, I'm saying this for a year, I've given him shit about white socks. I caught you on your off day. And I did my best till the still kind of match because the Puma goes with the Puma pants that I'm wearing in their black and white, but I could still, I knew I was a target today. It doesn't look bad to me. I
Starting point is 00:02:51 Know but guys looks like normal guys. We've we've made it a year a whole year of mind pump mind pump is a year old Did you know I it's been a crazy year. You know what's the craziest to me? What I would have never Oh my god You just reminded me of a great story My did go inside so my check this out Justin I didn't just were you there were you there? Were you there for this story? I don't know. I didn't know the story yet.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I'm gonna tell you. I was there, I was there. I was 27 years old. I was 27 years old. It was my birthday, my good buddy Mark Baker lived in LA at the time. And he sent a birthday gram to me to the gym. Yes, I was there.
Starting point is 00:03:41 I will never forget this. That old lady did. She was like 65, right? Oh my God. She rolls up in like this. She literally pulls up and like this beat up like 1970 dots in little fucking mini truck. That's like, looks like she took a sludge hammer to it all
Starting point is 00:03:56 the way around. She falls out of it, right? And her little fucking sparkly gold dress. That's all fitted in snow. She quins in the mirror. She's smoking. She puts her cigarette out before she comes walking to the gym with her little boom box and she comes to the front desk and all of us see her in the park
Starting point is 00:04:10 and I walk it's way like what the fuck is walking train right guess what gets all it now so I'm that hot lady Adam Schaefer could you please come to the front desk Adam Schaefer could you please come to front desk and I'm like what the fuck I? I'm like, this is, this can't be real, right? So I come walk it up and she's like, um, are you Adam Shafer? And I'm like, uh, yeah. She's like, oh, do you have a minute? I'm like, uh, yeah, come on over here. So I'm like, yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:04:34 So I keep bringing her to the desk and then you're wearing it. Because I sit down on the desk. She doesn't even sit down. She like drops the boom box. So then it hits play. I don't I wish I remember what it was. Oh, yeah. It was super remember it was super cheesy. But her tone was just like what Justin was seeing just
Starting point is 00:04:47 like that. Yeah. Happy birthday. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, shit. Oh, super raspy voice. And she's like dancing around me. And she's like dragging her fingers across my chest. Just banana titties. Oh, dude, she was off. Oh, who was so bad. You know the cantinis gave up along years ago. Like 30 years ago. Yeah, they're like down towards the belly button. After she left, I'm dying laughing, right?
Starting point is 00:05:13 And I call my buddy right away. And I go, You didn't make sweet sweet love to her? No, I did not. No, I did not. I believe that was an extra 50. Yeah, exactly. We weren't contributing to that.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I call my buddy and I go use lots of gasoline I just threw up and I go burn it's real I call Baker up and I go you mother fucker And he's like oh you got it you got it. He's like he's like was she hot or what I'm like are you kidding? She's right no he goes I go no bro. She was not hot. He's like, oh man, that's right. I knew it's still embarrassing. I'm like, no, bro, she was 65 years old plus. He goes, no way, that's even better. And I'm like, are you kidding?
Starting point is 00:05:53 You didn't actually see who it was? He's like, no, dude, I just looked up in the yellow pages for like, you know, birthday grams. And I looked up some sexy one. And I knew you'd get embarrassed because I did it at the gym or whatever. I'm like, no, bro, you have no, and when I told him, he was just like,
Starting point is 00:06:04 he drops the phone, you can hear him laughing. He's like, oh my God, this is so much better. I had no idea. I see, now I want one of those. I want one of those for our one year birthday. No, you don't. No, you don't. Well, here, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:16 How great would that be? Get all crazy. Pretty awkward. Have a stand on the table. Pretty awkward. You shot the JD. Talking about it, but being there, yeah, it was, I actually was uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Before I interrupt a Justin, I was thinking about, the craziest part about this last year for me. It's been a whirlwind. Does it feel like a year? No, no, no. Here's the weird part for me, but just to interrupt you Adam, cause I like doing that.
Starting point is 00:06:40 We, just to interrupt you, I said to interrupt you. Okay. We, this is what's weird for me. I feel like I've known you guys for a long time, but it also feels like this last year has been like two months at the same time. It's like weird dichotomy. It's like, it flew by, but I also feel like I've known you guys for a long time.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Well, we'll think about that. It's true. I trip out when I looked at where I gone. What are we on? Episode 220 and something. Did we've done a shit in some of these 220. I didn't even know. I knew I like to talk. I didn't realize how much I like to talk. I was like, that is a lot of shit that we've covered. You know what I'm saying? And I never feel like there's not something first to talk about. And maybe that's part of the magic, right? Maybe part of the magic is we're three dudes that as much as we have in common
Starting point is 00:07:26 we're so different in so many different ways. So lots of sexual tension. Lots of sexual tension. That's obvious. Yeah, and yes, we all have different professions and different work that we do outside of mind pumps that keeps us busy, which adds to the stories and things. And then when we reconvene every week and get together,
Starting point is 00:07:44 it's like we always have, somebody has some topic or something to talk about or something that happened. We get some hype for the night. Yeah, I mean, it's crazy to me that we've never had to plan or organize or, you know, hey, we need to talk about this or we need to talk about it. Dude, we recorded how many episodes that we ended up recording in your living room, Doug.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I kind of missed those days. Yeah. It's hard to say, I'm turned off. You're turned off right now. Let me turn you on. Let me turn you on. Adam. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:10 I got calluses. I'm staying out of this. Was it like 20 or 30 or something like that? So the first episode we did, we did quite a few. Yeah, the first ones we did were at Doug's house. So we used to go to his place. Well first we did at Adam's house. The very first.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Those are the ones we did When we it wasn't just a three of us though. No, no It's the three of us the first three of us the first one's at Adam's place because yeah, we were and every single time I think the first probably 30 episodes we drank. Yeah, I remember because I remember we were not so like you know Sweaty Betty about it and being all oh give me a shot. Yeah, and so we were, we were all drink. And there's a few episodes there. I remember distinctly, I don't remember what episode, what were we recovering,
Starting point is 00:08:51 but I mixed the drinks for everybody. I don't even, you made them so strong. I was like, Adam got fucked. And Adam was, Adam was dieting for some show, super clean, hadn't drank in a while. He had not done any of that. His body's all malnourished. We just destroyed him. And he's pounding this thing and we're recording.
Starting point is 00:09:08 And I don't remember what happened, but like mid-settings, you stopped and you're like, I'm fucked up bro. He just started laughing, he was about that. Oh, I said it in the middle of the episode, right? Did it come out in the middle of the episode? Yeah, we had to cut that because I was just like, dude, I'm lit right now.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Yeah, I can't. I kidn't up. It's a reason too why, like I've always talked to people. Obviously, if you've listened to mine, but for a long time, you know that I openly talk about marijuana and that I smoked out, but I also can't do that on a regular basis because I can't articulate. Like those things. Oh, I was talking about the alcohol, but there's that too though.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Well, it was that too. It was an episode where you gave me an edible and I took too much of the edible and I was just like way over done Do you know, I can't do this anymore? But it started hitting you like more and more and more and then oh yeah, I feel like after we were done You're like guys you're gonna have to carry the next episode I don't know what I'm saying right now. I do we kept going yeah No, I just I look but I listen now to those those those. The thing that I think is crazy too,
Starting point is 00:10:05 is that when you remember, when you're first going through these, I'm like, hey, these are cool, man, we share them with people before, before we even release them, and people are like, oh, this is great information. I really like what you guys are doing, and you're awesome, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:10:16 You guys have great chemistry, and a lot of all this stuff. Now I go back and listen to that stuff, and I think it's awful. Oh, I think we're so much better now. Well, I think we're just comfortable. Right, I think it's awful. Oh, I think we're so much better now. Well, I think we're just comfortable. Right. I think, I think, I think, I think it's better.
Starting point is 00:10:27 I think as much as, as much as everybody thought the chemistry was natural. Yeah, the chemistry was so great before, but it still was forced. I mean, Justin would be the first one I met that he totally was. I mean, you were a fucking terrible, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:10:41 He's all four examples. Justin, you know how bad you suck? I mean, like, we were great, but then Justin, I mean, let's talk for example. Justin, you know how bad you suck. We were great, but then Justin, I mean, let's talk about this. No, we would, it was, I mean, it was very natural, but at the same time, anything you do, you get better at if you continue doing it. But it was very natural. It reminds me, for me, the most memorable thing about the past year, there's two things that are very memorable to me. One is that
Starting point is 00:11:06 only a couple times on my life have I ever gotten the feeling where it hits me instantly and I'm like, this is what I'm supposed to do. The first time I got that was my first day as a trainer, very first day as a trainer, it hit me right away. I went home and I remember thinking like, this is what I'm supposed to do. The second time that happened to me was when I ran a gym and actually had a team to manage, a big team. And I remember thinking like, it hit me the first day and it felt so natural. The only other time that's ever happened to me
Starting point is 00:11:32 was when we did our first episode where we just went and I'm like, oh my god, like this is what, but just like before as a trainer, as a general manager, I got better as I went along because you get better at things you do. But the other part that sticks out to me, I'll never forget this. I was training a client at the gym. I used to own and I get a phone call halfway through a session.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I get a phone call. It's Adam. And we must have launched our first three episodes, like two days or three days before. I don't remember what it was like. We had just released our first three episodes, like three days prior. So it's out into the frickin' ether. We don't know what's gonna happen. I get a phone call and it's Adam, so I'm like fuck, alright?
Starting point is 00:12:11 So I'm like hold on one second to my client, and they're very understanding, they knew what I was doing. Answers. I don't call by the way, that's the first thing you should call it. That's the other thing too, I'm like, that's the one that's calling, right? Yeah, yeah. Something's on fire. Never get a hold of this.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Yeah, it's like the fucking president. So anyway, I answer the phone and this is Adam. He goes, he goes, what are you doing right now? I'm like, I'm with a client and he goes, hold on, I'm gonna call Justin. I'm like, what? So I'm not hold and he's trying to figure out how to do the three way call.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I'm not. Calls Justin and he goes, okay, go on iTunes. Go on this category, search. And so I'm scrolling through and we are top 25 already. Top 25 in what was it, new and notable? I think was the section, new and noteworthy. And I'm gonna tell you, we broke top 10. But that was after that.
Starting point is 00:12:58 The first time I called that, we had broke the time. Yeah, we had broke the time. I thought first time I ever looked, we broke it. I thought it was wrong, because we were up there with big names. and and look let's let's be real here. You know Adam had some presence on Instagram, but it wasn't like massive. It wasn't like you had a million followers.
Starting point is 00:13:13 It was 20 20 something. And let's be honest most of those people had no nothing didn't care about anything I had to say. Half those people. I wish he posed a picture with a shirt. I mean that's why I'm my my following is following. It's falling. You just want to look at your sadness. Talk less, more swing pics.
Starting point is 00:13:29 But so that's what we had. Take plates, please. And I think it was the CrossFit episode that went viral. I think it's the one that really took off. And so it was kind of like, I was like, is something wrong? Like, this can't be possible. Because the listeners don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:42 You guys don't know. Our goal, our initial goal was to get 100 subscribers in the first month, I think, was our goal. Like, we just want a hundred people to subscribe in a month. Yeah, we're realistic guys. Well, that's actually really good. That's really good for a new podcast. And, uh, and we, it was, it was crazy what happened. So that was my most memorable moment. And it was just from then on, it was just like a super whirlwind. Yeah. I think the most memorable for me was right around
Starting point is 00:14:10 when we switched all our social media from whatever our personal, our names, where I think Justin was just in level up. I was, we loved to hit an atom and you were maps at a ball. Like when we switched to mind pump, for me at least because I had worked so hard before we all joined forces. I love when you say that. Before we joined forces.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Before we, yeah, before we had before we had before we all joined forces. I, you know, I'd built my brand up. We'd love to hate Adam. And a lot of that was around competing in my previous businesses and stuff, Yada Yada. And if I went somewhere like in the bodybuilding world, I was recognized as Adam, or we'd love to hate Adam, everywhere I went.
Starting point is 00:14:54 When I started going to events and like your limpia and things like that, and people would start coming up and asking me about Mind Pump. And they didn't refer to me as we love to hate Adam or Adam, they were, you know, oh, Mind Pump, Mind Pump. You know, I love your show, Mind Pump, Mind Pump, or I'd be in the gym and people would come over and then show me like, they're listening to the podcast
Starting point is 00:15:14 of time, I was like, oh shit, okay. Like, it's moving now. It's moving now and it's getting to a point where, and I'm talking about, obviously, these are people I don't know, you know, of course, that happened with it, which ironically too, so how about this? This is one of the most don't know, you know, of course that happened with it, which ironically too, so how about this? This is one of the most ironic.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Oh, very true, I know what you're gonna say. The most ironic thing I would have ever thought would happen, and this still reigns today. Here we are a year in, and it's grown to what it is. I still have a lot of family and friends who don't listen and have it listened. And a lot of the ones that are finally listening, like they just got on board a couple of months ago
Starting point is 00:15:49 and they're like, holy shit, this is so good. It's like, where the fuck you been for like, I don't know what that is. Because, you know what, let's be honest. Family, friends, and I love all my family and friends for the most part, okay? There's always exceptions to the rule. There's always people that are not like this.
Starting point is 00:16:04 But for the most part, I feel like everybody wants to see you do really good. But I don't want to see you do better than me. Whether they vocally say that or not, nobody really wants it. It's like everybody wants, yeah. You just call them all assholes right now. Well, no, I'm not calling out.
Starting point is 00:16:19 So it goes back to our ego episode that we just did. A lot of that is their ego is that everybody, everybody, oh, they're happy for you, happy for you, but how supportive they really are. It's only like the underdog. It's kind of like what you talked about when you're going through transformation. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Exactly. I mean, I felt it when I went to that, when I was the guy, I mean, if you look back to my Instagram, like two years ago or whatever, I mean, I'm getting 1,500 likes, like all kinds of comments and content and sharing going on.
Starting point is 00:16:47 And I had half the followers, but everybody was all interested in watching this guy who was fat, getting in shape, then go to the amateur and then... Everybody likes that. Oh, everybody, and then once it became a pro, it's like everybody fell off, nobody cares. I'm old news.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And I'm saying it's like no big deal anymore. I still care. I know you guys don't care. That's why I hang out with you. Did you guys experience this at all? I initially, because I think we should also talk about some of the challenge. We had a lot, let's look.
Starting point is 00:17:12 We have a lot of challenge. Well, I do mind-fought. Oh yeah, go, Justin. I mean, you know, I'm over here. Oh, I forgot. I forgot. I forgot. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:17:19 My most memorable moment was, you know, when you guys, you know, decided, hey, let's challenge this fat ass over here. How can we not talk about that? How can we not talk about that? Like, and I really, like, it was all fun and games. It was all tongue and cheek, you know, like leading up to it. And I was like, ah, ha, ha, yeah, whatever, you know, I'm not, you know, fat or anything, but, you know, I'll give this a whirl, whatever. And just because Adam knows, you know, from further before that, like I was very,
Starting point is 00:17:52 I didn't want anybody like on my pictures, you know, I didn't really put any pictures of myself out there, like at all. And, you know, I'm kind of more of a private person, I would consider myself, you know, as'm kind of more of a private person. I would consider myself, you know, as far as the public is concerned. But this was like a sort of a pivotal moment for me because I just was like, you know, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:18:15 You know, like, let's go ahead. Let's do this. If I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it. And I'm gonna show myself in this process. And legitimize really what was already there as far as the programming. But, you know, just really to be able to adopt that into my personal experience was like a really big deal for me.
Starting point is 00:18:37 And then that gave me like more insight into like, you know, Sal and Adam and both your minds as far as like, you know, how and Adam and both your minds as far as like, you know, how Adam presents himself out there and like all these little things he has to do, you know, for people to respond and then like check and see and then, you know, and Sal is, you know, all these different, different things that I was just like, so negative Nancy about, we're like, look dude,
Starting point is 00:19:01 like this is a, like this is all hard work and I realize that, but I don't know, it, like this is a pro, like this is all hard work. And I realize that. But I don't know. It was just it was a unique experience for me. Not not to say like I was like, that's something I love doing. And did you were you glad you did it after? I'm very glad I did it. Dude, we need for new listeners, if Justin did a his transformation on his own,
Starting point is 00:19:23 on the show, and we documented it. We actually did episodes where we followed along his process and if you haven't listened to those episodes, you should. On the awesome. You know that actually reminds me, Jonathan. Because it's real, man. It's really goes through his challenges. This is what I'm thinking, dude. 2016, I think it's this guy's turned, dude. I think 2015, you got to watch the journey for me go from for San Jose, get my self-ready first show and do that transformation. You saw Justin do his transformation. I don't think.
Starting point is 00:19:51 What am I going to transform into? I don't know. Caitlin Jenner. Oh my god, guys, I've been waiting for this moment. I knew it. I want to do it. Yeah, I think we're going to, I think we're going to do. I want to, I want to find China.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Maybe, maybe one of our, one of our new programs that are getting ready to come out. Maybe we... I'm going to do that no matter what. Well, I know we're going to do it, but maybe we document it and actually photo it and follow all the way through the process and actually get... Don't give away too much. Don't give away too much, but we do have something new coming out to celebrate. Something we have a few things to do.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Yes, a new stuff. Laurel. Did you guys at all, because I had moments in the beginning of anxiety, because I would lay in bed, and I think to myself, you know, and I don't, look, I got a big mouth. I'll talk in front of anybody I don't care,
Starting point is 00:20:40 but you know, it kind of hit me like shit, you know, what I'm saying right now is going to be listened to by thousands of people. And there's a lot of crazy stuff that we say, and we're very opinionated. And we talk about things like, you know, blow jobs and asses and this and that. And I'm like shit, a lot of people are gonna hear this.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I got a little bit of anxiety with that at a couple of times. Yeah, because I totally went down that road for a while and then there was just a moment. Just in the beginning, there was a certain moment where I just like completely just released all that anxiety. I was just like, you know what, is what it is. I'm gonna say what I say.
Starting point is 00:21:16 It's not always gonna be perfect. You know, in fact, I'm gonna say dumb shit and people are gonna listen to it and that's just reality. Sure. You know, after I said that to myself, I was like, all right, let's go. I think you guys also have, you guys have a different dynamic
Starting point is 00:21:31 because you guys are married, you have children and stuff like that too, which definitely brings a different, you know, you got in-laws, you know, with the children and stuff like that, that I could see that being under the microscope a little bit more than myself. For me, it's kind of the, I've kind of been rolling this persona for a long time.
Starting point is 00:21:49 That's where we loved it. We loved to hate Adam came from. I've always been somebody to kind of not give a fuck about what others think, you know. Well, see, that's what carried me. Try to myself. That's what carried me. That's what I thought to myself.
Starting point is 00:21:59 I'm open and I'll talk to anybody. I don't really don't care. But I remember like when we did the first episode on marijuana, what we talked about it, and we talked about our opinions. We were a little bit worried like, okay, we're gonna talk about this, people are gonna know, what we believe in, and that we all, that we have used cannabis.
Starting point is 00:22:17 And it's not that big of a deal now that I think about it, but then to get yourself on this big public podium and put it out there, it's kind of challenging. It really is. You got to give it some credit. Well, I was also, I mean, I was part of the first ones that ever even came to South A. So I was on the front end of that.
Starting point is 00:22:34 That was those days were very difficult for me to come home and tell your mother that, oh, hey, mom, I'm quitting the gym industry and I'm gonna go sell weed. That was a very awkward conversation for me to have. And she's like, oh my God, thank God. That's so great. She's like, thank God it's not crack, you're fine.
Starting point is 00:22:50 You know, so I went through that, you know, talking to my relatives and for many years, for at least the first two years of it, you know, I definitely got a lot of like, you know, you could tell people, but what ironically though, I mean, I don't know how, at at least this happens to me at least once a week Somebody calls me emails me or text message me with wants to know info about starting a canvas club and being a part of that and to me It just makes me chuckle because this is this what we're going back now for plus years from me now
Starting point is 00:23:20 You know kind of missed the boat dude. That was the time to do that was like four years ago. Now everybody, their mother's doing it, these crazy regulations are in there. The taxation's going on with that. It's a freaking bloodbath in there. Like if you're trying to do it for business, you missed that boat when you were scared and worried about everybody judging you.
Starting point is 00:23:36 That's when the time to do us. Which is also how I feel about mind pump. I feel like one of the edgiest things that we do is call out a lot of stuff out there. It would be much easier for us to create a cookie cutter type program, fall right into all the stuff that what people want to hear. Everybody wants to hear, take this, just do this,
Starting point is 00:23:54 and you'll be the ripped as you possibly be. Well, don't you guys feel like this was the most introspective like internal look at who you are as a person? Oh, the last, oh my God. I feel that and why I say that is because. I'm so glad you said that. You know, it's like, we went through that cycle evaluation. I mean, we went through like as many measures
Starting point is 00:24:17 as we could to define like who we are. Like I'm trying to define who I am through this transformation process, but like still like I'm wondering to define who I am through this transformation process, but still, I'm wondering what kind of message I'm sending, just by what we're talking about, what people could benefit from the most. I don't know, just a lot of thought presses between the three of us, especially bouncing ideas off, just figuring out who we are.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Well, that is so true. I listen to episodes and I learn, I'm able to become more of myself, which is strange because I've always held pride in myself that I can be myself, that I'm not a fake person. But I realize that there's always layers. There's always layers. And when you put it out there for people to hear and listen,
Starting point is 00:25:09 you just, there's less of you that you're like trained to hide. You know what I mean? And so you end up, like you said, you learn a lot about yourself. Well, there's, I've 100% agree with you guys. I think, I mean, shoot, I think it was me who was the first one to get all emotional when you guys about you know somebody attacking my character on here. And that's really hard for me because you know I pride myself on being a good dude and caring
Starting point is 00:25:34 about people and I pride myself on not being a very ego-tistical type person. Are you talking about that? The review on it? Yeah, yeah. I'm from my first negative review, right? She gave us five stars. I know as a group, which was worse, which was worse. If she would have gave us one star and talked shit about all of us together, we could have been like, ah fuck her. She won it. Someone put some one boy, someone probably banged her like 15 years ago or someone ever, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:25:59 Or she's probably from CrossFit. That's what. But since she was like love, she like us. Yeah, right. Love the show. Love love Sal, love Justin, Adam's just a minute, she went on all the stuff about me. So, but that was actually a, you fucker, just let's talk about that shit again, right?
Starting point is 00:26:15 No, no, no, so I found that was a major, and I'm glad it happened the way it happened. Talk about growth though. Yeah, because I had to look at myself and go like, fuck, man, this is gonna happen to me because these people get 30 to 45 minute shots in my personality where I'm talking aggressively about the shit that I don't like in the finis. It's a very small fraction of who I am. Like, you don't get to see all the other behind the scenes stuff. What my days look like, the things that I do for others, all the
Starting point is 00:26:42 little things that I like to think that make me a good person. You get to hear this loud mouth guy who talks about himself on a radio show. That's fucking hard. Because it's entertaining. Well, yeah, that's the challenge, right? So the challenge is, and which is still true, it's still real, it's still me.
Starting point is 00:26:57 It's who I am, I always speak from my mind and my heart. But it is a little tough, and it has taken a lot of personal growth to not allow what other people think though of it or how they judge my personality based off of this. And you got to, look, here's the reality. The reality is as we continue to do this, not everybody's gonna like us. A lot of people are gonna talk shit, a lot of people are gonna challenge us, a lot of people are gonna, you, a lot of people are gonna come, you know, people are gonna get haters. Yeah, the larger the group, the more assholes are gonna be in there.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And so it's almost like, you know what? I've gotten shit, man. I've grown so much from the show. People went on my Instagram, remember that time those dudes went on my Instagram? I don't remember, there's like three dudes. And they were talking shit about my physique. Oh right. Yeah, but they weren't hitting me in areas that were like, they weren't just saying nothing. They weren't like shit. They were like specific about areas
Starting point is 00:27:50 that I'm always working on. They were talking shit. And it's like, I didn't get, it didn't really bother me. It actually made me laugh. I remember laughing about it and think it was funny. And then I realized like, I had grown from that moment. You know, this is gonna happen,
Starting point is 00:28:06 and I gotta be comfortable with myself, because if you put yourself out there, I had the same, and it's funny, because we all had that kind of experience. I mean, me going through the fat process and not wanna post my pictures, you know what I mean? And then, I was just like,
Starting point is 00:28:22 I don't wanna supposed that one for sure. No, I just like, that's too much. You know, and I just just overkill with it, you know? Like, because with me, like, I feel a lot of value in humor. And so like, it's like, you know, as long as it's funny, I'll do it, you know what I mean? And that's just who I am. And like, it's like somebody else
Starting point is 00:28:39 like calling me like a, a, a, for something. I'm like, turn that right around. And that's my name now. You know what I'm saying? Like, that around, and that's my name now. Do you know what I'm saying? That's like my mechanism. You know, I was like, that's the way that I deal with things like even if it's negative. Like I'll turn it into fucking joke.
Starting point is 00:28:54 You know, but like inside I was like, ah, you know, I was torn up about the whole process because it was just like, I don't want myself out there. You didn't cry that much. It was like 10 minutes. It was like 10 minutes. 10 minutes of crying. You know what I'm most proud of? What's that?
Starting point is 00:29:10 I am most proud of that we have, you know, because again, a lot of listeners might not know this, but I haven't personally known you two for very long at all. I've known you guys for maybe slightly longer than mine pump has been around. We've known of each other, but we've weren't friends,
Starting point is 00:29:28 we didn't hang out. And right away, I'm usually a pretty good judge of character, and right when I met you guys, I knew right away, I even told bug this, I said, you know, we're gonna be working with some guys that are talented, but also have incredible integrity. That is a very difficult thing to find in life. Here's, and I was right, I was absolutely right with what my initial belief in after I
Starting point is 00:29:52 met you guys. What I'm most proud about is that my pump has been able to maintain a high, a very high level of integrity. We have not bullshitted once. We have corrected ourselves and apologized when we've been wrong. We have not sold out. Fuck no, we've turned down some big names.
Starting point is 00:30:12 We've had invitations to sell out. And as a matter of fact, and as a matter of fact, we put ourselves out there and we're so strong about our opinions and what we believe in that it makes us hard to work with for a lot of companies. We have somebody tell us of companies that will you guys set yourself up on this path.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Right. Because, because a company, when you're a company and you're trying to sell products, you want people that sell out. You want people that are going to just do whatever the fuck you tell them and just adopt your policy or whatever your products. Of course, you want B players, C and B players. You don't want A's. But even some A players sell out, a lot of them do.
Starting point is 00:30:47 We, you know, we have so much integrity put ourselves out there that it's hurt us in the short run. But I think we'll benefit in the long run. But here's the thing that really makes me proud is that it actually doesn't matter if it's gonna benefit us in the long run, we couldn't do it anyway. We couldn't compromise our integrity. And that's what I love the most,
Starting point is 00:31:05 is that it's not in our blood and our bones. It would bother me so much if I bullshitted to make a million dollars. I wouldn't be able to sleep for the rest of my life, even though I'd have a million bucks, or even more than that, I wouldn't be, you know, could retire and ever get. We all be selling cars and shit.
Starting point is 00:31:19 I would think to myself like, I don't know if I want this, like I lied. I bullshitted. Well, you know, I was fake. I wanna't know if I want this, I lied, I bullshit it. Well, you know, I was fake. I want to hear Deb's perspective on this. I want to hear, I mean, the guy who's, you know, he doesn't get enough credit because he doesn't talk enough that much on the show, but the hardest working by far, by far out of all of us has put the most work to most man hours, the most time and stuff into where we are
Starting point is 00:31:42 where we are at. And to me, and to me, I feel like I, I don't at least maybe I collectively don't give this guy enough love for what he does. Because I think being in his position is the most challenging of the force because to completely humble yourself, to be the person who puts in the most work and does all the stuff behind the scenes, but then not get the glory, the limelight, and be the characters and the person that takes a very, very humble person to do that, and very good at what you do.
Starting point is 00:32:12 So I mean, I want to know some of the struggles. Maybe you went through Doug and some of the excitement and the things that the emotions and feelings that you've had during this whole journey. Well, first off, I just want to say that I'm kind of glad being behind the scenes in a way. You know, I can see, I'm probably of any of you, I'm more like Justin, even though I've been involved in a lot of public speaking and that type of thing over the years and involved in comedy sports, which is an improv comedy group. I've done a lot of this simply because it's a challenge for me. And like Justin, I put myself out there. And so to be part of this organization, this group here has been a real privilege for
Starting point is 00:32:56 me because I see that I'm working with some incredibly talented guys that again share values like I do. You know, for me, I cannot compromise. And in the past, it's cost me as far as, you know, prior professional endeavors and that type of thing, it's cost me because, you know, there's a lot of people out there that are getting ahead by compromising, but I can't do that. And there have been times where I've thought, well, maybe I should, if I ever want to go anywhere, but again, like, Sal, I couldn't sleep at night. And so to hook up with some guys, I like three guys. I mean, you know, finding one guy, you can do that, finding two guys, you can do that.
Starting point is 00:33:40 I mean, I do on the weekends, the bars. But for fine three people that share common values, that are not only share common values, but are also extremely talented and have a level of knowledge. Handsome. Oh yeah, I don't wanna forget that. But have a level of knowledge. Sounds waiting for that.
Starting point is 00:34:00 I'm gonna be treating it for good. But yeah, I have a level of knowledge that is very impressive and are able to articulate that knowledge to me. That's the key right there. It was a gold mine, honestly. You know, I heard somebody say once, you know, if you're willing to be behind the scenes,
Starting point is 00:34:19 you know, you can make a lot of money. You know, you always have to be the front person. Yeah. And, but you do need front people. You need people who are charismatic. You know, you always have to be the front person. But you do need front people. You need people who are charismatic. You need people who are out there and are willing to put themselves out there in order to make a dent in this world. Because we're in a very entertainment oriented world. We're in a world where not necessarily the biggest experts are out there are the most famous people.
Starting point is 00:34:45 You know, you got your doctor fills. Is he the world's greatest psychologist? No, not necessarily. Not really close. But he's put himself out there, right? So we need those front people and, you know, not only are you good at what you do, but you know a lot and that's valuable.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Now, when I first met Sal, I came to him as a client. And I had some issues. So I went to him on a recommendation of my chiropractor. And I knew from the moment I met him that he had something special. Not only did he walk the talk, I mean, he knew what he was talking about. I could look at him and see that, but he could articulate things so well. And then as I started working with him, I could see that this guy just knows so much. He's charismatic.
Starting point is 00:35:31 I've got to do something with him. I didn't know what it was going to be at the time. And then Sal came up with maps, the maps concepts, and I knew right then that there was something there. So. Do you remember, you remember the first time I met with the, because I met initially with Adam and Justin. Well, that's the one I wanna ask,
Starting point is 00:35:47 Doug, at one point did you know, like what you just expressed, like when you met Sound, you felt that way. At one point did you know, like this was gonna be special, that mind pump, or when it was like, okay, this isn't gonna just be kind of good, or kind of big, it's gonna be fucking huge.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Like when did you know it was gonna be like that? From the first recording. The very first recording. I could see, wow. Honestly, I was nervous about the whole concept. Because I knew if it's not good, if it's not great, the things probably not gonna fly. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:20 And so I kind of went into it thinking, boy, if they get, if they're too cerebral about it, if there's no flow, you know, if they're too scripted, they sound mechanical, it's not gonna work. And then they just started to open their mouths and stuff was flying out. I go, the stuff is flying out is good. I like it.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Who is Adam's first story? He is about cleaning his butt hole. Oh yeah, that's an interesting story because we have an unaired episode. And with our boy Craig, you know. Yeah, and we have another sparkly taints episode that came afterwards, but there was original sparkly. The OG one.
Starting point is 00:36:57 The OG one. And any sparkish we should make that available to our foreign people. Well, it's like, we have it on video. We don't have the audio, right? Or something. No, we do have it on video. We don't have the audio right or something. We do have it on video We have no audio. That was the one episode I didn't push the record. Yes. That's the one time
Starting point is 00:37:11 That's right and and I know I was you know, this is a new relationship with me I didn't know these guys. I go oh my god. They're gonna hate me They're gonna want to get rid of me. They're not gonna want me around But you know, I think there was some some conscious Sabotage it was taking place from my end because when Adam started going off about you know His wipes and how he keeps his his ainess so sparkly I was actually cringing I was cringy. I was cringing. We're gonna put a dog saying anus. I know.
Starting point is 00:37:46 That made me pucker up a little bit. It really, it made me, it made me turn, John. Maybe gave a little bit. I like it when you, when I swears. I don't like scientific. I would love to, I would love to share that episode with our four members. At least people like that.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Yeah, I have to. I can put that up there for the four members only. Oh, that's early, early days of my pump. Yes. I got to hand it off to you dog You were extremely uncomfortable and a lot of our episodes and some of the shit we would say I could tell You're like fuck. We're gonna get it true. It's true and Justin was uncomfortable in the beginning also and me and Adam were like oh We're trying to do each other. I'm gonna let me go. I don't give a shit
Starting point is 00:38:22 I'm gonna go. I know we're going back and forth trying to let's get down Yeah, and then like you know, I hate train. I just don't care and I'm like I don't care either I'm like I don't care more than you like I don't know guys like these are people to like I have friends I do this stuff and then and then I'm like you know Well, I think that you know for it those early days I thought Well, I think I tried to calm you guys down a little bit Yeah, you did I think I said well, maybe we should tone it down just a little bit We don't want to ostracize people that type of thing. Yeah, and guess what how much do they listen to me?
Starting point is 00:38:56 Zero that's the other reason I got a hand it off to you No, I know what control and then yeah, you know, I'm a bit of a control freak I think we all have that aspect to us because we're all entrepreneurial and it is it's funny you say that because I think we all have that about us but it's kind of you that's what makes it unique how we still find a way to not Step on each other's toes, you know, yeah, that is the most unique thing That is very unique because that's each one of us very driven in very different ways But somehow I'm able to like sit back and you know, you can drive all you want.
Starting point is 00:39:29 You know, I'm gonna contribute when I wanna contribute. I feel 100% cool with that. You know what I mean? Whereas most businesses I've done, I'm like, I kinda wanna be the guy that tells people what to do. You know what I wanna be that guy. So I kinda said this before and I thought this was so true. It, I mean, this reminds me of, you know, talk about raw real-key-bearthing.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Literally, when we walked in today, we were discussing something that we, you know, we'd like to do for the four members. And I'm like, I literally just came straight out of a class right now. I've been yelling. I'm tired. And I'm like, I have all the stuff that I want to put my two cents in and be strong about and be like, this is, I can see it in my head how I want it. But like, I just don't have the energy
Starting point is 00:40:05 and it's so refreshing to be like, what do you think? Yeah. And like literally like, I'm, You have good ideas. So I'm like, cool. It's like, I don't, you know what I'm saying? As much as I have my two cents and what I, what I really want to do, I literally feel confident
Starting point is 00:40:18 that not only can I sit back and not have any say in it, whatsoever, that it'll end up being as good as what I had already thought of in plan or even possibly better. Which always happens. Now, I mean, looking ahead, right? Looking ahead to 2016. Well, I want to ask Doug one more thing. Oh, yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:40:33 I want to know, I want to Doug, because you're the numbers guy, you watch all the downloads and the top, we're on the top 50 and everything like that on iTunes and stuff. And I've seen, and I got to see this one time, I've seen it one time when we were up in Reno and the juices were flowing,
Starting point is 00:40:50 we were designing the new programs that are coming and we're talking back and forth and man, the three of us are just flowing on this program and we're just just jacked. And then we finally took a deep breath after like literally non-stop jabbering back and forth between the three of us. And I got to see Doug like put his two cents in that towards and just the excitement in his voice when he was talking.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Yeah. He couldn't keep up with it. Oh, guys, guys. Yeah. He couldn't keep up with this. I'm never excited. I never see that about it. That was awesome.
Starting point is 00:41:20 So have you had other moments like that and what what stands out in your head when you think of that feeling that you had when I saw that really because that's the only time I actually saw with my own eyes You know, yeah, I oftentimes it takes a lot to impress me now, you know, I'm old, right? I'm old. I've seen a lot Keeps remaining. I've done a lot. I've traveled all over the world I've done all the creation of the earth. I've seen the seas dry up. Yeah, I see dinosaurs. Yeah the earth they've seen the seas dry up. Yeah, I've seen the dinosaurs. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Me and Moses are the hanger.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Yeah, there you go. But so it takes a lot for me to be excited. But, you know, just this business here, I mean, I'm excited about it. This whole thing, the business, the podcast, I mean, it's all combined, but, you know, right now I'm working on some new things for, we kind of alluded to it earlier, some new products, some revamping of our website and things like that.
Starting point is 00:42:12 And that's the stuff that jazzes me, right? But yeah, when we're in Reno, just yet you guys ping ponging back and forth the energy, and I could see that magical stuff was taking place. And for me, that jazz is me in a huge way. And I was going to kind of go back to what you're talking about, you know, my kind of my tension regarding, you know, some of the things that were said on this show, like Justin, when I surrendered to it and what you guys were doing, I realized at a later point that, you know, the chemistry you have cannot be, cannot be contained. You can't, you can't say, okay, you guys can't say this, you can't
Starting point is 00:42:55 say that. We have to let you go wild. In fact, I actually got an email from a listener, a very, you know, avid listener to our, a very, you know, avid listener to our show, but, you know, his religious beliefs, he, we never read that all my life. Yeah, well, I don't want to do it necessarily, but, you know, you know, that's me. You guys could, we want to do that, but, you know, he, he would prefer that we kept it, you know, PG.
Starting point is 00:43:19 He loved, he loved the information on the show. He loved the show. Didn't like the bad words. And I, I said, hey, you hey, I've tried to do it. My friend. I've tried. It can't be done. And now I realize that this is necessary
Starting point is 00:43:33 for them to be unleashed, just allowed to romper around like crazy wild animals because that's going to be entertaining and fun and the information you're gonna get, it's gonna be fantastic. But again, it's because it's the integrity piece, you gotta understand, we can't fake it. No, you can't fake it.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I can't pretend to be something I'm not. It just doesn't work. Well, I've seen you guys too. I mean, I could do role-playing some, but that's in the bedroom, that's different. I can do that all the time. Yeah, well, I've seen you guys in a more seminar type situation and it's not as entertaining, I can do that all. Yeah, well, I've seen you guys in a more seminar type situation.
Starting point is 00:44:05 And it's not as entertaining, it's not as fun. I mean, yeah, for somebody who wants a P.E.G. show, it's probably more appropriate, but that's not who we are. Yeah. Well, I'll tell you what, I'm extremely grateful also for the forum, for the most hardcore OG of our members. A lot of those people were with us from the very beginning. And they're very active on there.
Starting point is 00:44:27 And there's lots of great information going back and forth. And it's starting to feel like, I'm gonna sound a little silly now, but it's true for me. It's starting to feel like a team, like family. You know what I mean? Like I see these names, you talk to these people in the forum all the time and it's growing all the time.
Starting point is 00:44:45 And that's like, I feel like I don't know. You get updates from them and you see progress and you know certain things that they battle in life or whatever they bring it up. I totally do not look at these people like customers or followers or any. I feel like these are like my team. Like when I used to manage a gym and I had a team. Exactly. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:45:03 It feels like a big gym. It does, right? Isn't that fucking awesome? We've created the virtual gym because we're all hanging out. Look at Adam, get excited. Yeah. Just because why do I get excited? Well, because he's been saying that's what you want. This is what this is becoming. Since the beginning of this, this show, same vibe for me, it's all I can't avoid. We all, the one thing that we do, all sharing common is at one point in our careers, we got an opportunity to work for 24-hour fitness. And those that don't know 24-hour fitness is the largest fitness chain in the world.
Starting point is 00:45:33 And it was the first fitness chain ever to reach a billion dollars and sell for $2.4 billion. And hate what you want about it. We don't, I don't like to work out in it anymore. But when it comes from a business perspective, they were ahead of everybody. And still aren't as sense as much as it's kind of gone downhill in the last eight to ten years or so. It's still a fitness leader. And I've always told these guys, the whole gym model is going away. It's going to be different. It's going to be very different in the next 10, 15, 20 years. And I saw that a long time ago. I didn't know for sure how it is. I still don't
Starting point is 00:46:10 know for sure. But I definitely feel that the direction that will and that's what we're trying to provide. I feel like we're trying to I'm trying to give everybody that same, same feel, what it was like to to be in that gym, to work in that gym, to have trainers underneath me and members that whole feeling in a virtual sense. Yeah, recreate that. Yeah, recreate that. It was magic. It was magic. In a virtual sense, and that's always been my goal, is like, how do I, and the great part
Starting point is 00:46:36 about it on a virtual sense is once we produce it, yeah, it's taking a lot of sweat, a lot of money and a lot of our time. But once it's built and once it's there, then we can offer it for so little money that so many people can be a part of it and to be inutilized and they get to experience what we have, we have to charge tons of money. That's what's really litter fire. Yeah. Yeah. That's what brought us here. So, I mean, looking forward, do you guys have any, you know, like goals? I know what our goals are, right? I know what mine pumps goals are. I mean, we want to
Starting point is 00:47:12 be able to number one, turn this into, you know, from a business sense to really turn it into a monetizing machine for us. But the way we're going to do it is we're going to provide something that nobody's ever provided. We want to provide programs with real revolutionary programming, throwing in our different flavors and our expertise, you know, Adam's experience and training for aesthetics and you know, Justin's experience training athletes, you know, put those into different programs. We want to provide a online forum where people can, you know, they don't just visit and see workouts, but they actually are part of something. They're part of something big.
Starting point is 00:47:56 You know, we want to, I think in 2016 is our year to really influence the industry. We've already started a little bit, but you really influence it so that the word gets out. So that a lot of the bullshit, a lot of the harmful things that people follow with diet, with supplements, with workouts. So it'll be like how you look at people smoking a cigarette right now. Yeah, it's going to be revealed. You know, it's going to become common knowledge. You know, we're taking things that were controversial at one point, and I think that in the future, it's gonna become common knowledge because us were going and pushing it,
Starting point is 00:48:28 but it's also giving other people the courage to say and do those similar things. Oh, that's one of the biggest things. And this is not only to be honest with you in the last couple of months. This is when I kind of realized like we'd really caught some momentum was starting to see the influence on social media
Starting point is 00:48:43 of now people feeling empowered to go and go after all this stuff that's bullshit and call it out themselves. You know, I love seeing that. And we've talked about this a couple times on tagging us on pages where people are giving false information. And you know, one of the things I've always, and I know this is like the second or third time I say, but I feel it's important to repeat this is that I don't want to discourage people from tagging
Starting point is 00:49:08 us because I do want that. I want people to tag us and show us everything that's going out there, but I also don't want to turn it into a bullying thing either. What I really want to be there for is I want people to be educated and they understand and they don't get fooled by those things. They feel the confidence to say something like, hey, no, it does ask question. Some people are very good. I would like to point out there are some of our listeners that are really good at this.
Starting point is 00:49:28 In fact, what they do is a tag of page. They use a lot of tags. Yeah, they do. They use a lot of tags, which this is how I like to see. I like to see someone tag of page and then ask an intelligent question about the post, knowing that we've probably already talked about it and they tag us so they know that we'll get their back. So then that person then responds and then it's a smart way to get us involved
Starting point is 00:49:46 in the conversation to help them out with that debate. And it's also a great learning experience for everybody that's listening and reading. So that I love. Now tagging me because somebody has a fake picture of their butt, you know, that they've, they've art Photoshop to what I like that like, okay, well I'm not gonna get on there and pick on her, you know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:50:03 But if she's saying, if she's saying something that you don't believe in the science, then ask a question about it and tag one of us, and we're for sure always gonna get those people's back. So I've noticed that a lot. So now when I open up my Instagram, I mean, it's hard for me to actually get to all of them because there's so many different ones, and I try and find the ones that are like that, that are science-based type stuff somebody is putting promoting bullshit out there. It's not backed and they ask a good question that gets involved.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Well, and it's good to like even if there is a little bit of a negative connotation initially like with some of these big people with influence, here's the fact like they're going to think twice before putting out some bullshit again. Right. They're going to think twice before they rip people off. That's it. I mean, that is a great thing to establish because that's what the internet's for by the way.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Yeah, it's a self-checking machine once you get everybody behind it. Yeah. So that's the decentralizing power of the internet and we're taking advantage of it. But I can't wait to see fitness fully embrace and become about health and wellness again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:11 I can't wait to see that. I can not wait to see that marriage, that full marriage finally happened to the point where there's always gonna be a component to fitness that's unhealthy. There's always gonna be the extremes. There's always gonna be someone trying component to fitness that's unhealthy. There's always going to be the extremes. There's always going to be someone trying to sell you shit and snake oil. But I can't wait to see when that becomes the minority because right now it's the majority.
Starting point is 00:51:35 So most of the stuff you see out there. The day that happens, and I'll know when this happens, the day that I know, to me, I don't think it'll happen until your guys' children's generation, your daughters, as they grow up, and they get old, or sell your daughter, as she grows up and gets older. And she starts working out. The beautiful thing is,
Starting point is 00:51:54 because she's gonna get influenced by you. Never once will she ever look at you and say, daddy, I don't wanna lift weights and be all bulky. That won't even come out of her vocabulary, because she'll have been raised from the beginning. That's still something I have to constantly battle like, you know, it's because you I'm dealing with, you know, 35 to 55 year old plus women that for 30 plus years or 40 years of their life, they've been told or taught this way and are scared to
Starting point is 00:52:19 death to go lift heavyweight or squat or do a deadlift or been just it the only people the only people they saw, I do that were these big stairrooted out meat head guys and they have no desire. And that is the thing I'm excited about. And I feel like when we see the health and wellness finally emerge, you won't hear shit like that anymore. That will be a thing such that it will be so silly to say something like that. People will pretty much laugh at you if you say they'd be like, that's so crazy that you have stayed away from that and you want to be better and be healthier. Yeah, and you would be so much further ahead of the game if you didn't think that way, but we're not there yet, you know, we still have a ways to go, but that's the stuff that motivates me and of seeing that.
Starting point is 00:52:57 I think I think it'll take our our complete generation. I think mine pump has got a long journey ahead of it. I don't think this is going be a short run for us. No. I think we're gonna be battling some things along the way and I think we're gonna lose our own. We're gonna piss more people off. Here's another thing I'm very confident in. And this is something that, I mean, for a while there, we wanted to partner with a big time company. We wanted to almost get that approval from the industry as far as like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:53:24 you guys have this worth and what you're doing is relevant, we wanna pay and we wanna be a part of this and blah, blah, blah. And like literally, like at a certain point, I'm like, why do I still want that? You know, why do we even need that? We don't need that. 100% we don't need that.
Starting point is 00:53:42 We can generate our own products. We can do it our own way. I mean, we've done it with almost everything else that I can think of. And it's just not being reliant on that because that is a box that is laid out. It's just like owning a gym. It's just like working for somebody else.
Starting point is 00:54:03 It's this whole thing that's like, this is freedom right now what we have. And we can control how successful it becomes or how it doesn't. Obviously alongside you listeners help, and obviously that's going to be a relationship that we have. But dude, there's relevance there. There's things that we can do to go from here on out. Well, that's, I mean, we mentioned it a little bit that
Starting point is 00:54:32 that's why, you know, we haven't sold out or signed with a big company like that, it's just because, you know, it would have to be the per, we want the perfect relationship if we're going to. If we're going to, it would have to follow our ideals. And I think it's been kind of funny because I think some, I mean, some companies totally have respected and understand it because they see the value and they see what we're doing in that she listen. Then sometimes we get people that approach us that don't even really listen to our podcast,
Starting point is 00:54:56 but they see the numbers. They know that we have lots of them following where they've heard through people already so that it's like, obviously, they're pretty big. Then they approach us and they try and pitch us and they really don't even know our core standards or what we believe in. And then it turns into this ugly dinner debate, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:55:10 We're all we've had a few of those. We're just like really like you obviously you you see here and you praise us and talk about how great our show is, but the shit that you're trying to trying to get us to do with you, you would you would not you wouldn't even be pitching that if you were a true mind publicist. And so it's like day. get us to do with you, you would not, you would even be pitching that if you were a true mind-pump listener. Well, it's like dating. Makes me laugh, you know? It's a whole dating process.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Like you, you go through all these shitty dates or whatever. And then all of a sudden you're just like, dude, look at all this freedom and cool stuff I'm doing because I'm single. And then you get married. Oh, shit. That just happened. With that, subscribe to Mind Pump. Leave us a five-star rating review and we would like to say from the bottom of our hearts. Yes. Thank you for listening.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Thank you for an awesome year. Thank you for an awesome year guys. We love you. 2016. Here we come. For a big year coming up. Oh, just wait. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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