Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2149: The Risk of Kidney Damage From Creatine, Ways to Overcome a Lost Menstrual Cycle, Getting to the Bottom of Unexplained Weight Gain & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: August 26, 2023

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Cre...atine is probably the healthiest supplement you can take. (2:02) A.I. is now creating the playbook to make free valuable products. (14:41) At what point will the guys have to sell or patent their likeness? (22:32) Speculating on the potential return of masks and lockdowns. (28:30) Sal latest ketamine therapy experience. (41:48) Sal’s will start needing to hide his Caldera. (45:07) Shout out to Grace Barga. (46:11) #ListenerLive question #1 - Could creatine damage your kidneys? (48:05) #ListenerLive question #2 - Any advice or feedback on hormones, nutrition, and a fitness program? I’m a fit female who has lost her period and is unhappy with my weight. (1:06:43) #ListenerLive question #3 - How do you know how many calories you are supposed to be taking in when you take into consideration your activity level? Do you consume that number of calories on training days as well as rest days? (1:25:08) #ListenerLive question #4 – I wanted to provide some constructive feedback on implementing MAPS Symmetry for high school students and say thank you for the amazing programming. (1:51:25) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP at checkout** Special Launch Promotion: MAPS Old Time Strength for $80 Off (Retail $177, Includes 2 eBooks: Forgotten Muscle & Strength Building Secrets, PLUS Jay Campbell’s Living a Fully Optimized Life.  30 Day money back guarantee // Ends Sunday, August 27th. **Code OLD80 at checkout** August Promotion: MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! **Code AUGUST50 at checkout** New Study Finds Dietary Creatine Associated with Reduced Cancer Risk The IRS Is Warning Small Business Owners to Watch Out for This Scam Mind Pump #2050: Post Pandemic Trauma: The Medicine Was Worse Than The Disease With Kevin Bass The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned? Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** MP Holistic Health Mind Pump #1830: Five Steps To Determine Your Ideal Caloric Intake Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! MAPS Symmetry Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram Tai Lopez (@tailopez) Instagram Kevin Bass (@kevinnbass) Twitter Grace Barga (@gracebarga) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Right in today's episode we answered live caller's questions. This was after a 47 minute introductory conversation. That's where we talk about fitness, current events,
Starting point is 00:00:27 scientific studies and much more. By the way, you can check the show notes if you wanna skip around. Just click on the timestamp, you wanna listen to. Also, you wanna be on an episode like this one? Email us your question at live at mindpumpmedia.com. Now, this episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Viori.
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Starting point is 00:01:02 This episode is also brought to you by Caldera Lab. They make natural skincare products that have been proven in study after study to improve the appearance and health of your skin. Go check them out, get yourself a discount. Go to calderalab.com. That's C-A-L-D-E-R-A-L-A-B.com forward slash mind pump and then use the code mind pump to get that 20% off. Also, there's only two days left for our new program launch special maps, old time strength, get it for $80 off and also get two free ebooks. Here's what you got to do. Go to maps oldtime.com, use the code old 80. That'll give you the discount and you'll get two ebooks Forgotten muscle and strength building secrets and an ebook by j Campbell called living a fully
Starting point is 00:01:50 Optimized life by the way maps all time is strength training based on the wisdom of bronze era athletes again two days left Take advantage. All right. Here comes a show You've heard me talk about Crating before many times, all of its incredible benefits. The list is almost endless. Builds muscle is good for the heart, good for the liver, improves cognitive function, improves mitochondrial health.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Well, you can add potentially one more thing to that list. A new study has now found a correlation between Crating consumption and reduced cancer risk. Now it hasn't been proven yet, but I'll bet you that more studies in the future will prove this connection. Why creatine improves mitochondrial health? We know this. And mitochondrial dysfunction plays a role
Starting point is 00:02:43 in the proliferation of cancer cells. Also, it helps the body methylate. This is also an important function to reduce cancer risk. So, Crate team, it's probably the healthiest supplement you can take. Not to be the turd and the punch bowl, but isn't it like a far reach to always attach everything to pro or anti-cancer. I mean, you can almost say anything that improves mitochondrial health, anything that builds muscle, anything that improves insulin sensitivity is, or does the reverse of that is pro or anti-cancer.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Don't you feel like sometimes articles and studies attach things to cancer because it's such a powerful word for people that go like, oh, that's anti-cancer. It's like, well, so it's exercise, so it's sleeping well. So, I mean, there's a lot of things that are anti-cancer and there's a lot of things that are pro-cancer. Do you think that we use that a lot as like a way to like get everybody's
Starting point is 00:03:46 attention because it's such a power for? Yes and no. I agree with what you're saying for sure because it is a like you put cancer in a headline with a study. Yeah. You're going to get more clicks for sure. But because creatine is a supplement, it is interesting to find this correlation. Now the way they did this study
Starting point is 00:04:05 is they looked at people who consumed the most amount of creatine from dietary sources. So there's more to this study that's interesting. Because what it actually also potentially shows, and this is where people like Max Lugavir are pointing, is, hey, number one, the highest concentration of creatine is found in red meat. No, red meat in particular.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Yeah. So the study is showing the highest consumption of red meat to also being the one that has the lowest rate of cancer. So now the way that they figured this out wasn't red meat versus this kind of meat. It was just creatine consumption. So there's a lot of things potentially to unpack here. Can you also say that that's like comparing someone who's on a ketogenic diet versus somebody
Starting point is 00:04:50 who runs a vegan diet? They didn't control for... I know, but don't you think the same outcome would happen right there? So if you compare cancer patients, right? With people that were on a ketogenic diet versus people that were on a vegan diet, you I think we know from, we already know what the outcome would be.
Starting point is 00:05:08 You would see a positive stuff from the ketogenic diet, you'd see less positive stuff from... It's so complicated because there's so many different ways to do keto, so many different ways to do vegan. What we know is if you consume, if you don't over consume, you reduce your risk, And then there's weird. Is there anybody just keto who doesn't run a bunch of red meat? Are you familiar with someone running?
Starting point is 00:05:30 Well, not just, but no, but there's people who run a ketogenic diet, I mean, run a high red meat diet on a ketogenic diet because of it's how nutrient density is and you're limiting yourself to so many different things. Yeah, but there's people who do keto who eat like a lot of bacon and hot dogs. Oh, okay. Yeah, but there's people who do keto, who eat like a lot of bacon and hot dogs. Oh, okay. Yeah, processed meat, you know?
Starting point is 00:05:47 Okay, okay. So there's a lot, and cancer is really complicated. This is why we haven't found a solution. I remember years ago, this was something I'd die really deep in because I had somebody close to me who was suffering from it. And I had clients that were cancer doctors and surgeons. And I remember one of them, really, really smart guy. Probably one of the smartest people I've ever met my entire life. He I remember one of them really, really smart guy,
Starting point is 00:06:05 probably one of the smartest people I've ever met in my entire life. He was an anesthesiologist, but he was just absolutely brilliant. And he goes, he goes, dude, it's so complicated. He goes, because I brought up the warburg effect to him, which is a long time ago, I think in the 1930s, scientists discovered that the mitochondria in cancer cells consumes glucose at really high rates.
Starting point is 00:06:28 And if you starve it of glucose, the cancer cells tend to die. Now, so in other words, going ketogenic could be anti-cancer. And I brought that up to him and he said, well, some cancers actually thrive. In some like that. And he goes, it's really weird.
Starting point is 00:06:42 From one cancer to the next, that's why, I mean, we put this big general category of like cancer, but some things will make it worse, the context matters. But there's general things we know, like we know building muscle is very anti-cancer. In fact, pro bodybuilders who are not healthy, okay? Pro bodybuilders take a lot of drugs, they don't live a healthy lifestyle. They die of cancer rates at lower rates than the average person. So the amount of muscle mass I have actually protecting them from cancer, even though these guys are taking growth hormone and insulin and living a ridiculous like excess calories. And by the way, a lot of bodybuilders that do all those drugs are okay with other drugs
Starting point is 00:07:19 too. Yeah, it's rare. You meet a bodybuilder who's just like, oh, I won't do that drug. Yeah. I'm okay with doing all the other ones. But creatine fuels the mitochondria and we know that mitochondrial dysfunction is at least a factor in a lot of different types of chronic diseases, including cancer. So that's the theory. That's my theory.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Do is it proven in the study? No, it's a correlation. But I will say right here on this show that I think we're gonna see studies that are gonna show that creatine in a healthy environment. I'm not talking about an pro-cancer environment, that's different, that changes everything. But in a healthy environment,
Starting point is 00:07:56 it's gonna be shown to be anti-cancer, that's my strong belief. Now you brought up methylation a few times. Like can you explain a little bit more like the benefit of that and why that's something to pay attention to? Methylation is your body, methylates, there's certain pathways in the body
Starting point is 00:08:14 that require what's called methylation. And some people do this better than others. Certain things are called, or certain compounds are called methyl donors. And there's a gene, I can't remember what the gene was, I got tested for it, where you don't methylate very well so you can have higher rates of things like B vitamin deficiencies, you have to take like certain types of B vitamins, you're more prone, you don't detoxify the body, the body doesn't detoxify as easily.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Well, anyway, creatine, methylation is involved in the making of creatine in the body. So, and the way your body makes creatine is you either consume it or it takes a couple amino acids and it makes creatine. It's essential, okay. Supplementing with creatine reduces the amount of creatine your body needs to make. So it frees up this methylation process. So here's, okay, good, thanks Doug. There's some of the symptoms of poor methylation, anxiety, depression, insomnia, IBS, allergies, headaches, muscle pain, and addiction.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Pretty much everything. Yeah. Yeah. So it's free for sure. Which everything gets into. Yeah, I just haven't heard anybody kind of pin it to that. So that's interesting. Yeah. So, and so this is so great team. Who is it that said that? Dr. C. Dr. C. Yeah, brought that up. He said it's one of the positive, the best thing you could do. Well, I think that's why I brought that. So I don't, I at all disagree with this, right?
Starting point is 00:09:30 The point of me bringing up what I said was less to do with like, I think we've all agreed that we're going to continue to see more research, positive research around creatine. We've also speculated that I can easily see it being in people's multivitamin packs. For sure. You know, I could totally see us like pro giving it to children and the feel like all that stuff I think is down coming down the pipe and I agree with it.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And I agree that it should be. There's so many positive benefits to it. But I just think whenever I hear the studies that always attach things to cancer, like that's it. I just right away go like, well, I mean, if you understand what's going on with cancer, there's a lot of things that we can do that's pro preventing it. And there's a lot of things that we could do that are to pro it happening. So it's like the context matters. Yeah. And so, and so, you know, and I just think that it attaches
Starting point is 00:10:21 it to like people's biggest fear, I guess, in the health space. Yeah, I just think that it attaches it to like people's biggest fear, I guess, in the health space. Yeah, I just think a can't easily relate to the alarming thing, to manipulate the masses, right? Because you hear cancer and all you hear is pro or anti, and then the word cancer. And so you don't consider the context. Yeah, you don't consider the context, you don't consider how what percentage of that or how big of a deal it is. Because there's so many factors, I'll give you a great example of back up what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:10:46 M-Tore, if you stimulate M-Tore, it builds muscle. It's an anabolic pathway that causes muscle growth. M-Tore also causes cancer cells to grow. So people are like, oh, we got a lower M-Tore. No. If you're healthy, you want M-Tore to be high because it's good for you. If you have cancer, that's when you might want to tamp it down. Protein.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Immuno acids fuel cancer growth. Does that mean you should eat a low protein diet all the time? No. If you have cancer. If you have constricting, it's where duality right there already, we're talking about. You get the benefits from creatin, from red meat specifically. Yep. But now you can make a case completely in the opposite direction based off
Starting point is 00:11:25 of MTOR. A pro-cancer state is different than a normal state, and then you need to treat them up. Again, here's another example. Low testosterone, chronically low testosterone, can increase the risk of aggressive prostate cancers. If you have prostate cancer, you want to lower your testosterone, though, because you can fuel it, right? So, two situations were the opposite of each.
Starting point is 00:11:49 So this is why I get so complicated. But I think creatine is a little different. I think it's just a pro-health. It's a nutrient. Yeah, type of thing. But if you have cancer, you got to go throw everything out the window and look and see, like, okay, well, I have cancer. What kind of cancer is it?
Starting point is 00:12:06 You know, like if you have an estrogen sensitive cancer, well, you're going to want to take things that block the estrogen receptor or lower estrogen. Is that what you want to do when you're healthy? No, that's what I feel like cancer is in its own category of exceptions to the rule. And then I feel like when we do these studies and the stuff comes out, like we should just leave that out of the conversation. Otherwise, it just confuses people. Cause even after what we do.
Starting point is 00:12:27 It's a good selling point. It is. It gets your attention right away. That's really what it's for. But then really what I think it ends up doing is confusing the most people. It's even just listening to you guys just talk right there. You go like, so does that mean I should
Starting point is 00:12:39 or shouldn't take that? You should take great things. I'll be very clear. Everybody benefits to it. Unless it bothers your gut or whatever, some people are like that. I think you should take it all the time. Not to go down in a rabbit hole, but the most promising research on cancer now is targeted individualized cancer treatments, where they'll literally be able to analyze
Starting point is 00:12:59 your cancer and create a cancer-specific drug that will attack your specific cancer. And there's research right now where they're trying to develop this. And that's probably what it's going to be. It's probably going to be in the future. We detect you have cancer. We have tests now that are starting to detect it earlier and earlier. There's rumors of blood tests that can do this, but so far they've all failed. But if we can detect it early enough, then find your DNA looks like what your cancer cells look like and then tweak the treatment, give it to you and then boom. Does that look like something that's more like a peptide
Starting point is 00:13:36 or like a vaccine? Like what would that be more like? It would probably be a viral transport. So it'll probably be in a type of virus that's inactive that then is used to infect your cells and then deliver the payload. That would be more like a vaccine than like a peptide. Kind of. Yeah. Vaccines before, right? Like we'll give it a chance. You don't get cancer. Yeah. This is more, it's similar in the sense that it's a, it's a, you know, inactive virus, I guess. But that's probably where, where it's going to go.
Starting point is 00:14:07 But it's interesting. With AI, they're doing, uh, now, they can test it. Or, yeah, on a computer. They can literally, the, I was listening to Michio Kaku on, on Joe Rogan with these, uh, quantum computers. Oh, yeah. And he's like, they'll be able to test millions of potential drugs instantly.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Just simulate it. Right away, and right away, we'll get like three of them that'll work. And not have to test it on an animal or a person. We'll have three candidates, and it'll give us like 95% this will probably work or whatever. Yeah, that'll move things. Oh my.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Dude, it's like like, You have AI, you actually just, this wasn't even on my radar to talk about this but you just reminded me so that it came yesterday it was like popped up in my feed what's his name tie Lopez. Yeah. Uh it was doing a live stream and it just caught my attention. He he's doing this live stream forget where in the world he was at but he had like four or five kids with with him that were all under the age of 25. They were like 20 to 25 years old, four or five,
Starting point is 00:15:09 all multi-millionaires. And they were sharing, he was sharing with his audience, like what how they got there, and then the tools that are available for these. Now almost all of them sold digital products online, right? That's like the go-to hustle, right? And then he literally uses like a chat GBT with a plug-in and like shows people,
Starting point is 00:15:32 like how these people are making millions, like right, it was wild. He basically, he like, he prompted his audience, tell me a skill that you have. Any whether it's the job you do or something that you're passionate with, and people just start like, you know, piano and like people just pay.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Tell me, give him the plan. Bro, it did more than that. So he goes, first one that pops up, piano. Okay, here we go. Like, he prompts it to give me 10 titles of becoming good at piano in 60 days or something. And so it prompted 10 really good titles. Then he picked the title and he goes,
Starting point is 00:16:06 now write me a 5,000 word e-book starting with the first chapter. Bro, are you serious? And while he's talking, it's creating. And then people turn around, fucking throw that up. Put it up there as an e-book. There's plea, there's there's there's plugins that'll create the the landing page for you. Everything. And then now you collect emails. And then you can literally say, Hey, make me a newsletter that I give these people.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Yeah. And every week and you can even go. Holy cow. And then you can even go back and you can, you can adjust it and go. So let me ask you that. So here's what's crazy about this. Remember when Facebook started to really become big and the people that figured out the advertising on Facebook early on were just crushing. That's what's happening till it got right. At what point do you think this is gonna be?
Starting point is 00:16:53 Yeah, it's not gonna work. So it's gonna get, it's gonna be a while. Like I mean, look at we, obviously it's already been happening. Millionaires are being made off of it. I didn't even, I wasn't even like, and I've been talking about AI like crazy. I wasn't even aware at the level of like,
Starting point is 00:17:06 oh yeah, that does make sense. You could do all of those things. And man, if you, now, that's cramory.com secrets told you how to do all this yourself. Yeah. And now you can do it in an hour. And so he talks about what he's talking about on his live stream was like, you know, we actually had to do this work just five years ago.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Five years ago, this was still a good, a smart pathway to make millions of dollars online, but you would have to write it all. You had to write it all, do it all yourself, which would take time where he's like, literally this is in minutes, and you could have a library of these like e-books. So for people who don't understand
Starting point is 00:17:36 like exactly what you're talking about. Literally this is the playbook, and it's been a playbook, and it works if you do a decent job. You create a free valuable product and ebook how to lose 30 pounds in 30 days whatever. You put it out there, you let people opt in for it. It's got to be valuable because if it's crappy it's not going to work. They'll get it, you'll get their email. Then you build an email list and then you foster a community through that by giving them like a weekly newsletter or monthly newsletter
Starting point is 00:18:05 and you get them to open the emails and you get this, you build up this email list of people who really want to read what you have to say and then they're a captive audience. Then you can sell them stuff. You could create coaching courses. You could sell other products, but that's like the playbook and it works. It's very consistent. Yeah. And you used to have to write all that, create it, foster it. It was a lot of work before. Because you could literally say to the chat, you could be, hey, give me a weekly newsletter on everything. Playing the piano for the next 10 weeks.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yes. And you got 10. You put it in the parameters. How much work? And then you could plug it into email, not automatically sent to me. How many words you want. You can put it. You can plug in. I want it to be. You can put it, you can plug in,
Starting point is 00:18:45 I want it to be semi-commitic, or write it in the form of how South Estefano writes, or I could prompt it to write it however I want to. And then it becomes mine because it's original work. It's not like it's copying anything else out there. It's using everything that's out there to come up with its own content based off of how you prompt it. And so, and this is all stuff that we've known how to build a business, but I mean you're able to prompt this sucker in minutes time.
Starting point is 00:19:16 And you used to have to have some talent. And now, and so here's what I think is going to happen, so I was asking you, is right now we're in a period where the opportunity's easy. But at some point, it's getting us in trouble, we're gonna set free. So there's some still challenges, right? So like, let's use the piano person as an example, and he's showing that person that. If this person has,
Starting point is 00:19:38 it garners no attention and has no audience yet, it doesn't really fucking matter that much. They have 10 people that can say, they don't reach, it's not gonna go far. So you still have to build community. You still have to be probably, and I think that's the future of like, who can get the attention? Like, yeah. So I think you'll be more cautious about just buying anybody's ebook online. You'll want to have listened to their podcast for 50 episodes. First of all, okay, I trust these guys. You can actually explain it. Yeah. I think you would want some in the future.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I mean, for now, this still works. I mean, if you're a, if you're, until they can do, if you're on Facebook and you're looking for piano lessons and this ebook pops up and it's free, well, I mean, why wouldn't you? And you could also technically, because you could build a authority
Starting point is 00:20:24 and audience through blogs. Yeah. So you could very technically, because you could build a authority and an audience through blogs. So you could very easily start that process which had GBT right a weekly blog, develop a bunch of followers, offer a free ebook and then boom. You're off to the races. Was it you that was telling me it was Adam Bernstein behind the Arnold AI podcast?
Starting point is 00:20:41 So he's literally writing and prompting the AI for that. That's right. And it's like, is it still up in the charts, Doug? So Doug looks way down. Doug looked as it was way down, but I was talking to Mike. Mike said it was crushing. So I mean, I don't know who... Yeah, but you know how those rankings are.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Well, that's what I'm saying. So I think Mike is referring to like an article on like what it's doing download wise and growth. I think Doug is just looking at what iTunes is. So yeah, I don't know who to believe as far as how well it's doing. Nonetheless, people are listening. It's fascinating that it's working. Well, I'm just very curious, because I'm two,
Starting point is 00:21:12 and other segments, other industries, if they're doing this and they're testing it, and where they haven't success with that, and be interesting to see, which ones kind of break through, they're fully AF. This totally reminds me of when social media advertising first started and now looking back, everybody feels like an idiot for not taking advantage. I had friends.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Yeah, I know. I had friends that would tell me, Sal, you don't understand, it's so easy on Facebook. And they would literally spend $5 and make $20 each time. Yeah. And they'd just scale it up. And then of course they change the algorithm. They got saturated. And now it's much more challenging. But they always have an exit plan.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Otherwise, yeah, people get so cornered into that one way and that formula and that platform. And then they got decimated once they change the algorithm. I mean, every week we talk to the coaching, right? So we have a coaching group with through NCI, or every Wednesday, we communicate to like a group, groups of trainers that we're trying out. I am always like, passionate.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Figure this out. You have to be working on this. You guys have to be utilizing these tools because it's going to accelerate your business or you're going to get eaten alive by somebody who has figured it out. Or in the middle, you're gonna look back, you'll be okay, but you're going to get eaten alive by somebody who has figured out. Or in the middle, you're going to look back, you'll be okay, but you're going to look
Starting point is 00:22:28 back and be like, oh, why didn't I do it back then when it was so easy, you know, speaking of AI and stuff. So we, with our partners that we work with, sometimes we allow them to use clips of us and stuff to sell the product or we'll talk about it and we'll do like a commercial for them. And it depends on the company we work with. And so we did this with Viori, so a lot of people, in fact, I have family members
Starting point is 00:22:53 that don't even listen to the show, don't even know I have a show. We're like, oh my God, I saw you. A commercial for Viori, that's crazy. What are you doing? That are the gifts. Yeah, that's a real good recognize. But, but I don't know if we talked about we did talk about
Starting point is 00:23:06 how there was a company that was, we talked about the company selling supplements. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Did we talk about that on the show? Yeah, I think so. Yes. Where they used a clip of me talking. Well, it was so, and then AI finished the sentence and it made it sound like I was promoting it was so good. Yeah. I was actually the one that found it. I sent it to Doug right away. And I actually didn't have the same alarmist, like, attitude, like, Doug right away. It was like, that's fucking calm, the lawyers.
Starting point is 00:23:31 I'm getting out like, he was on it right away. And I'm like, oh, I had more of the attitude like, oh, whatever. And then one of you said, like, I can't believe that they manipulated, and I'm like, well, no, they didn't manipulate your voice. They just clipped it out. And they're like, no, they present the product.
Starting point is 00:23:43 And I had to read, listen to it again. And I go, oh my God, it was so good. I didn't even pick up on the voice was saying things. You didn't say. Yeah, that was the part that was like, you know, my attitude originally was, hey, kudos to them. They took part of our stuff up. They chopped it up. They made it. Yeah. I mean, so what? But then they make fake words. Yeah. The part that I didn't even register because it was so good. It sounded just like you that I didn't even go,
Starting point is 00:24:08 oh shit, sound never said that. Dude, yeah. So here's why I'm going with that. Because obviously we do stuff for Viori, we do stuff for other companies as well. And we love Viori, they do great job, great products. So there's no problem with that. But at one point, are we going to have to sell or patent or I don't know what
Starting point is 00:24:26 Are like this? Yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, it's already happening I mean so I was then then what'll happen is our partners will just purchase the rights So they'll use our voice and our likeness To do so if you already will run an ad with me that I never really did it But we sold them the likeness right we're gonna have to do that So I went down this this rabbit hole last night. I watched that telemarketing thing. I told you I was still like, man, I got closed so hard.
Starting point is 00:24:51 It's like you'd sit on me so bad. I know it, and I'm proud of you. Right, right. And so now, like, you know what's happening here right now, I'm like, I'm pulling proof hustle. I'm questioning everybody, everything that was ever said to me like in what I might have felt. And so one of the big hustles right now is ERC, right?
Starting point is 00:25:05 It means- So explain ERC, what is it? So during COVID, you had a lot of companies that, you know, struggled, they kept their employees afloat and stuff. And so if you were someone like us who kept all of our employees during that time, you have potential to get credit back. So I forget what ER stands for, but- And employee retention credit.
Starting point is 00:25:24 There you go. So that's what ER stands for but it's a employee retention credit. There you go So that's what ERC stands for and so you could get a big chunk of money for every employee that you kept on on staff Now we've already checked with our CPA We don't qualify for it because we did well So that's part of it. They're assuming that during that time you held on your employees your business For you suffered and so then they're gonna give you a credit for it And so and since that happened to a lot of people, there's a lot of these people that are getting this.
Starting point is 00:25:46 So we don't get shit because we did a good job. Yeah, so there's getting, so I already know that, but yet we get tons and tons of them. Well, we're getting them all time, Katrina gets them all time. Last night, we heard and I had, we had already watched that telemarketing episode that a couple of days before together.
Starting point is 00:26:01 And she's like, oh my God, you have to listen to this. And so she puts on speakerphone. And it's Snoop Dogg trying to get us to fill out all the paperwork for ERC to get tax credit. And so then I'm like, what, how can they do that? Apply for your ear sizzle. Oh, it's so funny. It's like, it's so funny that they would do that. But I mean, it's like, well, I guess it's a name that you are a voice that you recognize. And so you're more likely to trust that, even though it's a rap, I don't know why I would ever trust a rap. He is everywhere.
Starting point is 00:26:29 He is everywhere. So he does all of it. My point of bringing this up was I went down the rabbit hole of like looking into like, how is this possible? Is he suing like this? I actually think he sold his likeness. Yeah, I think it was. Yeah, I think that he like, because I couldn't read agent is a crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Yeah, so this, it's already happening to your point, Sal, is like, that's the future. The future and die hard. Bruce Willis. Bruce Willis did that. Because you know, he can't, yeah, because he can't, he's just a degenerative disease. Yeah, so he can't act anymore.
Starting point is 00:26:58 He's sold his likeness and movies and companies. This was my speculation years ago when we first started talking about this. I mean, I think I brought it up back when the first CGI star wars thing happened. And I said, you know what, the future is actors no longer even having to act anymore. Or they could do instead of being able to do
Starting point is 00:27:17 one or two movies in a year, they could do 10 movies in a year. Well, it wasn't the right one on the wall. And that's, I mean, that's gonna be part of their whole strike in terms of them trying to like sell, because they can. They can tick their likeness, they can tick their voice, they can digitally render them into movies. So here's, so here's what's interesting. I was thinking about that the other day. I think that actors from today, and let's say celebrities or influencers from today and before are gonna be very valuable.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Cause moving forward, they're gonna start building authority and audience with fake people. Completely made up people. And it's already happening. There's already pages on social media. Here's the followers. I mean, I hear your thought process
Starting point is 00:27:58 and like the theoretically that's like, oh yeah, that makes sense. Like these will be valued more. But the future, you'll be able to create, you could say, like name your two favorite actors. Combine Bruce Willis with Mel Gibson. And so you get the character, like make it look like Arnold, but be funny, like, you know, some, like Eddie Murphy.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Like you could combine personalities and traits. And so these new, yeah, these new creations or actors or actresses could be even better. I hate talking like this. It always makes me feel like it's hell. You know, you brought up, you brought up COVID. You guys seeing, I hope people are aware of it. Did you see my meme yesterday? No. You didn't see it. No. What was it? It was a alien and predator and they're swinging on the, they're swinging on the swing. Are we up yet?
Starting point is 00:28:47 Are we up yet? No, they're doing the, and they have no idea. I can't, I did not think it would happen this soon. I'd like to do some speculation here, but they're bringing, so Alex Jones leaked some documents that said that they're going to bring back, they're going to start with mass mandates because there's a new surge or whatever. Mass mandates and then slowly by December, full COVID policy, lockdowns. This is from TSA.
Starting point is 00:29:14 Closers, like, you know, there's gonna be school closures, business closures, the whole deal. Dude, I first off- So- F-ing way. Well, so, so here's the thing. I think public set, and by the way, the prop again is starting.
Starting point is 00:29:28 So when I saw that release, I'm like, oh, is that real? And then the article started coming out. Some places already require masks again, which by the way, don't work. Yeah, they don't work. No, no, no, there's a study. There's places that are required masks already. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Oh, really? Yeah, Lionsgate, there's way too many studies that have dismantled that completely. So Kevin Bass, who we've had on the show, he posted a 2019 clinical trial from JAMA, showing no difference in rate of influenza infections between those who wear N95 and surgical masks, and neither one prevented respiratory viral infections.
Starting point is 00:30:04 The other thing is that the average person doesn't use a mask properly. There's a huge protocol and procedure. Any doctor or nurse will tell you this. It's not only is it doesn't work, but it's also detrimental for many reasons, especially for children we've talked about this on the show. All right, it locks down.
Starting point is 00:30:18 It locks down. Lockdowns did not work. They did not work. Countries like Sweden did better than other countries. States with less lockdowns did just as fine. did not work, they did not work. Countries like Sweden did better than other countries, states with less lockdowns did just as fine as other states. Any of you count excess mortality, depression, anxiety,
Starting point is 00:30:31 businesses shutting down, actually cause more problems than not. And then the vaccine mandates, obviously now they've been shown, for some people to be okay, everybody else not safe. All right, so let's speculate. So they're bringing the shit back. Let's speculate. Why are they now I know I just read it. I just read an article with the
Starting point is 00:30:50 propaganda against people who are opposing this kind of stuff. They're already trying to paint them in a corner. In fact, yeah, okay, so let's let's bring it up. Let's speculate how this unfolds in. Okay. Oh, I have I have a good one. All right, I want to hear what you think. Okay, so first, let me read this article title title to you This is already starting this is NBC news how climate lockdowns became the new battleground for conspiracy driven Protests movement protesters radicalized by their opposition to COVID-19 lockdowns have a new target
Starting point is 00:31:20 Antitrathic measures. They're already starting the propaganda against people who are gonna say no, we're not gonna do that I love how anybody pushes against government overreach is a conspiracy theory. Of course, yeah. Yeah, because we have to just completely submit. Don't you think that's starting to blow up in their face? Totally. Because now conspiracy theory, the big joke is just like, oh conspiracy theory is conspiracy theory, the truth is two years.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Yeah, no, six months. Six months. I mean, so that's like the new thing now. So I don't even know if that's a smart point anymore. Here's what I think. I think how do we fight this, dude? That's what I want. There's a large enough percentage of people
Starting point is 00:31:51 who are going to not comply. It's like not just simply not going to comply. I'm keeping my business open. So this is the area I disagree with you in. Oh, so I think there's a large enough percentage. I don't think everybody, where people are going to be like, no, I think this is my, now we can put on our conspiracy theory hats. I think they're trying to provoke a reaction, that's what I think.
Starting point is 00:32:11 I think they're pushing the shit specifically to get a reaction so they could use that politically to pass. I think they're going to be, I think they're so good at using media and fear with people that you are going to see almost the exact same percentage response, almost exact. And here's my, in here's why I believe this. They love when people get upset. So I have this beautiful litmus test amongst my friends
Starting point is 00:32:34 because where there's this, there's me and my buddy, I would say that are like opposite right and left and then I have my friend who's probably the most sinner and like he ping pongs between agreeing with each of us on on time. It's like this nice dynamic that we have right between the three of us. And obviously we know where my buddy on the far left is probably gonna land in this situation. He'll be he's probably already fucking wearing a mask. You know,
Starting point is 00:32:57 so he's probably doing it right now. Then my buddy in the middle who was kind of leaning towards my my friend. He has a nurse wife also was leaning more towards my my other buddy early on and then as things unfolded and should happen and then everything that came on now, like full went over on my side. It was just like, you were right, you called it, but all the stuff like that. Well, he, I reached out to him that, hey, heads up, it's coming down the pipe again here, you know, so that and his response was from a place of fear because his wife is a nurse and she had already came to him
Starting point is 00:33:26 and said like, oh my God, the hospitals are getting flooded again with COVID patients. And so I could hear in his voice on where he was just say a month ago on all this because the way it's unfolded, to how quickly he went to the other way because of the fear from that. So I think, I think it's exactly the same. I think it's gonna be exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I think you're gonna see the same people that were staunch about it before. We're gonna be like, fuck no, I'm not going for this and the same people that fell right in line. Like you're right. Are gonna fall right in line again. Here's why I'll disagree with you. I don't think it's-
Starting point is 00:33:58 I want to be wrong by the way. I know. I don't think it's gonna be everybody with the middle finger and then being like, oh, this isn't working. I don't think that. But there's now enough mainstream voices, maybe not like the traditional mainstream, I don't think it's going to be everybody with the middle finger and then being like, oh, this isn't working. I don't think that. But there's now enough mainstream voices, maybe not like the traditional mainstream, but
Starting point is 00:34:10 enough mainstream voices now that have, like, said no. This is a lot of scientists. Enough scientists that have come out. There's enough people now that realize that everything was censored before and it was crazy. There's enough data now, finally, that we can point to, that I think there's going to be a much larger percentage of people that are gonna get so fed up, they're gonna say no, and I think they're gonna keep pushing them till they get the kind of reaction
Starting point is 00:34:31 they want, because then they're gonna have clips of riots, clips of people acting crazy, and they're gonna use that. They're gonna get that in the past, they're a judge. Because the people that the people that dug their heels and will just dig their heels in harder. So they're gonna get what they want to your point. And everything you're saying right now seems completely logical. But the fact is people do not realize some states past laws
Starting point is 00:34:51 that you are not, that they can never apply COVID lockdown policies again. Florida being one of, so in other words, if the federal government tries this, some states are gonna say, which they were already though, that state. We already have great examples of what states are gonna be like Texas and Florida. We have the same state, California, New York, will be the other side. Some states are gonna say which they were already though that state we already have great examples of what states are gonna be like
Starting point is 00:35:06 Texas and Florida all the same state California, New York will be the other side like we know how this is all gonna play out That's why I say I don't think you're gonna see much difference than what we saw before I think I think you'll see a lot of parents saw the damage into their kids and they're gonna say no Yeah, but don't you do those are those are the to me those are the same parents that were already skeptical because there's definitely a percentage of people that went along with things and just went like Ah, the rights over over playing this the left is is over playing this I'm just gonna comply and be whatever and then now they're like oh wow That didn't play out the same way. So maybe I'm not going to this time
Starting point is 00:35:39 But like they're gonna get a more aggressive pushback I agree from a lot more people that were probably more, let's see how this plays out. Yes. Because it literally proved it worked. So, you know, this is completely a government overreach. I think it's gonna be same people. I agree that they'll be strong.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Like the people that are frustrated, that were frustrated last time, will be like, oh my God, they're doing it again. And then they'll feel compelled. Yeah, there'll be like, oh my God, they're doing it again. And then they'll feel compelled. But I feel like. We'll all have to conform to the airline protocols. And that's where I know that's gonna be the most frustrating bit is travel.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Yes, because they can control that completely. You know, like so me going to work or like, you know, there's gonna be some verbal battles that we're all gonna have to get into and be like, no, I'm not complying. Here's where we can get away with that, but like, flying is gonna be brutal. Yes, I think there's things
Starting point is 00:36:31 that the federal government had a lot of power over. Those are the ones where people are gonna be like, whatever I can't deal with this. I think the battlegrounds are gonna be schools. I mean, so, yeah. I think schools are gonna be battlegrounds. School's a big one. These travel.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Because I think a lot of parents, a lot of moms, you piss off moms, you're done. That's just a fact. And a lot of moms are pissed off because they saw the damage to their kids, so that's one, and two, I think local businesses are gonna be another battleground. I think a lot of local businesses are gonna be like,
Starting point is 00:36:56 I barely survived the last one. You're just, that screw you, and then a customer's gonna be like, yeah, screw you, I'm going to shut things down and just smother out all the remaining small business left. Like, come on, you can't see that, what it is. That's where I think the battleground is. It is a little scary that it's starting now already because we, I mean, like you and I were saying off air
Starting point is 00:37:16 talking about this, like, of course we could have predicted this. Like, this is not going away. Like, I'm pretty sure I just had it for the third time. Just didn't rush on that. Katrina just had it. How funny by the way, like it's power perspective. How funny is it though, by the way, that it's right in time for elections season. So, okay, I'm not admitting it's not
Starting point is 00:37:32 a lot of conspiracy all about that. It's not conspiracy. It's exactly well, it's also well, okay, calm down. It's also leading up to with the natural time of it's going to spike in October, November, December and the winter anyways. Yeah, never left though. It didn't go. Yeah, I know like everybody's been getting sick. There's been spikes in time, the years preceding. I'm gonna lock down.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Yeah, there's been spikes ever since I think it's, I think they're, I think they're, they're, they're, they're just using it. They're priming everybody. Can I tell you something? Coming down the line. Can I tell you guys something right now? I'm glad this is on me.
Starting point is 00:38:01 I'm gonna say it right now. Listen, if you watch the playbook that the CIA plays on other countries to overthrow or cause civil unrest or to be able to install puppet governments, it's literally the same playbook, literally the same playbook. You create a bunch of civil unrest. Then somebody comes in and takes over
Starting point is 00:38:20 and everybody begs them to take over. Marshall Law, please get everybody, we need more law, we need more control. This is crazy and they have more power. This is exactly the plan. I know, but isn't that, what's that law called Doug were like because there's so many potential variables
Starting point is 00:38:37 like it's bound to like align that way also. That's what's that call? There's a theory or a lot like if, for example, if you said that It rains every time I know what you're saying every time the San Francisco giant or every time it rains the San Francisco Giants wins Well, there's somewhere in the country where it's always kind of raining and so it's not that it's so how do you explain? What how do you explain that we now called Andrew? You know that's called somebody fine with it
Starting point is 00:39:00 There's a confirmation bias. No, I know what you're talking about I'm talking. Yeah, when bacon prices go up, then it rains more. Yes, it's not really. It's not really to just natural causes. Well, let me ask you this. How can you explain that a few years later, after everything that we've seen, all the damage we've caused,
Starting point is 00:39:15 the economy is literally on a tightrope, that, and we have the data now, we have it to support. We know everybody looking back is like, okay, this shit was terrible. We have examples of why it worked out better when we didn't do those things in many different places. How do you explain them hammering this down again now? What's the point? I don't think this would happen if there's election.
Starting point is 00:39:35 That's all I'm saying. I think that the election's happening. And they're like, oh, here we go. Let's push this button. That makes sense to me, as all I'm saying. It just looks that way. Yeah, I mean, I definitely think it's a this button. That makes sense to me as all I'm saying. It just looks that way. Yeah, I mean, I definitely think it's a control thing. I definitely think that, and I definitely think that
Starting point is 00:39:52 they know that October, November, December, you're gonna see this ramp up. So let's prime, let's prime everybody right now by starting the conversation now. That way as the numbers start to come out and confirm it, it'll make people be like oh shit do I think that has anything I don't know I mean it could I don't know if I do but I also think it's gonna be rough but let's address your your your economy point I mean that's a part that
Starting point is 00:40:14 I tell you what it makes no say if we do lockdowns today like we did last time we're gonna kill so many people just from the economic devastation. We barely survived. People don't realize we barely survived. You think inflation was starting to get bad and maybe we're, oh, what's going to happen? We're fixing it maybe and the people are living off credit right now. And it's a tightrope. You know what will happen if we do that again? We're going to push everything off the cliff.
Starting point is 00:40:37 And who's going to suffer? Well, that's it. Everybody in the whole part of it. Everybody's that we haven't fallen off the cliff from the last one yet. Like it's still hanging on. People are still tons of equity. People still, we still have, there's a ton of money in circulation.
Starting point is 00:40:49 It's not like, it's not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. It's like that scene in Mortal Kombat when the guys like, oh, wobbling, finishing. Yeah, exactly. He's not done yet. He's exactly. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:40:59 We gotta throttle down again. Yeah, that's just, that's still enough. I'll say this. The only thing I'm gonna say is that if you are one of the people that wants to not comply, do so peacefully, civil disobedience is the only way. Violence and property destruction will get used against you.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Plays into their feelings. So if you're going to be one of those people that says, I'm gonna do what I want, I'm gonna disobey or not comply, do so peacefully, historically, it sucks, and you still get beat, you still get thrown in jail, whatever. But it's the only thing that works. That's all I want to do. I'm not encouraging people to.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I'm not encouraging people to be just saying. I'm just saying protest. If you're gonna do it, do it in a peaceful way. That's all. That's all I want to say about that. Anyway, I'm gonna change direction. Thanks for bringing that up. I want to say on the drama stuff. Okay. Well, somewhat drama. How's ketamine? Oh, yeah, I did another ketamine session. Yeah. This is drama. This one was different. Oh, yeah. The first one was heavy. Lots of
Starting point is 00:42:02 unprocessed negative emotions. This one was, although I did get nauseous at the end, which didn't feel good, so I think next time I have to take an anti-najia medication. So that kind of sucked. But during tremendous gratitude, tremendous gratitude. Well, I had to felt good compared to going in the last
Starting point is 00:42:21 of your, you had to be going like, oh, guys, to get worse. So the last one I had these unprocessed, I I mean, there was tears and a lot of like, it was hard. And I, uh, when you start it, you lay back and then you try to have like, your mind kind of wander. So I said, I'm going to go back to what I processed last time. And they didn't have the same feelings. So I must have processed. Oh, that's, uh, that's awesome. So, but gratitude was this one. one thing that I thought of was, and a lot of us do this, you judge your past based off of what you know today.
Starting point is 00:42:51 So, it's really easy to look back and say, oh, so stupid. We didn't idiot. Why did I do that? I was a bad father. I was a bad whatever, a bad friend, but it's not fair because you did your best then. And yeah, today you're much wiser, much smarter, and it's just not a fair compare. You can't, and I, so funny, the analogy I used
Starting point is 00:43:12 that made sense to me was, it would be like someone who's been squatting for 10 years, and then making fun of themselves, how shitty they were when they first started and being ashamed of it. Obviously, you're not gonna be that good. So that was that. So I was kinda like, it felt gratitude for growing all these years, felt tremendous gratitude for my wife, my kids,
Starting point is 00:43:31 thought about you guys quite a bit. Actually thought about all of your amazing traits and how look I am to be working with you guys. So it was really nice. It was a really, really nice. I got some details on you guys that could tell you guys afterwards. I don't want to make this a mushy. Oh really? Mushy and true. It'll get real. The audience would love that. It'll get really mushy and Doug's giving us the five minute, the five minute thing. All right, I'll tell you to get to awkward. I'll just do the short one. I'll tell you guys a long one afterwards.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Okay, I was very grateful for Justin is the most solid person I've ever met my life. Every word, every action matches every word that he says. I've never met anybody as consistent as him. Doug is probably one of the best human beings I've ever met in my entire life. Bar none across the board, just a good, pure human. And he is also, we call him the puppet master, but he doesn't pull the strings like that.
Starting point is 00:44:22 He's so patient and so wise with all of us that you can only see his impact when you look back because it's so subtle and so effective. Shepard is probably that. Yeah, and Adam is an absolute killer and a pit bull. And when it comes to, and I was thinking about you and I was thinking about how you and I tease each other over who's a better closer. And one thing that I realize about you is there's closers and there's deal makers.
Starting point is 00:44:48 I've never met a deal maker like you. Adam can make a deal and it works for everybody and you don't know how he did it and it's just absolutely brilliant. So it's an amazing person to work with. So that's it. Oh, that's nice. Also, fuck you guys.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Yes, sir. I know, but you're asshole. Anyway, one more thing I want to nice. So, also, fuck you guys. Yeah, so, I love what you asked for. Anyway, one more thing I want to add. You want a ketamine train here. One more thing I want to add, how funny is this? Guess who else now is stealing my caldera? So, first of all, it was my wife. So, I have to get extra bottles.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Yeah, yeah. Guess who else discovered it? Daughter, you're a son. My daughter. Oh, your daughter? Oh, wow. Oh, I love this. Now it's gone.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Okay, so the girls using them back. They're using the serum? They're using the serum. Yeah. Yeah. And not my daughter's skin is porcelain. She has got the most perfect skin. But for some reason, she thinks she needs to do more stuff to it. But yeah, she discovered the caldera. Hey, it's gone. So I'm gonna need. I've been doing the the the eye cream. I've been trying to like I haven't I should do I should
Starting point is 00:45:41 get a website. This is so not me. It's more sour to do this. But to see what the difference between the actual eye cream itself and the base layer, they feel similar in texture. I would imagine they have similar things in this. So what inflammatory stuff in the eye cream that's to help reduce like the puffiness. The puffiness and puffiness. Oh, okay, that's so that was something that I noticed.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Okay, that's interesting. Yeah, okay, I use it too, because I tend to get puffiness in my eyes. Oh, okay, yeah, because that's like, sometimes I felt like I was being a little redundant to do that, and then I do the base layer, and it's like, is it the same thing
Starting point is 00:46:09 that I'm getting in it, or is there? Okay. All right, shout out. We gotta give Grace Barga a shout out. She is amazing right now. Super fit, super mom, great example for people out there who have kids who want to figure out how to organize their fitness around their children
Starting point is 00:46:25 She posts videos of her working out with her kids playing in the background. You may remember her from our maps anywhere program. Yeah She was in there. She got ready for a show. Did she compete yet? Not yet. She's like Still like four or five weeks out and looks really wanted me to coach her and I really wanted to because I knew she was gonna Kill it and I would love to take the credit for it But she's I just didn't have the time to commit to it, but I've been staying in touch with her along the process, and she's also just an awesome person. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:46:51 I wanted to be there to help her, but I also told her to, like, you should get a coach, because the attention you're gonna need for, like getting it for a prep, like, I'm not able to do that, but hey, check in with me, I'll help wherever I can, and I mean, she looks incredible. So she's gonna do really well.
Starting point is 00:47:06 She got great physique, man. She's built a lot of muscle. She's very, very strong. And so watching her peel down and get ready for it, I just have so much respect for, I mean, she works. She even has three kids. And she's shredded. And you see, I see stuff with her and her husband and the kids.
Starting point is 00:47:22 They do a lot of family stuff like, got really, she's a very unique to be able to balance all that, that well. It's impressive. All right, check this out. Organifi is offering a mind pump performance stack. Here's what you get. You get pure plus peak power combined the two for euphoric, creative, energized feelings. It's pretty awesome and the discount takes you about $100 off, which is pretty cool. So if you go to organify.com forward slash mind pump, find the mind pump performance stack,
Starting point is 00:47:59 use the code mind pump and you'll get a massive, massive discount. All right, back to the show. Our first caller is Chris from Colorado. What's up Chris, how can we help you? Hey guys, how's it going? Thanks for taking my call. I really appreciate it. You got it man.
Starting point is 00:48:14 How can we help you? Well, before you guys helped me, I figured I'd return the favor and offer some unsolicited advice. Just some tips to help maybe make the podcast a little better. So, I'll start with Doug. Doug, maybe lighten up a little bit, let the guys talk about sex, religion, and politics a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:48:35 All right, yeah, that sounds like a great idea. Yep, you got it. Justin, maybe a little too much function. Let's get some hypertrophy, some aesthetics. I want to know how many calories to cut to get down to 5% body fat from you, please. These are things he cares about. Yeah. You're way off the mark here, Paul. Keep going. We're going to be poorly. Keep going. Paul's references, little more of those I think that would help you got it and then Adam Don't change anything maybe let's maybe pump the brakes and all the bougie references. We all get it your rich for you I can't wait to give you advice Chris
Starting point is 00:49:20 Is this a roast No, no, no, I'll get into my question. We're going to be reading advice right now. So this took place about three years ago. My wife was pregnant with our daughter at the time, and I figured it's good time to go get some blood work done and just sort of check on health. I had some odd blood markers come up during the blood work in my primary care physician, preferred me to endocrinologist.
Starting point is 00:49:51 One of the items was elevated creatinine levels, which is a marker for kidney function. It was slightly elevated above your high normal range. I saw creatinine and I thought that sounds a lot like creatine. So I did some googling and found out that creatine can cause elevated creatinine levels. I asked the doctor about it or the endocrinologist about it. She googled creatine while I was there with Aaron. You know, pretty much said, don't take it. Further research on my end looked like Criotine can cause elevated creatinine levels, but it can be a false marker of kidney function. So, I just wanted to see, I don't know if you guys had any experience with this or any thoughts on the potential of creatine causing kidney problems and if that's a valid concern or not.
Starting point is 00:50:53 That's a great question. You just could have a hard workout within 24 hours because I had the same thing. Okay, so just so you know that, if you did a workout within 24 hours of that blood work and you had like, let's say, a pretty intense workout, that'll actually be, too. Yeah. So, before we get to that, because I'm very, very familiar with this, first I want to say I'm not a doctor, none of us are doctors, so I have to say that for, you know, for
Starting point is 00:51:17 lawsuit purposes or just, you know, make sure that people understand what are doctors, okay? So, you can confirm this, if you you want yourself, anybody watching can as well. Number two, my opinion, this is just my opinion, but if you ask your doctor a question and they Google it right in front of you, it's probably not a good sign. I have that opinion.
Starting point is 00:51:36 I'm sure that opinion. Yeah, so you know, I would take that particular piece of advice with a great answer. Okay, it would be good. Before I, before I call on create, on, on create nine levels, what other blood markers were off? Did you look and see what your protein and your urine look like? Were there any other markers of kidney function that were off?
Starting point is 00:51:57 That was the only marker of kidney function that was off. I have really, really high TSH. So my endocrinologist diagnosed me with Hashimoto's. Yeah, okay. TSH at the time was like 44 or something. Okay, yeah, I'm not related, okay, good. So I just wanna make sure
Starting point is 00:52:13 that we're no other markers of kidney function. No, sir. That we're off. Okay, one of the problems, one of the challenges with general practitioners or doctors that don't have experience working with athletes is that when there are certain markers that are going to be slightly out of range, and I say slightly because you can have creatinine levels that are
Starting point is 00:52:38 like extreme in which case that itself is not as a danger, right? If creatinine is so high that it can actually cause dysfunction with the filtration of the kidneys, that could be a problem. An example of that would be a rabidomyelisis, right? So you create so much muscle damage, and this is rare, but it can happen. You create so much muscle damage, you have so much muscle breakdown, that your creatinine levels are through the roof. I've seen people's numbers be so high that they had to be put in the hospital and given fluids and IV and really help the kidneys to filter all that
Starting point is 00:53:14 out. Yours were slightly out of range. That is expected when you're measuring somebody with more muscle mass, so more muscle mass, with somebody who works out, they are going to have higher levels of creatinine in their blood because that's a marker of muscle damage. It could be a mat marker of kidney damage, it could also be a marker of heart damage or other organ type failures. But in this particular case, with other numbers looking okay, the fact that you work out, if this person was experienced working with athletes and people who train, they would have looked at it,
Starting point is 00:53:52 and they would have looked at you, and they would have said, well, you look like you work out, I'm not going to worry about this. That's probably what would have happened. Did they even ask that? Did they ask you if you've trained in the last 24 hours? No, no, they did no. I think my blood work was taken around 9 a.m. I lifted it like five that morning. Oh, for sure. That means you lifted this. Right there. Yeah, so just having more muscle mass in general
Starting point is 00:54:14 can cause levels to be a little higher. And then creatine does cause a slight elevation in creatinine. But creatine in healthy populations has been through many studies, not one study, not two studies. We're talking about probably hundreds of studies over the last few decades that has shown it to be very safe for the kidneys. That was the concern initially when crateing hit the market was because it does get processed through the kidneys, will taking creatine stress the kidneys too much. Just like there used to be a worry of protein,
Starting point is 00:54:51 oh my God, if you eat too much protein, it could stress the kidneys. We now know pretty unequivocally, there's lots and lots of studies to show that high protein and healthy individuals, no problem, same thing with creatine. Now, if you have impaired kidney function, we don't know for sure, but there may be an issue,
Starting point is 00:55:08 just like there is an issue with some people with renal disease, where a phrenologist will tell them to lower their protein intake, although sometimes they tell them to raise their protein intake, so it depends on the individual. So if you have impaired organ function or damage or if you're pregnant or if you're a child, these are the areas where there's not tons of study
Starting point is 00:55:32 and there's a lot of potential speculation. But otherwise healthy people, creatine has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, in my opinion, I mean, I'm talking hundreds of studies, some of them very long-term studies, not like three months, but like years, to show it being extremely safe for the body and the organs, including the kidneys.
Starting point is 00:55:50 But if you work out, you got more muscle mass, you would have high protein diet. By the way, a high protein diet can also cause you to have higher protein levels, urea, and your inner blood. And creatinine levels can be elevated slightly from those just from supplementing. So you could stop taking creatine, stop working out,
Starting point is 00:56:07 that number goes down. So there are some blood markers that on their own, could mean something, could also mean nothing. Of course, context is how odd a range they are. But you would have to look at them in the context of other blood markers like they would look at your filtration rates, they would look at protein levels, they would look at lots of other things in symptoms, and then plus that,
Starting point is 00:56:33 then they would say, let's do some further testing, there may be some stuff going on with your kidneys, you know, high blood pressure being another one, but if it's just that and you're otherwise healthy, you work out, you take creatine, it's expected. Again, I'm not a doctor. You can confirm all this on your own. I suggest you go see somebody who is a kidney specialist who has experience working with athletes
Starting point is 00:56:59 and I would ask them, hey, do you have experience working with athletes, people at lift weights? And then I would show them the, you know, your numbers and then see what they say. But I'd bet you every program we have and then some that based off what you're telling me, you're probably totally fine and not related to the antibodies that you have from Hashimoto's or anything like that. So yeah, much shorter, simpler answer.
Starting point is 00:57:25 So yeah, much shorter simpler answer. This is, I have this all the time. If I work out, in fact, I even get it if I'm working out within 48 hours and I've messed with this because I get my blood work every three months. If I don't train for two or three days before my blood work, I'm in normal levels. I'm always slightly elevated a little bit.
Starting point is 00:57:41 If I'm on my training regimen and I'm like normal, I always have a little bit elevated levels. The minute I take blood work and I make sure that I don't train three days before, I come right back in a normal range. That's literally what it's like for me every single time I test. To be 100% like my opinion, my very strong opinion,
Starting point is 00:58:11 I think if you lift weights you have muscle you have muscle mass or an athlete I would almost expect those levels to be in the high range or slightly out of range. So if for anybody watching or listening, again, I'm not a doctor. This is my very strong opinion, confirm it on your own. In fact, like I said, you can ask people that work with athletes that are in this field. It's expected. I specifically work. So this always happens with me where I'm at the top or a slightly out of range. Then I worked with somebody who has experience with athletes and they're like, oh, this is, this is what I expect to see. Now, it could be so out of range that that doesn't account for it, but you are slightly at a range.
Starting point is 00:58:45 And it would be like any trained at 5 a.m. and tested at 8. It's like no, that's like a no brainer. It should have been the first question that if I you walk in and you look like you've lifted weights before. And I'm a doctor and I am doing that. That's the first thing I would ask you. And again, for legal purposes, I'll say confirm this with a doctor, but the data seems extremely clear that creatine is not just the great supplement
Starting point is 00:59:15 to take for athletic performance, but is a great supplement to take for health and longevity. And everybody probably should take creatine unless they have some kind of chronic illness where it would be contraindicated. Otherwise, it's not just the performance, so it's like a total health supplement. In fact, there's lots of studies show it,
Starting point is 00:59:35 improves heart and liver health. There's a new study that shows it may actually reduce cancer risk. I can't wait till that gets confirmed because I think it will be. So, you know, and this is the sad thing about general practitioners is it's not their fault. Your doctor sees lots of patients, a super small percentage of them exercise regularly. So they don't see lots of people like you.
Starting point is 01:00:00 They see you, people like you, super rarely. So your blood work's going gonna probably look a little different. And if you don't have a lot of experience working with people who work out, your frame of reference is the average, you know, weak, low muscle, slightly obese, individual, and then that's what you pay attention to. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Do you guys have any tips on like, how do you find your doctor? You know what I mean like mine is just close to the house in my network But is there a better way to try you know what I mean just try and find a doctor that's kind of jacked Yeah, well your first I mean really the here's the thing that I say to the doctor is I asked them I let them know I work out, this is my lifestyle. Do you have a lot of experience with people like me? And if they say no, then I'll say, okay, typically people with more muscle mass notice these
Starting point is 01:00:58 kinds of things. I've done this before with other doctors. Or I'd say, okay, thank you. And then I try and find someone else, yeah. Well, like with the Hashimoto's, and have you gone through like a functional medicine practitioner, and this is why we connected with like your Stephen Crabral's, and also to our hormones
Starting point is 01:01:15 specialists, and we try to provide ways for people to find doctors in that regard. So getting your blood work done with more specialist eyes, looking at it, I would highly suggest. Yeah, if you're not in those forums, Chris, you should be in there. Those are free to you guys. And you can ask that question in there. Yeah, a lot of folks, a little medicine practitioners
Starting point is 01:01:34 who are much more specific answer for sure. Okay. Okay. Sweet. Those are those on Facebook. Yes, it is. Yep. Okay. I'm off all the the social media. So you're a good man. Yeah. Maybe I'll make a big account so I can at least you're mentally healthy. Yeah. Hey, congratulations on your daughter. By the way, Heldish, you know, thank you. Yeah, she's two and going on three months. So yeah, she's a lot of fun. Good for you, man. You got any more. You got any more in mind? We got more in mind so she's our she's our first and Just keeping us busy for now of course. Well God bless your man. Thanks for calling in for sure other vice fuck off Chris Good luck with that. Yeah, dude. Thanks guys. You've got my email if you want any more advice just shoot me Yeah, I appreciate it. We'll do Yeah, I appreciate it. Thank you. We'll do. Thanks guys.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Take it easy brother. Here's a good analogy that sucks. I know. You know what? I appreciate it. Of course. I love that. It just shows you listens to the show.
Starting point is 01:02:34 So here's a good analogy for people listening right now. Okay. If you work out male or female, if you lift weights, okay. Your waist to thigh ratio is totally off and skewed. You go to the store, you try to buy a pair of jeans or if you're a man, you try to buy a pair of slacks and you will either buy slacks that are way too big in the waist that fit your legs or one that fits your waist that doesn't fit your legs at all. That's how certain things can be with blood work. The range is based off of The average general person if you work out regularly you already are not average or general
Starting point is 01:03:14 You're already weird and out of range just your lifestyle, right? So there's gonna be there's potentially things that are that you could be out of range with With your test now. I'm not saying way out of range is normal, but my point is some of this stuff, you have to take this into consideration, communicate it to your doctor, or find somebody that's experienced working with someone like yourself. I thought you were really polite talking about doctors right now. If your doctor asked to Google fucking creating, you need to get out of there. And if your doctor looks at you and you let you work out and you did your blood work
Starting point is 01:03:48 and they didn't ask a simple question, like did you work out three hours before you came in here? I mean, because that's gonna change, that could change several different things on your blood work. So that should be a very basic question if someone that looks remotely fit walks in to an office to go over blood work.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Hey, did you lift? Listen. Anybody that's listening to this show, I mean like general practitioners rough. Remember when I got diagnosed to go see like a bariatric treatment center and like, I'm used to wait and just because of my BMI, I mean, just fuck out of here. So yeah, you're gonna, you're gonna, good luck with that, like, go see a specialist. You're gonna do a bad gastric bypass on you. He's obese, shit.
Starting point is 01:04:29 No, it's a lot of glutes. It's a lot of glute muscles. No, look, to be fair, doctors are treating a lot. You're right, you make a really good one. And they're trying to do a damn good job. And it's like, look, yeah, look, all of us, think of the, think of all the clients we trained
Starting point is 01:04:47 and then think of that one that was like so out and so weird and so different and it really like, holy shit, how do I deal with this? Just because you have no experience working here. How, the average doctor, how much experience do you think they have working with super fit people? Well, obviously not a lot with this one.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Not long, barely. I still think, I don't know, you're giving them a lot of latitude. I feel like there's some basic questions like that I do would think so. I use the train doctor, so I have a lot of, I mean, I could tell by the video he like, he looks fit. He had veins in his neck.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Yeah, he's so in walks here with veins in their neck. I'm gonna ask that you lift. Yeah, he's fit. Look, I train doctors, so I have, and so I know how much I care how hard they work. And I remember one doctor I trained who was very into fitness. The training with me worked out his own. His blood work came back and it was high in that.
Starting point is 01:05:31 He first, second, freaked out. He looked it up himself. He's like, oh, it's because I worked out. Him and how you had this great conversation over it. He himself as a doctor got a little concerned. I remember the first time it happened with me, too. I didn't know what was going on whatsoever. That's how I found out was like through finding out
Starting point is 01:05:48 that me working out within 24 hours can make an impact. And I actually have done this. How did you figure that out? Did you have to look that up? No, because the actual doctor that I was working with actually, they actually, they, they, they, they, because I was like, oh, that's weird that I'm high like that.
Starting point is 01:06:01 And they're like, yeah, well, did you work out? I'm like, oh, I work out every day. And they're like, oh, okay, that could be why. Next time, then they said, next time, try not to work out within 24 hours. And I actually did, and it still was again. It, I actually have to not work out almost two or three days before.
Starting point is 01:06:15 And then it makes a difference. So, to not make a difference. Cause if you have, that's a muscle breakdown. Yeah. So if you, if you train slightly intense, and you lifted within two days of that, that could throw that off.
Starting point is 01:06:25 I had a, just a little bit. I had a client who did it, not to hammer crossfit, because I know we do a lot, but he did a crossfit workout and he was at a shape, went to the doctor, got his blood test. I'll probably went to the Roots. It was 20,000, it was above the... They'd probably free down. Yeah, they put him in the hospital and they had to detox his body. Our next caller is Julia from Virginia. Hi Hi Julia. How can we help you?
Starting point is 01:06:49 I'm so excited. Hi. Hi. What you got for us. I've been listening for a while, but I have some questions. And I'm super excited because I feel like you guys would be able to help me. So I'm just going to go ahead and ask. Go for it. Yeah. Okay. Um, so a little bit of background is, uh, I'm currently 30, but I've been like working out since I was like 15, um, but like started running 2015 and then 2018 started getting into like more intense, like CrossFit. So then I was doing that for a while
Starting point is 01:07:28 and then I started doing more functional bodybuilding, but last year, I think it was August, I started working with a nutrition coach, so I was getting a little chubby, I thought. And then I lost like 15 or 10 pounds with her just dialing my diet and then I got up birth control last September and then after that I dropped another 15 so I got pretty lean I was like got my smallest like 120 but since then I haven't gotten a period and I've probably gained maybe like 5 or 7 pounds in the last maybe like three months and I was like, ooh, because when you
Starting point is 01:08:16 see yourself so lean and then you're like, whoa, I was like a little concerned so I just don't know like what to do. Like I know it'll come back eventually, maybe, but that's kind of like where I'm at. Okay, this is quite common. Now, I would say a functional medicine practitioner would be able to diagnose this much more specifically. But I'm gonna speak from experience
Starting point is 01:08:44 and based off of what you said. And also, I can tell, I don't even see all of you, I just see your traps and your shoulders, you look really lean. Do you know what your body fat percentage is at? It was at eight when I was like 120. Obviously, I know that's super lean for female, that's not good,
Starting point is 01:09:00 because at a certain percentage, she starts losing your period. I think it's under 13. Right now, I probably weigh like 130-ish. because that a certain percentage she start losing your period. I think it's under 13. Right now I probably weigh like 130 ish. So it went up. I don't know what exactly it is, but I... Do you have abs? Sorry. Do you have abs? A little bit. They were pretty defined before, but now I can see them, but it's not like it was.
Starting point is 01:09:21 So that's why I was freaking out. Like, oh my god, like what's happening? Yeah, I'm gonna make a guess, but I think I'm right on this. You're just way too lean. You're not eating enough. This is very common with female athletes. Now, some women, it sounds like you read when women start to lose their period, okay?
Starting point is 01:09:40 Here's why women will lose their period. Aside from any potential medical issue or hormonal issue, is too much stress, not enough sleep, too much exercise. Now, it's all in context, right? Too much exercise for one person can be not enough for another person, et cetera, et cetera. But, and I know you read that after 13% is when women will lose their period.
Starting point is 01:10:04 In my experience, I when women will lose their their period in my experience I've seen women lose their period from being over trained at almost anybody fat percentage and then just body fat percentage alone I I'd say a decent chunk of the fit we the women that I've trained will start to lose their period or become a regular Below 16% so not all the way down to 13 fact I don't know any woman that I've ever worked with who didn't experience some irregularities
Starting point is 01:10:29 getting below 13%. Okay. Yeah, you gained five pounds from 8%. So you're probably still below that number. I'm afraid to ask, but what are your calories at? Do you know what your grams of fat and protein are at and what your calories are? Yeah, so I'm still working with that coach
Starting point is 01:10:48 and I have spoken to like a natural path doctor and she's kind of been helping, but I feel like because there's on the pill for so long, my hormones never really regulated on their own, so I feel like eventually it might come back, but she has me at 150 and I lowered it I told her I was like I don't want to eat all these carbs So but like this is what it is now 150 grams of carbs
Starting point is 01:11:16 160 because I eat a lot of protein and then I Think it's 90 grams of fat. Yeah, I think you're, I don't know how many calories that is, I can't do that. It's like, 2000, 95 or something. It's only 2000, well, it's not bad. The calories aren't bad, but you're too lean. If what I would say, I mean, if you put on some body fat,
Starting point is 01:11:39 I went on a bolt, I bet that would work. I have a question. You stayed in here that you shifted your crossfit training to a more functional bodybuilding training. Could you give me kind of an idea of what that looks like? I wonder too of maybe backing off the intensity of training in conjunction with also probably feeding yourself a little more.
Starting point is 01:11:56 So tell me what that training looks like. Well, today I did like a strict press. I did some strict pull ups. And then I did like, what else am I to do? I did some dumbbell like rows. It has some spider man, spider curls and some tricep. How many days, how many days a week do you work out including or it's like every day?
Starting point is 01:12:22 Yeah, so and let me finish. I'm gonna hear it. So's like every day. Yeah. So, and let me finish, I'm gonna hear it. So, then when you train this way, are you like standard two, three minute rest periods? Are you doing it more like a circuit? Are you doing anything in between, like jumping rope and shit? Or is it like straight bodybuilding training?
Starting point is 01:12:39 Like today it was more relaxed. It wasn't like too much. I was resting. I'm trying to relax in between sets of what I'm doing. Yeah. You say trying, is that because you don't normally do that? It depends on time if I'm rushed. Then I kind of just do what I have to do.
Starting point is 01:12:59 But now I'm just more aware of just taking that rest period and chillin' out. Yeah. I mean, I think, more aware of just taking that rest period and, you know, chillin' out. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I think I would, I would scale back on the total volume of training, so I wouldn't train seven days a week. It would look something more like three to four. I know that can be dramatic for somebody who does seven days a week, so I would slowly peel you down. And then I would want you to eat more. You probably, especially understand, too, if you're that low carbohydrate's, and you you are training pretty intensely too. So, I mean, that'll help fuel the workout.
Starting point is 01:13:28 And then it's, how long has it been since we've been off the pill? A year. It's been a year. Yeah, but it takes that long. Yeah, especially if you haven't increased the body fat and calories and laid off the intensity. Julia, can you share any blood work that you've done recently? Yeah, so that was the thing that I, the last few months I was trying to work on.
Starting point is 01:13:52 But she said, like, they always freak out. She's like, your cholesterol is so high and I was like, well, there's good and bad cholesterol. But it's like, I think it's like 300, but I know when you work out a lot, it like elevates your cholesterol and then she was saying I have fatty liver too, but I know a lot of athletes, like when you work out it filters through the liver or something, so that's why it might be elevated, because I know when I did all the blood work, I trained beforehand. A fasted came in, did all the tests, the blood work, and then, but I had like cholesterol, I had thyroid spine, like all the other things that would show signs of like pre-metapause are not there. So I wasn't like worried when she said, she's like, oh, you're fine about that. It's just like, you know, your cholesterol and then she looked at magnesium and that's fine.
Starting point is 01:14:48 And other things. Was it a Dutch test? Was it a Dutch test? Was it a Dutch test that you did or was it just a blood test? Just a blood test. Okay, I want you to try a Dutch test because that, the problem is what the blood test is
Starting point is 01:15:01 because women have hormonal fluctuations and then there's fluctuations throughout the day. You're just getting a snapshot with a blood test. A Dutch test is, it's like several tests throughout the day. They also take into account the, you know, where you would be in your cycle and your cycle potentially, although in your case, it might be a little more challenging, but it would give you a better picture. Nonetheless, first off on the cholesterol and fatty liver, you could have a genetic polymorphism where you would need to reduce saturated fat intake in particular because some people do have some negative effects
Starting point is 01:15:40 from saturated fat. So I don't know what your diet looks like, but if you see a number as highest 300 total cholesterol, I don't know what the other two numbers are, like HDL and LDL, then typically what I would tell a client, by the way, I'd be working with the functional medicine practitioner. So I'm just speaking based off what you told me,
Starting point is 01:15:58 is I would have them lower their saturated fat and take increased their fat intake from other sources like avocado, olive oil, fish, and so on just to see if we can make a difference there. But I don't think that's related to your period. I think your period has much more to do with the fact that you're too lean. You're too lean and you're working out too much. So if you really want your period to come back quickly,
Starting point is 01:16:25 I would take your workouts, I'd move them down to three days a week, and I would take your calories, and I'd add about 400 calories. And I would do that for, I bet, I would feel pretty confident in saying you would probably get a period within a couple months, doing something like that. Now this is again based off of the information you're giving me and again I'm not a doctor,
Starting point is 01:16:48 but that's where I would go and again I would work with a functional medicine practitioner. And now here's what you'll probably, now I'm going to speak from the fitness side. Here's where I am confident. Here's what I think you'll notice if you did that. If you bumped your calories three to four hundred, you dropped your strength training down from every day to three days a week, you're going to get really strong and you're going to build some muscle. And your body fat percentage is going to go up a little bit, but you're so lean, you're
Starting point is 01:17:12 probably going to like the way it looks and the way you feel. So the mental hurdle, I would focus on strength because that's where you're going to see some real positive gains by doing that. Like you're going to get really strong very quickly training just three days a week and bumping your calories and i would focus on that yeah let's do you if you don't have maps in a box i'll have duck cennety i think that's the program you should follow for sure yeah i was looking at your guys's programming but i didn't know which one i should uh follow that's an important match like a box okay yep question. Okay, that's, that's,
Starting point is 01:17:45 and do the three day a week version. Yep, we're gonna send it to you. Okay, thank you. Yeah, because I, like, I'd like looking lean, but like before when I was like 145, 147, I was stronger and then when I got really lean, I was like, man, I'm so weak, like I can't, I just look strong.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Like I'm not, I'm not. Just so you know, just so you know, for other people looking in, if you have strength and muscle and your body fat percentages between 18 to 22% to everybody else, you look incredible. You look fit, you look sculpted, you have incredible shape.
Starting point is 01:18:22 The problem is your view of yourself is going to be very skewed. It's not objective. So as part of this, I would even recommend avoiding checking yourself out in the mirror. I would just, and not weighing yourself, and I would just focus on strength and performance, and I would really remind myself of how I feel, how's my sleep, how's my libido, how's my energy, and just place your focus, because your filter is gonna be based on what you focus on. And if you look in the mirror a lot, what you'll notice is, oh, I'm not a shredded,
Starting point is 01:18:56 or if you look at the scale, oh my God, the scale's going up. And then you may ignore all those other good signs. I'm gonna ask you some other questions, okay, because this might be a little illuminating. Are there any other signs that you're overtraining, that you're under-eating, that you're doing too much?
Starting point is 01:19:15 Are you noticing anything, like women will typically notice, changes in skin, hair, hair loss, nails, they'll notice loss of libido, they'll notice loss of libido, they'll notice disruptions and sleep, weird fluctuations in energy throughout the day, are any of those things that you notice? At first when I got off the pill, I was tired. My sleep, I've been working on,
Starting point is 01:19:39 I've been taking like, before bed, magnesium to help. like before bed, magnesium to help, hair spine, my nails, they've gotten a little bit brittle, but they're okay. Okay. Yeah, I think everything has been okay for the most part. Okay, but you said you're working on sleep. It sounds like that was an issue. Kind of. Yeah, I wasn't sleeping solid, but even now sometimes I wake up and I have a hard time
Starting point is 01:20:05 going back to sleep, but I feel like since I started taking my knees in before bed, it's been a lot better. Yeah. So, if you do what I ask, if you do the three days a week, you bump your calories a few hundred, you'll probably notice within a few weeks improvements and all those things. Look, worst case scenario, Julio, okay? Worst case scenario. You'll gain a little body fat and it didn't work,
Starting point is 01:20:31 you go back to what you were doing before. I don't think that's gonna happen. I think what's gonna happen is you're gonna have some huge revelations and you're gonna be like, holy cow, I was totally over trained. It's hard to see it when you're in it is what I'm trying to say. Yeah, like I know I over train, I run, and I swim too.
Starting point is 01:20:48 And the one I try, I was so mean. That's what I was looking for. Yeah, Jesus Christ. I was looking for that. I didn't get it. I asked you, I'm even more confident. I'm even more confident. Yeah, it's a combination of just the low calories,
Starting point is 01:21:00 low body fat percentage and intense training. Too much. You move the other direction in all three of those, and you're gonna see a positive benefit. Lay off the intensity in the training, lay off the total volume and increase some calories, add a little bit of body fat percentage and I feel pretty confident.
Starting point is 01:21:14 You're gonna start seeing a difference. You'll start seeing a difference and feeling a difference within two to three weeks. Right away. And I think like Sal said, within a few months, hopefully we have our period back. Yeah, if you want to do this quickly, do what we say. If you want to drag this out,
Starting point is 01:21:28 then go ahead and slowly chip away at it. But if you want to make it happen, see what the deal is, what do you do for work? Well, I was working retail, but now I am listed in the army. Okay, yeah. Do, okay, listen. That means you're probably the kind of person
Starting point is 01:21:48 that looks at a goal and tackles it. So let me ask you this. Can you do anything for 60 days? Can I? Yeah. Do you have the will and the capacity? Good. Do this for 60 days.
Starting point is 01:22:00 It's a challenge. Can you do that? The diet, like the training is going to be huge. That's right. I know. Can you do it? I'll try. Go for a walk and sit and put an audio book in and listen. Go, you know, there is no try. There is only due. That's a famous quote from Yoda. But seriously, can you do this? Will you do this? You're on camera. Everybody's watching you right now. Can you make the commitment? If you can't, that's it. I understand. But if you can, do it now. Okay. I'm going to try. Okay. Because I know it's important. I need to get it back as much as it's not.
Starting point is 01:22:39 It's nice not having to deal with that stuff. All right. Look, we're going to put you in the forum too, Julia, because I want you to check in with us when you feel like you're slipping backwards. Okay. And then we'll get on there and hopefully we can get you back on track. We'll y'all at you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Okay. All right, good luck, Julia. Thank you so much for calling me. Okay. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Thanks so much. Thanks for having me. Bye, guys. Have a good day. You got it. Yeah, it's a little side story. I had a client once. She she came to me. I've been training her for a while, right? And she was an athlete in college and like high level soccer player and she came to me and she goes, God, so I haven't had my my period for like three months.
Starting point is 01:23:20 And I'm like, huh, I'm like, what are the symptoms you have and went down the list and she's like, yeah, that's really weird. Like my gums are kind of swollen. And this and that. And I'm like, did you take a pregnancy test? And she went to the next door came back. She's like, I'm pregnant, we're having a baby. I'm like, okay, that's why I don't have a period. But Julia is saying it's super common with female athletes.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Super common, it's super scary to back out because you've created this relationship with your exercise. It's like breaking up with an abusive person. It's very hard, but once you do, and you get out of, oh my God, this is incredible. You actually see this a lot in the CrossFit community. I'll tell you. Because you have these super athletes
Starting point is 01:23:56 that are highlighted on television that you see, that have these amazing bodies, and they're super strong. And so then you get the average person who's not competing in the games, who wants to look like that and train like that. And then so in order to look that way and get that lean, they have to diet. And then they diet really low while they're training like an athlete because it is a sport. And that is this happens all the time. I hear it all the time. I want people to understand why I wanted to know her training. I knew. She literally couldn't underly.
Starting point is 01:24:26 I knew she could do that. I knew she could do that. She literally didn't tell you all about it. I know. Cause she knows. I know she traded CrossFit for her whole CrossFit. She was holding a lot of exercise regimen. That was still out there.
Starting point is 01:24:38 Yeah, she's like, I knew it. She's like, oh, I look way to everything. Yeah, when she was really saying, I'm like, that doesn't, I bet you don't. And she's trying. She's in the army. You don't think they do PT like every day. Yeah, when she was really saying, I'm like, dead, doesn't I bet you don't? And she said, I'm trying. She's in the army. You don't think they do PT like every day.
Starting point is 01:24:47 Yeah, you know, so she's, there's a lot there. She's training and testing. It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a challenge. And I do want to make this statement right now. Extreme high performance is not health, okay? Fact, so when you look at these athletes that are performing at super high levels,
Starting point is 01:25:03 they are not at their best health. That's just the trade off that you made. When you get to that level. Our next color is Ali from California. Sorry, Canada. Not California. Ali, how you doing? How can we help you?
Starting point is 01:25:16 I'm good thanks. Thanks for taking my call. I'm like really new to the whole mind pump thing and I kind of stumbled on it as I was sort of going through a journey with fitness. My background is I was an athlete and my sport was alpine skiing and I lived you know most of my teenage years through being an early adult training for that. So lifting being involved in athletics and sports has been a part of my life since I can remember. And I've just sort of, you know, as I've gone through life, it's kind of been like, I've been into lifting and then sort of switch gears, had kids, did different things and then
Starting point is 01:26:00 sort of realized within, I would say, the last and a half, that I am like 100% your classic overtranger. And I kind of came to realize this by doing my own sort of deep dive discovery into just having a better understanding of how to make it a lifelong path for me instead of just sort of skipping from thing to thing and just hoping for results and kind of spinning my wheels and not seeing them.
Starting point is 01:26:25 So I'm super grateful to come across with the stuff that you guys do. I emailed your team and just said like, this is where I'm at, this is what I do on a day-to-day basis. What do you recommend? Like, I'm all in to, you know, collecting more education on it. And I, they wrote me back right away, which is awesome. And suggested that I do the anabolic program, which I am about nine or 10 weeks in. And I love it. It's super awesome. It's like for the most part, it's given me like permission to recover, which is the best thing I think for me at this point. So I've been doing the home version, and I'm reasonably set up like I've got a bench, a gut dumbbells, and I've got a chin-up arm stuff like that. I do certainly appreciate that I would have gotten more gains if I had
Starting point is 01:27:21 like a squat rack, but I think for me, it was okay to take this time to like go back to some basics and sort of build a little bit more from the ground up. And if I go through it again and do it again, I'm happy to like either invest in a squat rack or jam or whatever it is to get gains that way. My biggest question is around the nutrition part of it. And what I've realized is you have to invest just as much time
Starting point is 01:27:47 into the nutrition journey as you do your exercise journey. My background is in food. So I was trained to be a chef. And I love my passion is cooking, especially when it comes to cooking healthy meals. And for myself, and also helping others learn how to cook in a way that you are love your healthy food and are satiated from eating healthy. So I have a pretty good understanding but I'm certainly missing a link like throughout this anabolic
Starting point is 01:28:18 process. I would say I've actually gained body fat rather than lost it. So I'm at like a little bit of a loss. What I would say I have been likely unintentionally running at a deficit for too long. I've certainly incorporated like a major boost in protein and trying to get my protein targets. When I do get to that, my calories are really low on those days. Any kind of help feedback, I've got a couple of questions under the main event of being nutrition. I'm curious as to know, how do you know how many calories you're supposed to be taking in when you take when you take into consideration your activity level.
Starting point is 01:29:14 And do you consume that amount of calories on training days as well as rest days? And am I correct in saying that if you run in a deficit for too long that your body will actually preserve fat? There's a handful. Go ahead. There's a handful of holes here. We gotta get to the bottom. There's a lot to impact here.
Starting point is 01:29:40 First off, you, so Alpine skiing is hardcore. A lot of people know what that training looks like. It's a few training at a high level. It's intense. Yeah, we were twice a day. Yeah, it's a lot. And you did it for so long that this became. I still do it like I still work in this ski industry.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Okay, so this became your context of, or your criteria of, I don't know, for lack of a better term, judgment in terms of what workouts should feel like, what your body should feel like. It's her normal. It's your normal. Okay. What that normal looks like is not what healthy longevity,
Starting point is 01:30:16 long term looks like. That's what high performance looks like. High performance is not the same as healthy and longevity. Now looking at you, you look lean. You probably gain body fat because you needed to gain body fat. There's a healthy range of body fat for both men and women. And that means you can get too low as well as too high. And so taking someone from, let's say, extreme high performance,
Starting point is 01:30:43 ignoring a lot of the body's signals, which you need to do when you're competing at a high level. Athletes often, for example, compete with some kind of nagging injury. You probably had something that hurt with every competition that you went into. You ignored a lot of things. Oh, I still do. Like, I'm still on, like, that stuff is still present. Your criteria of judgment is super skewed because you lived in high performance,
Starting point is 01:31:09 ignoring negative signals, move forward anyway, push. And there's a lot of benefit that comes from that, but now there's a lot of detriment. So now you're trying to move into health. And health looks and feels very different. What it's going to feel like to someone like you is, I'm not working out enough. I feel like I'm not a maybe gaining body fat. Maybe I should be doing more. And I think I'm like, am I not eating enough or am I eating too much? The nutrition part is really challenging because athletes do so much that they often develop habits
Starting point is 01:31:48 around nutrition that wouldn't match what a normal active lifestyle looks like. For example, when I would train high level athletes that then stopped because they've got out of college or even pro athlete, I mean, work with a pro athlete post retirement. And their idea of what was enough was so off because when they were training it meant something completely different than it did afterwards. So that's going to be totally off as well. So as far as diet is concerned,
Starting point is 01:32:20 you're probably going to gain some body fat because you're supposed to. If you're getting stronger and you feel rested and you feel more calm, and your skin starts to look better, and your joints start to feel better, like those are all positive signs. If you feel like you can do more, that's actually a positive sign. You should not feel like you're hitting your limit.
Starting point is 01:32:42 Unless you're training for maximum performance. Then there's a different, like I said, there's a different kind of criteria around that. If you're eating whole natural foods in a high protein diet, then your body will naturally fall into a healthy body fat percentage. For women, that's probably anywhere between 17 to 23, 24% body fat. So it's a bit of a wide range. Being that you were an ex-athlete, you're probably gonna sit somewhere around 20 or lower. It's probably where you're gonna be.
Starting point is 01:33:11 You were probably sitting much lower than that when you were training as much as you were, when you were competitive. So that's just normal, that's natural. It's gonna be hard to get used to. How do you find the right amount of time? Go ahead. I was just going to say, I feel like I've transitioned quite well out of having this need of
Starting point is 01:33:33 if you want it work harder for it. I feel like once I've started the anabolic, I was like, thank God, I can give myself a break. I'm loving it because I have more time to put towards, like I've got two extremely physically active busy boys. And I love doing all the things with them. So I feel like it's actually given me permission to do less. And I'm loving that. And I'm good with that.
Starting point is 01:34:02 And it's given me the opportunity to unpack from a psychological standpoint as to maybe what I carried over from sport into adulthood and need to address. Like, my goals for myself are just to be strong, be capable, and build self-confidence. And I feel like that's my long-term path and it's just as important for me to feel those things and unpack whatever I need to unpack and deal with. That's come out of sport, but it's just as important for my boys to
Starting point is 01:34:36 see that for me. You're on the right path. You sound like you're in a good place. Let me let me address something that you said that I've personally been challenged with myself and I've had clients like this. You made the comment about feeling like you're putting body fat percentage or increasing your body fat percentage while also struggling to hit your calorie intake when you hit your protein intake. Something that sometimes is really common,
Starting point is 01:35:02 and again, I've struggled with this myself is that you have days where your protein is perfect and you eat probably within this lower calorie range. And then the days I don't hit it, I over consume other foods. And so what it would end up happening when you pull back and you look at an average over a couple of weeks or a month is you're actually at a little bit higher calorie intake. That's why you feel like you've increased body fat percentage. But you're actually at a little bit higher calorie intake. That's why you feel like you've increased body fat percentage, but you're not hitting your protein intake consistent. And so your body's not building muscle. It's just adding body fat. And so you can't look at it just like a day-to-day thing. You have to be able to pull back and go like, okay, at the average over the last
Starting point is 01:35:41 two weeks, what is my average protein intake hit, and then what is my total calories hit, and what I find with people that have this up and down of being consistent with hitting their protein intake, is there low calorie, they hit protein take, they hit their protein intake, and they're low calorie that day, and then the days they don't hit their protein take, they over consume, but they over consume things like fats
Starting point is 01:36:02 and carbohydrates, and so then we don't get the body enough protein to support the muscle and to respond to all the lifting that we're doing. We're actually in a little bit of a calorie surplus, so we do actually put on some body fat. That's actually really common with female clients in particular, and I've actually struggled with that personally. You're gaining strength, you're giving your body a little bit more adequate time to recover, and you're probably feeling like you're gaining mass in general.
Starting point is 01:36:32 So in terms of building muscle, like a lot of times that my female clients get uncomfortable with that because they're closed, feel different. So in terms, they feel like they're gaining more fat mass with that as well. When in fact, your body is changing and adding more lean muscle on top of that. So maybe your body fat is pretty similar to what it was, but now you're giving yourself a little
Starting point is 01:36:58 more time to build muscle. Do you, are you doing body fat tests? Do you know what that, what, like the range is, or where it's been, and where it's going? No. No, I don't know. I mean, I did that when I was an athlete, but like I haven't done that for years and years and years. I would say, you know, my after having my second kid,
Starting point is 01:37:18 I was like, you know what, I don't want to set any more goals. I just want to like feel like I can put on whatever I have in my closet and walk at the door without thinking twice about what I'm wearing or what it feels like or any of that. So, I totally get your point of when you're like women feel like they're putting on fat when it's actual muscle. I can build muscle very quickly.
Starting point is 01:37:44 And our sport was always like the bigger you are, the faster you are, the bigger, stronger you are, you're going to be faster and you're going to make the next team kind of thing. So, like, there is certainly some psychology for me to unpack from that because I was like tired of having bigger, stronger legs. But I appreciate the strength that comes along with it. I just, like, I struggle to get to 2000 calories a day. Yeah. I would think, I think you're...
Starting point is 01:38:12 And they probably need it. Yeah, I think you're in a good headspace. I think you're probably more like what I was alluding to, which is you hit the protein and take, you struggle with hitting the calories. If you don't hit the protein and intake, you can over consume on carbohydrates. And that gives you this kind of, I feel like I'm putting on a little bit of body fat percentage. But that's also Ali, explain alpine skiing training. You said you did it twice a day.
Starting point is 01:38:36 What would it look like? Oh, like in our offices, you know, when we were doing dryline training, we were like, you're twice a day at the gym, so you're doing huge lifts, squats or huge plyometrics or huge, agility is huge. There's so much that goes into it because there's so much decision making when you're in a ski race that happens. Usually, there'd be a strength element for sure, and then there would probably be some cardio or sprint element.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Okay, and then when you're in the same day, and that was a long time ago for me, but I still think of myself like I think I'm a professional leisure athlete. Yeah, and then in season, what does it look like? I mean, you're training all day like you you're training hard, like for sure, half a day or all day, depending on where you are in your season, you're traveling to races, you're all over the place. But I'm, um, so, and then, yeah, someday as there's dryline afterwards, but like I said, like that was a long time ago for me, but I get, yeah, the reason why I'm asking is because sometimes coaches, depending on the sport, will tell their athlete you got to get bigger
Starting point is 01:39:47 Because the kind of training they're doing is will just literally deplete their hell out of you That's a lot of training. You're not gonna build tons of muscle. You'll first off you probably have amazing Yeah, you obviously have amazing athletic genetics. Otherwise you wouldn't reach that level So you probably do build muscle easily. So in spite of all that training, you probably did build some muscle, but now you're probably gonna build even more muscle. What's the difference in body weight now between then, do you know? No, not really.
Starting point is 01:40:19 I would say I was, I've always sort of hovered around like one, 30 to one, 40 kind of thing. I was I've always sort of hovered around like 130 to 140 kind of thing. I don't I got rid of my scale. I stopped weighing myself when I started doing anabolic because I was like I don't want this it's a detriment to my day. I was like I don't want to ruin my day anymore Ali you're doing everything right? Okay, what's considered high protein for you then when you say you have your high protein days Well, also what why do you think you're gaining a body fat if you're not using your body fat test You're not you're not using your scale. Where are you feeling it on your body? You don't feel like what Justin said so what why how do you how do you come to that? I thought you guys would ask that I see it like in myself like I am like I would say in my stomach
Starting point is 01:41:02 Which has never been an issue for me really, but it is certainly different to me now than I would say it was a year and a half ago. I would say over a year and a half is when I was just killing myself with workouts. It's made me question what are my true intentions and what is my relationship with health and fitness and I like diving into that stuff. So I'm just being really honest with it. And maybe it wasn't all with a great intention. But now I feel like I have a much better intention with it. But I like I think I see a bit of an inclined and body fat when I know I've got the potential to like lose body fat and be shredded.
Starting point is 01:41:51 Yeah, well, okay, look, I'm gonna have a little bit of a different maybe objective opinion. And now obviously I can only see you sitting there in your shirt, you look lean, okay, I would guess, and I'm pretty good, I'm really good at this. I would guess your lean, you're probably 20 or lower in terms of body fat percentage, okay? So You're doing good remember there is a healthy Body fat percentage range and women tend to notice negative effects
Starting point is 01:42:17 From body fat percentage below Someone below 17% other women can get as low as 15 and be okay Or when body fat percentage starts to get closer to 30. You're probably sitting around 20 or lower 18 probably. So you're probably pretty lean. You might have needed to gain some body fat. Let's talk about the diet for a second. What's high protein for you?
Starting point is 01:42:40 Talk about when you eat high protein. What is that? How many grams in a day is that high? I try to get to 1.2130. Okay. Okay. You're doing great. Here's a deal.
Starting point is 01:42:52 Here's the thing. You can track. Look, and we'll talk about this. You can definitely track, figure out your total calories, where you're supposed to be or whatever. But I think where you're at now is a healthier place where you're eating whole natural foods. It sounds like because you're at now is a healthier place where you're eating whole natural foods, it sounds like, because you're a chef, you're kind of aiming for a good protein intake,
Starting point is 01:43:09 and then your calories are falling probably where they should. Now, if you feel effects of low calories, low energy, low strength, poor health, then I would say, okay, we should probably look a little closer, but that's, you're, Doug pulled out your Instagram, you're definitely lean. Yeah. Your calories are falling probably where they should.
Starting point is 01:43:32 I've worked it with a lot of clients, and typically when they eat whole natural foods, they eat a high protein diet, and we have them trained appropriately, their calories fall right where they're supposed to. And so you're gonna kind of feed your body, what it needs and your hunger cues are gonna be pretty accurate.
Starting point is 01:43:49 What's the longest streak of hitting your protein intake, hitting your goal protein intake every day? How many days in a row have you started together? Honest. Not the 30 days that you recommend. Yeah. So I would, I'd track my food and I like, I'll put a good effort into hitting it every
Starting point is 01:44:08 day. So I would say two weeks for sure and then I'll have a day where I'm like crap like I didn't get to, didn't quite get to 100 or around that. But I just, I feel like I am, I get a lot of really good educational information from you guys or other sources that you've recommended that eating more and consuming more will lead to better restorative, better recovery, better fat loss. It just goes back to my question of I'm probably consuming too little calories. What are you talking about? It's like the missing piece of the puzzle. back to my question of like, I'm probably consuming two little calories.
Starting point is 01:44:45 What do you have? Okay, we have a little piece of the puzzle. Well, yeah, but that, okay, yes and no again, like, okay, if you're, if you're gaining body fat, it's impossible that you're eating too low of calories. That's just, that's how it works. Like you can't possibly be eating too low of calories and then be gaining body fabricers. That means we are in a caloric surplus. Or getting stronger. But what could potentially be happening is exactly what I'm alluding to right now,
Starting point is 01:45:08 which is you're in a little bit of a surplus and over the average of say 30 days, and when you actually look at your average over 30 days of protein, you could be lower on the protein and higher on carbohydrates and fats, and simply fixing that macro profile willfile will probably level like which is alluding to what Sal is alluding to with the eating focusing on the protein and the
Starting point is 01:45:29 whole foods, it'll probably level you out and then fix the body fat percentage question or challenge that you've seen. Just so you know, the studies on protein intake and athletes and bodybuilders show a maximum limit in terms of, in terms of positive effects, okay? So not maximum limit like you can eat more than this, but like the most you can eat where you'll see positive and then beyond this,
Starting point is 01:45:53 you really don't see any, is about 0.7 to about a gram of protein per pound of body weight. You're within that range, if you go down to like 95 grams, 95 grams of protein for someone like you is still high protein. 130 grams is still high protein. It's all within that range. I think you're doing perfectly fine. In fact, talking to you, hearing you,
Starting point is 01:46:15 you're going through the transitional challenges that a lot of high-level athletes go through. You're totally on the right track. You're questioning a lot of things because it's new and it feels different, but you're doing great. If you were my client, what I would, literally, what I would tell you, if I had a good relationship with you, because I know we just met,
Starting point is 01:46:33 but I would say to you, if I knew you for a while, it'd sit you down and I'd say, Ali overthinking this. Trust the process. You're super overthinking this, everything's going great. You're on the right track. So I'm sorry I'm saying that T9, I just met you. Well, that's what I would tell you.
Starting point is 01:46:44 No, I get it. It's all good. Like, if I take my foot off the gas pedal, I take my foot off the gas pedal, like, it's all good. I am in it for the long run, but I just, I'm loving the information and the change that has come in my life with all of this. And I am like pumping it out to friends and stuff, who I think also probably need
Starting point is 01:47:07 the same information from you guys. So, I'll stick the course. Good, and I'm gonna give you, I'm gonna do it and keep watching it, and I will, you know, once I transition out of Annabalic, I'm not sure what to go do, but. I'll tell you, I'm gonna give you some fitness advice. Get a barbell in a squat rack, you'll love it,
Starting point is 01:47:25 you will love it. I think Annabolic's great for now. I think after Annabolic, I would love you to see you do performance or symmetry. I think someone with your background, especially after following Annabolic, you would love those programs. In fact, I'm gonna send you one of them for free right now.
Starting point is 01:47:43 What do you guys think we should have her do first? I think she should do symmetry. And mainly because of that athlete mindset of like, and like you said, you've gone through nagging pains and things that you've tried to kind of push your way through. I want you to really sit in that and see, you know, where those imbalances and discrepancies lie. Yeah, so after MAPCentabolic, follow the program
Starting point is 01:48:03 we're sending you right now, which is MAPCemetery. You'll really enjoy it. Okay, I'd love that, thanks. It's getting a squat rack in our garage, just certainly something that's on the list of things to get. Go to PRX, we have a link, maybe Doug can email it to you, what is it, PRXPerformance.com forward slash mind pump? I believe so, yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:23 And you'll get a discount. They have squat racks that fold into the wall. So it literally comes up with a wall less than six inches. And it's super, super sturdy when you unfold it. So that's, check them out. They're really kidspicuous. Yeah, so. Yeah, that's kind of what we're looking at as well.
Starting point is 01:48:39 All right. Thanks, Isaac. Really appreciate it. Yeah, and I want to say one more that you're very self-aware. Like, I love talking to people like you. Like, you would be, I mean, just from the transition you're making, the way you're communicating, like, you're super on point. You're really on the right track.
Starting point is 01:48:54 Yeah, I'm like working, like, I love working at it. It brings me like a lot of joy. And now in a different way than it used to. And I work with a personal trainer once a week. Like, squats are bugging me. My back right now. So, like, go to her And I work with a personal trainer once a week, like squats are bugging me my back right now. So like go to her and I'm like, can you like check form? What do we do?
Starting point is 01:49:10 Take weight off, work on depth. So cool. Excellent. Oh, symmetry will be perfect for you. Okay, awesome. Thanks so much. Thanks, Alex. You got it.
Starting point is 01:49:21 You got it. How refreshing to hear someone at that level communicate this way. It's usually not that kind of a conversation. She's definitely overthinking a lot. She totally, but I do disagree with you nutritionally. Do what do you think? I 100% little higher higher protein. Yep. And I think she so listen, let's first let's talk about the facts. If she is if she's right and she's gaining body fat percentage, she has to be in a color surplus. Sure. We all know that. That's science, okay?
Starting point is 01:49:45 And if she's getting stronger, make sure you, that's the other part. Right, which that simply could just be, she's lifting weights now and she hasn't been doing, I mean, she's getting new beginnings right now. She's trying to quit rest, yeah. But I mean, I look at what she's still works in downhill skiing. She's downhill mountain biking all the time, okay?
Starting point is 01:50:01 She's not tracking, okay? She's not weighing, she's not doing body fat percentage So how many times have you ever met somebody who's not doing those things and who's accurate about their their what they're reporting and When when when you have this I look at it. I have a little bit of belly. I've looked. I'm gaining belly belly fat I struggle to hit my protein intake consistently this screams to me at and does endurance type sports this screams to me this screams to me and does endurance type sports. This screams to me training endurance type of sports, not hitting enough protein intake. The days that you do consume extra calories,
Starting point is 01:50:31 you're not hitting your... Yeah, I don't think you're wrong. The reason why I said what I said is because I got the strong sense that she's overthinking. Well, that I, that we're on the same page. And so I'm like, you know, just fine. Yeah, so I'm like, so that's the direction I'm trying to go. And because you gave that advice,
Starting point is 01:50:47 she's gonna consider it. Well, that's why I didn't say anything because I do agree with all the advice. I do think that she's way over thinking that she's... You're not wrong though. I mean, I think that that's also something that I believe is 100% correct. I want to give her like the balance,
Starting point is 01:51:02 like don't over think it type of deal. And the truth that she shouldn't be really focused about getting lean and shredded. She should be focused on getting healthy. And then you saw the original bit. Yeah, where your body wants to gain a little bit of natural body fat to be in a healthy place. And like that's a really hard mental hurdle to overcome
Starting point is 01:51:21 when you're a high performance athlete. Now you're doing something completely different. Totally. Our next caller is Jackie from Kansas. Hey, Jackie, howled overcome when you're a high performance athlete. Now you're like doing something completely different. Totally. Our next caller is Jackie from Kansas. Hey, Jackie, how can we help you? Hey, guys, so a little bit different call, I think I've been talking to Justin, Hey, Justin, we started talking in May. I think it was.
Starting point is 01:51:40 I contacted him with an opportunity that I was afforded through our local middle school and high school to help out with the girls summer weights, strengthen conditioning programs. So I reached out to Justin and asked his advice on what kind of programming to run, and he recommended symmetry. So we ran symmetry and really had a lot of success with it. The girls were pleased with the results. And we ran it for five weeks with the middle school girls through their program, that's six to eighth grade.
Starting point is 01:52:15 And then the high school girls ran it for a full eight weeks. I did have to condense it a little bit because I think that's an 11 week program. So we just ran each phase for two weeks. But those who stuck around have definitely been converted. So I just wanted to, you know, reach out and say, thank you Justin. Thank you guys for some great programming. I was pleasantly surprised with the buy-in because, you know, you guys created the program. It's not something that is like your traditional what we think of weights, weight training program
Starting point is 01:52:48 where we're not grabbing a bar and throwing on plates right away. Yeah, love to hear that. Excellent, well first off, the buy-in is, that's kudos to you, you're the one teaching it, and that's, the buy-in comes from the coach or the instructor. So that's amazing.
Starting point is 01:53:01 What sport, were they all playing, or they all different athletes, or was this just the general strength training class? It was just the general strength training over the summer For the high school we have had everything from golf and tennis volleyball basketball wrestlers we we have a few female wrestlers in our school district A few runners. I don't know about distance runners, but a few runners, some track athletes, softball, but our biggest and most consistent representation was cheerleaders.
Starting point is 01:53:35 I'm an o. So I mean, that was that was awesome. We were stoked for that. I'd love to hear the feedback. So what what things did you have the most success with? What was maybe the most challenging through it? We're always trying to get better at helping all the the teachers that are helping a lot of these students out. Right. So for us equipment was a challenge. We don't have cable machines. So like crossovers, things like that, those were a challenge. We used bands. So we adapted and made it through. We also don't have suspension trainers. We've got 10 racks, beautiful racks. We've got all the plates that we could need,
Starting point is 01:54:09 and all the bars that we could need, multiple bars for each rack, but we don't have any suspension trainers. So again, we adapted, we used bands for a lot. We had 90 minutes a day, and I believe in the past, it's been Monday through Thursday with an optional Friday. And at first, we didn't have many kids showing up on Fridays. But as they started seeing the benefits more and more showed up on Fridays, our last Friday,
Starting point is 01:54:34 I think we had seven high school and two middle school kids show up. One thing that they had talked about was, excuse me, it's supposed to be strengthening conditioning. We just didn't have time for conditioning. So some of the other coaches and I are throwing around some ideas that we may try to adapt next year. And I just, you know, I'm not sure how to implement that with symmetry, you know, I've listened to you guys since right before the pandemic started. I know we prioritize in the day what our priority is. So for us, it was strength.
Starting point is 01:55:11 I've had several of the kids now that they've started fall sports. I just feel like my conditioning is a little lagging. Do we create a program for them and have them urge them to do it on their own? We may have something down the road performance wise for you for that, but one thing too, like, I know you're trying to really sell this idea of isometrics. I think that was like a bit of a struggle in the beginning, right? If getting buy in with that, how would that go? That's correct. So we ended a few days here and there with the diamond hole, diamond push-up hold.
Starting point is 01:55:46 And at first they did not like that, but I think they... And it's understandable. I demoed everything, so I didn't even have to work out during those weeks, and I was sore all over from all the demos. But the isometrics, they really got to like them. At first, yeah, that was a really tough cell and the mobility sticks. I had probably, I don't know, 12, 10 to 12 mobility sticks I took in every day. And by the end of, well, throughout the entire program, I'll put it that way. Everybody from middle school to high school was asking for a mobility stick that they could use because they wanted to work on their shoulders
Starting point is 01:56:27 That was that was like a huge win man. I was stoked to see that great job jack. I'm asking Jackie for the conditioning You know offseason. It's really good to focus on building strength and muscle as you get closer to season Typically if the athlete or the person is in, typically if the athlete or the person is relatively fit, two or three weeks of conditioning is a great way to lead into in-season training. So what you would do is you would substitute some of the strength training workouts for more conditioning workouts. What you don't want to do is add conditioning to the strength training because then you run the risk of over-training, which is what a lot of the big mistake a lot of coaches
Starting point is 01:57:02 have. I would say all the way up into the last two weeks. I think you can go straight training all the way the last two weeks, and then I would drop all the way down to one day a week of the straight training than the rest all conditions. There you go. Much like how we block it out in maps performance.
Starting point is 01:57:15 Yeah. So that was the idea there as well. So, Jackie, how many students on average would you have show up to these classes? Well, we had, on the first day of high school, I believe we had 25 kids show up. And we got quickly down to our core 12 to 15. And through the last week, we had a solid 12 showing up.
Starting point is 01:57:37 And from what I understand, this is my first year, I recently retired and moved back to Kansas, my hometown. And from what I understand in past years, by the midway point when we have our break over 4th of July, we were lucky to pull in two to three girls. Wow. So that was fantastic. That's kudos for you.
Starting point is 01:57:57 That's really all the instructor makes that. Are you going to do this again? If they allow me to, you know, if the kids and the parents and the administration allows me to come back, yeah. Well, Jackie, if you can get them to come up to do it again, we'd love to send you some free suspension trainers courtesy of Mind Pump. Yep, that would be awesome.
Starting point is 01:58:18 So literally the email that you emailed in to get on this call, email Jerry again, that's who's running that, and let us know if they bring you back to do that, let us know how many suspension trainers you could handle and we'll send them out to you. We'll send them to you from us, okay? That's awesome, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:58:36 The kids noted that their strength, their stability, their balance, their strength, I said that they had bigger muscles and more definition. I was going back through looking through the program, preparing for this call, and it's just like everything that you guys have in the template about what to expect for each phase, we were marking them all down. It was a check-in-home-good boxes.
Starting point is 01:58:59 That's awesome. I guess the moral of the story is trust the process. Of course. Yeah, let us know. I'd love to of the story is trust the process of course of course. Yeah, let us know I'd love to send you suspension trainers to the school. I'd love to hear more Success stories like this and then a program that I think you might benefit from To help improve things like mobility or work on potential Areas of injury or pain prime pro would be maps prime pro
Starting point is 01:59:21 So and that would be a great resource. We'll send that over to you right now for free, okay? Yeah, I've got it. Oh, wonderful. That's it. Yeah, I've got that. And, you know, I've got performance, and I was thinking about running some performance with some of the kids.
Starting point is 01:59:34 That would be the one. Yeah, yeah. If they're off season. Yeah. But most of them are three sport athletes and then throwing some cheerleaders in there too. No, well, that's awesome. Well, hey, these kids are lucky to have you.
Starting point is 01:59:44 Yeah, yeah. And you're really passionate about what you're doing? That's awesome. I wish my kids. Keep us up there Jackie. Yeah, keep going. Right on, I will. And I got to tell you, it takes a village,
Starting point is 01:59:54 and there was a team of us that were working with these kids. I just had access to Justin in the maps program. So we really appreciate what you guys are doing. And before I forget my, my 10 year old daughter this morning, she was like, you talking to Mind Pump today. Yeah. Tell them. That's great. That's great. Thank you. So, I for us. Yeah. Thank you. I will. She's a middle schooler and she likes to show off those biceps and even her a little bit of the the pack the upper pack development and her deltoid so
Starting point is 02:00:27 Look at this and you know that's all about arm wrestling little boys at schools About it Thank you so much, Jackie all right. Thanks guys That's a nice feel good. Yeah, no, it's been fun man man. I mean, it's, again, this is kind of like, I mean, it's a big passion of mine is to help in any way I can. Anybody that's helping kids especially and like going through that process.
Starting point is 02:00:52 So that was, that was a fun one that it's, you know, she took it on and really applied it and good things were happening. Yeah, I look, I know that good programming plays a role, but it's like 10% over buying it. That was all her. She's so passionate about it. I mean, I can feel it.
Starting point is 02:01:06 I can feel it. That's Kudos to her and those kids are blessed to have someone. No doubt. Look, if you like Mind Pump, head over to MindPumpFree.com and check out all of our fitness guides. They're free, download all of them. They cost nothing. You can also find all of us on social media.
Starting point is 02:01:21 Justin is on Instagram at Mind Pump Justin. I'm on Instagram at Mind Pump. To Stefano, and Adam is on Instagram at Mind Pump Justin. I'm on Instagram at Mind Pump to Stefano and Adam is on Instagram at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs.
Starting point is 02:01:57 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbumble is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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