Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2165: How To Address Your Food Sensitivities With Dr. Stephen Cabral

Episode Date: September 18, 2023

What is a food sensitivity and how is it different than an allergy? (3:30) The different types of immune responses, how they can affect the body, and the importance of choosing the right test. (4:...50) Why you must solve the root issue of WHY you are developing these issues and now just remove the food. (16:17) Are gut issues more prevalent today than at any other time? (21:32) Revealing the guy’s food sensitivity test results and how to read them. (24:08) Doug. (25:12) Adam. (27:31) Justin. (30:36) Sal. (35:49) The impact of chronic stress on your gut wall. (42:58) How to eliminate certain foods and how to ease them back into the diet through food challenges. (44:33) How to get this test. (47:38) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Promotion: For Mind Pump listeners only, Equi.Life is offering $120 off their Food Sensitivity Test. Click here for the special deal. For Mind Pump listeners only, join IHP and Equi.Life for 2 full days of live exhibitions, inspiring keynote discussions, and engaging expert panels at The Reimagining Health Summit on October 12-13 in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Visit here and use code MINDPUMP to get $100 off! September Promotion: MAPS Symmetry | RGB Bundle 50% off! **Code SEPTEMBER50 at checkout** The Rain Barrel Effect: How a 6,000 Year Old Answer Holds the Secret to Finally Getting Well, Losing Weight & Feeling Alive Again! – Book by Stephen Cabral Mind Pump #1230: Surviving & Thriving In A Toxic World With Max Lugavere Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test Complete Gut Bacteria and Parasite Test   Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram Website  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness health and entertainment podcast in the world. This is Mind Pumped. Back by popular demand, we have Dr. Stephen Cabral on the show. He's one of the best functional medicine practitioners in the show. He's one of the best functional medicine practitioners in the world.
Starting point is 00:00:27 He's one of our go-to people. And in today's episode, we talk all about food sensitivities. So what's a food sensitivity? It's not a food allergy, but food sensitivities can definitely have profound impacts on your health, how you feel, cravings, rashes, lots of symptoms, a lot of people don't attribute to food. And they actually have a test that can test your sensitivity to all
Starting point is 00:00:51 kinds of different foods. And today's episode will go over them. We actually go over our results. So we did one of those tests just in myself and Adam. And he goes through and gives us the results. And a couple of us had our hearts broken. It was pretty sad. But anyway, we know you're going to enjoy this episode. Also, by the way, you can actually get this food test, the sensitivity test at discount. So if you want to take this test, it's very easy. It's a pin prick on your finger. It's a few drops of blood. Then they'll measure the antibodies that they need to measure with, I don't know, how many foods? There's a huge category of foods. But if you go to Stephen Cabral.com forward slash food test and Stephen is
Starting point is 00:01:28 spelled S-T-E-P-H-E-N and then C-A-B-R-A-L. So Stephen Cabral.com forward slash food test, you'll get a massive discount. I think it's $120 off. So $120 off for our listeners. Also, they're gonna be putting together a huge health event. They're calling it the reimagining health event. This is on October 12th and 13th in Fort Lauderdale. Florida, you're gonna get some of the world's best speakers on wellness and health and performance. Stuff you won't hear anywhere else.
Starting point is 00:02:01 This is gonna be pretty phenomenal. If you want to attend, you can go through our link, get yourself hooked up, go to reimagininghealthevent.com. We're also running a sale this month, two programs. Actually, a program in a bundle. Maps, Symmetry is half off, and the RGB bundle is half off. If you're interested in either one of those, go to mapsfitnisproducts.com, and then use the code September 50 for that discount. All right, here comes the show with Dr. Steven Cabral.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Dr. Cabral, welcome back to the show. Did you know that your clip on our Instagram is the most viral one that we have? Did you know that? No, I had no idea which clip is that? It's, which one is it? You're winning. No, it's, oh, you know, that, no, no, it is, it's the top one. Which one it is. There's winning. No, it's not. Oh, you meant that. No, no, no, it is. It's the top one. Which one it is. There's a couple that are actually performing well, but there's one that is continuing to just keep going. It is.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Buh, buh, buh. Yeah, well, it just, I typically repost them and they've been fantastic. It's the three steps for sleep. There you go. Yeah. Well, you do a really good job communicating. That's why we have you back on.
Starting point is 00:03:02 And you obviously know what you're talking about. 1.1 million. Crush you'll grow. I appreciate that. That's why we have you back on. And you obviously know what you're talking about. 1.1 million. Crush it. I appreciate that. And today, we're gonna talk about food sensitivities and food sensitivity tests. I know you did. You have the results of our tests.
Starting point is 00:03:16 So we can see why Justin's doing so bad. And let's say I'm doing so good. I'm just kidding. But you know, I'm really right there with me, pal. I've used that. As you've done in the past, you've kind of broken them down. They've been very valuable to us.
Starting point is 00:03:30 But I want to open up by, like what is a food sensitivity? How is it different than a food allergy? Is it also an immune reaction? Like what's the difference? How do we discern between the two? That's a great question. And so the big thing between a food sensitivity and a food allergy, the food allergies are
Starting point is 00:03:48 more life threatening. So although everybody lumps sensitivities together with allergies, they're really not the same. So a food allergy would be what we hear about it typically with children and peanuts or maybe strawberries. And it creates more of an anaphylactic based shock. So the body actually has what's called an IGE based reaction. We can talk about those immunoglobulins because it's really important when deciphering between
Starting point is 00:04:11 our retesting for sensitivity or an allergy. So an allergy will begin to create massive amounts of inflammation within seconds to minutes of consuming that food, and it can begin to close up the airway. And so then the antidote to that, of course, is an epipan or some type of norepinephrine, adrenaline-based stimulant to open back up those airways. So sensitivities then are more the symptoms of brain fog, hives, sleepiness, potentially after-male, itchy skin,
Starting point is 00:04:41 migraines, headaches, joint pain, overall inflammatory-based syndrome, that's more sensitivity rather than analogy, although we use them interchangeably. So you said IGE for the strong and a phallactic shock type reaction. Are we looking for other immunoglobulins for sensitivities? Are they, is it not IGE? What are we looking for? Yeah, so IGE is the one that conventional medicine is most interested in because of course it can
Starting point is 00:05:09 cause an anaphylactic shock. The issue is that you could give a child peanuts once and there's no reaction. We call that essentially the primer and the second time they consume it, again whether it be strawberries or peanuts or something else, that is one that we actually can take place. So it's fairly difficult to figure out an IGE-based immune reaction until the immune system has actually been primed. So we don't necessarily look for that in natural health, natural-based medicine. What we're looking for is an IGM or an IG-G reaction. The difference with those is we're now looking for sensitivities. They cause inflammation.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Because what happens is the white blood cells, those are just called immunoglobulins, go after the protein typically in a food and amino acid strand, and that causes inflammation. The inflammation, now, for you cell might be, it might be joint pain, let's say, in your lower back. And for Adam, maybe for you, it's inflammation on your skin skin and Justin, for you, it might be, I don't know, it could be digested bloating or something like that, and Doug, maybe for you, its headaches or brain fog. It's different in every individual. The symptoms are based on your genetic predisposition, but what it does is still, it's mediated by an inflammation immune-based response. So the best way to think of this is IGE is an immediate response.
Starting point is 00:06:26 IGM is a delayed response and IGE is a latent response. Typically two to three days later, anywhere from 24 to 72 hours later, which is why it's so difficult to find out your actual food sensitivity because let's say we're recording this on a Tuesday, I can ask you, hey, would you have sat at night for dinner or Sunday at breakfast? And you may have no idea because you've eaten nine meals or 16 meals since then. Yeah, and so oftentimes what people do is they'll eat something. Two days later, start to get this kind of immune response
Starting point is 00:06:58 that is like you said, gastro distress, skin issue, whatever. And then they'll attribute it to what they just ate. Yeah. Instead of what they ate two days ago. And so that can make it so challenging to identify what's going on. I wouldn't even think to go back that far. Nope. Also people tend to compare themselves to say
Starting point is 00:07:15 like a friend who has something, right? And they're like, oh, well, that food gives them this and think that their response, because they don't have the same response that they don't potentially have the same issues, right?'t potentially have the same issues. Would you say that the tendency is whatever your autoimmune tendency is, whether it's skin, gut, brain fog, that's where you're probably going to see these kind of low
Starting point is 00:07:37 level immune responses? Yeah, absolutely, but the fruit set cities could be multiple. And so although an autoimmune is typically limited to the thyroid or the joints or the myelin and sheath on the nervous system, you'll get multiple of those. We kind of call that the rain barrel effect, right? So it's like, oh, I don't feel as energetic today. I don't have the same energy. My exercise recovery is weaker.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I'm starting to get a little bit more inflammation from my workouts. I'm just not quite as sharp. It all starts to add up from systemic-based inflammation, because even though the food we ate is in our gut, right? So it goes through the mouth down the esophagus, through the stomach, into the 20 or so feet of small intestine, and then out through the colon, which is like five or six feet. The inflammation is from the immune system
Starting point is 00:08:17 outside of the gut, and so that can lead to anywhere else in the body. And one more point I just wanted to add was that, a lot of people confuse bloating and gas or constipation or loose stool with a food sensitivity. It's not necessarily the case. That can actually just be a digestive issue. That could be too much candida overgrowth,
Starting point is 00:08:36 bacterial overgrowth, that could be age pylori, could be parasites, but it could also just be your lactose intolerant. You can't handle the specific sugar, let's say, in dairy- based products. So there's also a difference between just digestive distress and these late responses, which can be totally separate from the food,
Starting point is 00:08:53 meaning like from your gut. They can be any part of your body. Now this delayed response, like the IgG response versus like the IgM or whatever you describe was can it be as intense, even though it's delayed or is this like typically a little bit less severe? That's a good question. And usually it is less severe.
Starting point is 00:09:14 The problem is it becomes chronic if we're always eating those foods on a daily basis. Because if you think about it, you eat the same, let's say, breakfast every day. Let's say you're sensitive to egg whites, which is more comedy sensitive to egg whites than the actual egg yolk. And we can get into that if you'd like. But let's say you do that every day for breakfast because eggs are super nutritious. They've got all be vitamins and so much more. So you're doing that every day.
Starting point is 00:09:36 And you're just wondering why a week, two weeks, two months later, you just start to feel like overall just more inflamed and just you're not recovering as well. And so you might never put it together, the compounding effects of the inflammation are actually from some of the foods that you're eating and not necessarily from, you know, not getting the right sleep or the right, you know, exercise protocol. It could actually be based on the foods that you're eating. And that's the thing is they can be healthy foods. Today as we go through your labs, we're going to go through 190 healthy foods. We're not going to go through unhealthy foods. We're going to go through normal foods that a lot of people eat. They don't necessarily eat all 190, but you'll get to see which ones cause the biggest sensitivity. So yes, they start out low level. Like you wouldn't even notice them. Just not as much
Starting point is 00:10:17 energy one waking up in the morning, or your heart rate variability is a little bit lower, or rest in heart rate is a little bit higher. And then it's just over time that inflammation compounds if you continue to eat the food. The last thing I'd say is let's say you only eat the food, you know, once a week or twice a week, you have days where you're feeling good and you have days where you're feeling terrible and you have no idea why. And that can literally be based on the food ingredient. Now, I have a question on, you mentioned your gut issues maybe due to things like Candida or dysbiosis or you can't digest lactose. My understanding of some of these immunoglobulins or immune reactions is that you can develop
Starting point is 00:10:57 them because you have, let's say, poor digestion for one of those reasons or another, which causes gut inflammation. The inflammation of the gut increases in testinal wall hyperpermeability or permeability, otherwise known as leaky gut. So then the proteins leak through the gut where they're not supposed to. The body recognizes it as an invader, mounts an immune response.
Starting point is 00:11:19 And so then you have now developed a sensitivity to a food that you didn't have before. And if you fix the gut issue, remove the food for a while, you'll, the sensitivity will go away and you'll be able to eat the food again. Is this true? And I experienced this myself
Starting point is 00:11:35 going through this process years ago, is that what happened to me? Am I hitting the nail on the head? Yeah, that's basically a mic drop right there. I mean, that's how the whole process works. That's how autoimmune traditions are created. You know, people think that autoimmune conditions are are a mystery. It's one part gut hyperperpermibility and one part stress. You combine the two, you have a wildly over exaggerated immune response, but the immune system's not really not doing its job,
Starting point is 00:11:59 it's doing its job, it's just seeing proteins or bacteria or pathogens in your blood that were never meant to be there. I mean, if you think about it and for anybody watching some video, you know, I've got my little buddy here, Walter, that I always use. And it just shows like the stomach moves into the small intestine. It's about, again, it's about 20, 21 feet or so. And then it goes into five to six feet of colon. Well, this is meant to be the outside of your body, inside your body.
Starting point is 00:12:25 It's literally a tube that goes from your mouth all the way through your body to your anus. Like that's literally it. And it's only supposed to let the good stuff into the body through a single cell, permeable membrane of your intestines. And all the bad stuff, then mostly bacteria is supposed to come out of your body
Starting point is 00:12:41 when you have a bowel movement. And the problem is when literally we're letting those pathogens or whole proteins in our bloodstream, our immune system has nothing else that it can do, except to respond to that. You want them to. And the thing is, now with autoimmune issues, we give people what biological-based drugs
Starting point is 00:12:57 to actually shut down their immune system so they don't go after the actual, let's say, protein or pathogen it's seen, and it can unfortunately affect them in many other ways. That's why we try to always look for the root cause. Food sensitivity is only one part to this. And I will say that on two of your labs here today, we can't diagnose that.
Starting point is 00:13:15 But I think we have really good, really good data to be able to say this looks like a case potentially of gut permeability. Wow. Okay. looks like a case, potentially, of gut permeability. Wow, that can be so good. So to add to that, then if you do have gut issues, which then causes the inflammation, inflammation causes the cells to spread out. Now they're more permeable, you develop an immune response,
Starting point is 00:13:38 is it safe to say then, because here's the thing that I used to get all the time with. When I had a wellness student, I had somebody that did gut testing and food sensitivity testing. And I remember the number one comment people would get would say, wow, it's all the foods to get all the time with. When I had a wellness student, I had somebody that did gut testing and food sensitivity testing. And I remember the number one comment people would get would say, wow, it's all the foods I eat all the time that are lightened this up.
Starting point is 00:13:52 But if you have intestinal hyperpermobility or gut hyperpermobility, you're going to have sensitivities to the foods you eat all the time, because that's what you eat all the time. And that's what goes through the gut. Is that correct? That is correct.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Okay. And the thing is, with the new tests, so there are different phases of IGG testing. So a lot of people say food sensitivity testing isn't true, it's just reacting to the foods that you eat all the time. There's two parts to that. So we run maybe 10,000 plus just of this particular lab. And so a normal food sensitivity test comes back with maybe two to three sensitivities. That's about it. That's a nice healthy gut. And you show you actually see reactions. So you know, as we go through this, there's four different tiers of sensitivity. The first tier, there's still a sensitivity. That means that the immune system recognizes this particular protein sequence or amino acid sequence, and it's not
Starting point is 00:14:45 saying that this is something harmful and we have to go after it. It is just saying recognized, not an issue. And that's where the people have some confusion over IGG. But when you have a tier three or tier four reaction to an actual food sensitivity, that means it's somehow in, well, here's the thing, immune cells can actually go through your gut wall into your intestines as well. But when we look at IGG, it's typically outside.
Starting point is 00:15:12 So these have seeped outside the body, but it can also be what's called cross-pollination or molecular mimicry, where a certain protein strands look very similar to other ones. For example, when I first did this when I was 19 years old, I had this test run to figure out what was wrong with me because no doctor conventional medicine wise could figure it out.
Starting point is 00:15:30 I was sensitive to things like kidney beans. And the thing is, I've never eaten kidney beans. I've never liked kidney beans, not even in chili, whatever they've been. It's just, I don't like that. And it showed up high. Why would that be? Well, there's this particular sequence still
Starting point is 00:15:43 of amino acids in that kidney bean that my immune system natively is going to respond to. So we all have foods that we might be sensitive to through gut permeability, but we also typically and natively have a couple foods that our body and our immune system do not like. And they attack as if they're a pathogen. And that's why this test is very valuable, even for healthy people. For me, almonds keep showing up after all these years, even though almonds are totally popular and healthy food is nothing wrong with them, right? But they are for me, and that's why for me, I just don't eat almonds. I can eat other nuts like macadamia nuts or whatever I choose to.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Dr. Cabral, what is the accuracy of these food sensitivity tests? And there's tons of them that I see on the market. Is there a difference between all of them or are they all testing the same way and for the same things? They test a little bit differently. Some test IGE, IGM and IGG. Some combine IGM and IGG response.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I like those as well. We just, so I'll tell you, we just do IGG. And the reason we do that is that it's pretty easy to figure out your IGG response, even if it's not analogy. When you eat a food, you get itchiness in the back of your throat. Yeah, right away. Now again, that could be, it could be mold. It could be something else. But like, you get hives, you get a headache within 20, 30 minutes. That's an IGG response. We can figure those out. Like, if you eat shellfish and you have a hives, you don't eat shellfish and you don't need to spend the money for that.
Starting point is 00:17:07 But an IgM is pretty good too, but that one's a little bit more challenging to even, I don't want to use the word diagnosed because we're not conventional medicine here, but to recognize this because IgM is basically an intermediate response that's lead into an IgG sensitivity. So IgE is in the blood, IgM is in the blood, IgG is actually in the blood and the tissues. So you get that deeper inflammatory response from IgG sensitivities, and that's why to me, those are the most interesting, because I'm always looking at underlying root cause. And I'm not using the fruit sensitivity test as like the endol-beal.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I'm doing that as part of what we call the big three. So it's part of the Candida, you know, lab that we run, Candida Metabolic Invitamins test and the Bacterian Parasite Stool Test. So if I'm looking at your two of your food sensitivity test here today and I see quite a bit of sensitivities, like more than a dozen, I'm saying, okay, what we wanna look for next is we wanna prove this out.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Let's run the Candida Metabolic Invitements Test or let's run the bacteria and parasite stool test to actually see what imbalances are here that may have caused this permeability. Does that make sense? It does. So one more thing because I remember going through this as well with people was that because there's a complete approach here.
Starting point is 00:18:23 And if you do it in an incomplete way, and I wanna make sure I say this to people so they understand, then you're not gonna really solve the problem. And here's what some people would do with one of these tests. They'd get this test and come back. Here's the seven foods that you're hyper reactive to. They remove those foods, they feel better immediately,
Starting point is 00:18:40 but they've switched to other foods, and then over time, because they never fixed the hyperpermigability, they now develop sensitivities to other foods and then over time because they never fixed the hyperpermobility, they now develop sensitivities to those foods. So this is a common thing that you see. It's like, oh my god, I stopped eating this and now I'm reacted to this and I stop eating that and I what do I eat? So you have to also solve the root issue of why you're developing these sensitivities, not just remove the food, correct? 100% That's exactly right. Because you'll solve the inflammation for a while, which is great. You do feel better. You begin to immediately empty that rain barrel. People will definitely
Starting point is 00:19:13 feel better, skin issues, headaches, migraines, joint pain, etc. But like you said, you haven't tackled the candida, the bacterial imbalance, the H. Pylory, the parasites, whatever it might be. But at least you'll get some relief, which is really nice. And then you'll be able to work on those as well. So yeah, there's a few different ways that people can attack it. They can assume they might have a bacterial or a kidney to imbalance and they can do something like a CBO protocol or they might assume their parasites and they can do a, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:41 parapro support protocol. They can do whatever they feel is appropriate. Our job is not to like do a million tests to say, okay, we need to just keep looking, looking. But the goal is you do want to find the underlying root cause. And at home lab testing, like we're doing right now, absolutely gets you there. There's just no doubt about it.
Starting point is 00:19:56 There's no other way to be able to pinpoint these things, not only for getting well, but also for anti-agent longevity. A lot of people just assume that everything is good. And I think that's a difficult assumption. It's better to do your blood work every year, and then something like your at-home labs, your big five every year, to make sure everything's good. Because if not, you catch in the early stages,
Starting point is 00:20:16 make a couple tweaks to your diet, your supplements, your protocols, and then you are good to go. So that's what we hope to solve this. Can IG-A, I-G-GA, IGM, IgG antibodies eventually lead to a rise of IGE antibodies where you start to develop the more immediate reaction. Is there a connection between them? It's a good question. I don't think that I know the answer to the IGG causing a higher IGE because I do know that sensitivities don't cause allergies, so that's
Starting point is 00:20:46 the good news. However, they can absolutely lead to more sensitivities. So there's no doubt about that. And one you mentioned that we didn't talk about was IGA. So IGA is an interesting one, too, because what happens is the more sensitivities and the more inflamed you become, the more stressed your body is, and actually decreases IgA, which is secretory IgA. And IgA is a different white blood cell. It's contained in all the mucus lining,
Starting point is 00:21:12 essentially, the skin, the nasal passages, the mucus of the body, and it's our first line defense against viruses and all sorts of different pathogens. Well, the more stressed you are, the more your IgA, IGA levels drop. That means you actually have a weaker immune system by just being more inflamed and part of that is from foods.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Wow. All right. One last question before we get to our tests. I know people are just clamoring to see those. We are. I know. Almost. Get to my desk.
Starting point is 00:21:40 My stomach's reacting. I know. I know. Yeah. I'm trying to calm it down. You know, super exciting to do that. Do you, or are these popping up more because of the kinds of foods that we're eating, the things that are in our foods,
Starting point is 00:21:54 the lifestyles that we lead, because it seems like gut issues in general, or is it just more awareness? But it does seem like there are a lot more prevalent today. Yeah, part of it is the testing, for sure. You're going to find more of it if you test more, but I actually believe that it's from more glyphosate contamination. I think that's a big part of it. I think plastics and estrogens in the environment, you know, xenoestrogens from the environment are big factor. People don't even know like taking and just, you know, having tea, like,
Starting point is 00:22:23 oh, I'm being healthy. I'm having a tea and dropping this tea bag in, most are made from microplastics. The actual tea bag and you're getting just billions of nanoparticles of plastic in your body from these tea bags. I just think we live in a way more toxic world than these things are being digested through our gut. I mean, if we take glyphosate, for example, even contamination against a lot of clean, organic healthy foods, because glyphosate is essentially airborne. And what happens is even with... So back in
Starting point is 00:22:50 the day, this is how they use glyphosate, they sprayed it when the crops were young. So you'd be planting your crops, and at the same time you'd start to see them pop up, you would see weeds pop up. And so then you'd spray glyphosate across the whole field, and it would kill all the weeds, and roundup resistant geoma-based foods they wouldn't be affected by the glyphosate of the roundup. But then over time, what they realized was that towards the end of harvest season, if for some reason their crop got wet
Starting point is 00:23:16 or it got too moldy before being harvested, it was basically ruined. So they found that glyphosate sprayed at the end of harvest season as well. It's a desiccly. It'd be washed off. What exactly? Would then be stuck on the food?
Starting point is 00:23:31 So before, there were even when, I'm not saying the glyphosate was ever good, but when it was only sprayed at a young stage of the crop, I mean, over months it would be for the most part washed off. And then there are foods, of course, where it just goes into the skin that you can't remove. And glyphosate is a known antibacterial so much so that now, because people are so
Starting point is 00:23:51 against glyphosate, like people know about it now, they're actually looking how can we use this glyphosate in other ways. They're actually looking at it as a now an antibiotic, which, in the natural health field, we've been saying it all along, it is an antibiotic. It's killing your gut bacteria. And so, yeah, I think that's a big part of it too. All right, all right, let's get to the test. Let's see what's going on here, Dr. Gaborol. Let's start, I don't know, wherever you want to start, but let's see what happens here.
Starting point is 00:24:13 We're gonna go from, we're gonna, cause we're all friends here. We're gonna go from least defensive to most defensive. Oh, okay. Okay. Oh, so who's gonna win? Is Doug gonna win? You want to take some bets?
Starting point is 00:24:25 Yeah. I got the order. I've always been second. I haven't been best. I haven't been worst yet. But my gut historically is terrible, although it's been a lot better lately, so I don't know where I'm gonna fall.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I'm gonna guess it's gonna go on this order. Doug the best, then Sal, next, then Justin, then me. Justin, I do think I'm the worst. I mean, I have, I also think that that's why is because I've never been able to get to the single thing or whatever that causes the psoriasis to flare up all the time and I have a feeling that it's because I got a bunch of offenders, that's my guess.
Starting point is 00:24:59 You got full of parasites, that's what I guess. I'll put you in a sec. I actually hope I'm the worst because then it'll make me feel like we're getting somewhere with getting to the bottom's my guess. I'll put it here. I actually, I actually hope I'm the worst because then it'll make me feel like we're getting somewhere with getting to the bottom of my shit. All right, who's first, okay, right? We'll find out. So up first is Doug.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Ah! Yeah. Doug the hell is. I feel like I need this. He's always the hell. No, I've lost to him. I've lost to him. I've lost to him.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Oh yeah, that's right. You're lost to every other one. That's true. Court is all levels off the chart. All that. I guess I have a dress. I mean, that is steel, man. With all lost every other one. That's true. Cortisol levels off the chart. All that. I can't help me. That is steel. Yeah, with all that stress.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I'll imagine without this. All right. So what's the like sensitive to? Yeah, so just to give you a little insight in this task, basically, when you look at it, you're looking at a green bar, like a lighter lime bar, a yellow bar, and then an orangey-red bar. And so we expect to see these little black lines, which do show a moon reaction to the food. So as long as they're within the green, you're good. If you have any and we'll say the mild, it's typically eliminating the food for
Starting point is 00:25:53 about six weeks. We'll go over this to at the end. If you'd like the moderate reaction, we're going to eliminate that for about 12 weeks, a little bit more good. And then the red we're eliminating for about six months. So when I look at dogs and I'm going through the dairy and I'm going through the dairy, and I'm going through the beans and peas, it goes through fruit, it goes through grains, it goes through, let's see, fish and seafood will stop there for a moment. So there basically no reactive dairy, beans, peas, fruit or grains. That's one page.
Starting point is 00:26:22 The second page goes through fish, seafood, nuts, seeds, and some vegetables. Doug, the only one that you have a specific sensitivity to is a type of tuna. So that would be one, not like the wild elbow core, but another type of tuna. So again, even if you're not eating tuna, I say, you know, you can still have a mild reaction.
Starting point is 00:26:43 This one's very mild, but it's still as worth noting. And then the last page, we go over a bunch of vegetables and we go over herbs and spices. So no vegetables, Doug, are you sensitive to, but you are mildly sensitive to miso, like in miso soup. Oh, terrible, Doug. Yeah, he's been fan of miso. I don't eat it often, but I do you love it. I had some last Sunday So
Starting point is 00:27:08 That's that's typically going to be a lot of sad He's very sensitive to short jokes, too, so that's gotta I had to take it out of my ass there. I got to just keep the ass with the help of God. That's why he's got such good skin really, huh? All right, keep it going. All right. So that's it, one sensitivity. All right.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Who's second? Next up, Adam. Wow. Wow. I'm partially disappointed at the same time. I'm the worst. Adam, I will say though, if you're consuming any dairy products, they're very high in terms of sensitivity.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Boom! Told you! I've had ice cream every night for the last five years. Told you! The last five years I've had ice cream every night. No, no, five days. Five days in. No, I've just joking around.
Starting point is 00:27:56 So, um, you put cheese on stuff all the time. Go ahead. Go ahead. Kacines in the moderate zone, cheddar is in the mild zone. Cowas milk is into the red. Goats milk is mild, mozzarella is mild, sheep is fine, way is mild, and yogurt is into the red.
Starting point is 00:28:16 So essentially when you look at that, casing is in all milk products, except for essentially way. And so it would be sensitive to most cow's milk based products. Now most people are not sensitive to sheep or goats. And I run this lab all the time and they're not sensitive to those. You are actually mildly sensitive to goats milk, which is not as common. So for you, I'd recommend eliminating all dairy for a good 12 weeks. He did work on a farm and it was that wasn't that goat girlfriend? No, that I mean, you know, I've talked to the guys on air before
Starting point is 00:28:46 that I've always picked up on the dairy, and I've been able to tolerate small amounts of it, but I've always said that if I had two things of dairy in a day, I always notice a difference, so that totally makes sense. But I'm gonna eliminate it completely. So is almond milk an okay replacement for me in, and has nothing to do with dairy,
Starting point is 00:29:04 but I love that you maybe going down the No, no, I'm saying in replace of like milk is what I'm saying. Is that okay? You could use you could absolutely use any type of nut milk Okay, that you wanted to just look out for carrot gene and other preservatives that you don't want in there But yes for sure, okay, so the only other one in your lab test was actually egg whites, which was a mild reaction Oh, interesting. Yep, So on the mild side. Now, keep in mind, and I should have stated this in the beginning, the three most common food sensitivities that we see amongst people are cow's milk, egg whites, and then it would
Starting point is 00:29:34 be gluten. Yeah. A wheat-based intolerance. So those are the three most common. So even if like, you should always run to see what your sensitivities are, but eliminating those for skin-based issues, especially eczema, we always eliminate those, we eliminate soy, we eliminate corn, we eliminate a few others as well.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Wow. All right. Who do you think's up next, is it Justin or I? Yeah, this is it. We're getting down to it. God, I'm so much better than I used to be too, but I know I'm not great yet. Justin's the worst.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Maybe, maybe not though. No, no. I'm the guy with the gut stuff forever. I think it's next up is Justin. No. And Adam, one thing I do wanna say is that there's still that lab that we've chatted about in the past, anyone that's dealing with psorias or so dealt with
Starting point is 00:30:13 in the past is to look at the Bacterian Parasite stool test. It really is the number one lab to look. I mean, that's what I've been waiting to do with you. I mean, that's the one I was been telling the guys. I want us to get to that because to me, I think that's gonna be the, till it's not live. I just think that's the one I was been telling the guys. I want us to get to that because to do us the poop and that's going to be the, that's not why I just think that will be the most enlightening for me of all the things that we've done so far.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Here he has one in the bag. Wait, he froze it. Ready for it. Stupid. All right, say who's that? Who's the big loser? Justin's up next. Oh, the big loser.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Hey, I really know. Hey, I thought my guts a lot better too. It still must be bad I'm not shocked could be all those peptides. It's contagious. I blame sell All right, so with Justin's your The all of your dairy are basically off the charts Shocker All of it bro. Hey, hey, bro. All of it. Hey, Dr. Groll, what?
Starting point is 00:31:06 He is such denial over that. We've been telling him this for years and he just, he lives on this. I knew that, dude. It's just so. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. I really do. It's like, oh man.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I mean, telling you, you eliminate dairy, you're gonna feel so much better. Like, I mean, you're probably not feeling good now, but you feel so much better. Yeah, sure. Okay. Well, that you're probably not feeling good now, but you feel so much better. Yeah, sure. Sorry. Well, it's, I don't know. I'm gonna cry about it.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Wait until you just remind me of probably a 58 different food. That's it. It's just all dairy like all of it. No, not just dairy. We're gonna go to the rest. There's just. Yeah, but dairy was the ones that were most sensitive. Like, you need to even go through the specific cheeses or anything.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Because all of them, bro. All of them. Yeah, it's gotta be something. All the way, all casing, all goat, all sheep, all sheep, and all that. Good lord. What am I gonna do? Go fucker.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Hey, he's at least 20 pounds. Well, the interesting, the amount of information you'll drop will be remarkable for sure. If you're some of that's used to eating dairy in a daily basis, that's the thing you'll drop will be remarkable for sure. If you're someone that's used to eating dairy on a daily basis, that's a thing you'll see a remarkage. Every meal. I don't play. This is going to be a shocking difference.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Even if you did it for 21 days, just 21 days to kind of humor the lab test, you'd be able to feel the difference. Can you please get a soy latte? I'm gonna have the document this soy. Yeah, go in the soy direction. Yeah, you have the doctor. We're not the do soy right. We can do we can do others as well. Okay. So also a mild reaction to chickpeas or gabarons of beans. Oh yes. A high reaction to soy beans. Now you're probably not eating a lot of soy, but that's why I said
Starting point is 00:32:42 there are other outliers, which is why we run this test. Okay. Let's see. Glyatin and Rai were quite high. So Glyatin is a type of protein of gluten. So all gluten-based foods would not be great to you. Should be bread, bro. Rai?
Starting point is 00:33:02 Yeah, so no, no, right whiskey, I guess. That's depressing. Oh, I didn't think about that. Yeah, that would be, that would be definitely part of it. Less so than the actual weed itself and bread. Egg whites was quite high. So that was in the red and egg yolks are in the moderately high.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Even eggs? What am I supposed to say? Again, eggs are the number two sensitivity that we see in the world. Believe it or not, egg whites. Number two. Egg whites are the egg white and the yolk. The white is literally there to protect the yolk, right? It's actually designed to be kind of immune reactive if I'm not mistaken. Is that correct? Well, the white itself, the reason white believed to be more reactive is that there's more than double the amount of allergens in it, because the white is actually going to grow into the chicken where the yolk is going to feed at the nutrition. So you're actually reacting more to the, because it's an equal amount of protein. So a lot of people throw
Starting point is 00:33:59 out the white, because they say, no, all the proteins in the yolk, but I'm sure you've gone over this, but it's about three and three, like for an egg. So, but there's just more allergens in it okay and so you're reacting to that typically for sure okay so eggs are just a huge ones that we see for eggsama especially all right get to the bad news here come on peanuts peanuts are high oh quite high sesame seeds are moderately high celery they actually in vegetable are moderately high. Celery, the actually in vegetable, is moderately high. Celery, it's like water. Celery.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Cheers. Bro, he loves peanuts and cheese. That's just and so sad right now. Yeah, but like that's, I'm not gonna talk about it. We've got moderate sensitivities and chili and radishes, which is random, tomatoes, ginger, basil, damn bro. Me so, a high reaction to mustard. which is random, tomatoes, ginger, basil, damn bro.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Me so, a high reaction to mustard. Oh yes, fuck mustard. And I love mustard. That's basically it. So remember, when I see more than 10 or so of food sensitivities, then I'm also looking at there's some type of gut permeability. It has to be, yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:34:59 Like, some kind of... That's what we're not saying. You need to eliminate every food in the world. That's what, so when I was 19, and I finally found a natural health-based doctor after two years of literally, you know, going through conventional medicine-based diagnosis, I had, let's say, 25 to 30 different food sensitivities.
Starting point is 00:35:14 And so, is the goal to eliminate every food that you eat? No, it's, eliminate the most egregious ones. That's what's gonna give you the biggest bang free buck, basically, the 80-20 rule there. But you then need to work on sealing up the gut, and you don't actually need to necessarily seal up the gut wall until you rebalance the candida, the bacteria, and anything else that might be there.
Starting point is 00:35:34 And that's the way to go about this. We could talk more about that if you'd like as well. After cells. So you could use Christ. All right, well, that was depressing. He's like, you're the first person that is sensitive to everything. No, no, no, we're not.
Starting point is 00:35:44 We see, we see quite a few. depressing. He's like, you're the first person that is sensitive to everything. We see quite a few. All right, so Sal, you are up saving the best for last. And we've got sensitivities again to all dairy-based products. I know that. All in the red. I don't have any dairy, so I know I haven't for a while, but that just won't go away from me. Yep, 100%. And that actually happens. That's interesting. That happens for quite a number of people. Egg will go down. So we've seen dairy not go down for some people. It is the number one food sensitivity from an IGG perspective.
Starting point is 00:36:13 I've seen eggs go down after 12 week to six month-based elimination, because what happens is your immune cells become then desensitized to that. They're no longer seeing it, which means they're no longer reacting as those immune cells turn over. You get healthier ones. Those ones no longer carry the memory to react to those specific amino acids. So.
Starting point is 00:36:33 All right, so we've got dairy after that. I'll just gonna read them off. We've got a zuki bean. We've got cabanza beans, chiddy beans, lima beans, mung beans, navy beans, soy beans Bones, Lime Bones, Mung Bones, Navy Bones, Soy Bones, Tofu, Coconut, High Napple, which is random. William Yadden, Rye, yep, all gluten. Your eggs are really sensitive all the way to the end.
Starting point is 00:36:58 All eggs? Yep. 12 a day guy. The quill eggs. And show me some. Macroll, red snapper, tilapia. See what else we have? Olmins, Brazil nuts, cashews, chia, peanut, pistachio, pumpkin, sesame, walnut.
Starting point is 00:37:22 We've got kelp, like in terms of seaweed. Damn it, just kidding. I know, I know. Tien pepper and mustard is mild. Vanilla bean, this is one of the first times I've seen vanilla bean high. High. And bromelain is high.
Starting point is 00:37:37 We often see bromelain high just as a digestive enzyme or pancreatic, not pancreatic or proteolytic enzyme that we don't do too much about. But so again, when I look at uracel, there was a number, right? So there's well over, let's say a dozen. So what I'm looking to do are remove the most egregious, but also if it's not someone that can remove,
Starting point is 00:37:55 let's say eggs every day or whatever it might be, what we do is we actually put someone on a rotation diet. So that you're only eating that food every three days. So we create a, what's that? Oh, it's gonna add something. Actually, none of those surprised me. None of those have surprised me. So I avoid dairy 100%.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Eggs I push, but then I'll go off of them for a while. So I'm gonna go off that for a while. The beans didn't surprise me. I know how I react to that for my beans. I tend to get kind of foggy, a little tired, that kind of stuff. Gassy. The seeds and nuts, I also noticed,
Starting point is 00:38:28 if I eat like a bunch of nuts, I tend to not feel so, and actually nothing that you said surprised me on there. It's all, the fish may be a little bit, but I don't need a ton of fish, and part of it is because it doesn't make me feel so good sometimes, but sardines I'll eat sometimes. So actually nothing you said surprised me. And I avoid most of those foods except for eggs.
Starting point is 00:38:49 So in other words, all the stuff you listed, I eat beans at most once a week, at most. I eat never eat dairy, nuts, I'll eat at most once a week. And all the other stuff, I don't eat cayenne pepper. I notice the bothers my gut. I don't eat anything else. So could these be long lasting ones besides the one that I eat, you know, like the eggs, which I eat on a very regular basis? Well, I just want to share too. I work with a lot of bodybuilders, people that eating, you know, good amount to put on muscle mass and all that. And they have a tendency to
Starting point is 00:39:24 have more inflamed guts. Period. Just because their body is always processing far more. And they can come in contact with then just larger amounts of protein, which could be more reactive. So part of it is just what I see and working with even athletes and bodybuilder-based communities. So I do see that. What I would say is that you're not sensitive, though, to beef and chicken and turkey and all those others And so that can then at least allow you to consume those with no real issue while eliminating the eggs and definitely eliminating the dairy but I don't often see the beans and The nuts to that level everybody has maybe like one or two But that definitely it signals to me that there's more of an inflammatory issue that I would want to investigate
Starting point is 00:40:06 Okay, same adjust so I'd want to look deeper I'd simply want to run the other part of the big three which is the kinde to metabolic and vitamins test Yeah, and the bacteria parasite stool test all through this is there overgrowth a bacteria overgrowth of yeast or potentially parasites Or ispilory and then we can fix those. Yeah, I want to do this stool test still too I so is there a possibility that I could like, I'll avoid all the foods that you set on my list, 100% I'll be dialed for the next 30 days. Is there a potential that I'll still,
Starting point is 00:40:33 I still will have my psoriasis as an issue. And if so, what's the next step for me to go deeper? Yeah, that's actually, it's a good point because eliminating your food sensitivities will help many people eliminate the headaches, the skin rashes, the's actually, it's a good point because eliminating your food sensitivities will help many people eliminate the headaches, the skin rashes, the brain fog, the joint pain, et cetera. But it doesn't mean that that was your only underlying root cause. And so if there's still Candida or there's still bacterial overgrowth or, again, parasites
Starting point is 00:41:00 or H. Pylori, those are basically, I keep naming those because the nice thing is there's really only four things that go wrong with your gut besides in test permeability. So if you figure out what those four are, we'll assume in test permeability since it's almost impossible to really know unless you do an intestinal biopsy which there's no need to do because you can simply just use zinc and glutamine and aloe vera. We use something called healthy gut support that patches it back up. But you don't even necessarily want to patch up your gut, which you could do without fixing the issues that are on the inside, because you're just going to continue with more inflammation, which will then cause more test or permeability again. So that's how we work it. So for sure, I'd recommend for at least,
Starting point is 00:41:38 yeah, Adam you as well, but Justin and Sal, that we just take things to the next level, run the Candida Metabolic vitamins test, run the bacteria parasites, stool tests. Let's figure out exactly what's going on. Get you on a protocol and your gut will be literally fixed in 12 to 16 weeks maximum. Yeah, I really, I want to because I think there's been, obviously, right now I admitted that I just, you know, ordered six quarts of ice cream. So I've been on an ice cream cake lately,
Starting point is 00:41:58 which is, I know, not good for me. Yeah, but finish it all first, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This episode doesn't go live for a little while, so I still have some time to finish all it. I just see my droop cheese. No, so I, but I do, I believe I've been on a streak before and actually not consumed any of those foods, so I, but I'm going to be dialed per, I'll be perfect for 30 days at least, so I can see what happens. I have a, I have a feeling I'm still going to see. Sir, Iis. What's cool for me, what's cool about this is
Starting point is 00:42:26 because I've dealt with gut issues on and off for so long, Dr. Crabral, that I'm very hyper vigilant and I kind of know what to look for myself. And I'm not surprised by any of the ones that you sent me. And I can totally avoid those. I avoid dairy always anyway. Gluten, I have super rarely. And the rest of them, I
Starting point is 00:42:47 mean, I kind of know, and I mostly avoid, but I don't, but I'm going to completely avoid them. And I'm really interested to see what these, what the stool test says, to see what's going on with the gut inflammation. Let me ask you this, Dr. Coral, because I've done SIBO protocol, SIFO SIBO protocol, I've done anti-parasite protocol. My gut health as compared to how it used to be with how my digestion is not stuff is light years ahead. Could somebody simply have hyperpromiability, not because of, let's say, one of the four that you listed,
Starting point is 00:43:26 but just too much stress. Maybe they just hold too much stress and it just affects their gut. 100%, okay. You're exactly right. So that's the thing is that stress they found just in a, now people shouldn't be overly worried about this, but a great amount of stress,
Starting point is 00:43:40 even in a day begins to increase permeability. The nice thing is though, it can start to move back quickly as well. Once the inflammation in the stress is over, it's really chronic stress and the chronic conditions that we may put our gut under that cause this. And that's why intermittent fasting is so helpful as well, because at least for a period of time, 12 hours, 16 hours or so a day,
Starting point is 00:43:59 you're allowing the gut to move all the food through. It's been digested and there's no other assault on the gut. It's all the way. I don't like people really eating necessarily more than three to four meals per day. Because if you're eating more times per day, then the gut is always on. There's always some type of oxidative straps
Starting point is 00:44:16 from the digestive process. And there's more potential for also these immune-based reactions. Yeah, I'm gonna guess that for me, it's gonna be stress, but I don't know. We'll see what the test is. Cause I have an ex-wife of wife and four kids, so there's a lot going on there.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I'm just looking for actors. One thing I would add though is, just like you've done a really good job at figuring out and knowing what bothers you. And so you're removing the things that have bothered you, but maybe not necessarily doing like the deeper level of repair to then allow you to, and the thing I wanted to mention people is,
Starting point is 00:44:50 okay, you eliminate them for the six weeks, 12 weeks or six months, but only add them back once a week. See how you do, see if there's a reaction a day or two days later, like that's what you still have to look for. Okay, if that's okay, then you add it back in, like on a Monday and a Thursday. So you add it back twice a week, okay, is there a reaction? Yes or no? No, good. And so that's
Starting point is 00:45:08 what I would do. And I would typically tell people, once you eliminated for the time that you need to, let's say, let's say it was Justin or Sal, I would do another lab test six months later to make sure that these sensitivities have gone way down. And I bet that you'll find if you do something like a CBO protocol, a CBO finish, or to heal and heel of gut, that you will see a remarkable difference. But you'll feel the results right away. That's the amazing thing about a food sensitivity test. Whether you agree with or not, or believe it or not, I don't know what this whole doctrine of belief is about these things, but eliminate them, see how you feel. And people, honestly, they typically feel remarkably better just from, again, empty net rainbow.
Starting point is 00:45:45 I'm going to tell you something that I know is going to make you cringe, okay? But I want to tell you something that I figured out for myself, probably not the best approach, but I did notice for myself, if I push certain foods gluten in particular, that I'll start to get hives, very small random hives here and there. So I've noticed for myself that if I take an anti-histamine When I'm doing this with and pushing certain foods I get less overall reactions and even less gut reactions That's definitely a band-aid right that's not the best approach But I do notice some symptom relief is that something you would ever advocate for or am I just being done?
Starting point is 00:46:24 Well, I know why you're doing that can't advocate for it because what we're doing is basically, it's the bandaid, right? It's the bandaid pretending the issue isn't there by taking an antihistamine, but just keep in mind, you still have the inflammatory reactions the day, the two, the three days after from that IGG-based response. And in histamine, so it was actually a cytokine-based produced, and honestly, it's meant to be there in the body. So although we don't like a histamine-based reaction, think about getting stung by a B, or you get a wound or you get hit, or whatever might happen, you get a histamine-based reaction to bring healing processes to that part of the body.
Starting point is 00:47:01 So you're actually then dampening the, what's called the TH2-based response. So it's essentially it's an allergy-based response. But our body is not messing up. That's what I always just try to share with people. The issue is that it can become exaggerated. I mean, nobody wants to have hives or nobody wants to have, you know, itchy eyes or itchy skin, et cetera. So I totally get it. But obviously my goal instead of an antihistamine would be use something like We use a product called our histpro, but it's Chorsatin And it's vitamin C and it's bromelain and stinging nettles and it works fantastic as well Now you need two to three you can't just take one antihistamine, but yeah, I use that instead interesting Okay, how how so this is a food sensitivity test? What's the cost of running a test like this and having someone go through them with you?
Starting point is 00:47:46 It's typically 3.99, so this lab comes with also a 30 minute consultation to take you through the results, just like I did with the four of you here today. And I know that your community always gets a discount for us obviously being super appreciative of you, have me on and spreading the message about ad home lab testing, which is really my mission
Starting point is 00:48:04 is to just share with people. There is a way to figure out your underlying root causes and it really starts with ad home lab testing. So, I know you have a link, you'll link that up, I'm sure, in the show notes and share it with people because I don't actually always know what that is, but our teams work together and we make that happen. So it is one of those things that I believe that people should run once a year. I'm a huge advocate of it and they can do it with their kids as well.
Starting point is 00:48:24 So my daughters do a food sensitivity test once a year for sure and that's just what we run once a year. I'm a huge advocate of it, and they can do it with their kids as well. So my daughters do a food sensitivity test once a year for sure, and that's just what we do as a family, and it's three years old and up, not under three, but three years old and up. And for people who know, the test is super easy. It's literally a prick on your finger, and you put some drops of blood on a car.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Yeah, it takes five to minutes. No. Talk about the benefits for somebody. It's obvious if you're struggling with an autoimmune like psoriasis like I am or Justin trying to get to his gut issues like it, and we can see it or feel it. But what about the benefits for someone who feels pretty healthy and thinks that they're like totally fine. Like the value of that person still doing a test like this. Is there still value to that person to getting it tested?
Starting point is 00:49:07 Yeah, and even, I mean, I'll just use myself as an example. So I grew up as a really sick kid. I had allergies, I had all sorts of health issues. Then from 17 to 27, I've shared my story before debilitating autoimmune issues. Like my immune system was literally just wiped out. I had Addison's disease type two diabetes, all sorts of health issues.
Starting point is 00:49:24 So for me, it's like cracking the code. It's figuring out how to get well. And I did get well. I met my mentor, got well at 27, but I've continued to get well each year, like literally feeling better each and every year. And right now, I'm 45, I'm in my mid-40s, and my goal now is just to reduce biological age.
Starting point is 00:49:41 And on the last show that we did together, my goal was to continue to reduce biological age, and it can last show that we did together, my goal was to continue to reduce biological age and it can be measured now on a lab test. And I don't have great genetics. So I now, and I didn't have this information when I was on the show, my biological age now is aging at a rate of 0.67. And my biological age is eight years younger. And I have horrible genetics.
Starting point is 00:50:04 I have a terrible background with my immune system. And so I just share that with people that, you don't have to have good genetics. You don't have to have all these things. The goal is just to continue to try to dial in and little by little. And it's never one massive thing that you can do. So again, I figure out, okay, yeah,
Starting point is 00:50:17 you're still sensitive to almonds. Don't eat almonds, right? Don't have, it's like it's one thing, okay. And then what's the other thing? Oh, your evening cortisol is a little elevated. Okay, let's knock that down a little bit with blue light, with taking, you know, ashwaganda, alveining, fossil, serine, like these things that you can do.
Starting point is 00:50:31 And little by little, your body continues to regenerate literally if it's your gut every few days. But on average, your body regenerates every 120 days. And that at least goes for your red blood cells. So the goal is every three to four months, get a little bit better, three to four months, get a little bit better. And and over time that's how you get those anti-aging along Jeopardy-Base benefits. That's awesome. Do are these tests covered by health savings account by people have you know being able to what is that called HHA, HSA accounts or do they cover these?
Starting point is 00:51:00 FSA and HSA can sometimes be covered. You simply send in your receipt. You send in what you ran for the lab and oftentimes you're able to get that taken off. So not always, because these are non-diagnostic. So that's the thing. We're not diagnosing any particular disease with this. But again, old disease comes from a root cause. We're trying to figure out what these root causes are. Yeah, highly, this is the one test I tend to recommend the most
Starting point is 00:51:24 because I feel it's easy to take and it can lead to other more specific tests like you said, the stool tests in Parasite. Well, now it's so easy for me to go test too. I literally have a list of all these foods that I just, okay, I discipline myself for three to four weeks to be committed to none of it being in a diet and then hopefully the results will speak for themselves on how I feel.
Starting point is 00:51:46 So that's exactly the point. If you just do a 21 day elimination, see how you feel. Don't don't change any other variable except the eliminated foods from this lab test. And most people will fail a dramatic difference. And so with that difference, they say, okay, well, I want to do more of that. That's always the goal. It's okay. What's the next step then? And so that's it.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Just 21 day elimination to start. Don't worry about the six weeks or the six months or the whatever it is. Just start with 21 days. Awesome. Dr. Gibral, always awesome. Have you on the show? Thank you so much for helping us out. Can't wait to have you on the day. I appreciate it. Yeah, so it looks like the next one will do is the the poop test, huh? Yes, do it next. Let's do that next, sir. Whenever you're ready. All right. Thanks again,'s do that next, sir. Whenever you're ready. All right, thanks again, Dr. Brawl. Take care.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Thank you, too. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and aabolic, MAPS Performance, and MAPSastetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs.
Starting point is 00:52:58 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbumble is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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