Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2199: How to Get Rid Off Stubborn Belly Fat, Hacks to Quickly Get Better at Pull-Ups, Tips for Recovering From Exercise Burnout & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: November 4, 2023

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions from  the Sunday @mindpumpmedia Quah post. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Cardio training is a TERRIBLE way to lose body fat.... (2:18) A different take on grounding. (33:27) The human body is so fascinating. (41:11) Weird wisdom with Sal: Urotherapy. (45:41) The differences between the beard oil and the serum from Caldera Lab. (53:07) The profound benefits of vitamin D. (54:35) Are you surprised by the UFC’s latest partnership? (57:56) Shout out to Morbid Curiosity. (1:03:33) #ListenerLive question #1 - Considering I have been burnt out in the past, any advice on how I would get back into strength training? (1:04:49) #ListenerLive question #2 - How can I get rid of the stubborn lower belly pooch around my abs? (1:25:18) #ListenerLive question #3 - What program would you recommend next if my goal is to strength train for the future and the rest of my life? (1:40:25) #ListenerLive question #4 - Any recommendations on how to get stronger in the bottom position so I can pull myself up? (1:51:07) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP at checkout** November Promotion: MAPS Resistance | MAPS Prime Pro 50% off! **Code NOVEMBER50 at checkout** Strength training burns fat, builds muscle more than cardio: Stanford study Strength training is more effective than aerobic exercise for improving glycaemic control and body composition in people with normal-weight type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial - PubMed Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon The Resistance Training Revolution – Book by Sal Di Stefano Mind Pump #2157: Using Cardio As A Weight Loss Tool The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy Ambidextrous artist draws 8 hyper-realistic portraits using all limbs at the same time | SWNS Is Drinking Urine Good for You? Benefits, Risks, and More - Healthline Bud Light to return as the UFC's official beer next year | AP News Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout** Mind Pump #2085: Abs & Core Masterclass No BS 6-Pack Abs | MAPS Fitness Products  MAPS Prime Pro Webinar The RIGHT WAY To Do More Pull-Ups (Make Them EASY!) How to do a Scapula pull up correctly Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Gabrielle Lyon (@drgabriellelyon) Instagram Morbid Curiosity (@morbidkuriosity) Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:31 You just found the most downloaded fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump right in today's episode. We answered live callers questions, but this was after an intro portion today. It was 61 minutes long. This is where we talk about current events, talk about fitness, scientific studies, family life, and much more. If you want, you can check the show notes, by the way, this will allow you to skip around. There's links there with timestamps. Also, if you want to be on an episode like this one, email us your question
Starting point is 00:00:58 at live at mindpumpmedia.com. This episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is PRX. They make home gym equipment that is better than the stuff you get at the gym, except it's designed to maximize space. For example, they have a squat rack that folds into the wall, comes off the wall about four inches. Then when you're ready to use it, you pull it off the wall very easy and it's extremely stable. They have lots of equipment and they have a huge sale going on right now, lots of discounts
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Starting point is 00:01:53 Go to calderalab.com. That's C-A-L-D-E-R-A-L-A-B. Sorry. Calderalab. C-A-L-D-E-R-A-L-A-B.com. Fords-lash mind pump and use the code mind pump to get 20% off. We also have a sale going on this month. We have a beginner strength training program called maps resistance.
Starting point is 00:02:13 That's half off. And then we have a program called maps prime pro, which is for correctional exercise. So if you have pain or mobility issues or you want to get a deeper squat or a better deadlift or a straighter overhead press, Maps Prime Pro will help you. Both of those are 50% off. If you're interested, go to mapsfitinistproducts.com and then use the code November 50 for that discount.
Starting point is 00:02:34 All right, here comes the show. Cardio training is a terrible way to lose body fat. Look, cardio can be healthy. It's amazing for stamina and endurance, but for fat loss, it just plain sucks. We've been saying this for years here at my input, well, a study just came out that proved what we've been saying has been right all along.
Starting point is 00:02:55 They did a study where they compared cardio versus strength training versus cardio, plus strength training, guess what, perform the best. Strength training alone. Ding, ding the best. Strength training alone. Ding, ding, ding. People who can strengthen alone had more muscle and more body fat
Starting point is 00:03:08 than people who did cardio for sure. And even a little bit better than people who combined cardio with strength training. So when it comes to fat loss, just do strength training. If you want to improve endurance and stamina, that's fine, do cardio. But when it comes to fat loss,
Starting point is 00:03:21 stop it guys, stop telling everybody to cardio. It's a terrible approach. Oh boy. We're all the fitness clowns that were trying to counter that conversation. Can I just tell you that, because we've been saying this for almost a decade on the show. Almost as long as we've been on the show,
Starting point is 00:03:36 we've been saying this religiously. And this is the message that probably gets attacked the most by us. And it's the fitness influencers, it's the, you know, the bros, it's the whoever. They're just married to that card. They're trying, they try so hard to take us down. And through the years, we've been proven right
Starting point is 00:03:53 on many different subjects. And this one, they haven't, there's studies that show that, you know, lean in the direction that we're talking. But this is the first one that showed cardio versus strength training versus strength training plus cardio. Yeah. And in that study, the strength training actually did a little bit better than the combination,
Starting point is 00:04:12 which is pretty crazy. But it does go right along with what we explain with the mixed messages and signaling that you're saying the body and how cardio, yes, it burns more calories while you're doing it, but it actually teaches your body to become more efficient. It actually teaches your body to slow down its metabolism over time. And our theory is the evolutionary one. Nonetheless, it's proven.
Starting point is 00:04:34 I think that's the most significant part is knowing that in combination with resistance training and cardio didn't even outperformed. And so it's like, okay, because that would have been a point of contention that I'm sure most trainers and coaches would have brought in, whoa, in conjunction together. You're gonna probably have that. Yeah, why won't you do both, right?
Starting point is 00:04:56 I mean, that's been the argument and the challenge I've had in the competitive world since I got into that. I mean, it's still happening right now. It's also how when people ask me like, how do I know if I have a good coach or not? I'm like, well, your coach sucks. If the first thing he does is put you on cardio to start off your fat loss journey.
Starting point is 00:05:14 If you are in a six, nine, 12, 18 week prep for a show and you're already doing cardio in the first couple weeks, he sucks or she sucks, whoever's telling you to do that. Because for this exact reason right here, especially on the competitive level, when it is your job to hang on to as much muscle as you can to present the best buff version of yourself on stage, like that because if this is somebody who is like
Starting point is 00:05:41 the average person and you want to have good cardio endurance and heart health and you also want to lean out a little bit and you want to be strong. It's like, it's a more movement in general. Yeah, and even then, it's like, it's not a big deal if you lose a couple pounds of muscle. I mean, I guess, I mean, if you lose 15 pounds and five to seven pounds of muscle also comes off with that,
Starting point is 00:06:04 you don't really care, then okay, whatever. But if you're in the business of keeping as much muscles you possibly can and only reducing body fat, using cardio is a stupid strategy. 100% look, cardio is the best, one of the best ways to improve stamina endurance. Fact, like if you're an athlete and you come to me and you say, you know, I want to
Starting point is 00:06:25 get better at distance running or I want more gas in the tank for my particular sport. Strength training definitely helps, but cardio, that's your go to stamina endurance that's your go to. It also when applied appropriately and properly is good for you. So there's nothing wrong with it. But when it comes to just fat loss and the context of just fat loss, okay? By the way, when you're talking about the average person and we're talking about their health, like athletic conditioning is important, when you're talking about the average person,
Starting point is 00:06:54 what you want them to do is you need them to lose body fat and you need them to have muscle. In fact, in this study, the other part of this study is they measured H, let me read this to you. So they were measuring also how the body responded to insulin or blood glucose, HBA, one C levels. That's directly connected to muscle mass. So if you want insulin sensitivity, you're not going to be able to work out all the time, and you're only going to pick form of exercise,
Starting point is 00:07:22 make it, it's strength training by by far, is the most effective. But I mean, again, what's crazy about this is that even now, it was a small out performance in combination, but think about it, they did more work. Yeah, as you're saying, think about that. Like, why would you do more work for less results? Yeah, exactly. That makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Like the argument was like, oh, it's just as good, or maybe a little bit better, potentially, it's not. It's worse. So why would you actually spend more time putting it? And for the people that are like trying to make the argument of the heart health thing, go interrupt your regular five by five training with 20 sets of squats and dead lifts and overhead presses. You want, watch how your heart gets pounding and how strong it gets from training that
Starting point is 00:08:03 way. You do a cycle of that. Do a cycle of training where you're doing 20 rep ranges or super setting or giant sets. And I promise you're gonna be in pretty damn good cardiovascular health. I remember I told you guys a story when I made the bet with my, there's two of us and I was like, meet head training like crazy,
Starting point is 00:08:22 but I was training hard, you know, and I was training a lot of stuff where I was doing super sets and I knew I was in good meet head training like crazy, but I was training hard, you know, and I was training a lot of stuff where I was doing super sets and I knew I was in good condition, you know? I wasn't in the best running condition, but I was in enough running condition to beat the shit out of my friends who were training running all the time
Starting point is 00:08:34 to get in shape for this bike, whatever the muddy buddy marathon thing that we did. And it's like, you'd be amazed on how good of endurance that you can get if you train that way even with weights. And so this idea that you need to get on a hamster wheel and run really hard until you can't breathe, and that's the best way for you to lose fat and or the best way for you to get just endurance.
Starting point is 00:08:56 It's not, there's plenty of ways to do that through strength training. Well, I mean, look, if you were to look at, you know, health and longevity, we'll put that in a category. So health longevity, performance, and athletic performance, you know, there's a lot of crossover there, right? But then there's the extremes, right?
Starting point is 00:09:12 You can push performance to where you're taking away from health and longevity. And then of course, you know, health and longevity, if you're maximizing that, you're not maximizing performance. When we're talking about athletic performance, now we're looking at all the tools, and we're looking at how to use them the best way. Okay, that's that's a fact. But the average person, the average person listening to this podcast is like, I got three days a week to work out. I want to get lean. I want to feel good. And I don't have tons of time that I can spend at the gym. What do I do? I have 45 minutes to an hour, three days a week. Strength frame, strength frame. What about the days off?
Starting point is 00:09:45 Walk more. You've got it, that's it. That's like 95%. Most everybody wants to be healthy, fit, strong, and have flexibility in their diet and look good, right? Those are like the five core tenets that you get from almost every single person that's ever hired me or those.
Starting point is 00:10:01 You get the occasional one out of 100 that's's very specific athlete or competition or thing that we're trying to do. Like that's so rare. Almost everybody listening will fall in those five categories and the best way to do that is through weight training and proper diet. Those two things will give you all five of those attributes. Talk about the good timing too for Dr. Lyon's book,
Starting point is 00:10:25 which we can call you. Muscle-centric medicine. And what's her, how does she say it? You're not, we're not, we're not. We're not over a fat. We're under muscle. We're under muscle. We agree with that.
Starting point is 00:10:35 That's what we've been talking about for a long time. She's 100% right. This study is proving that she's right. I mean, what's cool about this is I think this is going mainstream, because this study went mainstream, right? So big news organizations. Yeah, New York Times, we did it. Yeah, or picking it up and talking about it.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yeah, and that's cool because still today, the average person would not consider strength-frenning as a fat loss or longevity form of exercise. They still think of it as like, oh, you build muscle and strength, maybe athletic performance, but when it comes to health and fat loss or longevity form of exercise. They still think of it as like, oh, you build muscle and strength, maybe athletic performance, but when it comes to health and fat loss, that they don't think about it. And so I'm glad that this is coming out
Starting point is 00:11:11 because the revolution, right? That's what we've been talking about. I think it's worth the beginning of it. I think we're at the beginning of strength training, getting, it's, you know, it's due, right? It's gonna get it to do. It's people. The academic bump, finally. Yes, so now, it's in what's? It's gonna get it's due. It's people. The academic bump, finally.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Yes, so now it's in what's gonna happen, it's gonna take another five years or so, but doctors are gonna start preaching it and the average person is a start applying strain training. And I know what it'll happen in the beginning, it's gonna be done wrong, it's gonna be a bunch of circuits and all that stuff, but eventually people are gonna figure out,
Starting point is 00:11:41 like, oh, in order to do this properly, I have to train like those, you know, meet heads that I thought were just meet heads or whatever, but that's the most, you know, that's, that's the way to, to do this. I wonder if this, how this, you know, I didn't read it as deep as you did, how this can support the case for the empty stomach, you know, walking on the treadmill in the morning time before your day starts versus the guy or girl who gets on the stair master and bangs out an hour. I mean, this is how-
Starting point is 00:12:12 Fasted cardio? Yeah, so, and I don't even like calling it fasted cardio because I'm not hitting my cardio threshold. It's walking, it's low level intensity steady state. It's like literally walking at speed 3.2 on a treadmill, which is a little bit faster than casual stroll on a treadmill for an hour. First thing when you wake up faster like that
Starting point is 00:12:35 was the amount of cardio training I would consider doing when I was competing. But I think, and you've brought this up, I think the benefits of it, I mean, it's good, it's activity, right? Early movement. It's getting up an hour early and moving. It's the behavior that it encourages, right? It gets you to move as soon as you wake up, which, you know, studies will show if you wake up and start moving, you're more likely to move
Starting point is 00:12:56 later on, unless you beat yourself up in the morning, in which case it's the opposite. Also sets the stage for more consistency and discipline with your diet. So when they do studies on exercise, what they find is when people start working out consistently, a significant percentage will also start simultaneously working on their diet. It's not true in the reverse. People who start to diet don't necessarily start to go exercise as a result of it. So I think it's the behaviors, really. I think waking up, it also encourages you to probably go to bed early because you're gonna wake up and do the walk. Yeah, I mean, you get up, you get
Starting point is 00:13:27 up earlier, which is, it also makes me tired at that night. I get up, I start the day with walking, right? This isn't what I'm doing right now. This is what I was doing when I was competing, right? So I get up, walk at six o'clock in the morning till seven o'clock. Why I'm walking, I'm like also, like mentally planning out my day of eating, like first meal I eat is a good, healthy choice. Versus, had I not done that, could have easily slept until 7.30, eight o'clock, slow to get going. Maybe I make a good choice.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Maybe I make a bad choice, eating first my first meal. So you're right, I'm sure there's a lot of the psychology plays into that also. But I think it just supports that as being a better strategy than getting on a stairmaster at four o'clock in the afternoon and sweating till you make puddles below. I think in this is the case that we made in the resistance training revolution, I think when you're talking about the average person, you absolutely have to consider minimum effective
Starting point is 00:14:22 dose because you're not going to get most people to work out all the time. It ain't going to happen, everybody. Relax. The people in the fitness space who keep preaching this hardcore message of fitness, you're only talking to fitness fanatics. That's the only people that are receiving that message. The average person, we did this for over two decades, we trained people.
Starting point is 00:14:43 When I got really good, I got to the point where I could get the average sedentary person to Exercise structured exercise two or three days a week on their own and that was like a massive success And I'm talking about consistent right now. They're gonna do this for the rest of your life We're not gonna get the average person to turn into a fitness fanatic. It's not gonna happen So we have to look at Minimum effective dose. What do we do in the amount of time that's going to be realistic for the average person that's going to give them the most bang for their buck? And it's in, and look, you're not going to be able to
Starting point is 00:15:12 string together multiple modalities of exercise in that. You're just not strength, just just, oh, here, do strength training two days a week. And then on the other days, just find ways to be a little more active, not structured, but park farther away from the store, walk for five minutes or ten minutes after breakfast, lunch and dinner, go for a walk with your wife afterward, after whatever. Just those things right there, and the return that they'll get, muscle is so protective that when you build it, it protects you from your normal sedatory, you know, modern, western society life. Having more muscle is such, it's such a buffer against that.
Starting point is 00:15:53 It's so important to do that. Unless, look, you're gonna live, I don't know, like a hunter gatherer. I mean, good luck, you know, you're not gonna be moving all day. Nobody does, it's just too hard, you have to plan it. I mean, look at our job even. Well, we do, we're in the fitness space and we're sitting down 90% of time while we're at work. Yeah, we gotta be focused on planning seeds
Starting point is 00:16:12 that grow within these potential people we want to change. So it becomes their own intrinsic motivation, their own pursuit. Like really, the entire journey of it is theirs. I think that it's a weird thing as a fitness coach, we get this ownership over that and we wanna like steer and control. And that only lasts so long,
Starting point is 00:16:36 even if it does, if they do accept it. And they get some kind of motivation externally from you. It's very temporary. So, you know, we have to like approach it a lot differently to be able to get that pull and to make those smaller incremental changes is such a better way to look at it. Did you see my Instagram story the day
Starting point is 00:16:57 that this came out this study? Okay, so I posted about it and, you know, oh man, where did I hear this from? And did like a funny post of us and then, you know, referred to your book, right? And I hadn't been on Amazon to look at your book sales in a long time and see like, and the reviews like, it's got almost like a thousand reviews
Starting point is 00:17:14 and I think the average is like 4.7 or 4.8 out of five stars or whatever and I actually went through and was like reading some of the reviews and I actually wanted to see the ones that didn't make five. Like, I wonder what people said negatively about this book, dairy. You know the irony of to see the ones that didn't make five. Like, I wonder what people said, negatively about this book. You know the irony of like, what the, the ones that people that started for.
Starting point is 00:17:28 So like everybody five started, some people four started, so it gave an average of 4.7 or 4.8. Do you know what the, what the one thing was? No. This right here, cardio. Cardio. Oh, the people say things like,
Starting point is 00:17:38 oh, this was a phenomenal book. I love everything. I agree with most of it, you know, that would be like a four star. But, you know, I, there's something that I don't agree with in regards to cardio. It was cardio was like the one thing that people still can't hang on to, they cannot grasp that,
Starting point is 00:17:53 how could this be possible? Why would these fitness guys be recommending that as a, as a, the primary fat loss tools to be strength training and to ignore the cardio? It's a burden in the cultural. It is. I just thought it was so funny that like how many people were raving about the book and that's the one thing they just don't want to accept.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I just look, I want to be clear. Like if I could construct the perfect routine. It would include cardio. For the average person, it would have strength training as the foundation. You would have cardiovascular conditioning in there. You would have mobility and flexibility training. There would be a awareness practice, something like meditation or prayer or some kind of
Starting point is 00:18:30 a spiritual, you know, that makes you present. That would be in there as well. And then there would be like sleep and lifestyle. I mean, if I could construct something perfect, then that's, it would include all that stuff. But we got to stop preaching perfect because it doesn't exist. It just doesn't exist. So what we need to do is tell people, if you're gonna do one thing,
Starting point is 00:18:50 which is probably, which is, we're lucky if we get you to do one thing and maintain it, and your goal is to lose fat, reduce your risk of diabetes, reduce your risk of cancer, improve mobility, give you the best shot at longevity. Oh, and make you look good. And it feels like- It's like, wait, training you the best shot at longevity. Oh, and make you look good. And it feels like-
Starting point is 00:19:06 What supplements weight training the most? Mobility. Yeah. I would argue it's even more valuable in cardio. Oh, yeah. And so, and that's not even a thought anybody has. No. You know, and it's just one of those things, like, I think it's something about it being
Starting point is 00:19:19 mindless, you know, like the cardiovascular, we could just like get in the rhythm. Like I like that. I just like, like, it's a psychological thing. I think that is the draw for people. Well, I think there's the, there's a, there's a physical and visual thing that's going along with it too. I mean, if you eat less and go run your ass off every single day for two weeks, the scale will go down and you'll look smaller.
Starting point is 00:19:39 That's, you know, I'm saying so there is that that's the major disconnect. And that's why some people are so staunch about arguing this like, oh these guys don't know what they're talking about. I mean, I lost 15 pounds last month running like crazy every day. It's like, and so in their head, there's no way you're gonna convince them otherwise that this is a better strategy. Now what we know happened to that person who lost 15 pounds
Starting point is 00:20:00 by cutting calories and running every single day is they lost an 80% muscle and so they really didn't get any healthier. You know what I'm saying? All they did was more. And they lost a little bit of body, family also lost equal amount or more muscle. So you're not in a better place. You think you are,
Starting point is 00:20:13 because you went down a pant size, but you're not a healthier version yourself. You're arguably healthier when you were heavier. So it's like trying to convince that person that has felt that and physically seen that is probably one of the greatest challenges that we have. We're talking fat loss. We're talking fat loss, not weight.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Yeah, a big difference. Yeah, very big difference. Just wait. And muscle also, you don't want to just build muscle. You want healthy muscle. You know, what was illuminating was when we talked to Dr. Gabriel Lyon, she said, you know, we measure lean body mass, but we haven't had, we do now, but a lot of people don't have talked to Dr. Gabriel Lyon, she said, you know, we measure lean body mass, but we haven't had,
Starting point is 00:20:50 we do now, but a lot of people don't have access to them. We never really measured muscle quality. And she used this wonderful analogy. She said, look at a rib eye steak and look at a filet. That's a great visual. Yeah, like having fat within the muscle. And she says, now athletes will as well, but that's the access for energy. It's very different than a seditary muscle that's peppered with fat within it. A fit healthy muscle has less of that and it looks more like a filet. So now all of it measures a lean body mass. So that's the thing. So before with normal testing. So it's not just the amount of muscle you have, it's also the quality of muscle. And then that's a storage vessel for glycogen, which comes from carbohydrates and sugar, which, you know, look, everybody talks about insulin resistance and its effects
Starting point is 00:21:30 on health. You know, a significant, there's a significant percentage, it's not a majority, but it's a large enough percentage where it raises eyebrows. A significant percentage of people who develop type 2 diabetes are not overweight. They're not even overweight. They're like normal weight and yet they develop this issue that we attribute to obesity. And it's not obesity. It's sarcopenia. It's loss of muscle.
Starting point is 00:21:56 It's the muscle, the hormonal muscle, an organ of muscle is not healthy or you don't have enough of it. And this is what's causing a lot of those issues and then that causes issues with the rest of the body especially increasing cancer risk. You look at the cancer reduction risk of building muscle and it's profound. I think it's like 25% drop across the board just from building muscle and doing nothing else. Well, I'm so glad you brought up the point that like if I were to construct the perfect healthiest, fittest version of myself or my clients day or routine, of course, it would include all of these great practices. It would include cardio, it includes spiritual
Starting point is 00:22:34 gratitude or prayer, it would include, but you know, it's so funny. It's like the way I look at cardio is in that same realm of spirituality. It's not like somebody who was 200 pounds over white cane, you know, I say, you know what? Just go home and pray about it. You know what I'm saying? Let me get back to me in a month and see how that goes. That's where cardio gets in that journey for me. It's like, first, I'm going to tell the client the big rocks. Like, let's let's address building muscle, let's address bouncing out your nutrition. Then when we get those rocks in, it's like, hey, maybe we'll add a gratitude practice in there. Oh, maybe we'll add some cardio once or twice a week. And we'll start adding these other things
Starting point is 00:23:07 that is going to enhance your health, enhance your life, that have tremendous value. But there's an order of operation of what matters most in the pursuit of being a healthier version yourself. And cardio is not at the top of the list. You know what, another challenge with cardio for the average person is that they perceive it
Starting point is 00:23:24 as a simpler form of exercise because they go, well, I could just go run, like I could just go lace up my shoes, go outside and run or ride a bike, not realizing that those physical activities are skills. They'd never been taught how to run. Yeah, and if you haven't run a lot since you were 12, and now you're 35 or 40, and you decide you're gonna run to fatigue. First off, your technique's already off right off the gates because you never run. So you stop running when you're a kid, you don't run anymore.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Now you're going to go run and then you're going to run to fatigue. First your form's already off anyway, so stuff's going to start hurting and then you get fatigued and stuff gets even, your technique gets even worse. This is why the injury rates are so high. Knees goes, it goes to the head. Now, the beauty of strength training, although it seems more complex, now the truth is there's a lot more variety
Starting point is 00:24:11 with strength training. There's a million and one different ways to do different exercises. It's super adaptable. I think that's a strength of it, not its weakness. However, here's what I think is great about strength training. People typically, not always, right, because if they do a class like body pump or circuit
Starting point is 00:24:26 or whatever, but typically if they go to strength training the real way, like I'm going to go get stronger, there is an emphasis on technique. There is an emphasis on form. There's a right way to do it. Whereas with running, it's like, let's just go run till we're tired. All right, John, let's go. I'm going to go until we're totally tired. And then the injury risk goes to the roof.
Starting point is 00:24:43 So I think there's this misconception that it's this easier, safer, maybe way of working out. It's not running as a skill. You lose that skill. It's going to take a while to build it up. I used to tell my clients who decided that they wanted to train for endurance sports. And there was a place by my studio where there were running coaches there. And they would actually record you running, find the right shoe for you, and then running coaches there. And they would actually record you running, find the right shoe for you, and then they coach you. And I tell them, look, if you came to me and you said you wanted a compete in powerlifting,
Starting point is 00:25:11 and you've never lifted weights, I'd tell you, well, if we want a good chance at this, let's train for six months to a year first. I'm really gonna protect things, make sure you can actually squat and deadlift and press. So I told them, go hire a running coach and train with them until your running technique is so good that even when you get tired, your form isn't break down too much. It would take them a year to get to that point. And then they could run without developing issues. Otherwise, you're asking for trouble.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I think we just overcomplicate this. I think it's not. I mean, literally deadlift squat overhead press. I mean, you'm gonna make the big five, three. Go practice those three movements and start with a weight so light, you feel super safe and comfortable with it until you get the technique down. And then slowly add a little bit more weight and every time you show back up and do that, you do those three movements and you practice them in the gym
Starting point is 00:25:59 with a weight that you feel comfortable with doing that you won't hurt yourself and you slowly add weight every single time you come back to the gym because you get you build confidence in that movement. You're going to see profound changes to your body. Do that. Literally three times a week, practice those three moves. Or even how about this? You know, home gyms are getting more popular. Now, I know they take a couple out of space. Now, there's companies like PRX that literally design them. They have equipment designed specifically to use minimal space, like very minimal.
Starting point is 00:26:28 It folds into the wall, there's squat racks and all that stuff. It's pretty cool. I think the average person would benefit from doing like two exercises a day. Like go out to the room with the rack, get the barbell, three sets of this, three sets of that, done, and just do that every single day.
Starting point is 00:26:43 I think that would benefit the average person more than anything. I mean, 100%. I mean, I'll just take three days. I'll take three days. Three days are those three movements or you can divide it up over six days and do two and two. However you want to do it. But I just said there's a million different ways we can set it, put it all together.
Starting point is 00:27:01 And the problem with our spaces, we argue so much about like, who's more right about it? And we use these studies to try and prove our points. And it's like, meanwhile, we lose the masses of people that are so intimidated to start moving in the right direction because it seems so complicated. And who do I follow and whose programs to do this? And what diet should I do? It's like, dude, cut out processed foods, eat whole foods. Don't even worry about how much. Just eat whole foods. Literally just get rid of the process shit, see what happens there. Hey, do these three to four exercises, just practice them.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Don't worry about sets and reps and weight and how many days of this, just practice them, get good at them. And then once you get good at them and proficient at the movement, add a little bit of weight. Then after all the results that will come from that, the you eliminating processed foods and practicing those movements, because you're gonna get, I'm telling you right now,
Starting point is 00:27:47 for the next three to six months, you're gonna see results just from that. Then when those start to slow down, then go invest in a program. Now we don't need that. Then go look at your, find your favorite fitness person to tell you how to get more nuanced about everything.
Starting point is 00:27:59 But for right now, just doing that will make massive changes in 85% of the population. I know I know easily. Yeah, I know I love it. I love it. I think it's great. I think we're about to see mainstream start to adopt this Which is exciting to me. It's exciting because I remember as a trainer God Do you guys remember noticing this in jams when you when you first started? You go into and I look by the way. I'm gonna say this like straight up
Starting point is 00:28:23 I thought for a long time cardio was the best way to burn body fat. Okay, as a trainer. Like if you had asked me when I became a trainer at 18, probably till the age of 24, 25, okay, so for a while, you asked me, hey, I want to lose a lot of weight real fast. I only want to do one form exercise. What should I do? I probably would, probably cardio. You should strengthen training too to but probably cardio if you really want to lose body fat. But what I kept noticing in the gyms were my group acts instructors versus my female trainers
Starting point is 00:28:55 or my members that would come in regularly to hop on a treadmill and a bike versus my members that would go into the weight room, man and women. And they just, they look different. They look so different, like the people who strain train consistently, their bodies look different. They look leaner, they look healthier. It didn't look like it took as much work. My group X instructors, they would bust their asses, teaching class, I mean like hours of cardio day,
Starting point is 00:29:20 teaching classes and doing stuff, then I have my female trainers who lift weights once a day for an hour, and they just looked very different. Now I told you a story, I told you a story before, I had a trainer and a group ex-destructor both have a baby right at the same time. It was cool because they come in pregnant, you know, do the whole thing. Obviously a female trainer lifted, group ex-destructor, just a bunch of cardio. The recovery from the pregnancy with the trainer was insanely fast.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Like she came back and then the other, the group exercise instructor obviously did better than the average person. But I remember it took her a lot longer to come back and what it was, it was the muscle. It was the muscle. I was so misinformed as the trainer doing this. I mean, I remember I would put clients on a bike as hard as they could for seven minutes that I'd pick up the weights and do three exercises back then I put them back on the bike It's hard as they could for seven minutes and then I get them back
Starting point is 00:30:09 I mean that was like training cycles look like that. I was crazy. That's how I was training my clients all in this pursuit of burning calories Like crazy and I'm doing weights, right? So we're gonna build like so terrible But I see this all over Instagram still I mean it, it's still prevalent in our space. People that have massive followings showing these exercises where they're doing dumbbell, lunge, decarol, depress, and then doing jump rope in between or burpees in between. It's like, what are you doing? It's like, there's, and the irony is that the better, more effective way is actually less work. That's the irony of it. Maybe that's what makes it so hard to believe. It is. Maybe that's actually the week. It is because everything else in life, it's got to be harder than that. Everything else in life, the more you put in, the harder the work,
Starting point is 00:30:54 the better the return. Typically, right? Yeah. Oh, I mean, name something else like that's not like that. Yeah. I mean, if you work harder at school, you get better grades. You study more for the test, you do better on the test. You, you know, you practice the skill and a sport as much as you possibly can, you get better at, I mean, there's very few things where you're like, listen, it's actually like a sweet spot. You don't wanna overdo this. You wanna do just enough and you're gonna get more results.
Starting point is 00:31:18 And you can technically do too much. I guess chemistry. Yeah. Cool. A little too much to be able to do. I can't think of another really good example. You know what it reminds me of Adam is, you know, after I trained people for a while and I trained these really, really wealthy successful people, and they would be like, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:38 I remember one guy I trained, he's like, you could try making a lot of money per hour and work a lot of hours because you're not going to get wealthy like that. Very few people are wealthy making money try making a lot of money per hour and work a lot of hours because you're not gonna get wealthy like that It's very few people are wealthy making money making a lot per hour He goes the way you get wealthy is you take that money and you put it somewhere and it makes money for you That's how you get wealthy and I remember him making that big point and he remember he showed me on a On his he had a We had a calculator and he did the math. He's like, okay, fine You make this much per hour look how many hours you can work, would you work more hours?
Starting point is 00:32:05 Or I could take that money and he would show me compounding interest and stuff. This is when I was young and I kind of understood it and some of it went over my hand. I mean, that's a good example because I mean, that resonates with me because I remember being fixated on types of professions that would pay me more per hour or had a big salary and like, oh, I gotta get there.
Starting point is 00:32:23 I gotta get to the point where I'm making 100, 200, 300,000. I was so focused on that. And then I remember reading the book, millionaire next door and seeing the things that most millionaires had in common was not their profession. And in fact, things like teachers and engineers and these professions that aren't making millions a dollars a year were actually the most amount
Starting point is 00:32:41 of millionaires. So it had nothing to do with their salary every year. It was that they had the ability to live well below their means, use their extra income to invest it in things that had compounding interest and then made money while they slept. And they just did that for years over years over years that turned into decades,
Starting point is 00:32:59 and that all grew and grew and grew to the point where their passive income surpassed their income. Building muscle is your compounding interest. Yeah. 100%. It does the work for you when you have some more muscle and the beauty is you just got to get send the signal, feed the body properly and the body does the work for you.
Starting point is 00:33:16 It's actually what happens. Your body builds the muscle for you. You don't have to sit there and build it. You just send the signal and then when the muscle's there, it's like having money in a wonderful flexibility at your disposal. Yeah, you got compounding as you just you're not like, think you imagine you have this amazing account. You wake up in the morning, pull it up and like, oh, I made another five grand, just going
Starting point is 00:33:34 to sleep. That's what happens when you have more muscle. You literally just, oh, I woke up. I burned more calories than I did last week because I got a little bit more muscle. Oh, my insulin sensitivity is better because I built a little more muscle. I mean, it's pretty awesome. So this is a little a bit off the subject, my insulin sensitivity's better because I built a little more muscle. I mean, it's pretty awesome. So this is a little bit off the subject,
Starting point is 00:33:48 but I wanted to talk to you guys, because I came up in my feed today, and I don't think I've actually seen somebody do this before. Now, we've talked about grounding, right? And the benefits of it. And I think we communicated different than I've seen some people communicate it, right? And I-
Starting point is 00:34:01 I love this topic. And I like, and here, my- I'm a less woo-woo wave looking at it. Oh, very much so love, right? So I mean, those that don to get it, right? And I love this topic. And I like, and here, my less woo, woo, wave looking at it. A very much so lot, right? So I mean, those that don't know it, you have more nerve endings in your feet than anywhere else. There's like over 7,000 in your feet, right? There's a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:34:14 I think your hands, I think your genitals have more, but your feet are up. I don't think so. I think the feet are the highest. Really? Yeah, yeah. Maybe in density, but they're up there. Right. So, I mean, there's just a ton, right?
Starting point is 00:34:24 So there is a lot going on neurologically, right? In that area. And yet we put these cast on our feet, 90% of the time, right? And we do it from birth. So I mean, just common sense tells me that that's probably not the most ideal thing or the natural or the best way for the all those nerves to get stimulated. And so I can see the benefits of taking my shoes off walking around. You're right. There's even even density. There are more nerve endings like you're sitting again. I don't think it's dug heard you. Density. No, right. You're going to put it on his ringtone. Oh, you're right. Oh, you're right. Oh, so I mean, my point though, right, is obviously that, I mean, Common Sense tells me that there's gonna be tremendous value in connecting and moving and doing that
Starting point is 00:35:10 and it's just hard to do that in these big, casty shoes that we have. So, but then there's the woo-woo side that likes to talk about the energy that is traveling. When they show the electron, Trump. Yes, and I saw somebody do this. I'd never seen this before till literally today. It came in my feed.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I've heard people say this stuff, and I actually never see someone like you try and use like the measuring of this. So if you have your shoes on, and you grab one of those, you know, electric, whatever I forget they're called, the things that measure the electricity passing from negative to positive,
Starting point is 00:35:39 those the red and the black wires or whatever, you can put one in the ground, and then you hold one on your fingertips, and then you have shoes on, you get like 1.2 reading or something like that. You get off your shoes and you step on the ground also it goes to 50. So like 50 acts of the electricity
Starting point is 00:35:56 is traveling through your body of gravity. Well you're more conductive for sure. I mean, yeah. What they're doing is this is what's annoying is that sometimes what we do is we notice a benefit of something And then we try to find the most We exaggerated. Yeah, the most weird like you know I mean, I don't think it's I don't think it's the most weird so I think I think they people try I think we're all guilty of this
Starting point is 00:36:19 I think even the answer the answer is simple is what I'm trying to say. It's not as complicated and it's, you know, like, oh, these are the questions. I mean, maybe it is. Maybe it is. Like, I know where you're going, like, sometimes the simplest answer is the correct answer. But we also, there's so many unknowns. Like, we act like we know everything about the brain
Starting point is 00:36:37 and the metabolism, and we know hardly anything about those things. But we act as if we know everything. It's like, it's somewhere in that vein, there was like this man made, well, all the pyramids are man made, but there was like a recent one that was made that was really tall. I believe it was in Russia, but planes would fly over it and they would measure the energy like emitted and it was substantially high.
Starting point is 00:37:00 And so then you walk into, they do the same thing where they like measure the the electronic like frequency and it was like through the roof. So there's a weird thing of like conductivity for sure, but like yes, there's definitely some people exaggerated all the time. I agree there's something there because it's been there forever. Yeah. If something's there forever, then there's going to be a co-evolution relationship. Sure. Just a period in a story. Okay, so, but here's why I don't like this, Adam, because so what they do is they say that and Doug brought it up, being barefoot can help your body absorb Earth's electrons,
Starting point is 00:37:33 and then that's what offers health benefits. Okay, so then what happens is these biohackers, or these, you know, hucksters online who want to sell stuff, sell you a grounding mat. So now instead of going outside and walking barefoot on the grass, put your feet on this mat that's going to do this electron transfer. So they have like a reflective mirror when they butt hole son. Is that? No, that's the worst one.
Starting point is 00:37:57 That's a new one to sell. That's a worse one. But it's like, oh, oh, cool. You don't need to go outside and put your feet in the dirt, because it's dirty. Just put your feet on this grounding mat and you'll get the same benefits. No, you're not. It's what you said at all. If you don't think, first of all, a large percentage of brain is dedicated to connecting to your body. You're logically. Just period. If something's underdeveloped,
Starting point is 00:38:22 that means your neurodevelopment is underdeveloped. If you're always in shoes and socks all the time, all the time, all the time, imagine if you wore gloves, it's often as you wore gloves. Well, anybody who's had a cast knows this. If you've ever had a cast on your arm or even in a sling for a long period of time, and then you take it out. Or even an example of your arm falling asleep because you left it in a position like, what that is is like your your body
Starting point is 00:38:46 It stops sitting this this connection over there and then that period of time to get yeah, it stops It if you don't use it you lose it right so if you put your feet in a cast like that your your brain goes it Reprioritizes that energy somewhere else. It's like oh, we're not really gonna need all these all this energy going down to these 7,000 nerves We'll send it to other places The body like to think that that's not healthy and beneficial to Reengage that and get them working and get them firing. It's just common sense in my how many people would survive today If they had to go barefoot and walk around in the woods or in nature
Starting point is 00:39:19 Nobody I would be destroyed. Oh, I would be destroyed. So that's people yelling. So that's a big part of the brain That's that's not developed. It's crazy how backwards we are cultured that I mean I remember the abuse I had took from my family over not letting my son wear shoes. I know. Oh my God Everybody just and still this day like He I love that I did it so consistently with him and that he loves to take a shoes off like I don't give a shit Where were I he wants to take a shoes off? He's I always say any time you want to take your shoes off daddy says it's okay And you can tell someone except for the bathroom I hold him when we do those
Starting point is 00:39:59 No, I mean, I just I love that he wants to do. And I love that it doesn't bother him to walk over gravel and it doesn't at all because he's been trained that way his whole life. And I can see how stable he is. Well, this is how interesting it is, right? Because it's all, your body is an extension in essence of your brain, right? And it's like, you guys have read about phantom limb syndrome,
Starting point is 00:40:22 how weird that is. Somebody will lose a limb But because their brain for whatever reason perceives the limb to still be there the person will feel Like they have an arm so their arm is gone, but they feel like they have a real pain And it's and it's in the case and there's nothing they could do about pain medicine doesn't work nothing works And then a scientist years ago figured out a mirror box Tricks the brain into so what they'll do is they'll put their stump or whatever in the mirror box Look at their opposite arm and then visualize that if there are and then they can
Starting point is 00:40:51 They can almost confuse their brain into thinking it's extending and relaxing the arm and the pain will go away But I mean how trippy right? So here you are again. I'll use this example Imagine if you wore gloves as much as you wore shoes for as long as you wore shoes. So since you could walk, right? So imagine if, since you could walk 90% of time you had gloves on. How much less versatile and nimble and accurate
Starting point is 00:41:16 with your hands, big. Just people are like blunt objects, right? You wouldn't be a... Imagine manipulating things and touching things, how weird it would feel and hands and over slapping everything. Over stimulation or under stimulation, or you just, you just, you just,
Starting point is 00:41:29 you guys, did you guys see the video? I sent you guys in the thread of the girl who was drawing with all four. I did see that. It was, it's so mind-blowing. I wanted to like, search to see. Like, I like, like, beautiful portraits of famous people.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Bro, go to our group thread. It's in there. I said to our group thread, like, just like last week I sent it, so it'll be a waste. I mean, I've seen somebody that was really artistic. They're both arms at the same time. She is sitting with this. There's three pieces of paper in front of her.
Starting point is 00:41:58 There's three or four pieces of under on, and she's on a clear desk, and she's drawing with her feet and both her hands at the same time. And it has her brain even worked like that. Just trained it that way. I mean, it has to be one of the craziest things I have ever seen. And I was like, is there a way this is CGI or fake because that's, that has to be one of the most crazy talented things.
Starting point is 00:42:19 It's so, it's so, it's so interesting to me and fat, the human body is so fascinating because it's just, we think of develop, we're just talking right now about building muscle and building the body. But we don't realize is your building central nervous system just as much, if not more. All the skills you learn, all the ways to move. Yeah. That's your CNS and your CNS will adapt just like your body. So if you lose contractal tissue, if you lose the, you know, if you stop testing your nerves and how they perceive things, if you stop allowing your body to be in cold
Starting point is 00:42:53 or hot temperatures, then what happens is that your brain's connection to those things also reduces, starts to adapt, it starts to prune those things off, just like you'll lose muscle if you don't, if you don't move or don't exercise. Bro, it is real. I just sent you Doug right now to our group thread and put it up so Justin can see it on this video. It's pretty wild. It is, this is crazy wild.
Starting point is 00:43:13 It's crazy what people are capable of. I don't know if I'm just like the only one who's like so sad. No, I sadful by this. Oh, I thought it was totally geek out on stuff like this. Like superhuman ability. I mean, and it's not like she, like I would it was totally geek out on stuff like this like super human ability I mean, and it's not like she like I would be impressed if she drew circles, you know Yeah, just be able to do it. Yeah, just to make four circles look she draws like beautiful portraits She's not even looking at
Starting point is 00:43:38 One in particular like you seen this before Doug. I did I did see it I think it was somebody else I saw but I I haven't seen this particular one, no. Yeah, this is the one I sent you. Yeah, Lewis. Yeah. What? Yeah, she's doing eight. She's doing eight.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Oh, like, by the way, it's not like just a stupid little cartoon picture. Like it's like, no, the YouTube channel, the YouTube portrait. We're going to see this. Those are unbelievable portraits. Yeah, it's crazy. That she drew this.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Who, how many people can do this? She's got to be like one of the only ones. Is that not, I didn't realize there was eight. This is like eight. Eight. Of course, it's a, it's a woman. There's no way a dude could multitask like this. No way. It's possible. Yeah. Never watch your wife do. We're gonna like to look at the acts. I mean, and they're really really good Portrait Elvis Merlin Monroe. I don't know the other two guys Einstein Einstein. That's that one dude That doesn't want to be Instagram guy. Yeah, look how good those are I know who he he mocks It was like yeah, isn't that in that wild. Yeah, I don't know how that I think I think that one video doesn't even have that many views I think some of you like thousands of views. I don't know how that, I think that one video doesn't even have that many views. I think some of you got like thousands of views.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I thought for sure that thing. She's like washing. She's like cooking dinner with this foot. Yeah. Cool huh. Yeah, top stuff over here. I mean, but really, through the other thing, I'm obviously going to bring that up.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Just highlights the ability that your feet have. Potential right? Yeah, I mean that, to be able to do that is, I mean, the dexterity that you need, the control, the mind, every that. I mean, that you to be able to do that is I mean the dexterity that you need the control the mind Ever that I mean that's and then you know what's even crazier about this. This is what sad is that we're so We're a tale to Really maximize
Starting point is 00:45:17 I'm just saying You got some mouth to everything. You guys stop watching weird shit. Oh, man. I'm just, I'm not, imagine what she can do with that too. It's so unbelievable. It wouldn't, you know, be a far fetch for me. That's all I know.
Starting point is 00:45:31 I know, that's so. Somebody better have swooped her up, right? No, no. She's, yeah, exactly. She's, she's talented. You want to, you want to go, you want to go? My busy right now, honey, I'm doing so much. Well, you got your feet.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Hey, those of us, hey, those, the listeners in our hard core have been listening for a long time. Remember the story I told a long time. Oh, the story I told a long time. I something like that. You got your feet. Those of us, the listeners in our hard core, have been listening for a long time. Remember the story I told a long time. I told a long time. I gotta bring that shit up no more. That's like, that's old. You gotta go back and talk. It's an old point.
Starting point is 00:45:52 And I'll get for somebody who's who listen for a long time. Don't point people backwards. Please don't do that. Anyway. Super. Well, now that we're talking about weird stuff, did you know that there's a, a what would you what would alternative medicine? There's an alternative medicine
Starting point is 00:46:10 practice Called uro therapy. Have you ever this uro therapy? You are oh Therapy Uranus. I was like the only didn't you're up. No. No. No. It's a I'm gonna read this to you guys because it's You wrote like like a urologist. Let me just read this to your people. In 1945, I don't know, hold on. In 1945, John W. Armstrong, a British naturopath, published a popular book about the alleged
Starting point is 00:46:39 curative power of drinking one's own urine. Okay. The book, The Water of Life, HVT Sun, Urine Therapy, claims that urine can cure all major illnesses. Now, here's what's, here's why I brought this up. Okay, I'm on Instagram and we're, I'm looking for Facebook, I think it was looking for
Starting point is 00:46:59 topics to bring out. We know it groups here. You're fast. That's the thing. I know what just happened. It's clear and data what you follow. Okay, I try to make the case. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Listen to me guys. You guys might do a custombal to cross. And it was totally randomly. On health benefits. You guys know I was bringing breakthrough stuff to the plot? No, no, I was on Facebook and there was a podcast. It was like a health podcast. And you mean a guy who's apparently an expert on this.
Starting point is 00:47:26 And you just have to have amazing experience for his health. I'm like, there's no way. There's no way. So I googled it and there's groups of people that do it. Not only do it, but claim that it's like, it's like cleared their skin up. And it's so yeah, dude. Yeah, but it's terrible for their breath.
Starting point is 00:47:44 I don't, this is, I didn't even know this existed. So I, I saw, I remember, I, you know what, even if there are benefits. What was come our girls show? That was Bear Girls. That was Bear Girls. Man versus Wild Skin. Bear Girls did the,
Starting point is 00:47:56 all those memes, better drink. He's always drinking piss. Yeah, yeah. I mean, he shows that is like, when you, if you were out of water, you know, the next one I was gonna say, you pee and drink, because at least hydrate yourself a little bit,
Starting point is 00:48:07 like that would be. Well, there is that. The only time I think I would potentially do that. Right. There is that, is it true that if you get stung by jellyfish and you pee on it, that that's what you need to do? Or is it just water? No, I think that's true.
Starting point is 00:48:19 I think that is true. But what is it about the pee then? Some, I don't know if it's an ammonia thing or something in your He that Helps to kind of counter the pH somehow okay, so it's a real like that. It's a real thing then yeah But but again, that's one of those things like did somebody just pee on somebody and figure that out
Starting point is 00:48:38 So so what what's the what is the science to support? There is no science come on is no science. Come on. There's gotta be something to get a whole group of people to do. No, there's no science, dude. You know, and I, there's very closely related to like, breath of terians and like, fruit of terians.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Like, flatterers. Just like, really bizarre, like, greener people. Unfortunately, the real world treating a jellyfish sting by a urinary anime and it actually caused someone in what? Monica situation, even more pain rather than relief You're and can actually aggravate the jellyfish is to release more venom. This cure is indeed fiction
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yeah, I've also heard about yeah, deep bunk. You're wise to be piss you've been pissing on It's not working just like Water How do I get stung by jellyfish at home? Where the hell did that come from then? Who started that? That's what I'm saying. I try to convince Katrina that she's done by B.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Trust me, this will work. We're from jellyfish. What's that? There's also. Check that out on duck.go. I don't trust Google. There's, I know. You know what?
Starting point is 00:49:43 The elites don't want us to know that. They don't want us to know that we can they don't want us to You are all for everything there was there was also I also heard this is an old Like this might even be I maybe you guys heard it because especially you just because you play football that if you have athletes Foot-ping on it was supposed to help did you ever hear that I mean? No, okay I've heard that one who. Yeah. I've heard that one. Who sold you that one? I heard that.
Starting point is 00:50:08 God, why did I hear that one? That's how that go to your buddies pull the prank on you. Yeah, that's it. Oh, I know how to fix this buddy. Let's still. Hey, I just put that cream on it, man. Oh, you got to shower me too. By the way, it looks like you got some around.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Oh, that's the worst, because I mean, they would do laundry for us. And so you put like, you know, your undergarments, everything like all this one clip. And then, wash it up, like everybody got like athletes foot, jockey, and I was like, I'm never doing laundry with all you guys, ever again. Disclusting.
Starting point is 00:50:41 So bad. Yeah, when you shower in public showers or you got to wear sandals, you always got to. You got to. You know what else I learned too? I had a doctor tell me this. I was talking, I had a doctor client and I was, you know, we were laughing and I said,
Starting point is 00:50:55 why is it that old guys in the locker room always put everything on before they're underwear? Like put the socks on whatever and he looks at me very seriously goes, always put your socks on before you underwear. I said, why? He goes, if you're in the locker room and you pick up any fungus on your feet and then you put on your underwear then it'll get on your underwear and then you can get an infection on your like, jock itcha whatever. Wow. Yeah. So he said, oh, I still get it. Old wisdom right there.
Starting point is 00:51:18 I swear, but I'm not going to question old guys anymore. Ever. I feel like you know every. So we gotta use the hair dryer for the balls. There's gotta be some science behind that too. I'm just gonna have to be. I'm just gonna fall soon. I don't know what it is, but starting Tuesday, I think this just feels good. So by the way, so urine does not help with jellyfish, even on duck duck go, okay. But athletes foot, yes, because urine contains uhea, which is good for fungus. Well, there you go.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Fuckers. Wow. They can put a huge amount of peon athletes. Look at that. I got you back. One more. I got you. I got you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Boom. Interesting. I just learned something today, you guys. Yeah, I didn't know that. So it's full of wisdom. I had to ask you. Let's put it on the younger two. We should put a pistol on it.
Starting point is 00:52:03 You only had it once. Yeah. I only got it one time. Really? I used to get it all the time. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you know, like a bunch of dirty basketballs. Really? I don't want to say that again.
Starting point is 00:52:11 I don't want to say that again. Did you wear cleats? That's probably you. You're in the locker room, dude. Yeah, like how do you do? I think my mind came from playing basketball and staying in those socks like all day. And the you have to have the fungus. Yeah, I would just change it once I got to the point where I
Starting point is 00:52:26 changed my mind was the angles of the move. I think I got a lot mine because I did a judo a lot as a kid. And so you're barefoot on the mats constantly barefoot barefoot training because you don't wear shoes in judo. So that might have been right. Yeah, so we get like staffs a real problem with that too, right? Like yeah, if you get that in any kind of open cut or something. Dude, I knew it was done.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Is it ringworm popular too? Like Jiu Jitsu is not popular. Nobody likes it. But I mean, it's not like popular. That like it's common. Oh, look it's here. Everywhere. No, everybody, no, that's common.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Yeah, but it's another fungal infection. You just put some tissue on that too. I mean, I guess you could have. It mean I guess you Have any has any any try it Wow stop. Yeah, you got my right. Is it psoriasis the type of fungus could be I think it is Get to try him. He's trying to get us to Not again. I'll ask my wife before you guys No, it's a
Starting point is 00:53:22 Anyway, this changes subject Thanks, it's a, anyway, this changes subject. Thanks, Beth. He's been a skinned, you have a hair, a commercial face. I'm done. He's a great transition. Wow. I gotta ask you, you're doing the beard oil.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Yeah, yeah. What do you think of it? I like it. I really do like it. What I don't know is I don't know how different it is from the serum. They feel close. They're not quite the same.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I haven't put my finger on exactly what is it. Maybe I can look up there. Yeah, I looked them up. For example, the good serum has very different ingredients. Oh, it does. Probably is a good for tiny beer skin. I'm sure the beard is basically just for healthy shiny beard And then the one that was skin probably has stuff that is supposed to be beneficial for my skin I believe the beard oil since it does get on your skin is also designed to help the skin as well Yeah, I figured it would be okay for it. Obviously it would be silly.
Starting point is 00:54:05 So you notice the difference when you put it on your beard? Yeah, it's shinier and it keeps it like so I get like the kind of the wild stuff. Yeah, the wizard hairs are just good for the world. Yeah, we mess like we didn't see Vicky. That one's sick to speak. That one fitness influencer friend we have with his beard itself. The owl. Shave it off, buddy.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Yeah, just stop. Yeah, he's on face. It doesn't look good. She even off my So according to this the beard oil is Formulated to help the skin so most beard oils are designed to just the beard treat the beard only and this is you know Itchiness dry skin things like that. That's what it's designed to connect to you guys. Oh, it is help with it You just dry skin, yeah, so I so I just because beard, it wasn't because I was told or I read anything, but it feels good on my psoriasis. So I've always, because I have that on my,
Starting point is 00:54:50 on my side, on top of my head. So whenever I put on a beard, I always rub it in. By the way, are you noticing improvements in starting since you're sure to take it vitamin D? Yeah. God damn it. Yeah, I don't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:01 I'm about to throw how many years now? He, no, you know what happened. Yeah, but no. So he, so here's what happened. No, you know what happened. Yeah, but no. So here's what happened. I'll tell everybody what happened. Yeah, because I called that. He eliminated, yeah, he called me. He eliminated his food intolerances,
Starting point is 00:55:11 which is supposed to help autoimmune issues. And his autoimmune issues, we're getting worse and worse and worse, couldn't figure out what was going on. So he sent me a text, he's like, what the, he was all pissed off. I'm like, are you still thinking about him in D? No. Oh shit, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:23 So, and he did, and now you notice right away. Yeah, yeah. Ah, yeah. You know what it is bro, is that because of your Hispanic background, like I'm dark skinned too, we, unless we're in the sun all day, we're gonna be low on vitamin D. I mean, I think that, I've told you that before
Starting point is 00:55:39 that I speculated on, and that's actually when I noticed where I was just happening. It wasn't until I transitioned in my mid 20s and that actually was about four or five years of working under fluorescent lights all day long. I was all through childhood, even in high school and junior college. I was like an outdoor. I worked out. I worked on a farm constantly.
Starting point is 00:55:58 I was always outside wakeboarding, snow, I lived on a lake. Like, I mean, I was dark, dark all the time. And then all of a sudden I get into a profession where I'm in. That's dude, my dad. My dad got his, my dad was, he's getting, he's already got arthritis throughout his whole body. So he thought it was just progressing.
Starting point is 00:56:13 He was getting all these aches and pains and low energy and all that stuff. Now my dad's always outside. He's outside, you know what I've shown you guys videos in my parents' backyard. He looks like it. It's a guard, right? He's out there constantly.
Starting point is 00:56:24 He's always doing things outside, it's lots of sun. He did not think his vitamin D was an issue. Anyway, he couldn't figure out what was going on. Doctors like, let's just test it, see what's low. And it's because, especially if you have dark skin, you don't convert vitamin D from the sun very well. Your body, our bodies basically came from a higher volume of it, right?
Starting point is 00:56:43 A pair of someone like Justin, who just in a dog walk by the window and they got vitamin D for a month. Yeah, you and I, I know. I know, I think, I mean, I remember when with the first time I tested, I was taking vitamin, I was taking 5,000, I use a day and I still was, I was still really low.
Starting point is 00:56:58 So are you going 10 right now? Yeah, I take 10,000. So, and I, you know, it took three days for me to notice a difference. Wow. My psoriasis was gotten, how fresh of an anus is for me, right? The whole reason why I'm even doing the protocol.
Starting point is 00:57:11 It's primarily for the psoriasis. For you to call me at night. Oh, I was stupid. So, plus it's not like I don't go try to do my own digging myself first, right? So it's not like I just default my, oh, tell us if Dr. Sal can tell me. I'm like, I've tried to like figure it out,
Starting point is 00:57:23 troubleshooting all the things, manipulating all the controls. And I'm like, I've tried to like figure it out, troubleshooting all the things, manipulating all the controls, and I'm like, what the fuck is this? Like, I'm tighter on my diet than what I was before. I've eliminated this dairy completely. I found any of the little places where I thought I didn't realize I had, and so that was all done. And I'm like, and my psoriasis is the worst, it's ever been.
Starting point is 00:57:40 And then I'm like, and of course, I'm not on my vitamin D. You said, other thing, this morning you did a thymus and alpha for immune system for your cold. Are you noticing anything yet? It's hard to say because you also give me the suit if that. Okay. Your suit if that helps. I want to see how you feel tomorrow. Yeah, I mean, I'll tell you. Because I had a mild cold last last week. And then I got the thymus and alpha and I did a bowl of stuff it. So like I gave you and a significant got the thymus and alpha and I did a bowl of stuff it so like I gave you and
Starting point is 00:58:09 a significant difference the next day. Yeah, I'll report back tomorrow. Okay. I mean, I, I, mean, it's hard to say right now because I feel better than I did when I first got here for sure, but it's hard to say if that's from the suit. Hey, I gotta bring one other thing up. Did you see the UFC's new partnership? Did you see it? Oh, yeah. Bud Light. Bud Light. Bud Light. One of the biggest contracts they've had right? Interesting. Hey, that's a smart Interesting. That's a smart move. That's a smart move. That is Bud Light trying to counter correct. Very hard trying to steer in the other direction. How do we get back these people that we lost? Yeah. Let's go sign a contract with mixed martial arts
Starting point is 00:58:39 organization. Do you think it's going to work? I don't know. That's interesting. That's interesting. It might... I kind of hope it does for them. I don't know, just like, depending on, I mean, I don't know, dude. Like you make a mistake and you come back and you recognize your mistake and you just try to do your best. It's all about the consumer.
Starting point is 00:58:58 As long as they're trying to actively win their customer base back. I think, you know, I mean, that's admirable. I'm rooting for him. Yeah, you know, that's a good question, right? So like, people are one of the things that, probably one of the things that I think that people comment about us and our business and the way we operate,
Starting point is 00:59:21 is the authenticity of it. Staying true to ourselves, right? There's plenty of things that we could do to make more money or try to appeal to a demographic of our customers or like, we just have agreed that we would stay true from the very beginning. The things that fulfill us, the things that we would like to do, our beliefs, our values, like,
Starting point is 00:59:41 and if we don't get paid more because of it, then so be it we'll find another way to make my soul worth it right. So you know when a company makes a really bad mistake that way pandering I'm not a big fan and just because they go bankrupt that just to me that just shows how it like it's it means nothing. It was deliberate. But that's it. It's not endearing. It's not like but that's if you think it always it always meant so I didn't mean anything Anyway, like these companies. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, they're just gonna follow the consumer. I mean look you see these these cut these companies and how they
Starting point is 01:00:13 Virtue signal you ever seen the ads. Yeah, but even more ever seen the ads by the way during a pride month on like car companies and then watch their ads in the least Very different. I know it's that's yeah, so it's, they're, yes, they're just trying to attract. Yeah, but you know what, but we, this has only happened in the last, in our lifetime, right? Or even the last like, say, 20 years, that big companies are, are, are, are outward speaking about politics. They used to be a thing that you just stay away from.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Like, why would you alienate a percentage of your, of your audience? That's kind of stupid. It's not smart to do. Yeah, same thing sports has done the same thing. I you alienate a percentage of your audience? That's kind of stupid. It's not smart. It's like, yeah, same thing. Sports has done the same thing. I'm just not a fan of that. Like, what?
Starting point is 01:00:50 I wasn't really a Michael Jordan fan growing up. Like, I was, I was, I was not, I was more of a magic Johnson fan, right? So I wasn't a Michael Jordan fan. But one of my, one of the things I loved about Michael Jordan was that everybody wanted his opinion on where he's, and he always stayed out of politics. Basketball is my game, but that's where I spend all of my time in like, and he would just avoid getting involved in that.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Like, I just appreciate that. It's like, we, everybody watches him not for that, and I can't stand how someone like LeBron James, and this movement now of like, oh, you have this platform, therefore you should have to say something about something. Like, no, you shouldn't. If you're not really educated on it,
Starting point is 01:01:28 and it's not something you do, you're very passionate about, then stay the fuck out of it. Why should you go in that direction? I'm just not a fan of that. And I feel like if you have it, if you have it, if you have it in the same way. If you have an opinion, you're passionate, that's fine. But it's, it's obviously fake, you know, half the time.
Starting point is 01:01:40 But I mean, these are companies, big companies, Bud Light, you know, and Heiser Bush, they employ a lot of people. And I think this, look, I, it's the, it's the, it's the message is being sent and that consumers are saying, we don't want this, we want this, you went too far, you're not going far enough, whatever. And the market will fall. And that's what the market does. Whenever people get mad at the market, whenever people get mad at companies or products or media, you have to realize one thing, you're looking in the mirror. It's reflecting the consumer. So as mad as you get, when I go to the grocery store
Starting point is 01:02:14 and I see a bunch of crap advertised to my kids to eat, and I'm in the health and fitness space, I'm not buying it, but a lot of people are. So it's like this is just reflecting the consumer. If the consumer stopped buying the stuff, it wouldn't exist. Well, that's why I think it buying it, but a lot of people are. So it's like this is just reflecting the consumer. If the consumer stopped buying the stuff that wouldn't exist. Well, that's why I think it shows it worked. Yeah. The consumer response worked.
Starting point is 01:02:31 That's right. And I think that's always a good thing to recognize is that we vote best through our dollars and everything that's going on in the world and politics. We really have no control over most of that, but what we do have control of is like our purchasing. Well, that's the part I think I'm, I'm most happy about is less about Bud Light and more about the consumer who actually discipline themselves not to go with their dollars there. Even if maybe you love the way Bud Light tasted, you said, hey, I'm not a fan of them taking
Starting point is 01:02:58 a stand or getting political, therefore, even though I enjoy Bud Light, I mean, I did the same thing with the NBA. I didn't watch the NBA for a year. Yeah. I mean, that was hard for me to do. You guys know how much I love basketball? I love basketball. I watch preseason, that's how much I love basketball. Watch every game the warriors do.
Starting point is 01:03:11 But I- You're under pickleball. Huh? Yes, I'm watching. But I mean, I didn't like that they were getting so political what two was the two years or now three years ago it was. And so I stopped watching.
Starting point is 01:03:22 That was the only, that was the way I would protest, right? It's like, okay, I'm not going to, you're not going to get my viewership, which will hopefully affect viewership, which will hopefully affect advertising dollars. And I'm also not going to get big star and then Instagram post and make a bunch of anti-shit. It's just like, I'm not going to vote with my dollar. It's all I'm going to do. Although it is coming from the top down in some some ways right with what is it called? SG and you know, yes, she's sorry. Yes, G and other stuff So yeah, but I mean consumer still has a power. So I got a I got a shout out for everybody. Oh chair This is a not gonna learn any other fitness like that, but if you like weird stuff if you like learning about Conspiracy theories. Oh, yes. This is definitely a page that Justin follows.
Starting point is 01:04:06 I know I follow it. It's called morbid curiosity. It's on Instagram. And it's got weird scary shit. Some of it's true, some of it questionable, but it's all weird and a lot. It's called morbid what? Curiosity with a K, that looks better.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Morbid curiosity. It's not an Instagram, no, follow them. Yes you do. I guarantee you shared stuff on that. Okay, you put it on Instagram. More be curious. It's not Instagram, you two follow them. Yes, you do. I'm going to tell you. I guarantee you shared stuff on that. Okay, you put it on Instagram. Instagram. Yeah, check it out.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Yeah. Organify is a company that makes supplements or organic that help you with wellness, health and performance. They have a new product. In fact, I love it. It's called Organify's Shilajit gummies. This has real shilajit inside them, but they taste delicious. Lots of health benefits from boosting testosterone, balancing hormones, reducing inflammation
Starting point is 01:04:51 and helping with cognitive performance. They have lots of other products as well. Go check them out. Go to Organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com forward slash Mind Pump, musicaled Mind Pump, and get 20% off. All right, back to the show. Our first caller is Steve from the Netherlands. Steve, what's up, man? How can we help you? Hey, guys, oh my God, I can't believe it's you guys. Hey, what's happening? How's it going to be? I've been listening to you guys like since we caught times. Wow. You're good old days.
Starting point is 01:05:24 And, uh, Jesus, it's crazy to see you guys here. So, uh, yeah, obviously got to thank you guys. Gonna keep that part short, because I know your time is valuable, but like you guys have helped me through so many things, uh, over the years, and, uh, also mentally now, because this thing is about burnout, and I'm about to ask you, and I've been actually listening to you guys more for the fun of it than actually, you know, like getting towards a workout,
Starting point is 01:05:50 and now it's sound for me to get back into it, and that's kind of what my questions are going to be about. So, a little background information for me. So, I've been listening for about 12 years, kind of shifting between hypertrophy and strength. Obviously, the first three years, we're just screwing around with dumbbells and whatnot and just doing whatever, but getting continuously better with the help of you guys as well. In the meantime, the last three years, I've worked as a group instructor and a manager for a gym that did reformer and boxing classes. So yeah, obviously knowing that wasn't the most optimal way for people to kind of like
Starting point is 01:06:35 get build muscle and stuff like that, it was still a great way for people to stay fit, including myself. But after that, yeah, I got into a burnout, a really, really severe one. Also, a little piece of side information, when I was 21, I spontaneously contracted a hernia on the left side. So I walked with a limp for about a year or so. So from that came that my left side actually got weaker and remained weaker than my right side. This is also just due to ignorance and not wanting to let go of my compound lifts and just kind of working through it. But it's been also, you know, gave me some, what do you call it, injuries over time, which I also have to really consider now. And yeah, and I've been dealing with like inflammation on the right shoulder and just in general, like my, my right shoulder is just inflamed and it just doesn't feel right.
Starting point is 01:07:47 My left shoulder is a lot more mobile, my right shoulder is always super tight, which I notice a lot during the bench press. So yeah, that's kind of like the background information. And the question would be, first of all, considering the information that you guys have And the question would be, first of all, considering the information that you guys have, and knowing that I've been burned out for about like, I'd say it's been about a year ago, so I've been slowly gradually working my way to the gym again to just start, you know, to just kind of work out for a little bit. But like, how do I go from here? What's your advice on that? Like, how do I go from here? What you're yeah, what's your what your advice on that like how do I how do I get back into it?
Starting point is 01:08:26 And not only back into it, but like better than ever, you know working out those that shoulder working out that Yeah, the instability in my body and also the mental aspect of getting back into it Yeah, we have to deal with the burnout first So I need more details on that when you say burn burnout, what are the signs and symptoms of that? Yeah, so, well, it was severe in a way that the first three months for me were just kind of like disassociated from life. I was working through a burnout for already half a year Like that's what my doctor told me Considering the symptoms that I had been having which were like severe fatigue and that kind of stuff so but it happened in November
Starting point is 01:09:17 Yeah, actually literally a year ago. That's when I called in sick and and that's one the the burnout was really a, became a thing. And yeah, in that period of time, it was nearly impossible for me to even get out of bed. You know, it was pretty crazy. And I had to work through a lot of psychological stuff, which I have been doing. So I feel, I feel a million times better than I did at that point. The biggest, I think the biggest challenge for me right now is my physical shape because yeah, you know, like for a year to not have properly worked out, to have been very sedentary
Starting point is 01:10:00 to, you know, like, have gone also through a lot of mental stress, which is obviously also causing a lot of damage to the body or, you know, needs more recovery. So I just notice, like, I'm super out of shape, which is really kind of messing with how I used to think and how I used to be. And this is kind of why I'm at a loss because I feel like I want to just kind of jump right back into it, but I also kind of feel like that's not the way to go. Yeah, no, I wouldn't do that but what contribute because you're saying. It sounded like you got into some pretty deep depression, maybe some anxiety. What contributed to that? I'm going to guess you just worked out a lot, maybe didn't get good sleep.
Starting point is 01:10:43 But there are other life stressors happening at the time, like what were the factors that you've identified that contributed to the shutdown of your body? Right, okay, so that would be just like overworking like crazy, which originated really, no, I've gone through a lot of therapy and stuff like that. Originated from my youth, which kind of, you know, like without going too deeply into detail about that, but it really turned me into this crazy people pleaser without any boundaries or limits. Also, it's myself, you know, so I'm also the type of person that tends to overtrain, like, and then really to up to a point where my body just kind of like gets super inflamed
Starting point is 01:11:32 or super injured, just because I wanted to squeeze out that last rep or do that extra set. Obviously, knowing that, especially this year, listening to your podcast and hearing you guys saying over and over and over again, like more is not better, more is usually worse. Hit the sweet spot, do what's right for you. And I found out this is the ultimate time, like the perfect time to actually start listening to that advice and do it right for me, or any of you.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Yeah, no, it's excellent. I'm glad you're here. So there's an order of operation in this particular situation. And the first thing that needs to be addressed is your mental health, OK? So because if that doesn't get addressed, by the way, exercise, diet, sleep, lifestyle, addresses, if done right, is so effective to
Starting point is 01:12:27 improve your mental health. If you don't address that, then going after muscle gain, fat loss, and performance, it's not going to work. You're either going to burn out again or you're just going to be stuck in the same place and find yourself very frustrated. Now, here's the silver lining. Addressing the mental health aspect with exercise diet, sleep, and lifestyle will also simultaneously build some muscle and burn some body fat and improve your health and fitness. So generally speaking
Starting point is 01:12:59 Steve, I want you to approach because fitness and all the things that encompass health or all the things that we know as fitness professionals that we can do to improve someone's health. They can be molded, shaped and modified. I mean, almost an infinite different amount of ways. You can do it to push endurance or strength or in your case help with your mental state. So generally speaking, you're going to have to work out and be active and eat and sleep and live in a way to improve your mental fitness.
Starting point is 01:13:35 So what does that look like? Probably going to be walks. You're probably going to do some walks where you find yourself being present. You're probably going to do some strength training, but not much, maybe a couple days a week. In the gym, when you're doing the strength training, the idea is you mentioned that you got disassociative, okay? So what I would do with the strength, your strength training can be an incredibly valuable tool
Starting point is 01:14:02 to put yourself in your body. It can also be a way to get out of your body, right? So you can go to the gym and beat the crap out of yourself and really disassociate you even more, right? So what I would want you to do is go to the gym one or two days a week now, this is how you're gonna start. And just feel the full range of motion, feel the movement, feel the body, feel good.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Your goal isn't to push, the initial goal is not to push performance. Remember, though, the performance and all the other stuff is going to follow along if you do this the right way. So when you go to the gym, it's literally, okay, I'm going to do four or five exercises. I'm going to focus on connecting through the movement. So as I'm doing the squat, for example, I want to feel the bar. I want to breathe through the movement. I want to feel my body feel good.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Go through a nice nice range of motion. The intensity is moderate at most. And that's it. And you're going to pick movements that allow you to feel most of your body. So squatting, deadlifting, overhead pressing, rowing, bench pressing, and then you know priming, stretching, where you're really in your body, you're really trying to kill your body. That's how I would start. As far as diet is concerned, I would, that the top of the priority is going to be easily digestible foods, okay, because when you're
Starting point is 01:15:21 talking about the gut brain axis, what we want to do is minimize inflammation so high protein is great for goals, okay? But if you get past a certain point you notice that it's causing digestive issues and back off. It's okay to sacrifice that for digestion. So everything that you eat, I want you to really think like is this a really easy meal for me to digest. How am I going to feel afterwards? So you should feel very light. It should put very little stress on your body. So this may look like gluten-free grains, proteins that are easily digestible for you. So for some people that's beef,
Starting point is 01:15:59 other people that's fish, other people that's chicken, well cooked, very well cooked, boiled vegetables to the point where it's like almost like a soup, very easy to digest. And then just don't worry about the strength, the fat, the muscle. That will follow, but don't pay attention to it. I know that sounds funny, but don't pay attention to it. Pay attention on improving your mental health. And then the walks, like when you're walking, pick walks where you enjoy the scenery. You know, maybe it's a neighborhood you really like, or it's a place
Starting point is 01:16:32 where you can look at, you know, greenery or something, something that you feel like you can enjoy. And on those walks, allow yourself to be present. You would be surprised how quickly your body will rebound if you approach it this way. Otherwise, it'll take a long time. So that's it. Just literally, generally speaking, all your attempts should be to improving your mental health with the tools that you know, how to use. Yeah, I actually, I actually like a map suspension. And my reasoning for that is a lot of the closed chain movement. And to be able to like fuel your way through a lot of the closed chain movement and to be able to like fuel your
Starting point is 01:17:05 way through a lot of exercises like sound describing. And if intensity has always been, you know, the issue and overdoing it, to be able to go through that full range of motion and just pay attention to all those little nuances where your body gets thrown off course and you need to stabilize and you need to control with your core. And in terms of like really feeling your way through and being able to, you know, get in your body and to be able to have that mind muscle connection, I think that's a pretty good place to start if you've been off, you know, your plan for, would you say, a year or something like that? So for me, that would be my suggestions
Starting point is 01:17:45 to kind of throw that in there. So I wanna address some of the things that you didn't say, but that were up on your question that I'm looking at right now. I agree with Justin, I really like map suspension for where you're at right now. Plus, I think that it addresses some of the mobility, shoulder and stability stuff
Starting point is 01:17:59 that you're talking about. So I think that will help support that. So I'm on board with that. You asked questions about cutting your bulking right now. To Salis Point, I wouldn't worry about trying to do either or it would be just to feed your body when you're hungry, eat whole foods. That would be the advice right now. Like you're trying to take care of yourself. You're not trying to make moves with your physique yet right now. So cardio, you asked a question about that. Also, I'd say drop that, you know,
Starting point is 01:18:28 you're not paying attention to it. Walking would be your form of cardio, like Sal was saying. Body dysmorphia for most all your life. I mean, this is really important. Whenever we talk to anybody that has dealt with this, this is where the wing and measuring and tracking the food and the scale and the mirror and all that stuff like that is not a healthy way to start your journey.
Starting point is 01:18:48 So all those things are going out the window for me. I don't care about the scale weight. I don't want you getting hung up on exactly which it's like literally to Salis point of going in there, feeling your body, feeling good. Your measure of success is how you're feeling. Are you positive? Are you getting good sleep? Is work going well for you?
Starting point is 01:19:07 Are you getting up and feeling energized? Do you have sustained energy throughout the day? Do you feel tight and strong? Do you feel a mobile? Like these are the things that you're thinking about throughout the day. And then we'll build upon that. I think after suspension,
Starting point is 01:19:23 either a map Santa Polo or a MAP Cemetery is probably the direction I'd go, but I like that as far as advice. Yeah, that's a good one. And two other things I'll add, Steve, make sure you go to bed at the same time and you wake up at the same time every day, really prioritize sleep. That's the most impactful recovery thing you're going to do is get good sleep. Okay. So, you know, like an hour before, prepare yourself for sleep, go to the bed at the same time, wake up at the same time.
Starting point is 01:19:49 And then you're also in the Netherlands. So if you haven't had your vitamin D levels checked, I would get them checked. Just to see if your vitamin D levels are low, I'll guess they're probably not optimal. The only way to know is to get them checked. And if you suspect that they're low, then I would supplement with a good vitamin D3 supplement.
Starting point is 01:20:08 And then there are other supplements that can help with your body's ability to adapt, to stress, to recover from stress. Ashwagandha is one of my favorites. Most people respond really well to that. Go ahead. Yeah, actually, I did order Ashwagandha on your, you know, like because he gets talked about that many times.
Starting point is 01:20:28 And I found him also that because of friend of mine who has ADHD, I found out I have ADHD as well. And since the help with that kind of stuff a lot too. I think I think everything that you guys are saying is making a lot of sense. It is something that had been popping into my mind, like, okay, maybe it's time for that kind of approach to really drive it back to the base level first. I'm actually quite happy for you guys to kind of confirm that. And also the working through the range of motion, because that is a hard thing for me and I'm sure saying like you can also disassociate in the gym, you know, like even though you're supposed to be getting into your body for me, usually it would be a way to mentally get my frustration or anything out there and
Starting point is 01:21:16 then kind of not really paying attention to how I'm doing the exercise and that would usually screw me up, you know, so that's really great advice. I'm gonna pick up on that. Yeah. You should go on that's a good one. I usually also take magnesium, but I like the good, the good kind because I know a lot of magnesium is not taken up in the blood. It feels like a bad, bad supplement.
Starting point is 01:21:41 Yeah. And look into the vitamin D Steve, make sure because I, you know and you're you look like you have more of an olive complexion. You might you might be deficient, you know, in D or low and that'll really make common out there. Yeah, that'll make things really hard. You know, the last thing I'm going to add is you know, Adam said don't track, don't wait, don't try and focus on muscle gain if that lost. Don't track, don't weigh, don't try and focus on muscle gain if that loss. Okay, this is where the trust is going to have to come into play. It will progress, this is the irony of what we're talking about. You will progress in those things if you don't look at them. If you look at them, they're not going to progress. So remind yourself of that.
Starting point is 01:22:19 When you get that itch, like, oh, like am I progressing? I want to flex in the mirror, I want to measure my arm, I want to weigh myself. I want to, you know, get whatever. Remember, like it's only going to improve if you don't look at it. Literally, like I got to not look at it and then I got to trust that it will improve. Now, I'm going to, I'm going to tell you that you're probably 90 days out from feeling way different. So, you know, the question I have for you is, do you think you could tough this out for 90 days? Can you do this for three months? Yeah, I mean, I mean, that's that's the whole thing right. Like after having this burnout, it's kind of like, well, I survived this, you know, so it's not like,
Starting point is 01:22:58 it's not like it's going to be a massive challenge for me to actually to do it this way, it's probably going to be easier for me than how I used to do it, because I think how I used to do it was ironically a way to sustain myself, physically, to stay fit enough to do what I was doing. And at the same time, I was destroying myself because it was a way of, like, it wasn't a a what you call it. Like it wasn't a sustainable way for me to to go about working out because I used to work out five days a week, but I probably shouldn't have done that considering I was already mentally
Starting point is 01:23:36 completely burned out. Yeah. Well Steve, we're going to send you a map suspension, but here's what I wanted to do. I'm going to give you 90 days. I want you to contact who you email to get on the show. And I want you to follow up with you. Okay. So I want you to, I want you to, I want to follow up with you about 60 to 90 days out. So we can check in on you and see how you're doing. Maybe help, help you stay kind of on track because you know, you're going to talk to us. So let's do that. But we'll send you map suspension for now. Dude, that'd be, that'd be amazing, man. Like, I. Like, because I need to kick it, like, I need some kind of accountability for this one. Yeah, I figured I thought it would probably be a good idea. So, and I'd love to follow up.
Starting point is 01:24:12 I'd love to see where you're at in about 60 to 90 days. So let's do that. Oh, shit. Damn, that'd be awesome, guys. Thank you so much. You guys, Steve. All right, Steve. Take care, man.
Starting point is 01:24:21 All right, you guys, take care. You guys are fun. And yeah, man, keep doing what you do because you guys are saving lives, man. Thank you, you guys take care. You guys are fun and yeah, man, keep doing what you do because you guys are safe and alive as well. Thank you. Appreciate it. All right, cheers. You know what this reminds me of, as I was talking to him,
Starting point is 01:24:35 do you remember in Super Mario Brothers, where you're in the haunted house, and there's those ghosts? And they only come after you when you don't look at them. Look at them. If you look at them, they freeze. Literally, what reminded you of that? Of what we were talking about, like don't focus on the scale, don't focus on the,
Starting point is 01:24:51 because I've been there. And when you start to focus on it, they didn't stop happening. You literally have to not look at it. You have to like not look at it, focus on health, focus on health, focus on health. And then, you know, a year later, you look at it, you go, oh crap, like all that happened.
Starting point is 01:25:05 That's so crazy. But the second you focus on it, then things go out the window because you start doing things to fuel the aesthetic drive or the body just more for you. Yeah, good goal for him. I mean, the program should last about that long, right? So a good goal for him is to just not even check
Starting point is 01:25:17 until the end of it, right? So I think, and I think, and I think if you have something in mind, like at least I'm better that way, like if I'm like, okay, I'm not gonna do any the weight scale measure, body fat, and and other stuff until the end of this program All I do is focus on what the guy said then afterwards I'll check in. Yeah, I think that he'll be alright So hopefully he he reaches back out and we'll see how he does
Starting point is 01:25:37 All right here goes next callers Josh from California Josh what's happening man? How can we help you? Hey guys, how are you? I'm hanging in there. My question was you know I'm getting a little bit older, almost 50 and I can you know I can get my weight to fluctuate you know kind of how I want. I can go up 10 to 15 pounds here and there, but I'm always stuck with this, you know, little tummy that kind of never goes anywhere. You know, I'm in a deficit. I feel like I'm kind of doing all this stuff
Starting point is 01:26:15 that I'm supposed to be doing. You know, just kind of found you guys, you know, have been listening very intently to all your good advice. So, you're like, I call the pros. Yeah, no, good. So first of all, you look phenomenal. Yeah. So you said you're almost 50. You look like you're pretty lean now. Do you know what your body fat percentage is that?
Starting point is 01:26:35 I've done a couple of the like, uh, stands at the gym and stuff like that. And, you know, they'll say, you know, I've had it as low as nine, but you know, it's high as 12, 13. I think I'm probably in, you know, 14, 15% range. Okay. Have you, Josh, sorry, in a rough job, but I just, this question is like, I remember when this happened to me and it tripped me out. So have you been listening for a long time? Or just recently? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. A real long time.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Do you got that high school? Do you remember? Do you remember, um, no, no, listening, sorry. I said, like I said, listening, listening, I'm, yeah, real long times. Do you got that high school? Do you remember? Do you remember? No, no, listening. Sorry, it sounded like I said listening listening. I'm Yeah, no, I got a cold right now, so it's my bad. So did you have you been listening to show for a long time? I know probably just like maybe a month Okay, okay, so I so I've that this I remember when this happened to me when I was getting ready to compete, and it would trip me out because I was like really lean and I still had this pooch and this belly fat
Starting point is 01:27:33 that everywhere else in my body looked lean. And really what, when I attribute that to, I'd never gone leaner than that. Kind of 9% was the lowest I'd ever been in my life. I'd never done six or five or something like crazy shredded. Oh, yeah. And I found that even when I got all the way down, I still had this tiny bit leftover. And then I, then I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I came back down and it
Starting point is 01:27:53 took like three times of doing a good, clean bulk and then cutting a little bit lower than getting clean, clean, clean bulk, then cutting the lower. Until finally I hit a body fat percentage I'd never seen before. And that was the last place that it went and it's still the first place to come back so like right now I wouldn't I'm not in the single digit body fat percentage so that I carry body fat right there. So it just took me pushing to a level low enough to finally get rid of that area and everybody has this it's just a different area it for everybody. Like it's like an area where you tend to get the body fat first and or if you carry any body fat,
Starting point is 01:28:31 that's kind of where it hangs out. And until you get to a level of leanness that you've never seen before, it'll probably kind of always stay there until you go even lower. And so if you do a good job of getting leaner than you've ever been, and then when you come out of that diet to get you that lean
Starting point is 01:28:49 and put on good lean mass and you don't go binge afterwards, you can get rid of that and hang tight with that. Like after I competed, that was gone for a really long time. Now again, I've gone up and body fat percentage. So of course it's back, but I know what I have to do to get rid of it is I have to take my body to a leanness that it just doesn't see. When you were at 9%, what did it look like in that area?
Starting point is 01:29:13 Was it gone or did you feel like you still had some? Oh no, it looked identical. It never seems to budge whatsoever. Okay, Josh, what Adam's saying? it never seems to budge whatsoever. And yeah. Okay, Josh, what Adam's saying? So look, the first place he gained it's the last place he lose it. Everybody has that spot.
Starting point is 01:29:32 So you're gonna have to try to get below 9%. And it's probably, you probably were ripped everywhere else except for there. So probably another percent or two from there, then you'll see that body fat come off. But I'm going to help you out a little bit as well with maybe optimizing your hormones a bit. Now this is, we're starting to split hairs here, okay, but, but we are already splitting hairs with this question because you've got down to the leading nine.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Yeah, you already look phenomenal. Yeah, most, most, yeah, most men will not get to 9% body fats. It's really hard. It's a hard thing to do. Okay. So I'm going to give you two piece of advice that I think will help. One is aesthetic and the other one is literally to address the body fat, the stubborn body fat you see. So let's start with the aesthetic first. When I for years would get down to a low, you know, single-digit body fat percentage,
Starting point is 01:30:20 I didn't have a six pack. It wasn't until I built the muscles of my abs that I could see the six pack. Now, I got a six pack at 12% body fat, whereas before at 9%, I didn't have a six pack. Now, why is that? When you develop the muscles of the core, they stick out.
Starting point is 01:30:38 They stick out. Yeah, and they just stick out. You got visible muscles. So, most people when they train their core, don't train their core in a way that builds the muscles, because we tend to believe the core for some reason is different than the biceps or the back. And so we do super high wraps and low respiratory.
Starting point is 01:30:56 So what I want you to do is pick high tension core exercises. Just give them no BS. I am. So I'm going to give you a program that's specifically designed to build the muscles of the core. And the idea now, form is crucial, okay, because if you go heavy and then your form is crap, you're just going to build your hip flexors. But the program I really break down the form. I want you to do exercises where you're doing like eight reps for your abs, where you're like building the abs. And then what'll happen is they'll stick out more and you won't have to get as lean to see it. And it'll look, you'll look a lot leaner as a result.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Now here's the second part to address the belly fat. Now this is splitting hairs, but again, because you've already gotten so lean, this may be effective. I noticed in your question, you said that you have an eating window between two to eight. You do that every single day? Yeah, right.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Yeah, pretty much. I mean, just with the way my lifestyle is, that ends up kind of being what it is daily. You do that every single day? Yeah, right. Yeah, pretty much. I mean, just with the way my lifestyle is, you know, that ends up kind of being what it is daily. Every once in a while, I'll have a breakfast, but usually not. Okay. So, again, this is splitting hairs, but we do know that cord is all tends to promote fat storage in the midsection.
Starting point is 01:32:02 Okay. And we can see this in people, as their hormones start to change as they get older, women really notice this because they go through menopause, big hormone change, that they start to store body fat differently than they used to. So it's like all of a sudden,
Starting point is 01:32:16 you know, they just store it a particular way, now they're storing it more in their belly, and they're like, what the hell is it? Just have it on my hips on my thighs, now it looks like it's on my belly type of deal. So hormones can influence where you store body fat. The way that you get cortisol to go down, one of the ways is to eat, okay?
Starting point is 01:32:32 You wanna eat. So if you wake up in the morning and cortisol's supposed to spike in the morning, but you don't eat, you may be encouraging the levels to stay high a little too long. So what I want you to do is eat a protein fat meal or two before 2 p.m. It doesn't have to be a lot.
Starting point is 01:32:49 It could literally be three scrambled eggs with some cheese. It could be a protein shake with a scrambled egg for the fat. So a fat protein-type meal with a little bit of carbs, insulin opposes cortisol. So you can throw in some fruit there. One or two small meals and do that while you're doing this process that we're talking about.
Starting point is 01:33:11 And then put yourself in a calorie deficit. And the way that you should do the deficit to maximize what you're looking for is a three to one ratio of cut to maintenance. Okay, so you'd be in a deficit for three weeks, do a one week of maintenance, three week deficit of cut to maintenance. Okay, so you'd be in a deficit for three weeks, do one week of maintenance, three week deficit, one week maintenance. It's a slow process, but this is gonna ensure that you don't lose tons of muscle and the core strength during the whole time.
Starting point is 01:33:35 Can I counter just a little bit of that? Just a tiny bit. Everything he's saying I'm on board with, I actually would like for you to run the No BS six pack program. We're going to send you in a bulk for a little bit to help you first. Yeah, first idea to build the abs and then then follow that advice. So maybe like a four weeks four weeks four weeks cycle following the maps the no BS six pack abs. We're going to send over to you get trying build your abs like you never have before. Like you're trying to get them strong. Yeah, follow that program to a tee, to build your abs
Starting point is 01:34:07 in a slight calorie surplus. So you're trying to gain at this point, but not a lot, you're just trying to stay high, well fed, or a little bit above, right? So don't worry, but we're not worrying about body fat versus we're not worrying about weight right now. I love this. Then transition to exactly what he said and go in a cut
Starting point is 01:34:22 and then take yourself to a leanness you've never seen. I guarantee if you go one to two percent lower than you've ever been before, after you do that with the no BS app, you will see this go. It'll go. Yeah. Promise you that. Josh, I mean, I've experienced it. Same thing. For me, I'll get lean in my arms, shoulders, legs, that's first. Then I start to get it off my obliques. Then it comes off my back. Yeah, a little bit. And then the last place for me to lose it
Starting point is 01:34:54 is right around my belly button. And what's crazy, okay. And what's crazy about it is I'll get down to, I don't know, 10, 10-ish percent body fat. And then every percent I go down off that, it's like it comes right off that area. But up until I get to about 10%, it doesn't move. It's like the same.
Starting point is 01:35:13 Everything else gets lean and veiny, and I got this little bit of stomach body fat. Then I get down like 10-ish. It's like every percent, like I go down to nine, eight, seven. It's like, oh, it's all coming off that area. But the approach we're giving you is the one that's gonna minimize any muscle loss. And again, we're gonna try and build the abs.
Starting point is 01:35:30 And what might happen if you do this right, is you'll get down to nine, 10%, you won't need to get any leaner because the midsection will be more developed. It'll just look leaner. Okay. Cool. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you so much for taking my call. Yeah. Yeah. You got it,
Starting point is 01:35:48 man. Yeah. Keep us posted. I'm curious to see how this goes. This was a really stubborn thing for me. And it took me a long time to figure pieces together. It didn't happen until I was in my 30s before I finally figured this piece out. What did your normal workout look like, by the way? Because we're going to send you the ad program, but what is your normal strength training look like? out look like by the way because we're going to send you the ad program but what is your normal strength training look like? I lift every day, I just kind of do, I kind of settled into this routine where I just go do a little bit of cardio, I lift 45, 50, G minute and then hit the sauna and then I'm out of there.
Starting point is 01:36:18 Are you able to do like back one day chest, arms core, shoulders, kind of. Oh, bro, can we just keep it rolling? Can you, if we give you another program, will you follow it? Yeah, because I think if you did MAPS and Ebola conglomination with the app program, they work perfectly. Yes. And it's so different from what you're doing right now. Yeah, you'll get some muscle.
Starting point is 01:36:42 It'll be a novel stimulus, which will really help build muscle during this four week bulk, and then do the cut. Here's how you combine the two, okay? There's foundational workouts in both programs, alternate the foundational workouts. So one day, it's MAPS and a BOLIC foundational workout. The next day, it's the six pack program,
Starting point is 01:37:00 foundational workout. The next day is MAPS and a BOLIC. So it's five days a week, you'll be in the gym two of those days will be focused on the core the other three or full body and I think it's novel enough where you're gonna see some muscle game with us. Okay yeah I love changing it up but I also I can definitely follow a routine
Starting point is 01:37:17 and I can just get in there and grind on it so perfect. You guys recommend. Yeah yeah yeah if you trust the process right here we got you. Yeah promise. We'll send those to you. Yeah I trust you guys. Awesome. Thanks. Thank you. What was that? No, no, just that awesome. Yeah, thank you. Yep. You got it, man. All right. Take it easy. So I first of all, I want to I love the fact that we get to do that every once in a while because that's such a unique question. Yeah, because he's figured out. It looks like he's figured out a lot of the other stuff.
Starting point is 01:37:45 Oh, yeah. And that's the part I wanted to make clear to the audience, right? Because sometimes we don't talk about stuff like this. And there's a reason why, because I think 90% of the people don't need advice in this direction, right? They think they want this advice because they haven't figured out the big one.
Starting point is 01:38:01 That's right. And so he's kind of an exception to the rule, right? The guy looks incredible. I mean, and if he was so he's kind of an exception to the rule, right? The guy looks incredible. I mean, if he was my client, I'd also be reminding him that, right? As we're training all the time, like, hey, bro, you know, you look really good, right? You're 50 years old and you look fucking phenomenal, right?
Starting point is 01:38:14 So, but, you know, hey, you got a lot of things dialed in and you're curious about that. And I've experienced that personally. So I know it's like, feel like, hey, man, I'm so lean, but this little area just won't go. It's always the inner thighs. Lost the go.
Starting point is 01:38:30 It's pretty. Everybody hated it. Where do you store most of your, you're, you're, you're like, I mean, you're obviously built like a thing. Is it really just evenly dispersed? It's just all over. It actually, you know, you actually do, you know, that's part of why I think you look good fuller. Like, if you and I increased our body fat percentage,
Starting point is 01:38:50 the exact same amount, you look way better. Adam, just get a belly fat. I would. And I lose my arm. Like, my arms and legs go, and then I get a belly fat. It's like just like a blob of clay that just moves. Like, you, you, you have 5% of your body and it looks evenly distributed.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Well, I will literally you know what you like to chick that all the chicks hate. You know saying it was right to your tits your ass. All your body fat goes to your tits and ass for us. Yeah, I'm playing junk. I'm joking. It annoyed. Listen, when I would mess with this, literally this is how my extremities get cross striations before I'm gonna six back. Like cross striations of my quads. I get striations of my glutes, but I get a six pack. Like crustrations in my quads, I get illustrations of my glutes, but I got a pooch of my nose. No, this tripped me out because I had never really been below
Starting point is 01:39:32 like nine, 10% body fat. And you know, so even, and I remember as a kid, like so as a kid, like my abs was my thing, right? Cause I didn't have arms, I didn't have legs. Mine's what I'm having. So I'm gonna show your abs off all the time. And then I got older, put on a little bit of body fat. And then when I got lean, like that, it just stayed right there.
Starting point is 01:39:50 And I was like, what the fuck? And I was shredded, like just in frustration in my legs and arms. And then I had this little pooch thing. And it didn't go until I hit body fat percentage. I had never seen before. And then you know what's weird about this. This is all observational.
Starting point is 01:40:04 Zero science to support this. Once you get rid of it, it's easier to do it afterwards. It is. It's almost like, probably has to do with white, white fat, brown fat. Maybe it moves into something easier, but once I got rid of it, it was easier to get rid of each time. Well, I agree too.
Starting point is 01:40:18 And also what happens is you get that shredded. So you finally, you force the body to go find any last bit of body fat you have anywhere because you get to so low body fat percentage then if as long as you stay on your routine and training when you add back the calories it gets partitioned to building muscles. It doesn't go there and so if you can get rid of it and then stay consistent with your training and not over in the bulge on the diet you should be able to maintain it off. Our next caller is Luke and from California. Luke, what's happening? How can we help you? Hey guys, how's it going?
Starting point is 01:40:50 Awesome. So I have this written out. I'll just get into it. First one to say thank you. My friend introduced me to my pump about two years ago, and I haven't looked back. I made progress physically, mentally, and basically all aspects of my life. I don't have the exact words to describe the positive influence you have on young men like myself, but I thank you to the four of you and the entire MindPup team as well deserved at the very least. Thank you. Yeah, sweet, awesome, man. So now for the selfish part, in the email thread, it said not to change the question. However, some time has passed, I believe that the context that I have to add will aid in your analysis and recommendation.
Starting point is 01:41:30 So I'm on the last week of MAP's antibiotic. The program has been amazing. I switched my eating habits to incorporate the whole meals, minimally processed, and I've really seen a lot of strength gains and aesthetic developments, especially in the shoulders Lower body and arms. My girlfriend sort of wants credit for the lower body stuff, but I'm gonna attribute it to you guys Yes, man this my question is too prompt and the second one will be based off of like the first answer But I really just wanted to look at what I should program next. I have my eyes on advanced, but I also
Starting point is 01:42:10 think an explanation of my goals may influence your recommendation. Right now, I'm strength training, so I can strength train for the future and the rest of my life. I would love to be doing pull-ups and hitting the gym well into old age. So given the fact that I'm 23, how do I program my workouts now with that at mind? Oh, good. Yeah. Great question. All right, I'm looking at your question. You mind if I go through some of the stuff you said in there?
Starting point is 01:42:34 Yeah, totally. Yeah, I mean, you got a lot of stuff dialed in. You're eating mostly whole natural foods. You're, looks like you're hitting your protein intake. You're walking after meals, you're sleep. Here's where people your age always screw up, but it says here you're going to bed at 10 and waking up at six, so you're prioritizing your sleep.
Starting point is 01:42:55 Yeah, that's good. You got great results with MAPs and Abolic. The way he's also playing in a men's league, so you're taking care of like your athleticism too, so you're doing a lot of, because I would have actually moved you into like Performance, but if you're doing stuff like that, you're moving yeah multiple Plenty and you're you're you know, the way you work out now is the way you're always gonna work out That doesn't mean the workouts gonna look the same. It means that considerations are gonna be the same
Starting point is 01:43:17 Is this appropriate? Is this gonna work for my body knowing the context of my life, my recovery and all that stuff. At your age, everything you're doing, you look very healthy, you don't look over-trained, you got great results with Maps and Abolic. I think Annabolic Advanced will be fine. You just got to be really good with your protein and your sleep because Annabolic Advanced is definitely another level of intensity. You may need to, I'm not saying you will, but you may need to pay attention to outside activity while you're doing maps and a bulk advanced, because if you find doing the men's league with anabolic advance is too much, then one is going to have to give. Otherwise,
Starting point is 01:43:56 you're just going to be throwing too much at your body. But I think there's, you'll be totally fine with anabolic advanced. And are you going to try and bulk? Are you still trying to train a game muscle still? Yeah, so I got to like 200 pounds. I'm kind of, I used to fluctuate between 190 and 200 and now it's like 200, 205. So I think, you know, men of prime to really just like me either take down the scapening or just keep, you know, maintaining where I'm at.
Starting point is 01:44:21 I would go in, I would go in a little bit of a bulk, be consistent though. Don't go crazy because sometimes what people will do is they see the strength gains, the weight gain, and they start to do this kind of dirty bulk. But you'll gain muscle on a dirty bulk, but you're also going to gain a lot of body fat. It'll make it hard for you to bring it down.
Starting point is 01:44:37 So I would be consistent with a nice, clean bulk, maps endabolic, and the gains that you got in endabolic, you're going to see now amplify. So long as your recovery is going to know that and a bulk advance going to make your muscle gains really take off. I want to I want to address the I want to be able to train till you know, old age and be able to do all this stuff. The thing and you're you're perfect right now like everything you're
Starting point is 01:45:02 doing, I think is a great, great balance. The thing, the most common thing that changes as we start to get older, is the athletic pursuits that you're doing right now. And so that's where real consideration will need to go into your programming. Right now, you train kind of like a body builder in the gym and you, outside, you play sports, you're getting this nice, well-balanced,
Starting point is 01:45:24 not only physique aesthetically, but also functionally, because you're moving in all these different planes, you're also training a little bit of endurance and cardio in there, and so you got this beautiful balance. When that starts to shift and change, is when you have to then become cognizant of it
Starting point is 01:45:39 and go, okay, how do I need to implement some of that stuff into my training routine now, because I'm not doing that outside activity. So long as you maintain this, you're going to be okay. I mean, you're going to, I mean, do it as long as you possibly can or until you stop it. Just be mindful of that. Of because this was me in my 20s, like all the way until I was almost 30. In fact, it was not till 29 when I stopped playing in intermural leagues for basketball.
Starting point is 01:46:05 But I'll tell you what happened was I had four seasons in a row of major injuries. And the reason why was because I kept pushing the weights to get big and bulkier, because I liked the look, but I still love playing basketball. It was too much. It was too much. I got to a point where 230 pound me
Starting point is 01:46:23 couldn't move on the court the way. And I just wasn't doing the work necessary to be the basketball player that I wanted to be. And my body kept injuring me and telling me that yet I was still ignorant and kept ignoring it. So just be mindful of those things. If you if you keep pushing the way at some point, it will start to probably conflict with whatever sport you're doing. And so if you start nosing nagging pain, joint pain, or potential injuries, or injury happens, be aware that that's what's going on. Yeah, I think to like another consideration,
Starting point is 01:46:57 we have map symmetry is something I would suggest as like a way for you to kind of come back and reassess in terms of like just joint stability, health and also to like how you're performing left side versus the right side and you know where there's any discrepancies. And so if you just cycle that in once, twice a year, you know, in between your other programs, I think you get a lot of benefit out of that too. So that way too too when you go forward you can kind of you know Bring that all back up so you're performing at your highest
Starting point is 01:47:30 Yeah, I think you're you there's a question to about trigger sessions up here with anabolic advanced don't do trigger sessions however If you like to do like movements throughout the day mobility Yeah, you'll never go wrong with mobility. You know, here's the difference between you now and when you get older. Let's say you focus on maps and a ball of advanced for three months, you stop doing outside sports, like I just want to get muscle right now.
Starting point is 01:47:54 Totally fine. You'll lose some athletic ability. It'll bounce back real fast though after anabolic advance if you go and play and after a week or two, it'll come right back. As you get older, that's a lot harder to do, because your body literally, there's an old saying, if you don't use it, you lose it.
Starting point is 01:48:10 Okay, that is one of the best fitness sayings that exist, because literally your body will get rid of abilities that aren't practiced. So what they were talking about, as you get older, if you stop running, literally your body will forget how to run, literally. Like, you just, you just, you'll have to train it back and it takes a long time. If you stop running now for a few months because you're lifting,
Starting point is 01:48:30 and then you go, Ron, it'll feel weird for a week, but it'll bounce back. You try that at 45. It's going to take you three months to get back into it. That's the main difference. That's what we're all mentioning. That's why I like mobility during the day while you're doing anabolic advanced. But it would be fun., are you taking these supplements? You take great team?
Starting point is 01:48:48 Uh, yeah. So I take a creatine, uh, ashwaganda, fish oil and, uh, collostrom post workout. Oh, you're good. Yeah. You're good. Bro, you're doing a lot of good things. Yeah, you're doing good. You're age, you're doing great. I could see you getting up to a good two, 15, uh, with some good lean body mass. Boys and I all send over advanced at a ball. Awesome. Awesome. that would be great and real quick just with those those trigger sessions so I want to make sure I'm not overdoing it on the off days so stay away from the trigger sessions but is it like okay I mean mobility focus on the mobility focus on like the
Starting point is 01:49:20 walking and like the cardio is it okay to like you, you know, get hot, like getting the sauna, do the full lunch on those days. Yeah, absolutely, that's all good. Yeah, sauna's great. Yeah, I tell you what, if you don't have like a little mobility routine, look up the Prime Pro webinar did, and that's like a good like general,
Starting point is 01:49:37 just follows the basic. What's the link, is it maps Prime Pro? PrimePro webinar.com. PrimeProWebinar.com, if you haven't watched it. Yeah, and I have Prime Pro, so I'll be definitely diving. if you haven't watched it. I have I have prime pro So I'll be definitely diving and I haven't really like looked into it But definitely we'll get into that and learn more. Okay, you know, the webinar gives you structure So if you want something to follow and I take you through it. Yeah, so check it out
Starting point is 01:49:57 Okay, awesome. Yeah, thank you so much guys. Keep up the great work. Thank you, you two, man Bye Thank you so much guys, keep up the great work. Thank you. You too, man. All right, bye. Love to get my hands on that kid. Good, good kid. Good kid. Good kid. He's doing all this stuff now. I could put 10 pounds of lean body mass on him
Starting point is 01:50:13 if I could train and watch him. This is why I wish I just why I wish it would somebody to be persistent when we were that age. I was so off on so many. Oh, I, oh my God, dude. I he's so far ahead. How much is getting sleepy and whole foods? Like, yeah, man, it's already those are good.
Starting point is 01:50:28 But would you have listened? Maybe if they were like the top podcast, I would have listened. Yeah, no total. Although I had, I told you guys, the story, I would jacked fucking bodybuilder, tell me what to do. And I thought he was bullshit in me.
Starting point is 01:50:38 Yeah. He literally was like three days a week with full body, eat a lot of protein, whole natural, like, okay buddy. Yeah. You don't want to tell me the secret, that's fine. You know it's funny, because my girlfriend at the time, her dad, who was like, it's totally hippie guy,
Starting point is 01:50:50 was like, really trying to get me on whole foods. And I was like, no. You know, I'm still eating grilled hip-hop. You're a junior and you know, as hippie as no one's talking about. Yeah, that's a good, I don't know. I wish I would've listened. I don't think me going back in time
Starting point is 01:51:03 could tell me what to do. But I think me, if I had found this podcast. That's that would have done. That would have been 40. Right, that's how it would have worked. It would have been like, oh, I like these guys. Oh, he's like, you know what I'm saying? And then, okay, I'm saying,
Starting point is 01:51:15 and then it probably had to hear it a few times and then I would, but definitely not like, just me coming back and saying, you gotta do this, yeah, fuck off guy. Okay. Our next caller is Jennifer from New Jersey. Hi Jennifer, how can we help you? Hi guys. So I have been after pull ups and chin ups for years.
Starting point is 01:51:36 I have a strong back. I have no problem activating my lats on a lap pull down, row machine, during an active hang on negatives or isometrics. When I try to perform a pull up or chin up from a hanging position, I have so much trouble activating my lats. It's almost like my brain doesn't know how to pull my elbows down and back to get myself pulled up. And I'm not sure if this is because I have hypermobility in my shoulder joints, but I do a lot of different variations to become stronger in all positions.
Starting point is 01:52:12 Negative holds assisted pull ups and chin ups. More recently, I've been doing chin ups to where I lower myself as low as I can go. It's not a fully locked out position. I feel like I'm cheating the reps, but low enough so that I can still pull myself back up. I know I'm strong. I have a 315 pounds back squat. I can bench 130 pounds. And I get so frustrated that I cannot pull myself up from a strict position. pull myself up from a strict position. So I would love any recommendations you guys have to be able to go from a dead hang to a chin up or pull up and I've actually attached a video of two chin up singles and two negatives. We're watching it right now. Jennifer, we can't help you. Yeah, do you already get a suck at something? Yeah, listen, do you think you might be a little too hard when you're not crippled? Yeah, I think so too.
Starting point is 01:53:06 What do you think? Do you think you're being a little too hard? Maybe a little bit, but I feel like it's one of those skills that I just wanna be able to pull myself up and it's frustrating. You don't get to be, you don't get to be great at everything. Just take it on the chair. We'll talk to you later.
Starting point is 01:53:22 Yeah, that's true. No, look, here's a deal. Okay. All right, this is straight up, by the way. You squat 315. I saw your video of a pull-up. I can tell you have a well-developed lower body, glutes. Looks like quads.
Starting point is 01:53:34 Those aren't helping you want to pull up. So you're pulling up. You got some muscle on your lower body. It looks phenomenal and you're pulling that up. So that's going to make it hard. Number two looks phenomenal and you're pulling that up. So that's gonna make it hard, okay? Number two, your question is active in your lats or is it that you wanna do more pullups? Because we're not gonna be able to do both at first, okay?
Starting point is 01:53:53 You're not gonna be able to like have a mind muscle connection to one of the muscles involved in an exercise where you're doing singles. When you're doing singles and it's a hard exercise, do not try to isolate or connect. You're just trying to, you're just trying to perfect the movement. You don't get to connect and isolate
Starting point is 01:54:11 until you're able to do so many reps and then you can slow down, squeeze the lats and start to feel things out. Okay, so I'm gonna give you a little bit of advice with to help you with the pull ups. And that has nothing to do with getting your lower body to stop being developed. I think you should keep doing that.
Starting point is 01:54:27 Don't do that because I think that's more important. But with your pull ups, I don't mind you. I would in fact encourage you to jump into the pull up and to do a few more reps. So instead of starting from the dead hang, jump into a pull up and do sets of like three or four reps. Then as you slowly get stronger, do less of a jump and progressively overload yourself
Starting point is 01:54:48 until you get to the dead hang and you can do more. The last thing I'm going to add is frequency. Instead of training pull-ups on back day only, I want you to reduce the volume of back day. So maybe cut the volume down by half on back day. And then every day, two or three times a day, I want you to practice two or three pull ups twice or three times a day.
Starting point is 01:55:12 So get a pull up bar in your house, walk up to the pull up bar, jump up, do a couple pull ups, and then leave it alone. Nothing crazy, nothing hard, but just practice that like twice a day on a daily basis. But you have to cut down the volume where your back workout to make up the difference. And then you should see yourself get stronger with pull ups and it a pretty good amount of time. I also have a little bit different. So, have you ever done any scapular pull ups? Do you know what that is? Yes, I have in the past. And again, like it feels like
Starting point is 01:55:41 I can do it. I can do a scapular pull up, but if I were to try to go from a scapular pull up into a regular pull up, I can't get out of that, like I can't activate further. Right, once you have to bend your elbows, like it's sort of a disconnect there, is that your saying?
Starting point is 01:56:00 Yeah. Then just do the scapular pull ups. Yeah, just the scapular pull ups. And focus on getting that strength there in terms of generating force. So really, there seems to be a loss of connection that we can enhance that by just adding a bit more tension. Like as you're in those scapular circles and you're going through the circle of it, you want to really try and squeeze and generate as much strength as you can in that movement.
Starting point is 01:56:30 So I would work on that and then to like, I mean, it really is just repetition at that point. The guy is, I don't have anything to add their advice, except for I would just be, I would be in your head more. I just tell you who gives a fuck. That's why I would say. I'm like, you're literally the squatting and deadlifting that you're doing, like that amount of muscle on your legs is making it incredibly difficult to pull your body.
Starting point is 01:56:53 And it's not like you're out of balance. You have a very well balanced position. That's why I would say I don't give a fuck. I would really if you're my client, I'd be like, I don't even care that you can't do the, you know, five pull ups. Who cares? You am saying what you're, what you're accomplishing outside of the pull ups is so incredible that it just, there's given taking this game, like you're not always going to be awesome at all the different movements that are out there. And a lot of times, if you get really, really, like you're, when you talk about your school, what you can do squatting is like in the 1% tile. You're so, and that works against somebody being good at pull-ups.
Starting point is 01:57:29 If you are, okay, in fact, think of the 1% of min squatters. They're not good at pull-ups. They're not good at pull-ups. Why? Because they have incredible legs. Their legs are massive, their glutes are, and then they're strong down there, because they're so good at that.
Starting point is 01:57:45 And so you're just not gonna be great at pull-ups. And I wouldn't care so much about pull-ups that I'd want you to go lose 10 pounds of muscle in your legs, they look phenomenal. So I would just be telling you like, who cares? That's what I'd be telling you. At this point, if you really, really,
Starting point is 01:57:59 like you're like, oh, this is a fitness goal. I've always wanted to do this. I hear you guys, but I think it's cool. I wanna go after it. You're going to, do this. I hear you guys, but I think it's cool. I want to go after it. You're going to, at this point, have to modify all your training towards the chin up. Right. So this is not like, hey, can I keep doing what I'm doing?
Starting point is 01:58:13 And they add stuff. You'd have to sacrifice other things. You're just going to have to, yeah, you're going to have to take volume off other areas. And I wouldn't want you to do that. And look, if you were my client and you said, hey, what do you think I'd say who cares? Yeah. But if this is, look, I get this.
Starting point is 01:58:26 You might have this goal. I'm be like, I just want to do this. I don't care. I hear what you're saying. I just want to do this. Then what you do is you reduce volume and other areas. You don't focus on building and other areas. You literally cut the volume, cut the sets,
Starting point is 01:58:37 practice pull ups on a daily basis, and try to get stronger. The pull ups give yourself eight to 12 weeks of that, and you'll get stronger at it. You'll definitely get stronger at it if that's, if it's that important to you. How's, how's to your stability in your overhead position? We do.
Starting point is 01:58:52 Pretty good. I think I do have a little bit more of like hyper mobility. I'm stable, like I could do it overhead squat. Oh wow. Position highs totally fine. But it almost like if I'm like hanging, I kind of like pop like right back here. And I like like almost like lock out. What's the hardest part? Is it the depression of the shoulder blade? Or like where do you feel like there might be a little bit of instability.
Starting point is 01:59:27 I would say like, if I, as soon as I go to try to bend my elbow, like I can do, I can do a chin up if I'm like 90% locked out. Kind of like what Sal was saying, I have been kind of jumping into it and just allowing myself to get as far down as I can. But if I'm 100% locked out, I'm not getting back up unless I have to like, unless I jerk myself out of the hang position.
Starting point is 01:59:51 Okay. Yeah, you're literally curious about that, whether to recommend overhead carries with that as well. Yeah, Jennifer, if you tailored your all your programming towards getting better at the pull up, so cut the volume on your back, work out, cut the volume on your shoulders, your chest, your lower body, practice pull ups on a daily basis. You're going to get better at the pull ups. Yeah. You could totally get better at the post, but I mean, what to sacrifice this amazing thing that you've built. Like I would, that's where I would be. I would be getting on to you all day. I mean, I mean, I mean, if you if like if we were in a pull-up competition, I'd go win it with you. It's say this is
Starting point is 02:00:28 what we're gonna do. We're gonna completely cut out legs for the next two months. Totally. And we're gonna practice pull-ups, reduce the volume on your and we're gonna get I'll get you fucking 15 pull-ups. But I like, but then I'm gonna lose all that great work. No, I wouldn't let you. Yeah. I mean, it would just I would just say forget that. But I get it. Look, I get it. I've done this with goals where I've sacrificed, like it's not, I get obsessed with some things. I get it, there's a quality you can do it. Yeah, I just approved yourself.
Starting point is 02:00:52 So, I mean, there's no wrong answer here. Yeah, you know, but we're giving, you know, we're like, if you were our client and you came to us who said, hey, should I, we'd be like, why? That's, that would be my answer, who cares? But you really want to do it? That's the advice I gave you is the way to do it. And you'll get there if you do that.
Starting point is 02:01:07 If you try to add stuff to your current routine, you're not gonna, it's not gonna happen. You're gonna have to cut volume at other areas, for sure. Yeah, I always said for a long time, I was like my lower body is just too heavy to pull myself up and I guess there is actual truth to that. Oh yeah, your machine's just gonna do a pull-up? Absolutely.
Starting point is 02:01:24 It's just a pull up, dude. Well, and you have to like back to my point, if you be at one percent, I mean, there's a handful of chicks I've ever trained that can squat, not even a handful, three, 15. Yeah, that's the, that's incredible. It's like you're, do you compete or is this just for fun? It's just for fun. I just love being strong. Were you an athlete? You an athlete that you compete in any sports or you just like to lift?
Starting point is 02:01:49 I played volleyball, but yeah, I just kind of, I just lived. My husband is a, he graduated with an exercise science degree. He trained athletes. So I just have him do all my program and for me. He's doing a good job. There you go. Tell your husband we say he's doing a good job.
Starting point is 02:02:05 How tall are you and what's the body weight if you don't mind me asking Jennifer? Yeah, I'm five foot seven and I'm about 155 right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, girls that do a lot of pull ups are like five, one, a hundred pounds. And it's because they're tiny. And not that you have a well proportioned lean physique.
Starting point is 02:02:23 It's just you're using your body weight, you know? So like the best pull up people in the world tend to be really just tiny people. And because you're lifting your body, I bet you could do a pull down with a tremendous amount of weight and comparison to other, you know, exactly. Have you ever considered doing a powerlifting meet?
Starting point is 02:02:42 I have, but I just don't know if I can bring myself to push myself to that extreme. And I feel like my squad, my deadlift, like way out, do my bench. So what? That's a story. It's a real lift. It's a real lift total. If we send you maps, power lift and you follow it, I love the strong and the other lifts. I love to follow up with you. Yeah. I think you could go in right now cold and actually do pretty damn well Have you want you want a program? You want to follow mass power lift and then follow up with us? Yeah, that'd be awesome. All right, Jennifer. We'll send that over. I would love it. I would like this plan Yeah, I like this plan way better. I'd like to see I like to see you up pull ups
Starting point is 02:03:20 So that we'll send that to you. Okay, and then if you follow it follow up with us I'd love to see where your numbers go. Yes, please. Okay, awesome. Thank you so much, guys. You got it. Thank you. Another case of, I'm not perfect enough.
Starting point is 02:03:35 I don't know, I have to figure, so I get it by the way. We all like the most. No, it's in your eye. I know, I'm sure I'm gonna upset some people because I said what I said, but the truth is this. Like, okay, listen, if you want to get really good at pull-ups and we're all this way, we're all this way.
Starting point is 02:03:50 I will pick something. Yeah, I'm like, oh, I'm gonna get real, like, okay, when I decided I'm gonna get become mobility guy, like I knew I was going to sacrifice a look and if it doesn't mean you can't have kind of bull, but it's like, if I'm gonna get really great at that, that became my all focus. I let go of everything else. I'm not gonna worry about, if I'm gonna get really great at that, that became my all focus. I let go of everything else.
Starting point is 02:04:07 I'm not gonna worry about that. I'm gonna get so good at that. And I did. And of course, I wasn't quite as strong and I didn't look as great as I did on who cares though. That was my goal. And so she has to have the same attitude. She really wants to get good score.
Starting point is 02:04:20 And I'm like, why? I mean, unless you're gonna get good. Well, also, also, like, you know, and I only asked this because she's seen pretty confident. So I thought it was okay, because some people are sensitive. But she's 5'7", 150 pounds, she's lean. Based on that video, she looks like she's in the 17% body fat.
Starting point is 02:04:35 So obviously very fit. But she's not a five foot 90 pound girl. So to do two pull ups at that body weight with her lower body, I mean, she has boots on her. And 5'7 I mean she has five seven is long she's got a long way to pull up That's she's done. Yeah, so she's got one of the strongest lower bodies. We've we've had ever called in before as a female And then she's also five seven so she's got a long way to probably travel for like that is like so difficult Yeah, I want to hard. I hope she does the powerlifting meet. I love to see her.
Starting point is 02:05:06 Hell yeah, squat and deadlift and see what she's doing. Well, and her husband does her program. He's obviously doing a good job. So that's awesome. Good deal. Look, if you like the show, head over to mindpumpfree.com and check out all of our free guides. We have free fitness guides that can coach you
Starting point is 02:05:21 and help you with your fitness goals. You can also find all of us on social media. Justin is at Mind Pump Justin on Instagram. I'm at Mind Pump to Stefano. And Adam is at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 02:05:36 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal and I'm in Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus
Starting point is 02:06:17 other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump!

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