Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2202: Working Out at Home During the Holiday Season

Episode Date: November 9, 2023

The value of the holidays. (1:39) Five Ways to Use Exercise to Make the Holidays More Enjoyable. #1 - Consistency trumps everything. (3:57)  #2 - Short hard workouts for insulin. (12:22) #3... - Closed chain movements for putting you “in” your body. (17:54) #4 - Workout with your family and friends. (23:58) #5 - Mobility movements after meals. (28:44) Related Links/Products Mentioned Limited Time Promotion: At-Home Holiday Bundle (MAPS Anywhere, MAPS Suspension, MAPS Prime, and the No BS 6-Pack all for the special price of $99.99!) Limited time offer exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners ONLY: 50% off the Stress, Mood & Metabolism At-Home Lab Test + Health Coaching Call – Reserve yours today here Mind Pump #2080: Get Jacked With Bands! Mind Pump #2137: The Best Suspension Training Workout Plan For Beginners Mind Pump #2060: Maximize Fat Loss With Continuous Glucose Monitors: Kara Collier Visit NutriSense for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP at checkout** Mind Pump #1307: How To Make Your HIIT Workout More Effective Mind Pump #1362: What You Can Learn About Building Muscle From Inmates, Gymnasts And Sprinters MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness health entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. All right, the holidays are here. Today's episode is about how you can work out. Stay consistent during the holidays. Now, here's what we did for this episode.
Starting point is 00:00:25 We have some programs that don't require gym access. We have a program called Maps Anywhere, Band, and Bodyweight. We have a program called Maps Suspension, all you need is a suspension trainer. We have a program for mobility called Maps Prime. And then we have the no BS6 pack formula, which is a core training program. We threw that in because, hey, everybody wants a nice looking
Starting point is 00:00:46 midsection. Anyway, we took all those programs, which would retail for over $330 and because of this episode, because of the holidays, you get all of them in the at-home holiday bundle for $99.99. That's 70% off, okay? 99, 99, you go to maps, november.com for that. Also, this episode is brought to you by a sponsor.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Dr. Steven Cabral is giving everybody the stress mood and metabolism at home lab test for 50% off. So 50% off, this is gonna be testing hormones in the body, markers in the body that are gonna determine stress, mood and metabolism. This also comes with a free health coaching call. So half off, if you're interested, go to stevencobral.com, forward slash MP.
Starting point is 00:01:31 And again, the holiday bundle, $99.99, four programs, maps november.com. The holiday season, this is where people gain body fat. Their fitness tends to go down and they just generally go backwards. You don't have to. In fact, in today's episode, we're gonna talk to you about
Starting point is 00:01:51 how you can work out during the holiday season, maintain your gains, maybe even get better shape and connect with your family. Drop the gym for the holidays. Yeah, I know. So I think we should first off set the stage here of the real value of the holidays. I think a lot of fitness, fanatics,
Starting point is 00:02:09 fear of the holidays, right? Yeah, oh my God. So it's panic going into it. I'm not gonna work out. I gotta eat, I'm gonna eat all this food. I'm gonna have to. Okay, actually, I don't know if you guys have noticed this. So we've been saying the same message every year
Starting point is 00:02:21 for eight years now, okay, about like the importance of connecting with family. I actually have seen a huge shift in our space. Haven't you? People talking about it. Oh yeah, that's good. No, I've seen more, more fitness influencers posted like, this is the time that you're nuts,
Starting point is 00:02:35 but like never did you hear that should say five plus years ago. I never heard anybody talking about it. I'm glad that's the message. It was always about, how do we figure this out? Like how do we, you know, get your workout in here and do this and time this.
Starting point is 00:02:47 It was always like all these things to try and minimize the body fat. No, I mean, look, this is not a message that is new that we haven't shared. And forget holidays, your workouts should improve the quality of your life, period end of story. So, and now your life will change. Sometimes it means you're in a lot of stress
Starting point is 00:03:04 or the times it means you're not. Sometimes it means, well, every year it means you're going to be holidays and so you're going to have different challenges. How can you work out in ways to make the holidays even better? Not, how can you work out because the holiday suck and you need to do escape or you burn off the calories or whatever, right? There are ways you can work out to make the holidays even better. Of course, one of the biggest benefits of the holidays is connecting with family. So that's really important.
Starting point is 00:03:30 The, that's bringing them in. And there are health benefits to connecting with family. There's health benefits to being around people that you love and enjoy. So we should talk about how to use exercises or way to make the holidays more enjoyable. And then of course, is the part everybody wants to know, how to use exercises or weight to make the holidays more enjoyable. And then of course, the part everybody wants to know had to minimize the potential damage of the holidays,
Starting point is 00:03:49 of the food that you eat, maybe the fact that your gym is closed, you're not gonna go to the gym, maybe you're traveling. So let's talk a little bit about those. I also think that one of the best strategies for dealing with the holidays, it reminds me of when I would talk to somebody who wants to like getting good shape for a competition is the real work is done heading into it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:13 It's before. It's like the last thing you want to try and do like come holiday season is like, oh, let me figure this out. I need to start losing 30 pounds right now. It's a really good 10 pounds with a Christmas holiday. holiday. So honestly, like the more consistency that you have built leading into it, the easier this is going to be and the less stressful it'll be to where you don't have to worry too much and you can focus primarily on that. Yeah. Now the big thing is if you look at all the potential challenges with your workouts and the holidays, the most important thing to consider is consistency
Starting point is 00:04:46 because this is where people tend to miss workouts for whatever reason, right? They're traveling or family is visiting or maybe their gym is closed or for whatever reason, they're just missing workouts. Consistency when you're talking in the context of appropriate workouts, of course, consistency trumps everything.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Consistency trumps intensity. It trumps frequency. If you had two people who were identical in all respects and you looked at their progress of the course of four years or five years, the person who was consistent with, then again, the context of appropriate workouts is going to do better than the person who isn't consistent, even if the non-consistent person has a superior workout or trains harder. This is still true for the holidays. So, I think that's the number one thing to focus on is, how can I stay consistent? I think the biggest factor that contributes to inconsistency of the holidays is accessibility. The fact that you might not have access to equipment or a gym or the typical stuff
Starting point is 00:05:50 that you use to work out. So one of the big things to consider is, how do I work out anywhere? How do I work at home? How do I work out at my aunt's house? So I'm gonna visit her. How do I have a good workout without any equipment once so ever?
Starting point is 00:06:07 I think this is a very important consideration and the reason why you need to consider is you need to plan for it. What you don't wanna do is go into it and be like, oh, no, Jim, I guess I'll just do a bunch of random bodyweight exercises. Programming makes a big difference here as well. Yeah, and it's one of those things
Starting point is 00:06:23 that a lot of times it's unclear. So you have to be able to build in like flexibility and to do that. You're going to have to realize that your normal routine and schedule and all that, like it's it's not going to look the same. So how can we account for that and how can we have sort of backup plans and and different options available? And so a lot of times too, like you have to look outside of just like, my routine is I drive to the gym at this time and then, you know, and I'm able to use all the equipment and come back and, you know, maybe I don't have access to that.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Now I have to have something available for me exactly where I am. I just go downstairs and use it or I don't need any equipment. I just use my body weight. This reminds me a lot about how I communicate to clients and friends on, how do I utilize things like hit training or super setting, like instead of like programming it into my normal routine, I allow life to happen. And then when those times present themselves were it's advantageous to train that way,
Starting point is 00:07:23 I just do. And what's great is it interrupts my normal training and it's a novel stimulus. And so I get now the added benefits of, oh, my body's not used to this. The same thing goes for holidays. Very consistently, I'm a gym lifter, I barbell, dumbbell lifting either at my house or inside here or on a gym. That's consistently I train. I rarely ever do, you know, know body weight stuff suspension trainer type stuff
Starting point is 00:07:45 And so it's like oh, this is great Here I am going to be at home with my family some the gyms are closed on certain days I don't feel like going to the gym and leaving where family and friends are all at so oh here's a great time to interrupt my normal training blocks with this Suspension trainer body weight type of routine and now not only is it like gonna work out because it's easier and more convenient But it's also a novel stimulus. So a lot of times I see great benefits from it Not like it should go in my routine occasionally anyways, and so why not allow it when the holidays? Yeah I always use bands
Starting point is 00:08:19 Suspension trainer maybe a stick or a wall for isometrics and trainer, maybe a stick or a wall for isometrics. And in my experience, when I've done this, which I've done this now for a while over holidays, especially if I'm, or on vacations when I travel, I'll do this. When I go back to my regular routine, to your point, Adam, I have, I don't, not only do I not go backwards, I actually notice benefits.
Starting point is 00:08:39 It's like when we all went to Mexico, was it a few years ago, a couple of years ago, we brought bands and a suspension trainer. And I did use them. I went outside and I used them for 30 minutes here and there and got a workout, got a pump, type of deal. Nothing crazy, very different from my normal routine. When we came back, I felt great.
Starting point is 00:08:59 In fact, I felt like it was a much needed shift in my workout because I used things that I don't normally use. Now, the value of things like a suspension trainer or a resistance bands or of course your body is they're super convenient. You could use them anywhere. You can go anywhere and use those suspension trainers. You can hang in a doorway, around a tree,
Starting point is 00:09:20 around a metal pole, bands, you don't need anything. You just step on them or stand on them or use them anchored around a doorknob and you've got basically access to almost any exercise for any body part. And you can still make it super challenging for you. So by going slow, like changing the tempo, I would hold certain positions for an excess amount of time
Starting point is 00:09:44 to really challenge my muscles still, but into range of motion, so like in range strength in a lot of different angles that normally I wouldn't connect with. I wouldn't incorporate those in my regular routine. It's like I'm gonna focus on that aspect. And then like you said, you come back and you feel like you've addressed a whole that I had.
Starting point is 00:10:07 You know, this is one of my favorite parts about what we did with any of them. We don't really actually talk or sell maps anywhere a lot. Like it's not like one of our go-to, talk to talking points around. It went crazy during COVID though. It did. Actually, it was so funny.
Starting point is 00:10:20 It was probably one of our lease sold programs heading in before COVID. And then when COVID hit, it became one of the number sold programs heading in before COVID and then when COVID hit it became one of the number one selling programs. And we did, and one of the things I think that what that people found out after the fact was that I think there's this misconception that it's like this, oh, it's so basic. It's just, and I remember when we wrote it,
Starting point is 00:10:38 we wrote it, I remember when we wrote it, we're like, listen, I don't want this to be a beginner only program. I want someone who's really advanced to be able to say, hey, if I wanted to just do all body weight training for a while, how would I see great- I don't want it to be a second fiddle, settle for this routine, because you don't have a gym.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Like, I want it to own a thing. Yeah, if I was going to do body weight, how would I train body weight? That's right. I'm not going to do something where I'm like, oh, my client who's 65 and super deconditioned body weight type of training, it's like, I want to have things to wear. And that's where the birth of the intensity sessions came in there, where we actually have the
Starting point is 00:11:10 ability to, and there's levels to like how challenging you may. So if you could be someone who's really, really advanced and you can make that anywhere workout, kick your ass, or you can be really regressed and you can take it all the way back to like very beginner like and still challenge yourself too. That was like, I think one of the sweetest parts about that program. It's, you know, if you're working out this way
Starting point is 00:11:33 with body weight bands, or let's just suspension trainers, a couple of ways you could break this up. You could do upper lower splits, or what I like to do is just full body. I like to, most days go out and do like a 30 minute kind of full body workout, hit the whole body, and that is not just enough, it's more than enough for me at least to not just maintain my gains,
Starting point is 00:11:54 but I actually notice some pretty cool improvements. But the main key here is, it allows you to be consistent. You don't need a gym, you don't need to go anywhere, you literally take them with you, they fit in like a tiny space, like a suspension trainer band, you could put in a small bag if you needed to. And now you have your gym going with you. Or if you have family visiting, you can't leave your house to work out. It's literally wake up 30 minutes earlier. Do your workout with these things and then you're all set. Another thing to consider, and this, this, you know, I know people are gonna attach to what I'm about
Starting point is 00:12:29 to say from the fat loss. I don't do this for the fat loss. I do this for something that I always hate on the holidays, which is the post meal lethargy, okay? Where you eat a big meal, you're with your family, Christmas dinner, Thanksgiving dinner, whatever. And then you're like, oh, you want to fall asleep, you're so tired of courses that stereotype of like,
Starting point is 00:12:50 your dad and your dad are on the couch. Following sleep. And I hated that because it took away from the time I could spend with my family. Now I would try to do it with diet and I would eat the protein first that helps try not to overeat, but you know, you've got all these delicious dishes.
Starting point is 00:13:05 You know, my family, people bring things that are homemade that I only have an opportunity to eat during the holidays. And so I want to enjoy all of them. Even if I watch my portions, it's still going to be a lot more than I normally eat. But then you get that post meal crash where you're just, you're tired or irritable and you just don't feel good. And then what happens is you try to without maybe realizing it, offset it by eating more. This is what two people tend to do.
Starting point is 00:13:28 They'll eat more sugar to try and get themselves to feel better and they end up feeling terrible. Now, this is because of the insulin dump you get. And then the blood sugar rise and crash. In fact, CGMs now are quite popular. You can put one on, see what happens to your body when you eat these meals, and you'll see this spike in blood sugar and then this crash. The crash is when we feel lethargic when we feel like we need to take an app. Now, I said earlier, you could be protein first, and that helps make a difference. But nothing, nothing makes a difference, like a short, intense workout,
Starting point is 00:14:05 either before or after that meal. In fact, if you do a short, intense workout, an hour before that meal, literally 10 to 15 minute, hit style workout. That's my favorite, I like before. Yes, that's the best way to do it, right? A 10 to 15 minute, hit style workout, 30 to 60 minutes before, literally, you go outside for 10, 15 minutes,
Starting point is 00:14:26 come back inside, nobody knows the difference. Besides the fact that you might be sweating a little bit. Measure your blood sugar and it is profound the difference it makes on that and that crash doesn't hit you nearly enough. Doing it afterwards also has a positive effect, although before seems to have more of an effect. This is a hack. I would prefer this is a hack. I would prefer before.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I think just because afterwards is rough. Yeah, and afterwards too, like, and I know you, and then one of your points, you'll get to this of like the kind of movement and just walking, so like that. Like I loved like we started this traditional long time ago as post meal Katrina and I would just start we would walk. Yes. And it started off with just like her and I now everybody knows. So it's better for digestion.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Yeah, and it just feel it's easy, right? You just had a nice big meal with everybody. Still connecting. Yeah, we're still, let's go for a walk together. And like every age group can handle that, right? Like my, my mother and law probably isn't going to do my hit style anywhere workout with me or something like that. But I can go for a walk with her and everybody. So it's like more of the family joins in on the walk afterwards, which is fine. You know, it's like more of the family joins in on the walk afterwards, which is fine.
Starting point is 00:15:25 You know, it's better than nothing, right? And so I would prefer to do the harder intense workout before the meal and then eat, enjoy myself, and then go walk afterwards. Yeah, so here's what happens with that intense workout. And I've measured this with CGMs. In fact, Tom Billy, when I went to be on a show, I don't know, a few months ago,
Starting point is 00:15:44 he told me the same thing. He said, before the holidays, I'll do a really hard leg workout in particular, he said, he said, hit style, leg workout. And he goes, and I'll measure my blood sugar. And he goes, and he know him. He's like super. Yeah, a data guy.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Yeah, he's like very, very, very big on the data, very obsessed with it. And he goes, bro, he goes, it looks like a completely different person. He's like, one of them is this huge peak and crash. And then the other one, he goes, my blood sugar doesn't, you goes, I'm eating pastries, candies, all the stuff that he normally doesn't even touch. So his body should be hypersensitive. He goes, my blood sugar barely goes above what it normally would. If I work out hard before the day, what happens is it primes your body and your muscles
Starting point is 00:16:24 to uptake and utilize that glucose to replenish itself. So you don't get this and your body becomes more sensitive to insulin. So you don't need as big of an insulin spike to make this happen. So a hits style workout, I like for this because it's so short. High intensity interval training is a very good way to make this happen.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Now you could do a traditional strength training workout an hour long or again, you could do traditional strength training workout an hour long or again you could do 10 minute hit work out and then 45 minutes later eat and in what you'll notice and I've noticed this is you don't get that post meal crash you actually feel okay afterwards which is really cool. Add the walk with the family. Yeah and that's like the perfect. I mean I wish we had like enough people to like wear the glucose monitors to like test this before and after and like I mean, I lookable I remember when we we talked about those and I know there was like a movement going around of like you know
Starting point is 00:17:13 Fitness influencers that we're trying to counter and say how stupid they are it's like man if you can learn to connect The behaviors to yes, how you because like I don't you know and some people are probably aware enough that they, they realize, oh, yeah, I know I have to write that big turkey meal. All I want to do is just lay around and do nothing. Yeah. Part of that is also because of the crash. It isn't just because of the turkey, you know, it's inside turkey and so that. It's also, as you ate this huge meal, you have this massive spike and you have massive
Starting point is 00:17:39 crash. And so you want to lay around where if you can mitigate that through some habits with your, either training or how you eat your protein first so that like you're more likely to stay active and do so at that and you're less likely to put on a much more body fat. Yes, yes, totally. All right. Here's another thing that I think is really important for the holiday season.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I think, and this is all connected. Someone might think I'm being will here, but there is data to support this, and this is also through experience. Workouts can be very effective ways of putting yourself in your body and being present. Okay, where am I going with this? Well, when you're with family around the holidays, and as I've gotten older, I've realized that this is something that I would do. When there's a lot of people around, whatever, I tend to check out a little bit.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I think I get a little anxious or whatever. There's people I don't know or I haven't seen for a while. And then afterwards later on, I'm like, oh, I didn't get that opportunity to sit down with that person and talk to that person. Wow, look at my nephew, he's so much older.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And so I want to put myself in my body. All right, where does exercise come into play? Close chain movements in my opinion are really good ways of putting yourself in your body. There's something different about moving a weight versus moving your body, right? So like a chest press versus a pushup.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I think when you're moving your body around space, it kind of forces you to be more in your body because it's your body that's moving, not just your hands and your feet. This is why gymnasts have such, one of the reasons why they have such incredible proprioception, right? They know how to control their bodies in time and space and this makes them really good at doing other sports because that's what you need. Typically, this is why coaches will recommend kids do gymnastics as a first sport.
Starting point is 00:19:25 It puts them in their body. And most gymnastics movements are closed chain. So closed chain is you moving your body. It's a push up versus a chest press or a body weight squat versus a leg press. That's what closed chain does. And closed chain does that. Yeah, and I feel like sometimes open chain movements like you, you can get distracted by the weight itself and trying to manipulate your position to be able to count for how the weight is leveraged. Yeah, the leverage. And so
Starting point is 00:19:55 a lot of the focus will go there or like the number of reps you're doing, you just kind of get in one of those rhythmic situations with that versus the close chain, it really does place all of your effort, attention, like all your nerves, like all of the joints, everything is like has to account for you bringing your body into that environment situation. So it is, it is a totally different feel, which has its own benefits. I mean, I I've actually never thought of us like that, but I'm listening to both make that point. Of course, it makes you feel more in your body. There's you can't do a push-up, a pull-up, something where you're can without feeling your entire body where you can do a lot of
Starting point is 00:20:42 bench press dumbbell exercises where it's the difference when you pull up and a lap pull down. Yeah. And my legs are completely at rest when I do a lap pull down. There's my body, my feet, my legs, my calves, they're not feeling that that way. Whereas if I'm in a push-up, everything from my toes to my fingertips, I'm feeling, I'm feeling everything in that movement. So to add to that, I like, and this is something that I wanted to do this year that I don't think
Starting point is 00:21:05 I've ever challenged myself to do is to like, get rid of the phone, right? So obviously the idea of what you're selling right now is that, you know, doing these close-chain moves to become more present, more in your body. Yes. I also think eliminating any sort of potential distractions will only help that situation too.
Starting point is 00:21:24 So if the desired outcome is, hey, you know what? Like, I want to, I want to practice being an ultra-present or I mean, I want to be for the kids and the younger ones. I want to be a good example. I don't want to be on my phone doing stuff all the time. Like, okay, one thing I can do is to do the, the close chain type of exercises. The other thing is to get rid of my phone why I'm with my family.
Starting point is 00:21:47 So they see me being ultra-present and I'm ultra-present. You know, it got pointed out to me a long time ago by a bodywork specialist and she said, I was teaching her how to bench press. She had some good natural strength, but she never really lift it. And in the bench press, what do you teach when you're teaching someone how to really be strong?
Starting point is 00:22:04 Ground your feet, drive your hips, squeeze your glutes, activate your lats. And she's like, man, you really have to work hard to put yourself in your body. And I said, huh? She was all the things you're telling me to do. If I do a push up, it just happens. Like if I do a push up, like everything's turned on. And I said, oh, shit, okay, that's totally true. And she goes, you know what's funny? She goes, when I work on people who strength train, I will tell them to do suspension trainer workouts because I can feel that they're more in their body.
Starting point is 00:22:34 And that's when I start experimenting with suspension training. It's true. When you're doing a chest press or a fly or a body row, it's a different thing. Now I can be because I'm well trained. I can put myself in my body with traditional strength training exercises, but if you think about training clients,
Starting point is 00:22:50 how much of your focus is on telling them, do this, do that, connect here, whereas if you're doing a pull-up, you don't need to say anything, as long as it's strong enough to do it right, they're in their body, so closed-chain movements are great for this, suspension trainers are amazing for this, and I love suspension trainers because you can change the angle to make it appropriate
Starting point is 00:23:07 for a beginner or someone who's super advanced. Right, somebody who can't do a full pull-up or even a push-up and some of that, you can regress. Or I can make it really hard. Like I can make a push-up variation on it that times. It really stresses that stability issue to the core and to make sure that you're really bracing properly because it isn't like to your earlier point,
Starting point is 00:23:27 it's like you can't just segment your body off, like you have to use all of it as to like, some of it has to just anchor and stay exactly where it is where the ret, and that takes muscular contraction to do that instead of just letting it just hang. So, yeah. And there's overflow of this in the sense of the benefits. Like you train like this over a two week period
Starting point is 00:23:45 because of the holidays, you go back to your traditional workout, watch what happens. You'll notice a different connection in a different type of strength, partly because of the novelty of it, but also because you've been putting your body in a different way.
Starting point is 00:23:58 The next thing, this one I hacked a long time ago, and it's one of the best things that I think I've ever done around the holidays, and that is that I schedule workouts with family members around the holidays. Now, yes, these aren't like workouts when I'm on myself, and I'm challenging myself, and I'm being very selfish with what I'm working on.
Starting point is 00:24:18 It's definitely more about connecting with the people with me, but I love it because I'm the fitness expert. Okay. I get to share something with family members. They value the fact that I work out all the time and that I'm a fitness expert. They want to come to the workout. And then we get to do this thing together. We get to talk, mess around.
Starting point is 00:24:35 If it's with my cousins, there's a lot of shit talking. We'll do some exercise and we'll sit down and talk. And it's not, it's a workout, but it's actually more of a, like visiting connection time that also is a workout. Then just a workout. It's like an event. It's really cool. So it's like, if you have friends and family members who you would be like, man, it would be really fun to ask
Starting point is 00:24:56 Aunt Susie to come with me for one of my workouts or any you literally, I mean, it's what I would do. I would call them up. Hey, you wanna show up 30 minutes early and we'll do like a band workout? And I've never had a no. Every family member, I mean, it's what I would do. I would call them up, but hey, you wanna show up 30 minutes early and we'll do like a band workout. And I've never had a no. Every family member, I think probably because I've been doing this for so long as a career,
Starting point is 00:25:11 they're like excited to do it. And then it's with me, it's me, three other people, we're doing this 10, 15 minute workout. I get to share this thing with them, I also get to get a workout and it's very connecting. It's a lot of fun. I've been working on that because I remember you've talked about that quite a bit and like just
Starting point is 00:25:27 Kind of slowly introducing some of my family some Courtney's family and It's interesting. It's always the unconventional tools that capture their attention that way It's so I was like half the time I'm taking them through like some Some club swings and Indian clubs are like showing them the mace bell and all that and then letting them try and kind of stabilize and through real basic things, but it's just like kind of sparks interest, which is always cool.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I mean, I've actually attended this with South Family before and I love it. Like it's something that my family's trying to adopt and we've tried to emulate a little bit of it. What I was thinking about that I liked was actually, it was like two and a half, three hours, so you're here. And we only did probably an hour worth of working out
Starting point is 00:26:10 in that three hour, but that's what it was. It was like, you know, guys were hookin' up, you know, dumbbells to their waist and doin' max pull up to see what they could do. And everybody was, you know, pushin' the sled, how heavy could we push the sled? And like, so it turns into this like cool, fun, like mostly conversation and bonding with the family,
Starting point is 00:26:29 mixed in with some movement and exercise. And it stretched out over three hours where we're not sitting and doing chips and dip and watching TV. And so like, it can only imagine how beneficial that is. And I think like, okay, if we have this luxury, we have this gym, right? So we have that privilege of having something like that.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I think if I didn't have that, I'd probably grab a suspension trainer, maybe a mace bell, maybe a kettlebell, one or two heavy bands. I love this land though. Yeah, a couple like tools. And then just do some like fun challenges with it. You know, like what stuff can you do
Starting point is 00:27:04 on the suspension trainer? That's really challenging that we could all take turns doing. Then can we lift this in a circus press overhead or a bottoms up kettlebell press or swing the maze or push the drag the sled? Like, I mean, you really, this is an area where, and of course, I know we have programs for all this stuff like that, but I would suggest that people have fun with it, be loose about it to get, and it's more about connecting with the family and engaging with them. So take a handful of these tools that are easy to love from anywhere, right? Like you can literally ban suspension trainer one kettlebell and a dumbbell or something.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Take it anywhere. Yeah, take that anywhere. You go to a park, you can do it somewhere at your house, and just make it into a thing where you guys are doing some fun challenges. You know, it was a surprise from this. When I first did it, I'll be very honest right here on the podcast. It was really a way for me to get my workout in and not be a jerk and not hang out with my family.
Starting point is 00:27:55 So how can I do both? Oh, I know, I'll invite them. It turned out to be so fun that I value, that I value, it's one of my favorite workouts of the year, and then here's the surprise my family now No joke I guarantee you within a week or two they'll text me. Hey, where are we gonna do the workout? Hey, when are we gonna do the workout? Hey, I can't wait for us to the workout It's now become something that family members who are not fitness fanatics are
Starting point is 00:28:19 Looking forward to to doing every single year like what a great way to to doing every single year. Like what a great way to positively influence your family. And I do make it enjoyable, right? So it's not like I'm trying to beat them up. Don't try and show off. I think that's stupid. That's not very connecting. But it's great.
Starting point is 00:28:33 I have an aunt. She's like, hey, when I come down for Thanksgiving, I've been having that shoulder pain. Can you take me through some? And it's like, yeah, this is super great. And it's to show some great mobility. It's super awesome, which takes us to this next one. Mobility movements you could do anywhere, right?
Starting point is 00:28:49 So like priming type movements. I love doing these after a meal because they allow me to do some kind of muscle contraction, bring the insulin levels down, bring the sugar levels down. But also, if you do priming, you could do your priming movement, and it also helps with digestion. A lot of prim you do priming, you could do your priming movement. And it also
Starting point is 00:29:05 helps with digestion. A lot of priming involves the core, involves stability. And I noticed one of the worst things you could do in the data supports this is right after a meal, especially a big meal, nothing. I know that it feels like you might have done nothing. But one of the worst things you could do is eat a huge meal and then what does everybody do? It's on the couch, maybe throw some alcohol at it. And then that's like, oh, you're in for it, right? One of the best things you could do is some movement. Now you don't want to do a full workout, because that's gonna be tough
Starting point is 00:29:31 after you know Thanksgiving dinner, but getting down on the floor and doing some priming movements, 15 minutes after your meal, that helps with digestion, and it feels good. It actually feels really good. It's one of my favorite things to do afterwards.
Starting point is 00:29:42 So this was actually, so I told you we do this walk and most of the family's got onto it afterwards. A couple of family members were complaining about hip and low back pain. So this is how this actually, we, and this was literally last year what happened. We ended up all getting on the floor and me taking everybody through some 90, 90 progressions
Starting point is 00:30:00 for about 10, 15 minutes. First to relieve everybody's hip and low back and everyone was like, oh my God, so it starts like, yeah, then let's go for a walk afterwards. So that is like literally what we'll probably end up doing because I got everybody, I can get everybody to do that.
Starting point is 00:30:12 It's real easy for them to get on the floor like that. And they see the immediate benefits, funny because a lot of them will fill that way because they've been sedentary all day, sitting on the couch, not doing anything, then they wouldn't fed themselves like crazy. And it's like, come on, we can do something right here. Let's get on the floor and I can show a media relief It feels really good like if you're a fitness fanatic if you love it
Starting point is 00:30:31 I mean look. I don't have to sell this you know this one of your favorite things in life is to share this with the people You care about and that's what ends up happening you do this because I guarantee after you do that on the floor What happened people got like oh my god? Oh, yeah. I feel so good. It's just more often. It's such a good feeling to be able to share that. And if, now, look, if you're a coach and online coach, you probably get some clients that is as well. With some of your distant family members
Starting point is 00:30:57 that might want to hire you. But it's a great thing to do after you eat. And again, just to sell to the fitness fanatics, yeah, it'll help a blood sugar and all that stuff. But it's a very connecting way to show your value to other people. So here's what we're doing because of the holiday season. What we did is a gift to our listeners
Starting point is 00:31:14 as we took the programs that we feel are most appropriate for what we're talking about. So we have maps anywhere where you work out anywhere. It's a band bodyweight workout. We have maps suspension, which is a suspension trainer program. We have MAPs prime where we show you priming movements, mobility movements. And then we threw in the no BS6 pack formula.
Starting point is 00:31:33 It's a popular core training program that we threw in there. Now, if you were to get those all at retail, it would be over $330. Okay, so here's what we're doing. 70% off. So all of those are included in what's, we're doing. 70% off, so all of those are included in what we're gonna call the at-home holiday bundle,
Starting point is 00:31:49 $99.99, and you get all those programs included for life, so that you have that pretty awesome. By the way, you could find that bundle at maps, November.com. Also, if you want free stuff, go to mindpumpfree.com, we got a bunch of free guides there. And then, finally, follow us on social media. Justin is on Instagram at MindPumpJustin.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I'm at MindPumpDestephanone.com. Is that MindPump? Adam. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes MAPSANabolic, MAPS Performance and MAPSastetic.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sour, animal-justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources
Starting point is 00:33:02 at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. you

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