Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2221: Ways to Develop Strong Hands, How to Peak for a One-Rep Max, Workout Tips for New Parents & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: December 6, 2023

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: An ...active or spiritual practice makes you healthier/happier, and contributes significantly to longevity. (2:33) The famous shell game. (16:30) The ability to create new songs with old artists. (19:31) Celebrating the Godfather of rock n’ roll. (21:58) Evidence of social contagion. (23:41) The climate is NOT God. (28:43) Is everything that goes viral staged? (32:07) Kids say the darndest things. (34:28) The genius of adult humor in cartoons/animated films. (37:03) Don’t mess with the South Park creators. (42:03) Optimistic or bullish on Disney? (44:21) Updating the audience on Adam’s use of Ned post-cannabis. (49:17) New product alert from Caldera Lab. (53:50) Shout out to Dhru Purohit. (1:01:19) #ListenerLive question #1 - Any advice on how to figure out how much I need to eat to continue my muscle-building progress while not increasing my body fat? (1:02:43) #ListenerLive question #2 - What can I do to increase my grip strength? (1:16:11) #ListenerLive question #3 - What is the best way to peak for a 1 rep max? (1:29:49) #ListenerLive question #4 - Any tips or tricks to assure that I am not jeopardizing gains, be it physically, mentally, or in my relationship with my wife due to lack of sleep? (1:51:34) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout for the discount** December Promotion: MAPS Old Time Strength | MAPS OCR 50% off! ** Code DECEMBER50 at checkout ** Watch Escaping Twin Flames | Netflix Official Site The Beatles’ final song is now streaming thanks to AI Little Richard documentary United Nations set to call on Americans to reduce meat consumption Staff locked in escape room building by fleeing prankster | SWNS Elon Musk Has a Warning for Disney Why Disney Is Betting $60 Billion on Parks and Cruise Liners No, Snoop Dogg isn't quitting cannabis. Here's why he's 'giving up smoke' Visit Stress Guardian by biOptimizers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #2160: Macro Counting Master Class Mind Pump #1895: Eight Hacks For An Insanely Strong Grip MAPS Strong | MAPS Fitness Products Mind Pump #2150: Why You Should Aim For PR’s For Maximum Results 10 Steps to Hit & EXCEED Your PR's With Any Lift In 30 Days (Or Less!) | Mind Pump 1962 Mind Pump #2112: Is 15 Minutes Enough Time For An Effective Workout? MAPS 15 Minutes Mind Pump #1802: Seven Surprising Benefits Of Exercise Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dhru Purohit (@dhrupurohit) Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hop, mind, hop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness health and entertainment podcast in the history of the universe. This is Mind Pump. Alright, in today's episode, we answered live caller's questions, actually called in, we helped them out. This was after the first 60 minute portion, it's an intro portion, current events, fitness studies, fun stuff. Okay, if you want to skip around to your favorite parts, check the show notes, you can click
Starting point is 00:00:34 on the timestamps, it'll take you to where you want to go. Also, you want to be on an episode like this one, email us at live at mindputmedia.com. Also one more thing, I'm'm gonna be doing a free, three-part trainer training. Okay, in other words, if you're a trainer or a fitness coach and you wanna learn from us, sign up, it costs nothing. I'm gonna hook everybody up, it's gonna be virtual. I'm gonna teach you guys some pretty cool stuff,
Starting point is 00:00:58 talk about some really cool stuff, and give you guys the dirt on what's happening upcoming here at MindPump. You can sign up, it costs nothing, it's MindPumpTrainer.com. The first day of this will be January 15th. This episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Ned.
Starting point is 00:01:13 They make high quality hemp oil products that are high in cannabinoids like CBD, which help with pain, produce euphoria, and for many people are anti-anxiety. Go check them out. Go to helloned.com, that's helioned.com forward slash mind pump, use the code mind pump, get 15% off. This episode's also brought to you by Caldera. Caldera lab makes skin care products that feel amazing
Starting point is 00:01:38 on your skin and improve the quality of your skin. It's good stuff, it's all natural, by the way. Go check them out, go to calderalab.com forward slash mine pump. Use the code mine pump and get 20% off. We also have a sale on some fitness programs. Maps, old time strength, 50% off in maps, obstacle course racing, OCR, also 50% off. If you're interested, go to mapsfitinistproducts.com and use the code December 50 for that discount. All right, here comes a show. T-shirt time. And it's t-shirt time. Oh, shit, Doug.
Starting point is 00:02:12 You know it's my favorite time of the week. Two winners this week. One for Apple podcast, one for Facebook. The Apple podcast winner is JR Harvey 320. And for Facebook, we have Lauren and Manternock. Both of you are winners, and the name I just read to iTunes at mindpumpmedia.com include your shirt size and your shipping address,
Starting point is 00:02:31 and we'll get that shirt right out to you. Attention, data, and science-driven fitness fanatics. The following is crystal clear. The data shows this 100%. An active spiritual or religious practice makes you healthier, makes you happier, and contributes significantly to longevity. So if you preach data, you preach science, you say, look, you got to look at the data, look at the science. This is what tells you the truth, then you have to grapple with the following, a spiritual and religious practice that your active in is good for you. Look into it. This one I love because when you're when you talk to the data, the people like to pull up the data.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Who's the data shows? This is what the data shows. It shows if you eat this way, it shows if you exercise like this, if you, and they can be actually quite, they can be zealots about this. Bring this to them and watch them squirm. Okay, well, the data shows that people with an active religious practice, people who go to church every Sunday or people have a spiritual practice that they're active in across the border happier, less anxious, stay married longer, better parents, they have better health, they're less likely to smoke, less likely to drink, less likely to go to jail. The data is clear on this. Do you have a practice like this since you're so data-driven and
Starting point is 00:03:44 then you watch them squirm and they're sure? I love that, unless it's an abusive cult. Yeah. Like Twinflake. I'm totally into it. We'll get to that later, but I just want to throw that in there just to make sure. Does it count?
Starting point is 00:03:56 It happens, Gabe. Do you think though there's a bit of like a correlation there with just like the studies that come out that come out about like what a multi-vitamin can do for you? And it's like, well, it's less about the multi-vitamin that somebody has this practice that they take a pill every single day. They're more likely also to make healthier choices,
Starting point is 00:04:13 to exercise, do that. Do you think there's some sort of correlation there that if you have a spiritual practice, it's less about the spirituality or whatever, it's just a fact that a lot more discipline. Yeah, you have discipline to make better choices. This is the way that they try to explain it. So if you pull this up and you look at the data,
Starting point is 00:04:26 you'll get lots of articles, psychology, articles, articles on human behavior, science articles, and then what they'll do is they'll try to point to those things. They'll say, okay, why does the data show this? Well, there's a lot of community, because they go to church every Sunday, so they meet with people every week. They get help when they need it, or people are more likely to see that they need help
Starting point is 00:04:49 because they're so connected, they're more disciplined to look at certain things. So that's the argument, the way that they try to explain it way, fine. That's totally valid. Truth is, all that's good. Well, it's in right, and I, okay, that's all totally valid. Here's the point that I try to make.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Would can we separate that from what spirituality and religious provides, which is the belief in the transcendent, which is the belief in something greater than themselves? And I don't necessarily think you can separate the two. I haven't seen yet data to show that you can necessarily separate those. For example, it would be like trying to separate the practice of fitness and health
Starting point is 00:05:27 from the belief that you are worthy of being healthier. That you're somebody that's worthy of being taken care of, right? Try to follow a fitness and health journey and try to do that through self hate. Like a lot of people might get caught up in, right? Where they hate their body, they hate themselves. But they're like, but I'm doing all the practices. I'm still working out, I'm still eating right. Yet their health doesn't reflect it like somebody who's doing it with with the different intention, with the remtention. So I don't know, I'm not making the argument,
Starting point is 00:05:56 necessarily that you have to believe in the transcendent. All I'm saying is the data is very clear in this. It's explained it away all you want. The data is very clear in this. And so if your data driven, you have to grapple with this and you have to say to, and if you're very focused on your own health and finish, like this is what I do, I really believe in this and I want to help others. Why ignore this?
Starting point is 00:06:16 There's almost nothing that shows the positive effects across the board like that. Like it makes everything. How strong is it as far as the data? How strong is it connected? And is data, how strong is it connected, and is it how does it compare to a diet or how does it compare to exercise or how does it compare to other forms of improving yourself or being healthier. So for life quality, it contributes significantly for anxiety and depression, it contributes significantly, and it seems to contribute to everything else. So when people quit smoking, they get healthier, right?
Starting point is 00:06:49 But when people have an active spiritual practice or an active religious practice, they're less likely to smoke. They're also less likely to eat in a particular way. They're less likely, by the way, I know people right now are like, I know someone who's a church. I know someone who goes to church that does all these things. Yeah. Obviously this is a broad, you know, we're looking at broad data,
Starting point is 00:07:07 but you're less likely to do the things that aren't good for you and you're more likely to do the things that are good for you. And this is really important, because mindset, in my opinion, I think most coaches and trainers who've been working with people for a long time will tell you mindsets everything. It changes your frame. Everything seems different. The things that seem to be stressful before now seem to be more like blessings. Like, oh my God, all these kids are so, oh my God, it's so busy. I don't have time for myself.
Starting point is 00:07:35 And then you have this spiritual practice and you go, oh my God, this is amazing. Like having kids is amazing. This is a worthwhile trade. Like, one of the clubs was not nearly as fulfilling as being here with my kids. So, the trade becomes more worthwhile. And this is, again, this is based, that's not just my experience, it's based off of when you look at the actual data, what it seems to say, it seems to change the mindset and the frame around things, which has a profound effect on depression, anxiety, your perception
Starting point is 00:08:02 of pain, that's another one. Like, you know, how pain affects you? Changes when you have these practices? There was some data on that. Yeah, I heard an interesting talk. I think it was, I forget, it was like this scientist and I think it was between him and Jordan Pearson. They're talking about like even statisticians
Starting point is 00:08:20 and like data driven people, like they have to make moral decisions all the way through and parsing through all of the numbers and where it comes from. If it's following my own bias, how do I remove my own bias, and how do I make all these moral decisions to account for the result that I'm achieving through all that? It's like, even through that lens, you're're gonna have to make a lot of like moral, driven decision. You know what I say?
Starting point is 00:08:49 You brought something up. I don't think I've ever asked you guys and I'm just curious, because both of you were in your 20s with kids. Do you remember like wrestling with being young and still wanting to go out and do your own thing? Like, can you like vividly remember like that? Clearly, you can.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Clearly. It was the loss of what feels like the loss of freedom, not doing things like your buddies that are able to do, feeling like, oh, I can't do this thing. I have these kids I'm taking care of. And oh, my God, my sleep is impacted. And I have this stress and this bird in of and oh my god my sleep is impacted and I have this stress and this you know bird in I've had me to care for these other people that was something I grappled a lot with really a lot and
Starting point is 00:09:32 And I mean though I think a lot of people do as my frame is shifted and changed You know it reminds me of when somebody's Trying to exercise regularly and eat right, and they are grappling with the, I can't just eat whatever I want. I can't just lay on the couch all day long. I can't just, now when you do it a long time, you realize that you're actually more free because you're healthy, not less free.
Starting point is 00:09:56 So that mindset shift was a profound one for me, and I feel very blessed that I have a gap between my kids. I have two older kids and their teens and then two that are, you know, three and under. And because I had that time in between, I can reflect. Do you feel like it was a light switch moment or do you think it was like over time you started to piece that together? It feels like slow growth and then sudden growth. You know what I mean? Like little by little by little by little and then boom
Starting point is 00:10:26 There was a big shift and kind of the way I looked at things because obviously I see that you do getting your second round of young kids Yeah, I've only really know you that way because I don't I didn't watch your younger one or your older ones at this at this stage And so I don't see that other side But you do recall that transition and remember that. What about you, Justin? Do you? So what was the original question? Are you not here? You're fucking check out him.
Starting point is 00:10:50 No, I didn't check out when I talk over there. No, I didn't check out. I was like really concentrating on what I was trying to do. So when you were in your 20s, when you were in 20, because you guys both had kids at a young age like that. And you know, something that I always thought about when I chose not to have kids,
Starting point is 00:11:07 I was like, I knew I was fucking selfish. Like, I was very aware of how selfish of a person I was. And I knew that that probably wasn't a responsible time for me to bring a child into this world. Now, you guys did. And so, do you remember wrestling with that selfishness of wanting to be with the boys or wanting to go buy
Starting point is 00:11:25 yourself a new toy that you, but instead having to sacrifice to raise these kids, do you recall those moments? Yeah, well, I think when I was married, it was more, I was wrestling more. Like, in terms of the beginning, the very first year, because it was like, okay, so I'm married now. And then they still want to go out and party and do all these things like we were kind of doing a single people and it was like, well, I made this commitment and so I'm like, I don't know, I had a hard time kind of dealing with that person, like I was transitioning more into like, I want to be a little bit more responsible and like, I'm committed now and I'm like kind of trying to just focus on that.
Starting point is 00:12:06 And it just became less appealing to me. And so it was just more, one of those things where it just started to slowly just feel different. And it wasn't like I was trying to separate myself intentionally. It just felt like that just didn't resonate with me anymore. And then, you know, it was kind of a quick thing because we had, we got pregnant
Starting point is 00:12:27 like within a year of being married and then it was like, okay, well, now I'm like, really gonna have to focus on this and I was kind of explaining that. And then I was still trying to make it work with the, I think the struggle was like trying to make opportunities with my friends, feel like make them feel comfortable
Starting point is 00:12:43 that I wasn't like, you know, some moral superior, like what I was doing was like what they had to do or anything. Well, I can only imagine how hard, because I remember being the friend who didn't have that, right? And there's a couple of us that didn't have kids, and then there was a couple that did, and boy, I remember the shit in our 20s that you gave the guy that was married with the kid. Of course. Just like, you really were friends like that. Yeah, you really rag on that guy for breaking up the group. You're not meeting up every night. Every night for half an hour.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And we're not going out on Saturdays like we used to. And so, oh, can you have a kid now? You said things weren't gonna change. So you did remember wrestling with that. And for the same thing like I asked Sal, was it like a light switch moment, or has it been like over time? And then, again, I really know you guys
Starting point is 00:13:30 as these super present fathers, we don't struggle with that at all, we choose to do stuff with your kids over going out with anybody ever. Yeah, so it's, it's, well, I think the light switch part was when Courtney was working in graveyard, and then I was still, because I was like kind of home by myself,
Starting point is 00:13:48 like I would have them come over to my house and then we would kind of do our thing and like try to play video games or do whatever like dude stuff. And meanwhile I have like a, you know, like an infant that I'm also like trying to kind of care for until Courtney would come back and then it was like sort of this weird exchange. And then once you stopped doing the graveyard shift, I was just like, okay, like I'm like,
Starting point is 00:14:18 this is where I'm at, you know. And I was like, I'm done with this whole like trying to pretend that I'm like, you know, the cool guy, like still hanging with the single guys and all that. I was just like, whatever, I'm done with this whole like trying to pretend that I'm like, you know, the cool guy like still hanging with the single guys and all that I was just like whatever. I'm just about my family. A lot of cultures have like a coming of age type of event or ceremony for men And that seems to be important to help men make that transition Which we kind of lost in in modern societies. I think for young women, it's very obvious, right? They go from, they don't have a period to having a period.
Starting point is 00:14:48 That's very much like, oh my God. You know, now, you know, I'm trying. That's an interesting thought, Sal. Well, you think that played into like Peter Pan syndrome and stuff like that because we don't have it in our culture. We don't, almost every culture does. Right. Almost every old culture has this kind of coming of age
Starting point is 00:15:02 and you're a man now, and now you're, you know, you're no longer a boy and, you know, you're no longer a boy, and, you know, you're going to be a father or husband. Responsibility. Yeah, like even some cultures like, you know, there's even some important we've lost, like side of that. Well, listen, you have to have a moral framework. You have to have this framework from which you, you, you drive your life. Otherwise, if it's just based off of you, you think you're so reasonable.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I think we're so arrogant. I think we're so reasonable. Human reason can be twisted so many different weird ways. Obviously, like look around. So you have to have this kind of framework and who's going to teach you has a young man. Other men, other men, and if they're not teaching you this, where you'll learn it from, the media, what's the media trying to teach you? Buy our stuff. And who buys more stuff? Peter Pan buys more of reason, yeah. Peter Pan buys more stuff. Young dude who's just making money and thinks it's cool to drive fast cars and hook up with chicks and whatever. Well, that's a great consumer.
Starting point is 00:15:53 That's what we want. We don't want the dude that's like trying to be responsible, settle down. All of a sudden, what do you realize, right? As a father. Well, at first you're like, I got to bust my ass and work more. And then you realize, okay, we got to settle down. I got to spend more time with my family. Not gonna spend frivolously.
Starting point is 00:16:07 And this is what's more important in the bars. Like who cares about that? Like I'll do that once a month, my wife, maybe, and that's about it. So, you know, if you're a kid and you don't have that, like no one's teaching you that, you're watching music videos, YouTube, social media, and it's teaching what you think you're supposed to be
Starting point is 00:16:23 or what's supposed to be fun. So yeah, you know, get married, having kids settling down, it's boring. Compared to all that of the stuff, right? At least it seems that way. Right. Speaking of consumerism, you brought it up the other day, and I didn't really notice it until after you said something. And now I feel like my feet is full of all these people that are complaining about Black Friday
Starting point is 00:16:40 sales and the prices. And I guess I just hadn't thought about it. I'm not a big shopper on Black Friday sales and the prices. And I guess I just hadn't thought about it. I'm not a big shopper on Black Friday and I saw someone talking about how, and I do recall this though, best buy. You remember people used to camp out the day before, and back then you could get 80% off of a TV. It was just crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:02 It was just like, crazy. Yeah, crazy, crazy sales. And there were a lot of these kids were breaking down, like it's like a lot of these things are like 15% off, 20% off, it's like a coupon deal. It's not like a real. Margens are getting shrunk because of inflation. I think what's happening.
Starting point is 00:17:16 So these companies are like, what do we do? I know. I have to tighten up a lot of this here, I guess. Yeah, dude, it's interesting. There was a viral video I just showed you guys earlier where this mom, she's like crying into the camera. She's like, I don't know, I'm recording this, but I'm a, we do everything right.
Starting point is 00:17:32 My husband and I do everything right. I have a full-time job. I'm registered nurse. My husband works full-time. We just got paid on Friday. We bought groceries, filled the cars with gas, paid off mortgage. It's Tuesday, we have $200 left until next Friday. She's like, I don't know how we're going to make it. And it went viral because a lot of people,
Starting point is 00:17:49 I think, are identifying with. Yeah, they can relate. Yeah. Well, I mean, the cost of groceries exploded. The cost of gas exploded. By the way, when they do the inflation, when they're showing what inflation does, they don't get. They pull out the stuff, the main stuff that people buy. I think that's so funny. How they would have What a, what a shell, you know the game, the shell game, the famous shell game where they switch the shell around and they, yeah, that's what they're doing. They changed the definition of it. I remember that like,
Starting point is 00:18:12 all of recession. Yeah, I'm out there like, get out of here. What a joke. And what's crazy is that it works for a little bit until people are so hit with reality. You know, they're like, I know it's everything's hard, honey, but you know, I watched the news and they say inflation's not that bad, you know, two months later. All right, it's bad. You know, they're like, I know it's everything's hard, honey, but you know, I watched the news and they say inflation's not that bad, you know, two months later. All right, it's bad. You know, the news says, but I told you guys, the car ones coming,
Starting point is 00:18:31 right? I mean, that one was, they did what the, we did with the housing market back in 07. They did the same thing with the car. It's just giving them out to everybody. And then also with the chips, that drove all the demand up. So there's vehicles that are, that are losing 30, 40% now that were selling just last year for 30, 40% more than they were. I saw that Tesla had did that. They cut their prices by like 30, something percent, which drove the whole EV market down because everybody had to follow suit because of them. Have you seen the charts of the price of a Tesla over the over the years? How much has
Starting point is 00:19:01 come down? No. Have you guys seen that? It's yeah, and And look at it right now, it's like it's falling off a cliff. It's just going down and down. Like say what you want about the guy, but as an entrepreneur, he's probably the greatest entrepreneur of our time, one of the greatest of all time by some of the things that he's done. I mean, if you look at the innovation that they've had to do just to create and produce test less, it's remarkable.
Starting point is 00:19:26 All stuff that they had to create and do because it didn't exist. It wasn't like you just took a car and made it. Pretty wild. Speaking of innovation, I was going to shove this in here because somebody has asked me about the new Beatles song. There's literally a new Beatles song. And you're like, what? The Beatles, John Lennon's dead.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Is this AI? No, so it's not AI. They actually had back, they had recordings. He had recordings. He did the Michael Jackson thing where he had a whole, he had a whole catalog and so they picked this one song and they had to do a lot because technology now they can kind of extract like Because technology now they can kind of extract like some of his vocals away now from the piano because I guess they actually worked on this for like over a decade before that, but the technology wasn't really available yet to where they could like parse it out enough to where it sounded good because you know you have like so you have the remaining members left like R Ringo and Paul. And so they,
Starting point is 00:20:33 they actually played on with their instruments and then sang back up and everything like and reported it layered over it. George Harrison, they had to like sort of mimic what he would have played on guitar and like kind of like his lead to it. And so there's this little bit of a documentary. It's only like, I don't know, half an hour long or something on HBO, but it kind of goes. It's good. It's good. It's like it is good. It's really cool like to to peer into that process and how they they had to really think their way through all of this to to come up with something that was viable. You know who showed me this? My 14 year old daughter. Oh, yeah. Yeah Oh yeah, because apparently it's like flying with the kids for age. No way.
Starting point is 00:21:09 So you know, if anybody was aware of it, because I wasn't aware there was like a new beat I never thought of this until we're just right now. How interesting that's gonna be now, you're gonna have this ability, right? With some of these big artists, they have like hundreds, sometimes thousands of songs that have never been released.
Starting point is 00:21:25 They never. There's a bunch of audio. And how wild is that gonna be if like, you know, 10, 20, 30 years go by? And like that thing that they created 30 years ago was like so ahead of its time that nobody latched onto it or thought it was great. And then it becomes great later on.
Starting point is 00:21:38 That'll be wild. You're gonna have to see that, right? Because we wouldn't, you wouldn't have that, but back in the days. Like, and I know that Michael Jackson, I know two pot, that's a lot of, that's where those rumors come from where they're not really dead. Is that they have these catalogs that with tons of songs
Starting point is 00:21:54 that were never released in there, they're taking pieces out of it and they're being on the point. There's another really good documentary is about Little Richard. And he's one of my favorite all time. And he's for sure the Godfather rock and roll. And it goes into detail of why.
Starting point is 00:22:09 And I didn't realize Elvis covered Tutti Frute, which is a terrible cover inversion. And there's this other one of this other guy that was even more square, Ned Flanders version of it that they both sold way more records than little Richard just because I would have never guessed you were a huge fan huge fan. I had no idea. Oh, dude, that seems so opposite of the kind of music that I started out with like rock a billion like rock and roll, but like he definitively created like the rock and roll sound. It was very much of like,
Starting point is 00:22:48 like kind of like Baptist singing style, like very loud and energetic. And then like, he had this really cool, like a Boogie Wogie kind of, because my grandma played a lot of Boogie Wogie on the piano. And I got into that as a kid. And he added a little flair to it with like a progressive flair with his right arm and so they created his own kind of style with it,
Starting point is 00:23:10 which then they kind of built off of. But it's like, they go into a lot of detail of how like prints, like all these people, like the Beatles, he actually went on tour with the Beatles and they he taught them kind of like, you know, some of his tracks and then they played it live and then it became that's where they got the screaming pandemonium fans that were just like to the Beatles. Same thing with Elvis it's it literally was like he's he was the very first one to get that kind of response from an audience they just went like. Is it by the way does that happen anymore? You ever watch old 50s and 60s videos of the girls in the audience,
Starting point is 00:23:48 the artist goes up and perform and they pass out or lose their lives? They still got, yeah. You may be that though, yeah. Oh yeah, they're still. Were they crying? You're like, you're still that?
Starting point is 00:23:57 I don't think that ever dies. I think there's people that idolize these idols like, I mean, these like, yeah, but I haven't seen a video, a recent video of a, of a, a concert where the whole front, like the whole front section, people are crying, freaking out.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Bro, we have what's her face right now? Who's like, right here, right here, right here. Tell us what you're doing. Yeah, oh my God, are they doing that? Yeah. Yeah, you pull up some crazy shit. There's like, I mean, there's people do some crazy stuff. There's what those guys from like England, like,
Starting point is 00:24:24 uh, forget like, like, anyway, the one direction guy. But I watched, I just watched that dog. You know what I mean? Like some of those guys, like, you know, the pop singer, and space that get that stuff. That's evidence of mob mentality, social contagion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Is where you get a bunch of people who amplify their emotions so much that it overrides their body. I'd say, it's the actual repression thing, though, too. Well, that's for you. What does it say about us, though, if you're the type of person that doesn't, I don't fall into that, right?
Starting point is 00:24:54 I can really enjoy music, and I can be really into this band, right? I've seen them like, Lincoln Park, I saw three times, tool I've seen three times. I really like it. I don't scream. Yeah, but I don't get So I throw your panties of no no, I mean, what does that say? What does it say? We all have that in common so all of us are like that. We like something if we like something and then we see everybody else We have to be cool about we immediately are like, yeah, I don't like this anymore. I like it. I don't like it that much. Yeah. Oh you guys scream
Starting point is 00:25:23 I'm like, although Justin does mosh pit stuff I do. I actually that's like the guy version of yeah, that's the that's the version. I guess I get like I can't help myself. I mean the closest thing that I never felt to something like that is I can get sucked into a game like that. Right. I can get sucked into a competitive game. Let's see this. I want to see people. They're my. I know I haven't. Yeah. point like I'm see people crying like pass up I mean Michael Jackson obviously was a big you know, he's talking about There's still people that go nuts or cuz there's all those classic videos. Let's see Look at she's crying is that it yeah, but it's not the same
Starting point is 00:26:01 Why can she see this dude pass out? But it's not the same. Why? I want to see this dude pass out. She is passed out. Oh, there you go. Hold on a second. Hold on a second. Wait, was that a girl?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Pull up, pull up Beatles fans. No, it's totally different. It's like literally hundreds of them. Yeah. Like literally like they saw, I don't know what they saw, but they lose their mind completely. Is that enough to win that argument or not? Is that the thing?
Starting point is 00:26:21 I mean, it still happens. I think though the Beatles were crazy as far as the response from the female fans. I mean, you're probably right. So I was reading the articles and they were saying that it's screaming and everything is really probably designed to get attention from the artists. And then the screaming becomes contagious. This social contagious.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Yeah, so those two things combined. Yeah, wow. So yeah, and I think that would always kind of exist then, right? I mean, you're always gonna have someone who's famous that everybody's into, everybody that's in the front row. If you're in the front row of a concert, like you are like, by the way, I'm gonna make, I'm gonna piss off people. This is just true, right?
Starting point is 00:26:53 So, don't say anybody to yourself, bro, you'll fucking take our podcast. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Oh, my, but you said it. You said it. That's what I'm gonna say. No, here's what I'm gonna say. Women are innately more sensitive and intelligent when it comes to social cues, right? So that was so great. I like how you add the intelligence.
Starting point is 00:27:18 No, no, hold on. I like how you just dance around that. No, no, I didn't dance right. I even listened. Listen, let's give this clever. Every strength comes with the weakness. Okay, just like men are innately more likely to use aggression
Starting point is 00:27:31 when it comes to accomplishing goals or defending people or whatever, right? But there's also a dark side to that. So women are more likely, they're just more intelligent with social cues, they are. They can read things better. This is why they can see things differently. This is why girls will see things.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Anybody's argue women are more social than men. Yes and guys are going to be like, we're like, what? What happened? I didn't feel that. You didn't see the way that she breathed or looked at me and like, no, and she's probably right. You're probably true. Well, it also makes a more susceptible to social contagions. Sure. So you don't typically see men, you know, doing that kind now where you see sometimes this happened is with aggression. So when you see riots, that's when you see guys get that social contagion. Where it's like, oh, you broke some,
Starting point is 00:28:11 I want to break, I want to break, sports because sports is like mimics war and battle. Right, so you get that. Isn't that funny? That's right, I was making the point. I was like, that's the only thing that I can somewhat connect to like that feeling of like probably,
Starting point is 00:28:24 like I look at look at me. I would love to see a fanatical sport fan debate a fanatical concert go or female about like, well, that's stupid. You guys are screaming. She's like, well, you guys, yeah, paint your faces and take your shirts off. That's different. Oh, yeah. That's different, man. That's you know, slip not mask. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, speaking of craziness, I got to bring this up because we have to keep calling this out. I'm going to pull up the article because this needs to stop. And we need to be very careful with the direction of where this is going. So the UN set is set to call
Starting point is 00:28:57 un-Americans to radically reduce meat consumption. Okay. So, and the reason is for the climate, right? So we need to eat way less Neat because it's driving emissions and we need to say we're gonna respectfully decline. Yeah, so so here This is a big this is it. Here's the issue here with this. There's a debate. So whether or not This will actually make a difference. There's better ways to you know consume and grow meat and whatever But that's not the argument I'm gonna make. Here's the argument I'm gonna make. When the climate becomes your God, the most important thing, everything else bends itself to that. So what ends up happening is screw your health, screw nutrient deficiencies,
Starting point is 00:29:37 screw the fact that if the average person stopped eating meat, they would probably suffer from things like nutrient deficiencies, moral obesity, consume more processed foods. They wouldn't innovate as much. We would see all these other problems. Forget that because the climate is the most important thing. That's the God. And that's what's happening.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Because... Well, where's the humans falling that? That's very low on the totem pole, so... They're not measuring values and the climate's important, but so is our health. And we know this. If you took the average person, and you just had them not eat meat,
Starting point is 00:30:07 they would 100% be less healthy. It's one of the only whole foods that they find, that if you take the average person consumes, 70% of the diet is heavily processed food. Look at the 30% that's whole foods. What is it? Meat, milk, eggs. Okay, cut those out, now what we left with.
Starting point is 00:30:22 100% processed food consumption, worse health, not a good trade. I just hope that I think people need to understand. There's one that wants healthier people for a healthier world or there's one that wants less people. Yes. And there's no, like, so that's the definitive line right there for me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:39 So I wonder if it's that or it's more just money-driven because you can't pass. No more. I think it's more about it. Yeah, I think that's most of it. I think it's more just money-driven because you can't pass it. That's more about it. Yeah, I think that's most of it. I think it's really like if we can shift them over into this fake meat, processed, all this process. That's right.
Starting point is 00:30:53 We could patent it all and then we can monopolize all these food companies. I speak with beef. Yes, and I'm speaking to the average person who buys into it because the climate has become the right. Right, right, right. So now they're like, yes, at all costs. Yes, that's the plan, including kill everybody.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Sure, yes, that's the thing I want to say. And that's the argument I think we need to talk about to people because it is not a worthy trade. I'm gonna tell you right now, I've worked with enough people to know what happens to the average person when they try to go vegan and they're doing it for reasons other than they sincerely believe in not hurting animals.
Starting point is 00:31:30 You end up with, first off, the failure rate is like any other diet. Number two, their health almost always works. Well, the discipline that that person has to, in order to get the nutrients they need to, like, I mean, people just are not disciplined like that to go after the foods that their body needs. And if you cut out the major food groups that provide a lot of that nutrients, it's just, I mean, it's, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:31:49 it seems obvious to me, because what we do, and we see that with people, and I see people that have those food groups in there still struggling to get all their nutrients. Now you wanna take out two or three of the most nutrient dense things that they consume, and then think they're gonna, like, also become more disciplined and go find that through
Starting point is 00:32:04 vegetables, like, I don't see that happening. No, it's not gonna happen. Anyway, I saw a funny video yesterday. You guys know what escape rooms are? Yeah. Have you guys ever done those? We all did them together. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:14 We literally did that as like a field trip with the content. A long time. I didn't make it to that one, but you guys did. Oh, you did it. Yeah, that's right. You were there. That was fun. That was fun.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Yeah, that was cool. They're a blast. I want to take my two. And you guys get trapped. We didn't succeed. Because I wasn't there, right? Yeah, there was right. You were there. That was fun. That was fun. Yeah, that's cool. They're a blast. I want to take my You guys get trapped We didn't succeed because I wasn't there. Yeah, there was like one step there I was in you guys that Sally the way Is that the only one that's been incarcerated in escape? So you know there was definitely a timer thing that We did good. We did but there was like a sticky. I don't remember what it was but anyway Is there such a thing as you can be good and still not get out there, there's like a, you get close to getting out.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Some of them are hard. Some of them are really hard. Yeah. And you'll get stuck on one clue. And then that clue leads to the others. And if you get stuck on it, you're screwed. But anyway, there's this guy who's been feeling a security cameras going to escape rooms,
Starting point is 00:33:01 locking the employees in the escape room, and then sliding clues into the door That was no way really yeah, that's kind of funny. I saw video He locked his girl in and she's like trying to open it and he gives her this paper with clues and she looks actually How how bad you feel to like that's like a word company like that you can't get out That's a good prank right there. That's a hilarious prank. But he's probably gonna go jail. So, I can't lock people in here.
Starting point is 00:33:31 I can't do that, huh? Do you know what to do? See, look, look, there it is. Look at this. Staff locked in his caper room by fleeing prankster. Yeah, see, look, he locks it. She can't get in. He slips that.
Starting point is 00:33:44 She's like, what's this? Yeah. Oh, man, he locks it. She can't get in. He slips that. She's like, what's this? Oh, man. That looks staged, no? No, it was. Yeah, her reaction is a little dramatic. Yeah, that looks a little dramatic. But maybe she's just dramatic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:56 You know what? That's not a bad, actually, it's not a bad observation at him. What if, does it advertising this escape room place? Oh, yeah. Yeah, wouldn't that be brilliant? Yeah, that looks like bad acting, dude. Yeah, it does look bad acting, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:34:08 Oh man, did I get fooled? You might have got fooled. I might have got bad rules. You should know better by just adding your stuff on the show. You should know better by just adding your stuff on the show. It's like, it goes viral at stage. Yes, I feel the same way, too. Everything.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Everything. Dude, go through it. All right. Maybe the end with the fresh eyes. Look into it. Every can look for it. Yeah, man. Everybody look into it. It's all stage. The world is a stage. I tell you I tell you something funny. So Max is going through this.
Starting point is 00:34:30 So we are now entering where he repeats a lot of stuff and now he picks up other people's things. So always like throw us Katrina. I'm like, what? I don't say that. You don't say that where you get that. So he we got for Halloween and Christmas, we have like those, you know, plug-in blow-up decorations. And he likes them in the house, which they're not made for the house, right? So it's been a big snowman there. Bro, we have, exactly. We have snowman and like reindeer and shit.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Boy, you have some loud. Oh, yeah, who wouldn't want this a kid? I know. And so, you know, we let him do it for a while, right? Until like it was time to actually set the decorations up outside, which I did this last weekend. And so I set him up. He comes home from school and he comes outside and he just sees like pissed, you know what
Starting point is 00:35:14 I'm saying? And he looks at me and goes, I told you a thousand times, he's going to house. A thousand times. Yeah, look, look at the fucks inside. I don't see that. Where's your good death from? A thousand times. A thousand times. A thousand? A thousand dollars. Yeah, look, look, fuck says that. I don't see that. Where's your good death from? Tell me a thousand times. A thousand?
Starting point is 00:35:29 Ridiculous, check them. Yeah, he did not tell me a thousand dollars. I garbage. Yeah, I'm gonna do that. I knew how many a thousand is. Yeah, you say, fuck this. I've had a situation like that where you've done a threat and then you had to like dammit
Starting point is 00:35:41 and I gotta carry this threat out. No, I'm pretty good about that, right? Like I know that I know you don't ever wanna get caught up like that of like threatening and then not being willing to. What's coolest, he's still, you know, I'm not going wood, right, as long as the soul lasts. Don't worry, you got the teenagers coming. I know, right, so that's why I know better than to say
Starting point is 00:35:57 that it'll be forever like this, but I still got him in that phase where, I mean, we're four now, right? Like, he doesn't hear dad's tone change, like get, like, upset that if I just slightly maximus, that's it. I mean, that's like, Boraline will make him cry. See, if I do that, dad does not do that. If I do that to Aralius, he interprets it as, you need to be punctual.
Starting point is 00:36:20 That's why I'm like, I am real careful about how much I use it. It's like, I only want to use that. It's powerful. Yeah. No, see if Aralius hears the ninja levels, he interprets it as do more. That's crazy. I'm not supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:36:32 What did he do the other day? Oh, he likes to flush the toilet. So he has to go to the bathroom. If you flush the toilet before he can go flush it, it's like, forget it, right? So you got to leave, you got it, whatever. The access is saved. So he's got to flush the toilet for you. Well, anyways, hands were sticky. I don, you gotta whatever. Max is the same way. So he's gotta flush the toilet for you.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Well, anyways, hands were sticky. I don't know what he was doing. And he runs, I'm gonna flush the toilet. I'm always walking. Wait, that's not happening to my kids. I'm gonna flush the toilet. And his mom's like, no, wash your hands first. So he just speeds up because he's gonna get there before.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Before we could get him. So he can flush the toilet. Yeah, that's a good time. Dude, you know, speaking of kids, I'm watching media with a more careful eye these days. And I'm noticing a lot of things that are injected into shows for kids that probably shouldn't be there. I just didn't notice them before.
Starting point is 00:37:22 So I'm watching the Grinch, the live action version. Yeah, really? Yeah. So I'm watching that. And there's a scene where the Grinch, one of the characters gets his head stuck in this woman's cleavage. And he's like, oh, you know, and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:37:37 what? Yeah, yeah. And I'm like, what are they waiting for? Oh, they've been doing that for a while. That's like, I mean, actually, I think it's a brilliant strategy from a business perspective. Not the best for raising a kid, but I mean, what it they waiting for? Oh, they've been doing that for a while. That's like, I mean, actually, I think it's a brilliant strategy from a business perspective. Not the best for raising a kid, but I mean,
Starting point is 00:37:47 when it does, it tracks the adults. They do these jokes that are like above their, the average kid that's watching that. Well, track really leaned into that. Yeah, exactly. Track is, did it, there's a lot of, there's a dog, the way to do it, there's a dog humor that's hidden into the kid.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I'm not quite sure. Well, yeah, I guess you have shaken it in your, I don't remember that part. Yeah, watch it, yes, or no. Well, we were watching Jessica watching, she's like, what, we're not watching this anymore. I'm like, that's weird, I never noticed that before. But you start to see in all these cartoons
Starting point is 00:38:15 and live action things, like things like that. Pinocchio's creepy as hell. What happened in the, well, you know, with the island and then, that's more like, just go back and watch island and then, you know, that's more always. Just go back and watch it. I do. Yeah, it's almost like, oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah, like it's very parallel. It's tough once you hear to like the bias of what, like the worth. And then now you see every, you interpret everything is like, oh, that means this. Yeah. Well, Pinocchio is weird. They've done some, they've done some. That's different though. I mean, that, I mean that the speculation around that or the conspiracy around that is like people that work There intentionally did some weird shit or whatever that to put in there, but I think like Shrek Shrek and Grinch like I mean
Starting point is 00:38:55 They're just mindful now all of them. I mean what's the minions like they all they put like this is minion Yeah, I think they kind of move like that They put like this is minion. Yeah, it's, you know, I think they kind of move like that. No, no, no, no. Sit down. I want to tell a friend Jackson. But they're like, it's smart because I mean, I know this now being a dad with a kid that
Starting point is 00:39:13 wants to watch them over like, I like the ones that I'm going to chuckle a little bit. And like, if you're going to sit and have to watch cartoon for an hour, hopefully you'll have some. That movie's amazing. Yeah, they do. That is so that's not, that, what is that dream, dream work? It's a dream work. Yeah, it's the guy that was on Serenette Lives.
Starting point is 00:39:31 It did the dick in the box. Oh, that sketch. Yeah. What's that little bird that's on Storx? That's like, oh, you like my novel. Oh my god, bro. Have you seen Storx? I have, but I haven't watched it a long time
Starting point is 00:39:45 Oh, you guys are not have you guys do you guys start Christmas movies yet? Yeah, we did we watched home alone Home alone, maybe Christmas vacation, which is my favorite and then we did home alone. Yeah, what's your guy's elf? What's your guy's favorite? What's your favorite favorite favorite? Who else would be up there? Christmas vacation hands down. Really Christmas lampoon? Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, that is it.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Is that the one where they play? You sure it's right now, Clark? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're family. I did, yeah, there's just so many lines in there. Yeah, for guys. That is classic. And actually, that was even on my list right now.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I need to make sure that. Now, can we do any Christmas movie? Or are we thinking of family here in the category? Why is there, oh, let me die hard? Oh, die hard. Everybody puts a die hard. The heart is great. You know, that's like the biggest,
Starting point is 00:40:26 like debated thing ever. It's die hard. It's technically a Christmas movie or not. And it's like, no, it's not. Just because they have a Christmas party inside that movie does not make it a Christmas movie. That's a great one, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:36 But it is actually in like the most famous, like top 10 Christmas movies, this die hard is always in there. It's like one of our- The, the, a Christmas story is always one of my favorites. Really? Yeah, I love them. You know story is always one of my favorites. Really? Yeah, I love them. You know the scene when he drops, he drops his dad's having him hold the lug nuts
Starting point is 00:40:50 and he drops them. Does every boy have this experience with their dad where you holding the flashlight, not for big. I think you start generation. There's a famous guy. You drop something or miss the flat, like the point. Yeah, oh. Yeah, there's famous memes of that.
Starting point is 00:41:01 You're out of the, every dad. Every dad, every kid is, yeah, you know, you know, my dad will make me hold like a flashlight for him or something, you know, hold this thing up for me and your arm is getting tired. Oh my God, bro, the fear. If I move the wrong, bro. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:15 You know, cause they're doing something intricate, you know, if you mess them up. Doug, you have a, you have a favorite Christmas movie? Like, black and white, maybe like, probably, yeah. Doug, Doug, Doug, Mayor Cohen, Mayor Cohen, Mayor Cohen, 31st century.st. What's that one?
Starting point is 00:41:25 He was there when it's a wonderful life. What Christmas was invented? That's like a prison. That came out when I was young. He was one of the wise men. I do have a favor. I mean, I always liked the, boy, like the Grinch stories and things like that.
Starting point is 00:41:40 The cartoon one though. Okay. When I was a kid, you know when that one came out? 1966. Yeah. Oh, the original. The cartoon one now. Okay. And as a kid, you know when that one came out, 1966, yeah. Oh, the original, the original one. Wow. 1966. Yeah, I just looked it up because my son want to watch the live action one.
Starting point is 00:41:52 We're like, no, we're not watching that anymore. And I went to the original one. I like the new animated one. The new animated one is pretty good. The new, yeah, that's actually Max's favorite. The new animated one. That's not bad. Yeah, he likes that one.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Yeah, so. Speaking of animation, I'm going to throw this one in here. Go for a smash. Oh, my content. I was trying to set you up for it. Yeah. 15 minutes delay. Yeah. So last time I talked about Lee with South Park episode and that we all watched and it was like this commentary on, you know, what's going on. So do you know what their plan is? Now they're going to do a follow-up to that. And I looked all into this just because of the curious. That's how far it goes. Yeah, that episode that they did. Uh-huh. So because of like the Kathleen Kennedy, the Bob Iger,
Starting point is 00:42:31 like the still all the hits on Disney with us, they have been getting all these threats, even releasing it, they're getting all these threats and like lawsuits. And then if they put it on this channel, like they're gonna sue and they're gonna take all their advertising off YouTube and blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:42:47 So they've been all these court battles and all this. So they're actually gonna go like fourth wall in their next episode, and they're gonna place themselves in the episode against Kathleen Kennedy, Bob Eiger, like all the drama that's going on, like in real life, they're gonna put within South Park.
Starting point is 00:43:05 And then also have South Park characters. I was like, so brilliant. I'm like, you can't mess with them, dude. You have any idea? How much they're worth? I'm so curious to those guys. Cause I mean, that's everything they do, right? They don't do any, do they branch outside of South Park?
Starting point is 00:43:20 Didn't they have that restaurant? Well, yeah, I mean, they did remember like those musicals and all those things that they had. No, I don't know. I don't know what I've said though. Dude, they've done so many things, but like, uh-oh, team America. Oh, they did that? Yeah, it really could be.
Starting point is 00:43:34 That's like one of my favorite all-time, like, I think it was movies. Wow. So they, Matt Stone and Trey Parker built a billion-dollar empire. Wow. Wow. You know, these, these are not Casabanita. These, these companies are hilarious. You've seen all the, all the,
Starting point is 00:43:48 the organized efforts to remove advertising from X because of Elon. Yeah, yeah. And he's suing media matters, hardcore. Did you guys see this? How, how can you sue? I mean, for slander, for putting out like false information. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:04 It's a big deal. It's a very big deal. But yeah, they're all like, we're not gonna advertise on X anymore because of whatever you're, they will try anything. He used to be the darling of that. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Because he was pro electric car and stuff like that. Just goes to show, yeah. And you know, staying on the Disney topic, are you guys, I mean, I kinda know we're just in the Zekas, he's been more vocal about it, but are you more optimistic with that company or are you guys like the attitude of like,
Starting point is 00:44:33 fuck them, they're gonna, they're the way they're growing, the direction they're going, you're in support of watching them completely die off or whatever. I want them to, I hope they change years. I, that's what I hope. And I think they will,
Starting point is 00:44:44 they're very iconic, influential company. I offer whatever I want them to hope they change years. I that's what I hope. And I think they will. They're very iconic, influential company. They just made a lot of mistakes. They've taint a lot of movies this year. Yeah, I think they just lean too much into the social, like a political sphere. Like they should just kept in with what everybody loves is like just genuine stories that people can all,
Starting point is 00:45:04 you know, fall into and feel nostalgic about. And I don't know, I guess they've been meddling too much, which has been my concern. And I think the response has reflected that. So hopefully it kind of shifts their focus a bit. That's, I'm hopeful. Even so the Star Wars franchise, I was like, oh my god, like it. This is they're just killing my you know favorite Story of all time, but they're coming back and and
Starting point is 00:45:33 Dave Filoni now is like the head of the content For Star Wars, which I was like really happy about he he wrote a lot of the best like current stuff In that like with the Sooka and with Mandalorian. And is their goal to drip it now? They're going to pull back on how much they're holding. They actually cut production on a lot of these other different movies and things within that universe. They're just like, we're just going to kind kind of... Didn't you say they're gonna make a big shift? Yeah, I mean, the reason why I brought it up, because well, first you started talking about them,
Starting point is 00:46:10 but I mean, I'm optimistic about like Disney. I mean, I hope, I definitely am, because I've banked on it. I have more shares in Disney than I have in any other company stockwise. And I think that it is an iconic company. I think that like an example we saw with Bud Light, I think that they've made some poor choices and they dabbled in some things,
Starting point is 00:46:29 thinking it was a better idea. I think they're learning their lesson. And I know that they got 60 billion going in the direction of theme parks this coming year. Or the next billion. Yeah, so I know that's their big shift and their pivot is, I mean, and they've made a lot of, I know, their content
Starting point is 00:46:46 with the Star Wars and Marvel stuff, but I think a big part of pulling back on the production that way is to reinvest in the experience. And I think this is brilliant because, that was the original money maker, wasn't it, the parks? And we talked about this not that long ago on the show
Starting point is 00:47:02 where, you know, I do think that we're becoming more and more aware of the addiction to the iPhone and iPads and how even though we're connected online, it's not the same thing as being connected in person. I do think we're going to see a movement back into traditional stuff of getting outside and socializing with people. I think it's pretty brilliant that they've know, they've got the kind of power and money to lead the way and something like that by creating all these, like theme parks and experiences in person for people.
Starting point is 00:47:35 And I think that that's going to hopefully revive the company from what they've been doing for the last couple of years. I think it's a smart back. Yeah. I think it's a very smart back. Those parks are still super popular. Oh yeah. And although the cost is going on,
Starting point is 00:47:47 I haven't gone a lot. Yeah, I've been wanting to go. They're expensive. Yeah, they are. Have you seen how much it's been to be able to do this? Basically, yeah. It's right in line with everything else. It's really expensive.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Yeah, that's true. Yeah, yeah. But I think they'll make a comeback. I do. I think it is an iconic company. I think that they, you know, you know, I think sometimes, like, and I'm guilty of this too, right?
Starting point is 00:48:08 Like, because of the way we get the news delivered to us, you can be a bit alarmist and be like, I can't believe that, it's like, fuck Disney. It's like, well, there's thousands of people that work for Disney. And there's a handful of people that get to make some of these decisions. It's also been successful for decades.
Starting point is 00:48:23 They're not, they can't be, they shouldn't be that stupid. They just hit a They're not, they can't be, they shouldn't possibly be that stupid. They just hit a century. They can't, they're not so stupid to say, screw what the market says, we're going to keep losing money. They have to change. They're going to shit. You can only do that for so long.
Starting point is 00:48:36 They're a company you can upload. Yeah, and you also got to think like that's a creation of a guy a hundred years ago. Yeah, and to like say it's a terrible company because now a new generation of people come in who now get to have a to say and how things move or how they work, it's kind of unfair to just like, imagine, I mean, what happens say we pass this down to our kids and our kids kids and they're running this thing
Starting point is 00:48:59 and they do things that we would do differently. There's a mind pump shitty, it's terrible, it's a terrible company, or did, you know, the wrong kid make the wrong decision? Are you trying to say where the Disney of Park is? Yeah. Hahaha. That'd be a bold statement, huh?
Starting point is 00:49:14 It's no, no. It's an imagined, imagined, imagined. Hey, I want to ask you, Adam, I know you had quit or dramatically reduced your cannabis consumption, and you were finding value in Ned. Are you still seeing that? Using that? Oh yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:49:29 So what are you getting from the Ned that's, it's not the same, obviously, it's not the same as cannabis, but what are you getting from it that is helping? I'm getting the same as far as relaxation without the high. Right, so that was the thing, obviously. And what I've noticed, I told this, I think the first time that we brought this up is the potency to me. Like you feel it. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:49:50 I remember you guys receptors. When we would talk about Ned, I would talk about mellow mode because the magnesium thing for me has been a game changer, which that's a consistent ritual. But the sleep, Ned was like, yeah, you know, if I would take it and I felt it, but I don't think I felt it the same way you guys would talk about it. Yeah, I've been on the kick with the sleep. Yeah, you guys, I mean, I know Doug touts it all time. I know you all you've said a lot about it.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I'm because and that's probably because I'm probably the highest, you know, cannabis user on all of us. But since I quit, boy, I, it's work. Yeah, now I get it, you know what I'm saying? And so I do notice. It's the same receptors. But since I quit, boy, I, it goes, yeah, now I get it, you know what I'm saying? So I do notice. It's the same receptors. It's the CB1 and CB2 receptors that are being affected by the cannabinoids, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:31 the cannabinoids in Ned and the cannabinoids in cannabis. The difference is in no THC in the, in the Ned. Or I got, I got excited for a second and I showed Adam because like, I guess Snoop Dogg like did this whole thing where we're like, he quit and of course this is a publicity stunt just to promote some product, but when a few days and I was like, oh wow, I wonder if he is really serious about this
Starting point is 00:50:58 because that would be like, if he actually made a point of trying to be healthier like it would have made a massive impact You know, okay. No, it was just What was this stuff? I knew it was I knew it was something like So he was actually pitching some some I think it was You know those like outdoor fire pit things like so it was some smokeless outdoor fire pit things. Like, so it was some smokeless, like fire pit. It's a smokeless, so he- Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:51:29 I was like, that was a high idea for sure. Yeah. He got this really stone. He's like, this is perfect idea for you guys. Yeah, but it's gonna be like, and when it made him a ton of money, this is how we're gonna sell it. He's actually brilliant with the way he markets it.
Starting point is 00:51:41 I've always said, I don't know who it is that it's his agent, but he's like one of those guys that's like, got his hands always said, I don't know who it is that it's his agent, but he's like one of those guys that's like, got his hands in everything. I don't know who's making that decision. You wanna know what's interesting about cannabinoids. I was just reading this, just reminding me, I was just reading this article on how cannabinoids help with pain because you see oftentimes in studies
Starting point is 00:51:59 that it does reduce pain, and they try to point to the anti-inflammatory effects, but that doesn't quite explain it. It's not a cutely anti-inflammatory, like an N-set is necessarily. It's more of a kind of overtime anti-inflammatory. So what's going on? And so I was reading this article and was really fascinating because the person writing it cited data and said, it's almost impossible to separate physical from emotional
Starting point is 00:52:26 pain. You can't. They're the same. They're so intricately connected that one affects the other vice versa. So your experience is what makes the pain more painful or less painful or not feel it at all. And they think that cannabinoids, the reason why for many people alleviate pain, is less to do with any physiological
Starting point is 00:52:50 anti-inflammatory effect and more to do with its effect on the emotional state. Not even dissociative, just happier. You just feel more relaxed, you feel better, and it doesn't hurt as much. So you can't build a new dissociative. You know it's one of the ways to feel more pain, sleep deprived or stressed. You ever notice how much more So you kind of build a new associate. You know, it's one of the ways to feel more pain, sleep deprived, or stressed. You ever notice how much more cold you feel, or how more painful things
Starting point is 00:53:09 are when you're just tired? How much more loud everything is, or if you're in a bad mood versus a good mood. So they think that that may be one of the ways that it works is because it shifts your emotional state, which we know this, that that's why people are like, oh my God, pain feels better. Are they using that information to discredit it, or is it more just like? Doesn't matter. I don't, how is that discrediting anything? Do you feel less pain?
Starting point is 00:53:30 Well, because then what someone will try to do is be like, oh, see, there's no physiological change that's happening. It's not doing anything. Okay, yeah, I know. By the way, we see, we know this with antidepressants in geolidics. Some people have back pain, can't explain it. They do MRIs, we don't know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Oh, you're not an antidepressant, we go to therapy, back pain's gone. Hello. Like, okay, what the hell is going on? What the hell is going on? Yeah, really interesting. Speaking of sponsors, I wanted to ask, I don't think you've used this yet, Justin,
Starting point is 00:53:54 but you've used the sunscreen from Caldera. Yes. What do you think of it? I mean, mineral based. It's a mineral based. I've put it on just the other day, and the thing I don't like about mineral based ones is Lisa White. White, you know, hey,
Starting point is 00:54:08 you know, hey, we have a video. We have a video of me with sunscreen all over my face. It was the one we, this is Doug. There's the bow one. This is the bow one. Anytime we go anywhere where there's, there's going to be the sun out for longer than 20 minutes. He covers up. And I think it was it. Porkies where the guys have the
Starting point is 00:54:27 What's it on the life cards in the 80s? Yeah, yeah, that's right rise and and Doug like gets it all over space So it's it's impossible like every whenever I see him before get ready goes really He's like the on colored ones like that was like a thing Yeah, yeah, but I know this one doesn't leave. Yeah, I saw you put it on. It didn't do it, huh? Didn't leave a haze, so that's great. Now, it's not nano-particular, which is good, because what they used to do with some companies did,
Starting point is 00:54:50 you know, what are that? Is they broke down the zinc or titanium or whatever mineral they used. They tried to break it down so small. It's not an nano ever. Where it's called nano-particular, so it doesn't leave the white, but the problem with that is it would absorb.
Starting point is 00:55:04 So people would put zinc oxide on or some of the other minerals, and then they would get these unsafe levels in their blood. So this is not that. Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, okay, explain that to me. So it's safer and it's as effective. So it's not nano, and yet it doesn't leave a white chain. So I don't know how they did it, but they did it.
Starting point is 00:55:20 So you put it on, you don't have this white. So it doesn't look like you're just caked. Correct. Yeah, no, I noticed that when you put it on, but then it's as effective or better for you because it's not getting it. It's not nano, you don't want to put minerals all over your body when they're broken down so small that you absorb large quantities
Starting point is 00:55:36 because it's a good on your bloodstream. Yeah, your body's getting rid of minerals like it does water soluble vitamins. So you can build unsafe levels of some of these minerals. I'll give it a try and, you know, I'm sure, like I'm gonna have to be the real like case study here. With my lobster, right? I'm still so amazed by that partnership.
Starting point is 00:55:54 I've just yesterday, my cousin messaged me. It's, and we've talked about this before, right? The commercial ads of us have, I've given just as almost as much attention if not more than the damn show. Sometimes where my cousin's like, oh my god, I was buying this face cream for my husband and you came up on the ad. I can't believe this.
Starting point is 00:56:15 And then they start asking me all kinds of questions about it. I was like, yeah, no, by the way, a lot of people don't know the difference between just the handsome face. Between mineral based sunscreens and chemical based sunscreens. Beside the fact, this is true, the chemical based sunscreens, those chemicals have zenoestrogenic effects in the body. They can alter your hormones
Starting point is 00:56:35 and they can affect weekly yet, but they still do affect the receptors that many hormones will impact, which is why they're like, oh, don't put this on kids. Don't use too many of these now, people are saying. But with the way that they work is they absorb the UV rays. Whereas the mineral-based ones, which are don't do that, they don't affect your hormones, they don't, and again, unless it's nano-particularis not getting absorbed in your skin, they reflect UV rays.
Starting point is 00:57:03 So in my experience, a 30 SPF mineral-based one versus a 30 SPF chemical-based one, the mineral-based ones way more effective. Interesting. You don't have to apply it as much, you don't seem to get a sunburn because it's reflecting versus absorbing. So I don't know how they measure SPF,
Starting point is 00:57:19 but again, in my experience, I'm not fair, complex, but my kids are much more fair than I am. And I use the mineral ones and back in the day, so I do better, I use the chemical. I always heard that SPF doesn't matter. I heard that once you get, like, or to 15, I think, curve- Yeah, that the, I've heard that.
Starting point is 00:57:37 I disagree. I'm definitely, like, 15. You're more of an authority on this than I am for sure. So I'm like, I got to go 50 in this, you know, closely equator. It really depends, but yeah, like I, yeah, like 30, like I have to like stick around that or between 30, 50, 15 I can do if it's just like, you know, so I think if I recall what I remember reading was that the difference between None to 30 there is a difference, but once you get beyond 30 there's no difference as well. There's a number
Starting point is 00:58:12 There's the some that they talk about I've heard this as well. Yeah, how true it is I don't either do I you can fact check me. I don't know what's happened to me I mean just I mean kind of confirm that right now because you said 30 you need 30 at least Yeah, right so the question really would. You need 30 at least. Yeah. So the question really would be, it's probably 30 and 50 if you notice a difference or not. So interesting. What's your SPF 30 blocks nearly 97% of UVB radiation, SPF 50 blocks out 98%. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Okay. There you go. It's a true, is your point. Doug, look up, is mineral sunscreens more effective at preventing sunscreen than chemical sunscreens? And why are you doing that? Why not? Okay, so if it's healthy enough and good enough for your face, why not use it for the entire body?
Starting point is 00:58:56 If it's 30 SPF. We can. Yeah. This one's particularly designed for the face, but I mean, they sell them for the whole body. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know, that's one of my point. You can use them all over the body. Yeah, well, why would it just be sunscreen and healthy for the face, but I mean, they sell them for the whole body. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know, that's one of my point. You can use them all over the body.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Yeah, well, why would it just be sunscreen and healthy for the face? Yeah, is there a marketing reason behind that, you think? No, but I do think that when you putting sunscreen on your face, that they'll put other compounds in there to reduce the odds of like, breakouts. It's something like this. Yeah, it's really good.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Cause some sunscreens, you'll cause you to break out. But also, chemical sunscreens burn when you sweat and they get in your eyes. Ever happen here? Oh yeah. I hate that. Oh, it is worse. I can't stand that.
Starting point is 00:59:32 So yes, mineral sunscreens offer the most protection because they're literally creating a physical separation between you and the sun. Interesting. Damn. So why, okay, then why, if it's better for you, so it's healthier. Yeah. It's more effective.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Yeah. Is it because it's expensive? I think partly because of the white haze. Yes, that they can leave. No, no, no, no, okay. My question is, why the fuck does anyone make any chemical ones? Because of the white haze. Mineral ones tend to leave.
Starting point is 01:00:01 You can tell oftentimes that you've got some caldaris. There's is pretty damn good. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. And I think that's why they made it specifically for the face partly is because people have a problem with that.
Starting point is 01:00:15 You know, obviously, I don't have a problem with that. I don't mind looking like a mime, but yeah, because people don't like having a white haze on their face so they don't use it. So they switched to the chemical stuff instead, and then they get the long-term effects from using that all the time. You want to hear what a douchebag I used to be back in the day? I used to buy, it was like last week.
Starting point is 01:00:36 No, I used to, it's not right now. No, it's what I was way younger. I used to buy tanning oil, okay? Yeah, yeah. That you spray on and the only reason why I wore it is because it made me like glistening. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:00:51 Put it on, walk around like, you know? Bathroom pushups. Yeah. It's now graduated to bathroom pushups. That's what it's graduating. I know, I've never in my life done that before. I'm not gonna lie to you guys. Hey, that's what I'm terrible at.
Starting point is 01:01:01 That's my favorite rumor that I started because I think people really believe that And then Justin rubs baby oil and you have He just added The other room all right, do we have a shout out for today? That guy, let's find that guy. That guy. That guy. Oh, you know, you know, who we shut out? I was just on his podcast.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Oh, Drew? Yeah. We haven't given him one, right? No. Yeah, I don't think so. Okay. So today's shout out. So I've been on this guy's show twice.
Starting point is 01:01:38 His name is Drew Piroit. He's got an exceptional podcast. He's a really good interviewer. Very intelligent. He asked the right questions, noticed how the steer the conversation. He does a really good job and he's just, his channel is continuing to explode. If you're into health, science, wellness, this, you got to give this guy a listen. He's really, really good. Very entertaining. Again, he has got great guests on a show. So check them out. Check this out. There are botanicals out there, herbs that have been shown to improve
Starting point is 01:02:08 the body's ability to adapt to stress. All right. What does that mean? Well, building muscle, burning body fat, getting faster, more stamina. That's all adaptations to stress. But also, when you're overstretched, you can't think it's a sharply. You don't get good sleep. You just feel crappy. Well, anyway, there's a sharply. You don't get good sleep, you just feel crappy. Well anyway, there's a company that makes a product called Stress Guardian, which combines the 14 best adeptogenic herbs in one product to help your body acclimate to stress better.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Go check them out, go to stressgardian.com forward slash mind pump. All right, back to the show. Our first caller is Jamie from Canada. Jamie, what's happening? How can we help you? Hey guys, how are you? We're good.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Thank you. Thank you for selecting me to ask my question. Big fan of you guys. I'm going to try not to be a fan boy. So, you know, this is just as cool as when I met Brett the hitman heart. Oh, yeah. This is really pretty awesome. That I met Brett the hitman heart This is pretty awesome Yeah, that's a good place. What an honor. Okay, cool. That's a question
Starting point is 01:03:11 Yeah, so my question It has to do with calories As I said in my email I am averaging between 2900 and 3000 calories per day I track my you know My fluid as best as I possibly can. However, it's my job that I'm concerned about. So I am in a very physical demanding job. I work for Pepsi. And so like it's very on my feet, I'm lifting pallets.
Starting point is 01:03:41 I'm, you know, walking between 15 to 25,000 steps today. My goal is to be at a 20% body fat around there. It's like, I feel like I have a long ways to go, but I'm doing a couple of your programs. And so I've been doing, I started with Matt Santa Bollock, did the whole phase, and then I listened to you guys about having a busy work lifestyle, and you know, suggested maybe doing the match 15. So then I purchased that. And you know that was when I did, I had my PR in my deadlift and I reached 315 because I was, I had those calories but my body fat percentage wasn't going down. So then I kind of got discouraged and then I ran vacation and then since I've come back from vacation, it's just been
Starting point is 01:04:45 a uphill struggle. So this is where like help me. I'll be one can only be your my only hope. Well, let me ask you a question. So you started with MAP Santa Ballacu did MAP 15. You got your P out your deadlift up to 315. What did your body weight change within that period of time? It says here in the email that you're to 25, I think it said. Did you? What? What? It did go up to like currently right now, I waited myself this morning. I'm at 230 with a body 5% of still 28%
Starting point is 01:05:19 Wait a minute. So your body fat percentage was 28% when you started. It's great. 28% and you went up five pounds? Yes. Okay, maybe let me do some of this math while I talk to you because you gained lean body mass. You might have gained a little bit of body fat,
Starting point is 01:05:34 but you also gained some lean body mass for sure. And getting stronger, I mean that's great. So you had 63 pounds of total body fat on your body at 225. Now you're at 230 at 28% body fat. You're at 64.4 pounds of body fat. So you literally went up 1.4 pounds of body fat, but almost four pounds of lean body mass. How are you testing your body fat?
Starting point is 01:05:59 Yeah, that's a good question. Well, I was expecting you guys to ask that. So I used just a rent full smart skills, nothing, like, nothing, like scientific or whatever. It's just, and I know that, as I've said, sorry. Oh, it's the bioelectric impedance, I believe, that we hold it. So here's the good news about,
Starting point is 01:06:22 I think you actually just, you shouldn't have been discouraged. You should have actually been very happy. I was just gonna say, the fact that you added five pounds on the scale, you got stronger and your body fat percentage stayed the same is actually a really good sign. You're heading the right direction. So you're actually on, yeah,
Starting point is 01:06:39 you're actually right on, it's one, it's a slow process. Especially when you are keeping your calories up and we're trying to build muscle, it's gonna be this real slow exchange of you lose a little bit of body fat, you build a little bit of muscle, you lose. But, man, the signs of getting stronger
Starting point is 01:06:57 and hitting a PR like that and not seeing the body fat percentage trend up is a really good sign that you are actually right in a nice sweet spot. You're actually doing great. Yeah. So here's what it typically looks like, Jamie, with someone like you, right? So how long has it been since you've been, you started working out with our programs?
Starting point is 01:07:15 Because it sounded like you did one phase of anabolic and one to maps of team. Like how many months or weeks have you known? Yeah. I think I was kind of immediately after I started listening to you guys. I was about of immediately after I started listening to you guys. I was about a year. So maybe maybe six months. Just under a year, I'd go to my start and listen to you guys.
Starting point is 01:07:34 And then I bought Maps and a Balak. And then I finished the whole phase, like one, two, three. And then I transferred over to Maps 15, but I was also doing both at the same time. So I was doing Maps and Obolic, the foundation workouts, and then on my days off, like in between days, I would do a Maps 15, like just two exercises,
Starting point is 01:07:56 and I would just kind of work out five days a week. Okay, okay, here's what I want. I'm gonna give you some advice right now. Do not try to create your own programming. Okay. So taking our programs and combining them unless you're advised by one of us and we'll tell you specifically what to do,
Starting point is 01:08:14 which we almost never do, by the way, with programs. What you're going to do is make both programs less effective. Is what you're going to do. Okay, because there's a lot that goes into programming that takes a lot of experience, kind of understand, how to write programs, how to make them effective. It still worked because you still got stronger, but you probably got better results,
Starting point is 01:08:35 had you not combine them. If you just stuck with the stuck with maps in a ball, or just stuck with maps 15, you probably have some results. Did you actually hit a PR when you were doing maps 15 and anelle combined together? Or is that I? Yes, wow. Yes, wow. What was your deadlift at when you started by the way?
Starting point is 01:08:57 It's I think it was two plates 25 yeah, yeah, so okay, so okay, so when you follow our programs follow one don't combine them. Okay, so follow one don't combine it This is what it typically looks like with someone like you with your experience and what you're saying is You'll gain muscle first you'll get stronger first you might get a little body fat loss at first, but Typically it's the muscle gain and the strength. And then you get this kind of snowball effect, okay, where if you, you know, imagine a snowball going down a hill and it starts off kind of slow, but as it starts to pick up more snow, it starts to speed up and then it starts to gain size faster and faster. So in this case, the fat loss starts off very slow. Muscle gain happens first, but then you start to see things start to snowball
Starting point is 01:09:44 as a metabolism speeds up. As you continue to get stronger, then you start to see things start to snowball as a metabolism speeds up, as you continue to get stronger, as you start to do things better and better, you start to see faster and faster results versus what a lot of people experience when they do things the wrong way is they get this initial weight loss and then they plateau super hard. So it's like, oh, 15 pounds lost, 10 pounds lost and then nothing. So you're moving in the right direction for sure. Now it says here you're averaging about 2800 to 3000 calories. How do you feel eating that? Does that feel adequate?
Starting point is 01:10:12 Or do you feel like you want to eat more, you're hungry? I feel like I can eat more because of like, throughout the day I'm so active. Yeah, I try 100% try to do my protein, but my fats and carbs are kind of later in the day because I'm in my car about 800 miles a week average because I'm driving to and from store to store. So like I don't necessarily have something to eat during the day day per se other than shake. I'll have a couple of shakes and then maybe you know
Starting point is 01:10:51 A sandwich like turkey sandwich or something and then at nighttime when I'm at home is when I'll have my whole foods Like I'll have a chicken with some rice potatoes vegetables that sort of thing. Okay of thing. Are you hitting 200 grams of protein at least every single day? That, I'm glad you asked that because I am, but I'm also doing more. Like I'm averaging maybe 230, you know, I go from 230 on a day to day average. Nevertheless, nevertheless, the 200. You're on the right track. Like, nevertheless, never less than 100.
Starting point is 01:11:25 You're on the right track. Yeah, that's true. You're totally on the right track. I would keep your calories where they're at, be consistent with your workouts, and continue to try to get stronger. And go ahead. Well, I just bought on Black Friday
Starting point is 01:11:40 your map sound box advance. Should I try to back? No, not yet. I would go, I would continue to do maps of 15. I would continue to do maps of 15. I like the idea of maps of 15. And the only thing time I would toggle back to maps in a ball right now is only if you had like
Starting point is 01:11:55 time off or your movement at work. So I think for how much you move and how physically active you are at work, maps of 15 is probably gonna give you the best results right now. And so I'll follow just that. And like Sous said, eat the way you're eating, hit your protein and take like you're doing,
Starting point is 01:12:11 and just be patient. And really the sign of body fat percentage staying the same while you're getting stronger is a really good place to be right now. If you start to get stronger, which I am gonna estimate that you will, okay? If you follow to get stronger, which I, which I, I, I'm going to estimate that you will. Okay. If you follow a massive teen and, and you eat your, you hit your protein and you're not eating heavily processed foods and that kind of stuff, right? If you're, and you get good sleep, if you're,
Starting point is 01:12:34 if you're doing that, then what'll probably happen is your body weight will stay the same or go down a little bit, but you'll continue to get stronger. If that happens, you are gold. If the weight on the bar is going up, and your body weight is the same, or starts to go down, you're crushing, you're kicking ass. Okay. And on my days off, should I do a map Santa Bologna, or just strictly state, as a team?
Starting point is 01:13:00 Follow the program, as it's laid out. Yeah, trust the process. 100%. You know what, let's say, are you on Facebook? Can we put you in the form? I, that would be phenomenal. I've heard about this, but you, yes, yeah, let's, I'm going to have Doug put you, put you in the private form. And then I just like would love to hear an update from you say three or four weeks down the road. Let us know. Yeah, because we're going to want to change gears at some point
Starting point is 01:13:23 to what we start to cut calories. I just don't think cutting calories right now is the best approach. I agree. But at some point, we will cut calories. And if you're in the forum and giving us updates every 30 days or so, then we'll be able to better assess when that'll happen. And that should happen. For sure.
Starting point is 01:13:39 I will definitely do that. Thank you so much. I just want to say, Sal, I resonate with you because I have a 14 year old daughter as well. So, I mean, I'm 100% with you. Adam, I'm a big baller. I love basketball. I'm sorry that my raptors took out your wool warriors in a physical and Justin, I'm a big paranormal person too.
Starting point is 01:14:01 And I watch both seasons of Ghost Town Terror. So, I'm pretty sure. ghost town terror. So great show. Doing what you guys are doing. I love you. Thank you very much for answering my question. Appreciate it, Jamie. Thanks for calling in. Yep. Bye now. When it comes to the pursuit of fat loss, fitness, improving your health, you said something, Adam, I don't think we do communicate it,
Starting point is 01:14:25 but we don't say it directly enough. Patients. Patients is such, is so key because more people's programs, more people's pursuits, more people have been screwed up by wanting to rush the process. Self sabotage, yeah. I mean, it's good enough. And then adding to it.
Starting point is 01:14:44 So that's why I love that we steered them back to Mass 15 because having that basis and really assessing like what how it's benefiting you because you can always add versus subtracting is a different place to be. I can't tell you how many times or what percentage of people hurt themselves, meaning not hurt like physically hurt, but hurt their programming when they were doing great. I would say more often than not. Somebody was actually doing really well and ended up altering what they were doing
Starting point is 01:15:17 because they didn't see their results. And this, by the way, too, this also speaks to why we're not big fans of the before and afters and the look that I lost in 30 days and Highlighting because then then it gets this perception to somebody like Jamie who is actually doing really good In fact, he may be doing perfect You're right, but because he doesn't see this massive swing in his body fat percentage Or he doesn't see the scale drop way down like then he assumes that he must be because he's listening to all the other advice
Starting point is 01:15:44 We're gonna I must be doing something wrong and then they then what does he do? Piles more workouts in her does too much or does what he does it. It's like man you're doing great you just don't realize that it just takes time. It's a slow process. Look here's a bottom line. If you're progressing okay if you are progressing there's no such thing is too slow but there's definitely such a thing is too slow, but there's definitely such a thing as too fast. 100%. So keep that in mind when you're trying to pursue whatever fitness goal you have.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Our next caller is Caitlin from Wyoming. Hey Caitlin, how can we help you? Hey guys, this is really cool. Thank you. I'll just get right into it. I've been listening for just over a year, probably not even. And your content is awesome. I started as somebody who loved to work out, like,
Starting point is 01:16:34 hit style high intensity training, just get as much sweat as possible. And now I've transitioned after listening to you guys to just mainly focus on really heavy lifting. However, I'm finding I have a lot of difficulty with my grip strength. I've been, I've got about halfway through anabolic and I feel like it could actually lift heavier, but my like forearm strength, my grip strength tends to give out. And that's, that's in the traditional deadlift, but also sometimes I'll try to do like a single leg deadlift just holding dumbbells. And I definitely could go heavier there, but it's my
Starting point is 01:17:12 forearms are weak. And I know a while back, I went back and I tried to find it, but you guys talked about like a correlating calf strength versus grip strength. And I am a case study of that. I was genetically blessed with a great thick muscular calves, but I don't seem to have a great forearm grip strength. So anyway, I was looking for some help there. Yeah, okay. So by the way, there's no science to support that. It was like a funny thing.
Starting point is 01:17:39 No, I'm a case study. I'm a case study. All right, so I'm gonna rephrase your question because people, when they look at the grip for some reason, they don't put it in the same category as, let's say, other muscles or body parts when doing a lift. So I'm going to say something that's similar to what you said, but I think it'll highlight the point that I'm trying to make.
Starting point is 01:18:00 So, hey, I can squat. I think I could squat way more than I can, but my legs aren't strong enough. So it sounds very obvious. I, well, okay, well, yeah, obviously. So if your hands aren't strong enough to hold the bar, then that's the weight that you can lift. In other words, you may feel like you can lift more weight
Starting point is 01:18:18 if you had different hands, but you can't, therefore that's your limit. So work within your limit. However, there's a second part to this, which is I've identified a weakness. How can I get this weakness to speed up its progress? Or how can I pull up this weak chain in the link, right? And so the way to do this, first off, there's a couple of things
Starting point is 01:18:39 you could do to improve your grip just because it helps with the bar slipping out. You could try chalk or liquid chalk. So if you go to a gym, they won't let you use chalk. You could buy something called liquid chalk, which most gyms are okay with you using. And it'll make your hands less slippery on the bar. And actually the studies will show that chalk will add between two to five percent more strength to somebody's grip when they're holding onto something. And that's usually enough to make a significant difference. So try that.
Starting point is 01:19:07 The second thing is take some volume off of your arm exercises. In other words, take some sets off your bicep exercises and your tricep exercises and then add some grip or forearm exercises. Now, the reason why I'm saying that is a lot of times people will say, I want my grip to get stronger and they just add volume or add exercises for grip strength without taking them away from somewhere else and then they overwhelm their body with just too much overall volume.
Starting point is 01:19:33 So let's say you're doing an arm workout and let's say that day you're gonna do six sets for your biceps. Well you could do just three sets and then do three sets dedicated towards strengthening your grip. And there's a lot of exercises that will help you do this. You could do farmer walks, you could do wrist curls, you could even buy a gripper and they sell varying degrees of intensity with grippers to where you're actually doing it as an exercise.
Starting point is 01:20:01 And then you'll find like any of the body part, it'll start to get stronger and start to catch up. Yeah. I 100% agree with all that, Tim. I also found training singles, doubles, and triples did this for me too. Yeah. So I don't know if you've ever done that before where, because most of our programming is five reps, right? So the phase one is a minimum of five reps. We don't normally program three reps of anything or two reps or one rep of anything, not because any other reason that there's higher risk
Starting point is 01:20:30 for someone who's never lifted before and so we don't program it in. But I do think there's value in training this way. So what you would do is like, let's say when you're in a MAP Santa Balli phase, phase one, and instead of doing five reps, you might do two reps. So picking even heavier weight and only do two reps. But you're not maxing out though.
Starting point is 01:20:48 You're right. Yeah, you're just picking a heavier weight than what you could do five because now you're only having to do two. And just the body adapting to holding on to a heavier weight tends to build strength in the forearms and grip strength. And a lot of times when the grip gives out, it's not the first one that gives out on, it gives out on rep four or five, it's like you feel it probably slipping out of your hands, right?
Starting point is 01:21:11 And so just you training an even heavier weight. Yeah, getting comfortable with holding on to a heavier weight for one rep or two reps and then, you know, then setting the bar down, you'll see sometimes your grip strength and I felt that personally the most come up from just simply doing that. It's usually the unfamiliar things you introduce to your body where you're going to have to work a little harder and so it may seem like that's the point where a failure because, you know, you're trying to hold something, you're not quite as familiar with that weight or that particular grip and so to train that a little bit more frequently makes a lot of sense and also to like the muscle
Starting point is 01:21:52 Muscle endurance component to that we mentioned Farmer walks and things like that. We're actually holding something heavy and walking with it I found to be very very helpful and translates well when you're trying to hold and grip something because a lot of times too is like, you know, you're going through the wrap and you think it's a short amount of time, but after a few of these wraps, it's really it's the endurance part of it where I'm not used to holding something heavy for that long, so that's where the fail point goes. The key to this though will be if if you add anything to the routine,
Starting point is 01:22:26 like the farmer walks or pinch grip stuff or some of the things that Salis suggesting, is to make sure that you take away. You replace. You replace something else in the workout, because the mistake I think somebody makes when they're in pursuit of grip strength, is they pile on to their already...
Starting point is 01:22:41 Have you ever trained? Yeah, and then they just overdo it, and then they get weaker sometimes. Sometimes they'll come back and be like, I don't understand, I start doing all these four times. I just sell both. Yeah, now I can't, now I can live less weight. And so the key would be just, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:52 pulling some things out, some arm exercises out of the routine and adding in these form ones. But I really like the farmer walks, and I really like the suggestion of the singles and doubles and triples I found that those, those are two big things that help me personally. Kaylee, just to give you a little personal, just the anecdote that might encourage you a little bit.
Starting point is 01:23:10 So I started working out as a kid in my backyard and very quickly, probably by the time I was 16 or 17, so I was 14 when I started working out. By the time I was 16 or 17, I had learned about a tool called wrist straps and bodybuilders use these. What they do is they go around your wrist and then you wrap them around the bar and basically it holds the bar for you.
Starting point is 01:23:31 You barely have to use any grip strength and allows you to use more weight, et cetera, et cetera. Because the bodybuilders did it, I bought some. They're very inexpensive. I always used wrist straps for every back exercise up until probably the age of, I wanna say maybe, it was my late 20s, so maybe 27. And then I had this trainer that I worked with
Starting point is 01:23:53 who just explained this to me, it's like, well, you know, our hands are meant to be very strong. And I knew this, you know, kind of on the side because my father worked blue collar work, his hands were always very strong. And I said, yeah, you know, you're right, like, you know, I've on the side because my father worked, blue collar work, his hands were always very strong. And I said, yeah, you know, you're right. Like, you know, I've been using these wrist straps, I wonder how strong I can get my hands or whatever.
Starting point is 01:24:11 And so I decided, I remember like yesterday, I literally decided I'm never gonna use wrist straps again and I'm gonna just work out without them. It took me over two years for my hands to catch up to the strength that my back and my legs can produce. So it took a long time for my hands to get that strength. So be patient, they will get strong. And again, our hands are just not strong.
Starting point is 01:24:35 I mean, aside from working out, when do you really test out the strength of your hands? Probably never, most people don't. So give it some time and they'll catch up. You will be able to hold on to the weight that you can lift. It won't feel like right now there's this huge discrepancy. You just got to give it some time. Okay. Well, yeah, because I've been using like for years and years, like 20 pound dumbbells in each hand. And then I'm going up 200 pound barbell. Right. It's a huge position. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:04 100 pound barbell. Right. It's a huge, huge position. Yeah. The next question I have is I've seen people do like an overhand grip or like a flip grip, like one overhand, one underhand, have you found that that's helpful or beneficial in anyway? You'll lift more weight with what's called an alternate grip. So one hand forward, one hand back, you will for sure be able to hold on a more weight. There is some risk to it though. And I get personal anecdote, I train that way as well when I would deadlift real heavy. I got into the habit of always using the same alternate grip when I would hit my top heavy sets and I developed an imbalance. So if you use an alternate grip, because you can't hold on to more weight when you deadlift doing this, if you do, always switch it off and make sure you're even on which hand is supinated, which
Starting point is 01:25:47 hand is pronated. Otherwise, you will develop an imbalance that'll be all the way up and down the kinetic chain, which is what happened to me. My left side was definitely more developed on my right side as a result. The other option is use what's called a hook grip that Olympic lifters use. However, this sucks. It hurts and it takes a long time to get used to. Very difficult.
Starting point is 01:26:07 It took me over two and a half years to really get that mastered. So you can use the alternate grip. Just every set, make sure you alternate it. Don't favor one side. I mean, I want to read it. Just be patient. I mean, you're doing really,
Starting point is 01:26:19 you literally have just kind of made this transition in the last year. I mean, and you're already lifting heavier weights. It'll come. It'll, heavier weights, it'll come. It'll, it'll, it'll keep, get lifting and, and pushing the strength, the, the grip will, will come along. You take some of the pieces of advice we're given. It's going to be, I think you're doing phenomenal already, but to your point,
Starting point is 01:26:36 for years and years and years, you trained all these light weights and hit style and like for the first time in your life, you're lifting heavy weights and you're getting, and you're getting strong. And now the hands just gotta catch up, and they will. They will. Yep. By the way, are you pulling over 200 pounds off the floor? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:53 Great job. Yeah, you went from 20 pound dumbbells to 200 pounds. Yeah, you're doing phenomenal. Holy cow, what are the changes in your body from, by the way, just if you don't mind me asking, training the way you did before with all the hit stuff or whatever to getting stronger. What have you noticed? Yeah, well, that's been interesting because in anticipation of this call, I kind of stepped
Starting point is 01:27:12 on the scale for the first time. Today in a long time, and my weight is up heavier than it's been in a long time. But I am in a smaller size gene than I've ever been in. So it's really interesting. It was kind of a weird mind game this morning when I stepped on the scale. I'm like, oh, you know, I haven't seen that number since babies, but in no time. But the scale student.
Starting point is 01:27:37 It is. Yeah, yeah. So I mean, that's exactly what you want. Would you rather weigh less and look worse or look better and weigh more? And I mean, who cares? Who cares? That happens every female I've ever trained. They always, I tell them not to weigh themselves. What is your partner say? That's what that's the better. That's the better question. He loves where I'm at. Yeah. There's, yeah. He's,
Starting point is 01:27:56 there's a, there's a better person to ask that question. And if something happens, there's an accident you can pick them up now and help them. I know. I came up, I told them, I just, I just had lifted 200 pounds. That's, that's him. So I was pretty stoked about that. Very, very cool. Well, thanks for calling in, Caitlin. I'm pretty, with program, are you following right now, Vars?
Starting point is 01:28:13 I've been bouncing around just with Matt's anabolic and then just doing my own thing. Like I said, I'm not, it's new to me. So it's been a little, it's been crazy. You know, I really liked Danubolic. I haven't gotten all the way through it because I'll do, I'll run it for a week and then I kind of just go do my own thing which probably isn't great. Oh, Katelyn.
Starting point is 01:28:32 I'm going to jump back to it. Listen to me. Listen, follow our program all the way through if you want the best result. I'm going to send you another program I think you're going to like. Strong. Yeah. God, you read my, read my mind. I'm going to send you a map strong. Yeah. Okay. I would love that. But please, can you promise you'll finish it? Otherwise, I won't, I'll make you buy
Starting point is 01:28:48 it. I won't give it to you. I promise. I promise. I promise I promise. I'll make you money later. All right. All right. Follow it. You're going to love it. You're going to love map strong. Okay. I would love that. Thank you guys so much. You got it. Thanks for pulling him. Okay. Thank you. You got it. Yeah, the whole grip thing. It's like, listen, here's the bottom line. There's always a weak link that is going to determine the max weight you can lift.
Starting point is 01:29:09 Yeah, okay. So it doesn't matter what that weak link is, that's the weight you can lift. Now, you can add things to make you lift weight in which I can deadlift X amount of pounds with a belt on. I make sure to tell people that, because I take the belt off and the weight goes down to good 30, 40 pounds.
Starting point is 01:29:24 So there's always a weak link. That's the determining factor and if unless you don't care about having a balanced body You don't want a strong hand just strong in the gym, you know, you should evaluate that. Yeah I think she's doing a great job. I think and then after we find out that she's not even flowing the program all the way to a T I think just her doing that. She's gonna see it come on. Oh my god Just follow what she said. She's heavier but in smaller clothes. Yeah. Ladies pay attention. Yeah. That's perfect. Next caller is Kevin from Nevada. Kevin. How do we join that game? Yeah. Representing. What is that? Dad gang? I don't know. I could be in a gang.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Is it dad? What is that? Yeah. That gang. Like the best gang to be in or guys? It's all to be jumped in or what? What's happening? You got it. Looks like all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right.
Starting point is 01:30:10 It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right.
Starting point is 01:30:18 It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. you for each of you, including Doug. So I'll save that to the end. But for context, I am 30 years old, I have two kids, and I so I personally have never started and even touched a barbell until I was
Starting point is 01:30:33 27 years old. More for the ignorance through like my whole family's generation is like you're going to get hurt from that. That's all we knew. So until you guys, until I found you guys, is when I actually did strength training with, Barbell work. So now I am in the maps power lift. I love it because I found out some of my friends have told me to try and join some power lifting meets. I don't wanna do that yet, but I am on the peak phase.
Starting point is 01:31:02 I just started it this week, and I was wondering, I know it says on the calendar to rest for a week or it says a rest day on like this second half of that last week and Then I don't know when to attempt the one rep max like the new one rep max do I wait a full week? Yes, although with yes, yes, yes, typically you wake wait a full week. Yes, typically yes, yes, typically you wake, wait a full week. Now that doesn't mean you necessarily do nothing, although although I know a lot of lifters will do very little, but what you can do, and this is what I used to like to do whenever I would set myself up for an attempted PR, is I would definitely have that week off in terms of heavy training or hard training.
Starting point is 01:31:46 And I would just go to the gym and practice technique. That's all I would do. So I would be very lightweight. And what a lot of times what will happen is when you're practicing technique, you might feel it. Like I always personally could just know, like, oh, today's gonna be okay. Like there's gonna be times where you are planning a PR day
Starting point is 01:32:03 and you're just not gonna feel it. You're gonna, that first 135 warmupup set is going to feel like a million pounds. And you're like today's not the day you do that. And then other days, that's how I, so I like to have that a week scheduled as I'm not going to try and PR for the until this next week. And sometime in that time period, I'm kind of working on technique and I'm going, I'm basing it off of how I feel in the warm up on if I'm going to try and get after it today.
Starting point is 01:32:28 And so that to me is a better strategy than saying, Hey, five days after the end of the program, then go hit your PR. Well, if you didn't get good night's sleep tonight before, it's not a good strategy. What's over? But and maybe three days after you're already well rested, well fed, the warm up weight, it's like coming up off the floor, easy, go get it. So that's kind of how,
Starting point is 01:32:47 And one thing is for sure, you won't get weaker if you took a week off. That's not how strength doesn't go down that fast, unless you get sick or there's other circumstances. Got it. And yeah, that answer is I guess one of my other questions of what like exercises, but it'll all be just the technique work.
Starting point is 01:33:02 Yeah, I used to do foam rolling, mobility, and practice. I would practice the exercise. That'll always set me up very well. Got it, okay, thank you. And then now the diet part, I've just been on maintenance, like throughout this whole program, never changed it one bit.
Starting point is 01:33:18 I'm at like 27 to 2900 calories a day. And for context on that, I'm a small guy. I'm 5'4, 149 pounds. So that amount of food for me is like, I've never ate that much in my life. I used to be at like 1516, 100. That's great. Should I just stay there before I hit this or attempt the one wrap or do I now push a little bit more on the calories? Oh yeah, push it. So okay, so I'll give you some, some, these are, by the way, these are little hacks. They're not going to like be the big game changers, but they will, they will add something. So I would always say what? You get a boost as cluster.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Well, I wouldn't even, that's even, that's even a step further than what I'm going to say. I would go 48 hours before I would bump your calories. So I would go up, you know, you're at 2700, I would be closer to 3100 calories, 48 hours before and stay consistent with that. Make sure two hours before the lift, you have an easily digestible, so something doesn't love you. That's a important part.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Yeah. Easily digestible meal. I would also, if you drink coffee or take caffeine or pre-workout. Pre-workout. I drink Celsius sometimes throughout the days. I would wean yourself down caffeine for the week off. So let's say you have 400 milligrams of caffeine a day.
Starting point is 01:34:31 I would get it down to 200 or less leading up to the day of. Then the day of go with your full dose. It'll hit you like a Mac truck and you're going to feel like super power from it. Look, those two things alone would typically get me a nice five to 10 pounds over what I would normally be able to do. Got it. And then my last question, I think I already answered this for myself. I am looking to compete next year just because some of my friends have told me like the weight class that I could be in.
Starting point is 01:34:57 It is pretty possible I might place, I don't know. I'm trying to hit like a 405 deadlift, 200 five bench and 375 squat. I don't know if that's even. Holy shit, yeah, fair way. That's great. What have you done with your deadlift at 145 pounds? What have you hit? Well, on the deadlift right now, I'm at 395.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Yeah, well, yeah, you're strong. You're strong. You're strong as hell. Especially considering, you just now really got it. You just started? Yeah. I just started, you mean maps parallel, three means you're just in general, you said 27,
Starting point is 01:35:28 you said you're 30, right? You only been left in for two or three years now? Yeah, like I never. Yeah, bro, you're doing good. You pull Sumo? No, conventional just because I think that looks better. Wow. And you pull conventional.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Agreed, bro. I'm probably just also doing your thing at an honor. Hey, listen, just for fun. I know you've asked this question, but just for fun. Typically, when you're shorter in size, the sumo style typically gives you better leverage. So you might want to mess around with that. See what happens. I like your idea though of doing things.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Just see how you can get it bro. I'm pro- I'm pro- I'm pro- I'm pro- I tell Lane all the time. It doesn't count. It looks like that. Actually, no, no. So I am trying to see what I would max out at this year before I even try and do a meet next year. So I'm thinking, is it best to just stay as keep it all squat best that live in one day when I attempt this instead of trying to split it out? Oh, like to like to mirror a competition.
Starting point is 01:36:22 I mean, you can. You're not literally training for a meat right now, so it's kind of like whatever. I don't think it's that necessary. And I think when you get ready for your first real meat, by the way, too, if I can encourage you to sign up sooner than later, you'll be happy because, and I know, getting on stage is different than competing in a power-off you meet.
Starting point is 01:36:41 But part of, you're gonna wanna just sign up and get through the process. Is that firstly, get to expand? Yeah, what to expect, getting the nerves out, how I should eat before. There's a lot of things that you're gonna need to figure out, and you'd rather get that out sooner than later anyways, than try and time it all. Like, I'm gonna get my strongest, I've ever been in my life,
Starting point is 01:37:02 and on top of that, I'm gonna do some of my first time every doing event. It's like get the first event jitters out of the way of like what's it like on the new guy. That's just a pressure out of it. Yeah, that way when you go in the second time, you've already got that out and now you're, so that would be my advice is to do it later.
Starting point is 01:37:18 I do like doing them all three on the same day though because it's just gonna mirror the event. Yeah, and get used to the feel of it. And to be honest with you, when you do each of them separately, there's always a question of which one do I do today, which one do you do tomorrow, which one do I do the day after? I would mirror the meat and do them in that order
Starting point is 01:37:36 and take a long break in between your maxes. So, you know, I would do whatever you start with your squat, I would wait, you know, 20 minutes before attempting to go for my deadlift and then same thing. And then my bench, you can maybe not rest as much, but I would give myself like a couple hours to do all of them. Got it. Okay, thank you. And now it brings me to another question. Adam, you brought up maybe sign up a little bit earlier than waiting until next year fall or something. I was planning on, because of what you guys have helped me understand with body compages and change and just reverse dieting, I was planning on, I bought Split because
Starting point is 01:38:10 I want to now achieve the best aesthetic look I've ever had for this summer. I was planning on starting that January just so it reaches up until summer where you can go swim and you show off what you got. Is that hurt me me in effects of strength to try and do that then go back into the garrilive? No, no, no, it's going to help you. No, yeah. And honestly, right now, just hearing your numbers already,
Starting point is 01:38:34 you're already at strength, you're not going to go embarrass yourself. You're going to do well. Whether you win or not, your first time, who cares? I would sign up, go do it, no matter what you're programming right now. Like you're already strong enough in those lips that you're going to go have a good experience. That's, I mean, whether you go in or not, I think you're going to have a good experience.
Starting point is 01:38:52 And so I would go sign up for that, no matter where I'm kind of at in what type of program I'm following, get that out of the way. And then when you're like, okay, now that I know this is going to be like, you know, I'm going to pick this date, I'm'm gonna follow the program three months before, and then you could really dial it all in. And during that process, running split to interrupt it in the middle is all good idea.
Starting point is 01:39:12 It's all gonna help you. Yeah. Awesome, okay, thank you guys. Now, I do wanna do the thank you before I get off of here, if I can. And now this is to each of you. Before I even start the thank you, though, I wanna give context on this.
Starting point is 01:39:26 I mentioned I'd never started strength training until 27 years old, again, from ignorance and really from embarrassment. My insecurity is being small. I would hate, I hated even trying to walk into the gym. All I did was play basketball. But when I would pass the strength training part, I would see, of course, like, I'm a small, I'm a guy.
Starting point is 01:39:43 I see girls like doing, and I'm like, there's no freaking way I can do this. So I'll just walk by. Bench would always scare the crap out of me because I see him like, what am I going to do? Like try and lift up that barbell, and if I, I don't know, commit suicide with the neck, I don't even do that.
Starting point is 01:40:01 So all I knew was, do you guys know Mike Chang six packs? That's all I knew back then. So hit training. I would think I would have Mike Chang's aesthetic never would have that. I'm much more have like a smurf body. It did not look good. I'm sorry. So I did not look good. So here's what I did. I actually heard of you guys back in like 2016. I didn't really listen. I was just like, you know, I was listening but I hear I didn't hear anything.
Starting point is 01:40:31 Then I heard something about like, you know, go to a trainer. I went to lifetime fitness because my ignorance is like, go to the most expensive gym. I'm probably gonna definitely get results. I'm paying a lot. I went to this trainer. I told this trainer, I want to look like Manipack Yao in like six months. He said, God, I'll do it. He gave me, he put me on this
Starting point is 01:40:49 like, I was already eating maybe 1600 calories. He got me like 300 less calories a day, made me not eat carbs, told me when I go to the bathroom, just like, be ready. It's going to be like liquid. I felt like crap. So I was traumatized. And again, now I was like 25 years old at the time, finally trying to do something else than basketball. Again, I only heard of you guys, or started listening to you guys again, because I was gonna have my first kid, my son. And I was embarrassed internally.
Starting point is 01:41:18 I would never feel proud of myself. I was embarrassed because I could barely even pick up my nephews like for a long period of time. So I was like, oh hell no, I'm not going to be a dad that can't even pick up his own son. And here I am looking like I'm like eighth grader. I look like I'm probably like Justin's kid. Like there's no way. I don't want to be like that. Now I do want to thank you guys big time. This is the thank you. I've never been more proud of myself. And I never knew that I would even have this kind of feeling. Not only as being strong, like I feel super strong, no. I've never thought at 30 is when I can
Starting point is 01:41:53 even still continue to grow. And then as far as strength or doing this kind of training, I'll post this on social media. I didn't know this would naturally like I've never met more friends So I know Sally always mentioned like the gym space is probably the most friendly space I've met more people because of this never got more respect never got more close to so many people that are like growth-minded Met so many other people that are parents trying to do the same damn thing So it's crazy and I want to thank you guys for that big time It's amazing I definitely want to say this now this has to go away from the fitness. Thank you
Starting point is 01:42:29 But I never realized what you guys would have done for me in my mindset is you guys helped me redefine these things And these are important to me because my my wife and I are kind of traumatized by hearing this so many times You know, we're like 24 years old, 25 years old back then. We had always here, I'll just wait till you're 30. And you start hearing, you can start getting these nagging pains naturally, like walking up the steps, I'm getting out of bed. You guys wiped that away. Like, I've never felt more, again, in shape, don't have any of that crap going on.
Starting point is 01:43:01 They always say, just wait till you guys have kids. And this means my wife and I never drink. But they would always tell us like, I'll just wait till you guys have kids. And this means my wife and I never drink. But they would always tell us, like, I'll just wait till you have kids. You guys are going to start wanting to drink. And I would hate hearing that, not being a parent. Now that I'm a parent, I'm like, you guys are fricking ridiculous. I think it's just probably their perspective on having kids. Sadly, I don't want to have any kind of perspective on that. I listen to you guys all the time. And it's so, you know, awesome to be able to redefine and see validation that here's like four dads,
Starting point is 01:43:29 including Doug, they get to talk about the positive impact, trying to be better husbands, better fathers, and it doesn't go into a negative space just because you all have studied, become a parent. I wanna mention this part is, where I was very ambitious, so business was something that attracted me. Unfortunately, I know meeting mentors, potential mentors that make six, seven figures,
Starting point is 01:43:56 has a heavy load on, like I'll listen to them. But one of the things that I've always heard was like, you know, getting fat, getting out of shape, it's normal when you're in the prime time part of building a business. So I would always think like, okay, I don't have to worry about getting in shape till later. Luckily again, you guys talk about how important it is to stay in shape. Like how much is going to help not only your body, but everything else. Um, and then this is the one that always gets me emotional because I anytime I have somebody that's about to be a parent that I know
Starting point is 01:44:26 I always want to mention never listen to this, but I want to hear your guys thing on this One of the things that mentor told me, my previous mentor, when your kids are born up to them about they're like four years old You don't even have to worry about being there, like you don't have to worry about being present being at these Accomplishments because they're too little too young to even ever remember so go hard and work hard and be ambitious because they're not gonna remember this Never more have I been more thankful to hear you guys because if it wasn't for you guys I would have done that My son is two and a half years old now not trying to get emotional My my daughter is three months old and I've been with them like 24-7.
Starting point is 01:45:08 I've avoided trying to miss any little thing because I didn't know like, you know, sorry to get emotional guys, damn, anything I was gonna forget to do this. But never more have I been more proud that I've been more present rather than trying to chase the ambition that I do have. Like I've been more present rather than trying to chase the ambition that I do have? Like, I've been more patient on that.
Starting point is 01:45:27 So I just want to say that. Now for the specifics, Adam, thank you for talking about your relationship with money before and after kids, because I can relate totally to that. I had a horrible relationship where I almost literally ignored my whole family because I was chasing the money for this big house, nice car, all that stuff. After kids, I've been way more patient. It's been like, we're going to get that, but home is being with them. It doesn't matter about the big ass house or the nice cars about like, if they're there,
Starting point is 01:45:59 that's home. Doesn't matter where it is. Sal, you mentioned it on like two episodes ago. You were talking about like your genuine admiration for kids. When you had kids with your previous wife and then you said you'd probably never have kids until you found out you're about to have a kid
Starting point is 01:46:18 and you're like, oh damn, actually, do you want kids? I relate that to that totally because I've always wanted kids, even when we're super young my wife and I and never more have I been known or been more confident of like yeah I want to be a dad till now because we have two kids we have the boy and girl we said no more but there is like that it's I'm like damn like I do want more kids I know we agree no more I'm more of them. I'm trying not to, but I keep telling my wife just jokes here and there. Maybe we can have more. Justin, thank you for this
Starting point is 01:46:54 because your humility as far as being, when I used to listen to you guys the first time, I would always hear Adam and so I'll talk a lot, right? I I'd always be thinking like, hey Justin is pretty quiet. I know he talks here and there, but I wanna thank you for being like, who you say you are, not that Sal and Adam you're not, but Justin, like, when you say you really observe, sit back and don't need to talk, like you really do that.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Doesn't matter if you guys just had Jim Quick on, like, doesn't matter who the hell you guys have on the podcast, you genuinely like don't have that ego to have to pursue that you have to have the spotlight. And I love that because I feel like I'm like that. There was a time where I'm like, damn, maybe I have to change. And I do have to talk a lot more.
Starting point is 01:47:37 But you've helped me, you know, revalidate that you don't have to be like that. And I want to say this just in, I'm gonna try, and I think I'm gonna show here, because I'm gonna talk about my dad. You remind me the most about my dad because you talk about being at your kids games, you talk about how it is sometimes your kid has no idea how tired you are. Sometimes there was a time you mentioned you have to volunteer and you basically became the main guy of
Starting point is 01:48:02 volunteering to set up all this stuff. That was my dad. Mr. like, do it all, be there all the time. And I didn't know at that time how special that was. Until now, I freaking brag about my dad all the time about like, I want to be like that because my dad was like that for me. And I would talk about all the time he was at the basketball games. He was the one at the practice like even trying to shove me, like, you know, even trying to check me. And I would talk about all the time he was at the basketball games. He was the one at the practice, like even trying to shove me, like, you know, even trying to check me. And he's like, you know, 60 years old doing that. And I just want to say Justin, you
Starting point is 01:48:33 always, every single time I hear about you talking about your son, you always brings back to me appreciating my dad more. So thank you for that. And then Doug, I know I can't see you, but I just have to say this. Um, every since I've been hooked And then Doug, I know I can't see you, but I just gotta have to say this. Ever since I've been hooked on you guys, are any family or friend that has reached out and been like, how the hell, is this legit? I wouldn't even show you three because it's like, you know, kind of obvious. As host, I'm like, yeah, you better,
Starting point is 01:48:58 you guys better be fit, right? As host of fitness. I always talk about Doug, because I'm like, okay, these guys are fit, but let me talk to you guys about, you know, the behind the scenes, like the producer, like, Doug, your Instagram, when I showed it before, after, like, all the years you did it yourself, then you hooked, you followed Sal and did your journey before, after, and not only that, the retention after that, like every single family or friend that even, like, thinks about
Starting point is 01:49:24 following you guys, they're like oh shit Like where can I go buy their products? Their programs. So thank you for that. And again Somebody just mentioned it on previous episodes ago. You definitely dug just ruined the crap out of all the other podcasts I listen to because it is true the video and the audio like I can't listen to any other Podcast anymore because it's not the same like I can't you to any other podcasts anymore because it's not the same, like I can't, you know, the quality, like when you guys talk about stuff, you guys actually show it. Um, can't think, thank you enough for that because I didn't know how much of a little detail
Starting point is 01:49:52 like that can ruin all the other great podcasts that I used to listen to. Um, but started to take up all that time, you guys, I just, I had to say that because it means a lot to me. I started in this late, but I feel like the youngest, the strongest I've ever been in my life. And then I feel like that correlation not only for me, but to trying to be the best husband to my wife and the best father to my kids is like, I owe it to you guys, so thank you for that.
Starting point is 01:50:17 Thank you. Thank you, man. Listen, do you have plays to hear you then? Let's send you a split if you don't have it. And if you do, we'll send you symmetry. That's another program I think you'd like. I do have it, if you do we'll send you symmetry. That's another program. I think you'd like I do have it but I was thinking of um if I bought maps started from my wife. Can I get my wife?
Starting point is 01:50:31 I know. I was never never never worked out. We were perfect. You got perfect. We got it. You got it, man. Thank you guys I appreciate a big time., or a thank you. That was nice. Yeah, that was really nice. Got me choked up a little bit. You know it's funny about what you've said, not funny, but interesting. Boy, nothing is a more powerful self-reflective tool than having kids, huh?
Starting point is 01:50:55 Oh, man. As soon as you have your kids, it's like, okay, I got, hello mirrors. Yeah, I gotta do this. That and the confidence it comes from building strength. Yeah, the process, right? The whole thing, right? Amazing.
Starting point is 01:51:07 And then, bro, I tell you what, he's strong. You're strong now, dude. How cool is that to most of your life? You're so strong. To have felt weak, insecure, afraid to even go into the way room, to have gone to a point where you could probably go compete in a powerlifting event and do well. Like that's, bro.
Starting point is 01:51:23 He's at triple body weight, almost triple body weight deadlift, very, very, very few people with years and years of training. I can't, I can't triple my body weight. It's a super impressive. Our next color is Justin from Pennsylvania. Justin, what's happening? How can we help you?
Starting point is 01:51:40 Hey, I was doing, yeah, we're doing great. Another Justin, what's up, buddy? That's right, that's right. I'm excited to. Another Justin. What's up, buddy? That's right. I'm excited to be on this. I've been listening to you guys since March of this year. Just moved out to Pittsburgh and started redoing my fitness journey as we were preparing to welcome our second child to the world.
Starting point is 01:52:00 So, you know, things have changed. And even two months, as you know, having a new born, but the question is still very relevant and it's really centered around sleep. So I'm sure you all could relate having kids of your own and what I want it to say to start is I came here for the fitness but a lot of the fatherly advice you all give is tremendous. So I want to thank you for all that as well. So, how we get right into it. I've been listening to your podcast. It's been really helpful. I started listening back in March, as I said. I'm a physical therapist by trade, but I work
Starting point is 01:52:38 in management in the home health sector, where I oversee home health therapy in five states. So it's a very time consuming job, which which is very rewarding but on top of that having two children under two. Well I mean my second child just turned two on Thanksgiving. So we welcomed our youngest about three and a half months ago. So between the work time, the stress, bouncing newborn, and the two-year-old obviously sleep has taken quite the hit. So when I started listening to you all in March, I went in with anabolic and I've also had a lot of static strength, made tremendous gains by doing all three of those. Also started to refocus on my diet. Of course, diet has done a little bit of a slip because you just
Starting point is 01:53:25 kind of eat when you have time when you have all this going on, but I've shifted to more focusing on hitting my protein intake. The biggest link for me though these days is sleep, where I used to average about 7 to 8 hours a night. It's gone down to as low as 3 to 4. Some nights I could get a little more, but of course it's interrupted, depending on how the baby is cooperating. So I wanted to just kind of circle back with this question with the new added member to the family, the lack of sleep. I'm really looking for some advice in,
Starting point is 01:53:58 how you can continue to maintain or continue to gain throughout that time, because I think I am developing quite the negative relationship with exercise and I'll give a little time frame if I don't get sleep. I miss the window of time for the gym. If I miss the gym, I am a pain of a bear to deal with. And when I'm at that point, my wife's first reaction is always, I'll take the kid, you got to get to the gym now. And so when I do go, however, all that stress goes away and I try to get as much gym time
Starting point is 01:54:32 as possible. So, my typical routine is trying to get there before the day starts, but if life takes control of that, I might have to shift to the end of the day or nine or 10 p.m. event, which can really eat into my personal down time. So all of that being said, my question really is just searching for any tips and tricks in assuring that I'm not jeopardizing gains, be it physically, mentally, or in my relationships due to my lack of sleep. And given that you all have likely been through it with your children, I figure you might have some good advice and just wanna thank you for allowing me to be out
Starting point is 01:55:11 on this with you all. Yeah, Justin, the thing to really consider and understand with fitness in general, okay? So let's talk about the workout routine in general. And even diet, I mean, we can even put this in that same category. If this is something you're gonna do for the rest of your life, it has to be.
Starting point is 01:55:29 The only approach has to be, how can I use this in a way to improve the quality of my life, okay? Right. And that's gonna change depending on the context of what's going on. You're in the middle of, you know, you got two little ones.
Starting point is 01:55:43 Two little ones. Two little ones. Two little ones. Two little ones. Two little ones. know, you got two- They're in the middle of war, dog. Yeah, you got three-month-old, you got a two-month-old. It's not gonna last forever. And actually, it feels like it, I know, because I'm coming out of it now, I'm still kinda in it. But it won't last forever. It's some, you know, within five years or so,
Starting point is 01:55:59 they'll be sleeping more, you're not gonna have to worry about type of deal. But right now, you're not getting good sleep, and it's a good reason. Your child is more important than a lot of different things. So you're there for the baby, you're there for your wife. You have to modify your training, your diet, to help you to improve the quality of your life.
Starting point is 01:56:17 What's that gonna look like? Well, you mentioned it, stress relief. Well, work out for that. That's the main focus. I don't think working out to hit PRs, to keep your gains, to build muscle, is gonna be a good approach. If you train like that,
Starting point is 01:56:29 not only will you not get those things with the lack of sleep, but you'll also take away from the quality of life, and you'll take away from all the other stuff you're trying to get. So in this type of a case, Maps 15. Love Maps 15. Would be kind of an ideal type of a structure, where every day you're doing about 15
Starting point is 01:56:47 minutes of strength training and I would even use the suspension trainer version of it so that it's super convenient and if you can get to the gym then you can do the barbell version of it but that's it that's going to be your best bet and what you'll find is it'll you'll get the stress relief from it you'll feel good it's almost every day I think it's a six day a week program, very low volume obviously, the intensities moderate. And it will, that's the most likely to improve the quality of your life. Any of our other programs, given what you just said,
Starting point is 01:57:17 would be inappropriate and would make things worse. And so that's just, you gotta just, that's how you have to look at your workouts. Are they making my life better? I feel like it's become the official like dad program. It is. It's our avatar. It's also perfect for something else that anybody that's been a dad, it's gone for
Starting point is 01:57:32 this is like sometimes you have a day where you do feel good. You actually got blessed with a couple extra hours of sleep. Everything, the stars aligned and you feel good for one day. And then the next day is a shit show, right? And so you kind of have this sometimes is great, sometimes bad. What's cool with the way that program is written is you could actually put two of the workouts together. So like what I would do in your situation is what I'm feeling great.
Starting point is 01:57:56 I might actually do a 30 minute workout. I'll do the, you know, Monday and Tuesday workout basically together because it's a day. I feel really rejuvenated. I feel good. Maybe a day that I feel not as good. I might only do 15 minutes and then a day I feel really rejuvenated. I feel good. Maybe a day that I feel not as good I might only do 15 minutes and then a day I feel really bad. That might be a skip and I take it off. So it's very modifiable because of you're only really doing two major exercises every
Starting point is 01:58:19 day and we alternate them so that you could literally do Monday and Tuesday together or how they're laid out. So I just think that, and to Salis Point, at this point right now, you're not really, you don't want to be concerned about, oh, am I still hanging on to my strength in PRs and do I still look real? Are you going to make any sense? No, like you just, the biggest thing that I heard you say, which is, I think we're all very similar.
Starting point is 01:58:44 We all have this in common, is like, I'm just a better man. When I'm training and I'm getting to the gym, I'm more helpful as a husband, I'm a better father, I'm in a better mood. And so if that's the truth and that's really why I'm doing it and what motivates me, then who gives a shit if I'm not squatting as much as when I was squatting
Starting point is 01:59:01 seven months ago or I don't look quite as good as I did when I was getting on, who cares? As long as I'm getting in there, I'm doing these movements that I know are supporting me and helping me. And the irony of that is if you can shift your focus and you actually treat the training that way, a lot of times people end up getting surprised
Starting point is 01:59:19 and see strength gains, or actually feel better or look better following that. Because now you're truly listening to your body and modifying your training to what's going on in your lifestyle. Yeah, I love Mass Fist Teen for basically the structure of it and having that is kind of like a baseline for your ability to go to the gym or also at your house
Starting point is 01:59:39 if you have availability for that. But for me, really too, on top of that is just having things set up around my house. So I don't wanna let my stress well up to the point where it's like, oh, I feel like I have to get out and I have to go do this workout just to regain my sanity or whatever. Before that boiling point,
Starting point is 02:00:00 I'm gonna have my pull-up bar in the doorway or I'm gonna have my TRX or I'm gonna have a heavy kettle. And bar in the doorway, or I'm going to have my TRX, or I'm going to have a heavy kettlebell. And just stress relief. And just stress relief. And just go through the exercise, the movement, your muscles need that expression. And if you know that that's a way that it tampers down,
Starting point is 02:00:18 it lowers that stress, just having that kind of around the house and accessible and to what you're going to find with that approach as well in complement with maps of teen in the structure of it, it'll actually enhance you know, in terms of like maintaining you know that lean muscle mass and in what you already have. That's it, man. Any of our other programs, you're not going to see good progress, you're not going to feel good with what you said in terms of your sleep. And you're probably, you've got another eight months to a year of, you know, kind of this challenge, it'll get easier the first three
Starting point is 02:00:52 months are, man, that's always the hardest. And it starts to get easier. And then you can start to ramp it up a little bit, but in the meantime, that's it. Massive teen, that's the way to go. Sure. Yeah, I mean, it's crazy to think, you know, this is kind of what I do for a living teaching as sedentary. I'll really like, I'll learn that people, you know, and I have to hear it from myself, you know, we always say, PT's our own worst enemies. Oh, it's.
Starting point is 02:01:14 I do. I mean, my own head trying to, trying to get through all this. But yeah, it's a really helpful information, I think. You know, it's something that I got a company terms which just can't dedicate that much time that structured hours and then once I get past that maybe this is the program that I need. So I'm just gonna shape that in place. Just that once you start to feel better
Starting point is 02:01:36 from training appropriately right now, which again could be as little as 15 minutes, 10 minutes a day, once you start to feel better, it'll reinforce. Yeah, what we're saying. And then you'll be like, okay, this is good. I feel good. Because right now you probably feel like shit. And the only reason why we can speak to this so well
Starting point is 02:01:50 is because we're just as guilty, bro. Exactly, so. We all thought we were different. We could go above and beyond. Got hit in the face with reality. Make sure Doug will send that over to you. You don't have mass 15 already, do you? I don't.
Starting point is 02:02:03 You do now, my friend. Doug will send that over to you. Yeah, Gim G. Congratulations on maybe. Yeah. All right, thanks man. Yeah, it's great. It's been great.
Starting point is 02:02:11 The two of them are great to have. So just getting this into my life will be the perfect balance for me. So I appreciate you guys taking that time. You got it, man. Thank you, Justin. Yeah, all right. Take care.
Starting point is 02:02:22 You know, it's funny. When you look at the data on exercise, nobody right take care. You know, you know, it's funny when you look at the data on exercise Nobody talks about this the most if it's done right the most profound effects are the stress relief The mental positive effects the antidepressant and the olytic effects right? It's more profound than the other effects that Extras and those are all profound. Yeah, but those are the most, if you do, don't even really talk about that. No, because everybody focuses on the body stuff, and then they miss out on that.
Starting point is 02:02:49 So nobody uses exercise as the multi, it's like you have a Swiss, it's like you have this amazing Swiss army knife with 15 different top of the line tools, and you're only ever using the screwdriver. So you need to hammer some in screwdriver, you need to do screwdriver, screwdriver, you never pull out the other parts that are so effective at all these other things. That's
Starting point is 02:03:07 what exercises. It's just, it's not just for building muscles, it's not just for burning body fat. It does all these amazing things. Just pull out those other parts and use it that way and what's what happens. Yeah. I mean, I think he's going to see actually really good results. So I think that he can just relate to the same. And we all went through this. I think we all, you know, we sit here all day and tell everybody else how to do things and then we go and do the same bullshit where we're just like, I can handle
Starting point is 02:03:29 still an hour workout. And it's like, well, should I? I'm gonna make it work. Yeah. Nope. Look, if you love the show, head over to mindpumpfree.com and check out all of our free fitness guides. You can find a lot on that page
Starting point is 02:03:41 and they're all costs nothing. You can also find all of us on Instagram. Justin is at MindPump Justin. I'm at Mind all of us on Instagram, Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. I'm at Mind Pump to Stefano. Adam is at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy
Starting point is 02:03:54 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal and an adjustment as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction
Starting point is 02:04:28 of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a
Starting point is 02:04:43 five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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