Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 223: Beginners, start here...

Episode Date: January 21, 2016

Whether you are a beginner, getting started again after a hiatus, or just need to get back on track with your fitness, fat loss and health goals, Sal, Adam & Justin provides tips for achieving maximum... success in the gym and at the table. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, so listen, when we start talking about this, we have to create urgency. You get people excited to go to my pump radio. They got to be jazzed as Doug likes to say. Yeah. So what are we going to cover? What do we say? Well, you know, we have to leave this like mysterious piece, but then we also got to get them hyped up about it.
Starting point is 00:00:15 So you got to be careful. You can't just like lay all your cards up because the whole idea is that we're driving them to this. We're trying to get them to go to this website. We need them to click. We needed them to look at the videos. What color is the button? Green. It's a green button. So we got to make sure we say that mind pump video click over and over. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:00:29 And then we'll and then we'll check out our new we're gonna say like hey check out our new program We put together all this time and we want to get we want to give some good information on on what they're getting We wanted to go viral dude. We need to get them to share that you know what Justin throw on some dick jokes or something That shit's fucking every time you do that I got plenty saying. I got plenty of those. Just throw some of that stuff. Oh, this we're mind pumped. We're mind pumped raw truth. I feel like, why do we just fucking tell them what we're doing? Tell what we need to tell them what we're doing. Exactly what we're doing. Yeah. Like let's literally tell them that this is this is 100% how we're going to close you. Well, yeah, well, not even that is like ultimately, it's
Starting point is 00:01:02 about awesome. Getting as many people traffic through that and them to share it So I thought I mean, I feel like we have so many people already that our listeners in support of them are gonna go there Anyways, why don't we just like ask them like boom go there. We like so real we need everyone to check it out I promise I guarantee you're we know everyone's gonna like it They watch it. It worked and share with five people. We know that full retard. What if we did a chain letter? Like a chain letter, if we tell them they're gonna die, they don't sit at the five other people. What if we just say, mindpumpradio.com, click on the green button,
Starting point is 00:01:33 and we just say that over and over again, and funny voices, something like that. And on it, yeah, we're ready. Fire us up, dude. You know, you're ready. Mindpumpradio.com, click that green button, go check out what we got for you, click it. If you want to pump your body
Starting point is 00:01:45 and expand your mind there's only one place to go might might up with your hosts saldas defenno adam shaefer and Justin Andrews i was echoey and then he was loud and then it the screeching yeah i said screeage I said screech. Start recording, Doug. Oh, we are. Hey, we're recording now. We're so ready today. Doug, I gotta tell you, not what we're recording, bro.
Starting point is 00:02:13 A little puppy. I gotta tell you, Doug, we need our ears in order to be able to record. So we just turn the mic down. Hey, shut your face right now. Listen, I have something to say to Doug right now. You know, uh, this motherfucker does not get enough credit for, uh, what he does. And I know I kind of slightly mentioned this on the New Year's resolution, but, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:35 a lot of people don't know this, but, uh, we have a huge launch coming out. We got new programs getting rolled out. Uh, we're changing a lot of shit up. So mastermind group is rolling out. Eric's been kicking some major. The heart changing a lot of shit up. So a mastermind group is rolling out. Eric's been kicking some major ass. The hardest working people have ever. Well, and here's the true story. And here's the thing, a lot of people don't realize.
Starting point is 00:02:53 And if you're a consumer and you just get, you know, oh, cool, new website, yeah, you have to do, you know, or oh, cool, mastermind, oh, cool, new program. Like nobody really thinks about like what goes behind all that for that to work, you know, and I know and I there's no way I could do it. You know, I would either want to have to hire someone and pay him an ass load of money or find a superstar like Doug and I feel so blessed for him to be a part of this team because by far not only has the last year he already outworked all of us, but literally this last month or so, this poor motherfucker probably hasn't slept in.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Maybe he's probably getting like four hours of sleep. No, and he still looks younger than we do. Yeah, that's it. I hate him in love of the same time. How's that happen? Yeah. Are you drinking the blood of a V-R-L-Cock? Yeah, young virgin. Yeah, young virgin blood. Well, that being said, I think Doug gets a pass always on everything right now. Well, I mean, this is this is how it breaks down like we all sit down for a meeting and me, Adam and Justin are like, oh, this is be cool. Let's do this. This will be cool. And Doug's on your plate.
Starting point is 00:03:52 And Doug's like, okay, I'll do it. We're good. All right. What if, what if when you click on it and fucking lights up and shit? And then you could go inside the computer, Doug, you know, I want to get unicorns. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Okay, guys, no, we have to work on it. Yeah, yeah, no, no, but you got to add this too doing? I want this unicorns. Yeah. Like, oh, okay, guys, well, you guys know we have to work on it. Yeah, yeah, no, no, but you gotta add this too. Yeah. Good stuff, brother. Yeah. Thanks for putting up with us. We love you. That's a pleasure.
Starting point is 00:04:13 We love you. We can't do it. I mean that. I mean that at total homosexual way too. I knew he was your favorite. If you were to do it. Yeah, remember back then it was his guy, the spinner. That's what that came from.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah, but Doug's the top though. He's he's he's too. He's the top He's the top actually he could just tell it's more aggressive great ski tops Adam's cakes Great ski you can tell you moisturizers You know doesn't moisturize still just him just him for fuck sake. Hey, man. Your skin is thirsty I'd you hydrate your skin. I understand that process. It's boring to me. Do you guys live today?
Starting point is 00:04:50 I did. So what's up with the new, I haven't been to the, to the goals with all the new shit. Bro, the only thing that sucks about it is, is now my dead lifting squatting got really, really tough. Why? I gotta do math.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Oh, is it all, are the weights in kilograms? Yeah. They don't even have them in pounds. Oh, is it all? Are the weights in kilograms? Yeah. They don't even have them in pounds. No, they're all Olympic weights. No, dude, kilograms are awesome. Well, it is. Why? Well, it is. It's just a calculator. Yeah, well, it's like, I don't know, it's a mind trick for me. Yeah, I don't want to fucking mind trick when I'm trying to deadlift. No, it's a mind fuck for me because I'm putting the plate on it. No, because I'll put on more weight and I'm like, oh, awesome. I got it. Yeah. And then the next time I'm doing it, I'm like, oh my God, that was heavy. Cause four of those red plates is a lot of fucking, that's a lot more.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Yeah, it's a way how much is a red plate? It's 55 pounds. So 55 is a red plate? Yeah, yeah. Oh, that's pretty cool. Yeah, what's sucks about it though is why don't you stack them all the way on there and in your head. They don't like that.
Starting point is 00:05:42 I want big plates that way less. Not big plates that way more. Go to CrossFit. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I want people to that way less. Not big plates that way more. Go to CrossFit. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I want people to look at my bar and be like, wow, he's got 12 plates on the bar on each side. He filled with doughnuts and air. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:53 So yeah, that's the way part of the sucks. And I'm thinking to my head, I wasn't really calculating. And I'm stacking them on them, 55, and roughly counting in my head. And I was doing doubles. Well, actually, I was planning on doing triples. I could have ripped away and like roughly counting in my head. And I was doing doubles. Well actually I was planning on doing triples. I could have ripped away and like just grinded two out
Starting point is 00:06:10 and I'm like, what the fuck? I had to go over to the thing and like, I'm like, oh, she was almost 500 pounds. No, what are the things hard? In my head I was going, it's probably like, it's probably around 420 or more. It can be dangerous. Yeah, it gets crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Yeah, that's what we get to a little rough. So yeah, now I have to bring my calculator to the gym. Now is the bar. Here's a question. I'm sure the bars the same way, though, right? Bars the same. Now do they have good bars, not shitty? They actually did they buy new bars.
Starting point is 00:06:33 They got some flex in them. They got it. They got some new ones. Okay, because the bars that they had were either the there were too fat that you don't want to do heavy deadlifts on the real fat bar unless you're trying to work on your grip, or they had the cromish looking ones that were. Yeah, they look like they got a couple new ones. After I had deadlift and I actually put my bar away,
Starting point is 00:06:49 I had seen another one that reminded me the one we lived with at Justin's gym. Nice skinny one where I find it. Oh really, wrap my hands around. Is there something to the spin too? Like how fast it spins? Is that more expensive? We're deadlifting.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Yeah, well I mean, I'm talking about powerlifting. Yeah, you mean Olympic lifting? Olympic lifting. Yeah, no, yeah, I think there's something that has to do with that, right? Has to, because it just feels better right now. If it's too spinning, it'll probably, I don't know. Because think about it, the centrifugal force will throw that shit off and you're trying to hold it up at your chest.
Starting point is 00:07:15 You do want it to spin. You do. That was so waiting for you to make something up right there. Why? Because it just seemed like a perfect opportunity to do some shit up. So far, you haven't caught me. I haven't. I know. I try. I fail every time. He's like this watchdog.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Yeah. I'm glad you pick all the things that I actually good. I don't know. Yeah. Not the shit that I do make up. Yeah. Because I can tell when you're even cut onto those, yeah. Yeah. No, I know. He's a good liar, bro. Yeah. Very good liar. Yeah, the best.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Yeah. I lift it a little bit too. I haven't been sleeping much And man that affects your lifting big time like as I'm working out. I'm just like yeah I'm just gonna do fucking straight sets and just chill and pick a lighter weight cuz I just you know I mean just wasn't feeling well today I did a little bro workout today myself you did Yeah, just because I almost took the day off and I don't want to take the day off I'm gonna go in I did a nice flexibility, walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes, went around. You're that's not bro. Huh? You did the dynamic warm up in the treadmill. It's
Starting point is 00:08:13 already. I know. Yeah, I know. Yeah, I'm not bro. That's not bro. Well, I have to I can't pure bro. I had to modify bro. Modified bro. Yeah. I did this the modified. That's our next program. I don't like the JN maps modified bro program. Well, a lot of people that lately, I did this the modified. That's our next program by the way. I did it in JAN. Maps modified bro program. Well, a lot of people that lately, and I don't know if it's just a flood in January, or what's going on. I know Mind Pump is lately going crazy right now, but a lot of people, five different people talking to me in the gym about Mind Pump, which I love.
Starting point is 00:08:38 So I love when you guys say hi to me and come up and introduce yourself. I love listening, talking to listeners and hearing feedback from the shows and stuff. So do not not, I know earlier episodes, I talked a lot about, I don't know how to do my workout, but I'm not. Yeah, do not not. So I'm not there.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Yeah, yeah, they get the point, right? Yeah. But yeah, I know that, but I always, now it's so funny because I know this and I know there's people inside the gym pretty much at all times that are mine, pump listeners. And then I'm like, I go to the machine, and I know there's people inside the gym pretty much at all times that are mine, pump listeners. And then I go to the machine and I'm like, looking around. Like, yeah, who's looking at me right now?
Starting point is 00:09:10 They're probably, they're like, this motherfucker does machines. Oh, I see just like you. Yeah. It says he talks shit about it all day long. Scott forbid I go in there and do some stuff. Yeah, it'll be hilarious. They'll be like, I'm gonna eat some like ostracism.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yeah, it's like me, I have the grocery store like, I'm gonna get a pop tart. Like, oh fuck, look at my shit. Someone's gonna see me getting a pop tart. Well, I just like, I feel like I'm gonna lose credit. I'm gonna have a simosa. Yeah, right. I feel like someone's gonna see me and be like,
Starting point is 00:09:35 oh man, this whole time, I believe they did maps. No, see, I can reverse it anyway. I'll be the one. I'm gonna be fencing. I'm doing some research on GMOs. I just wanted to buy the, you know, the thing is though, about machines, you can use machines.
Starting point is 00:09:47 You just got to know when and how to use them properly. And a lot of times when we use machines, it's a trigger session. Oh yeah. I was gonna say, it's just like, you want to do an easier workout. Yeah, exactly. That's the trick control.
Starting point is 00:10:01 No, that's exactly what I, today, like I said, was almost a day off. I could easily take it a day off. I mean, I've been training pretty hard and consistently. This was, you know, and consistent days in a row with any no days off. But you certainly won't see us use a machine for something that was non intended to be done for. No, like I'm not going to do a freaking good morning with a hax squat. What's up with that? Shit. Everybody's doing that now. Good morning with a hax squat. Well, that and the shoul special,
Starting point is 00:10:27 the deadlift with the leg press. You see that? Head smash. No, that's what he's talking about. That was a hax squat. That's the hax squat with a good morning. Good morning. That's where the shucks are.
Starting point is 00:10:37 No, did you see the one? So right after we got blocked from a... We got blocked for a hash tag. I hash tag. You're saying mean. I tag blocked for hash to I hash tag me I Tuck you to and I hashtag science Bad Hashtag science and it was him dim You said about word on his thing guys right he was on he was on the
Starting point is 00:10:59 Gravitron right or the assisted pull-up machine Where which you know it's already crazy enough when I see the girls-up machine, where, which, you know, it's already crazy enough when I see the girls step on it and they push down, you know. But he's like a one-legged leg press. Yeah, like a one-legged leg press on there. Oh, yeah, you do. He was doing it. He was doing it with his arm for a chest for like a single arm chest press on that.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Oh my god. This is great for this. Here's the deal. You're in a gym full of equipment. You don't need to get fucking McGiver on. It's in a gym. Stop it. Full of equipment. You don't need to get fucking MacGyver on. It's like a limited. We're hashtag your MacGyver. Yeah. That's the new hashtag maybe we won't get maybe we won't get that. Jim MacGyver. It's like you walked into like, oh, sorry, all the equipment's broken,
Starting point is 00:11:37 except for the calf raise and a paperclip. You got to figure out everything out for yourself. Great exercise, MacGyver. Yeah. Like, I could fucking, I can make a lot of shit with the ad-up to machine. Well, here's the other thing too, is, and the reason why, and I know some people listen this, and they're going, you get a couple people. One, someone who's listening right now is going like, oh fuck, that's me, I do that shit, right?
Starting point is 00:11:57 Or two, you're like, you guys are such haters, you know, why would you hate on somebody? They're exercising, they're doing something good for their body, but here's the thing I have. Okay, if you're somebody who is already training seven days a week and you're spending an hour to two hours in the gym, then I think that's cool to do that stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Absolutely. So if you're listening right now, you train seven days a week, two hours a day, you're inside the gym, then why not the last hour of your workout do funny shit? I mean, why not? Because you've already done some good foundational work, you're following maps, you're a smart person,
Starting point is 00:12:26 and you got your board with that. That's, if you caught me doing some weird shit like that, I am literally having fun, I'm playing around because I've done all my work. I've put the work in that's gonna create gains in my body. Now I'm messing around with machines and doing goofy shit for the hell of it.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Like, otherwise, you're killing your time. You know, and I don't know, maybe there's kids, or maybe there's people that are listening or that are retired, and they have all the time in the world, but I normally got about 60 minutes, maybe 90 minutes tops, I got to put some work in the gym, and you better believe you're asked a good 45 to an hour or that.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Well, there's a couple arguments here. There's machines versus free weights, okay? We've had that debate many times. I haven't argued it. But that's, okay, but that's machines that There's machines versus free weights. Okay, we've had that debate many times. That's not even an argument. But that's okay, but that's machines that you're using them for what, you're using a chess pest for a chess press, using a leg press for leg press.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Then there's a whole nother level where you're not just using machines, you're using machines for other things other than what they're designed for. And there's a machine that does what you're trying to do right over there. Like there's a tricep press down cable right there. Specifically engineered to, you know, promote that movement.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Exactly. You don't need to do a one arm chest press on the freaking assisted pull up machine when you could use the chest press. Yeah, or I just saw I just saw another one. I'm worried I was gonna pick on J. Swole all night tonight. So I saw another one where he's been a plethora of ridiculous. He sits on the he sits on the peck deck. Oh, he leans forward. He sits on the, he sits on the peck deck.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Oh, he leans forward. He leans forward and for his upper chest. And I'm thinking to myself, why don't you just do some incline flies then? Like with some dumbbells. I mean, or bands or anything, you know what I'm saying? It's like you want to be an eagle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:59 What? Just makes no fucking sense to me. Oh, okay. Or the, I saw the preacher bench, the preacher bench laying backwards, laying backwards on a preacher bench where you're upside down looking at the wall, doing dumbbells. You know what though? I know what's going on. People do this on social media because they people tag their friends and say,
Starting point is 00:14:20 let's try this new exercise. I've never seen it before. It's all social media. It's all, okay. Let me let me let me. I don't really think people, I mean, maybe people, let's try this new exercise. I've never seen it before. It's all social. It's all, okay. Let me, let me, let me, I don't really think people, I mean, maybe people, let me digress. Okay, so here's, okay. We talk shit about Jay, Jay Swolz, but it's not, it's not so much him. I get more frustrated with all of those people,
Starting point is 00:14:37 all the people that are sharing this all over the place, and it's just, it's perpetuating the problem. Because now they're, they say, oh, this is cool, we gotta do this. Oh, we gotta incorporate this, or, oh's perpetuating the problem. Because now they're saying, oh, this is cool. We gotta do this. Oh, we gotta incorporate this or, oh, that's the problem. And of course, we pick on him because it stems from him. But in reality, he is the guy who could do that stuff. Because that motherfucker does train like four hours a day
Starting point is 00:14:56 every single day. Like, I mean, yeah, he probably does a lot of good work. He's supposed to, then he goes around, he does all this weird shit. He picks a video. And he knows, he knows those are the ones that get shared. No one's gonna share it. No one shares my squat, you know goes around, he does all this weird shit. He takes a video and he knows, he knows those are the ones that get shared. No one's gonna share it. No one shares my squat, you know?
Starting point is 00:15:07 Yeah, but it's also the justifications of like, oh no, the deadlift is a power lifter exercise. Oh, actually. See, people don't know this, like, you should share that, right? Then they go on the comment section and they, in some kid, we saw this, some kid is like what you know well
Starting point is 00:15:25 actually a you know regular deadlift is a fantastic exercise one of the best I'm not a power lifter not trying to power lift so I don't deadlift dead lifts or make your waist big and that's why you need to use a belt with every machine that's not doesn't have a back support and that's why I'm using this one it's like you literally said everything wrong like you just went the opposite of logic science and evidence. So in other words, the other direction. Just because you can ride your bicycle,
Starting point is 00:15:49 you should still put training wheels on it. Yeah, because that makes total sense. But to be honest, that's why we have to say something and pick on it, because that's stupid. Well, here's what I, I mean, my big issue is that there's beginners, man. There's beginners going on. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:03 And they're clicking on these, because they're popular fitness pages, so you're probably gonna get driven there by Instagram themselves, if you have a million, two million followers, you're popping up in the regular feed. And these guys or girls are trying to, okay, I'm getting into the gym,
Starting point is 00:16:18 especially the younger ones. I want to start working out. It's January, right? Lots of beginners feeling the gyms right now. So they go on Instagram for Inspiration and then for advice. Yeah, and it's like we used to do and we would get like muscle magazines This is the new muscle magazine right except and and hey the the bodybuilding magazines were fuller shit back then Right, but they at least had an editor and they at least had some checks and balances so they couldn't go
Starting point is 00:16:45 They couldn't go full idiot. They couldn't go super crazy for it hard Yeah, for it. They couldn't go that far But when you're on Instagram, it's the dude or the girl doing it themselves They can see what the fuck they want they can make up shit and throw it like whereas a magazine that has to be careful a little bit They're not gonna say as bad as stuff. Cause back then, like I said, the information was wrong, but it wasn't, like this, some of the stuff I'm saying now was like, wow, we wonder where, yeah, this all came from. Yeah, so of course it's back and, you know, crazy stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:15 And I think we should address beginners, like let's talk to some beginners around. I guarantee we got new listeners right now. Let's be honest too, with our listeners, that a part of the passion behind all this for us comes because we were we were I did that stuff to we were bamboozled. Yeah, I mean, I'll be the first one. I'll be the first one to admit that I mean, my first probably five to eight years of lifting was doing all kinds of weird crazy super shit. Yeah, I mean, and I many, many workouts were entire work.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I mean, I could literally probably months would go by that I didn't do any barbell movements and it was all machines and all stuff like that. And maybe I'd incorporate dumbbells here and there and, you know, rarely, rarely ever barbells. And if I did do barbells, it was the basic stuff, chest press, you know, chest press. Well, everybody bench press. Yeah, right. Everybody likes the bench press.
Starting point is 00:18:07 But if you're a dude, it's a beach. Well, you know what, you know that you're saying that makes me think of this. Like think about it this way. You've got three guys in here talking on a podcast who have always, from the very beginning had a very, very strong passion for fitness and especially weights, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:22 And you got us who are really passionate, willing to learn, and we still fucked up for five years. So now think of the average beginner, who doesn't have the passion, doesn't want to work in the fitness industry, just wants to kind of get in shape. They are, they're blind and they're walking through a sample. Well, and they're getting a look directly at people
Starting point is 00:18:39 that look like real shape. Doesn't matter, they just look the part. Right, right. So we need, I want to talk to these beginners right now, like tell them how to start, you know, who to look for for advice, where to look, what to watch out for, and just to help them be successful,
Starting point is 00:18:56 because most people try and fail, and then don't try again. That's just the statistic and fitness, it's just the way it is. Well, I mean, here's a shameless plug for maps. I mean, this is how and why we created maps is because this really should be, the way maps is designed is it should be the foundation
Starting point is 00:19:13 of everybody, every beginner, every expert. If that's not, that should be your foundation and then we build off of that if we do. Yeah, it's an excellent, excellent way with very good programming. It's an excellent way for somebody to get started and. It's an excellent way for somebody to get started. And it's also an excellent way for someone to be doing it for a while to switch over.
Starting point is 00:19:29 But you're right, beginners, you know, you can find a good program, follow it. You can look on Instagram, but I would venture to say, look for people who are trainers, actual professional trainers working with clients. It's, you're still not gonna find all of them are gonna be awesome, but more often than not, they're gonna know more, you know, stop.
Starting point is 00:19:47 What's up with trainers, you're saying? You're saying better places. Well, here's, because you'll see on Instagram, there's trainers, people with pages. But, dude, I, I, I, it's not perfect, but it's better than freaking. Going back to being honest again, even as long as, I mean, we're over 15 years I've been a trainer,
Starting point is 00:20:00 and it's only been maybe, I don't know, probably the last four or five years that when I design programs now, and it was hard for me because, okay, you pay me a bunch of money, right? We're not cheap. We've talked about that before. And, you know, there's a part of me that knows that, you know, people like all this different creative stuff they've never seen or they want to learn. And so I used to design programs with all kinds of, you know, random movements because in my, when I gave it to them, I wanted them to have to learn from me that they've never, oh, wow, I've never done that. Oh, wow, this or you wanted to wow them with something that had never done. Now, my judge and do stupid stuff. Like what we see on this,
Starting point is 00:20:36 I was, but I mean, there's things that I would do a bunch of these exercises. And now when I write a program, it's so basic. It's, but it's all the, the best basic compound movements that someone can start. And I know, you know, it's a normal conversation for me when I first start off like, this is, the people who, like, this is all I do. This is all you want me to do. I don't have to do it.
Starting point is 00:20:56 I'm like, yes, just watch. Just walk through all that too. Like you've realized the essentials. And so we've gone through the efficiency process, right? Just just training people time after time and for long periods of time, like you find out what really at the core is what to focus on.
Starting point is 00:21:13 And what works. And what works. You know, Bruce Lee made a famous quote. I think it was Bruce Lee. And he said, I don't fear the man that can throw, that knows a thousand different punches. I fear the man that can throw, that knows a thousand different punches. I fear the man that can throw one punch. Very good, right?
Starting point is 00:21:28 A thousand different ways. So it's really, you know, and look at, hey, let's talk about fighting. You got a boxer who, literally, how many moves are in boxing? You know what I'm saying? Jab, straight, hook, uppercut, not very many moves. You got, like, Kung Fu Fu Masters got 50 million different moves,
Starting point is 00:21:45 and a boxer whose season is gonna whip his ass a lot of the time, because he knows how to do those four really, really well. When we talk about basic movements, basic compound movements, like let's say the Barbell squat, it looks basic, it sounds basic, it's not basic. I'm still perfecting my squat. I'm still trying to master all the nuances
Starting point is 00:22:03 of that one super effective movement. So it may look basic, but I'm telling you right now, especially if you're a beginner, because that's great advice. If you're a beginner, go with the basic movements, it's going to take you a long time to feel just comfortable doing them. Before you even feel like you're getting close to mastering them. And many times, you don't, like I said, I've been squatting forever. I have not mastered the squat yet. It's still not my lift that I feel like I can master, you know? The, the adaption process for those movements is I feel like it goes so much further than,
Starting point is 00:22:34 you know, so far. Yeah, then a laying down tries to extension or, you know, a standing, you know, a cable base of curb, bicep curl or some shit like that. It's just those, those movements really have little to no place in your routine any time in the beginning. It just no reason. None at all unless they're for corrective purposes. There's a trainer that's directing you
Starting point is 00:22:54 and saying, okay, we do these small movements, but look, I'll tell you what, we have a four member at the bikini competitor and she trained body parts splits, right, typical body parts splits, small movements, isolate this, work on that. Then she decided, I'm gonna go power lift.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I wanna compete in a power lifting competition. Got herself a power lifting coach. She said her glutes and hamstrings had never responded like they did. Of course. With power lifting that they do with the regular split. And that's because, it's not because of power lifting,
Starting point is 00:23:22 it's because she focused power lifting, they don't give you a shit ton of exercises. You're doing, you're mastering those lifts and that's what she did. And you master those recruitment, like you're mastering that intense high level of recruitment. It's not just, you know, it's more demanding. So you have to really amplify that signal. And as a result, you know, all this other muscle fibers have been activated. Well, mark my words, ladies and gentlemen, it's a little salad.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Oh, beautiful ladies and gentlemen. Mark my words, here's a, here's a prediction for you. In the future, we are going to be able to quantify these things and it's going to make everybody look so stupid that I've been doing all this bullshit for so long. And what I mean by that, let's say you got this, the single leg press, the glute kickbacks, the, you know,, all these crazy butt exercises that are specific hip thrusts, all these crazy stuff that you got going on that you do an hour of butt stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Then you got this one girl who's over there working on her deads and her squat. That's all she's doing. She's working on her deads and squats and performing her perfecting her form. One day we're going to be able to, the difference of those two workouts on like literally. Well, I think you know, it would be easy. It would be literally just to do a study. Just have a huge groups of people. You guys over here, we're doing all these little exercises. You guys over here, we're only doing these. All different kinds of people. And then let's exactly man, women, experience beginners, and then let's see what happens.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Yeah. But yeah, I mean, and here's a deal. Like we were just talking about squats. It's the, they're complex. They sound basic, but they're complicated. Look, I just, here's a deal. Like we were just talking about squats. It's the, they're complete. They sound basic, but they're complicated. Look, I just talked to a trainer, good friend of mine. I just, you know, became friends with. She's doing squats and she's like, my glutes don't respond, but my quads blow up when I squat. So I said, let me see your squat.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Sure enough, and it's very subtle, but I can see that she's quad dominant. She's not firing her hips the way she should. All I do is change her form a little bit, lighten her weights, she get a new recruitment pattern, and I guarantee you, she's gonna get exactly what she's looking for at this point.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Here's a shout out to one of our boys, Aaron, he's a listener in part of our forum, ran into him at Bernal and he'd been telling for it. Yeah, and he asked on the forum, he asked so a while back and he could critique his forum, and I said, hey man, the next time I'm in there, just grab me, come get me and I'll come over
Starting point is 00:25:24 and do that with you. I came over to, I just saw him today, right? So he's sharing this with me today, came over saw him in the gym. He just so happened to be deadlifting and I was, I was getting ready to go deadlift myself and he's like, oh man, I'm so glad you're here. You know, can you check out my form and critique me? It's absolutely. And he had a really good form, but it was like the most subtle things that we had to change.
Starting point is 00:25:43 For example, for him, it was what he was doing. He was getting in this like, rhythmatic for a lack of a better word of just kind of, you know, hitting dead lifting and hitting the floor coming back up, hitting the floor and moving pretty good weight. And the bar was a little bit too far out in front of him and he wasn't sitting back on his heels and his hips. And it was just like this subtle adjustment, like bring the bar in. Okay, I want you first thing that's locked you now
Starting point is 00:26:06 before you even pick up. So until, and I highly recommend this for deadlifting, is I don't recommend that tempo of... Touch and go. Touch and go, touch and go. Touch and go is, you can do, but you gotta be careful and you gotta be smart. Touch and go, you'll injure yourself in my time.
Starting point is 00:26:23 I feel like touch and go is very advanced, especially when you, the only time I touch and go to be honest with you is when I warm it up, when I warm up, I warm up very light, it's touch and go and I'm just kinda getting in there. And you're confident your mechanics will be that awesome that it will repeat this pattern you've established like multiple, multiple times.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Yeah, the key with touch and go because I'll do it sometimes, the key is how you lower the weight, not how you pull it up. You lower it, super tight, super perfect. Tap the floor, come up. If you get little off on your lowering and the weight gets out in front of you, that's how I've heard my back news. And this is what was happening to me just when he was kind of touching and going.
Starting point is 00:26:57 And I was noticing as he'd start off, his very first lift would be really nice. And then once you got to reps four or five, six, seven, you know, you start to see his low backs start to round and the bars is got play, you know, tracking over his foot back and forth. And once I explain to him, you know, get yourself in that position, pay attention, show him that you want to feel this, you want to feel yourself your hamstrings tight, your glutes already tight before you lift the bar. Arms are locked and tight. You put your hands on his glutes to make sure they're absolutely, absolutely. You got to go the extra mile. Yeah, good, great trainers do that.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Uh huh, good, good, good, good. And I saw him today and he's like, dude, for the first time ever I felt like in all the right places. Beautiful. He's like, and I don't always feel like my, just my low back is just completely fried. It's so like that, but he's like,
Starting point is 00:27:38 man, my glutes, my hamstrings, everything. That's awesome. So, you know, but if you look at the average person walk by, they'd see him dead lefty and he's got pretty damn good form. You know, obviously he's a maps follower, he's been the form, so he's been watching. He's a lot better than he was or better than a beginner. That's the thing, it takes practice to master these exercises, it will take you years. And it takes outside perspective, just like you provided for him, like mastering mechanics to take
Starting point is 00:28:05 it to the next level, I know even personally for me doing that, I had to have somebody else's eyes. Oh, I, you couldn't, you couldn't see yourself in that light. I absolutely have. I love having one of you guys there to, to do that, you know what I'm saying? Just the watch. Yeah, just, just, just a look at you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Just a look in my eyes, really. Adam's like, you don't have to keep watching me. I'm in the bathroom. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, look at you. Yeah, just a good look in my eyes really. I'm like It's you don't have to keep watching me. I'm in the bathroom. No, no, no, I want to make sure you squat down properly I'm that toilet. I thought that was weird. I'm dead. Let me look at me the eyes the whole time How's that gonna help me? I got to read your soul Stay here. Yes. Stay with me. I spot from the front Stay right here eyes at the top kiss me gently and then go back down You know, so here's a little piece of advice that I've given a lot of beginners in the past.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Keep it basic, like you said. Here's something I've said to people. If they don't want to necessarily buy a program or hire a trainer, just do this. Pick three exercises, three basic exercises. Go into the gym, do maybe four sets of each and really perfect them. And then the next time you go in, pick another three basic extra. So just keep it simple. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Keep it simple and don't hammer yourself right off the bat. If you haven't worked out and you're just getting into the gym, twice a week is fucking way more than you were doing before. So master that first before you go and go ape shit. Because we see, I mean, I know we're in the gym right now, January, people are going nuts. Oh, yeah. And you know they're in the gym right now, January, people are going nuts. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And you know, they're gonna be gone in a couple of months. I get what I get that, you know, it's one of the hardest things I deal with when coaching somebody, you know, they're amped up. If someone is hired, once again, if you're coming to pay for one of us and you're gonna fork out that kind of money, you've probably exhausted everything else before us, right? We rarely ever do you when you guys go like, someone wants when I was, hey, first time ever, I thought about
Starting point is 00:29:47 getting in shape and I heard you're great. I'm going to hire you. It's not like that, right? We normally get like, I've done this. I've done that. I've hired this train. I've done this stuff like that. It's like, we're the last resort.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Am I not doing completely fluff their metabolism? Hey, I need your help. That's normally the case we get. So that being said, I get somebody, and then we get started, and they're just, you know, they've paid their money, we're getting ready to go, and they just wanna go. Everything from nutrition to cardio to weights, let's get after these goals.
Starting point is 00:30:15 And it's so hard, you know, literally the first two weeks is me just pushing back the whole time going like, no, no, you don't need to do all that. No, we don't wanna do all that. Like, just trust me, right? Now, in fact, I don't wanna to do all that. No, we don't want to do all that. Just trust me. Right now, in fact, I don't want to really see any change on the scale.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I really want to focus on your overall health. I want to hear more about how you feel when I start telling you to do. I want to know when you get down with your workouts, you feel good. The rest of your day, you feel energized. You're sleeping well. The foods, when I start changing your foods,
Starting point is 00:30:40 I don't want to hear you that you ever are hungry. You're satisfied. You just, you feel energy levels up. You wake up. You're spring out of bed now. Like things like that to me. I care more about that. And that's what I'm searching for before we even think about ramping. But going after the goals, I think when you start a program, a fitness program, if you go in with the mentality that, oh, you know what? I'm January, news resolution, I'm gonna lose 30 pounds by summer, you're gonna fail. You might get the 30 pounds off, but you'll fail.
Starting point is 00:31:09 I was just gonna say, you know there's some people that are successful at that, listen to this guy, I don't know, these guys are wrong because I do that every time, and that's just it. You have to do that every time. You get fat, and you do it again, you get fat, and you do it again. Right, right, but if you go in with this attitude,
Starting point is 00:31:21 if you go in and say to yourself, I'm gonna start a journey. I'm gonna start this process, and I'm gonna start with just this for now, you go in and say to yourself, I'm going to start a journey. I'm going to start this process. And I'm going to start with just this for now, because I know it's a journey and know it's a process. And I'm at say, this is, I'm in for it. How many people start as beginners and say to themselves, I'm going to, oh, I'm going to start working out forever. Like, very few of them, they're thinking, I want to get in shape right now.
Starting point is 00:31:40 It doesn't work out. It's that mindset, it's the short term, you know, thinking versus the long-term thinking. I mean, I was just dealing with this with business too, like, like, some things, like, you know, there's a long process, especially when it comes to legal and it comes to accounting and all these types of things. And you're just like, you know, ah, whatever. Let's just go with like legal zoom or something, right?
Starting point is 00:32:01 And then down the road, It fucks you, right? You get sued. Yeah, then you get it's just like you got to think about these things And you got to think like way further ahead, you know to have something sustainable That's gonna get you there. It's funny. I have I'm a lot of my clients most of my clients have been with for a very long time but I've got some that have been with for 12 years or longer and You know some what another client had come in, I had finished training somebody, they walked out, and they're like, oh, I've seen that guy,
Starting point is 00:32:29 how long have you been training him? I said, oh, 12 years. And the person I was talking to, I'd only been training for a few years. And they're like, wow, that's awesome. He's really fit, you know, I could tell. And I told him, I said, well, to be honest with you, I trained him for about five years
Starting point is 00:32:41 before he ever lost a pound. I could took that long for it to click and work, but guess what, it's permanent now. Now that doesn't mean it's gonna take about five years before he ever lost a pound. Like it took that long for it to click and work, but guess what, it's permanent now. Now that doesn't mean it's gonna take you five years, but we were able to keep him consistent and work on other things, and this was a huge life challenge. You're talking about somebody who'd been dealing
Starting point is 00:32:56 with weight problems, his entire life, okay? And now we've made permanent, something permanent for him. And sometimes it takes time, it's a journey, and he'll never stop, I think. You know, I'm taking him through the process. Now he really has a very good understanding. Right. You know, if you sprint your way through, you're going to miss a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:33:14 What about diet? What do we tell beginners about diet? Well, that's kind of what I was saying about, you know, when you first start off, I'm not looking for weight loss. I'm not looking for weight loss. I'm not looking for extreme anything. In fact, I, so the first week I track where they're at calorie wise and I want them to eat all the shit or whatever they were doing so I can see what they're used to eating calorically. And then literally all I do is I take, you know, and I just did one yesterday, right? So I've got this
Starting point is 00:33:40 girl right now and she averages about 1800 to 1900 calories a day. So I'm going to continue giving her 1800 to 19 her calories. I'm just going to switch her macronutrients up and I'm going to, and I'm going to start giving her healthier. Start introducing healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy whole foods. Very smart. And when I do that, you know, and I'm like, this, and this is the goal is like, and I normally, what ends up happening is like, they're like, oh my god, it's a lot of food. I'm like, yeah, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:34:05 So then I know I have to bump the fats up to keep those calories still where I want them. And because I can't intake other carbohydrates and I'm, it doesn't take a lot of good healthy carbs. Most people stay pretty full. And that, that first process is just teaching them that man, just watch how you start to feel from just, you know, being satisfied. You do, everyone thinks that if you're trying to lose weight, you have to be starving the body.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Like honestly, you're waiting for that down the road. We're waiting down the road before learning appetite, control, and hunger and disciplining yourself with that, or maybe introducing fasting. To me, that's later I had teach advanced techniques like that. At the beginning, it's like, we're just gonna get rid of this shit.
Starting point is 00:34:43 And a lot of people don't understand what is healthy, what is balance. And here's the second shameless plug of this podcast done by me. And that's what the nutrition guy was all about. It was all about this, you know, we're not gonna tell people, this is the diet you follow to get yourself, we give you these, you know, categories of foods to choose from and teach you that these are the, when you're eating these types of carbs
Starting point is 00:35:05 or these types of, this is what you should choose from. These are, and this is how much of all this should be in your Dyson Index, you know. Here's something to refer to. Here's this other tool that you refer to because what you do is you figure this out and, you know, you make it all work.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Yeah, I think when you're, when you're looking at food, I think the way you're talking about it, I love that because if you tell someone, okay, you know, you eat pretty crappy all day long, here's what we're gonna do, let's take one of those crappy meals, and let's make it this healthy meal.
Starting point is 00:35:36 And that's it. So like every morning for breakfast, instead of eating four Lego waffles, let's have you eat some fruit and some cottage cheese or whatever. And just do that for now. That's great because you're talking about a step. You're talking about one step. They're not trying to go to reduce calories.
Starting point is 00:35:51 No, they're just taking one little step. And that's really what it's all about. It's taking a step. If you're going up a flight of stairs, you take it one step at a time and you wait to get your balance before you take it to the step. If you're wobbly shit and you're about to fall, you don't go for another step.
Starting point is 00:36:04 And so it makes sense to take one step, master that. Okay, now I'm good. I'm going to take another another step. If you're wobbly shit and you're about to fall, you don't go for another step. And so it makes sense to take one step, master that. Okay, now I'm good. I'm gonna take another little step. And those are the ones we see be the most successful. And it's better to have a quality understanding, as opposed to just avoid this, avoid that, avoid this. And why? You gotta go through the process of what are
Starting point is 00:36:22 these quality nutrient- nutrient dense foods consist of and really understand that and how it makes you feel. I've even had clients that will start with me and I'll just have them drink more water. Yeah. Okay, all I want you to do right now is just drink this improvement. That's a huge improvement. I think of it like, I give the analogy of like we're trying to build this super indie 500 race car.
Starting point is 00:36:44 And right now I'm having you kind of cruise laps And I'm paying attention to the way the cars handling how it sounds when you rev the engine up Like where like and we're gonna make these little subtle tweaks right now And I don't want you pushing hard. I just want you crews in the track We're moving. We're doing what we're supposed to be doing and so that we're going this process But by no means are we even trying to get with this car as capable of doing right now, because we're not there yet, right now, we're trying to make everything perfect on it,
Starting point is 00:37:10 so it's working together, and then I'm gonna ask you to fucking step on that thing, and then watch how it responds, versus you have no idea if your timing is off on it, you have no idea if the tires are aligned correctly, and you just come out the gates and you're gonna fluck and throttle down. Try winning that race.
Starting point is 00:37:27 And that's what's going on when we're doing this together is we're trying to figure all that out. And for me, like, this also is, I'm passionate about this because when we first started as trainers, we were not taught this way. I could ride off the stuff that we were talking about. This is how I used to sell. 3500 calories equals one pound.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Right, right. So you want to lose 10 pounds. So this is how much. How many, you just do the math? And I would, and I would mathematically break it down for somebody on the, the, the, the caloric deficit that we needed to be in for X amount of weeks. And then my goal was to create that deficit, either through more exercise. So a short term, right?
Starting point is 00:38:01 Very short, very short term thinking. But that's how we were taught to sell. That's how we were taught as trainers. It's true science. It's, you know, law of thermodynamics going on here. We're talking about the amount of calories that equals. So we're setting up, you end up setting up the client for failure. You really are.
Starting point is 00:38:16 And here's the hard. Because you're set their expectations differently and on that. And food, you know, it doesn't really matter. Now, this is what I control. Now how do you do this as a trainer, right? And those are that are, we have a lot of trainers that listen to us. And so I get what's probably turning to your head right now, because you know, you have your peers that are next to you who are bragging about their clients who just lost 15 pounds of the first week, you know, and they're doing that. And it turns into this like competitive game, who can get their clients the fastest
Starting point is 00:38:39 results, the fastest, right? Right. And, and unfortunately, people start to appeal to that. And in reality, that trainer is not that great of a trainer. And you might go through four weeks with your client and they didn't see any weight loss, but that doesn't reflect how good you are at what you do, which is also important for those that are consumers buying a trainer also. Your instant results that you see on the scale or size and muscle that you see built right away is not a direct indicator of how good of a trainer you have that's helping. No, here's the two things.
Starting point is 00:39:12 This is the two better ways to judge a trainer. Number one, do you feel good that you're working out with them? So forget about losing weight, gaining weight, all that stuff. Do you feel good or better than you did? Okay, and I mean, really feel better. I don't mean like, I look better in the mirror bullshit. Like, you feel better. And number two, do they make you enjoy coming to the gym?
Starting point is 00:39:28 Do you enjoy seeing them? And I'll tell you why that second one's so important. Because the odds are you're gonna stop working out. The odds are you're not gonna be consistent. That's just a statistical fact. But if you're meeting someone that you actually look forward to meeting and you say to yourself, like, I wanna go to the gym, I don't feel like working out,
Starting point is 00:39:43 but I wanna see that, that my trainer, because I love me being with them and having them take me through exercises and stuff, then you're much more likely to stay consistent with that trainer. And then of course, you know, do they know what they're doing all that stuff? But those two things, how you feel and do you want to, because they can be the best trainer in the world. But if you don't want to hang out with them for an hour, twice a week or whatever, you're not going to go.
Starting point is 00:40:02 It just isn't going to happen. You're like, it's going to happen with punishment. It's just not going to happen. But, you know, I whatever, you're not gonna go. It just isn't gonna happen. You're not gonna happen with punishment. It's just not gonna happen, but, I mean, you're absolutely right. So, what are some other things with beginners? Because I see lots of overdoing it. Here's when it comes to exercise or going to the gym every single day when they first are.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Here's I think one of the biggest, and we didn't really say anything about it, I think one of the biggest mistakes, part of what I say anything about it, I think one of the biggest mistakes, part of what I said when I started someone else, guess what else I don't let any of my fat loss clients or any clients for that matter start off, no cardio when we start. None.
Starting point is 00:40:33 All right. I'm saving that. I'm saving that in my bag pocket, because first of all, one, it's the easiest fucking thing to teach out of everything we have to teach. You know, so how hard is it for me to get on the treadmill? And you're not trying to throw more stuff on their plate.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Yeah, right off the bat. And right now, I want to prepare you for the worst week of your year, meaning that you're going to be working all day long. You don't have very much time to get to the gym. If you even get to the gym, I want to learn where your, but where homeostasis is for your body there. That way, when we do have those weeks, you're prepared for where you need to be.
Starting point is 00:41:02 So my, my clients all know what home basis. And they just had somebody come back from vacation and that's exactly how I say, you know, back to home base, back to where we started. This is just back to balance and then boom, we started incorporating things again so they know that that and when you come out the gates, adding a bunch of cardio plus weights and you're dieting, a couple of things are happening. One, you don't know what you want is benefiting you the most towards your goal. You really don't. You're seeing some sort of changes. Of course, you're creating all this extra activity.
Starting point is 00:41:32 You're reducing calories. Of course, the body is going to change and adapt to that. But what's really helping you towards your overall journey, what you're trying to do? You dramatically change your lifestyle in a very short period of time. And everybody knows, if you do that that You're less likely to be consistent Well, and I also think to and you mentioned like how you feel like I want to make sure that beginners You know what always tends to happen is they want to address things like I want to get a six-packer I want to get leaner. I want to it's all these very visual aesthetic-based goals and You know something that if you could start thinking about,
Starting point is 00:42:06 like how to avoid pain further on in life. And there's a whole process there that people just miss right out of the gates that's so crucial. That if you establish these proper patterns and mechanics in the way that you perform these lifts, you're gonna set yourself up so much further in such a better position that that's not gonna be an issue, right?
Starting point is 00:42:29 You're not gonna have these aches, pains, these things that you've established with bad habits. Well, and to take that even further, in terms of building a consistency, look, if you're not exercising, if this is new for you, two days a week is plenty to start with. It doesn't sound like a lot, and here's the thing, I think people look at fitness
Starting point is 00:42:51 and they look at fit people and they say, oh, I gotta work out six days a week in order to get fit. Otherwise, it's a waste of time. It's not a waste of time. Two days a week is two more days than you were doing before. You were doing zero before. Now you're doing two, give yourself a pat on the back,
Starting point is 00:43:06 success, stay consistent with that for a little while before you decide to go more and more hardcore. And when it's a happening, I see it all the time. When people do it that way, when they do it very slowly, is they themselves are motivated to increase the amount of time that they spend in the gym. I have a client right now. When she first hired me, I don't know, five years ago,
Starting point is 00:43:26 she told me I hate exercise. I hate exercise, so I'm coming once a week. This is how, that's how often I train her, right? And she legitimately doesn't like exercise, but she likes coming to see me and we talk, and then in the middle, we work out, right? She just told me the other day, she goes, I wanna add another day of action.
Starting point is 00:43:44 I never thought, you know, someone you never think you come out of their mouth, but she wants to do it because she's been doing it for a while now, she feels good, her diet changed a little by little, and it's something she wants to do. It's not this daunting, like, I gotta add it all right now.
Starting point is 00:43:57 That's the way you should start, you know, it's more than what you're doing now. So that's what you hope you can establish with your clients. That's what, that's the main goal of the trainer is to implement that into their head. Exactly, exactly. And as a trainer, it takes confidence.
Starting point is 00:44:14 When you're debating a client who says to you, I'm not super sore or I need to work out more often. Or I'm not, I haven't lost weight and it's been three weeks. You got to be very confident and you gotta be very knowledgeable at what you're explaining and really break it down for them so they can understand it. And don't forget, don't fear asking your clients to trust you.
Starting point is 00:44:34 A lot of trainers are afraid of saying that. I'm telling you right now, these people hired you for a reason. They want to put their fitness in your hands. They want to trust you. But if you come across, look, if I'm going in to get surgery from a doctor and the doctor and I'm like, okay, how are you gonna fix my name? He's like, well, we're gonna try a little bit.
Starting point is 00:44:53 But if he's like, this is your Google search. If he's like, this is gonna work, we're gonna do this, trust me. I'm gonna be like, okay, doctor, I trust you. He could not know what the fuck he's doing, but the fact that he said it that way, I'm gonna trust him. And that's how you get to ask them to trust you.
Starting point is 00:45:04 They'll trust you one time. Then you're gonna be proven. And that's all you have to do. You gotta ask them to trust you. They'll trust you one time. Then you're gonna be proven right and you'll never have to ask them for trust. I haven't killed anyone yet. I only killed two. Right. In what? 2000s.
Starting point is 00:45:15 What were you doing last year? Vegas trip. Don't forget to subscribe to Mind Pump. Please leave us a five star rating and review. Oh, and don't forget to visit Mind Pump radio.com. Ooh. Yeah. Visit it. Thank you for listening to MindPump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next
Starting point is 00:45:39 time, this is MindPump. This is MindPom.

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