Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 224: What Is Functional?

Episode Date: January 22, 2016

What does it mean to be "functional?" Sal, Adam & Justin break down what it takes to be functional in the real world. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.min...dpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh, dude. What? I'm excited right now. I'm pumped. Are you pumped just feeling? I feel in my balls. Okay, we've been rolling on my pump, dude, for a little over a year right now.
Starting point is 00:00:10 And I have to admit, this is the most excited I've been. Yeah. This is our greatest creation. Swear, okay, swear. It's like the opus. Swear my father's grave, okay? Listen, I would not say it. Literally in the last seven days, I've probably,
Starting point is 00:00:22 I don't know, maybe four, four of those nights, I got like four or five hours top sleep, I cannot sleep right now. I feel like the last time I remember having a feeling like this was when I was like a little kid, like waiting for Christmas or you're going to, like, great America Disneyland the next day and you like, kids, you can't, you can't sleep all night long. Do you realize how hard it is? I cannot keep secrets. Ever.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Well, my wife, we just can't do anything. They're going to find out. I mean, we put together the most. Well, my wife, we just can't do any more. They're gonna find out. I mean, we put together the most, well, why did we do it though? Well, we did it because we're saying. There's some problems in the fitness industry and we created solution. That's all I'm gonna say.
Starting point is 00:00:55 This program that we put together has the most incredible expertise I've ever seen in my life when it comes to fitness programming. And it's in this new maps program that we're releasing. You want to find out some more information? All you got to do is go to mindpumpradio.com, click on the green button, there's a whole video, we'll talk all about it, we'll get into some detail and by the end of it you'll have a great idea of what we do.
Starting point is 00:01:19 If you like it, wait for more and then share it. Yeah, absolutely. Guarantee, I guarantee you guys will like this. Make sure you mindpumpradio.com. Click on the green button then share it. Yeah, absolutely. Guarantee, I guarantee you guys will like this. Make sure you mindpumpradio.com. Click on the green button. Hit it. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. I want you guys to look at my face real quick. Of course, okay. This is oily. This is the face besides the racist remarks from Adam I want you guys to look at my face real quick. Of course. Okay. This is the face besides the racist remarks from Adam about Sicilian being oily. This is the face of a man who has had zero fucking sleep. Zero sleep.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Welcome to my world, bro. Bro, come on. Are you guys sleep last night? Here it is. It's in my head. In my head. Zombie. Zombie. head. Zombie. Zombie.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Zombie. We're all zombies. Yeah. Give me head. Give me head. Grandberry. Yeah, that's a cranberry. Grandberry.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Dude, I'm exhausted as shit. This was me all night like that yeast infection. I had a root of cranberry juice. Wow. Oh, what? Cranberry juice is for your new chapter. Oh, just kidding. Yeah, that's what it was
Starting point is 00:02:25 Don't miss him for whoops. Yeah, yeah, if you have a yeast infection don't listen So the dam a professional. Do you hear about that lady that made a made bread from the yeast in her I swear there you guys always seriously stop it. Is that what now? Yes? Yes? She actually made bread I'm irritated I'm gross. Oh, disgusting. I'm irritated. How gross is that? Oh, disgusting. I know you did it though. So, probably.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Katrina just called me right now. That's what she looks like. And she tells me, she goes, oh my God, I just had the crazy phone call, and she starts to go, when I tell me that the doctor comes in, well, she just recently took a blood test. She wanted to get her, you know, now that she's in her 30s and stuff, she wants to get a blood test for her hormone levelsowned levels things like that just for Later in life as those change the doctors were kind of a home base where it's at right she's high testosterone No, listen she gets she gets it done and she she's talking to me right now and she's like oh my god She goes this lady calls she just calls me back and she says
Starting point is 00:03:17 Katrina we're gonna need you to come in and we think your partner should come into so you guys can both get retested again And she's like she's telling her all this stuff, she's being kind of big and she's starting to freak out. She's like, what's going on? Well, that's scary. Oh, so she tells us, she says, you know, STD came up inside your guys' test. And yeah, we think, so she's like,
Starting point is 00:03:35 all these thoughts are going through her head. She's all pissed off, freaking out, stuff like that. And she's like, are you sure that she's like, yeah, you know, yeah, no, we're for sure. So we want to have you, well, we're not for sure. That's why we want to have you guys come in, retest and for sure. And we highly recommend that you bring your partner in to have him tested again too. And so I hope there's a good ending. So you're freaking out right now. Well, I'm
Starting point is 00:03:55 kind of like, this is a lot for the listeners to, you know, we keep it real. You better know about you. You better have a good ending here. So she and her piece. She's asking the, that's it in the story. Da, da, da, da, da. She's asking, maybe she goes, you know, I just took that test, like, she just took it like a day ago, two days ago, she goes, they said it wasn't going to be, I wouldn't have the results of that. And she and the lady, look, she goes, oh my God, I'm so sorry. I have Christina Garcia, not Katrina Garcia.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Oh, totally disregard that message. This is not for me. That is fucking professional. Horrible. Wow, professional. Can you believe that? So, terrible. So, two things about your story.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Number one, everybody listening in the beginning was like super uncomfortable, including me. And then it's a good ending. However, you just gave away the fact that some poor Christina Garcia somewhere has got an STD. I think it was a great idea to commentate. Yeah, if it wasn't something super common out with me. But yeah, her name was Christina Garcia and not Katrina Garcia.
Starting point is 00:04:55 And she had a mix up. She was given her test. No, my question is the doctor with his name Steve Harvey. No, it was a Steve Harvey. Yeah. Oh, I made a mistake. So when you were saying that, Justin was sweating earlier because, you know, you guys hooked up. Yeah. He's like, I hope I didn't give it to him. I hope I didn't get it. It's not like it wasn't you guys too on that weekend.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Come on. Good times. Yeah, you can't get it from a hand job. So, can you just imagine the feeling she was probably going through when she was getting told that? sweating Oh, oh awful right that's like the worst fuck up of all time when a doctor. I mean that's just fucked up right Yeah, I mean the only thing worse than that would be like oh, we got your test results back You're gonna be dead in three months. Oh my god. Oh, oh, excuse me. We made a mistake. I'm so I'm surprised Miss I'm surprised me. She wasn't more. She said she apologized and that but I'm suprised I'm suprised he wasn't more she said she apologized and that but I'm like God That's like a serious fuck up right there like you know that's bad. That's bad news No, I know right you imagine some deal some some dude like gets that phone call and then they don't correct it right away And he's like I think in way back like when 10 years ago. Oh my god. He's so calling people was at one night
Starting point is 00:06:02 Vegas. Yes, it tells've honey 10 years ago. I fool around with this chick, and I don't know, maybe I cut a guy, and then he gets phone call back. Then he has to tell us why. Just kidding. Oh yeah, I was just playing a prank. I was playing a prank.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Isn't that funny, honey? Ha ha ha ha ha. So let's talk about this lack of sleep thing. I want to talk about this because I know you fuckers didn't sleep either last night. Yes, yes, yes. Because we have, we. Because we have officially launched our launch sequence videos,
Starting point is 00:06:29 giving people information on our new maps program. You know what it reminds me of? It's like, when a shuttle goes off, you have like five, four. Like we got that all kinda going. Yeah, I was literally pacing in the room back and forth all night and then sleep and then I'd wake up and check my phone
Starting point is 00:06:48 and it's stressful, bro. I feel like shit. It's like one of those things, it's like one of our little babies that we're exposing here. Yeah. We'll have more, but this is a big one. Well, I want to share a little bit
Starting point is 00:06:58 of what I've been going through with it. I've not been sleeping, I haven't been sleeping for like two weeks, so I've been pretty excited about this for a while. But then I've had a bit of a bit hesitant about the whole process, to be honest. And a lot of this has been blind faith of just trusting and dug it in his talent
Starting point is 00:07:14 and what he was doing. No, really, I mean, I don't trust in this. Those that have been listening to us for a long time now know that we're very transparent. We always wanted to come off as, we're very transparent. We're, we always wanted to come off is we're not trying to be this podcast who's on here to, to push all their products and to sell you and do things like that. So, you know, naturally, we knew that if we, we gained a large enough audience that, you know, the business would just come. And so that's been our approach for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Well, you know, the volume is there. I mean, there's obviously, there's a lot of people that are listening now. And Doug's been kind of telling us, like, hey, listen, you guys, we're not really following any best practices for an online business. I know you guys want to stay so anti sales and anti business guys,
Starting point is 00:07:57 but at the same time too, you have to make it user friendly and easy for people to access the things that you guys are providing. And I mean, I've been really hesitant because I don't wanna come off that way. I don't wanna be this, you know, like, oh, you know, a 30-day program.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Make sure you form your law. Yeah, you know, give us this. And- Today's the last day. Yeah, guaranteed. And so, that was really tough. And, man, I have to say, seeing it all come together now, I'm just like, oh, this is really cool, man.
Starting point is 00:08:22 This is, I like- No, I actually get, I think what it is is that like, so this is all like part of the hype and like, I'm getting hyped. Yeah, yeah, as a result. And that's why I'm excited about it. Because it's even got me hyped. So I'm like, okay, I know it's coming. I get all of it.
Starting point is 00:08:35 So if I'm hyped about it, imagine somebody who's listening and then now with the new web page that's, that's coming out now with all, I mean, it's just so user friendly for people that want to gain access for everything that we have. So I'm like, okay, I'm down. This is so cool. Well, even the way we did the launch video, because here's what a launch sequence is to those of you who are not privy to this internet marketing type of thing. A launch sequence is when you release a series of, usually it's videos that get you bring you up to speed to a product release or launch. So initially even, ideally what people do is they do like three or four or five videos,
Starting point is 00:09:12 I think, for what's called a launch sequence. And one comes out two days later, another one comes out and so on. And what you do is you do like basically the sales videos is what they are. And initially we were gonna do that. And we sat down and we're like, you know, we were talking about what we're gonna talk
Starting point is 00:09:27 about in the videos and we're like, you know what? That's not us, like it's not us to sit there and sell to the camera. Why don't we just record a podcast? Where we talk about what we're doing, what we're doing, why are we creating this? Yeah, exactly. And that's literally what part.
Starting point is 00:09:43 That's what our launch sequence is. It's a full podcast that we broke up into three sections. And the first one, which is available now, right? It's available now, talks about, it's titled The Ancient Athlete. And without going into too much detail, that's what we talk about in the first video. And then it goes on, there's a second video
Starting point is 00:10:03 that's releasing a third video, that's releasing. Well, we address the problems in the industry. And then it goes on. There's a second video that's releasing a third video. That's released. Well, we address the problems in the industry. It's called, and the title of it, those the ancient. Yeah, the title of it, but the main reason and the whole idea and the reason why we design this was that we, there's, there's a huge epidemic in the fitness industry because, you know, where the money is at if you're going to do online anything or even, you know, brick and mortar is to create these, you know, brick and mortar is to create
Starting point is 00:10:25 these, you know, cookie cutter type programs that are generic and easy to, you know, copy, you know, because if you're going to sell to a million people, individualizing something or making it for one, I mean, that's just, it's not very scalable. And that was like our mission was, how do we, how do we find something that's scalable to provide that type of service for people? And the, there's so many programs out there that millions of people are buying into that don't realize like how generic that is for them. And that's what we talk about in this video.
Starting point is 00:10:53 We get into the in depth and all that. We do, because here's how it breaks down. If you buy a program, another program online, it's gonna tell you what to do. So you're gonna look and you're gonna see, okay, they won, I do these exercises, day two, I do these exercises and so on and we do provide a template. We do that as well Right. However We break it down so that you understand why you're doing what you're doing
Starting point is 00:11:13 So that you can modify it and work with it with your body because here's a deal And evolve it and he and of course we're gonna have other tools that I don't want to go into detail either because we'll be giving it too Which way but we're gonna have other tools available where you'll be able to individualize it for yourself or if you're a trainer for your clients. Well, you know what this is, right? It's not something that's like your plan, and this is the plan like short-term-wise. Like we thought way far in the future with this.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Right, that's why it took so long to really hash this out. You know what this reminds me of? So trust me, they're connected. I'll tell you a story. When I started working in the fitness industry, I started as a personal trainer. And very, very quickly, I moved up the ranks,
Starting point is 00:11:55 and in those days, nobody went from the fitness side to the sales side in fitness. If you were a personal trainer, the highest you could go was like a district fitness manager, and that was it. But the money in fitness was the sales side, which was general manager, district manager, vice president, and so on.
Starting point is 00:12:13 And back then nobody moved over. I was one of the first guys to start in fitness and then move over to the sales side. And I was extremely successful. And the primary reason of it, it wasn't because my sales skills were amazing, although they were good, I will say I had good sales skills. It was because I was fitness minded.
Starting point is 00:12:32 I wasn't sales minded. So to give you an example, when a sales guy would teach his sales staff to give a tour of the gym, they would tour the features of the gym. And what we have to offer, and oh, here's our special price. You got towels. I would tour fitness. I would show you, I price. You got towels. I would tour fitness.
Starting point is 00:12:46 I would show you, I would ask you your goals. I would show you, okay, well this is the exercise that we bet best for you and this is what cardio does and this is what weights do and this is what personal trainers provide. And that was extremely successful because people now had a plan understood what they were gonna do.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Well, again, on this podcast and developing this program, we are not sales people first. We are fitness people first. And so our goal wasn't to create just a program, just like we did with the other stuff that we've developed. It's not to develop a program. It's a here just follow this. It's like, how are we going to get people to, to, we'll give them, we'll definitely
Starting point is 00:13:18 get a guide then. We're definitely going to give them a template that we're going to put our best programming in. And you've got three fitness, you know, geniuses putting their expertise in. That's half the competition I see like happening down the road. It's like, can you outdo our template? Right, no but no. Right. And that's the thing. We teach you how to, we explain how to and then you get you get to individualize it and then we're gonna provide, you know, like a mastermind area where you can go on and you can start tweaking these things and
Starting point is 00:13:48 really working around your body because the truth is this here's the fucking truth when it comes to fitness there's general there's definitely general truth there's definitely you know you know staple rules and laws when it comes to exercise but man you could take one person you can compare it to the next person, and the variance could be dramatic. So how can we provide, you know, what we do is one-on-one trainers, which is excellent service and excellent results? How can we do that and scale it up to thousands of people and maybe millions of people? And we think we figured it out.
Starting point is 00:14:20 I think we'll crack that. Right. I'm glad you brought up the whole analogy about you being a sales guy and fitness guy. Yeah, that was a great analogy, man. Well, this is why people don't realize this, but if you took the top 10 programs followed, everything from brick and mortar type stuff or boxes like CrossFit all the way down to your online
Starting point is 00:14:39 present guy who is the most popular guy online who sells programs or whatever, or diets or whatever. If you look at the top 10 or 20 of those people, 95% of them are brilliant sales and business people. A lot of them aren't even trainers. Yeah, exactly. And, or they've hired someone to be the face of that business
Starting point is 00:14:57 and behind it is somebody who is actually brilliant in sales and they're just using this body as a marketing tool for this business plan. And it's rarely ever this. There's, I tell you what, there's hundreds of thousands of great designed programs that's out there, but nobody knows about them because they're brilliant trainers that are passionate about designing programs and writing plans for people and helping coach people, but they maybe they're not so strong in sales and they don't have that business side to them
Starting point is 00:15:26 very, very much. And so you never get to see them. Not only that, but if you ask, and we know this, how many trainers have worked for us throughout the years, right, thousands? Excellent, really, really good, good trainers. If you tell them to do group training or create a program for lots of people,
Starting point is 00:15:43 they'll say, well, I can't, because they know the value in creating individualized programs. The integrity is there, and it's very hard to find a super, super good trainer who can translate that and turn it into something scalable and present something to the masses. Yeah, there's always been like professionals I've followed in their completely split. So I have my business people I totally look up to and I pick apart their practices and like why they're so successful. Same thing with some of these trainers and some of
Starting point is 00:16:12 these gurus that have it down. Like they've really mastered their craft as far as training people and providing results and data and all this kind of stuff. You know, and that's why I do. I do feel this sort of a difference that we provide. Like it's just individual between the three of us. And I was thinking about this because I was going through names and I'm kind of developing a product and everything and I really liked Kymara. And I feel like we're almost the Kymara
Starting point is 00:16:40 of that blend between fitness and safety. What does K-Mera? K-Mera, it's like a mythical creature that can change shapes, but it's the same thing. I feel like it's a scary monster. Yeah, it is. It is, we're scary monsters. We're scary monsters. I love, I love.
Starting point is 00:16:55 You know what, I'll tell you what, here's the gamble. And this goes to any of you who are listening who are in some kind of entrepreneurial business or you're building your own business or if you're in fitness. At a certain point, you have to decide who you are and then you should stick to that. And we decided, and it was a huge gamble and it cost us early money, that we would take our audience through everything that we did and tell them
Starting point is 00:17:21 what we're doing and do it step by step. Who does that, right? Nobody does it. And when we talked about initially, we're like, that's a great doing and do it step by step. Who does that, right? Nobody does it. And when we talked about initially, we're like, that's a great idea, but nobody fucking does that. Nobody reveals what they're trying to do as they're developing products or releasing.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Well, we also know that it would risk a lot of immediate revenue for us. Which it has. Yeah. We've had potential sponsorships with very large companies and they've told us, literally, we can't work with you guys. Like you guys are two anti-supplement
Starting point is 00:17:46 or you guys are two transparent. You guys can't sell out because you've already made your position so strong, which is on one hand to compliment on the other hand, you kinda like, fuck, you know, can't. But it's nice to get a check from somebody every month, right? Right, but so, you know, like this launch sequence,
Starting point is 00:18:03 this launch video is that we did. That's what we do. We're breaking it down. We're literally telling you what the process was and what we're trying to do. And that's what you learn from watching. So it is a big gamble, but so far, so good. I think our audience really respects that were that honest.
Starting point is 00:18:18 And to be honest with you guys, I don't think we could. I mean, I can't, I don't know what it is, man. I'm not normally a good, people say, oh, you're a good bullshitter, but that's because I can hold a good conversation, but the reality is, I can't, I don't know what it is, man. I'm not normally a good, people say, oh, you're a good bullshitter, but that's because I can hold a good conversation, but the reality is, I can't, like, when I'm on this mic live with yourself. Bro, when I'm on this mic, like,
Starting point is 00:18:33 we did that episode on stress and shit, like that was a very personal thing. I just can't bullshit, like, people need to know what I'm going through. So, and what we're doing. We set the table early on, that's why, you know, we've set the table now where, and it's become so routine and habit
Starting point is 00:18:46 and therapeutic like we've said. It's way more comfortable to be honest. I mean, if you're trying to always present yourself in a certain light and have people know you, you know, for something that you really aren't, deep down, you're not, like that is stressful. That is a very stressful way to live. Extremely, I'm learning right now,
Starting point is 00:19:05 firsthand the freaking, the health benefits of sleep, or what happens when you don't get it. Like I feel, I mean, I'm so hyped that I'm awake, but I can tell that my body's like, dude, fuck you, if you don't go to sleep soon, we're gonna get sick. So, but yeah, I'm just too excited to see how people are gonna respond to it. And I'm excited to see the results.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I mean, with our first program, with our first maps program, the results people have been giving us feedback on has been, and it's taken a little while because I knew we all knew this, we knew that people would have to do it. I mean, how many times do people do the program and say, are you sure?
Starting point is 00:19:43 And I feel like this is enough enough or I should be real sore. And then of course, three weeks later, we get the email, like, oh my god, I'm getting breakin' PRs. And I can't wait to hear some of that stuff for what's coming out next. Yeah, exactly. That's all the unknown that we're really jazzed about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:58 And we should plug our Instagrams. We don't ever do that enough. Yeah, no. All of our personal Instagrams, you have Mind Pump do that enough. Yeah, no, all of our personal Instagrams, you have a mind pump atom, mind pump sal, mind pump Justin, mind pump Doug, and then mind pump. And then mind pump, and we all have different information and for the launch videos, where are they available Doug?
Starting point is 00:20:16 Is it mindpumpradio.com? What color's the button? Green, click on the green button, check it out, let us know what you think, leave a comment in the bottom. Well, here's, I really want to, you know, once again, be transparent and keeping it real on here. I mean, this is, this is, we're at, we're now we're here. We're here with this, I've been waiting for our website to be up to par where it's out
Starting point is 00:20:38 right now to where people are going to want to go through it and check things out. And, you know, we have enough to really, the, the program that we have that's coming out is like, I feel like we're addressing a lot of big issues. And we're going to it's going to be for a lot of people out there. You know, I want to ask you guys to share it. I mean, if you if you listen to it, you like it. It's something that you like with your, I mean, that's where this is going to to really grow and give us momentum so we can continue to deliver. So, I mean, we're only so powerful the three of us sitting in this room, you know, and we can only get on our computers and put it out there as much as possible. I mean, if literally, if only 10% of the people
Starting point is 00:21:17 listening right now, you know, if 10% of you actually... Well, it's just a shift of focus, right? We've already had people help us tremendously with identifying people that are doing crazy shit and you know just just tagging us and being real active communicating with us like this is just another thing that like if we shift focus on this will help a lot of people so yeah So here's something that I haven't really shared with you guys that You know, I've been I'm now going I think, second or third week that I've actually been going through our program already.
Starting point is 00:21:49 And I know I couldn't share it because the fact that we have, you know, we haven't released it yet and Doug was like, you know, not a lot of talk about it. You're not a good secret keeper. No. So I've been me. He's always holding stuff for us. Well, this is why. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:03 And it just seemed, I mean, we had the program already designed. So I already knew what we were doing, you know, and we just were finishing it up so we could actually get it to everybody else. And I thought, well, shit, you know, I want to do it, but I also want to wait until we launch it until everybody can watch and go through the process. But then I came off of being so sick.
Starting point is 00:22:20 I lost all that weight. And, you know, I'm coming off of being this bodybuilder guy being focused that way. And I thought, you know what, like this is so perfect. Instead of me fighting with my body and trying to be this big guy and go back that direction again, you know, this will help me focus, refocus in a total different direction. And I tell you what, man, it feels pretty good to be pretty functional right now. Let's be a little more functional in our practice. Well, well, we got to define that.
Starting point is 00:22:46 We got to define what that means. I did a post on Instagram a few days ago about that and it got a lot of people commenting. So I guess I hit a nerve. Okay. Because the term functional gets thrown around and fitness a lot. And it started about, I don't know, 15 years ago,
Starting point is 00:22:58 10 years ago where everybody's like functional, functional, functional, functional. Yeah. What does that actually buzz term there for a while? Right, so like what does that actually mean? You know, one of the things I talked about in my post even was like, you know, is a high level basketball player functional is a swimmer that competes functional.
Starting point is 00:23:15 And they are, they're very functional for their sport. But they're probably very unfunctional for something else. For example, a long distance runner is probably gonna be a really unfunctional, horrible, shop putter. So for sake of argument, for the average person who's listening, functional doesn't necessarily mean for one specific thing. What it means is the gains that you've seen the gym translate into the real world. And for me, functional is like it's broad spectrum. It's like this encompasses a lot of different things in terms of, you know, what your body can do and then improving upon those things
Starting point is 00:23:50 that your body can do. Well, let's be honest, you know, and I'm bet I actually didn't get a chance to see all the comments. I did see the post, but, you know, you're right. Somebody sees to the average person they see an athlete, they, what doesn't't matter any sport they see, but every single sport is primarily focused, like one direction, whatever it is you're doing. You know what I'm saying? And they're very, very good at that. And in reality, they're kind of the furthest from being functional.
Starting point is 00:24:18 When you really, really think about it, I mean, yeah, you use the real world, the real world. Trying to optimize these very specific patterns for that sport. So yeah, you use the real world, the real trend to optimize like these very specific patterns for that sport. So yeah, you will be short, you will be tight and certain muscle groups that will, you know, while the other one will thrive, right? And that's what you want to focus on. It's the reason why NASCAR looks different, the Formula One looks different than off-road. It's totally differently. Totally differently specific for one specific target. Right. When we talk about function, we're talking about the average person who wants to be
Starting point is 00:24:47 able to do all that stuff. It's the off-road car built like an Indie car. Yeah, it can do all that stuff, right? And it does it all pretty well. Yeah, but it's approached, you know, when people train for that or when they do programs that are geared towards that, it's all wrong. It's all done very, very wrong. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:25:05 We've seen very specific organizations that have done it completely wrong. Crossed. Right. Here's the biggest problem I see. Because we always talk about the problems, the programming, this and that. Here's an easy one that I like to explain to people.
Starting point is 00:25:21 When you're training for a particular type of adaptation, okay, let's say I'm training for maximal strength. Maximum strength would be like your one rep strength, like a power lift or like a squat, right? When I'm training for that, I have to train specifically for that. I can't train for one rep max squat and your best time. And best mile time. Yeah. Because when it ends up happening is I end up just training endurance. There's no reason. Because I'm so happening is they end up just training endurance. Because I'm so fatigued that all I'm doing is I'm trying to train under all this fatigue.
Starting point is 00:25:49 They're conflicting goals. They're conflicting goals. And can you train for both of them? You can, just not at the same fucking time. If I can't put a, you know, a maximal strength goal with a super endurance goal in the same workout. Because I'll get a little bit, I'll get a little bit of each or I'll get mostly endurance,
Starting point is 00:26:08 because you're just so fatigued. The ideal way the body really adapts is I focus on that one goal for a set period of time, really, you know, train with intent. That's a good, that's a great word. That's a great word, is training with intent. For example, purpose intent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:26 So like if I'm running a sprint, and I want to get faster at sprinting, and I'm running, you know, I'm doing 50 yards sprint, I'm running as hard and fucking fast as I can for 50 yards. If I'm running for 10 miles, then that is the wrong intent. I'm not going to go and run as hard and fucking fast as I can
Starting point is 00:26:45 right out the gates like I do the 50 yard dash for the 10 years. And here's where let me stop you there. Where people get, where people get this mixed up and why it doesn't make sense for the average person is, there's a little carry over for that. So if you're a couch potato, you haven't done anything and you say I wanna get really good at a 50 yard sprint
Starting point is 00:26:59 and you do run 10 miles a day, you probably are gonna get a little bit better at running 50 yards because before that, you weren't running at all. But in reality, you're not going to get a little bit better at running 50 yards because before that you weren't running it all. Sure. But in reality, you're not going to be the best 50 yards printer because you're running 10 plus miles or what are what that. And then the same goes if the opposite goal, if your goal was to run 10 miles and all you
Starting point is 00:27:16 did was 50 yards, sprints. Well, I think of it like this too. Once you teach your body how to move at this high level of capacity, you will have that memory stored. You do. It's going to be able to respond the way you want it to later on, even if you've not touched that in a while. That's why you cycle through different phases, different targets.
Starting point is 00:27:43 People are afraid of losing that. Right. They're like, oh, okay, I just worked on maximal strength. Now I'm gonna work on, I don't know, stability or balance or whatever. I'm gonna lose all the strength, not necessarily. Maybe a little bit because there's always that skill involved that you practice necessarily for three weeks,
Starting point is 00:27:59 but at the end of your cycle of six weeks or whatever, you're gonna have more strength and more balance and stability than if you did strength and balance and stability all at once. Do you guys, does that mean, do you guys, is that make sense to me, I explain that? Yeah, but how about this one? I mean, we have a lot of trainers that listen to us with that.
Starting point is 00:28:15 How about the Dynadist, the Bosu ball, the stability ball, you know, the balance on one leg, the, you know, this is what I think are interesting. The story of functional gets a bad rap. It does, and this is what I think our industry. The functional gets a bad wrap. It does, and this is where I think we took a left in the fitness industry. We took an idea, we took a concept that I thought was really good, and then we'd like anything else
Starting point is 00:28:40 in fitness or any other industry. We went to the extreme, we went like, okay, this is something that has its place in a fitness journey, possibly for somebody. And now everybody should do it. And if you're not balancing on one leg when you do this or you're not trying to do stability ball type exercises, then you're not very fun. Well, you stop focusing on strength.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yeah, we're just all trying to balance and react. Well, here's what people don't realize is that there's a skill level with certain exercises. Okay. If the exercise has a very high skill level, then it's going to be very difficult to train with particular intent because the limiting factor will be your skill at that particular movement. So I'll give you an example that has nothing to do with working on the gym. If I swim all the time, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim, swim,
Starting point is 00:29:25 I'll build lots of endurance, but I'll also develop a tremendous amount of skill for swimming. So then I go to run and I'll have more endurance running than if I never swam before, but I'll have nowhere near the endurance than if I also trained in running and I didn't in a particular way
Starting point is 00:29:38 because there's a skill that's involved. When it comes to all these balancing exercises, like the Boatsu ball and the Dynadisk and doing all this crazy stuff, a lot of the improvement you see in those movements doesn't have necessarily to do with your body's general improvement and balance. There is that, but really it has more to do with the fact that you're practicing a skill. And the real way to put together a program is to balance the two out, especially when we're making a program for most people. We're looking to develop a program that, you know, there's going to
Starting point is 00:30:08 be some skill involved like anything because you're doing something, but we want lots of carryover. Like how much carryover are you going to get from standing on a, on a fisioball and doing squats to being functional in the real world? Not as much as if you did, let's say, just a traditional squat. How often are you standing on a ball? Right. Right. I mean, there's say just a traditional small, often are you standing on a ball. Right. Right. There's definitely a place for those things. We're not saying that those things are worthless,
Starting point is 00:30:31 but if you need to use them for what they're good for and you just stop using them for what they're not good for, plyometrics is another great example. People use plyometrics in the wrong way. They use plyometrics to get to fatigue. This is exhausting. Do these box jumps are very demanding. So of course, you know, the industry,
Starting point is 00:30:50 how they do things, right? It's super intense. Oh, great. Let's throw this as a cardio exercise. Dude, I see people doing plyo jumps at the gym and they're dying because it's part of a circuit and they're really tired and they're like, jump up, jump up, jump up, and I see no power
Starting point is 00:31:06 You know what I'm saying? I don't see them really exerting the power because they can't like the first one And that was it. I got I got to share this to you guys and I want to hear your guys's response because I couldn't get any Response from any of my peers and my trainers that I work with So that told you I've been kind of going through this through our program and I don't want to share too much about how it's Works and phases and stuff, but obviously you guys would know that I'm in phase one, right? And so those that know I work at OTF,
Starting point is 00:31:32 but I've never taken an OTF workout ever. So I'm probably the only, I am the only trainer I think in the entire company that's never even taken a class. The honesty in here is ridiculous. So this week is what is so orange though, is called peak performance. And each day there's a different life challenge.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Well, day before yesterday was the 500 meter row as fast as you could. I thought, well, this is perfect. This is right right up my wheelhouse. Since I'm starting this phase one of our program. And I'm like, you know, let me give it a whirl and see it. As I haven't sat on a rower in probably a couple years and because I'm allergic to cardio. And I thought like, you know, let me, let me give it a whirl and see it as I haven't sat on a roller in probably a couple of years and it does. I'm allergic to cardio. And I thought, okay, let me get on here and see what I could rip out 500 meters. Now 500 meters is by far.
Starting point is 00:32:12 It's just pants. It's not, it's not long. I mean, it's, I mean, it's a decent distance, but it's something you should be able to do, you know, in a short period of time. So I get in there and I, and I rip on the roller and I set the record in the area. So I took a snapshot of the picture. Wait a minute, hold on, back up. Yeah, you glossed over something very important. Yeah, you set the record? Well, yeah, I thought I had the company record until I found out somebody. So the current one was a minute 17 and I smashed that at a minute 12.
Starting point is 00:32:43 And the back half, I really cruised like a tell. I was on pace again. I was averaging about 660 watts for the first, 250 meters. 616 jigger watts, 616 watts. And then after I had beat that, one of the other trainers had sent me a picture of a guy who happens to be a power lifter over
Starting point is 00:33:02 in the Sacramento area, very legit trainer to Savage Dude, who actually pulled it in 110. I thought, well, son of a bitch, I should have seen that first, and then I would have been able to get it, right? But anyways, that's not the point of the story. I snapshot it. I sent it to this group text with all of us trainers in the company, and I was talking trash.
Starting point is 00:33:21 He just said, hey, you guys are going to come get me or what today? And everyone's like firing back. And one of the trainers is like, yeah, the funny thing is you think that's cardio, that's not a cardio. Let's you get on there for 25 minutes, right? And so I send back to him. I said, that's a really good mind pump topic, actually. For evolutionary purposes, what do you think would be more beneficial?
Starting point is 00:33:39 If I could roll 500 meters in a minute or I could sit on a roller for 20 minutes, what do you guys think? Yeah. Both. I mean, either whatever you mean, you could row 500 meters in a minute, or I could sit on a row for 20 minutes. What do you guys think? Yeah. Uh, both. I mean, either whatever you want. Well, I mean, think for, think for, think for, think for evolutionary purposes. Well, you gotta get, if you're talking about fighter flight
Starting point is 00:33:54 or like that response, you wanna have boom, that instant, yeah, connection. You don't need it to go for strictly evolutionary purposes. And when you talk about, when we talk about, what we're talking about right now, which is real world, we're talking about, you know, broad spectrum, you know, what is going to benefit you more, somebody's having the ability and the power to, to, to well, well here, not to knock.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Let's see, you got to travel a long distance. Well, you would adapt to that. Not, that would be different. So if we're going to speak evolutionarily in evolutionary senses, that's why I asked you. Humans are very good at naturally. We're very good at traveling long, long distances at a slow pace, walking.
Starting point is 00:34:35 So humans can migrate long vast distances and we're evolved to do that. But to get away from shit, you've got to move quick and to catch something, you you got to move really quick. So I would say that that's probably a more important skill. But I will say this, look, if you look at today's world, the modern world, and you, and not to knock long distance athletes, like ultra-long distance athletes, not to knock them,
Starting point is 00:34:58 it's extremely impressive to me. It's always been impressive because it's something that I had been horrible at. But if you look at a sprinter, you look at their body, you look at the way they move and you look at them function in modern, the modern world versus a long distance runner. This is the direction I was going with. Yeah. But you look at a long, super ultra long distance runner. The sprinter is, you know, he's going to be more functional in every day.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Modern world stronger. I mean, come on. More muscle. Catch his food. Yeah. He's gonna have. He's're stronger. I mean, come on. More muscle. You're gonna catch his food. Yeah, he's gonna have, he's gonna be lean. He's gonna have more muscle. You can actually probably tackle his food too. Yeah, marathon run. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Ran over. Marathon run over my food. I get eaten. But, you know, it's gonna be, you're gonna have, you know, more muscle, faster metabolism. They're gonna be more stable. And let's, let's oxidative stress. So not to knock endurance, you need to have endurance,
Starting point is 00:35:46 but people forget that without strength endurance is worthless. Well, let's be honest, there's a phase for that. There's a phase that's designed for you to do that. You don't necessarily have to be. Yeah, that's not as high intensity, right? Like, like, SAU is talking about, we're most efficient at a lower intensity
Starting point is 00:36:01 in that range anyway. Well, let me ask you this. What's the difference? Here's a great question, because here's a word that we use, and I might be giving up too much, but whatever, fuck it. What's the difference between endurance and durability?
Starting point is 00:36:15 How about that? Uh-huh. How about that? Because when I think, when there's endurance, you think of someone who's running, you know, 20 miles nonstop. Durable is a fucking person that's durable. That can last. They can weather the storm. They can weather it. They can handle a lot of things. All the stress.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Right. And you think about these like high, the persevere. Exactly. Like these, that's the kind of endurance that the average person should aim for. Not being able to run. And plus it's mental at that point. Anyway, a lot of it. It is, but like it's very mental. In boxing they call it heart, you know. Yeah, exactly. Not that you can take a punch, but you're durable in many different aspects.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Like when you look at like the training for like the Navy SEALs or Army Rangers, it's not, okay guys, I mean, yeah, they do run, but that's not their training, that's not all their training. They do a lot of shit because there's a lot of things thrown at them in battle. They have to be durable. And that's the kind of endurance that I think is most desirable.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Unless you're competing in a marathon race or something like that, then you want that kind of long distance, you know, continuous step of endurance. No, I agree. But otherwise you need to be able to weather the storm and you need to be able to apply strength for a relatively long period of time.
Starting point is 00:37:25 That's real endurance. Check this out. If you could have a ton, you could be world champion endurance athlete of all time, but be super, super weak. You're gonna get exhausted lifting something relatively heavy multiple times. You could have tons of endurance.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Without strength, your endurance is worthless. Well, let's think about this think about like a 50 pound kid That you have to hold you know and you're and you're going around going upstairs. You're going this way. You're going that way It's a fat kid Let's just say You know 30s you gotta be durable to get yourself. Let's say you got to walk around with Doug. You're holding Doug That's what I'm saying. I know you guys use durable to get yourself. Let's say you gotta walk around with Doug, you're holding Doug, you know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:38:06 I know you guys use to do this. I use to do this all the time. I use to give people tours of the gym and I have them hold on to like a 40 pound dumbbell and just make them hold. What a dick, I know exactly what you do. I'd give them the dumbbell, we start our tour. You know what tour takes a, you know, five minutes or so,
Starting point is 00:38:18 five, 10 minutes, walk around the gym, the bathroom, show them where it's at that. And then when we first start the tour, I'd hand in the 40 pound dumbbell and make them carry it through the whole tour. And you know, halfway through, they're switching hands, you can tell they're all tired and they want to send,
Starting point is 00:38:29 a lot of times people would be like, do I have to keep carrying this? Can I set this down somewhere? It doesn't feel good to lose 40 pounds. Uh-huh, yeah. And you revisit that later on. But it's crazy how something like that can be so challenging for the average American
Starting point is 00:38:40 because we just, everything is about making things easier for us. Technology is getting in. And I think that's the argument most people would have. Most people would have both. There's an effort. There's an effort most now. Most people would argue that, oh well, there's no need to now.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Now I have the computer and now I get door dash. I can have my segue in my little hoverboar. Here's what people need to understand. Your body will only ever, ever be a strong or as fast or as durable or as, you know, agile as the bare minimum that it needs to be. It will never, it will never adapt more than it absolutely needs to be. What was the Socrates quote? Oh, fuck. Can someone pull that up? I don't know. The Socrates quote if that's the same one too that was talking about uh right a man never getting seen the full potential tragedy yeah tragedy
Starting point is 00:39:31 yeah I know Doug has a written down somewhere he's playing but if you're think about it like uh becoming stronger faster more agile more durable having all these different things it requires resources it costs it's expensive for your body there's body and your body wants to make efficient, you know, all these different movements and processes at the time. So if it sees these repeated patterns, it's gonna, it's gonna figure it out and it's gonna make that process like most beneficial, you know, so yeah, like you don't have to use as much energy. Basically your body is like a D student in school. Literally, it will do just enough to pass. It will never get an A. It's why.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Why would any an A when I can pass with a D? Right. And so you have to provide a challenge to your body and you have to know how to provide that challenge and do it properly with proper programming and phasing and the right kind of action. My body is a double D. When the hell did a D become a passing grade?
Starting point is 00:40:19 Don't you pass with a D? This was a C, yeah. Is it a C? No, no, it's a C. School's I went to anyway. Yeah. No, I'm no, it's a sea. School's I went to anyway. No, I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure it's a it's a is it a D? No, it's a sea. Really? I thought F was fail. D was pass. No, D is for dummy. F is failed. D is for dummy. C is pass. B is above average. A is your absolutely awesome. I don't know. Did you find the quote, Doug? You did hear? Let me let's.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Oh, you didn't find it. Yep. Well, there you go, Doug. Well, we don't have that, so. You're gonna have to imagine it. Way to go, Doug. Way to go. I'm gonna look it up. Why don't you guys talk about that? No, I just, the reason why I wanted to bring it up is because it's such a great quote,
Starting point is 00:40:58 and it goes right into what we're talking about right now, because, you know, just because you don't have, you don't have to train the body to be able to be capable to do certain things with that. What is really. All right. So this is one of the great philosophers of all time. And he must have said this sometime, you know, 200 BC or something.
Starting point is 00:41:15 I don't know. Or excuse me, somewhere around, you know, 400 BC. No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. It's a very powerful quote. I remember the first time I read that because he said it's a shame and it is because it's like you're born with this incredible machine that evolves after millions of years or if
Starting point is 00:41:43 you believe in creation, I was created by some higher being, and you are not tapping into any of it. You're not realizing your true potential. You're driving a Ferrari, but you only stay in first gear and you put shitty gas and you don't change the oil, or like Adam says, you have flat tires. It's like you have no idea what you're walking around. Well, let's talk about the carry-overs when you actually do start to reach your full potential of your body.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I mean, to me, I mean, it's great. I mean, it had thousands of clients that you've changed and shown results as far as losing body weight and building muscle and training for a sport and, you know, increasing their speed and decreasing their mile time. Blah, blah, blah. But really, to me, the most rewarding, the best part about is seeing how that empowers them and the other stuff that they notice.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Like all of a sudden, you become so productive that how proud of yourself you become, it changes your personality. It changes the way you carry yourself, the way you talk. And why did I feel so passionate about that? So those that listen I started a YouTube channel you could look this up this is along this is now got its been almost four years now
Starting point is 00:42:51 We love to hate Adam on YouTube and I started my transformation and was when I was you know 19% body fat. I was fat on there and it was gonna be my my journey and I started doing logs And you can hear it in my voice. Like I sound like two different, and it's not like I wasn't aware of that until after the fact, after I've, you know, we have so much recording now with the Mind Pump and all the social media channels.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Yeah, it does, it says. I don't hit it. But you can hear it in my voice, and then if you compare to videos later on after the transformation of it. Think about it this way. If your body in mind is adapted, remember it will adapt,
Starting point is 00:43:31 it will always adapt to the minimum. If your body in mind is adapted to you, going to work, sitting at your computer, going home, watching TV, that's how you're gonna feel. If your body is adapted to something more than that, and of course you got to do it right, because if you do it wrong, you're not going to get there.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Imagine how you feel when you do those the doubts and thoughts. When you're going to feel like a, you're a fucking race force. Exactly. If you're never, if you're never expanding the kind of energy required for these types of movements, you're never going to feel yourself at a higher energy.
Starting point is 00:44:03 No, and the first thing, here's the first thing, I gotta say this, here's the first thing you notice. When your body is in that kind of shape and you start to feel it, your body wants to mate. That's like, you become, your libido goes up and you become, you become, you know, v-rile, you want to mate. And then you put off signals before your body changes,
Starting point is 00:44:23 before you lose weight and get fit, you automatically, there's very subtle cues in your body, everything from skin tone to your pheromones. We call that sex panther. That's right, it says that's a good name for a cologne. Sex panther. I was already using an anchor man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:40 You release, you send out these signals to that other people want to mate with. So you become this kind of sexy feeling kind of person because your body is like, wow, we are an optimal shape. This person can support a human life. Let's go fuck. And that's, so that's a great feeling. I know everybody listening right now,
Starting point is 00:45:00 let me tell you something, one of the best feelings you can feel in the world. So that just turned me on. I know, one of the best feelings you can feel in the world. Is, that just turn me on. I know. One of the best feelings you can have in the world is to be, to have a good, healthy libido. Because you walk around feeling like a fucking champ. I can't help but imagine this guy right across the window
Starting point is 00:45:14 as bad as he has his little vurchs or his vertical mirror. They could see himself as he's hitting it. Like, hey, good job. He's giving himself thumbs up in the mirror. Good job, there's Sal. Yeah. That feels good Works great great form. There's no need to imagine bro. You've seen
Starting point is 00:45:29 I've sent you several of those videos. All you got to do is look up at them. Yeah, but Boom, that's a good place to end there With that subscribe to mine pump. Please leave us a five star rating and review Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show, and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Pomp.

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