Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2246: How to Lose Body Fat Without Cutting Calories, Symptoms of Low Testosterone, Tips to Maintain Strength When Losing Weight & More

Episode Date: January 10, 2024

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: The... MOST effective thing you can do to get in shape is to hire a good trainer or coach. (2:21) Will A.I. solve everything in our lifetime? (22:06) Do cannabis users have higher heavy metals in their bodies? (29:45) Generational differences. (33:36) What makes a movie a sci-fi movie? (40:44) Repopulating your gut, the RIGHT way, with Seed. (44:44) Shout out to Mind Pump’s 3-Day Trainer Series! (46:47) #ListenerLive question #1 - Could you provide guidance on an appropriate diet for my goals of fat loss, muscle building, and strength for someone with a busy lifestyle? (47:34) #ListenerLive question #2 - How do I lose weight without losing strength? (58:20) #ListenerLive question #3 - Is it in my best interest to keep reverse dieting even though my weight might get kind of high and gain more fat? (1:08:39) #ListenerLive question #4 - What are some things I can do to raise my testosterone and keep improving my gains in the weight room? (1:20:51) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Exclusively for Mind Pump Listeners, NCI is giving away one full-ride scholarship to all of NCI’s programs. Click this link to learn more and to apply. The winner gets chosen on January 15th. Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code MINDPUMP at checkout for 30% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  The 2022 IHRSA Global Report | IHRSA Mind Pump #1492: Five Things To Look For In An Online Coach With Jason Phillips Personal Trainer 3-Day Training – Starting Jan. 15, 2024 French republican calendar Marijuana users have more heavy metals in their bodies | CNN New Study of Protein Powders from Clean Label Project Finds Elevated Levels of Heavy Metals and BPA in 53 Leading Brands How To Do The Work – Book by Dr. Nicole LePera The Creator - Apple TV Visit Hiya for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! MAPS 15 Minutes How to Undulate Your Calories for Faster Weight Loss & an Improved Metabolism – Mind Pump TV Carb Cycling: A Good Way To Lose Fat? – Mind Pump Blog MAPS Powerlift Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP TV Reverse Dieting 101 | MAPS Fitness Products Visit NutriSense for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code MINDPUMP at checkout** Dr. Stephen Cabral Nutrient Tests TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jason Phillips (@nci_ceo_jason) Instagram Dr. Nicole LePera (@the.holistic.psychologist) Instagram Jeff Nippard (@jeffnippard) Instagram Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness health entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pumper. In today's episode, we answered live caller's questions. So people called in and we helped them out on air. But that was after our intro portion was with 45 minutes long.
Starting point is 00:00:26 That's where we talk about studies and current events and family life and stuff like that. By the way, check the show notes. There's timestamps there. You can click on one to go to your favorite parts. Also, if you want to be on an episode like this one, email us at live at mineputmedia.com. Now, this episode is brought to you by some sponsors.
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Starting point is 00:01:33 We have the body transformation bundle. We have the new year extreme intensity bundle and the body transformation bundle 2.0. You can find all of those at mapsgenuary.com. All right, here comes a show. Teacher. And it's T-shirt time. Oh, shit. You know, it's my favorite time of the week. Six winners this week, three for Apple podcasts, three for Facebook, the Apple podcast winners are bond bond, army Tyson junkers and Jay Mac nuggets. For Facebook, we have Ryan Lowe, Susan Cune, Newtson, and Jacob Smith. All six of you are winners.
Starting point is 00:02:12 And the name I just read to iTunes at mindpumpmedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address. And we'll get that shirt right out to you. Look, if you're trying to get in shape, if you're trying to lose weight, be more fit. Get stronger. There's one thing you can do that will guarantee results better than anything else. In other words, the most effective thing you can do to help yourself get in shape is the following. Higher, a good trainer or coach, nothing comes close to hiring a good trainer or coach,
Starting point is 00:02:43 nothing at all. So if you're serious about your goals, if you really want to get to those results and you wanna keep them, look for a good trainer or coach. Worth their weight and gold. Is that really upward trend? Or no, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:02:57 Oh no, yeah, right now in terms of people, hiring personal trainers. Yeah, like I felt like early 2000s, we went through kind of a boom, at least I felt like online maybe. You just in general, period. Like at the gyms, you're right. Well, just period, right?
Starting point is 00:03:12 So in early 2000s, there was a big boom, in fact, in the Silicon Valley where we're at, where we started as personal trainers, it was almost like a, I don't know, cliche, I think to say, right? Like, I have a personal trainer. Like, you became like this. Like an accessory or something? Yeah, like, it was a cool thing, right?
Starting point is 00:03:32 Cause, you know, the dot com bubble was exploding and you had a lot of people that were making money fast. And that was the rise, I think of gyms, gyms and personal trainer culture and before the fitness industry was labeled as the fitness industry. And so, and then it kind of burst, you know, after like the 07, 08 time, and then since then it feels like it's been on this slow climb back.
Starting point is 00:03:58 And so I'm just curious. It's grown year after year consistently. Consistently since the mid 90s, you know, I want to be, you know, I want to kind of clarify by the way, a good trainer or coach is worth their weight and gold. Good being the important word here because not all trainers and coaches are created equal. A bad trainer or coach is going to be a waste of time and money might actually set you back. But yeah, it's grown. Yeah, but judges pulled up a stat. That's pretty weak. No, you could look up a urshah. Urshah will have stats or personal training.
Starting point is 00:04:29 What do you see with that's how that's written? That's such a fun way to grow. Yeah, but such a 10-year period of time. Yeah, 10-year period of time. So 1% a year basically. Yeah, basically. Yeah. Now, I do remember, because I started in gyms
Starting point is 00:04:41 in the late 90s and the revenue that gyms were bringing in for personal training was nothing compared to where it got within three or four. Also, the percentage, so we used to, I remember early days too, this is talking about late 90s, early 2000s, we used to keep track, the company used to keep track of what percentage of the population are we penetrating?
Starting point is 00:05:04 And it was like four% when I first started. It was such a small number. I believe that's like over a quarter now, but I haven't kept up with those stats. Like I don't know if the industry is growing, based on what Doug just pulled up, that's not very fast. One percent a year is pretty steady.
Starting point is 00:05:21 No, I'm steady. Trainers are getting better though. I will say that. And I wonder if that is like referring to just personal trainers in gyms, because now we have the explosion of internet coaches. That didn't exist, you know, just 10 years ago. Yeah, you would do that. I don't even think they call online coaches personal trainers, right? So fitness instructors, what would you call them fitness coaches? How would you classify all of them? I think they'd call them a fitness coach. Yeah, but I mean,
Starting point is 00:05:54 it's more you know, be a better value a little bit more now because you know, be a better person to ask or people to talk to is NSM. So I'm talking about how we're looking to be working with an NSM in the future and they would be a great, like just a show in Rome. I'm a hero going getting certified through the real trends today versus say 10 years ago. And I'm pretty sure there's been massive growth for them. Well, I like I said revenue wise, I remember working in a big box gym, that same gym started with when I started there in 1997, the goal for the club was $13,000 in revenue a month. That same club, same location, everything, just four or five years later,
Starting point is 00:06:30 was doing over $100,000 in personal training. Jim started to catch on and see that this was a valuable way to keep members and build value. I do think it did start to reverse, though, for a second, because then they got in that kind of price war, right? Where it's like, let's see how cheap we can make our memberships and make it so inexpensive that people keep their membership but don't show up.
Starting point is 00:06:51 And we, you know, we profit off that. Nonetheless, like, if you're, it's getting fit, losing weight, it's complicated. It's challenging. And the data's, like, proves it. Like if you look at the data, about 90% of people who lose weight gain it back within the first year. People lose weight all the time.
Starting point is 00:07:11 So it's not as simple as people think. It's very challenging. And you, having someone there to guide you along the way, I mean, can you think of, if you, if you had to almost guarantee somebody got fit and healthy, obviously you can't guarantee it, right? Because there's going to be lots of challenges.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Is a person going to fall along? Is it going to work for them? What's their lifestyle like all that stuff? But if you had to like, okay, if someone said, pick the most short way for these people to get fit and healthy and you could choose any method, it'd be a good train to record. Do you think? Nothing comes close. Do you the space, hands down. Over-simplifies or over-complicates, getting in shape.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Oh God. What a great question. I think they try, they think they do both. Okay, good answer, because I feel the same way too. I feel like we live at both ends of the spectrum. You're either one, either one, we over-complicate it to try and over-sell ourselves, right? Like, you need me.
Starting point is 00:08:07 This is way too difficult. You know, it'd be dangerous to do it without me. There's that side. And then there's the over-supplication of just like, a calorie to calorie, and as long as you abide by the local dynamics, you'll be fine. You'll get in shape. Just go in and do some exercises.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Do some movement. Make some better food choices. It's easy. I feel like it's both's both it's both those worlds I think the over simplification mainstream is more like Donnie carbs or just eat this or just do this new workout plan. It's gonna make you lose weight The complicated part is that people hear so many of these over simplified messages. They don't know which one to pick And then they get confused.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Well, these people say, it's carbs. These people say it's fat. Wait a minute, I'm supposed to go vegan. These people say, strength training, but how should I strength training? Well, there's crossfit, there's powerlifting. There's this. But what about cardio? And so, this is where a coach is so valuable because it needs to be an individualized experience. And this is where like, yeah, I do think think you're gonna get both ends of those spectrums Otherwise because you have systems and you have methods that they try to capture Big swass of the population big groups of people to all kind of funnel them in that direction or the other one is just like Oh, it's really simple. You just need to take a few of these
Starting point is 00:09:19 Staps and just lower your calories so like eat eat less and just move more and it's like that only goes so far You know what reminds me of when I was a kid I got in a martial arts I thought it was so cool. So watch these like all these martial art movies and I went to the library and I got Books on Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Muay Thai and I had a cousin who was a black belt In what was he karate and he looked at the books and he laughed at me and he goes, you'll never learn martial arts that way. I'm like, what do you mean the moves are right there? I just move in the book.
Starting point is 00:09:51 So this is what people, and that's even, and that's kind of a good analogy, right? It's like, oh, exercises, I'll just do the exercises. Or like, no, no, it's a journey. Think about this way, the way you're living now is the reason why you look and feel the way you look and feel right now. In order to look and feel the way you want to,
Starting point is 00:10:11 that means the way you live has to change. So 30 pound leaner version of you, who's stronger and more fit, who goes to the gym, let's say three days a week, or does all these things, that's not the same person, fundamentally. Not having a guide help you get go there, dramatically increases the challenge and the difficulty.
Starting point is 00:10:31 What person or what client has the hardest time understanding this? What person or what client, what type of person has the hardest time understanding that? God. That's a good question. Man generally are tougher and younger people tend to have a, they're less likely I'd say to hire a trainer. I mean, I, I, I, I, I agree with that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:55 I think that's why it's so funny to that most male fitness influencers appeal to other young male in fluid, is a terrible business model. Yeah. It is. Very short lived. Yeah. It's so funny because I, you know, it's very short-lived. It's so funny, because I, you know, it's like I wanna shake them all and wake them up
Starting point is 00:11:08 and say, hey, bro, the take your shirt off with the cool hype videos behind you and doing stuff like that. Like, you know you're only attracting all the other 17 to 25 year old guys that don't spend any money on you. And you have to keep doing it. And don't let the new ones.
Starting point is 00:11:22 All the 17 to 25 year guys don't have any money and don't want to take direction from anybody. You know that's who you're attracting, right? I don't know. You know, I remember when we used to give away, like, I don't know, it was a five session, first like a few sessions, you give away for free, you know? And then I remember like trying to convince like guys to,
Starting point is 00:11:38 well, you know, I know you have your program, you're routine that you're doing here, just give it a shot, like you could not get guys to go, you know, and make're just giving a shot, like you could not get guys to go, you know, and make that step or like commit to that. I was just like, it was always frustrating. I mean, but then I understood, yeah, it's that age group, and it's like,
Starting point is 00:11:55 you have this like idea that you have all these things figured out. I mean, in general, right? I mean, they know, I think they've done stuff. I mean, so I you know, if they've done studies and stuff on this one, like we just don't ask for direction. Yeah, too. I mean, just, and that's exactly what that is.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I mean, that's like, that's no different than pulling over and going to a gas station and picking up a map. It's like emitting, yeah, you help. Yes, like, I don't want to miss that. Heaven forbid, we do that, right? After all, you know, that's totally true. It's definitely more challenging,
Starting point is 00:12:21 but I think as people get older generally, if you look at the, and also the cost of personal training, right? Hiring a trainer coach is a lot more expensive than just getting a gym membership or buying a supplement or, you know, training to follow a diet, putting a plan from the internet or something like that. But so you're gonna get an overclan tell there, asking directions these other part. But when I talk to people about the cost of training, it's like this, it's like, you're almost guaranteed to fail otherwise. So however much money, and I know people are like, you know, maybe watching and say, no, you know, I've done this before. Where you're,
Starting point is 00:12:53 look where you're at now. You've done it in your back, right? Real success with this means it sticks with you for the rest of your life, not that you can do it when you do it, and then you can't do it for some reason. Well, it's because what you're really what you're paying for is education. Education, guidance. Yeah, I mean, that's that's so invaluable. I mean, when you when you go through that process, now granted, we're assuming you have a good coach and trainer, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I mean, because you could hire a bad one. But if you get a good coach and trainer, whether that's five sessions you do with them or 50 sessions with them, it's all Education around you understanding better how your metabolism works What are proper macros for your body? What exercises work or don't work for you aches and pains you may have How do I address and back steps? Yeah, yeah, how to how to manage intensity? How to prioritize the big rocks like sleep and recovery and other things besides just hammering your body inside the gym. There's so many things that
Starting point is 00:13:51 You learn going through that process. And what's crazy is that the there's definitely a part of this that you're you know You want a good trainer to know Biomechanics anatomy exercise and program design and that kind of stuff. They'll learn that with good certifications, but there's more than just that, right? You want to work with someone who knows how to coach you along the way because it's challenging. Trouble shoot with you. Yeah, so like NCI does a good job with that. They teach their coaches and trainers like how to coach and train people and work with
Starting point is 00:14:21 people. You know, we're going to be doing that for a few days for free, where we're going to work with coaches and trainers and teach them the stuff that we saw that really made trainers effective and successful. That's a mind pump trainer.com, if you're a trainer. But the stuff that I used to teach trainers and coaches to help them become more successful,
Starting point is 00:14:41 it often wasn't the nuts and bolts of workouts and macros and stuff like that. It often wasn't the, you know, nuts and bolts of workouts and, you know, macros and stuff like that. It was more about like, how do you guide someone along this path? Because it's tough. It's tough to make these changes, the behavioral thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Behavioral stuff, right? Well, the application, I mean, you mentioned NCI, I mean, that was one of the things that we always said that was one of our favorite things about Jason and his team was that, I mean, he had a great understanding on an academic level as far as around nutrition and so with that, but he had even better understanding as a coach on how to apply that information to average people, which is the same journey that we went through as trainers inside the gym is like,
Starting point is 00:15:21 it's important to have all that knowledge. Like, obviously, you need to be able to answer a lot of these questions that people have and then in that education is super important. But if you can't get people to adhere to it or you don't know how to pivot, you know, with all the challenges that you're going to have with every individual, then what's it all worth? Totally. I, I, I even would talk to people or members like this because, you know, high-ranked trainer, let's say on average, depending on where you're in the country, you might cost you, I don't know,, hiring a trainer, let's say on average,
Starting point is 00:15:45 depending on where you're in the country, you might cost you, I don't know, $60 an hour, let's say. And I would, you know, we would talk about this. And if you got a trainer for 10 sessions, I mean, it's $600 for a lot of people, that's a real expensive. So I'd say things like this, it's a, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:58 you're gonna get way more value out of working with a trainer even once a month for 60 bucks than you will with anything else you can spend 60 bucks on. Like think of once a month for 60 bucks, then you will with anything else you can spend 60 bucks on. Like think of anything you can spend 60 bucks on for health and fitness. Yeah. Prpear powder. Nothing. Pre workout. Nothing. Nothing comes close to one hour with a good coach or trainer once
Starting point is 00:16:16 a month. Now, that's not ideal. Ideally, you want to see them weekly. So, I've always found that the psychology around that so interesting to me is like, how quick we are. I mean, what is the supplement industry? It's a billion, multi-billion dollar industry. It's so crazy how quickly we would buy a powder that is supposed to give us X, Y or Z. I remember one time, I told this story before, I was doing body fat tests at one of the clubs I was managing. And this woman comes up and I'm testing her body fat. She wanted to lose weight. And I remember I went with I think the at the time because they do the measurements different
Starting point is 00:16:50 elbows bicep tricep, sub scapula, which is by the shoulder blade and then right above the hip bone. Yeah, we still do those right. So I'm doing them all and I got to the tricep measurement and the tricep measurement was half of the bicep measurement. That's weird. You guys know that never happens. Triceps always more body fat than the bicep measurement was half of the bicep measurement. That's weird. You guys know that? That never happens. Triceps always more body fat than the bicep.
Starting point is 00:17:08 So I did that and I looked at it a few times and I said, that's weird and she goes, what? And I said, your tricep measurement is leaner than your bicep. I said, then never happened. She goes, oh, I had liposuction. Liposuction years ago. Now, at this point, she was interested in personal training
Starting point is 00:17:23 because she needed to lose. I don't remember what it was. It was substantial, 40 or 50 pounds. She had spent, I mean, how much do you think liposuction cost? 10,000,000. 10s of thousands of dollars. Had she invested that in a good coach or trainer, she would have not been in that position. And that's the value that people place. It's so crazy. It's so much, it would be easier for me to sell a stack of powders and pills for
Starting point is 00:17:48 five or 600 bucks. Totally to sell 10 sessions of personal training, which is crazy to think that and you think it's because maybe one of them you know that requires. Yes, I just say, I think it has to be it has to be that you know that hiring the trainer is not like it's not a pill you just take it's I a pill you just take. It's, I'm gonna have to put the work in, I'm gonna have to show up, I'm gonna have to learn,
Starting point is 00:18:08 I'm gonna have to listen, I'm gonna have to apply, where it's like, oh, but if you give me the stack of powders and pills, all I have to do is take them. Just take them, I can do that, that's easy, right? And so, and that weird how that all that works, so like how people would quickly buy or spend five to 600 bucks on a powder and pill
Starting point is 00:18:26 that is at best giving you 10% edge. Nothing at that. There's no supplement. I know. And that's like over exact. You create a supplement that gives someone 10%. Yeah. You'd be a trillion.
Starting point is 00:18:38 That crazy. Like so 5% at best, right? It's giving you something like that. And yet you and the value you would get from just 10 sessions with the coach, yet that that's not where people spend their money. You know, it's weird. Is there, there doesn't even exist a pill that would give somebody 10%?
Starting point is 00:18:51 That would take just a pill and all of a sudden be like, wow, this transformed my body. And there are always only an abog, the anabogs would be the closest thing. But they don't even do that. If you took the average person off the street and they did nothing else but took steroids, it would have transformed their bodies.
Starting point is 00:19:05 No. No, there would still be the same body fat percentage. They probably hold a little water, maybe get a little stronger, but that's about it. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. Probably get worse health as a result.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Yeah, it's just a work part of that. I mean, people will try any way to find the path of least resistance. It's just like it's human nature. In general, you really have to fight that sort of urge to venture out and if you really want to change and grow requires like it. That's a change.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Look, if you want to get on this journey of growth, because that's what it is. You want to get on this journey of growth, hire a guide who's done it before and work with other people. That's your best bet. I can't stress how important it is going for that we learn as humans to think more like this because it's going to get more and more difficult to choose the harder path, right? Like,
Starting point is 00:19:54 I mean, we're so close to this AI being here and taking care of so many of the things that are laborists or require you to think a bunch or ponder or challenge yourself. Like, weird dude, really, really weird that this is like a round. Soon we're gonna get spoon fed by robots, you know, at this point. You know, it's pretty like lift something. What's crazy about this, the data on, on, like, happiness and contentment and depression, so it was really clear. You have to have challenge.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Challenge, yep. Like things have to be hard. It's so strange, but it's 100% confirmed and true. So like you get these. I mean, that's why a lot of machines do everything for you. You are going to be necessary. You're going to be depressed.
Starting point is 00:20:34 That's why one of my favorite sayings is where people say, choose your hard, right? Like you get hard no matter what. Like you're going to suffer no matter what. So best choose it. Choose what it's going to be. Yeah, it's hard to get up early in the morning and get your workout in before your day starts or it's hard to sacrifice eating that juicy meal that you can just drive through, pick up. It's difficult. It's difficult to make those choices, but better to choose that
Starting point is 00:20:59 hard than the hard that comes from not making those choices and then allowing all that stuff to manifest all these other things inside your body that end up making you ill and now you're fighting this disease. And it's like, you know what's even crazier than that though? Because people often think of the big chronic diseases. Like, well, if you don't take care of yourself
Starting point is 00:21:16 and you get a heart attack or heart disease or cancer or diabetes, all true that can all happen. But what people don't realize is their day to day is affected with to day. Yeah, dude is affected With their mood. This is all perfect. They're this is all proven by lots of studies, right? Your mood the way you interpret the world changes of course the highs are not as high the lows are way low We're uncomfortable in pain if you're weak if you're unmotivated
Starting point is 00:21:41 You know what how is your mind going to if you're unmotivated, you know, what, how is your mind going to address a lot of these things, these tasks in front of you on a day-to-day basis? Just to enjoy life. You're just, you're gonna be, like, it's gonna affect you in a negative direction. And how sad is, so the sad part is if you live your life for a long time this way, you don't know the difference. Yeah. So you might not even know what it feels like.
Starting point is 00:22:04 I mean, you know what I think? Do you think, think you think it's moving fast enough that we see it in our lifetime where like a lot of this stuff is all completely solved and everybody has pretty much what they want. I mean, everything's taken care of by A.I.s tools and like the most the hard is to take care of. The leading researchers. So like Ray Kurzweil and a few other. I don't remember the name, I know his name,
Starting point is 00:22:25 because he's written a few books. There's like four people that predict, like when the great singularity's gonna happen. Singularity. And they all, they all averaged out, they all had a range, but the average was 2035. Wow, it's like so close. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:41 That's around the corner. I mean, it's really it's the physical. Like I think a lot of the, you obviously software and systems and you know things that like People are are doing for work that that requires more thought and like memory and all that stuff is like gonna be a little bit real fast look how close we are to like just food and shelter Like you you guys obviously have seen these massive AI tools that can build these homes now, right? I mean, we're 3D printing homes is like around the corner.
Starting point is 00:23:12 And they're already, you see all these little miniature houses that are being manufactured for nothing. So have you seen that there's some cool houses that they're almost literally like Lego blocks? Yeah, that's the one he was showing. Yeah, you showed me. Yeah, I sent it over to you guys. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:25 I was like tripping out like how fun that would have been to like build your own house. Just like brick by brick. Um, just like a lake. Yeah. I mean, I actually, I predict that is what's going to slow the housing market up before anything else does, right? So what will keep, so our current housing prices
Starting point is 00:23:43 from not going to $2 million for a house is that you'll, it'll offer up. Those houses will stay expensive like that. I don't think anyone will buy them though. I think companies are going to build them in a rent and for cheap. That's what I think. Well, that's, I think that's, I mean, that's a pretty good guess. I don't think they're going to make them. They'll be smart. Yeah. There's going to have stuff like that. You have the things that we're doing with genetically modifying food now. And we're being able to create me in a lab before you know it. We're going to be able to AI robots will that have manufacturer all this fake food that will be able
Starting point is 00:24:12 and which by the way, for people that are starving in certain places in the world, I think it's amazing. That's amazing. But in places like here, we don't have a food problem. Well, you have a food problem, but it's not a problem. But I mean, so those are two big things. Food shelter is going to be handled for a majority of people for relatively inexpensive or not.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Do you know what though? I'll tell you this, the 20th century, the back half of the 20th century, we lifted more people out of poverty in that, during that back half, than we ever did in the rest of human history. Okay, so, and we are rapidly moving towards they're being essentially no poverty on earth.
Starting point is 00:24:48 I mean, we're moving. That's what that is. But the big problem. If you can house everybody and feed everybody for virtually no cost. But here's what people aren't paying attention to because that is obviously terrible, right? You see someone who's generally,
Starting point is 00:25:01 like in a place part of the world that's maybe war torn or super impoverished, like that's terrible. That is gonna, we're on the road to eradicating that worldwide. What we are paying attention to is the rise, the explosion of chronic illnesses, including mental illness, depression and anxiety, exploding at crazy rates in developed in the developed world.
Starting point is 00:25:25 It's in sane. And then, you know, like these other chronic diseases that like I mentioned earlier, cancers and diabetes and heart disease and stuff like that, but the mental illness is. Mental illness piece is going to be such a big one. Well, that's the, that's to choose your heart. That's your purpose. That's your challenge, right? That's a part of what gives you meaning is having challenge in your life and overcoming that, not having that.
Starting point is 00:25:47 It could be torturous. Yeah. So this is kind of like, I mean, we did sort of address the bigger sphere, the bigger vision of this one, we're at arc. And I know that that's kind of their mission. But I do think more people need to think in that direction of like, how can we create like a more of a positive outlook on, you know, a lot of these things that are just happening so quickly in these innovations. And we're literally, you know, at the cusp of a completely new looking civilization, you know, and that that's that's really close with this whole AI explosion.
Starting point is 00:26:19 And just the way that like, you know, our world shrinking, you know what, it's funny about that because when you have like this rapid innovation, what tends to happen is we forget the value of certain old customs and traditions and wisdom. And so this is where a lot of, in my opinion, a lot of the anxieties and depression come from because we forget all those things. Yep. Because now we can solve big problems like food and shelter. The moral and the ethical issues, I think need to be more in the forefront. Those, they've been so left behind.
Starting point is 00:26:48 The old spiritual practices have lasted for thousands of just as relevant today as they were back then at helping people have, you know, meaning in their life stuff. But, but what you're just talked about reminding me of the front after the French Revolution, I just read this the other day. So, French Revolution happens, they get rid of the monarchs, they kill them and they're like, it's a new world. We're gonna run it with science and reason and we're gonna just change everything, right?
Starting point is 00:27:13 They changed. So what's our calendar's called, or what? Gregorian calendar, am I saying that right? I believe so, yes. They said, this is irrational. Let's create a new one. And they changed minutes, instead of being 60 seconds, being 100 seconds, and they changed
Starting point is 00:27:29 how many minutes were in an hour. So it was all balanced, like they had physicists and scientists create new calendars, new clocks. It was a 10 day work week. They said, this is much more, this is superior. You should kept the Mayan calendar. You gotta, yeah, you gotta look to subdub, look up. I didn't know that was a thing.
Starting point is 00:27:44 French Revolution clocks, yeah, you gotta look to Subdog. Look up. I didn't know that was a thing. French Revolution clocks, or, you know, after they changed from the regular, anyway, it was a huge disaster. Wow. Because people were just confused. They couldn't trade with a country. They were just a total, like a wonderful example of arrogance.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Where we're just like, yeah, we're, we got something better. This is the better way. Yeah, everybody's like, I didn't know that was a thing. Yeah, I was after the French Revolution. You can look at how long did that last? Oh, well, Napoleon came and switched everything back, right? There it is.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Yeah, 1793. Yeah. 10 hour day, 100 minutes per hour, 100 seconds per minute. Yeah. And they, they, they wanted, they wanted to make everything equal and balanced. This is the root of Marxism, by the way, was during the French Revolution.
Starting point is 00:28:28 These were the philosophers. So they changed that. They changed the names of the days because they don't want anybody to be religious. So Sundays no longer Sunday and you know. I didn't know about that. Yeah, dude. And they wanted to get rid of the months
Starting point is 00:28:39 because now Christmas is not being celebrated. Dude, I know this. I read this whole article so crazy. So wild. Interesting. Look up the days. What did they name the days? So how long did you say it lasted?
Starting point is 00:28:47 How long did they did it? 1970, 1973. Good question. Or was that when Napoleon came in? Napoleon came and then changed everything back. And I don't know when that happened. Yeah. Yeah, I was actually reading a little,
Starting point is 00:28:58 I don't know a lot about him, but pretty fascinating. I was reading super interesting. Yeah, they just came out with that movie. The autumn months were given, we see different names than the winter months were changed. They changed everything. What?
Starting point is 00:29:09 Re-invented society to be more. I would feel like we're kind of doing that with all the work week stuff that you're trying to do and stuff like that now where they're trying to do like a three or a four day work week. You know, that's fine. It would be weird though if they said all of a sudden. No more Sunday.
Starting point is 00:29:21 There were six months a year. Every month has 30, 60 days or you know, stuff like that would be a whole weird. Yeah, you know. Yeah, I'm imagining how much that changes everything. I've changed brain to think about that. 10 hour days, like 100 minutes. Like, huh?
Starting point is 00:29:35 Oh, what time is it right now? 17, 05, your brain might like actually like process things differently. Yeah, it was like, it was gonna be weird. Oh, dude, I gotta tell you guys something else I read. This is crazy. So, okay, you guys know I'm off cannabis, right? So off cannabis and because of this,
Starting point is 00:29:52 I was reading up on like, what do people notice afterwards and this that and the other? And then I pulled up a study which actually gave me some encouragement. Trip off this, they test it and we're about to do a heavy metals test. That's what reminded me of. So we're about to send send in heavy metals. Oh, I saw that you sent this over
Starting point is 00:30:08 I saw this did you see this? Yeah, I saw this bro They tested cannabis users against non cannabis users and consistently cannabis users had higher heavy metals really because cannabis Of course it from this soil this soil and growers often often use pesticides and herbicides and that have a... Yeah, a man. I know. Now I wonder how much that is in, like if you were somebody who smokes a lot of outdoor versus indoor weed because if... Like is it different?
Starting point is 00:30:37 Oh yeah, of course. No, no, no, no. Do you think the heavy metals would be different? I would think so because you're less controlled outdoor. Well, there's no soil. There's no soil. They don't use soil indoor, right? It's all. Well, when you grow into, Well, there's no soil. There's no soil indoor, right? It's all. Well, when you grow into, well, there's a couple ways you can grow indoor.
Starting point is 00:30:48 You can do hydroponics. I can't panic. So you have no soil right there. That probably has no heavy metal. Right. And then, or you could do soil, but this is like manufactured soil. This is like, I would imagine if you have it in a bag that you purchase it from the grow, I would think that that's part of what you're buying some of the cleanest pure
Starting point is 00:31:04 of soil. You can get, I would guess, you know, I would guess if you measured that soil. Well, these were, but I would think out in the middle of nowhere where a lot of these people are growing where there's, I mean, that's a good question, but that's crazy, right? Because apparently the plant itself, because then I read about it, it's like a, that's, I mean, it's one of the things it does is it sucks up. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:23 So now imagine this, somebody with anxiety or pain, they're like, oh, I should use cannabis for, and they get some relief. But then they start to build up toxic metals in their body. They get more symptoms, they use more cannabis, get more talk. Not no.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Fritious cycle. Oh, my God. Yeah, I would love to see more information around that, right? There's also a big movement in the cannabis space too of growing organic, having organic soil, organic, all that's it, because then there's the other side that, right? Because there's also a big movement in the cannabis space too of growing organic, having organic soil, organic, all, that's it, because then there's the other side too, right? In the, especially in the black market,
Starting point is 00:31:50 it's like, you know, it's all about yield, right? And strength. And so a lot of chemicals are used for that. Well, trip off this, remember the protein powder study that was years ago, where they looked at the protein powders to see in the organic proteins or the highest, because organic pesticides, the ones that are higher in heavy metals.
Starting point is 00:32:11 So both, that's the thing too, because cannabis has been touted as medicine at this point, right? And to be fighting a lot of autoimmune issues, it will ingesting more heavy metals is not good. We all did a heavy metal, how long ago was it we did that one heavy metal test? Over a year, two years. ingesting more heavy metals. It's not not good. We all did a heavy metal. How long ago was that we did that one heavy metal test? Over a year, two years.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Yeah, over a year. Oh, yeah, we had like mercury. All of us had, it wasn't alarming, but we all had mercury in our business. It was the one thing we all had in common, which we had us to like, what are we all drinking eating or doing the same exactly, which is the studio, right?
Starting point is 00:32:42 Yeah, and that we thought it might be the studio lights or whatever and so we have this like air filter. So we'll see what happens. Maybe it's weed. That's too raw. Yeah we all. But who had the eyes? I didn't eat. I didn't eat.
Starting point is 00:32:55 I didn't smoke. I definitely didn't have the highest on that test. I remember that test. I think eating would give you more. Probably. No. No. I mean I definitely feel like like you more probably. No. Not again. I mean, I definitely feel like everything else we do is humans, like we over corrected on
Starting point is 00:33:11 that, right? Like it was like, Mara wanted it, like your brain on drugs, you know, it's going to kill you. It's like so bad. You know, like demonize it so bad. I'm like, here's everything. Yeah, yeah. I think it's just like, yeah, it's the cure all.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Yeah, I think it's the cure's everything. It's the medicine for the way. And I'm like, yeah, wait a minute. Yeah. We oversold it. Yeah, we oversold it. Yeah, we oversold it a little bit. Well, again, it always, you know, and those of you that develops gets afraid of it. Maybe it was a maybe done a good idea.
Starting point is 00:33:34 My bad. Dude, I gotta tell you guys a hilarious story at one of our family parties. So we had a big family party. Yeah, I was a holiday right. We had a big family party. And so in my in in our culture It's rude not to kiss like people when they ask for a kiss especially older people, okay?
Starting point is 00:33:53 So like grandma uncle at the good old little kid. You know, hello Well, that's the hello. Yeah, but for little kids even so they'll go to a little kid who's two or three Yeah, come here. Give me a kiss and the kid goes now goes, now, and then you go give him a kiss, right? Let him kiss you, okay. Now I grew up that way, so I didn't see anything weird with it. But as I got older, I was like, hmm, this is, I don't know if that's a good thing. Like, let me choose.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Yeah, you should, like a kid should learn that it's like they own their body. That they should not be like, like a adult should have authority to force them to kill. That's how weird shit happens. Right. When no one's looking, like they own their body, that they should not be like, like a adult should have authority to force them to kill. Like that's how weird shit happens. When no one's looking, like they should learn respect and say hi and all that stuff. But if they say no, it's their body,
Starting point is 00:34:32 they should learn that they have that power. That way they're not, you know, it's hard to mess with these kids or take advantage of. So, you know, with our little ones, that's what we say. Look, if you don't want to kiss somebody, you don't have to. Okay, well, the older people in my family don't get it. So they'll try and convince and make them feel guilty.
Starting point is 00:34:48 And we tell them, don't do that because that's what a predator would do. A predator would play the same game. Conventional candy, or make them feel guilty. It's a matter of like me. It's like, that's not okay either. Because that's exactly what they would do. But they don't get it, especially the really,
Starting point is 00:35:03 really older people in my family. So my grandma, I mean, I could try to explain it, be wasting time, whatever. So she always asks, you know, my kid says, no, he walks away, she gets upset, and I say, so many. And the more she tries, the more he's going to say, no, of course, he's a kid, and he's learned now that he owns his body. That's okay. At some point, he'll get older and realize like, we save money.
Starting point is 00:35:26 So we would definitely party. And my grandma does this thing sometimes where she slips kids money. So she'll give you like a 10. I don't, it sounds hilarious because we piece this all together. Like, what's going on? Like, what do you teach these kids?
Starting point is 00:35:39 But she did this to me. My great grandmother did this to me. It's just, it's an Italian thing. So the little kids come up and she goes, come here, come here, come here. She gives them like a five or a 10, right? So she gives my three-year-old 10. She goes, come here, come here.
Starting point is 00:35:52 She goes, give me a kiss. And he goes, no, no. And he goes, I don't wanna give you a kiss. I said, you don't have to kiss if you don't wanna. So she goes, it's okay, come here, come here. So she gives them the money. He takes the 10. She goes, okay, okay, give me a kiss.
Starting point is 00:36:02 And he looks at her and he gives the buddy back a walk to it. I fall for that. I was dire. And I was like, hey, I don't know, I didn't let her see me. I ran around the corner. Good job. Yeah, good boy. You don't let people convince you if you don't want to.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Okay. It's okay to kiss people. It's also okay not to kiss people. He's so funny. He literally give it back to her. Walked away. I was dying. She was so mad.
Starting point is 00:36:24 That's why a lot of those old things too, like in like clean your plate, like eat the whole plate, like you have to sit there forever and torment over like, I would just obsess about like that specific vegetable and it just turned it into this like demon monster just because I was like forced to eat it. I am reading a book right now.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Do the work it's called Nicole LaPera. She's got this great Instagram, the holistic psychologist. I've shot her out before, right? And I'm learning about this, you get this generational trauma. And it starts because, you know, the great depression or a war,
Starting point is 00:37:00 or they grew up and they were really poor. Sure. So like my family, my dad, not even two generations back, my dad grew up poor, okay? Poor. His dad was so poor that they didn't have food all the time. So it's like you could literally starve. So the way, and this is how I would be,
Starting point is 00:37:18 if we lived in a world like that, where I don't, we don't have food everyday kids. So what's on your plate, you have to eat it. I don't care if you don't like it because we may not eat for three or your plate, you have to eat it, I don't care if you don't like it, because we may not eat for three or four days, you have to eat it, makes perfect sense. Doesn't make sense now. We keep doing that.
Starting point is 00:37:32 We have a completely different problems now. Now it's about quality, it's about making good choices because it's abundant. I try to have this conversation with my mom, because she's the same kind of thing. It's offended because the kids don't want to eat like her famous waffles and you know, all these types of things because it's just like they're like, we're done. We've had too many sweets and you know, they just don't want it and she made these old brownies and all these things
Starting point is 00:37:56 and they're just like, we're just, we've had too much, you know, and we can't like, and she gets offended by it. I'm like, you know, and still the same things apply, you have to eat this or, you know, you can't, I'm gonna serve it to you in the morning. Yeah, I know. You know, like, another one's the fear one, because again, you know, like my dad's generation in Sicily, poor his dad, especially, like you had nine kids.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Yeah. You wait, you can't manage them all and clean the clothes by hand and find a way to get food and raise each other by that. Yeah, like, you're on the street, like five years old, like they're out, whatever. So the only way to keep them safe is get the shit out of them. So my grandma would say this to me when I was little,
Starting point is 00:38:37 come inside, no, I want to play. If you don't come inside, the mailman's going to kidnap you. Oh my God. I should get out of the grocery store. If you leave me, I'm scared to be out Oh my God. I should get out of the grocery store. If you leave me, somebody's taking the bathroom, dye your hair and throw you in a van. Yeah. I was like, oh no.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I don't want that. So the next level to this, as you're reading this stuff and this is the, for you as a challenge is to can you predict or foresee what that's gonna be for you? Like what we're doing? You're not gonna? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:09 You gotta understand that that happens every generation and there's something that your kids are gonna grow up and be like, oh my God, my dad, because he grew up this way, insisted that this and insisted that and it just was unnecessary because of these reasons, it has to be. I don't know. What would that be? I can't even imagine. I don't know. I don't know what it is either. I imagine it's going to be something around. Because again, I think that we're going to see the
Starting point is 00:39:33 pendulum swing back and forth with like tech. I think that we are kids. Your kids in particular, we're born in the iPhone generation. So it was such a new technology. We didn't put a lot of parameters around it. Now we see some of the outcomes of it. And it's like, oh my god. And so now we're probably overcorrecting a little bit the other way where it's like, god, no, you can't have that. And then it's like the reality is it's going to be if AI is going the direction is going, it's going to be very much so integrated into their lives. And so there's probably some things that we're doing around that. That's probably a little more extreme than we realize.
Starting point is 00:40:07 I mean, how do you know? How do you know? I can't imagine. I don't know. Because I feel like we have everything now that we need. So what do we do with our, what are they gonna say that I can't imagine? I mean, to me, that's the,
Starting point is 00:40:18 oh, my dad used to tell me to go outside and exercise. I hope he else stupid as that. And I we push this button. Look at my phone. Yeah. Get son, I just take a pill. I mean, I, my guess it's going to be something around the tech and so I thought I mean, we're getting to a place with, with, uh, AI and, um, and, um, in artificial augmentation
Starting point is 00:40:39 and stuff like that where that's just going to be a part, dude. I have to tell you guys. so the movie, The Creator, and you can see it on Apple. I don't know where else you can see it. I can't see it. Oh, so you were watching. One of the best movies I've seen in the last few years. What?
Starting point is 00:40:54 Damn it. I don't have it. It was so good. I guess that does. I'm one of the best movies. It's one of the best ones. Here's the thing. I watch Rebel Moon, which was good.
Starting point is 00:41:05 You know, it was, is basically, you know, it's a bit of a Star Wars rip off, but it's still good. Like I, I enjoyed it. I know it got kind of bad reviews, but, you know, the creator itself, like, I know I'm going to like it. What's so interesting about it is it's all, you know, you like ex machina, right? Oh, I mean, I love that. It's a great movie. It's a great movie. So it's very much of the human element, what makes humans human? You know, it's very much of like, you feel a lot of emotion in this movie
Starting point is 00:41:34 and it's all about these AI robots and like how basically they're fighting the forces, like the, so it's funny, it's not a right, because it's like the Americans, no. I don't want to tell the whole plot, but basically, they're kind of like programmed to be more acknowledging of the human traits and a lot like program for love and program for this.
Starting point is 00:42:07 So it's more like they're actually fighting for their own existence and program not to harm humans. And so then humans are kind of coming after them. So it's a different twist and more of an optimistic view of artificial intelligence. Are they like fighting for independence? Yeah. They just want to be acknowledged as their own species and inner and that sucks.
Starting point is 00:42:30 That's the matrix by the way. The prequels to the matrix, they call the animatrix, showed that where they created AI and then AI rebelled and then they called the truce. They went to their own island and then the humans nuke the island and that's what started the war. But I mean, it's a dad and it's, you know, it's, it's, it's, it's, well, the image looks amazing. It's, it's, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:42:49 The visuals were stellar. It was just very well done. You know, it's always weird to me though, is that like future, like whenever they depict a future, they always make it look like the, like a machinery and stuff almost looks, well, maybe not this. This is kind of beautiful. But you ever watched sci-fi?
Starting point is 00:43:06 It was believable. That's what I'm saying. You're watch sci-fi, like nobody's gonna wear them. The tech, aluminum foil clothes. So that's the, why is that the future? That's always a, that's a prayer here for me. Yeah, it's like he's has to be believable. Like this is like it, I could see decades from now.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Like at least the, if you follow the train of technology and how, like, quickly everything's moving, I could see like a lot of the tech in here actually existing. It's interesting. Cool. Yeah. So yeah, you guys will dig it. I'll watch it. I'll watch it. Yeah, sometimes they show future tech, especially if you compare it to like X Machina as far as that was a great movie. So that's one of my favorites. Yeah, yeah. I've watched that a handful of times. It's so good. That's a good one. That's one of the one of the few movies that got me I can never get Katrina watch sci-fi Oh, even next mock you know She did watch that one with me and I don't remember how she felt about it
Starting point is 00:43:53 But if I have to trick her like so I won't tell her it's a sci-fi. I'll just be like oh, it's just good movie No, so what makes a sci-fi? I can obviously those things you know like a sci-fi But sometimes a sci-fi is not so clear, right? And those are the ones I can really get her to watch, like, you know, that I can trick her into it. She's at 30 minutes in before she realized that. Like, silo, because they're all in a community. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:13 And they're interacting, and there's lots of drama, but it's not necessarily robots and laser. Yeah. I think the two futuristic roboties sci-fi that she's not into. So this will be all, just to hate sci-fi. And she not into. So this is gonna be all. Jessica hates sci-fi and she'll say, she'll ask me like one question. Should I, is this, is this to pick the future? Oh.
Starting point is 00:44:30 I caught Courtney crying a couple times this movie. So wow. Oh yeah, dude, it's legit, man. Oh, I got you emotional, huh? I didn't say me. Yeah, right. Little bit, little joke. I don't cry.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Choking with that. Oh, I gotta tell you guys, so I have a family member I just turned on to see, I gotta tell you guys, so I have a family member. I just turned on to seed. Let me tell you what happened. You guys know what H. Pylori is? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:51 So H. Pylori, bacteria, it's responsible for ulcers and lesions and the esophagus and the gut. Yeah, and even like heartburn and all that. Yes. So this family marijuana was having bloating and heartburn can figure out what those going on, sort of creating things out of the diet, can figure out tested, positive HP, lorry, antibiotics, killed it,
Starting point is 00:45:12 and then they're like, okay, good, I'm good, I'm like, no. Now, repopulate with some good healthy bacteria. So he's taking seed now, and he's like, man, I feel better than, he's like, I lost five pounds, he must have been holding a lot of inflammation from the HP, lorry. Lost five pounds, and he's like, I lost five pounds, he must have been holding a lot of inflammation from the age of high-lory. Lost five pounds and he's like, dude, I feel,
Starting point is 00:45:28 that's a good, important thing that a lot of people don't consider, right? Like, once you solve that problem, but now you got to repopulate. So, especially if you treat it, do you think that's a good, like, basic practice for anybody who takes an antibiotic? Yes, if you take an antibiotic, you should follow it up with like a seat.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Probiotic. Okay. Yes. In fact, in fact, hospitals would recommend it now. Oh, it's not, it's not, it's not, it's not, it's not, it's not, it's not, it's not, no. But now they will. They will tell you.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Oh, it's an idea to have, oh, see, I haven't, I have not, well then again, I haven't had it in a biotic. In fact, I take, I take, I take, people will think this is stupid, but let me explain. I'll take probiotics with antibiotics. Now, everybody's like, well, why it's a waste of time? Because you're gonna kill everything. No, I take the probiotic, I'll wait two or three hours, take the probiotic.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Yes, the antibiotic is still active. It'll still kill the probiotic, but what it does is that those beneficial bacteria, they'll go in the gut, yes, they'll die from the antibiotic, but just because they went in the gut, they help prevent the overgrowth of things like fungus. So antibiotics kill everything. That's right. Fungal overgrowth. Fungal overgrowth are a real thing. And so you'll see people get like Candida or C-Death. Oh, that's a bad one. That'll really ravages nursing homes when they go
Starting point is 00:46:39 on antibiotics because of that kind of stuff. So interesting. Yeah, it's important. So seed, they're taking seed. So, all right. Look, you heard me earlier in the episode, talk about trainers. I mentioned MindPumpTrainer.com in six days or something like that. I'm going to be hosting a three-day, free course for trainers and coaches to make them better and more successful, more successful as they make more money, but also more successful as being more effective for their clients. That's mindpumptrainer.com, check it out.
Starting point is 00:47:10 If you have children, you probably care a lot about them. Well, there's a company called Haya that makes a multivitamin for kids and it's not a gummy candy. This is the only kids multivitamin company we work with. Go check them out, go to hayahealth.com. That's h-i-y-a health.com forward slash mind pump. And on that link, you'll get 50% off your first order. All right, back to the show. Our first caller is Woodrow from Texas. Woodrow, what's happening? What up? How can we help you?
Starting point is 00:47:37 What's going on guys? It's happening. New year. You do. You do, man. How can we help you? Hey, I just again just wanted to say you know, thank you for all your guys just Information been listening to you guys for a good year now and Man, it's you know a lot of people say Knowledge is power, but I think I got too much knowledge from you guys. I don't even know where to start So some some back story man. I'm about to 45 right now five nine So back story, man, I'm about 245 right now, 5'9. When me and my wife met, I was like 165, I was active,
Starting point is 00:48:09 you know, I was doing Jiu-Jitsu training, lifting, you know, just active, but now I'm married to kids, about three-year-old and 18-year-old, and one thing I do enjoy about you guys is, you know, beliefs or values is, you know, the family aspect, you know, spending time with your kids and stuff like that. So I make that a big priority of mine. And then I also, I'm in the automotive industry.
Starting point is 00:48:31 I work five to six days a week, probably 10 plus hours a day. And I just, I just want to see your guys' thoughts, not some guidance on, you know, what to do. I don't even know where to start again. Like I said, I just feel like I got too much stuff That I don't know where to start Goals as to you know at least drop down to 200 pounds, you know build strength, you know look good feel good and Just lack of sleep as well and I'm limited to equipment for sure. I don't go to the gym. I have a few kettlebells dumbbells some bands equipment for sure. I don't go to the gym. I have a few kettlebells, dumbbells, some bands.
Starting point is 00:49:10 And then I've just been following like YouTuber like Instagram workouts like your full body workout type of deals and just just want to see guidance with you guys. How long have you been working out now? Consistently. So when I sent my question up to you guys, menaceps, it was August, some family stuff happened and I kind of dropped a fell out of that, especially now holidays too. I'm not really doing anything right now. Okay, this is gonna be easy for the workout. I think Math 15 is gonna be- 100% Math 15.
Starting point is 00:49:37 I would do Math 15 and you could follow the suspension trainer version of it or the original version of it, not the advanced version. You also, I mean, it's worth the investment too, just to barbell in a couple of places. You wouldn't need much to follow a MAP 15, as it's laid out. So you could do it with the suspension trainer and then as you move along and you're like consistent,
Starting point is 00:49:57 get yourself a barbell, some plates in a rack, and then you're set and then you could follow the, but even with just a suspension, especially where you're at now, because you're not doing anything now consistently, you'll get great results following that. And it's literally, literally 15 minutes every single day. Okay, that's all it is. Every single day. Now you add it up and it's like you're doing two full body workouts a week in terms of total time, but there's a lot of value in the frequency of the workouts as well. So it's actually more effective than if you did two full-body workouts.
Starting point is 00:50:27 There's especially a guy like you that's kind of grinding the hours at your grind. 100%. Now, diet wise, you said you wanted to lose weight, and I could give you all, I mean, we could go down the list of all different things, but based off of what you're saying, you got a busy life, I think we should, what we should do is focus on one thing that's going to give you a big return before we get into the nitty gritty of tracking and all that of the stuff. And honestly, I think there could be two things
Starting point is 00:50:50 that we can focus on, but I think one of them is gonna be more effective than the other. And that is, I want you to hit your protein targets for your target body weight. You said 200 pounds. I would aim for 200 grams of protein a day from whole foods and eat that first in every meal. That alone should result in at your current body weight
Starting point is 00:51:09 and hype, you should see some nice fat loss alongside some good strength gains just by doing that. So what does that look like? That looks like 200 grams of protein a day. Let's say you eat four meals a day, you want 50 grams of protein with each meal, that's a large serving of protein. So, you know, what is that?
Starting point is 00:51:28 10 ounces of chicken or something like that? So, you know, or steak or something like that. Eat that first. So, whatever your meal is, let's say you got steak, potato and vegetables, eat the protein first, hit that 50 grams, then eat the rest until you're satisfied. But get it from whole natural foods. If you can consistently be within,
Starting point is 00:51:48 and get close to 200 grams approaching a day, from whole natural foods, you will see fat loss, you will see muscle gain at a nice steady pace while following that 15. You also ask what's the best time to fit in the workout, and that really depends on you, what you think you'll be most consistent at. So even if I said in the middle of the day is probably more optimal for you for
Starting point is 00:52:09 sleep and energy reasons, it doesn't matter if you won't be consistent at that time. So whatever time you're like, Hey, I can always dedicate this because the kids are in bed and I can get it done at night or I have the ability to always get up an hour early before everybody else and I'll do it before work or I got a great flexible job where they give me a nice hour to our lunch. I can bring the suspension training to the work and I can bust it out in 20 minutes at work. Like whatever you think you're going to be the most consistent with, that's my recommendation. Forget all the other things. So you got to kind of figure that part out. What a great piece of advice because Woodrow,
Starting point is 00:52:45 do you get an hour lunch? You work 10 hours, do they give you an hour lunch? Yeah, an hour lunch, yeah. Bro, listen, you literally, you could bring your suspension trainer, if you got a place to hang them, I'll use a doorway. It's 15 minutes, start lunch with that, eat right afterwards, like you'd be set
Starting point is 00:53:02 because you're already at work, you're already got your hour. You're good to go. I mean, you could do in the morning too, but it might, you already got your hour, you're good to go. I mean, you could do in the morning too, but it might, you know, mornings might be hectic or tired or whatever. I love that advice out of them. That's like, that would be, that's how I would do it. Cool, that would be interesting.
Starting point is 00:53:16 I'd be the one in the break room working out. Good, start it. It's a perfect place to start where you're at right now. There's no reason for us to throw a workout that's an hour long. You don't need to go to the gym yet. I mean, simply taking the diet advice that's out saying focusing mainly on that.
Starting point is 00:53:33 That would get you far. Yeah, it will. And then doing the suspension trainer every day, those two things are gonna move the needle for us. And then when we start to see plateaus two, three months down the road, we can talk about tweaking other things. But first, prove to yourself, hey, I can be consistent doing this. And then we we start to see plateaus, two, three months down the road, we can talk about tweaking other things. But first, prove to yourself, hey, I can be consistent doing this.
Starting point is 00:53:48 And then we build on that. I think the pitfall for a lot of people is that they don't think that these short bouts of exercise really are that valuable and they need a full length workout. But what you're going to find is just how much more your energy increases, how much more your strength increases. This is really like a snowball effect if you can look at it that way instead. Look, look at your body weight and height and your goals. I think you, I could pretty confidently say if you're consistent with the protein and you
Starting point is 00:54:17 eat it first, it's by the way, it's not going to be easy. So I know it's only one step, but eating 50 grams of protein is hard. You're going to find yourself being like, man, I'm full, which is fine, that's what we want, no problem. But hit those targets, you can expect about 20 pounds of fat loss, just with that alone. So I don't remember your body weight, what did you say you were?
Starting point is 00:54:36 240, 239? Yeah, it's a 45, yeah. 245, yeah, I would bet money that you get down to 225, no problem, just by doing that. But you gotta do it consistently. So don't do it where it's like, cause here's gonna be the struggle with it. You'll do it on the days you go to work cause you'll prep your meals, bring them with you,
Starting point is 00:54:54 and then on the weekends you're gonna go off. And that'll definitely slow it down. But if you're consistent every day with just the protein, not worried about anything else, you're doing the 15, you know, maps 15, I would bet money that you get down to 225 just by doing that. You'll probably end up going down lower than that on a consistent basis, but 225 I would bet money on that you get there. Woodrow, we'll send you, you don't have math 15, do you?
Starting point is 00:55:17 No, I do not. Okay, we'll send that over to you. And then I believe when after Doug sends it to you, you get an automated email for 50% off or suspension trainer. I believe he gets that. Does he get that automated to him or do you get this? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Well, maybe Doug will send it to you no matter what. So we also have those here. And then when people get the mass 15, they get half off of it. So if you don't have one of those already, I mean, I think it's like 50 bucks or whatever. Okay. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Yeah. Yep. Yeah, you got it, man. Is there anything else? That is it. Thank you. I appreciate it, man. Good luck for's awesome. Appreciate you guys. Yep. Yeah, you got it, man. Is there anything else? That is it. Thank you. Good luck. Good luck for calling in.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Thank you. Take care. Bye. You got it. 18-year-old and a three-year-old. That's like a nice thing. That's insane, bro. I know.
Starting point is 00:55:56 I got that guy. I know what you're saying. You can relate to the whole world. I know. I'm looking at it like I see the pain in this way. You know, the protein one, people listening, who doubt that, try it and be consistent two weeks in a row. First of all, I dare you, because most people are like, oh, I could do that.
Starting point is 00:56:12 They'll do two, three days of it. And then they can't. Most people already think they're getting a good amount. They're not. That's how they actually place their eyes and attention around it. And it's like very, very alarming. I'm always missing that.
Starting point is 00:56:25 And I'm like aware how, like it still doesn't matter. And you're a fitness professor. Yeah, it's like, it's really hard to do. That's why when people tell me that, I'm like, no, bullshit. Like I know, I know how champs, especially if you're like, maybe if you're like 110 pounds, it's not difficult to get 110 grams of protein,
Starting point is 00:56:39 but you're 200 plus pounds, you do you need 200 grams of protein, like very few people consistently eat that. Even the people who consider themselves big meat eaters, lots of protein, it's like, dude, that's like 40 to 50 gram meals of protein. Like very few people eat four meals with 40 to 50 grams of protein.
Starting point is 00:56:59 That's a big serving of chicken or steak or turkey or whatever it is that you're eating. Yeah, and by your comment about the 110 pound, but find me 110 pound female who can eat 110 grams of protein per day consistently from whole natural foods. And she'll tell you the same thing. Yeah. It is not easy. It is the most effective way to control your appetite and to prevent you from overeating. Yeah. You're getting those essential nutrients. And the studies are clear on a calorie per calorie basis, a high protein diet, like we're talking about compared to one
Starting point is 00:57:27 that is in the RDA, same calories will result in more fat loss and more muscle gain. You're also doing something we always talk about to our coaches and trainers, which is you're doing like reverse psychology on them too. Oh, 100%. I'm telling you more. It's looking like you can't eat.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Yeah, you're not telling your client, yo, you can't have these things, which you have no idea how valuable and important that is when you're teaching somebody good habits around eating, because they don't get into this like bad relationship of I can't, I can't, and then they want to rebel naturally, which we all have in our nature to do naturally. So by you saying, hey, I'm not telling you can't do that,
Starting point is 00:58:00 just go get this, go focus on that. By the way, I could have also said, avoid heavily processed foods, and I want to be very clear why I said eat the protein, because if he hits the protein, it's gonna take care of the heavily processed foods. It's right. If you avoid heavily processed foods,
Starting point is 00:58:13 it won't take care of the protein. You try to eat the protein first and go ahead and try to get the stuff afterwards. It's hard. It isn't easy. Our next color is Will from South Carolina. Will, what's happening? How can we help you? Hey? How's it going guys? Hey, first I want to say I really appreciate you all taking the time to answer my question as well as all the positive content
Starting point is 00:58:35 I'll put out. Thanks. Thank you, man so quick quick background 2021 I lost 60 pounds, crashed dieting, and kind of do a circuit training. 2022 actually maintained that way by kind of just like making it better food choices and some cardio with weights. And then 2023 decided to start some barbell movements. Three weeks ago, I competed in my first powerlifting competition,
Starting point is 00:59:09 kind of fell in love with it, really liked doing it, but I am 5'8", 250 pounds, and I've got to lose like 30, 40 pounds. So my question is, what's the best way to lose weight and actually maintain the strength that I have? Yeah, good question. By the way, see in your question that you herniated a disc doing burpees. Yep. And now you deadlift and powerlifting competition. How's your back feel?
Starting point is 00:59:35 Feels stronger. Never. Yeah. See, I just want people to hear that, right? Burpees hurt your back, dead lifts made your back feel stronger. Oh, yeah. People freak out over that kind of stuff. So all right. So here's a deal. If you lose weight, you're gonna get way better at body weight exercises.
Starting point is 00:59:49 So we'll focus on that kind of stuff. Just kidding. Here's a deal. At your level and you're competing, it's gonna be really hard to maintain strength in a calorie deficit. And it's not necessarily because of muscle loss. There's a strength component that comes from having excess calories, essential nervous
Starting point is 01:00:09 system fires harder. You've got more energy reserves. You could literally put someone in a deficit and they lose no muscle, but they'll be weaker. And I'm not talking about stamina. I'm even talking just general overall power and strength. Or you could take someone, put them in a massive surplus the day after, they're just going to feel a lot stronger. So some of that's going to happen, and it's not necessarily muscle loss, muscle gain or
Starting point is 01:00:33 whatever. And I'm telling you that because you're competing, I don't know, what are your lifts by the way? What did you hit in your competition three weeks ago? I hit a 397 squad, a 336 bench, and a 501 deadlift. Yeah, so you're strong, dude. When you get to a certain level of strength, you're definitely there. It's really hard not to see the strength changes go down or up just because of the calorie surplus or calorie deficit.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Zero to do in muscle loss or muscle gain. That being said, you can definitely minimize that effect by going on a cut, but cycling your calories or doing an undulating calorie type of a diet. So back in the day, they would call like anabolic dieting or they would, you know, where they go some low calorie days and they'd have a high calorie day, bodybuilders would do, would call carb, you know, carb front loading or back loading or cycling, stuff like that. I think there's a lot of value in that for sure, even if there's no,
Starting point is 01:01:32 I mean, the evidence on the muscle, there's some evidence that shows that it might be helpful, especially for high level athletes. I definitely believe in the psychological effect of it is above and beyond. I know when I cycle my calories, it's just like I'll have a higher calorie day, the day before a hard workout,
Starting point is 01:01:49 makes a big difference in how I perceive the workout, my control, my stability, and I think that makes a difference in just how effective my workout is anyway, regardless. So I would, if you wanna lose weight, you gotta go on a cut, keep the protein high, I'm sure you know that, but do some cycling. So you
Starting point is 01:02:05 could do like a like a three, three week mini cut, one week maintenance, throw in a day or two of a slight surplus and kind of play that game. Your fat loss will happen slower, but you should maintain more strength doing it that way. And then your training, I wouldn't change your training, except for reducing volume. If you And then you're training, I wouldn't change your training, except for reducing volume. If you notice that, you're more prone to over training because of the reduced calories. You're in a really good, you're in a really good place right now. If you're eating 4,500 calories, this shouldn't be a problem. Yeah, you did write that right. The hardest part, and I don't know if I'm reading into this too much because we literally just met.
Starting point is 01:02:43 But you seem like in all or nothing type of guy where you go balls to the wall at whatever you decide to do. And so that's probably gonna be the biggest challenge with you is that what Sal is recommending is kind of a nice gradual slow approach of fat loss during this process. And typically clients like you, if I'm guessing correctly, they have the challenge with the slow progress.
Starting point is 01:03:07 They might take sales advice for two weeks. It's not moving fast enough. So, fuck it, let's do the circuit stuff and let's cut harder. And so, Well, the scale goes down to power. I mean, in my deadlift one down five. Am I guessing correctly over here?
Starting point is 01:03:20 I feel like, yeah, you're shaking your head, yeah. Yeah, pretty much. Okay, so that's gonna be your challenge, bro. You're in a great place. 4,500 calories, power lifting, with that kind of strength. Means you're gonna lean out, but you just gotta trust the process and understand that it's,
Starting point is 01:03:34 and understand that actually slow results is what you want. If you all sudden started dropping weight really quick, your strength is gonna fall off too, because you're gonna lose muscle really quick. So in a really quick, your strength is going to fall off too, because you're going to lose muscle really quick. So in a perfect world, you're following what's out saying, and you're reducing those calories slowly over time, and you're actually barely seeing the scale move at all really, but you're feeling leaner and leaner and tighter and tighter. And it's a slow gradual process.
Starting point is 01:04:01 You can get a trusted process. Yeah. You know, I will say this though, powerlifting, a lot of people might disagree with me, but I'll make my case, powerlifting style training, the longer rest periods, the low reps, doesn't seem to be as negatively affected with an appropriate cut,
Starting point is 01:04:19 then let's say bodybuilding style training. Now the reason why people think it's the reverse is because bodybuilders don't care how much weight is on the bar. But when you're doing high reps, high sets, all that volume, and then you cut your calories, man, you just, if, yeah, you over-trained fast. I like to train like a power lifter when I cut.
Starting point is 01:04:35 The workouts just feel better. I don't notice as much of a like drain on my body. If I go, you know, 15 reps squats, and I'm doing super sets and shit like that, and my calories are low, it's like I wanna die. Like, and not squats and I'm doing super sets and shit like that and my calories are low, it's like I want to die. Like, I'm not just in the workout, but throughout the day. So now here's the thing too that might help you.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Obviously, as a power lift there, you're competing weight classes. I would start looking at the weight class or aiming for and comparing your strength to that. I might help a little bit. And you can also use, it's all in the tip of my tongue. What is it called? Wilks? I think it is where you figure your relative strength, your body weight is a formula that you can figure out. So as you get leaner and lose weight, rather than looking at the
Starting point is 01:05:12 total weight on the bar, use that formula. And you can say, oh, wow, I lost this much weight. My, my lifts went down a little bit, but my Wilks score went up. So I'm actually, and that does favor lighter lifters anyway. So you'll see, okay, and that might help with the psychological aspect of maybe the strength not going up or maybe going down a little bit. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:34 We already have, you already have our power lift program, I don't know why we didn't ask that. Are you following Matt's power lift? I've got Matt split and I've got a follower here and there. Oh, well, let us send you Matt's power lift. I mean, that's right there. Wait, do you have a coach? No, I've already said that.
Starting point is 01:05:51 He has no coach. Nothing. Yeah, yeah. We're going to send you Matt's power lift, bro. Yeah, take a look at it. See what the program is really good programming and let us know what you think. But are you going to continue? Are you going to continue to compete?
Starting point is 01:06:03 I think I want to. I think the biggest thing I enjoy about it right now is sending kind of a good example for the boys. I got two sons and I like watching them kind of see me do something awesome. That's awesome. Yeah, follow the program. Even if you're not going to do the powerlifting, follow the program anyways. I think you'll appreciate it. The way it's program, the coaching that's involved in it. So with that, so you'll you'll like it. Follow it. Yeah. By the way it's programmed, the coaching that's involved in it, and so with that, so you'll like it, follow it. Yeah, by the way, at your caloric intake at 4,500 calories a day, I mean, you could even,
Starting point is 01:06:29 you could go down to 3,500, I think you'll be okay. Yeah. I don't think you're gonna notice a huge drop in strength. There's probably something in there, by the way, that if you're eating 4,500 calories, I'm guessing you've got something in there to help you boost up to 4,500 calories that you could probably easily just eliminate
Starting point is 01:06:43 and just say, hey, I'm gonna avoid that. Yeah, is that like whole natural clean food? Or are you like eating some other stuff too? I mean, that's pretty much all mostly meat and pretty much clean food. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, he's exactly what you said Adam. He's like all or nothing.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, okay. Yeah, no, you're good. You'd be fine. The only other thing to add, I think for me, is just like to consider adding like symmetry and there's an interruption to kind of address anything in terms of like just to see anything like discrepancy wise like left to right and just to build that back up and reinforce your your your joints. And so, you know, just running that in conjunction with your your powerlifting pursuits would be great. Awesome. I really appreciate you guys. All right, man. All right,
Starting point is 01:07:31 well, thanks. Well, easy. Yeah. You know, it's weird about, um, Josh's face. Yeah. Tell us. It is nothing. It's perfect. You know, it's, you're like 15. You know, it's weird about weight loss and the big three deadlift squat and bench. Squat gets affected by weight loss. I would say the most. Bench is probably pretty close. Deadlift is very interesting.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Deadlift gets affected, but less than the other lifts. This has been in my experience. It's been in the anecdote of lots of other lifters. I've actually gotten lighter and my deadlift total pounds gone up. That's what I had. I don't think I've ever really thought about that, but I would confirm that.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Because what I definitely know always is. Squat goes down on my way to the bottom. As soon as it's, as soon as a cuckallery squat goes down. That's right. It's wild to me. There's something to do with the leverage, maybe even body fat in the way or go down. As soon as it's, as soon as it cuckowry, a squad goes down. That's right. It's wild to me. There's something to do with the leverage, maybe even body fat in the way or it helps.
Starting point is 01:08:28 With deadlift, I think, especially if you start to get kind of round, I don't think it helps. I think it hurts. You see some of the top deadlifters and they're, you know, kind of long and winter- Interesting. Our next caller is Rubin from Maryland. Rubin, what's up, man?
Starting point is 01:08:41 What about Rubin? What's up, guys? It's happening. How can we help you? Awesome. Pleasure to meet you. I love listening to you guys to show when I'm driving. It's definitely my number one podcast and everything. So thanks for all the value and knowledge you guys are providing me like not only for like lifting, but also, you know, like family and just mental health and everything. I appreciate it guys.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Awesome. Thanks. Thank you, man. So my question, I'm going to give you guys a little bit of background. First, I'm a college student currently 20 years old. Lifting for two years, because since it like focusing on progressive overload and like my diet and all of that, currently about 217 pounds and range, pretty high in body fat, though. So like 28 to 30% body fat, I've been able to build, yeah, consider about considerable amount of muscle in those two years. But I want to be more like the 15-ish range just to be happier with my physique
Starting point is 01:09:28 and be healthier as well. I've tried multiple cuts throughout those two years, but I've always failed the cuts. I've never thought that was just a lack of discipline, but I now know it's because my metabolism was just too low and I was cutting on my calories too low, wasn't sustainable. So when I sent this question in, I was kind of like deciding, well, what should I just do a cut, like a fat loss dedicated phase,
Starting point is 01:09:50 where should I reverse diet? Since then, I did reverse diet. I built my metabolism a little bit. I did it the wrong way though. I gained fat, I gained muscle, and I extracted everything, but I also gained some fat. So I bought the reverse diet guide
Starting point is 01:10:05 and used that, it a little bit better But I mean I still like I've gained a lot of strength and muscle like visibly But I just don't my weight to get any higher like I don't want to get any more fat I really just want to get down to that 15% range So I'm wondering and is in my best interest to just you know stick with it keep on dieting, even though my weight might get kind of high and might get some more fat or just do this dedicated fat loss phase at this point. Where are the calories that right now, bro? I'm eating like 2850 up from like 2700 after doing it for about like three months.
Starting point is 01:10:40 This is consistent, Ruben. I want you to be honest with me because I've never met a college student that was consistent with their with their calories So every single day you're Yeah, why my community college so I have a lot like I live in a home So I have a lot more control over like what I eat so I've been counting calories like consistently for about I'd say three or four months at this point. So every single day you're averaging about 2850 I would say so and if days that I eat like a little bit more,
Starting point is 01:11:07 I'll try to like average it out eat a little bit less the next day. And I try my best on the weekends. It's a little bit more intuitive. But I mean, I have been doing it like this isn't my first time counting calories that it before as well. So I have like a little bit of an idea. I need to be more disciplined on the weekends. I'll be honest with that. When the weekend. You know how much that'll throw you off, right? Yeah, yeah, that'll make it. That'll make it. Yeah, not only will it throw it off, it
Starting point is 01:11:29 could either reverse it or it just makes it so that your progress is so painfully slow. Especially if you're guilty of being just like how I was, which was if there was a day that you slept in, it would be the weekend. If there was a day you took off from lifting, it would probably be the weekend. It was the day that you would make a worse choice diet wise, say pizza or beer, it would be on the weekend. So you start adding up all those things that potentially happen on the weekend, and those weekends can really set you back. And that's why I don't know how long you've been listening to show if you've heard me say before, like one of the best hacks, personally, that I've ever had, and setting my goals and achieving them as far as aesthetically,
Starting point is 01:12:07 was literally just focusing on the weekend, and not even worrying about the week. If I just won the weekend, it's set the tone for the week, and I always had success in the week. And I was already more active. I already had either work or school going on, so I was more likely to follow a diet or make my meals. And so I can't stress
Starting point is 01:12:27 how valuable it is to focus on those two days, even more so than the week. Your metabolism not too slow. So, so, let me give you an example. Okay. Let's say you're at a consistent, like you measure and everything. And it's like, okay, Monday through Friday, 500 calorie deficit Monday through Friday. So let's say you know for a fact your maintenance is 2850. So you're 2350 Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday come long, a little bit more intuitive. You go 500 calories above 2850, which is not hard to do. It's super easy. Do it on accident. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:00 I do it all the time. And I've been doing this for, you know, two and a half decades. So now for the week, for the week now, because of that weekend, you're only 1,500 calorie deficit. You know what that means? That means you lose like one or two pounds of body fat a month. That's how much you're going to lose. And it'll be almost like you can't, you're not going to notice it. So you'll do three months. Did the scale move much? Maybe held a little bit of water. So the scale doesn't even show it. I do feel like I'm getting smaller, especially if you're want to get build you held a little bit of water, so the scale doesn't even show it. I do feel like I'm getting smaller,
Starting point is 01:13:25 especially if you wanna get build muscles and a little psychological effect is happening. You know what, it's my metabolism, this is a working, I need to stop doing this. That happens all the time, and it's far more common in people your age because you guys, you're doing a lot of different things, you got a lot of energy, you're going out with your week.
Starting point is 01:13:43 I don't want you to like take that away from you. But if you want to see the fat loss, you got to be consistent seven days a week before you can diagnose yourself with having too slow of a metabolism. So if you're consistently 2850, if that's your maintenance right now, I would cut it down to let's say 2200,
Starting point is 01:14:01 be very consistent every single day, hit your targets, your protein targets. So whatever your target body weight is, hit that and grams of protein, be just as consistent with that. And I guarantee you'll see nice consistent fat loss and then just stay consistent with it. And you'll get down to 15% no problem.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Rubin, do you own a Fitbit or an aura ring or any tool like that? I've actually brought a couple like smart watches, but to be honest with you, I really don't like wearing a watchman, it's just kind of uncomfortable to me. So I usually just go naked wrist, but I have had a couple on the past,
Starting point is 01:14:37 and they've been okay. I mean, the only reason why I ask is because again, at your age, at the stage you're at, I remember having this massive epiphany when I first back then it was a fit bit or a body bug, which is before all of these things. It was like the first one that had any real accuracy to your metabolism. And it was just super eye opening for me. You know, I just real, this is where I adopted that whole philosophy of when the weekend because I realized exactly what Saul was saying.
Starting point is 01:15:06 And it was even more egregious than I could have thought. He was a personal trainer, trained clients, like this was his job. Like I should know better. And I thought, oh, you know, but can't be that big of a difference, it was. It was that big of a difference that, and I don't know your exact life.
Starting point is 01:15:20 I don't know exactly what your weekdays look like compared to your weekend. Just for me, it was very eye-opening to see the difference in how easily one or two days of me not moving as much, not training and or at making one or two off the menu type of decisions could totally stall my progress. And so, I mean, maybe look into that or just simply take the advice that advice at South saying, which is you got to really string the seven days a week assistant because you're not in a bad place. I mean, you're only five, nine, you're eating twenty hundred. I'd love for you to be like three thousand a
Starting point is 01:15:54 thirty four hundred, but I don't know how much you're moving. If you don't even hit ten thousand steps a day, you actually probably have a decently decent metabolism based off of how little of movement in your size. So it's not, you're not in a bad place. I think you just need to string some consistency together. Yeah, and it would, like, let me put it this way, Ruben, if I had a controlled environment, if I could put you in a building where I watched everything you weigh,
Starting point is 01:16:18 and I, and this is in the context of your metabolism or your maintenance is 20, 50. So let's just consider for sure that's your maintenance. If I had you in a controlled environment, and I put you at 22 under calories, we would get you to 15% body fat, no problem. That's true. That's true.
Starting point is 01:16:34 There's no problem, okay. So look, let me ask you this, do you have a job, are you able to pay for things? I know college can, you know, it's gonna be tough or whatever, because I have another recommend, okay. If you want to invest in something that I think is going to ensure that this will happen, go to neutresense.io-mime pump. It's a CGM, continue a glucose monitor, helps you monitor blood glucose. You can connect that to how you feel in your food, but it also comes
Starting point is 01:17:01 with a nutrition expert on the other end. And you literally will enter your food in as you eat it. And if you don't, they'll know you ate something because they'll see your blood glucose move up and down. So it's hard to, it's hard to fudge. And you're working with a professional who's going to individualize your diet. With that, that's your best bet with nutrition. And for sure, 15% is within,
Starting point is 01:17:19 you're not asking to get down to 6% body fat. 15% you could totally do it. What do you, what do you follow your program wise right now? Are you following one of ours? I don't follow one of yours. I do like, I guess probably know the guy on social media, Jeff Nipper. I've been doing his programs. You know those programs, those programs make people fatter. No, I'm just kidding. Really?
Starting point is 01:17:43 He's a mess. Yeah, Jeff Nipper puts out get fat programs. No, no, no, he's got he's got decent programming. It's ours is better. Let's send him a workout program. Antibolic or even like it depends on his schedule. How many days a week you work out? To Jim. I have nothing.
Starting point is 01:18:03 I'm losing what I didn't want to buy like anabolic is because I'm not going to let you try mental health. I need to go like four four days per week at least just because like, I mean, I'm the type of guy that will fail rest days. Like I was supposed to rest and I'll like go in and like get some arms or something then. Yeah. Just because like it's like getting the pump like my mental health.
Starting point is 01:18:21 I try to go like four days per week. Yeah, do you like to spend time in the gym? You know, I mean, you do your trigger sessions in the pump for like my metamorphosis. But I try to go like four days per week. Yeah, do you like to spend time in the gym? You know, I mean, you do your trigger sessions in the gym. Yeah, you can, but let's, let me see here. Look, if you promise to take the weak delodes that are in the program, can you promise me? There's delode weeks that are in the program,
Starting point is 01:18:39 meaning for a week, you're gonna work out very light or not at all after every phase. Can you do that? Cause I'll send you a little bit. kind of like, I'll send you, I'll send you a program that'll kick the shed of anything to Jeff Nipper put out in terms of muscle, but you got to do the D load weeks. Otherwise, you'll over train. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:57 I'll make sure to do those D load weeks. I'll send you a four to cut. What would you guys say are like three or four pillars that should focus on every day to be successful with the cut? Okay, let me start with the program. I'm gonna send you maps and a ball of advance follow that program That was good to a tee. All right pillars hit your target body weight and protein from whole foods Eat that first and every meal Just do that just do that and hit your calories. I don't care about your carbs and fats
Starting point is 01:19:21 Just those you can balance out how you feel or whatever hit your calories. I don't care about your carbs and fats. Just those you can balance out, how you feel or whatever. Hit your protein, target, and whole natural foods eat that first. And only utilize like shakes or bars in order to make that up if you don't, right? Don't make it. That's like a last, you know, did you have a right? A good goal is to always go after a whole foods, get the protein that way.
Starting point is 01:19:38 If you find yourself it's, you know, seven o'clock at night and you realize your, you know, 60, 70 grams behind on protein have a shake. Use it, use it like that. Otherwise, go after whole foods. Yep, that's it. Appreciate it, guys. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:19:52 You got to, man. I really, really, really, really, really, Yeah, keep us posted. I'd like to hear where you're at in another month or two. Absolutely. Definitely. Thanks, guys. You got, buddy.
Starting point is 01:20:01 Yeah, that was, that's such a classic. Yeah. Example, right? It's that archetypal, archetypal, you know, that's the example of is you guys are too old for him to even buy a program for me. He's going to buy it from the kid just because he relates to him more. Yeah. He's going to listen to all your guys.
Starting point is 01:20:17 We're all the same. Yeah, yeah. I'm young still. I'm the youngest guy here. You're not on YouTube with your shirt off. Yeah. Yeah. I'm talking about real on YouTube with your shirt off. Yeah. I'm talking about a row. Hey, listen, if you want to get fatter by those other programs. Where's the study done?
Starting point is 01:20:33 Hey, just see the look on his face. I hope we can cut that. We got to cut that. Can you believe me? Holy shit, man, I've been doing it all wrong. No, there was this study. You'll put it up here. My editor is that shows that Jeff Nipper's programs make people fast
Starting point is 01:20:56 Our next color is holding from Virginia hold on what's up, man? How can we help you? No much? Nope? No place I'd rather be right now Calm down you're gonna get a program bro calm down Come down, you're gonna get a program bro, come down. That's nice. Nice. He's all that's it, I'm out. All right, what's the question bro? How can we help you? Yes, so my question is, I've been doing like a lot of lifting exercise over the years.
Starting point is 01:21:18 And I also have like a little bit of a medical history. I did some testosterone tests a couple of years ago, and they came back at like 267 to 75 time, or like number, and then I got some more recent tests, and they've been up in like the, like 450 to 500 range. Like it's a 230, I know that's like kind of low. So I kind of want to see what are maybe some things
Starting point is 01:21:45 that I could do to raise that or kind of keep improving my gains in the weight room. All right, what did you do to go from two to more than double your testosterone in that first round? I really didn't do anything. I was pretty shocked. I was thinking the number was going to come back right at the same range.
Starting point is 01:22:07 I don't really think I felt too much different. I know at the time I was in college, so maybe a week before, maybe I was just more stressed, but I know multiple tests came back at the 260s, and then I've had the past two or three tests come back at those 400s. I'm not really sure what I did. I really didn't change much in that time.
Starting point is 01:22:27 The stress could have done that. Yeah, so let me see here. The first test was September of 2021. This, the higher testosterone tests were done. Let's see, about eight, eight, nine months later, was your lifestyle any different? Were you in college, at a college, girlfriend, no girlfriend, no girlfriend, girlfriend?
Starting point is 01:22:47 No, never had it like a girlfriend or anything in the time frame. I mean, I was in, I think the last 400, the first 400 one that came out, I was still in college and then the other two have been since being out of college. That's what I remember. Okay, that could do that. So just so you know, since being out of college, that's what I remember. Okay, that could do that.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Just so just so you know, especially in young men, testosterone can vary wildly depending on lifestyle, sleep, thought patterns, infection, nutrient deficiencies. This is a big one. A lot of, a lot of men, a lot of young men don't realize that they maybe have sub optimal levels of certain nutrients that can negatively in pretty profound ways affect testosterone. Things like vitamin D or zinc, copper, salineum, certain minerals, boron is another one sometimes
Starting point is 01:23:37 that'll be too low and cause like bound testosterone to be more bound up and not free. So there's a lot of things that can cause testosterone levels to fluctuate. Typically, what you want for good, healthy testosterone levels are, you want to make sure you're free from nutrient deficiencies. That's a pretty easy test, right? So you could go to your doctor or, you know, doctor Cabral's team, maybe Doug, you can get that link from me so I can give it to him. They have at home nutrient tests where you could look at certain blood levels of certain key nutrients and if those are low really easy you just supplement with them and you get
Starting point is 01:24:14 those back up. So nutrient deficiencies, you want to have good sleep. The biggest challenge with young men is that they go to bed and wake up at different times during the week versus the weekend. And so what happens is you go to bed at a up at different times during the week versus the weekend. And so what happens is you go to bed at a certain time Monday through Thursday, you wake up at a certain time Monday through Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday,
Starting point is 01:24:31 Saturday, you try to sleep in. But what it does is it throws off your circadian rhythm, come Monday or Tuesday, now you've got some jet lag. So you're essentially giving yourself jet lag every single week, that'll negatively affect testosterone. Okay. And I also, I have like a medical history. I actually, I had like cancer when I was younger. So like part of the reason I got those examples,
Starting point is 01:24:53 just like being able to check that, do you think like, I mean, I know the doctor said, you know, that definitely like made a difference in my testosterone with, you know, getting medications when I was younger, do you think? Good. Like that kind of like like obviously that had an effect what are maybe not other items I could do,
Starting point is 01:25:08 but maybe just like different adjustments that may be like more unique for me if that's, you know. No, okay, so cancers are quite unique. I'm not gonna comment too much on that because I don't wanna speak outside of my expertise, but the general advice that I'm giving you is going to apply to pretty much anybody. Now, whether or not that's going to affect you as much as somebody who hasn't had, let's say
Starting point is 01:25:31 chemotherapy or cancer treatment, you might have less of an effect. Nonetheless, getting good sleep, adequate sunlight, high protein diet, lifting weights appropriately, not overtraining, all of those things will positively affect testosterone regardless of who you are. Now, what that upper limit is, that can be determined by things like genetics and or maybe previous treatment. You were young when you had cancer. If you don't mind me asking, what was it, what was it, a blood cancer or a testicular cancer? Brain cancer. Okay. I see. So you had, had so you went on some some stints of chemotherapy. Yes. Yeah. That could affect your testosterone. Now you're in the in the 490 range, you're not,
Starting point is 01:26:14 are you, are you, do you feel symptoms of low testosterone as well? I don't think so. I mean, I grow hair and I can build, uh, build muscle. Um, and yeah, I wouldn't, like, I have a sex drive, but I also don't know how that's relative to another person like I can't, you know, just like see how they feel too. Did you notice the difference when you were at 490 versus when you were in the 200,
Starting point is 01:26:35 or say you didn't notice? I did not notice. I was thinking the last test I took, I was thinking it was gonna be in the 260s. I think I actually felt like a little bit, like less energy even though it was kind of a little bit healthier out of college. I was pretty surprised that it was still in the 400s. Was there a big difference in your free testosterone because you're giving us the total?
Starting point is 01:26:56 I am not sure about that. That is something I would have to look at. I want you okay. So here's why I say look at that. It's probably a lot higher the second time around with a higher test But sometimes what happens is your just someone's testosterone levels will go up But then so much of what will be bound by sex binding
Starting point is 01:27:15 Globuillon hormone that it makes it essentially not active So sometimes you'll see a man with the good total But low-free so they'll have symptoms of low testosterone because when it's bound up, it can't be used. So I would look at the free testosterone. That's actually what matters more and see if that was a big difference as well. Because what might have happened, I doubt it. Okay. But what might have happened is you're free might have changed a little bit, but the total
Starting point is 01:27:41 changed a lot. In which case, and there may be some other things to look at. Are you working with a hormone specialist with all of this? I've talked to the endocrinologist, but it hasn't been anything too serious. It was kind of the conversations we're more looking into the TRT when the numbers came back low since they kind of come back higher. I haven't really talked too much about it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:03 So, if you go to mphormones.com, they work with doctors who are specialists with hormones, and now, depending on your circumstances, okay, but there are medical interventions. Now, nutrient deficiencies aside, if there's a nutrient deficiency, I would take, obviously, that's first, but that aside, there are medical interventions that you could do before having to take testosterone that could raise testosterone. So there's like things like inclomaphine, HCG, and young men, they typically go that route first because they want to maintain things like fertility and obviously you don't want to be on testosterone.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Being on testosterone, if you have to, that's fine. But if you could raise it with inclomophine HCG go off and keep it high, obviously that would be more ideal. So I would definitely talk to them and see what they say. Okay, perfect, perfect. Yeah. So, are you following any maps programs? Uh, no, I am not.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Maps in a ballac. Yeah, let's send you maps in a ballac, dude. That's a great program. Nice. Yeah, and another thing, like, you know, everyone, you know, says, thank you for all you guys do. You know, can't thank you guys enough. I would have found you guys right after like my freshman year of college and I Have no idea where I'd be at if I wouldn't, you know, listen to you guys in terms of You know, lifting exercise and even like some of the professional
Starting point is 01:29:24 Business size, but definitely can't thank you guys enough. And then I'm also originally from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I know you guys talk about the Amish lot, so that's kind of like the home of the Amish show. But always cool to hear you guys talk about that. That's cool, okay, good deal, man. Thank you. Yeah, enjoy your maps at a ball, come.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Awesome, thank you, you have a good one, guys. You guys, thank you very much. Yeah, the, I don't to have to get into many details. And this is again, I'm speaking way outside of my scope. There are definitely areas of brain that help regulate hormones that could be affected. Obviously, we don't know what the details are about that. So I want him to talk to a specialist to figure out
Starting point is 01:30:00 what's going on. But ultimately, total testosterone could be higher, yeah, but if you didn't have symptoms, it's okay. Yeah, he doesn't sound like he's complaining about that. I don't know why he's, I mean, that hung up on it if he feels okay. Probably because the first one was so low. Yeah, you know, sure.
Starting point is 01:30:15 And that could easily be just stress from school. Oh, yeah, no, yeah. It's school not getting the best sleep, knowing your test is on Friday. I'm a trainee, like, I mean, I trained, I trained a man in his, this is at the Missy Hall, I mean, that's the best test. I trained a man, and this is, let me see, how old was he? He was in his mid to late 30s at the time.
Starting point is 01:30:29 He tested in the high 200s total. We changed his diet, sleep, stress, he was over-training like crazy. So, it cut down all of his training, put him in a calorie surplus or whatever. Six months later, he went from the high 200s to 900. He tested. In fact, they thought it was, they tested again and again and again, and it kept coming out between eight to 900. So you can really affect a testosterone with your lifestyle big time. You can make a huge impact. Look, if you like the show,
Starting point is 01:30:59 head over to mindpumpfree.com and check out all our free fitness guides. We have a lot and they'll help you with your health and fitness. You can also find us on Instagram, Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. I'm at Mind Pump to Steffenow and Adam. Is that Mind Pump Adam? Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy
Starting point is 01:31:18 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superb bundlele at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sour, animal, and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you
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