Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2246: Ways to Reduce Upper Arm Fat, the Dangers of Consuming Excessive Protein Shakes, How to Quickly Improve Range of Motion & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: January 31, 2024

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Might pump with your hosts, Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health and entertainment podcast. This is my pump. Today's episode, we answered live callers questions, but this was after an intro portion today. It was 45 minutes long. That's what we talk about.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Current events, fitness, studies, science, family life, and much more. By the way, you could check the show notes for timestamps if you just want to fast forward to your favorite part. Also, if you want to be on an episode like this one live where we can help you out, email us your question at live at mindpumpmedia.com. Now this episode is brought to you by sponsor Organifi.
Starting point is 00:00:45 They make organic supplements for athletic performance, muscle gain, fat loss, better sleep, and just overall wellness. It's the longest sponsorship we've had. It's our favorite supplement company. Go check them out. Go to Organifi.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com forward slash mind pump.
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Starting point is 00:01:37 You get all 11 maps, mods for free, all 13 maps, guides for free. You get $200 off and you get included into a private trainer forum. You can find all of this at mind pump fitness coaching.com, but you have to use the code 200 off for that discount. There's also one day left for the January special for a workout program. Bundles. These are programs put together into bundles on sale, 300 to $350 off. Here they are.
Starting point is 00:02:05 New to weightlifting bundle, body transformation bundle, new year extreme intensity bundle and the body transformation bundle 2.0. You can find those at mapsjanuary.com. All right, here comes the show. T-shirt time! And it's t-shirt time.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Ah, shit Doug, you know it's my favorite time of the week. We've got three winners this week, two for Apple Podcasts, one for Facebook, the Apple Podcast winners are Dummy Genius and Emily Rose. And for Facebook, we have Sage Walts. All three of you are winners. And in the name I just read,
Starting point is 00:02:39 two iTunes at mindpumpmedia.com include your shirt size and your shipping address. And we'll get that shirt right out to you. For many of you who are on a weight loss journey, do the following thing to dramatically improve your odds of success. Take your scale and hide it, put it in the closet or throw it away.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Compulsively weighing yourself is probably hindering your progress. In fact, I did this with many clients. I had them stop weighing themselves. And in fact, they became far more successful as a result. This one, people are always like, huh? Whenever you bring this tip up, I can't help but remember how obsessed I was with the scale. I used to, I used to weigh myself after every time I ate food.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Oh God, me too. For the opposite reasons. Right. Yeah. I was trying to get away. I know. Get out of here. Yeah. For the opposite reasons, right? Yeah, I have weighed so
Starting point is 00:03:27 so consistently so many times that I knew Where I would be at what time of the day and after every meal and like and so and I knew if it was like a success like oh Whoa, I just hit a new a new pound. I've never seen before on that meal. Yeah, you go back and stuff myself No, this one for for clients. I don't don't know, after five or six years of training, I figured this out and I told clients to stop weighing themselves because what happened was they became so obsessed with the scale that they would ignore all the other signs of potential progress, like how they fell and their strength and their energy. In fact, not only would they ignore those signs, but they would counter,
Starting point is 00:04:06 they would go against those signs if the scale seemed to move in the right direction. Like for example, if they were more dehydrated that day, or they had less carbohydrates, so the water, their water went down. So they lost the pound or two on the scale, but they had muscle cramps and they felt terrible. They had low energy. They didn't have good strength. They would consider it a success on the flip side. They would consider it a failure if the scale went up a pound, even though they felt good and maybe it was muscle and maybe they got stronger.
Starting point is 00:04:31 So I would tell people, let's take your scale. Let's throw it in the closet. Let's not wave for 90 days, but here are the things I want you to focus on. I want you to focus on your energy, your strength, your mood, your sleep. Let's focus on those things. Let's pay attention to those. That way you can kind of monitor and see how you're progressing.
Starting point is 00:04:48 And then you'll be in for a amazing surprise at the end of this 90 day journey. And it was like clockwork. It worked every single time. Yeah, I used to like, I used to weigh some of my clients towards the end of my career and like, wouldn't even tell them and like would just track it for them.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Haven't stand on scale backwards. Yeah, like they wouldn't even see it. Um, and that worked out a lot better for me, but it was such like an obsession that, uh, you'd have to overcome constantly because everything is describing in terms of the fluctuation of weight. It's just so many factors to that that it was like, I would rather focus just on, you know, the, the progress of strength, obviously, and like what we're doing physically and like, um, how the clothes of strength, obviously, and like what we're doing physically
Starting point is 00:05:25 and like how the clothes are fitting, like circumference measurements, I think are even more valuable than that. So things like that. Another great strategy is to get up on stage in front of all your peers and have somebody rip your shirt off in front of everybody. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Who is that guy that does that? That's the new Andy Elliott phenomenon that's going on. So terrible. Dude. You know what? Okay, here's the new Andy Elliott phenomenon that's going on. So terrible. Dude. You know what? Okay, here's the thing I'm gonna, I hate this. I could have called this, dude.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I'm going to reserve judgment until I meet the guy because one thing I've learned in this space is that, you know, I can't, I don't know somebody by a post or two or even their Instagram, if I go through their Instagram, like, and many times I've misjudged or mischaracterized somebody who I think I'm not gonna like them and then I meet them and then like, whatever. But-
Starting point is 00:06:12 You could be a great guy, but that strategy's got it. So it's like humiliating and it's just not, it's counter- It's going viral right now. There's all kinds of these- That's why they're doing it. Yeah, exactly, right? There's these clips of- I mean, we've pretty much like like we're trying to eliminate all shame
Starting point is 00:06:27 in the environment, like from every angle, right? Like that's like the biggest push, like since the last decade has been like to get rid of people, like feeling any sort of shame. So it makes sense to me now that it's all of a sudden emerging again. That's why I thought you would like it. I thought you,
Starting point is 00:06:42 because you want to bring back shame and bullying. So I'm like... Well, I didn't. I thought, I thought maybe you would like it. I thought you, because you want to bring back shame and bullying. So well, I don't mean like, maybe Justin was like, just like, yes, bring back some bullying. No, I don't, I don't, I don't like that. You need to be shamed. No, I think it, I think it's more of a peer to peer kind of like a self correction thing, like the integration stuff that Jordan Pearson talks about.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Um, I think that all needs to be handled in the social setting as you're growing up together with your peers. Like it's just putting somebody on blast in front of like strangers and like ridiculing them and belittling them like that's the stuff we all were like, yeah, that's not good. Yeah, we're not, we're not on board with that. That being said, I do think to your point that we've gone so far the other direction that we could have easily predicted that this was going to happen. Yeah, the pendulum swing is coming back hard. Yeah, so the, you know, the, yeah, no shame in being politically correct. Everything's okay, everything's fine.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Yeah, like, yeah, that's right. Like, you know, the health at every size, all that. So of course, we went so far that way, that there was going to be an opportunity for someone like this to go viral and be like, no, fuck that, we're going the opposite way. You're fat. Yeah. We're going to get emboldened to say racist things again, you know, like all this, because it's just been this constant, like, trying to, to to to root out and scrub out and where it didn't even exist. And so it's like now it's like it almost puts like this this counter movement, this rebellious movement against like this oppressive like authoritarian like control of like, oh, well,
Starting point is 00:08:19 control it's a people rebel against that it's not an effective strategy. It's human psychology. It's like bumper plates or not bumper plates. It's like the bumpers on a bowling alley. You ever go with your kids bowling? They throw the ball down, it goes bump, bump. It has to hit each side until it gets to the very end, right? So this is like we go from one end to the other. I mean, human psychology, right? Like the scale thing that we just brought up.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Like I would work with clients and the scale would determine their mood. They. Like I would work with clients and the scale would determine their mood. They would in either a good mood or a bad mood. It was a good day or a bad day based on what the scale said, completely ignoring their energy and other things that actually contribute to their mood. I would see people, I would have clients that would come in and I'd be like, oh man, you look, you look great. You know, oh, I've so much energy. I had a great day. I feel so good. I can't wait to get on be like, oh man, you look great. You know, oh, I've so much energy. I had a great day. I feel so good.
Starting point is 00:09:05 I can't wait to get on the scale to see how great my progress is. I know I'm getting more fit. We'd get on the scale and no pounds lost or went up a little bit because they built muscle. And you could see the energy in them just get sucked out or them just get, just changes their entire mood because they tied everything to,
Starting point is 00:09:21 remember scale just weighs mass. So you could cut your leg off and your weight would go down. Would that be a successful weight loss? No. Um, also, and we've talked about this so many times on the show, body fat and muscle look very different in our very different tissues. You, you gain 10 pounds of muscle. You lose 10 pounds of fat.
Starting point is 00:09:38 You weigh the same on the scale, but you're smaller because fat takes up more space on a per pound basis. And you have a faster metabolism, you have better hormones, you're stronger, you're more sculpted. So it's just human psychology is interesting. So understanding this about yourself, if your mood can be made or broken by your scale and you're trying to lose weight
Starting point is 00:09:57 and you know that about yourself, you know that that if no matter how you feel, no matter what's happening in the gym, if the scale goes in the wrong direction, it's gonna crap you out all day long. And which then of course contributes to other behaviors, right? Like overcorrection, where now I'm going to starve myself even more. I'm going to go work out inappropriately, over-train myself or whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:16 If you know that your mood gets that strongly affected by your scale, take your scale and throw it away or hide it and make a deal with yourself, make a promise that you can keep and say, I'm not gonna weigh myself for 30 days or 60 days. And I'm just gonna pay attention to these other things and you'd be blown away. I wish body fat testing calipers were more accessible and easy for people because then they could just,
Starting point is 00:10:37 the electronic impedance you can get, it's not just unfortunate because those get conflicted with some of the way. You know, even psychology is so interesting. You can totally predict that this Andy Elliott guy would manifest because of the direction we're going. It's like the Andrew Tate phenomenon. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:51 It's even like the Sam Soule phenomenon, right? Like we've overproduced, we over edited things on social media that was, and like it was like this slow progression, right? Like it started off and like it was people running around with these crappy cameras and it was shaky. And then there was this demand for it to be better and more refined and better edited, better shot, better production. Then all of a sudden it's like, man, some of these people, some of these vloggers overreduce,
Starting point is 00:11:16 are rivaling a documentary as far as like the quality of what they're putting out. And now we're coming all the way back the opposite direction. It's like, give me the grainy, grungy, no clips edited type of editing anymore. It's like, it's so funny how we are, as far as the human psychology is like that. We go one way and then we get right till it's like, okay, that's enough.
Starting point is 00:11:38 Now I wanna go to the- That's ridiculous. Where's the novelty? Yeah, now I'm gonna go the opposite, complete. Not just like go back a little bit. Like, oh, let's just take it back a little bit. It's like, no, let's go the opposite extreme. And then, you know, here comes this new phenomenon,
Starting point is 00:11:49 which I think that's what we're seeing with the rip your shirt off thing. I think that's what we're seeing with Andrew Tate. I think that's what we're seeing with Sam Sola. You know what's a good example of that is even fashions like that. Yes. I just thought about that right now because I have a 15 year old daughter,
Starting point is 00:12:04 her and her friends go out and I swear to God guys It's the 90s when I see them the way that they're dressed even their hair and their makeup is starting to look like I'm like baggy pants or back. Oh, I'm like you look like literally like when I was in high school It's so weird and I wonder if it's because I wonder because they see pictures of their parents and then so it's in their head or I like it's like finally my kids are wearing like what I wear. Like we look like little twins. For a brief moment, dude, then they're like, dad's lame.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Yeah, I'm like, yes. No, your boys rolled up the truckie last time and then like the baggy corduroy. I mean, that's what I wore in high school. Totally. Like they rolled up in a fit. I'm like, I'm pretty sure I wore that exact fit. My daughter had the straight leg, big jeans.
Starting point is 00:12:45 She had the shell-toed Adidas on. Did she really have the shell-toes out? I'm like, you look, I'm like, come on, honey, this is crazy. Well, you know what's funny about that, I mean, guys, talk about making yourself feel old now, right? Because it's gone so long, or it's been so long ago for them that there's no recollection of that for them.
Starting point is 00:13:04 So they think it's completely new and original. Yeah. So it's like, no, actually, that was. Well, when we were kids, it was a 70s style. Remember Bell Bottoms and Low Reggie trying to come out and stuff like that. So I know. I wonder, somebody's got to have like a good video on like, there's got to be a math to it. There's right.
Starting point is 00:13:19 There's got to be math to it where it's like every 20 years. I wonder is the same cycle. Yeah. Like, is it like is it pretty... Rinse, repeat, you know, the same sort of cycle. Yeah, is there a formula to it that we should be able to predict in five years? Exactly, we should be able to go, oh, this is what will be popular. Yeah, interesting.
Starting point is 00:13:36 It's never the Jetsons. You know what's funny? This is why sci-fi movies, sci-fi movies always screw up on this. You'll see a sci-fi movie, it shows the future. Yeah, you'll see a sci-fi movie shows the future That's always now unless it's like five thousand years in the future But they'll show like a oh, it's like you know hundred years in the future and they're wearing like like triangle like colors are like this Steel gray By the way, did you guys who is it that Or everybody's wearing like a little bit of foil clothes or something like that. Like that's, wow. Nobody would wear that. I've seen that.
Starting point is 00:14:07 By the way, did you guys, who is it that brought up? Back to the future nailed that. Yeah. I mean, back to the future nailed that. I wonder though, hold on. I wonder if back to the future influenced fashion because it was such a cultural icon, that movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Sometimes movies do that. I'm sure. Oh yeah. I mean, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, it was that icon. Who is it that brought up idiotocracy where they were all wearing crocs? That was me. Yeah. You know that?
Starting point is 00:14:28 You know, I bought a pair. Yeah, I know you did. So I have to pair. I bought a pair. Katrina's so mad at me It's so she's so mad at me. No sex day. Yeah, she's like Don't you wear those anywhere? I was like, this is the new Jesus. Bro. What got me and I know here Here's you could go back on the podcast I'm sure you hear me talk shit about him because they're the fucking ugliest thing ever They are and I and I am like the furthest you know how much I resist trends like I do not like to follow trends at all I hate that right so it's like so there's a part of me. It's like oh, it's everybody's Well my my nephew who wears the same size as I do, had a pair and these are the ones,
Starting point is 00:15:06 I had literally the exact same pair, I ended up going and buying. Do you have the fur line one? Yes. And we're up at Truckee. They're nice. And I had to go take the trash out and I slid my feet in them and I went,
Starting point is 00:15:15 God damn, these are comfy. Yeah, dude, they are. Yeah. And I find myself wearing them around the house all the time now. So I wear mine because we don't wear shoes in the house. So I use them to go in and out. Yeah, that's my go to the trash all the time. So I wear my, cause we don't wear shoes in the house. So I use them to go in and out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:25 So when I go out to the house, go to the trash, go. So I bought a pair and I have them in the garage for when I go out in the garage and go out in that way. And then I have it. I bought it just bought another pair for the front. So I have a pair in the front and back. That's why I'm moccasin slippers that you guys always made fun of me, but, uh,
Starting point is 00:15:39 I ended up getting like cooler looking ones. And then I, I wear them and I hate it cause it's like, it has a back tomb and everything. And so you go to slide your feet in but then like yeah I'm like I'm like I might as well look door is why your moccasins aren't good you go outside and walk on wet grass on those you just screwed them up no the bottoms rubber the side of them is all like felt or whatever material is with with Crocs I could go swimming those those things. It'll fit out of plastic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:06 So there's, yeah. Now do you wear yours? Do you wear yours in sport mode or do you keep the strap in the front? There always a strap front because the whole purpose is what you said. If I, you catch me wearing them in the back like that. Now I'm not, now I'm bullshitting because that's not why I got them. I got them. So, and I have a pair of Birkenstocks, which will never catch me wearing them out.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Either that I will not do, but the one thing about my Birkenstocks is which you'll never catch me wearing them out either. Oh my God, that I will not do. But the one thing about my Birkenstocks is I actually sometimes, because the leather I don't even know guys wore those. Yeah, you have Birkenstocks. What? Of course. Are you going to the sandals? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Yeah. No, those double straps. I thought certain kinds of women wore those. Yeah. Look, there's a certain kind of woman that was. I mean, if I'm wearing Crocs, what's it? I mean, if I'm Crocs or Birkenstocks, I mean, another one of them I'm bragging about, you know? My point is when I want them for the exact same thing,
Starting point is 00:16:49 my hands are full, I'm carrying trash, I'm trying to go out the door, right? So I want to be able to slide my feet in. And even Birkenstocks, the leather strap falls down sometimes. So sometimes I'm like messing with my foot to get in. So yeah, I want the easiest things to slide in and out. And then as comfortable as I can be, nothing beats Crocs for them.
Starting point is 00:17:04 My dad years ago made the case. I hate to admit a me. Nothing beats crocs for my dad years ago You had the I hate to admit it So this is my dad made the case years ago when I was younger He likes shoes without laces so and you'll wear out like regular shoes no laces right that you kind of slide on But they kind of like tennis shoes Yeah, and he found a pair years ago and he just bought like 15 Same pair because he just likes to wear them and I remember making the case is like do nice you go So what though they're nice? There's no lacy. You put them on.
Starting point is 00:17:25 It's so easy. You go outside and I was like, who cares? Put them like where laces that look ugly or whatever. Now as I'm getting older, I'm kind of like, Hey, what brand are those? I like this Velcro come back soon or what? Sure. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Pro wings. Who owns probably miss Pro wings still a shoe brand. Oh, by the way, style is a 20 year cycle. You hit the 20 year. Yeah. 20 years. Yeah. Let probably still a shoe brand. Oh by the way style is a 20 year cycle Yeah, 20 years. Yeah, let's say a pro wings that even exists. Yeah, that was a brand is it still a See if see if pro wings and BK Knights still looks like they still have them They do still have pro wings. Yeah, I always find this interesting picture I got like a company like that that you thought is just dissolved, but it's still probably worth a billion. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Still, I don't know about that. But oh, yeah, look at that. I don't even remember. You know what? They don't bring those back. They don't look bad. You know, I'm like, red wings was another one. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Now are they? No. The so is the business still exists? Maybe give me some stats on the business. I'm really interested. And if somebody else owes them or owns them, excuse me, they're like, we're actually those are bad looking. Also like, pro wings don't look bad. Pro wings were what kids got when they couldn't afford their parents could
Starting point is 00:18:32 afford a boxer. They were the cheap shoes that which we call it. Wow, they don't look too cheap. They look at the branding on it. They've changed the branding. Wow. Can you find some stats, Doug? I'm on them for me to let me know if they're if the company is doing better or worse or Everything's sold out on their website. Wow Look up look up the company okay, Andrew, maybe you can Somebody give me somebody give me some stats on the company and how it's done over the last decade
Starting point is 00:18:58 You know, it's interesting. There's been like so Stucey made a massive comeback Obviously champion right champion was a Kmart brand before. LA Gear, wasn't that a good brand? Yeah, that was the cheap, easy brand. You found a gosh shot. One of the best stories ever, man, watching them and Stucey both come back and make a huge comeback.
Starting point is 00:19:13 What's that say there, Pro Wings, what is that? That's just their Instagram page or something? They're on Facebook. Okay, so Pro Wings and the 80s in a shoe store, volume shoe stores, that's where they used to sell them, I guess. You couldn't find out how the business is doing today? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I'm looking for those numbers. It might not be a public company. What's going on over there, Andrew? No, you still should be able to Google that, bro. Yeah, I don't know. Since 1989, huh? Yeah. That's, oh.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Pro wings is a part of Payless. Oh, so Payless owns the brand. That's what I thought. I knew it. Yeah, because then you knew, that's why kids got made fun, because then you knew their mom bought their shoes at Payless, which back then was.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Mm-hmm. Yeah. I did not know that it was owned by them. That's really, boy, but they crushed it. Do you know what shoe that I, the Huffy bike? Well, no, it's like the, it's like, okay, so a lot of people don't know this. Huffy bikes, Huffy was, they weighed like 8,000 pounds
Starting point is 00:20:01 for the top wall, just roasted. You know what this is like? This is actually just like the supplement industry and the supplement hustle. So vitamin shop, neutral shop, these companies, the way they make massive money is by cutting, by cutting down the price on the big name brand. So they leverage big names. So like the EAS or the whatever, whatever name your, your top brand,
Starting point is 00:20:29 they put it at really competitive prices inside their store to drive traffic. And they're only making a couple bucks at best on that. But then they offer their protein powder or whatever that way. They have massive margins and they undercut the price in hopes that you'll end up buying their stuff. Pro wings is the same thing for Payless. So they have their, they drive you in because you can go buy Nike's, you can buy Reeboks, you can buy anything at Payless for a discounted price. have the drive you in, cause you can go buy Nike's, you can buy Reeboks, you can buy anything at Payless for a discounted price. Those would be like 10, 20 bucks.
Starting point is 00:20:49 But then they'll have their shoes, the ProWings for, ah, wow, I did not. ProWings are the multi-million. That's how the, the multi-million. A fruit loose. I was just curious to see if Payless is gonna move or not. Free views.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Free views, throw it in a big ass bag. My mom was so, when it came to cereal, she would buy us the kids cereal, but she never got the brand name So we had a instead of Instead of what's the one with the marshmallows? I like your charms. Yeah, we had marshmallow made ease In the big bag it came in a bag. Yeah, it was not a box. Yeah It came in a bag. Yeah, give it a big it was not a box. Yeah, it was just a bag of There we go revenue is three billion pay less is Pay less is yeah, well pay less own place. Yeah. Yeah, we don't know pro wings guns does for them. That's huge What's their profits crazy? They've got to have slim margins because they're super everything's super well I'll let people are buying their pro wings. That's where they're big Marge. You know what other store
Starting point is 00:21:42 I don't even know if they exist anymore But what store if you bought clothes from there, you never told your friends because you get made fun of. Do you guys remember Kmart? Oh, Kmart, yeah. Remember that? People get made fun of.
Starting point is 00:21:53 You just, that's champion, bro. Oh, yeah. That's what we brought up champion. Champion was like Kmart's big flagship brand. Another crushing. Yeah, another, a huge brand. What a champion.
Starting point is 00:22:03 So, definitely Kmart. Hey, I got some stuff. Hold on before you go. Yeah, another huge brand. What a champion. So it definitely came. Hey, I got some. Oh, I got hold on before you go. Yeah, so I wanted to see if you guys could think of the most expensive material on earth. Oh, uranium. No, plutonium. No, most expensive material. What's it called?
Starting point is 00:22:23 Oh, yeah. Yeah, I know you're talking about. No, no. I don't have a guess. I don't know. Yes. It's anti matter. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:30 But give us the price. Give us the price of it. I've saw this before. 62 trillion a gram. A gram. A gram is 62 because the Hadron collider is the only thing that can create it. You know, and so take like, now, if you make enough, now, wouldn't, if you made a gram of it, wouldn't it destroy everything?
Starting point is 00:22:48 Oh yeah, I'm sure. Yeah, I'm sure. Wait a second. Okay. Where do you buy anti-matter? I don't think it's like a commodity. It was just value. Some physics page was just like expressing like, like basically how,
Starting point is 00:23:02 how much money it takes to create and produce. What does anti- antimatter do? Because the name of it alone makes me imagine that if you dropped, it would be antimatter. Yeah, like is it some relevance to black holes at that point? Now I know uranium is super expensive. What does this say? Antimatter. Particles are almost identical to their matter counterparts,
Starting point is 00:23:24 except that they carry the opposite charge and spin. When anti-matter meets matter, they immediately annihilate into energy. Oh, so just create like an explosion. So if you dropped it on the ground, it would boom. Energy, just energy. I have no idea. It was way above my pay grade.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I just thought that was insane. Hey, you make a drink with antimatter in it? Pure energy. You're coming up with it. Hey, that's not it. Ooh, antimatter. Antimatter is an energy drink. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Hey, we only have to sell one. $62 trillion. We're rich. Hey, you're doing so funny. You see the rich old platinum. Antimatter. Yeah, neat, neat guy. That's pretty neat. Oh, that's a nice necklace. What's the name of the platinum? Yeah. It's a matter. Yeah. Neat, neat guy.
Starting point is 00:24:06 That's pretty neat. Oh, that's a nice necklace. What's the made out of platinum? This is anti-mallory. You see Steve put the new mind pump coaching shirts on the website. Yeah. Now why are they so, why are they $1,700? You don't know why?
Starting point is 00:24:16 I do, but I want to tell the audience. Oh, you do? Yeah. Can you tell like what's the deal? Well, yeah. The point of it was we're not trying to sell them, right? You were supposed to be only be able to win them, right? The idea is to not, but in order to be eligible, you have to go through the program.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Yeah. So in order to win or be eligible for it, then, then Steve gives you a code. The code gives you 99.9% off. So it's like nothing, right? But, but we have to put them in the store in order for that process to work. Otherwise you'd have to go by each individual that wins the shirt you have to give out. Now, speaking of the Mind Pump Fitness Coaching, there's, is there a date? Are we, when this launches this episode, do we have time for the discount?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah, we have 24 hours. So they have one day left as of the airing of this to get the 200 hours off, the free, all the free add-ons, everything. Yes. Okay. It's mindpumpfitnesscoaching.com. The code is 200 off. So if you get this now, you wanna sign up, go for it. The most important thing to note about the coaching thing for those people, like, oh, maybe I'll get it later. One is the thousands of dollars worth of free bonuses you get.
Starting point is 00:25:14 And then more importantly, the idea of this is to build this into literally like a $3,000 to $5,000 product. It's gonna be a living, it's a living course. It'll continue. We're gonna add stuff to it every year, but once you get it, that's it. You pay, you don't pay a dollar more. Right. So if you, you pay the price right now, you're, you get grandfathered in as we
Starting point is 00:25:32 continue to bolster the, the program over the next few years, right? So that's probably the, the, the, the biggest selling pitch I have for you to invest in it now, not to mention that there's payment options. Speaking of selling, uh, I looked up, so Shilajit gummies, Organify has them back in stock. They sold so many of them. They went crazy. I, now we called it, right?
Starting point is 00:25:53 We talked about Shilajit, it's studies, erovetic. It's got more studies than almost any of the supplement. I learned more about Shilajit. So Organify has the purest source of Shilajit called Prima V. It's the best source in gummy form. By the way, they don't even last year, we get a bag of them or two. They're already gone. You guys eat them all. Yeah. But check this out. I did not know all of the things that it does. Did you guys know that shiligy has been
Starting point is 00:26:17 shown to reduce nerve related pain? It's been shown in studies with animals to improve learning and memory acquisition. So it's also a potential in animals and animals and to human studies. It reduces blood glucose by 6.8% reduces inflammation improves increases sperm production. And then another one in men who supplemented with it for 90 days, men who were infertile and razor testosterone by 23%. How crazy is that? I can't help, but I'm thinking of right now, because you're reading it from your phone and you're reading a study.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Did you see the Organifi white listing out of us? You talking about she legit already? Yeah. And all the people talking shit about you. What are they saying? About me? This guy has a fucking study for his bullshit every time. Hey, Hey, listen, if you're watching this, I know you're
Starting point is 00:27:09 popping up. You were, you were, you were doing the exact same thing. You were reading some study off your phone and then you're talking about it. And then you just did it again right now. I'm like, that's the ad. And obviously people who don't know the show or yeah, they're not aware.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Here's another one. We'll have these all posted in the show notes. Here's a study. Yeah. Two grams of chili'll have these all posted in the show notes. Here's a study. Two grams of Shilijit daily, which in otherwise healthy people, lowered triglycerides by 21%, LDLC by 22%, increased HDL by 5.8%. Wow, just by having it, nothing else?
Starting point is 00:27:39 Nothing else. Interesting. That's kind of cool. It's got these strange adaptogenic properties. It is lit. That's why when they came out with it, I was so You guys saw you never see me excited over something like that. I was like finally somebody's put together a great delivery She was eating normally taste that crap. I'm gonna be there gummies are good I haven't had any since we had them in here because we ate them so fast
Starting point is 00:28:00 You also told me too that it's got compounding effects. So it's not like, so it's like the more consistent you take it, the better the effects are. That's right. That's right. All right. Speaking of effects, uh, are you guys know what pheromones are? Yeah. So it's the chemicals that attract your potential mate.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Yeah. Weird stuff. Right. You emit them. Yeah. So, and I mean, I've talked about this before. I always find, I find pheromones fascinating because you can't necessarily detect them, but they will influence your behaviors, right?
Starting point is 00:28:30 So they'll have women and they'll have them smell a shirt that a man wore and they can pretty accurately predict whether or not a man will be a good DNA match for them. So they'll say, which shirt are you attracted to and they'll smell it. Let's say I'm attracted to this one. Then they'll test their DNA. And then sure enough, the, uh, significantly they're able to pick out the guy who they'll probably more likely to have healthy babies with just from, from doing that. Do you guys know anything they make perfumes and colognes that you could buy online with spheromones that you, yeah. Interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:02 So I bought one. I bought potion I want to try you're gonna know that's terrible you know that's a myth was that a myth Spanish fly was that real I don't know I think it's a myth it was it Bill Cosby liked it I heard oh it's terrible that's called uh that's a different one sleepy drug so I bought some so I bought some online to kind of test out with Jessica and put it on a little bit and she was like all snuggly on me. I'm like, yeah, yeah. That's funny. Isn't there, isn't there science of support too?
Starting point is 00:29:29 There's something about like the, our saliva too, like when, yeah, that's why you kiss each other. And that's why too, like when people say like they knew after the first kiss or whatever like that, like there's like something that, well, here's what is that pheromone related or is that like something chemically that's in the saliva? No, that's something else. It's really gross.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Say what? We get into talking about how we interact physically with somebody else and all our juices. Oh. It gets really uncomfortable. Well, that's the prevailing theory. So why we have pubic hair and armpit hair is to collect pheromones. Because the most pheromones we produce are in our pubic and our pit area. Oh really? Yeah dude. Oh that's funny.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Wait a minute, where'd they collect the pheromones? Oh that's gross. That's gross. Anyway, like speaking of fern, like my wife, I just love her smell. No matter what she always she'll come back and be like, I gotta take a shower. Her smell to me is always amazing. Just her body smells or whatever. I always comment on that. So it's got to be her fur.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Even when she's sweaty and stuff. Anything. It's got to be a mat. Are you like, he's like that with yours? No, I like my wife's shower. It really? Yeah, yeah. She stinks? Yeah, yeah. I'm particular about that.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Yeah, I like when you shower. I have the, I'm like, I feel like it's a one way thing with me. You're a big smell guy. I'm a big smell guy. She's not real, you know, like, I'm sure, you know, it's probably for the best. But yeah, yeah, I feel like I'm super sensitive to like smell. So like, if it's like, if you're there's a hint of sweaty, BO or anything like that, like I'm super, you smell everything.
Starting point is 00:30:59 I do. Everything. You even smell things that aren't there. Yeah. You do. I've seen you come in room before and smell thoughts. Yes. Courtney always trips out. I never had I do. Everything. You even smell things that aren't there. Yeah. You do. I've seen you come in room before and smell thoughts. Yes. Why is it smell?
Starting point is 00:31:08 Courtney always trips out though. I never had a BO. Like ever. You don't have BO? Ask her. Call her right now. Yeah. Katrina would say the same thing about me.
Starting point is 00:31:16 And now I would attribute that because I'm a like shower freak. Right? I shower too many times. Yeah. Every day I shower a minimum of two to three times a day. So it's in the morning before you go to bed. Yes. For at least that that's like bear. You I talked to you about this before. Have you changed it? Do you soap everything still?
Starting point is 00:31:33 No, like when I'm when I'm like on shower number two or like that one shower, I have like a good lather and then other showers like just you still soap everything up. No, no, no. I just said one shower is a good lather. That's what I mean. In that one shower, do you soap everything? Yes, I wash my body. Really? Yes, everything.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Yes. That's not good for your skin. Yeah, I know. That's why I smell better than you, though. That's why I smell good and you don't smell good. I smell as well. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Is that what I know? If there was one of us in here that didn't smell good. Who do you think it is? Stop. Stop it. Stop it. So I trade. So I trade what's probably a healthier for my microbiome for smell.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I get I don't know that your, your, your smell will change depending on your mood to select when you're anxious, uh, people can smell it. I believe that. Oh yeah. Don't you feel like too, you could smell fear and you need to. They've said that. Yeah, you're right. It's very, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:23 When somebody's like, what'd you say? Super anxious or like a nervous about like presenting or whatever it is. Like, yeah, people have like kind of an oniony. I don't know how else to describe it. Yep. Oh, interesting. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I mean, I definitely noticed that. No, I definitely believe that. Yeah. For sure. Hey, I had something to bring up that that was interesting. What you got? So the Super Bowl is coming up. It's at the, the. Wait, who's, so was interesting. What you got? So the Super Bowl is coming up. It's at the the.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Wait, who's so hold on. How far are we right now? Well, we're first of all, this goes next week and it'll be another weekend of of of games. So we don't know yet. Right. So there's still like what eight teams in it. Oh, there's still eight left. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:59 So by the time by the time this airs, it'll be less than that. So will there be semi finals next week after? There's four teams left. Four teams left. Yeah. And this airs, there'll be less than that. So will there be semi finals next week after? There's four teams left. Four teams left. Yeah. And this airs, there'll be two teams left. Wait, so after this, then we'll know who the super bowl is. Right now, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:12 When this is airing, we'll know the super bowl. Yeah. Yes. Oh, yeah. You guys want to make predictions? Because now it's going to go, it'll air up. You'll be long or alive. Niners, Niners, Ravers.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Niners for sure. I mean, I hope. You think Niners and Ravers? Rav-ravers. Rav-ravers. Yes. And seep, seep. Wow. Wow. Niners and Raven. I mean, you think Niners and Ravers? Ravors. Ravors. Ravors. Ravors. Ravors.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Wow. Niners and Ravens is what it is. Yeah, yeah, that's who I think it's going to be. But my point of bringing this up was not to get into sports talk with you guys for sure. It was more to bring up that it's at the Raiders, not the Ravens, the Raiders or the Ravers. It's at the Raiders Stadium, which is in Las Vegas. That's going to be the Super Bowl? That's the new like, like one that looks like Darth Vader.
Starting point is 00:33:46 It's like all the Super Bowls there. And what's crazy, okay. Take a, uh, take a shot at what a, so they, uh, here they have these VIP tables at this, which is really sick, of course in Vegas, right? They've got like these like almost like, uh, when you go to like a nightclub, how they have like VIP tables, they have that on the, They have that on the field, right in the end zone. Okay. So what do you, what do you think one of those runs for the Super Bowl?
Starting point is 00:34:08 Well, hold on. Let's back up for a second. Yeah. Yeah. Would a typical Super Bowl are there seats on the field? No. Well, Vegas, they have those seats. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I'm saying all the games. Yeah. You don't see it. In other places. No, no, no. That's new. That's like, that's like a thing. What are the most expensive seats normally?
Starting point is 00:34:23 Well, wait a second. This is too easy. If you start doing, yeah. Well, I don't know. I'm trying to get. How about I give you, how about. One of the most expensive seats normally. Well, wait a second. This is too easy if you start doing. Yeah. Well, I don't know. I'm trying to give you how about this? Go, you know, going to Hocke-san, the nightclub, it's $10,000 for a table. Okay. So one of those tables on a football field for Super Bowl. The Super Bowl. What do you got? I'm gonna say a hundred thousand.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Yeah. There's your guess. Quarter million. Did you already look it up? Andrew, don't cheat. You already looked it up. Did you? Yeah, I would say a hundred, a hundred, fifty thousand. Okay. So you say you yeah? I would say a hundred a hundred fifty thousand okay, so you say a hundred hundred say hundred fifty What if I told you that none of you even close? Oh Million three quarters of a million seven hundred thousand dollars Yes, am I right Andrew? I'm not seeing that price. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I should else 750,000
Starting point is 00:35:07 Yeah, well, I mean somebody would pay that I was that fucking nuts or what now That's crazy your hundred thousand guesses is a pretty good guess because you figure you could probably fit seven to ten people in that Maybe more I don't even know how many so you got each to preach persons dropping probably a hundred seventy five to a hundred grand Yeah, just for that. Yeah. Isn't that wild? Dude, Vegas is going to be crazy. You know, my buddy's going to the divisional game, right? The Lions and the Niners play this weekend.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Okay. So who's who's left right now? Niners Lions Ravens Chiefs. Okay. Yeah. And I don't know, like everybody's predicting the Chiefs and in line. Everybody wants the Lions to win so Sorry guys. Well, that's just because how long they've been without it. My buddy's going by just I know I get
Starting point is 00:35:50 Yeah, of all the of all the live sport I know I'm gonna piss somebody all the people that love this stuff to so much But I just a football for that price in person is just not you know, I know and I watch football every Sunday I love football and I've been to a lot of live games. Why is it cuz you can't see much? Yeah, you're just far away. Yeah, you're far. You're far away. And it's there.
Starting point is 00:36:08 There's certain sports that are spectacle and hockey. I feel like are two of the best. Yeah, those are two of the best for sure. When you have a game where there's that many, that many players that are all tight and confined and you're far away, like you, like a fake handoff, you're like, you're like, where's the ball? Yeah. You know, see, that's what you know what I also don't like live that a lot of
Starting point is 00:36:29 people for some reason do too. Uh, MMA fights. You know, see, yes. Oh, you're right. He signed up watching the screen. Yes. Yeah. I've said great seats there and I'm like here, look at him.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Well, because we're on the ground, you can't see what's happening. Yeah. They do such a good job with the camera, the zoom in. So you see all these little details. Oh, he's got his wrist. Oh, shit. He's almost going to sink it in. like you can't see that in the arena There's corner posts like obstruct so much. Yeah, and then and then you're looking through a fence
Starting point is 00:36:51 There's probably it's all about the experience It is and and so yeah and the counter argument to that So I got to go one of my favorite games kid one of my favorite games I've ever seen live in my life was also the worst seats I've ever sat in my life So I went to this was back when our corina was also the worst seats I've ever sat in my life. So I went to this was back when our Corina was where the Kings play. They don't play there anymore. And I sat in the highest seats up where I had to tilt my head like this because I was hitting the rafter.
Starting point is 00:37:16 That's how shitty it is. Literally, they probably gave them to me for free, right? They were so bad, but it was the Kings versus the Lakers. The last time they played each other, it was, and one of them was not going to make the playoffs and they both were fighting for the same spot. And it was the only basketball game I'd ever been to were from tip off. Nobody sat. I've never been in about the whole basketball game.
Starting point is 00:37:38 The entire arena stood because every day just enter. Oh, yeah. That was even though I'm like this. I think that was the Cubs playoff game against the Marlins. stood because every day just Even though I'm like this I think that was the cubs playoff game. I guess the Marlins. I believe it was right before that guy like, you know The famous grab famous grab. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so I was in like it was obstructed view seating You're right. So you like you're standing and there's this big post in front of you and so I would just walking constantly and like getting beers and like, you know, trying to look at the game through like, um, you know, some of those openings,
Starting point is 00:38:11 but yeah, the energy was insane. And it was just cool to be there. So that part could be contagious. So I kind of get, I kind of get that. I've only been to one, uh, NFL game my entire life. I've been to some, some baseball games, never been to a basketball game, been to some sharks games, but the one football game I went to, it was the Raiders versus, who were they playing? Who's like one of their name nemesis teams?
Starting point is 00:38:35 It wasn't the 49ers. Broncos Broncos. Yeah. Cheesome Broncos. I don't remember. So it was somebody. And it was a Raiders versus this team, whatever. And I remember this guy was wearing not a Raiders jersey. And this was here in the Bay Area. And I remember he was walking and people were throwing their drinks at him. And I was trying to fight him. I'm like, this is terrible.
Starting point is 00:38:55 No, we, I went with my buddy who's a Lions fan and they were spitting on him and throwing beer at us. We went, yeah, what the hell? Yeah, no, that's terrible. That's a Raider Nation. Like football. What is going on? Anyway, that's what they're at. when we went out there. What the hell? Yeah, no, that's terrible. That's a Raider Nation area. Like football. What is going on? Anyway, you're out of control.
Starting point is 00:39:07 That's what they're known for. Hey, I got an interesting study for you since I'm the study guy, right? I got a study for you that's old. This is an old study from 1969. I like that you have old facts. No, 1963. Check this out, dude. They took a bunch of guys and they for 10 days had them ejaculate
Starting point is 00:39:27 twice a day. And did you guys know that their sperm counts went down 50% and did not return for five months? What? So for 10 days, they ejaculated twice a day. Yeah. They had their sperm counts declined by 50% and did not return back to baseline for five months. Why? Well, evolutionarily, the argument is that if you ejaculate often, your body starts to produce less sperm because it feels like it needs to produce less energy to have you procrate since you're having so much sex. If you don't ejaculate often, your sperm count goes up because it's trying to improve the odds of you having more sex.
Starting point is 00:40:01 This is also why- This is why our fertility lady told us we had to back off. Yes, this is also why attractive people tend to produce less sperm than unattractive. Did you guys know that? This is true. Because they're having so much sex. No, because evolutionarily speaking,
Starting point is 00:40:15 you guys, testicle size is reversely correlated to attractiveness in both chimpanzees and in humans. Because if you're attractive, you're probably gonna have more mates. So you don't need to have a shoot as much sperm or whatever versus people who are more ugly. Interesting. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Cool data, right? All right, here's another study I read, which this is our friend, Chris Williamson, posted this. Now this is crazy, I'd like your guys opinion. I really like Chris. 1% of the population in America, so 1%, commits 63% of all violent crime. Damn.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Okay. So what does that mean? If all violent crime careers came to a stop after a third convention. In other words, if it was a three strikes, you're in jail for life. Three violent crimes, you go to jail forever. More than 50% of all convictions for violent crime in the total population will be prevented. If it was a three strikes, you're in jail for life. Three violent crimes, you go to jail forever. More than 50% of all convictions for violent crime in the total population will be prevented. We would drop all violent crime by 50%
Starting point is 00:41:13 by simply doing that right there. Just being a little tougher. What do you guys think about that? Wow, what a cool conversation. Wow, so what did he make an argument for? Well, I mean, that's just it. That she just posted that and then let people let them figure it out. Here's the deal. I'm
Starting point is 00:41:29 not a three strikes. You're out for felonies, but I'm a three strikes. You're out for violent crime. I think violent crime. Yeah, should be the most punished crime. Yeah, I was gonna say they were lumping drug offenses in that and violent crime is a big deal. You're hurting three strikes violent crime. I'm for it. Yeah, you were harming somebody else. Yes. I mean, if you do some shady shit and you steal money or you do whatever like that. No, that's different. Current loss. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Drug loss. You hurt another human being. That's right. You go into salt people. I cannot believe that that would actually reduce that much. Because only 1% produced so much of the violent crime. So if all those people were thrown in jail forever for the third time, violent crime would drop by 50%.
Starting point is 00:42:02 And if you're going to be a criminal, you're going to be a criminal. You're going to be a criminal. You're going to be a criminal. You're going to be a criminal. That would actually reduce that much. I didn't realize that. Because only 1% produced so much of the violent crime. So if all those people were thrown in jail forever for the third time, violent crime would drop by 50% just from that alone. That's crazy. I think our law system and how we punish people is just, it's so twisted. You get caught with a certain amount of drugs, jail for minimum 10 years.
Starting point is 00:42:22 You beat the shit out of people or you molest a kid or whatever. And it's like parole, yeah, or like a week or something. I've seen some of these things. It's like, no, man, violent crime, you're actually reevaluate, I think, a lot of those different, like, each one of those crimes has its own, yeah, severity in terms of like, yeah, like you would, if you're the judge, like that should be the consideration is like, you know, if it is excessively violent, it's violent. Like, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:48 you put that in this category versus like, if it's a drug offense, and it's really, they didn't like, they're not selling it to their kids or like, you know, each one has to be evaluated individually. Like I hate these like generalized blanket laws that like just lump in a lot of people that aren't like as offensive. But violent crime itself, I think, should be definitely at the top, you know, if you're hurting other people. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:43:11 I'd be interested to see some cases or scenarios where something gets lumped into violent crime that was like, well, that wasn't that violent. Like, because here's, you could get in trouble at like a bar fight. Like a bar fight, yeah. And that maybe somebody else provoked and you got into it, like, that would suck.
Starting point is 00:43:24 But that's only one time, right? So hopefully you. Like that would suck, but that's only one time. Right. So hopefully you, you learned to like not put yourself in that position the next time. But I mean, and then also does it, would you make a difference or a stipulation for accidental? Well, the timeframe in between them, right? Like if it's like, man, when I was 18, I had this random thing happen to me.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Then I was 24 and this random thing happened. I'm 36 now and this random thing happened to me. then I was 24 and this random thing happened. And then I'm 36, yeah, 36 now. And this random thing happened to me. That's a good point. Cause I feel like that would kind of matter too. Like cause you, I could think of probably three, like a timeframe, statistically the laws that if we become harsh on the laws that, uh, when we're harsh on violent crime and property crime, you tend to see a dramatic
Starting point is 00:44:04 improvement in safety and society. It's both of those crime and property crime, you tend to see a dramatic improvement in safety and society. It's both of those, violent and property. And you see this in like New York City was a good example. New York City got real bad for a long time and then Giuliani came in and he punished violent crime and property crime quite harshly and it changed the whole city. So wasn't there a lot of stuff too around? We got a lot of hate for that. Well, yeah yeah and all the
Starting point is 00:44:29 smut and what about the programs where we used to put them put a lot of convicts to work. Like wasn't there wasn't that like a good statistic on that too? Like when you gave them purpose and you gave them a job. They were actually rehabilitated and that's I was gonna bring that up too. Yeah that's that used to be a big incentive for them you know to be know, to, to be able to be reintroduced to society. Cause like, if you don't have a good program to reintroduce, let's go right back. Yeah. It's like, what are we doing? We're just like, just might as well keep them in there. Well, you go to jail for four years or even a year. Um, you, you, you, you learn no skill. You just got out of jail.
Starting point is 00:44:58 You probably had to like change your appearance and whatever, whatever to protect yourself on jail. Now you're out in the real world and it's like, I don't know what to do. So I can just do stuff on the black market. Right. Get back thrown on jail. Now you're out in the real world and it's like, I don't know what to do, so I can just do stuff on the black market, get back thrown in jail. I'm already comfortable there. You know, I think that,
Starting point is 00:45:11 I definitely think we should train them. Yeah, what caused us to eliminate that? Cause it was like that before, wasn't it? What, the three strike? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, punish, punish, which the evidence shows that if you lock people up, don't give them an outlet, don't give them any purpose, the odds that they'll recommit crime is really high. Like they took gyms out of prisons in California. That was so dumb. Like why would you do that? Yeah. And a lot of people were like taking gyms out. First off, it was a great incentive to keep people from doing anything in prison because we could
Starting point is 00:45:43 take away their, their gym time. I just think it was funding. I think they just cut funding and then that just became a thing. Which is weird to me because I think it would be the opposite. Like imagine they, they all had to produce something and you pay them a very, very minimal low wage. I mean, they're in prison. They don't need out. They don't like, why would you?
Starting point is 00:45:58 That's probably part of it, right? Cause it's like, oh, we're taking advantage of them, right? And it's like, yeah, which is silly. Cause now what, now you cut, you know, all means for them to be able to have some kind of value coming back in to society and applying it. Yeah. I, there's stories of people. There was one guy, I don't remember his name,
Starting point is 00:46:16 but he went into jail, was wrongly convicted and couldn't get good representation, spent his time in prison getting a lot of degree, defended himself and got himself out of jail. He became a lawyer in prison. I've heard a couple stories. There's a lot of good stories like that where someone goes in and you,
Starting point is 00:46:30 I mean, honestly, if I went into prison for 10 years, I would, bro, I'd come out fucking hell small. You're reading every row. I'd be reading like crazy. I would survive by isolating myself and just dedicating myself to learning and spirituality. That's what I'd tell him. Yeah, the goal would be to come out
Starting point is 00:46:44 and be literally like no hell of shit. I mean, obviously you got all the time in the world. It'd be awful to a lot of butt clenching. Justin, so he's got to look terrible transition, terrible transition, but I've been meaning to bring up Disneyland. It's a small world. What made me think about it is you talked about your father, daughter, dance. I remember the one time you miss,
Starting point is 00:47:14 you had to bring your daughter to Disneyland and it was in my notes to bring this up and talk about it. So, and I, you remember, I've been, I've been following the Disneyland thing lately, right? Obviously I have a bunch of stock of them. So I'm so curious about how they're going to dig themselves out of this hole. And they're putting a lot of energy and effort towards the theme parks. And they're going to be building a bunch more. And I've heard how many billions invest in that.
Starting point is 00:47:34 And they rolled out this new thing this year. And I don't know, I don't know if maybe Doug or Andrew can check to see if it's live yet, but they're eliminating all lines, no lines at Disneyland anymore. So do you do? You just get a beep on your phone and then you shoot. It's like, yeah. So it's like, it's like the next level to their express thing that they already did before. Or you know, you go, you go get like tickets and it tells you your time to go ride is at this time.
Starting point is 00:47:56 So fast pass. It's like, yeah, it's like a fast pass to the next level to where it's like, when you do that, you just get a bunch of tickets. So this is, so this is, no, this is their logic behind it and putting more energy and effort into all the concessions and the, where you going to hang out while you're waiting. That's right. I think first of all,
Starting point is 00:48:12 fucking brilliant. You eliminate the lines that everybody complains about. You offer more things like concessions and stuff. This is a bomb, I agree. That's brilliant. Bro, it's a brilliant idea. I saw that and went, that is really smart.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Cause you're going to try. I'm just trying to imagine what that's going to look like. Imagine you go with your family, it's a brilliant idea. I saw that and went, that is really smart because you're gonna attract. I'm just trying to imagine what that's gonna look like. Imagine you go with your family, you go get four tickets. We gotta show up at these times. What do we do? Let's, I don't know. Dude, they have so many structures and things where you just go look or the kids climb on.
Starting point is 00:48:38 I bet you they'll even like add. They're gonna add. That's what they're like. Add places for you to spend money on. Yes. Imagine trying to get your little kids, we're gonna go 15 minutes now. Oh, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Well, and then the other thing is that you can go do, I know you can do at least two, maybe more, you can go get the tickets for. So you could go to like, oh, let's go to Pirates of the Caribbean, grab a ticket, oh, then let's go over to the southern one, grab a ticket, and then try it. So where's it at?
Starting point is 00:48:58 And then they organize it all. Yeah, Disney World. Oh, Disney World. I don't believe it's Disneyland, just Disney World. Oh, it's World. My bad. Have you guys ever been to Disney World? I haven't. I have not. So it's like three different parks. It's way better than Disneyland.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Yeah, I've been to one of the three. I didn't go to Epcot. Epcot, oh, that's the best. That's the best. Epcot's all these different countries and the people working in each of the countries are typically from those countries. And it's pretty legit. It's pretty authentic. No, I want to go to Disney World for sure. I mean, Disneyland have been too. I'm glad they're putting effort back in their parks. I mean, it was kind of on a decline. You know, when you used to go to the park and it was like, it had that, like everybody was really chipper and like helpful. And, you know, it just lost a lot of that.
Starting point is 00:49:38 I mean, COVID kind of helped, you know, really destroy that. But that's why I think it's kind of cool. They're going this direction. Yeah. What a smart play to do that. I mean, that's going to attract a lot of people just hearing that, like, no more lines, like that sounds amazing. And meanwhile, it's a great way. Don't bring me back for sure.
Starting point is 00:49:53 To get them, get people to spend money elsewhere and make the experience cool. About my daughters going to go with her friend soon and Jessica, they're all going to go to Disney. It'll be the first time though that my daughter and her friend will be off on their own, so it'll be kind of cool. Like literally they're going to go by themselves? No. Jessica's going with them. They're staying at the go to Disney. It'll be the first time though that my daughter and her friend will be off on their own. So it'll be kind of cool. Like literally they're going to go by themselves. No. Jessica's going with them.
Starting point is 00:50:08 They're staying at the hotel, the Disneyland hotel. And then they take off on the ride. She's going to go and then we'll let them go and let them kind of explore on their own, which will be fun for them. Do any of you guys use the, uh, Apple tags? Do you guys use those? I've never used them. What's that?
Starting point is 00:50:22 They're so cool. I saw them at the store. I thought about buying So my sister my sister-in-law Had said that they've been around for over a decade, but they've really just become popular recently I saw a commercial why back a while back for kids and I thought that was brilliant. They're GPS tags Mm-hmm, and you like you put them in like they make them for you put them in your kid's shoe or like that And it's a GPS mark on them. And you also could tell when somebody else's GPS tag you like, so if I got
Starting point is 00:50:49 into your eyes, his car and I had a GPS tag in my backpack or something like that, your iPhones would alert you. There's a GPS tag within whatever. Yeah. Yeah. So you know, you know, I don't know that because I mean, I just got a forever. It's birthday. We just got him a watch and that was just because you could set settings on it so if he has it at school you can't use it.
Starting point is 00:51:07 There's a GPS tag. Apple makes it. Yeah, they're just phone. It's for my family. It's for my family. You do use them. Yeah, I have them on my keys, my wife's keys, my dogs on their collars and my son's backpack. Oh, great.
Starting point is 00:51:20 They're brilliant. That is a smart idea. I know, I just think that's so cool, especially when you have really little kids. Like, okay, at one point your kids should have some sort of phone You know I can look at location with my kids phone. I have that that's how it works. Yeah, it's the same thing Yes, it's the exact same concept. Okay. I mean, but I mean imagine You know putting it on their shoe is probably a safer should put on the damn TV remote control I swear to God nothing is more frustrating
Starting point is 00:51:43 Nothing is more frustrating to frustrating than going to watch TV and I can't find the damn remote and I tear the couch apart and everything. It's just so frustrating. Like an old dad, dude. I'll, my daddy's do that. He's got, one time he got so mad. Oh, dad's, he's gets so mad with the remote. My dad got so mad right.
Starting point is 00:51:58 He flipped the couch over cause he's so mad. I saw the only control. Yeah. I've seen. I saw it was like a viral video on Instagram of like like old dad things that dads would do or something like that And one of them was like remote that was like Velcro. It was like Velcro to the table You know, I've never really lost the road TV remote, I don't know well because I also you and Max and I don't think Max Does he operate it? No. Yeah. So once he starts using it, you'll take it. Maybe that's okay. Yeah, that's
Starting point is 00:52:31 what I got lots of remotes to so that could get really it'll be interesting to see how that goes. Oh, bro, it's not frustrating. I couldn't find the remote the other night trying to look for it. And I was so pissed off. And I just want to Amazon bought a new one because you get it for like eight bucks. Yeah. And then Jessica came back home and I'm like, damn remote. I can't find it. She's like, oh, it's because I put it in my pocket. And I'm like, why? But anyway, now we got an extra. See, I'm lucky because I either have a Samsung
Starting point is 00:52:55 or Sony. So I have several Samsung and Sony TV. So I have several remotes for each one. They all work. Yeah. So I mean, it wouldn't be hard to back in the day. Remotes were expensive. If you had to get another one for your TV, they't remember very expensive. I don't like 50 60 bucks. Thank you for eight bucks They were that much they were oh that's and they started making reversal universal Yeah, you know that you know how they get you like that today is your car keys all these stupid car keys Yeah, all the ones you don't actually turn 400 bucks. Yeah, the battery goes dead. It costs you like 300 bucks. What the fuck is this all about? Oh yeah. I love crazy. It's a hustle.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Anyway, all right. So let's give a shout out. Josh Trent. I'd like to shout him out. We haven't shouted him out in a while. Josh. Good friend of ours. What's the name of his block? Wellness and wisdom, I think. Is it wellness and wisdom? Yeah, he's changed it. Better make sure. I know he's changed it a couple of times. Yeah, let me see.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I'm pretty sure he used to be wellness force. It was, stop it. You're like, watch, watch, I'm right. Wellness and wisdom. Thank you. Boom. Good stuff. You're the better.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Neutropics are working. I'm always right. All right, so what is ButcherBox? Well, this company sends grass-fed meat to your door, wild caught fish to your door, heritage pork to your door, and much more. If you like to eat meat, if you have a high protein diet,
Starting point is 00:54:05 but you want the best, you want animals that are treated well, you want fatty acid profiles that are the best, you want healthy meats that are convenient and inexpensive, you go to ButcherBox. This company is incredible. And right now, if you sign up with us, you get either two pounds of ground beef,
Starting point is 00:54:22 three pounds of chicken breast, or two pounds of salmon for free in every order for an entire year plus $20 off. You just got to use our link. Go to butcherbox.com forward slash mine pump. All right, back to the show. Our first caller is Philip from Georgia. Philip, what's happening? How can we help you? Hey, what's going on guys? Love the show. What up? Thanks man. Thanks for calling in. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:54:41 What's going on guys? Love the show. Thanks man. Thanks for calling in. What's going on? Ah, so, um, I have mobility issues. Um, maybe, maybe it's okay. Maybe it's not, uh, can't reach my, my hands behind my back, you know, like the aptly scratch test or whatever. And, uh, so I'm just having issues with that. I'm having issues, you know, reaching around my back, uh, even tying my shoes, man. I mean, I've gained some weight
Starting point is 00:55:06 because I went through school, I went through college in 2020 and I just finished up last year. And so I was still going to the gym, but my diet was crap. Cause I just, I'm kind of a all or nothing. So if I'm not going to the gym consistently, my diet gets crappy.
Starting point is 00:55:23 And so that's pretty much what happened with school and work and everything. So, um, I'm still going to the gym, uh, but yeah, I've just like issues with, um, my mobility and I'm always having issues with my shoulder when I bench press, uh, overhead press is fine. So I don't really know what's going on. Okay. Well, there's a couple of things you could do, um, with your traditional strength training. One of the things you can do is lower the weight and increase the range of motion little by little. Okay, and you want to go lower
Starting point is 00:55:53 and wait when you do this because the current strength that you have is trained around the current range of motion that you work with. So you're gonna want to significantly reduce the weight, not by 10 pounds or so, but like 30-40% and then slowly work into new ranges of motion. The second thing you're going to want to significantly reduce the weight, not by 10 pounds or so, about like 30, 40 percent, and then slowly work into new ranges of motion. The second thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to practice mobility movements several times a day for five minutes or so, morning, afternoon, evening. Mobility is more, it's built faster and more effectively when it's practiced frequently for short periods of time versus infre frequently for short periods of time versus
Starting point is 00:56:25 infrequently for long periods of time. So in other words, one, you know, one hour mobility session a week is not going to be as effective as let's say 20 minutes spread out throughout the day every single day type of deal, right? Even when time is controlled for. Do you have maps prime pro? Yes, yes. He's running maps in a bulk right now. It looks like. And I think performance would be a great place too. Yeah. Oh yeah. That's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:56:50 I would go maps, performance, and then add to that mobility movements from Prime Pro on the areas where you find the worst mobility. So you just mentioned shoulders. There's shoulder and scapular mobility movements. And what you would do is you just practice those a few times a day. And then MAPS performance is an athletically minded strength training program.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And athletes need to have strength through multiple planes of movement and, you know, like rotation and lateral. And so that program is also a mobility strength training program. So you'll still be strong and all that, but it's very mobility focused. Yeah, I just want to add on to what Sal said in terms of like all throughout the day. It's really just like something you think of when you get up out of your chair, like when you're at work, like just any time you can just to do one of those mobility drills
Starting point is 00:57:40 is going to have a significant impact because it's the frequencies. It's the amount of volume that you're going to apply towards training that shoulder to now be able to kind of brace and control and have stability there again. And so, you know, the biggest intention going into a lot of the mobility movements is to make sure that when you get to a restricted range, you stay there and you squeeze and you tense your muscles to try to, you know, be able to connect again and also to train them
Starting point is 00:58:12 that everything is stable and safe. So it's just the instability there or the restriction there is that, you know, your body signals that it's not secure, it's not safe. And so we need to kind of press our way into it. And it's very incremental. So it's going to take it's not safe. And so we need to kind of press our way into it. And it's very incremental. So it's going to take a bit of time. It's a very gradual process. But each time you go to apply one of these mobility moves, get to that sticking point, stay there, squeeze, tense up, kind of back off and just keep training your body that way. Phillip, have you ever watched the webinar that I did? I think we titled it for low back pain, but it's a 50-minute mobility session that I did.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Have you seen that? I don't think I have. No. Okay, I'm going to have Doug send the link. You talking about the PrimePro webinar? Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. So I'm going to have Doug send that to you.
Starting point is 00:58:58 And that's just a free webinar that you can go through. And I think that that'll have tremendous value. One of my favorite things to do with a client like you that's that's complaining of like mobility issues in the shoulders and hips like you are is put you on a program like Maps Performance in there is two days that are designed to be full mobility days as it is. Now as you're going through the program and go through that webinar I sent over you'll start to notice there'll be a couple moves that you notice a big impact right like you'll do the handcuff with rotation or the shoulder circles and you'll be like, oh man, I just feel, I feel that after I get done, I feel so much better. Same thing with
Starting point is 00:59:33 your hips. You'll notice something like the 90 90s and you'll be like, Oh, wow, those feel really good. When you find a couple of these movements that you feel improvement like instantly just by doing it once or twice. Those are the ones that what the guys are saying about being frequent all day long is, man, when I do those 90 90s or when I do those wall circles, it makes my shoulders feel better. So then just pick one or two, because sometimes people get overwhelmed with mobility, they go through like a program like performance or they see these videos with all these exercises and they're like, this is overwhelming. And it's like, I'm not going to fucking do this every day, all these days. So literally like, this is overwhelming. And it's like, I'm not gonna fucking do this every day.
Starting point is 01:00:05 All these days. So literally pick one or two, like one for the shoulders, one for the hips that you feel the best when you do it and just do it all the time and practice it all the time. That seems to be the best strategy for most of my clients that are trying to improve mobility, general mobility like you. In other words, it's better to get good at one or two than it is to just practice 10.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Hmm. Okay. Yeah. Cause I was trying to do the, uh, uh, what's, what's your mobility, uh, program called again? I've got both of them. There's prime pro and then there's prime. So I wasn't really sure which ones I should do before my workout and between doing that and my workout I was in the gym for way too long because I go in the gym in the morning before work So yeah, so I think performance would probably be good for me being that it'll save time too So I want to be in there two hours. Yeah, yeah Do do performance it follow the program the way it's laid out and then do the webinar,
Starting point is 01:01:05 just one day do the webinar and pick two movements from the webinar. Just practice something that you really liked. And I'm guessing it's going to be the shoulder one, which is the handcuff of rotation. And I'm guessing it's going to be the 90 nineties is what I think are going to give you the biggest bang for your buck. And then just stick to those two. And so that's how you would start every workout.
Starting point is 01:01:23 You prime with the 90 90, you prime with the handcuff with rotation, and then you get into your workouts and make that your primer to get started every day, start there, and then we can always build and modify as we go down. Okay, awesome. Cool. All right, man. Yeah. All right, Philip, we're going to send those over to you.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Awesome. Thank you guys so much. You got it, man. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:01:44 You know, the whole frequency issue or, or, you know, point that we're making with mobility, it really boils down to this. Like, you know, mobility when it comes to getting muscles to activate where you need them to provide stability, that's a, that's largely a role of the central nervous system. We're not looking for hypertrophy, right? We're not looking for muscle growth. So when it comes to simply getting the central nervous system to do what you want, frequency is key.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Practicing all day long is what gets the CNS to respond the best. Now hypertrophy or muscle growth, frequency is important, but so is intensity, so is stress involved with the exercise, all those different things. So this is why practicing a little bit all day long but so was intensity, so was the stress involved with the exercise, all those different things. So this is why practicing a little bit all day long is better when it comes to things like mobility or even flexibility than a more dedicated longer session. When it comes to building muscle, then it gets, you know, you're better off somewhere in the middle or with a little
Starting point is 01:02:40 bit more intensity or longer sessions. You know, one of the things we, we didn't address that will help this. He said that he's kind of all or nothing and he's been going to the gym, but he's not on his diet. If you are over consuming calories and eating foods that are not ideal for you, there's a chance he's going to be inflamed, which is also going to reduce mobility, especially in things like the shoulders, just going to make that, that much more difficult. So if this becomes like a focus of yours, Phillip, a good thing to do too is drink a lot of water, eat foods that are not on a flamethrower.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Yes, stay hydrated, go on a calorie-restricted diet, and then practice the frequency like the guys were saying, and the combination of dieting and that, you're going to see the greatest improvement. And really him being worried about the long workout in terms of staying there too long in two hours. Like, like the actual mobility, if you build in a routine, first thing in the morning, like before you take a shower, you know, before you get in your car, like when you get to work and it's all like throughout your regular routine, you know, you're going to make a lot, you're going to move the needle so much further than you will if you're just applying it in front of your
Starting point is 01:03:46 workout. Our next caller is Danielle from California. Danielle, how's it going? What's up guys? Oh my gosh, this is crazy. Yeah, what's happening? Everyone always says that, but it's like weird to actually see your guys like in front of me. That's so cool. First off, obviously the obligatory thank yous. You guys are great.
Starting point is 01:04:10 I'm a coach and like athletes. So I resonate with a lot of stuff you say on multiple aspects and I just really appreciate all the content. Everything you guys put out. Thank you. And you guys are seriously like saving my life right now So I have two boys and they will not nap anywhere besides the car I just put you guys on
Starting point is 01:04:33 Makes a little more bearable, so thank you when Adam talks I fall asleep probably Yeah, they go right to sleep no problem All right, so I'll just read from my email. I revised it a tiny bit, just because I've had a few changes, but here's kind of a brief little background. I've been an athlete my whole life, played college softball and tennis, and became a tennis teaching pro after getting my degree. After falling into the cardio bunny, yo-yo diet trap for years, I eventually found and fell in love with Olympic weightlifting in my early 30s and started competing in that
Starting point is 01:05:11 shortly after. I've always found it really easy to train for my sport, but since becoming a mom of two, it's been very difficult to find the time and energy to train like I'm used to doing. When I first wrote this email, I'd been experiencing a particularly rough few months of sleep thanks to my kids. I was getting an average of maybe three to four hours a night and constantly exhausted. Stress was super high.
Starting point is 01:05:36 I had two random injuries, really bad mood swings, and it felt daunting to even be on the court to coach my own athletes, let alone to train for myself. So my first question is, when going through times that my sleep quality and quantity are severely affected, what should I really be prioritizing? Should I even be trying to train at all? Or is that only doing more harm than good? And how should I adjust my nutrition to help aid my recovery?
Starting point is 01:06:04 Danielle, what a great question. How old are your kids, by the way? Three and one. Ooh, me too. I got the same ages. So it's really tough for people who don't have little ones. It's hard to understand, but the sleep deprivation, I mean, I saw my wife,
Starting point is 01:06:19 you really deteriorate in terms of her health, mental health, the whole deal because it is tremendously challenging. And the way you need to approach your exercise and diet needs to be centered around how to care for yourself and how to keep you going through this season. And it is a season, okay? And you might hear this from parents with older kids. This will end, it will change, it will, and it does, when you go back in hindsight, you'll be like, wow, that was really hard. That was a, it went by fast. But when you're in the middle of it, you're like, is this ever going to end type of deal? So everything has to be
Starting point is 01:06:54 really about improving your ability to function and show up in life. So what do workouts look like? You're probably going to do like 10 minute bouts throughout the day of movements that are going to just make you feel better. Like it could be static stretching. It could be like one bands. It could be bands. It could be one exercise. It could be, you know, a suspension trainer. The goal is like right now my priority is this.
Starting point is 01:07:22 I got to show up for my kids. I got these priorities. Obviously the most important thing for me. So what can I do to help me feel better? Not what can I do to make gains or prevent muscle loss or don't get stuck in that, in that mindset of, oh, I'm gonna go backwards with my fitness. Here's the other thing I want to say to you to know.
Starting point is 01:07:38 You have such a fitness background. When things start to change and you're able to get like seven hours of sleep at night, your body's gonna bounce back fitness wise. Yep. When things start to change and you're able to get like seven hours of sleep and I eat and your body's going to bounce back fitness wise so fast. Totally. It's going to blow you away. So don't even worry about any of that stuff. So diet is the same thing.
Starting point is 01:07:54 So in the types of foods that I would focus on now, you're probably going to want to reach for comfort foods for that immediate, you know, that immediate, I guess, stress relief, try to do two things. Drink a lot of water. This is what I noticed my wife literally would forget to drink water. So she started, we started getting half a gallon water jug and she would try and drink, you know, two of those a day. That made a big difference. Have a high protein breakfast, have protein shakes throughout the day because when you have a three year old, a one year old, especially if you're by yourselves with them, even preparing food, heck, even going to the bathroom,
Starting point is 01:08:29 it can be hard, because you got one on you and the other one doesn't want to go down there. So protein shakes helped a lot. A high protein breakfast helped a lot. And really try to eat foods that are easy to digest. Just put less stress on the body. And that's the best advice I can give you. As far as workouts are concerned, maps 15 would be the one that would suit you
Starting point is 01:08:50 the best, which it's literally a 10 or 15 minute workout every single day. But there may even be days where that seems like, I don't even have that time or whatever, in which case, one exercise or something that makes you feel physically better, which it could literally be, I'm gonna stretch, I'm gonna sit here and stretch for five minutes. That'll do you better across the board, including what you may be fearing, which is the, I'm gonna lose my fitness type of deal,
Starting point is 01:09:18 because anything above that is actually gonna be counterproductive. Well, having, you know, Mass 15 at least is like a plan, some kind of a plan, you know, some kind of a backbone to your day, I think is good. But yeah, there's going to be so much room for flexibility here. Like I wouldn't honestly even hold that like as rigid
Starting point is 01:09:36 as you normally would in terms of like your program and following things and doing, you know, a consistency in terms of workout. It's really about like what you feel like you can accomplish in the amount of time that you have in that window. And so like, you know, referring to that, I think is going to be amazing and it'll help for you. But really, it's about like just getting what you can, what you can in to help your body to feel good and get your muscles to contract and move and get circulation. And so, you know, really it's, that's about like keeping your mind
Starting point is 01:10:06 healthy and active and, and feeling good. So that's really what the mentality going on right now and in this sort of period of your life. This program was inspired by what Katrina and I were going through when we were exact same kind of stage where you're at. So this is what we, and what we had done because we didn't have maps for the time we were modifying maps and a ball to look exactly what maps 15 looks like.
Starting point is 01:10:28 The thing that I also want to remind you that's awesome and great news for you is that because you have a background in lifting, you've been doing this for so long, the amount of volume that you need to maintain the physique is so, so much less than most people realize. And that was like kind of what had happened. I was coming back and I was telling the guys,
Starting point is 01:10:48 man, I'm only doing these two exercises, but it's crazy how good I feel. And oh my God, I was getting stronger. And it's like, this is weird, like the amount of volume, this is so much lower than what I'm used to doing. But in the context of where you're at in your life right now, that's exactly what your body needs. So don't be afraid to take a day off
Starting point is 01:11:05 of that every once in a while if you know you've been really deprived. And just simply following that 15 to 20 minutes a day when you can, you'd be surprised how good you're going to feel and how much you will be able to maintain. Danielle, do you have equipment at home and like anything you could use for yourself at home? Most of my stuff is actually at work because I do kind of like a little fitness class with some of my tennis people too. But I do, I have a suspension trainer.
Starting point is 01:11:30 I have some bands. I have the, uh, I have a crossover training system. Okay, good. Good. Random dumbbells, medicine ball. Oh, perfect. So it's literally like, okay, I'm kind of feeling like I need to move, not feeling good. One exercise.
Starting point is 01:11:44 You go and you do one exercise and then you're done. And if you did that like twice a day, that would, that would equate to, you know, like a couple workouts a week, but it's spread out and done in a way to where it doesn't stress your body as much. The fatigue and waste buildup and damage on the body is not as much as if you were to dedicate all those Times into one or two workouts where you get away. Here's the other thing too Do you have a network of other people other moms or friends? With kids that are your age that you do you talk to you on a regular basis? I totally do but not a lot I mean, I have a couple that I lift with but they don't have kids
Starting point is 01:12:25 Doesn't count my friends that do have kids don't I lift with, but they don't have kids. Doesn't count. My friends that do have kids don't really lift. So it's kind of like a weird in between. So go on Facebook, find a group of moms with young kids who work out only because, you know, I noticed for myself, this is important, this is just great. I mean, you can just put it in our forum. Yeah, we have a forum.
Starting point is 01:12:45 We'll put you in there if you're not in there by the way. There's a lot of moms in there. But it just, just to talk to people and hear about their same struggles, it makes you feel less like you're on your own. You know, like when you, it's like when couples hang out with other couples with small kids and you start to share stories
Starting point is 01:12:59 and then you're like, oh, okay, I guess this is normal. I was losing my mind, but it's, it makes a huge difference. Just to know somebody's kind of going through the trenches with you and stuff for sure totally totally um One thing I've noticed too is like when I when I've tried to take that approach like my mind always goes to like This isn't enough or this is boring. I want to have a barbell in my hand like Like, how would you recommend like kind of like, I don't know, like positive self-talk is like,
Starting point is 01:13:28 kind of not my jam. I feel kind of silly doing it, but do you have anything else that you would recommend to like kind of get out of that mindset? Well, let me ask you this. You teach tennis, right? Yeah. Okay. So I've never played tennis.
Starting point is 01:13:39 If you were to teach me a backswing, it would feel really weird and awkward for me. It would not be a natural whatsoever. What would it require for me to make it feel like it was natural? Practice, time? Yes, same thing with positive self-talk. We're so conditioned, and do we do this to ourselves, that we're so, it's such an automatic thing to have negative self-talk that anything other than that feels hokey, weird, like, oh, you know, oh, I'm great. I'm doing good.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Like, I don't feel great. Like, this is so stupid. This is like new agey crap. The more you do it, the more natural it becomes. So think of it that way. Think of your students like, okay, I gotta just keep practicing this and make it a conscious thing. Like, you're in your head and you going to say like, this is not enough. No, no, no,
Starting point is 01:14:27 no, this is more, this is what I need to be doing. And just say it out loud. Don't say it in your head. Say it out loud. You'll actually build a, the practice will develop faster if you say it out. And it sounds hokey and weird, but the more you do it, the more it'll become automatic. And that's just the data shows this across the board. So it's something that's not natural, which is why it feels weird, but it works. It definitely works. At the very least, it makes you aware
Starting point is 01:14:53 of your negative self-talk, because whatever negative self-talk you're aware of, there's like, that's like the tip of the iceberg. There's so much more that just happens subconsciously that you're not even paying attention to. Well, hopefully we've earned your respect too. And you could also lean on the guys told me to trust the process. I'm actually going to be blown away by me just following and sticking to this.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Like, let me see, let me see, let me see. I trust these guys, these guys seem to know what they're talking about. Let me see if I listen to them and just follow this process and then watch. You'll see at the end of it, it always ends up blowing people's minds, especially people that are coming from your place where you have trained at a high level and it really feels like there's no way this could make me feel better or there's no way I'm going to get gains or do well with the end and it has done that every time for everybody, including ourselves. Yeah, well, you got a double whammy too, Danielle, where
Starting point is 01:15:47 Yeah. Well, you got a double whammy too, Danielle, where moms, it's almost like you feel like complaining about how challenging this is feels weird because then it sounds like I'm not being grateful. I love my kids. I love being a mom. I don't want to say anything negative because it feels like I don't, you know, whatever. And then you got the other double whammy, which double, which is doubles it, which is that you trained at a high level. And when you're an athlete at a high level, you don't complain. You just put your head down and you go, uh, it's like, oh, you're hurt. So am I, let's go. Don't be weak, whatever.
Starting point is 01:16:11 So you got to, but it's okay. It's totally okay to be like, this is, this is hard. This sucks. Yes, I love it. I love my kids, but this is also hard. And yes, this workouts are not like what I used to do, but I just strung four days in a row of doing a couple exercises a and considering the circumstances, I'm on a roll right now, you know, type of deal. So that's,
Starting point is 01:16:30 you're fighting against your nature, which has been developed over years. Just consider that. Yeah, I don't know if it helps, but like when we were going through it and not getting a lot of sleep and all that, I just started looking at it as like, this is medicine. This is this movement, this exercise is mental medicine for me because I need, I need to have this outlet so that way, you know, I have more of a positive outlook at the situation that like I know it's not ideal. I know like I need more sleep like I'm in the thick of it. But this is actually my only sort of outlet right now to feel a bit better and feel like I have some energy again. And so and it's the right dose you do too much you know now we're
Starting point is 01:17:08 overwhelming your body so just just thinking of it I guess differently it's really it's a different mindset and approach you have to kind of practice and work your way towards. Yeah it makes a lot of sense for sure and I feel like I kind of I'm maybe you guys I think you guys have said this before where it's hard to kind of practice what you preach sometimes like you're Your own worst enemy and I I tell my athletes a lot of the same stuff that you guys are telling me And I've had my coaches tell me the same thing and like so I just need to like really just Say screw it. This is where I'm at, and just kind of go with it. Be your own coach.
Starting point is 01:17:46 If you need to separate yourself into a coach and student, and then have empathy for the student that doesn't want to listen, that's something that helped me a lot. Danielle, we're gonna send you the MAPS 15, and then we're also gonna put you in the private forum soon or two. But just, did you get a chance to go through the coaches,
Starting point is 01:18:04 the three days of teaching? I did, I just finished it yesterday get a chance to go through the, the coaches, the, the three days of teaching? Uh, I did. I just finished it yesterday. It was awesome. Oh, good. I should have said that too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:10 It was so much fun to listen to and just like, you guys are so like chill on the podcast. You can tell that there's like true passion behind what you're saying. And it really resonates, you know, not only in a trainer scenario, for sure, like you guys said, but as I remember like searching searching for leads when I started first started and that like it was like kind of nostalgic and stuff because I had to do a lot of the same stuff. Um, but it was a, yeah, it was great. And I actually just finished the last day yesterday.
Starting point is 01:18:39 So I kind of just got the info about the coaching course you guys are doing too. So that sounds pretty exciting down the road also awesome sweet Thank you Danielle. Appreciate it. All right. Thank you guys so much. This is awesome. Thank you. Bye. Thank you You know, it's funny is so I I have two one three and one and one one right and my brother and my cousin We're right behind me. So they out they both have toddler and then their wives were pregnant. And then we'd go to family parties and they'd look at me like, so what's it like, bro?
Starting point is 01:19:10 And I'm like, you guys have no idea. You just wait, bro. You have a toddler's heart and then you got a baby. And they're like, oh, whatever, you divide and conquer. You just work. It's not that big of a deal. I'm like, you guys have sure enough, bro. They don't have kids.
Starting point is 01:19:22 I'm getting text messages from them. My cousin's like, I don't know if we could do it, bro. This guy's bags into their eyes. Like, I don't know if I could do it. My brother's like, bro, this is ridiculous. He's like, it's like, how do people even function? How did mom do it with four kids? I'm like, I don't know how she did that.
Starting point is 01:19:37 I don't understand what they did. It's tough, man. It's really, really hard. And then lack of sleep on top of it. Forget about it. Well, I hope she takes the advice. And I think that the, I think the biggest thing that gets us in trouble and I feel like this was the last call or two is the
Starting point is 01:19:50 all or nothing mentality where it's like, you'd be so surprised if you just, Hey, it's okay. You maybe only worked out three of those, you know, five or six days this week and it's okay that you, you know, didn't do as much as you did the previous It is not a waste of time. It's not, it's not at all. And it's the, it's the falling off the wagon and going completely off the rails in the other direction. That's what kills us.
Starting point is 01:20:10 And so hopefully she takes the advice, follows the map 15 and we see her in there. Totally. I've heard this. This is my favorite thing. What's it like having two kids under three? And it's like, you're in a boat, it's on fire and you're holding a baby. And then someone throws you another baby. That's what it feels like. Our next caller is Matt from Maryland. You're in a boat. It's on fire and you're holding a baby and then someone throws you another baby
Starting point is 01:20:33 Our next callers Matt from Maryland Matt, what's up, man? How can I help you? Hey guys? Thanks for taking my call I'm a I'm a big fan. I listen to you guys all the time at work I was watching a one of your clips. It was a few weeks ago and you're you had you brought on somebody and you were talking about It was a few weeks ago when you brought on somebody and you were talking about the benefits of eating whole food protein versus whey protein powder. And my question, and I think you guys were more talking about the satiating effect of it instead of the nutritional value. But I was wondering if, because what I do is I put protein, a pudding mix in my protein and it kind of thickens it up and it makes it like really filling. Is there another benefit of eating whole food protein outside of like the protein or is that good like to eat protein because it's
Starting point is 01:21:28 really tough for me to get my protein because I'm about 190 pounds so I try to get about 150 to 170 grams of protein but it's really hard especially with two kids getting you know chicken breast chicken chicken thighs, it's a lot of food. So I prefer it to the protein powder. So is using pudding mix that really thickens it up? Is that good to get my protein? I mean, is there, because there's a lot of nutrients in protein powder. So is that a good route to go? Matt, what's your goal? I'm trying to, I want to get down to about 160 to 170. I'm 5'10". So I don't want to get like super big. Like I said, right now, about 1.9200. I've lost about 10, 15 pounds
Starting point is 01:22:20 a couple of months. I have a treadmill at work and I have a standing desk. So I do a lot of walking. I try to lift three or four times a week. So that's where I'm at right now, but I'm trying to get down to 160, 170. I'm trying to lean down right now. And then when I lose the body fat, then I want to go through like a block stage
Starting point is 01:22:42 and maybe get up to 170, 180. But yeah, that's where I'm at right now. That's my goal. The long term goal. And I don't need to, like I'm not on a time schedule. Like it could happen a year or two years. Like I don't need it. Like, you know, by March or April. The context matters here, right?
Starting point is 01:23:01 So if it's the difference between you missing protein targets and you hitting them, then go for it. If it's the difference between, well, I could do whole foods or I could do this supplement, which one's better, we're gonna point to whole foods. Now, why are whole foods better? They are more satiating, although you're talking about protein pudding, which uses casein.
Starting point is 01:23:22 Casein is a very satiety producing form of protein. Collagen is would be the other one. So they're more effective at producing satiety than let's say whey, okay? But you know, whole foods have cofactors and combinations of nutrients and Whole food is what our bodies evolved consuming. In fact, we still to this day discover new things that are in whole food We don't even know everything. Yeah, so just the timing with it It's just you know the way it digest the body breaks it down the enzymes required So it's just always gonna be a little bit better now is a protein powder or pudding Bad for you. No, if it's going to help you hit your protein targets and you won't hit your protein targets if you don't eat them,
Starting point is 01:24:10 it's better to have them than in that case. So if you're telling me like it ain't going to happen consistently with food, then what do you think about the shakes and the pudding that I'd say go for it? No problem. Because right now, I'm probably, I can get easily 125 grams from, I mean, I do eat thighs. The chicken breast, you know, tends to be a little bit too dry for me. But getting that extra 50, sometimes 100 grams, it's just easier for me to throw three or four scoops. And I use true protein, which is like, I don't know if you ever heard of that,
Starting point is 01:24:46 it's a mix between, it's like 35% cacine, you know, 20, 30% whey, and then the rest egg protein. So it has that thickness to it. But I mean, I make it, I put a little bit less milk in there which actually really thickens it. And I mean, I can actually eat it over two meals and it's pretty, it keeps me full for a long period of time.
Starting point is 01:25:09 Yeah, you're fine. I mean, do you like cottage cheese? No. No. Okay, I was gonna say that's nature's, nature's, you know, I'm always trying to get my clients to do this through Whole Foods. I mean, and then we use the shakes as like the emergency thing. It's that if I can't, if I can't hit it, then I'm going to use it to Sal's original point, which is, you know, are you better off, you know, not hitting your protein goals and just just to skip the no, of course not. Like I want you to play. If you got yourself
Starting point is 01:25:38 in a place where you're barely getting your 190, you're barely getting 150 to 170. And that that's you taking in a protein shake, I don't know how many grams of protein were. So now almost, almost half or a third of your, your protein is coming from a protein shake. I, if you're a client, I'm really pushing you in the direction of truck. We have to, let's figure out some other ways to go through Whole Foods. And I would probably first look at breakfast since this is normally the, the more challenging place for people to do it.
Starting point is 01:26:08 I, my clients had always struggled with hitting this number of grams of protein was because they had either no breakfast, they had coffee and a donut for breakfast. They had just oatmeal for breakfast. They had these breakfasts that had like no protein or, or they have four eggs and they think that's a high protein. That's super low in protein. Like finding a breakfast that is higher in protein is one of the best strategies you can to set your day in the right direction.
Starting point is 01:26:35 And I think there's value in us figuring that out versus just defaulting to, oh, I can't hit 150. I can't get there without shakes. I'm just going to always do shakes. I would be working with you to like, let's, let's find some, some places that we can start to change some habits and behaviors. My favorite go-to I've talked about it many times on here is whatever you have for dinner, cause most people make like a meat and a starch or carb for,
Starting point is 01:26:58 for dinner is double the size and, you know, throw some eggs and cheese on it in the morning. So it's quick, you know, throw it in an iron skillet. Don't even do anything fancy with it and just drop three or four eggs on top of it and sprinkle some cheese on it. Take you five minutes because you're just heating it up basically and cooking the eggs. And now you got this. Brown beef is amazing. Yeah. You got this 40, 50 gram scramble in the morning. And if you want to wrap it up in a tortilla to make like a whatever, you know, whatever will get you to do it consistently and start your day off with, then you're at 40, 50 grams of protein right there. And then all I really need you to do is get two more meals or
Starting point is 01:27:32 you're getting 40, 50 grams of protein. And now we're getting most of this through Whole Foods versus defaulting to like, I only do this. And so you have to do the shakes all the time. Also, keep in mind, okay. And even though I don't have the anything to prove this to you that this, this company is doing this, but it's in the, the, the supplement company's best interest, especially the one that is selling protein to push the limits of saying that we have this much protein in it when it really only has this much protein. And we're this low calorie when it only has this many kinds of meaning they can be off by 20 to 30% On there at the FDA says 20 right? Yeah, the standard. Yes, FTA
Starting point is 01:28:15 Yeah, FDA allows them to do that and think about it. You're in the business of you know selling protein That's always better. That means if it says 40 grams, it could have 32. Yeah So yeah, we can have less protein than what we're saying. It's not as good as Whole Foods. You're also low as it is. Like, yeah, I just, I, even though it's okay, it's better than not doing it. I'm not, I'm not hammering protein shakes. We all use them in here. I just, if you're my client, I'm really trying to solve why can't we get this through Whole Foods and finding ways to, to incorporate in your diet.
Starting point is 01:28:43 I mean, that was, this is what I would be pushing you to do. Okay. And does that same logic apply for quest bars? Because I do eat a lot of quest bars, but I load up on them sometimes and I can have three or four a day. And when you're talking about that many, you're talking about getting 60, 70 grams of dietary fiber and sometimes that could be too much. Yeah, that's the same thing. Look, processed foods, when we talk about processed foods, that includes the foods in the supplement in fitness industry. A bar, you know, your birthday cake flavored quest bar is not a food that exists in nature.
Starting point is 01:29:23 It's been highly engineered. All these things are engineered foods, right? bar is not a food that exists in nature. It's been highly engineered. Um, all these things are engineered foods, right? So, um, you know, they fall into that same category and they tend to be better than, you know, a Snickers bar, although sometimes they're not. Um, but yeah, always, always try to do it through whole natural foods. But if it's the difference between you consistently missing protein and you hitting protein, then go for it. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:29:45 Okay. Matt, are you falling a maps program right now? I'm sorry. I want, are you falling up a maps for one of our workout programs? Are you, what do you, how you train? No, no, not, not right now. Do you have any or no? Um, no, are you talking about like a lifting program?
Starting point is 01:30:00 Yeah. Yeah. That's what we do. No. Um, lifting wise, I've always, I have the Fitbot app that, you know, creates workouts for you, but that's, that's always been like my weaker points is like the lifting part. You know, fight, especially now I have two kids under three, it's finding time to lift. Sometimes I lift in the morning when I wake up,
Starting point is 01:30:26 and then I'll eat a couple hours later. Sometimes I lift at lunch, it's just finding time, but I used to lift five, six days a week. Now I try to stick to maybe one full body a week and then like a upper lower split on the weekend. Oh, well, if you could do at least two or three workouts We'll just send you maps and a ball of what what kind of equipment you have at your house and and where you get So I work out I have a gym membership, but also I mean, I mainly work out my garage. I got a bench
Starting point is 01:30:56 I got a couple of treadmills. I got the Bow flex adjustable dumbbells that you can actually you know set from five pounds to a hundred pounds. I've got The bar I got a lot of I think I've got a pull-up channel bar Do I got I've got it all do you have a spot rack? Yeah, yes, I do. Oh, yeah maps anabolic follow that program We'll send it you can do two days a week on it, two days a week full body and that program will blow away whatever the do that work on getting a high protein breakfast. Just let's just stick to those things. You'll see some good results. Yeah. And that that that program is on your website. No, no, no, we're gonna
Starting point is 01:31:37 send it to you. Oh, okay. Email you even though the money you're gonna save from not buying quest bars would well totally pay for the program. We'll send it to you for free. Yeah. Cause they get expensive. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. They do just do those two things.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Okay. Right. For now. And then we could, we could talk later, like just follow a map, send a ball at the way it's laid out and making conscious effort to do what I said for breakfast. Okay. Do those things and don't, and I mean, and still have your protein shake if
Starting point is 01:32:03 you need it, but do those things alone and just let's watch and see what happens. Yep. Okay, sounds good. I appreciate it fellas. All right, man. Thank you. All right, bye.
Starting point is 01:32:13 Here's how, so I don't know about you guys, but I feel massive frustration because this just illustrates just how shitty our space is. People are willing, and the data will show this, the numbers show us, they're so willing to spend hundreds of dollars on worthless supplements. And I say worthless because whole natural foods will crush them. I understand there's value, we sell supplements too, we work with sponsors, but they would spend, he spent thousands of dollars on
Starting point is 01:32:39 Quest bars if he's eating three or four a day, and he hasn't bought a fucking workout program, which will blow those Quest bars away in terms of results and you buy it once, you'd never spend another dollar on it again. It's insane to me. And it's a distorted, it's because our space is completely distorted. What's truly valuable and what's not valuable. Everybody thinks supplements are so valuable when in fact it's the programming is one of the most valuable things you could do. Yeah. And I just don't, I mean, it like, I know what we were saying originally was,
Starting point is 01:33:07 but the reason why I went the direction is cause I would never let a client just like, oh, give up. We'll never get it. I'll dismiss it. Yeah. I know. It's like, okay, let me, let me pry in a little bit more. Like what's lunch look like? What's dinner look like? What are your serving size? What choices do you go? And like, because you want to get to a place where you could get what your body needs Nutritionally through Whole Foods and now I love supplements. I love bars and shakes for the the you know
Starting point is 01:33:34 One-off situation or the occasion that you're on the go or oh man I just didn't get a chance to do that But we want to get to the place where we train ourselves To be able to feed our body what it needs, especially if we're trying to build muscle or lose body fat, like give it what it needs naturally first. And then of course, then we can make adjustments and pivots when we have to, but you just don't want to just give up on the fact, I just can't do it. I'll just, I'll do, I'm just going to have four birthday cake bars in a,
Starting point is 01:34:00 in a way shake every single night. It's like, ah, that's just, you're not going to, you're not going to see the results that you want to see going that way. Our next caller is Lauren from Texas. Hey, Lauren. How can we help you? Hi. Hi. Okay. So I have a three part question. I sent an email back at the end of October,
Starting point is 01:34:19 and then I decided to get my blood work done because I sent that email because I thought y'all might say to go get it checked out. Okay. I decided to get my blood work done because I sent that email because I thought y'all might say to go get it checked out. Okay. So then I got it checked out and my blood work was horrible. So then I sent another email asking about how to work out with all those hormone issues. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:36 And then, but then I actually got my blood work weed done last week. And so now I have updated hormone levels. Okay. So, so first I sent a picture in and my first question is my arm fat is ridiculous and I need to figure out how to get rid of it and then the second one is I'm thinking that my muscle is more like rib eye muscle like from Dr. Gabrielle lion. And I need to figure out how to make it more
Starting point is 01:35:07 the lame muscle. Does that make sense? Yeah, we do. Okay. And then um, and then my new blood work on my hormones. Hey, Chloe, please. Sorry, I have a sick kid home today. Um, and then so now, um, my first hormone levels, my progesterone wasn't registering, but now they are, they're normal, but now my testosterone is not registering. So now my testosterone is like zero. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:35:39 So what is your workout look? Doug, pull up her email, if you don't mind. So I teach group fitness classes two days a week. I look, I wouldn't, would Doug pull up her email. If you don't mind. Oh, I teach group fitness classes two days a week. I teach a cardio class called high fitness. And then I teach a, my own strength format that I call simply strength. So I do that back to back on Tuesday, Thursday. Um,
Starting point is 01:35:59 when I sent the email, I was lifting full body Monday, Wednesday, Friday, but, Wednesday, Friday. But if you have the email from November, the second one, you'll notice that we had a pretty big significant change in our life. So I now have to work part time. So now I'm bartending during the day, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, pretty much. So on top of just in the email, all of my family chaos that's details in there. No worry. Kids, family stuff, working full-time, teaching two cardio type classes per week,
Starting point is 01:36:37 and then training, and our hormones are off. Yeah, your blood work is indicative of you're doing too much. Yeah, yeah. As far as your, yeah, now indicative of you're doing too much. Yeah, yeah. As far as your... Yeah, now the classes you're teaching, are you doing the workouts with the group? Hi, fitness, I am.
Starting point is 01:36:53 That's... It's not like Zumba, because it's not dancey. I mean, it's got burpees, tub jumps, jumping jacks. Yeah, stop doing them. Stop. No! Yes, listen to me. This is what you... All this is killing you. Okay, stop. Stop doing them. Stop. Yes. Yeah. Listen to me. This is what you're all this is killing you Yeah, I know I know you're little you're everything all those classes that you're doing when you're doing the workout
Starting point is 01:37:11 You are not helping yourself with your fitness goals if anything you're hurting yourself Especially with the accumulated stress. Here's what you need to do teach those classes, but just teach them Just walk around and instruct them. Do not do the workouts. That's number one. Number two, lift weights twice a week full body. That's it. Focus on getting stronger. As far as the the body fat on the arms is concerned, as you get leaner overall, those will also get leaner. So wherever your body stores body fat is where it stores it. As you get leaner, then your body will burn it as your genetics determined. So typically the first place you gain body fat is the last place you lose it, but there is no magic like spot reducing method for choosing an area to burn body fat from, uh, and, and then, and then doing it that way.
Starting point is 01:37:56 So yeah, you got to lift weights twice a week, like a, like you're trying to get strong. We will radically shift the body fat percentage and your hormones. If you literally do just what he said, which is cut out the doing the classes full body. So we'll do maps in a bulk will send you also the one thing I add to that hit your protein and take every day. That's right. Do you know how many grams of protein? I do that. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Yes. That was in the email on the days that I teach, I aim for 150. And then on the days that I don't teach, I try and do 120 because my goal is to be down to 125. Okay. And down to 133 now. I did an in-body scan yesterday. So I'm down to 133. I have anabolic with my new work schedule though. I'm not sure. So high fitness, I have to like, unless I just left that class completely go, I have to teach that with them. Cause it's choreographed, like every song has its own choreography. My strength class, I can, I don't typically do it cause I have 30 plus people in my class. So I like do like the first two reps
Starting point is 01:38:54 and then walk around and check form. Wait, wait, wait, hold on. So the high fitness, let me, let me, let me picture this real quick. Cause you might be able to. So high fitness you're doing like, you're moving from one movement to another type of deal. Yeah, so like every six,
Starting point is 01:39:07 like every 16 counts is a different move. Okay, so do the first one, do the first one or two, stand up, and then keep going, keep going. All right, ready? We're gonna switch to this. And then do one or two and then get up. Literally minimize the amount of the workout.
Starting point is 01:39:22 That is a garbage workout that is going to encourage fat storage and encourage muscle pare down, which is what's killing you. On top of all the stress. So you need to do, you need a minimal workout during that class. And then if you want to do any activity walking,
Starting point is 01:39:38 don't do cardio, don't go running, don't do that stuff. Cause you're- Oh no, no, no, no, no. The two high fitness classes I teach, those are the only cardio I do. Okay. Do you know what you're like except for like walking and you know when I'm bartend when I'm at the bar I get like 15,000 plus steps. Yeah, good. Do you know how many calories you're burning at maintenance?
Starting point is 01:40:00 Burning no, like whatever your basal metap met, what do you eat every day? Like what's your maintenance calories? Sorry. My maintenance, if I wanted to maintain, when I sent the email, I think it was 143 pounds, 143 pounds, and my maintenance was like 2,000. So I've tried it, but I know I have like a ton of body fat to lose, you can see. So now I'm at like 1800. I didn't want to drop it too low because then I don't want to build muscle. You know, like right now I can only deadlift 170 and I want to get it up to 300 this year.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Like that's my goal. Is that, do you think that's reasonable? 300 pound deadlift for a female, your size is, like that's ungodly. I mean, I like it as a goal. Yeah, that's great. I think I mean, I like it as a goal. Yeah, that's great. I think 230 is reasonable.
Starting point is 01:40:48 We need to write. Could you do training? Deadlifting is my jam. Like, that's where I want. Yeah, I went in 70s amazing. Yeah, you're already pretty strong. You're already killing us. It's impossible, yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:56 We have to directly shift what you're doing. Yeah, you gotta just focus on getting stronger. I would not cut your calories. Yeah, I also wanna point out something else because I've heard you say it multiple times already, continuing to reference your weight. I don't give a shit about your weight. So I actually also want to point out something else because I've heard you say it multiple times already continuing to reference your weight. I don't give a shit about your weight. So I actually would want you probably not to weigh on the scale during this
Starting point is 01:41:10 process. I know in your head, you have this pound that you want to be at weight wise, you need to get rid of the scale. Well, let me ask you this. Here's, I'm going to just, just to support Adam or maybe not. I don't know. How do you feel when you get on the scale and you gain a pound? I don't like it. Yeah, it ruins your whole day. That makes me mad. Yeah, I mean, I'm okay with it. No, you get rid of it. Get rid of it. Yeah, you get rid of it right now. It's affecting your behaviors and you're gonna do the over in the trash. You're gonna over correct or whatever just because the scale shows you hold a pound of water or whatever. Take the scale,
Starting point is 01:41:43 throw it out. Don't weigh yourself for probably 90 days. Don't cut your calories. Only pay attention to your strength in the gym. Try and get stronger than gym. Hit your protein targets and don't do your classes when you're teaching them. And then slowly, but surely your metabolism is going to start to move in the right direction. And then the fat loss will get a lot easier. What you're doing right now, if we don't stop this train,
Starting point is 01:42:06 you're on the road to unsustainability. You're gonna be on the road towards, this is gonna feel more than impossible. You're already close there. You're doing 1,800 calories and you're doing 15,000 steps a day and you're doing some sort of a workout five days a week. That's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:42:20 That's way, way, way too low. Your body is resisting. Like the typical white woman. Yes, you are right. You're right. Let me be honest. Yes, no, I appreciate that self-awareness because this is, I mean, this is like, well, this is so common. It's so common that we get ourselves in this position,
Starting point is 01:42:37 but and the, and the blood work, it's telling you, I mean, the, and then you add in the fact that when you do all this and then the hormones are at a balance like that, then all, nothing you're doing is, is you're not getting any reward. You're not getting any reward for all the work you're doing. You're just, you're really treading water.
Starting point is 01:42:52 You're just treading water. You're teaching your body to learn how to burn less calories. The, everything you're doing right now is teaching your body to burn less calories and how to store body fat more effectively. You're literally strengthening your body's ability to hold on to body fat right now. We got a reverse course. Don't wait, do not, do not wait yourself for 90 days.
Starting point is 01:43:12 Get out of that. 90 days, gonna mess up, what's gonna mess with your head? I'm gonna put her in the form so we can keep an eye on you. That's it. And listen. And yell at you once a week. We'll get an army to. I'm used to being yelled at.
Starting point is 01:43:23 No, no, no, no, listen. Lauren, listen, we've seen this so many times, which also makes us feel very confident that you'll reverse out of this if you do what we say and you're gonna be blown away at how your body responds. So we've seen this so many times. I know we know exactly what's gonna happen if you do what we say.
Starting point is 01:43:40 And what's gonna happen is you're gonna get stronger and slowly you're gonna start to see and feel fat, fat come off your body. And then you're going to get that snowball effect. And then by the end of this, if you do this well and consistently, you're going to eat more at the end of it while you're leaner than you are now. So we're going to put you in a sustainable place. But the path around now is, is the path towards unsustainability and impossibility. We even know what the hurdles are gonna be,
Starting point is 01:44:05 which is why I'm telling you to throw a scale away. Because I know that if you do what I tell you to do, there's a very good chance we might go up three to five pounds in the next 30 days. But I don't give a shit about that. What I care about is hearing from you, how you feel and if you're getting stronger. Like that's what I wanna be able to do.
Starting point is 01:44:21 I wanna be able to- Lean into that 300 pound goal. Like really try to get it. Yes, I love that's why I like it as a goal. I think regardless if it's a lofty one, I don't give a shit, stay focused on that. Strength at least. We are trying to get strong in the gym.
Starting point is 01:44:32 We're trying to lift heavy weights and we're going to hit that protein intake. We're going to reduce about of cardio stuff that you're doing and just build your metabolism. That's what we're doing. Pay attention to your energy, your mood, your sleep, your libido. Like all those things are going to start to improve before you see any visible aesthetic changes. Those, all
Starting point is 01:44:50 those things will start to move in the right direction. It'll help. It'll happen though, Lauren. Trust the process. Okay. We're going to put you. I knew y'all were going to say all of that. I just didn't want to accept it. That's why I'm putting you in the forum and that's not to yell at you, but to encourage you as you go through the process. No, I know. This is love. So accept it. That's why I'm putting you in the form and that's not to yell at you but to encourage you as you go through the process. No, I know. This is love. So accept it. With anabolic though, I already own anabolic. I own like 13 else programs.
Starting point is 01:45:13 I have a lot. Um, I'm just not sure like that that's not gonna be too much with working to like the bartending. Two days a week. There's a two day version of this. Just a two day. Yeah, do the two day version, you're fine. The other option, okay, and if you don't have it, we'll send it to you. Do you have maps 15? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 01:45:32 That's what I've been doing is the maps 15 advanced. That's what I've been doing before I go into work. So like I'll teach Tuesday, Thursday, then Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I don't have to go in until 10. So I would go and do like two or three lifts. Like sometimes I combine them a little bit and do two or three lifts and then go to the gym or then go to work. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:50 No, you'll be good. Just fall, do what we say. You're going to, you're going to feel, you're going to feel real good. Okay. All right. All right. Better say hi. Say hi in the forum.
Starting point is 01:46:00 Okay. I want to check in from you this week. Just letting us know that you started the process. Okay. All right. All right. I'll be fine. Let's this week. Just letting us know that you started the process Okay Yeah, yeah, you know, it's Group X instructors or group exercise instructors They the ones that struggle I don't it's like clockwork. They do the workout with their class. Yep It's like, oh, no, I don't do all that stuff. It's like, well, what about your class? Well, yeah, I got to teach them
Starting point is 01:46:29 I gotta follow along the workout gotta do it's like you're doing a bunch of non-effective Workouts for the goals that you have I mean these are these are my favorite clients. I mean one she's right It's very very common But I mean you you radically changed this person's life when you get them to figure this out because the amount of work and effort that she is putting for, she is hitting her protein intake every day. She's training five days a week. She's teaching two cardio classes. She's getting 15,000 steps. She's working. She's raising kids. I mean, she's fucking doing it all, but not getting any of the benefits of it because it's too much overdoing all of it while also under eating.
Starting point is 01:47:07 And you just need to get to a place. Been in the dirt real fast. And if we do this right, she wants to do any of those cardio classes. She'll have to lift two times a week. She'll get stronger. She'll be able to eat more calories. She'll be leaning out and tightening up like she wants to. Like it's, it's there Lauren, but you just got to trust the process and throw the fucking scale away do it look if you're a trainer or coach
Starting point is 01:47:29 We have a course that teaches you how to build your business mind pump fitness coaching Calm you can also find all of us on social media Justin is on Instagram at my pump Justin. I'm on Instagram at mine pump to Stefano and Adam is on Instagram at my pump Adam Thank you for listening to mine pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle
Starting point is 01:47:55 at minepumpmedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps anabolic, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin
Starting point is 01:48:21 as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MinePumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a 5 star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MinePump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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