Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2258: The Truth About Cycle-Syncing Workouts, Building Muscle While Training for Endurance, Using Hang Cleans to Improve Power & More

Episode Date: January 26, 2024

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: The best strategy ...for long-term fitness & health. (2:40) If the belt fits. (8:04) Random embarrassing fun facts with Mind Pump. (14:54) A status symbol to wear Vuori. (22:49) The origin of the ‘Stanley’ cup phenomenon. (24:35) The county with the highest anti-depressant users. (30:14) Is Mind Pump sitting on a diet book? (32:39) Climbing before walking. (37:13) The silent epidemic of fertility. (40:28) Fun Facts with Justin: The creation of the hydrogen car and Space Force. (44:35) The benefits of the peptide GHK-CU. (47:27) Shout out to Dadbodfitness on YouTube. (51:04) #Quah question #1- Can you explain how hang cleans work for power development? (52:00) #Quah question #2 - What are your thoughts on cycle-synching workouts with one's periods as a woman?  Is there any real benefit to it? (59:07) #Quah question #3 - I’m trying to increase endurance; is there a specific rep range I should be training in? (1:05:17) #Quah question #4 - What are your thoughts on hybrid training? Is it possible to train for a marathon and build muscle at the same time with enough calories? (1:09:35) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Receive 20% off your first order ** Visit Entera Skincare for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Promo code MPM at checkout for 10% off their order or 10% off their first month of a subscribe-and-save. ** January Promotion: New Year’s Resolutions Special Offers!! New to Weightlifting Bundle | Body Transformation Bundle | New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle Body | Transformation Bundle 2.0  Special Launch: Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course ** Promo code 200OFF at checkout for $200 off ** After fire destroys woman's car, but not her Stanley tumbler Something startling is going on with antidepressant use around the world Stanley Meyer: An Infamous Invention and Death Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data DadBod Fitness - YouTube Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** Tao of Jeet Kune Do: New Expanded Edition MAPS Fitness Performance   Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram Adeel Khan, MD (@dr.akhan) Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind pump with your hosts, Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health and entertainment podcast in history. This is mine, pump, right? In today's episode we answered listeners questions, but this was after an intro portion. Today it was 50 minutes long.
Starting point is 00:00:24 That's what we talk about fitness, current events, fitness studies, diet studies, and much more family life too, by the way. If you want to skip around your favorite parts, check the show notes for timestamps. Also, if you want to ask us a question that we can pick possibly for an episode like this one, go to Instagram at mine. Pump media. That's where we pick our questions. Anyway, this episode is brought to you by some sponsors.
Starting point is 00:00:44 The first one is Viori. They make the best at leisure where you'll find anywhere. That's where we pick our questions. Anyway, this episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Viori. They make the best at leisure wear you'll find anywhere. It's incredible. It looks good, feels good, lasts a long time, and you can get 20% off. Go to Viori clothing.com. That's V U O R I clothing.com forward slash mind pump. On that link, you'll get 20% off. This episode is also brought to you by Intera. Intera skincare uses peptide science to maximize the healing properties of your skin.
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Starting point is 00:01:40 the new year extreme intensity bundle, and the body transformation bundle 2.0. These are workout program bundles. They're all between 300 to 350 dollars off. You can find them all at mapsjanuary.com. One more thing, if you're a trainer or a coach, we now have a trainer and coaching course. This is for trainers and coaches to teach them how to build their business,
Starting point is 00:01:59 become more successful as trainers and coaches, build awesome careers and get people better long-term results. Because it's a launch, you get a lot of free stuff and $200 off. Here's what you get on top of the course for free. Maps Prime Program, Maps Prime Pro Program, a virtual lead generation masterclass, 11 maps mod workouts for free, 13 maps guides for free. You get the $200 off and you get included in our private trainer forum, just trainers and coaches and us in there talking about how to build better businesses.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Anyway, if you want to get that plus the $200 off, go to mindpumpfitnesscoaching.com and use the code 200off. All right, here comes the show. If you want to maintain good fitness and health for the long term, try this. Manipulate your workouts and your diet so that they fit and modify and improve your life, regardless of the context of your life. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:02:54 Well, if you found that eating a low carbohydrate diet makes you more mentally sharp, well then eat that way before you take a big test or have to do something to require cognitive skills. If you notice you have better performance, we need more carbohydrates, we'll eat that way before physical performance tasks. When it comes to your workouts, are there workouts that help you relieve stress? Are there workouts that help you get out anger
Starting point is 00:03:15 or help you hit PRs? All of these can be used, modified and manipulated to fit your life so that it always makes your life better regardless of what's happening in your life. That's the best strategy for long-term fitness and health. The winning one. Yeah. Do you, um, you know, I was just thinking of like your, your jiu-jitsu purple belt.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Wait, say jiu-jitsu again? Jiu-jitsu purple belt. Are you trying to pronounce it in a word language? I was just thinking about like, uh, you know, there's levels to this. And I think that like to the average person, you know, just getting started. Step one is consistent. Right. Right. Give me, right.
Starting point is 00:03:53 And, but ultimately this is a level you want to reach, right? I think it would be like a, like a really cool thing to do back to the belt analogy. Like if you did something where you wrote belts, like at this level, these are the things we focus on. Then this level you you want to focus on this white belt, don't need processing. Yeah, yeah, exactly. That's what I mean. Like so, because this is, uh, obviously, I think key to, uh, long-term success around nutrition and exercise. It probably seems a little bit overwhelming and daunting to the like, maybe new listener or first time, like, I don't think you'll, I don't think you'll master it, but I think the mentality is just the approach
Starting point is 00:04:29 is what's important. So you could look at, so in other words, say it's a beginner and they're working out their following routine and they're consistent for let's say, you know, two months and they find that they're more stressed and tired than usual. Well, if they have this mentality, they could go to the gym, do the same workout that they normally do, but then remember maybe they listen to this episode episodes, they're like, you know what, I'm going to work out way easier. I'm going to bring the intensity way down so that it matches kind of what's happening in my life right now.
Starting point is 00:04:54 So that's really what I'm talking about is a mentality around what you're doing. It's like, when you go in to work out, can you do it in a way towards going to improve the quality of your life in the context of what's happening right now? Same thing with diet. Can I eat in a way where it's going to improve the, like that would mean sometimes I'm going to eat foods that are not, you know, maybe quote unquote unhealthy because the context may be I'm hanging out my buddies and we want to connect and enjoy ourselves.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Which one do you think is more difficult to the two? Do you think it's easier for the person who's getting into health and fitness to figure out the nutrition piece on how to adjust it according to how it fits your lifestyle or how to figure out the exercise. Oh, nutrition's harder. Yeah. Oh my god. Well, it's just so embedded in your everyday interactions with your family, with your coworkers. Like you basically, you basically stretch your whole day around nutrition. And then that one sliver is like your, your exercise piece. So that's usually where I start as a focal point, you know, with brand new people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I mean, you guys know, is the exercise. Yeah. I mean, when we train people, I mean, I didn't touch diet for a while. Modifying intensity is probably where you first start first. Like before we get into getting really, really deep into this, it's just like, Hey, learn how to understand that you had a really poor night's of sleep. You're under, you've under consumed nutrients. This is probably not the day that you go crush legs or try to set
Starting point is 00:06:18 some PRs the day where to go in and go through the, the motion and like get some, just get a lift in, in maybe practice maybe move at 50% intensity then going after it right that's probably how you would tell somebody to adjust. Yeah I mean I I went through a long period of figuring this out when I had some really challenging things that happened you know that were going on in my life and I just literally went to work out and my workouts were all about maintaining my own health and stress relief. So the workouts were very different than what they would look like otherwise. They were lighter. I was kind of like just focusing on form.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I was doing a lot of walking. I remember when you, Adam, when you had come off of competing and you were trying to get your natural testosterone levels come up for a while. So you were suffering with really low testosterone. Your workouts were completely organized around trying to make yourself just feel good. Yeah. Yeah. You know, versus, I mean, had you gone after it, uh, it would have totally backfired, right? You know, type of deal.
Starting point is 00:07:13 So I think it's the attitude and what it does is allows you to develop a relationship with exercise and diet where you can turn to it. So you can turn to it as a way, what are they, what's that, what's that, uh, saying, let food be thy medicine. Right. So you can turn to it as a way, what's that saying? Let food be thy medicine, right? So you can turn to exercise, you can turn to diet, and you can look at them and say, how can I do these to improve my life right now?
Starting point is 00:07:35 Sometimes that means you're gonna work out hard, and be super strict, you might get lean, or whatever, sometimes it may mean, I'm gonna use food as a way to relax, with my friends connect, I'm gonna use my workouts as a way to maybe with my friends, connect. I'm going to use my workouts as a way to, you know, maybe, you know, move, just move my body because it just needs to move right now. Um, and then you develop this relationship.
Starting point is 00:07:52 That's long-term because now, no matter which way your life goes, you can, you can find consistency because it's always making you feel better. Hippocrates Doug, is that who that is? Yeah, that's correct. Yeah. Hey, I saw I have an embarrassing thing to share with you guys. Yeah, all right. So I was, uh, sweet. I was at the gym the other day. So I went into, uh, the golds. I hadn't been there in a while and they have a really great little, uh, leg area. The, in fact, they
Starting point is 00:08:16 call it leg, I think leg land is what it's called. Yeah. Yeah. Have you guys, you guys haven't been to that gym before? Have you? Which one? It's the Golden Gilroy. Oh, I bet I was a wait a minute. How long has it been? Has it been there for a while? No, it hasn't been. It's pretty it's a relatively new gym. I mean, new isn't it's been around for probably four or five years. No, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yeah, it's not great. Yeah, it's great. And you guys are really like the it's got a like a room that's just dedicated to legs, which is really cool. Um, so I got in there and it was like, I felt really good that day. And it's like, I was like, oh, I'm going to get after squats. It's been a while since I pulled out the squat shoes and the squat belt and I'm going to push some weight today and, and eventually, uh, you
Starting point is 00:08:56 know, see what, see how I feel, right? And so I'm, I'm in there and I'm in my rhythm and I'm fit, weights moving pretty good. And, you know, the first, when I'm first, I don't really, I won't throw on a belt till I'm pushing three 15 or above. I'll always try and squat beltless and normally I'll be in my chucks until I'm getting like closer to that, you know, above three 15 from here right now, which is really heavy from here right now. Um, and so I get, I, I get up to that and I get the belt out. And you know how like when you, when you wrench down on
Starting point is 00:09:23 the belt to get it real nice and snow, you get up against the gate and you tighten it up. And I already, the room's kind of busy. It's like, there's quite a few people there. All the squat racks are taken. And I'm normally not paying attention if people are paying attention to me, but I had this like embarrassing moment. I was like, oh, fuck what do I do?
Starting point is 00:09:40 My belt, dude, I'm so fat right now, my belt didn't fit on my waist. And I was already like committed to trying to put it on. So like I could, so yeah, I'm like wrestling. And you know, sometimes it's a little tough on the things. So I'm probably messing with it. Especially if you get stuck on like a little. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:58 So I get one, I get one in, right? And but I can't get the other one in and I realize like this shit doesn't fit. I it's on the last loop, so I can't. And so I don't, and so now I'm like in this weird predicament where I've already been wrestling with it for like two minutes. Do I go get a buddy to help you? I do it.
Starting point is 00:10:13 So I already feel like everyone's staring at me at this point. So, so I have like one, one loop in the other ones, not the, the things all open. I just kind of like throw my shirt over and didn't miss that. I still went for it. I did throw it and I did. And I got good weight on there. I was telling nervous. I just kind of like throw my shirt over and protect. Did you just say that? I still went for it with the thing. I did throw it and I did.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And I got good weight on there. I was so nervous it was gonna pop. I was so, no, I couldn't. I was already committed. I already stacked all the weight on. Already like wrenching the belt down and like. Dude, that's hilarious. Bro, I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:10:37 I don't even know my move. I don't feel fat. I don't feel like I'm at that point. I know that I've always been on the last two holes. And so I probably should have got a belt that have a little bit more room in that in the first place. But you know, normally I can, I don't have a problem with getting into that. It is, dude. Like, like people like you and I, who grew up feeling skinny,
Starting point is 00:10:55 our gauge, our gauge of fat is not great. It's not great. Like if I gain weight, I'm just bigger. You know what I mean? Yeah, I'm heavy. And then someone will point out and be like, do it looks like. Especially if I'm, cause I'm still training and lifting, right? So if I, if I get, you're so true, it's so true what you're saying, you know, it still goes back to my deep and security's of being the skinny kid, right? Like, yeah. It quickly, I feel that way.
Starting point is 00:11:18 If I'm not lifting and I put bad weight on because then my, my arm shrink, I get skinny, get skinny fat and that will drive me crazy. And I know right away, but if I'm like, yeah, just pump and you're, yeah, yeah, I'm lifting still. So I'm building some muscle. I don't think I just, you know, dude, I'm in my power lifting face. That's what I am. I feel like my move would have been like, ah, look at the, stare at the belt for
Starting point is 00:11:39 a long time and then just throw it down. This thing's broken. I know, dude, I was like, it was just a weird, I know I don't even give a fuck what's going on around me. So with that, but it was just one of those moments where I could kind of feel people looking at me, stacking the weight up and stuff. I was squatting more than anybody around me.
Starting point is 00:11:56 So I'm sure they were watching and then I go to get my belt out, you know? And I can't get it all. And I'd already wrestled with it for long enough that I was like, oh, I do know it's so bad that it's way better now. Cause when I was younger, it on to it. And I'd already wrestled with it for long enough that I was like, oh, shoot. I do know it's so bad that it's way better now because when I was younger, it was really bad. There was a, I had bulked up.
Starting point is 00:12:11 The heaviest I ever got my entire life was 240, maybe a little over 240 something. So you guys like right now I weigh 207. Okay, so let's just picture me at 240. Yeah, you're down to 07 right now. Maybe, maybe, maybe 210, something like that. Okay. So I'll flex right between 207 to 210, 212, uh, sometimes a little higher, but then you
Starting point is 00:12:31 guys point out my face. So it's a little rough, but anyway, uh, but, but that's as heavy. I mean, I don't get, I never get up to 220, right? But 240 at one point, I bulked up. Now this is how bad it was. I had no idea. I had no idea that I had gotten like, I just thought I was getting big, dude.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I saw a picture of myself not that long ago. Somebody brought it out and showed me. And they said it themselves, like, wow dude, what happened here? I looked at the picture and I was like, I was not great. I looked a little obese. I was slightly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Probably not obese, but you never know. Oh. Yeah, I was slightly. Yeah. I was not obese. Yeah, I never know. Oh, bro. I was too 40, bro. That's, I think my body fat was, was 18%. For me, I've, you know, I mean, for you, but that's not obese. No, it's not bad. I mean, that's actually not that crazy. When you think about it, not that horrible for me, it is. Yeah. Yeah. No, I, and I'm, I had to push it. I'm right with you. That's about when, when I start getting the upper teens is when I'm like, that's okay. It's time to come the other direction. Like I'll, I like to hover around probably the 13, 14% is probably the where I'm most comfortable. Yeah. And then, you know, of course, holidays, I'll let my creep, creep up a little bit. And then I'll come all the way back down, get down to like 10 or whatever that. And that's kind of where I bounce back and forth. But when I, but I just didn't, I didn't realize that I would I would even have done it if I thought I was like, yeah, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:13:46 I wouldn't even know. I never know. Unless, uh, your body fat. Yeah. The only way I know is like the amount of fat jokes. Like if it's like continuous and like, okay. I don't know. I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:13:59 The only news, um, if it's like intermittent, you know, I'm like, ah, see, you think that I've actually unpacked it as like that's when I'm feeling insecure with myself I call you fat you son of a bitch I deflect I don't know what it's all about to call Justin he's me a check dude so I'm not like a beast that's not that bad of an embarrassing thing at the gym though I've done way worse at the gym oh I know it wasn't like a like a super super embarrassing it was just a recent just happened to me just happened to me and it was like a moment where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:14:26 what do you do right here? Do you like mess with it for five minutes like I did and then undo it and put it back in your bag? Like just kidding. Or did you do like I did where you just throw it over your shirt and pretend like you got it? We just look at it and kind of say kind of loudly. Oh, I grabbed my wife's belt.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Yeah, it's like Adam the wizard. Yeah, I got the guy on the back. That, yeah. All the Dallas on the back. That's your name on the back. That's got his picture of his face. That's not me. So is that your embarrassing fun fact? No, no, I have another one for you guys. This one's not that embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:14:57 So you wanted us to think of. So I texted the guys this morning. I said, you guys got a random, like, you know, odd or embarrassing thing that you've never shared with each other that you guys got a random, random, like, uh, you know, odd or embarrassing thing that you've never shared with each other that you guys don't know. What brought it up was Katrina and I are, uh, rewatching Seinfeld. I just, you could get me to watch. I've watched Seinfeld, the Seinfeld. It's a great show. I've seen every show or every episode at least three or four times over. Maybe, maybe more. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe more. Yeah, yeah, maybe more.
Starting point is 00:15:25 It's like one of my favorite things just to like put on in the background and like it has so many great, you know how iconic that show was? Like I was trying. You had the officer always on repeat for me. I was telling Katrina like that show for me growing up,
Starting point is 00:15:38 because it was playing when I was growing up, right? So we actually watched the episodes when they first got released. And my circle of friends, we were such hardcore, sign full fans and into it that much of our conversations, jokes, where it was built around that show. Like one of the things that like, you were funny if you could have watched an episode last night. Like that was like a big deal. Like you, everyone, you wanted to watch it when it first dropped.
Starting point is 00:16:03 There was a one liner in there. Who integrated that into the conversation at school the next day. And like, and then how quick do you pick up on that? Like that was like, that was so much of my childhood. So anyways, I'm telling Katrina that we're laughing about, we're watching, and we're watching an episode and there's an episode where Elaine's boss, um, gets this, uh, this piece of art gets delivered to his thing. And it's, it's the 3D art.
Starting point is 00:16:29 And he's like staring at it for like the whole episode is like cuts back to him. And he's still in the office and he's like, I don't even know how to see you. So, so the reason why I'm sharing with you guys, I could train as something that random facts she didn't know about me. And so I'm like, I'm sure the guys don't know this from me. So I can't see that art still. I still, I've never been.
Starting point is 00:16:47 And I mean, wait, wait, still. Yeah, bro, I have searched like far and wide for all the tricks. I can get you to know. See, that's what everybody thought that you could actually get up. There's some people that can't really. Yeah, there's a small, there's a small percent. Well, there's, there's, if you have a lazy eye or your cross-eyed, sometimes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Yeah. Which I don't have either. I'm like, no. Fuck you. I don't have a lazy eye. I'm not cross-eyed at all. I live totally normal. So that sucks when somebody has that though and you're talking to them and you
Starting point is 00:17:20 can't, I mean, you ever have that where you're talking to somebody? Of course. You're not sure which eye is the one you're supposed to look at. There's a few of his parents so that so that and so some people too who just have a Like if they have like a one-eye that sees 25 or 20 like really really good in the other eyes not just that discrepancy You have really bad eye. I don't think so. I don't know shoot a gun. Which I do close My my right eye yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:17:48 Okay, so you shoot through the left you look through the left. Yeah, so that's probably a better either Yeah, I would assume right. I mean naturally you're yeah interesting that I mean like I said I've like broke was there was a point where like I spent hours and days and that's what made me remember in the show Cuz he's so frustrated and I go, and obviously Katrina has seen that art too. I was like, dude. Why are you not into conspiracies? I can't see it. You can't see it.
Starting point is 00:18:10 You can't see it. You can't see it. You've got no depth. I can't. You know, it represents a period of time in my life too when those things were really popular. You were probably so mad. Oh, I was so mad.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Which is everybody can see it. I know, everybody's saying it. Everybody can see it. It's a bunny. And everybody would say that. Yeah, well, yeah, there was a point where I kind of thought that I was getting trolled. You know what I'm saying? And everybody would say that. Yeah, well, yeah, there was a point where I kind of thought that I was getting trolled. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:18:27 Where everyone's like, oh, they're fucking with me. This is part of the joke. You know what I'm saying? It's like, there's no, there's nothing really here. And everybody would have, everybody who sees this is like, oh, I know you do this. Cover one eye. Oh, start with a nose like this.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Oh, look over. I've tried all the hacks. Weird. Yeah. Never been able to. I've never seen any 3D art before. The first time I saw one of those, that was such a popular thing for a second, and they disappeared.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Every mall. Yeah. I mean, yeah, malls don't get that kind of, I guess, attention. No, no. It was just a big thing. I remember Christmas, people were getting them as gifts. Huge. The first time I ever saw one, I remember I saw it, and they're like, look at this, there's a dolphin on there. And I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:19:01 And then, like, you have to kind of relax your, and I, boom, I saw it right away, and it tripped me out, because I was such a young, you know, I was a kid. Yeah. So weird. I forgot about those. I know. In that random. Yeah. This is not, this is embarrassing or not, but I did a Judo, Jiu Jitsu combined.
Starting point is 00:19:15 You probably combined it for eight years. Part of the warmup is always to do a cartwheel. So, and I've practiced so many times and I cannot. You can't do a cartwheel? Never can do a car wheel. Never. That is embarrassing. Never can do a car wheel. Really?
Starting point is 00:19:30 Never. No matter what. God, you are that on half way like your feet. Listen, I could do a car wheel. It's the overhead. Yeah, I can. For sure. You can't.
Starting point is 00:19:41 That's gotta look cool. You know what you do? You probably default to like a round off, right? You like, yeah, yeah. When people try anymore. Yeah. And we're doing cartwheels after this. I read about this.
Starting point is 00:19:52 There's some people can't do covers. Kidding. They have a lazy, lazy, lazy leg. What do you got for me, Justin? What you got for me? I mean, it's embarrassing. I've, you guys probably even know this, maybe. I've alluded to it quite a few times because of like all my past like ghost stories and whatnot,
Starting point is 00:20:10 but I legit am scared of like closets. And like, I seriously like it's not like coming out of the closet. No, it's just like literally it has to be closed like anywhere I go like any like hotel in the night. Tell us that. 100% guys. I blame you if anything happens. Yeah, but yours is scary.
Starting point is 00:20:37 You can't use mine. No, I don't want. So like if you're you're going to bed at night and your bedroom closet doors cracked up, has to be open or me close. Oh, so you get up and close it. That's funny. Now, any door really, I can't have any open doors. Now you do realize there's zero logic in that, right?
Starting point is 00:20:52 Like, but just. Thanks for the memo. You know, so the memo's out. Did something happen as a kid or something that you just. Yeah, I tell you, dude, I'm okay. I mean, everybody has their own opinions about the supernatural. I've experienced a bit of it and
Starting point is 00:21:13 some mostly closets. Yeah, in the closet. It always comes from the closet and it could be just be like a shift of whatever like something falls. But it's happened way too many times for me to be like, Oh, cool. That's just randomly, that's, you know, it's a random thing. Not a random thing. Wow. Even now, that's crazy. I, for the longest time, I'm cool with it now, but probably up until my mid-20s,
Starting point is 00:21:35 couldn't, I had to have my feet covered when I go to sleep. I could not have my feet out at all. They had to be covered. Oh, I don't like my feet out either. Well, really? Yeah, I don't like my feet out either. So even if it's hot, you just you're feeling it. Yeah, exactly. That's part of why I have to have a bad cooling system and I want it so cold is I like to I want I have to be all covered up. So you don't like to be out? No.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Oh, no wonder you're always so hot. Oh, yeah, I could not sleep. You can't I can't just sleep with no sheet on me. It feels so weird. even a sheet isn't enough weight for me to be really comfortable. I need weight. Yeah. Yes, it's scary Yeah, yeah, wow My feet are gonna be coming when I got over it I was 20 and I was visiting my family in Sicily and we had to stay at my grandma's house and my grandma's house is in It's in the city and it's a concrete house, no air conditioning and it's humid. It's so humid.
Starting point is 00:22:28 It's not even funny. And at night, and so you're asleep in the bed with the windows open. You might as well not have the windows open and you're underwater. It's so humid. So I got over it real quick. It took everything off. I'm just laying like this. You wake up and the bed was just soaked.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Then I got over it and I could sleep without shoes. Yeah. So no closet. You need to have a closet 3d. Wow Hey, did you find out you're though? I see you're the only one who's like Biori ensemble today is yeah, dude What are the pants you're wearing? Coronado, I say it right let me look it up because I think it's called Coronado I think of the call so these are the new should I stand up so everyone can see yeah, please Justin Phil's butt in I think of the club. So these are the new, should I stand up so everyone can see? Yeah, please do.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Justin Phil's butt in them. You need to work out, dude. You actually touched it a little bit. No, I like, I like, I like these a lot. They're, they feel, so you know how they have like the, their sweats or not, I don't know if you call them sweats, but they're like their joggers. Yeah. And then they have the slacks that I wear a lot. Right. That look if you call them sweats, but they're like their joggers. Yeah. And then they have the slacks that I wear a lot.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Right. That look like. What are those like? These are like in between it feels like. Yeah. They're almost like nicer. More loose fit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Yeah. Yeah. Well, you dressed them up with a polo I see. So that's what I was wondering if they were. I like the polos that they have and they have button downs now. I have. I just got one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Did you? Yeah. Did you wear it? I did. When I was in Texas. Oh, great. Yeah. Yeah. Super comfy. And it's, I like the style. So funny. I was talking to my brother, uh, was it last night? It was last night when my parents house, eating dinner. And he's doing really well. He's a financial advisor. And so he was, you know, I was like, man, you're doing really well. And it's good to see how good you guys are doing.
Starting point is 00:24:00 And this and that. And he's like, yeah, man, he's like, you know, once you get past a certain point, you know, he's like, look, I, he's like, I wear whatever I get. Cause I get to Vory Vory all the time. Doesn't even matter. I'm like, oh, Matt, he's like, you know, once you get past a certain point, you know, he's like, look, I, he's like, I wear whatever. I get to wear a Viori all the time. Do you matter? I'm like, oh, it's like a status symbol now to wear Viori. You know? I used my discount code though, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:24:12 It totally, it's funny. I was talking to Courtney about that because like her sister, like losing Las Gatos and you live there, but like there's a whole like subculture of like moms and soccer moms that all go to these gyms and everything and their whole thing is these Stanley cups and then they have to have a Viori clothes. It's a status thing completely. At least you lose lemon now it's they've shifted. What's up with the Stanley cups? It's because they fit in the cup holders. So do other things. How do they become a status
Starting point is 00:24:42 symbol for girls? Well they're not cheap and They're and they they fit in a daughter. Which one of influencers started it? Well, that I don't know. Yeah, there's probably some. There's I'm sure got really popular. Figure this out for me. How did this? The origin of the Stanley Cup phenomenon. Yeah. Because my my 14 year old daughter on NHL. My 14 year old daughter wanted one so bad. So did Doug's daughter. That's why he got it. Didn't you get her after Christmas? Yeah, she got one. Well, I think Organifi, they sent one out.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Shout out to her, shout out to her. I mean, it's encouraging them to drink more water. I guess that's a good thing. If it's water in there. What you guys got for the origin of that? I mean, you're probably right. It's probably, there's probably something to have. It was some influencer, had to be.
Starting point is 00:25:19 It can't be one person though. It's like one of those things. It's like it's where multiple people probably that have an influence. I mean, it makes sense. I would get mad because I was trying to, I think it was one of those like a Yeti's where it was just like you're trying to put it in the cup holder.
Starting point is 00:25:32 It wasn't working. So that's one of the biggest frustrations of those big thermos ones. I have a couple of those, right? That like when we work with Mir and I have some hydro flask one, but they're all big and round where the, the Stanley has a small, there's at the bottom, so you could fit it in like your car.
Starting point is 00:25:48 But they're so smart though, because they've literally, I don't know how they did it, but they've turned it into a statement. Like cause girls want to show that they have a Stanley cup, which is even made of pink one specifically. That's the one I got my daughter. Okay. Did you find anything Doug? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:03 I mean, obviously it started in social media. I'm sure it's tick tock. Uh, I'm sure that's where Bri got my daughter. Okay. Did you find anything Doug? Yeah, I mean it obviously it started in social media I'm sure it's tick-tock I'm sure that's where Brianna saw it. Yeah, so you know the long straws by the way Andrew says Andrew knows Yeah, apparently the brands around for over a hundred years. Yeah Construction brand that's make staples and staple guns and everything. Yeah. Yeah, it's like car hard hammers That's probably what it got piggybacked off of his Carhartt too, because Carhartt is, that's over a hundred years old too. It's so funny to see these brands become hip with girls, like young girls.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Like what? I know, it's like you're not, I'm sorry, you're not doing steel work outside. So, what helped them with their success was they promoted it on TikTok and they focused their market entirely around women and just highlighting, you know, the features of the cup. Brilliant. how it stays cold. Well, the truth is you have, so Carhartt's an example of this Stanley's an example of this. They're, I mean, they're a hundred year old brands. These are legit good ass brands.
Starting point is 00:26:54 They make good ass products. And then, but they're, they're, they didn't make a, they didn't penetrate a certain. Yeah. They didn't cross over into the Gen Z and millennials until recently, and that was just, that's good marketing on their part, but they've always had a good product. Like that's, I mean, Carhart in the construction world has been known as some of the best. If you worked on a ranch or did anything in construction at all,
Starting point is 00:27:15 anything outdoors, you know, that they have the best outdoor, like apparel and stuff like that. So Dickies were also construction, but how did dickies become cholo wear? Uh, is that, that's... Ben Davis, Ben Davis, Ben Davis. Ben Davis and dickies. And skaters too. Big time skaters. How did that happen?
Starting point is 00:27:31 Is it because, is it because when you hit the, you hit the ground or whatever when you're skater, it didn't make holes in it and stuff? Yeah, I don't know, like, yeah, I don't know if that was the case because like if you wear jeans, you know, you shred it up and you can't like do, like, yeah, there was some kind of like movement thing with that. But I think for the most part, it was just the style of the time. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Anyway, speaking to those, those cups with the big straws, uh, you know, cause my three year old, he loves Jessica's, you know, he'll try and drink from it. She will not let him drink from it because she said it's dangerous with the big straw. And I always was like, whatever, you know, I guess I, yeah, theoretically he could fall anyway, nobody, I know someone that that happened. Their kid fell with one of the big straws from a, uh, Jamba juice. It wasn't even a hard straw.
Starting point is 00:28:13 It was like a plastic but hard and they had to go emergency room and have it removed. Yeah, dude. So that's a legit thing. Cause little kid. Yeah. So there apparently there's a viral TikTok video of a woman's car that went, uh, went on fire and the Stanley cup was in the center console and the water and everything that was inside of it was still cold.
Starting point is 00:28:32 No way! And the car burned up. No way! And the video has like 94 million views. No way! So that's actually responsible I guess for the newest craze. Wow! Dude, okay now, does that help?
Starting point is 00:28:44 I remember that coming out after it was already popular. So I think that was a huge part to help it. Yeah, I think that just I think that was last couple years. It's almost gasoline to the fire, so to speak. I mean, it looked like the I remember seeing that video will play for the YouTube audience. But basically the whole car burned on fire and the Stanley Cup was the only thing that survived. Well, and that was like the family died.
Starting point is 00:29:04 The Stanley Cup survived. Wow. That's terrible. I think I remember a video of the CEO. Great commercial. But I think he bought that woman a new car. Oh, that would be a good move. Of course.
Starting point is 00:29:16 That would be a good move. That's brilliant move. Yeah, brilliant, brilliant move. Wow. That's the ocean spray. They had their time in the sun over the pandemic, right? That guy cruise off. No shit. Look at at this look at it all intact in the center It didn't the color didn't even like fade the color Wow
Starting point is 00:29:33 Well, okay, they see you did buy her new car Oh, that's a cool move. I remember how long ago was that? That was back in November. Do you know just this last November. Yeah. So much has just boosted it. Do you guys remember, speaking of thermosism construction sites, because we all were on them with our dads and stuff. You guys remember the big orange one? Yellow one, you mean? Igloo?
Starting point is 00:29:53 No, I think it might have been orange and it had like almost like lines around it. That's igloo. Is that a yellow? The one that you had the water and you... Yeah, yellow with a white lid. Is that what that is? Igloo. It is igloo. Yeah, so everybody had that one. I'm pretty a white, yellow with a white lid. Is that what that is? Igloo. It is igloo.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Yeah. So everybody had that one. I'm pretty sure that's what you're talking about. There's all the soccer, uh, they would have that at halftime next to the oranges. All right. All right. Yeah. I got, I got a chart for you guys.
Starting point is 00:30:15 That's interesting that max, uh, look over here, uh, posted on anti-depressant use. Let me pull it up. So, um, that one, right? So that's the one right there. Yeah. Yeah. Look at that. Oh yeah. That's all that one. Yeah. So it's a global anti-depressant users per thousand people.
Starting point is 00:30:31 So per capita, right? Which country do you think it has the highest anti-depressant users? Country? Country. US. US is number one. Yeah. Yeah. Number two, Iceland, then Australia, then Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, UK, Finland. So basically, I mean, Oh, is that per capita too? Or is it like per capita? Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:30:51 So you guys know over 10 percent, well, no, that's, that's less. Yeah, no, it is 10 per over 10 percent of people around antidepressants in the United States. Wow. Yeah. So what's interesting about this, so he posted this and he said, what is going on? Like, why are the antidepressants so high in all these countries and so low in other countries? And if you, I bet you, and this is my speculation, but I bet you, if you took graphs of physical activity,
Starting point is 00:31:20 you know, diet, poor diet, obesity, social interaction and spiritual practices or faith, right? All things that we know positively affect the work of the product. If you take that graph, I bet you could make a strong case and show strong correlation. Like the countries with the worst scores in these
Starting point is 00:31:38 have the highest anti-depressant use. So the countries with the higher, who do better with these have, you know, do better. For example, Italy, which is a Western nation, and so it's gonna have, you know, do better. For example, Italy, which is a Western nation. And so it's going to have, you know, it's like a lot of the other ones. It's so much lower than many of the others. In fact, it's one of the lowest in out of Europe.
Starting point is 00:31:56 It's at 42 people per thousand. But I know in Italy, the social interaction is so important. Diet is this a lot among the Western countries, and obesity has exploded, but Italy's done better than others, even though it's still gotten worse. So you gotta look at, that's what I was the case I was trying to make,
Starting point is 00:32:15 is like somebody should do that, put that all together, correlate them all, and then I think you could come up with a nice predictor and say, look, if these are these bad, if you give these a score, we can see that these other that it'll predict this much antipresent use. Yeah, you might want to even factor in, I guess. Shitty weather's gotta be a factor too. Maybe. I was for me in Chicago. Actually, you're right. You know, they've shown that already. You know, you talk about processed foods being one
Starting point is 00:32:41 of the first big things to send us in towards obesity. What do you think before that was like the first like thing that started to evolve us in the direction of like, oh, we're going to start heading down a, a negative path as far as like obesity and overconfort. Yeah. Yeah. But the obesity, it's hard to say. I have some thoughts around that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Cause, and I don't know if that, so I was just watching something. I don't know what it was. And I told Katrina, I'm like, you know what? That would actually would be a really clever diet book to write. And that is like, if you had a, oh, it was Seinfeld. It was a Kramer Kramer was doing this thing where he, uh, wanted to have like no stuff at home or he got rid of his refrigerator. So no fridge.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Therefore every meal had to be fresh. So you had to go down to the grocery store and pick up exactly what you're going to cook and eat at that moment. And then you had to go back and get again with this. Imagine if you'd never, if you never, and think about this, okay. And that's not far from how we evolved. We evolved, we hunted, brought it back, cooked, you know, killed it, skinned it, prepared it, ate it.
Starting point is 00:33:41 And then you go, if you need more food to go out and you do it again. So imagine if every meal you had to go to the grocery store, go hunt it, go get it. Then just for that meal, bring it back, cook it and prep it and then do it again. The amount of steps and walking. Also, how many times you go like, yeah, am I really that hungry? I'm okay. Huge barrier. Imagine that.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Huge barrier. Like no for just saying, no, I'm no refrigerator. No fridge diet. Yeah. Although you could have, I mean, I mean, processed foods and boxes last forever, but it, so it'd have to be the, the whole food, no fridge diet. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Think about that though. I like it would be a, be a royal pain in the ass. It would, but it would also keep you from, and, and by the way, you put, when put, if you want to have a massive big meal, go for it. Cook a massive big meal. But then whatever you don't eat, yeah, then whatever you don't, yeah, you're done. And then when you got it, when you're one, you gotta eat again, you gotta go get it.
Starting point is 00:34:28 You know, preserving food has been around a lot longer than we think though, you guys know that. Yeah, cause we found hacks to do that. Well, we would salt meat. Salt meat, yeah. Smoke it, you would smoke it. Yeah, yeah. In fact, one of the oldest survival foods,
Starting point is 00:34:43 people still make them for survival. I believe the Mongolians used to make, and I think it was based off of milk. I can't remember what else they made, but they would make these white blocks they look like, and they would keep them in their bags. One of the reasons why they did so well is they were so mobile.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Yeah, it was a type of cheese. It was a type of cheese. Just a big thing. I mean, that was always my argument that they were so mobile. Yeah, it was a type of cheese type of cheese. Just, just. I mean, that was always my argument that, uh, you know, they were so successful. Uh, it was the cheese after cheese. Yeah. Cheese and they were like horse people. Yeah. Those two big, big factors in conquering. But you know, it's funny with the whole anti-depressant thing. And it's like, um,
Starting point is 00:35:20 like the answer is, it's right in front of us. It's so crazy how, how we just don't want to look at the right answer, which is like, move, you got to in front of us. It's so crazy how we just don't want to look at the right answer, which is like, move. You got to get up and move and let's probably change our diet a little bit. Like that'll solve a lot of this and then be social. Well, that's why I thought the whole idea, the whole fresh thing was so big.
Starting point is 00:35:36 It's like, if it just, you got to go move. Cause you don't have to do something crazy, like tracking down and hunted, but just simply, you know what? Walking down to the grocery store. You know what? You could make a diet book that had some interesting rules in it that were not like standard diet rules.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Like rule number one, you must eat every meal with someone. So that includes that now social rule number two, you can only buy something you're gonna eat that day. So no storing. So that would be another one. So you can make rules like that. Perishable. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I like that. I think it would be, I thought the same thing too. Yeah. We're sitting on a diet book here. Courtney's pretty good about that. She that's why she always goes to like the farm, uh, uh, those, uh, farmers markets. Yeah. And then like pick stuff up that's perishable within like two to three days.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Yeah. Uh, and then cooks up stuff based off of what's there and available. And she's always been like that. And I'm always like, ah, it's a lot of work. So you know who else is great at that. And I didn't even think about Katrina was one who reminded me was Everett. And I forgot when he used to live with us when I first started dating Katrina. So he would bring home what he was going to prepare that night every single night. Like he just come up with a recipe. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:42 The more kids you have the harder that is though. Let's be real. I mean, you know, of course. Yeah. That gets tough when you have, the harder that is though. Let's be real. I mean, you know, of course. Yeah. That gets tough. Yeah. When you're on your own, because Everett's, he's on his own. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:49 So he just goes and life is a whole other ball game. We need to take care of other people. Every aspect, dude, names of that's not more difficult when you have. I'm always like, I roll my eyes sometimes because I usually do dishes and it's like, you know, when you make fresh stuff like that, like all the pots, like every pot, you know, in the entire place it's used and you're like, I can't complain, dude, this is like great food.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Yeah. Dude, speaking of kids, my dog, my soul left my body the other day with my little one. My wonder, I'll choose eating and I was cutting up like pieces of apple and then she like, one of them got stuck so she kind of gagged a little bit. Oh God. Oh, it was literally a split second, but bra was halfway.
Starting point is 00:37:26 I was only aside of the kitchen. I saw and ran over there and she like spit it out. Jessica walks in like five seconds later and she looked at her and she's like, what's wrong? I'm like, uh, I don't want to tell you because you might get mad at me for cutting the apple too big or whatever. Oh, you guys bought one of those things. Didn't you?
Starting point is 00:37:41 I know we have it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The whole emergency. I just hope I never have to use one. Yeah. Geez. Oh, that's good. She's so funny right now. My little one, she's like, she's like, so Jessica, when she was little,
Starting point is 00:37:54 her mom tells stories of how Jessica used to just climb, like she climbed before she could walk. So before she could walk, she was climbing things and she would end up at the top of the fridge and just crazy places. My daughter's like that. She, you have to keep an eye on her cause she'll, if she, she'll figure out a way to climb and she'll fall. She doesn't care, but she'll climb up. So we have, uh, you guys have seen the playroom, right? How we set it up.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah. So we have these little rings that the kids can hang from. So I'm like, I wonder if she, she's only like a year or a little over a year. I'm like, I wonder if she hang from here. So I put her little, little hands on there and I kind of like, let go and put my hands, she was hanging. She was, by the way, her arms weren't from here. So I put her little, little hands on there and then I kind of like, let go and put my hands. She was hanging. She was eight with, by the way, her arms weren't even straight.
Starting point is 00:38:29 They were bent a little bit. I had, I called Jessica over, but come check out that. That's savage already. You know, my, my mom was over this weekend and she was, you know, Katrina was asking stories, right? We're watching Max play around. Max is four right now. And so Katrina's asking a lot of questions from my mom. What was I like when I was two, three and four years old? Cause we're talking about how like sweet Max is.
Starting point is 00:38:48 My mom's like, oh, you know, you were really that way too. She goes, but you definitely would get into the sweets like crazy. And so she talks about the, I guess, uh, one morning she came down and you ever seen those, um, those plastic things that you put the cake in that like they're Tupperware and you just, oh yeah, yeah, they're loud as fuck when you open them. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. They pop them open or what that.
Starting point is 00:39:09 So she had, she had put the cake in that and then she put it on top of the refrigerator. She goes, she came down one morning. I threw on three years old and I had opened up a drawer on the, on the bottom and then put the stool in the drawer and then climbed up the thing on the counter. And then climb the, yeah. And she said on the floor and the whole like, cake is all over my face.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Half the cake was eaten when she come downstairs. So she's like, if I made a cake, she's like, there's no way that that thing was last. You were gonna eat that cake. My mom would find bite chunks out of the butter. That's what I used to like butter. Just straight bite the butter. Yep, she would block the butter. Has it how that's what I used to like butter. Straight bite the butter. Yep.
Starting point is 00:39:46 She would block a butter change. She'd go into butter and there'd be like a little bite mark out of it because I used to eat butter. Did you ever. Okay. When you were trying to bolt, cause I know you went to the if you ever go through the frozen, frozen, uh, uh, butter cubes like people do. No.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Oh, that's like a strategy that some people do who can't put on weight. Eat frozen butter just. Yeah. They'll just like freeze little butter cubes and then just just like basically eat it like a chip You know I'm saying just eat them. Yeah. Yeah, you've never heard of people doing that Oh, I know what I'm glad I didn't know about it cuz I would have done it back as I considered it But I didn't like butter that much. I wasn't like a big butter guy at all back then at least I like butter more now than I did back then Wow, isn't that yeah, that's weird, but a quick way to put on some calories. That's weird, right?
Starting point is 00:40:27 Oh, I gotta say something to you Justin actually just remember that You taught you brought some up on a previous podcast that scared the crap out of us. Oh, I it turns out it was not real It was fake. Oh the the dude that made this the hybrid We got No You know it's very compelling damn dude can't trust anything that was a real animal. That's a real. Oh, that's a real Okay, he just he just pretended that he did that. Yeah, I just never seen it before yeah I've never seen that animal before either so it was very plausible Yeah, I just never seen it before. Yeah, I've never seen that animal before either. So it was very plausible
Starting point is 00:41:11 Bro, you literally shook me because I watched that and I remember thinking like like are people actually doing this is like Criminal activity. Why are they allowing? Yeah, and it's like no, it's I guess it's a it's like a parody account. Okay I just bullshit people that makes me feel a little bit better, but I'll tell you what dude They're still doing some stuff like that in China though. Let's be honest. We know, yeah, we know that there's some, there's some embryos that, you know, who knows what they're going to grow up to become a scientist. Get, uh, he had to apologize or something because he, he did something like that where he, he put some human genetics into a monkey or something like that or vice versa. So he was trying to figure something out on how to cure certain diseases.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Yeah. And he got scolded. Right. But anyway. And the CRISPR, I mean, they've already, you know, had those twins and everything else that they modified their genetics. And so it's, I mean, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:41:53 like in terms of like overall morals and ethics in terms of science, like I'm a little concerned. You know what's most concerning about that conversation is when we had this not that long ago, we talked about, what was it, The stealth bomber or the blackbird? Which one was it? I was for you. Which one?
Starting point is 00:42:07 SR 71 blackbird. So the blackbird, right? That we didn't know about for like 40 years and then we already had that technology. So imagine CRISPR technology and what we know about all this stuff, like that we get to see in the public, right? Like how much behind the scenes has already been done. You know what I think is going to happen? Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:22 So it was, it was gene edited babies. That's what it was in China. Yeah. Yeah. We did talk about that. What were you talking about? You know what I think is going to happen? Okay. So it was, it was gene edited babies. That's what it was in China. Yeah. Yeah. We did talk about that. You know what I think it's going to be like in the future. Cause fertility is a big issue right now. This is like a silent epidemic that's happening that even with young people, fertility rates are dropping. Men's testosterone and sperm counts are dropping and women are experiencing
Starting point is 00:42:40 fertility issues. And there's a lot of potential reasons why, but, um, if the trend continues within a couple of generations, we'll essentially not be able to reproduce. That's how scary it is. Okay. So all these fertility clinics are popping up and they're exploding. And one of the speculations is that they're not going to, it's not going to be crazy, but what they'll do is they'll take your sperm, take your wife's egg, and
Starting point is 00:43:02 then they'll pick the best genes that you guys can provide. So in other words, the best possible baby you could create we will pick those Created through CRISPR. Yep. Yeah, so it's not it's still your genes. Right. It's just the best possible, right? Interesting. Yeah, so I mean would you do it? I mean, oh There's a part of you that you know, man You say that you say that now. You say that now. I don't know if I believe that.
Starting point is 00:43:28 I have a great uncle with. I mean, I, hey, my, my initial reaction is hell no, I wouldn't do that either. But the more you think, like, uh, you know, the fact, okay, think of the case, like Katrina and I, right? We're in our, our mid thirties, 30, 40s. If we're getting ready to have, I wish I was in my 30s still. If I was getting ready to have another kid right now and the doctor said, well, here's, yeah, you're at that age now where you're a little bit at risk.
Starting point is 00:43:48 This and that. What we can guarantee though is we can do this CRISPR technology, make sure we give you the healthiest, perfect, most perfect. Well, they already do that. They already try to pick the healthiest embryos, right? With that. But this would be literally gene by gene with, with, with the CRISPR technology. So I mean, how, how is that that much different?
Starting point is 00:44:04 Right. They're already picking every slippery slope that people talk about. Yeah. I mean, how is that that much different, right? They're already picking every- I know, it's a slippery slope that people talk about. Yeah, I mean, it's like, so right now it sounds so crazy because it's such new technology and you think to yourself, but watch when that becomes so regularly used and you're like, oh, okay, it makes kind of sense.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Maybe I should do- Oh, that'll be crazy. That'll be wild. So the best of whatever you guys produce, maybe comes out, you're not that excited, you're like, that's the best. That would suck. You can't even throw a baseball.
Starting point is 00:44:32 That's the best you got, so sorry. Okay, I guess you're right. All right, well, I got a follow up for you then, because I know you probably know this, but I think it was in the 70s, like 76 or so, like this guy basically came up with a hydrogen powered car. Oh, and he got assassinated, right? Yes, and so that's like the whole like story behind it is,
Starting point is 00:44:54 yeah, it was working, it was running, and everybody was all excited. He showed the possibility of it. And then he was at some like a cracker barrel or something restaurant. He's meeting there near the Pentagon. And and again this is like disputed all over the internet whether or not this this was like he was a sassan or not like runs out of the restaurant saying I've been poisoned and then he met his demise
Starting point is 00:45:17 Wow so but what brings it up is because like I thought I heard rumors of like a hydrogen-powered submarine that that was heard rumors of like a hydrogen powered submarine that that was coming out of like Germany that would be able to run basically on these like hydrogen cells and like almost indefinitely just use nuclear. I just don't know. Yeah. But that's nuclear, but this is like hydrogen. Like it utilizes the water itself and like keeps like storing it as fuel.
Starting point is 00:45:42 I sent you remember the thing that the nuclear the water the water fusion out of air. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I sent that over to you the other day. You know that they have nuclear, where they talk about, I'm sure they already have it, nuclear powered drones. So, are you serious?
Starting point is 00:46:01 Yeah, so it'll fly in the air forever. So they'll put it up in the air and that's it never has to land. It'll just, oh, okay it'll fly in the air forever. So they'll put it up in the air and then that's it, never has to land. And it'll just, oh. Okay, I got one more for you. Okay, so I heard an interesting theory, which is something I'm kind of subscribed to, but in terms of like why we're seeing all this UFO phenomenon
Starting point is 00:46:17 and all this kind of stuff, like just now, like recently, mainly because of Space Force. Like this being like the next thing is like, since we unleashed Space Force, now we have to have A reason. A reason. Oh God, that's it right there. And so all this money that you've seen offshore to like,
Starting point is 00:46:36 you know, we've been the war machine. That's a really brilliant. That's propaganda. It's propaganda. Of course. So they're able to usher money now to go to the government. We have these real threats We don't know about it. Oh, trillions of dollars That's the most logical
Starting point is 00:46:53 In regards to the all that's it right there. Yeah, cuz they got a you have to get the public's you gotta get everybody frayed That's right. What's everybody's afraid and we think oh my god legislate it now We can tax we can get all this money coming back in since they're not happy about all the wars we're creating. You know, let's do one up. Why do we need a space force, right? Well, I don't know, there's UFOs out there. That makes perfect sense.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Wow. So there you go. I can't believe we didn't piece that together. I know, I just heard it and I was like, ah. You know what we'll know, right? When the next president comes in, that's like the first big bill pass, you know, for trillions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:47:23 No matter how much that's gonna happen, dude. Wow. Yeah, that's like the first big bill pass, you know, for trillions of dollars. Whoever said that's going to happen. Wow. Yeah. Oh, that's right. Hey, I want to talk about, um, that peptide GHK. See you. Oh, the copper one. Okay. So that one is in the skin, one of the, uh, skincare products from
Starting point is 00:47:36 Intera and then their hair, their hair product. I like it. I've been using it. Really good. Yeah, I do. Have you read about what it does? Have you seen about what GHQ? Well, my biggest concern was, can I use it in conjunction with Caldera?
Starting point is 00:47:49 And the answer was yes. And so I have been. Yeah. So put it on first, then put the Caldera on. Oh, is that the order? Yeah. Okay. Yep.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Yep. Yep. No, I mean, uh, I'll pull up a study for you, uh, that I read about it. So because ones have pep died and ones like it all natural. It outperformed retinol A, which is like that's the top one for, you know, for collagen and photo age skin. Another study showed that it significantly, so it outperformed everybody for skin appearance, thickness, reduced wrinkles, and induced proliferation of the type of cells in the skin that are essentially like in the dermis that help rebuild the skill, the skin.
Starting point is 00:48:28 It's also good for hair growth and it's good for hair pigment. Okay. So why did that? So Dr. Khan told Katrina to only use it once or twice a week. There are their team told her once twice a week. I told me I could use it daily. Is it because it's a peptide, it's stronger.
Starting point is 00:48:42 And so it's just not necessary to use it every day. Do you know? Wait, so repeat that? So they told Katrina to just use that, the GHK, CU cream or whatever. Just tell her to use that. Once a week, that's it. Oh!
Starting point is 00:48:58 You don't even need to use it that much. Depends on the potency. Oh, okay. Yeah, it depends on the potency. Oh, so maybe that one has a little bit more of it in it. Okay, okay, that makes sense. Because in Terra, I know it's made as a daily cream. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:49:12 It depends on the intensity. So maybe that she has a struggle. You can also, people can also inject GHK. So I inject it also. Sub-Q, yeah. But you're trying for systemic for your stuff. Yeah, I kind of fucking hate it though. You said it burns.
Starting point is 00:49:23 It still burns like a sting. Yes, and I diluted it, man. It's a tough one to inject. Didn't you have to do it too? No, I didn't get any. Oh, I thought you did have to do it. Courtney did. Yeah, Courtney did. Does she not complain about it? I mean, I think she felt it. I think she's on a lower dose, but yeah, I don't think she's, she's never really complained about it. Fuck, man. Makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong. Like, I don't know. Some peptides, some peptides don't like that.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Fuck, it hurts. It did 24 hours. Yeah. What was that one that we did, Doug? Mozi? No, that one didn't burn. Oh, yeah, that other one. Oh, God, there was one that.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Yeah, there was one I tried. Oh, man. Fire. It was like, yeah, fire, dude. And some of them I didn't feel. BPC I didn't feel. Yeah, I don't feel that. I've, all the other ones I don't even notice compared to this.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Like in it, like for good 24 hours, it bothers me. And then after about 24 hours, and it doesn't. Interesting. You're supposed to cut it, right? With more water. I did. I wonder. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Pitilon, right? Pitilon was the one that I hated. It burned like crazy. What was that for? It's anti-aging longevity. Supposed to lengthen your telomeres. I didn't really notice anything off of it, but I did. Now, supposedly the G say the GHK, CU, which is what's in an
Starting point is 00:50:31 Tara, it's supposed to be the topical, no, it's supposed to be the best of the best of as far as like all the anti-aging peptides that exist. I read that that is supposed to be one of the best ones. It's the, it's supposed to be the best. It's one of the best. Yeah. It's got cognitive benefits. It's got benefits for the lungs the hair the skin Essentially, it's a signal or post damage. So when you when you have damage and your body your body sends out
Starting point is 00:50:55 GHK to signal to your body to accelerate repair. So when you use this peptide, you're telling your body repair repair faster Yeah, that's why they have me rubbing it on my psoriasis too awesome. Yeah, all right So we should do a shout out for dad bod fitness. He's on YouTube, right? repair, repair faster. Yeah, that's why they have me rubbing it on my psoriasis too. Awesome. Yeah. All right, so we should do a shout out for Dad Bod Fitness. He's on YouTube, right? Just gave us a review on maps, old time. He reviewed our program. I mean, I love this presentation, how he communicates.
Starting point is 00:51:16 In fact, we sent his video to our editors, we're like, dude, this guy's doing a phenomenal job. Anyway, great channel, check him out, Dad Bod Fitness. We've been working with Ned for a long time. They make hemp oil products that are exceptional. These are CBD products you feel literally take it 45 minutes. You know, you took something. They have other products as well. They have a magnesium blend that you take before bed that really calms the
Starting point is 00:51:38 central nervous system. It's pretty incredible. They also have sleep capsules and they have a brain blend. This is a hemp oil based product with Nutropix for brain and cognitive function. Anyway, check them out. They're the leaders in the industry. Go to helloned.com. That's H-E-L-O-N-E-D.com forward slash mind pump. Use the code mind pump.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Get 15% off. All right. Back to the show. First question is from KMKEO60. Can you explain how hang cleans work for power development? Power. So power, I like Justin, I knew you'd get excited over this one. Yeah, you picked this for me, didn't you? I did. So power is, you know, okay, there's a few components that contribute or are part of, I guess, the power recipe.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Strength is one of them. You have to have stability because if your body feels unstable, it's not going to generate the kind of strength or the speed of strength that you're looking for. Because your body's always going to limit it based on stability. So you have to have strength, stability, and then you have to be able to summon your strength very quickly in an organized fashion. In other words, power is the greatest expression of strength. Yes. 100%. Very well said. You have to, your body has to feel secure and it has to be strong to contract and move forcefully.
Starting point is 00:52:50 By the way, that stability includes deceleration. So, you know, if I throw a powerful swing or if I throw a ball really quickly, my muscles that decelerate my arm are part of the equation. Even though they're not accelerating my arm with the throw, my body can sense whether or not they can, you know, accelerate my arm are part of the equation. Even though they're not accelerating my arm with the throw, my body can sense whether or not they can, you know. Your arms are gonna rip off. That's right.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Yeah, so yeah, this is all like, yeah, strength plus acceleration, right? So you work on that. And that's why this is such a great exercise for that too, is like being able to get yourself into some form of, I guess technically this wouldn't be triple extension, but it's in full extension, like as quickly as possible. And to be able to, to apply like as much force in one direction as possible, the quickest you can. And so you have to have
Starting point is 00:53:40 a lot of prerequisites before attempting things like this. And so this is a great way to kind of work your way up towards that pinnacle of strength. Don't you have to come from a like a very rigid and then loose? How would you, how would you articulate that too? Right? Like when you first, when you first snap from hanging clean, there, you're, you're still and your core is tight and you're rigid and then you get loose when you whip it up. So how would you articulate it? I know I'm not saying it right. No, you're on point. I've had a few people try to describe that to me too and it's like having almost like a rope that's a little bit loose and then you get it t taught real quick. Okay. Um, and so like it's, it's that first initial yank, when, when we get that yank,
Starting point is 00:54:27 um, you know, it allows the, the bar to travel and accelerate. And then your body's basically now organizing itself for the, for the catch. And so it's, it's all determined on that first initial force output, uh, on how high the weight travels. Now, cleanser, the reason reason why cleans are, you know, when someone thinks of a power movement with a barbell, they think of a clean, right? Either a hand clean or a power clean.
Starting point is 00:54:51 And that's because, you know, you mentioned triple extension. That power development in that particular movement has got a lot of carryover to just general athletics, right, so sports. Have you guys ever seen Olympic weight lifters jump? You ever seen them jump to see how high they can jump? Yeah. They look like, I mean, you wouldn't,
Starting point is 00:55:11 you wouldn't, you think a strength athlete, but they can jump like a sprinter or like any other. At the core of it, that's what this exercise is. Yeah. This is a jump with weight, you know? And if I could like reduce it down to one thing, cause it's complicated, a lot of moving parts, but really like you're just jumping and you're trying to be able to get that bar path, you know, nice and vertical. That's, I was just going to say, so, you know, power, strength,
Starting point is 00:55:33 there's an element within strength of this as well, but with power especially, the more organized the contraction is, or the way that the muscles are contracting, the more that that strength and that speed of that strength can be applied in a very tight, narrow space or focus, the more power you can exert. So it's like, you guys ever seen those water saws? I don't know if it's called a water saw, but they'll shoot out water with so much force,
Starting point is 00:55:57 it's such a fine point that they could cut through anything. Ever seen those videos? Well, they'll cut through like a computer or a brick. The pressure that the increase of pressure will allow you to then cut through metal. Because it's a smaller and smaller and tighter focus of, you know, whatever it's pushing out. It's concentrated. Powers like that. So, you know, being able to generate power and is part of it is being
Starting point is 00:56:16 able to focus where you're trying to generate all the strength. With no leakage anywhere, right? That's right. That's what, that's why it translates so well to all pursuits and all sports because every sport has something in there. Basketball, to be able to explode and jump off the ground like that. If you have leaks in power, you're not going to be very explosive. When you swing the bat and you explode out of your hips and you hit a ball, you're not going to be able to hit the ball very far. If you have leaks in power, if you throw a pitch or throw a football as hard as you can, if you have leaks in power,
Starting point is 00:56:46 you're not going to do that. I remember reading the towel of G. Kundos is a Bruce Lee wrote this book and wrote about generating power with your punches. And he said, think of a whip. So if you think of a bullwhip, you ever hear the crack of a whip, that's because the end of the whip is breaking the sound barrier. That's what that crack is coming from. Now it all starts at the handle, but it generates the force all the way down until the, the end of it moves much faster.
Starting point is 00:57:10 So we said a punch, the force is generating from the ground and you're using, you're moving it through your hips and then the end of your fist is like a whip. And it's that, uh, that power focused through like a tight canal. That'll generate that. And really like, yeah, and most of it, I mean, between your feet, like so, I mean, everything kind of derives from like being able to really anchor and ground your feet for ground forces that translate up into your hips. And your hips are really the center of mass that you're moving with acceleration and power to then drive that force throughout your body.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Now, the reason being that we put hang cleans in there is, wouldn't you say that's the most regressed example or exercise to teach like general population? Yeah, the skill acquisition for like a power clean or especially a snatch. It's like, man, it takes a long time. And so I know this, that was a really long-winded answer for the person who asked it. They're probably asking this because we've programmed this into performance. And the logic behind that was, okay, how do we introduce to the general population, the values of explosive training, but also recognize that we're going to have a
Starting point is 00:58:13 lot of general population that's going to go through this program that we don't want to put something as complex as like a full snatch. Even you and I, Adam, you and I, if we were, if we were learning how to do full power cleaner snatch, it would take us a while. Yeah. You know, you should be doing it with a PVC pipe for, you know, six months before. So you said general pop. I mean, we're both fit. We work out, but there's so much skill involved. I wouldn't even attempt one for six months. And there's other options. And I know a lot of like high experienced coaches kind of like talk
Starting point is 00:58:40 a lot about that of risk reward and like, you know, acquisition of skill going into season and like what you can actually translate in that timeframe. And so some people, some coaches won't even like entertain, even hang cleans versus like doing it with a trap bar where they just do a clean or they do like a high pole with, with, you know, a trap bar. So there's other options out there that take a little less skill acquisition, but you know, do the same, cover the same value. Next question is from Corland. What are your thoughts on cycle-syncing workouts with one's periods as a woman?
Starting point is 00:59:15 Is there any real benefit to it? Is there somebody who just released a book or is this getting popular again right now? It became popular on social media. This has been around forever, by the way. Like there's, there's, and there, this tends to be one of those waves that like come and go where somebody writes a book or somebody puts out some science to support this argument. And then all of a sudden this huge trend comes like,
Starting point is 00:59:37 oh, this is the answer, right? Like we've addressed this several times that it's, and I know whenever we address it, we always piss off somebody who's like, you know, decided to follow a protocol of this and it's been life changing for them because they alter their workouts according to the cycle. But the truth is there's so many variables, including your cycle, that could dictate the intensity of your training, that it's not the end all be all. For example, if I have a client who let's say, you know, middle of her cycle,
Starting point is 01:00:10 she's the weakest and the worst, but yet that also happened to be that week, she got the best rest, she got the best food, she's in the best mood, and she's ready to, she hits a PR. And then the opposite is true. Maybe she's in the part of her cycle where she's supposed to be, uh, uh, going hard as possible because she's supposed to be the freshest and the best she is, according to the way this person's laid out, the cycle training program.
Starting point is 01:00:34 But then she got terrible sleep last night. She got in a fight with her husband and now she's in the gym with me and she was rushing and she was late and she's totally overwhelmed with stress. It's like, that's a terrible time for me to, to chase that PR just because of her. It lands on her cycle. I think it's wise to be individual. I think it's wise to be aware of the changes during the different phases of, of your cycle.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Um, but you got to ask yourself that day, how you feel and all the factors that you said, Adam, because, um, cause that matters more. It does because you'll get stuck. You don't want to get stuck in this like, well, I'm supposed to be in a ovulating phase and this is when I'm supposed to have the most energy and whatever. I mean, a lot of things can influence that. And if you're stuck on, on what, where you are in your cycle, um, and
Starting point is 01:01:20 you're not listening to your body, well, then you're screwed. Like if you asked me, how should this woman train? And I couldn't talk to her, uh, but I could ask, uh, you questions, like what phase is she in her cycle and, you know, and I had minimal questions. That might help me, but I would much rather just ask her. I would never, I never asked clients, female clients. Never stage your cycle. Never asked that.
Starting point is 01:01:40 It was always based off of your sleep. How do you feel? Yeah. How do you feel? How'd you feel? What'd you you feel? How'd you feel? What'd you do yesterday? How'd you sleep? Like how's your mood right now?
Starting point is 01:01:48 Like that. All those matter and this is where I think we always piss people off because it's not, I'm not discounting the science that supports that technically she'll be weaker at certain points of her soul. I'm not saying that's not true, but what is also true is the things that I was giving as examples. With poor sleep will disrupt that, that training even more. High, getting in a fight with your husband the night before will make that worse.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Poor, poor two days of low calorie and not enough nutrients will affect that more. Being rushed and stressed on your way to the workout and getting there late. Well, those things will, will matter. Workout program. I mean, yes. Those will matter as much or more than what you're being told that this cycle program. What's interesting about this, because again, look, the cycle, there definitely is, I think it's four stages in the cycle.
Starting point is 01:02:34 There definitely are changes and hormones that happen. Yes. It will affect how you feel and your energy and all that. So that's true, right? But you know, it's interesting. It's like when, you know, what's the one thing you never, it's just a, like a big joke, right? It's like a big joke. We've all known this for decades now. If your wife or your girlfriend,
Starting point is 01:02:51 you guys in argument, like the one thing you never say, if you want to give me a guy and you want to get, you want to be asleep on the couch, never be like, well, what's going on? Are you on your period? Like that's a, that's a great way to totally dismiss everything that's going on or whatever. So I find it interesting that this is now getting marketed as a way to work out because it's in the same vein. It's in the same vein as don't talk to your girlfriend when she's, you know, PMSing. It's the same thing as you should work out hard during this cycle because it does affect you,
Starting point is 01:03:19 but there's so many factors that affect you that you have to do an internal check. How do I feel right now? That'll determine. And the problem with this, I think it's smart marketing. In fact, I'm going to be quite honest. We thought, I thought, you guys remember, I thought maybe what if I put out a guide and then I scratch it. Cause I said, this is going to be so counter to what we experienced training people. The problem with something like this is people will get stuck on it and they'll look at it and be like, well, this is my family.
Starting point is 01:03:43 I'm supposed to train my heart right now. I mean, there's, there's some, some true transparency, right? For the audience, like we considered years ago writing something specific to this just because we didn't, because of what we're saying, right? Cause it doesn't, it does. And, and, and on top of the things that I said, there's also this massive individual variants. So, and, and listen, you, no one knows your body better than you, right?
Starting point is 01:04:03 So if you're listening to me and this is bothering you that I'm saying all those stuff, if you're somebody who, when they go through this and it lines up and it's like, it's just crippling for you when you get into that phase, like, and you realize you've got to really, then back off. You already know you didn't need some book or some fucking program guy to tell you that you feel terrible. And so that, that's your body telling you, you probably don't need to be going full tilt that day in the gym, but probably don't need to be going full tilt
Starting point is 01:04:25 that day in the gym. But you know, it's not this idea, it's just a way to get, it's just another way to market to people and sell things and make money. You know, so funny, bringing this up right now. It's based off the orbit of the moon. This was like, one of our best friends I went to dinner with my, with them and his wife and his wife was bringing up like super anti this, this new brand of super antioxidants that come out and that the way it's absorbed to the body. And it's just like the way that I'm like, that's all marketing issues. Like she was spitting all the things. You know, do you know what, you know what, you don't want super, they don't exist.
Starting point is 01:04:57 You don't want super antioxidant, by the way, that gives cancer. You don't want any oxygen is so powerful that it stops all oxidation. You create a bunch of zombie cells and you get kids. I mean, my point of bringing that up is just that it's just, we get marketed to these, these things that we, we, we glom onto is like, oh, this is, this is me. You know, this is what I'm missing. This is what I need. You know. Next question is from Tristan Pisa.
Starting point is 01:05:20 I'm trying to increase endurance. Is there a specific rep range I should be training in? Unfortunately, I don't know what kind of endurance you're looking for. There are different types of endurance. There's cardiovascular endurance. And there's muscle endurance. There's muscle endurance.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Then there's a kind of endurance where you could do repeated bouts of strength and power, over long periods of time. Work capacity. Yeah, so like a football player, right? You're doing, your play, how long does a a football player, right? You're doing your play. How long does a typical football play last? There's like 30 seconds, 30 seconds, but you got to do them over and over again.
Starting point is 01:05:52 That's a type of endurance or repeated strength that you need, right? Then there's like the long type of endurance of cardiovascular. You could just like, that's the traditional endurance people think of where you could just run for long distance. That they're strength endurance. Um, it's all very different. Like I remember when I was at my highest like training level with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu,
Starting point is 01:06:10 I was training four or five days a week. I could easily go for an hour nonstop rolling on the ground. I had very good fitness there. And then I remember I went and did, I hit some mitts and did some boxing instruction and then did some sparring because I wanted to try boxing. Remember how gas I felt? And I told my buddy and he goes, dude, he goes, when I do jiu-jitsu, I get gas.
Starting point is 01:06:29 He goes, it's so weird how like you could feel so incredible one or the other. So it's all very different. So if you're looking for cardiovascular endurance, long stamina type endurance, very straightforward, you literally run or cycle or practice something that's kind of steady state. You want strength endurance, you go on the higher reps, you know, 20, 30, 40 reps or shorter rest periods in between sets. Which endurance, it's five seconds, sorry,
Starting point is 01:06:53 it wasn't 30 seconds, that meant. But yeah, so just, and I would try and emulate that too. Like, so if you're trying to like, if you're an athlete and you're trying to kind of mimic what you, how you perform, you want to stay within that type of Protocol where it's like, you know, yeah I'm if I'm from getting up and I'm doing my five second bouts and I'm going like super intensity
Starting point is 01:07:14 Whatever you can mock and emulate a lot of times tutor in the time of day All these factors kind of playing in you know an account But there's a lot of different ways you can get endurance and even just carrying heavy objects for a long period of time and holding in an isometric kind of position for a long period of time. You know, there's, there's lots of different ways to skin the cat with endurance. So the, the, the greatest mistake I see with questions like this is this person is normally somebody who has an endurance sport that they like to play and they need endurance for their sport. Soccer, marathon run. I know we're going great point. And so they know that and they've been told they need to work on their endurance. And
Starting point is 01:07:53 so then they're asking the weightlifting guys over here, what should I do in the gym? And so here's the mistake that people make is that they go, Oh, because soccer needs more endurance or because my run, I needed to work on my running and it needs more endurance. How do I lift weights in the gym so I get more endurance? Don't use the weights like that. That's not because then you're going to get what Sal was saying, like, you being, having good, uh, bicep curl endurance is not going to carry over to your soccer field.
Starting point is 01:08:18 Soccer field endurance is going to carry over to soccer field endurance. Use weights for what they're good for. That's right. Make it stronger. Use your weights to get stronger, more explosive, like the last, one of the last questions that we asked, like build your power, your strength, like that is going to translate into all, all sports. We were just talking about hang cleans, right?
Starting point is 01:08:34 Then that's not an endurance workout, right? Training hang cleans is not an endurance exercise. It's designed to be explosive, handful of reps, good, long reps. Fatigue your enemy for that. Yeah. You don't want to get fatigued. So you're not training the same way that you would. And if you want endurance in your sport, go do your, your sport for
Starting point is 01:08:53 longer periods of time. If that's running, run for longer and get better at it. If you're soccer, play soccer, get better at it, then use the, the weights to get, get stronger, get more explosive, get better stability. Like there's a lot of things. What's interesting about what you're saying too is four endurance athletes who already have a lot of endurance. Sometimes what they need is to get stronger. And I've seen that with a lot of athletes I've trained who were endurance athletes who were quite proficient, you know,
Starting point is 01:09:19 run several marathons a year, I had some triathletes that I trained. They need breakaway speed. Yeah. And I literally, you know, I had them back off on their endurance training and we did a little bit of strength training, not a lot, and they got more endurance as a result because strength contributes to endurance as well. So it's not always as straightforward as you think with that. Next question is from Langenhoven Bonney. What are your thoughts on hybrid training?
Starting point is 01:09:41 Is it possible to train for a marathon and build muscle at the same time with enough calories? Yeah, I mean, you're just not going to be good at both. Yeah, you're going to be average. The analogy I gave a long time ago is my favorite. It's like when you're when you're building your character on the video game and they give you 100 points and you have to pick. There's only so many points you can get for strength and speed and stamina or whatever.
Starting point is 01:09:59 And if you give all the points to one, you have no points left for the other ones. That's what it's like when you're training hybrid. So if in the more that the attributes compete, the more detrimental they are to each other. And long endurance and explosive strength or low rep strength tend to counter each other. So building muscle and lots of endurance at definitely at some point really start to counter each other.
Starting point is 01:10:23 So what does that mean? Well, if you train for both, you get a little both, but you get a lot of neither. So that's basically what it boils down to. But can you, yeah, I mean, there's a lot of sports that require all of the attributes. So as long as you're okay with being kind of middle of the row on both of them, you could easily do it. Like if you know, if you're not trying to win a bodybuilding show, but you want to build some muscle and you want to do a marathon to say you can
Starting point is 01:10:43 accomplish and finish a marathon, but you know, you're not trying to win a marathon to say you can accomplish and finish a marathon, but you don't, you're not trying to win the marathon. Then you can easily be the buff marathon runner who runs out there and places 122nd out of everybody that goes and runs. There's nothing wrong with that whatsoever. But the more the better you get at either one of these, the more it takes away from the other one. So if you care more about being jacked, you're probably not going to be the best marathon runner, or if you care about finishing top of your class for a marathon running, you're probably not going to be that buff while you're running. So it's just, they're, they're definitely competing a marathon marathon running is
Starting point is 01:11:13 catabolic in nature. Even if you are fed like crazy, if you do anything over an hour of endurance training, that you're going to switch over into catabolic. So you're going to be catabolic and that building muscle is anabolic and so they're competing signals. Yeah, I think marathon is extreme endurance. So the way that you would train is like this. You would say, which one do I want more of?
Starting point is 01:11:36 And if I want more endurance, I'm gonna use a strength training to support my endurance. If I want more strength, more muscle, then I'm gonna use the endurance to support my strength training. Because you can do that, right? You can train a little bit of endurance to enhance your ability to do strength training. And you can do a little bit of strength training to enhance your endurance. But if you want a lot of both, it's gonna be very difficult.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Yeah. And I think too, just even like taking the time to focus on one for a period of block and then transitioning to the other is probably even more advantageous than combining the two together in your workouts. Yeah, combining the two is not, I mean, whenever I have a client that would be like this, we get stuff like this all the time, so this was very common to hear something like this. And you just had to explain to them what's happening, like what you're, what are you telling the body when you train each one of these, so they get a good grasp. I would always want them to tell me what was more important. Like one of them has to be more important than the other, right? I can, I'm not
Starting point is 01:12:31 going to tell you that we can't do both of them, but there's got to be one you care more about than the other. Yeah, you can't just be everything. Yeah, yeah. Like you're, you're, you're, you're, you're not going to be a great marathon runner and a great bodybuilder. Just not going to happen. It's going to be your, something's got to give. And so if you told me that one of these has to give more than the other, which one is the one you give up more? And then then from there, I can build a decent regimen. Cause then I know like, Oh, okay. They, this person cares more about how they look than they really care about
Starting point is 01:12:55 where they finish on marathon. So I'm going to put more energy into hypertrophy training and then we'll compliment the hypertrophy training with some of their marathon. You know what the, the what the confusion comes from? And they said it here in the question, which is can you do both if you eat enough calories? This is not a calories issue, although too little calories will hamper any progress anyway.
Starting point is 01:13:15 But you could eat all the calories you want. This is about adaptation. This signal that your body is receiving from endurance that's required for marathon running is to be efficient with calories and to have lots of endurance and to not have a lot of strength. We don't need a lot of strength for it. So in order to accomplish this, your body pairs muscle down. Well, the signal you're sending with strength training to build muscle is not to be calorie efficient to that you need muscle,
Starting point is 01:13:43 that you need muscle to perform this task. So they're more, they're adaptations. It's not really be calorie efficient, that you need muscle, that you need muscle to perform this task. So they're adaptations, it's not really a calorie thing. So long as calories are sufficient, it's all about adaptation. And so what happens, you have these competing adaptations where one says more muscle, less efficient with calories, the other one says less muscle, more efficient with calories. So it ends up, where you end up is where somewhere
Starting point is 01:14:03 kind of in the middle, if you will. The only place that calories really play a role here is like, you want a real quick way to lose muscle is don't need enough calories and go run like crazy. And I don't care how much weightlifting you do, you're going to lose muscle. So that's the only factor that calories have is like, it's going to be muscle sparing, you know, by making sure you're hitting a calorie surplus every single day,
Starting point is 01:14:24 but it does not guarantee you're going to build any muscle because you're pretty so much. Yeah. The point of, if you're trying to be like an endurance athlete on top of all this, it's really just like trying to spare as much muscle as possible. It's not gaining. Like you're not really going to be in that position. And at some, at some points, uh, muscle becomes detrimental, uh, for endurance training. So look, if you love the show, head over to mind pump free.com and check out all of our free fitness guides. We have a lot of fitness guides that can help
Starting point is 01:14:48 you with most of your fitness goals. You can also find all of us on Instagram. Justin is at mind pump. Justin, I'm at mind pump to Stefano and Adam is at mind pump. Adam, thank you for listening to mind pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Performance and MAPS Aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having
Starting point is 01:15:31 Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes, and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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