Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 226: Hardgainer tips, blood flow restriction, protein assimilation & MORE

Episode Date: January 27, 2016

This week Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about tips for hardgainers, the effect of long-term cuts on hormones, if blood flow restriction is just a fad, if the body can assimilate more than 3...0 grams of protein at a time, whether you can fast at different times during the day and what they would do if they were a girl for a month. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Now you're thinking like Abe Lincoln. Now you're thinking like that. That's right. Now you're thinking like Abe Lincoln. Hey, how come you turn into a black woman sometimes when you talk? Yeah. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:00:15 Tell these fools what they need to know today, Sal. Tell these fools what they need to know today. Go to mindpumpradio.com, click on the green button. We got something for free for you there. Oh some cool information check this out. We'll blow your mind mind pump radio dot com All you got to do click on the green button. Bing you'll see some cool shit. That's right What's up, Doug? Hey Well, we've got some winners. Oh, we're doing the review contest Let's get the winners on the board. I was reading these reviews myself
Starting point is 00:00:44 And I just want to point out there was some winners and then there was some winners winners Oh, we're doing the review contest. Let's get these winners on the bar. I was reading these reviews myself, and I just wanna point out there was some winners, and then there was some winners. Winners and winners. Yeah, let's talk about that dickhead that left us a four star review. So I just, you, he's a fan. And head.
Starting point is 00:00:56 You left us a four star review. You know why he did that? Because you know why? Because Doug gave somebody who was a four star that went to a five star. So he's trying to come back. He's trying to crack the code. Yeah. So let's make a new rule here. New rule that went to a five stars. So he's trying to come back. You trying to crack the code.
Starting point is 00:01:05 So let's make a new rule here. New rule. No shirts for four stars. You leave anything other than a five in your life. You disqualify from anything, any freaking prizes that we ever go away with. Yeah, just so you know, we're giving out a shirt right now.
Starting point is 00:01:18 It gets better. I don't know, by 2019, it could be a fucking car. And you just disqualified yourself forever from getting a free car. Shit, thanks for the four star review, Yeah, you're like that teacher that gave me a B plus student All right, let's talk about the cool people. Yeah, they're cool. They moving on. You know, it's funny every week You know, we call for a certain number of reviews and we get them exactly this week. We got 12 last week I think we called for a thousand
Starting point is 00:01:44 No, I can only send out so many shirts All right, but we're gonna I promise four shirts if we got 12 reviews and we got 12 reviews So I'm gonna read the winners. Okay, we got Kev Reynolds 26. Oh, I recognize that I think he's a form Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, nasty Nate 88 Yeah, yeah, yeah, Nasty Nate 88. Ooh, Nasty Nate. If you're gonna be now, if you're gonna be Nate, your man will be nasty.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Nasty. Well, don't you hate nasty Nate. Let's date to in the pink. One of the, our master. I can't even try. I can't even. That was wrong. That was, that was a good time for the shocker.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Let Doug do his joke. Okay. Yeah, I got serious work here, guys. Yeah. Awesome James 997 and Katie Johnson 21. Mm-hmm. All winners. Good job guys. We appreciate the reviews. Want to thank all the winners and the winner. Yeah. And the winner. And send over your iTunes name, your size, your shipping address to mindpumpradiogmail.com.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Newt pictures. Mm-hmm. Sure. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, up, mind, up with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. So how do you guys, it's probably through the whole place?
Starting point is 00:03:03 Seriously, a serious question. Are we recording Doug? Because I have a serious question for everybody. Okay. A serious fitness question. You guys, it's kind of fitness related. Do you guys get, which means not? Do you guys suffer from, ever suffer from DSB? DSB.
Starting point is 00:03:16 DSB. What is that? Deadly sperm build up. You know what I mean? You don't, you don't for a little while. Do you get angry? Is that your own acronym? Yeah, I just need another one.
Starting point is 00:03:24 It was that on the cross, but I can't. Is that on the cross, I can't. You guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you guys, you don't you don't for a little while do you get angry is that your own? Acronymphid I just Yeah, that's it was that on the cross-cut I could Is that on the cross-cut I could test you got a really a test was that really it was like hilt I cute was like a app and then then yeah that was their marketing thing did you really take it? No, I didn't know I don't honestly wanted to I just made that up but I thought that was like the Stupid as funny thing I've ever seen yeah Gosh. Who's my cross with IQ? So you guys don't get like angry or injured. That doesn't happen to you?
Starting point is 00:03:49 No, you're the only one that has these weird sexual tendencies. You don't get angry? Well, I do get angry, but not because it's sperm back up. Well, I'm just, I'm just giving it a name. I know, I like the name. Yeah. It's probably, I'm sure it's real. There's a theory that if you don't for a little while,
Starting point is 00:04:04 actually it's not a theory. There's some science some science supporting your testosterone levels go up. Oh, no I know guys I know guys that you like football football players stuff that you know weak leading up to a game Yeah, they would hold out. Yeah, I'm angry and then you did help just fuck the other guy You just tackle them and just up here sing through your jeans Coach they beat us because I can't try to fuck us. This guy's eyes. That's all I remember. What was that?
Starting point is 00:04:32 Let's just change subject now that we informed everybody on. Yeah, your DSB that I've made. What's that picture you were showing me on Instagram? You know what? This is driving me nuts right here, dude. That's what a pirate says if he has a steering wheel on his pants. That was the joke I was looking for a while. It's driving me nuts.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Yeah, it'd be driving me nuts. Yeah. But I just want to punch you guys in the cockpit. I don't keep looking for it. And then we'll keep. So the new thing is, and I saw, I actually saw Joe posted for the mail version. I'm looking at a female version right now is all these types of clothes, which I guess it makes sense that this is the evolution to, you know, because we already have great pants like Lulu and Freddie
Starting point is 00:05:14 pants that make almost any woman's ass and legs look amazing in. And now they've gotten, they've taken it to the next level where that you wear these like bottom, these underwear, this underwear, or I don't even know if you want to classify as underwear, it's like stuff that looks like it goes over your underwear, but it has circular cutouts. Like, asless, we're, that's like, asless, Jeff.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Yeah, it looks like asless, spandex. That's what I was like. Ready for the blue oyster. And what it does is it makes girls butts. It basically squishes the fat through these holes. So it makes them like they have these nice big round plump butts, but all it's really doing is pushing the fat through the holes and makes it makes them like they have these nice, big, round, plump butts, but all it's really doing is pushing the fat through the holes. Here's a deal, ladies.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I need to talk to you guys real quick. Let's say you go out with the guys too, because I was gonna order a pair of these. Let's say you go out with a guy, and he puts a, you know, he's stuffed the roll of socks down his pants in the front. And the whole night, you guys are dead. With quarters.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And you're just like, wow, he's got a big dick. And then you get home and he pulls out a fucking tiny ass. How irritated would you be? Well, that's what happens with this shit. Don't fake the butt lift, man. It's a false advertise stuff comes off and you're like, whoa, I want to refund. I want to run money back.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Where's the number? No one I know. All those drawings I invested in you. I haven't, I haven't met anybody yet. There is definitely a lot of these websites they see popping up, but I don't know anybody that does it. But I guess this is one of those things like if you do that. Why would you though?
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yeah, I know, right? Ain't nobody gonna tell you. I know, that's right. You know what? But now I feel like I'm staring at everybody trying to figure out if they have that on. Well, if you look at me, it looks like I do, but that's natural. Totally natural.
Starting point is 00:06:45 It's lifted. It's lifted. Constantly lifted. It's because I squeeze my glutes a lot. You know what we should say? That's a tension thing. You stress it out. Constant glute tension.
Starting point is 00:06:54 You guys remember that song by Led Zeppelin, where, you know, after it's like, then it gets like into a really weird place. And he's like, huh? Yeah, I was listening to that the other day place and he's like, huh? Yeah, I was listening to that the other day and I felt like I got molested. Did you really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I was like, why do they used to do that back in the day? Because, I mean, like have these jams in them be like, huh? It was like, dude. That was totally the 80s. The late 70s. You know what it reminds me of? Like 80s.
Starting point is 00:07:22 That was the end. In long, long, permed hair, you know what I'm saying? You know dudes used to permed their hair. I hate that. It'll come back. Well, it's because you're, it's probably, well, man, if I got my bring it back. It's not the hair, it's because you're rocking out to a song
Starting point is 00:07:33 and then it sounds like he's busting a nut and you're like, fuck, I can't rock out to this anymore. It's like when you watch porn and you're, and it's the camera's focused on the girl and then it goes up to the guy's face. And it's the guy just jerking it. Yeah, he's jerking it. It'll just say the guy. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's the guy.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah. Got forbid the timing's off too. Oh, look what I just finished to. Whoops. Yeah, got me. So, so I got to read this, I got to read Justin's reply to my question to you guys today. It was the most, it was the most pussy way to say no,
Starting point is 00:08:03 I've ever heard my love. We ain't what he talking about. I didn't catch it. Let me see. Well, so so I want to give a shout out to Real yeah, you did you were real kind of I want to give a shout out first of all to a couple of my friends Cuz so so I was inviting you guys to this birthday party that my friend Sarah Visconti and Angela Longyear love you guys that we're gonna throw me they know have been a little crap out lately So they want to throw a party, so they might have everybody to come. And so I got to look for what your comment was,
Starting point is 00:08:30 but basically I'm like, hey guys. I said, you know, you guys can all meet us up for drinks. It'll be awesome or whatever. It just is like, oh man, I'd love to go, but I probably won't be able to or something like that. It's like just say no. I just said in real life. He said he said I want to go to the party, but realistically, I doubt I'll be able to or something like that. It's like to say no. I just said in real life. Yeah, he said he said I want to go to the party, but realistically, I doubt I'll be
Starting point is 00:08:47 able to go. Yeah, I'd say no. I just said no. I feel like I want to soften it. I know. I think just, no, I think just you do the right thing. Don't let him tell you otherwise. I think that was, I would soften the blow.
Starting point is 00:08:59 It's someone's birthday. It's your boy's birthday. You know what I mean? No, I want to be there. Exactly. I don't want it to be like, I also want you to know what exactly. I don't want it to be like I also want you I'm not gonna know not really. I mean not really I like you a lot. I'm not gonna be there Yeah, I mean, how do you say that otherwise? Yeah, I think you did a good job. You didn't come to my last birthday either
Starting point is 00:09:15 You know what I did right? You can't you come to any of mine What we're gonna go down that road fuck. Yeah, it's his birthday, too. It's just as birthday coming up You're gonna mention it. Yeah, so so it's good. It's cool. It's his birthday too. It's Justin's birthday coming up. You're gonna mention it. So that's cool. It's fine. Yeah, that's cool. 36 huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:30 36. 36 for Justin. Yeah. Is it okay to say, is it okay to say we're older now? Like because you're now you're, I feel like all the way up to, obviously everything below 30, you're considered young, very young still. And then even somebody would argue, you're when you're in your early below 30, you're considered young, very young still. And then even somebody would argue like, when you're in your early 30s, you're still
Starting point is 00:09:48 young. But let's be honest, 40 is over the hill. So when you get 40, I don't know you have a fuck who you are, how old you are. That's getting older or you're over the hill. Yeah. You think so? That's like really close now. So I feel like you're over the hill, dude. 40. What's that? What are you you talking about, 40's not over hill. Bro, let's get that. That is called over the hill. 40, oh the, oh yeah. When did you feel old?
Starting point is 00:10:12 What, when did that like, when did I feel old? Like, he's like, hey, I'm an old guy. He's never felt old. This past week I have, it's like, what's that? I've never felt old. It's like, fuck you, I still have that.
Starting point is 00:10:23 He's still, I'm spry. He's still, for sure. He's still colors and shit. I'm going to be like, just like Doug. He still plays a Lego, he feels young. I do. Yeah, no, I don't feel old. Actually, look, for a man,
Starting point is 00:10:35 your 30s and 40s is your prime, dude. Oh, I believe that. It's your prime. Like, you're pretty much comfortable in your skin. You're fully developed, or where a lot smarter, or more stable. Yeah, here's the real science. A guy is an idiot till he's 30. Here's fully developed, we're a lot smarter, we're way more established. Here's the real science. A guy is an idiot till he's 30.
Starting point is 00:10:47 It's true. You're pretty much a, you are a bragging hormones to testosterone. You already look at him. If I took you at 25, I had you walk into a bar with you now, you'd run circles around yourself. You're young self. I would have fought myself.
Starting point is 00:11:00 You would have beat your eyes. You'd be like, ah! I don't know why, it's what I was. But then you You would just beat your eyes. You would be like, ah! I don't know why it's like this. But then you'd beat yourself up. Exactly. How would have deserved it? It's, it's qua. It's qua time.
Starting point is 00:11:13 What? Adam's got, Adam. It's another fucking qua. Motherfucking qua. You know what we decided? What do we decide? What did you decide? Cause I didn't decide.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Yeah, I'm deciding this right now. I'm making exactly the decision right now. Because we love our, our public and are so much, we're gonna have to do two quas a week, I think. You think so? Why would you set it up like that now? What? Huh?
Starting point is 00:11:34 What? You can't promise something like that. Sometimes we'll go off the rails. Well, then we can say that. Why can't we say that? What was it? Most of the time, we're gonna do two quads. You promised things. I don't want to promise things. You can't we say that was it most of the time? I know we're gonna do to You promised things promise and things out of you can't promise that shit I feel like when I look at let look at our all our questions now
Starting point is 00:11:51 There's so now they're so many there are there's a lot of good like they're doing they're raising their game We need to raise that's how I would like to do that's how I feel I feel like that we I think that we should I think we should do that because depending on how many we get let's put it out. Well, it's not going backwards. We're only getting more, you know, right? So and they're and they're getting better and better. I think and I've also noticed a lot of newer people started coming there and asked some questions of maybe episodes we covered that way back when. And so I feel like there's going to be a need to start covering otherwise. You're going to have these people who just join and they're listening They're asking like a really basic good question But because we feel like we've covered it once or twice before we just ignore it
Starting point is 00:12:29 I don't want to do that. I want to make sure we address and help as many people as possible. Yeah, I want to I want to address to What's the first The first qua shan paul 21 asking about tips for hard gainers awesome perfect question for Sal he has a hard time That's so fuck you were faster than me 21 asking about tips for hard gainers. Awesome. Perfect question for Sal. He has a hard time. That's so fucked. You were faster than me. We're all gonna throw that shit out. It's a perfect idea for Sal.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Well, we gotta define what a hard gainer is first. The hard gainer is a term used for somebody who has a really, really tough time gaining muscle. Now, I have a hunch that most people who, or a lot of people who think their hard gainers really aren't hard gainers. I agree. A real hard gainer is actually not super common. And I've had a couple of them as clients and these are people that are just non-responsive. Like super skinny all the time, you know, they've got lower energy and you know short muscle
Starting point is 00:13:21 bellies and just kind of things working against them. That's a true hard gainer. But I think a lot of you who think your hard gainers, you're just things working against them. That's a true hardgainer. But I think a lot of you who think you're hardgainers, you're just taking the wrong approach. I think a lot of you are approaching your workouts and following the workout plans of bodybuilders and genetic anomalies, people who respond really well to exercise and people a lot of times who are on anabolic steroids.
Starting point is 00:13:39 And so you follow their advice and then your body does respond. It doesn't translate. It doesn't translate. So here's an example. Most people, the vast majority, I would venture to say 80% or more, will build more muscle on a routine that focuses on the big gross motor movements and works the whole body three days a week versus the splits, you know, where one day you do chest, one day you do back,
Starting point is 00:14:01 one day you do biceps. Most people will build more muscle with the full body three day week routine. And I'll put my money on that all day long. And I've met a lot of people who thought they were hard gainers, just switch from, you know, a split to full body and then boom, lo and behold, they're putting muscle on. So that would be the first tip that I would give.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Adam, do you have any nutrition ones? Yeah, because at one point you were, yeah, no, this was, I was teasing Sal, but I would have classified myself Do you have any nutrition ones? Yeah. Because at one point you were, yeah, no, this was a, I was teasing Sal, but you know, I would have classified myself as a hard gainer also. And like what Sal was just saying, I probably really wasn't a hard gainer. I was just, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:33 falling a lot of the wrong things. You know, I, I was training in the gym six, seven times a week, at least, sometimes more. I would sometimes I'd be hitting double days, you know, trying to build. I was trying to build, I was trying to lift, more I lifted, I figured the more I would build. And one of my biggest problems is I've got a roaring fast metabolism as it is. I'm a tall, lanky guy, so there's a lot of me that's got a lot of calories going to
Starting point is 00:15:00 be burned when I move. And I don't have this huge appetite. So even though I felt like I was stuffing myself, and I couldn't do it possibly anymore, and I was pounding all these weight gainer shakes that were, you know, 1500 calorie shakes to try and get it, I just could not keep up with my metabolism. And that's really why I didn't gain. I saw minimal results for a very long time in my teenage to early 20s.
Starting point is 00:15:27 They take you a long time to learn to eat a lot of food. Yeah. Whole food. Well, there's two. There I went through two big milestones in my, you know, building because I pretty much all the way into until I hit 30 years old. I was solely focused on getting bigger and building because I always have felt Small the smaller guy And by small I mean I'm in tall, but I was not filled out and thick
Starting point is 00:15:50 I wanted to I want to be more filled out and didn't want to look like I the wind could blow me over so The first thing that I I started to figure out was the you know, when I became a trainer I realized the importance of nutrition and thought okay, and I'm really gonna start to focus on this. But then the second thing that I realized, and that was a couple of years later, was a big mistake I was making when I finally figured out nutrition, I would just load up, I would stuff myself with calories. But what I was doing was I was eating a lot of foods that were so high in saturated fat
Starting point is 00:16:21 that I was getting satiated, and then I was having a hard time to run back another meal. So I would eat this huge 1500 calorie, you know, 2000 calorie meal, and then I would literally be, you know, full for the next like six hours. And I wouldn't, I wouldn't even want to eat. And then when I finally wanted to eat, I wouldn't be really hungry. So I need to kind of a minimal small meal. So I learned really quick that when I was eating cleaner foods for a majority of my day, you know, and lower on the saturated fats that, you know, as soon as I would eat
Starting point is 00:16:49 it, I'd be hungry again another hour or two hours later, which for me, I had to eat, I had to eat that often. And I know, you know, Sal and Justin, we eat a lot different. And part of the reason we're going to have a hard banger. Yeah. Part of what got me eating six to eight times a day was I needed to get that many meals of me to start to hit, you know, five, because for me, I was burning over 4,000, 5,000 calories a day. So if I'm going to gain, I need to be consuming five, six thousand calories a day. Well, here's the thing with the calories that I've made this point in the past.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Yes, you do need more, you need more calories, but I'll challenge people with this kind of thought experiment. If you took somebody who was a hard-gainer, had trouble gaining weight and they're eating 3000 calories a day, didn't have them increase their calories at all, just put them on anabolic steroids. They're going to gain some weight. My point is that they're not sending the right signal. That's the first thing. So Adam's giving excellent advice with calories. But if you're not sending the right signal. That's the first thing. So Adam's giving excellent advice with calories.
Starting point is 00:17:46 But if you're not sending the right signal, those extra calories will either make you fat or do nothing. Yeah, where is he going to go? Right, utilize those calories. Right. And that leads me to the next thing, which was, I was so focused on banging the weights and all this
Starting point is 00:17:58 stuff like that. And one of the first things I had to do was bring down the intensity back off all the days I was working out and be more structured about it, which is a part of the reason why I love maps so much is because like you said, you know, I'd challenge anything, any program, any person out there when their first getting started, you will, you are going to gain your most muscle by doing this. By lifting three days, three traditional days a week, making sure you're touching all
Starting point is 00:18:21 those big compound movements. Well, and how many of these hard gainers are doing like the sets of ones and fours. You know what I mean? Like I think that's another thing, right? Especially in my brother, like the answer to that is like, because you can move a lot and you have a lot more endurance. So therefore fitness tends to kind of look like that. So that's a, you know, if you experience something different like that, it really like changes the overall physique. Such a great point. This was another huge milestone for me was
Starting point is 00:18:50 when I actually started lifting that way for so long. Like you said, lifting like hypertrophy and supersets and high intensity workouts were very conducive to my body. I was a basketball player. I had great stamina. So I would be able to do workouts. I love doing all these workouts where I'm doing two, three exercises bouncing around like crazy. And this was later on when I really got into heavy lifting and I used to say like, oh, I don't want to be a power lifter. Why would I ever do singles or doubles or even triples? Like I never dropped reps less than six to eight reps.
Starting point is 00:19:19 It was always way above that. But I saw some of my greatest gains when I started cycling through that, which is once again, back to the Shameless plug on maps is that's how it was designed in there. It's designed in those phases so that you make sure you hit all those and by by far, you know, lifting lifting like that in the heavy heavy one to one to five rep range. Yeah, just focus on getting stronger. You focus as a hard gain or you focus on getting stronger on your
Starting point is 00:19:43 squat, your deadlift and your bench, and your overhead press. Those four exercises get really good and strong at those, and you'll see some muscle gains for sure. And donkey kicks. I do recommend this a lot to all clients. In fact, it's mandatory if you hire me is that you have to get a tool to monitor your calories and stuff just so you can learn. It's not something I think you have to do the rest of your life, but, you know, for me, it was a big eye opener when I bought my first one and I started wearing it and I realized, like, holy shit, I do burn a lot. And I thought, man, how I can't possibly keep up with these calories. And I had to scale back. And for me, I was also a basketball player. So I was playing ball
Starting point is 00:20:21 on top of my workouts almost every day, too So when bodybuilding and building a physique, physique became a priority for me, I started, I had to sacrifice that as much as I love basketball. If I cared more about getting size on me and building, I had to let that go. And that's hard for a lot, especially when I'm talking to somebody in their 20s and they're young and they have a hard time letting go of the sport. And I'm not, and I'm not here to tell somebody to do that, but you better be ready to eat more food because if you're running around on a basketball court or a football field, you can do something dramatically different
Starting point is 00:20:50 to get some kind of change. Absolutely. It's just how it is with most things. I remember, I remember I was, I wanna say 15 or 16 and I gained about 14 pounds over one summer and it was, it was majority of it was lean body mass. And the reason why I gained those 14 pounds over one summer. And it was majority of it was lean body mass. And the reason why I gained those 14 pounds
Starting point is 00:21:07 is that summer I made deadlifts and squats. That's when I really learned how to do them right. And I focused on them, got really strong at them, and just fuck, I blew up. I remember I having to get new jeans because my ass couldn't fit in my old jeans. So it really just gets stronger. That's an easy tip right there.
Starting point is 00:21:24 genes. So it really just gets stronger. That's a big, that's an easy tip right there. Next question is from Derek Stenberg. Can long-term cuts from 12 to 16 weeks be harmful to hormone levels for 18 to 20 year olds? It'll be, it can be harmful to hormone levels for anybody, as you say. Yeah, when you're subcalorie excessively for long periods of time, your body will try to adapt by adjusting its hormone levels. Testosterone levels can drop. You'll be healthy depending on how much of a deficit you're at, but cortisol can go up. Low calories tend to spike cortisol to stress hormone.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Cortisol in the short term gives you more energy, so your body is trying to give you more energy to maybe hunt or find more food. Low calories also lower your leptin levels, especially over a long period of time. Yeah, so in the long term, that's a pretty long term to be, you know, dieting for. That's what we recommend, you know, what are called mini cuts or mini bulks. And that's where you go in a deficit for, let's say, three weeks. And then if you're still trying to cut, maybe do a week or two of maintenance or maybe even a slight surplus and then go back down again So you're doing kind of like a step ladder rather than being in this constant state of you know lower calories
Starting point is 00:22:31 It also really what really matters is your body fat percentage where you're at Being 18 or 20 years old being pretty healthy hormonally and some like that You you would probably be less affected than me talking to somebody who's 40 or 50 years old in this department. But if you're lean or you're leaner and you're on a long cut like that, then it can be more detrimental. If you're really heavy, then there's different.
Starting point is 00:22:59 So if we're in the overweight by 20, 30 pounds plus or even borderline obese, then yeah, cutting for 12, 16 weeks is not as detrimental as somebody who is probably 10% by 10% body fat. And you're trying really hard to get down to two or three percent or whatever crazy number you're trying to get at. And you've been cutting for that long. It becomes and we kind of I talked about this on another call. Somebody asked a question becomes more important to refeed the body and and and just respite your leptin levels and things like well for the body fat levels
Starting point is 00:23:30 I mean women their bodies will stop menstruating. They stay too lean for too long exactly So you can have all kinds of hormone problems guys can get away with it a lot more than than women can But even us if we stay too lean for too long immune system Gets depressed and all kinds of different things happen, But of course we're talking about, you know, really lean, right? Yeah. If you're walking around at, you know, 10%, and you're pretty healthy and you eat right and stuff,
Starting point is 00:23:50 you're okay. Yeah. When you start to get into the single digits, that's when you start to feel things get squirrely. I definitely don't recommend it at all though. I mean, it's aside from the risk that you take, let's put that all aside, let's say there is no risk,
Starting point is 00:24:04 cutting for 12 to 16 weeks, Jesus, that's three to four months straight of like not ever getting a surplus. Like, uh, sounds fun. Yeah, that sounds miserable. Like, I mean, yeah, I think for sanity reasons, it would be healthy for you to throw in some surplus days and they're just for that. Just be mindful. I think the biggest issue that people have when they they when they do that, and they feel like, Oh, I got to stay on this, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:26 tilapia, fucking asparagus diet for butt loads of days. Other than the fact that that's stupid, but the other thing that's stupid about it is the fact that your body, you know, as you continue to cut like that, it's just you're slowing your metabolism. It just came to imagine cutting when I'm 18 years old. You came to me. You know, I'm so shredded that it's just like just for moving and working out and you know, just eating, like you're just, you're raging at that point in your life. Well, not everybody's as awesome as you.
Starting point is 00:24:54 I'm just saying. I'm just saying. No, you know what though? Nowadays. So early to get into that. Well, nowadays, I think we were the last generation. Yeah, it is different. We were the last generation of, well, we were active. After us We were the last generation of, when we were active.
Starting point is 00:25:06 After us, it's, you know, video games and computers. There's always interruptions. And it's kind of crazy. Kids don't get their drivers licenses at 16 anymore. They want to wait till much later. Nobody goes outside. My kids, or, you know, they get punished. They have to go outside and play.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Like, it sort of feels like, you know, I turn everything off, go outside. I don't want to go outside. It was the opposite when we were kids. Oh, Yeah, I can't even take my angry birds for me Yeah, and it's because you know when we would come inside and watch TV with you know three channels It's true. We have three channels And you had a head head hold the hangar and the piece of foil to it to make sure it came in clear You had to make sure to do that
Starting point is 00:25:42 Next one. Yeah Yeah. Damn. Next one. Yeah. We're old. Yo Shluas asked, please tell us a truth about blood flow restriction training. Truth.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Real truth. The truth. We're not gonna lie. So we actually have an occlusion guide based on this. He, now I read his whole quote, and he's equating blood flow restriction training or occlusion training to the elevation masks. Not even close.
Starting point is 00:26:08 No, not just because they do different things, but because one is one is back. One is not backed by anything and one is backed by a lot of science. And blood flow restriction training is backed by a lot of science. And it started in the therapy world, the physical therapy world. And this is how it basically works.
Starting point is 00:26:26 You occlude what's called venous outflow from the muscle or you partially occlude, you don't fully ever occlude it, meaning that you reduce or you dramatically reduce the amount of blood that's coming out of the muscle. And that the blood that's going in the muscle. And the way you do this is you tie off a limb with an elastic strap of some sort like a knee wrap and you don't tie it off to the point where you can't move, but you want it to be pretty snug. And what you'll find is the muscle will start to swell. You'll start to get a pump because blood will go in and less will come out. If you do this while you exercise, the pump becomes,
Starting point is 00:26:56 I mean, almost unbearable, waste products build up very quickly like lactic acid, so the burn is crazy. And it sends all these, these amplified muscle building signals to the body. But the real reason why it's awesome is because it does this with really light weight. Yeah. Like you don't need heavy weight. I mean, that's why you said it did evolve from the therapy world. Right. It's what a great tool. If I just had a client who blew out their knee and I'm trying to strengthen and build their quad and they their quad and all their surrounding muscles. And we're still on that stage where it's like, you know, it's- They can't go heavy.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Yeah, I can't put 225 pounds on their back and tell them to squat yet. But even I know that nothing would build their legs better than a squat. So here's my alternative is let's do something less risky. Yeah, let's put 50 pounds on your back, occlude your legs, do some reps after a few sets that it's killing you. Oh, yeah. And you're getting the muscle building signal quite effectively.
Starting point is 00:27:50 They've run lots of tests on this. It's not as effective as resistance training, but it is effective, more effective than other types of exercise. And it doesn't produce a lot of damage to the muscle. So it's something you can add to your workouts every once in a while, and you should get enhanced benefit. In fact, it's the one thing that has actually added size to my calves, which my calves don't fucking grow.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Well, we talked about before we wrote this guide, and I remember bringing it to the boys when I was really intrigued by the whole idea, and we all sort of read enough on it, and then each of us kind of went about our way and said, okay, let's all kind of experiment with this and see what we think, or the science is supporting it. Now I'm curious to see how big of a difference. And all of us were very, very impressed with the results.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Now that being said, I also saw, once I saw what the gains that I got from, I was so fast, now that I became almost addicted to it, I started doing it a lot. And then I realized it started to hinder my... Yes, normal. You can overdo it. Yeah, and by overdoing it, meaning that, I'm going to start doing that in replace of some of my traditional heavy lifting or different types of exercises or training modalities
Starting point is 00:29:02 that I'll be doing. It's something that that in addition to, so I think I highly recommend it for people that have lagging body parts like their arms or calves or legs and they're trying to build that. And this is like, this is a great little kicker that you can add on top of your workouts. And it only takes, I mean, it takes less than 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:29:20 to do it because you're only knocking it out in four or five sets. And we have the whole protocol written in the in the Inclusion guide, but the idea is that you know, you can you add this in addition to what you're already Yeah, I would say add it to the end of a workout. Maybe maybe once or twice a week But don't use it like Adam said in replace of you know those workouts, but it's very painful You got to do it right if you do it wrong. You could mess yourself up. You are, you are a cluting blood. So, you know, you increase the risk for things like you're wanting to use this as a turnicate. No, you don't want to use it as a turnicate.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And there is some effect to surrounding muscles, aside from the muscles that you're including. So if I'm including my arms, the pump and the blood occlusion is happening in my biceps and triceps, but studies will also show that it will also increase growth signals and muscle in my chest. So it's the same when lifting weights. Yeah, it's backed by enough science and experience now that we made, like I said, we made a guide on it and it's something that we've actually used ourselves
Starting point is 00:30:20 quite a bit and I've recommended to quite a few people. So, man, you know what happened? I was looking down at my phone and then you guys picked four aesthetic questions. In the beginning. Sorry, bro. God, it's lacking. Let's ask him a performance question.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah, I'll do it. All right. I don't know if this is a performance question. It's totally not. It's another one. Yeah. Oh, notassalam. Protein and BCAs and by lagging body parts.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Let's talk about that shit. What a dude. So Nassalam is asking, can your body assimilate more than 30 grams of protein at a time? Yeah, that's such a stupid myth that was perpetrated by the supplement industry. It was. Yeah, they said 30 to 50 grams of protein is the most you can assimilate at one meal and that's what you got to have at every meal. And the reason being is because fucking protein bar is very hard to shove more than 50 grams
Starting point is 00:31:12 of protein in a protein bar. Like if you had a hundred gram protein bar, that would taste like shit. And it would make you, it would give you horrible diarrhea or constipation. It would smell really bad. Could you imagine a hundred grams of protein bar? Yeah. You'd be like, honey, imagine a 100 gram protein bar? Yeah. You might, honey, can you pass me that brick? Yeah, the Oh, good dude.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Yeah. Yeah. Can you do those gainer shakes or any of those shakes that have 50 or 60 grams? It's normally those two heaping scoops that you put in a shake. At least it makes with some of them. It just turns immediately into like that Play-Doh sausage
Starting point is 00:31:39 machine-packed piece of you. You know, they remind me of you. You remember the 42 gram my Oplex EAS? Yes. Oh my god. That was so terrific. It was like pudding. Oh yeah, I was like literally like it was drinking pudding, dude.
Starting point is 00:31:52 I remember I had you had to stir it up as fast as you could and then drink it right away. Now let me have to get like hard. Just viscous. Did it ever fuck you guys out? Did you ever take these shakes and get your stomachs messed up? Or did you always adjust them well? It's hard to say. I'm pretty sure I did a lot of stuff
Starting point is 00:32:07 You just you just made it work bro. I used to buy it for gains. I used to buy heavyweight gainer 900 I you know and I'm sure some people can have that one But it gave me the shits every time and it's fucking like a hard-headed idiot I would keep drinking it because I'm like it's gonna give me the gains Yeah, I'm losing weight and shit. shit you know lost two pounds because I got fucking dysentery from heavyweight gainer 900 yes your body can assimilate more than 30 grams of protein in a sitting that's it that's absolutely a huge myth well you can't wear the case we could just fucking pig out and not
Starting point is 00:32:39 gain weight I could just be like I'm gonna eat 12 stakes because I'm not only gonna I'm only gonna absorb well there is a lot of stuff out there and I I'll be the first to admit that this was something that I had been full by for a long time. All of us work. And the reason why, and I'm sure this person who probably read this somewhere, so probably thinks it's got some truth to it. And our bodies just don't work like that.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Our bodies don't work by the hour. You know, it's a non-going thing all the hour. You know, it's it's a non-going thing all the time. And, you know, so us eating 30 grams of protein every hour versus 90 grams every three hours, there's no real difference to that. No, there isn't. And that's what maybe your body is only assimilating or utilizing protein at the everybody. It's going to continue to do that. So if you, if I had 150, it's still going to end up using that, you know, it's just, it's gonna take a while for it to break it down and utilize it. Well, I fast most of the day,
Starting point is 00:33:28 and you know, intermittent fasting now is becoming a thing in fitness where people eat most of their calories in two or three meals. I eat most of my calories in two meals, sometimes one. And I eat about 140 grams of protein a day. So sometimes I eat 100 plus grams of protein in one meal. I just did right now, just before we went up, I had a pound of grass-fed beef.
Starting point is 00:33:48 And that's way more than 30 grams of protein. I did exactly the same thing. Yeah, your body will assimilate more of a, it's completely false. It was created to sell more supplements and to promote the whole eat small meals throughout the day thing, myth, which again sells more supplements.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Cause you're like you said, I would have like fucking four racks of baby back ribs every night before I went to bed if that was true. Yeah, like I'm only an absorbed 30 grams. This is great. This is great. I'm only getting 30 grams of this. I'm going to enjoy the other 400 grams.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Ooh, I made a mess. Our next question is from Andy Rogers' fit. Can you fast at different times of the day? Oh, another fast. Another fast thing question. Yes, you can. So, intermittent fasting will call for a period, a window of no food that lasts between what, 10, 14 hours, I think it is.
Starting point is 00:34:38 And then you start, and then you have your, you know, the majority of your calories after that. You don't have to fast at the beginning of the day, you don't have to fast at the end of the day, you can make it work around your schedule. Because I think this person was asking because they work out at a certain time. Yeah, she wanted to be able to eat before she lifted, she's a power lifter, so she cares about performance.
Starting point is 00:34:57 So this is why there's a good question, and I picked this question because I saw that, she's a power lifter, so she puts her in that kind of performance category. It's not just about how she looks or leaning out, but then at the same time too, once she utilizes the benefits of fasting. So, you know, how is tricky too,
Starting point is 00:35:12 because if she's just in it to improve and set PRs, you're right. I know fasting probably isn't like the best solution for that, but it definitely helps, you know, regulate the metabolic system. And it's something that I do quite frequently and power lift. But it's something that you, you make sure you cycle it in.
Starting point is 00:35:35 So I'm hitting more maintenance. And then I'm loading up more on carbohydrates. And I'm taking it down a bit. And so it's just something I've kind of played with. Well, see, I'm gonna counter that a little bit because she said powerlifting. And powerlifting does not require lots of, it's not endurance activity.
Starting point is 00:35:53 You're not burning a lot of calories. Yeah. And I've... You're stimulating your central nervous system. Yeah, in response. And the CNS fires hard when you fast. That's right. You're able, so you might be okay,
Starting point is 00:36:04 you're probably okay fasting, try it and see so you might be okay. You're probably okay fasting. Try it and you might be better. I know I am. Now if you're doing like a long volume-based workout, I would say you'd wanna have maybe some food beforehand, but it wasn't my crash. But that's just, you know. The magic number is 12.
Starting point is 00:36:18 One, two, three, four, five, six, and eight, nine, 10. Yeah, the magic number. Well, I would say too, like, you know, like initially, like it might be hard, right? You might feel like you don't have as much energy, but your body would say to like, you know, like initially, like, it might be hard, right? You might feel like you don't have as much energy, but your body will adapt to it. So I like, I've definitely done it too, where I've been a longer period of time I've done it fasted and I have like the same result. So yeah, it's been good. Once, once you hit the 12 hour mark, that's when all those adabinifits start to kick in.
Starting point is 00:36:43 So if you are going to be fasted, you know, to get the real good benefits from all the fasting, you want to hit, you want to push 12 hours. I normally recommend 12 to 17. I do a 17 hour fasting. Yeah, I do that once. I do, I do mine once a week. It's pretty regular for me. Keep it within like an eight hour block. But my eating, you know, I don't really care. I don't really focus so much on the eating part. I just and it's pretty regular for me. You keep it within like an eight hour block? My eating? You know, I don't really focus so much on the eating part. I just say, so I just came off of this. So last night when we ate, we were all together at the suite, right?
Starting point is 00:37:14 And I crushed pizza and stuff. So I normally will do a fast after I do something like that. So since I'm loaded all up with extra carbohydrates, some of that, it might work out this morning, it wasn't hindered by at all, I felt great, still fasted. So we were in the suite at what time, like eight, eight or nine or whatever. So that was my last meal. How many slices of pizza do you have?
Starting point is 00:37:37 Just at that sitting, or the one that I had before when I was, I ate about two extra large pizzas yesterday. Did you really? I had one when we watched football in the morning and my buddy said, How do you do that? What? You have like a cast iron stomach. That would destroy me.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Oh, it goes for it. No, no, no, no, no, to you? Yeah. You're father's base. Stop me. I mean, tolerate to that too. Oh, I'm allergic to this too. I'm going to eat some pizza and the me and you're going to get going to lock in a car for long drive. It can't be worse than your fucking broccoli you bring in here all the time. I know. That shit stinks.
Starting point is 00:38:18 So you got to eat your broccoli. I asked for one thing. I asked for actually I said two things. I said, please, because we have a microwave in here and we always eat when we get started. I said, please said please no no broccoli no fish this motherfucker brings one or the other every time it comes in I never brought fish a lot because always broccoli the microwave yeah there's always some asshole that does that is breaking here is really really our asshole happens to be our co-host so back to the fasting, what's cool, we have a guide for this, we also wrote a guide for this.
Starting point is 00:38:49 In there, we include six different types of fast, all different time frames and different ways of- Just different strategies, different strategy, highly recommend. I've done all of them and I've, what works best for me and what I was getting at with the whole pizza talk was, you know, I typically will do that after a day where I know I've over consumed. And then I will run about 17 hours or more. I normally try and stretch as long as I can. I give myself the 17 hour goal.
Starting point is 00:39:16 And then if I can keep pushing it forward, I'll keep pushing it forward. Sometimes I'll go all 24 hours. Sometimes I land at 20. At the bottom line is that I want to make that 12-hour window, because that's when the adabit. And then once those benefits all kick in, I want to try and stretch it out as long as I can. There's no real adverse effects
Starting point is 00:39:33 until you start pushing 48 plus hours. So if you're running a 24-hour or less fast. Now, keep in mind, we're talking to people who are healthy. This has, you know, fasting is not for everybody. If you're real unhealthy, super, you know, unfit. If you've got some health issues, you wouldn't want to, fasting, you want, we don't want to check with your doctor first. But if you're healthy and you do it right and you educate yourself,
Starting point is 00:39:57 your Adam's absolutely correct. There's no... Even if you're fat and unhealthy, you can still do it. What we're fasting is going to get bad is somebody who was probably, probably who shouldn't be doing fasting, is somebody who's lacking a lot of nutrients and lacking on calories It's just you know some individuals have issues with it some people might you know, so and it takes a second get used to But you know do you homework? I mean, that's what we wrote the guide. Yeah, you know, there's there is a ton of Benefits on all levels from building muscle to metabolism and you can graduate into more like extreme kind of versions of it, right?
Starting point is 00:40:25 You can just do like a skip meal, like sometimes a lot like it might get it. For instance, like just started skipping breakfast every now and then and saw a great result from that. And now is adopting like different concepts. And so it's like this gradual process that you bring in. So you're not so dependent on this schedule. Like people get so stuck in this
Starting point is 00:40:45 schedule that like, I have to eat, I have to eat, I have to eat. And I think that that's more of an eating problem. If you're going to ask me like the real deal, like people sometimes attribute like, fasting, oh, well, this is like, this sounds a lot like an eating disorder. Like, oh, really? Because you are so dependent on eating right now and I'm not yeah You know, I mean yeah, you're walking around with your six, you know, tough work I have to have it oh my god like and then they get this like this rage psychological. Yeah, yeah, so just be conscious of that Mm-hmm. No, I'm a huge fan Our final question is from Joseph A. O. A. Lua 89
Starting point is 00:41:23 If you were a girl for a month, what would you do? This just took a left turn. What would I do? Other girls? Lots of scissors. Scissors, scissors, scissors. Scissors, bumpers. Yeah. That would be cool for a month.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Well, here's a deal. There's just two questions I feel like. If I was a girl and you guys were still guys, I'd let you guys look at me naked and stuff. Because I'd be like, I feel like I'd have to give, it's just for you. I'd be like, guys, I don't know what happened. I woke up today as a chick and I feel like
Starting point is 00:41:54 I'm a turn back into a guy, but why don't you just check me out real quick? What would that mean for us? Yeah. If you guys turned to girls and I was a girl, we were all girls. We'd be lesbians. Duh.
Starting point is 00:42:03 I mean, sure. Duh, if it was only in Marley's, if it was only in Month, then we were all girls we be lesbians duh I mean sure if it was only a hardly it was only a month and we are going back like we go back to being men afterwards like if it's one month it's one month I'm a girl you probably rule the world because you know how powerful well I would do I'm I would do this new internet prostitution thing that I see going on right now I make a shit load of money I'm super fascinated by this right now I think it's so neat that girls can, you know, show all their their their their. Yeah, but you said prostitution. It's not prostitution.
Starting point is 00:42:29 It's that webcam. Yeah, let me explain. Okay. Let me explain how what it because I'm very fascinated in this growing business right now. People. So it's oh shit. I feel like internet people. I feel like we have our new our next business coming up. Adam's about to close us. Go out of well. I planted the seed like a couple of episodes ago. You see, you see these girls on Instagram, they build this, this large social media following and it's not hard when you're growing, you have ass and tits, they, all you have to do is find some great angles and show that out there. And then, you know, most of us dumb dick guys will add you and start following you.
Starting point is 00:43:00 So, you know, once they get like single-handedly offended both sexes, you know,, like 10 seconds. So you can't call me sexist then, right? So once, once we do that, and she's got a million, or I have in this case, I'm a woman, a woman this month, and I have a million people or so that are following me because I show my who haul all over the place, then I do a link to another page that's an EFT basement membership meaning that you have to give me your credit card and for a Small monthly fee probably I don't know. I would probably show my vagina for 25 to $50 a month Per user. Wow. You're you're like you're you're stuck up. Well, I'm looking for you little conceited. Well you you kidding me I can always get to go for a hundred, but I was trying to think volume bro It's it's it's I don. He has limited time with this vagina.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Yeah, my vagina's worth more than a nine, any nine a month. Bro, on the internet, you know how much free vagina's on the internet? It's true. It's like eight bucks a month. You're not gonna get away with charging a 50 bucks. Bull loaning.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Even more reason why, you think you have to wear those. Girls are doing already as a human after you and clown suits. It has to be, you know what I mean? That's what's happening. The idea is that there's a little bit of exclusivity to it. You don't want to feel,
Starting point is 00:44:07 you don't want to feel like all million of my followers, you want to feel like, okay, I can afford $50 a month to look at her vagina, I'm going to pay for it. But then they get to interact with you though. Exactly, so these girls, they do this and it's basically like prostitution. They don't have to, you could be a virgin and do this
Starting point is 00:44:22 and actually make probably a few hundred thousand dollars on the side What that much? Dude 50 dollars a month. You got a million followers do the math. Hold on a second. I'm gonna call you on your bluff right now All right, do you know your business guy? No, no, no, no I'm not calling you on your bluff that you're lying. No, no, I'm gonna call you on what you're saying you would do Yeah, oh, you don't think I do that. No, I'll tell you why what I'm saying not fine I'll tell you why I'll tell you why why you do it
Starting point is 00:44:45 Why because there's a huge gay market out there online you could show your dick and I bet you could charge money Make some money off that shit. No, that's so my my dick is ugly But China is a lot nicer and a lot more margable. You don't think you can sell your dick Absolutely to have gay dudes look at the amount definitely kid No, I could but you know how much I would it no way I would never make as much money if I had a China and tits I would make more money they got There's plenty money in that part of the reason why I wouldn't part of the reason why I would not mail the part of the reason I would not mail prostitute is because of my ego and I would be so shot down if I didn't make very much money
Starting point is 00:45:18 Do that would be the like the worst thing ever? If you bat it up and I don't want it to deflate you. Yeah, I would be bad enough I switched the gay porn right I go over that direction. I finally make the decision. I'm doing this I'm about the money. I'm gonna make it You guys we wanted it and then you guys hit me up like a month later and you're like how much you make it? I'm like four around a month like fucking barely getting by and surviving in the Bay area coming in dick jazz Yeah, right just frickin pound and ass just Not making like any money. No, just, I don't want to hit my life like halfway.
Starting point is 00:45:47 I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. But a girl, you know, it's pretty down there. It's beautiful. It's true.
Starting point is 00:45:55 It's true. The market rate, the market rate for, for Pussy's a price. You're comparing something that is just, you can find it anywhere. I can walk the street and I bet you, if you walk for one hour, I'm gonna run into some dick on the floor. It's everywhere. It's free.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I love how we will go straight to prostitution. Yeah. You know what I would do? I would just stay home. By the way, you would be myself. You would. Okay, well, it's a little stingy, though. I would wear like little skirts.
Starting point is 00:46:23 But why is this? And then like have like a little Britney Spears thing? Can we just be honest? I want you to look at I want you guys to like I want to stay on the economic side of this because we're I'm I really want you to understand Before we do that I got to finish this before we do that Guarantee you a guarantee you Justin will be the hottest chick if all of us were chick You'd have the biggest boobs in ass look at him. Oh, I'm course. He be hot. Of course If all of us were chicks, you would have the biggest boobs in ass, look at him. Oh, I'm a horse. He'd be hot, of course he would.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Hot. So, stop crushing on him. I haven't thought about it. Yeah. I'm really good. All right, Adam, we're here. So, look at this, look at this, okay? I'm gonna keep it present.
Starting point is 00:46:54 We have a million, okay, now you said my $50 was crazy. Realistically, what is the number that would be like, almost a no-brainer, like, okay, she's hot, I'm gonna spend that much. I think if you do a real cheap, they're like, they're gonna keep paying you. How real cheap? But now that I'm thinking about it,
Starting point is 00:47:08 it can't be that real cheap. No, I think you might be right. You're gonna be like the subscription model. Okay, let's go in the middle. $25. Okay, $25. A $19.99. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:17 $19.99. That's a limited vagina for $19.99. Wow. And feel like you're a part, you know them. Well, you have to connect with them. Yeah, you can connect them. Yeah. Because otherwise, that can do it for free. Yeah, it's gotta be a story. You know them. Well, you have to connect with them. Yeah, you connect them. Yeah. Because otherwise that can do it for free. Yeah. It's gotta be a story. No, no, no. I totally talked to you.
Starting point is 00:47:30 It's a live video feed. Maybe it's like you're out. So what's your strategy? What would you say to these guys? What would your strategy? Well, first of all, let's let's let's make sure it's it's it's it's a viable bit. Yeah, it's equitable. Okay. So yeah, not get into this unless it's fucking a million followers. Okay, we can expect 4% Okay, to just to click click on our now website, right? Okay, that's 40,000 now We're gonna click out of those 40,000 another 4% is what we now it's technically 46. We're gonna lowball it
Starting point is 00:47:57 It should be buying 1600 times 1999 per month. I'm making 31 just under 32 thousand dollars per month. You know what dude? Damn it. I know tell me I'm angry right now. No, that's it. That's in my main. You're right there Son of a bitch. So and that was at 1999. We actually went my 50 doll. I'm making Well look at the gay one look at the gay one. I'll see how much they got because if we just do that then we're good I'm no we're not gonna make it we're not gonna make too gay one. I don't see how much they got. Because if we just do that, then we're good. I'm not gonna make it, we're not gonna make that much money. You don't think so?
Starting point is 00:48:27 This is the year of monetizing Adam. And we're supposed to be, the question was if we were girls for a month. Yeah. So we know Justin would masturbate. So Justin, you would just play with yourself all day. Pretty much. But why wouldn't you call your friends up
Starting point is 00:48:38 to come look at you and do some, you know? I mean, I'd take like snap chats, you know. I'd be like, hey, look at what I'm doing But that's it. I kind of a private person. Yeah For 59 99 look at the button. Oh Never I'm not that guy girl. He's like it's not that kind of girl. He's like it's You be a good girl. It's dad looking for free on Snapchat. I'm like, book and educating myself and playing with myself. Okay. What a...
Starting point is 00:49:07 God. I guess with that ending, please subscribe to Mind Pump, the family friendly fitness show. You just listen to, yeah, please show. Give us a five star rating and review. Thank you. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show,
Starting point is 00:49:22 and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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