Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2278: How to Use Supersets to Maximize Gains, the Best Exercises for Kids, Ways to Relieve Hip Flexor Pain & More

Episode Date: February 23, 2024

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions drawn from last Sunday’s Quah post on the @mindpumpmedia Instagram page.  Mind Pump Fit Tip: You are only as st...rong as your weakest link. (1:51) Sleeping is the MOST anabolic thing you can do. (9:24) Kids say the darndest things. (21:45) Trivia with Adam: How many Starbucks and churches are in the U.S.? (23:37) How many crimes are prevented by civilians with guns? (27:33) Justice against car thieves. (31:03) We are that much closer to Minority Report. (32:34) How many days does it take to turn a behavior into a habit? (36:16) What skills are we going to lose because of technology? (41:06) The first luxury submarine. (49:58) No matter how old you are, your body will build muscle and strength. (52:19) The best stimulant-based pre-workout. (55:55) Shout out to the Mind Pump Private Forum! (56:43) #Quah question #1 - What are supersets, and how do you effectively program them? (58:01) #Quah question #2 - Why do I feel it in my hip flexors when I plank? How can I correct my form? (1:01:09) #Quah question #3 - Have you ever had to fire a client because they didn't want to listen to your advice or do what you were telling them to do? (1:04:54) #Quah question #4 - I am looking to get my 11-year-old son started on weightlifting. He is an active athlete involved in football, soccer, wrestling, and lacrosse. What are the basic moves I should get him started with? At what point should I introduce him to a MAPS program? (1:11:45) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Get $200 off plus free shipping on the Pod Cover by Eight Sleep. Stay cool this summer with Eight Sleep, now shipping within the USA, Canada, the UK, select countries in the EU, and Australia! ** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off ** February Promotion: MAPS Performance | Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off! Code FEB50 at checkout Mind Pump Private Facebook forum  Fire up your Central Nervous System to maximize Muscular Adaptation – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #2027: How To Improve Your Squat, Bench, And Deadlift Strength Sleep Deprivation: Effects on Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance - PMC Sleep loss limits fat loss, study finds - University of Chicago News Sleeping less than 6 hours may raise risk of cancer, even death Number of Starbucks locations in the USA in 2024   What to know about a shooting at Joel Osteen's megachurch Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows Brilliant Labs How Long Does It Actually Take to Form A New Habit? Inside the World's First $3 Billion Luxury Super Submarine Muscle Mass and Strength Gains Following Resistance Exercise Training in Older Adults 65-75 Years and Older Adults Above 85 Years Visit Brain.fm for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners. ** Get 30 days of free access to science-backed music. ** How To Use Supersets For Maximum Muscle Gain - Mind Pump Media The 20-Minute Full Body Superset Workout That Hits Everything (TRY THIS) How to do a PROPER Plank Hip Flexor Deactivators- Do these first to maximize your Ab development Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump #2277: The Five Best Sports For Kids Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind pump with your hosts, Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness health entertainment podcast in the world. This is Mind Pumper. In today's episode, we answered listeners' questions,
Starting point is 00:00:21 but this was after a 55-minute intro portion. That's what we're talking about, current events and family life and studies on fitness and health and much more. By the way, you can check the show notes for timestamps. If you want to skip around to your favorite parts. Also, if you want to ask us a question that we can pick from to answer on an episode like this one, go to Instagram at mind pump media. That's where you can post it.
Starting point is 00:00:40 This episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is eight sleep. This is a device that goes on your mattress, that warms or cools your bed and uses AI technology to adjust the algorithm to maximize your sleep quality. Literally it makes you sleep better and it adjusts itself throughout the night to your body. This is remarkable stuff. Check it out. Go to eight sleep.com forward slash mind pump.
Starting point is 00:01:04 And on that link you'll get yourself 200 or is off plus free shipping on the pod cover. By the way, they're also shipping to Canada, the UK and some countries in Europe and also Australia. This episode is also brought to you by Organifi makers of peak power. This is an all natural pre workout, pre hard work, pre endeavor, supplement, I help design it. It's amazing, they have many other products, they're all organic, go check them out. Go to organifi.com forward slash mind pump, use the code mind pump, get 20% off.
Starting point is 00:01:34 We're also running a sale on some workout programs. Maps performance is half off and our extreme fitness bundle of programs is also half off. You can find all of those at maps, fitness products.com. Just use the code FEB 50 for the discount. All right. Here comes the show. When it comes to fitness or your performance in the gym, the
Starting point is 00:01:55 following is true. You are only as strong as your weakest link. All right. This is an old saying, but literally means if you think of a chain, it can only pull as much as its weakest link can hold onto. Well, your body has governors as well. In other words, if your grip is weak, if you don't have good stabilization or good control, then your strength will be limited. Your body will limit your strength.
Starting point is 00:02:17 That's limiting your gains and your progress. So remember this with your workouts. So grip is an obvious one, right? Because if you can't pick up the bar, you can't hold on to the bar for a deadlift. That's obvious. What other ones that come to mind when you think about limiting factors that I think people don't realize in movements?
Starting point is 00:02:33 This happens all the time with the big lifts. So when you first start working out, you want to focus on those big lifts. But if that's all you ever focus on, at some point, what you'll find is these weird nagging aches and pains like, yeah, I can bench and I bench a lot, but my shoulder always kind of bothers me. You know, maybe in the front or the back or my overhead press. Once I get past this weight, I seem to injure myself or when I squat,
Starting point is 00:02:56 I feel it on the side of my knee. My knee hurts. And then what people tend to do is they'll wear like knee wraps or braces or, belts or straps. Yeah. Just to, or back, you know, back issues, like I squat, squat, squat. And then all of a sudden I get this back pain. It's always in the same spot.
Starting point is 00:03:08 So that's not what I was thinking about. What I was thinking about when I asked that was, so limiting factor for dead lifts a lot of times is grip strength, right? You, they, they, they're, you are too weak to hold onto the bar. And so it's not that your, your hips or your legs couldn't drive more weights that you can't hold on the bar. And so that's not that your hips or your legs couldn't drive more weight. It's that you can't hold on the bar. And so that's limiting factor. Squatting.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I've seen this happen before where you just have a weak core. You have the inability to... Completely. Well, that's what results in the injuries. Right. Power leaks out. Overhead press. Like shoulder mobility and stability.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Like you can't... Instability there. Yeah. Hold and sustain it overhead. So that, I was seeking that from you, right? Like, can you guys think of like these, because everybody wants to have these strong, where most people want to have a big squad, a big deadlift,
Starting point is 00:03:50 a big bench press, a big overhead press. But a lot of times they don't realize that what's keeping them from moving up in that weight isn't necessarily just moving more weight on the bar or doing more of that movement. Sometimes there is a weak link that is keeping them from progressing in that lift they want to get strong in. And I wanted you guys to list some ideas of what those, some of those could be.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I know that grip strength sometimes is that for like the dead lift. I think of core for that, for this. I think for shoulder stability or mobility for overhead pressing, even like bench press sometimes can be that way. This is literally your body literally protects itself. Your central nervous system will limit movement. It'll limit ranges of motion. It'll prevent you from expressing more strength
Starting point is 00:04:36 than it believes is safe for you. This is why, by the way, under duress, you can actually, you're able to express more strength, like the famous stories of the mom that lifts the car off the baby, but she never works out. How is that possible? Her body was like, this scary thing is more important, the fact that you can hurt yourself, and it allows you to exert more, but your, your central nervous system is controlling this. I think, I guess an example too, with that, what you're talking about, Adam, is like range of motion,
Starting point is 00:05:03 depth in that range of motion. So like getting deeper in a squat, all of a sudden now you don't have that kind of same force output. Like you're not familiar with that enough to where you've trained that. And so now like a lot of times, especially if you're in competition and then you're being judged and you're used to like going to a certain depth
Starting point is 00:05:24 but they want lower. And then it's like being judged and you're used to like going to a certain depth, but they want lower. And then it's like very surprising and enlightening like how your body doesn't respond the same way because you don't have that stability and that kind of ability to generate force in, you know, a certain depth and a further range of motion. Here's your evidence right here. You take somebody who's been working out for a while
Starting point is 00:05:42 and they squat for a while, then you have them wear a weight belt belt instantly add 20, 30 pounds to their lift or at least 10 pounds. How'd that happen? Are they, are they, are they quad stronger? They're hamstring stronger. They're glued stronger. No, the belt produced an external form of stability.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And so the body allowed them or that feeling of stability, that increased ability allowed them to generate more force. So these are all limiting factors that a lot of workout programs don't take into account. And so you see people, they don't realize that this is why their lifts aren't going up or why they're not progressing. It's because, well, you're not training
Starting point is 00:06:16 in the lateral plane, let's say, or you don't do anything with rotation. And so your body's stopping you in your tracks. Well, this was always my argument, because I mean, I'm a meathead at heart too. Like I, I, I'll train heavy and like I was always into like just trying to, to maximize my output with bench and, and dead left and squat and all those types of things.
Starting point is 00:06:37 But like I was like, you know, a long time ago advocating for mobility and it was a really hard sell amongst a lot of like athletes or amongst a lot of like bros. Oh especially bros. You know they just like what's the value in that like because you look stupid you look like that's nothing to do with the voice. Lame the voices that you make about them. 100% accurate. Don't act like it's not like what are you doing bro? Yeah stupid. Right and uh know, and for me, it's like, okay, well, to your point, you're limited now.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And you're limiting your strength potential because you're not putting the work in to strengthen and stabilize around the joints so your body feels like it's safe and able to supply your body with more force. It's so, like, we, I mean, we obviously managing gyms, you see this all the time. We've all probably experienced it ourselves. I know I have. But I remember specifically, so I won't get too detailed because I don't want to embarrass this person, but
Starting point is 00:07:36 we have people come in and we film workouts or exercises or programs using individuals for these programs or workouts and stuff. I thought you were saying that like you're gonna embarrass somebody who's in here. No, not in here. I could have been backed on this guy. Fuck USA, bro, I know. It could only be me or Justin. His name sounds like Schmado.
Starting point is 00:07:54 But anyway, no. This guy, hmm, we had somebody come in and we were filming some exercises, okay? And we were doing just a standard overhead shoulder press. Now this person, they had great physique. They trained like a bodybuilder. They moved like a bodybuilder, though the stereotype right kind of stiff. They could not do a full extended, just a basic overhead press. By the way, when people get old, this becomes a problem. This person was, I believe in their early thirties, they looked like tip top shape. They could not do a full. They're in there.
Starting point is 00:08:25 They're in their early thirties and they were also a pro athlete. Yeah. Pro competitor on the stage, right? Yeah. They also couldn't do overhead tricep extension because their body limited them. Like that's the, that's where the myth of muscle bound comes from because you would have people lifting weights, not training full ranges of motion, not training in different planes. And then what happens is their body limits them, limits them, limits them, more and more and more to the, to the areas that they train in.
Starting point is 00:08:50 And they've got a lot of strength in those areas, but their body continues to limit them because it's a scared of injuring of them getting hurt. And it minimizes their ability to progress. What's funny too, is that individual who's trained, developed an incredible physique. If they started working on fully extending and worked on mobility, they'd build more delts as a result of doing that. I've also seen this with guys with their shoulder press just going all the way down, like, you know, they stop at the 90 degree,
Starting point is 00:09:17 and then you tell them to come all the way down, they hurt their shoulder. Even going light, they say, oh, that hurts my shoulder. Like, that's a crappy place to be. Anyway, I got some cool studies to bring up. And I found an older study because I was looking up studies on sleep deprivation and fat loss and diet and stuff like that. So there was a recent kind of meta analysis. There's some messed up studies on sleep deprivation, right?
Starting point is 00:09:39 Oh, were they really pushing? Russian studies, yeah. Have you ever heard of those? No. Like torture? Oh, yeah. Basically, yes. Well, that's what it is, how they use study on it, how they really pushing studies? Oh, yes. Have you ever heard of those? No. Like torture? Oh, yeah. Basically, yes. Like, well, that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:09:47 How do you study on it? How do they get that passed? Well, this is just testing it. Like, Soviet Union, obviously. Yes. Of course. Yes, bro. So fucked up.
Starting point is 00:09:55 They went to the extreme with it, for sure. Like, no, these studies I'm going to talk about are like, people who get to see the stars for five hours or five hours. What's sad about it, it's sad that I could guess that. But it's also like some of the best studies, because they have no morals. They can push the boundaries like that. It's terrible.
Starting point is 00:10:09 But give you- There's a story, and I don't know if it's true or not, but they tested extreme sleep deprivation on like prisoners and stuff. And I think it's after, I want to say after five days or something like that of not sleeping, and they would keep them up to see what would happen. So the person would try to fall asleep standing up and they'd keep them up.
Starting point is 00:10:29 I believe after five days, if I'm not mistaken, a majority of people start to exhibit signs of like clear schizophrenia. Like psychosis. Yeah, psychosis. Like you go crazy. Like you're totally sane. If we push this like five days, I remember it's something like 80% of people actually went crazy Yep, they did one with a bunch of I think there were like five people in there and
Starting point is 00:10:49 One of the people killed and yeah, the people like turning. Yes, and we're crazy Almost like yes some zombie movie. Yeah, it's a story. I don't know if it's true or not I know I've read the same thing. So yes, you same. Yes. You and I read the same. I know. Scary story. So go on to the study. Sorry. So anyway, so there was a meta analysis and what they found in the meta analysis. And we know this is that the, the, the body when it lacks sleep, this is the theory, right? When it lacks sleep and these people were not like the Soviet study or like you couldn't sleep for five days.
Starting point is 00:11:22 It was like they got six and a half hours of sleep at night. Like, you know, parents will do or people are under a lot of stress or whatever, right? Or even they even included in this, that's why I like the study, like eight hours of sleep, that wasn't good quality. So, so a lot of studies are on just the time. This one also looked at, these people are going to bed,
Starting point is 00:11:41 eight hours of sleep, but they're not getting all. Not getting too sleep. Are you familiar with this? So I've seen the studies and stats on that. I wish I can recall what it was. Maybe you remember. But like, okay, so REM and deep are like the important two hour blocks that we're supposed to get. I think so. Yeah, I believe that's right. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Someone I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but it's something like that, right? That those are the two most important blocks for our REM and two and two, two and two, two REM, two deep, I believe is like the, and the, and the sweet number is like an hour and a half to two hours. And anything less than that, like your, your risk of like cancer or your, like, like it's like, it goes dramatically up once you get like an hour, like, I look at mine, like there's a lot of times where I'm under two in those, it's an hour and a half, like, you get your embed, right, right. I only get an hour and a half or so of the, of the, and that you want to be like
Starting point is 00:12:27 at least an hour and a half to ideally two in the, in those. And anything, once you go from one and a half hour, less than that, I want to say an hour or less, it like dramatically increases. Oh yeah. Like a lot. So I'm not even going that far. And then you can back check me or I'm talking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Let's see what that is though. In this study, the cravings that the people had from just not getting optimal sleep. So it's not like, it's like, like I said, it's a lot of people get sleep like this, six and a half hours. It's craving so bad you'll be my craved people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:00 No, that's not part of the craving. Very much to the extreme. The scare, the sub is proved it, the scare everybody into sleep so bad. Day one. Get your sleep. Day one. I really want donut. Day two.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I kind of want soda and cake. Day three. Some human flesh sounds really good. Bob looks delicious. Bob is looking really damn delicious. I wish I knew that style. That's how I scare my clients into sleeping better. Hey listen, you don't want cravings.
Starting point is 00:13:25 No, no, no, I'm good with cravings. Oh, listen, you want to eat your friends? Yeah. So anyway, the cravings went up dramatically and it was, uh, it was mostly for hyper palatable foods. So cravings went out, but it wasn't for like healthy food. It was for comfort foods. And what's happening is the two reasons they think one is those comfort foods make you feel temporarily better.
Starting point is 00:13:46 So it's like a it's kind of like a drug. And the second reason is your body perceives a chronic kind of lack of sleep as a stress. And one of your safeguards against stress is gain body fat gain body fat so that if when the insurance policy. Yes. Now this led me to finding another study which was fascinating. This study is over I want to say over 13 13 years old, but it was really interesting. So let me find this one. Why are you looking at it up, Doug? Did you get me some facts over there? Or Andrew? I'm looking for exact times. They give it more as a percentage of total sleep time. So deep sleep, for example, should be 10 to 20% of total sleep. I believe REM is around the same amount, 20-25%. 20-25% of 8 hours would be 2 hours, right? Is that right? Yeah. So same difference.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Right, right. Okay, all right. So check this out. I think I've all said though, for deep sleep, he said you should hit around 70 minutes. I believe that's what he said. Well, that, and that goes back to my point. It's an hour and a half to 2 hours is the range. So that's like optimal is supposed to be an hour and a half to two of the two blocks. I'm pretty sure of this. What I was looking for from you was a stat on if you get less than that, how much that increases your risk of cancer and other things. I forgot what it was, but I had just recently read this. So it's interesting you went this direction and I forgot to bring it up. It was in my notes to talk about it because I was so alarmed by the difference of just like 20, 30 minutes less of that deeper REM,
Starting point is 00:15:11 how dramatic of a difference it is. All cosmetology. Yes, yes. Like it went up like 50%. It was like a lot. Listen, I'm about to sell sleep right now. I think I've heard that. When I read this study, I was like,
Starting point is 00:15:20 I can't believe I've ever heard of this. So they took groups of people, and this was a control, this is what I like about, it was controlled. It was in a lab and they control their calories and they tested weight, fat mass, lean body mass. They took these individuals and they did a phase of eight and a half hours of in bed,
Starting point is 00:15:39 which was on average about seven hours and 25 minutes of sleep. They also took the peep individuals, and again, control 1450 calories per day. They put everybody on a diet. Okay. They took another group and they put them in to sleep for five hours and 14 minutes.
Starting point is 00:15:54 So roughly a two hour difference in sleep. Now both groups lost the same weight. Okay. Same amount of weight on the scale, but trip off this. I won't loss a lot of muscle. The group that, yes, the group that got the worst sleep, only one fourth of their weight came from fat. One fourth. Wow.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Three fourths came from muscle. Now the other group, almost half, came from muscle. Which is expected. Okay, so people have to, now for us, that's obvious, right? We understand what that is. It's like you're not getting the most important time when it comes to recovery and building muscle, and muscle is a very expensive tissue.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And so the body is getting the signal of like, oh, you're fucking me. You're not giving me the rest I need. I'm not able to prioritize this. Let's make ourselves harder or easier to survive in a low calorie stress environment. And so it says, okay, let's pare down. Like so, so great.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Look at the individuals who slept less than six hours, which is basically the thing I was saying, right? So if you- 41% higher risk of cancer. Yeah. Yeah. Crazy. 41%. But I mean, but again, trip off this.
Starting point is 00:16:54 The average person, if you just cut your calories, you don't lift weights, you don't eat high protein, you just cut your calories, you lose weight. Across the board, data shows 40% of it will be muscle. That's expected. Okay, now if you lift weights, you protein, high protein, then you'll, you'll, you won't do that. But average person, that's what happens. If your sleep is bad, one fourth is fat. The rest is muscle.
Starting point is 00:17:14 So now think of someone who's lifting weights, eating protein, they're doing everything right. They're on a calorie deficit, but they're sleeping scrap. Yup. Yup. Now you're screwed. All from sleep. Great. All from sleep. So it's like the most anabolic or catabolic thing you could possibly do has to do with your slide. Don't even consider supplements. I mean, that's your, that's your key right there.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I just, I just had that conversation too. Who was that? Well, someone in my family that was asking about some latest supplementary or what that, and I'm like, when was the last time you did like a real sleep analysis? Like checked, like, I was going to ask you guys, because you, you, you have the ring, right? Or a ring. I have the aura, but I also used to eight sleep. I was going to say, what was the difference before, after?
Starting point is 00:17:50 Have you noticed improvements? And then what about when you're not in that bed and you're at like, we travel or something like that? What do you see? Well, it depends on what kind of bed I'm in, right? We tend to, we tend to travel relatively nice, right? So we stay in like nice beds and AC and all that stuff like that. So as long as I'm in a situation like that, like my sleep is okay or good, right?
Starting point is 00:18:10 But the, the eight sleep has been like night and day difference for me. If that's safe, I don't have that, like, which I have, I've had it now for years, like me getting into a deep sleep and falling asleep is so much more difficult because my, my temperature, I get so hot so fast. Even if it's like cold out in the room, my body heats up under the sheets and then it'll wake me up sometimes where I'm so warm. I'm kicking off sheets and then I don't sleep well if I don't have any covers on me. How long does it take for the algorithm, the AI to figure you out? Is it a week? That's a
Starting point is 00:18:40 good question. I bet you can look up what they say. And it's always adjusting because your body changes. I'm trying to recall like it actually was so I didn't know it was going to do that. So I didn't even know that. So I thought I was manually setting it and then I remember one day I got on there because it didn't feel ice, ice cold. Like so I had already set it right. This was like a couple weeks after we had set it all up and we had owned it. And you know, the initial like when I first set it, I set it up as cold as you could possibly go. And that thing gets way colder than the rulers get. And so it would be like a, like a fucking ice box. And I'm laying in bed one night and I'm like, huh, it doesn't feel like an ice box.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I'm like, I wonder if it's on. And I looked down at the thing and it's like, it was at a different temperature. And I was like, that's weird. I set it at the lowest temperature. Why is it saying it's at minus four right now? It should be minus eight or whatever the lowest setting is. And then I looked on it and that's where I looked at the looked into the AI thing.
Starting point is 00:19:32 I thought, oh shit. It saw that you slept better on that. Yes, it figured it out. And then now, and then I saw that I haven't yet to touch it or mess with it now. And now it's completely like molded to my routine. What time I go to bed, how cold it needs to be. And what's cool about that was initially when I did it,
Starting point is 00:19:48 I would just drop it as low as possible. And you know, I'd be cold, there'd be like a little bit, but I'd rather be cold, because then I know I would be all right through the night versus being at all borderline hot. Do you know how it adjusts throughout the night for you? Does it, are you able to look at a report to show that, oh, it warms up here, cools down here?
Starting point is 00:20:04 So I can see that, although I have, and I, and I know, I'm interested to see that. I know enough that it's not what it, like, so it starts off real cool, right? So I know it drops minus eight when I initially first get in it, and then it slowly kind of brings me up in the middle of the night. And then like, and brings me up means like, it's like minus two
Starting point is 00:20:22 or minus one is like the warmest that lets my bet get. And then it actually goes down a little bit, I believe. Like, yeah, it's, yeah. And then, and then it comes back up at the end. So it's adjusting, trying to get you to sleep better. Yeah. And it's using, cause I, of course I get up and go to the bathroom and it tracks your REM and deep sleep. And so it's figuring out like, Oh, when we've put, keep him at this temperature, he gets this much more REM or this, and then it's, you know, when they, if they, if someone can design a bed for a infant
Starting point is 00:20:50 that puts them to sleep and reads the baby, cause there's, they have stuff now that's like really good, but it still doesn't like, it's not like a person to put them, that they'll become billionaires overnight. Cause it's, it is, talk about loss of sleep. When you have a kid, a baby, you're not going to sleep. If there was a way you could put it on in the AI, no, oh, the cry is going here. Oh, move in position here. Do this.
Starting point is 00:21:09 And then you just put them in. Oh, that would be a game. You know, I don't know if we'll ever get that. I just be worried there'd be a glitch or something. Well, I also, I also think that, you know, we talk about this, right? With oxytocin. We talk about this with like oxytocin and stuff like that. There's something about yeah, there's something about the human touch that, you human touch that is very unique and special to a newborn. I mean, this is- But it's torture.
Starting point is 00:21:32 So my brother-in-law, he just found out his wife is pregnant and his kid is how old is she now, nine? So it's been a while and he's like, oh yeah, I vaguely remember. I'm like, bro, you're in Florida. You're not gonna get no sleep, you know? It lasts for a while. Anyway, speaking of kids, I gotta tell you. I'm like, bro, you're in Florida. You're not going to get no sleep, you know, and that's for a while.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Anyway, speaking of kids, I gotta tell you guys about my three year old and how he lied to us last night and it's the funniest way ever. Oh, it's hilarious. So I wrote down the quote because I couldn't believe he said this. So I was looking for the remote control to the television. So before he goes to bed, depending on how the day goes, we'll let him watch about 15 minutes of TV and I'll set a timer for him. So I go, okay buddy, 15 minutes,
Starting point is 00:22:10 you can watch your favorite show or whatever and then when the timer goes off, we'll turn it off and then we go into his room, re-story, do the whole thing. So I did that, right? Let's put the timer on, timer goes off and I'm looking for the remote control and I can't find it. I'm like, oh, I get so frustrated.
Starting point is 00:22:24 This is like a dad thing I think. When you lose your remote control, you wanna flip the house upside down. So I'm going for the remote control and I can't find it. I'm like, oh, I get so frustrated. This is like a dad thing, I think. When you lose your remote control, you want to flip the house upside down. So I'm going to the couches, I'm looking all over, can't find it, he's getting up, helping us look, where'd it go? I don't know, Jessica helping. Where is it?
Starting point is 00:22:36 I don't know, we're looking for it. And then he sits down and he goes, oh gosh. This is what he says, he goes, if we can't turn off the TV, I guess I'm just gonna have to watch it and watch it and watch it. Watch it and watch it and watch it. So, just can I look at each other? We can like, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:22:52 So I go, do you know where the remote control is? He goes, no, I probably don't. I'm like, probably? I'm like, okay. So we still look, we still look and he goes, maybe you look behind the couch. I'm like, oh, this kid threw the rope. But you can tell he's like felt a little bad or guilty.
Starting point is 00:23:11 If we can't turn it off, I guess we just, I just have to watch it. I thought it works, dude. I can unplug it. Yeah. Kids are hilarious. Oh my God, dude, so clever. When they start to lie, it's just the fun. Oh God.
Starting point is 00:23:24 It's, and I think as a dad, one of the hardest things is to not laugh at it, right? Because there's a part of it. Oh, we were down in the corner. I know. And we were cracking up. I don't want him to think it's funny. I know. Katrina and I have these moments where we're like, don't let him see you laugh
Starting point is 00:23:34 here right now, but that's absolutely hilarious that he's doing shit like that. I have a trivia for you guys that just popped in. I totally forgot I wanted to ask you guys this. So any guesses, Ken, here's the deal. Get 100 bucks to the guy who can be within a thousand. If you can guess within a thousand of these two things. Okay. How many total Starbucks are there? Are you really going to pay us? Huh? A thousand? No, no, within a thousand.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Oh, my bad. I got a hundred bucks on me. I'll give you a hundred bucks. I actually have that on me. I'll give it to you. For reals? Yeah. Yeah. For reals. Okay. You have to be within a thousand of each of them, right? Okay, the two things okay first one is a Starbucks Okay, how many Starbucks are in the United States? Oh in the locations? Yes. Okay. Oh my god. Hold on within a thousand I'm letting you guys be so I feel like Doug will have the best guess. I'm gonna say You gotta get all the get both of them in order to win the hundred bucks because I feel like that one's easier than the second one
Starting point is 00:24:24 I'm gonna give you I'll say 27,000 you got a guess for the US locations. Yeah No, I'm going up in a couple hundred thousand. Whoa, okay. Yeah, I'm gonna say 14,000. Oh Andrew you want to guess Pull up the internet. See what? Oh, did you look it up? Yes. Oh, he's saying what? What do you say? What?
Starting point is 00:24:47 You look at the exact number. Come on. I was like, that's why I'm really close to what I think I read right there. OK, so here's this case. How much telemandu? What is this? What is it? 16,300.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Oh my God. That's way off. OK. Yes. Jesus. Hey, no, this is just like a feeling. Hey, he's like, just like, it feels like number. He just comes up with the number.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I'm not the fucking number guy. So here's the one, this was the, the, of the, this is the two that go together. That this one actually, I was so off because of this. How many churches are in the United States? Oh, oh wow. Churches. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Oh, I'm going to do just as bad of a this. Yeah. 50,000. Do you think there's no churches? Yeah, yeah. I say 20,000. How about that? OK. No, I'm going to go less.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I'm going to say 10,000. Don't say it, Andrew, Ella. I'm going to go higher. 25,000. 400,000. Oh, wow. I was way off. I didn't know I'd give up.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Dude, I should have. 400,000. Hold on. Let's consider a church though? Is it an actual physical building or like are there laws that allow you to be like, this is a church? Well, cause there's so many different like denominations. There's yeah, you know, I just like, like you, I actually, you know, what, what am I
Starting point is 00:25:56 at church? I think well, first I went, I see Starbucks on every corner and then one. Yeah, exactly. And there's some of them are like on the same street. Yeah. And does it count the ones that are in target? Yeah. I was, that's my logic. I was like the same thing. And that's still, those all count. They're like 16,000 of those are right that.
Starting point is 00:26:12 But I didn't think that I ever see that many tears, 400,000. That's just because of where we live. I think too. Is that what it is? Like maybe if we go back, yeah, you're probably right. Like the Bible belt. I'm wondering what's considered a church. Okay, well, we're thinking of traditional. Okay, let's factory everywhere. Saying, I see the Bible belt. The guarantee they're still half of those are hard locations.
Starting point is 00:26:33 How many Catholic churches are there in the US? Just look that up. And that's just one, that's just Catholic. Just to give me a number of what that looks like. What does that help you with? I think that like fucking 50 denominations. Why would that help it? Because I'm trying to, I wonder what they consider a,
Starting point is 00:26:46 Cause you're trying to say like someone started a business, said they're a church and they don't have an actual, Or it's just a house. They don't have an actual location. Cause I'm thinking of, Yeah, no, I bet there's a, what does it duck? What does it say? More than 20,000 Catholic buildings.
Starting point is 00:26:55 That's just Catholic buildings. So yeah, think about that. Yeah, that's good. 400,000. I did not realize that there was that many. Wow. That makes sense to you think about it. There was a Starbucks in every church, they would crush.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Now we're talking. Now we're talking. Because their coffee always sucks. It's the worst. The only thing worse is Starbucks coffee is church coffee. It's free, bro. Coffee and Kikis and it's like all this like... It's free.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Terrible food. It's free coffee. I know, but it's like,, you know the one that has a Starbucks They're gonna get the followers Hey, what's it the shooting outside of his church? Oh, it was inside. Yeah, I miss yeah He was a woman I heard a civilian shot her though, right? Off-duty officer. Off-duty officers.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Off-duty officer. I don't want to look into it because a 5 year old... He got hit as they were shooting her. Oh, no. Which breaks my heart. Oh, no. I know, that's why. I purposely didn't talk about it because it kills me.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Oh, I didn't know that. And then there was one today too with the chief celebration. I did see that also civilians tackle tackle that person to yes They did which huh? I'm glad to see you know the community kind of you know rally against that But it's like oh my god. He's popping up. It makes me sad. You know how many maybe you could look this up dog how many like Crimes or murders or I don't know how you look this up are prevented from civilians with guns. It's a big number. Is it really? Yes. It's a very people
Starting point is 00:28:33 defending themselves with firearms is a big number. Yeah. There was one video. There's this famous video where this there's this guy pulls out a gun and there was a mom and she pulled it out of her purse and you know I know Doug hates when we talk about stuff like this, that's controversial and shit like that, but it's like, I know that what I'm going to say, which is that I just, I think the people that think trying to eliminate guns is the way the strategy to eliminate things like this is,
Starting point is 00:28:56 is such as backwards way of thinking and why and hear me out. The reason why the black market, you'll exactly, you'll never be able to get rid of every, every guns are here. That's the bottom line. Right. And so the, so the safest, safest approach to gun violence is actually arming more people. Is if, because if these people that get away with this bullshit, if they were afraid that every other person potentially could have a gun, the likelihood you would do some stupid shit like that, dramatically reduces. Well, they're just, they're just, they're already out there. There's more, there are more guns than there are citizens. And the black market, we have no idea. There's more guns, okay, check me on this stat,
Starting point is 00:29:32 but there's more guns in the United States of like civilians owning guns than there are in every country's military. Oh, I believe that. Wow. What does that say there, Doug? So I don't know if- Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million I believe that. Wow. What does that say there Doug? So I don't know if guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year. Yes
Starting point is 00:29:50 Most often the gun is never fired, which is true. Okay wasting a cell. That's not a good step that includes officers Yes, it does but the next one says Well, okay, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms 60% of convicted felons admitted that they have avoided committing crimes. When they knew the victim was armed, 60%, 40% of convicted felons admitted, admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed. Okay. Well, I mean, that, that is a good stat. And that's proving my point of like, if you thought that somebody might have a gun,
Starting point is 00:30:21 you, you be way less likely to rob or to pull a gun yourself. Half of these people are cowards. Half of these people that do this stuff are not like, they're not at all confident, strong people. These are weak ass, scared people that do this. And I guarantee if they thought- They're going to take the path of least resistance, you know, and to do whatever evil they're going to do. Yeah, I know. That's crazy. I hate your instinct. The chief, sorry to nag everybody, but you just reminded me that we're talking about the churches I just had just seen that and I didn't know that I didn't know what had happened like if people were injured
Starting point is 00:30:52 What in the chief one the chief's one was there people injured? Yeah, it was like 10 or 15 I think injured and there's like I saw one might be reported dead So speaking of crimes and stuff. I was just watching on, on this is a little, little lighter. Uh, I was on social media and, uh, I love, I love these videos. These are my favorite videos. There's a lot of package thieves that are out there. And then there's a lot of people, there's a lot of thieves that will break in your car and steal things.
Starting point is 00:31:18 They'll just open crack, you know, smash the window, take things. And there are people now that are making popular viral videos and channels where they will stage it. They'll take a package. Yeah. They'll put a camera in there. They'll put like something that explodes glitter and fart spray or something like that. And I was just watching when it was hilarious, like he put it in his car, thief, smashes the window, takes the box three and he gets
Starting point is 00:31:41 into a car with his buddy and they take off and then the, and then the glitter bomb goes off. And then you hear the spray. And they're like, whoa, what's that smell? Oh, oh shit, I dump it. I love those videos, dude. I feel like that's what I would do. So if somebody was like carjacking or doing that
Starting point is 00:31:57 in our neighborhood, it would be like to try and come up with some sort of a prank like that to get people back. Yeah. Have you ever guys ever seen like car security systems that never made it to the market? There's one that's like a flamethrower. Have you ever seen these? Oh, they're amazing.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Like they're trying to get your car. I think Brazil, I think in Brazil, they might have actually used this because there were car, car, car. I think I have seen it. We're underneath it from underneath the car. Yeah. So they're trying to break in and there's a button you push and it just
Starting point is 00:32:25 lets the rest of the... Could you imagine if you let it off and then you have to watch them? Oh, yeah. Take off, honey. I don't want to see that anymore. Hey, you know how we've been talking about the Apple goggles like crazy, right? Did you see an ex-Apple employee has already made a competitor that are glasses? Oh, I didn't see that pull up more like spectacles.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Yes. Yeah. Pull up brilliant labs. Uh, AI glasses, Doug. Oh no. Yes. So they're AI. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Yes. So it's a competitor. Yeah. So remember we were already talking about like, oh, is it, I mean, is it, is it comparable? I mean, I haven't wore either one. So it's hard. It's hard to say. I doubt you're going to probably compete with Apple at the first game. Cause you still have like speaker. I mean, I think it's either one. So it's hard. It's hard to say. I doubt you're going to probably compete with Apple at the first game.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Because you still have like speaker. I mean, I think it's more like, you know. It had all that there too. Really? Oh, yeah. Because they're tiny. It had just like the Ray-Ban ones where they have like a, you can hear music and so like that.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Like you can hear that. You could cue it by talking. So I hear it right here. Oh, yeah. I guess I wouldn't know unless you try them, right? Oh, wow. This is weird. This is getting crazy. Nutrition. Did you see that? Yes. You can look at food and't know unless you try them right. Oh, wow This is weird. This is getting crazy. They're trish and did you see that? Yes?
Starting point is 00:33:27 You can look at food and tell you what's in it. Yes. Did you see the other one translation? You can look at Chinese and then it will translate it to you. Wow. Yes. This is getting weird It's gonna be a new world. So you're for sure gonna buy the goggles No, you're not liar. No, I'm not real. I mean, I think it's neat to talk about, but I don't. You're going to buy it. Don't lie. I'm going to wait for a version to. Not really.
Starting point is 00:33:48 I'm not. I'm so surprised. Really? You are the type to be curious enough. Well, I mean, okay, so. Okay, I'm not saying like you're the sufficient auto. But yeah, yeah, as you say, I'm not like a tech guy. Benjamin Franklin glasses or something.
Starting point is 00:34:00 No, Harry Potter. They got to wait. Like it's. I'd have to. You style. To get me to drop four grand on a pair of tech goggles, I'd have to have at least one application where I could see myself really getting into it. They are four grand, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:34:14 Yeah. And that's a bit to drop on something that I'm just curious about. Yeah, that I'm just curious about. Like, oh, I'll go find some rich friend that bought it and then I'll play with theirs first. How much are these? How much are these, Doug? Good question. Yeah, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Probably comparable. Pre-order. Let's see. Um, pre-order. I mean, they're like four grand or something. Yeah. I would think they would try and come. Not, not so expensive.
Starting point is 00:34:35 349 bucks. Oh, wow. Whoa. What? We'll see. Yeah, I don't think they're the same. Oh yeah. No apples.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Come on. You can't, who's gonna, you're some, some startup. I don't think it's like, yeah, it's real. I think it's like just stats and like maybe this would be it's not like a video. Immersive. This is what would be my guess is this is an ex-apple employee who has been a part of all the other stuff. Just simplified it.
Starting point is 00:34:58 He probably picked the thing, the five things that people were probably going to use the most and implement it like, cause you just saw the ones that are cool. Like, I think how cool that would be to translate language. How cool would that be to be in another country and be able to just- Are you kidding me? That'd be amazing. It'd be amazing to travel
Starting point is 00:35:13 and actually have something like that and be able to translate everything for you like that for diet, nutrition, to be able to look at stuff- Super useful items. Yeah, so I bet they distilled it down to the four most useful applications for this that they thought of. It's a brilliant strategy, right? Instead of trying to compete and say it's going to be as sophisticated as Apple, I'm going to pick the things that
Starting point is 00:35:33 people are going to use most and then I'll undercut them be a fraction of the price. I mean, that's way less. Yeah. Yeah. Now I'm interested. Now I'm interested in this one. I mean, I'm curious about all of it. I just haven't thought. That one feature alone to me is is so valuable Just being able to go to another country or read things in other languages and have it immediately travel so much No, but just you can do that with your phone We mean from the GM Google translate will do that for you. Yeah
Starting point is 00:35:58 We have a lot of interaction. Can you put your picture use a camera? Oh, it does that. Yeah, but you got a you've got a yeah I know shot at each time. It's not on your face. Yeah, it'd be way cool to just look at it and it translate real time for you. I think it would be a way cool feature. I don't know. This much closer to minority report.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Totally, we are. I told you guys. I looked something up the other day because do you guys know how many days it takes to turn a behavior into a habit? 60. That's the number a lot of people throw out. You guys know.
Starting point is 00:36:29 It is. But I've heard the, I've heard the counter 30. Yeah. So for 21 days, they actually have a data. I used to tell people 60. They actually have data on this. So I looked this up. I'll pull it up for you guys.
Starting point is 00:36:42 And it talks about, um, you know, uh, how on average it's 66 days, but it can go between 18 to 254 days. Wow. Now what they found in the study, of course, some things are harder to become habits than others, right? If it's like, drink an extra glass of water a day, it's probably going to be on the shorter end. If it's like, you know, get up and wake up at five a.m. to go work out might take a little longer. Yeah. But what they found in the study was the most effective way to turn a behavior into a habit by far was to do a little bit of that habit every day versus a lot of it infrequently. We've talked about this with workouts. Totally. So what they find is instead of being like, okay, I want to, I want to
Starting point is 00:37:19 learn how to play the piano or learn a language or whatever, or get this habit rather than focusing on it for two hours or an hour or learn a language or whatever, or get this habit, rather than focusing on it for two hours or an hour or twice a week or three days a week, you're better off doing 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, every single day, because that's how the body and the brain turns into habits. Of that, like, and I'd, you know, I've been playing guitar and this was like a big goal of mine,
Starting point is 00:37:39 and just to get back into it and doing that, just going down every day, I go down and just play something, even if I'm not inspired, I'll just like pick it up just to like keep that momentum going. But I don't really play anybody else's songs ever. Like it's just never been my thing to like learn songs. And it's like always frustrating because people that will hang out
Starting point is 00:37:57 or want to play music with me, they're just like, oh dude, do you know like, like interesting or yeah, exactly. They're like something. And I'm just like, no, I don't know it, but I could listen to it and kind of play, you know, a crappy like, something or yeah, exactly. Like something and I'm just like, no, I don't know it, but I could, I could listen to it and kind of play, you know, a crappy version of it by ear. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:10 But so anyways, that being said, there's like all these like really cool apps now. And I, I was just messing around with a tuner app that I used to get my guitar tuned and they just immediately did a feature on it. As I was like strumming the guitar I heard the the the tone of the string I was playing and then it Placed it into like an oasis song and then the oasis song It had like the chord for it and then it started kind of like following the ball, you know so I it basically has the lyrics and then it has the
Starting point is 00:38:47 You know the chords on top of it. And so I was just started playing and then singing it. And then it was just really intuitive and like user friendly. I was like, whoa, it's gone so far now in terms of like, I could see myself if I really wanted to be devoted to like learning a bunch of people's songs and their catalogs, I could sit there in a really intuitive way, kind of play along to like a bouncy ball kind of way of doing it. Okay. Now, this is how my brain goes when we're talking about the Apple goggles. Imagine,
Starting point is 00:39:17 and this is coming for sure, and how much this serves the consumer and then also the creative, the creator, uh, imagine paying for lessons in the virtual world with your favorite guitarist who could charge you a reasonable price because he's got 500 people that are also being taught that same lesson together. So he could literally charge you a hundred and fifty, two hundred bucks an hour with the most famous guitarist in the world. It sounds like he's making 500 X that for that hour. They've tried to like the master class version of that. But yeah, that would be next level.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Yeah. Cause it'd be like a master class, but it's literally him live talking to you guys. All right. Now place your fingers right here. Right. And you do it. Now follow me like this. And there's 500.
Starting point is 00:39:59 I want AI Van Halen. And you're only having to pay what private lessons would cost for an average Joe person to do with you, but you're getting the best guitarist in the world and he's making $50,000 an hour. For sure that is going to happen. Even augment that with augmented reality where you look down at your hands and it shows your hands where they should be. That's what I'm saying with the Apple goggles.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Yes. The Apple goggles you would tune in and be watching it live. Oh my God. Imagine how... There's a bunch of different styles too of different guitarist Right, you could learn. Yeah, it's all over the place. That's so Yeah, it's gonna be cool to see how some of these how some of these applications like right now I can't really wrap my brain around how I were I would be like, oh that would be awesome for me to be able to do that Geek out on that. Yeah. Wow. Wow. What's that show? Oh be awesome for me to be able to do that. I would totally geek out on that.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Wow, wow, what's that show? I was talking about using the meds, the Oculus. Oh, they're using the Oculus to do that. Yeah, it keeps immigration, construction, and the technology. Wow. Wow. This is going to be weird.
Starting point is 00:40:59 This is going to be interesting. Is it going to be like... See if that's publicly traded or not? No, I'm serious. I know. See if it's publicly traded. I mean, you No, I'm serious. I'm so yeah. See this public. I mean, you know, I'm having a tough time wrapping my mind around how this is going to impact. I mean, there's so many jobs that this could augment. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:15 You know, um, God, I could literally sit and think about it for now. Especially, yeah, skilled, you know, very specific skill jobs like that. Like normally you'd have to have a mentor and go through this whole apprenticeship, like, but now to sort of offset that with some kind of like software to take you through it augmented reality. I mean, the biggest hurdle right now is the, the entry level to the price of it. Right. Like so, because I could see how even like, so we, we've obviously this, we have pivoted
Starting point is 00:41:43 or moved into with the new company and into the coaching side, right? Imagine if all of our coaches, you know, could afford $4,000 goggles, but they all had those. Imagine actually coaching a client with the AR, you know, and having them like, so they're watching us queue and we're all doing it live together and the, and it has all of our, this is the corrective exercises we would do. This is the deviation that we see like, I mean, that would be cool. Well, it's very cool to be able to, and then we could actually offer it for a, a reasonable price and it's scalable for us because it's like, okay, I will,
Starting point is 00:42:18 none of us would ever do that for even 500 bucks an hour. It's not worth our time right now. But if I had 50 trainers that were paying $150 an hour to do that, like, okay, now it's worth the time to do something like that. All virtual, all coaching that requires that, you know, a superior in person, I could see how augmenting, augmented, you know, goggles will make that something you could do virtually. Martial arts training.
Starting point is 00:42:38 It could be a personal training. Yeah. I mean, because the big thing with virtually, uh, coaching someone, exercise is tough. Cuing someone, watching how they move and see what's going on. But if you put, if you were to put goggles on and they look like they were in front of you, I don't know if it'll be exactly same, but it'll be better than what you can do now.
Starting point is 00:42:53 I mean, I just could see like a coach having just like the noninvasive kind of glasses on, right? But then you see mechanically like the different points of, you know, yeah, like where, where their bodies varying and where you can cue more effectively. Like you might not see it with your naked eye, but then you see like these different plot points. Yeah. How cool would it be if, if when performing a squat, it has the like a, like a, like a green or like a neon like skeleton, perfect version.
Starting point is 00:43:23 And so you can see the, how the body is out of that. Yep. You know, it's weird. I was just on a podcast yesterday and I got asked this question about like a green or like a neon like skeleton, perfect version. And so you can see the, how the body is out of that. Yup. Yes. You know what's weird about, I was just on a podcast yesterday and I got asked this question about AI and it made me like, and by the way, this has already been happening. So it's not like this is a new thing, but we, we have lost so many skills
Starting point is 00:43:38 because we've exported it to these outside tool. Like an easy example is remembering phone numbers. Does anybody remember anybody? I don't know your phone number, Justin. I talked to you every day on tech. I don't know what Doug's number is. I don't know what Adam's phone number is. I know my old home number. I know my wife's cell number and that's pretty much it. Yeah. Only because I, I realize I sing it. Yeah. What do you four, five, three, you know, like you just
Starting point is 00:44:04 forever, like I've remembered my home phone number. Yeah. When you're a kid, you learned it that way? Yeah. Oh, that's hilarious. See, I don't want to say the whole thing. No, of course. My parents are gonna get inundated with calls.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Can I talk to Justin? That would be a funny break. They still have a landline. They got a landline. My parents just got rid of there. Yeah, I thought they didn't even exist anymore. I thought they were like, oh no. And they have a really like a cringe voicemail too.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Like it's old school. No way. Old school. Is it an answering machine or is it a voicemail? Yeah, answering machine. They have an answering machine? Oh my god, with a tape? Yeah, so you call your parents.
Starting point is 00:44:39 You call the landline? Well, I text them and then I call. Yeah, I usually call that because they'll, they put their phones, I don't know where they put their phones, but they're, they're out, you know, in the, in the yard or, you know, sometimes when my kids are there, I'm like, Hey, what, you know, I'm trying to get a hold of somebody. I'll call landline. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:58 No, my parents just got rid of their landline and they, my mom told us, uh, when she did it and we were all so mad, which is funny because what's it, but it's because we were tied to it. And it was our number when I was a kid and we've always had that. See, so I don't remember my own phone number, but I remember all my friends. Phone, they're old numbers. Yes. Like junior high. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:18 I remember a few of my friends. Yeah. I could, I could do their number, their home phone numbers like, but mine, I don't remember calling my, so my question with this is what skills do you think we're going to lose because of technology? Cause we've already lost all of them. Connecting with people. Talking about that.
Starting point is 00:45:33 That's already proven. That's already proven we're learning that skill. Yeah. I think like trying to remember facts and like, I think that like just even that process of, uh, like processing information, you know, like we're outsourcing all of that now. And our phones, like we just go right to search. And that's why anytime I bring something up, like I try really hard not to reach for my phone
Starting point is 00:45:55 and look it up. I try to like, oh, like painstakingly try and remember it. This is like just something me and Courtney have like, you know, it's almost like a game, you know, it's like how much- Don't use your, you know, it's almost like a game, you know, it's like how much Don't use your phone. Yeah, don't use your phone. You know that some some good school districts though are Aware of this and they're integrating this type of stuff into now the argument though, right? Is there like there?
Starting point is 00:46:16 I mean is to try and teach these skills that we're but what's the argument is why? You know what I mean? Like the argument that people will make is why, why, when, why do they do it? Well, some of them are right. Some of them why, like, but some of them, yeah. I mean, like obviously, What if one day you don't have access to it? Yeah, but that's like saying like, okay, I don't know how to get clean water and hunt my own food
Starting point is 00:46:34 and all that stuff. And maybe you should learn at least a few of those things. Sure, people will make that argument, but then a lot of people don't. But I think we're going so far that maybe it's going to tap into our psychology. Like maybe we need to know a certain amount of things. Otherwise we become, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Well, that's the point. Are we not human? I think that's it, Sal. Yeah, I just don't like being too dependent, I guess is where I'm at. Yeah, I'm like that. Yeah, I mean, I think we're beyond that. I think we've outsourced so many of the basic things, hunt, get clean water, just like that.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Literally, if you dropped all of us in the fucking alone, we'd all be fucked. Okay? Even Justin over there who could build a house and we can't right? I'll survive one more Yeah, exactly. You'd still die to you just last two weeks I mean that literally Because we've all lost those primitive skills I think for sure and so and you know will they ever be necessary? I hope to God they're not. But I do think that we're now impeding into somewhere where we haven't gone before. We start to have detrimental psychological effects. Yeah, and we're losing personal connection. Like even as we, like technology and all that
Starting point is 00:47:40 stuff was advancing, say 20 years ago, it's still required interaction with other human beings and we're still, we're seeing people and social and we're completely starting to move away from that. And we're, and we're justifying it because we have this social connection online because I can text Justin in five minutes across the country and he can text me back. We think we're more connected to each other than we've ever been, but then we never have to see each other. And so, and I don't think that people realize the. That's what I mean. This is like a question to ask philosophers, not scientists.
Starting point is 00:48:12 What was that movie with Sylvester Stallone where he's at Cop and Wesley Snipes? No. Demolition Man. Demolition Man. Remember how they had sex in the future? Oh yeah, they don't even touch. They connect like their heads connected.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Yeah, they don't touch. They're like, yeah. And then he's like, let's just have regular sex. She's like, ew, touch me. We have fluids. It's going to be like that. Oh, God. Don't say that.
Starting point is 00:48:35 I mean, I have faith in humanity. I think it's in our nature, especially if you're like progressive type of person where you push the boundaries. You know, there's going to be a subset of humans that push that boundary, the extreme, and they're going to die sooner or get injured or have bad things happen to them. The rest of us wake up and go, Oh, that was too far. Maybe we should moderate that. The outliers are either going to prove certain things or they're going to show you like,
Starting point is 00:49:03 Oh, the detriments of it. And it's like the rest of us sort of alter. That's where I try not to be too alarmist about it because so far in history, that's how it's proven to play out for us. Is that? Yeah. We like get worse kind of correct. Yeah. And I never want to fall into that. I'm always afraid I'm going to fall into the old, the like every dad and grandpa that do, oh, your generation. Oh, this is, this is, this is, this is, this is, it like, fuck, bro, can I break that cycle and not be that guy? And at least be like, listen, there's some things that have evolved and changed.
Starting point is 00:49:33 And the things that I'm most worried about instead of griping so much about it, being aware of it and going, okay, well, what can I, what can I use of this or take from it? And then what do I need to moderate? All I know is that Hedron Collider accelerated the shit out of that. But what? Ever shit out of that. What? What? Ever since they created that. Oh yeah, we're in all sorts of dealers.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I buy it, dude. Crazy simulation. I buy it. They turn that shit on and then something happens. Something happened here. Weird. They fractured reality somehow. Everything got weird.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I'm going to buy a seat on the MIGALU5. What is that? The MIGALU5? I think that's how you say it. Mr. Mugu? That that? Just make something up right now. The MIGALU5? I think that's how you say it. Mr. McGoo? That was my, I had it, I put it up there in my notes earlier in the week.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I forgot to show you guys. What the hell is a MIGALU5? Oh, I see it as submarine. Yeah, bro. Look it up. Look it up, Doug. It's a MIGALU5. It's the first luxury submarine.
Starting point is 00:50:19 So you have like luxury cruises. Yeah. So they have like a. I would never get on a submarine. See, is there like transparent? Hopefully Doug will be able have like a. I would never like. Get on summer. See, is there like transparent. Hopefully that will be able to pull up. I would never get on summer. Never.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Doesn't sound very safe. Not just forget how safe it is. It's the claustrophobia alone, you know, no way. Look at that. Oh, that looks beautiful though, huh? Isn't that sick? Big loot. Yeah, but what do you, you're underwater.
Starting point is 00:50:40 So don't tell me you look out the window and you see that shit. You're not going to panic. Yeah. Can you see what else you got here? Diver for pictures. No, dude. OK, so there was another thing about telomeres.
Starting point is 00:50:52 This guy lived for a couple months underwater, like in this chamber. Yeah. And came back and they tested him and they said he'd like. Was it from the freshers? Like, yeah, something about like he was more youthful looking and that like he looked like he was like, um, was it from the freshers? Like, yeah, something about like, he was more youthful looking and that like, he looked like he, he was like 10 years younger. Is that why there's, um, don't they say there's like people in the,
Starting point is 00:51:12 in the core of the earth? Okay, well you're taking this to- Oh my baby. This is real. Oh my God. Hey, hey, they claim this is like, this is like the future of like vacationing, right? And now they claim that it's like,
Starting point is 00:51:24 this is like how you'll want to go. I don't like the idea of being underwater looking out the window Yeah, I think you will if the first the world's all rubble and shit If there's a storm you can like You know Hey, the only way you can vacation Yeah. Hey, billionaires. The only way you can vacation. Underwater.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Underwater. Can't be underwater. This is like the next billionaire flex. Like it's like, oh, cool. You have a yacht. I got a fucking submarine. I got a sub. Yeah, I got a submarine.
Starting point is 00:51:52 I can see that. You know the big drug lords, you know, like the cartel guys, they have submarines. Yeah. They have submarines they're buying. There's a crazy, there's a good documentary that went into that. The guys that were doing that from Miami to Cuba and bought the, the old
Starting point is 00:52:06 Soviet sub. Bro. Yeah. Yeah. That's, I know. It's crazy. Imagine being on the beach and see the sub. Look at, look how luxurious this is inside though. Oh, wow. That is gorgeous. Oh, it's, it's beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. That's kind of weird. Hey, I got another study for you guys. Are you ready? Check this one out. Good. It's on old people. This one's cool. They did strength training on old people.
Starting point is 00:52:27 They did adults who are 65 and adults who are 85 and they compared the results. You ready for this? Whoa. Can we guess? What's what is it going to show? What's it? So 65 year olds and 85 year olds.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Okay. The rate of strength gain and muscle gain compared to. Oh, what do you think they found? Wait, wait. So are these people have already been lifting or are they? No, they're just normal. No, just normal. So I'm actually going to guess that they were relatively close.
Starting point is 00:52:54 The 85 year olds built almost as much strength as the 65 year olds as a percentage. Yes. The 85 year olds did better. Ah, see, as a percentage, but it wasn't a huge difference. But what this shows is that no matter how old you are, yes, your body will build muscle and build strength. Now the limit, how far you can go and where you start, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:13 that makes a big difference. Sure. But wow. Now I experienced this man when I try this is why I love training people at advanced age. When I'll get somebody 75 or 80 or older, I would, it would, it was always so mind blowing to see the difference in a month.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Yeah. Yeah. This guy trained who was like late seventies and just to see like him gaining five pounds of lean muscle. That's insane. I was like, I, you know, I would, I don't know. I guess I was like very much, I thought maybe one pound at the most or like, you know, like gain strength, but not really like put on mass.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Well, and the other thing too is you do that for somebody who's above 65 and it's life changing. You add five or 10 pounds of muscle to somebody who's 70 years old. They go from being dependent to being independent. Yes. Like, you know, at home stud, dude, you told me about it. You know, when you're, if you make it to dance with all the ladies, did you know if you make it to that age. These dancers, all the ladies. Did you know that?
Starting point is 00:54:06 If you make it to that age, right? Yeah, as the guy. And you're not, like, and you're, like, functional. Yeah. And you're in a retirement home. You are. The big swinging dick. You're the...
Starting point is 00:54:14 There is no other guy. You're the bull. It's a bunch of female widows. And you. I see we dug. Yeah, no. Hey, Athol. If my pub's still going in 20 years, we go check up on Doug.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Very high-intentioned STDs floating around those places. Doug's like, I don't care about the room. Let's see what all the people are doing. Let's see the ladies. I used to train a woman. I'll sleep in a bathroom if the ladies are right here. I trained a woman that stayed in, that lived in one of those places. By the way, they're expensive.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I don't know if you guys know how much they cost. Dude, my grandmother, this was like 10 years. It was $7,200 a month. And that was, that's not even like 10 years. It was $7,200 a month, and that was... That's not even like... Well, that was 10 years ago. Yeah. Over 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:54:48 So I trained a woman, she lived in one of these places, and so there were, I don't know how many people were in this home, was that 100 or something like that? And I think there were five or six men, and she's like, and these guys are studs. She's like, when they walk in the room, all the way... They made a movie after that. And I'm like, when they look like, she's like, one of them's in a walker There was a little bit more Freeman. Yes, it's the Morgan Freeman movie. Yeah, who's that they made a whole movie after that Just gotta keep you just kind of make it. What was that called? And they make a big deal to like that like there's already two guys there and then the third guys that I don't know
Starting point is 00:55:20 Who's that I forget who the new guy I watched a long time ago. It's actually really funny movie They're there in it. They're in a retirement home. There's only two dudes in the whole place. And then the third guy comes and it's like, you know what? If you're a young man and you just, you're just not popular with the lady. It's just, it's a, it's a, it's a waiting game. It's a waiting glass long enough. You'll get your chair and you'll get all the ladies.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I'll live everybody else. Game of attrition. Oh, just keep going. Just stay alive. That's all Just keep going. Just stay alive. That's all you gotta do. Just stay alive. Maybe it's not your time. What you got, Doug?
Starting point is 00:55:48 You fight it? I think it's just getting started. Is that what it's called? Morgan Freeman and Tommy Lee Jones. Oh, yeah, yeah. Is that one? Yeah, yeah. Hey, speaking of alive, I just, I haven't used Organifice Peak Power in a while.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Yeah. And you guys see me pour some of the, that is the best stimulant base. Now, you don't feel that way just because you created it? No. Yeah. And you guys see me pour some of the, it is that is the best stimulant base. Now you don't feel that way just cause you created it. No, no. I feel like I don't know if you're allowed to do the peak power commercials because it's like complimenting yourself. It's good. It's like, Hey, there's this incredible pre workout. I created whoever invented it.
Starting point is 00:56:18 No, I'm telling you, I haven't had it. I had one dose. It's only a hundred milligrams caffeine, low dose for me. Love it. It's the best feeling. It's The shout out for today is our forum. Now we have a private forum and in there you have trainers, coaches, fitness fanatics, people who just get started. It's a great community. But the reason why I'm shouting it out is whenever we create and release a new program, that forum gets the biggest
Starting point is 00:56:59 discount and they get it first. I'm not going to say anything else. But if you get in the forum right now, you're going to see some cool stuff. Go check it out. Smart. All right, there'm not gonna say anything else. But if you get in the forum right now, you're gonna see some cool stuff, go check it out. Ah, smart. Mm. All right, there's a company called Brain FM
Starting point is 00:57:09 that makes music that is designed, now it's not just the music, there's sounds in there as well, that are designed to induce states of mental either sharpness, sleepiness, meditative states, and it's all tested by data. It's created by scientists and it's truly effective. Now when I use brain FM, within about five minutes, I could start to feel that state of mind
Starting point is 00:57:31 that I'm looking for. So if I want more focus, I'll play the focus stuff, five minutes into it, man, I am zooming in. If I want to sleep, I put on the sleep one, or if I want to meditate and relax, if I'm anxious, I put the meditative one on. This stuff is remarkable, it's groundbreaking. No one in the world does this like Brain FM.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Go check them out. Go to brain.fm.com, mind pump, and get yourself 30 days of access for free. Try it out, it'll blow your mind. All right, back to the show. First question is from Dratella. What are supersets and how do you effectively program them? So a super set is when you put a cape on.
Starting point is 00:58:08 I knew you'd have a set. But it's super. Yeah, though. Super sets a bodybuilding technique and you take two exercises and you combine them. And it's often two exercises for the same body part, although there are what are called antagonist super sets where it's like chest and back or something like that. But mostly supersets are two exercise for the same body part. And the idea is to fatigue the muscle more than you could with just that one exercise and you typically want to pick again, this is not a rule in stone, but typically you pick a compound and isolation movement as your super set.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Um, and it just, it's great for getting a better pump. It is a high intensity technique and it's an advanced technique, meaning. It's not valuable to use all the time, but if you're consistent, you got good sleep, good diet, like occasionally using this, um, it's, it's, it's fun. And it could definitely push you past the plateau. We've obviously, we've utilized this tool. It's a, it's a valuable tool. We've utilized it in a handful of our programs. Um, the way I use it personally, uh, because I'm not always
Starting point is 00:59:13 following like a program is normally time. So that, so when I teach clients that it's a valuable tool, it's not something we want to do all the time. Um, so, you know, you could follow a program like maps on a ball, phase three has some of it in there. Maps aesthetic has super sets in there, obviously. Uh, and those, those programs, we, we do that, but I would much rather teach a client on, Hey, what's going to happen is some time in your life more often
Starting point is 00:59:41 than you think probably you're going to be cut short with time for a workout. And you know, most workouts, your traditional workouts are 50 minutes to an hour. And so, hey, I could literally do that same amount of work by pairing all the exercises and short. Now I have to reduce the weight dramatically because that's if I do like a, you know, a bench press and then go into like dips or a skull, skull crusher or a movement like that. It takes a lot out of you, but I'll, I'll move through the workout in half the time.
Starting point is 01:00:11 And so, and because I don't do it all the time, since this great signal to the body to adapt and build muscle. So, but like anything else, people fall in love with the response that the body gives if you've never done it before. And they go, oh shit Super sets of the answer to building all this muscle and so then they chase it and they do it all time And then of course like anything else it stops. No, I mean to be truth be told Probably five percent of my sets and workouts are super sets literally
Starting point is 01:00:41 95% or straight sets, but that 5% can make a difference. You have to utilize these appropriately. Um, again, couple rules of thumb, not necessarily in stone though, compound to isolation or isolation to compound. Both of them do different things. They feel different and antagonistic super sets are the best, uh, time saver ones because you're not necessarily hammering the same muscle, but you're working like chest and back and you're not really fatiguing the back when you hit chest. So you can go back to back and then you cut some time.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Next question is from Kelly, the running realtor. Why do I feel it in my hip flexors when I plank? How can I correct my form? Because, hey, I'm just going to take a shot at this. It's from all that running. Oh, man. Just, just going to take a shot in the dark on this one, Kelly. And I bet it's all that running. So you're, first off, your form, and we'll get to what Adam said. That's, that's, I didn't even catch that, but your form, definitely. When you plank, first off, a plank, you're using two points, your forearms and your elbows and your toes. And so everything in between has to stabilize to keep you up.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Well, everything in between includes all the muscles that prevent you from folding half, which also include the quads. They include the tibialis muscles and the calves and the pecs, but mainly they include the hip flexors and the muscles of the core. Now you can change your form to emphasize the core more than the hip flexors of vice versa. Most people do a plank and it's a hip flexor plank. And how do you know this? You look at them, they have an arch in their low back and their butt sticking out.
Starting point is 01:02:10 OK, you want to make this a core plank? Tuck your tailbone. It's uglier. It doesn't look that good at the gym when you've got your tailbone tucked or whatever, your butt's kind of whatever. But that is your core now contracting and supporting you. So that simple fix right there will make all the difference. You did a great viral video on our YouTube channel,
Starting point is 01:02:27 Mind Pump TV, the guys will probably link it in here so you can see it. But another reason why, and more likely why you feel it more than probably maybe your friend or someone who's doing it right next to you, why they don't feel like that is because of the running. Your hip flexors are just worth it. Your hip flexors are dominant because when you run, you use a lot of your hip flexors is worth your, your, your hip flexors are dominant because it, when you run, you use a lot of your hip flexors.
Starting point is 01:02:47 And so that is a dominant muscle. And so the default muscle recruitment pattern when you go into a plank for yourself is to use those hip flexors. So you fill it in those hip flexors instead of activating the core and planking correctly, your body defaults to what it's used to, which is the pattern from running all the time, which is super common. And again, it's obviously a shot in the dark that you're a runner, but I'm guessing that you are and that is probably what's doing it.
Starting point is 01:03:15 But a simple solve to that is cause we could totally unpack this and address the running mechanics and probably the corrective work you should do based off the fact that you probably run all the time. But let's pretend we're not going to fix all that other stuff and we're just going to solve the plank simply doing what Sal said or following the video, which you did on YouTube would solve that. At least like, you know, bringing those hips up a bit too. I know a lot of times people complain about their lower back pain with planks for similar
Starting point is 01:03:43 reasons. But yeah, to tuck the tailbone and to really engage, you know, the abdominals, I mean, it definitely enhances that exercise a lot more. I also did a video that showed something that I called hip flexor deactivator crunches. So whenever you activating muscle, the opposing muscle naturally tends to relax. It doesn't always happen, but it's nice little hacks. So if I want my bicep to relax, I'll activate my tricep. If I want my back to relax, I'll activate my chest.
Starting point is 01:04:11 If I want my hip flexors to relax, I'll activate my glutes. So this is a crunch where your heels are up on a bench and you come up off the, you elevate your hips, squeeze your glutes and then do crunches. And what this does, it allows you to get the hip flexors out of the movement. The reason why hip flexors are so involved with people when they do ab exercises, because people think if they fold their body forward or they bring their legs up,
Starting point is 01:04:32 it's automatically a core exercise. It's not. The hip flexors can do all the work or the core can do all the work. When the core does all the work, the movement is in the low back. You see it in the flexion extension, the low back. When the hip flexors do all the work, it's all in the hips. So when you see people doing leg raises and you're watching them and their body looks straight, except for their legs coming up and it's their hips that are flexing, that's hip flexors.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Next question is from Ek Betz. Have you ever had to fire a client because they just didn't want to listen to your advice or do what you were telling them to do? Yeah, you know, boy, boy, later on in my career, I had a different philosophy around this, but early in my career, it was like, and I, you know, I was, I wasn't quite this harsh, but it was like my way of the highway,
Starting point is 01:05:15 if you don't take this serious, I'm not gonna train you type of deal. Later, the reason why I would get rid of a client was, would be more like you're not showing up for appointments, you're not respecting my time, but if you showed up and you did some stuff and you weren't like a jerk to me, then my goal was to continue to train you because it was better than nothing. And I had one experience, I've talked about this many times on the show, but I had this woman, I had this talk with her where I sat her down and called her on her lies that, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:47 she was tracking her food cause she wasn't, I made her cry because I caught her in a lie and then, and she, and that's why she wasn't getting results. And then she never came back. And I would bet you that she probably never went back anywhere again. And I remember it was a week later. How you ruined her life.
Starting point is 01:06:03 And I, I mean, maybe that still makes me sad to think about it. And I think about it now. It's like, you know, had I confronted her and she denied it. And I said, look, it's not a big deal. If you're not being honest or whatever, let's just keep going. Like I might have had a better chance. I might at the very least she was working out. She wasn't doing that before. So this changed for me, but as a trainer, you have to determine what you, what you'll tolerate and what you want to work with as well
Starting point is 01:06:25 Yeah, I had a very like type a like abrasive like I was a young trainer So I didn't really quite have the experience and also the confidence to Confront and check, you know that energy right away. So I was like trying my best to like accommodate but do it in a way that was like, you know, more sound and safe and not necessarily what she wanted, but was like somewhat close, like it was to the experience
Starting point is 01:06:54 of a high intensity type workout. But I mean, she wanted to go to the point where she would vomit. And it wasn't a successful workout unless she vomited. I'm like, I think you have a problem. And she did not like to hear that. I remember that client. You remember, you know, exactly what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:07:11 I think Dirk had it for me. I know who you're talking about. But, um, and I just was like uncomfortable with it. And I kept talking, I'm like, I'm uncomfortable with this. I'm not going to take you to that level. It's not a healthy habit, you know, to do that. And it's just not promoting anything healthy. And so, yeah, that was one I had to make.
Starting point is 01:07:28 I can't work with you anymore. That was the only one. So I have some unpopular opinions around this to a trainer. Like if I'm talking to one of my trainers who is challenged with this. One, I would ask, do you have the luxury to fire anybody, first of all? So when you're building your client, uh, you know, uh, your client
Starting point is 01:07:48 list is early on the beginning, I took everything at anything and put up with a lot of shit I didn't put up with 10, 15 years later. So when you're, when you're trying to get the practice and you're trying to build your client portfolio, it takes some time before you do that. And firing somebody when you don't even have a solid income from that is a luxury most of us don't have. So that would be the first thing. The second thing I'd say that's unpopular is that leadership rule number one,
Starting point is 01:08:17 everything is my fault. So one of these types of clients, like it wouldn't just be like I fire them and then I move on, it would be like, where did I go wrong? What did I not communicate when this person signed up with me? What did I, where did I, where did I lose the leadership? What did I lose to control? Where did I, you know, miscommunicate and allow this person to think these behaviors or these things were okay? And how do I correct that? And what and do I put up with this client because I need the clientele right now and then I never make that mistake again? Or am I in a position that I can correct course
Starting point is 01:08:51 because it's something that can be corrected? So since most of my career, I was actually training trainers, I would really hone in on the trainer and be like, we have to own this. Like you have to figure out a way to be a better trainer and not everybody's easy. And there's gonna be some people that are paying the ass. Now, as you get better at your craft,
Starting point is 01:09:12 one, you'll be able to see this stuff beforehand and cut it off. Like you'll know the type of client they're gonna be before you get it like. And you can set the stage, you can set the expectations. Exactly, exactly right. And that's what this lesson is, right?
Starting point is 01:09:26 So whatever this client is challenged, right? So I don't know that you just says, it says listening to your advice and do what you're telling them. That's the other thing too, like have you guys ever had a client listen to all your advice? No, that doesn't exist.
Starting point is 01:09:37 And that's when that's like the dream client, the unicorn client. And this is why I'm digging back at the trainer who's asking this question is that, no, I would not default to to it's the client's fault. I would default to What what can I do better? What am I not doing? One of my greatest success stories was a client who I who I wouldn't have taken on as a younger trainer Precisely because I had this attitude this woman comes in and literally first words at her mouth
Starting point is 01:10:02 She watched she was referred to me by one of my doctor clients. She walked in, hi, I'm here to see you. I'm only going to work out once a week. I'm not going to change my diet and I'm not doing any exercise on my own. That's the first words out of her mouth. And I said, no problem. And she looked at me surprised. I said, I can work with that. This woman eventually started working out three days a week, changed her diet, but it took us, you know, a few years to get here. But old me would have been like, sorry, you're not serious. So I'm not going to work with you. Right. And I would have never been able to positively impact this individual.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Plus later on, I always looked at this like a challenge. Yeah. Like, it's okay. They need the most help. Yeah. Anybody along with difficult clients. Yes. And when I hear a trainer saying some of this, I think of like, well, okay, well,
Starting point is 01:10:41 then maybe this person, you're throwing too much at them right now. Maybe you don't even, you think just telling them to make a couple of diet changes or show up to their appointment three times a week is not a lot. And it's really basic to ask them that and they can't follow through on it. Well, maybe you need to reevaluate that. Maybe you are over committing them to things. Yeah. Adjust what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:11:01 And this is why too, if you've listened to the show long enough, you've heard me say these things where you want to set these really low bar, easy goals for them to, they can obtain so they can start to stack when you got to meet them where they're at. Right. And that might be, Hey, we're not going to worry about diet yet because it seems like this is just really tough right now. Right now I just, I want to keep you consistent with doing these movements and showing up to the gym this many times a week.
Starting point is 01:11:23 And like, let's just set a goal that we do that, right? And then after that, you can start to build on that. So yeah, no, I'm not a fan of defaulting to the client is bad, it's like I can be better. I hope whoever asked this is listening, but go to mindpumpfitnesscoaching.com, look at our course. This is the stuff that we teach trainers and that you don't learn in certifications.
Starting point is 01:11:43 And this is what will make you successful. Next question is from Karen Izzo. I'm looking to get my 11 year old son started on weightlifting. He is an active athlete involved in football, soccer, wrestling and lacrosse. What are the basic moves I should get him started with? And at what point should I introduce him to a maps program? First off, what a great blend of sports. You know, they talk about those studies on young athletes. I mean, you got wrestling, lacrosse soccer, football.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Now, technically, you probably don't need to do any additional strength training if they're doing a lot of these things often. Yeah, they're pretty active. Pretty active. They're moving their bodies in different directions. Like, if it was one sport, then I would recommend certain exercises to offset maybe.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Yeah, I'm not sure this person even has an off season. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I don't know what the seasons are for all these, but you guys know better than I do. If you're running for if you're a It's gotta be your long. Yeah, if you're a four sport athlete, you're running year round.
Starting point is 01:12:37 If so anything, it's like for me, it would just be mastering like one or two of these compound lifts, but like with light load. And if you wanted to even introduce that, but to your point, there's probably not even an off season opportunity right now because that's a four sports is a lot. Here's what's going to give you the biggest bang for your buck with your 11 year old. If they're in fact doing all these sports and it's a year long, the biggest bang for your buck is going to be sleeping diet with an 11 year old.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Make sure they go to bed at the same time every night. They're not all electronics before bed That's a big one now. Make sure they wake up at the same time every morning including weekends And so go to bed wake up at the same time no electronics before bed And then make sure that they eat adequate protein So have them eat his body weight and grams of protein. Those will be the biggest thing I probably teach him some very basic mobility moves. So that way he can prime and do these things before a lot of these sports to make sure that,
Starting point is 01:13:32 you know, the joints are supported and you know, provide stability there. So just added reinforcements because this is a lot of demand on the body. And so I honestly don't think that adding load and any kind of workouts would be beneficial. No, no, no, no. If there's maybe an off season.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Yeah, no, if this kid had a, and by the way, I want to make a point that even though we're saying that he doesn't have an off season and that's when we would do this, it's what you're doing is perfect. I wouldn't change the sports that he's doing. It's a nice blend. And playing for four sports in a year at that age is the time you do this. Like this is like so good for him to be doing all this stuff. And it's just, but thinking because me and I'm sure he's probably a high performing athlete because he's doing all these different sports,
Starting point is 01:14:17 thinking that I want to do more in, in pushing his body and the strength and training. That's actually not ideal. It'd be you making sure that he's getting adequate protein and rest and recovery and mobility stuff would be the best way to compliment. And then organically, what is going to happen as he gets older is he'll probably narrow down to probably three of these sports and then eventually have an off season. And then in the off season or in summers, when he has time off from the sport, like this is where he gets introduced.
Starting point is 01:14:44 The hardest thing with an 11 year old kid playing all these sports is gonna be diet, 100%. Getting him to eat, adequate protein. And sleep probably. And sleep, those two things are gonna be the big, but if he has an off season, basic strength training where he learns movements or suspension training or he moves his body, but at some point,
Starting point is 01:15:00 what may happen, he's 11, so it's not now, but at some point he may need to put on weight. He may really like football and coach is like, you gotta get a little bigger, a little stronger. In which case, then you wanna do an off season where you're doing less of the sport and doing it a couple days a week, like two days a week of strength training, full body,
Starting point is 01:15:16 and eating calories. Young man lifting weights, eating enough calories, they put on strength and muscle in a pretty effective way. Look, if you love the show, head over to mindpumpfree.com and check out all of our free guides. We have a lot of free fitness guides. You can also find us all on Instagram. Justin is at Mind Pump. Justin, I'm at Mind Pump to Stefano and Adam is at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance,
Starting point is 01:15:44 check out our discounted RGB Super Bundle at mindpumpmedia.com. dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps anabolic, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert, exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MinePumpmedia.com.
Starting point is 01:16:28 If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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