Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 229: Correcting imbalances, training with significant other, kombucha benefits & MORE

Episode Date: February 1, 2016

More Q&A! Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about workouts to help with muscle imbalances after an ACL injury, training with a significant other, offering advice to your significant other, the ...benefits of kombucha, the benefits of drinking green tea vs taking a green tea extract pill and the part honey should play in the diet, if any. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, Pumpheads, Maps Performance, still on sale, not for long. It's ending soon. You gotta go to mindpumpmedia.com, check it out. Hurry up, it's gonna go get it, man. This thing is almost over. Ending quick and it is on sale. Again, mindpumpmedia.com for Maps Performance. This is the Maps program that focuses specifically
Starting point is 00:00:19 on all physical pursuits of performance, broad spectrum performance. 110 videos included, workout demos, everything, it's all there, mindpumpmedia.com. Get on it. If you wanna pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Mind, up, mind, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Adam, so live. Sit up in your chair, bro. Oh, dude, stop being my mother. What? Stop being my mother. Don't slouch. Fix your hat. Hey, this is my studio, too. I'll do what I want.
Starting point is 00:00:56 I want to make you some spaghetti. Put some pants on. If you can eat your nasty ass broccoli in here, I can do whatever I want. How's broccoli nasty? I don't get that. It smells when you reheat it. It's broccoli. It tastes great. Everything's great. It's broccoli, dude. I'm do whatever I want. How's broccoli nasty? I don't get that it smells when you reheat it It's broccoli it tastes great everything's great. It's broccoli dude
Starting point is 00:01:07 I'm not eating a bowl of shit, you know what I mean? It smells like that It doesn't listen of all the smells that I've smelled coming out of your guys's ass It net it kills broccoli don't compare me with that too far too far that you go too far too far. Where are you doing? Just I like when you fart my cereal. Uh, dude, you guys, I've heard it's full man. January. The energy is going. It's flowing. It's a good time. My cock. Oh, my, it is, man. It feels and the only one little tidbit of annoying stuff that I am dealing with right now is, well, I have my places, like I go to a breakfast spot, I go to every single morning and you know, I know all the way to busier. It is a little busier and everybody now is,
Starting point is 00:01:53 they all know on the fitness dude have been in there for years, right? Right. They know who I am there and I know everybody by name pretty much. But now it's January. So what is everybody talking about? So everybody's talking about everybody wants to ask you about. Well, it's not even that I actually wouldn't mind that. Actually, everybody talking about? So everybody's talking about. So everybody wants to ask you about how you do it. Well, it's not even that. I actually wouldn't mind that. Actually, everybody likes to tell me what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:02:08 You started doing Stavy, aren't you proud of me? That's the hard part. Exactly, that's the hard part for me is nobody's asking me, like, hey, Adam, what should I do? Or whatever, like that? Everyone's telling me, like, oh, you know, so I just started this diet and I just started, I'm doing this and I'm doing that
Starting point is 00:02:22 and I'm staying away from this and I'm staying and I'm just all these plans are doing it. It's the, it's okay. This is my breakfast part, right? This is my place where I like to go in peace and I do my work on my computer or my phone or whatever and say hi to the people I know there. But it's also not the time that I want to sit there
Starting point is 00:02:40 and like talk about fitness science. I moved my treadmill into my living room, man. Yeah. No, I have a family member that will call me and be like, Hey, I heard that coconut oil is really good and it helps burn body fat. So I've added three tablespoons of my diet. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:02:59 It's like, it doesn't work like that. Damn it. It doesn't work. Well, you know, like that. Oh, I like that. Damn it. It doesn't work. You know, like that. Oh, I like that. You're talking about butter and coffee. So I did butter and I did caramel. I added a little bit of whipped cream.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Because you got to add the whipped cream. But it's got butter in it now. It's like, no. We still like it. Now how you do it? We sound like dick. I know. We shouldn't be laughing right now. Because that, in honesty,
Starting point is 00:03:25 not like with the audience. How many clients have you gotten like that when you're putting together a meal, putting this stuff and you're telling, they're telling you, well, what should I eat this or should I eat that? Or, you know, aren't nuts healthy, aren't avocados, aren't those all good fats for you?
Starting point is 00:03:36 Shouldn't I eat all those in there? And you're like, well, like, you're not, you're not having a problem getting any fat. It's already there. We have no need for a bad, too much. And it's happening. It's happening. People don't put that together.
Starting point is 00:03:49 You know what I'm saying? They don't think because they had a beef burger first. And then later on, they have something with cheese on top of it. And then I have something else. Like, before they know it, their fat consumption is already over their RDA. And they're still thinking, well, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:04 I should probably add avocado to this salad so I get my fat. I just read eat fat gets skinny. I used to have a burger, but then after listening to my pump, now I get bacon and avocado on it too. Beacons is free. No, it doesn't work that way. Wow, we're dicks. Well, we got to be real. We are. And you know what? We should just stop being dicks. We should get right into the quaw. Oh, because what? Quaw part two? Get right back into the quaw.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Because Adam was, because Adam put us on the spot and said we were gonna do two Q&A's. He did. Here's your second Q&A. You're doing, you started off there. There we go Adam. I'm trying to get you know, I, because I haven't felt like anyone's
Starting point is 00:04:44 let's a good review for me in a long time. For you? Yeah. Just you there. You want them to just talk about you. That's where the thing's to Adam. We got another Q and A. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Actually, actually, I would like to point this out. There was a gentleman that made a, I don't know, it was on Instagram, I think, that said how much they love the show, but then they're like, sorry Adam, I like to like, Sal, Sal's my favorite. Yeah, it's something like that.
Starting point is 00:05:03 It was a long post. Stupid. Yeah, no. And it was a long post. It shows that we achieved. Oh yeah, just, so like, Sal, Sal's my favorite. This is something like that. It was a long pose. Stupid. Yeah, no. And it was a long pose. It shows that we achieved. Oh yeah, just, I like you two kind of. And then Doug, when he includes himself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Oh, did you read that? Yeah, that was like an underhanded picture, anything. Right? Oh, yeah, yeah. Hey, I real thanks. Thanks a lot, guys. Hey, guys, let me take one of your guys. Let me explain something to you.
Starting point is 00:05:23 When Mario. So you'll have a man, Chris. You can make such a big brain something to you. When Mario... So you have a man, Chris, you need to make such a big brain. Listen, we can totally nerd out. That's exactly it said. Oh, yeah, you just know so much stuff. I know stuff too. You wanna, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Know some stuff together. Listen, when Mario saves a princess, fucking Luigi helps. You know what I'm saying? I'm more like, toady. Yeah, you're toad. That's my guy. I love toad. He's awesome. I love you.'m more like Tody. Yeah, you're Tode. That's my guy. I love Tode.
Starting point is 00:05:47 He's awesome. I love you. You look like a dick. I'm totally sexy. It's the beginning. It's what I am. All right, Doug, sorry about that. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:05:55 No, we're back at it here. Turn to quaw. And the good news is we have so many questions to choose from every week. So yeah, the second Q and A is definitely in the works here. Okay, without further ado. Without further ado, without further ado, we've got War J fit. He's asking about any workouts to help with a muscle imbalance after an ACL injury. Once there has been stability regained in the knee. Oh, one leg of twist jumps with no, I'm just going to.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I'm like, I was with, I'm just kidding. It's on my cap. It's on your zero. Whoa, bro. Already? I was with you and then the twist. Oh, single leg back flips with dumbbells. Don't do any of that shit. Here's a deal. A lot of ACL injuries happen as a result
Starting point is 00:06:38 of an imbalance in the hips. Weakness and imbalance in the hips. So if you think of the knee joint, the knee joint only moves in two directions, right? It flexes and it extends. And there's lots of ligaments. Yeah, it's a hinge. So there's lots of ligaments that are attached to the knee to prevent it from doing anything
Starting point is 00:06:52 else. Like it doesn't bend sideways, it doesn't twist, it just bends flexes and extends. Now the hip is very versatile. The hip rotates, I can twist, I can internally, you know, rotate, actually rotate, I can add duct, I can add, add duct, I can twist, I can internally rotate, actually rotate, I can add duct, I can add duct, I can flex, I can extend. So it can pretty much do all these different movements. And if my knee, if my hip is weak or tight, and I'm moving, and the hip doesn't support that movement,
Starting point is 00:07:19 then what goes, what happens is it transfers the load to the ligaments of my knee, which now have to support me. And unfortunately, the ligaments of your knee knee don't, they're not strong enough. And so something's going to slip. That layer. Right. So if your ACL is fine, now you got it repaired. You're ready to go strengthen your hips.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Single leg dead lifts are excellent. With no weight, single leg toe touches. Lunge matrix. Lunge matrix would be phenomenal right here. Backstep lunges step ups. You just got to think like what Sal was saying that like the knee, like, you, your hips can go in all those different planes in your knee, doesn't work that way.
Starting point is 00:07:56 So working in those planes to strengthen all the surrounding muscles to support it when, uh, when you do, because you don't always move in the sagittal plane all the time. So definitely get a work on getting rotation in those hips and supported you do, because you don't always move in the sagittal plane all the time. So, definitely get a work on getting rotation in those hips and supported rotation with tension. So, that's a whole other thing we talked about with flexibility. We want tension in that flexibility.
Starting point is 00:08:14 We want to be able to reestablish that near muscular connection there. So, we get like that firmness. And you realize this is one of the reasons why, so female athletes are at much higher risk for ACL tear than male athletes. I forgot what the number was But it's actually quite there's quite a big difference because they have more mobility naturally already in that what and their hips Yeah, cuz exactly to be more flexible Well, when what happens obviously girls go through puberty
Starting point is 00:08:39 They're there and here's the other thing to their hips spread a little bit and their pelvis is shaped differently So there's even there's even there's's an even higher angle between the hip to knees. So if you look at a body straight on, a man is pretty straight. His hips go down to, you know, straight down, right, to his knees. A woman's hips kind of come out a little bit, so there's a stronger angle which places more stress on the knees. And so one of the best things that female athletes can do, when I train a lot of young female athletes, I do a lot of hip work, a lot of hip strengthening because that angle is stronger and the tension on the ligaments of the knee are much stronger and
Starting point is 00:09:12 I've had great success. I have a question for you guys. Do you Did you notice like with your clients comparing male and female? Having any easier time with females being able to squat correctly versus males or other way around. What do you feel like females? Yeah, right away. So do I. That flexibility that tends to be more flexible.
Starting point is 00:09:31 That's really good. Yeah, I'm dropping. Yeah. When I think back of all the best squatters I've ever taught as far as clients, most all were females. Best form. You get to understand something. The male pelvis, both pelvises and male and female,
Starting point is 00:09:47 obviously designed or evolved for local motion, for moving. But the female pelvis is also heavily designed and evolved to have childbirth. And so it's a wider pelvis. It's shaped differently to allow the child to move through the birth canal and come out, okay. Obviously if she had a narrow, if the pelvis was shaped like a man's or it wasn't, you know, it was too narrow throughout most of the evolution, she would have died during childbirth. So nowadays
Starting point is 00:10:13 we have C-section, so it's, you know, that danger is not there anymore. But that also increases the risk for ACL injuries, which is why it's even more important for them to really strengthen their hips. And it's in all directions for them to really strengthen their hips. And it's in all directions, lateral directions. I know the ACL only controls the knee from sliding out to the front, I believe, or that's PCL, it's one of those two. The lateral directions as well,
Starting point is 00:10:36 because a lot of times when you tell your ACL, you don't just tear your ACL, usually you'll tear ACL, MCL, you'll kinda get this. You'll at least strain it, yeah, because you put a lot of pressure there and everything compensates. You do, so I would strengthen, of course, strengthen'll kind of get the... At least strain it, yeah, because you put a lot of pressure there and everything compensates. You do, so I would strengthen, of course strengthen your legs or quads and hamstrings, but hamstrings, glutes, the gluteus medius, all the adductors, abductors, and all those
Starting point is 00:10:55 different planes of motion to... So that next time that ACL is under less stress. Well, I think you hit it right on with the, you know, lateral, all those, everything pretty much single, single leg and then hitting it at multi-planes. Absolutely. Those are probably the two bangs, you know, just do everything you can, single leg, literally everything, everything from dead lifting to single leg squatting
Starting point is 00:11:14 to toe touches to, you know, even if you're on the leg press or leg extension, you know, do it single leg, single leg. And pace yourself, man, go easy, go light, focus on full range of motion. Moeability, you know, that's what you gotta do. Don't go crazy and think I'm gonna break records and stuff. Get it, feeling like it's good. And when it gets to the point where it feels like,
Starting point is 00:11:32 it's like a hundred percent, you're connected, you can turn on and you're gonna go. That's right, then you can go for your regular workouts. So. All right, our next question is actually a two-part question from two different people. Okay. The first part is from Colin Slater.
Starting point is 00:11:46 He is asking about training with a significant other. The second part is from raising autism. And the question is, if your partner also works out and you see them make a mistake, do you call them out? Oh, that's why you put that together. That makes sense. Yeah, that makes sense. Which one of you guys are going to address first working out
Starting point is 00:12:03 with the partner? Well, they're kind of, they both go hand in hand. They go, right, don't you think? First of all, do you guys, do you guys work out with your partners? Do you guys? No. I'm on my mouth.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Sal's now right away. I do, yeah. Do you consistently, but not like, I'm not like, yeah, I'm gonna have an awesome workout. It's more like, I'm hanging out, you know what I mean? Like, she gets a great workout. That's what I treated. Sick. Is it how often, how often would you know what I mean? Like, she gets a great workout. That's what I treated.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Sick. Is it how often? How often would you say you guys? Did she all admit it, too? Yeah. But did your relationship start as you being her trainer? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Yeah. I'm professional. So it's really, I got, I let her go. I'm very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, I'm not like that. It's with her. I was very aggressive. Why do you always stretch me before and every at the end of every workout? It's really not a trade that's more like a role play than really less fire.
Starting point is 00:12:53 You know, so how often do you often do you? Maybe once or twice. It's because we can bring the kids there together and then we can kind of work out. And I kind of split off and I'll do my thing and then and then sometimes you know I'll give her some ideas and once or twice a month that's it. No, once twice a week. Oh that often. Yeah. Oh, I usually train on top of I already worked out kind of a thing. Oh, this is like a trigger session. Exactly. The trigger session. The trigger session for you. It's foundational for her. Exactly. That's a perfect way to put it. your session for you, it's foundational for her. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:23 That's a perfect way to play it. I like it. I enjoy it. Katrina and I train on weekends pretty consistently, typically every Saturday and Sunday, sometimes Friday, Saturday and Sunday, at least one or two days out of Friday, Saturday, Sunday, we get in there, at least one. As far as I'm going to tie these in together with the, the, the, telling her correcting her because I actually find this one close to home for me.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So we, we've been together for over five years now. Uh, it was two years, almost three years before I ever told her what to do in the weight room. And that was just because, uh, she didn't seek it. And that's just kind of my advice to you here is, she's a very intelligent woman. She's a collegiate level athlete. So, and she's kept herself under 14% body fat,
Starting point is 00:14:13 pretty much her entire life. And so, who am I to come over here and tell her how she needs to do her fitness? Now, of course, I have my own philosophy and I have things that I would like to help her with, but I'm not going to impose that on her unless she kind of comes to me that she wants up. Now, once she finally did, and I said, listen, you just give me two weeks of following everything I tell her to because when I, when we first met, she was a cardio queen. I mean, that's,
Starting point is 00:14:41 she used to, that was her way of doing things. She never really paid attention to the food. I mean, she made better choices when she was, you know, trying to lose weight or get leaner with that. She's making, she's an athletic background. And then she would judge, yeah, she would play basketball or she would run. And then when, even when she did weights, it was super sets, plyometrics like, yeah, it was all athletic pace, right? And, you know, if you love doing that, and this is what I've told guys that I know that our friends of mine that train this way, we know guys that train this way, their friends of ours that are even trainers and fitness people that love to train that way.
Starting point is 00:15:09 And hey, if that's your passion and you love to, but there's a definite smarter way to get in shape. If you want to continue to change the physique and, you know, she finally came to me that like, you know, I want to, she saw what I had done and how I could change my body back and forth. And she's like, I just don't understand how you can just switch it up and move like that. And I said, well, it's not just what's going on with my program, but it's my nutrition that's in that. And she finally like surrendered to me and said, okay, I'm going to follow
Starting point is 00:15:33 everything you say to a tee. I'm going to give it at least a month and then go from there. And then once I did it, I should never want to. Oh, yeah. Of course. Yeah, I think, first of all, telling your spouse, you know, what to do is usually, usually backfires anyway. I've been a fitness forever, and it's only been the last maybe three or four years where my wife actually is exercised relatively consistently.
Starting point is 00:15:52 She's one of those people that doesn't have to exercise. She just kind of stays lean and gets away with it. And so, and then she started taking some of my advice, but as far as working out together, we haven't done that very often ever, but it's awesome when you do do it. It's a fricking, it's like an aphrodisiac, it's fun. You have a good time.
Starting point is 00:16:12 They have to, here's the thing though, because I never hated. Well, here's the thing, because I'm a trainer, and this is what I do for a living. And on top of it, I'm also very selfish with my workouts. I work out, I don't care who I work out with, I don't follow, I don't like to follow other people's workouts. Yes, exactly. If I work out with someone, they selfish with my workouts. I work out, if I don't care who I work out with, I don't follow, I don't like to follow
Starting point is 00:16:25 other people's workouts. Yes, exactly. If I work out with someone, they gotta follow my workout. I'm very selfish like that, which is, one of the reasons, hey, this is one of the reasons why the three of us don't work out very often together. I know it. When we meet, we kind of all compromise
Starting point is 00:16:37 and see how we're gonna do. Yeah, but I was gonna say, we pretty much do each other's workouts though all the time. It's just that we have inclusions where we're like, well, why don't we kinda do this? Yeah, and we do little trades. Yeah, it's like, I'll, I pretty much do each other's workouts the all the time. It's just that we have inclusions where we're like, well, why don't we kind of do this? Yeah, and we do little trades. Like, yeah, it's like, I'll, I'll know you guys. Yeah, you have interesting ideas.
Starting point is 00:16:51 So I'm gonna do your thing for a bit. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, you gotta be able to do that. But working out with a partner, I don't know. I could see that being awesome and I could also see it being a disaster, it depends on the way. It was a disaster for the,
Starting point is 00:17:01 all the way up until, maybe, you know, till I was 30 years old because man late 20s all the other girlfriends before that because like you said I was a trainer so I took it seriously I wanted like he's saying I wanted to correct her form I want to tell her this tell her that you know do this is that and it was like and then shoot either either a girlfriend would would be one that would laugh about it and giggle and not take it seriously and then that would irritate the shit out of me, or that they would get frustrated that I'm trying to tell them how to do it,
Starting point is 00:17:26 and then it would just be this whole coaching frustrated with your trainer session, and I would get a shitty workout. So, I'm fine both, it's like, it gets tiresome to tell somebody what to do all the time, or like, when you're in, I can see what Sal is talking about, as far as like it being like kind of a ritual thing that you do and like that's what I like to do. And
Starting point is 00:17:48 I don't really like to talk to people because that's what I do all day, you know, and like tell and prompt them what to do. But that's how it is with my buddies. Like I'll work out and then we all kind of do and ends up doing my workout because otherwise it gets out of hand. It's my it's my place of solace. Like yeah, my workout is my it's like my church. Yeah. So I don't like to, you know, to workout is my, it's like my church. Yeah. So I don't like to, you know, to change it. Or I like to do my workout. And if I'm with a workout partner,
Starting point is 00:18:10 then they have to be very serious. I take it very serious. Like, we can be best friends joking around. When the workout starts, there's no more fuck. We're not joking around, we're not making jokes. We're there to workout. I'm not there to talk and have a good time. Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Well, you know, this is, Katrina works well, very, very well with me. And she knows how I, my stance on all this stuff is, because I used to tell her, like, I don't like to work out with anybody. She knows that. So she does, she has a, uh, does a really good job of just kind of intertwining. A lot of times we'll be at the gym and we don't even lift together. We're at the gym in the exact same time we drove there together,
Starting point is 00:18:38 but we don't lift together because we're not on the, I've taught her at a program design. So she understands that. And so she'll ask me on the way to the gym. If it's a Friday or Saturday and we're going together and I and she's like, oh, I got to hit today squats for me I'm like, oh, I just crushed squats yesterday So I'm gonna be doing deads and something else today and so then if there's something that they're we're both doing in the same workout We'll do that exercise together and if we don't if we're not then we'll go our separate ways But a lot of times you know, we'll be doing something where I'm like, okay, I'm doing, you know, a modified version of like a phase three and I'm like, okay,
Starting point is 00:19:07 I'm going to do this and that. And she's like, oh, that's cool. I want to get that in with you, but then I'm going to go do this because that's what I'm on right now. So we intertwine back and forth. You know, to think about it too, it could also be distracting. I mean, if you just started, let's say you just started dating someone and you're really into each other, that's gonna be hard to work out. Like, you'll be working out and you'll just want to fuck, you know what I mean? I'm serious, you're with someone that you really want, like it's new, you're training.
Starting point is 00:19:30 You're like, you know what I'm saying? I'm like, how you doing this, my ziplier. And then you're like, oh great. Now I have a boner, this is not gonna work. I'm wearing sweats. I guess our answer is work. Well you and I are so different, because you know what, the only way,
Starting point is 00:19:42 I get turned on when I see sexy ass form. She better have good ass form, and that's the case. She don't even need me helping her out. You know what I'm saying? Like I don't, I- Sexy ass form. Tell me that's not like a turn on for you guys as a trainer.
Starting point is 00:19:52 That has to be a turn on. See a good form? Yes. Yeah, a good form is always great, but even if you're just sweating, even if you just, you know, you're digging the chair. I'll take a little.
Starting point is 00:20:00 You're digging her, she's sweating. I'll take a little ugly or chicken, a little feathered shake that's got great forms in this super hot shake that's got a fucking pro-track to shoulder girl and fucking all terrible form. You know doing fucking rounded rounded back They're not like excessively sweaty No, I'm not gonna go you don't like the sweat. Give me good form It's a fair. It's a fair enough. I'm not you in liquids. You got what's going on? You guys you guys are a little you guys are like little weaklings. You got to just fucking embrace it all.
Starting point is 00:20:27 You got to drink it in all of it. Well, I think we all agree, right? The liquids guy. Yeah, work out alone. Work out. That's the question. Fuck your girlfriend. Well, I think we all agree though that they're bringing condoms.
Starting point is 00:20:38 There's a time and a time and place and there's a way to correct form. I don't think it's something you do publicly, unless she's asking you if she's openly as you, or if you think she's gonna hurt herself, or reform is that bad, but if reform is that bad, you better get your ass on mine, pump, and follow in some of the programs so that help you grow out, dude. How about that?
Starting point is 00:20:56 All right. Next question, get them loose, girl. Next question is about the benefits of kombucha. Is it a genja? Kombucha. I of kombucha. And... Is it a gen Doug? Kombucha. Oh yeah. I say, Cambucha. Well, you know, I, is a Japanese pronunciation.
Starting point is 00:21:09 And so excuse that, I can't do the American one. Oh. Yeah. We're not as cool as you darn Doug. Well, that's true. Doug, Doug said that kind of it. He was very, he was very smart. He was a little smart.
Starting point is 00:21:20 A little bit, he was a little smart like that. I was like, I felt a little bit less than right here. It was like the nice was, out of my pretty much say it the right way you dumb shit. No, I don't say it right for the drink that most people know. You just put your own question first. Because it's not the Japanese drink.
Starting point is 00:21:34 There is actually a Japanese tea, it's made out of seaweed. Combos seaweed, so. No, no, we don't. No, that makes us all. I was gonna say, we know there's all of them, it's not Doug, you actually do that, Doug. You actually make your yeah
Starting point is 00:21:45 Has it in his basement? I do I have a two and a half gallon lead free crock with a spigot on it I'm serious. I'm serious. Oh shit. It's not from making crystal meth either. Yeah, and you don't make no That's my other basement And yeah, so I make up a two and a half gallons of tea. It's half black tea, half green tea, and there's sugar in it, and some people go, well, you know, that's not good for you, right? But that's what the, it's called the scoby eats. It's this thing, it's called a symbiotic culture
Starting point is 00:22:18 of bacteria in yeast, which is like, some people call it a mushroom, but it's really just a thing that is a living thing like yeast Mm-hmm, and that's what causes the tea to ferment it feeds on the sugar and You know, I've got it to the point where I can brew the stuff in about three days and then I bottle it Let it sit for a month and then when I open it up. It's all fizzy and the byproduct that it's why it's like fizzy Yeah, because you you know, like yeast. It produces waste, the produces gas.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Yeah, right. So you haven't had Doug's kombucha? No. I know I gotta have it too. Oh, dude, it's the best kombucha I've ever had in my life. Okay, so obviously if you kind of, you're kind of an expert on this thing or more so than I am for sure.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Really better than a person. So I drink it and one of the things I noticed, I started buying a lot of it and realized that it has a very short shelf life. Yeah, especially if you don't refrigerate it. Yeah, but if it's refrigerated, it should stay good for a while. It will start to taste a little bit funky after a while. I noticed it tastes different. It definitely does. It does. That's how I figured it out. I drank one that was like a week, week and a half old or something like that. And after, it had already been opened and closed again, so it wasn't sealed.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Yeah, that's probably part of it. It's got live cultures in it, dude. It's got live bacteria in it, so yeah, it's got bacteria farting. It's good. Sacically, it's how it works. And you drink. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:37 So kombucha is a fermented drink, as Doug was saying, it's full of beneficial bacteria. These are bacteria that have been found to be good for the body. It'll help balance the gut flora in your gut. So people will drink it. They'll notice better digestion. They'll notice better skin, less inflammation. It's just one of many foods that you can consume
Starting point is 00:24:02 that will give you beneficial bacteria. Of course, dairy products can be fermented, sour crout is fermented. You want to eat foods with beneficial bacteria because it's good for a nice diverse gut flora and we've talked about this in previous episodes, which is very, very good for you. It prevents the growth of bad bacteria and then these good bacteria help break down proteins and carbohydrates in your stomach, and they help reduce certain inflammatory markers, and they reduce inflammation in the gut, which then reduces inflammation systemically. So kombucha is quite good. Not all of it's created the same. There's a lot of kombucha on the
Starting point is 00:24:39 market. This is packed full of sugar, and it's not really the real thing. So you want to look at kombucha that actually lists how many billions of bacteria are in there that they've been tested for this beneficial bacteria. Yeah, so I would like to know that being said, and that's from, is I know that's how they refer to, like what's a lot or a little is by how many billions of bacteria are in it.
Starting point is 00:25:01 What's an adequate amount? I mean, what's an RDA for? What how much? There isn't it, it's very difficult because it's a new it's a new thing, but most kombucha's will have I think one to three billion, you know, of the culture in there. So it'll say one to three billion bacteria. Yeah. If you buy a probiotic, probiotics are much more probiotics. They're typically 20 to 100 billion. So whereas a probiotic, you don't necessarily want to take one every single day, especially if it's 100 billion or 50 billion, a kombucha being 1 billion or 2 billion, you can drink every single day.
Starting point is 00:25:32 It's absolutely fine. Yeah. Okay. That's where I was getting out with that. I felt like I was kind of overdoing it when I was starting to drink one every day. No, you should be fine. I mean, here's a thing. If you take, if you do any, you can overdo anything. So I bet if you drink too much kombucha, you probably have an overgrowth of that bacteria
Starting point is 00:25:46 in your gut, which would then kill off other beneficial bacteria. So like with anything, there's always, you always want to have the right amount. You don't want to overdo it. What happened, this is why I backed off because I was drinking one every single day for a while there. And then I actually started to notice that my stomach would get upset. It was sensitive when I was eating other foods and stuff like that. And just I felt I didn't feel right. My stomach didn't feel. You probably had an overgrowth of whatever beneficial
Starting point is 00:26:11 bacteria. So I backed off completely. And now I've got them back in my refrigerator again. But now what I do, I just kind of I open one and kind of sip on it whenever. So I'll opening, I'll sip on one over the course of two or three days, you know, taking swigs out of it. So I'm like, I know I'm getting some of that inside of me, but I'm not kind of, I'm not overdoing it. Right, right. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah, I'm just going to comment. I've been doing it for about four or five years, two bottles a day, actually. Well, in my case. And this is just a correlation. It's a pro. Yeah. I've acclimated. But I've noticed it on your half bottle. I started to notice I wasn't getting sick.
Starting point is 00:26:45 And I haven't had a full-on cold for four years and so I can kind of make a correlation there that maybe that's the reason. You know what, since we've been recording, since we started Mind Pump a year ago. We've all been sick. We've all been sick like five times because we work our asses off, we don't sleep.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Doug works harder and sleeps less than all of us. You guys the most. And he's the oldest and this fucker is always healthy. And he's glowing, his skin is glowing. There you have it. I sort of it's the cocaine, but whatever. Yeah, everybody's sick on our retreat. Yeah, the indoug.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Yeah, hard to hard. You've been sick, dude, too, though, Justin. When? Yeah, you got sick, bro. You got a cold. I did once. You've been sick at least once. I know, I've been at least twice or three times.
Starting point is 00:27:25 He's a yeast infect. Me and Adam are the weak. Me and Adam have the weak. My immune system is shit, bro. It's because we do that. We kiss too much with each other. No, absolutely. If I was born in the 70s, I'd have AIDS for sure.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Wow. Oh my God. Wow. I have to cut that out. Yeah. All right. All right. Next question.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I am boundless, asking about drinking green tea versus green tea extract pills. You know, I love this question. I'll tell you why. An article just came out the other day that showed that high doses of antioxidants will actually prevent chemotherapy from doing its job when it's trying to kill cancer and or may actually protect cancer cells anyway. So I know we've all heard that antioxidants...
Starting point is 00:28:06 Wasn't that in the Washington Post? Yeah, okay. We've all heard how antioxidants prevent cancer and this and that, and they do, but anything can be done too much. And antioxidants protect cells. And cancer cells are zombie cells that don't want a fucking die. And so if you protect their shit out of them, then you're actually probably making them worse. Now, why is this connected to what we're talking about?
Starting point is 00:28:26 Because green tea, if you drink it, you're very unlikely to get too much of the antioxidant's green tea by drinking it. It's not the condensed form of it. But if you take the pills, then you can easily take too much. And so if you can take something in its natural form versus its supplement form, that's usually better.
Starting point is 00:28:43 That's usually better. So I would say drink your green tea and don't take the extract pills. All right. A final question is from James Cardosa. What part should honey play in diets? Should I play any honey? You know what's funny about honey? Because honey is good. Go ahead. I was just going to say like the only thing I can think of is the whole Paulin theory and allergies. Like if you buy a local honey that is made by where the bees
Starting point is 00:29:13 go around and they get all the local flowers and foliage and whatnot, you know, it can introduce that into your system and you might have a better, what is it like a histamine reaction? Yeah, that's actually true. I've read some stuff on that. Here's a thing with, so here's what they do. They'll take honey or some other natural source of sugar or whatever and they'll say, oh, it's natural.
Starting point is 00:29:35 This is good for you. So rather than making your muffins with sugar, throw honey in there. Now, honey is better than refined sugar, but that doesn't make it great and here's a deal in nature You got to keep you had to consider this how Abundant easy do you think it would be for humans to just find honey and eat the hell out of it right? You're gonna get a lot of stings. It was it's it's not very common
Starting point is 00:29:59 It's not easy to find and when you do It's hard to get to and you don't get a lot of it. Well arguably arguably though, it's one of the few things that's been there since beginning of time. It has. That's what we use as sugar. And so, can you have some honey? Yes. Can you overdo it easily? It's still sugar.
Starting point is 00:30:16 And a lot of that sugar in honey's fructose and fructose is a sugar that if you overdo is now the number one driver for cancer. So all sugars, fructose is the worst. 40% of it. For cancer. Notice the natural, sweetest things on the planet are the hardest fucking things to get to. Correct, right?
Starting point is 00:30:33 Correct. Because they're quick, instant sources of energy, but they're rare. And so your body developed, humans developed, we evolved to crave the hell out of them. So when we found them, we'd eat them, but then we're not gonna have them for a while. And that's one of the reasons why.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Same thing with salt. Like why we love salt so much. Well, salt's actually pretty fucking rare in nature. Unless you're at the beach, like people would die all the time because where do you find salt? And so when you found it, you craved it. You'd had a lot of it.
Starting point is 00:31:01 So when it comes to honey, you know, what role does it play? I mean, I guess you can have some if you wanna sweeten a few things, but I wouldn't add it to my diet. It's not like I'd say, oh, I'm going to have some honey because it's good for me. Yeah, what role does it play is really none because there's have it in excess. There is never there in nature. Very, very little vitamins and minerals found in it. It's not like it has this abundance of nutrient value to it that it's like this should be in your diet. I mean, there's there's many other foods that we talk about that have beneficial things to them that or should be in your diet way more than honey.
Starting point is 00:31:33 If you're putting honey up against avocados or walnuts or certain types of fruits or things like that, honey loses all day long. I mean, there's just not that much nutritional value to it. It sure it has some, and sure there's been signs of linking it to, you know, the allergies and getting the local honey and things like that, or sore throats and remedies. But, yeah, there's benefits to honey.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Like you just said, remedies actually like cough. Like they found it for a long time when you were a kid, you know, your mom would make your team put honey in it to stop your cough and and coat you throat. And what Western medicine for a long time was like, that's stupid, it doesn't work. Well, now they're finding that there's actually something, I don't
Starting point is 00:32:10 remember the name of it, there's something in honey that actually acts apart on a part of the brain that causes you to have that reaction to cough. So it actually does suppress coughs. So it's got some benefits, you know, in certain medicinal aspects, but to make it as a part of your diet, like a roll in your diet, maybe I don't know, post workout maybe, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:28 I don't know. Yeah, not even. There is no reason for you to, if it's not already naturally, if you don't work on a B farm, and it's something that it's readily available for you, and you feel like shit, I'm wasting all this honey that we have for free.
Starting point is 00:32:41 You know, like why? There's no reason for you to run out and go get it. Unless you get a cold or allergies going on, so I thought it wouldn't be something I would ever recommend to a client. Yeah. Give me some honey. Although I will say a gram cracker with some peanut butter
Starting point is 00:32:53 with some sprinkled honey over the top of his fucking bomb. A gram cracker. Yeah. With peanut butter and honey. Yes. No jelly. No, I like those biscuits with butter in it. It tastes just like one of those nutty butter cookies. I know what I'm talking about. What are you talking about biscuit? like those biscuits with butter. It tastes just like a nut one of those nutty butter cookies
Starting point is 00:33:05 Those are what I'm talking about. What do you tell them about biscuit butter in biscuits with every once in a while the fat guy comes out I know I've both you guys much if you want a butter your biscuits. Oh, yeah Please subscribe to mine pump leave us a five-star rating and review say something nice about Adam Please say something nice about Adam's biscuits. He wants it He wants it in the biscuits. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Until next time, this is Mind Pump. is MindPump.

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