Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2304: F45 Vs. Conventional Strength Training, Why Fat Burners are a Waste of Money, Getting Fit Over 40 & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: March 30, 2024

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: On...e of the BIGGEST wastes of money is thermogenic fat burners. (2:25) Restless sleep is the worst! (13:18) Recognize the warning signs when something may be off with your child. (15:53) Rock thief. (19:17) When you realize money isn’t an issue. (21:09) “They” want us to be fat, sick, and unhealthy. (27:21) Mark Wahlberg’s bold move. (33:38) What famous actor would play the guys in a movie? (34:38) When ‘going woke’ went bad. (36:01) The ULTIMATE trainer app, NASM One. (38:03) Get the FREE 3-Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar today! (44:34) Proud to be an American. (45:49) Adam updates the audience on the impacts of taking Tirzepatide so far. (49:46) Shout out to Jim Arrington. (59:12) #ListenerLive question #1 - Do fat burners affect your muscle-burning potential? (1:01:04) #ListenerLive question #2 - Is it too late for me to get the body I have only dreamed about now that I am older, without a background in fitness or athletics? (1:15:25) #ListenerLive question #3 – Any advice on where I should go from here? Should I stay at maintenance with 3x training a week and allow myself to heal, or go back in a deficit so that I can get some of my tone and definition back and feel better about the way I look? (1:29:08) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit Eight Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump Listeners! ** Get $200 off plus free shipping on the Pod Cover by Eight Sleep. Stay cool this summer with Eight Sleep, now shipping within the USA, Canada, the UK, select countries in the EU, and Australia! ** Visit NASM for access to their premier all-in-one membership program, NASM One for Mind Pump listeners. March Promotion: MAPS Anabolic | MAPS Anabolic Advanced 50% off! ** Code MARCH50 at checkout ** Sleep loss limits fat loss, study finds - University of Chicago News Sunbathing for just ONE DAY may increase your risk of heart disease - and stop the body fighting infections, study suggests | Daily Mail Online The House passed a TikTok ban bill. But is the app really a national security threat? Tucker Carlson and Rand Paul Discuss TikTok Ban: Full Interview Plus Reaction and Analysis Breaking: Mark Wahlberg Bows Out of $65 Million Project with Tom Hanks, “What A Woke Creep” ‘Woke’ people more likely to be unhappy, anxious and depressed, new study suggests 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Student gets truck wrapped in American flag after going viral for being told to remove flag on his truck TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN!  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. The World's Oldest BodyBuilder Shares His Secret to Forever Strength Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 15% off ** Don't Waste Your Money on These 3 Supplements - Mind Pump Media Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump #2105: How To Become A Muscle Mommy MAPS 40+ | Muscular Adaptation Programming System Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind pump with your hosts, Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. Uh, this is mind pump. In today's episode, we answered live callers questions. So people called in and we helped them out. We actually got to coach them, but this was after a intro portion, 57 minutes long today. That's where we talk about current events, our lives, studies, family life, and much more. By the way, you can check the show
Starting point is 00:00:34 notes for timestamps if you want to skip around to some of your favorite parts. Also, if you want to be on an episode like this one live and talk to us, let us help you out. Email us at live at mindpumpmedia.com. Now this episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is 8 Sleep. So this is a device that is designed to dramatically improve the quality of your sleep and it works. It goes over your bed and it controls the temperature of your bed and it uses an AI and it measures your sleep patterns and adjusts the temperature
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Starting point is 00:01:46 You also get access to an app that allows you to run your business, collect money, manage your clients, workouts and nutrition programs. 35 bucks a month. This is insane. This is the most, one of the biggest game changer, changers in the fitness industry brought to you by the leader in the fitness industry. Go check them out. Go to mpnasm.com. Also only two days left for the program sale this month. MAPS Antibolic is half off and MAPS Antibolic Advanced is also half off. If you're interested and you want to take advantage, remember there's only 48 hours left, go to MAPSFitnessProducts.com and then use the code March 50 for that
Starting point is 00:02:22 discount. All right, back to the show. One of the most useless categories of supplements, one of the biggest wastes of money and time are thermogenic fat burners. They don't burn body fat. They do nothing for you except maybe have a stimulant effect which gives you a little bit of energy, but they don't burn body fat at all. So if you're buying fat burners, take your money, light it on fire, it's the same thing. It's interesting they can even get away with naming it that, no? I know. Thermogenic. Because they raise core temperature. Are you getting hot? That's what it says. Is that what it's supposed to do? Yeah. What about the ones that have nothing to even do with that? Like if it doesn't even have a stimulant in it,
Starting point is 00:03:05 like remember like a lipo-tropic transport or pyruvate? Oh my gosh. Lipo-tropic. Yeah, you remember all those? I do, I do. So those weren't even thermogenic. Those weren't even anything that was speeding your metabolism up or didn't have caffeine, nothing in it.
Starting point is 00:03:19 So it's like. Nothing. It's like just takes your fat in a bus and then like moves it somewhere else. Oh yeah, that's how we were pulling cells. and the most effective best ones that were ever created like the hydroxy cuts and the Xenadrenes and all those like that were a fedron caffeine based and that was really the effectiveness of it It wasn't that it were some you know magical thing inside this supplement that was burning fat It was just like it was it ever taken six cups of coffee before
Starting point is 00:03:45 and then see how you act? It's like literally, it's like- Well, so they did another big analysis. By the way, there's a lot of these studies now on these quote unquote thermogenic fat burners, but they did another one and they found that they don't burn more body fat. They don't do anything with nutrient repartitioning. This is how they'll also sell it. They don't do anything, but what they can do in some people is suppress appetite for a short period of time. People who say, but I used those and I did lose more weight, it's the appetite suppressing effects of the stimulants. Now, there is another side to that, which is the appetite suppressing effects wore off very quickly,
Starting point is 00:04:22 the body adapts, and then you're in a crappy position. Because what happens is when you go off the stimulants, now, because your body's down regulated receptors and adjusted to this stimulant, when you go off of them, you are below baseline, appetite comes way back, and you feel like garbage for like a week. It's like, okay, stop drinking coffee all of a sudden. You feel like crap for a week. It's far worse with these thermogenic fat burners that have other stimulants on top of caffeine.
Starting point is 00:04:50 So, waste the money. Unless you want to take it as a pre-workout, give you a little bit of hype or whatever, or you just like to feel overstimulated, I'll raise my hand, waste the money. What's the percentage that they usually allot for for the placebo effect? That's a good question. That's a very good question. I don't know
Starting point is 00:05:08 Yeah, cuz I know that they have to account for that and it's and it obviously it like amounts the person's actual belief Which does play into that on some level? But I mean you could just have like a sugar pill We actually talked about this with with somebody called in that was like kind of taking them. It's like a ritualistic kind of a thing that led to kind of better behaviors. But I mean it's literally nothing of what they're actually promoting in the ads or the effect of it.
Starting point is 00:05:36 That's probably one of the most, you know it'd be interesting to see what the percentage to your point. But that's actually one of the things they used to tell clients that, hey if you, one, if you have the disposable income, two, if you're like a Sal, where you like experimenting and noticing how different things make you feel, three, does it help you stay accountable to
Starting point is 00:05:58 doing the other things? I do remember at a point in my life when, you know, 200 something bucks a month in supplements was a lot of money to me. Like it was a good percentage of what I made for the month. And so it was like, if I'm spending this money on these protein powders, these fat burners, these muscle billers, like I was also going to the gym, right? So there was that kind of like, oh, and there was this like, that was like the first step we would back, back then it was max muscle, right?
Starting point is 00:06:23 Let's go down to the max muscle and find out the latest, you know. That's right, so by my over the counter design. Yeah, pro hormone stuff that we get, right? Pro hormones. Pro hormones. Yeah, they had all the aggressive packaging. They were hormones. Yeah, yeah. They were pro hormones. And then we get him, and then, like again,
Starting point is 00:06:37 then I would become consistent. And so that's kind of how I present it to clients, is that, okay, one, it's not a big deal for you to throw away two or $300, two, you enjoy feeling different from these things, and three, it's like you recognize that it makes you present. Now, if you don't check those boxes,
Starting point is 00:06:54 then it is an absolute waste. There's also something that you're not including there, which is what could you spend that money on that would give you a greater return? And I could name a lot of things that you could spend $200 on that would give you a greater return. And I could name a lot of things that you could spend $200 on that would give you greater return. One of them being put in the stock market, you know, you don't have to do anything with that $200 that's related to fitness. That would, and it would still be a better return than what you're spending. In fact, I'm wondering, maybe Doug can look this up or Andrew,
Starting point is 00:07:21 how much money do people spend on personal trainers every year versus how much money people spend on supplements every year? I want to see what the difference is in those numbers. I'd be very interested to see if there's... It might be hard to find the individual. You can find what the markets are though. You can see what the supplement industry is worth and you can see what the personal training market is. Yeah, I mean I guess that would be the closest, right? What do you guys think? Which one's valued more? Oh my god, it's not even, it won't even be close. Yeah, what do you see there, Doug?
Starting point is 00:07:47 Well, it says 60% of the population spends more than $40 a month on supplements. 13% over $100 per month. I mean, you could just look at what the total industry is. So what is the value of the supplement? Like how much, how many billions of dollars do we do in supplements per year? and then how much do we do in personal training per year? It's not even the same. Because let's say you do spend,
Starting point is 00:08:10 let's say you do spend 100 bucks a month on fat burners. Okay? If you did one session a month with a personal trainer, you would get way more in return with that money. Especially with a good coach. For fat loss, for muscle building, for performance enhancement. Your workouts would be more efficient,
Starting point is 00:08:28 your nutrition would be more dialed in. 35.6 billion in 2022. For supplements. Supplements. Now let's look at the personal finance. The other one's probably maybe in the hundreds of millions, maybe. Oh my God, that just goes to show you.
Starting point is 00:08:40 It's not even the same universe. Yeah. Holy cow, if that's true, how powerful is marketing, right? Because the industry, because it's funded by supplements, the view is so distorted on its effectiveness. So the average consumer spends more on
Starting point is 00:08:57 supplements than they would on hiring a coach, which is the opposite of what you should do. Absolute opposite. I'm interested to see that number. Yeah, it may be hard to find because I don't think there's any good stats. What are you searching for? Andrew, is this you pulling up?
Starting point is 00:09:14 Yeah, I got something here. It's personal fitness trainer market size, growing strongly in recent years. It's basically about 41 billion. Okay, so it's comparable. Comparable. But this is. That's for the personal trainer.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I don't know if it's like personal trainers getting paid or people spending on personal trainers. That's gotta be what they spent, but that's okay. So it's comparable. Um, but I, a larger percentage of the population by supplements then, then works with trainers. And remember training is expensive and compared to supple supplements. Yeah. I'm so surprised that nonetheless, I mean, I'm trying to, I'm trying to run then works with trainers. And remember, training's expensive in compared to supplements. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:45 I'm still surprised with that. Nonetheless, I mean. I'm trying to run the numbers in my head real quick with 24 hour fitness. Say you have 400 locations, the average location is at the high end doing a million a year. So that's 400 million from that location.
Starting point is 00:10:02 And that's one of the largest chains. So 10X that maybe. Yeah, most all people who are buying personal training are usually buying supplements. So there's like a crossover between the two. Yeah, that was always the struggle that I had. Regardless, I get your point. Yeah, my point is that you're spending a lot,
Starting point is 00:10:22 people are spending money on things that do nothing for them. And if they took that money and put it towards a code. Well, I also think there's other things that like, this is, here's one, and this here's an expensive one, something like the 8 Sleep, okay? It's not a cheap product. Sure.
Starting point is 00:10:37 But what that has done just for my sleep or any of my clients that have purchased one of these, like either them or the other companies that exist out there. And what we know about sleep when it comes to recovery and building muscle and burning body fat and just overall, like, and it's a one-time purchase. So you purchase that one time and yeah, it's, it's probably what a years worth of supplement buying would be for you, but it's your, you now forever have it.
Starting point is 00:11:04 And now it's impacting something that has far more return on whatever your fitness goals are. So to me, it's like, when I look at that, like the trainer comparison, like I get it that point, but it's like, there's other things that you can invest in that I think give you a greater- It's a huge one. Oh, well speaking to that, there was a study that was done, I talked about this already, this was the University of Chicago, this was a sleep research was a study that was done. I talked about this already. This was in the University of Chicago. This was a sleep research laboratory.
Starting point is 00:11:27 So this was controlled. So people were in their lab sleeping for either five and a half hours or for a full night of sleep, which was eight hours. Okay. And this was over the course of two weeks, 14 days. You know what they found in 14 days? And they put them on calorie restricted diet. Just 14 days. They lost the same amount of weight,
Starting point is 00:11:48 but the group that slept five and a half hours lost 50% more muscle and 50% less body fat. Perfect example. Just from sleep, same, everything else was controlled. Sleep being the only factor. Everything else was controlled. Just sleep, they lost 50. So spend money on improving your sleep.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Is that so? So figure that out, okay? So just based off of that, if a product like that just improved your sleep by 10%. Oh yeah, do that over years or a year or whatever. Yeah, it not only makes up for it. And the fat burner ain't gonna increase your fat loss by 10%. No, no.
Starting point is 00:12:18 So yeah, I mean, it's just an example though of great marketing. We've done such a good job in that space. Now I wanna believe the reason why companies like 8 Sleep do exist now and that there is a market for it is because the market is shifting. More people are becoming more educated. I mean, I remember when we first had Sean Stevenson
Starting point is 00:12:38 on the show way back in the days after his first sleep book and everything like, he was like, I remember one of the things that he said when we had him on, this was like what, eight years ago? What a long time ago. Yeah, at least seven years ago. Yeah, seven, eight years ago. One of the reasons why he wrote that was because there was very few books written on sleep. It just wasn't a popular conversation yet he knew from experience and what he had done research wise, what a game changer that can be for people's results. And so I do think the conversation is changing and maybe more people are
Starting point is 00:13:08 becoming privy to the value of putting energy and focus around getting better sleep than buying all these, you know, latest, greatest fat burners or muscle. Yeah. You're hitting a nerve on me with sleep because my sleep has been bad the past couple nights because of my one-year-old who one year old, she pipes up at 2 a.m. and then again at 4 a.m. and it's hard to get back to sleep. And I tell you man, this morning I woke up and I was so tired, you're gonna get so tired
Starting point is 00:13:33 that you're just like. Delirious. Well, I literally texted my wife, I said, I don't wanna be a dad right now, I don't wanna be a dad anymore. I think I'm done. I'm cool. They just wanna go to bed. She's retired. Oh my God, yeah, because I think, I think I'm done. I, I, you know, I'm cool. They just want to go to bed. Oh my God. Yeah. Cause I just
Starting point is 00:13:49 terrible. Cause she woke me up at 2 a.m. And then from there, does this ever happen to you where you wake up and then you end up waking up every two hours or so? Cause now I'm thinking about why did she cry? You're like anticipating it now. Yeah, dude. Oh, and I woke up and I'm so exhausted. I come downstairs and my three year old is the most, uh, he's like an alarm clock. He wakes up 6am, no matter what, no matter what, he's up at 6am. So I go
Starting point is 00:14:15 downstairs and cause then I fed my daughter and I go downstairs and I lay on the couch and I'm like, I looked at the, you know, my watch, I'm like, okay, 5 45, maybe I'll sleep till 6 30 and I'll get a bit of, nope, sure enough, soon as I start drifting off, he comes up next to me, pokes me in the leg, bye bye. Come on buddy. I've been having a lot of the same issues
Starting point is 00:14:37 and it's mainly because we've been traveling a lot for the kids competitions and I've been in these hotel rooms you know it's just like the difference of an environment and then also too like my youngest is in science camp this week and like I don't know what it is but whenever there's like somebody in the family or the the unit isn't you know the unit that night I'm like I just have this like anxiety that just happens. Restless. Yeah just restless I just like wake up like ah and I'm like why am just have this anxiety that just happens. Yeah, I'm just restless. I just wake up like, ah, and I'm like, why am I awake? I have no idea why I'm awake. It just keeps happening.
Starting point is 00:15:10 That's the worst, dude. Do you ever do Nyquil? You ever take Nyquil? It's such a bad thing to take. I did that last night, dude. That's such a bad thing to take. That's like the lights out reset, dude. You take Nyquil, you wake up with a beard.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Doesn't work like I want it to, ever. No, you wake up feeling garbage. No, you don't get deep sleep. You just night quit, you wake up with a beer. Doesn't work like I want it to ever. No, you wake up feeling like garbage. You don't get like deep sleep. With all that. I see the best. I remember when I took a groggy. I remember when I was sick and I was in my twenties, that was like the magic right there. Oh, I'll take this and sleep all day. I don't know if I've ever taken night cool when I'm not sick. I think that's, I'll know. Wait, wait, wait. What? Yeah, I don't think, no, I'm saying when I'm not sick. I think that's all. Wait, wait, wait. What? Yeah, I don't think, I don't think, no, I'm saying when I'm not sick. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Like you guys are saying just take it when you're not sick. Oh, yeah. I don't think I've ever taken it when I'm not sick. Oh, it's terrible. My son's sick right now. He just got, he puked all over me yesterday. Oh, on you? Yes. At home or in the car?
Starting point is 00:15:58 Just straight, we're in the bath together and he's like playing. He's up in the bathtub? Yeah, bro. He literally, he's standing up in the bathtub. And his thing is making poison, right? So I mix all the different shampoos and stuff. And this is his thing he likes to do. And he's like stirring it up. And he looks at it.
Starting point is 00:16:16 And then he looks at me. And he kind of tilts his head. And I can just say, what's wrong, buddy? Blah! All over me, all in the water. And I'm just listening. At that point, you're kind of like, Katrina. Oh, I don't even react.
Starting point is 00:16:29 You just chill. I just get it out, man. Get it out. And I'm like, look, it's like floating in the water. Katrina comes around the corner. And she's like, oh, it's OK, baby. Get it all out. Get it all out.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And I told you, we've been so consistent with throwing up. So he doesn't cry or nothing. He just stand there. And you can talk to him. Because you guys are chill about it. Yeah been so consistent with throwing up. So he doesn't like cry or nothing. He just stand there and you can talk to him. Cause you guys are chill about it. Yeah. So you can talk to him why he's in the middle of it. And you're like, you have any more? Yeah, there's some more. Okay. We'll get it out. Yeah. And so then I, then I just switched over to the shower and rinsed off and brought him in there. But yeah, he was up all night. What is it about kids having no warning before they throw up? Like as an adult,
Starting point is 00:17:03 you know, for a little while. They always look so surprised. Yeah, you would have not, what I should, Katrina and I are talking about this, like he's so, his behavior is so consistent that we should know better. We both had the same like realization afterwards, like you know what, we should have known he was off.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Cause she picked him up from school yesterday and it's so unlike him to be alone. So he was like sitting by a tree all by himself, which was not him. Katrina said it was the saddest thing ever. She walked up and he looked up and maybe I kind of instantly started crying and he loves school and he's always good at school. And so he was crying because I guess at the previous recess, he's all into collecting rocks right now.
Starting point is 00:17:44 So he takes all these rocks and he puts them in his pockets. And I guess they came back to the class and, you know, they have schedule and it's like discovery time that they're doing. And like my son's pulling all these rocks in class out of his, on the floor. And all of the kids start playing with them and so that, so it was distracting the whole class. So the teacher, of course, like scooped them all up and said, no, Max, you can't have these in the class.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Like we're going to, I'm going to put them outside. And so he was like all upset about it. Then when he went outside, he couldn't find them. So he was all distraught. Right. But that's still not like him to be that way where he cries and is by himself, but unless he's not feeling well, when he's not feeling well is when his behavior is off and it didn't even register Katrina and I. And that was like the first sign of it. He doesn't act sick he just acts kind of yeah he just acts you know a little whiny or like emotional you know needy you know he'll want to be attached to Katrina or I like and I write in that day so she picks over school that was a first sign then she's trying to we're both like I'm washing I'm washing one of
Starting point is 00:18:39 the cars and I'm trying to work out in this and she's doing and she's trying to work out too and I see here like coming in the gym and she's like, ah, he won't let me go. He just wants to be by my side all the time. Again, still not registered. That's yeah. Still not like that. Yeah. Still not registering. Yeah. Just meeting not like himself. And so still unregistered. We're in the bathtub. Him and I are playing like normal. I still think he's okay. And then of course, just out of the blue like that. But there was those other signs that it was like, Oh, and he didn't eat and he passed on eating dinner. Okay, so I should have known there all the checks
Starting point is 00:19:08 Yeah, so we had like all the warning signs. But again, he seemed so Normal outside of those behaviors that was like maybe he's fine. No, he wasn't never tell you guys when when Jessica went She was she got into painting Rocks like smooth rocks and she'd paint like really nice, she's really good at doing it, but I remember she's, I had like six of them, and I'm like, where are you getting these rocks from? She's like, oh, I'm just outside. I'm like, honey, you know those, people buy rocks
Starting point is 00:19:35 to put them in their front yard. She's like, what do you mean? It's just nature. I'm like, no, that's not nature. People put rocks. Are you going to people's houses and taking rocks from their yard? She's like, what? I'm like, yeah, dude, I think you're stealing people's rocks, like going to people's houses and taking rocks from their yard. She's like, what?
Starting point is 00:19:45 I'm like, yeah, dude, I think you're stealing people's rocks. I'm like, she had no idea. She thought it was like nature, like no, it's not the woods. You know what's funny about that, in her defense, if you grew up in the country, it is like that. If you grew up in the city, it is like what you're saying. In the city, you don't have those things. These are like smooth decorative rocks.
Starting point is 00:20:02 I remember when we were kids we were we grew up Rocks from Home Depot for a portion of our life. We lived up near Lake Dom Pedro up up up north a little bit or northeast a little bit And what's out there like crazy is limestone rocks everywhere with the moss all grown on it And I never knew this until I got older we had all and we were this one We're poor right didn't have a lot of shit and we had this property that had all this rock. And I remember later on in life finding out,
Starting point is 00:20:30 people pay thousands of dollars for these rocks that have all that limestone moss grown on it. Like I got them for free. Oh, they were, I mean, looking back now, I'm like, dude, I would've just stored a couple truckloads of that. We would've had tens of thousands of dollars of goldmine in your back.
Starting point is 00:20:44 My dad thinks it's the funniest thing. You're wearing a pair of jeans. Don't mind your back. My dad thinks it's the funniest thing. You're wearing a pair of jeans right now with holes in them. My dad thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. He goes, when I was a kid, we used to patch up the holes in our jeans, now you guys get them on purpose and go spend a lot of money on them? I was doing the day in the life today
Starting point is 00:20:58 and somebody was like, do we need to start, I don't know, funding you guys just to get Adam a new pair of pants? One's like, I don't know, funding you guys just to get Adam a new pair of pants? One's like, I don't know, it's kind of his thing. Hey, when did you know, when did you figure out, cause you say you grew up poor, right? Yeah. Was there a moment where you were like,
Starting point is 00:21:15 oh, you know, this behavior I never would have done before, but now I do because I'm, you know, I'm much better off. Oh, like you mean there's like- Like I'll tell you one for us, right, at home, right? It's like, I teased my wife about this. I'm like, oh, you're a rich lady now. So we buy sliced bread, okay? She doesn't eat the ends of the bread.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Just throws the heels away. She throws the ends of the bread away. Oh yeah. I'm like, oh, whoa, we're so rich now. I can just throw away the ends of the bread. I teased her about that, you know? Yeah, you save those for the ducks. Yeah, oh, that's what you do.
Starting point is 00:21:43 You feed the ducks. I'm telling you. That's right. Yeah, take the kids down to the get some of the pond Do that's a great You know, so okay going back to like port You know what we used to do with the heels in our family to stretch out the how big your tuna was my mom would slice The heels up and add it into the tuna mix so that we cut the tune So yes, she would she would cut the tuna
Starting point is 00:22:03 to the tuna mix so that would cut the tuna. So yes, she would cut the tuna. So it would double the volume of the, yeah. That was like a, there's a poor hack for you right there. Yeah. She used to do an egg salad, sandwiches she used to do it in tunas. I mean, that's like breadcrumbs, I guess, right? Yeah. So that's what you do. She'd slice them all up and then croutons is just old bread.
Starting point is 00:22:18 That's yeah. You know, that's the thing in restaurants, right? Yeah. They just let the bread rolls get old. A lot of people know this restaurants. I don't think all restaurants is, but a lot of restaurants do this. The bread that people don't eat at the table, they take it back. This is like a whole other world of what people don't want to know. Trust me, I've worked in the restaurant. I mean, they cook it. I guess it's okay, right? Like the reuse of food that you've seen. I saw that in another dish and now this this is in a soup.
Starting point is 00:22:45 What's happening here? Yeah, I don't know what some of my bad habits like that have happened. I mean, I try to be aware of that stuff, because it bothers me when I catch myself doing stuff like that. I don't like that. I get really irritated.
Starting point is 00:23:02 There's two things that we do right now that really bothers me, and I'm part of this, right, so it's not me ragging on my wife. We both do this, is like, one, we use DoorDash and delivery services way too fucking much. The whole COVID thing made us so comfortable with that. I made the stock go up $10 myself. Yeah, and so it's just wasteful.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And it's so easy in the moment to be like, oh, it's an extra $5, what cares? But I mean, you multiply that multiple times a day throughout the months, it's just wasteful. And it's so easy in the moment to be like, oh, it's an extra $5, what cares? But I mean, you multiply that multiple times a day throughout the months, it's just stupid. The other thing we do too is we keep, we still, even though I have a filter at my house or a Alhambra bottle thing or whatever you call it, we still, when that runs out,
Starting point is 00:23:39 if one of us didn't go run to go fill all the five gallon jugs up, then we order plastic water bottles. And I don't want to be drinking out of plastic water bottles and it's so wasteful. And so we do that. And it's just like, so we order, we, I have it delivered to my door and they're big, the big five. I saw the glass, I seen them. They're glass. I got glass on purpose. When I read that, remember we talked about the show a while ago where they found so many, oh, millions of bits of nanoparticles of plastic in water
Starting point is 00:24:09 that comes in plastic bottles, just from the process. So they make the new ones, so I have a BP-free one now. It's still the bits of plastic in it, it's just from the processing. Because you think of the factory that puts the water in, puts the cap on, it's like Yeah, and it ends up in the water Yeah, I mean that word again. It's an area where I we could be better like I'm terrible about doing that So it's wasteful. You know I'm saying so when we have things like that that are like super wasteful and and you know you get
Starting point is 00:24:35 To a point like you're saying like you're oh, what are we so rich now? We don't worry about five bucks here ten bucks We bought like three Waffle makers because the other ones got like dirty and you couldn't clean it good enough. So just bought a new one Yeah, we're trying to be at Piedmont. We bought like three waffle makers because the other ones got like dirty and you couldn't clean it good enough, so just bought a new one. She's like, I feel like 20 something bucks. Do you, so.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Like babe. But then again, I hold on, I gotta add to it. She'll sell shit on, what is that? See, I appreciate it. Hoshmark. I love it. Yeah dude, someone will show up on my door and be like, oh I'm here to buy the coffee table thing
Starting point is 00:25:04 for 12 bucks. I love that your guys' wives do that. Cause I wish Katrina would do that more now in her defense though, we did. And I know this is part of why she doesn't is cause we've had two cars stolen from our house. And both times was after we did like of having people come in. I thought when you guys were together. Yeah. I don't know that happened.
Starting point is 00:25:22 You guys. Yeah. Well, she's been 13 years with me. So yeah, I've had two cars storm and it was at right after we had like a garage sale where we had people coming to our house How do they steal a car? I gotta understand hot wire. Is that a thing still? I mean the it's not that hard does the vehicle one was an Integra The other one was the Chevy truck and they I remember when the cop told me how easy the Chevy trucks are They just pop the door handle they go go right in and then, yeah,
Starting point is 00:25:47 but how do they turn it on? And yeah, I think, I think you could like stick a screwdriver. I mean, I don't know. I haven't stolen any cars lately, so I don't know. I guarantee there's a YouTube video. Yes. Remember when I told you guys that about my safe, I'll never forget that. That was like, that was the funniest thing that had ever happened to me. I think when it comes to like security and safety and all this stuff that I had this at home safe that I had all bolted down and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I used to keep all, you know, money and probably all the stuff that in there, you obviously don't want to get it right. And it was one of those digital code ones and the battery died on it. And I didn't have the backup key and I couldn't find it. And I was like, fuck, so screwed. So, and I, and for days I was like, what am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? Like, am I gonna rip this thing off the wall?
Starting point is 00:26:29 And like, what's gonna happen? Like, and then I was like, you know what? I wonder if someone's ever had this problem. Let me YouTube it. And I YouTube it, motherfuckers showed out a break into that thing with a paper clip in less than three minutes. And I watched the tutorial with a paper clip dog and I did
Starting point is 00:26:46 it and it was like it took me literally like two tries. That's so alarming. I know. And I'm like, what's the point of this safe if you could YouTube like, Oh yeah, I do. I literally looked at the brand, uh, you know, locked myself out of this safe or like that and a guy had it. That's all how you have to title it is like helping you get back into your own safe. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:03 But like, you know, now I know how to break it, and everybody's safe. Car won't start. Chevy 2024 won't start. Won't start. Yeah. How do I get this thing? Lost my keys.
Starting point is 00:27:12 What do I do? I lost my keys, and I'm stranded. Yeah. Wow. Yes, Ro. So there's like all that stuff. I'll never forget that. I'll like, oh, that's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:27:20 That's hilarious. What's the point of all this? I got to bring up an article that backs up the theory that I have that they, quote unquote, I know you hate that when I say that, Adam, that they want us to be unhealthy. Have you guys seen this new article that's going around talking about how, I gotta pull it up here,
Starting point is 00:27:38 talking about how, I gotta read the title because that's the best part. Here it is, ready? It's in the Daily Mail based off of a study. Okay. Sunbathing for just one day. This is the title. Increases your risk of heart disease and stops the body fighting infections.
Starting point is 00:27:54 What? Study finds. Yeah. So maybe you could pull this article up, Doug, but I'll tell you, I read it. I read the study. So first off, it's the most misleading- Who put this out? Daily Mail. It's the most misleading. Who put this out? Daily Mail.
Starting point is 00:28:06 It's the most misleading title of all time. Here's what they found. Wow. When people were out in the sun all day, certain inflammatory markers were elevated by 10%. Okay. By the way. That's what happens when you work out.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Do you know? Yes. Okay. One of the reasons why your body tans when you're out in the sun. It adapts to the stress. It's adapting to the way. That's what happens when you work out. Do you know? Yes. Okay. One of the reasons why your body tans when you're out in the sun. It adapts to the stress. It's adapting to the stress and the stress process is inflammation. You do get a rise in inflammatory. Just like working out.
Starting point is 00:28:35 Just, but if you were to take somebody through an appropriate workout, a proper workout, test their blood before and after, you would see elevated inflammatory markers, elevated markers of stress. And then what you could say is, oh my god this actually is gonna make people sick because these markers are also connected to things like cancer, heart disease, and so on. Terrible, right? So I read, so and now how many people actually understand that? Nobody. They see this article and all they see that stupid title and then they're like, oh my god, please stay inside. Another example though of like why? Like why are we, why is someone putting
Starting point is 00:29:10 together that or why would you present that information? Oh to your point, this is your theory. I think so dude. I think that there's this strange, this is the only thing that makes sense. That's why I think so. Because I don't know anything about what's this is the only thing that makes sense. That's why I think so. Cause I don't know anything about what's happening, but the only thing that makes sense to me is that they've identified that all these controlling powers have identified that when people are less empowered, obese, when they're not exercising, when they're more sick, the more valuable to all these markets
Starting point is 00:29:45 and they're easier to control and to manipulate. And when people feel healthy, fit, empowered, are not on lots of medications, whatever, then they're just not as valuable. The purchasing habits are different and they're harder to manipulate. So that's the only thing that makes sense to me because when I read these articles, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:29:59 this is, what are you guys saying? This is crazy, absolutely crazy. Terrible advice. I don't see you gonna get us to adopt the social credit score. Oh man. You gotta start there. Yeah dude.
Starting point is 00:30:11 That man, in China, I didn't know this, that they, their cameras don't just identify your face, they also identify your gait and movement. So if you cover your face up. Yeah, they still can figure it out. They can still figure it out. And did you know that, I didn't know this, that you'll, your bank account will get, there's no court, right? So if it catches, the cameras catch you, it's automated.
Starting point is 00:30:33 You're learning that. You're taking from your account and your social credit score goes down. You gotta learn that dune walk. The shuffle. Just figure it out. I mean, this is what scares me the most about like cryptocurrency and stuff like that, that everybody's so pro about is that what happens when
Starting point is 00:30:49 we have this, this digital, digital coin that it's so easy for the government to, to grab and move and stuff like that. And so it's so present, it's presented like this is like the safer place. And it's like, no, it's not going to be if, if you have, if everything's done digitally, it's going to be so much easier to track every single thing that you do.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Well, that bill. Or just freezing your accounts. All of them. Well, there's that, they've already shown they've done that. They did. In Canada and like all these other places, like they can do that. They can. They, they, the, that bill for TikTok is basically a bill that
Starting point is 00:31:20 will allow the executive branch, the power, out of discretion essentially, to censor, control or shut down social media sites. But of course they're using TikTok as the, you know, whatever you want to call it. It's the Trojan horse. Yeah, the scapegoat or whatever, right? And I'm not a big TikTok fan, in fact, I think. No, me neither.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah, I think that there's a problem there, but I think it should be specific to TikTok and not like these broad sweeping powers. Do you know where that, where is that at? I mean, we brought that up the other day. Like, is it, how long does it take before they pass? Oh, you don't know how long it takes to do that? No, no, no. I haven't seen too many people
Starting point is 00:31:56 that have been pointing it out either, which is a little, makes me nervous. You know, I see more people hating on TikTok, which I think we all are all in agreeance on that, but the answer is not to go through the ban that they're trying to. It's just what, it's interesting because, um, you could be specific and say, TikTok, this is the one we
Starting point is 00:32:16 have a problem with, but instead what the legislation does is it gives broad powers. So, and this is, this is not the first time, by the way, this is what they did. I mean, they do this after every emergency, September 11th they did this, right? Where they were like, oh, we got to stop terrorists. But then what they do is they give broad
Starting point is 00:32:31 discretionary powers without judge, trial or jury to elements of the government under the guise of protecting us against terrorists. But it has been used against citizens. Yeah, I'm sure there's a lot of language in there that, because you kind of saw the reaction of the government on some level of like they lost control of Twitter. And so now it's like, you know, how can we reconfigure this in a way that
Starting point is 00:32:56 benefits us so we can kind of backdoor it again? And it's, I don't know. I just, that's where I'm always thinking. Cause it's already been shown that that was proven to be the case. Did you see Ron Paul's interview with, what's his name on X? I can't believe I forgot his name. Used to be on Fox.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Tucker Carlson. Thank you. Did you see he interviewed Ron Paul? And he asked Ron Paul, when did this all go south? Like when did we lose all this? And he says, this assassination of JFK. He said at that moment, that's when everything in broad daylight, you still haven't watched octopus murders, have you? No. Oh, yeah. It goes into that too,
Starting point is 00:33:32 huh? That's where we finally got Adam on board. Yeah, come on, guy. I brought my tinfoil hat, bro. Well, okay, I'll add one more before this conversation ends. So do you hear about Mark Wahlberg? I guess he had an opportunity to do a film with Tom Hanks and refused and said that he'll be praying for him. That's what he said? No he didn't like that. Just like that? I mean Tom Hanks was on the list. I know he is. He was on the Epstein list and then there's like the rumors that he was a pizza. There's a lot of rumors. He's tied to the
Starting point is 00:34:04 pizza gate thing. He's tied to a bunch of things. That breaks my heart too. I was a big fan of list. And then there's like rumors that he was a piece. There's a lot of rumors. He's tied to the pizza gate thing. He's tied to a bunch of things. Oh, that breaks the heart, too. I was a big fan of his. I know. And they kind of tried to soften it by saying he didn't agree with his woke politics or whatever, which we all kind of know why.
Starting point is 00:34:16 We know why he didn't want to do something. Interesting. But I thought that was a bold move, you know? Yeah, Wahlberg is one of the few that are taking a hard stance. He seems to be very principled. Yeah, there's a handful. The other one is too, what's the guy who did the Sound of Freedom?
Starting point is 00:34:33 Jim Caviezel? Yes, Jim Caviezel. And then Mel Gibson. Who's that comedian that Justin always says if he wishes would play him? That one actor. Oh yeah. Justin's always like, I would let him play me in a movie.
Starting point is 00:34:47 What's his name? This is the guy I wanted. Me. Come on. Guardians of the Galaxy. Oh Chris Pratt. Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah yeah Chris Pratt liked that too. He can totally pull it off. Yeah he is. If he wants to do it. He was great in the Lego movie. One famous actor would do everybody. Chris Pratt is you. I think that's a really good one for you. Who does Sal? Who does Sal? Sal is Antonio Bandero, right? What? What?
Starting point is 00:35:12 What? He's a handsome guy. He's not the right Robert De Niro. He's not the way it's supposed to be. Robert De Niro? Who does you? We're about the same age. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Who does Sal? Oh, man. Who does Doug? Jason Statham? Blah. Yeah. Sylvester Sloan for Sal. Oh, Syloan.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Oh yeah, still like, that would be full circle right there. Yeah, that'd be nice. Yeah, yeah. You're Razor Ramon, the rest of the, who plays that guy? That's how it is. He's not even an actor, that's not fair. You're gonna give me like the porn star actor, you know what I'm saying, who does me? Give me like a real actor, just like it's like a good actor, that's not fair. He'll give me like the porn star actor,
Starting point is 00:35:45 you know what I'm saying, who does me. Give me like a real actor, Justin gets like a good actor. So far I'm winning. Even Stallone's pretty good, you know what I'm saying? He is, bro. I can't do it. I can't think of anything.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Crazy remote. I don't know why I thought of him. With the tooth pick, you know? Yeah. I don't know. Hey, speaking of woke, did you hear about the study they did on woke people? Did they do a study on woke people? Yes, they did, bro. Study fine. Finally, the study they did on book people? Did you study on yes, they did bro study fine finally like a willing study
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah, listen, you guys are gonna be I don't know if you'll be shocked But by the way woke I'll define what that is Okay, please but the title of the article said study finds that woke people Are more likely to be unhappy anxious and depressed. So. So here are some of the questions that, um, that, that they identify these people as as well. So here's one of them. If white people have an average of a higher level of income than black people, it is because of racism or university reading lists should include fewer
Starting point is 00:36:40 white or European authors. Microaggressions should be challenged often and actively. Transwomen who compete with women in sports are not helping women's rights. That's a reverse score. So if you say you disagree with that, then you're woke. We don't need to talk more about the color of people's skin, another reverse score and so on. So they basically tested you had to answer this. Yes. Oh, okay. That's kind of interesting. Then they figure out, okay, based off of those answers.
Starting point is 00:37:09 And they also found that these people were more, they just suffered from anxiety, depression. And what else have we ever seen as an example of like, so there was a time when woke was a positive thing. Yeah. That was used, that got marketed, right? It got adopted and marketed and turned into a bad thing. Yeah, that was used. It got marketed, right? It got adopted and marketed and turned into. A bad thing.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Yeah. It wasn't a bad thing before. I mean, woke was. Woke was like enlightened initially, right? Yes. It's like, I'm awake. Wow, they had 67% higher rates of anxiety, 32% higher rate of depression.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Wow, those are big numbers. Well, to me it makes sense because if you're anxious and depressed, you're looking at the world through that lens. That's right, blaming everything else. Blaming everything else. Versus accountability. Yeah, and you're thinking about all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Or you're also, I don't know, it's interesting. It's interesting that they found that. That is interesting. I know. You know, here's a change of subject a little bit interesting, I think, is so the audience, I don't know how much we've shared. Obviously, they've definitely heard us talk about how anti-app. I know that I've been for a very long time
Starting point is 00:38:16 because of Justin and I's sour taste in our mouth for our experience in the app world. Just one other time, just another time, I appreciate Adam's business acumen. You saved us. You've been complimenting a lot lately I like this. I like are you are you guys clipping these out Andrew? It's deserved. Could you clip these out so we could put like a little? I'll say it when it's real.
Starting point is 00:38:35 No, and this was not me searching for a compliment in this more so just like it's just incredible like You know the app space is incredible is is very saturated and really tough to be super successful, make a lot of money. So we stayed away from it for a long time, yet we've talked to a lot of friends of ours that have built some really incredible apps. And we've had multiple conversations about potentially partnering with them or working some sort of a deal out there. That way they can host our programs and we can help promote them. And we've been really close to inking a few deals. In fact, there was two that we were really close to doing.
Starting point is 00:39:10 And these are apps, I mean, essentially for trainers and coaches. Yes. Where like, if you're a trainer or coach, this app helps you run your business, work with your clients, communicate with your clients, collect money, run programs, et cetera. And I know there's a ton of people
Starting point is 00:39:22 that are listening right now that are like, oh, I wish you guys had your programs in an app, a different app, and I get it, you know what I'm saying? But understand, there's a lot more to this, right? It's not easy, and it's competitive, and it's expensive to do a really good one. So anyways, here we are really close to like, partnering up with somebody to potentially do that,
Starting point is 00:39:40 and out comes NASM-1. And this is exactly the experience. I don't know how you compete with them. You just can't. And that's what makes it so difficult in the app world is even if you have a brilliant idea and it's so good, all it takes is a big company that's worth a lot of money like NASM that has a lot of power,
Starting point is 00:40:02 that can go reverse engineer the best app out there and bolster it even more and put money behind it and advertising behind it and, and add to it. Add their current existing business on top of that. So it's like you already have all your CEUs, you have all of these courses and things integrated into it. It's, it's crazy. Decades of education. So what they did, which, you know, I feel bad for people in this space because they're dead. There's no way they can compete because all those apps that we talked
Starting point is 00:40:32 about are like a hundred, 150 bucks a month or more if you're a trainer or a coach and you're building a business. Yeah. And ASM wants 35 bucks and it's not just an app. It's unlimited and it's not just an app. It's unlimited CEUs and basically you get access to tons of education for yourself plus you get the app that allows you to manage your clients, manage their programs, their nutrition, communicate with them through your own way of virtual conferencing, collect money, runs your business, 35 bucks a month. Also, 50% off of all their certifications. Anyway. If you were ever planning to even buy
Starting point is 00:41:11 a national certification or one of their certifications or a second one, the money you save off of that basically covers what the app would cost. Then you have unlimited, like over 300 different CEUs, which is basically enough CEUs to keep your certifications current for the rest of your life. For a long time. Are you in their network too?
Starting point is 00:41:30 Like, can you search NASM trainers in there? That's a good question. I don't know. I didn't know that. See if, Doug, you can find that up, or Andrew, you can find that up. That'd be interesting if you can do that. But man, unlimited support from NASM experts.
Starting point is 00:41:43 So ask questions directly to the fitness industry's leading authorities. I mean, they're the leaders in the end, they have been forever. For free specialization, CPR, Business Basics, Virtual Approachings. Oh yeah, it's included. Social Media Influencer, Home Gym Design,
Starting point is 00:41:57 CPR 80 certification, those are free. That's included. That's the one I always forget about is the CPR. Like that always comes up and you're like, oh man. It's just what, so, I always forget about is the CPR. That always comes up. And you're like, oh, man. So I mean, this is part, I don't know if like, in ASM they thought this way when they did it or not. I mean, this in itself is amazing,
Starting point is 00:42:13 what they're doing. But the app game is crazy. I didn't know that until we got into it. And I didn't know, there's like a handful of like, in the app world, games are the most profitable, first of all. 80% of the most profitable apps are games not tools and you have companies that have that are own most of them so like they're big huge companies and they have they have like 400 of the most popular you know
Starting point is 00:42:38 Candy Crush and all like they don't just own one game and they're they they buy them all up and what they, because they have so much capital and they're so successful, is they watch and they sit back and they let somebody else bust their ass on startup and proving the market and the model. You just reskin it. Yes, they let it get some traction.
Starting point is 00:42:58 And then they have two options. They go in and make an offer and go like, hey, we'll buy that off of you for a million dollars. And then the entrepreneur that worked so hard to build is like, no, this is gonna be worth so much more. I'm gonna be huge. I'm gonna build it myself. No, okay.
Starting point is 00:43:14 So there's nothing that protects you from somebody reverse engineering it. You can't patent that technology. You can't say it's your. And it's as simple as changing, you said reskinning a couple things, adding a couple features, color it a little bit different. You can even rip the code. Yeah, that's what I mean. You can reverse engineer it.
Starting point is 00:43:32 But the thing with NESM is this is just, and I like this because what they've done with this is besides educating, I mean, they've been the leaders in the industry with national certs since we were trainers before. What they've done is they've been the leaders in the industry with national certs since we were trainers before. They, what they've done is they've gone from like really educating trainers to now providing them with the tools that you need to run online coaching business or personal training business. And then they brought the price down so low.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I there's, it's not even a, there's no competition. It doesn't make any sense why you would work with any other company. Which, like I said, thanks Adam for not letting us work with these. I would have saw this, I'm like, oh no. Oh yeah, just imagine how frustrating that would have been. We felt the pain a long time ago, thankfully.
Starting point is 00:44:16 I mean, I felt bad for our friends. We have a lot of friends that went this direction anyways because the app idea, I get it, we were drawn to it and it sounds sexy and sounds cool, and everybody makes you think that it's something you have to do in business, and it's like, man, it's a risky game to play. And they did an incredible job.
Starting point is 00:44:34 So that's awesome. Speaking of trainers and coaches, so we did a three-day course for trainers that we did this, when did we do this? How long ago was this? In January. In January. In January. And in those three days, and it was literally a training,
Starting point is 00:44:49 I got up there, Adam and I got up there, and we taught trainers getting leads, how to close deals, how to package programs. Business plan. How to business plan, you know, you want to make this much money, well then how many people do you need to talk to versus how many people do you show up versus how you end up closing those deals, how to sell big packages.
Starting point is 00:45:10 We did a three day course and it was so popular when we did it. It was so popular that what we decided is let's get this and put it together and then give it to everybody for free. So you can go now and what's the link for it? Mind Pump Trainer Course. Okay, mindpumptrainercourse.com. It's a free training by us for trainers and coaches. 100% free.
Starting point is 00:45:32 So if you missed it, make sure you guys get on it for sure. Get on there and learn how to build your business. And we have a lot of messages from people that attended the first one who said that their closing percentage went up 20% or that their average per unit sale went up X amount of dollars, so good stuff. Anyway, did you guys hear about the kid,
Starting point is 00:45:51 I forgot what high school it was, I'm gonna pull it up, who got in trouble with the school because he drove his truck to school. He had an American flag flying from the back and the school said, you can't do that. Take that flag down, right? Yeah, I know. So Indiana High School, okay, they told,
Starting point is 00:46:10 the school told them to take his- This is Indiana? Yeah, I know. The Indiana High School told this senior, his name is Cameron Blasek, take the US flag off your truck because it's offensive, quote unquote, okay. He said, no, I'm not gonna do that. And the school protested.
Starting point is 00:46:29 The students protested, a bunch of kids showed up with the American flags on their cars. The schools back down. Well, check this out. I don't know who gave, who did this, but oh, CGI Digital Imaging in Cincinnati heard about this, took his truck, and they wrapped his truck.
Starting point is 00:46:48 It's basically a big American flag truck. Oh, that's so awesome. And they hook them up for free. That's so awesome. Good for you, dude. How weird is that? Offensive. What? How? How is that offensive? I know it's crazy. It's Indiana too. See, this is where I feel like it's a troll.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I feel like this is all coming from outside influence and then like an email or something else and then there's pressure to some of the administration because it just doesn't feel like that sentiment is very visible anywhere. I mean, obviously California is a different story. The only way that makes sense to me, that that would happen, especially in Indiana,
Starting point is 00:47:27 is if he did it on a day when they were making a different, like flying another flag for pride or for something else. Exactly. That's the only thing that makes sense to me is if he- Maybe we could find out. Yeah, that would be a little different. And not that it still shouldn't matter. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Right, right. Still shouldn't matter. If he was trying to instigate some shit. Yes. That's the only thing that makes sense to me. It doesn't make sense because I thought, don't all schools have an American flag? Yeah, I mean, it's pretty standard. Maybe Andrew could do some digging on the story. Because I feel like, I bet it was on a day that they were Probably highlighting another group and it was like he's like and they were probably flying those flags that day
Starting point is 00:48:12 You know what? I bet you're right cuz otherwise that makes no sense It makes no sense They have a kid just showed up with a school with the American flag on his car or in his truck There's no way that they would are you guys any information? Says it's a violation of school rules, but I need to dig in a bit more. Oh, see, maybe it wasn't. From what I could tell, it's basically the administration, the same day they had seen it, asked him to remove
Starting point is 00:48:34 the American flag from his truck. The next day, basically everybody brought American flags on their trucks and the school reversed their whole thing. That's what happens when you fuck with the popular kid. their trucks and the school reversed their whole thing. That's what happens when you fuck with the popular kid. Real quick, you don't say it's a text to all of my friends. Marxist teacher. Well, if that's see, that's insane.
Starting point is 00:48:55 That is weird. So they reversed their decision in one day. And then that same day that kid like showed him like the rules of the school and said, like, there's nowhere here saying that I can't do this. That's also, that'd be a weird ass school rule anyway. It is a weird rule. Yeah, we live here. I thought for sure.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Like that doesn't make any fucking sense. How dare you be proud of where you're from? Yeah, or not even proud. Not even, yeah, it's just- It's the country. Oh, hey, I live here. I have a flag of where I live. Yeah, I know. Why is that offensive?
Starting point is 00:49:21 What does that say up there? This is the school's like public message after careful consideration Yeah, cuz you guys it went national. He looked really bad. That's why I like how his car got wrapped though and a big That's kind of the response. I know I know anyway weird. Yeah, that is weird times. That is so weird Yeah, I that would have never imagined something like that Weird times. That is so weird. Yeah, I would have never imagined something like that happening.
Starting point is 00:49:46 You know what else is weird? What? How this trisepatitis is playing out. Oh, so okay, hold on a second. It's still early. Okay, so you've had, yeah, but now this is the second. Two days.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Okay, and you're noticing the same thing. So what happened last night, I was trying to explain this to Katrina, because she's like so fascinated, and like I need to explain everything, right? I don't understand, explain why you feel like, I don't know yet. I said, and it's so early, right?
Starting point is 00:50:10 So how much of this is in my head? I think this, which, but here's the thing, I mean, you guys, hopefully the audience knows, I'm super skeptical with shit like this. And I always lean towards, oh, it's coincidence or something else before I think like something is doing it. But there are some things that have been, I told you guys the other day about the craving
Starting point is 00:50:29 and stuff like that. What was really trippy was last night. So I've, since I've started, I've also been eating really clean. And one of the things when I transitioned from allowing myself to have sweets and ice cream, and we just got trapped, we just traveled and doing room service and eating whatever I want.
Starting point is 00:50:46 You know, that initial, you guys know, when you're transitioning from allowing stuff like that in the diet to not, like the cravings are, that's when it's the hardest, the beginning, and then over time. So I always anticipate that to be challenging. Then you add in the fact that I'm training, we're walking, we're moving more,
Starting point is 00:51:00 we're doing all these things, and I should be wanting a lot more calories than it's not your first time doing this You know what to expect right last night chicken and rice did it again another lean day low calorie I washed the car which took me like an hour hour and a half to do that plus I worked out plus I Barbecued outside plus I walked with you guys yesterday, and I ate low calorie then at dinner chicken and I'm sitting rice I I've trained my son. This this was the part I was telling Katrina that's kind of interesting, what I noticed last night, is like, I have these behaviors,
Starting point is 00:51:31 I've talked about this once before on the show, that I still have to reverse out because of my insecurities of being a skinny kid and training myself to eat big all the time, to keep all this muscle. Force feeding yourself is natural. Like for example, if I were to order a all the time, to keep all this muscle. Force feeding yourself is natural. Like for example, if I were to order a five guys meal, I order two double burgers,
Starting point is 00:51:51 but I couldn't do that when I was 20. I had to train myself to be able to eat that. Where now, and I'm not even training that hard, I still have the habit of doing that. And then I'll even catch myself stuffing myself when I don't need it or want it. So keep that in mind, right? So I do this with portion sizes.
Starting point is 00:52:08 When I eat, sit down and eat a couple chicken thighs, I don't eat Katrina's portion size, I eat double of her portion sizes normally. So I'm sitting down and we're eating dinner last night and I'm like, I'm full. And I'm like halfway through my plate. And I look at her and I'm just like, yeah, I don't have a desire to even eat anymore. And I'm like, I'm plate. And I look at her and I'm just like, yeah, I don't have a desire to even eat anymore.
Starting point is 00:52:25 And I'm like, I'm gonna go put it in the microwave and leave it there and see after I shower and a couple hours go by, if I get really hungry, and maybe I'm just not hungry right now, but I should be. I'm like, I'm low calorie, I train, I burned all this much. I was low calorie yesterday, trained, did all those things, still haven't had a lot, and then thought I would. I ended up finishing the chicken later on that night,
Starting point is 00:52:46 like at eight o'clock at night, I finished the other half of the serving. Did you have to make yourself? Yeah. So the worry- And I did it because I knew I was low on protein. That's what I'm gonna say. I wonder if that's gonna be the challenge.
Starting point is 00:52:56 It is gonna be the challenge. But what I also told her that I'm trying to do right now is I'm also trying not to do that too much, if that makes sense. Like I don't want to like, I know I have the discipline that even if I feel like I shouldn't eat, force myself to eat more protein, I wanna just try and like really feel how I feel.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And if I'm hungry, just discipline myself to make the good choices. But so far, it hasn't been hard to make the good choices. I haven't had a craving for some high calorie foods. And it's a trip because I mean like, I know I have it in there and I'm like, oh, it doesn't even sound that good. I don't really want it. I haven't wanted it yet. So again, so early. Someone close to me who's on the not tersepitide, but semiglutide, which is a similar peptide, said the exact same thing. She said,
Starting point is 00:53:42 I know it tastes good. I just don't want it. In fact, she said, I'll have a dessert and I'll just taste it. Which she's like, I could never do that before. This was a big problem for her where she couldn't just have a bite of something. It was either none or all. If she had a bite, then it would overcome her. And she's like, I'll have a bite of my husband's dessert. And then I'm like totally content she's like that is not so that's what I'm waiting is funny cuz I mean that's kind of what happened to me just because of the pain that ensues later for me oh with your gut yeah like I've just been conditioned to like it's all take a bite and then be like anymore now I'm done you know like but that's why I
Starting point is 00:54:24 would wonder I'm like that's know, like, but that's why I would wonder. I'm like, that's another weight loss method is just develop just have problems. So I'm actually looking forward to that because I'm just like what you're describing. I'm all or nothing when it comes to sweets and things like that. And so I'm, but as of right now,
Starting point is 00:54:41 I haven't even wanted it. And if I have at all an appetite, the way I'm thinking is like, oh, I've only had so many servings of protein, I need to get another protein meal in. So. I wonder how many, this has got to be extremely popular
Starting point is 00:54:58 with pre-contest bodybuilders. It has to be. Well, we'll see because again, we're early in this. Let's see how challenging it is for me to hit protein consistency. Yeah, but you know how some of these bodybuilders and physique competitors get down so low.
Starting point is 00:55:10 I know, but they still eat a lot of protein. Five weeks before. They still eat a lot of protein though. I mean, they're not missing their protein. They're still eating, I mean, bodybuilders still. So you think it might be so strong. Yeah. Oh, I'm, so like, I'm not like.
Starting point is 00:55:21 How many grams are you hitting? Yeah, so I'm not tracking in and out, but I'm only getting like 150 to 170. Oh, that's it? Yeah, yeah. many grams are you? Yeah. So I'm not tracking in and out, but I'm only getting like one 50 to one 70. Oh, that's it. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm letting myself cause I want to see like what I don't, the idea for me for, for this, so the audience can hear me go through this process.
Starting point is 00:55:37 I obviously know I have crazy discipline when it comes to training and diets with that. I don't want to prove that I can go hit, you know, like I could force myself to go hit these that. I don't want to prove that I can go hit, you know, like I could force myself to go hit these numbers. I want to go out for my field because what I, what I, what I think, or what I'm trying to communicate hopefully is that how, how hard this could be for somebody when it comes to keeping muscle. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:55:56 I that's, I'm so glad you communicated because I'm the same way, Adam, you know, I same thing skinny kid. So I know how to force feed myself. It's not a problem for the average person. If it's that strong, it's already hard enough to hit protein targets. Yes. And if they didn't, if they don't have the insecurities that I have, you know, like you might end up eating 60 grams of protein in the day.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Yes. Is that okay? And that is what I'm trying to do is I'm, and that's what I was trying to explain to Katrina cause she was like, well, aren't you worried you're going to lose all this muscle? I'm like, I'm not worried about anything because I can get everything back. If I want to, I'm like, I really want to, I said, I'm trying to go through this experiment. Is she worried? Yeah, she would all, that's a, I tell you what, that's half of my issues too, is that
Starting point is 00:56:31 my wife would prefer me overly thick. She likes you heavy? Oh yeah. Anytime I'm like, I'm, I'm soft right now and big, I'm 231, right? So I started this at 231, which is, that's a heavy weight for me, but she, she'd prefer me there than me at like 190 and like, she's like, I'm going to be like, I'm soft right now and big. I'm 231, right? So I started this at 231, which is that's a heavy weight for me But she'd prefer me there than me at like 190 and like shredded You know I'm saying like she likes the thick so what doesn't help?
Starting point is 00:56:53 Yeah, what about so obviously you don't have a lot of other like sort of impulse addictions. I do I do okay I like what else well, so I'm not I'm gonna I'm hasn't read our ears. Well, yeah, isn Well, so I'm not, I'm gonna- He hasn't read Bart Ears in a couple of years. Well, yeah, he hasn't done that. So I'm gonna hold back on sharing those yet. Tell me All Fair. You can't wait to hear All Fair. Yeah, All Fair, I'll share with you guys. Cause that's where I'm actually more curious. I'll share with the audience too.
Starting point is 00:57:16 I will eventually, but it's too early to be like speculating. It has to be either gambling or- Stop, stop, stop. It's gotta be something like that, right? I'll tell you all of them. I have plenty of things that, I mean, every guy that I do that are not good habits, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:57:31 So I am interested to see, and it tends, it's two days in, so it's so early. We don't know yet. To be speculating on all this. But so far so good and interesting, very interesting that there are already things that I'm very confident that I would have a pull towards that I haven't.
Starting point is 00:57:48 So I am, Justin, though. And again, this is through our partners at nphormones.com. And I want to say that because I don't want people going online and buying these peptides from research chemical labs. Not a good idea. No shady. What's a trip, too, is that I didn't know one. I didn't know it was like only once a week shot, which is great.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Yeah. That's really just so crazy. That's something you're on. By the way, you're on one. Yes. I think you start at one fourth or one 10th. It's a, it's a, Oh, it goes up. You're on one fourth. If I'm, if I'm correct, you start at one. You are not a full dose. It takes four weeks to get up to the full dose. Wow. So this will be interesting. Yeah. I'm super interested. I, you know, I, I tend to have motivation to, to get things done. I find myself,
Starting point is 00:58:31 Oh, so that was the message. Yeah, no, I'm very like, uh, coming off a vacation and not eating well, the travel, all that stuff like that. And then to, for me to not miss a workout, be washing my car, full days at work, barbecue and outside. Not procrastinating. Yeah. Helping clean around the house. I'm doing a lot of that stuff too. So it's like, let's see if this kind of maintains. While I'm also simultaneously noticing that there's some behaviors and things that are not ideal and healthy for myself that I'm like, I don't
Starting point is 00:59:01 have a pool to them right now. So I don't know. Oh my God. Yeah. Check back with me. Strange. Yeah. Yeah. Check back in a week or two. I'll be honest about what I'm like, I don't have a pool to them right now, so I don't know. Oh my God. Yeah, check back with me. Yeah, yeah, check back in a week or two. I'll be honest about what I'm noticing, but interesting already. I'm very fascinated with what I'm noticing. I got a, the shout out I have,
Starting point is 00:59:13 I don't know what the guy's name is, did you find him, Doug? It was an 89 year old bodybuilder, so. Jim Arrington. Yeah, so I saw a clip, maybe you could pull up his YouTube, or a clip of this guy working out, and you know what's interesting about this? So he's 89, okay, so, and he's working out
Starting point is 00:59:28 in a tank top in this one video I saw. The more consistent you are with your workouts and fitness and the older you get, the younger you look in comparison to your actual age because if you're 45 and you workout consistently, someone may be like, oh, you look like you're 38, right? This guy's 89, he looks like a fit, like 68 year old or something like that.
Starting point is 00:59:48 It's like, look at that guy. That's 89! He's 89? 89! That's so sick. Now, obviously he's an advanced age, you could tell by his face, his hair, whole deal. But I know, I've trained people in their 80s.
Starting point is 01:00:01 I know people in their 80s, what they look like and how they move. That's crazy. That's so sick, move. That's crazy. That's so crazy, dude. That's so sick. Yes, isn't that great? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Goals. Really inspiring. That is awesome. Where's he at? Where's he based out of? California. California. Did you shout his full name out?
Starting point is 01:00:15 Did you give him love? Yeah, Jim Arrington. He doesn't seem to have social. Oh really? Yeah. I couldn't find anything. Doesn't need it, yeah. Good stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Wow, that's cool. There's a company called NED that makes full spectrum hemp oil extract products high in CBD and other cannabinoids that can help you with things like mental performance, relaxation, or produce feelings of euphoria. They have a new product called the Brain Blend. This has cannabino, known to improve cognitive function
Starting point is 01:00:45 to make you feel more uplifted and motivated. By the way, you feel this. If you take it, you know you took something. Go check it out. Oh yeah, by the way, it's also legal in all 50 states. Go to helloned.com forward slash mind pump, use the code mind pump, and get yourself 15% off. All right, back to the show.
Starting point is 01:01:04 Our first caller is Ray from Texas. Ray, what's happening? How can we help you? Hey, how are you guys doing? Good, man. What's going on? Well, I guess I'll get to it. My question is, do fat burners affect
Starting point is 01:01:21 your muscle building potential? So a little bit of background. I've been I'm 39. I've been lifting since I was about 17. Before that I was always kind of like chubby kid. So it was always in the back of my mind and then at around like 18 I started taking fat burners and I've kind of been on them since then. It's just a for me it's always wanting to be lean. And I think that's been my biggest problem. And I'm just, I just wanted to hear your guys' opinion.
Starting point is 01:01:55 I've heard you guys say a lot of insightful things. And I just was curious as what your thoughts were. So fat burners typically will fall into like two categories. There'll be a category of fat burners that you could loosely classify as supplements that contain. Stimulants. Ingredients. Well, that's the other one, right?
Starting point is 01:02:15 The first one I was going to go is, you know, ingredients that help, let's say the liver or the body mobilize fat or process fat. The second category are stimulant-based fat burners. Now the way that they... and they're largely a waste of time and money. Now the reason why people like them typically is the stimulant-based ones give you energy. You know back in the day you mentioned Hydroxycut. Back in the day that was the old ephedra, caffeine, you know, stack. And, uh, they, they definitely affect the sympathetic nervous system.
Starting point is 01:02:49 They will get you amped up. They will give you energy, um, until your body adapts and your body does adapt. Um, and they do, they do have an appetite suppressing effect and most, or many stimulants do this caffeine to some extent will suppress appetite. Ephedra, sinephrine will do this. Yohimb to some extent will do this. And then your, you know, your, your prescription based stimulants like Adderall, Ritalin will do the same thing.
Starting point is 01:03:18 And so they'll, they'll, they tend to, um, suppress appetite. And so some people see that effect and say, Oh, this helps me with weight loss. But what happens is your body adapts. It down regulates receptors, reduces its production of catecholamines like epinephrine and norepinephrine. And so you find that after that initial, you know, four or five week period, the same dose doesn't do the same thing. And you need more to produce a larger or to start to recreate that effect.
Starting point is 01:03:45 But then along with a larger dose comes more side effects, heart palpitations, anxiety, sleep issues, uh, and stuff like that. And then when you go off, there's a rebound effect because then when you go off, now your body is below baseline. And so your, your receptors have to up regulate again. Your body has to start producing catecholines means more again. And so the weight gain, whatever weight loss that you had from the appetite, suppressing effects comes back in that post period when you come off.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Now, as far as muscle building is concerned, you know, because of the rise in cortisol and stress on the body, fat burners generally, and I don't, I don't, this is not like a huge impact, depends on the individual, but generally speaking, because they add stress to the body and they don't have necessarily a favorable impact on hormones, probably not great for muscle building. I think some stimulants pre-workout used appropriately can drive more productive workouts. So pre-workout supplements are a category of this, but other than that,
Starting point is 01:04:52 it's not really, I think people should look at fat burners the same way they look at pre-workouts and say, do I want this little energy boost? And how do I manage this so that it's appropriate? And how do I cycle off and on and manage my dose so that it doesn't become you know mostly negative side effects. What Ray what are your like primary goals right now? I know you kind of mentioned like what you were coming from body dysmorphia wise and not wanting to be the fat guy and that's in your head and stuff like that but like what are you like you trying to build
Starting point is 01:05:19 muscle you trying to lose body fat are you happy where you're currently at what are you trying to do? So I do want to build muscle and I've, like I said, I've been lifting now for a long time. I've never really been able to get past like a 165. My weight fluctuates between 155 and 165. I'm a pretty small guy. I'm 5'6". And right now, I've since here, since listening to you guys, I've actually kind of like cut the fat burning taking that I'm doing. I cut the dose in half. Because again, like with the body's morphia, I'm kind of, I'm scared to get back to that, you know, to that big guy that I used to be.
Starting point is 01:06:08 So, but my goal overall is to build muscle. This is what I like to do for you. Are you following any of our maps programs yet? Currently I've been running the the 40 plus. Okay. Oh, good. Oh, great. Great program. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:19 Cool. Yeah. Stick with that. You're not in the forum, are you? I don't believe so. No. Okay. So I'm going to have, are you? I don't believe so, no. Okay, so I'm gonna have Doug put you in our private forum and what we need to do right now
Starting point is 01:06:30 is just focus on building muscle. Honestly, the fat burning supplements aren't doing us any favors. I mean, it's not. Why do you like them? Is it because of the energy? It sounds like you've just conditioned yourself to take it since you were 20 years old.
Starting point is 01:06:43 It's like a ritual at this point. What is it about them that you like? Is it the energy that you get from them? The, the stimulating effects? Uh, probably the stimulant effect. The fact that it, it, it makes me feel leaner than I would without them. Yeah. Cause the, the, uh, when I cut, when I cut the, the dose in half, like I
Starting point is 01:07:00 could, you know, I guess I could feel a little bit more around the mid section, around the chest. Yeah. Where it was more of a leaner look. And it doesn't it's been about he's on a stimulant free. Yeah. What fat burner you taking his own he's on a stimulant free. He's on it. It's evolution nutrition. It's one of the it's like, I forget the name of it. Yeah, waste the money. It's not doing anything for you. Yeah, I get that's my, listen, listen, right.
Starting point is 01:07:27 A hundred percent, 100% the data on these are clear. It's doing nothing for you aside from the potential mental effects, or if you're lacking a nutrient or whatever, it is not doing anything for you. You have a psychological attachment to this pill. In fact, I could switch out your pills with vitamin C. You wouldn't know the difference. So that was my point of putting you in the form is that, right? So you're already following a great program. I just wanted to put you in the community where you have access to us. And then I'd really like you to get off the fat burners completely. And then as you go through
Starting point is 01:08:03 the process, check in with us, let us know how things are going. I saw you're here to your track and protein, right? So you're hitting your protein targets. That's the main advice I'd give you is like stay focused on hitting your protein take follow good program like that save your money on the on the all the fat burn shit and Anytime that you have you're frustrated because you feel like you see something like post about it, post about it and let the community and our self support you through that process. Because I think most of this is psychological. I think most of this is, if there's a coffee drinker, you drink caffeine like on top of this or is this just
Starting point is 01:08:40 kind of right before your workout, you take these pills? It's usually after my workout. Um, I don't drink coffee, but I do drink an energy drink maybe, uh, once or twice a week. Yeah. So there's only up until now, okay. When it comes to like weight loss and in that as fat, but if you, if you eat enough protein and strength train properly, there's really only one thing so far
Starting point is 01:09:08 that's been shown to be quite effective, and it's a peptide, it's not a supplement. There is no fat burning supplement out there that has been shown to do anything with any great effect. The stimulant-based ones definitely showed some effect, but there was always a rebound, and there was always a price to pay. Are you reading these, Sal?
Starting point is 01:09:26 Are you reading these up here? I'm going to. Look at lean BCAA. What's the name of the one that you're taking? So he didn't know. There's four up here. There's, looks like engine shred, lean mode, transform, and lean BCAA.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Do you remember the name of yours? Lean mode. Lean mode. Lean mode, all right. Well, when we get off here, why don't I analyze the ingredients? We can look at it. I will. Let's pull up the ingredients.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Yeah. Yeah. That was got it right now. Yeah. Yeah. So read those ingredients after. Green tea, green coffee, CLA, a CLA l carnit. I mean, none of these are unhealthy.
Starting point is 01:09:58 There's some antioxidant effects. Uh, L carnitine, if you lack it, has got some nice effects on performance. But if you eat meat, you're getting plenty of carnitine. CLA is a type of fatty acid that has been shown in studies. If we replace one fatty acid with that one. If he has a cup of coffee and a steak, he takes care of most of this. This is, you know, no disrespect to this company or whatever. I'm sure they're a great company, but really it's like a, this is kind of
Starting point is 01:10:29 like an antioxidant supplement that might maybe have some potential health benefits. But no, there's nothing in here that it's doing nothing for you. You've got lost waste waste. You're wasting your money. No, it's also not hurting. I think you're right. Yeah. I think it is a lot psychological and just having it is,
Starting point is 01:10:48 is a psychological effect, but I think he has it right. How long have you been taking this one? This one in particular, probably about six months. So you spent like 70 something dollars on this. That's not bad. Well, no, that's not bad, but how many of our programs you own? He's got the right one. He's got the right one. He just started listening at that long ago. I know. Cut the guy some slack and he's on the right track.
Starting point is 01:11:12 I'll tell you what, Ray. This is what I'm gonna tell you right now. If the best investment you can make, if you want to spend money and you want to get a huge return for body composition, performance, muscle, that stuff is if you find yourself a good trainer, a good coach who's got good experience and just work with them a little bit. You can do like once a month sessions or find one that works online, somebody that's good, that'll pay you back way more results than these supplements. Or you just keep listening to the podcast and I just put you in the forum for free where you have a community of great trainers and ourselves in there.
Starting point is 01:11:47 So I got you. So you just follow the 40 plus, get yourself off all the extra supplements because it's not doing you any favors. It's not really hurting, but it's not doing you any favors. So save the money, get in there, talk to us, communicate with us as you go through the process. How long have you been doing the 40? Did you just get it started?
Starting point is 01:12:05 The 40 plus program? I did, I'm in the phase two. Just started phase two. Cool. How's it going so far for you? So far so good. I feel a little bit stronger. Still I'm a little confused about like the off days.
Starting point is 01:12:20 So I've just been adding like cardio as far as like 20 minutes of run or 20 minutes of biking in between the actual workout days. So I've just been adding like a cardio as far as like 20 minutes of run or 20 minutes of biking in between the actual workout days. Okay. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah. Yeah. No, we'll see you in the forum, dude. We'll give you some help. Okay. That sounds great. Thank you so much. You got it, man. Thank you. All right, dude. He just found the podcast that looks like a one month. Yeah, I saw that. It was a new listener. Yeah. He's just getting into it right now.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Yeah. That's frustrating. I know. It's, well, it's frustrating because so much of the information that's put out there by our space, it creates this narrative that supplements do so much more than they do. The most effective supplement that exists hands down, period, end of story, is creatine in terms of what it actually delivers. And creatine isn't going to blow your mind. It's not going to change everything.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Everything else is under that. Now, by the way, this is coming from a supplement addict. I have issues with supplements. I would take waste of money supplements, but I make a lot of money and I can waste that kind of money. And I also know that I got a problem and I'm not gonna communicate that to somebody who asked me. Like that time I was in the gym when I was taking a bunch of supplements and the dude next to me is like, man, you look great. Does that work for you?
Starting point is 01:13:34 And I'm like, no, it doesn't. This is the worst. So typically when I have clients, this is what I would actually ask that first. I'm just like, what's your disposal income look like, bro? Can you burn 300 bucks a month? It ain't no thing?, you know, what's your disposal income look like, bro? Like, can you burn 300 bucks a month? Like, it ain't no thing. Like, if you can, then okay. Then, and if, because here's the other part that you have, we, you have to understand too.
Starting point is 01:13:52 And we don't have this guy on a, on a day-to-day basis as a client right now is if the psychological part is so powerful, that that's also what gets him to eat better or show up to the gym. Cause he took his supplement, right? Like I wouldn't fuck with that. It's like the dude's lucky socks when he plays basketball. Exactly. It's like his uniform that, it's the same weight as buying new clothes for the gym. That's right. It's like, if that motivates you to be consistent. Well, then it's worth it. And that's how I communicate this to someone. Listen, it's not helping you really,
Starting point is 01:14:21 it's not really hurting you at all. It's a waste of money, but if you notice that, hey, because I noticed it about myself, when I, except for it's reversed for me, I have a hard time taking any of the supplements and pills I'm supposed to take, but when I'm training and I'm consistent, I tend to do that, right? So it's like, there's a connection there of,
Starting point is 01:14:41 hey, I'm better when I'm doing these things. If you notice that when you take that supplement, and I used to be like this as a kid when I used to take lots of supplements, is when I take that as a kid, when 30 bucks was a lot of money to me, and I took a scoop of something, it was like, I got to work out. So it's like there's that psychological part that it's okay. Look, if you want to, look, it's diet, exercise, sleep, lifestyle, but if you want to take something that has been shown, like unequivocally, that'll help with some of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:15:07 And again, this isn't Trump, what I just said, diet, sleep, exercise, lifestyle. Didn't go with a GLP-1 agonist and go through a doctor. We worked them, mphormones.com. There's no fat burner that's ever existed in the world that'll compare with something like that. And that even won't fix all your problems. Our next caller is Julia from Canada.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Hi, Julia. Julia. Hello. Hi guys. How you doing? I'm so excited. I'm fangirling over here. How can we help you?
Starting point is 01:15:38 Well, I don't want to take up too much of your time, but it's an honor to speak to you guys. I've been a listener for a very long time, like episode 300 or something. So you guys have been with me for years. You've been with me through the lives ups and downs. So I really appreciate having you guys in my life. So thank you for the support. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Um, I won't take up too much of your time. So I'm going to read my question just so I don't forget what I was going to say. Um, so I'm 41. I have a sedentary job. I am not an athlete. I am notary job. I am not an athlete. I am not a trainer. I am not a hardcore gym rat. I am so average.
Starting point is 01:16:11 I work out about four times a week and I try to maintain some cardio, but I hate it, team no sweat with Adam. I've always loved going to the gym for my own little personal stress relief and maintain my health, but I've never really had the time or opportunity to really go hard and go after it.
Starting point is 01:16:27 So now I'm finally at a point in my life where I can do more, focus on myself, my aesthetics, hope to just do more than the bare minimum for my health. So my question is, have I now reached my maximum potential of what my body can do now that I'm 41? Is it too late to get the dream body now that I'm older, um, without having any kind of background. So did I miss my chance for the newbie gains or am I destined to
Starting point is 01:16:54 just stick with what I got? Uh, well, first of all, four days a week is not average. I mean, four days a week, how long have you been consistent going to the gym? Years. I fall off every once in a while for a couple of months, but, um, probably about a decade. I've been doing it really consistently about four, four days a week, probably for maybe about a year now. You're kicking ass. You're kicking major ass. So what is
Starting point is 01:17:18 your, what's the goal now? Like you say, go to the next level. What do you mean? What does that mean for you? Aesthetics. She said, like be specific. Yeah. Okay. You know,
Starting point is 01:17:32 so, so what does that mean? Does that mean like more muscle leaner? Does that mean as a specific, you know, look that you're looking for body parts? Yeah. Stuff. Well, I live in Florida, so having to go to the beach often, not be embarrassed to go to the beach, look better, aesthetic goals, um, and also to be able to kick someone's butt if I had to.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Wow. That's awesome. You got great, great goals. You know, working out as consistently as you have been, and you do, you listen to our show, so I'm assuming you do good strength training. It's, it's pro it's almost probably all going to be about diet consistency with diet is where you're going to see the big aesthetic changes.
Starting point is 01:18:08 Are you following any of our programs? Uh, what is your strength training program look like? I try, I have maps aesthetic, um, which is really hard, which is kind of like my follow-up question. I do have access to a big box gym. I have a home gym and, um and kind of a more powerlifting gym, the box gym is easier for me to get to I don't really like working out at home because my bed is here this is where all my food is.
Starting point is 01:18:33 And so I, it's harder to work on my aesthetic goals at the big box gym having to fight for the weights and so forth. So I try my best with anabolic and I do have maps 40 plus. I feel like that kind of maintains a little more of my physique. So all those programs are gonna be very good so long as they're not like aesthetic is really high volume and for most people it's too much volume even for me. So maps aesthetic I can follow rarely when everything's perfect. Uh, but if things, if something's off, especially sleep, it's just too
Starting point is 01:19:09 much volume for me as well. And that's true for most people, but MAPS 40 plus MAPS anabolic, you know, MAPS strong, MAPS performance. Those are all going to be really effective workout programs. It's going to be the nutrition. This is where, where the big aesthetic changes happen. Now if you weren't working out, we would be talking about your exercise program or if you weren't consistent. But the fact that you're consistent and four days a week is exceptional, it's going to be nutrition.
Starting point is 01:19:35 And so you're going to have to be seven days a week consistent with nutrition, hit your protein targets, know what your macros should be, where your caloric maintenance is, and just be very, very consistent with that. And that's where you're gonna start to see the big visual changes that you're looking for. The one thing I will address with the workouts, because I don't know about the workouts, and I literally just had a conversation with Katrina
Starting point is 01:19:57 about one of her girlfriends, you guys are the same age, and she typically will help some of her friends out giving them advice, the advice that she hears from, you know, obviously me talking to her for so many years. And she's like, I don't understand. I've got her eating her protein. I've got her doing this, I've got her doing that. And she's just, she's not seeing the results anymore.
Starting point is 01:20:15 I said, well, when was the last time you worked out with her? She goes, oh, it's been a while since she first started. I said, why don't you get a workout with her and tell me what you notice like when she does like the big lifts, like when she squats, deadlifts, if she is pushing herself the way you know that I push you when you train and sure shit, that's what it was. She had been kind of lifting the same weight in a lot of these lifts that she's been lifting forever and she just had this fear of adding more weight to the bar. So even though I don't know if this is something that you are challenged with at all, but sometimes when I have clients that have been lifting for a really long time
Starting point is 01:20:49 and they're not seeing the results they want to, their bodies have gotten so adapted to the movements that they do and they have like, this is my weight. When I do dumbbell press, I do this weight. When I do squatting, I do this weight. Have you been stretching yourself and your capacity to do some of the lifts
Starting point is 01:21:04 that we have in there? Is that you or no? Yeah, I try to add weight, but it might be some aspect to that a little mind over matter, kind of scared to add too much weight since I work out on my own. Scared to do it and failing in front of everybody at the gym that I don't know. So that could be it. Okay. So a combination of that with what Sal say is going to be our secret recipe here. Right?
Starting point is 01:21:27 Like the combination of stretching your capacity a little bit, actually, you know, push yourself one, another way to solve that without, without like adding somebody is actually a program that's really unique and different, right? So we could go a different route with the training program. And so we'll stimulate some growth by doing just new exercises that are unique. That's one way that we could do this. And then the other is to really attack the nutrition. The other thing that most of my female clients struggle with
Starting point is 01:21:53 is consistently hitting the protein intake. How do you do with that? Yeah, there you go. So there it is. Yeah, I don't wanna comment. Well, no, no, that's it's that's good though. It's good that you're good that we have a very clear. Yes, like I give right there. The two things I just hit on will literally start to completely shift and change. If you're going to
Starting point is 01:22:15 move the needle. Yeah. Do you have a target? Do you have a target body weight? I'm probably not realistic what I look like in my 20s. Well, let's, okay, the reason why I asked is hit your target body weight in protein. I think a body fat test would help with this because then you'll see what a good, like the body fat percentage that most women are pretty happy with that isn't extreme, that is sustainable is typically in the low 20s or high teens, but typically around 20, 21% body fat. You're lean, you're healthy, you're fit, hormones are good. You can maintain it. It's not extreme. And so figure out where that would be, what body weight that would place at. Hit your body weight in grams of protein, eat that first from whole foods.
Starting point is 01:23:02 And that alone should make a pretty significant difference in Both fat loss and then the sculpting part, but it's at this it's diet at this point Julie. It's a hundred percent diet I can't stress enough the impact that Consistently and I'll give you a number 135 hit 135 grams of protein every day. That's it. That's I know that's close enough without even seeing a test That that'll do you just right. If you're hitting 135 grams of protein every day and you're consistently following one of the programs,
Starting point is 01:23:30 it will absolutely, give me 30 days. Just start with a goal like that, like, okay, 30 days, I'm gonna commit to the boys. I'm like 45 grams of protein, breakfast, lunch, dinner. I'm not gonna miss that protein intake. And just between that and you consistently following one of the programs, even not even stretching your capacity. Like I said, because what I think will happen is you'll naturally
Starting point is 01:23:50 start to feel your soul stronger. You'll get stronger and then you'll be able to, it'll be that much easier to add weight to the bar. But that is, it's so paramount to building muscle and building muscle is so paramount to speeding your metabolism up, to make leaning out and sculpting that body that you're, you're wanting to and you are not at all too old. No. Not at all. No. Absolutely. My most fit clients, most of them are in their 40s and just in terms of aesthetics. Do you have an idea of
Starting point is 01:24:17 how many grams of protein you're eating now per day? I was tracking it for a minute but it wasn't good. It's basically it's just breakfast and dinner and a lot of eggs. This will make a huge, what's a lot of eggs? How many eggs? Yeah. Four or six. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Yeah. You're, you're, let me put it this way. You're way under. If you're like, if you're eating like 60, 70 grams of protein a day, which is probably what you're hitting, and then you go up to 135 and you hit it from whole natural foods. So breakfast, 45 grams of protein. See what that looks like. Eat that first.
Starting point is 01:24:50 If you want other stuff on top of that, that's fine, but eat the protein first. Then lunch, 45 grams of protein. Then you want some carbs and some vegetables. That's fine too. And then the same thing with dinner. You just do that. Watch what happens. But by the way, you're an example too, of somebody who,
Starting point is 01:25:05 if I had them just add a protein shake every day would think that the protein shake is magical because just adding a protein shake with 30 to 40 grams. You know why I didn't say that Adam, cause that's what she's going to do now. Yeah, but the whole natural foods. That's what I want you to go do. But that right away, we'll start to make an impact. If you are struggling with hitting every night before you go to bed, if you did not hit that 135, you gotta finish the night with a protein.
Starting point is 01:25:30 And do something light like the bone broth Paleo Valley drink, it's so easy to drink it, it's like so light that you could do a 40 grams of protein of that and just drink it super fast. Find something like that at night that if you don't hit it, you at least do that and consistently her adding 40 grams more protein a day is going to make a difference. Now the reason why I said stick to whole natural foods is because you will get the appetite suppressing effect from the whole natural protein that you won't
Starting point is 01:25:57 get from a protein shake. So if the goal is build muscle and lose fat without having to cut calories or track, simply eating that protein and eating it first from whole natural foods will automatically naturally bring your calories down to a point where you'll get leaner. So it satisfies everything. So if you just do that, if you just figure out what that 45 grams of protein looks like for those three meals, eat it first, the rest will take care of itself. And I'm literally not, I can't stress this enough, if you do this for 30 days you're gonna be like, okay this is like magic.
Starting point is 01:26:33 Like this, especially because you've been working out consistently four days a week, it's like, you have no idea the rev limiter you put on yourself by not doing that. Julie, are you on Facebook? Yep. Can I put you in the private forum? Okay. I'm going to put you in there and then I want you to check in with me once a month. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:55 Just let me know how it's going. If you're doing well, if you're being challenged, what are the challenges? Just give us an update on what's going on. And for now, the goal is follow the program you're doing. That's fine. You're fine on that route and just hit protein every single day.
Starting point is 01:27:12 And if you're, if you at nighttime, if you look at you, and you look back and you're doing the math and you go, Oh man, I'm only at 60 grams or not. If you're under the 135, have a protein shake at the bare minimum, at least do that. Is there a reason why you said that right now you can really focus on yourself? Have you had some big life changes recently?
Starting point is 01:27:30 No, it's just my kids are now teens and they have their own lives and own cars. Yeah. I don't have to be the mom on the go. Let's do this. Yeah. Operation sexy as fuck mom. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Let's go. Let's go. Stacy's mom. Let's go. go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Yes. Let's go. Get in the forum and check in with me and then we'll help guide you through this process. But I'm telling you right now,
Starting point is 01:27:55 that's gonna be massive if we do that. If you just give me 30 days, I think you'll notice a difference. Yeah, you will. Okay. I appreciate it. Thank you guys. You got it, thanks for calling in Julia. Thanks for the support.
Starting point is 01:28:08 Thank you, appreciate it. You got it. If people only knew how big of a difference that protein intake made, by the way, that's a very common client that I've met. 100%, and listen, a lot of eggs, I know she had, let's pretend six eggs, let's pretend. Nobody eats six eggs in the morning. Yeah, it's three. Yeah, yeah, it's probably pretend six eggs. Let's pretend. Nobody eats six eggs in the morning.
Starting point is 01:28:25 Yeah, it's three. Yeah, it's probably three, dude. Let's pretend it's six, okay? 40 grams of protein at best she's having for breakfast. And then let's say she has a massive steak, another 40 grams at dinner. 80. Yeah, at best.
Starting point is 01:28:36 I would bet money, she's averaging about 70 grams of protein. Or less, or less. And that person, and this is is why too I said add the shake because and this is the type of person who thinks like a shake all sudden is miraculous because they're so grossly under consuming protein you bump them by 30 to 40 grams which is by the way is like doubling this person's protein intake and they know they audit all sudden the body goes thank God finally got what I needed and it starts building some muscle. Blow their mind.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Please do it, Julia. Our next caller is Josh from Canada. What's up, Josh? How can we help you? What's up? Hey guys, big fan of the show, so thanks for the opportunity. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:29:16 All right. So I've been active my whole life, but coming out of COVID, I was probably in the worst shape of my life. I'm 45 years old, five foot seven". At the time I was 180 pounds. The InBody scanner said I was at 30% body fat. I started going to F45 classes, quickly got hooked getting up to six classes a week. Over the course of a year, the InBody scanner said I went from 180 pounds down to about 154. My body fat went from about 30 to 17%. During this time, my maintenance calories were around 2350,
Starting point is 01:29:52 and I was eating 2,000 calories a day to be in a deficit. So I didn't add, obviously, very much muscle during this time, but I think I looked the best I've ever looked. However, I had many symptoms of over-training and under-eating, had low libido, sore everywhere, several minor muscle strains, especially my forearms. My testosterone levels were already low, but after a year of over-training and under-eating, they were even lower. So at that time, I
Starting point is 01:30:19 started to work with a naturopath. I started HRT, which is 100 milligrams a week of testosterone. Two, I use growth hormone daily. My mood, libido, energy improved. I switched from eating in the deficit to eating in a surplus. I aimed for 3,000 calories and I got between 150 and 200 grams of protein, mostly from Whole Foods. I love protein bars, but other than that, mostly Whole Foods. I also stopped going to F45 and started strictly weight training doing push-pull legs five times a week. I did two DEXA scans 12 months apart. And after the 12 months of strength training, it said I gained 11 pounds of muscle and a pound and a half of body fat. But 45, I thought that was pretty awesome. That's great. It was awesome results.
Starting point is 01:31:11 The problem is I attached two photos, one at 155 pounds and one more kind of currently at 170 pounds. The problem for me is I think I look worse. Uh, maybe it's the water retention from the TRT. My definition is gone. I kind of feel like I just look fatter and unfortunately a lot of the nagging injuries are still there. So I kind of thought like hopping onto TRT was like a cheat code to getting jacked after 40. But that's not been the case for me. So since this December I switched to training three times a week to allow my injuries to heal. I'm working with a physiotherapist. My muscle strains are definitely improving,
Starting point is 01:31:46 but I really don't know where to go from here. I'm currently at 173 pounds. I'm kind of wondering if I bulked too far. Should I now stay at maintenance calories? Should I go back into a deficit? How should I adjust my training? We're looking right now at the photos. First of all, you did great.
Starting point is 01:32:06 And you definitely put on some muscle. Yeah, you look way better. You, you literally are the only difference is, is, I mean, you're eating 3000 calories. You were on a 2000, you need a thousand more calories and you reduced the volume of training and you didn't put on a crazy amount of body fat. I got it. I got to ask, I got to pose something for you here for a second. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:24 Would you rather it, cause, cause here the thing, I'm going to tell you right now, you're the way that you are perceiving the way you look is a bit skewed and distorted and here's how I know, not because your opinion's wrong. I disagree with you. I think you look better the second one, but that's not the point. The point is you feel better, higher libido, more energy, and you're upset because you feel like you look worse. And so for you, it's almost as if you would look, you would trade looking better for having worse health than having better health and then
Starting point is 01:32:57 in your perception looking worse. So yeah, that's true. Right. So this, the issue here is a lot bigger and I'll give you advice on what I think you could Do but it's not gonna help you until you address that problem right there because you're healthier You feel better libido's back energy's back But you can't get around the fact that you're upset because of how you look and it doesn't look the way that you want And I'm gonna tell you something right now You are never gonna look the way you want if you don't solve that problem or at least least you're not going to get the happiness or what you think you're going to get from the way you look because of that perception.
Starting point is 01:33:30 We have to change that if we're ever going to solve this problem permanently. Now I can give you advice on what I think, and it's pretty easy, just 3000 calories, you built a lot of muscle, reduce, cut your calories a little bit. Go to 2500. Go to 2500. As far as the injuries are concerned, I'd reduce the volume a little bit. Go to 2,500. Go to 2,500. As far as the injuries are concerned, I'd reduce the volume a little bit, maybe work on some mobility.
Starting point is 01:33:51 That should help take care of the problem. You're probably still over training a little bit, even though you built some muscle and stuff. Yeah, we should put him on one of our programs. He's been doing a five day a week type of deal. Let's put him on something else that I think will also. I'll put you on Maps Anabolic. Yep, I'll put you on Maps Anabolic. Do the three day you on maps and a ball. Like, yep. I'll put you on maps and a ball. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:06 Do the three day week version with the trigger sessions. Do you have that program? So I purchased the 40 plus. Oh, that's good. That's no, that's good. No, you're good. I can't, I kinda, I would love to do anabolic because to be honest, like, I know again, it's just my own perception, but to go from like a push pull legs kind of routine to the 40 plus in my mind, I was like, I'm going backwards. No, no, no. I'm not doing those big lifts that I want to be doing.
Starting point is 01:34:33 You're still doing big lifts in the 40 plus. The only thing we take into consideration are things like potential joint pain and stuff like that. Which by the way, you mentioned. Yeah. So you're not taking a step back. If you train appropriately, you're taking a step forward. You're gonna get better results.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Yeah, did you just start it? How far in are you? Yeah, I just started. Oh yeah, I would stick him with that, bro. Just let him stay with that. You're gonna kick ass. I'll send you maps anabolic anyway. After 40 plus, you can follow anabolic.
Starting point is 01:34:57 Yeah. But it's not gonna, but I think with what you said, especially with the nagging kind of pain, maps 40 plus is gonna be the way to go. And I'll tell you this dude, you can cut your calories, but you really got to examine this, how this attachment to, I'm going to tell you right now. Okay. Objectively, I'm a trainer. I know what, you know, healthy looks like to extend or whatever.
Starting point is 01:35:17 You look better in the second picture, but that's not the point. The point is you're more upset looking in a way you don't like, even though all the health signs are better and you don't want to be in that place. Cause what'll happen is you'll consistently sacrifice your health in the pursuit of something that you'll never accomplish, which is being happy with the way you look and through that, through sacrificing your health, you'll objectively look worse, worse, worse, worse. So it's like a lose, lose situation.
Starting point is 01:35:46 So I'm going to, I'm going to tell you what I want you to do. And then I'm going to tell you what you're going to be, what you're going to be challenged with, and then just, just, you know, trust the process here. You, you're going to go down to 2,500 calories. Now what's going to happen is you're not going to lean out fast. You're going to, cause you're feeding yourself a good amount of calories still that it's going to be a nice, slow, gradual process. And keep the protein.
Starting point is 01:36:08 So don't, so what I don't want you to do is cut down to 2,500 and go, I'm not seeing results fast enough. And then the temptation to want to cut harder or add cardio or do shit like that. Allow, allow the good training and the proper amount of volume, the recovery and all that, and feeding the body properly to just let it do its work. And you're gonna land somewhere right between those two pictures in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:36:33 You're not gonna look so gaunt or like shredded like you were in the other one. You're gonna be a little bit, which is gonna be good. You're gonna be more muscle. You're gonna have more muscle, but you're gonna lean out a little bit. A lot of what you're feeling right now is you're eating 3,000 calories. You're definitely holding more water. but you're gonna lean out a little bit. A lot of what you're feeling right now is you're eating 3,000 calories, you're definitely
Starting point is 01:36:45 holding more water, testosterone does that also, but you're healthier. All the signs are saying you needed to be fed, you needed to back off all that volume. We need to probably scale back on the volume even more. That's why 40, MAPS 40 is gonna be great for you. And then just cut your calories to 2,500 to 2,800 in that little range. Just stay there and just make good choices. I don't know if you're're like a it fits your macros type of person or you're trying to eat whole foods, but do your best to eat whole foods and target that 2500 to 2800 calories and let the programming do the rest. Yeah, that makes sense. I was just gonna say I totally do that,
Starting point is 01:37:22 right? Like if I go to 2500,500 calories, which is maintenance, and then a month later, I don't see any differences. I'm like, shit, I gotta cut. I gotta cut more. I know that. I know that. With a good program and at 2,500 calories, you'll probably build and lose,
Starting point is 01:37:38 you'll probably build muscle and lose body fat. It's gonna be a beautiful sweet spot for you. And you should feel satisfied calorie-wise. You shouldn't feel like you're starving. You shouldn't feel like you're over stuffing. It's gonna be a sweet spot for you. And you should feel satisfied calorie-wise. You shouldn't feel like you're starving. You shouldn't feel like you're over stuffing. It's gonna be a nice spot for you. Just give me through the program, Josh. Follow the program, eat that way.
Starting point is 01:37:54 Trust the process. Then afterwards, then we can assess where you're at, how you feel, and what you wanna do from there. But you're heading the right direction, and I think you're gonna be really happy with the end result if you trust the process. Cool. Thanks guys.
Starting point is 01:38:07 All right, John, man. Thanks for calling in. Good luck, man. Thank you. Yeah. I, you know, you hear that sometimes, uh, I've experienced that too, where you look at a picture like, Oh man, I look shredded. And then you, what you do is you think back, Oh, I felt like crap. Like, you know, it's like, you know, he wanted to trade health for how he looked,
Starting point is 01:38:26 and when I posed it to him, you could see, he's like, oh shit, you're right, like, that's not necessarily a good trade. And then eventually what people don't realize is, even if you stay there, if he stayed in that first picture and just continued to ignore his body signs, his body would deteriorate, and he would not get the look that he was looking for.
Starting point is 01:38:42 Well, I wanna address what he said about joint pain, feeling a little puffy and stuff. What he did was, and this is his personality, which is why I knew what advice to give him, is he's an over-corrector. So he went from being super lean, okay, now I need to go the other, and so he over-corrected and bulked harder and faster
Starting point is 01:38:59 than he needed to. And he still is doing too much volume. So reducing his volume, feeding his body more appropriately, and then letting it like he's going to feel better. Oh, it'll feel amazing. Yeah. Inflammation will come down. He won't feel and look puffy to him. And he'll be doing less work. It'll be a psychological piece. Can he be disciplined to just trust the process and know that you're not going to see major week to week changes, but you should feel good. You should feel strong in the gym. You should feel the joint pain starting to come down, getting stronger,
Starting point is 01:39:32 feeling fed. Like that's how you should feel. Totally look, if you like mind pump, find our body fat loss guide. It's free at mind pump free.com teaches you how to lose body fat and it's totally free. You can also find all of us on social media. Justin is on Instagram at mind pumpumpfree.com teaches you how to lose body fat and it's totally free. You can also find all of us on social media. Justin is on Instagram at mind pump Justin. I'm on Instagram at mind pump DeStefano and Adam is on Instagram at mind pump Adam. Thank you for listening to mind pump.
Starting point is 01:39:54 If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Super Bundle at mindpumpmedia.com. The RGB Super Bundle includes maps anabolic, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having Sal, Adam, and Justin as your own personal trainers,
Starting point is 01:40:32 but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support,
Starting point is 01:40:55 and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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