Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 232: Most Supplements Suck!

Episode Date: February 4, 2016

What supplements are worth taking and what supplements are worth avoiding? Suffice it to say very few fall on the "worth taking" list. Sal, Adam & Justin list some of their favorite supplements and th...en reveal how you can save a ton of money by not purchasing most supplements. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Guys, we need to tell the audience, we need to tell them that today's like our... We don't gotta tell them shit. Well, I think we should. That was evil. We love our enemies.
Starting point is 00:00:24 We got our first official paycheck. Oh, God. We got mine pumped. Oh, God. Cause we put our money back in the bin. You paid ourself a little bit. Just a little bit for the first time. Did you guys measure your dick?
Starting point is 00:00:36 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I just saying, like, when I had my check, I was like, Hey, then I marked it off. Well, what? Just a second. That was left. Well, I was just a second. That was left feeling like that. We need to go back a little bit because there's just two questions I have for you.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Number one. First of all, why are you using a check to reference the size of your dick because it's a big check. Yeah. Oh I see what you're saying. I see where you're going. Yeah, you should probably clarify that
Starting point is 00:01:00 because most people probably think you got paid by a check and they're probably picturing those little checks. No, no, no. And the little talking like, no, no, no, I'm talking like hey Publishing clearing house Yeah, we gave him a billboard. Well, I you know it goes only it only goes halfway. I had no idea you're just gonna I don't fail our Business on I put it out there in the air here. Why not since you have we're not bowling. It's fucking nothing
Starting point is 00:01:23 I'm gonna ask I'm actually gonna ask to see your check, please. To see my check? Well, considering that Doug wrote the checks, I don't know if I trust that you got the even amount of it. I fucking put it away, dude. I bet you did. Then we fucking see your check. I left it.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I left it. See your check. Oh, right. You gotta lost it. I don't know. That's a good point. This is the first time we've paid ourselves right now and you know, Daddy's cutting the checks over here.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I'm not too sure if he's- to give you the biggest piece of meat. Yeah, I love it. I'll flash it to real quick. Yeah. Wait, there's no decimal point on here. How come I didn't do that many potatoes? No. Why don't you be able to put gas in my car, I think?
Starting point is 00:01:58 Yeah. So Adam, we need to have a talk with you. A talk? Yeah, we need to talk to you right now. I've been replaced already. No, your nipples, bro. Your nipples poke out of that shirt every fucking time. You know, it looks like something Madonna would wear.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I feel like it's the shirt snags on your nipples. That's how much they're poking. Well, you know, there's a purpose behind everything I do. Come on. Oh, okay, I'm sorry. Why would I ever question the wizard just then? Stop me, you next time. Yeah, I can't stop you.
Starting point is 00:02:24 All right, tell me what happened. Well, no, all these trainers at Orange Theory and stuff like that, they focus on all their closing and presentation, all stuff like that. I just wear shirts like this to poke my nipples out, bro, that always increases my vision. It works. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Wow. By at least 15%. Now, when you hug somebody with a sweater on, does it catch the sweater a little bit? Do you have a stonk? Has them hold there? Just that little bit longer. I'll hold you later on. We'll see if it works that way. Yeah. I'm not too sure.
Starting point is 00:02:50 I gave you a hug earlier because I'm not. Your nipples are bleeding. And no, I gave him a hug earlier because I saw him in a shirt and I'm like, how can I make this? It's like, look like I'm not trying to feel a month. It's that song. I'm too sexy for my shirt. Too sexy for my shirt. 260 for my shirt.
Starting point is 00:03:05 So, oh, 68. No, I gave him a hug earlier and he smells. And he smells, hold on. Hold on. Like a stripper. No, yeah, kinda. He smells like the Garden of Eden, but all fruit. Like I just walked into a fruity room.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Really, you can smell that. I'm gonna add in fruits and shit. Yeah, it smells like San Grilla without the alcohol. He's all bass and body room. Really, you could smell that? The man has him fruits and shit. Yeah, it smells like sangria without the alcohol. He's all bass and body works. How, what are you doing? Dude, what happened? I can't really just call me out like that. So, I use like manly bars open in my house, right?
Starting point is 00:03:38 But every once in a while. The one with pubes on it. Well, no, every once in a while, I get lazy. I get lazy and my bar soap runs out and I don't put a fresh bar soap in there. And so I borrow my girl stuff, which she hates when I do this because that's for her, right? But she always grabs like a neutral, like smelling lotion. So I totally use the, you know, she uses the Lufa stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And so I Lufa up every once in a while, you know, I'm secure with myself. I can Lufa. And just in Googlingling looper right now. Yes, like speaks so many weird things. So today I was one of those days and I didn't check when I grabbed the bottle, I just assumed that it would be the normal smelling such a shudder. And she got some fucking passion fruit strawberry Caught in candy smelling fucking shit, and I didn't know it till I'd already scrubbed it all over my body And I was like shit bro. I wanted I wanted to have like I wanted to have a piece of you
Starting point is 00:04:35 I bet I don't mean that in the sexual way. I mean it in the food in the food way. I can't believe you notice I want to you know, I mean carb a little piece off. It's kind of yummy. And eat you up. My balls might straw berries. Really? Yeah. But they look like snowsberries. We, uh, we need to have, we need to have Justin use a fruity lotion like that. Cause I feel like if he put anything like that on his body,
Starting point is 00:04:57 the fucking earth would explode. I'm pretty sure he's allergic. Yeah, exactly. So bust out and hives and shit. Let me, let me just break down to the audience. How Justin takes a shower? So he does bark, tree bark. He wakes up, he wakes up in the morning,
Starting point is 00:05:09 and he goes over the stream and he grabs a trout and bites that shit, because it's good for you in the morning. Then he goes over to this big ass waterfall and he grabs wood chips right off the fucking tree. Wood chips and moss from the rock. And just scrubs his body with this shit. I should just roll down a whole like grassy field. That's that that you're clean.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Yeah, I'm done with your with your with your like your like a champ. Charms head on. Tydy Ty Ty Ty. Ty I feel very accurate. What I get musky. I get really musky after. Do you are you a are you a cologne guy? Do you work alone?
Starting point is 00:05:42 No, no, no, I don't wear a cologne. I'll do after shave every now and then. Wait, hold on sexy. What after guy? Do you work Cologne? Cologne? No, no, I don't wear Cologne. I'll do after shave every now and then. Wait, hold on, I'm sexy. What after shave, do you wear? It's like, smells kind of like that cool water stuff. Cool water's from our childhood. That's like old school. Is it?
Starting point is 00:05:57 Yeah, it's very old. Like, Brute. I've actually worn it, my dad had that. I would use Brute all the time. Oh, dude, I was like a, you know, seven year old kid, like that was like the standard Christmas gift for your dad. I want, you like felt like a man. Yeah, I mean, broot.
Starting point is 00:06:11 It like just was alcohol and death. It came in a little green bottle, right? Yeah, like a man. Remember, you just burned the fuck out of your face after you shaved? Yeah, does it still exist? You know what, I want to, I want to create a clone that just smells like gasoline.
Starting point is 00:06:24 That's, that'd be awesome. It's true. Put it on your face. Yeah, or like exhaust or something. You know what? I want to I want to create a clone that's just smells like gasoline That'd be awesome. Put it on your face. Yeah, they're like exhaust or something Frutus I hate Colom what I hate colom why it's too you know what mixed with your foody smell What is the smell you know what so I have like a high high sense of smell. I can smell like literally right now. Who farted? No, no, I just dug. I can smell, I can smell the chick's breath in the other room. Really?
Starting point is 00:06:54 Yeah, absolutely. In the other room? Yeah, yeah. She's chewing on sitting like a bass-hound. Wow. Yeah, it's crazy. And here's, you never say nothing to me. I work alone.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Well, I think it has something to do with I have Allergies really bad allergies mm-hmm, and so I have this superhuman power Well, it would it I just pick up on smells like all the tree and I will be places and I all smell like something She's like I cannot smell that I'm like how can you not smell it so strong? What if she has a bad sense of smell and now you think you have an excellent one as a result? Have you ever thought of that motherfucker? smell and now you think you have an excellent one as a result. Have you ever thought of that motherfucker? Well, because it could be that.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I have because this this sense of great smell didn't come just four years ago, fucker. It's been with me for a long time. Oh, I know her for five years now. So it was before that. You know what? If you have a really, really heightened sense of smell, you could be what's called a super taste. Have you heard of this? Have you heard of this? Have you heard of this?
Starting point is 00:07:45 Well, I'm going to bet right now. There's people that taste wine for living and they make shit tons of things. Somebody needs to get my back that's listening to this. I bet you money, there's a listener out of all our listeners that has bad allergies and also has a very heightened sense of smell. Why don't you think that there's one of them's heightened, one of the senses, then the rest of them have to go down a few notches.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Yeah. Yeah. That's just logical. I think that makes no sense, but it makes sense. But everything was heightened, that's not heightened. Then that's normal. Yeah, exactly. Wow. So everything sucks.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Basically just insane. It's just insane. Just insane that all your sense is suck. Yeah. And you're so pretty. That's insane. You're relying on your sense of smell. Says the guy who has reading glasses.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I can't see. Says the fucking old guy who has reading glasses See Glass it's these damn amp iPads With that bright lights with that one called it's the one man me the monocle is a monocle Is that what that's called I do that with no pants like a monocle a monocle a Guy so before we get into some fitness where I want to tell Adam what happened this morning, because I spent the night at his house last night, because we were doing some late night work, AK hand jobs.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Yeah, work. And so I go in the bathroom. So I go in the bathroom. I almost woke up your whole house, but I was fucking cool. I go in the bathroom barefoot, you know, not my shoes on right? And I close the door, bro, and a fucking spider across the floor, almost touched my foot. I almost screamed really loud,
Starting point is 00:09:12 but I covered my mouth. I'm gonna do it. I didn't even hear you get up. What time are you up this morning? I got up at, let's see, six. Were you out, what time are you out at the house, Puy? Seven. No, yeah, Tony, your housewife? Seven. No, yeah, I was out by seven.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah, I got up, I took a shower, jerked off, and then had some fiber. You're a morning guy. Morning masturbator. Uh-huh. I'm in your house. I'm joking, I didn't do that. I didn't have fiber eight.
Starting point is 00:09:41 I wanna, you know what, you're becoming this fascinating story. I don't know how much of it's bullshit. I'm becoming a fascinating story. Yeah, finally. Well, yeah Yeah, it's all this time. I'm just impressed with his masterbating skills. It's just I'm joking. He's incognito. Yeah, I'm joking. I'm just kidding. I'm just hanging around the bathroom I'll I watch you a lot. You a huh? Yeah, did you make me do it then? I think it's every time we were sweats. Yeah. Anytime I walk. Yeah. So, um, watch we watched Sikaro last night. Sikario. How is that? SICK MOVIE. That's a fucking sick movie. Great movie. It's actually super intense. Good movie. Um, so, uh, something came to me. I, we haven't really covered this subject in a whole episode. I think
Starting point is 00:10:22 we should talk about it. Um, I feel like we talked about it. No, no, not that episode. And I think we should talk about it. I'm extremely sorry. I feel like we talked about it every day. No, no, not that. What, I think we did that in the beginning. Muscle imbalances, bro. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You don't wanna talk about muscle imbalances? Not at all. What do you wanna talk about?
Starting point is 00:10:34 No, I wanna talk about supplements. Supplements. I feel like it's January right now. You know what, that's a great idea. It's January right now. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry to those of you that were excited. You guys are so tiny. The title just changed.
Starting point is 00:10:44 You guys are so excited. Maybe we just changed. You guys are so excited. Maybe we'll dip into muscle and bowel system later, but I'm pretty much over there right now, because that's how we talk about it in my house today. Yeah, we did. Yeah, because I'm all unbalanced. I want to do muscle and it's because I've been getting a lot of people, and I think it's the January thing.
Starting point is 00:10:55 It's January, the floodwashed February. That's pretty stupid of me, so. It's February, which is the beginning of the year. Everybody has been, you know, flooding into the gym, so all the advertisement for all the supplement companies and all the quick fixes and the... Glues wait, 12 weeks, bro. For the D-challenges, we're not gonna pay you.
Starting point is 00:11:13 All this, all this crazy stuff is out there. And more and more people are asking me about, you know, these supplements and I feel like, okay, you know, we throw subtle jabs at supplements and we did an episode on it, we're back when I think it's time for us to revisit our whole ideology. I know why you want to go. I know why you want to go over this and we can go, we can, we can talk about this without giving out names.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Oh, you're not, can you bring that up? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's why when you said, that's why when you said supplements, all you're just so you know, Doug, he's going to put you to work here with love. The beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, no, no, I'm not that's why when you said that's why when you said supplements all your just so you know dog he's gonna put you to work here with a little No, I'm not gonna give any name. I'm not trying to get sued, bro That's why when you said supplements my eyes lit up because I remember this conversation Well, that's why it's fresh in my mind right now, but I was gonna tell everybody no, no, no
Starting point is 00:11:56 I'm not gonna say nothing. I'm not gonna get anybody in trouble. I'm very interested how you can ask how many group texts are you guys on For real in comparison to me. Yeah, what I'm gonna guess is probably like quadruple the amount I don't know. Yeah, that's a lot quadruple. It's a lot No, we're probably only have like two or three. We're probably on four. Oh, I'm on you guys have like 10 or 20 Yeah, oh how many total group text yeah, yeah, yeah, not just with Adam. Yeah. Oh, I'm on see I'm on probably 10 It's too much it's way more than what you guys way more fun that way. Yeah, I don't know if I have to I probably have right about to bring that up because I'm not on this one. All right, so let me let me let me talk about what happened. Let me talk about what happened. So tell me because I'm out of the loop. So one of our buddies. We're not going to say who one of our buddies
Starting point is 00:12:40 got a supplement tested at a lab actually sent it off to a lab and the supplement is a it's from a supplement tested at a lab, actually sent it off to a lab. And the supplement is a, it's from a supplement company that's pretty well known in the social media world. We're not gonna give any names, but they're all over Instagram and all that stuff. And don't laugh, dude. Sorry, sorry. I know.
Starting point is 00:12:57 So very well now. You did. But I don't want to, I mean, we don't want to get, so anyway, and this is all from someone that we believe we trust. Got it tested. It was a BCAA supplement and a branch didn't even ask the supplement.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And he didn't test it for impurities, by the way. So he didn't run the full gamut of tests. All he ran was, does it have what it says it has? It had less than half what was on the label. So crazy. How fucking infuriating is that? What a bunch of malarkey. And here's the infuriity part of all this is that
Starting point is 00:13:26 brash, you know, amino acids, we talked, we have talked about this before, we'll get into it again is, you know, we're talking about splitting hairs on like how much more performance or gains you're going to get by taking a supplement like that. Imagine how little gains you're going to get when the shit has half of what it says it has. So here, here's my, here's my worry. Really? Here's my big worry with that. I'll tell of what it says it has to. Well, here's my worry about that. Here's my big worry with that. I'll tell you what it is.
Starting point is 00:13:47 So I'm going to use illegal drugs as an example because it's going to make sense in a second. Heroin, there's lots of overdoses with heroin. Why? Because some dealers cut their heroin and make it weak and others use strong heroin. If you get your drugs from someone and you're used to a particular dose and you
Starting point is 00:14:05 know you got to take so much to get to feel the effect. Did you just throw heroin out there? I did. No, check this out. I think you say Doug, how many times have we referenced heroin? I know. I know. I know. I'll check out what I'm saying. Well, I just want to point out to the listeners that you don't know shit about heroin. No, I don't even know if that you guys know what I mean. Do they hit heroin? I know they cut strong heroin. No, I do, I do. I do something like cocaine that we all know they cut. Well, I know this because I saw a document around it. You did on heroin or on heroin. I was on heroin.
Starting point is 00:14:31 It's so, sorry, interrupting. Sorry, interrupted. Again, so people overdose. So this your expertise on heroin. People overdose because you're used to using certain amount and then they go and use the same amount, but now it's way more potent source. If you're using a supplement,
Starting point is 00:14:43 in branch chemino acids are relatively safe, but if you take them at high doses for long enough, you can get a certain side effects like depression. So if I think I'm taking, if I think I'm mega-dosing five or 10 grams of branch-chimino acids every day, and in reality, I'm only taking three, and I'm like, oh, this is great. I don't have any bad side effects. And then they go switch to another company that's legit. Next thing you know, I can get an adverse reaction. Now forget branch-chamingo Assets,
Starting point is 00:15:05 what if they give you, what if it's a Faberiner? What's stimulants? What if it's something else that can be potentially dangerous? I mean, just a fuck the, Doug, can we please title this episode as Branch Heamingo Assets like heroin? Something referencing, but you get what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:15:17 He would be like, what the fuck? I gotta listen to this. I've been taking Branch Heaming Assets for the last six years. That's like that clickbait EC, you know, people always come with these crazy titles. You know what I feel like, I feel like the ADD. I feel like the ADD in here just went through the roof. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:33 So that's what gets on my nerves about that the most, is that people think they're getting a certain amount and that could be dangerous. It could be, besides getting ripped off, it could be totally dangerous. Yeah. Well, let's go, why don't we run through the gamut here? Why don't we talk about supplements that we find?
Starting point is 00:15:48 Let's talk about all the ones that we find beneficial and then I'll shit on a matter of that. So why don't you go through? Why don't you go ahead and talk about the things that you know, your top five supplements, if you were going to take any supplements, so let's say creatine. Creatine definitely.
Starting point is 00:16:02 We all agree. We all agree that's number one. Yeah, creatine not only is probably the most studied ergogenic supplement in existence. So it's got lots and lots and lots and lots of science. It has, it's been on the market now for a long time. So we know what some of the long-term effects are. So it's safe, it's relatively safe.
Starting point is 00:16:22 It's effective in terms of muscular performance and building muscle. But there's lots of science now showing it's also a Neutropic, so it also increases Cognition or at least helps people. It's like an antioxidant, right? Yeah, it's good. They're showing it's got benefits to the heart.
Starting point is 00:16:36 It's got some antioxidant properties. The only detriment I could potentially see is it might slightly increase testosterone through this indirect way, which I was completely aware of. What? Yeah, one of our listeners pointed it out and I read a couple studies and it's, they're not very well known, but it affects some of the cells and the testicles which could increase testosterone.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Now, studies show that creatine doesn't raise testosterone, but there's like a couple that show a slight increase for potential for it. So that's the only thing I can think about. God, I would, that's hard to say. It's super, it's super scared. I'm my new, you know, mountain that's, and how control, I mean, how controlled is that study you'd have to, I mean, if it's very minute, it could have been related
Starting point is 00:17:15 to their fat and their diet, it could have related to so many other things, right? It's because, well, so here's the thing, because creatine is turned into adenocyan trifosate, which is like the energy for the body. ATP is all cells that operate off. Energy use ATP. So increasing ATP could potentially do something like that.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And it was some theory and I read it. But other than that, I mean, it's been studied so long. It's very safe according to all the studies. And it works. People take creatine, and if you don't get gastric distress and people can't take it. But if you're fine with it, you're gonna get gains from it. You're gonna build muscle, and you're gonna be stronger. So I'd say creatine and if you don't get gastric distress and people can't take it, but if you're fine with it, you're going to get gains from it. You're going to build muscle and you're going to be stronger.
Starting point is 00:17:48 So I'd say creatine is number one. See that one, maybe fish oil, make a series. I would, fish oil is probably a good one. I don't know if I'd make it top five. Maybe not top five, maybe top ten. Top ten maybe, but I mean, it's up there. There's benefits from it, especially if you're eating the tip of the one from the diet.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I mean, it's a diet. I mean, it's a diet. I just assume that most people, you know, are in that category. Yeah, Adam, what do you take? I would probably put, if I was in a rank, all supplements, I would probably put a way protein up there. Prite protein?
Starting point is 00:18:14 Just the convenience, right? Well, yeah, because if I would say, you know, everything's perfectly exactly the same between these two humans, and they're doing everything. That's something you can get in your diet though. It is. So this is where I think I would differ. Well, creating,
Starting point is 00:18:29 creating, you can find in your diet and you can find omega-3s in your diet too. Right. So both everything you can find, which is also why I'm going to shit on all these when we're all done. Right. But if, if I were a forever, we're never going to get a supplement sponsor. Just want to fuck you with you guys know that FYI. No, I, and here's, here's okay.
Starting point is 00:18:46 I'm gonna go ahead and start now. Then we can, you can circle back around. So maybe we can't still get a sponsor one day. Um, this, this is the issue I have with it is so many people want to go that direction before they fix all the other shit. Thank you. They do not program design correctly. They don't know how to do cardio, karate, cardio,
Starting point is 00:19:05 correct. They probably don't know how to do cardio. Karate, karate either. Yeah. They don't know how to do cardio correctly. They're not program designing correctly. Their diet is all fucked up. They're eating shitty foods.
Starting point is 00:19:18 I mean, they're just, and then they're throwing this supplement that is like the amount of help that it's giving you is so minute in comparison to all those other things that cost you no money. Like a subtle tweak in your program design, a subtle tweak in your cardio and a subtle tweak in your diet will give you
Starting point is 00:19:34 10, 100 times more gains than the best supplement stack out there. Totally. And I'm personally gonna go supplement free and coming up here pretty soon, except creatine, I'll take creatine, but I'll take nothing else. I'm gonna do post workout food instead of protein,
Starting point is 00:19:50 and I'm gonna stop taking everything else just to see what happens. Did I take Joe's free workout this morning? Oh, you did? Well, right before my workout. Did you see fucking sounds into the future? Oh, dude, little clowns and fucking smurfs and everything, dude. I didn't even finish the thing is like,
Starting point is 00:20:03 I, what I will give that motherfucker is, his supplement is and everything to it. I didn't even finish the thing is like, I, what I will give that motherfucker is his supplement is got everything in it. And so, dude, it's Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Oh man, it's way too much for me. For someone who doesn't do a pre workout, it just lit my balls on fire before I even got to do it. So that's the SDD.
Starting point is 00:20:19 So protein powder, I like protein powder personally because it's convenience, you know what I mean? Post workout, I go outside and shake it up and I drink it. I guess you could do that with food too, right? Just bring it away. Well, I think what we want to say is our top five supplements for ourselves, what we would use and why.
Starting point is 00:20:36 And what we do use actually. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So I think way goes up there, I think creatine, we all, all of us I think say creatine oil. Fish oil. Fish oil is probably up there. And then I personally take cod liver oil. That's the fish oil that I take. Um, cod liver oil is a natural. Well, tell us why you're so special. Well, um,
Starting point is 00:20:55 you don't do. Yeah. Tell us why a regular old plain old Omega threes isn't good enough for you. There's got to be quality control. I don't think it do specs. Oh, you were so red. You were this. If I've been pumped for you. You were ready to share that one right there. Just now, we're like, you guys still use fish oil, just bring it all fish oil. Let me explain why I use cod fish.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Oh, cod fish. It's actually cod liver oil. Oh, cod liver oil. It's from a liver oil. Okay, tell us, tell us please. Cod liver oil, as a natural source of a very bioavailable form of vitamin D3.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Stupid. So you should, huh? I'm just telling Jesse's stupid for just using regular omega thesis. Yeah, because a lot of us, a lot of people are actually deficient in vitamin D. We don't get a lot of it in our diet, especially in the winter time.
Starting point is 00:21:39 So that's why I use cod liver oil instead of fish oil. Now, fish oil gets no vitamin D whatsoever in it. Or fish oil has no vitamin D in it, or very, very, and then what is the ratios of the... Oh, it's still a fish oil. So it's almost identical in terms of omega-3s and everything else.
Starting point is 00:21:53 So, you know, I told you guys the last time that we had brought up and talked about this though, is... Would be a mega-six, how they compete for each other. Yes, that is the, now, most everybody that's ever been to a good, you know, doctor or nutritionist or something that has probably been recommended omega threes, right? I would think so. I'm most anyone you know. I think now they will. Yeah. It's probably the
Starting point is 00:22:13 number one most recommended supplement over the cardiovascular health. Yeah, because it has so many great benefits. And an American diet is so rich in sixes that six and nine. Yeah, six and nine that were heavily heavy, six and nine. We're heavily on six and nine. We lack in three, so it's kind of a, everybody gets recommended this. Well, a lot of these people don't tell them, because they recommend it so they can sell it,
Starting point is 00:22:34 and they can't need it, right? But what they don't explain to them that is, if you continue eating the way you eat, and you're taking these fish oils, this is omega-3s, it doesn't do shit for you. Renders that useless. It does, it renders it that useless because the cells are competing for the omega three, six and nine's are all competing.
Starting point is 00:22:50 And guess what, the nine and sixes are tougher than the three. tougher than the threes. They whoop their ass. But your bodies are already looking for those. So you have to change your diet in addition to adding the threes in there. So if you were a heavy meat eater, so you get in all kinds of the sixes inside there,
Starting point is 00:23:04 there's a red meat, like you're eating tons of red meat, you never eat fish or anything like that. And then you still continue to, and then you just throw the supplement in there. It's not gonna do you dick. So there's, once you get going back to it. You wanna do your dick. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:17 You wanna do dick. So we have, okay, we have, we have. Protein, fish oil, protein. The other, here's another supplement that I use regularly. And I do use branching amino acids. I use them during my workout and after my workout and maybe a little bit before. And I personally notice a difference
Starting point is 00:23:35 because I tend to push myself. I'm always on the verge when I'm training. So I'm always kind of like right on the line between doing enough and doing too much. And branching amino acids, for me, I developed a good relationship with when I was training very heavily in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu because that was so taxing on my body
Starting point is 00:23:50 that I noticed a difference when I would take them. I noticed I would recover better and I would be able to come back and do another two-hour grappling class or whatever. So now I continue to get into my weight training. Mine's in there, but I would five for me would probably marijuana. I'd have to put that one in for the fifth one.
Starting point is 00:24:04 For a supplement? Yeah, yeah. Well, that's a food. That's like should be there anyway Essential everyone's like your pot heads. What about you, Justin? Are you a big branching? I mean, I asked a guy Do you use a lot of BCAs? I have but not not in a while like I've just been mainly creating some fish oil and then I actually want if I was going to supplement right now I was looking into Neatropics so that's the kind of supplement I'm looking at Something to an increased your brain. Yeah, I'm so I'm really interested in that stuff But I just haven't had a great experience with any of it yet. We're gonna get some scent to us I know that's my one more drug. I want to check it out. Smart drug smarts is gonna bring us
Starting point is 00:24:43 He's got you might a gin, I think it's called. Yeah, no, I will try that out. That's definitely somebody who I would like to take their advice on what I should try. Cause you know, our first experience with it, I didn't have anything, I didn't have a great experience from it. I said headache some shit.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Yeah, I mean, but I mean, in terms of supplements, I mean, you know, there's supplements that you use sometimes, you know what I mean? Like melatonin might have a use if you're having issue sleeping or you know, if you have, you know, a particular, you know, ailment or whatever, you know what I mean? Like melatonin might have a use if you're having issue sleeping or you know, if you have you know, a particular, you know, ailment or whatever, you might want to, like if you're always inflamed or you have an injury, you might want to take brawmalin every day on an empty
Starting point is 00:25:14 stomach. Yeah, yeah. That's a really good anti-inflammatory, but they're not supplements that are staples because you don't take them all the time. And here's a deal. 90, probably 5% of the supplements that are out there are worthless, and some of them are even bad. Let's talk about our least five favorite.
Starting point is 00:25:29 So let's say the five, I don't know, bro, I could come up with some crazy names. You mean one that people use? Yeah, but like pre-workout, that's one of mine. Oh, because all the stim. Well, I guess caffeine counts, so I'm definitely like taking a lot of caffeine. So yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:25:44 That's something I gotta consider. But yeah, the pre workout thing, all the combined chemical like all the crazy. Yeah, just tons of stimulants. Over stimulated. It is. It's crazy, crazy stimulation that everybody becomes addicted to and feels now they have to do it.
Starting point is 00:25:59 It's like, well, it's like you guys say, like you do respond awesome to it initially. Yeah. And then you feel like you guys say, like you do respond awesome to it initially. Yeah, yeah. And then you feel like you really have to up the dose constantly to be able to get that. Well, here's what happens when you give your body a shit ton of stimulants. You put your body in a sympathetic state
Starting point is 00:26:15 and it goes into fight or flight. This is an energy burning state. It is not a building state. Your body doesn't want to build muscle if it's always in this fight or flight. Give someone crystal meth all the time and see how much muscle they're going to build. Taking all these stimulants, which raise cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone, and they might even depress testosterone and growth hormone, take these before your workouts. You're going to be more jazz to work out, but you might actually get less results if you take it on a regular basis, especially as the receptors in your brain start
Starting point is 00:26:49 to down regulate because of all the, you know, the, the cataclysm you're producing, then you down regulate your receptors. Now you got to take these pre workouts just to be normal in your workout. Now, if you don't take it, you're yawning. You're all you lethargic. And then you go off it and you're fucked for like two weeks. Yeah. Right. So yeah, hard heavy pre workouts. I would say that's not sexy for people because they feel it. That's one of them. They really feel right away.
Starting point is 00:27:13 That's it. No, I think you couldn't say that even any better because that's exactly why. I mean, there's so many supplements that are out there, very, very few of them. Do you take and you're like, Oh, wow, I noticed that. The unfortunate part is what people, a lot of people don't realize what they're really fun. The most effective piece to that entire pre workout is the caffeine in it. So I have raw caffeine pills. And that was before I got all the free shits into us and so that's all I would take. I just recently was on Periscope and I was talking
Starting point is 00:27:38 in and I'm like, yeah, so I'm here on radio talking about how I hate pre workouts, but I was drinking a pre workout in it because I was drinking Joe's, right? But at this say, I mean, what's great is I can do that once every freaking month or every, whenever I just have this crazy down day and I need a zinger or whatever, and boy, is it, I mean, it worked. I can't even finish some of them because they're so strong.
Starting point is 00:27:58 I mean, that's awesome that I can get that, and then I can go back to being normal again where you start taking that on a regular basis and you just have to keep up and it up, and and it up and up and up and then just like the boys are saying it's you end up doing that just to stay normal. And in reality it is not it's not really doing anything like some of it's a say it's almost pre workouts at fat burners are almost exactly the same thing. I was just going to say I was going to wait.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Which is number two for me. I was literally finishing. I was in my period. Well, you know, here's a thing. Here's where stimulants are effective They're effective if number one, you know your tolerance You know how you react to them for one a particular performance like if I'm gonna go to and do a powerlifting meat Or I'm gonna have one workout and I want a PR you know with my buddies or whatever
Starting point is 00:28:40 Stimulate at that moment is gonna help you PR. It's gonna help you lift heavier. But in the medium term and in the long term, it's not gonna give you better results. And fat burners are basically pre workouts without the amino acids in them, right? I had this funny thought. I was just thinking, you guys remember that show saved by the bell?
Starting point is 00:28:58 Of course. You remember Jesse? Yes. I remember she like took too many diet pills and she's just like, I'm so excited. I'm so excited. Exactly. Exactly. Hold the nurse. That's what you don't want to happen, kids. No, don't take too many pre-workout. Have you guys ever taken too much stimulant,
Starting point is 00:29:18 fat burner stimulant? Oh, you just feel like your heart's like, you can't even breathe, right? Do you have like a time? do you have like a specific time? Oh, I have a story that I'm ashamed even to admit because we were, I used, that was our thing back in the days when I was in the States. We used to stack speed stacks with hydroxy cut. I mean, that was pre workout, like stuff. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That would shit all over what we have now today. That had straight up a fedra alkaloids in it.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Each one of those bottles and each one of those pills came with 25 milligrams, which is the RDA for a fedra. That's all you do. Well, that's that was a law. You can put more than that in a serving and you just smashed to. Yeah. Well, no, that would do a lot more than that.
Starting point is 00:30:02 But we would wash them down that way. I had a time on clothes out one time and, uh, clothes out is was the end of the month sales for 24-hour fitness. And, uh, you know, it was a big day for us to make a lot of money and we'd work all day long. And I'd get there about six o'clock in the morning, start off. And that's how I'd start off. We'd start off with this one speed stack and I'd wash down three high-droxy cuts.
Starting point is 00:30:26 And then at six a.m. that would get out of Wonderslays as a hard game. Yeah, it's all cracked out. Then at noon, I would take another speed stack and I'd wash another three down. By the end of the night, I'd have four speed stacks and I'd have four servings of the high drugs he cut and I remember that night laying in my bed after so I worked all the way till midnight so 6am midnight bell to bell really I mean I was hyped all day sweating my balls off all through work and then when I went home typically if I were to do a day like that I would just crash it would be so exhausted while I laid in bed and just my hands were trembling. You know, my hands were trembling and I couldn't,
Starting point is 00:31:10 I couldn't settle. I couldn't settle for a minute. So I laid in bed for like an hour, toss in a turn and try and fall asleep and then realize it's okay. Now it's like two, three in the morning and I'm just gonna get up and show. I got up and showered and I went back to work and then I worked it off, which took till about two o'clock
Starting point is 00:31:26 in the afternoon the next day, and then I fucking crashed for like two days, dude, it was crazy. It was like the worst thing ever. Bro, I was stupidest thing ever too. That's the shit that we, I mean, it's like being on speed. You know, I share this, it is.
Starting point is 00:31:39 I share the story because I feel like, even being somebody who was in the fitness profession and part of all that stuff like that, how easily we didn't, I were convinced that that was okay, you know what I'm saying, or that was the norm. And like, I wouldn't even think twice by air. I know everyone's listening to probably going like, what an idiot. I would never do that. Well, yeah, well, fucking mind pump didn't exist when I was 20. Well, not only that wasn't a bunch of smart people that were, well, let's be honest, let's be honest,
Starting point is 00:32:03 too, the fitness industry back then, when we were working in it, it was like Wall Street. It was not very, it was not conducive to health. It was not conducive to health. It was bell to bell, grind it out.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Yeah. You know, it was competitive. We were fricking, we were animals. So at 19, 20 years old, you can make sure that's your figure. Straight out of high school.
Starting point is 00:32:22 It was Wall Street dude. Yeah, I know. It was definitely a different time. No, one time for me, I took all, I would take speed stacks, all because obviously that's what we sold in the club, right? So I smashed some speed stacks and then I read some chemistry book about, and I started learning how, you know, what receptors they act on and, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:38 if Edward does this, caffeine does this, there's aspirin in there that does that. So then I said, oh, I bet if I combine a beta agonist like Yo-Himbee, and I think it's a beta agonist, I might be wrong, but anyhow, I knew it would be synergistic. So then I slammed some Yo-Himbee with it, and I went home that night, dude, 11 o'clock, I laid in bed, and it made me really crazy and paranoid,
Starting point is 00:33:01 and all night I'm thinking in bed like, my mom's gonna find my dead body in bed, and then this is gonna this is gonna be horrible like this and I remember like your eyeballs are sweaty. Oh and I was making deals with God You know what I mean around my my big God listen. I'll never do this again. If you just let me live Dude that was like I feel like such a wuss like I literally like it was two speed stacks and I was driving home back on 17 and I like I felt like my heart was like outside of my body on top of my car And I was just like come back Breathe and then I'm like trying to keep steering and I was like Crazy I feel like a piece of shit cuz I was what I was introduced to
Starting point is 00:33:45 Yeah, yeah, yeah, first day of work. I did just this. Oh, yeah, I think he had me hooked there It was like part of my like training dude I think we're all number one in the company. Yeah, I mean that's it I'd be like my speed up like you want to be the best like then I go get my speedstag and I buy it for me I did a lot more than start with this because I was like I really energetic So bad dude wow, we were horrible. Oh god, so Ladies and gentlemen, Faberiners are not good for you. No, I don't think you should take them. Not only do we,
Starting point is 00:34:08 not only do we understand the science now, but we've also that, we've got from Jesse and say by the back. You know what? Because it will be here all day to talk about supplements that suck because they most of them do. But I will say this,
Starting point is 00:34:18 there are certain obscure herbs and stuff out there that have some benefit. One of them is horny goat weed. I want to talk about this because I bought some tea the other day and Adam's been drinking. I drank it yesterday. I want today will be day two. Day two. So by the third day, you should be getting increased blood flow.
Starting point is 00:34:34 You just tinted out. You should be feeling it. I'll let you know. Super sprung. Yeah. So horny goat weed, interesting. It's got a chemical in it called, I believe it's epimedium. I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right, but it's a partial PDE5 inhibitor, which is kind of the same way where the agro
Starting point is 00:34:50 works. So it actually increases nitric oxide through that particular pathway, and it helps with boners with directions, kind of interesting stuff. It's also anti-inflammatory, so it can be cool to drink every once in a while, but you shouldn't drink it every day. It's a new favorite supplement. But you can take it every day. So here's the interesting thing. Anytime a supplement has an actual action in the body, where the body reacts by changing its own chemicals and hormones,
Starting point is 00:35:18 you can expect your body to get used to after a while. You can almost look at medications. Look at people, medications that people take long term. Yeah, yeah, yeah. People have to end up taking more and more, you know, of them later on to get the same effect. This is true for opiates for sure. You know, pain killers even, you know, antidepressants, people have to change medications. So anytime you take a supplement and it actually works by changing some kind of chemical process in the body, you can expect your body to get used to it,
Starting point is 00:35:45 either by downregulating its receptors or slowing down its production of whatever chemical it's making it. So it's more urban, huh? It's an urban and it came in a tea and I bought some and I brought it to Adam's house. Me and him were drinking it together. We're waiting for it to sting in.
Starting point is 00:36:00 We're like, is it working? It's very, very weird. Is it working? It's a weird situation. I invite him over to my house to watch a movie. That's what he brings. No, bro, I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:36:08 I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:36:16 I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:36:24 I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm like a minibus. It was the no Spanish fly. No. Oh, it was like this, this myth that there was a supplement in Mexico, this pill that you could give women and make them super horny. It was called Spanish fly. Okay. I never heard. What is this? This 70s before Justin, I were born. I knew this at 13 years. 13. I took it. You were born when he had chest hair. Yeah, just, you know that. That's a fact. Nipple hair. So what, so Justin, you're about to say something
Starting point is 00:36:49 about supplements. Oh, yeah. Yeah, no, I was gonna ask you about Tumeric actually. Oh, Tumeric, yeah. Tumeric has, she's correct the way I pronounced it. I don't know if I'm saying it right or you're saying it right. Is it Tumeric or Tumeric?
Starting point is 00:37:02 Oh, it's Tumeric. It's Tumeric. Is it Tumeric? What'd you say, Justin? I said T's turmeric. It's turmeric. Is it turmeric? What'd you say, Justin? I said turmeric. Whatever. Everybody knows what we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:37:09 It's okay. Lots of studies done on the active ingredient in turmeric called crocuman for its anti-inflammatory antioxidant properties. It's good for you. Basically, I would recommend eating a turmeric root, which is related to ginger. So make it into smoothies and stuff. That's the way I would recommend eating a turmeric root, which is related to ginger. So make it into smoothies and stuff. That's the way I would recommend taking it. But if you don't like it, you can buy it in pill form,
Starting point is 00:37:31 don't buy it concentrated, buy it in powdered pill form, and take it with food. And after a while, it should have anti-inflammatory effects. And it's been backed by some good science. Yeah, I've just noticed that a lot of doctors have been really focusing on that is a good thing to recommend to people.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Especially for the gut and for the colon. So if you have irritable bowel syndrome and stuff like that, it's supposed to be really good. Well, what's your theory? If you're loading up on your mega threes and you're doing, I mean, is it necessary if you're already taking stuff that's to help with anti-inflammatory?
Starting point is 00:38:01 Can you double up on that or is it going to be beneficial or not beneficial? Well, I think thoughts on that. I don't know, because I know they work through different pathways. I know they affect inflammation in different ways. Okay, so that would make sense that you would keep still. You could, and here's the thing with foods like turmeric, because it's a food.
Starting point is 00:38:18 I don't think, you know, I think it'd be very hard to eat too much of it because you probably want to throw up, right? You get grossed out. That's why I always recommend the food version of it. So I think if you ate fish and you ate turmeric, the root, I don't think you'd ever have to worry about, oh shit, am I taking too many things that have anti-inflammatory properties.
Starting point is 00:38:35 You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. Like fish oil, I think you could definitely take too much. You took a whole bottle of fish oil. You probably wouldn't be too good. I turn into a fish. Maybe, maybe. But I know it's a too good. I turn into a fish. Maybe, maybe. But I know it's a blood thinner.
Starting point is 00:38:47 You just smell real dirty. Yeah, you know you're supposed to stop taking like, close your legs. So, God. What? You know you're supposed to stop taking fish while like a couple of weeks or so before surgery. Because the blood thinner could affect your blood
Starting point is 00:39:00 ability to clot. So, no shit. Random fact. Yeah, I like it. Yeah. Random helpy. So, you guys don't take those for Instagram. You guys don't take any other random supplements?
Starting point is 00:39:13 Are we staying or all legal? Yeah, okay. No, I pretty much cover all those ones. You don't know. No, I think there's gonna be. I'm not really, I'm not, I've got, I've I have not really I've got I've got Sitchell in there. I've got the all night and I've got a lot of stuff like that in there Yeah, I have vitamin C in there
Starting point is 00:39:32 My Omega's but I you know I have all these bottle. I mean I have really looks like a I've you I don't know if you open the cupboard yet or not but wait till you open the cupboard You'll see it looks like a farm. Yeah, yeah looks like mine. I mean we have we have everything right and we have everything We're talking about right now in there, but that's just it is so what I do is I carry it for guy who's a non supplement That's what's so funny, right? I tell people this in the corner house They what the fuck you have more supplements than anyone I've ever met But I literally have one of everything and you know, I supplement as as needed if I notice that I haven't that's a great point I if I haven't if I notice I haven't been getting the type of foods like
Starting point is 00:40:07 Sal is talking about because I'm always shooting for that. And that's, that's, here's my biggest beef with people that are like stuck on IIF and talk shit about clean eat clean eaters, you know, like we have to label ourselves or something. No, I'm not a clean eater. No, I'm not. I have no, I'm somebody who was always trying to fucking improve his body and overall hell trying to eat healthy. Yes I'm trying I'm always trying to and I'm always Searching for the better choice always now do I break down and enjoy a fucking burger? No, of course I do I'm human, you know, I don't call it IFYM and I don't call it fucking clean eating
Starting point is 00:40:38 I call it I'm always trying to better me and so I'll always like I'll pick apart my diet after like a couple weeks You know what? I just noticed I haven't been eating this for this and that and I always will first try and me. And so I'll always like I'll pick apart my diet after like a couple weeks going about, Hey, you know what? I just noticed I haven't been eating this for this. And I always will first try and rotate the food in. But if I notice that's why same thing for me, that's why I have a cabinet full of supplements because I'll be like, Okay, you know, my daughter's getting a cold. Oh, elderberry or, you know, I haven't been getting much sun. I've been inside a lot. I'm going to take a little, you know, some D3 or zinc lozenges if I'm getting a cold or if I'm having issues sleeping, I might take some cat, you know, I'll take
Starting point is 00:41:09 chamomile tea and, you know, if I have issues with my stomach, I'll have peppermint tea. And so I have all these different things, but I use them as a needed. It's not like I take them all the time. This is why I want to ride a guide for, you know, how to supplement for your needs. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:21 This is my thing I really, really want to do. And I know we have a full plate and everything like that. And I shouldn't be putting it out there. But maybe if everybody starts commenting on how awesome that would be. I think, I, this is how I get my way. No pressure. This is how I get my way, right?
Starting point is 00:41:36 Everyone's like, no, we got to work on this. No, we got to work on that. Adam's saying, no, I think this could be huge for people. Because we just tell the fans and put everyone on the spot. Yeah, well, it's because, it's because, say something or don't We talk shit about supplements because we're trying to get people to stop looking in that direction Not because none of us in here use that every single one of us use supplements
Starting point is 00:41:54 But if you do it right you a bottle of anything should last you a very long time and how to look for quality and all these kinds of Resources out there now to really thank you. Yeah, thank you the bullshit kinds of resources out there now. It's a really, yeah. Thank you. Yeah. So if you have the bullshed, let's be real. There's been like five agencies that have gone out and tested supplements randomly, test the supplements they find in GNC's or target or whatever.
Starting point is 00:42:17 And in alarming, in alarming percentage of them, either A, have an impurity or B, don't have what they have, they say they have on them or C, have something else in there completely. And we're talking about like some of these tests like 60% dude. Well, that's because that's fucking the majority horrible. So a lot of people don't know that it's not FDA regulated. It's not they think it's a food so they think it has to be regulated
Starting point is 00:42:38 the same way. No, it is not as a supplement. It's in its own category. And therefore we could literally not we would could take a pill call. We could do. And therefore, we could literally not, we could take a pill call it, we could do it right now. We could call, yeah, we could call it some, whatever fancy name we want to put on it. On the back of it, we put a bunch of stuff that is like non-allergenic and nothing that's gonna hurt harm you, right?
Starting point is 00:42:55 We just put a bunch of fucking sugar in there. We put sugar inside, sugar inside there. And we sell the damn pills off as what they are. And there's nothing that we, I mean, no one can do shit about it. We're not gonna gel for that. No, they have to prove it. They have to prove that we were wrong.
Starting point is 00:43:08 And by that time we could, oh, sorry, we're gonna change it. And that's what's happened in the past. Not to mention that supplement companies will, many times put dangerous ingredients in that they know, maybe have a real strong effect. Hydroxyca, I've gotten trouble for that. And dude, hormones, they have.
Starting point is 00:43:24 They have hormones and things because it works. It works. a real strong effect. Yeah. Hydroxycagotten trouble for that. Yeah. Dude, hormones. Yeah, they'll be. They're hormones and things because it works. It works. There's been herbal like, like, like, no, herbal biagra and they'll take them and analyze it and guess what it has in it. Real biagra. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:34 You know, like so everybody's gonna buy it now. Herbal biagra. Well, cool. I got real good. There's some. There's some gas stations and got caught. I heard about this. Really?
Starting point is 00:43:42 Yeah. Oh, if people don't know the, know, this is the supplement hustle right here. So, FBI that has a list, is the FBI that has a list of all the illegal substance that are out there, like all steroids. Oh, I don't know. It's a control. Yeah, so they have a list of all of them, right? And all of them that are on there, it has the exact, like, chemical, you know, chemical
Starting point is 00:44:02 name. Yeah, the chemical name of what causes that, whatever that steroid or drug or whatever that's illegal. So all they have to do is tweak literally like one compound and that entire chain and it's different than what's illegal and then they can sell that. And that's what they did until that gets found out that okay, that's pretty much a steroid also. Well bro, take a band that.
Starting point is 00:44:23 10 years ago, maybe even less, five years ago, you could get your hands on so many designer steroids online, and they were perfectly legal. And it was because of that. And you know what they did, these supplement companies, because they're not like brilliant chemists, you know, at home going, how are we gonna change D-Ball so that it's still active, but it's not, it's still legal.
Starting point is 00:44:41 No, they're not fucking that smart. This is what they did, or maybe they are. This is how they did it. They would go through and look at rejected drugs from pharmaceutical companies. Yeah. So like a pharmaceutical company would put out like an anabolic supplement to try to, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:55 okay, this is gonna be good for people who have AIDS or whatever to help them maintain muscle. And then one trial will come out and they'll be like, oh, fuck, liver damage. Let's put this on the back burner. And these supplement companies will pick up, pick it up. and they'll be like, oh, fuck, liver damage. Let's put this on the back burner and these supplement companies will pick up, pick it up and they'll, they'll produce it so that they didn't have to do the work. And it's not illegal, you know, it's about five years old.
Starting point is 00:45:13 You could buy all that shit online. And you still probably can. You'd have to be a little smarter about it. But, but ladies and gentlemen, you're better off taking testosterone shots. Way better off. Oh, yeah. Then you are with those designer steroids. Now they have like,
Starting point is 00:45:26 Psalms, the Psalms which are another drug. Oh. They're not FDA approved yet, but it's like this gray area. Man, there's supplement stores that will sell a Psalm. A Psalm is a fucking drug that they're trying to get approved right now. We don't even know really fully how safe it is or how it works.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Yeah, no. And people are taking it cause it's helped, they think it's helped. Well, it does help build muscle. Some people give me shit, but I, that's exact. When I, someone asked me like about all those crazy designer steroids and supplements. Some take the real shit.
Starting point is 00:45:52 I mean, yeah, I literally say, you should, if you're really gonna do all that stuff, honestly, go take testosterone. Just go, you're way, it's way safer than what you're doing by putting all that shit into your body and not really knowing what it is. At least we know what test is. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:46:06 We know what the fuck that is. Sometimes I think to myself, I think back, and I get a little bit worried about potential damage I might have caused myself. We talk about speed stacks. I'm pretty sure that fried something, but forget that. I'm talking about all the random supplements I used to take.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Anything that came out I would buy and take It could have had anything in it, you know what I'm saying? It could have been nasty. Who knows? Oh, I mean, it happens first Sure anything that was an eyeball on my back from literally from 15 15 years old to I don't know close to 25 You know that 10 years span anything and everything that was about building muscle or could have potentially Increased my testosterone levels inside a supplement store. I ate I don't know if you're gonna understand anything and everything that was about building muscle or could potentially increase my test Austro levels inside a supplement store. I I literally I mean, I was always wanting to be bigger and be trying again and again. I would take I would try everything on the same none of them without any
Starting point is 00:46:54 Yeah, well and without any worry in my head. Well, no, I've had some stuff man. I took a train over the counter once I think you I'm asking you're talking about the designer steroids. I'm talking about the non-design. I'm gonna buy everything. I take it all of it. Right. So I did too, but I'm talking about the non-design. Steroid supplements. I never do anything. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:12 And we kept going back. Oh, yeah. Think of that. If you're listening around now, listen to what I'm saying. Here we are, you know, three guys in the fitness industry. We know what we're talking about. Even then, I knew what I was talking about when I came to fitness. We weren't stupid.
Starting point is 00:47:23 We weren't stupid. It was our career. We were professionals, managers, you then, I knew what I was talking about when I came to fitness. We weren't stupid. We weren't stupid. It was our career. We were professionals, managers, you know, in a large fitness company. And I would fall for that shit over, I would buy this supplement and it didn't give me any gains. And, but I'd like manifest them in my head. Like I think I feel something.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Then I fucking won't take that. I'm gonna try this next one. And you keep going down. And what they're doing is they're praying on people's insecurities and hope that they're gonna take some magic pill and it's gonna, all of a sudden, this is what I've been looking for. Like it's an answer that just happened.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Like, oh, this is the one, this is the thing. And I'm gonna tell you something. If a supplement really ever is that good, you'll hear about it. Like it'll be like number one in the world all over the place, super effective. Yeah. The only thing that gives you that instant muscle one in the world all over the place, super effective. Yeah. The only thing that gives you that instant muscle
Starting point is 00:48:07 without having to do any of the work, right? That's synth-alls shit. Oh, that big guy. People inject him. You can even live like a big water balloon. You know, I'm really curious to how popular that is. Synth-all? Only one time I thought I saw a person in person
Starting point is 00:48:20 or in person. Synth-all is pretty heavily used in bodybuilding. Pretty heavily. They've learned how to use it, so it's not so obvious, but it. Symphalas pretty heavily used in bodybuilding, pretty heavily. They've learned how to use it, so it's not so obvious, but it's definitely rumored to be heavily used in bodybuilding. I've heard the same rumors too. I have nothing to prove. Being in the world myself and knowing a lot of guys,
Starting point is 00:48:35 I don't, I, you know, I would think, even if it's heavily, that's hard to say that, because I feel like I would know one person. Yeah. I've seen one guy. No, Sympol people want to admit That's the thing the little admit course, but synthol is embarrassing. It's being like calf implants or something I got some embarrassing and I want to know it's more embarrassing
Starting point is 00:48:53 Listen for those you listening who don't know what that is what synthol is synthol is an inner oil So it doesn't do anything and you they would take a big ass needle and the one jacked it deep in the muscle Just so it sits in there. And it's, you're basically giving yourself big, you know, bag of oil that looks like your bicep. And if you go online and you Google, yeah, synth, all that's why and THOL, look at the images and you will see the biggest morons you've ever seen. Biggest Googley,y watery it looks shitty. It would be crazy if there are a lot of, you know, bodybuilders that do that. That would be sad. It's sad because that's why would it be any more sad than it's been, dude. Well, I mean, bodybuilding
Starting point is 00:49:37 has become for a long time now. It's been it's like a complete, especially at the pro level. It is a science experiment. Freak show. Yeah. I mean, they do stuff that's just, I mean, I'm we're seeing the guys from the 90s now start to drop. And it's kind of scary, man, you know, all the deaths and stuff that have to do to scale back. Well, yeah, because I mean, it's it's some of causing on the pharmacy. Yeah, yeah, it's gotten out of control. I mean, I mean, the crazy, you just can't humans weren't made to grow that much, but it's crazy how they keep challenging those boundaries.
Starting point is 00:50:08 It's right. Yeah. Yeah, you've got guys walking on stage over 300 pounds now. Yeah, I mean, that's fucking insane. Yeah, that's crazy. That's, yeah. What's crazier though is when they are on a supplement commercial in a magazine or whatever, and they're saying, take this supplement. That's not what did it.
Starting point is 00:50:23 And you don't want to do. You're extreme. Yeah. what did it. And you don't want to do it. You're too extreme. Yeah, and by the way, you don't want to do what he did to get that way. Oh, and also, don't take any of his fucking advice because that is not a human. Yeah, exactly. He can't give you any advice that would apply to you.
Starting point is 00:50:35 At all. You can't do those things. It'd be like me giving advice to an insect. Like this is what you get. He's not gonna work for him. He's an insect. I'm a human. They're a creature.
Starting point is 00:50:43 You're a human. It doesn't work. That's kind of a good point to you. That's, that's a really good point. It is. No, it is. That's it. What do you have in common? What do we have in common with the top bodybuilders in the world? Not very much. No, no. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, no. Not very much. You're talking about the 1% of the just being gifted in that, that they could even know the 1% of 1%. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's like, it's like when you see a pro basketball player or you know pro football player. Yeah. They're not in the same category. Yeah. I just can't you just can't build any someone actually asked me that question the other day. They were asking about you know is or we bound by our
Starting point is 00:51:13 genetics somehow is where your body only get potentially so big and so strong. And that was my answer. And she was like, oh really? I thought you could just continue to keep building. I was like, no, then everybody would be ginormous. You know what I'm saying? Or everyone would disappear. At one point, our body gets to, it's, you know, genetic potential. The key is to always, is to challenge it and see. And look, I'm 36, about to turn 37.
Starting point is 00:51:36 And I have yet to hate my potential because I'm still hitting milestones on my training. Yeah, I have been training for a long time. So I think there's so many variables that you can manipulate in so many different things you can look at and learn about your body Very gradual process. It's a very gradual process and supplements play a tiny tiny tiny Tiny role in that and that's the first showing part because it's where a lot of the questions come from and like I Refrain a lot from just like being kind of a dick and saying, hey, listen, like this is all minuscule
Starting point is 00:52:07 in the grand scheme of things. It's so minuscule. It's so hard to do not, and that's why I wanna do a god so bad. Yeah, yeah. Because I just feel like we all get the same way because we get irritated by it, but yet then we all have all these supplements at our house.
Starting point is 00:52:21 But it's like, I can't stress enough that learning to supplement for your need is far superior than learning to supplement for your goal. Yeah. You know, learning to figure out what, because we're getting healthy is the priority. You, your body is like this performance. Your body is this beautiful machine. It is, it's so beautiful.
Starting point is 00:52:39 And it's got so many intricate parts to it. Oh. And it's, I don't know, I thought it was looking right at you though. No, it's, I'll give you that. It is a beautiful machine. It is,
Starting point is 00:52:50 it is, and it has so many unique things and all these things that were, all these different, these keys moves, roots and foods that, that produce certain things and your body that increase this and increase that,
Starting point is 00:53:02 like all those things are getting that all running on all cylinders is so much more beneficial. You know what just came in my head after what you're saying right now, there's totally popped from head. I wish people treated. I didn't come on your head. I wish.
Starting point is 00:53:16 I wish. I wish. Hey, got you on that one. That was bad. You're gonna have to, buddy. I wish people approached food like they did with supplements. And let me explain. People look at supplements and say,
Starting point is 00:53:28 let me find that next pill that's gonna do this one thing for me. You can do that with food. You can actually do that with food. Like you can look and see and say, you know what, I'm gonna make bone broth because it has collagen protein and collagen protein has got a lot of proline in it, which is good for my connective tissue.
Starting point is 00:53:43 My joints, and guess what? If you eat bone broth regularly, it'll fucking do that. Or you know, I wanna reduce inflammation. protein has got a lot of proline in it, which is good for my connective tissue. My joints. And guess what? If you eat bone broth regularly, it'll fucking do that. Or, you know, I want to reduce inflammation. I kind of have good issues. I'm going to start eating more fermented foods. Right. You know, I had you brought that up.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Those are really the two things I forgot all about that I had changed this year. It's like drinking more probiotics and then also eating Himalayan salt. And it's really made significant change, especially like, and I keep bringing up my acid refluxing to continue to contain. Oh, it's lower than. Yeah, especially because of the minerals, which I thought was very interesting.
Starting point is 00:54:14 That's right, how neutralizes it. Imagine if people approached food like that. Like if they said, okay, I need more, I want more of these particular fats. I want more medium-chain triglycerides for energy. So I'm gonna eat this food that provides that. If you do that, if you look at food and you treat it like supplements and say, okay,
Starting point is 00:54:30 this food I'm gonna eat after my workout because I want this and I want this food two hours before to fuel myself or whatever, you're gonna get amazing results. There's no supplement in the world, no supplement stack that'll even come close to that. You know, start doing some of that stuff, fixing nutrition and follow a good workout
Starting point is 00:54:47 program with good programming, like our maps programs. And watch what happens to your body. Absolutely. Significance. Thank you for listening. Please leave us a five star rating and review for Sal, the staff and all your favorite hosts. Get some.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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