Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2335: The Truth About Ozempic Face

Episode Date: May 13, 2024

What are GLP-1s? (2:03) Future ground-breaking intervention or fad? (3:10) How do they make people lose weight? (5:16) The Truth about “Ozempic Face and The Factors Contributing to it. (10:2...6) #1 - Losing fat will reduce how filled out your face looks. (11:29) #2 - Not eating enough protein will reduce collagen production. (12:48) #3 - Not eating enough fats will make skin appear older, and cell integrity is reduced. (15:48) #4 - Lack of hydration. (18:11) #5- Losing muscle adds to skin sag. (19:05) #6 - Nutrient deficient. (23:35) The Top Supplements to Remedy. #1 – Take a protein powder or essential amino acids. (26:58) #2 - Take fish oil. (29:12) #3 - Take multivitamins. (29:25) #4 – HMB/creatine. (30:20) #5 - Strength training. (31:59) #6 - Drink plenty of water. (34:20) Related Links/Products Mentioned Get your free Sample Pack with any drink mix purchase! And if you’re an LMNT INSIDER, you have first access to LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump May Promotion: MAPS Strong | MAPS Powerlift 50% off! ** Code MAY50 at checkout ** Ozempic Face: What It Is & How to Treat It - TODAY Mind Pump #2110: Ozempic The Miracle Fat Loss Peptide: The Truth With Dr. William Seeds Mind Pump #2187: Why Building Muscle Is More Important Than Losing Fat With Dr. Gabrielle Lyon HMB benefits, dosage, and side effects - Examine THE DOCTOR’S FARMACY Podcast Ep. 884 – Ozempic: A Weight Loss Miracle or Metabolic Menace? A Discussion with Dr. Tyna Moore & Calley Means Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram    

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind Pump with your hosts, Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Today's episode, we talk about ozempic face. Is it real? What's causing it? Can you fix it? It's a great episode. This episode is brought to you by one of our sponsors, Elementee. It's an electrolyte powder you add to your water. It's got the right amount of sodium, no artificial
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Starting point is 00:01:08 Alright, here comes the show. Alright, you've probably seen it all over the media. Celebrities with Ozempic face. They lose a bunch of weight and then they look gaunt. They look sick, unhealthy and they're blaming on Ozempic or other GLP ones. In today's episode, we're going to talk about Ozempic face, the truth behind what the media is talking about. Have you seen, actually, I think I sent an article over to the group thread this morning of some of the most popular people. Oh, the examples of them?
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it looks pretty crazy. Doesn't look good. Yeah, and I'm always skeptical of, because obviously these people, they're paid to capture the worst images that they can of celebrities. I mean, that's what these poor... I know. I mean, they get followed around everywhere and it's just like, find a celebrity at their worst moment. You're not in makeup. Yes, dude. Yeah, not makeup, not good dress,
Starting point is 00:01:58 the night before, early in the morning, late at night type of deal. It's like, let's catch them. Well, so I think there's actually something to this, but first we should back up just for anybody who doesn't know what's going on. So Zepic is the brand name of a peptide called semaglutide. There's other peptides in this category, or other types of peptides in this category of pharmaceuticals. Terzepotide is another one.
Starting point is 00:02:20 And essentially what they are is they attach to a receptor known as a GLP-1 receptor. And this tells the brain that you've eaten, or essentially it tricks the brain to thinking you've eaten. So whenever you eat, this peptide is released naturally in the body and it says, Hey, you've had enough food. Now there's a lot more that goes into this. There's a lot of science around how this works.
Starting point is 00:02:40 And the GLP-1s, these new classes aren't just GLP-1 agonists, they also attach other receptors and they do other things as well. But essentially the way they make people lose weight is that people just eat less. So there's no magic in the sense that they all of a sudden turn the body into a weight loss machine, they just effectively dampen or in some cases hammer somebody's appetite and so they
Starting point is 00:03:06 just eat less and they end up losing weight just like you would if you just ate less on your own. You know what's interesting about this thing I mean obviously I'm going through experiencing it right now is like how many times have you've heard of a supplement that is marketed that way too? Yeah. Like satiety inducing or you've heard people say like, oh, it totally curbs the cravings for this. And I mean, I think comes close. Nothing. So, I mean, I, it's cause it's that effective growing up in the space, right? For over 20 years in all of us were not as much as Sal, but all of us have been into supplements and trying different things. And I don't think there's a, a performance and supplement, meaning a fat burner, a muscle building supplement,
Starting point is 00:03:46 uh, that are endurance. I mean, you name it. I think I've tried everything that exists on the market. And there's many of these supplements that are out there that have claimed. To do similar type things, but it's not even in the same universe to what this, what this does. Never seen a non-surgical medical intervention for weight loss do or perform from a weight loss perspective.
Starting point is 00:04:13 So we're not talking about fat loss, muscle loss or anything else, just weight loss. Nothing's come close to the GLP ones. You look at these trials and people are consistently losing 15% of their body weight. Some of these newer ones that are coming out are getting closer to 20%. So, you know, if you're 200 pounds, like you're going to lose 30 pounds, 40 pounds. That's the average that people see with the use of these things. And there's never been an intervention that's shown that. And they're not stimulant based. In the past,
Starting point is 00:04:47 weight loss drugs like Fenfen, for example, they would suppress appetite through the process of stimulating the central nervous system. Similar to Adderall. Adderall will do this for people with ADD where it kind of makes you lose your appetite. No, this literally tells the brain you've eaten essentially. And not only do you not want food, in many cases, people say they're actually repulsed by food if they even try to eat. So it's very effective from a weight loss perspective.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yeah. What is it doing Sal in regards to like leptin and ghrelin, right? Is it like, so it's, it's manipulating the way. There seems to be a communication between ghrelin and leptin and the glucagon like peptide, uh, that we produce in the body and I'm not super privy on how they work, but I knew leptin that there, there seems to be some, some evidence to shows that using a GLP one will help
Starting point is 00:05:39 with things like leptin resistance, um, which can develop after you've eaten poorly for, for your, which basically is our body already has these natural hormones that get released to tell it it's full and it's done eating. Yeah, or when to eat or not to eat. And what has probably happened to many people who are obese for sure and definitely overweight and have been for a long time is they basically have become resistant to that. Like that signal like that or it's been dampened. Is that what's going on here? And then basically, cause what it feels like to me, you know.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Was the ground signal like quieter then at that point? So I think, I think it just, it gets overwritten. It's kind of like, similar is it not, and correct me if I'm wrong, like to insulin resistance, right? Is it similar to that, but with leptin in this case? Yeah, so if you have too much of many things in the body, the body can down-regulate receptors
Starting point is 00:06:36 and become less sensitive to it. So it starts reacting less and less to it. Resistance is not a good thing. Like insulin resistance means that the insulin in your body isn't working anymore. So your body has to continue to produce more and more insulin. And if it gets bad enough, you develop type two diabetes. But with something like this, I mean, that's a, there's a complex interplay there. And we're not quite sure.
Starting point is 00:06:57 I mean, I've looked at the data. I'm not a scientist or a doctor in the field, so I don't want to comment too much on that, but I do know that it's the jury's kind of out. Well, it's still fun. It's fun for me to hear you speculate because we already have doctors scheduled to come on and talk more about this, right? So we're going to get a chance to really go.
Starting point is 00:07:13 We'll get more educated. Yeah, we'll be able to get super nerdy in it, which is fine. But I like that you just speculate with you and our experience. Because I have somewhat of an understanding of what's going on. And it makes sense to me that that's what's happening and why there's this kind of wide variance between the individuals.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Like somebody who, and it seems like someone who I think has a healthier metabolism, like myself, compared to somebody who's like obese is going to be, I'm more sensitive to the peptide. to somebody who's like obese is going to be, I'm more sensitive to the peptide. And I think that's why it just crushed my, and why the average per like, they have this kind of blanket prescription, right? Of like 25 MCGs, right? To per- No, I think it's- Per IUs. 25 units.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Yeah, 25 units, right? So 25 units is like the standard prescription. But that's so interesting because if it is something like this, where someone is more or less resistant to something, you're probably going to have people who have a healthier metabolism that are going to, it's going to be way more impacted by the peptide. People who have just destroyed that signal, right? Or dampened that signal so much for so many years of overeating, I would imagine need that lot of a signal to-
Starting point is 00:08:24 It's interesting because what's hard to parse out is if you take someone with leptin resistance and they just lose weight, you see an improvement in that. So it's hard to parse out if the GLP-1 is doing that or if the weight loss due to the GLP-1 is doing that. So we don't, to date, I don't know of any studies where they take groups of people and they have them eat the same, but one's on a GOP, one on the other one isn't, to see if there's a difference.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Or in other words, put them both on a calorie deficit, same deficit, but this one's on a GOP. Are there additional benefits or changes happening? Now there seems to be an anti-inflammatory effect in the brain, but you still see that again when people go on a calorie deficit who are overweight. So it's hard to say. I think it probably does some other stuff because you are agonizing a receptor, so that's
Starting point is 00:09:14 got to have some other effects. I just don't know how big the effects are, but to be clear, the weight loss that comes from these isn't, it's not some magic thing that happens where you're eating the same and you lose weight. You just eat less. This is how it happens. You just eat less. Well, didn't they develop it for diabetes? Yeah. Was it obviously type 2? Yes, to improve insulin sensitivity because it sensitizes the body to insulin, but a lot of the effects were because people lost weight. Yeah. You take type 2 diabetics, you have them lose weight and you typically will
Starting point is 00:09:48 see most of the time an improvement. So it's hard to say, but again, the weight loss that we're seeing from these is just people are eating less because you see all these like, oh, you know, high glycemic index carbs cause more fat gain. This causes more fat gain. That it's the hormones, but then when they control for that, calories matter. Now, we're talking about weight. Once we break down and get closer to what that weight is made up of, then you start seeing a bigger, then you see a difference with hormone sensitivities and stuff like that. But because you will obviously hold on to more muscle
Starting point is 00:10:19 if you have a better hormone profile than someone else who doesn't, even though you're both in a similar calorie deficit. And I think that's what's really going on with this term that's becoming popular, right, ozempic face, is I think this is an example, an extreme example of people that are just, they're just losing a ton of weight. Yeah, rapid weight loss.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Yeah, weight, and they're not keeping. They're not holding on to muscle. They're not holding on to muscle. And you know, you have to know that, especially in that space, right? There's a lot of people that are addicted to looking skinny and borderline unhealthy and the diet culture.
Starting point is 00:10:55 They may be upping their dose too. Right, the diet culture already in Hollywood is already not a healthy one. And so now we enters this peptide that's like, damn near miraculous what it can do as far as weight loss. And so of course we are gonna see abuse and people that take this too far that, are gonna look gaunt.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I mean, the example of that before was like the runway models, and they're just eating like lettuce and barely drinking anything. Cocaine. Yeah, cocaine. And that's like how the, and it was just eating lettuce and barely drinking anything. Cocaine. Yeah, cocaine. And that's like how the... And it was just to produce a look. And why would it be any different in Hollywood? This is a fact, okay?
Starting point is 00:11:31 That a lot of the fullness in someone's face or youth, the way someone looks, especially ... This is especially true for women. It has to do with the fat in your face. Look, forget anything else. I've worked with women who did everything right in the sense of they dieted right, they lifted weights, whatever, but they just got so lean that you still see
Starting point is 00:11:51 that their face ages a little bit, because fat, now there's more to it, and we'll get to this, but fat fills the face out. So when you get a bunch of celebrities who lose 30 pounds of body fat, your face isn't gonna look as young because it's not gonna be as filled out. So a lot of that has to do with the fact that they just of body fat, your face isn't going to look as young because it's not going to be as filled out. So a lot of that has to do with the fact that they just lost body fat.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And we have body fat in our faces and it's going to make you look older in a sense. In fact, there's an old saying in Europe, which is like, you either choose your butt or your face. And what they mean by that is you either lose weight, get a smaller butt, but you lose your face, or you gain weight, now you got a big butt, but your face looks better. This is an old saying in modeling in Europe. But it's true, so a lot of these people lost
Starting point is 00:12:33 a lot of body weight, and so their faces are gonna look a little older as a result. But there's more to it, because it's not just that, right? Because there's more to your skin and how your face ages than just whether you have body fat or not. Another one is that there when you're not eating enough protein because if you cut your calories first off protein is the most satiety producing macronutrients. In other words out of proteins fats and carbs the one that makes you full the fastest is protein. Well if you have this strong signal from a glp1 that says eat less the one that makes you full the fastest is protein. Well, if you have this strong signal from a GLP-1 that says eat less, the foods that are going to
Starting point is 00:13:09 be the hardest to eat are going to be protein. So not only are you eating less, you're probably definitely eating much less protein. Now here's the deal. Collagen is from amino acids. Amino acids are in protein. So a complete protein has amino acids in two of them or glycine, proline or hydroxyproline.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Those are very important for collagen production. So if you take somebody and they just cut their calories and now they're eating 60 grams of protein a day, they're probably not getting enough of those amino acids to produce collagen. So now their skin is gonna look more wrinkled. It's gonna look older. Isn't this where the collagen market got popular?
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yes. Right, was exactly this. The collagen protein market, studies show that when people supplement with collagen protein, they see improvements in their skin. Now, that's not the full story. The full story is if you eat a high enough protein diet, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Doesn't matter. Yeah, you eat a high protein diet, you can take all the collagen you want, it's not gonna change anything. But what a high protein diet, you can take all the collagen you want, it's not going to change anything. But what they do is they took a bunch of average people who ate low protein, add a scoop of collagen, and then they notice improvements in their skin. Because you need those amino acids to build
Starting point is 00:14:16 collagen that's in your connective tissue and that's in your skin. And so all these people now going out to eating 1200 calories a day and a small amount of that is protein, your skin's gonna look older because you're not able to reinforce it or build it because you don't have the amino acids required for collagen production.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Now that being said, Sal, for the audience, that is either either one taking this already or curious, let's say this person is, you know, they need 180 or 200 grams of protein, like myself, I'll just use myself as an example, right? I need somewhere between 180-200 grams of protein a day to maintain the muscle and I'm landing at 75. I'm still better off taking a scoop of whey protein over a collagen protein. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the market, the collagen market exploded because it's connection to skin health.
Starting point is 00:15:06 And when you take a group of people that are eating only say 75 grams of protein, you give them collagen protein and you're going to see a boost in that. I mean, honestly, I mean, okay, we've done episodes on this. Ultimately, it would be the protein powder that's easiest for you to digest and process. But on a comparison basis, whey is one of the best proteins across the board. But yeah, if you're taking a GLP-1 and a high protein diet, by the way, the context is about 0.6 to 0.8 grams per pound of target body weight. If you're below that, adding a scoop of protein powder is going to make a difference in your skin health and how you look and will reduce the potential for you know what they're
Starting point is 00:15:47 calling ozempic phase. The other thing is remember you're eating less of everything right so we talked about protein let's go to the next one fat you're also probably consuming less fat well you need fat protein and fats are essential meaning there's a certain amount you have to eat or you will die you will die. No matter how many calories you eat, if you don't get enough essential amino acids or enough essential fatty acids, you cannot thrive. You can actually starve even on a high calorie diet if you don't get enough of those essentials.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Fat is very important for cell integrity. That's what keeps your cells really strong. I've trained many, especially female clients, where I looked at their diets and I bumped their fat intake and their skin, huge difference. So different. Skin, hair, I've had clients that were losing hair. Yes, this was really common in the late 90s, early 2000s, because of the war on fat.
Starting point is 00:16:43 And I think so the first half of our career, I would say this was more common than not. Like I think that most all my female clients that I took on and I look at it in such their diet almost always were under consuming protein and always under consuming in healthy fats. And they were always, they always had symptoms like, you know, like the hair falling out, their skin, nails, stuff like that, they were reporting back and then just simply bumping that and huge difference in their overall health. Oh, I had clients where we would just have them, you know, either have an avocado or some fish oil
Starting point is 00:17:16 and within weeks they're like, oh my God, my skin looks so much better. You need that fat for cell integrity. You also need it for hormone production and hormones play a role in how your face and your skin is going to look. So what you have, you have these celebrities who've dramatically reduced their calories. What gives you calories are proteins, fats, and carbs.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Now carbs are not essential. So you can go zero carb and maybe not be ideal for performance or whatever, but it's not going to kill you. But you go too low on protein and fat, things start to fall apart. And some of the first places you can see it is in your skin. And so what's probably happening with these people with those Zempig face, you see his pictures and they don't look good, is that their protein intake dropped and their fat intake dropped.
Starting point is 00:17:58 By the way, protein produces the most satiety. The second macronutrient that produces the most satiety is also fat. So here you are with no appetite, you're probably not eating steaks when you are eating because you just can't stomach it. You know, the other thing that I think is contributing to ozimic phase too that you actually didn't have on your list that I've experienced that I have to pay attention to is hydration. Oh yeah. Just overall staying healthy, healthy skin and filled in energy, like all that stuff. You know, there's a significant percentage of the water that we take in comes from our
Starting point is 00:18:29 food. So if you drink the same amount of water every day, but you're eating less, you're actually consuming less water. A lot of people don't even realize that. But there's also the if it's a strong enough signal that doesn't make you want to eat. Oftentimes people just from talking to people, they don't want to drink enough water. Yeah, because it makes you feel more full. I mean, I found that. I found that, like, I have to, there's definitely one of the challenges
Starting point is 00:18:51 is because there's this no desire to eat, it's really easy to just go all day long and not eat, not drink, not do anything like that. And so I have to actively pursue staying hydrated. So that's another one that I think is probably making a big difference too. Yeah, and then there's also just, when you just cut your calories,
Starting point is 00:19:11 and you don't strength train, and you don't consume adequate protein, you're guaranteed, guaranteed, okay, this is confirmed by countless studies, this is just what happens, you will lose a significant of the weight that you lose will come from muscle. So if you lost 20 pounds on the scale and you're not strength training, you're
Starting point is 00:19:30 not eating adequate protein, you can bet that out of those 20 pounds, good seven, eight pounds, maybe more depending on the person is going to come from muscle. Where does this muscle come from? The whole body. The body will take it away from, from everywhere, including the face underneath your, underneath your skin is not just fat. It's also muscle under the face. So you actually lose muscle underneath, uh, your, your, your, in your face as
Starting point is 00:19:55 well, which can also add to skin sag. Now the question that people always have is a white, why does the body lose muscle? Is it burning it for energy? No, the body's not burning muscle for energy. The body is trying to meet the new caloric intake that you're producing or providing. In other words, I went from eating 2,200 calories to eating 1,200 calories. My body's not going to allow me to keep burning 2,200 calories. Otherwise, I would just die. There's just no way I would just die. So your metabolism adapts and slows down and it's very complex process. But one of the main ways that it does it is it pairs muscle down.
Starting point is 00:20:31 It actually reduces some of the, the highest calorie burning tissue on the body, which is muscle. And so this is why you see in studies when people cut calories and don't lift weights, don't eat a high protein diet, or when people take a GLP-1 and do the same thing, which will cause a reduction in calories, a good percentage of the weight comes from muscle. And again, that's going to come from everywhere, including from under the face. So that's also going to contribute to what they're talking about with those Zempic face. How much do you think is genetic and how much of it is, do you think think just extreme weight loss coming off that causes a lot of loose skin?
Starting point is 00:21:09 And this is just in general, both face and body. Because you, and I know you guys have had clients like this, right? Like I've had some clients that are so genetically blessed that they lost a significant amount of weight and they're just lucky. They didn't get loose skin and their body just turned out. And then I've had other clients that lost the same amount of weight and they had a ton of skin. Now what I can confirm, in my experience, is the clients though that always did it slow,
Starting point is 00:21:35 like really like building muscle, losing body fat, and they really didn't move the scale that much dramatically. They never had like a crazy 10, 20 pound drop in a week or two. It was just this kind of one to two. It seems that they never had that loose dramatically. They never had like a crazy 10, 20 pound drop in a week or two. It was just this kind of one to two. It seems that they never had that loose skin. I felt like those, even if they lost- It's always been because of speed.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Yeah, and you have to think that there's some sort of like elasticity in the skin that when done in a very slow controlled way, kind of it allows it versus when it's like dramatic overnight, it's almost like it doesn't adapt fast enough. Yeah, I've observed the same thing and I could speculate. I don't think there's any studies on it, but I would speculate that when you cut too rapidly, your body starts letting go of certain things in the body.
Starting point is 00:22:13 One of them being like skin integrity, uh, because you're at such a calorie deficit. So it's like, all right, lose weight and we're not going to worry about. Whereas when you're small deficit and you're doing it in a slower, more controlled way, your body's not like, just like performance. You take an athlete or you take anybody and you cut the calories way low, the performance drops like crazy because the body's like, we're not going to let you perform too high. We need to conserve calories versus if you do a little bit of a deficit,
Starting point is 00:22:37 you see maybe a drop in performance, but it's not as noticeable, not even close. So I would say it probably has to do with that. The other thing you mentioned was genetics and what we need to understand about genetics is on the scale of genetics, let's say gifted on one side and then like cursed on the other side, let's say, 95% of us are like, we're so similar to each other. 95% of us are here.
Starting point is 00:23:01 And then on the ends you have, you could divide the 5% over here and over here, and then you take that, you divide the 1%. And you got like, you got some women who'll have six kids, not a single stretch mark, nothing, whatever. And then you got, you know, a girl who, you know, gains 10 pounds, boom, stretch marks everywhere, right? So I think, you know, genetics does play a huge role,
Starting point is 00:23:20 but for the vast, you know, 95 plus percent of the people watching this or listening to this, you're like everybody else. Uh, you're, you're probably not cursed. You're doubt you're most likely not cursing. You're most likely not one of those extremely gifted individuals. Now next is just plain nutrient deficiency. So when you, the, the nutrients we get in our, for our body, and I'm not
Starting point is 00:23:43 talking about macronutrients, proteins, fats, and carbs, I'm talking about micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. Those come from food as well. So if you get X amount of vitamins and minerals from 2,000 calories, you can bet that you will get much less with 1,000 calories.
Starting point is 00:24:00 So you also now, the potential for nutrient deficiency, whenever you're in a calorie deficit is high. It's much higher. So you get all these people who are just eating less and now they're probably, and you know, here's the funny thing. They're not supplementing for a lot of these nutrients
Starting point is 00:24:17 that they're not consuming. And so yeah, it's like this double whammy, first of all, you're losing weight really fast, but also too, you're malnourished. Well, what's interesting about this, Justin, is that a lot of people who are overweight are also nutrient deficient or borderline, where they're like, ooh, my vitamin D is at the limit,
Starting point is 00:24:35 my magnesium's actually slightly below, my vitamin A is a little low, even though they're eating a lot of calories, because a lot of calories come from, you know. Empty calories, alcohol, sugar, like their stuff is so. Yeah, just processed foods or whatever, right? Then these a lot of calories, because a lot of calories come from, you know. Empty calories. Yeah, right. Alcohol, sugar, like this stuff. Yeah, just processed foods or whatever, right? Then these people cut their calories.
Starting point is 00:24:49 So now it's really easy for them to get into a nutrient deficiency. Well, if you're not getting enough of these micronutrients, I mean, in extreme cases, you can forget your skin. You know, scurvy, which very rare nowadays. Yeah. But like that one of the symptoms. Oh man, that comes back.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Was bleeding in the skin. Yes. Yeah, think the skin. Vitamin D deficiency, which is quite common. I bet you're going to see a bet. If we looked at the data on people with GLP ones versus not, unless they supplement, you're going to see a dramatic increase in vitamin D deficiency. I mean, you used to see examples of this actually in the competing world. A lot of people don't know this because you see pictures and they got lights and makeup
Starting point is 00:25:26 and like, but man, if you've ever seen an athlete, one of these competitors backstage or no makeup on, like the couple- It's pretty shocking. Their skin does not look good. No, we call it dead man walking sometimes. Yeah, that's what they call them. They call them walking dead men.
Starting point is 00:25:38 It's like you literally are so deficient in so many nutrients and you see it. Their faces- It's a very similar face to the ozone face. Yeah, that's what it reminds me. That's why it's like interesting that, you know, are so deficient in so many nutrients and you see it, their faces. It's a very similar face to the ozone. Yeah, that's what it reminds me of. That's why it's like interesting that we're seeing that. And so I definitely think that this is a big, as I've always attributed to that,
Starting point is 00:25:53 it's like, man, you take these people that training this hard, pushing the body, eating 4,000 calories. Now all of a sudden they're on this 1,500 calorie diet, doing cardio like crazy. And I mean, just deprived of nutrients. You know their body's skin's gonna be suffering. What's interesting too is that certain nutrients require fats to be absorbed.
Starting point is 00:26:11 It's fat soluble nutrients. So you cut your calories, cut your fats, you reduce your nutrient intake, and you're not absorbing the ones you are taking in nearly as good. You know you take- Such a good point. You take vitamin D without a fat, it's not going anywhere. It's not gonna be absorbed nearly as good. You know, you take- Such a good point. You take vitamin D without a fat, it's not going anywhere. It's not gonna be absorbed nearly as well
Starting point is 00:26:28 as if you combined it with a fat. So not all nutrients are, nutrients have to be absorbed in order for them to be used. And so these fat soluble nutrients are also not being absorbed as well because they're just not taking as much fat, even when they take them.
Starting point is 00:26:43 So, okay, we covered all the things that are causing this ozempic phase. When you think of top supplements that you're recommending to clients, what does it look like for somebody like this for the reasons that we're talking about? Number one, a protein powder. A protein powder is essentially complete. It's all the amino acids.
Starting point is 00:27:04 So a scoop or two or three a protein powder is essentially complete. It's all the amino acids. So a scoop or two or three of protein powder would do people just a world of benefit in a low calorie. First of all, in a low calorie diet, a high protein, low calorie diet keeps more muscle and burns more body fat anyway. But in this case, it'll bring your amino acids up to the point where you're not gonna see collagen breakdown and some of the issues with not having enough
Starting point is 00:27:27 protein. So protein powder, if you can't stomach that because I said like I said these GLP ones are very powerful you can supplement with essential amino acid pills which give you the essential amino acids. Like a BCAA or like stuff like that. Yeah well essential amino acids have the branch chain amino acids in them. Um, it just covers all the essential amino acids, including leucine, isoleucine and valine. So I would, I would go with protein powder first because one scoop of whey has got way more
Starting point is 00:27:54 essential amino acids than five essential amino acid pills, but if your appetite's so, especially the first few weeks of being on GLP-1, then you can supplement with essential amino acids with your meals or in between meals to make up the difference. It's so crazy because I know that if, obviously if you've been listening to the podcast for a really long time, we've always been kind of,
Starting point is 00:28:14 you know, anti the amino acids that we've always said, like just have a scoop of protein powder. Or eat a high protein diet. Just wasn't relevant. But for the first time in my life, like I understand how hard it is to even like stomach a, like just a water protein shake, which is crazy to think that. But I mean, that's how much you're turned off by food and calories. And if I'm sitting at the end of the day and it's like, man, I, I've already
Starting point is 00:28:41 ate, I don't want any food, drinking a protein shake, actually sipping on something that is like, you know, or taking pill form, uh, amino acids actually make sense to me for the first time. And like, okay, I could see now where this is relevant for somebody like more than anything, any other example, any other example, I'd always first tell people, go get more whole foods. Uh, at worst case go have a shake, but in this case, second worst case, yeah, that's kind of where this is at. And I never really saw that coming until doing this. I'm like, okay, I get where this could have some tremendous value for next up would be an
Starting point is 00:29:13 essential fatty acid supplement or fish oil, uh, would be beneficial just to give you some of the omegas that are essential for health. Um, and so you could supplement with those in between meals. And then a multivitamin, just to cover any holes for any nutrient, which multivitamin will benefit most people anyway. But especially if you're in a calorie deficit, like a multivitamin can be a game changer.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I've had a few situations with clients. Now, as a trainer, towards the end of my career, I got really, you know, I was good at getting people's nutrient levels tested, so I knew what to supplement. Um, if you don't have that, that luxury, you can just take a multivitamin. But I, I've seen clients health dramatically improve because we filled the deficiency in a nutrient where people was, who couldn't figure out why they were tired, fatigued, why they couldn't recover, or they'd have pain, you know, um, I't recover, or they'd have pain.
Starting point is 00:30:05 I had a client who had just joint pain and we did all this correctional exercise, couldn't figure out, tested their vitamin D, it was low. Supplemented with vitamin D, poof, all the pain was gone. So a multivitamin would definitely be a supplement that I think you should take if you're on a GLP-1. What about, you didn't have it on your list either, but like HMB and stuff like that, was that something that you would put in this category?
Starting point is 00:30:26 HMB will help prevent muscle breakdown. So HMB is a great anti-catabolic supplement. I wouldn't put it above essential amino acids. Yeah, I mean, it's the only one that I'm not taking already that you've listed. I'm already taking all these that you're listing. But I heard you mention the potential benefits of HMB, and is it something that you've listed. I'm already taking all these that you're listing. But I heard you mention the potential benefits of HMB, and is it something that you would recommend?
Starting point is 00:30:49 Yeah, if you want to add it to the essential amino acids, really take it to the next level, especially if your calories are low. Yeah, the studies on HMB is actually, if creatine is the most studied ergogenic supplement, HMB is probably second. And it's been shown in studies with people who are like bed rests or in hospitals or
Starting point is 00:31:07 the elderly or recovery from surgery. Like it's remarkable at preventing muscle loss. That won't prevent all of it, but in comparison to placebo, it's like significant. So you could throw HMB on top of your essential amino acids just for added. That's the other thing I'm also taking that's not on this list is actually creatine too. Yeah. I mean, there's gotta be value in that. I mean, you're, I know you're a big creatine guy, no matter what.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Everybody should just benefits from taking creatine every single person. You know, here's the deal with creatine. If your creatine intake is too low, which it usually is, especially if you're a vegan, especially if you're eating a low calorie diet, your cognition is, uh, measurably decreased. So they'll take people on a vegan diet or low calorie diet, your cognition is measurably decreased. So they'll take people on a vegan diet or low calorie diet, give them creatine, and you can see in their IQ. So you're impaired if you don't supplement with creatine
Starting point is 00:31:55 in a low calorie diet. So yes, creatine would be another one. And then strength train. You have to strength train. Here's the deal. Take all the protein, HMB, creatine, all the supplements. But if you don't send the signal to your body to build muscle, you'll get minimal effects from those supplements.
Starting point is 00:32:15 You'll lose less muscle, but like a pound less. Now, if you strength train and you do that, you need all the stuff we're talking about, you might get away with not losing any muscle. In some cases, you might even build a little muscle if your calories aren't too low. Strength training is, uh, it's like, you know, if you, if we were, if we were to, to, to rate all these in terms of points, strengthening would be a hundred, all the supplements I just said, add it up, add them all up would equal to like 10. So
Starting point is 00:32:42 it's the only way to bulletproof you for a lot of these like symptoms and, um, you know, side effects down the road, uh, it really should just be a requirement for anybody that's embarking on a GLP. By the way, I want to say this too, cause people are like, well, strength trained, what about my face? You know, cause we were talking about my face with a Zempik. There's this interesting phenomenon with muscle building where you get a localized effect, but you also get a systemic effect.
Starting point is 00:33:06 So if you're training your whole body, your body is less likely to lose body, excuse me, lose muscle from anywhere else. Even the places you don't train like your face. I mean, they have some really interesting studies where they'll take somebody and they'll incapacitate one arm, put it in a cast, and then they'll have them lift weights with the
Starting point is 00:33:22 other arm, and then they take the cast off and they lose way less muscle in the arm that was incapacitated. So, so lifting weights, just in general. Now I do want to say this. If you're on a GLP one, you're like, Oh my God, I don't want to lose muscle. I need to hit the gym like crazy. That's the worst thing you could do. Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad you said that. Yeah. Your calories are low. Your recovery is going to be compromised. I would say, you're not going to be going intense. No, if you're on a GLP-1, you should do a full body workout once or twice a week.
Starting point is 00:33:47 That's as much as I would recommend until everything settles, you start to feel better. And not only would that be enough, but that's appropriate. In other words, that's going to give you the best results. If you try to follow a five-day muscle building split, all kinds of stuff, and your calories are greatly reduced, all you're going to do is accelerate the muscle burning process. You're going to overtrain the hell out of yourself and lose even more muscle. Well, to maintain these results you get at the end of the journey, like you're not going to do that unless you strength train and you maintain a significant
Starting point is 00:34:13 amount of muscle with that. And so there's just so many other benefits to it, like not just, yeah, just the obvious. Lastly, add electrolytes to your water and in particular sodium when you're on a GLP-1. When you're consuming less carbohydrates, water is pulled out of your body. GLP-1s tend to also make people want to drink less water and they're getting less water because they're eating less food because food has water in it.
Starting point is 00:34:38 So water is sucked out of your body. So part of that goes out without a sodium. By the way, some people will notice that they have headaches, they're lightheaded, they think it's the low calories. Oftentimes it has more to do with- Brain fog. Yeah. It has to do with the sodium.
Starting point is 00:34:52 They're just not consuming enough sodium because they're not eating as much as they were before. Well, that and even performance in the gym, if I don't have the good yet, my muscles don't have that intracellular fluid. And it's just like, you notice that right away. Like obviously you're're gonna have less performance and this is gonna be something you're gonna have to really adjust quite significantly,
Starting point is 00:35:11 but to have any kind of motivation going in, you wanna have whatever you can do to kind of set yourself up for strength training. Yeah, well sodium helps your body hold on to the water that you just drank. So this is a must for people on GLP-1s. From the doctors I've talked to who've been working with these here.
Starting point is 00:35:26 I've done double ever since I heard Dr. Tina and them talk about like four to six grams a day. A day is what they're recommending of sodium and supplemented. So take a good electrolyte powder. We work with a company called Elementi, which in our opinion is one of the best. It's no sugar, no artificial sweeteners or whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:44 It tastes good. So I might even encourage you to drink. Do you find that you're more likely to drink water? Plus your potassium and magnesium too. Yeah, I mean I'm doing two of those a day now consistently. And I've never been consistent with that until now. And I notice a massive difference. I notice the energy, it's crazy,
Starting point is 00:35:58 it's an energy surge from it. That's how much I know I'm deprived of it. Awesome. And it helps me also continue to drink more fluid too, which I need to do. Awesome. Look, if you like the the show you're interested in peptides. We have a peptide guide We have a guy that talks about the most popular peptides including GLP ones what they do for the body how they work and who? They're right for Go to mind pump free comm check out the peptide guide
Starting point is 00:36:19 You can also find all of us on social media Justin is on Instagram at my pump Justin I'm at mind Pump DiStefano and Adam is at Mind Pump. Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance,
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