Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2344: How to Lift Weights to Improve Your Golf Game, Tips to Avoid Injury When Getting Back Into a Sport, Ways to Overcome Nerve Pain & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: May 25, 2024

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Email live@mindpumpmedia.com if you want to be considered to ask your question on the show. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Whe...n it comes to strength training, you actually need a lot less than you think. (2:05) We look scruffy. (11:00) Tirzepetide updates. (12:19) As good as a protein cookie can be. (18:24) A kiddie pool debacle. (20:25) Highlighting people’s abuse of power. (23:41) Speculating on a potential black swan event. (28:07) Twilight Zone favorites. (34:12) First-time parent fears. (42:50) Return on investment for degrees. (49:54) Shout out to the 38 Letters from J.D. Rockefeller to his son: Perspectives, Ideology, and Wisdom book. (56:44) #ListenerLive question #1 – What is an appropriate training program for me to be able to play as much golf as I’d like? (1:00:43) #ListenerLive question #2 – Any advice for reintroducing a sport after many years away from it? (1:09:19) #ListenerLive question #3 – Are there specific stretches or mobility exercises I can do to alleviate the pain in my hamstrings, so I can go heavier when targeting that muscle growth? (1:21:32) #ListenerLive question #4 – Is my fat intake hindering my aesthetic goals? (1:30:48) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com See and hang out with Mind Pump, LIVE! Saturday, June 15 · 1pm PDT Bellagio Las Vegas. Click the link here for more details. Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** Listen to the Dr. John Delony Show wherever you get your podcasts or click the link here Special Launch Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy ** Code MM80 at checkout for $80 off. Includes: Bonus #1- Mike Matthew’s THINNER LEANER STRONGER. BONUS #2-Mike Matthew’s THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF WORKOUT MOTIVATION. Ends Sunday, May 26th. ** The Resistance Training Revolution – Book by Sal Di Stefano Not Only The Hottest On Record, Summer 2023 Was Hottest For 2,000 Years 'Best ever UFO footage' on film has had its authenticity confirmed The 38 Letters from J.D. Rockefeller to his son: Perspectives, Ideology, and Wisdom Many master's degrees aren't worth the investment, research shows Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** MAPS Performance Advanced MAPS Prime Pro Webinar How To PROPERLY Do The Bird Dog Exercise - YouTube How To Foam Roll PROPERLY (AVOID THESE MISTAKES) | MIND PUMP Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Andy Galpin (@drandygalpin) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Jordan B. Peterson (@JordanBPeterson) Twitter Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness) Instagram Dr. John Delony (@johndelony) Instagram Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind pump with your hosts, Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Right in today's episode, we helped live callers on air. They called in, we got to help them out. But this was after the intro portion. Today's intro was 59 minutes long. The intro is where we talk
Starting point is 00:00:27 about current events, studies, family life, and we have a lot of fun. By the way, you could check the show notes for timestamps. You can click on those timestamps. It'll bring you right to the part you want to listen to if you want to skip around. Also, if you want to be on an episode like this one, email us at live at mindpumpmedia.com. By the by the way we're gonna be in Las Vegas at the Bellagio June 15th for a live event where we meet our fans we have a great time it's gonna be awesome if you want to get tickets go to mind pump live calm this episode is brought to you by some sponsors the first one is Legion they make some of the best athletic performance enhancing muscle
Starting point is 00:01:01 building supplements you'll find anywhere today we talked about their protein cookies you can find them. Today we talked about the protein cookies. You can find them and other products at buylegion.com forward slash mind pump. Then use the code mind pump, get yourself a discount or double rewards points if you're an existing customer. This episode's also brought to you by the John Deloney Show, one of our favorite podcasts,
Starting point is 00:01:19 hosted by one of our favorite people. If you wanna go check out a show, learn some stuff, go to johndeloney.com. That's johndelony.com forward slash mind pump. Also two days left for our new program launch Maps Muscle Mommy. This program is for women who want to build muscle, boost their metabolism, sculpt and shape their body. There's nutrition advice and there's supplement advice and of course, it's a 12 week workout. Go sign sign up now if you do it within the next two days you get $80 off. You also get two free ebooks, Thinner, Leaner,
Starting point is 00:01:53 Stronger and a little black book of workout motivation. Go check it out. Go to mapsmusclemommy.com and use the code MM80 for the discount and the giveaways. Alright, here comes the show When it comes to strength training you actually need a lot less Then you think most people look at strength training like I got to work out at least four or five or six days a week To make incredible gains not true. Most people can make incredible progress with two days a week In fact, you can even work out just 15 minutes a day for five days a week and get incredible gains. The data is clear. Strength training is very effective even in small doses. So especially if you're first getting started, start slow. Don't worry your body will respond.
Starting point is 00:02:35 What spurred this MAPS 15 commercial? Oh you know what? So it's not a MAPS 15 commercial since you said that. One of the people in our forum, um, uh, Dwayne, um, comment, he wrote a post and he said, for those that don't think, by the way, I'll talk about the data after this for people listening, who aren't familiar with our program, the data on strength training, how much you actually need versus how much people do, but it says here, uh, from Dwayne, for those that don't think maps 15 is enough volume, I can say if it is appropriate program for you in the current situation is sufficient to see gains.
Starting point is 00:03:08 I finished maps aesthetic in the middle of March maps. Aesthetic is high volume. Yeah. One of our highest. This is a very, very high volume. You're in the gym five days a week, six days a week. Uh, three of those days is a lot of exercise. Um, so he followed that program.
Starting point is 00:03:22 So he's not a beginner. He says, I want to start maps power lift, but after my work schedule changed and power lift would have been too much volume for my current work and sleep schedule, I reluctantly started math 15. So mass 15 is literally about 15 minutes a day. The advanced version about 20 minutes a day, five days a week, so very little. You're doing like two exercises a day over the last two months. I have been getting stronger and improving on all my lifts. Yesterday, he did a online powerlifting competition.
Starting point is 00:03:48 His squat went up 10 pounds up to 315. Again, he's not a beginner. It's a big squat. His bench press went up to 255 and his deadlift went up to 400 pounds. That's great. So he's like, I hit three new PRs in the three, three big lifts working out about 15 to 20 minutes a day. That's so interesting. I noticed the same thing. PRs in the three big lifts working out about 15 to 20 minutes a day.
Starting point is 00:04:06 That's so interesting. I noticed the same thing. I had a PR and deadlift is my biggest lift. I pulled 600 pounds in my mid thirties and then later in my early forties, uh, doing a math 15 style workout where I was in here for 20 minutes at a time, I had a six Oh five at an, at an older age and I shouldn't be hitting those numbers. Well, I speculated one of the last times we were talking about this that, you know, if you consider yourself a fitness fanatic or a fitness professional or you're in this field, right?
Starting point is 00:04:37 You have a passion for working out, you most likely will benefit, I think, the most from a match 15. And I think obviously somebody who, you know, is never works out, has never been consistent for a month. You could damn near do anything and your body's going to respond because of newbie gains, but I, I speculated that most of us that love to do this tend to tip over the, into the over training or overdoing it more so than we don't.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I also just, okay. So we have to say this too, being active is healthy period, as long as it's not inappropriate or overdone or whatever. So it's not like there's no benefit health wise to just moving. Again, so long as it's appropriate for body, it's always beneficial. But when it comes to the, the kind of results that people seek out when they strength training, uh, build muscle and build strength, speed up the metabolism, right? Those three things. Very little is needed to make that happen.
Starting point is 00:05:32 And more than that, very little, oftentimes doesn't make it happen any faster. In fact, with beginners at them, I've read studies where they take everyday regular people who don't strength train, they have them do one isometric contraction a day for 15 seconds, not even a full range of motion, anything, a 15 second isometric contraction. And they see significant strength gains over the course of a five or six week period, just from that. So the body adapts very quickly to strength stimulus and more than what's required just means you just take longer to recover.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Yeah, I think too, like even for somebody who like even myself just going through the 15 protocol, like I have a tendency to when I actually get going in the workout to just keep going, adding intensity, adding va- just because I get in this sort of rhythm of it and it's just old habits are hard to, to check yourself. I mean, if you don't have a coach or anything, you're just you and, and what your feeling is at the time, like going through the workout and to have that sort of structure where I'm just like the 15 minutes to 20 minutes, but then two, I'm tomorrow, I'm doing this.
Starting point is 00:06:39 And then the next day and the next, so for me, in terms of a momentum and consistency builder, it's been like massively impactful. Yeah, totally. So, I mean, for the average person, and I wrote this in the resistance training revolution, that the average person would get significant health benefits from about two 30 minute workouts a week for the average person.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I experienced this as a personal trainer with clients, and you can go a long way with that, but there's a couple of ways you could do that. You could do two 30 to 45 minute strength training workouts a week. Or if the average person literally did one strength training exercise a day, I'm talking about the average person, they just want to improve their health. They would get significant improvements in their health. If they literally went out, did a barbell exercise or dumbbell exercise for three
Starting point is 00:07:22 sets and they're done. And then the next day they did the same thing, which would take less than five minutes, you would see significant improvements in people's mobility, health, and if you, and by the way, you would want to combine that with just general activity, meaning they would also try to walk more throughout the day. That's a recipe for success because it's accessible, it's realistic, and it's super high return for the investment. In other words, the time spent and what you get back is just,
Starting point is 00:07:50 it's an incredible investment. Yeah. And you're also not even factoring in, um, what that, what that does as far as creating a behavior and being consistent long-term, like, I mean, you're, you're touting just the, the research on like what it shows, what you can do as far as your strength gains and build muscle in such a little amount of volume and intensity. But even more importantly, the likelihood of you maintaining or consistently doing that is got to be tremendously higher compared to the person who is, you know, temporarily motivated for whatever reason, whether the doctor told them or, you know, January New Year's resolution. And now they're like, yes, I'm going to go do all these changes.
Starting point is 00:08:28 And they're getting after it and they're hammering it in the gym for an hour, hour and a half. The likelihood that that person keeps that up, we already know the stats on that. Most those people fall off within the first eight to 12 weeks and they're done and not coming back versus, oh, I just got to do one exercise. And I tell you, that was one of the most pivotal moments in my own fitness journey was giving myself the permission to do that. I know that for the longest time, I had a very all or nothing mentality towards exercise.
Starting point is 00:09:00 And if I didn't crush the workout, then it was pointless. So you just wouldn't do it. Yeah, or if I didn't have my diet perfectly then it was pointless. So you just wouldn't do it? Yeah. Or if I didn't have my diet perfectly lined up then why would I do it? And it's like I really neglected the value of just consistently doing a good movement every single day. And boy, I tell you what, that giving myself that permission to do that has probably kept me in the best shape and the healthiest I've ever been for the longest period of time. So Dr. Andy Galpin, who I consider to be one of the
Starting point is 00:09:27 foremost researchers on strength training and its effects. Love the guy, I want to have him back on the show. He's awesome. I saw him talking on a podcast about some of the latest data and the question was, how much strength training would the average person have to do to prevent muscle loss associated with aging? So not build muscle, just not lose muscle, right?
Starting point is 00:09:46 Because what happens as we age, I think once you hit like 30, every decade, you lose a certain percentage of your muscle mass and strength. And his answer was, according to the data, and there's good data on this, was something like one workout every two weeks. Like a 30 minute workout every two weeks would be enough to prevent muscle loss. So minimal. It's crazy. Which backs up the data to show that when you build muscle, the amount of
Starting point is 00:10:10 volume required to maintain it is like one fifth or one ninth. So in other words, if you work out four days a week to build a physique and you want to keep it one day a week or a little less than that, and you'll keep it. Now, again, that doesn't mean you're going to get the same health benefits because moving is good for you, period, end of story. But just from the muscle perspective, very little is required. Again, this is one of the reasons why strength training is by far the most effective form of exercise.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Because if you were looking at it like an investment, and I'll throw this to you, Adam, you're the money guy. If you were looking at investments and you over you have a 10% return, over here you have a 7% return, over here you have a 500% return, where are you going to put your money? Yeah, that's a no brainer. I mean, there's a no brainer. I'm going to put my money in with the biggest return because it's just smart. And that's what strength training does. Anyway, looking at you guys, you know, a couple thoughts come to mind just looking at you guys's faces.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Handsome. Boy, we need, we looks gruffy. We really miss Vicky today. Poor thing. Vicky comes in every Monday and she like makes us look good for the podcast and she heard her back and And I don't realize I'm looking at myself, right? So I'm looking at you guys and as we were doing a podcast earlier I'm like damn dude I at least try to trim but yeah did you yeah oh I didn't even try and line up uh yeah so Justin
Starting point is 00:11:32 at least did something over there we look like kind of yeah we look way better when we're trimmed oh man I I wonder too if we've trained our our facial hair and our hair to grow back faster because of the frequency that she cuts it? Because I don't remember getting that. I feel more like a Chia Pet. Yeah, or are you just more aware of how scruffy you were? Because when the podcast first started, it wasn't like we were doing that.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I know for me, when I'm on the thymus and beta, thymus and beta and BPC 157, I think it is, my hair grows fast. Yeah I would imagine you need the growth hormone too right? Yes my nails and my hair grows real fast because I get it almost shaved all the way down. So this is a little over a week and I'm like I'm like ready to go in the snow.
Starting point is 00:12:18 How are you are you met speaking of like peptides with that are you messing with the tris appetite? Dosage right now. I'm doing less than half of the starting dose, which is already quarter of the full dose So a tiny micro dose is what I'm doing. Okay, and I've gotten zero appetite suppressing effects and the reason why I'm doing a micro dose is Because we talked to dr. Tina and she said that there are these anti-inflammatory, kind of neuro-protective, CNS-protective effects that come from it.
Starting point is 00:12:51 And then also I read a study that shows that it improves the uptake of amino acids and glucose in the muscle. So anything that builds muscle, you know. Didn't you also though want some of the appetite suppressant? I mean, I know you were, no? I mean, you're a little fat right now.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I'm not fat, I'm just heavy. You're husky right now. No, I'm not fat. 218 is a lot for me. 216. 216. 216. My body fat's still, I think I'm probably still eight or nine.
Starting point is 00:13:15 You think so? Yeah, I got abs. You look fluffy right now. I got some, huh? Do I really? It's the beard. Yeah, it's the beard. Yeah, it's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Do I look as round as I did with that podcast we did with Jordan P? That don't look like that. Yeah, no. That was two weeks in London. Not on the face. Oh, it's disgusting. Do I look as round as I did with that podcast we did with Jordan P. That don't look like that. Yeah, no. That was two weeks in London. Not on the face, no. Oh man, two weeks in London, a bunch of gluten and alcohol every day.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Oh my, I looked at that, I saw that podcast and I showed Jessica. I'm like, babe, if my face ever looks like that again, I get that fucking hair. I'm convinced that was just a bad camera lighting angles too though, right Doug? Yeah, I think that was an angle thing. Yeah, cause I mean, that's a-
Starting point is 00:13:42 No dude, Mike, we were, let's be honest, we were drinking almost every night. We would meet up with fans or people. Well, I'm not saying you weren't doing things to help, but I think I really feel like a lot of that had to do. I think camera angles and lighties are so crazy. Bro, I watched it again, dude. Why do we paint that at the top? You didn't have Doug taking care of you.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Like, Doug does so much to make you look attractive. Like, people see you real life and they're like, oh my god. All those filters. I guess dude, like you just show up like, like Justin and I are an afterthought. And then you, you, you, Doug is in here like always. Like it's gonna be perfect for my son. No it's not dude.
Starting point is 00:14:14 And here's a, by the way, why is that pinned at the top of the Instagram? My big ass face, what it looked like? I was like, Cause you were the most viral clips. That's why. That's why it's pinned because it's one of the viral. Speaking of triseptide, it why. That's why. It's a pen because it's one of the viral. Speaking of triseptide, it doesn't work on Justin.
Starting point is 00:14:27 You hear what he said? No. He took a dose. He's dumped it. So far, yeah. Still eating cheeseburgers? What's going on over there, Slim? Working against it.
Starting point is 00:14:36 I think he's a non-responder, dude. I don't know, I'm only in my second dose. I mean, I literally took it this morning again. So this is the second time. So are you full though? Full dose? Full dose. Okay. Yeah. I just didn't, um, yeah, I don't feel any, I can't have nothing to report in terms of like, is curb in any kind of, I don't really have cravings though to begin with going into this. Like,
Starting point is 00:14:58 I'm not like drawn super drawn to like, like I used to be like at night where I had like these cravings for like cookies or like some shit like, yeah, because it really, it's been because of all the gut issues and things like I've been like, so dude, I've just been so like, like I don't look at food the same at all, like already before I even went into this. So I think, so nothing's changed because you already, you know, maybe already in that mindset. Maybe too because it was such an extreme thing for me
Starting point is 00:15:29 that like I ruined it. You know when someone like talks about a movie, oh it's gonna be so amazing, it's so great. And I'm like, oh, it's like not really actually. No, Jessica got what you had. She had it really strong. She took the starting quarter dose or whatever. And it's so hard, it crushed her appetite so hard
Starting point is 00:15:42 that she was afraid to, she didn't want to do anymore. So now she went back down to the microdose just to see. Because I think she was also noticing, so she has like a lot of neural pain. She'll get like spinal pain and neural pain. And she noticed that it was kind of going away, or at least I noticed in her. So I went back on the microdose with her,
Starting point is 00:16:02 let you guys know what happened. Yeah, so I had taken off and then I actually just took, uh, took it again. And I, but I went this time, I did half the dosage. Half of that starting dose. Yeah. And the thought process was on this was one, I wanted one experience, normal. Then I wanted to, I cut cold Turkey cause I wanted to see what that was for the audience. You know, appetite comes right back, right? Right back.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Three days. And then boom. Yeah. Three days after your scheduled dose. Yeah. That's a good point. So technically it's like 10 days. So it's like 10. Yeah. That's it. So that's a good point. 10 to 10 to 14 days of the show, the my last shot, um, I already started to feel, uh, the urge and the cravings to, to want to have desserts and things like that. Now what's cool is because, you know, what I liked about this and it reset me was, you know, I traded out my late night stacking to, you know, I reintroduced a good habit I used
Starting point is 00:16:56 to have a long time ago back when I was competing Greek yogurt with like, you know, fruit or something in it, which is high in protein. You can have dairy. There's so many great high, which is high in protein. You can have dairy. There's so many great high protein. There is. I wish I could have dairy. And you could do, you could do some. And cottage cheese is great too.
Starting point is 00:17:11 You could, yeah, I like, yeah, I like both, but Greek yogurt gives me that. You can kind of dress it up to almost feel ice cream. You freeze it so it's like ice cream? I have. Like, that's like, if I'm actually really trying to prepare for it, but like even like just last minute getting one you ever add that coconut cocoa whip on it Yeah, so you guys have you guys have it. Well, it's like it's like 15 calories a 20 calories
Starting point is 00:17:33 It's why even gives you a little bit of protein in there. It tastes really good No, there's a lot of alternative and you know that was like for me like When I did this was like, you know becoming aware of like like where some of these, these crazy cravings or habits. The big one I told you guys before that I've changed since then is ordering. Right. So what was great about doing the trisepatitis for that time was becoming like more self-aware around, oh wow, like I've really trained myself to just eat like this massive bodybuilder all
Starting point is 00:18:00 the time and I'm just not that guy anymore. So just getting back in the habit of like these, these normal orders to like eating a normal port, like a normal human's portion size. And then like, and then going like, Oh, I'm actually fine. I'm totally fine. So that was a big one. And then the, the late night like dessert thing.
Starting point is 00:18:17 And then when that kicked back up is having a healthy alternative that has been like, speaking of late night, you said cookies, Justin. Are you the one that eats all the Legion cookies or is that you? No, I don't. No, I don't. Cookie? I eat those.
Starting point is 00:18:32 You eat them all? I do. I like them. They're like protein bars, but they're cookies. Yeah, yeah. So they have dairy, so I can't have them, but how are they? They're good. They're really good.
Starting point is 00:18:40 They're just a chocolate chip. I mean, as good as a protein cookie can be. You know what I'm saying? You have to look at it for what it is. I know you're- It's a protein cookie, you know, and so if it's in that class, it's like, it's always funny to me whenever I say something about like, like, you know, magic spoon cereal, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:54 cookies from Legion. People are like, oh, this is not even close to as good as my- Yeah, or what's that ice, what's that, a halo ice cream, right? Like I always like tell people like, oh, here's this great, like- And they compare it to like, Seize King. Yeah, and then they're just like, oh my God, that is, I people like, Oh, here's this great, like they compare it to like seas came. Yeah. And then they're just like, Oh my
Starting point is 00:19:06 God, that is, I'm like, okay, yeah, of course. It is not like 30 grams of protein. Yeah. Yeah. It's not like Dreyer's ice cream. It's not like your toll house chocolate chip cookie. It's not like that conversation. I'm having these kids. Yeah. It's like, you know, this isn't the same as, as your favorite Oreo. It's like comparing green tea to cocaine. It's like, yeah, no, they both give you some energy, but no, it's not. Oh, I see. It's not energy.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Yeah, yeah. It's like, yeah, man, it's like, nothing like it. It's like, yeah, no shit. Who's going to get the party started? One of them's a little more natural and healthy for you. Hold on, I'm brewing some green tea. Why? We'll see.
Starting point is 00:19:39 We'll see, bro. I just think it's so funny when people get all like, they think that somebody is going to manufacture something that is, I mean, that's so funny when people get all like accept that they think that somebody is gonna like Manufacture something that is I mean that's just it like the ones that aren't healthy for you Like they're not trying to make it healthy They're trying to make you try and make something healthy taste good. Yeah as as pleasurable as possible, right? So I just in Legion does a damn good job No report that I the messages I get from people and and Mike is not it's not just trying to like cuz then there's like snack food companies that just try and their their
Starting point is 00:20:08 version of like healthy is just like lower calorie and so they do things like that where obviously Legion is a you know a supplement company protein you know they're into building muscle and so he's you know he's not only trying to make it a healthier choice calorie wise but also making sure things like higher in protein so yeah I appreciate it I gotta tell you guys this morning what a debacle. I wake up in the morning and sometimes Jessica will just like oh I want 85 things done before you go off to you know to work. Anyway so I'm like moving I'm trying to do all this stuff to get her set up for the day before I
Starting point is 00:20:39 take off and she's like oh I left I left the kid the the, the kid, the, the kiddie pool outside full of water and we need to empty it. Cause the gardeners are coming. And I'm like, tell the gardeners to empty it. She's like, I can't tell them to empty it. And I'm like, but it's got a drain on the bottom. And then I remembered it because it's on the grass, if you pull the little drain thing, it
Starting point is 00:20:58 doesn't dump out. Cause I guess it's so pressed up heavy on the, on the grass. So you have to actually dump out the pool. Do you know how heavy do you have? You have any idea how heavy a kid's pool is? Super heavy. I tried to pick it up. Okay. I tried to be, I'm out there by this. It's at six o'clock in the morning. That's a big one too. That one.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I was out there six o'clock in the morning and I go out there and I'm trying to pull it up. Just fold the corner and just, I'm driving into it. And it's just starting to fold, but nothing's happening. And then it slips out of my hand, falls down, catches my shoe. How wet did you get? I pull my foot out, my shoe's stuck underneath it. So I'm like, fuck!
Starting point is 00:21:33 And now at this point, after trying to do that, because I was like, you know, you get mad. You're trying to do something. You're just as a dad, you're trying to fix something. And then you just get mad, it's not happening, so you add muscle, more force. So then I pull back, my shoe is stuck underneath it and I'm like, did I pull my back?
Starting point is 00:21:50 And I'm like stretching my back, I'm like, mother, I'm almost, I didn't pull it, I almost pulled my, so now I'm really pissed off. I'm like, I'm gonna cut this thing in half with a knife. That'll empty it real fast. So I'm starting to get mad and then I'm like, you know what, let me just think, let me just try and be smart,
Starting point is 00:22:02 let me just try and be smart about this. I'm like, oh, I know what I'll do, I'll stand on the side of it, push the wall down so the water, right? But this is six a.m. So I take my sweats, I pull them all the way out. Take my feet off, my shoes and my socks off. Yeah, dude, so I'm like grounding with freezing ass water
Starting point is 00:22:18 six o'clock in the morning, it's really invigorating. Dump some of the water out, finally I can pull it over. I dump it upside down, I come back in the house and I'm like, yeah, dude, my back workout's gonna look different this morning because I'm almost. Bro, 6 a.m. You're a better dad than me. I would have told you, I would have said, just have him mow a lawn. Mow a lawn. Mow a lawn. That's what I would have said.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Dude. Move next to the ceiling. But I just, it was one of those things where I didn't think it would be that heavy, but of course it's heavy. It's like, I don't know how many gallons of water in there. No, it's a lot. And that's a big one. I mean, even those little blue plastic ones,
Starting point is 00:22:41 which are smaller than what you have, those are heavy to do. But the damage, the damage, the damage, the don't know how many gallons of water in there. No, it's a lot. And that's a big one. I mean, even those little blue plastic ones, which are smaller than what you have, those are heavy to dump. But the damn drain's a waste of time because it's on the lawn, so I pull up the drain. It didn't know water comes out
Starting point is 00:22:54 because it's so heavy against the lawn. Pressure on it. Yeah, dude. That's one of those things I'm, I mean, at one point, because I wasn't going to do the pool like I originally wanted to do because of the cost and how ridiculous it was going to be. I was looking at a hot tub, like just on on my deck like that goes outside of our master bedroom and
Starting point is 00:23:09 I'm like, we don't have enough support. I don't think it can hold that much weight. And I realized you know, it's like over a ton like there was heavy, heavy. Yeah. Like very once you fill up with water and I'm like, wow, I don't, we'd have to reinforce the hell out of this before we even got started. That would be cool though to have a hot tub come right here. It would be sick. Oh, right outside your bedroom? Yeah. Did you look into that? You shouldn't do that, that would be cool.
Starting point is 00:23:32 But then they'd have to fix the deck. Well that's, it just has to, I mean, gotta get a lot of reinforcement or need to make it. Yeah, I wonder how much you would need for something like that. Yeah, dude, speaking of water and stuff like that. I'm still looking into it. Are you? Yeah. So I looked at it, I read an like that. I'm still looking into it. Are you?
Starting point is 00:23:45 Yeah. So I looked at it, I read an article today. I'm going to read you this article. I want to see if you guys have the same reaction. What's it about? Well, I'll read it. I'll read you the title. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Cause I'd love to hear, I just want to hear, do you guys think the same thing that I did? So here's the article, ready? The title of it, and you know, by the way, this is a site on, it's a site on Facebook, IFL science. Sometimes they have good stuff. And you know, by the way, this is a site on, um, it's a site on Facebook, uh, I, IFL science, sometimes they have good stuff. Sometimes I'm like, man, you guys are just politically motivated half the time.
Starting point is 00:24:12 So here's, here's the title ready for this. Not only the hottest on record. Okay. But the summer of 2023 was the hottest for 2000 years. What's your, what you guys thought about this? What happened 2001? How do you know? Where were you?
Starting point is 00:24:32 Here's a, this is ridiculous based on what like soil, nothing, no, nothing carbon dating. Yeah. Yeah. It's more carbon dating dinosaur bones. They're guessing how hot it was. How long have we been checking the temperature for well I mean jump the shark it hasn't been close to that long I don't know yeah hundreds of years it could have
Starting point is 00:24:51 about a century about a hundred years of records from weather station by the way the way that they recorded the temperature back then it wasn't on asphalt wasn't a certain so there's a variance that can happen with some of these degrees nonetheless a hundred years Why are they saying 2000, 2000? Like are you going by ancient Egypt's hieroglyphics? I don't know. It's so, it's so annoying. This means really hot right here.
Starting point is 00:25:15 It's so annoying when I read stuff like this. Lots of suns in this depiction here. What this does is it just, it just highlights how, whether things are true or not, they get used by people in power or organization, whatever, to scare people. And so it sounds scary. It sounds scary. This was the hottest summer, and then they could say a hundred years,
Starting point is 00:25:36 but instead they say 2,000 years. The alarmist stuff, it just falls so much on a deaf ear now. I'm just wondering how many people it still works. I think it goes back to the whole thing that we were talking about before too. I just think this is like outlets, like grasping for the last straw. Like it's just nobody cares anymore.
Starting point is 00:25:55 People are distrusting everything. So it's like, you know, the only thing to get clicks is that your attention is alarmist is, you know, crazy stories. So it's like you just, who cares? Who cares how, how true, how truthful it is. It's more, Oh, you know, crazy stories. And so it's like, you just, who cares? Who cares how, how true, how truthful it is. It's more, oh, this should get people talking. Do you guys think that after COVID,
Starting point is 00:26:11 that a lot of people are like, they have their bullshit meter is much more sensitive now because that whole period of time was just so much bullshit. Yeah. And it's so obvious now looking back, do you think a lot of people are like, eh, you guys are full of shit? I mean, it had to have created more skeptics. I hope so. It had to have, cause I mean, it's so obvious now looking back. Do you think a lot of people are like, eh, you guys are full of shit? I mean, it had to have created more skeptics.
Starting point is 00:26:26 I hope so. It had to have, because, I mean, it's just so blatant. I mean, the last time we brought this up on the podcast, I remember on the YouTube, the comments, there was quite a few people that said, oh, it changed some of them, but my personal experience with the people in my family and friends, the same ones that were,
Starting point is 00:26:43 you know, that justified it back then are still justifying it today. So are they still consuming as much information or have they just dismissed themselves from information? Yeah, yeah. Well, so they've been affected then. Yeah. So now they're like, yeah, well, I guess I'm just gonna
Starting point is 00:27:03 live my life and still maintain the police system I have. The consensus from that side is like, we did the best we could with the information that we had. And so anything else that comes out for now to prove more of this or that doesn't matter. It's irrelevant because we didn't have any of that before. We only had this information back then. Yeah, but that's not the point. The point is, was it obvious now that we were being lied to, like big time?
Starting point is 00:27:29 Yeah, see, I don't think people subscribe now. Well, you know what's crazy to me? A lot of people think that we weren't. What's crazy to me, what's obvious to me, is there were a lot of traumatized people because I still see people, like I still see people alone outside wearing full on protective gear.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I still see it at math. That's crazy. When I go to school, the schools and stuff like that, you still see it. I mean, where were we just at? We were just at somewhere. Were you at the airport? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Was it at the airport where we saw a bunch of people? I was like, well, that's weird. Why is everybody doing that right now? I don't even get it. Election year, maybe the fear starts to come up. I cough extra loud usually when I walk by. You were that guy. You were that guy. You are that guy.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Hey, speaking of, so you sent us a video of a UFO, Adam? Yes. Is that first time you saw that one? Yeah. So I saw that, I think that was like, that's like six months old maybe. Oh, I thought that was new. Relatively new.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Yeah, I know what you're talking about. And it was probably, they said the best, clearest. Yeah, they said it's the clearest video. It looks crazy. It does look really, really, I mean, it looks like it's someone's phone flying a plane and it looks I mean a slow-mo and it's like boy That's really close and who took the video that did they say pilot was it a pilot? I think so. Yeah, and then the Vatican we talked about this and I confirmed it the Vatican I'm gonna read it to you. I don't know if I can say who sent this to me, but I'll read what they
Starting point is 00:28:45 What they're saying about this the the Vatican is going to be is gonna be releasing new standards for determining the authenticity or inauthenticity of Supernatural phenomena or claims are about to release this so you got that you got UFO sightings through the roof So I still got fear around solar flares. I still am on in the camp of it's us. So I still think that and I still I'm sticking with the UFO. I'm still sticking with my blackbird theory which is that that technology we had that for 30-40 years and when it came out it was mind-blowing what it could do and so when I think if I try and put that in perspective to what will be
Starting point is 00:29:27 mind-blowing from a technological standpoint with, with aircrafts today, it was probably invented 30 years ago. Right. So that, so that's what I, I am, I look at like, so you see this like crazy thing flying around. It's like, man, I mean, what makes you think we're not 30 years further ahead than what we were? I agree. But here's my question. My question is this you think we're not 30 years further ahead than what we were? I agree but here's my question my question is this because we're in election year and election years are always crazy they ramp up the fear they ramp the fear up it just period. And I don't
Starting point is 00:29:55 disagree with that like and then if you are entangled in all this politically and stuff like that like this is a good time to allow some of that footage to get leaked. Well do you guys want to speculate what do you guys think there's some people are saying to get leaked and shown. Well, do you guys wanna speculate? What do you guys think? Some people are saying there's gonna be a black swan event. You guys know what that means, black swan event? What's the definition of that? That means that there's gonna be a crazy thing
Starting point is 00:30:12 that's gonna happen that's gonna scare everybody. They're waiting until the right opportune moment to, yeah. Yeah, like that's gonna just freak everybody out. I hear you say that historically happens in October, right? That's called the October surprise for politics, but theoretically you could say that COVID was used, some people say was used politically to control things and change things during an election year
Starting point is 00:30:38 because that's when it came out. The part that's always hard to, or that's debatable I should say, is whether it was designed and created for those intentions always hard to, or that's debatable, I should say, is whether it was designed and created for those intentions or it was used because it's just, you know, like the old political saying goes that like, what is that, a disaster?
Starting point is 00:30:56 Never let a crisis go to waste. Never let a crisis go to waste. And I think that's more likely. So do I. Yeah, I think it's more likely, especially when you think of like on a global level, how it happened. So do I, I think the opportunity was there and they're like, oh, this is perfect. Let's scare the shit everybody. Yeah, let's just lean into this and go that way.
Starting point is 00:31:11 We could use this to win or to manipulate people. That's what I think too. So what do you guys think? You guys have any speculations on what, because this is great, right? Recording this today and who knows? We could look like freaking profits if some shit goes out. Like, do you think it'll be a UFO? I mean, do you think it'll be like a fear of some kind of attack? We're look like fricking profits if some shit goes out. Like, do you think it would be a UFO? I mean, you think it'll be like a fear of attack? We're trying really hard to normalize, uh, UFO events as of late. Well, don't you guys, I, don't you think that we already have something in the works right now that is going to be crazy and unprecedented as it is? Like there's a possibility that, you know, Trump gets thrown in jail for some
Starting point is 00:31:42 shit or get like, they literally try. I heard a speculation, even if he does win that he might, they're thinking well what if he gets thrown in jail while he got elected? And then what is he gonna run the country from jail? Well, so that's my point, right? There's already like a table being set for something that's just like, and what happens? He has such a large base of extremists on his side that if something like that
Starting point is 00:32:07 happens to him, wouldn't that create like a crazy black swan event of people like uprising? Well, then what they would do is they would point to that and that would be what they would say is crazy is they point to the small group of people acting nuts. Yeah. I think, I think there's a lot of potential. I think if Biden doing well would be crazy, Cause I don't know anybody that likes it. He's so senile and so whatever. He's lost so much support and it's arguable how much he had. So mentally unequipped.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yeah, dude. It's popular now. You can't gaslight. It's just like everybody knows he's not mentally stable. It's like to keep propping him up, I think is insulting to everybody. Yeah. So, and then there's RFK, who came out with his poll, and he's like, actually my poll's showing
Starting point is 00:32:48 that I'm doing really well. Your polls are fake, because here's my independent poll that they paid for. Yeah. This is gonna be a weird year, dude. When does it really kick up, Sal? Like, what's the, like, what are playoffs? Oh, it's gonna start.
Starting point is 00:33:02 When are the playoffs? I speak basketball language right now. Are we gonna make it to the Superbowl this year, dude? I don't know. Is there a play-in tournament first? Like it really starts to ramp up, uh, towards the end of summer. And then it starts to kick up real hard. And then by then it starts to just ramp up, ramp up, ramp up, ramp up each time.
Starting point is 00:33:17 So when did, when did, when did COVID get crazy? What was, when was that? March. Was that March? Yep. March. And then it started really. All right. We'll see what happens. I think UFO March. Was that March? Yep, March. And then it started really, okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:26 We'll see what happens. I think UFOs, that's what I think, Justin. So if it happens, we're going to look like we're really. I still go back because you know that, uh, we were up in, um, we were up in Tahoe for the new year for 2020 and I was on a run and I was riding my snowboard and I hit my head. The hardest I've ever hit it. Oh, I remember that back.
Starting point is 00:33:47 And I'm pretty sure all this reality changed. That was the black swan event for me. What would you do right now if you just woke up and you're in a hospital bed and we're looking at you? Oh my God. I had the worst dream. You guys are horrible, dude. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Yes. I actually would prefer that. Finally start everybody like has logic and reason. Hey, you know, speaking of waking up from a dream or crazy. So you know, the story that you have shared multiple times on this. In fact, I've reshared it because I like it so much is the Twilight Zone story. Yeah. Did you know that's an old parable? It's been around forever. Oh it's gotta be right. The the it goes a little bit different but that so the the robber.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Oh he dies? Yes. And then he thinks he's in heaven and gets everything he wants. So I'm listening to a book right now it's it's a JD Rockefeller's 38 letters to his son. Really good by the way so maybe that'll be the shout out today if we don't have one already. And he, one of the letters he's writing to his son is that parable, but it's told a little bit, but almost identical is basically that this guy is, uh, shows up to this place and it's supposed to be paradise. And he has all, you know, all these things that he can women and gambling and food and just all the stuff that he can indulge in. And he's like, oh wow, okay. And then he's like doing it for a little while and then goes like, he gets bored one day and he goes like, is there any
Starting point is 00:35:14 work I can do here? And they're like, no, sir, there's no work for you to be done. You just have these like, this is awful. I'll take me back to hell or whatever. And he made that comment. This is hell. You are, you know, what makes you think you're not there? You know what I'm like. Yeah, wow. Yeah, so I was like, oh my God, that's so crazy. I mean, that was a long time.
Starting point is 00:35:28 One of my favorite episodes that I just showed a friend of mine was the one where there's a whole, there's a neighborhood where everything stops working. All electronics stop working, all the cars stop working, everything stops working, lights stop working. They can't watch TV, no news radio, no nothing, so the neighbors all come out, they all start talking with each other, next thing you
Starting point is 00:35:46 know they're all starting to freak out, we're under attack, what's going on, then they blame one of the neighbors, he's acting kind of crazy or whatever, they attack him, turns this whole thing and then it zooms out. At the end of the episode basically the neighborhood goes into like they're fighting each other and people have guns to protect their homes and just turn on each other, then it zooms out and there's aliens looking above this this town like okay it looks like it takes approximately seven days for the humans to turn on each other let's turn back on their power something like that so it's an experiment to see how long it would take us
Starting point is 00:36:15 to turn on each other that's really cool bro that for people don't know the twilight zone by the way I think you watch now the whole series like all of them I'm gonna have to watch it cuz I like that's really I had no idea That's like what they're so good, bro. Yeah, so many of them Say like that's a great that's that's so that's so old. They're so good. Yeah, there's so many of them right? There's another one where I had no I had no idea. I know I know when I was a kid I did they were that deep when I was a kid I was obsessed with the twilight zone and they would scare me so much that if somebody played the song I would get scared
Starting point is 00:36:46 So my family would play the song and scare the shit of you, but I could You the song scared you a ghostbusters. Yeah was little I mean it was like Wait, when we like 10? Nine. Nine. Much different. My bad. Much different. How old were we when the first Ghostbusters dropped?
Starting point is 00:37:07 Maybe we're younger than ten. It was the very first one. It was pretty old. It was the dogs that like broke out of their statue. I remember that. That was the scary part. 1984. Oh, four.
Starting point is 00:37:18 So we were five or something. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it was five or something. Oh, sorry, Jip, bro. Yeah, he's four. Pussy. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I was five years old, dude. I remember that that too. You know the other one was the one with the
Starting point is 00:37:28 flying dog. That one that never any story. Yeah, there was something there that was scary too. Really? Yeah, again I'm the same. That one traumatized every kid because of the horse dying, right? Oh, what was the horse's name? Atrax? Atrax? What was his name? Yeah. Artemis? Artek? Artek. Yes. Damn.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Remember he's like holding onto the horse? No. The horse freaking- I barely remember that one. Atreyu was the guy that had him. Was it Atreyu? Atreyu was his- You know what theme song got me was, because again I was also really young the first time
Starting point is 00:38:01 I said it was Poltergeist. Well that was scary though. Yeah, that was really scary. No bro, nothing was like Hellraiser. Do you guys remember that? That was way too scary for me to pay attention to that. In the mouth of madness, that was one of the... Any psychological horror is the worst possible.
Starting point is 00:38:17 So that was a horrible one. So is Twilight Zone supposed to be scary at all? It's black and white. It was supposed to be, yes, but it's supposed to be creepy, eerie... Mind bending. Mind bending. Like, okay, so there was one episode. I liked it. I loved all? It's black and white. Yes, but it's supposed to be creepy, eerie, mind-bending. Like, okay, so there was one episode. I like it. I love all the stories you've shared from it. There was one, maybe Doug, you can look up the picture of it. They're cool because they're kind of life lessons. No, no, no. I'm going to explain one episode that traumatized the shit out of me. Really? Yes, bro,
Starting point is 00:38:38 because I used to watch late at night. I watched this on TV. I was always a thrill seeker with that kind of stuff when I was a kid. So even though I, and there was an episode with this woman, I told you guys about this, she got plastic surgery and her face is all wrapped up. Yeah. And the doctors are talking and the nurses are talking to her. She's like, I can't wait till I'm beautiful. You know, kids get so scared when they look at me and say, oh this poor woman. I hope the surgery works. And at the end they unwrap her, the gauze, and she's this beautiful woman. And then the doctor turns around, he's a monster. And his face turned around.
Starting point is 00:39:07 And when I was a kid, I- Oh, it's shocking. Bro, I literally went, I literally went, ah! And I started crying. Scared the shit. That and the creature that was- That's the doctor right there, when he turned around. Look at the doctor's face.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Bro, I was, I get the chills thinking about it. It literally imprinted trauma into me as a kid. Oh my God. What a great twist. Yes. Oh, they're all like that. I get the chills thinking about it trauma it literally imprinted trauma into me as a kid what a great twist yes oh they're all they're all like that the eye of the beholder that was the only one that she's the only one that's pretty she's the beautiful one and the doctor and the nurses are all these monsters yeah and so that's the whole eye of the beholder that's why the title of it is you know and then the one with the plane so it's it's it's very much so uh black mirror-esque right i mean black mirror probably got Mirror probably got pulled from them. They're the originators.
Starting point is 00:39:48 The twilight zone was up right, and then there was, what was the other one? There was a twilight zone, and then there was one that's like- Crypt keeper, tales of crypt? No, it was an old one too where they're like, we control the vertical, we control the horizontal. What was that, Doug? Come on, Doug, you gotta remember that.
Starting point is 00:40:03 You know, I didn't grow up with a TV. Oh, that's right. That's right. Before TV. Before TV. Before TV. We had public shows. I listened to the radio. I listened to the radio.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Speaking of the radio, like in Black Swan events, like remember the War of the Worlds, you know? Yes. When they aired that and like, dude. Did you know about that? People thought it was real. Straight pandemonium. It actually caused legit pandemonium because people thought it was real. Straight pandemonium. It actually caused legit pandemonium
Starting point is 00:40:26 because people thought it was a real newscast of aliens. So knowing that, like, I mean, they obviously saw the response from back then. I'm sure we get a weird response. If I would've known Twilight Zone was storytelling like that with these great, cool, and intelligent twists to it, like that's really good. Oh, you know what, Doug?
Starting point is 00:40:42 Outer Limits was the name of it. It was Outer Limits. So there was another episode where there was a guy, he's a super racist, like piece of crap dude. He gets on a train and the next thing you know, he's on a train to Auschwitz. And it like takes him back in time and he's, yeah dude, I'm telling you,
Starting point is 00:40:59 this plot is almost amazing. That's great. It was brilliant TV making at its finest. They don't make, They don't tell stories. Yeah, I don't think I've ever had anybody who was into it enough to explain it to me. Cause also I probably would have went back and watched it because I think those are all great.
Starting point is 00:41:12 It's got cool little lessons to it. It's really good. I want to watch it. My son's way too young. I don't want to traumatize him way too much. Not like us. Just us. I watched like Faces of Death when I was like nine.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Oh my God. did you really? Yeah. When you were nine? Yeah, because older brothers, you know what I mean? Like I would go over to my friends' house and the older brother would have it on, we're curious. So yeah, but I wonder what's better or worse, right? So then you have me who was like completely sheltered
Starting point is 00:41:37 from any of that stuff so that I'm scared to death as an adult to watch half that shit. That's why you're such a scaredy cat. Yeah, we didn't watch, I didn't watch any of that as a kid. None of that stuff. You were not desensitized. I've watched everything. Interesting. Yeah, my didn't watch, I didn't watch any of that as a kid. None of that stuff. You were not desensitized. I watched everything. Interesting, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Yeah, my mom. Because I grew up with no TV, I wasn't sensitized to it as well. But yeah, you like scary movies? I don't like them. No, I don't like them. Oh yeah, see. I never watch them.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Yeah, see, that's why I don't watch them. See, I watch scary movies. I never watched them, and then even as an adult, like when I was in high school and in college and kids wanted me to watch with them because they just thought it was funny to see me not want to watch it. It's just like friends would do.
Starting point is 00:42:07 See, I'll watch. Just don't walk around the house saying, I'm going to take a shower. Oh, what's that from? Dude, every scary movie like that. They always get murdered after that. Yeah, no, I'll watch something terrifying and Jessica will watch me watching it
Starting point is 00:42:20 and then she gets scared because I make no reaction. She goes, it's like you don't have emotions. So I'll just, my face stays the same. But now I realize it's that when I was a kid, when I was a kid, I used to watch shit like that because I used to like the thrill. I used to watch a lot of that. Which by the way, makes sense.
Starting point is 00:42:36 For people with ADHD, we seek out sensory. So it makes sense that I would seek out this scary ass shit as a kid because I could feel, because otherwise I can't feel. I love movies too, I'm such a movie person, but I never lie. Speaking of fear, I was listening to the John Deloney podcast, I want to bring this up.
Starting point is 00:42:54 His show, oh so good, some of the callers are just, anyway one caller calls in was this young dad, and I could totally relate. So this young dad calls in, he goes, I used to be real anxious, then I kinda got it under control. I have a little baby daughter, she's about six months old, and he goes, how do you go to sleep when they sleep, because I feel like I'm afraid she's not gonna wake up.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And then he goes, nobody tells you that when infants breathe sometimes, it sounds like they're choking. You guys remember that the first time? Oh yeah, oh yeah. Oh man. They're choking, sometimes it seems like they're choking you guys remember that the first time oh they're choking he's not there sometimes it's even driving yeah holding their breath hospital I mean how many times is the dad have you done this like I know for sure I can at count of you wake them up or yeah I'll go in and I'm
Starting point is 00:43:34 like laying on his bed like to right where we see if I can feel the air or feel like that cuz he's just so quiet you know you're like he's breathing right by the time you get to the fourth kid, like me, like baby cries, I'm like, she's probably all right. Yeah, she should be all right. Let's see if she'll still cry. She'll be all right. No, it's scary, dude. And you mentioned driving home from the hospital.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Yeah. Especially that first kid driving with the first one. Yeah. Oh, bro. See, everyone, well, we didn't, so we did, the tradition in Katrina's family is you get picked up by a limo. That's like a traditional thing that our family,
Starting point is 00:44:02 everybody in the family puts together on it and you get picked up from the hospital with it in a limo. Yeah, it's cool. Hold the baby in the back. Yeah. We just stopped in a limo. You're driving like 20 miles an hour. Like, yeah, it's like a tradition that they've always actually nice. Yeah. The whole family gets together, they pitch in, they get a, they get a limo. Today it's not that expensive to get a limo to do anything. Right? So you get a limo to pick them up, pick us up. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:44:23 I remember when my oldest had his first like fever. We were sitting on the couch together and he had a fever and he was all quiet. Little rosy cheeks because he was sick. And I'm looking at him and then you know, you guys have those intrusive thoughts, especially when you first become a parent, like what if they die?
Starting point is 00:44:38 What if they don't wanna wanna? It started happening to me and I just started crying. I'm like, oh my God, if I lose my kid, this is terrible. Oh, it really messes with you. Well, yeah. Yeah. Anyway, I would still like traumatize and scarred. What did John say to the guy? Yeah. I mean, he's basically telling them that it's normal.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Yeah. John's so good about that. It's one of the things that, I mean, must be like a psychology 101 when you're dealing with someone like that is like the, I almost, there's like a pattern to when he's dealing with someone. that, is like the, I almost, there's like a pattern to when he's dealing with someone. One of the first things is he lets them know, which by the way, this is a strategy. For having these feats. As a trainer, you do this with clients, right?
Starting point is 00:45:16 That were addicted to food or were really overweight. It's like letting them know that listen, a lot of my clients, or almost all my clients, struggle with the same thing. It's like one of those things that you should say to your client afterwards, and it kind of like calms them down right away, or they don't feel like something's wrong with them or they're broken.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Well, you can hear when he's talking to the person, first off, one of the values of his show that I found is if you identify it all with the person asking the question, he talks to the person and you get value. Because you're like, oh, that's, that's how that works for me. And I get that. And he's so, obviously he's an expert at
Starting point is 00:45:49 what he does, but it is very normal to get tremendous, you become hyper vigilant when you have a child, especially moms. Do you know that you talk to moms, you ask them, do you ever sleep well anymore? Nope. After I had kids, I stopped sleeping well, even if the kids sleep because their bodies are so wired for
Starting point is 00:46:07 to make sure that the baby's okay, what's going on. And then dads, I can sleep, no problem, unless there's a sound that resembles danger or someone coming in the house. And then it's very weird. Or lack of sound. When there should be sound. Something like that. There's some kind of danger. Yeah. That's there's always an eerie sense. Yeah. That was one of those that actually paid off for us
Starting point is 00:46:32 that there was something wrong. So yeah. Oh, when your boy when he was choking. Oh, that's scary. Yeah. So it's good to have that kind of intuition. But again, learning how to live life without that sense of overwhelming fear and anxiety, like you can't, you can't, um, exist and, and pursue, um, you know, beyond that until you, you reconcile with that. And it's like, it's so much harder as a, you know, a new parent and like you're the unknown and like you've realized how resilient your kid is and like, but it really takes a lot of reps. You know,
Starting point is 00:47:07 it's so many reps you got to take. And like, especially you have a traumatic experience. Like I had to go through all that. Like, uh, no, he's still going to be all right. He can still get bumps and scrapes and in climb really high trees and like, and he's going to be just fine, you know, but like there is always an element of danger and that's, that's part of our existence. Not to mention society perpetuates this also, right?
Starting point is 00:47:30 Like we, uh, one of the most powerful ways to market to somebody is through fear. So like, look what, look at the market is delivered to us. Now you have these little sock monitors. You can put on the baby that's tracking their heartbeat by the minute and alerts you if it goes north of this much or that much. Has these little things for temperature. If the temperature goes down this much or that much, it alerts you. You've got now a camera, not just an audio. It's just neurotic about every little thing. And so, you know, and it's a very, everyone's like, oh my God, yeah, this is great. But it's all derived from fear. You know, I'm
Starting point is 00:48:00 fearful of all these things. Do they make a monitor for diapers to tell you if the baby pooped or anything like that? Because with little babies, sometimes they'll cry a little bit and they'll start... It's all stinky. Yeah, you know, like they'll start shifting in bed. And if they pooped their diaper, you better off changing it. Otherwise, you're going to have to deal with it throughout the night or whatever. Sometimes it's not a poopy diaper and you want to let them and they'll work it out. But sometimes you don't know. Like you go up and I walk up to my daughter's and I'll smell around her.
Starting point is 00:48:28 I'm like, I don't know. I don't know if she pooped or what. I'll tell my wife, come check. And then she'll come over. It's the old finger test, dude. You slide it inside the diaper and see, oh. Yeah, then she wakes up. Or she wears feet pajamas.
Starting point is 00:48:37 How am I going to get in there? To check to see if there's any poop. You know, I'm trying to remember, I'll have to ask Katrina this question because we didn't have a lot of middle of the night diaper changing, right? Like that wasn't a common thing. And I wonder if it was just because of diet
Starting point is 00:48:54 and everything like that, like is it more common when- It's not common, it's not common for us either, but when it happens, I wanna chink. Sometimes my daughter, it's happened once where my daughter, she kind of was stirring and then she went back to sleep and then she was stirring went back to sleep And then I'm like, okay, I think she's okay then the morning she woke up She had a dirty diaper and it get diaper rash poor baby, you know, I wish it was like a freaking Yeah, no sensor
Starting point is 00:49:17 I've had friends before that are like they're they're trying to like let their baby cry it out a little bit thinking that they're trying to help them to to like soothe themselves and then they find out like oh god, she had a yeah, you know a wet diaper Yeah, you're sitting there trying to matter their hungry. Yeah Yeah, so but yeah, I'm trying to remember if that like how much I can like I feel like I can only remember like one time Where we had had to deal with that so and I don't know if that's a testament to Just being consistent with changing right before or feeding schedule or diet or what that would would it shouldn't happen that much until unless they're infants infants
Starting point is 00:49:51 will do that right little little babies oh yeah but it shouldn't happen hey I want to tell you Adam I read an article on degrees and there are OIs oh yeah on degrees I thought I thought you would love I want to hear because I wrote a quote down actually from that. We are really? Yeah. Oh, the timing. I'll read the quote. So check this out.
Starting point is 00:50:09 According to new research, 23% of bachelor degrees and 43% of master degrees have a negative ROI. Negative. Negative. So almost half of master's degrees are a waste of money. Your return on investment is negative, meaning do not spend the money to get it. And then again, 23% of bachelor's degrees. Wow.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Right? Okay. That's interesting. Why less ROI on the bachelor or why less ROI on the masters than the bachelor? There's very few master's degrees that are worth really pursuing in terms of how much value they're going to bring you. You know what that is, what it is Sal is that there's a lot of jobs that require just a degree to get like an application through. And so that probably opens up that door, but yet very, there's only a small percentage of jobs that require a higher education to have it. Right. Well, so here's what it says for bachelor's degrees, fine arts, education, and biology programs
Starting point is 00:51:05 have the lowest ROI, while engineering, computer science, and nursing degrees have the highest long-term rewards. The field that you're set yourself up on. It's funny you went that way. Literally, I was listening to the Rockefeller book and wrote down a quote that I thought was really cool. It said, and it's funny that this is in the same vein
Starting point is 00:51:25 as what you're talking about. It says, education covers many aspects, but it doesn't teach you anything. That's really, really a power. And obviously the point of that is like, it covers all kinds of stuff. So you learn plenty, but they didn't teach you anything. And so as far as like you being able to go apply that,
Starting point is 00:51:43 it's like, it's one thing to like hear people, learning it is a whole nother thing. Yeah, and this makes me think of that study that I brought up, makes me think that the mistake that we made over overvaluing or overselling the value of formal education. We have for an entire generation, okay, or two, have told kids you have to get a degree no matter what,
Starting point is 00:52:06 get a degree no matter what. When a quarter to half of the degrees are a waste, or not just a waste of money, are negative in terms of the investment and what you get back. So what we need to do is be accurate. What we need to teach kids is, here's the value of the degrees on the market, how much they cost you to get it, do the math,
Starting point is 00:52:25 cause here's the deal, fine arts, you're gonna get terrible ROI. Can you learn fine arts for free on the internet? You can. So why spend so much money doing that? It's really about the field and the opportunities that exist at that given moment. I think, you know, like this is me
Starting point is 00:52:42 playing devil's advocate, right? Cause I think I agree with you guys on this, but I've thought about this a lot, like when Max gets to a certain age, like, you know, will I be more pro him going to college or not? And I think also what matters a lot is your, your child, right? So, I think back to like, um, you know, the maturity level that I had like in the, maybe the disciplines where my mindset was at, cause there's no doubt, um, you know, the maturity level that I had, like, and the, maybe the disciplines where my mindset was at, cause there's no doubt, uh,
Starting point is 00:53:08 that we're, we live in a time where anything and everything that you could learn through a college, you can go and Google. I mean, you can literally go get for free, go to the library. You can get all that information for free. That's, but the question is, does that 17 year old or 18 year old kid, uh, how the, the discipline to go and teach themselves or seek out knowledge or seek out a trade to do that.
Starting point is 00:53:29 And what this four year, you know, locking them in a university kind of does is like, you know, forces you to do this kind of old way of like, oh, we have to like prove to get grades and pass and go and gives that kid now four more years of maturity and does teach them the discipline to, you know, study and to delay gratification and some other things. And so I think when my son gets to age, a lot of my conversation will probably be coming from a place of where, where I believe his maturity is at.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Of course. And his ability to go out and do it. My point with that is, okay, so you look at your kid, you have no discipline, you need to learn a skill. Dad, I want you to spend $60,000 or $100,000 on a fine arts degree. No, I'm not gonna spend that much. However, there's ways you can learn it.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Or I can invest in this. Yeah, you look at it as an investment. That's right. It, which is, it's similar to how you start off as an entrepreneur. Right. So it's like, you know, if you're, if you're picking a, a, a specific industry or like a product that you're trying to, um, is there demand there? Is there actually people are going to buy this is, you know, you have to go through the pain of that first.
Starting point is 00:54:43 And so it's to mitigate that is what you learn as an entrepreneur, to mitigate the amount of money you have to spend in order to get closer to the path that you know is going to be the successful path, then invest more of your time, money, and effort in that direction. Now you guys bring up a different debate, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:55:01 It's not the same one, which is, do you think you should even pay for school for your kids because there's plenty to of an argument to say that probably shouldn't even pay for school no matter what. Well it depends on the value of the market like some degrees are required medical degree you're not gonna go you're not gonna get. I know that's you that's okay, but this is you justifying why you would or wouldn't give your money but the truth is, wouldn't your
Starting point is 00:55:25 son or your kid be better off learning the lessons of having to support themselves through the schooling, regardless of the fact. Like what, there's lots of value in the fact that like, let's say they go decide they want to be a doctor and we agree that that's- Oh, whether or not you should pay for- Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Oh, I don't know. Yeah, that's a good question. I mean, I did- I could see the argument either way. Right. So, and I had to learn the pain of that, you know, and like all that money I got to pay back and so Yeah, yeah So you too like they don't really teach you how to be like flexible and adaptive and I think that's something that's lacking in the education
Starting point is 00:55:57 Formal education they because they're trying to kind of like fine-tune Your your direction for you and kind of just like point you in, in that, uh, but really like, I mean, the, the best thing you could teach is for them to be equipped with a certain amount of skills, but also be adaptive because the environment continuously changes. And it's going to change even more now in an accelerated pace. Cause technology and I'll argue a highly motivated kid is going to do, Matt is going to do well anyway.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Yeah. No matter what, they're gonna do well. At least they're building disciplines within the structure of the education system. Look, you take a highly motivated kid who wants to work in retail, but they're motivated and driven, and you give them six years, however long it takes to get a master's degree, they can end up in a very incredible position in six years. One of the letters from Rockefeller is like in that same exact vein.
Starting point is 00:56:48 You guys would love it. It's literally letters to his son. So it's really cool. It's really cool. And like really cool to read because it's like, oh, as a dad, I've thought about this many times. Like I'd started some video things I wanna do and it's now spurred up the desire again for me
Starting point is 00:57:01 to do that for Max where I just sit down, I don't know, once every quarter or once a year even, just write him a letter. Was it true that, I mean, they figured out this whole legacy thing after watching the Vanderbilt sort of lose all the money? So I've done some reading on that too, like the Vanderbilt's, the Rockefeller's, and there's really interesting stuff around,
Starting point is 00:57:22 so the average generational wealth goes away by the third generation. The ones that have made it beyond that, there are certain characteristics that those families have that the other ones do not have. And one of that is, think of it just the same way that we've operated this business. The things that make a very successful business,
Starting point is 00:57:40 having core values, having a mission, having a purpose, communicating that on a regular basis that everybody on the team knows that it's actually the same in a family. And it's crazy how much we system I wish actually like, and I'm trying to teach myself this and continue to grow and learn in this. And I want this to be more part of my family. It's crazy that we don't educate people or teach people this today. Like, forget the fact that you're trying to be Rockefeller rich. Even if you were, just having family core values and teaching that and communicating that.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Yes. Is so unbelievably powerful and valuable and it's just like nobody talks about that. Wasn't it the Rockefellers that helped design the current model of education? It was them, right? Yeah. So they went to them, they went to them and said, what are, what are we looking for?
Starting point is 00:58:29 And it's like, what characteristics for people to work for that company? And that was like, you know, so I heard a conspiracy theory that the Rockefellers, uh, pro pushed out the, or helped promote, um, the, or helped promote the, that women need to get out in the workforce so that they could work for them and pay taxes, and they also helped with the education so that they could get more employees.
Starting point is 00:58:55 I definitely know they- I heard this whole conspiracy theory around it. I definitely know that, I mean, there's nothing conspiracy theory about the fact that they had a say in the schooling, for sure. That's a fact. Yeah, that's a fact. The other part was I think conspiracy,
Starting point is 00:59:07 but they're basically saying like, oh, they wanted more people to work for them, more people to pay taxes. So they tried to convince a generation of women that you need to go get a job too, it's better than what you're currently doing. What I don't know, and I haven't read enough on it to speak too much to it is like how nefarious was it
Starting point is 00:59:22 or was it like coming from it? Right. You know what I'm saying? We say it in the context of like- It was evil.ious was it or was it like coming from it? Like you know what I'm saying? Like we say it in the context of like. Yeah it was evil. Yeah it was this or really was it like one of the most powerful. Self-interest driven. Yeah right so that's the way we communicate it right now
Starting point is 00:59:34 or was it really like hey we're trying to help the entire society. And since you guys are some of the most successful families and you're hiring the most people. What do you need help for? Right so it's like so you know what I'm saying, I want to be careful when I communicate stuff like that because one, I wasn't around then.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Two, I haven't read enough on there. I've heard bias on one side. And we tend to have this narrative, especially the last generation or two, around rich people are evil. It's like we always all of a sudden go that direction. It's the default, yeah. Right away, they must be this awful and they must be had these like these alternative motives, right? So I don't know if there was like if it was nefarious or not, right? So but interesting good read
Starting point is 01:00:15 I mean you guys would totally love so that's your shout out Yeah, yeah, it says JD Rockefeller's 38 letters to his son Really really really cool read Paleo Valley makes great supplements like their bone broth protein and they make on-the-go snacks like their grass-fed beef sticks. They have other products as well. Go check them out. Go to paleovalley.com forward slash mind pump. The discount is already applied on that link. Alright back to the show. Our first callers, Neil from Pennsylvania. Neil, what's up, man?
Starting point is 01:00:47 How can we help you? Hey guys, how are you? Good. Good. Is that Derek Jeter jersey in the back there? It is. It is. We, uh, that was the luckiest guests of your life right there. That's awesome. That's awesome. The guy that doesn't even like sports right? That's just the thing they made up on the show. I figured but obviously I appreciate you guys taking the time and don't want to take up too much of your time I know it's super valuable. No problem man. First off just want to take
Starting point is 01:01:19 a second and thank you guys. You've really helped me live a healthier and a better life. So just want to thank each and every one of you, including Doug. And I want to give a quick shout out to one of my friends who actually introduced me to you guys back in the fall of 2022. Guy, I started listening, he sent me a couple crucial podcast episodes, started doing some anabolic with him. So really kind of got me jump started and my wife and I love your program. So awesome. Really appreciate you guys. Thank you. Good friends. Good friend. Keep him around. I
Starting point is 01:01:54 certainly will. So generally I play golf at least three to four days a week. Generally play both days on the weekends, usually with some friends riding in, usually ride a cart on the weekends. And then during the week, usually walk one, two, maybe even three days a week. So somewhere between 54 and 72 holes a week after work. And basically what I'm finding is when I run anabolic or I run performance that the load
Starting point is 01:02:30 based on or I shouldn't say based on but the load mixed with all of the play, I end up that my legs get pretty tired. I feel pretty beat down by the end of the week and you know, unfortunately, I feel like the golf game suffers a little bit from that at the end of the week. And, uh, you know, unfortunately I feel like the golf game suffers a little bit from that at the end of the week, just, just being tired. So really wanted to see what you guys think is, uh, is an appropriate, uh, training program for me to be able to continue to play as much golf as I like.
Starting point is 01:02:58 And obviously, as you can imagine, as, uh, as the weather gets nicer, especially here in Pennsylvania, uh, that I want to be outside every day. I don't want to be in the garage gym. Great question. Just kind of want to see what you guys think is a good balance. So Neil, so your priority, I should say-
Starting point is 01:03:14 It's golf. It's golf. You want to be able to play golf, you enjoy it, and you like to exercise to keep yourself fit, but also so you can perform well during your games playing golf, right? Absolutely. Okay, so there's a couple ways we could do this.
Starting point is 01:03:29 MAPS 15 would be an ideal just program as is. I think you could follow that while playing that many holes. I think you'd be okay with that. The other option with any other program, anabolic or performance or any of our other programs, but definitely anabolic and performance, is you just bring down the foundational workouts
Starting point is 01:03:46 to once a week. There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing one full body workout a week when you're doing that much other activity. It tends to work out really well for most people. Now, if you're still finding yourself really fatigued, then you would just reduce the volume from there. I doubt he would if he went all the way down to one.
Starting point is 01:04:04 And I like, by the way, what I was thinking was math performance one to two times a week based off of your volume of golf and just how you're feeling for the week. So I like that program because I think it supports the sport because it's got a lot of unilateral work, a lot of stability stuff going on, a lot of core rotational stuff.
Starting point is 01:04:23 So I think that's incredible for just your overall skills with golf, so I think that'll benefit you there. And then like Sal said, I would toggle between one and two times a week and you decide, you know, maybe start off with two and see how you feel if you still feel like you said, like you're beat down a word element, you can go all the way down to one,
Starting point is 01:04:43 but I bet you could do two times a week of performance and probably still feel really good with your goal. I like that, I mean, honestly, performance advance is already structured that way, so you wouldn't have to manipulate and modify anything. It's already like two times a week, you could reduce it to one, but within there, the days in between you're working on your skills,
Starting point is 01:05:03 so you pick those skills, you pick rotational skill or grip or anything like that, or just focus on rotation in general and build up your power with that. It'll complement your golf game completely. Yeah. And the beauty of strength training is you don't need a lot to reap benefits, especially when you're using it to improve or enhance some kind of athletic pursuit. You just don't need much at all.
Starting point is 01:05:28 And be healthy, right? You're doing an activity, it's not like you're reducing it because you're playing video games or something, you're going out and walking, and you're doing something athletic that's also serving the body. Here's how you'll know if you're finding the right amount of volume.
Starting point is 01:05:43 You'll feel good while you're playing golf and you'll get stronger in your workouts. If that's not happening, then you may need to scale down the volume even more. So if you go two days a week and you're like, oh, I'm still kind of fatigued and my strength's not really going up, go down to once a week. When I was doing jujitsu, you know, three days a week,
Starting point is 01:05:59 one day a week of strength training is where I ended up. And that was ideal for me. And I was in my mid-30s and everything else was like dialed in. So you just don't need much of strength training to really complement other athletic pursuits. So I see you already have anabolic performance hit, match 15 and prime. Why don't we give him advanced performance then? Yeah, let's do that. Awesome. Now thank you guys and obviously I'll try with uh, you know, two day a week as it is. Um, if, if for some reason I do feel like I need to scale down to one day, um,
Starting point is 01:06:32 would you just then rotate the foundational exercises? Yep. Yeah. Totally. Yeah. 100%. You can. I mean, it wouldn't be the end of the world if you didn't though, like cause it's, it's fine. Yeah. So pick one of the workouts. Yeah. That's it. Awesome. Yeah, so pick one of the workouts Yeah, that's it. Mm-hmm Awesome. All right, you guys very much. I really got it. All right. I appreciate the call brother. All right, dude Thank you guys. Enjoy the rest of the day So when he calls in people in those people call in and we'll see them for a second
Starting point is 01:07:01 Don't get some all set up. Do you want we real quick? I was like no way. He knew that was Jeter, bro. He didn't even say his last name on there. I know, I know. I was like, there's no way he knows Jeter's number. No, I know. I was gonna say something, I wait, and you jump the gun ahead of me, and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:07:15 how's this guy? I knew I was gonna get you guys and be like, what the hell? No, I went on Google and I typed in, you know, number two Yankees jersey, and it showed everybody was wearing number two. Bro, you were the Google master. That's the one that, that's why I say that. That's the only one that I recognize. I mean, he's the mostes jersey, and it showed everybody was wearing number two. You were the Google master. That's the one that I say that.
Starting point is 01:07:26 That's the only one that I recognize. Maybe he's the most popular player I'd say. I don't know what the hell's going on. No, listen, when you're doing a lot of another athletic pursuit, your strength training should improve that pursuit. It should not take away from, so if you go into practice, like, oh my God, I'm so sore and stiff
Starting point is 01:07:44 from yesterday's workout, you're doing it wrong. So if you want to practice like, Oh my God, I'm so sore and stiff from yesterday's workout. You're doing it wrong. You should feel good during your games, during your practice, during your training for your athletic pursuit from the strength training. It should not take away. I mean, it's a really easy answer when you get somebody who's like that, who's like, I'm for sure I want to be a better golfer and I just want to be healthy. Right?
Starting point is 01:08:01 Like he's not, what, what this is giving us like five different goals. This gets challenging when someone's like, Hey, I do all this golfing. He's like, and then I want to get jacked for a men's physique show coming up. It's like, okay, well, these are, these are a little conflicting triathlon. Yeah. Or something like crazy like that, but he has very realistic goals. He's, he wants to be a great golfer, but he also wants to stay fit and strong. And so how do you do it?
Starting point is 01:08:23 And since golf is the priority, that's what you should do most of. And then, and I, you know, I'm so glad too that we get questions like this, because I think people really underestimate how valuable like just one full body day workout. I know. Well, we've been saying it so, so many times and had a lot of callers with similar questions where it was like, we're trying to get them to, you know, figure out it's just one day or maybe two at the most that you really even need to focus on strength training if your priority is your sport or whatever activity is that you want to improve upon. And again, we have this perfect program now to complement that. Look, to be even more specific, the average person not playing sports who just wants to be fit and healthy, wants to have good strength, good mobility. One day a week, a
Starting point is 01:09:07 full body strength training with walking on the other days, it's gonna go works out great for most people. So you just don't need a ton if you do it right. Luckily our programs are written exceptionally well, so that's how you do it. Our next caller is Chris from California. What's up Chris? What's going on Chris? Hey guys, how's it going? Good. How are you, man? All right.
Starting point is 01:09:26 I'm very good. Thank you for taking my call. All right. I'm just going to read my question here. All right. Um, so your question's about reintroducing a sport without, uh, with limiting injury risk. So I'm curious on vice for reintroducing a sport after many years away from it.
Starting point is 01:09:44 I want to reintroduce playing basketball after many years away from it. I want to reintroduce playing basketball but I'm worried about injury. It's been about five years since I was playing regularly like a couple times a week. Now I'm 33 and while I'm still lean since then I've gained about 20 pounds of muscle and strength and I've lifted for 15 years while playing basketball in the past but only in the last few years that I introduced really heavy lifting like heavy back squats and dead lifts. And while I think my mobility has improved since using your programs, my fear of basketball is like an Achilles or a knee injury due to the additional power being generated by my lower body. Recently I tried to reintroduce sprints and what seemed like an adequate warmup, I finished that, went to start sprinting and immediately strained a hamstring.
Starting point is 01:10:31 And I just want to know how to reduce my risk of injury and be able to play like once or twice a week more regularly. I don't have any time restrictions. And in the past I've ran anabolic performance, power lift, and ran them in phase three of symmetry. So I appreciate any advice. I want to hear what you think, Justin, if what I would do by the, because I thought about this a lot, by the way, in the exact same sport and thought process, very much
Starting point is 01:10:57 so, right? And I have a few years on you for sure. So I, I would do, if I had no time restraints, I would run performance, then performance advanced. And during that process, I would probably have these, I would slowly ramp up like the cardio and the sprints. You don't want to just go cold turkey. And the program has got an endurance phase and it's got enough training like that, that's going to start to prime me for getting ready to do some sprints. But that would be towards the like, that's right before I start getting ready for the court. So I'd say like the last, I don't know, three weeks of the advanced performance, would I start really getting into like hard sprints?
Starting point is 01:11:33 Because there's a lot in those two programs that will start to prep your body for it. Yeah, I honestly, again, the last caller too, I was like, immediately going to MAPS Performance Advanced because there's two skills that I would focus on for you and it would be speed and it would be power. And for those two, like the power we're getting into triple extension again, we're getting into like acceleration and it does this in a progressive way. So your incremental way. So reintroducing that type of movement in terms of like ramping up that acceleration capacity,
Starting point is 01:12:08 and then also bulletproofing your ankles with the mobility and priming ahead of time, as well as hips and shoulder. I mean, there's obviously, you know, like basketball is multifaceted joint, like everything is, you know put on display so i'm glad you already went through and started kind of going through performance and um you know had worked on some of the mobility i think the mobility is crucial for you uh and to maintain that but also priming ahead of time before you go into these workouts but um performance advances is is a very good focal point for you. If you've already done a good job with the ground layer
Starting point is 01:12:49 of building up your strength again, your foundational strengths, so now we gotta start really gradually expressing that movement with more speed and acceleration. So to Adam's point, I think you would go performance and performance advance, but highlight those two skills as your main emphasis. Chris, when's the last time you played basketball?
Starting point is 01:13:12 I played like once in the last year, maybe, but afterwards I didn't really feel like playing again out of fear for injuring myself. I don't really know how to go easy at it. Very competitive. So the reason why I'm saying this is or I'm asking this is without training you personally right all of us because the starting point will be very different and what we work on would be very different based on what we see and how you progress and all that stuff and that would be that would get real technical but to give you more general advice that I think would help
Starting point is 01:13:44 obviously that they you know Justin you know, Justin and Adam mentioned the best programs. I agree with them. Those, that's what those programs are for. But while you're doing those, uh, and I get the whole competitive thing, it's like, if I went to a jujitsu class and actually rolled against people, it'd be very hard for me to go easy, um, because it's just, it's just hard to get caught up
Starting point is 01:14:01 in the moment type of deal. So I get that. But if you can go to a court and run some very light drills on your own, in the meantime, that'd be one of the best ways to assess where you're at and how you feel. So you're not playing a game, unless you can do that, if your ego allow you to play a real light, easy game. But I don't think most of us have that ability. Well, that's where you would insert on the skills day, right? Yeah. So that's your point, Sal, that's where you would insert on the skills day, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:25 So to your point, Sal, which I know you're going with that, I think if you focus on going to a basketball court and using that surface for you to do these drills. So there's drills in there in the speed drills and foot skilled kind of movements with that, like plyometric work. And it's all highlighted in there in terms of like, you start with this, which is a little less intense of a drill, and then it kind of progresses you
Starting point is 01:14:54 into a little bit more rigorous type of a drill that you can incorporate. But the surface itself is what you want to get used to, is constantly kind of getting back that spring, but be able to decelerate on that hard surface. And I know cutting and especially lateral movements gonna be really challenging at first for you. Yeah, to get that kind of stability and control again. So, drill everything on the basketball court. Yeah, do the drills. You can even go and play by yourself and run some drills, pretend like you're playing goes but the key is gonna be to go easy
Starting point is 01:15:27 So you're gonna try them and you're gonna feel like well I could go harder I could go faster go easier than you think and give yourself weeks To slowly ramp up literally as it feels more comfortable you slowly ramp up slowly ramp up slowly ramp up And then you'll start to feel the confidence You'll know like okay I feel like I can go play an easy game of basketball and then when you do play one game and go home don't push yourself and then slowly gradually gradually work your way up but that's gonna be the the most important part
Starting point is 01:15:54 because preparing for this in the gym without actually going on a court and you know actually running some drills unless you have a really good athletic trainer that knows is is watching you, knows exactly what to do with you, you're not gonna be able to mimic it very well. So definitely go on the court, run those drills 50% and wait and take your time, let your body build up to where you start
Starting point is 01:16:18 to feel real confident. I mean, the answer I gave was like the conservative one. Right? Like that's, like I don't know, and everyone, to both Sal and Justin's point, like not knowing exactly where you're at, like there's a possibility you could go right to performance advanced.
Starting point is 01:16:31 And that program is so well designed to get you ready for a sport and to focus on something very specific, like what we're talking about with like the court. And like, so you technically could probably go right into that. I gave you the like, you know, I have no idea exactly
Starting point is 01:16:46 where you're at mobility wise and like strength wise. So it's like, if I know if you went through performance then that and you took the advice the guys are saying with integrating like some of the court drills and shooting around. So you're going to be great. But you might be able to go right into performance advanced. I mean, no matter what I see you own the other ones.
Starting point is 01:17:03 So we'll send you over performance advanced and you'll have both. Yeah, I think I have everyone but that. Yeah. Well, now you're set. Now you're set. I got them all. You got them all now.
Starting point is 01:17:12 But that one's going to be great for this. It's very specific to what you want. Are those skill things like on the in-between foundation workouts, like how the mobility sessions are in normal performance? Exactly. Kind of, except for we actually put, because this is even more sport. We emphasize that more.
Starting point is 01:17:28 We emphasize that more. So you actually only have two foundational days of like. And the rest are skills. Yeah, and the rest is skills. So it's inverted? Yeah, so exactly. It's even more focused in the direction of sport, because that was the idea of this is these.
Starting point is 01:17:41 We wrote that with the intent that these are people not just wanting athletic abilities that are playing Sports yeah, they're gonna want to run. I mean, there's really three skills that will apply to you here So I mean depending on how long you're gonna give it I would probably run it again also include the rotation skills well because you know, this is another area where if we're not, you know Stable and we're doing a lot of these rotational moves like you're gonna feel stuff in your back and shoulders and we're not stable and we're doing a lot of these rotational moves, you're going to feel stuff in your back and shoulders. So again, basketball pretty much includes every type of movement possible.
Starting point is 01:18:14 So this is just something to consider. I mean, now that you say that, Justin, there's probably some value actually then to his point, because I think it's a very good point, of running performance advanced twice instead. Because it's so focused on the sport, and you're not like a guy who calls and is like, hey, I kind of want to be more athletic, and maybe I'll play some battle.
Starting point is 01:18:34 You're like, I want to play basketball. I want to get ready for basketball. 100%. You haven't played basketball really for a year. You're 20 pounds heavier. You've got to give yourself a good six months before you go play hard. Dude, this is what I did before I hit. So, uh,
Starting point is 01:18:46 we had like a reunion game for football and I was like, oh my God, it's been like a decade or so, you know, since I've smashed into somebody. And I put like a hundred percent emphasis on mobility. And I thank God I did, uh, just because of at least I was able to move and stabilize, uh, you know, didn't have quite the explosivity, didn't have long enough time to train. So I was like, you know, had really good endurance or anything and stamina, but the mobility piece is crucial for you
Starting point is 01:19:12 to be able to protect those joints. Okay, awesome. And after like, say you run it twice and I'm playing, is it, would you stay in like a performance or performance of answer? Cause it okay to go back into like how far away? I would.
Starting point is 01:19:27 I would. So long as basketball is a priority of yours, I would. Yeah. I mean, you can or it depends on how you feel, but that would be the ideal. Yeah. Because you're still going to potentially, I mean, not potentially, you're still going to build muscle and still have a great, a good physique. It's not like all of a sudden you're going to like lose all that.
Starting point is 01:19:41 You're going to still always go back to the anabolic, you know, if you want to kind of space it out and have a little bit of an off season with it. But that will really compliment you playing ball. So, so long as you're playing ball, my recommendation would be to run performance advance. If you decide to take a break from ball for a while and hey, now you wanna go on a bodybuilder journey
Starting point is 01:19:57 or something, then sure, switch out. But I mean, so long as you're playing ball, that program's gonna compliment you the most out of everything we have. Okay, awesome, thank you guys. Cool. You got it, man. Thanks for pulling in. Good one. I just realized something, Justin. You played a really high level of football. Did you ever tear a joint? So I strained my MCL, which was like, I kind of had like a half tear. But that was because I was on a, uh, it, it was the type of turf that was really thin and it was basically like concrete.
Starting point is 01:20:32 So I, I basically, I went to cut and then, um, somebody was kind of holding me. And so my body kept going and it just stretched it like completely. So that's, that's gotta be rare, dude, to play football at that level. Then to go back 10 years later, like as an old man, and you didn't tear any joints. It's just the concussions. You must have. My joints were fine.
Starting point is 01:20:54 My joints were good, yeah. I can't remember what joints were. It was bulletproof there. No, I mean, you gotta have some cast. It's a testament to how he trains. He's gotta have cast iron ligaments for that shit. That's just crazy. I think it's a real testament.
Starting point is 01:21:05 I mean, as a trainer, I mean, I've known you for over 15 years and watched you train. And you've always trained. Emphasizes it. Yeah, you've always emphasized training kind of like an athlete. And so you've done a really good job. Obviously, we're all kind of bulletproof in our early 20s.
Starting point is 01:21:19 But even as we've aged, you've remained consistent with rotational stuff, deceleration. And you just have done a good job of doing that. And I think that is really what I think saved you in that, you know, reunion. I had to for sure. Absolutely. Yeah. Our next caller is Niche from Florida. Hi Niche. How can we help you? Hey guys, how are you doing? Good. How's it going? What's happening? Good. So first of all, I'm a huge fan. I've been listening for six years and I know you guys get that every color, but just had to throw that little tip in there.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Um, so, uh, just a little bit of background. I've been lifting for about eight years now. Um, I've pretty much been an athlete my whole life doing various sports. Um, I was a distance runner in my twenties and a bikini competitor for a few years. And I've just been having a lot of hamstring issues the past couple of years. Specifically, I noticed it when I was pregnant and it's just hasn't gotten better since having my baby.
Starting point is 01:22:16 So is there any like stretches or should I be doing more mobility work or foam rolling or anything like that to help alleviate that pain? Yeah, I have to ask some more questions, just to get a little more context. I'm reading your email and you're saying that this, you feel like it may be nerve related, and then you also said that it started while you were pregnant. So what makes you feel like it's nerve versus muscular?
Starting point is 01:22:40 Um, it just kind of feels more, cause I've had like muscle pain from lifting, being an athlete, anything like that. Um, I mean, I guess like a few years ago when I would play indoor soccer, cause I played soccer in college and, um, I started in an adult rec leading. So I think that the fast switch muscles, I wasn't using a whole bunch. So I kind of stopped playing that because I just felt like I would just get so sore from that in my sciatic and I had issues with my sciatic from running
Starting point is 01:23:09 back in my 20s. So I don't know if all that's like related. Yeah, it's, yeah, this is your side. Yeah, it's the same thing. So it's, so when you said pregnancy and, and, and when you say, I think it's because nerve pain kind of feels deeper burning kind of ting of tingly. It runs and travels too. Yeah, and muscle pain feels more like soreness, strain. You've been lifting weights for long enough to know, you know, that's why I ask you that question. And the fact that it started, did you have back labor?
Starting point is 01:23:34 Did you have a lot of pain in your low back? Any hip issues? No, I mean, honestly, I had the epidural, so I didn't really like feel much. But I mean, I've had back pain pretty bad since being pregnant and having the baby and then hamstrings and everything. So pretty much everything posterior is just pretty bad. So like squats, any hamstrings, like deadlifts, I can't really go super heavy. Like it's not as bad with deadlifts, but squats, especially and then hamstring curls, specifically, those really give me a lot of pain. But I don't want to stop doing those exercises because I've heard you guys say many times in the hamstring curls specifically, those really give me a lot of pain. But I don't wanna stop doing those exercises
Starting point is 01:24:06 because I've heard you guys say many times in the podcast to not avoid doing exercises just because of pain. Yeah, this sounds a lot like sciatic or nerve related. So maybe an impinged nerve. It could be impinged from muscle. It could be impinged at the spine. If you have a herniated disc or something you don't know about.
Starting point is 01:24:24 Nonetheless, what you're gonna want, and I'm assuming you have more of an anterior pelvic tilt Do you know that's that that's that is when I say that the bikini girl pose You do okay, so yes I think it's mandatory if you do bikini No, so you're gonna want to do exercises that offset that So like one, a good movement would be to lay on your back, knees bent, and you press your low back into the floor while squeezing your abs. So that's one way to kind of offset it.
Starting point is 01:24:54 So that would be, I would do some sets of that every single day. Yeah, hip thrust. Just, okay, I would also, you could also do bird dogs every single day. So you can look those up and we'll send you a video what that kind of looks like. And then I would foam roll my piriformis and my hips.
Starting point is 01:25:10 And you'll know if the foam rolling of the piriformis helps because right when you get on it, you're gonna be like, oh my God, that feels really tight. Otherwise you wouldn't feel anything. It would just be foam rolling on your, you know, kind of upper glute area. Do you know where your piriformis is? No. Okay, so can you see me? You can watch, you know, kind of upper glute area. Do you know where your piriformis is? No.
Starting point is 01:25:25 Okay, so can you see me? You can watch, you can see me, right? Okay, see how I'm crossing my leg right here? Okay, are you sitting in a chair? Yes. Okay, can you cross the leg that is tight like this for me real quick? Yes.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Okay, now I want you to push your knee down and I want you to sit real tall. Good, now while maintaining tall posture, bring yourself down over your leg and then tell me how that feels. Yeah, I definitely feel it. Okay, so you might be impinging your sciatica with your piriformis.
Starting point is 01:25:53 So this position here is how you would foam roll, but I would lean on the butt cheek that's being stretched. So I'm kind of sitting like this with my arm out, and I'm leaning on it and I'm tilting and I'm going down the foam roller and you can look up on Google piriformis. It's P-I-R-I. Pretty sure I did a whole video on this exactly. Did you?
Starting point is 01:26:11 Yeah. Okay, we'll send it over. Yeah. And if you foam roll it and you find a spot that hurts, just sit on it and wait for the pain to dissipate a little bit and that'll relieve some of the issue. But if it's sciatica, the good news is when you get rid of what's impinging or pressing on it, the pain's gone. It doesn't come back.
Starting point is 01:26:24 So I don't think it's the hamstring, I don't think it's the hamstrings. No, when you have an anterior pylotide, it elongates that and stretches out so it feels super tight all the time. I deal with, I had dealt with this for a very long time. And the direction Sal's going is 100%, like 90's, 90's, I lived in 90's,
Starting point is 01:26:42 it just, the relief of opening up my hips and working on full range of motion in there, that. And adding a flow left to right. Yes, exactly. And then flowing back and forth. So like you live in the 1990 and all the progressions and there's videos I have on the YouTube channel that I went into all that.
Starting point is 01:26:58 That, the back presses where you flatten the back out. And then when you get good at that, like and staying in that position with your hips, and then doing hip thrusts and that, so you could actually get to a point where you load it and actually do a lot of hip thrusts. And then good core and ab work to hold you in that position. Because what will happen, and then I've made this.
Starting point is 01:27:19 But not hip flexor work. No, no, you have definitely core and abs, right? So you don't want to be doing your hip flexors. And then you can, again, look up the video on your hip flexor deactivators. But if you, if you do all the work of, of mobilizing the hips and doing the foam roll and the peer performance, that'll give you like immediate, like relief.
Starting point is 01:27:36 But if we want to fix this and correct this, we need to work on being out the, the ability to hold your hips in a more neutral position, which that's going gonna come from strengthening the core and the abs while also doing these other movements. And that should really, and what's great about this is when you know you're on the right track, just one session of this- You'll feel better.
Starting point is 01:27:55 You'll feel better. Like it'll give you, like doing the 90 90s, foam rolling the piriformis, doing some ab work, like that- Literally living that for a few weeks, exactly they're saying and then you know after you get Proficient in that you feel like you have strength support I would even like work on windmills a bit just to make sure that your body's reacting appropriately towards rotation And so that way it's not one of those where we get a shocking like response where we're tightening up and we're getting back to that
Starting point is 01:28:23 You know where it's gonna cause a problem. We'll send you Prime Pro if you don't have that. There's the hip stuff is in there. But literally, if every day you did 10 minutes of low back presses, so I'd start with that, and then foam rolling the piriformis, I would do that every single day for 10 minutes. Are you in our private forum yet?
Starting point is 01:28:40 No, not yet. Okay, I'm gonna have Doug put you in there also. Because the intent that you do the mobility stuff is very important. Like a lot of times people will do it and then they, and the way- They're not doing it right. And so use that forum for that. One of the most popular ways people use our private forum is they'll do a video of them
Starting point is 01:28:56 doing a movement and just have us critique it. We also have Dr. Brink in there and a lot of other movement specialists. So not only can we support and help you, we have a community of other people that are professionals that can support and help. So if you have questions or challenge or you're trying to troubleshoot something, use that forum for that. Awesome, that's so great.
Starting point is 01:29:14 I'm super excited because I haven't been able to train my hamstrings appropriately, I feel like, for a really long time. So I'm really excited to get back into it and try to get some gains there. Yeah, you'll notice literally just doing the two things I said, the floor presses, foam rolling the hip, the piriformis. Within that session, you'll feel better.
Starting point is 01:29:32 But if you did 10 minutes every day, probably by next week, you'll be able to work out and you'll feel OK. But don't stop there. What Adam said is very important. You have to correct the issue. Otherwise, you'll be stuck foam rolling every morning forever. Yeah. OK, perfect. All right. forever. Yeah, okay, perfect.
Starting point is 01:29:45 All right. Awesome. Well, thank you guys, you guys are great. I appreciate it. Thank you. You're welcome, have a good day. You too. Yeah, it's really important to understand the difference between nerve pain and muscle pain and how to address it because here's what happens,
Starting point is 01:30:00 and this is why it gets so confusing. Number one, obviously people have a tough time determining good pain, bad pain anyway, or what kind of pain this is why it gets so confusing. Number one, obviously people have a tough time determining good pain, bad pain anyway, or what kind of pain this is. But number two, nerve pain can cause muscle pain and vice versa, meaning if there's a nerve that's impinged or being pressed on or just doesn't feel good,
Starting point is 01:30:18 the surrounding muscles tighten up. Yeah, they're trying to protect you. Correct, to prevent movement because your body's like, ouch. And so then what happens is you're like, oh, it's my traps are tight or my shoulders are tight or this is tight. And then you press on that muscle and it loosens up and you're like, oh, I temporarily feel better, but the nerve is still impinged. There's still something happening with the nerve and vice versa.
Starting point is 01:30:38 A tight muscle can cause a nerve to be impinged. So oftentimes they come together, but finding the root is the key. Otherwise you'll just be spinning, you know, spinning in circles. Our next caller is Roxy from North Dakota. Roxy, what's happening? Hi. How you doing? Not much.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Good afternoon. I'm going to jump right to my question because I am on a quick break at work. You got it. So I am wondering if my fat intake might be hindering my aesthetic goals. And maybe how much fat is too much fat if mostly from whole foods and what would be some ways to reduce my fat without losing the benefits I'm experiencing. So for context, I am 30 years old. I'm five foot five and 132 pounds and about 23% body fat.
Starting point is 01:31:28 My history, I started lifting in 2021 and fell in love. However, looking back, things weren't quite right. I was super tired, had poor sleep, my libido tanked and my digestion was awful. But I did love the way I looked. My digestion became an even bigger issue as I struggled through developing overactive bladder. I was sometimes unable to go for like five days at a time and that made symptoms so much worse. Now after almost a year of being inconsistent after starting a new job,
Starting point is 01:32:00 I'm back on track but trying to do it right. I'm currently running Maps Anabolic. I do daily walks and mobility routines. I eat 120 to 130 grams of protein every day. And now for the fat. So my daily fat is a what? No, no, go ahead keep going. I was gonna ask you a question but you're still giving us info. Sorry, keep going. Oh, sorry. My daily fat is anywhere from 70 to 80 at a minimum. Part of this is from some foods I eat to help with my digestion, like avocados every morning and I make chia pudding and have that every afternoon. This adds about 30 plus grams of fat on top of what I get from my protein. And my fitness pal is always yelling at me.
Starting point is 01:32:43 But since including those foods and hitting my protein goals, I've been sleeping better, I'm energized all day, my libido's through the roof, and best of all, I've stayed regular with symptom improvements with my overactive bladder. I'm scared to make changes and risk losing the improvements, but I'm also sick of being bright in between clothing sizes.
Starting point is 01:33:02 So can I have the best of both worlds? Yes, you can. And I would not cut your fat. That's in fact, I don't, I'm trying to see if I can remember a time when a female your size, I was training, it was eating whole foods and was overeating fat. It's almost always the opposite, Andrea.
Starting point is 01:33:22 And what you're feeling, the positive things you're feeling from increasing your fats is a clear indication of that's not where we want to go. I mean, I would much rather create more activity, reduce carbohydrates, like other ways to create a caloric deficit or build more muscle, speed your metabolism. Before I would take away what we've sounds, have figured out has made you healthier. Roxy, I want to address a couple of things. I'm going to say something to you just to try to see if you can pick up on the inconsistency.
Starting point is 01:33:54 My health was bad. My libido was bad. I wasn't sleeping good. My digestion was terrible, but I love the way I looked. Yeah. How's that sound? No, when I wrote it, I knew it sounded bad, but I love the way I looked. Yeah. How's that sound? No, when I wrote it, I knew it sounded bad, but I guess I just want to be able to feel good
Starting point is 01:34:11 and look good and I'm worried about, I didn't know if I was eating too much fat because my fitness towel had it at like 40 or something and I was like, I can't do that. Get off that, get off that. I'll say something else to you. I feel good, my digestion's back, my libido's good, I'm sleeping good, but I wanna change the way I look.
Starting point is 01:34:31 So the reason why I'm positioning these things this way, first of all, you're doing great. I don't know how long you've been doing what you're doing, but you're on the right track. If you feel strong and you feel healthy, you're probably gonna slowly get leaner as you continue on this path. And I would not look to the past as any kind of a goal. Whatever you were doing back then was not only not working, it was
Starting point is 01:34:54 detrimental. So I would not look to the past at all. I would continue to look forward and if you feel good, by the way 23% body fat is a great... Yeah and 132 pounds at 5'5", I think you probably do look good right now. You're doing phenomenal. If you keep on this path and you feel like you're getting stronger in the gym, your performance is improving,
Starting point is 01:35:12 you're getting these nice incremental changes in performance, you're on the right track and you're just gonna slowly get leaner as you keep doing that. So, now that Sal gave you the therapy session, let me, there's two ways I look at this, okay? And we didn't get to the exact numbers. If you are eating adequate amount of calories,
Starting point is 01:35:29 like so you have a good amount of calories and I think you're in a healthy place and you're telling me, Adam, I just wanna get a little leaner, I wanna see some abs, whatever, like, okay, that's fine. We can do that. And I would reduce calories through carbohydrates or create more activity to lean you out a bit. Now, if I thought you were at a calorie place where,
Starting point is 01:35:49 like, okay, so let's say you're five, under say 1,900 to 2,000 calories, you're that low already, I wouldn't want to cut calories. In fact, then I would tell you, let's focus on just slowly building muscle and you're going to naturally lean out while you're doing this. Your body is giving us signs that it's in the healthiest place, it's been in a long time,
Starting point is 01:36:08 you're already in a pretty good place body fat percentage and weight wise. Let's slowly build muscle and get you up to a place like 2,500 or 2,600 plus calories a day and not putting on body fat. And then I could cut you back down to say 21, 2,00. So depending on where your caloric intake is right now and how healthy I would consider your metabolism would dictate the goal that I push you on. Aside from that, like the therapy thing is important because I do think that's first and foremost, like your relationship with your body and how you view yourself I think is definitely the root of what's going on right now. So solving that for sure. But I'm also a coach and a trainer and get people in competitive shape. And if they want to do that stuff, we can too.
Starting point is 01:36:48 But I also would do that in a very intelligent way. And I wouldn't just cut calories if you're at a place that I don't think is healthy with 120 something grams of protein and, you know, 70 to 90 grams of fat, you're probably under 2000 calories. Am I right? I'm at about 19 is maintenance. Like I have not budged from 132 pounds in like three months. So there you go. So I nailed right where you could have been. And so my answer to you is I would reverse diet. Right? Yeah. I'm not going to, I wouldn't have you cut. I wouldn't have you cut.
Starting point is 01:37:15 What are you going to do? You're going to cut down to 1500 and then end up what? 22% 20% body fat. I don't even think I could. I'm so hungry. Oh yeah. No, no, no. Yeah. Slowly reverse diet and get strong. Are you following any of our programs? I'm doing MAPS anabolic right now. I'm on phase two week three. Perfect. Yeah, I love that. After that, after that follow MAPS power lift. Let's get you strong as hell so we can build muscle. Then when you cut, it'll be easy. I love that. And a slight surplus, 200, 250 calories just eat eat around 22. And not worry about the fat? No not even worry you're doing your listen your body is telling you. You're just gonna get stronger you probably won't even gain you'll
Starting point is 01:37:53 probably just gain muscle. That's and that's all we are focusing on in fact I probably would kick you off the scale for now and just be like just trust me we're gonna eat 2200 to 2300 calories you're gonna lift and we're gonna get strong as shit and I don't want you to worry about anything else but the numbers in the on the on the bar getting stronger and stronger because what I know 200 to 2300 calories, you're gonna lift and we're gonna get strong as shit and I don't want you to worry about anything else but the numbers in the on the on the bar getting stronger and stronger because what I know will happen is You're going to build muscle and you're going to speed your metabolism up and then eventually get to a place where we can cut your calories and cutting is at 19 to 2000 and you're leaning out and you're strong and your libido's good. Here's what'll probably happen. You'll gain like four, four or five pounds of lean body mass over the next three, four months
Starting point is 01:38:28 and your body fat percentage will go down. It's probably what's going to happen with a nice slow reverse diet and good workout programming. Roxy too, I want to put you on our private forum too so we can keep an eye on you as you go through this process because what I do know about where you're currently at, the mental game is the hardest part. And so use that forum as a good place of community and a good place to get a hold of us as you go through that process and you have those mental challenges along the way, express that, share that, troubleshoot with us, allow us to help guide you through that process. Because I know that that's the hardest part. The hardest part is the mind games of increasing the calories and a little bit of water that you might have like and that stuff will
Starting point is 01:39:09 start to mess with your head and think you're going the wrong way when in actuality you're probably doing really good and allow us to help you through that. Okay awesome thank you. All right got it. All right Rox you're all set up. Thank you. All right thanks guys. All right get back to work. All right, Rox, you're all set up. Thank you. All right, thanks guys. All right, get back to work. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 01:39:26 Bye. Bye. Bye. The first time, I just remembered this, the first time I encountered where it was that obvious, I had a client who got severely ill. I remember what they had, some really bad bacterial gut infection.
Starting point is 01:39:40 They liked the way they look or something. Bro, they came back and they had lost all this weight. They were so depleted. And she was like, well, the good news is I lost 15 pounds and I liked the way they look or something. Bro, they came back and they had lost all this weight, they were so depleted. And she was like, well the good news is I lost 15 pounds and I liked the way I look. And I remember being like, you look like you were sick for two weeks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:52 Can you recall a training a girl that was 130 pounds and five five, 23% body fat and she was overeating fat? No. No. I don't think I ever have. No. I don't think I just, and people need to understand this, like fat doesn't make
Starting point is 01:40:06 you fat, okay? And fat from whole foods is such an incredible place to be. Extra calories make you fat, that's it. Okay, so they can come from a lot of different places, but if you're within your caloric, you know, where you're supposed to be at, then your fat can be real high. It's totally fine. But you can have too little fat, you can eat the right amount of calories
Starting point is 01:40:28 and have not enough essential fat and then you're screwed. You're not making enough hormones, your nerves aren't working properly, your skin doesn't look good, your hair doesn't look good, and you can slowly, literally starve yourself. This was actually a problem with hunters during, back in the frontier days where all they could catch were rabbits. and they would eat a ton of these rabbits and starve to death
Starting point is 01:40:48 because they were not eating enough fat. Way too lean. That's right. Look if you love the show we have a squat guide how to squat like a pro it's totally free we just made it free go check it out mindpumpfree.com you can also find all of us on Instagram Justin is that mind pump Justin I'm at mind pump DeStefano and Adam is that mind pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Super Bundle at mindpumpmedia.com. The RGB Super Bundle includes maps
Starting point is 01:41:21 anabolic, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having Sal, Adam, and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com.
Starting point is 01:41:57 If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a 5-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump.

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