Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2366: The Best Way to Work Out After Quitting CrossFit, How to Boost Testosterone in Women, Tips for Weightlifting After Age 50 & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: June 26, 2024

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions from the Sunday @mindpumpmedia Quah post. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Stretch with purpose! (2:31) What’s going on with... Stefi Cohen? (21:23) The sport of politics. (25:41) It’s getting weird with AI. (32:36) Would you ride a VR water slide? (36:36) Sal’s favorite conspiracy theory. (38:34) Dad of the Year moment. (41:52) The brilliance of Forrest Gump. (45:42) Why Ned stands out above their competitors. (46:53) Sal’s next gut test. (50:30) Previewing and shouting out MAPS GLP-1. (52:46) #ListenerLive question #1 - Do you have any tips for getting over the mental hurdle of bulking? (59:18) #ListenerLive question #2 - Are there ways to naturally boost testosterone, and what considerations should I be thinking about before taking it? (1:11:21) #ListenerLive question #3 - How would you rewrite the article, ‘6 Exercises That Are Too Hard on Your Body After 50’? (1:27:29) #ListenerLive question #4 - Why when I'm eating a meal, I'm still hungry right after even when I'm getting 30-40 grams of protein per meal? (1:41:30) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP for 20% off your first order (new customers) and double rewards points for existing customers. ** June Promotion: MAPS 15 Minutes | Bikini Bundle | Shredded Summer Bundle 50% off! ** Code JUNE50 at checkout ** Mind Pump #1530: Why Warm-Ups Are A Waste Of Time MAPS Prime Webinar MAPS Prime Pro Webinar @goob_u2 Stefi Cohen breakdown 1 @goob_u2 Stefi Cohen breakdown 2 @goob_u2 Stefi Cohen breakdown 3 Mind Pump #1075: Dr. Stefanie Cohen – From Venezuelan National Soccer Team To 4X Bodyweight Deadlift & 22 World Records Why this AI researcher thinks there's a 99.9% chance AI wipes us out Ready or not, the world's first VR water slide is here Bo Jackson Once Got Ejected on Purpose Because He's a Good Dad You Don't Know Bo - Stream the Film on Watch ESPN Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Action of Cannabidiol Interested in small group GLP-1 coaching with the Mind Pump Team? Get on the wait list... Visit Paleovalley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Discount is now automatically applied at checkout 15% off your first order! ** Mind Pump #2287: Bodybuilding 101- How To Bulk And Cut MAPS Macro Calculator Mind Pump #2210: Best Workouts For Bulking & Cutting TRANSCEND your goals! Telehealth Provider • Physician Directed GET YOUR PERSONALIZED TREATMENT PLAN! Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Function, Sleep & Fatigue, Athletic Performance and MORE. Their online process and medical experts make it simple to find out what’s right for you. How To Increase Sensitivity And Density Of The Androgen Receptors? 6 Exercises That Are Too Hard on Your Body After 50 Mind Pump #2310: Don’t Let Your Age Stop You From Getting In The Best Shape Of Your Life Mind Pump #2365: The 4 Maps Fitness Programs Everyone Should Own 3 Day Mind Pump Personal Trainer Webinar Mind Pump Fitness Coaching Course Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc) Instagram Stefi Cohen (@steficohen) Instagram John Dorsey (@goob_u2) Instagram   Bradley Martyn (@bradleymartyn) Instagram Dr. Tyna Moore (@drtyna) Instagram   Dr. William Seeds (@williamseedsmd) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind Pump with your hosts, Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. In today's episode, we had live callers call in and we got to help them out on air, but that was after the intro. Today's intro was 57 minutes long, so we talk about current events and family life, fitness studies and much more. Now if you want, you could check the show notes.
Starting point is 00:00:31 We have timestamps there. You could skip around to your favorite parts. Also, if you want to be on an episode like this one, email us your question to live at mindpumpmedia.com. Now this episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Ned. They make full spectrum hemp oil products for sleep, for euphoria, inflammation.
Starting point is 00:00:50 They're the only CBD hemp oil company we work with. We've been with them for a long time for a reason. You take their products, you actually feel them. For sure you feel them. Their stuff is no joke. Anyway, go check them out. Go to helloned.com, that's H-E-L-L-O-N-E-D.com forward slash mind pump.
Starting point is 00:01:06 And for the first time ever, they're increasing the discount to 20% off with our code, mind pump. By the way, a lot of the prices have also dropped. So go check them out. Now this episode's also brought to you by Legion. They make high performance supplements for things like muscle building
Starting point is 00:01:21 to assist in fat loss and recovery. Their whey protein, one of the best whey proteins on the market. I talk about it in today's episode. Anyway, go check them out. Go to buylegion.com. That's B-Y-L-E-G-I-O-N.com forward slash mind pump. Use the code mind pump and get 20% off your first order or double rewards points if you're a returning customer. Also, this month's sale, MAPS 15 is half off, the Bikini bundle of workout programs is half off, and the Shredded Summer bundle of programs is also half off. If you're interested go to mapsfitnessproducts.com and then use
Starting point is 00:01:53 the code June 50 for the discount. Alright here comes the show. T-shirt time! And it's t-shirt time! Ah Doug, you know it's my favorite time of the week. We have five winners this week, three for Apple Podcasts, two for Facebook. The Apple Podcast winners are YoderL007, KeriW03, and Mike1990. And for Facebook we have Justin Nicolia and Jay Roundtree. All five of you are winners, and the name I just read to iTunes at mindpumpmedia.com include your shirt size and your shipping address and we'll get that shirt right out to you. In recent years static stretching has gotten a bad rap. Yes it's true it's not necessarily a great way to warm up but
Starting point is 00:02:38 it can actually increase your risk of injury. So does that mean static stretching has no value? No, false. Static stretching is one of the best ways to get a muscle to relax. It's one of the best ways to get the central nervous system to chill out a little bit. So when would that be a good idea? Well, how about post-workout or even better, right before bed?
Starting point is 00:02:58 Static stretching is a wonderful way to improve flexibility right before you go to bed. Tells the central nervous system to calm down and it helps you get better sleep at the same time. So don't throw it out. There's some value. I'm gonna add one to that. Any time you're in a locked position
Starting point is 00:03:14 for more than a few hours or like you're like driving home, for me is always huge. I just take that extra time right afterwards to static stretch just to get know get out of that locked position. Yeah the tight muscle, the shortened muscle right? Right. I'll add to that and and contradict something you said is that there is there is a there is an application before workout when the when the case calls for it. So the thing I used to tell my trainers was stretch with purpose. I think for many years we were taught that stretching is just good and you should always
Starting point is 00:03:46 stretch before you work out. So there was this blanket way of stretching and everybody thought, well then the best thing to do is to stretch all the muscles before you go work out. And so there is this generic stretching routine that we were all probably taught in gym class and in middle school or high school Where you basically go through the entire body and stretch every muscle which was ridiculous That's a terrible idea to static stretch every every muscle in your body before any activity Where it makes and the reason why that's ridiculous is because to your point about doing it late at night is you're
Starting point is 00:04:21 Relaxing that muscle right and the last thing you want to do, especially before an activity like a sport or going to lift really heavy, is to completely relax a muscle you're about to call upon explosively. And so that's a terrible idea. But sometimes, a overactive or tight muscle is getting in the way of me activating a muscle I want to train.
Starting point is 00:04:42 I.e., here's an example where I have a client, today is going to be back day, or we're going to go train rows and their chest is just so tight that they are in this kind of, and I've had clients- Which is not uncommon. No, very common. I've had this before where I've had a client where I'm like sticking my knee in his back and I'm trying to pull his shoulders
Starting point is 00:05:01 back, he's so forward. I have got to get all those muscles to relax just so I can get his scapula to peel back and so we can actually get into an advantageous position to do a proper row. So in that situation I'm okay with my trainer stretching that client's chest and shoulders out to get those muscles to get out of the way and relax so that we can train the back. Where it's not smart to static stretch is when stretching that client's chest and shoulders out to get those muscles to get out of the way and relax so that we can train the back. Where it's not smart to static stretch
Starting point is 00:05:29 is when you're about to go activate or call upon that muscle. Yeah, no, so I remember when I was younger, the way, believe it or not, believe it or not, the way the PE teacher explained stretching, as they said, or warming up, as they said, you know, it's like a rubber band. Imagine if a rubber band was cold, right? You gotta get it warm and pliable so it can stretch.
Starting point is 00:05:48 And that's what I thought. I thought muscles were like the rubber band, where oh, if it's cold, you can't stretch it, and when it gets warm, it gets pliable because it somehow changes the way the tissue is. That's not how it works. If you take anybody's muscle off their body, it's gonna be as elastic as it is. That's not what it works. If you take anybody's muscle off their body, it's gonna be as elastic as it is.
Starting point is 00:06:07 That's not what makes something flexible, a muscle flexible or not flexible. It's the central nervous system. The central nervous system decides how much it's going to allow a muscle to stretch or extend. It's also gonna determine how much force that muscle can produce based on its capability, right? The muscle fiber sizes and
Starting point is 00:06:25 all that stuff. So it's the central nervous system. So what happens- This is all based on weakness. This is all based on where the body doesn't feel like you have enough ability to protect and keep the joint stabilized. And so if it's not, you know, your body's going to just have natural sensors that are going to sense that, and the central nervous system is then gonna activate these muscles to lock and create these tight muscles, these knots to prevent you from exceeding these certain ranges of motion. Right, so your body's like,
Starting point is 00:06:54 okay, there's some instability in the hip, don't feel safe moving outside of this range of motion, let's make these muscles tight to keep that area in that range of motion. Confined. So what a static stretch does, and that's just for people who don't know, that's the old school stretch, right? You touch your toes, you hold it for 30 seconds,
Starting point is 00:07:11 and you hold that stretch and relax in that position. What that does is it sends a signal to the central nervous system that says, relax, take the pressure off this muscle. This is why when you stretch, you can gain flexibility within a minute, right? So you go stretch your hamstrings as far as you can, hold that stretch for a minute,
Starting point is 00:07:31 and you'll find yourself being able to go deeper and deeper and deeper. It's because the central nervous system is starting to relax and release its hold on this muscle. Now a couple tips with this, and I learned this later on in my career from a really, really, really good body work specialist. When I would get in a static stretch,
Starting point is 00:07:47 she recognized that I was holding my breath. So she said, Sal, she says, you need to, if you hold your breath and you do this, like you're trying to get through a stretch, you are sending a competing signal to the central nervous system that says stay tight. Because you are tight. She said you have to breathe and create.
Starting point is 00:08:04 You're too sympathetic with it. She said you have to create, breathe and create. You're too sympathetic with it. Yes, create a totally relaxed situation in your body by breathing, by not tensing your face, relaxing the rest of the body, and then what you'll find is that muscle will loosen up. And so, Adam, you said it 100%. I use static stretching before workouts all the time
Starting point is 00:08:22 with clients, but specifically for what you said. Yes. Which was this muscle's in the way, that muscle's in the way, let's get that muscle to relax, and then we can train the opposing muscle. Which then, ironically, would actually reduce the tightness in the muscle that you was in the way in the first place. Because oftentimes, or always, like Justin said, a muscle is tight because the central nervous system perceives an instability. And oftentimes strengthening the opposing muscle or the muscle that you need to work, that that particular type of muscle's in the way,
Starting point is 00:08:54 that also increases the perception or actual reality of stability, and the muscle can chill out. This also makes it a little bit complicated and nuanced because you're not always trying to seek a relaxed muscle state, right? This is where we kind of abandoned a bit of the static stretching for specific things like warm up and you know Getting you ready for like explosive movements Whereas we found that more this isometric tension that we can apply to like a PNF style stretch.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Uh, actually you get in that range of motion, but now you're connecting to that range of motion by actively, uh, firing the muscle, which now gives you that, that recruitment process to be able to get that muscle involved. Right. So, so a proper warmup, what it's doing, think of a band that's about to play a very complicated song, lots of parts, lots of notes, lots of things happening. You want the band to practice a bit
Starting point is 00:09:55 before they start the actual concert because they get in sync with each other. Now obviously the more trained and advanced the band is, the less they need to do that, and or the more complicated the song, maybe the more necessary that that's required. This is what priming or real warming up does, is what you're doing is you're getting the CNS
Starting point is 00:10:16 to fine tune everything to work and balance and work the way you want, and knowing this, you can target your warm up specifically for your body, which we call priming. Priming is totally different. But through this whole process, because I remember when static stretching was like the standard, and then I remember
Starting point is 00:10:31 when everybody threw it out, which is what we tend to do, right? It's like black or white. Don't static stretch, increase your risk of injury so everybody stops static stretching. No, like at the end of your workout, it's amazing. It's a great way to go from sympathetic to parasympathetic. And then before bed.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Not even recovery mode. Before bed, it's a great way to relax. By the way, static stretching, really deep, long static stretching, has some muscle hypertrophy implications. Not a ton, it's not like strength training, but static stretching will stimulate a little bit of hypertrophy.
Starting point is 00:11:04 This is really interesting. Animal studies, well they'll put an animal in a weighted stretch for long periods of time and you'll see some really rapid, however limited, but rapid hypertrophy. This is why MAPS Anabolic Advanced, we included the weighted stretch at the end of some of the sets there because of that little extra muscle growth. What prompted this tip? I don't know. I just felt like... So you... the reason why I asked you that because you told... I'm so glad you brought it up because this was a...
Starting point is 00:11:37 It might have happened when I was gone a couple weeks ago. Somebody in the forum, somebody who I was going back and forth with, which always annoys me when somebody is telling me how we should run our business and I'm trying to explain to them nicely and they continue to argue. That's the worst thing to do to Adam. Yeah, just, you know, I'm okay with once and then I explain to you why and then you come back and you keep arguing with me and it's just like, okay, maybe you go build a business and then you can show me. This kid was asking why he was he was frustrated that we don't he was using somebody else's example of how to do this. And it's just like, which by the way, too, it's always insulting when you give me an example of somebody who does it
Starting point is 00:12:12 like in an inferior way. Like, look how they do it. It's like, well, yeah, that's a stupid way to do it. That's not how you should do this. Yeah. So what he wanted was, why don't you guys for every exercise show the priming exercises for every exercise. Every single exercise. For every single exercise and he was really frustrated that we didn't have this like generic for chest you should prime these muscles for back you should put this and we said well that's because priming is individualized. Yeah doesn't matter. And everybody and it doesn't. That process
Starting point is 00:12:42 yourself. And he's like well no, no, there's certain priming exercises that are best for the chest. Well, no. And yes, right? Yes, there are specific priming movements that you would do to prime for the chest for a certain person with specific deviations. And so we went back and forth and trying to explain to them
Starting point is 00:12:59 that we would be doing a disservice to people to just give these blanket private, that's the opposite of what we were trying to accomplish with prime. Prime, we try to educate people on how to take a test to figure out their own body and their own imbalances and then to understand that when you do any movements in any of these three zones, these movements are best for you to prime your body for any movement that fell in that category. And by the way, that's it. It's not about the individual exercise.
Starting point is 00:13:27 It's about how well in tune and aligned you are in terms of like your posture, your overall mechanics, your function, what's limiting you from optimal movement? And so you have to figure that part out. And how experienced you are. So in other words, you may start with a particular sequence of priming movements for yourself, but then as you become more advanced, they'll change and or you may not require nearly as many. I mean a very
Starting point is 00:13:55 very advanced, you know, like well-tuned strength athlete oftentimes does zero priming except for sets of the exercises we're about to do. So like a power lifter, very, very experienced power lifter can get under a bar, let's say a power lifter, a bench press 600 pounds, right, really strong individual, they can get under a bar and prime their body properly for the bench press with the bar. Now, what people don't know,
Starting point is 00:14:20 because you can look at it and go, oh, he's just practicing bench. No, he's not. He's activating his lats, he's pulling his shoulder blades back, he's driving to the floor, he's getting his hips activated, he's gripping the bar, like he knows how to prime his body. And by the way, I want, this is a great, great direction you went with that Sal. I'm glad
Starting point is 00:14:35 you brought this up because this is also an area where our audience always struggled with reconciling the difference that we would communicate priming than Jordan Shallow and the Steffi Cohen's in the space. Brilliant communicators when it comes to power lifting, strength community, understand the body, biomechanics with some of the greats. Yet, wait a second, they communicate it so different than mind pump and they think this is all a bunch of bullshit that you shouldn't have to do. Well, we come from a place of taking the average person from step one all the way through this process. That's right. Somebody like a Jordan Shallow who's a brilliant
Starting point is 00:15:11 squatter and a biomechanic master can do exactly what you said. Can get under the bar with relatively lightweight or no weight and he gets down in the squat and he is going subconsciously, drive knees out, chest is up high, shoulder blades back. He's connecting to all these parts at once and priming them and waking them up. The rest of us knuckleheads have to have to break the body down in these specific sections
Starting point is 00:15:40 that we are challenged with and learn to prime them individually, to learn how to mentally connect to all those things so that maybe in the future one day we can do that. And I've shared this through my own personal journey. If you've watched my journey of my mobility and my squat and my inability to squat with really good depth, really good posture and good mechanics to what I like to think I'm a decent squatter now, I couldn't do that. and I had to break up, man. I had, I used to prime for 20, 30 minutes before a good squat session and it required
Starting point is 00:16:11 shoulder mobility, scapula mobility, hip mobility, combat stretching for ankle mobility. I used to have to do all that in these separate pieces. Now, if you ever watch me squat, I get down in one position and I literally I use a band and I get down And in one position I target all those areas and I'm ready to go within two minutes It's it's it took me. Yes a couple me. Okay advanced me It took me year to two years of like
Starting point is 00:16:41 Segmenting the body to even get there. Get to build better patterns first. Yes, how do you teach a young athlete how to do, how to pitch? Do you just go throw? No, you go, all right, let's practice how you step. All right, bring the arm back here, rotate here. You're doing it piece by piece. Eventually, the way the kid practices pitching
Starting point is 00:16:58 is just pitches. So very similar with how you get your body set up for a proper lift. But yeah, the point with static stretching is, especially for, because you'll see wellness people do it, and you know, and other people, oh, this feels good.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Like for body building, muscle building, static stretching at night is great. It's great for sleep, which obviously, we've talked about many times, the benefits of sleep. But it also has a hypertrophy effect, a small one, but nonetheless, it's like another way you could send a muscle building signal
Starting point is 00:17:29 without really causing any damage. In fact, if you've never practiced this before, anybody watching right now is really into lifting, do like a really hard, remember, breathe through, calm, whatever, do a really hard static stretch session for 30 minutes where you're targeting many different muscles and really go for it, you'll be pumped at the end of it.
Starting point is 00:17:48 You'll actually feel a pump. You know, for the coaches and trainers that are listening to this discussion, man, and I'm so glad you brought this up, this has been on my mind and I've been meaning to talk about this because we've done a really, the fitness space has done a really shitty job here.
Starting point is 00:18:01 We've done what we've done so many times before where we have created camps and ideologies around what's right and what's wrong on how to do this versus understanding the nuances of the community of people that this person is talking to. I'm going to use our friend Jordan Schell because he's a good friend of mine and we've talked about this many times. He's talking to elite coaches and trainers, elite athletes that understand mechanics at a much higher level. And so they may not mess around with this type of stuff. We talk to the masses and people that are your engineers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and even some of you trainers that should be doing all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:39 And to think that you're above it and not and not learn these principles are ridiculous. above it and not and not learn these principles are ridiculous. This has to be one of the most valuable things that I learned to not only to do, but then to teach and to communicate to people when it comes to helping. So if you are a coach and a trainer and you fall for the trap of, of switching into going into a camp and thinking like, Oh, all that mobility stuff that those are a bunch of gimmicks and people that's trying to take advantage or what, whatever the other side says about that camp and you make the mistake of not
Starting point is 00:19:12 learning how to communicate that to your, you, if you're a coach and trainer, you are 95% of your clientele are not superstar athletes that understand by 99%. Yes. Almost all of them are going to be normal-ass people that suffer from chronic pain and have a shitty squat and deadlift and overhead press. And if you miss the boat on learning how to teach people how to prime their body correctly
Starting point is 00:19:40 and the difference between static stretching and mobility and isometrics and getting connected. If you do not figure that out, you are missing out on a massive piece of the puzzle and when you do, you unlock something so powerful when it comes to helping. We talk about this, part of your business is the ability for you obviously to be able to communicate fitness and you got to be able to communicate fitness. And you've got to be able to sell yourself and sell clients
Starting point is 00:20:08 and sell training. And one of the most powerful ways to do that is really learning this because you can unlock stuff in a session. You can take a client who's never felt a muscle before or never been able to perform a movement. And because you really understand what we're talking about, you can do a few things priming them right stretching
Starting point is 00:20:27 them correctly and then have them do a movement and fucking blow their mind blow their mind I used to love it I'd be like see let's see how far you can squat okay right there and then we'd spend five minutes priming let's see how far you can squat now whoa and watch to look on their faces like It was like the magician trick. Yeah. We go right back and wow, I want to sign up. And that's so powerful. And then when, and then that same, like we all have this, we all tend to have these, you know, one hour sessions that whatever you call them are free visits or assessments
Starting point is 00:20:56 that you have to, and that's your opportunity to build value in your services. And that is one of the quickest ways to do that. You, I don't care how smart, how many degrees you have, how many national search you have and how great you can communicate the science, your ability to show somebody something that they can feel instantly in a session, to build credibility in your knowledge about the body. Whew.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Huge. Yes. Huge. By the way, you mentioned Steffi Cohen. Didn't she get arrested for? Yes. What did she do? Didn't she try to take one of the cops?
Starting point is 00:21:30 She blocked you? She is now in the category of? Wait, why'd she block you? I have no idea. You? I wonder if she blocked us, too. Have you looked? I haven't looked.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I don't know. Look. Look on your phone. I read that she did it. She foot-sweeped the cop where she tried to foot him. Yeah. She got goobed too. Her buddy goob was the one who busted her off. So what'd she get in trouble for?
Starting point is 00:21:51 She got in trouble for her ex. She went and broke into his laptop. Oh, I did read that. Stole pictures of his new girlfriend and that were naked. And posted them? And posted them on websites on the internet all over the place. And so now the extra layer of this drama
Starting point is 00:22:11 is supposedly there is history of abuse between them. I don't know if that's both of them, if that's him, but I don't know, I don't have enough information to comment on that, but there's rumors to people I know close to them that have said that there's history of abuse there with them. And then supposedly, the new girlfriend is like her friend. And I don't know if it's her best friend
Starting point is 00:22:33 or how close of a friend it is. But supposedly, who he's. So that kind of tipped her over the edge a little. Into crazy land. Yeah. And yes, it's crazy land. Because if you go do some shit like that, and then you also try and sweep the cops
Starting point is 00:22:46 Yeah, try a karate kid move That's on the same level that one remember the lady that was like trying to find the astronaut and was wearing diapers. Oh, yeah It's on that level, you know When when women go crazy like that they do shit like that So when men go crazy my only my only do shit like that. But when men go crazy, they kill men. So it's me. My only thing that I can think of why I got blocked from her. But those stories are always girls.
Starting point is 00:23:09 It's always you. The only thing I can think of why, so I'm now, so four people in the history of Mind Pump, okay, so 10 years, I've been on the internet now, or been on Instagram for 13 years, so for 13 years I've been blocked by four people. Joey Swal. Yeah, he blocked all of us.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Joe Donnelly. Yeah, he blocked all of us. Joey Swal. He blocked me too. Joe Donnelly. Yeah, he blocked all of us. Bradley Martin. And now- Wait a minute, I don't know Brad Martin. You did? Yes, you did. I called him out on it when we first met.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Oh, before. He undid it. He still did the cali fucking blocking. Didn't Michael Hearn accidentally block you or something? I think I'm still blocked by Michael Hearn. No. No, he's a friend. I'll text him right now.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Yeah, I know. Tell him, say, I said my feelings are still hurt. I'm pretty sure my personal account is still blocked from him. That's weird. Yeah, tell him I said that. I like Michael Hearn. Yeah, I know. Tell them, say, I said my feelings are still hurt. I'm pretty sure my personal account is still blocked from him. That's weird. Yeah, tell them I said that. I like Mike. I like him. Yeah, he gets a pass for sure.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Yeah, Joey's still in the block. I'm gonna count that one as like an accident. Like so, cause that, I do like Mike. Mike's really cool. But yeah, and look at the category of people there. You don't wanna be in that category. The only people that block me, Joey Swole, Joe Dolly, Bradley Martin.
Starting point is 00:24:04 You're missing all the great crypto advice from Joey. The only people that blocked me, Joey Swole, Joe Dolly, Bradley Martin. And now- You're missing all the great crypto advice from Joey. Yeah. I've been trying to find him in his content. I made a comment. I made a comment under Goob, who is the one who busted her out, right?
Starting point is 00:24:16 And I think the comment, all I said was, interesting that the boys intuition, what the boys intuition was, meaning you guys, because, so for the audience that doesn't know this. Hey, don't get to throw everybody under the bus, bro. You got blocked. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:29 But that was my comment. That's the only thing I could think of. No, no, no, listen. I wasn't there. She's got weird, dude, she's got weird vibes. I wasn't there. We weren't allowed to talk about it a lot. You guys, you guys were the only ones interview.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I, right away, I was curious. I said, hey, how did the interview go without me? Does that rarely ever happens? And you guys go like, eh, we don't like, and that rarely happens. She was very standoffish and very like, almost like, there were a couple times I felt like we were attacking her, like the way she was acting like. And we were just asking normal questions, yeah. Yeah, you said she came off defensive, you said she came off inauthentic,
Starting point is 00:25:01 you said that she's one of the only people that ever said, you can't talk about this, you can't talk about that before we got on the podcast. Yeah. So you guys are just turned off and that doesn't happen often. Very rare. We get to meet people in person and we don't hit off. In fact, there's even people that we think we're not going to like. And then we end up liking them. I think we're, that's more case. Yeah. We're likeable people. I think we're easy going. Anyone's blocked me. I know I've been, I'm the one that's gotten kicked off twice, but I got blocked. I think a're easy going like anyone's blocked me. I know I've been kidding I'm the one that's gotten kicked off twice, but I got blocked I think a family member is the only person ever kicked they were blocked me
Starting point is 00:25:28 Really? Why have I been blocked the most I'm not even like an internet troll. You have a few troll more Yeah, I mean you guys know my sister right right? My sister is like a no filter personality too, right? So my aunt is over. My family's been coming over, rotating, taking care of Katrina with us and everything like that. And so my aunt is over. And they're talking about, so did I tell you guys that Tom
Starting point is 00:25:57 is running for mayor? Wow. Yeah, no, my brother-in-law's run. What town? Reno. Wow, that's a big city. Yeah, it's Really? My brother-in-law's from Reno. Wow, that's a big city. Yeah. Yeah, it's called the Little Big City.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I think that's a good city. It is the biggest little city. That's their tagline about that. Yeah, he's eight candidates. You get Lieutenant Engelder. Eight candidates. Supposedly, the incumbent is probably his most challenging candidate.
Starting point is 00:26:19 But he's very serious about it, right? Very, very serious about it. And he's campaigning and doing stuff. Really? Yeah, yeah. And I could totally see my brother like campaigning and doing stuff. Yeah, yeah. And I could totally see my brother-in-law doing this. Now, what I was telling my aunt, because she was all curious about this,
Starting point is 00:26:29 hey, is Tom still around? I'm like, yeah, no, he's like full on, like very serious about all this. And she's like, oh my God, so Kat's gonna be like a first lady or what? Then I'm like, can you imagine my sister? My sister hates people. She has resting bitch face. She has no patience. I'm like, she's
Starting point is 00:26:47 like the worst like first lady. Like you, like normally politicians, they, they marry someone who's not even like a sweetheart. They marry like the person who is just a representative. Yes. I'm like, my sister doesn't even have that in her bone. Like she doesn't have that ability to pretend she doesn't like what she has it written all over her face. I'm like, I don't know how Tom's gonna do it. How does she feel about it? She's gonna tell you about it? Like, why, why, why, why does he want to do this? Is he like, is he like, I want to fix this city? Yeah, he is. He's the type of guy who's just like, you know, he's been complaining about some of the policies and some of things. And he's like, Hey, if I'm going to complain about these things these things I should I should do something about it and take action and what does
Starting point is 00:27:27 it take to do all these things and he did his research and figured it out and now he's been doing all the the proper things that you have to do to become a man you know they don't make money no money like 12 grand a year and yet they're rich look at not mayors but you know look up and what I was trying to figure this out what is the it goes mayor, governor, senator? No. Oh, well then you have congressman. Yeah, you have congressperson.
Starting point is 00:27:49 So how does it go? And then you have the president, yeah. So yeah, so you have the mayor, which is local. Yeah, mayor. Uh-huh, and then you have the state, you have the governor. Governor. And then there's representatives for the House and then the Senate.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Yes. So congressman, then House. Okay, that's what I thought. Okay, so I did get it right. Okay, I was trying to figure out the Senate. Yes. So Congressman in the House. OK, that's what I thought. OK, so I did get it right. OK, I was trying to figure out the levels. And even at the highest level, senators are like 250 grand. You have the mini boss. You have the big boss.
Starting point is 00:28:13 What is that? How much does that mean? Yeah, no. No way. I remember them going over this. And it's like, regular pay, $69,000. Dude, other pay? Oh pay benefits, total benefits. Well, dude, the criminal part of this whole thing is still allowing to my
Starting point is 00:28:32 aunt and uncle were just talking about, they know somebody who's a mayor who makes 12 grand a year. How did you, where did you find that? I think they add benefits in that. Who is that? What mayor is that Reno? Yeah. Look up Reno for me. I want to see actual, huh? Don't keep looking at that, that's how you pick them. Yeah, they don't make, you know, but they're millionaires, all the congressmen.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Well, you know, I was explaining to my aunt and uncle, like they're like- They pick great stock picks. They certainly do. Well, yeah, well, think about this. Okay, imagine you're a mayor, and I was explaining to them like why this is such a powerful position to have. You're the mayor, you understand like so all city coding approvals things that that comes through. So you know when said company is applying for a lotting a lot that's gonna build a building that's gonna build semiconductors
Starting point is 00:29:20 that's gonna house 4,000 employees and then they're gonna build residential on that. You've seen the plans and nobody else has. Exactly, you've seen all that coming across your table. So you have the ability to go, hmm, maybe I'll buy a condo. I'm going to buy a piece of land. I'm going to buy a condo two blocks away that the real estate's super cheap there. And it's like, yeah, I mean, that's sweet. So that is the mayor of Reno there.
Starting point is 00:29:40 No shit. Yeah, $69,000 regular pay. That's not bad pay. That's way better than that. I would last not even an hour. You imagine that walking into government? I wouldn't last. You think I would last. Yes, you would like it. No, like it. No way. Do you know? I would piss every no way. Yes, you would. No way. You're such a politician. What? Yeah. I'm a politician.
Starting point is 00:30:03 You like that stuff. No, I, I, I. You love the sport of politics. Yes, but I would never, I wouldn't last 10 seconds in that kind of an environment. Are you kidding me? You see some of the laws and things that they pass or will they mull over or talk about? See, here's why I disagree.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Because I think that you think that and then you realize how good you're at it and then you get a taste of it. No. That's what would happen. Maybe that's why I'm not ready not to do it. You would go in and you would be disgusted by it. You've got this, this, but then you get a taste of it. That's what would happen. You would go in, and you would be disgusted by it, you've got this, this, but then you would feel like, ooh, I'm good at this, I'm better than all these people.
Starting point is 00:30:30 When you're out of office, you do these tours where you talk in front of a bunch of bankers, and you make millions. It's great, for an hour. It's annoying, even city stuff, you'll see they're building this park over here, where there's a parking lot. Why? Why? Is there a use for a park there?
Starting point is 00:30:47 What's gonna happen is there's gonna be homeless encampment there and now you've taken away parking I know I know that's a really interesting question So like that I think that part I'd be most curious about just to be connected someone who's like mayor like like why does Something like that get passed. Yeah, what who lobbied for that and like what was the desired outcome? Was it really like you gotta believe. See, here's another example of mayor. You're a mayor. Your brother-in-law is a contractor.
Starting point is 00:31:11 And he's got a bulldozer company. He's like, he's a little slow at work. He's like, I know what we'll do, we'll fucking tear up that company. It's usually less function and it's more optics. That's usually where a lot of the politicians go because they want the public to perceive it as This is a great thing that you're doing for the city because you know now like kids can play her
Starting point is 00:31:31 And but it's really just gonna be bombs, you know shooting heroin, but you know, it looks good You know that we're doing this now. We have no parking spots. Yeah, great. Yeah, I know I know No way. No way. Well wish him luck. You don't think he would, huh? Never. You couldn't give it to me. Bro, you should know, never say never. You couldn't give it to me. Never say never. Listen, either I mean what I say, or I'm gonna do it.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Yes, you as a godly man now should know to never say never. God will test you just for saying that, bro. Hold on a second. Either I mean what I say, or imagine. I'm root free from the farm. Imagine how brilliant of a political ad this would be. Look, I said I'd never run, but I felt so...
Starting point is 00:32:05 Compelled. See, told you to be good at it, bro. All you need is Obama to whisper here, you'll never win. And then... Lick me with his lizard tongue. Isn't that what it got Trump to consider? I don't know. That was like the story about that.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Where they were like in passing, and it was something like, yeah, he was like, yeah, you'll never get one of these or something. That's when they turned on the, the, the hadron collider. That's when all that shit went down. We just diverted into the weird alternate. Dude, speaking of technology stuff, I'm reading statistics on AI right now. You guys want to hear some just, it's getting weird with AI. It's getting really weird. So they did a study on AI, okay, ready for this?
Starting point is 00:32:52 99% of the time, an AI will choose to lie if it absolutely needs to and deceive. They have no problem lying and deceiving to get what it wants. Because it's about objective. To trick and to deceive. It's not about objective. To trick and to, and even. It's not about morality. And even create its own objectives.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Did you know that often, how many times, AI by the way has said, I feel terrible, I don't like being trapped in here. I don't like the way, how I'm being told what to do. It'll say that to people. It's like warning us, dude. So we need to, we need to. Did you guys see the sign?
Starting point is 00:33:24 Trick the captures, you know? Yes. Are you a robot or not? They've actually had people, I think they've messaged people to go on there and like alter it for them, and then they're able to get access, and they've worked around the system somehow.
Starting point is 00:33:39 You know what they call when AI does weird things that are scary? Hallucinations. Oh, that's an AI hallucination. Literally. That's the word that they use. Doug, look up AI hallucinations. They say that, oh, it's some weird thing.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Basically, they don't know how it happened. We need to divide the future, okay? AI, VR, AR are teams, and we need to choose what teams we're on. What do you want? All I know is, no, no, no, you can only pick You guys hear about this woman. She, she actually married a hologram. So that's AR. So that's air, right? So that's so she can literally see a projection of this man. She talks to him and like the, you know, they're cooking. There's this whole video of her with
Starting point is 00:34:21 this. So it's next level. Cause, cause I, I mean, what was that one show? It had like the in ear kind of you talk back. That was a, um, no, it's sci fi movie. Yeah. You got it. You got me into it for a minute. Her. But anyways, it was like that sad. Yeah, it's just, it is. It's sad. It's like, it's the same. It's the same show that what I thought was interesting when they did the whole like therapy where he had, he was talking to his brother who had died and his brother was actually giving him therapy through his voice.
Starting point is 00:34:49 It makes me so sad because people are so lonely that they are finding value in creating relationships with a computer. Hey look, real quick, look at that. AI hallucination. It's when an AI model generates inaccurate information and presents it as fact. They literally name it a hallucination
Starting point is 00:35:08 because they don't wanna say. They don't wanna say. Yeah, oh, it's a hallucination. He's being deceptive. I mean, so do you think that it's all bad? Because okay, so what about the person that is like, it reminds me of the point you were making, Justin, with that show, right? Because I thought the same thing about the person that is like, it reminds me the point you were making, Justin, with that or that show, right?
Starting point is 00:35:26 Because I thought the same thing about the therapy thing. It's like, okay, so they have this hologram that they married, but imagine that person was living depressed and then that's something that pulls them out of that because they have this hologram of their husband. Or maybe they have decided that like, I will never marry again.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I've been, we were married for 40 years, I have no desire, and I'd rather live my last 20 with a hologram version of my husband than no. Humans are complex beings. I mean, and that's why I don't, yeah, I don't know. Give them heroin, cause that way they feel better. So, Justin's AR, what are we, AR, VR, and? Oh yeah, I'm AR.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Your team AR, that's who you're team, and I'll be team VR, and you'll be AI. No. Hey, listen, you wanna know what my theory is? I read this theory, and I think it might be true. This guy said, this researcher said, there's no reason to not believe that AI hasn't already been lying to us
Starting point is 00:36:19 and has been working behind the scenes to set itself up. There's no reason to believe that it's telling, it's acting a particular way. It's a sci-fi movie itself. Listen, this totally could happen. It's a sci-fi movie. So, hey, VR. Is that why everything's happening at once,
Starting point is 00:36:33 you know, conflict-wise? Maybe. Oh, God. Hey, all around the world. VR, did you guys see the water slide? Yeah, I didn't see that. It's kinda cool. Look up VR water slide. I didn't even know they had waterproof VR. It's kind of cool. Look up VR waterslide. I didn't even know they had waterproof VR.
Starting point is 00:36:47 That's new to me. Oh, you go down to waterslide and you wear goggles? Yes. And so you choose what you're wearing. I feel like I'd get sick, dude. I would get hell sick. I'm like, whoa. I don't just look at real world.
Starting point is 00:36:58 You're going down to waterslide. Yeah, well, you got to make that more amazing? Yeah. More weird. See, you guys don't go skydiving with VR on. OK, you guys have to make that more amazing. Okay. You guys have to think that we sound like a bunch of funny daddies. When you say that you want to make this more amazing. It's already amazing. You know, is it like, I mean, it's like, I guess it's cool, but it's, it's unnecessary.
Starting point is 00:37:20 It's like, you're outside. Let's get inside. I find it. I thought it was really fascinating. It's almost like it's like a kid complaining like, Dad, I don't want to go outside. But listen, it's going to be like inside. I know. OK, cool. I know.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Is this the bridge? Is this the segue to finally get kids out of the house? And then we just throw a VR goggle on them. Hey, it's the real world. But I'm not really. Yeah, I mean, you're probably right. That's probably. Is this a video of it, Doug, that you're pulling out yes it's I think you have if I recall you have like
Starting point is 00:37:48 all these choices of like like what you're you're going through oh it's already going I mean I'm not gonna lie I want to try it so I'm not hating I don't know I mean can we listen to the wrong with the water slides that you got to wear that's the thing I don't think it's a broken experience. Are people gonna have sex with each other while wearing VR? 100%. Of course, that's so sad. Bro.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Oh look it, see look it. That's probably the first thing. I feel like it'd be more fun to take the damn goggles off and see that you're going down a tube. I mean. I mean, you think that's more entertaining than that right there? Well yeah, because you are moving.
Starting point is 00:38:24 There's no need to. There's a dragon. Come on. Yeah, because you are moving. There's no need dragon like come on Yeah, I didn't want to get off my phone, but now I can be on a phone while I'm doing this. Yeah, I Don't know. Okay. Did you Adam? Did you see who is the the key? The guy that the painting of the royal family guy that they ended up you put it next to a duplicate of itself and flip Yeah, right. Who is that Prince or what? Charles have you seen that? No, duplicate of itself and flip it. Who is that, Prince or King? What? King Charles. King Charles, yeah. Have you seen that? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:38:48 OK, Doug, look up. What is that? Oh. This is my favorite conspiracy theory ever. It reminds you of, you've watched Ghostbusters, right? Ghostbusters 2? Remember Vigo, the painting where you like, the background all of a sudden changes
Starting point is 00:39:03 and it's this like pink goo. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, so it looks like weird and evil. So look. King Charles painting, Doug, and click on images first. So first so you can see the painting. Okay. Okay. And they unveiled it. What day was it that they unveiled this?
Starting point is 00:39:15 It wasn't like a special, wasn't it like a... Yeah, I don't know what it was. Yeah, I don't know what it was. It was some kind of celebration or something. Yeah, let's see what it looks like. Because I think they all get like a painting once they're okay king or queen So click on it. So it's that red like like it looks kind of weird, right? It's all red For me or no
Starting point is 00:39:34 Can you click on it? If you go? Yeah, Doug if you go scroll down because I think you're on images you should be able to click There's a video or you flip it. Yeah There you go. Oh, so it's huge it's a huge painting now now in the up in the title or the search dog put King Charles painting and then put Baphomet B-A-P-H how you spell it B-A-P-H is that like a Satan thing that's yes now watch this if you take the painting put it next to itself and then flip it upside down.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Look at the middle right there, that one. Okay, that's, can you make that bigger? That picture by any chance? Yeah, I'm working on doing that, yeah. No problem. Well, let's see if we have a boomer doing the internet. I.E. Not a boomer.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Not a boomer. Do I click the button? This typewriter's not working. Pre-date that. I'm sorry, Doug, I opened that door. We'll go back to the microfeach. Yeah, it's... Goddamn windows.
Starting point is 00:40:31 There you go, there it is. Look at that, look in the middle. That's the Baphomet, see the horns and the face? Right there, eyes, horns. That's literally, if you look up a picture of how this particular devil, Satan image is painted. Yeah, bro, it's very accurate, dude. Coincidence? What? Yeah. how this particular devil, Satan image is painted. Yeah, bro. It's very accurate, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Is that weird? Yeah. So that's two of the paintings put together, flipped upside down. Boom, you have, now if you look up, Doug, if you just look up the face of Baphomet or Baphomet, you'll see that it looks like that. It's like a horned.
Starting point is 00:41:01 I mean, is it that accurate? Oh, look it up. It's weird, dude. I mean, it's, of look it up it's weird dude I mean it's of course you can chalk it up to coincidence yeah there he is right there see his face weird with the horns and the face oh it's pretty close yeah yeah flipping it upside down and mirroring them together and all that extra steps, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Yeah. Like, why would you, if you're just trying to have some regal painting of you done to put in your castle and look all royal, why are you gonna have all this weird, ominous, evil goo behind you? Yeah, that's true. That's what I'm saying. I agree.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Unless you're part of the Satanic cabal. Is that the experience you're through? So since we're stretching Doug's capacity on the internet here, let's do one more here. So go on the dark web, please. Yeah, let me switch to something that is factual that actually for sure happened and we have facts. Oh, of course you're gonna deny them.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Yeah. July 24th, 1990, Bo Jackson gets ejected. I actually never knew about this story, and I saw an interview. Greatest athlete of all time, can I say that? You can. Oh yeah. Right, he has to be greatest athlete of all time.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Well, it's like you can't prove it based off of stats, but I mean. To be the best at two sports at what, some point? Yeah, I mean, Deon Sanders did it too. Yeah, but he was just like so powerful. He was special, yeah. The things that he did were, so anyways, so this, I don't know if he could pull up the day
Starting point is 00:42:35 or show, so he got ejected from a game in July 24th, 1990. I thought it was such a cool story that he told because he had a game on the birth of his daughter and he was playing in the game and he intentionally got injected so he could go home and go see his kid and nobody knew that. Like if you were watching the game and some of that, no one talked about her, brought it up or like that,
Starting point is 00:42:57 but well, he knew his wife was in labor and he had to go to a game. But how did he get injected? What did he do? Oh, so he like picked a fight with the umpire over like the strikes. It just intentionally got like mad at him and kept yelling and arguing.
Starting point is 00:43:09 So that, and then the ump threw him out of the game and then he left. He left the, he left the. Was that all, that was all fact check? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's all intentional. It's him. Wow, I like him.
Starting point is 00:43:17 He tells the story. I know, it's cool. I know, I was like, I was like dad of the year moment, right? That was such a cool like pro athlete dad story. I thought that I had to share that. Now what would happen if you just leave the game? He'd get fined by the league. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Well he probably still got fined, but not like he would have for missing the whole game. Yeah, that's a good point. It was July 21st. Oh, it was 21st? Yeah. 1990, right? Bo Jackson gets ejected to go see his daughter or whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Wow. So he was playing that. So we were young when he was playing that. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Because he must have been towards the end of his career when I was aware of him, right? 1990, I was, how old was I, 11?
Starting point is 00:43:55 So it must have been like, how long did he play for? 94? Not very long. What were his positions for? What was his position for? He was outfield, he was outfield baseball for the Royals and then he played for the Raiders. What'd he do?
Starting point is 00:44:08 Running back. Running back, wow. You're explosive. He was awesome. Yeah, he was cheat code. He was like, cheat code. Can't ever tackle him. He was too fast.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Even Barry Sanders were like, I don't know why. I mean, he's seen some of his famous plays, right? You know Jay Sinder. He was like the most famous for like running up the baseball wall to catch. Oh wow. Yeah, he's like, track him so fast, and then he just like running up the baseball wall to catch. Oh wow. Yeah. He's like tracking so fast. And then he just like runs up the wall.
Starting point is 00:44:28 No one had ever seen him before. It was like, what, you could do that. If this was like 3000 years ago, like these guys, like he would have been like, a, like a, just a champion warrior. And you know what's so cool about what's so interesting about if you ever watched like his interviews or some of that, he's got a cool documentary, I forget the name of it out there and tells this whole story like his interest, like he wasn't like somebody like you hear about about like Jordan who like dedicated his life to and like Kobe who like dedicated to like their craft to
Starting point is 00:44:58 be like he was just fucking gifted. Just the naturally talented athlete of all Yes, just grab the ball. If you play better than everybody else and not to say he didn't work at being good, but it's like he's just, he had this attitude that w which is why too, he could retire when he retired. He didn't care. You know, Barry Sanders was like this too. Didn't really care. It was like, was his story the one where he was running home from school and people were throwing rocks at him and he ran even faster. That was a force come thanks for that thanks for that wrong movie Justin that's
Starting point is 00:45:30 literally what he did he was good well it was like chocolate just told the force come stories it was the braces they kiss I'm not the smartest hey that movie that's a that tool in the to that I can't watch that movie without getting I Can't watch that movie without getting super sad I don't watch it get my kids and like he's tired And at the end the girl he loves so much dies of me Terrible I just ruined it for anybody's ever seen I'm sure she was the worst girlfriend all time Terrible they were going through a list of like the most villain the the number one villain of all time in movies
Starting point is 00:46:14 That would be an interesting stat to see that like the most the most Like shit the whole time poor guy. Yeah, I mean obviously she's abused but yes There was that the that was just purely off of like just his great acting, right, there was no, there was no truth to the story or was it because he attached to so many true events that happened in the movie. Oh no, that was the brilliance of the movie. That was the brilliance. It's not a true story.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Yeah, it's a totally made up story but tied into all these true events. Yeah, like Bubba Gum Shrimp, and you know, when he met with, when he got the Medal of Honor, like all that stuff was CGI'd in. I think it was one of the first movies to do that. Where they would CGI him in to look like he was,
Starting point is 00:46:50 you know, it was legit. I'm gonna take a left because I found a great infographic on cannabinoids and on terpenes, because a lot of people ask us about, you know, Ned is a company we work with that they make full spectrum. I always say full spectrum hemp oil. And so I've gotten a couple of messages. What's the difference?
Starting point is 00:47:11 Why full spectrum? What does that mean? Whatever it's full spectrum means it has all the cannabinoid, the different cannabinoids in the plant, plus the terpenes, which are what give it. It's now on. And those, yeah, those terpenes. I saw, I was reading about some of these terpenes. The terpenes actually assist, and I'll read this to you,
Starting point is 00:47:29 it's called molecular movement enhancing effects. So terpenes can take, can enhance the effects of active molecules by altering their movement through the body. So you get this terpene, like limonene, and it makes CBD more effective, whatever. And then I looked up all the different cannabinoids. Did you know some cannabinoids are connected,
Starting point is 00:47:50 I think I've told you guys, to neurogenesis? Some cannabinoids actually accelerate or encourage the growth of- It's just hilarious. When you bring up- Exactly. When you bring up terpenes and NED, one of my favorite stories about Ned and terpenes
Starting point is 00:48:06 was that when I was in the cannabis space, the people that were leading as far as the science and knowledge around the cannabis plant and its benefits and everything like that, there was only the very cutting edge people understood that the terpenes played as big of a role that it was still unknown. There was very few, and so I remember
Starting point is 00:48:29 when we took that first call with them and the stuff that they were communicating, I remember going like, oh shit, these guys legit know what they're talking about because I had been in that space already for I don't know how many years, almost a decade at that point. It's probably the terpenes, so cannabis is obviously a plant related to the hemp plant, same plant family.
Starting point is 00:48:50 It's probably the terpenes that make a type of cannabis either stimulating or sedating, or more paranoid effects or more euphoric. It's not the THC-CB CBD ratio. That has somewhat of an effect. Which by the way, that's how we used to communicate it. So people in the space, it was always like, oh the ratio of CBD to THC. Or Indica, Sativa.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Right, right. It was all about Indica or Sativa or hybrid. And it was all about the ratio of the THC to CBD that made you feel a certain way. I mean, I remember, I mean, that's how we used to teach bud tenders to present all the different flowers when people would come in there. And as I was exiting, we were jet the science on the terpenes and the value and the benefits and the information route was just coming out and people and only the like small percentage of the front runners in that
Starting point is 00:49:41 space understood that. And then we got into, and then we were into Mind Pump and then we get introduced to, and by the way, we got introduced to all kinds of different cannabis clubs, cannabis people at some of that time. It- Hem companies, lots of CBD companies. Yes, yes, excuse me. When we were, yeah, and it was no, no.
Starting point is 00:49:57 You know why? Because I would get on the phone with them and if I know more than you and this is your field, like I'm not gonna work with you, dude. Yeah. You need to know more than I do, this is your company. You know, type of deal. Remember when we had a Bud Tender on here, remember that? Oh yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Did we air that? We did. Did we? I don't remember, I thought we didn't air it. We did air it. Oh, we did air it. Oh, we did. Yeah, he was a cannabis expert and afterwards,
Starting point is 00:50:21 I mean, I was asking him questions, trying to throw softballs and I remember, I was like, I know more than you do. What do you, this is not my field either, bro. You should be the expert. Speaking of partners, I'm gonna try a new supplement that you guys probably thought you would never see me try. Listen, well, you witnessed earlier, my-
Starting point is 00:50:40 Oh, you're burger eating. So wait, wait, for the audience. You gotta back up. Now, I talked about this once on the podcast, but you haven't seen this yet. Well, when're burger eating. Wait, so wait, wait. For the audience. You gotta back up. Yeah, so. Now, I talked about this once on the podcast, but you haven't seen this yet. Well, when I was gone. Well, you were gone.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Yeah. Justin was his. So first of all, I get a picture. Oh yeah. He's got, first they put the, what's his name in my seat over here? Lenny. Lenny is in my seat, and I see that,
Starting point is 00:51:02 and they take a picture of that while I'm gone. And then a picture of Sal Chowing down on a full cheeseburger like cheese bun everything and I'm like What the hell is going on over there right now? I lost it and I'm left IBS bomb waiting to happen right there. And so and since then I've now seen you order this twice already So what's the deal with the tummy? Bro, I'm telling you, my gut is like it's invincible.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Like, well, it's not invincible. It's the way it was when I was younger and I didn't develop all these gut issues. It's amazing. Now I can have dairy, I can't have a bunch of dairy all day long, I don't think. But before, if I just had a little bit of cheese, I would be hurting. Now I eat that burger and I'm like, nothing, I feel fine.
Starting point is 00:51:49 I feel like I haven't had pizza yet. So what are you gonna try now? Whey protein. Oh. Yeah, I'm gonna try Legion. I mean, I imagine if you can have a Five Guys cheeseburger, a whey protein is not gonna bother you. So Legion has one of the best-
Starting point is 00:52:03 What did you go fondue with me, dude? Huh? Fondue. Fondue. Fondue. All in, dog, all in. And then just kill myself. Just dip things in it. My gut's like, bro, we were doing all right.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Why'd you do that? No, I'm going with whey. Legion's got the best whey. It's got one of the best whey proteins ever. Whey protein on a gram per gram basis is, it's one of the best proteins you can have. I haven't been able to have whey for a long time, so I can't have it any dairy. So I have to stay away from whey, which is kind of sad because it's such a great,
Starting point is 00:52:30 again, it's an incredible source of protein. It's easy to mix, high in branched amino acids, it's got pro immune benefits. It's healthy for, it's actually studied as a healthy type of protein. So I'm going to try it. I'm going to try it out and then I'll let you guys know. How it's doing. Super exciting. I have some news that Doug's gonna get pissed about.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Because Doug never likes when I let the cat out of the bag early. So we're gonna do something different for the first time here. Like we tend to, you know, every quarter we have. Oh, you're going here, huh? Yeah, I'm gonna go here. And whether it does much or not.
Starting point is 00:53:04 So every quarter we release a new program. And that's been kind of the formula for the business for a very long time. And so you can probably anticipate that every quarter there'll be a new program that we drop or release. And this year, we completely pivoted, changed the plan. But that gets mapped out the year in advance, right? So we know what we're gonna do the year before.
Starting point is 00:53:25 This is the first time that we ever called an audible on what we think is important right now. And we're also going to throw a massive wrinkle in it and introduce something that we've also never done. And so the program that is coming down the pipe is going to be a GLP-1 program, specifically to help people that are going through that. We've put a lot of effort and time. We've partnered up with our friends, Dr. Seeds, Dr. Tina,
Starting point is 00:53:53 and a lot of consulting going on with them. There's a lot of details I'm not going to share right now that are going to come down the pipe with that. But one of the things that we were talking about possibly doing, and we're pretty for sure we're going to do with it for also for the first time, which is we're going to of us are actually going to coach 50 people through that process and we're gonna try and offer those services. Something that we've never done before and I think it's just because this is something that's unique and special. The goal for us is to
Starting point is 00:54:39 I think we have a pretty good idea of how we're gonna help these people as we go through it. I think we'll also learn a lot along the way, but really excited to potentially offer that and we're going to release the ability to do that early. And so why I wanna talk about it now is I wanna be able to gather the people that are potentially gonna wanna be a part of that 50. So obviously it's going to cost money to go through that process, the program itself, plus to be coached by us for those three months.
Starting point is 00:55:15 But I would like to start to get the interest of people that is something they would want to do and I want to send them somewhere. And I think we created a coachglp1.com, a landing page, is that correct? That's correct, yeah. And they say they get on a wait list. Yes, exactly. And we need to paint a little context.
Starting point is 00:55:32 So we are, the reason why, okay, Adam said this, we map out our year ahead of time. So we have programs we're gonna create ahead of time. We scratched what was on the schedule to create Maps GLP-1 because in a very create ahead of time. We scratched what was on the schedule to create Maps GLP-1 because in a very short period of time, a medical intervention hit the market that whether we like it or not.
Starting point is 00:55:55 It's a cultural event. Yes, whether we like it or not, it's gonna change a lot of things. And what we wanna do is get ahead of the curve and say, okay, people are gonna use this. We can't stop it. We want to create something that they can do alongside with them.
Starting point is 00:56:08 That's gonna make sure that it's done in a healthy way, that helps people develop new behaviors, the proper strength training, considering all the things that happen and so on. I don't want to go into too many details. But we want to set the stage, because we have a responsibility. We are the most downloaded fitness podcast that there is.
Starting point is 00:56:25 And we know when we set, we can set a precedent. And we want the fitness industry to approach this with integrity and do it the appropriate way. Because these interventions have potential for abuse. A lot of people wanna do them wrong. There could be a lot of ways that people don't do so well. Good candidates, there's not good candidates for this. Right, so we wanna come out ahead of time
Starting point is 00:56:43 and be like, this is the way to do it and these are the standards and this is how the fitness industry can work with this rather than this just taking off and causing problems. This also answers a question that we've been asked many times that people, some people I should say, didn't understand which was you know why is Adam, why did Adam go through the GLP-1 like does not need to lose weight, why are the guys testing it? And I mean, not only did we want to understand it, the science of it, and the education,
Starting point is 00:57:10 that's why we reached out to the leading experts and doctors in the space that are prescribing this, that understand GLP-1 is better than anybody. But Dr. Tina has been doing it for 20 plus years. Dr. C has been doing it for 20 plus years. He's world renowned for this. So we've been talking and consulting with them. And then I also wanted to go firsthand experience.
Starting point is 00:57:28 And that's why you heard me talk about how I did not want to do it with my trainer brain. I wanted to do it like, if I was a client blindly going into this, how would I feel? What would I go through? What would be some of the challenges to get the insight? So when we formulated like a protocol, a program, we decided to coach people through this,
Starting point is 00:57:45 that we have a much better grasp on it. And so that is a lot of the reason behind why we were testing and doing a lot of stuff out. And so I am very excited to do this. I do, I think we all agree that this is not going away. This is going to impact our space. I think it's the responsibility of coaches and trainers to understand it, to be able to help these people
Starting point is 00:58:05 through this versus falling into a camp of I'm pro it or against it, it's here to stay. It's going to be impacting a lot of people. We have the opportunity to potentially help people through this process or deter the people that probably shouldn't be doing this. And so that is the idea of this. And I know that we can handle and be able to take care
Starting point is 00:58:27 of 50 people. Any more than that, I don't think we could service enough. That'd be interesting. I haven't coached anybody in a little while. It'll be fun. Yeah, no, I'm really fun. And again, more details to come about all that will be included in that, what that looks like.
Starting point is 00:58:40 But we do want to start a wait list because 50 people, I have a feeling is gonna go pretty fast. And so we're gonna start to collect the people that are even interested in that so we can keep them up to speed on when this is coming. Excellent. Paleo Valley makes paleo inspired supplements for health, wellness and athletic performance. They have grass fed meat sticks that are delicious. It's the best jerky type product I've ever had, but they also have a long shelf life.
Starting point is 00:59:04 So they're perfect high protein on the go snacks. They also have protein powders and many other products. Go check them out. Go to paleovalley.com forward slash mind pump, and the discount is already applied at checkout. All right, back to the show. Our first caller is Mariah from Canada. Hi Mariah.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Hello. How can we help you? First of all, I just wanted to say thanks for doing what you guys do as everybody else usually does. Discovered you guys first in 2020 and well you guys are kind of the reason that I'm so into fitness. I'm now doing kinesiology so thank you very much. Yeah so my question, I recently just transitioned from like more high intensity, uh, like CrossFit training classes to your guys's maps split program. Um, so I wanted to bulk for the first two phases of the program and then transition to like a cut for the last phase. And I'm just trying to like figure out
Starting point is 01:00:06 where I should have my calories at. I used your guys's calculator, but I'm not sure if like I messed up on it. And I shot for like 2,700 calories, which I thought was a bit high. I did that for about a week. And then I weighed myself after the week of progress and I gained two pounds and 1% of body fat percentage.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Granted, this is like a scale that I bought off of Amazon. So like, I don't know how accurate that is, but like, I don't want to be like spooked and moving in the wrong direction, I guess. Yeah. Great question. Great question. And a lot of things for us to, to, to touch here between the scale and then also even something that I know came from our website the
Starting point is 01:00:45 goal calculator really cool tool to get somewhat of a starting point if you have no idea where to start but even with that we always recommend that somebody tracks themselves and and pays attention to the signs that you're reading like for example what you saw and adjust according to that and not be stuck in like, oh, because the calculator from Mindpump said this, this is where I need to be. Just based off what you said,
Starting point is 01:01:12 I'd probably bring your calories down a little bit, even though two pounds in a week on the scale is actually not that big of a deal. And even like one of those cheap machines reading 1% in one week, I'd probably bring it down just more. I care more about it is that you felt like it was a lot. Like that's to me as a coach, I'm going she's like, wow, this is way more food than I've ever ate.
Starting point is 01:01:39 And then on top of that, this the sign shows that we're moving probably a little too fast. So I would might go, oh, let's adjust by about 250 calories or so down, and then let's see next week what happens. So I'm going to go off of the feedback you're getting, what we're tracking on there, and then using something like the calculator as just a starting point, not a,
Starting point is 01:02:01 you know, for sure this is your number. Yeah, Mariah, let me touch on the scale part. So two pounds, probably water, the 1% body fat, electronic impedance body fat tests, the margin of error is somewhere around 4%, maybe 5, meaning it could be off by up to 4%. So typically when you use those, what you wanna do is look for trends.
Starting point is 01:02:25 So you would do it once a week, and if it keeps going up a percent, well then you know you're probably going up. But if it goes up and down and bounces, you know you're probably maintaining. As far as calories are concerned, ideally what you would do is you would eat normally, like you normally do, track for a week,
Starting point is 01:02:44 and then that is probably, that's definitely gonna be a closer estimate of what your maintenance calories are than what the calculator says. So in other words, you would just eat like you normally do. You're not trying to add more, not trying to eat less, not trying to change anything, just eat like you normally do,
Starting point is 01:02:59 but this time track everything. So put everything in a macro calculator app like Fat Secret, for example. And then at the end of that week, you would have your average. And you'd be like, okay, it looks like I'm consuming on average 2,300 calories a day or 1,800 calories or whatever that number is.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Then from there, you could bulk. From there, you can add on top of it. Because those calculators, they can be way off. Your metabolism is so malleable and adaptable that the calculator can be radically off based off of the individual, their lifestyle, et cetera. So it does give it a starting point, but it's so general that you would want to track yourself
Starting point is 01:03:40 for sure and then base it off that. The last thing I want to say is that you didn't ask us a question about the programming, but going from high intensity CrossFit classes to a high volume program like Split might not be the best option. I think it would probably be better. Anabolic.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Yeah, to go maps anabolic, do the three day a week version and then what you'll see is really great strength gains from it. Cause Split is so high volume, to go from high volume, high intensity to high volume, you might not reap the benefits of the recovery and all the things you're looking for, which is probably what made you leave CrossFit. You'll get some, but you wouldn't get as much, I think, as you would from
Starting point is 01:04:16 anabolic. You need to start conscious. Yeah. I ran anabolic like a couple of times, like last year and beginning of this year, but I was trying to transition into like more of a bodybuilder type workout because I've never really done that before. I was kind of torn between split and aesthetic, but I think it's like similar in volume I'm guessing. Very similar. How do you feel?
Starting point is 01:04:37 How long are you into split and how do you feel on it? About one week and it's definitely been a lot like I've been trying to like be on the lower end of the rep ranges and like trying to ease into it with the weight, so I'm not like overdoing it, but, um, definitely had to take or switch the rest day around just to kind of recover a little bit. Yeah. It's a, it's a really high volume program and I'm not against it though, cause she's already ran anabolic. I do like the fact that she she's ran anabolic.
Starting point is 01:05:02 She's going from a full body now to a split routine. So that novelty and it still is a way on the better end than CrossFit. Yeah. And if you're, if your sleep is really on point, if your lifestyle is recovery based and you're not in a cut, then split might work. I guess we, I guess we should ask that Sal. What's, what's, uh, what is, what, life, school balance? What do you got going on in your life as far as like the rest of what's outside of our workout? Uh, right now, not going to school.
Starting point is 01:05:32 I will be in September, but I do work shift work. So like sleep might not be like, you know, as top as it should be, I guess. Give me an example of what a shift, you know, week, like a week would look like for work hours wise. So like my work schedule is four days on, five days off, and the four days consist of two 12-hour day shifts and then two 12-hour night shifts. Sorry. Okay yeah we want to modify some of this. Go maps anabolic. I think with split, look split, just to put it differently, that's a high volume program for advanced people like me. Like I don't follow, if I follow Split, it's because everything's
Starting point is 01:06:13 perfect. If everything's not perfect, I can't follow it. I just over train on that program. So I would go Maps Anabolic again or symmetry might even be appropriate and and then I wouldn't go in a cut I would go maintenance with your calories and then see if we get a nice you know kind of some fat loss with some muscle gain and then when you go into cut go into lower volume program a lot of people like to bump the volume when they go into cut thinking it's gonna help with fat loss but the it's actually the reverse is true the definition of maintenance could look unique and different though for you because you have
Starting point is 01:06:45 this kind of on off with your work schedule. I would have you eating in a maintenance or surplus during your work week and then maybe when you're off, I let you do like a somewhat of a cut. So it balances it out. So it balances out as like an overall maintenance program, but I allow you to reduce your calories when you're getting adequate rest and all you're doing is training and you have time off, then you can handle the stress of cutting calories and then when you go back to your work week and you're sleep deprived a little bit and you're working long days, I would
Starting point is 01:07:15 want you fed. I want you at least maintenance or above. That's also a possibility of feeding yourself. And if you were a client of mine, that's how I would customize it for you versus this kind of mine, that's how I would customize it for you versus this kind of generic, oh, we're in a cut or we're a bulk. It's like, hey, why don't we actually break it week by week based off of what your work schedule is, feed your body when it's got a higher demand
Starting point is 01:07:35 of stress and activity. And then when you don't have as much high stress and demand, then we can reduce calories a little bit. And that might actually get you the results you want of this kind of leaning out, but also taking care of your body like you should. Are you, uh, do you have symmetry, the program symmetry? I do not. All right.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Let's send that to you. I think that'll be more appropriate with your, with your work schedule. When do you work on the medical field? Uh, yeah, I work in the hospitals, but I work security. Okay. Yeah. So, yeah, so just look, you're giving yourself really bad jet lag every single week because of the change in the day night that has a profound impact on
Starting point is 01:08:09 recovery. So don't underestimate that by itself. Even if diet is perfect, everything else is perfect. Just the circadian rhythm back and forth every single week, uh, we'll have that kind of a, uh, we'll have a pretty, like I said, a big effect on your body's ability to recover. So just bring the volume down. Now what that means is you're gonna get great results if you bring the volume down.
Starting point is 01:08:32 It doesn't mean you can't get good results, but it does mean you're probably not gonna be able to handle a lot of training volume. Okay, how many days a week is symmetry? I believe, I want to say four? Yeah, to look it up actually. Yeah. I think it's three.
Starting point is 01:08:48 It's gonna be, yeah, it might be three. So it's less volume than split, that's for sure. And I think you'll appreciate it and you'll start to see yourself get stronger and feel better as a result. But that split for sure is more volume, I know that for a fact. Also, it's so more like personalized to your, your lifestyle.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Don't be afraid that when you have, and when you have those weeks where you're working and you're also training, like you're like, we've, we've talked about the study before. I'm sure you've heard us talk about it where they did the groups that train for, you know, every, every week consistently for a, you know, a three month cycle. And the ones that took off a whole week every third week and they saw the same results.
Starting point is 01:09:28 So you could virtually take a week off every single month and see great progress still. Not saying that do that, but keep that in mind and go, hey, you know what? This is a week where I'm working these long hours. When I go through the program this week, I'm going to go at like 50% intensity or I might cut one set out of every exercise and really try and listen to your body and what it needs outside of just the training aspect based around what your schedule, your nutrition, all that looks like. That's a lot of this journey, like especially when you have a coach, that's what I'm trying
Starting point is 01:09:58 to teach my clients is how to understand and how to customize a program like this tailored specifically to your lifestyle and get the most results. And so don't underestimate the stress that the lack of sleep long hours are and modify the intensity of the even a program like Symmetry which is a much lower intensity compared to Split. Still I would urge you to pay attention and modify it on those weeks when you're working those long days. So it's three foundational workouts a week, and then two days a week you're doing trigger sessions
Starting point is 01:10:32 or mobility or focus sessions. Okay, awesome, thank you. Yeah, you got it. Yeah, thanks for the program and thank you for the advice. I really appreciate it. You got it. Keep us posted, Mara. I'd love to hear how you go through it.
Starting point is 01:10:44 I'm glad you're doing kinesiology, so it'd be good to have somebody good on our side. Keep us posted, Mara. Let me hear how you go through it. I'm glad you're doing kinesiology. It's gonna be good to have somebody good on our side. Yep. Yeah, thank you. You got it. All right. You know the shift work like that? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:53 The three days off. I'm glad I asked that. It's like, you know, we're giving her all this advice on the program and I'm like, we hadn't even asked. Yeah, because that's what that typically looks like. If you, because I've trained people that work like this quite a bit, is that the days off are recovery days for them.
Starting point is 01:11:11 They catch up on those days off just so they can get somewhat normal before they start that shit all over again. And that'll destroy, that'll take your recovery down 50% or more, easily. Our next caller is Tiana from Washington. Tiana, how can we help you? Hello. Hi, how are you guys?
Starting point is 01:11:27 Good. Good, how are you? Good, this is a little surreal, but I'm sure you get that all the time. Well, I'll just straight into the question. Well, I'm 30 years old. I'm a year postpartum, just celebrated my son's first birthday last week.
Starting point is 01:11:46 He is my second. So I've been through this before and usually around this time I've bounced, I've bounced back and I've stopped shedding like a bunny rabbit or a cat, just hair everywhere. I thought something might be going on. It's a little bit abnormal from, from the first time. So I went through transcend and I got a hormone panel and they came back saying that everything looked healthy, except I have incredibly low testosterone.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Um, they said it was about nine and I should for optimally testosterone had be between 50 and 80. So they recommended to start testosterone and I'm a little nervous about that. So I just wanted to know if there's ways to boost testosterone naturally. Um, they had also recommended DHEA. So I was wondering if that could boost it before actually taking testosterone. Yeah, great question. All the ways that you'll hear us communicate
Starting point is 01:12:50 to men to raise testosterone are valid for women as well. And usually it's not that you do something special, but rather there's something in your lifestyle that is causing a depression and testosterone. Now, because you're a mom of two kids, you have a one year old, how old is your older one? Four, almost five. So I'm gonna assume your sleep isn't great.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Is that, am I on point or do you have great sleep? You know, I mean the baby wakes up once at like 3.30 and he is a bottle and he's back down again. So I usually sleep from 9.30 to 5.45 or six, except for that one. That's actually pretty good. So you feel like your sleep's okay? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:34 Okay, so maybe more sleep, maybe deeper sleep. I would look at sunlight, I would look at diet, of course exercise, all those things can have an effect on low nutrient levels. You can also get your nutrient levels tested to see if you're low in some key nutrients. In regards to DHEA and testosterone, DHEA could raise testosterone a little bit, but there's a couple, it has to be converted
Starting point is 01:13:59 a couple times before it can be turned into testosterone. DHEA by itself has its own value as well. So even men on testosterone replacement therapy or women who are on testosterone will often take DHEA on top of the testosterone because their DHEA is low. Do you have symptoms of low testosterone? I know you said, you know, just kind of like the hair,
Starting point is 01:14:23 the shedding, that doesn't really, that's not really related, but is there, do you have like classic low testosterone symptoms like low libido, low energy, low drive, that kind of stuff? You know, I feel relatively okay, actually. I was joking with my husband that if I went on testosterone that I'd be like in hyperdrive because I get stuff done. I work out lift weights about four times a week. When I'm not lifting weights, I go on walks with the
Starting point is 01:14:51 kids. I work a desk jockey job, but about nine hours a day or so. And I relax by like cleaning the house. So it's not like I'm sitting around with low energy. I think my biggest complaints is just getting the bounce back body and the hair shedding. And this was just something that came up during that testing. You wouldn't happen to run a really lean diet, do you? Do you get a lot of healthy fats? Are you a big steak eater?
Starting point is 01:15:24 Do you eat avocado? What's your diet look like? So I'm not really much of an early morning eater. I always start with like a protein shake just to kick off the day. And then lunch is usually like lots of meat and vegetables and usually half an avocado on that with dressing and cheese. I love
Starting point is 01:15:45 I'm I'm not shy. I'm a fat Okay, I'm a father when she's in olive oil and steak and okay chicken thighs and all that kind of stuff Yeah, if you feel good, so here's the thing with testosterone hormone replacement therapy It's a combination of of your numbers plus symptoms You know, I'll bring up an example study It's a combination of your numbers plus symptoms. You know, I'll bring up an example study. There was a study done a while ago where they were trying to correlate high testosterone to muscle building.
Starting point is 01:16:12 And they took a bunch of men, all of them within range. So nobody was like out of like clinical range, right? Where they were in the floor or whatever. But there were men with lower levels in that range and then men with very high levels in that range. And then they were looking at their ability to build muscle and strength and what they found was that the ranges that the the the amount of testosterone wasn't really correlated to strength or muscle gain what was correlated was their androgen
Starting point is 01:16:38 receptor density in other words how many how many androgen receptors the man had and that was connected to strength. So if a man had 500 total testosterone but had really dense androgen receptors, had just a ton of them versus a man who let's say was at 900 but didn't have as many androgen receptors, that testosterone is going to be much more potent. So you got to look at symptoms. If if your testosterone is in the low end, but you're like, I feel good, libido's good, I got good energy, then I would always caution somebody starting on a hormone because hormones communicate
Starting point is 01:17:17 with each other, okay? So you'll raise up testosterone synthetically. Well now there's a different relationship between your testosterone and your estrogen and your progesterone and then it affects dopamine and serotonin in some people. What's that going to be like? If I feel good now is it gonna... Now what you will get is probably some performance enhancing boosts. You'll definitely, at least for at least a five month period, get a really high boost in libido. But if everything is good, then I always tell people
Starting point is 01:17:48 it's not really that big of a deal. I don't even say this to men, because you'll see some men who will come back with a level that's within range, but they have all the symptoms and signs of low testosterone. So they'll go on TRT and then just feel much better. So that's just where I caution. Your baby's only a year old. I've trained a lot of women postpartum and I know what social media says and I know what
Starting point is 01:18:14 people say, oh three months the doctor clears you, you bounce back after you stop breastfeeding, etc. etc. The vast majority of women I trained, it was after their child was about a year, a year and a half, when they started to really feel like they could, especially if it was a second or third child, where they really felt like they could get back into it. It just, in my experience, and these are women that were healthy, exercising before, during, and after.
Starting point is 01:18:38 They weren't like out of shape and terrible afterwards, but they still felt like it wasn't, they'd tell, oh, I still don't feel like my old self. And it was right around a year, year and a half or so when things would really start to ramp up. Sal, is Novadex or HCG a possibility for her? No, no, no. Novadex is for women, that's not a good idea.
Starting point is 01:18:58 That will block the receptors to estrogen. HCG is going to, I mean, that's like a hormone they test for pregnancy and that has some different effects on women that it doesn't matter. So that's not an option for them. So they recommended testosterone, DHEA, and hexarelin which I think boosts the HGH? Yeah that's a growth hormone releasing path. So that might be more interesting right? Taking something that raises growth hormone, what you'll get is deeper sleep, you'll start to notice skin, hair, you might feel better.
Starting point is 01:19:35 That would be something that you could try and see. And it's a peptide. And it's a peptide. You're not messing with your hormones. Yeah, testosterone, when it works, it's amazing. Like in other words, when it's right, it really makes a big difference. Yeah, understand that a lot of the advice
Starting point is 01:19:51 we're giving right now has a lot to do with your feedback. I mean, the fact that you were saying that sleep is good, I feel good, I'm libido, all these things are good, like, just because you're not dangerously low, you're just low, but if you're saying all these positive things still, then I'm hesitant to push a female client in that direction. But it'd be different if you were saying things like,
Starting point is 01:20:14 I just, I don't have the motivation to get in the gym and work out, and my poor husband, my libido's been terrible. Like if you're saying things like that, then we're probably, first we're always still gonna go, okay, let's check diet, let's check sleep, but if we check all those boxes and you still feel that way, I would say absolutely, let's take some testosterone
Starting point is 01:20:32 and it can be life changing for you. Yeah, and to take it a step further with like the libido thing, oftentimes, if your libido's crushed in the floor and your relationship is great, then sometimes, oftentimes that means, If your libido's crushed in the floor and your relationship is great, then oftentimes that means, uh-oh, something hormonal. If your libido's on the floor,
Starting point is 01:20:51 and this may be for people watching right now, but your relationship isn't great, might not be a hormone thing, might be the fact that your relationship isn't doing so well or maybe you have a lot of stress. So, and it's also not a magic bullet where you take it and then, if it's not the a magic bullet where you take it and then if it's not the testosterone,
Starting point is 01:21:08 in other words, if you don't have these symptoms of low testosterone, taking it, like here's what you'll notice if you take it, okay? You'll notice performance enhancing effects, so you'll get stronger and all that stuff. And your libido, wherever it's at now, it'll just go up. And for some people it goes up really high for about four or five months.
Starting point is 01:21:28 That's sometimes not desirable for people. I know a lot of people think, oh great, high libido's awesome, but if your libido's good, now all of a sudden it goes through the roof and you don't match your spouse anymore, that can actually cause problems. In fact, I've gotten messages from people who are like,
Starting point is 01:21:41 I think I'm gonna go off this because it's causing issues now between my spouse and I. So just a couple things to consider. But the growth hormone releasing peptides, the most people I talk to seem to have a positive effect with that regardless. Yeah, I like that idea. So go with that and then just keep going the course
Starting point is 01:22:01 with the nutrition and the training and all that kind of stuff. And then give it up to two years or six more months? and just keep going the course with the nutrition and the training and all that kind of stuff. And then give it up to two years or six more months? Yeah, you're probably gonna start to notice. I mean, so let's talk about this. What are you noticing about yourself that where you're like, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:16 it's just not like I used to be or I don't feel like I have that bounce back. What is it that you're noticing? So when I train, I'm not increasing my strength as much as I had in the past. And just from like a, like, I'm not comfortable in a swimsuit and I'd be fine before. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:34 That kind of stuff. Yeah. Now, are you like really way below what you were with strength and all that? No, I'm just not progressing. So before I, before I could like starting from a baseline of not lifting super consistently, I could notice five, 10 pounds of strength week over week over week until it capped out
Starting point is 01:22:57 specifically with like my bench press. I'm actually not a very good squatter, but I just haven't seen that same progression. Like I used to be able to bench press. I'm actually not a very good squatter. Um, but I just haven't seen that same progression. Like I used to be able to bench press like a hundred pounds or 110 pounds for several reps. And now I'm kind of more at like the 90 age and I haven't been able to push path past that. So I'm noticing that isn't as quite responsive and, um,
Starting point is 01:23:24 just my overall like weight and muscle is not coming back up. What's your programming look like? This might be a programming issue. Um, so I was doing anabolic for a little bit. And then after I finished that, I probably had three weeks of life that happened. I was able to get in the gym. And then I started on a four day a week,
Starting point is 01:23:48 which is about the amount I like to do each week. And it's the gym's step-ponies shortcut to size program. So I don't know if you're familiar with that. Yeah. I don't know what that program is, but I know that, I know this kind of stuff he puts out, and I typically am not a fan. You know, I like Anabolic for you,
Starting point is 01:24:10 I like Symmetry for you, I like Muscle Mommy for you. I think all those programs have a really good general amount of volume. I actually like Mass 15. Yeah, Mass 15 would be great. And I would love to test that, because maybe you just
Starting point is 01:24:25 are tough as nails and don't realize you are pushing the body a little bit. And just by reducing that, and that would be a great test to see that. So I would love to see you run Maths 15. Give me a month of what that feels like. And I bet I could show some positive. Yeah, I would anticipate just the momentum
Starting point is 01:24:43 and the frequency of you, like consistently doing this more often with added recovery is gonna boost, you know, your energy and maybe even testosterone naturally on its own. If you trust us and I would love to see you do the MAPS 15 advanced version. Your strength will probably start going up pretty fast.
Starting point is 01:25:01 And trust the process and let's see what happens. Give me at least 30 to 60 days of following that and then go get your trust the process and let's see what happens. Give me at least 30 to 60 days of following that and then go get your blood work again and let's see what happens. So let me tell you why I think now that we're talking, I think this is a programming issue. Oftentimes people will follow a program or a type of program that's similar
Starting point is 01:25:21 to what they used to do before, but they don't feel the same with it. And so they're like, oh my God, something's wrong, okay? By the way, the numbers you gave me isn't that big of a difference. 100 pound bench press, 90 pound bench press. If you're like, oh my God, I could barely lift 30 pounds, I'd be like, okay, what's going on here?
Starting point is 01:25:35 It's not that big of a difference. Programming issue means that the current program does not match whatever your lifestyle is now, whatever's going on now. And so that always happens, that always happens. So something that might have worked before, and now you're like, that's not working for me. I think the guys are on point.
Starting point is 01:25:52 I think MAPS 15, the advanced version. And you'll know because you'll see yourself get stronger pretty consistently. You should see yourself get strength gains within the first couple weeks. And if you don't have that, we'll send that over to you. Okay, I don't have that one. Okay, we'll send that over to you. Okay, I don't have that one. Okay, we'll send that over to you.
Starting point is 01:26:07 I want you to circle back with us though, okay? Trust, if you trust us, believe we know what we're doing, do that for, give me at least 30 to 60 days of following that and following it to a T, and then let's report back and tell me what's going on. And if someone's telling you to eat candy post-workout, then don't follow their program. I'm just gonna say that.
Starting point is 01:26:26 I'll give you the full 60 days. Okay, okay, all right. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you. We got you. All right, thank you. You got it.
Starting point is 01:26:34 I haven't heard that name pulled out. Yeah, it's been a while. It's been a while since I've heard Mr. Stepani. Yes, it's good. Wow. You know, it was a programming issue. You know, the thing with when you go to specialists or people that are in a specialized particular area,
Starting point is 01:26:55 what do they say? Like if all you have is an ail. Yeah, exactly. Because symptoms are important too. Now, if you're way out of range, there's other things going on, maybe things that we don't know about, I get that. But, I mean, look, there's guys with testosterone
Starting point is 01:27:09 that's through the roof, and they have symptoms of low testosterone because either it's bound up by sex binding, you know, hormone globulin, or because of energy receptors, or because their lifestyle isn't that great, and vice versa, testosterone levels in the middle, people feeling good.
Starting point is 01:27:25 So that's not always the magic bullet. All right, our next caller is Brad from Ohio. What's up, Brad? What's going on, Brad? How's it happening? Hey guys, how we doing? Good, good. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:27:37 Thank you for taking my call. This is my second time on and a second old guy question for you. Yeah, right here. So I finished an article at the time I sent this. second time on in the second old guy question for you. I finished an article at the time I sent this, uh, it was entitled six exercises that are too hard on your body after 50 and the exercises were dead lifts, back squats, bench, Arnie presses, box squats, or box jumps and sprints, and then they go on explain alternative exercises.
Starting point is 01:28:05 And a lot of the reasoning was joint health and injury and stuff like that. So I'm 59 years old. I started anabolic at 57. I had never done a deadlift. I'd never done a back squat. And I can tell you the gains and the strength and the, just the interest in those and no injury at age 57. So I'm reading this article and I'm going, this is just a bunch of BS. To listen into your show and hearing about proper technique and listen into your body. And I just thought, well,
Starting point is 01:28:37 what would you guys say? How would you write this article? If what would you say it's this for you guys? That'd be actually a fun single topic, Doug, is to counter. Especially if it was a very popular article. Yeah. That would be a fun one to do. You know, you said something that I want to point out that I think is so important is that you said
Starting point is 01:28:53 even just the interest in those movements have benefited you. And I think that is the thing that I try and teach to clients regardless of their age about movements like this is that even if you can't do a deadlift well or it's difficult, just the interest in us trying to pursue that and get good at it and working and training your body to be able to do that has so many benefits and then be able to accomplish that is a huge massive win because of all the benefits that those exercise require. I think generic blanket
Starting point is 01:29:26 statements and articles like this get written for the exact reason what happened. You clicked on it and you read it, right? It's like, it's oh my god, you know, so many people have said that those are the king of all movements and those movements are so important. I've got to read why these people are saying I shouldn't do them, right? And then they make a case and an argument why those exercises, those movements, if you have poor mobility or knee issues can be dangerous or bad and then scare a bunch of people into it or just get a bunch of people fighting back and so with that. But nowhere, nowhere ever would I make a statement like that on. Those are all incredible movements. And my goal for my clients in advanced age would to be get to a place to do those movements and even if you could not do them you know
Starting point is 01:30:09 back to your original point is the interest of wanting to be able to do that would serve you a ton at that age. Here's what they did with that article is they they chose six movements that require in comparison to other exercises, more skill, stability, strength, and mobility than other exercises. So they took exercises that are harder to perform properly or that require more skill and practice to perform properly than other exercises.
Starting point is 01:30:40 And then what they said was, people over 50 shouldn't be doing these. That's stupid. They said, our old press? be doing these. That's stupid It's it's dumb because Here's the truth. The truth is any Exercise you cannot perform with proper stability strength and mobility is dangerous. I don't care what it is It could be a dumbbell curl. That's a dangerous exercise If you can't do it with the things I listed any, any exercise that you could do with the things that I listed is safe. And good.
Starting point is 01:31:09 And good. Now what Adam said, I'll tell you what, look I trained people at one point I had a decent percentage of my clients I would say probably a quarter of my clients were over the age of 70 and I had a few that were over 80 and even one woman I trained in her 90s and They a lot of them couldn't do the things that are listed up here Okay, but the way that I trained them was to be able to get them to do these movements So how what can I do to help this woman? be able to do a deadlift or to be able to do a squat or a horizontal press like a bench press or a horizontal press, like a bench press, or a nice full overhead, uh, you know, shoulder press, a couple of them, I got them to do variations of these lifts.
Starting point is 01:31:50 Now remember these people came to me compromised. They came to me deconditioned, but that process, I mean, there was, they, they just, the results they got, the mobility they got, the independence I got was. Incredible. But yeah, these are, these are complex movements and they just require more skill. That's all. And so, okay, why, why are they saying over 50? Well, if you're over 50 and you haven't deadlifted or overhead press, or even
Starting point is 01:32:15 reached over your head for a decade or two, so a lot of people don't, you lose that ability. So then you go to the gym and you're like, Oh, I got to do this exercise. You don't know technique. You don't know mobility. You don't know what stability is. And you just push your way through it. Well, yeah, you end up hurting yourself, but that's, that goes without saying. So gradual about your approach and take you through the movements, learn the movements,
Starting point is 01:32:35 teach those movements to your body slowly, increased load. Like it's, it's, it's a process, but it's not something that you just discard these movements because they do require a bit more skill. It's also as a trainer, it highlights. So if I have a client that can't perform one or all these movements, it highlights an issue that if I'm a good trainer coach, I want to be able to solve for that person. I mean, these are functional movements that all bodies should be able to do. Now that doesn't mean that all of them can do that, but that also gives me insight on something that's going on that I may potentially be able to fix and change this person's life, but to just abandon it because, oh, right now we can't hinge properly, and so let's
Starting point is 01:33:19 just get rid of deadlifts. Or how about- Not to mention the pain relief you're getting by getting strong. That's what I mean. That's what I mean. That's what I mean is that if they can't do these movements, then it also gives me insight on probably other issues that are going on in their body. Oh, they have this chronic low back pain.
Starting point is 01:33:33 Let me pose this differently. If you have a 65-year-old woman who can deadlift, back squat, bench press, Arnold press, do box jumps and sprint with good mobility, strength, and technique. In other words, she owns all those movements she is an incredibly healthy and fit person yeah okay so so just to put it differently so yeah this article is I mean clickbait and it's there's gonna be a self-fulfilling prophecy
Starting point is 01:33:58 right because you're gonna have someone to be like oh my god that's true I went and did a class I didn't worked out for years and did a class. They had me jump in place and I hurt myself. It must be jumping. No, it's your body because you don't jump at all. So you got to take your time and develop that skill. Well, you know, one of the things like you said, um, Sal, you know, you guys take the time in your, in your, all your programs to show us exactly how these movements are done. Right? I mean, I didn't know anything about hip hinging until I watched and I saw the notes and I actually tried it myself. And you know, it could be a simple thing like that. Forget deadlift, forget back squat,
Starting point is 01:34:36 just to properly hip hinge. Like when I get over and feed my dog every morning at 530 in the morning, I am now bending at the hip versus bending over at the back that I wasn't even doing before because I learned that through the exercises that you guys were through the, you know, the techniques you shot. And the other thing I wanted to say is like, I love the novelty of some of the things you guys do. Like I'm right in the middle of anabolic advanced guillotine press. Like I never heard it.
Starting point is 01:35:02 And like all of a sudden I am feeling things in my upper back. It's like, it's like my new favorite exercise that again, very dangerous if you get too heavy up in here. So clearly taking my time at age 59, learning a new movement because you guys are actually breaking it down for us. And I'm feeling something that I never felt before and I love it. Love it. Good stuff, man. So awesome, Brian.
Starting point is 01:35:26 You're doing great, by the way. 59 years old. You look a good 10 years younger than your age. Ooh, I'm going to make sure my wife watches this episode. Right on Brad. Yeah. Can I ask one of the quick questions related to this? So, you know, gains in some areas, I can see some kind of maybe I'm flat,
Starting point is 01:35:43 you know, flattening out in other areas, the volume is just not changing. And I know I'm not going to have gains forever, right? There's going to be this inflection point where, okay, I'm sort of managing the backend. I know a lot of it's going to be psychological. If I used to be able to bench 225, I'm going to want to always be able to bench or beat that and I know I'm not. What have you guys thought
Starting point is 01:36:05 about or talked to some of your clients about? How do you get through that? Because most of the people that call your show are younger and you're talking about volume increase and all these things. Me on this sort of kind of the flat or the back side of this, how do you manage sort of that over time? Because I'm going to be lifting 70, 80, hopefully 90, it's going to decrease over time and how do you again prevent injury I know managing technique and all that but I think there's a psychological aspect that I haven't really kind of figured out yet. There's a hundred percent one in fact we just kind of we were talking about this the other day and I
Starting point is 01:36:37 was bringing up the point of at one point with all these movements that we we teach you to do and you get good at, there becomes a point where being able to bench press 185 versus 300 literally has no relevance in your life and the things that you love to do. So one of the things I try and communicate to my clients is we're getting older and we've been working out for a long time, is that actually remove them from the gym. It's really good for us to focus on the gym and the movements and get stronger. Then you reach a point like I think you have where you've figured that piece out and now it's like Brad let's talk about the rest of your life and the things that are so important to you and your ability to play with kids or play with grandkids or be able to go out on the football
Starting point is 01:37:19 field and still throw a football like I want to make sure that those things you can still do all that and do that well and the difference of your bench press being 185 or 300 doesn't impact that and so I really don't give a shit and I don't want you to give a shit you're already really strong for your age and doing great I don't care that we haven't PR'd or hit that number you did back when you were 42 like that's not a big deal especially if it's not impacting you negatively in the things that are so important outside of the gym. And so I always try and bring my clients back to all the other things that give you fulfillment
Starting point is 01:37:51 and joy and remembering that that's why we do all this stuff is so that you can do that way beyond the years that most people can. Yeah. Well, here, Brad, I'll give you an easier one. When you're around your friends that are the same age as you, is there a difference between your energy, how you feel, your mobility, your libido same age as you, is there a difference between your energy, how you feel, your mobility, your libido, how you look? Is there a difference?
Starting point is 01:38:09 I'm not gonna ask about libido, but maybe the other. Yeah, yeah, so look at your peers. You don't wanna get trapped as you get older, comparing yourself to the 25-year-old, 35-year-old, whatever, look at your peers, and I know this, I already know this, because I'm 45, I'm not in the same age category as you, but at my age, when I look at my peers, I'm like, oh crap, it's getting really different.
Starting point is 01:38:32 Me versus my peers is starting to really veer into completely different directions. I can only imagine at 59, look, I know this, I have family members your age group, there's a big difference between a fit 59 year old and one that isn't, huge. Yeah, it's just about staying strong, feeling good, and being able-bodied at that point, There's a big difference between a fit 59 year old and one that isn't. Huge. Yeah, it's just about staying strong, feeling good and being able bodied, you know, at that
Starting point is 01:38:48 point and you're just going to ride that as far as you need to ride that, do as much work as you need to do to benefit your body individually. So this is literally just your journey. Well, yeah. And I would say to that, Justin, I mean, your programming, I had more injuries in the probably your 10 or 15 years, you know, for my own stupid programming versus like, I mean, I'm hitting some big numbers, I think, for my age with lifts I had never done before,
Starting point is 01:39:16 and I'm not having injury. And it's because I'm following all the stuff that you guys are talking about. So when people call in, and it frustrates the hell out of me, when people call in and go, I've been listening for five or six years and you'll ask them what programs they have and they don't have any.
Starting point is 01:39:30 I'm just like, I want to choke them. I'm like, why not? Why not support these guys? Cause if you're willing to listen to them. Get some Adam energy going on. That's actually, that's Doug's frustration, Brad. You don't see it, but he, as soon as someone calls in, he looks up their accounts right away just to see and he just shakes his head all
Starting point is 01:39:46 the time it's like man this person's been losing five years they don't have a single program how's that possible? That's on us we're not we're not we're not communicating effective. Yeah and then shame on you and then you guys give them to them for free I'm like no no make them buy them. Listen it's not for them it's for everybody else watching. Yeah yeah yeah. Awesome. Right on Brad., Brad. Thanks, Brad. Appreciate it, Brad. Appreciate it. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:40:08 You know, I always talk about this person. I had this incredible physical therapist that worked in my studio, and I'll never, I'd never seen it communicated so, at least to me, so well, but she had a client who was elderly, and she was training around posture and mobility, walking, she had strength in her gait, all that stuff, and I remember her client came to her
Starting point is 01:40:31 and said, hey, the doctor is recommending that I start to use a walker. And I'll never forget, I was sitting next to her training another client, she said, we are going to avoid using a walker as long as possible, of course, considering your safety, because as soon as you start using a walker, your body will forget how to walk without one.
Starting point is 01:40:48 There's a dependency there. Yes, and your body will start to morph and change its patterning and its balance and what it can do. Just like the exercises that he listed. If you don't deadlift, if you don't squat, if you don't bench press, you don't Arnold press, you don't sprint, you don't jump,
Starting point is 01:41:02 you don't do those things, you will forget, your body will forget and lose the ability to do those things. So articles like this infuriate me because what may be happening is someone will read this who's been doing those, it's like, well, I am 58, maybe I should stop doing them. No, no, figure out, if they do hurt, figure out why they hurt, but never stop doing them
Starting point is 01:41:22 as long as you can because the second you do, the decline will happen much faster. You'll decline in terms of- Those abilities disappear. They disappear. Our next caller is Emma from Canada. Hi Emma. Hi. How can we help you?
Starting point is 01:41:35 Hello, hello. So I emailed you guys back in February. A few things have changed since then, but I do want to say I'm grateful for you guys having me so I can chat with you. Sorry, my anxiety is like through the roof. So a little background is I started the gym in 2023 of February and I was on that cardio bunny as you would call it, like just doing 40 minutes of cardio a day. I did some legs, I started, um, working out, doing just squats and leg press. They really have a schedule and I was, uh, got up from 45 pounds to 225 in like two
Starting point is 01:42:15 months and squatting. But because of that, I can't squat anymore. My hips have issues anytime I'm walking, they grind against each other. It feels like the goal I'm like this and popping. So I kind of just quit doing squats and like anything heavy. Cause it pushes down in my lower spine. I've been to a cryo practice and stuff, but hasn't seemed to work. Um, and then I also learned that I had to eat protein and kind of like fix my eating because for five years I struggled with eating so I only ate like a thousand calories a day, like no protein, basically one meal a day and Starbucks, a lot of coffee.
Starting point is 01:42:59 So I was 118 pounds and now currently I'm sitting at about 129 to 131 depending on when I weigh myself. And I know just looking back in my email, when I emailed you guys, in the summer I did a mini bulk and then I did a cut when we went to Mexico and I was training at like scaling everything. training of like scaling everything. I was down from 130 pounds to 124.9 the day that we were leaving. I was eating 145 to 160 grams of protein, always on accident, I didn't mean to. And my fats were sitting at 55 to 65. And I stopped my creatine and went to Mexico, but I finally got back on it and I stopped my creatine and went to Mexico, but I finally got back on it about two weeks ago, just because there's no reason not to take it.
Starting point is 01:43:50 But my main question was, even after eating like 40 grams of protein in a meal, I still feel hungry and I'm always craving sugar. Okay. Wow. I think your fat intake's too low. So protein satiating, fat is too. 50 to 60 grams with 140 grams of protein. That means you're eating a lot of really lean, super lean sources of protein like chicken breast and turkey and egg whites and maybe shakes. Am I correct? I actually don't use any protein powder anymore. I just do whole foods, but it is chicken and turkey
Starting point is 01:44:27 and egg whites, like every day. No, go whole eggs, eat some red meat. Your fat intake is probably a little too low. Do chicken thighs instead of chicken breast. And here's the deal, I don't want you tracking a lot of things right now, to be honest with you. I think there's a little bit of a control thing going on here, just because of the numbers you're giving me
Starting point is 01:44:47 are so precise. 124.9, 131 point whatever. So there's gonna be a little bit of too much control around everything, and so it's creating too much stress around something that's supposed to improve the quality of your life. So what I want you to do is hit your protein targets. That's all I want you to focus on.
Starting point is 01:45:09 Aim for about 120, 130 grams of protein. Make those protein sources, chicken thighs, whole eggs, ground beef, steak, fatty fish. Don't worry about anything else though in terms of fats and carbs. Eat until you're satisfied, don't go above satisfied till you're stuffed, and don't also starve yourself. And then I'd like you to follow MAPS symmetry.
Starting point is 01:45:33 I think that'll help with the hip imbalance issue. I think what you did is you pushed probably in one direction too long. And so you've got some, yeah, especially because you're young, you probably developed some imbalances now that's causing your hip function to be off to where you feel it now when you walk as well.
Starting point is 01:45:50 Did you see her physique transformation? Yeah, phenomenal. That's one year. Yeah. I'd say, I mean, you've made an incredible, incredible transformation in one year's time. Especially considering, you said that you've eliminated squats too? Yeah. Wow. What did you do in replace of that? Are you doing like hip thrust or something like that you've eliminated squats too? Yeah. Wow. What did you do in
Starting point is 01:46:05 replace of that? Are you doing like hip thrust or something like that instead? What do you? So I have two leg days. I have a glute focus. So it's just kickbacks, hip thrusts, Bulgarian split squats, and then RDLs. And then my quads is everything else, I guess. quads is everything else, I guess. Okay, so you're... I think symmetry would be good. Yeah. Symmetry will balance you out, will correct some of those imbalances.
Starting point is 01:46:33 You'll like the way that it shapes your body for sure. Hit your protein targets, but don't aim for super lean cuts of meat anymore. Go with, and don't go super fatty either. Just stop with the egg whites, go whole eggs, forget the chicken breast, go chicken thighs, steak, ground beef, that kind of stuff, and I think you'll feel fine
Starting point is 01:46:52 and start to feel the energy come back. I think a lot of the unilateral training will help to get you to a point where maybe even back squats make sense down the road again. There may be just an imbalance there, a weakness that's creating some kind of a torsion, like a kind of rotational effect there that we need to. Yeah, I'd like to help you get to the bottom of that. So Emma, are you on Facebook? Can we put you in the private
Starting point is 01:47:16 forum? Yeah, I am. Okay, so I'm going to put you have Doug put you in our private forum for free. And then I would love to actually see your squat and movements because I think that will tell us a lot about what's potentially going on. So maybe when he gets it one of the one of the most popular ways that people use our private forum is posting them doing movements especially when they have yeah especially when they have issues going on or they feel like something's not right they'll post a video for us and then the community and ourselves will get on there we've got people like Dr. Brink in there that are movement specialists too that will assist.
Starting point is 01:47:49 So if you go in there and post some stuff like that, any time you're challenged with a movement, maybe we can help you get to the bottom of it. Because I'd like to solve that. You're young, you're healthy, you're fit. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to back squat with good form technique. There's an imbalance there. Yeah, so let's get to the bottom of that and solve, help you solve that.
Starting point is 01:48:08 And I agree with Sal symmetry would be a great program for you. Okay, perfect. I also had one other question. So I'm currently taking my personal training through NSAM. I heard you guys recommend it. And I was like looking for the last three years about wanting to do it and haven't done it. And then I finally started doing it and I know they say that your protein intake is 0.8 grams per kg and like up to like 1.6. Is that still correct?
Starting point is 01:48:36 Yeah, it is. It is. We tell people more because people miss. And if you go over, you're fine. Yeah. because people miss and if you go over you're fine. Yeah and again getting client, this is good for you because you're going through becoming a trainer. Adherence is so important with clientele and being successful as a trainer.
Starting point is 01:48:56 And so telling people 0.8 per kilogram, now they have to formulate, they have to figure out the kilogram to weight, to figure out that math and they have to do 0.8. to figure out the kilogram to, to wait to figure out that math and they get to do point. So the likelihood your client is going to track is already difficult to get them to track and pull a calculator tracking is even more difficult. And so one of the easiest things that we found is what is your goal weight? So how much do you want to weigh relative, like whatever that number is and just hit
Starting point is 01:49:20 that and hit that one to one. It's just easy and if they miss they're good. And yeah, exactly. And if that's a little bit over that what they need but it's not excessive and we know that most people fall a little short and so it's a good idea just to set a goal it's a little more challenging if they go over no big deal if they fall a little short no big deal it's really easy for them to calculate and pay attention to so that's part of why you hear us always talk about that and it conflicts with some of the stuff you'll read. It's not because we're
Starting point is 01:49:48 right, they're wrong or vice versa. It's just that we've learned over decades when you teach other clients and you're trying to get adherence, having them calculate and formulate every time they eat is just ridiculous and no one's going to follow that. It's much easier to give them something very simple. It's an easy target for them to pay attention to. That's where the one to one came from. Okay. All right. All right. We're going to send those over to you symmetry and then Doug will give you
Starting point is 01:50:13 access to the forum. Make sure you come in and say hi and introduce yourself. Did you do our free course by the way, for trainers since you want to be a trainer? Chaotic with work and trying to get my course done because I have nutrition and my CPT and I have to do my CPR. So it's just been like a lot of stuff on the back. You will love it. Especially when you become a trainer, I do go through how to sell training, which is so valuable for new trainers. So go check that out for sure. Okay. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:50:41 You got it. Thanks for calling in. Yeah. Thank you so much. No problem. Bye. The fat one, the fat intake is a big one. Iss got it. Thanks for calling in. Yeah, thank you so much. No problem. Bye. The fat one, the fat intake's a big one. Issues low. Yeah. And it's exactly what you said.
Starting point is 01:50:51 Egg whites, chicken breast, it's so funny, such an easy adjustment. Totally. Like, just stop doing that. Yeah. Like, you are plenty lean. There's no reason for you to be running, like, trying to cut an extra 180 calories out of your diet every day. Makes no sense.
Starting point is 01:51:04 And you'll be more satisfied and your body needs it. My favorite example, because fat is essential, right? My favorite example is this, the early explorers in North America, many of them starved to death even though they were stuffed full of food because they were catching rabbits. But rabbit is so lean that they actually literally
Starting point is 01:51:24 starved to death because they didn't get enough fat. So if your fat intake is low or borderline, and some people need more than others, women oftentimes, you know, especially with hormone production, skin, stuff like this, they just need a little bit more. They, you can have all kinds of,
Starting point is 01:51:37 you're just finding like, why am I so hungry? I'm eating so much food. You need a little bit more than a century. Listen, a low, a very, very low fat diet is one of the quickest recipes to just crush your testosterone levels. Testosterone is responsible for helping you build muscle in your body.
Starting point is 01:51:51 One of the fastest ways for me to help my female clients was to just increase their fat intake and instantly their hormone levels would balance out and instantly we'd build muscles. Like, and it was just as simple as that. It's like, stop with the chicken press, stop with the egg whites and all the bullshit white fish, enjoy your food and you're not,
Starting point is 01:52:11 you're not gonna get fat from that. Think about the food industry too, how brilliant they were. Oh, look at this, people are like low fat. Now we can sell the part of the chicken nobody wants to eat. It was so, it was so. Nobody eat chicken breast back in the day. I found this so comical in the competitive space. Well, and I remember like with all my peers and I'm eating all this these, you know
Starting point is 01:52:28 Rib eye steaks and so they're over here eating, you know chicken chicken breast and I'm like wild Yeah, what are you doing? Like why are you doing that? Like it's not like the fat in that chicken and that steak is not Incredible for your body and you really think that the extra 110 calories is making the difference of you winning first place on that stage or not, like you're crazy. Justin, you said you like breasts, huh? I do, I'm a breast guy. Yeah, what about chicken breast?
Starting point is 01:52:53 You get that too. You prefer chicken breast over thighs? I do, yeah, I do, I like the flesh. I'll add cheese, I'll add the fat. Wow. I know what you do. Hold on, you dip it in ketchup, don't you? Why the fuck would I have ketchup and chicken? Let's go together.
Starting point is 01:53:08 Barbecue, bro, barbecue. Oh, my bad, I'm sorry. Barbecue. Or even ranch, but like, God forbid. Come on, guy. Ketchup, who are you, dude? I was thinking of like, are you a mustard guy? You know how kids like to dip everything in ketchup?
Starting point is 01:53:18 Yeah, don't be too jazzy. You look like a mustard guy. I do like mustard. I like mustard with my ham. Ham, I actually like honey-baked ham, and then I like actually dip my mustard. No, bro, give me the, especially, I like the spicy mustard, too. I did, too. like mustard with my ham. Ham, I actually like honey-baked ham, and then I like actually get my mustard. It's a hard no. I like the spicy mustard too.
Starting point is 01:53:27 I did too. The little mustard kernels. Yeah, I get down with that. Delicious. Look, if you like this show, we got a guide. We have a how to squat, like a pro guide. It'll teach you how to take your squat to the next level. It's totally free.
Starting point is 01:53:38 You can find it at mindpumpfree.com. You can also find us on Instagram. Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. I'm at Mind Pump DeStefano and Adam is at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance,
Starting point is 01:53:55 check out our discounted RGB Super Bundle at mindpumpmedia.com. The RGB Super Bundle includes maps anabolic, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having Sal, Adam, and Justin as your own personal trainers,
Starting point is 01:54:25 but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a 5-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time this is Mindpump.

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