Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2405: The 5 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes Causing Weight Gain

Episode Date: August 19, 2024

 The 5 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes Causing Weight Gain (Avoid this!) Does fasting belong in the diet category? (1:14) The 5 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes Causing Weight Gain. #1 - It’s for ...aesthetic goals. (3:01) #2 - You miss protein targets. (11:31) #3 - You binge when it’s time to eat. (15:24) #4 - You’re already over-stressed. (20:16) #5 – Tends to promote the eating of garbage. (25:05) Related Links/Products Mentioned Special Promotion: A Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Fasting 50% off! ** Code IF50 at checkout ** Visit Seed for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code 25MINDPUMP at checkout for 25% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic** Mind Pump #2190: Fasting Masterclass Mind Pump #1052: Why Fasting May Be Making You Fat Mind Pump #2372: Five Steps to a Faster Metabolism NIH study finds heavily processed foods cause overeating and weight gain Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind Pump with your hosts, Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Today's episode talk about the five intermittent fasting mistakes that are causing weight gain. Make sure you avoid these. It's a great episode. Now as part of this episode we have a fasting guide. We've had it for a long time. It talks about different ways of fasting, the right way to do it, wrong way to do it. It's 50% off because of this episode. So if you're interested in that go to mapsfitnessproducts.com, click on the
Starting point is 00:00:39 fasting guide, use the code IF50 to get 50% off. Now this episode is brought to you by our sponsors. Seed. Seed is the world's best probiotic hands down. This is the probiotic that sets the standard. It gets absorbed and utilized the right way and of course beneficial bacteria have tremendous benefits for your health. Again Seed is the only probiotic company we work with. Go check them out. Go to seed.com forward slash mind pump. Use the code 25MINDPUMP. That'll give you 25% off your first month's order of Seed's Daily Symbiotic.
Starting point is 00:01:13 All right, here comes the show. Fasting, if you look at the data, the success rate with weight loss and fasting actually matches what you see with a lot of other diets. In other words, it's dismal. In today's episode, we're talking about the five reasons, the five reasons why intermittent fasting can cause weight gain in many people
Starting point is 00:01:31 that try to tackle their weight loss goals with fasting itself. Maybe that's the first mistake, Sal, is that it's even put in the category of diets. Does it even belong there? Yeah, that's it. Okay, so great direction, great place to start. Let's back up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:01:49 It's just for people who aren't familiar with fasting. Fasting is literally going for a prolonged period of time without food. So intermittent fasting typically tells you you skip one or two meals or you don't start eating until X time or you only eat within a certain time window. And there's a lot of reasons why they say this works or whatever, but ultimately it boils down to, it causes people that eat less calories oftentimes
Starting point is 00:02:13 when they follow it and then that's what causes the weight loss. And then inevitably, like with any dietary recommendation, it's turned into a way to lose weight, right? It's a way to lose weight. And the reason why I'm saying this is that fasting's actually been around for a long time. It's been around for thousands of years. If we were to label anything a quote unquote diet or change in eating, fasting has to be the first ever.
Starting point is 00:02:37 In fact, it's present in every major world religion. The ancient Greeks talked about it, but they never fasted for fat loss or weight loss. Obviously they didn't have weight loss or weight issues thousands of years ago. It was always done for spiritual reasons. Nonetheless, it was the first quote unquote kind of diet, right? Like you should eat this way type of deal. But yeah, I think that's the biggest, that's the first mistake is that it's for aesthetic goals. I'm fasting to lose weight or I'm fasting to change how I look. And I think that's a big mistake because it's not a great way to accomplish those goals. It can
Starting point is 00:03:20 help mainly through calorie restriction, but again, in my experience especially, and again, if you look at the data, doesn't have any higher success rate than other diets. It's one of those things that's a little complicated to talk about on a podcast where I'm not, where I don't have a client sitting across from me that I'm speaking to them, right? And their specific goals, because there's a lot of things
Starting point is 00:03:45 that it does or that you get from fasting that I think are positive benefits. And so, and we've talked about this for a long time. In fact, Doug, I'd love to see when we write that intermittent fasting guide. That was a long time ago. Seven, eight years ago. It changed our, I think our ideas and opinions
Starting point is 00:04:02 on that have changed a little bit. No, even when we wrote it. I remember why we wrote it. No, we wrote it. We wrote it with the same conversation we had. And it was literally to teach people how to utilize it the right way. And we wrote that guide knowing that. I remember when we first did it, and we talked about all the positive benefits of fasting.
Starting point is 00:04:21 But then one of our concerns was how many people are going to use intermittent fasting as a weight loss tool. That was part of the reason of writing the guide was we saw the trend and where it was going and that this is going to turn into something that gets bastardized. We wanted to educate our community on that. I remember that. Yeah, it wasn't about weight loss. It wasn't about fat loss. No. It wasn't about aesthetic goals. It was really like peering into our own personal structure of
Starting point is 00:04:51 how this optimizes our day in terms of the eating schedule. This is a way for us to provide reflection, to abstain, and to really objectively look at our behaviors, like all that kind of stuff. And it is kind of more along the spiritual lines of like, that's probably the highest benefit of it. Besides the fact that you're allowing your digestive system to get a bit of a break as well. And so you can also like peer into when you start reintroducing food, like how these different foods sort of make you feel how you react to them. So there's, there's so many, um, tools in there in the process of fasting that you could pay attention to, uh, that aren't specifically looking at like losing weight or body fat.
Starting point is 00:05:40 I'll be even more clear, right? Following any diet for the primary purpose of changing how you look, um, it's a failing strategy. It's a more clear, right? Following any diet for the primary purpose of changing how you look. It's a failing strategy. It's a failing strategy, right? So if you follow a diet to become healthier, to improve athletic performance or strength, of course, to improve your health, reduce inflammation, your gut health, the inevitable side effect of that is you look fit and healthy. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:06 But if you skip the step of health and you aim right for changing how I look, then diets get really weird. And the relationship to food gets really weird. It becomes about the scale and the mirror. First of all, both lie to you. The scale tells you mass. It's a distortion, yeah. It doesn't tell you what that mass is made up of. I mean, a six foot, 200 pound man at 10% body fat looks very different than a six foot, 200 pound man at 25% body fat. Same weight on the scale.
Starting point is 00:06:33 The mirror also lies to us. I mean, how many times have you looked at an old picture of yourself and thought, man, I look good, and then remembered what you're like. Right, how you felt at that time. At that time, you felt like you looked terrible. So both of them aren't the best, right? And so if you're just eating to change how you felt at that time. At that time you felt like you looked terrible. So both of them aren't the best, right? And so if you're just eating to change how you look,
Starting point is 00:06:49 you're already starting down this path of creating a bad relationship with food. Now fasting, again, we mentioned the spiritual component of its value. Fasting literally is detachment, okay? So you can fast from electronics, you can fast from food, you can fast from sex,
Starting point is 00:07:04 you can fast from whatever. but fasting from food is, because eating and food is a fundamental part of life. So when you fast from it, the reason why it's a spiritual practice, the reason why it's in most religions is when you fast from food, you're stuck with your feelings. So okay, normally I eat when I'm stressed or when I'm bored, or because I'm supposed to. Well now I'm not.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Okay, I'm stressed, what do I do now? I gotta deal with this. Or maybe you're gonna feel more now as a result. Oftentimes we blunt or numb ourselves with food because the process of eating can be pleasurable. And so for stressed we eat or for sad we eat or whatever. So now you're not doing that. So you're detaching from this desire, this
Starting point is 00:07:47 worldly desire and allows introspection and allows growth. That's why fasting exists in the first place and that's where its value is. Now the side effect, sometimes the fasting is you lose weight because you're not eating. Right? So if you don't eat, especially if you don't
Starting point is 00:08:02 eat for a prolonged period of time, you lose weight on the scale. And because the modern world is so obsessed with the scale and obsessed with how you look, then the benefit of fasting was thrown out and it was like, oh, the side effect, that's the benefit of fasting. In the past, okay, no joke, the weight loss from fasting
Starting point is 00:08:20 was like a negative side effect. Like you're going to get all these crazy spiritual benefits. Yeah, it sucks that you're going to lose weight. But because today is an obese world, we've made this negative side effect. Now this main effect, that's what we're aiming for. Forget all this other stuff. It's all about weight loss. So if it's about aesthetics, you're already starting down the wrong path and you will
Starting point is 00:08:38 develop a bad relationship with food as a result and your success rate will, something like 5%, which is what it is for almost every diet. Right? This is what's interesting about this, this episode that we're doing right now is, uh, is that there are examples of where somebody doing intermittent fasting actually leads to weight gain, which is not what a lot of people do it. And that's one of them is going into it with the wrong mindset going into it of I'm gonna try and do this to
Starting point is 00:09:09 change my body aesthetically normally leads to the other four behaviors and steps. It's the rebound you're exactly right Justin because if you're going into because you want to look different you're already going into with this kind of self-hate like I'm oh, I'm fat, I'm whatever. I'm gonna go on this path of not eating, so I'm not gonna eat until 2 p.m. And so people offer you food, you're around food, no, I can't, I can't eat, I can't eat right now,
Starting point is 00:09:33 and why can't you eat, because I'm fat, whatever. At some point, you are going to rebel against that. And so what typically happens from that is this swing in the other direction. That's why you see this massive weight gain. This is true for all diets, by the way. When you go into them that way is that you get this kind of rebellion within yourself because you
Starting point is 00:09:50 started out wrong. It wasn't through self care, it was really through self hate. Now from a spiritual perspective, you know, detachment, where you're gonna get all those benefits. But if it's just from changing how you look, then what ends up happening, oftentimes, again, you look at the data, people gain the weight back and oftentimes the weight you gain back is more fat than you had when you first went into it.
Starting point is 00:10:08 It always is. You, the rebound effect and you have to explain that what happened metabolically. Right? So this, you decide to go on this fasting trip to try and lose weight. And so you cut calories and normally in a pretty extreme way when we're skipping whole meals and so the body does what it's supposed to do, which is adapt to this new caloric intake. And even if you see initial weight loss and see initial aesthetic girls happening, happening from it,
Starting point is 00:10:35 you now have this new metabolic rate that is significantly lower than what it was when you started this. And so when you do rebound, you don't just rebound, you rebound way harder and swing back the other direction even worse than what you started off. And this is what I would see a lot with clients that decided that they were gonna use intermittent fasting as a tool to lose weight, even if they thought they had success with it initially,
Starting point is 00:11:02 the inevitable, I'm gonna go back to eating food again one day. And when I do, I've now metabolically trained my body to adapt to this low calorie intake. And so now when I go back to what was normal eating for before, now puts on even more weight. So what happens is your body pairs muscle down and then you lose that muscle along with some body fat, but up to half of it is muscle. Then you go back to eating like you did before. You don't gain muscle back. Your body just captures those extra calories as body fat is what ends up happening.
Starting point is 00:11:30 So that's kind of what you're talking about. Now, another mistake people make, and this is why fasting can be quite challenging, even if you're doing this because it makes you feel good. It works with your, you know, detachment for a certain part of the day or whatever is it makes it really hard to hit protein targets. So when you look at the data on protein intake and what is beneficial or what is the upper limit of benefit you get from protein intake, it sits at around 0.8 grams of protein per pound of let's say target body weight.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Okay. But we'll round it up. We'll say one gram of protein per pound of let's say target body weight. Okay. But we'll round it up. We'll say one gram of protein per pound of target body weight. That's a lot of protein for everybody. Anybody. I don't care if you're 110 pound woman. It's a lot of protein for 110 pound woman. It's a lot of protein for a 200 pound man. Let's stick with the 100 or 110 pound woman. That means that she's going to have to eat, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:24 maybe three meals of over 30 something grams of protein. I mean, breakfast alone with something like that would be about what five or about five eggs. I don't know very many hundred, 110 pound women who eat five eggs for breakfast. It's just a lot. So when you limit your eating window, well, now how are you going to get all that protein? I'm going to eat two meals at 50 grams each or 60 grams each or if you're a man, 200 pound man, I gotta eat 200 grams of protein in a five-hour period. That's very difficult because protein is very satiety producing. It can also cause
Starting point is 00:12:56 digestive distress as a result. Oh yeah, I mean that's one thing you'd recognize right away just trying to cram it all in a short amount of time, you're really going to have to increase that amount and to be able to eat that all in one sitting and digest it all, it's really challenging for a lot of people. Even if you do it through protein shakes, we all know, taking that much protein in one sitting and that kind of a shake is really going to tear you up. Well, the protein is the key macronutrient in the pursuit of speeding your metabolism up.
Starting point is 00:13:31 So you skipping out a meal makes that extremely difficult. It's extremely difficult for the average person period. It's the number one thing that I would have to adjust to anybody's diet when I would first take on a client and assess their diet. Most people think that they're consuming a lot more protein than what they really are, and it's the building block of building muscle
Starting point is 00:13:54 and building your metabolism. And so if I get a client who wants to do intermittent fasting for weight loss, one of the first things that we can do to build this strategy or make this strategy easier is to build their metabolism. One of the most difficult ways of doing that is to limit me on the amount of time I have to get that client to eat enough protein. You just, you don't see them have success with this. It's a, it's a failing strategy. It's already difficult to get somebody with a full 12 hour eating window to actually be able to hit their protein intake, to shrink that down to eight or nine hours and six hours and
Starting point is 00:14:29 make them do that is incredibly difficult and rarely ever do I see someone have success with that. And so this is one of the main reasons why I hated clients using intermittent fasting. Yeah. And so, um, not only does protein obviously help you build muscle or preserve muscle, it also helps you burn body fat. I mean, you heard me right.
Starting point is 00:14:49 When they do studies where they control the calories, two groups of people eating the same calories, let's say they both ate 2,000 calories, but one group hit that gram of protein per pound of body weight and the other group ate what the average person is, which does, which is far less. The group that ate the high protein diet, even if the calories are the same ends up losing more body fat and ends up losing less muscle or sometimes in some studies
Starting point is 00:15:12 losing no muscle or building muscle if they combine it with strength training so protein targets are important if you want to build and if you want to lose so doesn't matter if you want to cut bulk gain lose whatever hit those protein whatever, hit those protein targets. And then you just mentioned something. Now let's say I'm fasting, I have a six hour window or seven hour window or whatever the eating window is you decide. Now I got to get all that protein that I could normally spread out throughout the day and I have to fit it in a small window. Which brings us to the next mistake that people make which is they binge when it is time to eat. Fasting encourages a behavior of binging. You'll actually find yourself doing this if you do
Starting point is 00:15:50 intermittent fasting for long periods of time. When you talk to people, from my experience working with lots of people, intermittent fasting not always but oftentimes leads to restrict binge type behaviors because they fast and then they oh now it's two o'clock I can eat first off at first they're okay with it but then the body learns like we got to capture now they're fixated on that time that's you're fixated on that time you're you're and especially for like I got to hit my protein so now you're encouraging it by stuffing yourself in that short eating window you actually start to binge when it's time to eat and then what happens your calories actually start to climb up although they were to eat. And then what happens is your calories actually start to climb up.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Although they were down at first because you had a needing window, they start to climb up because you fit more into a smaller window. And not only are you fitting more into the smaller window, you're binging while you're doing it. And the quality of your food degrades as well. It can. Yeah. Because you're trying to get all those calories a lot of times and, uh, and two, like you're just anticipating this one window of time to eat. And so you're, I guess like it just sort of, you know, creates
Starting point is 00:16:51 this opportunity for it to kind of sneak back in there. All these cravings that you can cram it into this one window. So, uh, you know, it's really hard to eat like whole foods, uh, in, in a big volume amount in one meal. This also reminds me, I now totally remember this was part of our motivation. You might as well remember there was, I mean there still is, there's still a large community of the, in the fitness space of people
Starting point is 00:17:17 that promote intermittent fasting, and they also talk about being able to eat whatever you want in that window. So long as you do this in this window. Right so you would have all these you know quote-unquote fitness people that were you know videoing themselves eating a whole pizza and going through fast food and they're like as long as you stick in your window yeah you can eat whatever you want and so that was the other problem. So not only is you already working against your body's natural tendencies
Starting point is 00:17:47 to want to overeat, capture calories, because it's been restricted for a period of time, but then you have part of our community encouraging it and telling people, hey, just stick to the window. And as long as you stick to the window, you can have pizza. You can have donuts. You can have these things. Just stick to your window of eating, and you'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And I think the combination of your natural tendencies paired with fitness people, telling people that they could eat this way, gave all these people with poor relationship with foods permission to go out and eat this garbage food. Well, when you fast for spiritual purposes or detachment, and I use spiritual purposes loosely, but let's just say detachment, then when you're hungry, you're embracing it. You're looking at the challenge. What do I do?
Starting point is 00:18:26 How do I work through this? You know, what are my issues? When you're fasting because you're trying to lose weight and you know you're going to eat at 2 PM, it's a white knuckle thing. Ooh, I can hold on. Let me look at the clock. I got two hours left, two hours I'm going to eat. And then you start to fantasize about what you're going to eat at two
Starting point is 00:18:40 o'clock when it's time to eat. It literally is one of the most guaranteed ways I've ever seen with clients to encourage a restrict binge eating habit, which is already a challenge anyway. Restrict binge, restrict binge, and I don't mean in the clinical sense. I'm not talking about when people have bulimia.
Starting point is 00:18:58 I mean just, you either don't eat or you just eat too much or beyond comfort. That's a problem with all diet culture. You see that anyway when people are on the diet, off the diet, on the diet, off the diet, it looks more like restrict binge. This is taking it to the next level because it's literally no food, food, no food, food. And what you don't want to do is develop this behavior around food where it's nothing or everything. That is a very tough behavior to break. And if you already find yourself with that type or that tendency, then fasting is terrible.
Starting point is 00:19:32 If I have somebody who tells me they have a tendency to restrict and binge, fasting is the last place I'm going to point them because that's going to be the road towards real eating disorder or getting close to it. So it definitely encourages that in many cases and when that happens, well you end up finding your people in restricted eating windows gaining body weight and actually gaining body fat as a result. Man, I mean even just like eating you're gonna be eating so much quicker. Like it's going like spreading out throughout the day, taking your time, allowing the natural course of digestion to happen and like chewing your food appropriately.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Like if all of your volume of food is just in this one window, like it turns into that sort of like speed element that could then lead into a binge situation. Right, here's another thing too, and this is what you'll hear functional medicine practitioners talk about with fasting. If a functional medicine practitioner takes on a patient who's exhibiting signs of HPA axis dysfunction or what we used to
Starting point is 00:20:30 call back in the day they don't call it this anymore but it was called adrenal fatigue okay they change the name because that's not what's happening but symptoms are like fatigue you're gonna have you know cold hot intolerance strange cravings insomnia libido is affected. Basically think of somebody who has too much stress in their life. Signs of too much stress. A functional medicine practitioner will not let them fast unless it's part of a gut health protocol which is a completely different topic. They'll tell them not to fast. Now why is that? Fasting in itself, going for prolonged periods without food, is somewhat of a stress on the body. I say
Starting point is 00:21:09 somewhat because it's not always, obviously when you sleep, but in the case of the overstressed individual it is a stress on the body. Here's what fasting does. It causes cortisol to go up. So your cortisol goes up. You produce more catecholamines. Catecholamines are epinephrine nor epinephrine. They feel good but these are like kind of stress things that come out of adrenaline. Now you ask yourself why? Well the evolutionary explanation that many people have put forth around this is if you go for long periods of time without food your body is picking up these stress hormones to give you energy to
Starting point is 00:21:38 get you to find more food. And so now a lot of people who fast often like this feeling and I get it because you feel kind of wired and energized, but if you're already stressed and you're pushing fasting, you will get yourself in a bad place. In fact, I've had female clients who were like this. These are the kind of people that over train, they work out too much, they're already overstressed with work and family life. Then they add intermittent fasting and they'll get symptoms like hair loss. They'll get symptoms like destroyed and crushed libido. Their nails will start to get-
Starting point is 00:22:11 Hormones are out of balance. Their hormones are out of balance. This is more, I would see this more often- This is more common than you would think. Yes. In fact, if you've been listening to this show long enough, you've probably heard us multiple times recommend to a caller stop fasting.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Why are you fasting? Yes. Because they're doing all this other stuff right they're calling in and they have all these signs that you just pointed out. Sleep is off, hormones are off, hair, nails, things like that. They've noticed all these things and they're telling us their workout, their stuff that everything they got going on at work, their personal life and then they're also fasting. You know they're also doing their intermittent fasting. And we're just pouring out. And we're like, why? What do you, first of all, get rid of that. There's no reason for you to not do that.
Starting point is 00:22:48 And I just, I think that people think that restricting from bad, quote unquote, bad food is a healthy, good thing when they don't realize that dieting, giving your body less calories than it needs to maintain is a stress. Yeah, and taking out bad foods is good, but you gotta replace them with good foods. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:06 I mean, it's, it's very similar to like, again, working out the same thing too. There is, there is a perfect dose. There is the right amount. It can be abused like anything else. Exercise is a stress. It's a very good one. And it's, and it sends a signal for a lot of good things to happen, but it can absolutely be abused.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Eating less bad food, definitely a positive thing for you, but too much in one direction can also cause a lot of stress and other issues too. So people just don't look at it as that. They think of it as I'm abstaining from eating bad food, therefore it must be all positive. And that's not true in the context of somebody who has a life full of all kinds of stress.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And then in addition to that, they're restricting like this. Yeah, and I'll put a little asterisk here. It's not even looked at as I'm avoiding bad food. It's I'm avoiding food. Period. Just I'm not eating during this period of time so it's not even about the bad or good food. It's just I'm not eating. You know an overly stressed body or a body that is taking on more stress than it can recover and adapt from is a pro-fat anti-muscle environment. Your body when it's when it's overcome with stress is looking to preserve itself and two of the ways it does this is by lowering its metabolic rate so it
Starting point is 00:24:14 pairs muscle down so it's anti muscle too much stress is anti muscle it's also pro body fat it's pro fat because fat is an insurance policy. When you're storing, if all of us were, if we were all 8% body fat and shredded and then there was a stressful famine that happened, we'd be dead. Yeah, we'd be the first ones dead. You want all that insurance on you. You want 50 extra pounds of body fat. It's like a bank account for your body for energy and some nutrients in case of famine or whatever. So an over stressed situation is anti-muscle pro-fat. So if you're already over stressed and then you fast on top of
Starting point is 00:24:55 that, not only you're not going to get to your goals any faster, you actually go backwards. You're going to encourage this pro-fat, need to store body fat, and let's get rid of muscle, let's slow down our metabolism. Now the last one is this, and this is what I see most often I would say, is that when the eating window comes up, because they've fasted for so long, how many hours or whatever, it tends to promote the eating of garbage. This is what tends to happen. Then initially they lose weight by doing this anyway.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Oh my God, I had pizza last night, but I had this, you know, four hour eating window and I'm losing weight and not realizing that their overall calories are lower. Well, here's what happens when you continue to do this. First off, you're not hitting your protein. You're not eating the right nutrients you need. So health isn't necessarily, not necessarily good for you in most senses, but here's what starts to happen.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Your body, you know, hyper palatable, heavily processed foods, you can eat more of them than you can of whole natural foods, and your body learns to get you to eat even more of them. And what ends up happening over a certain period of time is you eat more and more garbage within this period of four hours or five hours, and then you end up eating more calories in your burn.
Starting point is 00:26:02 You end up gaining body fat as a result because you're still eating garbage. You're eating garbage, it just happens to be in a shorter window of time. I mean, I know there's a lot of responsibility and accountability on the individual, right, who chose to do those things, but I really blame a lot of this on our space,
Starting point is 00:26:24 on professionals. Because fasting, like many other things that take off in the fitness space, is very marketable. It's like when we talk about some of the most famous diets that ever went viral and carried on for decades are the ones that have the most basic easy rule. Nothing gets easier than- The simplicity of it.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Yeah, the simplicity of it, right? Of just eat meat. Eat what you want, yeah. Just eat this, or only, you know, the peanut butter diet, the celery diet, you know, this, like, these things that, like, people are like, oh, I could follow that. Cajun pepper.
Starting point is 00:26:54 That's so basic, right? That's so easy. Nothing gets easier than just don't eat, you know what I'm saying? Like, you don't have to follow anything else, just don't eat, that's all you have to, like, so it's so marketable to do that, and then what they get to,
Starting point is 00:27:04 what they would pair with that is also just don't eat on these windows and then eat whatever you want. There's no other rules. There's no other rules. And so there it appealed to so many people that struggle with weight. Like, oh my God, this is so easy to follow. And in addition to that, they're not telling me I can't have my donuts, I can't have my ice cream, I can't have my Oreo cookies. And so, and I just think so many fitness professionals double and triple down on this because so many clients were signing up for it. Like, oh my God, this is awesome. I could totally follow this diet. And initially, when you take somebody who eats bad food all day long and you only give them six hours to
Starting point is 00:27:43 eat bad food, they initially do lose weight because it's a, you know, a third of the food that we're eating before, but it's a, it's a, it's a losing battle. Eventually that metabolism slows down. Eventually the body pairs down muscle. It's not getting enough protein. And then you're in this even shittier position than when you initially started this. And then all the stuff comes back on. And so, look, I'll close it with this. Like aside from the potential detachment benefits, the calorie restriction that comes from fasting will affect you in
Starting point is 00:28:12 roughly the same ways the calorie restriction from any diet will affect you. You're gonna initially lose weight. However, you're now trying to eat a balanced diet in a shorter time window and you're also dealing with a time window of no food whatsoever and unless it's for personal growth, if it's just for aesthetics, that turns into potentially and often does turn into a restrict binge approach. So it's really no better than any other kind of black or white diet. In fact, it's harder to do for a lot of people. So those people watching right now are like, I lost tons of weight of weight fasting Whatever you would still lose that weight doing it other ways In fact, I would say it would be a lot easier and we can develop better relationship with food that are more long-lasting
Starting point is 00:28:52 Without having to eat within is such a restricted time window. Look if you love mind pump You got to check out our free guide how to lose fat in three easy steps. It's that mind pump free comm You can also find us on Instagram Justin is that mind pump Justin? I. I'm at MindPump DeStefano and Adam is at MindPump Adam. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Super Bundle at mindpumpmedia.com. The RGB Super Bundle includes maps anabolic, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin
Starting point is 00:29:33 to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having Sal, Adam, and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a 5-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindP 5-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 00:30:09 We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump.

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