Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2416: How to Get Good at Pull-Ups, What to Do if Your Left & Right Side Muscles Are a Different Size, Tips for Transitioning From Vegan to Meat Eater & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: September 4, 2024

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind pump with your hosts, Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Right in today's episode, we answered live caller's questions. People called in, we got to help them out on air, but this was after our intro portion. Today was 61 minutes long. In the intro, we talk about current events,
Starting point is 00:00:30 fitness, family life, a lot of fun stuff. It's a good time. By the way, if you wanna be on an episode like this one, email us at live at mindpumpmedia.com. Now this episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Seeed. This is the world's best probiotic hands down. Literally the best one. They have the world's best researchers. It's the best probiotic we've ever worked with. It's the only one we ever promote. Go
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Starting point is 00:02:03 T-shirt time! And it's t-shirt time. Oh wow Doug. Oh Doug, you know it's my favorite time of the week. Favorite time. Yes it is. We have four winners this week, two for Apple Podcast, two for Facebook. The Apple Podcast winners are Producer KFC and Cheated Out of Money. And for Facebook we have Jamie Reagan and Joel Rodriguez. All four of you are winners. Send the name I just read to iTunes at mindpumpmedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address and we'll get that shirt right out to you.
Starting point is 00:02:34 The smartest way to diet, to get lean as effectively and efficiently as possible, revolves around the following. Modifying behaviors, not following rules or a list of things to do. If you work with your behaviors, your odds of long-term success go through the roof. If you simply follow a list of rules, your odds of success are almost zero. It's all about how you view yourself, your relationship to food, and why your behaviors are the way they are. We're going to talk a little bit about that because that's the way to do this.
Starting point is 00:03:06 You guys know anybody who's doing this well? Like in the fitness space? Is there a company or a chain or anybody that's like, we've known this for a while, right? We've talked about this all the time on the show that there was a period of time when we were all trainers and we used to just write out meal plans and- Just follow this.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Yeah, this is to get from point A to point B. And had some success, right? Because there's some people that are disciplined and will follow exactly what you say. But long-term success, those people always ended up coming back or put the weight back on. And it wasn't until later in all of our careers that we started to piece together that, man,
Starting point is 00:03:42 so much more should be focused on the behavioral change and that over this great program or this great diet to follow. Is there anybody you know that's shifted like the way they structure their program? I don't feel like I've met anybody. I just know coaches and trainers, but I don't know a company. Yeah, individuals. Not like, yeah yeah they have like some formula and some business that's like centered around. Yeah I find that
Starting point is 00:04:08 interesting right because I think that I think it's harder to sell. Yeah I feel like it's almost harder to sell right because it's like it's easier to sell a formula than it would be to sell like here's you're gonna have to work through this and it's different for everybody how would you sell that? Yeah it's more like products you're selling as opposed to the service of like, yeah, we're gonna get to the bottom of this. That has to be why, right?
Starting point is 00:04:29 Because I think any good coach or trainer worth their salt, once you've been doing this at least 10 or more years, you figure this out. Oh, 100%. I mean, if you- They all do. Yeah, if you stayed in it for 10 or more years and you've trained that many people enough to-
Starting point is 00:04:44 And you really care about helping people. You come to the same realization we all do. Yeah, if you stayed in it for 10 or more years and you've trained that many people enough to. And you really care about helping people. You come to the same realization we all did. All three of us came to the same realization. Uh oh, I'm not helping anybody. Everybody seems to be failing after a certain period of time. I gotta change my approach. To give an example, by the way,
Starting point is 00:04:58 because I could say, okay, change your behaviors. That sounds nice. And people might be like, well, okay, thanks. Where do I begin? Great, what does that look like? First, understand human behavior. So I'll give a simple example, okay? Human behavior, humans don't like to be told not to do things.
Starting point is 00:05:17 We don't mind being told to add things to our diet as much, for example, if I tell you to eat more of something, that's less likely to be a challenge than if I tell you to don't eat these other things over here, right? So an example of how we would work with your behavior would be, hey, eat whatever you want, but make sure you hit your protein targets first
Starting point is 00:05:38 and eat it from whole natural foods. And so people hear that and they go, wow, I can eat as much as I want, I just gotta hit my protein first, I think I can eat as much as I want. I just gotta hit my protein first. I think I can work with that. Now, we understand that when you do that, your satiety goes up, you end up eating less calories overall, that's what protein does.
Starting point is 00:05:55 You build more muscle and combinational strength training, some metabolism speeds up, and you just get better results. And it's easier to stick to because the person isn't thinking, I can't, they're thinking, okay, let me just add more of this other thing into my diet. Another silly example, I would tell clients, don't change anything, but I don't want you to eat
Starting point is 00:06:14 in front of your phone or a computer or the TV. You have to be just with your food present when you eat, and then don't change anything else. That would give me the same results. That would typically reduce their calories by about 10 to 15%, which by the way, the data supports this. Data shows that when people don't eat distracted,
Starting point is 00:06:31 they eat about 10% to 15% less calories. So I could either A, tell somebody, let's take your calories down 10 to 15%, or I could say, eat as much as you want, just don't eat in front of the TV or your phone. Which one do you think is more likely to work with human behavior? That's kind of what we're talking about in essence. So when you understand that about yourself, here's another example. If you understand yourself and you know that
Starting point is 00:06:56 there's certain foods that are loosely, we'll loosely label them as trigger foods. Like for me, if there's potato chips anywhere in the vicinity, it's very hard for me to not overeat. It's just potato chips do that for me. So I just don't buy potato chips, but I also don't tell myself I can't eat them. I say, if I want them, then I'll drive myself to the grocery store
Starting point is 00:07:17 and I'll buy a single serving. And it's just knowing myself, it's knowing my behaviors, it's understanding how I react to certain things. Working with that is a far better approach. Now does it take more work? I guess if you calculate it, work as things you need to focus on initially, but it's actually less work overall.
Starting point is 00:07:37 It's easier. Yes. It's easier to go there. You know, what do you guys think? How would you guys rank this for coaches and trainers? Behavioral psychology, the value of them reading and learning. So valuable. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:50 So valuable. Huge percentage. Maybe the most, right? I mean, I think that what I liked so much about it too was the deeper you go and the more you read in regards to behavioral psychology, the more you realize that, I mean, obviously we're talking about it in the context of coaching a client, but it's behavioral psychology.
Starting point is 00:08:11 So it overlaps so many other aspects of your life. Like, for example, I was just doing an interview with Mike Matthews, him and I were talking. And we were talking about the old adage, you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with, right? And so he was kind of asking me like, you know, people say that all the time, but then, you know, you have friends that you grow up with since you were kids and you have all this loyalty to them. And you know, and you recognize that, okay,
Starting point is 00:08:39 this, my circle of friends are bringing me down, but I also have this bond and connection since childhood with them. How do I break up with them and then change my circle of friends are bringing me down, but I also have this bond and connection since childhood with them. How do I break up with them and then change my circle or enhance my circle? And it actually follows the same, you know, behavioral psychology rules that we apply with nutrition, I tell them.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I said, you know, I don't, you don't go have a sit down conversation and you had this awkward breakup with a friend. Instead, you go after a relationship that conversation, you have this awkward breakup with a friend. Instead, you go after a relationship that you want to pursue. And you fill up your time. And you fill up your time with these people that are going to better you as a person. And naturally, that falls off. And there's not this awkward, oh, I have to do this, I
Starting point is 00:09:18 have to get rid of it, or I'm in this weird, it's like literally. It's like prioritizing protein. Yes. That's the analogy that I gave. And so, and all that stems from understanding behavioral psychology in humans and going, oh, okay, if that works there. And so I think that was one of the coolest parts of learning that was, okay, this definitely made me
Starting point is 00:09:39 a much better coach. And then also seeing all the parallels in relationships with your spouse and with your children and with so much of that is factored in. I remember reading a study that showed that people who went to therapy who were obese had a higher success rate of weight loss than people who just went on a diet.
Starting point is 00:09:58 And I remember, these are therapists, they're not fitness coaches. Yeah, they're not nutritionists. No, they're just working on their relationships to themselves and their bodies and their anxiety and depression, and they had a better success rate than a coach who understands diet, nutrition, and exercise. I remember reading that and going,
Starting point is 00:10:13 oh yeah, it makes perfect sense. I mean, humans to some extent are logical, but are also completely illogical. A lot of the decisions we make are, if you were to analyze your life, you would look at things and you go Okay, I don't know why I do that shouldn't do that should definitely not be over here. Why did I make that decision? Why do I continue this thing? I know it's unhealthy for me
Starting point is 00:10:32 I know it's if I were to construct my life in a logical perfect way It would look very different than the way I'm living. So why am I living this way? Well, it's because we're Emotional creatures emotional or complex seeking We're seeking control too. Yes. I mean, honestly, we're trying to simplify everything. There's so many variables to encounter in the journey. And it's like, we don't want to constantly interface with that. We want to simplify it like it's an on-off switch. This is the destination. I'm going to get to this place by doing X, Y, Z. You have this idea of, and this expectation of what it's gonna take to get there,
Starting point is 00:11:10 and all these things are gonna happen, all these dominoes you're setting up, it's gonna fall. Instead of literally ebb and flow and having a plan, but you're literally every day, you're interfacing with it differently. There's variables you're gonna not account for. And so it's like, we just want to, we want to make it a lot more straightforward. And it's just like, we can't handle, like if you're going to pitch it to me, you have to make it like this nice
Starting point is 00:11:34 tight box of like, you're going to have this nutrition plan. You're going to have this training plan with it. And that's really what's going to be the formula. Yeah. You know, if you want to live in a world where you're surrounded by very convenient, relatively inexpensive, uh, engineered, right, to be hyper palatable foods, uh, then you're going to have to figure out the behavior piece because you're going to, you're walking around in it, you're around it constantly. It's like, if you have an issue with alcohol and you live in a bar, like,'s gonna be hard man. So you're moving around in the world, in the modern world, surrounded by marketers and engineers who've really designed these things to be hard to resist
Starting point is 00:12:19 and on top of that you have your own challenges. So if you don't work on those things, it's not, and look, the data supports it. What I'm saying is not backed by, it's backed by 100% of the data. The data shows this is one of the most difficult things that people can do. So it's extremely important. One of the first times that this really came to me was
Starting point is 00:12:39 I had this incredible trainer that worked in one of my studios when I was a trainer back in the day. And I remember her saying to her clients, she would say this all the time, oh don't worry about anything, don't track anything. Just don't eat anything in a box or a wrapper. Just don't eat processed food. Just eat whole natural foods, eat as much as you want.
Starting point is 00:12:58 And I remember hearing that initially and going, that's not gonna work. Like they're just gonna overeat anyway and whatever. And then they'd all start losing weight. And I'm like, God, is there really, like does it make any sense? There's no like, you know, inherently, you know, fattening or whatever things in these foods.
Starting point is 00:13:14 And I talked to her about it. I said, what else is happening with them? And she goes, they eat less. And then it was like, it hit me like a brick. Of course, those foods are not designed to make you overeat like processed foods are, so you're not even telling them to eat less. She goes, no, if I tell them to eat less,
Starting point is 00:13:29 they're gonna want to eat more. So I just tell them to eat as much as they want, just stay in this food category, which is huge, it's a huge, it's whole foods. Eat foods that are whole and natural, eat as much as you want. And they end up coming up to me and saying how full they are and everybody's losing weight.
Starting point is 00:13:42 And that was one of the first times I was like, okay that's like we're not robots I can't just give people instructions yeah they can input it's weird though because you think there'd be a real clear definitive behavioral human psychology study that would like outline this for everybody like yeah of course this works the best but I feel like you know tech companies have figured it out you know food companies have figured out how to manipulate people into literally behaving as a consumer and as somebody that's
Starting point is 00:14:12 going to continuously utilize their product. And they've figured that out. They figured out how to hack into that. Why can't we do the opposite? What's best for us is hack into what's best for us and abandon a lot of the programming. It's so funny, I had a call this weekend. So you know that group that I'm a part of,
Starting point is 00:14:30 the Hampton Group with all those founders and stuff like that? Well, one of them who's a buddy of mine, JT, he reached out to me and he's like, hey, would you talk to a friend of a friend who's got this startup company and they're on their seed round of raising for this app. And he's partnered with this guy that's Instagram famous.
Starting point is 00:14:54 He's got like five million followers like that, like a YouTube star kind of kid or whatever like that. I didn't know who he was, although I've heard of the name before. And this guy's a trainer, has been one for a long time. Well, he's been one for like, I think, eight or nine years, something like that. And he got on the phone with me.
Starting point is 00:15:14 And JT really wanted me to kind of explain to him. Because JT came to me first about being an investor, like us considering. And I shot it down really fast. Like, yeah, no, this is not. And so he's like, could you do me a favor and talk to this guy and I'm like oh great I agreed as a favor to JT and you know the guy gets on and he does this whole pitch deck and like does everything for me and my response to him
Starting point is 00:15:40 instead of like just being just like shutting it down completely just like hey why don't you if you think this is gonna be so great and you have that kind of muscle and power, your best friend has got the five million followers, you guys are in it, why don't you fund this all yourself? And he's just like, wow, we need to hurt this and that. And he gave these reasons why he needed that capital now. And I said, well, because I do think
Starting point is 00:16:02 you're sitting on a million dollar idea. I said, with that large of a following with your trainer background, the user interface that you're describing to me sounds really cool. I said, but you do realize you're not solving a problem, right? Like you're like the obesity problem and where we're at right now, like you do you really think it's an app that's solving? I said, like, you should listen to the episode we did
Starting point is 00:16:26 with the total CEO if you think that's what it is. It's not tech. Tech is not gonna solve us from the obesity epidemic. It's not needing more science and more detail and more easy access to this information that is gonna give people. It's behavioral change. And it's so unique and individualized
Starting point is 00:16:47 that no algorithm AI tool is going to be able to solve that. And because it literally is a moving target every day, like I think it's, and so I was told, you could tell somebody that they're, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, like just definitely. Was he really crapped out? Yeah, I mean, actually he took it just like probably most founders that are motivated,
Starting point is 00:17:07 like I'm gonna show you. I'm gonna show you. Yeah, you know, and I told him, I said, hey, I said I'm rooting for you. In fact, I hope you prove me wrong. I'll talk all about it on my show if and when it goes and does well. I said, but I do think that you have a big enough following that you guys can make a million. But you're trying to, he's already talking about a hundred million dollar exit, you know, scaling to the size and getting 30 million dollars
Starting point is 00:17:29 in reoccurring revenue. Our industry is completely littered with ups and downs and fads, and it's because they all come up with an idea. Like, this is the secret, this is what it is. You have more, you'll have more, I'll say this right now, and I'll stand by this. You would have more success solving people's obesity
Starting point is 00:17:47 or health issues by them following a spiritual practice than you would by them getting an app. Why? Because that is actually tapping into the behavioral issues. They'd have more success going to a therapist than they would with apps. Why? Because it's tapping into behavioral issues.
Starting point is 00:18:01 You have to fundamentally change your relationship to food and yourself for this to stick forever. Otherwise you're gonna white-knuckle this throughout your life. That's not that, that's not that hot, that's not that much of a hot take to say that, in my opinion. It's actually really obvious when you understand that-
Starting point is 00:18:23 I think people hear that, they would say, you know what, you're right. Yeah, when you're overweight by 30, 40, 50, when you're obese, you are using food as a drug, as a medication, you are medicating yourself. It's an abuse. It's an abuse. Yeah, and so it would be very obvious
Starting point is 00:18:42 if someone had a cocaine or a heroin problem with what you just said, right? If you want to solve that better than getting some workout program or diet program, you'd want to see a therapist and fix that. Well, that seems so obvious because you're talking about- What a great example, Adam. Because you're using heroin and cocaine. No one would even say anything about that.
Starting point is 00:18:59 But because it's working out and fitness, it's like you understand that it's the same issue. They're just using a different thing to medicate Right hundred percent. So it's no different. So of course Working on yourself and and and getting to the bottom of this what what is causing me to mindlessly Eat and stuff my face or even or make these choices I'm not supposed to it's like people think Like that the average 50, 60 pound overweight individual
Starting point is 00:19:26 just is dumb, they don't know any better. Yeah, like they show up to McDonald's on accident, like not knowing that it's not good for them. Most of them know, first of all, most of them know they're overweight, most of them know they need to do something about their health, most of them know when they eat some of the foods that they eat that,
Starting point is 00:19:39 eh, it's probably not great, probably not good for me, I probably should make some of these. So they're not, we're not dealing with necessarily an information issue. That's right, that's probably not great, probably not good for me. I probably should make some of these. So we're not dealing with necessarily an information issue. That's right, that's right. Except for maybe the information they're getting communicated is fads and it's this new diet plan or this new secret. It's another of those things, man.
Starting point is 00:19:58 So that's the challenge, what you just said is right there, Sal, is that that's not the answer. And in addition to that, the information that is prevalent in our space is a lot of bad stuff. That's right. And so you have the combination of approaching the problem incorrectly in the first place. And then in addition to that, there's so many quick fix money schemes to get rich fast for people.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Which reinforces them to not get going with their progress. You know what happens is you end up following three, four of them throughout your whole life and it doesn't work. And then this is what happens. That's probably this is what I said to him too. This will this it's not for me. I have it's my genetics. I can never do this.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I don't understand it. I eat less than people who I know who are fit or skinny. What is going on? And then they give up. They give up because I don't understand it. I eat less than people who I know who are fit or skinny. What is going on? And then they give up. They give up because, well, but I don't blame them. I don't blame them because they've tried hard and they've tried three or four things that other people said worked.
Starting point is 00:20:54 And then it didn't work for them long-term. They just can't figure it out. And then it's like, is it because I'm lazy? I remember I'd have clients that were so hardworking and successful. And I initially, when I became a trainer was like, oh It's just a discipline thing then I trained these executives, you know when you're a personal trainer There's a bit of a self-selection bias because people who can afford personal training tend to have more expendable income personal training is not cheap
Starting point is 00:21:15 Yes, so I get these really successful people like this has nothing to do with lack of discipline No, and in the fact that they don't work hard like every person I'm training here Has got a lot of it and other aspects of life. They're not a sloth You know, what is it that there's this is a challenge and we can't figure out how to work on this challenge And it took me ten years as a trainer really cared about people to figure this out because I did it wrong And I was in the field, you know, I was an expert a quote-unquote expert in the field You know, it's funny, you brought up an app. You made me think of the craziest thing I've ever seen when it comes to an app ever.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Really? Okay. It's the craziest thing. Maybe Doug can look it up. It's called, I looked it up, it's like a sunlight app and I can't remember the name of it. A sunlight app. Let me see if I can find it. It's called...
Starting point is 00:22:02 Wait. Okay. Wait. Is this part of my notes? It's called... Wait. Okay. Wait, is this part of my notes? It's called Reflect Orbital. Did you see this too? Is this the one that you can direct sunlight at night? Yes! Bro, I've read the same thing.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Did you see that? What are you guys talking about? So you can, okay, you can point, and I don't know if this is a satellite or something, it has like a mirror where you can literally summon sunlight at middle of the night, right? At a point. With the sun, if it's up high enough in the atmosphere,
Starting point is 00:22:32 you know, you could literally direct down to a location. It sounds like it would burn a hole through you. No, it's not a laser. It's not that intense. It just sounds like it. No, no, literally this company is gonna be putting out tons of satellites, and so they put up this video, it's like a demo of what it's gonna look like,
Starting point is 00:22:52 and literally you'll be able to get on your app, order sunlight at a particular location. That's not possible. Yeah, it's called. Of course it's possible. Oh no, nevermind, that was a different one. It's called Reflectal Orbital, and maybe Doug, look it up, because you'll see the demonstration demonstration of what all right so okay
Starting point is 00:23:07 so I'm Justin's neighbor okay we live next to each other right and he's trying to sleep it's midnight I decide I'm gonna order some sunlight yes to my house this might be a potential problem people like abusing like like shining it like as a prank yeah so so is this there right here is this the demonstration of it what yeah no this is crazy look this is so like you see the app you tap on it oh I want some location look at that and then you got sunlight and then all night it just directs out of the sky. This can't be real.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Here's why this is cool. I mean, I read about this. Now at first you're like, oh, OK, it's an app. People are going to have fun with it. Tantatively, it makes sense that you could do that. Well, here's where it's really going to be cool. OK? They're going to put up thousands of these satellites.
Starting point is 00:23:56 The idea is for them to be able to shine sunlight on solar farms 24x7. That's it, yeah. That was the original idea for this. So you'll have solar farms set up, and you'll be able to just. That's it, yeah. That was the original idea. You'll have solar farms set up and you'll be able to just... That's brilliant. Yes! Reflect sunlight from the Sun to solar farms all day long. So you just... 24 hours of sun charging. Bro, why is this not talked to more about? This is crazy. It just exploded. Like literally, it just went viral. Yeah, I was tripping on that. Yeah, I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:24:24 I don't... I know that I just saw it, but I still don't believe it. It just, it doesn't seem like, and also that is going to be a massive problem. Well, there's a lot of questions. Yes. We haven't done it yet. You can't have. Where's the regulation yet?
Starting point is 00:24:36 Cause like, like, what do you do? I'm gonna be messing with some people. We should get it now. And start. Yeah. Hey, I, when I saw that clip by the way. Imagine this is like, imagine your boy, like Justin's my neighbor here, right? And I set I, when I saw that clip, by the way, imagine this is like, imagine your boy, like Justin's my
Starting point is 00:24:45 neighbor. And I set it up and I GPS it like, and I put my phone underneath his bedroom window. Wake up, bitch. Boom at midnight, he's got a sunlight blasting. He's set his alarm to go off. So he's tricked. Oh, it is daytime. Uh, getting dressed. This can't be like a real, your buddy's taking a piss outside. How does it like, uh, how does it concentrate such a small,
Starting point is 00:25:08 like a... Mirrors. Just a tiny one? Is that like... I don't know, Adam. Yeah, this is... They didn't show the satellite how that all works. I don't know the size.
Starting point is 00:25:16 No, it just, it has to do with mirrors. Logically, I could kind of put it together, you know? It's like, okay, that can work. Now are we possibly getting trolled? No, no, it's a real company. It's like, okay, that can work. Now are we possibly getting trolled? No, no, it's a real company. That's always a possibility. I don't even throw that out. I feel like we could be getting trolled.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Is this like a really bad, is this like another way to do a trailer for a stupid movie coming out? You know, they do that a couple times. Yes, yes, it's a new sci-fi movie. Like those, what were those? The mirrored monoliths. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:46 No, I looked it up and it's, you know, I thought when I saw it immediately, I thought, first off the solar farm thing, I think that's the commercial application. I think that's brilliant. But I immediately, when I saw it, I was like, wow, imagine, what a great way to propose. You go on like a midnight hike with your girl
Starting point is 00:26:01 and then you're like, you make up some speech about the sunlight shining on our relationship with your friends. Oh my God! It's less crazy than other stuff I was reading about, you know, when China was trying to make their own smaller nuclear fission sun. Oh, I didn't read about that. You didn't read about that?
Starting point is 00:26:16 No. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. They've been talking crazy stuff like that, trying to be able to create their own mini sun to become a little power plant It sounds sounds like a bad. It sounds like something out of like doctor octopus Yeah, great crazy sci-fi. What was which one of you was the the Ukraine robot dogs? Oh, yeah, they're gonna be putting them out To this is also for sure not a troll
Starting point is 00:26:42 Dogs running around and no for sure not being trolled like we don't have robot dogs running around in war zones now? No, Doug, look this up. Yeah, this is Ukraine robot dogs. Let's see if I have it in my notes and some of my older notes because I wrote that up there a little while ago. Like military? Like we're talking about on the battlefields kind of thing? Yeah. Are they strapped with guns? No. They said that they're using them- Dead bodies? You see that, right?
Starting point is 00:27:03 They said that they're using them for, let me see if I can find it. Maybe Doug you can look it up to see. They said that they're using them to like get mines and to go out and whatever. But I mean these are all autonomous. Yeah, Britain's new robot dogs aiding Ukraine, terrorizing Russia as drones continue dominating the battlefield. Wow. So these things are going to cruise around in patrol. Now what are they gonna do? These are like the Boston Dynamics robots like those dog... Yes. So did you guys watch that Black Mirror episode where that that I think was a woman running from a robot dog trying to kill her? It's terrifying. Yeah. It's terrifying. It's like the movie Terminator except real. Yeah there it is.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Super sketchy. So they just go out with these robot dogs. So I guess it's not that crazy because they already had, we already had like remote control cars that they do this with. Yeah, yeah, yeah. These little tanks. Yeah, so it's just weird now
Starting point is 00:27:54 because they look like dogs. Yeah, but these things can go, I mean, they can go on all kinds of different terrain. Yeah, and they can go fast. Did you see the video? They run pretty fast. Did you see the video of the tanks getting hit by drones? Yeah. The tanks that were driving and then they just had like, Did you see the video of the tanks getting hit by drones?
Starting point is 00:28:05 The tanks that were driving, and then they just had kamikaze drones just hitting them, and they couldn't do shit about it. Oh wow. Or like soldiers trying to hide, and they just hit them. They attacked the weak points, and it worked. It blew it up. Oh, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Oh really? Yeah, it was pretty crazy, dude. Did you, I had a mind now, since we're talking about tech and war and all this crazy shit. Have you guys seen the sublethal turrets for home security? I did. I did, rubber bullets. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:34 This is sick. You can shoot rubber bullets from your house. This is sick. No way. Yes. And it's all remote. You can control from your phone or the like, and it shoots rubber bullets from people
Starting point is 00:28:44 that are coming into your property. That's kind of sick. That's fun. That's all remote. You can control from your phone or the day. And it shoots rubber bullets from people that you're coming into your property. That's kind of sick. That's fun. That's really cool. I feel like it would be a fun. Now, of course, the quick question is, OK, how does this signal the difference between the FedEx guy?
Starting point is 00:28:55 Right. You know what I'm saying? Girl scout cookies. It's like a lawsuit, lawsuit waiting to happen, right? Somebody getting felted. Is it automatic? I think you have to shoot it. I don't know. I think when I was watching it, it sets up. Like if someone's intruding, if it's, I think you have parameters, right? So it's like, if you,
Starting point is 00:29:12 if I don't think it's automatic, that'd be crazy. It is. Or it just turns on. It didn't show a person. If I, there it is right there. That's it. Yeah. Armed and fighting within four seconds. What? Wow. That's a weird picture. I was just going to say that's such a random image of people jumping on the beach. What is that? By shooting people with rubber bullets.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Does it show a little example Doug? Marketing? Yeah, I'll see. Uh, Oh yeah. You have this little video here. I don't know if you can see it. Yeah, that's the one I saw. Yeah. It's like night vision. So I have night vision attached to it and you just shoot people with that. Isn't that crazy? I mean that'll take care like well because isn't that such a huge problem people just snatching your uh Amazon packages. So I wasn't familiar with like how some of this cool so uh I went to a buddy of mine he's into um like flipping really high in homes he buys like these up in the like Los Gatos Hills and stuff like that. These multi-million dollar houses, dumps like a couple million into them
Starting point is 00:30:09 and then sells them for Uber dollars, right? And he told me that like, as we roll up, he's showing me one of the properties and we roll up and there's this crazy like security, like it's got a big solar thing attached to it and it's just the camera. As soon as we walk in, his business partner is calling him right away. He's like, who's the property? And he's just like, oh, it's me.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I'm with my buddy. I'm showing him guns. So it was, so I guess this, he was telling me that it's got facial recognition. It will read a car it's going by and be able to pick the license plate up. And then if it passes a second time, it'll alert, it'll alert you. If it recognizes a face of more than one, it'll alert you if it recognizes a face more than one it'll alert you like has all these crazy features. Look at this one shooting the guy trying to break his car. See I think it's automatic. So fun.
Starting point is 00:30:53 It is automatic. It is automatic right? Yeah. This is in South Africa. That's oh yeah so South Africa's got crazy crime bro. That's where I was reading about it. Isn't that sick? They have crazy crime so the people have properties there where you have armed personnel 24
Starting point is 00:31:08 7 otherwise I was reading a whole article about this in fact thing yeah that's how bad it is over there isn't that wild that is wild I do I want one right all right I'm gonna take a turn here okay tell you guys about my weekend I went to I had probably one of most incredible experiences over the weekend over something I never thought a million years I incredible experiences over the weekend, I never thought in a million years I would ever do. What's that? I went to a Christian worship music concert.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Oh wow. Never Brandon Lake, Phil Wickham, which they have exceptional music, Brandon Lake by the way, I don't know this, my wife told me, he had two or three songs in the top as number one and two of all music. This is Christian worship music. So apparently there's this revival.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Recently? Yes, yes. So we go to this Oakland Arena, 10,000 people. So it's like a concert, 10,000 people in there. And I'd never experienced that, like a feeling like that ever in my entire life. It was like, I mean you could feel, I mean I could feel the spirit moving.
Starting point is 00:32:04 And it was, here was the difference. It wasn't about the performers. Everybody was cheering for them. It was all for God. It was such an incredible, interesting, I mean there were children there. There were a lot of teenagers. There were people my age as well.
Starting point is 00:32:19 People were just, it was the craziest mood. People were hugging, singing along. At one point, they're talking. Again, this is a concert. Someone yells from the crowd. Remember, it's 10,000 people. Yeah, I love Jesus. The whole crowd erupts in cheers in Oakland.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Like, this is such a wild experience. You think that was probably the best example of a group flow feeling that you've experienced? I've experienced group flow in sporting events and concerts before, but this one felt so joyful and for, it wasn't about like ego, like I remember when Italy won the World Cup in, what year was it that they won? 2006, I was in San Francisco, I want to say it was 2006,
Starting point is 00:33:04 and we were in Little Italy, so we were surrounded by a lot of Italians, and they won and 2006, I was in San Francisco, I wanna say it was 2006, and we were in Little Italy, so we were surrounded by a lot of Italians, and they won and we all cheered, it was this big, but it's very much about our nation, our team, or whatever. This was a totally different feeling. It was not about us, it was about, yeah. But it was an incredible feeling. Did you go kids, too, or just you?
Starting point is 00:33:22 No, just the wife and I. Just you and just kids? Yeah, just the wife and I. Did you and Jessica? Yeah, just the wife and I. Do you guys make a whole night out of it? Was it a date night and everything? Oh wow. It was great, it was great. So we're gonna be doing more of those I think.
Starting point is 00:33:33 I'm assuming you found through church, you guys had someone show up. No, I told you guys, one of the changes that I noticed in myself once I fully became a Christian was I had these kind of supernatural changes in me. One of them was the music I listened to, which you guys know, you guys know me for a long time. I've been working out since I was a child.
Starting point is 00:33:52 You went from death metal to quite the switch. There are a few things that I don't change, okay? And you guys know this. I don't change the music I work out to for anybody or anything. It doesn't change. I'm listening to, it's either EDM, that's as soft as I could go, or it's gonna be death metal. Or Inya with Jessica.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Well, like EDM-ish, okay? But that's it. But it's usually death metal. All of a sudden I'm listening to like worship music while I'm working out. So that was, and this is in, you know, in genres that I would never touch. Remember my opinion on country? Yeah. Hated it. Absolutely hated it. Now you're open to it. Yeah, all of a sudden. God opened you to country. For sure. This is great.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Or certain types maybe. But anyways it was great. It was a really, really great time. It was great to hear everybody singing together and just. Just super positive vibes. Super positive. You were in Denver, how was that? Yeah, it was great.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Did you go to any Christian concerts? What'd you do? No, not this time but. How was that? Yeah, was you going to any Christian concerts? What did you do? No, not this time, but... Not this time. It was in a resort that was like the one in Tennessee. So you remember the Gaylord's Resort? Yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:57 So they do one in the Rockies, I guess. We had been there with the kids briefly when I was coming back from Minnesota and kind of doing this little mini vacation. And so like we stayed there and it was epic, epic facility. But then we went to go visit our friend Brian Kula. So he was doing a grand opening of his new facility for the sports training center. That's all speed driven, like the only place I've ever seen that has a legit track. It's like 40 yard dashes. 40 yard dashes, all side by side.
Starting point is 00:35:31 They can all race each other. And then the most top of the line Kaiser equipment. So I didn't know Kaiser. I only knew they made a few of these air compressed pneumatic type equipment. But they had every single piece you could possibly want and we played with all of it. You know why I like Kaiser? You could be explosive. Yes, that's why you can't do that with like any other. Not with weight stacks. You know that's
Starting point is 00:35:56 been around for a really long time. Yep, it's one of the oldest machines. Like 20 years. Yeah. Like I... This wasn't popular. Yeah, a there was a gym in San Luis Obispo And I don't remember for the life of me what it was but it was like when I barely I just got into training like just barely been into it and Somebody took me to it and the entire gym was was these guys and I don't know if it was Kaiser was the brand at the Time but it's all the air compressed like stuff the only machine that you can use where you could generate as much power as you want and you're not gonna The more you the more power you could generate as much power as you want and you're not going to, the more you, the more power you generate, the more it resists.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yeah. It's so weird too. Cause, uh, we were trying to figure out when we were, you know, doing one of the, one of them was like a chest press. And, um, so you have two buttons on one side, like actually adds to the resistance. One decreases. We only saw the one and like, so we were like, it was getting harder and I'm like, this isn't easier, like to push fast. And then I figured out that the other side you, you know, let the air out. But then it's like, it makes so much sense. It's so smooth. And, and you could, you
Starting point is 00:36:54 could accelerate at a really high, high level. Yep. That's the thing. I was like, really, really stoked on those pieces of equipment. Now you had the boys with you. Did you, did you shoot content for the trainers? So we shot content. I got to interview him. And we did it mainly based for our coaches.
Starting point is 00:37:12 And so our coaching program, we're building content in there. So they know that there's other aspects of fitness that have massive opportunity. And we don't really explore or talk a lot about like, you know, the strength coach world, the athletic training world, the student athlete kind of world. Like there's a lot of business opportunity there.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Obviously not everybody has the same formula how they do it, but I was trying to kind of peel back like, you know, how Brian was able to set that all up, how he's now like multiple facilities in, like he's, he's done these licensing deals with 24 hour fitness and he's really like, obviously he's, he trains like Chris McCaffrey, a lot of Olympic athletes, but like that just doesn't happen. Like it was, it's really like his discipline going into it. And then that creating these opportunities that like timings everything and it just keeps proving it.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Do you know, I don't remember when we interviewed him, do we did? I don't remember if we talked to him about like his journey, like how he became a trainer and how long his dad was a coach. Okay. I couldn't remember how long he had like kind of trained for before like he had his break. Like, do you, how long we got into that a little bit Yeah, yeah, cuz I was a little unclear of that as well But he so he got his kinesiology degree and then he started working on the programming aspect of it got a CSCS But he was actually coaching first So he was he was coaching track and field and then football and then he started, you know
Starting point is 00:38:44 Just by demand started to go the individual route You know what I learned about? Recently you guys have heard of the gut-brain axis. We've talked about the course many times course. There's a gut-skin axis, too Oh, really? Yeah, there's a strong connection between Your gut health and your skin now we've known this, you know That makes sense. For example, uh, one of the things that will flare up psoriasis is stress. If I get stress right away, I don't care how good something that's all care,
Starting point is 00:39:13 how my diet is even my diet's good, but if I've got a high level of stress, it'll also express itself in my psoriasis. Yeah. So, so very strong correlations between acne, psoriasis, eczema, and other skin conditions and gut inflammation. So they're calling it the gut-skin axis. So I went in and started reading more and more about this and there's big studies on this. This is a big deal. Now I remember having clients who had kids that had issues with acne and I remember the dermatologist saying had nothing to do with anything you ate and I remember having clients who had kids that had issues with acne and I remember the dermatologist saying had nothing to do with anything
Starting point is 00:39:48 you ate and I remember as a trainer thinking that doesn't make sense because I know when I eat certain things things happen to my skin or whatever but there is there's really literally call it the gut-skin axis. So then of course this reminded me of some of the messages that we get from people that work with some of the companies that sponsor us, like Seed. One of, I'd say probably the second or third most popular thing we'll hear from people is they say their skin gets cleared up.
Starting point is 00:40:12 That they'll start taking Seed's probiotic and they notice benefits in their skin. So probiotics, and this is now well documented, if you Google probiotic and skin health, you'll see positive effects from improving your health through a probiotic when it comes to normal type skin issues. That also led me to think about our other company we work with, Caldera, and their product and of course that is specifically
Starting point is 00:40:39 for the skin. You put it on your face and a natural one. And what it does is if you look at the ingredients in caldera, they are natural compounds, natural oils that help, um, facilitate a healthy microbiome on the skin. A lot of people don't know this, but most skin products, especially for acne, they're designed to kill everything. Yeah. Just it's like throwing a nuke on your face, but you, what happens when you do
Starting point is 00:41:03 that, if there's an issue, you get rid of all the bacteria, the bad bacteria then grow up, grow again, and you gotta keep redoing this, and then it damages your skin and stuff like that. So, and the coincidence, we have both partners on today's episode, and I'm like, I have yet to recommend both together. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:20 If someone has skin issues. Nutritionally beneficial, for sure. If you have skin issues, caldera plus seed is like the one-two punch. Like you've got gut health handled, and then you've got something that helps facilitate healthy skin through a healthy microbiome on your skin. Like that's gotta be one of the best combinations.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Two, I know I kind of brought this up the last time we had a commercial for seed, but I've been pretty religious about taking it just because of what I had read about in terms of it helping to prevent COVID or any of these other viral transmissions. And it's been great for my whole family because we've been definitely around a lot of people. Right it's like rampant like there's a lot of You know a lot of it going around a lot of people getting sick And so it's been it's been keeping us pretty healthy and thinking about that more of like to repopulate
Starting point is 00:42:15 You know your gut with better bacteria is like a huge component to keeping your immune system I need to be better about taking my seeds funny though You're that you're going this direction because I did just get a compliment on my skin this weekend, but this makes sense now. I'm very consistent with caldera. Like it sits right here. You put it on before we started. Consistent, I'm very consistent with that.
Starting point is 00:42:35 I wish I was more consistent with seed, but I'm also, like I've been in this really low calorie diet for some time, so I'm sure my gut has been taking. Low inflammation. Low inflammation paired with me being consistent with caldera. So I'm sure my gut has been taking- Low inflammation. Low inflammation paired with me and consistently Caldera. So I'm in a, although I'm not maximizing it by utilizing seed like I should be,
Starting point is 00:42:52 explains why I probably got the compliment this weekend over that is because of, it is really good right now. And I'm sure it is because of how low calorie I am. My gut's coming down inflammation wise and then the combination of using Caldera all the time. I got a question for you guys. So I mean, I was actually watching this show,
Starting point is 00:43:11 which is an old show. It's like six feet under. Yeah, yeah, I remember. You ever watch that? Yeah, it's all about death and whatever. And then I got this ad, and it was, would you consider this? It's like a coffin. It's this very specific coffin, like when you die,
Starting point is 00:43:27 that they, this company builds them and it's the mycelium coffin. And so basically the whole thing houses you in, almost like this pod, right, like a coffin. Let me tell you, it turns you into a tree or something like that? Yeah, like it literally decomposes you and then you become like some kind of plant.
Starting point is 00:43:46 And they also have it for like an urn version. So if you want to like cremate and then you do it that way and then you could plant yourself and live on as like some, you know, like fungus or a tree. Kind of feel like I would do that. I was like, I was like, I might consider that. Isn't there, isn't there a practice in the Pacific islands where they would take it like they would throw the Body out to feed sharks with it. Am I making something up here? Oh, I don't know Is that a thing as they float them out and they burn them? I don't know that's the Vikings. Yeah, they really do that. Is that just movies? Yeah, they did that for sure Is that where they put the coins on their eyes? Yeah, they did all that stuff. They did? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Yeah. It's kind of like a romantic, you know? I mean, I think I would. It is romantic, but it's a ritual. I think I would do that, Justin. I think I would live on, like an oak tree. I want a tree that lives for a long time. You want a big tree.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Yeah, big tree. Big tree that lives a long time. You want to be like some weak little, you know? Yeah. Like a rose bush or something like that. I don't want something like that. You want to be like poison ivy or something? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Like, yeah. I don't want something that like easily gets would be like poison ivy or something. Like, yeah. I don't want something that easily gets trampled. I want something that's going to be there for a long time. It's going to be solid. Like how long, like what are some of the, there's a trivia for you. Doug, what are some of the trees that live the longest? Any guesses? Oh, redwood.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Redwood, sequoias. Sequoias live a long time. I think those are the longest living. Those are the biggest. They're the biggest. I don't know. I thought they were the longest living. I don't know. I think the biggest? I don't know. I thought they were the longest living. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:05 I think you're right. Longest living trees. Grand Sequoias, yeah, because the biggest tree in the world is up this Pacific coast somewhere. Yeah, Sequoia trees, right? Sequoia. Huge, right?
Starting point is 00:45:16 Let's see, what does it say there? So the longest living is the Great Basin bristlecone pine. See, you didn't even get to see. What? You guys would have been there. I was just about to say that. The bristlecone pine. See, you didn't even get, see, you guys, you guys would have been there. I was just about to say that. The bristlecone pine, duh. Where's that at?
Starting point is 00:45:29 Where are those at? Eastern California. Oh, we're good. Oh, see, you wanna be turning into one of those trees? Yeah, I want one of those trees. You guys could be the top. I just wanna be. So there's one tree that's 4,853 years old.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Bro, yes. So game. Can you pick the tree? I don't know. I think, yeah, you put seeds in there with it, and then the... I just turn you into a tomato plant. Yeah, the mycelium helps kind of foster the,
Starting point is 00:45:55 you know, decompose you, and so your nutrients... I think I would do it. You become nutrients. I would do it. What? No. Really? That's weird.
Starting point is 00:46:04 You're just a, I mean, you're just like a body. Well, I was gonna get burned up anyway, so I may as well do it. What no really that's weird. You're just a I mean you're just like a body Well, I was I was gonna get burned up anyway, so I may as well do yeah, I do cremation Yeah, I don't I don't it doesn't sit well with me being six feet under in dirt But being burned is better. It is what's the difference? I don't know. I'm like more claustrophobic. It's like really Yeah, I'm less afraid of fire more. Can we have you in like if you something happening? Can we have you in here with like a urine? A urine or whatever it's called? Yeah, no urine.
Starting point is 00:46:28 No urine. Not urine. We urine for the urn. Yeah, I'd want you guys to carry me around. Just put it up in there. Yeah, I would trick Justin too. Like a little lock? Or like a little lock?
Starting point is 00:46:36 You know what I'd do? I'd trick Justin, I'd take a tablespoon and put it in his protein powder and not tell him. What? Then you drink it and be like, you just ate some. You just ate some. You just ate some. You just ate some.
Starting point is 00:46:44 It's anabolic. It's anabolic. This tastes like Adam. Oh my God, I feel so much ate some Adam. You just ate some Adam. Nice. Santa Claus. This tastes like Adam. He's like, oh my God, I feel so much smarter right now. This is crazy. This tastes familiar. Why are you in a bad mood, Justin? He's like. Ah!
Starting point is 00:46:52 Oh! Why are you yelling at everybody? Oh! I just said. That shit's getting done. Yeah, I just had a tablespoon of Adam in my protein. Stupid. Did you guys see the x-ray,
Starting point is 00:47:07 I should have brought this up earlier. I talked about this. You had something you also wanted to ask me. You were waiting for the podcast. You guys were talking about something. You're like, no, I'm gonna ask Adam on the podcast. And then you never did. I don't remember what it was. Had to do with housing.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Oh, oh, oh, oh, all right, all right. This is annoying news. Can I get to that in a second? Oh yeah, whatever. Let me get to that in a second. I have no idea what it is. It's gonna be negative. Oh, it's negative.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Not a negative thing about you. No, no, excuse me. First off, okay, did you guys see that they did an X-ray analysis or this new analysis of the Shroud of Tyrant? You know the Shroud of Tyrant? Yeah. It was supposedly the covering on Jesus after he died.
Starting point is 00:47:40 And there's like this markings on it. It looks, and you can see there was a man there. And a long time ago in the 80s, they did an analysis of a piece of the fabric, they said, oh, this is only, this is not 2000 years old, but then there's some controversy, they said, well, it was probably repaired, there was some newer fabric attached to it,
Starting point is 00:47:56 so they did a new type of analysis and found it was in fact 2000 years old. So it may very well be what they say it is. But it's- What's the thought of that? Because it left an impression on there of a figure of a man. Uh, like it was some kind of like irradiation, like radiation effect to, to, to leave that kind of marking. That's what they, that's the thought, right? So they did an AI rendering of what
Starting point is 00:48:21 the man underneath it looked like. Doug Bullup, Shroud of Turin, AI rendering. And look at this picture. Does it look like Gandalf? No, no, it looks like what you would think. Looks like Jesus? Yeah. Of course. So AI, so they looked at the shroud
Starting point is 00:48:37 and you can make out through negatives or whatever with photos, you can make out what the person looks like. But this AI rendering, you made it. Now the only thing that makes this interesting to me is like how much, so like I had no idea about this and no one's getting, it's getting no pub, but like. Oh, it's all over.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Whenever we, oh is it really? Yeah, oh yeah. The AI images at least. Let me see if this is the one that I, yeah, that's it. The one in the middle. Whoa. So see on the right with the shroud, okay, so if you scroll down a little bit, Doug.
Starting point is 00:49:03 That kind of bottom right, the one right there, is what the shroud looks like when they do like a negative image of it or whatever. But the AI image is in the middle. So AI made it look, okay, this is what the person looked like. Dude, it looks just like you would think. They can get that, because I've always seen that one. It almost looks like a...
Starting point is 00:49:20 It's like a negative of a photo. I've got a lot of problems with this. Me too. Knights Templarlar first of all I thought we've we've already we've already been we already figured out that like the imagery that's been passed down and all these paintings and Pictures is not even a good image of Jesus. Anyways that he didn't look anything like that. That's what they say So I've heard that but this is why there's so much controversy and then that the Shroud of Torren shows that How does it show that I How do they get that?
Starting point is 00:49:46 So on the right, initially they debunked it like a long time ago and they tried to say that an artist painted it on there or something. No, there's been other- I think people want to believe. There's been, hey, there's others. I think it's, has the Catholic Church said it's official? Or is it still controversial?
Starting point is 00:50:03 I don't know. I mean, yeah. The church says it, it's gotta be right controversial? I don't know. I mean, yeah. The church says it has gotta be right. They do their own research. People love relics though, you know? It's hard to like, take relics away. I mean, it's kinda in their best interest though to show that it looks like that.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Maybe. It's kind of. I don't know, maybe. But I do think it's interesting. So they used the dating process involving something called wide angle x-ray scattering that determines sounds about as accurate as carbon carbon dating to me our technology these days pretty interesting man it's that I would say that's the most the Catholic Church does not officially endorse or reject or
Starting point is 00:50:39 reject the shroud as a you see how many things they found with lidar now yeah what is light our same it's a type of underground radar yeah it's underground the shroud of a turn as a relative. You've seen how many things they've found with LIDAR now? Yeah. What is LIDAR? It's insane. It's a type of underground radar? Yeah, it's underground, but also too, like if you get dense forest areas, it'll show like, you can uncover all of these pyramids, especially in South America.
Starting point is 00:50:58 They've found hundreds and hundreds of discoveries. Yeah, because it's like, you know, the forest just like over, it's overgrown. Like it's everywhere. You wouldn't even know it was there. Dude, are those cars in the ground right there? Yeah, ancient cars. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:51:16 You know, hey, I saw, you know, speaking of jungle, for the first time in my life, you know what I saw in real life in my backyard? I never seen a black widow in real life. We saw one. Yeah, this little bastard. On my kid's toy, like my kid's toy never seen a black widow in real life. We saw one. Yeah. On my kid's toy.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Like my kid's toy car. We had one in our garage not too long ago. Bro, first of all, my wife's like, is that a black one? I mean, I don't care if it is or isn't. That's a scary looking slide or kill it immediately. Yes. So I got the chemical warfare, sprayed the shit out of it.
Starting point is 00:51:37 But that was a big sucker, man, like this. It was on my kids. Like, you know, the ones that your kids go in and use their camera. Oh, they have the red hourglass on it? Yeah, no, it was real. It was a legit, yeah, black widow. Have you guys ever, have you guys ever been bit by one?
Starting point is 00:51:50 Oh no, I haven't been bit. Not bit, thankfully. Jessica's brother was bit when he was a kid and it left a, I mean, like, yeah, dude. Their venom is nasty. Nasty mark. Brown recluse way worse. It is? Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Now, will you die from a black widow? Do you have to get it treated or is it Just mess up your you could Depends on your reaction. I thought you could die. I thought it was it's I thought it was lethal I'm sure it's it's bad for some people. I know brown recluse like I've known people have had maybe like a Person but not like a Justin-sized person It kill a dog, but if I just got enough venom for you know My torso will make it yeah. All right. So here's it was he black widow spirit. Okay, so they rarely kill healthy adults
Starting point is 00:52:36 But young children saying this one got scared Wow killed this little spider. All right, here's the question. This hasn't passed, but it's going through California state legislature. So it's moving through. Hasn't passed yet, but moving through. So I wanted to ask your opinion on what you think this would do. More brilliant policies
Starting point is 00:52:58 by Gavin Newsom. I am out of California. Go ahead. Oh, it's a California thing, not a California thing. California thing. California thing. Should say everything. Okay. So that's why you gotta take it, with, you know, understand where it's a California thing not a California thing. California should say everything. Okay, so that's why you gotta take it with you know Understand what's come from? Yeah They're gonna they're passing it through hasn't passed yet, but it's moving through zero percent
Starting point is 00:53:14 mortgage loans or zero down mortgage loan, sorry for illegal immigrants Not US citizens. No, no, no if If you're a legal immigrant, you would qualify for a zero down home loan. I mean, if you were. What would this do to the housing? If you do the right thing, you don't qualify. If you were wondering where it would go,
Starting point is 00:53:33 it's gonna run like crazy. I mean, we're already in a place right now. So I think we're gonna run anyways. And I think it would not only make it run, but then we'd end up with a bunch of short sales and bankruptcies afterwards. Potentially, yeah, potentially. Because they don't, I mean,
Starting point is 00:53:46 that's what people don't realize about the 2008 crash. A lot of people got loans they shouldn't have gotten. Yeah. And that's why we had that big crash. They weren't qualified to receive them. Yeah. Yeah, we're already in an interesting situation because the feds already came out
Starting point is 00:53:58 and said that they're going to reduce rates. That's already coming, right? So rates are gonna come down. A lot of people that are investors have been waiting for the rates to soften in the first place. We're still in record low inventory almost everywhere in the country. So even though the market in the last year, people would say it's plateaued or it's corrected a little bit, it hasn't crashed. It's, you know- People with their really low interest loans don't want to get out. Yeah, they're not.
Starting point is 00:54:25 They're not going to move. If you're sitting at 3% in a great deal, you can't because you can't flip, sell, and upgrade to another place. Even if it's cheaper, you're going to pay more. Yeah, yeah. So you got that going on. And low inventory.
Starting point is 00:54:37 And then if all of a sudden you let a flood of people who really shouldn't buy homes or shouldn't be able to because they don't have the money to be able to do it and you allow them to do it. Yeah, I know the inevitable will cause a run, an even greater run on the market. So again, I think we're heading that way anyways. I've been looking for us and myself for a while now.
Starting point is 00:55:01 I mean, we cooled off on the real estate game for a while and I've been looking again because I do think that, I do think whatever happens post-election is gonna be another housing, which sounds crazy. So this sounds wild to me because in order to qualify for a loan, you have to show like W-2 and stuff like that, right? But you're illegal, so you don't have that.
Starting point is 00:55:24 So they're gonna qualify for zero down, and then how are you gonna show them, how are you gonna show them that you can pay it off? Because the government, I mean, where are they getting the funds for it? We, we've subsidized it. Apparently, I mean, that's the only way I think it could work, because what bank would give this?
Starting point is 00:55:40 Because they're no, I'm not gonna do this. That's the only way they would, yeah, they would pass it. What a crazy, now it hasn't passed, it's going through. Most likely they won't. I mean I hope not. That'd be such a crazy, makes no sense. I don't think it would because of what happened in 08. I think that that would probably be the thing that, I mean my guess right now, this is just a ploy to get elected. That's just a look what we're doing for you, you know, and that we're trying to pass through. There's a lot of that.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And that's, yeah, this would be the time to do it. For supposed non-voters, right? He's the king of it. Exactly, right? Imagine this, think about it this way. If illegal aliens vote. That's exactly who you want to, you know. It's a federal crime.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Think of it this way. If I live here and I have family somewhere and I'm like, I need to get a house but I can't qualify, what would stop me from, oh come over but we're not gonna go back home don't worry and then when you're here we'll use you to help me buy a house and we'll get it together and I'll make the payment. Like I could see a lot of loopholes and how people may take advantage of something like this. I mean I can't, I think it's just a way of posturing right now to get votes and because I don't think that, cause at the end of the day too, one,
Starting point is 00:56:48 it's got to pass and then two banks have to agree to it. So you could pass all the laws you want, but you banks aren't going to take that risk. So maybe they're guaranteed by the state. You're right. Unless they're guaranteed, which I don't know if they have that same kind of guarantee for that. And so what would probably happen is sort of like student loans. She gets like a, she gets something like that pass, but then it doesn't matter because no banks are willing to do it.
Starting point is 00:57:10 There's a lot of things like that that have happened before where like there's a, you know, they, they pass something or say something can be done, but then you also have the banks that have to agree to even want to do it. So they're like, yeah, great. You can, but we're not going to go, go to the bank. He just wants attention. Yeah. He just wants to have his face on you know Social media somewhere. I'm do you know, I'm due to catch up with Chris Nagibia Like I he tends to be my yeah
Starting point is 00:57:33 I know my me too cuz he's he's in it the most as my friends and and he has a really good Balanced opinion, you know, like he's not Either obviously he's connected to a bank. So he has some sort of a bias, but he does a good job of, of communicating. I think I'm on both sides. I haven't talked to him in a while. So it's weird, weird time, dude, really. I mean, I told you guys the last time we talked about this a while back that, you know, the 40 year mortgage thing is going to be a thing for our kids. That's going to be, uh, yeah, I really, so the, the, there was always this,
Starting point is 00:58:04 this idea that we were going to turn into this renters nation. I think it will feel like it's a renters nation because you're you're paying payments for the rest of your life practically. But you will own the home. I think that's how they'll sell it to people. This is finance the hell out of it. Yeah, just finance the hell out of it forever. And you know, technically, the bank carries it. But then we make you feel like it's a weird time. It's a weird time because current homeowners don't want
Starting point is 00:58:27 house prices to drop because if they do then they'll lose the value of their home so you have this way this weird incentives to continue to pump up and blow up an already bloated and inaccurate pricing structure with homes and politicians who want votes you know they're not gonna come out and be like bloated and inaccurate pricing structure with homes. And politicians who want votes, you know, they're not gonna come out and be like, hey, I'm gonna pass legislation that's gonna crash the price of your home.
Starting point is 00:58:53 We're gonna do these other things to make it easier to buy them, which really just blows up the prices. And so, yeah, it's a weird time. And it's, I mean, it's so weird, this is so weird to me. It's so weird, I never in a million years thought I would see a Kennedy support a Republican. What is going on? So did he officially back Trump?
Starting point is 00:59:14 Yes, that says everything, yeah. What is going on? I mean, RFK. I respect him for doing that. I mean, he's a Kennedy. He lost his uncle and, you know, people getting assassinated and he's very against, and he's got a history of this. I keep fighting corruption and stuff. For him to go to the Republican side, well that's, there's something going on.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Just look how Democratic parties have muscled him out. There's something going on, man. I never in a million years would have thought this would, something like this would happen. So crazy. So now, I mean, you, you followed this morning. I'm not paying attention much. I did see the news on that. I didn't know if he had officially announced. So he did. So he did, he did support, he's supporting Trump now. Watch his speech too. It was fired. Oh, wow. Really? What was it at? Where did he, where did he, where did he have a speech? He's speaking in, a speaking in? I don't know was in front of this huge crowd for they're doing another like a Republican rally I think and he spoke And then announced it in front of everybody and it was it was just I wouldn't even do justice to sum it up
Starting point is 01:00:17 It was very very like well crafted. Oh Yeah, I like I like RFK from what I've heard. I've heard him speak and I like him. Yeah, I like him. This is crazy. I never would have expected, and never in a million years. The fact that first he went independent, and I was like, whoa, that's crazy, but I kind of got it because of how they really messed
Starting point is 01:00:37 with them during this whole process. But then for him to drop out and then support the Republican candidate? What? I know, this is the times we're in now. And you know they took away Secret Service? I did hear that. Immediately. I did hear that.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Which was, like what are you guys trying to do? Like this is terrible. Now what's probably gonna happen is he's gonna have to stick next to Trump the whole time. If he's smart, which only makes it like he's gonna campaign even more for him now, I don't know. It was a weird, weird time. I overheard, not overheard, I heard a interview
Starting point is 01:01:09 that was with Trump too that he's talking about Elon being in the cabinet. Is that like a real possibility? Oh, that was during the interview that I did with him, right? Yeah, I mean, they're considering, what was the, it actually had the, for his AI, right? For AI, that's why he, for,
Starting point is 01:01:23 Department of Government... Efficiency. Efficiency, yeah, doge. His job would literally be to look at government agencies and be like, this is not efficient. Why have we not had that? That's a lot of jobs that are going to get chopped, dude. Dude, yes.
Starting point is 01:01:39 I mean, run it like a successful business, like you've always said. I mean, it's like like what are we doing? There's no accountability or oversight of like how we're just frivolously spending everywhere. Yeah. Have somebody manage it better. That's never made sense to me why we don't. We're gonna have these trillion dollar accounting errors. Yeah like that's it's so pissed. I can't believe it. Imagine that being a company. You go to your script, you're terrible.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Everything you say is irrelevant. I can just imagine a show where we're showing up with you guys and be like. Go get me that trillion dollars. I don't know, we're missing a few hundred thousand dollars or a few million dollars. Everything else is literally just, ma-ma-ma, like white noise, dude. Go get me that trillion dollars.
Starting point is 01:02:17 And they're laughing the whole time. I don't know, weird times, though. So bad, so bad. We gotta shout out? Yeah, do your, why don't you do that? Yeah, I wanna do Kula sports, uh, and, uh, performance. I think what's this handled? Coolest sports performance. But, um, yeah, I just want you guys to go check it out.
Starting point is 01:02:32 If you're in the Denver area, you gotta, you gotta hit up that gym. It's, it's immaculate. It's amazing, especially if you have any kids too, that are, you know, trying to improve their, uh, their speed. I'm trying to convince him and he does have some camps, but I'm trying to convince him to, I'm going to bring my kids and, and run them through like a week, uh, camp of like, you know, getting, working on their speed. And I think that would be insanely valuable.
Starting point is 01:02:56 So that's something down the road. I really want to see if we can, you know, align with. Look, here's a fact. You're not what you eat. You're actually what you digest and absorb. There's a company called Mass Zymes that makes digestive enzymes that help break down your proteins, fats, and carbs. A lot of people don't know this. As you age, your body produces less and less of these natural enzymes that break these things down. So you may notice some digestional issues, especially if you had a high protein diet. Well, Mass Zymes, with your meals meals helps break down those proteins, fats, and carbs
Starting point is 01:03:25 into usable forms that you can absorb and utilize so you can recover better, you get less inflammation, less bloat, less gut issues. Go check them out. Go to buyoptimizers.com. That's B-I-O-P-T-I-M-I-Z-E-R-S.com forward slash mind pump. Use the code mindpump10 for 10% off your order. All right, back to the show.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Our first caller is Paige from Idaho. Hi, Paige. How can we help you? Good morning. Hi, guys. Thanks for taking my question. So I'm 40. I have about 50 pounds to lose.
Starting point is 01:03:57 So I started a low dose of semaglutide about three weeks ago. Just a little bit of background, I have struggled with my weight my whole life but I'm really at the heaviest I've been since I had my son 17 years ago. I kind of threw up my hands and decided I'm just going to try it. So I'm doing 20 minutes of bodyweight exercises per week or four times a week. I'm walking about an hour a day. I do PIO at the gym and I've only lost one pound in three weeks. And I feel like I should be losing more and it's working.
Starting point is 01:04:33 I feel that appetite suppression, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Yeah. You're not, well, okay. Your workouts aren't good. We'll talk about that in a second, but, uh, you're not really doing anything wrong in a three week period. There's a, it does take time to time for many people for GLP-1s to start to build up and show effect. Without tracking your intake, it's hard to say how much lower it is versus what you were
Starting point is 01:04:58 doing before, but I can give you advice on how to maximize the benefits or the effects of the GLP-1 and minimize some of the negatives, um, which I think is, is more appropriate because you're only three weeks in. Do you mind if I continue? Yeah, that's great. So, so if you just take what you were eating before, and then you're just eating less because of reduced appetite, you will lose weight, but a significant
Starting point is 01:05:22 percentage of that will be coming from muscle. Now it's not because what you're taking is anti muscle, in fact GLP ones are probably a bit muscle preserving, but rather you're just cutting your calories and when you just cut your calories your body tries to meet the new caloric intake by lowering its metabolic rate and one of the best ways to do that is by paring muscle down. So what we want to do is offset that or try to mitigate that as much as possible as you're on this journey So it's a very good idea to aim for your target body weight and protein That's very muscle preserving and let's also change your workouts your workouts aren't very
Starting point is 01:06:01 You know pro metabolism pro muscle what you're doing is a lot of kind of cardio type stuff. Nothing necessarily wrong with that but it doesn't really do much in the case of muscle preservation or or metabolism preservation. I'd like to see you do strength training, traditional strength training twice a week and then the rest of the week you could just continue doing your walking. Hit your target body weight and protein and you're going to do just fine. I mean that first three week period and I know in your email you said you doubled the units that you're using. It went from 25 to 50. It can be a two or three month period before somebody finds the right dose. Going too high
Starting point is 01:06:42 can cause really really crushed appetite, maybe even nausea in some people. And then the too low dose, you might not notice much of an appetite effect whatsoever. So you're just in those beginning stages. So I would say hold tight, but definitely change the workout to what I said and definitely really start to hit your target body weight
Starting point is 01:07:03 in grams of protein from whole foods. If you just know those two things in combination with what you're taking, your high odds are you're gonna get great success. Paige, any idea what you were eating calorie wise before and after? Do you have an idea? Have you ever tracked?
Starting point is 01:07:19 I don't like tracking. So no, I just know I'm eating a lot less. Okay. Is that like you like are missing a whole meal or is it portion size you notice? Like what is it you notice? Probably both. Okay. And it seems like what's give me a dig.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Can you tell me what you ate yesterday? Like give me a give me an idea. I just want to get an idea how how off we could be really off on protein. We could be really off on calories. I'm just curious to like where you're currently at. So I ate, I probably didn't eat till noon yesterday. And I had probably like five eggs and some toast. And then I had some steak for dinner.
Starting point is 01:08:01 I also think, I think I had a hamburger too, like in between those two. Okay. So I'm eating three-ish meals a day. What's your target body weight? Good protein meal. I do eat a lot of meat. I'm 5'7", so the best I've looked I was 160 pounds. Okay. So I think if we hit 130 grams of protein a day or so, I think we'd be perfectly fine. I mean, she may also be, she might be getting pretty, I mean, her, those three meals, as
Starting point is 01:08:30 she said, were, are going to be pretty decent protein wise. What we might be seeing right now too, with only a one pound loss is actually possibly a good thing. I do think the adjustment to the workout program, the suggestion salgay is the way to go for sure, but you actually might be doing a lot better than you think you're doing. Well, it's hard to say it's three weeks. I know, what I mean, for three weeks and to only see one pound go on the scale,
Starting point is 01:08:50 and she could be hanging on to muscle. She could be hanging on to it and actually just losing body fat just slowly. So, I mean, the only adjustment in it, because the diet sound that if you eat like that, that's a good choice, those are good choices. That's a high protein meals and getting at least three of them in the day, good's a good choice. Those are good choices. That's a high protein meals and getting at least three of them in the day. Good choices of meals too. I think that's pretty good there. And you might not have been that high of calorie before and so it's just a slight
Starting point is 01:09:17 reduction in calories and it's going to take some time to do it. Do you feel, are you measuring anything? Are you taking body fat? Have you done circumference? Are you doing anything to track other than just weight? Are you only using the scale? No, just the scale. So I would recommend at least doing like a circumference measurement around your waist because the scale can be very deceiving for this exact reason of this conversation right now. If you were my client and just because the scale didn't move and this was what was going on food-wise, let's pretend we had a little bit better lifting program, I might just say, hey, stay the course, you're doing really good, just give it some more time. But with only going off the scale and assuming that you're not doing good, it's hard to say.
Starting point is 01:09:57 So I'd recommend start doing that for sure, is measuring circumference or body fat would be even better if you could do that. But for sure, there's almost nothing we can tell in a three week period in terms of some things. In three weeks, what you would look at is how you felt. Do you feel good? This would be whether if I trained a client, for example, I wouldn't look at three weeks
Starting point is 01:10:19 and be able to determine success or failure yet, not even close. It would just be like, are you stronger, do you feel better? Those are the metrics you'd be looking at at this point. But let's change your workout. Do you have access to a gym or do you work out at home? I work out at home and I did just get Maps 15. Oh, that's perfect, that's perfect.
Starting point is 01:10:38 That's perfect. That's it, follow Maps 15 and do the walking, hit your target body weight and protein, that's the only thing you should track, and you're gonna be fine. You'll be absolutely fine. Paige, I'm going to have Doug, you're not in our private forum, are you? No. Okay, I'm going to have Doug put you in our private forum and so you can check back with us. So I
Starting point is 01:10:56 agree with Sal. You go into MAP15, that's actually what I was going to recommend. So the fact that you bought that's great. So go MAP15. think you're eating is good where you're at. Follow the advice he's giving you and then just check back with us once a month. Let us kind of give us an update on how you feel. I would recommend though, either the body fat test or at least the circumference that way you don't because honestly, if you do a good job of lifting, we may maintain maybe we can get lucky with a switching of a better program, you might even build a little
Starting point is 01:11:24 bit of muscle. So I don't want to get hung up on the scale, not moving much because you could be changing your body composition and doing a really good job. So at least, at least get me the circumference measurements and let me know. And then obviously tracking how you feel and then check in with us once a month. Okay, cool. Thank you. All right.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Yeah. Thanks for calling in. Yeah. I mean, you can't tell anything for three weeks. No, it's like, it's like, you're, I mean, we've all had those clients, right? They'll train with you and after three weeks, I'm not seeing any, yeah, you're just getting started. Okay. You know, give it a second. I mean, this is trends established. This is also the challenge when you don't track anything too. I mean, that makes it really difficult.
Starting point is 01:12:06 We're not tracking food, we're also not tracking body fat percentage. The only thing we're going off of is the scale. Yeah. But it's also, this is also one of the challenges that you're going to have with the GLP-1s. I think people hear all about them. Oh my gosh, they do this, they do that, they whatever. Then they go on it and they're like, why didn't anything change since yesterday? Why isn't this happening so fast? I heard that this is such a, and even in the data, I mean, it takes, it starts
Starting point is 01:12:35 to work, but there's a process of finding the right dose for you that can take a month, you know, some cases two months. We'll also keep this in mind. You're going to have that group of people, a lot of people that have already yo-yo dieted a lot in their life and have a very slow metabolism. And even though they're in their eyes or their perspective, they're eating significantly less, say even half, half to them is going from, you know, say 1500 calories or 750 calories. So you know, the reduction in calories for that person in the context of where they're currently at is not this huge thing that they're going to. Now,
Starting point is 01:13:11 obviously if you take somebody who eats six, five times a day and it's fast food and they consume four or 5,000 calories a day, and then also they take this crushing- That's where we see the drastic changes. Yeah. And then you, not here. Yeah. And then you see somebody get on semi-glutide, they eat 1500 calories now. Well, yeah, that person plummets and they lose weight every then you see somebody get on semi-glutide. They eat 1500 calories now Well, yeah that person plummets and they lose weight every single week, but then they hit a hard plateau
Starting point is 01:13:29 Yeah, you're right. So I mean this is that's what the scales dangerous to just go based off of that But her what she said she ate. I mean, I was not expecting that that's also one day We don't know what she was sure before sure, you know, we don't know if she's just trying to impress us. Yeah We don't know if she's just trying to impress us. Yeah. I don't know. I know. She's like, let me pick the three best things. You ever had a client that comes to you like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:13:46 No, no, let me tell you what I ate yesterday. It's like they picked a day that. Yeah, yeah. The best. Perfectly measured. Exactly. Our next caller is Tina from Michigan. Hi, Tina.
Starting point is 01:13:56 How can we help you? Hello. How are you doing? What's going on? Good. How are you guys? We're good. OK, so first thing is I found your guys's podcast.
Starting point is 01:14:08 Someone told me to listen to like last year, maybe end of last year. And I started from the beginning. And you're still here. We like you so much. I want to say, I probably listened to like the first 400 before skipping around. And now I'm somewhere in like the 700s. Oh wow.
Starting point is 01:14:30 And to be honest, actually like 2024 you guys, I don't know that well. 2018, or like this. Wow, wow. All right. Old us. I promise it does get better. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Well, so it's funny. So I didn't know that you guys did these Q and A's like this until I like skipped around and listened to some of the recent ones. So I wrote in last week and I was like, Oh my God. Anyhow, out of all of my times listening, I have not heard you guys give any advice on how to do a bullet for a good lady. I have been trying forever and I think that my, I think I'm missing connections here
Starting point is 01:15:07 through how to engage my legs. I think I'm trying to use too much arms, and I can't get it. Okay, so I see in your email too, you're pretty strong, and you are a personal trainer, so this is your space. You train people, you work out pretty consistently. Yeah, okay, so. Can you say the question again?
Starting point is 01:15:26 I actually do. A pull up. Oh, I thought you said bulk. I thought she said bulk too. I totally didn't. No, no, she wants to be able to do a pull up. Oh, that's confused. I was like, what are we talking about?
Starting point is 01:15:35 We have that. First off, pull ups are hard, especially if you're not a 90 pound individual. It's a tough exercise to do for both men and women. But with any exercise, if you want to get better at it, especially body weight exercises, practicing them often is the best way to do it. Now the challenge of course is, well I can't do a pull up, how do I practice it? What you want to do is you want to practice weight assisted pull ups
Starting point is 01:16:00 on a daily basis at a moderate intensity, not a high intensity. So one way to do this, how often are you in the gym? Or do you have a pull-up bar? I mean, I'm working there three days a week. I'm actually running anabolic right now, so I'm only lifting two days a week. Okay, so you can get yourself a pull-up bar for your house. You can put it in your doorway.
Starting point is 01:16:21 And put a really strong band around it that can do, so you can do an assisted pull assisted pull up and get a band that's strong enough to allow you to do like one or two where you're not super struggling. So in other words, if you wanted to, you could do four, but one or two would be moderate intensity and then you just practice it like three, four times a day. At least. That's it. You walk by it, you do like one or two.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Continuously, yeah. One or two, and it's kind of moderate intensity. It's not super easy, but it's definitely not like your max. And you just practice it on a regular basis, and you'll find your strengths start to come up. So when that becomes really easy, then you make it a little bit more challenging so it's moderate again.
Starting point is 01:17:02 And little by little, you'll get stronger. I've done this with like the neutral grip and I can get up onto the neutral grip where I find that I struggled so I can get up all the way and I can get halfway down but no matter what I do I can't get that like full rep and then pull myself back up right yeah so if you have a weighted if you have a band, a really strong band around the pull-up bar. Just keep reducing that. Correct.
Starting point is 01:17:29 That's it. So you want to practice with a resistance that allows you to perform a perfect rep with moderate intensity. So don't think of it as a workout. What I don't want you to do is go like, oh, grind out a pull-up four times a day. You're gonna go out and do one that's kind of hard, but you could do three more if you wanted to.
Starting point is 01:17:49 And you just practice it. You just practice it every single day, several times a day. Maybe take a day off here or there. And then little by little increase the resistance and you'll find yourself be able to do a pull-up in no time. Does the gym that you work at, does it have one of those Gravitron machines by chance? Does it have one of those? Yeah, we've got an assisted one too. So I was doing them more frequently and then when I started running anabolic, I kind of like tapered off doing those more frequently because I didn't know if it was going to interfere. Still just kind of like do it just lower intensity and that's how it won't interfere
Starting point is 01:18:25 if you if you keep it at moderate intensity it's not gonna fair if you train it to failure when you get up on there then it is gonna interfere it's not a workout yeah literally I would set the Gravitron machine okay I would put it to where I could do you could do five of that so whatever weight assisted so you could do five full range all the way down all the way up five reps but then I only get I want you to do two that's it you get up do two and then go do your thing come back in an hour or two boom do two more again do your thing go back come back in an hour to do two more three four times a day yes the only yeah the only like added thing that I would say uh and this is when I was like going through a lot of Olympic ring training that we went through
Starting point is 01:19:06 was more core training specifically. So say a hollow body position, I don't know if you're familiar with that or not, but to work on that to where you can connect all the way from your fingertips to your toes and stay tense. And what that's going to do is keep you from wavering at all. And so that way you're going to have a lot more effective, your technique is going to be so much better when you go to pull up to where you keep your body super rigid and tight and controlled. You're going to have a lot better chance of performing
Starting point is 01:19:38 and getting more reps out of it. But at the end of the day, if you practice five, six days a week, like we're saying, what you'll find is you'll gradually start to get stronger and it's the most effective way that I've ever seen for anybody to be able to perform a pull-up or for that matter get stronger fast than any exercise. Okay so then on the days of cause I'm in phase two of anabolic right now where one of the exercises is doing, you know, two sets of pull ups. Um, should I do those like to a big intensity or should I do those ones lighter as well? No, that's a workout.
Starting point is 01:20:17 When I'm doing an actual lifting day. No, you still follow the workout. I would do those as a workout and that should be your gauge. You should notice you're getting stronger. So if we do this correctly, when you get to your workout days and you actually are challenging yourself I'll be like, oh I'm strong. You should notice like oh, wow. I'm getting another rep out or oh, this is getting easier So if we do a good job of moderate intensity Frequently throughout the week when you get to the workout days where you actually are supposed to challenge yourself on the workout on the pull
Starting point is 01:20:42 Up you should actually see that and give it a couple weeks of being consistent with it. And then you should notice already a difference from that alone. Okay, that sounds doable, actionable. Yeah, for sure. Tina, now, since you are listening far back, did you know that we have like a whole like business coaching for trainers and stuff like that and a page dedicated to trainers? Do you? Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 01:21:05 So, so the funny thing is, so I just, every once in a while I'll see something on the social media is that I'll be like, oh, I didn't know that happened. Like I didn't know you had a kid and got married. So then I'll like fast forward and like look through. And then I was just talking to, I don't know if her name's Anne Marie about the fitness coaching program that you guys just closed Yes, and I was gonna sign up but it does not count as like a continuing ed. Is that correct? It doesn't like my yeah doesn't yet. That's one of the things that we're talking about working on is getting to where it'd be continuing education
Starting point is 01:21:39 Yeah, so I was gonna just try to knock something of that out real quick and then kind of circle back It was coach thing. Good. Well, you're at least following the Instagram page and you at least are, I just want to make sure that, you know, cause we did that way later. So I wasn't sure if you got to it yet. Every once in a while I find something new and then I have to go and check it out, but I didn't want to like skip through all the good stuff all the way up.
Starting point is 01:22:00 I've learned a lot. Yeah. Cool. All right. Awesome. Well, thank you. Thank you guys so much. You got it Tina. If somebody likes us from back then, they really like us. It's true. Because it was hard. It was rough. Yeah, it was a rough call in the beginning. You were raw. Definitely. Doug, can you make sure you
Starting point is 01:22:18 simmer the links to all the like the Facebook pages for the trainers and some of that makes sure she has all that content. You know this whole practice though concept with with specific exercises, I mean the Soviets were really good at this with their Olympic lifters and I mean I tell the story, I've told the story before but I had a trainer and I would watch him do this in between clients, he'd go and bench and he was one of the strongest bench pressers
Starting point is 01:22:41 I'd ever seen, especially at his body weight but he wouldn't go out and practice with his max. He'd go out with a weight that was sub max, and he'd do a few reps and rack it up. And I thought, what is he doing? Is he bored? Is he just bored? And when I asked him about it, he goes,
Starting point is 01:22:57 that's how I got such a good bench. He's like, I just started doing that. Wait till he maxes out. Yeah. It'll blow your mind. It's so funny, because the way I figured this out, too, but mine wasn't intentional. I wasn't out trying to do it.
Starting point is 01:23:07 I worked at the ranch. And in where the barn was at, there was this bar that was just above me. It was perfect. Just hop up a tiny bit. And as a kid, I had to pass that bar at least 30, 40 times a day, work day, just back and forth, every few times. I'll hop up there and do a couple.
Starting point is 01:23:24 And then I just used to mess around. Just messing around. Not even like trying to intentionally get after it or get better at it, and I just realized over time, like holy shit, I got really good at this. This is why, this is one of the, I guess, the impetus that helped me come up with the trigger session is I noticed the strong grip that my dad
Starting point is 01:23:43 and his coworkers had, they worked blue collar and nobody trained. Continuous exposure. Yeah, they never trained their grip to failure. They would just constantly work on it. And they had some of the strongest grips that ever been, you know, I was ever around. So.
Starting point is 01:23:54 Our next caller is Sharon from New Hampshire. Hi Sharon. How can we help you? Hi. How are you? Hey, I'm excited. Of course my dog is going to start barking right now. Yeah. So I'll just read the question.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Okay. So I don't get distracted. Um, I'm 38. I started being active around 25 and I'm one of those crazy people who actually likes cardio. So I've done like five marathons, maybe 20 half marathons. I love yoga. I like to switch it up.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Um, but for the last couple of years, I've been really focused on gaining muscle and strength just so I can have that strong lean aesthetic. The last three years I've been gaining weight. I'm not super overweight, but just soft. Sorry, soft. And I've made some significant changes with diet, even with that focus on weight training versus cardio. I'm just not getting back to where I feel confident and lean.
Starting point is 01:24:49 So I do want to note I've had a lot of changes over the last year and a half. So I was diagnosed with hypothyroid. This was just upgraded to Hashimoto's. But aside from that, I've also changed from being vegetarian for 15 years. So I eat meat now. That's helped healed some of my stomach problems that I had. I think that was, I don't know, synced up with the Hashimoto's. I have laid off the running.
Starting point is 01:25:15 I've been focusing more on walking and prioritizing lifting. So I had to relearn how to eat with meat, which sounds silly, but it was very different building meals when I'm eating meat. It's just way easier to smash the protein when I have steak or chicken. But now I'm confused more about how I should be having like a whole meal, like not just the protein, right? Like what am I, what should I be doing for carbs and fat? I want to have a balance. I want to be able to be flexible if I go to a party or just go out for a date night.
Starting point is 01:25:50 I don't go out a ton. We go out to eat maybe once a week. But I'm just really fed up with feeling like crap. Nothing I'm doing is really getting me to where I want to be. I've put in a lot of time and effort. And I'm just not seeing the results that I had seen and feeling good for so long So yeah, I just came to you guys so to summarize a couple questions
Starting point is 01:26:12 Is it possible to get back to running and be strong and lean? If I'm eating more than one gram of protein per pound for body weight Is that okay? Is that gonna have a negative impact on losing fat or is that gonna make me bloated? And I'm five one, I'm around 122 pounds. I'm just wondering what I should be looking at for macros overall.
Starting point is 01:26:39 Just, I know it's a lot. I appreciate having, you guys having me on. I'm like super excited. No, great, great questions. First of all- I wanna know about's a lot. I appreciate having you guys having me on. I'm like super excited. No, great. Great questions. Uh, first of all, about lifting, I want to know about the lifting routine. Yeah. Well, let's get in that.
Starting point is 01:26:50 We'll get in there for a second, but I need to, so you said Hashimoto's, are you getting, are you taking thyroid? Is it balanced now? Are you on medication? Um, yeah, I'm on medication to actually just got upped. So my energy's been feeling a lot better, uh, the last two months. Okay. So that, yeah, that's been great.
Starting point is 01:27:06 And did you work with a functional medicine practitioner or just your regular doctor? No, I have a holistic like naturopath. Okay, great. Awesome. Yeah. And then, um, with your, with your strength training, um, since you started strength training, are you stronger? Are you a lot stronger?
Starting point is 01:27:22 How different, uh, are, do you feel in the gym? Yeah. So I used to do CrossFit. That's like where I first got into lifting weights. I know you guys don't love that. Um, but I started doing your mat program aesthetics. Um, and I saw improvement. I have got stronger.
Starting point is 01:27:41 I know I shouldn't be focused on, I don't know, feeling lean and all that, but it's just hard to be doing so much for so long. But right now I'm doing the aesthetics program. So I just finished phase two. Okay. So funny that we talk about this off air all the time, that the people that we always have to modify their volume and intensity of training and what they've been doing, i.e. running, crossfit, so that always gravitate to the highest volume program that we created. Like it's, everything that we have,
Starting point is 01:28:12 it's like the one program that we like caution people, it's like it was really designed based off of the way I was training for a competition to get ready to compete on stage. And so the level of intensity and volume in that program is too high for most people. So. Just so you know, Sharon,
Starting point is 01:28:31 if I were to follow MAPS' aesthetic right now, it would probably over train me. So it's a lot of volume, so it's probably too much. It's probably inappropriate. So I would back that way down. I would do something like MAPS Anabolic, MAPS Strong, or, or Maps Symmetry. And that is gonna start to,
Starting point is 01:28:48 you'll see more strength gains with that. Now your question around protein, no, there's nothing wrong with eating more than one gram of protein per pound of body weight. In terms of fat loss, that really comes down to calories in versus calories out. Now high protein is more likely to preserve or spare muscle. It's more likely to cause pure fat loss in terms of as a percentage of your calories.
Starting point is 01:29:13 So I would keep going in that direction. Fat, you typically don't need to work out, focus on if your protein sources are not like, you know, skinless boiled chicken breast or something like that or tilapia. Where are you getting your protein from? Yeah I'm primarily I'm like total opposite of where I was so I pretty much eat steak like three meals a day it's made me feel a lot better yeah so it's like yes sirloin ground beef sometimes I would yeah I wouldn't worry about your fat intake you're good from that carbs I would go I would base it off of energy,
Starting point is 01:29:46 and really the best source of- Where you can digest. That's it. That's the best source of carbs for you, is the ones that you would digest the easiest. So the ones that just make you feel good, that you would get bloated from. Fruits, vegetables, rice, those type of meat.
Starting point is 01:29:57 They tend to be. Those tend to be the easiest to digest. Your body weight and your height is not bad at all. Do you know what body fat percentage you're at? I would get a body fat percentage test just so you can see where you're at. Now most women, when they say they want a lean or aesthetic look, are typically satisfied around 20%.
Starting point is 01:30:18 So 18 to 21% is typically where women are like, yeah, I'm happy, I'm lean, I've got good muscle definition, you're not shredded, it's relatively easy to maintain with consistency. Most women don't like being above 26, 27%. That's where you start to get complaints in terms of aesthetic, but everybody's different. So I would get a body fat percentage test so you can see where you're at, and that'll give you more, more of an accurate way to measure yourself as you continue doing this, because your body weight, this is why I'm saying this,
Starting point is 01:30:53 your body weight is great for your height. So if you did these, if you did everything right, your body weight might not actually change at all. Your body fat percentage may go up and your muscle might go up. Sorry, your body fat percentage will go down and muscle go might go up. Sorry, body fat percentage go down and muscle go up. I'm also curious to, cause I know you said that a lot has changed
Starting point is 01:31:09 over the last 15 months. I'm assuming that you probably like the first, the thyroid thing and then the diet and then the, like how long have you not been running and how long have you been strength training focused and then also eating meat the same, like has it been 15 months or is it over, you know, the course of those 15 months you've changed all those things?
Starting point is 01:31:29 Yeah, it's been over the course. So at first it was the thyroid, right? And then getting on medications and then like six months in, um, switching to me and that was a slow progression just cause it was like, I had to wrap my brain around it. It was a lot. Um, and then this year actually even end of last year, fall last year, pulled in on the running, just really focused on lifting. I was doing like four or five days a week in the gym, just because I'm not really sure what else I'm supposed to do with my time. Yeah. So it's been a slow progression of just figuring out.
Starting point is 01:32:06 This helps too, because it's really only been about six months then or so that you've been like no running, eating meat, high protein consistently. And like so, you know, a lot can happen now. And I think scaling back, I think maybe you've been, we're probably overdoing it a little bit as far as the training program. I think switching, like keeping the diet the way you are and switching over to like a maps anabolic type of protocol. I think you're going to start to notice a change and, and, and really see a lot.
Starting point is 01:32:33 And you're already at a pretty good weight. So the thing that you're not going to see is a major swing on the scale, north or south. We wouldn't want that anyways. I'd want you to probably kind of hover around the weight. You're in a, you're in a healthy weight place. All I'd want to see is you, I would hear, want to hear from you. You're getting stronger in the gym. I'd want you to probably kind of hover around the weight. You're in a healthy weight place. All I'd want to see is you, I would want to hear from you, you're getting stronger in the gym.
Starting point is 01:32:49 I'd want to hear that your lifts are doing good and you're letting me know like, oh, Adam, we added another five pounds to my squat. Like, okay, awesome. You're doing great. And you're going to get that aesthetic look that you're looking for just from consistently doing that. Yeah. Keep in mind, like the strength, if it goes up consistently, that's also correlated to your metabolic rate.
Starting point is 01:33:09 So as your strength goes up, you start to build muscle, your metabolism starts to move up. Now you're moving into a calorie deficit because your metabolism is moving in a positive direction. So then you start to burn body fat. And again, the weight on the scale might not change. It might change a little bit but your composition is going to change. So the body fat test is going to help you measure that and I would do that every two weeks and really the best metrics going to be your strength. Like if you're working out and you're adding no weight
Starting point is 01:33:40 to the bar over the course of a month or two especially because you've really only been lifting this way for six months, you should see some pretty good, consistent strength gains on a almost weekly basis, like every two or three weeks, you should see the weight go up on key lifts. And if it's not, the programming might be off. And MAPS Aesthetic is almost always
Starting point is 01:34:00 too much volume for people. It almost always is. Of course, okay. I was like, ooh, that looks like a fun one. I wanna do that. Of course. So we're gonna have Doug, we'll have Doug send over maps and a ball to you.
Starting point is 01:34:13 Follow that. So your workouts are gonna be shorter. It's gonna be less volume. Don't double guess it. Just be like, okay, I'm gonna trust this. Remember with strength training, it's all about sending the signal and it's all about balancing recovery and adaptation with the signal that you sent in the gym.
Starting point is 01:34:29 If those things are not balanced, then you'll just, what'll happen is you'll just, you'll get sore and you'll, soreness will go away, you'll go back to the gym and get sore, soreness goes away and you won't progress. You'll just stay in the same place. And if you want to do more, go for a walk and listen to the podcast. That's what you do outside of this. So follow the program, buy this laid out. You got extra time. You want to do more, go for a walk and listen to the podcast. That's what you do outside of this. So follow the program as it's laid out. You got extra time. You want to do something, go for a walk, put the podcast in. Totally. Okay. Can I ask one kind of follow-up question?
Starting point is 01:34:53 Yeah, sure. Go for it. So first of all, I do listen to your podcast while I walk. Awesome. Second, I play softball. It's a coed league. We're just there for a good time, but I have been trying to Just be faster. So like once a week, I do sprints for like four Maybe five rounds like 30 seconds on 30 seconds off just so I can make it to first, you know Yeah, do you think can that be like incorporated in there? Is that gonna negatively impact anything? No sprinting is the strength training of cardio Okay. Yeah, so now remember when you practice sprinting you're trying to get faster so when you practice them treat them like sets in the gym. Yeah. Not like you
Starting point is 01:35:34 want not like trying to fatigue yourself but rather run as fast as you can for whatever the distance is. Rest for a couple minutes. Rest until you feel like I can run fast again and then do it again. Don't like sprint, wait 10 seconds, sprint, wait 10 seconds, because then it's just stamina building, which is okay if that's what you want. We have that structured in MAPS, Performance Advanced, and it's pretty much in your off days where you're focused on your skill training and it's very much low to moderate intensity, but you're sharpening that skill. So South St, you want to make sure you're not fatigued.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Fatigue is your enemy when you're workingening that skill. Like so Sal's saying that you want to make sure you're not fatigued. Fatigue is your enemy when you're working on your skill. So just everything intentional. And two, mobility is a big part of that, to get your body to move with fluidity and also support. So maintaining a good mobility practice is going to be crucial for you to move well. Yeah, there's nothing wrong with following maps anabolic and doing two days a week of sprinting for 15 minutes total,
Starting point is 01:36:30 grand total time. There'd be nothing wrong with that at all. Honestly, it sounds like you're kind of doing some session. Sounds like this, right? So it would be four or five sprints, that's it, and then with two to three minute rest periods in between. And you can do that two times a week and you'll improve your speed.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Totally. And that won't impede your progress. Yeah, and as you get, as your squat strength goes up, which it will with maps and a ball, like your squat is gonna go up, so is your deadlift. But as your squat goes up and you're simultaneously kind of practicing your sprinting, you're gonna get faster.
Starting point is 01:37:02 You'll get a lot faster. Awesome. No, I'm so excited. All right, thank you guys. Circle back in about a month. Let us know how things are going, Sharon. All right. Yeah, I will for sure.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Real quick, Sharon, if you don't mind me asking you, what was the final thing that made you switch from vegan to eating meat? Was it the hypothyroidism diagnosis? Yeah, I had a ton of stomach issues kind of in conjunction with the hypothyroidism diagnosis? Yeah, I had a ton of stomach issues kind of in conjunction with the hypothyroid and I had already cut out so many foods which is what brought me to the doctor. I was like I don't even know what I'm supposed to be eating anymore and then once I got the hypothyroid diagnosis I was just doing a lot of research and meat is more easily digestible. It's supposed to
Starting point is 01:37:42 be better for organ functioning, so I was like, okay, this is time, I tried. Good for you. Yeah, good for you. And I'm assuming they're telling you to avoid gluten at all. Totally right. Yeah, so that was the other thing. I cut out eggs, gluten, and dairy.
Starting point is 01:37:57 That's been in the last four months. Yeah, I'm just trying it out here. You're on the right track. Yep. Thank you. You're gonna do great on Maps in a Box. Thank you so much. You're on the right track. Yep. Thank you. You're gonna do great on Maps and a Box. Thank you so much. You got it.
Starting point is 01:38:08 All right, Sharon. Yeah, thanks guys, have a good one. You too. All righty. Yeah, so this is more common, this is anecdotally, but when you talk to functional medicine practitioners, this is more common with vegetarians and vegans. The Hashimoto's is your body's developed antibodies.
Starting point is 01:38:29 It's an autoimmune response. It's very overreactive. And vegan type foods, we tend to be more reactive to. This is why the ultimate elimination diet, when you're trying to figure things out, is just a carnivore diet. Not saying that's the diet people should be on, but if they're taking everything
Starting point is 01:38:45 out, typically the least reactive food is meat, is red meat. The most reactive foods tend to be plants. Um, and you know, gluten in particular for people with thyroid issues. So I asked her that. Our next caller is Cody from California. What's up, Cody? What's up, dude. How can we help you?
Starting point is 01:39:03 Hello. Oh my God. This is so cool. Well, kind of nervous, but I'm definitely not as nervous as Justin. I get to see him. He's definitely like, definitely nervous. I can tell. Yeah. Shaken, in fact. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. So my question, I'm just going to read off the email to make it easier. My name is Cody. I'm 17 years old.
Starting point is 01:39:29 I've been lifting consistently for over three years. And my main goal for lifting is to build muscle and strength while preventing injury and maintaining good mobility. And a few months ago, I noticed an imbalance between my traps. My left trap was like just a little bit bigger than the right. And so I decided to switch to mostly like unilateral dumbbell training like you guys talk about, which has been going really good so far and I've been getting stronger. But the imbalance has not gone away.
Starting point is 01:40:01 After starting this phase, I noticed that the imbalance to my traps was not caused by the left being stronger necessarily, but rather that the rotator cuff is way weaker on my left than on my right. And it only seems to be weaker when I hold it when I hold my arm up at 90 degrees. So like, if I get a resistance band or cables, I can do way more weight on my right than I can on my left. And yeah, since the I've been kind of figuring out since the rotator cuff does a bad job of stabilizing the shoulder while I'm pressing, my left trap will kind of take over and compensate
Starting point is 01:40:42 while I'm doing pressing movements. And after I discovered this, I kind of take over and compensate while I'm like doing pressing movements. And after I discovered this, I kind of tried to add like resistance band, like external rotation so I can kind of strengthen it. But that doesn't seem to be doing much. And even like still on my pushing workouts, like at the end, my left trap would get like tense and pumped up. So even though I'm not doing like shrugs or anything during that workout. Um, and yeah, as a readiness, it's been four weeks of doing that with not much improvement and the external locations have gotten a little bit stronger, but, but not, not much. It doesn't seem to be making any like improvements on my lifting or anything. So yeah, I hope that's enough detail, but if, if not just four weeks,
Starting point is 01:41:33 Cody, you said you're 17 pretty good diagnosis. Yeah, I know. Are you studying? Yeah, it's pretty good. Are you studying a exercise, exercise science or anything? Yeah, no, I'm still in high school but um you guys did a Like a Q&A while ago and like you recommended books or whatever Yeah, you guys recommend starting strength and um Double leopard and I've been reading I finished starting strength. I'm good for you. This is a full effort Yeah, also just listening to podcast. podcasts no you're doing great bro troubleshooting that's good you play you play baseball a
Starting point is 01:42:08 lot when you were a kid no I'm I surf and I lift I've been doing that for the past three four years and when I was younger I just played like every sport ever basically all right you're right-handed're right handed? Yeah, right handed. So what you're saying is not uncommon, especially if you play, you throw a lot, you play sports. There's gonna be discrepancies. There's gonna be, but I'm gonna, okay,
Starting point is 01:42:32 number one, you're overthinking it. I'm looking at your pictures, I can barely tell. But number two, I think it's a great idea to do unilateral training. I think a program like Map Symmetry would be phenomenal for you. And then after after that just get strong with perfect form. It takes a while, longer than four months for visual changes to happen. Although I will say this, I'm looking at your pictures I think you're being a
Starting point is 01:42:57 little too granular with the imbalances that you see. But nonetheless, I'll be honest with you, Cody, at your age, if you just did traditional strength training with good form, it would probably balance out anyway. But I think map symmetry would be the best bet. I mean, I think you're doing a great job, bro. I think the way you troubleshooted this and the things that you're starting to do,
Starting point is 01:43:18 I just think it takes time. You're gonna send you, we'll send you map symmetry if you don't have that, follow that. I have that already have you have it already Yeah, and then I'm assuming because you listen to podcast so well and you're reading the books You do you follow our advice where we talk about starting with your weaker side first and then me. Yeah. Yeah, okay Yeah, of course But the thing is that when I do like unilateral training even if I do one side of time like say for example
Starting point is 01:43:42 I'm doing rows like like I still feel like like my trap will take most of the work. So go light enough, so that's this might be the challenge here too is that you're picking a weight that you can perform but you can't get in that strict form. Pick an even lighter weight until you don't feel that. That's right until you don't feel that. You try to jump it up to your performance on the other side. What's happening is that that it's, it's elevating, right? That, that trap, it traps coming up a little bit, that shoulders rolling forward. And so you just, you need to pick a weight that's so light that you can keep it retracted, depressed in that position and stay with that,
Starting point is 01:44:16 stay with that weight until you slowly strengthen from there. Don't choose a weight just cause you could, just cause it feels easy cause your muscles can do it. If you can't perform it with Perfection and like perfect form keeping the shoulder down Then lighten the load until you can't that's how you decide oppose the motion that you're feeling So the the motion you're feeling is a shrug. So when you're doing a row depress depress and row Oppose it go in the opposite direction
Starting point is 01:44:41 So that doesn't activate so much if you go too heavy you'll go back into your old recruitment pattern. But I will tell you this, I think you are ahead of where I was at your age as far as understanding this. I had it similar in my pec and it was similar because my shoulder was rolling forward and up and over time I kind of pieced it together. I think you being aware of it already and being mindful and like trying to address it is already, to Sal's point, like you're going to balance out. You're going to balance out. You're doing a lot of the right things.
Starting point is 01:45:10 You're just scratching the surface with what you're doing too. I mean, just doing continuous external rotation and taking moments out of your day to press yourself against the wall, to take a rubber band and work on those drills. Frequency is everything when you're trying to correct some kind of dysfunction.
Starting point is 01:45:28 And it's gonna happen over a gradual amount of time. So you take those things you've identified, you bring them in as a primer before you work out every single time and it's gonna solve itself. I've never in my life trained a teenager who's been working out who didn't have a big right to left imbalance. It's just just you come out with one because you're right-handed then you go work out maybe the first couple years you weren't
Starting point is 01:45:51 doing it right so it tended to you know maintain the issue but the good news is I mean I'm gonna be quite honest with you Cody. I think map symmetry is a great program follow it even if you didn't follow map symmetry even if you stuck to barbell lifting and you just perfected your technique and got strong over time, it would probably self-correct. Just because of your age, just because of how fast your body adapts.
Starting point is 01:46:12 I mean, Adam balanced out his pec by benching better with the barbell. He didn't do, you know, unilateral training. Exactly. And so again, at your age, it's gonna happen, so just be patient. You're so, I mean, just from talking to you, you're like light years ahead of most kids the biggest imbalances I ever saw
Starting point is 01:46:28 with kids your age were people who've been pitching for you know since they were children then there were some real big imbalances where I actually twisted their spine to an extent but you're yeah you're totally fine you're totally fine you know it's gonna catch up bro and do you have what programs of ours do you have? He's got symmetry. Well, I know he's got that but what I have I have anabolic performance Aesthetic symmetry and power with which ones have you followed? Have you followed all of them? You don't have strong yet I've I've done I've done anabolic and aesthetic. Okay, how about old-timey? Yeah, I would like you to do.
Starting point is 01:47:05 I like old timey strong. Well, I think performance would be the best follow up for his age. Well, he's got that. Exactly, so go symmetry performance and then I wanna give you a program. Is there any of our programs? You're from old time.
Starting point is 01:47:15 Yeah, would you wanna follow old time strength? Sure, that would be cool. All right, we'll throw that to you. I think like the windmill and stuff and that's gonna be really, really good for him. So yeah, it'll add load to a lot of the stuff you're working on mobility wise. Yeah but he's doing the right thing and in symmetry at the end of symmetry he's got the five by five training in there so it's good. How's your
Starting point is 01:47:33 diet? It's great it's really good. Yeah you eat you like actually you so you like you plan out your meals you're eating enough, all that stuff? Yeah. How's your sleep? Really good. Like eight to nine hours, usually. Bro, you're on fire. I can't wait to see what happens to this kid in five years. Good job. Is this the career path you want to go?
Starting point is 01:47:56 Or you want to be a trainer? Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I did the free trainer course when you guys had it a couple months ago. No way. And I asked the question, like, if I when you guys had it, like a couple of months ago, I asked, I asked the question, like if I should get a degree in it or like in a field like that or not. And so you guys, I remember Sal answer that question. I've been thinking about that. Yeah. Well, don't like, don't tell your parents.
Starting point is 01:48:18 I told you not to go to school. Okay. Hey, I tell you, hey, I tell you what though, uh,, you're a good example of this. I mean, look what you're learning on your own already. You wouldn't even get to the year three in your, kinesiology would have just barely got there. Your three would have been teaching you what you figured out on your own by reading books. Totally.
Starting point is 01:48:38 You get good grades? Nice. Yeah, yeah, I've got pretty solid grades. You're gonna do fine, Cody. Yeah. You're doing good, buddy. Thanks. Yeah, yeah, keep it up solid. You're gonna do fine Cody. Yeah, you're doing good buddy. Yeah, keep it up man. Keep us posted. Maybe you have maybe there'll be a job opportunity down the road. There you go. Hopefully. I'll be super sick. I'd be stoked to do that. Just don't make fun of Justin too much. He starts getting sensitive.
Starting point is 01:48:58 I was just teasing. What part of California you in? Where you at? Malibu. Oh nice. Oh rough. There you go. Yeah. Awesome. That's real good man. All right buddy. Yeah you're doing good. Thanks. Take it easy. Appreciate your time guys. You got it. All right dude. Have a good one. He's gonna do good. Smart kid. He's got a great attitude. I mean he seems to be breaking it all down. I'm like this kid knows what he's doing. Yeah my abduction. Nailing it. Yeah. I agree. OK. Rotator cuffs, contributing.
Starting point is 01:49:27 I love when we have young guys. So do I, dude. Yeah, yeah. I love it. I love it. He's going to do great. He's going to do really good. You know, it's funny.
Starting point is 01:49:33 Some, you know, I realize this now, but early days, people would see me on the street, listen to the show, and then they'd throw a jab at me. And I'd be like, who the fuck? Yeah. And I'm like, wait a minute. They listen to our show. Of course. They feel like I took me a second. Hey, I hadn't said I'm like wait a minute, they listened to our show.
Starting point is 01:49:45 They feel like it took me a second. Hey, I hadn't said it in a little while. I was gonna say that. When he said that I was gonna say, oh don't worry Justin is, cause I always do that to Justin, right? I was like oh this kid already beat me to it. Obviously he listens to drill.
Starting point is 01:49:57 Yeah, yeah. No, he's gonna do good and I think he's overthinking it, but at that age, I've trained a lot of kids. I've never trained a teenager that have, you take a 16 year old, have him do some with one side or the other, it is a- Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:50:10 And they balance it out with just good tech, even with barbells, they don't even need to go crazy. Honestly, a kid that age, just being aware of it is already almost enough right there, just like you said, practicing formality, and the fact that he's already doing things to try and correct it, before he knows it, it'll be balanced out. Look, if you like you said, practicing formality. And the fact that he's already doing things to try and correct it, like before he knows it, it'll be balanced out.
Starting point is 01:50:27 Awesome. Look, if you like the show, come find us on Instagram. Justin is at Mind Pump. Justin, I'm at Mind Pump to Stefano, and Adam's at Mind Pump. Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body,
Starting point is 01:50:38 dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Super Bundle at mindpumpmedia.com. The RGB Super Bundle includes maps anabolic, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin
Starting point is 01:50:59 to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having Sal, Adam, and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes
Starting point is 01:51:31 and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump.

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