Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 244: Joe Donnelly Interview Part III

Episode Date: February 25, 2016

It has been 2 months and dozens of you have been requesting the 3rd installment of the Joe Donnelly interview. During the recording of the interview things had started to become a bit unhinged so for ...full disclosure, parts of the interview have been removed. It is still wildly entertaining & at times educational. Enjoy! Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. It's so perfect because you're sitting in the seat that I sit in right now. And when I'm sitting in the seat, these guys, they dump all the sex questions, all the stuff that these guys want to talk about about but they can't talk about because they're married Oh, they're afraid that that's what I'm afraid of Joe. Joe. I'm afraid right now. I'm afraid to get married because of that Reason I don't ever want to be censored ever
Starting point is 00:00:33 Okay, I'm let's Something the fact that your girl has stood by you Did you like a six three two and 53 pound version of Howard Stern? She hasn't left you yet and blocked your number Gotten plastic surgery. She moved to like China and then like all these things get away from you The fact she's still there is vulgar. I'm like, I'm do I'll be honest I'm not even sure I want to be your friend tomorrow. So like and I'm a dude. I ain't trying to fuck you Well, I mean after two more drinks maybe but
Starting point is 00:01:02 But the fact that she's still dealing, you have nothing to worry about. All right, you're right. Everybody else, I'm saying right now, I'm gonna be going to movies by myself forever. The next day that I might have might only be him. So I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. Keep trying to tell people that.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I think that, and I picked that up, I had a buddy. I've always been the young guy who hung out with older guys, and I had a buddy who was in his 30s when I was in my 20s. And he used to go to movies by himself, and I used used to tease him. I'd be like, dude, are you loser or what? You don't go to the movies, you go to the movies by yourself and then I, and then at one point and it hit my, it was when I hit my 30s and just, and I think that's when just like life hit me. Just all businesses going, all this shit on my plate and like it is the most stress-free moment between that and working out.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Those two are like seriously my zen moments where I go there, I pick the movie I want to walk. Sometimes I pick a movie I don't even give a fuck about. It's just the fact that I got two hours that I can shut my brain off for a minute, put my feet up and start going like seriously, that's to me, I don't know. I think I was a loser too, but it's like, you know Why do we have to have a date to go see a movie there's a I mean I travel so much I mean in 2014 I traveled like 44 weeks, you know I've got two different residences. I you know for different offices
Starting point is 00:02:13 So it was like why do I why do I need a date? Why don't I hang out first of all? I wasn't if I wasn't a serious relation like why don't I take a chick to a movie just so I can see the movie I got to hang out with her after I'm ladies I'm not trying to say that I don't enjoy women, but it's like, if I had a serious girlfriend, that's great. But what if she's busy? What if she's doing something? And there was times that I was dating a girl, she was living in Florida.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I was here. So it was like, I want to see this movie. I'll tell you a funny story. So when I first bought my house in Northern California, I was living in LA and I told you I was moving there because I thought because of an X and stuff and blah, blah, blah. But so for the first year in 2014, I was probably only there for like three days. Now I bought this house on a gated community on a golf course.
Starting point is 00:02:52 There's like families everywhere in kids. I mean, the neighbors are like, they couldn't understand. And it's like a call to a second of all the places. They're like, why did this young guy buy this like five bedroom house? There's no kids, nobody. And I didn't go there once for the first six months. I still at my place in LA And then finally I came back, you know, like Thanksgiving. I was back from town for a week Of course, I went to a movie by myself And of course like the kids and my there's a bunch of like high school football players my neighborhood
Starting point is 00:03:20 So like people kind of started to figure out like who I was They would see me at the gym or like running sprints the high school when I was in town. Um, and so like I apparently rumors like started to serve because I would be in town for four or five days. That would be gone for like two or three months. People like, why does he have this house? Is there anything your drug dealer or something like that? No, they're like, they're like, why is it? Why is it an athlete?
Starting point is 00:03:40 They're like, why does he have this house? But he's not here. Why is he going to movies by himself? Why does he go to the high school at eight o'clock at night and the football field and just run sprints by himself? So long story short, I've now had this house for like 18 months and a girl from LA comes up to visit. We go to the movies and I told you the kid that works
Starting point is 00:03:59 at the blue ox cinema. He literally says to me, he's like, it's nice to see you with the date. I probably'd gone to like 25 movies by myself at this point. What do you mean? He goes, well, he goes just so you know, he goes that people, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:14 talk about I think you work for like the CIA or the FBI because you're always gone and I was like, and the girl I was wish kind of looked at me like, oh my God, and I told her how there was like, my neighbors thought I was a little weird, little strange how's gone so much. Of course, me being the douchebag that I am, I could have been like, no dude, I have a place in play.
Starting point is 00:04:33 He played right into it. I look at him and I go, I go, I can neither confirm nor deny your statement in this conversation never happened. And I have, I look at him like straight face like this. And he's like 16, he was like so face like this. He's like 16. He was like so fucking scared. Does that never remind you the on-star story, the on-star story that I used to tell with my on-star fucking same thing. Alright, so let's get into some fitness stuff maybe. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Yeah, let's do that. What's Grip Do You Like for Deadlifts and Masterbades? Everything's in the same. Overhand on-hand. Well, do we, do we have any questions? Are we gonna go off a Joe's page or the Mind Pump page? Go on. Let's have some maybe some diet questions or... Well, let's go on a Joe's page real quick. I know Joe got a bunch on there when he posts. Somebody told me to ask you about your eating donuts pre-workout or something.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Did you do a post or something like that? Yeah, so... I'm like, what are they talking about? So like, in and I months ago, we didn't really have it, like, and there's not one in LA in Beverly Hills, like a crispy cream donuts, and there wasn't really one in upstate New York. So, you know, Devin Linder, who,
Starting point is 00:05:32 he was like, yeah, man, he's like, he's like, I go into the gym, we're supposed to train chess. And he's like, in his car for like 10, like, where the fuck were you? And he's like, I had to finish the donuts, but what do you mean? And he had like a dozen crispy cream original glazed donuts. And I'm like, he's like, I had to finish the donuts. What do you mean? And he had like a dozen crispy cream original glazed donuts. And I'm like, he's like, you get a sick pump.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I'm like, a sick pump from the donuts. So, okay. So, Chess Day, the next week, I went and got a half a dozen. And so, what's great about the crispy cream original glazed donuts is, especially when you get a fresh, normally like a full of argonite. Well, normally, normally, normally a donut, it's like kind of like doughy and kind of like thick,
Starting point is 00:06:11 the crispy cream dough especially when they're fresh to the original glaze, there's no chocolate so there's no dairy, like you can throw in, they just melt in your mouth, like it's unbelievable, you can put in six, like it's no joke. Yeah, they got a Minchikaga, I love this. So I took my pre workout, you know, six grams of citrally and patain and bit on it.
Starting point is 00:06:25 I might have six donuts. And honestly, like, I know I looked, you know, I looked normal like a t-shirt. If you would see me in that chest workout, you would have thought I was on so much drugs. I'd never been so full and so vascular. It was ridiculous. And so I started the hashtag like team donuts.
Starting point is 00:06:43 If you look on Instagram, like tons of people started doing. And we created like an Instagram page like team donuts. I've been looking on Instagram like tons of people started doing and We created like an Instagram page like team donuts. I started posting all time. It got to the poor crispy cream started following me and This is free donuts now. Yeah, now when I go and they don't they want they won't charge me for don't So I literally so I literally they just want to print yesterday is the team donuts tank tops and like 200 no way they just went to print yesterday is the team donuts, tank tops and like 200, no way. As of this morning, 237 tanks are in the pool. So a fitness guy literally closed a donut company to giving him free donuts for fitness.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Wow, that's probably the best sales story. I'm not gonna tell people like go out and eat, you know, it's the fast carbs. It is the soluble sugar and because there's no dairy. And if you look at like, you know, like a crispy cream donut, you know, just the original glaze, you know, like there's less sugar in it than if you had like, you know, a large serving of like strawberries and stuff like that. So I'm not saying it's healthier.
Starting point is 00:07:36 All I'm saying is that if you're lean and you want to get sick pump pre workout, have maybe two or three or four donuts, but you got to get them hot. And there's no science to support that. But somehow it's in your system faster. Get a good pre workout. Something that has like five or six grams of citrilline. Your pump will be ridiculous. I'm telling you, we'll stay out all night tonight.
Starting point is 00:07:54 We'll get hammered. Er and tomorrow morning we're going to work out and and you'll see. I'll give you some of my pre workout, which has real ingredients. And and then we'll have some donuts And it'll be why the throwbin die or we'll be the best work out ever Chiching it'll be awesome. Can we do that? We do that. Have some crispy. What's your morning light? Would you do your day? I have a work. We'll see. I'm so on for that Donuts and donuts. I don't know. We did
Starting point is 00:08:20 What about post workout post workout? Do you have any meals that you? Fuck you really I'm gonna get into like my whole nutrition thing because it's kind of people are gonna be all fucked up about it Okay, well you know, let's look here's a thing. I only one style me Here's a thing that I want you I want you to one solo meal a day Yeah, I want it. That's what I want to get into I want to talk about and I know a lot of booze We talked to talk a little bit about fitness miss my company I want to talk about some of the things that you've evolved and learned yourself. You mentioned it a little bit at lunchtime yourself when we were talking and hanging out
Starting point is 00:08:50 that you learned that you were kind of eating incorrectly before and then you've changed things. And I love to let people know because obviously everyone who's listening to us right now, we've built the credibility that we're pretty smart guys in the fitness industry. We know what we're talking about. But at the same time too. We've learned a lot ourselves We made some fucking mistakes in the past and absolutely share that a little bit with them Yeah, I think a lot of us we people don't talk enough about how they fucked up exactly and so yeah, and so You know the December issue of fitness arcs for man
Starting point is 00:09:18 I'll be in the cover again and and they wanted me to write an article about like hit training And I was like no, I want to do something that's gonna matter to people because let's be honest guys, how many times do we, even if we have a friend like Craig a person or someone that's on the cover of Iron Man or whatever muscle mag, how many times do we actually read the article? Never. Right, nobody else.
Starting point is 00:09:35 So I wonder what an article was gonna matter. So the story about to tell is 100% true stories what the article's about. So basically when I first got in the fitness industry, it was only, you know, it was less than four years ago, it feels like forever. But, you know, I got the call on my birthday. I was eating ice cream cake and I was, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:51 I just, I live life like an athlete. It was 238 pounds. I was lean on stuff my face with ice cream cake, but I lifted like an athlete and I ran sprints like an athlete. I didn't, you know, track calories. But anyway, Steve Blackburn calls me and he's like, hey, Joe D.
Starting point is 00:10:04 You know, as I talk. And so his concern was he's like, you know, he's like, well, you know, most fitness guys are a lot smaller. And he's like, but Greg puts a good model. He's like, Greg is like an intertune shorter than you. And he's like 190 pounds. He's like, so could you come into your shoot? You know, because they wanted to, you know, give me a test shoot for the fitness arts cover. He's like, could you come into your shoot your shoot about like two or five? And I'm like, I'm in two or five. I'm like, I'm like, I'm a fucking learner. Actually, before my learners, it's nice. Great. Um, so literally, so that's what I did is I follow a text of a couple of friends
Starting point is 00:10:35 I had the fitness industry. I won't call them out. Um, every morning before work at five in the morning, I did an hour fast of cardio. I was eating nothing but protein, vegetables I would lift after work and then at night I would jog the 3.2 miles to the high school. I would do some 30, 40, 50 yard sprints. Jog home. I think at the end of five weeks I got down to like 2.21, 2.22, but flat was hot. I had no energy. It was horrible. I mean, I was like, I was probably taking into 1,500 milligrams of caffeine a day just to get through work, probably like three or four out
Starting point is 00:11:11 of all, I mean, it was just so tired, it felt awful. Two weeks out from my shoot, my ankle, so her neck stress factors both my ankles. So I was probably, you know, I probably taking like 1200 calories a day. So anyway, did the shoot, everything went fine, whatever. Four or five days after the shoot, I went from 221 to probably the 245.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Not a big deal. Most competitors kind of blow up after shows and get a lot of body fat. I mean, I've been as high as 265 with abs so I could hold it. The problem was four weeks later when they asked me to shoot the cover muscle and fitness, I was about 250 at the time. I was like, sure, no problem, I'll be ready.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Then when I went to diet, like to get leaner, you could have two feet of work. Couldn't do it. Yeah. What do you mean by you couldn't do it? You did it and the body didn't respond. Oh yeah, I couldn't lose anyway. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I mean, I just, I mean, I just looked big and full, so I just wasn't, I mean, I literally, so it was like an hour. Just so commented. That's why I like, so. So it was like an hour cardio in the morning. I was doing an hour cardio after lunch. At one point, I was like fasting for like 24 hour. It's just so common, too. So it was like an hour cardio in the morning. I was doing an hour cardio after lunch. At one point, I was like fasting for like 24 hours.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Nothing works. My body just, my metabolism had just shut down. So you had experienced metabolic damage. It sounds like it, yeah. First hand. And here's the thing, like, I believe a lot of people are like mentally weak, you know, like people complain,
Starting point is 00:12:22 like, oh, a prep was so hard, this and that. So I never really complained about anything. I mean, I worked 18 hour days all the time. So, but I'll be honest, that was the first time in my life where I was like, I didn't feel good about myself. It was hard to get through. It was even hard to focus.
Starting point is 00:12:36 I just fucked my body up. My hormone levels and everything. So, I was still able to get myself in a decent enough shape, not where I wanted to be to shoot the cover, but anyways, but after that, thank God. I'm trying to remember how I even stumbled on it. Lane Norton wasn't like popular at that time, but he'd done a couple of video work. Somehow, I got turned on to it. Didn't know Lane went to his YouTube.
Starting point is 00:12:57 His first three video vlog was, we're so boring. Lane was terrible to begin, I love you, Lane, you're my boy now, but then he did a video on metabolic damage. And I listened to it, and was terrible to begin. I love you, Lane, you're my boy now, but then he did a video on metabolic damage. And I listened to it, and I started doing research. I made a post on my fan page about, I hate the term fan page. I didn't make a post on my follower page, and it went viral.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Like literally, there was like 100,000 people. Still the trucker nerd. Well, because the way I wrote it up, I created it to how it happened to me, and this is that in ball of lawn. So, and it resonated with so many people. You'll be honest, there's so many people that have suffered from metabolic damage. They've done too much list cardio, cut too many calories. They've rebounded their metabolism, slowed down,
Starting point is 00:13:33 they can't lose weight. I only saw how many people had resonated with. And my post went viral and Lanex you reached out to me. Thank you for doing it. And that's how we actually became friends. So I started doing tons of research on metabolic damage and reverse dieting. And so it got to a point where six months after that whole situation, I was probably 240 pounds at a time. And it was, I think I was eating about 3,100 calories a day. I was still doing an hour, almost, of Lisk cardio.
Starting point is 00:13:59 But anything over 30, 100 calories, 3,200 calories, I was gaining weight. And I, 3,100 calories when you're a big guy. It's not a lot. It's not a lot. I was thinking about what I was in college. I mean, did I just have to force feed myself like to keep weight I'm not playing football and I was ripped. So, I knew something wasn't right.
Starting point is 00:14:18 So I started cutting my cardio back from this cardio, the wire red, for 50 minutes, 40 minutes, 30 minutes, and I placed it with just hit cardio. It was 20 minutes, 10 minutes, and so I started to do literally just sprints, or just sled pushes, or plate push, I put a 45 pound plate on the floor, sprinter stance, and push it down the gym and then back. I started to notice that I was losing weight on 3100 calories, just to in Hit Cardio three days a week. So then I started to reverse diet every 14 days,
Starting point is 00:14:44 I would add 10 grams of carbs, and then every month I was adding 10 grams of fat. And then two years later, I was at about 6,000 calories. Doing no hit cardio, you're walking around at 242, 243, five, six percent body fat. I'm like the case study of someone who did it completely wrong, but I took the time to fix things to you know, here's thing It's like and now I mean I'm now
Starting point is 00:15:11 Probably a little over 7,000 calories a day to maintain my body weight and if I don't like today You know because I traveled here and so our guarantee if we go away might weigh me in the gym tomorrow I'll probably be like to I'll probably be like to 42 tomorrow morning I was tomorrow morning I'll have lost six pounds because of today. Today we ate twice and drank a little bit so that tomorrow I was lost. Because you miss meals.
Starting point is 00:15:30 But here's the thing, and people were like, why would you want to do that to yourself? Why the whole point of building your metabolic rate is not so you can just post pictures of pizzas and donuts, it's so you can make life simple, stupid, you can make life easier for you. You shouldn't have to be a person that has to worry about, fuck, I mean, can I have that
Starting point is 00:15:49 piece of bread? It's going to go to my ass or do I, I miss cardio tomorrow. It's not going to, you know, it's going to mess me up. You should be a person that hit your, you built your body so efficient and so strong that you have leeway. I've always said like girls like competing bikini, they should be should be step on stage within like two or three weeks of prep like when these girls weight Flexuates like 30 40 pounds. I mean guys. Just our weight fluctuate 20 pounds At a money way right now. Yeah, I'm too about 227. You're only 227. Yeah, I mean the fun leaving
Starting point is 00:16:20 Yeah, you're only fucking 227. Yeah, but what I I'm 227 dry naked first thing in the morning I get all the way up to not right right now. Yeah, oh, I'm about 235 right now Adams got Adams got he's got like 250 no, he got the bone structure to my face. Yeah I was built I hate say hey guys like you you're lighter, but you look bigger I'm bigger. I look lighter You know how it is it's like fucking you're strongest fuck. Yeah Two oh five I might have you on the chest price brother. I'll take your squats any real
Starting point is 00:17:04 I will do some walkable see I'm strong I might have you on the chest press brother. I'll take your squats any real Any day Strong Exactly I might not even be stronger than that no, no, no, some slash ball We know what God bless you you have great genetics your handsome fuck and you have an awesome girlfriend who tolerates your shit I'm gonna go home and be upset now That was such a good, you know explanation because it just exemplifies the bodies home to be upset now. You're fucked yourself. Well, go watch the note by yourself. That was such a good explanation because it just exemplifies the body's amazing ability to adapt.
Starting point is 00:17:31 It does. And your body can adapt to so little calories. And when that happens, you're fucked. It's really a bad position to be in. And it takes time to come out of it. It's not going to happen overnight. Well, I think that's when you and I started really talking was. So your page used to be private, remember your Instagram page?
Starting point is 00:17:48 And so I remember I requested the next step. And the first post I saw was you said something about reverse dieting. And I remember I tagged and I was like, I was like, yeah, I was like, good post motherfucker. I'm like, that's how Italian soccer. We're like, yeah, yeah, that's a whole good job. But I was, I was like, that's great. I want to see more people, you know, yeah, yeah. That's a whole good job. Yeah. But I was. I was like, that's great.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I want to see more people, you know, talking about that. Because it's important. You know, it's important after a show to not just binge you wherever you want, but to reverse diet to have calories. And when I saw that, I was like, oh, I was like, like mine. You know, it's important. How many girls do we know that have dieted on almost no calories and on tons of cardio, a coach puts them on drugs and they rebound in the game,
Starting point is 00:18:26 20 or 30 pounds. You 20 or 30 pound gain on somebody that weighs 100 pounds. 120 pounds, this is fucking a lot. It's someone at two 30. Yeah, that's a lot. If I wait, fucks away to 30 pounds, I look like shit. Right. That's a lot on a little, it's not healthy either.
Starting point is 00:18:41 And they come down a ton of ways. That's the unhealthy, the unhealthy of the fitness industry. that's the dark side that a lot of people don't know and don't understand Well, how many times have you had people say man? I go to these expose and nobody looks like their pictures Yes, it is true. Yeah, the girls blow up the guys look terrible unless they're competing It's just they take all their pictures when they're super hot and fit and the first time I went to the Olympia I remember I was was Diego Sebastian Whitney reading we're super hot and fit. And the first time I went to the Olympia, I remember I was Diego Sebastian, Whitney Reed were walking through and these girls came up and they're like, oh my God, I know either the
Starting point is 00:19:09 fuck any of them are. They don't look like that. I'm not knocking girls for being overweight, but it's just when you go to those extremes and you rebound equally extreme, it changes your look, changes your face, changes everything. Well, that's what I think.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Most people who are listening, most people who are listening to us right now are interested in getting fit looking good long term. Most people not looking to get to that extreme anyway. So don't follow those extreme practice. No, no. The portion apart though, the people that are sending the message are those people that are at that extreme level.
Starting point is 00:19:40 That's the lead up too. And did it all right. And that's the reason why I was so adamant about us doing what we do right now is I was like, I was so blown away by how bad it was, man, how wrong. It's like there's so many people that, I mean, people were just, they're so miserable. And it's so, it's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:19:57 And the pendulum is so far that people actually almost brag about how miserable their prep is. Like who could go through more torture? And I'm like, I'm like, the last like seven to 10 days a little rough. I don't remember. That was the first post you ever liked, I'm like a week ago, but that was,
Starting point is 00:20:14 I made a post about prepping and mental toughness. And here's the thing, like, it baffles me and people are like, oh, this was the, obviously this was a response to the Olympia post, but they're like, oh my god, this was the hardest prep ever, blah, blah, blah. I was like, wait a minute. I'm like, oh, this was the, obviously this was a response to the Olympia post, but they're like, oh my God, this was the hardest prep ever, blah, blah, blah. I was like, wait a minute, I'm like, time out, hold on,
Starting point is 00:20:29 it's like I'm gonna play. I'm like, most of these people correct, correct me if I'm wrong, they don't work real jobs, right? Yeah. They, they, they are their sponsors or things to take care of or maybe they work personal trainer part time. That's fine, they're wrong with that. That's great, that's your life and you can get my,
Starting point is 00:20:42 congratulations, I can't do it. I'm happy for you. So anyways, most of these people they have the time to get up and do an hour cardio in the morning, lift later, and most of them are sponsored by some meal company. So, meaning, wait a minute, your healthy food is delivered to your house, or maybe somebody's making it for you or whatever. What are you complaining about? You're complaining about time out time.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Let's just look at the facts. You're complaining about the fact that you have the opportunity to work out twice a day and to eat five or six healthy meals. Yeah. Holy shit. That are delivered to you. There's like 200 million people in Africa
Starting point is 00:21:16 that are like, I would love to be burned with your life. Yeah. Everybody in Mexico will be like, holy shit. I would have to work out twice a day and eat six times. That's like an awesome month. You know what, you know what I think that when they say that they're crying, they talk about the crying, how hard it is, you know what they're talking about?
Starting point is 00:21:32 They're talking about how bad their body feels. Going through that, that's what they're talking about. They're talking about, they're getting to that point where their body, let me tell you something. If you're fighting your body, if your body doesn't want to do something and you're fighting it, that's gonna be a fucking grind. And you'll probably lose.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Well, in. Well, in. Well, okay. Part of me agrees with you, but part of me also thinks people are mentally soft. Right. Right, but they're not gonna succeed by just being tough and they're gonna be smarter about it. Part of it is the actual physical part because their, you know, your body is a lot of spawn and hormones. However, let's look at something objectively.
Starting point is 00:22:06 The majority of people in the fitness industry, as far as fitness models, competitors, means they couldn't do anything else. All right? So, I'm just saying, let's look at most fitness model guys. Most of them are pretty fucking stupid, right? So, no, my line, but I don't even have their hands on them, but they're dumb as fuck. Yeah. Um, my name is being
Starting point is 00:22:27 honest, meaning they couldn't do anything else. Like they couldn't make it through Santa Monica community. Community college strip. They know, well, they tried it. They probably didn't know rhythm. But I'm saying, but let's be honest, most of these guys, they couldn't do anything else, meaning obviously they weren't big enough. And I felt like enough to play sports because they would have probably gotten a college, got a degree degree. they weren't smart enough to get into,
Starting point is 00:22:46 like, anybody getting insurance sales, right? I'm not knocking insurance sales, I'm just saying they couldn't do anything, couldn't get into mortgages, they couldn't get an insurance. So they're like, okay, I'm 5817 with ads, I'm gonna get into the fitness industry and try to make some money. And so it's like, you failed at everything.
Starting point is 00:23:01 You had no drive, no intellect, no skill to do anything else. And so you've, and I've always said that the fitness industry is, is full of a bunch of people from the bottom of the barrel. And I know people are going to be upset right now, as why I tell people, don't idolize fitness people. You know what? Don't idolize them. It could not be so more true.
Starting point is 00:23:19 And then the real smart people, the people that that are millions, the ones that are controlling it, and the big supplement kind of companies and the leagues and everything like that, they pray on these small-minded people that don't know any better. And a dangle little carrots in front of them to make them think. And they just, they've already taken to another variety. I'll give you some likes. I'll give you some likes and 20% commission. And you'll take another one. Oh, right. And give them celebrity for that. I'll give you some likes. I'll give you some likes and 20% commission. And you'll be the fuck.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Well, 20% of the, four%. Let me take another. You have more commission at G&C. I think this, I think this is it. I think there's a lot of people in the fitness industry with the body image issue. A lot of people in the fitness industry with the fragile ego.
Starting point is 00:24:03 And they get into the industry because they have to obsess about it because they have to be in it. They have to always stay in shape. They always, and it's awesome because they couldn't do anything else. I mean, it could be. It could be. I mean, some people, I think a lot of like trainers, I think love training people. Well, okay, time out though.
Starting point is 00:24:18 You're talking about the Joe's so right right now because I'm talking about people that are just compete and maybe they train on the side. So if you're a very, I'm talking about people that are, that just compete and they, maybe they train on the side. So if you're saying, if you're a good, that's exactly how I think we're confusing the two things. So people that are professional trainers, like that's your career.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Those people, I'm not knocking those people. Those are people that got educated, that are good trainers. No, no, no, no, I'm saying people, okay, let me, let me differentiate. So like you said, you've been in the fitness industry for like 18 years,
Starting point is 00:24:44 right? Why I think fitness industry? I think, yeah, you said you've been in the fitness industry for like 18 years, right? Why I think fitness industry? I think, yeah, yes, you've been in that part of it. I think fitness industry, I think of like a fitness model or a competitor. Gotcha. Gotcha. Not someone who's training people, providing a service.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I'm saying people that couldn't even do that. But they're like, maybe I can take a picture for a magazine or pose in this. Well, let's break the Olympia stage, male and female. I mean, if you just look at it like that, if you just sectioned them out, like how many of them are really running their own business or did something before?
Starting point is 00:25:14 They were not. None. None of them. Or can you even do anything now? I don't know one. I don't know one. There might be one, but I don't know one. I'm like I'm calling everybody up,
Starting point is 00:25:22 but I sat down with a certain men's physique, Olympia, you know, Mr. O. Winner, forever. And like literally detailed down, like this is what you have to do. This is how you- How tall was he? This is the short and the pop-up smurf.
Starting point is 00:25:36 But I was like literally, I'm like, this is just, I'm like, you have to create a website and you have to do this. I'm like, use your exposure to make you money and these motherfuckers still. And a lot of the, here's the, I have to create a website and you have to do this. I'm like, use your exposure to make you money and these fun fuckers. And a lot of the, here's now, I have detailed, I've detailed out how to do my website for a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:25:52 A lot of other fitness models, like I'm not, I'm not, I'm not someone tries to keep other successful people down. I've written emails to other fucking fitness people. How to, giving, like a how to manual, like a foolproof manual of how you can make a crap of money. I don't get it. Um, and, and no one is, it's hard.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I mean, do you fuck, I could pull, like right now I could pull up my phone and I'll go my PayPal for my website. And I know I, I, I see right now. So I, uh, here we go. Ready? I'm not, I'm just not gonna bullshit you guys. So I transferred money this morning, $1,000.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Oh, well, look. I love you. So here we go. Show us. Okay, here we go. So in the last seven hours, we're Oh, well look. I love you. So here we go. Show us. OK, here we go. So in the last seven hours, we're all showing to you today. So my website, my website, it has rang.
Starting point is 00:26:31 What does that say? $4,300? Yeah. While we've been sitting here being assholes and being drunk. That's all money I've made. We're four grand. I'm not trying to brag about that. While I'm saying is that you've given them the blue print.
Starting point is 00:26:43 I tried. And nobody want to do it. And here's the reason we're talking to people to have like three times as many followers of me four times many of our people are lazy it takes balls to bro it is it is it is it takes it takes a different level of work you cannot you cannot be a you can't be a very ball you can't be afraid of fell and these guys these are the type of people that they're afraid of hard work yeah that too here's the thing they they want to take pictures and they want to take selfies and they want to post videos. But nobody wants to take the time to sit down with IT guys or this.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Nobody wants to take time to, when I first developed my website, basically I created like all access. So anybody who's a member could email me and I was getting like 800 or 900 emails a day. And I'll be honest, like so my reputation, the fitness industry grew because I was known as the only guy who responded to everybody. Right, right, right. And even right now people say that. So like, I'm my face.
Starting point is 00:27:32 It's one of the most impressive things about you. Absolutely. Even on my Facebook page, I have over a million followers. I respond to every question, it's a good question. I probably get 300 private messages a day, maybe 250 or good questions. And I respond, these aren't people that are paying me money. I just respond to private messages and try to give them advice.
Starting point is 00:27:48 But even when I started my website, before I filtered different level memberships, everybody was asking questions. I'll be honest, 70% of the questions were almost the same question, but I responded to every person. And they were coming in, we figured this out as we went. And I was, they're all getting sent to my phone. So my phone, like the girl's day and the time she constantly thought, I was sheeting on her because my phone was always lighting up, my battery's always going dead, but they were just emails coming in from Singapore or Australia. And I was like a
Starting point is 00:28:17 freak. I was, I responded to every person. And I was, I was doing very well before that financially. But I, what I started to realize is that it's gonna sound really, really cliche, but if you guys don't know anything about me, I'm telling the honest, they got truth. When I took the time to respond to people or give them good advice, and they would write back and be like,
Starting point is 00:28:37 man, I appreciate it, I appreciate you took the time. That's the best compliment in the world. When you can take, and I don't care if you're a celebrity or you're a nobody or an in between that, it doesn't matter. When you take the time to When you can take, and I don't care if you're a celebrity or you're a nobody or an in between it, it doesn't matter. When you take the time to impact somebody's life, that's the most rewarding thing in the world.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I've been a guy who, you know, when I was 30 years old, all I cared about was money and all I did was, that was kind of why I got in the fitness industry because I were looking around one night and I was like, wow, I'm alone now, I'm just making money, I wasn't giving back. It's the most unfulfilling thing in the world. I was fucking depressed.
Starting point is 00:29:06 But when you take the time, you start changing lives. Even if you sacrifice your personal relationship, you sacrifice friendship, sacrifice sleep. But you're impacting lives, you're changing people. People are coming back and they're like, sometimes you get, I'll be honest, man, we go through my Facebook right now. You get kids sometimes, they're suicidal.
Starting point is 00:29:23 They're getting bullied at school. They're overweight. You get a lot of, in fitness, you get a lot they're suicidal, they're getting bullied at school, they're overweight. You get a lot of, in fitness, you get a lot of that, you do get to change lives. It is an opportunity. It's unbelievable, man. So that part of the fitness industry is a very, very good thing.
Starting point is 00:29:33 It's unbelievable. How long have you had your site, your website? Since 2011, so four years. Okay, yeah. That's, I mean, guy, that's so close to home for me on a couple of things. One, I'm so glad you said that so that my girl doesn't think I'm so fucking crazy when I'm up to 11 midnight fucking respond.
Starting point is 00:29:50 No, no, I'll be so happy. I see what you're doing. I always know the difference between, I don't mean to interrupt you, but I know the difference between the phonies and the people that are real because it's like, do you interact, do you respond? Some people, I'm not gonna call it out, some people only respond if it's going to make them money. And I get it, it's a business, sure. But at the end of the day, people can understand
Starting point is 00:30:08 if you're transparent or not. And if you're someone's only trying to push a dollar, not trying to help anybody, people see that. It is what it is. So I see, these are the people that made you successful. It's about a month, you're not gonna be successful without them, so you need to, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:22 don't bite the hand that fits you, right? They were a rare breed though, you know. Well, like I said, if the majority of people in the fittest industry, if they had the work ethic or intellect or drive, they would have been doing something else. You know, a former fitness, you know, superstar, it's no longer with us. But he gave me a lot of guidance when I got in the industry and kind of taught me how to make my website and stuff. But what he said to me is he goes goes he was very blunt the way he said things And I wish to be on this radio show. What do you tell me was?
Starting point is 00:30:47 We're kind of in the industry of a it's like playing dodgeball recessive a bunch of retards And he's like if you have any corduroy I love crank play too. I'm not saying it was great Fuck it. I think if you have any kind of coordination you're going to win He's like when we have coordination, but that's what he meant It's just it's like if you put in the effort and you try it's like you're going to win, he's like, and we have coordination, but that's what he meant. It's just like, if you put in the effort and you try, it's like, you're just going to succeed. And I'll tell you a little bit of an awesome story about that dude. I was in body power at 2012 and I said, the side technician booth with like, Cedric milling all those things. We had huge lines. They closed
Starting point is 00:31:18 doors at six o'clock and our booth was huge. Side technician nutrition is like the optimum nutrition of Europe. Maybe like by far technician is like the optimum nutrition of Europe. I mean, maybe by far, the biggest nutrition company of all of Europe. So, our line probably dissipated by like 630 done sign autographs. So, walking down the alley, turn to corners, a huge fucking line of people.
Starting point is 00:31:37 The rest of the convention centers empty, where all the lights are off, there's a huge fucking line of people. And it's gotta be like 400 deep and I walk around looking and walk up the aisle and it's Greg by himself at the Mectrex booth and as he always does He's holding court talking every single person I've never seen someone work so hard Most people at X-Bose when they come they want an autograph. They just they get an autograph, they take a picture, that motherfucker man, I'm like getting tear out of that dude would change your life in three or four minutes. And he would do it 500 deep every hour.
Starting point is 00:32:17 And I mean, I'll be honest, I mean, I remember Sean staff were telling me that they didn't turn the lights off. The main lights off the place will 830. So he was there two and a half hours after closing, making sure every single person got to see him. So again, the fitness industry is everybody wants to work as leases possible. Get as much ego get paid. That dude was deserving of everything that he got and more probably should even get more praise because then it was never about the money, it was never about the fame. I never seen someone care so much about changing lives. Here's the thing, you can't fake it. A 300 pound girl walks up to him wants a picture
Starting point is 00:32:56 and she's just like, you know, I don't feel good about myself and he would sit down, he would break it down and he would tell her, you know, it's not about where you start, it's about where you finish. And the most important step you take is the step that you take after this conversation. And what are you going to do moving forward? Stop looking at your weight loss as a hundred pounds or 150 pounds. Look at what you're going to do tonight and then you're what you're going to do tomorrow. And focus on the process of feeling good about yourself. Don't think about the end state.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Don't think about the future. He was going to talk me. He was like, don't think about success as an end state, as a finality. If you think about success as a trophy, something you're trying to achieve, you're going to fall, tell yourself, short, so people all the time will be like, success is having the big house or having the hot girlfriend or drive in the Ferrari. It's not what success is. If you focus on like trivial accomplishments or material things,
Starting point is 00:33:42 when shit is the fam, life gets tough, you know, and life slaps you in the face like it's going to, trivial accomplishments or material things. When shit hits the fam, life gets tough. You know, and life slaps you in the face like it's going to, your motivation's going to drop. You're not gonna work those 18 hour days. You're not gonna work six or seven days a week. Just to be chasing a car. You're like, oh, do I really need to drive a Ferrari? I can drive a Dodge Hellcat.
Starting point is 00:33:59 I gotta fly, yeah. Oh, but I'm just saying. But it's like, if your goal is something that's so shallow, you're not gonna chase after. It has to be is something that's so shallow, you're not going to chase after, it has to be a deeper meaning in what it is you're doing. And Greg's best message was fall in love with the process, fall into the process of getting better. And we've talked about all the time.
Starting point is 00:34:14 It's like the people that are like, I'm going to die at all winter, and I'm going to get in shape, and I'm going to get abs, but that's great. But if that is your goal, what happens when most people, when they reach that goal, they attain it and they lose it. And it's called post goal depression. But these goal, they attain it and they lose it.
Starting point is 00:34:25 And they're called post goal depression. But these problems is that they're miserable going through. How many people do know they go, they're miserable going through the process. Like I have to do cardio. I have to do this. And so it's like, we were talking about training before. Sure, could I put on more muscle
Starting point is 00:34:37 if I train differently? Absolutely. Would it be probably better for my body? 100%. But you know what it is? I love what I do. I love the way that I process. I love the process. I love the process. You're enjoying the whole work. The most important thing. I love the process
Starting point is 00:34:51 of mentally and physically destroying myself. When I was, here's, for example, when I was younger and I used to lift heavy weights, I had an ego, I had a little bit of arrogance about me. Now it's kind of a jerk off. And now I'm like this nice, like, shut up. Not like this nice, like, sweet guy. No, but I'm saying, but now I just train myself hard, train myself to failure. And if I'm doing push ups and I'm falling on the floor or whatever, like doing 10 pound weights,
Starting point is 00:35:13 I walk away feeling great, I walk away feeling humble. And that's, you know, I fall over the process. I love that you said that. And I just handed you my phone because it gets me all emotional because it's literally, I just sent this to a client yesterday and a client and this is the stuff that nobody sees. This is something Greg would have wrote in somebody. This is something that nobody hears, nobody knows about it. Nobody I know about it. She knows about it. It's a private text message
Starting point is 00:35:40 of somebody that I coached. So to all your listeners, I'm not going to give in too much detail, but anyways, I don't say how usually these things work. Normally like a coach or an online trainer, they would say some shit like, yeah, you know, you're on the right path and blah, blah, blah, and you know, you pay me extra $200 next month and we'll change up your program. I'm reading this email he sent to this girl
Starting point is 00:35:59 and had nothing to do with business or money. This is actually a very... God, really, bro. You can't say it. So I don't say any names. I don't have a statement. No, but it's just... All you're doing is being uplifting and supportive.
Starting point is 00:36:14 And you're talking about the process and how we go to... That's the part of the fitness industry that we all... Everybody worries about the end state. And that's the worst thing. If you're always focused on the finality, you're missing the enjoyment day to day. If you have 200 pounds to lose and you work your ass off it takes you a year to lose the 200 pounds but you're miserable doing it. Okay, that's great. You achieve that goal. You're not going to keep it. Wait a minute. You missed a year of your life being miserable. Fall in love with the process every day of getting better and people ask me like, dude,
Starting point is 00:36:42 they're like, how do you, how do you get up every day and do those workouts that you follow? Because you love it. It's a day to do it a lot of time. I love it. It has to be. I love challenging myself. Could my physique look better?
Starting point is 00:36:56 Sure. Do I fucking care? Who have to impress? Could I be stronger? Sure. But it's gonna be a better man. It's not. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:04 You know, Michael Hurn, he's, you know, alleging the fitness industry and he's unbelievable physique and strong and blah, blah, blah. And I trained with Michael early on the fitness industry and I respect everybody's own style. But I remember I was doing legs with Michael one day and it was like seven, eight minutes between sets. I couldn't get into it, man.
Starting point is 00:37:22 It's like, takes two hours to do legs. I'm like, I can't do this, dude. Like, I know you don't have a job, like you don't work all day. So, like, you can take three hours to train legs. I should do, man. And I still buried you in squats at the end. But I'm just saying, but it's like, if you have that ability to do it, to waste that much time, that's great. How many of us can sustain our focus and intensity doing that. So it's like, unless that's what you enjoy, right? Unless that's what you enjoy that. But here's the reason that most people fail on the gym,
Starting point is 00:37:49 because they get bored. They lose their motivation. I'm a big believer of changing up your workout routine constantly, especially if you're someone who's undertaking transformation. You got to keep people motivated. There is, I see your post, there is definitely a science to how you train the
Starting point is 00:38:07 Rep ranges and and time between sets however if you're a 30 something single mom or whatever and and your 30 pounds over weight Or your guy that's 50 pounds over weight The most important factors not what rep range you work in or your time between Of course not Most important fact is most important important factor is that you're motivated and drive. You're excited to go every day. You're consistent, of course.
Starting point is 00:38:29 And it's like honestly, like, yeah. Listen, we talk about this all the time. We preach frequency pretty much over anything. Well, we want to break it down to that. Sal has one of the best things that he's said before. And I'll say it again, because it's probably one of, in my opinion, one of the smartest things that he's ever said, which is that a program, a half-ass program done consistently will always supersede the best program
Starting point is 00:38:52 done and consistently. So if you find something you're passionate about, you love to do and you can do that consistently, that will impact and change your life more than anything else. At the end of the day, you got to love what you're doing. Which I believe, even though we bash CrossFit, we bash a lot of things out there as far as modalities that we think are silly. However, if CrossFit gets you to the gym, what you've never gone before, that's great. Of course. And we say that. And we say that.
Starting point is 00:39:16 If that fits right into your competitive mold, and you like to compete against somebody, then it's your thing. Or try something else. You just have to understand what your goals are. So if your goal is to build a certain type of physique, then CrossFit's probably not. And that's what I tell people. What I don't like is that, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:32 then you take something like that, that explodes and does so well and it goes to huge. And then they start to market in a sense that it's, you know, these are the fittest people in the world. And this is the best way to train your body to get in shape and be healthy. And it's like, no, that's not true. No, it's not true.
Starting point is 00:39:46 If you like doing it, you'll love the sport of it. I'm all for it. I think it's awesome that people play football because it's the best soccer, people play whatever basketball. I think that's awesome. If that helps you stay healthy and in shape, I'm all for it, but do not fool yourself by thinking that that is the most modality. The best modality.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Absolutely. It's like some people want to train. I want to do a little bit of phase of this before I move down to it, but some people wanna train till failure all the time. They wanna be sore for six days and then get their next workout. I don't wanna be honest, everybody, listen, that's not the best way to be fit
Starting point is 00:40:15 and to be, to build muscle. You would be better at cracking me if I'm wrong. You'd be better off not doing a 60 set arm workout, but doing like 10 or 15 good sets, focusing on muscle contraction, but doing that two or three times a week. Not putting yourself where you're, and here's the thing, like, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:40:32 everybody thinks they're like, oh, I was so sorry after my workout, you shouldn't be so real time. You should only be sore when you dramatically change something when you, maybe you change your repski, maybe you don't only do like, you know, 10 to 10 on squats, but this time you do four sets of 40
Starting point is 00:40:45 and also in your source, it's fine. But you, if you're sore all the time, South Korea, if I'm wrong, but that's a problem in like the hormone response that you're about to. Technically, technically, soreness is actually a sign of overtraining. Well, so technically, soreness is just a poor,
Starting point is 00:40:58 it's just a very poor indicator of whether or not you're working out with a passive. It is a sign. It doesn't tell you much. It's a sign. It's your first indicator of overturning. Most times when I'm really, really sore, the thing that the flag that goes in my head
Starting point is 00:41:10 is like, I didn't need to do all that. That's what I, you know, a great workout, loved it. Awesome. I'm sore as fuck, but it's like, wow. I guess I didn't need to go that far. Oh, you said it pretty well as far as like, now your priority is recovery is opposed to adapting right, right, right, right, to a new stimulus. Right, right, right, right to a new stimulus. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:41:26 You want your prioritize recovery. You want your body to prioritize that adaptation and not just recovery, because you can. You can switch the switch over and then your body's not trying to adapt anymore. It's just trying to recover. And so you get sore recover, get sore recover, get sore recover, recover with no progress. Well, dude, when I was younger and I thought I was, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:44 fucking Superman, I was a fucking mental midget. And I used to lose a train every day. I always self-depression. I was like, I was like, no days off. Oh yeah, I'm gonna hold a rotate or cuff surgery. And, you know, my orthopedic surgeon was like, do you not see the fucking pattern here? You see the right one, the one.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Every 15 months, he's like, it's surgery. He's like, why don't you just stop training like a fucking idiot? And so now it's like, it's surgery. He's like, why don't you just stop training like a fucking idiot. Um, and so now it's like now I use the barometer for like days off. Like if I feel sore like three days in a row, like my chest shoulders, you know, if I'm feeling sore, it's like, okay, now time to take a day off. You know, rest because it's like your your body's telling you something because my work that's not really changing so much. I'm not doing anything crazy. But also my body starts to fight back. Right. You you to take a day off.
Starting point is 00:42:25 You gotta rest. And like Jay Cutler, he's a great source of information. He's one of the dudes that told me, he's like, what are you trying? I'm like usually like six days on one day off. He like, why don't you do three days on one day off? And I was like, oh, but I feel like I'm, you know, he's like being weak.
Starting point is 00:42:39 He's like, why? He's like, because you took a Wednesday off versus like a Saturday. I thought about, I was like, wait a minute. I'm like, the busiest part of my fucking business week is like, I'm a fucking Wednesday or a Thursday. I shouldn't be taking that day off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:53 And what I found is I was more productive, I was happier. And that day off in the middle, I started feeling so much better. Mm-hmm. And so I give people credit when you're like, push hard and no days off. And that's, if you, if that makes you mentally feel great, which I don't think it's possible, unless you're on push hard and no days off. And that's if you that makes you mentally feel
Starting point is 00:43:06 great, which I don't think it's possible unless you're on like meth or something, but I'm just saying. But use a little bit of common sense back if you're trying to change your body and women are the worst they're like, oh, but I think I got to do cardio every day and I got to lift and I perfect. There's something to be said for, of giving your body a little bit of leeway. Like if you're constantly pounding your body down, and you're beating your muscles down, and it's gonna suppress your hormones, right?
Starting point is 00:43:32 You're gonna be especially with women, they're so sensitive, you're not gonna be able to lose weight, you're gonna suppress your testosterone levels, and rise your estrogen levels, and it's not healthy for them, it's not healthy for us guys that date them, because they were crazy, and it's just ridiculous. I mean, oh, it's so many levels.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Oh, it's horrible. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. Until next time, this is MindPom.

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