Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 2441: Three Steps to Get Bigger Arms in 30 Days (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: October 9, 2024

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach three Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Three steps to get bigger arms in 30 days. (2:24) The dynamics between little girls vs. boys.... (16:57) Testing out Meta AI. (20:56) Adam updates the audience on his transformation docuseries. (22:41) How language shapes ideas and behaviors. (32:43) Improving quality time with your family and yourself. (34:01) If you are new to personal training, start here. (42:09) Mind Pump Free Trainer Webinars. (45:57) Shout out to Marriage That Works: God's Way of Becoming Spiritual Soul Mates, Best Friends, and Passionate Lovers book by Chip Ingram. (52:02) #ListenerLive question #1 – Should I change my workout routine based on a DEXA scan? (54:38) #ListenerLive question #2 – You talk about different planes of motion, so I am wondering if all the programs I’ve done in the past are in one plane, and if so, which program or preventative exercises would be beneficial? (1:07:33) #ListenerLive question #3 – Can I still build muscle with my group training and MAPS 15 at home? (1:18:45) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** Code MINDPUMP at checkout for 20% off ** Visit NASM for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! ** $150 off any CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) package! ** Code MPM150 at checkout ** October Promotion: MAPS Muscle Mommy 50% off! ** Code OCTOBER50 at checkout ** Mind Pump # 2100: Big Arms Masterclass Building Muscle with Adam Schafer – Mind Pump TV Occlusion Training Tutorial- How to Increase Muscle Size Using Blood Flow Restriction We believe men deserve Personal Trainer Growth Secrets | Powered by Mind Pump Marriage That Works: God's Way of Becoming Spiritual Soul Mates, Best Friends, and Passionate Lovers, book by Chip Ingram Get your free Sample Pack with any “drink mix” purchase! Also try the new LMNT Sparkling — a bold, 16-ounce can of sparkling electrolyte water: Visit DrinkLMNT.com/MindPump Mind Pump #2320: Throw Away the Scale! MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump #1872: Eight Benefits of Lifting With Light Weight The Only Way You Should Be Doing Bulgarian Split Squats! (BUTT GROWTH) Mind Pump #1237: Why Most Group Exercise Classes Suck Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks) Instagram Mind Pump Fitness Coaching (@mindpumptrainers) Instagram Chip Ingram (@chip_ingram) Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind pump with your hosts, Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the most downloaded fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Right today's episode, we answered live callers questions people called in. We got to coach them on air, but this was after an intro portion. Today was 51 minutes long now the intro we talked about fitness current events family life a lot of fun stuff by the way if you want to be on an
Starting point is 00:00:32 episode like this call in have us help you out email us at live at mind pump media calm this episode is brought to you by some sponsors the first one is Ned today we talked about Ned's product Mellow there's different forms of magnesium and Mellow, so you get the most absorbable forms. By the way, magnesium deficiencies strike about 40% of people and the side effects or the effects of magnesium deficiencies are insomnia, anxiety, and depression. So if you feel those things and suspect it might be a magnesium deficiency, maybe you're one of those 40%, take Mellow. You'll know within 30 minutes if it works for you go check them out
Starting point is 00:01:05 Go to hello Ned calm. That's H e L o Ned calm forward slash mind pump use the code mind pump get 20% off this episode is also brought to you by NASM This is the premier national certification for personal trainers and coaches They are the gold standard period end of story the best in the world And if you go through our link you'll get $150 off any CPT package. $150 off. Go to NASMPT.com. Use the code MPM150 for that discount. We also have a program sale this month. One of our most popular workout programs. Maps, Muscle, Mommy. 50% off. If you're interested, go to mapsfitnessproducts.com
Starting point is 00:01:47 and then use the code OCTOBER50, so that's October and five zero for that discount. All right, back to the show. T-shirt time! And it's t-shirt time. Ah, shit, Doug, you know it's my favorite time of the week. Four winners this week, two for Apple Podcast, two for Facebook.
Starting point is 00:02:04 The Apple Podcast winners are Herd2014 and Small Steps with Skyler. And for Facebook, we have Jeff Gamble and Victor Torres, CPT. All four of you are winners. Send the name I just read to iTunes at mind pump media dot com. Include your shirt size and your shipping address, and we'll get that shirt right out to you. All right, look, you've tried everything to get your arms to grow, but it's just not working.
Starting point is 00:02:29 We got something for you. We're gonna talk about three things you could do that will get your arms bigger in 30 days. It's gonna work. You guys wanna guess what they are? Are we gonna do lift and weights? Exercise variables or other variables? Other variables, there's some exercise stuff in there
Starting point is 00:02:45 as well, but these are things that I think, and I'm pretty sure you guys will agree with me, that if the average person who trains implemented, they would notice a significant difference in their armor size, probably about a quarter of an inch in 30 days, maybe even more for some people. So I would guess the first one has to be something related to the frequency,
Starting point is 00:03:04 how often you're doing it. Yeah so this one's huge and this one whenever when I would apply this to myself and to my clients regardless of the body part they would always see some some kind of result. So essentially this is what it is right. So take your total sets per week that you do for your arms and do them over three or four workouts. In other words, rather than doing them all in one workout or two workouts, split them up so that you're training more frequently or train the body parts more frequently, but the total set volume is exactly the same. Now this doesn't mean the total volume is the same. So here's where it gets kind of
Starting point is 00:03:38 weird, right? If you did, let's say, nine sets for your biceps on Monday, you're significantly weaker by halfway through the workout. By the time you're done with set number five, you're not lifting as much weight for set six, seven, eight, and nine. But if you did nine sets over three workouts, three sets on Monday, three sets on Wednesday, three sets on Friday, even if the exercises were the same,
Starting point is 00:03:59 although I'll make a different argument there, but even if the exercises were the same, you're probably gonna be a little stronger. So what you've done essentially is slowly, gradually, very easily, added volume to your training without adding sets, without even adding exercises. So people do that, they just get more growth. The other part of it is when you're only doing
Starting point is 00:04:20 three sets for biceps, you tend to do the most effective exercises. So you tend to avoid all the stuff that you do towards the end of your workout. So it's just more effective. That's a common pitfall though too, where most people just add it in to their current workout routine
Starting point is 00:04:33 and thinking that just adding more exercise based on arms is gonna move the needle when it's just too much volume. So obviously I'm back to training consistently right now so I was actually thinking about this the other day about how we, we program and we split things up like this over the course of three days, hitting a muscle group like this versus hammering it one day. And obviously the frequency, one of the things too,
Starting point is 00:04:57 I think it's important to address the spike that you get. Yeah. Muscle protein synthesis spike that comes from a workout lasts about 24 to 48, maybe 72 hours, and then it starts to drop off and then go back down. And it looks like a bell curve, right? So it's like you hit that hard exercise, it shoots up, and then it probably peaks
Starting point is 00:05:19 around 24 hours or so, and then it starts to work its way back down, and then by 72 hours it's all the way back down. Right, that's right. And so by basically doing it three times a week virtually every other day, you're pretty much right as that's starting to come back down, you're hitting again. Keeping that positive protein synthesis signal is what you're doing there. And now the harder the workout, the bigger the stimulus tends to be, but there's a, there's, at some point you start to
Starting point is 00:05:47 get negative results because of the ability to recover or adapt. So people will make the argument and say, well, you could do a greater protein synthesis signal with a harder workout. And that's to a certain point. And what ends up happening now is your recovery takes precedent. And so your muscle building signal drops, but you're still recovering. People think because you're recovering you're growing, you're not. Adaptation recovery although there's some crossover and not the same thing. So once a week means you get the spike then it comes down then it
Starting point is 00:06:15 probably goes below baseline for a few days. So okay that was that was my next question to setting this up was that you know paying attention to how sore I am and that would be the argument I think someone would make. It'd be like, oh, well, I'll just train harder. Problem with that is like, when you hammer any muscle group, for that matter, but we're talking about arms right now, and you're sore for five, six days later, like sore to the touch still, like at what point is there diminishing return
Starting point is 00:06:40 on how hard you train? And so breaking it up with the same amount of sets, just over three days, not only I think gives you a better workout for each one of them, meaning that you're able to lift more weight and that's, so that progressively overloads it. But then also doesn't go too beyond and make you so sore that your body's just trying to recover.
Starting point is 00:07:03 So I don't know, no matter how you draw it up, I don't see, I guess the only place it makes sense is the pro bodybuilder who's on so much anabolic steroids and steroids for recovery and things that basically allow them to get away with that consistent overreaching where the average person, this becomes paramount.
Starting point is 00:07:27 It's not just that. When these guys take these anabolic hormones, they have a very loud anabolic chemical signal, hormone signal. On top of that, they have incredible genetics. When you look at these top level bodybuilders, their protein synthesis is positive for longer than the average person. When I work out or somebody else works out, average person, it might spike 24 hours,
Starting point is 00:07:48 start to drop about 48 hours, 72 hours. They're like this, right? Theirs stays up longer. They just build muscle easier. So it's got those genetics. Then you add anabolic on top of it. Well yeah, you can hammer a body part once a week and not really worry about it.
Starting point is 00:08:01 This is why in my, training natural people, full body three day a week routines were superior to body part splits, where they're doing one body part a day. You know, the total set volume being equated roughly the same, they just did much better. There's more reasons that we can make this point with, but I think for arms in particular,
Starting point is 00:08:21 like if you're working your biceps and triceps once a week, you're doing 12 sets for biceps, 12 sets for triceps, divide it up over three workouts. Like watch what happens, that alone, most people will see gains just from doing that alone. Yeah, and then I thought you were gonna bring up first thing, the compound lifts, being the biggest mover of the needle.
Starting point is 00:08:38 It's just like anything else we've found with muscle groups, it's like if we can get the loudest signal possible, you're gonna have the most return for that. Yeah, for some reason, in triceps this is somewhat accepted, right? Like people will say, oh the best muscle builder for triceps, and people will name some compound exercises like dips or close grip bench press, but biceps nobody considers compound lift, even though it's like why it's on your arm too, it flexes the elbow. Right. Like try doing curl grip pull-ups where you're using the biceps as much as you can
Starting point is 00:09:07 right where you're kind of rounding forward using the biceps. That is a mass building bicep exercise that people just they think your chin up is just the back exercise. You can do it in a way towards a lot of bicep and it will put more tension and activate more muscle fibers in the biceps because it's activating more more muscle groups in general. Why do you think that is? I actually never thought about what you just said. We have, it's pretty widely accepted
Starting point is 00:09:32 if you ask most people, hey, what's the best mass builder for your triceps? They're gonna respond with one of those two answers. Close grip bench press or dips is widely accepted as the best arm builder or tricep. For some reason biceps. But why nobody says that for biceps? I've never thought about that.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I think for triceps, people experiment with technique to make it hit the triceps more, so they get close grip versus traditional. I think with the chin up, it was always a back exercise and nobody ever taught it in a way to where, because you could do it and hit more back, right? You could lead with your chest, chest high, lean back, squeeze the lats. Or, you ever watch an arm wrestler do a chin up? Arm wrestlers do this.
Starting point is 00:10:12 They'll curl their forearm and their biceps and they pull with kind of this rounded shoulder because they're trying to get their arms real strong. That's a bicep chin up. You still use some back, but try what I'm saying and see how you feel it in your biceps. I mean, you'll do four reps and they'll light your biceps. Yeah that recruitment sequence is heavily focused on your biceps doing carrying the load. Yes a
Starting point is 00:10:31 great way to regress that to teach that too is to just do it on a lat pulldown with lighter weight so they can get the understanding the technique of the kind of rounding for it goes against everything we teach for pull-ups. It looks like a terrible pull down or a terrible pull pull-up. Yes. Unless you know what you're doing. With bad form, but it's not. So that's why it's important to explain that. If you go into it and you do a lat pull-down, like you're taught to do a lat pull-down,
Starting point is 00:10:53 you're not going to get the same effect from it as if you do this different. So I would teach it sitting down in a lat pull-down, where I could teach the posture, the form, in order to work the biceps and then progress them to a bodyweight. Because a lot of people might not even be able to do that. You gotta be pretty strong to pull your bodyweight up.
Starting point is 00:11:10 A lot of people can't even do a traditional chin up. It's hard, let alone one that emphasizes the arms. It makes it really difficult. But like I said, if you watch arm wrestlers do chin ups, and some of them will do it with one arm, you see it's like an arm chin up. And it's a crazy bicep extension. And I love it too because you put it in a stretch position
Starting point is 00:11:29 that you just don't normally do. You don't rarely, there's very few exercises outside of that in the gym where you're gonna. With a real crazy full extension. Yeah, where you're gonna be in a full extension like that. It's not just that, the tension is high throughout the whole rep. The tension's high up at the top, in the middle,
Starting point is 00:11:45 all the way down, like it is cool. Can't hide from it, yeah. There's no like gravity, with the barbell curl, you know, the tension's kinda mid rep. The bottom part of the rep isn't as heavy because you're not directly pushing gravity, and at the top, same thing. You're doing a curl grip chin up,
Starting point is 00:11:58 I mean it is, the whole way it's hard. So it's a gnarly bicep compound lift. And then dips for tricepsiceps or close grip bench press. Especially if you train, like we said, where you're doing the body parts three days a week, well now you can do these compound lifts more often. Whereas you do it all in one workout, you're not doing a bunch of compound lifts for nine sets.
Starting point is 00:12:17 You're doing maybe one and then the rest are all these isolation exercises. All right, let's hear the third one. What's the third one? Occlusion training. Ah. Yeah, occlusion training is a really nifty little trick to add size to a body part.
Starting point is 00:12:29 This is a pretty crazy, I mean it really does work. And if you added, let's say, a couple sets per week to your workout with just occlusion, you'll see noticeable size on this. I experiment, I know you did. I mean it legit works. I remember when we first heard about it, it was like, we dove all into it
Starting point is 00:12:48 to see if it was legit or not. And it's just like one of those things, not a lot of people talk about it, because it's, I mean, it's kind of, it's unique and it has, you know, it has its place in terms, especially with rehab, but like for muscle building, it's a valid way to train. Now explain to like, okay, so it's basically you are getting
Starting point is 00:13:07 the benefits of the sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, right? That's what's happening, is you're, because that's one of the signals for growth, is that you are volumizing. That's cell swelling. It's swelling up, right? And then it's volumizing, it's getting bigger so that you can do that again,
Starting point is 00:13:22 and that's probably the most extreme version of that. That's part of it. The other part of it is you're essentially starving the muscle of the nutrients it needs to continue to perform. And so what it does is it recruits more and more of these fast-switch muscle fibers. So you get this crazy recruitment of muscle fibers
Starting point is 00:13:39 with very lightweight. So for people who don't know, if I were to do this on my arms, I would take knee wraps and I'd wrap them around the top of my arm, tight enough to where I could feel like it's occluding, like it's preventing blood flow from coming out of the bicep. Now you don't wanna be so tight that your arms go numb,
Starting point is 00:13:56 but it's relatively tight. Then you go and you grab some dumbbells and you do some curls and what you'll find is you'll do some curls, you'll put the dumbbells down, wait 30 seconds, try it again, and it just burns like, nothing burns like occlusion training, it's crazy. It's crazy fire. It's a burn.
Starting point is 00:14:10 And the pump is so intense, it's crazy. Like you'll never experience a pump in your arms like you will with it, because it literally is trapping the blood in the bicep. But a few sets of this, and light dumbbells by the way, if you curl 30 pound dumbbells, you do this with 10. That's the benefit, right?
Starting point is 00:14:24 I mean you don't have to load barely anything and you're gonna get a great workout from that. Well, this is the, you know, origin of this, right? I believe it was hockey players, I wanna say, was the first pro athletes that they were utilizing this for. It was creative. For rehab. Yeah, there was a Japanese, I think it was a scientist, who noticed that when he would kneel,
Starting point is 00:14:44 often his calves would get really pumped and they seemed to grow. So we started doing some studies on this, and it's an old, I mean, this originated I think in the 70s, maybe Doug could look it up. And so that's where the initial science came from. And then they found value with rehab because if you have a hurt knee and I wanna build my quad muscles
Starting point is 00:15:03 I can't use much resistance. But if I clued my leg, I don't need much resistance to cause a similar muscle growth. Any limited range of motion? 1966, yeah. Wow. Dr. Yoshiaki Sato. Now, does it say what he originally,
Starting point is 00:15:17 because I thought I read that it was hockey players at first were the ones, maybe the first ones to adopt it after he did it. But I mean, once I learned about what a great, it was such a great tool for trainers to use and what I did. So I went down the rabbit hole. Once I experimented with it, absolutely loved it. In fact, you could go back on mind pump TV and you can see a video of Sal and I when we were 15, putting a video together. Just young skin. So you can see a video of. You look like you're a kid. Just young skin.
Starting point is 00:15:46 So you can see a video of us actually teaching this way back when. But so I almost became obsessive that I was doing it all the time. I was trying different body parts. Where I saw negative returns on it when I started to completely replace some of my traditional strength training.
Starting point is 00:16:04 You do it as a little addition. Yeah, that's how it works Yeah, it's even it's even a decent temporary Supplementation I would say so even like if you're in a hotel room, you just have bands. Yeah, let's say it's a week I'm out of town or something like that And I don't have a bunch of weights so I thought like including your arms your calves your legs and doing a little fact What a great way to, you know, get a quick five-minute workout while you're traveling and it's enough of a signal that it's going to keep you from for sure losing. You may not make huge gains on it, but it's going to keep you.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Yeah, so if you did the three steps, right, you tripled the frequency, same sets you're doing now, but triple the frequency, you added a compound lift each workout and you did maybe one set of occlusion for biceps and triceps on one of those days or two sets. You're gonna get bigger. You'll have bigger arms by the end as long as you feed yourself of course. Oh yeah. Due to calorie deficits not gonna work very well. You have to build materials. Yeah. I gotta tell you guys I had, we had some friends from church over yesterday and they all have little kids but they're little, so it's a bunch we had. You have my son, who's almost four,
Starting point is 00:17:08 and then you had three, four, five little girls ranging between one to maybe five, or four and a half, five years old. Just a bunch of kids, right? And the parents are there, and we're having a good time hanging out, and at some point, I'm looking around like, it's quiet. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:17:26 Now when you have kids and it's quiet, it usually means you get worried. So I go and look and I find them, they're in the courtyard and they're just organized, they're playing peacefully, cooperating. And I'm like, oh wow, this is way different than when my brother brings his sons over. You know, it's like turmoil and tornado.
Starting point is 00:17:43 So it really does go with the girls. So if they're like a milder manner, he comes down to them. Yeah. Oh, that's good. But little girls are so, I mean, you should see them like organizing, okay, you do this, I'll do that,
Starting point is 00:17:55 you grab this, you put this over there. Like this is, like when my cousin and my brother brings their boys over, like we can't take our eyes off them for 10 seconds. Just chaos. Or it's going to be. War. Yes, or something.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Someone's going to break an arm or something. Courtney and I were tripping because we were at Jiu Jitsu watching Everett do his thing. And this lady brought a little girl in. And she was like, you know, like four or something, or maybe five. But was just sitting there and entertaining herself, playing with these little blocks.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And then her mom's like, you know, I have to step out for this phone call. Can you make sure, you know, she's like, oh yeah, no problem. And she steps out and the little girl just keeps playing and all this, kind of gets up, looks around, sits back down, does it. I'm like, no way. She's just totally self-sufficient.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I'm like, I've never seen this. It's like, girls are so different. Yeah, yeah, I've never seen this. Girls are so different. Yeah. Max can be like that. Max is so chill like that. He's sick right now. He threw up last night. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:18:52 I tell you guys, it's so funny when he does that, because he's been so. Does he have a fever or just stomach layers? He had a small one. He had 99. So it's not a bad. Normally, when it starts hitting over 100, we start to get a little worried.
Starting point is 00:19:03 It's going to be bad. It's been these kids. this is a bug that's yeah You know how this school's back and go on and so it's like they catch something like every freaking week It's doing kids get a flick a fever of a hundred a hundred one. You can't even tell half the time Yeah, you know I get a hundred one fever. I'm I gotta tell him to calm down. I'm like dude. You're sick right now He's still wanting to play and rest stuff. I'm like max you got to calm down buddy. So what's the highest fever? You guys remember the highest fever you ever had as a kid? Did your mom ever tell you stories?
Starting point is 00:19:25 I don't know, that's a good question. I don't know, I had to take like one of those cold baths. So did I. Yeah, she threw me in. They actually put me in the ice bath. Did that to you too? Yeah, my family's done that before. I think I was 105 or something crazy.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Like some ridiculous number. Oh yeah. The doctor's like, yeah, put him in a bath with ice right now. That's not good. Because you're gonna melt his brain. As an adult, when I was in Thailand with food poisoning, I got up to 104 as an adult. Now that, I was hallucinating.
Starting point is 00:19:52 You feel that. No, no, I was hallucinating. I was in bed, it was crazy, I was in bed, and it looked like there were spiders crawling on the walls. What a horrible experience when you're traveling too. That has to be one of the worst places to ever get sick. It was a nightmare. Oh, it it's so terrible. Remember I was getting, remember the whole story I got cocky because I went with Jessica when we
Starting point is 00:20:09 first started dating so she got me to do all kinds of crazy shit and so we're like we're in Bangkok right and I'm eating street food and I'm like you know I'm trying to be courageous. That's all you got to say. Listen I didn't get sick from it so I got cocky. No Bangkok, street food, totally fine. So I'm like oh you know I don't need to worry about anything. We go to the resort in Thailand, and it was a nice resort too, nice resort. They served me a drink, but it had a sliced banana
Starting point is 00:20:34 and the skin of the banana was in the drink. That's what I figured, got it? I got it. Drink the drink, went to bed, and a few hours later, it was like, oh no, this is good. Remember I told you guys she had to get out, she had to leave the hotel room, hitch a ride to find like a doctor that would come to the room.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Yeah. Sure wasn't the monkey feeding you like pieces? No, I didn't do that. I didn't pay for that, Justin. Hey, so you gotta tell the audience that you've got these goggles on right now. I'm so excited. My buddy Holly's, dude.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I bought a pair right away because I can't wait to play with them. Yeah, it's got cameras in them so I'm just kind of playing around. I actually got these because I'm going to this crazy metal festival and I'm like I don't want to be the guy that goes to the concert that's like, because like all my favorite bands are gonna be there and I'm like I just want to like not be an asshole about it and capture like good songs or like being the mosh pit And like not have to like, you know be the influencer guy, you know It's a record. Yeah records like and then I just I'm wearing them just to kind of get used to them and
Starting point is 00:21:36 I am liking them more and more the wear like just because of all the features I didn't realize like I can listen to music I was like washing dishes and loud, and nobody could hear that I'm listening to music. Wait, it plays music, how, through your skull? Yeah, exactly. It goes through your, I don't really know what that bone is called, but yeah, through that process.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Wait a minute, it plays music, you record, and then what else, probably take phone calls? Takes phone calls. Oh, you can actually take calls from it too. Yeah, and you can set it up with the Meta AI. So I can actually say, hey, what am I looking at right now? And so I could actually hold something, like say it's, I don't know, whatever,
Starting point is 00:22:17 some exotic fruit and it could tell me exactly what it is. And that's weird. I haven't really played around with that that much yet. So if you look at one of us and you say that, what would you say? Mildly influential fitness. Think they're cool. Real mild, real mild. Pretty decent like YouTube famous guys. Dude, I'm so, I'm so failing at the influencer thing, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:44 I can't tell you how much I can't. You guys really fucking owe me after this one. Why, why, why? I just, I hate it. You joked right in. I just can't stand it, dude. It's just not, and I get that there's a whole bunch of people that they make a living doing this and they love, they love to do that.
Starting point is 00:23:02 It's an, it's an all day thing. Yes. Every day. Constantly. And I continually fall short. Like I just, ah, forgot to do that. It's an all day thing every day. Yes, constantly. And I continually fall short. Like I just, ah, forgot to record that meal. Ah, forgot to tell you, you know what I'm saying? My mind is completely focused on that right now.
Starting point is 00:23:14 I'm like really trying to make a conscious effort to loop the YouTube audience in with the Instagram and so that at all times you know what I'm eating, what I'm doing training wise so people can follow the whole process. And it's just a lot. Think about the mindset that someone has who likes doing that.
Starting point is 00:23:32 You want the attention. Validation. I think it's constant validation. You love and are addicted to the. I never care, that's my problem. Because you don't need constant validation. Like imagine somebody. Well, not you guys either, but.
Starting point is 00:23:43 It's the thing about somebody who's like, I can't be with myself. I need people to like everything I'm doing all the time. That's constant validation. That's the only reason why you don't like it. I don't see any other reason. I mean, the other part would be the people that justify it by,
Starting point is 00:23:58 because they make a living through just that. There's so many other ways to make a living. Like, look at you right now. Are you gonna keep doing this, Adam? No. All right. That's the part that, I mean. Counting right now. Are you gonna keep doing this, Adam? No. No, no. That's the part that, I mean. Counting the days, huh?
Starting point is 00:24:07 Yeah, oh yeah, no, totally. And I think that that's the part that I do for our audience that, or, because I'm getting lots of positive feedback, right, a lot of people is, oh my God, this is the content we've been waiting for. I said, well, enjoy while it lasts, because I'm fucking out of here. It's been two months, so just so you know, it's not,
Starting point is 00:24:21 it's not gonna be a thing I'm doing all the time, you know? It's just not, I don't know, it's not sustainable. a thing I'm doing all the time, you know, it's just not I don't know. It's it's not sustainable I don't think it's healthy. I Think it's I think it's great valuable. I think our audience that is paying attention. I think the feedback I'm getting is They really really enjoy and I wasn't sure if um, I wasn't sure if it was going to create enough Good organic content. I'm not man. I'm going to create enough good organic content. I'm like, man, I'm only doing like maps 15, two exercises.
Starting point is 00:24:48 It's like this. Yeah. But you, you, you go through your trainer and your coach, you understand how to explain your explanations of everything. I think it's that's what people don't get enough of in their opinion. Right. It's like, you're, you're really thoroughly explain your, your rationale and your reasoning.
Starting point is 00:25:01 But yeah. D Dylan's idea of the of doing this kind of like, what do you call that? Is that third person? Where it's like I'm talking, like I'm not talking of my, I'm like, you're peering into my thoughts almost, right? So what would that be considered? What person, what version is that?
Starting point is 00:25:16 I don't know. Yeah, breaking the fourth wall. Is that what that would be considered? Yeah, so it's kind of like that perspective, right? Where it's like I'm not really a community, which I really enjoy that enjoy that though is like the stuff that we've done in the past where we shoot like a YouTube video Where it's like, okay teach this, you know teach the occlusion or two And then we have to like talk to the camera pretend like there's a million people I don't do so all this where this
Starting point is 00:25:37 The guys are just kind of floating around doing their own thing and I'm really actually being hyper present into the workout Okay, and I'm just I'm actually just expressing my thoughts as I'm like oh I need to do this and like and so I'm not even ever really addressing the camera I'm just talking inner dialogue that's coming yeah and so that part I actually I don't mind that and it's not as torturous to me as the regular YouTube videos where we don't feel fake maybe or as fake yeah yeah doesn't feel fake at all it literally as torturous to me as the regular YouTube videos where we are- It doesn't feel fake maybe or as fake? Yeah, it doesn't feel fake at all.
Starting point is 00:26:08 It literally feels like, you know, I just tell Dylan, like, hey, I'm gonna work out in about 15 minutes. They go get all set up and then he put clips to mic on. I forget about it that it's even there. And then I just, I go through my thoughts and I don't really prep a lot of what I'm gonna do. I kind of on the fly decide like, what am I gonna do today? How do I feel? What do I'm gonna do. I kinda on the fly decide, like, what am I gonna do today?
Starting point is 00:26:26 How do I feel? What do I need to do? How's everything going? Like, oh, what's the program call for? Oh, I'm gonna modify this. And so it's- How's the results so far? What week are we in?
Starting point is 00:26:36 Well, this is gonna be the fourth week. Oh, you're on fourth week. You look different. So I'm looking at- I can see you look different. I'm weighing in at 209 right now. It's 10 pounds. Wow. Yeah, yeah. it's 10 pounds. Wow.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Yeah, yeah. That's 10 pounds not trying to really put on aggressively. I've been just slowly kind of increasing the calories. I wonder when you're gonna do your first body fat. So I just was, right before we got on the podcast, I was looking to schedule the thing. I'd like to get it done this coming week. How interesting would it be that you actually gain
Starting point is 00:27:03 more lean body mass than that because you lost some fat? Yeah, it's going to be wild. So it's like, I hate to speculate. Yeah, I was going to say because. Because I know it's going to like, if it doesn't come out, because here's what I mean, I keep telling the audience that, you know, listen, I don't care how long I've been doing this,
Starting point is 00:27:19 how confident I feel, all these things like that. Many times I go and I test and I realize, oh shit, I'm not on the perfect path. Obviously I'm making progress. I don't think I'm going to go get it and it's going to be like, oh, you're fatter and you lost muscle. I don't think I lost muscle and put body fat on over the last month. But it also can be very discouraging if I only lost a half a percent or quarter percent of fat, and maybe I only put on one or two pounds, that could be really discouraging with the amount of effort and work,
Starting point is 00:27:49 but I don't think so, but it could, what I'm really curious about, what it could do. Because I've never come from this, how do you say this, like? Well, you've never come into this with that much muscle memory. Yes. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Because you've done a transformation, but you didn't have, but you went beyond what you ever did before. Yes. Here, you're not even gonna get to your, in 90 days you're not even gonna hit what you did. Right. It's all muscle memory. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:13 At this point. So this is actually very new for me. Okay, well here's something objective. How's your performance and strength? Oh, it goes up every lift. So you're noticing big changes. Yeah, but remember too, and this is what I try to communicate
Starting point is 00:28:25 to the audience is that, man, I really, I mean, I started at 135 squats, 135 deadlifts, dumbbell pressing, 45 pound dumbbells. I really didn't need to do much at all, and each week I've just incrementally moved up. The biggest thing that's frustrating, and I can, because my physique is that's frustrating and I can because my My physique is changing now and I can actually see visible change and like it's starting to come together
Starting point is 00:28:51 My chest is one of my you know, it's a big muscle and so to not be training it is really the terror Yeah, yeah now like it didn't are you able to do anything? So that so I'm gonna start today I'm gonna do some band work. Oh, yeah. So I completely took off all of last week. So I've had almost 10 full days of nothing at all after the kind of scare. I've been hitting the BPC and the TB 500 like crazy. The next thing is this week I'm going to introduce bands.
Starting point is 00:29:20 And right now Katrina's really working. So I've got this like ball. It just feels like a ball of tissue that moves around. And I know that's what's restricting me right now Katrina's really working, so I've got this like ball, it just feels like a ball of tissue that moves around. And I know that's what's restricting me right now. And so I gotta just, she had the hot stones on me last night. I wonder if you tore your pec minor. Cause you wouldn't see it that much if you tore pec minor. You would see it when you flex,
Starting point is 00:29:39 you might have a little divot coming in. Yeah, it is a little bit of a divot right there. So, and now it's like a, like I said, like a ball of scar tissue that I'm dealing with right now. Like the torn peck minor, that'd be crazy. So, you know, it's so funny, like people ask me, like, oh, have you had to go, I'm afraid to go to the doctor
Starting point is 00:29:57 because I don't want to hear, yeah, I don't want to hear what they have to say. I'm gonna try and solve this myself first, because I don't want to be told that dude. I don't want to, I don't want them to try and tell me like, Oh, it's this that you surgery. Yeah. Yeah. I don't want to hear that. Like I'm determined to, to work around it. I mean, the, the positive thing for the audience is that it's real shit, right?
Starting point is 00:30:18 It's like, you know, it's like, I'm not in the perfect scenario. It's so, you know, Hey, people have to work with and around injuries a lot of times. I'm dealing with that right now. It's definitely the frustrating part is being able to hit my chest is just with the amount of muscle I've lost is a huge disadvantage. Not being able to is a huge disadvantage.
Starting point is 00:30:37 So you're doing BPC 157. You're doing thymus and beta for recovery. Are you supplementing with magnesium at night to help with the muscle recovery? So I'm almost almost always I mean Mellow is like a staple supplement. That's and I guess I should probably cover some things I keep forgetting to talk about I don't count Like I've been telling the audience like if I'm doing any sort of peptides
Starting point is 00:30:59 I've had a whole episode the other day where I broke down my hormone therapy and like, so I'm trying to be as transparent about everything that I do as possible. I'm documenting all the food. There's things like vitamin D, like magnesium, like the Mellow product. Like there's certain things that I just, that's a- They're always in. Yeah, I need it. Like I'm deficient in magnesium. I'm deficient in vitamin D.
Starting point is 00:31:20 So I don't count that as like a, hey, I'm getting ready for this. You know, along those lines, just a little teaching opportunity for the audience, there's estimates, but probably about 60% of people are deficient in magnesium, and a lot of people don't know what the symptoms of magnesium deficiency are. Anxiety, depression, and insomnia, those are the most common,
Starting point is 00:31:39 those are the most common side effects of a magnesium deficiency. So if you're like, why am I feeling anxious, or why is it hard to sleep? Like what's going on? You might be one of the 40% that all you'd have to do is take a well absorbable magnesium supplement. There's different versions. Mellow is the one that we work with from from Ned. Supplement with that and the good news is you'll know within probably within the first time you take it if it's anxiety or insomnia. I knew it right away.
Starting point is 00:32:06 It was like obvious. That's why when people ask me, oh, what do you think about this product or that? I said, well listen, with something like magnesium, if you're deficient in it and you take it, there's no question if it's working. Like it will, it will, yeah, you'll be able to tell. Like instantly, the first night you take it,
Starting point is 00:32:22 you will get some of the best sleep you've ever had. And to me, that was, it's like, and it's a 50-50 shot. That's how many people are deficient in it, that you could be one of those. And maybe you're not. Maybe you're somebody who's totally fine on magnesium, and then you take it and you're like, oh, I don't really notice that big of a difference.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Okay, no big deal. But for people that are deficient in that, and then you supplement with that, it makes that big of a difference, where it's like, oh God, yeah. I knew it right away as soon as I took it. That's awesome. So this weekend, I learned about some ancient languages,
Starting point is 00:32:49 this was at church, and they were talking about how they describe different things, and I didn't realize this, so English language isn't nearly as descriptive of certain things as some ancient languages. Like for example, like the word love, there's different words for love in some of the ancient languages, a lot of people don't know this
Starting point is 00:33:06 There's like love for your partner Love for your friends and then there's what's called sacrificial love where you don't have the feeling of it But you sacrifice yourself forms called agape, right? They have different words for time too. This one was crazy to me Chronos is the amount of time like 60 seconds Kronos is the amount of time, like 60 seconds. Kairos is quality time. So they actually had two different words to describe. I thought that's so fascinating that, and language shapes ideas and thoughts and behaviors.
Starting point is 00:33:35 A lot of people don't realize this, like words make a big difference in how you perceive the world. I wonder how detrimental it's been that we don't describe, because for example, the three word, the three definitions of love, you can understand, like if I say,
Starting point is 00:33:49 passionate love for your partner, oh I know what that's like. Love you have for your friend, like yeah I know what that is, and then the kind of love that's totally sacrificial. They're not the same. But we don't have words to describe that. I thought that was really fascinating,
Starting point is 00:34:00 especially the time one. Are there things that you guys are doing, I know this is for kind of where we're all at in our lives. We've shared this many times about, you know, being ultra present and quality time with the family. Do you find that there are things that you guys have like implemented or that you go out of your, like this is like a thing that like, okay,
Starting point is 00:34:20 I wanna improve being present or I wanna improve quality time with my family. Therefore, this is gonna become a thing that we either do daily or weekly or monthly even like have you guys created things like that or There are things like, you know that they come to mind that you're like, you know I know Justin used to talk a lot about I know you're really good about the the phone thing, right? It's like hey, well I come home from work and the phone goes up on the thing Like I can never get a hold of you past six o'clock. So kudos to you being a better dad than me. Uh, but yeah, I miss all this.
Starting point is 00:34:51 So, you know, that's, but I mean, that's a, that's a, that's a practice of, of, of that, are there things like that, that you guys have, have done to do that? I started implementing stuff in my older kids cause there's, uh, they're teenagers are hard to like little kids. it's easy to spend time with them because it's like, you wanna hang out? Yes. My teenage kids, it's more difficult. So I started scheduling them.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Well, two things. One is my 15 year old, when she's in her room, I'll knock on the door, walk in the room, and then stay in her space with her. And I noticed that that's the first conversation rather than trying to get her to come out. Just hanging out. There's no like, hey daddy wants to talk to you. No, I just come sit down, sit on her bed, hey what are you doing? You know, whatever, and I noticed that that's first conversation rather than trying to get her to come out. Just hanging out, there's no like, hey daddy wants to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:35:25 No, I just come sit down, sit on her bed, hey what are you doing, whatever, and I'll just sit there and conversation starts. And then the other one is scheduling time. If I don't schedule time, then it's missing because I'm doing homework or I'm doing this thing or I'm going to work, so I'm like, this time, this day, you and I are gonna go on a hike
Starting point is 00:35:43 or whatever and it's like, cool, so it's on the schedule. So it has to be more intentional. Do you find that they do it kind of begrudgingly because my dad's telling me I have to do it? Or do you find that they're excited to do it? No, yeah, especially when we schedule something that they wanna do. Yeah, they seem to be okay with it.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Although sometimes you'll feel like they don't wanna hang around with you. Yeah. Yeah, that's the teenagers in general. Yeah. For me it's really, it's like, it's a lot of that in terms of just going into their own environment and, um, you know, like I'll go sit in their room and just kind of wait for them to tell me things and like, um, it reveal itself. And for me, it's like,
Starting point is 00:36:20 I find these opportunities where they're passionate about something. And then I try to think about that ahead of time, find a book or find, you know, something that is relevant towards that. Like for instance, right now, Ethan's really into entrepreneurship. He's like diving in like full deep into it, like trying to create his own like brand and his own, the, you know, the kind of business we all hate, which is like merchandise and selling t-shirts
Starting point is 00:36:50 and all that kind of stuff. But, and so I got him a few books with that and we kind of talk about it. And he's like kind of getting into stocks and all that kind of stuff. And then Everett's like really into skateboarding. And so I'll just take opportunities. I'll take him down to the skate park. It's just, it's really,ett's like really into skateboarding. And so I'll just take opportunities. I'll take them down to the skate park.
Starting point is 00:37:07 It's just, it's really, it's like, I know what they're kind of what's driving them right now. And so I want to like intentionally take them, you know and immerse them in something or like teach them something or, you know. But you gotta step into their space. That they like, yeah. But you have to find out what they like in order
Starting point is 00:37:23 to kind of build that conversation. Now, how important do you guys think it is that you also do this for yourself? So like, obviously we're dads, we care about being a good dad, I think we're always constantly working on that. How much do you think is also important that you find something for you?
Starting point is 00:37:41 Completely selfish, nobody else, it's your thing, it's what you do, and like do you also schedule that and make time for that? That's super important. Yeah. That's my workouts. That's first and foremost. And then once, twice a week I do, there's a men's group that I go to, and then once a week I'll go and just go meditate on, these days it's a lot of scripture, but I'll be thinking about things. That's super important because otherwise you're in the mix. This is how I find it. I get in the mix and I'd be thinking about things. That's super important, because otherwise you're in the mix. This is how I find it.
Starting point is 00:38:06 I get in the mix and I don't know, I'm not the same person, especially when I come back from something like that. I'm like a totally different person. I think it's important. Yeah, I'm probably the worst at that. Yeah, to be completely honest, because I get too focused on the balance
Starting point is 00:38:22 and the semblance of like the family dynamic and like I'm, Oh, well the kids do what's, you know, how, how am I deficient here, uh, helping Courtney out or whatever it is. And then I'm like, I don't have any friends. I haven't hung out with anybody. I'm not like, you know, do anything that I'm passionate about as much, but then I've, I've tried to start making steps in that direction. And I'm like, music's a big avenue for me with that that direction and I'm like music's a big Avenue for me with that and so I'm like kind of scheduling things
Starting point is 00:38:49 But it's like it's a lot less frequent than me probably stepping into everybody else's thing So that's an area, you know, I need to work on that Yeah I mean I feel like I've seen you do stuff like that more recent than before like you like I mean this you're getting ready to come Up on your trip where you always go like that was something that that you've made like that's a non-negotiable. The only thing I have probably I could say like, I am doing this every year if I have to.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Have you guys seen the stats on men's groups? Like how big of an impact they make for men? Because men are terrible at, especially when we hit our like middle age, terrible at making friends. Yeah, like just, we're just not good. We just don't do it. Generally speaking, women tend to have more social connections than men do.
Starting point is 00:39:29 So when you look at the data on men's groups, once a week you meet up with your buddies and you guys go and do this thing. Especially if it's purpose driven, not just hang out, but we're all gonna go and work on this car, or we're all gonna go and, I go to a group called Better Man where you learn how to become a better man,
Starting point is 00:39:46 it's based on Christian values. The data on it's amazing. I think it's because we don't do it otherwise. If we don't schedule it, it ain't gonna happen. Yeah, no, I think it's funny in our relationship, it's actually the flip with Katrina and I. I'm always having to tell her to go do that. As much as of a social, friendly person she is,
Starting point is 00:40:04 she doesn't take that much time. Not even with her family? She's got such a big family. Well, I mean, sir, I mean, would you count that as the same thing? Because I don't know if I would count that as the same thing. It does something. She's got such a close relationship with him.
Starting point is 00:40:14 She's incredibly, I mean, yeah, not a day goes by that she- So that's probably why she doesn't feel like she needs it. Yeah, I don't think she thinks she needs it. You know, I think that she gets so much probably of that from her family. But yeah, I'd say in our household, the roles are reversed in that area. I'm always doing stuff with making new friends and hanging out. I mean, I was again this weekend with meeting new groups of people and
Starting point is 00:40:37 doing stuff like that. There's a lot of this right now is with the car culture, right? That's where you meet a lot of friends. Yeah, I mean, it's like whatever's like, we're all very similar in this way. When we're into something new, like we completely- You're into it. Yeah, I mean, it's like whatever's like, you know, we're all very similar in this way where when we're into something new, like we completely- You're into it. Yeah, we're into it and fully immersed. And so, you know, it just, I think to me, that's the easiest way to teach somebody to,
Starting point is 00:40:55 if you're an older dad or man and you're trying to foster that is one step one is having a hobby helps, right? Having things that you're into, you know, I know Doug's into the calligraphy and the Japanese art and things like that. I'm sure when he goes to those things, he meets people that you have good conversation with. And so that's the key is like, first have something you care about
Starting point is 00:41:15 and you like doing that you're passionate about and interested in, and then immerse yourself in those types of hobbies on the weekend going out of your way to go do that stuff. And then that's how you meet other men that have similar passions and things. So I've always done that. This is why Arthur Brooks talks about how
Starting point is 00:41:34 widows do so much better than widowers. I guess a widower is a man who's husband, his wife. He said the data on men who lose their wives is terrible. Because they have no social anything. So it's the low. I also think that men too are so, and again, this, we're over generalizing by saying men. Of course. This is just the data. Right. Right. Right. But typically are horrible at asking for help or directions or,
Starting point is 00:41:55 you know what I'm saying? So now all of a sudden the wife is gone and it's like, all of a sudden you got to figure shit out. It's like, you have to go ask or tell people you don't know or you need help. You named it. I've known widowers and they tend to be hermits. 100%. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. It's funny, just speaking of men and guys and stuff,
Starting point is 00:42:12 I ran into this kid who I knew him when he was little. So his dad was a friend of mine and apparently he's been following us through Mindpump. He texted me a while ago, hey, this is so and so son. I'm into working out now. So I'm like, oh, that's so cool. So I sent him some of our supplement overstock in the back and I said, hey, what program do you want?
Starting point is 00:42:32 I'll set you up with a program. So he's been following me. He's getting into Jiu Jitsu. Anyway, I ran into him and he's like, he really likes it. He wants to become maybe like a personal trainer. So I pointed him, I said, all right. Yeah, so I said, all right, good place to start. It's like we talk about on the show.
Starting point is 00:42:46 I said, start at a big box gym, because they'll do a lot of the, you'll learn a lot of how to build your business through them. They'll provide you with the leads. You got people working out that you can talk to. You'll learn a lot from lots of other trainers. And so he needed a national cert, so I said, go to NASM. I sent him our link.
Starting point is 00:43:04 And I told him to go, obviously first get CPT, but then get the correctional exercise specialist one. So we were talking about all that, and yeah, it was really cool to see his kid grow up, and now he wants to be a trainer. Because he listens to the show. NASM's such a great, and there's tons of great certs, but NASM, I think, is just one of the most
Starting point is 00:43:20 well-rounded certs. If I was gonna tell someone, just like, they'd have no certs, go start there. And then I always say that the corrective exercise specialist, that was the game changer cert. It is another level though, I tell you what, like the. It ain't easy. Yeah, you need to really understand their CPT really well
Starting point is 00:43:37 because they build on it in CES. It's like, they assume you know all that information and so you definitely wanna get the first one really, really really really had I known that correctional exercise from a trainer's perspective okay so if you're a trainer listening like this is there's almost nothing that will make you more money faster and bring more value to your people than correctional exercise hands down nothing close it's not exercise performance that's fun it's not powerlifting that's cool it's not building muscle that's
Starting point is 00:44:04 fun too and cool, too It's literally correctional exercise. It applies valuable thing applies to everybody. That's why yeah I mean I mean you can improve anybody with pain even restriction even when I thought I was gonna be a Trainer who's gonna train athletes. I was a kid when I was training the amount of I mean Have you guys ever met a retired athlete or someone who is an athlete who doesn't have all kinds of dysfunction? I mean, have you guys ever met a retired athlete or someone who is an athlete who doesn't have all kinds of dysfunction and out of balance?
Starting point is 00:44:26 And so like even that, even that, like I wish I really understood correctional exercise on that capacity and what it has done for me personally, figure solving my own problems out, being able to help clients. It applies to every range, no matter their age, no matter their skillset, no matter their level of training. Like, yeah, I don't know set, no matter their level of training.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Yeah, I don't know why that's not hammered more. Because I think trainers tend to get into fitness and they think fat loss, health, muscle building and correctional exercise is more like a rehab. I think you said it right, the first thing, fat loss. I think that's all. I mean, that's 65. That's what gets through the door. Listen, when I sold training as a trainer early days,
Starting point is 00:45:06 and I was a good salesman, okay, I've always been a good salesman, it's a natural thing for me, but what I sold was fat loss and muscle building. When I learned correctional exercise, so here's the difference, if I do an assessment on somebody, I can sell you on the fact that I'm gonna,
Starting point is 00:45:19 you're gonna burn body fat and build muscle with me, but I can't show you that. It's one assessment, it's impossible. I'm not gonna show you fat loss or muscle, but it's gonna take a while. But I can show you pain relief in 15 minutes. I could show you pain relief right now with correctional exercise.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And when I did that, if I had someone in front of me, their shoulder hurt or they couldn't squat all the way down because their heels would come up or something like that, then we'd do some correctional exercise and then I'd show them right there, like oh my God, my shoulder doesn't hurt nearly as much. Done, it was like a guarantee they're gonna hire me
Starting point is 00:45:49 because I just showed them my value right out the gates. That alone, for trainers, like that alone is everything. Huge, huge difference. You know, speaking of trainers and helping trainers, Doug, when is the next webinar that Sal and I are doing and what is the title of it? This is something for our audience. We really didn't announce it.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Free education for sure. Yeah, we didn't announce it on the last one. And we had a nice show. I think we had a few, over 1,000, I think 1,500 people signed up for it. A few hundred, I think, shied up for the live. And then of course, over the course of the week, because once you sign up, you get the replay,
Starting point is 00:46:21 even if you can't make the live event. But it's absolutely free. There's no charge to it. Every other month, Sal and I will be hosting these webinars. And really, they'll have different titles. Some of them will be, the last one we did was how to build a six-figure business as a personal trainer.
Starting point is 00:46:38 It's really geared around being a better coach, trainer, building your business. And we're just going to make this a consistent thing. We're just going to just, just again come from this place of let's just continue to add value to the coaches and trainers making them better. It's free for people to show up. You just sign up for the webinar.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Even if you can't make the live event, it'll be emailed to you. What's the next one, Doug? November 12th at 4pm Pacific. The key for personal trainers to retain clients during the holiday season. Oh yeah, so that'll be the topic. We're gonna literally talk about how,
Starting point is 00:47:07 so for trainers, during the holiday season, this is a time when sometimes you lose clients. So we're gonna talk about how to keep them and how to get more clients. That's the slowest time in fitness, by the way. If you manage a gym or train people, you know it's like, this could be really, really tough on your business, but there are strategies
Starting point is 00:47:23 that will make you as successful, more successful during the holiday season. It's kind of cool because- Where do you sign up for this? Can they sign up now or no? They just have to kind of stay tuned. So there will be notifications in the free trainer forum, which is Personal Trainer Growth Secrets.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Oh, so just go there. Powered by Mind Pump, you'll see all the replays, for example, as well as future events that we're gonna have. That's the Facebook group. That's the Facebook group. So go join that Facebook group also free. Personal Trainer Growth Secrets. You'll see all the replays for example as well as future That's a Facebook go join that Facebook group also free personal trainer growth secrets. Yes, and that's us and if you're following that and you're following the Mindpump trainer page on IG you're gonna get notifications on all this stuff So just make sure you follow and then turn on the notifications. What's been really cool and interesting for me So those people that have been listening for a really long time
Starting point is 00:48:06 prior to mind pump The four of us never worked together, although we have a similar background We all work for the same company at one point We all didn't get a chance to work together Justin and I have worked together And I guess you could say Doug and Sal at some capacity work together before we all got together But I've always thought about, man, imagine if the four of us were together in a club, you know, 15, 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Like man. Yeah. Man, well we. Do you know what I fantasize about that? Well, I do, I think about that. I do, I sorta go. And complete transparency that this has kind of lit that fire in me,
Starting point is 00:48:42 cause it's the closest thing to kind of like what I did when I ran clubs, right? So I know you GM, you did both fitness manager and GM. And so you handled a lot of the sales people and the sales team, which I did also. And I think we had, that was some, we had in some way we both, even though we had different departments, we cross pollinate a lot with the other department. So to have us both kind of both, even though we had different departments, we cross pollinated a lot with the other department. So to have us both kind of, uh, mentoring these groups of people coming through, man, it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Like a couple of times I've been like, Oh man, should I haven't even prepared for that webinar? I was like, Oh, I'll be okay. It's I know the topic will be, and it just, it reignites this. All these memories. Yeah. I mean, I find myself like, the hour comes up real fast, real fast because this is what, this is what I did most of my career. This is what I love I find myself like, oh shit. The hour comes up so fast. Oh, real fast, real fast because this is what I did most of my career. This is what I love to do. Like I've never, I've never hung my hat on I'm one of the best trainers in the world. By no means do I think I'm that person at all.
Starting point is 00:49:39 I think it's also why I've also been challenged with social media and YouTube is like, I don't like putting myself out there. It's like, I'm one of these experts. Like my, what made me successful in fitness was my business acumen. I was decent at that and got better at that through my twenties. I was an okay trainer, you know, wasn't the brightest trainer ever. And so this, this is more my wheelhouse of helping trainers build their business And so it's reignited that funny you said you said that about running a club I often fantasize the only reason why we would never do it was the amount of hours and time energy would yeah
Starting point is 00:50:14 we just we were just yeah, me and Kyle are actually talking about that a bit because Still like thinking of things to kind of shoot that would be good great content It's like, you know to come in and do kind of a gym overhaul kind of thing. I was like, that's my dream. I was like, Sal's been chomping at this idea. I would love to do a gym rescue where we go in and in 30 days turn it around. Totally.
Starting point is 00:50:34 And it would be made for, I mean, it would be made for TV. Be beneficial for the gym, it'd be great content. I'd have some of those old school sales meetings that you can't do anymore because you're gonna get fired. We can do it because it's a show. Instead of signed waivers. I can get crazy, throw shares. I would love to. I mean it's...
Starting point is 00:50:51 It'd be fun. So I didn't know this was going to ignite that, so I'm really excited. I mean this, we're cutting ready to wrap up or we're coming into, I should say, not wrap up, but coming to Q4 and wrap this year up for this launching this business. And you know, not wrap up, but come into Q4 and wrap this year up for this launching this business. And you know, all in all, a couple of hiccups with hires and stuff like that. But now that we've got it all ironed out, I feel like, boy, this thing is just is running on all cylinders and a blast. I think we've really figured out the best way to impact these coaches and trainers. And that's really kind of the
Starting point is 00:51:23 mission behind this is like, I kind of, you know, there's that piece of me that has that, like I want to be able to have a bunch of trainers that we've influenced that that becomes a standard that people ask, like, oh, have you been, have you been coached by the mind pump? Do you have a cert, sir? Do you go through there? Like I want to create a culture around the trainers
Starting point is 00:51:43 that come through this course and learn from us and it starts by us Providing all this stuff for for free and showing everybody what what we can add as far as value to their to their Business and then we'll take it from there. It's fun, man It is so I try I love trainers always always always will love trainers are the best people in the fitness space keeps us grounded Yeah, by far. I have a shout out for the end of the show. Good, let's hear it. Do it. So it's a book that I'm reading, right?
Starting point is 00:52:07 This is one of the groups that I'm a part of. It's called Marriage That Works, and it talks about, from a biblical perspective, how to have a successful marriage. What's crazy about the book, it's by Chip Ingram, which I think you know who he is. He's my pastor growing up, yep. So the book is, I mean it's amazing to me
Starting point is 00:52:26 because obviously the way we know, the way we define marriage traditionally, right, one man, one woman, that was created, that's a Judeo-Christian creation essentially. And they also have a blueprint for how it's supposed to work. So it makes sense that, well they created it, why not look at their blueprint?
Starting point is 00:52:41 And it's so opposite, it's so opposite of what the culture and world tells you that everything I'm hearing and reading in there. Yep, very counter-cultural. The reason why to me it's so exciting is because I understand a space in the world that is like that as well, which is health and fitness. I've often said this, if you follow what the culture
Starting point is 00:53:02 in the world tells you is healthy, if you live the way that they tell you, you will be sick, fat and unhealthy. It's just a fact. It's oftentimes the opposite of what they tell you that's going to make you healthy. Well, of course, it's like this with marriage as well. The culture tells you to do it a certain way and we have a what, 50% divorce rate. So I'll tell you one thing that was in the book that's just crazy. You know traditional marriage therapy or counseling or whatever or culture will say when you get married find out how to express your needs. Make sure your partner can meet your needs by expressing them so that they can meet
Starting point is 00:53:35 your needs. You guys meet each other's needs or whatever. That's not at all what the biblical perspective says. The biblical perspective says your goal is to meet all of their needs, is to submit to them and meet all of their needs and it becomes competition over who can meet the other person's needs more. So it's all about that agape love, sacrificial love, which is pretty wild. Totally opposite of what you've heard from the culture.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Anyway, there's a lot of other stuff in there that's pretty wild. Good stuff. Awesome. Elemented is an electrolyte powder. It's high in sodium, it's high enough in sodium. In fact, most electrolyte powders don't have enough. That is not artificially flavored. There's no artificial sweeteners. There's also no sugar. It just tastes real good and it
Starting point is 00:54:15 gives you the electrolytes you need for better workouts, for better sleep, better pumps, especially if you're on a ketogenic diet or you don't eat a diet that's high in heavily processed foods. This be a game-changer. Anyway go to the link go to drinklmnt.com forward slash mind pump you'll get a free sample pack on that link with any drink mix purchase. Alright back to the show. Our first caller is Nadine from Toronto. Hi Nadine. How can we help you? Good morning. Hi guys. How are you? Good. Alright. So nice to How can we help you? Good morning. Hi guys. How are you?
Starting point is 00:54:46 Good. All right. So nice to be here. Thank you for having me. Okay. I'm just going to jump right into my question. So I've gotten three DEXA scans since last August. I've gotten one in August, November, and May of 2024.
Starting point is 00:54:59 In between the first and second DEXA, which were three months apart, I gained one pound of fat and four pounds of muscle. And the DEXA that I took today, which was the one that I sent in May, it showed that I gained one pound of fat and gained no new lean mass. The DEXA scan is very detailed and shows where the lean mass and fat mass is distributed. It also shows the relative skeletal muscle index, which basically tells me how dense my muscles are. And that only went up by 0.02. In the last five months, I had some weight fluctuations and I've started a cut with 1750. And it's been four weeks at the time when I sent in my question, I've noticed some shrinkage in my stomach. Also, that was confirmed based on my DEXA. And I've noticed that my shoulders have gotten leaner.
Starting point is 00:55:40 And that has been my priority the last two months, even though the numbers did not reflect that I work out four to five times a week. And I usually meet my protein intake based on my tracking based on those four weeks that I was doing my cut. I'm not sure what I should do next and whether I should change my workout routine. I was thinking of working out three times a week, consistently getting my 10 K steps and incorporating a cake box in class once a week for a new stimulus. Just a bit of background. Um, I'm, I'm, I have scrawny arms. Okay. They're very scrawny.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I'm trying to get them bigger. Um, I've been, that has been my focus forever. I have big thighs, small waist, small upper body, and I'm just trying to get the opposite of that. Um, I tried maps, anabolic for a little bit, but it just didn't really resonate with me because the workouts were taking too long. And I just find that I need like a workout a day rather than just doing mini trigger
Starting point is 00:56:32 sessions. Now I've been doing kickboxing. I've noticed some strength gains in my upper body, but I don't know if what I'm doing is right because I haven't gotten a DEXA. I just feel like I look better, but I still, I don't look toned enough. Like it looks like I don't work out what I'm doing is right because I haven't gotten a dexa. I just feel like I look better But I still I don't look toned enough like it looks like I don't work out when you look at me When was the last time you reversed I did? So I just got back from vacation and the last time I did that was I don't even know if I've ever Reverse dieted like do you mean?
Starting point is 00:57:00 So right away what comes to mind for me is that you're in this kind of maintenance to deficit place and You're trying to build muscle in your upper body and it's just not happening You're not giving and then and then what you're doing is you're adding cardio to it on top of that It's just working against you your goal our goal right now should be to build muscle and increase your calories So I'd like to see you on 1819 and then to 2000 to 22, 23, eventually get you up to like 2,400 to 2,600 calories a day. And then we reverse and come back down. And so the initial goal is for us to increase calories,
Starting point is 00:57:34 build muscle. You want to just a little bit. We don't want to put on 10 pounds or 15 pounds on the scale. But going up three, five pounds, not a big deal because we're trying to build and focus on building muscle. After we've done that for like a month or so, then we can reverse for a little bit and then lean out a tiny bit and then turn around and do it again. And just keep doing that bulk reverse diet to a cut for a short period of time, then
Starting point is 00:57:56 back into it until you get to a place where you can maintain your mass or maintain your size and eat in 2,400 calories a day. That's where we need to be. Do you remember what your body fat percentage was from your last scan? Yes, it was 27.2%. I had about 35 pounds of fat and... That's crazy, you don't look like that.
Starting point is 00:58:19 I know. Yeah, you don't. No, you don't. You don't look like that at all. I think I had, actually I can pull it up, but it was 35 pounds of fat basically, and the rest was all like lean muscle. Okay, and then in that period of time,
Starting point is 00:58:30 the last two tests, right, the one where you said you just gained a pound of fat and nothing else, did you notice any other changes? Any strength gains, any stamina gains? I definitely noticed strength gains, and I was going up in my upper body stuff, so I'm doing, I was doing push press, press, push pressure, presses, bicep curls, shoulder presses, all of
Starting point is 00:58:49 that was going up, but it just how much did it go up? Probably five pounds per side, honestly, like in my in five pounds for my bicep curl. And I think it went up to 10 pounds with my push press. Wow. Okay. So, which one do you believe? The strength gains or the Dextre scan?
Starting point is 00:59:12 Yeah. My strength gains. Yeah. So, which one is more objective? Right? So, in other words, if I take five pounds and I have a five pound plate and I weigh it here or I weigh it in Toronto or I weigh it in how much is gonna how much is it gonna weigh everywhere five pounds that's that's about as objective as it gets your strength gains are clear
Starting point is 00:59:34 DEXA scan not clear one pound up or down could there's a margin of error there that's definitely larger than the one pound that you saw on that one test. The problem is we tend to believe the scale and we tend to believe these tests more than we believe our own objective minds. You got stronger. That means you're moving in the right direction. The DEXA scan says, you know, what it said,
Starting point is 01:00:00 but I would look at the DEXA scan, look in the mirror, look at my weight going up and be like, okay, I think I'll wait till I take another two or three DEXA scans before I start to take it more seriously. Nadine, are you following my docu-series right now? No, I've been on vacation the last few weeks, so I have not seen anything. Okay, so you absolutely need to do that. So you need to get caught up on YouTube on the, and I'm daily posting and this is yesterday's rant I went on. So if you go to my Instagram right now, you'll see a rant on there is addressing this issue here overnight.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Okay. I got on the scale and I put six pounds on overnight and I explain what happened, what, what happened physiologically. And then I also explained what's going on psychologically to me, like, Oh shit, I got fat. I did this one. And so I go through all this. So it's a, it's very similar to what's going through psychologically to me like oh shit I got fat I did this one and so I go through all this so it's a it's very similar to what's going through your head right now when you see
Starting point is 01:00:49 that oh my god the texas can isn't moving in the right directions yet I feel like I'm doing all these right things like watch that so watch the rant I went on last night and then get back on the on the YouTube channel mind pump TV and start to watch that docu series because I'm going to document this whole process and literally what I'm doing is kind of what I would coach you to do right now, which is slowly increasing calories, get stronger. I'm going to build my metabolism up and then I'm going to shred and come down. And so you could follow literally what I'm doing. I have two follow-up questions for that then. Then for somebody who, I guess like anabolic, it wasn't like I wasn't the best person for it. What would you recommend the split to be?
Starting point is 01:01:25 Because I'm doing kickboxing, just I'm doing it for fun and I'm doing it for cardio just for once a week, just for heart health. And I want to keep doing that. But what do you think the best split would be for somebody who wants to work out an hour a day, four or five times a week? An hour a day, four or five times a week? That's a lot. That's probably too much.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Plus with your cardio, it's a lot. Yeah, that's probably too much. Plus with your cardio, it's a lot. Yeah, that's probably gonna be too much. I'd rather see you on Maps 15. That's what I'm running right now, is Maps 15. Two exercises a day, six days a week. It'd be about 20 minutes. Yeah, you can stretch that itch.
Starting point is 01:01:54 20, 25 minutes a day. It takes about 30, it takes like 25. Am I gonna get jacked from that? Okay, I mean, you could watch. You could watch, that's my point. Let me put it this way, you're more likely to get jacked doing that than you are doing an hour, four or five days a week in the gym.
Starting point is 01:02:08 You're unlikely to get jacked doing an hour, four or five days a week. I think you're going to, I think, just please do me this one thing. In the next 24 to 48 hours, get caught up on the docu series. So much of what we're talking about right now is stuff that I cover. I cover all this like, and you're watching me kind of build build and start and I'm having conversations with you through the workout like explaining why this why not that. I think it'll really help where you're currently at right now. The other option would be like Maps muscle mommy which is four days a week I believe. The workouts are a bit longer. You could also do something like
Starting point is 01:02:39 that but I would not do a you know like a Maps aesthetic or Maps split for most people. For most people that's just, it's, it's too much. And then you end up going backwards. You end up going backwards with your results. So maps 15 or maps muscle mommy would be more appropriate for someone like you with a slow reverse diet. And then watch your strength gains. If you're getting stronger in your upper body, it's exactly the right direction.
Starting point is 01:03:01 That's, that's what you want because as the strength gains come, so does the muscle. Sorry. You know what you want because as the strength gains come, so does the muscle. Sorry? You know what I worry about? I always worry about that when I'm putting on pounds on my upper body stuff, I'm cheating and using my lower body to help get that bicep curl up. And I'm trying to be so aware of it, but I'm just always worried that that's the case, like how do I know whether I'm cheating my way into- You're going to love that. I cover that in the docu-series also.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Yeah, but also if it's a question, okay, if it's a question, you're fine. When you're cheating, you know. Like it's clear, like, oh, that rep was, that was cheating. It's not like, I wonder if I did something a little different to get an extra 10 pounds up. No, no, to get 10 more pounds up through cheating is obvious. To get 10 more pounds up through cheating is obvious. To get 10 more pounds up through strength is you would question yourself afterwards if that was the case. So I'm not worried about that, but you could always film yourself.
Starting point is 01:03:53 You could always film yourself, compare the two videos, and then if it's hard for you to see it, then you're fine. I also give tips in there on things that you can do strategically while you lift to keep yourself from cheating. So that's literally in there too. I guess I have to watch this. Just watch it. I think you're going to, it from cheating. So that's literally in there too. I guess I have to watch this. Just watch it. I think you're going to, it's going to answer a lot of questions for you.
Starting point is 01:04:09 I would prefer you on math 15, but I'm not against muscle mommy either. So we can shoot either one over to you. Which one you want. Which one? I think I would rather muscle mommy as opposed to. Okay. Spend the time at the gym. Yeah, we'll send it to you.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Okay. Thank you guys so much. I appreciate the gym. Yeah, we'll send it to you. Okay, thank you guys so much. I appreciate your time. Yeah, you got it. And stop believing the DEXA scan over everything else. Okay. Honestly, I just needed to hear you guys say it because the last four months, I've just been in a whirlwind.
Starting point is 01:04:36 So I'm happy to hear you guys say it because you're the only people I listen to in this industry. So thank you. Thank you. We got you. I'll see you on YouTube. Have a great day. Thank you for doing that. All right, I'll see you. Bye you. We got you. I'll see you on YouTube. Have a great day. Thank you Nadine.
Starting point is 01:04:45 All right, I'll see you, bye guys. Yeah, I just gotta say this. If you tie your life quality, your happiness, your contentment to a DEXA scan or a body fat test or the scale, you have a problem. And you need to address it because the other side of that, if you don't address that, here's the problem. You will never find contentment, you will never find happiness, you will never find improvement in quality of life from those
Starting point is 01:05:13 things. They're just never gonna do that for you. They will always let you down, always, always let you down. Because even if you get the measurements you want, you're still gonna question it and then if it goes in the wrong direction, forget about it. So those are tools to be used in a nice blend of data to look at. But I'm going to be honest with you, when I trained clients the last 10 years of my career, I weighed nobody. I tested body fat tests so rarely. It was, I mean, I had clients that were with me for years and I didn't do body fat
Starting point is 01:05:43 tests because it was mostly a waste of time. Not only that, but it just did this. It caused problems. It would set people back. Yeah, detract their progress and their momentum. Yeah, I think everybody approaches these the wrong way. It's actually, I mean, you guys know I'm obviously the one who likes all this stuff. I utilize this as a tool and I used to use it with the clients too, but there was a lot of conversations around this and It's not the end-all be-all. It's just another tool that we have to get an idea of what we're doing to me It's very obvious what's going on here. I mean, she's too low of calorie She's trying to build muscle in her upper body Yeah
Starting point is 01:06:17 and she's probably and I talk about all this stuff like she's probably toggling back and forth with Getting her body just what it needs to days or she's not getting enough what she needs while also Adding all this volume and stuff and then it's like she's for all the work and I get it because it's frustrating, right? You you you think you're doing such a good job because you're let's say for 90% of time You're making really good food choices. You're exercising four days a week You want to see the return on it and then you go take this test that everybody talks about how accurate is and you go Oh my god, like I'm doing not, why am I putting all this work in to
Starting point is 01:06:48 see no change? And it's, well, what really is the, is okay, there's something that we need to tweak. And what it is, is like where her calories are at for what she's trying to accomplish is just not working. She needs to increase. This is why I like putting people on the path of just monitoring the strength because you just saw it right there. My strength went up, but my DEXA scan said I went up a pound of body fat.
Starting point is 01:07:09 So I'm sad. It's like you got stronger. That's the best metric there is. If you had to pick a single metric, that would be the one. Well, yeah, we just hope that there's these formulas that can explain everything. And I think that's the hope that we have going into it. It is like it brings awareness, but it's not gonna ever tell you all the things.
Starting point is 01:07:28 This is why you have to like really listen to your body and be objective with what's actually happening. Our next caller is Kara from Maryland. Hi Kara, how can we help you? Hello. It's weird to see you guys in person because I only listen on the podcast, like through audio, never see you guys in person. So, pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:07:48 I hope, I hope you're happy or disappointed. Well, I've seen you individually, like the, the, um, prime pro webinars, Justin, you on maybe Ben Greenfield's podcast, et cetera. So I've never not seen you guys, but it's just the setup I've never seen before. So how can we help you? Yeah. So I'm going to read. How can we help you? Yeah, so I'm gonna read my question. And first of all, thank you for entertaining me every time I work out because it is really just fun
Starting point is 01:08:13 to listen to you guys talk. And I'm a nutritionist, so I'd love to hear your advice that you give out on nutrition as well. Awesome, great. Thank you. All right, so each board I've done, I've occurred a pull on my glute at the point where the gluten ham meet and they connect. And right now I'm big into competing in singles, pickleball and doubles as well. So a lot of times it's like reaching out to lunge for a ball in a
Starting point is 01:08:39 very fast manner and then springing back up. So I've been lifting weights consistently since 1988 and do yoga for stretching probably a few days, like three or four times a week. I started MAPS Anabolic Advanced in the past. I've done MAPS Aesthetic and some female physique type programs. You talk about different planes of motion. And so I'm wondering, is it that all the programs I've done in the past are in one plane? And if so, which program or preventative exercises do you think would be beneficial?
Starting point is 01:09:19 Okay, let's back up for a second. So it's probably your hamstring attachment where you're feeling the pain. So if it's up where the glute and the hamstring meet, so it's like deep up in that, yeah, it's probably your hamstring attachment where you're feeling the pain. So if it's up where the glute and the hamstring meet, so it's like deep up in that, yeah, it's probably your hamstring. It's probably not a glute pull, although glute pulls are not impossible. They're far less common than hamstring pulls. And you're saying this is when you're doing like a reach, right? Like you reach out with your foot and you kind of get down in a deep lunge. Yeah. So I'm like lunging out deep for the ball and I like reach out for it.
Starting point is 01:09:49 And then as soon as I spring back up, I'm feeling like I, you know, a little tweak here and there. It's never something that like it puts me completely out where I can't play a sport or something like that. But I, I definitely feel like there's some, something going on. Maps performance. So a repeat repeated injury in the same spot typically points to some type of an instability or a strength imbalance. Okay. So an example would be, uh, every time you work out your lower body, there's a
Starting point is 01:10:21 range of motion that you train in and you're really strong in that range of motion, but when you get outside of that range of motion you don't have as much strength and stability and so when you're playing a dynamic sport or doing a dynamic movement your muscles are strong but you're moving outside of the range of motion they're used to training in so trying to explode or move quickly outside of that range of motion can result in injury. So first thing I would look quickly outside of that range of motion can result in injury. So first thing I would look at would be your range of motion when you do exercises like
Starting point is 01:10:50 Romanian deadlifts, single leg deadlifts, squats, barbell squats, those types of things. Are you using a full range of motion? If not, I'd go lighter and use a more full range and pause at the bottom. I pause at the bottom with tension. And then I would look at hip stability. So if you're not doing any lateral strengthening, any hip mobility movements like the ones you'll see in Prime Pro, those will be good to do
Starting point is 01:11:14 kind of on a regular basis. Because there's obviously an imbalance, there's some kind of a strength imbalance that's occurring that's causing this repeated issue. Well, just based on what you told us, right? In terms of like your preference of style of training and You know going more into the physique side and staying in that sagittal plane. So everything's sort of in front and behind you You know, it would definitely benefit you to you know work on lateral stability work on lateral type exercises
Starting point is 01:11:41 You know rotational moves And so I mean it just immediately screams to me, this is why we created Performance. And this program highlights that very specifically, especially in phase two. But I think that there's a lot of people just sort of like dismissed the fact that if I'm placing my body in a very specific position,
Starting point is 01:12:03 I don't really have a lot of strength stability in that position To now add acceleration to that You know really leaves you susceptible to like pulls and to you know, even further sort of issues where it may lead to injury so You know not only is it beneficial for you in terms of like overall strength But you know in terms of like overall strength, but in terms of like your longevity and your pursuits with playing pickleball and all those types of activities just to be able to regain that sort of strength and stability in like the
Starting point is 01:12:36 split stance positions and in these different directional movement patterns, everybody should consider this. You really should live in three of our programs, mass performance, mass performance advance, and symmetry. Those three programs right there, and we'll get you started on one of them, we'll send one of them to you,
Starting point is 01:12:53 but based off of your goals, the activity that you do, Yeah, symmetry would be good. Those three programs are gonna serve you the best. And you'll build, I can tell you already have a really great physique already, but you'll maintain a great physique the way it looks and then also support all the things you like doing activity-wise.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Those are the programs for you and you'll get a lot of benefit from all three of those. When you, by the way yoga or yoga tasks, I know yoga can be helpful but in many cases what you're doing is you're just working on flexibility not necessarily and I say necessarily because there are ways to do yoga to help with this, but not necessarily on strength and stability. It's a little bit more around flexibility. Improve flexibility without strength leads to instability. So if you get into a range of motion that let's say you can stretch to, but you
Starting point is 01:13:41 don't have a lot of strength in, and then you try to move quickly out of that. It's like you're asking for an injury. When you do your, when you do your lower body exercises, what does your range of motion look like? Yeah, that's fine. You should say that because I recently went from a heavier squat to a lighter squat to get my hips lower, and that has made a huge difference already. So I haven't gotten too many of those
Starting point is 01:14:06 tweaks during a game anymore. So that already has helped in a big way. Now you've been strength training for a long time. So what I would do is back way off on the weight because otherwise you'll hurt yourself with this too. Okay. So a little word of warning, challenging your range of motion when you've been strength training a long time, your tendency is gonna be to, oh I can do it now, let me add weight and then you hurt yourself. So I would go light, like way lighter and really work on deep ranges of motion for things like squats. Create a lot of tension in those low positions. Yes, lunges, Romanian deadlifts and then when you feel like you're getting
Starting point is 01:14:45 stronger rather than adding weight pause at the bottom for three to five seconds. Hold that position then come up controlled. We need to build strength in the stretch position. We need to build strength in the position that you're hurting yourself in and that's not going to happen. So I'm assuming up until relatively recently your squats were like just parallel. Yeah probably just a little under but not too much under. Yeah and you've been doing and you've been strength training for a long time so you're probably really strong so then you got really strong muscles then you go play a game that's fast you move outside of that range of motion you've got all these strong muscles pushing you but you don't have the stability in that new range of motion and then you hurt yourself.
Starting point is 01:15:25 This is how people who lift weights hurt themselves when they go to do something that's outside of what they typically train. This is why full ranges of motion and training in different planes is so important because you could have all this great strength and stability, but the real world and stuff like that moves you out of that. And if you don't train in those other ranges of motion, then you're just a really strong person that now moved outside of your track and then you get, you get an injury.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Yeah. So as far as the split stance squats or the Bulgarians split stints, can't even say the word, um, how, how high or how important is it to have the, the foot behind you? Like what height? Because I find like I'm only five two. So the bench seems to be really too high for me. And so I put it on like one of those steps
Starting point is 01:16:14 like people do step aerobics on and I put like a few risers on for that. Yeah, that works. There's a good video I did on Mind Pump TV a long time ago. So if you go to my YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV, and look up Bulgarian split squats, and it's one of the ones that I demoed, I show you how to set up with it.
Starting point is 01:16:31 And I actually set the Bulgarian split squat up from the bottom position. Most people put the hook their leg on something, and then they kind of hop into the position and they go. I think it's a terrible way to set up the Bulgarian squat. So I show you how to set it up from the down position, and that's how you should judge where your foot should go. And then go down low enough to where you feel that stretch,
Starting point is 01:16:50 where you feel that little point in the glute hamstring area, like, oh, there it is. That's where I would start the rep. And I would go light. I would go light and slow down the rep and build strength there. Okay, great. Sounds great.
Starting point is 01:17:04 So is in the performance program or any of the others, do they do lateral lunges? Yes. And that? Performance is gonna be over here. We're gonna send you a maps performance, get you started, follow that one, and then if you want, afterwards,
Starting point is 01:17:17 go to performance advanced and or symmetry. Those are the three programs that are gonna serve you so well. Cool, great. You're gonna love the matrix lunges. Everybody. You're going to love the matrix lunges. But it does. You're going to love the matrix lunges. Yeah. They're challenging. They're good for you though. You're going to love them.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Never heard of them. So I'm excited. Awesome. Thanks for calling in. Thank you guys so much. All right. Yeah. If you ever want to injure a big, strong bodybuilder, you just move them outside of what he's used to doing and tell him to move fast. You will hurt yourself. The crazy part is it doesn't take much. I'm a walking example of this. So it's like you don't even, I mean,
Starting point is 01:17:51 the way I tore my pack was so embarrassing. Look, you get a drag car that's got a thousand horsepower, and if you drive it straight, you're fine. Hit the gas and turn the steering wheel, what happens to that car? It flips and explodes. It's got a lot of power to move in one direction and that makes it a liability moving outside that direction. So if you're strong and you got, you know, you've built quite a lot of muscle over the years, like you're way
Starting point is 01:18:16 more susceptible to some of these like ranges of motion that you're unfamiliar to because of that strong, you know, output that you have, the capacity you have for, you know, really moving with, with a lot of acceleration intensity. Uh, so, you know, if you don't have that kind of support system in place and you don't have that stability to then, uh, be able to harness that kind of power, uh, it's, it's really a vulnerable spot that you gotta consider. Our next caller is Amanda from Tennessee. Amanda, what's happening?
Starting point is 01:18:49 Good morning. How are you? Thank you guys so much for having me. How you doing? How can we help you? Well, just to, well, first of all, let me say thank you because I found you guys several months ago and I've pretty much listened to nothing else since. I don't have anybody else in my life
Starting point is 01:19:03 who focuses on fitness and nutrition like I do so having that support and reinforcement every day is like so helpful so thank you for that. Thank you love it. So a little bit of background I'm 46 years old 5'1", about 140 pounds. I'm focused on nutrition and fitness for about 12 years so I've literally done everything you can think of if you name an exercise program I've literally done everything you can think of. If you name an exercise program, I've done it as well as a diet program. And then after finding you guys, I realized all these years I've been doing it wrong. So it's been cardio and low calorie and I've shifted everything. So I've upped my calories. I've been at 1200 for probably many, many years.
Starting point is 01:19:45 And so, you know, trying the reverse dieting has been very scary, but I've done it. I'm up to 1400 calories a day, 120 grams of protein, then fiber, fat, carbs after that. So I feel like I'm making the changes that I need to make. It's just very frustrating to not see any of my numbers change. The weight doesn't change and I don't focus on the weight, but I do in-body scans and try to monitor and just nothing changes. So I'm just kind of desperate to figure out what I need to tweak and what I need to do to get moving in the right direction. Okay, I have some insight for you, Amanda. You mind if I go through your question because because you wrote it in. If I go through some of the stuff. Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Okay, so you've gone through pretty much every popular diet, keto, low carb, low calorie, low fat, fasting. You've worked out every workout, orange theory, nine rounds, strength training, personal training, boot camp. Doug, if you could scroll down, there was more there. Um, let's see here.
Starting point is 01:20:43 You mentioned your numbers. You said, hey, why am I not the, essentially the ep here. Um, you're, you mentioned your numbers. You said, Hey, why am I not the best, essentially the epitome of what you would consider health? First off, why do you feel like you're not healthy? That's one question. And the second question I have is you, you went up from 1200 calories, which you said you've been at for years up to 1400 and then the scale didn't move or it did move.
Starting point is 01:21:03 Uh, well it fluctuated. Um, but you know, I've tried to focus more on my lean muscle mass and body fat percentage. So the weight has moved up and down, but the muscle mass and the body first percentage have stayed the same, even though I've really shifted the focus. I started mass 15. Um, and let me address your first question. And I really should probably word that better because I am getting all of the effects,
Starting point is 01:21:27 the healthy effects. I feel good, my energy is good, I feel stronger. And I guess what I should say is when I'm not, the body fat percentage is always concerning me because I know that that's high, and when I can't get that to budge, that's what's a little more worrisome. Now Amanda, you're saying the right things,
Starting point is 01:21:43 but do you feel what you're saying? Is that how you really feel? Or are you just telling me what you know you're supposed to? I really do. Okay, good, good. I really do. This is excellent. You said your weight fluctuated.
Starting point is 01:21:52 Does that mean it went up and down a little bit and it's kind of like stable? Yes, yes. Okay, okay. So you went up 200 calories, which is probably scary. That's not that much, by the way. But I know it's scary for somebody that was stuck at 1200 for a long time.
Starting point is 01:22:02 Well, in the context of somebody doing 1200, 200 is actually a decent amount. Right, right, and nothing, your body weight kind of stabilized. That's a huge win. Is it? Yes. Yes, it is. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:22:16 Yes, it is. You ate 200 more cats, like a little meal you added, which was probably scary. Your body weight. It was, but I started to realize I couldn't fit the macros. Trying to make 120 grams of protein and everything else fit in 1200 calories was impossible.
Starting point is 01:22:28 Good. That's right. That's good. And now you've been following MAPS 15. Are you doing anything else? So that would be my other question. So I did find back in February, I started, it is a group training facility. And I know that it is, you know, especially now that I'm listening to you guys,
Starting point is 01:22:45 I understand that it's probably a little more circuit style of cardio heavy, but she does push strength and she pushes me to live stronger. There's box work. There's, you know, free weights. So I'm trying to keep that as a sense of community because like I said, I really have no one, I have a full gym in my garage. So I'm doing mass 15 advanced in my garage. How often do you do, how often are you in this group workout once a week? Right.
Starting point is 01:23:11 So, um, I was doing three to four times a week, five AM. Like I really enjoy it, but at the same time it's not, I know it's not getting me what I need compared to the strength training. So I've, I've changed it to two to three. How long you've been doing that for Amanda? Just since February. Oh, we're gonna fix you. Yeah. So the program, we are going to fix that's the problem. The group. Well, that's not the problem, but that's a big problem is that group class is definitely, um, throwing a wrench in, in, in, you have to understand too, in the context of where we're at, right? Cause I want to get this,
Starting point is 01:23:43 cause people think like, Oh my god, how could they hate on orange cereal? It's when I got a client who has been chronically low in calories, as long as you have been, that is like one of the worst places to go. It's just we're not ready for that. Now maybe when I get you up to eating 2,600 calories and you feel strong and you love that community, you love that, let me tell you, man, that's very possible. I can't even imagine that. I know, you love that, let me tell you, man, that's very possible.
Starting point is 01:24:05 Getting you- I can't even imagine that. I know, it sounds so crazy and so far away, right? But it is- We've done it so many times. It is very realistic and the steps to get there look a little bit different than what we're doing right now. The Maps 15, I love that, absolutely love that.
Starting point is 01:24:17 The fact that you added 200 calories, absolutely love that. But cardio classes right now in the context of where we're at calorie-wise is not supporting. And what it's probably doing is every time you probably add a couple pounds of muscle, your body pairs it down because of all that extra activity for how low of calorie you are. So that's part of why you're seeing the body fat percentage
Starting point is 01:24:35 stay where it's at because you're not allowing the strength training to do what it needs to do, which is to keep packing muscle on your body. Because you were at such low calories for so long, while simultaneously beating yourself up in the gym, your body is in a chronic panic situation. It wants to conserve calories. It has learned and it done a good job
Starting point is 01:24:56 of learning how to be efficient with calories. Okay, so we can function on 1200 calories and do these crazy workouts. We have a lot of damage control to do before we can move forward. So what that looks like is eliminating those intense workout classes. Following Maps 15, I don't care if you walk, you know, 12,000 steps a day, I love that. Keep that up. Good, don't do anything else and then slowly, this is the damage control part, slowly move your calories up. We're going to reverse diet you slowly and here's what we're looking else and then slowly, this is the damage control part, slowly move your calories
Starting point is 01:25:25 up. We're going to reverse diet you slowly and here's what we're looking for. Strength gains. Are you stronger with Maps 15? Are you lifting more weight? Are you able to do more on your deadlift? Your squat? Your overhead press? If you're getting stronger while you're reverse dieting and the weight on the scale isn't moving a lot, now it's going to fluctuate, but if you're not jumping 10, 15 pounds, we're good. Slowly do that and you can interrupt it every four or five weeks with a little short low calorie, three, four days of low calorie and then jump back up.
Starting point is 01:25:53 But do you- Three, four days. Maybe. Yes. Every now and then. Yes, like every three, four weeks. But stay the course on the reverse diet until we get you up to a point
Starting point is 01:26:02 where we can drop you back down and then see some fat loss. But we gotta get you out of this danger state state for sure Amanda. We're gonna solve this This is and I love the program we are we're gonna solve this and you're gonna absolutely if you like us now You're gonna love us after this. Okay, so you're gonna follow math 15 like you're doing I want Doug to put you in our private forum. Okay, so now you know I'm already there. Okay, you are Yes. Yes. So this is what I want you to do then. Every 30 days, I just want to get an update from you how things are going, okay? Just give us an update on, been following Math 15,
Starting point is 01:26:31 I cut out the cardio classes, I'm just walking every day. Give us just kind of an update where we're at, and then we'll kind of guide you through that. Calories, what am I eating every single day? We'll guide you through this process. It is a slow process. Also, if you're not doing it already, follow the docu-series that I'm doing on YouTube because I talk a lot about this stuff. I don't know if you've seen that yet or not, but I started a docu-series on my journey
Starting point is 01:26:52 of building my metabolism back up and then losing body fat. So, and I'm following Maths 15, like that protocol. So watch that on YouTube. What's hard about Maths 15 is I feel like because I'm so used to doing so much, hitting it hard. Yes, I know. I feel like this isn't enough. Yeah. You need to watch, you need to watch the docu series. So I talk, I talk all about this, the psychological game of wanting to do more. I even, I even share when I make mistakes and I go, ah, damn it. I did too much. I wanted to do and shame on me. I've been doing this long. Watch that. It's on mind pump TV on the YouTube channel and start to watch that.
Starting point is 01:27:24 I'm going to set you up with the right expectations right now, okay? Because of where you came from and how long you did that, you're going to need to give yourself a minimum of three months of this process. So for three months at least, don't expect to lose any weight, don't expect to get any leaner. We're just boosting your metabolism and getting stronger. So just give into that, okay? Now, the other option is to do what you were doing before, which also results in zero results.
Starting point is 01:27:48 So what we're looking for is a faster metabolism. So for the next 90 days at least, I say minimum because it could take longer, we're going to start to reverse out and correct some of this damage. And hopefully at the end of 90 days, we got you closer to 1800, 1900, maybe 2000 calories. And then from there there we can figure out what we want to do. For some people it takes longer but it's gonna be at least the 90-day period. So already just give into that. So alright for the next three months. I like that. I like having a time frame in mind or at least a goal. I don't really
Starting point is 01:28:17 know what I'm working towards right now. Excellent. No worry we're gonna help you with all that. Now in that 90-day period just look at strength because your mind's gonna play tricks on you. Everything, oh my gosh, what's happening? I feel tight, my clothes feel tight here. I don't know, my weight went up a little bit, or maybe I should be doing more. I feel so energetic, maybe I could go do a couple
Starting point is 01:28:34 workout classes, beat myself up a little bit. Don't succumb to it. 90 days, and then check in with us, and then we'll know where to go from there. And you brought up something that the hardest thing for me to tell you to go away from the class is you said something that I think is important is that you found good community.
Starting point is 01:28:49 Let us be your community, okay? Engage with us on the forum, follow my, now that I've met you, okay, and I'll recognize your name, now that I've engaged with me on the docu series. Every single day I'm posting either on my Instagram or on the YouTube channel and I'm in there interacting with you guys. Follow that, engage with me, I'll be your community, okay? posting either on my Instagram or on the YouTube channel and I'm in there interacting with you guys.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Follow that, engage with me, I'll be your community. We will and we'll support you through this process. Hang in there. We have a lot of positive things ahead of us. Awesome. Thank you so much. So when you say check in, do you mean like on the forum or how you do that? Yeah, in the forum.
Starting point is 01:29:20 In the forum, just every 30 days. You can tag us. Yeah, you tag our name, right? So you just put at all of our personal names, right? And then we'll see it for sure if you do that. And just let us, hey guys, just every 30 days. Yeah, you tag our name, right? So you just put at all of our personal names, right? And then we'll see it for sure if you do that and just let us, hey guys, just letting you know, this is where I'm at, weight's here, this is what I've done, I've got rid of the classes,
Starting point is 01:29:33 blah, blah, blah, just kind of give us an update and also how you're feeling, you know, psychologically, let me know, like, hey, I'm actually feeling really good, energy, I know I'm not seeing a lot of movement yet, but you know what, I'm noticing strength go up or man, I'm feeling discouraged, I just feel like I'm, let us know of movement yet, but you know what I'm noticing strength go up or man. I'm feeling discouraged I just feel like I'm like let us know let me know how you're feeling so I can step you through that process as we go through this
Starting point is 01:29:52 Alright sounds good. I'll trust the process. Yes. Good. Alright, Amanda. Thank you, Amanda. We got you so much. You got it You know, I had a client I'll never forget I've talked about her on the show before, she was running something like 27 miles a week. She was strength training every single day, a lot of it was circuit based. She was also eating about 1200 calories a day, and she's just like, my body won't budge.
Starting point is 01:30:19 I'm stuck at, I don't remember what her body fat percentage was at the time, 28% or something like that. She's stuck, I don't know what to do. It took us a year, a full year. Now, at the end of that year, this is where we ended up, she was doing about three days a week of strength training, she was doing none of the running or minimal. I think she ran a couple miles a week
Starting point is 01:30:36 because she loved it. Her calories had gone from 1,200 to 2,200 calories, her body fat percentage was 19%. And at the end of that year she was like, this is insane. Like I can't believe how easy this is. And I was like, you were fighting your body so hard for so long, thank you for trusting the process.
Starting point is 01:30:54 Because you have to trust the process, because there's that first three to six month period where you're just not gonna see much, you're gonna see some strength gains, you'll feel better, but the weight on the scale isn't gonna change, am I doing the right thing? Maybe I should go back to beat myself up and then maybe you do and you lose a couple pounds
Starting point is 01:31:08 and now you're emboldened to go back to do what you were doing before. Submitting to the process is one of the hardest things. 100%. It's so hard because I know that people hear us hammer these classes and listen, I appreciate the community side, I know that's good. And this could be a place that I would be okay
Starting point is 01:31:24 with her going to. But not right now. Not in the context of I'm eating 1200 calories. She also said, did you hear notice? She's stepping 10 to 15,000 steps a day. That's a lot already of good movement. She's training in the gym every single day and then she's doing these classes three times a week. It is just way, you are not going, and she just now started hitting her protein intake too, by the way. So she had to increase her calories just so she could get her protein intake, yet she's doing all this activity.
Starting point is 01:31:49 So the body is starving for nutrients. She's doing all these things to tell it to build muscle and the body's going, uh-uh, you're not giving me enough. She trained her body to work on very little and to keep everything on body fat wise and to not build too much muscle to keep that metabolism slow. That's what she trained your body to do. Look, if you love the show, come find us on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:32:08 Justin is at Mind Pump. Justin, I'm at Mind Pump. DeStefano and Adam is at Mind Pump. Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance,
Starting point is 01:32:21 check out our discounted RGB Super Bundle at mindpumpmedia.com. The RGB Super Bundle includes maps anabolic, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having Sal, Adam, and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee,
Starting point is 01:32:58 and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a 5-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump.

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