Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 245: Superfoods, Pausing Mid-Set, Eating Big to Get Big & MORE

Episode Date: February 26, 2016

Care for an extra serving of Quah? Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about the problems women face when wearing high heels and they can prevent issues, the benefits of “Superfoods,” whether... pausing mid-set is good, bad or inconsequential, building muscle in and out of a surplus and who would win a 100 yard sprint. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpmedia.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. What, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what,ed when he was a kid, you know, oh, bro I was that kid. I was just like Oh, I did Third grade bro. I did third grade. I tried the box. I tried the saxophone and it lasted fucking happy You play the saxophone Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you played this saxophone
Starting point is 00:00:40 I did too. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You played this saxophone? I would, I would even say, I would, I would just picture of like, underneath the street light, just, just jamming on a saxophone.
Starting point is 00:00:53 That was a long, third grade Michael Songo. On third grade, what are you eight years old? I'm like eight years old. Eight years old. I'll start the podcast with that. I'm sure the saxophone was damn nearest to me. I was.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Teachers like Adam, you don't need to put the entire saxophone down your throat. Put it, and that was the beginning. Stop molesting the saxophone was damn nearest to the duels I was. Teachers like Adam, you don't need to put the entire saxophone down your throat. And that was the beginning. Stop molesting the saxophone. That was when Adam discovered his talent. He was the 100% on these I'm usually retarded for sure. I'm not you. I'm in church.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I could never, you know, I had to hum the hymnoles and stuff like that. I could do this. You'd love like the old school hymns or the way. Oh bro, trust me. I've been all of them. Yeah, listen Yeah, we're gonna lose all of our listening. I always do like the deep lobe, you know, you know, you're like you're not a bass I know that's a stretch My mom be elbow Sing Yeah, that's a stretch. Yeah, my mom be elbow meat, sing, sing, sing.
Starting point is 00:01:45 And I'm like, no, I get so that I don't. Ooh. Ooh. Otherwise, I would crack. Oh my gosh. Like mom, I'm just gonna hum. All right, just lip it. All of a sudden, I think it, please.
Starting point is 00:01:59 The heaven's open, God comes down. Everyone's like, oh my God, it's God. He's like, Adam, don't fucking sing. It goes back away. I'm be at least three years of my childhood I thought I wasn't going to heaven just because I couldn't sing Really? Yeah, that's that's why you're not going to heaven. I got some bad news for you buddy Hey, I'm doing over 10. I was like I forget all these rules I'm going rogue if it really is that strict I can't sing anyway seriously if it really is that strict
Starting point is 00:02:24 I don't know anybody that's going to heaven. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, of course. I don't know anybody So I want to go where all my people are I want to go where all my friends are fuck that get out there Get it by myself Mother Teresa. I'm like oh fuck it's just us two We're gonna talk about I was a dirty person Where's the orgy room? Oh, it's in hell Well fuck yeah, but you have
Starting point is 00:02:48 a flare up of gonorrhea like every second. You think it's great. That's the trick. Awesome. Yeah, you see it happening, but you don't realize. Yeah, everybody's got gonorrhea. Hey, you know what I just saw? Did I tell you guys the I'm not a real. Hey, you know what I just saw? Did I tell you guys the other day I'm watching TV and General Mills commercial? Did I tell you about the General Mills commercial? Oh, the Cheerios?
Starting point is 00:03:11 No, General Mills is the company that owns all the stuff. Yeah, all the Cheerios. Well, not like 95% I think. Like something ridiculous, right? Yeah. They're commercials now. They are. Lucky terms.
Starting point is 00:03:23 It was all about, and it was a crazy, like, I, I got all drawn into this. This is why I got my attention. Normally I like to eat like, to eat fast forward commercials. And I had like this, you know, somber music playing and they're just like, and it's general meals, right?
Starting point is 00:03:35 And it's like, it's like serial porn, family's playing, or that that. And it's talking about how much we care about you. And I was like, where is this going? Is this serial porn? Serial, right? So it's serial. And the commercial, Chignolusim bro, Chignolusim, I'm like, where is this going? Did you say cereal porn? Serial, right? So it's cereal. And the commercial, chicken to listen, bro,
Starting point is 00:03:48 chicken to say, you're not like this. Like we're gonna pour the milk. The current, no, it wasn't like today. It said sombre, I didn't say it was put in my mouth. It's a sexual bro. It's how we all are. All we hear is a sexual. Baby, use the leftover milk for an animal.
Starting point is 00:04:02 It's crutch. Anyway, I went too far. So yeah, listen, you did go too far. This, the commercial was talking about General Mills getting rid of all artificial sweeteners from flavor out of their cereals. I'm not, listen, I'm not gonna say it, but I'm gonna say it. It's a big deal.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I'm not gonna say it, but I'm gonna say it. It's cause of mind pump. We obviously, we obviously influence general mills. We obviously influence the largest. People come to their own conclusions, but we're definitely it was mine pump. No, it's the market. The market is responding to the consumer and the consumer is more educated now and people want that shit and cereal is fed the kids. And so
Starting point is 00:04:39 people are like, oh, wait a minute, they're more likely to eat shitty food for themselves and more likely to give their kids healthier stuff. Right. And so they're like, they're saying, we don't want GMOs, we don't want, because the next thing will be organic. Mark my words, just start to see things, more and more things become organic.
Starting point is 00:04:54 But for now, it's like no artificial sweeteners, no artificial coloring, no artificial, anything. Is that the direction they're trying to go out? Do you think they're gonna get rid of like the crackhead, like animated characters, like, you know, the tricks bunny? That's just like, ah! You know, like replacing with some kind of like, you know, yoga, the turtle or something,
Starting point is 00:05:14 he's like, yeah, man. You know, eat these healthy treats. Maybe actually maybe in the future, right now, the broccoli-o's. Yeah, broccoli-o's. Exactly. Exactly. That's exactly how it's handled. Broccoli. Broccoli. Broccoli. Broccoli. Broccoli. Broccoli. Broccoli.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Exactly. That's exactly how it's terrible. No, you guys know better. It'll never go that far, right? It'll never go that far. So I did get on and I like, so I was fascinated by this because of course we've been talking about it for a long time now. And I think I've mentioned on here before when the first time I came across the green
Starting point is 00:05:42 Coke and I was so fascinated by that also. The fact that it's been around for over two and a half years and we've never seen a fucking commercial about it before, you know, which is good. They're playing, they're putting the toe in the water. Oh, exactly. And they don't want to, like, what happens
Starting point is 00:05:55 when you have a product? They knew that whole foods is killing it, you know, in comparison to the rest of the, you know, grocery chews. And that is to pay attention to that. Right, and if the market is buying it, this is where they're like, we're losing money. We're losing opportunities.
Starting point is 00:06:10 So we can create that. Exactly. When the science comes out and shows, oh shit, sugar's bad. Oh shit, these artificial, you know, ingredients may not be good for you. Oh shit, gut flora. We didn't know this before. They have to, they have to fall.
Starting point is 00:06:22 This is why I like the free market because it has to follow the consumer. It doesn't change as fast as a lot of us would like, but that's because people don't educate themselves very rapidly. But I mean, that's just the direction. It's going, we called it because we saw it. I mean, we were talking about this before we even launched my input. We were talking about, whoa, check out what's happening in the market. Just wait till you see wellness is going to emerge with fitness and everyone's going in that direction. Next thing you know, there's a freaking organic section every single
Starting point is 00:06:48 grocery store. Five years ago, you couldn't find organic sections in luckies or Safeway. Just they just weren't there. It's so funny. It's just like we just got into a recent debate on Instagram with somebody who promotes IFYM. AndM. and you know even even if it's your mother. Yeah, you know, and we and we it was a great healthy debate going back and forth and then other people started to chime in and right away people just assume if we're attacking I.F.I.M. are saying the things that we don't like about it that all said we're we're we're we're all for the bodybuilding mentality of eating us to lobby asparagus and you know five to six times a day Which is totally it's not one or the other you know people that's what people don't everyone
Starting point is 00:07:30 There's clear and distinctive divisions in the fitness industry that you know sway you in a very You know direct way and that one wants you to be in this camp one wants you to be in this other camp and Like to be reasonable and to and to rationalize your way through like each one of these decisions is like unheard of because like you have to conform like bodybuilders do this and this is how they do this. I'm sorry, we're starting our own camp. It's like shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:08:00 That's so dumb. That is not the world we live in today. Well, you know, like, give me a break. The information is everywhere. The internet, you know, is right there in front of you to go through and it's the same thing you're seeing in politics, you know, with this whole like ridiculousness we're seeing. Oh, yeah, if you don't like, oh, I love that
Starting point is 00:08:19 because I'll say I don't like this Republican candidate. Everyone's like, you're a Democrat, like, no. I don't like them either. Exactly. It's exactly the same thing. If you had tagged somebody who's a Republican, they just like, you're a Democrat. Like, no, I don't like them either. Exactly. It's exactly the same thing. If you attack somebody who's a Republican, they just automatically assume you're doing. It's the exact same thing I feel like in the fitness industry. It's like, here's the thing that's so funny.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I love the fact you say we're starting our own camp. We are. We're starting our own camp called no camp. That's what it is. There's no fucking, there is not one little thing in no way. Like, and that should be your first red flag. Present your argument. We will listen and then either counter or agree.
Starting point is 00:08:47 They've done. Yeah. That's simple. And you know what? Here's the thing. Anything that they want to, they want to put us in a box because we want to, most people want to be put in a box. They don't realize it.
Starting point is 00:08:56 They feel safe. Yeah. Nobody wants it. Human nature wants to, to categorize things, to make things have order because you want to be able to understand everything because it's in its place. You want to understand something by quickly glancing at it. Like, oh, there in that box, now I know everything about them.
Starting point is 00:09:12 But here's a deal. Here's one of the big mistakes that a lot of these fitness professionals are making. Even the ones that I personally respect, there's quite a few that I personally respect. However, they have sold their positions so fucking hard. They made themselves so impossible to discuss or debate with and so, they don't want to move
Starting point is 00:09:34 with the new science. They've sold themselves so hard that they've shoehorned themselves and now they're fucked. So you've got the IIFLM people who hardcore or like artificial sweeteners are perfectly fine. They're not bad for you. And emerging science is coming out now saying, no, it's probably not, but they've sold themselves so hard that if they go back on it, they look like idiots.
Starting point is 00:09:55 So now they have to double down. And that's where I'm like, man, you got to watch out what you say. Well, this is why we talked the other day about the things that I say the worst thing you could do as a personal trainer is to tie yourself to some dogma. That I mean, we are, we are in the business of science. That's what it is. This is, it's always going to be evolving. So you got to be very careful and be open. Yeah, exactly. And open, open to change as, as we evolve and understand that anything that ends in diet right away is wrong. I mean, the is because not everybody can do that diet.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Right. Because everybody is different and unique. Everyone has different food and tolerance and allergies, different stuff going on with their metabolism. Everybody. Well, their lifestyle. I mean, look, look, here's an example. I talk more recently. I've talked about how I've changed my diet
Starting point is 00:10:38 to more of a ketogenic type diet. Now, for me, it works excellent. Of course. But what do you not do? What do you not do? Right, right. When I'm saying is this, we have this big platform. And so, of course, what do you not do? What do you not do? Right, right. And what I'm saying is this, we have this big platform, and so of course, now I'm getting all these questions.
Starting point is 00:10:49 You're missing keto salt. Right. Now all these people are asking me question about. I'm asking you to change your Instagram name. No, not at all. And what I'm, what I've been very clear to say, in our forum, I've probably said this a dozen times, is it is not for everybody, it is not the be all end dollars,
Starting point is 00:11:04 many ways to eat healthy. And the human body can vary dramatically without response to food. Same thing goes for exercise. This is why when we develop our programs, we, their guides, their guides and we encourage modification. That's why we created the forum.
Starting point is 00:11:18 So people can go on there, do the program one time around, and then come back through and then modify it, utilizing some of the concepts. And only that but selfishly we created the forum so we can get feedback so that we can continuously do research and develop more and more effective programs you know what that is that that resembles like the top performing companies in the world they rely on their consumers to do them an Apple all day. They have to because that's the only way that they can stay innovative, but then also provide quality product that the consumer the market actually wants. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Right. Exactly. Instead of cramming it on you, and that's what these dogmas do. They cram that shit on you, And they're very abrasive to anybody who has any sort of a counterpoint to it. Well, I get really, really disappointed with some of these fitness professionals, especially the very educated ones.
Starting point is 00:12:13 There's a few PhDs out there who I respect for the most part. But then one in particular will come out and there was one shitty, horribly done study, which has been refuted many times, among lots of studies that are in the opposite camp, but there was one study that showed that eating, shit tons of protein, like two grams per pound,
Starting point is 00:12:33 might be better, might, okay? If you analyze the study, it's actually not conclusive, and then of course there's 50 other studies that show the opposite. This one guy latches onto that, why? Because he sells protein powder, and they guy latches onto that. Why? Because he sells protein powder. And they get super disappointed with that.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I'm like, man, it's obvious what you're trying to do. You're picking that look, the nicotine or the tobacco industry had their own studies to show that tobacco was safe. And they promoted this throughout the 50s and 60s like crazy. And it's like, instead of all the other studies that show that was bad, they would pick their one that they kind of manipulated to work with. And we had people smoke for one month.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And we found that no one had lung cancers. Like, well, they're all like healthy people. Oh, it's and it was one month, you know, like shit like that. So it's like going back to this debate that we had on this. If it's your macros page with this girl and some guy comes in with a fan, some smart kid for sure. But what he starts doing is he just starts posting all these one outdated studies, totally biased studies. Of course, a company that actually uses Aspartane is going to fucking do a study that shows how it's fine to eat or consume. Of course, it's going to.
Starting point is 00:13:36 It pays for studies. Yeah. It's going to be honest. And that's what you people have to learn to understand is that you've got to be very careful when it comes to the fitness industry because of that, most all of them are biased already right out the gates. It's very, very hard to find good studies that bad. And so you got to search just because someone shares you a study and you see a doctor said something, you don't know with it.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Well, how that the controllables about that, you don't know if that was funded by the company who's trying to promote what they're trying to close you on. Here's a deal. Nobody is immune to greed and integrity does not come with the PhD. So just because someone has an education doesn't necessarily mean that they're not greedy or that they have 100% integrity. Okay. Well, you have to say, but that's a fact.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Number two, when you read it, you have to read a study and look at how it's produced. I'll give you an example. Organize, amino acid, argonine and a study and look at how it's produced. I'll give you an example. Organine, the amino acid, argonine and orthonine, they boost growth hormone levels. I could pull up five stories of studies right now that show that when in these studies giving people intravenous argonine will dramatically boost growth hormone. Now, does that mean I can go by argonine powder and take it and it'll do the same thing? No.
Starting point is 00:14:42 The studies were intravenous argonine. So unless you have a hookup where you can inject yourself with arganine, it's different part, different times of the day, you're not gonna get that growth hormone boost. Not only that, but a growth hormone boost doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna see results. It just shows a spike that might maybe last a couple hours.
Starting point is 00:14:59 So that's just an example. Aspartame is one of those things. They'll show a study and they'll say, we had mice eat aspartame for six months. None of them died. None of them got sick. None of them had liver values that were elevator. Well, that's six months.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Yeah, forget that we're not mice and forget that it's only six fucking monks. That's what I'm saying. Now, what if we, what if most people consume these artificial sweeteners in larger quantities? Because the people that I know that like diet coke don't drink half a diet coke a day.
Starting point is 00:15:26 They drink three and four diet coaks a day, and they don't do it for six months, they do it for decades. That's what you gotta look at. And look at the things that we didn't know. Long term. And also look at the things that we didn't know to study before, like we had no concept of gut flora.
Starting point is 00:15:40 So there was no science showing how it altered gut flora. So if shit comes up, it's not due to aspartame It might be something to A we don't know and so this is why you need to break studies down and really look at them And there's more to the studies than the headlines and keep in mind that a news, you know publication will publish A headline because it's sensational. It's a sensationalized They're trying to they're trying to get more people to click on the link.
Starting point is 00:16:05 I'll give you another example. Clickbait. There was a marijuana study that was done in, I believe 2014, 2015. It was actually named one of the worst studies done all year by organizations that do peer reviewed, or that peer review of these studies. So what the studies showed was that people who smoke marijuana
Starting point is 00:16:21 have fundamental changes or differences into their brain structure. Okay, so that's what the headline says. People who smoke pot have fundamental changes or differences into their brain structure. So that's what the headline says. People who smoke pot have different brains. So now you're gonna read them, be like, oh shit, if I smoke pot, it's gonna fuck up my brain. Here's why the study was horrible.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Number one, there was no before. So I test a bunch of people, and by the way, the people that they tested were heavy users of marijuana. These people have smoked marijuana every day all day long. So they take them, and all they did was do a brain bunch of people, and by the way, the people that they tested were heavy users of marijuana. These people have smoked marijuana every day all day long. So they take them, and all they did was do a brain scan of them, and they found that in fact, their brains were different. Now, we don't know what their brains look like before.
Starting point is 00:16:53 We don't know if they're self-medicating. Perhaps they do have depression issues or issues with their brain, and that's why they fucking smoke pot all day long every single day. You see what I'm saying? There's no, we don't know what the difference is. Look, if I took a bunch of people who take Advil daily,
Starting point is 00:17:08 and I give him a questionnaire, I guess what my study's gonna say, people who take Advil have bad joints. Is it the Advil that's given the bad joints? Or is the fact that they have bad joints, and that's where they take Advil? You see what I'm saying? And this is why you need to learn how to look at studies,
Starting point is 00:17:21 read them, look at what the cause and effect is, sometimes cause and effect is the opposite direction. It's too hard, man. I just wanna, you know, what it says. I wanna believe it. Exactly. Well, here's, you know, and this is why we do what we do. I mean, this is the idea is that, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:34 we're trying to help people through that. It isn't easy. It wasn't easy for us. We're fitness professionals. We would, this is what we do. You know, and, uh, Oh, dude, it was five years ago. We were all in the dark.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Yeah. Five years ago. And those that that maybe just be tuning in for the first time to us and stuff will know that I mean Shit, it's why we were not sponsored by anybody. We can't fuck it up We can't we can't tire ourselves to anybody. It sucks. I mean, we would all love I mean we've had tons already come after us and want to make deals and unfortunately We can't because our integrity and the whole purpose of why we started this. So it's challenging. So the good news is, you know, shit ain't biased
Starting point is 00:18:09 because we're ain't anything we're trying to sell behind it, you know, because that's why we're gonna push it and that's what you gotta be careful of is, you know, even these like Sal said, I'm not gonna bust out who we're talking about right now, but he was talking about a protein person. I know somebody else who's sponsored by a protein bar and company that has all kinds
Starting point is 00:18:24 of artificial flavoring and sugar inside of it. So of course, study, I mean, that's a big part of his paycheck. Possibly it could be 50%. I don't know how much about normally someone that's that big of a name and his doctor behind it. Yeah, motherfucker gets, is getting a nice paycheck
Starting point is 00:18:40 to tell people that, hey, it's okay, you know, you're not gonna die from it, which that's as far as we know right now. Right, right, right. And as long as, and as long as that fight's there, he's gotta do exactly what Sal said, double down, because he's already committed, and even if he's starting to see studies that, oh shit, I might be up shit Creek,
Starting point is 00:18:57 well, you can't back pedal now if you're that person. You're committed. I'm already in, I'm already pushing this, marking this, if I go back, it'll be a lot of inventory. It'll discredit who I am it'll discredit everything By yourself put in pushing for the last two years and that is the reason why minepub was recreated We were we created this because the industry is upside down and somebody needs to turn it right back side up
Starting point is 00:19:16 And fuck it's hard when we get on pages like this and and people were battling people that just they're unaware that they're unaware They don't even know because they're listening to some other doctor who's telling them to do the blue pill. And they just assume that we have no idea it's not biased. This girl that was debating with if it fits your macros and we won't call her out, she's cool. You know, she's just in her own camp. She's talking about how no, it doesn't promote bad eating.
Starting point is 00:19:40 It's all about eating sensibly every once in a while you can include some of these, you know, quote unquote bad foods And it makes your relationship to food healthy and so she was kind of coming after me a little bit So I went and looked at her page and literally 95% of her posts were posts of or over food posts. Excuse me. We're posts of you know, donut pizza ice cream And there was no caption underneath saying you know this I don't advocate. I don't advocate this or eat this sometimes because you'll see me put all I posted a burger like I don't know three months ago or something like that. And when you see me posted, I'm not one to post shitty food like this, but boy, this is a great bird. Right. And it's just
Starting point is 00:20:16 you're just you're just being a responsible fitness representative. And I think that the fitness industry is lacking severely severely lacking, responsible fitness representative, which is why most of the information, literally the vast majority, literally something like 90% of the information you get from the fitness industry, especially through social media, is not only complete bullshit, but it will do you harm. And that's the truth. So I hate to break that to a lot of you listening right now. It's sad, but it's a hundred percent true
Starting point is 00:20:45 I can't think of an industry maybe maybe the entertainment industry is the I can't think of any other industry besides entertainment and fitness There's more full of bullshit and sleaze and shit The politics So many says cosmetology or like or not or like you can carry beauty beauty beauty products are pretty bad too But I they're all kind of yeah, it's all the same kind of. Well, I think it's that time, Adam. I hear it, let's brush it off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I think it's that time. Now that I see something in the distance. Is that a quark coming down? Yes. Oh shit. It's a majestic quark. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Adam, it's the motherfucking qua. Oh yeah. We do this with it, Doug. Give it to us. And Doug. And the qua is guaranteed to remove wrinkles. Oh yeah. Let's give you a look.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Make my balls smooth. All right, starting with V8's better way. I'm a quac. On your quac. I can't believe it. What's with a raccoon? V8's better way is asking, what problems do you guys see with women who wear heels? And what do you recommend to prevent issues?
Starting point is 00:21:51 One of the main problems I wear with women, I see with women, I wear fuck. I just went out of myself and bring the shadows you said. There. Let me tell you something. Re-wine. Sometimes I like to wear my heels.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Gets me an organized, and here, and here, and here, and here me into nice and to your problems too. Here's the problem I see with women who wear heels is that they don't match always. This is the outfit that they're wearing. Heels place your, obviously your foot become, you know, pointed down so you have shortened gastrox. Plantar flexion. Yeah, plantar flexion.
Starting point is 00:22:22 So you have shortened calves, shortened, you know, the gastroxisoleus are shortened, the tibiais tends to be lengthened. So you have, you start to get tight in the calf area, which causes other problems. The other thing is that heels will place you naturally in an anterior pelvic tilt. Now, that's a scientific term for sticking your butt out. This is probably why men find heels attractive because women, you're walking around and shoes that make you stick your butt out and expose yourself. I mean, we're all animals. It's no, it's exactly these, these three things. And your legs look fantastic.
Starting point is 00:22:53 In plantar flexion, inhales, okay. You've got, you got it, slight anterior pelvic tilt, booty comes out, quadriceps are slightly engaged now in firing because you're up on your tiptoe. So now your quads are flex on the side and so are your calves because you're in full flexion on your calves. I mean, that's exactly what it is. Girls are walking around with their legs flexed and they're asked out, you know, because they're realizing.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Yeah, which is, I mean, that's exactly why it's sexy, which is, it's, it's why, you know, we like to see them in and why they like to wear. I mean, it's just how it is. So I, you know, in a reality, I mean, I like my growing heel. So I wouldn't tell her to never wear heels again, but, you know, in a reality, I mean, I like my growing heel, so I wouldn't tell her to never wear heels again, but, you know, I definitely wouldn't advocate. If you have a job where you had to wear it every single day, that's, that's a little rough.
Starting point is 00:23:30 And it may cause issues later on. It will, and I would say this, try to be out of heels more than your in-heel. So, when you get home, walk barefoot. That's one of the best things you could do, is just walk barefoot, keep your feet totally flat. That's a point for anybody too, by the way, not just, yeah, people in heels. What you, even, just you barefoot, keep your feet totally flat. That's a point for anybody too, by the way. Not just people and heels.
Starting point is 00:23:46 What you mean, just you mean men that wear heels. Yeah, I'm just saying, ain't by. That's true, throw this heels on. Yeah, no walking barefoot around the house and stuff like that. It will help counter some of the effects you have with your heels. But heels do promote disengagement of the glutes also. So you could wear heels a lot, not workout, actually start to lose your ass a little bit, believe it or not, because the anterior pelvic tilt, because the quads are a little more dominant
Starting point is 00:24:13 in that position. I never even thought about that. So true. Yeah, it's absolutely true. It's so. Oh, shit, we might start nutrient. Don't wear heels, flat butts. Here they come. Oh, shit. I don't want to do that. Don't get over. Don't go over. I would do you. I didn't even think about that. Let's not get out of control. That's pretty. That's pretty true. That's great. That's yeah. Yeah. A lot of the stuff we do disengages the hips. I mean, really, uh, well seated, man, for sure. So you're in a seated position. You are sitting down all day long. Rarely do we squat below, you know, we don't even squat to 90 degrees. Nobody squat. I mean, maybe
Starting point is 00:24:45 to sit down on a toilet, that's about it. Everything else is higher than that. Glutes and hips are usually not engaged in everyday life. Even if you run, if you're a runner, I'll get runners that are clients and they'll be decent with a squat until they get down to, you know, 45 degrees or so and they start to get weak because that's the range of motion they're constantly in. So, but yeah, heels will definitely make your calves tight and can cause back problems as a result. So I would focus on core movements, disengaging the hip flexors and stretching out your calves. Maybe the things I would advocate. 52.92 is asking Sal about super foods, because you post frequently on your Instagram about super foods and he's asking or she is asking,
Starting point is 00:25:31 can you go over the benefits? Goji berries. Am I right? Exactly, that's the only one. It's the magic one. Super foods are, it's just a category of foods. It's not a scientific term. So a lot of foods have benefit.
Starting point is 00:25:46 So I hate to say super food because it makes it sound like just eat the... It just means it's got a lot of bang for its buck. It's like the way we explain a squat, okay? Yeah, like a squat's a super expert. Yeah, exactly, exactly. The way a squat is for working out, it's a super food. It's a super food for working out.
Starting point is 00:26:01 That's all it is. A lot of bang for your buck. It's a nutrient dance. You get a lot of punch with it. So you get a lot of nutrients. You get a good, or you get a good macro breakdown, like an egg. An egg with the yolk is a super food. Lots of nutrients in the yolk. You've got the natural cholesterol. You've got a good omega three omega six breakdown. If it's, especially if it's an organic pasture raised egg. Um, you know, I think they wrote this because I did that post on Maka, Maka root, which is a supplement that I've been using.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Maka roots consider to super food because it's some of the effects on the body. Um, but it's not a food that you would replace other foods with. So that that category is, you know, I don't like that's why that term I'm a little if you with. Well, and here's a couple of a couple of things to keep in mind. One, uh, when Sal does a post like that, or if you ever hear us, like he talked earlier about ketogenic diet, and you know, we're always constantly assessing the way we feel, or things that we're noticing in our diet, our skin, whatever, our energy, complexion, all
Starting point is 00:26:56 that stuff, and are always trying to manipulate our foods to see if there's something in there that we can help it naturally to do first. So just because we say that we're doing this or doing that, it doesn't mean that, oh, everyone should eat this or everyone should do this now. I want to make that very clear. And also, you know, super foods don't know. You'll also find good information out there that will also probably be biased and backed by somebody who's trying to push a goji berry or a monovid drink or a, you know, whatever all of those name brands are of these super food drinks, which there's, there is a difference between getting all
Starting point is 00:27:31 the nutrients in your diet from whole foods and putting in a sugar drink and taking it down. Yeah, a lot of the super food, like, the benefit you're getting from them is that you're probably deficient in, you know, some form of a nutrient or a micronutrient for that matter, you know, like in people like neglect certain minerals in their body or they don't get enough diversity in their diet, like that's really where the benefit to a lot of these, maybe you're not getting that particular type of phytonutrient because it doesn't grow in our area, right? And so then this becomes something new
Starting point is 00:28:07 that stimulates more diversity within your gut and like things to benefit from. Exactly. Such a great, you know that that's so, Monivese claim to fame was the Asciberry, which you can't find here in America. So. It sounds exotic.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Resonives were laughing their asses off when we were here. Exactly, they were. It's like a blueberry, a blueberry or the strawberry. Exactly. And then when we brought it here, of course, you take a culture who's been over who hasn't been eating that, whatever that you introduce it in the body. Guess what? There's probably be some positive changes that you see inside the body because it is a super food also. It hasn't been introduced into our diet over here for probably hundreds of years. Now someone brings it over and we started ingesting it
Starting point is 00:28:45 and oh my God, there has some positive benefits. By the way, one of the most anti-oxidant dense fruits you could get ever is a well-grown blueberry. But nobody promotes it because blueberries you get them everywhere. It's just easy. It's not sexy. It's not some, you know, Amazonian fruit
Starting point is 00:29:02 that we've never heard about. You know, it's a fucking blueberry, right? But I'll give you an example. What Justin was saying was such a fantastic point about, you know, lifestyle and how you're eating will change the value of food. Let me explain, okay. Salt, right?
Starting point is 00:29:17 You can salt as cheap as hell. I can go to the grocery store and get salt for nothing. Salt is everywhere. It is not considered a superfood anymore. But if you go back a thousand years, there were wars fought over salt. it salt for nothing. Salt is everywhere. It is not considered a superfood anymore. But if you go back a thousand years, there were wars fought over salt. Actually, not that long ago actually, I believe in India, I believe Gandhi did a march because of salt.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Salt is an incredibly important nutrient for the body and when it was hard to find, it was a superfood and people fought over it. Here's another example, the island that my family's from, Sicily. Sicily a long time ago had some very wealthy landowners. Why? It's an island in the Mediterranean and the temperature and the climate was perfect for growing lemons. And you would have ships traveling through the Mediterranean, and these ships had food,
Starting point is 00:30:06 which was mainly salted meat, to preserve it, and they lacked vitamin C. And so sailors would die or get sick from scurvy. Scurvy, that's right. And so lemons were highly valued. They were a superfood. The old pirate, you know, scurvy. Right. So, superfoods, you know, nutrient dense, typically that's how we use it nowadays.
Starting point is 00:30:24 But really, if it's something you need, then that becomes a superfoods, you know, nutrient dense, typically, that's how we use it nowadays. But really, if it's something you need, then that becomes a superfood. If it's something you don't need, then it's just a food. Makes sense, right? Alex Depego is asking about pausing during a set or, you know, stopping right in the middle of the set
Starting point is 00:30:39 to catch your breath, for example. Is that good, bad, or irrelevant? That's a good, that's a really good question. It is a really good question. If you're, it depends, it depends on what your goal is. If I'm trying to build strength and I'm exhausted, and so my limiting factor becomes my cardiovascular endurance,
Starting point is 00:30:59 then pausing a set might benefit strength. On the flip side, I'm not gonna gain the endurance to be able to do these sets straight through in the future. So I might not want to pause during the set. The pause, if it's short, probably won't change much. If it's a long pause, like there's stop pause where people will do a squat, actually rack the bar, wait 10 seconds and then go again. That's a completely different technique for training. And it's more of an advanced technique and it can be beneficial but it's not one I would use all the time. But other than that, I would say it's probably one of those things that you can use to modify and tweak your workout and change if you've been following something for a long time. I make notes of it too if I had to stop and pause, versus another day
Starting point is 00:31:40 where I feel like I can keep completing all the reps or not. Maybe it's due to energy and fatigue. But yeah, it's an interesting, if you're programming that into the program. You can't. You can't do that. Oh yeah, I don't think that's why he's asking it though. I don't think he's trying to program it into his business. No, I want to just be clear to you.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Yeah, I know. And I think you said it perfect. I really think that's exactly how you dictate that you it's based off of your goal. If your primary focus is building strength, and that's what you're trying to do, then the rest is not going to hurt you whatsoever. In fact, it's probably going to benefit you a little bit. And if your primary goal is to increase endurance, is to increase your strength through, I mean, your cardiovascular endurance, then absolutely, then that's something that you would want to do because you're going to train it that
Starting point is 00:32:29 way. So it really just depends on what your goal is. I think you said it perfect. Well, I'll tell you what, when I switch from like a, like a, you know, phase two from red maps to phase three, which is much shorter rest and supersets, I always, the first week, tend to gas out during the set. And so what do I do is I just go lighter. But then I find, after the second and third week,
Starting point is 00:32:48 I start to adapt to it and I start to get new muscle growth as a result. So sometimes it's okay just to go lighter if you find yourself gasping out and saying, okay, I'm gasping out, I can't do 10 reps with this. I have to pause in the middle. Then rather than doing less reps or pausing, I'll lighten the weight. Well, especially if you found yourself doing the opposite for a while, you know, if you're doing it. Right, exactly, because it's a change. Yep.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Emily K. Hamm is asking about the common belief that you have to eat big to get big, but her question is, wouldn't your body prioritize hypertrophy, even without a surplus if there's a strong, anabolic message being sent? This is a fantastic question. So it was actually a longer question. And she was talking about how in the past,
Starting point is 00:33:30 people were much more fit, stronger, and probably had less access to calories or food. So they ate less, yet they were strong and fit. Here's the thing. They were a strong and fit, but they weren't big. So people back then were not very big. In fact, the average man today is not only heavier, but taller than the average man was 60 years ago.
Starting point is 00:33:54 That being said, the question about whether or not hypertrophy or muscle growth can happen without calorie surplus if there's a strong anabolic signal. Yes, absolutely. If I took an athlete who was working out real hard who plateaued and didn't change their diet at all and gave them anabolic steroids, they would in fact build muscle. What ends up happening is the body
Starting point is 00:34:19 does what's called calorie repartitioning. So it takes more of the food that you do eat and it moves it to muscle and away from other areas namely fat. And so what you end up getting is leaner while building muscle. Right. And all that's based off of like what you're promoting as far as like the environment that you're trying to make. 100%. So if I'm under an extreme amount of stress and having to press and push these these heavy objects off me constantly. You're telling your body that like, oh my god, okay, muscles, I need muscles, right? I can't just use these calories to store away.
Starting point is 00:34:55 And so it very much, your body is trying to survive at all costs. And so that might be a situation where, you know, the priority then is to build, you know, a bigger, stronger muscle. Well, a non-anabolic, I mean, a non-steroidal example would just be this. If you were somebody who trained, you know, five days a week, and you ate a certain way, exactly the same, we're just going to say hypothetically, and you had your body part split as the way you trained. And now you come over and you start running maps and you start doing full body splits,
Starting point is 00:35:29 you end up increasing your frequency and you start putting in trigger sessions throughout the day. That's a good point, don't change your diet. You don't do anything different. The only thing different now is now you've incorporated these trigger sessions into a routine that you already do on and guess what's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:35:42 I mean, now you have a new anabolic signal that you weren't firing before and you will. Isn't there? I'm trying to think of this too as far as she said, I perchrophy, but in a sense, you're building a stronger muscle, but you're using a lot of your reserves that you would be using to fat storage, right? Right. And you're also using a lot of the fluids. And so I don't really see this bigger body coming out of that without the calories that you're adding using a lot of the fluids. And so I don't really see this bigger body coming out of that without the calories that you're adding into the mix. You just more muscle.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Right. So you gotta think of it in those terms. That's a good point. You're gonna shrink down, but you may look like more muscular, but you're gonna shrink down. Right. The re-partitioning is all that's happening. That's what's happening.
Starting point is 00:36:19 That's all that's happening. The re-partitioning is so not- You are not- You are not- You are not- You are not- You are not- You are not- You are not- You are not- You are not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not.
Starting point is 00:36:27 You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not.
Starting point is 00:36:35 You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not.
Starting point is 00:36:43 You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not. You're not a lot of muscle. They can look vastly different, but we could be the same weight. And so, you know, yes, you will build muscle and burn body fat simply by changing the signal, but I will say this, there definitely is an anabolic signal, a small one, but it can become a big one if you combine it with a good workout, with eating a surplus. Eating a surplus by itself does send a small anabolic signal.
Starting point is 00:37:04 If you combine it with exercise, it makes it a large one. But keep in mind that that signal to build that comes from the surplus is short-lived. So you can't just do this shit forever and keep building muscle. You start to just gain body fat. And this is why we always advocate what we call mini-bulks, where you go in a surplus of calories and you do it for three weeks, not three months. Because you get that signal, you build the muscle right when that signal starts to dampen.
Starting point is 00:37:30 And the extra calories now we're gonna start turning into body fat, then you back off, you've gotten what you wanted. And that's probably the best way that I've seen to utilize that, you know, eat big to get big mentality. Well otherwise, if you're always living in this deficit or a balance, you know, where
Starting point is 00:37:46 you're not going, or you're not going over, you're at maintenance, I should say, then when it ends up happening, your body just gets adapted to that. So just like Justin was saying, eventually gets the point where you realize, okay, the body does need more muscle, you know, and it reduces its body fat, they repartition. And then you kind of, you balance out. And then without doing something, calories, pushing yourself into a surplus, you won't force the body to have to grow or have to do anymore. It'll just, it'll maintain, it'll adapt to right where you're at.
Starting point is 00:38:12 You won't get bigger, you won't get smaller, you'll stay right there as long as you keep living in that deficit or that maintenance level. At one point, if you do want to get bigger, you have to. Yeah, you definitely should mess with this. Yeah, definitely. Our final question is from O'Rourke EQ. Which one of you guys is the fastest
Starting point is 00:38:30 in the 100 yard dash sprint? Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Well, I'll tell you why this is a ridiculous question. It's fine. Let me tell you why it's just ridiculous. Oh, it's here, this is. Because 100 yards is far.
Starting point is 00:38:40 I knew you thought that you're like, yeah, 40 yards, what happened to the 40 yard dash? 30 yards. 30 yards, you get 40 yards. What happened to the 40 yard dash? 30 yards, 30 yards get 100 yards. That's exhausting. It's trying to get us all a terror like this. I'm pretty sure I would win. Yeah, you got the long legs, bro. I mean, I'm gonna give you that, but.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I'm decently fast. I don't know about your start and I don't know about your explosiveness and your stride. You maybe you may be running like little, you know, I definitely think if we were allowed to pull each other down and knock each other over, Justin would probably weigh that. I think I think I'll fight dirty.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I think Doug would be the fastest. Oh, yeah. You think so, huh? He moves fast, bro. You know what, he takes that an optical illusion though, just because of the high. Yeah, there's, there's no way, you know, five of his steps is one of mine.
Starting point is 00:39:23 So it's for sure. I mean, I take one step,. He's I gotta see my problem. I'm worried about Adam Cuz he's got long legs see my nobody nobody see I'm not in the running at all everybody's arguing about We know you're gonna pull a hammer right from this which is ironic because you're wearing soccer shoes We think you're fast. No, I I can't run fast looking. I have too much muscle my legs Adam I'm actually pretty quick uphill for very, very short distances. Yeah, if there's food at the top. Yeah, I'm afraid I actually would probably pull something
Starting point is 00:39:54 because I don't think I've done a hundred yards sprint as hard as I could for a long time to race you guys and my ego would go, No, no, no, no, here and just say, if we recorded us racing at 100 yards and posted that shit, it would be the funniest fucking most dysfunctional looking shit. I would love it. I'd be embarrassed. It was like the guy who got onto my page yesterday
Starting point is 00:40:14 and was like trying to crack on my form on my, on my searchers. No, we got on there and I was just like, well yeah, thanks, Dick, I definitely, I don't have perfect posture. I'm not, I'm not by all means saying that I do. I said, I'm all fucked well, yeah, thanks, Dick. I definitely don't have perfect posture. I'm not I'm not by all means saying that I do I'm all fucked up, bro. I've been bodybuilding for the last three years. I'm trying Well, it was it was trying to try it right here, man. I'm trying to get better
Starting point is 00:40:35 For police. Yeah, excuse me. I think we should change the question. Who is the fastest in the 100 pound squat then we'll do that And I'll be fun Crossfitter. I'm not gonna fucking enter that Well, thanks for listening to Mind Pump. Please leave us a five star rating and review on iTunes And by the way, you can find us on Instagram at Mind Pump radio You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin you can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam and you can find me at Mind Pump Sal Thank you for listening to mine pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mine pumpradio.com.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Until next time, this is mine pump. is mine pump.

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